Hello and welcome to the next episode of the compete waffle. My name is Alicia and I'm an advanced Sports dietitian and co-founder of compete nutrition now is plant-based eating indeed Superior when it comes to sports performance with the recent release of the game changes movie. This is a question that we have been asked many many times in the last few weeks. And so we thought we would dedicate our full podcast episode to answering all your questions and going through what really needs to be considered when movingTowards a vegan based diet in sports performance, but also in general life as well. Now, there's no doubt that these documentary documentaries on Netflix caused a bit of a stir and a little bit of conversation. However, there are some things that we need to consider when we're watching a documentary like this and that is that there is a lot of confirmation bias involved and it needs to be something that will create discussion. So there will be things in there. There is a that is a little bit controversial and not necessarily always accurate. So we thought we would go through the evidence. What it actually means to Performance and not only the benefits of plant-based eating but also the risks involved as well. So tune in I guess this one isn't necessarily about the documentary at all. Actually, not much at all. Actually. It's really about plant-based eating what you need to think about. If you are considering moving towards a plant-based diet what that actually means and what you need to be considering in terms of nutrients. Now we go through all the nutrients that can be limiting if we are. Removing animal-based products but we also go through another risk factor and for many athletes that's actually energy deficiency. So tune in it only goes for half hour. Enjoy ask questions afterwards. If you like we are able to be contacted on any of our social channels feel free to ride on any of our posts or in our personal messages and we will get back to you straight away. We also have the opportunity to go through and do an individualized assessment on our website. So Dot-com Peak nutrition with an e and there will be a free assessment just to basically go through what you're considering what your your goals are and how we might be able to best support you in achieving those goals. So without further Ado enjoy the next podcast. I hope it brings with it a lot of empowerment and a lot of confidence in terms of making the right decision that fits you your lifestyle and your goals moving forward in whatever sport you're involved in. Cheers. So as Amelia just suggested possibly inspired by a recent documentary on Netflix being released which went through all things plant-based eating and performance and tonight. I just really wanted to take the time to go through it. There's lots of questions coming through as I said and a lot of confusion as well concerned. So I guess with any documentary particularly one that's on Netflix. There's a lot of sensationalized claims and there's just a Reason to really watch it with a critical thinking and just Eyes Wide Open really and it's a bit of a shame because the documentary itself actually makes some really cool learnings Texas some really cool learnings from it. There's some really good points within that there's some accuracies but within those accuracies there's a lot of inaccuracies and of course a lot of confirmation bias where they really need cases and only nitpick thing studies that are working with in their favor. It's a little bit of a shame because there's some really big benefits to it. There are a lot of bigwigs in that Dockery. Absolutely. I only makes like an 8 second appearance though and his point was actually really good. So there's actually some really cool stuff in there and there's some things within it that I will confirm tonight. I'm not going to be debunking this Taco this session. It's really not what this about is this About empowering you to get the most out of your performance and get the most out of it. If you are deciding to go plant-based as well. So this is really the focus of it. It's not to know you have one way of eating or another it's about working through what the positives are pros and cons and things that you need to be wary of and that's really where a lot of your questions came through as well. He's just wanting to know what you can do better and what that actually means to you. So to clear up what it actually means plant-based eating. Is a very broad term. So plant-based eating really for a lot of people who are eating a diet rich in things like fruits veggies grains, which a lot of us do and if you look at the even just the guide to healthy eating they are the base of what your food intake should be. So in many ways a lot of us who are striving towards health and striving towards, you know, increase variety lots of plant food. To color very much a plant-based diet. So the term can be confused and it can be used in very many different ways. But when we're looking at plant-based I often explain myself as plant base because that is the basis of our meals. So when you're looking at what the different terms mean, I thought I'd just go through that first of all because you know, it may just be something that you're not aware of so veganism vegan if they are groups that Are not going to eat any animal products or any products that are made from animal. So unlike a vegetarian a vegetarian will not eat animal products, but they will eat our products that are made by the animal. So things like eggs dairy included in vegetarian, but they're not included in veganism. So there's two big ones. There's also lots of different branches of vegetarianism where they might include fish which is called pesca. Aaron and lots of different things that go with in that as well lots of different terms. Now some people like to call people who eat a variety of food flexitarian that will include lots of different things. So these are all the terms that you will hear but to be honest, I won't cover them all that much tonight. It's all about plant-based eating to the sense that we're talking about veganism and vegetarianism. So that's really where we're going with this and obviously the pros and cons of that and things to be really aware of of now anytime that a doc. Oh on Netflix comes out. This can be repeated every about two years something like this happens and I am ready don't worry. So two years ago, maybe about then a doc. Oh just like this came out on keto diet and you could almost just put the word plant-based or vegan over this doc. Oh and Pepito and it would have been exactly the same structure in the And claims within this actual thing. So they make claims about improved Health improve heart health improved endurance performance all these sorts of things on the keto diet that they're now claiming on the veganism diet. So it's really hard to as an average consumer to go. Well, what is the best option because if that's healthy not having carbs and it's healthy having carbs than what is the middle ground and what am I meant to be striving for? So just all things to consider and I totally relate to to the confusion that you're probably feeling and sometimes even that positive bias what you can feel after watching a documentary that is filled with so much bias and filled with so much data that looks really really convincing but you've got to remember that. This is a sensationalized film rather than more of a documentary. So it's a place where you can build your excitement and your interest and your curiosity within a topic. Please don't take as facts. And if you watch the very very first couple of seconds of this Jocko that is what they say do not take this information over what a professional would give you advice on. So that's pretty much the first sentence within the whole film and it actually ends really well with on his message, which I'll probably take out a few times tonight. So these are those are the definitions now one of the big questions I've had. Is it possible? Is it possible to go? Perform and be an athlete following a vegan diet and the answer is absolutely yes. It is possible. Now. What I don't want you to do is go from what you're eating now into complete veganism within a day because what happens is that you suddenly really don't have a repertoire of different recipes and ideas and all of a sudden you just change what you're currently doing and you take out meat what you need to do if you're going to be achieving vegan based diet. Thank you. Sorry to us talking to Dan about my Facebook problems. So so what we generally find is that you're taking away the protein source and with that taking away a lot of nutrients and you're not yet really confident or able to put in all the different Replacements to that. So making sure that you're getting enough of all those nutrients that I'll talk about in a second. So if you are going plant-based or wanting to reduce Zeus your intake of meat based products. It's really important you do that gradually and in a way that is very very conscious and mindful of all the different extra additions that you're going to be needing to think about. So the thing that is something that I'll probably repeat tonight is that you need to be really mindful if you are going plant-based now, what are the pros? What are the pros of going plant-based as an athlete and there are plenty as you would have seen in Soccer if you watched it and there are people performing really well without eating meat and absolutely as possible. So what the positives are in a lot of that is that they've got a really substantial carbohydrate intake. So again as poor sports doctors and dietitians just have to just drive this straight line and then you've got Quito and then you've got carbohydrate coming back and we just keep driving this straight line being super boring. Just waiting for everyone to come back. Turn everyone so the carbohydrate there is absolutely a positive. So they're getting lots of quality carbohydrates a lot of the times and increase in poly phenols. So lots of different colors lots of different antioxidants through your vitamin c and e and within that a lot of the different powerful chemicals that are coming from veggies and fruit and Grains that are going to drive performance and efficiencies within that performance, you know that we Always said exist and there was a paper even just this year that showed the power of just spinach on performance, which is really really cool. So yes, if you aren't already increase your veggie intake because I am very conscious that I am talking about veganism and I'm talking about big intakes of fruits and veggies, but do you know how many Australians actually get enough vegetables a year have a guess feel free to type it if you just can guesstimate the the percentage of people who are actually getting up bed using the day. It is. Four percent four percent of Australians are getting enough veggies. So here is the big Pro for me about people talking about plant-based eating is that more people are going to be getting adequate veggies each day happy days 23. Yeah, so you're really so four percent are only getting enough veggies and 50% are getting enough fruits. So if more people are getting enough veggies out of this whole discussion, this is going to be epic because I think a lot of the time on Instagram land we see see a very Can I what's the word a population that is very affluent affluent. And we kind of get a little bit of a warped sense of what reality is and reality is that most people aren't even getting enough veggies per day. So even if that's the one change that comes out of this I will be so so happy about it the nutrients to be aware of so a bit of the cons, I guess to plant-based eating which are not you know unfixable. These are things that we can absolutely get. and now first of all, I think the vote probably comes to mind is energy intake now, if you think about a plant-based diet, there's a lot of fiber and a lot of bulk to get enough energy in and that's very filling and it's very hard to get enough of so what we're looking at there is being at risk particularly as an active individual and an athlete of just physically not being able to get enough energy in to cover the cost of just daily living and exercise and if you've heard me talk before that, It's called relative energy deficiency in sport and it has a lot of impacts in terms of performance bone health menstrual function sex hormones in guys and then also additional to that absolute like, you know, the fatigue side of things mood depression Sleep Quality lack of motivation to train impacts on performance all those types of things. So energy is number one for a really good reason of things to watch on a vegan diet because when you're cutting out a food group often, we don't Place it adequately but also we also we also have a big bulk of food to get through. So just all things just to be aware of and then we've got which is probably something we all talk about probably too much is protein protein is definitely having a moment that moment is hopefully just easing off a little bit where you have become a very protein obsessed populations. So again, another positive to increase talk about plant-based is that maybe we can't become a little bit less. S protein obsessed that would be a good thing as well protein is extremely important. But to be honest most of the population get adequate amounts of protein without necessarily trying or supplementing and with the supplement companies just going gangbusters. I think we're probably all over consuming protein without necessarily needing to now protein within the plant based diet, obviously with the reduction of animal-based products and animal Foods. We're going to be getting less Protein in from then but it is absolutely possible to gain enough protein through vegan based diets. However, you do need to be a little bit more planned about it for the main reason that the efficiency within the protein with plant-based proteins is a little bit less and so like for example, so the minimum daily requirement for someone eating and intake that's what's called flexitarian. Is no point eight grams per kilo per day, you know, that's minimum minimum. Most of us are getting well above that. However for a plant-based diet they recommend around that one gram per kilo being more adequate and for the athlete, I wrote it down. So I wouldn't say the wrong it is usually around thee see one point four to two grams per day, but when you've got a weight loss goal, which is what we do. Um in anyone we up that protein again, so anywhere from that one point eight two point six grams per kilo is definitely something to aim for which is much, you know, it's pretty similar to what most people will be eating but it is definitely above what would say is the minimum for an athlete eating a omnivorous diet. So that's definitely the big thing there. Now when we're looking at amino acids, you may have heard about complimenting those proteins. So when you You have rice you need to have beans with it so that the essential amino acids are complemented. Now. This is a really outdated recommendation and I still see dietitians saying the word incomplete now the truth is and this is actually the doc. Oh, so that's a win is that there is the essential amino acids in all of plant-based food. So all plant based foods have what we call our essential amino acids, and these are amino acids or little building blocks of That we can't make in the body. So we need to have it in our food. Now something that we need to be aware of is that plant-based proteins are just lacking in some of these amino acids, they're still there, but they're not in the amounts that we need ideally. So we just need to make sure that over the day. We are getting a really big variety of protein sources in our vegan diet. If you are following a plant-based diet, so this means that over the The day you are getting all of your essential amino acids. You don't necessarily need to compliment them at the meal. It can make it easy and make it probably that. You just feel like you are getting it but there is a pool of amino acids that the body can pull from if it needs all excellent. Sorry, my uh, my comments just popped up Happy Days and by Facebook, so that's something just to be aware of now if you are only, you know relying on rice or if you're only relying on beans that's when we're going to have an issue how About if you've got a really varied vegan diet you are going to be fine. You're going to reach all of your amino acids and it is absolutely possible to get enough protein per day. But that's where I said, you got to be making sure that you're getting a really high quality diet and there's lots of variety because otherwise there can be issues with not having it. You know, the whole incomplete scenario annoys me because it's like saying that yogurt is in completing calcium just because it's not getting your a hundred percent calcium needs. So just because Has-beens are in completing one amino acid doesn't mean that it's incomplete. Like you can just add on a different protein and have another source of protein to increase all of your amino acids. So try and think of it like that that you just need different sources of that protein different sources of that amino acid to build it up and make sure you're getting enough. Please feel free to flick through questions about that. If I haven't answered it clearly enough now other things to be aware of and it's quite a big list of different nutrients. It can be lacking as soon as we cut out a food group. So it's just something that I want you to be aware of that going vegan isn't you know, just this overnight easy thing to do. It's really got to be thought out and it's really going to be a big decision. And the big thing for me is that I really don't feel like it needs to be a big decision because I don't feel like we need to be 102 and 10% in anything. I don't really like that. There's foods and diets that are almost like a cult or a religion that that I just don't feel like we need to identify based on how we eat. But I do understand why people do feel like they need to particularly with the ethical side of things with veganism. I am not touching on that tonight. This is purely nutrition and performance. However, you know, there will be that need to kind of name I guess or label how you eat. So whether that's big in ISM paleo Quito there is a need for that web where a population that really is tribal and we To belong and as religion declines there is this need to belong to certain groups and definitely food is one of those so I'm definitely appreciative of why it's happening. But I am really big on having a very flexible approach to food and aiming for Progress over Perfection or that a 110 percent. So that's we're moving towards plant-based or aiming for that one meal per week that is plant-based or aiming for a couple of days that are plant-based are all things that you can just improve on and really work towards. In terms of overall health because we know that increased veggies are good for us. We know that reducing our meat intake is definitely something that is a population we need to do we just don't need to necessarily do it a hundred and ten percent in anything basically. So Omega threes and is something that we need to be aware of only because that's usually gained from like our oily fish in a Coldwater fish kind of scenario. So things like flax seeds walnuts chia seeds or contain that so you can definitely Edit but it is something that you may consider needing to supplement. If you aren't getting those Foods B12 is something that you've probably heard of so B12 is really important for oxygen delivery to the cells. So we're really going to lack energy and deal with fatigue if B12 is lacking now b12 is only accessible in animal Foods. So usually we do have to consider supplements if we have cut out. The animal food options, but with that said people who eat a very varied diet can be low in B12 as well. So it's not necessarily all the you know, the population definitely varies in that iron. Of course, I am there is a difference between he mine and non-heme iron non-heme iron is from plant-based products and we don't generally absorb that all that well now the good thing about going vegan rather vegetarian is that we are Um cutting out Dairy which can actually inhibit iron absorption. So items option can be improved the veganism sometimes ball. That's my theory anyway, but we've really got to be aware of things that can counteract the absorption of different things. So, you know things like spinach and rocket and things like that that are often touted as high and I and are actually high in oxalate so they're really poorly absorbed. So the better green veg for Of adsorption is what I'm trying to spit out. I things like broccoli bok choy kale. He's also good. So those types of things are really important things like beans and pulses are also really, you know iron sources and because we're having quite large amounts of these Foods it is possible to get enough iron, but just be really conscious that you can be lacking and it's really got to be a well-planned diet to get enough iron in on a vegan diet. It's actually really tough. So just making sure you're gaining variety each days. Really important thing I think is another one that can be lacking. And so when we're talking zinc, you know, it's really important for like your cell growth and repair so it's widely available but poorly absorbed from plant-based products. So soaking these products can actually improve the bioavailability. So this is where you might have heard of like activated that's or soaking grains and seeds. So this Is what's happening? So those types of foods are actually high in what they call phytic acid and for the average population eating a very varied diet the Omnivore's basically we don't necessarily need to worry about this. However fall begins. It can actually be a strategy to actually improve their accessibility to zinc and other nutrients. So phytic acid is what they call it anti-nutrient and it impacts your thank you for all the love everyone. It does help actually, Sophie. You like and love it impacts your absorption of some of the nutrients that are going to be lacking in a vegan diet. So activating or soaking things like nuts and seeds can actually be something you do. If you are following a full plant-based diet to improve your micro nutrient absorption. So look at that activating is not all Bs. There is some reason to it, but it's not necessarily always needed. So that is something you can definitely do and I've got a question about that. So feel free to write another question if I haven't answered that Whitley I'm just going to check feel free to write three questions guys. I'll scroll through. I'm just kind of going to run through most things and then review and then we've also got one of the things calcium obviously so calcium. I suppose the best Sawtooth source that we know of is things like your dairy foods, but can we get enough calcium so we can but it's hard. It's really really hard. So, you know things that we need to look at are definitely The side of your beans and pulses and things and green veg. So then we're looking at Vitamin D. I think everyone probably has heard of vitamin D vitamin D is really important for performance in particular but also just overall health and bone health and we get it from the Sun. So it's created through the skin. However vegan or plant-based individuals are at higher risk of vitamin D. See and also with the low calcium intake is definitely something to ensure that we're doing so having a lower calcium intake can be corrected by having a better vitamin D intake so we can absorb more calcium from the plant-based Foods if we have adequate vitamin D available. So definitely check your levels if you are considering being plant-based and make sure you look at that. Now when we're looking at Vitamin D. There is actually a type. That isn't vegan. Friendly and the other type that is vegan friendly isn't actually all that well absorbed. So it's a tricky one obviously making sure that you're getting the sunlight can help but just making sure that your vitamin D levels are spot-on is definitely something to look for if you are going plant-based. I don't know boring everyone. I'm just you know that leg up all these due to its but please let me know if I'm boring. You said I can make this more exciting. I'm nearly through all like the nutrition stuff. But I yeah, I just want to make sure that everyone's doing this. It's in a way that is going to be good for their health and considering all these things that are going to change if you are considering removing a food group. So yeah, feel free to yell at me and goal issue talking rubbish. So who then the last one is I Dean and this actually connects to a question that I got regarding. What was the question. I'm going to read it out because it fits in nicely here. The question was Whereby even put it. I don't even know where I put it there. It is kombu algae. So is kombu alguien necessary and kombu. Abby is like your seaweeds if anyone's I'm sure so kombu agar algae is actually really high and I deem so if you are someone who is eating a lot of seaweed, please just reduce that amount a little bit. So it's a good thing to include some seaweed and algae as a plane based actor. Athlete but also anyone can include seaweed in their diet and you've probably seen people eating the strips per for however, just be aware of just overdosing. It is absolutely possible with this on I Dean and it can cause hyper thyroidism. So just make sure that we're thinking about absolutely including it because you can get enough iodine through a plant-based diet if you include it, but just be aware of the amounts. So yes, it is important, but just be really conscious not to overdo it. so I'm going to go through questions because the next thing I'm going to go through is actually more performance Focus, which is super fun on the supplements that can actually be really really important or at least very handy for someone who's wanting to perform on a plant-based diet and whether that diet be just lower in meat-based sources or completely plant-based these supplements are something that you definitely want to tune into so I guess just there doing that that yeah. So I'm just going through what challenges did Reagan athletes face it. Yeah. I hope I've answered that Amelia definitely just getting enough energy in his number one. But also those whole nutrients in terms of the micronutrients are again a big one. Can you please explain the nutrition difference between raw honey and store-bought honey? Someone told me that raw honey doesn't have glucose in it. I'm sure it would have to that confuses me. Please leave it with me Julie. I might have to debunk that one for you, but I'm just not sure so I'm just going to have to investigate thank you. Thank you for tagging people over and that helps what are your thoughts on the inflammation study that was in the Netflix film inflammation. All right. So here's the interesting thing everyone in. Motion can decrease on a very high fat diet as well. So that's something to confuse you isn't it? So inflammation is a term that people love to speed up and absolutely it can be impacted by different foods. Now the big thing we have to remember with plant-based eating is that when people go to plant-based eating what are they removing and what are they decreasing and chances are they've removed a lot of processed food? Foods a lot of saturated fats and they've improved their variety of eating because they have dude that you have to get energy and you have to get energy in somehow and the variety is definitely one of the big pros of vegan based plant-based eating and they've chances are they've reduced or eliminated all of their meat based products, but still gaining their proteins through different sources. So all of a sudden if you're looking at inflammation, it's in a lot of processed foods. High sugar foods high in saturated fat foods and they have just eliminated those end at the same time increased all of their veggies salad fruits anti-inflammatory nutrients amazing. So it's not necessarily surprising. It is absolutely likely true. But we've got to think about what this diet is being compared to and be really realistic with what people can actually achieve so What you want to look at is the progress and Improvement. So if we can replace the processed foods that you know, all of the packaged Foods the processed foods that are containing things like, you know, meat-based animal-based products that also include all those fats and sugars. We're going to be doing really well and if that means people are moving player base than happy days does it mean that you have to go completely vegan? No, it does not. Main done everything is about progress and you can absolutely reduce that inflammatory response by increasing all those plant foods with while still including some animal products if you wanted to now, this is all Choice. Basically if someone comes to me and says, I would like to improve my performance. I first of all go what kind of foods do you like to eat? What do you enjoy what's working for you? So if vegan diets are working for you we're going To work from that and I'm going to improve it and I'm going to improve your performance in life and in sport on your vegan diet. If someone comes to me and says I follow a keto diet I say no problem. Let's work off that. Let's get increased performance from that. It may include that where you know changing that a little bit in adapting that a little bit but we're going to be basing our recommendations of what works for you and what you prefer my job as a dietitian isn't actually to tout a type of diet to you my job as a dietitian is to improve Your current diet to a place that you are feeling better in your performing better. So you won't get from me what diets best because as you can see depending on what documentary you watch every diet has its pros and one of the biggest Pros that I see in every single diet except for the meat-based diet. I don't understand. The one is that there is a lot of veggies and there's a lot of color and so there's lots of Pros to be gained from looking at these diets. Absolutely and just following the trends that fit you at the time but also making changes that you know are going to fit your life your lifestyle long-term. So just I feel like the only thing I really want to get through tonight is don't feel like you need to change everything all at once or everything. You can always just aim for process and progress over the day. So for example, you might have meat-free Mondays you might have you know, you might have the amount of mints in your Neighs and a token of lentils. These are all just little actionable things that you can start to do just to reduce your meat intake if it's something that you want to do, but absolutely as a population reducing our meeting take is something that has been shown time and time again to be a positive because we over consume it. It doesn't mean that we can't eat meat. It just means that we need to be more conscious about it. So I hope that makes a bit of sense, but tonight is really just saying that you can be a plant-based athlete, but you Just got to think about a few things now to finish off because I knew this would go over time. It's a really interesting topic and it's something that you know, I just hope that can help you improve your performance overall. He's actually the supplements that you should be considering in terms of performance if you did want to go plant-based. So the good thing about plant-based is that you are getting a lot more of some really important nutrients before performance through the increase in veggies and fruit and color and all those types of things. In that anti-inflammatory suffice, which is awesome, but there's also some supplements that you're going to be needing because there is a reduction in stores in your body without that meat based protein coming in. So one of those that you may have heard I was of is creating now creatine stores are lower in vegan and vegetarian athletes because creatine is really gained from meat based foods, so Routines are really important product that helps with our performance in high-intensity exercise. So even the endurance exercises are going to improve with some creatine in their training their strength, but also in like think about it as like the final Sprint of a race or a hill and those types of things those high intensity moments can actually improve be improved by creatine. So that is definitely something to consider supplementing with if you Going plant-based or are already plant-based and the other one is actually beta alanine. So beta alanine has been shown to be super handy in events that are longer than 60 seconds or that in a minute type of exercise and that short like under five six minutes kind of stuff is a really important one is basically acts as a buffer and helps us recover between those bouts. So when we're looking at beta alanine, the reason that we want to be looking at that is actually that we've got reduced muscle carnosine if you are a vegan or vegetarian athletes, so that is something that just to be considered of basically because meat and chicken poultry. That kind of thing is the main source of that. So yeah, the two main ones now the interesting thing also at the in the documentary was he researched the vegan based diet just when he got injured with ligament injury now ligaments Actually a really important part of ligament recovery has been shown more recently to be that gelatin and collagen supplementation. Now, there is no vegan option for collagen supplementation. So there is a limiting factor there that just needs to be considered and there's talk that maybe high-risk athlete. So I am talking female athletes within like the team sports that are stopping starting high-risk ligament injury. Sports should be supplementing with collagen possibly if they are vegan. However, that would mean that they're having a animal-based protein. So yeah, it's something that you'd need to work with the athlete with or yourself with if you are okay with it, but that is just something to consider because it is a really important part of ligament health. So and particularly if you've had a ligament injury having collagen around your time of mobilizing that injury this isn't For another day, by the way, I could do a whole live on this is really important. So yeah, just something else to consider on that supplements space. I'm just going to make sure that I haven't missed any questions. So yeah, I guess another thing before I finish up is that females tend to be really sensitive to low iron in the plant-based diet. Whereas males tend to be pretty much the same now every research paper. That is a Available at the moment on vegan plant-based diets comes up with the same conclusion. So whether you're reading any analysis paper where we're at in the research right now is that there's no difference between plant-based athletes and athletes on an omnivorous diet when you look at performance markers, so there is definitely a notice in Rideau reduced chronic disease risk, but when you look at those studies, you've got to remember That vegan or plant-based person is more likely to follow Health seeking behaviors. So they're not just looking at diet. They're also um, you know unlikely to do a lot of other unhealthy behaviors. So, you know, these types of things are just really important to think about when you're being told all these things is that the studies are population-based studies. So it's really hard to actually say it's from the vegan diet because it can actually be related to all the different behaviors that that person is doing as a result of reducing meat, but also all the other things that they might be doing as well. Yes, it does relate to tendons. Yes Kelly it does. Yeah now I'm just going to review make sure I've got some questions because I can see them coming through. Thank you. Jason for replying to Julie about the honey. I'll be sure that there would still be half glucose half fructose. No matter what honey, you had so yes. Thank you so much. Okay, excellent. So, how can I make sure I'm getting enough protein now when you're looking at protein sources in a vegan diet. Absolutely. They're not going to be solved protein sources that you would get from the meat based options. I think you however it's still definitely possible. As I said earlier, you've got increased needs with protein just because of the different in efficiencies of plant-based proteins, but you can still definitely get it make sure you're getting a variety those so you can get some from soy based proteins like you tofu your things like bean curd and then you've got also got things like soy milks yogurts and then additional to that you were going to get protein from your grains. So Ken Is excellent because it is filled with all those amino acids that we talked about. You can also get protein from your rights imagine that but also things like nuts and seeds or perfect as well. So lots of things lentils beans, so just make sure you're getting a variety and I'll try to clapping walks. That's really annoying Alicia. All right. Now next question getting enough B12 is very difficult. And so there isn't more than likely chance. You'll have to supplement with that to get enough B12. But please go and get your levels checked before you make any changes to your diet. Just so you know, if plant-based eating is right for you or not is really or even just to know which ones you're going to need to supplement with or which ones you're going to need to just pay more attention to can I live solely on a Based diet. I think I'm some that up today. Yes, you absolutely can. You just got to be really Mindful and conscious of it. Please don't just grow plant based and cut out all your protein sources. You need to be really mindful of what you're going to replace them with and it takes some time be really patient if you're wanting to be plant-based because it takes time to just change how you cooking change. We are your options in the kitchen change how you're going to do your grocery shopping all those types of things. So also remember that plant-based eating is actually quite A privilege and so as I said earlier only four percent are actually getting their veggie intake per day. So we're in a very privileged position to be talking about it and also considering doing it. So yeah, don't be alarmed if it's not something that suits you or your budget, but at the same time me these quite expensive so there are some substitutes that are plant-based that may actually fit you better, you know, considering things like beans and lentils and stuff like it's something that we do. That are we have the mints in a Bolognese and attic and of lentils or we are chickpeas to meals and have the amount of meat in the curry energy peas. And I'm just those types of things. You don't necessarily need to go completely meat-free to start making progress and change to the amount of meat you're eating if it's something that you're interested in whether that be for nutrition for performance or for the environment or whether it may be more budget-related. So all those types of things are things that you can definitely start to do from today are the Sorry, everyone. That was really bad. I haven't benefits from going plant-based that you can see in the documentary just from is it actually from eliminating meat or is it actually from increasing intake of things like your veggies fruits fiber legumes and Grains? So yeah, as I said, it's more like a progress thing. So the improvements in your performance are going to be seen as a result of increased availability of Don't in an also an increased quality in your intake that is also higher in your anti-inflammatory nutrients as well, which is excellent. So you don't necessarily need to go to a hundred percent to achieve those though. So just making progress on what you're currently doing. If it's something you're interested in one of the risks I think of turns out very light very conclusively. I don't hate to repeat all that for you be bored. It's a big it's good for iron. I'm so as a background to how much iron you need per day at one beetroot is really going back to members will see one and it be true. It is about one milligram of iron and non-heme iron. So you've just got to consider the absorption of that and we need as a female 18 milligrams per day as a male. You only need about eight milligrams per day. And that might be the reason that men tend to be able to deal with the plant-based eating in iron a little bit better because there Needs are just you know, substantially lower kombu, Adalia of answered complementing protein. I've answered so it's really just about that variety each day. Do I need to soak nuts and seeds if they are a key source for you as a plane based athlete then? Yes that can absolutely be helpful in just reducing that anti-nutrient of phytic acid. So if no one has any more questions I've gone well over time, but I had an inkling that I I would now if you're watching this and we're not live anymore, please still write your questions. I will see it. I'll get a notification that you've written something on Instagram if you wanted to catch up. This will be safe for 24 hours on Facebook. This will be saved on to our feed forevermore and I'm sure when Hermes gets back from his honeymoon. He will make it into a podcast for us as well. So thank you so much everyone for joining me. Honestly the questions that we're coming through were just By using so I really appreciate it. I hope that I've clarified some things. I hope I haven't added to any confusion. And mainly I hope that I've just empowered you to kind of make a decision that's right for you and right for your family and right for your lifestyle that you feel really happy with as you seek and seek Health, basically, so thank you so much everyone. Please. Feel free to share like love all those types of things at all help. So thank you so much for joining me and we will talk to you all very soon.
FREE NUTRITION ASSESSMENT FROM SPORT NUTRITION PROFESSIONALS!! That's why we have dedicated a full podcast episode to answering all your questions and going through what needs to be considered for sports performance and general health when moving towards a vegan way of eating. . We thought that we would go through all the evidence surrounding plant-based eating and what it actually means to performance. Not only do we focus on the benefits, but we also present the risks involved as well. We don't really make much mention of the documentary at all - instead, it's more about understanding what you need to consider when moving towards a plant-based diet, what that looks like and which nutrients you should be putting in the spotlight. We also go through the major risk factors associated with Energy deficiency, which can be a common by-product of following a poorly balanced plant-based diet. Are there other interesting topics you want us to touch on? We run Facebook and Instagram live Q&As every Thursday night. If you haven't caught one of those yet, please jump on! We cover a different topic every time and we love to get your questions, feedback and ideas on topics each week. If you have any further questions or simply want to keep up to date with all the cool stuff we have going on, make sure to check out our socials: Instagram:   Facebook:
Hi everyone, it's Rebecca. You're listening to Super women today. I'm interviewing Sara Lee and Christine Chang of glow recipe and when I tell you that they make their ingredients literally out of watermelon and watermelon rind. I'm not lying. They make an incredible beautiful almost edible line of beauty products skin care that is really just mouth-watering frankly, and it was really interesting to hear their story as to Former Beauty Executives who transitioned and launch their own beauty company. No small feat that's doing really really well. So take a listen to Sarah and Christine. I'm here with glow recipe Founders Sarah Lee and Christine Chang. Will you guys introduce yourselves? Tell us a little bit about what glow recipe is? Yeah. So, this is Sarah. We are founders of glow recipe which is a natural skincare inspired by a Korean beauty really focus on Clean Skin ter Taemin. Skin secrets for glowing skin So Christine and I have been best friends for 15 years. We met back in Korea when we were working as marketers and L'Oreal in Korea and then we moved around the same time to the New York office within the same company and we kept our friendship going and we had this big idea to launch glow five years ago to curate the best of k-beauty Technologies. That's how we started and I must say because you can't see their skin, but it is perfect. Oh, thank you and poor. Alas, it's going for Anna glass can look these days and you ask in Ideal Glass skin skin looks Flawless porcelain like a plane of glass and not covered right? I hope that Kylie contoured like your neck doesn't match your face. So the opposite of what we want great let your skin shine through I love that I but to build on Sarah story after we launched glow as a curation destination two years ago. We launched our in-house brand glow recipe skincare, which is now at Sephora. U.s. Nationwide as well as Canada. We just launched in Germany. So we've been so excited to see the response to the brand and our OG called Product is the watermelon glow sleeping mask what's in it is a watermelon. It's watermelon and has hyaluronic acid, which is super hydrating. It has aha which helps to refine pores. So it's think of it as a facial in a jar launching skincare our I think a launching anything is hard. But how do you go from an idea to then launching something? That's now very sick. Successful, you don't have a scientific background, but I'm sure you knew formulators. Right? Right, right. So, how do you how did you approach that? Well, actually sir and I both come from a long-standing beauty background. So we did marketing and product development for a very long time in the reason. We actually start a glow recipe was because already at L'Oreal and we were seeing Global Beauty companies through the same. We were looking at Korea for the latest skincare Trends and we were working on Korea developed at the specific development that were inspired by K beauty trends. At the time we were like we should really leverage this and do it our own way. But of course put our own stamp on it, which is some clean natural slan. But because we have that experience. We always have the idea that down the road we want to make our own products, but something that we were truly inspired by would want to use ourselves every single day. I only became woke if you will to the idea of clean natural I think for me I started when I had my first kid, right I was like, so I'm not going to wear perfume anymore because I'm nursing him right? I don't want that. It on me and then I started looking at food ingredients and labeled and now you know, I'm sent a lot of things and I look at the back and if I can't I'm like what's Tetra high is a low that I can't pronounce it. Like should I put this on my skin? So what made you want to approach this? And why should we care about these things? We can't pronounce? Yeah, so really good question. So because we were able to test and we had, you know, it was fortunate that we were able to test different products and formats in our previous. Lives back in L'Oreal on thousands of women and we had our learnings from then that at the end of the day. You don't need a lot of Frills to make your skin glow you want something that actually is almost something you want to eat because it's that healthy and great for your body. But also skin that is healthy clean. You don't want any Frills meaning you don't need parabens actually to improve your skin, you know, it's a stabilizer. So how do we make sure that these unnecessary ingredients are eliminated was our first task but we also have this mission of bringing the best of k-beauty Technologies and Innovations to the global market and part of that was you know, if you're new to this category, if you're learning your first time user of k-beauty product you want your experience to be as optimal as possible. So we wanted clean pure the most fresh ingredients as possible which is why we chose watermelon one of our favorite fruits to be a key hero ingredient for our first OG product. And so how expensive was Is it to launch and what were some of the struggles you had in getting this out there? Because I'm sure you know, you hear a lot of people like I started this in my home and then Tada so it was a whole process for us. We knew that product development wouldn't be cheap so which is hence why we waited a certain period of time after launching low and getting those learnings before delving into that and I think we were lucky as well because once we started glow within three months, we actually were able to bring Break Even because we got some amazing press hits that were really passionate about the brands and products. We were curating and ever since then we've been bootstrapping so we're still independent. So we've always been very smart with our money our try to be and that's very rare you get do get it like a lot of inbound people wanting to invest so do but I think the curation business model has helped us kind of fuel the money for product development, right? So we kind of had this flywheel if you will so we have you know this quick Money that's infused to our business because of the e-comm business and the curation part and then we would actually invest that back to her business for new products Innovations and packaging which costs a lot of money. Yes, but we were also able to do is strike a deal with Sephora from a very early stage with our new in-house brand so we knew that there were commitments in terms of quantity. So it wasn't a huge risk in a way and that's kind of how it all kind of circle backed. And did you have the ability to Do that with Sephora because you knew them from L'Oreal or so. There was an initial relationship going back to those years, but we actually work with them in the early stages to help work together on their first k-beauty animation, for example, and work on certain concepts are certain ideas. The term Splash mask for example is something that we coined because it was a mask that you were supposed to use in the shower but people didn't understand it. So we wanted to kind of visualize that action of splashing it on the face and that refreshing waking up feeling through Name of the product so we work with them on that type of stuff and then eventually that transitioned onto our own in-house brand. So there was already that great working relationship and Trust. So what have been some of the biggest hurdles either personally or professionally on this journey that you've bitches been like, I don't know if I can do this or this is a nightmare. I mean, I think we had many of those nights. They can all tell me a gift. So biggest was when we were moving from actually we started packing our own boxes from our apartment's and it was getting out of control where we were seeing were buried with all these boxes that we have to ship out and we couldn't physically do the job. So in order for us to actually move to a warehouse that whole transition was for us a huge burden because we had to still do our daily job get, you know, our editor meetings and deck sides travel to Korea work on curations, but still Packer boxes and moved to a warehouse. So I think that was a first huge hurdle that we never experienced before. Because we were brand builders back in L'Oreal but we weren't brand operators. So I think it was a huge learning for us. We couldn't really sleep. We were just like on our chats a long night brainstorming efficient ways. I think people take for granted like it especially your first few years like that is it's all in and said, you know, I'm in all the women that can have kids and launch their companies because I'm like, I never could have done both at the same time. They were a kid. Did you did you have a kid as ulong? Yeah. She you're one of those a toddler when she's one of those my God it was tough because we were two saris Point like right still writing handwritten notes and every single package because we wanted to be very personal and then the whole Warehouse thing and then we got a huge break was Shark Tank at the end of 2 of 15, which was life changing in such an amazing experience. But that day orders were spiking vertically we couldn't keep up and we had to run down to the warehouse and pack together again with ratiza pack even keeps coming up because it wasn't you know what I have packing night. To I would be packing I got my husband did it early times exactly. Our families were involved. There's lots of pizza and begging total and hot sauce. Oh, yeah. So how do you sort of now that you have discovered more success not discovered. You've earned more success. Do you shut off? Do you have personal time? Yeah, and I think it's actually interesting that we're such skincare Fanatics and junkies because our me time or self-care moments are with skincare. are routines and you know, we try to educate what we think are amazing for our skin or our five minutes of the day that actually really helped us to perk up and feel great about ourselves and motivate to our audience followers and customers but when I think about going back home from a long day at work or business trip and really just removing all of my makeup giving a nice massage and rinse with a cleanser that is my me time, especially actually in a hot - that's my that's my thing. Yeah, and you me a lot of it is the bath too and I greatly treasure myself carotene. I unwind a lot by reading to my daughter. I have found a way to combine unwinding time and taking care of her because I just had to find a way to balance both work spending time with family and it was a struggle in the beginning honestly and you feel like you found a better path now. Yes because we share a lot of the same interests Sarah calls for my men. Nimi, so we like to draw together a read together and I'm a book fanatic. So that actually helps me relax awesome. So I'm very intimidated by these routines. I see on Instagram where there's like 60 steps, you know, my friend Chris L. She'll do her routine them. Like I have like a kid hanging off of a boob and the other one wants dinner like I don't have time for those steps. So do you follow all those steps? Actually? No, it's a myth. Okay. Yeah, you know, I mean, it depends on what you want. So it comes down to your preference or skin type concern, you know what you want to achieve by the end of the day, but you know when we were first introducing k-beauty you brought up a really good point a lot of our customers and followers were saying it's a little complicated k-beauty should you know, is it 15 20 steps? I don't have time for that. I there were saying the same thing that you were saying. I'm a mom. I'm busy. I don't have time for one right maybe to barely wash my face the baby wipe and then some lotion. That's like I miss you still have great skin amazing. So our that was actually our second huge Mission. We wanted to break that barrier and say guys you don't need to spend 15 minutes or 15 Steps in the bathroom. There are products that actually can multitask give you all the benefits you need and they're very condensed routine. And that was one of the triggers for us to really come up with a mask that does it all, you know hydrate exfoliate also balances skin as a first OG product awesome, so I have a theory and I'd like for you to disprove it or maybe agree with Yeah, so when you look at women as we age and then you look at men as they age like our skin falls apart seemingly way quicker than men and I feel like then you try and fix it by covering it up. And is it a self-fulfilling prophecy that were putting these toxic ingredients whether it's makeup and skincare on our skin. It's ruining our skin its aging us. It's making us look like dried up Dragons by the time we're like this. The very thing that propels us to go out and buy more so scientifically men do have thicker skin than women, which is why they look like they're aging slower. Okay, but there's a cliff apparently. So once they hit that the acceleration the acceleration is real so it's coming to them. It is just got out there woman. I don't think it's the toxic cycle of products more so than your right like we have been conditioned from a very early age to cover up these things with thick heavy makeup and Different things to obscure the real skin inside and I think what's amazing and gratifying is that with k-beauty and a lot of this influx of skincare knowledge and Trends into the market women now have the tools and the passion to actually pursue a really great skin care routine for themselves and try to have great skin starting from the foundation. And if you have great skin, you don't need as much makeup and makeup becomes a choice and in a self expression tool versus something that's a solution and a cover-up so I think It's totally going in the right direction and with a good self-care routine that has the right ingredients it is you're taking care of your skin. Just like you would take vitamins and take care of your health. So I think it's actually really positive thing. Yeah, and I think you know a small tip can actually change your skin. It can be life-changing. For example, when we first taught our customers about double cleansing and making sure that you're giving enough time to massage just like you're washing your dishes and leaving lukewarm water and not washing things off right away to see him for Skin, you need to give it time for a cleanser to work hard but actually change a lot of women skin and we got a lot of emails saying thank you for that. I already got rid of my blemishes just from that experience. So I think the little tips and tivitz of education on how to better take care of edgy. Your skin is really important and I think that used to be a very makeup heavy Market overall globally, but I think that love for skincare and the importance of skin care is becoming a bigger priority. So what would be something that we would be Surprised to know about you. Oh, that's nice. So I actually went to boarding school in Australia randomly. My parents thought that would be a good idea. Wow run by nuns. So it's very sick streamed. It was very strict. I think we've had to wear white gloves and stuff to it was a whole thing, but from the age it will from what he's just high school because I actually grew up in the states went back to Korea briefly and then they decided to send me to Australia, which was just an eye-opening experience, but I bring this up because I've always loved loved. Australia had such an amazing experience there are not we're actually launching and Mecca Australia next month - oh feels like in a way we come full circle and I'm going to Australia for the first time in however many years won't say the number but it just feels like really falling bombing Iraq. Yeah for me. I'm actually a secret. Adrenaline. Junkie. Okay. I don't think a lot of people know that about like skydiving. Yeah. So recently I went skydiving in New Zealand and I went scuba diving in The shipwrecks in Grand Cayman. You were not scared of sharks. No actually shark diving a Bahamas to that was really fun. I'm scared of sharks in Lakes. So I won't even like swim in the deep end of the lake side of motorboats and lake is probably unreal and wow, that's okay. Yeah. So before we close you've had probably incredible experience with your past life by L'Oreal and then now with your own company. What is some Advice it could be career. It could be skin advice whatever advice that you think has been like game-changing for you. I think for me the biggest is at the end of the day if you believe in something you'll figure it out and I think a lot of people worry get stressed, you know, feel like you've hit a wall a glass ceiling whatever it is and you can't move and you feel frustrated that actually affects you from your body your mental health, but also your skin because it reacts to how your men Italy thinking and to keep everything balanced, you know to think that this is actually a journey that I'm on and at the end of the day whether it's through, you know, somebody's advice or from Reading researching or just through experience in life. I'll figure it out and if you have that mentality, I think you'll just keep things a little bit more positive. You're very positive. Yeah in a good way your bosses love that about you. I agree with the Journey part. It's so when you first start your business or whatever new Endeavor you do you have these. Milestones for yourself. So you're like when I hit my first million in sales, I'll be happy when I first hit my first five people on the team. I'll be happy and then you keep moving those Milestones further and further out. So that sometimes it's easy to lose sight of the fact that it is a journey. So if you don't enjoy your every day to day and take the time to be with your friends be with your family, but also being, you know invested in work and trying to do the balance in your own best way. I think it can be very quickly you living to fulfill a future versus really enjoying the present. So that was kind of a learning along the way for me as I started this business and now I count myself lucky to have a career where I'm so excited to wake up and come to work every morning and I take enjoyment in that and the business might not be perfect today or tomorrow, but that's okay because I don't think it'll ever be perfect. Never barf every every entrepreneur. I talked to him like, oh your business is crazy to like I have yet to meet someone that's like it's perfect. But that's Part of what makes it fun? Exactly. I said to my husband. I was like, I feel like we're living our lives like that. There might be a big pot of gold at the end of this rainbow right with right bunny achieving certain levels of success or what you see other companies has like that rainbow could never come or that pot of gold could never come. So like how does that change how I behave now and it means I take my vacation days now instead of pushing them out or you know, leaving the office on time. You know, I think I made these shifts because of that like what you're saying? Yeah. I completely agree leaving the office sometime. Right and I think vacation II believe in it to heart because that's when you're actually stepping away from your day-to-day and refreshing but also it helps you appreciate what you have in life. The fact that you have this job that could be hectic or crazy sometimes but because of that you're enjoying your vacation and the time away with your family or your loved ones and I think that just gives a fresh new perspective and wanting to come back actually, you know better fulfilled. Did a motivator for the next days to come? Yeah, so you're in a very crowded Market is like the trendiest buzziest saturated. How do you stand out? I think it's a couple of things. I think that from day one. We've been so passionate about education because for us it was our mission to let people know that hey it's okay to enjoy your skin care. It doesn't have to be this one two, three step or ten step or 15 stub chore that you have to slog through to get to make up which You used to be the fun part because skincare is actually the fun part. Like you're really taking care of yourself. So the little tips that like Sarah mentioned or the little tricks or hacks that we use trends that we pick up from Korea and bring over kind of digesting all this and making it really fun and accessible and approachable for all women here has been one of the best things to hear or see emails from our customers where they're like you guys change my skin for the better. It's really why we do this and I think in addition to that I totally agree. For Christine said at the end of the day, we're a beauty company. So product is at the core of what we do. We really believe in first-to-market Innovations. And that is how we want to breakthrough in skincare. We were the first brand to introduce a sleeping mask that harnesses the power of watermelon and watermelon skincare was non-existent interesting leave either. You know, that watermelon was like the magical thing we knew because we grew up with watermelon being Such a miracle fruit. Our grandmother's used to actually rub the Ryan of watermelon when we had heat rashes and irritated Parts on her, you know hot summer months on our skin. The outside are like the once unit the ninth with a hint of flesh on it. Okay. So we're gonna start rubbing my kids with watermelon that it was a miracle. I mean within 24 hours you could see the irritations just kind of go away and we saw that growing up. It's kind of a Korean tradition that we grew up with and we realize that no one was actually using this fruit for skin care. It's Hydration soothing healing remedy. So we just were inspired from what we grew up with. Wow. Yeah, can we talk about the Korean spa experience for a second? Oh my god. Oh, yeah, but I go to like the real the real one not like I bet a I like the fancy schmancy looks foolish and body scrubs women during their bra no underwear. It does not. Yes. I love it. But you come out looking at your solo-e a baby soft. I have yet to find one here. That's as real as I want it. It is actually a lot of inspiration behind some of our products because our mom's used to take us with our grandmother's to the bathhouse of about it was like a weekend ritual and they would bring like at a ultimate like milk that sucks about to expire and it was / said half and you would wake up with like amazing skin, but the reason is because milk have lactic acid in it. So you didn't really know the science behind it at the time, but all these natural ingredients like green tea steeped in bowls of water splashing it head to toe and it was something that you look forward to every week as I know I when you bond with your mom or Mother and you go on like a girls trip yet to about my favorite Korean experience. Yeah, we have some recommendations for you. Okay. So where can we find your products and education? So we have our cycler We ship worldwide, but we also distribute to Sephora in all of North American stores. So I think it's about 700 Plus stores including Sephora's engine JCPenney and we are also in do gloss in Germany in In the entire country, which were really excited about. It was a recent launch three months ago, and then next month. We're launching in Australia with mega awesome and Instagram on Instagram where at glow recipe and you can also find us personally add Christine underbar glow and at Sarah underbar glow. We have matching handles. Thank you. Thank you so much. That was Sarah Lee and Christine Chang of glow recipe. You can follow them at glow recipe or order their stuff Delight your face with it at glow Thank you so much for listening. As always. Don't forget to rate me, wherever you listen to a podcast leave a review. I do read them all. That was Sarah Lee and Christine Chang of glow recipe. You can follow them at glow recipe or order their stuff Delight your face with it at glow Thank you so much for listening. As always. Don't forget to rate me, wherever you listen to a podcast leave a review. I do read them all.
Sarah Lee and Christine Chang were friends for many years before deciding to go into business together. Working in marketing and product development for L'Oréal , both were assigned to work in their Korean offices where they soon developed a lasting friendship. Korea is a hotbed of the latest skincare technology, and Sarah and Christine took note. Combining of-the-moment skincare research with tried and true remedies passed down through their families, the pair launched Glow Recipe, a naturally-based skincare line aimed at making the practice approachable, simple and fun. Using familiar, delicious ingredients such as banana and watermelon, Glow Recipe products soothe and improve the skin, making skincare so effective and pleasurable you may just forget to put makeup on! Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas The value in creating a simple, effective skincare routine that creates less desire for makeup. [12:50] Believing in yourself, your ventures, and you ability to work through challenges. [16:08] --- Support this podcast:
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I hope I don't get in trouble with my producers the dropping that cuts right at the top. Yeah, if you guys are tuned into our video right now, you probably are recognizing that we're not actually live candidly. We're having some tech issues here at AfterBuzz TV, which does happen, but we're doing everything we can to get on the air because we know that you're just as thirsty for our Bachelorette coverage as we are to give it to you. So we thank you for your patience guys, unfortunately because of the circumstances we will not have a live chat tonight, which we're bummed about because it's one of our favorite Parts about the show too, but it's okay. It's just for this week. And again, we're getting this footage up as quickly as we can because we have to talk about tonight's episode that episode is of course season 15 episode 4, and the we that I'm talking about starts with me guys. My name is Jeff Graham and I have the always on the top of the news Christine Bean. Hey guys, Christine Alexis. I would say the always opinionated Mike feeling that's accurate. What's up guys? What's up? And the always suspicious Renee Ariel is my middle name absolutely and the full of energy job and the fall of energy me. So guys as I mentioned coming season 15 episode 4, of course, this is Hannah Beast season, and we're not going to be only going over the episode. We also had some news for you and we'll make some predictions for next episode as well. So before we get into our coverage, I want to hear what everyone's overall thoughts on the episode where Christine being let's start with you. I wanna hear what you thought. Oh, this one was a tough one to get through. I'm going to give it like a solid be like not more than that in terms of the for grading it not a lot of action per se again with the misleading promos. Thank you not. Thank you ABC come on, but overall it kind of episode right in the middle. Yeah. I had fun with the episode for the storylines that they were kind of advancing. I was like, okay, this is some interesting drama, but as far as getting to know a lot of the guys are The advancing the kind of quest of Hannah not much happened good point highlights the episode just many people bothered me Hannah and we'll definitely get to that but I think that's why it was like a bit to get through for myself just because I'm like, what are you doing? Hmm, and that's hard when the the lead is is acting in the opposite way you want or do and you keep screaming at the TV and she doesn't listen. It's like she can't it's very frustrating. Yeah, I agree. I did think it was an interesting episode though. And I know we're gonna have a lot of thoughts on Luke P. But however, we feel about him. I do find him to be a very interesting villain. I don't know if we've really seen a villain with this kind of I don't know earnestness about how much he likes the lead despite behavior that we probably all agree has problematic Tendencies. I do think he really does like him a lot. Mmm. I don't buy it. No. No, I don't think that he's really in love with her. No. No, you don't think he's starting to fall though. That was two episodes ago. He already beat us to that. Yeah, I think it's just I think she's a conquest for him. He's a very competitive high energy type of guy. I think this is just another game that he needs to win. Obviously. It's manifesting itself in infatuation not love in my opinion. I agree. I don't think you can fall in love with someone after a few days when you're actually not spending that much time with them to begin with at all on top of that. He is openly as openly admitted to being a retired F boy. I think he's incredibly manipulative. I think he's aggressive. I think it says a lot that he can't get along with literally anyone else in the house. I absolutely think Hannah B's a conquest and I think it shows how manipulative he is that anyone split know not knowing whether or not he is actually like a good guy. I think that shows only his manipulative Ness rather than his character. Well, he won you over a bit this week. Jeff will get into it. I don't know if I'm so aggressively anti Luke p is everyone else's I think I have Comes with Lucas and like for him to be the major mouthpiece. That's really leading the Pitchfork parade. I think is a bit of a problem. I don't know. Let's save the loopy conversation because it's going to be a big one when you get there and let's go and start with this first one on one, which was Jed kind of how we expected this to play out. We're just to catch you guys up quickly of the guys did move. In fact to Rhode Island. Also Jed was in Boston as was Hannah, which there's I will say on one level two seasons really well edited, but there's been a couple of months. Moments where it's like unfortunately three of the guys died, but we're moving on round. Don't make these jump cuts that were just like, why are we at Nasa right now? Like it just makes no sense. But so the guys are in Rhode Island, but Jed and Hannah are in Boston for some reason and what do we think of their one-on-one Mike? Let's start with you what you think. I mean, I'm an East Coast person. I love the East Coast love that's fantastic and Jet is I'm no mistake about it is one of my FrontRunner. I thought the date went fantastic just like you said, They expected very romantic all the good moves. He gets the rose. Nothing crazy and out of the ordinary for me. Hmm Renee what you think? Sorry Christine go for Ranae know I really like their day. Let me say because I know before we came in here. I was like, I don't know about Jedi we'll get to why as for the date itself, there's something so special about hanging around someone when it feels easy because in the dating world that's very hard to come across finding that connection where it's just like, oh, wow, I can just say whatever. I mean she was making jokes. She was being quirky and when someone allows you to bring that part of yourself out to very comfortable. So I do see him going far. I also really enjoy the he was open on the date about the fact that he came in here for the wrong reasons because obviously and we see it all the time and we know it but they never admit to it. So that was new and I appreciate his honesty. The only thing that turns me off about Jeb. It's the fact that he posts about 20 stories a day all I saw this one who he was in his car literally out like it's so many that Little separations for each story were too many just selfies in the car. That's what bugs me about them because I don't I don't like that. Why why I didn't have Hannah does not have access to this information. So it's out of her choice. So for what we see on the show, I like him or what I seen on Instagram not a fan not a fin. I don't know how I feel about him revealing the whole I was coming in to promote my music, but now I've fallen in love. I thought that was really risky. I think it could have gone either way. She could have really thought that it was kind of phony than well. If you were completely coming in for your music and not for me and now all of a sudden it's the kind of same thing as Luke. You can't fall that hard that fast love. No he didn't but he did say far. I'm just saying I could have seen that playing out the wrong way. It was a risky move. It was risky, but I think it paid off and I honestly do appreciate the timing of it because a it is one-on-one. That's your opportunity to Bare your soul and give your story and I thought he attacked with something head. That a lot of us viewers were thinking and have been debating about is he just trying to further his platform and I like that he was very direct. He used the right words and really brought it home. And then I think I think Hannah felt he was sincere and I felt that he was sincere that he really does care for her. I love seeing him open up a bit. I said this off screen and our watch along bummed we couldn't stream that but I that date was perfect. Like have we seen Hannah get that silly lately. Like I mean, she just was so natural with him like you said and I think Think it's really telling when you can just do nothing with someone else remember re-season when him and Lauren B were walking around and it was crickets. Like it was quiet. They couldn't even comment on things that were going around them. It was straight crickets. And then meanwhile those two are talking in the street. Yeah. Yeah, that is the kind of connection that I would die for with a guy. It seemed it seemed not like they were on a competition show and just like we were seeing an actual couple being filmed. There's a lot of chemistry. There's a lot of chemistry between two of them not only physically but also just you know finding your life partner means being able to have a conversation with them that like you said feels natural and like, you know, you're finding someone who's your long game person romantically, but also when you're walking around and City commenting on the architecture, you know, I'm just a lot of time with someone sitting around and like they do a good job of sitting around together, maybe more than any other couple so far that we've seen is really great and going back to kind of his realness with it with opening up about the real reason he He came on the show. I I could only see someone admit that if they did start getting feelings because otherwise, what does that do for them? Sure, you know what I mean? So that's why I was like, oh he does have feelings for her and when there's an undeniable chemistry, like you can't fake that you can't fake hours of time that you spend with someone walking around and like act like you're both having a great time. You anyone would see through that but their chemistry so clear and I like them together. Do you guys think Celtics Jalen Brown is a good relationship advice giver? I would love to know what that brand deal was right because the Celtics had to get in there and then whoever sold that had to go to the team and say what he was going to talk to Hannah for about 5 minutes on camera good relationship advice which one of you wants to get made fun of by your teammates for the next ten weeks straight. This has to be what happened to his credit though. He did a pretty good job. I We As Americans we ask so much of athletes. We asked them to be edible well-spoken. We ask that we have such a double standard with athletes where you know with musicians if they're good at their job or fine with it, but we need athletes to speak perfectly and do this and I don't know I've always felt that way with sports and I actually thought Jalen Brown is like pretty good on camera, you know, that's not easy to do what he did and I thought good for you Jay Len Brown. I don't take relationship advice from you. Anything else huge here. I do want to I think that's pretty much gens de right. Do you guys feel like there's anything? As we need to comment on know he's but before we jump into the next topic, I want to use this time to just say thank you two guys two guys watching us and tuning in to our show every week here at AfterBuzz TV. We wouldn't be who we are without you our viewership from you your support. You're like subscribing to us on iTunes all of that helps bring traffic into our studio and we just love making content for you guys. So thank you so much for making us the ESPN of TV talk and be sure to like this video comment and to join us next week when we actually do go live. So yes, and I've been checking your ITunes review so look for those five stars and I'm seeing some but we will read them on air if you continue to give them so let us know what you guys think about the show use iTunes platform to do that. And let's see those five stars. Okay. I want to shout out one quick moment, which was when the group date was read by John Paul Jones and he said his own name John Paul Jones. Yeah and everyone laughed at John Paul Jones including grants, and I just I'm gonna try a little dark horse, huh? Grant grid I don't think has any real feature on this show, but he is like a paradise helpful for me like I It's got a good sense of humor and his living it up right now. I feel like Grant has dealt with it himself that he's not going to win this and he's just having a ton of fun on the show. Hmm. He's like sitting back. He doesn't really say anything. There's no one on ones with Hannah. There's no little interviews. Really. He's just kind of chilling drinking enjoying time rugby time. Yeah. Well, I think they cut out all the time that they spend one-on-one together because we hear that all the time where it's like well we did a lot more than it shows on the show. So I'm sure he is. Is moments with Hannah we just don't see them. Well, we did see go ahead Christina. I honestly just don't think he's right for this franchise. I know you think it's like could leave but I don't even want to see him on Paradise. I kind of just wanted to go away the was really interesting graphic designers. Yeah, but the one interesting Grand moment was when he was hanging out with Hannah during the rugby game. Yeah, it was weird during the conflict. She was when he turned two grand they were they had been talking weird and it just makes me There I grow what was the name of the long haired girl that rode away on the train last season because remember her Heather Heather Heather. I feel like he might be kind of a Heather where it's like he feels more like a fun cousin than like a contestant on the show. But like she knows that sausage party Grant who's in his mid-30s doesn't really like her long game deal. So she can ask WTF is happening with the other guys speaking of let's talk about this rugby date. First of all, how Bachelorette was this where it's like the first thing we hear is like be as violent. And as you can and the aggressive tendencies you have let's amp them up and when they like lean into that we have the audience screaming kill him kill him ABC tries to wipe their hands clean of violence, but they so want someone to go to the hospital during these things and they got it. It makes for a good montage the same exact Montage that we get every year misleading us to think something crazy happened when in reality, it's like someone falling off a bunk bed on their face looking at you David Chicken Man digging man. Well John Paul Jones said, Whoo, let's go man, Shaka bra, which I have no idea what that means. It was a nice we gathered in the subtitles, please grab some scrum down moments again a lot of non context for some of these moments, but we just have to get into the real meat of this moment. Right which was when something happened. We saw it in the corner of the screen. We did rewind it a couple times. But what we know is that Luke P picked Luke s up and bodyslams hmmm. What happened here. We laughed a lot. Funny to play a fact because I think ABC might have added some sound effects. Yeah you watch it back is where it happens. What is happening here? So you're well to your point Jeff the editing has been so weird because they did leave out a key part of the the fight here a was shot at a weird angle and apparently there was a scuffle that happened just before it. So that was a little confusing to piece together, but Lucas and loopy were just butting heads and like you said you bought Slammed. Mm. Yeah, I don't know. Can you really make sense of what happened? I found it odd that there wasn't better camera angle on it because it's like when she starts making out with some guy there's 10 camera angles on it. They can zoom around and like Matrix style. But this we just have tiny in the corner of the body slam. I don't know that whoever was on camera crew that day. I probably got so in trouble I know like you missed this. Yeah, they searched hard for that footage, but it's the loose going at it with each other and each one has opposing stories, but it seems like The rest of the guys are on lucchese's side. It does seem a little have the same story aside from Luke p and other people saw it and Luke dug his grave early on by Luke P that is saying I don't remember what happened and then all of a sudden is like, no actually I only hit him with this part of his mind. It was cussing at me specific. I don't remember what happened but here's everything that happened and by so many words. Yeah when I was watching it back it did look like there is a world in which Luke s could have been coming for him like Luke P was standing and loukas was coming out. No, what was said? Yeah, Jeff there is a world. It's not this one. So what are you what did you look s was definitely running in that direction? Yeah, if he was gonna run up and confront him like hey, why'd you do that to me? Whatever Bowl blond have some words or something? I don't think it was gonna go assault him or anything like that. So it's either that or he literally was running back on the field to go back into the game. One of the two things happen. It doesn't matter because Luke P assaulted him right off the bat what I'll say about this situation and I'm actually going to say Dave Tyler seized a just so we can unpack all of this. I think that this situation brought out the worst in everyone. I don't feel like anyone looked better because of it and I can't think of anyone Grant. Yeah Garrett hand. Well, I thought it was the most sweet thing at the end when he was like Luke UI 14 friends in this house and you hurt one of them and I don't want this to happen again. I love him because he's like not He's not trying to be a decade was like, please please don't hurt my friends. He's so cute. Yeah, I think maybe Garrett is the only person who like is a net positive here everyone else. Like I think that this brought out the worst in Mike J has definitely brought out the worst in Luke s whoo, whatever happened to him. Keep. I know he's a political consultant and after his behavior and words. I'm not shocked to learn that he might be someone who's the engine behind a ton of smear campaigns. I I think you guys are way team. I'm majority here. There's part of me that feels like Luke P needs a Defender and I don't exactly know why and I may be ready to be that person. You think the story is somewhere in the middle of the table and I think the story and here's what I'll say Luke P apologized immediately and Lucas wouldn't accept his apology and I'm sorry. I'm the kind of person and when I get apologize to I listened and I've tried to let it go. This could have gotten squashed if Lucas would have just accepted Lupe's apology. You think Luke s has seen this as the opportunity to try to force Luke pee out of the I was in rally the guys around I don't think he's a weak guy who's unable to take ahead. I think this goes to show though again. I think Luke p is manipulative. I think he either couldn't control himself in the moment, which is honestly worse than being manipulative in my opinion or he knows exactly what he did and to look good. He apologized and the way he handled it after was to playing dumb. He's not that dumb he does think so. He's so calculated even the way he went back to Hannah, which I know We'll get to that's not someone that's just stupid like he knows what he's doing and the way he plays Dumb with the guys is so obvious to me the factors like I don't remember. Oh, yeah, but then I thought in my memories you saw in your like what Luke P like I don't I don't know that dudes manipulative. I don't like him at all. I don't I kind of don't agree with you. I think Luke P isn't calculated. I think he's completely Reckless. I think he is volatile, but I think he's someone who needs to learn. He's obviously has a lot of growing to do as a person but I think he's an impulsive like Hannah said passionate person and I think he recognized that he made a mistake and I think when he was recounting the story he was doing his best to tell the truth and but why don't change the story then if you really did something wrong he changed it. What was his what was said versus what was landed on that? Essentially. He like need the guy in the face and then body slammed him, but then Luke story was that he was coming at him, too. Punch him and then he oh you like maybe hit my leg and he was cussing at me. He played victim that's manipulative when everyone else saw something else go down and your story is that you're the victim because look at this little guy is always the victim. I'm so confused. What was the original the article that his story changed? Yes. It did. What was the guy said his story changed, but I think they were putting things in his mouth. No it changed because he first I don't even remember happen like we just and then he was like, oh, yeah. Thank you him saying, I don't know. He did he I mean the dart changes and he said one thing or the other. He said he oh, I remember just like something happened. I don't know like it wasn't a big deal to then. Oh, I was the victim in this like there's a scroll little scuffle and then he was coming at me and get on punch me Luke P always plays victim on this show. You should really pay attention to the people who play victim because that's what gets into your heart. You're like, oh you right now I kind of feel like look P need someone on the side. He's manipulative to Hannah. He's like, oh, well, I don't know. Maybe I'll leave. The house he's always the victim. It's always about him and those people in your life that are like that are toxic. Luke is a toxic person. I really can work on it. But this guy's not a good person right now in this place. Maybe he's better now, maybe his Instagram caption will get to was genuine but like just pay attention to all of his actions because they may be little but that all adds up I agree I agree is a toxic person, but I don't think he's manipulative. I think he's Reckless and kind of irresponsible and immature. I don't know. Okay, I don't know that he's manipulative the whole way through I think the stuff like well I was thinking about going home tonight. I think that's extremely manipulative. Yes, the instance tonight. I can see it being manipulative, but honestly, I can also see it as he's a dumb jock this guy started running at him and he's impulsive and stupid and slammed. Mmm. So then all of a sudden he went. Oh, I'm gonna get kicked off the show because I just did a dumb thing. So let me try to backpedal and little bit manipulative. I'll say I thought he was coming and he was going to hit me and I was self-defense thing. That's literally what you're describing. Yes, but but we talked about when we were watching this show. I don't think he has some crazy high level master plan that he's like playing 4D chess with all these guys and knows how to manipulate the system into winter. That's not what I'm saying. He is an incredibly manipulative person. It doesn't mean them all reasonable get well. Yeah Rising he's an overall plan. However, so far many of his actions have been incredibly manipulative the fact that he said in front of all the guys we saw Saying hey look guys. I'm going to go up and like tell her like you are here for the right reasons like, you know, whatever in act like he's going to give me a good person but then goes upstairs and it's and he knows if he words it a little bit differently. There's no way that Lucas can come back from that like, oh he said he wants me to come up here and like tell you he is here for the right reasons, but like in a way that makes him look good in a way that makes Lucas work look, Even worse I yeah, but like but that's the thing like everything that I'm pointing out of single instances you guys agree. He's manipulative add it all together. That's an incredibly manipulative person. That's what I'm saying, but not from like the initial hit if we're just talking about know I'm talking about from the show starting. He's been incredibly manipulative. He's always playing victim. He's always making it about him. He's a manipulative toxic person. You're giving him too much credit. Like I think you should To make it about yourself. Yeah, I mean like I think he's someone the way he does. I think he's someone that really makes impulsive decisions often the wrong ones, but I think everything he's done has been pretty Earnest. Like I feel like you're giving you're turning him into like a Slither and when I think he's just not that bright. I think he's kind of a middle school boy. He's trying to figure all this out and he's been a pot. Like I think when he apologized to Lucas, he really did feel bad. I think he actually thinks he's in love with Hannah. I think a lot of the things that seem crazy to us in his mind. He believes are true. All I'll say is everyone disagreed with me about Caitlin until I was right. Yeah, I'm usually pretty good at reading people. I'm telling you like I've met people like Luke p as I think a lot of us have and being a girl like Christine and I were the ones who were like, yeah, he's definitely like an F boy. We see he's manipulative but it's the two guys on our panel that don't see it because we've met Luke peas. You guys haven't dealt with them in the same way. I mean, you're saying it all Renee. I'm letting you take like but you know what? I mean like we both have met. I mean, I'm sure any okay girls They're when you've met at voice and he's admittedly is admitted to being a retired at boy. Like I'm trying to keep trying not to say the word. Um, but you know that type they are manipulative you think all the F boys. I've met. Are that smart that I want to give him all the good know they're manipulative and not the best people as is Luke Pete not saying he's a genius. I don't think he's a genius right but he's manipulative. He plays victim. I don't think he should be on the show you he manipulates hand on a daily basis and that goes to show you the fact that she's still see. See something in him. I feel I feel for her because I'm sure we've all been there but like damn so where do you position Luke Essen all this because I thought he came across looking much weaker. I think he's a little be I don't like Lucas. I'm not saying that he's a good guy. I'm not like, oh, it's Lucas is right. I just think loopy is wrong. I think Lucas handles. He's very sensitive. And I think he handles the problems bat the wrong way. I think he I mean and I pointed this out like look at the way he words. I'm really still upset with look peaky. And say yeah, I don't like that guy. I don't want to be around that guy which anyone who I would say is a bit stronger would handle it that way like oh this isn't a good person. I'm going to stay away from them. But he's like my feelings are still hurt by Luke p and he the way he handles confrontation. Like he's clearly just like, you know what? I mean like a shaking a little Chihuahua, but that's what kind of made it a bigger joke with like Luke P saying he came at him because that's clearly not Lucas Lucas is very emotional sensitive and like trying to be strong but it's not coming across while on TV. I don't think either of them are the best. I think Luke Peas Just genuinely bad person. I think Lucas just doesn't know how to handle his emotions. I think Lucas could have come back from the situation hundred percent from the P. Well you said when loopy went upstairs and like manipulated her he was doing it for a way that he that Luke has can come back from and I think you totally could have. Oh no after Luke people. That in her head that that Luke s can they have different names. This is the most annoying right? Mr. Penis know why it's because Han has already established her feelings for Luke P Lucas is too new. He can't come back from that. I disagree. I think he can't and what he needs to do is have all the guys say that's how it happened. It's not about that though. It's about Hannah's not going to like him the she's not coming back from this. They're not going to be date like happily making out that is this behavior is attractive to a woman on If all the guys got together and said this is literally what just happened. He just said this not that it's cute that you think he's gonna come back from this. He finally well. I mean Jed's gonna win so it doesn't matter but I don't know. I don't think he's I don't think that she would believe loopy of all these guys. I don't know why at the end of the episode she takes the loops aside, right? Yeah. Well The Producers just not let her all the guys who just say, hang on. This is not what We're all sitting right here, but you don't want to go there trying not to fall into the Trap again of taking on someone else's battle because I think my day is already LED that charge and it's like you can comment but so much between before you get you start looking weak and looking like you're fighting an argument. That's not your heart. Is it but they all do it as a group at one time. Then I think it diffuses it and gets the point across different game move, but she's not and I want to make this clear she's not bringing Luke p and Lucas in a room together to see who's being honest. She's bringing them together because Luke p and her head is a Runner and she's trying to find out if he's a bad guy. Lucchese's he's lost. He's I'm sorry. I think he's gone to he's gone the I don't he's gonna win. No, but he my point is when I say he's not coming back from this. I don't mean like Luke people be proved right or wrong. Okay. I mean Luke s is not the way you will shoot. He's made Hannah feel with how he's acted. He's not coming back from that. They haven't built a strong enough relationship. He's done. So so you think regardless of what happens Luke p is staying no I'm saying Luke s is going Home like he's don't either it's either Lucas goes home or they both go home from this little three. No, I don't think I think she's going to keep loop around a bit longer regardless. I don't think she's gonna make it. She's going to come to a conclusion next episode of who's going home. I just genuinely believe that because of the way Luke as acted and the fact that she didn't build a strong relationship with him how he's acted with her about this problem. It's such a turn-off. He's not coming back. You're not going to be like, let me give him another chance. It's done Luke and she does She has not mentioned the incident at all. Yeah, what do you mean when he goes home? No it with this whole daddy said if he could yeah if he could rewind the whole thing, but does he just slosh it off? And she says anything the guy's an idiot, whatever he did it. Like no tell me about when you were a kid. Yeah, he's talking about me. No, I mean like just continue the conversation like learn about her and just like School / it up. No, I just I don't know. I think he just could have handled it a little more like confident and secure himself just acknowledged that it was a shitty thing to do, but that his Focus again is on Hannah and I don't even think to your point. I think the way he handled it is what send him home because I don't even know that it's the whole I have a tequila business thing. Like I could be here for the right the wrong reasons that I think it's just the fact that like loopy meet him look real weak in that situation yet because Jed admitted his like whether or not he was there for the right reasons to and I think That they put both of those conversations same episode kind of how they do with Cam in my chain. They're pretty story and the way that Hannah addresses both is so telling of like who she really likes she went to loopy for his side of the story first and then very much was like thrown by it. So, I don't know he might get the best thing out of this whole show. Anyway, I mean, he probably wasn't going to win and now bunch of people know, he's got it tequila brand its traffic is a cuffs on me good for him. One of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. 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I haven't for you my suspicion is that a lot of the sex-shaming were seen as probably coming from loopy as well be crazy time. We haven't had that episode. And from the trailer where they're someone's yelling straight at him, right? That looks like in a hotel room. Yeah, I don't think so. No, you're not gonna mess it up. I think that there was a bit of a mob mentality around Luke P that's sort of over played the drama of the situation and there's part of me that thinks a lot of these guys feel threatened by him. And even though they think they're being morally upstanding right here. There are subconsciously taking advantage of an opportunity to Dethrone the front-runner. I think when everyone in the house agrees that someone is a psychopath front-runner regardless, I would have gone to if I know everyone is around the game and that is if you're gonna throw your he'll marry now. Oh, yeah get rid of him. Get him out. Think about Garrett who won last season or Brian. None of them were hated by the house because they so what do they have the strongest connections? It's not about that. It's about her strongest connections with someone so manipulative and terrible to everyone else in the house like wouldn't that at bother anyone that's not being threatened its being like are you kidding me? This guy is the worst. What was the connection with Garrett wasn't as strong as right. Look P exact right, I would do that. If I were Garrett to that's not true. Ambassador of the season. I have friends that last season back there. Are you talking about Becca's Garrett? Yeah. What? Oh, there's something nice about this Keri. I'm Tom, but episode 4 is their connection. Yeah, but it's the way they added it, but I know they have to really behind the scenes. And they feel like really edit The Bachelorette more than the Bachelor because of how obvious it is who they're going to pick usually yeah. That's what I heard. The bachelor is a lot easier to edit because it can keep more in because they really are like, oh who I mean think about the first impression Rose thing right the girls. It's very obvious. So Gary, I think that was nearly the way it was edited. No, but I think people did know and what was that Cassie and Colton Cassie wasn't everyone's enemy, like people knew she wasn't ready for marriage and that was accurate actually including herself. She kind of became her. Most every besides Kayla night, but that's because of the way she didn't like who like cash it came careful to not like her though because like the like five villain, I guess the many women always play the game different but all they said was that she wasn't ready for marriage and they were right they weren't saying she was a bad person whereas Luke is being called out for being a psycho. So it's different. I don't know. I I would just love to hear what you guys think in the comments if you're as anti Luke as Christine and Renee or everyone in America. I am definitely not pro Luke. I just wanted to before I get attacked in the comments. I'm not broke. You're probably have no I born I just think he got is a much more interesting and less villainous villain than it. I think he's a very unique though. We haven't seen one like this in the show before and you guys could disagree with that's how I feel. Okay, we mentioned Mike j. I he lost points for me this episode. I did not think he handled that situation very upstanding way and he shows signs of an unhealthy. Healthy aggression to to say something like the only threat you've got here is me that was aggressive and it was it was subtext truly violent, right? I think he's been losing points from the first episode. That's definitely fair. And yeah, you're fighting a fight. That isn't yours. Yeah. Sorry, like let me clue Millennial f word. Yeah, it's weird because Mike has he's cool moments, but I'm like, wow, he's so personable. He seemed like some I could get along with really sweet and then he says like really really judgy things. Yeah Point. I've just like Me like maybe he's a little straight edge here. I mean it's hard because he's talking about loopy which I don't like so it's like I don't want to knock him necessarily because I'm like, yes, he is not a good guy. But the way you're going about it is only digging your hole deeper like Mike Johnson. Just let these boys figure it out. You stay here. She trusts you she picked you over cam just last week like you're in good graces with her. I don't think you need to go further. He even said it in his itm like their situations about Hannah that just make me feel like I need to step up and protect. Her it's like maybe if you're a man, yeah, but you're not you're not her just her man yet. And I don't think she needs you to protect her in the situation. I think she needs to decide if these guys are right for her and you need to be there to comfort her after her just like Pete Peter did right or Grant at the end of the night or knows Garrett. Sorry who came and gave her a gift. Yeah, lighten the mood. You know what I mean? That's your move. Not this. Well, let's talk about Garrett's moment during the group date. Then Renee soap team Garrett here. I like everything about Garrett except watching him kiss on screen because Honestly, I'm like oh, but you can learn how to kiss better. That's what I that's what I'm telling myself because I really think Garrett security and they could be good together. But like what is with the pulling in the quick pull out and this show really exposes if you can kiss like it's just HD cameras. Well Gary made some notes. He finally opened up and Hannah really wants to like Garrett but I he said I'm crushing on you hard. Okay, that's the Venom it is. Yes, that's his big leap. I don't know if he's necessarily the most emotionally in touch guy, which is okay. He seems more like that's why he hasn't gotten a one-on-one yet. Right, but I think you're it's probably a good dude. I just think Hannah and Garrett both know that on paper, they'd be great. But I don't ultimately see them running super far because I don't know. I just you know, I think what do you think Renee? I think you're going to have to wait for a one-on-one for them because a lot of the times like when we get these little moments, we don't see if they're truly will be a connection adjacent Artic kind of I feel like we didn't see the real Jake. Yeah. Because I genuinely cannot tell you whether or not that because I do think that's a good point. Like does she just want to like him because obviously I'm on paper they've been good together or is there a connection there that we will see on a one and one on one? Yeah, because he's super cute and I really like how he's handled himself thus far. So I'd like to see if that connections there speaking of connections Peter the pilot speaking of someone who knows how to kiss. They have some hot chemistry. It's funny because if I'm being super honest sometimes I I feel like Peter is kind of like a goofy little boy, but that's when they kiss. There's some some real chemistry. It's kind of hot. Yeah, I love you know, you know, I love Pete. Yeah pilot Pete. He's super cute. I think they definitely have good chemistry. I thought it if it were anyone else the moment when he asked her to be his girlfriend, I would have been cringing. Yes, but part of me was cringing party was like pee with that. I was kind of cheesy. Let's go. What worked what didn't work on you Christine. Um, it would have I'ma be honest. Yeah. Yeah exactly what really worked on her. She was like really that was a good move on. His part makes sense to me that I worked on her on her. She kind of lost her breath though. Like I feel like it's we actually don't see Hannah get we've seen her get her fuddled a couple times and that was one of them was when Pete asked to be her little boyfriend boyfriend. Along with the 14 other dudes along with the 14 other they kept bringing that up. It's not even like they can really pinpoint a day for later to member week for on The Bachelor. There's no date. This is just like a random, but I asked you to be my girlfriend. Mmm. I think it's because like lines are necessarily the game that I play. So it doesn't really when I see it happening it kind of skeeves me out. And do you know who's full of lines is Tyler. See? Ya Tyler and Tyler see and her went on a lobster fishing date Jessica Lee this Unused footage from The Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel is what I had gathered. Um, I I can tell she really likes time. This is an example of someone who even if I'm not a huge fan, he seems great for Hannah. So I'm happy for them. I still think Tyler's kind of full of it. No, I believe Tyler does that mean so did ya skeptical Renee actually believe Tyler being vulnerable for not me me being vulnerable but comforting her because there's it said a lot about him where he I mean it could have been if he was insecure could have been a really awkward moment of like well, do you even want to like go on the date but he immediately started comforting her which in that moment. I think any of us, that's all we would want and I really like the way he was like, you're going to find your person. I like that. He wasn't like it's gonna be like, I'd like it to be me but he's not like it's going to be me at the end. Like he's like your trust me you're going to come out better at the end of this and you're going to find your person and it was just very sweet and I feel like after that moment when he kind of like put his walls down. I just like want to comfort. The story about his dad, I fully believe it that because it when it's something about like you're a mean God his dad who was sick watching The Bachelor with him and being like Hannah she like she seems like your girl and that's in your head and you have like you're like I get it and I believe I believe it. I genuinely believe that he wants to build that connection with Hannah and I do see it there and I think this was the first time Hannah starting to take Tyler seriously. I think she was expecting a like a comedy date where she was like, well it's going to be good for TV. I probably won't give him a rose. He's like, you know, and then she like started to feel something. She acknowledged that to that she was like I'll be honest. I wasn't I don't know what to think about you but it was refreshing. It definitely warmed me up to Tyler see as well. And I think that is I think that's more of his true nature than the grandi always kind of personality. He puts on in the lines because to the your point the story shared by his dad. I think he's the kind of guy who likes that moment to kind of step up and be the terek caretaker and that was a perfect moment with Hannah. Like honestly nailed it. Yeah, absolutely necessary. Yeah, because that's what we are saying. Sorry. I'm the different one here. I saw you go. I think the whole time the whole show he's been speaking in one-liners and I've been waiting to actually hear something from him other than like great sweater girl looks good on you and like stuff like that and then finally and I believed his story a hundred percent. It seemed completely sincere really endeared me to him and I thought he did a great job. I felt like 20% of the date he did that the rest of the date he was saying things like yeah, I can whip a little some some up for you because I'm a big-time griller and a big-time Chiller you're crushing that outfit and you're dangerous and black you need a man to fight take you off a ledge and I'm going to fight it's just hard I little by little give him a little bit. He even at least yeah earnestly says I'm a big-time girl or a big-time chill. I'm just like you can't live your life speaking and slogans from the late 60s. Like he really does though you talk. Like I don't think he's putting on an act like we know. Oh God John Paul Jones, like that's a bit of an act he knew he was coming on to play a character. We gotta we appreciate it. We know who his part to play. I I think this is Tyler and I stand by that I really think this is who he is. I think she knows I think she gets a kick out of it but knowing he also has like a deeper side row. He will you know, he has this relationship with his family the whole thing with his dad. Oh, he liked stopped for a second like hang on. This is like hard. There's there's more to Tyler, but I do think He's also being genuine. So it's like I'm like, yeah, maybe for me it would just be exhausting and so it's probably one of the best. Yeah, I just have to separate myself from whatever Hannah wants. You know, it just it gets under my skin and I really really appreciated him for telling that story. But if I'm being so so honest which is our job on this podcast, even though he told that story felt a little like he had scripted at a written it out the way here. I don't know what a little bit personally I disagree. I don't think he wanted to talk to him. Brand is not like let me get sympathy for that. Like he I think he genuinely was like, well, I'm going to tell you the story because I want you. I want her to feel better and also like know about me it felt real to me and it's going to feel something. I think he did a good job of just reading the room and staying in tune with her that like, I think he did give a lot of those one-liners, but that's just in his nature but also took the time to like bring his energy down to where she was at and I think that's important. Yeah. I wish I have agreed with you guys. Another thing I look for is the ratio of of talking to listening. And he really talks a lot more than he listens even like he kept going on and on and he's like and I'm here and if there's a ledge I'll be there and we'll go to the Mountaintop to get and at the mountain top. We will sing together we can do this and I just was like, I don't I don't know. I hope you're the kind of person who also listens and doesn't just the human motivational poster. Yeah, there's something that I don't know and I that's fair either way. That's just how I feel and I think he's going far and I don't know it's just maybe not to my taste. They did go see Jake Owen and the audience knew every word they say, This felt like a good on the spectrum of awkward one-on-one concerts this felt like it was on the less awkward and so hundred percent actory. This is when I said, it's moments like these that make me feel single like whenever I feel like oh, yeah, I'm alone in life. It's when like if there's a true Connection in this was one of the moments I thought was super cute. Definitely what we do have some news to get to so let's go ahead and move on. Well, thanks for the Q. Obviously we've been talking a lot about Luke. HP and his intentions and he's very well aware of the national conversation happening around him. He is the biggest villain thus far on the series. He actually posted on Instagram a selfie of him and Hannah on the show and he addressed everyone's concerns in the captions. I'm going to try and read through it really quick says I want to just address the elephant in the room here really quick. First of all, I want you all to know how hard it is for being a to watch myself back this season. Thus far regardless of what is aired and if Alabama Hannah and I are together my behavior in all situations has been and will continue. You to be exposed I have learned a lot and I'm continuing to learn about my flaws as a man. I'm the first to admit. I'm far from perfect. This journey has given me a great opportunity to grow and mature as a man for that. I am grateful and he thanks everyone for being on this journey and learning from his mistakes with him. So look at Renee this podcast listener you win do we think you on base sauce? It is publicist be like listen Luke. He either he won. I thought now I think he might have one you get that side. I don't I think he's going home soon. You think so. I think that there's one big blowup left for us to see and I think he's getting ahead of us right now. Absolutely second piece of news is Tyler G. Finally address slash not address the rumors about his mysterious exit from the show. If you guys have been keeping up with me I posted on my Twitter a link to a Reddit thread that was exposed claiming that he was a misogynist and outlined a very big blowup. Fight that he had with an ex that resulted in him spitting on her and leaving her. So Tyler spoke to her finer refinery29 and basically said addressing totally said unsubstantial has room. Uh, sorry. I'm a start that over addressing totally unsubstantiated rumors posted to Reddit from an anonymous account seems imprudent. I feel that even addressing them gives them some sort of attention, but I can find you I continue to have faith in my journey and purpose for everything that's happened to me in life goes on to say that he's a good guy and that the rumors have no merit. So yeah because he's relevant enough for someone to go on read it and make an account to bash him. I mean, you're gone already got forgotten about you. And the last piece of Bachelor news is Raven Gates and Adam got schlock gottschalk are engaged. So an Aryan Lord had their baby do we talked about that last week as they welcome their baby girl alessi now? I'm glad we're ending on that news because the tea is hot today you guys normally we do are tweeting for the right reasons second right now, but we do not have internet so we will not be doing that tonight. Each of us will retweet a bad shirt we love and we would love you guys to hop on there quick predictions Luke P. Here's our prediction for the week. AfterBuzz TV. Let me know look P loukas both going home next episode. Neither going home next episode. Luke s only going home next episode Luke P only going home next episode. I think neither of them. Okay neither of them. Lucas goes home Lucas goes home. I think. All right. We mentioned our Twitter's earlier guys are retweeting things and if you want to see what we did retweet and talk to us and engage with us. We would love it. If you guys could do that. You will do that for me at my Twitter, which is Jeffrey see Graham and you can do that for me on Twitter at Christine being with three. He's hit me anywhere at Mike feeling and you guys can follow me on Instagram and on Twitter at Renee Ariel and on YouTube at Renee Ariel, then once again guys, we apologize at the chat wasn't here tonight. It'll be bad. Next week we did miss you guys but comments down below because we're always in those comments and y'all have just as many as opinions as we do and we love you for it. So we'll see you next week here on The Bachelorette after show and thanks for tuning in that our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first we're the biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz Buzz ya later If you described herein are those of the hotel and do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV reporters are prettier.
 2019s long-awaited Sequel to Oscar winner Kramer versus Kramer - Luke versus Luke - got Lit. Also Kevin wears a cast from Old-Timey Europe. Also Jed tells us what we knew all along, he’s in it for the fame… But also for Hannah? Jeff Graham, Christine Alexis, Mike Theiling, and Renee Ariel, have all of your thoughts here on the bachelorette after show! The Bachelorette After Show: Which of the men will get the final rose? On THE BACHELORETTE AFTER SHOW we’ll fill you in on everything that happens on and off camera on the hit ABC series. Plus be bringing your favorite cast members our panel. Tune in for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes’ group dates, one on one dates, the squabbles and fights AND bonus off-season content like news updates happening in Bachelor nation. ABOUT THE BACHELORETTE: Becca Kufrin believed she had found love with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on "The Bachelor," but when the race car driver changed his mind and broke her heart so he could reunite with runner-up Lauren Burnham, the humble girl next door from Minnesota resolved not to let the heart-wrenching breakup hold her back. When the 27-year-old publicist isn't making a splash at the boutique public relations agency where she works or planning her next overseas trip, she can be found at home hosting dinner parties for her friends. She hopes to find a man who shares her firm set of Midwest values and who is actually ready to commit to her on her terms. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Movers Netter just talking to teachers talking to teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter Schnatter. Just talking to teachers hello and welcome to another nail is Ngata in association with a teacher development trusts and just to start with a huge. Thank you for all the positive comments about last week's podcast with Matt Pinkett and It felt to me and I'm sure to your lot of you are really important episode of one in which I opened up a little bit more than usual. So thank you for allowing me to do that. Matt really really enjoyed speaking to you and it also appears that off the back of that we could seem to be getting bigger in Australia. So lots of messages from Down Under so, you know without sounding like Alan Partridge, you know g'day all and thank you for tuning in. So this week I mean conversation. We're Sam Strickland aka the Stricker Master AKA Jason Statham if you listen to previous guest Mark, lehane and he's we're talking about his new book education exposed and we've also got in the podcast pedagogy section. So I'm going to be revising and or revisiting even a classic following our discussion on class with Matt last week and I've also been reading as I mentioned other podcast last week law Born By Kerry Ellis. So this week I'll be recommending the road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell and it will surround at the time of 70 years since Eric Blair's death. So we will go into Parts one and two and look at how much or indeed how little as Jane's in the eighth decade since its publication on apparently according to Twitter correspondence and other messages my music and film reviews are being well received and not claiming to be an expert and merely trying to promote the idea that as teachers. We need to enjoy our free time and make sure that we're using it wisely. So I'm going to continue those so I'm going to be It's been a bit of a grandparent or over the cortinas more again forever. And I'm going to give a recommendation for the Sam Mendes or sir Sam Mendes directed 1917 film. We've also got plugs for the upcoming research ads and we've got a new blog or I've got a new blog coming out on Friday the first on a series of behavior plot a Blog. So this week we're looking at the meet and greet routine and this should be added to the website. That's Well as NASA dot U k-- later today. So without further Ado orbits of my interview with Sam Strickland. Ok. So hello Sam and welcome to the podcast. Hi there. How are you? Yes good. Thank you. And as we're recording this, we just conversation before we came on air to stay with both back to school. So above, you know, it's Christmas seems like a long time ago way. With the bank and back with a bang indeed and yes and you have an inset day and we've had two full days straight back in Blackpool. So I know messing around strating so and to energize us further on this January evening. We're going to be talking to you about your new books. I'm gonna be talking about education exposed. So that's leading a school in a tampon certainty before we get into some questions around that Sam. Is it? Okay if we start with our usual question, which is just a gentle introductory question. So you tell us a little bit about you your Say to this point and I guess how you came to be writing this book. Yeah, no problem at all. So, of course, I started it started out as a trainee teacher under Christine Council many many moons ago. And that was at the University of Cambridge in secondary history are then moved on to become a history teacher at kind of in my own right so to speak and that was interesting in the first few years because I taught eight different. Subjects five of them were up to a level standards as a name cutie at second and third year teacher then became a head of History within the same school and the lead practitioner for teaching and learning and also a Workforce kick Consulting training to trainee teachers myself. I then moved to the assistant head teacher in charge of it sick form in an all-girls school, which was completely different to my first school, which was a a mixed comprehensive upper school and I did that role to nearly five years. I hated upper Consortium arrangement with two other schools within the town where I was working for the Post 16 kind of Consulting that we have in play and then I moved on to become a vice principal within a trust and work there for five and a half. This year's and wear every hat you can imagine so safeguarding Behavior student Care Sick for Trick kid in school Improvement. I was a trust wide safeguarding lead as well and I was acting head for a year. And then I moved to where I currently am, which is the dust and school which is a big all through school starts with early years goes all the way up to post 16 and I'm the substantive principle kind of in effect the exact head as well as the school because it's a single Academy trust in terms of the school itself. It was not a great. Placement it's okay over it. It was a cause Improvement school that had been outstanding for a few years at then being downgraded and when I joined and probably as you heard when I spoke at rugby, the the behavior was diabolical it was like the wild west the curriculum wasn't in a great place either is a very very skilled biased curriculum. There were lots of gimmicks and fads across the curriculum, especially with year 11. There was almost 400 500 thousand pounds of intervention pumped into your 11 from December to June to try and get kind of the Year group over the line. But also to put them through high-speed courses, so every student was doing e CDL as one example to try and reinforce bucket 3 and it was IGCSE Central everywhere and the approaches to teaching across the school were misguided and it's a shame because we've got early cracking staff within the school and kind of in terms of what I've done since I've been there spent the first I could imagine April 2017 spent the first six weeks. Just getting to know everybody meeting everybody individually meeting groups of pupils and then spent the next seven weeks in post to the second half of summer term training everybody in a new approach to student care and a new Behavior system. And in the first year in post kind of September to September was solely about I'm getting the culture the climate the source of the behavior of the school, right? Because I don't think you can really talk about anything else until you've got that secure and where you need it to be the second full year in post is very much about the curriculum and moving fully away from a skills-based creek into a knowledge based curriculum. We took the school from minus 0.3 in terms of progress 80.2 9 this summer as in the summer 2019 with the best. Jessie results in the school's history a-level results are gone through the stratosphere as well. We're now in the top 5% of all schools nationally for our a level progress outcomes, which is amazing and 6/6 subject areas in the top 1% Now nationally almost can't believe kind of how much progress we've made and obviously a massive challenge now is trying to stay where we are which is no mean feat having its own right and to keep the school moving forwards and Ticking forwards and very much this actually Academic Year the theme for the Improvement plan for the school and the approach is to do the same but better so it's to keep everything as it is, but just to make it better to embed what we've done so far. We don't need to keep changing changing changing. So I think we've done the big hard changes that needed to take place and start a really on board with you. Couldn't you couldn't hope for really or hope for more from them. So yeah, that's kind of where we're at. Come from and where I am and where I'm at. Okay, thank you. So just there I mean that sounds like the perfect recipe for a book in terms of sharing this wisdom with other people because I mean just to go back to the start there. So I mean I was you know, it was already impressive start so studied under Christian Council and then it works in every kind of school in every phase of school in every position within a school. So now and and then obviously when you know, you've got to the peak of that and then you went and took over a school that had been great and it was an experience. Some difficulties and then you made some massive differences there. So there's a lot of wisdom to share here Sam. So can we get into the book and the chapters if that's okay? Yeah. Yeah. And so the first thing I mean I suppose and you said it there just when you were introducing your sort of Journey that the first thing that people going into a school will look to try and to you know, improve and challenge is the behavior. So another one of your chapters is about Behavior. So I guess what were the first things that you looked at? How did you kind of establish those those routines and rules that you've got in place? And you know, how did you get the staff to come along with you and the pupils equally? Yeah. Yeah Andy, it was just sound like I did nothing but the first few weeks I just watched what was going on across the school, which is so difficult to kind of hold your nerve when you can see that everything that could be wrong is wrong. So to give you a few examples every lesson there would be 60 to 70 people's walking the corridors because the We stopped excluding for nearly two years students were free telling teachers to go forth and multiply for want of a better phrase and there were regular fight taking place as well. So in terms of what I did with it, but at the end of the the kind of first full week in post I sat down with the chair of the trust and we talked about a number of non negotiables for which we would exclude just simple red lines. So swearing at teacher bringing illegal substances fighting. All those kind of massive oxide behaviors. We just needed to kind of decapitate those in many regards to make the school safe actually more than anything else because the other thing I faced when I joined was that a third of the teaching staff were leaving is I was joining a sort of question whether that was my aftershave to begin with but yeah as with any choice that sinking ship. Yeah, I can understand why people would be heading for the hills. So partly only to try and retain the staff I did have It is to recruit people in so we brought those non-negotiables in then spent quite a lot of time actually talking to people's to find out their perspective and what what what they felt was wrong with the school and what they felt was needed as well as the staff and everybody was saying the same thing basically that somebody needed to get a grip of the school get a grip of the behavior and turn the ship around in effect, which is then what we spent. Over the next seven eight weeks really trained staff and how to do so, we really kind of harness the position that the role and the importance of the tutor within the school so and change the structure of the school day so that you have time starts starts the day and end today. So we talked until our day with a tutor time we brought in a series of centrally planned activity to chooses to do so, we have five things that basically Actually two times the morning around one is a literacy kind of big reads. So we have a big reach before you leave Dustin. So we start quite low brow with things like The Hunger Games and then his pupils progress through the school will go into a kind of the penguin Classics like your doll you and Grace we have a weekly numerous to challenge a weekly knowledge organizers are review a weekly assembly and a weekly wider Global Studies to time as well. And that that's brought about a real degree of consistency to that. Part of the day, but the tutors are integral to the overall student care model that we have and they're integral also to the behavior system that we have as well. So if you're too if a student receives a behavior point then it shoot their their tutor will speak to the end of the day about why they receive that point and then the expectation is that student will go and apologize to the teacher to rebuild the bridge with the teacher that they've had misbehaved for. We distilled all the rules of the school. They were hundreds of these rules when I joined in people coating different balls at me as a few pools and I had no understanding of what he's wrong. He's actually really meant so what really simple really clear rules don't be late to school because that result in a same-day centralized attention mobile phones with sounds pretty serious, but will confiscate them for a week including the weekend because I want the school to be mobile free and and it is you can't see mobile phones around the school at all with the aim of visited. It and then three really clear classroom rules one around the teacher being the expert one based around doing all the work to the best of your ability without distracting anyone else and the other one is to arrive fully equipped with all of your homework completed and if a pupil breaks those rules, they receive a behavior points not a sanction as in a detention, but if and when you get one point, that's kind of your warning for the day if you get to but Behavior points or more you'll then as same day centralized detention after school. Was a big change that we made and we saw an absolutely seismic kind of shift in behavior in a really short period of time equally within classrooms with sat everybody in rows predominately widths a people's boy girl because again through my observations of the school Behavior wasn't wasn't where it should have been we had pupils arguing where they should sit and in get and in many regards people's were just having a little chat to one another and not really engaging with the teacher. That doesn't happen now. In fact to be fair. It didn't happen after about two days of making this change across the school students that then realize they had to engage in the learning and what we actually found fairly quickly. Was that the typical lesson or PowerPoint whatever it might be able to take an hour the taking teachers half an hour just to teach us how to plan more. So expectations increased and the overall Pace within lessons increased as well in terms of the diet of delivery if that kind of makes sense, So yeah wewe toughened up on the but on behavior and very purposefully really the majority of people are screaming out for that staff were screaming out to that and culturally that you can just a huge huge change in to anybody that would question those approaches because I'm sure that won't sit comfortably with everybody that listens to this podcast. My kind of at all would become of visitors come and have a chat with staff and pupils in my school. Now, I mean, you know, I'm not going to offer any opinions on that the kind of either way to be honest, but you know, obviously it's made the difference for you and for your school, so, you know, it's a lots of people can learn from that and I tell you I was taking that did strike me some when I came to see you at research at rugby is how much the staff were behind everything that you were doing and you were surrounded weren't you? I mean, you know, yeah lots of your staff came along and people don't do that. Do they on a Saturday in their own time if you have not got the stuff back in. So how did you go about getting that kind of stuff? Bye. With you know the behavior, but also, you know with some other changes that you wanted to make. Yeah, I don't I'm not trying to downplay this but overall overstate this but I actually think that spending so much time warm to one with every member of staff member of staff at the start was really important getting to know them getting to understand from their perspective where the school was at what needed to happen to it, but then actually responding to what was being said so it Wasn't just you know Des is you're nodding your head and going to the okay. I hear what you're saying, but actually actioning what people were telling me. So to give you an example when I met with all the middle leaders again 1 to 1, they all cited how little training they had in what it was to be a middle leader. So we gave them and we have to you know to today so to speak really targeted training and support in what it is to be a really highly effective middle leader. And I think they've appreciated that with staff. It was to bring in really clear routine to learning. So the expectation was the school is Staff will meet and greet pupils. They will engage people's in a dune our activity which is a retrieval practice staff to four five or starter for ten. We got rid of learning objectives across the whole school and we use big questions, which is saved teachers masses of time and then teachers will explain the context of lesson and get straight into into Learning but again, it's responding I would argue too kind of what staff tell you and being really agile and listening to what goes on across the school in real time all the time and I make a kind of in a bit you'll habit now of meeting with every single member of staff at least once if not twice in an academic year just to talk about them and their professional development, but we also spent quite a lot of time thinking about workload not in a cheap sense. In a very genuine sense, which staff has appreciated I would argue and but also to think quite seriously about professional development across the school. So we give give you again another example, every member of staff is full ring-fenced CPD days in addition to the five statutory that we all should have to do whatever is relevant to then depending on what their role in their position within the school. Is it just again as there's another example, and we found that the tension is really really strong. Now, you know I said a few minutes ago that a third of the staff were leaving as I joined the end of the First full year in post any two people left in the summer last summer five people left and most of those were for promotions or to relocate somewhere else in the country. And we're now in a position where whenever we advertise a roll, we've got people chomping at the bit to come to work for us, which is great. Absolutely and you know and what you have done as well in terms of you've been quite willing and quite often for people coming. You but I know that equally you haven't they have the attitude that you know, you've got it all sorted and you've been out and visited lots of other places as well. And you know, then I know that you're quite recently up in Blackpool as well weren't you? Yeah, that's right. So, you know, there's a lot of sharing and learning from each other in this. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, we're not a closed closed book. I'm more than happy to host anybody that wants to come and visit the school and yet absolutely with the same token not just myself but my senior team and my staff as a whole I've been out on the road and visited lots of schools to try and gain as much information understanding ideas as we possibly can bring them back to the school and think where will they fit our context and we know we're not the finished article and when you can never be the finished article, but we're not arrogant enough to say, you know, we're so good. We don't need anybody else's support and we're not prepared to support anybody else either. Yeah, that's certainly not the way in which we operate the school where I operate the school. So, I mean that's great in terms of the behavior chapters. And that was that sweated our appetite for more when we got that. So like I said at the beginning the books coming out pretty soon. So as people listening to this the book, I'll probably be out. So renovate the 20th, if we move into you said at the beginning about the curriculum and when you came in, you know that yeah of fads and a lot of interventions and almost a kitchen. So yeah thrown at you 11 and as a new, you know, I had teacher go in a must-win quite tempting for you to kind of make sure that the scores and the doors were great the first year. And so how did you go about making those changes? What kind of changes did you make and you know, how did you get people again on board with that? Yeah, the biggest kind of of Rim so to speak where to have to clear routine to learning which are job ready trying to reference which is kind of very the mauve Rose and shine orientated the idea of a teacher meet and greet in the pupils having a retrieval practice starter using big questions as one example Actually moving away from the skills based curriculum as a whole brought many many members of staff on board staff was screaming out actually to move away from that skills driven approach that we had but don't because it didn't really make any sense. We had the PLC approach when I joined with you these giant Place Maps which are very grated from emerging to Mastery for a whole series of skills for any one given subjects and Its own right that is a very time consuming activity for member of staff to engage in to have tours a great those for every single people. So we've moved to retrieval practice assessments which are marked against a rule Mark and the percentage that's really easy to understand in terms of normal marking. We do whole class feedback, which is safe staff hundreds of hours. I would argue in terms of teaching we've tried as best we can to reduce Zeus lots of things that distract teachers so data drops emails at weekends and mailed over holidays as just a couple of examples to free up time for staff to think about the curriculum this subject knowledge. So in any one half term, we would give for five about deep of our meetings lots to departments the middle leaders to run the show basically and to work with their team on their curriculum on this subject knowledge If Department ex wants to bring in, you know, an examiner for people want and kind of making it up, but I'm not I'm more than happy that they do that if they want to co train one another because they've all been on different calls. His writing ages. You got you got six different p teachers who've all learn learn a new sport and they want to train one another. I'm really happy that they do that. But I think by giving you that level of autonomy back to Department that's gone down really really well with staff and with middle leaders and we spent a lot of time. Training middle leaders and hinting Department in just what the curriculum actually is. So I am not showing saying this but I've ripped apart Mary my textbook the curriculum lots of Tom sherrington blogs lot of Christine council's work and any other kind of big thinker that's out there and turned it into kind of a bespoke package of trainings and middle leaders in what the curriculum actually is. So my staff understand what progression model it means they understand the The hinterland is terms. They understand what they want their pupils to know by the end of any one given lesson week month year how that links to the National curriculum Etc. No, I mean it's fascinating stuff and some of those people that you talked about there. You know. I've been lucky enough to speak to and to have conversations with around the curriculum and I find that, you know exactly as you said, it's giving it to the best CPD for me to be able to speak to you know, marry my at Martin Robinson people at that about you know about the Rick ulam and then you know take that back into you sort of the day job as it were yeah. Yeah. Okay. So underpinning all of this is obviously leadership. Now you talked about how you came up sort of through the ranks really didn't you in terms of you know, you done? Yeah assistant head teacher you're done and the deputy headteacher. We've got all the different roles and one all the different hats. So obviously you're bringing a lot of experience to leadership. But I mean in the chapter about leadership what other kind of key takeaway is that you're putting in the book there. Yeah. I think kind of key things one is to roll up your sleeves and actually to get yourself involved that you're not so far removed from everybody that you're kind of sat in an ivory Tower what everyone gets everyone else gets on with it. Another big aspect in terms of leadership to me is that every every leader in terms of the senior team is responsible for Behavior. So it doesn't just sit with one person and you kind of see the official assistant head that's flogged to death that you know that does behavior on their own. It is a team effort and we're again in terms of context that I mean we change the roles of the whole team and internally promoted a couple of assistant principals to be Vice principals so that I've got for vice principals within my within the secondary phase of the school one leads on key stage 3 1 is Heather key stage 4 1 as head of key stage five. And one is a director of Education that does whole school Improvement and then the assistant principals that I have kind of map around those Vice principals to drive each part of the school kind of acting is meaning get heads and Deputy heads, you know in their own right kind of then reporting in to me, but if you notice your questions also kind of deviated a bit there that high-level disability and you can have two types of visibility in my mind around the school one, which is toxic. Which is where your your about but all you're doing is watching people and and scrutinizing and criticizing which is the one I don't subscribe to and the other is to actually be positively helpful by being a positive Presence by going in and out of lessons making sure that everything is okay that teachers are happy that teachers are supported if they feel that they need it and but you're not doing it from the lens of scrutiny and criticism. You're doing it from a genuine. 40 standpoint and for me that probably the big takeaway is that sense of positive visibility and that's where the interesting point is. I'm so out. How do you balance? So you like you said at the beginning of the podcast that you know, the first thing you did was you went in and met with all the staff and then you know, you thinking somebody who's listening to this who's you know into a new into a a head shape or Deputy Chief or whatever it is. How do you kind of balance that making sure that you get around all the staff but equally making sure that you're out on the doors in lessons and doing all that sort of stuff. Was that a conscious thing that you kind of map trial spend this number of periods in lessons this a lot of time with with staff or is it more sort of flexible in that there is a conscious effort to make sure that in any one given day. I'll go out at least half a dozen times across the school equally, I've got the failsafe does knowing that we've got a duty voter among the senior teams. They're always two if not three senior leaders, but Walk the corridors of the school. So if sake of argument, I'm in a half a day long meeting which can happen. Of course. I know that I've got senior leaders that are presents presents that are visible that are across the school because they're going to sort of say this in a sycophantic sense, but they're an embodiment of me in many regards as part of the leadership team. So there's always a leadership presence across the school, but you know as much as I possibly can I will go out and about and and walk the corridors. I think that's so important. And on meet-and-greet pupils at the start of the day and Main reception, which is Again part of our institution approach. We say good morning to every single pupil as they come into the building's I like you're lying. These said that behavior is everyone's responsibility. And you know, I mean, I just took that away. I just thinking you almost kind of visualize the person like me said the sacrificial assistant head lamb who is running around and trying to smile while everyone bring staff say have you got a minute kind of just kind of you know, that kind of thing. Yes, that's a really interesting. In kind of Shifting, they're not saying that they're not responsible. But that everybody is going to feed into them. They have to be a collective responsibility. I think the danger is if you've got one senior leader that is in charge of behavior and no matter how good they are they're going to drop the ball at some point not because they're inept or incapable just because the volume of of issues that arise in a normal school day in any school day. You only need two or three safeguarding issues and it's you know, that's your day gone. Could be a week on potential if you've got to fit in Neha as another example, that's half a day gone. So it does need a big investment I would argue and I personally feel that's one of your biggest school Improvement drivers as its you get Behavior right teachers can teach things then click into place. Yeah, and I suppose that you making that you know that it's very clear what the expectations were and having that Clarity around expectations means it's easier for everyone to be responsible for Behavior because when you've got a Get it Behavior system that people don't know whether they're doing right or doing wrong or if they intervene was something they're undermining somebody else. It becomes really problematic. So actually distilling you kind of policy down to quite a few bullet points and living that. Yeah, it makes it a lot easier for everyone to buy into it doesn't actually in that and that's what we've got simple bullet points which are on display in every single classroom across the whole school understood by everybody and it makes life really easy. So just we got jumping around a little bit. But obviously the teaching was linked to the curriculum. So I'm interested. We you kind of model for lessons there. So you talked about meat on door and you meet and greet then you then you go into do you say it was a do Now activity and then yeah. Yeah just tell us a little bit more about the kind of the structure of lessons and you know, what kind of things are using to kind of inform your teaching or learning policy? Yeah. So as I said teachers will meet and greet. It was at the door said of say good morning Etc. There is an instant series of do now retrieval practice questions. There's no me five or ten that kick off any one given lesson pupils will then be given the answers and they'll either sell for peer Mark so they get instant feedback on their answers and very often that will be linked to their homework, which is to read their knowledge organizers and then the teacher will introduce the big question for the lesson. Which is kind of the hinterland in in the Christine Council sense of the kind of the framework to which all of the core disciplinary knowledge that's going to be discussing that lesson will hinge around teachers will introduce the the context of the less until take maybe one or two minutes to do that. And then they go into the lesson delivery itself. We haven't prescribe how teachers should do that across the school because my view is that every subject is different. So what's there is an Institutional kind of rude. Team to begin the lesson what then happens is up to the teachers themselves, but we have put visualizers across the whole school with and we've trained staff in how to use those and we're moving slowly but surely towards the use of workbooks across the school as well. So we started in year 10 and it's a five-year kind of curriculum drive that each year. We will go with a another year group and in bed workbooks into that year groups a next year. It's year. Even then we'll bounce down into your 7. Then your rate then you 9 so we're in for a bit years time the whole school will have workbooks. And but what we found is that department have have really taken to those in year 10, and actually they're starting to creep into you 11 12 and 13 already. Yep and Scholars working out previously had kind of gone down that road as well. And I found that really useful for numerous things because it did reinforce the routines because the retrieval practice was built into that it reinforced the kind. Recapping previous knowledge the rose and shine then, you know principles of instruction it then made it clear what the overview was in terms of the big learning across the topic and ensured that consistency of you know of content at least and hopefully, you know where some CPD as well the consistency of the delivery of the teachers and it was really really good. So it's not something that I would look up if you know moving forward. Can I just ask you as well in terms of the through school? So I mean I spent a lot of time working across primary schools as part of the T DT role that I've had for. A few years and you know, one of the one of the difficulties with you know, the new sort of focus on curriculum and obviously Primary School teachers, you know, you know, I don't know how they do it in terms of the breadth of knowledge that they need to have a teacher cross, you know, right right for me. Why our first Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2, but do you think that being a through school has helped you in terms of designing your curriculum and maybe Staffing that across the school and expose your chapter on CPD, you know, have you used secondary and key stage five teachers to be able to come into Key Stage 2 and 3 and Yeah help teachers there. Yeah, I mean if I'm really honest about where we're at the next thing we've got to develop because we only go up to the top tier 5 at the moment. We're yet to get your 6, which is next year. So the primary phase within the school isn't all it hasn't fully fully grown. So there is the next the next bit for us is to develop the key stage 2 to key stage 3 crossover for our own school and to have that all through curriculum. Just for the Dustin school, but that said we are very mindful of what is taught at Key Stage 2 or and we've trained middle leaders to really consider that to think very carefully about what are the starting points of the Year sevens when they come up into the secondary phase from across the array of schools that we draw from that party five different schools. So it's hard obviously to gain control so to speak over over those but we've sent secondary staff. Out to those primary schools to see what they do within the context of our own School. We've got secondary phase staff that teach within the primary face so their understanding of what the year 2 year 3 year 4 etcetera capable of has really increased and really developed and that's really helped us to think really sharply about our year 7 and a year a curriculum in many regards kind of The Next Step again would be that year five in year six teachers overlap. Twenty seven and eight within the secondary phase of the school and I think there are still lessons we can learn from the primary and side of the school that perhaps we haven't tapped into enough and that again is that he's come to the next developmental phase for us as a school in many regards and that's really exciting speaking of exciting. So you've got a chapter on CPD and and workload and we we mentioned earlier on how much kind of outward facing stuff that you do and obviously, you know, I mean, I do quite a lot of it would facing stuff now via this podcast and Yes, it does that but you know that really does have a positive influence doesn't it in terms of that the staff because you're finding out, you know Twitter for all the good and bad parts of it is extremely good CPD. So tell us a little bit about what you talked about in the chapter about CPD and workload. Yeah. So in terms of CPD, if you start with that that bit again or try and relate it to what we've done with the staff here. I am actually which is to give staff. For ring-fence days in any one Academic Year talk a little bit about the the nature of the training that we've done internally through the curriculum and how we've tried to train middle leaders in the curriculum equally how try to train staff in general around the curriculum in its broadest sense. But also to think about I mean one area that it takes about a year to really effectively train people and how to use them all big questions which it which is a big Going to step away from learning objectives and it takes a while for staff to get that head around how to do that. But that's another area again in terms of training that with retrain staff in Behavior being another area that we spend a lot of time training staff and I relate to a refer to that within the book as well. And then in terms of work clothes, it's the the assault a of different things. We've done to try and meet workloads more manageable for Staff so reducing the number of data captures. The number of mock exams the email use that we have across the school the approach to marking the approach to co-planning in the workbooks that I've that I referenced a few minutes ago as well giving kind to departments to be able to think about the curriculum and getting rid of all the kind of other fluff and something you referenced a few minutes ago. It was the that kind of ticking in pressure when you join to get results and to go for that. of intervention circus of Madness in year 11 which which can happen in many schools are actually really rationalize that right when I joined and restricted it to kind of almost a blitzkrieg mentality of a 10-week countdown following kind of February half-term to the exams where we then put quite a lot of intervention into our year 11, but it was more academic and credible using my own staff to deliver claps timetable days to the year 11s the same maths English Science big lectures with another thing that we have and is kind of really embedded within the school now. So quite literally is a case of taking half the year group the year group into main hall and delivering them University style a big lecture on whatever topics we want to deliver to them as another approach and we found that that's helped not just the pupils but also to upskill staff. So to give you an example in English, they will deliver a big lecture kind of did Fifth lesson within their curriculum delivery and you've got the absolute expert within the team who's kind of put themselves forward as knowing everything about the context of Jekyll and Hyde the sake of argument and you've got in cuties in their feeding off that member of Staff you that CP in its own right? You wouldn't get that if you went to add a course in London for sake of argument. So there's a few examples. No, that's really good never thought of that. I mean that's that's a win-win in terms of the pupils are benefiting from The Specialist knowledge of the team. Teacher but also the teachers, you know, we can't all be experts across all of the field. Can we so it's not real life CPD, you know there and then in front of the pupil such that's a really interesting take on that. Hmm. So to the workload, you mentioned a couple of things that you mentioned the emails you've mentioned. Yeah, you know that the data captures, you know, I spoke to cat Howard about you know to her book, which is probably it's out now - fact as we speak so that's not talking about well-being. So, you know, obviously you're living that kind of thing. Rather than just, you know talking about it occasionally. So are there any more examples of things that you did in terms of workload? Yeah. I mean, we've got a actually features and cats booked if he said that we've got a workload Charter. It's almost like a new that sound of six high as another example. I'm a fairly liberal in terms of giving staff. Time to go to its their five year olds Christmas Nativity. They're never going to get that again. I'm quite happy that we know we will let them do that or there's an immovable dental procedures, you know, so it's going down there sort of the classroom, but we will give staff the the flexibility in the time to do that as well. We give every Department to faculty away days in the sixth car term of the Year where they can meet together as a team and discuss priorities. And plan and whatever it is, they need to do in anticipation of the new Academic Year the Twilight training time because obviously you've got your five statue training days of the year we do to insect days. And the rest we did was Twilight's but we will by and large we will take maybe half an hour of that time and talk to the staff and then give the rest of that time and this we've got a keynote speaker in so we've had Christian counselors when example time sherrington is Other Tom Bennett as another but we'll give the Lion's Share of that kind to departments to do things specific to their curriculum. And I think the other the other thing that's helped in terms of work that is communicating things out really really early. So to give you an example on Monday. I sign posted kind of loosely what the school Improvement plan for September would be and I'll do that in more detail just before Easter so staff have got the best part of the summer term to really think about it and then To action, whatever needs to be actions in time to September rather than I've been under regimes that have done this they'll tell you on Friday that the Monday this is happening. We don't do that with our staff. We give them lots of time to think about things and lots of time to question and it's necessary to challenge as well as his on something isn't right. I mean it's fascinating stuff. So and just to wrap it up if we can a little bit some now, so obviously like I said the books as we speak hopefully going to be out now. So it's education exposed leading a school in a time of uncertainty. So I know that you're involved in speaking it quite a lot of conferences in involving putting on your own conferences as well. So just tell us a little bit about where we can see you speaking next we can find out more information and I guess importantly where we can find the book. Yes, the book is available on Amazon and it's also going to be sold in water stones and Heifers and some of the other big book shops and that the publisher is John cats a junk a kind of everywhere as a publisher in terms of where I'll be speaking next. I've got blue red Northampton, which I think is the 8th of February of memory. I'll be talking with research Ed's rugby in May. And then again in October at sorry, we've also got Shameless plug here. But research Ed Northampton at the dust and school on the 10th of October and I will probably no doubt talk at that as well to fill one of the many many slots that will be there to fill so there's a few points within the year that I will be talking. Brilliant brilliant, so I know that that obviously is extremely popular when you do go out and speak about that. And I know that the book will be, you know receive really really well and I'm certainly got my pre-ordered copy ready to go. Thank you. That's really kind. Yeah, and I mean I was I mentioned this I'll be at the ready to start off the podcast. I started off by not saying too much about the day job, but I've just as listeners will know taking over as a deputy head. I'm doing Behavior. So it's definitely gonna be a real but I'm going to be reading and and living so that's why I was probably drilling down to a few of those questions because I'm The start of the journey but I'm very fortunate that I'm working with some great people who were really supportive and the pupils are really great so far. So it's it seems to be all going very well, but the book will be really useful to have your experience in terms of how you've done that and the success that you've had and look at those scores on the doors. I mean, I know it's not all about that. But obviously we're looking at outcomes and things for pupils and you know make it better for them. It's fantastic. So heartily recommend it if I don't get to go and see some speak then a hard to recommend that as well. And yeah, we'll look forward to seeing you. Ooh on the research head circuit at some point during the year. Thank you and best of luck with your new role and against a mistake if you ever want to come and visit your very well. Well, undoubtedly I said okay if I can get out. I mean, I'm at the stage where we talked about at the beginning which is you know, I'm on the corridors and I'm in the classrooms. I think that's at the moment. But yeah moving forward definitely something to do and I know that graiman and Chris at st. George's I think you've been to them my view of there being two you're involved. But yeah, but both ways they've been to my school and I've been As and they speak very highly of that. I've done a lot of work with the CPD there at st. George's it's fabulous school and Graham Chris a brilliant. So there they did a lot of the things that you are talking about as well. So yeah, if you're interested in that see those schools, but otherwise get the book which will be out now once it as we speak. Yeah indeed in DTF. Okay. Thanks for your time Sam tonight. Really? Appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Take care. Just talking to teachers podcast pedagogy. And what is Phil reading this week podcast pedagogy listening to teachers? Never snapped urges talking to teachers. Okay. So after last week's discussion and I may have revealed my huge admiration / slight Obsession for all things George Orwell and I have to admit to having read all the novels even a clergyman's daughter and the essays alongside the more well-known Classics. I animal farm and 1984. So the reason to revisit this is that all Wells sort of logical investigations into the working class of Wigan Sheffield leads and other places give him an immersion into the Lives of the Working Class People of the north so he found true faith in the spirit decency and work ethic of the miners and their families and it changed for me for when our discussion last week as to whether we as Leaders fully understand the communities we serve whether in more disadvantaged areas much has indeed changed in 2020. So I'm not trying to or seek it to make any kind of political Point here merely samples to any of you not familiar with this book to have a look a little bit deeper so the book is Into sections and the first section having seven chapters. So I'll chapter one looks at the brook of family and their living conditions chapter 2 is all Wells immersion. So those of you that are familiar with all well, you know from Down and Out in Paris and London, for example, where he went out tramping. He also got immersed into the life of the workers in the mines went down the mind in Wiggins experience the conditions for himself chapter 3 looks at the social situation of the working people that and to me has Echoes of 20 and chapter 4 looks at the living conditions and with chapter 5 looking at unemployment but chapter 6 for me is the one that really speaks to us. We're talking about food and all well looks at their diet of the working class and the miners and understands why they would rather buy something tasty than perhaps something healthy to enrich their dull lives a little bit. So part two is not really the focus on education podcast with its controversial argument not least on the merits of socialism. So, that's all Up to you to decide for yourself on your political Persuasions, but if you'd like to read something following on from Matt's discussion last week, then why not start with one of the Great's of literature and and have your appetite wet, but every habitat sweated for some more then if you would like to look at this the road till we can peer is published by penguin Classics and is available everywhere. So this week into the music section. So as we know we are strictly vinyl on there as natus, so imagine the excitement when Ordered the cortinas new album, which is a nightmare for those of you grammar pedants out there. So it's more full start up again. Forever. And it's the sixth studio album by Manchester's cortinas having said, yeah, I've said before I ordered the vinyl last Friday at an old-school Indie man. I was very very excited about this and as you all know thanks to my vintage. I was at Uni for Wonderwall in the late 20s, mr. Brightside and already old by the time of the Arctic Monkeys. So I'm Steeped in the Indie genre the cortinas don't seem to come and huge headlines, but he dragged it a ticket for any of their shows. They regularly select pretty much immediately. So what of the new record, well, there are some more adventurous tracks including the Ferocious heart attack and the catchy heavy jacket and there are some big chorus sing alongs including the title track, which is an instant earworm for me and I'm humming it there to myself as we speak. There's also a couple of them all. Prospective thoughtful songs including Heaven Can Wait, which is really really great song So previous parties is a song which has a very interesting lyric and it's sums where the cortinas are up to. So the limit goes all we do is go to parties and talk about parties. We used to go to whereas. All I do is go to my children's friends parties and don't really talk about anything but in summary if you are interested in this album, it's a it's Very much a solid exactly what it says on the tin exactly what expect album definitely one for the gym playlist or maybe even a vinyl purchase. So more again forever is out now in terms of a filler recommendation. I'm sad to say that with a busy week. I have not quite yet got around to watching 1917, which is this Sam Mendes directed World War one Epic but here in great reviews for that and booked into going to see that later in the So hopefully get a chance to review that but if any listeners have been under a listen to the cortinas album, I've got any suggestions of their own or been to watch 1917 and would like to offer any correspondence there then I would welcome that alongside the usual comments on the guests and on their books. So anything you want via the website, which is nail as a matter dot cold dot U k-- Schnatter just talking to teachers. Podcast pedagogy. What is Phil reading this week podcast pedagogy listening to teachers? Playlist Netter just talking to teachers. So moving into the limited Shameless plug section this week and we have plugs for research at Birmingham coming up soon in March for the massive research at Blackpool which is well and truly sold out at 750 people coming soon. Just a big thank you to dude hunting for asking me to come along to research Edge rugby and speaking of dude. He is going to be doing a guest presenting job on there as natter, which will do an episode talking about educating links. We'll be coming up fairly soon. Speaking of guest host. We have Mr. Turner coming up fairly soon with a podcast with Sam twistleton, but in the next week's podcast, I'm really really excited about next week's podcast. I recorded it last Friday, and I put some things out on Twitter about that. So I had a really good chat with Tom Rogers, so that will be next week's podcast just again to say thank you very much for listening to nailers Nutter and we'll see you at the same time next week. Just talking to teachers talking to teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter. Snapchat urges talking to teachers.
This week I am joined by Sam Strickland, Principal of The Duston School . Sam describes himself as:Principal, martial artist, historian, believer in knowledge. Organiser of ResearchED Northampton. In this weeks podcast we chat about Sam's new book 'Education exposed' . The book is described as: The ultimate guide to understanding how a school can be led, managed and run, written by an author with extensive experience, and drawing heavily on research around knowledge-based curricula. Clearly and honestly stating the challenges of leading a school, Samuel Strickland focuses on approaches to the curriculum, teaching and learning, teacher workload, behavior, staff morale, leadership and Ofsted. The book is designed to serve as a dip in and dip out guide to a wide array of varying aspects of whole-school life, though it can be read in one full sitting, and the author is not afraid to challenge some of the suggested norms that educators are expected to accept as a profession or to consider how things can potentially be otherwise done. Each chapter is self-contained, providing a short and sharp insight into a specific aspect of school improvement. The book is divided into five sections, with each section taking a major driver for school improvement. Section 1 focuses on leadership, Section 2 on behaviour, Section 3 on the curriculum, Section 4 on teaching and Section 5 on workload and professional development. The natter: This was the first ever, unscripted natter with Sam more than happy to answer any questions I had! Podcast pedagogy This week, I revisit the seminal 'The Road to Wigan Pier' by George Orwell. I recommend More.Again.Forever by The Courteeners and in film we look at 1917. PS EDIT Lowborn is by Kerry Hudson, Kerry Ellis is a singer .......apologies!
It's so tough for me because she suffered all the consequences of being this you saying that to end it like when you admitted you're greedy or do you actually feel like you were a shaman had the end of my sentence of how hard I'm about to drag Natalie. So let me let me finish my fucking sentence. What's up, guys? Welcome to the dark depths of hell. I am with the flower Queen Instagram phenomenon. That is Caroline Calloway. Welcome to Hell. Thank you. I've been here for quite a while. If you've been reading the news if you don't know who she is. I don't know you haven't been looking at the news which might be mentally healthy for you for both of us. Isn't that case? Yeah. Just fucking Google your name if you want. Or I'm going to give you a little summary but like the cut the New York Times L anywhere that writes anything has been writing about you for over a month actually since January since January. Okay, this is good your fact-checking me also just came out with how to dress like Caroline Cowboy for Halloween, which is pretty epic. Yeah. So obviously I'll be talking to my therapist about that. Yes, that will be crazy. Yeah. Your therapist is probably good time with you. She's like, what is it today? It's actually a he is that so crazy. My therapist is a white male, but he's amazing. He's doing a great job. How long have you been with him? Honestly since since going viral as a scam back in I went viral as a scam in January and I was like, okay, I really can't handle this alone and like March and splurged for some of that really good, you know therapy capital of the world. York City creme de La Creme of mental health care and yeah, just very expensive but very worth New Yorkers love therapy and talking about the therapist and I love New Yorkers and pretending to be one and talking. Yeah, you're kind of becoming this like New York it girl but people have a wide range of emotions with Caroline if you guys are listening it's like from hate to love to confusion to projecting a lot of shit going on. My first experience with Caroline is were sitting here and she looked at me and she said you have some mascara on your cheek and gently wipe to It away and that's my only experience of fire which has been very positive and means we trust each other. She's looking she has my back. I wanted to ask you on this podcast because this podcast is for people who are raw and they're open you are one of the most raw people on Instagram and this podcast is about people opening up about their inner demons. I think people just aren't used to people saying exactly how they feel and especially in hyper educated. Hi. Ironic hyper cool urban areas like New York where it's not only the norm to be guarded but it's cool to be detached. I think just people who are really open are not only like sort of low-hanging fruit for who to make a joke of but they're also an easy target for disbelief and suspicion. Wow, would you ever start a podcast and no, but I went to Cambridge so I hope that all of my professors who told me I would never put my expensive education to good use being an instagramer are eating their words. Now that you said that to the you go fuck themselves on this podcast. Yeah, they really will never hear it. So I'm asking you can go fuck yourself. Actually. He was the only one I like that's so crazy that his name can't really been ski can go fuck him. Okay, I take I loved massing. I you just tip of my tongue. I Loved You Professor massing my God. He's actually a huge fan of the pod. Like he is our biggest patreon supporter. So I want to give people a brief rundown on your last couple months. She's just kind of become this like internet and in the New York Times did call me a New York City at girl. I will and York City at girl paper of record and Me On The mean world. It's like there's a me. My favorite one is me trying to explain Caroline Calloway to my friend and it's like just you can't like there's just shit everywhere. It's so fascinating complicated and I don't like read the cut but like obviously It came up through friends or whatever and then you got me I was in I followed U the second I read it. I was fascinated by the story. I'm here's a quick rundown Caroline is a fact check you as yeah fact you just jump in. She's had a large Instagram following where she's known for her well-written long caption. Correct makeup Carolina. Oh, this is good. This is from Caroline sold a book proposal for a large sum, but didn't deliver the manuscript in time and had to pay some of the advance back incorrect I paid Have it back like a truce and I did not pay a single fucking dollar back of that advance, but it wasn't that I ran out of time. It was that I sold a book that I didn't want to write which is really worse than trying and failing. I set myself up for failure, but I was 23 and addicted to drugs and very deeply depressed and I thought that I would be happy. You know signing copies of the Memoir that was about only the best parts of me for the rest of my life. And once it came to like actually writing it it felt right. I was like, oh my God, there's not enough money in the world though will make me live this life. Like this is I don't this is not why I did you ever try writing something different or you just doing now and that's why I haven't paid any of it back is because luckily for my Publishers. My Memoir is now worth more than what they paid me for since I am a hundred times. Famous then when they bought it from me and yeah, I'm I didn't lie to them in the proposal. I didn't you know, I went to Cambridge. I dated the polo players and went to all the balls but I left out my diction. I struggled with mental health and the book that I'm writing has all of that Beauty Plus all of the pain that I didn't include the first time around which is very important because I feel like you wouldn't want to write a book eggs. It comes from like when you're a real identity isn't what you're showing. Oh my God. Yeah, correct. Correct. Correct. That is like the most true thing. And when did you will let me go to the next thing in January. She hosted a series of creativity workshops for followers. It didn't work out as planned and she had to like refund or cancel some of them and the internet went nuts comparing it to a fire festival type scam. Although you give people their money back. Well, correct. Incorrect, and correct people did compare it to fire Festival. I mean God, what a what a dream headline for the internet age influencer scammer fire Festival. I mean like even as I saw those headlines coming out about myself, I was like and wishing that they would stop I was like, but I would click on this like I'm part of the problem like I would a hundred percent fucking devour this story. So even while I was like, Wishing for it to end. I was at the same time had a lot of compassion for the appetite that was driving it. But the thing is the events went exactly as planned that what's really fucked up about that whole situation is that it's not journalistic malpractice in this day and age to cite a tweet as a source and I had taken two years off from Instagram to really get honestly to just like grow up without Spotlight and just quitting Adderall and like recovering from that addiction. It really took two years and I really really really really missed the creative Outlet connection platform fulfillment of making digital content, but I really just needed to figure out who I was without, you know, placing a spotlight on myself in the process. And when I first came back to Instagram, I just sort of Of dipped my toe in the water. When was that when you first came back, I would say it started slowly and sporadically there wasn't one day when I was young. I'm back. I would like come back for like a couple days. And I mr. Graham stores. Did you have around that point in a dropped I had had about when I back in 2016 or 17 when I withdrew from Instagram and just really worked on my physical and mental health think I had like eight hundred sixty and you weren't doing ads I've never done I've done one add. Or he's but I've never done a single ad on my grid at because I just see it as my artistic. Yeah media. Yeah, but so I came back to Instagram gradually. I was only working in stories. I wasn't making any posts because I just had so much anxiety about it. And I plan that these creativity workshops via stories, which were these really Niche events for my very Niche community and the events changed from what I regionally thought they would be I planned it all myself. There was definitely a level of disorganization but it all came together and the events went exactly as planned. But this one Scottish middle-aged journalists need this Twitter thread where she took screenshots from what the events were initially going to be with photos of the day of and quilted them together into this Twitter thread that caught internet wildfire and it's it's so frustrating because you know, she didn't Photoshop any of those images those are my stories but it was really horrifying being like slapped in the face with how all of this self-deleting content that just disappears Into The Ether every 24 hours could leave me in such a vulnerable spot where there was like, no proof of how I had changed the event and my followers liked it like if you read and no one cares about the story where it's like entrepreneurial lady plans event that you know, Attendees for whom it was intended enjoyed like no one's writing that headline and a fine. I the smart publicity wise part of me understands why no one is but it's fucked up that are the people who came liked it. Like if even if you read the really negative articles that's like Caroline Calloway the greatest scammer of ever. If you go through those articles and read the quotes that they pulled it's like I had a great time. I got it. I got my money's worth. This is exactly what I wanted. Also insane that just you as like a fellow New York City girl was like I want to do something creative and make some money and then the internet just went nuts over it. It was a six-hour event that I planned myself. So it's not only that I'm charging them for the six hours of the event which included lunch and dessert and coffee and gift bags and journals. I was charging them for the nine to five that. I worked in the six weeks leading up to those events, and I've just like sending all the Emails ordering all the stuff booking the venue. You don't have to prove to me that you're worth that money because you're worth whatever money that people are willing to pay you. You know, I totally agree, but I'm not trying to prove it to you. I think this is something I brought up really just to make a point that it's hard to imagine a young man putting on a six-hour event that he plant himself and the internet taking such delicious delight and tearing him down. We're just so okay with shitting on young women and just putting down what digital creators do and I work in the Nexus of those two, you know cultural things that people love to hate and so I just think it's I'm not trying to convince you but I do think it's worth just like really holding that up to the sunlight and examining how how it would have been different if I were a young man and how how much slower people Would have been to say that I've nothing to offer as a teacher. Yeah, that's so fascinating from had a wild I think about yeah, so your character gets completely attacked being called a scammer. Yes, one of the best headlines like this was the best that was happening to me in January was Caroline Calloway is not a scammer. She's just a self-obsessed mess. That was a real headline. Would you rather be I mean, I was neither. I mean, I guess also Who isn't a self-obsessed mess as in like I like to say we're all playing single player games right now like connections with other people is what we need to be happy. But like I'm not going to sleep worrying about someone else's life worrying about my mess of a life. Yeah, nor should you be wearing about someone else's how did you react to like, you're being called a scammer. Did you try to fight back? Did you try to what did you do? Like, what's the next step to that kind of attack? Okay, if anyone if anyone ever goes viral Scammer. You're welcome for the this is the force. Tummy. Yeah, the four step guide to recover to recover. Honestly at first this is a this is what you shouldn't do. Okay first day day one. I'm getting I'd never gotten the meanest comment. I'd ever gotten before I went viral as a scam. I still remember it. Actually there were two that happened over six years over six years. I got to mean comments because my stuff was just so long and wordy. It was so self-selecting like yeah, people only people who really cared what people who really cared would stick around to read it and that was great because it built like a real how would you describe your community at that time of people who followed you readers? Yeah, the meanest comment the first mean comment I ever got someone told me that one of my exes feet he was a runner and they were like Josh's toes look like gargoyles and I was like you are blocked that I was I was I was Shashi. Yeah. Like oh my God, I was like, how will I go on? Those are perfect. Yeah. It's like help how could people be like this and then someone who was a friend of someone who hated me in college and you know, what, I will be the first to admit that this hate comment is hilarious and a very well-written joke. They were like this reads like bad fan fiction of bad fan fiction and I was like, you're not wrong like yeah, you're getting blocked. But like I see your point and noted. Um, but people do think you've blocked right now. Oh so many I try to block a couple people every day because I really just don't want your like it's called Boundaries. Yeah, exactly. So as you guys know I use anchor dot f m-- to create my podcast and I've been talking to you guys about Before and I've been getting a lot of messages that you guys have had podcast ideas that you are now starting on your own and it's so awesome. Keep sending me your podcast that you guys are creating if this podcast has inspired you in any way or you feel motivated in some way make sure I'm freaking podcast do it. Stop. Stop waiting just do it. Who cares? It's really just fun. You're just talking shit. And then you make people laugh you make people inspired you make people educated whatever you want to put into the world. So if you haven't heard about anchor it The easiest way to make a podcast it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. It distributes your podcast to a bunch of different platforms, including Spotify and apple you can make money from the podcast with no minimum listenership. So they send you ads no matter how many listeners you have and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the free anchor app. I'm going to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. And if you start a podcast, please DM and send it to me. I'd love to listen. What if I told you that you can listen to any song and any podcast for free? Let me repeat that fo free on Spotify Spotify is the shit because you could share stuff to any other social media platform, especially Instagram and be like yell. I love this podcast by Hannah burner called burning in hell. What's wrong with you? Why don't you listen if you don't listen, I don't be friends with you anymore. That's what I said my friends and it's kind of working. Cut a lot of people out of my life. But anyway, it has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic. Now. I know what a lot of you are thinking Hannah. I have an iPhone. Why would I listen to podcasts on Spotify that's for people with Androids and green text and I'm not a loser. Well, you know what Spotify is the shit Spotify is the shoot Spotify is the world's leading music streaming service, and now can also be your go-to for podcasts check it out and enjoy now back to your scheduled. programming of hell Yeah, I just I think people feel so entitled to access to other people. But also just they feel so entitled to free digital content when in fact, it's like I work really hard on this if you suck up my energy that I have for getting my shit done and building my Empire. You can't be here. Yeah. Well Instagram is a big wealth of digital energy and if you can like get your feed to allows the totally like I love cats. I love laughter. I love like looking at outfit. Anesthetics and that's what I want my feet to be. Yeah and if it's other bullshit, I just unfollow. Yeah, and it's not me being a dick. It's just me protecting my boundaries. So first day the scam comes out. Yes, so it comes out and I'm getting flooded with mean comments. In fact before I went. I went viral in the news January 15th, but I went viral on Twitter January 12th, so it took about three days for this Twitter thread to like pick up momentum, but on red Reddit Twitter apparently Seth Rogen retweeted it. So I mean it really grows out all the usually Hollywood meanings. I will be finding Seth Rogen. Oh my God. He actually came up in one of my meetings. I should have been like oh and tell Seth we're good. I'll go fuck yourself. So uh Seth. Rogen is on my fucking shit list. I'm coming for you Seth. That's not Professor can go fuck themselves. You thought I wouldn't notice that you You called me a scammer self. I just start getting flooded with terrible comments, and they're actually start coming in as I'm teaching that the workshops were on Saturday and Sundays and they start coming in our to of this six hour event and having gone from really like never receiving mean comments because I just was in such a quiet little corner of the internet that I'd built for myself and no one no one cared to just being like you're a scammer your Well, you're a bad person. How do you sleep at night? You're such a joke. How are you teaching these people and then to have to really pull it together for the next like four hours, but these events always went longer because I would just stay and take photos with people. It was so hard after as soon as the last person I'd left. It was a blizzard in DC and still everyone came. It was incredible. Did you enjoy teaching? I did you know that honestly, I really really did until I went viral as a scam. I really only enjoyed it for that first day. I like celebrated with my friends after the first Workshop because the events went as planned so that one Workshop was what the one Workshop in New York or no? No, the one in New York. Yeah, and so she had taken the photos from that day and compared them with what I said. The event would be a month ago and I did change the event but I was also really Fucking open about the ways I change the events and like anyone who wanted a refund got a refund. And yeah, and so they did you have to end up doing I ended up refunding everyone because I'm not a scammer and because I just honestly I just now so it wasn't even like a long-term thing you did it like twice. Basically I ended up continuing well, so here's the story first I go viral as a scam. I'm devastated. Yeah. Yeah, I so sad. Odd getting these comments. I'm so confused. I'm just like, you know that feeling of like getting really bad news like via text or email and like your heart just sinks. Yeah it into like a panic to place like the first moments after you get world around you is like spinning in a bad way. It's like that for days like and the next day and the next day as it starts to get picked up like by news places. I was like, I have to make this stop I was in so much pain I would have done Anything to make it stop so I went on Twitter I which I like haven't used in years. I issued an apology. I'm like you guys are right. I am greedy. I'm let my evil get me carried away refunding everyone tour's canceled, please just stop. Why did you decide to give them the like, yes, you're right because I thought I thought they would stop if I did that and you know, it's really the only reason that I am. Ended up becoming this strong and like carrying on with my tour. Honestly, if I had an issue that apology and people are just left me alone and stop cyberbullying me and writing news articles with all this correct incorrect information about me skewing every little thing like I haven't booked venues for dates in April and that became Callaway did not book any venues and you know, when I booked all the venues for like the ones in January and stuff like it's really my brand to sit on the floor. It was like Callaway did not get chairs for the event. Unlike I made a joke being like I cooking is so hard. I'm getting this catered or it's going to be BYO lunch and it was like Callaway forced attendees to bring their own food to the event and I was shocked because I'd always gone my information from the news and I was like, I thought this I thought I thought the news was no it's a news wants to make a good story. They take things out of context. That's what I've learned. I had my experience. How am I? Same but I feel like when you say when you said yes, I feel greedy did party you actually believe them like, you know, what maybe I did charge too much a hundred percent. I mean, I was just crushed into a little ball. I mean now when I see headlines about myself I see the bigger picture. I see how it helps me for my career. I see how silly it is. These journalists think that they might be I didn't know exercising some sort of control over my narrative and the short term when I have so much more confidence in my ability to play the internet like a violin and and make money out of this and make make the stuff that I find creatively fulfilling when I went from never being in the news. I've never getting bad comments to getting a Add comment multiple times a minute to having headlines be like you're bad. I was like, I'm knocking her character. Yeah, it was like I must be bad. I was like I because I think we all sort of walk around the world with that little sort of flickering flame of Doubt inside of our hearts. That's like a my bad. It's like am I am I not good and I think one of our church, there is no such thing as better good. So like it's all perspective and you could go to that place. I think in your head if enough people make you believe that I'm not sure if it's all perspective. I think there are bad actions and good actions. I don't think morality is relative. Welcome to our philosophy podcast agree on that point, but I do think actions, but an overall like you're a bad person I think like is so wasn't wasn't Hitler bad. I would argue that. Yes Hitler did Hitler was bad, but maybe with a therapist. Could have like been good. Like I just think our brains are malleable love bringing Hitler into the conversation the good Hitler. I mean we are in town and a huge that's a dog. Yeah. He's actually he's listening in he's nothing better than a criminal at top producing any are levels right? Just like roaming his mustache, but I was saying but I do I empathize with you as a fellow female entrepreneur that like as a man can charge anything for anything. NG and you know, that's him not being greedy was awesome. He heard a gibe called greedy. So the fact that you had to admit that your you were greedy it like strikes me funny greedy was the exact word. I used in the apology that I wrote on Twitter and I really I really have such new respect for like false confessions because I would have said anything yet you to make that pain stop anything cause part of me was like why didn't you go and say you know what? Planned wasn't what happened because you'd feel defensive. Like if they'd be like, oh you're she just being defensive. It just wanted them to stop and they just since everyone was calling me greedy. I just thought maybe if I was like maybe I say I am they'll stop and then a deeper question of like well, maybe I actually am if everyone's saying this, you know, like it was just so much and so it didn't stop at all. Everyone kept writing about it. I mean like I lost so much money refunding everyone. But I just I was worried that I had been greedy. I was worried about how much pain I was feeling and it would get worse and worse. If you continue to try to do the events. Yeah, because I obviously was a greedy person who had nothing to offer people but these people wanted to see you now, but I'm just saying like how yeah how you felt. I mean like it's hard to it's hard to know what to believe it because I had but I was at these events none of the reporters who had were writing about it on the 15th. Then there and I had and so it was really hard sort of comparing my own experiences of how meaningful it had been two people and how much fun they had with the events that were being described. What's cool about these influencer events. Is that regardless of what you do? These people have been fascinated with you in a purely digital way. So the fact that you're putting yourself out there saying this is me. I'm real In the Flesh. I hate saying that word but in the much and having people meet you like that's what they're really painful. Exactly is seeing you in the flesh and hearing you speak your your truth. And I think that a lot of people don't think that ethically okay for influencers to charge but I think those people are wrong because I give away so my business model is that I give away so many things of value for free in a million moments every day over weeks over months over years. I think it is ethically fully within my rights to to be able to support myself and pay my bills from the parasocial relationship that those moments of free content build and besides your art and your writing your Also if anyone knows this you are kind of a reality TV channel of yourself exact, like people are regardless what's happening. They're entertained by you exposing or your like feelings emotions life events, and they're entertained by you and to meet you in person brings value to their life. I also think after the two Years that I spent off of Instagram. Yeah, I really and you know Twitter would disagree with me even my own words and that apology issued way back in January the day after I went viral would disagree with what I'm saying now, but I've come to the conclusion that like, you know, I really don't know everything about everything but I'm a smart girl and I've had some really hard things happen to me and I've I've responded to them with a lot of creativity and resilience. And I think I I think I have certain lessons to offer people. I also would argue which goes to our next event. So you see you're still stand strong see ya in conclusion, the events went as planned. And yes, they were compared to fire Festival. Yes, because they were just very laughable to people my mean I get it my Brands really Niche. It's like plants and Mason jars sitting on the floor like take photos with flowers in our hair and it just didn't make sense. People so next and was it September that the cut came out? Yes. It's number 12 September one of your former friends girl named Natalie who I can't even find on Instagram. So she do you think I'm like a duck wrote an essay about how she used to help write Caroline's captions back of the day and how she felt used as a friend long story short. Yeah, I would say she also wrote about helping me write my book proposal. Okay, I would add to that because we split the work on that 50/50 and you know everything in her essay is true. Like I was a really shitty friend to her and it's so tough for me because she suffered all the consequences of being this you saying that to end it like when you admitted you're greedy or do you actually feel like you were? Heard the end of my sentence of how hard I'm about to drag Natalie. So let me let me finish my fucking sentence. Why are you so nice make a decision. She suffered all of the consequences of being best friends with an addict and reaped none of the benefits of knowing the young woman that recovery made me into and I feel real guilt about that. I think and I think I should feel Regret about that. I don't think I need to punish myself for I don't know not love myself because of it. But I do think that it's very Natalie's fully within her rights to feel pain for all those ways that I let her down as a friend and in which she didn't even like put the full scope of how I let her down in that essay because just like, oh my god when you're so caught up in like that the blizzard of selfishness that is addiction to a drug where you're prioritizing it. Everyone just like all the moments where I wasn't there when she needed me or text that when unresponded to or times when I was late because I was just like hi to my mind on Adderall and like, I don't know combing my hair too much like it's swimming every hair on your head every hair on my head like organizing my iTunes library because it like had to be done then but just like one more minute would fix it. But um, but yeah, I was a really bad friend to her, but the thing is Is not only did in that essay what I did in 2015, which is that she she lied by Omission. She is not she's sold the most profitable version. Most profitable character of herself and like the real Natalie Beach is not the Natalie beach in that essay. Which before when I was like, hold on. I'm about to drag a really hard. I just knew that would make you laugh and I don't I actually feel really passionately about why it's good business for me to frame this as dragging Natalie or exposing Natalie because we live in a culture that really wants to pit female. Friends against each other and the business video. So yeah, it's quick Beatty and the business-oriented part of my brain understands that but the part of my heart that like wants to be an artist who tells the truth and who like feels like I've really suffered the consequences of living more than most people of living in a sexist World whether it's being, you know judged for not having anything of value to teach or the fact that like, you know, I didn't choose to Two I didn't choose for Publishers to think that young girls only wanted stories about romance. Like I won that game by playing by rules that I don't agree with like I don't think young girls want stories about romance. But like that's what I made my book proposal about because I wanted a fat check, you know, and so I think I just want to be careful about not perpetuating those same sort of just like it would be good. Good business to be like I'm dragging Natalie. I'm exposing her but I don't think Natalie should be punished for the fact that we live in a world that pits girls to against each other and that hates rich girls. Do you think Natalie did it to hurt you because she's not getting frame from this like, what did she get from that? She wants to be a TV writer and she wants to make it as an artist and she was very smart about so in real life not harass a but in real life when we're My book proposal and sort of made the character of me. We had a lot of long chats just as creators about what sort of narrative device would Propel the story both on Instagram and in the proposal and Natalie made very good points about how and long-form narrative people hate the rich. They love the Plucky Underdog and me with all my instincts for Instagram and social media. I was like, that's crazy because on Instagram we should really make me sing richer than I aspirational exactly if you want your content to perform. Well, we need to make me seem way richer than I am and like I've spent visiting Natalie at our house in New Haven and like her house is so much nicer than mine. Like it's just like she's I really really really want to stay away from falling into a space where this is two white girls being like who's more privileged, but the fact is That she a huge narrative piece of her essay is that I had more privileged than her and that I was richer than her when in reality. I was presenting that to the world so that we could both get paid and she was very much aware of that and she never goes so far in her essay because the whole thing is true to say and I thought Caroline was rich, but she plucked out all the details that she knew that I was presenting to the world. So do you think she thinks she'll get like a TV writing gig she already has I can't tell You the details of it but like oh, no, I have an Instagram. I mean she does but it's she does and I can't tell you. Yeah, like I think I can fret I kind of found it and I've been I was like so she doesn't want fame from this. I feel like people want girls to always be caretakers and the fact that you so upfront or like I want money. I want fame. I want Power people are like what when like I'm like that I'm trying to but here's the thing Natalie's like that to accept I would say Natalie doesn't want fame she Glory and I fucking love that about her like Natalie is like the dowdy, you know sidekick that she is in that essay. She has those qualities about her but they are in fact like part of what's so magnetic and Charming about her and she has this whole component of her this Fierce hungry ambition that she very smartly left out of that assay because heard even do that takes ambition. I know but exactly and so there's obviously evidence of it and like I mean, she's so popular as well. Like she was captain of the women's soccer team at NYU because she's not the dowdy sidekick following along. She's literally the captain giving the game plan and she the real Natalie but Beach and not the character of Natalie Beach encompasses all of the insecurities and jealousy and pain and anger that she put in that essay plus all of the beauty that she left out. Of her honestly Charisma in her own way all of her ambition all of her she doesn't like she honestly won't even settle for the sort of Fame that you and I will settle for which is sort of like the femoral Buzz of social media of the daylight. I love a little validation sugar rush. It really does it for me Buzz. Yeah for a drink but that's exactly chacho Macho, but she wants like You know to be a famous writer. She doesn't want to be on social media which is where you're getting confused because you're like she doesn't want followers. So she doesn't want fame. No, no, no, no not only wants like, you know when she dies she wants to go down in history as like one of the great writers in our time and why shouldn't she I hate that even by saying that Natalie wants glory. It sounds like I'm talking about shit against her. No, you're not because yeah, I just want to understand people's motives. I'm like, what was her goal what that for the record I want. It to ya want to go nice as one of the great artists of our time and you know, I would never have been best friends with someone who couldn't keep up with me and didn't share that fierce fierce ambition. Yeah, and also most people have had tons of different friendships. I've had, you know, abusive friendship toxic friendships most friendships. Don't last if you're lucky you have like three close people in your life. So the article comes out exposing this friendship you've had with this girl. What's your next step? Up. Well good things bad things. Well, so not only gave me a heads-up that that article was coming out about a week before it published was awesome. You talk to her about two years. Wow. It's almost like a little like what have you been doing? Like, why are you thinking about me like we're so no, I mean I disagree. I think not only made such smart smart choices by publishing that essay and I really I I do. Feel anger and I do feel betrayal but above all else I feel respect for the intelligence of her being able to as soon as she told me. She was publishing this article. I've always had a better understanding of the internet the Natalie and she would tell me later on the phone that she didn't know it would go this viral like she thought it would be big but not this big and I can honestly say from the moment I got her email. I burst into tears Isabel who's in the room with us next to Adolf on their laptops. She was with me when I got the email and I burst into tears for so many reasons because I was so ashamed of what a bad friend. I'd been to Natalie and you know, I really I really hadn't healed from that regret and at you know, this experience forced me to really speed up that healing process because I just if I didn't reach down into myself and find the strength to work through that immediately no one else could do that for me. So I feel a lot more healed about it now, but I'd really been putting off for those. Years examining the real depth of how I had hurt her and taking responsibility for that like she was kind of being a snitch. Evan said that we're in a while. It's kind of like is you just like telling on you like it see with mean to me to the internet? No, I mean I really I really I just see it in such a larger context of the smart business move. Like I had she started working on the essay. She's later. Tell me in February which is the viral news storm that started January 15th. It lasted for about a month which is in say she wasn't considering I wanted it to that last that long because although it was really hard at first and it really crushed me the first few days. I was really strong and I knew I wasn't running a scam and that was the number one thing I had going for me. Yeah, so I invited reporters to my events and I was I was terrified but I also kept putting one foot in front of the other and I understood that the more press I got the more that I could leverage this down the road because people's memories are very short and I'm very smart and I really believed in my ability to outlast and outthink the fickle attention of the internet. And so would you be friends with Natalie again? We are friends. I mean not in the like not best friend. Yeah, I get stressed out about texting her for sure, but I definitely don't use this against me. Yeah. Yeah, definitely overthink it a lot and I definitely text her being like I'm not sure if this is going to be in an essay of yours, but because I just at least if she puts it in an essay she won't be able to make me seem as if I were I mean she can really make me seem however she wants but but she's a really good person and I really I share the same hunger and ambition that drove her to write that as in the first place and so how can I begrudge her making a choice that that I myself would have made in her same position if I had access to a story she stood so she told me she started writing it in February which means that she waited for the dust to settle around the scamming stories saw that I had made progress and changing The public's opinion of me, but I didn't pull off a 160 or a 180 reversal and she served just like went in for the kill and started writing her essay and I would have done the same thing. I mean the cut paid her five thousand dollars that That's crazy money. Why was Adderall your drug of choice? I mean I shall be annoying personality. Like I mean, it was so easy to hide people were like, yeah, she seems a little off but it could just be her. Do you like the feeling of it? I loved it. I mean, I think my least favorite part of being alive is when I'm really in my depression and my favorite part of being alive is when I'm really in my intelligence. Agents and my creativity. Yep, and you know what? I have some idea that I think is really smart and really resourceful and really artistic. I just sort of like fall into a wormhole of just getting obsessed with that idea and just pursuing it and that I can do that soberly like I did not get into Cambridge without razor razor sharp Focus, but how long were you addicted out for increasingly over four years? It was really bad for it was Really bad for to and like pretty bad and it was affecting my relationships and stuff. Oh, yeah, totally. I mean, it's just like how many were you taking a day? Oh my God so much so much that my normal day was usually had two periods of darkness in it also known as night sky is just awake for 3 days. My you know how addicts are like, I won't drink before 5:00 or like I'll only have six drinks if your drug of choice drug of choice drug of addiction, I should say. Because addiction is not a choice. I want to be careful with my second language for an alcoholic you set rules and then you know a real sign of addiction is that you start breaking them and one of my rules for myself was on the fourth night. I have to sleep but my normal day is were like two days and would you do during the night? I'd honestly we like working or creating. No. No, you're not and you're like no no, no, no. No, I just definitely counting the hairs on my head. the thing is like when you haven't been on Adderall and you take one Adderall like in a blue moon, you can get shit done. Yeah, but if you've been on our all for 18 months and you're not sleeping and you're so tired, like I would just do stuff like I would take baths at like 3 a.m. Because like I would lose circulation in my limbs and was really cold in England and I would do stuff like I would just read I just read so many books not for school. I would read like YouTuber Memoirs because I was like, I need to study the internet and the intersection of the internet and the written word and I would just Go down wormholes like that with just too much rapidity and speak. What made you stop? Um, honestly, you'll have to read my mom where to find out. I love that. Look. I love them teasing. Yes a little dance people. Also, I think have some animosity towards you because you are very outwardly you own where you struggle and you also own where you feel confident about yourself. Yeah, they hate both of those things. They yeah, they not attack women. But uh, yeah, are you what are you insecure about physically? Oh good question. Honestly the most honest answer I could say it's my stomach. I don't really like Yeah, I've always felt like sort of a fat thin girl, which is really just the most honest thing I could say. I it's like so many people feel like that. It's tough because I just I just don't want to not acknowledge the thin privilege and the pretty privileged that very much exists for me and I just you know white thin pretty girls. We are not the vanguard's of the body positivity movement like we are not the leaders on the Our front. I just want to it's hard for I'm still learning how to express with the right language the validity of my own insecurities, which haunt me and the Very relative. Ease with which my body is accepted by Society compared to someone who has sort of a more of a body that is less widely accepted and it's I'm still learning how to like hold space for those two ideas side-by-side. It's funny because if we run caught up on my Caroline content, you recently posted a photo of your stomach and you're like bikini and Legs? Yeah, I think we should say that I'm I'm not self-conscious of my stomach now, but historically that it had that's been the thing that really bothered growing up. What are you insecure about about your body my gosh my body I get insecure about I thought about lying to you and being like something like my knees, which I'm like sort of or at least with yeah, I am but like what's the real thing? My thing is I as tense work. I have muscular arms and I like whenever I wear a like spaghetti. Rap I'm very self-conscious that because someone when I was 12 years old called me man arms and I like never forget it. Oh my god, when I was looking at your Instagram eyes looking at how pretty your eyes I don't you like holding like a basketball. Yeah. It's like, oh my God, I literally been like I can't wear that shirt because my arms look huge. Yeah. It's it's all our perspective, but I brought up that photo because that photo has caused some controversy. What? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I want to give you my condolences. Thanks your dad passed away, which he Mitad suicide. He committed suicide and you posted a photo and then you were just talking about your grief underneath it. I made the artistic choice to think the first three sentences are something like one month ago. My dad committed suicide five days ago. I found out I am grieving and know I am sexy and sexual and grief-stricken and I listed a bunch of other. It has everything from you know, zany and manipulative and ambitious and resilient and just I really it's important for me with what I create that it sort of carves out space for women to really inhabit a human identity. That isn't just like the nurturing identities that we want women to have. I am really Passionate about how we really I've become increasingly aware of how we are. So it's so easy for us to imagine, you know, fully human three-dimensional man, you know, he's an absolute monster in the boardroom gets deals done makes that money comes home. Loving father. Loving friend good heart good husband good brother good soul. Ole and you know if something tragic happened he's a man, of course, he still gets to have a sex drive. He's like, of course like, you know sexuality is is part of being a human for him and like he wants to fuck that's doesn't make his grief less real or or his capability as a father less real and it is so hard for us to wrap our minds around the same concept for women like the idea that I am grieving and want to fuck. It's like it's Blasphemous. And I mean you're aware of that and then you throw it out there and you're like people deal with it. Well, I'm not like people deal with it. But I really think of my writing I think of my whole Instagram as art which I don't think a lot of people and I made the artistic choice to put shocking sentences next to each other shock is actually the word. I was thinking like there's a shock value to that you want a reaction from people and isn't that art. I just giving people a react I don't want to reaction I think I think I think it's really wrong that people are like you put this on Instagram. So you're asking for people to be mean to you. It's like fuck that like oh my God, if I had a gallery show would I be asking for people to come up to me at my gallery show to be like, this is shit this like I see why your dad killed himself these paintings are terrible, but the fact that like people can comment like you are dead to your dad long before he died or like, you know, I see why your dad committed suicide on a That that's totally fucked up. It's totally out of line. I'm not asking for feedback. I'm not accepting unsolicited criticism. But when you post it, you know, you're going to get a reaction. Is that do you care at all about it? I tore your art. Now. I'm going to get a reaction. I really hate that attitude. Like I think people can be shocked quietly behind their screens and I don't think in the same way that you can go to an art gallery and you can be shocked by the work. Yeah, and maybe it's not for you unfollow. Me but even like positive reactions of people being like, yes, like I love that you're doing that. I mean my criteria honestly, I've blocked people who put too much on me just positively just in terms of like I really just sort of my cutoff is is this helping me make more stuff or is it slowing me down and if something is sucking up my energy that I could be using to make shit, they just they're gone. And so if you live for the compliment, you'll die by going viral as a scam. So you I leave the positive comments up and I think people really want to put a narrative of conniving. Narcissistic woman on to me, you know, like I only want to be I want to live in an echo chamber of Praise when in reality. It's like I know if I internalized the good validation that it's just as disorienting as you know taking to Heart the criticism. I leave those positive comments up because they don't slow me down and I don't take them to heart and I delete the comments that are like, you know, I see why your dad killed yourself or I address them. Those were really really chilling. So I actually address those head. Don but when it's smaller stuff just like there's someone dupin actually a common I deleted this morning was these paintings are terrible and you're a dumb cunt just like for Just Hits. Yeah. Yeah, and I even though you went you went to school in England. It's also the amount of times that people have called me a dumb cunt is a lot. I had a nipple Every time a stranger on the internet called me a dumb cunt and you know, like how many men who went to Cambridge have ever been called a dumb cunt. One thing that we do align on is creativity and creating things is what helps that's where I'm my happiness. That's when I'm living in the moment. I'm not anxious about the future thinking about the past. I'm just expressing and I think as an artist that's just so important consider yourself an artist I do. Do I consider you one to thank you. You was actual nicest things. Anyone said to me in a while. Yeah, and I think yeah creating is just what I love to do and even just sitting here right now. We're creating something that the world didn't have before and I'm so I'm so happy you came and you've been so honest with me. I want to end with a final game. Okay. What are you ready? So ready? It's called it's not really a game of just asking questions. But I like to call the game because games are more fun. It's called the seven deadly sins. Okay eight off. These beforehand gave me the notes. Seven deadly sins. What? Are you grow? By the way, you're going to get dragged into the viral storm. That surrounds me. It's gonna be like Caroline Calloway and Hitler who's still alive on podcast together? On burning in hell. Yeah, what are you you're welcome for the presses what I'm saying? Um, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What are you greedy about? Obviously creativity workshops. Did you not hear the apology? How many did you end up doing total 7 I mean we continue the tour we like we went to Texas as plan, but you refund it anyone who I refunded the first two events. Yeah, and you know I wouldn't have done that. Now I would have what I would have done if it happened again tomorrow. I would just honestly be like if you really feel like it wasn't worth it to you. I'll give you a refund and I just asked them to make the choice because I know that they really enjoyed it. Who are you envious of that's a really good question. Thank you. Um You know I try to make it no one but maybe Elizabeth Gilbert. Yeah. Well I um because her engagement is so fucking good Sheila rights, as long as I do but she gets like twenty forty thousand like supposed and I'm getting like fucking 3, so I would love to have that sort of engaged feel like a lot of people ghost follow you. Oh, yeah, exactly. Like everyone's just like kind of watching. From afar yeah, my story views are like off the charts but and you know as crazy as sometimes more people will send a post of mine to people then people will like it people. That's Grazie. Yeah, it's like that's crazy. But um, but yeah like 4,000 shares on a post with 3,000 likes that's unheard of I'm jealous of how financially stable she is because right now I feel like I have to dilute. loot so much of what I want to make with being a good businesswoman, and I'm so jealous of how people really see her as a valid teacher and I feel like they're definitely more things that Elizabeth Gilbert knows that I know but I know some things and I just wish that I could be recognized and you know, I don't even need to be recognized it would just be so nice not to be Laughed at as a joke every time I tried to assert my own qualifications or intelligence or accomplishments like having to defend yourself a lot. I no longer defend myself. It would just be so nice not to be like ridiculed at every turn. How's that affecting her mental health right now right now, honestly, my mental health is never been better. I go to therapy three times a week. I'm on antidepressants. I mean, I'm fucking Calling it but it was really really hard in the spring and it was so so hard it was so hard. Like I just like I can't even tell you how for those first two months like January February March. My nervous system was like scrambled like like I would send a text and never in my life have I my has my brain gone to a place where I'm like this person isn't answering me because they don't like me but just every single stimuli in the world. Old was your amygdala was like out of was yeah. It was just like everyone use that word. I love that. I don't even know if it's like this the stress whatever hippocampus is memory. Yeah, exactly. But but you can get that mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the cell, but but it's like those Loop thoughts were like you can convince yourself anything like I convinced myself for awhile that like I wasn't being myself. For some reason because I had like a bad breakup and every time I sent a text I was like would I have sent that time? I got a dark place and that sounds together has really been like when you're in those Dark Places Isn't it nice right now to be like hey, I feel kind of loved or like hey, I kind of feel like myself. Yeah, I feel so I just telling is about this. She was like, how is Ali and I was like, I have never felt so fucking powerful and so like myself and I just feel but that the weird thing of it is I would never wish going viral as a scam. Yeah on anyone even the reporter who started that Twitter thread in the first place or any of the journalists who perpetuated all of that misinformation. It did force me to double down on my mental health because I was like you had to face some Darkness yet. I have really really really really had to like, I was forced to explore how much I thought maybe that I was a bad person and How much I really cared what other people thought of me and I really if people still liked me in almost unconditional way that they did before I went viral the first time this year like I might never have had to examine those things in order to survive, but it really became a question of survival at this point. How much do you care if people like you I mean it It's strange because the truth is it's this really crazy like circular Loop that I figured out about my brain is like I feel most confident and most Unstoppable when I'm like a lot I care. I'm gonna scream. I can't Allah who people fucking think about me. I really hope they like me I would like to be liked and like just admitting that about myself really gives me the Stoppable force of nature hurricane strength that I need to be like, yeah, I would love to be liked fuck you. If you don't I have some stuff to do I was talking to a friend about patterns and it's almost like one of your patterns might be I want to be liked by everyone. So the universe is like let's make everyone on the internet mad at her for her to face her biggest fear and maybe break that cycle totally and I still want to be liked but I just I feel so at peace admitting that you know, what there's no point denying. It like I'm a person who wants to be liked. There is something refreshing about some of your captions when you're just like someone think you're like, yeah, I want money and power. Yeah, I was like, yeah, bitch. Yeah. I was like, yes, but I do and it's so crazy how just that phrase feels so triggering to some people it's so triggering to some people and it feels so far--and on my tongue like the first time I admitted it. I knew it was true as soon as I said it but I was like, oh my God, does this make me a bad person like no one should know. And it's just so crazy how we've been socialized as a girls to really make our ambition palatable. Like, you know, we want to be working women. We don't want to be gold diggers. We don't want to be dependent like but we also are taught not to want too much don't want money Fame Power Glory that you're not going to run the world. But yeah, I'm going to do exactly it's like a first time a girl was like, maybe I want to be president. People were like, huh? No, yeah girl needs to be president. What are you gluttonous about? Food is the first thing that came to mind. I just like love the pleasure of eating. It's such a like. Yeah, it's delicious. Oh my God, the sensation someone should write that down food is delicious. Oh my god. Did this girl called Cambridge? She's she's right. She's so smart. She'll be able to survive any Workshop about that intelligent. She does have some shit with I'm like go to when you're high at night and just want time. There's a really good place that Fish tacos near me, but honestly, I'm like I've been living there for eight years and I've realized the other day. I'm like I might be I might have had you know, my my 10,000 fish taco and I might be fish taco doubt. So I don't know I'm sort of in a liminal place where I'm like I'm open to a new go to but right now it's it's the final days of Rome of the the Grandeur of my flesh tone palette evolve. Naturally, let it happens. When was the last time you It's extreme wrath. Like do you have an angry side to you? Yeah, I mean I I try to let myself experience anger more frequently because that's also not a feminine. It's not a feminine characteristic yesterday in La I was doing another podcast and the host was so lovely Matt Delia my saying this right through ya Leah, Leah D'Elia. Yeah, he was so chill so cool. And he was like, yeah, I don't get why people don't like he was like Very La Stoner Vibe. I was like, oh my God, you're like Central Casting send me like a very chic La Stoner because like yeah, I just like I really value the content that smile low voice the content that creators make like I don't get why people don't like influencers like everyone follows them. I was like, okay. Well, it's great that you feel this way. Like I'm very happy that you're of this opinion, but no one else feels this way and I just Stare it was like I wouldn't say it was it was definitely not a map, but it was anger at just the way the culture is wrapped up with the frustration of being like, okay, but like it was frustrating for me to not only be like, okay no one agrees with you. First of all and second of all it is so fucked up that no one agrees with you and that just made me angry. It's just a perfect storm. Okay, next one. When was the last time you were a sloth? Because you've been just meeting after meeting red-eye therapy my podcast probably more shit. What was that? Some chilled honestly April. Like truly like I really I really have been fucking grinding. I put out like 16 post a day. Sometimes like you meant minimum like sex, how do you find plus stories? I mean, it's not especially without Adderall. I imagine when you wanna roll. No actually actually the great myth of adderall addiction and feeling is sort of got into this point. Yeah, if you take it once in a blue moon hyper productive hyper productive do not be fooled that Now what your life will be like when it's month 18 of Adderall your you're counting your hairs. And you know, you're like you're like dig it you let me hear your face picking like your it's not good. You're like you're scaring yourself emotionally, but also physically with your fingernails. Yeah, they're like a tweezer like it's just not glamorous you to unwind like after today when like you've you're probably exhausted you like baths. Do you like just painting? What do you like to do? Nails done and I also got a massage while I got my nails done. But that means that I really have to go home and sell some art because it was a little over budget for me. But no, I'm just I'm not the last time I really rested was April when I was just really in so like I started therapy and like March after just being like this is too heavy for me to Bear alone. And then after it took like Mart, I would take like a month to like get to know my therapist and for it to like At helping and April and May is when I really is sort of like I I put one foot in front of the other in January and February, but I just like really confronted the feelings of sadness that I felt about being disliked about being someone who cared about being liked about being someone who felt like I might be a little bit bad about thinking my ambition was bad and I just like I honestly was so depressed. I was just like crying in bed and just couldn't get out of bed. bed, and then the ssris that I'm on honestly, I it's not even that they started kicking in because they take six weeks to like build up in your brain, but I've learned from my therapist that I have what he calls a magical relationship with pills, which is very true because like I wasn't an alcoholic or like snorting lines of cocaine, like there's something that I really love about taking pills and that really worked my disadvantage when I was addicted to Adderall but really worked to my advantage when I started these ssris because like the first day the first time you've ever done it's the first time I ever did that because after I quit adderal I was like promised yourself never again no more pills and then after a month of working with my therapist, he was like you should really consider these like they diagnose you with depression or like generals ayat e are you'd like re-diagnosed me like we sort of started from scratch but like other therapist told me that that I just didn't like as much they were except for the fact that they were way more affordable. But um, yeah, I was just really sad and cried a lot and then I started feeling the placebo effect of day one taking the pills got back on Instagram grid posting and you know, I'd just come off of taking two years off. And so I know for a lot of people there like you work so hard but it's like yeah, but I took two years off so I'm sort of making up a you also I were working during that time on Mind kind of right and I don't know if you could have handled this situation. Maybe if you hadn't given yourself a break. I cannot tell you how many times I've thought to myself my God. Can you imagine if I went viral as a scam during the height of my adderall addiction? I went viral as a scam even six months earlier when I was like in recovery, but just not as strong like thank God. I went viral as a scam when I did also when you're healthy mentally like work doesn't feel as heavy and like running around and doing what you love is fun. But when you're depressed Everything feels like it takes so much out of you after this. We're going to go take an Instagram photo on the streets of Soho with my beautiful yellow outfit going to go back make some art going to work on this article that I'm posting going. Post about this podcast and your eyes are lighting up like your I'm so excited to make that art sell. It may be my personal assistant will come over and I'll work literally until I fall asleep, which I'm very tired so that could be it like because cyclical be soon. They'll be done with things like before you finish these questions. I have two more. When was the last time you let your pride get in the way of something. I think the last time was actually on I can't remember but it was during my trip to La there's this influencer who I was really excited to meet we've been like online friends for like six months and I love her. She does really like our content is a mix of totally quirky bananas, smart hilarious heartfelt stuff. And then she does a lot of just like standard influencer. Pay the bills sort of odds, you know, just like short captions, but she's also she's more famous than I am. She's much more of a safer bet for Brands obviously than I am. She makes a lot more money than I do and it was this weird moment. When we finally met she was like two hours late to this party that was happening in LA and I was pretty wasted by the time she got there because I was I because I was really nervous to meet these it was this little to party with some other internet people and we all got together and sort of like kept it off the Record and had this secret little rendezvous rendezvous an LA which is exactly what I thought internet famous people did and I like go to someone's house and just be like no one post like like know until like this would be so off-brand of like anyone knew I was hitting this Vape right now. Like I was like, oh my God, this has been missing for just snorting coke City. I was like, this is exactly what I thought. Would be like so the only reason I actually posted about this and the reason I'm talking about it now is because there's no way for people to find out because yeah, I kept it very secret. Yeah my ego got in the way because I was drunk and I said to her I meant to say something like I feel insecure about not making more money. I live very like month to month on rent. I feel like you are so creative and you have so many awesome things inside of you and what I said instead was why do you do so many ads and it was just it was just the wrong thing to say in so many ways because I could tell that she was defensive and insecure about doing so many ads and I tried to sort of drunkenly backtrack by saying, you know, like I meant because like I just think you're a real artist and and I didn't admit that I had said that because I was worried that she would look down on me with everything that has happened to me. You know, she has a really squeaky clean press image. And in that moment. I was feeling really insecure that like, you know, maybe her cool also famous La friends would really judge her for hanging out with someone so controversial and I think I just wanted to position myself as a real artist and maybe seemed better in her eyes, and it ended up just really getting in the way of us being friends and I ended up having to To apologize to her via text which was just really you knew she got mumbling said about it. You know, I didn't I tried to handle it the best I could at the time and then I asked her to hang out again because I was like I should apologize about this and she was like, I have a work event and then I asked her to hang out the next day and she was like, I have a work event and I was like, oh God, I really have to apologize for this. So I can't even say that I was brave enough to just flat-out apologize via text my I was brave enough to ask her to hang out so that I could apologize. In person and that your intuition new Force. Yeah, and then I just had to be like hey and when I told myself was, you know, I think it's really humbling to accept the fact that like for so long. I carried this concept of like the best version of myself that if I just self improved hard enough, I would attain a version of me that no longer fucked up and that would be I would be so happy. Happy it would be so great. But I realize now and it's so frustrating and humbling to accept this truth into my heart. Is that like the best version of me still fucks up occasionally like when I'm being my best self, I will still get too drunk at parties and say the wrong thing and let my insecurities get in the driver's seat. And the best version of me does that and then just owns up to it and apologizes. I just really owned up to being like I meant to say this. I said was this I hope you can forgive me. Like I really value what you create everyone needs to pay the bills. It's very humbling to admit the best version of myself still fucks up and like I really fucked up and I'm sorry and I just had to sort of remember like if she's worth being friends with like someone she'll accept my apology and she did and I think we're going to hang out in New York when she comes here and what a great answer to that question because a lot of people get stumped on that one and you kind of just nailed it. I also think that the best version of yourself is the one that when you do mess up your nice to yourself. Oh, I love adding that into the mix. Yeah. I haven't been really nice to myself in like you dumb drunk bitch. I like you stupid cunt with a Cambridge degree. Like why why Cambridge was a gay? You're so dumb. Yeah. So final question Cambridge more like cut Bridge right there for me. When was the last time you left? Over someone. Oh my God, Mike earlier this morning. Did you go see a boy toy? Yeah. Okay. So I saw this model in La who is just great Houston. I'm on Instagram. You know, what's so crazy. Is that actually I fucking met him on a hinge wait, this is so funny. So my hinge right buyer in La no, no, so I met him on hinge back in July. And he's just my hinge profile fucking slays it is like I should so important. It's so good. I have like just the perfect photos and my responses are like all Scientology to except under so funny. It's honestly, I'll show you my head in profile after this and it's just like it's just like me pretending to be a Scientologist like recruiting people and I literally I've never hacked a dating app. Algorithm the way I've hacked hinge like all I need viral and hinge. No all I get shown our models like literally every single person who's shown to me. It's like a modeling pick and I'm like, fuck me up with those abs like, oh my God, that's fucking go. I would say of two types one is like male model. I'm currently going through a chapter in my life that I would describe as Pop Bottles fuck models. But yeah the male model in La I did not like that joke as much as you did hate being objectified when I love objectifying male models. I'm like, why is your shirt still on when you're talking to me and they're like, we're in a public place. I'm like, that's it. You're literally that's literally me. I would text him photos of my art. I'm doing these Henri Matisse nudes and he'd be like wow great and I'd be like, okay, so send me nudes. I just told you. Moderate now you get so mad. Yeah sent units. Yeah. I mean, I'm like, I'm the funny one. You're the hot one. Take your shirt off. Yeah, you're boring me. What are you talking it's adorable and sometimes I was so cruel about it. I was a lot of people were making fan art of me is in Allah and I was showing it to him and he was like, yeah people paint me all the time and I was like, well they paint you because you're beautiful and they paint me because I'm a creative genius is my mind. Yeah exactly. I'm assuming like did you just put a sentence together? That's adorable not tu Your shirt off. Well, I have that title and then like Gym Rats. They're like, do you even lift bro? I like I like a boy who you could reasonably say like Brody even read like I like a really skinny intellectual boy either like modely abs are like someone who's just like wasting away in a library. Like they're just so thin and intellectual that you're just like like I hate boys who are too meaty like I love a model body. Mmm or like, you know, Lightweight crew and swimmers also said crucify their smart the cool guys not heavyweight crit lightweight. It's funny because of my own insecurities of being manly I need like six foreign up. Like I need to feel like a little dainty dandelion, but that's my own insecurities on them. It's I think it's my insecurity of having applied my Cambridge degree in art history towards using Instagram as an artistic medium that no one takes seriously or it's my insecurities of having succeeded on Instagram with a Ali like normal body like I'm not I'm not famous because I'm hot I I think I'm hot but I'm not dating male models is definitely ego really, it's Egan. You talk to a therapist about it, but I still love it. People are like would you marry him and I'm like do I like his attention right now? Yes. Yeah. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, so that was the last time you know, there's this other boy who's really smart who I'm sort of lasting over guys just like, you know as on my mind, I think I'm going to see him at the End of October and go visit the super smart ivy league town where he is. But um, but last time I don't I guess like really felt last was with this male model because he was just he was so hot. Oh my God, I will literally showed you dated him. No because he he was really he's one of the first people he is the only person I've ever met who's Instagram famous who genuinely doesn't care lip everyone else. I've met even if If they've said with their mouth, I don't care. I know just from knowing them and I'm like and even when he first told me that I was like well, I don't fucking believe you but I really got to know him and like God to see him as a person and it shocked me to find out that he really didn't care about Fame but and that was lovely about him and he was really he was so lovely about my grief and I feel like he really understood me. But what was really tough about being with him was he wanted all The perks of my fame like he wanted me to help him with this company that he's building and post about it. And he wanted to interview me and interview my friends, but he hated that anyone like Reddit trolls figured out but like I was seeing him and would message him and he wanted me to he wanted to just be erased from the record and I'm fine. I'm fine being like I'm not going to tell you this person's name. I'm not going to describe them not going to tag them. I'm not going to put them in photos. I'll I'll hide their face but It's I draw the line at being like I'm going to lie. Yeah, because like I did that once four years ago and guess what? I I know I hated it and to lie and like pretend like that's not happening when it is it was just really there's a lack of authenticity to it. Yeah, and it just I do want to date him because he's so hot and he's so kind but I don't want to date him because I really want to embody the idea that like, this is the hole Package. Thank you. Can't pick and choose what you like about me. You can't and sometimes really hot guys get away with what they want as in like. I just want this a viewer that of you guys are like and it's empowering of you to be like, yeah. It's all in me or nothing. Yeah. He told me he had never been rejected in his whole life and I really believe him. He wasn't one to lie. I was like, can you imagine living your whole life and everyone you ever have a crush on always wanting can't be sane if like all is Actions are positive in life. I don't know he seemed pretty sane. I mean, I think he laughed he had some blind spots around around cherry-picking from the worst part was he was like no because he didn't like me for my fame and that was really true. So when he'd be like no, I don't care that you're famous. He would say it and mean it but his blind spot was seeing the ways in which he wanted to like benefit from my connections from my ability to help his business from Honestly being around the humor and wit and Sparkle that made me this famous in the first place. Like I'm very fun to hang out with and it's like he wanted all of those things are models love a girl with personality like a good hang because it's not their industry isn't known for the best personalities and when exactly on exactly so to wrap it up because he keeps saying last question, but this is my actual last question that I asked on every single episode. What advice would you give people to cope with their hell, I would say don't get out of it. I mean, I think that's the framework of this question is flawed because coping implies if not fixing then sort of, you know, stumbling through or surviving it. But the point is really I think a better question would be like, what advice would you give people to help them except their hell because the idea is not that you want to survive how or fix it or Or change these flaws of yours that I don't know whether those flaws are characterological or they're just behavioral patterns that you keep finding yourself in or they're crazy shit that the world throws at you like your dad committing suicide are going viral as a scam or having your exbest friend write an essay throwing you under the bus. There are lots of different ways to find yourself in pain, but when you do I think you just really have to not being honest about your Insecurities or your desires or your struggles doesn't make them any less true. It just keeps you from being fully seen by others and by yourself Caroline Calloway, you've been through hell and back you survive this hell. I'm so grateful for you coming being so open so eloquent. So honest where can people follow you and I'll see you have some art that you're selling. Give me like the rundown. Okay. Well some oh my gosh. You're so nice before this. Podcast she's like is there anything you want to promote and I was like no. I just want to have fun and my manager who's in the room was like at your art that you're selling. You should buy my art. But really you should just follow me because my art is good. You may not like the paintings. Are you may not like some of the posts but in general I have a good ability to make shit that people want and I put out a lot of really good content. So you should follow me on Instagram at Caroline Calloway, and if you don't like it, then you should unfollow me because I also want you to just, you know, live your best life, and I don't want you to have a toxic relationship with my account the woman the myth the legend. Thank you for coming to hell. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye.
Hannah goes through all the accusations that Caroline Calloway is facing online and Caroline tells her what is true or false. She explains why she didn’t write her book, why she didn’t pay the advance back, her adderall addiction, what hell happened with her creativity workshops, why she took 2 years off instagram, why she doesn’t do sponsored posts, how the media would have reacted differently if she was a guy, a tutorial of what to do if you get scammed, her favorite hate comments, why she has a vendetta against Seth Rogan, why she admitted to being greedy, how much truth was in Natalie’s essay, who she thinks the real Natalie Beach is, why adderall was her drug of choice, her biggest physical insecurity, wanting fame, her magical relationship with pills, secret influencer parties in LA, the model who she was dating, her dad’s suicide and ultimately how she plays the internet like a violin. --- This episode is sponsored by · Oops Podcast: The Oops podcast examines the mistakes that change the trajectory of people’s lives: the bad decisions, the aftermath, the path to redemption and all things in between. · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESP n of T v-- talk now a night to life damn, right? The boys will be don't love her voice all that get me. Well, I'm so proud to be part of her life the second screen the enter key after showing AfterBuzz TV, exclusive enough diverse TV wrestling sports that a lot of stuff to go in today a huge show week 3 of the to our formatting of one network thing, you know, we'll go before we do. Let's talk to the man the myth the legend. This guy's a veteran of the challenge after show his fans. Come on punk rock get hurt in Christopher has man, I love that. It's you can be like my new height man dude, I do. Yeah that I was like I was like buying that much something. Yeah. I appreciate that. Thank you. Everything going good, man. Get it's been busy as I was saying jumping around all over the place, you know the Crazy Life in La men, but good. Oh, yeah making that money make that dream happen and XT live from Full Sail just overall thoughts of the show. You think actually I really enjoyed it. I think I liked it way more than I did last week to be honest. Yeah. I just thought the matches were just a lot more entertaining. Yes the best way to put it, you know, I mean and then you know the storyline just trying to see and fold a little bit. Or of some of the wrestlers are I think starting to find you know, their groove a little bit better. I think as we're going on now, I think I enjoyed it a lot. Absolutely. I thought the show was pretty solid granted. Some of the matches weren't as like that take over worthy things we're used to but it's definitely a long term play with we tonight's episode is going to have with the boot thing of the week. We also want to take your calls A little bit later. So here's the number the write down. If you're going to be a call able to call in the layers 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 to open the phone lines low latest you can ask us a question comment or concern about Everything so like I was saying man, I mean the one that wore is there there's that other show. We can't mention actually NXT has great matches has great energy. But you know for me, it just seems that this episode of particular had a minimizer one side of things. There were very few matches that I thought I knew the result was going to be or I was wrong with it was always going to be going into it just your thoughts about that. I mean, I guess I agree. Yeah, I mean it was kind of some of the stuff was a little bit obvious. I mean we were I think we both were stumped on that that do match. Me that that was a little different right? I mean you see different story lines come to play and then I move we keep getting teased by the fin things. I mean, there's there's things there. Yeah, there are predictable, but I'm still anxious to see where everything kind of plays out, you know, even with the bays are thing. I mean now everybody's in board for that, you know our online jumping on trying to you know, face a champ, but we'll see what happens. Yeah, absolutely start with that for us. I mean, the the main event tonight was Pete on against Damien priest. He the hard truth right for me, which I wrote down my nose. I'm not really sure what he is. His right eye is almost like is he Supernatural? Is he going to be some sort of like Mordecai character a lantern that for you? Okay. I just got you off. He's a modern-day Gangrel see us. That demon priests is undefeated. I forgot he was you know, I we talked about that before like I thought you know, definitely giving it to done going that route or is going to be some kind of, you know interference obviously with what happened before the match. You know, I agree with you is something that you know, but we had talked about I don't know if you jump into yet but where we are potentially going with these storylines with with, you know done obviously having that little conflict before the match and then now priest, you know, being undefeated taking that win. What? That leave and does that mean that there's potential now for Beller, right? You got a good point about having that that little Smiles before we with done in Dane and snaps fingers, right? Like what that was. My past is my future my future possibility that hey they may be he is a top Hilltop solo Hill who's not Undisputed error right. Now your boy Bell and get his work in there. The thing is though. Do you want to see that match do you want? Even ballet reverse deeming Greece is here's the here's the thing and we had talked about this too is who what bats do we really want to see with Ballard who could really step up to that plate? Right? I mean that's tough right now, you know, I guess daily only other single heel. Yeah that I'm not on I person that I'm bored with Dane but he has his fans right right true. So I mean that's a tough call and I think priest is in one of the best positions to take that spot, you know about and then Stephen as character, you know, if you talk about Finn with like the demon and that whole vibe and I mean I think would be definitely an entertaining match. So yeah, that's tough. But I mean, I think he's in a good spot. Just this is the last time but that that pretty much prefer move on. I like the fact that full sail actually gave that matched its do I felt like Full Sail was on their hands granted again. The match isn't have the Marquee names you see in the program but their actual wrestling was dope what I thought was pretty solid, but it felt like they were just on this mute thing until the main event and that exchange that priests had with Donna was kind of scramble totally well-deserved. So I didn't know how uneven that was about just awesome. Them all day with the crowd. I mean the credit the crowd seemed it was up and down but there were the moment you saw when they were just like this is awesome. This is awesome, you know and then chanting, you know, there's some good spots in there throughout I think all of the matches some of them obviously weren't as great if you know obviously but throughout I think the whole show hasn't as a full package. I think there were some really great moments in there and I think that's what kept the crowd engaged and you know to all the way to the end because you got two hours now, you know, so at the end of that it's one of those things where you know, people could check out very easy. But this match it lives up to its potential they gave it a good push. I mean the action in the ring was awesome. There's some really good spots in there. So I mean, I think overall I think the fans got a good show. You know that checking out our chat roll the best chat role in the business turned out to Zeno our Joseph Boza Lucci. How you doing? Dank. You give everyone out some some love out there external shock wave even though he and I were not sitting on the show. I still love you man. All questions comments or concerns are great. We hear the chat. We're watching your questions. So if you have anything Sure, you reach out support the show The Super Chat function. It's an s in the Box you can support the show that way and leave comments because we read everything but we before I move on David Christopher, you tell the world how they listen to this after brush. Oh, yeah after brunch. So definitely, you know, obviously we can't do this without you guys. We love being here. We love doing what we do. We love talking to interact with all you guys. So whether you're watching us on YouTube Spotify iTunes, whatever you prefer. Make sure you give us a thumbs up those likes give us the top five rating 2010. Yeah. Let us know how you feel. How you Or digging the show because we appreciate it. And again we can't do this without you guys and we love being able to do this. So make sure you give us that support those thumbs up leave us your comments. We love to talk to you guys smooth how to Josh the doctor the comment on the iTunes review this week. You says quote always awesome to listen in on you guys great coverage and very entertaining Exclamation point Exclamation point Exclamation. Well, thank you. Yeah. Shut up with the muscle champ. All right, his first match back against Angel Garza match that was set up because Angel bumped them in backstage. Very very quick match now, we're not really sure what Tomaso's chambal Tapas up path is going to be but it's looking more and more like he's going to be a face thoughts about that. I'm thinking the same thing. You know again, we're talking about that word. Is he going to go now? What's his path? And I think he is going to be a face. I think the crowd so I want to know if he's got that you know that buzz that pump from coming back now and I think that's just kind of the energy that we're feeling and I think that's probably the best best route for him in this position right now, you know, you know doesn't like that Adam Cole. He's threatening my family like, hey, man, I know you call it goalie, but it's mine now right takeovers on the horizon. I mean, it's the end of October Survivor series and all that's coming next month. It looks like it's going to be Chompers cold for that. Do you think I'm just being arrows going to retain hear it that matches setup or do you think it's going to be like a quick Wrath of our goalie and jump, you know II that's that's tough only because of how everything is starting to flip a little bit. You know, I want to say Adams going to retain, of course, you know. I would say that's a given but again chop has got some he's got some good heat right now. He's got a buzz if he's going to be the face. I think it could potentially be around that and I see my tryout. I mean it's hard to say but I'll say I'm gonna I'm gonna give the benefit that actually chopping, you know, I'm gonna give it to you man. Yeah. Yes, you're going to take it. We'll see what happens. You're coming back from an injury. I'm rooting for the underdog man. I don't it's kind of weird to me that he is a looks quit out of coal. Tommaso. Looks like he's the face, but he like kicked a Mexican flag and come on. Come on. Yeah, but we had a different way the Britain Brawlers Dani Burns only lurking against Imperium. And the reason why I say it's dope is it is one of the most technical pure technical matches I've seen in like the last two three weeks. The problem is a lot of plain black trunks look like it's pretty boy. You can't show that kind of mess with someone and say, oh my gosh, it's Dani Burns Imperial even without Walter thoughts about them as a group and have they can like section off and have different computations and permitting. I mean hit overall especially for talking about technical wrestling man. I mean that's that's their nature, right? That's what we're going to see with them. And I think that's what's going to help them evolve and find their way into this whole, you know, and if Sierra so, I mean it's one of the things that I think just curious to see what they're gonna do going forward to be honest. Yeah. I mean, I like Imperium and they're definitely I like the fact that taking the old school thing and your technical wrestling is one of those things that I think now more and more talents have a base even though they handed the flare and You stopped but in person I don't have to be I think the best technical wrestlers do you could argue didn't have much personality. Malenko Bret Hart was had a little bit Lance Storm Anderson, you know, they're like, yeah, that's because we live in an era of like the flash a bit that they may be seen as boring. So I just I don't know it really sure what's next for them. I see I think that's in a way kind of good though. Because like I said, that's their neat, you know, they found that's them that's what they're going to do. So I I mean, we'll see if it works but I feel because there's so much Nostalgia going around right now, you know, it's kind of that time. I think it might work for them will see time will tell you no, but I think because we do have a whole lot of flash it is the you know, the evolution of the athlete. But again, there's still that nostalgic Factor there that some people still like to see that and that technical wrestling again, so we'll see what happens but I mean, I like it. Yeah for sure. I want to see what you guys think in the chat up about the idea of the rise of technical wrestling may be at the expense of some of the character a pyro or like Kick pad ring gear is your thoughts about this classic wrastlin, you know, that's the way they're going back to the Saturday morning. All right. Yes, sir. You get a quick promo from from Johnny Gargano, right? So here's the thing. I want to ask you because you're a new person that vanger addition your permanent. You're on the poster head XD after show over the past year we've gone from saying John is a guy that doesn't get his due and Jim Alexander degree think he's like kind of a shrimp right but then it was like we're all behind them the whole dark DIY thing. Then he got the title and then it like well Johnny what else you got and now he's coming back just your thoughts about Gargano his career. Are you procure? Yeah, no neutral or anti-crime at this point. And now this probably isn't a popular answer but I'll just say I'm neutral right now at this point because again, like you said we've had I know I know I had some boring answer I get it. But again like he has had those ups and downs. We it's to me personally when I'm watching I'm like, yeah, what is next for this guy? Where's it gonna go? So, I don't want to say I'm necessarily against them. But again, I'm still trying to see where this guy's gonna go. So, um, I'm kind of neutral and I know that's not a cool answer but she's kind of I'm waiting to see what happens doesn't bother they call them some tiny wrestling. I mean, yeah, just let me know. I'll say okay from where he's at right now. Yes, that's a bold statement. Okay. I mean, let's get you up to the the big dogs. Let's put you through a couple of you know, the top guys and I mean you got like guys I see him T best in the world. I seem T. CM Punk scuze me hundreds of times the best in the world, right? You know, we have the Jericho which I don't know if I could say no. No, but I mean we have him you know, his best what he does. You know, Bret Hart way back there man. That's right. Exactly. So you got you that's a bold statement to put yourself up there with guys like that, you know so shady. Yeah, so I mean, does that bother me? Yes that bothers me at this point. Yes. So we're talking about this before the show is that if you were you were talking about the possibility of you acting becoming a professional wrestler. Yes, sir. You were like to try and give him the opportunity. Well, here's the thing. Is it here's the thing I could have this is a way back now, you know I could have went out to the FCW. Trained UFC dub. I was heavily involved with music. I was a professor musician's musician at one point. So I stuck with that I did train with Richter race in here in Los Angeles to you know, some rest and training so you can bump that I know some bumps, you know, I have an MMA background. So I've competed, you know, just amateur stuff early on and so yeah, I'm definitely you know, I'm an athlete I've competed on TV as an athlete. So it's one of those things that absolutely I want to do it. Yeah. Well you can put it on TV as an athlete. Yeah, and when I was a Ashley on Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge what? Yeah, so you can basically choked me out. I have no athletic skill to save my life. I tried I'm so bad. And when I play like like pick-up basketball my opponents help me out look bro. Just put your finger here and you shoot if you're great, but you want to go for Mad think you should have a basketball is a team game room. That's all right. That's okay. It seems quite a night against Caden Carter Caden Carter. I'm not sure how familiar you are with her because he has only been a couple matches, but she's about five years in the game. Name was Anna Marie on classic last year under the name Lacey Lane. It was just a really why it's kind of like this link here. I understand that it's really see on the roster. Yeah, I like Caden Carter. There's a lot of upside to her. She's built from the Philippine Islands. Well, I'm not sure how that's going to look to her character. But the first the last two times on TV shakes a loss you sure why it's on this rocket to the top heel the company. I understand you have to get new towns out there. But if it does that really hinder new Talent when they are shown so infrequently, and they Who's or do wins losses over matter? I mean that's that's a question because you have seen both sides you have seen or these losses can hinder it depends on the build-up and obviously, you know, sure either but they're building her up. She's the heel. She's the big dog, you know in that situation. So I think that's the route they're pushing right now. It could it could be a bad thing. But again, it's still too early on. Yeah wins and losses don't matter. What does well the chat back to the hotel getting again. Our thing Nelson team to be on ariados. Are they are pro Gargano. Looks like he's going to be a Annex he lifer whatever you so I don't think that headline WrestleMania time be my head on the Takeover. All right, that'd be kind of cool. The match itself was good. That u.s. Ryback was great. She gets the microphone EOS ride does cut soprano saying it's Hirsch. The next person in line really comes out not having it being a no large and imposing as we see here on the chat Jack farmer, who is my good friend Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays, not on Wednesday night always said Rhea Ripley had a built-in look, I mean she looks like she is dominant even here and across the pond absolutely dear always been a question here about the idea of a tweener write the ideas of the can go be a face or heal the women's division. Do you think Ria has that range or am I just having the wishful thinking because she's willing to be everyone up any point. I think naturally when you look at it, you're gonna think he'll absolutely she does have that built-in look, but again we've seen so much. I mean when you think about it, look at look at Stone Cold, which is one of the biggest wrestler of all time, right? I'm really was essentially He'll turned face but I mean, he's a badass he's got that built-in look, but he was he was a face at the same time, you know, so, I mean it's one of the things that yes, she does naturally have that look we think right away. This is this is the bad guy, but right you never know. I mean, it just depends on where the CEO you never you never do know, because even on NXT UK, which is a show that I don't want as often as I should but I watch last week's episode. She has to be like this this antihero like yeah, I'll help you out in the math not because I like you but because I want to make sure my It's you know, it's kind of a Rite. I really think so. We're moving on to that we get a so it's the best of 3 right keighley dhamma dr. Kovac because of that video. We saw earlier the night where those beans you can dream was decimated by the Undisputed era William Regal Lord, William Regal says, this is going to be for the number one Contender for Roderick strong Zen a title match keighley dhamma dr. Kovac three thoughts on the match over offers when we get to nitty-gritty first. I thought it was funny how quickly that happened, you know, it was all Of a sudden like oh then here's really the there's you know, there's an interruption and then we'll in Regal. Here's the match if it's kind of like, I mean, obviously we know it's already laid out but it really has happened so quick. Yes. He's like I knew was what happened. Let's go. I mean of course. Yeah, that's going to be a great match. Absolutely. Are you asking me what direction you think? It's going know? It's the thought about the match itself the third match. I mean keighley and downloads of Kovac had three matches in XT, but they've been going at it with each other about I'll say eight years, maybe maybe the middle of the news for a long time about this match forget about the Vacations going into it because false L didn't like you were interested in this one. I've got to be honest with you. It was I felt like they were trying to make it way different cause they done this match before but once you've added the na title stipulation, they could have just said let's give you the cheeseburger. Let's give you what we're used to they didn't do that. So just almost see your thoughts if you agree or disagree about that personally ahead. I like the match overall. I'm going there is sometimes in there. Whereas a little are you know, but I think the spots were really good. I mean a drusy dangerous. Yeah that one. With Lee were you almost basically landed on his neck was pretty bad bask in his glory guy is sighs man the way he moves is this lettuces. I mean that's you know, I'm impressed. I'm very impressed and I thought the match is fun. I mean there is moments in every I got it the like, okay, but again, they're bigger guys. It's one of those things are not necessarily that fast-paced. Yeah, so you can expect that a little bit but we get myself in trouble here guys off. I'm not turning heel. I am not a body shaming if you guys didn't know any money my personal life. I used to wait for your news. If I pounds myself now, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thanks. I appreciate it. Subway diet really works Keithley is a fantastic talent, but he kind of reminds me of baseballs Babe Ruth that a guy that just has his natural talent, but never trained do you think that Keithley has a as Limitless as he is could have a higher ceiling if he were just announced a little bit more trim or am I just looking to into the physicality of the male form as a resting professional? I think that's a fair question. I do because he clearly has a talent and again, you know This is one of those. This is a sport where you have to be able to go and if he did increase that cardio, you trim it up a little bit. I mean, I think you can definitely push a little more absolutely. Of course. It's only going to hinder you not to write so obviously I would say yes, and I almost you know, you're throwing back in Babe Ruth. He kind of runs a little bit Junkyard Dog a little bit. Okay, that's way back. Involved in the magazine on finished real comes out like you were saying no triple threat match right does Roderick strong retain or does others keighley or dominant? Dr. Kovac get any title? I'm going to say he retains right now, but I mean Keithley is get into I think he's gonna get pushed man. I think the crowd started when I'm over I mean they're you know, it's all this match. At least I saw the crowd was into him. Yeah back in the oh, there you go. He's so charismatic on the brand. Absolutely. So I mean, I want to say he retains and maybe they keep that few to go in a little bit Yeah, but I can see lead taking the title down the road. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Here's the one that matches I was talking about moving on where you kind of knew the result was going again. So the graphic came up Matt real an action which is always a sign. It's gonna be a squash match, but we took our with Bronson read someone from the breakout tournament didn't go pretty far definitely wait a lot more than that riddle. But Matt riddle gets the win this thoughts about this back to the idea of not seeing Bronson and so many weeks and then his last two outings were losses and he preaches took a lot of offense like in a row it was Like he was not hitting the reverse button on time because Matt Real is playing on God mode thoughts about that match. I mean again, it's one of those things where you know, sometimes you're just using guys as fog as or they're just seeing where they play out and you know with the crowd how they're doing. I mean again, like you said, he's been he's been gone. He's taking these Falls. I didn't expect a whole lot to be honest. Yeah, and that's what we got. I think that rule has to get this heat back, right because he definitely lost a couple of those big matches as well. But exactly I like Bronson read the former Jonah Rock, I'm sure I'm is looking into it too too gnarly. It's going to be like a champ in a year's time. They just felt like man. I mean this competitive matches in the squashes. All we got was a competitive match at turned into a squat right which is kind of weird to me to watch but hey, you know not all matches can be what I like right has to be something I can appreciate or or whatever and also moving on. We had a little quick injury report about kushida and his magic against Walter last week. I'm not sure how real the injury reports are but his wrist as and dries out for a month. So that was solving the problem that I was having last week about weirdest kishida. No, because he was all he was once on The Undefeated as well. I've wanted to do for the next hour or so moving on second with matching night. Take an ox versus tying Aura. I know your martial artist. I know time or another person that we've seen a couple times ticking knocks returning from injury like her partner Dakota Chi which also makes an appearance besides those of the match. I want to see your thoughts about the prospect of coming back from injury, right? We're all like veg. We're virtual GM's in some of those Haiti conduction. Wow. Fantastic competitor, but she had to repaired ACL are we worried about her upside or is it just pretty much just keep going on faith? You know what? I think it's both I think obviously they're having faith in her because they put it back out there. But to it's always going to be on the back of your mind and I think even just for knocks, you know, once you know, once you have an injury like that and you've heard many wrestlers talk about it, it's something that's kind of sticks with you, right? So I think that's always going to be something that's that's there. She performed great tonight. Yes, if she killed it. She did good. Me I always root for you know, like I said the underdog make those come back she came back. She did great. You know, I hope this doesn't affect her long-term down the road, you know, we'll see what halves are there. But again, I also was with tanara the same time, you know, like I think she did great she had a great match, you know, of course, we're going to get two knocks, but I'll sure like to see and go the other way together. There's always that thing about the physical recovery and psychological recovery. Like, you know, my I can't say that there's always that part we have to trust your body again to do the certain things Mark Donna goes in the chat. What's up, Mark? What up? What's up at the buzz of Jesus in the entry ports are legit. So there's there's that we gotta shout out to you because she don't hate it's confirmed. It's real because the internet says so yeah nsso and flip a coin. We don't know what's going on. So I also Velveteen dreams out for different of time as well. So it's reports all over the place. So we have moving on we have it. And there's no Boudoir is now time for will be the smoothing in the week where I talk about people or ladies out there. If you won't tell who do things a little bit of the world and give you a little bit of a spotlight little shout-out. I want to give out the T cannot could we just mentioned before coming back from injury or second ACL repair and in her career and she still going out their new gear Nouveau New intensity. Like I said before there's always that physical balance of things and always trusting your body and to be able to go back out there and not say wolf. I'm done Gotta Give it to leave. The shiniest wizard masika knocks and that's why you are this week's. Blow be too early nicely done nicely walk me through the bowl and mash boa Killian Dane Chinese Superstar young good-looking Killian Dane. Not as good looking. Yeah Talon II you talk about squash matches. I'm in you know, I'm probably wrong for this but I felt like this was a squash match to be honest. Yeah. I mean, it looks pretty early on what was going to happen in. Yeah, I don't have a whole lot to say about this and I wasn't to entertain to be honest. Yeah, I have a good upset about Beau looks like the kind of guy that you see on the programs of the truck. So he'll do like the Today Show International appearances. But yeah, I think even though again it makes sense have a squash match because he was injured by killing and a the problem always Howard Danes return is you haven't give me reason to care now. I think that back because that thing would be done and that quick interaction was like, okay. I want to see where this goes. Yeah, but I'm watching this match and I see the third Vader bomb ago. Well, what's the point you've destroyed? Boa, right. Yeah, if you did something Balor that's a whole different like my mom would say pot of pumpkin and I say no but you keep mine short guy who was already injured. So I don't really know what this upside is. I felt like for a long time it was a mess. And when a storyline hopefully the Pete Dunn thing comes out because frankly Killian Danes a kind of aggressive talent that someone is also like methodical would be great like you would work with a child who work with a Pete Dunn. Um, I know we're kind of getting hit and predictions if you do that now, but killing Dane Pete down thoughts about that. That comes to fruition. Absolutely and I think it's I think it's going to happen. I mean that we already have that nice little set up in the beginning which was kind of funny because I mean he essentially breaks his fingers and then it's just a all right. See you later gonna - yeah, that's okay. That's also with the boa that was just a setup to show the dominance the power of Dan, you know, like pretty much just make quick work of them and then that altercation happens and obviously now makes sense seeing what happened priest that that looks like the direction that that's going which Think that'll be a good few to you know, yeah, that'd be great to watch especially getting Ballard back in the mix like you were saying. Yeah, exactly. We'd open the phone lines. Now. Remember the number to call is 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 2 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 8 3 0 to excuse me. Again Charles everyone the chat have the time that week. Yeah, boo thing a weak man, cuz you know, there's no who don't talk to you came because on Monday, I knew the Boudoir and they totally ratted me out to you guys like so. So two matches were set up for for next week. We have the quote the officially the nightmare Rhea Rhea play against Bianca Bel-Air thoughts about this match and what it means for the Women's Division. I think we can I think we kind of gone over this last time but I mean, obviously I'm with Ripley. I mean, I think it's great. It's great for you know, the women of course, but I think this Direction I mean it's interesting to see who do you who do you feel is going to be more of the face in this one? That's my point. Feels like it's two heels on paper, right and which doesn't usually work out but it's NXT where what's an alignment if you're badass or if you're fun or what have you I'm I feel like Bianca's going to play more the face just because you know, she's stronger really sizes. So imposing it makes a lot more sense, but just my opinion I mean and that's that's what you would assume the natural story is right, you know, and it's again it's going to all come down to the direction, of course that they want to go with the writing. But I think personally, you know, I think it makes more sense to go with Ripley because that just looks so much more like entertaining when you see two Giants go out. Yeah, so it's funny how Ripley's on both divisions and xeu KNX here like this flying wings flutter fire miles zero hours has believed in boa. I do I actually like boa like them a lot. I don't like the fact is Gears too close to the sawa's but that's that's something you can change like the fuck. He's young. He's fresh face. It has a dope moveset. Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not I'm not hating on bow at all. I'm just saying. You know, they just kind of squashed him, you know, like in this match. I think it could have been a little bit better for him. Yeah, you know, that's all I again, I love squash matches to that. They serve a purpose I think on episode like today you could have done with like one Vader bomb. Remember the power of the Cross. Yeah, and the other one was other part was a triple threat match of strong lie keighley and I'm going to Kovac now. We said that with the we think that Roderick strong is going to retain right. Here's a question I have for you though. Does Roderick strong retain this match clean like this he like get away. With murder or do the under spin are get involved or causes a typical the scale, of course again involved, you know, and I think that's what's going to carry out the storyline and I think Lee and him are going to have that rivalry for a while to eventually takes it but I mean he's that's you know, he's the heel that's what's going to happen. Yeah, I think so too because the Counterpoint because of all the four guys, right? Yeah. I'm called back by you got you got the red dragon. You gotta go Riley and fish it always seemed to me was Roderick strong was added. He was that guy. He was a fourth guy if he won this match clean they may cement tomb. As a threat but there is that Spectre there being like well, my man is in a fight. My gang will be like, whatever right? Let me know if here are not but I would love to see him win a match clean like that were strictly his moves or whatever. Yeah, of course. Absolutely. I mean, he's got the talent to yeah, he's got the talent to you guys can go on. The phone lines are still open for 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 2 at once again for two four three, five four eight three hundred to we had talked about guys on the breakout Tournament being featured. Third more or less than what you think they would be like Jordan Mazza win. The tournament had a match against item: kind of Fade Out Cameron grubs on a tear for a couple weeks. We haven't seen them the breakout torment guys. I feel like the make it lost in the shuffle. But what can they do? Well, if you had these eight guys, what would you do to keep them? Keep them on top of mind, you know again, it's you're going to have your impact players. Of course, you know, the fact that you bring in finback you Adam Cole you got you know chomping out. I mean those guys are going to take you know, the glory of course. Depending on how you're going to sprinkle out these new guys, you're going to have to make it interesting amongst those guys, right? Because if you have the main guys leading the roster it's going to obviously naturally be about those guys. So until you have something that makes sense. You have another breakout star amongst those breakout Stars, you know, I mean, it's going to always probably kind of see my second-best. You know, I think we have our first call you're on the air. What's wrong with what city are you from? Aaron from Sam Houston what Euston? It's going on. Hey, I just had a question on you. Do y'all think they're they're building up a future re averse Teigen kind of robbery with what happened in in in in the classic. And what about a Velveteen dream or someone like causing Roderick strong to lose the title next week and that way they could take me continue their their their Feud after that match. Oh, that's That's a good question. Thanks for calling man. Look the the rear Ripley Tegan knocks thing. It's built in it's always great and that's one thing too because you can Hotshot and say Tegan's healthy. Let's do it because you know, you're in my spot or what have you but then at the same time we're talking like the item is now you Brian are like Randy Orton Kofi Kingston. You can come back to any point in time. I would love to do that. It's hard to say that because both Tegan Knox and rear if they are on both NXT Brands simultaneously either you would have to like make it a stir. And it spreads across those who think which is kind of cool. I can't lie or you have to drill it down and say Here's this for week or this six-week of this eight-week program is why they're doing it. Now as far as dream causing Roderick strong. Imagine we talk about think about that. That's interesting. That's an interesting take to be honest. I mean, I already gave my take on what I think is gonna happen, but that's that's obviously I mean, that would be interesting. Yeah. I was yeah great because I feel like more and more that they're trying to tweak the dream. I feel like they're going to give us the same plan buoyant. Ah be like they're going to give us the guy even the third eye and the dream over and the dope hair because I'm jealous of having hair. Well, but but he's not going to be the prince like clone. He's not going to be the guys look like, oh you're cosplaying as the artist formerly known as Prince I a Kia he comes here and be your own man. What enough time will tell man? So yeah. Thanks for your call. Appreciate it. Thank you, ma'am. Yeah. Yeah, no problem. So take over the November take over also known as War Games the last two years has been honest. Are those guys it's been their signature match and there was talk of The Conch do another called you want a croaker yells across here. You're alive and XT official with your name. Where you calling from? Hello, my name is Lucy from Oakland booty Flatbush really have so much of a question just food for thought. All right, do you think they could stretch the Adam Cole and Adam Cole and Tomas? Sample library for Royal Rumble only because this is like the first rivalry that Adam Cole really had a part from Johnny Gargano because he did it three times. Yeah, like do you think because War Games is coming up and I think he understood the Undisputed arrow is going to be in the cage. But so it probably not because Imperium is there but I'm only saying that because I think that it could stretch the muscle Chancellor and Adam Cole like Undisputed error comes every win the match or you know Stretch it out. What do you guys think? Yeah, that's a very good question. And I think that was a question. I was going to say the Undisputed are assuming from matched seems to be War Games as much as I like Imperium against them in that match. I would not do it only because since Undisputed ever has all the titles that once put in them with Imperial make that match completely top-heavy once you have the it look like they're setting up dream and she happen to have a car like this like a holy Alliance and it may be other person in there to have that like counter team that way you free up Imperium to have other It's on that card. I mean as much as we love the war games matching his and then it's amazing like you're adding a 13 which also could be a possibility. I don't see them like putting all eight guys in that match and making the Restless like things that have not been set up but to answer your original question. Absolutely because we're games is a great kind of side diversion, but when it comes down to it that take over a Royal Rumble in that takeover WrestleMania, that's the premier stuff. Also Chapel story recovery is amazing. Yeah, and I believe it's there the fans want to see it. It's one of those rivalries that you can definitely take that thing if we're good well, If we're good, well, you know, I mean and then now that you know the heat would chop become a back. It's one of those things that it's it's going to be at the top of I think the best it could be, you know, if the they I'm just gonna say I don't think Cole's gonna lose it. He won't lose it. It will probably carry out maybe till the very end maybe if they drag it out a couple different matches, maybe at the end. I think I'll take it. But ultimately I think Cole's, you know retain, you know, depending how long of a drive but I brought flow below. Yeah. We can talk about on Wednesday rusting doppelganger Titus O'Neil all about guys are awesome. This do told me Virgil. It's almost time for us to get out of here. I gotta ask you this work in the will find you online and you can find me at David underscore Christopher underscore official on Instagram. I can find me at fit TV network or just search me in that Google web. You'll find some stuff. Yeah gonna be interested in these Superstar. My name is over boys who you follow me at level Boys on Twitter at flow beat. So on Instagram, and of course Flowbee Monday night. We're back here for Monday Night Raw and SmackDown is actually moving the Sunday. So make sure that's going to be on your calendar as well. But until next time buzz you later have a good night guys our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV remember We're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later. Hmm views expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
On a wild night where Pete Dunne takes on Damien Priest, Keith Lee defies gravity, and Io Shirai puts the locker room on notice, Flobo Boyce (@floboboyce) and David Christopher (@david_christopher_official) break down the matches and highlights of NXT! The Unofficial WWE NXT After Show The NXT After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of WWE's NXT. Every week, tune in for host discussion, recap, and play by plays of the best moments of that week's NXT! With in depth and often entertaining commentary, be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the world of NXT! *This podcast is not associated or affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ("WWE") in any way. ABOUT WWE NXT: WWE NXT is the professional wrestling developmental branch for WWE, based in Winter Park, Florida. From its inception in August 2012 to June 2013, it was a distinct but affiliated developmental territory for WWE under the name NXT Wrestling. In June 2013, the NXT Wrestling website was shut down and NXT content was moved to From February 2014, NXT started a series of live special events broadcast on the WWE Network, comparable to main roster pay-per-view shows. Despite its status as a developmental branch, NXT has been praised for its high quality of wrestling, captivating storylines, and the opportunities they afford female wrestlers as opposed to on the main roster; the latter of which has led to a change on how women's wrestling is portrayed in WWE. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Chris Greenwood stops by this episode of the podcast. He's here in Nashville we go on a ride. Not only do we start dropping bombs the rain starts dropping on us enjoy this episode. So first off, I just want to say welcome to the podcast and before we jump into the episode. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect I have been in the business now for coming up on 30 years. What we're going to talk about in this podcast or things that go on in my day-to-day life whether it be as a manager whether it be as a consultant whether it be as someone who is creating products that's helping musicians all over the world. If there's something going on in the industry, we're going to talk about it. If there's a strategy that needs to be taught we're going to talk about it. And if there's some way that I can help get you closer to your goal. Then you're in the right place because that's what we are going to talk about here on the music industry blueprint podcast. Now, let's jump into The episode helping you navigate the music industry. Here's Rick Barger with the music industry blueprint podcast. All right. So in this episode of the podcast number 106, it's going to be random conversations with Rick and Chris. That's right. Chris Green would manifest is here at Nashville. We are attending funnel hacking live and also the goat Mastermind we have goat yoga here in Tennessee, but the goat Mastermind is greatest of all time. I'm it's with James Smalley Steven Larson or Steve Larson. I think Stephens dead or who did he kill that? He killed Steve or did he kill Steve killed Steve? He killed Steve. Okay, you sure it was Steve know. He killed Stephen will have to figure it out funnel hacker radio. If you want to figure out what it is that we're talking about there. But last night I turned Chris onto Instagram live after I pick them up at the airport. Tell me about your first Answered. Why do you now think it's a great idea? Well, yeah Instagram life is amazing and I had done it but I've never brought my fans on before and Not only was I freaking out but my fans were freaking out like we'd bring the money like dude. I can't believe I'm talking to you right now. And so just so you guys know like I'd go live on Instagram and then you can click and wave to them and then you can invite them to come on live. I think you only bring one person on one at a time you have time but a literally They're mice. My iPhone screen goes half and so you can see me you can see them and we're just talking face-to-face and it was just really unreal like fans like three of them shared some pretty powerful. Yeah the kid from Louisiana was quoting a set list of yours from four years ago and how the book is changed his life. And you know, what's interesting is everyone kept bringing up fighter. Yeah. It's like you've always talked about the movement, you know, I was listening to one of your things and you were talking about how how to create Movement of fighter create became a movement, but you could see it with those people last night. So what do you think? Why do you think you haven't done it in the past? I don't know but he's even you saying that because I have really pushed my movement fighter and I'll just share with you guys, you know, sometimes you doubt yourself and you wonder is this cool enough? I want to call it the fighters and you wonder you know, you have all these doubts if it's cool enough or if it's really a movement but seeing my hands last night like really into it and sharing their stories like that because like I haven't been touring as much and that's normally where I would hear the stories where I was like, you know what I mean, whether it impacted but sometimes I'd tour places that were not my hardcores but you better believe my hardcores are following me on line. So all of a sudden I'm chatting face-to-face with fans from all over the world that are my hardcores and and it's almost like like seeing what they want like to like we talk about this all the time but to actually connect with your fans and be in Trick them last night was it was a real eye-opener to me and and what I can do in the future to really, you know, well in the thing with Instagram live in the internet is you still could talk to these fans from all over the world. You don't have to physically go tour a country leave your wife leave your daughter to get to know and let these people show you their appreciation. But more important is you showing them your appreciation by bringing them on that's what kind of freaked people out because it's like the to see the reaction in real time last night makes me wonder why artists wouldn't at least once or twice a week Instagram allows you to stay on there for an hour, even an hour or two, you know, especially those of you that are going to be touring or you've got a new single dropping don't show up the day that the song comes out and start asking everyone for help now, especially knowing that there's these tools that meant you could have loved on them and had conversations with them leading up to But if you wait till the day it comes on sale, you're like that friend that shows up at your house when they need money. Yeah. Yeah, and that's the only time you see them you gotta invest now like I was going live every day for a while. I was doing it Instagram and I think YouTube or Facebook. Yeah, remember but anyways, I wasn't bringing them on live. So that was the one thing I was missing out on. Yep. And but what I was doing good, I want to challenge you guys is get do this now so you can get good at it. It and give them a call to action each time and like mine will be if I continue to do this will be to get my CD or get my book fighter and just say after at the at the end. That's my call to action. You see Rick doing it with his book encouraging you guys, you know helping hanging out but let me interrupt for a second because I don't come out and start that way. I usually never mention my program until someone says, oh my gosh, that's great information. And then I can say by the way or for you as a fan when that kid last. Knight said oh my gosh. I absolutely loved your book fighter. What you have to remember is when he came on his followers were now notified and they may have no idea what he's talking about. So that's a good opportunity for you to say. You know what I really appreciate you saying that and by the way, if you're curious to know what he's talking about, you can learn more about my book fighter in the link in my bio. That's none. Slimy, you know it She's just yeah, right, but they'll lead it for you. They'll I mean I have people come on mind that are you know pay 275 bucks to be in my group coaching program. Tell me how great I am. And then I apologized said look guys. He happens to know me a little bit better because he sees me once a week through my group coaching program. So thank you and some of you that are here right now. Like I said the other night I said, you know, a lot of you are showing me the picture of the book. I appreciate that if you guys would like a copy of the book it's four dollars to 71 cents you The shipping. I've already bought the book and next thing, you know, I started seeing sales and things like that. So all these strategies that we share our strategies that we are using in our own business and then it wasn't until recently that I did, you know, three weeks Monday will now be three weeks in a row every night that I've gone live on Instagram and I told you you see I mean you help me set up my book funnel you see exactly what's happening. So for the artist what I love is when I get off that Instagram live and I see that somebody for the first time just went live because I got notified and I'm like good for them. Like last night my buddy Ace how high or ace high subs and some kind of card reference. He's a producer he came on and it was just me but he was in the studio doing a tracking section session and he's like yo, what's up big Rick and it's just me and him right now, but I'm in the studio with this guy as he's telling a guy. Run it again. I'm going to start a little bit earlier. I want you to come in and hit that Harmony, you know, it was like he let me into his world. That's cool. And that's what super important. Okay. So now we've got that Instagram live. We're challenging all of you to do that Spotify artist page. A lot of people been coming to me lately. A lot of request is like, how can I get more plays on Spotify? I tell people I say, I would ask a pay what your Spotify I'll go check it out. Excuse me, one of the things I notice right away. No bios. No. Jurors, didn't look pro at all. $67. What are some of the strategies because you have your Spotify profits program? What are some of your strategies for a new artist? Just getting started out that don't cost them anything to help grow their Spotify. One of the easiest things you can do is create a playlist your own playlist throw some songs in there. But if you name it something similar to bins that that your similar to so, you know. Mmm, Lincoln Park Taylor Swift River it is make a playlist of their songs in call it that like bands that sound like or whatever and you can even go into Google and this is getting a little ninja here, but there's a tool called keywords everywhere where you can see what people are searching for and how often they're searching for that will create a playlist based on that and and then when people are going to Spotify that you already know they're searching for it and then your playlist will get found. I did this for a band that's you know, they got about 1.7 million monthly listeners. I did like it because we've done a lot of songs together. I did a kind of collab playlist of all of our songs that thing as brought me over 50,000 streams just because I had the playlist and now I've got hundreds of followers and you want to update that playlist every now and then but like you can become a curator and you can have a playlist that has lots of followers, especially if it's something that's in your genre, but you don't just put all your songs in there you might have you pepper your songs in there. And that's one free traffic source. That is just like been amazing for me. I wish I had jumped on it sooner while hey is the next best time to plant a tree is today. You know, I always say a thousand years earlier, but just get started on this. Well in the key was something that you said was that it has a theme a lot of times people will just make these sporadic playlist that what you got to do is you could be causing your self harm because if someone's listening to a song that they like and then you just try to slip one in there or slip. One of your own in there and they skip past it the algorithm just let Spotify no. Well, they're not digging this song they skip past it and if it's yours, so make sure that your production quality is up to par go ahead and make sure that you're making that investment beforehand a lot of times trying to do things too early can cause you problems. Another thing you have to realize now is that when you are on your artist page and you have your songs go down every day. Multiple times a day and hit the share button and share it across Twitter and share it across Facebook and Instagram. They're allowing you to do that. And what happens at that point is that if you do it multiple times a day, you can turn yourself into your own radio station and don't be upset bothers me a lot when people are like man, I can't get on any playlist. First question I asked will do you have your own playlist? No, okay. So that's your fault too. You know, I'm not getting enough place. I'm like great. Did you share your song five times today? Well, no, and here's the other it's your fault that released you're out when you release the single. Did you give you give the Spotify editors at least a month and a half to when you submitted it to CD Baby or two important District? I don't care who used the once you submitted it and schedule it to release. Did you do it a month and a half in advance or just whip it up a week later and gave them no time to look at it at it or review it or give it even a Shit to get out of you. Probably didn't because you just whipping it out there. Yeah got the Masters. Like I'm throwing this out there probably didn't create any content ODed on Instagram or social media create your lyric cards a song explanation. Now, let's show dotco you can do a pre download. It's one of those where people like the used to be the pre-order on iTunes. Now, you can do the pre download it to your playlist. Yeah ahead of time and and now it's like spotify's even getting more. Or lean yet a week out. You can submit a one song to their curators and I'm seeing people getting on all kinds of different playlist right now. I did last my last release I got here the rain is pouring rain as we're driving to drop Chris off at his writing session. So I got what was it to to new music Friday playlist. I got one u.s. Christian. I got one in Canada. They get it brought me tens of thousands of streams and that's by me. Just planning a little bit more. It's time and out whooping it up. I'm excited too, but I get a song guys I get it get the song you want to share with the world. But if you will plan like a real marketing release, you'll get such a better response and get better results. And I know this what you want you want more streams treat it like a business, especially if you're wanting to try to attract the attention of someone else to come in and vested you and invest in your world. Let him see that you understand the business that you're in let him see that you're utilizing all the tools. Is that are available to you that you're not just sitting around waiting for someone else to come along and run your business for you. It will go a long long way. So hey guys, listen, have yourself a great rest of your day. If this is your first time check it out the podcast you could also check out Chris Chris tell them about your podcast and when it comes out, yeah, it's called smart music business. We release one twice a week and I call it smart music business because I already made all the dumb decisions for you so you can hopefully Boyd's on wonderful smart way also to check out his podcast. I'll make sure that it's in the show notes. Also we release here every Monday and Thursday and I'd love to give you a copy of the book head on over to music industry while you're there you can choose whether you want a hard copy or a digital and what I also did for you is I am sharing the most recent replay of my how to become a social media ninja and under an hour absolutely killed it you we talked about about Instagram live. I'll show you how to go live. I'll show you the platforms that you need to be on a more importantly how to get everything done in under an hour a day for those of you that are on a time crunch. So you've been awesome. I'll check you out on the next episode and I appreciate you ciao. You've been listening to the music industry blueprint podcast with Greg Barker. You can follow Rick on Twitter a trick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drown by staying there.
Are you creating a professional profile on Spotify that is attractive to your fans (and future fans)? Do you want to connect with your fans in a new, face-to-face way on Instagram? Are you making the right kind of playlists on Spotify? Listen to this episode of the Music Industry Blueprint podcast to hear Chris Greenwood of Manifest and I discuss Instagram live/streaming and how you can make the most of Spotify right now! 👍🏻   "If you will plan a real marketing release, you'll such a better response and better results. - Chris Greenwood "Treat it like a business!" - Rick Barker What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? *** Send an email to [email protected] With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information  Resources: Chris Greenwood's "Smart Music Business" Podcast Grab a FREE Copy of my book "$150,000 Music Degree" Free Training “How To Become A Social Media Ninja In Under An Hour.” Click HERE If you're listening after January 24, 2019 & Want the Free Training! Artist Assessment with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Soundcloud Contact: [email protected] for a chance to be a guest on the MIB podcast show --- Send in a voice message:
It's not just talking to teachers talking to teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter were just talking to teachers this week on nail is not an association with a teacher development trusts having conversation with dr. Jill Barry Jill has taught for 30 years carrying out seven different jobs in six different schools after beginning her teaching career. Here as a secondary English specialist since leaving headship in 2010. She has worked and Associate for the national college for teaching and Leadership carried out a range of educational consultancy work and completed a part-time Doctorate in Education. And she's research the transition from Deputy headship into headship just been involved in woman Ed and network designed to support aspiring and serving women leaders in education since its Inception in 2012. She's conducted academic research on the development of the initiative with dr. Kay full of from not. The university she's spoken at several women Ed events and contributed a chapter to the women Ed book 10% braver inspiring women to lead jewels and advocate for the opportunities presented by social media professional development and she's tweeting at yalbury 1:02 and blogging at Jill Barry one or two dot block. I discussed with Jill about her 30 years teaching as an English specialist, six schools and Masters deputy headship headship and difficult in turbulent times. I Scat, why would anybody want to make the leap into leadership? We also spend some time talking about whether good teachers automatically make good leaders and should good teachers always be promoted out of the classroom. We decide whether experience should be effective promotion or does enthusiasm count for more than knowledge and we talked about the key principles for anyone who is thinking about applying for leadership or headship. I've been appointed to a new position in a new school. We talked about the challenges of the period between appointment and formal it taking up the role and we discuss the crucial first 100 days in the new job. What are the challenges of these early months in the post? We tackle the transition and once you become established in the new position, how do you move beyond beyond the new leader? We also touch on the early careers framework and it's important in coaching or mentoring and the conversation is based on Jules book making the leap from deputies ahead and that's published by Crown house in the tdt section Maria and Ian talk about the transformational power of the CPD audit and bespoke guidance given to schools. And this is something that I'm really passionate about and fully involved in in Blackpool. Maria also talks about the tdt framework and the potential for enhancing subject-specific CPD. She uses Samples from very effective schools in the area and how we can share what they are doing. So without further Ado we have Maria and Ian waiting for us over in the studio. So over to you, even if you could just introduce yourself for the listeners. Hello. So my name is Ian Campbell and I'm a school program leader for Teacher development trusts and one of the most powerful ways in which we are tvt work with schools is by visiting them in person to carry out our unique CPD audio review which involves internal range of staff. And working developmentally with leaders to look at the Quality and culture professional learning across the organization today. I'm here with my colleague Maria Cunningham on network development leader and delighted to be able to chat her about her experiences working with schools following this review. So Maria, can you sort of give me an example of an era of development outlined of a tvt audit for school might take and build upon to improve their CPD. Yeah. Absolutely. And this is a really interesting one because Phil Mader of nailers Nutter is carrying out this review for a program that we're running in Blackpool really successfully with schools. We use a framework designed by T DT based on what the international body of evidence says makes effective professional development. And that means that the report that we generate at the end of the audit review offers a really bespoke guidance as to where a school might Focus. So this really varies between School. Jules it could be that following the review and following these interviews and the data collected we would have recommended a school works on the cultural aspect. So the way in which staff work together whether they feel trusted to really take ownership of professional learning and how well that's distributed in terms of middle leaders taking an ownership for their teams or it might be more pertinent to this processes and structures. So is there enough resource put The CPD or is the time used effectively is there enough time so it can be really varied. I think based on the needs of the school and that's why it's so important that we could do that diagnosis and make sure that any school CPD plan is really matching their needs and their context. Excellent spot so I'll sounds really interesting and how would that apply to as Primary School context as well? Yeah, so we say that the principles of effective professional development and how that sled in a school really shouldn't vary too much between primary and secondary context. So one primary school that we work with recently did some really interesting development on what they had been advised in their audit, which was to take a bit more. Is on subject-specific CPD and consider how light of the new osted framework middle leaders could really be empowered to make sure that that subject specific pedagogy and subject knowledge within their teams was really kind of high quality. So one particular leader that we worked with she made sure that every single subject leader and team was put in touch with or engage with subject associations. So so not only were they provided with things like Publications other access to training but also had those really rich networks that they could tap into and learn from what was going on elsewhere and it's an interesting one because subject-specific CPD and how that is then working and planned and happens within teams as actually been a really a really key focus and increasingly of interest to CPD leaders, I guess as I said because of the ofsted framework New demands on middle leaders. Yeah, absolutely. I could definitely see the value if your subject specialist and you're possibly the only one in your school have been connected to things like subjects associations. Definitely and the key is that none of these aspects of our framework and isolation. So if I think for example of one really great sort of gold quality school that we worked with recently and that was a secondary school the way in which they really transformed their CPD to be quite subject LED was that they restructured the entire time table to kind of eliminate those less effective meetings and limited those administrative or procedural tasks to email and then they reallocated all of that time, which I think was something like nine hours a year to collaborative subject-specific CPD. So now groups of Staff within their teams now focus on a particular learning issue they call this a threshold topic related to The subject that they would like to improve so in maths that might be concept variation, but then in history that might be something like developing inquiry skills and then at teaching and learning meeting subsequently colleagues from a range of subjects and to share how they've implemented strategies and explore then how that might be adapted or trial between different departments. And in those interviews colleague said that was a really useful use of time but also enables better sharing both within and between teams and then across the organization you have way more teachers who are actually being given the opportunity to contribute to the planning and design of CPD which in turn really contributes to that high quality culture. So subject-specific CPD isn't something that has to happen in isolation is something where you can collaborate with different departments. Yeah. Absolutely. It's it's all to do with that message. We give out a t DT which is the CPD the leadership of it should really be Dude across a school or college so that everyone feels empowered to take ownership over their own learning and knows who they can approach for that who leads on it. But also how they can also be proactive in always developing amazing. Thanks so much. And that was a really great chat. That's right. Thank you, Marie and back to you in the studio film. Thank you Ian and Maria. So if this is they're interested in getting involved in any of the work of the teacher development trusts then head over to the website, which is TD Trust dot-org so Without further Ado. I will move into the interview with dr. Jill Berry welcome to nailers nattering musings and evidence-based teaching and professional learning followers on Twitter are PNA 1977. Okay, Jill, welcome to the podcast. Thank you. And we're going to start with our usual gentle introductory question and someone asked if you can tell a little bit about your story, but just want to preface that by saying there's a lot in there isn't there. Faint hymns of 30 years teaching English specialist, you've worked in six different schools. You've done your Masters deputy headship and of course headship sort of lots to talk about in this story. There is I've been very fortunate. I think I think I've had a great career started teaching in 1980. Yes taught in six different schools have seven different jobs because I was internally promoted in my first school. So I've done pastoral leadership academic leadership became head of 6-4. Or form in due course, then definitely heard and I was ahead for 10 years, which was definitely the job. I enjoyed the most and found the most fulfilling. I've also taught adults at night school GCSE and a-level. I've done the exam marking for many years. I've done tuition all sorts of different things. I taught English and I carried on teaching English. So even as a head in the last 10 years, I taught English and I did a master's actually 15 years into my career and then I did a doctorate in there D after. Finished headship in 2010, which was about the transition between deputy headship and hardship and I wrote a book about it making the leap moving from Deputy head which is very much geared a professional audience. Whereas of course the doctoral thesis is really designed for an academic audience. And since I finished headship in 2010, I've done quite a lot of leadership consultancy. So various types of work where I'm supporting aspiring and serving leaders at all levels. Eels and I love it and I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to do that. Now really blind and Leadership is very much going to be a focus of the discussion on the podcast today and write and your book as well. So I have the gentle introductory question over. Let's get into the meat of the real questions. So in difficult turbulent times in education and the world and they seem to be getting ever more turbulence. This recording is taking Blazers Parliament has been recalled. Why would anybody want to make the leap into leadership? I think because it's it's an opportunity. It's a privilege and it can be hugely energizing and rewarding. For me, it's all about your sphere of professional influence. So when you start teaching those who fall within your sphere of professional influence those whose lives you make a difference to in your professional capacity tend to have children you teach perhaps the children you have Castro responsibility for but if you move into leadership role you also are able to influence the lives of adults colleagues and working with and through them you actually reach more children and I think that's a huge opportunity. certainly is a had you make a difference on a scale unlike any other you will ever have known and it is challenging and I'm not one to do playe the chat oranges are doing it helps anyone to have a rose-tinted spectacles view of school leadership in the current climate, but I would say it's tough and it's so worth it and it seems to me working with lots of aspiring leaders at all levels including aspiring heads that these days people are fairly clear cited about what the challenges are and they still want to take on that mantle because we have to ask ourselves. If not me then who if we're all dedicated to making education as successful as it possibly can be then we recognize that all organizations need leaders and they need strong leaders. So you have to ask yourself. Well, if I'm not going to step up then who is and I think it is. Privileged to have the opportunity to do that. And so despite the fact that it is taxing in a number of ways. It's a tough job. I met an awful lot of people who were there well up for it. They're going with their eyes open, but they go in absolutely absolutely and then just this next question is really sort of a two-part question really, so do good teachers automatically make good leaders, and should it be the case that good? Leaders are always brought into the classroom and just to follow up with that. I was really interested. But he said at the start that even as ahead you were still a classroom teacher. So, you know, how do you kind of square that Circle? I think we need to think about what brought into the profession in the first place. I wanted a job that enabled me to use my subject English, which I love star wants to continue to use it to enthuse about it and to learn and to read more and to discuss more and and English teaching was a tremendous opportunity. It has to do that but I also wanted to have an effect on children's lives and I think what motivates people to go into leadership. It's that I also now want to have the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of the adults that I'm working with. I don't think if you are good in the classroom, that means you will automatically be good in a leadership role with colleagues because getting the best from children and getting the best from adults, although they're It's not it's not exactly the same. So I think there are good teachers who don't necessarily take to leadership and that's fine in not everyone's cut out to be a leader that everyone wants to be a leader not everyone can be a leader on the other hand. I think a poor teacher is very unlikely to be a successful leader because I don't think then you have the credibility and the understanding and the capacity to build relationships that leadership requires. So leadership is about getting the best. Best from people teaching is about getting the best from students. But of course when you move from just working with children to working with children and adults. It's a fresh challenge It's A New Perspective if you like when I was head of English, I don't think I was necessarily the best English teacher in the department. I wasn't the were so as a very good teacher but I wouldn't say I was necessarily consistently outstanding. I think some of the people in my team were probably more Did in the classroom than I was but that didn't matter because that wasn't my job. My job as head of English was to help them be the best they could be to support and challenge them to reach their professional best. So I think you need to be a very capable teacher a good teacher. I don't think if you are an outstanding teacher or you will necessarily automatically be an outstanding leader, but I think if you're a poor teacher your chances of succeeding in leadership actually arms aren't terribly Really great in terms of you teaching GCSE English. For example as the head teacher. Do you feel that that enhanced and all that? You wouldn't have done it for these reasons, but you feel it that enhanced your credibility in terms of your staff. And and what kind of impact did that have on them. I think the fact that I continue to teach throughout my headship was it made a statement about how important teaching is and how really this is what it's all about and let's Let's not forget that ever and it does keep you grounded in the classroom. I didn't teach GCSE. I only thought year 7 and I taught one lesson with every year 7 class every year and it was more about the relationship building. Really I said to the head of English. First of all you happy for me to do this. This is your department and when I'm teaching English, you're my boss. I accept just because I'm the head you're still my boss and within this context and I also said, It is I will do a good job teaching English, but this is very much about building relationships. It's about making that connection with each individual learner. It's about learning their names them knowing me and feeling that I know them and when I look back it was one of the best decisions I made as ahead because by October half-term every year and usernames are all that year group. When I've done it for seven years. I knew the name of every student in the senior school and when I stood up in assembling around so I could tell you the name. If every pupil here, and I'm the only person on the staff who can because I'm the only one who's looking after have taught them all. So it was a very important statement and it meant I was in the classroom several times every week and I would never organize anything to cut across that, you know, if I was in school, I was teaching I wouldn't be in a meeting. I wouldn't be doing something that's you know, I considered to be more important but I was paired with the English teacher who taught each cast for the of the week. So if I did have to be out at a meeting out of school, but I have no control over those children were taught English so they didn't suffer in any way from being taught one less than a week by the head. And if you do teachers ahead, you have to be very clear why you're doing it if it's just because you love teaching and you would miss it. I think that self-indulgent. I don't think you should teach for that reason if there's any possibility that the children you teach will lose out because they're being taught by the hair. And had might be pulled out of school. You shouldn't be teaching you need to structure it in such a way that the children gain certain things and don't lose out and I think that's what I managed to do, but it's just an important statement about what were there for and as a reader, I'm helping to develop staff and appoint staff and hopefully Inspire staff and lift staff so that they can be there for the children. I Like the John Thompson thing about how I used to say, it's all about the children the children come first and I think that's actually quite unhelpful and John Tom's said know the staff and the children has to be equal first because you can't serve the children unless he looking after the staff and developing the staff. So it's still all about the teaching and learning and the independent care, but you are having a more indirect. Impact on that by working with and through colleagues all levels and I really enjoyed that as a leader and I absolutely agree as somebody who's you know in senior leadership and still teaching quite a bit. Hopefully for the right reasons in terms of you know, my specific responsibility is in a holster CPD teaching and learning evidence and research that sort of thing. So to be still in the classroom and you know sort of walking the Walk of these things that were talking about does give me a little bit more, you know, Standing of what it's like to be a member of Staff in the school and a bit of perspective in terms of how the decisions that we make impact on the staff. And the people are absolutely absolutely and things like, you know, you're marking policies. Are you see by policies or whatever you decide to do? You know, you're you're implementing those policies not just in the abstract, but in the concrete in the classroom when I was a deputy, I did a lot of teaching added a lot of a level and GCSE teaching as well as the year groups. It was only as a head that I would do. I do guess lesson sometimes of the sixth especially if someone happens to be out and I have to be free I'd go in and do a an a-level lesson just just a 1 after support then but as a deputy I did a lot of exam classes and I think it was really useful to be able to say I do understand but one of the pieces of advice I would give to senior leaders As you move into senior leadership, never forget what it's like to teach us full-time table, never forget that because we have pressures and we're busy as senior leaders and hands but it's a What kind of pressure and it's a different kind of busy? And if you forget just how frenetic can sometimes be the Teacher full time table, then? It's hard to lead all those staff who are doing exactly that I think that's such a good point and my science department will never let me forget what it's like today good and you listen to them. It's good that you listen absolutely moving on to the next question. So I had to do some research for a recent piece that I wrote for the Royal Society of chemistry. But a Shameless plug that was called young and in charge while things are looked at is the changing demographic of leaders and head teachers and a lots of headteachers been appointed now late 20s early 30s. So the question I'm calling around to is should experience be a factor in any promotion particular to headship and does enthusiasm count for more than knowledge that some of those sort of earliest ages. I think you need both and I see this as well and I think it's one of the effects of having a teacher Recruitment and Retention challenge. Let's say that that people are promoted early. I have to goddaughters in teaching who are great, but that the speed at which they seem to have accelerated through the levels is a bit breathtaking and I sometimes worry that people are being promoted to significant leadership responsibilities without quite the life experience to be able to deal with A member of Staff who are considerably more mature and have a lot more years under their belt than the leaders. So I don't want to sound ageist about that the and I think it is experience rather than just years teaching and obviously quite a few people come into teaching and they've had experience in other professional areas. So they bring all that with them as well. It's not just miles on the clock when I became head of English. It was interesting. I was 31. And it was a very well-established staff in this school and actually at 31. I was the second youngest member of staff and and I was heading a large department but I wouldn't say I was inexperienced and someone on my in my team one said something to me about lack of experience and I said, can I stop you there? I haven't been teaching as long as some people I wouldn't equate that with lack of experience because I've taught in three different schools. I'd had three differently. Responsibilities. I've been quite a lot beyond the classroom like the exam marking whatever so it isn't about age but it is sometimes about life experience about maturity about empathy about emotional intelligence because leadership is all about relationships and I think sometimes if you accelerate too quickly through the levels, you're almost heading for a fall because you're being presented with things that you don't necessarily have those life skills, but I do think enthusiasm is really important because the opposite doesn't work. If you just think what they've been teaching so long therefore they're ready for this responsibility. It is about skills. This is about temperament. It's about your approach. It's about your philosophy. So yes, you do need both. I think sometimes people are promoted to Try and find that been promoted beyond their competence and that doesn't mean to say they would never be able to do that job, but perhaps things have just accelerated a little too rapidly. And I think it's a danger. I mean looking at sort of the demographic of leadership in terms of age, but also in terms of positions that people have taken up so because budgets are tight because there's the kind of financial restraint there. People are given extra leadership responsibilities on top of everything else that they're doing and those positions tend to go. Go to newer, you know, potentially younger teachers because they're more willing or more able to be able to do the extra work that comes with that. So that's a little bit of a challenge as well. It may be and I think one of the things also allows their little bit is how how large some senior teams are getting because I think with the Recruitment and Retention issues, some heads are trying to hold on to promising early career teachers by giving them promotion giving them opportunities when actually probably what they need to do. Is consolidating their current position and then move somewhere else for a different job people don't want them to move. So what can we offer them to keep them here? And I look at some schools where there just seems to be a proliferation of senior roles and the effect on the staff in terms of trickling down workload can be really quite damaging because someone has a job sometimes it's a new post. They're very keen they're very enthusiastic. They want to make their Mark and unless someone has a really clear overview of how the senior leadership. Ship team is working and what demands they are making as individuals on often as the head of Department actually, sometimes it's a classroom teacher. They're getting emails and requests from all angles everybody plowing their own Furrow and am really interested in this particular element of leadership. But actually what's happening to the teacher in the classroom and the header Department. The middle leader is that they're just collapsing under the weight of all this expectation. So I think you need to be very careful. You do have lots of very keen people running all these projects and it's fantastic. But someone needs to have a very clear overview of actually what impact that is having on everybody else and someone called Roger caves bureaus are really good blog about how in his school every time they introduced so many shoted they do a workload impact assessment if we do this what's going to be the impact and if it is going to increase workload then what are we taking away? What are we stopping? Resting pausing what whatever it might be because otherwise we're just in a hamster wheel and pedaling faster and faster and it's not sustainable. So I do think there are dangers in having too many leaders all desperately trying to make their Mark. We need to look at the school as a whole and the impact on the staff who can't just be exhausted and ground down absolutely and that I was nodding along there and thinking I couldn't agree more and I've worked on teams that are bigger words on smaller teams, you know. Probably over 10 years in senior leadership now and and it's almost a danger when you have those big teams that people are almost having to justify an existence and justify a job by the number of things that they have to be seen to be doing to make sure that they stay on that team and you're right. It is impacting on the middle leadership and the classroom teachers are this intervention overload that seems to happen and you know, nobody can get ahold of that. I don't know what your Reflections on the island is now Jill, but I think that schools are working between to be streamlining more they're singing. Like your teams and going back to a more traditional structure of head. Well, then perhaps a CEO of an academy trust and then ahead and a couple of Deputy heads and maybe a few assistant head teachers. I'm talking today. I think I mean it depends and I don't think it's about structure. I think it's about it's about perspective and it's about overview. I think that the important thing is that people recognize that it's if we could do less and do it better fill it would take us further forward. Streamlining is important not just streamlining of structures and teams, but in terms of priorities in what are we really going to focus on this term this year? What could we perhaps park for now? What is on the horizon? It's on our radar. We need to look at that. We don't need to do it now and I think sometimes again we're just driving ourselves in each other too hard because we're trying to solve everything and we're not doing anything quite as well as we probably we could so whether you need a leader a senior leader ahead of see a CEO. I think there needs to be some Clear Vision and priorities and a simplification really I think would strengthen what we have to offer and and the provision that the students got absolutely. Okay. So I'm just going to move into the next section of the podcast and I'm going to look at your book making the leap now in another sort of Shameless mention of edu celebrities, so As you know, Steven Tierney is our CEO and he actually he actually gave me your book. So he owned it was a well-formed copy that he'd read cover to cover and I even have think I've got some of these notes on this here as well. So this is well read book and something that I've used a lot and haven't been successful in making the leap from assistant head to Deputy yet. Nevermind Deputy to head but if and when I do, I feel like I should be ready. So if I could just um pick some of these sections with you a little bit. So the first thing is, what are the key principles for anyone who is thinking Thinking about applying for headship. I think one of the thing about making the leap is that I was specifically thinking about making the leap to headship because it was based on my research and that was my phone cause I had six participants were all deputies it already got the head shapes and I tracked them through the final moments of Deputy had you been to the early months of hardship and I analyzed the transition and the challenges and the strategies and what the experience was like, but actually the book is about making any leads. And both of the advice in it is just as relevant. If you're going for your first middle leader position or a senior leader position or one senior leader position to another I actually wrote A Blog about moving from assistant head to Deputy Phil because someone said to me, what is there out? I know you did. There's not much. So I'll write something and I think it's quite difficult because assistant head you've is a broad Church Deputy head. She was a broad Church. Some people are called. Assistant heads but in effect their job as a deputy job. So it's quite complex and nuanced but I think so making the leap really whatever the leap is. I think it's about doing your research and finding your fit. So not every job that has the title of the job that you think you want. Next is the right one is not necessarily the right context. It might not be the right time. So do your research find your fit use the research not just to decide whether you're going to apply. But to make your application really strong and persuasive and convincing because you need to demonstrate. This is what the job seems to require. This is what the school seems to require. This is what I have to offer and based on my past experience and achievements and my learning and my impact I can show that what you need and what I bring are aligned and I read a lot of draft applications and I read too many. See that just start with a list of everything I've done in the past and I think no don't do that and don't use a previous application. Just turn it out again. You need to start with where they are not where you are. You need to think what do they seem to need? And how can I connect that to what I have to contribute and use the words contribute bring give offer and that if your letter is sufficiently compelling will get you She where you just do more persuading and you're learning you're finding out you're listening to people you're tuning in to this particular school at this particular point in its history and what contribution you can make you how you can add value by bringing your insights your temperament your skills, which should complement the skills of other people in the team and the school. So whatever the promotion is, whatever the job is not just head. Set those are think of the key principles that you need to Bear In Mind through through the process. Yeah, absolutely. I'm just looking at the section where you talk about one of my favorite books, which is how to change things when change is hard. So and and looking at the point at which you have been successful and got an interview and then you're in front of a panel which can include middle leaders and some senior leaders and it's how much do you look at fighting what's good about the school already and I wish you can empathize that and then how much you can make small changes without saying everything that you've done before. You would currently bring to this to this school and that's a challenge. Definitely it is because sometimes when you apply, there are things you've done that you're really proud of that. They think will actually that is not as relevant. That's that's not really what this job is focused on and you have to have the self-discipline and the courage to say I'm just going to put that on one side. I'm going to concentrate on other things. I looked at them Caesar you today to someone who's applying to headship and and in terms of professional development should just kind of put down everything that she's ever done almost. And I said, I would always say recent relevant professional development includes and then just put down the stuff but clearly aligns with the job description and the person specification that you're going for. So you need to be selective you need to and if you're writing something or saying something you need to be constantly asking the so what question is, why am I saying this? Why am I telling this? So what what what does that show about me that's relevant to this job. What? Am I discussing here that align with the areas of responsibility of the job? I'm trying to secure. So I think you need to be quite well, you need to be discriminating about what you apply for in the first place and when but you also need to be discriminating about what you include in the application what you focus on interview or when you're visiting and you constantly need to be tuning in because every school is different and if you go in blind we thinking I know how to do this job. I've done a similar job in a different context second head shapes can be notoriously and successful because people sometimes go in think I can do this job. I've done this job. I've been a successful head I know what to do and they don't question their assumptions. They don't look at the the Legacy that they're inheriting from the previous head. They don't think about what this particular context requires and as you say it is about what are the strengths and how can we build on those? what's going well here that we need to preserve and maybe develop further and are there new ideas I can bring but you have to be able to do that in a very sensitive way, which doesn't seem really critical of what's gone before because actually that's disrespectful and rude and you're not you don't know enough yet to be able to condone what's gone before and what you and pet project that you've done another school that you are really passionate about may not actually be right in this context. You have to try to sort it all out. That's real fine balance between looking to say what impact your bring and complimenting the skills of the senior leadership team that you've already got absolutely because how do you fit in sometimes you could one of the things I say to people and they're disappointed if you don't get a job, it doesn't mean say you couldn't have done it. It doesn't even mean say you couldn't have done it. Well, but maybe what you had to bring didn't quite So already there maybe you were too similar to someone else on the senior team and what they needed was something different that would that would complement and fit in so it is about how you are going to lead that team. How are you going to build and develop and take that team forward interestingly the other day I had a went down to London with the woman who she's in her eighties now, but she was ahead to appointed me as her deputy and when she appointed me she knew that. She was going a year later. So she knew she was only gonna work with me for a year. And she said actually I recognize that you and I are quite similar, but because I was going at the end of that year. I thought you had what the school needed if we've been working together for five to ten years. I might not have appointed you because you and I were probably too alike. So it was what the school needed at that particular point in its Journey. So complementary skills and the idea that the Team, the whole should be greater than the sum of its parts what people can achieve together is so much greater than what any individual can achieve in you're adding it all together. It has to have a dynamism if you like of its own and energy. There's a piece in the test last week about Team Dynamics and saying if a team isn't working it may not be that the individual members are incompetent. It's just that they're not working well together. That's right. And the leader has responsibility for trying to make the dynamic better. Absolutely. So it's fascinating stuff and just looking at people that are appointed to new positions in different school. So what are the challenges of the period between appointments and formally taking up the role? And I mean that in the sense obviously you've covered it in Chapter 3 of the book but both from the perspective of the school that you are leaving to manage that transition period because you still assuming you're going for headship or a senior role quite significant player in that school. And managing the lead in to the new post. It is a challenge for lots of reasons. You're balancing different things you need to do be doing a very good job in your own school and you're employed there until the end of August or whatever and really your loyalties need to be there. But at the same time inevitably your head is starting to feel pulled somewhere else and and sometimes you're asked to be involved in the new school or make decisions or get involved in interviews or whatever. It might be. So you're juggling things. But any any good senior leader aspiring head is a master juggler were all gibbering all the time. So you ought to be able to keep those things in balance as far as you can the main opportunity of the leading period is the opportunity to learn to continue to prepare to fill a few gaps to start to establish yourself to start to build relationships with your Going to your senior team, whoever you can really and I talk in the book about how it's a chance to know and be known so you get to know more and more about the context you moving into but you also get the chance to begin to be known and to establish yourself. So that people know who you are what you're about and they know something about the leader you really want a hope to be and you may not be where you won't be that leader on day one. It may take time because we build a bridge as we walk on it. You learn to be a head from being a head. You can prepare in a number of different ways, but you don't complete your preparation. Probably even by the time you move out of that role. You still still learning. So the lead in period is a really important time. There are some thinking about headship specifically some outgoing heads who feel a little bit threatened by this incoming successor. So sometimes the heads that you're taking over from May not be as welcoming and as constructive as they could be and although I can sympathize with their feeling may be pushed out or redundant or Surplus to requirements. That's something that the governor's actually have to tackle because it isn't about the outgoing head. It isn't about the incoming head either. It's about the school and the transition has got to be well managed or the school can suffer. So that's one of Challenges of the lead in period but it's a great opportunity as well and certainly by the end of my leading period which was 12 months. It was a full year. I fell I'd moved forward in my understanding and in establishing my relationships and when I started my head shit looking back things went much more smoothly than they might have done because I think that year had been well used by me and by the school and I think had managed to establish myself there without dropping. Keeping the ball in the school where I was a deputy in during a busy job there already and just thinking about that some schools now have got very long leading periods. So jobs that are being advertised, you know say at the moment might be a September 2020 start. For example. Yeah, just a smaller question. Really, you know, how important is it to make, you know, the wider staff aware of the fact that you are leaving and is the potential for I think of a football analogy but as soon as a football manager announces that they go at the end of the season, you know performance is dip. So how important is It to communicate that and who should you communicate that to I think you need to be as transparent and open as you possibly can and know there are sensitivities around when you release information, but it's awful to be in the position where you're not able to be completely honest with people because you're trying to protect confidentiality. So it doesn't need to be properly managed. I mean my feeling is that having more time is better than being tight for time. So I'd rather have Have a years leading period than then a term. I think it for me. It was very useful and I announced well, I mean I said I'd be ahead in that school for 10 years. And periodically, I reminded people that it was 10 years. So there wasn't a sense of surprise when I when I was going but we appointed my successor early and I was able to say to the staff and to the parents and to the next generation of parents coming in. It's ages until I go and I'm not going to be an effective in this last year. I want to make my last year almost the best year. I possibly can and then and we've got a fantastic head coming in after me and she's already coming in and meeting people and using her lead in Period. So there are ways that you can manage it. I think it would be unprofessional of anybody to really take their eye off the ball and think well, actually I don't feel so committed to this job now. I just can't wait to go. I can't wait to to drop some of these things that I don't really enjoy or can I hand them on to somebody else as early as possible? I think that's unprofessional. I think we need to do the best possible job. We can just one interesting aside here. So I did some work with middle leaders in a school. I'm doing a lot of work with middle leaders. Actually. It's interesting. I think a lot of schools have recognized the fact that if you want to secure even better standards of Teaching and learning you need to work to strengthen your middle tier. They are really key. And it was a program of Twilight sessions and one woman looked very disgruntled and she came up to me at the beginning and she said I just want to say I'm retiring at the end of this year. So what on Earth is the point in me doing this leadership training and she sort of had a little bit of around and then I said, you know when you teach a student in year 9 and they come up at the start of the year and say I just want to say that I'm not going to do your For GCSE so why should I bother to do anything this year? How does that make you feel don't you think that if it is your last year you want to make it as good a year as it possibly can be you might be retiring. If not gone yet. There are things you can learn if there are ways your leadership can be even more effective. Isn't that what you want to do for the team you lead for the students who serve for the school that you've been out for however many years and she was actually fine. She was great on the course and she did try and she did learn but there was just a moment of well, I'm going so what does it matter it always matters. It matters. Doesn't it for the last day here in post and I think people who are committed and who are dedicated and conscientious. They don't give up. I've certainly never given up. I've given my all to the last day in post even when I might be feeling very excited and energized about what came next okay? So maybe I'm from the last days in your current post into the sort of the crucial first hundred days in a new job. So what are the challenges of those early months in a new position? One of the things that that very much came out of my research was the idea of assumptions. We all have assumptions and we don't realize their assumptions. We think this is just how it works. So I think we need to do a lot of listening. We need to ask questions rather than making statements all the time and sometimes Very much pushed to make statements. You know, what are your priorities? What do you want to achieve? What what are you planning to do in the first hundred days, and the answer is I'm going to do as much as I can to take the temperature to learn to listen to work with people to build those relationships. So I think you need to recognize that you're not going to say. Oh you don't come in with all the answers and that you need to work with the people that you're going to be leading. You need to get to know them. They need to get to know you. You I had one-to-one meetings with all the teaching staff and a lot of the support staff in my first in my first term actually 20 minute meetings, and I just so tell me one thing about the school you hope might change in the next few years one thing you hope will never change and I just want to listen. I just want to take the temperature and for lots of reasons. I'm really pleased I did that because people thought this is someone who's interested in us. She wants to know what Working on what strong what to protect my view my voice matters and one woman. I think I talked about in the book. She said can I just say before I tell you my two things, you know, I've been here 11 years. I'm a parent at the school. She was part-time PE teacher. She had never had a one-to-one conversation with the head before and I've certainly never been asked what I thought about the school before and if she wants out of my office. I thought this was worth doing for that remark alone. So, 800 years ask questions. Listen to the answers show you listening feedback. Can you have some quick wins where people recognize actually this person is taking seriously what we think and I treated SLT chat Sunday of last week. I think it was about staff boys. And I said, I remember ahead saying sign of a really good school is where the least experienced member of staff can have an idea and no Be taken seriously. I think you need to bear that in mind. It's not just the people who've served the longest or who are most senior when I saw these staff. I said to my PA, I don't want to see the senior leaders and the middle leaders and the teachers and support staff. That sounds absolutely the wrong message. I want to see everybody mix them all up and I will just listen and then I'll draw some conclusions from what I've learned. No fantastic. Fantastic. So once you become established in a new leadership position, so how do you move Beyond being seen as the new leader and and the other the decide they should do that is I think of your sort of new leaders that I've worked with sometimes. Do you have a kind of nudging jog run the SLT table when they say my last place we did this last place we did this and then eventually after a couple of years it wears off. So how do you have Beyond being that a leader? It's really not a good idea to keep saying, you know at sensor weed and yet we all do it. It's perhaps it's impossible to avoid but I think rather than saying, you know, we did this if it's in your mind that that's a possible route forward. It's far better to Fabius. Have we ever thought about doing it this way or have we ever tried that or what do you think to rather than you know at my last place therefore this is what we ought to be doing here. I think it's difficult. I think it actually probably takes a couple of years before you really I feel it's your school. I went to I do some mentoring of new hands and I went to visit one new head this week. She's just starting here too. And she said it does it's starting to feel like my school. Now if I go into two year to the yearly cycle helps doesn't it when you've been round the year's calendar and you've experienced different things and you've had your first this that and the other you think right there's something familiar about this now. I know how it tends to work here. But I do think it takes what a while and my advice to two new heads who then become, you know, you're not the new head anymore years ahead is just constantly to make sure you evaluate the progress you and as a making give yourself credit be kind. It won't all go absolutely swimmingly and they'll be unexpected challenges and you'll make mistakes, but that keep assessing how far you've come and where you're going next. What are your priorities? Rarities so that you do have a sense and the people around you have a sense that you are settling consolidating embedding things making an impact making it yours making your mark making it your school. I think probably in the first year you can sometimes say well sorry got that wrong. I'm new you can't keep saying that gets to a point where actually you're not new anymore and you can't use that. An excuse for making an accurate assumption or or whatever. It might be. I think it's fine to change your mind about things. I think compromise is a strength not a weakness. I think you have to be able to adapt flexibility is really important. But I think you also have to take responsibility and accept people people don't expect their leaders to be infallible. They do expect to be honest. So if anything hasn't quite gone, right right, you need to be able to say I'm holding my hand up there. I think I misjudged that but I've learnt I won't make the same mistake over and over again because that's what people I think don't accept but it can take a while before you feel very much. This is my school. This is my office. This is my role. I'm starting to feel comfortable in it. Okay, just move it into what will be the last question of this section. So I'm just trying to tie up a couple of points with something that I'm particularly interested in. So we talked about The promotion of teachers out of the classroom and we talked about the proliferation of SLT roles but assistant heads for lots and lots of different responsibilities. So how important you think that the early careers framework is in recognizing the leadership roles of mentors and coaches and I think the early career framework is brilliant. I think it's great that there is a recognition that beginning teachers need ongoing support throughout the first few years. It's not I mean when I started Teaching with long time ago, but you did in effect what we should probation a year and it's just what we were saying about when you're the new head and when you're the head, you know, as I started year to I'd still got a huge amount to learn as I think I think the whole the early career framework. I think that the emphasis on coaching and mentoring is excellent. But I think we need to continue to support mid-career teachers and late career teachers. I think heads need coaches. I think you need someone that you can turn to who is not one of your Governors who Is not within your sotl within your school and you can just talk things through and use them as a mirror. So I do quite a bit of head coaching and and I just need really sometimes to listen and to let people talk their way into understanding I think coaching and mentoring of beginning teachers for example is a real two-way benefit. It's mutually beneficial because often those teachers who Who are maybe more experience more confident? They may not want a traditional leadership group, but they need some challenges and some opportunities to be energized and stimulated and coaching and mentoring and helping the development of beginning teachers can be a really positive thing for their sense of professional achievement as well as for the beginning teachers that they're helping. So coaching mentoring a huge fan. I think we need to keep it going throughout. I actually write a blog about this as well because somebody said I had tweeted something about the early career framework and they said well, that's great. But you know, I'm sort of 10 years in or 15 years in unflagging. What can you suggest to refresh and re-energized me. So I wrote a Blog about it and what we can do to keep ourselves really interested in stimulated and and fresh and I think interesting about CPD sometimes people think a professional Channel development is is going for going for promotion really, you know, and it's it's not if you decide not to go for motion, if you're not going to change roles, maybe you're not going to change schools CPD is especially important to you because otherwise what's to stop you becoming stale or bored or drained. So we all need that opportunity to refresh and re-energize through our Korea. Absolutely. Well, I feel refreshed and energized from this discussion and writing all sorts down on top of you know, my well annotated copy of making the leap in terms and somebody else. So it's a great compliment to give someone a book like that because it shows you have faith in them. Steven have faith in you. So pass it on and I would say cut this section after the podcast now, but yes, yeah. No it wasn't it was given in that in that sense. He absolutely he didn't and balsamic Cox and I have both read the book. So, you know, it's something that we've used in training that we've done in terms of you know, implementation training things like that. We've looked at these transitions has been really really vital towards and you're right. I will find somebody that can give it to enact in many of the different schools that I'm working in. It's so satisfying that I get I get tweets and messages from people. I've never met. I don't know and they say, you know, I've read your book and it helped me made me feel more confident and more prepared whether they got the job or they didn't it. Always about that. It's about coming out of the process feeling. I did myself Justice there and I'm proud of what I achieved. It was positive. I learnt something and that's going to help me for next time. So I have to say writing the book was a pleasure but getting feedback from people who say it has been useful in their professional journey is just incredibly rewarding. Okay, so just wrapping things up Jill in terms of you've talked about your blog's your leadership training all the things that you do in is there anything thing that you particularly involved with in the next few weeks or next few months that you'd like to share with listeners doing lots of things really save quite a lot of middle leadership training speaking at conferences. I'm speaking at researcher during this term talking about Research into the transition to headship. I'm speaking at educating Norfolk in a couple of days time and it's nice to go to places that haven't been before so I'm doing quite a bit of work in Scott. At the moment. I'm actually going to Belfast to do something in Northern Ireland which which is really great. Just reaching a new audience. I'm a huge fan of women Ed. So I have to just give a quick plug for women are PA. It's a tremendous opportunity to support aspiring and serving women leaders at all levels and I'm very pleased that I'm speaking at the women aired on conference, which is in Sheffield on the 5th of October. It's based on the book. The women are 10% braver book and I wrote a chapter in that. I'll get the job you dream or so. That's what I'm talking about. But I'm just I'm very lucky Phil. I enjoy everything that I do. I love being a head but there were elements of headship the by enjoyed less than other bits that's inevitable. And now it's as if I've taken all the good bits or the bits. I really enjoyed and I know that's what my professional life is. So I feel I feel blessed to have to say life after full-time work and life after headship can be very rich and full, so don't fear it. Brace it absolutely Ry fantastic place to fish are because I feel equally blessed that I get to speak to people like yourself about all these things and then share that with other people so Jill, thank you so much for your time this evening, really really appreciate it and I'll put links to all the things we've talked about a link to the book on crapping show notes. Thank you very much for asking me feel it's really it's really been enjoyable. Thank you. Take care really informative discussion there with Jill and if you haven't got the book. And you are looking at a transition to leadership then in my view. This is an absolutely essential read and moving in to the Shameless plugs section. And the first thing to say is that I'm delighted to have been calm a fellow of the chartered College of teaching and this is something that means a huge deal to me and thank you so much the previous guest Mr. Turner for her nomination. I'm so appreciative of the opportunity to highlight the work of the college through my own work and through the podcast and I feel passionately that as a class. Teacher I have a voice to influence the future of our profession whilst want to thank yous it also like to thank the team at teacher tap for featuring my blog a routine matter last week. The surprise was just unbelievable. So Simon Cox who listeners will know is the director of the Blackpool research School sent me a text saying your blog is featured on teacher tap add actually looked past it but didn't recognize it as my own. So I needed the heads-up. So really really appreciate that being flagged up really enjoyed writing it. And I do enjoy writing more widely and I really must find the time to write more. So appreciate the recognition and I know how picky the art teacher tap. And thanks also to Phil Brown for his input on this. So Early Learning Links draws ever closer and the date for that is the 12th of October so you can see me if you want to on Session One talking about how we use in research and evidence to change culture in schools and saying that research at Blackpool didn't need the Shameless plug last week the ticket sales of now. Tipped over the six hundred mark, so we might have to start thinking about capping this so stay tuned, and the last plug is for next week's podcast on we have the wonderful day. Malleson peacock who is speaking to me about her work and the work of the chartered College this remains to say as ever. Thank you for being there. Thank you to listen to nail has Ngata and see you next week. Just talking to teachers talking dirty. Teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter or just talking to teachers.
This week on Naylor's natter in association with the Teacher Development Trust I am in conversation with Dr Jill Berry. Jill taught for 30 years carrying out seven different jobs in six different schools after beginning her teaching career as a secondary English specialist . Since leaving headship in 2010, she has worked as an Associate for the National College for Teaching and Leadership, carried out a range of educational consultancy work and completed a part-time Doctorate in Education, researching the transition from deputy headship to headship. Jill has been involved in #WomenEd, a network designed to support aspiring and serving women leaders in education, since its inception in 2012. She has conducted academic research on the development of the initiative with Dr Kay Fuller from Nottingham University; spoken at several #WomenEd events, and contributed a chapter to the #WomenEd book: ‘10% Braver – Inspiring Women to Lead Education’ (Sage 2019). Jill is an advocate for the opportunities presented by social media for networking and professional development, tweeting @jill berry102 and blogging I discuss with Jill: Could you tell listeners about your story? 30 years teaching, English specialist, 6 schools, masters, deputy headship and headship In difficult turbulent times in education and the world, why would anyone want to make the leap into leadership? Do good teachers automatically make good leaders? Should good leaders always be promoted out of the classroom? Should experience be a factor in any promotion or does enthusiasm count for more than knowledge? What are the key principles for anyone who is thinking of applying for leadership or headship? Having been appointed to a new position in a different school, what are the challenges of the period between appointment and formally taking up the role? People talk about the crucial first 100 days in a new job, what are the challenges of the early months in post? Once you become established in the new leadership position , how do you move beyond being the new leader? How important is the ECF in recognising the leadership role of mentors and coaches Her book, ‘Making the Leap: Moving from Deputy to Head’, was published by Crown House . TDT Section  In the TDT section , Maria and Ian talk about the transformational power of the CPD audit and the bespoke guidance given to schools . This work is something that I am fully involved in . Maria also talks about the TDT framework and the potential for enhancing subject specific CPD , she uses examples from very effective schools in this area. In the shameless plugs section: I am delighted to have become a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching , This is something that means a huge deal to me and I am so appreciative of the opportunity to highlight the work of the College. I feel passionately that as a classroom teacher , I have a voice to influence the future of our profession. Thank you also to TeacherTap for featuring my blog  'A Routine Matter' last week. I really enjoy writing and I must find time to write more, I really appreciate the recognition as I know how picky they are. Thanks also to Phil Brown for his input here. Lead Learn Lancs draws ever closer , 12th October . You can see me (if you want to) in session 1 talking about how we are using research and evidence to change culture in schools. rED Blackpool has now tipped over the 600 ticket mark and we may have to start thinking about capping this so stay tuned! Dame Alison Peacock next week.
Have you heard about the easiest way to make a podcast? It's called anchor it's free. They're tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone and computer anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard from Spotify Apple podcast and many other platforms maker money right now from ra podcast quick and easy with no minimum listenership. It's easy. It's everything that you need to make it podcast. And one place download the free anchor app are go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. What's good? Everybody is shh boy Steve and we're back with the episode 16 of otaku Summit. I got the usual fillers with me. JoJo say was good. It was good everybody back at it again. And for some reason chaos is still here chaos. Wow, just wow, just because ice is looking for me. Okay, what up people? Writing your boys been doing. All right, y'all been watching the new stuff anything statements or something. Hold on that question to me are like, oh, it's just like, you know, how do you feel like question is, you know questions that now but like actually Okay, I'm out good but out here get it. I'm getting back into a nothing to do with anime. But only around good shit. Now. I'm getting back into playing basketball. You know how that goes. I'm Tom, well lit up. Now. Other than that and he's been doing good this week. I feel like I was telling the guys pretty pod that actually enjoyed this week. Nothing, like really was really bad. We'll get into that later. But you know, that's what I'm talking about. True JoJo you're doing all right, launching new stuff living life was going on. No, I'm pretty good. I watched since I moved up but that's all we all know Fire Emblem came out Friday, hopefully, so I actually don't know. I'm not a nude. So while we can have been so many evils and one of our roommates like Griffin we've been playing Shit not the peoples are eventually took Friday off the fucking play the game fucking loser. Wow, and then expose was well-liked evoke media like 50 hours of think. I'm on 50. I'm all like 25 to my maybe halfway there right about now way. He said this game came out Friday Sunday, it's Sunday. We are me when you play the game. Matt, you know 1201 on Friday morning, you know start off. Like this every time Tru Channel as bar we can shit, you know. Yeah the spice it up a little bit right the spices and seasoning to sire. You should see you know, no one ever asked me how my day was I've started watching Jojo and I know a lot of people that watch the podcast watch JoJo they want to know what we think and I'm not five six episodes in I think and it's been pretty The broccoli one foot. I feel like I'm not taking it as serious don't because I've seen so many names and it's like I don't know. It's more funny than me again. It is like serious plot one. Like the first the first episode is men deal is is just appear asshole, like pure like the this man is just he's evil like Madara but like for no reason why I don't even think Madara is a good comparison. Let's manage diseases like he gets introduced neighing a dog. Oh, yeah. I've seen those men need a dog. So that's how easy is introduced that smell like wow. That's the first time he meets a Jonathan joestar the protagonist first part. He just needs this mess dog right in front. That's crazy. Oh my God, I'm just bust out laughing. That's a while as shit. JoJo has been done has been cool the first episode. I'll try to give you a little update on it. I'm a Twitter war on here either or but I'm not Let's get right into the news Let's see. We got hero mask season to the side coming to Netflix on August 23rd and school trailer on your I haven't seen hero mask at all. Just just to say yeah, but the trailer looks cool look cool George. Okay. I'll see you soon. You said you wanted to be like psychopath but it just you know, what come I got that Vibe. Is it looking at his trailer? And it has potential it just there's lots of questions that are never answered in season one, which I guess why they're making that's why season to Jojo must see the bigger picture. There was no bigger picture but not now, you know, they all about season 2 gotta bang. So am I okay, maybe he might be more to more than meets the eye. Hey, don't don't worry. I haven't seen the question that wasn't answered at the end of season one. Like it didn't entice you enough to read the Manga You the monkey the monkey actually it wasn't that good to where I couldn't so it's meant going on but yes, ma'am. Yeah. Hero mask fins. But yeah, I like at least these systems coming. Yeah, I noticed I end up putting a lot of news on here that maybe just like we might like but now I was like thinking like what happened if somebody else like yeah, what about other people like they might like crash stuff, but they still want to get updated you some of y'all like that sort online bullshit. Hey, man, you gotta keep it real sometime small small tangent of that sort on him on Comet. The last season was goes bad. Yeah. Yeah, I listen for the intro and ending. Real zombie atom to the we playlist but what else we got here. We got a new trailer for Seven Deadly Sins. What what season is this or fosdick's I mean, it seems like a whole new series are like a mother. Oh, really? Yeah, I mean it looks like the same guy. So let me I mean, I mean it kind of is but then it's not. Oh, yeah, this is like some Side Story shit, I think not is it going wrong? This is what the fuck you then it says new series. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, that's actually somewhat like this anime, but only through season one and got like halfway through season two. But yeah, if anyone's interested, it's on Netflix. I forgot what was a release date sometime in later 2019. It said I think yes is Autumn 2019. Okay Louise article. Yeah, the trailer looks kinda cool how y'all feel about it? I haven't seen it. I've seen like half a season one and like it's just this one of those shows that I've been intentionally drop the just got lost in a sauce of a season and like I mean, it was pretty good. But um and I hear a lot of talk about this enemy to action-packed cool characters naughty out. But uh me the trailer, I mean, I really don't know what's going on Mom. I'm behind three season, so I can't really talk too much. Hey. Oh, I mean be honest his second season came out. It was like a side thing like you didn't really matter. That's why I didn't watch it. So like when I say, I'm in season 2 or something like that. I'm really seeing three because I skipped the second one because Like the whole season of filler, I think that's what I was told. Yeah, that's what I was told. But I mean, I guess y'all can watch it when it comes up. Yeah, well yeah that was definitely in the first episode We have some other motive. I mean we won't get to that. Okay, I think he's gone. Yeah, it wasn't super interesting to me. But I heard there was this one dude that pulls up and like, you know see the treatment when you guys start fighting The Tick's Amendment fucking son guy or whatever that boy, but But after that, I kind of like that people fuck. And the Ten Commandments people with didn't the people with the purple stuff on their face. Yeah. Okay, because I've seen clips of them like trying to beat the fuck up out some people that's not who I am. Up on the news is Zombieland Saga season 2 then the sister. What is this coming out? I don't see you. I don't I don't know. I thought it was July 27, but that's when they were they they announced. Yes. I don't know. Sorry reason tools coming boys. Yeah, the shoe was trending on Twitter when I that's why maybe pick it up usually never put it on. Yeah, a lot of people talking about it. This is a lot of people were looking at not to be honest. I didn't see season one don't care person to but someone out there likes it. All right, but down here. Um, I heard it was a it's an idol anime. Love you. But now I'm staying the first episode of season one and it starts off really really really interesting. I was like yo, okay. Okay, I'll fuck with it. I'll feel it and then like the episode ended and then I realize the oldest is not aligned then like for y'all that don't know. I know that's not up my alley mess I gotta An idol anime. I was like I don't care because when you hear the name, Zombieland Saga you like huh? Okay, you know killing zombies and episode started off. Well me just say it the main character got ran over by a truck and she died brother. Finished episode and they were like performing and stuff. I was like wait. It's a result of a one-way trip to eat. I mean it's not my cup of tea, but I'm sure some people like it JoJo you like this type of stuff. She does. It depends. I haven't watched it. So I don't know but like, you know, like so ice slides of Life tough. I like so it just depends on if they just basically girls singing and they got good voices the maybe but if it's just I know I thought I want to see where they are doing some rap battle or some shit. I'll wait what the fuck is happening? All right, whatever. The first episode is all part of the part of it was pretty funny. The main the main guy is trying to make them all Idols was pretty funny. So okay the might be like you I might not Zombieland song is season two is on the way. We don't know. But as long as it's on the way make sure you keep a lookout between what's today's date 28 the 28th of July through whenever just keep a lookout. All right in the last bit of news here kind of sad but kind of good news course Everybody Knows by now about the Kyoto incident, but the boys have raised five mil within a week at the yeah. So like I said last week man, this is great to see the community coming together to support. Young child everybody that's been given to the the GoFundMe Anna. Yeah, and I'm also to add to this news. This is a the GoFundMe money that you know people were sending to but um, I guess now the studio is receiving now we're saving a wrecked donation to so I forgot to put that in here y'all good look that up. You want to donate or just support because I know they're going to be still releasing that violate every Garden movie the sequel. So I think that's going to go towards them to obviously but yeah, this was just a little bit of a I know it's an update. I would like really call it positive or negative because it's the situation that happened just to update you. Guys on that and somebody said they wanted to hear our thoughts about it. We kind of spoke about it last episode how we felt and I don't think probably after this I won't try to bring it up as much unless like it's a positive or something like the donations are going to be coming up because we don't want to shed light on the dude that did it. Yeah, but JoJo you are. Are you feeling how are you dragging mate? Eric let's let's let's let's move on. But our next segment here Neil talk questions. We got one from Nicole Nico Nico Nico. Okay, we'll take that. We talked about too much coke. All right, we go off to know our thoughts on Netflix co-production anime. So I just pretty much the animators on their most likely other original shit. So what is this? Because I know they purchased the rights or purchase something Neon Genesis and they got it on there, but it's talking about stuff like Hawking doing something out wait, maybe but if he's talking about most like the original / like just stuff that's on there and stuff. I mean let's let's keep it a buck because I am Netflix is Anime selection isn't isn't that good? If you if you're paying for Netflix for anime or cancel your subscription and go to the animation controller something like I was also in the beginning of my cousin's anime life when he was a just a wee little weep baby. He only had Netflix and so like I would try to suggest some, you know things that are on there but like to a certain point like once start watching know like the good ones. I'm not gonna recommend something either. I don't know or just like mediocre then I know that's not that good. Like they have stuff like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. They had the Fate series some of the best ones there some there. They have like I might be forgetting just like that, but I don't know it's all under to get an art on there. They got some of the biggest of all the songs but they don't have like stuff like that comes out in the recent Seasons. Usually what's honestly all they need to do if they really want to get crazy like just get some of the big names on there like Steins Gate. Yeah. Only static season one. Yeah, so that my thing is Once you start getting to that and then let's say you finish season 1 of Attack on Titan. That's why I'm like, all right, like 90 to move platforms. So that's a problem with Netflix because that yeah you're going to introduce him to anime, but they're not going to stick to it, you know, like they need to start doing a Updated just update like how they do a DC. You know how they have like so season one of the flash comes out, right and then one season two are like this one season one and still put season swing or season one more. Yeah. I lived out maybe a week later after season one. Yeah. Yeah. That's when that's that the part that's how I finished. The latest season of The Flash is because it's on there now, so I just bench to it boom, and I don't need to go back actually. Don't go back and watch it on TV anymore because I'll just wait till the next season comes on Netflix. I'm willing to do that because I'll just binge right through it. Um, but as far as their selection like stay with saying I don't think anyone has said like oh, yeah Netflix has some of the best ones Netflix has good ones, but they're mostly like you gotta search room. There's a guy like five or something. Yeah, I mean it's getting slightly better because now I can see that like the among geylang stuff is actually pretty pretty new added on there. It's an older anime. But um, I don't know we're putting some gems on there. I guess some older ones. You'll feel like they they need to do that. And since they don't do they don't add up the souls weekly they need to just do what you said like for the flashing Auto shows like just Adam is soon as the season is done. Just like fire for us. Dr. Stone Demon Slayer like the biggest shows that's coming out each season. Yeah wait till Season's over and then boom on each season. Well, I forgot JoJo stuff like that, but the okay. So this is where it kind of is a problem because I think it when everyone talks about Netflix is a collection that you can always bring up. Well, I think of well, you could always go to Hulu because Hulu definitely isn't just by far the best out of those to Netflix and Hulu Look because they got I believe they got my hero. They got one punch. They I think they should just struggling to even yeah because they have a deal with the crunchy roll. They have a deal with some anime platform. Yeah, yeah scene Attack on Titan death every week updated and that's actually what I want to say. Drop Netflix and get who oh, no, I mean but like that Sona comes the enemy. Yeah when it comes down to a choice, but you can see Netflix is like trying. Yeah because they're trying with the weight out of Neon Genesis in line. See I'm getting I'm getting a call. It's not like they're saying that they're willing to pay a sponsorship. So everyone go to the Now before you even answer the question, I think we do it kind of gave some conversation has all of those Monica. Let's let's let's keep it moving then. Anime reviews it's time. I don't even know where we want to start moving on the starting line later. Bro. Lead us. What do you want? What do you what do we worship? We follow we can start with in Woonsocket? All right. All right. All right. Let me let me let me think back real quick. Alright, I could snap. Yeah, I could break it down iíve been uncertain. It was pretty short. So I don't have like five six points on here because I'm like really happens in me and beginning. So we see no this is a pretty good episode because I mean this whole week was actually pretty good like nothing happens, but like the stuff that did happen. It was useful lucky, you know, he's being a fucking dick and he ends up will ordering somebody I forgot who It was actually maybe something notes. Yep. It's bottom in the middle. Yeah some dude. I'm not because I don't know. There were two Pirates. Yeah, they know you like Pirates laugh mercenaries. So yeah, so I end I guess so where we left off is like pluggy was I guess he's mad at a Thor's for walking away from you know, I guess there are me there a win that war. So like even thoris as like those people they're not going to like him anymore because of he faked his death and shit, so I guess in some ways, you know that he knows that this is going to come so we see that and orphan or Thor's crew ends up going towards I guess the battlefield in Norway, I believe that's the place right and they're and they're in Iceland. Yeah. I think they headed they were stopping at Norway to To drop off the the little kids in the crew because there was a bunch of kids that were pumped up the go on a journey and fight orphan. He was pissed off. I'm sorry thinking starts Spanky. And this is like great. Yeah, like usually it just shows like health or Thor's was like back in the day when he was in war or just like a different man. It which I appreciate a little flashback where your daughter was on there, you know being born he didn't like he didn't he if it wasn't a boy. He usually people don't give a shit which it was his attitude and I wasn't down like it was crazy because I he was like name it whatever you want and then I'm all zai na well, fuck you. So yeah, I mean to be honest, it's something like that would happen. Like if you saw so much shit in You got tired of it. So like that's why he faked his death. We saw a little bit taste of what an asshole he was back then. Yeah. It was kind of cool was the one say it wasn't usually when flashback that have I don't care for but it kind of give me give me a little something to get looking between so yeah the end up arriving at the place in the middle or whatever between Norway and some Island, so they're just going to rust up or Something like that. Yeah informed you gonna abandon everybody and go off on its own, you know, so that's what was gonna happen. But um, but when they're like right into this, I guess you would call it like what a valley or something and they see like the houses and I forgot who went there before I think it was the old man. Yeah. He was like wait, there's like there's not that many houses there and he noticed like that houses were decreased from the last time. They eat, they just had a bad feeling they're about to turn back, but then they get ambushed and like they blocked their path and it's a flow. He's men and I thought she was Ho they left it off on a good part because like looki pulled up with his little but the ship trying to walk the halls and that's what I meant to say. There and then like they were coming like this scene everybody because honestly there was there was Thor's only brought like a bunch of like see was saying like kids and shit. So it did look like Theory they were gonna die. Yeah, they haven't fought yet. But if they do get in the fight, I don't expect or side to win if they gone just him and them type shit what I don't know how this happened you look so the camera like oh, so yeah. Ends up getting shit right in the camera looks at. What was this? LeBron James? Okay. This is you understand. They're on a different ship. They're not close at all. I like this. Like they have some kind of superpowers type shit. Like we're like obviously like he jumped like that. It's not too old people like you jumping the ship. He's like fucking people up and it's pretty brutal. He beat some people's asses and shit. Yeah barehanded anything about the story and pull out his story like this ain't for y'all. But yeah, I mean right then and there ends like right there because he jumps on the ship. And it looks like they're about to fight or something like that are most likely they're going to negotiate. All right, some people try to fight. Yeah, they're trying to he called him by his his War name again troll the most the troll or something. So far the troll of twitch some shit as intimidating presence on them big fella can move to that's no good. He is listen. We all know LeBron got up stores. Like I said, there's no way Thor side is gonna win with stores carries. Boom. Check mark number two. Is there a third one? Oh, yeah. He's got a beard. In to go in his footsteps LeBron Ronnie Montrose question is does he have taco Tuesdays though? I'm pretty sure he does. He's all happy now. Yeah out of the war right but what y'all think about like, you know, we we talked about last episode how we thought um how this anime is looking like but after this episode I think I think it kind of confirms like we're going for that long story and I feel like this Anna is going to be like a good character development not just from like the dad but from the kid because like from the pictures is a little bit I guess a little bit spoilery, but it's in the trailer still the fucking intro fucking crying. Yeah, when the intro we see the kid grow up and shit. So yeah and like from what if Right. Now what it looks like. Yeah, but like I feel like we're going to see a lot of character development from the kid is he's already like the beginning. He was cool. He started to become like a little brat the little touches like a little bit I go on on the ship and he kind of had a duty towards his dad likes even saying like you don't know what this is - it's going I think it's really good episode. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. You trash forget episode in my opinion. I don't know about y'all. I enjoyed it. If you still guys have not picked up this at anime. I suggest you do a lot of people who are fans about the berserk animes and mangas. They're like, this is what berserk was supposed to look like and Mike feel like so yeah if you like berserk, I suggest you guys should watch this. Mmm, oh, I'm done with this shit and I feel like this shows gonna get a gonna get real real dark. Yeah. Just from the first episode the way thoris was cutting down on people and when the bike or when I the whoever that was pulled up on the Vikings and when they were trying to take a damn shower is gonna get real dark. I feel like but I don't want another thing. Like about the show is that like it does a really good job of like showing like the mindset of how people were back then Yolanda all the little teenagers like yo, we're going to war let's fucking get it. It's like it's like confident is like the cops and robbers type chetu when their plane. Yeah. That's a little crazy. In like like earlier episodes. It was like a door as was it trying to explain it or feel like you'll know all this killing shit ain't even white. It ain't even all it's cracked up to be planted a peaceful life is the way to go and like dolphins like what are you talking to? Yeah, like smoke that everybody knows. Bro, he's like I'm gonna kill some people right? I like this whole on that little episode 3. Yeah fucking Joel Joel. How you feeling? I like it. I'm waiting for the Times get where my voice gets all the smoke he gets what he wants B6 a like his father. Come on boy, and that is true. Little Stars gay problem I really felt a little song. It might be my favorite so far this season. Let's keep it moving man. Screw we got oh wait, you're done. Huh? No, I'm done. But you say it's your favorite. Oh, what is not yours? Nah? All right. Well, it's actually the new it's actually the next one. Okay. Well you're wrong, but that's okay. I don't know the fire. But it starts off we get introduced to the the bad guy from the last episode. He's talking to some guy about stuff Joker about me and evil things evil plans are happening. Evil. Things are booming. Yeah and the girls they don't say that guy is he's talking to like the Joker guy said was talking to you. No, no like a little darker. Yeah, yeah, he was he was like around when they were training to so I don't know he just by using regular dude or like at least maybe he's a part I thinking he might be a part. I feel like yeah, I feel like obviously but I feel like he's got ties to the yeah. Yeah because he was there like I was saying he was when they were training our yeah, they don't mention what a job is like this. Listen this next part at the fire the training so during competition. I don't know what happened. It's I feel like it's a Content scoop here. What does we just pop up here? Oh, no. Okay, I wrote down. Yeah. Everything they're gonna be training and shit and they're like, all right this building right here and then they did it. Boom. Which song but what do you want? I want to see them right over there. No, not even know I'm talking about like no no, no, no. No, what is this new girl's name? Oh introducing Tamaki. Wait, that was a new girl. Yeah the new girl. Shit, I guys she got felt up in like the first that is another girl. Yeah, that's another girl. Yeah, I did that. I knew this was going to happen because of a what was the fucking Soul Eater had that I had quite a bit but I I just looking for forgot about it and that and she's that girl I guess fell down every episode. Yep. That's her. That's your job. Yeah. Yeah, so that happened. So what constants are you talking about? Reduce or what like the wife the way it happened? This is this is one of the way it happened like he was trying to talk to the Catia captain captain of her Squad and she just steps in like yo, yo, what the fuck you trying to talk to Mom who you talking to and he feels her up. And then that's it. Oh, that's all they don't. They don't say her name. Yeah, that's all I agree. Yeah, that's what I thought. Steve kind of mentioned this though. It's all the captain. That's a dome like during the fire that happened a couple years ago to him and his family. That's that's the that's the people that's a deal. Shona talked to him before the hell. Yeah, but anyways back to like a yeah, there is I guess they're about to storm the building and they're trying to say people from there. It's a little training thing. So it's all like was not stimulated. But like I guess it's a control control yakin just a controlled environment they got so you go and say people kill the infernal quote and then get out. Yeah, that's right. But what happens when the fuck is Shinra pops? In there. He just by the way, he he just flew up with his fucking he was like you're not alone. The windage he just flies up. Yeah, you're not super strong but not like super We Gather. He's like, yeah, he's he already in the middle. He's like you can't experience type of guy he is. Yeah, you know, what about natural talent and he's got a little bit of experience to kind of like hang from my avatar. Like he he has like the basics of the are, you know, only like when Aang like he doesn't know his other elements, which I think Shinra not Saying he's gonna gain out, but I'm saying it's good probably gonna gain, you know our controls I said, I ain't got that's all he's got the basics down and ahead. And now we see that when he pulls up in the building and he sees none other than Joker that was a such nice transition, bro. I just need you. Miska but man this fight right here though. Man, I love this jerk was like yo, I need your attention buddy. Imma. Imma. Imma. Imma imma give you some info you been I've been trying to learn. This is so dumb, you know 12 years so years ago, are you folks mind yet? I'ma give you some info as long as you pay attention. It was like hey, did you knock those guys out now we started throwing hands this is down but he's got his fighting style already figured out. Who knows. Boys as fighting style clean it sticks and he's got for my life all I Deku my boys dead weight. I have legs. He started like he started like breakdancing to like, you know, like when they do the Ramada me of all everybody we get again. Yeah, tell him yeah like the firebenders. Yeah. It was of the series finale of Avatar. Yeah. animate this anime so far has been like Smart and just like they cut they cut you the shit the like he says you know what? Yeah, the you have some like a dog and you could pretty much is what he was saying that my tell you then phone anyways, and he ends up telling him that his little brother is alive still he's I wait what and even I was like, oh I didn't I didn't expect one of his family members to be alive and Yeah, his brothers alive and he was telling him something about among. The fire forest is hiding something for him in which he already suspected sort of the yeah, and I guess they said what did he say he end up giving them like an option to come with him and be a quote-unquote a villain or a devil or say try to be a hero and he's you know, his answer was like Nah, imma do it the good way and then I want to be here. So yeah, they end up fighting again and I've got some stupid reason. Oh my God, that's one author and what's her name Tamaki run into each other this lucky. What did you call it? Lucky Lord and some bullshit some more fanservice stuff kind of happened and she landed on our third kind of weird have a chance. I was gonna skip that but yeah. It's no I was just saying that to lead to Arthur and Tamaki pull up. Yeah, they try they thought their eater because of what he did to get in the building. They thought he was lying. But oh, yeah, they don't got a joke was part of the staff Donna part of Staff of the games in the genre was like nah, bro. This man is trying to kill me. There were like what it in as little as we don't go through this. Because I didn't really understand what I think. Yeah, I guess he has like his powers like fashion the bottle when you express it through the air and it blows up so he can't ignite. Yeah, he can control the ash because like member way was smoking. Oh you control signals. So so we're already seen different types of powers of like it's not just fire. It's an obviously he's controlling the - and makes it explode and sheet so Yeah, I guess you were saying like he was about to make the building explode you say they were supposed to save the people and then up getting out of there blah blah blah. And after the all this shit happens all the I think it's already night time with after they got out of there and the crew is there they must have explained. I don't if I know if I got it would explain to them that there's a dude that is Captain that huh This Joker. God was not he was trying to kill him. Yeah, then this is where the ultimate obviously all the juicy stuff comes out the end because then like will everyone have suspected the captain or the leader of his company through got his name. I'll call you tomorrow. Yeah cute. Are you he tells them that there is multiple factions. And all that, so I wrote down so don't miss that. So the fire force organization is controlled by multiple factions and they report to the hire company and stuff like that. And the real power is the fuck was in my high drama Industries because they make the equipment for the fire force and you know, it's a supply and demand type thing and I guess since they Supply the equipment something. About that's who they like gotta make happy or whatever something like that and they're saying all the other companies keep details secret from each other because they see it as competition. So like what faction was it was like the defense the defense fire forest faction the the nuns or whatever the church people and I've got the Part of the entire drama. Yeah, the people that fund them. Yeah, that's basically the only equipment important parts and like each squanders a squaws. Obviously. Yes such as part of its core a company there that supports to one of the factions. Yeah. And so since I was 8 and the company, I forgot which company they're under but the company wanted this leader shinra's group to be they may actually force them to make the eighth one because they want to have someone they could trust in this group, which was the leader the keeper and so yeah, and that's how the group was made and all that shit and and their goal is actually while he'll is to investigate the other companies so they could find out who because he he thinks somebody already knows about the infernals to appear and and that's who he has to investigate to find the people who who know about this shit. Hopefully I didn't butcher it. I think I think I summarized as but yeah, that's that's a pretty much shinra's group or squatty whoever's in charge of them were the far force their suspicion is of high drama. Yes, pretty much something's going on secrets are being revealed. And that's that's what I was thinking like the doctor guy that joker was talking to I think it's him episode. He was he has to be tied in love. Yeah, that's my was just lurking in the back and like and nobody cared but it was just talking and joking joking fucking place this body because I already sent it badly some portrayal in the shit and it's not it's coming. It's already coming out to be like, it's not just some fighting. Shown in shit. There's a little bit more to the story which I like and like they serve up some stuff from a good episode. We've built a lot of good action will get everything what you think about Jojo Politics and animate baby an anime best kind. Yeah episode our force is pretty good. Even though I was a little confused at first the time the Tamaki introduction. Yeah, but other than that good episode 1 good girl good stuff good stuff. He become. All right, so next up we have dr. Stone and Brown's was you start off day out there trying to make gunpowder. Yep. It's just they're sending wait. You should give up these get the most hot scene bro. Almost all the water bath. Yeah, they lost. They confess their love sort of things like after all that shit. I'm still not going to tell you after. They start pounding. That's how I have it on. But yeah, they're making gunpowder and he actually ends up working. I guess be continued. Yeah, okay the make the gunpowder gunpowder blows up and there's a bunch of smoke in there smoking and then like a shit where we need to be more careful. I think sicu is getting ready to send tied. You want to get some more supplies and they look to the left. Let's see how smokes it tickles. That's that's the complete opposite way of us. Who Castle was the hell is that and then like a okay. Listen, they're like, okay, let's be sure. This isn't a fluke they blow up some more stuff. It's three times. Yeah, and then they see three-step responsive. Sounds like all right, what the hell's going on? He skipped the part, but but yeah, that's why ends up happening but between the three, um one He actually he actually comes through and capture. The girl makes her hostage the villain dude. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think it was on the way at that point. No, I will just give some notes down Steve because it was that big flashback. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the heel down the way but like so basically when they did the lotion on accident kind of alerted them to where they were and then you know the whole debate for think you would do I do it again to see, you know, there are people around and get captured by all dude or do I Run away. Yeah Charles didn't do it. But I just thought it was funny. He came captured her and give her a little haircut. That's it was kind of crazy sink was like I don't give a fuck about growing. He was like, all right. All right. I think it was a trick. Yeah, we see like the we didn't get to see much of her but it's confirming that there's other people out there. Yeah. See that's crazy. Like all right. It's getting interesting bro. It's whole episode but before you know, before we finish after that flashbacks of which was not really important to show them like fucking around the side stuff. Um, but it almost made it. Same like they were trying to make it seem like sink who was about to die. You know how to this the stereotypical death Flags? Yeah, like okay, we're gonna we're gonna give you your flash back here. We're gonna put you in a gonna put you on the wall situation where you might be about to die. See I don't know the rates even say because at the end the most crazy party he explains his sexy like because oh, yeah, we kind of skipped the part but sex and coo tells them the ingredients of the Revival stuff vital real shit though. He's thousand I don't need your life no more and he's like well make it make it fast. Don't make me suffer and say the other dude old sanku, like don't worry. I won't and he explains how he's gonna do it. You gotta hit slapping his neck go unconscious him. He'll die for blah. Cancel like at the end. It makes it seem like he does it because there's a sound like right there. You don't mile poles. So I know I did that's how we ended and like this you just like, oh, no my I think he might be the last time stops. I don't know. Maybe he thought that was gonna happen in my thinking is maybe he had something ready like a potion like that. I don't know. Bro, maybe they'll do it. I don't worry. I don't know but I think really is he's fast. She is one punch man. I don't like scramble on a little science. Yeah, let's we'll see what happens. I don't think he's dead and but maybe he's like a man unconscious or something. I don't know pretty good episode. Oh, yeah, and I also like that, uh, like between sukoon Tsukasa. Their whole beef is just strictly I ideals. Yeah, they don't like some constant said that you know if we met before And I was like, I would say like his thoughts behind Not Making Science weapons, you know gun guns and stuff because he was saying like you make guns like all that's going to happen is war again and I've got kind of felt almost like it would like you don't need that but I feel you he's making a little bit more self. Stone rule should isn't like That bad like bring up or revive the kids that you know that grew up that haven't really experienced in the world either kill off all these adults even though that's bad. That's the bad part but like revive all the kids and like pretty much grow them up in the world where it is, peaceful and like Like not about a Wars in life on the societal bullshit isn't around it, you know. Fuck it up and shit, but you know so causes not a bad villain. He's actually pretty good on fuck with a fuck. What it you don't you give her did you give a damn? I mean all your shit sounds good in theory, but like kitchen has a finger with being itself. Anyway, so like even if it didn't happen in his life time, it would happen again at some other point. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, we'll see see bro. I don't know because one little kid Prides all for tonight. He'll lay I want a gun, you know where I make one and then boom bam ready to go. Can we kill him and the way he send enough? He's saying that he wants everybody to be free and free will and all that but pretty much he's gonna be the king. He gonna be leaving everybody. Say about it. We'll wait and see episode 5 is you did get interesting at the end. No, dr. Stone pretty good stuff, man. What's going to the last thing Demon Slayer episode 17. We got 17. We got some smoked after a while with some decent too mediocre episodes. We got some smoked man. We got some smoked smoked apps really good episode. Better than then most what you mean when you want me brother you got the argue. Yeah, let's get it, bro. I'm tired. Better than the last two episodes. Yeah, at least one. Yeah, and I yeah, it was quite a bit and everything. He knows Gina. Okay, so we're gonna blow I will get into like summarize in this episode. But this reminder it wasn't that good to be honest, sir. We got some smoked but he reminded me of so, you know how powerful his shit is any kit because he can only do one attack. It kind of reminded me of that dude. Look. Madam afraid of me in Hunter x Hunter the the dude that was that to do that made a promise. No, no, the guy that made the promise only to use it on the spider Trope. Oh wait more than one use it on the spiders. Yes the condition. Even so he's can this guy's conditioned is that he only only knows one power so he has to flow so you don't amuse, you know, there's a difference but it's that powerful and hold on. We're gonna just say like this one move. That crazy because like me. Animation my boys want to profess. Yes cleaner you I mean we're going to cut like like this is so cute. No no power. No, let me let me talk to Julie the weight on droll and he knows can't beat the Headless demon was OD bruh. It was kind of stupid because Tandra looked at this man for two seconds. He said all right are and know what to do and the first plan worked. Act I mean, it wasn't even a funny bro. Yeah. Wait, hold on just a head. How do you kill a dim? They said all the way you can kill a demon as you put them out in the sun or you cut his head off that the quick there was no sun and there was no hit and the quickest way to kill a demon if you slash your enough time the demon will die. You have to be bo p on your side. Yo. Overdrive miss something. Yeah, I'm sure but I don't know better than the other episodes. I wouldn't say that the last two I'm not saying the holes the whole little was the last three or four times. I mean the animation was clean. We got introduced to a cool new character in this flashback the spider the grandpa and we finally saw the spider dad. Yeah, we can we have a feeling his bully or whatever in the past we going to see him is like he was a higher student than him. Maybe he'll come in maybe next season of the Season later in the show. What have you heard? Yeah, because he was yeah, he was mad cuz he couldn't get I don't know. I don't know because he he remember when he was trying to Was it that much better? I say it's not that it wasn't that hard. No, no. He's going to ultimately know that okay, so my thing is the board guy. He's cool. And all right. What do I like his alter ego which is the boar that much then his other negative when he takes all the fucking mask. Nah, I could I could and then like kanjuro. He's cool all around honestly like yeah the nose thing I'll make fun of it. But everyone the most out of everybody. Sometimes it could be like too nice. Like I like the fact he was showing sympathy for that day after she just have to she just snapped his comrades next one. But this baby. He safeerase pretty much. He's he smelt that will compete and well, okay, that makes sense. So if she had fear and that's what he smelled you probably just smelled her shitting her pants that makes that makes you said that he wanted to die. Yeah. She just snapped. You give it a paint stuff. Come on. Come on, bro. I'm just saying I hope he doesn't go like ends up like talking it out. I'll be doesn't taken pull a normal typical. We didn't talk about it either if he doesn't do that and fuck with Tantra. Yeah, but I mean that whole fight scene though in this episode. We're like you just cool when he's charging up and I call the spider. He's jumping around dodging then I'm also excited. This potable is like what a minute he keeps repeating. The the first first floor is heat rash and he was like, wait a minute. He is trash he didn't see that last time like the last time which is a quick / memories in the house and this time we'd like when all of the above so you kind of do something's going on. Fuck. I got you what? Did he say he has to do something? I think he said you got these seed. Still smells. Are you do you been throwing bombs at my oh, so we didn't really get into the ending some get into so after he ends up killing them, you know the Thunder obviously the Thunders louder shit. So tangible hears it he wants to go over there and help them him and and fucking the board dude, so they both are going to be on their way over there. And they run into like Steve was saying before they run into the father that is a spider demon fighter - Spider pops and and they about to begin to fight. I guess that's gonna be the next episode. So we're going to be still in the forest. And yeah, I mean, I totally forgot about the whole family shit. Um, I'm still confused on how like how this is all gonna go down because that's just growing up with the spider that now and there's the little brother and a little sister that still allowed to everybody got under dings. Yeah. I think there's anything going to carry this out for another two episodes. My betrayer bought us this tree bodies. They gotta catch the better not you better kill to one episode. Legal struggle with this father brother. They definitely not killing him at one. This is the 1212 demon Moon guy and Sandro trying to cut this man and didn't even go through all thing. Oh just think it was I'm at I think everyone knows that we ideally I liked this episode a lot more than look at some other ones. Where are your thoughts? I know judge it just put in the DMC and come back. So we're going to close it out without I thought the episode was Better than the last three or four but not by that. I think JoJo was thinking that I'm saying this is like the best in the oldest. This has been like this is Miles better. It was like nah, I like that there was backstory and a clean fight nothing like that am also like it was a back door, but I also like that it took the whole group out like you just focus on one character, you know, It wasn't on G this time 0 the Sun and where the fuck okay. So where the fuck is the nezha? Koe Shane the box jump. She still in the box. I don't know why I don't know what it's dark. You know, she'll probably see you next episode. She probably got an Aussie. My theory should probably come with beat the dad's ass at the end. She's gonna beat the best. Yeah. She my father's sister. Oh, yeah. Yeah, my theory was a Somebody was going to fight the sister Tanya Rose going to fight the little brother and I give you and the other the other a Demon Slayer we got introduced to other why is that they're gonna find the dad because he's he's a 1212 demon boy 12 demon moon boy. Oh, yeah. Yeah he was So I don't think Tundra rolling, you know skate ready for that yet. Oh, that's probably going to be the two episodes. I'm going to keep it on them fight on whole fight in and they still have to fight them and at the end of The Next Episode, that's when they come through they call up clean. I've been waiting boys. He better pull up. Yeah, that's about it. But yeah, that's it for episode this episode of time soon. Yeah. I don't really have any closing statements has been fun. Felt like it was so it's been a real episode. Yeah before our own say I told you I told the audience but episodes ago that one of the members were not going to be here anymore and my plan worked. Yeah that DDOS end up working at so yeah, we'll see if he comes back next episode. Our might throw on who watches anime and the GI looking looking good work. Yeah black TBH Nomad a little TV relax, man who needs a views, but yeah pretty good week of anime. Hope y'all like it y'all don't then fuck you. Yeah, I'm out of here Stevens outta here and JoJo's been out of here.
On this episode of Otaku Summit, Chaos, JoJo and Steve update you guys on what is going on with the Kyoto Studio situation and talk about new season coming for Hero Mask and Zombieland Saga anime. A question was sent in by Necoke, He asked, "What are your thoughts on Netflix Co-Production anime?". We talk about how they can improve and what is the problem with their anime section for new anime watchers. The anime review section starts with Vinland Saga episode 3 (@ 25:35), This anime has become a very nice pick up to watch and we give our predictions. Our Fire Force episode 3 review (@ 39:18) talks about how this anime is not just about fights but the story is interesting on what they are setting up and how hyped we are for characters. We review Dr Stone episode 4 (@ 56:25) and talk about how this episode is setting up some thing that is a curve ball to the characters and now things are picking up. Last but not least, We talk about Demon Slayer episode 17 (@ 64:00) or should I say we get into a debate about how good or lame this episode is and JoJo quits mid episode? --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
An unfiltered uncensored raw storytelling podcast. I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be welcome to another episode of my ugly truth podcast save me a prayers. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's also tools that allows you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. It can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many more platforms. You can make money from your podcast with no minimal listens. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go. You anchored on FM to get started and don't forget to subscribe to my ugly truth podcast. My name is Shannon and I am a YouTuber almost a year ago. Actually November 27th last year decided to yeah number 27 is the definite special number for me. I love it. It's very synchronous stick. I just had been thinking for quite a while as I fell in love with tarot about a year and a half prior to me starting my channel as I had a spiritual awakening in June of 2017 the way that a lot of this. Started was really with me seeing the repeated number 11 11 and it became so prevalent in my world and I started to actually think that I was going crazy. I literally thought I needed help it become so prevalent that it leaked over into my son's like, oh well would be yeah, we would be altogether and I would see 11:11 and I kind of go like or a jumper be like, oh, there it is again. I'd make a comment and eventually he you know my sons Like Mommy, what do you think deal about? You know that was seeing it on Billboard's receipts like things that I would buy would add up to eleven dollars. Eleven says at that time. I was a makeup artist. I was working for a while. The number one luxury Beauty brand in the world Lancome. Most people don't have Lan card. So I was a makeup artist and even all the products that would come in at Christmastime would be like a hundred and eleven dollars or people would get stuff and it would come up to Eleven dollars and 11 cents like things like that. It really was just so prevalent in my world. I started to think I was going crazy and again leaked over into my son's world to where we would be together and we would both see it at the same time on the digital clock in my car or something like that. And that was the start of my Spiritual Awakening. But again, I was like, do you know 2017 and then things just started to unfold for me. I started to see my stepdad literally speaking to him and I thought I was going crazy and I told my mom about it, but it Top he deceased. Yes, I'm sorry. Yeah, he died in 2007 from pancreatic cancer. Wow, and he was like a second father to me. So I still have a hard time, you know kind of dealing with that but I saw him and again, this was after my Awakening and I told my mom all about it. I had a real visitation experience. It was like, yeah, like what a medium would have my friend actually her father passed away this past March and she went to a meeting. I've had a dream about something at a teller and she cries she was like that's what the medium told me last night that my friends were going to come towards me and tell me stuff about my dad. It's crazy. It gives me goosebumps. Yeah, you know, I thought oh my goodness is this like leading to something, you know, it kind of stopped. Well, I had to visitations from him and then it seemed to stop but my interest did not stop in other words. I knew there was something strange going on within me with all of the number sequences and then I finally found found out what 11:11 meant as an angel number, but then I was also introduced just by being on YouTube. I was just sort of browsing through a tarot reading popped up and down my life from that night on changed the first tarot reading that I watched Not only was this a really good reader but I resonated with what she was saying. I was floored that that was even possible because she's talking to thousands of people. Alrighty me right So then I was just like oh my God, this is something I've got to get into and I thought is this something I could do. Is this something that could possibly be like meant for me. Well kind of hard to explain things started to unfold with me. Just mentally I started just seeing things differently. I started to see auras it started more with being able to just read people's energies. It started with my co-workers and I got even walk in and I could tell and one of my co-workers was like really having a bad day whenever something wrong. Very intuitive. Yeah. Yeah, and it's you know, my one friend. She would always say Shannon. How is it that you always know what's going on with me. I started exploring the world of Taro and then I was like, wow, I really want to study this. It's just an it's amazing to me like I want to get into this. So I literally just November of that year. I literally an obsession with me. It was really strange as I got something was driving me and I couldn't figure out like why is this so important? Why am I so Like intimate my studying of tarot, which I did it diligently for over a year before I even read for anyone. I studied by watching thousands of readings thousands probably within like a year because I that was a way for me to learn also by watching other people what was instilled in me. I found out I was a twin in other words. Like I'm on the Twin Flame Journey, which a lot don't know about that would be a whole other show. That would be a whole other story but in Amidst all this I found out I was a twin and yeah, that was something that was also scary for me. I didn't know I didn't know anything about that or that you know, I just sort of that theory not even that it was something that was really true. But in that first year it was like after I met my twin is really when everything. Oh my exploded as far as my gifts are concerned. I don't want to say too much about that only because of for his privacy. All right now, it's fine. No, when we dated and even like after because we didn't date that long and we broke up and that is the Twin Flame Whirlwind romance. It's like you date and there's a whirlwind romance and then the universe kind of steps in and like squishy to a part and then that's when the real work comes in and it is a journey. Yeah. It's a journey of the self. It's all about a really practicing the art of self love. I'm not a psychic. I'm literally just I consider myself like, I'm an intuitive empath. I am now fully Clairvoyant. I used to only possess two types, I guess when you You cos s all of the different types of Clairvoyance. You're fully Clairvoyant. That's how I know it to be. I'm not like a professional but but that's kind of how I've understood it to be in the world and like make sense ecology. Yeah. But anyways, I did find out through my Awakening that my life purpose my passion to is just it's not even so much about tarot. It's more about Guidance the spiritual guidance. It's about helping those on their journey in any way that I Han and helping them to find their selves to help them to connect with their intuition to connect with their authentic being because that's what we're all here to do and I'm just I'm still learning and I always say to everyone on my channel I'm with all of you. I'm on this journey with all of you. I don't ever put myself on a pedestal. I never will the moment I ego gets involved. I will hang up the shingles like I will hang up my coat. So I like you if you have a talent and you can help people with telling. Them what they can't be told you know, that's amazing. Yeah before I do any reading off camera. I always say please allow me to read 100% intuitively with zero ego involved. I do it every for every reading. Yeah, seriously because that's the one thing that can harm your your ability to see and I feel to be able to really touch on the if you want to call the etheric plane is like when you do a lot like ego to get in the way, but I feel like you're Genuine like you just seem like a your personalized very genuine. I don't know. Oh, thank you. Thank you. I do hear it a lot. Like I have to say since the start of the channel. I never thought in a million years. I would ever have the the platform the following that I do and I know you have like what 74 like thousand seventy five thousand. I don't even know the name of my channel is I always have to say it. Yeah, I was like right on YouTube and that is pretty much again. My passion. What I'm doing is to help those in any way that I can on their Journey with guidance and again the messages that I received. I consider myself to be doing when I'm doing my readings. They are intuitive channeled that I receive from my Spirit guides and even via the universe. Oh, they'll tell me I'll be shuffling and I have even my shuffling is in its own way a little bit like ritualistic. I've heard people say that she's either like you're shuttling like there's something magic. I'm hearing you. I yourself only just a little bit ago, and I'm like, that's how did you hear me? Yes. Just because I'm getting ready to do a personal read. I will do the same. I will like kind of it gets me into and it gets me ready and it's me calibrating the deck. Some people have asked me. Do you hear voices? Are you like skits out? No. No. Yeah thing like that address trust me. It's nothing like you walk around and hear voices and hear other people talking to you know it literally I have to meditate I'd tune in and then, you know, my guides will come in as Needed and they do come in if you watch my readings they definitely do and if they stop me then they do and I do whatever they ask me to do. I'm just like okay, I think one of your videos that I watch you were like you can't even form your words like hold on. There's so many messages. I'm getting let me just think about this for a second and you just like stood quiet for like 5 seconds. So I was like I bet yeah there's times when I have to tell them like wait, hold on. Can you please slow down? You know, can you repeat that? Because the best way to describe it people have asked me what is it? Sound like what is it? What is it? Like when you hear your your guides is it like I'm whispering in your ear and I said, well, it sounds almost like a thought like your intuitive. Well, you know what I didn't want to do any like digging or searching or looking at anything only because I knew I was going to be doing a reading for you and I like to know a little bit but I don't necessarily need too much because sometimes I feel like it taints. Like it comes clouds your judgment, right and I don't want it to be like based off of well. I already knew this or I looked into that and are you know what? I mean? Like, I'm yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I was like, you know what? I knew that whatever the universe wanted me to hear from you would come from your mouth. You would tell me and as you tell me say as you'd like say things to me that literally is how I connect with your energy like so as you're telling me this like I'm like, okay, I'm connecting. I'm connecting again. I've been having this weird things going on lately. I really feel like I connected with you at the perfect time of my life because I've been having some weird dreams and and things in there like, you know readings out there like which one's your angel and it's always that one that I could come just like it's crazy. Yeah, you know what I want to say this to you because it's coming in now from my guides if you are connecting a lot in your dreams and even if you are just hearing the name Archangel Michael yet calming up prevalently because he is the Archangel of bringing lost souls to gather our who are in love. He is the Archangel of love and relationships and he really does oversee all of these beautiful connections all over the globe. So if you're seeing him prevalently and then like in dreams, I feel that for you what my guys are coming in with what they're what they're wanting me to impress upon you is that you're coming upon a very important part or a cycle in Our life where love relationships in general can become very prevalent for you. It may start to override some of the other things that have been on the Forefront. Do you does that make sense that energy alone? I feel there's going to the way my guys are coming in with this. It's going to be because you're seeing him so much. There's going to be more activity that is involving. I'll just say it this way involving like your love life relationships. It's going to become more prevalent. Violence and it all means something so definitely pay attention. Yeah, I love it. What do you want to tell me what has been going on at all with with you even in a general summary for this day. He'll come in communication. We'll go see me again whole block me again. He's like, I don't want my family to find out we're talking cuz I'm going to get all the stuff. So and you just recently came back in my life like a month ago and communication again cut me off because he's afraid that I'm gonna freak out and tell his family and it's just always on and off but he's like, you know, I'm still Until I'm over you and I don't love you anymore. Like I'm going to be single and I feel the same way and so loves there is just the drama the distance. It's just so much. Hey, wait, why? Is there a the letter J coming in? What does that mean? His name is? Oh, oh. Wow. Yeah and I change everyone's name. I know I change everyone's name on my podcast because he ghosted me and his episode is once a Casper always a Casper I call him Jasper. So that's funny. You said that because yeah it is. It's a know I was seeing Jo He's just saying thank you Spirit guys. I don't take a credit as you were starting to talk, especially about like the separation. So but let me just get the end part of this correctly just so I know in my own mind. You've been broke up for a year two years. Yeah. Okay. And then in this last month, you said he started communicating but then he goes did you again I don't want drama. He's like just literally lashed out in anger. He's a stubborn stubborn person. That's like blocked me blocked me on everything. He always does that he just cuts me off communication and I'm just like, oh my God, this is not yeah. So that's what happened like a couple days ago. Yeah. Now is he a Gemini? Yeah. Okay cancer Moon. Oh, okay. That's all the internal, you know and our shadow side. And of course our ascendant is do you know the difference between I know moon is what your emotions are rising? I don't know what Rising is, but I know a lot of my Rising labor readings are very resonating. So what is it exactly rising Rising? Okay. So the Moon is about the Eternal how we internalize things are emotional side and our shadow side, right? So the ascendant sign said that people ask me what's the ascendance on and what is the rising? So just for anyone who wants to know ascendant and Rising are the same thing? Okay. And the reason they call it ascendant or Rising side it has to do with where the sun is in position at at the time of your birth. So that's why when you're getting your natal chart done your time of and place of Earth are really necessary because it has to do with longitude and latitude as well to determine your full natal chart, but you can still have your chart done. You may not have your ascendant done. You need to have the time of birth for that. Right? Your rising sign is basically how people in the outside world view you. Oh, well, you are perceived by others and how you project yourself onto others. So it's about not make out of world. Yeah. Yeah, cuz I'm a Libra and I know they're very in like into their emotions not like cancer but like in and out in a different way, but well, you know what and being that you're doing what you're doing, which is in essence. It is a healing modality what you do what you present to others. It really is a form of healing and with you being a Libra Rising. You know, what I love in this actually would make sense because of what you're doing and you're approaching it from like such an unbiased way. What's the Libra way so you doing this podcast and you being a Libra on that's just very libran. It's very very limited way that you're doing this from a very balanced approach a very unbiased approach and that is the Libra way. It really is. That's what their trademark is is the Libra scales and the vena sign is like your how you express. Your love Venus is the planet of Love Money. Yeah. It's actually about money too, but it's more soul of all relationship. In a nutshell it's all about love beauty and and money as well. So what would you say for someone like me? That's all are with Rising Sun and Moon. That's just a lot of 1 1 element right? You have a lot of air. Yeah. So what is your Venus sign Cancer? Okay be born at 2:22 p.m. And Dinos an even number and my birthday suit. Wow, 86. Yeah see that, isn't it? That's very special. I don't know if you've ever had. Been to look up and this is for anyone out there who may be listening. If you have that beautiful type of synchronicity. There are meanings for those who are born with those types of synchronicities. I did not know that okay. I'm going to have to look that up now because there's a this is number three digit number that I seen 8:08 and I seen that number the past five years everywhere and and Halsey. The singer she just came out the new song this week. And literally I'm listening to it and the beat of it is so relaxing and she goes that 808 beat brings your heart to your feet. And I was like, hold on. I have to Google this did she just say 808 and she did I don't know what it means and I know it's infinity symbol and I know like the zero allowing it means god or like the like or like the cycle. I don't know but it's so meaningful when I see 808, you're right. It does represent the infinity symbol. And yeah, and I love the fact that you were You know that you threw in there that you were born at 222 because those who have those types of synchronicities of when they were born does often mean that it basically is letting you know, because the the lingua of the universe is through signs and symbols, you know numbers. So it's letting you know that you were placed here in this in this Incarnation if I may be so bold to say Incarnation because yes a lot of what we do talk about on the on the platform and I'll say the the tarot Community as a whole a lot of us do that. We've lived many lives. Hey this lifetime for you with that. It was not an accident that you were born at that specific time. And basically what I have done in my own research has found out that people that have those types of synchronicities. It's letting you know that in the in this lifetime you are serving a very special purpose. I love it. Yeah, so I've been kind of calibrating my deck here and I was just wondering And I know that's all we're doing sort of a mini read and if anyone out there knows I do do personal readings my way of contact is super easy. It's just the name of my channel your souls Journey Taro at is the way I can be contacted for a personal reading but my minimum is like I can do a one question read with a 15 minute maximum time limit that is pre-recorded. I don't do those live and then of course I moved to 30 and then 60-minute personal readings I easily setup. For those it's not hard to do at all. But I know for what we're doing here. We're doing it in a very short timeframe. So what I normally will do is allow my client to take Center Stage because in its you're reading in essence what I guess I'm asking you now is what would you like me to look into? What question would you have for the universe right now would want me to look into it? Honestly, it's about that twin flame Journey if I'm actually in a twin Funk Journey. It's a very different love that I've Because when you explaining the Twin Flame Journey, I'm like, oh my God, that's exactly what I've been wondering if that's what it is. Okay. So what I will do whenever I'm doing readings, normally, I will ask one question and a very simple straightforward manner. So in other words what I would look into first, so basically I'm just letting you know, here's how I'm going to approach this. What I will do is I will pull a spread on just asking about the connection. What it what is this? What can you tell me universe? About your connection with I don't know if I'm allowed to say his name or not, but just said the just Gemini you can say Gemini and say that okay because I honestly I'm already connected with his energy. I'm actually I can do this quietly. I don't even need to repeat anything. What I'm going to first just connect with is I want to find out what is going on like with this type of connection that you do have and then what I can do following that is I can look into the last part of the question for Whatever the universe wants to bring through. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take a moment. I'm sure you can hear me shuffling and I'm just going to focus in quietly. I will lay the cards out and I will start so I'm going to be quiet for just a moment. You're fine. Okay. All right. Just give me one moment here. Okay. All right, just to let you know whenever I'm doing like a one-on-one with somebody there can be a lot of shuffling involved. Sometimes it's really quick and then other times I'm Shuffling but it has to be until everything falls into place and they tell me to stop so I'm going to start dealing the cards and I will let you know what they are. Okay, perfect. Alright. So first card out we have the page of Swords. We have the Eight of Cups. We have a major Arcana the Sun. Oh my God, another major Arcana Temperance. Oh, we have another major are kind of funny. I call myself. Oh my goodness. Okay. So normally I will do four to five cards in a spread. It just depends. Sometimes I would even go with a card at the bottom of the deck if I feel I need additional information, but I'm good here. This is all white. I need I'm going to I'm going to start. Okay? Okay. So what is leading to read here is the page of Swords now the page is swords. Now that is very Gemini energy there. Mhm, but I often look at the the page of Swords it can be and I'm just going to put it out in layman terms of communication, but it's usually communication that baking truths, but it's usually truths that you don't want to hear it can be just Grand. Communication it can be selfish in a way that when the person is speaking to you. They're not considering your feelings in this right. They're worried about their own. Okay. Yeah, so it can be short sharp communication. So I'm seeing here is that with the pages sword? I'm seeing very little communication because it is a page to begin with so in the Clans are the pages are often considered Messengers and again swords are about the our thoughts the way we think and analyze things in the world, but it's also about communication. So again with this page of Swords, I often to look at this as the investigator of the tarot. So seeing several things here. I'm seeing that there has not been a lot of good communication or very steady communication. Yes. It's been very broken. It has not been heartfelt whatsoever. It's like okay, we're doing head over heart. Now. We're taking about of emotion and we're talking from the Mind space. This is all, you know people who like to just look at things in a logical rational manner undertaken. Emotions out of it, right? Well, let me just say this with the pages swords that what I am singing and I do got to tell you because again, I can see this to as someone who now, they're being quite quiet about this. This can be that of someone who is keeping an eye on you, but you are not aware of it. I actually was told that to yeah, this is by way and I feel it's him. It's your job and I I do feel he's keeping an eye on you, but it's via I'm seeing social media platforms. Okay, so it's not all been direct but he still wants to know what you are up to. He does want to know your stats. He does still very much think about you. He still is very much in his emotions about you. But what he's doing is he's trying to separate the two. Yes. Well, so I'm seeing here with the Eight of Cups. I'm seeing an ending. Yeah, there was an ending and I'm definitely seeing it here with the Eight of Cups. That is literally saying yeah, somebody here walked away. Somebody left the connection and I'm Molly still connecting it to him. Okay as he's the one that walked away. Yes, and he felt when I'm getting through this card, he felt that he really didn't have a choice at the time. He said so he said that to you. He's verbally so that yeah. Oh, wow. Wow. Yeah. He said I didn't know what to do. So I left he felt that he had no other choice and he also and I got to say this. Listen man. Oh this sucks. He he knows he went against his better judgment. He knows he did and when he did this he was not convinced that what he was doing was even the right thing to do. I will say this because I'm feeling it. That's why I said I'm shit because I'm feeling the energy that he was feeling at that time. Like I'm literally seeing him driving in a daze literally in a fog almost like I want to turn around. He was torn so there is another okay. There's another element to this there is an outside influence and I'm seeing that is very much coming in to me that by way of him leaving. It was ultimately satisfying someone else who is this is mother. I don't know what spell she has a monitor. But yeah, that's his mother. Okay. Kiosk is in the way I can describe the suit. It's a pool. It feels like a pool like someone's pulling you towards them trying to make you do something. Thing and her energetic presence. It literally was like pulling him. Oh my gosh. It's almost like he was being pulled energetically in that direction whether he wanted to or not. So he didn't even know I don't feel on the on his ride leaving that he actually felt that he knew for sure. Like he didn't have the warm and fuzzies about leaving. He didn't he didn't he didn't know he was leaving. He said yeah, they said so that's what I mean. Okay, so then thank you. Thank you because when I Feeling here is there is like this torn feeling it. I'm literally like there. I'm literally seeing this like he felt it all my gosh. I said oh shit because this feels it's awful. It's an this is an awful feeling. I have to say, let me tell you right now that man was torn torn. He yeah, he definitely didn't know he was not lying to you. Sorry. I'm like, oh my gosh, my throat chakra is going out. I think it's because he thinks he needs to communicate to you and he's not. Yeah. So whenever my like I'm not I start losing my voice like that during personal reads. I'm like, okay someone's needing to communicate and they're not so I feel like there's things he needs to say to you and he's not doing it. He's keeping himself tight-lipped. But yeah with this Eight of Cups, I'm definitely feeling that I filled it. He was definitely torn. He did not know he was going to leave and that is the truth. I can tell you that because I'm filling it in his energy. Okay. Now the thing is that the Ida cops can also talk about moving on from something and going into a better space. In time the better part of life. He also said he left because of he wasn't in a good career spot here and he's like, I need to find myself. I need to better myself and also my career life. I just need to get find myself. But yeah, he also left to better himself and he did he got a good career and everything. So yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah because now we have the Sun and that is the happiest most positive card in the deck, right? And so I'm seeing her right after the Ada cops with the sun here, you know, I am feeling that There has been some healing because the sun's about healing also it's about illumination Clarity. It's not just about happiness. You know, I do feel in this depiction of the sun. There is a little child on a horse and I do want to say that you alone you're very healing for him at your solar energy your very healing for one another and I do want to say there has been some illumination Clarity and some healing around the Shannon whether you are seeing it in the 3D or not. This is right smack dab in the middle of your read and again the major Arcana kind of like the 808 but go ahead. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Yeah, like honestly the major Arcana outweigh that page is stores in Eight of Cups. I just spoke about and we have three major Arcana here. So this is letting me know that okay, there are things that have gotten better for him. And again, I do feel there has been some healing on this but it's been done by way of spirit. I don't think you're seeing a lot of the results in the 3D. But with Temperance that is Twin Flame energy. That is my card for twin flames. And I only have two cards in a 78 a deck. I have to that in the four of Wands would represent twin flame energy really quick for people are listening what exactly bio I guess of what twin flame means to Twin Flame while it's definitely something that you could research actually. The Twin Flame journey and there are actually eight like phases or stages to this really what it is. Basically it is one soul that has literally been split into two. Okay. Basically your two halves of the Same Soul when twins are incarnating. There's a there's a spiritual reason for these connections. It's not even really about the 3D relationship. Usually what happens is twins. Are you don't know each other by Intervention, you meet up in your lifetime like this lifetime. You meet up when it's meant to be and you come together and it's usually it awakes you're all your chakras really awakens you and it and itself just meeting your twin. It's like it's a spiritual awakening all by itself. Right? But the purpose of the Twin Flame journey is yes, you are part and you are meant to find one another the purpose again of the Twin Flame journey is to help raise the vibration of the planet. Cause what twin flames serve to do together, it's a very very spiritual purpose twins give off such an amazing and healing energy that it literally ripples through all space and time. So so it's a divinely it's a divinely ordained guided connection. My guide think this is what this is. Well, yeah, there's a lot of science, you know, the 1111 seeing that very be always these 1111. It's funny you say that he's always mentioned 1111 like if anyone out there is key. Aureus to know you can literally go on YouTube or Google and you can literally research the Twin Flame Journey signs of a twin flame. How do I know I'm a twin and literally there's like a checklist now they do have tests out there. But you do have to watch there's a lot of misinformation. So you have to be careful of what resources you are going to I do want to say that so it's just two Souls that are split into it spiritually awakened each other and the world right about right? Yeah about raising the vibration of the planet, but really it's also about You mean like your part obviously, right your one soul split into two basically on this Earth. You finally find one another and yeah, that in itself is a huge Awakening and then the universe usually will step in after you've had a whirlwind romance. Some people do Stay Together longer though. Every Journey. There's no two Journeys alike, but there is some common threads. So that's why you can do research on this but the universe will usually step in split the two of you apart because then that is when the real work begins. It's really about About it's about working on the art of self love. It is a journey of the self. So it's about wow working on you before you can love your twin. It's about loving yourself say that all my podcast is like a bio why I started spark as I was like I'm thankful for him. Because if he if he didn't do what he did. I would have never started to focus more on myself and what I want to do and care for myself and I like that now I'm helping other people with what I've been through by self-care and that's exactly that's exactly what happened. He left that's crazy. And you know what if after meeting him is when you decided to do this whole podcast and you started what listen that's what your twin does when you meet your twin your life. Let me give you another big big FYI. This is like, I guess twin flame 101 if you want to call it that your twin flame when you meet upon meeting your twin. This is something very rare. Very special very different. Your life is never the same after that and it is not it is never the same you are forever. Changed in many ways. It may not be on the outside world or recognizable to everyone else but to you it is and then it's like yeah, like you said it's you started, you know working on you and you find out you have gifts that you didn't know you had I mean my twin I have him to thank for my gifts never develop as much as they have and you know, we both just keep trying like we keep finding each other at these rare spaces in time since we've met and I know he himself has changed so much since I met him and he definitely I have him to thank his there's the word the runner Chaser thing. I don't know if you've heard about that. Yeah, it's one of the phases but it's called the runner Chaser phase. It's one of the phases but a lot of times from what I dunno and just from what I've heard from my clients. I can only speak on my experience and what I've heard and what I've read a lot of the Divine Theory does my twin know he's a twin. I don't know don't know and I will say this if you are a twin it Is the most challenging of all of the journeys a lot of people have said me and like joking around joking around like it was It was kind of tough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I quit this thing. I don't want to do this anymore. It's like so it's that's crazy. Wow, right now. I'm looking at the present energies and like as I was telling you the cards, it's not really I never know how it's going to come through. So everything I told you up to this point like through the Eight of Cups. I was seeing what happened with The Break-Up. But I see through the sun card here that yeah, he has and ways done better for himself where he is now kind of doing well with you know, his career and whatnot. I do want to say the child on the horse in this card is really drawing my attention and I do feel that you have awakened his inner child and that is something that most adults don't even begin that they we forget about our inner child a lot of us do along the way and I never knew there was much significance in recognizing your inner child. There is significance to believe it or not. There is and I feel like you definitely have a you've awakened that in him. So I feel that what I'm meaning by that you've awakened the inner child in him in ways. You have made it possible for him to see things in life certain things certain perspectives through fresh new eyes, like an innocent child. Yes, and it's funny you say that because when me and him we would go on cruises and stuff and we didn't have her phone. We were like two little kids running around. We always had such a childish not like immature, but like just innocent child fun vibe every time we were just just me and him and that's how I was always is every time we were to visit each other. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm staying here because the sun is in the center of the spread. What I do want to say here is the two of you your connection what the two of you share because I'm looking at this. What is the sun? It's the center of the solar system. Mm, right Hmm this connection for both of you whether you realize it or not. It is like the center of your worlds. Yes. It literally is the sun in your Sky. It's the the warmth in your heart. We would always say like you are my sunshine my only sunshine we always say that song to each other. Oh God, I'm seeing the happiest brightest moments with this sun card have been possible. Upon the two of you meeting each other and creating the memories that you have and I feel it that in conjunction with Temperance is definitely telling me. Yeah. Listen is it you wanted to know and the universe has just spelled it out again. It's not me. I don't take credit for it. I'm just the messenger. You have a twin you are in a twin flame Dynamic is what I would tell you crazy because like you do get a deep feeling before you even know if it is you I have been having a huge feeling and I'm like, there's no No way. This is karmic. There's no way this is a comic and I'm just like this is deeper than that and even the connections deeper. I just felt we felt something different. So that's crazy. And guess what? Guess what this one you're going to like trip on this one. Oh God. What are you gonna say something that's been said before? Okay. That is it. Abel and that is what is being brought through okay, just to let you know because Temperance again is one of the only two cards that does represent the Twin Flame Journey for me as a reader and I note on this card somebody else is making their presence known and again, this is Major Arcana. It's Archangel Michael. He's right here. Wow. Wow, he's right here trip me out with that. Wow. That's so crazy. Yep. He represents. That is my confirmation. Wow. Yep. So argh, Angel Michael has been trying to let you know that's he is the angel on the card because he is the Archangel of love and relationships here. He represents this. So yeah, there's your car there was another confirmation for you, babe. Wow, and you know what because it's next to the sun. I read my cards in combination as well. This is trying to be highlighted for you. It's like there has been so many signs and synchronicities that your guide. The universe and even Archangel Michael himself has trying to has been trying to send your way because we have the Sun and Temperance together. This is something that is truly being celebrated. There are others. Listen, you need to know this. This is when I'm being told on on the other side. Okay, like your guide your ancestors your way Show hours. Do you know there are others working on your behalf in spirit? There are others working on his behalf in spirit. There is more going on behind the scenes than you would ever because it's twin flame. There's more stuff going on behind us Ivan here. And that does not the first time I've heard this is crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then we end on the empress. Oh my goodness, if that isn't even more amazeballs. So we're ending on the empress and sorry. As we're ending on the empress. So what this is telling me you're a Gemini your twin your twin one of the things that ultimately he has done for you. He is doing and will continue to do it doesn't matter if you're in separation and I love this because it's the empress that is the highest rank that you can go to the major Arcana, right the empress the emperor and Empress. So what he is serving to do for you. You in this lifetime he is making you become the very best possible version of yourself that you can become and I think sit on that one for a minute. Yeah this whole time. I'm like, you know, what if it wasn't for meeting sometimes you don't you get upset. You're like, I wish I never met this person and I yeah, I went through a lot of heartbreak, but I know meeting him made me become such a better person than I was a year or two ago. I mean shit even six months ago. I mean, I'm a different React I tried, you know, of course I feel here in there but just different just totally different in a good way. That's crazy. Oh, yeah, he and listen he's going to continue because listen as a twin do know that as you go through this journey your bond, even if this is one of the craziest things with twins, do you would think that when you're physically separated I guarantee you what you're probably going to say to me is since our departure even though you're not together in the physical. Let me reword that because I I know there's that there's those out there who don't maybe understand what I'm talking about your energetic connection and ways you feel closer to this person than you ever have because as you go through this journey, your bond does not dissipate it's going to deepen right and I actually it's funny because I like the past or even before he contacted me a month ago. Like we had talked for a whole year. I was picking up his energy like just randomly thinking about him and I'm like and I looked I looked it up and they're like that usually happens when they're thinking about you and I've been I mean that more and then when I got that before and then he contacted me I was I was telling my friends I was like I'm getting all these reading saying that this past whatever is coming in my life and when he came and here we go. Yeah, and also another thing too that I'm getting with the empress energy entrepreneur cards. This is someone like the empress cuz she runs her own Empire. She runs an Empire. So what you are essentially doing in this lifetime and just to let you know this connection is being being both divinely guided and protected its protected. There is nothing that can sever this tie. Nothing can break it. No hex. No, this is this is by way of the Divine, honey. So nothing can sever this tie nothing but with the empress energy here, I just want to say this is telling me this is literally who you are starting to really embody and take on the characteristics of this is you're Into your own power your own authenticity. In other words you are doing exactly what you're meant to be doing on your journey. You're exactly where you should be you have big things happening for you in the days to come and you remember what I said in the very beginning of our conversation remark. Yeah. Do you remember I've been being told that that the next couple months is going to be such a life-changing and a positive luck way that I can't even imagine. I'm like, no, I can't imagine come on bring it bring it to me. Yeah, that's why I said the next two years. Like I said, I see three but when you were talking to me, man, it was common in strong and I hated to interrupt you, but I was like wait, wait, wait. Listen, I got to tell you this and I'm like, you know what you're going to have more than one opportunity coming in and it's going to allow other doors of opportunity to open. This is all about your life purpose because this is it this is it what you're doing. This is your life purpose and by the empress being here that denotes that to me it also is again the card of the Entrepreneur, this is someone who can and has the ability to build an empire for themselves. So in other words the you are becoming your own power house and it's not just about like being successful in the 3D realm. This is about you you're exploring the art of self love unconditional love for all things and all other people. That's what the Journey of the self is all about unconditional love for all for ourselves and all other things and people so you are literally you're it's like you're stepping into and starting to really embody the energy and the characteristics of the empress because of the people I was bringing onto the show and what we're talking about and now I when I started bringing self-care of the word on to the podcast like I was telling you the title of what I would title my podcast it just started even opening more doors of wow. I am really working on myself because I did need that. I need I needed to work on loving myself and I'm even hearing from others out there right now, like basically, this is like your Collective. I guess you would want to call it. You know how I do my Collective reads and I can get on what I'm getting from the people right now that are listening what some of them are wanting to say and they're wanting me to tell you and this is coming from your the people that are listening. Some of them are wanting you to know that you have no idea what an influence and inspiration that you have been to them. And there are so many in there. They're my guys are wanting to say it's the many the many so they're saying there are many who are literally Lee leaning on you and looking to you as like a guide and an inside guy, right? Yeah. Wow, there are many it's like there are others out there right now who want you to know like you really are an inspiration to me. Like I'm hearing people say this so as this is being aired there are people out there who are literally like yeah, you are an inspiration they want you to know. So yeah, so do know right now you have listeners out there who literally are devote like there are what I would call devotees like that's They are exactly like my my listener who was like I've been listening to you for eight hours. And then why God I'm so happy. I found you. I'm like it literally brings emotions. Like my emotions just got so weak and I just like got teary-eyed reading this girl's message. And every time I get a message like that I'm like this is exactly what I wanted make my pain matter. It's exactly what my goal is. That's crazy. Wow, that's and that's beautiful. Just just saying that like just the energy in the vibration of that. Statement that touches people right while now so crazy. Yeah ended all this that you're saying to me. I've been feeling this like inside but I just didn't know if I was like if it was true, you know, do you know honey? I wouldn't steer you in the wrong direction. Trust me. What is it me, it's my you're just confirming it for me a minute. That's all I'm doing. I'm just again the like conduit The Vessel, you know, the mechanics behind In the work as well say but it's like the the translator from a different language right that you know, what you couldn't of that was perfectly perfectly stated. I love it. I am I know there was another part to that question that I was going to look into did you know that on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite music and now you can listen to podcast in one place for free you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue. Ugh of podcasts on every topic especially the one that you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts that you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to while offline wherever you are and you can share what you're listening to your friends on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for my ugly truth podcast on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me so Never miss an episode of my ugly truth podcast. So I totally can like like 7,000. I think that is amazing that you're out there, you know, putting your your life out there to help Inspire others because that's ultimately what you're doing. You're helping others to you're just doing it in like a different way Annex. I don't have filter. You know, I don't think the opinions of others that don't know what I've been through and don't know my experience matters. So and I feel like all of us even specially women like when we go through something really hard it comes out very successful at the end because we're Take that pain matter. Oh, yeah an honor to do this for you, and I don't know what thank you. Yes, that pushes me to keep going. Yeah. No, I like I'm getting something here though. I do want to say to you as you're talking again. I'm tuning in and like I do have a direct line to like my Spirit guides what you're doing now, like you're not aware, but they're telling me on this is going to be opening up other doors of like other opportunities for you. It's not going to it doesn't stop here for you. It's not going to thank you. That's amazing. I'm seeing in the next two years. They're telling me there's going to be three big opportunities for you. And you're going to be oh my God. This is amazing. Like oh, okay. So the way they show me things. It's not an exact science. Okay, so people try to ask me I'm like, oh I can explain it to you. It would it would not make sense. It's like an intuition thing right? I do get flashes of things like Like visuals and then they come in and they do speak with me. Like they do tell me things. Like I'll get word phrases. I'll get numbers sometimes. Yeah, and I don't consider myself a psychic so I don't always deal in timing and people's names and things like that when my guys are coming in and like really giving me an inkling on something that means they're wanting me to tell you and like within I don't know what I'm getting is like the next like two years is what they're saying to me. There's going to be it's like I'm seeing three like I'm seeing the number three like there's going to be other opportunities aside from what you're wanting to do that is saying continually open doors. So you're going to be expanding and I'm also going to I'm seeing like I'm seeing you travel. Yeah like this. You're just starting like your you don't even know like you're going to be growing. Yeah. He's so happy. Yeah be prepared. Seriously. You can hold me to it. It's fine. I don't care you can hold me. No, it's funny. I actually had a reader tell me it wasn't two years that my Podcast would expand to to like gain to not financially gain because that's not what I'm going for. But to actually be my full-time job. Oh, yeah. Oh my god. Listen. Yeah. Oh my God. Oh my goodness. I literally it's like I see you almost traveling to do like I see you speaking in front of large groups of people and this automatically is going to put you into a higher higher income bracket. It's a blessing and because what you're doing It's a literal service to the universe. Like you are you're helping to raise the vibration of the planet and that is literally right. Now what is needed you say some words that I've said before it's crazy here. You are helping others to raise their vibration. And as long as you're doing that that's how we manifest. It's funny because I've been in since I'm like Spiritual Awakening lately. Like I've been trying to like do the same to meditation at night every night. I fall asleep to it and it's crazy like I'm getting so I'm getting for for for almost every day five five five like all these crazy. Like angel numbers. I'm just like oh my God, it's crazy. Like I'm really that's been really big this month for me more than ever in this whole year. Yeah. It's only going to become more intense and you're going to start seeing a lot of numbers in fours like 12 20 minutes. Yes. Yes. They're telling me it's going to you're going to start seeing a lot of like numbers and boars. It's going to be really prevalent at some point for you. I think by the beginning of next year. Like I said, it's not an exact science and I do this kind of stuff when I work one-on-one with clients. No, and let me just say obviously I do want to ask you about how you how do you feel about me talking about you on my channel? Oh, yeah, go for it. I'm sure if you're looking at tarot cards are probably need some insight and I yellow on the other side of it, you know like yeah, of course, it's actually funny because 27 is my favorite number episode 27 and it's going to be on that is like my number. Are you kidding Lee crazy? Oh my God, if I told you what 27 See you in my life. It is my number. That is so funny. This is so good to be with you at that one that resonated so much. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and again just get quiet for a moment and get in sync with my shuffling kind of recalibrate the deck. Sorry. I got to keep shuffling so they told me to stop. Okay, I got a flipper. You must be important. Okay. Okay, we're good. So I'm going to pull that one first. Okay. Alright. So the first card is the seven of Swords. Oh my goodness. You're kidding me. We have the eight of swords. So aren't we have a progression lot of their energy? Beautiful beautiful? Oh my goodness. All right. We have major Arcana Wheel of Fortune love it's and that right there is all right. Well, I'm already getting downloads. Okay. Oh my God, this is falling under Temperance because again, I have my line up here the six of Cups. Okay now we're ending on the for of Pentacles. All right, so I pulled one more card. They told me to pull. Either we'll use the bottom of the deck or I pull from the top. Okay, I always ask and they told me to pull from the top of the deck. So I did and I got major Arcana the star. So this spread has one additional card. There are six cards in this spread instead of five. Yeah, there is definite shift and change here because we have we're starting with the seven of sorts. Not my not my most favorite card in the deck, right? Right, and we do have a progression to we're going from the 7th to the eight of Swords. But what I'm really seeing because we do have this leading the read I'm going to slide this under that page is swords. Okay, because I do read my cards in combination up and down. I look at my cards at every angle, right? So what I'm really getting is, you know, right now I'm seeing just tougher energy here by way of how things have been and this is going and I'm sorry, the universe is bringing this in it's About this connection with you and your your twin with the seven of Swords. It's this is about what I often. Look at this card as is this as someone who is holding back from you. Yeah. They're they're not speaking to you emotionally or mentally even what they're thinking. This is somebody and if the card itself is a picture of two swords being in the ground and a person running away with the other five. So it's like they're running with all these swords and only leaving to in the ground. So It was like it's like, oh, I'll only let you in so much. I'll leave you two swords, but I'm running off with the other five of them that girl. Yeah. It really does. It's a me. This is a guarded energy very very guarded. I mean I'm looking at again because it's leading the read it is one of the most important cards because right now it's like okay we're in this energy and I want to say the whole dynamic and itself is just there's a lot it's I don't want to say it's in a lower vibrational state but in a way it is because As we're even going from that to the Ada sores and that is mental self imposed mental imprisonment. This is when we're filling bound and stuck to a situation filling us that we cannot move on being up in our heads. Yeah, because and he's looking back at you. He's looking back at you and he knows that you he's running away from no. Yeah for sure. So if you were looking at these cars, you would see the guy running away with the five swords is looking back and there's you standing there blindfold. ODed and wrapped up with a bunch of Swords around you almost as though your enclosed even though you're technically not you could break yourself free of it. But again, it's called self-imposed mental imprisonment, but I think and I do want to say we have two weights here because above that is the Eight of Cups. Okay. So we do have two ways here and you know, I do want to say I feel especially in these twin flame Dynamics you have to get to that plane that the place in time this In place in time when you're ready to move forward a lot of times. I tried to force myself to come out of like that self-imposed mental imprisonment. And if I wasn't ready meaning that sometimes I almost feel that we're in the seven and eight of Swords energy because there's something we're missing. We're not getting so we get stuck in Cycles where we keep repeating the same things over and over so there can be a lesson that needs to be learned here and that's why you're unable to move forward that and the reason I say that is because the next card is a Wheel of Fortune Now The Wheel of Fortune is all about Cycles in life the natural cycles in life. Mhm. Okay, A Cycles ending new ones beginning but the will of Fortune you want to know what that stands for destined faded events. This is Lady Luck. This is the wheel of Destiny it is also about now events are finally starting to move in. Your favor. Things are starting to shift and change in y because The will of Fortune is letting you know that you're coming upon the ending of an old cycle and you're about to enter into a new one. That's crazy. I've been hearing that too. Yeah and what and what's right above it is the sun. Wow. So most positive card in the deck. Yeah. Yeah, so it's like saying, okay now the wheels are always turning it always does but we can feel like it isn't turning we feel like we're standing in place and we're not going nowhere The Wheel of Fortune and then the Sun what this is telling me. This is a cycle that in essence again an old Psycho ending a new one beginning but with the sun being there this is letting you know that you're going to be going into a much. Here's what here's what they're saying to me you're going to come into a happier cycle is going to be happier for you. It's going to get a little easier for you, but I'm also hearing the biggest thing. This thing is there is more clarity and illumination coming in here for you. Because again, you have to remember this is Lady Luck. This is the will a Destiny and this is destined faded events. So in essence, yeah, this is you're coming into a much better place and time here. I will say this if you're if you weren't doing anything any kind of work on yourself, if you were not vibing higher and you are low vibrational we all Tend to go there. We're all human. We all have a brain we have emotions are energy is constantly fluctuating and shifting and changing. So I feel because of your work the effort that you are and have put in it's almost like a reward from the universe, right? So I'm seeing shift and change especially in your world in your life. Okay, but what I'm seeing here because after that we have the six of Cups, so I feel What's Happening Here is under temperance. Okay, that that's seven of Swords energy that eight of Swords energy some of that here because of that new cycle that stuff is going to start to move out. It's going to start to dissipate I want to say even more so for him because he really needs to kind of come out of that that that sound of Swords energy. I do see shift and change their because guess what the six of Cups really represents. Well, this can definitely denote a past life. This is about Nostalgia. Yeah, this is about happy memories. You know, this is you know, this can be childhood memories. This can be a lot of happy shift and change and what I also see the six of Cups dad's is something that is making its way back around to you like it's in orbit. If you can imagine like the earth going around the sun. It's in orbit. It's starting to come make its way back around to you for of Pentacles. But I also see the four of Pentacles. It's right under the Empress, you know, this is telling me as time is going by especially for him because also I do want to say this with the Wheel of Fortune being here. He also is going to be going into a new cycle as well and like it's in orbit. Like I can see it in orbit just like the earth goes. Yeah. Yeah, so with the for of Pentacles and it's right under the empress what is really becoming more apparent and I'm feeling him through this. This is also about somebody who is really holding on tight, man. There are not Let It Go they can it's like yeah you mirror one another but because I'm also seeing it under the empress this is also telling me for him he is to there are things that are becoming more apparent he's starting to feel the feels because I'm looking at cuffs energy now, I'm not looking at all the swords that's about the Mind space, you know cops are about our emotional body lotions. Yes. So now again and happy memories he's starting to recall things things are starting to you know flood back. Into the Heart space but what I do want to say is that there is going to be a shift in change in how he is feeling and I see him actually with of that for Pentacles. I see him. Oh, he's gripping a little tighter. I feel one on this connection like on on you. And so whatever it is that you are achieving and doing because you are taking on an embodying the the energy of the empress the more you can pull back your energy the more you cannot expand it to him. Him the more you pull back your energy he could feel that he can feel you given it to him also, so do know that if you start pulling back your energy, he will feel that a lot of times that can be I'd like a magic tonic and I feel like again I just I'm tying this with that Empress energy though to it's like I see you doing more and I see like in time and especially if you are working on yourself because the Twin Flame Dynamic if you're feeling it. Yeah, you shift your focus and it's really about surrender because this is like you have to understand the You're not in charge of this the Divine is this is all divinely orchestrated. So it's really about having trust and faith in the Divine and it's really about surrender. Once you're starting to get in more into this. It took me a long time to do that and I still have trouble surrender itself can be like a daily practice. It's not easy to take self-control. It's hard. It's oh, well, I'm shifting and changing here in this next cycle. I feel like you and it could be because you're more busy. You've got more and I told you there's going to be more opportunity. Coming in for you and what I'm seeing here because we're ending on this star. Okay. Yeah and what that is telling me an absence is that there is more healing energy coming in starting to feel like things are happening for you starting to feel like you know, when I see this die-off in Think Like that's someone who's saying wow, you know what I feel like the things things are starting they're starting to find a place in my life. Things are starting to happen for me my kind of ending things. What I did want to say here is no there's definitely A good coming in for you and I'm a lot of healing on this Dynamic and that is what is needed here. And that is one of the reasons I feel he's starting to like he's starting to like I think you're starting to pull back your energy in this next cycle son because he's like mmmm like but I still see that there is a shift and change in that. I feel like you are starting to slowly and it's a process. Everyone has their own right? So I do see you starting to become a little bit more involved in like your career. I'm seeing it because it's growing its Ending so do you expect that and I'm saying this to everyone in the world who's listening? So, you know, you can hold me to that. I mean, right right right now no. No, this is like this is yeah. This is like no joke here. So your listen, you've got big Big things here that are coming in for you. Yeah, that's amazing. You know, you need to definitely like celebrate yourself because everything that you're doing and what you're what you're doing for others and what you're on the way to what you've already become is amazing, but where you're heading it's like, you know, I'm sitting here and I'm looking and I'm you know, seeing the empress to start but then once it starts to pick up what I'm seeing is a stew with that and it's going to start coming in quickly. It's Owing to start coming in once it once that energy starts gaining momentum for you. Oh my goodness. It's like you're going to be this Unstoppable force and let me tell you. Oh, absolutely. I see so many. Oh my gosh you do you have such an amazing. I can already sense and see your aura but I really do feel like and I just know it all. I know it. It's one of those like as I spoke up energy like a sponge right? So I'm really sensitive illness like you really do have an amazing start here for South and trusted no, it's only the beginning that was amazing. Thank you so much for that like that. You're so welcome. Thank you my day like that was amazing. So thank you for having me. Oh my gosh, that would be great. If we did like a one-year like do it it do another podcast. If you want to say something to close it, thank you so much Angie for having me. It has been really it's been an honor. It has been a blessing a real privilege to to do those. Thank you. Yeah likewise. I mean, I don't know your energy just so beautiful. I love it. Usually like am I such a kind soul? Oh my goodness. Like I did. Oh same here II definitely feel the same with you. It was great to really as I always say like with my clients I got you know, thank you for allowing me to connect with you because literally it's almost like I know you now on a much deeper level because I acted with you. I'm even kind of feel like I know you're a person of interest a little bit now, you know connected with him and you know, just in saying like yeah, please A time in the future like it's so nice to have done this especially for someone like you who has watched my channel who has actually you've resonated with my reads and they they've helped you in some way on your journey, and that's my goal is right right to help it and thank you so much and unfiltered uncensored. Ross storytelling podcast, I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be welcome to another episode of my ugly truth podcast save me a prayers.
Guest Speaker • Youtuber • Your Souls Journey Tarot Reader, Shannon • Personal Reading. On this Episode, Angie has her favorite YouTube Tarot Reader as a Guest Speaker. Angie gets a personal reading from Your Souls Journey Tarot. Yes, a Real Tarot Personal Reading on AIR! About Angie’s Career and Love. Shannon explains what the Twin Flame Journey is. Shannon also explains what your zodiac sign means in regards to not only your Sun Sign but Also Moon, Rising and Venus Signs. You can get your own birth chart at •Shannon’s Story• Shannon’s spiritual journey started in Mid 2017 and her passion for tarot in November 2017. She launched her YouTube Channel •Your Souls Journey Tarot • November 27, 2018. Her gifts really began to take off after having met someone very special. For those of you that know what the “Twin Flame Journey” is, Shannon realized that she had met her Twin. Things starting manifesting after meeting her Twin Flame! Today, almost 1 year later, Shannon has 75,000 Subscribers on YouTube! This is what Shannon had to say about her success and her amazing gift. “I have been so blessed, and so honored to have met so many wonderful people from all over the globe. And will continue to carry on with my life purpose, helping others in any way that I can on their spiritual journey!” “Thank you Angie for having me as a guest on your amazing podcast!!! I am excited to see things unfold for you, and have no doubt that this is just the beginning of this part of your journey!” Go Subscribe and Follow on YouTube @ YourSoulsJourneyTarot Contact: [email protected] Tarot Reading #tarotreading #twimflame --- This episode is sponsored by · Taking Sides - The Marriage Podcast: On Taking Sides - The Marriage Podcast listeners send in their relationship questions, disputes, and current disagreements.
For the Love of teaching is a podcast brought to you by teach stata we save teachers hours each week by bringing them quality downloadable teaching resources for their classrooms to make your classroom Buzz go to teach warning this episode of Friday funny is is not for little ears. If you've got kids with you save this listening goodness for later. Sometimes teaching can be tough.But working with students also gives us countless opportunities to smile Joe Dombrowski AKA Mister D is a teacher and comedian who always finds the lighter side in teaching. This is Friday Funnies with mr. D Hey Joe, how are you going today on my favorite Australian? How are you? My friend? Woohoo! So good so good. What's been happening? Oh my gosh so much. Well, we're officially coming to Australia the cats out of the bag can't wait. Yeah, that's probably the biggest news. It's kind of funny because every show I have five shows left in the US before I come to you guys and every show that I've done I always say thank you so much. I couldn't do this without you guys and somebody shouts out. Have fun of those. Leah and then just like hits me I'm like, I can't believe I'm doing this so crazy. I can't wait. We can't wait. We absolutely loved your kangaroo Joey patch video when you were like twerking and doing Karate kicks and all kinds of things. Yeah your kids like that is that I did because we went shopping and there was a there was a big kangaroo and they all started saying look at my Joey look at my Joey but I hadn't shown them the video. So I was my mum had some answering to do because was their Nanny had showed them on the babysitting night. Oh my God, they watched it like a hundred and fifty times on her phone. I cannot wait to meet your mom can't wait can't wait. So we are so excited and a lot of our teachers are just thrilled that you're coming. They're flying Here There and Everywhere to get to one of your four shows here and it's going to be incredible. Yes. Yes. Yes speaking of the shows the shows going to be funny. Shall we get into our Friday Funnies? Let's do it. Yes good, sir. So I was thinking I was thinking a lot about things that have happened in the classroom and obviously kids never fail to make the funny moments, but I have some really good ones of when I was a kid and this one I think you will like so, you know every once in a while a teacher will say well like put you in groups and the good kids get to go in the hallway to work because you know, you can trust them. Yes, right. So I was always a really good kid like I was naughty but I never got caught so like in the perception of adult that was always a really good kid, but I would always stir the pot up and I had no problem doing that. So when I got I was always the one who is allowed to go into the hallway and work and I remember one time specifically. I think we had broccoli for lunch or something. That would make me like really gassy and I remember feeling I remember feeling like extra gas CMS moment and I was In the hallway to do a spelling test correction with my partner and I remember this thinking in my head. I'm going to fart and I'm going to fart right now and I would like well after you fart blame it on her and she'll never know. It's you so instead so instead of farting and blaming it on her. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I this is what happened. I said I can't Believe you did that then I farted. Your plan did not go to plan. I know and I felt so bad and then she kept trying to be like no it was you but I was like I was like if you can do this you can totally convinced her that was her. So I kept trying and trying and trying it didn't work in my favor that time. You know what it actually is a really good teaching moment to because I'm 31 years old and I have not forgotten it right. I have not forgotten. It and I would always look at my students when they would do weird stuff and they you know, he's have students who like fart and circle time and they get really embarrassed stuff and I would always remember. Wow, that was a really embarrassing moment for you. Like I still remember it's still deeply ingrained in you and they have those moments to and you always forget about how they just like every little thing you say or do could be that moment for the those kids. So whenever they would do something like that that was like embarrassing but funny. I was always emphasize the funny but in a way That was like this happens to everyone. This is a great moment. Like we're all having fun together and not in like a kind of sending way. You know what I mean? So it's kind of like her like came back to my life and teaching and I loved it. I loved it. I think that's gorgeous. You're so you're so empathetic and you're right like the little kids are not in control of their bodies and it must be stressful for them. I think like I know my son who's no I won't say which one it is actually, but he got into the car the other day and he let out a big Fart and I said, why did you do that just then and he goes because I've made a rule for myself to never fight at school because you can never trust a fart. You can never trust it's not going to turn into something else. Well, we have a word for that here. I think you guys might to this a shot. I'm sorry. Yeah, we're not Lost in Translation this time. Well, you came through you made me laugh. You know, I love a good fart story. I'm a mum of lots of kids and we love a fart story or two. So thank you for sharing that today. Oh anytime I got you baby. Whenever have a good fart. I'll give you a text. Oh gosh - I'll see you soon. Yeah, so see you soon. Happy Friday everyone. Thanks for joining us for Friday Funnies. Don't forget to subscribe to for the Love of teaching on your favorite podcast app to get updates on all the latest episodes.
In this episode of Friday Funnies, we flash back to when Mr D was just a boy. Usually the conscientious student, young Joe found himself on the outer one day when he was set to work on the patio outside his classroom, and unintentionally interrupted his classmate's learning.Mr D is coming to Australia! Check out ticket info and dates on Mr D's website so you don't miss out!He's a teacher. He's a comedian. He's officially one of Ellen Degeneres's "favourites". Joe (Mr D) Dombrowski is here to brighten up your week with his infectious laugh and hilarious stories. Brace yourself, because when it comes to dishing the dirt on teaching, kids and life in general, Joe doesn't hold back.Join us in our new For the Love of Teaching Facebook group, where we chat about the podcast, feature live vids of guests, and talk teaching!Don't miss an episode! Have you subscribed to For the Love of Teaching? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released.For the Love of Teaching is a podcast by Teach Starter. We make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See you next week for another dose of Friday Funnies!
This is optimal living daily episode 11 24 self-discipline willpower by Steve pavlina of Steve, man. I'm just a moloch. Happy Tuesday to you and welcome back or welcome for the first time if you're new here, this is where I simply read to you every single day of the year including weekends and holidays before we get to today's post small business owners wear a lot of hats and while some hats are great others like the filing taxes and running payroll hat. Those are not so great. That's where it Augusto comes in Augusto makes payroll taxes and H are actually easy for small businesses Augusto automatically pays and files your federal state and local taxes so that you don't have to worry about it. Plus they make it easy to add on health benefits even 401ks for your team and you can get direct access to certified EHR experts to sounds like a great way to take care of your business right now. It's a time. We're still early in the year. So don't wait like Gusto make it easier on you I switched over. Urban using it for about a year and I love it as a bonus my listeners get three months free when they run their first payroll. This is one hat you'll be glad you gave up try a demo and see for yourself old that's G you Oh LD for now. Let's get right to it as we optimize your life. self-discipline willpower by Steve pavlina of Steve Quote the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will Vince Lombardi. Willpower such a dirty word these days how many commercials have you seen that attempt to position their products as a substitute for willpower. They begin by telling you that willpower doesn't work and then attempt to sell you something fast and easy like a diet pill or some wacky exercise equipment often, they'll even guarantee and possible results in a dramatically short period of time that's a safe bed because people who lack willpower probably won't take the time to return these useless products, but guess what willpower does work? In order to take full advantage of it. You must learn what it can and cannot do people who say willpower doesn't work or trying to use it in a way that's beyond his capabilities. What is willpower will power is your ability to set a course of action and say engage willpower provides an intensely powerful yet temporary boost think of it as a One-Shot Thruster it burns out quickly, but if directed intelligently it can provide the burst you need to overcome inertia and Create momentum will power is to spearhead of self-discipline to use a World War II analogy will power would be D-Day the Normandy invasion. This is a gigantic battle that turned the tide of the war and got things moving in a New Direction even though it took another year to reach VE Day victory in Europe to make that kind of effort every day of the war would have been impossible willpower is a concentration of force you gather up all your energy and make a massive thrust forward you attack your problem strategically at Their weakest points until they crack allowing you enough room to maneuver deeper into their territory and finish them off. The application of willpower includes the following steps. Choose your objective create a plan of attack and execute the plan with will power. You may take your time implementing steps one and two, but when you get to step 3, you've got to hit it hard and fast, don't try to tackle your problems and challenges in such a way that a high-level will power is required every day willpower is Sustainable, if you attempt to use it for too long, you'll burn out it requires a level of energy that you can maintain only for a short period of time in most cases. The fuel is spent within a matter of days use willpower to create self-sustaining momentum. So if will power can only be used in short powerful bursts then what's the best way to apply it. How do you keep from slipping back into Old patterns? Once the temporary will power blast is over the best way to use willpower is to establish a beachhead. Ted such that further progress can be made with far less effort than is required of the initial thrust. Remember D-Day once the Allies had established a beachhead the road ahead was much easier for them. It was still challenging to be sure especially with a close-quarters fighting among hedgerows in France before the Rhino tanks began plowing through them, but it was a lot easier than trying to maintain the focus energy and coordination of a full-scale beach Invasion every single day for another year. So the proper use of willpower is to establish that that beachhead to permanently change the territory itself such that it's easier to continue moving on use willpower to reduce the ongoing need for such a high level of sustained Force an example. Let's put all of this together into a concrete example suppose. Your objective is to lose 20 pounds you time to go on a diet it takes willpower and you do okay with it the first week, but within a few weeks you falling back into old habits and gained all the weight back you Again with different diets, but the result is still the same. You can't sustain momentum for a long enough to reach your goal weight. That's to be expected though, because willpower is temporary. It's for Sprint's not marathons willpower requires conscious focus and conscious focus is very draining cannot be maintained for long. Something will eventually distract you here's how to tackle that same goal with the proper application of willpower. You accept that you can only apply a short burst of willpower maybe a few days I bet Just after that it's gone. So you better use that will power to alter the territory around you in such a way that maintaining momentum won't be as hard as building it in the first place you need to use your will power to establish a beachhead on the shores of your goal. So you sit down and make a plan. This doesn't require much energy and you can spread the work out over many days. You identify all the various targets you'll need to strike. If you want have a chance of success first all the junk food needs to leave your kitchen including anything of a tendency to Overeat and need to replace it with foods that will help you lose weight like fruits and veggies. Secondly, you know, you'll be tempted to get fast food. If you come home hungry and don't have anything ready to eat. So you decide to precook a week's worth of food in advance each weekend. That way you always have something in the refrigerator. He set aside a block of several hours each weekend buy groceries and cook all your food for the week. Plus you get a decent cook book of healthy recipes create a weight chart and post it on your bathroom wall get a decent scale that I can measure weight and body fat percentage make a list of sample meals five breakfasts five lunches and five dinners and post it on your refrigerator. And so on at this point all of this goes into the written plan, then you execute hard and fast, you could probably implement the whole plan in one day attend your first Weight Watchers meeting and get all the materials Purge the unhealthy food from the kitchen by the new groceries the new cookbook and the new scale post a weight chart in the sample meals. List select recipes and cook a batch of food for the week who by the end of the day you've used your willpower not to die a directly but to establish the conditions. I'll make your diet easier to follow when you wake up the next morning, you'll find your environment dramatically changed in accordance with your plan. Your fridge will be stocked with plenty of precooked healthy food for you to eat. There won't be any junkie problem Foods in your home. You'll be a member of Weight Watchers and will have weekly meetings to attend. You'll have a regular block of time set aside for grocery shopping. Being in food prep, you will still require some discipline to follow your diet, but you've already changed things so much that it won't be nearly as difficult as it would be without these changes don't use willpower to attack your biggest problem directly use willpower to attack the environmental and social obstacles that perpetuate the problem establish a beachhead first and then fortify your position like turning into a habit such as by doing a 30 day challenge have it puts action on autopilot such that very little willpower. Required for ongoing progress allowing you to practically Coast towards your goal. You just listen to The Post titled self-discipline willpower by Steve pavlina of see and don't forget Gusto offers modern easy payroll benefits and HR to small businesses across the country now is a perfect time to start get in touch now and get three months free. When you run your first payroll just go to old that's gu / o LD they'll do it for today. Thank you for being here. Have a great rest of your day. And I'll see you in the Wednesday show tomorrow where your optimal life awaits.
Steve Pavlina shares his thoughts self-discipline and willpower. Episode 1124: Self-Discipline: Willpower by Steve Pavlina on Creating Habits to Achieve Success Steve Pavlina is widely recognized as one of the most successful personal development bloggers on the Internet, with his work attracting more than 100 million visits to his website, He has written more than 1300 articles and recorded many audio programs on a broad range of self-help topics, including productivity, relationships, and spirituality. Steve has been quoted as an expert by the New York Times, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, the Los Angeles Daily News, Self Magazine, The Guardian, and countless other publications. He's also a frequent guest on popular podcasts and radio shows. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! Gusto is making payroll, benefits, and HR easy for small businesses. Get 3 months free once you run your first payroll with our link: --- Support this podcast:
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy for manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring. Lead owners get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way. You can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Pisces, welcome to your horoscope for Capricorn season. As I mentioned the introduction. I will be talking in this horoscope about the energy that I'm perceiving. I'll be describing some of the the sensations and the places where these Sensations might be manifesting in your chart if you're interested in the astrology what I'm seeing Planet are Ali and what aspects are happening etcetera. And please become a subscriber that's where all of the astrological information is. And there's a ton of it as well as some other tools for you to be working consistently with astrology. So if you're someone who's really wanting to to cultivate your understanding of the language of astrology, there's a lot there for you. And otherwise in this horoscope. I'm really just going to be speaking directly to you and to your experience, okay? So Capricorn season begins on December 21st, and it ends on January 20th. And this is a season that is bringing so much energy in there's a lot that's happening this month in this span of time that seems to be bringing some really important processes into a culmination things that have been kind of in the works at least for the last couple of years. If not for the last decade. Many of us are reaching kind of Reckoning moments and tipping points or breaking points energy is Shifting in some really remarkable way now for you. What I'm seeing is that as this month begins, it feels like a weight is getting lifted off of you somehow. It's like you're getting a little bit more psychic space and a kind of breath of air. It's like a big inhale and there's some kind of new opening or new possibility that is presenting itself in front of you and this new possibility is going to require you to really shift how you're thinking about things and how you're orienting in your attention and I want to say that this shift you're probably already feeling it but it's something that's going to roll out over time. It's going to take its time because Pat, you know old patterns are deeply embedded. And habits are hard to change. So you really want to start to shift your thinking and some of the ways that you want to shift your thinking as you want to become less concerned with accumulation and holding on to what you have. You want to open up your mind to feeling a little bit more free and freedom has to do with the present moment. It's not about moving into the future and what we think that we're going to want in the future. ER or holding on to the past and what our values were in the past but there's you know something that wants to open for you that has to do with presence and Present Moment awareness and clarifying your priorities because you're recognizing that in the present moment some things just don't matter that much as they seem to matter when you're focusing on your future plans or dwelling in your past kinds of programming. So there's a significant and Shift that is taking place for you in terms of your mind in terms of how you're orienting to information the kinds of conversations that you're wanting to have the Wiz that you're wanting to communicate and what you're wanting to focus on. And again, these changes are rolling out over the next several years, but right now there's quite a big moment and push for you to go. Oh, okay. There's something else and this is going to lead you into a kind of of new space with how you been orienting towards your future and your future has been a place that I'm going to say has had some significant anxiety and worry, it seems like in it and there may have been a fair amount of distress that you've been going through and that may have been very conscious for you or more unconscious, but it could manifest as anxiety worry a kind of rumination on the future really like a lot of you know, well You know, I want this thing, but I'm scared of that thing kinds of feelings and for some of you this is also represented in the way that you are relating with groups or with kind of a larger social experience. And so it may be a kind of like well, who do I belong with and and who likes me or where do I fit in or you know what the fuck is going on in the world? What are people on about? And you know, who am I when everybody is all concerned about this, but there's there's some way in which your orientation to the Future and to a kind of more Collective energy between people is going through a really big transformation stage and starting this year starting now. It's like you're getting a breath of fresh air. And this is part of what I'm talking about where it feels like okay, something's getting lifted off you a little bit. There's there's more space. There's more opening and it seems like Are able to come into a space of more imagination of more expansiveness your perspective might be shifting a little bit. There may be more optimism that you're experiencing or more Goodwill good-natured - and it's like you're you're getting something you can finally work with and it's going to compel you and it's going to motivate you the more that you open your mind and allow yourself to think in terms of New possibilities the more motivated you are this month and the more you Orient yourself towards opportunities and look at things in ways that are opportunistic the more you're going to blow your own mind. Go. Whoa, I never even thought about that. But you know, yes, I like that again as you kind of shift your thinking you're shifting your relationship with accumulation you're shifting your relationship with security and a Level and this is bringing in a new phase for you that has to do I think with definitely your resources with money with finances. But also with you know your values what's important to you. What do you want to put your resources and your energy towards again? This is another longer phase. You're right at the beginning of it. But over the course of the next decade you're going to be healing some some pretty deep spaces in yourself when it comes to your relationship to resource. Your relationship to Source. Where do you draw energy? From? What can you trust in? How can you open yourself to receive what's available to you? And sometimes we receive from places that we never would have imagined had so much abundance and there's something that is being opened in terms of this kind of idea for you. It may be more or less Apparent at this point. Like I said, you're right at the beginning of the cycle, but I hope that part of what's happening in terms of opening your mind and shifting your thinking is going to You with this finally. There are two eclipses that are happening this month and eclipses are really important and pivotal times of energetic exchange. These are times when we often reach crisis points or really big moments of change eclipses happen in Cycles with one another we've been experiencing eclipses and cancer and Capricorn seasons for about the last year year and a half. So we're almost through this particular cycle of cancer Capricorn eclipses, they'll finish up this summer. And so some of the changes that are happening are definitely things that have been in the works for some time already now, but particularly between these two eclipses, there's a lot of supercharged energy for change to happen. So I'll have the first two clips on Christmas day or December 26th, depending on where you are. This is a solar eclipse at four degrees of Capricorn. Check your natal chart and see if you have Any planets or points at 4 degrees of Capricorn that Eclipse will be especially potent for you. Now this particular Clips has to do with letting go of the old and shifting our awareness and shifting our Consciousness in terms of what we were previously attached to and what we're now recognizing doesn't work for you. This is very much in the space of future expectations and your larger social experience and relationships. You do not want to dwell on negativity. Eva T. I really want to underscore that for you. It doesn't serve you to spend a lot of time ruminating or worrying or fretting or being fearful. You don't know what's going to happen in the future. You can't control the future same thing with other people do not waste your time fretting or worrying about what other people are thinking about you do not waste your time fretting or worrying about how you can't control other people or how they're not doing the things that you want them to do. It's a waste of your time how you do want to engage in this part of your life is through openness through cure. Our city through asking for growth when you trust the future and when you work skillfully with the unknown we have the the archetype of the fool and a Tarot deck that it's like you're walking out into abyss and you're trusting that something is going to catch you and whoop your Landing in a soft spot. You didn't expect to be there. But now you know, here's this amazing strawberry patch and you're going to have a strawberry when You trust the unknown and that includes the unknown future. It also includes the unknown in your social dynamics things can open up for you. There's opportunities that are lying there waiting for you that you never would have seen if you were in a judging place. So main message for you. This eclipse is get over your judgments. Don't get locked in fearful spaces open your mind get excited about what's unknown. We have a lunar eclipse on. XI and I want to say that January 11th 12th and 13th. So 11, excuse me, the 10th through the 13th are some really intense days astrologically. I'm going to talk a lot more about what's happening on these days in the Capricorn season podcast as I mentioned in the intro, so listen there but on the 10th, we have this full moon and lunar eclipses that is kind of setting off this big combination and outpouring of energy The lunar eclipse occurs at 20 degrees of cancer, check your natal chart for planets or points at 20 cancer 20 Capricorn since the sun is in Capricorn. The this lunar eclipse will be potent for you. If you have points around 20 degrees now this particular eclipse is Illuminating for us in a really big way how we want to move towards, you know, whatever it is that we're trying to call in and for you my friend what you want to call in is you're creating. Of joy you want to call in present moment awareness absorption in play? Hi play this idea of Lila. Like, how can you lose track of psychological time and space? How can you free your body? How can you free your mind? How can you enjoy your life your you know, it's like this Paradox between the thing that I was talking about the fretting and worrying about the future is keeping you from enjoying your life. You really want to enjoy your life. And this is the thing that you're moving towards and something's coming in around the full moon that is wanting open that door way for you and it might be opening the doorway in a really gentle loving invitation and it might be opening the doorway with a slap in the face going. This is what you need to pay attention to get into your body. Dance sink make some art have a great time go out with some friends play have sex, you know, do things that stimulate your Your playful silly child like energy. That is what you want to move towards any really want to work on nurturing and loving and accepting that part of yourself. Okay, you can stay tuned with me by signing up for my free newsletter and on the new moon and the full moon. I send out lunar attunements. And so these are ways to practice kind of just aligning with the the lunar energy. And also on Instagram at embodied astrology, I'll be posting those practices as well throughout the month on Instagram and Facebook. I offer little Astro tidbits so you can follow along with me there. There is quite a lot going on in Capricorn seas and a lot of astrology and if you become a subscriber you will get access to my interpretation of all of that astrology. I will go through the month and an extended reading for all signs. You'll also get access to a printable Journal that takes you through the With the day's laid out with all of the aspects and suggestions or affirmations or practices for working with that energy. You can subscribe by donation at any amount. It's a great resource. For those of you who are wanting to incorporate more astrology into your life. I'm going to leave it there for now. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn season and Beyond just a reminder that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon, and I would love to see you there. Check the show notes for more info or go to embodied and find my live events in the Play and Learn section. Happy New Year.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Don't have enough time to sit down and read all the best Bitcoin articles. Well, let us read them for you. This is a crypto Konami quick read. What is up? Crypto Konami crew? Welcome back to the show. I am your host guys Swan the guy who has read more about Bitcoin then anybody else, you know, and current orange number is at according to my etoro app here is ninety nine hundred dollars and 48 and yeah, we're looks like we're kind of going sideways. So, you know, I don't think I'm gonna do anything. I'm waiting to see like I'll buy you know and put in my position for the bull market when we have like a dip and I don't see anything here yet on the on our etoro charts looking still just go in sideways and maybe it doesn't but if it breaks up through resistance, I'll probably go ahead and start putting in my position here, but I am just sitting tight right now. We will see let me know if y'all have any different strategies. And don't forget to check out etoro. I've got that link in the show notes. Now. We are doing another bun read today. We are doing a historical one that is just epic and it's one that I'm surprised. I have not hit on the show before and they know the one made available by these Satoshi Nakamoto Institute a huge. Thank you. If you are if you guys are not taking like a day out of the week to go to the Nakamoto and Just like pick something out of their literature and read it. You're really missing out. So hopefully hopefully I'm doing that for you. You know, that's kind of why this show is here and we have got a little bit of gold today with Nick szabo's bitgold proposal which is on the Nakamoto Institute and it is a short one, but it's just it's so cool to hear the thinking and the The the explanations of how to create trust or distribution and like eliminate these third parties in a system that was a precursor to bitcoin and this was almost three years to the day. It's like 3 years in the 30 20 30 $30 like five days before the Bitcoin Network launched before we got the Genesis block. So it was basically three years before and Nick Szabo released is Bit gold proposal and so we are going to read through this one and just talk about how crazy all the crazy similarities and how interesting and the thinking around these problems was in a space where we you know, you didn't really know whether this problem is solvable like it had never been done before in this was a completely unique thing to tackle at the time. And it's just really it's really fun to go through people's perspectives. Like Nick Szabo like all these cypherpunks were working on this problem then and just see how they were thinking about it before there was essentially something to work from as the default position or as the default solution. I guess you could say So before we jump into this one, I just want to say another thank you to the Nakamoto Institute for posting all of this awesome information so I can just go up here and read to my heart's content about all of this amazing stuff and also provide it in audio for you guys. I am extremely sad that I somehow missed it by like I got my invite for the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute dinner before the bit block. Boom conference and then just didn't buy it that night and like a day or two later. I just procrastinating on was like oh good. I got an invite and then in no time. I got an email that said they were full up and the weren't letting anybody else in and I was like well shit, so here is my plea to the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute guys, if any of y'all listen to this, I would really love to come out that night before bit block boom and hang out. With y'all. So if if you can squeeze in one more person let me know. That would make me very very happy. I will be there that night looking for something else to do and on that note if anybody else is coming into town for bit block boom. Don't forget about my discount code CC that'll get you 30% off those tickets. All right. So without further Ado, let's go ahead and jump into Nick Szabo those fascinating proposal. for bit gold published on December 29th 2005 A long time ago I hit upon the idea of bitgold the problem in a nutshell is that our money currently depends on trust in a third party for its value as many inflationary and hyperinflationary episodes during the 20th century demonstrated. This is not an ideal State of Affairs similarly private banknote issue while it had various advantages as well as disadvantages similarly. to own a trusted third party precious metals and Collectibles have an unforgettable scarcity due to the costliness of their creation this once provided money the value of which was largely independent of any trusted third party precious metals have problems. However, it's too costly to assay Metals repeatedly for common transactions. Thus a trusted third party usually associated with a tax collector who accepted the coins as payment was invoked to stamp a Amount of the metal into a coin transporting large values of metal can be a rather insecure Affair as the British found when transporting gold across a U-Boat invested Atlantic to Canada during World War One to support their gold standard. What's worse. You can't pay online with metal. Thus it would be very nice if there were a protocol where by unforgeable E costly bits could be created online. Wine with minimal dependence on trusted third parties and then securely stored transferred and assayed with similar minimal trust bit gold. My proposal for big gold is based on Computing a string of bits from a string of challenge bits using functions called variously client puzzle function proof of work function or secure Benchmark function. The resulting string of bits is the proof of work where a one-way function is prohibitively difficult to compute backwards a secure Benchmark function ideally comes with a a specific cost measured in compute Cycles to compute backwards Cure are the main steps of the bitgold system that I envision? One a public string of bits. The challenge string is created. See step 5. To Alice on her computer generates the proof-of-work string from The Challenge bits using a benchmark function. Three the proof of work is securely time-stamped. This should work in a distributed fashion with several different timestamp services. So that no particular time stamp service need to be substantially relied on for Alice adds the challenge string and the time-stamped proof-of-work string to a distributed property title registry for bitgold here to no single server is substantially relied on properly operate the registry five the last created string of bitgold provides the challenge bits for the next created string. six to verify that Alice is the owner of a particular string of bitgold Bob checks the unforgeable chain of title in the bitgold title registry in seven to a say the value of a string of bitgold Bob checks and verifies the challenge bits the proof-of-work string and the timestamp Note that Alice has control over her bitgold does not depend on her sole possession of the bits, but rather on her lead position in the unforgeable chain of title the chain of digital signatures in the title registry. All of this can be automated by software the main limits to the security of the scheme are how well trust can be distributed in steps 3 & 4 and the problem of machine architecture, which will be discussed below. How Finney has implemented a variant of big old called are poww reusable proofs of work this relies on publishing the computer code for the quote mint which runs on a remote tamper-evident computer the purchaser of big gold can then use remote attestation which Finney calls the transparent server technique to verify that a particular number of Cycles were actually performed. The main problem with all of these schemes is that proof-of-work schemes depend on computer architecture? Not just an abstract mathematics based on an abstract compute cycle. I wrote about this obscure Lee several years ago. Thus it might be possible to be a very low-cost producer by several orders of magnitude and swamp the market with bitgold. However, since bitgold is time-stamped the time created as well as Mathematical difficulty of the work can be automatically proven from this it can usually be inferred what the cost of producing during that time period was unlike fungible atoms of gold. But as with collectors items a large Supply during a given period of time will drive down the value of those particular items in this respect bitgold acts more like collectors items than like gold. However the match between This ex post market and the auction determining the initial value might create a very substantial profit for the big gold miner who invents and deploys and optimized computer architecture. Thus bitgold will not be fungible based on a simple function of for example, the length of the string instead to create fungible units dealers will have to combine different valued pieces of bitgold into larger units of approximately equal value. This is analogous to what many commodity dealers do today to make monetary markets possible trust is still distributed because the estimated values of such bundles can be independently verified by many other parties in a largely or entirely automated fashion in summary. All money mankind has ever used as been insecure in one way or another this insecurity has been manifested in a wide variety of ways from counter. fitting to theft, but the most pernicious of which has probably been inflation bit gold May provide us with a money of unprecedented security from these dangers the potential for initially hidden Supply glut due to Hidden Innovations in machine architecture is a potential flaw in big gold or at least an imperfection which the initial auctions and ex post exchanges of big gold will have to address For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today And that concludes knit szabo's bitgold proposal published on December 29th, 2005. And again hosted by the Nakamoto Institute. That is at Nakamoto again. I cannot stress this enough. They have an amazing collection of historical pieces and articles and essays breaking down all the key principles of economics and Philosophy and the technology behind Bitcoin just just a wonderful place to go to hit all of the really core ideas that built this system from all the way back to things like the diffie-hellman key exchange like back in 1976. The very first public-private key cryptography systems, like all these kinds of things just so much to dig into just a wealth of knowledge. So definitely check those guys out now before we dig into this proposal and we talked about how unbelievably just just fascinating the to the system that he thought up is and how closely it resembles literally the Bitcoin system that actually solved this problem. Let's take a minute and talk about our new sponsor The etoro Exchange. These guys are a crypto currency exchange the Around a long time in this industry. So they're trusted they've built up a huge user base. They've got over 10 million users. Now. I've been using the app recently and loving it. I've been following the Bitcoin price with a different app for ages and but they never had a Candlestick chart. So like now etoro has immediately become my go-to app just for checking the price because they have it Candlestick chart and I really like this. That's the view that I prefer and it's the one I'm most. Familiar with but one of the really neat things about their platform is that it's a social network on top of just being an exchange so you can you can actually watch the best Traders and study there their entire order history. I mean, you can literally just copy their trades if you want. It's just totally open and they have like this news feed. So that's taken a break a little while ago and reading a post by a traitor who shared an article by Pantera Capital that was saying BTC was currently way undervalued and it was Like estimated a $300,000 per bitcoin price in like 20 22, I believe it was a bunch of comments going back and forth about you know, whether whether it made any sense or like what their theories were and thought it was hilarious because a couple of xrp Scheels jumped in and added thereto sent their there too. It's not just crypto Twitter. They're everywhere that there is social discussion and they were just talking about how Bitcoin I was going to zero and ripple was going to take over the world but is a really great place to discuss strategy and find other traders who know what they're talking about. So you can build your own portfolio and you can trade 14 of the top cryptocurrencies 13 of which any of you Bitcoin maximalist out there can bet against which would have paid off. Wonderfully this year. So check out the link to etoro in the show notes, and I also put it in Twitter post. So you can just go up explore their platform. It takes no time at all. You don't have to do all the kyc stuff just to get up there and create an account. It's just like a couple of steps to create an account. You just have to do that before you deposit money. So you can go ahead and start exploring their platform and start trading with virtual money. You can get a just switch over to your virtual account and trade with fake money so you can get comfortable with it, you know, see how your trading skills stack up against the rest of the community, so don't forget to check the I'm out. That is etoro ET Oro. So this is one of the most fascinating things to me to be able to go through these precursors like be money and hashcash and reusable proof of work and a bit gold obviously here and just kind of see their perspective and I loved I loved it this entire piece starts out with this quote. It's the second sentence. Yes, the problem in a nutshell. Is that our money currently depends on trust. But in a third party for its value and that's one of the most interesting things is that we're requiring like the supply and demand side of this the securing of the supply of all of our money is dependent on trusting someone else. This isn't about you know, the ability to transact per say this isn't about the ability to even though that's deeply attached to this nature. It's about the fact Its value is not natural its value is dependent on a third-party doing what they are supposed to do to make a good money. It's money as a service rather than money as a natural good and I thought that was a really I love that. That's the that's the problem. That is the problem here. It's not do we have Visa level transactions? It's not do we have a really good and easy to use? Use digital app for money. It's not it's none of the surface problems. It's the core problem of how does it obtained and how does it keep how does it secure its value? And another quotes is precious metals and Collectibles have an unforgettable scarcity due to the cost leanness of their creation this once provided money the value of which was largely independent of any Trusted third party that value was obtained naturally in the market and there was no trusted third party that could screw with the the value of the metal they could screw with the value of gold or the scarcity of gold because of that unfortunate scarcity. It was an unfortunate costliness. If you haven't listened to shelling out Nick's avos quintessential no questions asked you have to listen to it if you're in Bitcoin piece. You definitely should I will link to that engine into the show notes into the show notes in the show notes, but there are problems with this the metals in this sense. He says they're too costly to assay Metals repeatedly, he's talking about like in normal transactions and assay is Assa. Why what that word means and what he's talking about is verifying. This is in fact gold. This isn't painted lead that it's the It's the verification that you're trading the actual natural monetary good. So that's why we really had to rely on coinage which is another form of trust. We trust the institution that stamps it because we can't verify at every single transaction. And again, that's another major piece of this puzzle is to verify its integrity. That's the verifiability element. That's so crucial to bitcoin and which is why the argument is so strong for Small blocks is that anyone can run a node? Because if you can't run a full node and verify all the way back to the proof of work that established each coin and you cannot verify the entire the entire sequence of history for each coin and the entire audit of the Bitcoin system for how much exist versus the rules and how far we have come like with the block height and stuff if you cannot verify all of that information Nation quickly. Well, then you run into the exact same problem is that limited gold so so much in its and it's trust is that you're trusting a third party to act as coinage. Like if you're just trusting the proof of work of the most recent blocks with the UT at the current UT exocet the current set of addresses that have Bitcoin balances that's like trusting coinage you were essentially trusting that the miners are coining actual Bitcoin, but you've not verified it for yourself. You don't Don't know its Integrity you are trusting someone else knows its Integrity. So that's another really important element that he didn't love the he addresses immediately at the beginning of this is like that's one of the big problems with Metals is you cannot assess a it on an ongoing basis. It's too it's too much of a pain in the ass. And of course, obviously you cannot pay online with a metal and so so he comes up with this idea of using a kind of based off of the reusable proof of works of how Finney and the the concept of proof of work which has been around for a while and they've been playing with it. I love is called client puzzle function. I'd never heard that term proof of work function secure Benchmark function. He kind of uses Benchmark function throughout the rest of this but the quote said that the Benchmark function ideally comes with a specific cost. Measured in compute Cycles. So that's this, you know, the basic idea of proof of work is that we can estimate exactly how much computing power it took to solve the to find a solution to the proof-of-work problem, which is in there. Which in Bitcoin is the difficulty whereas in the big gold system and he's refers to it as a challenge bit, but that's essentially what it is is establishing the difficulty of the next proof-of-work stream. Mmmmm. So the basic idea of this is very similar to hashcash and thinnies are po W in the verifiable cost can be estimated by essentially measuring the challenge string like how difficult is it versus the cost of the computing power involved to find that solution and then he goes through his the the six no. No, excuse me the 7 Apps and ending with the ability to verify that to a say the value of the string of big gold that you would check and verify the challenge bits the proof of work and the time stamp now three or four three and four, there's another quote all of this can be automated by software the main limits to the security of this scheme are how well trust can be distributed in steps 3 & 4 step three was the proof of work being time-stamped and this should work in a distributed fashion. And several different timestamps services. So no particular Services being relied on and then for that the challenge string and timestamp proof of work is added to a distributed property title registry which actually links to one that we have another one that we have read on the show The secure property titles with owner Authority another great one that was published back in 1998. We covered that one and talk all about how You could create digital property and a essentially a public registry system where only the owner it has any capacity to actually edit that registry and that's another really interesting. I'll link to that in the show notes because if you haven't explored that one at all another really great one to dive into and in this sense, the distributed property title registry is the blockchain that's what that is. That's what the that's what the block. Chain is used for its to keep the entire history of who the owner is to enforce that ownership and it is also the timestamp server essentially. So with his with his model he kind of just was thinking okay. Well, we'll just distribute the timestamp server will use a bunch of different ones that we don't have to essentially trust any single timestamp server, but that still runs into a huge problem because you're still running a you're Trusting some other computer to timestamp and if that's where you're trying to decide who's the next one in the challenge string and a string of challenges and solutions and challenges and solutions. Well, then obviously, it's kind of the nature of trusting someone else to your verification for you is that the network can be Sybil attacked somebody could spin up this ever became immensely valuable somebody could spin up a lot of fake timestamps. Servers with you know, no problem at all and then start screwing with how things are ordered or which transactions are actually accepted into this distributed property registry or in our case the blockchain. It's interesting because the system does still depend like whoever the owner of the bit gold is is the fact that they are in the lead position of the chain of title and that because they're using this one-way function to prove these challenge bits. You can't redo it or well it has extremely high cost to redo these things and that's that's absolutely that's the concept that Bitcoin. Relies on just in a slightly different and not even that seriously different. There's one. There's like one or two major shifts conceptually from this that make the Bitcoin system possible and the big one is in the challenge bits and the time stamping because rather than just me and he talks about it that the main issue of this of the scheme aside from The fact that we're relying on the distribution of the timestamp server and the security and distribution of the property title registry again, both of these being the distribution and verification verifiability of the blockchain when it comes to bitcoin. But the limitation with the advancement of computer architecture because in this system, the challenge string was the actual token being exchanged the string of bits was the proof of work. So there's an there's an issue that like if somebody created incredibly powerful computer that they could flood the market with a lot of bitgold and it would be based on the limitations of computing the And the computer architecture for the actual issuance of this thing and he noticed and essentially brought into the idea that they might they would likely not be fungible because each individual bid with a different proof of work would have a different for gerbil costliness. I mean, excuse me, unforgeable costliness. So because of that, you know, an older coin might have been created with a very small proof of work. Work but a newer coin might have an enormous proof of work based on like the challenge bits is things went forward and they would actually be an any kind of like recognize that this would make it more like Collectibles rather than being able to make these things fungible like actual gold and it would require a market to basically value these tokens like and group them together or maybe group together these bits these these unforgeable bits. Into the amount of value that they had like so you could like group a bunch of small bits small of these bitgold strings together in order to be equal to the proof of work of a later bit that has a much higher proof of work. So you would run into a situation where you would have to have a market that with luckily because you can actually estimate and compare the value of these two things. You know, that bit a is roughly. Lee 1/10 of the proof of work of bit B and you can put these things together and then value them based on the degree of their proof of work, but that's one of the main issues and obviously fungibility. I think despite the fact that it may have been made of created some sort of collectible and valuable token in some way. It still has a massive problem in that they are not fungible and that's where that's where it says the main thing that Bitcoin change that the Bitcoin system when Satoshi wrote the white paper and like coded out the Bitcoin system was that the proof of work was actually separated from the token and and this in this solved the same problem with the computer architecture. It solved the problem with fungibility and it helps solve the problem of the tribution of the timestamp server. So the difficulty adjustment was one of the major the key Innovations of the Bitcoin system because it's enforced by every single person on the network that is a saying the token that is analyzing and verifying this token and they separated the proof of work from the actual token so that it could it could perform a dual function rather than just the single one of creating the unfortunate. Costliness so in Bitcoin proof-of-work acts both as to reach consensus on the most recent time stamp because the proof of work is reliant on the last one much like the challenge bit from the previous one. So the orders the transactions in the chain and allows allows a an objective version of the timestamp server, my not really trusting. You don't have to trust the timestamp. You trust the the order. ER of the proof-of-work stamps and and it puts everybody on the same page with the title with the registry the property title registry the blockchain who's who owns what which page of this blockchain are we on? What's the most recent version of it? Now, we have a completely distributed way to pull that off because proof of work does that amazingly well, but then at the same time that proof of work is still used as Roof for the validity like for valid issuance of the token, but the token is independent of the proof of work outside of its issuance outside of that. You can trade it. You don't keep the proof of work like you don't you don't take the block header of whatever block created, you know, Bitcoin a you don't trade it around with the Bitcoin. Every time the Bitcoin itself is just a token that is valid as long as you can go back and find the proof of work and it follows the Jesus rules through the through its entire lifespan. So the proof of work no longer acts as the token itself, which is what hashcash and bit cult big gold and reusable proof-of-work proofs of work did with how finny's so and that's one of the most amazing things is the proof of work still serve the purpose of making it. Unfortunately that they're still an immense cost to fake a Bitcoin and then the difficulty adjustment. So when we have these huge advancements in computer architecture in a sex and GPU miners the difficulty adjustment of the network by by using the this huge Network for timestamps and ordering this registry. Well now we can use the time stamp to decide exactly how much work the next group or the network has to perform to keep adding to this. ledger to keep issuing new Bitcoins these new tokens in order to keep this thing stable to act as a buffer between the vast changes in computer architecture, which is ABO recognized was a big problem to solve and the difficulty adjustment in separating proof-of-work from the actual token solved that problem solved the distribution of the title registry and solved the distribution of the timestamps server is Just fascinating to think that just just a just a couple key changes made all the difference in this concept to build. What was actually Bitcoin and created a independent property title registry which again property without or securing property with owner Authority is another is just a really great piece. I encourage you to go back and listen and or read that one again that was on the Nakamoto. Oh Institute, all of those actually read off on the Nakamoto Institute the collection of Zappos work up there is massive and it's just and I love the has to fly and suzu also have a really great piece. That's one of my favorite in their Skeptics guy to bitcoin how they talk about that. Bitcoin is actually independent property. That's its main use case and that was a really another really great article. I guess I have to add that show notes show notes. The list of stuff in the show notes is I'm getting really really long, but just a really great one. I sat down and read this first thing this morning. I was like damn I can't believe I never actually of all the things I read about the big gold proposal. I never actually went back and read the actual big ol proposal the the one that he published to, you know, talk about the system and the concept behind it, and it's just it's fascinating to see how close how close is all of this was for a decade before Satoshi finally filled in the gaps and made those couple of little tweaks and found the found the perfect use for proof of work that still implemented what they knew had to be there the unforgeable costliness, but without attaching it to the actual bit to the actual quote unquote gold token that is being exchanged in the system and I just love going through this. I'm geeking out on this shit is like why I do this show. So I hope you guys enjoyed that. I don't think I have anything else in my notes to cover just a really fun piece of cypherpunk History to go through and see just how much work and thought went into putting this thing together and what a brilliant system that came out of it. I mean the number of people that were working on. This and just beating these ideas to death to figure out where all the weaknesses are. And now we have Bitcoin which 10 years down. The road is more secure than anybody could have ever imagined takes hundreds of thousands millions of dollars for just an hour's worth of security for any transactions or the tokens on it that are secured just all the different pieces the moving pieces and incentives in this system. It's just utterly brilliant is one of the most beautiful things I ever. When I first, excuse me, I have a red when I first stumbled upon it and Jesus eight years odd some eight odd years later. It's still just fascinates me. So I hope you guys enjoyed that episode breaking down some big gold by Nick Szabo cypherpunk extraordinaire another thank you to this Satoshi Nakamoto Institute for making this easy to just go up and click on your literature Tab and have myself a wonderful after breakfast read. So thank you to those guys. Do not forget to check out the Nakamoto and if any of my listeners are not following Nick Szabo, I don't I don't know. You should just unfollow me or follow Nick Szabo, so That would that would be at that will be it will close this one out here. Thank you guys so much for listening. Don't forget to check out the etoro exchange our new sponsor. It's been really great and spent a good solid week researching these guys and I'm really happy with the exchange. I'm glad I have somebody real serious to promote on the show. So definitely check those guys out. I will have their Link in the show notes so you can set it up or download your wrap again takes hardly any time at all and that will be with the other episodes that I will link to that will be the Nick Szabo shelling out. Let's see securing property with owner Authority. I'll do that one and then I'll add in has to fly and Sue's piece on Independent property rights and how exactly what it is that Bitcoin is challenging. Let's let's Bitcoins actual competitive. Image so those are really really great pieces to follow up with this one and dig a little bit more both in and saw bows work and in the idea of Bitcoin as an independent property registry essentially, so thank you guys for listening. This is the crypto economy with guys Swan. That's me and this is where you will learn all about the cypherpunk history the the all the fascinating Concepts and technology that culminated and I don't even know how much you would call it. Probably since the late 70s like 40 years of work that went into these Concepts and built the foundation for a secure way to communicate value in the digital world. And that's what's happening. We've it has been invented and there's no going back and we are heading like just like on a bolt of lightning into the Crypt economy where I think we're We have the possibility of a future where we can get our privacy back we can get our sovereignty our Liberty where we can be in control of our own lives because of this technology and this new ecosystem that is being built. And this is where you're going to hear and learn all about it. This is the crypto economy podcast with guys Swan. Don't forget to share this out with everybody else. You know, who's peering down the rabbit hole and wants to see this crazy New World being built. I will be here to tell you all. About it. Thank you guys so much. Don't forget to follow at the crypto economy and I will catch you all next time. Take it easy guys.
There were many precursors to the Bitcoin system, but IMO, none came as close to correctly defining the problem, & solving the key issues of trust as Nick Szabo's Bit Gold concept. Reading another great piece made available by the Nakamoto Institute, we read and discuss the incredible prescience of Szabo through one of Bitcoin's forefathers, Bit Gold. Check out the amazing collection of literature at the Nakamoto Institute and see the original piece at the link below: Other great work from Nick Szabo includes the #1 must read of anyone who wants to understand Bitcoin, "Shelling Out, The Origins of Money" Securing Property with Owner Authority: Another I forgot to mention that pairs well with today's episode, "Formalizing Network Realtionships" And Lastly @Hasufl and @zhusu's piece "Bitcoin and the promise of Independent Property Rights" Don't forget to download and check out the eToro Bitcoin exchange and app at the link below: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome to this practice. My name is Renee. I'm the host of the embodied astrology podcast and I'm a somatic movement educator in today's episode. I wanted to share a practice that I led a little while ago at a live workshop. And this was a workshop for the astrology of 2020 and I was thinking a lot about everything that's happening in Capricorn with the eclipses this year and really how much stress there is in the much misalignment there is for so many of us in our lives the kind of basic misalignment that so many of us feel with the way that the world is going the misalignment that we feel with the Earth and that the Earth obviously feels with us and a lot of my focus in the workshop was on exploring somatic tools and relationship to astrology to think into and to feel into getting more aligned and and working through inner body awareness felt sense of awareness subtle awareness to be more aligned and so alignment for me means steadiness and it means he's it is the feeling of continuity and integration in my being and between myself and the Earth and others when I feel aligned. I feel like I'm in flow. I feel relaxed and I also feel strong. And my hope is that that's what this practice does for anybody who engages with it. I know that it's how I feel when I do it, I experienced a lot of chronic pain and inflammation in my joints and the movements in this practice are things that I've done for a long time to help my joints relax, and also to nourish my joints a lot of the movements that I'm offering are movements that increase synovial production and that helps the kind of long-term health of your joints. Ants and helps retain mobility and an end health and padding within your joints. And I also find that this practice does a lot for assisting me and releasing accumulated and residual stress that I tend to gather in my joints and specific joints in particular, especially the occipital joints the base of my skull and down into my neck and shoulders and the joints around my low back and pelvis and these Places that I think a lot of people tend to gather accumulated stress and tension, so I certainly hope that everything that I'm offering is joyful for you to do it and I know that some of what I'm offering is not going to feel joyful for everybody so I might be suggesting movements that don't feel good to your body. You might be working with injuries. You might be working with other needs within your body that you have to attend to so, please modify and adapt this practice intuitively and as you need to if you're ever not sure what to do, but you know that you don't want to do what you think I'm saying you can focus on the basic principles of this practice the basic principles our first yielding or bonding with the Earth letting gravity come through your body secondly relaxation of muscular effort letting go of any effort that you don't need to hold on to and third feeling the relationship between The bones where bones connect to bones are called joints. So getting curious about the relationships between bones in the joint spaces. So you can use any of those principles to explore your own movement and explore your own body at any point. And if I'm saying something you think I'm saying something that you're like that's not going to work for my body do something else the recording you're going to hear as I mentioned is with a live group of folks. So Sometimes you'll hear me talking to people and hope you enjoy that for wherever you're practicing just adapt this practice use the space that you have. I'll suggest that you use something to pad your back against the ground. If you have a wooden floor again, as a person that experiences pain in my bones. I usually like to have a folded blanket at least underneath my spine. There are a couple of times when I'll suggest sliding various body parts. Parts on the floor and for those movements it's really nice to have just a wooden floor or carpet a yoga mat or blankets can also get kind of sticky or they can resist the movement. But again just modify adapt move around as you need to I will be coming back at the ends to finish up the practice with you at the workshop. I continued from this practice into another exercise. So you'll hear this narration voice meet you again and And just about an hour to bring us into closure for this practice. So when you're ready, please find a comfortable way to lie down on your back. Close your eyes and let's begin. Wonderful, so we're going to start just with yielding to the Earth. A yielding practice is a relationship practice just bringing attention and awareness to gravity as it moves through your body. I feel the touch of your body against the ground. Feel the weight of your exhales. And allow your inner body to rest. Try and feel underneath your skin into the weight of your bones. into the weight of your organs Bring your legs forward so your knees are open. Cat you can move a little bit. So you're more on a diagonal and you can let your leg straight in. Great. Imagine that the the weight of your heels is dropping very heavily into the ground. And then bring your toes back towards your body. And now Point your toes forwards. So your heels will stay down onto the ground and your toes will point forwards and back forwards and back. Both feet moving the same direction at the same time. Now this is a very controlled movement. What I'd like you to do is let this movement get a little Freer and see if you can create a rocking of your body by rocking your heels back and forth. This is called a heel Rock. Try and let your ankles get as relaxed as possible. I know that they're working a little bit. Now a heel Rock will create a whole jiggle through your body. So look over you see her body how just jiggling so let the jiggle come in. But the jiggle come in on this side of the room Claire over here is doing a great example if you're not sure what I'm talking about. So you see how her whole body is is jiggling with those he'll rocks jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle. Can I touch your feet cap? So less controlled. Yeah. Can I touch your feet Lara? jiggle jiggle jiggle Yeah. Okay. So if your legs Tire you can pause for a moment, but then come back jiggle jiggle jiggle. Can I touch your feet? Okay, so a little less effort than my goals. Okay, so this can this can build heat fairly quickly. And again, if your legs Tire let yourself rest then come back and I'd like you to use this movement to start to release and shake out tension in your joints. So as you do these he'll rocks let the rocking jiggling motion come up into your spine. Relax your jaw. Let your lower jaw released from your upper jaw. And if the jiggling can come all the way to your head, you're getting a little bit of a rocking a little bit of a bobble head going on and I want you to really let the hinge of your jaw soften and that bobbling. Mmm, when I do this almost immediately, I feel like I need to Exhale out a sound that that is part of part of the releasing of my joints. So feel free to stick your tongue out open your mouth wide like and vocal releases very satisfying for the the nervous system. It helps the organs soften. And the more that you allow your voice to come out the more empowered the people around you feel to let their voices come out, so don't don't be shy. Hmm, we're going to do this for about another two minutes. And he and effort are going to build in. Your lower legs is going to be tiring so pause and rest if you need to but then come back jiggle again. As effort builds if you if you start to experience any like minor kind of frustrated energy that comes up which often can happen for me with this exercise. Let it out with your with your voice. Michael can I touch your feet? So rather than just moving your feet, see if you can I'm going to move your feet for you. Does that make sense? mmm Yeah, beautiful. Come on. Keep it going. This is good. This is a purification practice. This is cleansing take the deep breath breathe through the heat in your legs. Let your body jiggle. Just another minute. Jiggle, jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle intensify it a little bit really try and get it to come up into your spine. Up into your skull. Another 10 seconds intensify it for the last 10 seconds. All right good and then pause? and notice You feel that tingling that space? And that's your nervous system releasing. Bring a little bit of movement into the joints of the legs so it can work with your blanket. It can work with your socks on the floor. Just start to bend your knees and straighten them and you can bend both at one time or one at a time. You can bend them. So the feet stay on the floor are you can bend them all the way into your chest as you like. You might want to let knees fall out to the sides as they Bend IN. Or when your knees come in, it might feel good to squeeze them out to the sides. Okay, and then bring both of your knees in towards your tummy and hold on to your knees or your shins with your hands. And just rock a little bit side to side. And you might want to take your knees and make a little bit of a circular motion so that you rock wait around the back of your pelvis. Sometimes I do this and I find like such a good spot, you know, some kind of pressure around a hip or in the back of my SI and I just want to hang out there for a second. So explore the weight of your pelvis as it comes down onto the floor. And then bring your hands behind your knees to the backs of your thighs and just straighten your legs a couple of times and you can straighten both at the same time or one at a time. And I'm going to ask you to bring a lot of attention into this movement of straightening your knees. I'd like you to notice where your effort is as you straighten your knees up words. And as you bring them down, where does it feel like you're working? The next time you bend your knees, let them stay bent. Take your hands to the front of your knees touch your knees. Then take your hands back again to the backs of your thighs and now I want you to initiate straightening your legs from your knee joint. So your knees are straightening. They're the ones that are starting this action. I know other thing other stuff is working. But really try and feel your knees doing this motion feel the fronts and the backs of your knees. As they pressed towards each other feel the sides of the knees as they lengthen up. I want you to notice this effort. Good and then the next time your knees Bend, let them stay bent for a second and then just spread and clench your toes a couple of times. Train really feel your feet, bring your attention to the tips of your toes. Bring your attention to your heels. Okay. Now I want you to straighten your legs again, but this time I want you to initiate from your feet. So your feet are reaching up. Okay, Bend and straighten your knees a couple of times and really initiate from your feet. So the heels might reach up or the toes might reach down. Sensation wise and effort wise does this feel different than initiating at your knees? Okay, so just notice those differences. Name them for yourself. Great, and then let your knees bent and your feet come onto the floor. And here there may be a moment where we're going to have to readjust with neighbors or figure out how to work in unison, but you'll start to take your your knees to either side. So your feet can stay down onto the ground and then your knees can drop one side to the other. And personally when I do this, I really like to have my my feet a little bit apart from each other. And I like to use my feet a lot. So I'm pushing into the inner and the outer edges of my feet and I find it very satisfying. So maybe it'll be satisfying to you to maybe not. No, I'd like you to add your upper body a little bit. So again, we're going to maybe you have to readjust or work in unison. But as your knees come over to one side take that same side arm and reach it across your body. The same direction is your knee is going so you're kind of rolling over onto one side a little bit. Hmm, and if both arms are outstretched, then you're reaching the top arm past the lower arm. hmm So reaching reaching further with a top arm than the lower arm and then come back to the center and go the other direction. So your knees fall to one side. The bottom arm comes out in the top arm reaches over the bottom arm and you're going to take your top hand past your bottom hand. Okay. Those are Giggles of soft collisions over there. If you end up with your hands and your neighbors nose to give it a squeeze. Okay. Great, and now can we still initiate from the lower body? So it's still your your legs kind of anchoring down the weight of your knees coming over your feet turning your body and then your hands are going to take over for a little bit as they stretch over and roll back but really let your lower body be very incurred. Call on the breath support. And again, let's feel that the inner body can rest. So the inner body is heavy against the container and the frame of the skeleton and the support of the floor. I've got kind of an inner fluid body that's rolling As you move. Beautiful beautiful yielding to the ground. Just letting that force of gravity really support the release of this movement. When you feel even on both sides then rest onto your back. Let's keep the knees bent. With your feet pressing down onto the ground play a little bit with some pelvic tilts. So if you kind of Imagine where your tailbone is your reaching the tailbone between your legs and up towards the sky and then you're wagging your tail back towards the ground and as your tailbone initiates your pelvic tilts. What the muscles of the pelvic floor softened? Let the muscles of your belly soften. Let your jaw and your throat stay soft. Can this pelvic tilting also move up through your spine a little bit? So you might feel as you tilt your pelvis One Direction your head rocks as well. chin, moving down or up and then if you'd like you can take this movement into a larger spinal roll. Pressing into your feet lifting the tailbone up and rolling your weight off. Your pelvis may be rolling your weight towards the backs of your shoulders. And then when you come down try and roll in the opposite direction, so you're curling your spine back onto the ground and at the very end then you find the wag of your tail. I love to do this movement with my arms up alongside my ears if you have room you might want to take your arms up and reach them up. See if that feels good to you. Yeah, kind of more just like that or you could grab opposite elbows. Good and then when you feel done with this? Let your back come onto the ground. We're going to try something with our arms here. So there might be a couple people who are a little too close to the to the wall or their positions. So what I'd like you to do is to start with your arms down by the sides of your body. Crystal let's have you move towards your feet a little bit and then you'll be staggered. And Michelle, you could move towards your feet a little bit too. And then you'll be staggered. Okay, so your arms are down beside your body keep your elbows in beside your body and then turn your turn your palms to the ceiling keep your elbows beside your body and just bend your elbows. So your hands come out to the sides, but try and keep your wrists on the ground. So if you look at me, I'm doing the shape up here. So it's kind of like this. It's like a funky chicken dance. So your elbows are hugged in towards your waist and your little little wings are flapping out to the side. Okay, so if that creates any pain in the shoulder attention, then the arms can definitely come up but the the idea here is that the elbows and the hands would stay down elbows in the wrist would stay down just bending and straightening a couple times Michael if you want to reposition yourself and then slide your feet this way a little bit that might work better. Okay. So now if you can continue from here after the hands come out to the sides, I want you to keep your elbows on the ground and as much as possible. Keep your wrists on the ground and then take your elbows wide out to the sides keeping your elbows on the floor wrist on the floor and then keeping your elbows and your wrist on the floor. You could stretch your arms alongside your head. So the Palms are up Kina if you want to kind of move a little bit. So your feet are between these two people. You might have some more space. Mhm. So this would be something to just do a number of times. hmm Now this can bring quite a lot of of stretch or opening into the collar bones and the shoulders and chest. Is anyone have that experience where it's like, oh, yeah, if you spend much time texting driving typing this could really get into some of that kind of pectoral and neck tension that we often get with that posture. So work gently and work. With your own body's needs if there's pain in a joint. Please honor that pain and make adjustments for it make modifications for it. And again the idea is that your elbows and your wrists stay down on the ground as you do this motion. So hands coming out to the sides and elbows coming out to the sides and arm straightening beside the head and then coming down in the opposite direction. Hmm now really let your breath fill this practice. Yeah Breathe Into Your Side chests. Hmm and notice if you're collecting tension in your neck or your jaw as you do this, I'd like you to try and keep those areas as relaxed as possible. Same with the Core Body the belly and the muscles around the spine. How little effort can you make to do this? Good. Alright. Now the next time your hands are down on the ground or down beside you. Let's just lift one arm up towards the ceiling. Towards the ceiling. Yep, and then take it down again and then do it on the other side. So when arm up towards the ceiling and then take it down again go back and forth between these sides. Yep, all the way up towards the ceiling elbow Street and then back down all the way up and then back down. Beautiful. Okay, so now notice where there's effort. So what's what's working to do this movement? As an arm comes up you might notice that some. Other part of your body that's maybe in a you know, distant neighborhood from your arm starts to kick in so I just want you to notice what's working. Good, then bring your hands to your opposite shoulders and feel your shoulder joints. Spheal where they are Okay, and then we'll do this motion again, and I'd like you to initiate lifting your arms up from your shoulders. Okay, so your shoulders lifting that arm up? I know other things are working but can this movement start in the shoulders? Use both shoulders to lift both arms up towards the ceiling open your eyes so you can see your hands start to make Fanning shapes with your hands Fanning thrumming your fingers. So you're spiraling your your wrists and your hands like a flamenco dancer. spiral Spiral spiral Yeah open and close your palms move your fingers like they're dancers together. Move your fingers like a jellyfish undulating in the sea. Watch your hands try and and move your fingertips, like like a break dancer, you know, like one joint at a time. Okay, then bring your arms down beside your body. Just let them rest for a second. Feel your fingertips. Again lift one arm up at a time this time initiate from your fingertips. Let the tips of your fingers reach up towards the ceiling the tips of your fingers are reaching up to straighten your arm. And then the tips of your fingers are reaching back towards the ground. Reaching the fingertips up. Does this feel different than initiating from your shoulders? Okay, so notice that the sensations of difference. We're just doing the same motion just shifting our awareness. All right, let's let's bring the hands to the face in the head and I'd like you to use your thumbs, especially to start to massage your face muscles. So get your thumbs into your really strong jaw muscles, I've heard these are the strongest muscles in the whole body. Hey and you can use your thumbs to press in just underneath your cheekbones and then press down along the ridge of your jaw. And as you press down on the ridge of your jaw, let your lower jaw separate from your upper jaw. And let your thumbs travel all the way down along your chin bone. And then use your thumbs and your fingers to massage around your teeth. Press into the gum lines. massage underneath your cheekbones into your jaw joints and around maybe get your thumbs up underneath your chin. massage the the place where your tongue connects Get your fingers in and around your ears stick your fingers in your ears and kind of gently without Force. Try and broaden your ear holes. So you could press into your ear holes and different directions. You might grab a hold of your ears themselves and pull them apart from one another pulling your earlobes. The Middle's of your ears the tops of your ears use your hands to massage all the way around the skin around your ears and especially with your thumbs get up underneath the sides of your parietal bones kind of behind your ears. And then press your thumbs towards one another as they start to travel towards the back of your skull. Keep your tongue in your lower jaw relaxing. Just keep reminding them to soften. Could get your fingers in your hair. Give yourself a scalp massage with all 10 fingers grab fistfuls of your hair and just squeeze. Grab A Fistful of hair and then squeeze your fist maybe a gentle tug is going to feel good. Work your hands all the way around your scalp. You might be able to feel the the joints between your cranial bones It's like sutures where Bones have threaded together. You can use your hands to massage those joints. If you don't know what I'm talking about use your hands to trace the shapes of your skull. Keep breathing. massage your forehead get your fingers around your eyebrows. Maybe use the heels of your hands to press down on your forehead. spreading the forehead skin massage around your eye sockets Get into your temples. Go ahead and then let your arms rest and Roll your head over to one side. If rolling your head to one side made your chin come closer to your chest then just reposition your skull a little bit. So your neck is long. Let the weight of your inner skull the weight of your brain pour down into the Earthly side of your face. Take two or three really deep breaths and allow your inhale to come all the way up into the top of your throat. And as you exhale release the weight of your back body against the ground. imagine a beanbag Imagine your skull is a bean bag. You're going to roll the way to your skull towards the back skull. And then let the contents of the bean bag roll all the way to the other side. Pulse upwards from the base of your spine at the top of your spine and feel that the spine in your neck is long. Release the hinge of your tongue release the weight of your eyeballs. Imagine the weight of your brain is pouring out your ear. Like a bean bag roll the way it in your head to the back. Pulse up words from your pelvis to your crown feel that your spine is long on both sides. And let's start to explore some very small figure eight motions with the back of the head. So you can feel where there's weight in the back of your head and I want you to start to roll your head in the smallest figure eight that you can This takes a little bit of concentration. So notice if in concentrating your tongue gets tight. Or your belly gets hard. This keep them softening. Keeps away to your brain resting into your back skull. Let those figure eights get a little bit bigger. Back the head rolling against the ground. What the root of the tongue continue to soften in the throat? Let the weight of the face bones continue to be heavy. Let your figure eights get a little bit bigger. Direct your breath into the back of your neck. And in the base of your skull. Not your figure eights get a little bit bigger. Good now take your figure. He's as big as I can get on the back of your skull. Feeling your chin. We even Bob. Switch the direction of your figure eight. So what was nodding down is now nodding up was nodding up as now nodding down keep them big. Keep the back of the skull heavy. the hinge of the tongue relaxed the Jaws soft let your figure eights get a little smaller. Removing the top of the digestive chain here. So really invite your organs to soften. Your throat your chest your belly your groins. relaxation in the inner body let your figure eights get a little smaller. a little smaller Hey tiny little figure eights smallest you can get. Okay, then then pause. Notice the sensations in your inner body. Invite your knees to bend in. When you're ready, you'll roll over onto one side. Let the bottom arm move up to be a pillow for your head. Rest on your side body. Yield again to the ground. So now that you are on this side let this side relate to the Earth. Let your inner body weight rest into this side. As if your whole body was a beanbag roll through your back and onto the other side. Feel this side yield to the ground. Yield to the Earth. As heavy as you can remain bring yourself into a child's pose, so you would continue to roll onto your front you can readjust. And there's lots of bolsters and I'm happy to get props for anybody who needs them. So, please feel free to take bolsters under your tummy to bring bolsters between your calves and your thighs. So if you have a keen he's a bolster between the Cav's and the thighs and then one underneath the tummy that would be to bolsters total is really helpful. It's really a assistive if you need another bolster and you see that there's one not being used just Feel free to take it. Okay, so please always honor your body. If I'm ever asking you to do anything that creates discomfort or intuitively, you know, is it right for you? It's my deep wish that you honor the needs of your body. Bring your arms forwards so that your arms are long and your hands are at least shoulder-width apart and spread your hands. And your arms are reaching so far forward that your elbows might even be off the ground. I want you to keep your head down don't lift your head up start to press into your shins and let your belly curl away from the floor and the ground and roll so that you bring weight into your elbows and the top of your head. So your elbows can bend and then you'll come on a towards the top of your head. Keep your head on the ground and then when you're ready you roll back. So this is the movements very simple. The weight that you're rolling on your head will move between your forehead and the top of your head your arms are there to support you? So the arm stay long when your hips are back and then when you come forwards really let your forearms come onto the ground so the elbows and the forearms and the hands are all supporting you. Try and find an initiation pathway from your limbs through your Center. So as you roll up onto your head initiate from pushing your shins into the ground. And as your shins push into the ground feel your pelvis curl. And feel your front body hollow out your spine rounds and then when you come back try and push through your arms, but also through your head. So your head is pushing into the ground and your hands and your elbows are pushing it in the ground and your tailbone can reach back and as the tailbone reaches back let your buttocks spread. So there's kind of a opening between the Bones as they come back. Try and keep your mouth and your tongue relaxed. You can come back to this movement at any point if it would feel good. The next part of this phrase the sequence is to roll up to sit. So when your hips come back towards your heels then start to curl your tummy in and roll your spine up and drag your arms. And so that your head comes up last. And then go back the way you came in drop your chin to your throat. Let your shoulders round forward slide your hands forwards on the ground and start to slide back into child's pose. Now if this doesn't work for anybody's knees, okay again bolsters, you can stack multiple bolsters underneath your pelvis. So there's less Bend in your knees. And if you need bolsters, just raise your hand. I'm happy to be them to you and then you might just play with doing both of those movements. So you could roll up into your seat. And then when you roll down you could roll onto the top of your head. Your limbs are here to support you. Let your legs anchor to the floor. But your arms and your hands anchor to the floor. Allow your inner body weight to poor. And imagine that you're a jar with water in it. And as one end of your jar your head end or your tail end goes down. The fluid weight is pouring towards the Earth. And you're moving that fluid between head and tail. Good. Now the next time you come down into child's pose stay there. Spread your hands apart Press Your Hands into the ground push into your shins and look forwards to come up on a hands and knees. Okay, make adjustments that you need for your own body. Tuck your toes. Don't lift them very far but hover your knees from the ground. Just an inch. Just a few inches. Okay, bring your knees down. Look at your hands. Don't move your hands. Just look at them. I want you to notice if you're rolling more weight to the outer fingers than the inner fingers. I want you to notice which direction your hands are facing and then make any adjustments you need so that your hands are placed so that their underneath your shoulders or even a little wider. Even a little wider than your shoulders Michael you could take your hands a little further apart. and then push your the length of your fingers into the ground and roll the weight on your fingers so that you're not rolling to the outer or the inner fingers, but there is symmetry. And reach from the base of your fingers to the tips of your fingers. As you press into your hands feel that your hands connect to your arms and your arms connect to your ribs and your ribs connect to your spine. Okay. Find the relationship between your ribs and your arms. Without lifting your knees. Your toes are tucked start to push your toes back a little so you feel the muscles of your legs engage. Feel that your legs connect to your spine. Initiate from your belly button lift your belly button just two inches towards the ceiling and then lift your knees. Remember that your arms and your legs connect to your spine? Reach your tailbone up and back to come into a downward dog. Blankets are slippery. Okay, and then we're just going to shift weight in the pelvis a little bit. So wag your your butt left to right. Left to right left to right? Okay. And then as your hips shift one side. Lift your hand up and and start to walk your hands back in so your hips will shift One Direction. The opposite hand will start to walk in walk your hands back towards your feet. Let your feet be as wide as they need to be so that the weight of your spine can hang as heavy as it possibly can. Bring wade into The Middle's of the feet between your heels and your toes. Reach down into your feet and roll up to stand. When you come up to stand notice how you're standing on your feet? Okay, where is your weight? This is it more in the left or the right foot. Is it more in the heels or the toes? the inner or the outer feet Before you make any changes think to yourself. Is there anything that could make standing more comfortable? Could my feet be a little closer or further apart? Would it feel more comfortable to have the heels in or the heels out? Think about it first? Then plan what you're going to do. Think about it. Then plan it. And now make the change. And once you've made the change settle just commit to the change you made a notice. Did this have the desired outcome? Think about it again. Maybe there's another adjustment you want to make think about it. Plan it. Do it and then notice. Lift your arms forwards and up alongside your head. Bring them back down. Okay, keep doing this lift the arms forwards and up. And then bring them back down. And notice what's working? Where is the effort? If you just do it. Like nobody told you to notice where the effort is. Where would the effort be? What else is helping you do this? What else is moving what else is? kicking in good and then let your hands rest down to your sides. And now connect to your feet in such a way that you remember that your feet are connected to your ankles and your ankles are connected to your knees and your knees connect to your pelvis and your pelvis holds your spine. And your spine is lifting up off of your pelvis and your head is reaching up towards the sky take a breath and feel how your breath moves out into your chest and your shoulders. Feel how your breath moves underneath your ribs and into your collarbones. Without moving your arms just spread your hands and engage the muscles of your arms. Feel how your collar bones connect to your shoulders and your shoulders connect to your elbows and your elbows connect to your wrists and your hands. Reach through the tips of your fingers. Press into your feet as if your feet connected to your head. And then initiating from your fingertips reach your arms forwards and up. Keep them up. Keep your arms up. Check in with your feet. Where is your weight? Feel that your feet connect to your ankles. Your ankles connect to your knees your knees connect to your pelvis your pelvis holds your spine. Support your spine resource your spine from your feet. Feel that your crown is open. Your head is opening Towards the Sky. resource your spine from your head keep your arms up. breathe feel how your breath moves out into your shoulders. Remember that your shoulders rest on your ribs? Keep your arms up. When effort arises soften your jaw soften your tongue soften your belly remember your structural support? Your shoulders rest on your ribs. Your shoulders connect to your elbows your elbows connect to the tips of your fingers. Let the tips of your fingers lift your arms try and let the shoulders relax. Let your feet support your spine let your tongue soften. Bring your awareness into your sacrum into the base of your spine. Let your awareness Hold Steady right in the front of your sacrum. Right in the front of your spine. Keep your awareness in the front of your sacrum. And in the front of your spine, don't let it waiver. I'm going to count to 10 and in these 10 counts, you'll very slowly bring your arms to the sides of your body. Keep your attention in your sacrum and the front of your spine. ten nine eight seven six five four three two one notice the quality in your inner body. In just a minute. When you open your eyes. Notice the sensation of the nervous system as you open your eyes notice any Sensation that comes into your skin into your hands into your belly. But your eyes open. We're going to start to walk around the room. Let's walk mindfully. Can walk on blankets? Let this inner body space the awareness of your feet your spine your skeleton. Let it continue continue to notice your felt sense your inner body. And walk around the room. And walk in every direction. So turn if someone's in front of you. Look for an empty space don't walk in a circle. Okay, pause stand notice how you're standing feel weight as it travels through your skeleton. From your head through your spine into your torso into your legs into your feet. Bend or squat down so that you can touch your feet. Feel the bones of your feet feel through your socks try and feel your toe bones sit. If you need to pull your toe Bones the big joints where your toes meet your foot feel the long bones that are continuous with your toes moving up through your foot feel the arch of your foot feel your heel fill your ankles both sides feel the bones of your feet. toes the joints the long bones in the feet the arches of the feet the heels stand again. Notice your feet and how you're standing. In just a moment when we walk again. We'll ask the feet to initiate. Notice now your weight how your weight comes into the front or the backs of the feet. Don't take a step forward. But as you rock weight forwards feel how one foot could start to kick off how weight would travel from the heel to the toe. Whatever foot it is get light and take a step forward. It's just one step. And then rock your weight onto the front foot. So the back heel lifts and then rock your weight onto the back foot. Lift your front toes feel your heel on the ground roll your weight from your heel into your toes feel the back heel lift and the back toes press down. Roll onto the back foot the heel presses down the front toes lift up. Roll onto the front foot lift the back foot up and take it a step forwards and then continue your walk. And be very mindful of your feet and the bones of your feet. And as you walk notice where there are habits. Is there one foot that rolls in a little bit? Is there one foot? where the toes get tense And then be less careful and come into a little bit more of a natural walk but really notice your feet. notice how weight rolls between your heels and your toes notice how weight transfers and spreads from one part of the foot into another part of the foot and then pause stand feel how you're standing feel your feet. And then let's come down and feel the ankle bones. And with your hands rub up your shin bones feel your shin bones. Use your fingertips and dig into the sides of your lower legs and see if you can find the Nabi Port ruzhin of bone on the side outer sides of your legs. Just below your knees. And maybe you can massage down the sides of your legs tracing the fibula. It's a very thin bone that helps your shins balance. You can trace it all the way down to where it becomes your outer ankle. And then bring your hands up so you can feel your knees and if your legs are straight you could jiggle your kneecaps. And if your knees are bent then you can feel how your leg muscles hold your knee caps in place. Take your hands over just to one knee and let your hands hold the sides of the knee as you bend and straighten your knee a couple of times. Feel that the knee joint is a very direct and simple joint. It bends and it straight ends. It doesn't do any fancy rotation or circumduction or anything like that. It just bends and it straightens and then feel the other knee. Notice if weight comes in more to the inside of the outside as you bend your knee and try and let your weight stays centered in your joint not more to the inside or the outside Bend both knees hold the tops of both knees just to feel these joints. Walk your hands up your thighs squeeze your thigh. Flesh. Try and feel into your thigh bones. Roll your spine up. Give yourself a butt massage on one side squeeze your bun. Feel those muscles where they attach to your thigh, and then follow them all the way up to your hip. Okay, use your hands to trace around your hip on this side. Try and feel its shape. You can feel the top of your hip probably or the crest of your hip. if you follow your hip down in the front along your groin crease you might be able to feel the outside edge the of your pubic bone If you can find your outer pubic bone, then take your knee forwards and just rotate your knee around a little bit. And as you press towards the outer edge of your pubic bone and into your groin crease. You can feel your your hip joint moving. Good and then Trace along the bones along the back or the front and come over to the other hip? Give yourself a butt massage on this side. If we all did this for ourselves everyday life would be better already, right just a little but massage makes the whole day better. Try and feel underneath the muscle like like separate the muscle from the bone. So hold your whole butt cheek and lift it up and away from the bone squeeze it and move it away from your hip bone. Try and feel underneath your muscle into your pelvis. Into your hip bones. Your pelvis is a crazy shape. It is a wild butterfly looking shape. So when you find the top of your hip Crest you might imagine like a fan shape and if you can follow the bone and it gets lost underneath fat and muscle very quickly. But if you can kind of feel through those softer tissues and follow your bone, you can trace all the way to your sacrum your pelvic half connecting to your sacrum. And if you trace it in the front, you'll follow your growing line kind of your underwear line. If you wear underwear and you you follow it down to your outer pubic bone, this is also part of your pelvic half your pubic bones. And then if you move your leg around you might be able to press in and feel where your hip joint is where your thigh bone connects to your pelvis could hold in the back to kind of feel that. Okay good and then take both feet down and bring your hands up onto your hips the top so your hips. And then let your weight shift a little bit forward and back. And notice what happens in your hips as you shift your weight forward and back. Let wait come more over to one side. So that as you shift your weight forward, you can take a step forwards and then pause and without foot forwards try and feel the shape of your pelvis. Lift the back heel bring weight into the front foot feel what happens to your pelvis slowly slide the back foot forward. So you take a step and feel what happens to your pelvis. And then continue to walk and keep your hands on your hips so that you can follow the movement of your hips. And as you roll weight from your heel to your toe. Can you feel how there's a mirroring in your pelvis? As the he'll come forward the back of the pelvis comes down. As the heel lifts up the back of the pelvis lifts up. So it makes sense. So side to side the left and the right sides of the pelvis are moving. They connect to one another at your sacrum. But they're also moving independently the right and the left sides. Can you feel how the right foot and the right pelvis have a relationship? And how the left foot and the left side of your pelvis have a relationship. Does that make sense? They're tilting with each other. They're turning with each other. Now if you let your walk become a little more casual a little more quick. You feel your pelvis moving? Bring attention into your sacrum into the base of your spine and feel the way that your spine is held by your pelvis. And as you walk your spine moves a little bit. Pan and then pause let your eyes close let your arms rest. Feel your legs underneath you let your feet yield to the ground. So the soles of the feet notice their relationship to the ground they soften to the ground. They trust the ground. Bend your knees and come down and bring your hands to the ground. Let's Shine the Light Of Our intention into the Earth. Imagine your touch can move through this floor. Through the foundation of the building. into the soil through the soil into the hard crust of the Earth Through the hard crust of the earth into a softer more viscous crust. That's moving slightly underneath the hard crust of the Earth. Through that softer substance into the liquid of the Earth the molten. Through the Liquid Fire and Earth all the way to the core of the earth, which is solid metal. See if you can even comprehend the power of the Earth. Or how can you? Imagine the metallic core of the earth is a magnet. It's going to pull your heels down as you stand up. Feel the magnet of the earth attracting your skeleton. Pulling your weight towards it. Let your awareness spread up and out. Can you even comprehend your size in relationship to the Earth? In the direction that your head is traveling if you were to move up and out you would travel through the atmosphere and out into space. imagine out into space imagine the sun burning radiating star reach your arms up. Take a deep breath in. Reach towards the Sun. reach into space take a deep breath in. As you exhale let your arms rest down and feel all the space inside your body. Feel that the weight of your body is connecting and supported by the ground. I feel that the lift of your head is supported by the space above and around you. Remember the presence of the sun and the Stars? millions of miles above your head feel the skin on your head reach towards them. Remember the magnet the solid metal core the center of the Earth. And feel the weight of your bones being drawn towards it. If your eyes aren't already open then allow your eyes to open. Notice the inner body as the eyes open. And any Sensations that arise in the belly the hands or the chest? Let your eyes stay soft. Feel the weight of the eyes rest back into your skull. Feel the space between your skull and your spine. Feel the length of your spine held on your pelvis. Release down through your legs and feel the weight of your body pass evenly through every joint. Thank your body. Thank the space. Thank the Earth. And when you're ready. In the way that makes the most sense to you. Close your practice and give thanks for the practice.
This is a practice that brings steadiness and ease into your structure. This sequence and each of the individual movements facilitate relaxation in the joints and integrity between the bones by engaging simple repetitive actions that gently release tension and nourish the joint fluids. This recording was made during a live workshop. Practice with some company or modify for your space and environment. You’ll need a patch of empty floor or ground and (if you choose) something soft (like a blanket) to lie on. This practice was made to honor Capricorn Season and the full moon/lunar eclipse in Cancer on January 10, 2020. In medical astrology, Capricorn is associated with the skeleton and Cancer with the soft interior. During Capricorn Season I tend to experience Capricorn-ish symptoms like increased aches and pains in my joints (especially my knees) and rigidity and tension that accumulates with the cold weather and lack of light. I’m also a lot more tired. This practice nourishes and invigorates me. I hope it does the same for you. Always feel free to intuitively modify for your body’s needs. If you stick with the main principles of this practice (bonding to the earth, relaxing unnecessary effort, sensing the relationships between bones and in joints) then you’ll find ways to modify perfectly for your comfort and capacity. To learn more about Capricorn Season in 2020, listen to the Embodied Astrology Podcast If this work supports you in your life, please support me to continue it! Leave a one-time donation here Become a recurring monthly donor here (monthly donors are subscribed to the EA newsletter and receive month-ahead extended forecasts and astro journals, and discounts on all my online classes and products) --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to My Life see this applied episode 267 We're coming literally from the 25th year of gimel Thomas yesterday. Which we discussed at length last week. But the power of that day as we discussed should remain with us as a source of inspiration. Though it's a painful day and it's a confusing day. But above all as we discussed last special last week special edition. It's about inspiring and motivating which was the way that ever directed and guided us and educated and empowered us to take a day like that and say what have we not done yet to bring the gula. And if we eliminate all the negative effects at least on the reveal level of gimel Thomas. So now we're in downtown was going into the week of pastors hookahs and I discussed last week as well the connection to who cast to this day who casts of course is cookers Arte de its theme is its primary thing the name of the chapter. This is the hook of theta. This is the law of theta and referring to para Duma. As the method says whenever it says Joyce Joyce means matter beds boy for a Mirza. This is it is the god pointed because it was something that was not clear and way she needed more than just regular instruction the point James Cook is that David? What was it? So when he when the neighbors trash and was showing emotion of a new all the different impurities and how you purify from them then when it came to Too Much mess meaning the impurity connected to death make sure they will began to This car Came Upon Us all measure the measure says his face became action green yellow different interpretations what that means but he was Disturbed and he said by meditate or Jose. How will this impurity of death be purified? And that's why God responded Zeiss cooking solitary here. Let me show you and directed the show them the Pod of Doom of the red heifer that when you're bringing an offering of the red heifer, you know take it's Ash. It's actually not an offering in the conventional sense. You take the ashes from the that remain on the altar. Over that sounds actually the altar it was done. The red heifer was brought outside of the Machina so wasn't on any of the altars. They say Ultra I meant to say how whatever was used to burn that to red heifer. Then you take the Ash and you mix it with mine kind living water and that would be sprayed upon the person who's in pure that will purify them. So, of course the big question is what was disturbing my schlepping? He God gives God takes and God gives just as God allows for the impurity to come into play also gives us the wasted purifying and and this was the chapter where he was hearing from our sin and God all the different ways of purification why Suddenly by the pier in purity of death more than all others. He's wondering and is the scar communities Disturbed. Wow that be purified. So many of us remember and I remember vividly the city of the Debbie said 30 days the chelation after the debits in time, which was status and home page for adoption and class. And durable speaking. Of course Very personally, it was passionate order. This Parsha is read twice a year. It's reading the regular order as we're reading this week, but it's also read in the fourth chapter special chapters that are added between the period and other leading to Paisa see a fascist: yeah, partially soften the Shadows before putting pashupati and then Parcels up ladies. So that was the weak the relation of the debits and after harvest father was read that chapter that I've asked the question what does too Himself, and most of the bane of all people was Hoffman to do shocking that Sue Has wisdom personified wisdom through the highest levels of understanding. She knew all the explanations that death even though death is painful. It's only an external level because the soul continues on they'll be case. I'm acing either say the Kalia having to send brings an essence of what Disturbed themself and their ever said very simply because death emotional Lee it tears your heart so all the explanations in the world are not enough to console my should have been most empathized with the pain of that the disconnect even for one moment when there's a disconnect between soul and body between Ella Coos with godliness with this material world. So in some ways a rift in a Schism in the ultimate victim Basham allocation crime Kokomo Yang in that connection to that cleaving and that connection that allows This Life Force to live Fi and energize the body even one second and that's what bothered him that emotional pain and that's what Hashem had to come in and intervene. So to speak at the bring in a whole new picture something that would not have done on his own. This will decide Taylor here is the way clearly the number speaking then about himself. That when you have that broken heart in the motional anguish over such a disconnect all the mind in the world is not going to have a meta titles. How will that be purified? How will that be redeemed? So what topic is the answer for a drama? What does it respond? How does that result is all the issue taking Ash and water. So Tuesday's cook acetate. It's a hookah, hookah, cocked Executives RT means it's a super rational Mitzvah as a matter as well as she brings that this is the mitzvot that is do that. Jews will be will be I will be criticized for a bracing something that doesn't have any real logical sense. And yes, it is does come to explain and cook the Tater this week's Paris. Who comes out to them explains because fire on water the age the ash that came from burning the red heifer and the mixing with water fire and water are the two movements the two Central tracks upon which the entire Tower is built. Mitzvahs specimens for slices have positive and negative tested and Gloria Roxy and shoes as he says everything is about yearning and integration tension and resolution. Life itself is driven by robots and shove the heartbeat the breath contraction expansion exhale inhale. So when you want to correct the separation of life from the national into the body, you need to reintroduce the ROTC ensure of which is the very pulse of Life the pulsating life that continues to give energy from a higher source into the lower entities as to this explains about her. Sorts of issues of which is the vision of your testicle, but it means a lot more than that. It means the energy the energy of existence is constantly being renewed rothsay and serve a dual action literally like the heartbeat like the breath and therefore in Nevada session when a person experiences a form of death, which means something is non. Something is not alive or not live properly not vibrant. The way you reintroduce vibrancy is what you do your exercise the pulse the heart to get it going again in Nevada. That means a lot C ensure of the yearning for something greater and return an integrated within us. So obviously the full sense of life eternal life will be Term that for the root is amazing, but in Nevada, even when were in a situation where we still not need the coulomb, it has Rush him and he's amazing. You still can bring life back to our lives by having that constant lordship the shoes of tension and resolution. That is the source of all life. So spiritually speaking. It means that every person psychologically speaking has to have something they aspired to some angst something you yearn for some ROTC and then you need that to be internalized and said constant dance back and forth. so that's a connection directly to the discussion of gimel Thomas all forms of death will pass in anything but including of course in relating to us gimel Thomas if you want to reconnect to the level because there's the concealment of gimel Thomas the way to do it is to yearn for everything dilemma stands for everything the number teaches everything that ever guided Us in and internalized it in your life by actualizing it so that actually is the tick on is Appear of gimel Thomas itself because it re introduces and we energizes our connection to the devil everything that ever stands for his teachings and especially regarding Ebola in doing everything possible to transform our environments and introduce the out of the unity of Hashem of Hashem. Echad Al officially lived in Gala. So whatever we do should species sense that Divine Purpose within it. That's what we do with also be sure of So if we remain complacent and say you know what? Okay, it's a sad day or life is like whether it is the more things change the more they stay the same that type of cynical attitude. It's not about gibberish of life. Let's say we should live means that every morning every moment like a heartbeat not one moment passes that you need a heartbeat. You need to constantly contract constantly expand constantly reach for a new goal internalized it grounded and then go for the next goal. I'll constant process. That's what keeps It's our connection alive and that's what makes gimbal tumblers turning it into a vibrant experience. So who cast is like the Ticker on Magnum before the market that year 25 years ago Sunday gimel Thomas was the first day mature Shabbos gimel Thomas was the choice Shabbos was the first day of hookahs like it says about the devil who's this talk was was on my tray Shabbos havdalah Davis, but so Shabbos posthumous Earl the person that era ever Olive meaning If the beginning of the first day of Passover and the rebbe explains how that statement was at summer Sonic rights in describing. This tulkus is both are connected schmoyer and we're here and here to create a was with satiable faster kind of wanted to cater to do he challenged the very concept of a level of emotional of a new and what is hookahs do hook as repairs the rift split until we ultimately through our work and we do our part in our yearning and are internalizing then we have The ability to ultimately Merit to see it in full sense with our own eyes reunited and reconnected with the world itself will be realigned with the it's created with Hashem and Mala others. There's a sham commander and hasn't been legal tradition that all go Buster you have to keep ER chandipur all the verses in the prophecies excited, especially in chapter 36 of Tanya how the world will be Ryan others racist met after you'll see that each of the lake and of admit that ho no no no, They are a garment a veil Shield to conceal will all be revealed. Well, uhm now our college but he Maria shehata smile and many many other verses that all indicate on that re integration the reunifying and how do we do it? It doesn't just happen. It happens through our work. When we do my ends up in a similar way in our personal lives our Collective lives. We create the Kaylee the container that it should happen in the fullest sense of the word and after the Of years of work we are at stage. We're ready to Gladden is ready to erupt and be revealed in this world in a way that everybody will see it with our physical eyes that will see a world that's not disconnected but connected and aligned with its purpose. Edison Kalin an alignment of the energy and its container. So the whole world see it as a material shell that needs to discover and recognize that this shell is a really a shell to the fruit and energy within which is the Divine energy within everything that exists. So that's a lesson from focus on our connection which pleases immediately a segue into the first question. We're going to address which is hey Rob semen is a sham waiting for every Jew to become from religious observance and every non-jew to accept the Sheva mitzvos bnei are the seven noahide laws before he brings us the complete Gula the complete Redemption. Thanks, man. Okay, very good question. I believe I've addressed it before the many many different episodes. So not all of them. Well, there's so many of them that I can't I couldn't identify exactly which one I discussed this but let's talk about it because it's a very good question because we have seven have billion people on this planet we have can you move over 14 million Jews? So if you have to wait till we reach everyone everyone becomes complete shame attended Mitzvahs and every non-jews Embraces the shoving something in there that can take some time, but that I had hello. So the web address this in a number of cities is a second option tells Ian where I are trying to remember which see if it could be huge fat. Maybe I'm wrong about that with a double says Prince was also a few points number one point there that he brings is from Tanya in time. He says that when they brought a card room into the sailors, which was a flower offering and they said mikdash it elevated Natchez that flower but all the men had sameach the flour all over the world everything from the world of vegetation. Why because it's all connected when God created an object something from the world of mineral world of the vegetable world or the animal world to roll into connected later. They would multiply in large numbers. So when you elevate one complete one, element all the so-called and family also gets elevated which tells us that you don't necessarily have to go in every corner of the earth and Elevate them to find the spark and literally every blade of grass. Every fiber of existence, you know, they'd the general category elevates the entire category Elevate some parts of it you elevate all of it. So that's one point second point is that Nation Generations are cumulative as we discussed last week as well, which means we are not stand we don't stand alone. We are midgets that stand on the shoulders of giants. That's why it's called a chain like a social dislocation Joshua's. So we're not coming only with our efforts were coming with all the efforts they came before us. Which accumulate the billions and billions of Good Deeds of Mitzvahs on mysterious never sacrifices commitments all build all release energy into this world spiritual energy. So we're standing today. We're not just standing and saying, okay. Let's reach a few people know many many have been reached. So the world is saturated by this at this point with that energy. So now it's just a matter of the Tipping Point. And once you have the Tipping Point the rest will follow. So that's Point number two point number three as far as individuals go most souls in this world today are a Google are Reincarnation of previous Souls. I say most meaning rubric cruelly almost all the rare exceptions. So when you see someone that you call non-observant, do you see someone who's not yet Embrace something that doesn't mean that they're in the shamans is not connected to because it could have done it in previous generations. In previous lifetimes now they have to finish a certain job. So we're not just talking a completely clean slate. Everyone comes with a whole history behind them and finally and finally being that each person has his Aveda. It could be that their Good Deed. There's no person on Earth has not done a good deed whether it's a Jew or non-jew that good deed could be the theed that tips the scale because it's also cumulative. So to say that we have to reach every individual although we do and we have to do our effort at do all we can. To reach every individual but there's an element that when the energy comes into play then it affects everyone else even those that may not be directly impacted to use an example is a famous story based you also they say on the market that they want sudden based methods to their students and major hitters and major Innovation and table students were very excited. They never heard it before and unprecedented Revelation. Then one of them went back home goes into shoulder David. Here's a sheer of relatively simple people. Learning they're learning this idea. And one of the other one was teaching this year. Suddenly says this idea person who's not even in that league. So in a sense, he got disturbed us here was a kid news that we who great Scholars all heard from our market for the busiest with whoever it may be if you're a simple person is saying exactly the same Innovation. So so he asked is it happens teacher and the rebbe answered simple that once it's in it is open posture had Cena like we say in Zaire Pasa, which means a new channel opens. With an idea in brings an energy into the world a door has opened and that makes it easier for anyone to access it. So the same is true in this context the energy that we release that we bring into the world when we refine our lives and we refined our environment is not just affecting us. It affects everybody even those that are not necessarily doing that after this moment. And therefore when you think of the cumulative energy and all the points I made earlier. It makes total sense that no, you don't have to reach every individual we have to do our part and hopefully it has that ripple effect may be directly or indirectly and elevates the world and then when the goal of comes then it will activate in everybody soul that commitment to users guide and that commitment to the shelving systems and therefore the non-jewish world. And when you look around the world today, you see a civilized world and you see commitments that have brought brought kindness and Justice and virtue to the world. You cannot just dismiss it, even though they're individuals. You can say that saying certain country. They're not living by it, but the country is living by it and that country is is represents all its citizens. So in that sense of the impact of even of a group or individuals or a majority, in fact, even the impacts even in What even if it's not a minardi is I said it impacts the universe. So when you make the world a better place, it's a better place for everybody. Even those that may not be directly participating in every good deed. In addition to the fact that as I said, every person does have some good deeds under their belt meaning what they've accomplished. So what does that tell us in Practical terms of tells us that when we talk about that we're on the threshold of gokula that ever saying and open your eyes people say where we see it. You see all kinds of problems. Well, first of all, you look around the promise compared to previous generations, you can it was are completely over pale in comparison. That's not even that's a mile statement. Number two. There are beautiful positive things in the world today that whether it's Civilized World whether it's a world that lives by certain humanitarian values and rights and so on cannot be ignored the fact that their problems does not take away from that Collective shift you go back a hundred years which all men over a hundred and fifty million people were killed during the two world wars in the 19th and the 20th century. So though there are pockets and they're still problems. But number one is the letter says that itself is part of the Revelation because it's exposing all these issues is bottle of Islam not volume in a famous many Seekers, but especially put in tough. She remembered Zion that end of the public and that I've explained that the things that we see that are negative are part of that when the light is shining and you're about to enter into a new state of gula it shines a light even on the Cracks that were previously on not seen an Finally an additionally I should say to that the mere fact that we are aware of it and we are doing something about it bothers us is also a sign of something there was a time where Injustice and oppression was common today. It's seen as not acceptable even though people do it is still seen unacceptable and we do whatever we can to fight. So we are a state where we are cumulatively has led us to a place where the world is ready for Redemption. The levers words. What we need to do is consciously and psychologically put ourselves in that mindset that heart set and act on it. And that allow negative things to bring us down but to forge ahead and to use the light a little light dispels much Darkness, especially when the darkness is only the absence of light based on ignorance not based on any powerful formidable Force. It's only the absence so psychologically and emotionally when we align ourselves to that that's how we push it forward and hopefully quickly reveal the olive that finally the Google emerges. In existence in the fullest sense of the world coulomb it especially okay. next question fear on page 139 of your book of the new edition of your book toward a meaningful life you right fear of God is not actually fear at all. But a know and respect for a higher presence in your life question why no words are probably the least effective way to communicate on respect. I'm sorry while I know words are probably the least effective way to communicate or and respect seem to present more positive meanings. The word fear to me has wrapped is read as wrapped up in it a concern for reprisal of some sort of potential punishment. Why use the word fear at all? So it's a very good question. And of course it leads right into another question. What is it Matt? What is meant? Are we meant to be afraid of God? So firstly the word fear is not used fears an English word. The wood heaters used the Monte recession Malika. He - mm. I'm here discussion questions. What is you know me so the literal translation you hear a Visage and love of God. It was a shame fear of God, but immediately when you think of the word fear, what is it? Evoke what are we afraid of some people are afraid of the dark afraid of crime afraid of danger afraid of destructive force. Does that what it means that God is God forbid acquainted with all that obviously not that's why the far better than interpretation is off a sense of respect and maybe the word fear shouldn't be used the truth is in unit itself. See this brings from from Nicola and I'm from Kabbalah that you'd has levels is you decided. Sua the fear of being punished is you decide Amos a sense of all of the exaltedness of the Divine. Here is the anus which is similar to you recited. Sua is he retarded is really a law. So there are many different levels of certain type of respect that we have for something greater than us. So true. There is the concept of gear and packets on trembling before God, but that should not be confused with a demoralizing fear of let's say a criminal or danger. Or other fears that we have psychological emotional fears real or imagined. Because those fears are demoralizing and they're frightening here. We're talking about a fear. If you're going to use that word of something greater, like being accountable were afraid of being accountable. But I frankly choose the word awe and respect much over fear because fear confuses us and is associated with negativity stuff. So I don't know if we should use the word fair at all, except when you're talking perhaps in the context menu say like for example, you need to give an accounting so you like afraid to do that. Why is it Involved because you feel that you're accountable even there. I really wouldn't like to use the word fear because again is demoralizing the overall may not fit there as well. So there you probably have to look for a word. That's more like I a type of humbling where Ava is about love and running towards something you love fear or here is more of a standing with Reserve with a certain respect. Say the give a bit odd about that even though there's a celebration of such an Innkeeper, but it's Paradise, but that's Rumble because you standing before the king and there's a certain tentativeness is even a certain feeling inside that you feel do I deserve to be here, but that's not a fear of the fear of a criminal or the fear of destructive forces. That's a fear that belongs by sensing. There's something greater than Nia. That's why the word or respect seems to be much more fitting. I discussed this topic in the past in episodes 84 and 181 and I refer you to those episodes which can be seen all now and a new website called since and you just can search for these episodes. And if you go to the YouTube version of the video time stamps, you can actually go to that actual topic that you're looking for. So this is a good opportunity to also point out that you have the opportunity to write any anonymous question to us. Every question is welcome. Every question will be addressed. As well as looking at all the essays of pre of this year's contest and previous years and there's a full array of resources at Exodus applied that cam. So please take advantage of another question now. Should I as a female you're going to a male healer? So it's a topic. We actually addressed a few months ago. I guess maybe even longer episodes 248 249 but since mooc has most questions came in on this topic. I felt let's address it. I'm a single girl is person writes I go to a chiropractor man who helps me tremendously. He's a Healer who goes back to past experiences and tries to relive the negative feelings in a safe. Environment while I'm feeling the feelings. He gives me comfortable words Etc. It's like a male therapist. Basically, I feel comforted by him during the session, but I know he's adapter and it ends there the fact that I'm getting validated by a man and I'm a single woman. Is that okay? There are clear boundaries that he is a doctor and we have no other relationship. I'm just wondering because I'm at sneeze. They could girl modest girl. Thank you. so if you think of a doctor is a if you think of a therapist or contract as a doctor, yes a doctor of course has the ability because he's dealing with the medical or related to the Health and Welfare of human being and therefore Lala has like Shimon Iggy and others don't apply there. However, you can also make the case. This isn't a black and white doctor medical doctor. This is more of a chiropractor or more of a Healer and you say it's more of an almost like a therapist soothing words going to This lives not getting into now a past experiences. I should say. Am I mistaken says past experience and previous lives not to go into the competence. Let's say we're talking assuming that this healer is a competent and credible and legitimate and all that. Why not look for a woman? I don't know if anyone was saying is so that's prohibited for you to go see this person if they're helping you, but it could well be that just to be safe. It's maybe better to find a woman if there is a competent woman of comparable credentials and your experience is a positive one with that person. So I don't have a there is no black and white answer to this because as I said, there is the ability to explain it the context of a Healer or a doctor, but especially since you asked The question which are really tells me that maybe there's something bothering you and you don't want to open up any door because there's always challenges when it comes to being personal with someone talking about your personal life is a form of intimacy, even with the best boundaries may be wise to perhaps also explore the option of a female therapist or female chiropractor in the same way. They can do the same job. Next question on this topic woman's Fabregas the rabbi Jacobsen. I have a question regarding men leading for brains for women. It seems strange to me that men are permitted to leave for bring this from women. I have as I've seen advertised in my community for different special days. I suppose I could understand why it's okay for men to deliver classes. Sure. You didn't two women since it is taking place in an academic setting and they would be no choice shosh. No concern of anything untoward. Although by the same token, it would make sense to permit women delivering she ran into men since we do not pasukan that coil the issue at Alpha means the voice of a woman is sexual applies to a woman speaking voice yet. For some reason that would be considered a breach of sneeze for a woman to give a class for men but not when men give classes to women, but I digress but I do not understand why the guest speakers build women struggling as our men how can a woman truly open up and seeing a Make Her float this resolution. Lucian's and even dance if there's a man presiding I would think that they would they would feel rather inhibited and restricted. There's so many knowledgeable inspirational women around why can't they run? The women's Brains in an appropriate manner? I think it's ridiculous that the women need to hear a man from laying in my opinion is not a real for bring but rather a speech or sheer class. I also think that male must be in conducting for bringing Zagros seminaries is a serious breach of sneeze modesty. What do you think? Thanks for your incredible? This pass through the skills of marks three years since I started listening to my life to this applied. Well, I addressed this very directly almost word for word question. Not exactly your question by the same idea and episodes 248 and 249. So first I'd refer you to their and their make it very clear that I absolutely agree with you. There's no reason for that and it does it could be a breach and it definitely is not even if it's not a breach. It's not it's already going on boundaries. That one should be careful. Unfortunately. They've been situations to call those things that came out that were not such positive things. So I totally agree and there's an exception once in a situation where a person coming to from bring a one-time thing a special guest speaker for special day. Maybe it's men and women are there or there's a special sessions with women, but it's a one-time. Thing and that's something that is under a regular basis like a niche in seminary or school that as I discuss then you find that there are precedents and may be acceptable but it's not regular they're not getting to know this person person traveled was coming there from another place or it's a Once in a guest speaker that happens very on frequently. So that may be different for the reason the obvious reasons. So I don't need to elaborate more because already discussed is back then and those episode but since these episode since these questions have come in I thought appropriate to review them again and refer you to those episodes. next question How do we understand polygamy in Judaism? We know that a person's soul mate is decreed 40 days before conception. It's a good model. How does this teaching applied to polygamy? Can you please explain this concept? Thank you. So polygamy, of course is allowed in the Tater ability for one man to have more than one wife. Like for example slime on metal and others. You talk about format and tater like yaakov. So there's a whole discussion whether they were bombed by a locker with it was the same situation, but still the spirit of theta they definitely kept actually need not obvious kind of call it a large linen or they fulfill the dead even before I was given. How logically their discussions about it, but definitely the spirit of it. So how do you make others that make sense? Especially when you go back to home machine you read Joplin and came about a some I'm just amplifying the question male and feel the female. He created them human being separated them and then they look for each other so late. How do you explain polygamy in that? Context one man? One woman who are both part of one holds element lucky. And we do find in practice. So firstly let's start on a very basic level to leave me even though it's allowed it was never endorsed. It was never I should say was never considered preferable. So the cases we find are exceptions. It's not something that you find that every person practiced polygamy many did that and most of that. Even when you talk about avraham avinu took up a leg is how drug that was not polygamy was a blockage you've talked only has Rifka. With yaakov, as I said that you could say perhaps a form of polygamy. We have so my melon condone, but you hear about the criticism of Slam urmila that he shouldn't have had so many wives. And in general that came the payment of a negation, why did he make us hate them if it's the spirit of Taylor to have it so why did you make us hate them? So true there's their circumstances and their situations things that happened that he saw but the that that was causing problems and jealousies and so on but how does the Tater condone something that can be negative and yet that Tatum stands even till today even though spy them some sliding do not hold by that but generally speaking it's not it's frowned. Pain, let's put it that way. So I'll explain the to exercise of either should be not of allowed period why allowed and then frown on it and why is it allowed the first place? So up in nuclear, you could say that a woman or the way of a woman works and women and men work. You could talk and How likely that a woman is loyal to one man. And women came to polygamy cannot work both ways a woman through condition car Calum who and other things that explain how a woman should be loyal to one map. But how do you explain the spiritual level that's not the other way around and why shouldn't a man be loyal to one woman? So I think Ebola talks about soulmates the idea concept is that like taking a curve that the soul mates each one fulfills part of the mission. Half of the mission you can say and together they fulfill the unit United mission that God created them in the Divine image, but there are times with that mission is not enough one woman. The case for example with the foreign boys you have layer your article below and zilpah. We should take this barzeh. Why because they are varied of yaakov was meant to bring the to all SWAT team into the world 12 SWAT team have diverse missions to cover the entire Spectrum one woman would not be enough, even though one woman could have had technically 12 children, but I was still being all this the genes of that woman being that had to be as diverse as possible. So each one of the four Amorous each one. I'm sorry of the four wives of yeah Covino provided a different type of Aveda. That gave that Shavers a certain strength that came from that one now. Why is it that after women split into four so to speak why can't you active that's a longer discussion, but generally because the my spea is one but the Macabre the issue which is the recipient can Branch it into many ways and that's why you see a woman's the one that carries the child. So the seed of the man is a singular type of force. And that determines the certain elements of the personality of the child the woman brings a certain diversity and that's why there is situations where is allowed because what you have is a situation that one man has four different wives in this case or others polygamous situations different ones and each one each woman brings a different part of that very did that would be given the mission to that to her Offspring all with that one seat of the match. So the man That Singularity that unifying element and the woman provides in this case a certain diversity that you don't have with only one wife, but that I've been litigation and in general the Taylor that was not seen as a positive because it's a lot of complications in real situations where a person like a caboose a holy man, and then that create a situation they would be even there. They were jealousies. We know the story of leuven and Layin Rahul and so on. But there because it was a novice in a merkava. It retained a certain Integrity. But as soon as you have a little lack of that Integrity, there's a it's a harder and to have more than one wife can cause other problems so though there is spiritually a concept of having that situation. It's considered to be an anomaly not the natural. So that explains idea what these more explanations why is a woman different than a man in this regard? And overalls I said because the man is the must be that's the area. That's my shit. So it's one ahead the woman diversifies in channels that which is why there is foreign moist and three of its four is a much more diverse approach three is the minimum which is the three than necessary for something to stand upon. You have the three masses by Paisa in you have the four cups of wine same idea. So we talked about Hoffman, which is eyeball Kaufman's than the Cuda Saba. They have one could but being that which is Emma Bunton Smith of the mother the woman being a diverse been as like the expansion of the river which goes in many directions. And therefore they can be one Hoffman and several levels of being a one spark but then breaks down into four different that case could be for could be more than 4 but it breaks into Parts which is what being a does it takes the spark the unified spark and concentrate is part of hokhmah the option and develops. It flushes it out takes the seed and turns it into a fetus and the fetus develops into a full-blown child in the mother's womb. I hope that helped answer it and let's go to the next question WhatsApp. Is WhatsApp appropriate so WhatsApp for those that don't know what it is as the level would say often enough are bringing mentioned in the New York Times or other secular platforms says if you don't know what it is, Toby, I'll let somebody off. So may you be blessed if you don't know what it is WhatsApp is a one of the social platforms today social media very popular that billions of people use the easy way to communicate families uses a song. So the question is asked to asking I'm a many different WhatsApp groups. Most of them are rub and total related. Here are my two issues with them number one videos and auto auto audio clips of the lab are so easily available and thus cheapen their value to it's a major Traction there ever says we need to be like the rash ball who would shut out everything else and give a hundred percent attention to whatever he was doing famous sick of half SWAT option landed there. We spoke about us Hawkins man success in time that type of focus. So these are the two questions very good questions. The truth is you could broaden the question and say old technology to cheapen things. Because once you have technology so easy to use once upon a time yet the struggle to find a mimer let some submitted Eveready writes in his introduction to is it that a lot that a crime? I think shot it Shuba he writes. I think I said it sugar he writes that if he's publishing the Little Devils are real publisher of my modern of his favorite spot him and see this. So here is that it is publishing even though he knows mini guide them in a ganache that they value more excessive a manuscript the rear manuscript because people Pursuit when it's rare and here now becoming published it's easy and yet he's doing it because today's day and age we need to make it as easy as possible for people to study. Everyone always been more on the fact that as soon as the technology came into being it made things people took for granted once upon a time you had to memorize things then when they first created the first tablets thousands of years ago, some people saw that as the downfall of civilization won't have to stroke and you can imagine the printing press what that was said about and then later when the digital world was created people said, that's the downfall people won't read. So yes, there is a downside you can say because it's so easy and so common and therefore people will take for granted but there's an upside it makes it easy to study and as the dep is says about modern technology speaks about sworn in today. So today the fact that they're encyclopedias and indexes and so on. Yes, you could say, you know, what makes things so easy to find so the man says so use that and then since I look M at its me the Traders are looking at its media and it's infinite you use the extra time yet you have That instead of spending so much time searching because you can find it easily online or computer and so on use the extra time to go deeper into the table. So encyclopedias have their value, but obviously exactly a big it's a complete idiot a Buddhist. It's not a replacement of learning Ahmad and struggling with it, but it makes things easier. So that's the answer to that though. Yes. It seems to be a good sheep and things it's true. That's why you find that every even especially in the early years. They're not want pictures take any did not want recordings. He wanted Quezada even of the fabric was that were recorded because to Value it you have to appreciate it that way but end of the day there is also the other value because you can reach many more people who may not be ready to struggle or may not be around. So to Outkast that ever citizen Theta 2 all over the world today not used technology is not using a gift. God gave us a kayak added as that ever writes awesome power to be able to reach millions and millions of people instantaneously with Taylor and a message of God and a warm kind word and so on. So well are challenges like old Comforts in this world. You could also argue 500 years ago people struggle much more in a shtetl or a small town today. We have freedom we take it for granted. So we have the evening bad. It's actually the challenge of comfort zones of prosperity and the apathy it creates. So should we go back and turn the clock back and not take advantage of all the benefits and Comforts that we have no take advantage, but then ignite within yourself a passion equal to the passion. Had with real obstacles to overcome apathy to overcome in differents overcome the comfort zone and taking for granted our lives and use that passion to go to reach Greater Heights. And yes, it's a challenge. It's much easier to want maschiach when you're desperate when you need then when things are comfortable. So all these new technologies are opportunities to bring Taylor citizen too much farther and places that could never have been reached before and we have to use that Comfort not to take it for granted or two. To just relax but use passion to take it to a whole different dimension that today. We have the opportunity to reach that we could never have reached. So be passionate about reaching millions of people with these Technologies. As far as Point number two years. It could be a major distraction. That's why a person has to have tremendous focus and seeing that the shear demand Teta the midst was they do the myth showing their status. But if that is also accentuated and enhanced by technology, for example, learning a sheer you can learn on the phone because you don't have a safer with you then if it's controlled by your focused attention to what you need to do like the rash mitaka then take LG becomes another tools like saying I'm not going to use a book. The book is also technology in a way, but it makes it easier to learn. So the key thing is not to be hypnotized and not be seduced with technology controls you but rather you control it meaning you use it as a tool to access. If you have a question today, you have to go to a library. You can just search for it online. You can communicate with others. Although these groups with people ask questions to each other real Tater learning going on across the world. You can have thousands of people that once upon a time you can only have those people that were living in your town your soul. We have a sheer you could have actually a virtual class and for bringing a share all over the world. So this is up to us. So bottom line is it's all up to our free will do we have more challenges with these Comforts. Yes, we do, but it's always up to 3 1 as they would say junk in junk out that's technology. If you bring put in junk you get drunk you get more junkie little accelerate the job if you put in good things and you come with a good attitude technology can enhance and amplify and in many ways strengthen intensify. Whatever good it is that you're doing, okay? Let's do a few follow-ups. So last week's program, which was a special gimel additional gimel Thomas addition elicited a lot of comments. I'm not going to read them all. Most of them were extremely beautiful comments actually didn't get any critique on this last episode, but the really powerful I want to thank you for your kind words just to use one expression is that you really allowed me to experience give Motel allow me to prepare and experience chemo Thomas in ways. I never could have imagined instead of focusing on small things. He's not even on the pain really give direction and guidance of how to use this day to turn into something that would make the devil proud. So thank you and there are many similar sentiments that I received and I want to thank you for those kind words. So one person I ever spoke one of the topics I spoke about was PD and nefesh spoke about so long, right? You mentioned color fraying at the machpelah. They look more so my fellow when he went with the scouts few weeks ago we read so it says they arrived at Hebron it says washing your feet. Even though it was the 12 Scouts yet what it says one person who came to heaven. So Raschi site there from the community and in the state of death Lama Dalai Lama days 34b that it was color who went off to 7 and his own to pray and he asked Slovakia should ask him a lot. He actually ask for compassion that they were the obvious and the those in the murders of machpelah should be Siege on his behalf. They shouldn't get caught up in their plot and conspiracy. So someone says isn't that pigeon nefesh. So technically that is pretty nervous. And that maybe there was source of the lost and Allah is ar-rahman Robin. That's a lesson that the model some more or less where call of says her name is asking for that time in my life. Basically the should be compassion for him, which is a form of pigeon after so you could say the sources there. However, the loss of PD enough fish is not actually there. So if anybody has sources we see the word PDF is used for the first time please I still am waiting to The Source I'll be looking around if anybody has at least send it to me and I'll be I want to share it to the public. Okay. Another topic will do following up was an episode 263 spoke about Amash Pia Lobby Jacobson. I've worked on a project we searching my spear daily for six months and just considered for using your material but was overwhelmed to find the related episodes by Divine Providence. Just this week meaning week to 60 episode 263 you Touched on my Spear and listed which weeks mentioned it. I've learned a few things on the subject spending an hour a day and your videos added to it in the future. I'll write more on the matter, but I thought to mention the emphasis that must be it is a relationship on a very good historically regardless that it can also help physically. The Bible says all the pieces for full expression and despite individuals requiring different amounts of mysterious nefesh sacrifice, if all the parts of our Vader service feeling Putting on filling fill a prayer learning growth in Mitch's and if so him are there a person has potential Taylor like the Arts Sports and secular subjects in public schools will have them is a medium for relationship and connection and connection and disgusting one is learning asking for tips deeper Insight or guidance in limos and learning creates relationship and context making the RAV. By engaging I say the Quran meaning of pointing that out. I say making your Rabbi your Mentor is by engaging the must be in, Nevada. That's officially engaged. If they don't do much time in the Cobble must talk about the time including that video of those that aren't Jewish as well as they can obviously toil on the matter is obligatory sometimes taking time and sometimes proceeding quickly. She's basically pulling focus on the effort that has to be invested with out with God's help will grasp how to make solid mesh beam mentors. All right the future I believe must be in past has been profoundly difficult and misunderstood for all and is important to understand progressively Australian students reach further. I'll have two more points it won a person needs to know who they are. Not every individual is biased and he's in my spear not every individual is brought every individual is vice and he must be up for their negative inclinations. For example, there are different in summers. Mean to Amela some of my friends family infrastructures that Guard from negative. Not sure what he means something to be sure they are doing enough positive which affects others. Also there are cases that people are worried about mental health and the use of must be a they must know they're doing they're very appropriately and completely unfocused conversation on this before. They meet need the toilet more serious matters is the Mosel mental well-being are obviously dealt with by professionals, but I think most people understand this without atmosphere. Number two not clear everything the person is writing but I'm just reading it. Number two the myth sign bonds the community those with education to the Jewish public traditionally with less education. Any person can be a must be on another with knowledge of this context Phil and Shabbos candles Schaefer helping others Jews with these mistress is an obviously solve which must be is directly connected are each in each of these campaigns the general educator education moved to it'sa includes everything of a Immunity and and all the community needs and is only one of the many it takes practice to know which must be receives which emphasis in the structure. Every person has their particular needs. This is appropriate if Simon attitude is a much clearer based on matters of context and education background location and available time. Thanks. Okay. I read it as it is unedited as you see and I hope I made sense definitely the certain points and thank you for that. At another follow-up which is an episode 264. We spoke about limited contact between cussin and kala their Rabbi regards to if they're ever said any limits for a bride and groom to be in contact with each other during the engagement. So I'd like to cite this in complementing what you discussed in the recent book asset when Hagen von Hagen is model are high in by huzzah. It's a book of that gathers costumes. They bring their and chapter 26. Five page 461 the following quote. They should not meet each other more than once a week and one more time on telephone and the least and the less the better honks end of quote. They quote in the footnote 144 schottische deduction page 205. Another sources. Keep up the great work best. Okay, thank you and one more follow-up and handshaking which was an episode 261. Just tying up some knots. Finishing some topics. So there we spoke about the handshaking so someone wrote and you can always go back to those episodes to see the full discussion. Hi, I would like to add a comment on the topic of handshaking you discussed. I used to be embarrassed about it as well until I attended a University graduation. I would rather not disclose which country I live in we're many International female graduates of what I presume to be Islamic, but possibly another religion also refused to shake the professor's hand on stage in front of thousands of people. Even have it procedure where you place your arm diagonally across your chest as a signal to the professor that you can't shake as an aside another interesting customers that some religious students were called out. As name son of name or name daughter of name instead of their last names now that we need other religions to make us feel proud of or less embarrassed about our own religion, but I'm sure can help people to feel that the world then accept as the world except some respects these things and that of other religions can be proud of Stand Tall. Call The Kramer. Can we how much more so can we? Okay, thank you for these follow-ups. And now we'll go to the see this question for this week. This is a follow-up. Someone said last week you discussed that you just touched upon briefly the role of a ribbon at sadek that comes with solemn is not a form of idolatry because the web is a transparent Channel and you mentioned the posted by ukulele Kayla the case law on ya Covino. The yacht's of some is bear establish them as bear and passers-by use luck and said that he couldn't locate early case law. Can you please explain this concept? How can it sobbing be called by God's name? So this of course follows up our discussion there. So let me begin with some sources. This question is obviously asked by the commentaries. So let's first coat Raschi Nashi from the McGill Martin McGill you test out of says the following and that posture can be useless, but you can only kill. Okay. So here's the language of a shoe. Because beautiful coral yaakov. Kale. God called yaakov. Kale. God Peter / - as I said megillah 1888 So an idiot ETA on the Pacific and the my movies vyasa from is Vella and other my modern and outside them all here. My modem are And that's impossible. We have my modern tough less llama gimel from the Rubbermaid trash. I'm I'm at uh freshman valid that is the lever mirages minor with how girls from the number of shop and population involved all discuss this topic and the language of data. Terry says like this. That since he was Ashley, ah to fulfill her shamelessly of the she react when he does Ashley, he's called on the name of the mashaallah sluggish olodum commercial Sammamish and altered episodes including Taylor that he grow. The Michelle are today booster. The Slayer is the Jew in this case the act of doing what a shame says. So therefore you can call him looking sharp and be creative kale. That's why you could say Yakov is called kale also an interesting minded or she might should say at the Shimmer from the Deborah shot. It's not that known but in safer my modem tough relation involved operation noon on page race. I doubt the race that's 274. He has a the shim and safer increment in the end of nimnim noise, which means that God does not have any guide limits and addresses this issue. Actually, how can a human being be called God? So he says that the grandmother was based on the question. He says is that an applicators? I'm a skill rather. Somebody said they can God create another God. She's so the rebel rishabh says how labor emmis that's the time of those are equally clearly case, of course working currently active care. And explains it up. He considers kassadin to Ferris says me see even hated other halves. It has a low base. I'm Andreas year of the oven basically hated it Shambhala Equanimity close payday Aroma like Duck bit more of a low because the aquarium says there is a limit but based on this one has a little bit of sharp says that someone who understands our picks it has this concept because when I talk about obviously, we're not talking about God forbid another God we're talking about the bit love that slea. Of of this case Yakov is to that extent that he's no longer an entity of his own. He's just an extension of the Divine. So these are some sources and some of the explanation on the topic. Of course I get us and we have to mention also that in the top the in Tanya he talks about a molecule shaming as little as she says in get us that kadish. Simmons eye We discuss this as well. So that explains some of the idea. Obviously. It's a very dark as they can sensitive matter, but you have to remember that we're not talking about a replacement. God forbid or not. Don't but another we're talking about a bit incompletely. So the guardian is that shines through him that allows them to be called kale and this even extensive in that jelly color common. Mom Amish and that's why says my Beta is beta baahubali elements just as a barista creates World a vegan yack of creates worlds because he has the power of the it. To do so so it's all coming from a Shem not from any other entity. God forbid. Okay. Now as we always do the three essays, these are all part of essay contest 2019 and we're going in order of the marks of all these essays and what do we have? We have the marks of these essays and they are Essay, number one, let's do the essays as a number one is. Just pick that up one second. growth through trauma by Hadassah sensitive 826 West Hollywood, New York And she writes we all go through traumatic experiences in our lives from the outside. Some traumas may seem more extreme than others, but all of them shatter beliefs or expectations that we have about ourselves about others and about the World perhaps you discovered that someone you deeply respected or trusted. Did something immoral perhaps you suffered a loss or someone that you love then couldn't imagine your life without perhaps you were forced to move to a new city and had to leave behind everything. You knew perhaps you had a lifelong dream that you realized when never come true when these experiments experiences come to us. Our first instinct is often to blame others or ourselves goes on to explain the different ways. We experienced it. But how do we is there a healthier way to approach trauma? Is there a way not only to recover from the experience but turning into a point of growth? In this essay, we will explore a unique type of personal growth that can come only come through trauma based on the second essay from the fifth Chabad Rabbi is famous series Hampshire some evolved In This Moment 11 sharp discusses two processes of growth and the essay goes on to explain agricultural Trauma from c-23 intellectual Trauma from a rhythmic doctoral algebra interpersonal Trauma from self to other embracing personal Trauma from self to beyond the trauma of redemption a birth story. And the take away your personal Redemption excellent essay and well recommended very creative the language and expand the ideas. That's sa first test in next essay. What will the neighbors think what will the neighbors think by Rifka cone age 34 Greater Manchester England a sloka she writes we often pride ourselves as being Unique Individuals following our core values, but honestly, we may be surprised to find ourselves following the crowd and caring what the neighbors will say. What will my friends say, there's a natural desire to conform to find security and validation from others. The first line is still controlled. The code of Jewish law is the following. It would have been terrible says been Tama says be bold as a leopard Swift as an eagle the fleet as a deer as strong as a lion to fulfill the wall of your father in Heaven to be bold as elaborate means that one should not be embarrassed when confronted by scoffers. And goes on to explain based on Taylor see this how we build that type of Courage of not being affected embarrassed in front of others call a spade a spade. I'm not alone the world isn't that big with practical exercises are very good essay as well. And thank you and finally this third essay respectful parenting. Discipline through obvious is sterile and has said yourself on wood Eisenberg age 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There's a well known story of the middle of rubber this writer writes that while we he was engrossed in learning his child fell out of bed. He was so engaged in his learning. He did not hear the child crying and I'll tell them but then rebuked him for the fact that he did not hear the child crying said no matter how lofty your involvement. You must never fail to hear the Cry of a child. And there are applied it to the Cry of children falling out of the Cradle of their Heritage Howard is important to also take this lesson literally and goes on to talk about it how you apply this story and the rebels explanation that in our lives today and sensitivity and empathy in parenting basically respectful parenting based on this principle. Excellent essay. Every parent should read this essay. Every potential parents should read this essay. So thank you for that. And with that we conclude this week's episode 267 of my life because it has supplied. We're here every Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. We welcome all your questions at City ask go to that website. You'll find plenty of resources. We also depend on your support in dedicating program or programs told memory of a loved one or an honor of a loved one should only have celebrations. So, please consider a sponsorship been going to In four sponsor or since applied that come / donate or sponsor. Thank you and everyone have a blessed week a week where we Elevate the Kimmel Thomas to new unprecedented Heights and we finally bring down the Google and meet this bash Lima.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Chukas 1:04 • Is G-d waiting for every Jew to be observant and every non-Jew to to accept the Sheva Mitzvos before bringing the complete Geulah? 12:32 • Are we meant to be afraid of G-d? Is “fear” the accurate translation? 21:45 • Should I, as a female, be going to a male healer? 26:20 • Is it appropriate for men to lead women's farbrengens? 29:06 • How do we understand polygamy in Judaism? 32:07 • Is What’s App appropriate? 39:28 • Follow up:       o Pidyon nefesh at the Ohel (episode 266) 47:05       o Mashpia (episode 263) 48:35       o Limited contact between groom and bride (episode 264) 52:23       o Handshaking (episode 261) 53:10 • Chassidus question: How can a tzaddik be called by G-d's name? 54:18 • My Life 2019 essays:      o Growth Through Trauma, Hadassa Shemtov, 26, West Hollywood, NY; 59:08      o What Will the Neighbours Think? Rivka Cohen, 34, Greater Manchester, England 01:00:44      o Respectful Parenting: Discipline Through Ahavas Yisrael and Chesed, Yosefa Wood-Isenberg, 01:01:47          29, Philadelphia, PA
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. Um to get started on this one, two, three, and now your host WWE Hall of Fame Superstar, Sean xpac Waltman, welcome everybody to ex parte 1 to 360. We're back into the pin them to the our original Studio Asik the brick room. Anyways, I don't know how you always weekend was when I had a nice one. It was nice and calm I went to this really fancy hotel in Pasadena to the spa day. Oh nice. What kind of spa treatments did you get a long deep tissue massage and a facial do you like getting massages and that kind of stuff because I'm like, I can't do it. Like I don't like people touching me. These are the calms you down. It actually works. Yeah. Yeah, and it's just it's difficult to find someone that like that lays it in enough like their most people are afraid to get sued or if you know hurt somebody like they won't eat and a lot of people just don't like to get the shit beat out of them when they're getting a massage right? I mean that's it's well, then the good healing stuff happened exactly a sometimes it was you know, yeah. You know, I don't know if you've ever had one of those. Oh, it's at least a lot of toxins, you know and you go in there and beat the shit out of those knots and all those different little areas in you you know in there Jesus Christ. I'm fucking Rambler. You couldn't know, you know, I don't know what so I like knowing what goes on. Yeah a lot of toxins get released so it can kind of make you really lightheaded. Maybe a little bit. Let me go see you know, you feel it in your body has to release that shit. Oh, yeah, it was nice. It was just it's nice. I don't know the last several years. I haven't really done a lot of that kind of thing like self-care 19 care you stuff your stuff yourself. It's important to do that, you know treat yourself. Well, you know, especially when when you're working hard and you're getting shit done and you know take a dime. Yeah to do that. Just you know, can you know, you know all the stress and all this shit that we built not even just like physically how we our body feels but our brain feels right like so rice to get all that. Good do that and it was it wasn't just like the main part wasn't even the physical like it was just at what it did to me mentally, you know, and this the state of mind it put me in. Yeah. Are you able to kind of just kind of zone out a little yeah and just Nia and I've also been because I get in my head a lot at night. Well, that's the worst. Yeah and that I overthink. I do a lot of the same things, you know you all you do. Do you know sure everyone out there listening does? Most people can relate you know, and so what I've been doing lately when I'm in bed. Is it going YouTube and I find these like this chant. Okay. I know they have like a music to it like train it like like there's like a Buddhist chant like, oh isn't that does that count as ASMR are just know it's different different. Yeah, but there's a certain When see also a nice who really put your brain in a specific fucking but I'm not even going to know this is great. I love it. But like there's oh, let me jump - yeah, it's like this let's do. Yeah, and it just highlights and it's you be surprised what like does to you know to like just your sense of well-being and you know, like it really can help just shed all of that shit like that your brain or your not your brain, but your mind hmm, I guess getting bogged down with so yeah now it feels good. Yeah, it's also good. Yeah fan sound fan sound is like a common way like you have to have the fan on even though it's Old just because of the sound but you open has it's one of the look something like that. I guess I sound thing Riya right right remember which one it's not something going on. Yeah. I'm just calm now just talking about that because that's exactly right. Yeah. Hope I'm not putting everyone to sleep out there because YouTube nighttime routine videos like my not my night time routine. Those are very popular so you can I don't know. It's just an idea. I love it. So, yeah and And so also not just that but also have guided like guided meditations, you know, my own personal ones that I've had from my therapist Maria and Keven hook me up with Ida. Yeah, and there's also ones that you can go and find online, you know again YouTube they're guided meditations, but they're in there they're customized to like, you know, What you might be trying to accomplish, but they're not like specific to you. Right like it's not like they don't see your name, but you know, they really hope my breathing breathing in and out that sort of thing. It's more like a meditation. You're just like you just like reading your mind of all this shit except for whatever it is, you know, you're trying to get done. But yeah, anyways, alright enough of that shit for this is awesome. I don't know how you're going to go try some of these stuff. I'm gonna try all these things this is it sounds awesome. It's a big you know, it really helped. So that's one of the it's it helps every bit as much as swallowing a pill. Right right, I mean and and I mean that and as much as the immediate relief that you get from it, I see ya so it's not like you got to keep at it and you know, you fucking notice right away. Hmm. So anyways, all right, what do we do? Today Denise. Well, we put out another poll which are fun because a lot of people like to sort of submit their ideas and that sort of thing about what we're going to talk about this week. So today we're going to talk about you teaming with Kane. Now. I know a few people might have heard our podcast with Kane. I don't know a couple months ago when my husband on really okay clearly have no time perspective. Okay, so but some of the some of you guys may have listened to the podcast and we did talk about it briefly, but given that xpac and came where the The hottest tag team of 1999. I think we need to go back and really talk about it really dive into it. There's a lot of rumors that I also want to find out get some questions and get some answers to so I think it's pretty exciting especially because during this time the Hardy Boyz Edge and Christian hadn't hit their stride yet that The Dudley Boyz. We're still in ECW the New Age Outlaws at this time. We're doing more singles competition. So Canaan xpac you guys were you know, you guys had the crowd in the palm of your Really invested into the storyline. So let's just start from the beginning. Obviously this tag-team further both yours and Caine's character wise and further guys is career, but let's just start off with how everything came about and how you guys got started as a tag team. So go going into WrestleMania 15. I was I had my you know, my Feud with with Shane McMahon and China had already turned on Deck. Yeah, I'm gone with you know, the corporation who unquote and So Hunter were had a singles match with with Kane. Hmm at WrestleMania 15 and and so my deal with with my match what Shane so they came to me? Vince McMahon ask me himself like top of the match with Shane and I was like I've talked about this before and I saw I won't like go delve into this but you know, one of the things was okay, but you know, I I'm going over like I have to come through hmm, you know that down to this and you know, absolutely, you know, no problem with that. And and so I don't know if you remember but you know, they put a lot into building that thing up and Shane and I yeah, I'm talking about chain and Ian off a lot and this thing supposed to be talking about Kane many ways. Yet so I don't know a couple months out leading into mania Paul, you know as we travel together and all that, you know, Paul, you know talked about how the he was turning heel Mania and you know eventually and no one asked me this, you know, because they mean they knew they told me hey you going to go over all that and no one came to me and go. Hey. We want you to you know, once you lose the shame, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. All right, so like pause pause he'll turn let me know who the fuck like if he doesn't turn on me. Who's you get like how's that going to need anything? You know like so I was like, yeah, you kind of got a turn on me there. I guess I'm getting fucked right? So I yeah, that's what happened with that. And yeah. But so where to go with me after that, right? So so I mean mind you I had a little you know had one singles match what Paul, you know, he went over on me and like, you know continued with this heel push and so the cane that the Cade and I was Kind of like your reward for I look at it that way. Okay, you know, you know I'm team player, you know, I you know jumped on the grenade 404 his heel turn and so, you know, that was like I looked at it like that. Okay. I'm getting my reward for being team player all that and but the thing is is it was more than just that it was great. It was fucking great. Yeah, it was just the whole way like the the story was told and gradually, you know, I don't know if you guys remember this. Did you go back and watch it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah well and that was one of the things I wanted to talk to you about not to get like not to Sidetrack or anything, but just kind of the fact that it was this there was this emotional core. Yeah. So why you guys got together the fact that you guys were both sort of like on your own? Yeah, so The I just remember coming out and you know, every time I would come out and get involved in and when I came as deal is, you know, he'd end up choke slamming me right? That was the that was the fun part because when when he was basically with Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett issued an open Challenge on Sunday night, he and Kane accepted it and then essentially when he was getting beat down or two on one you came out and helped them out, but it seems like I love Aspect of it because you know, he was getting ready to choke slam you and you know, even though you were there to help them out in that way. So I feel even in your guys's first match that you guys had together on Raw afterwards you notice that even with the finish of how it all ended where you know, he had the it like he was going to choke them you again but it's sort of played into it as well. And even the way that he was just standing there, you know, you know waiting for like just standing there and waiting for it while you were getting beat up, you know, just like the fact that he was just standing there. With zero emotion, like little tiny things that you guys did really play to that character, you know. Yeah, and it wasn't just that match but there were situations where I came out to help right now. I'm not even in the match, but I don't know there was a beat-down going on or whatever the hell was happening and I would come out and he would grab me and chokeslam me. So who wasn't even just that match like there was a couple other things to write and and just This was a big transition for Kane, right? You know being the type of heel he was just took the type of character in general. I mean, especially there's no no never never spoke a word, you know, I was all but one of the things I am not sure what airline that is freaking plane flying them anyways. Yeah, so can he spoke volumes? Well, ever ever ever saying a word it was just a the tilt of his head or you know, or just it was all body language stuff. It was amazing and I really love that and I mean I'm skipping ahead a little bit here to when he started talking like I would have been just fine if he never spoke of All right. Well, one of the things that I love not to not to jump ahead is that that segment where we're not segment, but after after you guys beat the the acolytes when you kind of make him talk without the voice box for the first time. Yeah, so let's wait for the sure sure. But so do you remember whose idea it was in the first place to put you guys together? No, no. But I'm pretty sure that Rousseau had something to do with it. Like he was you know, I mean, that's who I talk to about all that. Yeah, I mean because I would get a call from you know, Russo and I would talk like on a Wednesday. You know and talk about what we have coming up for TB. Tycoon. Vince was really good about that up until I started like not liking a lot of his ideas. You know that you quit calling me as much but not be in a good relationship with everybody as far as like talking, you know communication and all that and and all that but and and you know, it's different there, right? It was just like hey, here's here's the situation and you we went out there and made it right like We created in our in our heads and execute at all. Like there was no verbage. There were no line script all of it. Like yeah. No, I I'll just I'll just grab the stuff win. We actually get to it. I don't want to jump around so much but there are things like I can point to like in you know, as this is all playing out to her. Like it was really great TV, and it was just totally it improved. So what was is the relationship between you and Glenn Pryor? we we were friendly because you know Glenn Glenn was trained by the same. We had the same teacher the great malenko and actually when I went down to visit after if I was in debt, I don't know if I was 1-2-3 Kid yet. I might have still been just like lightning kid or whatever. But like I went back from I was in Minnesota at the time. I went to Florida to visit and and Glenn was down there training and there was What he was doing at the time was training for this group called pro wrestling fujiwara Goomy, which is like UWF style was like it was like an offshoot of UWF Sharon funakichi was part of it fujiwara several guys. This was before funakichi broke off and formed pancrase. Okay. So anyways, yeah. So Glenn has a background in doing the shoot. In style stuff. Yeah, he went over there and did that a few times so, you know, he's dangerous guy, you know, not just because he's a tricked-out. Yeah interesting. I don't do that. Yeah, so and we you know, so, you know, we had we were connected that way and that's that's really and just such a nice guy. Yeah, it's hard not to like so and really so well, I'm sitting at home, you know after my next surgery and everything and you know, we talked about the you know, get fired from WCW. It's another story but during that time is when I see them introduce the King character and I have you seen any of that or he comes out during like a Like during the Hell in the Cell match versus Shawn. Yeah. Yeah, and and that was that was the best. I don't know best. That was the best up there done in quite a while right at that point and I was like, oh my God, you know this is this the whole character. I mean they and they did such a great job with that. Right? So yeah. And and that's not easy right? Because Mike Coming off like that fake diesel then right? Not a lot of momentum going there right then before that the income so, you know, it's just a guy that went out there and they gave him something and he did the best he could with whatever they gave him. Mmm. And finally they gave him something great and he fucking hits out of the park. So yeah, so let's go ahead and jump. Okay, so actually before we jump into that did was the plan always for you guys to go as long as you guys did or was Is there a you know a plan for you guys to be more of a shorter-term tag team or wasn't until they saw the popularity that helped it extend. Yeah, I think that because they took the we haven't got yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good question. I think it I don't think they I think they were just trying to come up with something and we just did a great job with it. Right? I mean it was good idea whatever but was the way we actually did it. That was the real fucking you know, magic behind that wasn't the writing rights. Right Honest. So then April 5th 1999, that's the day that you guys become Tag Team Champions, and I already mentioned this earlier but so cane watches you get beat and it played very well because again he was showing No emotion. It was almost like he didn't realize that not like he didn't realize but like he didn't realize that you guys were like and item together and the crowd was begging for came because they were just watching you get B and then came was just like, you know, okay and then he eventually comes in he act like he's gonna choke slam you and then in the end he slams you on top of Jeff Jarrett looking like it was accidental on his portion, but ended up helping you guys get the win. So the the finish for this was great and I think it was one of the most creative finishes that I Recall seeing just because it played so out with the character and The Accidental way that it happened and the crowd pop huge for this it was insane. So with this, how did you feel knowing you guys were going to get the tag team titles? And we've did you already knew this going in? I mean we obviously we know are going into the marriage like right like when the idea was first pitch. I mean, I don't know. I don't remember. I honestly don't remember any big sit-down and hey, okay. So, you know after WrestleMania here, this is what we have for you like it might have been that but it doesn't stick out my mind, you know as something that I remember. Yeah, I just Obviously we had two runs with the title. So You know, I mean it was it was working. So hey, why do we why do we Veer off course on that? I'm right, you know, so I don't know and then you also had the post-match interview where there was just you by yourself with the bout and you're like, I don't know where canes at. Yeah. And so one thing that sticks out of my mind about that match and that finished was when when I got back my finish by the way. Fuck that girl over there. Austin came up to me and really put it over huge because it was he said to me and that was such a feel-good finish because you know, everything's going great and shit, you know, he grabs me and Google's me again and you know, and so it just kind of everybody off guard right? Not this again. Oh shit. It right. So yeah any goes back to what I say about any time you can like catch people off guard or fool them or trick that like in a good way like its that's those are the really cool things in wrestling to me. Sure. So yeah, I just remember Austin really liking that so yeah, and I remember I don't specifically remember that for a while afterwards. Oh you were just basically saying like Don't know where canes that this and that it was really quick. But it was just funny because I like that in the end. You guys didn't do the okay. We're celebrating, you know, and he's you know, just standing there but it made more sense that you know, he's off. He's mysterious. He's doing whatever Kane would be doing on his own, you know, so I thought that was a unique touch. So now after this you guys defended the titles against various teams, including your rematch with Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart's Triple H and The Rock then uh, Outlaws Edge and grain Grail, but with this, While this was all going on Artie's. Well, this was all going on to Triple H. Oh, you know was with the corporation really was in the middle of his King of the Ring push and so DX sort of faded into the background. So with this when was it decided that, you know, you guys would be steering away from DX. And was there did you feel like any sort of how did you feel when you became successful with Kane and essentially on your own without 2dx, huh? I don't remember thinking, you know, you know, I don't remember thinking about it like that. I just remember. Okay, this is going gray and I still felt like we were in D act like I still can't the music and you know, I came on did the entrance and I don't know and also I I don't know that that's it. Shouldn't be that hard of a question than these. Sorry. No, it's obviously when you were with NWO and then afterwards, you know, you came into WB and we talked about this last week where you came in and you said, you know, you obviously you had that hype with you know, coming off of that and going into DX and now you're part of this DX faction. Okay, and now you're separating from that and No, now we're seeing more of its kind of just he and I on our own and what exactly so but don't fine with it. I was curious crate. We were having a nice run and and I enjoyed them, you know the matches we were having and you know, it was and I just really love, you know, I've talked about this before that. He's my favorite partner of all my partner's like I just like the stuff that we did like the like Just stuff we created like the the moments and you know the matches and all that. I just it's my favorite just for like creative reasons and and really proud of some of those matches we had, you know, so you got to talk about a few of them and I think you also mentioned this when we had a jungle boy and muchas Horas and you also mentioned A nice sauce or salt like a correlation between your team with Kane and jungle boy and muchas Horas as well. Absolutely, you know their relationship. Yeah, not nice. I mean as much as the in-ring stuff like it's the relationship the dynamic between the two of you know, I really like A lot actually, yeah, absolutely you guys I think one of the one of the best things about that team is that you guys complemented each other. So, well not only in the ring but also character-wise the fact that that you were so kind of all over the place and had so much energy and this, you know, like basically like Michael Myers kind of character and helped humanize the both of you but also you don't typically see teams of of your guys a Styles, you know teaming together. I think that that helps I didn't like A lot of the stuff we did like I just kind of did out there and then so cane reacted as Cain like I remember one time on the ramp on the way up the ramp. He saved me or something and I gave him a big hug, you know, and that was just I did I just did like a diploid like, you know wonder what would I do right now? I don't get a hug and just the way it all played out the way he reacted to it and the way that the way they shot it and the way just just a presentation of it. I just Yeah, ever since you know, people are emotionally invested and us as a team. Yeah, you know, I relationship seemed to really authentic, you know, it's interesting to me that you mentioned that you know, you guys came up with a lot of this stuff because that was actually going to be my original question as in how you guys came up with this sort of dynamic for you guys to work together. So well, so, you know when bouncing ideas back and forth with each other, you know, was it very easy to sort of, you know, come up with things working with Glen like this very very What would you say that you brought and that he brought like that was differently or the same or that you guys both had in common ideas. You wanted to push forward. I don't remember what he brought was. He's six foot ten. And you know, I just in just do when he brought ones like Kane, you know, he brought cane to the to the equation and you know, it was so easy to come up with ideas, and it was just God it was just so many different possibilities out and just I don't know. I just I can see I always went into it like like I never went into and you can remember might remember when he was on the show we talked about this. I always went into on how we can feature Glenn Howard Hughes the stars back for a lot of stuff that you would vouch for him or or stick. For him, I forgot the exact words about yeah, I would yeah, I would yeah, I would take a bullet or like that's not the right where I would like I would like, you know wrap my fists and dip my hands and you know tar and dip them in broken glass and go in and fight when it came to you know, if they were doing something that wasn't right for Cain. Hmm. So and was it something that you just knew like in your gut like this isn't right to do or what? Or was it something that he expressed to you privately like, oh, I'm not a big fan of this. Oh, you didn't have to he didn't have to okay never once. Nope. I always knew and that was a lot of that with stuff that he was doing on a singles basis to you know, and did he know that you would go and you know stick out for him or was it something that he found out? No words, you know if your friends gonna go out there and speak up for you. You I mean if I was the person I would be like, oh, maybe we baby. Maybe you shouldn't was right so fat. She wasn't being selfish about things. It was just that didn't make sense and you know wasn't wasn't right, but ya know tell you think it's some specifics damn it. I wish I wasn't was there anything that they pitch to you that you can remember that was like hmm. No, no II there were things but it wasn't that hard sure how because I made sense because you know when you're right about things and and that like, you know, it was just okay, you're right most of the time right and you've you got it wasn't me going in there. Like, you know, what about Mimi Mimi sure it was No, this is wrong for him. Exactly. And I think with that cane with the cane character with characters like that. It's such a delicate balance. Like it's easy to mess that up and and make the carrot make the audience not take them seriously anymore. So it's a tough line to watch. So there was a there was a brief period of time there were Glenn. He got hurt he heard so I can remember what he heard elbow or something and he dropped some weight and it was noticeable and so, you know a couple of The people in Creative started trying to book him. Like he wasn't fucking monster anymore because it was those some kind of knows I'm so he still he still Kane, right? Yeah, you know, he's a supernatural beat. I got mean he's no we don't Veer off course because he dropped 15 pounds. Yeah, you know, that was Terry Taylor. I had that argument with who I love very much. Yeah, it was wrong. I guess we found one of those instances before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. 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I don't recollect any of that. No, Do you think it would have worked? No, no, not at all. No, it wasn't necessary because I mean he almost kind of was right ya know. So do you think that because I was also thinking, you know, obviously you and came were super popular. Do you think DX could have worked with you Kane? Roadog? No, Triple H. No China no Billy Gunn know even with given how it like know you taking leadership. Ever no, I mean I kind of was a little bit because we did this thing like fight for the rights to DX. Right? What are you ever that versus China and Billy? Yeah, and I think Paul might have been in on that too. I can't remember anyways, so no no and we were always very protective of you know, I've talked about this before when when Paul first turned on me like Russo immediately wanted to Fill his fill that hole in val venis. So interesting this fill that all about Yeah, so it would just know we were very careful and and when I came to that we're going to I mean it was enough enough of the changing around when when Sean left went on the shelf and we added myself and billion buying. Okay that was You don't like you don't want three or four different fucking versions of a band to my oh, you don't want like The Horseman right? Because I think there was a lot of Horsemen there was I think I counted the other day. I think there were like 16 of the Four Horsemen. Yeah. Is that what exactly I read something 16 for hours. So, okay. Let's talk about your first title drop then so you guys lost the titles. Acolytes, it still remained a team though, which is surprising because you know so many times where two guys are thrown together nowadays, you know II they lose you might just see them drift apart, but you guys didn't go popular act. And also we were making a fuckload of money for them or two dice wise. Oh nice. Yeah. Yeah. I saw a list. It was like mm actually by the time who Kane and I were like number four and five in the country. Company. Oh as far as merch Rock therefore. Could Stone Cold? Yeah, you know, there's your four or five or five or six something like that. Totally. Yeah, either way that was that the very top that's awesome. According to Meltzer. Hey, you know you laugh or whatever but when it comes to figures and numbers, like I believe are Dave's on the fucking money on all five always has been but Okay. Yeah, I just I don't remember who we worked with, you know, after we lost titles and you guys had various various matches various different opponents. Yeah. Yeah and how long before we want him back August 9th you have and then you have them for three weeks and then you lost them again. You lost them to Undertaker and Big Show. Yeah, and it was it was just actually during this time that Triple H won the WWF title at SummerSlam and began to reform. That he as a heel and the heel faction. Yeah, and we started telling the story of you know, okay who's Billy back involved? Yeah, Billy Billy Russell. Yeah, you know, I started kind of hanging out with those guys again and he but I'll actually pull him really jumping up. Are you missing the stuff where I do the stuff with the Undertaker and Kane shoots me with the fireball. Yeah. Let's talk about that. Did you? I have everything in a different. I have more things in terms of topics and questions Forum. It added a formatted a little differently this time. Okay. So was that after you guys had beat the acolytes for the titles four to one of the second time when I got shot of the playable? Yeah. It must have been around the time when you know leading up to the stuff with taker guy. Okay tinkering and Big Show. Hmm. So yeah. Where we talk about the Fireball and all of that. So now tell us how that all played out and you know, the where the idea came from how you felt? I don't remember I just remember. Yeah, there it is God. That's a great match. I had a match and I think it was in Dallas American Airlines Arena, but I had a match with Taker and it was real quick. I like some happened in the corner. I'd chop I speak kicked him and like busted his fucking mouth open. It was crazy. And I he grabbed me and threw me in the corner and fucking let me up and bust like I mean the chip we were both but like I had a big black guy and his fucking mouth was bleeding over a 30 second man, right boom down I go and like Cannes music cane Boom the fire everything out. He comes takers hold. By the hair and King goes to shoot taker with the Fireball and came to our take a turns and you know, he hits hits me on accident and I saw the fuck up and I'm screaming and I'm blind or whatever I can but yeah, and I've talked about this on my Twitter account because you know people ask me how did you do that? And the basic answer is he just shot me in the face with the fireball? There's no I had a little bit of flame-retardant. Gel my hair. Okay, you know but and you know over the face kind of like a sunscreen sure almost but I mean that's still the fireball hit week. You worried that you know, this may go wrong. No, I mean, you know, it's it's in the back your mind. It might but it's like you can't be worried about that kind of thing because then shit will get fucked up. You will get hurt right. So you just deal with those things, you know, if Happen so you didn't even you weren't thinking like twice about because I mean imagine like this is fire coming to your face, you know, your face is everything but it's for its there's a reason we're doing it and we're doing it to make money and we're doing it for this, you know this television segment. We're trying to make good TV, and I was more like it was more important for me to make good TV and be involved in making, you know stuff. Memorable moments. Yeah, totally know and something like this. Yeah, you never forget something like that. So yeah, it's just it's weird. Like it's just it's different now. Right right. I mean that not as much of that happened, um, because that's kind of like they kind of shy away from getting real heat these days. I think they might they're going to start going back to it because I mean gone no not changing the subject. If you watch what Bach did to Ray last night, that's real heat. Sure. Sure. That's that's real heat that they've shied away from well and I think and not to not to go even further off topic but I think what they're doing with with Bray Wyatt with the fiend is reminiscent of what they were doing with cane around 97 98 99. I'm protecting that character not willing to go anywhere wrong with it. You know that sort of thing. Yeah. I don't Sean. I remember you telling a story. It's one of these. I don't know if it was during The Kane Show or when you were talking about what muchas Horas or jungle boy where? You said that with Kane that you would go out and you would get like I forgot you said you would get really hurt her or something happened to you each and every single night or something that you have anyone every tell that story are clear because I was just thinking about that wrong. That's actually and I don't even want to there was a certain tag team that we worked with like on a nightly basis. Okay, and there was a certain spot in the match where I got knocked out every night and I fucking knew it was coming every night. I still did it. I was remembering that you knew was coming. Can't remember exactly what it was. I'm not gonna name names because I don't want to make that person feel bad with her when I fucking kicked him every bit as hard as they fucking did me. I just I tell I took it I took it hard and you know, I could have said something or I could have just not taken it so hard right? Well, it was just like a little guy here Echoes part where I get knocked out again. She's a fucking every night goddamn. So how did you feel when Kane when Kane spoke and when the idea came about that it was going to happen. Huh? I don't know. It's just part of the thing and okay, that's what they want to do. And so okay, how are we going to do it and we didn't realize we didn't rehearse we didn't we just say, okay. This is what we're going to do when out there and it was like Brian said something or whatever. We want the belts and those guys came out and I celebrate it with us and then I was just kind of had that but I didn't say and you know You know, I just remember him going to talk with the voice box and I'm like, you know, hmm. Anyways, I got the car worked up they were into it. Yeah. Oh, I remember those those moments vividly because they did such a good job in pushing him as the sun. Yeah. I'm stir that like it was a big moment at all. It was was him just gone suck it without the fucking voice box right now created such a memorable moment is huge. Yeah and like Hard for me to look at like that sometime because I just what we did we were them that maybe don't know what okay, wait, we just had look. Okay, that was at the Allstate Arena and you know, a lot of us have talked about that. That's the best building crowd reaction was there is anywhere and that night it would never exception Rags exceptionally exceptionally. Lively that was the same night Jericho debuted as well. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Also just Ventura was there Snoop Dogg was there too. Oh my gosh. Yeah because we rode me and Road Dogg and Godfather and a couple other people and Snoop Dogg are in this room and we're all smoking this joint and and this is back in 1999. Yeah, and you know Chicago not LA and just Venture anyways, Marissa Shane's wife is standing outside with the spray like trying to get the smell out of the fucking hallway Here Comes Jesse Ventura Governor Ventura smells good in here. And anyways, you know, so it was like we just had to smoke pot with Snoop Dogg's so but yeah, but yeah, I remember I think part of the reason reason that moment resonated with me so well is because it reminded me of when take our first spoke when he was on the funeral parlor. Yeah, and it's those moments when those characters speak for the first time, you know, you don't forget those. Yeah, it's crazy because I feel like Keynes had like, you know because he also had that moment like I like also one of the things that always remember that I remember was when Kane first unmask to and it's you hated it. Well, I'm not sure I took his mask and I'll be you know that yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I remember like but it's funny because like It's crazy how like those little moments like, you know, just having those little moments and making them like a real big deal and having people like really like get excited about those things, you know sure it's so that talking about taking the mask up like everyone wants to see what's under the mask but then afterwards it's like, you know, it's been with the mask on nothing. Yeah. Nothing will ever live up to me. Yeah. It's like there's like there's like a line from the movie Seven. That's long ago. Those lines like it'll never live up to what you built up in your mind. Yeah. All right. So let's talk about the part. Okay. So you're you're you're back with DX but you're still sort of, you know, telling Kane like, you know, we're still buddies like we're still Bros we talked about we talked about the Summer Slam match yet and all that where we lose the belt. Yeah. I mentioned it earlier. Yeah, but like let's go ahead and talk about you guys. Okay, so you guys really won the titles on August 9 gets had them for a while and then you lost them to Undertaker and Big Show. Yeah. So the sum Slam that year was in my hometown and Minneapolis. So that was a big deal for me. So, you know, we were kind of we were like the second some someone Mala and so there was a three-way I think you know, it was Hunter and Hunter and Mankind and Austin or something. I think so. Yeah, I would venture Jesse's the red special rough. Hmm. And he was D just become the governor. So there was a big you know, Now it's a huge deal Rusty Venture. Right all of a sudden like before, you know one would you couldn't even say his name around there then became governor and his buddy Jesse Yeah. I was yeah, so I really enjoyed the build-up for that for that match, you know, because we were featured, you know strongly on TV and it worked good with those. I really liked working with Taker and I like I really liked working with show to there's a there's a point and hold my God take her got so fucking mad at show like show did this thing? I'm laying on my back and he kind of likes stepped on me, but he was trying not to hurt me. So it really really looked like he was trying not to hurt me fucking take it just ripped him a new one. What the fuck was that mean? You convert like oddly here. I will. What the fuck was that? He was mad and then I'm like don't get like he's gonna fucking bike overcompensating. I started coming to the fucking man. So and we did like was a fun match. Yeah, we did it finish where show gives me the chokeslam. Everyone thinks it's that's it. And then you know Shadow covers me with this foot on my chest and I kick out the place goes, you know, if I can pop huge and then take care of this comes in gets mad at show. There was like it was part of the storyline, but part real at the same time his day were some brow being it going on when it came to show. I'll try anything. Yeah. Yeah, cuz that that storyline have taken mentoring him was kind of shoot Tom. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Anyways, I remember boo boo facing boo boo facing means pouting because we were losing the titles my hometown, right? I remember going can we just can we do something that you know, yeah, no Lord Varys by that. It wasn't a big deal wasn't like, you know, I don't walk around pouting all day. Like you should have known for one thing. I mean, you know, PVH is never one of their own Hometown. I was gonna say nowadays, but they never seemed so yeah, but yeah, so anyways after that not long after that. We started planting the seed for the big turn. Yeah. Okay, so, you know, all right, so you essentially okay. So you're back with DX and you know, you're still sort of, you know, playing it off with canine, you know, you guys are still buddies. We're still you know, we're still broke and all of that stuff and heats, you know feeling reassured but then you turn on Him, so I thought the stuff like the the segment's where I'm telling him. There's nothing to worry about. I thought that was a really good. Yeah, they were they were you know, they were very they didn't come out because there was no scripted lines. It was just say something about the and so it was all just our words my words, you know, I think it kind of felt relatable because you know you and we all have all been, you know in the school yard with our friends and you know, we think someone's our friend and they have our back but then they get with the cool kids and they forget Out you and I was thinking about that. I was like that is so sad and I think that really resonates with people in terms of feeling that feeling that with Kinks You know, they can probably relate to you know, bully days in school and stuff like that and I can't remember at what point he picked up. He got in a relationship with Tori right on on screen, you know relationship, but somewhere along the lines she became as his girlfriend. Turn right and so ya are. Our so what was that was the situation what Matt? I mean he had a match and that's when I came out and turned on him and did The expiratory Christmas Story Time? How is here? Yeah, but how did you because it was pretty like watching that like you can't help but to think man, that is so messed up, you know. And it was kind of like well, I think you said that people were asking like, why did you do it? Why did you do it because you can't help it but you know because if you put yourself in this mind, we're like Kane, you know, he's a monster. He's the guy with the mask. No girls gonna date him and then he finally gets his girlfriend and you know, it's this big hoorah and then you know you he has X Buddy goes ahead and just take some fresh air that's from him. Excuse me. So tell us about how that whole thing played out in terms of like the idea how you felt about it how he felt about it all love that. I wish I could I wish I knew like I wish I could I wish I had like a vivid memory like this was all laid out. I just remember it all kind of unfolding but gradually it seemed like it didn't seem like it was just overnight. I can't seem like we took our time with this shit. Did you like the idea when you're first pitch that you're like, yeah 31, let's do it. Yeah. Yeah and like all the whole you saw the segment where we got them down in the corner, you know made them like basically suffer and watch yeah. Yeah. My kids were confused when they saw that what was their reaction? I just remember like my lifetime going, you know, like stay with confused by them. I what do you want watch right? Yeah. So, how did you explain that or remember? What did they think they were just like, why is he doing this? They seen some things that confused them a lot more than that to knees around that time. So, right yeah, unfortunately. Yeah, it was just I don't remember I just and it was all my stuff. I came up with this laptop my head like that whole Christmas Story thing and it was right around Christmas time and it wasn't so much like how I said it was just that it was the situation right and like the Venom and like that. you know, so it wasn't the word that was like two fucking the tone and it's a Venom that voice just like Yeah, there's a picture right there. We shouldn't use handcuffs. Right? What the fuck? Anyways. Yeah, I tell you people want to even after that a few was finished. Like when we came back and did the 2002 NWO mmm, he would come out and people would still go fucking crazy when he would come out after me and a few was was done, you know. Anyways, yeah about like let's get back to the okay. So there was that T's though that came would eventually joined the heel the heel faction of DX was that ever going to happen or was it just like a tease? No. Yeah, and it wasn't really like it wasn't really a DX that wasn't really a necessarily a heel DX yet was it it was already like you guys were already healed. So yeah because it had been started since when Triple H. Formed it, okay. Yeah, but there was some kind of gray area there. Yeah, and it's funny because I was going to actually ask you this was going to be one of my questions but I'll just go ahead and ask you now. Okay, so I was considered a lines were blurred between heel and face during this period so do you think you guys could have stuck around as a tag team for more while still doing the DX stuff or was it the right time to turn there was the right time? Okay. It's exactly the right time. Yeah, and like all the stuff that came from that like it was all I was. Farewell, I really proud of all that stuff too. What's the dynamic difficult for you being the smaller wrestler being the heel considering it's usually the opposite way. What can you tell us about that? Yeah, it's just on top of just your average guy that size, you know as a baby face keeping a guy like that in trouble being able so I've talked about this and I taught its advice I give to a lot of people now own a PC actually like especially because there's a lot of matches these days with you no disparity in size and like if if if you're a smaller guy that wants to be successful working with bigger guys. You have to come up with creative ways for them to stop themselves. As opposed to all the sudden when it's time to get heat on you. Just stop them like when he's like seven feet when he's a football on you and outweighs You by 200 pounds right? It's much better if you move out of the way and he crashes and burns and that's how like that's how you shut them down. Hmm. It just it makes more sense in it helps. It just makes it more credible. Yeah. So like always had a lot of those creative ways of doing things like that. And so yeah, and on top of that he was you know, like a carbon copy of The Undertaker when it came to how he sold things, you know, you hit him with something even big two seconds later. He's sitting up and fuck on his way back up and it's yeah, it was a lot of work it was A lot of work and I used to just I used to you know used to use anything I could to get there. You know, I got I've talked about this before I he went to the hospital like two three nights in a row or two three matches in a row because I kept busting him open like with different things and fucking ring bell dings like that. And you know, he was nice guy to want to make me feel bad to even tell me so then I fucking hit him again Tanaka, you know. You're so bad. Yeah, so yeah, but it was. I remember one time I had I was poked in the main event. It was on a house show and it was like Iowa. It was Davenport, Iowa, something like that. And so I'm coming from home. It wasn't already on the road coming from home. You know, I don't know why it was late. And and anyways, I ended up missing every flight. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm in the main event cage match rush. I saw it Shone like a fuck. You know, it can't there's no way I'm going to make it. Yeah and So I'm about to call him and you know, tell him I can't make it and and I fucking owe Lou stop. That's Lulu everybody interrupting me. See where was I? Yeah, thanks for interrupted Lou. You're about to call him and say yeah make it. Yeah, and then so what ended up doing was calling and say I'm going to be late. Wait, and I've drove to something called a signature terminal and I rented my own plane. Yeah, I did fly it myself right here, you know turning my own flight and I made it. I got off the plane. I got in the taxi. I fucking change my into my gear in the taxi and legit. This isn't I'm not making this part up like as soon as I got there my music was playing. Oh my God. Yeah, did you even have like a moment to like put yourself? Like okay. I gotta go on now, you know turn yourself on it already like you know that the hold on stalled enough. Yeah, and so my my payoff is about half half the cost of the flight and I told the story, you know, I just said hey, that's my bad. I fucking you know. No. - the flight and that's and but they were you know, Jim Ross was he was impressed with you know, I was about to give up on getting there and you know, no matter what I was going to get there. Even if it cost me way more than I made that night. Yeah, I guess how many people would think well, let me get my own plane, right? You know, most people would yeah exactly when you're at when you're counted on to be you know, you know main events in that you have to do whatever and if anyway so Jim Ross sent me the money. Yeah, they pay people. Yeah, there was roughly was double double what I made that and I was like I had to fight cause like 3,500 bucks. I think my payoff it was a smaller town. So if that right my pay I was like 17 or 16 hundred bucks, which is a that's a that's a lope pay up and it was a really small. So was this beer see Tom? So anyways boy, I really fucking took a lot of time to tell that my own plane. Okay, so, you know, we're talking about basically the yeah, like you basically chartoff, you know, finding a way to really get over as a heel being the smaller guy and you know that sort of thing. So now Armageddon 1999 you guys have your match against one another. Yeah. That girl. Is this the cage match? Yeah the Armageddon match. Yeah, that's great the cage match, right? We're talking about right? Yeah. yeah, we did some stuff and and Tori was involved in the in the finishing like or just in the match and Shit, I'm trying to think anyway, so so I added stipulations on a cage match because in WWE, you know, there's been a couple of different ways. They've done cage match right there. And you know, we used to have that big big blue metal cage, you know fucking hurt like if you just barely hit run into a kill you anyways, it just wasn't it wasn't a very good. Oh my God Lu sorry. She's ready to go. She's like I'm out. Oh. Anyways, where was I jeongmi VA, they used to have old blue cage. Okay. So yeah, anyways different rules for the cage matches that used to be so it was a way for you to get out of a match without having to do a job check blow a feud off, right? So sorry everybody had you out. Oh my God, so you're talking about the the rules of the cage match and how you can kind of get around not doing a job. Yeah. That was what that was why they did cage matches like that. Where are you didn't get Right, right. So but we combine the two for this I combined the stipulation was I could Kane he had to pin me that's that's only way he could win the cage match, but I could also win by escaping the cage and my feet touching the ground gotta okay? Yeah, so that way we did some really cool false finishers to where I'm climbing out over the top and Kane climbs out the door and and get and meets me as I'm climbing down and I land on his shoulders and he grabs me and he brings me back to the door and tells me oh interesting. Okay. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, and they did a pretty good job of explaining the rules during the match. Mmm and ya know we did some watch him. Yeah, I hit him with the I didn't want my finish in a chair and different things. I just remember. Oh, yeah, we I handcuffed him. Yeah, he handcuffed him. He broke the handcuffs. I think so when you're re watching your stuff. Can you remember what's going through your mind? Like right now watching what you're doing here at can you recall like what you're thinking at the moment with this chair? Oh my God, this is so bad you guys. Yeah, I don't want to ask him how these chair shots fault goddamn. It was so bad. But yeah. So anyways, where was I? Yeah, he gave me the eventually when he turned me back and he climbed to the top of the cage and he gave me the instead of off the top rope. He gave me the big flying clothesline his signature clothes on sure off the top of the cage and then it's me what A tombstone are like that was perfect. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. That's awesome. Wow, I hadn't turned on. Get sorry The X Factor. Oh, I hadn't stole her from him yet interesting. So oh shit. So this is where this is where I'm a little confused. When I remember he was is when I turned on him, that's when I when I took her but actually I turned on him and then you guys had a little bit of a program you'd and then then he got the girlfriend and then I took the oh my God, I'm sorry everybody. How are you? Buddy. All right. Okay. Oh my God, I can't believe I remembered that wrong after being concussed a thousand times in my life. So yeah. All right. So how in terms of your singles feared do you like how everything played out or do you wish you guys would have had that singles singles match head-to-head WrestleMania. Both of you instead of having it be a tag team, huh? It was We didn't have the blow-up. I wanted I would have liked sure but we got a lot out of it like by the time it a drug on a little bit too long. And and I did want I did want to have this big blow off match with him at Mania right and they wanted me to work with Jericho. I see and I wanted to have this big like exploding by fire like, you know, He's Deathmatch fire. Shy explosions. Like I wanted to die. My vision was this kind of a match where he beats me in. Yeah, because it was the Fire theme, right? Exactly and by that time yeah, you guys would already used Fireballs you guys had already done a cage. Where do you go from there except for a big kind of gimmick blow off? Yeah. So yeah wish that could happen and it didn't but still yeah it was I look at this and I'm Proud of that whole thing. Yeah. It's to have a meaning fuel remaining fuel meaningful successful, you know Feud like that with you know, somebody my size, you know that came the character like Kane sure. I'm pretty proud of that. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, it's it was a great story all the way, you know, because it was built it like even after I was gone for a while and came back and They brought the NWO n and you know, then when I came back and you know cracked Hogan over to have it the chair, you know, we became you know, this WL for a little bit. Mmm. There was that built-in storyline with Kane that we were able to capitalize on there. So we had a six man. The Scott Calvin and I versus Rock Hogan and Kane and I actually like is featured right they both Hogan and Hogan and rock both feature Kane and Kane at the and like once he gets his hands on me and place goes knots and he he beats me. You know, I get for the Bronco Buster. He catches me out of the Bronco Buster the chokeslam and so, you know anyways, so we got a lot of mileage out of this whole thing, you know. It was technically over and even to the point where Kane was in the gym and he was doing shrugs. And just a freakish accident like somebody did a lot he towards bicep really bad. So to finish everything off. We did a you know to put a button on it, you know, my soul it all up. Jumped him in the back and took his mask off and wears masks on TV for I don't know a couple weeks a month or whatever. Yeah, and that was it. Nice. That's awesome. Yeah, how do you feel like looking back at all of that? Really grateful because you know as much as Glenn says, you know how good that was for him and his career sing for me. You know, I was it's exactly what I'd there's me anyways, so yeah, it was great for me at the time. Yeah. You just have that that singles program. Like I was saying with a guy like Glenn, you know with that kind of character in that. Yeah, proud of it. Yeah, very proud of it. All right, I've said I'm proud of it enough. That's awesome. It's just I just my favorite and for so many reasons. I think we got like pro wrestling Illustrated Tag Team of the Year or something. I am maybe two years in a row. All right, cool. Let's go. Sorry. I like it. All right, what else that's about it what we have right now? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I appreciate everybody tune in for that. Yeah, everyone tune in everyone voting everyone. That's that's you know, sending out ideas for topics. It helps us a lot for sure my suggest going back and re watching the Kate episode. I'm going to repost that on Twitter or so that people can kind of go back and I think it would be a nice one to watch along with this year. So we get his perspective. a little Disturbed that I would like my memory failed me on like the Tory stuff and You know that that anyways, yeah. All right, that's fine. We got it covered. Alright guys, don't forget to subscribe xpac Xbox One to 360 Show Twitter Instagram, make sure to check us out there as well, right everyone. We'll see you right here next week for did you already give yours a timeout? He's p.m. A Twitter Instagram, all that stuff. You guys already know one. I'll see you next week. Bye. The entire ex parte 1 2 3 60 staff. Thank you for tuning into Xbox One to 360.
Sean reflects on his epic partnership with Kane from beginning to end. Sean “X-Pac” Waltman and Co-founder of AfterBuzz TV Keven Undergaro have teamed up to bring a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. AfterBuzz TV presents Xpac12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. About The Show: AfterBuzz Tv's Keven Undergaro alongside Sean “X-Pac” Waltman bring you a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. AfterBuzz TV presents X-Pac 12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. With X-Pac, guests are just friends hanging out having a chat about old times and new frontiers. Listening to these conversations will make you feel like you are a fly on the locker room, green room, or bar wall. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello, my darling. I need to tell you about our sponsor anchor dot f m. Anchor is a podcast creation and distribution tool. And it gives you everything you need to record edit. Plus they'll distribute your podcast to all of the major channels including Spotify Apple podcasts and Google podcasts free of charge you can make money with no minimum listenership and it couldn't be easier. Download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started sweet dreams. Hello my darling welcome to another epic length project as with the others, please relax feel free to drift off to sleep. There will be many parts and hopefully you'll fall asleep to all of them as well. I went to give a special shout out and thank you to Joseph. Joe requested this book as our next long project. And Joe, thank you for your support. Paradise Lost was written by John Milton in 1667. It is an epic poem in blank verse. It was originally published in 10 books with over 10,000 lines of verse. The addition will be reading which was arranged into the new format in 1674 contains 12 books. And this current translation was done by Project Gutenberg the blank verse and clever wordplay of Milton does make for a difficult read However, I will do my very best to make this story come to life for you and perhaps help you Drift Off to Sleep Book 1. Of Man's first Disobedience and the fruit of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste brought death into the world and all our woe. With loss of Eden till one greater man restore us and regain the Blissful scenes seeing Heavenly Muse that on the secret top of orap or of Sinai didst Inspire that Shepherd who first taught the chosen seed in the beginning how the heavens and earth rose out of Chaos. Silent Hill 2 Light Beam or in Saint Louis broke that load fast by the Oracle of God and thence invoke thy Aid to my adventurous song. That was no middle flight intends to soar above the aonian mount while it pursues things unattempted yet in prose and rhyme. And chiefly thou own spirit that tast prefer before all temples the upright of heart and pure instruct me for thou knowest thou from the First lost present and with Mighty Wings outspread dove-like saddest brooding on the vast abyss and mad'st it pregnant. What in me is dark illuminate. What is low raise and support that to the height of this great argument? I may assert Eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to men say first for heaven hides nothing from thy view nor the Deep tracked of he'll say first would cause moved our grandparents in that Happy State. They've heard of heaven so highly to fall off from their creator and transgress his will from one restraint Lords of the world besides who first seduced them to that phone of alt The Infernal serpent. He it was whose guile stirred up with envy and revenge to see to the mother of mankind what time his pride had cast him out from And with all his host of Rebel Angels by whose Aid aspiring to set himself in glory above his peers. He trusted to have equaled the most high if he opposed and with ambitious aim against the throne and monarchy of God raised and bias war in heaven and battle proud with vain attempt. Him the almighty power hurled headlong flaming from the Eternal sky with Hideous ruin and combustion down to bottomless Perdition there to 12 and adamantine chains and penal fire Who Dares defy the omnipotent arms. Nine times the space that measures day and night to Mortal Men He with his horrid crew lay vanquished rolling in the fiery golf confounded though Immortal, but it's Doom reversed him two more wrath for now the thought both of lost happiness and Lasting pain torments him round. He throws his baleful eyes that witnessed huge Affliction and dismay. mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate at once as far as angels can Heap use the Dismal situation waste and wild the dungeon horrible on all sides around as one great furnace blamed it from those Flames no light but rather Darkness visible served only to discover sites of whoa regions of Sorrow doleful shades for peace and Best can never dwell never comes that comes to all but torture Without End still urges and a fiery Deluge fed with ever burning sulfur unconsumed. Such place Eternal justice has prepared for those rebellious here their prison ordained and utter darkness and their portion set as far removed from God and Light Of Heaven as from the center Thrice to the utmost Pole. Oh how and like the place from whence they fell. They're the companions of his fall overwhelmed with floods and whirlwinds of to pissed you Aspire. He soon discerns and weltering by his side one next himself in power and next in Grime long after known in Palestine and named be Hazel bub. Totally archenemy and vents in heaven called Satan with bold words breaking the horde silence thus began. If thou besties but oh how Fallen how changed from him who they happy Realms of light clothed with Transcendent brightness. Did Stout shine Marianne's though bright if he who Mutual League United thoughts and councils, it will help and hazard in the Glorious Enterprise joined with me once Now misery hath joined equal ruin into what pit thou seist from what height fallen so much the stronger proved he with his thunder until then no new the force of those dire arms yet not for those not what the potent Victor and his rage can else inflict. Do I repent or change? Now changed and outward luster that fixed mind and high disdain from the sense of injured Merit. That with the mightiest raised me to contend and to the fierce contentions brought along innumerable force of spirits armed that Durst is like his Reign and me preferring his utmost power with adverse power opposed in dubious battle on the plains of Heaven. And Chuck his throne. What does the field be lost? All is not lost. The unconquerable will and study of Revenge Immortal hate encourage. Never to submit or yield. And what else not be overcome That Glory never shall his wrath or might extort for me to Bow and sue for Grace with suppliant knee and deify has power who from the terror of his arm. So late doubted his Empire. That were low indeed that were and ignominy and shame beneath this downfall since by faith the strength of gods and this Imperial substance cannot fail since through experience of this great event in arms not worse in for side much advanced. We met with more successful. Hope resolved wage by force or guile Eternal War. Irreconcilable to our grand follow who now triumphs in the excess of Joy. So raining holds the Tyrant of Heaven So spake the apostate Angel though in pain wanting allowed but racked with deep Despair and him thus answer'd soon is bold compeer. Oh Prince. Oh chief of many Throne powers that led the embattled seraphim to War under the I conduct and in Dreadful Deeds Fearless endangered Heavens Perpetual King and put to prove as high Supremacy whether upheld by strength or chance or fate. To well, I see Andrew dire event that was sad overthrow and fouled feet hath lost us heaven and all this Mighty host in horrible destruction laid the slow as far as gods and Heavenly Essences can perish for the Mind and Spirit remains invincible. And vigor soon returns though all our Glory extinct and happy State here swallowed up in Endless misery. But what if he are konqueror whom I now of force believe o Mighty since no less than such could have overpowered such a force is ours have left us this our spirit and strength entire strongly to suffer and support our pains. That we may so suffice his vengeful ire or do him mightier Service as his thralls by right of or whatever his business be here in the heart of Hell to work in fire or do his errands in the gloomy deep. What can a veil of yet we feel strength undiminished or Eternal being to undergo Eternal punishment? We're two with Speedy words the archfiend replied. Fallen chair up to be weak his miserable doing her suffering, but of this to be sure to do aught. Good never will be our task. But ever to do ill or sole Delight as being the contrary to his high will only resist if then his Providence out of our evil seek to bring forth good or labor must be to pervert that end and out of good still to find means of evil which ofttimes may succeed so as perhaps shall grieve. If I fail not and disturb his inmost councils from their destined aim, but see the angry Victor hath recalled his Ministers of Vengeance and pursuit back to the Gates of Heaven the sulfurous hail shot after us in storm overblown hath laid the fiery surge that from the precipice of heaven received us. falling And the Thunder winged with red lightning and impetuous rage, perhaps have spent his shafts and ceases down to below through the vast and boundless deep. Let us not slip the occasion whether scorn or say she puree yielded from our foe seest thou laundry plain forlorn and Wild. the seed of desolation void of light save what the glimmering of these live in Planes casts pale and Dreadful That their last tent from off the tossing of these firing waves their rest, if any rest, can Harbor there and reassembling are afflicted Powers consult how we met henceforth most offend our enemy. Our own Los Al repair how overcome this dire calamity. What reinforcement we may gain from Hope if not, what resolution from despair the Satan taking to his nearest mate with Head Up Lift above the wave and eyes that sparkling placed. His other parts besides prone on the flood extended long and large like floating many rude in bulk. as huge as whom the people's name of monstrous size titanian on earth born that Lord on jove Briar Rose or Typhon home the den of ancient Tarsus held for that Sea Beast Leviathan which God of all his works created hugest that swim the ocean stream him at least lumbering on the Norway foam the pilot of some small night foundered skiff deeming some Island oft as him until with fixed anger in his scaly rind Moore's by his side under the LIE All night invest the sea and wished more and delays so stretched out huge and lengthy archfiend play chained on burning Lake nor evidence had risen or heaved his head. But that the will and high permission of all ruling Heaven left him at large to his own designs that with reiterated crimes. He might he found himself damnation. Well, he saw evil to others and enraged might see how all his Mel is served but to bring forth infinite goodness Grace. Mercy shown on man by him seduced but on himself treble confusion wrath and Vengeance poured forth with up right here ears from off the pool his mighty stature on each hand blames driven backward slope there pointing Spires. and rolled in pillows leave in the midst of a horrid Veil then with expanded Wings. He steers his flight Aloft incumbent on the Dusky air. But felt unusual wait till on dry land he lights. If it were land that ever burned with solid as the lake with Liquid Fire. And such appeared in Hugh as when the force of subterranean wind transports a hill. Who's combustible and fueled and trails thence conceiving fire sublimed with mineral fiery a the winds and leave a singed bottom all the Vault stench and smoke. Such resting found the soul of unblessed feet him followed his next mate both glorying to have escaped the sticky and flood has gods and buy their own recovered strength not by the sufferance of supernal power. Is this the region this the soil this The Climb said then the Lost Ark Angel. This the seat that we must change for heaven this mournful Gloom for that Celestial light be it's so since he who now is Sovereign can dispose and bid what shall be right farthest from him is best reason happy quilt Force hath made Supreme above his equals farewell. Happy Fields were Joy forever dwells. Hail horror hail infernal world and thou profoundest he'll receive the new possessor one who brings a mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of Hell the hell of Heaven what matter where if I be still the same? And what I should be all but less than he who Dunder hath made greater. Here at least we shall be free. The almighty have not built here for his Envy will not drive us. Hence here. We may Reign secure and did my choice to rain is worth ambition though in hell? Better to reign in Hell than serve in heaven. But wherefore let me then our Faithful Friends the associates co-partners of our loss Linus astonished on the oblivious pool and call them not to share with us their part in this unhappy mansion. I once more with rallied arms to try but maybe yet regained in heaven or what more lost in the hell. So Satan spake and him being zebub thus answer'd. Leader of those armies bright which by the omnipotent none could have boiled. If once they hear that voice their Lively as Pledge of Hope in fears and dangers heard so often worst extremes and on perilous edge of battle. when it ranged in all assaults their surest signal they will soon resume new courage and revive the ho now they lie groveling and prostrate on Ian Lake Fire as we were while astounded and amazed. No wonder Fallen such a pernicious a'ight. He scarce had ceased when the superior fiend was moving toward the shore his ponderous Shield ethereal temper Massey large and round behind him cast. Broad circumference hung on his shoulders like the moon whose or through optic glass the Tuscan artist views and evening from the top of the soul in valdarno to decry new lands rivers mountains. in her Spa d Globe his spear to equal which the tallest pine Hyuna Norwegian Hills to be the Mast of some great Emeril were but a wand he walked with To support an easy steps of at the burning Morrow. Not like those steps on Heaven's jour. And the toward climbs mount on him. So herbicides faulted with fire nonetheless. He saw endured toll on the beach of that inflamed to see stood and called his Legions. Angel forms Who lay entranced thick as Adam no leaves that Stroh the Brooks or scattered said to float when the fierce winds Orion armed at the Vex the Red Sea Coast whose waves over through Bucyrus and his memphian chivalry wall with perfidious hatred. They pursued the sojourners of Goshen who beheld The same Shore they're floating carcasses and broken chariot wheels. this ends part 1 book 1 sweet and creepy dreams
ASMR reading of Paradise Lost by John Milton, 1667. A special shout out to JoeZep, who requested this book as our next epic-length project. *Note: the blank verse does make for a difficult read and it does take me a bit to warm up to a comfortable cadence. I do get there though! The edition we’ll be reading, which was arranged into the new format in 1674, contains twelve books, and was translated by Project Gutenberg. The blank verse and clever word-play of Milton does make for a difficult read; however, I will do my best to make this story come to life for you and perhaps, help you drift off to sleep. The poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man regarding the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The story opens with the outcast Satan and his followers, recovering from defeat against God. They build a palace, called Pandemonium, where they hold council to determine whether or not to return to battle. Instead they decide to explore a new world prophesied to be created, where a safer course of revenge can be planned. Satan undertakes the mission alone. At the gates, he meets his offspring who unbar the gates for him. He journeys across chaos till he sees the new universe floating near the larger globe which is heaven. God sees Satan flying towards this world and foretells the fall of man. His Son, who sits at his right hand, offers to sacrifice himself for man's salvation. Meanwhile, Satan enters the new universe. He flies to the sun, where he tricks an angel, Uriel, into showing him the way to man's home. Satan gains entrance into the Garden of Eden, where he finds Adam and Eve and becomes jealous of them. He overhears them speak of God's commandment that they should not eat the forbidden fruit. Uriel warns Gabriel and his angels, who are guarding the gate of Paradise, of Satan's presence. Satan is apprehended by them and banished from Eden. God sends Raphael to warn Adam and Eve about Satan. Raphael recounts to them how jealousy against the Son of God led a once favored angel now against God in heaven, and how the Son, Messiah, cast him and his followers out. He relates how the world was created so mankind could one day replace the fallen angels in heaven. Satan returns to earth, and enters a serpent. Finding Eve alone he induces her to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam, resigned to join in her fate, eats also. Their innocence is lost and they become aware of their nakedness. In shame and despair, they become hostile to each other. The Son of God descends to earth to judge them, mercifully delaying their sentence of death. His children, sensing Satan's success, build a highway to earth, their new ho --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hey weirdos, it's Rachel here. Do you miss us yet? Don't worry. We'll be back soon. But first we want to invite you to star in an upcoming episode of the weirdest thing. I learned this week. We want to hear your weirdest Science Tech Health and engineering facts so we can share the absolute weirdest of the bunch with the rest of our listeners. It's easy. All you have to do is download the anchor podcasting app on Apple or Google Play That's A and C hor and look up the weirdest thing. I learned this week then click the voice message. Button, and you can record your favorite fact and send it right to our inbox seriously super easy. So to review download the anchor app find our show click the voice message button introduce yourself if you feel like it and maybe tell us where you're from record up to a minute of Gab about your favorite weird fact. Don't worry. We'll make sure it's accurate before posting it anywhere and don't sweat it. If you can't get to all the details in 60 seconds. We may even decide to do a deeper dive ourselves on a later episode submit your message by 5:00 p.m. Eastern on Stay May 8th will feature the weirdest things. You helped us learn this week in a special episode on May 10th. Thanks for calling weirdos. Talk to you soon. Stay May 8th will feature the weirdest things. You helped us learn this week in a special episode on May 10th. Thanks for calling weirdos. Talk to you soon.
Want to star in an episode of Weirdest Thing? Now’s your chance! We want to hear your weirdest science, tech, health and engineering facts so we can share the absolute weirdest of the bunch with the rest of our listeners. All you have to do is download the Anchor podcasting app on Apple or Google Play, and look up The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week. Then, click the voice message button. Introduce yourself, if you feel like it, and maybe tell us where you’re from. Record up to a minute of gab about your favorite weird fact—don’t worry, we’ll make sure it’s accurate before posting it anywhere. Submit your message by 5 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, May 8th. We’ll feature the weirdest things you helped us learn this week in a special episode on May 10th. Thanks for calling, weirdos! The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week is a podcast by Popular Science. Share your weirdest facts and stories with us in our Facebook group or tweet at us! Click here to learn more about all of our stories! Click here to buy tickets for Weirdest Thing Live on June 14th!
Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for cancer season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you and your expansion and help connect you with your intuition and highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign. It's up. You to get specific. I suggest that you listen to the horoscope for your son and your rising sign. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website and bodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, please also take a listen to embody destroy. Edgy for cancer season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of cancers the diagonal energy through our bodies hearts Minds relationships and the World At Large. Everyone has every sign in their chart and cancer represents amazing and important energy for each of us. You can find the cancer season episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platform. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free if this work benefits you in your life, please consider. Taking a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going recurring monthly donations can be made at any amount and will grant you access to my expanded monthly reports. These reports are 15 to 20 pages that outline the upcoming months most important planetary aspects and lunar cycles and offer suggestions for how to work most effectively with this astrological energy if Financial contributions aren't possible for you at this time. The number one way you can support this work is by sharing it with your family friends and networks, finally. I want to add a special announcement for any of you who are ready to dive deeper with embodied astrology in your life this Autumn from September 28th through October 2nd. I'm offering a very special retreat in southern Washington. We're going to be exploring the expansive potential and personal manifestation power of Jupiter and Capricorn. This is a year-long Transit which goes from December 2019 through December 2020 this three-day Retreat includes daily movement meditation art writing and astrology classes where you'll learn how To work with your own chart and you'll still have time for long walks on the beach hot saunas and good company get more information at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone now onto your horoscopes. Hello Taurus. Thanks for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead forecast for cancer season cancer season extends between June 21st and July 22nd. And this is the time of the year when the sun is radiating. The light of cancer cancer is a beautiful zodiacal energy that is quite personal has a lot to do with our bonds are relationships and sense of security and attachment to learn more about cancer how it is. Bodied how to work with it and what to expect in the upcoming month, please listen to the embodied astrology report for cancer season in your month ahead most of the aspects and a lot of the energy that's happening is in the axis between Cancer and its opposite sign Capricorn. So you'll hear me repeating themes in these places in your chart and number of times the Sun comes into cancer on June 21st, and as it does is brings illumination and more awareness to these themes. Eames and for you cancer rules the third solar house. This is the place in the chart that has to do with your mind your mental efforts and attention how you're using language how you're using words how you're communicating and the day-to-day exchanges that you have with people in your kind of immediate sphere. So this is also considered to be the house of siblings and neighbors. It's the people who we are surrounded by and It's not necessarily the people that we choose but these people and the kinds of conversations. We have set a kind of Baseline for our idea of normalcy. It's our socialization process. It's our ongoing cognitive development and how we learn how we in take information from the world around it Us and how we make sense of it. The opposite sign is Capricorn this signifies the information that we seek out the ways we seek to expand our minds. Ines how we want to grow in our perception as the sun comes into cancer it brings more awareness to some planetary energy that's already there Mars has been in cancer for the last month and a half or so Mercury for the last couple of weeks and the North Node which is one of the places where Eclipse has happened has been in cancer for the last year Mars brings energy assertiveness. Sometimes aggression and drive wherever it is. It's bringing power Mercury. Brings more mental energy communication and thoughts Mars and Mercury are traveling together through most of the summer and through most of the summer. It is kind of a general astrological advice to pay attention to how you're using your words pay attention to language. There's a lot of energy coming through thoughts and coming through language right now, especially in cancer. We definitely want to take care to be sensitive. But also, Also to be honest cancer has a tendency to get emotionally overwhelmed and shut down and with Mars and Mercury traveling together. There can be a heightened sensitivity but also increased capacity to speak from your heart to be radically transparent and to be tender as we get into cancer season Venus in Gemini will make a couple of aspects the first few days on the 23rd and the 24th Venus forms an opposition to Jupiter and in Drunk to Saturn and a square to Neptune for you this stimulates the axis in your chart that has to do with value your value yourself your sense of self-esteem your value systems and also your money your worth how you gain and accumulate value in your life. There may be some kind of feeling or Sensation that you have around your own value. And those who you share with if there are other people important relationships in your life that are somehow influencing your sense of self-esteem or influencing your value systems some kinds of conversation and the necessity to open your minds to new ideas may be present around this time. If we're talking specifically about money issues of money and exchange, especially with people who you share finances with or people who pay you may be up for examination at this time. And again, there's a need for you to be transparent to ask for what you want to communicate well, and there's some kind of emphasis or energy moving towards a hoped-for outcome right now and the hoped-for outcome could be a lot of different things. It could also be kind of confusing. So with what I'm talking about that kind of I'm sure is as clear as mud right now, but these issues of values whether they are our energetic or emotional or very practical and material somehow they're moving into a future space and what that future space is is something that you can dream into and you want to dream into with anybody that you're relating with if this doesn't spark anything for you in terms of relationships that you can name then think about this in a general social sense. How do you Leverage your self-esteem. How do you work with your own value? How do you work with money towards your desired outcomes and towards some kind of future that you want to move towards on June 26th Mercury enters the sign Leo Mercury will Transit between Leo and Cancer for the next six weeks due to its upcoming retrograde Mercury turns retrograde on July 7th at 4 degrees of Leo and will travel back into the late degrees of cancer where it turns Direct on. On August 2nd as mercury comes into Leo it's bringing mental energy and attention into your home space and this place in your chart is I think of it as the root or the anchor of your chart and it's where your mental conceptions kind of meat a deeper emotional cording or sense of stability and belonging Mercury is going to move into what's called. Its Storm on the 28th. And this is the period of time directly preceding or following Mercury station retrograde or direct so for about a week from June 28th through July 7th Mercury will appear to stand still in the sky and during this time. You are advised to move quite carefully. This is one of the more critical points in the Mercury retrograde cycle and a time when a lot of miscommunication Communications and miscalculations can occur so it's important to move very carefully and to be very considerate about your Communications, especially because we're Mercury is transiting for you has so much to do with communication and so much to do with your thoughts. This is a deeply deeply personal place in your chart the transition between Cancer and Leo, so I had said a moment ago that this is where your mental conceptions Sense of self how you've been socialized to the language that you use meets a greater sense of security foundation and belonging as mercury hangs out in this part of your chart you have access to what I'm going to say is like your deep programming deep programming as how you were in trained emotionally as an infant. It is genetic material and kind of lineage information that you picked up. Up in the gestation experience through your family line the expectations that we feel from our family their resonances assumptions behaviors and how our minds work are obviously very entwined this cycle of Mercury retrograde really brings these themes to the Forefront. There is a lot of emphasis for you right now to be examining your thought patterns as they have to do with your sense of belonging and Safety and Security especially as we move into July Mars will move into Leo bringing more emphasis into this part of your chart more activity into the part of the chart that has to do with family and a sense of belonging and then on July 3rd Venus will move into cancer into the part of the chart that has to do with your mental self and the language and Location that you have with the people who are close around you on July 2nd, there's a solar eclipse and new moon at 10 degrees of cancer. You want to check your chart to see if you have any planetary placements between 5 and 15 degrees of any of the cardinal signs Cancer Capricorn Libra or Aries. If you do have placements here these planetary energies will also be specifically activated with this eclipse. A new moon is always a time for a new beginning kind of setting up a new cycle and an eclipse and especially a solar eclipses will have on the second is like a supercharged New Moon. There is a lot of kind of energy for you to have understandings realizations breakthroughs. This is coming in the area of the chart that has to do with your thoughts and your mind but is also so deeply personal so you might have big aha moments like That's how I got to be the way that I am or that's where this thought is coming from or this is how my communication is affecting my relationships and wow. This is my style of communication communication is one of those things that is kind of unobvious, you know to us when it's coming from us like we just communicate in the ways that we communicate and we can't really perceive ourselves from the outside. But then once in awhile Well, we get these glimpses and we have some kind of recognition of like, oh, that's how I sound or this is this style. I have of expressing something and that's why you know people respond to me in whatever way that they do these kinds of breakthroughs and I'll ha moments are the kinds that I imagine could be coming up for you around this eclipse and with these breakthroughs and aha's you are supported to evolve in your communication. Style and the communication style will always have a foundation in your thought patterns and how you're using language with yourself. First of all to talk to yourself about your own experience. And as you get into that kind of unpacking for yourself how you're using your own language how you're forming your own assumptions and expectations. Then naturally you're also getting into your early conditioning. So these are Big themes. Has over the course of the month on July 8th and 9th. There are several aspects happening in cancer and Capricorn Mercury and Mars are also coming together in a conjunction and early Leo again right around the root of your chart the Sun and Venus in cancer form several aspects to planets in Capricorn Pisces and Sagittarius. There's the second quarter Square the half circle moon. Perfecting on July 9th in the sign Libra and finally Chiron is turning retrograde on July 8th in the sign of Aries. So a lot of stuff going on on the 8th and the 9th probably the couple of days leading up and then the couple of days after are going to bring a lot of energy with them. This whole month is just pretty non-stop astrological energy. A lot of people are going to have a lot going on. Going on especially with these eclipses. There's quite a lot of change and momentum. So especially around these days. I really want to encourage you to rest the quarter square and Chiron Stern retrograde happen in your sixth 12th house axis of health and like interiority or kind of the invisible space and to me this signifies that a lot is happening for you in the mental plane. The course of the next month as I've mentioned before you're doing some pretty important kind of unpacking and recognition of your own habits and tendencies and you're going to need some time to integrate and especially in early July kind of heading into the second week of July give yourself some space and some time you need integration. On July 16th. We have a full moon and lunar eclipses in the sign Capricorn and an opposition between Venus in cancer and Saturn in Capricorn a couple of days later Venus will go on to oppose Pluto in Capricorn and a couple of days before on the 14th the sun opposes Pluto in Capricorn. So again stimulation in the cancer Capricorn axis now in Capricorn we have again as I mentioned the ways that You seek to expand your mind that you grow your your conscious understanding. So as you're doing this kind of examination of your mind how you've come into your mental patterns how you've formulated a lot of your ideas or your self Concepts. You're also doing work to expand these Notions to reach out into new territory to transform your mind if you're involved with any kind of Higher Learning or In Pursuits or even a religious or spiritual path. This may be a big influence at this time an important influence with the lunar eclipse conjunct to the South node. But also with the planets that are here Saturn and Pluto is that we recognize where we're functioning from places that are not in Integrity with our with our deeper cells. And when I say Integrity what I mean is sustainability. And sustainability is something that you can return to every day that you can commit to because it's generative for you in Capricorn. We are dealing with Traditions rules and governance and authoritarian structures as well as ideas of old knowledge or some kind of deeper alchemical knowing this is my bias for sure, but you're listening to this horoscope for my A perspective. What I want to say is let go of any old and outdated Notions of what it means to pursue your mind or your wisdom. If you are a teacher if you are a student, but particularly if you're someone who's working with the dissemination of knowledge or the creation of knowledge lean into experiential practice lean into participatory learning it is time to let go of Or Terry and top-down knowledge production and the kinds of institutionalized rightness around, you know, who gets to have what kinds of Deep Thoughts this kind of thing. If this is relevant to you. It's relevant to you if it's not and I'll get on with it in a second. But this this lunar eclipse, excuse me this yeah this lunar eclipse and full moon I think is a big reflection for you on the ways that you I have been kind of thinking about expanding your mental Concepts and any path that you've been on to explore your own potential to explore. Your own meaning really has to be your path right now. It cannot be something that has been handed to you from someone else. It can't be defined by a rigid system. You can't feel controlled in it. You have to be again. Rinsing participating feeling how it's real for you how it's something that draws your heart into a larger state of expansion so around this lunar eclipse. There's a lot of emphasis for you to be letting go of old ideas of knowledge but connecting and reconnecting with with deeper and perhaps more ancient knowledge that has to do with you as a child of the universe as someone who can be intuitive in the world who can Pond and be in relationship to your environment who can listen to the Stars, this is all very poetic, but hopefully the the messages is sinking in and relevant for you. Finally as we get into the last day of cancer season Mercury and the Sun come together for a conjunction at the very last degree of cancer. And the first degree of Leo, this is a powerful conjunction and an important moment in the Mercury retrograde cycle. It's the of Mercury's next cycle that will take us into the next retrograde season in November over the course of these next five months or so, you are supported to really use your mental capacity and your language capacity to expand your sense of security and safety in the world these ideas that I've been talking about the interplay between your inner narrator your Station style your cognitive abilities and perceptive habits and then you're early entrainment and kind of Notions of security and stability. These are such important places and I think that over the course of cancer season, you're really going to be potentially having some pretty powerful realization some pretty powerful changes that are ready to happen for you and this last day of cancer season before we Until Leo season is a time where some idea is really starting to take root and you're going to be working with that over the course of the summer and into the fall. All right, my friend, that's what I have for you for now. I hope that this horoscope is useful for you, and I'm wishing you all the best in cancer season. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Cancer Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between June 21 - July 22 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Cancer’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Cancerian influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Cancer season (June 21-July 22), and also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Cancer's qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Cancer Season: Get the Cancer Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. Holy moly. We are hitting midpoint. It is episode 4 and season eight the last season of Arrow. We have a lot to discuss because of course the past comes to the present or maybe the president comes to the Past. We're not sure we're going to find out in just a few moments on the Arrow after show. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now let the buzz is that booze out? Welcome to the air laughter chatter. I wonder you're such a good episode are great. I know Sally Corner Bradford and we are down one host tonight. That is mr. Matt Martis Urt to ours. Are we love him? We'll talk about that later. But of course, I have fabulous ladies with me tonight. I love Sofia low, it's Olivia deep or done Lydia and I'm Carolina bonetti. Yes, Liam and you are Co-hosting with us. Don't forget this side the table belongs to you. So if this is your first time join us in the chat right now live and if not just going to social media hashtag everything a BT B arrow in the future. We will find you. I'll just leave comments below that works too. Either way the show is your show not just ours and we want to hear your opinions. So we're going to start with hashtag who I love to hate. So co-hosts in the chat start now, let me know. I'm in the truck. Ready? I see it. Yeah, which actor was so good at being bad. Yeah. Love to hate love them some started this end of the table. Go ahead Karen for me. It was John. Yeah, I think I felt like a carried through the entire episode and it kind of was like this- point in the episode where he couldn't appreciate the love that he had found in his son Connor and I mean I get it finding out that your other son is a murderer is not Peak every parenting information of the future, but also they know Know how the timeline Continuum mess-ups go. I mean he has a son now instead of a daughter because of flash so why are they telling them the future I couldn't get over that. So I kind of hated the plotline of telling them the future. That's why I love to hate the most it wasn't even an actor. It was the the plot point but then they can change it. My who I love to hate is the monitor because I don't know if you saw that last scene of him telling Laurel to become bad or to betray Oliver. They just why know you I was going to hashtag who I love to hate John diggle to because he was taking me off a lot. I get it a lot to absorb it still. However, I don't want to have the same as yours. So I'm going to say Mia only for the me reason that it was such a bad decision to try to hide the truth like that sucked but you know, I wouldn't like she was the one doing the best job at being in the past. I was like you shouldn't tell them the future. We've all seen how that goes and it did not work out well for Flash. Well, I mean, but then Helen made a mess later. Thoroughly a kids dudes daughter is now a son. Yeah, but now they could have the possibility of changing it. Whoo. I love to hate you in the chat Ivan soda high and I hate the monitor Haywood Wang. Also, I hate the monitor you guys are all on team me. So thanks Michael Blake hate the monitor. Karolina. So so Mateo says Carolina loves to hate Dinah. We already knew that. Yes, like I didn't say her those I know witness. We always say that so it's funny and then Brandon boo, I love to hate Grant because use the one who turned you. J into a psychopath good that was a good one. It's a good one. Awesome. Yeah agreed with all of those. Yes. So overall thoughts of the episode. Obviously the big theme is the future coming to the past. How do we feel about Sons meeting their daughter Sons? I love this episode. I thought it was so great. I love the the coming together of the families. I mean, they weren't really coming together at first and I love the possibility of the future changing and it and Star City actually being a good place to be in the future and I love that Zoe might come back. And you know when we had Andrea I hear she was like, I don't know but now I definitely know I think we know it's really good. Fact if you're a sag actor and your character dies, but they mention your character. That's pay you I really hope so. Yeah, I think they get away with not paying you you're full quote, but they have to pay you if you're mentioned in the script. That's legit. If they like say your name in The Script a full character. Yeah. They say your character name. They have to pay you. I want to be an actor. I mean you make money when you make money, that's yeah, but but yeah, so she's listening all times. It would be suspect suspect if they're just throwing her character named around and paying somebody to not I show up to work and I mean like if that's the situation girl, you are blessed. I love this episode. I really loved it. I loved getting to see Oliver see his children because that's something that's getting robbed of him because we all know that it's going to end tragically like Oliver Queen is not getting a happily ever after I just don't see that happening right? No matter how they change the future. Otherwise, how would Arrow end we would just keep going forever right that being said, And I also don't see how they're changing the past into the future now because they made such a point of it in Flash that they dragged it into Arrow. We had whole episodes on Arrow. We're Barry at a show up at me link. Nice my my my bad and then the disbelief in the beginning to where they went round robin on explaining like that. They were from the future and the past and what year is this and who are we and who are you you're really in disbelief over time travel when there's hundreds of Worlds. Yeah and different dimensions and you have like a little thing in your pocket from Cisco that you can throw and you like warp through come on, but the kids can have that is right. No, no, the kids didn't have that but I'm saying like the whole X like explanation Andre explanation of who and what they were was kind of crazy because I feel like for writing purposes for your audience. I think they're not going to be suspended in disbelief at this point. You're literally taking them to hundreds of different world. Yeah, right. At the same time. I don't think it was necessarily about the fact that the capability of Past coming to see me future coming the past. I think it's more like the disbelief of holy shit. That's nice son. Yeah, you're my daughter. Whoa, the I think that was more for them the big deal and I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop when you the first moment. It's like Dad Dad Dad. You got all these kids saying dad and then you got Renee they're like I said everybody else has got it like a kid. Where's where's my kid? Yeah. I was like, I'm gonna tell em shit and I'm glad I'm glad that they told him because I feel like now he has something to live for but then on the flip side of that is that the thing that turns him bad, you know of the thought of him losing his daughter what when they when it first happened I was like, oh this could be like a bad situation, you know, this could be the turning point for him where he becomes this like corrupt clearly it could be but then I saw him kind of turn into being like actually I need to fight and be a good guy to save her. So right I actually did like I mean, I never fully hated Dinah there were definitely moments when her character first emerged that we were having some moments last season, but I think that she was the wise one of the group and I like that she did have that conversation with both Renee and diggle and have to pull both dads aside and be like look boo boo quit dwelling on XY and Z because we have hope and we can make it better. So I'm not mad at the whole like let's change the past and present and the butterfly effect and knowing that because yeah, and I love that they mentioned the butterfly effect. And then she was like the baby Hitler thing just like what nobody gets that that's funny. It was good. Yeah, but just a quick shout out James. I saw that he said that he is a new subscriber and watch her. So hi James, welcome. Welcome welcome. You'll get used to it. Well speaking of subscribing and watching I want to say thank you to everybody for tuning in we all thank you for tuning in. And we want to keep bringing these shows to you. So, please please please tell your friends. Give us some love down below. Tell us how much you love us. Check us out on iTunes get in there and let us know on the show pages that you love us and tell your friends so that we can keep bringing you a show every single week as we love you. Yeah and leave comments. We're all in the comments. So good job. I do want to break down a little bit more of the diggle and Connor relationship because if you really look at the psychology behind being Connor and all The guilt and weight that weighs on him when he gets to meet Dad and to have that rejection because you know, you don't expect that in your mind. You're like Dad. This has been my dad we've gone through all these things so for you know, William and me and I have their dad and their tearful like, oh my goodness realizations and cons like Dad did was like Dad did was like, I'm not a know what you're talking about, but it is surprising to me that Connor was actually the good guy and like the strong one because and JJ was the one who turned bad because Connor is One who's dealing with all this stuff of like having you know being abandoned and having to go with this new family and and then seeing, you know diggle and being like Ty dad and him being like I'm not really your dad. So and he and he like kind of stayed true the whole time and was like, I understand he was like, I don't know. I was like could shop for Connor I hear who I love to love to this episode of that's why I was disappointed in the writing for John's character because I feel like Giggles usually more sanding. Yeah. He's more of an upstanding person than that. So I was really surprised that he was so Recalcitrant to to see when a lot about his son, you know, it's somebody who's not ready to like jump into it or kind of like pulls back from something that is clearly happening. It was it was really disappointing. I thought it was disappointing character writing for diggle because he's grown so much as a character and we only have a few episodes left. So I was sad but I mean you turned it around, you know, he it was it was probably a shock for him like it would be for anyone but then at the end of He said he liked became the diggle that we all know and love what was also good that Dinah did point out like you're avoiding him. And so he had to come to terms with the fact that yeah, I am blaming someone. Oh by the way, it's me. Yeah, and so we see his guilt over and he because he obviously sees the connection that we've talked about in past after shows in terms of it's such a same parallel. Yeah the dupe two brothers as he had with his own. Yeah. So to know that you sort of passed that on in a weird way is all A lot less you thank you. Brandon. 52 says diggle handled it very well. And JJ ironically says what this is how I would have acted elal. So I mean, yeah, it's a lot of a lot to take in but and then Nano says Dinah is the MVP. Donna did a great job is episode. Yeah. Thanks. Whatever. She said she said Dinah did a great job. Okay. I got my earpiece broke. I mean I give credit where it's due. I'm glad that they're giving her character. It's time to shine because I was really tired. It's not that I dislike the actress and it's not even that I dislike who Dinah could be I disliked what they were doing with our all of last season and I haven't been that crazy on board with her this season because I feel like she's hit and miss. Although we didn't really have to do it right the first time. Yeah, we haven't seen her too much. Yeah, so I've enjoyed it. But that being said can we talk about Laurel? I'm so sick and tired of them constantly making her evil like Black Canary is not evil in the comics. She does not make bad choices in general. What the heck is going on. Why is she constantly the scapegoat? Well, she seems to be doing pretty well in this episode wasn't like evil per se she does admitted that she thought that no. No, I mean at the end when the monitor is like you will betrayal. She didn't say. Yes. We don't know what she's going to do her fault. He approached her. Yeah, she's going to say yes, you could see it in her face. I'm just like come on. You don't know she's going to say yes. I hope she says no, but I just feel like she's always Escape go and I'm like Katie Cassidy girl. I'm sorry. I don't know why they do you like that because you're so great. And your haircut is the MVP of the show. I'm so obsessed with her hair like this platinum blonde look is working. I'm I'm fully onboard matcham. Who says she called all of her dick couldn't stop laughing. I know I was just nothing surprising that they use that language on the CW. I was like, oh we're getting they get away get away with a lot of stuff on TV nowadays. It's surprisingly when we were kids. That would have never never back. When CW was Warner Brothers. Could you guys imagine that being on Dawson's Creek? Right? The language has upped its crazy. Yeah, but do we like her this episode? I mean, I think okay. I know I I loved her I just was really sad when I felt like they're making her the scapegoat all over again. Yeah, I'm usually not a huge fan of hers, but I actually liked her in this episode. I like that. She was kind of I like her and Dinah's relationship. I like the end scene when they were like sharing a burger and I like that she was there for me. I just like she was there for Felicity, right? And the fact that she did bring that up and say like yeah, your mom did this. Yeah. I mean, he's like my mom tried to murder some show ya she knew she wouldn't and I like the conversation that William had with all of our to I mean, let's talk about Oliver. He's in such a different place this whole entire season and I think because he knows that his fate is that he's going to quote unquote die every moment matters to him and he just seems so somber and every time something happens. It's like this puppy dog. Look I feel he was so cute this episode the whole time spinning all and then like the whole coming and they're everyone in the chat is talking about the coming out scene with William that was so that was the sweetest moment. He's like we knew but I was like Ha ha ha. I actually wrote that down as one of my favorite scenes of this whole episode and I want to give a shout-out to the director of Christian Wendell Wendell Wendell wi ND e LL. She's actually the editor of Arrow. If you didn't know if you guys watch a Kristen directed this episode, it's her fifth episode that she's directed in the series was also directed for Flash and legends of Tomorrow fun fact and Agents of Shield. So she's crossed over into marble as well. However, I really thought Thought that the way that she directed that scene was so heartfelt and she made it feel really intimate like as a viewer. I felt as if I was sitting in the room with them having the conversation and I don't think that's something they've ever really done an arrow before I could be wrong, but I don't remember them ever handling somebody coming out. Yeah, right not that way and it was so well done. And that's the response you wish every parent could give their kid, you know, right? It was really beautiful so kudos. CW kudos to the writers and the director just wanted to throw it out there and be like Round of Applause for you guys is fantastic and grassy and Ryan says it was hilarious. When all he thought William had kids. It was so funny. He was like, oh you have you have kids of your own and Williams like no, he's like their blessings and all that but not yeah, whatever that was funny. I did like though when Oliver so after he said, you know, but we knew and I really liked the emotional aspect of him starting to go down the line of the Story of Felicity. I wanted to wait till you were ready to tell us and then and he realized oh shit I missed that. Oh my God. I'm so sorry. Yeah, and I think a lot of that happen this episode and it was nice to see William not necessarily be the parent but be the person of wisdom when it came to dealing with Mia, which I mean that's Oliver dealing with himself and learning how difficult it is to deal with himself, but William saying like no I wanted you to fight harder to See me and you sort of gave up. So don't do that with her. She needs you. It's like I like this a lot. Yeah, it was really sweet. And I like that, you know, I just like all of the the in the relationships that like with Echo column coming back and just like yeah, I don't know. He was just so such a good dad this episode and we haven't we haven't really seen that of him and ever speaking of dads. We have Slade Wilson son. Who is the big bad and I thought JJ came back to the past future. - doggy this episode's got me messed up but sodomy using yeah, you thought JJ came from the future into the present. Thank you. There we go, or why not that's it. He's past our present. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Someone was Grant. I was like, oh and then I thought this show bless this show when y'all cast sons and daughters. Let's say it does. Okay grant grant. Mama must have been like real Caucasian because he looks nothing like his father everything Manu Bennett, but they do have a similar accent. So I was like, okay, I think you may have studied the other actor so good job for you. Yeah, but other than that and then I and then I had that reminder of oh, so he's white again. Hey girl. Yeah. Yeah. She's you know Straight haired little Caucasian girl, but you know and I know so last week some of our co-host in the chat were like, why don't you ask Andre? I'm like no, we don't to be disrespectful like she's great. She got hired because she's talented she made a wonderful Zoe and she has nothing to do with the decision makers who decided no actors have Z. Yeah. Yeah actors have the least amount of power of anyone on a set. Yeah, like honestly the lighting people have more power than the actors. Yeah. That's so true though. But yeah the casting His is interesting sting, but they did a really great job with. Mia oh, yeah. Yeah William are like fantastic casting. They definitely look like they could use their children, right and then they just quit on everything. I mean, I don't think adult William looks like child William. No, I don't have a tall. No, but he does look more like adult Oliver. Yeah, so right is that right? He gets some point like at some point. He classic. He's a billionaire plastic surgery is a thing. Out he had plastic surgery. What? No, I mean like in the shower. I mean, that's what I mean. Not in real life. I didn't mean it that way. No. No, I don't, you know we knew but it is cool that he grew up to be super successful. And again Oliver has that moment where like your oh my God Billie Jean girl agrees with you. I like when I saw the same things always white again, right whatever, you know, it is what it is. Oregano get through it. Yeah, like her name this episode this episode. He had his little fit for like two point two seconds and then He got over and turned into like Team Hope and we're going to change things. Yeah, I first when he started his fit. I was like, here we go again with the old team being like real Annoying and then I literally wrote Renee elal. Yeah, it's his attitude. It was really sweet to see him with Zoe when they were what they ice cream ice cream. Yeah, and and I kept thinking. Okay. So now he's going to go through the rest of his life cherishing every single moment and trying to shelter her which again, Yeah, even brought up. So thank you Renee, but he didn't he died and he realized I was a good everyone is like realizing what they're supposed to be doing. They're going to do the right thing and they're going to change the future and then adult Zoe will be back again. Well, maybe it maybe this is what they needed to hear to realize that all of these Petty power struggles that they've been having with one another isn't worth it because it doesn't fix anything. Yeah, right. Yeah, Matt Shamu says anyone shipping Curtis and and older William. No. They're very very different in age. And also Curtis is married and he has a great beard and Curtis knew him when he was like how old was he supposed to be third down? Yeah, that's a little weird strange like it. I mean, it's cute that William is jealous of his life and like, oh, he's got the perfect everything but don't worry William you'll get there. Yeah, it'll happen one day. I like the way the William. Also those said to Oliver, you know, I've a Texas tell me that when I yakking and that I tend to Brute And whenever I get that from it must be weird. Also hearing your son for the first time being like Oh, yeah, my ex is I'd be like lala. What do you mean? Yeah. Yeah. No don't date people. Yeah, let's you're my little kid. I don't know. This is probably such a weird moment for Oliver in general just like everything just all the serendipitous though because if he is going towards death how many people can say that they would have had the opportunity to speak to their children. Yeah, right, you know and leave them with something. They can remember knowing that you're going to be be gone from their lives at such a young age, right? It was probably weird but it was probably really awesome at the same time well and great that he got to say the things that he needed to say to me about not even just for himself, but for her as a child who felt that her father abandoned him him her abandon her chose to be a hero over a father and it was like such a great moment. I feel like it's a recycled line from like another movie or something where she said, you know, you're just another guy. Getting in my way. Yeah, not my dad. It totally is from somebody's from something. She's got 27 Dresses. You're not my sister. You're just a girl who some girl who broke my heart and tore up. My mother's dress anybody seen 27 dresses with Katherine Heigl. Yeah. I've seen it. How did how do you code it? I don't know. I don't know. Well, you know, I think James Morrison's really hot. So I've seen that movie like at least 800 times. Yeah. Anyway, yeah, Grayson. Ohh Grayson. There you go. Apparently Gracie. I've been saying Gracie and wrong, it's Grayson. Anyway, he or she he he says my heart broke for him when Mia went off on him, and I'm so true. Yeah, I like but also I think it was healthy for her. She needed to get that out of her chest because that's how she's felt and she's pent-up all this anger. So in a way, it's a good therapy for me and I think it's great writing to because that is an honest approach to how a child would feel because when you are a kid, you have to come up with your own conclusions. There's nobody to be Oliver's I didn't Felicity can say all that she wants but when you're a kid again, you see things from your perspective your brain is not capable of seeing things from other people's perspective because it's still developing. Yeah, and it's a story that you told yourself that stays with you into adulthood. Yeah. So yeah, it's excellent that she did get to release its a it and at least he got to stay on your work through it. Yeah his point. Yeah and calm down. He's saving the world the entire world and not just your his world like 12 other worlds. We write a hundred other world because doctors the think there's like a bazillion. I don't know. I mean there's a lot let's talk about her fight scenes though too. Because well first of all she's trained by Nyssa I like we knew that but it's just cool that she threw that to him and I'm sure he though there was no mention of it. I'm sure for him. He was like well, okay. Yeah, you know and to see them fighting side-by-side was so big really cool. That was a great Easter egg. I think for the fans and also like great man James Bamford always lead to fights. He's a fantastic. Yeah, and I felt like they're fighting. Styles were very similar and I don't know if they did that on purpose or not probably but like you could see that their core the way that they thought was very similar to each other and just like seeing them do it together was just like this is such a good moment. Well, they're both came by al Ghul's yeah, you know, yeah, of course, but the moment I got me it's so stupid and so minor but when she pulled back her bow and release and it was like a slow-motion Pantene commercial. Yes, like arrows never done that before that's so weird. Yeah and like also how Does she fight with her hair down all the time later? What like if I were fighting I'd be like wait, let me pull my hair back really quickly it in a bun. I got you put it in a bun because it'd be my mouth and my face little time but yes, just like effortlessly like guys it's a superhero show where people travel through worlds and you think she can't fight with her hair down. That's what we're going to focus on. I'm just saying all the women in the show. I've always thought that because I'll watch him and be like, how did they do that? Like I try to shoot shit and I'm like, I'm not cute. Yeah same but I guess you know their time traveling. So what else can we expect at? The hair is the least of My Prerogative to talk about? Yeah, I've been soda says Oliver and Mia also wearing green is super adorable or is adorable and I was actually green. I thought she was wearing black I thought so too, but maybe she was right. Maybe there's like a hint of green. I think there's like arrows are green. I think there's our yeah, I think there was something green happening Rob's thing. But yeah, I agree. That's super cute. I also want to I just briefly talk about because I think we should get into a lot of ways but I was in say I like the closing scene when we're coming to this conclusion and Renee is wrapping up the show in his video and just talking about the hope and the glaze and how they felt which again arrow is really great about involving like real world politics for lack of better words into their show and I think every Community that's not the super-rich aka the cancer of the world according to Grant but anyway has that moment where they need someone to say like we're done being forgotten about and people give they gave up. Hope on us and we keep on letting them because we make that excuse of like it'll get better in the future. It'll get better in the future. So this whole of the thing like gave him a kick in the butt to say like forget the future. Let's make it now. Yeah. I thought you were going to talk about something else. Well, I got sidetracked. What I was going to say is Deathstroke's speech where he said make the Glades great again. Yeah, I was like, wow, I didn't even know that's not even like subterfuge like anti-trump that is blatant anti-trump. We are literally making our main well semi-main because the monitor the dark monitor is like the main one but the anti-monitor sorry the anti-monitor is like the main big bad. Bad, but main the big bad say the president's go to quote. I like well if you had any doubts where the entire writing staff and production Team Network was on I think you know now right we heard Hollywood are very liberal incorporate it into our content. Well, that's I didn't even realize that that right over my head. No. Yeah, he said it and I was like I was like, well, they're not playing around with this upcoming election. You'll good. No, I mean, it's great. And it it is kind of like in a way, you know the whole idea to make anything great again. This isn't a political Shield. Just let me clear that out. But the idea to make anything great again says that it was tarnished in some way. Right and I don't think that people or ideas get tarnished. I think people can lose their way and I think people can need help but I don't really think that you like fall from greatness like idea. Is don't go bad in this do you know what I mean? You can't really like measure people in greatness with air quotes. I say before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast so you don't miss an episode. Premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. And so I thought that that was a really good thing because what does that mean? What does that look like and it and when we look at the future, it doesn't look like anything. Great, right. It was a lot of corruption worse than things are now right like just ramped it with greed right and all the people that weren't seen it just grew versus spotlighting people that needed help. So I thought that they really did a great job with Renee speech at the end bringing it round robin. Like no circle of him saying let's start with hope now today like not waiting for the future for something else. Let's start with Rams that help us build up our community versus saying like The Glades are trashed the Glades aren't trashed their just neglected red. So I thought that that was just brilliantly done right? It's a great analogy. Yeah, but how disheartening to to be fighting for something your whole life you have Oliver and diggle and all and Renee all of them fighting to make the city a great place. Even these past few seasons. So to have someone from 2040 come and tell you that the city just Is garbage. Yeah, thank you. But here's the thing is I think that that also brings full circle what happened last season and the season before that is they've been at each other's throats for so long that they've lost sight of the bigger picture which is saving the city. They're just at each other's throats with all these little power battles and personalities and points of view over the right way to get it done and the best way to get it done versus saying, you know what we all I want the same thing. How can we work together to get it done? Yeah, and I feel like that's also a really strong message. And that's the message of this episode tying together the seasons that we've been watching. We all want the same thing. How can we all sit down and talk to make it achievable right? I see you keep looking at your screen is nothing going on. My screen is actually Frozen. So I don't know what now, it's gone. But yeah what I was going to say when he first started Renee speed, Each I was like it kind of gave me a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth because I knew like what he was going to turn into in the future, but then I was like, okay, well that could change to change but when he started that's I just remember thinking like man don't don't get up there and start talking all your stuff that you've been saying because I know you end up bad but then I was like, okay actually we can change this but also to the cool thing is is those kids came back and tell him why he turned bad. Yeah, this happened and you allowed this to influence you because the corruption cool Well, then, let's stop the corruption now so I don't get myself into that position in the future. Sorry, it finally started working all of a sudden. Oh, that was me talking. Yeah. Hi me in the past. I'm time traveling. All right where I was going with all of that, which is relevant to a really great conversation. So thank you guys, but really I was just going to say we wrap that episode with his vo and then we get to see everyone coming together because we did have that Moment with the two canaries after finding out that there is a canary Network which I love ya love that. And so it's like them going like well, let's start this now, you know, and then you've got diggle and Connor duking it out with the sticks and I was like Matt Maroni dying. So sad Matt wasn't here for this episode just because of like a what we're going to show you in archers alley, he was screaming at home because of what that fight scene was like come on. My mat was would have been screaming. Oh, well, he's not here, right? We wish you well you guys hop on a social media. Tell him to get better. He actually he went out of the country came back and then just did not feel very good poisoning. Yeah. Alright. So anyways, we love him will send him while I shout outs. Okay, so my chats backup. Yay. Brandon says, I noticed that the monitor hasn't asked Oliver to do something new yet. So what I mean, what do we think? Why is the monitor not saying anything to him feel like the monitor because he is a quote unquote God. Yeah. He hears all that he sees all so he knows are ready. Yeah, he's in the process of being betrayed Oliver's out to stop him now. So he's obviously lost all of her to his lie, like it's so maybe he's like, alright cool. You're going to die. Anyway, so you just run amok try to stop me. You're not going to but hey, let me list somebody else because he's already worked with Leila. We know that from past episodes. And now that we like this to me that short scenes solidified his intent because already Team Arrow was speculating. He could be bad. Yeah, but this is like that absolute positive doodle. You're a bad guy. You're asking us now to betray him. So that now makes me question. What the heck did he bargain with whatever for anyway, but interests the anti-monitor in the monitor be two halves of the same hole could be okay. Another question that the chat has is when will the kids go home basically, or are they going to go home? No, I mean that we obviously know that there. Gonna be the next episode since we saw the preview for next week, which is great in Arusha looks cool. Maybe they're like, sorry. No. No you go ahead and I was like Oliver takes a shot for me. So yeah, maybe they're gonna stay together until the crisis. That'd be great. They don't go home at all. That'd be great. I'd be I'd be down to see them go through crisis as well as add all the superheroes into it. Yeah superheroes. Yeah them together. That would be crazy. That would be wild. Anyway, that's all well I feel like we covered. So the show I know we have archers ality. We've got some really cool tidbits in that and our news and gossip. So we're going to go ahead and do that. But in your mind's get prepared for those predictions because you're going to have to post them in the chat. Yeah, let's go archers alley. Hi guys. So I want to thank DC Comics first and foremost last season. I don't know if you remember but they sent us boxes and boxes of Arrow comic books from New 52 from the new tie line. I've got original Arrow. It's all for you guys for Archers alley and this week I decided to bring in some of the comics that are actually hello. Hi. So if you're if you're watching the podcast on AfterBuzz YouTube, you'll see that I've got some photos of the actual Comics. I'm going to describe them to you for everybody who's driving their cars getting the next day. It is ABS on ABS on ABS. It's all you need to know Arrow season 2 .5 is the comic book number and it is Steven in. On the cover looking very ripped very shirtless, very very very delicious and inside I wanted to show you that it is completely cover to cover Color Comics and if we could go back to the last picture, so the second picture is actually diggle also shirtless for Matt Maher. Yes. I actually pulled that specifically for Matt Maher because he loves his milk chocolate and I wanted to give it to him, but he's not here, so he's going to have to tune in and watch and see what he missed. In person, he you could have touched this mat and you didn't but for everybody at home this follows the season to storyline so you can actually buy the comic book versions of your favorite seasons. And then on the next one, it's just a really cool picture of the original team Arrow because again, it's season two, right? So you've got Felicity. You've got dig all you've got Thea on their Haiti back with her long hair when she was the original Black Canary before she died before all the craziness. And sued Speedy is back there. You know, it's just one of those things where if you're a big fan, it's really nice collector's edition. I'm sure you can find it on eBay. You can get it in comic book stores. But yeah, so it's incredible. So oh and also I brought it in because I wanted to say technically Felicity is now a comic book character you guys because there were comic series made out of the actual TV seasons and guess who's in them follow. It so guess who's a comic book character officially with DC Comics fall. Listen Papa. That's really why I brought this one and I just wanted to Felicity Justice and you know, dig always shirtless. So that was for cheaper to melt. Yeah, well diggle, I mean mainly it was diggle for Matt Maher to time to teach to ours. But yeah, it's great. I really hope you guys check them out. I mean DC has gone above and beyond to like Food their TV series into the comment. Yeah, really neat. Yeah. If you have a chance if you listen on the podcast and you want to check it out, it's towards the last 10 minutes of our show get on there and look at the photos because I think it's really worth it. Especially if you're a collector and what a memory of the Season honor though to be a part of a television show that's broken so many boundaries that has spun off so many different other shows and now like it. It's the first show that Has gone on to have a comic book with it and I have something like that. Like that's a really big deal. Yeah, it's really cool. It's really cool to see them all come to life. Yeah, well and even for the actors without of those actors, I mean they'd worked before but this has been such a prominent role in their careers and their lives. So that's really neat for they're literally in a comic now. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I think it's time to get some noodles. Okay. So since Matt's not here, I'm doing news and gossip. And since you're talking about Felicity, this is the best news ever. I'm sure you guys saw but it was all over the news this week that Emily Bett is going to come back as Felicity Smoak new and you heard it here. Yeah. She's gonna be back for the final episode Stephen Amell tweeted. He said they'll there's going to be a lot of news coming out about our final episode of the next few months. I prefer when you hear it from us, welcome back Emily. Oh my gosh. - and then Marc Guggenheim who's the producer also said executive producer and he's like that. Yeah for you. He said we couldn't be happier or more thrilled. No other way to do our finale you'll find our you'll find out more about the old friends reuniting in coming weeks. Very exciting. The next little piece of news that I found was there is going to be a new CW spin-off called for a for Superman and Lois Lane. I Going to be called Superman and Lois Lane. Yeah, so it's a new superhero series featuring Superman the Supergirl actors. Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth are going to be the famous DC couple according to a report and then Tyler Hoechlin posted his on his in which people probably know Elizabeth tulloch known as bitsy from Grim. Yeah. Yeah, so he posted on his Instagram and he said he couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to tell his story. That for now shall remain a secret, but I've been but basically he's alluding to this. He said I've been blessed with nothing less than the most wonderful people to do it alongside up. I couldn't ask for a better partner than bitsy and all of this. I've already learned so much from her and I know that I won't stop anytime soon. So thank you Greg berlanti and everyone else who brought her as Lois Lane, but on a side note, can you imagine how crazy is an actor you go in to audition for Supergirl? Yeah knowing that you're just going to be a one-off maybe recurring character because it is super girl. Yeah, right. Q what are we going into season four of Supergirl? Yeah, three four four, I think for ya que Four Seasons Supergirl a couple recurring episodes later and they're like, yo you get in the Shou Bou. Yeah. I know. What a napkin your own. Yeah, so it's I mean so look out for that. It's going to come it's going to be awesome. Very excited for that. Okay, as you guys know Halloween was this past weekend. Yay. So I wanted to show you some of our favorite aerostars in their costumes. This is Steven. Amel and his wife as son is it the Frank or the beans that's his comment. So I thought it was really cute. Wait son is franker the beans it's I think it's a it's a reference to a movie in the chat. Let me know what Mom. Well the next one. Let me know who you guys think. This is that's not Colton Haynes, although I know he does some pretty crazy ish. Okay. Is that is that Mia Agron? Who do you think it is? I don't know. I'm not good at that. I don't even recognize. If I'm real life let alone another costume. Okay, you're right. It is a Mia. Yeah. So if you go to the next one it is she posted on her Instagram. She's the girl from The Ring. Is that what she was? Yes. She was the girl from The Ring so some Mara tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so that's who she was. I thought she did a great job. I was like, I don't know what how she did that, but kudos to her. You look creepy and I would never come you in a million years. And then the last one I thought was meet very mediocre. Do you want to be cute guys? Juliana was I think it's a sloth so No, write a 1 Z 1 Z sloth one the PJs but you know you tried she was comfortable comfortable comfortable and let me tell you all that face makeup. I've done it before because I went into the Corpse Bride one year with a white make itches. Yeah so bad. So let me tell you cat McNamara by the end of the night was miserable because that pitches it drives you crazy and it's really thick makeup. It is hard to get off. So, you know what Julia? Kudos to you because you rolled around in a cute pajama were like I have to wash my face and I can go to sleep at night. So yeah cute little Halloween outfits for them fun of it is that all the ones they had: geumsan have like I looked on his and I couldn't find his I know usually he goes wild but I think you got in trouble recently for stuff that he's done. So I think he might have not posted anything because he's gotten he's done some not very smart and you know, I mean like side no, and I don't recall if we talked about on the show or not, but he Had done an interview and he was just talking about how most of his life has been spent not sober and I think people were criticizing him a little bit about because the fact that you know, if you have seen him recently on the show, he's put on a little weight, but what we didn't realize is in the past that he was constantly on something and that's why he was a little bit on the thinner side. So for him to just Clean himself in his everything, you know, so that could be the cause of it. But he dealt with some major depression and I just I guess I didn't even realize how frequently he was reliant on some things. Yeah to get him through just life in general. So, you know a lot going on especially with him having that ordeal of trying to figure out how to come out if he could come out because people were pressuring him to just maintain a certain Persona because of his career. Yeah and being told that if he didn't that he Fail yeah, you know it's a lot I think and this is very specific to Hollywood. And Ela image is everything. Oh, yeah, and it's a disease. It's something it's really terrible and I feel like people who you don't even mean to buy into it by into it because you're so brainwashed that the subliminal messaging is just continuously there and it's really sad to hear that because I find that like a lot of the depression the anxiety and the abuse comes from this unbelievable pressure to look a certain way right that nobody can look at all times nobody and it's it being from New York and having worked in theater and like having seen my friends who do film and TV there. It's not the same. It's like yeah the pressures kind of there to look good. But mainly the pressure is to be undeniable in the room right a good ya know to be the best like in New York. That's the disease is you can't just be good you have to Be the best you have to like knock them off their chairs in your performance. And in London, it's really about the craft. You know, they put so much steak into people's resumes and to where they train to they train with where they're working what projects they're taking and in ela. I mean, I know people who literally don't even know the lines but because they have the look that is currently in demand. They're like, I don't even know the Lions and they They gave me a lot of words. I really hope they don't change the script when I get there verbatim. I know a girl that said this that worked on and she works all the time because she's stunning. Yeah, but she's not very good. But she ain't gonna win no Awards ever. I'll tell you that right now and Beauty only last for so long. This is why a lot of these people you see them work a lot in these like teen and 20 years and then they fall off because Hollywood Banks so much on looks and they don't invest in the craft of their actors. I'm not That this is happening specifically on Arrow. I just mean in general and Los Angeles and Hollywood. This is a disease and if I can break it in some way shape or form even a little piece of the world. I will yeah. Well, I mean, I'm glad that Colton was able to step out of it. And you know, yeah, I'm better and talk about it. He's working and he's doing better and he's you know, he went through so much and now he's he's on the straight and narrow is right and he's still working so I didn't worked out for I'm glad I'm happy for him because yeah seems like a great guy. Ditto, so let's get into predictions real quick. Yeah. This is an incredible email that we just got on the Arrow production chain from Matt Maher. So this week I'm gone and we have a diggle shirtless. Yeah. Yeah, sad face not only not only a shirtless but a Connor shirtless, dude. Yeah fighting. Uh, anyway. Yeah. So while I mean we sort of got the AfterBuzz Prediction remove snow. Let's just get into it co-host you had an assignment did they did not follow through there were no but in their defense they were following our conversation. Okay? Okay. Well, they're they're they're up to date with us. But now give us your prediction. It is time for the production prediction. Okay what we saw on the preview that obviously the kids are still there for the next episode. We saw that they're going to rush so I predict we're going to see you. Anatoly and I told the open Live wait what's going on? Hold on. It's been a while people at going on with the timeline to season 4 episode 4. What do we get from season? Four Curtis season 5 will dictate a little bit of what happens in this fifth episode. So that wasn't a really good prediction, but that's a go back and do your homework they watch something today and then you'll know what's gonna know but you're right. They did say that every season isn't every episode as an Ode to a season. Yeah. My prediction is more of an overall prediction that I don't think that we know the whole story of the Monitor and they're going to peel back this onion bit by bit with every episode like we got the little Easter egg of him at the end and I don't think the anti-monitor and the monitor all that different from one another. All right. Hm interesting. Yeah Henderson. My prediction is that we're the kids are going to stick around for longer than we think maybe to the End okay, my nan prediction observation because I forgot to say it earlier. But now that we talked about each season representing or uses me each episode representing a season. I think it's really interesting that they did not bring the original Black Canary into episode. I think three two or three when we saw caity Lotz because K loss is still part of the family and she's in legends of tomorrow. So, how did you not get her to come back? Which had an anyways, I was just a weird. Listen the fat lady hasn't sung yet. But I think the saying goes I hope I see her anyway, but terrible news. Oh it's frozen again. So I'm going to have to have Ryan I can I can read them, right? Yeah sometime are popping up Igloo. It's finally happening. Nevermind. Sorry, I you're fine. Right when I said that it started scrolling. Okay Brandon, I predict that me and Oliver are going to fight through the entire bratva. Maybe fight through the entire bratva. Maybe with the help of Slade Wilson. So want them to continue to bond and for me to learn from her dad, I just saw another one Ivan soda prediction the monitor will reveal he's been testing everyone decided to spite looking evil. Okay, maybe but I think he's evil Grayson says I predict that the future kids or some of them will be trapped in the past permanently. Hence the canary spin-off series. Oh you are smart pack didn't even occur to me. Yeah, Oh Captain shock says I think we will be introduced to the anti-monitor the week before crisis Thun Thun Thun Thun don't don't don't that's all. Okay. So then you just sparked and inspired a prediction for me. So then if Mia get stuck behind to be part of the canary team because obviously she's one of three that would make sense. Then I predict there's some sort of sacrifice situation that happens and she sacrifices herself. To stay behind so that William can go forward and be part of his present time line and find love and be happy and that's okay. Yeah, I think I think we've talked over time but that's because we just had a great time with this discussion. So I'll turn it to the front and say thank you guys so much for those of you who joined live and co-hosted with us. Yeah, you get next week. If you're seeing this in a delay try to join us or just leave comments below because we love that too and follow us on social media to continue the Asian eye Valley Corner Bradford, you can find me on Instagram at yours. Truly Ellie Kona with little underscores in between each word. I am Olivia T Bertolli at Liberty Bertolli everywhere. Hey guys, I'm Carolina veneti and you can find me on Instagram at lima bean 1 1 3 and actually I am on the entire first series first season of the yard on Netflix. So if you watch the English dub, I play hatice. I would love it if you guys watched the yard on Netflix, and I'm lots of Jake awesome. Wow. We will see you next week power founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later use express herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or toners are principle.
Its Ladies Night! Join hosts ALikona Bradford, Olivia de Bortoli, and Carolina Bonetti as they break down the family issues and deathstroke fights when kids come back to the present in Season 8 episode 4 of Arrow. ABOUT ARROW: Arrow is an American television series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg. It is based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow, a costumed crime-fighter who was created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp. It premiered in North America on The CW on October 10, 2012, with international broadcasting taking place in late 2012. The series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen, portrayed by Stephen Amell, who, after five years of being stranded on a hostile island, returns home to fight crime and corruption as a secret vigilante whose weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. Unlike in the comic books, Oliver does not go by the alias "Green Arrow" in the television series. Arrow also features appearances by other DC Comics characters.
Hello cheap homegrown Nation. This is Shea McCormick from the cheap home grow podcast. And on the Today show. I have Chef don don can be found on Instagram at Chef Donn 23. Now Don is a chef located in Toronto Canada, and it comes on the show today to talk about how to cook with cannabis Chef Donn. Goes into detail as to how you can start cooking with cannabis. Even if you're not a very talented cook like myself at the end of the podcast. We also talked about dosing please rate review And subscribe and as always enjoy the show hello and welcome to the cheap home grow podcast a show for individuals that want to learn more about growing cannabis indoors. This is a podcast dedicated to helping you with your indoor growing Adventure. You'll learn how to grow your own and not have to rely on others for your medicine the cheap home grow podcast will also feature timely interviews with cannabis industry veterans shaping the culture and politics of cannabis. All right here is your host Shane McCormick and the cheap home grow podcast. Hello everybody. This is Shea McCormick from the cheap homegrown podcast. And on today's show. We have Chef Donn from the Cannabis cooking company located in Canada. I believe you guys are located in Toronto. If I am correct. Does that is that right? Yeah in Toronto and in Toronto. Okay. Well we have we have Chef Donn and Chef Donn. He can be found on Instagram at Chef Donn. R23 that's CH E FD o N2 3 and dock on the show today and he's going to be talking about, you know, learning how to cook with cannabis. But Don before we discuss that main topic, I'll tell you what I want. You tell really myself and my listeners about yourself. Yeah. I'm my name is Don I'm a I've been a chef. Over 30 years. I've been involved in cannabis recreationally and medicinally for over. Probably over 30 years as well 35 years going on that time. I'm a father of three professional professional chef still working in the industry but picked up cooking with cannabis on the side. I'd I've been working with these guys kind of working our trade together. They need a chef and I need a I need a lot for some creativity. It's a fun gig Same time, I grow and have been growing for a while group back in the late 80s early 90s took a long break after I had kids and then got my growing license here in Canada an AC NPR which ability to grow plants medicinally in your home or Outdoors. So made it easier and started growing again at home. Okay. Alright. Alright, then. We'll listen man. Thank you. Thank you for coming on the show. I do appreciate it. No worries. Nice to be here. Hi Manuel. Listen, I mean I you know, really my first you know, really my first question for you and I said this in the intro, let me just say say this the I am not a great cook. All right, like I'm I mean, um, I'm a decent cook, but I'm not great. Well, I don't know the level of talent in terms of my list. Cooking abilities, but you know, I'll tell you what let's just say for argument's sake they are all like me they are you know, I guess somewhat decent Cooks now with that being said, how does a guy like me cook with cannabis? Well the beauty of cannabis and cooking with it is and using it in any kind of food is the fact that it's a fat soluble. So as a cook you get a recipe and see anything with fat. Can it be it butter? Coconut oil olive oil any kind of oil really duck fat if you want to go that end of it anything like that, but it's soluble in that so you look at that and you need to make an infusion using the oil in the Cannabis and then adding it directly into the the recipe that you want to use and being able to medicate yourself through that way and enjoying it internally by ingesting it and it's pretty easy. I mean look at Any sort of anything in a recipe that says, you know, what whether it's cookies and says, you know three quarters of a cup of butter then you know, you're going to be able to use at some point being able to put butter into that orange juice butter into that recipe at the same time. All right. Well, I mean, I'll tell you what, I mean, how does I guess how do you go about infusing your feet your food with cannabis? Well, I mean it all starts with with your cannabis, right? You're going to take a flower generally. It's important to know the percentage of THC in your flour. Does that really helps in figuring your and dosage when you're going to do the math to figure out what your dosage per portion is going to be so starting with you settle with your pod whether it be whatever type flower is best. You're going to grind that up to not a dust but grind it up just as you would to roll a joint. And I stood up and add it onto a piece of parchment paper important to use oil proof parchment paper. You don't want to lose all that THC. You're going to put in there at the same time put it on a sheet pan. And you're going to put it in the oven you have to activate it. I was right now raw THC is you can eat all the heat all the way you want until you actually decarboxylated which is the process of kicking raw THC. Which is thca and turning it into THC which we can ingest and activates in our bodies at the same time. Okay. Well, I mean, I know that we spoke last last Sunday and you mention decarboxylation and the importance of that, you know, when cooking cannabis now, I know you just you just mentioned that but if you could could you could you delve a little bit deeper as to why deep exhalation is so important. It's really important because raw THC is nothing you can eat as much Rock cannabis is he wants Gonna Make You full it's going to maybe add some Fiber to you, but it's not going to give you any site to act psycho active agents decarboxylated is what we do when we when we light a joint or when we have a pit we add heat and that activates it we ingest it. We take it in through our lungs then and it goes into our bloodstream when you ingested its Same thing you had a heat to it in order to activate it the only difference and important difference when you're ingesting is what happens when you ingest it it goes through your liver and your liver completely transforms that THC into another completely different compound and which is five times stronger than THC. So if you think you can smoke a gram of weed and eat a gram of decarboxylated weed You're mistaken the plant the plant will tell you who's boss at that point. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's funny. I mean why well, I mean, I know you're not a scientist right? But I mean why why are Edibles so much more potent? Yeah. Absolutely. Well when we smoke it, it goes through it goes into our lungs and then gets released into our blood and that's where it attached to the cannabinoids right at that point. It's Eleven hydroxy help. Tetrahydrocannabinol made I believe is the compound that it's called at that point when it goes into your liver. Oh, no, it's the other way around. So yeah, when it goes into your liver, it becomes 11 hydroxy tetrahydrocannabinol red, which is a completely different compound all together and which is that point that makes it stronger that the liver transforms the way it lets go and then gets released into your screen and then attaches to your cannabinoid receptors makes it Hunger so Edibles you have to be careful with they can really they can really set you down or they can put you in a really good place. I mean everybody has edible stories, right? Sure. Some of them are generally most of them are pretty funny in the end of it. All some of them are scary people get scared. You can you can really overdose yourself in Edibles and yeah, absolutely and make yourself to the point where you know your heart races racing thoughts. It's uncomfortable. Anxiety your pulse goes up your blood hot flashes cold flashes. All those things dizziness. Some people think they're high. Yeah, all those things. But the worst thing that can actually happen all of that, you know, if you actually calm yourself and let it pass is she'll go to sleep, right? Yeah, just some yeah, you can just lie down if you're not in a bad place, you know, that's and that's that's the danger of edibles. And what we do at campus cooking and most important thing is learning how to responsibly dos yourself to the point where you're not in that you want to have a good time. I use it for many things. I use it for pain. I use it for sleep. I use it, you know as opposed to having a couple of beers and going out and I'll eat some edibles and go out. It just makes you a little lighter right but you have to find the dose that worked for you everybody's different because because you ingest it because feels for your liver, there's so many variables. What you've eaten the day how fast your metabolism metabolism is to begin with ladies generally have a faster metabolism than men so it can affect affect women. It can take anywhere from an hour and a half to eight to ten hours to affect some people even I'd heard people that have eaten it and not felt it and then went to bed and woken up the next morning and felt it the next day, but it all Hands on the person so it's important when you start to start low dosage and and work your way up and find what's right for you, right and keep notes. We always encourage people to keep a journal if you're starting out. It really helps to just you know, you know what you did, you know, you made you know, how much you ingested at that point it work for you. This is great for sleeping. Oh I shouldn't, you know, try to mow my lawn, you know. I should never know. I shouldn't be driving my car and no bad idea. Right, you know things like that. You can find that balance that works for you and I use it. Like I said, I use it all differently for different levels for different things. Right? Yeah, and I remember you mentioning last week that well that micro died that micro dosing is important. Yeah micro dosing is totally important because again, it's finding that level right and when Of decarboxylated your pot and you've made your infusion. It's important to to not use a full dosage about infusion. I usually dilute it right. So if a recipe calls for a cup of butter, I'm going to use 3/4 of a cup of butter and 1/4 cup of cannabis oil or cannabis. That way you can control the dosage or you know that you're going to not use only a certain amount of cannabis oil can't other potential THC in that product then at that. A point so you can only go so far, you know as opposed to using a whole cup of cannabis. That's a lot of kids. That's that I mean that is a lot of that would I mean how much Jesus I mean how much would that actually be? If you really had a sit-down about it? Like well, I mean we talked last time and I kind of gave you an example of math that goes into it. Right, right. Yeah, if you could yeah, it's a little dry, but it's Easy to do. I mean you we did a weed a recipe and what like a minute or so when this just by going through the math and it's pretty straightforward. It's all about taking the amount of cannabis that you use versus the amount of the infusion the vehicle that you're going to use whether it what kind of oil what kind of fat you're using right? So let's say you're using an ounce of cannabis into ice. Thinkin I got it. Well we're in Canada so we do leaders of metrics. So it's all going to be milliliters of milligrams which is important with you're going to do cannabis either way because T is measured in milligrams. So a milligram in a milliliter is basically the same as easy to do the math back and forward so keep that in mind while I'm talking so it's not too confusing so back and forth, right? So an ounce of weed is 28 grams. Let's say okay sure as a round out you convert 28 Grams and milligrams of X by a thousand which is 28,000. So in two cups of butter, that's 500 Mills of butter. You've got 28,000. Milligrams of cannabis. Okay. So let's say your pod is only 20% Let's say it's 20 20 percent THC. If you don't know your your your percentage is good to estimate but estimate. Hi that way you're being on the safer side of it don't estimate low and surprise yourself how much it is is better to go on the high end of estimation. So let's say your we just 20% Out of that twenty eight thousand milligrams of cannabis only 20% of bat is actually active kids see right. So in order to get a percentage you times 28,000 by point to you get a number of that point you get 560 560, right? So in that 500 milliliters of of oil you've got 560 Milligrams of THC Total so then you know that each the you can divide 500 into five five points. You're going to get a number that when I think is 5.6 or whatever around that you get a number one point two, I believe or something along that run. Oh take take five 16 divided by 8 divided by 500 son. Let me see. Yep. Yeah, you get one point one two, yeah, 1.12. So, you know that each milliliter of that oil is Point one milligrams of THC at that point, right? Sure. Okay. So then it's going to make work that into a recipe at that at any way shape or form your recipe. Let's say you're making cookies it calls for a cup of butter, which is 250 milliliters. Mmm. You're going to use a quarter of that of cannabis, right? So you just going to put take that 560 divide it by x a 5.25 again. You're going to get a smaller number. Bye-bye to five and then it okay, right. Yep, and whatever cookies you've got you're going to put that into you know that so what's the number off of the sorry? I just don't have my calculator in front of relying on where it's wrong. It's 560 and you divide that by what 500 is up to said? Yes, I've 60 by 500 so that should be 1.1 or something per milliliter. Right? Exactly. Yeah, that's 1.12. Right? So 1/4 cup 1/4 cup. 250 divided by divided by 0.25 is what that will be. Okay a quarter. So yeah quarter 25. / what are you looking at? Look at that one. Maybe there's that feeling. That's right man. Hold on. No, that's we're doing math. exactly It's pretty low. Each cookie should probably be about 12 milligrams of THC potential in each cookie, which is a great microdose, you know at 10 milligrams 12 milligrams. You're really you're not in any danger of anything. You're going to feel it. You're going to either as a newbie. You're going to feel something or someone who smokes daily. Probably not going to do much to you. All right. Well, well, I mean, you know, if you eat, you know, if you need 50/50 cookies or 50 brownies or whatever. No, I mean you I mean you probably will eventually start to feel absolutely of THC on average right as a joint. So as someone who smokes daily or every other day or whatever a hundred milligrams isn't isn't going to knock you over if you're going to be stoned, right? So the same point when you're thinking about ingesting it Go half of what you're normally going to do. The 50 milligrams is probably perfect for someone who is a seasoned seasoned smoker a season user of cannabis, you know, but as a newbie or someone who is not you know is not a user or just trying it out at home for the first time start low, right? And again take notes and see what works for you. It's important to go at that point, but we didn't talk about actually making the infusion, which is what Right. Yeah. I wanted to get that. I mean, how do you I mean, how do you and listen to me? I know this is a podcast and perhaps, you know, this will make even a better video. But I mean, how do you actually how do you actually do it? I mean, you know, what are what are the steps? You know, I should take so I say we go we'll start back. We'll start back at the decarboxylation point right. You've got your you've got your pot take your oven preheat your oven to 250. Don't go any higher 250. It's important. Any higher than that the camera starts to break down a little bit. You want to go you want to you want to activate your part? You don't want to cook them a little bit and destroy it. So 250 is a good temperature. That's Fahrenheit start there spread it out on a sheet pan for about an hour. You want to cook that 250 in the oven? It's going to smell it's going to smell like someone's cooking meat in your house. That's what it's going to smell like if you're concerned with that. There's ways to do it that you can you can not it won't smell but we can go into that later. after after we go from this point, so you've taken your decarboxylated weed out of the oven the best way to easiest way that everybody has these tools at home that's to do is to make a double boiler on a stove in order to double boiler is do I take I think so taking the part of water filling it half water and putting a putting it on medium on the stove and putting a bowl stainless steel bowl on top of it this way the steam I'm kind of heats the bottom of it same way you'd melt chocolate or anything like that. You're making hollandaise or something like that same way but melting chocolates done the same way. So it's not direct heat. It's just the steam that's touching it you take whatever fat you're going to infuse and put it into that bowl and melted the scheme's going to melt that fat and heat it up. Take all your decarboxylated pot. Put that into the into the fat into the bowl and you're going to let that cook slowly. For two to three hours, let it cook slowly. Let it slip it's two in there. You can stir it a little bit come back. You got to be careful when nobody though that you don't run underwater come back and check it on a regular basis because running water water. You can burn your oil burn everything and make a mess away you have so it's really important to make sure that you check the water level always so come back to it and then you make your infusion that way at that after your three our point. Don't get a strainer put it over a bowl put a piece of cheese cloth in a strainer and pour all your oil into it gather up all the the the ends of the the cheesecloth and press out the amount of everything out of the get everything out of the leftover leaf and flower that's in there the vegetable matter and what you're left with is your infusion your basic cannabis infusion, whatever oil you want to use. And that's the basis of whatever you're going to do. You got your decarboxylation. Now, you've made your infusion now, you're ready to cook with cannabis at this point. All right. So now you're now you are ready to go. You are ready to cook brownies cookies brownies. So right now now Don Emilio, let me ask you this. Right? I mean when now I'm not I'm not really overly familiar with you know with a, you know, actually actually cooking and right and be, you know cooking with cannabis but swallow. Can you say cook a steak or chicken with cannabis? I mean or is that type of food is that I guess is it Innocence is it way too complicated to actually be infused with with cannabis. No, no, not at all because know you could cause you can take like I said, you can make a sauce right? Let's say I'm making a barbecue sauce or even just an infused butter say I took a butter infused cannabis butter and I mixed it with regular butter and made sort of a compound butter with some herbs and some garlic and shallots in it. Okay something around. Line and then using it to either finish the steak with because you don't want to because when you're going to cook a steak, whether you're barbecuing it or you're going to sear it the temperature is going to be really high sure. You don't want to you don't want to put your infusion on it beginning. That's something you want the infusion on at the end. But if you're going to do you're going to roast a chicken and you're never going to go above 350 degrees when you're roasting the chicken and absolutely you can you can you can paint the barbecue sauce on it. You could paint whatever but Sir, what do you make a chimichurri or any sort of marinade using an infused olive oil put it on there, but you have to know how much you're using and how much like let's say each tablespoon is infused with let's that's always a good way to look about it. A tablespoon is 15 milliliters. So if you've got an infusion and you know how much each milliliter is then you know how much a tablespoon of soy sauce is going to be. So let's say your infusion is like every milliliters to two tables that are two milligrams of THC. And a tablespoon is going to have 30 milligrams of THC in it. See you know, that that chicken has 30 milligrams of THC on the outside of it baking and making it smaller as easy because you can manage the dosage when you're cooking it in a big Mass. It all depends on how much the person eats right you're resting a chicken and you know, you eat like a leg and a thigh and then go back and have another another leg and somebody just has a couple of slices of breast. Well, then, of course, you're gonna definitely have more THC in it then everybody just up a little bit. That's right. That's why making it and doses you can break it up into little pieces that way, you know, each individual dose. You can do a Savory. I mean, I've done cornbread muffins. Yeah. Absolutely. There's no reason why not. You're just going to bring butter. Oh, yeah. That's right. That's true. You can do biscuits muffins. Yeah, there's no about how about ice cream. Can you do that? Absolutely. Yeah again in milk and and and all those things is fat. So you've already gotten to that point you can take your pot you just gonna have to do it the same way. You're going to have to infuse you could Infuse the milk. That's one way you can do it do the infusion the same way just slow cook for me. Milk with with the pod in it. The only difference is that THC is soluble in oils and fats differently in butter. You're only going to get about 60 percent solubility coconut oil. That's why people use coconut oil or mtcr set MCT oil is because it's about 80% solubility 85% You're getting more THC, you know when you make your infusion with that You're getting the maximum of what you can get so milk is going to be a little less. But yeah, there's no reason why you can't or you can just do the butter or the coconut oil and then fold the coconut oil whatever amount one into the ice cream when you're making it. There's no reason. Yeah in India, they've been doing it forever. There's a thing called a bong lassi which is it's made with yogurt and they but they do it at certain celebrations during out through them and they make like a yogurt drink with with weed in that they've been drinking it for hundreds of thousands of years. So in this state that's done once a year. It's usually tied in with sheba's Festival that point. Yeah. Yeah, so it's been something that's been done. They figured that out a long time ago how to make an infusion and what to do with it. It's all part of its operation and culturally acceptable there. It's not bound on it is but that time of the year, right? Right. Yes, let me know. I know this is maybe a bit off topic but like what's yeah, I mean, I've always wondered that. What is the what is the the Cannabis culture in India? I haven't been there my understanding the culture and and cannabis culture. I've always fascinated with how it's accepted because there's a stigma around it, right? And in all over the world, it's it's different the stigmas, you know here because it's equally it's legal. It's just recently legal in Canada. I don't know if you're aware that all right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So we've got we've just recently got legal legalized. It's out of 2018. I think it was October 17. That was my birthday. Actually. Happy birthday celebration. But even though it's legal, it's still found on right? I don't know even mine. I grow in my home and just released yesterday. My landlords were here looking at my house to install central air and Yeah, you know that was still a little I was a little on edge. I don't need to I'm all legal. It's all on the up-and-up but do I run a shout it from the rooftops? Probably not ready to party my ladders listening to it or figuring it out. Probably not right and knowing but hey, let's try slipping was there right? So that's sort of around and it's not the same everywhere else. So some places been legal for a long time looking in Hollander or in other places are patroller. Spain places where it's been legal for a lot longer and you guys as well you look in California and Oregon and Colorado and places like that. It's it's changed. That's right. Yeah, regardless you're going to have that mentality that off drugs. It's is there's a criminal element all those things. There isn't right there was because putting it under made that made that there but yeah. Well, yeah, I mean, I know it's just, you know at its core it's just simply a plan. Don't you know absolutely and we because we have these cannabinoid receptors in our in our body like we've had this relationship with this plant and an us as humans probably goes a lot deeper than we actually understand or know, right? How long have we been you know, those receptors run along the same Tides as as your endocrine system and your immune system. That's part of your body. You don't have a Prozac system or a Expensive in your body. There's a reason that that relationship with the plant and US mammals are animals on the planet goes a lot deeper I think and well, you know something you said, you know, you said, you know, I mean, I'm getting back to cooking with cannabis you said or you mentioned the actual smell? So when you're cooking with cannabis, you know, I guess you you indicated that it's going to smell like cannabis. Now with that being said, I mean, how do you actually cook with cannabis and kind of I guess in a sense contain the the actual smell itself? Well, you can use those other ways to make the infusion a sous-vide machine is a what's that? I couldn't quite I couldn't. It's a machine you use we use it in cooking a lot. It's been around for a while. It's quite available. Now, you can buy them and kitchen stores and hardware stores, but it sous-vide it's basically it's a French word means underwater basically or under under under so that's what s you can you ve ous. Oh, okay sou S VI d e VI D. So all right. Okay, so this is a machine. Machine that you're cooking in water your thing. Whatever you're cooking and say let's say you're doing your decarboxylated pot. You're going to vacuum cylinder put it in a bag nice tight bag so that it's in full contact with what you're putting it in. You take the water. You'll hit your CT machine 285 degrees, which is as hot as it's going to go against water that point. It keeps the water constant at that temperature and moves it around and circulates it so the water that all that water, Whatever you're doing in the sous-vide machine basically a machine and hook it on the side of a pot fill it with water. Turn it on TV it to that temperature take your ID card pot that's in your bag. You've sealed this bag whether it's a vacuum vacuum pack machine you use or that the home vacuum machines are some sous vide machines come with a pump that you can seal bags with and use it with you. Put it in in there 185 Want to go a little longer because it's a lower temperature. So let's say you put it in there for two hours. I booked you take it out open that up that pot is now decarboxylated and no one smells anything because it's all been in the bag at that point. And then when you want to make your infusion, you can kind of do it the same way. You can do the sous vide do it in do a put into your oil and your pot into a mason jar put it in the sous-vide machine set the temperature. 185 and put it in there and let it Infuse in the bag or in the Mason jar inside the sous-vide machine and cook that way and then you've made your infusion without making any smell so, you know, if you want to be low-key about it, if you're in an apartment or somewhere where you know pot isn't legal that that's the way you want to do it. You can do it with no smell. Okay. All right. Now if you don't have a beat machine you can do the infusion the same way with a crock pot with with the oh with a Crock-Pot, yeah, you can make an infusion with the crop. The only problem is it's hard to set a temperature. Most crock pots are just like high in the low. Yeah, so you have to find The Sweet Spot you can use a thermometer fill it with water or figure out the sweet spot on your crock pot set up Market with a piece of marker or something. So, you know the spot where it is the right temperature and then you can be infusion in the Mason jar in that with water. That's a kind of a thing we do in cooking. It's called a bain-marie. Era water bath and that's the same kind of style of SUV and you have to buy the fancy sous-vide machine than a hundred. They're probably about a hundred and fifty bucks hundred twenty-five bucks. Yeah. I'm actually I just I went to Google as your typing this and they're you know, they're like, you know 80 bucks. Yeah. Yeah so that you bad so and it's been you know, what you can do some really cool stuff. You can cook with it to you can make steak in there. You can pre Stakes up reseal them in there. And you take it out a perfect medium-rare after it's cooked for a couple of hours. You do the marination and everything inside it throw it on the grill when your steaks done in a minute and a half two minutes. Just putting grill marks on it. You get a perfect. Medium-rare steak Yeah, you can do it. You can cook with a sous-vide a whole bunch of different ways to do it, which is cool. So so notice though not just for not just not your energies for weed. It's not overly expensive too. Do that if you want to make an infusion at home and you want to be low-key then you know, we're under a hundred dollars. It's a good investment, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so and I mean, you know, and as you know this podcast it's called cheap home grow, right? So, you know, we're looking to save the the most money in terms of growing cannabis or in this case cooking with cannabis. So yeah, and that's really I mean if you have an oven at home and and a stove and a pot and some water can you can make an infusion and you can cook, you know, you can make canvas at home really cheap, right? Yeah, you know some women and that's a yummy really that's what question I like to ask everybody that comes on the show. I mean how much I know and I understand this is a rather broad. That's a rather broad question. But I mean, how much does it actually cost to cook with your own cannabis depends? Right? I mean if you're growing at yourself, that's a whole other. That's a whole other ballgame, right? I mean suddenly you're your cost of wheat is Right sure exactly. If you're buying it, then it's the cost of what you're what you're buying it. But again, you can store it. You're not using it all in one shot. It's not that you're cooking with an ounce of pot and and taking the whole POD at the whole ounce at the one time if you make an infusion like butter, you can freeze it afterwards store it for a long time oils last a long time as well. Yeah, you can't freeze the oil so much but if you put it in a in a dark place because it is a UV sensitive cakey so cool and dark is important. So there's no light fun. But yeah, you can store it for a long time oil can be stored indefinitely, you know for that amount of time and in the butter or anything like that or coconut oil in the fridge the freezer a long time as well. So announce, you know, whatever it is sounds like a couple hundred bucks. I'm not sure what it is in Rhode Island where you guys are but Up here. It's anywhere from a little commercially. I hear crazy stories about $300 ounces. But yeah, right that's a lot of time. I never pay $300 for us. You should see a we just now. I don't know just how it works up here. If they don't grow our you're not buying from the black market and buying canvas on line up here. You have to buy from the online store the government store. You all right? Yeah, so it's like $10 $12 a gram. It's really nice. Yep, Jesus Christ, you know Joe public who isn't like hasn't been buying weed for years and doesn't have a dealer or just a place to buy it is spending a lot of money on pipe Jesus Christ. It's different up here. So the price of what you purchase your wheat for versus And she going to use it's pretty cheap, you know to make some cookies and you know and to make like a quarter, you know, so I got dozen cookies for somebody. It's probably going to cost you 25 bucks. Look sir said in the end right when you think yeah, I mean, you're not make easy dosage of it, right? You're not you're not making 500 milligram cookies. You're making out 20 milligram. Cookies. Holy shit, man. You would be I went to this nut slot yesterday and this guy made a hundred fifty. Well, he thinks a hundred and fifty. I'm pretty sure it was more than that. He made these brownies and I hate one yesterday. I was four. I was sitting on the couch time to pretty seasoned edible leader stairs watching television. I realized the point where I was like, ah, my ears are ringing my feet are throbbing I could feel I was really hot. I don't think I'm gonna go to bed. Yeah. I went to bed. I slept like a baby. Right, I if I would have stayed awake that would have been a fun ride, but I was tired. I took the out but yeah, I was a With food I have I have a personal question here for you. I you know, I am a hockey player, right? So I deal with the trauma of playing hockey you look I also have sleeping issues. So I guess you know my question to you is this what you know what recipe or recipes and I know that we have talked about this but you know, I mean, what would you recommend for a guy like me that's dealing with pain and with A lack of sleep. Okay, so you're going to look at what dosage works for you when you're going to take it because I look for another I had my eye to knee replacement last year. I had complete knee replacement or they took everything out put metal in there and all the cartilage and everything and took me a few months to recover but I used the Edibles as opposed to using oxycottons and add the hydrochloride and the Hydromorphone to to get better because you do most you're here. In your sleep, which is important. So sleeping is a big part of it when you're in pain trying to fall asleep. It's hard to do. So you got to find that a double dose here sleep work for you where it's going to knock you out and keep you asleep. Right? Like last night. Like I said, I slept like a baby but you know that was a little over the top but you maybe not want to do that every night, but you know, like when I'm when I was Malaysia makes caramels and They're caramels are average about 50 to 75 milligrams. They're pretty strong, but they're good for someone of who myself it works of the dosage where we can meet one caramels. Good two of those caramels will put me to sleep. I'll be asleep in about 3 hours if I ate two of them, so it was perfect when I was recovering. I was I knew that I wanted to go to sleep at like a nine o'clock at night or ten o'clock at like after dinner. I eat a couple caramels and Hours, I'd lie down and watch television and that would be it I'd wake up the next morning and I got off the I was off the Oxycontin sand the Hydromorphone and probably about two and a half weeks. Yeah. Yeah, and I used he said was and I mean I wasn't working. I was still doing physio. I had to do physio like three times a week, but I I would then I would diss micro dose during the day. I would take like a quarter caramel in the morning. If I had to go do my physio I make sure I have a caramel just to measure it out and it just sort of took the pain away. I didn't make the pain go away but it made it more localized less localized. You know, it's kind of a pain was kind of over there not it wasn't that Tony are attached to you. It was kind of I don't know if you know what I'm saying is it was kind of fun local it was the pain was removed. Yeah, just a little bit and it helps and it keeps your Inset in the right place to write and there's nothing worse than trying to in recovery and a lot of people deal with depression and all those things that well go along with using big Pharma same time T, right you just start using opiates or things like that for pain and Recovery. Then there's a lot more that goes along with it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I mean I've talked to a lot of people, you know, whether it be in person online, you know vnd em and You know, I mean one, you know one common theme that a lot of people say is that they have used cannabis to get off of prescription drugs. It is a lot of this is a lot of benefits and depending on what you use right? I mean smoking and using the terpenes from sativa or indica right are different effects work for different people. If you've got high anxiety, you're not going to want to have a sativa. That's not going to put you in a good place. If you want to get stuff done, you're not going to smoke an Indica during the day. That's not going to get anything done. So you have to know what terpenes work for you when you cook with cannabis though. That means do not matter the strain of a pot doesn't matter. Hmm because all those terpenes those active things that change the effects of indica and sativa are gone. You just left with THC at that point. So that's why Edibles are always that car more of an Indica feels more of a body Buzz. Never mind. Buzz you don't get a sativa. Edible. You'll never going to get that racy. If you're looking for a an uplifting racy thing Edibles are not going to be here. The Bulls are gonna affect you differently. They're going to put you in more of an Indica because THC is more of a not a stimulant. No, it'll put you down a little bit more to relax you relax your muscles make you sit down and like I said go to sleep eventually if you take enough of it, that's what the end result. I told him too much. Yeah, you know some yeah, that's that's a good point that you just made there because I didn't really I didn't really think about that like well, you know is it you know is cooking with with cannabis. Is it strain dependent? And apparently it's not no. No, it doesn't matter at that point your went you've D car but once you've D carved it you removed all those terpenes well burnt off. That's what you're smelling when you're cooking it. All right. Well, you know down let's I'll tell you what, I mean you've been to look for the better part of an hour, but I really You know, I just have one I guess one last. Well not I mean this is my last question. But you know, you've you've taught me and hopefully the listeners ways to cannabis but you know, I guess turning that around a little bit. You know, let's let's talk about I guess common mistakes that you see people that want to you know, that want to cook with cannabis, you know often make it will Wonders of course is dosage, right? I think the biggest important one like a my leg my example from last night the brownie right? I mean that can really that can make or break it for anything. That's edible. So like what if you're a first timer and you didn't know and you ate that brownie, you're probably not going to have a doubles again at for a long time. That's why you away from that and I think that's the biggest thing is is is learning the dosage and learning the right way not to do it as opposed to the wrong way to not to not the end result. Yeah, you want to enjoy yourself but there's a point. I swear you're not going to enjoy yourselves and maybe we'll there are people that like to use it as a spiritual kind of Journey at the same time. I talked to a couple of people that like to Green out and to get to that point where there had too much Edibles and kind of work through their problems and calm them. Down and use it kind of as a spiritual thing at the same time which isn't for everyone but you know it is there people do it on purpose to get to that point, but they're not everybody wants to do that. So that's the biggest one the big mistake and second are probably not D carbon your pot properly. So not getting the full potential out of what you're cooking with. It's really important to D car bit use a cooking not cook it too high. Like I said, no higher than 250 in your oven to 40s perfect, but go any higher and to use it at that point to make your infusion if you don't be car but properly and you cook it too high or you don't cook it long enough. You're not going to get the full activation of THC is here kind of wasting your your part of that point. So you want to get you know, like you said cheap home grow. Let's get the most out of what we're doing that point. So save your money and do it, right? And and then you're that you know, you're not going to make it makes okay Don. Um, well, I'll tell you what Tommy this I tell you what, this is actually my last question. This is a question that I like to ask everybody that comes on the cheap home grow podcast. And with that being said, are there any questions that I should be asking in are there any final statements that you would like to make about cooking with cannabis? You know what remember be creative? I'm right, you know, it's a it's it's something you can you can do and put into fat so, you know, as far as recipes go the sky's the limit enjoy yourself at that point and you know don't just make cookies and don't just make gummy bears and brownies try different things. Try barbecue sauce is hot sauces stews different things. There's all sorts of outlets out there that you can be creative using cannabis and you know, you could do to hold dinner party the salad dressing right of the desert that Absolutely. Okay. All right. Yeah, don't be scared. Don't be scared of what you're doing. Well, I guess this is this is almost self-explanatory, but it's problems to know how to cook first before you actually start cooking with cannabis. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely, you know dial down some recipes, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and then go from there. All right, Don well for you listeners out there you can go followed on on Instagram at Chef Donn 23 and also cannabis cooking co-write. Yes. Yep. That's out of Toronto here as well. And we do a lot of classes weekly classes for teaching how to make an infusion how to do recipes different themes. We do begin classes Savory classes sweet. Isis kind of people use it as different things to they use it like we've had people come up from the states. We had a few people from Chicago come up as make it like a tourist destination point and because they're kind of Hear The Knowing cannabis is legal and then doing something like learning a cooking class at the same time as whole part of the vacation. So it's kind of cool. Yeah. Well, you know, if I ever do come up there, I'm definitely going to give you a ring and you know, yeah man check that on. Yeah. Why not come learn? We'd love to have you. Yeah, what's the outside? Well, what is the actual website? Is it is it? Yeah cannabis cooking Okay all one word. Yeah, and yeah cannabis cook companies. All righty. All right Manuel. Listen, Don. I I do appreciate you coming on the show, man, and you know, I hope to talk to you again soon awesome was great having and thanks for having me on it was great sharing some information with you. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, after the recording ended Don contacted me via DM on Instagram and he wanted to discuss another mistake that people make regarding how long Edibles take to have an effect. So don. If you could could you please speak to that a little bit more? Yeah, you know after the whole interview I was processing a little bit and realized after really portent point, you know Edibles aren't because you ingest them and it's it's it's gone. It goes into your stomach and is broken down and then Works its way into your liver and it's distributed the effects of this distributed at that point throughout your body. And like I said previous how the tetrahydrocannabinol had the Delta dine is actually transformed and hydroxy 11 completely different. Five times stronger, but this process takes a long time. It doesn't it's something you eat an edible and half an hour later. You're feeling the effects. It's never that fast, you know, you can be as fast as maybe an hour 45 minutes now upwards to 2 to 6 to even 12 hours. Some people it really makes a makes a big difference on your metabolism. What you eaten that day on an empty stomach. It's no different than drinking and how it affects you when you eat a drink on an empty. Stomach or you don't want to do stomach effects are different. So you've got to remember that. It's a big mistake people make a lot of times is you know, they eat the half a brownie. Like they were told two and half an hour later an hour later. The ball is just not doing anything for me. I'm going to eat the other half and you know three hours later. They're in a fetal position on their bed trying to hold hold on to gravity. At that point because it's really it's really him all at one point and they shouldn't have taken that much right? And so people need to remember that it takes time and that's why it's so important to test yourself when you're eating Edibles. That's why I said earlier take a journal keep a journal and how much you ingest how took you and the effects that it gave you at that point and how you felt then you can judge. It's really your you really have to take your time. And that's if that's important, especially when you're out doing Things if you're going out and eating Edibles or you're even thinking about operating having anything, you know, and he stays like that you might want to think twice timing-wise when it's going to hit you so they don't think that's a really pertinent and a super important part of the whole understanding Edibles and how they work and how to inject possible. It's just thinking how long it takes to the effects to actually get to you and all of that. So be safe out there that's important. Okay? Yes, sir. So basically you should worry about you know, you should worry, I guess to sum it up. You should worry about your time frame pretty much. Yeah, your timeframe and figure out what your time frame is, you know test yourself do 10 20 milligrams and see how long it takes you to feel anything if anything at all, right and then judge don't don't jump into it and you know eat one gummy bear and then decide. Well, those were really good. I'm going to have 10 more then regret it later and be that guy who has the really tie story about The Edibles they had on the week. Yeah, exactly. Yeah you yeah, you definitely don't want to be that guy because that is not have good stories or well, I mean it does but funny but they're not necessarily exactly. All right. All right down. Well, I mean, is there anything else that you would like to you know that you would like to know? I think that's it, you know all the stuff I talked about before and just that important. All right. I just want everybody to They're out there and enjoying Edibles and trying it for the first time just to keep all those things in mind and be safe and responsible and enjoy them. Hello Jeep homegrown Nation. Thanks for listening to my podcast with Don. He can be found on Instagram at Chef Donn 23. I encourage you to go to cheap home forward slash episode 74 show. Oh highlights. I hope you've enjoyed this episode. And please remember the press the Subscribe button and leave a review. I look forward to talking with you next Tuesday. I am reaching out to you to ask you really one question and I want to know how am I doing as a podcaster? What topics do you want me to cover? Is there anything specific please reach out to me? Please? Get back to me. I can be found online at cheap home under the Contact us page and also you can message me directly on my Twitter and Instagram account at cheap home grow. Thank you for listening to the cheap home grow podcast. We do our best to bring you quality content. Let's grow together. Please hit the Subscribe button and take time to share this podcast with a friend visit cheap home for our database of interviews and information. Our nation until next time be safe and grow easy.
Chef Don comes on the show today to talk about how to cook with cannabis. He's a chef from Toronto, Canada. He's been cooking with cannabis for a long time and comes on the show today to talk about how he cooks with cannabis. He goes into detail about decarboxylation and how that plays an important role when cooking. Not being a very talented cook myself, I thought one could only cook "sweets" with cannabis, but after talking with Don, that's not the case. You can use cannabis on pretty much any dish, and he goes into detail as to how this process works during this podcast episode. You can listen/watch the episode here Learn How To Cook Infused Foods With Cannabis Follow Him On Instagram Subscribe To The CHG Podcast on Spotify Listen To The CHG On Anchor Learn How To Grow Your Own Cannabis Follow CHG On Social Media: --- Support this podcast:
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It is wise for each of us from time to time to stop and evaluate Our Lives as we seek to make the most of them the start of a calendar year provides an opportunity to look back at the decisions that shaped our lives during the past year and gives us an extra push to make adjustments for the next one every new January represents a natural opportunity to evaluate the direction of Our Lives adjust course, if necessary adopt new habits or make healthy changes birthdays can often serve the same purpose. Regardless of the time of year self-reflection is important consider then these 11 resolutions for a better you proven by science. It is after all our habits that determine the course of Our Lives. Number one exercise most of us recognize the benefits of physical exercise healthy bodies healthy minds and healthy confidence some studies indicate exercise contributes to a positive body image even prior to body weight or shape change with as little as two weeks of regular exercise and with increasing study centered around the effectiveness of minimalist workouts. Each of us should be able to find the time to get started number two less television, those seeking intentionality realized a negative influence television has on their mind. It impacts our worldview encourages consumerism oversimplifies life man results in less life satisfaction even more drastic scientists. You need to discover the habit of watching too much television may be negatively impacting our life expectancy as well. Nobody is telling you to throw your television to the nearest dumpster, but deciding to cut back in the next year. Maybe one of the best decisions you could ever make number three. Go outside according to recent studies published in the Journal of environmental psychology. Simply spending time outside with nature contributes to increased energy Ward's off feelings of exhaustion and results in a heightened. It's of well-being. Of course, simply walking from your front door to the car door doesn't count. So make a point this coming year to find an excuse to be outside. You can always start with a simple walk around the block each evening number four read fiction recently researchers have begun studying the physical impact reading stories has on our brain as you might expect they are discovering reading results in height and connectivity and brain activity. Sometimes even up to five days after the book has been Eat it. If you read fiction, you already know this to be true. If you don't this could be your year to start. You may enjoy beginning with The Hunger Games or Divergent number five. Give numerous studies show charitable giving boost happiness and reduces stress, especially when the generosity promotes positive social connection. If you don't already find a cause or person you believe in and offer them consistent monthly support they will benefit you will benefit. And the world will be a better place number six serve volunteering provides great value for our lives and the lives of those we choose to enrich one study from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania Harvard Business School and the Yale School of Management found that when a person volunteers his or her time they begin to feel like they have more time and are more efficient additionally volunteers feel better about themselves experience lower stress levels and develop a deeper. Action with others the golden number appears to be a hundred hours per year or two hours per week number 7 buy less stuff and more experiences in studies presented at the society for Personality and Social Psychology researchers suggest that buying life experiences rather than material possessions leads to Greater happiness for both the consumer and those around them decide today to spend less money this year on possessions and more money on meaningful. The memorable experiences you'll be glad you did in more ways than one number eight display gratitude psychologists have scientifically proven that one of the greatest contributing factors to overall happiness in your life is how much gratitude you show it can be experienced with as little as three Expressions each day. Like thank you for getting started is so easy and beneficial. It could be the easiest decision. You make all year. Number 9 practice smiling in a fascinating study conducted at the Michigan State business school customer service professionals who fake a smile throughout the day worse in their mood but people who Smile as a result of cultivating positive thoughts improve their mood and withdrawal s simply put one easy way to improve your mood throughout the next year is to intentionally recall pleasant memories or think more positively about your current situation and then smile because of it. At number 10 stop and just play our world is becoming increasingly busy in the temptation to measure our worth by external factors continues to grow as a result taking time to slow down and just play is becoming increasingly rare, but play is fun and enjoyable play enriches the lives of children by exercising their mind and body and has the same positive effect on adults. So make an extra point to just slow down and play constructively. their friends or kids and number 11 determined to be happy to experimental studies published in the journal positive psychology this past year offer groundbreaking research on the cultivation of Happiness based on the experiments participants who listen to Happy music and actively try to feel happier reported the highest level of positive mood afterwards more so than those who simply Listen To The Music In other words determining to be happy is a productive decision towards achieving it adopting 11 new habits at one time is almost certainly too much to ask but choose one or two specifically and then give it 29 days. You'll be surprised how quickly they become habit. You just listen to The Post titled 11 resolutions for a better you proven by science by Joshua Becker of becoming and thank you again to gust. Oh Gus no offers modern easy payroll benefits and HR to small businesses across the country. They were even named best online payroll by PC mag. Get three months free. When you run your first payroll at old and don't wait. Today's the time to get set up for 2019 this gu sto. Dot-com / o LD. All right, I'll leave it at that. I hope you're having a great last day of 2018. If you're listening in real time, thank you for being here and for subscribing to the show and for sharing it with friends and family. It means a lot. I'll be back tomorrow in 2019 reading to you. So I'll see you there where your optimal life away.
Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist shares 11 resolutions proven by science for a better you. Episode 1116: 11 Resolutions For a Better You - Proven by Science by Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist Joshua Becker and his family decided to live with fewer possessions after a conversation with his neighbor in 2008. As a result, they found a better way to live, centered on more important pursuits. Their story has been seen on the CBS Evening News, NPR, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal and countless media interviews around the world. Their books have sold in the tens of thousands. is about their journey towards a rational approach to minimalism. It is about the joys and the struggles. It is about the lessons they have learned. It has inspired millions around the world. It is written to inspire you to intentionally live with less, and find more life because of it. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! Gusto is making payroll, benefits, and HR easy for small businesses. Get 3 months free once you run your first payroll with our link: --- Support this podcast:
Biggest difference that I keep seeing over and over again between people that are making it succeeding achieving their goals happy fulfilled and moving forward and the people who are stuck complain just feel like there's no way out get complacent don't make progress don't move forward towards what they want. Is that the people who stay stuck whenever they try to go and do something whenever they have a goal. They almost instantly find three reasons why it's not going to work their brain by default is wired to look for excuses or validation that this idea or this thing isn't the right one. So it's not a character flaw in them. It's not something on the inside. It's clearly something is wrong with the strategy or the tactic when in reality most strategies and most tactics actually worked really really really well. If you make them work really well give you an example. I used to thank Ram doesn't work for me in my business, you know, this is not the tool or a platform for me people's attention spans are too short. I'm just going to stick with you too, but I had a great YouTube channel, but just recently I've been growing by about 2,000 followers a week on Instagram. So I got over my ego. I stopped telling myself that story and on the other end success it goes for everything it goes for whatever you want in your life. When you're telling yourself over this thing doesn't work or this is the wrong plan or these are The wrong people most often, it's you you're the problem. You're the issue. You're the person who's causing the silly pattern going in circles over and over again doing the same thing time and and timeout and expecting something to change these successful people the way they think is how do I make it work for me? How do I find a way to make this actually come through not what why and what are the reasons for this not working? You're not not like Who's going to stop me or this isn't going to work because XYZ they just go through all that. They don't even think about it. Whatever you put your attention on will expand. So put your attention on Solutions. I always think about how can I make it work and ever since I started doing that amazing things started happening more and more and more and more in my life. I recently got booked for a huge conference and Amsterdam. I'm flying out next month to go speak with, you know people like the head marketers of Red Bull and L'Oreal another big companies now, I used to think that's impossible or not doesn't work or a twenty something year old could never be in that group or couldn't be a part of that? It's all possible anything you want as possible. Now the question is are you going to find reasons why it doesn't work. Are you going to tell yourself that it doesn't work for you or you going to find three excuses for why this is not going to be the right thing or are you going to move forward? Are you going to actually go with cheve your goals learn in the process? Adjust? Of course, it's never perfect the first time you try it even now I mess up all the time. I probably messed up about three times in this video alone, but it doesn't matter because Cuz it's about moving forward and making progress not about being perfect. Not about getting everything right the moment you obsess about that you get in your heads. You overthink everything you make it too complicated and you stay stuck. The reason why I've been able to succeed is because I continue to just move it's okay. If this is imperfect, it's okay. If the lighting isn't right if the tonality do doesn't hit her If I Stumble over my words a couple of times, it doesn't matter because it's about making progress not about out making Perfection successful people make progress every single day on successful people stay stuck because they overanalyze they overthink it and they come up with reasons for why it's not going to work.
How successful people think and how you can improve your thinking to be more successful in your own life! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #SuccessfulPeople #ThinkingSuccessfully #SuccessfulThinking #ThinkSuccess #SuccessfulPeople #SuccessThinking #SuccessMindset #SuccessfulMindset #SuccessDriven #Success #Successful #SelfMade #SelfImprovement  #MindsetGrowth #MindsetHacks #PersonalDevelopment #Motivation #SelfHelp #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker How can I stop wasting my life and get up? Stop thinking like unsuccessful people. The only reason you have been stuck for so long is because of your mind. Whenever you try something new your mind is the one that comes up with reasons that hold you back. Reasons that tells you “why it won’t work”. Your synapses are wired to keep you stuck and small. You have to re-wire yourself to think like successful people. The only way to do it is through repetition. Whenever the thoughts of why it won’t work come up, Flip the question of “why it won’t work” and ask; How can I make it work? Whatever it is you are trying, find ways to make it work. Don’t be a victim of your own mind.
This is episode 4 of the AC podcast. My name is Alex Collins. And my guest today is truly an inspirational woman who had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Grace O'Rourke. So just to give you a small bio on grace before we get stuck into the podcast Grace was the joint winner of Ortiz ultimate hell week and was the first woman in the history of the state to pass the elements of the Irish Rangers selection process. Now our interest to join the Army All Began back and fourth year of secondary school when she was selected to take part in the gasket Defense Forces for day challenge and was from this moment on her passion to be in the Army was ignited great applied for the Army three times in between pursuing her Sport and exercise science degree in the UK, but unfortunately was never successful now Despite All Odds and setbacks Grace continue to follow her lifelong dream and decided to apply for the Special Forces ultimate hell week on Ortiz. Grace is ability to push on and bounce back from various setbacks in her life is truly incredible from being turned down by the Irish Army three times. It's nearly handing in her badge in the early stages of hell week and then ultimately winning the show and becoming the first woman in history to pass the selection process displays an otherworldly amount of resilience. Her story is a real life example of why you should always stay true to yourself and never give up on your dreams. So without further Ado I Hope you enjoy my conversation with the Amazing Grace award. So Grace Roark we are now alive and absolute pleasure to have you on the podcast. Thanks for having me Alex. So Grace was the first female in Ireland to pass the elements of the Special Forces selection process, which is a failure rate of You percent and you are also the joint winner of the Ortiz hell week. So before we get stuck into the podcast, do you mind just explain to the listeners who may have not gotten the chance to watch the show? What was kind of how we go about and what was white, why'd you decide to apply for it? Well, it was my mom that told me to have lifers. And so I remember going into the sitting room and one night after just a really shitty day at the office and she said oh chick I saw this thing on already. It's em, you know with the Army and fitness and stuff, you know, you're into that and you should go for it. So and for those of you who don't know I wanted to join the Army when I was younger and I interviewed for it three times, but I never got it. And so yeah, that's kind of where my mom was coming from with the whole the Army and fitness. And so basically it was a TV show Oh based around the Army Ranger selection process. So the Rangers are just at the they're basically the the Irish Secret Service the Irish are saying that kind of yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so they're they're the opening. The opening kind of seen in hell week is you know, the II the Rangers have been kind of you know behind Hind behind doors until now, you know, the veil is coming off and you're going to discover and learn what what the Irish Rangers are all the base. So basically it was eight days with these guys and it was the training takes you through all different kind of fears and phobias and really pushes you to your limits physically and mentally and you know, you tests your fear of heights. Zero it will test your stamina your endurance and and guys everything really just yeah, I was reading your blog and I was it's an another interview did and it was the first night where you strip down to your underwear and a cold and the rain. Yeah, so it's just it's psychological and it's it's full-on from the the - you get there. And that's that's that's what it's about. You know with there's nothing nothing softer. Nothing gentle. It's the Fear Factor. It's the shock and yeah, it's just to get you from the word go and and the ranger is actually the Rangers agreed. The four DS has agreed to do it if the production team completely stood back and stayed out of it. So they said that they would do the show and one condition that it is true to what the Rangers do none of. This you know bootcamp be style kind of mess in a bait. So everything you saw on the TV was completely true to wash the Rangers are and what they stand for and you carry the same weight as well as they didn't hold back on the no concessions. Yeah, and I think you know, that's that's part of your winning and success even I think because it's you have guys were 50 60 pounds. Yeah. It's I think when you're when you're in it, though, you can't you just you can't you can't differentiate yourself you are. Are the same as them? So how did the first what was the first day like the first night? How did it all start the first so yeah, we're straight off the bus. They actually they held us on the bus for ages. I think it was so got a little bit dark and gray little bit of it, you know builds up the atmosphere. We are straight onto the courtyard and and we were told to enter your bags that we had brought with us and transfer everything that we needed only if a fish into the bag that they Us and so yeah that was like mint it was minimal stuff, but we'd been given instructions what to bring and everything else was at your own discretion. So I think it was yeah, I brought I've brought what I was told and but I also brought newspaper to keep my boots try to stuff in my booth and I was like, I was like it was it was actually it was Darren and and my mom that kind of suggests. Tested it. And I was like, I don't know like it's a good idea, but I don't know like I you know, I don't want to draw attention to myself. So the DS came along and was like newspaper. What do you think? You're going to be fucking having time to read here as I go for fuck sake I knew I shouldn't have brought it. I knew em and then as I can o do you assets to try my boots and he obviously thought that that was a good enough answer so he walked away because there was two other girls. I brought a hair dryer. And their hair straighteners, well, they got milled out of it. So I was just like other it's just not a good start to draw attention to yourself. So I was just like, oh thank God and so yeah, you're a stripped your stripped down and you're like, it's just a bit of a shock and it's kind of like, yeah, you're kind of like is this real your you know, it's Latin literature actually, so it was almost like the production team like pressed rain cue the rain as we were like stripping down and it I know is it was Just it was you know, you're I don't know. What one was March it was cold. It was Bloody cold and there's a breeze it was raining and the guy in front of me. I can't remember who I was but his Iris cheeks were clattering together and I think it was freezing but like that kind of thing if you enter if you entertain it, I was fine like sorry, I wasn't born but I hadn't reached that level of coals, but I think you know when you're watching something on TV and it's you're still in the warmth of your own. But it's cold you start to feel cold. So I think the mental game started straight away. If I let myself entertain like his level of coldness. I would have felt that cause I suck her eyes. Don't look at him. Don't look at him. Don't look at him. You're not cold. You're not cold. Do you know and so it's just mental from the word go the word going anywhere straight into a yeah, an 8 8 mile hike was an eight mile hike at the 8th. So with our full with the full weight of 45 five pounds in the bag and then you've got your water on top of that to liters of water your bar your eleven pen bar, which is just it's not 11 pounds isn't heavy when you had it when you're holding it across your time. I'm sure it's just awkward. It's so awkward so you can't use your arm. So you don't have that kind of momentum and that kind of Drive what your arms like you usually would M. So that was I think my ego took a bit of a hit on that one and so it CF 4 miles up and four miles back. So it was like this, you know the same route twice so psychologically you're like fuck. Oh, yeah. It's you've done it once towards yourself and now you're like I have to do it again. And so the way I usually start my race as like I started off kind of like cool calm and collected and kind of work my way up the pack because usually some people start off way too fast, and then I'm like, okay. I'll see you in a minute buddy, but that wasn't the case at all. I was like slipping further back and And back and back and I forgot to put my belt. No, I didn't forget. I just didn't put my belt on my pants which was stupid because they were they were new pants and they're like quite snug when I put them on. So as I go, these are Grant stupid if you're told to put something on if you're told to do it there's a reason so they were slipping down and it was lashing rain the bag I couldn't get on my back properly and I just I didn't I just couldn't hoist it up properly. It was until the second day that I figured out how to sew it was just pulling on my shoulders. I have no upper body strength. It was just grilling start ruling. I was like nah, was there any moment at first day you were like, why don't my this is crazy. What what was many moments where youth may be taught about giving up or so, I didn't think I'd have to give up. I thought I was going to snap my hamstring and that then I'd go out with hurry with an injury. Yeah. So like I was yeah, they were just like my legs tied up like I've never like like I know athletic session has ever made me tie up and it was tightening and tightening and I could barely lift my foot because it was like it was a big hill that we had to go up and I was like, okay grace like you're kinda not able for this you can't keep up and but don't worry, you won't have to quit because your hamstrings going to snap what I didn't snap. And I made it over the line with seconds left. Was it saying left? Right? Okay. Okay. Yeah, and what was your training regime look like buff like physically and did you do any mental training before this whole started this? Yeah I did and I probably did a little bit more mental training then I thought I did since I've been kind of talking about it. I people are like, oh you did. Yeah. I'm like, yeah, dude. Yeah, I actually did do that. Yeah, like what I kind of realizing so my physical training because I trained with DSD Dunder I'm saying tell them that it's Club. So I kept that up and I wouldn't be competing anymore. But I just kind of kept up the level of training that I would would do. If as if I was going into competition, so it would be kind of speed more speed endurance stuff. And do you know if someone has someone asked me if I could if I could do if I could prepare for it again and to do More training wall what I do and it will probably be more enduring stuff. I definitely didn't do enough turns and slow and learn stuff and I do most physically sorry for cutting of what was most physically daunting task that you to take on in that weak physically daunting and most exhausting that first night wasn't the first night was the first nice Easter. Yeah. Yeah. It was just like it was such a whacked my ego to physically like Just like Jesus Christ. Yeah, just my body had never ever felt any pain like that before and it was just yeah, it was is on a different level. Do you know physically and Men meant to have the boat both kind of whacked at the same time because I read some of your blog's talk. Just what you were saying there. I read some of your blogs on. Having your mind and body aligned which I love and running your own race. Can you explain to the listeners exactly what you mean? But yeah, I love that one. And so that's that's my italics coach and mr. Jim kid. He I was lucky enough to have two seasons with him. And so he coached me for the 400-meter hurdles. And this wasn't like a I'm primarily a high jumper. So this was kind of a different event. I've done a little bit of cross country. So I had I can jump and I've got little bit of endurance in me not so much speed but yet and so here's what he'll say to all his athletes as run your own race. So this I've brought this with me in life in like you can use it all across the board and this is basically don't get caught up with the competition and bring worse and bring your Stir the table. So like I remember when I was running my first 400 meter race, I would get caught up with the girls to the left and the right of me and and and and kind of be like, oh my God, so I know you know, she's she's an X y&z Runner and you know her training she does this and training and and just completely lose focus on me and like I wouldn't be a very fast starter, but I'd be a strong finisher, but you know, you'd get a lot of kind. Of sprinters in a 400-meter race as well. So when I try to Sprint off with them, I'd be dead like it halfway around I'd be dead but as soon as I stopped doing what they were doing and just focus on what I could do, which was slightly slower start and then use my engine to finish I you know start to do well I'd start to place and so it's just it's so, you know, it's such an easy thing to say to someone but it's so hard to apply aspect when you go into You know in business as well when you go into a new or like in business when your when people are like, oh you should be putting this in mind to your marketing budget or this amount and you're like, okay, but you need to like focus on how you want to do it and how you should think you should do it, you know. Yeah. Absolutely. I think it's well because in coaching we talk about values and living a true expression of yourself, and I think that phrase was kind of It kind of goes hand-in-hand with with life with life. Experiences and how you approach life in general? So I'm going to throw this question at you. What do you think? Your core values are in life that makes you make any decision or any kind of subconscious decision to drive forward and do you think any of those values in life possibly were formed from past experiences that made you apply for the hell week. That's a coincidence. Core values. So I don't know what persistence be one Mmm. Yeah persistence be running my own race. Yeah ambition might be one or I mean there's yeah number like what makes what makes you tick in life? What do you get? What do you get excited about it? Like it's funny because like I really think my competitive streak has died down now like when when I you know, you asked me that if you had asked me that question, maybe five years ago when I first had my first business it was like I want to be successful. I want to be the you know the best at what I do and now it's just not that anymore at all. It's just to attach just to be happy to be content and what I'm doing what makes you happy. Yeah, and then your last year Doug is well my dog. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I used to love or shrines. Uh, it's Chris. Really? Yeah, he's a bit of a venting. I loved it. I loved it. But it's one of those it's one of those pastimes you need to be. I think you need to be all in or nothing. Yeah for saying so sir. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's yeah, it's so time-consuming. Yeah are so much money to spend time writing resources name. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay good. So I'm doing that in the morning so good. It's handy, you know, you've got I have my my little little little time for me and then it's em like that, you know, it's not like a venting where it's all in kind of thing. Yeah. It's all in. Yeah. Well, that's good. It's kind of more like I guess it's lovely little pasta. Yeah when you can have it suits my story. Yeah. It's Okay, so you were talking a little bit you in mind and body. How do you when you are in hell week? Yeah what we are techniques to align your mind and body so oh, yeah. So before before I went in I would have done a lot of visualization that I kind of didn't realize I was doing so I was thinking about the scenario or the situation what if I want so what if I passed so it was never I never went in with the attitude. I'm going to do this I can do this never with that. But how does it feel and I think visualization. Yeah, it's it's called visualization, but To end it is a large large piece of fish. That's emotional and you need and you need to be able to feel it for sure. Yeah, talk a lot about yeah ocean it. Yeah Power of looking into the future. Yeah creating your future. Yeah, and it's not just it's not just because I think I would have done it a lot in sport, you know, see yourself jumping over the high jump, but it's not just seeing yourself. It's like feeling yourself feeling each step feeling what it feels like to go over the bar to clear it feeling. What a Like to to you know, when you know your friends and family like applauding you and white as I feel like and I think you need to kind of manifest and create that so, you know would have done a lot of that and I would have prepared myself mentally for as much as they could like. I knew there was going to be a challenge of heights and that's definitely my weakness. Yeah, like I wouldn't be great and no God. That was the worst. Oh God and yeah. Well, you know I was so lucky because I had Ray behind me. So Shane was in front. Ray was behind Ray was fucking freezing. He liked his teeth were practically clattering together to see a full grown man in that state, you know, I wasn't far off that either but it's just funny to see a man in that state and and then Shane was on on the bridge but his fear is also Heights. So he was taking a little bit of time to try come. Grips with his fear Ray was behind being like come on. Come on, just jump. Come on, like we're all freezing. So I say grace you got to get up there and just fucking jump. You can't take a range of there. You have a whole team of people that are fucking freezing. So it was a look I'm going to say it was lucky the position that I was in that I - it kind of pushed me on a little bit up jump in like don't dick around you seem to have this ability to kind of of I think there's a fine line between present in the moment and in his ability to kind of just switch off and separate your thoughts from who you are. There's a great book I read and The intended soul in I've ever read it and it's about just being able to like separate your emotions and feelings from yourselves going to read out what their first. It's a great book. Do you think Jordan hell week that you kind of were able to just even though your mind was just that's in in panic situations. We have to separate yourself from yeah, like oh well, I don't want to be separate. I don't know. I was or become more in tune with your mind. Yeah. Another yeah, so I was the the best version of myself. I was so switched on I was switched on to everything that was going on inside of me. And I was also on I was also able to be on alert for the guy beside guy or girl beside me like you need to have your shits or did a new needed to have their make sure that they had their shit sorted like your I was like, yeah, like I when I when I finished and I was like driving along in the car with Darren. And just started crying. He's like what's wrong with you? It's just so good. It's really the best possible version of myself. It's great. You need a certain environment to get it. I read a book. It's here. It's called tribe. Actually, I could give it to you. It's an amazing book and it's about this guy who was away at War. And and it talks about when soldiers come back to live with their families if they find it hard to live in reality now. Okay. Now this is different but that sense of a family that sense of being teenagers 100% Yeah, it's your so regimented in your so you got so close. It really is. It's different. It's very different when I step back into normal. It was here like I missed it. Was that a those emotions between it That relationship and that bond that you had with your partner because you heard he was because you looked at the guy beside you're the girl you're thinking. They're going through the same shit as me now. See you just had that. Did you feed yourself to your inflow State? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's when your mind and body and your spirit is All Connect definitely definitely just in this zone are kind of like in a hypnotic State more than anything else. Yeah. I yeah, I don't like I If that for flow is yeah. I think I think I was in flow. Yeah. There's a great book on. It's when your challenges and your your The Challenge and your ability is matched. So when you're learning let's say and you new skill or a task. You're picking up the rock climbing or guitar. Like you're kind of in that zone of the challenge is not too big but it's matching your ability. So your yes days of just going. Yeah great great books on it now and everything is great. I'd say I would imagine looking at all the episodes. Yeah. That's what you were in you're just so in the zone all the time. It was nothing going to stop. Copy really I and I think there was a point there is a point that I was able to get myself into that. It was kind of like it was either go into it or go out of it, you know, it was it was a very fine line and it was it was day two on the career and where we had to do the scratch scratch scratch scratch training scratch test and that's crawling through the puddles to the Rhinos in a breeze and go lower than their freezing. Cause like five high five in the morning and and it was when you know my ego had already got a hitch the night before because like I got I had I was so what I thought at the time it was the last two that were just going to whoever the last two were there were going to be cold, but it was actually anybody I found it after was anybody that didn't make it in within the two hours. So either way I was just like Grace you're actually you're not really at the level of these guys. Eyes and you know I was so cold like just yeah, I've never felt anything like it and and then all this negative noise and my head, you know, Grace the Army didn't let you in and this probably for a reason reason you're you know, you're probably not tough enough for this and it's just like I was just yeah just than the self diet was just overwhelming and then there was a moment where I was like rice when the DS walks by me. I'm going to I'm going to hand hand over my badge. Because our my my my arm bands because you know, if this is this is what I'm feeling like now, it's only going to get harder you barely could pass the first night like what are you doing? Just give up now would like there was something in me that just completely flip that around as soon as he walked by me. I just I just couldn't couldn't hand it over brilliant and I was like, okay grace like I all my coaches voices came to my head or Or my hours of training that I put in came to my head and and I was like, okay grace you're going to go three more minutes and you're going to just get through the next few minutes and then you're going to see what what happens after that. Maybe another three. Did you learn any like kind of mantras to you when you were going through tough times to keep to keep gone? I had the we're like the run your own race because I was like amongst like, you know, really fit guys and girls Messenger athlete yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so there is like there's all sort of sorts of amazing athletes there. So there's bash then there was my other coach new c-more. She I remember one one one day myself and my friend we skip training because it was raining we went home and we had ice cream and we got a tongue lashing of a text message from her you will never skip training because it's Name so like that kind of voice came into my head like just kind of man up a little bit and different songs. I kind of had in my head just kind of happy songs and I had women half. Oh you did. Yes. Yes, just breathe. Just breathe. Just breathe. Yeah. Okay I had who else I guess you know my family and that bush I think the biggest driving force for anybody to ever do anything is that intrinsic motivation like your do you want to do it for you? Like for its this is not you weren't hell week. You're not going to get it get through it. If you want to be famous, you're not going to get through it. If you want to keep someone happier. It's like that deep-rooted internal driving force. I do you think maybe those Names when you applied for the Defense Forces before that that drive you on even more to to complete it. Honestly that bat didn't that didn't come into it really didn't and I think my the amount of hours I've put in training as an athlete that kind of I was like Grace of you know of it. Have you done that for nothing that kind of came into us and and I do believe that In my resilience has definitely increased and and been built on from all my setbacks. And so I definitely think all of that has a part to play but it didn't that didn't come into my mind. I was I didn't want to do it to prove them wrong or anything like that. Yeah, and how do you think talking on resilience? I just did a post recently and resilience. Basically, how do you how do you respond when shit hits the fan? And I think a lot of people so I haven't Is I always loved put myself into uncomfortable situations. I think that's the only way to build resilience resilience and grow and it's like stepping out of your comfort zone. I'm trying to being caught trying to feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations. So, how do you how do you think you built on your resilience or what past experiences did you go through the really help you just push on through the whole week and not physically. And mentally I think the kind of shutting down of my first business that just tore me apart and broke me up. That was one of my light and one of my life's biggest learning lessons ever and it was my baby and I put like savings into it. I put so much time into it and that unfortunately had to have to get taken down and said that that was a huge thing and I'm from that I've I've learned To be calm to be patient to control my emotions and I learned so much from that so so much and I'll yeah, I like even like going forward into my next businesses and even in life. I'm just the stuff. I just don't care about it as much I don't react to as much and yeah, I think actually thought that was such a life lesson. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I think it's going through hard times is when you when you grow as a person. Definitely. Yeah, and I read a rage on your blog great great blog actually. Thank you. Yes, really love it. And the website is great. Where did where did you go was it? Yeah, it was it was it WordPress or something? I am I think it's a WordPress. Yeah. I guess you know that that's it. It's from my own experiences and it's something that we all need to try harness a little bit and I think when you come into when you come into a new situation and it's it's so hard to apply it, you know to you can Master it in one situation. But as soon as you come into a new situation new challenge, it's like it's resetting all over again and trying to you know keep That calmness and keep that composure to apply all the elements again. Yeah. Yeah, and you talked about in the methods was being Mindful and present. Yeah, that's that's a huge thing. And I honest honestly like before how weak being the whole kind of being present in the word being present. I might have said it's a little bit airy-fairy and but like it's a thing that it's yeah. It's a thing and it's so important and I think unlike that like, Something that you kind of need to practice it. You can't just get into a state of present. You know, you have you need you need time. You need Focus any patients to actually need average of two to be present conscious enough to know sure not being in the present moment. Yeah, and I'm doing on the unnie walks of life or any like me and Grace were walking into town and we've been so busy lately with her own work and with the podcast and she wasn't doing a lot of studies and we decided just to put our phones are not talk about work and we walked into town and we terraplane. I spy we started saying like, you know name three things you can see right now or that's that's green in color. We started playing a funny game, but it just made us really present in the moment and you probably noticed our loan word that you never usually noticed. Yeah, we-we're yeah, we were looking at the old buildings and snows just it was just really nice because we're just so caught up all the time and her own head and listening to these thoughts and just you just get wrapped up and social media and your phone you just never ever present and To yeah, for sure. Yeah, and I think you know for me and how weak you know being present was having that connection with my mind and my body and so, you know, that was never going to happen if I wasn't present if I wasn't fully in the moment there and just taking on anything that came at me in that moment. I mean you were talking about swapping negative talk negative talks within your head with Of dogs. Yeah. So again that was kind of, you know going back to what I saying earlier on that was that was that kind of moment where and just the negative noise was overwhelming but it was in the same moment that it was like well, hang on a second grace, you know, you didn't you didn't but put in all these hours training you didn't and you know, you didn't show up here just to walk away and be like defeated like It was like having that self-belief as well. Do you know yeah, did you use Reiki techniques? I don't where I read that. Yeah. Yes. And that was I actually I did a Reiki Course and there while ago I'm like, I wonder why I went to remember in the room where we were standing still and four hours. It was just the final episode. No, and this was we were in the bedroom and are in the military and the bedroom wasn't that luxury And the five star in the ballot and it was they were calling us out one by one to put us through the pipe and I see I'm not sure how much this came across on TV. But we were yeah, so like there's the little little guess he was the first one called out. He was only standing there for like 10 minutes and I think I was like third or fourth last and we I was standing for almost two hours and it was when I was standing there that I was like, oh, well do A bit of Reiki on myself sir. What else would you be doing? So I'm actually I did I've done a quarry. I did a weekend course and so it's just like I'll put a teeth what what dicks family I know a little bit about Reiki, but it's more it's like energy because energy isn't more energy healing. Yes. I actually did it for Animal Reiki. That's why I did it, you know the animals I heard he's got you've goats as well. I say no. Oh, yeah, so my friend Fiona has goats and I Go I teach a pilates class or near her every Monday. So I stopped in to her for and some tea before the plot is like yeah, and they're my Monday mates. I love them so much. They're so cute. Glad your stories every time there's some animal in there. Like it's just it's just healing basically and you can do it on yourself. You can do it on other people and it's it's yeah and energy Yelling no school and its getting bigger as well. I see a lot of people doing it and around Wellness area. And so I wanted to ask you a question on what you think your key skills were that ultimately LED you to winning hell week. I guess my mental strength would you say that's a skill? Yeah. Absolutely. Probably that strong skill ever. Yeah. Yeah, definitely my mental strength and my ability to stay. Imposed so I think you know composure allows a lot to happen. It allows you to focus to stay calm too. Yeah to really be present. Yeah, just in the present. Yeah, and I think that keeping that kind of, you know coolness and and staying composed. That's that's that's yeah definitely like if you're in any state of panic or worry Or anything like that. You just it everything kind of goes out the window. I wanted to talk now about the last episode was it just looked absolutely insane and it was nearly it was nearly tough to watch. Do you think yeah, it was like how we in there eight hours eight hours. Yeah. So I think it was like, yeah, we got the whole kind of capturing that what I think that was about 14 hours. So like but from This is including like the time we got pulled off the mountain and we put in the van drove around all of it was an including the eight hours was what yeah was for it was that whole thing was 14, but the actual being in that room and was eight hours. How did you stay present because you you must have had this day in present. I think I micro napped did I must be crazy? I just so chill. It's like that's fine. No, well, like I don't I don't know like you know, like you just I don't know I'd say you probably didn't like it because you were so look at one of the guys Sarah loosen it. Yeah. Yeah, and he was like, yeah, he was seeing a whole he was seeing yeah, he was just like no enough to enough and you know, you know, I don't know how much more I would have been able you don't really know. Like I definitely was delirious. I definitely definitely so how much more was I going to be able to take before it started to loosen Nation? Well, yeah, so I was I was dead I was dead as on there. Yeah, I think he was he was I don't know if he'd say he was delirious. I don't know and I find it really hard to answer the questions. Really. Yeah B, so we had our story our cover story and we had to That going basically is for as long as he can and until until you so until one of the or one of your other teammates kind of cracks or you basically in a real-life situation. You keep the cover story going for as long as you can so that your giving yourself time for someone to come in and rescue you and then when they start to get when the interrogators has to guess, you know, a sniff of this is not the truth. Then you have to slowly give them the truth. That otherwise you're useless to them, right? So you have to time it then it is such as you have to time it you but you have to time it with with everybody else. You can't you don't want to slip too much if they're not slipping. You don't want to not slip if they have slips and story and it's a complete head fuck so and as well, you don't know who's left. We didn't know who was left. So I was convinced when I was sitting on the chair with Dez. I was convinced Ray and Mike were behind us and there are going to start playing us off each other. So like it's a real it's such a head float and you're so tired like food, probably. Yeah, you are pretty good food deprived food deprived of sleep deprived and they keep you a teeny tiny bit hydrators. So there is a little sips of water coming and cups and your useless if you're dehydrated, you know, and the hunger your past. Do, you know your past hunger? It's not something that I was thinking about. I was thinking about bed though. I so - I like trying to function. Going to tell that story while being tired like yeah, I don't function. Well what I'd sleep. Yeah, and you know, we weren't hungry God. I know some people just can't function without food at all. Well mate, like maybe I want your just I don't you don't like I know I was watching myself back in my eyes or like is white like it was like, oh it's higher something. It's just like wired and yeah, you're just you're I don't know your adrenaline and everything. You're just trying to keep yourself going trying. To keep the story going not you don't want to crack too soon, you know because he might get your buddy in trouble and like yeah, it's just a head fuck and in with a psychologist in at the end questioning you and what was going through your mind. There was a very like was there a part of you or like? Okay. I know I'm in a show like I know I'm they're not real like so but did was there any point you were like, I'm actually getting really confused there. Maybe I need to know not like I didn't think that it was like No, my whole thing was just all that was going on in my head. It was the cover story and trying to trying to do that. Right? I really wanted to do that. Right got that far. I really wanted to do it right and just try to be clear and coherent and like the whole the whole thing was a test for your mind and your body really so I was just like I wanted to see you know, and I definitely did have a my I knew the maximum amount of time it could be so as in you had to you had to given you my new iPhone story then yeah, I know sorry, but I knew I knew we weren't going to be there any longer than 10 days. Okay. Okay, so that that was in my head. What Irani was your any guys there that we're tougher than the rest as in the the instructor what not something the guy did he ssds is sorry. Yes. The DS is the main guy. He seem like a tough guy Ray. Every I love Ray. Yeah, he seems like yeah, he's quite so there are asthmatic in his own way. Yeah, mr. Empathetic is what I called him like he has that empathy in him and but he's like, yeah, don't don't like just Don't fuck around with the same and they're and they're all well, sorry there somewhere bit more kind of like hot-headed a few like there's there's no kind of empathy. They're just hot you. Do, you know like like straight in but Ray is like he's like fair. I feel yeah, he seems kind of like the toughest but the fairest yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He just when is the next one? There's another one coming now know very soon. Yeah. Yeah. They're going they're going they're filming soon and they I don't know when they'll heiress. So what was the application process like just to apply for it? And so it was an application and you know, where where the view shown mental strength or what you do physically and all those kind of questions then once you got through that you'd have phone interview once you got through that then the fitness then like Carlos. Call from the psychologist. And then yeah, that was it was your physic there was physical test was over. Okay, if it's yeah, physical fitness fitness test yet, but Fitness, yeah, okay, and so people are playing now. Well, actually it's too late now to apply. Is he late now? Yeah. Okay right season 3, I'd love to fly. I think I'm going to play I play you should apply apply apply. I'll go first. Okay guys, so to mental health week next week. Yeah International. I think it's International Mental Health Then Wednesday. So when you're feeling stressed because you've an amazing mindset, how do you turn off? What does your day look like if you need to just switch off and kind of come back to presents come back to what you do on your days off. Whenever you have a day off when I'm not like your full Onyx no Sunday. Definitely Sunday would be I try, you know, make a conscious effort not to do anything on a Sunday and yeah brunch and walk the dogs in a forest. Yeah, it's great. Yeah getting out into nature. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. I had I had a podcast with Leo. I think you did you listen to it, Leo Ryan. Yeah. Yes. Yeah breathing going. Yeah. Yeah, and he was talking about birthing and getting out of a chair and I actually feel like it's such an important aspect. Because I live in here in the city. I never get enough it C which you wouldn't be able it wouldn't get a chance to go for a walk while Phoenix Park is just there. Yes, we're trying it brings back so much as we can but he's just so important for mental health radius trees. Yeah and nature just calmness. I find like the energy of the city is quite you know, even if you are kind of trying to switch off the energy of the city doesn't really allow your no just calm down. Yeah. We're as your I like I really I As I drive right away Chloe, I actually physically feel myself like just like sex. Yeah, it's just a little bit calmer until it's not as fast. It's beautiful. It is beautiful part of the country. Yeah, I'd lend a lock and it's his gorgeous. Yeah, it's very nice. It's very nice. So talking about mental health and week ago mental health week next week. What tips would you give on? Somebody going through a hard time mentally or physically, what are your kind of what matters what matters you have or what tips it's it's a method for when when you're facing a challenge basically and it's steps involved and how to kind of take it on and it's something I discovered from doing doing how weak and it's you know, there's bits of it that I've probably been doing my whole life and kind of the more the more I talked about it, you know with Darren and who he was I you know as I go. Do this I just but I always do this and he was like, well you need you need to write that down because they don't think he was like, I don't think everybody does that. I don't think that's you know, and so there is it's basically your your preparation and kind of mental perhaps physical prep and visualization then there's your approach and you know, what's your attitude like then there is your sorry your reaction as First and then your approach and then you've got your resolve. So yeah, your reaction is what is your action? Your approach is your attitude? And then your resolve is kind of how you continue going to write the challenge and so there's different elements in all of them kind of broken down and then the it's uh, no not the whole lot is not on the roadside. I'll show you but the resolve is kind of that were the kind of psychology kind of comes into it. Okay, quite a lot because we talked about in coaching about you can either how you react or respond? And yeah, basically, I don't know if you read a book or heard about it the emotional mind unlike the monkey mind to Chimp Paradox. Basically sometimes when we react or respond, we kind of react out of out of emotion flies. Yeah fight or flight. We don't just come present in the moment and consciously think we just kind of you're in an argument. Let's say you can react to Thing when when you respond is he can you kind of just catch it in the moment before your monkey mind takes over your emotions dive in and you get I have heard the monkey mind. Yeah. It's a great book. It's a great book. So basically just kind of teaches you to let's see if somebody cut you off in front end of a car and you get sometimes people get really mad and just it can destroy their whole day and then they can take a person personally. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so and I think it's I've learned actually only I used to take everything personally and it was my ego. And then yeah, I just kind of learned not to take anything personally because it's just it's like there's a great quote quote is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die. But yeah just not reacting to things personally. And yeah so bad. Yes. Yes. I think when if you react to words what people say to you then you you kind of lose in life because then you can react to anything. Yeah. Yeah, definitely and it yeah, it's not not it's not taking it personally because that person probably He has something going on with their life. Yeah, that's why they're behaving like that. 100% Yeah. Yeah, when I see angry people I was on the bus the other day and coming back from the airport and to some guy who's like, yeah. Do you mind moving there? I want to put my suitcase, you know, and I usually would have been like fuck you. Did. You know, I would have said something to responded or said something back but I'm like, ah, you know what maybe he's just really angry and himself maybe said a bad day. Maybe maybe he's not happy in himself and he likes to take take his ain't take his anger out. And that's that's like sad sad for him. You know, that's his that's it. Yes. Yes, you're not yours. And I think it's so important to not react. I think we know their people as well when they're slacking off people or they're being mean. I think when people are being mean I think they're personally being they're actually personally being And I mean some cells, you know, yeah, there's some internal kind of hate or something internal hate. Absolutely. Yeah, and yeah, I think it's so important as in mental help you go. I let my last podcast. We spoke of smoker and a few topics around different areas and mental health and I think it's so good that we're talking about these things and expressing it because it's such a it's such a big thing in Ireland that it's coming around people are coming around to it and Yeah, so there's only moments in your life where you maybe were down or I suppose you want maybe you were talking about your businesses. But yeah, definitely I think Buddy have to well for me. I always think someone has it far worse and I think it's appreciating what you have is so important gratitude is so yeah, so powerful. I think you know your there's all or you're always going to want more. Oh God if we had, you know, if that was a bigger. You know, there's always that you know wants to have a little bit more Bush. I think it's really important to present when I appreciate what you have. No absolutely hundred percent 100% It's great. So you are offering any courses now at the moment or I am so at the moment I am diving into talks and so I'm doing quite a bit of public speaking Corpus and a few events as well. Okay. So that's kind of are you taking on any clients for like mindset coaching or? Yeah, like I have one or two at the moment. Yes. It's definitely an area that I'm stepping into. Okay. Perfect Grace. It was a pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you so much for having me. Brilliant. Thanks for coming in this rainy day as well God. I hope this weather is going to clear up later. Right? I need to go for a walk in the virus now. I never thought that rain but yeah, okay, right. Look at thanks very much and guys. Guys, thanks for listening, and we'll be in touch. Thank you. Thanks Grace. Thanks Alex.
This is episode 4 of the AC Podcast – my name is Alex Collins and my guest today is truly an inspirational woman who I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with, Grace O’Rourke. So just to give a small bio on Grace before we get stuck into the podcast, Grace was the joint winner of RTE’s Ultimate Hell week and was the first woman in the history of the state to pass the elements of the Irish Rangers selection process. Now her interest to join the army all began back in 4th year of secondary school when she was selected to take part in the Gaisce defence forces 4 day challenge and it was from this moment on her passion to be in the army was ignited. Grace applied for the army three times in between pursuing her Sport and Exercise Science degree in the UK, but unfortunately was never successful. Despite all odds and setbacks Grace continued to follow her lifelong dream and decided to apply for the Special Forces ultimate Hell Week on RTE. Grace’s ability to push on and bounce back from various setbacks in her life is truly incredible - from being turned down by the Irish army three times, to nearly handing in her badge in the early stages of hell week and then ultimately winning the show and becoming the first woman in history to pass the selection process, displays an otherworldly  amount of resilience. Her story is a real life example of why you should always stay true to yourself and never give up on your dreams. So without further a due, I hope you enjoy my conversation with the amazing Grace O’Rourke.
A I know it's been a while. I don't think I've got the girls out.Hello everybody. My name is Tehran and welcome back to another episode of my podcast series with that being said today's episode is about the legendary girl group Girls Generation and I invited six other guests with me to talk all things Girls Generation the biggest so ons that I know so yes, I'm going to have everybody introduce themselves. Hi everyone. My name is Stephanie.I got into girls and deletion in 2011. They were my first K-Pop group and my biases are well Ian and your and unit. Hi guys. I'm Rhonda and I've been a so on since 2012 or 2011. I don't remember and my bias is saw him. Come on degrees today on hi y'all. I'm Olivia. I miss Olivia what you look like? Why me? You can't have one without the other probably 2013. Hi everyone. I'm Edgar. My biases are so I can and Tiffany I got into Girls Generation. I want to say learning the day. Run Devil Run drop, that's when I became a so on. Okay. We got some serious. There's up in here. Hi, my name is Tiffany. I've been a little wine saying I want to say like 2009-2010 because I got into TVXQ around 2009 and then I found the women so yes and then my biases it was originally he'll young and then who young and kind of basically hurry up. Hi, my name is Stella I think I got into Girls Generation around like 2009 and my biases are Italian and silicon. Oh, okay. Okay doron. You ain't to you. Oh, okay. Hi. My name is Gerard and my biases and Girls Generation are Tiffany and Tejon. Yeah, Olivia. You can't have one without the other and I do think they're like a holy Duo and definitely just vocal Power House. So yes, I definitely look great on no. I was not ready to start arguing say to yet like oh my God. Okay. Anyway, let's get started. So I wanted to ask what is everybody's favorite title track luck. I'll go first because I know mine my favorite title track has to be Genie of all time like that. Rich and Mister Mister is a close second, but that breeds Eugenie. Yes, okay. I can't tell ya it Jeanne. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's too much. Oh my God, is that a unanimous decision? And yeah, somebody gotta say yeah. Well probably doesn't count though. That's Japanese her brother. All right, Jamie there. Oh, oh my God. I'm gonna have to go Genie as well. Wow. Okay, so mine is snapped on their mind is also Genie. So I guess we're all in agreeance of that. Okay. Was there a title track that you did not like by Girls Generation ever Lion Heart. I love my family. I love flying. You're not going to do have one and it's kind of controversial. Gerard is going to come for me this one. Oh God. It's I got a boy. We're Not Gonna Save Us a taxi either. Are you crazy? Okay, what explanation on why you don't like I got a boy because I'm curious. I do think it's a very polarizing song. There's like five different experiences there. I don't know. I just did not like the mash-up of so many songs in it. I felt those khakis and me bad particle are was like kind of ruined for me because they ruin so hands styling and it was so, you know devastating and just yeah. my least favorite, it's you think I just It like was that considered a double title track Darrell. I don't know. I mean there was a video that was a video but did they promote heavily with it? It was like a lion heart. / you think what people discount by and heart isn't well. Well, what I will say, is that regardless of how polarizing Lionheart in you think were I guess to some people I will say that's one of my favorite styling I've ever seen on Girls Generation. Like I absolutely love Lionheart and I love you think I love the way they look on both photo booth. You're good. Wait. No. No, no wait, there was an outfit and she was like wearing this like crop top and shorts and looked so good like she was literally serving so good in you think yeah would look are kind of like with the Catch Me If You Can oh, yeah. I was about to say that period oh my God, okay Edgar. I know you already asked the same question every time so I'm not even gonna bring that up. Yeah, but was often asked I said that you usually ask the same question every time that usually gets everybody riled up, but I want to save that for later. I know I know but for the Japanese to start a few who prefers the Korean over the Japanese in Japanese over the Korean discography, which one like I Were the Japanese already Korean that's appropriate as well? Really because Career, but then when I think about what songs I like it like Karma Butterfly and stuff like that. And I know the girls flower power by the Light. I can't decide. Well, I think for me personally, I would say that I like the Japanese discography more I do. I think a lot of Bob's came from the Japanese discography. So I do lean towards that but I do think the Korean discography is also good as well. I just don't think it measures all about the English. The voice is really good. I actually really like the boys English version. This is the unpopular. I know everywhere too. Yeah. I know it's just like I have told many phase from their Korean bog Rafi, but the Japanese discography is definitely better because you just feel way more well-planned than their Korean won. Yeah. I'm the corium. I would have to agree. Yeah, it's just more. A cohesive in my opinion. It's everyone to like, there's never been an odd a bunny title well to piggyback off of this like does everybody have like a favorite Japanese album girls in love or yeah, I think their first Japanese album OC. Okay The Styling for that was really pretty the white. Oh my God. Yeah. That was yeah. I'm on a flight attendant. What I will say, is that for me I think girls in peace one because Action is this like one of the best songs ever like I love that song. I really do my favorite Japanese song from them is lips. But like if I put think about like an album, I think girls & Peace was a better Al but it had like reflection. Yeah diamond and animal and like yeah, so like Paparazzi, right? Right and sorry. Yeah, all these head. I agree. That's my favorite. Like my favorite album is Girls & Peace. Yeah, but like my favorite no problem their first album like like You were Holly. You are Allah is the theme of the first album, you know was prevalent in the entire album instead of having all these Japanese version of Korean titles. I think it would have been the best one. But for me, it's girls. Okay. Yeah really like girls in peace. I mean I did like love and peace with lips and Karma Butterfly, but I do think that girls in cases a little better. So little I agree. I agree that a lot of mouse down the first album had I would say that Edgar Saying that the first Japanese album was like being his favorite. It's incredibly underrated. I feel like a lot of people don't talk about it enough and like there were like amazing tracks like you a holic and Let It Rain. Oh my God, that is amazing song the greatest greatest game. Yeah. Yes and like they started amazing. They definitely did and I do feel like they have the best Japanese discography next to after school. I really love after skills as well and Cara Cara. Really strong? Yeah, so like yeah, I think those three are like the best Japanese discography in my opinion. Let's see. I'm going to talk about Jessica we are going to talk about is that okay? Olivia Olivia? I'm going to start with you. What are your thoughts on Jessica? Maybe it's heartbreaking. But I seriously I just want to know what happened. Me too. We were talking about it at the Tiffany concert. Like I was like, I'm so sorry. I am so sick of all this speculation like Going towns be word and everyone like you thought was that thing on Twitter where she was like a coyote a y'all know why I'm rapping. I'm like, what does that mean? Yeah. Yes laughing at the concert talking about you guys know why I'm being like clearly that means Tiffany and Jessica are still not in the best relationship because somebody asked her does she still talk to her? She's like, yeah. It's she's not irritated as fuck. Did she like have a business or something? Yeah. So like she like Tyler Kwan's shadiest man on Earth. I'm going to lose my mind. He's a lot better than Tyler is true or something. But like back in the day when she first came up with the idea of like an egg layer and said they accepted it and they were like, okay, right, but then I just feel like all of this was basically a this oriented decision from SM because if you look at blank and Eclair like the brand is affiliated with probably one of the shadiest men in Asia and that is Tyler corn like no one know where he gets his profit so weird that is like literally so weird to me and I feel like the reason why SM forced her out of the group is because they can handle the backpack from forcing a member out of the group, but they can't handle the backpack from a corruption centered scan know that an interesting way to like think about it. I corruption Scandal is a chain reaction. If Jessica get suppose people will come to dig up in essence corruption Roots. Come on Research. Oh my God. Dr. Shepherd is the meetings. Yeah like this business or stay although. They already gave her Their Blessings before we just told so weird me. Oh my God, that is really Food For Thought on it's okay. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when this phrase broke news wasn't there anything that said that the members had voted as well? Yeah. That was a rumor. That was a really okay. So what do you guys think about it was that is if I ever happen, but I mean, why would there be beef if there weren't a vote that's just never happen. They have a Sisterhood. I don't think they would ever vote in your favor. Yeah. Please somebody write you a song. I know you did. She write her stuff. Is that why it's a little yeah. Yeah, but that's why it's cheesy. Was it winter wonderland. That was even that's bad to like I never liked anything from Jessica. I feel bad and then we are catching on to this but Jessica writes her own music, but what I will say I say what I will say is Jessica did that cover to that Calvin Harris along and well, that was a third. Yeah, and that was a start. It was nice. She needs to get on that. Yeah, how deep is your love? That's what it was. You can do other people that is in a row like at least in there is this because the lyrics are terrible it was like the battery bullet train like it sounds like that time. I went to like a poetry slam that like award does it happens for everybody else in the seventh grade? Like did anybody else? Like right like poetry and like it knows that. All right. I did a poetry slam. Yeah, like you were like not Boris but like, you know like your coat like if your poem was good like you get offer and I'm like, I was offered I guess your poem being a Nikki. Oh my God little touch. Did we talk about that? Oh, yeah. Okay Girls Generation OGG. Okay clearly shows that for some Odd reason it was very polarizing because upon first. Listen, I absolutely loved it. It was like this like this New Jack Swing ask song is really good and for the chorus to be in like all Korean and like I feel like I was able to like pick up on the words and actually like saying it was like very easily easily and I'm just like, oh my God, like this is like really catchy. It's like, I think it's literally a perfect song great on a pretty decent amount of time. And I got a hundred million views. I think the song I feel like the background was so empty. You can feel it like so he and and Tiffany's absence on the song. You can really feel it. Oh, can you did you leave either but I noticed how you didn't say Soo Yung. No. I felt the absence of like the vocalists in the background at least like the harmonization bad lip. Come on. Are you I loved it Olivia. Did you like it? Did you like it? I loved it. I loved it too. I did everybody lost their minds when a little touch came on. So like I don't know like I hate I think it's so bad. Why Stephanie? Why are you still like for what they've done and how long they proved it was just so lackluster. I'm like it was thrown together and trying to be on Trend and I hated every I hated The Styling I want her, you know her hair like see oh my God, so this was it amazing to me, but I felt like It was decent compared to like some shit like party or something like that. Absolutely. Absolutely. That was the worst fucking shit. I was like, yeah. But then the crew of people that get along no matter what they don't get that is true. There's no that's really between those members. They just kick it and do them. So yeah chemistry was good. The song was decent and the video was cute. So all in all I like this. Okay. Does anybody remember that article or like I don't know if it was an article. I remember reading something about like Jessica saying but she does keep in touch with some members and I think we don't think oh you think I was dating again, could they? Like I don't think you want to go out and say that because SM might you know, I don't know. What do you okay? My next question I guess is my final question. And then I'm going to get dressed. Do you guys ever feel like the truth will come out on Jessica situation 2081 wrong. She's running out of money. Because life is but a dream that you are fucking hater bro. I'd love to smell forever. But we all know she's not doing the best. She is looking fabulous, but he has potential. She's like she can't even appear on TV because of that true. What is your opinion on? By the time that it comes out you guys like Kpop just keeps moving forward and forward very rapidly to the point where by the time it comes out. No one's gonna give a shit. We will we will like we will I think we like would be like, oh this looks what happened, but that's like that's like her but I think I don't think it was gonna be like something huge so you don't think Wendy Williams will talk about it on their talk shit, but I don't know. I feel like I'm able to like everybody because I'm not a member of Girls Generation so I have nothing to do with my lack. One thing I will say is that a lot of people have always debated about the vocal line to me. I Feel Like Girls Generation has yet to be top in terms of I've yet to see it from any girl group The Power of Jessica taeyeon Tiffany. So you and Sonny those five they are all powerful in their own right? I don't think he should be included in the vocal line. So why not? Definitely why the hell not notice he can see Stephanie that's definitely not a penny because she can sing. Are you crazy - are you staying out of the five of them? You rank Sunny then in terms of vocals. All of course. Wow, II don't I don't know Sonny is good balance though between people Collide and the others. Yeah. Okay. Let me ask, okay. And this is not biased this is vocal. Right? I mean, like I said, I'm not a professional and vocals. This is just my personal preference. Oh, yeah, Jessica number two. So he remembered three Tiffany number four and sunny number five. That's exactly mine. Number one the stay on definitely number. So Hannah number and then Sonny, okay. I think that like in the past two years, I definitely believe that longhand their best Jessica because of her musicals in her feet training and I've seen 16 it in her album. We've seen it in her music. Yeah, I agree with the album Thing Once I had the Albemarle just like loved it. Okay. So number one is tan and then so again Jessica Tiffany then Sonny, okay. Okay Tiffany. Did you go? No, I want to hear yours. But what it is you have that blue wig on and I got a boy. What about that blue is? Okay. So first we all agree it's town and then second I would have said so he on but when we saw Tiffany Tiffany really impressed me, I think Tiffany has gotten better. So I'm sure I'm going to go tan Tiffany. So he and then Jessica then sunny, but it is hard to put the cards on them under number one it is. Yeah. I need exactly the same as Edgar. You're okay on Jessica's so he and Tiffany sunny and I guess I'll give mine. Okay, so it is number one. Number two is Sookie on number three is Tiffany number for Jessica and then number five is sunny. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait. Your monkey and I get that the thing is is like I do think that Jessica is an amazing vocalist. But what I found that I like mostly about Jessica's voices, I like when she's harmonizing with another member versus my herself. Okay, I wanna know hey, I'm in particular so much angels in heaven like genuinely like I love it, but when I have to individualize They're my God. It's just I do like so again a Tipping Point more about taxing. I can agree with that. Okay, cool. Yeah, I can agree with that because I feel like when I hear her solo stuff, I mean besides the fact that the music is terrible. The golden stars are gonna drag you. They're gonna drag you out of here. I don't give a fuck. I love Jessica, but they know damn. Well, that's it is not it like if you buying that shit because you love me wait. For like $1.99. I was like it's not even worth that much. I love that one that Tiffany I think sweet talk is the cuter sister of girls are back. You think so a hundred percent. It's my favorite song off the album, and I think they're kind of similar. But I think sweet talk is a lot better actually handed that has that like older flavors, especially with the intro and everything, but then like sweet-talk just has that like country Flair like is very like in your face get my sweetheart makes me want to do nothing that when he does. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. It's really good. Another song that I like all night and one last time. Yeah, I think my top three for that album is sweet sock. No. Over one all night number two and then number three is one last time. I'm not garbage to me. Are you dumb are you decide? Wow, it's so good in it whatsoever. It's just get for me. Honestly. I don't really know about the other time period period bitch period My Good Morning America before me two boys in English that was girl a moment in history. Now with the moment most thinking to me I keep thinking about Sonny's Mary J Blige wigs. Wait. Okay, I would like the Wendy Williams of my girls. Oh, yeah, the pink hair really good absolutely really really long video. And if you look at this her mom could time I serve okay. Will they perform tell me and they all had like the curly serve and the top hat? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, but wait that they were giving us Diana Ross and oh, okay. I remember I said like Lionheart and you think with some of my favorite styling but I think like also like another one for me is Hoops. I feel like who it is. So underrated like I really am the sixties. Yes. It's probably actually I take that back who is my I'm going to rank who styling. What about our Taxi Well, we won't go there. Bye. Okay, so we know that everyone in the vocal line besides honey has had a solo now. How would you rank solely based off of their debut solo out their debut album or title track know their debut album. So, you know stay on has a whole discography now only her first the okay. So if the IRB members has I just want to dance versus don't say no versus when larsa's whatever Jessica have Don't love Jay. Don't forget the flower crown. Oh God, that was literally a girl her fabulous feature that what was the point? Like, I just don't get him hip-hop charts literally. So it is I just want to dance album first. Don't say no second. Third is I and then for or obviously with love Jay. I like that one a lot. It's so good girl. Don't they know? That's my ring. Sexy, okay. Well, we're not going to mention the last album. Oh, wow, so I'm gonna have to go with a guy just because taeyeon's musical taste matches. Mine very well, then don't say no then I just want to dance and then with love Jay, I like I feel like everybody's going to have with Jay laughs Lord help us all I mean, it's not they don't have an SM back at what? Yeah, Tyler Quan backing Perhaps in scale back in I think she should like never pick up a pen to write any kind of lyrics because I don't like that with me. There's literally nothing about that was written with love. Honestly. It's not polite here. No, there is one song that you like on that on that loan. Yeah, that's a really good. But the rest talk to it. I want to hear Miss Stephanie babies ranking. I'm gonna have to go with our eyes first because I was just like that one girl who reacted to it and cried my eyes out. Oh, yeah. I got a million views. Yeah, like that was exactly my reaction number to this. I just want to dance and then I'm going to be honest. I didn't listen to Silicon solo. I think I've heard her song is so good. Also from what I heard, it sounds good. God not even finished a good album - I'm sorry Tiffany. I want to hear yours. Okay, here I am. Yes. Alright. It's really a tie between I and don't say no because I like I title tracks better. But rest of the whole fucking CD is better on Beyoncé Knowles was the title track kind of boring to me. It sounds like an Ariana Grande. Yeah, and I hope but it served at girl. No, I am in the rest. What anything is are you crazy? Not even talk or for Tom is the best on the world is revolutionary. Not a fan you're out of your like you're literally supposed to support tipping. You guys have the same fucking 900 mg. I mean, the only thing I can I will defend Tiffany because as you know, Tiffany's my bias, but she still didn't make it above so here. Ian and album ranking for me she did right? Well, yeah, I could see that but for me like I think just out of the solos like I think talk is just like my favorite song. I will say I really like talk. Yeah. Well with loves a is and fucking hell by the way, I'm pretty sure if Sonny had a solo album out ranking for Jessica's as well. Like I just I don't like to see what she would do like I'm in an agency what she would do a solo. I would like to see it one. Just Sunny want one or if you If you don't need one, yeah, he's good. I would love to see Sonny do something. That's not a valid because that's obviously something we expect her to do. So, I want her to do something out of the box something that we're not expecting her to do. I was sexy R&B. I want an 80s track. Perfect. Can we talk about hyo-eun? Solo please mystery? Yes. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Thank yo. So Stephanie, I know he is your bias. He's my everything. But we're not gonna act like want to be with a got the black one of you want to be a wannabe is one of the worst K-pop songs. I probably ever heard in my life, but that was even worse. I really don't know. What are you deaf? The only song that I liked from here on is the newest one which is punk right now because I like that I like that and I like I did like mr. OK Google mystery. Uh-huh, and dance what? No. No, I'm not saying it's because you're young wasn't saying I'm just there on my bunk right now stands right here Hunty. What do you think? I left of by kean's solo Endeavors? I don't think of them. Sleeping that's a deer then that literally shadier than her going in like she just doesn't even have an opinion. Like that's the stuff sticking right? Like I'm mad. Oh my God. Merci Edgar. What do you think of young solos? Yes, I like mystery. I like actually do really like Punk right now, especially the choreography. Yes. God is not here. For me, I was just a girl and no then but yeah, no, I like her. I like her. Yes. All right. Yeah the question that I always ask. One of her b-sides was like C'est La Vie or whatever. I that's an amazing track. That is an amazing track. Yeah, so I think she can sing. Okay, I'm gonna go with Yuna just because of water around what they brought a grocery section like I could yeah. Well, I think she wasn't important, you know player in the game. Honestly. I feel like she's into acting and she's kind of the one that went out there for them. I will put your you as a close second though. She's really popular and she did bring a lot to girls race with my cock like she's heard the queer. As you have for me her version of I Got A Boy Like sold out first if I'm not mistaken am I wrong? Yeah. No, I bought hellions version so willingly yes, I didn't want the same time but it's so she's an excellent vocalist an excellent dancer and excellent actress and excellent Visual and excellent everything or songstress. She is a national icon. Okay, and this is not even an exaggeration name me another member of build addition who president of Korea has on their speed. Dial. No one else. Oh my God. Her personality introduction to architecture and trains to Bhutan and she was not casted rejected them and they both turned out to be Blockbuster. Wow, yes. Hello. I think that if FM did not hold hands back it would have been an illegal crap compared to the other members agree. Yeah explanation that explanation definitely convinced me because for me I was going to say it's a tie between so again and Tiffany but hearing that I'm just like wait like that period again, yeah, like because like sewing on like her like Bastion just like even like her style didn't she style herself in don't say Oh, that's one of my favorite fashion moment in Kpop. It has been violently like she just like she has her own team of people like she's really talented. She knows Jim Erica diaper and you have a degree and they we all know them by name period so obviously like the fandom I feel like so can stand so mate. I've always liked isolated themselves from the rest of everybody especially City and Seance. And the first reason is because most of the fandom they don't come this month Sentence Maker. We got married and her acting gigs that okay, the second thing because they were the incident back in the day in 2012. When did these old announced and the truly the entire fan the most common for so hands neck, even though she had nothing to do with the decision of at them and they on indefinitely and people were coming for her because why is she in the unit cost and song as we felt like if people are coming for her her own hands then why bother part of the fan? In demand be descendants. I said wow, so I think that still here and you know was given this image bias and that she was the baby the maknae robotic and Girls Girls Generation everyone remembers boring one and I think it like hated that and she vocalized about that in her interviews. Every time. Someone says that she's like I'm trying I want to shed that magnet image because I'm really different person from what people view me to be. Right and we always see that we see that in her we see that like people see As boring but she's really just a smart intelligent and elegant person and she's really thankful that people don't pay attention to her. I think it's really listening to her album. I forgot that she was the mock made the fact that she went to didn't she go to North Korea. I believe she's dead. Yeah president himself and she was requested to sing a song at the Olympic event on the bay and she went there. And she got a standing ovation in purely on North Korea. She was she got a standing ovation, which is something really big to get from North Korea and crowd for a K-pop artists. You saw the cylons would run. Oh, yes. Yes. Oh my God, you brought up like really good point. I like I'm just happy that I can use that information that clock right? I feel like the never broke from that perception or that these area types that they stick on some And like every time they come at her like if there's something that we had some handstands don't like about someone's is how they like to make everything about the member about Girls Generation as a whole they never like to individualize them. It's like whenever they compliment them. They have to make it about Girls Generation. Although the entire effort was hers. You get what? I mean? Yeah. No, I see that a lot too. Yeah. It's like it's like it makes it really does like she said she was trying to shut this image and throwing it has the sexiest on the album approach. She was trying to shed that image and it's like okay. You heard this like why are you guys so babying her like that's his heart with song and they still call her call her the maknae, they still bring up her go go man jokes and although she said years ago that she think of them and she's sick of these jokes like she's grown. She's grown and the same between so mate is that someone's watched so here Grow, but soulmates grew with come here. Well, I can kiss me that someone's being never broke off from that. So baby image and it makes the I've never had that image of her even from the beginning. She didn't like even when don't say no came out and people like oh, this is so Henry like we've been telling y'all and it was such a popular thing like when I was like getting into them like they're like getting into so yeah and like it was just this like maknae like boring like, oh, she's boring. She's The she's bad and I do understand what you're saying because I heard it like I'd have heard those day to I feel like my last like a big topic that I want to bring up. So what is everybody's favorite Korean album from Girls Generation? That's why I think it's I got a boy. Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree. I think I got a boy is my favorite as well. Talk talk. Yes, ma'am. I got a boy, I think as an album. Oh was my favorite. Oh, oh, okay. Oh, she's in DC's different. It's good. It's good. I agree though. I definitely agree talking baby. Carriage. Yeah, star star star. Okay. Oh, yeah. That is so emotional. I'm gonna go Josh Jeanne itself is part of the album. Okay? Yeah. Yeah. I think I owe you. I love that song stick with you. Okay? Okay, pussycat dog. What do you guys think is their most like aesthetically? Pleasing music video The Boys the boys employees. The boys actually was not expecting to hear that why do girls generation have the lease aesthetically pleasing videography out of heme groups? That is so no, I would say I like to listen the boys, but as far as like hammering, they never really got you're right. They never had a confusing cameras, and he has good character. Absol they look dead asshole. So I said Hey, Olivia, what do you think Lionheart Lionheart? I love the flow meter The Styling looks so beautiful. I think every single one of them looks beautiful and that video especially yeah. No, well Sonny. Well, yes that he always wig that are I'm not sure how to feel about it, son. Okay, so my favorite album is mister mister and that's because Europa is my ultimate favorite B-side like out of all B-side to be a B-side. Oh, wow. It's so dreamy, huh? Yes, and it makes me feel so emotional. Like I just like they're all like a family just singing to a song kind of like a podcast. I love it. Damn. That's the last one to sorry. I think I just think wait a minute better. That one's good. I know it's actually a solid mini album actually don't have any complaints about it. Yeah, I love I love this also is really good to yeah that we didn't mention but deserves mention is chocolate love. Oh my God. Okay. So do we have any like last topics that we should bring out we talk about so he owned in Yuri secret Buzz unit song ever. Oh secret. Yes. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that shit The Best Time Ever that song the hairography. Oh, but with that being said, so yeah and kind of body duri in the video - yeah, but Yuri look too good to understand. Why your he was on a motorcycle like a ghetto a motorcycle and that's like No, they get stuck on like the hell a nice car. Look a butterfly doors. Yeah, sit edgy now insert her if you perform it. No, I will say this. Usually those like little Club bangers on these songs are like very cheap to me. But this one. Oh, yeah. Demonic, so yes, I hope everybody enjoyed this episode. I literally pulled together the craziest. So on that I knew and honestly, I'm very pleased with this episode. Definitely one of my favorite ones I film so far and but yeah, like this one's every one of my favorites and yeah it does anybody have any like final words. I really appreciate everybody taking the time to like do this with me because it really means a lot My final words I said it earlier but I want this actually stay in. The forecast is Girls Generation is literally the backbone of Kpop along with other groups, but then in particular are very very important part so many of us guidance of Kpop. Yeah and why it is so relevant today and I think people need to give any words agreed literally definitely revolutionize and they change the game and they may be in Papi. Okay. Sometimes I started that globalization with Gee Baby, yeah. Hey Tiffany girl. Let's hit up. Some of them are producing the gang girl. It was fun. Y'all. Thanks. Thank you everybody that watched this and turned into this. I know Girls Generation with a heavily requested episode and Buddy wants to find where all of the panelists are. I'm going to put their social media in the description down below. So with that being said bye everybody see my DJ put it back on.
OMGG hi everyone!! Long time no see! :) Welcome back to another episode of my podcast series, WTBSpodcast! In this episode, I invited Olivia, Edgar, Ula, Stella, Stephanie & Tiffiani to discuss the OGs, the NATION’S GIRL GROUP known as Girls’ Generation. We discuss their music, solos, talents, and solo endeavors. Expect a lot of shade, messiness, and fun as we unpack all things SNSD! Grab a snack and enjoy this episode! Stay tuned for more eps in the future 👀 So, WTBS (With That Being Said).. I’ll see you in the next episode! Au revoir 💋 Please comment, like, share and subscribe if you enjoyed this episode. Tell me what you thought of the podcast and don’t forget to help us spread the word with &/or tag our beloved GG Members on their social media platforms! 。◕‿◕。 #SNSD #GirlsGeneration #소녀시대 #WTBSpodcast Intro Music: Girls Are Back & Into the New World by Girls' Generation Outro Music: Genie by Girls' Generation DISCLAIMER: Intro/Outro music by Girls' Generation We do not own any of the music used in this episode. All rights go to their respective owners. The music in this episode is used for entertainment purposes only.
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So if you always want to start a podcast and make money doing it go to Anchor dot f m / start to join me and the diverse community of podcasters already using anchor that's anchored dot f m / start. I can't wait to hear your podcast. Hello everyone and welcome back for another episode of the Haas team podcast. My name is Brad grew and today's podcast is episode zero zero one who is Haas F1 and what can we expect in 2019? And before we get started talking about the really awesome things that hasta did during qualifying for the Australian Grand Prix last night. I just want to personally stop and say a few things. Thank you so much to the Haas community and the F1 Community for the warm welcome. There's been an overwhelmingly positive feedback experience regarding our first episode and we've only Lon On two platforms and even though that's the case the podcast has been listened to several hundred times. So thank you so much for the warm welcome. I look forward to Growing this podcast with you the community and making it something great and hopefully Haas F1 follows us to Greatness for the remainder of the 2009-10 season one final thing before we get started with the episode. I just want to thank the moderators from the Haas F1 team subreddit, which you should go to if you're a hoss fan go to slash are slash Haas F1 Team all one onward and on the right side of the page, they put a link to our podcast. So thank you so much to them for embracing the podcast as well. They were also graceful enough to make me a moderator. So come join me in other Hospital attics in the Haas F1 team subreddit and get into the nitty-gritty of the details that will discuss within this podcast and then much much more information, but with all of that out of the way, it's time to cue Montell Jordan. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm really pumped after the qualifying efforts of the Haas F1 team. But before we get to that, let's slow things down because I know many of the listeners are the podcast are going to be new fans of F1 and new fans of Haas. I thought I'd just take the first five or ten minutes of this episode and kind of talk about Haas and where they come from and who they are and then we'll dive into the meat and potatoes of the episode. So first of all, let's talk about the history of Haas F1. Sep 1 team debuted in Formula 1 championship in 2016 becoming the first American LED Formula One team since 1986. It was founded by industrialist Gene Haas and is based in the United States on the same Kannapolis North Carolina campus as genes championship-winning NASCAR team Stewart-Haas Racing and Haas has grown to currently employs over 250 people across two continents and we'll dive into that deeper as the podcast goes on. I don't mean so much this episode. I mean a future episodes for those that don't know and are new to F1. There's not racist. Every weekend because they have to travel four five six thousand miles sometimes so like after the Australian Grand Prix before Bahrain, there's a week lull and so I'm thinking about doing you know, these knowledge nugget type episodes between those grand prix's will dive more into Hassan their operations during that time, but I think it is important to at least cover the key players of Haas and so we could start with that now and the key players we're going to discuss is Haas F1 founder. Jean Hass Hass F1 team principal Gunther Steiner and Haas drivers Kevin magnussen and Romain grosjean. Gene Haas is an American Racing icon and founder and chairman of the house F1 team in 1983. Gene founded Haas Automation Inc, which is now world leader in Machining tools and automation products through the years the success of his company allowed him to fund many of his racing dreams including being a competitive racer himself in 2002. He founded Haas CNC racing which eventually became the multi Champion winning Stewart-Haas Racing team in NASCAR Haas. Got his first taste of the up one world when he built windshear a Rolling Road wind tunnel and it is said that there first Customer was a Formula One team house was eventually granted license by the FIA in 2014 to join the starting grid of the FIA Formula One World Championship in 2016 and its inaugural season Haas F1 team finished. Eighth in the constructors standings with the total of 29 Points the most of any new team in this Millennium and 2017. They finished with 47 points placing eighth in the constructors again, and last season, they placed fifth in the constructors with 93 points glitter Steiner is team principal of Haas F1 team and has over 30 years of Motorsports experience. He Joined F1 and 2002 as the managing director of Jaguar racing then in 2005. He was tapped to be the technical operations director of Red Bull Racing where he managed a team of more than 350 people with a budget of more than two hundred million dollars. Annually. He then went on to form a composite manufacturing and racing development company before being tasked by Gene Haas to kick-start the Haas F1 efforts Romain grosjean is the 32 year old fridge driver for the number-8 Haas car who got his first scene F-14 Renault in 2009 after his short stint with the French team. He landed at load. This in 2012 has been with Hassan sir inaugural season in 2016 after a rough start to the 2018 season remain pulled it together to score 37 points for the season putting him in p14 overall for his career grosjean has 10 podiums with the highest finish of second place the highest start of second place as well. Kevin magnussen is the 26 year old Danish driver for the number 20 Haas car who got his first F1 start in 2014 racing for McLaren for 2015 to 2016. He was a test driver for both McLaren. And Renault before being tasked to replace Haas driver Esteban Gutierrez who disappointed in his first season with Hast by scoring only six points Kevin or kmag? His fans called had a strong showing in 2018 and wasn't a fight for the best of the rest in the constructors standings before a string of bad luck late in the season cost him his chance at beating route rival. Nico hulkenberg kmag finished P9 for the 2018 season scoring a hosta F1 team record 56 points over his career came bag has one Podium a hundred thirty seven points with a heist finished of and place and a high starting position of forth. Now with the key players out of the way. Let's talk for a brief moment about the keys to hostas early success with NF1 Haas has a close relationship with their engine provider Ferrari and have taken a more cost-effective approach to the manufacturing of their cars Haas currently does not make their car chassis in-house instead. They Outsource that work to renowned Italian racing manufacturer the Lara the decision to Outsource these processes as a young team have been critical to their success thus far first, they didn't require as much capital for getting their team off the ground. Second the ramp up time to deliver a car that could pass F1 strict safety regulations in 2016 did not take as long as if they had built the car themselves in the house third. It allows them to operate on a shoestring budget putting valuable resources into adding more team members to the team itself their decision to go. This route is not come without some controversy. They're not very well liked by the other Midfield teams, especially the long-standing teams that have been struggling who have the money in capital who just can't seem to put together a good car including McLaren and William specifically. And we're not going to waste time on those. Whiny Frenchie's at Renault with that said The Lean Startup does come with some downsides specifically when midseason changes are made by the FIA and the 2018 Italian Grand Prix Romain grosjean was disqualified from a sixth place finish du du hast not making the required changes for the floor of their cars costing the team a crucial eight points in the battle for fourth in the constructors standings again winey winey Renault Haas protest stating that they did not have time to meet the six-week deadline. And this was likely due to them having to design the parts in house. Then sending them to the Lara for manufacturing and then getting them back for testing tweaks and alterations in the final product the disqualification stood however, and Hast ended up finishing fifth in the constructors standings when they had a real shot 4/4 hostas end goal is to win and with both our Founders and their team principal having extensive backgrounds with Composites and parts manufacturing. It is only a matter of time until Haas takes complete control of their parts design and Manufacturing, but for now Outsourcing that allows them to compete at a higher level, but right now Outsourcing allows them to focus their Limited. Good capital on more important areas of the car think of their rise and F1 as a marathon not a Sprint as they progress each season, they get more money and the better-paying sponsors which helps them to expand the team. They want to be able to eventually engineer their own Parts because it reduces the time it takes to roll out in season changes and improvements currently their turnaround time is at least six weeks. So if they see a problem engineer fix and have it manufactured it takes three to four times longer than it does for most of the other teams, if you know anything about Gene Haas, you'll know that his goal is to win which means that they probably won't be a Ferrari customer. Ever their real goal is to become the primary team for another engine manufacturer who may enter if one Ford an Audi which falls under Volkswagen have been rumored in recent years. Either way. The goal is to just keep getting better each season getting more money and expanding their F1 operations. So if you haven't figured out by now that a race to the top with F1 is all about money Haas is a mid-level team, but it operates on a shoestring budget when compared to the top three teams and even some of the mid-level teams with more Legacy, especially Renault McLaren and Williams the top three teams are the only teams really with the chance of winning a race in 2019. And those are Ferrari Mercedes and Red Bull but due to the craziness of races a Podium is not out of the question for other teams, including Haas for 2019. There are four engine manufacturers in F1 Ferrari Mercedes Renault and Honda and as I've said Haas is a Ferrari customer. This means that Haas pays the use the Ferrari engines and to receive critical data from Ferrari. It also means that they are limited on what they can do because Ferrari obviously wants to win with that said Ferrari has clearly been the best motor for the past four to five years, which is a good thing for the Midfield battle hostas goal. And the goal for every team that's not Red Bull Ferrari or Mercedes is the finished fourth in the constructors standings. There are tens of million dollars of play for finishing as high as you can and the constructors standings. The constructors standings are overall points for a team. Meaning there are two cars and drivers hospitals fifth last year as we've discussed but couldn't finish fourth not for self-inflicted Mistakes by both the team and Driver grosjean, especially let the lot of points on the track last year. So it's certainly in the realm of possibility for them to end up before however, if practice sessions in the qualifying sessions in Australia this weekend are any indicator The Midfield is going to be closer than ever. Basically. It looks like on any given race weekend that 8 to 10 cars are going to be within one second of each other in the Midfield. So the margin of error will be smaller than it's ever been for Hoss. There are also a couple of changes with the team that are worth watching in 2019 grow John's new race engineer is Dominic Haynes who worked as romain's performance engineer for 2016 kmag will be working with Gary Gannon who was grow John's race engineer since hostas entry in 2016 the swap up happened because Really are no salvi departed as K mags race engineer after three years with Hoss salvy actually worked for her Ferrari and was on loan from Ferrari for three years as part of their power unit Supply agreement. So the change wasn't made out of anything bad. It was just made more of a contract ended and they had to fill the role. But for those who don't know the race engineer is the person who talks to the driver during the races and qualifying and it's extremely important to have that communication between them be airtight. So I highly suggest if you don't you subscribe to F1 TV and during the erase and or post-race watch the drivers feeds from their cars and you can hear the radio communication with their Engineers. It sounds like thus far through the practices and qualifying for Australia that Dominic Haynes and Romain grosjean are on the same page and came bag and Gary Gannon are good to go. I specially like listening to Gary Gannon. He just seems like he his wealth of knowledge is just astounding with his experience. And so just again, I highly recommend that I will be taking quotes and sounds clips and future episodes from their own boards to give you a taste of what Talk about but for now just with the turnaround time between qualifying just ending and me recording this episode about an hour later. I don't have time for that and I want to get that's out before the Australian Grand Prix with that said there were some technical issues that I saw during both days of free practice and no born both grosjean and kmag experience radio and car Telemetry communication issues. So basically the race Engineers trying to talk to the driver and the driver can't hear them or they can't hear the driver respond and I was watching live as it happened to both km egg and grow John. And at one point grows on even out of frustration dropped an F-bomb saying the radio is blank. So let's just hope that that's fixed before the start of the race. And as far as I know the radios are actually handled by the FIA to make sure everybody's working on this to same level. So hopefully that's something that Haas Engineers can work with the FIA on to make sure everything's working correctly. So now we get to talk about what really want to talk about performance and actual results. I recording this about an hour after qualifying for the Australian Grand Prix. So this is Three o'clock in the morning my time. So bear with me if I sound a little drunk on happiness. So I'm just going to get out of the way qualifying went fantastic for Haas. There were some really really close things that could have made it go another way, but overall they did fantastic. They ended up P5 and P6 grosjean sitting p5k mag sitting P6, which is right where they should be at the Australian Grand Prix because Melbourne is Haas country, baby. I'm going to bring home double points huge double points. I have faith. I did take some notes. It's with the qualifying sessions that I just want to read out here for anybody who missed them and just kind of give a basically an overview of how their sessions went. K-max first lap of q1 was ruined as he was pushed wide on the final turn due to traffic but he made it through with the last second lap finishing P6 grosjean set p v going in the final two minutes of the session and even question his race engineer Dominic Haynes why they were going out for a second lap. Well grosjean listen to Dominic because he ended up p14 after the track got faster and faster as a session went on. I was lucky to squeeze through I was watching on the radio. He sitting in the garage they left it on for whatever reason sitting in the pits. And he says are you sure I don't really understand that. But okay and so thankfully they did send them back out, but he didn't best his time. But he set P 14 which squeezed him through to Q2 and just as an understanding for people who may be new to the sport as the race goes on and as temperatures on the track either heat up or drop and then Mount of rubber on the track goes so does the speeds generally later in a qualifying session is when the Faster times are going to come because the track gets into optimal conditions and you actually saw Red Bull screw this up because Gastly didn't make it out of q1 because they thought their first run was going to be good enough. I just don't see that happening any more with the midfields being so tight. I think you're going to see more and more to run runs for every session of qualifying and that's really hard in q1 were there are 20 cars on the track and only 15 minutes to post your best time. And I guess that's a really good segue to introduce new fans that One two how qualifying works with in F1 Q 1 is the first qualifying session and contains all 20 cars and they have 15 minutes to set their best lap time and the top 15 drivers move on to Q to the bottom. Five drivers are no longer able to qualify and they're starting position is where they were at the end of q1 and then they repeat this process exactly for Q2 Q2 s the top 15 cars set their best lap times within 15 minutes with the bottom five cars not being able to advance to Q3. Re and their starting position being where they were at the end of Q2 and Q3 is the final qualifying session and as 10 cars with 10 minutes to set their best lap times and whatever their order is at. The end of Q3 is their place on the starting grid. It is key to point out that sometimes depending on the race finishing late with in Q3 like p8 P9 P10 may not be as advantageous as finishing P11 or p12. And the reason for this is the top 10 cars have to start the race. With the tires that they qualified on so this means that the top ten drivers are generally qualifying on the softest tires, meaning the tires at last the least amount of laps and depending on the tire strategies of the team for that particular track. They may want to start on the medium or the hard tires, which gives them the ability to run longer in the race before pitting. This is especially crucial on road racing. We're passing is really really difficult Monaco being the biggest example with the new cars being so wide. It's almost impossible to pass in Monaco. So you want to go as long as you can between pit stops to stay out on the track longer that make other people have to pit in an end up behind you. So just keep that in mind, but for the most part the goal for Hoss each and every week is to finish in Q3. So they're starting in the top ten. That means the points the points are awarded to the top 10 cars at the end of the race, but we'll discuss that more in future episodes, but that's kind of want to get that out of the way as we're talking about q1. Now. Let's move on to my cue to notes grosjean ran wide on the same. Turn Kevin did in q1 on his first lap and said P11 after the first run. Well, Kevin. Sitting P6 after strong runs by both drivers in the waning seconds of Q2 grosjean ended up P5 while Kevin lost a spot to his teammate ended up p7 again the goal for Hoss each and every race weekend is for both cars to end up in Q3. So mission accomplished this week for ending up in Q3 and in Q3 after the first run grosjean set P6 while kmag set p7 and both slightly improved their times in the second run and then ended up at one twenty one point eight two six and one twenty two point zero nine 9, respectively, they weren't really Bailando Norse Kimi raikkonen or Sergio Pérez during Q3 with them being clear of the impressive showing by the rookie Norse by point two zero five seconds. So once they made it to Q3, there wasn't really any question that they were going to finish P6 p7 gas leak failing to make it out of q1 basically assured at least one of them a top six start leaving the two Mercedes two Ferraris and One Redbull ahead of them. Also more importantly leaving far more cars behind them. This will hopefully make it easier for them to get through the crucial first few turns. Race for those new to F1 the vast majority of incidents happened during the first several terms of the race. And so you want to get as good a start as you can and get as much space as you can from the rest of the pack as soon as possible with that said Sergio Pérez and Kimi raikkonen are on the row behind Kevin magnussen and Lando Norris and so is going to be really important that Magnuson gets off to a good start because those are two great drivers that could try to make a push which could lead to an incident it within the first couple of turns grosjean should hopefully be okay because he has LeClaire next to him in the Ferrari who should be able to pull away a little bit and then also a rookie landowner force behind him who hopefully has some first race Jitters and doesn't get off to an amazing start to push for Corner one. So all in all as a hoss fan and the Haas teeny can't really ask for a better result than P6 p7. There are six cars on the grid clearly Thatcher to them and they are head of one of those cars and they are ahead of the rest of the pack as well. So that brings us to the final thoughts for this episode The Haas car set up perfectly for Australia. So it's key that both drivers score points this weekend. Last year in Melbourne, the qualified P5 and P6 and they were running P4 and P5 before they had a dual did not finish due to an issue with their pit stops releasing early leaving massive points in the table had they secured those points. They probably finish P4 and the constructors standings and it's key to remember the car will also be this fast on tracks that are more Arrow demanding so they must maximize points on the strongest tracks each and every time out some tracks are built for Speed some are built for Arrow somewhere bolt for a mix between the two this one's built. For Speed and they must maximize on those points as they can with that said the overall outlook for Hassan 2019 looks great when the team is operating on all cylinders, they can definitely lead the mid pack of teams. So they have to focus on eliminating the needless mistakes and finish consistently throughout the season. The real key to F1 is consistency each race. They want to make it to Q3. They then want to finish double points. If they do that more than other mid-level teams than they'll probably finish P for this year. The mid-level teams are going to be as competitive as ever and especially as Both Renault and Sauber gained world-class drivers and Daniel ricciardo and Kimi raikkonen respectively without question Haas is good enough to finish before but the competition is as tough as it's ever been for them. So they could also be as low as p8 for the season which would be a disaster financially speaking and as stated they need to win as many points as possible on tracks were speed is key as that is where their current leg up in the competition with that Superior Ferrari powertrain. We'll know more after the Grand Prix, which is just a few hours away, but for now hopes her highest than they've ever been for Hoss, so Stay tuned next episode before the team heads to Bahrain and we'll discuss the results from Australia Grand Prix. And then we're there go from there. Thank you again for everybody who's tuned into the Haas team podcast. Thank you so much for the folks at the Haas F1 team subreddit. And thanks for everyone who's followed on Twitter Instagram and Facebook again. You can follow ha steam podcast at ha steam podcast on Twitter Instagram and Facebook. And also I employee please go to slash are slash Haas F1 team and join in the conversation the excitement about hostas higher than it's ever been. The Netflix series and so please get on the ground floor take part of this ride. I trust you if you get involved with this sport, it's amazing. My heart was pumping during qualifying as Kevin magnussen was trying to make up a good lap in q1 and as grosjean was trying to make up a good lap in Q2. There's no real sport that's like that. Like I'm a die-hard sports fan being from Houston and love the Rockets. I love the Astros. I love the Texans. They're just something about the sport where people's lives are actually on the line every time that just takes it up to it. Different level and so I think you so much for giving the sport a chance and especially I think you forgiving Haas F1 team a chance and this podcast. So before we go I challenge you to do two things tell someone, you know about F1 and about Haas F1 team and tell them they should probably be watching and then tell someone about this podcast and let them know that hopefully this is something that will help them learn about F1 and learn about Haas F1 team and that's all I really ask I do this for you guys to do it for myself and do it for hospice because I love the sport. I love that. And the more of you that reach out to me and get involved and give feedback you motivate me to keep this going. So thank you so very much. As long as Haas keeps fighting. I'll keep making these and hopefully you'll keep listening and until next time guys. Remember to tell Nico hulkenberg Zach my balls because
Haas F1 Team debuted in the FIA Formula One World Championship in 2016, becoming the first American-led Formula One team since 1986. Founded by industrialist Gene Haas, Haas F1 Team is based in the United States on the same Kannapolis, North Carolina, campus as his championship-winning NASCAR team, Stewart-Haas Racing. Haas currently employees 250 team members across two continents. Key Players at Haas Gene Haas is an American racing icon and the founder and chairman of the Haas F1 team. In 1983, Gene founded Haas Automation, Inc. - which is now a world leader in machining tools and automation products. Through the years, the success of his company allowed him to fund many of his racing dreams, including being a competitive racer himself. In 2002 he founded Haas CNC Racing, which eventually became the multi-champion winning Stewart-Haas Racing team. Guenther Steiner is team principal of Haas F1 Team, and has over 30 years of motorsports experience. He first joined F1 in 2002 as the managing director of Jaguar Racing. Then in 2005 he was tapped to be the technical operations director of Red Bull Racing, where he managed a team of more than 350 people with a budget of more than $200 million annually. He then went on to form a composites manufacturing and racing development company, before being tasked by Gene Haas to kickstart the Haas's F1 efforts. Romain Grosjean is the 32 year old French driver for the #8 Haas car, who got his first seat in F1 for Renault in 2009. After his short stint with Renault he landed at Lotus in 2012, and has been with Haas since their inaugural season in 2016. After a rough start to the 2018 season, Romain pulled it together to score 37 points for the season, putting him in P14 overall. Kevin Magnussen is the 26 year old Danish driver for the #20 Haas car, who got his first F1 start in 2014 racing for McLaren. Kevin, or K-Mag as fans call him, had a strong showing in 2018, and was in a fight for the "best of the rest" in the constructor's standings before a string of bad luck late in the season cost him his chance at beating out rival Nico Hülkenberg. K-Mag finished P9 for the 2018 season, scoring a Haas F1 Team record, of 56 points. Team Changes for 2019 to Watch Romain Grosjean’s new engineer is be Dominic Haines, who worked as Romain’s performance engineer from 2016. Kevin Magnussen will be working with Gary Gannon, who was Grosjean’s race engineer since Haas’ entry in 2016. Final Thoughts The Haas car is setup perfectly for Australia, so it is key that both drivers score points this weekend. Last year at Melbourne, they qualified P5 and P6 and they were running P4 and P5 before they had a dual DNF due to an issue with their pitstops releasing early… leaving massive points on the table. The car won't always be this fast on tracks that are more aero demanding, so they must maximize points on the strongest tracks each and every time out. Overall, the outlook for Haas in 2019 looks great. When the team is operating on all cylinders, they can definitely lead the mid-pack of teams - so they have to focus on eliminating needless mistakes, and finish consistently throughout the season. They real key to F1 is consistency. Haas is good enough to finish P4, but the competition is as tough as it's ever been for them, so they could be as low as P8 for the season - which would be a disaster financially speaking. They need to win as many points as possible on tracks where speed is key, as that is where their current leg up is on the competition, with the superior Ferrari powertrain.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started episode 8 of The Challenge War of the Worlds Liar Liar Georgia forgives bear for cheating on her with his cousin West teaches D had a swim and it pays off and we have a classic vintage elimination tonight. Let's get it you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now. Look, what's that? Welcome man. It's AfterBuzz TV. It is Wednesday. So we're reviewing the challenge War of the Worlds. Obviously episode 8 Liar Liar. We got a jam-packed episode tonight, and we have a jam-packed panel. We got all four of us here. My name is my name is Ian of us here. Thank you so much for tuning in to my left is Dan Lindgren. Hi. Hi over. There is Pamela grows, too, and she's going to be bringing the oh, no you twit in segment a little bit later on to make sure thank you for that. That and then all right P David's tire David had a flat tire last week so he couldn't be the best but he has back here tonight and he is our fitness Guru guy, so we can't wait to talk strategy about tonight's Challenge and elimination. So thank you all for joining us. We're going to get into everything like I mentioned we had a great vintage elimination push or pull their we're going to get into we're going to talk about the girls Heat and the guys he we had a good Brain Freeze ice cold ocean challenge tonight. We had a lot of drama a lot of love circles and triangles lat Lights bear in Georgia. We had a hunter bear, Georgia triangle a lot of beef stew go over. So we're going to get into all of that. We got our special segment later. Oh, no, you twit it sweetie sweetie. We're still trying to work out how this but we're going to go through some of the great tweets from after the episode tonight and then hopefully get into some predictions with that midseason trailer. So really excited to talk about it overall thoughts guys. What do you think about this episode after we just drama challenge drama elimination? Perfect form? Matt I'm in love with Weston D great team love the teamwork. I love that West lies to build that confidence positive reinforcement and we get a midseason trailer and it looks amazing. Yes. Also think that Wes is MVP. I really liked the competition tonight. The elimination was on fire bear there definitely is something to be said for not taking anything seriously because as much as I want to dislike him and I do he's kind of hilarious so I sort of see that but he's kind of a bad guy. Good episode. I will second the on the west. I love West man and especially in this season. He's just like I can't wait for him to find just let go, you know, I mean, he's so preserved but I just-i can't-- I want to see bear get punched in the mouth. I really do that's West Coast home David we talked about this but I mean if there's some way that they're in elimination or something together just like if it was like a competition that we should tonight, that'd be amazing, you know, so if something happened somehow, I'm very anxious to see see. Yeah, okay. So you want to see him in a physical elimination with bear because I'm curious what you mean by reserved one time because West a smart. Yeah as as he was saying taunter. You don't have to read it. Blown up West was the other guy and he's right everything you said is absolutely right, but I still love to see him. Yeah, you know, I feel like he's not that much older than these people in age, but he seems like he's like decades old and just the way that he handles himself. Yes. I can't sit. He's been he's like the the parent at the party was able to say, okay, you've had a Alcohol, let me walk you outside and give you a good talking to you. So you don't blow up and punch somebody and say something. You don't mean so he's kind of been the voice of reason if he's probably like maybe five maybe eight years older than people were maybe something not even that my general. Maybe he's like a good 15 years older. I know Wes and Hunter I bet I have no idea but Wes is he's like the designated driver of couthe throughout the house Consciousness, right? Good reason. Yeah. He's just so good at the game than that's how I'd really like to this point. He's played almost a perfect game West us. Do you think politically though because I agree with you guys? I think that he's competed really well and him and dear great athletic team, but I think politically he's kind of struggling. I think these can't lines is going to be hot and heavy and hard to break up and his one aligns with Hunter is seeming to kind of bite him. It's interesting you say that because I always think that West needs an enemy in order to achieve one team just go after the entire time bananas got eliminated very early and took him a couple episodes West to find that new rival and he went after bear. That seems to be how that's going to work for a while. I think in a way I went West wants Bear gone, but then once bear goes, what does West do next? Yeah, it's kind of nice that it Bears stick around for a little while longer but maybe till the end. I have no idea you bring up a good point. I agree with that but he does best when he's bouncing off someone and he doesn't have Wes and dr2 America or not part of the UK Alliance and he's does not really have a tide of Davon. So I think they're a good team to sort of have as your scapegoat to go in. Against all the time and they're yeah really good. And with that being said not to discredit Davon and bear at all and they went and they kicked ass and I thought Dave on especially performs amazing and she really proved herself and that was all her because it was weren't it wasn't her and they're doing anything that they could have communicated together or him taking a little bit more of him getting more credit over the elimination. That was all her competing against Jenna so not to discredit them at all. But that being said, yes. Erin Devon have come back now after two eliminations, but I don't think that they've really seen a team that's outmatched. Right? They haven't faced an ani or Turbo or an Ashley or can wear a poly or Natalie. They haven't seen that team that's really gonna wake them up. Right? Like they're kind of just and they've deserved everything they've had and there's actually a sneaky good competitors much as we want to think. He's like a jokester in a gimmick. Uh-huh, but he competes pretty well, but I still don't think that they've seen that team that's really gonna like knock them off their heads. Yeah, prove them wrong. Well, we kind of Call that too. When he had the choice to choose like Hunter or someone we knew were like dude. You're not gonna call Hunter. You want to go home you'll go home so that I think obviously chose which and least my opinion. I think we can all agree the easiest team of a group and I mean, I think that speaks for itself, you know, so, yeah, like I said, I'm anxious. I want to see him go but in someone right but those are the rules of the game they get that choice true and I think in that Kalimba Nation when bear knew it was going to be physical. I think it's very smart for him to choose absolutely someone at least maybe has a chance to guess because even though I don't This is a great competitor. He could have he did win one of them right obviously. So in you could have probably won both of them if his hands didn't slip so yeah, and for my drama standpoint and just go TV, let's be real we all forgot. That's and Jenna were still there when we were going over who they were their options to pick. So I mean losing them as not really going to affect the show that much from a viewer standpoint. Like I feel bad, but nany lost her friend, but other than that I do I can care less. Sure, we didn't get to know her. I don't feel like I did in Jenna was Jenna who seem like you feel worse that somebody lost a friend and somebody logs at stake that they lost their opportunity to win millions of dollars. Absolutely. I don't know. It's interesting. You say like we didn't get to know Gus has personality everyone I talk to I don't watch floor Bama shop. They all said Gus has like this great personality did not see it on the challenge. I know nothing about him your first season I think and all he did was just he got hurt over and over and over and over again and went home. Well every every every challenge you heard shell that's that's that's a show drama was with between Zack and Amanda so he didn't get brought into Political drama because of his vet and he wasn't hooking up with anyone on the show. So he didn't get it. He didn't have a storyline. I'm doesn't mean that he doesn't have a great personality. But I also think I mean, okay, maybe on that show. He's a great personality, but Now you're also throwing in a show where everybody's almost essentially a great personal, right? Yeah. It's a big pool. You can't compete with the Bears that you're not going to compete with a new Bears going to be the star of this season as far as the newcomers for me as a rookie. Well, let's get into the nitty-gritty of the episode. Alright Enos. Trust me. I remember House Baron de Von have just one right? No. No, Cameron Ashley. Sorry I'm going back to episodes coming - I've just won this climbing up the elimination that can't go back to back room to talk about it. It was a gossip. But we see the UK Alliance getting stronger and bigger. We see Nani has pissed in her room and then we get the face time that we've all been waiting for so bear is in like this room that looks like a movie theater. Like I don't know what room this is the challenge house that he gets to FaceTime his Friends, his is haunted. I I want to assume that like during the week they get a certain number of calls home. They just never show you only see it when it makes sense for the show. So we are you know what we actually only ever see somebody on a phone call when somebody's cheating on somebody we saw with Tony. We saw it when Brandis upset about Brad. We only ever see a phone call away cheating. What a coincidence. I do think that they get like one 10-minute thing a week. I think that that is that I somewhere read or heard that but bear preface is a situation by saying, you know, this is my ex-girlfriend on-again off-again up in the air girlfriend. And when I left UK was just up in the air how convenient again so he's on this face time and I love this is such a classic bear. This is such a classic. Sociopathic lying cheating man, what's going to happen next? So she says is there anything I need to worry about and he goes, well, I like he can't hear her. Well, I'm sorry. What was your question? How is everything? Okay. Yeah. Thank you. You don't answer so that Georgia over here this and I love the way she handled it at first because she goes throughout the episode and we see what happens but At first she barged in there, she's like, oh, yeah, they're everything. Everything's cool here. Everything's good. Catches him in the ACT calls him out in front of everybody. Obviously, there's nothing else to do in this house. So this is basically like their version of theater. They get out there. They have this whole Saga this whole fight in front of everybody. She seems to have handled it really well in the beginning that she takes it head on she understands what's happening and looks like she's going to move on from it. Would you guys think I also think she handled it superbly she wasn't crying or throwing a fit. She was calling him out and she said like what you're going to sit in there and hide which he was which was funny because he Bears always got something to say. Say and she was handling in Amateur Cool hurt, but not going to give back not going to back down way and I liked it at first is it is it at all weird to anybody again that just somehow someone happens to hear someone on an important? That's definitely stage. I mean, we actually get it stay tuned. I like that little Segway the little teaser stay tuned for news or on Twitter or tweeted news and gossip segment all of it. All of it work. Yeah. One of them if this is in theory really Bears ex-girlfriend on and off again, why doesn't he just tell her that right? You know, he makes it even worse by saying it's his cousin and then if he is dating his cousin, he's got a whole nother set of problems, but I just don't understand why he wouldn't just be like look. It's an ex-girlfriend. But like then again, how does he get out of the fact that he says oh, but I wanted to give her a call. But why would he give her a call? If it's your ex girlfriend, like whatever you want to call yesterday or furthermore ex-girlfriend be saying do I have anything to worry? A about is anything going on I should worry about it's like it's a lot she worried for your safety there. Why did they blur out his ex-girlfriend like the picture of her? Why can't they show? I understand that's the rules of the sign a release but why but if they lose this job because I know what if they knew this gonna be good drama, why wouldn't they get hurt? They can easily email her release she faxes it back in and Bam his girlfriend and his cousin. She just didn't want to be on the show and I didn't get it on time. He was showing was like, so Sociopathic tendencies that he can't make eye contact but you just keep saying it's because it's because it's becoming all right, you're not fooling anybody when I was at your cousin first off, but it's almost like I don't respect him at all. But him forcing this lie is almost like what you spit out this lie to everybody at least I guess he keeps with it being supposed to do now say no it's not my cousin in front of everybody even though everybody already knows I guess he - he couldn't have lied any worse and I still got Georgia back. So come on now. What am I doing here best moment that was in the Bedroom with the guys and he's like your cousin's hot. He's like she is hot. Maybe they got to see her. We just didn't because someone comments about she knows who Georgia is so I'm very curious. That's that's weird too. I mean, they were all friends before they got on the show while the UK people. So they're obviously in the same pool of yeah, and that is the T. We need fam. So someone tell how knows a friend someone knows so let us know in the live or twisting us a message about how Georgia and bear knew each other, but another thing about bear. That I wanted to say because I wasn't super familiar. He was in a million shows in the UK and he doesn't look like he's a super good competitor, but he won a show that it's called like on a desert island or something not Survivor, but he won a show that's like a almost survival a show. So he is better than he looks obviously which were sort of seeing now. Is he pulling a Kyle is he? I think he is and I think I would like bear if it was solely for entertainment purposes for me. Me but I feel bad for Georgia because she seems to have genuine affection for this person who obviously has some affection for her but is just a I don't think he takes anything seriously and I suspect even her just wants kisses and cuddles. You just don't kisses and cuddles. He's having fun. Yeah, we're gonna get into how they get back together and everything about thoughts on that later in the episode. We're going to get into the challenge next before we do Pam has a message for y'all I do. If I didn't do now, I do have a message for real. I wanted to say thank you to you guys for making us here at AfterBuzz the ESPN of TV talk for us to continue to grow we could use your help. If you are on YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button if you're on iTunes give us 5 stars, but no matter where you are. Leave us a comment so you can get involved in our conversation. We do love to keep the conversation going being a part of AfterBuzz TV and getting too Share our feelings about the challenge and continue it with you guys is means a lot to us and makes us really happy. We would appreciate you if you could let your friends know and tell all your friends and cousins no matter if you're kissing them or not and subscribe to our shows and all the other great shows here at after month. Let your enemies know. Everybody's Frenemies. Just got to keep our toes pan. Well earlier in the episode that Her weaknesses. She can't swim. So West puts her through a little West swimming Clinic as he's one of the best swimmers the shows ever sees the cutest swim I've ever seen in my life. I think she's the she look good. She looks so pretty. So then I was like, oh my God, it looks so pretty swimming. Yeah. She can't you can't you can do you look she look good swimmer. Dad's got a crush. Goodbye good lines through the water. She kicked ass and great. I was thinking that whole time even at the soon as she got into the water. I'm like dude. He's the one that can't swim because you see Are struggling you see all these other girls who are doing not just as bad worse than she is. Yeah. I felt like Maddie on the other hand just like literally clumped through the ocean was one that was not struggling like it just felt like she was able to walk. Yeah, he walked on water. I thought it was going to be a lot tougher it honestly didn't look like they were the bows buoys were that far out those puzzle, but you just think it'd look tough. I didn't think the puzzle pieces were as far out as they made it seem and hardest part of getting in and out of getting yeah ocean is getting in Out is the hardest part. I thought anything of look bad. I didn't think look bad at all. I'm sorry that me cold and the waves are crashing one is in the oceans like 5939 does not ice cold ice cold to be 33. Yeah, I I grew up in the water. So I don't I'm a bad example of this but I think I would have been just fine. Yeah. Okay, once you get your first dip in there and then you're moving Bodies Warm where the waves is our when prices are crashing is the hardest trip again, didn't you instead of like going in a waves coming you just go under? Anything you need just like bam it into it. She did it. She just slammed into him like well if it's too shallow for you to go under the wave yet, but once you're past that point once you're past the crash and you're just chilling you're floating, I like getting in and out you put your back into it put your back into it ice cold. It looks like everybody was struggling and it's so shocking like if you ever if the shower goes cold when your water too cold water, it's like your second your heart stops to feel like you can't move any muscle in your body like your heart stopping in your kind of Was in gasping for air and they're saying these I don't think it's that badge and I think the Titanic we've ever done and they were struggling dieting and the warm-up probably had their adrenaline pumping so that they were able to do it. What I'm curious about is how deep the water was because we didn't get to see a lot of actual swimming, you know wasn't like anyone was swimming. It's not water can be really deep even if it's not that far out. Yeah, but it seemed like you know, they Weren't from what we saw it looked like it was sort of standing the whole time. But again still props to D because if you're scared of water and not a swimmer, it's still very scary and getting beat up by waves and stuff. I think the puzzle for me probably been the hardest part. I don't think it's for me to have that that would have been too bad. But I think the puzzle that would have been kind of hard. When do you think it's hard or do you think it's just it's a puzzle and sometimes it just gets you I think it's more of the fact of like you have all these pieces here and you have to figure out with no kind Idea, which one goes first. So I think that would probably be the challenge. I feel like the base in the top so you can narrow those down pretty quick because it has to be flat throughout the whole way. Well, I take those out corners of a putt right, right. He knows I take out right away. It's that middle section I think is going to get tricky with all the different little pieces dying off. I am a Tetris lover. So this kind of puzzle and Tetris for you more than exactly the more than a different kind of puzzle. I didn't think that this puzzle eyes looked so hard because what we were talking about well, we were watching Is in some puzzles, you can get really close to the end and be screwed up in this each puzzle needed to fit. So I don't think there was an opportunity to stack 9 another 10,000 said you have to start over like it seems like you have to be correct all the way which is a nice example one you don't know where you start over and that's the most frustrating. We-we'd itself out throughout the way. Yeah, and it's just that's what happens when you do a puzzle. You do one thing wrong and then your whole Minds messed up and you're just the distraction in your mind. I'm trying to get it right and figure out where you went wrong is completely distracting you from ever doing it, right? So you're just that much. Yeah yourself up. Well, you're already saying Dan you're like, oh, it's too hard. If it's too hard, I quit. Absolutely. I'm too lazy to figure out what's wrong. I'm done stupid remind me never to partner with you on that one. Before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. 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Yeah, you're right that makes me that endeared me to her more because I am very confident when I'm wrong A lot of times and I'm like, yeah, it's totally left and it's like it's not a left. I'm like finally left. Let's go right. No, I agree with that's like okay fine. I'm equally as passionate about being right is wrong. Let's love her energy. Do you must win even though she gets back in graph? So turbo and nany come next and we get this amazing like drip Dragon Ball Z at it of Turbo, which Like that still affects coming out amazing. I just love everything about him and I love that. He does this weird like isolated ninja down by himself every time after two imaginary. No one it does look as though he's going to pop up in a different form like him, but he's transforming but it was like a Mortal Kombat finishing move to me and it really comes down to the puzzle. I think the puzzle really screwed up a lot of people and God I'm really confused. So after that after d and west wind at least from what editing shows us, it's pretty neck. And neck with the puzzle and it's anybody's game at that point. So then Thea Theo Theo and Cara are the last to finish and that's our tribunal. That's true. That's true anything more than challenge before I move on to the tribunal. No. No, so the tribunal goes pretty quick and easy, but I have I've mixed feelings a little bit of an issue with a tribunal of this far in the season. It feels to me like it's a little bit pointless for three teams to be winning. Every week because there are so many teams that are putting up a burned vote every time and it pretty much comes down to one team spearheading who's going to go into elimination. So it doesn't really make sense for me to for there to be three teams of the tribe, you know, every time because you know, the same teams are going for the same exact people every time and then there's that 13 that's always going to put a bone. Sorry a bird vote in and then leaving whichever team that burned vote team can agree. He's with with the spearhead a team and they go in. You know what I mean? So Wes and D. Obviously want Bear right Ani and turbo don't really care. They throw in a burned vote Cara and Pauly are gonna go for Kyle every single time. So nany just decide between do I want to go Kyle or do I want to go there and Davon it's just obviously they're just kind of all picking one team. Anyway, I mean, it still adds a little drama because you still don't know if Kyle and or you know, the other team is going to go in which about bear dig away, but you didn't know which those teams they were going to that third. I was going to then go for it adds a little more drama to the show, I guess in a way. You're right. I mean, I think either way it works fine now, I don't mind I don't mind it when it comes down to elimination. If I'm a team teams that are voted into the tribunal after the tribunal wins, and it just the three teams. They shouldn't even really be that mad because I think think they have only like a 10% chance more to go into elimination than any other team in the house. Right? Any other team can go in but there's always going to be another team but they're okay. So I see what you're saying, but theoretically also in this instance like tonight's episode. Everyone was sort of against bear because he was a jerk but on other episodes other than the long-standing rivals and especially when it's not a team that's able to vote in one of their long-standing Rivals a la Cara Kyle their drama from inter episodes and you put me in last time and I'm gonna get you this time like certain people that make new short-term enemies for lack of a better term and then when that team calls them out then you know, okay fine you're gunning for me. So I think it still adds a little bit of drama at this point. Yeah, I mean, I just think Penny every single team should be worried unless you're in the tribunal and you have absolutely so just kind of like if I'm voted in. I'm still had just as much chance to go into elimination as if I wasn't in the tribunal ring, right if you know, I wasn't one of those three teams. I'm still one of those open Team. Yeah, but I like that if you do win if you do an elimination get that next week off guaranteed because I love that new add-on. I think that's that's nice because I think the producers like, oh the same team keeps Voted in every week this way we get a variety of people having to go through maybe an elimination and it's narrowing down who the team that goes into elimination gets to pick because now it's almost like there's three teams in the tribunal and then there's only like three or four other teams to choose from so it's kind of making it harder to pick a team to go into elimination. Yeah tribunals doing for me now. Just keeping people safe for me. It seems like right that most hated team is always going to go in. So I feel like the voting just kind of is losing its purpose but I like those top three teams are safe. That's all. Most more than that the other people have an equal chance. I like that. It's like you can't pick these people this way. It's a little more even to you don't have so many you have you have more teams that can stay to than if there is just one person that one then those other four teams would be up for elimination as well. So I kind of liked it. There's more safe teams. Yes everything I learned I learned it at all just from the point of that the non tribunal teams. It's almost as much of a you're going into elimination as the one team picked. The tribunal yeah, but were saying that we enjoy that there's kind of safety. That's just how advanced to the tribe as I can't help but feel like the tribunal is a little bit pointless half-and-half at this point. It's not like the only people and it makes sense. There's not many teams left. Let's be honest. It makes this season's going by as we saw in the trailer. Maybe that's why it's now broken apart. It would see everybody's on their own now, so well not until is he a tribunal next episode. And by the way, this whole tribunal the courtroom scenes that they do every week. I like when they're like funny mad, but tonight West was like man almost like fake man who's trying too hard to be mad. I like Wes, you're so much better when you're being cocky funny mad. He look like really matter like it's coming off not real man coming down. Yeah. It was just laughing. I love West but this was lame. I was like, I like Polly like him a fight you fight stop it. They they just they should have fun with that because it's done. Usually what's that game guys? Let's have fun. The joking and messing around with each other you all know you're going to vote from Kyle is the best he's having so much fun. Yeah, right because she splits her looks like she wants to play with me. I'm like Kyle you're getting the game you ride is goin on in there man. Yeah, and and I kind of think he's right. Seriously. I don't know if she still wants to play with them, but I still think she likes she still likes having him around as you're like little pain in my first he lets. Okay. Remember when she flipped him off going into the water he gave her a little cute. Look that's cute. They're having fun with each other still not something that's cute stuff. We have to go into the going out party nighttime again, magic Hunter instead of Magic Mike Hunters really working for his money that night. He was giving it ashkan dance pretty well. And as well, he was doing some spin moves. I thought he liked dropped out for a split for a moment. Sure. There's a lot of sexual tension between 90 and Hunter and then Bears gotta go and destroy it all because thanks a lot Barry just jealous. You can't let another And a girl get there get there thing going on. So we see bear plotting in the corner tells Davon we're going in and we're going in for a hunter in Georgia. Meanwhile, he's lying this whole time. He just want to stir the pot when she does the best. He might have to be better at it than Johnny Bananas at this point. So he he does start the fight with Hunter he starts yelling at Hunter and it's this is where I get annoyed with bear because it's the same thing every time actually I should be more annoyed with Hunter for buying into it because it is the same thing every time with their he just every single person. I'm always going to be you. I'll beat you every time that's what he says. I will beat you every time like that's his slogan. So Hunter buys into it because Hunter can't control his temper. He's a little bit of a hothead he's got liquor muscles got everything going on. So he goes back at bear at first but George us Georgia starts defending their honestly she does so then I agreed that I think Hunter takes it out on Georgia when Hunter should take it out on bear, but I And that Hunter feels betrayed by his partner and behind the scenes. We probably saw Hunter be there for Georgia. Georgia were probably showed Hunter she was upset about bear and he probably offered support and condolences. I was like you're stronger than this you're better than this. So I think Hunter feels slighted and betrayed when Jordan says leave there alone. Leave him alone Hunter. You're the wrong one. Let me counter but I'm sure but then so for Hunter then proceeds to take it out on Georgia, I think in the wrong way and degrading ways, but I do agree that you know, he can be angry at Georgia for that. So there's a lot going on here. I for my what I saw bear started it Bears an idiot Hunter, you know responding exactly as you said like way too taking it seriously and responding Georgia wasn't saying are don't yell at bear. She was saying Hunter he's an idiot. Don't get in a fight. You're my she wasn't saying dude. There's great. Don't yell at him. She wasn't defending him. She was saying he's an idiot. Yet he's an idiot sit down sit down. She said he's an idiot Hunter. Don't fight with him. I thought she was just trying to stop him from popping off. I missed that defending bear and then he's like shit Avid stay out of it. And then he starts yelling at her worst insultingly than bear was or where's insult to her. I felt I should try harder and over. I heard he's an idiot the hunter sit down. He's an idiot stuff. Fighting for so George was calling the next the neck how she was telling Hunter. He's an idiot. Don't fight with him. Like don't get involved. Like don't let him this is what he does the next morning the next morning Hunter expressed that he was upset with Georgia for always standing up for bear. So that's where I'm okay confused about the idiot things. I didn't hear that. Okay. Well back to Hunter's apology. So we're Are We There Yet. One two, well, we do have to say that they get back into the house and Georgia. Does the know Georgia you were gonna do this you were going to be strong tough chick? And here's the thing about George. I think she is the strong tough chick when it comes to Hunter but she lets bear walk all over because she's got the feelings aside. So she that's the problem to me. It's the one that made her hysterically cry and feel like and bear cheated on her. So like she was like the things you saying to me in front of everyone worried. They ship you can't have a girl that the sexual stuff that he said, but then the sexual sexual Of the hunter said was not good, but then bear said the same type of sexual stuff like I'm gonna go hook up with I'm gonna I'm gonna treat her like crap and then still have and let's have sex with your partner. Yeah role model, but he is saying every pair is awful. I'm not I'm not defending bear. I'm just saying that he is seemingly playing a character that is an asshole and Hunters letting it really get to him and his genuine response to what I perceived as her trying to say stop. You're my partner sit down. He's an idiot was to lash out at her in a very inappropriate. Well, listen, I think so and I love Hunter but it's like dude cool it man like Wes, so I'd like the challenge is not one with your muscles. It's like it's one up here and you're losing your he said, yeah, that's that's exactly you said perfectly and I think I understand Hunters anger. I completely get it and I think he's he has right is Justified for being feeling that way but obviously what he said and what he acted was, you know, you don't talk to a girl that way so I that's that's sucks. Yeah, and then you know with bear like I said, you just want to punch the guy in the mouth and I think it's just the mixture of emotions and feeling betrayed and the her just kind of popping in and it's just a lot of pussy alcohol actually even makes Wes lose his cool and was like Wes admitted Bergen I a believe that bear has the ability to genuinely get under your skin and make you flip out and push her buttons just the same way that he gets under your skin and makes you fall back in love with him point, you know, I respect her feelings and her emotions. She has a right to Upset, you know the words Hunter chose were degrading. However, I do. I think the ultimately it's all on her. She went she got back together with bear and trust me. I've been there. I think all of us have been there once or twice you have your weak person that you're going to go back to I'm disappointed in her, but I understand that her emotions are so attached to this guy and she feels hurt by Hunter her partner. She feels alone in the house. So you go to that one person that you think cares about you, but the fact of the matter is it's going to take you a while to figure it out, but he did quote-unquote cheat on you or have another girlfriend play you out so you Really need to hopefully in time she'll get over that I think in this moment. She's having a very weak vulnerable state in the house where she house is getting to her. She feels alone. She feels emotional show. She goes back to Bear But ultimately I think everything starts with her in the situation. It's her fault for going back to bear and she shouldn't have defended him in the height of the fight against Baron Hunter because bear cheated on her and Hunters your partner and that's what's going to get you the money. So, how are you going to defend bear? So I think I don't think she was defending bear. Okay. I've actually got involved and hunter say I said sit down don't get involved and lashed out at her. It'll in a terrible way. And also you should have your partner's back. He shouldn't be engaging that's all whole a different story. I get that bears the worst and I'm upset, you know, because she deserves better and I wish he wouldn't however I think part of supporting your partner. Is kind of just having a back that doesn't mean you've you insult them and slam them for or judge them for I wish that she wouldn't as well. But if I were in a game with her and she was my partner and I made her I think Hunter made her feel worse than bear was her Comfort bear. She turned to for Comfort enough to punch the irony. Right, and I agree that I think Hunter went into it with an apology with the best intentions, but he's just as he's very much at fault as well because as a temper and he needs to learn how to communicate better. Yeah, 100% and wait, I don't think that he's wrong for his feelings. I think the way he executes them is wrong. It is control your temper while his apology was BS. It was what I like to call an apology. Like I'm not apologizing. In fact that he said that I'm just so sorry about your relationship. He didn't say you're saying it like a normal person if he acted like that. He didn't say it like that. He said I'm big enough to know when I'm wrong, which I was like, okay Hunter good. I'm sure and then he said whatever he said and then he said but and she said listen and he said no no. No, I'm done with you and start out and stormed up and she's like, you're not even letting me say anything. Can I talk a lot? She was talking normal and he turned into Zach and was like, we're gonna go with uh, and it's it was a over the top and I usually will defend Hunter and I do like Hunter but it was Over the top and crazy she seemed totally normal to me. She is a big girl who can make her own decisions. I again did not perceive it as her defending bear in that fight. I heard he's an idiot sit down. So okay him lashing out at her. I feel like Hunter was a hundred percent wrong and should have just said I am so sorry for the horrible things. I said to you last night period end of story. So then let's leave it to the comments. I love to hear what you guys think about Hunter Georgia bear this angle all we know is that bear brings out the worst in everybody. So thanks babe. So let's move on to this elimination. It was a classic we got push or pull we see that no surprise. It's Barren Davon going back in but they pick Jenna and Gus and bears. Excuse is that that is the closest person to them home to Nani who Nani made the final decision to get buried a bond in there. But as we probably concluded it just seems like the best physical match the best chance that I got ya so we get into the The guys he first and Gus you had it man. God Mom are gonna and then his hand slipped such a bunion. That's what's frustrating because like it's hard to take this loss because it's like by default, you know, I mean, it's like Bears tune is horn like always but it's like you you kind of didn't really win man. You know what I mean? Like he won because his hand slipped off. But yeah, I did it a wins away. I named it again why I get it. But I mean he beat himself. You didn't beat him. It's frustrating and then the girls at least in my opinion. I was just I mean Dave on Kick, but she had a good I was just pointing Jan like I thought she could perform so much better like you looked at me just because everything that they wanted to go home and see Zach I didn't I don't think she wanted. I just don't she wasn't in it. She was just kind of standing there and nothing got no fire. She could have physically beat Dave on I think if she had it in her if she had the momentum she didn't yeah, she had no she wasn't I wonder she's like mentally afraid of Devon for centuries. I think Dave Andrews had more of a fire maybe that's care Jenna mentally maybe it wasn't as much the physicality as it was like Dave ons pissed and Gem is a Jenna's a little bit more timid and but we have see what she could be Amanda but we just didn't see it. We see now I might be wrong as I just don't remember so many challenges that we watch test Jenna Dunn like a very physical elimination like this before she was Amanda. She was fighting that big old platform actually made a worse for Jenna in the end. And if it's where the Davon called out west. I know that she heard was Everyone was yelling outside, right? Everyone's yelling out stuff and put the neon and put your back on and leave me on their back. So whatever Dave on West can talk to his okay. That's the thing though. And that's also got me watch those girls. Like they're standing up there straight. They're yanking. It's like that kind of junk you don't do that. You do not want you want to stay very low to the ground. You want to use your body weight. You want to try and keep that freaking bar as close to you as possible right? Then that's when you go down to your putting out albums your French in you're putting your knees. Yeah. It's like Jiu-Jitsu in a sense. But thank you want to just keep it on the ground. Let me ask you this. They were saying that they wanted to be on top but low to the ground. I don't even being on the ground and just like spinning like an alligator or something. I think that would work too. So I'm not even sure being on the bottom is that bad of a spot and since there's only one because when when Gus was on top he his his he was so nervous and sweaty hands you lost its own right because I mean and then he got back up in obviously pull too soon. But yeah, that's the thing. It's like yeah, you want to be low on this one and that's where I saw a lot. They're just like upright and it was like you're not going to get leverage that you're going to get that big. Yank. That's what Jen and how tall she is. Just like that, but I thought the guys played a lot dirtier than the girls as it should have. Well, I don't know you'd be surprised girls can get dirty like pull each other's hair pull each other shirts elbows and mouth. We've seen members Sylvia Melissa last year. I mean if you played any girls for grunt like soccer, it's everything. Everything is on the plane. I honestly think Jenna is good. I think she's a good competitor. Maybe if you're running a lot or like doing stuff. I just don't think like physically like if it's gonna be like brutal, but I don't want on one. I don't think that she's good at it. She wants and save on good job kill jobs, and it's because she won this bear gassed out. We saw him win one round, but the other right? Yeah, they both won one. Well, he won won by default and then he gassed out on the other hand. We don't want it to fall. What are we doing? Here? He be kind because he only I don't want because the guy's handsome. Goblet. It's not like it's the name of the game. Hold on longer. And also if we're talking about playing dirty a lot of people would fry. Pain that Gus was hitting him with his fricking hell you do that. So you do that's that here we go. More Tech that that's the name of the game. That's what you do. It's a fight. That's that's what it comes down to it. Whatever. Hold on longer. That's the Only Rule you're right. You're right and that's why they want. What do you want? Yeah, don't you say a technicality? I'm just throwing that stuff Luke because I think Gus had a rookie bonehead move and he had it. What is bears bear? Not a rookie. Are we forgetting because he's so good at this show. I'm not I'm saying that Gus had it in the bag and I think it was his inexperience that ended up making it not happen for him one rookie figured out the other did not yeah, but you're right and they went home and I also agree we've seen Jenna cop out on a lot of other things in the past before you're right and she's like, I'm not gonna get like hit in the face, right? So Dave on a bare back in the house, but we got some segments to get to yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. Oh, no, you know, no you twit. Don't work it out. Okay. Okay. So Dave on went on Twitter after okay, this is regarding the Georgia and bear FaceTime call right ons and Bs. I don't care what you went back there until Georgia before she went back there. She smirked and said oh this is going to be good. I'll be right back. I said, please don't get her and she came back to the front with Georgia. Don't believe the hype. She's saying she is Cara. She's okay. So Dave on is referring to Karan the situation saying that Cara overheard that bear was in the FaceTime room with a girl and car went and fetched Georgia and brought her into the situation and then Dave on continue to say don't even get me started on how they were playing to set of Georgia by Wes using his phone time to call Bears girlfriend had the cameras ready and everything to make these two women look crazy. Don't play with me. Hashtag fraud car responds by saying hey. Wes: Bears on the phone with his girlfriend someone grabbed Georgia me grabs, Georgia, Georgia. Stay with me, please me thumbs up. I would always hope girls would do that for each other who is Dave I'm saying is trying to look Craig. Who are they saying that there she's there just trying to be made to my question. First of all is how is what Dave on is saying change anything? Of course, they wanted Wes who's of against him and Cara who of course, they want him to get caught cheating so that Wes isn't a liar because he basically called him a you know, Proud out. Why? Is that like? Why is that wrong? Why are we supposed to be crazy? They've answered they're trying to make these two women look crazy, Georgia and the girlfriend. So Dave on which they didn't come they didn't come on crazy some natural reaction from a girl hearing the guy that she likes to talk to somebody else. I think it's every right to wet. Why wouldn't West wanna get that that going west hates bare or doesn't want during the games. Perfect. I mean, I guess it's not that it's not T. I just think it's like wilt I'd rather I'd rather this. Oh, I wanted you know if car I'm Polly to be like well, we wanted Kyle to get caught doing something. Of course you would that's not very surprising. I'd rather this than the producers having a hand in it, which he may have but I this looks like it was chalak ask related. I like that retail was masterminded it gray or not. I think John's argument was there's a better time in place for it instead of making Georgia humiliated in front of everybody and making it kind of a scene you could have taken her aside and said hey, BTW bear just did this, but I think Georgia needed to she needed to see that purpose. I agree. She didn't believe it when told them she went back to that anyway, but I'm sorry guys. We didn't get to do music gossip. We got into our little segment because we detect a bassoon, and we clearly all had a lot of different opinions, but embrace the bait. Thank you guys for joining us episode 8 recap of the challenge War of the Worlds Liar Liar. It's a challenge join us here every Wednesday. My name is Jonah bussiere. I'm on Twitter and underscore bus here. Thanks. Nobody tweeting us stuff and keep doing that detailing on Instagram Kim and - we're back to back. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm, but he's expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Bear cheats on Georgia with his cousin, and she forgives him. Must be a UK thing. Dee learns how to win in swimming fashion. Was Bear beating Gus a fluke? Did Jenna lose her fight? Did Georgia defend Bear and was Hunter too hard on her? We discuss / fight each other. About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge:  It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
In this episode of devil, we know Garrett Phillips dead at age 12 has a mystery killer on the loose Nick Hillary. His mom's ex is the only suspect and her other X. Jon Jones is the one driving the investigation against him. In a series of injustices and Miss handlings of his case Nick discovers to a great extent the corruption present in New York's North Country even worse. He discovers that his former competitor. John has his Town's police force in his back pocket. Thanks to them. The whole state is out to get him for murder. You were listening to devil. We know a true crime podcast, which may contain adult themes explicit language and graphic depictions of violence portions of the show may be traumatic for those under 18. Listen. Your discretion is advised. Well, Nicholas Hillary known as Nick by everyone started life in warm Jamaica with a family of 15 where he developed a love of soccer as a teenager. He moved to the state's settling in Brooklyn for a time and briefly attending New York University before deciding to instead joined the military. He was deployed as a US Army Gunner into Iraq right after Desert Storm. And when he finally returned home to New York, he had his heart set on school once more the passion for his favorite sport then and there either Nick wanted to play for a college team and after about of searching Upstate. He'd found the school that he thought was perfect for him st. Lawrence University a liberal arts college and Canton, New York. So he talked to his friend a fellow Jamaican immigrant named minai to fari. He told him that Saint Lawrence was the place to be and soon enough Nick and when I both made their way up to Canton where they blew the socks off their division three competitors. In fact Nick's team wound up being the first men's soccer team from a division three school to finish a season undefeated and untied before winning a national championship all with Nick acting as a senior co-captain for the team. He was in fact a backbone member of the team keeping them inspired and fed throughout his time there and when his time at st. Lawrence was done, it wasn't long before he was pursuing a career in coaching. After all soccer was still his passion. So after a stint of assisting coaching at SUNY Potsdam satellite School in the small town of Potsdam, New York. He went to Florida to coach at a high school. He then came back to New York first as an assistant coach at St. Lawrence from which he was an alumnus. After that, he was able to leverage a position as head coach at Potsdam Zhou other school Clarkson University. There he became the Talk of the Town as the rural towns pride and joy their college now had a star athlete as a coach. He was integral in the team success once again, and he was celebrated as such on many occasions. The success was attributed to his belief in the strength of structure. Every routine had a purpose and to deviate was to welcome failure. He was known also for his friendliness, although some in the town also claimed that Nick had a temper. One Clarkson University team captain noted that the coach would flip a switch when crossed shooting looks and shouts that intimidated the lot of them. It's not a strange quality in a soccer coach though to have a strong and spirited reaction and regardless of this. He was popular not only with the proud athletic traditionalists of the area. But also with the ladies. Perhaps the fault as much as it was a bun his friendliness was seen by his friend Ian fairly a fellow coach at Clarkson as commonly misunderstood fairly stated that Nick was often thought a flirt for his usual demeanor of a friendly smiling conversationalist. Still that didn't mean that Nick didn't start any trouble in his pursuit of affection. There was at least one instance where his friendliness in fact got him in a mound of trouble. The trouble started when he began becoming friendly with Tandy Cyrus. Tandy at the time she met Nick was dating a sheriff's deputy by the name of Johnny Jones jr. Their relationship was likely already on the rocks by the time Nick stepped into half tons bar known locally as tons were Tandy work nights tending bar. Nick would visit the bar to fraternize with his fellow coaches and eventually he and Tandy started having conversations of their own about the sport. Tandy who had played soccer earlier on understood much of what Nick would be discussing and soon the two were spending whole nights talking sometimes passed last call but the honeymoon period of this new friendship was not to last long John Jones tandy's boyfriend had caught wind of the two hanging out as is often unavoidable in a small town like Potsdam. John stated that he enjoyed that aspect of dating a pretty lady brushing off the situation on camera when interviewed about it later. However, at the time John was anything but cool about it. He had used his position in the police force for intimidation. Mainly as Nick received multiple warnings from John's fellow cops stating that Nick had better not be seen Tandy John himself even showed up on Nick's doorstep threatening to kick the door in if he ever found out that Nick was seen his girlfriend. Nick stated that nothing was going on assuaging John in the moment after all Nick had his own girlfriend Stacia Lee and he lived with her and their children in the house where John delivered his threats, but that too was short-lived once Nick and Andy had made their acquaintance. John reached out to station on the phone later on stating that Nick and Tandy had been together Stacia who was none too pleased got herself arrested after deciding to cut up next close as retribution leaving them all over the front lawn. They once shared needless to say station was no longer a part of Nick's life and soon Tandy found herself in a similar domestic dispute. She and her two boys moved to an apartment and after a few bouts of harassment John was effectively shot out of her life. Tandy did Welcome Nick and his children into her life though and soon the two were openly romantically involved leaving on trips together and eventually living together families in all it was a mix of bliss and tribulation while the two were quite romantic with each other the other aspects of their life together started to place an unexpected weight on the couple for one. They were The Whispers. The rural town of Potsdam college town though. It was had a majorly white population that expressed in archaic opinion about Tandy the local and a white girl dating the man of color those considered a homewrecker by the police force sure. There were people who couldn't care less about an interracial couple as they had grown to be much more. Well suited to the world than their fellow townies. But there were those who voiced their disapproval and some of the disapproval came from kids raised in such a backwards home life. In fact, Tandy son Garrett Phillips encountered comments from children at his school due to the fact that his mother was now dating a black man. Garrett, of course relay these comments to his mother and Nick and Andy were wrought with concern for Garrett whose roots in this town's intolerant Traditions may have been one of the seeds of their breakup. There was more than race and issue though, Tandy and Nick soon found that their shared family have problems between the two parenting Styles Tandy managed a laid-back attitude for her son's Garrett and Aaron each of whom were allowed to watch TV and to play throughout the week with little restriction. Nick's children. However lived much like Nick's Soccer Team rigid regimen for study and sleep with little room for entertainment on the weekdays. This couple of parents couldn't be more different in their handling of their respective children, but it didn't end there Nick who is particularly proud of his parenting would sit Tandy down weekly to discuss her children in the issues at hand with them. This was particularly true of Garrett according to tandi's later accounts, but the discussions did go both ways with Nick receiving parenting assistance from Tandy as well. Although the discussions at first seemed welcome according to the messages between the two it was clear that Tandy was not as receptive to Nick suggestions and restrictions once more time had passed. It was also clear to the family members that Garrett specifically felt animosity toward Nick Nick for his part as the unaware parent insist that the relationship between him and Garrett was amicable, but there was an account to the contrary. Went Andy and Nick finally decided on separation and an eventual breakup. It was Garrett's feeling about Nick that served as a main deterrent for getting back together. According to Tandy still following the Heartbreak the to endured Tandy found an apartment and begin living a life separate from that of Nick eventually stopping their occasional contact on mutual agreement and September of 2011 for Nick though that mutual agreement would soon become a Cornerstone in Near decade of questioning and Injustice against him for Nick the end of life as he knew it was nearer than ever. Garrett Phillips tandy's older son had been home not long at all before he was met with the circumstances that led to his untimely death on Monday, October 24th. The case was not clear cut though when officers arrived on the scene. The apartment was a mess in the boy. They had found was not breathing. No pulse. No response just with a darkened to Blue expression. He was rushed to the hospital where he eventually passed in the of company of his family and John tandy's previous X Meanwhile, please took what they could consider evidence from what they now thought was a crime scene. They were almost certain that what they'd found was a homicide. There was a window with the blinds bent outward suggesting someone escaped minutes after attacking Garrett. There were also tissue samples and latent fingerprints left there that were saved to run against the database. However, the most valuable indications of implication or the timeline that the police made based on the witnesses and evidence available. They had ascertained when Garrett was at school when he was heading home and when he had been attacked what they needed to learn next was who was available to attack him during that short 30 minute time period between when Garrett was accounted for And when he was heard by his next-door neighbor's pleading for help. The police although they had found several strange indicators of activity at the crime scene chose only to pursue the suspicions that were shared by the Phillips family and John tandy's emotional support during this time when meeting with John and the family the police came to the conclusion that the person of interest in the case was none other than Nick Hillary the most recent of tandy's exes. Plagued with the reputation of a homewrecker amongst the police. It came as no surprise to the investigators that Nick was to be considered for murder. It didn't help either that Nick and Garrett had a history of what Tandy considered animosity. However, the police didn't even pursue Nick with rightful means and evidence armed with a video that indicated nothing of the sort Lieutenant Mark Murray Head investigator for the case. Illegally detained Nick for the better part of Wednesday following Garrett's death on the assumption that Nick had an injury from jumping from Garrett Second Story apartment. Well, the video apparently of Nick's limp was later proven inconsequential at the time. It was considered proof enough to strip. Nick buck-naked photographing his body for any sign of such injury. They found no such injury though. In fact, the only mark on his body was a small old scabby wound on his ankle. And of course would have nothing to do with a fall and seeing as the limp was non-existent. They had reached a dead end. It also would have helped X case to know that he had an alibi as Ian fairly confirmed by placing Nick at his house at 5:20 1 p.m. On the day of the so-called murder scene as patrolman Wentworth upon knocking on Garrett store had still heard movement inside the apartment at 524. It would have been impossible for Nick to be present still illegally detained and dehumanized by the police Nick stood naked and phoneless awaiting his lawyer friend to arrive. I've minai to fari the friend in question drove seven hours to show up for his friend in need and even upon arrival couldn't believe what he'd seen and heard Nick had been thoroughly mistreated and he hadn't been arrested. This was just the beginning of the long road ahead of Nick, but one thing was clear to him. Even then that Potsdam police were out to get him killer or not. The world was getting smaller for Nick as soon the entire town of Potsdam was of one opinion Nick Alibi or not was the Killer. To them it was clear as day that he had taken the life of Garrett Phillips and the police had even tried appealing to his emotions to get a confession quote. We know you didn't mean to hurt him when you went over there and quote. They had told Nick as he sat in the office of that police station about to have his individual rights completely overridden by cops who had taken the advisement of their friend John too far. After he had been seized and detained under false pretenses Nick's phone and car were seized and searched as well eventually leading up to that night when the police obtained a search warrant to pick over Nick's home as well. They of course had found nothing of note and weren't able to connect Nick with the murder his Alibi with Ian at the time of the crime was chiefly disregarded while police eventually ran Nick's prints and DNA against the samples obtained from the apartment. Nick was neither excluded or included as a match according to these tests, but it was clear that Nick was the only man they pursued as John Jones himself was allowed free Reign Over the investigation offering suggestions. Ins and influencing the overall decisions of the investigators with whom he was all too chummy. I will be right back after this quick message. Although the evidence clearly did not Place Nick at the crime scene. He was being ostracized by the town that once celebrated his success as a local Coach Clarkson University had even taken his position from him not wanting to associate with a man who was implicated even unofficially in the murder of a child Nick saw the signs of his previous. His life ending in at Great cost even his kids grew to worry for him. Although he was able to hide much of the issues at hand from his younger. Children. Shauna K. Nick's daughter even began to hear The Whispers In Her high school and inescapable feature of the small town environment. Thanks to this mistreatment and misconduct from the police though. Nick found his next move alongside his friend my he decided to sue the town of Potsdam for civil rights violations resulting in his defamation. Emotional distress among other side effects. It was clear to that. Nick had a case the demoralization that came from unlawful detainment along with the fact that Nick was the only person in decades to be photographed nude and the local police station showed many onlookers. Just how far the Podunk police force were willing to take their charade. In fact, even their search warrants were issued in doubtful conditions seen as the crime scene had left no circumstantial or hard evidence against Nick. John all the while kept offering leads to pursue in the investigation against Nick and soon the police compiled. The one thing they believed to be damning for the coach security videos, which depicted Garrett skating out of the high school parking lot while coincidentally capturing Knicks entrance and exit into and from the same lot. It wasn't much but the cops noticed one detail onto which they held for dear life. They ascertained that the direction Nick turned out of the lot was not the Way to Nick's house. Therefore they assumed he must have been attempting to follow Garrett home where they believe he cornered and strangled him in pursuit of his reunions with Garrett's mother. It's safe to say that because of the lack of evidence. This notion was a confusing one to follow for the sensible people that tended to this case later on. But at first the lack of sensibility had one out Nick sued in order to receive reparations for the police's blatant disregard for his rights. But the police were related by this suit it meant that they could finally get answers to their questions since the majority of them had gone ignored while Nick awaited his lawyer and was violated by the police the defense attorney that Potsdam hired to represent them knew that to win and get the lawsuit dismissed. He would need to essentially prove Nick was the killer. It was a case unlike any other he'd ever seen many in the town saw the suit as adding insult to injury since Nick was suing the town before the murder of Phillips had even been solved Nick however knew that the only way to get to who really killed him would be by eliminated himself as a suspect. This suit could achieve that if done right and so the game was afoot meanwhile Nicole duvet the district attorney received criticism left and right for the appearance stall and solving Garrett's murder. She insisted though that without further Evidence there wasn't much she would be able to do. That argument is a clear-cut one, but for a town that was fueled by misinformation and emotional. Like there was not much else to do except take matters into their own hands firstly there was an onset of lawn signs that began popping up in the North Country demanding Justice for Garrett Phillips the signs which were being sold and distributed by The Grieving family also served as an intimidation tactic. They were popping up along the commute of Ian who had moved out to Buffalo for works. Time after the events of the murder transpired and also found these signs left directly outside of his parents home, which was also a ways away from the 9,000 resident town of Potsdam. Why else would the signs find their way to these locations except to cause Ian to feel threatened Justice for Garrett Phillips asthma and I pointed out was a Battle Cry as he put it in an interview with documentarian Liz Garbus. It was clear from the town's present and future actions. That the science meant to actually read Lynch Nick Hillary so much for civil rights. There was another point of contention with the a duvets work on the case. That point was the Challenger for her office in attorney named Mary rain rain used the emotionally charged case as a pivotal platform on which she addressed the voters as she used The Grieving Phillips family as a way to ensnare The public's approval rain became the face of a prosecutorial approach to the case. Hand soon enough afterward as promised rains effort resulted in the premature arrest of Nick Hillary for second-degree murder, Nick Hillary a man with zero evidence backing his incarceration even his criminal record was clean safe for one misdemeanor incident involving marijuana rain had Nick where she wanted him only for a short period in 2014 though a few months later in September. Nick's case was dismissed as rain was scolded for her conduct in court. Her methods of questioning were notably biased she expressed her opinions in lieu of fact several times and she made use of exhibits without proper Foundation all proper sins in the eyes of the Court rain wasn't dissuaded entirely though and thanks to the lawn sign spreading across the North Country. The case wasn't forever set aside. In fact, Nick was indicted once more with the murder charge in January of the following year and soon there. A trial date rain though had continued her misconduct as a prosecutor going before a New York appellate court for being held in contempt and for not working on multiple cases. She even exercised verbal prejudice against an accused rapist during her closing remarks causing the judges to dismiss the case due to her continued unscrupulous practices the case against Nick was postponed to occur instead of August of 2016. It was a difficult situation to undergo but Nick held fast with his friends and family free on bail while awaiting trial all that time. Even his lawsuit continued pending while he moved to also Sue Mary rain for her actions against him which were nothing short of inappropriate her attention to the use of Nick as a scapegoat made it clear that to her. This case was her ticket to stay in office as district attorney. She was counting on putting Nick Behind Bars and Nick knew it. He knew it all too. Well. The proceedings of Nick's case for obviously slow going but there were more and more people following the case each month. At one point though a poignant and previously unexplored question was levied against the attorneys. What about Jon Jones John the ex-boyfriend who predated next year with tandi was now in the picture once more more than that. He was playing a huge inappropriate part in the investigation against Nick as an obvious choice for Person of Interest. It was strange too many onlookers privy to the case that this man had gone unconsidered by the police. To cover for their misconduct though Lieutenant Mark Murray had already taken pictures of John's person same as Nick's the similarities were few and far between though John for his part had not been forced to strip for the photos. Unlike Nick in the photos that did exist were very few. Lastly. The pictures also failed to include John's face. It was clear to any Layman that the treatment of Nick vastly differed from that of John. However, the differences didn't end with the actual photos. The mode of to is different as Marie later admitted only photographing John so that he could say that they done so with a person in addition to Nick likewise rain suggested that John himself had been briefly considered a suspect in the case a blatant lie, seeing as John was allowed to sit in on the meeting Tandy had with police the day after the murder. It was clear that they never considered him for a moment on the case. The police also allowed John to know the investigations goings-on. Even having a hand in the work himself the prosecutors did however see fit to submit a security video from the hospital across the street of John walking his dog outside his house approximately 20 minutes prior to the time of the murder. This video did contradict John sworn statement in which he recalls leaving his house in his truck to visit the Adirondack Federal Credit Union at that time. However, according to rain it also exonerated John completely from suspicion effect that is still disputed today. She even contested that the video proved that Nick was the one at the scene of the crime during the time that Garrett was killed a misleading statement that eventually was also dismissed at the time but the facts that do remain are these at every turn of Nick's case John and his Chums Lieutenant Mark Murray and police chief Ed tishler were grasping at straws. Fabricating assets to help him implicate Nick in the murder. John also had a more troubling past and Nick including abuse of Tandy during their relationship stocking and verbal threats to multiple persons, including Tandy and neck for an officer of the law. It was a long laundry list of no-nos. It didn't end there though. John had started a lawsuit against Andy shortly after breaking up and he showed up unannounced and unwelcome to her apartment during the same time period it was more than enough to build a case stronger than the one against Nick. Minaya later said in the strangeness of it all was the fact that alongside other possibilities of Garrett's death John's culpability was not even remotely considered once Nick became the subject of the police's Focus. They looked at nothing else considered nothing else find it only the wafer thin case against Nick with a lackadaisical pursuit of actual evidence for the investigation. John the spurned lover that Tandy had dismissed for companionship with a man of color also clearly had some trouble relating to issues of race during his interview for the documentary who killed Garrett Phillips. He stated that he didn't work off of racial stereotypes proceeding to make a racially stereotypical comment in regard to the case this feature, of course is a definite highlight for the case in which a black man was implicated in Murder by a rural town. That was 94% white. And previously proven to be largely intolerant. If that weren't enough there was in fact the subject of John's racially-charged comment a man named Greg Brown a convict and former bouncer at the time of the interview whose statement included seeing John near the apartment at the time of the murder. Rain buried the statement yet another tick against her as the defense didn't get an equal chance to review the account instead. She stated that she left the statement alone because she believed it to be untrue. Never mind. The fact that an attorney can't act on a hunch in such a way but burying evidence that the defense hasn't seen his misconduct like no other it's foul play. She was ordered to produce the statement. Although she claimed that John was without a doubt innocent of the crime they doing that. Count from Greg Brown or g-money must have been a lie. Regardless there was much more here than that was produced against Nick Hillary in the coming months and there was much more produced but with little substance. Nick's trial was admittedly a hard one to get through first. The prosecution had made another attempt at submitting a DNA test for consideration though, Nick. Hillary did not match positively in the previous two tests run against the crime scene samples. This new test was apparently showing different results. The test was performed in an unapproved facility and it's inconsistency with the other two tests, raise more suspicion. In the end the judge ruled. This is inadmissible considering it was obtained at an unapproved lab next rain had attempted to appoint jurors that suited the prosecution. In fact, Nick told Liz Garbus that he felt that not one person on that jury would have given him a fair Shake not one would have with his confidence taken on the responsibility of considering the facts of the case. It was hard to find someone in the North Country who hadn't heard of Garrett Phillips by 2016 more importantly it was hard to find someone in the area who wasn't told face-to-face by their domestic rumormonger that Nick Hillary was the one who did it. So with the support of his defense team Nick made a frightening decision. He decided to proceed with a bench trial choosing trial by judge instead of trial by jury meant that there was only one vote instead of 12. Judge Felix Catena, then went over all the evidence and files on hand and the trial began with 22 Witnesses in over a hundred exhibits from the prosecution all circumstantial and all with holes in the theory that Nick left that parking lot to go hunting for Garrett Phillips. Nothing provided with concrete and nothing they attempted to argue held water. Next the fence on the other hand provided only eight Witnesses and seven exhibits through the lack of evidence and the challenged motive that people had assigned to Nick for the crime judge Katina. Eventually found Nick not guilty. He was proven innocent of the crime and was free to live his life again marred though. It had been by the actions of that small town the Phillips Family mourned the acquittal Garrett's Uncle Brian Phillips who's blatant racial slurs and derogatory remarks on. Look targeted Nick often shouted at the innocent man. Karma is going to get you. It was clear. There was danger in these Woods. The North country was no place for this man to continue living his life despite having been wrongly accused and framed for murder regardless of the facts regardless of the misconduct that law enforcement in the area were obviously willing to resort to the people of Potsdam didn't want their soccer Golden Boy. They believed him a killer plain and simple and they were all willing to deny him civil rights to claim Justice for a boy whose actual killer still walks free today. Granted there has yet to be in an actual investigation of Merit done to solve the crime. In fact, it may never be done. But the truth is this even the most adamant assault on Nick couldn't implicate him as the killer. So it's clear that the answer is still out there who killed Garrett Phillips indeed once the Potsdam police and the people of the area learn to let go of their prejudiced predispositions, perhaps they will be able to deliver on the justice that their lawn signs have been pleading for. Perhaps after all of that's been done and seen there can be one group effort that results in bringing a killer to his knees. We'll have to wait and see. Thank you for listening to devil. We know in part 2 of the Garret Phillips case if you want to support devil, we know and get two extra episodes a month. Please support us on patreon at devil. We know podcast for a dollar a month. You'll get two bonus episodes stickers and some other goodies and until next week. Stay safe. Sources WT Eckerd of nny i360 Jesse McKinley of the New York Times NBC News and Dateline NBC Liz Garbus is docu-series who killed Garrett Phillips?
Nick Hillary is hunted by his own town after the death of a 12-year-old boy, and he must find a way to prove that he's not the killer. But the person driving the investigation is someone with a mean streak and a grudge against Nick: that somebody is the sheriff's deputy, and he's got a team of police and lawyers that will do anything to put Nick away — even if it means breaking the law.Written and researched by David Wayne Young SOURCES:W.T.
Welcome to strong Runner chick radio a leading online community where our goal is to educate Empower and connect female distance Runners across the world. We believe in healthy running fueling and embracing our strength is female distance Runners inside and out through interviews with top professional Collegiate and Masters level Runners leading dietitians Coaches Sports psychologists and Runners of all shapes and sizes. We hope to spread the message that there is no one-size-fits-all.Approach to distance running now. Let's get to the show. Hey strong Runner chicks, it's Megan here right before this episode. I just wanted to give a shout out to our 2020 SRC Retreat and remind you that sign-ups are currently in an early bird rate until January 31st. And then after the 31st, they increase so be sure to reserve your spot. We've only got a few spots left. Like I said, we're keeping it small this summer to enable for a smoke, you know closer knit small experience. So go ahead and sign up on. Services events Tab and you'll see the 2020 Retreat it's also in our Instagram bio and we posted it on social media. So if you have any more questions about it in particular, we've got an FAQ on the website a number of great speakers and sponsors coming and joining us this year and you'll also find the complete agenda on the website. So give us a shout out. You can send us a DM or strong Runner chicks at if you're interested and you want more info, like I said we Spect spots to fill in the next week or so. So be sure to reserve your spot and let us know if you have any questions. We really hope to see you there and enjoy this episode with Tina Muir. So today we have on a very special guest. I'd like to introduce her if you want to learn more about who she is. She is a former International Elite runner for Great Britain and Northern Ireland who shocked the Running World by stepping away from the sport at the peak of her career to get her health back from medical. Attrition having run a personal best of 236 in the marathon. Just three months before Tina brought awareness to the issue of amenorrhea the cessation of menstruation by sharing her story dozens of outlets covered her story, including People magazine outside Runner's World ESPN women's health Glamour and many others in 2017. Tina was voted one of the 21 women changing the Running World for the better by Women's Running magazine and in 2018. She became the The first cover model of a fitness magazine to be featured with a running stroller and her daughter Bailey for women's running UK. Tina is a keynote speaker in the host of The Running For Real podcast, which amassed over 2 million downloads in just two years Tina created the running for real Community a place for runners to share struggles and support one another through the difficult moments life brings. That being said, I'd love to welcome Tina on to the show super excited to hear her conversation actually. Really because she recorded with Kelsey so tune into her live and this episode and let us know how you liked it. Be sure to leave a review Thanks and enjoy this episode. Hello strong Runner takes welcome to another episode of SRC radio. So I have to be perfectly honest. I'm a little bit intimidated. We have a podcast Queen with us here Tina, welcome to the podcast. Thank you. I'm excited to be here. There is no reason to be intimidated you should Know that by now, I will I'm sure I'll say something to embarrass myself within 5 minutes. So don't worry more than likely we both will so no worries on that end. We always like to start our podcast just kind of giving our followers and listeners a better background of kind of you if they haven't heard of you before so let's kind of start with like how you got into running and what that passion was like for you Well, I've told this story many times about how I hid in the bathrooms for my school's cross-country tryouts if you want to call it that so I won't go into that too much but that kind of gives people an indicator that it's often with people who have run fast with Elite Runners people think they just they're naturally good at it. Like they're running beating all the boys aged 5 and you know, but you know for me it wasn't the case. I saw it as same as everyone else like cross-country is stupid. This is As a punishment, I don't like this. So, you know same kind of thing but some kind of Amnesia happened to me and then suddenly I was on the cross country team. I've still to this day can't put together how that happened. I just I did so I ended up on the team and yeah, and I think it unfortunately it was that kind of thing which I guess is a good thing that you start becoming good at something and you think actually I quite like this whereas I think many Runners especially many of your listeners probably come more into school. Maybe more of a natural way kind of not being the the pack that kind of realizing the joys of it just in general. Whereas I had that kind of results driving me from the beginning which obviously led to some may be unhealthy patterns because it was all about the finish line. So yeah, but I did start off very innocently. I think Polly had a coach who was held me back a lot. I Actually got a frost quite frustrated with him because I wanted to do more and all the other girls. I was competing against were doing more but now I cannot be more thankful to him. I always make sure to thank him because I don't lie don't think it without him. Yeah. It's so instrumental and how old were you when you had that specific coach were younger? I was yeah 14 to 17. Okay. Yeah, so it especially during that age where we're developing so much so important to have someone Kind of guiding Us in the right direction and kind of showing us like this is how you find a balanced life, whatever that means or something along those lines. So I'm really grateful that you had that opportunity to show age, especially like I said as we're developing both mentally and physically. Yeah, it's very important. Yeah, so I guess moving past that point in time in your life. You became a professional Runner and then we're gonna kind of fast forward a little bit because a lot of our listeners were we Said that we were going to be interviewing you they were very curious about your and you've been open about this about overcoming a nunnery and it's almost been about three years now. And so to go back to that point in time. I know you've talked a lot about this, but what was your desire to get your period back and how has that shaped your view on running from now from that point on I think it was kind of a kind of twofold. I mentioned at the beginning just a few minutes ago that My entrance into the sport kind of being successful early on LED me down a path of Finish Line and I'd gone through various waves of being able to pull that away and kind of seeing other things in it, but at the end of the day it was becoming more and more about the Finish Line, especially in the elite world. I I wouldn't say I actually more than most people was focusing on myself. I was that kind of dazzling Dan Jared Ward kind of character that wasn't really concerned. With racing people at the beginning. I was just doing my own thing and at the end if you guys want to Duke it out. I'll come past you when you all blown up from, you know, wasting your energy fighting each other. So I was very much kind of do my own thing. So I wasn't concerned with other people as such but it was more just pressure internally and that had reached a point where I was like just not enjoying it anymore. So that was part of my decision. I really did feel burned out. From the sport. It was definitely becoming a chore and that should never really be the case. I mean, we all know that running is a little bit uncomfortable. That's just the natural part of it, but it should never be or it would never be a good example is I'd be running in the morning and thinking I've gotta run again later today and I hadn't even finished that run, you know, so I you know that was part of it and then a big the other part of it was that was more of a sudden a sudden thing that kind of I switched in me and the other part was the other not having a period for nine years. I knew that was wrong. I knew it was unhealthy. Unfortunately, I'd come across some doctors who kind of brushed under the carpet saying, oh it's fine. And so I pushed it out of my head. But you know as I came into my later twenties, I started to think you know what I want to think about having a family in the next I don't know five ten years and you know, I knew enough. To know that if you don't have a period you can't start a family and that was enough to kind of drive me to start researching and then the more I started researching it was like uncovering things and ticking off all these boxes but not really ever getting any answers. It kind of made me made me curious about it. I'm not sure if that answered your question. No, it definitely does anything. Yeah. I want to commend you and I know a lot of people have done so already but I also want to commend you because it's very courageous to come up against something that changes the status quo in our lives. Herbs, and like what we think of as being like true to ourselves and so, you know recognizing that like something was amiss and you're like, oh gosh like this doesn't feel right or doesn't seem right. Like I appreciate you taking that time to recognize and come up against something that seems so like foreign or whatever. So I kind of appreciate it in that sense. And so I just add one thing another another thing. I want to thank which I have never actually mentioned before is I did know many other Elite runners. You had their periods they were training harder than I was more miles than I was but they had their periods. And so I think had it been a case of everyone was doing it. I would have just carried on but the fact that it was visible to me that it is possible made me think why not me. So I just want to remind everyone at that. It does often feel like like everyone's talking about this or that they're, you know, everyone's struggling and you know, Jen Ryan's is a good example, she Took recently about her relationship with food not everyone not everyone. Although I would argue most people have have had some kind of messed-up relationship with food. So it is possible to have both and I'm thankful that I was surrounded by Elite Runners who did have their periods to kind of really make me think. Okay. Well why am I different? So yeah, definitely and then I also wonder and correct me if I'm wrong if it also makes me do things like oh, but I can do that too. Like I can get to that place. It is possible. Yes. Yeah. It was almost like a motivating. After oddly enough, I wonder so like yeah, I know that I think you for bringing that up because I think more and more people are coming up about their stories about a Mariah but at the same time there are also things like other women who are like you said training is intense miles or or what. However, it is. It doesn't have to be running like skeet like all these different things but who do successfully get their period so it is a testament to show that yes, it is possible. Sometimes just alternate alterations need to be made with that. Yeah, and there's one more thing just Sorry, I keep it directly. There is a genetic component and to anyone listening who is looking at someone else and thinking how are they getting their period and I'm not it's there is a component to it. Unfortunately, somebody's can handle lower or less and some can't and people always see that as a disadvantage like and I did I was like this isn't fair, you know, why is I'm eating more than that person and I'm not, you know get mine. But at the end of the day you can actually see it as an advantage because Your body is most sensitive to it. So you actually are going to get the kind of warning flags much quicker. Where is the other person may suffer from overtraining because they don't get that warning flag. So I know it for anyone listening who is in that situation. It is an advantage even though it doesn't feel like it. Yeah. Great Point. Thank you so much for Cutler for sharing that it's something like I wouldn't have thought to bring up. But I'm glad I definitely got him good so we did have to listener questions that are little bit more. More specific and I wanted to make sure we asked these for our listeners and in there along these lines. So the first one is how long did it take you to get your period back? I am going to say this and I think nice people who know of me know the answer to this, but I want to say that I firstly I want to add my family is incredibly fertile. I really did this aggressively and in some ways. I was a bit of an anomaly in this but I was able to get mine back within 10 weeks and I don't know what I mean. I was pregnant within 10 weeks of stopping running. My pregnancy was the goal. So for me, that was what I what I wanted. I did not have a period before I got pregnant. However, I did know I was ovulating so we knew to try so I but I want to say I know it is frustrating hearing me say that and honestly, I know a lot of people listen to me and thought are well, of course, you've got yours back that quick or like, oh well good for you Tina. I'm on month six or whatever like and No, I know. I'm like that person that you kind of want to hate and I understand that completely. I'd be in the same boat and there's other been other things in my life. I felt that way about but I think part of it for me was luck. And unfortunately that's just kind of how it was and then the other part, you know, as I said earlier on I really had reached a burnout point to where the stepping away from running and the gain weight was kind of At peace with me, so I didn't have as much of the the mental side of it that I understand that many people probably do have so I was able to go as they say all as they say all in without really having too many repercussions with it. So I'm I'm sorry if that makes people frustrated and I really understand why you would feel that way but part of it was like, but yeah for me it was 10 weeks, but still felt like a long Time for a testament to that right? Because like yes it for some people may see the short but for some people makes you long and especially for you going through it. I would imagine Stephen long like it's such a lifestyle change are in even though you're ready to do it to change and change brings like different color different emotions with it. So and I had the other end of it that I had everyone watching me. So at least you guys listening who are going through this you can kind of do it on your own in secret and yes, maybe a few family members of know You stopped a car running where you are, you know eating a bit more but the least like I literally had like, you know People magazine doing updates and they did one that was like Runner Tina mirrors still not pregnant like after 6 weeks or something. And so, you know, at least that's what I had as kind of the disadvantage of kind of it being so fast. Yeah. Called my very like whoa. I'm in the spotlight so much in the spotlight about something. That's actually very personal as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I can imagine those difficult. Thank you for sharing and then our other reader question was and you kind of touched on this a little bit. But how did you mentally deal with not exercising and eating more? It sounds like you know that you were ready for that all in that you were ready to go for it. But I imagine maybe there were other feelings along those lines too. Yeah. I mean, I think the biggest thing for me is I've noticed it's me apart. From most people going through this and take that in comfort that I say this 99% of people that reach out to me had have really really struggle with this this stage. And so you're not alone with that. I just am a bit of an anomaly again. I was so burned out I was so ready and I was making this Choice which empowered me the fact that I was saying I'm doing this not an injury taking me out not overtraining taking me out. It was me choosing it that get me some strength, but I think the way that I'm Different is that I didn't really miss running. I needed that time off and so we're and I'd had 14 years of pretty much straight training. So I kind of felt like I deserved a break, whereas most women that I've kind of come across in this situation haven't been running as long as I have or not like straight anyway and not the same intensity that I have so you don't have that same. I'm kind of kind of buildup of frustration with it that I had so I did handle it pretty mentally. Well the part I didn't handle so well was because of all the training I've done I really had these very defined legs. I had a lot of definition in my muscles and to see that kind of Disappearing before my eyes that was quite difficult to to see you. Of knowing that you know, we have a fear when we get injured or when we have a break we have this fear of losing Fitness and there I was kind of willingly say saying goodbye Fitness because I could see those muscles fading away. I knew that if I ever was going to come back I was going to have a long road ahead of me. And so that was the hardest part for me kind of seeing that muscle wasting away and thinking, you know, all those years. I trained to get those muscles to be that strong and now I'm just letting them kind of atrophy. So that was tough and then the eating pose, you know, I was tough at times again. I want to I want to give a lot to the book no period now what by Nicola Rinaldi that was huge for me anytime. I would kind of get to the point where I was thinking. I don't know if I have to keep reading this keep eating like this. I would read the kind of testimonials of other women and that was what prompted me to Write my book too. Kind of I wanted to be that like sister best friend of being like I know this sucks. I know this is hard, but you can do this. Like I know you can do this and say having some either someone or even like I said in my case the book was a really big thing for getting me through that and reminding me of why I was doing this and the other thing too that I found really helpful was just promised yourself a month. That's what I started with one of my friends when I I was deciding whether to do this. She said I said to her I'm really having a hard time like this is it this is a life-changing decision. I'm if I do this I'm done and she was like, no, you know, you could always do a month of time off a month of eating and then say, you know what I'm this isn't what I want. I'm not ready to do this and then you could start again and yes a month. You would lose a decent amount but not too much and and but most people by that point they're going to say I've come to down faster to back down now. So if you can if you compromise yourself a month or or two weeks, I wouldn't say any less than that, but promised yourself two weeks. You're probably going to bring that fighter Spirit within yourself and say you know what I've done this for so if it is mentally tough, but I promised you to anyone and everyone going through this you are going to like yourself so much more when you come out the other side of this. I know you think that the The way your body was chiseled in that photo a few years ago the way your body looked for. This is going to change or people are going to notice and they're not going to love you as much but they're going to love you more because they're going to get to see the real you again. Not the you that is kind of always distracted thinking about food. They're going to get to spend more time with you which they love and and you are just going to get to discover the real you as again as well. You're going to find that identity part of you find what other you love so I know it's hard going in it, but it's kind of almost like a race you're in the middle of that struggle, but you know when you get to the other end, and I promise you when you get to the other end, if you fight this, you know the amount of emails I've seen, you know, maybe I should some day like it take little Snippets of them and share them just not like anonymously so that people can see like it really is so empowering for everything about who you are when you get to the The other side. Yeah, I can totally Echo that because I'm kind of going through that Journey now and I remember the same thing of like watching the muscles that I had had like attribute be like I work so hard for this, you know, but yeah now it's actually almost a year out and I really haven't done much running or anything along those lines and while I'm still working on getting my period back. It's just like I don't know. I feel way like you said happier. Like I'm able to engage more like I feel more like myself. It's kind of one of those instances where you're like, wow. Wow. Wow, this is actually really who I am. Like what was running was running covering that up or whatever things covering that up. So yes, I can also be a testament to that but I think your idea of you know that he knows that you're getting is chairing the man. Honestly, I automatically thought of like a little like like workbook or like planner or something along those lines that people can keep on their desk or eat, you know, if they choose to have It with them while they're eating so they can continue to be like, oh, yeah. Okay. This is what I'm working towards. I remember my goals and special like that. But I like your your thought of also doing like starting off with two weeks because I honestly think that first week is the hardest it's like, okay, what do I do with my time now? Like am I really doing this right? There's all these questions going on in your head. But like once you get to two weeks, you're like, okay. This actually isn't as bad as I thought most of the time you realize that well I'm not going to put that on people but I realized that I needed a break from running sounds like oh Okay, this is actually kind of nice like I like to lay up in the morning and stuff like that. So yes, I Echo that and I also would hope that those who are listening can take Tina's words to heart because they are really so so true. So thank you again for sharing your experience and the resources that you did. I think that they would be very beneficial to a lot of our listeners. Yes. Thank you. I just want to add that you you know, but and you mentioned that first week I always encourage people like straightaway well firstly to journal because Then you can write out all those little like nasty things that you're hearing in your head. You can get them out on paper get them out of your head so they can stop festering and actually just be on paper and it's an interesting journey to read later to see kind of how your mind shifts throughout this process, but also to write what I call a joy list and I do have on my website a big list of the hundred and something suggestions for you. It's a PDF download but To write down things that you either have always wanted to do or used to do but couldn't like like you said sleeping in on like being able to relax or some people. It could be going to church on a Sunday or for me. It was I meant to a trampoline in class or horseback riding or you know, start making a list of things that sound really fun that you've always wanted to do, but maybe you've been scared ice skating or something things that you've thought would be fun, but You've been too scared to do, you know going out for a certain, you know, there's a donate a fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We sounded good something. It's not going through a list of things. Other than that meeting friends spending time with friends so that it keeps you occupied during that time. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, I think it's a great thing to do to keep our minds occupied to keep ourselves occupied and also recognizing to in that first week reaching out for help is probably a really good option. As well like reaching out to it doesn't have to be like a therapist or it can be but it doesn't have to be give you like a friend or someone, you know, who's gone through this or like even like your Idols you see on Instagram usually there? Yeah reach out to me. We catch it, you know Cara if current is someone that speaks to you or whoever yeah, whoever kind of had an eye has been through it or looks like you look up to in a different way than reach out to them or you yeah, definitely. We aren't quite expert but we can do the best we can hear a strong Runner chick. So I'm so since um since this time since overcoming amenorrhea, you've got pregnant within 10 weeks like you said and now you're pregnant again, congratulations. I know it's been like a little bit since you have announced so congratulations. So how has life in even running shifted since you've gotten period since you got here since you've gotten pregnant and how are you feeling now compared to your last pregnancy? Hmm. Yeah. Well, you know you You said since I've got my period and that kind of has been a that was a bit of a nerve-racking thing as well, you know after having Bailey in the middle. I was like, I'd stopped breastfeeding and I think it was about two months later and I was like, I still got my period back and I was like, oh God, I hope I'm not a fraud. Like what if it's gone again? What if what if I can't have them because remember at this point I hadn't had a period I just got pregnant. What if I've been you know, I've been telling These people to do this thing and I can't do it myself. So I went through a bit of her like scared kind of every day being like please come now, please come now, please come now, but then when I did get it back and it came back and it was healthy and it was like a perfect like 30 days apart. I was like, okay, you know, this really has shifted and and yeah, so that was a huge kind of confidence boost for me and I quite enjoyed Having a period for a few months in between but in between trying so that I could actually like feel like, you know, a real woman again, even though there's obviously we know that you're not broken. There's nothing wrong with you. It just kind of feels that way so that in itself was was kind of a special thing. So even that you stumbled to say that word like that kind of was a very important time for me as well in the middle there but yes pregnancies have been pretty different actually which makes I wonder if it's a boy. We're not going to find out this time. They have been quite different. I was very sick the first time around I did end up in the hospital at one point and I was just throwing up constantly. Thankfully. I need to the 12-week mark, but it was it was rough. But then after that, I don't know if I've just about rose-colored glasses, but it was pretty pretty good and I gave birth Bailey was was 36 weeks 5 days, so she was early. So I thankfully also didn't have that end few weeks where people were like, I just want this baby out of me. So I kind of feel like I kind of had her a nice time but this time around it's been different. I definitely wasn't as sick. I only threw up once I did take the medication. They gave me last time about 10 times in the pregnancy. I took it a few days. I felt really bad just because I didn't Make the spiral down that path I had last time but I overall didn't feel as bad. However, I kind of learned a lot about myself and a lot of people listening if you are trying to get pregnant or when you do try to get pregnant. It's very easy to think. Well, I'm a run-out I've done, you know, push myself through this I've been through that this isn't as bad and for me it was not throwing up. I was like, well, you know, I'm not throwing up so I can just get on with life as usual and I tried I'd I really tried I forced my body to do things even though I felt I felt exhausted and I felt I did feel nauseous but then a few weeks later my body was like nope, and it just shut me down and for about 3 weeks. I barely left the couch. I felt like I laid on the couch like a zombie and just watched my daughter and then slept by 7 p.m. Every night. I was just out. My husband will be like just go to bed and I'm like no no no, I'll stay up with you and he's like just create a bed. But so yeah, I think I learned a lot that just because I think we can learn it a lot with everything just because you're not physically showing signs that you've known in the past. We'll just because you feel like you shouldn't feel as mad because you've been through worse if your body is telling you okay, you need to rest even if it's just that little voice or that little thing listen to it because otherwise your body is smarter than you and it will shut you down. So I learned that and I'm still kind of learning that a little bit I still spend most of my daughter's nap times just on the couch watching TV because I know if I don't then I find I just kind of burn out Midway through the afternoon. So it's been interesting especially in a year that my business is growing things are you know, I don't want to continue. Things to my schedule to help people and to grow and I think my word for this year is giving so I want to keep giving but I've had to also kind of give back to my body. So yeah, it's been interesting. Yeah. Well, thank you for sharing. I hate to say this but we don't have much time left on our platform here listeners. We don't have as much time to record. So with that being said we have about four minutes left you think in those for evidence, you might be able to tell us what being a strong writer chick means to you. Yes, and I'm sorry if I've rambled on too much lately. I can't thank you. What does being a strong running the chick mean to me? I mean, I think A lot of it. What I've learned is about the the unspoken part. I mean we see strong run a Check people think of it as what we said what we said that muscle that you see the the definition in your body the kind of physical things, but actually I think what being a strong Runner chick means is you can take the Chick part, which is that we are women and women are you know strong and powerful in their own way in that we Of our opinions and we have our things that we believe in and we will stand up for ourselves when we are more and more starting to stand up for ourselves. So the women part is, you know, just being empowered and believing in ourselves. The the strong Runner to me is taking every part of you into consideration. Yes, that means your physical body taking in enough calories for sure, you know doing the training doing the work working hard, but also taking in the other parts. That you need to look after your mind. You need to give your body time to rest. You need to be smart enough to listen to it and listen to your mind. If your mind is telling you you know, I just don't feel right listen to it. So I think strong ran a chicken boys everything about that all parts of you are strong because they are. Yeah great. Thank you. And I love what you said about the unspoken part of the Unseen part is so because we're all strong and you in our own unique ways, I think so. I Shit you saying that and pointing it out? Because I know in our community. We have a lot of wonderful strong Runner chicks who are strong in their own way. So Tina, thank you so much for joining us. It's been a joy and I'm so happy. You've been such a supporter of SRC from I think like our Inception to be honest. So I'm not honest and so on so grateful to have you on the podcast in here with us. Thank you so much for being here. Any last shoutouts you'd like to give I mean just to your community. I mean, I think it's wonderful that everyone is kind of coming together. Other and seeing the strength that we have as women and it's a very exciting time to be a woman. There's so much change coming along and there's so much that we still have left to do. So be proud to be a woman and and stand up for what you believe in whatever that thing. Maybe stand up for even if it gets a few kind of things. It's important to you stick with it. Awesome. Great. Thank you so much. Tina great was and I'm alright strong Runner chicks. Thanks so much for tuning in and we hope to see See you soon. Alright, bye. If you've been considering podcasting, or maybe you already have a podcast you may have heard of anchor dot f m or the anchor hap. This is an all-encompassing easy way to make a podcast that gives you everything you need in one place for free, which you can use to record edit your podcast and get sponsors to help you fund your show. They'll also distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard from Spotify. Apple podcasts, Google. Fast and many more platforms. 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Tina's Bio: Tina Muir is a former international elite runner for Great Britain and Northern Ireland who shocked the running world by stepping away from the sport at the peak of her career to get her health back from medical malnutrition. Having run a personal best of 2:36 in the marathon just three months before, Tina brought awareness to the issue of amenorrhea, the cessation of menstruation, by sharing her story. Dozens of outlets covered Tina's story, including People magazine, Outside, Runner's World, ESPN, Women's Health, Glamour, and many more. In 2017, Tina was voted one of the 21 women changing the running world for the better by Women's Running magazine, and in 2018, she became the first cover model of a fitness magazine to be featured with a running stroller (and her daughter, Bailey) for Women's Running UK. Tina is a keynote speaker and the host of the Running For Real Podcast, which amassed over 2 million downloads in just over two years. Tina created the Running For Real community, a place for runners to share struggles and support one another through the difficult moments life brings. Major Resources & Takeaways: No Period, Now What? Promise yourself a month Journal Get your thoughts down on paper Do the things you’re scared to do Connect with Tina at and tune into her podcast, Running For Real.
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Yep, because it's nothing compared to our friends at c key great. I use promo code Pat $10 off your first order promo code McAfee $20 off your first order. Wow, no choking little self-awareness if you're Um England town. I have a lot of money use promo code Pat to get $10 off because you don't need the $20 off. If you're not rich yet. Go ahead and use Mac. They get $20 off your first order. We need both promo codes to continue to operate. It's good for business Pat McAfee 10 tornadoes are first over at your friends and seek ladies and gentlemen, we talk to a guy who's a legend not only in football, but in life is you're about to find out he has a green chili that As a questionable future. He's a gentleman Marsh Laris. You know, I saw I saw some of your what I see that you posed to be a the Patriots gr. The Steelers they had their one biggest. They got rid of all their problems with the one biggest problem in and get rid of was the patron marvelous ladies and gentlemen joining us. Now the manager listening to he's a three-time three-time three-time Super Bowl champion and entrepreneur it mean Credible broadcaster. He's got his own podcast. He's live on the radio and he called the Cardinals Lions tie ball game this past weekend. I believe was that your voice. Yes. That was my voice my friend ladies and gentlemen, you've seen him on a couple soap operas. He's been on Ballers and I can't wait to hear his brain spew all over the waves right now. Ladies and gentlemen marks Lera that a boy Mark. Yes. Thank you always. A pleasure. I really do enjoy your brain. You're an old-school guy. But you have a way with words that you can explain things. I was intrigued about speaking with you today about the Antonio Brown situation just because I think you probably have an incredible take on it. Was he a complete Mastermind that got his way out of Pittsburgh over to Oakland strictly so he could get to the Patriots without the Patriots having to go through the Steelers exactly. You know what I think about think about this guy because I was you know, I'm one of those guys that looks at it like okay, what a turn right? That's my first inclination. But I'm like maybe you're just smarter than the rest of us because you got yourself out of a situation you didn't want to be in you basically did that through orchestrating that through your own social media and hired social media consultants to get that done, which is crazy to me and then I saw something on Twitter last night that made me laugh out loud. It was think about it. He's perfect fitting Patriot they both Take people. Illegally. I mean it sounds like there's a little bias against the Patriots are from markzware Earth and the rest of America I thought about that last night watching that game Antonio Brown got himself out of the situation in Pittsburgh. It was all going great best wide receiver in the league paid him good kickoff returner good punt returner and then been spoke out against him publicly and everything turned a lot of people say well the vantes perfect it is when he I think what happens is when you have that big of a chip on your shoulder whenever you say, you know, what fuck them. I'm done with them that's forever. And I think you got like that with Roethlisberger and there was no way coming back from he's like, okay I got to get out of here. So he gets himself out of that situation. It's a massive ordeal or massive scene. He gets over to Oakland and I said this last week on the show. I honestly believed he was going to go all in with the Raiders. I think he was like excited to be there. Here we go. We got a whole new start something happened over there where he was like, This ain't it. And he was like I got to get out of here him hiring a social media consultant and a YouTube Editor to get out of that situation is one of the most historically legendary things in professional football history. I'd assume but when he gets to the Patriots Tom Brady and Gisele are basically adopting Antonio Brown, he's living in their house the Patriots last night looked Unstoppable. We don't have to steal her secondary just decided to take the whole game off and say, you know what? Fuck it let Tom do whatever he wants but that Patriots team. If Antonio Brown can buy into the TB 12 treatment in The Patriot Way, somehow they're only going to get better and better through this whole thing Antonio Brown might be the perfect fit not only for the taping of opponents thing but for everything else. Yeah, you know, what's interesting about this is this is like this is like the band U2 With Or Without You hate the Patriots going to be good with you or without you order with championship. So do you want to be a part of the championship or do you not want to be a part of the championship? One thing that I think is interesting is Tom Brady has always he's allowed himself to be coached hard. He's given permission for the organization to get after him so you can get out to Tom Brady. You're going to get after anybody. This is the most disciplined team in football defensively offensively special teams. Their execution is above anybody else in the league. And so you come into a situation going that you know, what you're into you either toe the company line or you don't the beauty of the New England Patriots. Think about this offensive ly it's not about what We do right? We don't have a system or system is not having a system. It's about what you don't do. We don't play to our strengths we play to your weaknesses. We attack your weaknesses and there's going to be a point in time in the season or running Bastion rush for 240 yards and you're going to get three targets and if you're not good with that guess what we won't dress you because we don't need you. This is the first time in his career or he's not needed. So maybe just that fact alone. Helps it work out for Antonio Brown. I don't know because I've always felt like he's a guy that hey he doesn't care about winning or losing as long as gets his love and targets. He's fine. Right but this may be the one time where he sees himself with an opportunity to win a championship our one-year deal and then he can go out and do whatever he wants after that. But I don't know. This may be the perfect match the thought of him having to sit back and watch the offense just complete completely compete without him even touching the ball. It's funny to think about how that's all going to go because if somebody was to yellowed Antonio Brown in the past if he felt jaded he was going to lash out irrationally. That's what he's going to do. He's gonna lash out irrationally now he is going to have to fully commit. I'll be excited to see if he does it. Let's move forward. Tom Brady by the way, he's only getting better. So how's that? He's only getting better right now by the way, like how ridiculously handsome is. He dude? I just every time I see him I want to Nestle up in that cleft in his chin. How about the the eye black to that? He puts on like perfectly every day. It's like a movie character. He's like a movie character he is it's ridiculous. The guy's just This time I've got a restraining order he are he has a buffet or I guess I guess because I just him on such I really have an unhealthy obsession with the guy I do. Well Tom Tom Brady to your point finitary told me that there's been team meetings where Tom got after a win where Tom got chewed out by Belichick in front of the entire team and I think that goes a long way and showing that anybody could get it and hopefully Antonio Brown can handle it. Let's move for yeah, but you don't want one last thing on that. That night I came to a realization. So I've done some Consulting a consultant for the Saints this offseason and I came to the realization. The reason Jimmy Garoppolo is not there is they probably had some type of handsome off and in Jimmy Garoppolo to beating Tom Brady and the handsome off and he just had him excommunicated and I thought to myself you know, what I probably could not poach for the for the New England Paige. I'm too handsome Tom Briggs. I've been there for like three weeks and I get sent away. I like what happened. I was doing a hell of a job coaching. Yeah you threaten Tom Brady and a handsome all he had you excommunicated from the organization. He had his dad Robert Kraft send you out of time. Julian Edelman has had quite a glow up since going up there a lot of couple dating a couple models got that big beard in there, but you're right Jimmy. Well, that's he's got it roll the beer because he's a handsome guy. Like look at Danny Amendola has gone, right? Yeah, me and Daniel. Gold a handsome guy get the hell out of here either grow a beard or get the hell out. Right? So he just basically said, hey Juliette you want to hang around your good-looking guy growing ugly beard or you're gone out Tom Brady's only weakness is that he has a sense of getting a nice handsome dude, like you don't want any of them around it. You want to look really good. Hang around ugly people that's easy in the NFL. There's tons of We got banana built these homes of Mark. That is classic Antonio Brown handsome guy call God got the big smile. Can't wait to see what hey, he's already but he already meets one of the criterias got that messed up hair cut like a like, you know, what guy doesn't care. Look at that hair. Come on. He doesn't care about nothing that guy literally nothing like the recorded conversation with Gruden immediately being flipped into a YouTube video. It's just the greatest lack of fucks to ever be careful, right? Yeah, I mean, how do you do it you've had that pre-produced. You're like all's we need is groomed to Cole. That's all. I know. It was Frank Caliendo. We can't get grown on the phone. Get Frank on the phone. Tell you what man, that's okay. Yeah, let's move outside. They're Patriots are going to be unbelievable. You got a chance to call a tie yesterday a fucking tie. We can talk about Colin Murray and Kliff Kingsbury turning in on late AQ Shipley starting center Captain leading the way they're got a solo shot on national TV of him celebrating yelling with his tattoos all over him from Moon Township Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We can talk about the Lions being up 17 and letting it all happen and go to overtime and we'll get your thoughts on the game. I pitched this earlier as my overtime fix so that there are Ties because ties aren't in the Arts must be in our game Mark. Here's my patch. Tell me why I'm wrong. Okay, good on one end of the Field Detroit Lions offense Maddie Stafford taking on the Arizona Cardinals defense and two-point play on the other side. You got Kyler Murray in the offense taking on the Detroit Lions defense on a two-point play back and forth shootout style Mike Florio pitch this back-and-forth shootout style. If they make it in they don't it's over they make it in they make it in with go to another round if it Is tied after five rounds bring the kicker's out Spotlight big intro like it's wrestling music smoke coming from their feet. They get out there and they have to kick from the same spot with both teams as a gallery like in golf day if they if they both make it you back up five yards. They both make it you back up five more yards until one of the miss one of the make that's a win counted just as much as a win in regulation. Let's get this place electric couldn't In fathom the gambling that you could do on that. Now that gambling is getting legal. Why am I wrong? I don't I don't really you're wrong. I mean the tide just felt like so anti-climatic, you know, I get that. Hey and you want to do the way that it's done right now. I kind of like the I don't like the two-point plays go to point 2 point, you know, it's almost like a hockey shootout, right? Yes kind of like that. But only you would bring into the kicker hunters in their involved as well. How will you get the butter because I saw the bright Down of the part that won the game and it was it was tremendous, right? This is all the breakdown. Did you feel like you learned something about Puttin? Therefore I did. You know, what I was at the University of Idaho. This is no lie and what over point we had the world's we had that we used to call them the best practice part of the nation. This guy could just brutal ball and practice seven Garden every freak sign. He couldn't punt for the shit when it came down to game time. Right? Do we have this pod all and our home? Coaches it was Dennis There She Goes anybody here can punt. I'm an offensive woman go. Oh, yeah, I can put two on with mano a mano. I ended up losing that one mono mono, but I was almost the punter for the University of Idaho. How about that? Hey was that pun off? Absolutely electric. I bet like, what is it what it was one of the most electric points of my career. Of course, I never caught a pass. I never ran the ball. The fault off for me was like that was the number one thing. I think I've ever done. The only time anybody actually watched me right and like that something was announced where they weren't dog custom me because I got a holding call right holding 69 or some it was the only time that they were actually applauding me for doing something on the football field. Don't you think that's interesting though? Because you're out there 60 70 plays a game Hunters out there five six times. Maybe if he's holding probably eight nine times, but whenever the Upon Our kicker is out. There. It is literally all eyes on you. It doesn't even matter about the Snapper Snapper isn't even being talked about. He's a pretty vital part of the whole thing hold her don't mess it up. But the kicker everybody can watch and see if he succeeds or not for an offensive lineman. It's such a task of the group that you don't really get singled out until team meetings. We got a big-ass laser pointer on you just circling, right? Yeah every single move. It's kind of an interesting thing that the offensive line doesn't really get talked about until something terrible happens. There's a penalty there's no real positiveness until the team meeting the next day right know I always thought that this is why this is a difference between offensive linemen and defensive lineman. Like I don't whip your ass 65 plays in a row, right third down and 12 critical moment of the game. I get a holding call or give upset and I'm the schlub who gave up the sack and you know, what you get to do. You can go to the Pro Bowl like you think the one that don't even think about the game like offensive linemen are completely motivated out of fear and paranoia. Nothing good can happen during a book. Ballgame there is no shit. You just want to live and nothing good can happen for you defensive lineman. I mean I play with guys get their ass whipped in a game and come in the locker room the next day because they got one freaking charity sack and act like they won the game where like they're completely oblivious to the real game going on and I'm like suit you got one garbage sad and you're prancing around like you did something last night. They have it. Wash your jersey there were so many grass stains on the back of your jersey. They had a ship it out and get a new one Nick, you're celebrating the locker room. Like you did something even Sublime and they don't even live in reality can't know the funniest thing about the funniest thing about a defensive lineman. You can have a quarterback get tripped, right? You want to see you want to see a deep as you want to see just four guys fighting you a quarterback gets tripped up by the offensive guard and he falls on the ground you watch the Feed those guys were jumping over the houses. You can hack it first because that the sack right? There's a diamond over files like mean they're fighting each other to die while we're damn pile to get that garbage sack that's defensive lineman for he can't stand those sons of bitches. I'll tell you this right now that was offensive lineman porn right there. Well I said there's gonna be so many offensive linemen. They were like thank God stink said it and then we've been taking it this whole time. You got to respect their hustle though, man. They get one second game. They get beat 99 The game they're going to the Pro Bowl Hall of Fame everything for the rest of their life. Yeah. Yeah, that's just the way it is. That's why it's unfair. Well, you obviously didn't incredible job at the offensive line position three Super Bowls. You played forever a couple different teams. How do you feel the new game of football is because listen Lamar Jackson and the Ravens are supposed to be a ground and pound offense and instead he was throwing balls on the dime, but it does feel as if there might be a shift back towards power football potentially because teams are getting Set up for Speed right now. There's always like a cycle. Do you see that happening or do you see the game opening up even more in the next couple years? Well, I you know, it's interesting because if you open it if you continue to open up, you know, the one thing you have to do is you have to protect the guy that you're paying a hundred million dollars to and one of the ways you can protect that guy is by playing a little Smash Mouth Is by slowing those defensive lineman down making them respect to play action game and all that stuff. So it's part of it I think. The interesting things the way that we constructed right now is so many of these college teams. Just they are it out. You know, it's all it's all spread. It's all Airaid. They're not developing a skill set for most of these offensive linemen. And as I travel around the league calling games one thing that most general managers, you know, we'll talk to me about is what would you do in order to teach like our offensive lineman how to play because I've been told by multiple general managers. You think it's tough to coach up the quarterbacks in this league the offensive line. That's been the biggest disappointment the it's the thinnest there's a dearth of guys who can play that position because they're not being developed in college. And so it's an epidemic and then you get the you get into the NFL when you don't get a practice you don't get to have pads on you. Don't get it do the things that's required. I mean, there's no greater skill in the NFL been moving a man from point A to point B against its will to guys that you know are incredibly strong that are all 300 pounds, you know, that that's a skill and it starts from footwork and Starts from you know, driving through your feet and your knees to your hips through your hands. And if you can't do it, which most guys can't urine urine trouble especially against the superior because I always I look at it like this, you know, they're everybody's A Gifted athlete no offensive linemen are thanking athletes. But if the athletes that are on a football field where by far the last rung on the ladder mean had think about this I have seen a cornerback moved to safety. I've seen a safety move to linebacker. I've seen a linebacker, you know move to Offensive end. I've seen it deep it's been moved because that's a few defensive tackle move to offensive line offensive line is the last rung on the ladder you go from office and wine you go to Fan that's it. You don't go anywhere else like, you know go. Hey, you know, I was playing guard but I think what I'm going to do is lose 12 pounds and go to linebacker that that doesn't happen. You can't do that you go. Oh Line fan, that's it. You're sitting Advance your back. That's the way Works hey Mark, that was incredible. That's where you know, that was absolutely incredible. You just did there. Do you think this is potentially and I'm setting you up to be an old man yelling in your front yard here. Yeah. Do you think the younger mindset generation of the offensive line is not a glorious position. It is a position where you have to sacrifice all the hype for somebody else to be better. You have to go to hand-to-hand combat in grit and Anything like that, it doesn't lend itself to a guy like me or a lot of people that are kind of growing up now because everything's coming a lot easier via technology and all that stuff. Do you think it's going to be a problem going forward because of the mindset of future generation fight, you know, I don't I don't think so because again, you know, they're if you really have a desire to play in the NFL, I mean there's this there's this kind of Peter Principle aspect to your athleticism. You know, we're all touched by the hand of God. Athletically, right I mean you don't play in the NFL unless you have been touched by the hand of God. You've been you know gifted as a great athlete and then the other thing is you also have to be you know, you also have to have a little bit of a loose screw. So you got to be a little crazy and exceptional athletic but you know, you rise to the level of your incompetence kind of the Peter Principle aspect that you know, there comes a time when you come to a realization that the only way you're going to keep that dream alive is by putting your hand on the dirt, you know, you're here like, you know I'm kind of looking at my skillset. Yeah, I was really good in high school. I played both ways. And then as College came along, you know, I started on the defense side of the bowl and then I moved to the office out of the ball at some point. You're just like well here's where I'm at. Like if I want to make this dream a reality, this is the position I have to play so I still think there's enough of those guys that that love that camaraderie. You know, I mean, I always say the greatest thing about playing offensive line was being that offensive line media room Monday after a game. What guys are fighting to take responsibility for mistakes that were made, you know and it's Five Guys from different areas of the country that all have to kind of become one unit. And it's a special room by a bunch of by bunch of like just incredible people. So I just have a great affinity for it obviously and I just I just don't think that's going to change. I think there's going to still be people that want to play that position mostly because they were forced to play back to position because they're the kind of the fact It mostly that was incredible break down right there. Um, yeah, you just spit. Hey speaking of hands of God, you spit some gospel there. Oh, yeah. Hey, we're on in Italy by the way, so the pope might be watching. So I appreciate that God blog you're helping us out. Yeah, you really what you do with the Saints? You said you consulted with the Saints we talking about pass interference penalty is or what like what was going on? No. No, they brought me in to talk about I think one of the things that stuff about coach in the NFL right now. It's nuanced. You don't get a practice very often. You don't get a practice in pads very often. So what's been lost is nuanced so they brought me in and we went through their entire offense their running game there, you know passing game. They're like, all right, here we go. We want to run, you know wide zone handoff of 1819 handoff. Okay, tell me what we would do against to I2 technique of three technique of for technique of for I Nique how would you operate the bubble what you do as a center what you like your combinations and all that kind of stuff. So we went through every scenario that you would face is all that Sublime and versus every defense and just what work hand placement placement and and what I'm thinking on every block and so we did that through their whole running game and through their old pass protection game and and just work through every particular scenario and it was Testing the end of the day. I probably got them to change seven techniques that they were coaching seven or eight techniques that they've been coaching over the last however many years. Hopefully they play well tonight because you know, then I can I can it's like here's the deal if they play well tonight. I want you to talk about this if they play like crap up front the night then disregard this statement those sons of bitches just wouldn't listen to me that Drew Brees is gets pummeled in the first boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. That's incredible. Who's in a room like Sean. Everybody's in a room with you their offensive coordinator to degree kind of popped in and out the old line coach the assistant a lot coach the tight end Coach. Yeah, there was you know, awesome just kind of went through it. It was really it's one of the coolest things I've gotten to do because I've always had kind of this Edge and I've had I've had you know a lot of opportunities to leave. You being and go coach, but frankly, I just don't want to take a pay cut is like I know like that. I really like making it has never been abroad for me. It's retaining it that I've had a tough time that the retaining part of it is, you know that the tough part. Yeah, you can get the money. You just can't keep them. Absolutely. Yeah, that is got I enjoy life as well. I understand what you're saying. I'm a bunch of my boys here. They probably have some questions you mind if they ask you a couple questions. No, please tell me good, man. Mark you're a giant man. Who's very good-looking. Yeah. Sure honey. That's all true. Keep going Hollywood offers. Have you been in movies? Do you get a lot of them? I have I've been in one movie. I'm surprised you haven't seen it the remake of Red Dawn and I'm surprised they haven't they haven't made Red Dawn 3 the rise of Coach door. But it has not come my way. Yeah, you know it turns out it turns out I mean, I'm not really a good actor. I've got an opportunity to do it because I'm exactly what you said. I'm big and I'm incredibly handsome. And so that's why I've got me opportunities. But yeah, I'm not I'm not what you would call good at acting. Yeah, that's not really what I do your own soap operas weren't you the super mushroom Ballers? I was Don Well, here's the soap opera deal Pat. Okay. So I was on The Guiding why I was on The Guiding Light for two seasons had a recurring role for two seasons now listen to what wait wait wait The Guiding Light started on radio. Then it transferred to television that damn show was on for 72 years. It took me two seasons of recurring roles to get it knocked off are permanent. I was there for two seasons 15 shows that shit got cancer. I probably right now like I'm on a hit list of all the people that were on there for 20 years. Like I will probably be murdered because of my time spent on The Guiding Light. There's so many people angry with me right now like that sumbitch got the gravy train killed right there. Oh my God, that's not of you after the show gets canceled laying down at night in bed, honey. You think that's good fucking me say hilarious thought thank you so much. We interrupt this incredible conversation with the attractive days of art. Nope Guiding Light after it's not always gotta go. Hey, he is a handsome guy. He's just starting to open up these stories that are about to roll into your ears. By the way. You should be very excited for ya Todd. Did you know all this about Marcus last? I knew nothing about it, except I was a big fan back when he was on The Guiding Light. Yeah. I was a big fan. I did see me. I didn't really know him from football. I didn't know you played football at its news are incredible soap opera and now, you know, That because of him a show that was on for 72 years got canceled. So, I mean that's something you take to the bank sheriff is incredible. You know, this is incredible petrol tell me lasted longer in the sack. Yeah, you guys have sex and I love you without you. Yes. That's awesome. You fancy a good Shag. Give it 10. Sorry we interrupted this incredible Marshall Earth interview, but we stopped you to tell you this if you're going to go ahead and fornicate in the sack you might as well put on a damn show while you're in there. And there's one company that's here to look out for you Gumpy. Thank you. We Roman Men's Health is a company that created the swipes that you robbed on your weapon and make it perform for a longer set of time put on a show tonight Pat. Use your friends enrollment. And what Roman does is they ship everything in little discreet packaging? So whenever it shows up at your door with free two-day shipping by the way that smile free two-day shipping you order now get it by the weekend dominate this weekend put on a show in the sack with your friends at Roman the swipes just got rub it on there was no transitional properties that go on to your partner. So while you put on a show they get to reap the benefit of it and right now you go to get /u, USA that's get /u S A. That's get forward slash greatest country on Earth USA. Nice. Hey, all right. I was almost going to say England. You won't get free two-day shipping with that. But with get Roman duck on board / USA get free two-day shipping with your Roman swipes last longer in the sack just take this wipes out of the packet apply. Let it dry. And you're good to go. They fit in your pocket and wallet and whenever you show up show Out with your friends at Roman shout out to them dumpy. Pow Shoto Roman get back to Mark's last. Here's a guy by the way. He doesn't need these swipes and he should not be jealous or embarrassed. If you do, I mean zero uses these things every weekend you heard about what Zito's do want these Roman swipes Metro. Yeah put some on his fingers calories. Don't count my life. With this next guy is an Italian guy degenerate things Mr. Stink bad put out a funny video yesterday about this. I want to know if you saw that but also your thoughts on Sweezy second Kyler Marie yesterday is great, right. It was just all I've never seen that he tried to leap over first off. Six five, you know 313 and he's just a strand of muscle. Right? I mean, it's just like that guy doesn't have hamstrings. He has ham course. That's how big he is and he jump we must he must have got now. He must have gotten about four inches off the ground and it was great 4 inch vertical almost cleared his whole head. The you're not looking at like you're not turning around. I like Tom Brady and thinking he can jump over here. Yeah, you're not turn around hook you secret and Swayze's head. There was a real thought like I can get up over that run Point go go gadget. That's awesome. Frank just got a haircut shaved his beard all pretty happy about it. Trying to look as handsome as I mr. Slater is here. That's Mark. You mentioned your time on The Guiding Light. You didn't mention your character's name detective Rock Hoover. You also were on Ballers. Did you meet The Rock was the character inspired by The Rock? Are you buddies with the rock? Yeah. Yes. I did meet the rock. I am buddies with the rock. Hi. I'll tell you I'll tell you a great story. I used to show up to the Broncos training facility. Every day, I was always the first guy in the facility when I played like 5 a.m. I'd walk in because I had about two and a half hours of rehab before I started watching film not drug rehab injury. So I would always the first thing I would always do is I go get a cup of coffee in the training room. And as I poured my cup of coffee, I always read this plaque that hung on the wall. And this plaque is an anonymous quote. I read it every day and it says this you can easily judge the character of a man by how it treats those who could do nothing for I've always aspired to be that person. I've always wanted to care for people. I always wanted to love people. I always want to have time for people. I always I just have always been kind of wired that way and it was something that was always really important to me and still is to this day as I travel around this great country of ours and I get an opportunity to call game talk about football and a lot of people have football questions and I love to sit and talk with people. I'm on the set with The Rock and I've met him and he's Justin he knows everybody's name and the cameraman and everybody behind the scenes and work more filming this scene and we've got this kid that runs a 40 on the beach and then he you know gets excited because he runs a great time and he's running around he's doing backflips off the boat and he runs up this tree and does a backflip off this palm tree, right and we're all standing around watching this kind of transpires. The stuntman is put all this stuff and we're fascinated because he's just doing all kinds of Of you know just all kinds of ridiculous looking sons and all of a sudden the Wayne comes Bebop and down the way, you know, he's getting ready to shoot, you know, and he's got his goals in five minutes. So he's be-bopping down. There were all gathered around watching this he watches his kid to a couple backflips and do all this stuff and he stops all production walks up and says, hey man, I'm Dwayne Johnson and the kids like yeah, like I know tell me about yourself. What's your name? How did you get into this? And he spends like 10 minutes talking? This kid thanks for being here man. This is fascinating unbelievable. And meanwhile, I'm sitting there going I watch the kid warm up for 15 minutes. I didn't say shit. Like here's Dwayne Johnson genuinely connecting with this individual and that get will carry that story for the rest of his life. You're right and I'm like you could have not that I'm Dwayne but you know, you should have interacted you should have asked you you should have done those things. That's who he is. He is he is one of of the grace most gracious kindest individuals and he's just a wonderful human being man. He's one of the nicest people on Earth. I'm happy to hear that by the way. I'm very happy to hear because he's the biggest star on the planet. I mean, yeah, he's own production company. I think they just netted five hundred million dollars on the Hogs and Shaw worldwide off of movie. He created and whole thing. He I mean he made five hundred million dollars into my four weeks and he's still great and that's great to hear because he's the biggest star and planet Earth right now and he is also A very large attractive man much like yourself. It's good point. You know it although although he doesn't have this head of lettuce. Look at this thing. You're either legit. You're either born with this. You're not like ya ain't nothing you can do right? I mean you talk about touched by the hand of God look at all right, come on. Once again. The pope is very thankful or not. I don't know. You do look great Mark. Oh no, thank you. I appreciate and I you know what? And by the way, I am freaking yoked. I mean I am as the day is long I tell you the other day. Go ahead when you're done fucking around, you know, right? They're asleep. What are you doing? Here? You're wasting my time. I'm thinking about opening a Gym Pat. He's there's my concept my gym is going to be cold uppers. That's it uppers and people are going to come in and go I'm gonna go like eight here or over there is a bench press there's a bench press there's a bench press over there there. You can see another Branch first. There's an incline presses. Somebody's going to go. Hey, what about a squat rack? I'm going to get the hell out of my house. Not read we don't do like here. Oh my God. Absolutely that Mark. Are you just going into public Jim's over there in Denver and just punking these little kids that are high off their tunes and Denver, Colorado. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I just roll in there and just throw up ridiculous amounts of weight just walk out like it's not like it's just something I do on the weekends boy. Yeah, that's good. I never how often like how often are you live? I go. I don't know once a week maybe never it doesn't matter. I'm just naturally built like this ruin it. I like Leroy and kids scream. Like I just ruined their like they walk in. They're really working hard on something. I just walk in and wrap it like 17 times. I'm like, oh that's easy. What like the one of the things I love to do is go ahead and I work in with you. What are you doing there? Like, oh man, I'm doing this bench and then they're you know, they're struggling for two reps and I do it 20 times. They go out of series. I'm gonna go Absolutely, ruin them. Oh my God, such an offensive lineman such an offensive lineman. That is I wish I would be one of those gyms on day and you should film yourself doing that the internet would enjoy you like a candid shot from across the gym. Have you ever lapel on walk up to a group of blurred faces? What you boys doing a bench, how can I work with? Guys, oh, yeah sure be anything. You want to go dance dude these walks in there. All right. I'm done boys. You should quit. What a moment good for you mark. Yeah anything for the back room that time? Yeah Mark. I'm just curious. How is the chili business going? And what's your involvement in the creation process of that? Great question. That is a great quite the chili business is good and it's for sale. So it's been 11 year labor of love and one of these days, I think I'm going to The Profit but I don't I don't see that day any time in the near future so we continue to grind I had nothing to do with recipe here's the deal some guy I met brought it to me and so my last year in Denver, I hurt my knee on the very first day of training camp at a have knee surgery now, I'm a lawn free. I'm always in my lawn. I have no Hobbies zero Hobbies. All I do is mow my lawn. I'm or three times a week. I am a freak Show. That's a good classic old man right there, right? Here's the deal. My lawn is better than yours. And I'm going to let you know if you're driving by like I'm just going to let you know that I've got a better lawn then you like I had to do swing by my house the other day, he rolls down the passenger side window and I've never met him I take my little iPod headphones out. Whatever and I'm like, yeah and he goes, hey man stop and I'm like, what do you mean stop and go stop it? I'm sorry. I don't understand. He goes just stop it. He goes every day. I have to list them my wife bitch. You about mr. Starrett travels more than you and his long always looks are bad guy the neighborhood look bad and then just took off. I don't even know the guy is and it was like one of the proudest moments of my you know, it's one of the proudest moments of my just like manhood right like that. Yeah. My mom is keeping your Lawns ass it is. Yeah, and I'm not afraid to show it. I'm not afraid to tell you about it. So that's the only real hobby I have so this dude had a landscaping company. I was playing I couldn't take care of mine. Long because I had knee surgery and on crutches for 10 days. They were like a non-weight-bearing for 10 days and so he swung by and he mowed the lawn. So I found him in the neighborhood because if we I lived in the neighborhood as you know, five or six players a couple of coaches lift it up and I find him and I thank him and he says to me is the God's honest truth. I'm from Alaska he goes. Hey, man, I make the world's greatest green. Chili. I'd like to bring you some and I was like sure, you know, bring me food. Great. I didn't know Green chilly 1 No, so he brings it by devour it because I'm 300 pounds. I'm like just this great and you know, we started this relationship and the next thing I know we're in business together and like I've no idea how to make green chili. I just know it's delicious. That's like I'm going to eat. So that's how we that's how we started the business. Hey, that was a good plug though before it goes out of business or gets sold don't have the greatest green chili on planet Earth. You're from Alaska. Aska, how does that happen? I didn't know anybody is from Alaska left Alaska. I assumed if you're from Alaska you stay in Alaska do Alaska things. You have your own little plane. You fly out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe you get on one of them like crab boats where they're like the people I was dying Discovery Channel and you just live out in this beautiful place that has the back door of Russia. I honestly thought that was the case. There's not a lot of people coming out of Alaska. I don't think no there's not but my dad grew up a hundred twelve and Broadway he grew up in New York city. So we lived in Alaska, but we didn't do a lot of Ask you things like I don't hunt. I've never owned a gun. You know, I really I don't like the fish. I like to catch like there's a big difference to me. Right? We'll be out there all day. Like they'll be out there all day on the boat with the line bobbing in the book. But what a day. What do you catch anything? No, but man, we saw some fish. I'm like, are you kidding me? I got about a six minute window. If I'm not catching something within six minutes. I'm like, I'm out of here. These the official Daddy's. I'm in the dumbest place the world right? I don't have I don't have Time to suffer fish jump on my life or I'm out of here. That's my rule were fishing. I want to catch him. Like I'll just go like a skirt. Like you're gonna go fishing today. Yeah. I'm going fishing. I'm gonna go say for you like dog or Costco. Like that's how I know. I'm gonna catch something there. I'm the same way. Nothing. I can fish my hat. So right now this next one is a Beautiful Minds, you know, Mr. Stink. I'm a big in the trenches guy. Who's your favorite Lyman right now in the league right now? Quit Nelson, come on. I mean, how do you going Nelson? How do you how do you not like a guy that they call Earl Grey? I mean dude is just disrespectful block after disrespectful block and then just walk in his Nethers right across your face masks right? Like I don't my nuts smell like oh my god, seriously when I was watching I've Watch the dude on film like I literally walked into my study put a tie on the door and go honey. Don't come in here. I'm going to watch telling you it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. I'm like, holy Moses. Just give me some privacy lock the door. Not a tie on the knob. I mean, it's quit Nelson time baby. He's gonna handle more mustache to now just doing it even more so for you aye vote. It's he is he's just phenomenal. It's it is like music. It's like Sweet Symphony hit another night night block yesterday when the DN was going up against example house on the D and tried spinning inside and Quinton was just waiting for him there. I'll just watching the plug and yeah. Yeah, I mean just just absolutely just rolling over dude just like standing on go you even look bro. Do you even lift? Sounds like you man like you is that how he bled out? Is that how you played by the way, were you just a dog out there? Like you are these little twerps in the gym? No. No, I like. I'm more like the Horton Hears a Who you know, I'm just kind of scared of my own shadow. I like yeah, I did I never said I mean I never said two words. I really did but I will tell you my first game my my first and only five there have been in a fight my entire life and My first game in the NFL was in Philadelphia was guess the Eagles in the bed. There were the number one defense in football and they had you know Reggie White. They had Clyde Simmons. They had Jerome Brown Mike pits Byron Evans. I mean, they were loaded. I mean loaded and here's this little 10th round or out of Idaho. Just going to start a game in the middle of the season in the vet, you know, and they thought they were going to feast and I was playing against first-round draft. Roy's Mike pits out of Alabama and I was opening a can of whoop-ass on this dude. Just I mean give like he had no he didn't know his in for right and my whole thought process was I may not be good enough play it but nobody's gonna Punk me. I am not getting pumped today. That was my like my only goal. I may not be that good but you're not gonna Punk me today. And so I'm opening this can of whoop ass and he I don't know it's probably second quarter. Maybe he's just frustrated because I am tearing him up. And he took a swing at me and I guarantee you I went double fist punch double am pinned underneath the face mask because you can't it hit somebody to help me miles jacket. I tried to know I try to break his freaking jaw literally traffic break. Because I knew that like I said a tenth round her out of Idaho. Come on. I mean, I knew there were I knew that was going to be something that I had to prove to the rest of the NFL that I belong. So that's the first game and that's the only fight I've ever been in dude. It's incredible how you're in for a long day with this Slayer Earth Kid last week is first ever game. He did a double uppercut juicy miles. Jack just got paid like 50. Seven million dollars first game after getting paid in the first half decides to swing on. I forget who was hating anyone. He was getting police escorted out of the stadium. He almost he fought it a couple times. It was like it was like one of my mom like had to drag me out of somewhere another one like when I was a little kid, that's what it looked like, but he was holding his hand in an interesting fashion. He took a shot at the helmet directly at the helmet, which I think you nailed it there. You never want to punch a helmet. He did that and he was holding an interesting. I wonder if he broke anything. Seems like a dumb decision, but I'm Not In the Heat of the battle as much to know the right answer there. Yeah. Yeah, I would I don't think it's ever a good decision to hit, you know, a really hard piece of plastic with your fist, but that's probably not it's probably not gonna end well for you foxy you got anything for mr. Scelera? Yeah, Mark, I'll keep it simple. Who do you thinks gonna win the Super Bowl this year? Yeah. I'm excited for this. Hey, I'm yeah, I mean, how do you bet against the Patriots? They're just they're just Stewart off Tom Brady might not be from this planet. He might be an alien, you know, he may be and they're just coach better than everybody else. I I like the Saints and I like the Patriots, you know, I think after the last two years the way the season has ended for New Orleans is that don't you feel like it's just there like Karma like, alright, we feel bad about what we did to them. The last two years. Come on. We got to let them in I feel that way but you know New England is is The most disciplined football team on planet Earth and they just execute you if you're going to beat them. You have to beat them from an execution standpoint. You have to be willing to go toe-to-toe with them and not make a mistake and it's just incredibly hard to do and they have the ability to do it Tom Brady and Julian Edelman are 40 and oh together against AFC teams, if they're playing together Tom Brady and Julian Edelman 40 and I'll against AFC teams. Wow, that's ridiculous. Yeah. I don't know. That's a real star. It sounds like fake one, but somebody told me that that seems like they are stats and she was on the air. It's got to be true bad. I agree completely. You know what you said about Karma there for the Saints after the Minneapolis Miracle than the pass interference thing. Everybody probably assume that about the Buffalo Bills to back at are in the 90s or whatever. They never got it the for Falls a buffalo or whatever. That's right. Yeah, they deserve the to I think Jim Kelly deserved in Buffalo Bills deserve a little something then I hope something happens good for Drew Brees. Those have to be tough. Man, thinking about that all offseason, right the way it ended for to off seasons in a row. I mean at least the bills got to the Super Bowl - obviously getting trounced three times in a row the one game but they missed it wide variety of the other ones. Were you listening man? Thank you bills. I was one of the guys that whip your ass Duval. So right just like is like a big story for you because you know, No, I hate traitors of the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns so Raiders last time they were in the Super Bowl which was before most of your caste was born. Yeah, I was there so I'm out and I'm out it was in San Diego you here's the other thing about San Diego. Now the church has moved to LA. Do you find yourself? Not saying San Diego like I don't ever use. I don't ever say I feel like it's like a dirty word like San Diego. I'm like, hey who are the Rockies playing? They're playing the Padres. I won't even go. We've ruined one of the greatest cities in America because I'm afraid I always have to think before I even sicker because I'm thinking wait a minute. Am I allowed to say San Diego or this context or not? Because you know, you said our broadcast. There we go. So anyhow, I'm in San Diego for the Super Bowl and I'm out in the outskirts right at this event and I got a 4 o'clock head on sports are this back my ESPN days, so I got to get I think I gotta get out. Out and so I called cabinets like an hour and a half and I'm down the Gaslamp district of San Diego. So I'm standing there all sudden this Suburban pulls up and I was like, there's six dudes all dressed in Raider gear and I go hey you guys going down to the Gaslamp district and they go. Yeah, it's perfect. We are I go. Hey, do you think I jump into Suburban with you guys? And they're like, yeah, no problem jump in so I'm in the Suburban. These guys are all decked out in Raiders jerseys, right and I'm just sitting there minding my business. And one dude is I'm in I'm on the on the passenger side window when the in the back seat and there's another dude on the driver side window and there's a guy between us, right and the do the driver side window keeps leaning over and kind of looking looking right and it's didn't uncomfortable and we're in like we're on the freeway. It's stop-and-go word barely creeping right in this guy keeps looking looking and finally goes I know who you are and I go what He goes you're that dude the hates the Raiders. What are you talking about? Now everybody in the cars look at the driver because we're stopped on the freeway. He's looking everybody's looking right and they're all like, yeah because you're the dude that hates the Raider I go. What are you telling me? You're the dude that hates the Raiders that's on ESPN and I got no you got me all wrong go know that you and I'm thinking this is probably not going to end. Well write your that's you you're that guy and I know I don't hate the Raider. Go you have me completely wrong and and he goes yeah, you're always dog customer or team. You're always saying crap about our team. You're that dude. I go. No, I go. I am the guy that played for the Broncos and I go but you have me all wrong. I love the Raiders know you're always dogging us ago know I love you guys. You know why I go because in my six years Endeavor, I was 11 or 1 against your punk-ass complete silence, and I'm thinking myself. I'm either. I'm gonna get taken out of this car and Beat to Death or these guys are going to like and they just started breaking out. How would ya let me know if there's one guy still keep in contact with it's unbelievable. You're such an alpha. I can't fathom just being around you on a daily basis. You're such a hilarious human this last guys from Canada is names gumpy. I'm just curious of what you thought of Kyler Murray yesterday and how you think he's going to be this year. Here's the deal which is interesting and I said this on a broadcast and you know, it's kind of sometimes things just flow out of my mouth and oh, yeah after they fall out of my mouth. I'm like, maybe not a great decision on my board. So like Midway through the third quarter they had three first downs, there's one Cardinals did and Tyler Moore was awful. I mean he's missing Rosie's inaccurate it was awful and it just fell out of my mouth. I said to call this office garbage would be an insult to garbage, you know, which I don't know, you know, I might get a phone call from the principal's office. Maybe maybe not. I don't know. It's just how I felt at the time. So I said it right and so I'm texting with their GM today. It's not like oh shoot. Here's their GM text to me. Like I'm Gonna Get You know an earful right, but I was It was it was a great kind of back and forth. But I said here's the deal if I ever played as poorly as he played early I go there was no recovery. Now. I'm going to battle my ass off and I'm going to fight I'll turn into a street fight. It's not going to be pretty but I'm not going to flip the switch and all of a sudden play great this kid played as poorly as you can possibly play for three quarters and then flip the switch and was magnificent. The strength mentally to be able to do I would I don't I'm not I'm telling you. I'm not strong enough mentally to do that and to do that and to not get down on yourself and to continue to compete and then all the sudden find your Rhythm and groove and to be able to be that good that's that's a talented very few possess. And so I have nothing but the respect for the Poise and the Moxie that that kid show yeah. Yeah, that would be tough and just a foot and then once you get hot though, once he got hot they got hot there. For a little bit and then obviously they tied no winners which brings us right back to the top ties with stupid, but I'll tell you what, there will be. No tie for the greatest first podcast. Guess since our move to Westwood one. I stink you were absolutely incredible today. I learned so much. I learned that the chili business might not be the best investment might be a little bit of patient. I learned that you don't like the fish you like to catch and I learned so many other things to say about the offensive line and Mark Man, I just became a bigger fan of you somehow which I didn't think was possible. Ladies and Gentlemen. Please make some noise and buy some chili to Let's Help the guy out a little bit ladies and gentlemen three-time Super Bowl champion. Incredible Mentor consultant to the New Orleans Saints unless they suck Mark Schuler. That's what was your brother. Thank you ma'am. Mark's one of those incredible there and it was all so fucking funny and the guy that was with us at the beginning and in the Roman add name is Pat robots to Joe. You're about to learn a lot about him here in about the next 30 40 minutes. We talked about everything we cover everything gets you the inside scoop speaking of inside Scoops the Action Network gets you on a fast track to not only gambling but investing in yourself. Yes, you can track all of the bets that you make on The Action Network app. You could also read all the Intel you need to know about who's betting where and why what's the sharp money doing it? It's the smart better is doing all they're doing is what's the public money doing? Oh, they're doing this. Well, I probably shouldn't do that. These people have big old casinos. These people are broken streets. I'm about with who the people with the big casinos have in the Action Network has all that information for you. Did you know that petrol? I didn't know holy hell right. Now you go to get action dot app for it / Pat and you can track all of your bets you can track all of everybody else's but you can even specifically fade somebody for instance. Let's say digs who's on a heater right now heater. A heater right now heater catches a cold in the gambling World. It'll happen you can go on to the Action Network. See what Biggs is betting and fade him because you can follow along with all your favorite gamblers. Plus it'll keep you updated up to the minute on whether or not you're winning or losing your bet. If you say the Green Dot, what's that mean company you're winning. You see that City. You see that red dot? What's that mean dicks was a loser. You don't want those. A lot of green dots and you will if you read the information on the get Action Network app, I love them. I'm a big fan made me a better Gambler. Join Green Dot City like me and digs at get action dot app forward slash Pat back to the conversation get a good shot of petrol sitting on the casting couch, please the first time I've sat down in a month. It's not my fault. Excuse me. Uh, sir ATV ones don't have a signal. That's the telestrator see it's messing with you right now. Is that my background? That's just like that comes standard with the TV's. Do you think you took that picture classic? That's what she said. To have the English voice that you're listening to who's currently sitting on the casting couch alongside old Canadian Gumpy is a British fellow who built this entire Studio. He's kind of been living in our office and when I say this, I mean this a welcomed resident here not every but not that doesn't happen with everybody the guy who both Studio stj Petra. All right. You're welcome. Thank you. Pat real pleasure you live in Los Angeles full time. I do and you just travel around building shit for his own kind of normally smaller than this. Well the shorter is this the biggest task that you've been sent thus far for design. Yeah. Oh, where'd you work before dessert in the UK. Once you move to America three years ago, four years ago three years ago. Are you an American citizen? I am not it was jumpy. We can't even fucking pay the guy the whole couch. The whole cow he needs to be visited brother. He's a tips what this I said Coming For Us come I had no idea was just difficult to become an American citizen. By the way. I'm learning a lot through the Gumpy situation. I had no idea that I was going to take this long Gump. He's never going to becoming a citizen not he's all out to be paid for his work in America surprisingly for a country of immigrants. You very selective funny how that works out at some point. We went ahead and turned off the revolving door that week before gum. Please paperwork pretty accurate. I guess this isn't this too Joe is incredible credit matter its register your latest toy into yeah. We got to tell her straight. We got touchscreen. Yeah for those watching at home. I wanted it to be an active stage yet. I mean I wanted to be here an active guy. Thank you. We say Steve. I stood you up at McAfee studio. So what I wanted was the telestrator I wanted the whole thing just because if it had to happen I wanted to be able to do this one, right? You know what I mean? Yeah, you see that? Yeah, that's nice. Thanks. What do these two have in common accent couch. It's an accident couch accent cushion. Yeah, it's an access the Divide between us. Yeah, but it just everything came together in such a beautiful fashion here. How long did it take to build this stygia? If you had to guess the build like a week and a half, but get it completely outfitted with all the technology and all the all the shit. I mean, we're pushing the 11th hour this morning - yeah, I mean there was buttons being pushed at 956 or look all we got it. We're gonna be able to go live. You really can't you've moved into this office basically and been working 25 Groove in the couch out that I wouldn't say. It will you ever come back to Indianapolis? I'll be back to fix stuff that you break. Well beyond the folks in 0. Yeah, boxing's have you been impressed at all with the way foxing Zito? Hell yeah really should play the piano Maestro the fingers that wow. Yeah petrol actually have a question for you what happens when one of these cameras break is like we're not gonna be able to fix that see that. I have a very expensive premium right number you can cool guide you over the phone. Oh boy what I'm support can be offered occasion. Like what are you you're just a British spy. What's your job title? Did you go did you used to build robots or something? Like what I just kind of fell into I guess I'll start in radio originally on are the beautiful out of radian. It is it's an intimate relationship with people who are excited to be back in there for 200 paint a picture that people can't see where you a radio host know. I used to support one and then I used to do sport. So kind of in the middle. So when you say do sport that's just an entire category of things football. Well my football soccer Cricket rugby speed where you ever seen Speedway. Yeah. It's right down here. It's Indianapolis 500. It's a town. That's filled with a lot of kind of sheisty Shady Speedway. Also, my favorite gas station. He's a great cast station here in the middle of America just like local sports rugby soccer Speedway cricket and you were talking about these things. I do like some of the news reporting. Yeah. No, but then went into like engineering this is Petra coming to you live from a sports teacher. Well, I actually had I wrote for the BBC so you have elocution lessons when you work for the BBC you have a person comes in and they sit View until you can talk so that your voice stays in one long bar. When you look at it under a wave meter. That's why everyone in the BBC sounds the same really let less so now because now they're all about Regional dialects and people being from your area. Well, that's big because I have a terrible accent that kind of comes and goes it depending on the word Zito go ahead and hit that Don see that I'm sure would have never existed in Britain. I just learned probably know not so long ago, but now they like the region or they like people that sound like The people know everyone talks like the queen speaking of the queen happy you brought her up. She is a popular figure over the wondered where that was going. I didn't know how you guys feel you're going to reveal your secret crush. I have a question. I'm sure anybody that can have six Corgis have everybody paying her and she's always professional. It seems always on and never happy in public. It appears. He's never had not allowed to smile, you know allowed to smile. She is not allowed to be happy. The queen isn't like a you know, what? I still got people in Canada paying the tax through it and she can't be happy about that. She's not allowed to be happy. Is that a real rule? I doubt it. It seems just very proper Davis in a very Prim proper present be overly happy with what they're always just ambivalent about everything. It's like they've just won the lottery does this hat is lovely. This is written to when you're when you get like let off of a crime you're acquitted or whatever do they say, the charges have been dropped against the crown. Is that the they were you Great question. Probably there were saying like in Canada. That was the vernacular using was that for what if someone was if like the case was dismissed here in the US they would say maybe they would be like the charges have been dropped against the crown or from the crown. That's incredible. Wow, the queen though very well revered over there for the most part. Yeah, every I think it goes in waves depending on public opinion is a figurehead right? He's I mean, she's a literal figurehead. Yeah on stamps money coins. Like not making decisions. Whoa. Yeah. I'm sure she chooses what she wears each day. Oh, yeah. Well, that's why she that's why she's so angry all the time. She's gonna fit in that corset every day of her life the the zone, you know, that's that's that's a husband. Are you allowed to say my love are am I going to get buried in England because of what you do? So iterator is he is he like he have no idea. It's just pure conjecture. Yeah, but you don't remember you don't remember. Was me if somebody says it with enough confidence. I'm personally I'm riding with it forever lock it in forever. Like right now forever that dudes wearing one of them things any time. I see him on TV are probably at we come he's got to be so uncomfortable. One of them Kim Kardashian body things stopped at that time everything. We renamed to what's that? Well, they've been renamed to Body Shapers. So thanks. No it was the kimono wasn't it? Then everyone was like you can't cool. You can't call that a kimono. Thinking business advisor should be sad. How do you act how do you guys feel about Megan Mark hold? No. Now you get you get into the red tops and yeah are one way or the other uh-huh. We got an American princess. We like that. We're big fans like that an American has cracked the case the big article of the I last saw and on a UK tabloid was about tax returns. So if you're a US citizen, No matter where you live and work you have to pay us taxes, uh-huh forever. Do you decide to not be a US citizen? That's what you're getting into Governors Island the guardian. I've been actually hey, you can read anyway, Canada the routine here. I'm sorry. But yeah, if the tax returns to she has to file tax returns, but she's now an employee of the crown. They don't want her filing. Tax returns to the IRS. There's a whole big thing going on vacation without representation. But flip Bacon's Gotta Throw Some tea, she's gonna throw some tea into a thing. The IRS says you have to declare gifts. So as a member of the royal family are constantly giving him soon for instance. Their baby has a baby trust fund that they've been given a bunch of stuff to the baby is technically a US citizen under Megan's IRS returns if she's meant to They're all the babies how I love this a mess. I just love UK's in upper or bad. I couldn't so we gotta send some of our money back to America's what they're thinking because basically that's what's happening pumped up about that. I'm excited to see how that old Gus recently. You'll see the royal family of very pool. That's straight mental. Hey, what are you doing to let your people know back there like the royal family the IRS some real gangsters. Don't get that money. Hey, the IRS is going to get that money. Thank someone on the door Buckingham Palace. It's up queen that daughter of yours is from America. She owes us at least 14 of these Mini Coopers shit. I mean she thinks she's pretty big but they put Wesley Snipes in prison. That is the litmus test for how we welcome back to the show. Things are going really well about to wrap it up here Baxter's got one more or two more. Haha is in them. I think you're gonna enjoy listening to I had to stop to tell everybody this Metro you can get as many massages you can do as many stretches and take as many ice baths as you please. If you're not getting a good night sleep you're not recovering properly. You know that petrol. I believe it sleep is the answer last night. I slept like a baby. You know, why hmm I was a lot going on 45 people were in the office. We're launching a live show worldwide live show. We got all this going on this going I slept like a baby. Do you know why how CBD p.m. From your friends at CB D MD. It's a little dropper that has a mint flavor to it that I go ahead and take it. I put it in my mouth. I sit on it for about 30 seconds. Then I get some water and I swallow her down. Well, then 25 minutes later to a tee almost every single night out like a light. Like a light I think we have to pay for that. I think you guys were to on Rhythm that we're going to have to pay for that was too much of a hominid to not be billed. Yeah, we're going to be built by October's very own. Okay, just a heads up that this ad will be edited out of the Germany cast. So if you're listening or watching the show on anywhere, but Germany you should know that CBD MD is the greatest remedy for you. Not only do they have CBD p.m. To put you to sleep. It's an incredible thing that knocks you out and about 25 minutes also makes you feel better because you're recovering over night. CBT. Dummies are also a delicious CBD Infuse got me that come in a 30 count of four mix flavors tropical mixed berry strawberry. Orange take about an hour before bed to help you relax and unwind CBD MD is looking out for you and your body to feel your best right now use promo code Mac for you. Get 20% off. Holy hell that's promo code McAfee for 20% off take your CBD p.m. Your gummies make it a regular routine and your sleep will be better than it's ever been before wake refreshed and take advantage of all that CBD MD has to offer big thanks to CBD MD. Sorry Germany. You didn't get to hear that night. That's what they said to that commercial actually is your boss is editing it out the nine another CBD at all cash. Who's boss zo everyone and tires boss have a boss. Yeah, who's our bosses that you know exactly who that we're back to the conversation. How do you think this relationship with us into zones gonna go question, honestly. Well, how long have you been with the zoo? Well, that's interesting because the zones new I've been with the company that owned his own for five years, but does own a year year and a half. That's how you got the job because you're with the company five years. Can I got up there? Okay, we got this guy Patrick talks about sport in here. He knows the tech stuff pretty good. You can plug in some cables. He'll do the job. I'll tell you what, you are an impressive individual. I really honestly you've area that I had a lot of questions you do like a better Zito. My liver and kidneys. Then that say you're carrying. Oh my God, I deserve that. There's a new rivalry in our office that has captivated everybody originally. It was Todd verse technology Todd McComas would battle against technology hard. Anybody could get emails Delivery Systems T-Shirt Company t-shirt. Yeah. Everybody can get it to see battle with tech toddler stack was a real product. Now it seems as if the entire office has moved on to our new favorite rivalry. Well say that Temptation petrol and Zito have had an incredible rivalry it is it is it is very epic and it's been a one-sided battle. I don't even know if you can call it a rivalry. It's almost like a bug going into the windshield. They did have a moment at about midnight on Saturday night. I'm doing bro Petro looked at him. He said Sido you're actually might be a little bit useful. You guys is a hundred percent true. That's exact sentence. He said now I know why they keep you around. Yeah in a British no shit broke character click. I'll tell you what's either keep your eyes not completely useless fact. Thank you. It's not. You're welcome. This is Pat's. Ship with the zone is just completely new thing for the Zone. Oh, yeah. This is the first time I've ever done made. This is the zones very first Studio that is anywhere in the world amazing. So we have pop-up Studios like for the boxing about a studio, you know for the night somewhere for this is the very first one that's fixed in a building for a show and you guys have Is in Tokyo correct Munich, correct? London, two or three there are three. Yeah, New York City New York, Los Angeles. Nope, you just live there. Yep, Rebel and Jamie Harvest lives as well. But the only real fix studio is in Indianapolis in the city crook. I love this. Yeah, we're very lucky that the Zone decided to team up with us. Yeah. I've no idea what to expect from the whole thing. Honestly have no idea. I'm pretty pumped up about it just be You it's everybody saying yeah, it sounds but we did and we did have a GD drop by the car goddamn by a collar first caller and right before I go on air on I'm stop by one of the design execs go just quick heads up. Congratulations. Like thank you. Oh, yeah congrats to you too. By the way first rule Studio you guys built he's like no we just got cleared for Italy day one. Italy does own would like you I'm like, that's incredible. They're like, yeah, Italy ask for a couple things. The occasional fuck is no problem. Just go ahead and let that flies but they are a Catholic country. Please don't say anything about God or Jesus and I was like, okay, he was like for instance. God dammit not good for Italy. I was like, you got it. I don't know. I said cot damn it. Anyways, that's not a big deal. First caller is like the goddamn and I just thought about the pope like watching and is like in his little popemobile or whatever. You need a picture of the Pope in here just always relish it. Each day bubbleheads bible for the table too. I mean that'll be in Flames. I wouldn't take it easy. Geez. We're trying to win over the pope not just make them assuming that's terrible. I would like to think of the Pope watching our show by the way. I bet he does I would be good that he's turning into. Hey, is that him speak of the devil? Hey, he's got nothing better to see here's the thing about the post. I wonder if we did he would look better with a mustache that I agree. I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna do it. This guy. Is it he's a young guy he's an act. He is in a potent years of Jude Law's. Here's Bill show. Yeah, you're right. I knew he looked thought that was a real thing. This isn't active Pope though. He's active guys out in the community doing a lot of this is just a Ferrari. No, he's got the popemobile. That is you don't need it for Ferrari if you got the popemobile, I thought it know I thought one of the pups had a Ferrari this guy is probably the guy if any Pope had a Ferrari it'd be this particular Pope with the first Italian made. So he's a lot of drivers exactly entering do they do they still choose Pope's? Oh, yeah the same way with the whole seat situation and everything in the Smoke comes out when white smoke car like the seat. The seat has a hole in a quick. Yeah. That's true. Right are you there's a red hat Trail? So when they choose the pope there's there was way back when like Dozens of the years ago, there was a woman who tried to trick people into thinking she was dressed as a as a clergyman as a pope. And so they had a hole cut in the seat after this at the Pope's it's on it so that everything drops through and they just give it a quick to make sure it's a man is this what you do? This is what you guys been taught in history over there in England. I mean, I don't know where I found this from say my head so real because he's just like what you said with this Max width depends. Yeah, man that's been true. I assume you know, The smoke goes up and everyone. Yeah, we don't know much about the Pope. I don't think there's a lot of talk about the pub. We used to be a Catholic country. I think we're not really a Catholic country anymore. Kim McAfee. Fun fact went to Central Catholic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with Dan Marino. Graduated. Same classes. Damn Marina. I got was cold ice cold always a blizzard when Dan was around that. I've been told what's interesting here is these people Praying while looking at the Ferrari father son. Holy bizarre that we got bless you Lambo before you drive. Yeah, and I think I think the pope is even given a little best wishes thing this guys doing the Matthew McConaughey. This guy has his gum. No clue. What's going on? This guy's like I'm actually a Jewish man, but I have a good time here. I shouldn't have this should never have given you this. I just thought was awesome is awesome. There's absolutely awesome. I think this relationship with the zones going to do well for as long as they keep giving you things. Yeah. Okay. Good relationship. Yeah, he's where we like he's got real deep there. I'll let you know. Just got real. Do you like American football? I don't want to say no, but I wouldn't say yes. Did you listen how much layers in a room earlier today a little bit Yeah. I was busy doing other things. He too. I mean, what do you want from me? Well, you were doing your work and I was doing my work. What was the biggest problem with this studio? No, that's a good question. Thank you. Welcome appreciate that man. Probably the workflow side of it. What do you mean by that? So like bringing Graphics in moving video? Around sending things back and forth anything to do is eat. Yeah Point man right in between it basically everything between 0 and props and the almost complicated area. The only issue we have had in building this six-figure studio revolves around two men feet. Oh and Foxy. Yeah, you guys are gonna figure it out. Yeah. That's what we do. That's what you guys do. Yeah. I saw a little bit of stress in Fox's eyes. Yeah yesterday. You're not lying and I saw some deer in the headlights. Look at his you know, I don't like that and that's that's just diabetes on its way. We don't deserve it. We don't deserve the studio Zito didn't deserve that petrol. We're so lucky you want to work for us in the studio and made an incredible. It's incredible. We're very lucky. Well, we're excited. Greg came to meet you all hang out with you. Hopefully it's too much time together a lot of time. How's about you much time? Hey, I was about to just disappear. I never talked to anybody. Again. We had close to 70 people in our office. It felt like the last couple days. How is getting tapped on the shoulder every like 35 seconds. Can I get 80% the same person? Yeah, but it was a lot of questions that had needed answers. I just didn't expect to have to do them right in the middle of everything happening, but I'm happy. We're here. It's like the preseason is like training camp with the sick of everything into the regular season happens. I was about to disappear after the last two days of everybody from The Zone in this office everybody from everywhere in his office. But this morning we kicked off a live radio show. Everything went out went off without a hitch. It was fun. Hey, and now he hey now we go now we go. Well, yeah now we go they won done hardest day of the year, right? Yeah people Never never ever. Forget your first day. Yeah, I'll remember Triple H on the line. I remember our first caller Josh upsetting the pope and possibly get us cancel from an entire country the Boot Country. I remember just go ahead and flowing and recreating the NFL overtime rules. I remember Solaris and I'll never forget that the only problem this studio has is you don't fall you've summed up? Yeah. This has been an awesome day. Cheers to all of you. That's strong. What are we doing? What's it wasn't there's no reason for that too much power that has power my hands. Huh? Good take Burns away from them. Don't worry. Yeah. I guess we'll be back. We'll be back on Thursday. Heartland radio is out tomorrow live radio show 10 to noon Eastern Standard Time all week. We're giving away an Escalade. You have to watch to win the SEC. Lead the way it's working Zito is what key words every single day for the next four days and then you lump them together. Yep, and then on Friday afternoon, we're giving away a Cadillac Escalade, but you have to watch to win. It's a 2017 Escalade not a lot of miles a lot of buttons. I hate it. I bet you'll love it get it out of my driveway and into yours just by watching the pat Mac of you show live on Biz. Oh and don't just go sign up on the Zone all willy-nilly go find the links that we put out there use that link because we get 20 bucks per hour and somebody has to pay for the studio. It's right. It's TJ. It's all about Kickbacks. Yes. Somebody's got to pay for petrol as flight back to Los Angeles with that sir. I'm still stuck here. How long are you here for Tara? Get flight. You may ask us how long we wanted you here. There was never even a thought that doesn't matter now. He told me was off to China next are you that's another couple of weeks? Yeah. Do you say China China? China it's because you went to that school at the BBC's right? I like BBC also mean something very different. We can't thank you enough. Thanks for being with us. Have an incredible day from myself dumpy petrol. Nick digs Todd McComas foxy 0 Ty Schmidt and everybody else from The Zone and are Our office we can't thank you enough. Thanks for fixing with this Ty Schmidt. Hit the music. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Wake up. Mr. Westminster Westminster fresh. Mr. By himself. He's so impressed. I mean damn did you even see the test you get Dee's mom the D's Rosie Perez and yes barely pass any and every class looking at every ant she didn't want every chance. I guess. This is my dissertation homey. Dish this basic. Welcome to graduate. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning on this day. We become legendary everything we dreamed of I'm like a fly. Mm X by any genes necessary Detroit where cleaned up from the streets to the league from my eighth to a key, but you graduate when you make it about its streets from the moments of pain. Look how far we did came hated saying you change now you doing your thing. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. You look at the valedictorian scared of the future while I hop in the DeLorean scared to face the world complacent career student some people graduate, but we still stupid. They tell you read this eat this don't look around. Just keep this reaches teachers Jesus. Okay, look up now. They ain't stole Joe strictness after all that you This good morning. Get on down get on down.
On today’s show, Pat and the boys are finally live from the recently completed new studio. Joining the show is 3x Super Bowl Champion, 2x Pro Bowler, and member of the Denver Broncos’ 50th anniversary, Mark Schlereth. Pat and Stink cover the Antonio Brown situation and whether or not people are misinterpreting the whole ordeal, his thoughts on the ways the NFL is changing, and what the NFL should do about the overtime rule as he called the Cardinals/Lions game on Sunday. Mark also sticks around for some questions from the boys as they discuss his acting career, what it was like meeting The Rock, how the chili business is, and who he thinks is going to win the Super Bowl this year. You’re not going to want to miss this one (2:34-57:45). Also, one of the most electric humans on the face of the earth, one of the main men responsible for the new studio, Technical Operations Director of DAZN and England’s finest, Petro Mnych, joins the show. They discuss how he thinks the relationship between PMI and DAZN will go, what some of the most challenging aspects of building the studio were, what is going on in England right now with the Queen and the Royal family, and Petro busts Zeet’s balls as they chat about their growing friendly rivalry. Today’s show is a good one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
When we talk about colonialism, we talk about violence sexual violence against women, you know, indigenous and African women and that is very much a part of it. And so if we just think over the generations we have to think about how that trauma how that sexual trauma has been passed down. Welcome, evm Benito's to about consent the podcast that Sparks conversations about creating consent culture Foundry repair sexual empowerment orgasm equality and raising a new sexually conscious and consent empowered generation. This is a safe shame free judgment-free zone. We're both survivors and those who support survivors are welcome. I'm your host Russell really better. Welcome to 2020 Happy New Year. I am thrilled about how I'm kicking off this new year and new podcast episode. I have the Deep pleasure of having. Dr. Rocha Restless missa to kick off the new year with the most important topic of all for me, of course, and I'm sure for many of you because it has become a topic in All of our Lives whether we want to admit or accept that or not but consent body autonomy our rights. This is something that's at the Forefront of everything that we do and we don't a lot of times realize how and where the impact comes from. But today I wanted to bring on dr. Rocio because her work has impacted me in so many ways over the last year and I'm super grateful to her and I know that her work will also help you have amazing breakthroughs in your life as well. So I wanted to begin with introducing who she is in case you haven't heard of her and you would probably be under a rock because she has an amazing following and I was lucky enough to meet her earlier this year. So, dr. Rocha Rosales Mesa is a Chicana intuitive energy worker healer and Coach. She has a PHD in counseling. In Psychology and is a Reiki master. She comes from a long line of healers from both her maternal and paternal lineages. Dr. Russell has mrs. Mission is to facilitate mental emotional and spiritual healing for black indigenous women of color from an ancestral and the colonial perspective. She does this work through using her training in Psychology her ancestral wisdom and medicine and her psychic and path and intuitive abilities. He's through her work. She guides women of color to break the cycle of the colonial trauma that is holding them back that is keeping them stuck and that is harming them in ways. They don't even know. Dr. Russell s Mesa works with women of color to uncover their blocks to healing and Liberation so that they can reclaim their power through their intuition. She does this work through energy healings sacred circles virtual courses and coaching. Dr. Russell is Mesa is also a mother a wife. A daughter a sister a comadre a Community member. She is the first generation born on this side of the colonial border and Doctor Mesa is proud of her culture of her ancestors and actively uses them as guides in her work her parents are immigrants and her family originates from what is known as quote Eastland Jalisco Mexico. She is a native Spanish speaker and was raised in Santa Ana, California as the eldest daughter. To a single mother she is committed to her community and working towards Collective healing and Liberation. Dr. Rosales. Mesa is honored to be used as a vessel to serve as a leader healer and teacher Guided by spirit and her ancestors. That was a quite the intro that I know gave you a lot of information and background about her but I think it's important to give you that context so that you understand where were coming from with this conversation which by the way Was profound in so many ways and I think that you're going to get a lot of value from listening to the whole episode. So I know this one's a little bit longer than usual, but I want to invite you to take some extra time today to listen to the complete episode because it is Rich with wisdom and information that is going to open up a completely new perspective for you if you aren't already familiar, Earlier with her work. So without further Ado here is my interview with ducted Rocio Restless. Missa. It is my immense immense pleasure to have you on to kick off the new year for Theo. Thank you so much for being here. Welcome to the show. Thank you. It's my honor to be here and thank you for having me and thank you for all the important work that you do. Oh, well, thank you. Well interestingly enough. That's exactly what I wanted to kick off with was talking about your work and the profound impact that it has had on me in this last year and it actually started I mean we've known each other since I think the beginning of the spring of this year, but when I realized that your work had a deeper impact than I realized was it had started with a conversation that I had had with my mom over the summer when I learned about there was some history of slavery in my family and after following you, you know for the last year it really actually helped me to connect the dots about how Colonial mentality still impacts how we parent today because I realized how my mom had parented me how that affected the way that I view the world and how I viewed parenting even with all of you know, even with all the work that I do with consent parenting and everything, but after that Revelation, you know, what we had talked about how this is something that most people don't realize until Start to unpack it. And so part of my goal today was to have you on to help listeners, see how those dots connect. So I would love to start by asking you to share a little bit about you know, maybe give us the definition of what colonial mentality is and how it affects parenting because again would love for listeners to see how this relates to consent. Yeah, so all backtrack a little bit and tell them what colonial Is amine so colonialism is the process by which Europeans, you know, quote-unquote conquered settled the world and you know, that was African and Indigenous Nations countries lands and that was done by forth. And so it's important to remember that that was done by force and that was also done in the minds of Europeans as a way to progress. World, right? They thought that they were doing something good, right? It was also a very violent process and so colonialism, you know, there was violence associated with it. There was violence on humans violence on lands of violence on culture. So I think that's important for folks to understand just how that happened. Right and that most of us especially folks of color come from that At Legacy of being conquered of being we have that sort of trauma Colonial trauma. We've inherited that through generation. And so it was taking of lands taking of human bodies taking of cultures of knowledge of History. These are all things that were either lost or hidden. I say through the process of colonialism. So how does that transfer to Colonial mentality Colonial mentality? In Academia is defined as when a person of color believes that they are inferior for being a person of color, you know being inferior because they were oppressed by the colonized right? So they've inherited this idea from the colonizer that because I was colonised that happen because I was inferior, right? And that's an idea that that the oppressor put into us we colonised you because you needed it we call And eyes you because you were inferior and then my work sort of extends that because I believe that there are folks of color that are very proud of their culture. Right? So for example, you have latinx folks that are proud of being Latina, but that still have a colonial mentality right that feeling of inferiority still shows up in many. Yeah. It's so Insidious and one of the things that when you started at the beginning And I think it's a really important point because I want to keep tying this back to Parenting right one of the first things that you said was that colonizers thought that they were doing good, right? Yes, and they were using violence to enact obedience. And when we think about parenting the way that it is normalized today is that when we enforce Sometimes using violence to gain a medians, we think we're doing it for the good of the child. And I've now come to see how that is. So connected to this colonial mentality, right? So I think it's incredibly powerful when I mean, I know that when I first came to you with this realization, it was like so mind-blowing to me because when I looked at your work initially, I thought it didn't relate necessarily to me. I didn't really, you know, I thought it was important work. I continue to obviously believe it's important work, but I didn't see how it was relevant. Right and when I realized about my mom You know having Roots within slavery and then understanding why her father was so strict and using violence to you know in this was like violence that was accepted when we say violence nowaday. We think of really like over-the-top kind of violence, but I'm talking about like spankings and like chancla and you know using the belt and all of those things are still violence, but we've normalized him so much that we don't think of them as violence. We just think that's just punishments that were What you needed to do to get a child to obey but they have Ruth in colonization. Is that right? Absolutely. Yes, so we have inherited this idea that other people are property and especially other people that we view as as inferior, right? We view them as property and we end they don't have a ton of me. They don't have sovereignty over their body over their minds and we very much Children as a society we very much of you children in that way. Hmm. And so the ways that parenting is normalized and fortunately, I think we're starting to in do a lot of that. But the way that parenting is still very, you know normal is that children are told what to do that parents have should have control over their children when they don't have quote-unquote controlled their viewed as bad children and folks are viewed as Bad parents if they don't have controlled and these are all ideas again that we inherited from the colonizer to keep someone in line to keep control over someone, you know have someone be obedient and do what we tell them to do. This is not natural. This is something that was passed down from the colonizer that our parents our grandparents learned and so then they started engaging and behaving in this way and I think the Piece that is important to add is that there came a point where they did this to their children to protect them? Right? So when their child wasn't in line, then they became vulnerable to more of the colonizers violin, right? And so they you know, they thought they were protecting by keeping them in line and by maybe being more aggressive with their children and so over the generations, obviously, we don't have a colonizer. With a whip right having direct control over us, but that's the colonial mentality. Peace in our mind the colonizers still lives. And so we've passed this way of raising our children by the generations and one of the really painful and sad things that I that I believe has happened is that we've attributed this way of parenting to our culture like we think that this is just the way that we do things are cultural values. To have control over children, but it that is not ours that is not indigenous to who we are that was violence placed on on our right. Can you give some examples of how Colonial mentality is acted out in day-to-day parenting and even perhaps with language because I know language is you know, I've heard you on another interview and you had brought up the point of how language also is used still today. We don't even recognize it because it's So part of the culture, can you give some examples of ways that parents are still acting out this kind of colonial mentality and again even with language? Yeah. So very simply that when we tell children something as parents that we expect them to immediately do it without question and that we don't even take into account. What is their development like and they even process this we know so much about brain for And we know that they're so immersed in their world that sometimes they don't hear us because they're processing the whole world. Hmm But when we just tell children something and we immediately expect them to do it that is part of colonizer mentality that we that people are not sovereign right that they don't have their own needs their own one and we view children in that way right that they are just there to serve us and Obey right and I think I think we see that so much in the day-to-day inherent in our culture, especially in latinx culture. We are taught to when our parents tell us something we are taught to say Monday which meet like give me an order right and we used to think that that was just like good manners. It's good manners to say month in right? But that again is your you are asking for an order, you know, tell me. For her and so that is like a direct, you know, a very obvious way that the colonizer has made its way into our language even with children. Yes. Yes, and it's interesting. I remember hearing that interview. I believe it was with parenting and politics which is great interview for anyone who wants to listen to that as well. And when I first heard that I realized how often I use it with my mom how often you know, even when I started really like you just have this new You like set of glasses that you've put on to see clearer and you start to pick up on everything and even things like when you're getting up from the table and you say bit of miso like you're asking for permission to be allowed to get up like just even that kind of thing. You know, I just found to be really interesting and with my mom there is a lot like I see it so much more now and picking that apart is a very difficult process because we like you said, I feel like it's out of respect and I think a lot of parents especially grandparents find it very difficult to even want to see it. It's almost like the Matrix where it's like you don't want to admit or see that as part of it. What are some of the ways that parents can then start to become more conscious and aware of how they can make changes to decolonize. Yeah. So I think one is this conversation and raising your awareness and asking, So in what ways you know for myself even in what ways am I not acknowledging my own needs my own wants and what ways am I suppressing those in favor of someone else? Right? And that is what colonialism Colonial mentality is that we suppress our own needs in favor of an external Source whether that be Society or a person, you know and like People in power, right? And what ways do I silence myself? Right? And then how do I do that to my children? How do I silence my tool? How do I not allow them to have a do I not allow them to have needs and wants am I even asking them what their needs and wants are in regards to their time the activities that they have the food they eat all of these things because in Reality as parents. We do have a lot of control over the lives of our children. But if we want to raise children that are free from this trauma, we need to begin to create space for them and ask them questions and give them a voice right? That's at the heart of what I love teaching about as you consent and giving children, even the ability their innate right really to have a voice and to be able to vocalize what they want or don't want with their bodies. And I find that because of the way that we are raised culturally. It's very difficult for parents to see that as an option. Like how do I give my child power like they're supposed to listen to me and do what I tell them and that's just again that that mentality right. So I think yeah, those are great ways for people to start having that awareness is asking a lot of those great questions. So I think that's fantastic. Yeah, and I think you're right. That's the biggest hurdle. It's like it's not having power over. Over its having power with my childlike and also thinking about the future right in the future. I want to raise a free person. I want to raise a person that I'm going to continue to have a relationship with right that that I'm not traumatizing right now into silence and then you know, I think in the teenage years a lot of people wonder parents wonder why is my child no longer sharing with me. Why are they silent? It's because we Submitted them into silence, you know and so always keeping that long view of I want this to be an egalitarian relationship and equal relationship. And I want to keep respect them as a full human. Really? Yeah. Yeah exactly. I love that and it's true when we don't give them that respect which is really what it is. Like we're respecting their sense of being a person right with rights and all of their lives. We've been telling them what and when in to do and they get to a point where they are individuating right? It's a whole new understanding of self and when you've been controlling that their whole lives like there is going to be a resentment towards I want to you know, expand my wings and be a free person right and then there's a clash because parent just never even understood how to do that. Right? So there's a power struggle right which is where I think parents find themselves. Yeah. This episode is brought to you by consent parenting my online platform for Survivor parents to learn how to keep their kids safe from abuse. Did you know that children of Survivor parents have a five times higher chance of being abused because Survivor parents don't know or learn the tools needed to prevent abuse. They tend to overprotect instead of Empower and prepare you can change the statistics by becoming an educated parent get started by downloading. My free guide seven ways to teach your kids about body safety boundaries and consent by going to about forward slash guide. The link will be in the show notes to get your free copy today. Now, let's get back to the show. Now before we because I want to switch gears into talking about how Colonial mentality is actually at the heart of misogyny and patriarchy and how it supports and reinforces rape culture, which is another huge topic which I want to dive into with you. I wanted to ask you in the beginning because you started in Academia and I would love for you to share just a little bit about how you made this really big shift of going from Academia to really what you're doing now, which is you know, focusing on helping folks with even understanding the awareness of colonial mentality and how to decolonize and then also reclaiming intuition which is really a big part of your work now and how you're focusing to help others heal. Can you share a little bit about that? Journey yeah, so my whole life really was since I started in college, it has really been to the goal towards getting a PhD and really that was to help my mom. I saw because I was raised by a single mother. I'm the eldest daughter and so my whole life was like I need to get a PhD to then be able to help her and I accomplished that and I was in Academia for 10 years Academia still I say a very Colonial Empire Mint because it is very white. It is very conservative in terms of knowledge. It's like there's people in power that have the knowledge and those that don't have the knowledge. You need to be quiet and receive from from this other person and even just the way that it's a very toxic environment and I myself am an empath and a highly sensitive person and overtime like it just I was abusing my body. Really and it took a toll on my physical health and the last and I had to take a medical leave when I became pregnant over the course of that time. I was actually fired from the University and that was a big blow and a huge loss for me because I earned tenure which was I thought I had a lifetime job. Hmm when they fired me it really felt like the end of the world for me and I cried. And cried and cried but in reality, I think that that's what needed to happen for me to do this and for me to also speak about that experience and to share that perspective and it's not that I don't believe in higher education. I just think we could do it differently. I think we can do education differently. And I also believe that we don't have to achieve success at a cost to our health and our Mental Health. And so I feel like that was very much needed for my journey to be able to do this work. Like I needed to go through that survive that I had to figure out how to get myself out of you know, get myself healthy again start my life over really in a way where I no longer gave power over something external and where I no longer Place knowledge over my own into it, so these Are all things that I now teach the women of color that I work with and I absolutely still use my training as a psychologist, but I just use it in a different way and you know also talked about reclaiming our intuition. Can you talk about why that has become a greater part of your work now as well? Yeah, so I think for me I just especially for women of color and folks of color we often don't do what is best. Best for us because we think what's best for us is what is told to us. We so easily are vulnerable to accepting influence from other people and that again is directly from colonialism. And so a lot of the things that really were born for, you know, I spirituality is a big part of my work a lot of the things that were put on this Earth for we delay or we don't even choose because we go along With what Society tells us. Hmm, and we do that often to the detriment of our own bodies of our own spirits of our own mind and so for me, the colonizing work is really about doing all of this Paradigm shifts and learning and relearning but also about getting to a place where you begin to trust your inner voice your own your intuition because I believe that that is what is going to lead people to well. - to wholeness to Healing to Liberation. Yeah, exactly. I love that. Well, and one of the things that I talk about when I teach parents through the work I'm doing is also to help children learn how to tune into their intuition and listen to it because I think that's a big part of how we that's something that we're going with and when we can express it when we were young, we grow up not knowing how to tap into it. No as adult and I think particularly for survivors anyone who has experienced boundary violation. It's also something that gets almost stripped of us because if we found ourselves in a situation where we had a voice that was telling us don't go to this don't be with this person, you know, we have an inner voice but we've never trusted it because we weren't raised or taught on how to do that and then we end up blaming ourselves for what happened and there's a lot of shame that gets added. In so I love that you do this work because I think it's very healing in how someone can learn to release shame to start trusting themselves more. There's so many healing properties to that and in terms of being a Survivor just to kind of go back Circle back to that one of the things that I've also really started connecting the dots with more and more as I dig deeper into your work and continue on my journey of researching what Do is how Colonial mentality is again? Like I said at the heart of misogyny and patriarchy and how it reinforces rape culture and one perfect example is anyone who feels like this seems really kind of abstract is a very recent example with TI and his daughter Deja and how he was basically saying her value as a person as property is going to be devalued the Ain't that she is no longer a virgin. And so when I heard about this story, I was trying to educate my audience also about how this really has its roots in the way that women were property when they were married off if and how that all ties back. So can you talk to me about how you because? I know you also talked about misogyny and patriarchy through the work that you do and getting folks to see those connections. Can you talk about how those things connect? Yeah. So one thing that Folks need to understand is that the way that Europeans took over indigenous African countries was through raping the women because the women in these cultures were the most powerful and so how did you take control? How do you have power over these people is by raping them. And so that is very much when we talk about colonialism. ISM we talk about violence sexual violence against women, you know indigenous and African women and that is very much a part of it. And so if we just think over the generations we have to think about how that trauma how that sexual trauma has been passed down and how women it's really an issue of power is that women do not have power women sends colonialism. that power has been stripped away from them and they were deemed as not worthy deemed as property deemed as not even having a voice right so that has passed down to us in terms of even if we survivors especially but even just women of color in general we've learned that we're not in power or that we don't have a voice or that we are just here to serve others and you would Other people and we've learned to almost our survival, you know, those things that were born with a survival tactics our intuition. We learned over the generations to silence them as a survival technique, right because we didn't do what the colonizer told us. We would be killed and so that has been those behaviors of silencing. Our voice has been passed out and then has become normalized. And it's through this work that then women of color begin to realize that this is not something that's natural. This is not my fault even or not listening because I think also when people start learning about this work there is a layer of Shame, you know of like I wasn't honoring my voice I wasn't doing these things and I always say it's not your fault and to have compassion or where you are. Our anything compassion for just the generations of trauma that you are undoing. You know that it's okay to be where you yeah, I love them. I love that. It's so true and it's so needed for women to hear that because women do Blame A lot of times the situations that they put themselves in and we that was something that I grew up with for a really long time was being told like don't wear the skirt. That's too short or red lipstick or be in the wrong place at the Wrong time. So it was always putting the pressure on yourself of not doing the wrong thing. And then if you did for whatever reason find yourself as a victim of sexual abuse or any other kind you still blamed yourself, even though you knew it wasn't at the heart, you know, it's not your fault, but you still feel responsible because of what you know, what culture and your family perhaps even told you so I think it's important to break that concept down to understand where those things come from so you can really Not just say it on the surface to say it's not my fault, but to really understand it in like a deep level. You know, I think that that is really healing as well to know because I when I started to realize it when I started to see those differences and understand where these Concepts and ideas came from I understood one on a heart level on a root level versus just like to know it as a sort of an affirmation, you know, what are some things that women can do? Tickly women of color say no that's who you work with specifically that they can do to impact our Behavior or you know how to impact culture in a way that is just by simple things that we can do either with ourselves or with the way that we interact with other people. What are some of the things that you recommend that that women can sense. Yeah. So I think the work it can feel overwhelming sometimes and so if you're listening and and you're feeling like this Is so much and where do I start? You know, I always say it starts with you. It starts with how you interact with your cell, right? And again, how can I honor myself whether that's like even down to Basics? Like am I getting enough rest? Am I allowing more rest and sleep? Am I feeding myself foods that are nurturing and these are things that can seem very simple, but that are not Simple because over the generations because of this colonial trauma. We've been taught to deny our needs right that it's more about work and it's more about serving other people that I just exist to serve other people. And so when we start to just take a step back and ask ourselves, what do I need? Right? How can I honor myself? How can I allow for rest for myself, right? What can I do for fun? Like to bring joy into my life right and not what other people want or what I can do for them and and how I can make other people happy, but how can I make myself and that is huge that is revolutionary. That is you beginning to undo this colonial trauma. That is you standing up for yourself. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I love that too because I know from even a Survivor mentality which I'm grateful. I moved past to feel like I'm thriving now and I think that came from realizing true self worth and how it doesn't come from having to serve everyone and people please and just give give give in your for them to see my worth and then when I started to realize how that actually does come from that Colonial mentality, which is so crazy how Insidious it is because like I learned it from my mom who learned it from her parents. Parents of how to throw worth comes from how you give and how you serve and how you deliver it to someone else and then expect to receive the accolades Right Said of knowing that you are innately worth, you know worthy. Yeah regardless of what happened to you regardless of and again, even the whole idea of a Survivor because of assault feeling like you're less than because your value as a person has somehow been tainted or It has you're no longer virginal or Pure or whatever. It was that you know that idea like all of those things. I can see the roots of it in all of that. So it's fascinating and when you talk about, you know, something as simple as rest, it seems so simple, but I know for my mom, for example, it's really hard for her to do and yeah, yeah, it's crazy. So I think those are really important basic foundational steps. And once you feel like you can are those you can you know move on to those next this so I love that and I think when folks think of like rest and all these things right think about it as taking back your power and think about it as also taking back your ancestral power now a my resting for my mother and for my ancestral mother's right. The reason why we don't feel worthy of resting is because our ancestors were not allowed to do that. Right with the reason why we don't feel Worthy is because the colonizer place that into us to control us. The reason why women don't feel like they just are worthy just because they aren't they needed us to believe that to control them. And so always thinking that it's related to that power to control right? And when I do these things like resting like allowing myself like asking myself, what do I want in? You know not what does my family want? What do I want? You know and how can I set boundaries so that I can create Sacred Space for myself that is you re claiming that how that is you taking them? Yeah, exactly. There's so much and one of the things that you know, one of the reasons I wanted to bring you on was to get people to learn about what you do in the work that you do because I want them to start to follow your work and so I would love to I want to invite listening to definitely check out that the rocio's work. How can people find you what is on the horizon for you? First of all, and then also how can people connect with you if they're interested in learning more about you? Yeah. So this month in the beginning of the month, I have a webinar just to kind of introduce breakdown colonialism and Colonial mentality for folk because it is deep work. You know, I realize it's not work where you just read about. About it one time or take a course like that's ongoing. It's really healing healing work. And so I'm going to have a webinar at the beginning of this month. And then I'm going to have a coaching group towards the end of the month where I take a group of women just ten women to really dive deep into this work. And so that's what I have and I'm really excited just about having folks really go on this journey for themselves and And began to uncover this for themselves and really begin to heal from them. I love that and you also you're on patreon, of course, so people can still connect with you that way as well. Yes, and I'm also on patreon and so I have a circle that I do with women of color every month and if there are just simple questions that something that they're going through that they want to receive coaching related to this work. They have a question. Like how does this apply to me? Or you know? No, I heard you on this podcast and this made me think of this and I want to ask you a question patreon is a great way to do that. I show up live monthly awesome. So how else can people connect with your work because I mean, I know you're on Instagram, but you recently started a second page. So can you talk a little bit about that also because I find what recently has been happening as fascinating and I think it speaks to the culture of people pushing back on you no fear right it Down to fear he talking about that. Yeah, so I am on Instagram at dr. Russell has misled Dr. Dot will Salas Meza and I created a backup account because really like this work that you and I do is really about this man playing the patriarchy and a lot of folks push back against that I know that you've seen that in some of your lives, you know pushback from people and so whenever you do dismantling work, Of the patriarchy there is going to be pushback and there is going to be men that are not okay with this workout and we'll want to shut down the work and so on Instagram I created a backup account just to you know preserve that Community just as a safety measure and so that's dr. Little said is messed up without the dot and I am also on Facebook and I am going to get back to lives doing on their to have these conversations. Live and they're saved on there for folks to view and I have conversations about this awesome. And then of course you have your website where people can connect with you directly as well. Yes. Perfect. Yeah. I like I said, I found you while we connected through different totally different way, but we connected in the beginning of the year and it has really taken all of this time to really connect the dots. Right and not that I wasn't doing that before but when I first connected with your work, like I said, I didn't realize how it impacted me until I made that connection with my mom and having that conversation and ever since then I actually have now a genealogist that is going to help me dig into all of that history to really understand because I had no idea how that was acting, you know and to help me make so many changes now with the way that I continue parenting and learn more and more each day. So I think Your work fascinating. I hope that listeners will check you out. I'm an of course post all of those links in the show notes, and I wanted to end the episode each week or every time that I have a guest. I always ask them to offer some advice on one of the main topics which I talk about on my podcast which are consent boundaries or sexual empowerment. So I always ask them to choose one topic to give advice on what would you like to give the listeners some advice in relation to one of those topics? Yeah. Yeah, I think boundaries is a big one. I think boundaries is a big one and boundaries also for women is just is again a paradigm shift and I want them to know that it's setting healthy boundaries again is a way to reclaim your power. It is also a journey and it is also a process and so initially it's going to be very difficult. And so I just want to normalize that don't give up. When someone doesn't honor your boundary right to continue, it's a process that folks will continue to have to respect and you have to keep holding the line. You have to keep holding the line for folks to honor your boundaries because you are teaching them a new way to treat you and interact with you and that in setting boundaries. You are really honoring your and so I just want to normalize that it's going to be difficult. Walt that it's going to take time but that you are worth it and that you are not a bad person a mean person for setting boundaries really setting boundaries is about respecting and honoring yourself and respecting the relationship that you have with another person because you set boundaries to preserve related. So I want folks to like change their perspective about how they view boundaries boundaries are really love, you know. Love for myself and love for that relationship. So knowing that it's going to be a process and knowing that really it's a gift for yourself. And for the other Hallelujah, I you know, that is so perfectly said love is boundaries and it is respecting that relationship. So I absolutely love that. Thank you for sharing that. So, let's see. Oh, thank you so much for being here. I absolutely loved our conversation. And I know that this is a deep topic. I was like likely invite you back on the show later this year so we can dive into yeah because there's so much to dig into it and particularly parenting this topic goes deep with respect to consent. So I hope that you come back and join us again, and I can't wait to hear your feedback listeners about this. So thank you to CEO for being here. Thank you for having the listeners. Thank you again for joining us. And I know that you're going to get so many light bulb. From this conversation. I would love for you to share them with us screenshot this if you're listening on your phone screen shot it and tag us posted on Instagram and tag us both. We would love to know. What was your best takeaway from today's episode and just be sure to follow that the Rocio again. The links will be in the show notes, and I can't wait to hear from you until next time stay in powered. I'll talk to you next time. Bye don't miss the The next episode be sure to subscribe to the podcast and I would be so grateful. If you took one minute to post a 5-star rating and reviews on iTunes. So that others can also find this information. I will be shouting you out and thanking you on the next episode if you found this useful be sure to share it with others as well. Let's continue to create consent culture one conversation at a time stay empowered.
You know how I roll by now... I like to go deep! And in this episode we definitely dive into all the things!There are so many parts of this podcast that will open your eyes and I can't wait to hear your feedback! In this episode Dr. Rocio Rosales Meza and I talk about:What colonial mentality isHow it influences the way we parentHow it relates directly to consentHow it infiltrates our current language and cultureThe ways that it can affect our mental wellnessHow tapping into our intuition can be liberatingThe connections that colonial history and colonial mentality have deep roots in rape cultureWhat we can begin to do to decolonize our mindsThings we can begin to do to take back our powerWhy this all matters to women's rights and WOCLinks Mentioned In The EpisodeWebsite: Subscribe & Review in iTunesAre you subscribed to the AboutCONSENT™ podcast? I don’t want you to miss any episodes. I’m adding Spanish episodes to the mix this year and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!If you love any of the episodes, I would be super grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too! your review helps others find my podcast (plus reading them gives me life!). Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favourite part or takeaway of the podcast is. Thank you y gracias!
Hello and welcome along to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host it but night and I'm a general and today on the show. We're going to be talking about goal setting and this is particularly important with it because it's the new year was still in January. And I know that a lot of people are still setting goals thinking about their goals and starting to implement them. So we're going to be talking about first of all what goes into a golden eye. I know we've talked about this a little bit before the new year as well, but it's worth repeating and going back over and go more in-depth into it. And then we're going to be talking about the sort of goals that property investment is a good a good tool to achieve and the sort of goals that aren't we're probably investment isn't it a good tool to achieve that goal. So Andrew we've been talking about well what actually goes into a goal. I've got three things. You've got three things. Why don't you take us through your three things actually know my ones coming next I think. Yeah, sorry lessons and I'm toe and ha ha ha ha. Well, I always say the three things you need are there is simple you want to figure out what do you actually are trying to achieve so property investment is just a tool it's a it's a means to an end. So what I want you to do is start thinking about your end first. Now the in that we're going to talk about today is sending your children to private school. I wanted to choose something that was a bit different from the usual retirement. So, what are you trying to achieve? Achieve then what you want to figure out is when you want to do it by so in this example and this actually comes from a an article that Andrew and I wrote for Juno investment magazine. So we see that you've got say two toddlers now, so they're both three years old you want to send them to a private high school? Well, if they're going to start in 10 years as far as when that's to attend you've got ten years to achieve that to build up the amount of money you need in order to do that. And then third you need to know how much so we'll map that out. Minute, but those are the three things I always say our goal needs what you're actually trying to achieve when you want to do it by and if it's a financial goal how much you're going to need to make that happen now enter what are your two? So my points I think that are really really key when you're sitting a goal is the accountability side of things and so there are two main points to this firstly as visibility and that and that's kind of your own accountability. So so making sure that you have your goal stuck on a Post-It note on your computer screen at work that you've got it on the fridge or Home that you always seeing this goal make it the background of your of your screen on your on your phone or something like that or all of these things just make sure that that's always at the Forefront of your mind so that so that you're jogging your memory that this is my goal and my am I doing something today to kind of get me towards that the other thing is actually having accountability to someone else. So making sure that you tell your spouse or your tell a friend and you make sure That you actually then what you more likely to do it if someone else is going to be seeing you on and saying hey, you know, how is it has that gym membership going whatever it is. And I know some people get a bit worried or scared about wanting to tell people think that they might you might think well, I don't want to tell people what my goal is because what happens if I don't achieve it, that's the point Jinx we didn't even plan that but that's the point because you're going to be able to use that that motivation to not look stupid in front of your friend. To make sure you actually go and do it. Now. What I want to do is walk through especially the what when and how much with it within this the studio investment article that we've got and what I'm really getting at. First of all when talking about goal setting and property investment is that property investment is a very good way to achieve long-term wealth and as we just talked about in the previous episode property investment is not necessarily a good way to get a lot of cash now, so if you want to go out and buy a boat now. Like today probably investment is not very likely a good tool to help you go and do that if you want to go and buy a big boat in 10 years and you want to buy a much bigger boat Rob investment. Great way to do that. So we often talk about retirement. Let's talk about sending your kids to private school because I know a lot of the reason why people want to grow their wealth is for the kids and we actually get a lot of people coming to us when they've just had a header and a newborn baby saying hey Riley, I'd let's let's do something and we probably think that's because because they want to do something for their kids. So let's map this out. We've said the what we want to send to kids to private school that both three years old now, they're going to start when they're 13. We know the wind now is going to take us 10 years to be able to do this. Well, let's map out how much it's actually going to cost to be able to do this. So right now your average private school probably cost just for the school fees about $25,000 a year. I went on to some private school. It's kind of got a bit of an average. That's we've got it from now. Of course, we're not going to aim for 250,000 dollars which is you know, 25k Times by 10. We're going to aim for more because of inflation. So if you are trying to calculate what your how much your 10-year goal is going to cost you now, here's a really Pro tip just multiply it by 1 Point 2 2. So if we assume that inflation is 2% each year and that compounds then it's going to be 22% more expensive in 10 years. So that means that we're estimating that a Year's worth of private school tuition. It's going to cost about thirty thousand five hundred dollars each year, which means we're aiming for about three hundred and five k as how much we're going to do. So, how can you make 305 K in cash over 10 years so you can see and little Jimmy and Jane off to to die o or Kings or wherever you're trying to trying to send them to so what I actually do is it Just compete property investment versus savings right now. If you wanted to make that much money just by savings you'd have to save five hundred and forty eight dollars every week starting right now to achieve that goal and that includes both interest and tax on any interest that you've earned. So we've worked that out. So you could say five hundred and forty eight dollars every week in order to do that the alternative that we've mapped out is to say so you invested in a property. And a property with five hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and let's say that property goes up at five percent in value Capital Growth every single year compounding over that ten years and bear in mind that the media New Zealand property actually grow over the last over the last 10 years at five point nine percent. So we've been a bit conservative there there. Now. Let's say you did it completely with a hundred percent lending of Leverage your own owner occupier home and put no kashin up front in order to be able to do. Based on what we've talked about over 10 years that property would then be worth eight hundred and fifty five thousand dollars pretty reasonable. So what that actually means is if you didn't pay down any of the principal you were on an interest only loan over those ten years you've now got three hundred and thirty thousand dollars of equity within that property. So what do you do you go you sell that property pay you real estate agent. You've got about three hundred five thousand dollars of cash to put it in a savings account ready to pay your kids. School fees each and every year and then what you do for that is if that's got a little bit of Interest happening on it that's going to pay pay for inflation and you've got that money ring-fence for your kids education. Now, what did that actually cost because you've gone out and bought this property with a hundred percent lending. It's probably going to be negatively geared especially in the first year. So say you're topping it up by fifty dollars a week say well over 10 years and say say that continued for ten years and that's not actually realistic because we know that Properties tend to become positively geared over time because rents increase faster than your cost. Oh, you'd actually have only bought an $28,000 28,600 dollars over that 10 years which in 10 years time is actually going to be less than one year's worth of private school tuition. So essentially you've 10x your Equity or your money. It's about actually 11 times. You will the money you've actually put in through property investment and I think what this comes down to Two is that property investment is a very efficient way of increasing your wealth. That's because enabled in order to get the deposit you're able to leverage your own home. You're then able to leverage that deposit again to buy a much more expensive asset and then you leverage your tenants rent to be able to pay the majority of the expenses on that property when you've set it up in this way. And so there we go in 10 years you seen little Jane and Jimmy off to some cuffs and die. Well, not Jimmy. He will go somewhere else, maybe some kids or something like that or Christ College out down in Christchurch. And that's one way in order to be able to do that. But really what are we saying? It all comes back to when you're you know, we're not saying that you should send your kit necessarily send your kids off to private school or that you you might want to be able to do this. But if you've got a long-term goal three things will five things you need to do figure out what you want to do when you want to buy and then run some rough calculations. Turns to figure out what do you need to make it happen and then consider is property investment the right tool to make that goal happen and if it's a long-term goal that cost a lot of money chances are property investment is probably a good strategy to be able to build that wealth. A great if it let's wrap up the show show there. Now look, please don't forget to write a review And subscribe to the podcast really helps us get the message out to more and more people and hey, if you want to learn more about property with Andrew, and I then why not check out if it guide to mortgages, this is a nine and a half thousand word article that we've lovingly written over the Christmas break to teach you both how to get a mortgage and then pay it off quicker. So we're going to link to that in the show notes and it's definitely worth a read. Thanks for listening to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Edward night Andrew niccol property Market until this time.
In this episode, we discuss how to set financial goals in 2020. We outline a 5-step process: What – figure out what you want to achieve When – decide when you want to achieve it by How Much – calculate how much that goal is going to cost Remind – set up reminders of your goals that you'll see frequently Get Accountable – tell a friend about your goal to make sure you're accountable to it An example of this would be: What – Send my two toddlers to private high schools When – In 10 years once they both turn 13 How Much – $305,000 for 10 years of education, accounting for inflation Remind – Put a cut out of the high school's newspaper ad on the fridge at home Get Accountable – Tell your partner or siblings that that's what you want to do. We walk through this exact example within this episode and show how property investment can be the right tool to achieve your financial goals. We also go over that property investment is not the only tool you can use and property is not the right tool for every financial goal. Finally, we also discuss mortgages and our new Epic Guide to Mortgages. This is a 9-500-word guide that you can read to learn both how to get a mortgage and then pay it off faster.
It is Friday the 9th of August 2019. My name is Jeremy Martin and welcome to episode 52 of the Stock Market Movers podcast. Just a quick reminder that nothing that I say today should be considered Financial advice. And if you looking for financial advice, I recommend that you speak to an authorised financial advisor. So just before we get into the main content for the episode, I'm just going to do some off-the-cuff stuff about what's happened in the markets and the last week or so and what's happened in the markets. You know, you've hit your head Donald Trump tweeting. Obviously, there'sI think unusual but more has been some reaction to the interest rate decreases in the United States and everyone else around the world seems to be jumping on that bandwagon and following up with their own interest rate decreases as well. As you know, and that in the past, I've said that I find interest rates virtually impossible to predict and it seems the rest of the market is feels the same way because I guess if you think about the narrative and interest rates throughout the year, I remember back in December and January the narrative was the interest rates are definitely increasing then it was it is interest rate so you can a decrease and then they got they got cut back a little bit and and then it was all now maybe that was a one and done and we're going to get back to increase in so figuring out what happens there is This is pretty difficult. Obviously typically interest rate decreases are good for stocks. I think what you what you saw in the markets was the pricing in of that hit Nina was a typical buy the rumor sell than used type situation in after it happened. The stocks pulled back a bit. It is an interesting one the interest rate thing. I mean, we're getting pretty low. I guess the concern for me regarding the interest rates is that you know, the economy has Down there's no doubt about that, but it's not like we're in a recession or anything like that. So I guess my concern is if we do get to a situation where something did something major happens to the economy. Then the Reserve Bank might not have any strength left in its bow in terms of levers that can pull because we're already at one percent or whatever we are. So I guess that's my concern. I suppose the second thing. Is that what we did seem to be reactionary to what happened in the United States and in the other countries that followed suit So I guess if we're going to be reactionary about things, I guess the Warriors what would happen if the United States started? Significantly increase the interest rates and then we would we go for the old we would we would we be forced to be reactionary as well. So those are some some concerns that as I said, I don't think too much about interest rates. So for today's episode, we're doing an interview really interesting interview. I hope you enjoy it as with the CEO of a company called every Edge Global. They are a company that's based in New Zealand. I interview the chairman and CEO Paul Adams what they specialize And is the is basically anything related to business and intangible assets. So they specialize in value intangible assets. They specialize in just just anything to do with intangible assets. So the conversation we have is purely focused on intangible assets. So and we Define intangible assets we have examples of intangible are seriously who Paul talks about how to Value intangible assets the different ways to look at the valuation of intangible asset in tangible assets as a very very interesting conversation. I hope you enjoy and we'll pick up will pick up from where we kicked off the other day. Right. So I'm sitting here with poetic M's the CEO of every Edge, which is a company in Auckland that specializes in the valuation of intangible assets. So I'm just going to start Paul by reading a quote from your website and it goes in 1975 and tangible assets accounted for 17% of company value today at 87% So I guess if you can start off by explaining to people what an intangible asset is and then we can go from there. Absolutely. So intangible assets. I like put in a very simple way intangible assets are all assets and a business you can't drop on your foot. So those includes the things that people typically think of such as patents and trademarks, but they also extend into things like data content Brands Trade Secrets confidential information know how regulatory approvals, you know plan variety Wright's design rights all of those kind of things and what's really interesting. Ting about intangible assets is that they are now most of the value of most companies. So as is the quote say is there in 2015 there were 87 percent of the value of the entire S&P 500 was an intangible assets and distinctly enough of you take the S&P 500 value and you strip out real estate the real estate assets then that figure Rises of intangible asset value Rose to about 96 percent, right? If you look at the top five companies by market cap globally. It's about 98.5 98.6% So you're talking companies like apple Facebook Google. Exactly. Yeah, basically all of your value is an intangible assets. If you look at say your average startup, they're basically all intangible, right? And so you've got these Super Hyper valuable intangible assets that are sitting there. Now. What's also really interesting is that this wasn't always the case if you went back to 1975, for example, 40 years then intangible assets accounted for Billy 17% of company value so over that 40-year period we've had literally a 70% shift in the market from a concentration on tangible assets things like cars trucks planes ships plant and Equipment real estate to 40 years later virtually all value is now in these intangible assets. So there might be a bit hard for some people to get their head around because most people were dealing with the tangible SS day today. What would you say like say like Qantas for example, which would have all the aircraft and it pains and everything like that. So there's obviously still a big tangible asset component in the air. So how does that play out the relationship between tangible and intangible assets? Yeah. So you Qantas is actually really interesting example because or in New Zealand from the Qantas. The reason why Qantas is an interesting example is because in 2015, I think it was Quan has had the value of its data in its Loyalty program valued at four and a half billion dollars, right and Qantas is market cap is about 19 billion dollars exactly a half the value of the airline. Yes, just in the data and if you look at their margins that they earn of the Loyalty program, they make four times the margin on the lofty program data monetization, then they do flying people around the world. So they are actually a lot more about data and all those other intangible assets than they are actually around moving people around the world run. And that's the case what's really interesting about intangibles is that's the case for virtually all companies and even companies that look really big and heavy and tangible actually turn out to be about their intangible assets. So the example I always give is a steel mill steel mills the most big heavy tangible thing. You can imagine, you know, you drop things in there hurts and lands on your foot. Lots of people in blue overall Sparks Etc and very tangible now imagine I gave you a steel mill. So here go have a steal. Well, it's free, but the catch is you don't get to keep any of the intangible assets so you don't get to keep the for example the industrial know how right how to run them all you don't get to keep the customer data. You don't get to keep the regulatory approvals that I will you to run them or you don't get the software that runs at either processes. You don't get the system's the processes the confidential information you get the brand customer relationships customer data supplier relationship Supply data all of those things. Mmm, very quickly becomes apparent. You can't run the mill. All right, and what that means in isn't is that the real value in the mill is the ability to run out to safely and efficiently and all of that is based in the intangible assets which means what generates the Mills value what generates its margins its Revenue all of those things are the intangibles and the assets themselves regardless of what any accountant tells you are actually liabilities. Yeah tangible assets the mill itself the physical buildings and everything else. Liabilities the real value in the mill are the intangible assets, but what how would it work in the situation was if you didn't have the mill itself, you wouldn't have the tent intangible assets, right? Well, yes, there are certain degree or yes, and no because those intangible assets are actually far more flexible and movable and transferable than the mill itself. I can't pick them all up and transfer it. I can pick up many of those intangible assets and move them. Right and this is one of the this is one of the things the things don't exist. Just in isolation but intangible assets are typically far easier to move than tangible ones and that by the way, and it was this is a much bigger conversation off of the side is one of the reasons why governments are increasingly facing big problems with their tax base because dirty little secrets 60% of all international trade is actually in intra-company transfer pricing Arrangements, right? So all of the trade we see happening around the world, you know, whatever it is. Cites a hundred trillion dollars sixty trillion of that is actually an intercompany transfer pricing Arrangements underpinned by intangible assets and by that so just I might not understand you correctly by that. Do you mean Facebook selling to Facebook in New Zealand or exactly right precisely and what that is all ultimately about is about essentially Forum shopping for the lowest tax tax rate, right and that in there only reason that's possible is because of this tremendous shift and frail you from Tangibles turned down jables, right because 40 years ago. When all the value was in the tangible assets. You couldn't pick up the factory and move it around. Right? Whereas now with the rise of the Google's the Facebook's apples of the world. They can move their brand they can move their know how their Trade Secrets confidential information data, wherever they want in the world and park it there. And that means that is a tremendous problem for for tax authorities for start but it has big nor con applications right throughout the economy, but the key point is you know you Money the values ended up in the intangible asset and when you say the government's might have a problem does does that do you mean in the sense? You hear in the news about say Facebook because there's an example might make ex-military many millions of dollars in revenue and New Zealand, but pay zero taxes example. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, no question. And this was going to be one of the reasons why you know, it's it's, you know, we don't need to worry about it now, but the cgt was always going to have a problem as well because cgt so much the value in these companies shifted into Angels will what are the intangibles worth? Fortunately Winston killed that for us. So the India get to the situation where you might see government's gift with diversion about here that you might see government's Tax and Revenue as opposed to text and profitability or how will that work? Well because if a I guess Facebook and that situation is just taking the money from New Zealand and out of New Zealand as an example. Yeah, and it actually I mean there are some very big implications and the see this is one of the there's some very big implications of the shift because well the All this value has moved what hasn't caught up. The accounting standards are and what the accounting standards essentially tell you about. The treatment of intangibles is in without boring everybody on this podcast. I know this is a accounting standard one who they can tell you is account extends essentially tell you there are three ways to treat intangibles either number one. They're completely off-balance free as in these literally don't even make a relish a turtle. Yeah none that that would be something like Coca-Cola carrying no value for its brand on the video. See ya. Exactly something along those lines number two. They go on under Goodwill and good will obviously is the price between what the market says the business is worth and essentially it's fixed assets and cash the difference being the Goodwill essential in the business and they don't appear on the balance sheet as Goodwill if it's a takeover exactly, right? And so what you end up with is a scenario where you've got this big sort of rubric there's term Goodwill and you just sweep a whole lot of value in there. And because you don't know what's inside it, right and then the third place Very occasionally find intangible assets is that they go on as cost. Now, the problem with cost is that unlike tangible assets cost of the cost of the intangible asset the the cost of and unlike with with a tangible asset fixed a physical asset. There's typically a correlation between the the inputs and the value of the of the product itself. So the mug that I'm holding here, for example, you know, there's a relationship between the the materials that went into this. In the labor Etc as value at this mug is never going to be worth a billion dollars right the but with intangibles that is very little correlation between cost and value because you can have actually very little and puts into something that ends up being with a huge sum of money. So the classic case I always give is Instagram. So Instagram on the day, it was purchased by Facebook had 12 staff. Basically. No Revenue. Hmm it And essentially no fixed assets couple of laptops and things Instagram. I've hundred million dollars or something was hundred billion dollar bill in Dallas, right? Yeah, but then here's the real kicker. It was only four and a half thousand lines of code and Instagram writing software code to give you an Indian give you a point of comparison the average new car today contains a hundred and ten million lines of code. So there's the the inputs to Instagram or extraordinarily small but its value was a billion dollars, right? So what this tells you if we step back a second. What's the treatment of July sits. Well, they're either off-balance sheet. There are on under good well in which case they tend to get lost or they're on a cost and cost is massively inaccurate as a measure of intangible a survey. So what that essentially all adds up to is it wasn't a problem when intangibles are 17 percent a company value because you can kind of get away with it. But at 87 90% of all of the value as misrepresented on the balance sheet that creates was hugely distortionary effects and how we analyze Lies in understand company value today and that is that has a whole lot of knock on applications because Company accounts Drive company reporting, right? So the accounts and if rescind Gap dry the you know, accounting standards of enforcement Gap Drive Company accounts Company accounts Drive company reporting company reporting in turn drives three key things. It drives management Behavior their drives regulation and it drives Capital flows in all of those things are being distorted by the fact that the intangibles were sure where all the real value is are not accurately reflect in the company accounts. And in fact, there's a there's a very interesting professor at New York's turn University. He's a professor of Finance and Accounting is name is Professor Brooke live and he's written this and his entire area practices are an intangible assets and he talks about the fact that And modern accounting what we call Modern accounting is actually 19th century Industrial Age accounting. It was designed for a time when you made physical objects, and and you shipped physical things around the world and your inventory in stock and a whole bunch of other things that you worried about and he said that that is simply not relevant for many companies today and he wrote a very interesting article in the Harvard Business Review, which you talked about the fact that if you look at most modern digital companies, you know in this part of the world the zero. The alaskans ETC, you know offshore Google Facebook Microsoft Intel Amazon excision their accounts tell you virtually nothing about their performance about the accounts. You mean the balance sheet the valency founded the first standard of first and GAP and he wrote another interesting book for those who are really her Geeks like me and this regard are interested in this kind of accounting and economic theory called the end of accounting and in which he basically outlines that the conventional counting roles are massively distorting how we You companies and that in turn distorts as I said management labor regulation and capital flows. So for me right has a very long way of answering the question that's good. If I'm looking at a company and I'm looking at its financial statements. I don't take any consideration at all into the balance sheet. I'll look at the balance sheet to see if they're going to be solvent and then next year pretty much but in terms of valuing the company, I'll look primarily at what the company is producing or what I think they can produce. Yeah and How if any has the valuation of intangible assets changed? I'm not off-balance-sheet evaluation as far as a different to tangible assets or how do you how do you think about that? So this 2 is really interesting because sometimes people say that's okay. Well, I can understand I get it that it's a problem on the balance sheet, but we only really look towards the p&l. So maybe the p&l save us well, and I'd love to claim this as my example, but it's actually from Barack live. He says look imagine two companies one is company a and Company B. Both companies start out with ten million dollars in cash and they both said they both have an objective of being able to manufacture product X and come be a makes a decision that it's going to take its ten million dollars in spend it on RD and the are the out the outcome of R&D are intangible assets going to generate intangible assets and those intangible assets are going to enable it to manufacture products company be takes a different approach. It says I'm going to take my team. Dollars and I'm going to go by intangible assets or I might buy a company that owns intangible assets that and will enable me to make manufacture product X right because in both cases, they're essentially creating something new that enables them to create product or manufacture products. They both end in the same class. Right? Both of them have taken 10 million dollars it's gone and they now can both manufacture product X, but if you think about it from a p&l perspective company Ace perspective it did the ird that will typically show up as an expense and the pl yeah and that depresses earnings and Company B's case that's going to show up as an intangible asset in this case will actually show up or likely as either good. Well those and make sure intangible asset on the balance sheet and that and that looks like the company is more valuable, right? So in between those two companies, they're identical the boat's been same amount of money the both achieve the same effect, but one looks like it's got depressed earnings one looks as like it as a healthier balance sheet now that right. Large across the economy is actually a massive problem because clearly straight away. You can see what happens. Well, it rewards companies go out and buy other companies for example, and it punishes companies that for example why I want to do R&D. Yeah. And so that's why if you talk to very large companies, for example United States, they go out and buying sprees because it makes them look better. Yeah, for example, there's also if you're saying it creates bed and centers and bad behaviors exactly and that was my point about, you know accounts Drive reporting reporting. Ives management Behavior Capital flows and Regulatory behavior in addition to which you you've then start to draw on tax as well because from one of the reasons why you know companies for example might choose to expend stuff as because it depresses earnings are reduced intensity. Yeah, right. So so there are the this is really problematic. Now the now before I get any irate accountants writing in to me about what your name is the Shoo. It's a really fixed issue for the accounting profession because the problem which they very quickly point out is how do you value this is going to ask them. Right? And and that is that is very very challenging and I can imagine all the Crooked jury that would follow yes from people trying to evaluate themselves. And yeah and for a while in fact there was a period in until the 1990s where for example, you're allowed to do some fairly odd things like, you know, for example put in 10 July sits on the balance sheet and my mastheads people put bought newspapers put mastheads on the balance sheet revalued them up and did all sorts of other quackery the and I can see why the the accountants have taken the position that have the problem that they've got is that it you could again you could get away with that you could get away with essentially saying we're not going to address the issue of intangible assets when it was such a small portion of the economy and we were still flying things around and it was still really about Little stuff but today when it's so dominant and so much economic value is dependent upon it we can no longer ignore the question of what is the value of intangible assets and my answer to the accountants when they say this or we don't know how to Value it is to say if you went back a hundred fifty years. We didn't know how to value a lot of things. Yeah, right. We didn't know any of the multiples and ratios we take for her for granted today PE ratios earnings per share a whole lot of other ratios that today. We just know we should look to could you Get the value in a lot of cases people do there any way through the market cap? Thanks. So you might have the tangible assets of a million dollars, but the market cap might be 10 million dollars and that's the valuation of the that's the really blunt method right and you can get to it that way but the issue is more about where you don't have for example an easily accessible market cap, or you don't have an easily accessible Enterprise value for the private key that kind of thing. You've got more challenges. You've also got challenges if you're dealing with a specific asset like what My data worth. Yeah, so but I guess the point that I make in my robot. Oh, so I get why the accountants are look at this with trepidation. But at the same time I challenge my challenge to them is the following. We solved this problem for many other things. We thought were difficult to value and this is no different. I mean if we went back to 1500 with the essentially the invention of the joint stock company people would have told me you can't Value stock in a company. Yeah, that's impossible. Well now we do it every day. Day, right? Yeah, so and we do it with surprising accuracy without an issue and the same thing is going to happen with intangibles except it's going to happen. So you see it as a change that we forced that would happen. It's like it's like two tectonic plates grinding up against one another the you've on the one hand you have the accounting standards and their remaining fixed in place essentially at the moment and on the other you have the economy, which is rapidly grinding away from it that friction between the two can only last too long before it's gone. Slot and and you can't it can't go on forever something that can't go on forever warned. Yeah. Okay. So when I look around it a lot of companies and some of them might have large intangible asset valuations and yeah, I guess where I'm leading to is I guess just like a tangible asset and intangible asset can be overvalued as well kind of. Oh no question. And that's one of the big issues is that we've gotten really good at valuing tangible assets you and I Sitting at the table, you know, if we took a both had to guess at what this tables value was. We're not going to get it wrong by an order of magnitude. Right? And if we picked out a random piece of real estate around here or car would also both be more or less. Correct? So we got really good at valuing tangible assets what we're not great at valuing right now is intangible assets. And so you end up with a much much bigger the separation between bid and offer and that is a real big problem. If you go back to the Instagram example before I remember people saying that Put core insane. Yes people on Instagram for a billion dollars and I think it's one of the it's in the top few beasts Acquisitions in history. Yeah, absolutely. So the research shows their Facebook made at least seven times as money on Instagram. And in fact if Instagram was separated, it's at least yeah. Well if instant they theorize that if Instagram was separate out as its own business unit, it would be worth about a hundred billion. Yeah, so so there's no questions occur because sometimes people say when I get the example in streams, I was that confirms an idiot. He overpaid Zuckerberg. Did not by me. He's many things. He looks like data of Star Trek, but he didn't overpay for Instagram. If anything. He got a fantastic deal. Yeah, and well, you know, I remind you to all staff no assets are no fixed assets no revenue and four and a half thousand lines of code AS with a billion dollars same day the example. I always give it was with the same as main Freight which had you know, 38 years. I think it was two billion or three billion dollars in Are you know a lot of staff and it calms a you know, a lot of stock company like Mainframe is never going to have the scalability that exactly Graham precise, right? Sorry to interrupt Paul speaking there what he was saying was was really really interesting. It was about here in the recording where we experienced a sudden and unexpected technical difficulty. And what was originally going to do was originally going to edit the went out and make it seamless like I always do and so you wouldn't think there was any issues but I listen back to it what Paul was saying on both sides of the of the technical difficulty was quite interesting. So what I decided to leave it in the apologies for the for the hiccup and what we'll do is we'll pick up the conversation again with Paul talking about Instagram and Main Freight. So just off helium pool. You're comparing Instagram for example to Mainframe. Yeah, so Mine's right here on Instagram on the diet salts worth a billion dollars and it's got 12 staff. Basically zero fixed assets. No revenue and had four and a half thousand lines of code main Freight on the same day is worth approximately a billion dollars. It has I think for memory two billion dollars in assets a billion dollars in Revenue 6800 staff have been around for 38 years. Yeah, and any of the tool with the same and you either have to argue that Again that Zuckerberg night summative horrific mistake and Instagram was not worth that which the research clearly shows is not the case. I'll bring respectively as different other guests exactly or alternatively except that there's something else going on that doesn't fully explain is not fully explained by the Company accounts and it is that is actually what is really happening is that there is tremendous value and these intangible assets but they're off balance sheet. The frequently not captured correctly inside the p&l and therefore their Victor's there. They're like the dark matter. The universe. Hmm, right? That's really what's happening. Most of the most of the mass. We see we can't see but it's there and it affects everything. So main fact by the way is a wonderful company, but that's I guess that's the issue that some people will have is say I'm just theorizing here. If you are looking at Instagram at the time with 1 billion dollar valuation, they would have been very few people in the world. That would have been prepared to pay it someone like Zuckerberg and Facebook for example could see the value. Yeah, but your everyday person might have and probably myself as well at the time would have a better shot at Value in Maine Freight. Yes, for example. Yeah, absolutely. And that's the thing. That's one of the things about intangible assets that people really struggled to wrap their head around is that they can be worth different things to different people. Yeah, and that is very different again that effect. Yes, right. So a fixed asset has is they most of the fix assets operate within more liquid markets and therefore you get reasonably efficient price setting because most people would agree that main thread at the time was with the billion exactly, right? Is intangible I say it's have this unique property right that they're infinitely scalable the knock on consequence of something being infinitely scalable is that it will typically be worth the most to somebody who's capable of scaling it infinitely tell ya so and what that means therefore is that it's going to be worth different things to different people because those who are capable of scaling it will pay more than those who are not capable of selling its own the day Instagram was solved. It was probably worth nothing to you or I are there as well. We couldn't escape in his Gallery other than our ability to resell it to Zuckerberg. Yeah, or somebody like Zuckerberg, right? Probably the next biggest Contender was Google. So there's probably five or six biosphere in the whole world correct to those five or six people who was worth a lot of money. Yeah, right. Hmm. And that's the key point that people that and again it cost basis accounting which basically will accounting really ultimately boils down a cost-based simply does not capture it because it can't deal with the world and what you can take an asset and one day it's with Three months later. It's worth a billion. Yeah, but that's what's going on because there's no way you can take mine Freight and there's no there's no strategy or action plan in the world. There's no Capital plan. There's nothing that takes main Freight from one one day. It's worth a billion and three months later. It's worth a thousand times that amount. Yeah, it's not possible that you would agree that name Frank would be worth a billion to more people. Yes. So main freight train freight is not picking on them for anyway, I absolutely main point is Maura. Accessible to yet more people because it's basically it's got a financial instrument its stock that is traded in a liquid market and what you got efficient price setting mechanisms. Yeah, many intangible assets. Don't fit that criteria yet. Yeah, and that's a key Point as well as that that is going to change. Yeah. Now I saw a stat on Netflix the other day a company with a lot of intangible assets as you know, it's said something that the world's data is now worth more than the world's oil. Yep, as an example. So I'll be interested to hear and I'm putting you on the spot a bit if you had any interesting stat, so any interesting stories or anything, you could say just from your I guess your day-to-day for you. And I absolutely so I Gotta Give a presentation on this exact topic achieve Chief Information officers conference recently and a lot of people have said this what's interesting actually about that quote is that it was first stated back and round. I think it's 2006. How am I to be as early as 2003? Yeah, right, so It's a long time for these things to actually permeate their way into the mass Consciousness data is like oil and a couple of these Arguments for and against right one of the arguments against data being like oil is or any other valuable commodity is that its suppliers Etc essentially unlimited and exhaustible and how can you have a valuable commodity with a suppliers essentially unlimited or inexhaustible right now? There's also the but on the other hand. And data is like all in a couple of key guards number one data only has potential value. Like if you have a piece of land with oil on it, it only has potential value. It doesn't mean just because it's there like the Canadian tar Sands until you develop technology to extract it. Well, there's the world actually that useful or not. Number two. There is a cost of extraction right and there's a cost of extraction of data and monetization data data does not monetize itself. Yeah. It needs to be money needs to be Invested into it in order to get extract value out the third things and I just gave you a whole lot of data. Yeah, it does not make sure you know, exactly but if I gave you 10 barrels of oil, maybe you could go someone's it's just like if you gave me a whole lot of land. Yeah, right. I mean I either have to find somebody else to sell it to or I have to come work at myself and these are cost of working at either in labor or in capital, right? The third issue with Dieter is that you there is a risk associated with it as well and the sense of You can just like with oil you can have you know, Deepwater Horizon the whole thing can blow up. If you're not careful about how you go through your data monetization activities. You can easily blow things up and you can end up with a really severe blow back and consequences on you. I think that's becoming more prevalent these days as people start to become aware of I use Facebook as put it in the news Heavenly about privacy and that's exactly right and people are doing next. Yeah, exactly. People are very concerned about the way that their data. Treated and managed and there are some companies out there who are managing are not doing a good job of managing that stuff for in monetizing it so it is like it isn't it is like oil and my face, I think my preference is to say it probably is more like oil than it's not but you do definitely have to recognize that it doesn't monetize itself. There is a cost of monetization and there is risk associated monetization. And in that respect data behaves like any other asset if I give you an asset and I want to generate an Income stream from it I have to invest into and then investment is going to be in the three fundamental investment any three formal Investments risk resources and time. Yeah, and and I need to therefore doing analysis and we do a lot of this work for clients. For example, now come along and say we've got all this data and we'll say okay. Well the first thing we need to understand is what is its potential value then what is the cost of monetization and what are the risks associated with that monetization how long it's going to take you and then then you can run a return on investment. Hmm and that would be a d Nicole if I'd say to you here's a bezel. And yeah, I think there's some oil under it the questions that you would logically askers. How much oil what's it going to be worth by the time I extractor. How much is it going to cost me to extract? How long is it going to cost me to extract it? What are the risks associated with it? Is there a positive Roi? Absolutely. No different. Yeah, it's Lily. Do you have any other? Sort of good stories and things like that any any good quotes from the what? I didn't enjoy able World I'll give you an example of a piece of work with it because to me it really sums up exactly what's going on here. So we were working with a with a company there was the owner was selling the business after 30 years of ownership and they had a been there at the Investment Bank was an investment bankers managing the transaction and investment. Managing the transaction did the classic thinking thing looked at what the company was doing took its ebitda multiplied it by an industry standard multiplier, which is surprising how often it's between four and six and you know multiplied of Thrones if that's what you're gonna get and we were asked to get involved in this and looked at what they're doing and when a hold on the most valuable asset and this business and case was and this particular case was as data, right, but that data was off-balance sheet and it wasn't being taught. About or discussed in the sales process at all, because as far as the Investment Bank was concerned in the founder was concerned, you know wasn't wasn't there it didn't exist. But it was it absolutely did so we ended up taking over that sales process and we did two things very differently. Number one. We really we really talked about the data and why that data was important number two, we targeted companies who wanted to buy data not who wanted to settle same way as Facebook targeted to buy Instagram. Yeah. And the reason was really simple that the people who want to date her had a much bigger checkbook, right? And so why you know you why do you rob one of them wanted John Dillinger's I rob banks because that's where the money is. So why did you target those companies? Because that's where the money was right? And so long story short. We ended up selling this business for thirty two terms ebitda. Oh, so like the owners get an 800% increase on what they were expecting to get out of that and and it was all about the fact of identifying this valuable intelligence. Tangible assets that nobody realized were there and did have value and extracting that value out of it and sometimes clients say to us all look. You know, what you guys do is you find Rim brands in the attic and that's kind of what we like to think about. What we do is that we go into companies and we find Value there where other people haven't necessarily seen the other side of that equation is also there's also tremendous risk and then that you know, there's another whole discussion there that you can unpack around that most companies are managing the risk to these intangible assets at all, but that's not a one-off result. I mean, that's when you'd Like a good will write down for example all sorts of things. Yeah, you know, we're dealing with our company the other day there was spinning one and a half million dollars a month building its brand for an expansion into the United States and we sat down with them and said, well, is this your brand to show them their brand and they said yeah, that's our Prime symbol that's actually owned by your competitor and the United States. Yeah. So use me in 36 million dollar you've seen one point five million dollars for the last 24 months 36 million dollars building a brand you don't actually own. Yeah because they had received bad advice. Ice around the trademarks and so these guys have literally set fire to 36 million dollars and they got no value out of it and that's an intangible asset risk and it's a real problem because most companies don't deal with that at all. Yeah. Now obviously we use that quote at the start from 1975 to to today. There's been tremendous change that we spoke about. Where do you see things hitting may not have necessarily over the next 40 years, but in the future not just Intel. Bless his butt and general net feel. Well. Obviously, we can't top out at a hundred right we intend devices can't be a hundred percent of the economy because we still need to eat. We still need to consume. We're still going to have for the moment. I suspect physical bodies that we have to move around and we're not going to do. Yeah, we're not going to download ourselves quite yet, right? Yeah. And even when we do something still got to move the bits in the bites around for the moment. So there's always going to be a portion of the economy. That is tangibly based. No question. However, what I think you're going to see is a That's going to get continually squeeze down more and more and more as as people recognize that it's all the intangible assets that enable you to leverage and that old term of the word lever. Those those tangible assets into value, right? You can't extract value from tangible assets without the intangibles. If you've got a bunch of oil sitting under your land, you can't get that out without intangible assets. If you've got a bunch of data, you can't get that out without and Trouble is it's either. So I think what you're going to see is you're going to see the economy will still have these very visible tangible assets big buildings and trucks and plants and cars and so forth, but the value will continue to accrete to and accumulate in the intangibles that enable you to extract the value from those tangible assets. Yeah, and and that is written into the code. That is a one-way Arrow. It is not a trend that is unlike that is likely to unwind itself and sort of swing back. Like a pendulum the economy is only going to get more focus on digital Innovation new technology new business models and all of that stuff is intangible assets. And so you're going to just see a greater and greater concentration or intangibles. Do you think and it's been the intangibles that are causing the disruption we seen at the moment worldwide no question. It's because me think through before us are absolutely couldn't do Uber could not do what it's done 20 years ago. Do this podcast? No, no, absolutely, right. This is simply impossible. So so these no question disruption, you know is the handmaiden of intangible assets right it absolute the two go hand-in-hand. There's those two things are intimately related to one another any time. You hear somebody talking about barriers to entry competitive Advantage unfair Advantage, you know buffets moats intrinsic value Competitive Edge Innovation disruption Rd all of those things. Things are fundamentally intangible eyes. Yes. A lot of people actually must understand that about Warren Buffett. I think he focuses on the tangible assets, but for a long time. Oh, yeah, he's been all about buying businesses with absolutely. He talked about my clients. Absolutely. No question. So Paul were talking off here about macro Trends. Mmm. I know that's something that a lot of listeners will be really interested to hear your views on. So, yeah, absolutely. Well, I think there the first thing is As we discuss there's this tremendous macro Trend towards an ever increasing concentration of intangible asset value and that's going to have a number of different effects. I think first of all conventional stock picking is going to become tougher and tougher and tougher to do solely on the basis of pure financial information. And I think we're already seeing that I mean most basically most funds now are either you happen to get really active weather getting passive. And and there's no place in the middle anymore. So it's so you either have a secret sources of fund manager and I'd say that secret sauce increasingly has to be in your understanding of intangible assets because that's where all of our viewers we have to get really really passive and your costs Etc need to collapse. So I think that's one significant implication. I think number two is that management teams and Boards need to wrap their heads around what intangible assets up because when you know as a director you have a fight Juicery obligation To manage all with the emphasis on all assets under your shirt stewardship and control generator turn on those assets and ensure that they're not exposed undue risk, right? Well I can tell you is that most boards and are focused on fixed assets. Yeah and in they spend an inordinate amount of time to looking at a fixed asset issues ETC and they don't really look at the bigger holistic picture of intangible assets or they divided up and little Right size chunks. I like a lot of boards of you know petrified about cyber but they're not necessarily worried about brand risk, you know what the word about brand risk, but they're not thinking about confidential information loss or they'll think about confidential information lost but they're not thinking about open source code utilisation. Now all of those things actually live under bigger umbrella topic of intangible asset risk. So I think that you can need to see a change in behavior from management teams and boards to Understand what intangible assets are and how they drive company performance and that's going to be driven needs to be driven by realization that what my accounts tell me about how the company is performing is not necessarily accurate. Yeah, so I think that's a key thing. I think there's also a big potentially impact on Capital providers and in particular Banks because the banks are regulated through basil basil for basically and Basil for is devolved out of the accounting standards. And in our part of the world puzzle for devolves down into apra the Australian Prudential regulatory Authority. And in essence what a pro tells you or tells the banks is for example, the risk waiting on property is typically four percent so real estate, so we were four percent risk waiting on intangible assets is typically a hundred percent. Yeah. So Banks basically get rewarded 25 to 1 every time they had the property buzzer and not surprisingly they have the property buzzer all the time. And and that's why in New Zealand. For example, I think the figure is 85 percent of all business lending a secured against the family home. And so we've had this Mass concentration of capital flowing into non-productive fixed assets namely realize that get me started on this and and very little Capital flowing into the productive portion of the economy, which is the inherently more liberal portion of the economy as well, which is all the intangible assets. So you basically Really got a situation. We you're constantly doubling down on fix non-productive. Non-scalable is it's at the expense of non-fixed scalable leverageable intangible ice reductivist. Yeah, exactly. And that's hugely problematic for for the economy. So you see that Less in the United States, for example, because there they have a much deeper and more sophisticated and particular debt Market, but the banks are much more imaginative that has its. Consequences as we saw in the GFC when you get really imaginative Banks, but you know, that's that's another Trend and you know, there's you know, you look at these big macro Trends you can see how it just radiates out in the economy. We were talking about tax before that the you know, the tax authorities are going to have to wrap their heads around the fact that most multinational businesses and now inherently flexible can move their operations around and certainly their intangible assets more or less at will yeah and that Huge implications for how you collect tax how you live e tax how you manage tax all of those kind of things so much as to be a global solution because if one place says we're going to text you and you're saying they can easily move it move it somewhere else. Yeah, well tax authorities. I mean, this is the the dirty secret of tax tax authorities always treat foreigners better than they treat domestic that by definition is started by Jesus to write everything that they have to because the foreigners by definition have an option. Yeah. Go somewhere else. Where as you and I textures we can yeah, we're stuck at we're tied to the land. Yeah, so that's problematic. So all everywhere you look on this it is there's a fundamental change and it radiates. It's like dropping a metal Bowl into the middle of the pond that ripples spread out everywhere throughout the economy. Once you understand that and tangibles, you know, there's this massive unseen portion of the iceberg that nobody's been talking about. Yeah, and I guess for you that is that That services that your company provides tell us a bit more about what you guys do. So what we do is actually really simple so we're intangible assets specialist. So we say, okay, we don't we deal with all of those assets. You can't drop on your foot inside the business. So the data the content the Brand's the code the Trade Secrets confidential question regulatory approvals all that stuff and what we do is we either work with the company itself or the investors and we do for very simple things. They number one. What are you are intangible assets? Well, what is the company's intangible? Assets and oftentimes with a first person who's asked that question. Yeah, a lot of the time the companies are where and should have lie that they have value there, but they cannot tell you what that actually is what it's constituted of. So the first thing is understanding what intangible assets that you have and it's just be a bit like, you know, if you had a great great uncle who died and you took over his property. The first thing you do is you're going to do an order or a stock tag of what the hell you actually have. Secondly the second question we ask is what are the risks to those assets because those risks Limit or reduce failure. So we want to deal with those risks. So for example, if you've got a great brand we want to ensure that it's adequately protected and managed properly Etc. I've got a whole lot of data. Okay, are you at risk when you're collecting this data of violating whole lot of consumer privacy obligations and and so on and so on there's lots of risks associated with intangible assets that my so you're almost like the not handymen but generalists in terms of the intangible. So you'll deal with any sort of the intangible problems or things that need to be Done. So will your clients exactly it right? Yeah, so we're like a man charged a fee precisely. We're management consulting company that specializes in intangible assets. The third thing we then do is a lot of valuation work. So then once you've understood what your assets are in you understand what the risks to the math in the next question that you go to is what are they worth the end, so we'll do a lot of valuation work with intention of trying to figure out what the intangible assets are worth what the company is worth that light of its intangible assets because the conventional way of valuing companies often leads them especially intangible. It was companies often suppresses their value. Yeah conventional valuations will suppress their value. So we do a lot of work about valuing companies in valuing discrete intangible assets. So people come to us and say how much is my pattern worth? And then I guess also I assume you're if they're valuing it for sale within you might be finding the suitable buyer that yeah exactly. It's worth that much to and that's the final step. You've identified the asset you've figured out what the risks are in you reduce those risks are mitigated them or control for them either third Point. What is the asset worth of what's my any worth in light of those intangible assets and then the fourth and final step is now how do I unlock value in those assets and that's coming back to that example to go before the company where we did achieve the 32 times exit was it followed that process exactly. Hey, you've got available a tangible assets, even if they're off balance sheet in this case data weed out with a series of risks around that data and make sure we could actually trade it now that it was not an issue number three. We valued it and made it clear what the value of those intangible assets were made it explicit to the buyers and then number four, uh, Looking the value finding out who the lines likely buyers were running a sales process ultimately selling it at 32 times. Not four times x. Yeah, and and it's obviously a great result for your client. Yeah, absolutely and a good result for the company buying. Oh no question. Yeah. They're they're absolutely wrapped with it. Yeah, so we're we would people go to find out a bit more about you real simple everage Global. So wherever the wood Edgewood fantastic cool, right? That's about Out where the recording ended just before I finish off. Thanks very much to Paul for coming on the podcast for me personally, the the best thing about doing this podcast is when I get to interview guests and and none of the none of the people on the podcast get paid to be on the podcast. So it's essentially people giving up their free time or taking time out of their day or when they could be, you know, pull could be out and valuing intangible assets for example, but instead he's sitting there talking to me on the pole. So always really appreciate when we when we get gifts, and especially Gifts of Paul's caliber on the podcast. So thanks very much for listening and to the podcast is a reminder that nothing that we said today should be considered Financial advice. You've all the information was General by Nature. If you look in to find out more go to ODOT ins ID or find us and give it a like by searching on Facebook or tweet to us on Twitter. Make sure also to share it with your friends if you want to email me at as Jeremy at stock market mover. Has dot Co dot ends it feel free to send across any questions that you might have. Once again, my name is Jeremy Midland, and this has been episode 52 of the Stock Market Movers podcast for Friday the 9th of August 2019. We'll see you all again next week.
In the latest episode of the Stock Market Movers Podcast Jeremy interviews the CEO of EverEdge. About EverEdge: EverEdge is a global intangible asset advisory, valuation and transaction specialist. Intangible assets account for 87% of company value today. EverEdge helps companies and investors unlock the value of these intangible assets and reduce intangible asset risk by identifying, valuing and monetising intangible assets About Paul Adams: Paul Adams is the CEO of EverEdge, a global advisory and transaction firm specialising in intangible assets. EverEdge helps companies and capital providers convert intangible assets (such as data, design, inventions, brands, software and content) into business impact: increased margins, market share and enterprise value. Paul has been ranked as one of the top intellectual property strategists in the world for the last seven years consecutively, and was the recipient of the Global IP Leader Award in 2012. Prior to EverEdge, Paul served as Intellectual Property Manager for the New York Stock Exchange listed Brunswick New Technologies. He was the founding incubator manager of The Icehouse Incubator, named one of the top 10 technology incubators in the world by Forbes magazine. He has served on the advisory board of the New Zealand government’s commercialisation vehicle Callaghan Innovation and on the Board of Lewis Holdings, a $350M private investment vehicle. Disclaimer: As always, nothing that is discussed in the podcast is financial advice. If you are looking for financial advice please contact an authorised financial adviser.
Hello, honey, and welcome to the healthy Emmy podcast. I'm your go-to nutritionist for plant-based weight loss in the creator of the eight weeks slim on starch program. If you want to learn how to lose weight and keep it off on a plant-based diet. You've come to the right place and the best part. It does not involve a counting calories or restricting portions. This is the podcast version of my YouTube videos. So if you'd like to see the woman behind this voice proceed at your own caution and go to the show notes where you'll be Directed to the healthy Emmy YouTube channel. Otherwise, enjoy your commute walk workout or whatever the heck it is that you're doing with just my voice on this podcast. I have so many people who come to me and they're lost and confused because they just can't figure out this lifestyle. They're trying to transition into it and they feel like they're doing everything right but that excess weight just won't seem to budge in this video. I'm going to share with you. Three reasons why you might not be losing weight on your vegan diet. Now if you want one-on-one guidance where I am in your ear every single week telling you exactly what you have to do with your meals your meal plan and all of your habits to ensure that you get to your weight goals, then click the link in the downbar and sign up for my next 8-week eat as much as you want plant-based lifestyle program where I work with you one-on-one to fast-track you to your goals and get you to this life that you so deserve. And just a bit of a disclaimer. If you are suffering from an eating disorder, you're underweight and you need to gain weight or you're suffering from some form of disordered eating. This is not the video for you. And unfortunately, I am not the coach for you. However, I can refer you to those who can help you and dieticians who specialize in plant-based nutrition. This video is for people who want to lose excess weight or are looking to maintain their weight on the eat as much as you want plant-based lifestyle, but they're having some troubles and we're going to figure it out in this video reason number one just because it's vegan doesn't mean Healthy Oreos Coke and Twizzlers are all vegan vegan just means the absence of animal products. And this is why I Market my program as a Whole Foods plant based lifestyle program that focuses on starches vegetables fruits legumes and nuts and seeds. It's about eating foods that will promote Health as opposed to foods that just don't have certain things in them when it comes to weight loss and weight maintenance. We want to eat food that's from a plant not from a processing plant and people might say well, isn't this Better than animal products and it absolutely is these foods are better than animal products. They're free from the hormones the saturated fat the cholesterol and the cruelty but what they're not free from is the oils and that added salt in the preservatives and the sodium and all the additives that make these foods not ideal for weight loss out of curiosity. I pulled up the daiya mozzarella shreds just to see what the nutrition facts were in 1 cup has over 24 grams of fat and over 1,000 grams of sodium. So like I said when I come The weight loss we want to be eating food. That's from a plant not from a processing plant reason number two just because it's healthy doesn't mean that it's beneficial for weight loss. There are tons of foods that are wonderfully healthy, but can stall your weight loss. If you're looking to maintain weight or gain weight don't listen to this, but if you're looking to lose weight listen up just because of food is a health food doesn't mean that it's a weight loss food. Let's take something like pecans for example, a cup of pecans has over 700 calories in 75 Grams of fat now pecans are a whole health food. But if something if one cup of it just has just one tiny cup has over 700 calories in 75 grams of fat. That's not going to promote your weight loss like the equivalent which is a cup of potatoes, which is just a hundred fifty calories and has nearly no fat in it. So we have to be paying attention to the caloric density of these foods. And what's Within These healthy foods that will promote our solid weight loss. So just because the food is healthy doesn't mean that we Freely, eat it on this lifestyle. This is the eat as much as you want plant-based lifestyle, but you have to be eating the right foods and that brings me into Point number three the third reason why you might not be losing weight on your vegan diet is because you're eating the wrong proportions now listen carefully and note that I used the word proportions and not portions because on this lifestyle you can have as many plates as you want, but what you have to pay attention to and this is what I work exactly with my Giants with one-on-one is that the percentages of your plate have to be filled up with the proper food groups? Like I said in this lifestyle is based on starches vegetables fruits legumes and possibly the appropriate incorporation of nuts and seeds. If you look at a plate think about percentages, your plate should be filled up with certain percentages of each of these food groups. Once you get those percentages, right you can have as many plates as you want, but many people come to me and their plates the percentages aren't correct. They're eating rice beans potatoes fruits vegetables all this amazing stuff, but they're not eating the right proportions. So their play is filled up with a huge amount of this and a small amount of that when we really need a large amount of that in a smaller amount of this and when I often found with clients is that they're not eating too much of one group. It's that they're eating too little of another group and this is specifically what I work on in my program. So if you want this one-on-one guidance if you want me in your ear telling You what you need to eat in order to promote your weight loss go ahead and click the link in the downbar and sign up for my next program. I would love to help you on this journey. And as you can see you truly can eat as much as you want when you know what you should be eating and that's what my ladies on my program have proven. So if you want to be one of those people who are fast tracks to your results because you take these action steps and you put them in place sign up for my next program. You deserve this. Click the link in the downbar so you can learn more All right, honey, is that is all I got for you? I cannot wait to see you in my next program. I am so excited for the next round and I love you. I adore you. Thank you so much for watching. I will see my next video. Thanks for listening honey. Come say hi at healthy. I me on Instagram and join our private Facebook group The Healthy Honey's where you can get started losing weight on a plant-based. Lifestyle, I'll see you in there and everything is linked in the show notes.
Hey #HealthyHunnies! In this video, I talk about three reasons why you may not be losing weight on your vegan or plant-based diet. Disclaimer! If you are suffering from an eating disorder or are recovering - this is NOT the video for you! I can refer you out to people who can help you - but at this time in your life, I am not the nutrition coach for you! However, if this is not the case with you - and you’re not losing weight on your diet - I explain in this video why that is! So many people come to the vegan,  or whole foods plant based diet, and aren’t able to find out why they aren’t losing weight! Whether they’re inspired by the Starch Solution, WSLF, HCLF, or whatever it is - they just can’t find their groove in the vegan health world! This is SO common with my clients - and I am always able to pinpoint what the issue is! I LOVE helping people in this area - and I would love to help you one-on-one with losing weight on this lifestyle!! My next program is starting soon! YAY!!!
Hello and welcome along to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Ed McKnight, and I'm deaf and today on the show. We are once again joined by Dy Foster who is a property investor and executive leadership coach and we are very proud to call her an opus mountains client. And today we are going to be talking about the different motivations to get into property based on the sort of generation you're in.It is really interesting because she has convinced or cajoled her family to get into property and get exposed to property. So right now I believe die that you're helping your niece and nephew to to get into property or you're warming them up gently warming them up warming about the conversation hand holding them into going to some of the seminars starting the conversation awesome. And then you've also got your dad who is just invested in property himself. Yes. I'm Mom and Dad have always. He's had businesses and some commercial property. So now it's just you know, sometimes in life you catch up a little bit. So it's just about sitting them up going forward to make sure that the you know, they're in a good position to maintain the capital that they have awesome. So we're going to talk about the different motivations the different concerns and I suppose the different conversations that you're having with these three generations will talk about about the young ones you and Steve and then your parents as well. So let's start with your niece. Whew, what is some of the conversations you're having to warm them up to get them interested in the property Market. The first conversation is around paying student loans back. Don't do it don't want don't pay them back. You don't pay your student loan back because you know, if they've got some cash or if they're you know, if they're going to get some cash or whatever the case may be, you know, they're quite good Savers don't throw it into paying the student loan back. It's an interest-free loan and is Long as they're in New Zealand, that's okay. So don't be paying that back too quickly. So the thing for me is looking at my niece and nephew. They things are so different than when I first bought my house at 21, which is 26 years ago. It is so different, you know, I bought my first house for $85,000 and I thought that was a lot of money. I had a deposit of $12,000, you know, so and I thought that that was a big step but it's Different for these guys in so the conversations are around not trying to get rid of your student loan. But using that money that you would have to be much more smarter for the future. So I feel that the best thing that they can do is get exposure to the property Market as quickly as possible and I think a big one there as well is that letting them know that they don't have to live in it. I met in this as a big one as well because we all grow up thinking that oh, well, you know, it's this great New Zealand dreamers that will all Oh by our own homes and live in them and and that's that's a real sign that you're a Dalton. Yeah, it's such a big thing and I've really it's taken me a while. But I've really got my head around the fact that absolutely categorically you don't want to be living in your first property you you know, these kids are more transient the professionals, you know, goodness knows where they're going to live. So why hold them to that and then buying and selling houses because they move why not buy a property get the gains out of By the right property first and foremost and then you can just you can be more Whimsical about where you choose to live. I think that's definitely true because these guys are 23 and 19 who knows where they're going to be and and five years. They may have changed cities three or four times. Well, they would have at least changed cities twice. I would have imagined so absolutely end, you know, we all know well at least I do buying and selling houses when it's your own house is quite a stressful thing to do and if you're trying to sell your house and move and quite often these relationship changes that go and the mix of that incredibly stressful if you're just moving and not doing the transaction of buying and selling a house at the same time way less stress. So if you are going to be moving cities and things like that, I think it's a great thing. And also I just think that we just want exposure to the property Market as soon as we can and I think if you can get it in your Twenties that is amazing. I think I totally identify with the the transients. I've moved over the last 12 months twice. You know and I think that's really indicative of how young people live in the lifestyle that they choose to live. Now. We're that's really valued the ability to move if that's what you're looking for. But you still need exposure to the property market so that you get those gains and I think the other thing that it does is that if you were if you were buying an investment property, that's great and that's over the side and if you were renting then chances are you're only going to be renting a room? Oh so you don't get caught up in the whole I need big furniture and I need a whole house full of furniture. You just you can live more, you know, minimalistic lie, which I think is a really key factor as well. Yes, you're describing my life right now die now let's talk at least talk about you and Steve for a minute because you guys are in your 40s stage in his 50s check that so you guys are 40s 50s. What sort of concerns did you did you guys have? Talked about vacancy already in the last one, right? Yeah. Absolutely. I think one of the big concerns is you know, when I was 21 and I bought my first house and it was $85,000, you know, when you're buying a property now and it's half a million. It's like ouch, you know, that that's a big sum of money, you know for me to get my head round. There's a big sum of money for me to get my head around and I think that vacancy is one thing because it was the unknown for us, you know the business side of it, but also just just the Lindy non on such a big asset. I can I can certainly imagine because it's interesting being a younger person myself. You see houses there for 500k or whatever and that's what it's always bang or for as long as we've been observing the market. These are the sort of numbers that have been there. I now look at data from the years that I was born and think how houses ever that cheap. I know and I you know, the thing is 1960s a house was something like twice the You'll know these focus better than me. But the average house price was something like twice the average income. That means that if you wanted to get married and work your butt off for three or four years, you could probably almost pay off a house in that time and then you could go on and have children and have a comfortable life. We don't have those choices now, so we have to live differently and we have to think more strategically Steve and I have even had the conversation of do we sell our house and in go and rent ourselves? Very interesting and we have you come on that one. We have decided we've decided to keep our house because we absolutely loved it and take risks and other ways. Yes. Yes choice and I think that that's that's perfectly valid to us because it's it's a lifestyle Choice. It's a personal choice. It's not a business choice. And as long as you know, that that's fine. That's exactly right. But having said that, you know, we did have quite a larger home that we down. Sighs to and and again got rid of so much of our stuff in our furniture and everything to live in a more minimalistic way that reflects our lifestyle in the life that we want to live. So we have consciously downsize because we just didn't want to keep it with anybody else. We just wanted to you know, there's only three of us in our little house and in the Muppet, so we just wanted something that that housed us and not anybody else's expectations. And I think it's really interesting that if we look at the three Generations the yet, the young ones need to need to be convinced that actually you don't need to live in it. And we needed, you know, just deal with that concern for your and Steve's generation. It's this idea about around not having to put so much cash in the in the property that it's going to significantly affect your current Lifestyle the you know, that's why we're talking about vacancy IE not having a tenant in there and then for your parents it was about this idea of taking on debt and I think this is indicative of what you said about back in the 60s, you know, you could really work too. To pay off your mortgage in a very short space of time, but I know that you've had some conversations about taking on debt with with your father. Is that right? Yeah. I think the thing is that there's lots of ways to structure to structure. What you want to do in endru has been incredible. It injury has an incredible strategic brain to think about things a little bit differently in so he's really pushed the boundaries on you know, what we might want to do with mum and dad and you know, what we're trying to do there is it's Amazing how you know people could potentially live for a very long time and when my parents are in their seventies, they're reasonably inexpensive at this point in time. There doesn't listen to this. Hi Mom. So he's going to say that you were there expensive child. No doubt no doubt. So they have reasonably inexpensive at this point in time. But as you get older you do you can get quite expensive with Kia and that type of thing. So it's about sort of again at always for me comes back to choices trying to Maintain as much Capital as one possibly can and you know taking strategies to compensate for those types of things in the future. And as I said Andrew has been incredible strategically with all three of those generations and coming up with strategies for that and something you said to me before we press record for this podcast, which I found really interesting was that for for the young ones. It's really about them right now about trying to get them into property on their own. And then what did you say about about about you and you Parents. So, you know, that's exactly right for the young ones. It's about them. It's about them having independent independent wealth in for Steve and I it's about having a comfortable life and hopefully leaving something for our son Jackson and for mum and dad it's about how did they get a fantastic life leave something for their children and possibly even a third generation fantastic. I think that's really really interesting because this is kind of we often talk about these Three generations on this podcast, you know through a lot of our content and it's kind of just an abstraction you because we're talking about Generations. Generally, whereas here we can kind of see it within the conversations that you're having with with your family and we can kind of personalized. Is it a whole lot more and reminds us that it's actually real you're totally and I think it's a it's a really interesting process to go through and again, you know, I've just been incredibly grateful because I I don't think any of our family are particularly Hands-On with property, you know, they're not going to be the type of people that want to you know, tenant their own places. So all of the services that you know, people like Opus provide are incredibly beneficial for I know for our family a fantastic and that's very kind of you that's very kind of you to say and actually the next one that I think would quite like to record will be because I know you've done it by yourself as well. You know the DIY versus done for you approach. We'll get onto then the next episode awesome. But while you're here, please don't forget to subscribe rate and review the podcast. It really does help us get the message out to more people. And of course if you do want to learn more about property investment or buying your first home, actually then why not sign up for one of our video courses, we've got a free property investment video course, which you can sign up for it opens partners are coded in seed or we have a first home buyers video course just released a few weeks ago, which has a special launch price of nine dollars down from $99 and you can sign up for that at opers. First home. That's ope is first home dot code. I didn't see it. But until next time thanks for listening to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Steve McKnight and we're going to be back again tomorrow with even more daily Insight strategies and tactics to help you get the most out of the New Zealand property Market until next time.
In this episode, we are once again joined by property investor and executive leadership coach, Di Foster. After helping herself and her husband into property investment, Di began wanting to help her father, nieces and nephews all get into the property market. What Di discovered is that each generation needs to get its head around a slightly different concept. For Millenials, it's lifestyle. Millennials need to understand that they don't need to live in their first property. Sometimes it's more appropriate to buy an investment property and get exposure to the property market, rather than buying an owner-occupier home For Gen X'ers it's about cash. Gen X'ers need to be reassured that they aren't going to have to sacrifice their lifestyle and cover all of a second mortgage in order to be able to hold the property  For Boomers it's about debt. So many Boomers work their whole lives to get out of debt, and then they need to get back into debt in order to get ahead. The drivers to get into an investment property are also different. For Millennials it's about getting ahead themselves. Gen X'ers want to sort themselves for retirement and for their children, and Boomers want to maintain their capital position in retirement in order to look after their future generations.
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They a good energy and fun to all our events and they can help your events out to they came with all the customizations for specialized props layout designs and even down to the custom message that was sent out with your pictures. They are great addition to any function corporate events weddings networking events. You name it? They can make it happen. Pick me is Photo booth company, those are our people. You also follow them at pick me PBC and check out their website at pick me PB And right now if you use the code eyl 2019, you can get a hundred and fifty dollars off your next booking valid until the end of the year. So check them out. All right, guys, welcome back ey o Hometown Heroes addition Chicago that towns going on now shot to the shot to the west side to the South Side North Side East Side every side. We was at itself right now. Yeah, we are so sorry. So where are we at specifically just wait and watch it in park boxing Parks out the Washington Park Building to know y'all know. So we got we got very special edition today before we start we got some housekeeping items. We want to make you guys aware of it's not too late to register for our Workshop our first-ever workshop on 10:17. So as we said before every single month, we're going to be having a workshop in person, but also live stream for anybody anywhere in the world and that's going to be a different eyl guess is going to speak about the area of expertise. So the first one is what our guy mg2 mortgage guy and it's going to be about Finance. Seeing your first real estate deal real estate financing for your first deal. So you go to our website or you need on the events Tab and you can register as I said you can do in person in New York City, but you can also live stream it and you can watch it you'll have to actually watch it while it's going on with the livestream like once you have it you can watch it whenever whenever you so if you're at work or whatever, so make sure you do that. So, yes, alright. So now we have very special episode. I'm actually interested. Just something that I don't know anything about it. Yes, but zero educate myself on is so Byron and Shanise Dynamic dual Dynamic couple that also our business partners as well. So congratulations first and foremost. Yeah. So so you guys all right. You're in a mobile home industry, right So for anybody that's not familiar with that. That is home or Wheels pretty much right? It's interesting because um, I met you at the event our networking event was amazing by the way and when I would actually come yeah. Yeah, he was he was telling me about it. And you know, I was thinking like this is just an interesting thing. Can we talk about real estate a lot? We've never spoken or covered mobile homes, and you was actually educating me because a lot of people especially when we're from the Northeast we have derogatory, which I Learned was a derogatory way shall not say yeah, what's your well used to call it trailer a trailer home or in trailer park, but it's not called. It shouldn't be called cello. I try to home is a mobile home in a mobile part, but long story short, you can actually invest in these properties and you can't just like real estate. You can make money. You can wholesale you can flip you can fix up and it's really interesting. It's a lot less as far as how much money you have to put into it. A lot of it's like kind of easier finance and all that kind of stuff. So all right before we even get to the details, can you tell your story of how you got into the industry for sure? So man. So basically I've been trying to do real estate for four or five years right and not tell you like Capital Credit. I was having a lot of issues with that and so Man March 3rd of 2017. I was a day I was fired from work. It's a great day. Yeah, great day. What kind of job? Okay and so many for that time I'm like man how I'm still The estate so when I was actually in I was in a life coaching program at that time to become a life coach. So I will say that helped me up for it to be where I'm at now and that's uh my hustle hustle. Like I'm just trying to get into it out at the time and I was driving live to pay the bills and I was always listen to podcast and this particular day. I happened to find a podcast was on mobile homes, but mind you I'm driving and people like man turn that off man. I ain't trying to hit home a so I sent it to her. Take a listen to this man. I think this going to be special send it to her. So I was listening to the podcast and that podcast had so happened to be on mobile home investing like he said and the biggest thing that I learned from that podcast was you can literally get started with very minimal Capital Credit does not have to be good. And those are the two things that I feel like at the time because me and Byron renew investors those were the things that were kind of holding us back. So once I heard that I was like, okay we need to get into this niche of Mo. Holmes so I came home. I told Byron like look we bout to get into these mobile homes. Like I know we trying to get these three Flats right now here in Chicago. We were trying to get buildings at the time. But like I said, I Capital our credit was not so good. So I was like, look, let's try something different. Let's go outside the box and let's conquer this and then it's been history ever since that's that's amazing. I mean, especially as a couple of doing it. Yeah supporting each other. We don't see it. Like this is the first couple that we've seen on our podcast. What did it take to have a belief in each other. Did y'all always trust each other? Like how did that develop man? Don't question. So the biggest thing for myself going through that journey. I learned a lot. I took a lot of else went broke. It messed up my credit card repo like all the worst. Right? And so she had my back. She was the one person that I everything from family friends that have my back. So it was like yo what this knowledge like I got I have nothing but trusting I'm have so much patience in this and she trusted me and I was just see her growth and she just dug him. My student literally what no entrepreneur experience at all. And I'm just looking like Yoshi a rock star. So all right so--okay so you listen to the podcast because it's what made you say? Okay, this is something that we cuz that you both are lost your jobs, right? Yeah. So what made you say? Okay, this is something that we going to do full-time. And what was your first deal? Like, what was the first thing that got you into like buying your first mobile home, man, so So honestly, I had nothing else to lose. Like I'll had took so many arrows. I'm like yo this guy to work one of these going to work. So so, you know, we got the Scavenging man. We took out a high-interest loan for 10K. All right, I mean and listen to interest rate on that was 24% Wow, what a credit card. No loan like a shark. So we got that and then we just drove in we start hitting the road. We had their little education. We didn't know like we literally learned from the School of Hard Knocks. So we hit the road. We went all the way down to Cincinnati looking for homes. We didn't know we were trying to see we're gonna move homes. And may I first deal she actually found this guy and up in is called Loves Park. Yeah. So I end up again prospecting via Facebook. I found this guy he was a park manager. He had a lot of older homes and he was like Look, we got some homes under 5,000. You should come out and take a look. That was definitely our budget because starting out we was like, we only want to stay under 5,000. So went out there. We looked at a few hauls we end up getting to one Hall. We paid 3700. It was move-in ready. So we don't have to do anything to it. No rehab. It was beautiful and the second home. We purchased for 500 put a little bit of rehab into it about $3,200. We end up flipping those first because of course we wanted to go ahead and make some profits and we can You to invest so we end up flipping those we met 19,500 in less than 30 days. And then you said this is this something this is at that time you were saying like that was already half of the yearly salary, right? Yeah. So at the time at that time prior to me getting fired, I work at the gas company here in Chicago and my salary gross I was making about like 39. So you thinking about I made about close to 20,000 and less than thirty days that I was like that was eye opening for me, but I guess that's powerful because a lot of times people are afraid to leave their job. I post something other than like don't let well a fear of losing 50,000 a year because stop you from making fifty thousand a month and you can break that down to anything but like your situation is like lets you actually was blessed to get fired or lose your job. Have you lost it because it's like let's say that you might have stayed in that job making Thirty thirty nine thousand and it's like a lot of time people. Scared to leave and you would have never even knew that you could possibly make 20,000 a month. Yeah, I didn't five years from now. You'll be making a hundred thousand a month. Like, you know, I mean, so it's crazy but I like that you guys supported each other and took the leap of faith because that's extremely important especially in a relationship. It's like, you know, you could you tell your partner you lost job and it's like you better get another one. Yeah. So like what made you have faith in him and even like, okay like I'm I'm a support you on being an entrepreneur. You guys are entrepreneurs. I don't support you on being an entrepreneur like with no business backgrounds. Like you guys were entrepreneurs before that. Like what made you have faith because you he said you were the only person I really like really had Faith. So what made you have that fake? Yeah, but sure so I mean prior to you know by its entrepreneurial Journey like, you know, we were already I guess quote on quote talking and dating before we got series and at that time like you said he had a good job, you know saying so once we got back linked up at that point he was going through his heart. Chips or whatever, but by that time we had already built our friendship. We was already best friends. So it's like as a best friend. Why would I turn my back on him? You know I'm saying like I was I was there for him through all the hard situations that he went through in his life. And then I feel like he was also there for me because at the time I had just lost my job. I was very stressed out. He was there picking me off the floor telling me every day like Char come all like we about to do this together. Like I'm thinking about us now our Legacy generational wealth like he was feeding that into me every Every single day is like I had no choice but the rock witty like you don't get that every day, especially from a partner from a relationship. Like that's powerful good man. She got me up here. Right. So like we all won so like the decisions that I make sure she makes is for the betterment of us and our family right then Legacy. So that's powerful Seattle to young black love black. So, all right, so I don't think people fully understand. Like I said, especially like we come from New York and what you actually told me that there's a lot of mobile homes in New York, but like the New York City area metropolitan area and you know a lot of listeners that may be from like cities. They don't fully understand how big of an industry T-Mobile Parks homes are so I did some research has 22 million Americans live in mobile homes. And so like how lucrative is it? Like on an Roi standpoint? How lucrative is the mobile home industry Manuel? Listen, it's the highest cash on cash return of any real estate investing. Like I didn't believe it at first until I mean you example our average returns are 250 percent ROI on per deal. We do. How long does it take to see our normal turnaround is 60 days. We know what now, we're to the point that we flip a house. We flipping less than 15 days. Well. Okay, so, all right. So since you said that you can't kick you all can you can you break down a deal and like kind of explain like how does that work? Cool, so I'm a breakdown with a deal. So we had a deal we purchased a home for $3,000 right Indiana and the home that it didn't need any work from older lady know and most of the Situation's right. Most people don't really know the value of their homes and three grants that cool. So what we did was we say, you know what we're gonna open up for seller finance. We're going to have somebody get affordable housing in that area. Average rent we normally based off the average rent. It was $800, right? So we say okay, we're going to be comparable now in a park if you're doing mobile home investing in a park. The park has lot Rings just like HOA fees. Okay, so you have to pay monthly those this park was at was at 372. So alright lotfi what salafi so it's like an HOA fees are paying for the trash. They're paying for the state to stay on the actual. So the park owns the land the land so you own that you can't just Take your mobile home anywhere. No. No, I have to be inside of a license like a park that has a permit and it's moments like a okay, right? So Norm like the ones that you drive like the RV's those are different right you go. You can go take drive those and going to a park and pay like a feat but normally the ones that you see I kind of just like on actual like land like those right there. Yeah, you can move those but it's not costly normally about 2 Grand to sort of move them depending on how many miles okay, but This case so we so we said hey, you know, what will take 428 monthly. Okay. So 800 bucks. So how it did we put them on a 60-month turn remember it's a mobile home is pretty much a motor vehicle Most states. It is not actually real estate is Real Property unless you putting on land. So this particular deal we can 800 a month. We're getting cash flowing 428 you put them on a 60 month term at the end of that 60 month term that 3,000. We turn to 25,000 25,000 25,000 620. That's Percent return on investment we created so you the rent that you guys were collecting was 400 a month or 2028 and you how much did you buy it for? 3,000? How how do you buy something for 3,000 in charge? How much were they were paying $800 a month in rent? Yes, because how is that pot? How's that possible? So with that we are instead of them are renting an apartment. Right? I think what they get it everywhere in that part of $800 a night. They got no equity in it. So we're providing is equity in that house. Right? The thing is we buy it for solo. Right. We don't necessarily have to say okay. We're going to only sell it for 5,000 right we still operate because if you think about the number is still a house. It's still a home form. So a 20th end of the day a 25 thousand dollar house where you still going to get a move-in-ready $25,000 house. So, you know, that's crazy. But I was just like but if why would somebody not just bite on their own if they like, why would you rent for 800 if it only cost 300,000 a by so the thing is for us being investors? It's almost like we back off. Off-market property right the most people don't really know that. Hey I can go get the and if they do they definitely take advantage right? For example. We have a house Chinese. Shh. So this week we literally we got the house of for 1500 we sold its own for 6,000. He's gonna move to home, right we still doing a favor but then at the same time we offer seller financing which is offer. I usually I usually do anywhere from like $18. I look at $18 to $25 per square foot. So you could actually with your finance and you can have no money at all. Yes. Yeah. Interested so I can write so like I go in I have no money on my God. I want to get this home. That's what you come in. Yeah, and that's why I'm offering to see the thing is most banks don't lend to mobile home. Mom. Like they like Warren Buffett. He has to lending companies because we understand that Warren Buffett is in this gang on Clayton Homes Warren Buffett links mobile homes. Yeah sounds Clayton Homes acquisition you bought in 1997 Clayton Homes is the largest like manufactured home company in the country. So Banks don't give the loans because are they looking at it as a like an automobile ball? I Looking at it they look at it as a depreciating asset. Where's loss we look at it as value. So it's depreciating asset because it has wheels and anything that will depreciate correct. Yeah. So is that true nice day for us to look at it is we solve an affordable housing crisis, right? Like that's the biggest thing like CDs. We know what the cost of living is going. All right wages are still staying the same. So people are getting pushed out. Like we see it everyday, like where's justification people can't afford. So for us. It's like Hey listen, I get it you been living in this apartment for the last five to six years. Why don't you get your own asset? Right? Because it ended as you could do the same thing most people that we educate that by households. We even teach them like hey, this is how you sell your home to get their money back or make more you're on your own. So where are these mobile parks located in proximity to major cities, right? So if you live in the New York Tri-State how many miles typically would on mobile park be located right? Good question. So for you guys, I know you guys got one in Staten Island. We've been in New York a whole lives. Like I think I would have ever been static shots of water. Yeah, we got a few students out in New York and they normally work with parks in Jersey. Okay, so they go over to Jersey. Yeah in about honestly, I would say about 60 miles if you want to go upstate New York. I'm not sure that the the exact mileage but I know you guys have a lot Central and Upstate New York. Is there like a mandate distance? Like that, the federal government will say like this is the residence you can go before you create a park. So here's the thing modern day. So mobile home parks. The reason why you don't see a lot of them popping up right now because here's the reality taxes, right and in America. It costs on average like 12,000 to send a kid to school. I'ma give you guys as I'm about to blow your mind real quick our taxes on our mobile homes per year $160 our taxes on our mobile homes in Indiana 37 dollars for the year for the year. So you have think about if you have a key. It living if you got children, you got two children and it costs at least eleven ten thousand dollars to send him to school that city is not eating from that so cities really don't really like mobile home parks because of the taxes wise and most mobile home parks. They using the city water. They said they use in the city sewer. So, you know in that case it's like yeah, we're not eating off that we don't really like this over here. That's so your lunch money than that always. All right. Here's a question. You live in a mobile home, right? How do you wouldn't Plumbing that is? That work so I like so everything is above ground. Everything is above ground. So the cool thing is like, you know, if you need something fixed you they can go under the actual mobile home to repair. So but like your actual like you go to the bathroom, it goes underneath the like where did that go? Is it like a septic tank down? Yeah, so normally most parts. So here's the thing most Parts either have their hooked up to city sewer. So it will they'll have to hook up to it can go, you know along with the city or they have septic tanks Okay, so It comes from your truck or your mobile home into like a underground thing. Yeah. So, alright. So if the taxes is so low, right? So what's our what's the gig because it has to be exact. All right. All right, the taxes alone. You can buy a home for low you can sell it for hi. So why a why would any why does it what's what's in it for the city or for the town to actually house these places and how come more people are doing it question. So, I would say per state with a first course, I'm gonna answer you said like like why do you say these are most mobile home parks our grandfather here? A lot of them really popped up in the 40s 50s 60s 70s began because after the war the government invested into Mobile Homes right after they were using actually oh warplanes and using the ten. That's why most mobile homes are kind of like that that aluminum they end up had a surplus of aluminum. So they like, you know, how can we use this when we build a house so that's why mobile homes actually really start going so in the 70s went like say once hug got involved in the 70s that kind of depreciated write the value of mobile homes. They want to point mobile homes were the place to be you told me that well. Yeah. It's like look, he's be luxury. Yeah, and it was kind of like Suburbia. Most mobile homes are rules like Suburbia right here. You got a lot of mobile home parks. They look like little I guess you can say Suburban neighborhoods and once when huh got involved, unfortunately think about the Next Generation people start moving back to the city. It just kind of took the So it was a no it was a need for affordable housing. But what cities these places were definitely grandfather in. There's a lot of cities that for example, let's say owner actually sells mobile home park. Sometimes they like yo that's in the habitable. Like they don't because they don't really want because they don't really benefit from the mobile home park. So when did when did mobile homes get the bad name of like trailer parks and Trail the whole like when did that shift? Cuz you said at first it was luxury and then obviously it kind of got tarnished and people have bad. Ideas when he think about that, so like what point did that even like you said like trailer park trash stuff like that? Like how did that happen? So to my knowledge it was an article. I'm not sure the exact year, but I think and I knows like in a late 60s and somebody had wrote a newspaper article about trailer trash and that just kind of stuck the name just kind of stuck and then of course movies play. I think my horror movies right 8 Mile That I thought it was a show on television. I need to pick I look at honestly, it's almost like in the hood, right? They depict like, you know, what they for example, Chicago they're going to pick on certain shows that is just the gutter. You know what I mean? But at the same time, it's very nice mobile harm. It's a Luxe people. I know in San Francisco. They have a mobile home park that literally million-dollar mobile homes, the same double-wide that I can go purchase for 15,000 is going for a million dollars in the area in San Francisco. I Sol will smooth the head of over home. It was close like two million. It was like a two-story mobile home travels Like To Movie sets with okay. Yeah as though all right. So now we got the Back stories in a nano second segment go into some details and go with terms and key definitions. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or whatever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. Alright, so now I'm going to go over some key terms definitions things I need to but before I start we talk about pricing but on average since went in Illinois, how much can does a mobile home cost on average? So the average price Ellen? Way use mobile home is right at 7500. So if you looking for something new, like if you're getting a brand-new home, they can start it right about like 35 40 thousand. That's one of the things in the negative connotations that go with mobile homes is that they're not safe. So one of the questions I was like how safe are mobile homes, man? I love that question. So so mobile homes are actually since they built in factories there when tested are built to last out stand tornadoes and earthquakes. Quakes and things like that, right? The thing is unfortunately a QC maybe CNN or so. They may show they may show a mobile home park like three three tops, you know saying gone but it's not like, you know back I think what's the movie about whatever it is. But anyway what it houses flying all the way around and things like that. No, it's not like that. They actually built safe. So what's the lifespan right? So sometimes like, you know attritional Brownstone like be built in 1909. What's a lifespan of a mobile home a question? So the older ones anything? Has built after 1990 up to 30 years. The new ones are built to last with in 45 to 55 years. Okay? Okay. So as far as use explaining that title, right and it's different from like when you buy a home like a regular home you have a deed, so can you explain that? The process is far as like the title is like it's just it's easy to do it, right? Yeah. Yeah. So as far as a mobile home like a mobile home is considered a motor vehicle. Oh, so it's kind of like a car. So when you are selling the asset, you're just going down to the DMV or whatever. Your motor vehicle department is in your state and you're just transferring that title. That's it. Yeah, how long does it take about two weeks to come back? So the closing what's a typical clothing from buying a home and having it up and running like yeah, so bye. Honestly, it's like a day. I mean he's are you buying the hall you of course, we're dealing with the park. So we're going to deal with Mark manager our buyer has to sign some paperwork with the park. That's about 30 minutes to an hour that's signing the lease for that lot rent that we talked about earlier. After that. We normally take our buyers we go to the DMV together. We do that paperwork transfer the title, that's about again a 15-minute process and then they'll send a title back in the mail that normally takes about two weeks. And then the new buyer will get the title their own asset now and then we move on to the next deal that was good. So one of the things when I was doing some research it was Like there's a difference between modular homes and manufactured homes. What's the biggest difference so modular homes more times. You see concrete base where so they have like there are they are more plotted on submit. Right? Whereas a manufacturer home. Is there literally sitting on cinder blocks? So that's why you see is called skirting. So you'll see like like some vinyl that's like right around the bottom of that. So that's what covers that up. But the house is actually sitting One cinder blocks. So all right. What about insurance like insurance for a mobile home? Is it different from insurance from regular home is it car insurance is actually Transportation vehicle. Like how does that work? We calling Geico. We don't ya you literally can call guy goes on here. Are you literally can so when it comes to mobile home insurance is very similar to what you would get for homeowners insurance or renters insurance. So you literally can call like guy Coast a farm like your normal insurance. Insurance companies who let them know like you would like to get insurance on your mobile home. And in typical cost for that is about like 14 15 dollars a month. So kind of similar to what you would pay for renters insurance. Wow. Yeah. So what's the process because you said like the park owns the land right, but you own the actual mobile home. What's the actual process to getting your mobile home into a park so that process you'll be really looking for a mobile home park owner who's looking for houses. And right now it's like a Gold Rush right? Like literally now out of the 44,000 mobile home parks for that. Well, sorry 4000 are institutionally owned, you know, like just corporations that own it but it's really like the wild west because they see the opportunity cap rates are crazy on these things. So for them was happening is you have literally call like they're like bird dog watches are going to other peoples Parks right from another own. So let's say Rashad has this part right now. He hires me to come and Troy's part to scout out. Some of Troy's house has to take back to his park-like recruited hurting, right? Trust me is that part of a lot owner would say living this life as opposed to living that lat. So the one thing that cool thing in the newer mobile home parks. What they're trying to really do is make it a community-based. That's one thing about mobile home parks get a bad rap. It's a really good Community because everybody knows each other, right? So like for example, it may be you know that many days in the park. We got parsley at swimming pools and basket. Courts and in a mobile home park and yeah, yeah and so it's really just a minute. He's like what can this part provide right like like one part we I love it because they give beautification awards for whoever has the best line. Right? Some parts are pretty much like a concrete jungle our own concrete, but a lot of parts are I mean have like a huge backyard gate it fences and garages and like you'll be surprised at seeing some of that the way this stuff is developed. So, all right, so you you have a mobile home you put it in a lot but not a lot has a backyard and all that. So you have to pay for that backyard. Is that part of just the lotfi? Like how does that work? Yep, that's part of yeah lotfi. I'm like I could relate to almost like taxes right? Because I know here in Chicago depending on single family home. You may be paying anywhere from 3 Grand and 6 grand on your taxes. Right? I look at it. That's the same as taxes. If you kind of if you add that number of you paying 375 I eat, you know a month. We look at the year lease. It's pretty much Dylan. I would taxes and some people pay and their cities. So in real estate, you know, when people have multiple units of multiple assets. They have property managers and the mobile home game. You have Park managers, is it similar? What's the differences in those two roles? So the park managers role is really to oversee the park. For example, you know, make sure they fill in houses, you know, somebody's not paying their La Tren make sure they send them it notices a lot of parks have staff so they have other D men on the park, but the cool thing about it is they're not really most Parts don't they do rentals but they're not let's just say like fixing everything in the house. Did you say that? Okay, so all right. So there's two types of communities right is age-restricted and family community. Yeah, do you explain that? Yeah. So all age Community will be like, you know, 18 to really all ages. The restricted ones is the more they're normally 55 and older. So it was more so retirement communities and you normally see Those like down south Florida West Coast like Arizona, California Las Vegas, like you'll see the more restricted communities in those areas. Okay. So how many people like how many homes are in a typical community? So it varies you could be anywhere from Thirty upwards to 500 homes. It really just depends on that particular part. And you said that they don't Department. It doesn't come around to collect rent, right? So what's the process when somebody doesn't pay is it the eviction? Process are the deadlines the same as state Regulators it faster for mobile homes, honestly, from what we see Parts don't play no games. Like I'm gonna say these like most parts that we deal with they give you 10 days you get a 10 day notice and then after that, I mean you can definitely pay but if you're past that 30 days, they got paperwork already and it's starting at eviction process. So all right. What's the maintenance on mobile homes? Is it car maintenance is it house maintenance is a Nation above you have to change the oil like this person was the deal with that my timing belt broke. So I mean literally like regular house maintenance right the cool thing about a mobile home. All the materials are much cheaper than a traditional house right brick and mortar because you're dealing with most houses come with, you know, vinyl floors it coming with they say wallboard instead of drywall. So most of the materials are cheaper. So like - like I tell people if you don't have full rehab I'm gonna say a full gut 12 Grand. So speaking of that he said fix fix up so I took some notes to the vinyl it's real Rock it's foam installation added cinderblock. So like all right, you're you're fixing up in your be building a mobile home, right? How does that work? Like you get a contractor to do that and like how you like? What's the how do you do that? Like, it's just like a regular home or so you can his thing you can get a contractor. It is a lot of people a lot of mobile homes that use special contractors right there to do mobile homes, because a lot of that make well the maintenance a lot of times cheaper and the materials are cheaper if I take somebody who's been doing all the single family housing rehab he comes my mobile home. He's trust me my price going to be a little bit higher because what he used to write, but at the same time we call them handy man. We got like a team of literally Five Guys and when we need to rehab we call them they go ahead and do it and then the biggest thing for us like men shots. My guy packing Hood Estates, but just like we keep it clean safe and functional that's how biggest thing and that's his wheeler actually learned that model from him clean safe, Clean safe and functional and longest. That's how big a thing like, we're not coming in and trying to do a bogus job because you have people mobile homes don't have inspections really like that. You took me to about that. Yeah, so it's really like again since it's a it's a motor vehicle asset is is not as strenuous as a house like, you know appraisal process exactly. Exactly and that's why for us. It's like, yeah. We added value because we're not gonna let nobody come in and tell us like no wait. This is only worth 4 grand like know so far as like getting started right? How much money do you need to get started in the mobile home real estate industry. I mean really, we always tell our students like little to no money. It really just depends on your market and really just how your prospecting you can literally like for me and Byron, we don't really touch anything. Over 5,000 that's the strategy that we have created and stuck with but even in like the higher markets like we always say like you can wholesale mobile homes. Like you can still literally go in and still we call it like being a helper in the situation and helping a family to sell their home. And then again you going in with no money down. You're just now just marketing the home and then taking the profit off that and still making sure that they get the amount that they're looking for. So so how did the whole selling because I know a host of anybody not familiar with wholesaling real estate. It's like you're pretty much like the middleman you never actually owned. The whole ride you can make a profit. It's like if Troy wants to buy a home and you want to explain myself home you want to buy a home and then I can come in and be like the middle person and make like 10,000 or 15,000 and I don't like doing work is no there's no risk. No money that I put anything. Is it the same process for mobile homes. Yes, exact same process, you know, you can put them on the contract and the reality of it right now in this market is really no competition. That is why the like we're in, Illinois. Oi oi, we only like that. We personally know of 10 other investors, but we've only met two and the and out of those and the newer ones are our students. Wow. So as you're as you're talking I'm thinking myself, right? Yeah, it's cool to get the mobile home. Right? But you said that the person that owns the land is the one who makes the proper. How do I go about getting laid do I have to buy a lot and then get licensing to have mobile homes on it? Like what's that process? So that's dope. So for example, let's say we get a lot of You know, I got like 30 Acres down, Mississippi. Like I'm at home zone is like yes. Yes, you can, you know, like honestly if it's your land you yeah, like I mean, the biggest thing is let for example, let's say you just got raw land, right? So yeah now you're going to have to get septic and you going to get the wheel system installed on a high-end. I can run you up to like 20. Mm On The Low End you get all that install. I hope you stay under 10. I'll be perfect but let's say 12 V right now moving a house, depending on where you're moving it from a lot of a lot of moving company start off right about that thousand. Range long as it's under a hundred miles depending on what it is. Let's say on a high-end your move is 5,000, right? You steal you look at let's say you all in 30,000 right now. You'll get a house you get a brand new house. Now you all in let's say you got another 40,000 right we so you still under $100,000 right and think about this now, you can become the bank right you get at least that land out forever or you can just eat a package that up and now sell the land in the house. Okay, so for buying it, do you buy in an LLC or you just buy it like as a regular person? Like how do you do that? So we started with binding on personal but now we purchase all our homes and LLC while just from protection standpoint. Yes. And then from there we go ahead and roll them in a trust. What can you talk about that the trust and it really just keeping your name off. I we don't want people know how many assets we have and I mean, we just learned from a mentor that hey this is just an extra layer of protection for us. Asthma, there's no you guys place on your Instagram page. You said one proper. You can get one popular. I guess like in the area well somewhere I don't know where in America but you can get one property for $45,000 and that could generate an income of $800 a month. Let's say well you can get nine mobile homes for 45,000 and that generates an income of twenty seven hundred dollars a month. That's pretty impressive. Oh, yeah profit margins. Yeah. Yeah, so I actually made that false. As far as you know, when we say like mobile homes is the highest cash on cash return on any form of real estate. So in that specific example, I kind of use the numbers that I got from one of my realtor friends who end up purchasing a property for 45,000 and that situation. She was a landlord. They were renting it out for 8,000. So in that case again, we always looking long-term the 60-month turns because We normally put our tenant buyers on seller financing for 60 months. So in that case if she's making in five years, she made a little bit over 45,000. So it kind of close to like forty two forty eight thousand Mark, but she made her money back by took that same number and I was like look, let me compare that 45,000. So what you can do in a mobile home game. So with 45,000 in a mobile home game again, if you're speaking at that five thousand dollar range that myself and Byron stick to then yeah nine houses nine houses for 5,000 right. Remember we talked a little bit about earlier about that seller financed putting our tenant buyers on payments. Now if you're putting them on payments for a minimum of $300 a month mind you we're no landlords in this situation. So we have no landlord responsibility. We're playing the bank. So in that $300 a month or nine homes, you looking at 2700 dollars a month again in cash flow. So you already tripling your cash flow profit. So now let's look at five years how much you looking to make it five? Is always like over 160,000. I can't run. I think it's a hundred sixty two thousand. So you've tripled your initial investment investing in a mobile home so that it's like when people always ask us like why do y'all think some mobile homes? That's why right? Good job, man the next segment. We're going to talk about education and we're going to the while scaling and a few other things in the last one. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy. Share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. All right. So in the last segment, we're going to talk about education scale and but before I start I want I just got a quick question. So all right, there's three different like this different ways. However, my grill has original real estate by you like buying whole Old and make money off of cash flow or you can flip properties, right? So I know right now your main focus is flipping but is there is there a profit and buying and holding and getting like cash flow from mobile homes as well? Oh man, definitely. For example, man. I Gotta Give a shout-out to I want our students Harold, but he's down in George and he purchased a mobile home 1500 put a thousand into it and what he did was he saw opportunity with truckers. He understand a lot of guys stay extended stays. So he ran out per room $500 per room of his mobile home, right? So think about it. He got his money back in like three months. Now you may can all Profit just create a thousand dollars cash flow. Well, I'll say this he paid I think his lot runs like 375 right right internet right around that range. But at the same time you still bring it in closing over 600 bucks a month just cash flow. So your don't the lotfi plus the whatever your transfer and that's what gives you the total rent price, correct? Okay, so wish wish wish your vision to scale like what What's your plans on scaling for your for your personal business brand? And so we definitely want mobile home parks? So the larger goal with that is to get an acquisition but we find somebody has a portfolio 1020 mobile home parks that's looking kind of just to retire right and there's pretty much purchase that portfolio and just build from there and really open up the floodgates for more people to invest in Mobile Homes. How much is that? Just something like just being an industry. You'll know is it like a database where you can see like these people own? This amount of mobile Parts. All right. So we've been doing our homework. We got the top 100 companies that that do a little early to be in the top 100. If you own over 15, mobile home parks you run the top 100 of the company's. How much does it cost for a mobile home park? So now the prices went up I would say on the average 450 pads plus you're looking at about like one point to depend on the region 1.2 mil two million really depends on the region, right? I've seen parks for that has a hundred pass that was going for. 1.2 million patents is the area that's designated for the exactly how much revenue can I bring it on a year. Wow, so man as a great question. So for example, I look at it. If you have let's say you have 200 pairs right? And then you get nothing a you getting 400 bucks per pad normally Moustakas fall apart to be occupied fully occupied. You're looking at a good part 95% right 95% of those houses are filled. So if you look at your cash So I might pull out the calculator real quick. Sure. I heard you go with numbers man. But yeah, I mean I'm trying to think but the cast like I know I had some some parks that pretty much what they like netting per month in the you know and six-figure range and just net after everything. So I mean literally a lot of like after yeah, you could probably get your million back. Oh, yeah, and then a hundred thousand was saying a low-end a hundred thousand a month you'd be making from Yes, it would like maintenance. You have like maintenance keeping all that maintenance guys. You may if you have a park manager that comes with your calls and of course taxes, right but a lot of times if you did the thing what I've learned about in a mobile home park, if you give your if you give the tenants more responsibility, so they're responsible for water their response was that's how you cut costs real selected utilities up to them. Yes. Yes. So you guys are teaching people how to get into the industry as well. Right? Well, how do you how you doing that? Somehow we got several products. We got an e-book. We have an e course we do group coaching. We do a lot of free live webinar every Wednesday just to kind of get people acclimated because that's the biggest thing like we look at it. Like we wish somebody would have showed us this years ago. And then we see the opportunity and is low competition. Like literally I don't care if it's 10,000 people that started tomorrow. It's not going to be saturated. Right? So y'all are selling people the mistakes that you told me exactly. So being that shot in this industry. Is new to you or what are some of the mistakes that you made during your first deal. Well, I was a woman staying we met being new investors. We was at a park and the park managers they were actually day. I just brought the park as well. So it was new for them too and they were showing us the house and you know just talking we actually made the mistake. Well, I'm a actually wasn't we it was Byron. Right. So we got about 10,000. That's all that's all of course, you know, they tried to what we say finesses. They tried to Vanessa out of a deal and pretty much was showing us a home that we knew was only worth about maybe a couple of thousand but he was trying to sell it to us for about I think 4 to 5 and then saying like we was they had to put another five into it for Rehab pretty much taken up all of our Capital for our first deal. So we quickly learned like yeah, you got a hush your mouth when you going out to invest and you know some other mistakes, I know you can bring up some oh man not winterizing the house in the winter by those pipes since they are above ground man. That was and it's not bad. I honestly literally the first time I tried to go a cheap route, so I hired a guy to tell him he could do it for 250 like 250 for coming let's go and he just literally yeah, I'll pay for it and it had to pay another five little bit again. $750 for plumbing, right? Like what they do that so that a person can make right as far as like not knowing the market we get so many DM's people that just maybe jump on a webinar or and I get it because it is exciting. Right but you still its terms and it's just it's not a lot right, but if you try to jump in there and not really knowing it can cost you more money because most people here like I have you started with Thousand and then I'll take that five thousand and then they finish they're like, okay. Well, what about we always tell you the budget for lot, right? That's part of your expense. If we tell you negotiate light rain sometimes Park managers may say hey, you know what, like let us rehab is will give you a month or two free, but if you're not used to got incorporate that into your calls it can take you on a long again six months to sell your house, right? So you got to just incorporate just a little cost that can add up on the rental side when you're getting people to read what's the turnover of people to turn in six-month these or like you said some of the truck His do maybe a monthly is what's the turnover? So I honestly most people we realize that they're willing to deal willing to stay at five years Max and mobile home parks because you have think about just like I look at like this. It's just like the hood right at certain parts of the hood that is just a gutter that people know they want to make it out to and they move to another part of her that's little bit better, but they still want to move out so it's levels to it right unless you just in a mobile home park in Miami off the water. You probably not, you know, I mean like you want to stay there for 10 years plus, right? You know, so honestly for us we provide anywhere from to upwards to 10 years, but normally most of our average is like three to five years but the turnover we rarely get people that want to leave unless they're family like for example, we had a family that a couple they were expecting that their child. So, you know, they need more space now, so in that case, but normally they're going to stay so I saw on your page. Also, you said people mistake is buying high and selling low, right? So All right. How do you like how does that happen in the in the in the mobile home world? Yeah, so I must say this profit is profit and but we I'm not gonna say we teach you how to be greedy, right? We teach you how to make large returns. So yeah, for example if I buy a house with 10,000 and what I system, we you know, you turn around you only make two grand off of you make 12. I'm happy for you that you made money, but it's just like, you know, you left way more money on the table. So that's the way we look at it, especially if you look at it long term. Right, like if when you do tell the finest again, if you take a minimum of $300 for 60 months, that's 18 Grand. So what got you in education like what what made you want to spread awareness and teach people how to actually do this man be honest for myself like that was already my call and I've been doing a lot of mentoring already do a lot of coaching and honestly Gods had I never would have saw myself. If God to show me a picture like Yo, he had next year. You bought to be doing these mobile homes. I'm like bro, you now come on but it's just he had a bigger a bigger picture for us and I mean both of us and man. It was just like don't even see Sean. He's just like yeah, let's go, right. Yeah, like I told him like once we did our first couple of deals, I think we say like right here and I told him like we gotta show this we got to teach this to our people because it's so many I know so many other investors who have been trying to wholesale who been trying to get into traditional real estate. But again, it's starting Is that have been stopping them like credit Capital? They can't get started. So once I found this I was like come on like this is bigger than us like this for the people. So I I noticed you had to have students. So obviously they go to the webinar. Are you guys coaching them after as well as and bringing them to their first deals? Yeah. So we always say anybody who invest in a program like you family might hit us up like we don't want to we're not that type of like you okay by program and then go out on your own and do it, right if you don't hit us up that's on you. You know me. Mean but we really is like an open book because that's the thing is just like the more the more sex the more success that they have like, that's just I mean that's joy for us, but it's just like what we doing is just we help me trade wealth for them. That's though. That's dope. So, alright. Well, thank you. We appreciate it. This is what's the information for your courses. How can people contact you? How can they check out all of your programs that you have gone? Yeah, so for one man, Instagram is really our main page follow us at a 10. I'm sorry at mobile home Elite investors there. You can literally click the link in the bio that can get it you can access to the course. We have a private Facebook group ebook even need a payment plan. That's what we have private coaching. Whatever you really need. That's what we you know, we get our program to help everybody. We got something for everybody. Go go go Troy. Yes out to everybody on patreon. Cam that's all probably proud to pay program everybody that's been supported on there. There's five tiers. You can join any tear that you like this bonus footage dead as bonus content. Just want to give a good shout out quick. Shout out to our new members Jada and Marquis and Christian and Derek is well. They've joined in there. Some of them are joined at a fives and join us here to anything that you provide is a blessing to us because it allows us to come here come to Chicago to other cities and show highlights and Hometown Heroes. And this is great and we learn every time that we do an episode. We learn something new. So thank you to re on patreon. Thank you. Everybody on any of these that's purchased emerge. Now. This is the first episode that everybody has the merchant. Yeah for sure everybody that's been purchasing a torturous up there as well. So feel free to get that. Yeah, man. Yeah and yeah as is over liabilities, that's what we running with some shots of Chicago to go City of Chicago has been very hospitable to us. And this is actually the first one of Hometown Heroes we actually going to be releasing another episode with the Downing Brothers. They are Chicago celebrities. They got an HD TV show and are they interesting because actually firefighters but they're also Real Estate Investors as well and they also television stars as well. So they have an interesting story some so make sure you check that out as well and actually said the merch but don't forget our Workshop series as well Workshop is 1017 is going to be financing financing for first-time Real Estate Investors how to finance your Real estate deal that's going to be in person in Brooklyn, but it's also going to be live stream for anybody. You can go to the advanced tab on our website on your to check that out. And also as you guys know I'm a financial advisor. So if you want to hit me up for a 30 minute consultation anything from retirement planning estate planning life insurance investing anything like that. My calendar is also honoring And as I said as the 30, it's not the pick my brain, please please do not Just call me for unrelated random questions. I'm being very generous with my time. Yeah, so is specifically targeted for people that are interested in getting help in within those areas. But yes, that is our own and the book tip of the week is a step-by-step guide to buy and sell mobile home. You know, who wrote that book? Yeah. I got Byron wrote that book is actually his last name is sellers, which is actually very interesting very fitting when he told me. I'm like, is that like a stage name? Like solid hold his last name is celery so it's got playing Scott. So yeah check that as to ebook right? Yes, sir. Yeah. Sure. So make sure you check them out. This is very very good episode for us and blessings to you. You know, it's extremely encouraging to see any young entrepreneurs, but especially a couple that you know had start it's not always all good times either right issues when you first start but to see you guys, you know progression and I mean I said to see next year five years ten years. I'll be following your journey. I'll be rooting for you guys for sure. For sure. So first I'll see you at home. I like the new setup on the road. Yeah sure. We will see you guys next week. Peace, please.
It’s a little known fact that mobile home investing provides that highest cash on cash return on average from any form of real estate. It requires extremely low amounts of capital to invest and the profit margins can be huge. Very few people think of investing in mobile homes or mobile home parks, but it’s not only an extremely lucrative business it’s also a high demand industry. 22 million Americans live in mobile homes and as real estate prices continue to go up nationwide the demand for mobile homes is rising. It’s a billion-dollar industry that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Byron Sellers and Sharnice Williams of Mobile Home Elite Investors have mastered the mobile home industry. In episode 41 they gave us insight on how anyone can get started investing for as low as $500, they went into detail about the ins and outs of mobile homes and explained the pitfalls to avoid. Guest IG: @MobileHomeEliteInvestors Book Tip: A step by step guide to buy and sell mobile homes --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
In the house, yo. Hello, it's the ultimate fantasy podcast your One Stop Shop for all things fantasy. Welcome back after game week six. I'm your I'm your host Alfie and I'm struggling to speak already alongside me is a man who is due to public pressure working hard to improve his mic technique. It's the man with the stats and the beard is Nathan Taylor. Hello, Nathan. Hey May. A loud and clear loud and clear and who's that stalking around the background? It's York shirts fine as export since Gareth Gates. It's the citizen secret journalist. Hi, Phil. All right, I forgot about Gareth Gates. How could you ever forget about I think the whole world did to be fair? I was I was always a will young man when we all were you'll this speech against Simon Cowell. What a hero. Yeah stood up for the little mound in it. Okay, so not about that show. It's about this show today. And that's let's talk about what's coming up today. So in part one, we have the full game week 6 review looking at FPL draft of Anthrax. Of course, I'll be asking the boys here because question part 2 top marks AKA will Timbers host the treatment table where he discusses the idea of possibly trading out Sterling and Tommy Gun will also be calling in to talk about Arsenal youngster sacker and whether you can be the new bargain player part 3 we look ahead to game. Seven with some insight from FPL content creator FP on infra and of course, we peruse the changes we're going to make for our podcast fbl team and part 4 is of course the answer to our quiz question the clean sheet forecast and a little matter of the B recommendation. So before we do our game week, six round up and remind ourselves what the heck went on. I have the quiz question for you guys. This hit it Calum Chambers scored a delightful and rather important goal for Arsenal against Villa. At the weekend, he's now scored six Premier League goals under five different managers. I want you guys to name them. Okay. Okay good excitement on their faces. Don't forget listeners. I'll be revealing the answer in part 4. Okay. There's do our game week six or Roundup Lester take the Madison Avenue defeating Spurs to prove. They are not to be messed with this year. No matter how far they go Chris Wylde. His blade should have got some Faith. All that steel is better than silver with a solid two new away win. Ali was left Cresswell Fallen as is poor United Team a hammered into submission at the Olympic Stadium. Ha ha ha Newcastle Brighton fight our Neil Neil Baum with condemned the Saints walls snatched Victory from the jaws of the Eagles Arsenal sneaker win past the villains. And would you believe it Burnley teach new boys know it's a lesson as those high flying birds are brought back down to earth with a bump and oh, yeah. Merci They smash Watford a meal. Six clean six this week six man city Shuffle United burned in Newcastle Brighton West Ham assist Kings were mares and kdb with to each assisting Defenders Robertson Joel. Would Rico lundstrom as pillow quetta Gold Kings Bernardo silver three God's going to fenders this week loads Trent Ricardo a chaotic Mandi Cresswell Chambers own goals a year in mean and then danke red cards am n and say hey, This week's top performance players across half pound draft be silver kdb, Marez. And of course that annoying Defender Autumn Andy. Oh, look at you two writing down on lot of answers for the quiz question. If I tap on that and it I don't think it is. Actually he's going big Phillies mugging you off mate. Okay got some stats for you. Now stat Manuel Pellegrini is the first manager to win against four different Man United managers in the Premier League. That's Moore's van Hal Bruno had so sure another stat. People are the first team in Top Flight history to win their opening six matches of a top-flight season in two consecutive Seasons. Now that stats Pierre Emerick aubameyang has now scored 16 goals in his last 16 games for Arsenal in all competitions. He's right that ladder knee. It's pretty handy. Pretty tasty. This week's top player top-performing players in for Life Beyond drafty of the God gives up. Ramsdale Ryan Fabian ski Defenders otamendi Cresswell, Lon. Ostrom midfielders Bernardo silver kdb Maris and forwards would for me no agüero and jata or yatin a Portuguese jotter fan tracks Nathan this some changes. Yeah, just a couple of changes notable ones Edison is in there instead of Fabian ski, not sure Edison had much to do this weekend. But anyway Webster have bright and replaces lundstrom in Midfield is the same but it's slightly different with KD be leading it more or less the same. The forwards but Pepe sneaks in Pepe. Actually, I was going to suggest he did something but I'm not sure really just went up and took my family didn't this quarter panel? Yeah, there you go. So the form players with a past five weeks. This is average points not including BPS. Not much really talk about other then Fabian ski gun, and now jodhpur have car are the top performing goalkeepers in defense giap and sure have joined Trent on the form train. Oh FPL FPL. Let's talk FPL. Our team party FBI team result. We did very well guys 67 points that's above the average 52 points. Now we agreed to Captain Sterling, but luckily I forgot and that meant we had sellers Captain good tactics feel just bad. Admin. Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean What are you going to are you going to climb? It was it was on purpose? Are you gonna absolutely my genius knows? No bounds? Yeah. Well, who am I to fly in the face of that but in other so the captain is site mean we had to broaden their he got 17 points are within nicely kept in him, but our defense was on fire three of our four Defenders scored goals. Yeah Trent Ricardo and a k and Robertson got an assist. Wow, what a sexy defense. We've risen now. So from 1 million three hundred twenty thousand four hundred sixty three to a whopping eight hundred and twelve thousand five and thirty nine that bad. May we are knocking on the door. Yeah, we are there will be discussing our change for game week seven and part 3, of course. Look forward to that the highest scoring FBI manager for game weeks. It's congratulations and tongue livgren and Sweden who's team FC glider. Good. I mean so easy for me to say these isn't it a hundred forty one points. You made only one transfer with the otter going out Dominic covered Lewin and you're like this feel he triple Captain Kevin De bruyne ER 51 points. Of course he did is that the city players Urban artists of an ottoman D. Other than that is is lesser players perform for in Crestwood Matt Ryan. And yeah, malenko. Yeah. I'm an anchor and did he get lucky or Or is he good? Because it can he's now a ranking of 15,000 546 now that is good in it. Hmm. Oh the top FBO manager overrule. Congratulations met at Short keys back Egypt's finest back to the top of Table after securing 86 points now sitting 18 points clear of total 489 with guess who fill holes on his heels. Oh, come on tell me Muhammad have his emran of Malaysia honest here. We thought you know in that because some team names for you guys Nathan. I thought I'd go with the yoga clock theme. We've got cops and robbers two managers have got that Paul had away. What is love and Thomas you there? You got talk about Hideaway top of the clops Ryan Jones Robert Moore Phil. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I heard it. Yeah. All right. Yeah, it's a serviceable pain. I'll give him that. It's serviceable and what this one tricera clop more bit more creative, but I'm not sure it works. It's not cool with it Mark Ward and lucky and this one no relevance to the club Gamers stones. You got silent says it all topical. Mmm. That's talk to our fantasy now draw a fantasy now our draft League feel like this is right up your alley. I'll draft early because of bonus points for tackles interceptions thrown up a surprise star player in the shape of can only be it can only be one man. It's the man they're kind of man mounted in newcastle's Midfield Isaac head, Isaac. Hey, Dad. Native thought yeah, he's probably the most sought-after plan. I leaked it. He scores like six points on a weekly basis and what a world what a world. We advise me of the championship manager days when all four players were the world's best players. Who's the one must MacArthur was his name Ibrahim a back here Yorker giving him breakfast. It's a good it's good. It was at Darby but Kaku or something like Anton Zolo makoku you guys come on. Anyway, so he's a sad sad day Kennedy back a blue marker to Mark the mid field right-center. Yeah, then they talked about me. Anyway, anyway, so this talk about results Phil you did a come back against Dow and his team of a 21. In scoring bernardo's silver the player who Nathan Let Go for free. Yeah, you secured a win with 50 points versus 46 a good comeback for you. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't win it was good. Yeah, and I'll be honest. I was initially worried when Bernardo silver Act of 2005, but thankfully thankfully Dow doesn't have anybody else that song. That's catchy. We facing Colin Wilson got some points from dinner and he's got he's got on that me. NG as well who put after he scored that kind of late winner for us and I think you know, that's me done. There's no way I'm coming. But yeah, I just smuggled it through with cancer point you gotta flip Billy. So yes, you can stick all your girls. Hang on all I'm after is tackles interceptions. I'll see a biome Oreo almost school to go for you as well until it was a sellout because of a toenail da Jia and and Yet another solid four points from a teeny. Oh, yeah it can Hey listen you guys what's the matter as well have someone who brings in for every week? Yeah. I'm with that. I mean it's only one less than than aubameyang and Theory. Yeah exactly. Nathan you quite possibly featured in the worst a head-to-head fixture their history of Drive fantasy despite having an awful points return of 26 your side came out Victor's because the team you playing issue with only racked up 12 points and he has he has Raheem Sterling in his side. Yeah. No Absolutely Fresh to him despite getting the second lowest total and leak. I mean that was painful to look at a bit three points is three points. We will take them. Although you have to be top of the luck League by now, surely, right? Yeah. I think that lucky win against Phil after a yeah umpire's decision overturned. Yeah and pretty sporty win against you as well. So it's going Lucky as is might be some of us have to actually put in a shift. I beat robsons high-flying agüero Pookie Mount & Co fifty four to forty seven, but I did that with my defense of Trent Ricardo Peters and Fabian ski see it's all about the defense these Strikers nonsense. So looking at our table fill me in you are completely level complete level same number of points and same number Player points. In here has the same amount of match points as us despite disgustingly having 46 fewer Player points. May tactical got as keeps us back later in the season. Is there any justice in the world Lamar might say is Lamar wasn't it? Yeah Thomas Lamar athletic gonna drift. I've got issue words this week. Obviously won't be as nice as he has. Heading back Nathan. You're up against been EP and sadio money. Yeah came off injured those in these. So apparently hope they're fine though. So yeah, he's in my overdraft team anyway, so it's kind of a weird case feel you're up against Tristan. And with that comes Kad be hmm. Yeah Tris use it beats me. So I'm not I'm not very optimistic really by the time your voice. I thought You'll bring up for it. Yeah. Well, I mean, what do you mean my usual Monitor and indicate whether I'm happy or sad anyway, I've you know, as long as you just got hope they benches kdb. Yeah. Yeah the way Everton as well out there. Yeah tonight as good as people make out other. Oh, that's it. Almost it for part 1 before we do head off to part two things. We learn from game week 6, well I learned no matter how It seemed like Nancy executes tactics of plans and insurers appraisal match that they will always be about desire heart and wanting it more desire. Yes. Exactly been that's crazy. Isn't it? Feel what did you learn? All right, it's bit controversial. But I ate meals and rubbish depending which to see you are. Well, I've got like I've got like that apologies to Man City fans are I'm sure a loving it but like for two reasons. Well, I mean first of all it take any Joy or pleasure from seeing one side just trounce another like that. It's just it's like if you supply chain manager and and back in I think we've established we did where you can basically change all the stats and players and first thing you do because it's you kind of think it would be funny it be laughs you change all the ratings to 20 and so your entire squad has 20 re-inspire from injury. This and then you basically start playing the game and just absolutely annihilate everyone in it. And then after about three games aren't boring this really doll. I'm gonna beat and every week it's just rubbish eight nails are rubbish and then second of all, what's the point of sitting in a tin ear lifted up pick Sterling? Yeah. I do. I've told you before you guys I'm not a fantasy. I just I find them dull of this water. No, I mean, I you know, what is it? I appreciate it. I don't I don't love watching them. Because it's not it's not fun. Like there's like that. I think it's round. It's like widely accepted in the one of the greatest games in premier league history. Was that for three between Newcastle Liverpool where the first one of those? I mean II was good with the first ones like the cake iconic one and it was brilliant because either team could win it. They're both going each other. There's a bit of Jeopardy in a bit of drama. Where's the drama ins a teams going after 60 seconds and then absolutely challenges and it's I've now after 18 minutes. Well, yeah exactly like what it's like as a city. I'm sure you can take some other as a city fan. Do you take a massive amount of pleasure in that because I think in the back of my mind, I'm thinking well, yeah eight. He'll probably should be winning like that every week because the amount of money we've got an amount on the kind of players we got we should be winning like that so you don't really take him out of my pleasure in it anyway, so yeah, that's my that's my one miserable little I ate meals of rubbish is basically my fish rubbish. I tell you Nathan. What did you learn? I learned the Burnley gonna badly so Norwich obviously. Everyone's favorites. Haven't beaten Man City came up against a team that maybe they took a little bit too lightly and you know, they look good this season Burnley and it's rewarded a few people someone in our draft League picked a core of Bernie Defenders of meat, uh, cough ski and met Loughton return of 18 points on FPL. That would only be a 40 and a half million outlay for those 18 points as well. So something to look at when you're thinking about what And do on a bit of a budget or when you're really struggling like this particular manager. Tommy Gun was after having lost his first five games brought in free Bernie Defenders and gets a win turns around with his burn leak or the burn. I mean that is that is putting all your eggs in a particularly years basket and they're actually hit the wood work with and have a couple of chances as well as it could have all gone to pot but it came through but then the other players in their wood with his first goal since April picked up to he's got 21 points now, So far this season no goals for bonds this week. But McNeil is picking up solid points every week. Now, he's got three assists in the last five games. He's one of those we've talked about the Six Million range of midfielders. There's a lot of them. He's now fourth in that kind of League of midfielders at six million and Paloma Ginn top set but McNeal on 24 points now, he's a player that I really like I dropped him. Hmm. Yeah, right. That's the end of part 1 we didn't go anywhere because we got Out to coming up in part 2 I'll be speaking to Tommy Gun about the new kid on the Block Kirby Kya soccer and also have the treatment table where top marks. Okay, will Timbers discusses the potential or shortfalls of dropping Raheem Sterling who would do that? Don't go anywhere. So welcome to part two earlier on I caught up with Tommy Garner the deluded one. Tommy Gunn the diluted one. How are you me Al Fey. How's it going? Mate? I'm doing very well. Thank you. Yeah, you're doing very well. You did very well in your draft week you selected a core I3 Bernie Defenders and you know, it worked out. Okay, it works out. Okay, I'll basically resorted to is like the anodized approach, you know, when all else fails go big Sam. Just had to do something not the beautiful game, but it's bloody effective when it works. I'm still a drift of the bottom of the league, but I'm in touch with the next most a drift team which is you know, the best it can be really yeah, so talking about teams cutting adrift. Let's talk about Arsenal nice segue there. There's a youngster suddenly come on the Stacker. SEC has come at of the academy, which is great. There's a whole bunch of them. Actually. He is a very promising young player and I'm hoping that we see a lot more of him obviously got pulled early because of the amn red card which was a bit of a shame but we still are enough of them to be totally convinced by him really is very good young player fantasy managers looking to get him in now. Is he going to be a Mainstay do you think or is it just like this is just a one-off do you think no, I don't think so. I don't think he's First team regular yet, but over the next couple of years. We're hoping that obviously that that changes I wouldn't be banging him in yet. I wouldn't really be banging any Arsenal Midfield as your team mainly because they all just they all just on a on a big sort of massive Merry-Go-Round of rotation. So cut a long story short stacker is by no means a first choice, but then gabrielli scored twice last night and I think he will play a little bit more as well just because I think the manager actually quite likes a bit of Speed and pace and some Direction. So I think of the to you might want to have a gamble on him. All right. Thank you very much. Tommy Gun deluded one do hope you have a good dropping. Are you going to stick with the burn leak or Bernie? Core is well to be honest with 12 teams in our league raking Through The Bargain Basement bin for another set of Defenders is basically impossible because there is nobody good out left out there. It's you know rummaging around in a lot property box at the local swimming pool for a pair. Shorts, I mean, what are you going to find some absolute crud stained sort of skanky old Speedos. I mean, there's just going to be there's nothing in there. So I may as well stick with it show a bit of faith in the lads and just you know, hang on. Anyway, it came good this week and hopefully come again for the next game we gain week 7, so thank you for joining us again. Tommy Gun. All right kids might see you later. That was Tommy Gun the to do the one I'll stall fan. Of course, if you hadn't noticed feel those Arsenal youngsters. Yeah, that they've got some they've got some talented young players coming through Arsenal, but then that's always been the case with them. You know, they're always had a strong group of players ever since venga went in there and made it clear that he wanted to start a bit aside or at least hopefully build towards that idea of bringing through their own young players and then playing the first It didn't work out with a massive amount of consistency Forum, you know, there will be few and far between but they've got players with potential there. Now Min Suk is obviously one of them he's played a few games played in the that Europa League or the last Europa League game and did well obviously started the last game and he looks useful. He's quick. He's direct it. He's definitely got the potential to score you points and he's cheap as you know cheap as chips. He's a foreigner for enough million. So yeah, it might not be worth. It might be worth the double but they've got all those, you know, we'll look he's a good player. He's only 5 million on FPL. He's useful to potential Park and is there potentially on if P our okay what we're going to get now to the treatment table where top marks? Okay, we'll Timbers is waiting for us. Hello top marks AKA will Timbers. Hello Alfie. How are you? I'm good. Thank you. How was your FPL game week a little better. I was over the average I had agüero de bruyne ER and Sterling obviously standing didn't play but I was lucky enough to have lunch drums 12 points sub and him off the bench. So very pleased 67 points good that's good as above the average show you all doing pretty well. Okay, so treatment table thank you for for hosting us in your lovely treatment room. We've got a few we've had a lot of questions actually. See this week regarding Sterling a lot of people losing faith with him. Yes. I notice is the most sold player this gaming. They were over 200,000 people sediment. I think that's a mistake. We all know pet likes to rotate his players and once a player has been wrested the chance of them start in the next match a much higher specially a first-team player like Sterling and it's you know, it's having a good season. He might have done Betty might have scored more goals, but he still had 8 big chances in total which is only behind Aguero and we've to Briner plan and Crossing those balls in from the right and Sterling coming in from the left. I think I mean, I think this points there. I really think he's going to do well, I think it's a big mistake managers who are selling him. So aside from those eight chances that you mentioned just then there's more reason for people to be positive about Sterling, right? Absolutely. He's a second for City in the expected goals. So he's he's got four point two two and he scored five goals. So he's kind of performing in average with what we would expect him to do expected goals is of course just a measure of Trance quality and he's also had 49 touches in the penalty area this season, which is more than any other City player. So the signs are there that he's getting into the right positions is getting good quality chances and with people like de Brian de Guerra around him. It only certain to carry on scoring and he's certain to come back. To the team. I mean come on absolutely and he's going to come back in fresh. I know this happened last season. So, you know April this year you came back after missing the Cardiff game. He came back and scored twice a way to Crystal Palace and after missing you pain sort of 30 minutes of Everton away in February and came back and scored twice against Chelsea. So the signs are that he will be reinvigorated refreshed and come back into the team and do well and it's against an Everton side that conceded 13 big chances themselves and and nine goals. So the opportunity is there Yum Yum Yum Yum. So thanks, then we'll for joining us the treatment table. I hope that's a laid fears from a listeners. You look ahead to the FPL game week. I am I go into it haven't been very bold. I've already because of price changes made three transfers. So I've sold Delia and danke and Halle and brought in three Chelsea players Mount Abraham and tomori who looks like he might be real bargain at .5 in defense, but it's really to get the attacking players Mount and Abraham just looking fantastic form and with the fixtures Chelsea of got I want to be on you want to be on that Chelsea train won't be on that. She'll see train. Thank you very much. Then. We'll thanks for joining us. Hopefully we speak to you again soon. Join your game week seven. Thank you. You two alpha. Have a great time. That was treatment. Table with top marks AKA will Timbers thank you. Will that's the end of part 2 we didn't go anywhere because I've got part 3 will be talking through game week 7 fixtures will be listening to content creator of Beyond them for and we'll be picking out if PLT this. Jump they say what can a part 3 let's talk. Now. Let's do the upcoming game week fixtures for game week 7 on Saturday the 28th of September. We got shopping on against Liverpool in the early kick-off then it's Villa against Burnley born with against West Ham Chelsea against Brighton Crystal Palace against Norwich Spurs against Southampton wolves against Watford Everton against merci. It in the evening kick off then on Sunday. Just the one fixture Lester against Newcastle. And then yes Monday Night Football. It is Manchester United vs. Arsenal. Yes, Phil switching fixtures there. Let's talk first though man united Arsenal Monday Night Football these two sides under the current managers have clashed only twice. So that's the FA Cup the Emirates which was a 3-1 win for you now. It's and in March of the Premier League when asked will be your night to nil also at the Emirates actually, so then faced off at Old Trafford yet historically this fixture is a 1-1 draw or win by one goal. How do you see this going? I'm genuinely I don't know. I don't know which way it's going to go but I've got a sneaky feeling man united by win it and it but I don't think it'll be I don't think it'll be fun. I don't think it'd be great to watch. I think it may be one. Nil. They might sneak it. It's a bit that a bit like it's movable object versus resistible force in it, man united are so because they just ask them ship goals and they look good going forward with the ship girls man united. I mean, I don't genuinely that I was saying the problem he died last night and we were talking about Monday night and the only conclusion we could come to his the they're awful. And and when that game against West Ham was just depressing to watch only thousand man united fan be really depressed and you think about and I cracked it was it was talking about that I think was like go Neville was saying after the game like the amount of money and resources to they've put into attacking players over that recent years and how willing they looked against West Ham, it's embarrassing really for him. It should have been a good manager me. I think that's what well, yeah, I mean the kind of you can see the trajectory and how it led to Soul shall be in there but the the tied into it now and they've managed to box himself into a position where they've got the Block in charge who was supposed to be the kind of Hearts harking back to the Ferguson days. He's the savior is going to come in all this Ali at the wheel stuff and they left themselves. No real get out. If it all went to pot which is what it looks to be kind of doing a little bit. Yeah great. So yeah sure, of course, isn't it? Well, yeah is Griffey I'm a knight. I used to look for I used to look forward to these games like man united are so like everyone you sort of forward to these get delayed even even when they were like once I did at times use the always used to be some value out of it needs to be some drama and determine I don't think Be massively entertaining and I suspect that man united might grind it out. But yeah, maybe one for like sort of a bit of rubber neck in a bit of perverse fascinating watching watching two sides car crash into each other. Yeah, I think for me this which hasn't been the same since Martin keown stopped playing for us Nathan bulmer up against Western caught your eye. Yeah two teams that I think against lot of expectations look like they might be some of the best of the rest this season. I'm definitely in terms of watching as well. Both got a good collection of attacking players forwards and attacking midfielders some stats from the brief history of this as a Premier League fixture because obviously born with only been the Premier League for four years of the eight games that they have played Bournemouth who got four wins. There's been two drawers and only two wins for West Ham, but there's always been a lot of goals and there's never been a No-No in this game and with both teams looking quite attacking I'd say that's probably set to continue so not a lot of Sheet bonuses on offer here the players that I like the look of obviously the book The Wilson Brothers Harry and Calum and then Philip billing who picked up an assist this weekend and Huddersfield obviously was in a very limited team. They look like he's just really a destroyer and was going to get a lot of contact points. But in this form of team is getting forward a bit more be a bit of a nuisance in the attacking kind of area as well. So he's a player that I like little coffee as well this week. So do I well Phil, you know all about billing of course actually fill another fixture wanted to talk about was walls versus Watford 6-pointer. Yeah, it looks a little bit like it already damn it, like kind of these two sides and Watford. Well, actually they're both of them. Nobody expected them to be down there. What for that a good end to last season walls obviously had a great season last year. I don't think anyone expected them to the bottom two in the table. But it's looking at the kind of past that these two are both coming into the game off the back of I think it might be a bit the tight one this and it might actually be a week where you might want to have some wolves Defenders and your side which isn't something you'd say every week this season, but it might be one. I don't think what for the going to not going to haunt her. Come out all attack might have been, you know dumpers done for a tat, man city. They're going to want to keep it tight walls seat will see this as an opportunity. Opportunity to get a win on the board against an opponent were kind of on the knees a little bit. So I think maybe yeah, maybe maybe it's time to say investing in a bit walls Defenders. Maybe Bali might be gone Johnny might be a good shout Doherty played in their last game and looked but useful against Palace some of these are the kind of pleasant to look at. Hmm. I've got that down into one module personally with the core a scoring finely dispersed of empting suppose. I went to last time these guys faced off at st. Mary's was in Art's it was a 2-1 win for Southampton actually this of course this this week is at the totem Stadium. It southampton's away record is the fifth best in the league with two wins from three while Spurs home record is the fifth best in the league with two wins from 300. This is a draw feel is it not now this is this is going to be a top and when I think Tottenham are going to win well in this one as well like that they had a very chaste and in My culture sister yesterday and I can only and and there's a few people I Against All Odds as a few people with Knives Out Potter Tina, which is nonsense. I mean it's insane but he's got something to prove. There's some the top and side of got something to prove. I think they're going to go and win. Well, some didn't play it while the I didn't remember who came on certain the city came on there. Well, then the rest weekend in the Erickson care mon. I did say that but I would think some and Ken they'll They'll be good chance for this week. Tasty tasty one. Love the fixed. So caught my eye just for we go Chelsea yet went home. But surely this is the week for them against Brian. Perhaps might be back in that one. Okay, let's go listen now to content creator FP on the emperor. Hope is still one of the trendiest transfers this week, despite Ryan match and him four points and price over 32,000 plus managers of got Pope in already. It's Fabian ski, though who takes the trendiest goalkeeper spot so far this week with 46 plus thousand of you getting the West Ham goalkeeper in in defense. There's a definite main Trend this week over a hundred and twenty two thousand plus managers of Soul diinya ahead of his matchup and Manchester City sin chanko is close behind him with a Didn't 18,000 plus managers also hopping off the city man. Who missed out last game week Autumn ND is the trendiest defensive transfer in this game week with a hundred and twenty-five thousand plus of you getting him in however, it's closed between him and lundstrom as the defensive move to do. This week in Midfield is also very keen cat Sterling is dropping like a stone as two hundred plus thousand managers shift him on ahead of game B7 despite him scoring four goals. Goals away from home this season and having a rest ahead of Everton who have conceded nine goals already this seasoned Sunny is also picking up pace with 81 plus thousand managers Plumping for the Spurs man, as a cheaper alternative to Sterling upfront is all about Abraham and Aguero again this game we crash food is The Biggest Loser though in the striker Department with a hundred and thirty nine plus thousand managers selling on the United man who seems to have picked up an injury this week Barnes, Greenwood. Le and Pookie are also been shifted on for the lights of the guerro and Tammy this game week with managers swapping one cheap asset for another or upgrading where possible. There was a PR and then throw you can courses into more of a stuff. If you go to a YouTube channel. You can just click on the link in our podcast blurb the episode blurb. Yeah, we can just Google it up to you right pick an RFP our team our team Sheet reads. Well, we've got schmeichel Trent Robertson. Ricardo are k Sterling style. Okay, DB Sebelius. Are you and Pookie on the bench got dead donkey, Kelly and Greenwood, so We've decided to go for we're going to just do the one transfer and we're going to get in mcginn 5.6 million and we're trading out. So by us at 5.6 million, what's the thinking there feel? Yeah. Well, I think we did that. We did that sort of classic thing. Then we would serve is of bringing him in after the him having done the one good thing he's going to do all season and then we've been piggybacking on his average innocent. Yeah. So again, no coming in. To the team Nathan. Yeah, he's of the bargain midfielders. I think when we did the previews we talked about there being a lot of midfielders at the Six Million Mark and it's hard to picture in because they call do that starting to sort the wheat from the chaff now and of the 6 million and Below midfielders, he's topped by quite a way now. Ooh fantastic. I'm excited and he's a very busy player. Isn't he Captain? See then? I mean, it's either a choice of Sterling seller or kdb unless we You're crazy and go for a Lester player like body or with we've got body we go Ricardo or schmeichel and defense and hope for a clean sheet, but I think we're gonna go with Sal are we boys? Yeah, I think solar because Nathan I just think that they'll Liverpool be too good for Chef to Chef jernard. I've got a good defensive record, but they won't have played against a team like livable before know you agree with that filled in yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm all over that and like like we talked about I think there's no guarantee after last week that Sterling is definitely going to start from Muncie ask dear. So that's the end of part three. We got part for coming up where we will be discussing the clean sheet forecast, and we'll have the answer to the quiz question. Welcome to part 4. Let's do the quiz question. And the answer. I asked Calum Chambers scored a delightful rather important goal for Arsenal against Villa at the weekend. He's now scored six Premier League goals under five different managers wanted you to name them. Let's go first. Well the obvious ones ever see Emery this this weekend. Yeah. I talked karanka no-kill. Did he I mean Little plate on the van Gogh did he scold of anger twice? Hmm and then he was he was on loan at full of money. Yeah. It was it last scene. So that'll either be you can of achor Ranieri when yeri, yep. Okay, Nigel Adkins know how to take a punch of Tina. Yeah. No, you know, it must have been we must know who else who lists only poulos Nigel Adkins. This is great. It's like a car boot sale got partner Scott. Parking. Yeah, he's on that the one more you got to get now. I'll give you a bit of a clue. You actually pay for Pompey back in the day is a Winger had no hair. Yeah, his name sounds like it should be a cricket commentator called Jonathan. I'm pregnant. Yeah, Steve Agnew Steve Jesus Christ. Yeah, no idea. I have no idea was he in charge of maybe middlesbrough's caretaker or that yeah, that might make sense. Yeah that lastly. I think he was at Middlesbrough house accelerate with proper roller coaster ride that yeah and everything. Okay the clean sheet forecast. Oh, there's Nathan brought up earlier bombers against West time as we sent this never. And they will nail so 13 goals the last four fifths 22 teams Bournemouth have scored five goals and three home games. This season was West Ham has called for in three all way from home and they are yet to be beaten on the travels. So there's this speaks of like a score draw for me Aston Villa Burnley bending it to win in their travels in three games. They've drawn to and lost one conceding for God's but scoring 3, whereas will have kept in clean sheets that are three at home and they were against Everton and West Ham so you could argue that Burnley should be a an easier tests as it were of there's such things is the Premier League pallets Norwich Palace still unbeaten at home and then he conceded one goal at so as part so far this season and that was the last minute equaliser against wolves last weekend so they could be a good shout. So my clean sheet forecast predictions for you. People are Aston Villa Palace City. Yeah. I know going crazy Chelsea now, there's the one that I think is a bit silly. Maybe and Liverpool Nathan just the free from me this week Villa Burnley Spurs who Bernier Phil I'm gonna go Liverpool Spurs walls and Lester. Hmm. So wolves between us we're all gonna be right? Yes exactly. What all correct well done us. Now. Let's look at some players who know will players coming attractions players will perform. I was looking at Decor a to score. I think what for the school at least two goals. Then I wiii iose. Perez is back at Newcastle Football like social narratives. Don't they Jeffrey slop as one to keep your eye on for Palace in into attacking positions quite cheap option and he plays Phil Aaron Cresswell, 4.9 million and only 4.9% FBI manages our own him. Yeah. Yeah, he was he was dropped after the opening game of the season. He like when's when West Ham got done 5-nil by city and didn't really get much of a look in sins because they went from a supermarket but he was suspended for that last game against Man United and Cresswell came in and scored. So he is definitely has always been one of those kind of offenders that are that are worth keeping an eye on because he creates chances, you know takes free-kicks except pieces if he gets a little rough, In Westham side and West I haven't got the worst Runner fixtures coming up. They've got a fairly nice run a fixtures. If Crystal gets a run in that side. He could be it could bring some points in for there. Hmm and they look a bit side now less time than the this season also feel we've chosen mcginn for our fantasy team. Yeah right to get behind him. Um, we yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, he's impressed all season and he continues to do so, but you look at you. Look at his kind of the stats be under underpin. And so far he gets in he gets in good positions. He creates chances the as shots. These are all the kind of barometers that you want for a midfielder in that potentially get points for you. And as it turns out that's exactly what he's doing. Hmm deed Lindstrom Nathan he keeps doing well for Sheffield. I mean, is it worth just getting him in your team just for those occasions? He's still at 4.4 million. He's got a good points Tally. What I would say is he's now in 26% of FPL teams, so might be that you've already missed. A boat on there and everyone's picked up the Lion's Share of his points. I mean Chef jernard look like they're going to be a decent enough time for the rest of the season. So I'm not saying to ignore him, but it's probably worthwhile looking at a who isn't going to be the next Lindstrom kind of breakout player. The one that I'm keep banging the drum for I think Adama trailer is going to have a bit of a breakout season. God assist this weekend. People say he's got no end product, but he look this season. He looks a little bit more like he actually he knows what he's going to do. When he gets into the final third and is starting to establish himself in the team either as a wingback or on the right of a front for his he played at the weekend as well. So I like a damn a tray or a and Adam Webster's the other player that I like the look of his came into the team for the five. No loss gets messy. But he stayed in these edged out Shane Duffy picked up eight points this week wins everything in the air. He's good on the ball getting forward. So in Brighton style, I think he might be a player to look out for is maybe a breakthrough player now good. Yeah Shane Duffy famous. Dear boys, and of course, I'm Phil speaking of Brighton. Apparently, they're in Vogue at the moment Matt Ryan did well, didn't he? Yeah. Yeah, but I mean it's only in the same school of thought to some extent as the Webster shout really like brightened on the repossession bear side now and that's that's the kind of where they want to play and they haven't faced that money shot. I mean outside of city and some of the big sides Brighton have done pretty well defended. Not first that many shots and I think out of the cheapest sort of crop of Keepers in your sort of mid four million range, Matt Ryan might be the one to pick up 10 points this week. Another player was interesting was reared mares, of course not so profitable when brought on as a 10-minute sub, but it's played 90 minutes three times this season, but he's a quiet five assists one go and it's 32 points of those three games. So and that's basically it but before we go very quickly we got our what beer should I drink section? What beer should I drink Nathan at Johnson? 1 6 3 4 5 2 says strongest beer of all time. I think basically this is a blow that hangs outside. My local shopping wants to know which is the strongest beer of all time. Okay, before I say this drink responsibly and I'm not recommending any of these Bears strong spiritual time for while brewdog were involved in the bit of an arms race with a German Brewery to brew the Guess they had things like tactic. I hate these names and I don't particularly like brewdog tactical Nuclear Penguin, which is 35% ice forming ice distilled beer then Sink the Bismarck was like 40 something percent. That was obviously a reference to the Germans overtaken him. So nice that we're still mentioned in World War Two. Yeah and these things sure Sproul from Germany of put out a couple of high 40s. But actually at the moment, it's a Scottish Brewery called brewmeister have got one called some snake venom and it's in the high 60s percent. I'm not recommended as a drink to drink if you want something ridiculously strong that were actually tasty. So and then there's a Belgium brewery destroys that have black damnation as 59 percent and actually is at least edible brilliant. I love those times. I've wanted to be called Dead nun in the face. I want that went to the Beer festival and I drank a 13% beer and that was like drinking black treacle. So God knows what 60% it's just whiskey, isn't it? Yeah, it's just whiskey that's what is this. It's really way to drink responsibly or don't and to smash your face up. That's the end of our podcast for this week, but will be met back next week at the usual time many thanks to Nathan. Thank you mate. Feel tears. I'll show me girl. 1f p + M4 and to the fantasy football chaps. If you need to contact us you can do at ultimate F pods to say hi. We'll just say no. I enjoy game week 7 will see you the other side. Take a sobs. Goodbye. the top the top
Welcome to the Ultimate Fantasy Podcast - your one-stop shop for all things Fantasy Football. Alfie is very pleased to be joined by Nathan Taylor, the Secret Journalist, FPL Nymfria, Top Marx and Tommy Gunn as they discuss the gameweek to come. PT1: (00m28s) Intro/Greetings (02m10s) Quiz Question (02m42s) GW6 Roundup (06m05s) FPL Results (09m26s) Draft Results (14m44s) What we Learned PT2: (19m25s) Tommy Gunn/Brief Arsenal Chat (23m37s) Treatment Table with Top Marx Will Timbers PT3: (27m52s) GW7 Fixtures (34m58s) FPL Nymfria (37m04s) FPL Selection PT4: (39m20s) Quiz Answer (40m55s) Clean Sheet Forecast (42m28s) Notable Players (46m30s) Beer Choice A MonkeyBuns Production Original stings and material by Alfie Evers Get in touch: @UltimateFPod Like and subscribe to the YouTube page of FPL Nymfria for your FPL tips Twitter: @FPLNym Extra music by: Ross Power The Insider Theme by The Insider An Example For by Captive Portal Soma by Teeho x VYVCH Looking for a platform to host your Draft Fantasy Football needs? Listen to ‘Pressure’ by Alfatron6000 - the unofficial official song of Fantasy Football This episode is sponsored by Subject Six -  the new novel by William J Robson Buy yours on Amazon now
We're up here man. We're up here or down here and Tribeca. We're ready to do the second half with our guest today. And he's a lot of funny could actually be a stand-up comic belt good fight hard and former deputy chief and the NYPD then went on to be a police commissioner inOccurs before we get back we get back into our interview. We we've been like you're such a great guy and so easy to talk to it and then like half these stories that you start telling us. I'm like save it for the air. So I'm here for you mark. Yes. So I you started on this story. Apparently you were in the Intelligence Division. You're the boss. Tell us the what you were you were just telling us right. It's a great story intelligence officials a great command and actually later on. I'd like to baby in a serious note talk about some of the post. Eleven stuff that the my guys and Intel did another got credit for it and they weren't looking for credit or Metals went like that. But after 9/11 obvious was crazy time in the city crazy time to job and these guys did the work of Heroes that day and and months afterwards and never fully was acknowledged. But anyway get off the somber note Intel for getting those who don't know the Intelligence Division at the time and still to this day. They're in charge of dignitary protection. So they got the mayor they got all the UN people and senators and everybody else that comes to town. So when this one occasion the Yankees had won the World Series here before so commissioner Carrick at the time Bernie. Kerry called me up and said, you know, we got to set up a motorcade from Baltimore and get him right into the White House to be. Alright after they won the World Series in Next Day next year. So it's the next year one the out they want to guess they want in October of 2000 and they were getting honored by the president in probably May of 2001. So in a Yankee fan is great for me. I get to escort the team on buses right into the White House right into the West Wing in the Rose Garden. And the whole bit and it was really really, you know a great kind of a highlight moment in my career. But but as cops, we see humor no matter where it happens. So I have to be on this bus for an hour or two is in the West Wing. There's a couple little like one stall to stall little bathrooms. So we all had to run to get online. And so the former Yankee great Lee mazzilli. Good guy. Nice man, very personable guy. He's on line with us. So guys are going in. Presents an economist guys are going in and you know taking a leak. So again being cops, you know Lee goes first and apparently somebody had gone in before him and absolutely destroyed this bathroom in the white house. It was a big number to shall we say, yes in the west wing and there's no way Lee mazzilli could have done it because he just went in and out real quick. But again being a guy you'd want to be hazardous materials unit. We had to it was it was a mistake as a crime scene Lee comes out the poor guy and he's devastate he's been embarrassed and we're on line right behind him and he's holding a door open going. I didn't do that. I didn't do it. Like why does he care? Right but I didn't do that and we both go sure that the poor guys like embarrassed as hell. But again, like I said, even the White House that you could find some humor that's how was the White House. It was beautiful. I said the Oval Office we packed them in George Steinbrenner was alive at the time. He was actually taking over finally the president United States says George just to remind you. I'm the president because yeah, they will form a Leaks when Bush was one of the owners of the Texas Rangers so they kind of knew each other but typical George Steinbrenner who I loved he was just taking over the whole room, you know, and you know, the JJ G WB finally had to say, excuse me. It's my office pal. So you got a chance to get to know George Steinbrenner too. Huh? No, look just bumping into him, but I know guys that work for them and listen, he's a he's a tough guy, but he did so many humanitarian things for some of his employees if he found out somebody's wife was sick. He dropped everything and made all kinds of phone calls. So one of his Executives wasn't he writing. VT on the outside of Yankee Stadium and when he was a kid, so then the rumor has it. Well The Story Goes On the room. It's just true story George Steinbrenner was dressed was pulling in with his limo. Whatever reached out went on the car grabbed the kid. What the hell are you doing? Find out this kid's name what his situation was and got him a job working at Yankee Stadium the guy rose up through the ranks until he was an executive one of the biggest Executives of the yeah. What a Rican kid from the Bronx. Yeah. He's a good guy in his own way. It's you know, there's a lot of stories out there floating around about him being a real good guy. Listen, I know he's a fire his managers often and you know, that was his thing and he was always in the paper. Yeah. So so that intelligence Vision was a good place to work, huh? It was a great place to work. It's good people now, it's a bureau now, they really rightfully so they beefed it up after 9/11 that you a lot more different things. They post guys in other countries now, so the intelligence Bureau now does outstanding work that they start doing that when you were the CEO now, They started it after after after I left. I know some guys who were in London, you know the real as real that's pretty amazing. They would have a guideline have to live there. Yeah. They do like a 2 or 3 year commitment know they take a train every day. If of conocí I said, that's because that's really what the hell did you do? Retired but he was stationed in London. He goes it sucks turrets 15 bucks a beer. That's how we measured it. Wow. That's a lot of when we came to be a stipend here. Yeah. It's a lot of money for a nice obviously drinking in the wrong places. Well, London, everything's expensive as hell. Yeah. Well, yeah, you got to get out of London off the beaten path a little bit. I'm sure this place is that it's not 50. I don't give it to your TA in London. I don't care man. You can take him back would probably pay. You gotta tell Detective Pat in London. Don't forget that it's in there guys got any pbrs. So yeah, so you worked in a lot of interesting places. I was reading your resume bill made me he always makes me do this the movies coming out. That's right. Yeah, I sent em to Pamela shot to I hope I'm going to quiz them later. So I don't want to embarrass you but like well Police Commissioner of Yonkers, obviously Deputy Chief of the NYPD you worked with the FBI the DEA the Secret Service. I mean that's that's that's a beautiful resume and they all sent me to different schools and stuff like that. So I saw that all the training you got the one of you talk about guy's balls dipped in butter. The training comes in there, too. Yeah, you know me the FBI Academy, even if it was getting a CDL license. Training on the job. Then you go drive a truck when you retire it gives me a nice drive the truck, but I'm just saying there's a lot of great training on the job. Yeah, there is I'm looking at my resume sometimes I'm like, it says he was a team player. He played ball a lot of ball playing never be a shining star, but he was a boy. It's a team never Jam you up. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he doesn't go to the bathroom when the third round has been purged makes it makes a good cup of coffee. We talked about that upstairs. We're getting coffee didn't trust your coffee coming when you're a big boss. Right? What happens is everybody wants to bring you coffee. They want to do some you were a big boss on the job. He wants kissing his ass. Yeah. It's basic man, right? I got my old coffee Chief. You got your own coffee. I got my shift. Could I start your car before you go out so I could turn the heat on. Well, you know, it's funny. It's funny but not funny in Yonkers. Jacques is maybe every 15 years goes outside for a police commissioner. So our keynote Charlie Charlie Charlie Conley's also friend and mentor to me. Charlie was the Charlie snout 80ish. But Charlie was the PC in Yonkers in the 80s then in the mid 90s. They brought in a guy Bob Olsen who I still don't stay in touch with little bit by boltzmann was like the chief and like Omaha, Nebraska someone so right away when he got there the Yonkers cops called him text. He was tax even though he did was in Texas who he was. X but there was some craziness going on in Yonkers at the time and there was a guy who was fired for some always use told to leave. He's going to be fine. He decides to resign and whatever happened there was a rumor that somebody affiliated with that guy was very upset about it and had a background in Vietnam and explosives and stuff like that. So long story short commissioner Olson comes out of his home starts his car and it was a hand grenade wired to a coffee can so to call blows up good. He got like burns on his leg and stuff like that. He's actually stayed under the year. But so people kid around about like, you know, hey when you went to Yonkers, did you give you a call keys to your wife so she could start the car, but for those who are listeners are from New York. Let's describe. What what Yonkers is even is Yonkers is a little bit further north in the Bronx. That's where it actually begins. And why isn't it part of and why isn't it Patrol by that new NYPD, you know Yonkers is the Legacy. How big is the youngest Westchester Yonkers is Westchester County Yonkers is the fourth biggest city in New York state and it's only Rochester for some reason always comes in a few thousand people more than Yonkers and I always when I would do it my colleagues in Rochester. I said you're counting dead people up there, huh? Because Yonkers is white bigger. I think than Rochester. But anyway, it's a separate process you talk about something way further know. Yeah way up in Western Europe. So Yonkers has its own identity. They really get ticked off when people think it's the Bronx or to six borrow or when people that don't know the city at all say so so so that's your New York City, right? It's not and they're very they're very sensitive about that and rightfully, so it's one of the what did they call you when you went to Yonkers they called the other guy texts what they call you well to my face. They said Commish but I don't know I used to sign everything. Eh, so it's like eh or when they were pissed at me. It was that effing. Eh, you know, so but Many cops on that department. I had 650 sworn cops, which by national standards is a very big police department, but it's on my left we down with budget cuts and stuff. We don't about 600 but I'll say right up front. It was a great experience for me not to be self-serving a blow smoke. But the five years I spent in Yonkers was one of the highlights of my career good street cops great detectives great from another division. They're smaller products unit. I know somebody that worked in there very very good person. It's pretty much. Other than like a bomb squad and stuff like that. It's pretty much self sufficient. It's big enough to be self-sufficient and I'll tell you what thing anytime there's a test given or cops. I never had a cop rollout of Yonkers to another department if they always roll into Yonkers, which everyone's making 500 hours a year over time. And what is the salary over there? It's at they do a bit better base salary within the New York City like so everybody does better than New York. It's not necessary. That's not Clarkstown Orangetown like in Rockland County, but They do well and there they still make over time. The overtime is sometimes a little out of control. But but the they still do pretty well they still do but let me add some Cuts culturally I know on the NYPD, they really proud of them cutting back over time. How come you couldn't cut over time and young? Well, I did I didn't cut it I'll I didn't get crazy like, you know, they would complain like, you know, you're bringing the NYPD Playbook here and I said, well, it's a good play book, but I don't bring everything from there might be just enough to works. I mean I say, I'll Patrol guide the NYPD is this thick? Because of all the mistakes and tragedies that we've had you know, so So but but by and large, it's a good play book, especially when you throw in all the stuff that Bratton brought in with compstat Etc. So you bring comes that I did I did but I did it in a more. I think the police academy. What do they combine it with? The other words Chester counties. Well Westchester does the academy and the Yankees sent their guys there and then they get two weeks with you know, my training and why does in New York just go up there and just take over York. You can run I can run around man. Just take it over. They better we better we better come ready to fight and they can do that. But that was the plan. What's the area over there Mountain Vernon Mount Vernon is part of Yonkers. Well, I tried to separate City. My Vernon has all kinds of problems. We got bigger problems big problems politics. They're crazy. They're you know, the elected officials there or that's how will do terrible might take over Mount Vernon and then we'll have you on both sides and we can just walk on the police commission was the World War II Netflix documentary. Watching Game of Thrones is something they explain what happened in the World War II document on man. You gotta see it. It's it's unbelievable. But that's that's what you know you watching how they actually the Germans went about the Second World War and why they got England started getting involved because it started taking over all these lands they used to have but slowly methodically building up. I think the NYPD should do the fuck that man. Let's go take a look at math. Take it right over. You can never find anything. Like what's the difference between Being a chief now and being the actual commissioner. Well, you know when I was the how many chiefs did you have on the US as the I3 but when I was in NYPD, I was the molluscum and NYPD. I was the second in command of the Narcotics Division for the entire city. And the CEO of the commanding officer was my friend just recently retired Jim O'Neill. Okay. So so Jimmy and I got along very well good guy. So the Arcus thing kind of pops up in a guy no that's involved with the city of Yonkers at the time. He calls me up and he says Hey the Is looking to switch out the police commission it so he's calling me and I said I'll see if I can find someone. Oh my God. He says no knucklehead. He wants to talk to you. Oh, wow. So I said, okay, so you had a casual conversation then it became more like a reality where he said they're going to offer me the job. So it's funny when you're at that rank when your Deputy Chief or even lower than that protocol requires that written down anywhere but protocol requires. You have to tell a police commissioner that you're leaving that you go that you're looking at another job you leave you don't want him to find out about that. Street so I made an appointment to see commissioner Kelly at the time and he was very gracious. He wished me well, and actually, you know, I had to actually get approved by the city council. So I took the job without city council approval which is a bit of a risk and to his home of the Yonkers PD obviously after the artists job and to his credit Ray Kelly unsolicited wrote a letter. Somebody said you must been really trying to get rid of me. He bought a letter on my behalf saying it city council. I fully endorse, you know, Ed. Hartnett is the next Police Commissioner. So I was really kind of in to do that. I actually put that on a wood plaque just so I could show it to people and its really it's an amazing career that you had to be political Police Commissioner and and again mentors like is guys like I said man, I'm happy doing what I'm doing. I don't want to take that. That's a crazy job and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. And then like John timoney Pat haunted other people said you got to go run your own police department. They all did it and they said you could do it too. So they gave me the confidence to take the job and I went in by myself, you know, I didn't have a luxury. Bringing friends and mentors and other guys in with me what kind of problems that you have in Yonkers as compared to New York City. Well when I got to Yonkers Yonkers again the great street cops. They were maybe a little rough around the edges in the street. There was a lot of backlash come from the community about you know, that they weren't treating people respectfully, especially in communities of color and I gotta say those stories were not or fabricated I could see that there was an edginess there was a there was an attitude Dude, maybe in some neighborhoods where that they weren't treating folks in those neighborhoods the same as the treating other neighbors. So we got down to business and I we told people what can what I expect of them what we expect of them and what won't be tolerated and you know, I had to discipline some folks and get them to understand that, you know policing now and 21st century requires that we have it a little more tact a little more sensitivity shall we say and listen they came around the good cops. So they always have the body cam. I think they might be getting some of them now maybe on a pilot the Raceway over there right trying to think of things that happen in Yonkers, you know, like that could be comparable to the city like, you know, the race was now the casino to so it's been a casino for years. So that really does generate much problem sometimes okay, but if that is in Yonkers though, yeah Yonkers has four precincts and and it's almost like four separate towns like North East Yonkers is like the suburbs it borders Scarsdale Bronxville, you know Eastchester. It's It's very nice. Low crime Southwest Yonkers parts of it looked like parts of the Bronx it is and it's got all the social ills, you know, drugs gangs violence and then the other two precincts a little bit of a mix, but I tell you like I said, it was a great experience. They will show you the Jadakiss the rappers from Yonkers all the younger he is he one of them is Jadakiss with DMX to get stop the mail do right and you know, which one all the cops know he does not have a valid driver's Like who? What are these guys one of I get them mixed up and he drives down Yonkers. I'll take his he wants to get stopped. Let's go. I think record sales go up. You want some street cred It's gotta be DMX. I think it's D of X. Yeah, and the guy stopped him and he's like, yeah, you know what have a driver's license and it's and it makes the papers the next day but it's a fun. It was a fun place to work. How many homicides would you get a year? They're not that many. I tell you what there was they'd never get into double figures really. They're barely barely and detect it when they'd ever homicide. They got solved a great clearance rate. They knew people in the street did good informants. I tell you they were I stack the best Yonkers detectives and the best Yonkers detective bosses. I would stack up with the guys. I met and when PD did that good and same thing with Street crime guys. I had great Street crime guys that were good, you know, goodness Street could make a car look at make could make the case. Not just indiscriminately tossing everybody the emergency service guys up there at standing. I got them some equipment got the wrong building. So maybe somebody got These guys may not like me but the ESU guys like me like I'm a black smoke that SUV that was driving around your own driver and all this stuff like that. No. No, I had a SUV if I didn't know where I was going. I bring a guy I mean how how hot was your driver me would give it tell us what she looked like and I get down. Listen. He's probably listening right now. It was a he was a big ugly bagpiper. Sorry Pat. Send in the car when you died on oh, no, I didn't bring his Chancellor with them now. No, but I know how to drive a pat. You're not hot. I'm sorry, bro. Yeah, man, that's that's so Mon Ami, please come shy I used to work in the building a 300 Gold Street. That's where you worked. I read that you were also the CEO of quality ensure quality assurance. Yeah, which was an interesting unit. I say the least it was it's the kind of job where I got called in as a Precinct commander and I got heard a rumor that has been moved and You when your Precinct Commander when you being moved you be moved to the precinct. Usually that's okay. You know, I got promoted. I'll go to the precinct. Hopefully get promoted their you get called on the back. Then the culture was if you getting good news, you went to see the police commissioner. It was how it's safe for the time. If you getting bad news, you're going to see the first Deputy Commissioner who's Pat Keller at the time. So I'm being told to see the police commissioner. So it's good news of some kind. So the commissioner calls me in and he talked to me for a while nice guy and he tells me and and you've been selected by commissioner Keller because uh, Reported to him at the time. That's a killer her and he says you've been selected by commissioner Kelleher to be the CEO of the quality assurance Division. And you had to sail is the can't say no. I don't want it, you know what actions you know what she has to say and I like I always say like never met a little kid like when you're five years old what you want to be. I want to be an astronaut. What do you fireman? No little kid ever said I want to be the CEO to Quality Assurance division. So it's not that kind of job. But I tell you what, I will do your half they go to the precincts and go over their books everything. They look at everything. Being at really at the cop so much they're looking at all that what the interim log the paperwork 61's 28 every time we think gas pumps everything and and they also look at anything that the NYPD purchases so helicopters cause refrigerators everything gets looked at but somebody quality assurance that it's roll something out. You got to fill out like 10 pages of paperwork, right? It's amazing, but I think it was but the biggest thing they do I think is they look at the Quality and accuracy of the crime reports the 61's. Yeah, and and sadly. I know some of the guys to sadly this guys that know they cooked the books they would lie, but the crime stats at that something why would anybody do that? Well, they always say there's two reasons they lied about it because they were afraid of cops that but I think more so they lied about it cause I want to get promoted sadly. We caught a couple of guys who had a complete administrative crime reduction like outside. The door crime is really up but inside when it got to his desk I'm with them. Um, so it's an important function, but thankfully I did a year and a half day and I moved on I saw some shit like that we had at one time. We did this in the two three, I won't tell you the CEO was we had a guy machete like nine people almost cut off arms off caught off limbs at the end of it. One of them got robbed by someone who wasn't involved in this. So what do you think? He did menacing know you made it a robbery hate. Remember when I said lines are not salsa, right? And the CEO came after that guy caught using this motherfucker. Oh no and the detectives spent hours in the office once a captain to inspect. I know what you're trying to do. He goes you're full of shit and there's any are and the guys tried to convince him you go. What do whatever you do? You're the committee will do whatever you want to do. We use I'm telling you you're a liar and you and the guy and she got caught by the next. Yeah, there's a couple of precincts in Midtown area, which you get a lot of tourists and in one place in particular. I remember after my time, you know, like chores from Germany gets robbed and when you go back to Germany, I'm go back to Germany tomorrow. Thank you so much and I'll report ya know exactly. So he stuff like that has to be monitored. So, you know, like I said, it was a thankless job at times but I would I would have arguments with friends of mine. Jessica vendors like Eddie. Come on, man. That's not a burglary side of broccoli. That's like my man. The guy doesn't live there. He's in this person's closet when they come home and he's naked. So what's he doing hit evil intent of some kind, you know, so well there we call stuff like that were burgers and cold Lost Property, right? They got trespass Lost Property double parking, whatever try to get out of it but saying but it's a crazy place to work, but it's you know, what? How will there be one leader? He's the same floor. I'll tell you man. Some crack team of detectives working up there and sergeants. They won't detect all the societies. They were great. They were good people. I'm not gonna she's not gonna share a foxhole. Most of them know there was this one dickhead that used to come to the squad and he was a sergeant. He's a piece of shit. You never never did detective work and it's tell us how you feel but it was a fucking piece of shit this guy and he came in and he was busting him and a couple of times people like listen. You're a piece of shit. He could destroy your command. It's so weird. Like when they come to your command to because you know, they usually come unannounced and then they're making your PA crazy because you know, she's the one that knows where all the success you gotta give everything world. The stuff is buried all the bodies are buried is he's like, he's got a list of cases. He wants to look at you know, I'm saying and she's like, all right. We got a nice looking up, you know drop ceilings my case is that's why you stole mine. So my sergeant No, he couldn't get out of when I was that was before the dd5 system. Then you are had. Yeah, I told you the story but the detective from the two three, he's coming in from Long Beach Long Island with this other detective and they were an hour and a half late and inspections is there, you know and right away they see they wanted his cases because he was like 70 in the hole. It was me. So he walks in and he sees inspections that he fucking turds of weight. You know, I'm like Charlie they want to see you again. This with the time but he should have grabbed his chest that looks take me to st. Louis. It was funny as hell when he saw them. There was like, oh no time is up man. Let's time is up. That's when that's when you Pat you're walking out of your office where you used to work with everything that was in your desk. Okay. Take care. Take care of it. Could not see. Yes. It was quite calm. Keep in touch. I used to sit on the kid would come in and he'd say detective. I'm Little John. Ernie Lopez you had me as a missing case seven years ago and people at the fold up your right to do any investigation at all. Yeah, that's why you look familiar to me. I used to ride the elevator and work out in the gym upstairs with a wood on the all the time. It's a shame what happened with the whole pantaleo thing man. I think it was something that you know, the whole thing is just as a tragedy all the way around all the way from both sides, obviously from the Garner family from from what happened to this poor guy pantaleo now and then like even the ramifications of how to deal with it afterwards. I don't think he said hopefully he's going To be okay, you know Neal, you know, because he seemed like a real gentleman to me and then all the Fallout after all of it is just it's disgusting. Yeah, that's if I met Jim O'Neill doesn't need me to defend him. But Jim O'Neill is an honorable guy. Jim O'Neill doesn't like cops. He loves cops. Yeah, that's I had the funny thing about to this must have broke his heart. I didn't talk to Jimmy about it. But listen whether I agree or disagree with this decision one thing I do know, I in my heart of hearts. I think Jimmy made that decision because he thought it was the right thing to do. It wasn't I think because he had any kind of political considerations or anybody pressuring him. I think he I know a lot of people disagree with me, but I think he just saw it was the right thing to do and he didn't want that to be part of his legacy, but he just thought it's right thing. But you know what? Let me add some how do you work with one of these Progressive mayor's how can you do it? And when the flies in the face of everything we learned this car because I had to work with the mayor in rockers Yonkers mayor was a great man. The guy never youngest. Mayor Phil. I'm a Coney a great man. He brought me in didn't know me that well, and at the end when he said he was he couldn't run again cause he was term-limited. He could have had term limits overturned. He wouldn't do it. He's too honorable guy. So I said I'm leaving with you. I mean the new guy coming is I got to keep me anyway, but they wanted to interview me was all a sham but I left with him and I never asked me if I was he's a republican. He never asked me Republican Democrat. I'm an independent. I'm not either one. He never asked me to my rush. You never answered her an enemy. They've asked me to befriend the police department. I need to do so he's a great man. But like in what to get back to your question Bill whether guys like Giuliani or not. You knew that like there was a mega that supported the police department, right? And right now I don't think the cops in the street. I know the cops in the street. My son included probably they don't think that the mayor cares about them or has their back. So I think what's going on now in the police, but even with the historic reductions that are still happening in many ways, it's in spite of the mayor because of the Precision policing are doing now the targeted enforcement. Iseman stuff it's working finale. Well, look, the blueprint was written by Bratton and the the fore bearers of this. Yeah. They just got to keep following that bloop. You know, what's in this week it once in a while. Yeah speaking of future police work. I was reading some more about you that resume, but I mention how beautiful their resume was wrap Technologies, but it to me, you're a consultant there. I am I am. Yes, and it specializes in Innovative non-lethal technology to assist law enforcement officers in Encounters and I'm always fascinated by this stuff. Is there anything groundbreaking coming out that we can look forward to I think they can help us with the traffic. This is what if this thing they have a product called bowler wrap I've done so you'll love that bowler app is a great product. It is a from Planet of the Apes. Is that shooting the net at the gallop like it's more like a it's a it's a long piece of like rope almost like fishing line but stronger with little barbs on the end and it's a step a little taser. One thing I like about this product is listen tasers a great pride. I brought changes to Yonkers. Taste is a great product. But all these things which the taser or beanbag gun or nightstick or mace every one of those products depends on some kind of inflicting of pain to get compliance this product. It's more like, you know, more sister persons and unquiet. It's not like every red situation you want to wrap somebody, but if you have a an emotional start person acting up in a room or in a courtyard of Street would like that you can deploy this thing and it makes a noise. It's a modified 380 caliber charge in it. So it makes a lot of noise which is Distracting and then it either wraps up his arms wrapped up his legs and then you rush him. So it's it's actually working in parts of the country. Now, it's been about what I think it's not getting that much. I think people is there a fear that it's going to go around somebody's head or the neck. It's it's it can't strangle anybody. Okay good. She's so white. What is why is this not coming to New York some some some Department to look concern about the noise because if you deploy the noise some cops might think somebody shooting and they might start and there's no way to like make a noise reduction out of it working on a another potato on it and the end of the video the video man. I've seen it I've seen video on it and I'm thinking to myself like you said, it's not hurting the person it just wraps around their torso secure in their arms to their body or around their legs. So they can't run flee fight back. It's to me it's beautiful though. They always say in when you're when you're a police chief is always somebody calling you to sell you stuff. Yeah. A nice to have a guy former fed and I get along very well with the feds but this guy was like a snake oil salesman and every like six months he would call with some kind of no super electronic dental floss is some proud and and I'm like no man, i--'cause I would say like listen, it's got to be good gotta be good for my department. Got to be good. Got to help the men and women in the street and the communities gotta like it you check off those boxes. I'm going to listen. So when you when you're a police chief people won't get want you to buy stuff from them when you're a former police chief I get calls now of people want me to help them. Cells in the doorstep so I would say like I can't put my eye looks like I spent 32 years building up a pretty good reputation. I can't attach my name to some BS product that I don't believe that I met with these people. I saw what it does then I thought about myself being a young captain or young Sergeant out the street trying to subdue an EDP and what happens is in Yonkers. I was getting guys hurt sometimes a dozen cops would get hurt trying to subdue something to go to university. So they're in the hospital. He's in hospital now, I'm getting complaints. Hey, I called you up and you came and beat up my son. This is a product that in some cases works. Well, you don't have to beat anybody up get them all wrapped up. Then you rush him you put them on the ground it's over. So I attach my name to something like this and there's a couple other products. I attach my name to that something like this that I think Tech chicks those boxes for me to Kilkenny shall a lie. Yeah that one I like that what that one works in Kilkenny? Yeah, but not over here. How much space will how would you carry that thing? It looks almost like a look somewhat like a taste. It looks like a big garage door opener, and it's got it. Charged in a front. It looks almost like a flashlight like a flattened out flashlight it thing comes out. Like I've watched the demo many times. You can't see it. It comes out that it comes out like 650 feet a second. Well, you can stand up on the side you need about 10 feet or more so you don't get that close to the guy either because like with the taser even sometimes you got to get close like I could hurt you this thing, you're 10 to 20 feet away. It comes out fast. It goes around and wraps if it goes around the head it's not gonna like I strangle them. So you get them the legs are great, maybe by the wrists and sometimes UWF Got boom boom. He's not going anywhere and he could eventually get out of it. But that time be rushing in with him and he stopped everything collapsed. So people aren't getting hurt. It gives a great use of it recently in Fresno, California where it was perfect. That's that's what's the sign for not look like anything. It's not perfect nightsticks. Not perfect chases certainly never like that is definitely one of the biggest problems that police have is that the use of force it never looks good. It never looks and everything is videotaped now. It's a great Point Bill write something like that will, you know save them from like well, Not using force with just you know, the province who is the God of this stuff if it's really effective you're going to have groups like the ACLU. They're going to fight it. All they wanted was the cameras. They just want all the police officers with cameras. So then this way, you know, there's going to be a record now the cameras are no good because the police officers supposedly can look at what happened and then they can put it on their report. It's if we got the tape, we're only going to live with never going to look at your stupid report again, because your report, isn't it? There's not going to tell us more than what's on the tape. Yeah, I bet you know what? I became a convert to body cameras because I did Consulting with with Bill Bratton. I did Consulting in Detroit and Baltimore Oakland places where they had cameras, but what did they did was those places have consent decrees so they rushed in these cameras. So for cameras to work, right? You got to have good equipment got a good policy to go with it and good training. If you don't have each of those three things the camera systems going to fail and then I like a I guess first of all, I was like wow man cameras. I would want to work with a camera, but you know what? Now I see cameras because you get the whole story with a camera. Yeah, you don't get the 10 second YouTube thing that somebody wants to limit the cops look bad. You get the whole story now, you see the exactly what happened that led this incident to take? Well, that's why they want to get rid of the want. They're saying it's because the officer has an opportunity to change his report. Well, the only reason why we look at the report is to jam up the cop instead of looking at what the what led the cop to want to arrest his criminal. You don't need any report anymore. It's all in the video. Also, it it it it keeps you know, listen, we all know there's some cops out there that maybe misbehave. It keeps a guy who's a modest little bit line and he knows he's being recorded now and I got to tell you it also it also gives the public a really good idea of what these cops go through and how hard it is to subdue. It's another problem how hot is this? Let me see somebody that doesn't want to be safe. You have a bad cop or somebody who's videotaping in their car on their own or you know, just a civilian trying to record the cop. People forget their own camera in 15 seconds the real use going to come out and 10 to 15 seconds. You're going to be nice in the beginning. I got a camera. I got a camera. Hey, fuck you, you know what I'm saying that you just not even going to care. That's the way it is something sometimes how you use your voice helps and if someone has a problem with you saying put your fucking hands down they have a problem with yeah, but that could still help save your life like you have a great detective supervisor background, and I know it's now Standard that the interviews will get recorded right away and you know what and again it's a good thing. But but you know yourself some detectives have a certain style. They're not beating anybody up right but some guys like the yellow bit some guys like the script other guys very subdued that's their style. They get the confession the got it yells and screams of waves his arms. He gets a confession too. But now when you see that on video intimidating, you know what he's may be just as effective at that other guy, but if different paths to the same goal real great detective is going to know they're going to have a A couple of different interview ways that they interview and for some person and usually it's like I'll tell you if you if you have somebody that comes from a certain country where the police are authoritative probably abusive. That's what they learn. So if you're talking to him like hello, and how are you? I'm sorry to disturb you they're going to run roughshod right over you they want their that's the only way they're going to talk to you if you're a little bit more aggressive and if you're a good detective that's the strategy you're going. To talk to this person. If you see that somebody else is going to require a more, you know, so, you know an easier go about it. You're not going to yell at them. It's not necessary you use those you have all those tricks in your bag. It's like acting in a way and well, how am I going to get the confession about out of his guy you're going to sometimes in one interview in one interrogation. You might try two or three different tactics, you might try two or three different detectives and each one has their own tactics just to see which one works. Yeah, and I think the against a good thing in many ways, but I think the recording of the interview is sometimes a detective is now inhibited from doing his normal style some guys I know would like to like put a hand on a guy and you know kind of console them now. It's like I've had it, you know, this guy's gonna think oh, how is it you can look right even reading Miranda Right a jump street that used to never be done. You would schmooze the guy a little bit get them comfortable getting coffee get him something to drink and then you present Miranda now they want you to present Moran. Immediately. Yeah, that's a little tough. I want to know is this the statistics on why is it? Why is he sitting so close? Because that's that's a tactic that you learn. If you go to investigate if you go to like training we talked about and learning how to do interrogations. One of the tactics is to get close to him. So we're talking like this. Another tactic is to mimic your body language, you know, you see the way somebody sits if they're leaning back you lean back if this sitting up you copied me mimic them it makes them feel more comfortable. Psychologically sure but one of the tactics of sitting so close now you have a defensive. Why is he sitting? So close its intimidating is right in his face like my client felt uncomfortable. He said, you know and all these things on that because there may always have to be cognizant about putting too many people in the room. I never wanted more than two detectives interviewing a guy because you put a third in there and then the defense attorney goes there's three detectives in the shit out of my client, you know, so Really interesting with the camera the body cameras and any other ones besides that the bowl of thing. I love that both. I'm with it. I'm with the company also they do I guess for want of a better term in layman's terms. They do electronic blueprints. Where no more do you need to have the floor plans of a building or complex or a stadium or hospital or a college campus or a school in folders and binders and written down somewhere. This is all on tablets and it's really taken off course the country. I think this is several hundred school systems in New Jersey. Jersey right now that have this product it's called crg collaborative response Graphics Co G plan that's a good feel like active Shooters. You have a shooter. It's even good for the daily operational stuff, but for active shooter now if something bad goes on in a building say a school, for example, if the school system has this product and again, it's one of the places that one of the products that I'm happy to attach my name to they go there now the first round of the responders immediately it get it gets activated. They know everything about the building right now. They know what every entrance is every exit is every guest pipe every every fire extinguisher everything in the Is mapped out and this thing is I mean Bolin wraps around this thing is a really together get their hands on this electronic blooping thing burglars. Yeah. Well, I would bring it here, but you guys put ahead of my put on my hair. I gotta know where this address is. I'm a burglar the way we met you in the corner. Yeah. But again Coggs again, they have a website also see. Oh, geez. It's actually sweeping the country. This shit is shotspotter. Like old hat now shotspotter. No Shots by this could be a trap spot in Yonkers to it's an acoustic gun detect your sister detecting system where once a shot goes off. It's a triangulation of these devices that pinpoint where the shot actually happened. It's pretty cool though. NYPD has yeah. It's a great system. So you could narrow down where that call came from you actually Bill Bratton does some work with shotspotter now and we just have to do it old school back in the day like find again and it actually it actually within their advertising is within 10 to Feet with a gunshot and this is when it gets even better. It's a kind of a system that learns itself as it gets better. It'll tell you even like shotgun versus pistol. Oh, so it's really really nervous that system course. It's probably I think it's a little pricey but you know, it's worth it and listen, you know one thing even if you have a tight budget you can use like, you know asset forfeiture money money. You see you learn to do that during the Project's anyway, my friend Dante has a joke that he does about how his daughter heard the gunshots and then he know instead of getting scared and Jumping on the bed. She goes daddy. Somebody's shooting an AR-15 outside. They got 15 in the club. That's his joke not to move down to narrow the shout out to you buddy. Also, too. There was another thing. Oh the talking about the right forget. I forgot already, you know, like I could if I could just segue into this there was just a former deputy inspector from the NYPD is now a chief in Vermont and he was talking about and I don't know what he's smoking him for a month. He was talking about cops not shooting a knife wielder. Did you see that? Yeah, I mean I in all fairness depending on how far away the that the the guy with the knife is you all know during training. You probably better using your hands then trying to reach for your gun. If you reach for your gun in the guys less than 10 feet away. You're going to get stabbed the fuck up the I disagree my guns coming out of a guy's got a knife and ever now you only got that one. I think the more for my left hand. I'm going to light him up with my right hand come from a fighting Baal. Come on. I'm not only am I taking away the knife. I'm stabbed six and a half years and I think he's making a blanket statement, which I don't agree with. I know he's a very well educated God member. He was an NYPD guy actually went up went up there to some of the most world you could be able to stupidest motherfucker. On this Earth. I'm not sure if he's that category, but he always know it's the truth but he's a highly educated fellow. You said I could tell me it has no place in the police. I'm not saying I'm just saying if he's making a blanket statement like that, he's wrong. Well, do you see a few years ago? They sent a bunch of Chiefs from the NYPD to Scotland to study their use of force because they don't carry guns in Scotland. And that's where a lot of this crap came from. Yeah. It does. Look at this. I think there's somebody in the city council that is saying that trying to put some legislation out York City City. Counsel saying that we need less cops. Yeah. I saw the I've never ever heard any like the visual thinking less cops, you know, this is a viewer conspiracy theories like sometimes I tend to fall into that. There's a whole thing that's going on right now between the the prison reform lowering the voting age getting the allowing people with with felony convictions to the vote. It's all you know, it's preparing for For the future where we're going to have and who you going to who gave me this ability to do this all over again. Oh this party did so who are you gonna vote for? Yeah, like all it's it's too much of a coincidence. All these things that are pushing Us in This One Direction taking away the authority from the police officers the respect going back to basically defending yourselves what happens to us as a community when all of a sudden there's less police officers that less authoritative. Now, you're going to have people who are vulnerable again and who do those vulnerable people have to rely on right now their family or they have to join into a clan of some sort guy. A gang or a group, you know, it's funny. I did a lot of meetings Community meetings Church basements School cafeterias, and I'd get a room full of church ladies a lot of times and nobody's paying as much attention to the church leaders as they should because Church ladies want they want assertive policing show. Nobody's paying attention. You want stretch ladies they want they want their neighborhoods cleaned up. We want the guys off that corner. They want nobody on this stoop. They don't want to be smoking weed. They don't want nobody stoves. Twilight stuff they want that. Did you see the big fight with in the subway in Brooklyn when the One Cop who I wanted my anti-crime team of ever went back down to come hit and knock the kid out. That was beautiful. Yeah, but politicians were criticizing that and he got transferred the necklace when he was finished Garden Academy to have to punch. Yeah with this. Yeah, that's that's part of training. You can't you can't get rid of that that you train that you box in the police academy, but it was keep forgetting when I wanted to talk. But only with this regarding old people one troubling. Seeing a seasons are completely being disregarded in our society right now. It's like they don't have a voice. Yeah. Well the church ladies the they should spend more time talking certain. Once you reach a certain age. Look at the little thing that they throw out right now. Okay Boomer that's a like whenever somebody who's out of a certain age a baby boomer past fall into that break or they don't like being called Millennials. So now they're retaliating by. All right Boomer relax, then I want to listen to it. O people have to say that this regarding their voice, isn't it going to be young forever? Wherever people young people always think that that they're going to live forever that they're going to be young forever and they're forgetting their parents that their grandparents when somebody somebody heaviest critics of the NYPD, for example of young folks that never lived and What didn't live in this city when it was when it was really bad so they can jump up and down only want about I don't like this and like that but they weren't here in the in the mid 80s during the crack wall marks marks told us about Comics. He knows three of them got robbed. Yes and lie. Getting a taste of the other condition was cool the hot dose. Yeah, listen now to like the local news stations on the radio and they'll say like, you know a knife-wielding suspect in Brooklyn, you know, robbed robbed a bodega and I'm waiting for like no you don't get another kid that used to be every day. Now that's a no that's a news event because doesn't happen that much anymore. Exactly. Well, I tell you what, and I'm not one of these pessimist but when I start here During that my friends are getting robbed, you know on a daily basis now and you know, that's the sentiment that's you all kind of sort of talk to each other. Like look if somebody's walking their dog and they happy to walk their dog three or four three or four blocks take them on a nice walk. The way you want to do for you the talk that you love now, all of a sudden you'll walk is refined the it's refined to just in front of your house where you could still see your vestibule if you have a doorman you're lucky enough or The you know, the building next door that has a doorman or somebody. There's lighted a lit Street, it dogs not getting that walk anymore and I did might not even go out anymore night because it's my danger Adam. Somebody's targeting comedians. It could be anything. It could be told some bad jokes tonight before we doing about this. Yes, I can see that it comes that thing and the by like we talked about the good right? Has anyone been working on this comic happened? Yeah. Have you had a meeting with the kleenex? It's just so happens that we got this. Guy Mark tomato. He was the person who call, you know, obviously they're all going to call me. What should I do? They want to know how involved should I get now? What do you tell this person about what's going to happen to them. Now? You got robbed You're gonna have to you. Can you probably going to have to go to a grand jury if they don't take the plea you're going to have to go to trial and you know, listen the further you get from these horrible events, the the the less of a memory and then do you want to recall that again? Do you want to rip the scab? Off that wound again and go through that pain again, and then you know it burst your bubble because all these people live in a bubble and I always used to joke around when I retired. I said, I want to just live in my bubbleman. I don't want to give a shit about what happens to the rest of the city. I just want to live in my bubble and everybody's been living in their bubble. And guess what? It's going to burst the bubbles going to burst your bubble pretty soon man. It's a matter of time because back in the day when you came on the job in the late 70s the late 70s and the early 80s me. Had two months of the state would even cooled. They weren't even called robberies anymore. They were called muggings. Yeah, there was so many robberies. They it's a mugging use the term yoke to a millennial who think it's the thing around a cow, you know, he doesn't know that that's how you got yoked up. Like you're being ignored, you know, that's one of my points. I was making the big the victims of Beijing door to your point, but also a troubling Trend I see across the country but not even you can just localized. It is people are running for district attorney. Now and they're not talking about Crime Victims Law and Order. They all want to be social justice reforms that's like there was a debate in Queens without the woman who won barely squeaked out against against a public defender and their whole debates were about social justice and and who's going to be kinder to the suspects not one word was mentioned about victims victims rights victims victims being taken care of properly walking them through the process with dick. Demand, you know we could segue right into what Mark was talking about before is that January first comes all those new. No bail crimes that people are just going to be released from arraignment for that's going to be so interesting because one of the questions that my friend had for me was well, I don't know if they're going to know my name that because they they stole the credit cards. So they're going to know my name they're going to know where I live and all this stuff and usually you'd say don't worry about that. That was a incident. Nobody goes. It's going to go to your house look for you, but now if Now within a certain couple hours and they're freaking pissed that you ratted them out. They might see who knows they might show at is that Discovery rule? I mean, the Nobel thing is going to be horrible the the subway rule. I mean the discovery rule when this crime all over the place that means in 15 days prior to our audience with Discovery is they do they may not know I'm so Discovery is basically all the material that a prosthetic that the cops bring to a prosecutor in order to pursue that case. So everything names addresses photos witness statements all That stuff now has to be given to the defense within 15 days. So detectives and Bill knows better than me detectors are hard enough time getting witnesses to cooperate now. Good luck because the 15 days that guy's going to know that bill can and it one two, three main street ratted me out to the cops. It's going on 15 days. So that's going to be even while walking through crime scenes. Imagine being the victim of a home invasion and next thing you know that the French team with the purpose coming in the walk to your house your home. Yeah, and and and on your phone the police I'm sorry to disturb you do you remember this person? Yeah, well as as somebody ran a police department now on the budget side, you're gonna have to hire more people to put all this stuff together and drifting days. So you're gonna be taking caps off the street or paying overtime and all kind of stuff like that. So it's gonna be a nightmare. Yeah. I don't think it was well thought of I really don't it's being done by the stage before you walk back a bit and some other states where they realize it's an unsustainable system. Yeah. Well you think about it. They're Extreme Measures. Oh and right now we're moving at that pace. We're moving at an extreme Pace because they trying to take advantage of this moment that they have where you know, you can get stuff like this done, you know, and don't forget to the we were living in a time where this doesn't seem so absurd because there was no crime really and you can go anywhere you want really, you know, we're talking back. We're all old enough to remember a time. You didn't go to a certain neighborhood at a certain certain owl. Do you know what I'm saying? Nobody? Was going we joked around about it. But if you want a Subway and you were going past 96th Street, they conduct us stop. We got a white boy on the train. He forgot to get off. You know what I'm saying? You joke around about that. But that was true. You did not go to certain neighborhoods. Unless you were taking a big chance at a certain time of day, right, you know, in this case of why would why would like to officials in act stuff like this and it's like I think it's part of a maybe a progressive agenda where they think it's like does this hurt? Yeah. Do people but a short memory they forget what it was like they didn't grow up in that like they have no memory because a lot of these peoples the these people that are coming to New York City. They didn't experience the crime. Like you said, they don't remember what it was like when I go to school with Cummings constantly Comics moving to Bed-Stuy, right? They're moving all over the place. It's all about. Yeah from a story. I was like, no I'm from I grew up in Astoria. Yeah, you know a story was different. It was not like now now I still Go back. I still get you know story is one of those places we drive through and like you're not even there five minutes. Like what the fuck you looking at straighten out your face. Like you can't help it drive freaking idiot, you know saying you stuck it out drive. So it just brings out the anger out of the I don't know why and combined with all of what we're talking about. This Progressive agenda is that cops are Under Fire and then not being backed up by their bosses. I mean certainly the feeling in New York City if from City Hall is Is that they feel like they're not being supported that from day one. I mean, they've won the current mayor whatever name he uses. Now the current me he's changed his name a few times, but the current mayor clearly was not on the side of the cops. I mean Giuliani again, probably not a perfect human being we know that but Giuliani always said when in doubt I'm gonna I'm gonna give the cop the benefit of the doubt. That's really all the cop wants. I just know that listen don't don't judge me right off the bat get all the facts and then, you know, we'll buy all the options and now it's the opposite now, Apps and I was right off the bat. We're going to go against the cop. And the mayor the mayor has kind of Incorporated his wife into it as first lady. She's involved in the old stuff and and again, you know, they don't seem to want to get the facts. They don't seem to be totally on board with the got those certainly take the police protection that's provided to them, but they don't want to seem to be supportive of the men and women that pushing a radio car around that's another funny thing like everybody's out here. They're globe-trotting to fight in private jets to fight global warming climate climate change. And then drive idiot from Coldplay cancels his concert because he doesn't want to fly Miss. Like all right. Did you talk to your record company about this? How about the people in your band that I'm going to be getting paid? Because the only way that you get paid nowadays if you're in a band is through touring. It's not through records because nobody buys them anymore. How about all those Roadies that a union members now? They're out of work. Oh my God. Can you imagine if it was just so stupid? It's not well for that lead to this killer that I know the other day. He's like, oh, you know the world's going to enter them like this. First of all, the world's not going anywhere. We live in a rock. Okay. The only thing that's going to happen is we're going to die. The only this not that the Earth is going to be fine. It's going to be fine. The only thing that might not be you know, they might be a hole in the ozone layer and we can't breathe. So we're going to go on the ground to find another planet. So this would be a climate change comes that meeting. I think that's a good idea would help. It's unbelievable man. Al Sharpton. We find them I think so shocking will show up. There will always be fine fine. I want I got to talk to him and because you know, Come on the show. No because I'm glad I would love to talk to him. Yeah, I would love to talk to him about that. And how do I how do you get out of these tax problems man? I love what he said. He said the most brilliant thing about that. He said how could they say? I evaded my taxes when I didn't pay any that I made so much sense that I loved it like that. I've been for over a million dollars in his just recently. Yeah, he's got some lifestyle make some bellinis not even eating anymore. Where's all this money going? He was he was kind of more fun when he was. Fat I like them better when he was fat much, but I think behind the scenes. He's a hell of a guy man. It looks too because he's everybody likes hanging out with him. It's only when he gets he's old-school guy to win the cameras. Come on. That's when the real. Yeah. That's right the TV, I'll strap that comes on. But when he's not he's he's you know, pom and everybody's hanging out as an opiate director with them. They say he's a lot of laughs. He's got a good sense of humor and I don't knows. I know it's there's a lot of things happening when when the cameras go on, you know, that's that's when it's an it's an act. It's a nice. He could be a podcast you could meet. You know, he may be a future guest. I don't know you think we could match wits with him. Give a shit. What a hell of a try. Yeah. Now you could if you want to come in here promise, I won't ask you any questions about the taxes. That's your own business. I mind my own business. I'll be a good host man. We'd love to have you here right in here that we know. We had the honor and pleasure to have you here today. That's this was you were thank you guys here exactly. We can't say you was at a moans level because I'm own was but he was great. Well, Madam own was you know, he was the chief of the department. You would just Deputy check it but he was the PCA Yonkers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was the police commissioner Bianca. Most people call. It junk. That's right junkers. He's a PC a junker very much. Uh-huh. No, but I'm just saying when you go through Yonkers right now. You park your car you get out. Hey Commish. They're good guys. Listen, I and well-received still in. Yeah. That's that's good feeling man. They're good guys, really good guy. If we ever want to have you come back on when you come back on again, I would I want this is relatively painless. Thank you mean it wasn't fun with you. Can you give me a heads up about him? Okay, you're around the money, by the way, well on behalf of police off the cuff. I just want to say thank you so much Ed for coming in. Thank you guys. In us. Thank you over here. And thank you all the humble a new humble abode in in Tribeca. Now, they put the hood back on my head. Yeah. Do you have it here now that we just kick you out the back there and the next guest Bill any parting words again, you know, it's so great. We've met so many great people through doing this podcast that I include you You're great gig. I mean, I can't believe 1994 you would accelerate to full work there. It's like that's the amazing thing about the police department its long-term shit, you know like 30 years ago. Let's not forget people. Yeah, it's a fraternity that I used. Nothing gets my friends that are accountants and lawyers. They don't have what we have it wrong. Nobody's listening. Who knows? I don't even know if I was gonna say nobody's listening to an accountant podcast series who knows it's fascinating and before we go just special. Thank you to our engineer here. We shot we shot on the ones and twos. Thank you. Thank you Rashad and to our beautiful producer Pam. Thank you Pam Rashad start reading that comedy Booker right Sam scared. Next we were about to start doing construction work out there. Again Pam went out. There were at I get the skid the hello talk like that. All right. Thanks a lot man police off. The cuff is it's over now for today. Thank you. Good luck guys, and the two arguments.
Second half of Edmund Hartnett's interview: Edmund Hartnett was appointed to the NYPD in November of 1979. He served in numerous commands including NSU #9, the 32nd, 48th, 46th and 24th Precincts as well as the Applicant Processing Division and Manhattan South Narcotics District. Ed commanded several NYPD units including the Drug Enforcement Task Force, the Quality Assurance Division, the 109th Precinct, Narcotics Borough Bronx and the Intelligence Division. Upon retirement from the NYPD, he served as Police Commissioner of Yonkers, the fourth largest city in New York State, from 2006 through 2011. After leaving the Yonkers Police Department, Ed then worked with former NYPD Police Commissioner, Bill Bratton, on police consulting projects in Los Angeles, Oakland CA, Detroit and Baltimore. Ed holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Fordham University, a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Marist College and a Certificate in Police Management from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. He is a graduate of the 169th Session of the FBI National Academy, the FBI National Executive Institute and the Executive Leaders Program of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security of the Naval Postgraduate School. Ed served as President of Brosnan Risk Consultants, a New York based security firm, from 2013 through 2018. He still provides consulting services to Brosnan as well as several other clients. Ed and his wife, Grace, have been married since 2004. Ed’s son, Matt, is an NYPD Detective assigned to the Emergency Services Unit. Matt and his wife, Kathy, have two daughters, Ava and Madelyn.
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy for manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring. Lead owners get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way. You can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. 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So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Well Libra, welcome to your Capricorn season horoscope. So this season Capricorn season is a really powerful one. There's a lot of energy that is coming up in accumulation residual force that has been building for quite some time. And now there are breakthrough points breaking points. Definitely could be in the It's her some of us as well. But breaking breakdowns breakthroughs they often tend to work together. And if something is ending or leaving or changing then new Energy new space is opened up and the theme of change is a huge theme for Capricorn season changes that might seem like they come out of the blue for some of us, but I think a lot of these changes that are coming are actually changes that we've been working on for a very long time. So when I'm checking in with the Libra solar chart, the first impression that I'm getting has something to do with stability and anchored - I'd really love for you to listen to the Capricorn season embodied astrology episode that I mentioned in the introduction. I'll talk a lot about the body and an embodied sense of connecting. Stability and incurred - through a different perspective there. The sense that I have for you is that this is very foundational that there is a kind of stability that you are needing and cultivating in your life right now that is stability for your entire life. And that means that the times in your life when you didn't have it now you're cultivating it now you're working on it. The momentum that seems to be building for you has a lot to do with how you make your place in the world how you feel a sense of belonging how you feel support and security and also how you feel recognition how we perceive our sense of belonging of course has a lot to do with the experiences of belonging and the experiences of Safety and Security that we've had throughout our lives. So Saying there's something about stability that has to do with all of your experiences of stability. This is what I'm talking about. You want to cultivate a way of being in the world that is not manipulated by previous experiences of instability or insecurity and this is a lifelong project. So it's not only going to happen during Capricorn season, but the next 30 days are presenting you with Pivot Point. Potential and so what I mean by that is that energy is coming up to surface in a really profound and potentially very obvious or explicit way. And the reason that energy is coming up is for you to do some transformation with it. It's for you to resolve a layer and move into a next phase and next step of your evolutionary Journey. Now that is not required and that's also not a given that that's what Are going to do so all of us have free will we're always making choices about how we want to work with. What's presenting to us in our lives and you can of course easily avoid these kinds of pivot Points you can easily take the things that are surfacing at face value. You can decline to look deeper into them. You can externalize you can project you can make it into other people's business and then you cannot grow you can basically sickly stay in the same place working with the same things. And if you decide to do that, then your experiences will become increasingly more frustrating and isolating and if you're having experiences of frustration and isolation in your life, then these are big flags their beacons for you to look at what these experiences are what they are showing you about your inner psychology. Now the sense that I'm getting here is that it's imperative for you. It's crucial right now that you claim your space in the world and that you solidify a sense of belonging for yourself. Now this can't depend on other people's validation or recognition in the outer world and it's going to be really tempting for you to externalize and for you to project and to go when I get some kind of outer world. In light, then I can be confident of my place in things. Then I can be empowered and feel good about myself and feel secure. That's not the way it goes. The way it goes is that you feel confident and secure you you create your own place you affirm your own belonging and then the world responds by giving you validation and by opening up your stage by by going. Okay, we're ready for you. We want to see you we Want to celebrate you throughout the course of Capricorn season. There are a couple of different swells in this kind of movement that are going to bring about different opportunities. So I want to talk a little bit about them as we begin the season so Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, we're kind of beginning on a high note a little bit and there's a lot of change energy. That's really ripe in the air and for you what I'm seeing is that You probably already have a sense of of what it is that you're working on. I mean you've been working on it for a while the things that I've been saying in terms of validating your own security and claiming your own space. You're probably like yeah got it. I've been that's what I'm doing and so around the beginning of Capricorn season. There's this feeling that I sense of a of an expanding kind of freedom for yourself, and that's my hope for it and your creative. She is really getting a boost right now and you can take advantage of this period of time by really actually looking at your fears and your insecurities. You have a good sense of objectivity around this time, and there's a lot of capacity for you to see the ways that you get caught up in the bullshit in the things that are blocking you and you want to kind of move through them and I'm kind of creative expressive way and maybe what it is is just giving voice to them a little bit. Sometimes I work with insecurities by turning them into characters for myself and acting them out and it can be really playful and silly to act out the parts of you that are like wretched and insecure and you know sniveling and and that might be very cathartic for you to kind of just pull something into the surface and go. Oh, this is how I'm being fearful right now. Now this is how I'm Miss trusting the world are Miss trusting others and I want to kind of exercise or Purge this energy out of me by giving it some kind of creative expression. There's the first of two eclipses on December 25th 26th, depending on your time zone. This is a solar eclipse that will occur at 4 degrees of Capricorn a solar eclipse happens at a new moon. Please check your natal chart and see if you have any planets or points. In Capricorn, if you are a Libra Rising, there's a fairly good chance that you might have Capricorn on your IC or the root of your chart that's opposite of your midheaven. If you have midheaven around four degrees of cancer, then the root of your chart is around four degrees of Capricorn and this Eclipse will be especially potent for you any other planets and points that you have in Capricorn as well. We'll get highlighted by this Eclipse energy. This particular eclipse is again, it's bringing in a lot of of change energy and it is asking you to get the message. So the the sense that I get is that there are lessons that have been trying to come in for some time now and that this eclipse is like, you know, it's it's writing it very clearly on the chalkboard. It's turning your face to look at the message. It's going this is it get this message and the message has to do with the ways that you you want to claim a sense of belonging and security and safety and this again is not not about your conditioning about your family or your cultural experiences the ways that you felt in the world up until now but it's also about your you know, your present life and how you make space for yourself in the world now and see the ways as clearly as you can see the ways that that you get in your own way from feeling this and the ways that you get in your own way our through insecurity. That's number one is insecurity you believing that for some reason you don't have a right to belong you believing that other people are going to give you permission to belong you believing that something about you is wrong or it's not desirable or it's not what people want and feeling somehow out of place in security something that is keeping you from feeling Lou safe needs to be seen and it needs to be articulated and then it needs to be expressed you want to express and recognize this is probably relational and I don't know how but it could definitely manifest through families through significant others and partners and also through your relationship with peers with colleagues with people that you compare yourself to and it Probably functions on all those levels do not externalize your self-concept try not to see yourself through other people's eyes really, you know recognize where you do and how that creates a clog in your system and as much as you can name it name the insecurities feel how they act in your body and recognize recognize their patterns recognize their qualities recognize their characters. As we move through the following two weeks, we'll get into the full moon and lunar eclipse on January 10th and that full moon lunar eclipse occurs at 20 degrees of cancer. So check your natal chart. If you have planets or points around 20 cancer or Capricorn since this is a full moon that whole axis is lit up. These planets are points are also going to be supercharged by this lunar eclipse energy. So this eclipse Is encouraging you to open up to a new way of being in the world. And what I want to invite for you is an embodied sense of acceptance. This is kind of the the other side of the coin of what I was talking about in terms of your sense of belonging you want to move into an embodied sense of acceptance. Of course you belong Now, how do you express? What is it that you are here to build in the world? You belong here. This is this is the space that has called you to it, you know for for whatever reason all of the forces of the universe have combined to bring you into existence at this time and at this place and you belong here and everybody is so happy that you're here and it's this kind of feeling that you want to call into yourself. You want to recognize Where You Are Appreciated and where you are seen in the most subtle and small ways and in the most obvious ways you want to give yourself the recognition that you need to feel a sense of belonging in the world again don't externalize your experience try and be really aware of when you do that of when you get outside of your own experience. You start comparing yourself. You start judging yourself from the outside. You start thinking about what other people are doing that is Is not the point the point is how you are occupying yourself the period of time between December 25th and January 13th. So again, we've got that lunar eclipse on January 10th, and then the 12th and 13th of January are really big days astrologically. I talk a lot about it in the Capricorn season episode that whole period of time is the like big transformational energy a lot of things dying that need to die a lot of things coming. To awareness that need to be brought into an awareness you might fluctuate rapidly between a sense of well-being and expansiveness and excitement and fury and despondency and inertia. You might have all of those feelings within the same 10 minutes or the same 10 days. So don't expect one thing or another but do trust that energy is changing and it's changing dramatically right now and also trust that frustration is oftentimes the sir to break through that that the fire of struggle that we go through is often where you know, we do the intense transformational work to get out onto the other side work skillfully with your relationships again, do not externalize your relationships. Don't put Power on to people that you don't need to be putting power on to them. You want to really claim your own experience claim your own sense of belonging claim your own value claim your own right to be trust that What you are here bringing into the world doing into the world is unique to you and that there's a place for that and you just got to you got to grow into it and you want to hold yourself in whatever your process is with as much love and care and affection as you possibly can so that you can make this next step. That's what I have for you. I really hope that's helpful. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn season wishing you all the best in 2020 and And Beyond bye for now. Just a reminder that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon and I would love to see you there check the show notes for more info or go to embodied and find my live events in the Play and Learn section. Happy New Year.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello doctor Jesus. It's is yours as if I chose you that's what I'm saying is the main thing for me I know is honestly yes, Aunt Lala. Yeah, but I'm honest about his good blood.Trade no exchange the fairtrade the fairtrade of gift exchange. Hey from woman to man from man to woman. Vice versa. Yes. That's what man in X is Rob. What should I do present, which I don't get bro. I'm doing a liar. I saw like because when I was having a conversation with my girl, I was like I want this on my pride was me when she said, okay. So what? Do you want flowers my pride almost made me say yes, but I don't want flowers in it. I'm not gonna lie. I don't cry was I'm not going to do anything that I don't know how to accept the flowers. Like how does a better man set flowers like a man you're saying that that might be toxic masculinity box and that's what mescaline I don't know how to do it in any bad taking with my left or right hand to Joe saying and what do I say? Thanks. I saw a sign where online where someone sent like it was like a bouquet of Dona Sol look like it was in a flower package about those doughnuts and it said because you can't eat flowers like his Donuts in it. So I was like - Lily, so I said to my go, look, I'm not hitting some nice games. Yeah, whoa, you know not big donut like I was dying it, but at least you've got something there in it. So Donuts is a good shout. I'm gonna lie mum wants some that's perhaps that was a good shout. So classic. Hey, even if it was a bouquet of chicken wings, what's went on? Someone got chicken wings like a hot box, you know like you sometimes you send a box of chocolates and it comes in the shape of a heart but this wild chickens had buffalo sauce in it. Oh the flu that is lit bro. That's what I want. I want something that I can eat. That's a man in. You know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So if you want to cheat me give me something nice Give Me Wings. Give me a nice even chocolate so I could deal with like I'm not chocolate here, but man could do that breath. I could do that. So yeah, a little-little Donuts will do but what's funny is I was hearts of men because I'm not right and the day girls are lacking creativity like with Valentine's Day Justice. It's like they just use it as an excuse to not be creative like they're just like looking. Look most you get his laundry and set these sounds making have sex with them. Someone tried to suddenly a nude. It was it was an old nude known value is in a nude that you receive before how dear you to do that to me bro. At least you got nude though. That's not man. No, actually no. No, I need to know it was taken just now like you just took it. Yeah, even if nobody else if you took it last week, I don't want it. I let me tell you that. I do you know why that's ridiculous. Because you're a nude is is always readily available. We need is privacy to take it. Your boobs are always there young. Yes, it's always there just go to the toilet. You know, what the hell I need. So that means you're getting generic need another Valentine's Day. That's rude. That's rude or anything. And that's why I'm campaigning for ma'am entire That Couldn't and over themselves. It could happen in times but Valentine's yeah, they lack creativity. They just assume it's their day. I said to my guy said what what why are we celebrating the you don't even know why so what can I get anything? She's that it's for the girl babes leave it and I'm like, why do we assume it's for the girls? We don't even understand the meaning behind it and somehow we've given it meaning to just the guys have to have all of this cash loss. Miguel's get everything really has to travel over the last few years this this Valentine's social media is really made like you'll be thinking about should I take this baby out or should I not wash it and you know what the Medics thing is you see for you is call me boom your babes for a minute, but you see if any other done who's just began talking to her babes November December January even last week. Am I not meant to do something now? I'm an homage to prove my worth so soon. Wow. So now if I go above and beyond on the footing For fehb and I must continue to go. Yeah, because girls don't understand why I have to keep going. Damn. You cannot Plateau. Do you can't you can't do it. One of my colleagues was stressed. I could see him like I could see was that are I don't really know what to do. Like, there's this girl that I'm talking to but like I've been talking to her for a few months, but I don't know if I should get her something and he's he's got the face of like, I'm really unsure. Like if I do something is it too much too soon is that is the man is that because you see that if you've been speaking to us since November. Yeah. It's like she might still be speaking to someone else to other people. Yes possible. If you just might become a term of what you got a reserve better reserve bench is still strong. Yeah, if you've experienced when the sun was up August. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, like she would have been cutting them guys off now and it because you know, they're ready for cuffing season to serve once ready. To settle down but if you just bought the babes, you're thinking ordered a minute. Why was it you cuffed off the back of the summer? Why are you still here on Valentine's Day now you dear like a stray cat. So now you're a dickhead. That's a copy. Just removing money from your pocket again words wine. I'm dying was man supposed to do right? He was confused. I miss our man that might not even be your boobs for the rest of your life, and I know are stressing that your Is probably getting a bum wax right now learn all but one that is really for you is probably getting a bum whack as we speak. It's 27 pounds in Nando's odd, but that's was so mad. I saw I saw someone she said that her mom was on a day basically and I mom showed her the message that the guy sent and he said are like as a guy like getting rejected can be very expensive. So please can you send me back? The four pound 65 for the tenants fucking time for you. We need to understand is what he's saying is funny but it's real fan rejection is expensive. How can you be getting rejected left right and center and still paying for day every day I start again. I haven't cashed out at all - I don't think I've been on a date this year bro. I haven't cashed a good one. Good one. I don't believe that you should be if I don't believe that you should just date I believe there is Should be free National Oceanic and gnashing going on and then when you're like, you know what I've had enough in the action, I'm gonna date because I'm serious. What what what I realize is that a lot of men have got the game Twisted there thinking I need to date and yeah - that shouldn't mean the one that you're trying 10. Yes, if you have to date and go through all this cash flows for forget it. Does it go out there that will let you just want to chill at home. And yes, ma'am. I just want my toes pointing to the ceiling. That means not in television breath. I want ten toes on the floor doing up Road and restaurant and then the person is coming with service charge after doing poor service fair man. I'm at home from everyone's fecal with because if this is the day I would say we're fomo is Breville oil if we have for most of the time on days like this during Festival period as well if you've got foremost a off Instagram and You see if you can't because this year is about to be lit, but that is this is the first film of the year. I'm dead the fact this is the first hurdle for many of us from its ubiquitous. That's the new one everywhere. Yeah. It's it's on the president is everywhere. I said, I'll speak to one of our colleagues and she was like, you know what? I'm not really into. That lovey-dovey stuff but you know one there was one time when I told my boyfriend that we're not going to do Valentine's so she's like so we was cool with that and I've got to work in an obviously some girls that I'd say. No, what you doing? I'm doing this. I'm doing this and then I started thinking our kind of want to do something now. I was like, so it's new to you just peer pressure. That's all it is. It's just a whole bunch of peer pressure. I'm at home and just have to succumb to it. I'm at home. I'm at home. I mean really rocking at home. And what's that song that I like now as well that it's soft. New Beyoncé Jay-Z album, I'm so nice. Oh and a nice nice. Nice. You can do anything and honestly bro songs like much but you know what? I remember the bear shout to the bit on the b word on the beat London. We was there recently he women were only us are like, what would you get for a girl how soon I'm on this way? I'm not gonna sell my bridging message. He puts that on Instagram on. Yeah, and he was like fuck em, you're all wondering whether you should get a gift when these times she told you about no Investments. She said, yeah, let's put our money together and do something. She ain't even referred you to a book. She ain't even helped you out emotionally physically mentally and you're thinking of doing something for these bitches. He's at Fuck that stay us at home. I save your claim. He said I used to be their going shot and all that kind of stuff. What's the point Joe? No, I mean no value in stupid doing cash loss. I'm alright brother my brother. I'm taking my sweet time brother of twit Twyman paste or rushing me last minute question. And what caused me all these days. Well, you know what pisses me off cool, right? I dig some girls mine care about my mental state my mental well-being. And whatnot whatnot. Whatnot in it yet. The way some girls have begun to approach me is. On this trying to understand me vibe. What are you gonna say something? Like they're they're being Brazen with it. Like they're being flagrant. So I don't get to understand you that I like that. I want to be misunderstood. Leave me alone. I just want to be misunderstood at the moment don't understand. I don't want to be understood. I don't want to know why I do things the way I do or what. I don't even I don't even know yet. I don't know. Yeah, I'm not sure. I just do it. I'm still impulsive. I'm still at that stage of my life where I don't have to explain myself to nobody not even myself, and I'll be pissed if you find that before me. I'll be busy. If you decode me come in psychoanalysis or something trying to understand me coming in asking important questions. No telling you. Many people have asked me lately. I've come to me on this trying to understand me. I just want to know why you do certain things. No, no. No, you don't deserve that. You can't just get that. Nothing. Are you asked? No, no ask me no know what did you ask me that bro? We talking about you. Can you can just come on a Tuesday and find out on Wednesday? What's up, man? Could just asking you what's The DaVinci Code and just get the hell? No. I've been living with myself at 27. I don't even know you think you can come for 24 hours. You need to do a young team raid or something brown Pizza. They've been putting some sure after another fucking worth brochure me you'll come if that's what I'm saying. And guys and this is where remember when you took in on a podcast about are like guys are doing the most with chicks and they're ruining the game. It is actually Valentine's with certain men succumb to pressure men are doing things that they wouldn't normally do and then they end up messing up the market. You just shoot up the market rate of what it takes. It's to get in with a girl. I'm not you've got one of this kind of stuff. I'm all for Girls - yeah, let's go swimming one girls have their own agenda. I got my exactly exactly what they want. But if I'm not giving them exactly bounce, I know I mean, it's not what I've been no, I've got this perfect image in my head of what I want my life to be like I'm working towards that if anyone's coming with something that doesn't fit my image. You're not in the frame if you The program rollout re for you know, and I'm like I'm deciphering that from the jump. He says that you know this I'm put his maximum effort into finding correctness proof. I'm seeing I'm seeing examples of what men are doing for their wives and Men alike. Yeah, man, he went ham it's his wife don't you know your links rings so she had the choice of hate when she wanted. Get that just just buy it because just justice issue tweeted it. You should get a have you even been in a relationship for six years, right? And you should just have tomorrow. I'm getting flowers and you don't even know what that woman did that guy could be in serious emotional. Right now so he needs to get these flowers. This woman could be giving fantastic head. She deserves flowers your they're saying I don't give her that every single time that I have sex and you deserve flowers for what do you know what she did for flowers because you're a woman just because you got flowers. I want Flora actually, I think you sent this to me you sent me the video of the you crying when he's babes decorating - I actually think that what you think listen, I don't know that I try to look at things from with amateur with a mature outlook here, huh? He is crying fan. So there's something serious guy. I'm not in it. I'm not gonna believe that because she just done is room. Yeah, he's crying like he's gonna banana bad place bam. You got to be in a horrible place and his room, you might not even had no money. His room was not done could have been holding us two weeks ago. You could have been home you got him saying and he might just had money to just about moving and she's done it up and like, you know, I'm saying it's not that simple in it like everyone's like Your man is a bitch. Your man is our family us all girls that your man is a fast you I said, but these are the same you gave your heart trash can't do something. Nice that make sure man cry. Why do you now deserve life? That's them tears a of hate and that bad that's love in his head in it. What if he wants to cry? Let him cry? Oh my goodness family. I'm right. All I was thinking is he must have come it's something bad as he might have lost my mum and made my dick. You know little things are starting to make men's day bro, and I'm thinking that's a nice touch. It has that nice a big thing that made that guy's day and people are yet to laugh single people. I wish a lot because I've never done nothing on ice when you see people getting married at the guy is crying as his wife walks down the team you see them kind of baby is dead. I can bring a man to tears broke on this. I want that. I want that. Roll over the place one could even hold it in. That's what I just I won't cry I won't cry. I want to cry. I want to cry at my wedding. I know I'm in love if I crack my wedding. I'm not cheating. I'm not cheating if I cry at my wedding. I'm not like that bro. No. No, maximum effort brother. I'm trying brother maximum effort if the sky glass guy. That's what I want to be with her. But yeah, yeah. Yeah people want to use the chain shit. Like everyone just wants to change it because it's funny unit. It's easy to now- is like, yeah. It's easy to now change your even if you think that's sweet. You might even tweet I look at him. He's a pussy. Okay. Well, I'll tell me don't know what's going on in guys me personally me personally, I would be a bit annoyed if I cried am I gonna put Stop it. I'll be like chill man. Like don't have me out here. Maybe yeah, maybe we can have a talk. So Phil. Yeah. Keep yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know I cried in it. It was a moment. We got waiting up there pissed with flowers in his hand, you know, he's just waiting for his babe. She's late from work. Yeah, she's great because I know you don't wanna be a men are doing the most people can see he's thinking, you know having people have seen me Brave the most trouble go home. This is Monica. Obviously, I got the flowers from the flowers are from works. Not from Largo anything just from working it like workers hang that flower tricked me. You tricked you guys jealous even Tattoo she even message me she said pardon sound got a secret admirer. Now, you better give you some now. You better give me two dozen and Chris ago a girl dropped her chocolate on my desk at work today still. Okay. Well, I'm sure he's orange liqueur Valentine's box. insane Me I'm just gonna Chill from work over. I'm just gonna chill off like like don't let this bravado fool you this is bravado for the single guys me I'm a loving boyfriend. I've got a flowers she deserves it but she adds value to my life. So that's why I'm doing it. I'm speaking for the single guys out there. But man am I doing the most for girls that hate I did not answer. No one is here to go over every fireman and I like what you guys look good and honest you go all the way amen. Let's we were able to leave a like what were you doing tonight? I'm going home. You gotta know that no matter to gym sessions today got everything else that pent-up. I was on the boxing bad for that 25 minutes Pam. I misunderstood. Yeah, but Valentines. If they want to buy your body or your boyfriend or your girlfriend a gift get ticket to the live show that is in the link in the description. Make sure you come true. You're gonna have a great time. Not me lovely lovely about me. You know the fiery breath. Nice babies crazy.
***LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT *** Sunday 24th of March - 90s Baby Show Live - Grab your tickets using the link…62610?ref=estw BOYS are back with another Minisode phone call and its about Manentines! Whats Manentines we hear you say? Manentines is the protest for fair exchange of gifts between woman and man on valentines day. Made to make it fair for this commercial day girls know nothing about but have so much expectations for. The lads dive into some experiences of valentines and some of the behaviour on the timeline. Fact is celebrate if you want however ensure you are celebrating somebody that deserves the celebration; otherwise you are just ruining the game for others Remember to use #90sbabyshow on socials to join the conversation and why not throw in a #ManentinesDay whilst you are at it. We have work to do this year PLUGS ***LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT *** Sunday 24th of March - 90s Baby Show Live - Grab your tickets using the link…62610?ref=estw 17th February - Black Barbie Events - A Night With.. - 24th February - Ultimate Malt Challenge BY AngryBlackkitchen -…ts-55346360454 SOCIALS
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Hello and welcome to the volunteer firefighter podcast where we listen in to a group of rural firefighters as they give their opinions on the challenges. They face both on and off the fire ground. We release a new episode every week. So please hit that subscribe button leave us a rating and share this with your fire family and friends now onto this week's episode. Where as always we ask the question. Are you DTF? Hello and welcome to the volunteer firefighter podcast. My name is Carl and tonight. I am joined by four members of my firefighting family. Eyelash. Hey guys, I have Rob. Hey there I have Scott hello, and we're joined by a very special guest Keri. Hey Gary join us today, but first. We're going to go to Ash and actually got some for me. Yeah, so we're sitting here tonight November 10th. So tomorrow is in Canada is Remembrance Day. Our friends to the South is Veterans Day. So we just want to take a moment and recognize the men and women in the military that are serving today that have served and Pay the ultimate price in the past. So yeah on this Remembrance Day and it's a hundred years this year as well the anniversary that's right of Armistice Day. I'm gonna sexiest that's a big word. Yes. I promise it wrong sailor Carl I missed this. Oh sure that is funny is there would be no we try to make them see things all the time. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you all of you for your service. I doubt any of them listening to us because that's like crabs overrun the in the fire service to Rachel. Yeah, I remember this a members. They also got a another another piece of news there ice which is pretty important too. Yeah, so I've hit more local for us here a firefighter. Let's see here captain and Jo Kohler color. I don't know if I'm pronouncing it, right. So 29-year member to the Kelowna fire department. They released a statement. When it says with heavy hearts that they announced the line of duty death of brother Joel Koehler Captain Koehler passed away peacefully last night surrounded by family after his battle with cancer and 29 years of service with the clinic fire department. I think this is especially around here one of the first cancer lighter Duty deaths that they're recognizing locally here. So that's a pretty big thing. So again our thoughts Go out to our brothers and sisters up north in Kelowna. Yeah, rest easy, brother. We'll take it from here. So on to the less serious notes of the rest of our episode Carrie Carrie, welcome back. Thanks for for know. So did anyone say yeah a long time ago. It's one of the various very earliest ones and then it could have been episode 4 return to carry pretty sure as our friend. Dr. Watson to we did too. Yeah bad Star Wars. But that's another whole nother robbed at Hope but care. I don't how long have you been on our department here? Hmm six years, maybe yeah, I think coming up to six years and then you were on a department before I is it yeah fully paid know it was a combination, right? Yeah. So there was a five people there that were full-time and then the rest were paid on call. That's where you learn who your mat not skills. Yes. I got my 1001 there. So yeah. Carrie to hurt anyone. Yeah good for her. Wow. Sorry on that they're making it like more so I never got I didn't have my my first aid like I don't know it so I never went and got the seals or anything because as already working at the fire department, so then just now since I've been doing the EMR, I was like I should follow up and just get my seals and stuff and they're making it really difficult. So I'm like struggling to get my Ticket that says that I'm qualified really? Yeah. Well, what are they being a pain with like all of it? They've apparently be don't they just change the rules out there and I guess they have you don't do it in two years I can say no, so and also well I shouldn't say this on here. But yeah, it was very very close. A lot of things. We shouldn't in conversation with like I thought it was a simple conversation, but the other side was struggling with Communicating so I don't know, huh? I know what's going on. I keep contacting them but so reach other one but not your pro board and I don't know my seals huh? So but so the thing, you know, what you doing? Yeah, you know, what well now is why you just you just started another course to write to really help supplement the whole yeah. She do to supplement. I think she's as it as another group up, but it's definitely helping but in that same instance, you're also taking another level of that training. So maybe it will start what training you just started taking. I just finished the EMR or so just yeah entry-level paramedic and like very basic and yeah taking my my licensing on Wednesday so fingers crossed and then if I pass a licensee and I can work with PC ambulance, right? Yeah and then is well, I think we had because normally what we do in our Hall normally we train people up as to get into the standard of train the trainer, right? So I think that was on the cards to as a not. Yeah, I've done that don't go Oh you mean with her medical side were going to try to get her. Oh, yeah, we're looking into that because it we've been talking about potentially going first responder. So if we do that, it would be expensive to put everyone to the first responder level. It might be cheaper to to get myself or one of the other ear. Ours to take the course to train because it's definitely cheaper way cheaper. Yeah way cheaper and then you can just keep doing it whenever you get new people in. Yeah, and it could even be part of standard training. So it's not a tree. Yeah, I think so. I don't bother listening First Responders everybody that we're going to take the training of first responder, but we're still gonna probably stay as kind of what we do right now and we We'll get like paged out still kind of as we are which is not as a first responder like going to every medical call, but it will allow us to go to more like urgent Milk Balls Like cardiac and stuff like that. And we'd also know what to do if we're on seeing like that's like with the with like mbas. Yeah when we need when we need it. Yeah. I don't think anyone here wants to go. No. No, um, yeah because right now the kind of the tide has shifted towards for the Ambulance services. It appears that a lot of them are there. They're more told you as Todd as those before stay near the state of the ambulance wait for the firefighters to bring the patient to them. So we definitely need to get that next level and I think we have a fair number of people that are trained on it already on a higher level of first aid, but we'd like to have everybody at the same level or at least at a higher level than they are currently are nice to have everyone on the same page to like like look at it. Athene and be like hey, this is what we should be our biggest concern with this individual as we get them out of a vehicle or it's also good like because I have him our and it's good when I like when working with the paramedics I know what they need, and I know what you're looking for. Maybe I my skills are Rusty but I can see. Oh, I know okay me they need this piece of equipment now, they need this now that I know what they need when they ask me for something. I know what they were looking for. So yeah. Yeah. What is this? I think again when it comes back to that standardized training and getting everybody on the same page. It's just like a fire scene at that point in the Since of cave houses on fire, we all know the process and we all know that when we see cuz we're trained to know what the each of the roles are. We know when we see a hole that we know our position to be able to take that and make sure it's filled and complete that task and it's just another asset right we get onto medical calls. We have a set few people which if they are not there, unfortunately again volunteer whole maybe they're not showing up. Maybe they're working, right? We have to deal with the situation with the people that are on truck. So if more people are trained to that standard benefits everyone because now we're all thinking the same things like we would be if it was a fire makes mr. Percent. So Kerry also part of the in fact everyone rub your part of the training team, right? Yep. Yeah, everyone in here part for me is part of this part of the drain and T1. What in the department what role do you take because obviously yes, you are part of the training department, but there's there's other roles we tend to have individually as well. What do you do for us on him? So I'm intrigued SCBA. Yeah, so I just keep up with the annual maintenance and and buying of new start and fixing what I can fix and yeah, and yeah, this one's not going right what time? Insinuated a few things you should apologize on Thursday the when it comes to the SBA we just went through or I guess just over the past few years, right? We've changed into what packs we were running now. So we're running G ones with the MSA so their newest model. So yeah, I think the it's been transitioning and since I got here, I think they got their first their first set under because we do like to what we just upgrade to at a time right to pakse are no. Yeah. Well before we started yeah, we had full fire hot, but I thought we had firearms for a while. Even when you were SCBA. We weren't buying know ever since I've been here we've been by and you on so actually are like the SCBA guy before I don't know if you say Names, but I won't anyway, he he he bought the brought the first you on Zoom, huh? Yeah, and they're good. I like him. Yeah. I mean since you've been doing a CBA not since you've been on the department since I've been doing yeah. Yeah. Oh, here we go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we've only been getting to give us I don't like because we have two full trucks. Now I was going to say I guess that's they've been here for a while. We have eight packs. Time does fly. At to do it because other other Halls don't have that. They don't have the slightest thing that goes carries. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so other halls and I show them like though we don't have this. This is favorite that in my last apartment at some of them like when we do seminar which were going to talk about they don't when we have a shot. Yeah, we damn it. We demoed we like hey, this is a kind of unique to a few of these masks and they're like, this is weird. Like let me have em essays. They weren't Scott know there are elements. Well, sorry, not everybody has a Mercedes, but the people that had him Besides I said I've never seen that before. That's what this is. It's an addition they added that's interesting. Yeah, the one I love my last apartment had the yeah, I don't particularly like that thing cause I never use it because it's kind of Hanks funny in sideways. And yeah, so the new I like the G ones because yeah, it's almost it's more like yeah, it's got a bigger opening. Yeah. Yeah, could you want yeah great. We have the rechargeable batteries, which are fantastic. Yeah. I love them and then The connections just just not having to try and catch a thread as well. Like you have to do only for the quick and I can quickly be cooking. It is so much easier if you're in a night with a bottle change in few seconds, if you're if you're on the ball, whereas the other ones like you twist you twist right dirts got in there and you're trying to get the thread back to work. It's like man, this is not happening nightmare. Yeah, so you've been online for six years. I think so. Let's be coming up coming up to 6. Yeah Simon rob6 richer. Oh you join doughnut on the assembly floor. Yeah. Yeah speaking of seminar. We have our big seminar coming up good segue good segue dark hair. Thanks Burt seminar. We have talked about it multiple different times with just kind of alluded to different things. But today we're actually going to go into some solid detail on what we do where we hold. It how much it costs what you get and how many of you are going to book your tickets because we have an amazing amazing couple of days of fun. So I'm going to start with Scott on this one's got so you what do you want me to talk about everything? You said we show me to my seminar? All right. So every year sometimes held in DC. I mean, I'm sure the senator is hell. All over the world, but for the volunteer firefighter associate BC started BC volunteer firefighters Association. They have a seminar that they hold every year and for whatever reason for pretty much every since it started or for quite a long time. All right, we're always mid 90s mid-90s was when you started. Yeah. So for well over 30 years. I think we Our department has always taken the second year. So like it's with us one year, then it goes to other department. Then it comes back to us. And that's just the way it's always kind of mean. Why don't know why that is. I know we put on the best damn bar. Okay see the height - sweetheart. I think some of it is. Our town is very like open to it and they understood they get it. Literally, we keep me go to the rec center like a very nice bike ball diamonds and we go to the park in town take over there and we basically take over the park but we don't just know we don't it's not a seminar like classroom stuff. It's all pretty much Hands-On. I think every year for the last four seminars three or four Senators. It's always been Hands-On ways to have some classroom now, it's I'd say 95 98 percent of its Hands-On training so So with that Hands-On training obviously comes a lot of fire stuff. So yeah right in the little ball down and we'll have a burning car and we'll have a have a diesel pit burning over this ball diamond and then a life like we take our see cans we actually ship them down from our training ground because there's someone will well ship them down drop them right on them all diamond and get it burning. What's up. We usually use our damage deposit. Some years more than others. Yeah, it's quite a setup because because we do that like we could do it at the training ground we've talked before but it just it wouldn't be the same because they're training ground is you know, it's a training ground. It's if I'm sure everybody's turning around looks similar. There's going to be cars. It's going to be kind of it's always going to look kind of run down because you got your burning cars there and your auto accident and build its you can buildings everywhere. Not that these are the best. Environment to host like a kind of an event. So we've take this thing on the road the road. We take it down the road. We take it down to this community center and basically make it as big event as possible. Well, we've got a pretty good layout to because our community center is right besides ball fields where there's like five of them. Plus there's Tennis Courts Plus. There is the curling rink and the big parking lot. Everything is like right there. Yeah so we can do our banquet. Yeah. Are our vendors which is our like tradeshow thing we can do this the actual seminar itself. We have a river so we can do Swiftwater. We have a hill so we can do over embankment. Yes, pretty much. It's almost like the perfect training ground, but we only have it for the weekend. So it's quite the setup. Yeah, it's so we run it for a couple of days. You have two days. Really the Saturday is a big day the Sunday we run pretty much a half a day because a lot of people because people are traveling from all over BC. We have people coming from from the states now and even from Alberta they come in. So the Saturday is really the big day The Big Show day and then Sunday is more like there. I mean, we have two or three sessions in the morning, but by the Yugi The afternoon the last session in the afternoon is kind of like it's usually one or two people meeting / lot of time though. It's for mine at stay busy the entire time. I guess. I think I think it depends like obviously people are if departments are closer. They'll stay but the ones that have to travel 12 hours back to wherever they came from they leave for you really so yeah. Yeah, but Saturday is definitely I mean we joke now we call it the fire palooza because actually one of the nursing team members here once last seminar our I was talking to a woman and I was telling him that yeah, we got, you know, we do this and this and we live fire we had we're gonna have an exploded we have we have cars blown up at the beginning of the thing kind of as a welcome everyone. We have a live band playing and on the Saturday night. He's like, oh, it's like a regular fire palooza Mark. So let's let's talk a little bit about that. So let's talk about kind of at the schedule for the the Friday onwards. So as you want to talk a little about that. Yeah, so Friday night we Put up our Hall here with you registration party. If you will, we have a bit of a live band. Usually it's a bit of a local band. They don't come and play and we do like hot dogs hamburgers and a couple of chilled beverage has everybody can kind of mean what do you mean by that? Nice all the pots? Yeah. Yeah, maybe so we have that Friday night. He come in your register. We always give away some freebies like a t-shirt we've done mugs to what else will be giving away a little goodie bag. Yeah, you know, we have local coupons and stuff. But yeah, we usually when you're we have magnets for the cars support firefighter magnets the tooks were big one two weeks for those that are not k&r we need some being stocking caps, and he's me. Toboggan toboggan, it's a wolf hat that you were yeah keeps you Far East come on. What else about alien, Maryland the Brunswick? All right back Marshall this kangaroo pages. Right. We should we should give Budgy Smugglers Saturday quad. The new variant goes off the rails. Well, this is a good story though. The other guy was East India and a really nice guy, but he didn't know English very well and didn't or culture very well and we both started the same time and these streakers went by and he's like are they married? No. No, but they're naked that's why are they naked in ceremony? I think there's a bit of an opening ceremony on Saturday morning, and maybe we'll put up a couple photos of some of our previous with you started off Sunny like fire-related and then it just grew from there from what I understand and I don't know it was one year ago like flew in on a helicopter and it was Attached to a note like that one. There's there's that attached to her like like a long lead like a long line and he flew in and landed a chopped open a car. That was one year and then one year they had a helicopter fly in and try to put out a fire with the airplane came by it. No, no, no, no. No, we actually get a spectacle. Oh, okay. People are actually give us demonstrating their fire apparatus stuff, like one guy flew with the helicopter. I understand I wasn't here then and then they had like these things that shot like pressurised water out of the helicopter going to put the fire out. Wow, but the guy Guys are guys put so much fuel in the burning structure that this basically made it impossible to put out. No Arc. Yeah. Yeah. So then what happened was with the airplane do the fly by which that was like a shot up the car and exploded and then their helicopter came with a bucket water bucket, and he instead of putting the fire out. He did like a surround you don't even need to be able to look at all. Yeah, but I think the really the runway for your rejected up. I think that And that we really got going this was that trailer that we repainted as a meth lab every boot up and then we're gonna put out with the gunfight and that was that was wicked. We have that on that's on the UT. That's it. Yeah, we have a couple of one you to grab a couple of we got the side by side ones on YouTube. We are I think the I think the one in that first one we did was Todd and his shotgun with the glued the glue over the a friend of mine. He's on me. And they came the one year that they really becoming for about three or four step three times. Yeah, so when I guess he was a little guy from here, so he's my friend growing up. So I said hey you want to come to the seminar and he's like, yeah, we got training budget will come some of his partner. I remember they pull up and they pulled in the bin bomb squad car and they think it's going to be a because when we see seminar everyone's seminar great. It's gonna be exciting like cream serum or no watch Powerpoints and Do nothing so they pulled in and I'm like, oh, hey guys, how are you guys doing? Yeah, so we got forget our free breakfast over there in about half an hour. We're going to go blow up a bus and he's gonna be like, but like yeah, we're gonna blow up a bus. I'm like, there's a burning car over there. There's a lot of fire you're gonna be over there and they're like what the hell kind of seminar is this? I remember I was standing next day him and his partner when we now use I think it was a year. We may be dropped. The car through the drop the truck into the end of the bus and the blue bus out. What post that one for sure. That's a really awesome picture and they're just like what is this all about? So then they said well, can we blow something? Absolutely. You're the bomb squad. You can load ever you want so that afternoon they they are the only people qualified attorney that afternoon they actually they got their reward. Openly they did a demo where they they had real explosives not like Gasoline and stuff they had like they went out with C4 and they detonated a bomb like as though they would get rid of like it was a car bomb not a Car Bomb suitcase bomb so they went in and they drop some C4 and they made it, you know, they made everything safe and they blew it up. It was pretty awesome. So now every year they basically when they come they have they find something for lunch hour. So everyone gets your their lunchtime snack and they go out and watch something else below. So it is really a fire pillars after the other got it. Did we do we get away with a lot? We really do get away with a lot. Well, like I said and I started off by saying that it's we're unique in the town is very supportive. It sounds super supportive. Yeah, you know, they know what's for one weekend. Like there'll be a black cloud of fire over this is like burning fuel over the town because they understand why we need to do it. We're not just training ourselves were treating the entire the entire Province, but a lot of people come from around So the town's pretty forgiving Ministry of environment very forgiving but they actually put on a they put on a demo for they put they come now and they do a demo for us. They do a session on how to clean like spills and stuff. So there they understand I was well like, you know the train fire you have to make fire like to train it properly you have to make it so they get it. So yeah, it's counts pretty cool though because they actually like every year for Thing in like puts up a power pole in the field like they dig a giant hole and they dig up a day of a 4 inch gas line. Oh, yeah. Yeah and then we do that in the volleyball pit gasoline the volleyball pit looks like it's quite a thing. It's pretty so let's actually I mean, we've already touched a little bit on some of the stations but let's talk about some of the station's you run so care. What do you run last year laughter? Hmm. We're sorry you before I serve you. His writing skills not like you did. Yeah. Yeah. What was it was just that the basics was it going through like firefighter named packaging now, we did the whole packaging and took them out of like a mock window so different techniques of getting people out. So we just went through through that multiple-time some and just let people play around with different techniques to just to give them as many tools as we could for. Toolkit. Yeah, I think one thing we have to stress is not a there's no certificates given doing this because our sessions are fairly short. They're only like 45 minutes to an hour. We might tweak a little bit this year make a little bit longer because some of our people writing sessions are saying that I'd like to see it a little longer just so this kit they can teach a little bit more and get the skill development. But even an hour long, you're not going to get a certificate of this is all just skill development and its really good because I find other firefighters that are there they'll Gus like it's more about like getting together with other people and talking it's not a not necessarily about us saying this is how you do it. You better do it this way. You're not going to get a certificate at the end. It's like hey, this is how we do it and show it to them. How would you guys do it? And then they do it. Yeah. I find it really helpful too because you have all skill levels coming you have people who've been on for 30 years and some people are like brand-new and and some of the people who've been on for a while have a their wealth of information so they gave me tools for my toolkit to I got every time I've ever been in I always liked take time to hear from them and just use what they have to it's good. Hey, one of the big things here that I want to just maybe make very clear as most of these most of these like little seminar pieces that we've run most of the actual train in areas that we run solo run training sessions. Thank you are all run by our guys. It's all of us. It's our department for the majority of those things. We do have external sites are about half. Yeah. Well was it last year half and half Yeah, because we run about 24 different sessions around the fields, right and I'd say there's about 12 12 of them are external instructors. Any other 12 are our guys. Yeah. Yeah, so we have you said about 24 different sessions. Yeah, I was actually making the eyes look at the list today. And right now I have 24 on the list. Some of them are iffy some of them like ash we run it this year. Like some of them are there's a couple new ones that we haven't really secured yet. And if you you're not bringing in yeah, and then there's some that didn't quite work out last time. So we're gonna dump them and then somehow I just don't know until I have We're meeting with with Fortis who is are they basically are gas and electrical for the area for as well not all of these see there's still Pockets, but there is a very large company. Yeah, they're very major electric and gas company. So I have a meeting coming up two weeks from now with their like one of their heads from Vancouver and they're going to tell me what they can bring this year. So you like last time we it was actually pretty cool. We had them we always have electrical And that's actually a couple the local guys put in lines and they carry said they they literally bring in and actually I think it's two telephone poles they bring and then they strictly used to string a wire and then connect it somehow to another telephone pole. But that would they would they blow circuits and stuff. So they stop doing that but they always have them, you know, I said really cool demo. They have a car into a pole and show and they take Spray paint and spray paint the zones and then they actually bring out their little with a weiner cooker boards instead of being at the wiener and they cook it with electric electricity and it's for it's a pretty cool demo. It's not really Hands-On but it's it's every kind of shows a visual visual. Yeah. It's a visual thing and it's all like it's not like a model. Everything is like they're it's like this the telephone pole. It's real telephone pole. They show all that sort of stuff. So that's one thing that for his does and then they every year for as long as I've been around. They've like I said, they dug up they dig up like a 4 inch gas line. Yeah, and then Ash that she runs that you're not runs at you kind of run the firefighting set of videos. Yeah, so it's nice because they so they send a couple tax and then we have a couple of our guys there and we do a gas wall. So it's like if the service Coming to you residents catches on fire. They break down like how much pounds are just coming from the main coming through the regulator going to your house. And then so we like that up. We have a vehicle which would have drove over a gas line and then lit up underneath the vehicle. And then the last one is if there was a underground rupture which then caught on fire. And we always preach if you see it on fire. You can see where it is. You know, where it is. It's safe. If you put it out now, it's just going to have a sphere that's not really ideal, but it's not also not fun. So we try to get the guys and girls to put this fire out more times than not it ends up. They don't put it out and it's now real it behind them. So it's kind of like a mile per hour. Irwin yeah, so you're not really getting a skill set out of it. You're getting a you just it reminds you that you can never be too safe. This is something that can happen and now all of a sudden the fires back behind you and you're in a really bad spot. So they've got the tag fits right on the the valve. So the moment it jumps back behind them, they're shutting that off but it's great. You can watch guys they all push their way up. They'll get a couple teams going and make it halfway 3/4 of the way there. They're doing really good and then it pushes back behind them and its nipping him in the back. So kill it quick. But yeah, so they do the three up on the top and then the last couple years or last year. They brought one more demo. Yeah, so last year because the lmg let some liquefied natural gas is there is a big industry not so much down in our area but in the north and stuff and police so they actually brought it in big tanker truck of LNG and And they ran it like for this pit they have this over they call that thing of the vaults because little you know, they have this Vault and it's actually super cold and because the grass died but it wasn't from the heat. It was from the from the freezing temperature. Yeah, and then they'll if they let this flame on it and was about 340 feet in the air and the the way to put it out as he actually don't even with the hose you go in with a dry Kim. So it was cool because last year they actually did a special session just for our people so when we were done for the seminar for the day, they They got like 20 30 of us to come. We kind of shut down the seminar while I was already kind of shut down but rather than packing up right away. We went over and we all can I sit around in a bunch of us got to go with we that's where the special flows and we'll go out and play around this liquefied gas and they lit it up and we put it out and yeah, it's pretty cool. So I'm hoping they can do that again this year this year. We wanted to change where the Vault was because we didn't actually think about what are we had it and we were right under the flight path of evil of the local Airport. I think the other thing too is to mention about Fortis is they've actually sponsored right with us to the past. This will be the third year. Yeah, they've done they do a big they've done a couple big signs for us. And that welcome everybody on the last year. They did are they sponsor or two weeks or whatever you want to call him? So it's they're a very big Commander the help and they want everybody be safe because you know, a lot of stuff they they deal in is dangerous to us. We think last year they were really pushing training with fire departments or with First Responders about safety with natural gas with electricity. They had a big advertising push media blitz with ads on TV for like a year that was directed specifically at training with First Responders. So for us to get in on that one, we did was was pretty big. To yeah, yeah completely. So yeah, it's gorgeous. Well, then rub You've Got You Go Station to write one station. Do you know? Yeah because you do you do pretty much the same one every year. I do call the right thing firefighter challenge. Yeah skills, there were certain. Portions of it that didn't make sense to me and we took those out and added in other things the basically it's the carrying of a hose up a set of stairs. You're gonna drop the hose. You're gonna holla type donut roll up to a landing. You're going to go back down you're going to do there's various ones out there. There's the Kaiser. So that's the brand name the actual the actual sled that used to hit between your legs. Brad yeah, it's either Kaiser bun on your way down the stairs. But if you just woke up from us, we're lucky enough to have a barbecue. Like I can pull down guys. We were lucky enough to have one built something built for us last seminar, which we call Big Joe, which is basically a it's it's an elevated pipe that we He is heavy enough. It's whatever 400 come water fountains metal piping That's Heavy to hit. So you have to sludge that from both sides, you hit it with your strong side. And then you're off off-handed. I think the reason why I did it because it was definitely more of a simulation of striking a 40 degree rather than rather than hitting between your life because it's at about that level and some some guys we try to get them to go down on me and hit that. Yeah, and then we go to a hose coupling where we've got a forestry hose. We've got an inch and a half. And at two-and-a-half hose couplings that you have to put together from there you go to a hundred foot hose direct charge hose drag hit a Target, which I'm actually considering changing up and actually building a wall with a couple of different targets. So happy. Yeah, so you hit the target and maybe it'll swing Open Swing to another side. So maybe I'll maybe I'll colorism so I'll tell them blue. Yeah, and if the hill the blue targets and I'll swing to another side and it'll be a different color for the next person. And then you go to your dummy drag because one thing started I never really liked about the the hosting was like you dragging me and it's like it's really nice and this bullet on a tennis court basketball. That's a good roll away. So then I made that new Target. Yeah. Well, it's called the new Target of it like nine years ago because I hated watching guys chasing his basketball but I like Rob's idea better because it really like that like one shot. It was like one shot in the Target Falls over. It's not really a firefighter skill. It's like Sure, nozzle of cutting off with I like your idea where you can actually hit you get hit it'd be nice or even something that was a window a door frame and a window and you tell them window window door or something like that. Just just to get used to moving to after that. But from there you go to the dummy drag, which is a fire. Yeah cut the metal pieces of the like fireplace and I forgot what the person that pop up like a Damsel in Distress. I'm thinking is Dennis is going to be busy. Yes from there. And then you've got your dummy drag, which is I can't remember how heavy the dummy is that we get brought in. So there's we well we use is a use one from Todd's apartment. Oh just because there's a lot of dragging and if he's got they got the older riskier anyone's but 150 160. Yeah game over. Yeah, and so we do a hundred foot drag which used to be a straight drag. Which we change now, it's a 50-foot drag around a cone and back because resetting this takes a bit of work and it's hard to get enough manpower to do that because we've got all these other stations so as much as I can make this self resetting make sense makes it really easy on everybody. So yeah absolutely plans all time and it's all times. We see some awards. This is the one that we actually have Awards and giveaways. It's for for a top. So what how are they what we've got like age group, you know, 19 plus 19 to it like 25 26 to 30. We break it down to that. We've got like 50 plus we do an award for top time with an officer and with the ladies as well we do which I need to revisit and break it down to age group for the ladies as well because we didn't do that. More so I got in so much trouble last seminar for not getting that. So this we're going to break it down. Even further. We're going to have the man we're going to have the lead we need the officers because it really there either men or women or right? Well, it's something to look at but say but yeah and we doing a word we did last year. We did a challenge coins. I think I'm gonna go back to the tee shirts. I think people like to get the T-shirt as well. But so yeah, that's our firefighter challenge. It sounds good. - maybe we can Urban teacher we can throw one of our challenge coins. That's right. You guys my chief Miller? I don't like I know it was there like actually enough women to actually like break it down. Like how many I don't think we have that much. I'd have to look back at my time. I didn't get that many through mine. No, well, then fall that not I saw a lot of women's and This was no getting played. We ran a lot of women through the course Pika and my I don't care how fast you do it. As long as you complete it, yeah care who you are. Yeah, how old you are how young you are how fast you are complete the course whether you take five minutes to do it and we get we get departments Dad don't know these people and they're right up beside them cheering them on as much encouragement as we can to get them across the line. Yeah, and I think I had one lady come it was kind of funny one lady came up to me last seven or and said you by chance do military. I'm like no. She's like because You're always yelling and encouraging and and I'm like, nope. Nope. Nope, just like like to see everybody finish. So that's here's a fun station though. I guess it's always like fun over there. Yeah, there's a lot going on. There's a lot of people there. They're cheering. They're chanting and everyone everyone around that station can't help but get a little bit pulled over to that and to help cheer. Everybody was right in the middle, you know where we doing most of the stuff? So that's kind of cool. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good it's a really good station really empowered station. And then of course there's Awards and stuff at the end and everyone, you know with everyone being the kind of person on each side as we are. We like to beat where else we can at things. So what's interesting is making these changes from year to year. There are specific departments. Yeah. There's that remember they take pictures video. They remember what the course layout is and they trained specifically for that coming up the seminar I want to win because they want to get top top. Mark's smart and we make these little changes and they're like our guys made that change and out screwed me all up. We even like our because another recession we do is a rich challenge. So that's kind of like have fun. Yes. That's kind of work. It's kind of like what Rob's talking about but now we made it into a writ thing. So it's basically we have a bunch and we've made it head-to-head for the list, especially I kind of we saw other people some other people do it once in a seminar so specifier like we can make that harder. So we basically made it a head-to-head race. Race and we kind of have these little rip Optical setup. So the doorway that we have to go through and but we have it head-to-head so then they race and yeah, it's it's definitely tough. But it's yeah like you're saying some of the Department's they've taken pictures they take measurements and every year were just like, oh, what do we have this year? We're doing changes here. So yeah some years we have the dummies actually tied. He's actually wired in he's falling through the floor, but now he's his legs were tied in so before they go out on their course we had My pair of wire cutters. What's this for? You'll see so or you know, they have to bring in the Hologram or an ax and if they leave behind that's Point deduction. And yeah, so it's basically the team event version but it's I think it's a Lardo I should say it's harder. It's different skill sets different skill. We blindfold some of them sometimes actually all the time. I think at least one or two of them were blindfolded. Yeah. We do a little tweaks every year make it harder - I like tortured. Chamber that whole place. I wish I could make mine head to head but you need more manpower if there's more structures there's so it just doesn't work out but I think I think fighting against yourself on yours as well as is a really good thing to have right? It's a personal challenge as opposed to a Team Challenge off against somebody else you're fighting yourself and put in your thing and you're pushing your own endurance, which is cool. We should have a departmental challenge. So whichever department has the best overall score chili. I said when something on Saturday night, that would be a good one your average of other times. Yeah, Joey lots of things. We talk three gems like some departments. Yeah, Sophie. Yeah, we should totally do that. And then so we also have we have things from actually harsh but you have a conversation with some people recently about breaking some doors and things. Oh, I don't know. No, yes. I had have had a conversation the past with prepare for their. Vancouver Island maybe remind there Down Coastal, but we have other guys coming. They've supported us for many years. Now the West Kelowna boys they come down and do a forcible entry. So this year I was actually just talking to Tim so this year so the force will injuries. That's our bread and butter thing and then every year they do one other thing for us well for the last few years, so this year I've actually suggested to maybe we'll do one of those Like a parking lot whose movement kind of maze so we're all set up some the pallets and barrels and it'll won't get people to move through. I was actually thinking maybe inside the maze will have targets like Robert stalker mode like pop up targets. Yeah, and then guys you guys are moving through that. They hit it with the hose and keep moving. Yeah, so I'm wrapping my head around that right now because there's a few on the internet and various places. There's a few kind of like kill has kind of an idea. Yeah. It's going to kill us. We do inside of Arbor nothing but now Out in the open so you know the pallets I idle take a look exactly we do it but it's actually a fairly easy thing. A lot of departments do with that don't have buildings like we do and such a good skill though. Because like I finally hose movement is one of the hardest things coordinate like yeah, especially when you're you know, you're trying to get your partner to bump up and all that stuff. Yeah. It's a hard thing to learn to do. That. Sounds like they're in for that this year. Like every year for the last few years, we've had the burned buildings. So again this year we're going to have I think we have two were Milling sister. Yeah that fire Dynamics kind of thing. Yeah. So one being the last year we did the ventilation. So we push in we actually get it because a lot of these people are like Kerry said there we have a varied skill set range, but a lot of the small departments they don't have they don't see life are very much. So we this is their opportunity we take them in and you know, if they're not comfortable with doing actual like hos working here, we'll just take them into hey, Want to see my fire? Yeah, so bring them just for that. So 10 out of that this year. We are going to have a fire Dynamics one again. Last year, we try to get the Backdraft going. Yeah, it wasn't working out of the way we wanted to do but it was still a cool thing because Grant one of our officers he was on here. Once he was talking about he he could talk through how the fires progressing and a thermal layer is all that sort of stuff and what should smoke weed and smooth everything smoke. So this we're going to change a little bit we're gonna actually take that same see can because it's only a 20-footer but we're going to the back the plan is to put on a steel shelf in the back. The pallets up there. So basically make a mini version of the Rover room that we actually sit firefighters in there and they can watch the fuck the fire build and and just see how the Dynamics of the fire grow and feel the heat differences and stuff because there is that skill are there is that varying degree of skill level some people haven't seen like fire. Well, I know one of our very first things that we've discussed it before is that cold start right going in showing your keys and we are very lucky, right? Yeah, and it's again we're talking about That they're coming to this thing. Some of them have never seen it some of them. This is their first opportunity, right? This is their first training session for that kind of stuff. So getting used to their gear and things in that cold start environment and watching it start to build the heat changes and then the start that but that thermal layer. Yeah. Yeah great great introduction to that kind of stuff and what's nice about when people come from small departments and they see what we're doing with the 20 foot so you can like it's not about your mind out. And what you can accomplish with a fairly small or just small budget even if all you're doing is just that cold start watching how the fire builds a little bit of nozzle technique. Once you're in there people are coming in. They're learning things that they can take back to their department whether it be a skill set or whether it be something for training. So I like that it's very multi-layered on what you can take away. It does not one of our container companies come to as a vendor or do they just put they put up the containers and assign well funny thing is we have a new members as well as the gator coming. So this year I'm hoping I've kind of alluded to them then that he can bring some of these containers down and and stack them because most those containers that we have down. There are his that we bought off. Yeah. So yeah and this year we're going to have Make a round six or seven seconds on me because not only do we do live fire and two of them or three of them is of the burned buildings. And then we have we make we make a v is room that's a sea-can and that house of horrors that Andrew built the cassette search building that basically we can go around forever and it's a 26 you can is a bunch of options. Yeah. Plus we got car fires. Yeah, so we do in years past Oh Thomas Todd's ran the car fire for us. Maybe you might be out this year. Yeah. We'll see it's always been a chore for them, you know pallets and all that stuff. All right. It's a big pain in the ass. But um, so this year I'm hoping to get the Fords gasps guys tied and maybe we'll be able to do some like natural gas inside there so they don't have to keep reloading the stack of pallets. Yeah, one of my favorites to watch and in fact, one of the most kind of impressive views is always the diesel pan right with the foam application. Yeah and watching that one and as it slowly kind of just builds a layer and the smoke that we got. I mean that's the thing you can see from like miles around that's when you're teaching some other session and then that they like that thing up and suddenly you lose all the students in this. Yeah somewhere the change that around slightly this year because we had a little bit of spillover last year. So this year going to have we've been referring are some methods of making it more environmentally safe like us because we did have some spillover and to do some cleanup. So there's always that like how far do we push training and still make it safe and environmentally safer. So there's always that and then also we go we go then obviously we've got these twenty twenty four is twenty five sessions all On with again different companies that are coming in plus our guys teaching these things and then we've also got a whole bunch of vendors and these vendors are from all different types of businesses and places from cancer societies all the way through to tools and equipment. I was looking to get fire trucks. So we get our guys in that we end up buying our trucks from yeah. There's there's all sorts of vendors there that you can go and View and buy stuff from in fact, we may even have some of our stuff there this year maybe yeah, absolutely. But yeah, that's another good good large part as well it with that whole section to now I think we're going to be doing the the a little bit different just it we host that portion in the arena. So where are we are we get really nice temperatures that time of year normally generally and I think last year was around 25 26 Because I was in I was in the arena and I kept having people coming in actually from Spencer's. Yeah, and they were like dying. Yeah, like I'm supposed to be somewhere else but I need water and shade. Yeah, it was super hot laughter. Yeah, why do I had to because I had worn and Kevin your brother in in the burned building with me and we were like usually it's like one Tech goes in but now is like there was all three of us are trying to work in there because it was so hot and we one of us would go in there for two minutes we come on back out because it was so like we'd be sweatin. Then came back out smoking. Oh, yeah, come on goats with our helmets are off gallivanting smoking when we come back out as like, yeah. It's a little warm in there and then it's not what it's not cool out here. So it's yeah pretty much but then that's what we've got that Arena Force. So this year we'll be setting up where when we have our lunches and stuff that were set up. You can come you can eat your lunches there in the cool environment because this is a this is like a hockey arena right? It's nice and cold inside get you out of that heat. You can wander around by things from vendors take Look at some new equipment tools, whether you're in or extrication, whether you're in know whatever we've got something for everybody in there. And so you'll be able to pick up some cool merchandise and here and some good information to and then we're gonna go see the other big banquet. So it really is a full that sorry. Yeah Rose Doug was just literally gonna roll over to the bank right side. So if you want it a banquet, yeah, so we have, you know yet fed in the morning. It's just talk about meals now in the morning. It's basically breakfast by donation on Saturday lunchtime lunch is provided as part of your ticket cost to come in with all your other sessions. And then also the that night and Saturday night is a banquet where everybody gets together couple will be what kind of beverages you say Shuffle of chilled chilled leverages all yellow Falcon. So yeah, so some some some beverages nice catered meal really kind of hangs out and then we have the awards for fastest tongue. Different challenges in these other presentation there's some position we try to limit the speeches to a minimum because no one's there to really hear species. There's also a drill right because every one of the vendors that comes brings a portion of every gift of some sort from whatever it is and it could be a driver's door prizes, right? It could be by the club has it could be coffee mugs. There were so many different things like a light jacket from Hub. Yeah the program. Yeah, that's kind of the big cooler. Or something like that. Yeah. So after the banquet what we've done now in the last few seminars, we now go outside to the what we call the after party and we have a lot of bands. We have a big stage full stage Arena Stage with a caged off area. That's a banjo such an arena like a selling Iron Man. This is stage at speakers and it's gonna slide in this awesome. Did did you confirm? Yeah, actually let's talk to so we try to get we hit the local people with the there's a fellow that I know Tanner Olson is Harrelson band. He's an up-and-coming country guys. So he said I've been coover. So he's I just talked to him today. So yeah for sure. I got him pencil in so they're going to come and play a live show. It's country ask he knows. I'm not a big fan of the country. So he's I think they're gonna throw a little bit of rock. Yeah, but it's live sand. We invite the townspeople super people. All these firefighter dudes are not going to want to like hang on dance together. So let's open it up for for any locals. So we do the small cover charge just to keep the weirdos away and sometimes it doesn't work. But you know, we get you know, full security all that kind of stuff. It is an actual like we're running an event. It's yeah, it's yeah, it's a common basically concert. We're running people come again more more cold beverages out there. Yeah, it's always a good time. Yeah. Yeah, it's a big one. And then again we roll that into Sunday for those that aren't too filled with alcopops from the night before we put on a free breakfast we put on the free breakfast the next day to make sure that we can kind of reduce and regenerate whoever whoever does shot and then we roll into Day 2 and day 2 again as a lot like day one. We have those stations still set up and you can go and head to whichever ones that you're scheduled for 4:00 that day we have so much going on there is It we've had a lot of feedback from a lot of people that have come and everyone knows and everyone early say tell us I don't know. They're just trying to blow the trumpet or what but they do tell us that we run the best seminar in BC when it comes to this stuff. So if you're interested it is when Scott, it's May 1st 2nd 3rd. Now the first is a like acid its that's the Friday meet and greet kind of Registration registration Night Live band like the local live band some pops and some stuff like that and go get your hotel room, but book hotel early because you're our town. We only have a couple of motels hotels and then we're Todd's from there's a bunch down there because it's more of a there times where we touristy Town. Yeah, and then Saturday the second is a big the big day and then the third is more the same and the Back in and clean up for us which is a whole other. Yeah. Yeah. I'm weekend what and actually doing better. Now that first of all we have these pecans weekend's move to Atlanta to like build this stuff anymore. It's green buildings had to seek an the mobile walls and there's yeah. Yeah, but ever since so so what happens is like IG station myself at the training ground and then I usually get Andrew on the other guys because he's very like Construction he's structurally like yeah, so him and I are on radio. Okay. Send me this next send me this now so then it's very organized. We try to like put that record button that we put there. Yeah, because we basically deconstructor for any person Lego. Yeah. It's like a giant Lego so we deconstructor training ground and then move it. So imagine if you have your train ground if you have a training ground and you take it all away put it somewhere else for the for the weekend and take it back. It is quite a task. It's good. It's a really really great way to learn a whole bunch of skills. We have Mentioned obviously, you don't get a certificate but as we've always talked about certificates don't always mean what you know, they're not even know what worth the paper they're written on in some instances. It's just the hard work that you put in. Well, I'm part of it too. Like I get a lot of Chiefs and stuff messaging me throughout the year because I made you the one that's I'm kind of like the leading us on this they send emails and they said well what certificates do I get to see what you don't give certificate but what you do get is because I said, there's twelve other like so we teach basically half the other half get taught by outside vendors you get to maybe see these people teach your guys and a short class is basically it's not I mean, you know for a minimum price and maybe you're like a the I like the way these guys teach I will not hire this company now to come teach a full weekend. So it's like a quick burst of stuff. So maybe they can or maybe you know, they go to they go to carries and they learn more about written and I know I think I think this right thing we should Higher higher the training company to come in so they actually serves another training company because they kind of get the idea of what it is because all these things are daunting you see him on paper earlier or we can teach this are we gonna learn this. So yeah, it's a really good opportunity for new firefighers old firefighters anybody to get involved learn some new skills. And yeah walk away with some better knowledge every time we do it it always works out. Well and this year we got again big things planned, especially For opening ceremonies and yeah, it's gonna be a blast also last time around we did this we did a trailer which we will be putting up pulling a trailer like a movie theater and moving trailer which we will put up there with the one from last time. We'll put the last Oh, I thought you had already done it and like you go. No, we've been done. I don't know if we're doing this one yet. We're still in talks as to whether or not we can make it work. If we can't find the budget I'm gonna pay for it is not the problem. It's getting there photographer the camera guy my guy and editing guy who's almost like you guys should be pretty good at it by now. Let's turn videos that were frightened. I can't do you like no way like I owed you did such a good job, but we'll post that up so you can take a look at that as well. But yeah, we we would love any of you to come. Yeah, please do if you're thinking about it rub your some pots. Get finished with you. If you have if you'd like to come it is going to be my first second third and it is going to be an all over BC and there is a price tag of I think it's 200 right now and it gives you your three meals your two lunches Saturday Sunday lunch your banquet access to all of all the sessions of course and In the after party, so oh, yeah. Sorry. I know of course our t-shirts. So everybody gets a shirt which is pretty coveted some years. We got some pretty interesting ones. Like I think Ash is wearing one right now the shut up and train that was so every year. We try to come up with a model model for the seminar. So that year was shut up in training that was grants. It's a good one innovate adapt overcome. The last year's I think this one might just be stand by to get some this year might be we're just talking about Bellezza your fire blizzard. Somebody get some. Well. No, I mean the name and then yeah buddy get some data model. I was gonna say talking about having townspeople allowing us to come in and do all this. We actually get some that come regularly with their photography gear and take some excellent pictures of all the action to know and yeah, they put out. Some great photos, what's kind of funny? Because the one year we realize that we were laying the we were laying the sessions out. I think Andrew and I'm sitting there going if there's it because it's a walking path around community centers from like if we laid the sessions out and we like it's almost like they're walking around to people that come for a walk. They can watch take a walk by because you know, we don't fence it off to anybody but never a in common what again? Well, you can't stand in the line of fire, but he come pretty near stuff and it was Irv in the observable things and they can walk along the - it's almost like a little Mall of firefighting. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Do you have the do you have the full list of of sessions? Yeah, I don't because it's I don't enjoy the full list until April okay change beginning there was something that we can post just to show the kind of things because I know we didn't mention obviously we didn't mention any of the like the car stuff that we normally do as well as a few like Givens we're going to be we're going to do the live fire and like the positive positive pressure attack probably or some sort of ventillation live-fire. We're definitely do the fire Dynamic the you know, the cold start there will be RIT whether to be the rich challenge with skills something V is a very talk to Jason he's going to do that one search building of some sort of happy to I think they're going to be like the crazy search building where we get kind of Trapped and self turn around and like self-education and then there's gonna be like an organized search sort of thing. But there's some like up in the air still like working on getting dr. Nick to come in teach at triaging possibly with like that's active shooter kind of situation. That is Worth the $200 on its own. Yeah, just with him and his passion for me. Yeah, I guess yeah, he's okay you thought Nelson so we was talking to him and I showed him pictures of the explosions and stuff. So I'm hoping to get him. So that's why that one's I'm saying her up in the air. Like I'm not sure but you're some data they're definitely happening. Yeah, we little have over 20 for sure definitely going to be a good time or it's always fun always. So tiring but sometimes yeah, it's a lot of work on our side. But man when you when you see the things that we can do in a weekend with with just you know that we do it with our art department and then we do it with again the fire family and even some older members that don't necessarily come to anything more, you know, like four other cools, but coming from other stuff in the local ties apartment comes up. Department just from a North are coming this time. They're probably at each that I talk to them. So yeah, I talked to a couple guys they know from their there. They're planning on teaching them. Hey my actually car far this year if Todd's not able to but um, and then yeah, there's three departments come to help us because it was obviously we need more engines because we have to also protect our town. So we have some of their engines and lots of Serbia. Yeah. I think Kerry goes out to like what ten different departments are gonna see these know what attend but I go around the Fairmount, yeah, so it takes like a lot of a lot of Fire Halls to make it happen around here so local because usually by in booked three months Kari starts asking me how many or maybe sooner you would ask me how many Seb and we need so I started making the numbers and some are you know, are they working? I see because some of the things we do were just they guys have to have scbas on with their mouths on but they don't have to be there like the rich challenge but some of them obviously like live-fire we need actually certified as CPAs to go away. So steel 2,200. Yeah, if you're unlucky enough to get nobody your own that you're running on ashes for that one, right? It's normally your operation. I know we're trying to go we're trying to get away from yeah, but yeah, but we didn't have too many last year on the big ones. No, it was not but even last year I'd say I was or you before like 50/50. Yeah. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, so May 1st 2nd 3rd all over BC 200 bucks for your ticket. Three days or at least two days of full fire but three days of partying fun. And if you're a fireman like this is the place to be for those three days. You will not find anything the beets this for what we do we do an amazing amazing event. And yeah, come see for yourself step by get some. Yeah, obviously not, you know not to mention we have a lot of people that they'll drive up. As like a couple like they are bringing. Oh, yeah, right. Yeah, you're right. We're we're kind of dead in the center of the Okanagan Valley which is wine cup almonds. So as you the firefighter might be out fighting fire your spouse can whine to her or craft Distillery tour we got A lot of craft distillers beer Beach Lear at Luke's and such as you'll maybe see Spas restaurants are video clips. There's actually Sometimes some of the firefighters jump on the Wine Tours. There's one. Yeah, there's a couple of Chief said there's one chief he comes every time he just gets on the bus. He drops his guys off. Yeah, I'll be back. Yeah, okay just gonna take that stand by to get some but yeah, like you said - it's a if you are looking at coming and you just want to make it a trip you want to come see the Okanagan can bring your wife and you know, what? You're more husband her husband. Yeah. Yeah, bring your partner bring a spice bring them over you want. It's good fun. I'll come along this week. A kids are the kids - we don't have a Kids Zone. But yeah, but yeah, there's lots to do for for people that are coming with you. So, yep. So if you are coming again, May 1st 2nd 3rd 4th album about the fourth. Wow. Yeah, we're doing one more day and I met first make it worth her knobby with you for a second third and 200 bucks. Get you those those three days of awesome fun fire training. So come join us Oliver BC. There is a hotel. There's not many book early. If you are going to do it book early if you are gonna do it because they will not last long. In fact, I might even talk to him and see if we can get a discount price for five hours for that weekend bother you very good. He's got a sorted out Wicked so we can order sir. So if you cool, and you say that you are coming. For the seminar then say you're a firefighter coming for the seminar you will get a discount fantastic. And I think also we did last year. We did something with the taxis locally as well where we gave Rachel did we not give people around look. I know we have a show for sure. So it's not a big thing. The nearest town other than ours is 20 minutes away. So it's not. Yeah. She probably got a shuttle from Murphy's do yeah. Yeah. Well this year I don't look at heart. The local bars are definitely gonna get hit. I'm sure way more than they did last time because now we've got more places for people to actually stay stay here. Yeah right in time. It's the first time it's pretty packed there. It was it was so it was the the firewall that's why it helps with your I mean helps the town. That's what I'm like see ya. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Come see us man. We got lots to teach you got lots of fun to have and yeah, maybe you can buy one of our t-shirts. We do have a nice couple of books. Yeah, I got one son. He's off the spigot. Well sooner we don't you start selling them. I don't know if you know we referred to the buying I'm telling Carrie if we were because the shirts taking so long and I was we were comparing the shirt purchasing to the pig roast that we had. Is it time for the pig is final? Anymore for anymore. When are we gonna do announcement soon as I can long after some I am I missing get a butt full of solid content. Well, I know solid so solid - Carl. Are we done as always Chief Miller check them out. Facebook has become a gram. I don't think she'd Miller's coming you might ask. I'm gonna invite you should yeah, so check them out Facebook Instagram and Twitter actually Oliver for palooza 2020, right? You heard it here first the overnight maybe last I will mention his his Instagram crashed again for like a second time. So his main one is Chief underscore Miller one like the numerical one. So check them out there. He's also Chief Miller media. Uh Chief Miller ambassadors. Yeah, he's everywhere. She shares a lot of content. Yeah, try them out roasted motifs and see some Buddhist calendar. This move is calendar point was you were the slideshow? Yeah motifs for all your sneaker tool meets know they've got their snagger tool which absolutely love multi-tool. It's fantastic for hose. Handling for hose coupling for for all of that type of tool sets. Its they've also got other stuff. They've got their wedges soft wedge and a hard wedge. They're coming up with liver sandwich and they've also got a little tool bag that you can put all your eyes. You have to look at the tools into more you can put your medical stuffs. Into and whatever you want to put it in there and I forget their code DTF F5 and that will get you five percent off your order and they are a Canadian company and they are great and you go. Boom. Let's go RZ masks. We just did ask just do the unboxing. What'd you do? Did you did you did the unboxing the end? See ya the old the unboxing of the talks is that we rarely available. Yeah, unboxing the reboiler. There's a mask inside. Yeah, we've using them for I don't know like months and then good. Yeah, lots of different options lots of different methods to use and they do have lots of different options to they have, you know, three different styles for three or four different like yeah form designs. Yeah, and then multiple like you can get pretty cool actual designs if you want to look like a shark or we just had a basic black neoprene and ones you could have got sharks. Oh and you know the black ones. Yeah made this decision We Carry On I would think if you're wearing the mask and then you're like doing medical: yeah. I'm to get 30% off. You will just now put DTF. So that's our actual code. They gave us now. So yeah, they're shutting off 30% office. Yeah, a lot of presents. It is three of them three actually, it's great that there's that much carry over to Bar Bar boys Brotherhood Academy real podcast. The oh we should have queued there right next time sir, right? Yeah. We got us the full song. But yeah, I'm being in diapers. That's right. Yeah, so I made the joke once here, I'm wondering are they are they going to start sick calm because it seems funny man. It was it was we got Dave had to cut it down because there's added. Host now, so that's why yeah, so is Nick and Pull and that was the originals? Yeah now, it's Nick Nick of the known each other since we were in diapers. That's why they got the same heartbeat. Yeah volunteer fire crackers. That was fucking 4:30. Yeah, he's super catchy. York Maine look York State Bar's it's not like dynamically Peppermint Patties York Peppermint Pattie. Yeah. Hold your pictures your the original like where they like is that where the the original ship climate? I don't know nothing about how people got here makeup history. Yeah, it's where the sun is first loaded. He also talked about firefighters to bring this back around China and Chad. Yeah, great group group of guys. They are kind of like the East Coast American version of us. We love them. They love us and we give each other a shit back and forth every week. So yeah check those boys out. My boys are boys fighting for a Dying Breed brother Academy radio. I'll play the song after. So happy with your comb, but Brody writer Fighters stop the bleed. Yes, stop it. Just stop. No, it's not tonight. We filmed two to my videos right make it applications. So self-application return ticket and application on a patient or femoral artery. Yeah, as we're gonna go it's free for free training all over North America. Let's go wait, please stop talking. It was just telling me I wasn't Stop stop it. Yeah, really control dot-org. We're gonna go and free training. You can become if you're if you're trained in like carry, for instance, if you're higher level of Medical Training actually become an instructor in it and they encouraged to go out to the world because I think last thing I saw on your website because they've just redone their website. They've trained a million people like throw a instructor because when I teach when I teach a course, I have to go online and I say, Why don't have to but I do I say we're doing these courses put them all down and I put down many people have came and all that stuff and that all gets put into their stats. So, yes, they trained over a million people in the last few years. How many of each right now? Probably sit down over a hundred? Yeah. I heard him something. Yeah. It's pretty impressive very small period. Yeah and your tan are doing a few more coming up. I know it's Kevin mentioned that you was bringing out to the ski hills and stuff. Like this is stuff that we you know thinking I started that Looks like where else can we apply this where all these people Parts Association for hikers? Yeah, it's crazy funny because it seems like we're the tip of the spear right now as I was talking to somebody else and the government because they're like, oh we haven't heard of this before. I'm like, yeah. It's kind of like hidden big people are starting here where it is starting to become a thing, but it's still like kind of a new thing which is going to weird new thing up here. But definitely we're pushing a lot. So yeah, so yeah. Let me have that school second alarm dot-org second alarm its East Coast. Matt is a calls to try and get more firefighters in your firewalls. We obviously all understand and can appreciate the fact that try to find people to become firefighters. These days can be challenging for some departments in certain areas, especially when it comes to the volunteer so many things Matt's calls is a specific one that Jose and it it tries to Showcase and really really show what we do the fun behind it the skills that you don't necessarily need when you first walked through the door the stuff that you can learn the life experiences. You can gain from it the Brotherhood and Sisterhood that you do find in it as well. There's a lot of bonuses obviously that we all understand and know because we're still here so it's a really important cause if you do have a minute please go Go and check out the website second alarm dot-org and show him some support and some love. Anymore for anymore. But what about us? Well, that's what it says right there. Just a recap we are. Yeah, I guess all about us tonight. So you got shirts we do. Okay, we have sure this don't have a way to selling T-shirts. We also I spent contact her directly if you want a shirt. That's the worst idea. It will see any way. We do have the the YouTube page now has all of the content up that we Done so far apart from the three beers this evening, but everything else all of our video content is up there. So like share follow subscribe all the other fun stuff. We need to get to a certain point before we can start advertising through there. So we need like a thousand followers plus 4000 hours of watch time. So by the time we're 50, we might get there. So if you do get a chance, but yeah, so obviously we're on the Facebook and Instagram. That's all of Ashes fun stuff for the Instagram follow him there actually dropping the ball on the Instagram. So we'll put that back up. We're gonna write write that ship right that ship. Yeah. I think it's probably been like three weeks. Yeah. Is really bad. I apologize to well I should get on them. And then yeah with the Facebook and stuff obviously join the Fire family like subscribe do all the fun stuff and yeah, you can be the latest to kind of keep an eye on all the fun things that we do. We post other things with news and stuff anything that really kind of we read and we like the sound of WE Post. We don't just post them post and post front post garbage that we don't actually read and pay attention to but everyone. No, we WE Post what we believe and we posted things that we like to read stuff. So if it's interesting great, give us a like give us a follow and yeah, obviously just the final touch on that Oliver spring seminar 2020 $200 May 1st 2nd and 3rd for the Friday Saturday Sunday parties buyer cutting things open running around like a lunatic with Rob. Maybe throwing things out the window and carry you never know. Yeah, come join us. Meet us have some fun. And yeah. Anymore for anymore. We good. Happy birthday Marines. Happy birthday Marines and henna Gracie. Is it headed to Philly go re coming on yet. So you need him later like friends talk to him - thanks guys, Rob. Good night. Stay safe, Scott. Oh, that's his line. Can I stay safe? Sunday Carrie, I don't have a line Nick. Yeah. Goodbye. Everyone lady tff. Oh, he does. Say yeah every occasion. Did I?
We Discuss our 2020 Seminar with all the details that you need to come and join us! Listen in to hear about our event and our hands-on live fire training including burn buildings, car fires, RIT training, Gas Fires, Forcible Entry, Heavy Tool use, extrication tactics and much, MUCH MORE! Where: Oliver - BC When: May 1st-3rd 2020 Cost: $200 Per Person Contact us for more details! If you have a subject that you would like us to discuss, a question that you would like to ask or if you would like to be ON the next Episode, then you can message us on our Facebook Page at To check out the rankings click here #DTFFpodcast #DownToFightFire #Firefighting #Volunteer #Firefighter #FireFamily #Firefighters #EMS #Rescue #Fire #Emergency #FireDepartment #FirstResponders #Firedept #FireDepartment #FireHouse #FireRescue #ThinRedLine #FireService #BrotherHood #SisterHood #FireFighterLife #Fireman #VolunteerFirefighter #VolunteerFirefighters #StopTheBleed #StayDTFF
Welcome to the Glenn Macintosh show. I'm Glenn Macintosh a psychologist who is super interested in eating physical movement weight body image and holistic health in general. I'm talking physical mental emotional social existential and even spiritual health. I'm so glad you found me and soon you'll hear I can talk about this stuff all day and that's really where the idea of the podcast. I'm from I already had my Q&A video series Thursday therapy and my blog 52 thoughts for The Chronic Dieter, which I'm turning into a book called, 'The Insanity so even though lots of people were asking for a podcast I'd kind of put it off for a little while, but then I found myself having these amazing conversations with unbelievably inspiring people groundbreaking scientists and best-selling book authors and world. Is a Visa important social change movement and I'm having these conversations and I'm thinking literally millions of people would benefit from hearing this chat. So I really wanted to share those talks with you and whammo the podcast was born. It turns out that after over a decade of doing blogging and almost half that of videos It's already one of my favorite things to do. I absolutely love it and I'm looking forward to taking this journey with you. The show is based on interviews with like-minded people who inspire me and who share some of my core values of compassion science and Innovation compassion because feeling shame around our challenges is more often the cause of our problems rather than the Cure evidence because I believe science is the best way we can understand what's really going on and how To best support people and Innovation because sometimes the traditional approaches don't offer us all of the answers or even as in the case with dieting potentially do more harm than good. We'll also be sharing parts of my best videos that work in sound only there's just too much awesome stuff there for you. Not to I'm going to share some of the most relevant interviews and presentations that I give when I can and I'm even thinking of some crazy ideas like reading some of my blogs to you as I know that some people prefer to listen rather than read and recording some hypnotherapy that I do with clients so you can listen to it. As always with working with me. I'm really Keen to hear what you want. This is something that we are co-creating together. So please be in touch using the contact form at the longest website in the world. Www dot weight management a you where you can also find this podcast or by getting in touch on my Instagram or my Facebook both of which are just my name. I'm Glenn Macintosh Jala double n because Dad was generous and Macintosh Mac que int o sh the weirdest spelling of Macintosh because why do things like everyone else? Look I am really excited to be sharing this journey with you and I just really am looking forward to through my work and through these amazing conversations with people who share my values and can extend. On my work helping you make peace with food and find joy in physical movement. Yes. It is possible fall in love with your body. Even if that sounds corny. You can do it and generally just live an awesome meaningful healthy. Happy amazing life in a way that is right for you as a unique individual. I'm Glenn MacIntosh and welcome to my show.
Welcome to the Glenn Mackintosh show, I’m Glenn Mackintosh - a psychologist who is super-interested in eating, physical movement, weight, body image and holistic health in general, I’m talking – physical, mental, emotional, social, existential and even spiritual health. I’m so glad you’ve found me, and soon you’ll soon hear I can talk about this stuff all day, and that’s really where the idea for the podcast came from. I already had my Q&A video series Thursday Therapy and my blog “52 thoughts for the chronic dieter”, which I’m turning into a book called “Thinsanity”, so even though lots of people were asking for a podcast, I’d sort of put it off for a little while. But then I found myself having all of these amazing conversations with unbelievably inspiring people – groundbreaking scientists, bestselling book authors, world leaders of important social change movements, and I’m having these conversations and thinking “literally millions of people would benefit from hearing this chat”, so I really wanted to share these talks with you, and wham-o the podcast was born. It turns out that after doing over a decade of blogging and almost half that of videos, podcasting is already one of my favourite things! I love it and I’m really looking forward to taking the journey with you. The show is based on interviews with like-minded people who inspire me and who share some of my core values of compassion, science, and innovation – compassion because feeling shame around our challenges is more often the cause of our problems than the cure, evidence because I believe science is the best way we have to understand what’s really going on how to best help people, and innovation because sometimes traditional approaches don’t offer all the answers for us, and even, as in the case of dieting, potentially do more harm than good. We’ll also be sharing parts of my best videos that work in sound-only – there’s just too much awesome stuff in there not to, I’ll share some of the most relevant interviews and presentations I give, and I’m even thinking of some crazy ideas like reading some of my favourite blogs to you, as a lot of people prefer to listen over reading, and even recording some of my hypnotherapy sessions with clients for you to listen to. As always, I’m really keen to hear what you want, so please be in touch by using the contact form at the longest website in the world, where you can also find the podcast, or getting in touch on my Instagram and Facebook, both of which are just my name Glenn Mackintosh because - like everything we do in our community - we are co-creating it together, so I’m so excited to be sharing this journey with you, and supporting you to make peace with food, find joy in physical movement, fall in love with your body, and generally just live an awesome, meaningful, healthy, happy, amazing life in the way that is right for you as a unique individual! I’m Glenn Mackintosh, and welcome to my show!
And Ingrid de la marck any I'm the CEO and founder of the method she's also my wife and she's the smartest woman I've ever met. First of all, she's my mom and she's really cool. She's all that and she's a Superhero. This is the part of my French podcast. - on this episode you'll hear about wellness fitness French autism and lifestyle a train fucking Sheikh gangster podcast hosted by Fitness and Wellness French Edwin ISM Guru and creator of the method to body Yours Truly Ingrid de la marck any live from Monte. Monaco on this show, you'll find a mix of audio entertainment including listener and audience questions answered about health Wellness Lifestyle Family and relationships and my friend holistic tips to be healthy have your best body and transform both your body and your mind set into the happiest ever as well as leaving labelled Z lifestyle like a Chic French gangster. Hello and welcome to pardon my French episode 16. I am angry de la marck any and I am your host as always live from Monaco today. We are talking about mental health and how it is correlated with your gut. I've been speaking to you so much about Good Health, but I've also been speaking to you so much about cortisol levels. You guys are such smart cookies you've made the correlation and you've been asking me could my stress. Yes, and my anxiety be the reason I'm gaining weight. Yes. I know the reason why I'm saying this is now that you've been so educated on cortisol levels you are thinking that your anxiety is responsible for your weight gain and you are right, but there is more to it behind that when I explain cortisol levels being high and possibly causing insulin resistance and gain and weight gain. I also explained that some of That stress that course, it causes cortisol levels to go up can come from digestive issues. Now you need to know that a lot of the issues health issues. You may be experiences experiencing come from your gut. That being said, let's talk about Insanity insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And so I feel exactly the same way about dieting insanity is dieting over and over and expecting different results. I repeat insanity is dieting over and over and expecting different results. Now those that are offer dieting will say now you keep trying a different diet, but it's still dieting. What is dieting except for the fact that diet has the word die in it. Let's put that aside dieting. It's still a regimen. It's a program that is regulated by Relations and rules whether the program deems himself non-restrictive non prohibitive. It is still a diet. It is still a program. You must abide by you must follow a set of rules often. You must follow certain steps. And if you fail online, you need to go back to the previous which is deemed a regression that is restrictive no matter what So whether you're trying a diet from this Guru or from doctor at the end of the day, you're spending a lot of your life dieting and dieting and expecting different results. You may get some results but usually they are only temporary results therefore short amount of time only for a limited time only. Well, let me tell you a limited time only is for great bargains and self and there's no such thing as Bargains and cells when it comes to your health. Your health is full price. Does that make sense? Listening to your gut may actually be the key to your mental health and your cure for anxiety depression lack of sleep. And of course ultimately to weight loss, you know that about weight loss but we've never actually spoken about anxiety depression brain fog this or all realities of your life and often you overlook them or you agree to deal with them if in return you get a skinny body. Wow, let me tell you that is not the type of skinny body that you want. I've been referring to some skinny bodies Rel thin bodies as unhappy bodies or overly inflated bodies that look like they're enduring a hormonal imbalances. Or obesity as unhappy bodies, but lately I've been referring to both those kinds of those kind of bodies as unhappy bodies to me that is a sign of an unhealthy gut and most of the time whether the person is enduring the cost of being so skinny by dealing with depression anger anxiety being tired. Lacking sleep or the person dealing with weight gain stubborn weight gain and hard to lose weight or obesity or simply feeling like you're not yourself and dealing with also the drawbacks of this condition whether lack of sleep feeling extremely tired not feeling very a lot of energy and feeling a little bit lethargic. Eric Both these individuals have unhappy-looking bodies Darrell thin person when you look at her, you know, this person is not healthy. You may crave her skinniness because it looked great in skinny jeans or does it but you certainly don't crave or ugly face that looks so tired and worn out from not eating much or from restricting herself from eating certain things. So she may be eating a lot of the diet food. She's allowed to eat, even though some of those foods are real food or real vegetables or even fiber or even protein but somewhere there's a restriction there and the same goes for the person that battling weight gain, especially if it's hormonal weight gain this person looks like she has an unhappy God because she's pretty much now spending her time satisfying hormonal cravings and Having an intake an unhealthy intake of sugars and carbs that are disrupting her sleeves that are disrupting or energy her brain Clarity. So either way these two kinds of unhappy-looking bodies are a sign of not a healthy gut of an unhealthy gut. So how does the gut brain axis affect your mental health and how does in return your mental health Boomerang back on your cortisol levels and causes you to either gain the weight back after you become super skinny from your diet or Have stubborn midsection fat storage that you have been unable to lose whether you're one of these people or the other. Does that make sense? So I want you to get familiar with the word the expression gut brain access to good brain axis is the conduit From the gut to the brain and the brain and the Brain to the God and how it's correlated. I'll tell you how I figured this out. I'm not a doctor. I am a fitness professional. I have a body strategies. So my job is to find strategies to push the right buttons in your body and to trigger your body to give you the results that you don't need and want But in doing so being healthy, of course, I've noticed this with my son Dylan. If you've been listening to my podcast, you know that Dylan was now 19 and completely fine and going to law school in the UK. Yes humble brag. Well not so humble was once diagnosed with being on the spectrum of autism. He's being cured stood since through therapy is never medication and part of is sure was a change in his diet and I had to time Dillon Zinn. Teen so we're going back early 2000 his doctor that was treating him said we need to change his diet and mind you I was about 23 years old when this happened I could not understand. How is this doctor telling me that my son's brain and cognitive functions were not working out. We're not working normally and that changing his diet was going to do something. It's a very hard thing to understand when your 23 years old at the beginning of the year 2000 and it took a while for for me to process that and to actually accept to do this because that meant taking gluten out and is case kids with auditory processing disorders or or kids with autism or Asperger's or being on the spectrum of autism have a certain aversion to gluten and to some other Products like dairy products or soy they actually get get literally less functioning when they consume those products. So at the time his doctor said to me and if you go back to the episode with Dylan, he's on episode. I can't remember what number episode is on but he came on to speak about this and speak. About his life and our lives, but we spoke about it. We spoke about the fact that we had to go gluten-free and at the time, you know, I was 23 years old gluten-free was not a trend you did not find gluten-free anything at the supermarket as a matter of fact, it wasn't even called gluten free at the time. It was just called wheat free and some green free so You know, it was quite difficult for me to understand how food and digestion of food would affect my son and you know release him from brain fog if he didn't consume soy or if you didn't consume gluten or dairy, but the truth of the matter is it was such a young age for me to accept it. So I started to accept it when I did not listen to the doctor at first and doctors fucking out of his mind. What is he saying? I mean my son needs, you know brain brain gymnastics brain therapy. He needs occupational therapy means those at Physical Therapy, but it fucking doesn't need to not be eating certain things bad enough. We're dealing with all this shit already the fact that he's not being considered normal by Society the fact that he's acting awkward the fact that was worried on top of it. I'm going to tell you you can't have pizza or pasta. Are they fucking kidding me? Well Dylan didn't do too well for the following months after the doctor said this to me and then I said, you know, I have to try and so I started to find ways of feeding him alternatives to gluten at the time. That was very difficult because there was nothing nothing under market so I had to get crafty and so as soon as I It removing gluten from his diet. As soon as I started removing Dairy from his diet, as soon as I made sure that there was no soy content in any other cookies and processed food that you would be eating. I saw a change I saw a change I saw that my son was paying more attention is attention deficit like his attention span span became so much better. And that was miraculous. I was like, maybe it's a coincidence. You know, I thought point when you're so young and your child is diagnosed with something like that. You you go into denial of a lot of things that the doctors are telling you and part of that. Denial did me a lot of good because I refused A lot of the diagnosis that you know, I was given on Dylan and literally diagnosis that were telling me to give up on my son never being normal or functioning normally as a highly functioning adult, but part of that was also experimenting by now. Listening to doctors where I should have listened and you know, the brain to get access thing is definitely something I was not open to yet. I was way too young and there was so little spoken about the gut back then I mean, you know, we were talking about diets. Yes, we're talking about Jenny Craig. We were talking about slim fast at the time. You never spoke about gut health really my mom spoke a lot about fiber each time your stomach my stomach hurt my grandmother who is Is from Morocco would make kefir for me and give me kaffir. So at the time we didn't give it the name of probiotic. I just remember she gave me this very sour yogurt and made me stood there until I drank it all up and an hour later automatically. My stomach pain would go away and my digestion will get better. But we you know, we didn't call that stuff got health and microbiome and we didn't call any of that probiotics prebiotics. My mother used to make this black bread which we call fiber today, which is very similar to the G crackers. Only more delicious. Each time one of us would be constipated and like once a week she would be like, hey, you know, I'm going to make my black bread, but we didn't give names like that. I didn't know any of this so long story short to go back to Dillon. ISO results from altering is dietary habits, but I didn't Thought it might be a coincidence. So then I started to give him Pizza and Pasta again. And then again, you would regress in his attention span span. You would regress in his kind of like Behavior become more absent look like it was more foggy look like you had a little bit more anxiety and was less of a happy boy. And so the second time around I was like, I'm not taking any more chances food is definitely affecting this kid food is definitely changing how this Kid, this kid's brain is reacting and so between the age of 23 and 24 years old. I realized that brain function and gut function where correlated but it's only now that I'm deciding to really talk about it as much because I realize that it applies to all of us not just to children. With learning disabilities not not just with children with auditory processing disorders or any kind of processing disorders. It affects us too. And the more I get messages from my wonderful tribe from my audience saying I feel this and Dot and I'm eating this in that two more I'm able to make the correlation and so between all the That I've researched the science that have been slapped in the face with with my son's journey to becoming a normally highly functioning adult and listening to you guys having an open ear and being inspired by your health journey and the fact that with an open mind you come and listen to what I have to say. I realized that we as Wellness professionals Wellness expert have to stop telling you to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. And so that's what I'm here to tell you. This is where I'm talking Insanity. We're driving ourselves crazy. It's like literally Going around in circles chasing one's tail to diet and to restrict the body when in fact fueling your gut. This is why I called inulin Gangster Chic fuel fueling your gut may be very well do wait you're to your brain and Away to your happiness. So the gut brain connection is one that you want to become aware of more than you. Ever been aware of counting carbs counting macros getting on the scale and weigh in yourself. Research says that controlling the bacterial population of the gastrointestinal tract may help improve symptoms of mental disorders. Now when I'm talking mental disorders, I'm talking brain fog like my son had attention deficit anxiety depression overall and happiness. It is huge because if you think about the fact that you get insulin resistance, which causes midsection fat stubborn fat storage from high stress levels. This is all coming into one full circle. So, what's the connection? The connection is the good and bad bacteria that populate the microbiome. Normally there's supposed to be a balance in favor of beneficial bacteria that helps prevent overgrowth of the bad bacteria that can harm your health, but Studies have shown that there's a potential harm associated with imbalance of the microbiome due to inflammation. Or lack of bacterial diversity any of which may be associated with overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria. This is where I came up with. Bringing in your land out in the open because I it I mean you have to listen to episode 12 about in your land. I'm not going to stop pitching it you guys know in your land does miracles for health. Yeah, the flat tummy was the original appeal but you've many of you have realized that you got your period back on track from it. You've got you premenopausal menopause symptoms in control. You've been feeling less hungry and thus less anxious. So that being said this all comes together when you realize that it's to bacterial imbalance in your gut that's causing issues in the first place and that in your lane comes into play. So now without even coming on here to pitch my own products. This is how simply kefir came along and it's coming along and is launching this week. Simply kaffir. Came out of a need it came out of a need from all of you. It was like I got so many messages saying great in only works, but I'm still having a version to certain foods. I'm still feeling allergic to certain food or I have FODMAP. I cannot have in Ulan. Oh my question for these people was why do you have food map? Why do you have Candida? What is wrong with your gut very often? We're in Ulan could not come into play for those people. The answer was you need a probiotic. And so what happens probiotic some professionals our diet. Gurus will tell you yeah, kombucha bullshit the kibosh on the market is full of fucking shit. The alcohol levels of Kombucha is very high. It's Really reminding me of Hutch Hutch has to drink the clandestine drink that the Black Mama's that I was in prison with would make to get wasted on and that was of course, you know not allowed. It's what you call Contraband, but that's what kombucha is. They mixed up a bunch of fruits and fermented until it became like a strong alcohol and you guys are going to buy this as a health benefit drink. Are you kidding me? You guys are drinking Hooch literally, there is no way so then some Specialists will tell you what then have kimchi. Well that's bad too or have me so it's fermented. Well, that's Looking great for someone who's in estrogen dominance. Miso is soy so what the fuck gives I've been telling you to have kefir and fermented raw Cheese's but my audience I realized is in Canada in America. So North America lot of you and you having a hard time getting your hands on fermented. She's and raw Cheese's and even kefir or labneh Lebanon the Lebanese yogurt. Or if you were able to get your hands on that well shit, you're lactose intolerant and I would tell you even if you like to was intolerant. You can have fermented cheese because this literally no lactose left in fermented. She's unlike unfermented cheese. So then there's the vegan that comes into plans as well. No, I still have not going to have lactose. So what do I do for a probiotic? Well it sauerkraut bitch because everybody knows you can eat sauerkraut breakfast lunch and dinner barf. Sorry. It's just it makes no sense that we have so little at our fingertips to feed our bacteria got bacteria and you need the probiotic and I realized that as much as in New Orleans been amazing for all of you to microbiome is probiotic and Prebiotic and this balance. I had to come into place. So we do Newland now, we're balancing so much and yet There is still a large somewhere for some of you and so that's where I came up with simply kefir grains, which we call Lou champignon lactea. You heard. Well, it translates champagne latte. The reason for that is because kefir originally when it's homemade the way my grandmother used to make it for me when my stomach would hurt is it comes up like a milk that's a little bit fizzy and that's where it's fermented. So it's a little bit fizzy so they called it leave it to the French to give it. The fucking glamorous name champignon lacked a champagne latte. However, the one I came up with is a kaffir green a water kefir grain. So they're pure organic water kefir grains and with with vegetable vegetable milk. So, you know plant-based milk, you can make a lactose-free pure probiotic kefir. So that's how this all came through. And this is what's launching this week and I truly hope that it's going to be the game changer that it should be as much for your weight loss as especially for your gut health I even hope for it and I've seen some success with some of my clients that have been consuming. Kefir before I brought it on the market just now I've seen success with clients. I've seen it even get rid of some food. Oh jeez for people because you have to realize you're not born with a food allergy you're born with a completely balanced gut and throughout time and the way you've been treating your gut even as a child. The food allergy comes along as your microbiome becomes imbalanced. So what the probiotics and prebiotics to Simply inulin simply give fear would do its kind of balance it out again and hopefully get rid of your food allergies and hopefully get rid of your resistance to weight loss regardless of all of your efforts to lose weight, whether it's through exercise or through eating healthy and even going through diet. Actions some of you don't even get results for that from that. And the reason for that is that you're not looking in the right place. You need to be looking in your gut. The same goes for being very tired having brain fog losing energy at times of the days where you're supposed to be very energetic like in the morning. It's all in your gut having skin issues like hives and examine how it's your gut. Midsection stubborn way it's your gut. So you're going to say well Ingrid a few episodes back. You said it's cortisol levels. Well, guess what the highest amount of stress you can put your cortisol levels through is digestive issues. And if you go back to those episodes I say it and it comes full circle. Feeling depressed for no reason, obviously if you're, you know, a loved one passed away and you feel depressed that's completely normal. And that doesn't come from your gut, but if everything is kind of okay in your life, and you're supposed to be happy and you feel anxiety and you're unhappy Often you will blame that on your hormones. But if you listen to some of my previous episodes including hormone have episode I can remember the number of it's called hormones. You will know that part of that hormonal Behavior what you deem as being hormonal comes from your gut. It's all connected. It's even been proven that mental health issues like bipolar disorder schizophrenia and other psychological or neurological problems, including of course depression and anxiety may also be associated with alternation in the microbiome. So got issues these researchers that even said that disruption to the normal healthful balance of the bacteria and the microbiome can Was the immune system to overreact and contribute to inflammation in the GI tract in turn leading to development of symptoms of diseases that occur not only throughout your body but also in your brain, so a lot of brain illnesses or issues or developmental delays. Are probably starting in your gut? So imagine if we can say that your body is affected by your mood. Let's say you're an emotional eater you eat emotion emotionally people say, oh I cheated on my diet. I ate emotionally and they thought it was their emotions. You're not eating really with your emotions you eating with the balance in your gut. Does that make sense? So what if instead of eating emotionally you could actually affect your emotions with your gut reverse psychology? So what can you do? To actually avoid this problems well to maintain or restore the health of your microbiome and support good health, whether it's mental health or weight loss or preventing hormonal issues. It's maintaining a strong balance in favor of your good gut bacteria in your digestive tract. So the first step is of course to eat a well-balanced diet include foods with probiotics and prebiotics ingredients that support good gut bacteria Health restoring balance to your gut before you go on a diet. Let's say you say, oh I'm Married in three months. What diet do you recommend Ingrid? I get this all the time I go out before you go on a diet. Why don't you work on balancing your gut health so that your diet can actually work. I'm not saying all diets are bad. Some of them have very good foundations. The problem is that when dietitians nutritionists Health gurus diet. Gurus put you on those diets. They put you on the diets without asking you about your hormones about your cycle. Do you have any weird skin issues? Do you have hair loss. Do you feel depressed? Do you feel brain fog? No, they just fucking put you on the diet by my book and start my diet. Eat this and eat that that's bullshit. So if you are one of those people that's never going to let go of dieting. If you're listening to this podcast. It means you're ready for something new because you've been doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results. You're feeling insane by now. Well, welcome back sanity before you go back to dieting maybe get your body to be responsive to your diet. See, I'm not telling you stop dieting all together. So if you wanted those people that's not willing to stop dieting because diets your life. And what's her face supercool lady is a Dieter and a diagram and you want to follow her. Well great. But let me put my imprint on you before you do. Why don't you balance your gut health first so that your body can be responsive to your dieting efforts. How start for a change so if you're not ready for a complete change in mentality and you're not ready to hang up the phone on mrs. Diet that fucking bitch. Well, maybe meet me halfway if with a subtle change say to yourself. Let me balance my gut health with getting probiotic and Prebiotic from real food. You can supplement with some in your lane. But remember Prebiotic in your land is fantastic because at the end of the day when we get fiber from our veggies and are legumes nowadays, they are so treated and process. We don't really know if we really get the 16 gram of fiber that we think we get from that amount of string beans of our or artichokes. That's where inulin comes in it fills that gap of unknown of real fight. Intake that we think we're getting and the same would go for a probiotic. It becomes very complicated nowadays to have a probiotic out of the food. That's add our reach when it comes to fermented food. I mean short of miso or kombucha or some raw fermented cheeses and in the state, even when they tell you their own fermented yourself to kind of worried about them. Well, that's where simply kefir comes in the champagne like tape but try to get it from you real food to and then combined with a little something something like the simply gangster Chic products just to give you that extra push that extra sanity that you're actually balancing your gut. So you need to know though, let's talk probiotics. You don't just have to relate on simply kefir. Like I always tell you about simply in your land that is not the only source of fiber that you should rely on. You can get fiber from so many delicious food and God knows you see me cooking. So many of them you can get a probiotic from some plain yogurts like cottage cheese. Make sure you try and get One that is from a farmers market because the ones they sell you in the supermarket or certainly not probiotic. If you're in the United States fresh sauerkraut now, if you do not have estrogen dominance and you might want to listen to episode hormones. Yes like a whore. To define whether you do or not, you can have kimchi and you can have me so but if you do feel you have estrogen dominance and The Tell-Tale signs, you can recognize from the episode. I just referred to then stay away apple cider vinegar, but now again, there's some good to vinegar, but there's some other inflammation irritating aspects that I don't love. Now remember probiotics effects are destroyed when you're cooking or processing or preserving at a high temperature. So you want to make sure you get your probiotics Raw. Harvard Medical School actually published something saying that gut brain connection is not a joke get bring connection May contribute to your anxiety and digestion problems and vice versa your digestion problems May contribute to your anxiety and your anxiety may be causing your digestion problems. So this to say that digestion problems are often the cause for We gain or issues losing weight regardless of how much effort you put into losing weight. So for those of you that are all about honoring your intentions when it comes to dieting you are making this so much about the mind and so little about the body. Instead of saying I am going to honor my intentions By ignoring my body calling for carbs. Ask yourself instead of torturing yourself. Well, why is my body calling out for so many carbs? Rich food? You making it all about intentions journaling honoring intentions having cheat meals. You're forgetting the whole. Center of this The whole heart of this it all starts in your gut. And the way that you deal with it with your brain is causing you anxiety that anxiety is what's making it worst. This is not a joke. I agree with Harvard Health publishing medical school. I definitely agree with them. So you can link anxiety to stomach problems and vice versa. Have you ever had a gut-wrenching experience do certain situation make you feel nauseous? Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach butterflies in your stomach? We all use this expressions. Well, the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotions anger anxiety sadness excitement. All of these feelings can trigger symptoms in the gut to brain has a direct effect on your stomach and your intestines on your gut. I've often explain to you that this is why triggering the right sensors signals from your leptin hormone your saturation hormones. Your brain can actually cause you to be saturated before you even eat the very thought of eating. Can release the stomach juices before food gets there? So the connection goes both ways a troubled gut can send signals to the brain and a trouble brain can send signals to the gut. So a person's stomach or gut health issues can be the cause of anxiety. and the product of anxiety stress and depression can also B the cause for your gut health issues So God Health can be responsible for your anxiety and anxiety can be responsible for your gut health issues. Does that make sense? I hope so. Think about it. Sometimes when you feel stressed when something comes to your attention that upsets you. You feel nauseous. Some people will throw up. at getting an information bad news to know why that's because your brain and your gut are completely connected. That doesn't mean that the gut health issues are imagined in your head. That's not what I'm saying, but It goes both ways. So you need to understand that if you have anxiety for no reason if you feel Restless for no reason if you feel very tired, even though you've been sleeping. Or if you feel tired after eating. You bet that all of these feelings. All of these emotions you are feeling come from your gut. I will give you a few indication if you've been feeling stiff in your muscles, especially your neck and your shoulders if you have headaches sleeping problems tremors. Recent loss of interest in sex. Sorry weight loss or weight gain that is unexplicable and Rex restlessness. So those are the physical symptoms. If as far as your emotions you procrastinate a lot you grind teeth. You have a difficulty completing work assignments. So brain fog or having a hard time concentrating you feel a change in the amount of alcohol and food you consume. You've taken up something like smoking or you're smoking more than usual. If you're obsessed with exercise all of the sudden. It becomes almost like a drug if you have increased desire to be with people or increased desire to withdraw from others. If you're constantly thinking of stressful situations or dark thoughts. if your Crying a lot. If you're feeling an overwhelming sense of tension of pressure, if you have trouble relaxing, if you have nervousness a quick temper depression poor concentration trouble remembering things like you don't have your shit together and you don't know why if you're if you're often undecided. Then you need to realize that this might be a gut related issue. Now. Let's talk about the symptoms that are causing your gut. To be unhealthy and causing you all of these emotional and physical reactions. Do you have an upset stomach so stomach disturbance like gas bloating constipation diarrhea heartburn? Now make sure that you don't have gas and blowed from just starting in your lane because those are no more symptoms that you would have the first few days. So if you're not dealing with that new stuff in your life or in your dietary intake rather, but you have stomach disturbance. That could be signs of an unhealthy gut a balanced gut will have less difficulty processing food and eliminating waste so in upset stomach heartburn diarrhea constipation. That might be you know, a sign of your gut not being balanced a high sugar diet. So you're on a diet and a lot of the diets today recommend foods that are processed food. So for example, I stopped using it do pb2 powder. It's a very processed food and they tell you oh, it's so low in carbs, but it's very process. That's unhealthy. Foods that have Stevia and Truvia all these processed food will decrease the amount of good gut bacteria. Of good bacteria in your gut. So if you are on a diet and they're recommending that you have a lot of processed food. And powders and protein powders and meal replacements and this and that powder or you know milk to the process like plant-based milk and all of that shit that they recommend on lot of diets. Those are actually decreasing the amount of good bacteria in your gut and the imbalance it causes will cause increased sugar Cravings. So that damages your guy even further high amounts of refined sugars will also increase inflammation in the body. And inflammation in the body can cause a hormonal inflammation. And brain fog and anxiety believe it or not. If you have an unintentional weight change very often, you'll see while I'm having something horrible happening. I mean premenopause and menopause I you know didn't get my period this month, but you need to get a little bit further on that. So think about why are you gaining or losing weight without making changes to your diet or exercise habits that may be a sign of an unhealthy gut An unbalanced gut can impair your body's ability to absorb nutrients regulate your blood sugar and store fat so weight loss for example can be caused by your small intestine bacterial overgrowth sibo. A lot of people told me they have sibo. You need it to remedy to that don't just say I'm diagnosed with sibo. I can't have this in that as IBO. No, you need to really go and find balance in a in your microbiome. So while weight gain may be caused by insulin resistance or the urge to overeat due to decreased nutrient absorption that were dyed comes in a lot of your diets because of the processed food. They telling you to have any time this is great. You can have so much of whatever you want. That's fucking bullshit looking to quantity to quantify on food intake while you're on a diet. Is probably what's going to cause your gut to be imbalanced. Constant fatigue and sleep disturbance and brain frogs. That's an unhealthy gut right there. Insomnia and poor sleep. Chronic fatigue from it. That is an unhealthy gut. To majority of the body's serotonin, which is a hormone that affects your mood and sleep is produced in the gut. So if you having those issues, you can look at your gut health right away. Got damaged can impair your ability to sleep. Well, some sleep disturbance have also been linked to a risk of febrile male Gia. I'll explain that another time if you have skin irritations. Or subcutaneous irritations like you feel like the pimples are under your skin. That's usually an inflammation in the gut and that's definitely caused by a poor diet or food allergies. You know food allergies actually cause increase of leaking of certain proteins out into the body. So that turns into an irritation of the skin and causes conditions like eczema or Ives So if you have those things instead of taking food out of your diet this lot of people say, well I have hives so I have candida or I've got eczema. So I'm allergic to this and not the fact that you are allergic to certain food doesn't mean you're just allergic to certain food. It means that your microbiome is unhealthy unbalanced your gut health. is unbalanced don't just accept facts, like having food allergies and intolerances wonder why you are intolerant. We were all brought into this world tolerant to everything having a food allergy in many cases. They are huge exceptions, like people that are allergic to nuts. But in many cases means that your gut is not healthy and that you need to balance your microbial. Prebiotic probiotic right there don't go by probiotic probiotics right away Google. What food is a probiotic? What food is a Prebiotic? And how much of it can I have every day? Then if you feel you can't have much of one or the other supplement it with a pure one. Don't go get protein powders with way in it because it has fiber. Don't go get probiotics with trillions and zillions of live whatever that's bullshit food intolerances are the results of difficulty digesting certain foods. That's different than allergies allergies can be caused also by an immune system reaction to certain food, but the intolerances are caused by poor quality of bacteria in your gut So very often when you're intolerant to certain things it's because your gut is unhealthy not just because you're intolerant. Having difficulty digesting some foods comes with symptoms like getting bloated gas diarrhea abdominal pain nausea. There is a lot of evidence that certain food allergies are also related to God health. I have had a client who started having inulin that was great, but she was still very allergic to certain food including eggs, which is unnatural in a way to be allergic to eggs. And then we added kefir and lovely to her diet. She started to have a deal. Even though she really didn't like me either she wasn't big on lactose. And so she was afraid of having them even though I explain that fermented. She's have technically no lactose, but within four weeks she was able to start eating eggs again. That to me is the magic of good health. so 7 Things that you can do for your gut health lower your stress levels Eat slowly I tell you this all the time look for daylight. Reduce the amount of stress that you feel in certain environments. So going to noisy places to eat. I always talk about that nor your cortisol levels that will ease up your digestion and then working on digesting your food the right way with lower your cortisol levels. You see how it's constantly connected and interconnected back and forth. It really slow chew your food eat your meals with people that really helps promote a full digestion and absorption of nutrients and it will reduce also your appetite. Once again the mental aspect of eating for pleasure with pleasure. Is definitely going to send the right signals to your neurological sensors. And so even before you start eating a full meal you will feel satisfied and saturated. have you probiotics prebiotics probiotics of course and realize that if you have some food intolerances that cause you know, shh rashes fatigue acid reflux. You should eliminate them until you can balance your gut with probiotic and Prebiotic foods and once you have try it again. Stop dieting change your diet mind to mind of loving your body from within. my mother always used to say No, no, don't barley talk show Elisa yet. Let's not mix. cleaning rags with embroidered napkins That's exactly how I feel about the gangster Chic French lifestyle that we live here and diet. Don't mix the two and don't mixer food either. You may have seen on your feeds and all over the place muffins taking over after we made our delicious tahini simply in your land brioches, but there's a huge distinction between the two the diet food. Whether the muffins whether the pancakes whether the breads are about substituting so you can eat more. Eating for a happy body. In a fucking gangster Chic way is about being satisfied with one Simply Chic delicious. Brioche. Remember in French less is always more. It's about loving. loving Is abundance restricting to to gain abundance makes no sense? Change your mindset. in that way so Food there are good for your gut are going to be foods are good for your gut are going to be good for your brain brain fog anxiety depression restlessness Laxus lack of sleep all can start from the gut eat high fiber foods legumes beans peas Oats oatmeal is amazing. I hate when people tell you that oatmeal is not healthy. It's amazing bananas berries asparagus leeks. Artichoke obviously in Ulan are in your Lindsay playing yelling is artichoke route that will definitely help garlic and onion. They have immune system enhancing properties. I cook with a lot of garlic I cook with onion. I put red onion in my salad the crunchy, you know side of it helps you really reap the benefits of the immune system properties. And it really is good for your brain for your gut functions and ultimately for your brain. Fermented food. So remember you can have Tempe and miss. So if you are not in estrogen dominance who want to check that first, if you are an estrogen dominance to stay away do not have combat. Shh unless you're making a sort of combat. Shh at home the bottle of Kombucha are full of shit. They are like the hood, which that Inmates making jail that I've seen them making jail bill. But you have to realize that the quality of the probiotic fermented foods that are sold it really varies. So you want to be careful you really want to be careful when it comes to probiotics fermented raw cheese go to the farmers market and look for that. Okay, so collagen boosting foods are good for you. But be careful with those collagen peptides they foolish it. So instead you could try boosting your own body's collagen production through food. There's a variety of food that will boost your collagen like mushrooms like good Dairy like certain Meats. instead of having collagen peptides or protect vital protein whatever that is all bullshit. It's full of shit. And there's actually nothing that prove that your body absorbs College in that way. You want to eat food that will boost your body's own collagen production when people ask me, how do you get this skin? I tell them I boost my collagen production from the food that I eat. Same goes for are growth. Eat sleep and be healthy so you can be happy. the human gut has turned out for me to be the center brain of the body and I found this out when I was 23 years old and I've been experimenting with that ever since first with my own child then with myself, especially when I moved to Europe from the United States, I felt a huge difference and then with my clients. So a healthy gut remember will contribute to a strong immune system brain health definitely improve your mood. That's why I always tell you to not think of a diet mentality. This restrictive mind and mentality from diet makes you eat shit that does not concentrate at all on balancing your gut health your microbiome. Diets never address your gut health in the first place. If you want a diet or if you want a dietary change that you're bestowing on your body to work. First you need the computer to be operational and you need all of the keys of the computer to be operational. Stop from the gut. The body's beauty comes from within. follow your gut You always talk about eating emotionally. I agree that eating can bring on emotions. I agree. That eating can be an emotion Let It Be an emotion of Love fuck diet. The gut brain access is how to rethink having a happy body and by happy I mean healthy kind of skinny looking we off we really often. Agree that gut and neurological cause to effect does happen right? I ate emotionally because I was upset I had a long day. My children drove me crazy, so I benched. Why not use reverse psychology and stop insanity? Why not think of a happy gut a happy brain and a happy looking body? Now, you know what? I mean by happy if a bitch is skinny enough that all you want to do is treat her to a sandwich. She does not have a happy body. If someone is looking budgie, you look at him you go. They could look so good if they just exercise or Diet a little more, but maybe they do. maybe they just don't have a happy body and that means a happy balance got That's the whole point here. There's a reason that some skinny women are called skinny bitches does because he's so fucking Moody because of all the restrictions that they've been putting their body through Very often some very skinny women are fucking assholes. You know why it's because you don't fucking eat some people say that's because they don't get laid. I personally think that's because they don't eat and often is because they eat processed diet food that makes their gut so unhappy and it affects their brain functions. That makes sense. That's why they call them skinny bitches. You have to realize that a lot of the diet friendly foods are processed food and their abuse the gut so technically to get skinny. When you go on these diets, you're abusing your gut health. And so you're abusing your mental health. I hope that this episode helps you realize that more real food means less hunger. and using reverse psychology To stay the fuck away from the diet mind. It's not about how many diet muffins you can eat but rather remember how satisfied and happy you can be with one one just one gangster Chic simply real food. Brioche. It's really not even about making your mind believe that you don't want more food. It's about truly having a gut so balanced. That it sends to right signals fucking gangster Chic signals to your brain. That one was more than enough. When the gut is healthy and your microbiome is balanced. Your body doesn't crave anything. That's not good for it. And when your body doesn't create anything, that's not good for it your body looks as it should. We are all born to look thin. And have an appealing physical silhouette. The way our bodies go is not DNA. It's good health. So don't ever mix your emotions about eating if you look at eating as an emotion, let it be loved towards yourself. Don't ever mix loving your body from within with diet. How about trying this new mindset and finally get to different result? I hope you enjoyed this podcast if you want to work out with me. And you can do so through the virtual platform. You have unlimited access to some master sessions that are with me and very soon that will be the only way to work out with me as of March 1st. I will no longer give private Master sessions to clients. I will be replaced by an amazing Master Certified instructor who's also my future business. In Monaco, so she's taking over that will be as announcer very soon. But the only way to work out with me will be through the virtual platform. So you can work out with me on the virtual platform. The monthly membership is currently $69.99 at someone asked me if we defer the payments you need to know that when you start your virtual platform membership the month starts on the day that you sign up. So even if you don't sign up on the first of the month, let's say you sign up on the 14th of February. Your next payment will be March 14 so you don't have to worry about Losing part of your mouth because you signed up mid-month. If you want to try to work out without paying anything at all, you know, you can do the flash workouts. And all you need is a towel you can do that from the comfort of your home in your hotel room or even by the pool on your vacation. All you need is your iPhone and a towel. I will put the links to all of this on the show notes. Now you now know that simply inulin is getting its big little sister balanced microbiome here. It comes simply kefir champignon lacked a champagne latte is coming to the store possibly on Monday or Tuesday. So in just three four days and you will be able to I was in the shop simply inulin is in the shop. Currently. The link will be in the show notes as well next week. I have a very special guest. I'm very excited to bring her on the podcast and I know you will be too as you all probably already know her surprise surprise. I hope you enjoyed this podcast. Please send me your feedback questions. Anything you'd like to share with me, you know, I try to answer all of my messages. If you want to get cooking in the kitchen with a touch of French cuisine and some Moroccan flavors. You can get my simply the best eBook it comes with my Simply the Best Bites Russell high note 30 pungent spices blend that comes from my family to Family secret. And each time I go. Quit it propels me back into my grandmother's kitchen. So it gives me so much joy to see all of your creations with Simply the Best spice. It just feels like it's honoring so much of my family Legacy and cooking. That's awesome. I love seeing all of your brioche and simply inulin Bagels collab recipe put together with my sexy veggies and myself. I love seeing those keep sending them occupy posting. Them with pride and I have a lot more coming for you. I have a Valentine's Day recipe collab coming up with the food effect Doctor. Dr. Mitchell Brody was on episode 6. She's a real medical doctor and also a registered nutritionist and we have an amazing high fiber Valentine's Day recipe for you coming up on Valentine's Day on this note. I wish you a very happy. Happy weekend. Whatever. You are bisou bisou from Monaco.
INSANITY is DIETING over and over and expecting different RESULTS ! So listening to your gut may be the KEY to your MENTAL HEALTH & Your cure for Anxiety & Depression ultimately to your weight-loss ! When I look at bodies I don’t call them SKINNY or FAT, I often use the expression “HAPPY” or “SAD” and to tell you the truth lately I’ve been referring to some very thin rail bodies as “sad bodies” almost as much as I have about “overweight or unusually inflated bodies”. The bottom line is your body‘ appearance is an indication of how HEALTHY YOUR GUT is, and very often how healthy Your MIND feels. Isn’t it amazing how you often look into sleep-aids and mood boosting supplement when you are over-tired and turning your hopes to DIET when you are gaining weight inexplicably. When in fact the ANSWER is in your gut ! Today’s Episode 16 of Pardon My French! Is a WAKE-UP Call ☎️ your Gut called and said: FUCK YOUR DIET ! — the “gut-brain axis” is how to rethink Having a HAPPY BODYAnd by HAPPY I mean HEALTHY-KIND-OF-SKINNY ! Very often we speak of eating emotionally ... so we do agree Gut and Neurological cause to effect does happen... why not use reverse psychology and stop your insanity ? Why not think of a happy gut = a happy brain = a “HAPPY looking BODY” and now you know what I mean by happy. There is a reason some skinny women are called skinny bitches, that’s because it takes a whole lot of restrictions, a whole lot of processed DIET friendly food to abuse their guts and get skinny, and that makes for some very bitchy unhappy behavior ! — in today’s episode you will realize MORE REAL FOOD means less hunger, and reverse psychology the fuck out of your diet mind: it’s not about how many DIET muffins you can eat but rather how satisfied and happy you can be from one GANGSTER CHIC Simply REAL FOOD Briôche. My mom always said “Ne mélangeons pas les torchons et les serviettes” - Don’t mix cleaning racks with embroidered napkins ... if you look at eating as an emotion, let it be love towards yourself, don’t ever mix loving your body from within with diet, try this NEW MINDSET & finally get the different RESULT: HAPPY & suddenly loving your body ! Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at You can leave us a voice message with questions or comments we may future on the next episode here: For all recipes mentionned in this podcast subscribe FREE at
This is a village sound cast network original production. My yard was a huge like American West fan on our drive to visit my grandparents who was always some compilation of country music but like really old country music, but then also he loved gospel. They were bring these love big metal containers with milk and she would put it in these large kettles and she would heat it up and she was just humming are always humming always singing to herself. This is the food podcast ivillage sound cast network production. We're Small stories are shared through the lens of food. And so I would listen to my tapes because you know, this is 1995 and it was always kind of an isolation like I would close the door listen to music and I would cook and it was really me and shredding everything out. I'm Lindsay Cameron Wilson. A long car rides. My dad used to play a favorite song then press reverse on the tape deck and listen to it again. I think Katrina and the waves Walking on Sunshine always played three times in a row this song repeat. Gene is in my blood. I played Jen Grant song favorite daughter over and over that day as I wandered the streets of Glasgow. Last June it felt right in the rain in Glasgow a city. That means green place summer sky. And when Jen was pregnant a psychic told her she would give birth to a baby girl. So this song favorite daughter is an imagined golden hour for her baby one filled with Lake swims and healthy forests where we're taking care of nature where lady slippers grow those precious tiny wild orchids that thrive in Massey Woodlands of Nova Scotia and then And give birth to a baby boy, but she says this world she paints is for him to his for everyone. My world that day was a rainy City filled with Victorian architecture made of sandstone. It was a marbled tahini brownie from a cafe that was part Art Gallery part vegetarian restaurant and park community meeting space. It was a thin swirl of white that tasted like halva a flavor for my years spent in Montreal. It was a day of Solace all alone a blank slate before I traveled south to the countryside where I was attending a gathering of creative women from all over the world. It was a day of thoughts of Music and a long walk in the rain. A few days later. We were gathered around the dining room table at Auckland glucose. Just south of Glasgow. It was golden hour. The sun was sparkling in the mirror Above The Mantel and light was dancing off wine glasses and silverware. The table was decorated with treasures from the forest an old stump stretched down the center of the table covered with emerald green moss. It was a green place and just in front of me growing from Mossy log were tiny lady slippers the lady slid. I'm still with her. Today in the food podcast. We talked to Aaron go yoga, the Seattle cookbook author stylist and photographer. Erin has a new book out Canal even L. The book is beautiful. It captures the flavors and tones of her life in Seattle with the Basque country where she was born running throughout. This is the second time Aaron's been on this podcast. Cast the first time was all about navigating a life and food when you can no longer eat gluten, but this time around I wanted to step into Aarons kitchen and hear what it sounds like she has a kitchen playlist full of songs that have chronicled her life alongside her recipes. So this time in omage to my favorite podcast, the BBC's desert island discs were doing something different. Aaron is sharing her stories through the lens of Recipes from her new book and the five or so songs that accompany these recipes today on the food podcast the smell of a meal an ingredient or even a scent in the air can immediately transport us to another place in time. Food helps us mine our memories and brings them alive, but music music amplifies memory. Suddenly. There's a new shape dark and Melancholy bright and joyful bringing laughter or tears asking someone to share these memories to take us along as they step into the flavor sound and feel of their life is a big ask, but Aaron was up for it. So here we go. Aaron's playlist today begins in 1995 and The Basque country in Northern Spain. She was studying business at University an academic and a family that revolved around her grandparents pastry shop in the introduction to Kennelly vanille, Aaron writes cooking defined my family between the pastry shop and the hours spent in our home kitchen food provided a through line that extended between Generations, but she Searching for a different path. I was 21 and I was living with my parents while going to school. It's when I started to really realize that I was looking for something else, but I wasn't sure I was in business school and sort of flailing I wasn't super into it, but I felt an obligation to be there and finish it and it was right before I started going down the eating disorder path. So is when I started Really Cooking All the time, I would cook for my family all the time. And so on Sundays we would go visit my grandparents. We'd come home and then I shut the kitchen door and I would kick everybody out and I would make Sunday lunch and oftentimes it was Pi young. My parents still eat. Paella on Sundays very often. I would say probably three Sunday's a month. It's probably by and so I would listen to my tapes because you know, this is 1995 CDs and tapes and it was always kind of an isolation like I would close the door listen. Music and I would cook and it was really me and shutting everything out of breath. So. It was Red House Painters. Yeah, it's such a beautiful that album the whole album called Ocean Beach back. Then you didn't really have a lot of background on the art as you would by so you probably heard about it and some fancying or some obscure indie rock music magazine and then I didn't really know anything about Mark kozilek who was behind Red House Painters or Ocean Beach. I didn't even know what I was sayin Beach was and then when I was in San Francisco, I want to Ocean Beach and I sat there and I was like wow. Is where he wrote that song they listen to while I was making paella and super sad. Yeah, but it's such a beautiful album. Aaron's paella recipe emphasizes the importance of flavor from the shells and heads of prawns the smoke of the flame beneath the pan and the pan itself, which should be shallow and wide so the rice can cook evenly in one layer creating socarrat the crispy layer on the bottom of the rice for everyone and I wanted to cook for my family and I wanted to show them that I cared but it was really more about not knowing how to navigate. Wait what I wanted and what I felt in the environment, I was in so the music was probably a lot more melancholic and sad and emo then what I listen to now when I make by yeah, which is totally different. It feels sunny and celebratory and the more the merrier. So I feel like I love that contrast of that Journey that I've lived with cooking and my own personal Discovery and how I feel about myself or how much space I take in the World taking up space Aaron and I are both 45 years old. We realize this as we talked about food and music and where we are now and where we were then for both of us 45 is a time where our days are more deliberate less chaotic less unsure. We're standing on our feet solid confident in the space we occupy but this takes time and practice. It wasn't always like this. I asked Aaron about having an eating disorder and the concept of taking up space in the world. It's less about food than one might think it starts with food because it's usually something that you have an attraction to or you love it so much even though it seems like why would you use that as such a Negative tool if you love it so much, but it's really about creating order and sense and control when you feel inside is sort of spinning and Out of control you kind of need to put all your things in your surroundings in order to feel like you know what you're doing. And so it's almost like rationing what you're eating just gives you this feeling of control and I think sometimes it's also about not wanting to take space. You just kind of want to disappear don't want to be noticed don't want to be seen being thin. It's not a vanity thing. It's really about not taking up a lot of space I catch myself. Myself definitely not going into put control issues. But the whole idea of taking space is still difficult for me. I'm very aware of how much space people take and so sometimes when I'm around big people and not physical but just their personalities or their energies then I kind of do this like sliding thing that I just want to go to the side and then I catch myself doing that and then I have to remind myself that I'm here and I can take not too much space, but I have to take my space I actually To do this visualizing exercise where I kind of ground my feet to the floor where I am. This is where I am and this is the space I'm taking because I'm always like oh, I'm sorry. You're busy always like apologizing for being there, but I'm here because they asked me to come or or you know, now that I say it I think it's probably a very common but it's a practice that visualizing exercise and music can pull you back into the place. You're trying to move away from not every song needs to be listened to three. As in a row - I can't listen to that album anymore. Now. It just brings me back to that. It's like a vacuum isn't music like a vacuum of memories and feelings. I have this long-running playlist that I listen to if that comes on I probably have to skip it if I'm not feeling super super strong God day. Next up we have puff pastry. It was 2002 2003 and Aaron had moved to the state's gone to culinary school and was now working as a pastry chef at the Ritz. I think I abandoned music when I moved to the US music had been such an important part of my life. But also I had a group of friends whom I share this interest with and we were kind of the music group of friends and then when I moved away and I was struggling and Music Bob too, many feelings, I think and so I stopped listening and if I listen to something was probably things that weren't causing a lot of emotional reactions. Then I started working at The Ritz Carlton and that's when arcade Fire's funeral came out and I don't even know how I heard about it. I think somebody gave me a CD or something and I remember I put it in and tunnels came on the first song and the album and that song is like a film If you listen to the lyrics, you're totally imagining Montreal under the snow this sort of magical way and I listened to that Non-Stop. It's a puff pastry. It's kind of like the quintessential I think pastry chef days that recipe for those days of my life and I think for many Pastry chefs, you make a lot of puff pastry and it's such a technical thing and you know, you kind of have to pay attention so that song with all this film like images and then rolling, you know, like through the sheeter puff pastry. It just goes together for me. So well I lived in Montreal way back when during that tough time between education and career. I was flailing a bit. But all that snow so much snow and the crisp blue sky and reading Margaret Atwood on the bus to my job as a nanny and listening to the tapes. I found in my employers car Kate Bush the mcgarrigle sisters and tasting halva for the Time from the Greek shop around the corner from my apartment and the Wood-Fired Bagels that we ate every day slathered and cream cheese. Those were my tunnels. I think they called a funeral because multiple family members passed away while they were making it. So I don't know if this songs came from that place of funeral, but I think it's just kind of and being over arch with death, but that the same time the songs are so big and Anthem like and the sort of humanity the comes through and beautiful colorful, you know with all these horns. And is this so beautiful to me and then so communal I think that album is so much about who you're with and this is like we're going to go conquer something and I love that when you're in the water and just the waves kind of carry you that's the feeling I get with that album. Waves carrying you this resonates with me the ocean surrounds us here in Nova Scotia and I'm happiest in the waves salt on my skin and I think that much of being in the ocean has to do with Solitude when you dive under the surface, it's just you. Creativity needs solitude. It's when we're quiet walking weeding cooking. That's when we get to know ourselves. I've learned there's a difference between Solitude and loneliness one fills you the other takes away. I remember feeling lonely for a time when I lived in London in a city filled with people. That's when I listened to the Biga Tanya's in my kitchen all the time. They took me back to Canada, but they also fed and need for melancholy at times. They met me where I was they're part of my story and have stuck with me through that shift from loneliness to Solitude. I'm not afraid of being lonely or alone. I mean, I don't like to be like that for extended periods of time, but I think that it's such a moment to discover who you want to be or the things that you want to do that whoever goes a long and that Journey whether it's films. Are you watching a book that you're reading or music? They will always be there. It's just like this spot that will belong to that person that you don't even know right like you don't know the author or Who was behind it really? But what they created into their, you know touche it's forever. I thought of the songs the movies the books and the cookbooks in my life that have been on my journey and this book of errands that is touching me and so many people already if I ever got to create that feeling someone through my work. Oh my gosh, it would be like the best feeling ever that's what I want for my book that it touches somebody like that. Aaron's recipes are gluten-free. She is Hashimoto's and Meniere's disease. Both are exacerbated by inflammatory foods like gluten, but I don't get the feeling. This is a specialty diet book. This is her food. The recipe is she is developed in the quiet of her kitchen as she got to know herself testing photographing listening and wearing her apron Aaron's latest book is dedicated to her son, John and Modern Marin with the words. I hope you will always think of me in the kitchen with an apron on and that comes from my grandmother for sure. And also my mom my mom always wears an apron in the kitchen, but my grandmother was just like she'd go outside on the street and she just always had an apron on and I don't know that having an apron on and just always gave me a symbol of just a welcoming people into your house and I think sometimes maybe for some women are men having an apron on my main something more domestic just being a traditional perspective of a woman at home and taking care of domestic duties. And that's not at all what I envisioned. It's more of a here. I am I'm cooking grab a bowl take a seat and just welcome people and I forgot to ask Erin if she sings with her apron on but she told me that her grandmother did all the time, especially while preparing milk for desserts like flan she Love to sing traditional Basque songs and love to sing church songs and bask. So she was always singing when she was in the kitchen and she's you know, when you're in the kitchen you're even if you're surrounded with people everybody has it to ask and it's very focused and she was always kind of singing to herself. Like I say in the book she was in charge of pasteurizing the milk that came from just maybe a kilometer to up the road. They were bring these big metal containers with milk and she would put it in these large kettles and She would heat it up and she was just humming are always humming always singing towards the L And so there's Basque song. I was thinking about that. Should I pick this because nobody will really understand the lyrics but it's a poet his name is Savvy atleti and he sings his poems, but he doesn't have you know, the most beautiful voice is very kind of dark and somber but the words are so beautiful and this song she asked a contact means the song of the Cradle or like It lullaby song and he talks about Mother Love and mother milk and breastfeeding and it sounds so weird saying it in English, but it's really about even while your mother's breast or hug means to someone. Oh Marty. It's a mother love song but it's a grandmother love song to my mom was the oldest of eight and so she was always home in her home. I grew up across the street from where my grandmother lives. So my mom was always with her mom and I was always with my mom. Therefore. I was always with my grandma and my grandparents always came on vacation with us because she was the oldest kid and she took care of Most my grandmother on my mom's side was ever present. Her name was Meet in and she was wearing an apron and she was warm like a really warm woman. She would go outside on the street with her apron when she was in the picture shop and she'd go outside and she talked to everybody. I never heard my grandmother talked badly about anyone. She never gossip. She was just like this motherly figure for me and for other people and she had a bit of a belly and I remember just resting my head on her belly often times when we were in the car. Are so even though she was my grandmother. I Loved Her Like My Mother and with that milk the milk that was heated to the tune of a basque. Lullaby. Aaron makes her grandmother's flan. I'm cheese. I got it. Have you ever read the book tear water tea by Arnold Lobel? It's about an owl who lives in a cozy cottage with a tiny kitchen and a comfortable chair by the fire one night owl decides to make tear water tea and to do so he has to think of things that make him cry so that he can have tears for the tea tears just broken leg said owl his eyes began to fill with tears songs that cannot be sunk that aisle. Because the words have been forgotten a lot. She rolled down and dropped into the kettle spoons that have fallen behind the stove that I'll More Tears dropped into the kettle books that cannot be read because some of the pages have been torn off clocks and have stopped it out with no one near to one them up. I'll drop many large. Gears into the eventually owl fills the kettle with tears and he puts it on the stove to boil our felt happy as he filled his cup. It tastes a little salty. He said but tear water tea is always good. When I was little and wanted to sink into a good Melancholy mood, my mother would suggest I make tear water tea. It was the perfect solution. She wasn't trying to cheer me up. She knew I needed a good cry because sometimes it feels good to feed your sadness. When my dad had a heart attack last December my sister listen to The Avett Brothers, no hard feelings over and over and over when my body won't hold me anymore. And it finally lets me free. Will I be ready? When my feet won't walk another Mile and my lips give their last kiss. Goodbye. Oh my hands Be steady when I lay down my fears my hopes and my doubts the rings on my fingers and the keys to my house. With no hard feelings, but then it's good to turn it off and to drink the tea or water tea because as I will said is always good and in the end he was happy. Sometimes one dish can be the Catalyst for a spectrum of emotions for Aaron. It's tortilla onions and diced potatoes poached and lots of olive oil whisked eggs and salt these simple ingredients that come together in a hot nonstick fry pan to create a dish served at Basque birthday parties school fundraisers or picnics at a beach a simple cultural icons is Aaron yet. Also a blank space. Ready for a spectrum of music. It's really simple. And I don't think that there is a right or wrong way of making it but thing is like you can really see the differences in who made it. So like when my grandma made it she always made it one way and my mom makes it it's a little bit different when I make it as a little bit different and it's just like the person's touch how you tuck in your edges or how dark you let it go or even the pan that you have will affected. So if you're making the same tortilla in a different path And it will change and so it's just like the Simplicity that lets the soul of a person come through to you know. And that Personal Touch can change depending on the song Aaron's happy dancing song while making tortilla is crazy Rhythm by the feelings. It's so fun. I feel like I just want to dance to that song. So I'd probably neglect the potatoes in the oil a little bit longer than if I was listening to Elliott Smith, but if she's feeling introspective its Elliott Smith, no name number three. But Elliott Smith is like Red House Painters that I have to take in with a dropper because it just fills me with so much emotion that I have to be careful. I mean Elliott Smith was brought up in Portland. And you know, I live in Seattle. So these places in the Northwest have this like slippery slope, which I love right the mood that it can say un especially in the winter. The music is like full of feeling and I love it and I just like Revel in it but I have to be very careful. On the BBC's desert island discs the guests choose eight songs to take with them on a desert island. They're not allowed to add extra songs to their list. The rules are strict but not here. I want to add one more. I didn't say this to you before but I love the B-52s Rock Lobster is one of my all-time if I ever feel crappy and I want to feel good and happy and just careless. I listen to The B-52s their music their looks the I'm penis. It's just so good. And on that note with that powerful cowbell. Let's go back to the Basque country for a bit two eggs tomatoes and peppers and music in the car on Sundays. When Aaron would go visit her paternal grandparents and eat be better a basque shizuka of sorts. I always remember my dad's mother as Old she had two kids when she was older which was unusual then and she had arthritis and she was always hunched over from working in the garden and just really small woman in always hunched over and she had a cane always and they had this wood burning stove and these old iron pans and I just remember she would put a ton of olive oil in the pan and throw some tomatoes and peppers and garlic and onions and she would just fry them up and then she would throw eggs in there and it was kind of sloppy because she wasn't very much. Vile but even like that she always made us that and I just remember taking home some bread and just dipping and they're just full of olive oil. It was so sweet. I remember the tomatoes were so sweet and they had all these oil and it was really just tasty and and I would take a plate and I would go outside and I would walk around while I was eating sometimes she would make me a sandwich or something, you know, but get with like Spanish ham and then I going outside and walking around the garden with this food while I was eating and just enjoying being in their Garden. That's Only my grandmother's the peppers and the eggs and tomatoes. Is it definitely mm my grandmother. Her name was doe Lotus. That was her recipe. Well, not really she didn't really even have a recipe. She just threw things together. If you've watched Aaron's video series a Cook's remedy where she takes us to The Basque country to her parents home and up into her father's art studio and we see his collection of CDs that he plays while he paints you'll already know his love of American music. My dad was a huge like American West fan and it's funny because I don't know where he got that from nobody around him knew anything about the west but my father was obsessed with Lewis and Clark and kind of the discovery of the West and so he would About it and who listen to all this American music on our drive to visit my grandparents. It was always some compilation of country music but like really old country music, but then also he loved gospel and heal of Mahalia Jackson. And so sometimes today even when me and my brothers when I go visit them we go to the beach and we play Mahalia Jackson it just kind of catches them, you know, because it's such a memory of our father Sunday mornings to me sometimes our for my Leah just her voice is so big, you know her presence and that song Down by the Riverside. I never could understand what she was saying. And then recently I Googled the lyrics and I realized it was really about no war no more and I was like, Mahalia. Wow, so amazing so political and and yet it was really about church and God and all these things but I love that when I found out that's what that song went all the way down. Down by the Riverside Down by the Riverside the world Aeron chairs with us through her photography is a close-up view that's raw and real the shadows of Grace yodel and the softness of Magnolias daily has and roses and the pink of poached strawberries and rhubarb and the purple tips of artichokes. But if you pull back you'll see a family living in a house in the Pacific Northwest her nod to Lewis and Clark perhaps with a Stubble garden and climbing roses and Friends gathering around a table and music always music The Basque country is the vein running through it all but there are new flavors sounds ingredients and wisdom layered over top and here I am in my kitchen making Aaron's blistered corn nectarine and Watercress salad again, because it's so good. And I'm listening to Jen Grant and thinking about the blending of Worlds the imprint we make on each other and the importance of solitude and feeling confident in the space. We occupy and Standing Tall in our space on the softest ground the lady slipper. I'm still with her if I ever got to create that feeling someone through my work. Oh my gosh, it would be like the best feeling ever. That's what I want for my book that it touches somebody like that. Thank you, Aaron. Taking us on this musical food Journey. You can find her new book Canal a vanille at your favorite book shop or visit Canal See a NN e LL e VA en I ll all the links to songs and other things mentioned in this episode are in the show notes. You can find them at Lindsay Cameron Wilson dot c a forward slash the food podcast and if you want to go a little deeper into Aarons story you can listen to episode Add 15 of the food podcast. It's called life after gluten. I'm on Instagram at Lindsay Cameron Wilson, or at the food podcast. And as always thanks to Luke Batio our producer and sound engineer and to Jen grant for our theme song One More Night. Thanks for listening. I'm Lindsay Camera Nelson. This was a village sound cast network original production. This was a village sound cast network original production.
Aran Goyoaga, a cookbook author, photographer and stylist, has a playlist on Spotify that’s 113 hours long. She calls the playlist Rain. Rain is fitting. Aran lives in Seattle, a city that’s grey, melancholy. But great photographers, and Bob Marley, know that in the darkness there must come out to light. This theme resonates throughout Aran’s work, from her photography, to her food, to her music. In this episode, we wanted to capture the sound of Aran’s kitchen, the flavour and the feel. So we go inside her playlist and through her music, Aran shares her food story. Cannelle et Vanille is Aran’s second book. Mentioned in this episode: Aran Goyoaga of Cannelle et Vanille  Jenn Grant Music Jenn Grant’s Favourite Daughter, from Love, Inevitable Red House Painters with their song Moments Arcade Fire’s Tunnels Xabier Lete “Seaska Kanta” Tear Water Tea by Arnold Lobel The Avett Brother’s No Hard Feelings  The Feelies Crazy Rhythm Elliot Smith’s No Name #3 BBC’s Desert island Discs B52’s Rock Lobster Mahalia Jackson’s Down by the Riverside Aran Goyaga’s video series, A Cook’s Remedy  Aran’s earlier episode on The Food Podcast - #15 Life After Gluten Thank you Aran, thank you Village Sound, that you Owl, thank you Rex.
What up, everybody? Welcome to episode 18 of otaku Summit. I am chaos and these are the rest of the boys introduce yourselves. Yo, it's me, Steve. I'm back again. JoJo here Nigel to rule from La Jolla but you know, we're doing Jojo also Joseph joestar. Yay. Steven gets the credit for this one, you know, he started off. You know, how you doing? How you feeling what's going on with you guys live update us on what you guys watching that we don't even know about yet. It started with Steve Well, hmm. What have I been watching? Um still watching Joe Joe. Come on part 3 now. I just started in this. I feel like the soul is good, but it's like I still feel like I'm not taking it seriously like this. I'm not emotionally attached to anybody yet proved true. But besides Joseph joestar, but other than that like it's just like no no just like it's emotionally wagging. Yeah. Okay, but it's still hype the still funny still pretty good enough action. Yeah. All right. So what got you in trouble? Okay. Billy Joe how are you feeling? You would have been watching feeling. Alright friend of mine. Finally got me to jump on love Black Clover train. So I'm 12 episodes into that and Antonio might have seen the clip of me yelling. All you do is bitch. Yeah out to all the Mendoza jail. I told you. Like a more annoying our toe and I didn't know that was possible. He's even mads and I'm ruin our don't know so me and Chaos watched the first two episodes. I think twice. Yeah, like we tried to we tried to watch it one time gave up on it came back again chided trying to give it another go got that. So too is like Nam. Yeah, I mean the other toes arm bad. It's just so Schon ich that is like I could watch any other shown and get this I I made it up to episode 5 without Steve and then like I was like, I don't know why like why am I Fortune? It's why am I forced myself, you know, it reminds me of of a less adult fairy tale. Yeah, I know. That's what ever like when I see it. It's really because I've watched her till the like yeah, that's exactly what it reminds me of. Yeah it basically that's rush it, you know, but it's not bad. It just isn't so far. I'm told at least to start and hasn't shown me anything. That's what people say like the starting is what you have to get through. It's over. I did nothing special about it. So I'm like well typical Sean. I'm not going I mean II can't watch it. But like I'm not getting anything out of it, you know? Yeah. No, that's I don't know what laughs don't watch like this. Second episode is light. I don't got a feeling of like I don't want to do this again. I don't feel like going through this whole little Annoying character face. Is but eventually gets us in like stuff like I don't feel like wait I need to hyped up now. Yeah personally because you've been watching what a one-piece I watched own question of do that shit you watches a lot of watched pretty much all the long-running show them besides bleach. That's the only one I haven't watched. Yes. I'll act like at this point. You're like, I just don't want to do because at least Naruto Storm. And it's I don't I don't want to all right, just quick little update from me. Um, I still haven't finished crossover know I only like two episodes. But listen, I got a good reason. I got a good reason this starting this week. I was like man, like all these animals are good, but they're not like they're not feeling that void of my heart that I like that one anime that I love. So I went back to re-watch that one anime that I love and that's what we're all good with Brotherhood baby. So in the meantime, we're watching I'm not done with it yet. But so far. It's a 10 out of 10 school now, but like all of it or just like like certain parts you like a good question because I started off like I'm gonna vote watch the like the best parts, but I couldn't remember so I was like, I'll just fuck it. I'll start from the beginning. Oh, yeah. I'm you know here and there I'm not gonna like binges through it just like whenever I'm bored and I should on watch some good shit and he made all that stuff. But yeah, maybe Let's get into the anime news the stop fucking around. Let's start off with what you start start with the Majin Buu news Majin Buu has joined jump for us for all of you guys that play Jump for still 20 of you. I got a funny thing. Someone tweeted me. It was last week other beginning this week. They're like, there's a lot of people play that you know, Voice on Xbox and I laughed when I saw the Tweet because I love about telling like yeah, of course because they can't no gains on their the got it but I shall see all Xbox players playing John Force. I guess y'all gotta get Majin Buu would y'all think what you'll say? I totally forgot which date it is, but he's coming but it soon I can look it up. Oh when you see the trailer though. Listen, bro. I just see a new characters coming out here and pick the trailer down like I don't care. It's just White they got every anime character that I like, but for some reason I don't want the game how wise it was mechanics crash. I can't we talked about Janis Joplin. Yeah. Well, I don't feel like done. It doesn't doesn't know. I'm not excited for it. All right down Jojo. The code team to listen, man. I just got off of work. I'm tired. Hey, we're gonna skip through we're gonna skip through this get those anyways. Yeah. Just letting y'all know. All right, let's get to the the hottest news out Megan the stallion go. You know when I saw this is like, oh, I can't wait to cook bake this one making the stallion. She's she did a cover of paper. Magazine the digital cover and you know she dressed up as Todoroki and she had a I'm not gonna lie. I was it's pretty cool seeing it like it was in like no, it's just it's crazy. See that cover. I'm like, oh shit. She really did it just showing y'all she really is about this anime life. Yeah. I just kind of cool. I don't know what else to say other than I'm excited for my hero and hopefully she gets In character what y'all think would y'all think? I'm glad I'm honestly happy that like more like a influential people are like just open. Yeah, I was saying back in the day. We used to get made fun of for watching this shit. But now it's cool. You know, I'm a little jealous. But other than that, all right, I'll be damned kids don't get to go through the struggle. All right, fuck you. I'm just happy the animes goodness respect. Right - yeah, but I will say something different about this that I don't remember any other like an artist doing like there's some artists that that you know, obviously watch it or whatever. I guess they don't really show it as much but I guess and I crap bars. I don't like hearing like a anime bar. That's like it was just really like everything's Naruto are anything but she she picked up. My hero, she's the new will say I know a lot of rappers know what you are talking about. At least it's kind of cool. No sheshe really be watching it. Like this is like give you asking me questions from the fans. She was like, I can't I use your favorite a valentine Kurt and she was like, you can see favor JoJo. She said Joseph like she said she just started watching Blue Exorcist is like, all right. You watch what you watch those all those things that we're watching Jojo. That is not the top news. Um, let's get into the trailers the trailers, uh, Black Fox, um preview trailer. We all seen this is a Crunchyroll Premier trailer here. We've got which data was. I don't know if it said on the trailer, I don't want to look it up. It's sort of fall 29. Well, okay. Yeah. Um, I will say it's pretty interesting. I like the animation. There's there was like Um kids in trouble or something some like investigation going on. They got swords. Yeah look pretty cool. I like the just a tone of everything. It was pretty cool their actions that we saw in the trailer. I know Joe said there was a seven minute trailer so he might have to fire. Yeah look though. All right, so it gets me excited but in interested Would y'all think what y'all think? Far it looks like man. It was like a like one of those Soulja Boy Tails when he's like on his came in the room and I was like pop pop the news like a grandma sword and cut him up and I'll cut him not like that that trailer was fired. It wasn't like a lot of noise like this a Revenge story too because she's like, I'm gonna get revenge on whoever Killed whoever this was clean. But yeah, there's a lot of fiery on this episode of the podcast. I'll tell you that much. Hmm wink wink, would you think about this Jojo? It looks good. Come on. The other man. Charlie gives you a lot a lot better like a look at the animation not sort of so I must stay away from that. But all right. No, I'll take your word for it. All right next up next up Netflix original Canon Buster trailer. Now, I do want to say I remember this trailer from now years ago when like it was first teased. Um because it's a little Sean Thomas thing and I think black is the one that showed me the trailer I want to say but this anime is going to be coming out on Netflix on August 15th. So in a couple days actually so just from the looks of it it looks it looks cool. Um, the tone is very hip hop, I would say they had a cool music. It's not to me doesn't like I feel of it doesn't look as anime as what you think. So I know there's like a bunch of black characters are in it. So, you know representation would you say look like Steve? A little line nigga Bebop. That's right. That's what he said. Not me. I mean, I think I might check it out because I have enough Looks So and I've been needing something to watch after this Orange is the New Black and be finished with. Oh, yeah, you know going through life, would you think Steve? I was that your own language for it. But honestly looks like a mix between Cowboy Bebop in the grounds of God, which that's the bombs. I got from McDonald's gone. Yeah, I can see that. but uh It looks interesting hmm not okay, not now different sure but I'm not going to support black businesses. Hey, you better sign a contract. I'm a chicken. JoJo you think would you think man it looks like one of those? I want people to keep in mind like this is a doing this. It's like very what's the word? There's a word for it in D and the way yeah, it's very like Indie independent. I think. Um, so in that case no support black businesses like Stevens I'm saying I said, I Just checking it out and looks to me looks it looks like it's going to be interesting. So yeah, at least check out the trailer, you know get its own thoughts about it. Um, but yeah, that's it for the anime news. No, we're going to jump into the anime reviews, but we're not gonna go through the like the whole just like we have notes on here. We're not going to go through the notes like how it Is I want to ask the guys. What do you guys want to hit first? And yeah, what do you guys wanna hit first? I'd say Save The Best For Last so anything except for you know what? Okay. So we agree we agree with I say, let's hit let's get the like have you heard about the easiest way to make a podcast. It's called anchor it's free their souls that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone and computer anchor will distribute your God cares for you, so it can be heard from Spotify Apple podcast and many other platforms maker money right now from ra podcast quick and easy with no minimum listenership. It's easy. It's everything that you need to make it podcast and one place download the free anchor a par go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started the quick stuff out of the way. So let's talk about dr. Stone first everyone agrees on my own night. Sounds probably the quickest one. I don't think I need notes on here. All right. So who's our dr. Stone episode 6. I have it as yarn usually have notes on, you know, the episode I'm gonna is yarn because the first like ice i kind it first 10 minutes of the episode was a big flashback that we did not need of him finding out how to cure the relay. Start the revive. Start start to revive on tha Jew and yeah from like the beginning and then he and then he ends up waking up from like when they revived him so he's not dead big surprise there. And then from this point on I might need to pick up my notes. But if you all remember something after that point after he liked he wakes up what was like the biggest I think he tells them about the plan, right? Yeah tired you. And sekou decide to split up title is going to join us Tsukasa as like a spy on his side just to like, you know, yeah. Oh, but he's only going there to protect the you see Korea music you're watching that he doesn't so yeah because that that was the villain that that bill and dude su casa su casa doesn't know that sent coup is alive. If he he thinks he's still dead. So that's the reason why he's doing that and the plan is for him sengoku to go find others to help them the other people that did the smoke signal when they did that thing last episode. That's that's all the pretty much need to know and it took like 15 minutes for that to happen. And then there they actually split up he goes over that day go over there, but we I think and I honestly don't know if I'm skipping this so much little that happens. What what happened? Yeah, the blond girl. Yeah. No. Yeah. No my skipping that we're about to get to that but that's the end. So I remember we see we see a shot of looking villain do but today I keep forgetting. I'm sorry. Yeah, so to Casa is Is walking through the forest he gets approached by this girl. I believe it's blue-eyed blonde chick and she tries to play innocent of I'm going up on them. But you know, he knows that she's sneaky sneaky behind them and they they begin a fight and basically he was telling him I seen what you did pulling the other girl hostage and killing the other dude, which is the sanku situation with explosions. she was I think she was like telling him like he's some sort of a witch or something something like magic or some shit because she's not she doesn't know. She thought was a source from yeah, she doesn't know science and so it I thought this was interesting like she's born in the Stone Age though. She was never I guess in this generation doesn't know about the Against Humanity when you know was at his best so we know that's it. That's a little interesting. At this she said obviously that's the only thing that was like cool, but then after that she he knocks her out anything on her ass. She survives. Thank you runs over there because he sees the commotion gets there and she's still alive. She's holding the tree, but she can't get up but she helps her pick up the tray with some science, you know shit and he puts up with Three and that's it. Boom and she move it reveals her name which was if I open my phone you really want me to go out who? Yes. Thank you Jojo and that's it. That's that's the episode. And it was a big yard not gonna lie to you guys. I didn't want to be right in the episode where I said, I think this animes over height what it's confirming that all that stuff people were saying the first couple days. I'm like what just like the first episode we're in episode 6 and yeah, I don't know what to say. What would you guys think know what you guys think about the episode but maybe later it was. All right. Well, like I'm going to sit under the new girl and her people a little because because we get to see a glimpse of the I don't know what the column like the Stone Age people Stone era, whatever. Wow this Stone trust this one calling the Stoners we get a glimpse of them and the opening of the show. So I'm interested to hear their whole little backstory like if some people just survive the the the the whole Stone purification thing or like this some people get out way before it's included and like this is maybe like the third second generation of like You know what I'm saying? Yeah. All right, then again, I don't even fucking know because like you would think of it was just like a generation or two behind it would know something about something. I mean then about it wouldn't be though. It's very you think. Yeah, I think even the parents would like maybe get their of a town the storage but yeah, they want no shit. Like they don't visually I don't think they can picture. You know, I'm gonna think she would call him a sorcerer don't shootShould be like, oh you want to damn?But yeah, that's that's the episode. Yeah, it was whatever. I'll see skippable. Let's start off. We are me now and start off. Let's move on to what you want to do Vin then Saga will see that's probably the next in your fire from yeah. Let's do this. I'm sorry, so, Vinland Saga We begin with orphan. He's still on the boat as glad through behind them or whatever and you know, they begin to approach a land so they could just rest up and we see that the orphan, you know, it's been a while he's starving he's struggling so and when they all get off the boat, he's just wandering around the forest. I don't know how this happens because I think I looked away but ends up like knocking knocking out or knock knocking himself out for like a couple hours. It looks like because it was night time now. But anyways, when he wakes up, he sees everyone burning and killing a village down for their home and their food and you know, he's already said that his father is dead. And now he's waking up to another Village again healed and shit. So I mean he's starting to hate these people. And probably sneaking around he goes into Ash glads little Hut or house and while he's sleeping and he had a picks up a sword and it looks like he's going to kill him but this week a skid is not do it. And yeah, you know, he's weak because then in the morning he came back he's like, all right. I want to duel you. I was like, what you doing? Of though. Oh, yeah, it does all of you know, what else takes balls getting up after getting kicked. Once this motherfucker got kicked once in the door and he's like, oh I'm Legit. It looks like it looks like his sister because she's taken care of the village, but you know, she breaks down crying. His mom or her mom and I was like damn I felt that she was a guy like every every emotional like dagger that's been in this anime. It's been hidden Me Ride really hard. It did been doing a good job playing on the emotions. Oh, yeah. So after that we see the orphans been, you know surviving in the forest after a situation. And just see like remind everybody the whole like Village is still occupied by ask glads crew. So that's why he's been hiding in the forest. And we see in the middle of night or wolf tries to attack him. He ends up it looked like an accident that killed him, but that doesn't really matter. He sees that he could kill something and he begins to trainee like a freaking empowers him. I'm to hunt. Yes time. Like these are you know what maybe I could do this and from then on he's training. I'm getting better on throwing the knife slashing bashing and do whatever little kids do to train with a little dagger. But yeah, we see them Gathering food and stuff. So he survived man on his own and you know their crew tells asclad like yeah, he's still surviving out there bro. I don't know how you doing it like Oh, that's cool. That's cool. Whatever. So his crew begins to it's time to leave the island are the land out of a Nova's not an island. But uh, but yeah, they're going to begin to leave to the orphan pulls up. He's a yo, I challenge you to a duel. Once again. This is two times your tongue challenge him to a duel and you know this time it's looking a little bit better. He's like swing he's actually look like he's A try to fight but you know obviously as lights dodging he's like yo, he's this kid. We you bullets or yeah, that's what I'm saying like a little bit more to make than he literally gets stomped on not like figuratively, but literally he got kicked and he's on the ground. He's getting just off now. Damn. He had a little he had heart. He showed heart in this fight. I thought I knew exactly what was gonna happen, but I asked Glad no. He stops and tells him like yo your Chief something on the battlefield because you're a viking and it seems like he didn't say this but it just seemed like he respected his dad more than we know the way he died and just the way he fought so he promised the kids like you achieve something on the battlefield now, I'll give you that duel you want and you know from then on this is this is gonna be his ninja way. He's gonna it seems like this kid's gonna Achieve greatness in the battlefield and that's the episode and yeah, it was pretty good. It shows us a sandwich and we'll grow, you know, all the all the pain and suffering that kids are going through this how you doing episode. You know, what you show you show us, you know with the shitty goes through this shit. He's you know his goal and he said, you know, you don't have it yet. It's gonna be a Grind kid and yeah look it up. So I'm enjoying this anime. So far Joe think it was a good episode it was I mean, I'll just enjoy it for the most part of one so much that happened. Hmm But I feel like maybe a Time skip is coming. Oh, yeah. I mean you see it in the little opening. Yeah. Yeah, and I feel like he's gonna ignore him say he's going to find a little but nice little village to stay at he's gonna get some good training again and then he goes Are moving around in almost and trying to get some smoke. Oh, I don't think that's gonna happen. What you think more people are gonna die? No, I'm in don't once again the opening kind of spoils it. Yeah, I mean this isn't open egg is like it shows him older and he's still with a slide. So obviously he's gonna stick with them a little bit more and I guess it's gonna fight on the battlefield with them show. Yeah, I get that that achieve greatness. Yeah. No, I'll tell ya I did the shit I do in the beginning of the battle feeling start fighting. It's just a burn bag Ebates. I did it. But yeah, this was gonna go to he's gonna be hanging with them. It's gonna be kind of crazy like it could go either way. I could see him sticking with his goal. Or since this like this world is pretty damn dark. I could see him turning into like ASL as like apprentice and he's like Darth Vader and then like yes a fight his family's like Army and then like they find out he's been alive all this time inside am it's you know, they go either way go either way. It's been a it's been a good watch so far. I don't know if he said anything JoJo they need to not say aren't say Somebody episode you want sex. I mean it's for you know, it's pretty good up until it got all the right things, you know emotions. Pull up all that sort of come together. Well, so, you know We're trying to see a little Savage pull up some more. truth All right. Let's start out with the it's too far for sure next that was a great episode of Finland psycho. But let's talk about fire force put it in. No coach. Where's my notes my notes. Damn, it's on my phone. All right. Oh man, this episode is great. They can say that off. No, it's cool. All right, which episode is this is so fine. She's going quick you're doing a lot of stuff already. So in the beginning we see Sandra, he sees a naked crying girl. And that girl is Iris and this point on I remember that solely heater was a lot of sexual things going on and this one seems like they not gonna hold back because at the end of this episode something happens were some girls get her clothes burned off and it's iris again. I was alright, but yeah, but ends up happening he has so obviously there's something wrong with Iris. that he sees but they don't talk about so um, oh all of those this was cool because we talked about a little bit but it's a explain more that the Latino Lieutenant controls fire after it's been lit and he shows this when he shoots the gun at Shinra when they're training and like it hit the bullet hits them and shouldn't think it's an airsoft gun is I know it's a real bully just - laughing a Blow by controlling the fire. I was like damn bro. Like you could have killed them Robin. You gotta be that confident with your powers that that was kind of cool. She's later on. He shows you that he's kind of you kind of crazy if he thinks he's nothing to you did alright. So then that after the little training session that shows Arthur is still dumb as fuck. He said some dumb things we see princess. Oh, no, we don't see but they talked about princess and how she Rose through the ranks by selling her findings of the infernals and stuff. So they already suspect her and her company of just having something wrong with him about knowing something about the infernos and and yeah so later that night, it seems like Iris goes and meets with the It's us and this is where she goes down because princess some reason got I don't really know why she was mad at her it seemed like because she got the job or something. I might be able fell together. It shows both of them. Like they used to be like this and I guess for some reason, you know, She got it and she dinner sometime princess love for whatever doing whatever so it's just she doesn't like that's sort of why she jumped. Nope. Now she's and now is when we see here she like we said this in like the last couple episodes and was it a dominatrix? Is like my wish was a penny Down The Infernal? But yeah, so princess this is the part where I was saying like princess gets mad and she Burns ours is closed off for no reason. She said, oh, I don't wear that shit around me. She Burns it it's like oh, okay it froze her old qualified coat. Yeah, and she wants to eat actually use her as bait. Do you have to burn down the eighth company which That was funny because right on cue 8 company pulls up they pull up. Yeah, but they company already had suspected the fifth company of shit. So then they know they're not going to call I guess the cops are whoever deals with like situation like this because they know that the fifth company are in the wrong they have something wrong with them. Yeah. That's why I was saying this is only like the fifth episode shit shit. Percy's and shit already getting down to business. Yeah from this point on we're shit starts happening battle was because everyone starts going into battle and I thought it was cool. Because if we see the lieutenant fire bullets, but even the animation how they do it. You see the bullet go and hit him and it bounced off their head and it's because he's controlling like before he's The the fire it's just like standing them. But that was kind of cool. What else happened? Oh, yeah Arthur, that's what I say. Behind the building with the infernal the old man tells Arthur like am be snooping around here. I got this Inferno with me and he pretty much tells them the whole thing, which I thought it was stupid. They saying yea this Inferno. I boosted up his powers by giving him. An antidote or some shit like you pretty much drug drugged up this an infernal both of them and I thought it was dumb. I didn't do nothing just talk to him. So yeah Arthur and the in front of begin to fight and we also see the lieutenant start fighting the Charlie's Angels. Chicks and we see him. I thought this is the power I was talking about where he seems not Opie just more. It's probably just seemed Hollow badass. Then what we thought so after he shoots a bullet if it hits a surface, he could read that redirect the bullet wherever if it makes a spark so that that was kind of crazy so you can angle it and like it made it seem like oh, yeah he Yes, he did admit are right. He did exactly what I thought to see what some wanted shit. So yeah, they're all fighting that and oh, yeah and Princess is talking to Iris and just telling her once again villains like to talk shit and say They're not supposed to be saying and I believe she said she's the one who found out why the spontaneous combustion happens. So it's basically confirming what everyone thought like, you know, someone knows and princesses the one that knows so we'll see what happened because oh this again to Arthur this is actually what happens next. So, you know this whole time he's been like it's been like lacking in skill. He's like man, this is off day but then friends like no no, bitch you we like I'm strong and shit and you're gonna die some some right and but that wasn't the case. It just seems like he looked down his equate. I've been holding my sword in the wrong hand. I'm right handed. I should be holding my left and he It really puts in his right hand. You like does like this like flash move is Samurai just like quick / and he kills the infernal it is like, oh, wow, even though old man's like what the fuck is going on here. And that's why I mean Josie were laughing about like, I remember seeing that as a garbage can Bro, because I was waiting for the the plot to go further than this man. Just wasting time getting beat up the man waited a good five making be a bit 600 only one shot you real quick. That's a good that's good. That's good writing to uh to drag it out. Only this character don't know how to fight with his left hand. Yeah. Yeah, we see lieutenant and Mikey no take care of what they were taken care of. And oh, yeah, they're going to go search for some documents. I've got but they're going to like search for and for the whole family. Yeah find out anything if they find. Variables or something? Yeah, and also they also want to say virus which is right now Shinra at the end of the episode. He pulls up to what looks like we're Prentiss is houses at or where she's located with Iris and and then that's it. That's another episode. So next episode will see Sharon real pull up and do some work those all we've been seeing is like the old the whole Squad doing work. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'll say, you know besides the captain Oh, yeah besides get what the fuck is the cabinet. Oh, yeah, you know because they say they even say like oh, yeah, we don't know where the captain's I'd either yo. You think he's a part of the conspiracy. You can either be part like the conspiracy saying they don't know. Oh, no art or he's already infiltrated the area and he's looking for something else that they doesn't tip one towel. Yeah, I'll say stuff like this like this whole when episode 5 it's moving quickly, you know shit's happening. They ain't afraid to like show us action. But also give a story. Well, then they action like I don't like animes like they take whole episode to do the action and then next to episode the new plot. I know spring a little bit of everything in there give some hints of what's going on. Background. Yeah, I think it was this episode has been really good and far as of just pushing pushing it that's why I asked you I was like, yeah. I'm so lonely fifth episode seems like we're in the middle of something. Yeah, a lot of lot of pull up a lot of action in this episode. Would y'all think? It was a pretty good episode the Arthur thing pissed me off. Yeah, I don't believe me. He's is She let me just one shot to do now after five minutes heated adds a little it's like oh she was part of town. Yeah, it was cool to see ya the lieutenant and I'm Aki pretty much run the gauntlet on the whole company fine. You don't already have been Maki like in begin. She's like, I I did this I was forcing this very first life, you know, my parents wanted me to do it and I don't want to fight anybody. Buddy, but shouldn't have been people who have said the end. Yeah, it was pretty cool. I like the lieutenant. Yeah. Yeah, that's a pretty good episode cant wait for episode shakes. This is like one of my it's not the best anime out. It's one of my favorites in a minute. We'll say that it's enjoyable ever watch so far. Let's move on, you know best episode that we talked about a Demon Slayer so far episode 19. Yeah, let's get into it. Um, all right got the notes up a bore. Oh, I might have skipped. No, no. Okay. I did the board, dude. Oh, yeah the bald guy with the again you yeah. Yeah. He's he's getting you kill the one of the the dad but Dad demon and you know, what's the boy's name? Miss Kay yeah, it is gay. He's like tell him like yeah, I'm gonna beat you because you beat the to one of the twelve moons demon. So that means I'm going to be great if I beat you and get news like that wasn't one of them like Amy said she says I wait what is that now that I just said that because it's Town Jero told me that I was just repeating it and I was laughing at the dam like they were having trouble with that man anymore. Live in the demon Moon person one of the part of the 12 so that I guess it wasn't the dad. I think Steve was right? Yeah, it'll do yeah, it was a kid junior and you just talk and he's like wait a minute. Look down. He's tied up in it. And then we see Zips and settings and zetsu. He's still dying from the spider poison. Yeah, but can use partner, you know, she's there now and she's a given him an antidote for him to not not to die and that's pretty much it for him. But I don't think you see him again. Yeah, so we go back do what Tanja row we see his sword is broken. You see he got caught up in the face. He didn't die. Yeah, huh. And yeah, so he's still has a broken sword and he still needs to fight the demon. So he begins to fight even with the sword that's broken. They trying to get a get close to him for some reason at that point. I'm I'm good. He ends up getting caught in a trap of the tangled webs. He has no place to go in can dodge but before they hit them his sister jumps in in front of them and as ago and she gets caught up and she bleeding she has her one of her lenses like falling off. It looked like this is her is almost fell over this whole episode was gruesome. Like I was just kept saying I think this might have been the part Steve was alluding to where the demon boy sees their bond and he's like yo, I want to have that. I want to have that kind of bond. He starts freaking out and he cuts his he cuts his older sister and peace because he's old. Sister and pieces and assign a level because I bet she was dead. I forgot their demon. So that means she walked it off to you walked away. You know, she cooked her head. Oh, yes. Yes. She wants to redeem herself. So she was gonna go kill like the rest of the people in the mountains. Yeah, so that there's just one problem is here. And then the demon boy, I don't know their name, but I don't think they told us but you know the spider boy. He's talking to Tom and Rose telling them, you know, give me nezha Co and I'll let you I let you live if you you know, you don't fucking fight it and you know talk shows. Oh, yeah, he tells them the reason why he wants no Zuko is because he wants her as his. Sister now is he sees the bond and he starts saying the roles of family like the parents are supposed to protect the children and the older siblings are supposed to protect the younger ones. And he's the youngest one now. I'm at this point. I'm like damn like you crazy bro. That shit is as he said that to the older brother in its belly like give me that that Not Yours its yeah. That's what I was saying. You just said the older brother supposed to protect. Anyways, yeah. So the demon then at this point you reveals, he's the number 5 of the 12 of the Moon demons and what he's up he's yeah, he's well, it's a lower price. No, that's the lower half of the There's twelve the moves. He said. So therefore he's like between 6 and 12 wait really wait what I have those soldiers, but all right, cuz that's fun. That's so if he's if he's in the upper echelon. This should have been I think he's dolor dolor. Have so what's the number? I don't know if he's because that's what I took it is when he said Laura fireeye's just said. He's a lower part of 12. So so he basically, you know, he's he's like more powerful than the last thing that we talked to do with the drums. Oh, yeah, so he's stronger than him. But like he like before that dude got demoted heels on that torque power. Oh, okay. All right, so I get so maybe they do it like the upper six and oh Laura six and maybe he's like like the fifth year in the lower class. Yeah, that's all it is. They make it confused by saying lower whatever you say your fucking number. Just so you're 11, right and the other baby get in a fight. Anyway, she's really strong. We all over you know, yeah, he's strong and it looks like it too because he pulls Nestico from behind Tosh.0 and he's a pretty getting ready to fight. He's over there talking himself and he holds me. Isaac there's go hostage for a little bit but let's go, you know, / he's fucking face and then he Tangles her up in the trees and she's like getting hurt because the weather and I cutting her her Limbs and I'm like, that's another part when I looked at her she looks like everything about this episode should look like fucking hurt. Yeah. I just I just imagine like loss or something so thin like trying to cut you pick your own. Body of Limbs off and so the demons up like mopping up times Euro, you know, they're fighting and and at this point, he's mopping them up. He's like, he's out here. I'll let you have a free hit and attendre goes for his neck and he doesn't go through. He's like, ah, and this is what he was afraid. This was gonna happen like man. He just looked like stupid and then the demon fucking And kick some through the forest and he goes pretty damn far. It's it was like he did, you know, yeah, he sees a sister getting tortured and stuff and he's beginning to channel. His final form is a his attack move and yes super so it's like a so, yeah, he so it's like a Ragan water form it. He just needs to get close to the demon. So he's beginning to gain ground and he's cutting like the threads the website. He's throwing at them. Hold on. It's got gold flash but no It's Gettin It's Gettin there I was saying And before you know interrupted the demon gets them into a trap and he's like, oh, it's not it's not looking good man. And he's like, it looks like it's gonna kill Tandra row and he's starting to see his his his his life flash before his eyes and we get confirmed ball Stevens. Terry gets confirmed and I was like, oh, thank God. We see his dad and we see that his dad had his the hair that it was talked about by amusing and we see that he had the earrings but you know, he's a little bit older and looks - he looks sick. Yeah, it looks sick. Yeah, we see his dad and everything and we see his dad working with fire and his mom's telling him like yeah, he's a he's been working a fire in his hand. He's wondering how is he not? Not getting cold and stuff like that and his dad tells them about a breathing technique that doesn't let him get exhausted and while he's working in the cold with fire and stuff like that and he tells them he also tells them that he will pass down the earrings that he was wearing to him one day. And and I think that's it from the flashback does is like the most important parts. He did do the dance. Man, this is where she just starts going off talented row then you know back to like the fight scene talent show. We see him take a take a breath and and then you start hearing music and I wish I could just all that music was hitting bro. He turns his water move into flames and the whole animation changes and everything and he starts beginning. He's being in to cut the demons threads with he's like even easier than what the other movie just bugging. It's like slicing slicing and he's running. He's running through the demon and the demons actually now, he's kind of families. And so now he has and she still hanging on the threads and everything sees her mother telling her to help her. Other author, they're gonna both die and whatnot. Then if you thought fucking times you're gaining new powers is crazy. We see a her demon blood art move and it makes a it makes blood hurt like blood explode. And um, so yeah, there's like big explosion and also its fire it won't look like fire but it's just big ass explosion mixed with Todd Rose fire and they help each other out and then Taj will fucking slat slashes the demons head off. Um, it just look crazy and like that Andy the way they ended it like it's all this I'm saying the music to plane and they just get rides to the outro was a beautiful like Smooth transition to the outro. I just thought that was real cool and I watch that watch that seemed like three times after I got done shit. That shit was dope. yeah, it was I saw it was trending on Twitter the day it came out and that's why I must say easily the best episode of this anime so far this animation on the whole season of the You know, we've been watching but yeah this episode this episode was really great action-wise see a little bit again, you do his thing. We didn't see it. They ignore the stupid characters that I'd be making stupid-looking scoop. Yeah making sure they were they were too busy dying. Yeah. That's just really cool man. I don't know what everyone's else going to do when they pull up and see the oldest it was mad. It goes a different kind of demon like he sees like there's something about her that I don't know if that that's because she had her own demon art move. Well, I just because like, you know, most demons don't work. Well it's are like Or anything I guess we don't like that. It doesn't go. Like there's a lot of different stuff about it. I was thinking god. Well, I was only this whole time ago. Where's Mexico aware's Mexico at I'll tell her right time. Did her thing. Holy shit. Holy shit. Sorry talking because I still don't understand why Shane talking would you think see think it was a good episode? It was a great episode like this you foldable the animation in the last fight was just clean the music. Queen oh the music just like the art style that always liked like the way they the way they play with like colors as yeah. It's difficult pop in like, yeah, it really emphasize that this this is a power move like, you know, because this his father wasn't just like like a red and orange visuals, right? It was like pink and red orange and it was it was all kinds of colors. But yeah, Like we can we do it just by explaining it you guys are Ultra moments. Yeah, bro. It was like man went beyond. It was crazy. Yeah, but fill a little I don't know. It felt a little ass polish. only got the Firepower up because like all right, maybe I just don't understand how the powers work in the show because I thought like The water sit was like maybe an extension of the sword or something. You know what I'm saying? No, and then like when you got the fire like ice or was already broken. Oh, no, I wasn't like well, obviously That he could his Nick will like the little bit of the sword that was left. But I was just trying to understand like how was he just mopping through these threads so easily after you like the spotted cat buffed it. Well the way I thought I thought you saying what when he had the water no not after the war because he said like you I need to get momentum my doing a little spin move like he's done the spin move to get momentum before. Yeah the show. Yeah, so I was like a cool and then it done despotic. It was like you thought that wasn't that's all I had been that he buffed the threads. Yeah, and then when he got the furnish it feels like what is this? Oh, you're saying like after the fire part, you don't understand how I was like like your swords broken already nothing like by then he had enough momentum. So I you know you push through and these are like he had completely stopped. No, it would just be like a little Frozen moment. Yeah, let's present moment. But he'll do a moving image as you know at that particular moment. He bought the I just give it to the fuck the flames and stuff like that movie. So powerful like that's a family thing that he has I guess he didn't know about so I think just came out of nowhere and I was like, I'm pretty sure. Even when the girl was saying. Oh, yeah, you almost died. We always take a look back on our lives and see what's the reason you look for something to live to help you live. And in that case it was the fire thing that he remembered are like everything it was like trash. And a little like oh well, yeah the first time we see as bad as like it's time to pull out a whole brand-new move and that's why haven't I thought that was kind of the way they show us a dad part and it just know it was clean. It was so yeah. I'm like, I'm not going bad enough counter. It was just like I was saying not to counter which was in like more so adding on to what you're saying of how we see the dad. And then I was already excited like because I was oh, yes the Siemens right? It's a dad and like I said, I bet you it's the dad that it was in the vision, right? And then he gets a power and then let's go get some power and that power is aren't we damn bro? Everyone saw sitting in the sun anime now, it's pretty cool. Oh man in these the case gonna be pissed. Was clean I'm not I'm not debating that but I was just like the oldest I didn't expect that manages to be like just be better than the demon kids like after remembering the breathing technique. I thought it was gonna be a little more. I don't know like all right, like it was gonna be time maybe it would have been a little more evenly matched but like it's thing lights on troll just 30 levels. I think I thought it would be cool to see tan 0 and fight with each other. Yeah, that's what I that's what I thought was gonna go like total with him for a little bit and then get you was gonna pull up like it's over. That's what I thought was. You know about the short. Just want to see the head dissolving like what? Nonetheless easily the best episode of this anime so far. I'll just You foldable, doesn't it? Yeah. Yeah some where some fire episodes we have some cold ones reminding us, you know also that make the sound is Todoroki what a perfect way to end this episode. But before we end it any last thoughts Jojo Oh shit. Yeah, it's amazing. I don't want to see my boy Todrick keep the globe. It's all shit, man. Like hopefully from here on out. It's have some good good episodes. I'm back. I'm back invested in the in this anime. No way. I'm leaving condoms scoundrel is just like he wants piss on his grave. It's good actually. Instead of sympathize. You were still mad. That's what I thought. It seems like he did was ample 2002 because he killed a mafia. Who are you he wasn't mad. This is the boy. He's start torturing mystical be like nah, I'm still missing. Kill this man before move on Steve. I'm not that was the last thing you want sir. No, that's doesn't like to say all that stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, if you guys are want to send us some I'm topics are questions where I was, you know, you know where hit us up at all. So yeah, appreciate y'all listening and five Force. Yeah. I don't know. I'm about to say what did you say far? I don't know. I'm sleepy. Yeah. See y'all on episode. 19 next week. Hopefully peace out and we out of here. Yep.
On this Episode of Otaku Summit, The guys talk about what anime they have been watching or re-watching and then get into some anime news. One of the topics in the news section was that Megan Thee Stallion did a cover while she is dressed up as Todoroki from My Hero Academia and what it means to embrace anime culture. Chaos, Jojo and Steve start talking about anime reviews with Dr. Stone episode 6 (@17:00) and talk about how unnecessary these flashbacks can be in this episode. The next anime the Otaku Summit boys review is Vinland Saga episode 5 (@24:28), This anime has some real intense moments and now it is showing us the main character goal is. They talk about Fire Force episode 5 (@34:40), Fire Force is moving quickly to the action and is still moving the story along while keeping us interested on what is going on. Saving the best for last, The guys talk about Demon Slayer episode 19 (@49:00) on how this is the best episode for the anime yet! Hope you guys enjoy this episode and Thank you guys for support us!!!!!!
Welcome beautiful soul to be Blissful so podcast. I am Jasmine the sky Ichiban traveler or found content creator and conscious lifestyle advocate here to guide you on your own self love and well-being journey to connect with your highest self so that you can manifest the life of your dreams and shine your light unapologetically in this world that needs your presence. Thank you wholeheartedly for being here. Here and now let's dive into the deeper Essence around us and tap into your bliss. Hello, beautiful souls, it's Jasmine and welcome to episode 8 of the Blissful solar podcast. I am very very grateful to be here today speaking with you and I just want to thank you so much for being here for clicking play and for using your time to listen to this podcast, and I know that you are listening to this in the perfect Divine timing for a reason. There is a reason why you clicked on this, so I just want to thank Thank you for showing up today fully being alive because you make the world a more beautiful place and I may not know you directly but I am speaking to you from my heart and I'm truly I'm just picturing you on the other side. So I'm sending you so much love and the energy of positivity and if there is anything that you can do, it would mean the absolute World. Well, of course just to be the love spread love and be kind to others. It's a Is the best thing that you can do to support what I do, but if there's anything else you can do it would mean so much. If you could please leave a review on iTunes. If you are listening to this on iTunes, it would really help with this podcast and I will truly appreciate it. I read through them all and I always send you back the energy of great great deep love and just in general then add a who comments or all of your shares on Instagram your whatever it is when I see you leave such kind words. Words, I always listened black the energy and blessings of love and abundance and joy and just everything in general. I'm so so grateful. So today I actually wasn't even planning on recording a podcast, but I suddenly felt so inspired and you know, I always talk about taking inspired action. When you just feel this burst of energy this deep calling just to just to go do that. Just do it because that is the universe communicating with you and leading you on the best path where your soul calling. It's what you need to do to connect with your highest self. So right now I feel so in alignment right now. I feel really really good and I just want to yeah share this message that suddenly popped up and yes, I literally just picked up this microphone right now, and this is about Out a download that I received recently and I shared this on my Instagram as well as in one of my previous videos on how my family celebrated the linen year just to was the end because that's how profound it is and I'm sharing it once again in this podcast. That's how much this download resonated with me and because it just changed so much within me. I believe it will change something within you as well and I just really want to expand on Today and because we are all just one what resonates with one will definitely resonate with another. So yes the download that I received it was during a meditation just in the morning in my backyard in nature and it drain my meditations. I will focus on my breath and sometimes I'll ask questions. I'll be just open to receiving anything and that's another reason why. It's out of a million reasons why I always talk about and promote meditation it is so so so incredible so beneficial for your health and just receiving ideas from the universe to support your Abundant Life. So yes, this episode is all about how to easily manifest your desires and dreams and I guess it is inspired by how right now in this present moment. I Have you no way living my dream life and I'm so incredibly grateful. I at my age and even their age is just a number I feel so I'm just so humbled and most importantly grateful and I know that because I'm doing this I'm here to teach others how to do the same not saying of course that my life is perfect. I never ever want to come off as that way, but in terms of being able to manifest my dreams in Into reality and live every day where I just love what I do so much. I love it. I wake up every day with enthusiasm and energy and just looks so much excitement. So yeah, that's why I'm also sharing this. So here is a download and I also saved this actually on one of my highlights on Instagram. I believe it's the words highlights so go on to their if you want to see this download, so this is what it is. Whatever you desire to call into your life is easy. The universe doesn't discriminate only we perceive things as big or small but really everything is the same labels are just limits your dreams are merely a dot in what the universe is capable of bringing to you your dreams are yours for a reason? You just need to believe it's possible and take inspired action So I'm going to lady with that just for a few brief moments just to let that sink in. And now I would just like to break it down for you. That's what this episode is about chatting and spreading awareness about how you can easily manifest your desires and dreams into reality. So first, let's start off with the first sentence. Whatever you desire to call into your life is easy. Okay, so this doesn't mean that there isn't hard work. Cola sacrifice involved in creating your dream life and manifesting your dreams. It's about believing that it is easy. So there's a difference there. It will still require you to do the work of colors. For example every day. I I work a lot I do. Well, I really put in a lot of work into everything I do because I'm all for giving as much value as I possibly can but it's easy. It's easy for me because I believe it's easy and when you believe you become in alignment with Source you Tap into the power of intention and you allow your life to just flow effortlessly through taking inspired action. It's through flow. And of course their life is always going to be ups and also Downs like I experienced Downs as well, but in general overall, it becomes its inflow it's in flow. So it's not about just not having any harder. I work at all but when you believe something is easy that is what will manifest because everything in our reality is shaped by our beliefs. Our words are so incredibly powerful our words matter and that's why I'm so conscious of everything that I speak every word every thought in my in my mind is I choose it consciously and that's why I always speak. You positively as well. I rarely ever if I say something in the negative it maybe just add a note just unconscious but most of the time majority 99% of the time everything I say is in the positive because our words truly truly truly matter and it's outwards. It's what we think on the regular on The Daily often frequently that create album leaves. Our beliefs are shaped by reoccurring thought patterns. That's how they ingrained within us because we kept being exposed to them. So the only way to change a belief is to repeat just repetition to change your Paradigm. You have to repeat positive thoughts repeat new beliefs that you want to manifest into reality and it's what you focus on that grows stronger. Say yes, if you think that your dreams they can come easily that is what will manifest trust me and if you are new to the Law of Attraction, yes, this may sound very very out there. Maybe you're a bit skeptical and that's totally okay. I have no judgment at all. And if you would like to learn more about it, I do have two videos actually on the Law of Attraction on my YouTube channel. So I'll leave them in the Janet's below if you would like to check that out. That is a very I guess for the beginner it into the law of attraction. I really really broke it down last and thoroughly for you there and just your feedback has been incredible as well. So yeah, feel free to check that out. But I'm still going to make this as simple as I possibly can. I hope this is making sense so far that yes, essentially our thoughts create our reality. So whatever you desire to call. Into your life is easy and you can repeat that affirmation. One of my affirmations that I say daily is I am in ease and flow. I am easily and gracefully attracting my dreams into reality for the highest good of all, I always had the highest good of all because the universe which we're all one and it's not about you your dreams. It's under it's funny. It's a paradox everything in the universe is a paradox that I'll turn it. Lie your dreams you want to call them in not just for you. It's so that you can be your highest self and serve others, ultimately our dreams we have them because they can help someone else. So next line to hell is oh, yeah. I hope that made sense and the next line is the universe doesn't discriminate. Yep, it doesn't it doesn't care. If you think it doesn't. Yes. It doesn't care about what you think is just always saying yes to everything you think about. So if you think your you can easily manifest your dream life, then the universe is saying yes, it will present you opportunities the right people bring you to the right places just everything at the perfect Divine timing or everything is always happening at the perfect Divine timing, but if you think Opposite that your dream life is hard really hard to manifest then it's going to take a longer route to maybe to get there or you may you may not manifest it because you had this resistance and like I said, the universe is saying yes, so if you think your dreams are hard to manifest the universe is going to give you hard situations. So just remember that doesn't matter what you think. The universe is always on your Your side it's saying yes to all of your thoughts you attract what you focus on so focus on the positives Vegas on what you want. Not what you don't want and be kind to yourself. Why is it that we think why do we want to make life hard for ourselves? You know, it's just programming in conditioning which is totally understandable, especially since how Society has evolved in the past. I truly believe that we are Awakening that you know, the Consciousness is being it's all wakening really in the past few years, and I'm so grateful. So so grateful to be able to be a part of this. So the next line is only we perceive things as big or small but really everything is the same labels are just limits. It's so when we give things a label like really really big or really small in terms of our desires. For example, if you have a dream to live in a nice house by the beach with four bedrooms and a white kitchen and you see that as a really really big dream and then you think that manifesting a cup of tea from someone is All thing then you're creating a limit for your big dreams and well, yes, it's we all have those ultimate life dreams. I have it written in my own journal My ultimate life dreams, like living with my soulmate by the beach. You know it the Grand Vision, which is my G always changing anyway, but yeah, I guess we all had those things but calling it into your life. Is the same as something you might consider as little as well. So refrain from giving it this label of quote-unquote big because when you give it that you're creating more resistance unconsciously you're thinking that it's hard to reach and we don't want to communicate to the universe that it's hard. Remember the universe is always saying yes to our desires. So yeah as equal to something little that you want to manifest for example, if you want to manifest $1000 this week see you as the same as manifesting one dollar this week. The universe is capable of anything. It's all the same. The universe doesn't discriminate whatever you believe is possible is possible. And yes, it may sound very real. That you think that but I truly believe that and of course everything happens in perfect Divine timing as I mentioned earlier not everything what happened just exactly when you want to or straight away because you've got to take inspired action and there's a whole bunch of other factors again Divine timing. When is perfect for your soul calling and also sometimes may have some upper limit resistance as well, which I can talk about in another episode, but essentially if we are not Not used to something if if you want to manifest if going back to the previous example 1000 dollars this week and you've never even manifested five hundred dollars in a week before then you have that upper limit resistance unconsciously. You still don't think it's possible to manifest a thousand because you have the unmanifested 500 before and that's where you need to be more clear and specific and intentional about your goals and what you desire to manifest in a specific. Frame and of course, you've got a let go as well. It's a whole Art of Letting Go and yeah, I can take this all into different in many directions that going back to what I was talking about. There is no big or small. Everything is the same be nervous doesn't discriminate and Italy if you give a label to something it's just a limit. So it let it be just let it be a dream a dream that you can manifest into reality and just let it go allow it to unfold to finally be happy now not happy when that desire comes but appreciate to be grateful for everything that you have and just you've got to embody the version of yourself that already has it that is so important you are who you are being life is right now who you're being right now, and if you want to call in something you want you need to be in alignment with it. You need to ask yourself one simple. Who is the version of Jasmine for example, he has manifested that desire into reality and I of course I'm not bragging by any means but I I've always been pretty good at that. So I'm speaking this purely from experience. I never say anything that I haven't experienced personally before I really value integrity and also another reason why calling your dreams and desires something that's really really big. May create resistance is not only because it unconsciously creates the belief that is very far away and hard to get but you're making it special as well. But to manifest your desires, you can't give it a special label when you put it on this pedestal. You're you're creating this persistence this energy of yeah, just lack that you don't have it. And when you come from the Synergy of you don't have that you you are desperate for it and it's really really special. You have to have it. Yeah, like I said, the universe is a paradox and you create resistance because your energy needs to be vibrating at a higher frequency in order to align with your desires and dreams, but when you're coming from the energy of lack and Desperation that is low vibrational and you're not a match to your desires and dreams, so don't make it special. So you as the same as anything else you want to manifest and yeah, because in the universe Everything is the same. There is no discrimination. Everything is equal. It's just our perception. It's the human mind the complexity of the human mind which is a very beautiful thing. But you know the decide that some things are hard to manifest or easy. It's just our choice you choose what to believe remember that you get to choose your beliefs and that is something that when I realized this Last year during my Spiritual Awakening that oh, wow. I actually get to choose my beliefs. Like I don't have to believe what my parents think or what my friends think all our society thinks like I get to choose. Oh, wow. This is powerful. This is how power and yeah, I guess what me and you a at the time it was a really profound realization. So you choose your beliefs you can decide just Decide that your dreams and desires are easy to manifest that they can come with ease and Grace when you just take inspired action and when you're in alignment and when you feel good and you are conscious and intentional about your everyday or every thought your every action. So yes, everything is equal and don't give anything that special label because your compliment energy are black but you want to come from the energy of already having it that even if you don't receive That you're totally totally okay, and that is a magic in manifesting. So the next line is your dreams are merely a dot in what the universe is capable of bringing to you. Yep. Just a DOT at I mean to think about how many human beings alone there are in on this planet and then think about all the other creatures there are and think about the grandest the scale of this universe. Like we even ask like our physical form. We are just adopt a speckle at just a tiny. I can't even I can't even describe it. We are so small. So our dreams that just a dot in what the universe is capable of I mean the universe it created planets and stars and galaxies and this just everything so your dreams, of course, they can easily manage. Best is so easy for the University to bring it to you when you're just in alignment you release resistance and you are okay with everything? And I at least I think that is really profound when you just remember that so the next line is your dreams are yours for a raisin? And they are yours because you precisely other one that is capable of manifesting it into a reality, you know, if your dreams if you couldn't manifest your dreams into reality any all of your imagination and your ideas that you have if you couldn't bring it into the physical, it's simply wouldn't be yours. Yep. Let's how incredible you are. That is how amazing you are that is. How capable You are and it's because the universe does not give ideas to whom cannot manifest it. You weren't born because you couldn't have access to abundance and everything that you need to thrive. You were born. You were created you are here right now because you have access to all of these things because you can live. And so your desires aren't random pain, not random. They are yours for divine reason, so I honor them and act upon them and don't ignore them. They are so they are defined as I keep saying and just realize that you have the capacity absolutely have the capacity of carrying it out. If you couldn't imagine something then it just you wouldn't you? Do it you have ideas and an imagination to have these ideas because you can manifest it. And I also hope that this is making sense so far. So the next line and the last line is you just need to believe it's possible and take inspired action. So again going back to the leaf you just decide and choose to believe that it is possible that all of your dreams and desires. They're not random and it is absolutely possible. Because anything is when you believe we create our reality through our beliefs and it's just a matter of daily in a work. I do the daily work daily. Sorry the inner work daily. I repeat positive affirmations daily. I'm always listening to uplifting and inspiring podcast and reading books and consciously surrounding myself in a positive environment and journaling just doing the inner work daily and I love it. I love it just comes like naturally flow because I want to get into this High vibrational State. That's what we're here to do. We're here to make manifest our dreams. That's why it feels so good. It brings us fulfillment and because in doing so we're serving we're giving that's what our dreams are here for to serve the highest good of all and taken slide action. When you just like right now, I'm taking slide action by recording this podcast because I felt that nudge. I felt that push and I just felt the universe communicating to me and I really really just needed and wanted to record this right now. I'm not even speaking this from Jasmine. It's coming from the universe through this physical body called Jasmine in order to bring an idea a thought the unmanifest into the Manifest. You need to take action and that is the law of action. There are so many universal laws that also go with the law of attraction. But within the Law of Attraction there is law of action. You can't just you know, sit there and imagine something and just being expected to suddenly come in front of you. You have to take that action. So if you want to right now manifest a cup of water if you're thirsty and you want to drink some water, Well, your action is going to the sink and putting some water into that cut and there you go. You've manifested a cup of water. But I hope you understand what where I'm coming from. You need to take action and inspired action won't even feel like work work. It will just come naturally you will love doing it. Just like how I'm loving doing this right now and I always act upon inspired action. You don't need a force anything at all. The universe isn't about Force. Nothing is ever forced. This universe is about he's and flow and miracles and love think about love love isn't fullest everything is okay. Everything is okay and you just need to act upon your intuition tap back into it and allow yourself to just be follow that Curiosity. Do you want your love Follow Your Passion your life is so precious or not this lifetime. Say thank you so much for watching in today. Once again, I really hope you enjoyed this episode and it really gave you some me inside. I feel like I can talk all day everyday make up your own podcast episodes on the Law of Attraction. I've just been learning so much constantly since I really really became more and more interested into the Law of Attraction from the beginning of 2018. So it's been almost a year now, and I've just learned so incredibly much. I just love sharing. It may be so I hope at least one thing resonated with you today. And that's one of the things the ways that I lived by as well one of my philosophy is is that no matter what I do if I invest my time into what I'm going to take at least one thing away and that way nothing is ever a waste of time. So if you did enjoy this episode, I would really appreciate it. If you could screenshot this right now and tag me on Instagram, I would so appreciate that and always send back. I love and I always share it on my Instagram stories as well with our community. And also check out the show notes below for more details on the Law of Attraction and my previous videos. And also if you need further Guidance with manifesting your dreams into reality and you really would like to raise your vibration to feel good. I had to have my guided meditations and I talked about meditation all the time. I do it every single day. A it's just like brushing my teeth at something I never ever go without it brings me back to the present. It Taps me into my highest self and I just can't speak highly enough of meditation and just how incredibly powerful it is. So if you do need some guidance, if you are a beginner or even if you're not a beginner and you have like some guidance some Hive guidance then do take out my guided meditations. They are available on my website, and I'm so grateful. All four of your incredible feedback as well on it really touches my heart. I'm so grateful. I never take it for granted. And as a Creator images really means a lot that it can only help you in many ways to manifest your dreams. And I also do have myself love workbook as well. If you didn't know about that that is also key in manifesting your dreams into reality when you truly feel worthy and you love yourself if you don't feel worthy then That's another resistance to calling in your dreams and desires because if you don't feel worthy, how can the universe give it to you? It may give it to you but it may not stay for long because you don't feel like you deserve it. It's Sookie. Of course, you deserve your dreams and desires. They're yours for a reason. It's just through childhood and our subconscious Minds our programming and everything that we've been through. We may have been taught that we don't deserve. Deserve a life of love and joy and happiness and receiving what we desire. But the truth is we do it's not entitlement. It's just our Birthright to feel where the of these things because when we receive our desires and dreams, we are serving the highest glid our dreams our true dreams our full calling. Is always there for the highest good of all say, yes. Thank you again for being here. I'm sending you so much love. Take care new that you're worthy and you can manifest your dreams and desires with ease and with Grace believe it anything is possible. Yes. Yes it is and I'll see in the next episode. Thank you.
Hi beautiful friends, welcome to episode 8 of The Blissful Soul Podcast! In this episode, I am sharing with you another channeled download that I received in my meditation the other day, about how to easily manifest your desires and dreams. This is the message that I breakdown for you: "whatever you desire to call into your life is easy. the universe doesn’t discriminate, only we perceive things as ‘big’ or ‘small’, but really everything is the same, labels are just limits. Your dreams are merely a dot in what the universe is capable of bringing to you. Your dreams are yours for a reason, you just need to believe it’s possible and take inspired action." I truly hope that you gained some insight, and that this episode can guide you to calling in your desires and manifesting your dreams. If you enjoyed it, it would mean the world if you left a review on iTunes and shared this episode with me on my instagram @jaslipska .
What's up, guys? The interview you're about to hear is I had a great time. So the the to folks that we interview on. Today's podcast are dr. Shaka and dr. Scott Glenn just a little background, but we get into a lot of it in the podcast. Dr. Shaka is the pediatrician for Coach glassman's kids and has been for years. Also, they both had a significant role in CrossFit health over the years and largely some of the things we talked about in the podcast or how toThis idea or this concept of CrossFit health and then figure out how to apply that moving forward. So we get it and pretty sure that everybody is on board with the idea of CrossFit health and trying to move towards general population and fighting chronic disease, but the sense is that people are really struggling with how to execute that idea and hopefully some of the things that we talked about in this podcast because I really think they do what kind of shine some for shed some light on this some different ways to do that. It was such a good episode and we talked about some things that are pretty in the weeds here with regard to chronic disease. So you're probably gonna want to listen to this podcast three or four times and take some notes. There's some really really good information. But we also talked after the podcast and we are going to sit down and we're going to do a Q&A with both of them. We will put this out to the community beforehand. We will get all of your questions be as detailed as you want with those questions will let you know when it's going to drop but I really really want to have them back on because these are some of the folks and these are the relationships that us is gym owners and coaches need to start fostering moving. Forward so that we can really start to battle that, you know tsunami of chronic disease and we can do it with Fitness Nutrition and lifestyle. All right guys, enjoy this episode. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the best hour of their day podcast. I am super stoked for this one because what we're going to talk about today is hopefully going to fill in some gaps for the larger Community going into the future. So guest on the podcast today are dr. Shaka, dr. Scott pediatrician and anesthesiologist. And what we're going to do is large you talk about chronic disease and how Jim's can navigate kind of that new Mission moving forward, but Both of you so much for coming on the show super stoked about this conversation because I'm going to learn a lot. Thanks for having us. Thank you. So real quick. So just so people have a little bit of context give a little bit of your backstory. So we were talking a little bit before we hit record and I know shocking you are coach glassman's his kids your their pediatrician, correct? Yes. Okay. Yes. I love it that you didn't say have everyone always like says the adult. I'm like, okay. I'm not that old. Well, so I've learned some etiquette because I spent a significant amount of time in the hospital with my Sure, so I kind of know some of the rules with regard to that. So yeah. And so and we live in San Diego and so I met Greg and Maggie and family down in San Diego and that's how I got involved with all of CrossFit and really I have been practicing here for 20 years as a pediatrician and I was practicing kind of like I would expect most doctors to practice where I was doing what I had been taught. I was always, you know, I went to medical school at UCSD and I kind of thought I was always I'm like the best job ever and then I started really kind of learning some of the stuff. We're hey, why is this going on what's going on? And I remember I went to one of our American Academy of Pediatrics their conferences a national conference and I came back and I was like, why is Coca-Cola like front-and-center sponsor for Pediatrics? Like what do they have to offer us? I don't understand this isn't seem right and it was about like probably about you know 10 to 15 years into my career and so I started asking a lot of questions about things that we were doing as pediatricians that didn't really make sense to you. Now. There's a lot we do that I think is amazing, but they were some things that weren't really making sense and I started talking to Greg about this and he helped me understand a lot of the politics and and really kind of helped me get to the next level of bringing really Health not just medicine to my page. Were you an oddball for having that question about Coke being a sponsor or is that is that something that like everybody's just like? Oh, yeah. They just a sponsor. Oh 100% I mean I went actually to that they had this huge like a boot they have these like vendor boots and they had a huge booth and so I haven't really told anyone this but I mean they were these all these doctors lined up for free samples of coke at a conference now. I will say in in defense of all of this. I think we all change and we all get a little bit more educated and there are probably things that I've done over the years that are ridiculous. So I don't want to be like pointing fingers at how dumb people are but at the same time ridiculous. So I remember I went up to the front I went up to the salesperson. I'm like, excuse me. What are you offering us? Can I ask you what are you educating us on here? And I remember like two colleagues pulled me aside I do. Were embarrassed by me they were like shocked that you're just embarrassing. I'm a no I just want to know what are you offering me as a pediatrician giving me a coke sample at a pediatric conference and so having said that you know for about two years now, they're no longer a lead sponsor for they're no longer sponsoring the AP the AFP but at the time I was completely embarrassing to the people to the docks there who are all lined up trying to get Free sample, that's everybody like something free. I would agree. However, I mean that's just such a bizarre scenario. Like it's just doesn't make sense. Yeah, and I think it's more bizarre is that like people are embarrassed by me going? Hey, what are you offering? They're like look, I think you're kind of like harassing them. But I think the interesting thing is the question that never gets asked which you know, because people are just happy. Hey, A coach here, you know, you know enjoy Coca-Cola. I mean it's been ingrained in our life our whole life. Nobody says what Scopes actual interest in medicine, you know, which is the billion-dollar question probably I mean, why is it actually feel the need to sponsor this? They're not just giving away Coke there's do if you see a sponsor they're probably there for some game and I think that is the is a disconnect for a lot of people in the community and a lot of people think that Greg has just this hatred for Coca-Cola because it's Coca-Cola and that's fundamentally, not enemy. Anybody who's spent any amount of time with him knows that he you know, he's a man of principle right? He's just like Hey, listen, this is what I believe and this is and this is what's right and wrong and he and she doesn't care if people drink Coke. He's like drink all the coke you want. He's like don't fool yourself and think that it's healthy. His beef is their interference and Health Sciences. Yeah. That's a hundred percent. Right exactly. I've heard him say it. You know multiple times and he wants coke out of the medical industry, you know, not not that he has any problem with the business. He's very libertarian. So he doesn't care a me each person can do whatever they want. But he doesn't want the behind-the-scenes influence of the healthcare policies by a sort of company and you ask such a great view of such a great point, which is we're other people wondering why they were there and no they weren't they were just I mean passively Taking what was being given or 9mm pass away. They're standing there waiting for their free sample. So doctor should have been asking which good-looking drug rap. I'll prescribe this drug, you know, I mean free Coca-Cola people people don't you know, I mean doctors don't get out much. So if we get a little bit of attention more easily, you know falling prey to some deceptive marketing techniques and so and we'll get into this a little bit later in the podcast but What are some of the things as a pediatrician specifically that you so like I think regardless of what profession you are in I can think of some pretty awful things. I've done as a trainer 10 years ago 11 years ago from a pediatrician or what are some of the things that you've kind of reversed course on with regard to treatment of your patients, which is incredibly important because your patients are a future generation a future generation that are either going to need a massive amounts of Health Care. Or not essentially. Yes. No, I think the big one is diet-related. So food-related. I'm definitely when I first came out of training and for a good ten years basically prescribed what and just repeated what I had learned and I really thought that's what what we did and so for example first food was cereal and then the whole like, oh well as long as the cereal that kids are eating our multigrain and that whole just feeding processed garbage and not really recognizing that I had a great voice to help families understand that that's not what we feed our kids. So that's a big and I like I said, I don't want a really call it a mistake. It's more of a learning because what we're doing is we're doing what everyone's doing and I really have to get past and that's what great really helped me with learning is to really kind of opened my eyes and and he just and he gave me the support for I was already opening my eyes with that, but you know what? Okay to do that there. There's something from me that's asking that and it's a good question. I'm asking so it's the food and then also treating things with medicines where they should be treated with food. So if a kid comes in with a knife set up a fortune with constipation instead of just giving a prescription for a medicine. I really need to be asking people and people need to be asking themselves. What what are you eating? So I mean, that's not the same thing for if you have pneumonia. I'm not going to have you come off. Gluten, right so there is a great place for certain medicines, but at the same time, I can't sit around and have these kids eating all this junk. The other thing is it's given me a backbone behind it. So when I'm sitting there and patients are right in front of me popping, you know, or they're leaving their kids are eating granola bars and fruit snacks. I actually have so much more straight. I feel like I have an entire Army of doctors and the The entire team who are supporting me saying, yeah, you know what you got to drop that that is not a food. You can't give your kids the student it just not that's what's better about this and I think that starting in the early 90s, you know, this whole idea of evidence-based medicine came about and you know, the word sound pretty sexy because you think everything you're doing is based on, you know, some real science. You can feel good about what you're doing. But you know, and this is one of the things Is that Greg has really pushed as far as the physician side across the health, which doesn't really deal with the Affiliates but with educating the Physicians who are crossfitters and that's about how most Science Now is really what's called consensus science, which is a bunch of people get in a room together and go. Well. What do you think is best for what do you think is best why I really like that Coca-Cola and a truck was pretty cute. So let's use this medicine and you know, I mean, so the way that decisions are made Based on consensus is not really what's called modern science, you know, it's called post modern science and it's not really actually a scientific technique. So a lot of the doctors just follow along. Oh, this is what the guidelines recommend, but nobody really, you know digs into the story. Well, how did these guidelines come to me? Because the dishes are really busy, you know, you know, you can put like a bunch of caramel in the in the body of a paper and the doctors are just going to read the abstract because it's Title or the title and say oh this is good, you know and then it gets diluted out or diverted even further when it makes the headlines for you know, MSN or you know, the latest news channel or something. So people don't really have science behind the recommendations that are being made there were some really interesting talks and I'm really bummed I missed the vast majority of them at the health conference at the games, but Greg talked about that at the affiliate Gathering to about how that Most modern science, which is largely consensus or or you can think of it as like this kind of like weird self licking self licking ice cream ice cream cone of peer review papers, right man. Yeah. He talked about that. He said it's the antithesis of actual science. It's just like we all agree because that's what we think it should be versus it doesn't seem like there's as many kind of naysayers or that one person in the group who's there simply to oppose the idea for the sake of having Having a discussion about it might be talking about that at length. And if you agree disagree with the consensus you get kicked out of the club, you know, so it's a very it's a very very, you know, it's very adversarial to having, you know differing opinions, which is you know, how most things really come the answer almost always lie somewhere in the middle and it's only through intensive debate and disagreement among scientists that you kind of get down to the truth. I think and that's really Been bred out of the current medical system do do either of you think that is because largely many of the things that would fall in that chronic disease bucket don't necessarily feed the medical machine from us from a financial standpoint. I'm pretty for sure. I mean there's there's not a lot of money and eating real food Whole Food, you know, I mean the food industry is involved in that because you know, they want you to eat packaged food and you know, so similarly people don't want you to eat meats and vegetables nuts and seeds, you know, go do CrossFit for five days a week and get healthy. They want to put you on a medicine and you know, the medical system and doctors do a lot of amazing things in all healthcare workers from First Responders, you know nurses people who sweep the floor in the house for everybody in the medical industry worked really really hard long hours and and makes a lot of sacrifice that I'm most doctors aren't these, you know conniving This is people who are looking to screw you over to get rich, you know, so I think people don't realize it but the system is really designed to put you on medication and medication only other than like acute illnesses like like infection and maybe some medicines acute medicine to the area could almost say cancers like an acute illness you can you can defeat it. But a lot of other things than medicines are designed to just slow the Decay The Descent, you know before you crash into the ground and get buried They Don't Really reverse the course of disease except anesthesia, which we love right for sure. Yeah. I don't think that I don't think people want to be awake from this of those procedures. But you know, I mean certain nice one like a lot of people going to Anesthesia stuff. I mean, you know, there's certain subset of his doctors who just loved surgery because when you cut something you can often cure, you know, kind of stickers saying kind of the surgeons mono, but when you go to a lot of primary care people and it's not their fault and this is where really The role of CrossFit Health in the Affiliates come in is that the system is not set up to see you for one hour five days a week and to help you move and to give you just little Snippets of information on the Whiteboard like a little talk on some days about Nutrition a little talk about, you know, self-care are you doing things are you happy? Are you getting enough sleep all those little things? I mean, I could try and throw all that into your five minute appointment by go and make sure you Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo like the disclaimer at the end of the of a drug addict for all the things that might do to you but a physician can't really you know, nobody here saves my time and goes out and knows what to do and does it takes for palliative kind of you know, reminding and instruction and it's just like any of the Benchmark workouts in CrossFit. Not too many people know us to have an incredible Fitness background come in and just nail em all it's you know, you make progress and you continue to make progress and you Changes and stuff and people work with you on a process and getting healthy is the same way. So largely anybody's gonna be listening to this podcast like everybody agrees, right? So nobody there's not going to be a ton of people there like no this is a bad idea so I can have a question with regard to some of the patients that you see probably probably more. So most of years are knocked out Scott and don't talk to you but it's not good for you. How do you start to have that conversation? So and I I ask that because largely the kind of docs that fall into kind of the this more holistic method they get gobbled up pretty quickly by by a lot of the people who want that type of treatment so due to most of your are most of your clients pretty health-conscious. Are you stealing still dealing with a fairly large population of people who just don't know any better and if so, how do you start to have that conversation? Well, I think that people are actually open to at least hear it. The they're open to hear when I so it's not hard to have the conversation. The what's limiting on it is time for us for me. I mean, I know when I'm sitting there and let's say I'm talking to somebody about literally about let's say it's like kid who probably has pneumonia and the other two kids are in the background eating, you know a Slurpee and so I really want to go. Hey, you can't be that's not good for you too. Sugar. There isn't good for you, but it's how much time I have. One of the biggest rate it's not that they're not open to it. And then the second part is is that how much of it are they actually understanding makes that difference and that's where it becomes more of the lifestyle and how do they have it happen so I can tell them got to cut out the sugar sweetened beverages. It's this this this and I can have a conversation with them. But then when if they're in that, let's say I have a 14 year old with headaches and I'm talking to about headaches and I say well, what are you eating and then they get that and then at the end of it Doug, what do we do for the headaches got it's no like no. No, I just told you what to do for the headaches. So they're open to it. But number one understanding the significance of what that is for everyday health and then number two is just time and number three is actually I think it's a lot of what people really want and so it's that's I think that the bulk of this us I'm not going to be honest. I'm not going to make the difference making the big change is not going to be from doctors. It's going to be from the Affiliates from the coaches. They're the ones that are going to conquer chronic disease. It's going to be that and the reason why is I can only say so much at the time is like sets at the time was going to be spent with them educating right? It is sort of the Foot Soldier versus a general, you know, General can kind of of lay out a master plan and come up with some plans of action for you. But you need troops on the ground that are going to actually do the actual work and and be there on a consistent basis day in day out and that's it. You're not going to go to your doctor for an hour a day every day. So from a practical standpoint, what would you got and I'm asking you personally and a lot of people get a lot of value out of this. How do affiliates Because there's two conversations in a lot of scenarios that we have to have one. We have to have that conversation which most of us at this point are probably at least somewhat well-versed depending on how long you been doing this about starting to have the conversation about you need to stop eating refined carbohydrates and start eating Whole Foods that conversation is not as difficult anymore. Just based on a lot of things most people are watching the gym and they're there because they haven't figured it out the far more difficult conversation. I've found in the more recent years. Ears is having conversations with the medical professional behind that person who said they need to go do some things but they're also said yeah and you need to be on statins and all of this other stuff and and I talked about this with Greg on the podcast we do with him, you know that we can't cross that line like that's irresponsible and negligent and the whole lot of ways. So how do we start to have that conversation kind of potentially through our members to the doctor or directly? To their primary care physician. Yeah, that's it. That's a great question. And I mean maybe one of the ways is to give some primary care physicians in your community free membership or something, you know, and actually bring them on board in and slowly indoctrinate them into sort of the mess and into having, you know, a new way of thinking because most Physicians, you know, I mean even in you know, And our professions and we've been involved across the for a long time. I mean you say they were crossing people who you're going to get hurt or you know that people really still don't outside until you come in and see it and do it for yourself. It's really hard to just tell people those things and is their best pay is to try to find people who you know, maybe look for in CrossFit corpore slowly putting together a directory of Physicians who are crossfitters. CrossFit friendly so that people can maybe drag their medical care to those people. Can I yeah good. I was going to ask is there something if I was trying to get to one of you to we've already established that both of you guys are crazy busy. So that's already hard to even get on the radar much less get some time. So are there ways are there different Avenues? I can approach from that would at least allow me to start that conversation because I've probably we tried to call no less than a dozen doctors who were either Ortho surgeons to determine like what was wrong with like, how did the surgery go what's protocol moving forward or primary care physicians who put people on a ridiculous amount of medications just to get some background information about what this person can and should be doing moving forward and what we can potentially start helping them do with regard to their health and their wellness and like I'm batting zero at this point. So the only ones I have a direct line to are the ones that are already in my box like there. Yeah, I get it. I totally understand where you at like I'm in but I think that's a key to and I think in every box there's at least three to five probably more and more Physicians and I think that you know, I think everyone's heard about these all these mdl ones that are happening, you know with a certain frequency and going up to Santa Cruz these doctors are all being doing the L1 and they're doing NG it together and it's really what a mindset and then they're coming back afterwards to the following one's you know that you guys know that the DDC and building an army of positions and we're just getting bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger. I think they're already out there, but then to really kind of reach out to them to let them know. So what is being done in the background to be able to have this is more and more the docks are getting their m. L1 and so they understand how that don't know what the DDC is. Can you elaborate on that? Because I think most people are on board with like, okay. There's a level one that's primarily for you know, doctors nurses stuff like that. But what is the DDC for those it's the derelict doctors Club is it's it's at the same time as the mdl ones in a separate part of at HQ, and they have three speakers two three four speakers who speak about different aspects of the mess whether it be The you know, dr. Jason's bong or who speaking about you know with the diabetes code obesity code also speaking about how monies are moved around in medicine and what the dollar values and why things sometimes don't make sense. So those lectures are happening at that time and continuing. So people who have done the mdl one. They will go back and we'll gather together during that time and continuing to basically have mine. Physicians some Affiliates who are discussing basically the mess and a lot of the if you follow the Articles and videos that are on the main site most of the ones that involve different speakers are talks that were either given at the Crossing Health conference core at the DDC. So it's basically a similar similar group of people and they're not really like this is how you treat diabetes there would talk about Out, you know, this is how the system is broken in the what's wrong with the protocols or you know where there's some you know. Some sort of break in the system between what should be happening what's actually happening? And then that's for the Physicians right? That's educating the doctors. We're getting more and more and then you know anyone that's near us will ask us and we'll refer out there is The Physician Network that will be happening so that people can reach out to them. But then for the Affiliates, it's like Scott said those videos are up and I know sometimes it's hard, you know, sometimes you go on but the main site has so So much great information and I think it's just a matter of diving in because and don't be intimidated some of the Articles seem a little difficult to read sometimes but they're the summaries are amazing and then you can go in and just start and once you start reading them, they really start making sense. And even if they don't completely make sense today keep reading them they will and you're going to have an aha moment. The Affiliates are going to go. Oh my goodness. This is exactly that and they'll just educated with that information and I'm glad you brought that up because that's something he Greg also talked about it that they feel like gathering at its they've kind of Switched the The purpose for main site which is it used to be that b2c tool which is like people that want to do CrossFit and people that want to do seminars all they go there and to be entertained and watch videos and they switch it now is a B2B tool but I don't think most people know that because quite frankly I didn't know that and but when he said it made perfect sense and I talked about this in a previous podcast, but the website now very at least to me this is my opinion very much when I read through those articles. That's what I envisioned like CrossFit Health being right? So it's all these it's all these articles that will allow. Affiliate owners coaches trainers to start having an educated conversation so that when they do have the opportunity to sit down with a doctor the doctors like oh you are well read and not just somebody who's just wants to have an argument with me about like this person and their statins. So that's where I think that tool is underutilized simply because people don't know why it's there and they don't know how it would be valuable to them moving forward and it just gives them a more it gives them a better understanding. Of what's happening in the entire space because again to me the affiliate is who's going to make things better? They're the ones you're going to conquer this chronic disease prevention reversal, but if they don't know enough about diabetes and not enough to there are many managing but they're understanding the disease concept right there understanding why it's they why they're not eating sugar which is just and I know it's we all know that the refined grains that the sugar I know we all know that but at the same time we need to be role models on that and sort of understand that that's what we need to be helping our clients understand. I think I think to most people have come to really believe when you go to the doctor and they give you a diagnosis that now this this becomes your identity. Oh, yeah, I diabetic hypertensive. This person and and Society has become very much people have become disempowered and and they're sort of a little bit of a victim and the reality is that people need to be more accountable for their health and well-being but also, you know empowered to know that the solution is within their hands. You know, that's one of the beautiful things about CrossFit, you know, this is a great talks about it is the life. Like best our life raft and the tsunami or chronic disease that chronic diseases are all preventable and reversible and you know almost every single chronic disease can be reversed with proper diet and nutrition. I want me to comment on the main site to its as an affiliate. You're not going to give medical advice you're not going to do I do want to stress that like do not cross that line that is and I wasn't even that was just coming from Also not going to probably sit down with your clients doctor, but you are going to be educated going through these main site articles on why the the treatment or the reverse or the treatment is going to be at your box and how you is the affiliate are going to make them better and that idea that they probably don't need to be on a Statin and they're going to be better with the work that you're doing. You're not describing it. You're not on prescribing it you're not getting on the phone with the doctor, but Or making that your client healthier and you know that you know, the science behind it. And so even though again the thing for me is I know some of the Articles of hard to read I know they are but they're really well summarized, you know, really well summarized and then pretty soon you'll start going into the Articles people well and really reading them and they're actually fantastic. Yes where I have found success is not necessarily direct to a physician, but Essentially arming my client was very patient with information to either ask a question or proposed solution. Right? So like for instance, I had a guy years ago who he was a little bit overweight wasn't super overweight, but he got his blood work back and he knew I was a cross fit trainer known in the field and I was still in the military at this point and the docks we're going to put them on a bunch of medication because they saw his he had triglycerides of like Hundred, I mean it was high. So I said hey, like listen, I'm not gonna go against the dock and actually knew the Docks but I wasn't gonna have that conversation. I said ask them if they'll give you 90 days Bingo before they put you on medication so that we can try to do it with food. And I mean we brought him down like under a hundred within 90 days like just by amazing but the dot so and that's where that's where my recommendation would be as like arm the patient with the information because the doctor will have the conversation with the patient. They will not have it. The third party. Yes, but it's great that you knew you knew 90 days. You're you're going to jump. There's your and you're comfortable with that. You're comfortable that unit. Exactly you should do is where you talk to your client and then you did the work that needed to be done. You know, there's been a lot of articles on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some of the Articles have been, you know, if you if you look at the Articles it shows you how quickly it can be reversed. And so you're not again. Not doing the prescribing often. I'm prescribing but you're you're able to have that information as to what you can what you're able to do with your programming right and you can be reversed within two weeks, which is incredible. Yeah, I'm nine days. Yeah that you can reverse something that is now the leading cause of liver transplants country and just changing your diet and exercising you can you can change the course of that chronic illness like almost overnight. I think this is why a lot of the allergy testing and That stuff has become pretty prevalent at least within the crop. I mean everybody is getting blood panels done these days but Mike G had actually he had asked he recommended that I bring up some of the chronic disease testing and then like how how Affiliates and coaches can educate themselves more on that. What's important? What's not important? What should they start to be digging into from a physician standpoint? Like what would be step one for an affiliate with? Regard to some of that stuff. Why don't you yeah, pretty sure it was that is interesting is shocking actually started a company because it's very problem. And and the fact that when you go to your doctor, you probably not going to get the test order that you want. And then even if you do get them ordered in they don't come back the right way. They're going to put you on you know, metformin insulin a Statin a blood pressure medicine and instead of you know, giving you that the 90-day test is will call it now. Where are you? Just change things and said, let me come back in 90 days. So we started a company called The Warrior Clinic where you know, there's a lot of different things you can screen for the chronic disease, but the most prevalent and debilitating things to this country are due to service called the diabesity, you know epidemic which is diabetes and obesity. And so we have a test very basic tested screams for a hemoglobin A1c and then lipid panel, but it focuses on triglycerides HDL, not the LDL, you know you get that result. No, but we're not looking to put people on statins and and we provide instructions for people with you know, what kind of lifestyle changes to make if their lives are not normal. So it's a simple at home kit that you do. You can order the kit you get a check and then you know, I sort of liking it too, you know, you want to check the oil in your car from time to time. There's no way to really know. You know, I mean, yes, you have a check engine light, but you don't want to wait for that to go off. So you want to do these tests to see how you're doing on the inside. So this is why I think this is important because and I want you to elaborate on the HDL for people here in just a second. But the I think the reason why services like that or important is because I cannot tell you the number of times that I've had pushed back from a physician and largely this was in the military when I was trying to be proactive about blood work and in the the counter-argument was always like well, it's an invasive procedure and I'm like everything in the military is invasive like what are you talking about right now, but you know, I would ask for I'm like, hey, can you do fasting insulin test instead of a fasting glucose test like it I would just prefer and I mean, I would literally have to lie and tell them I had a history of diabetes in my family in order to like to get some of that stuff because those are the only ways I was able to have a conversation with a doctor or somebody who wanted to put me on cholesterol meds because I had cholesterol of 230, you know, and I was like Only metric of every metric that you pulled off of me that's off. Is it possible that that's not really a big deal that you've nailed it you nail the Endura the tested two things one is the test that we picked are just the ones that we really think you need and they're the most valuable there. They didn't mention that you can add. So those are the two biggest ones. Okay, and that's what's included you can add on a see rhs CRP and you can also do so. There's only that's only test we have and then you can do a fasting insulin. Okay. We wanted to make it to like this is this is the big money right there. Like that's where it's at and it's affordable to so you're not going to go do a $400 test. You know, the one thing that you mentioned about the pushback is so we even get pushed back and there's you know, there's some Doc's that'll say, you know, you really need to leave that to the physician The Physician needs to make the decision as to whether a patient gets this lab or not. And I really have no that makes no sense to me. So if you look at it makes no sense to me. Why and the bottom line is that you know, a lot of doctors are how they ordered test is very protocol driven. Yeah, but then you look around and the incident and if people are getting healthier and better you say, oh that's great. Everything's working. But the fact of the matter is people are getting more and more sick, you know, the incidence of chronic disease is rising and 70% of Destiny. US every year due to chronic diseases that are preventable and reversible but there's no reason with all the science and technology and everything we have that people should be getting sicker and sicker and and I don't think most people realize how much bad food they put in their body even people who think they're being healthy and that's why it's important to screen and check because we all think we're doing pretty good but oh we had a few of these package bars, you know that you know, they say they're paleo and they're you know organic and they're gluten-free and You know, you know made on Mars. I mean whatever the labels are just some crazy crazy stuff that oh, yeah, this is the latest thing but in reality they're most of that stuff is not healthy. If you're not eating just real food and whole food is probably not healthy. And unless you check there's no real way to know and it's the a lot of the blood panels and some of these things are in my experience those the people that pair the nutrition with the fitness with these additional metrics are the ones that have the most success because you can lie to me about your food. You can lie to you about your training, but you cannot lie about that blood test right when it comes back and nothing's changed has gone in the wrong direction and I'm like, we have to acknowledge that you're completely full of shit at this point. Like that's not how this works because like you already said before that a lot of these things 90 days is a big enough window for most of you things to see a fairly dramatic. X-Wing in One Direction or the other if we're putting in the effort. Oh, yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, and I don't know if you've heard of the company verta they it was started by I was named Sammy the guy who did the yeah. He did the was it was Apartments online. I forgive you did some internet truly. Oh, okay. Yeah music interesting person because he decided he wanted to row to Hawaii with his wife. And say hey, honey, what do you think about this and they were both endurance athletes before but he went around and asked, you know, what was the best nutritional program for that? And eventually he ran into Steve Finney and Jeff Flake who have done a lot of work with like little carbohydrate nutrition and decided that was the best way for them to do things. But when he got back to actually broke the record by about 15 days, we're going to Hawaii, but when they got back you started this company where A work with type 2 diabetics is sort of online, you know conferencing and then they test people but they've had people on these low calorie diet low carbohydrate diets for extended period of times and had tremendous results reversing disease, but they had this one small subset of people who didn't get better. And so he did, you know for a lot of people that do these food Labs. We have to be locked up in a place, but he did I get our food Lobby took everybody to a holiday. A in and nobody could leave and and they control every single meal that all these people had for several days and every single person that was a non-responder responding. You know, we're so weird weird weird thing, right? So so there's because there's all this stuff and show you how these non-responders etc. Etc. Probably it's non-compliance, you know, almost everybody if you eat the right food to respond. It's super funny that when I give the nutrition lecture at the seminars I kind of because I've been doing this for 10 years at this point. Like I kind of tell that story in the gym, which is okay. So somebody's doing Council very function movements executed high-intensity. They start to see a little bit of body composition change and start to get a little bit fitter and then a plateau and then we have the conversation about their nutrition and I say, how is your nutrition to which the response is unanimously 100% all the time. It's pretty good. Like okay. What does that mean and come to find out they have no idea what it means. They just are embarrassed about what's going on. So that is just just the natural response and even when they do start to comply to some degree if it is a safe bet that 100% of your clients lied to you with regard to like what they're eating. So there's some that's I agree. There's something else too that you know, I don't really want to be a hundred percent compliant to perfect eating. I sometimes I want to have a little fun and I want to have you know, whatever it is and there's something I want and so the whole thing with the Testing is you know, we know that a third of our country is pre-diabetic that between the pre-diabetics and diabetics. It's about half of our country. And so what we want to do is find the right balance and we also know that no one specific nutrition plan is perfect for everybody. We all have different metabolisms. And so for me, what I want to do is I want to check up on the regular to make sure that you know once a year to make sure that when I'm doing is working. For me and that's for somebody like me but for someone, you know, if you're an affiliate and you have a new client, what you want to do is get a Baseline and then or even if it's not a new client if they haven't had testing done get a baseline see where they're at and see you know what they are having how what what is their carbon take? What is and then if these labs are high made the changes that you can make Andre Testament three months to find what their bodies and their metabolism needs to do to keep them from losing their Listen for other being dizzy and and how waiting for those symptoms been going to the doctor and then being on Mets like that. Does that basically like summarizes what I want for the for the testing right? Right, I would agree. So so let's do what's doing a supermini workshop here. So for the test that you guys recommend with the warrior Clinic, obviously you guys are going to make the recommendations there on on what needs to happen or do a console actually. How does that work? Actually, let's back up a second, honey. LT from well, everyone you go you go online you order the warrior kit? Okay, you go on the warrior you get you order. It comes to your house yet poke your finger. If you can't poke your finger. Someone can do it for you. If you can't do either of that you can actually choose to go to a lab as an option, but it's really easy. Yes, stick it back in your mailbox. Just put in the mail and then we get the results. We get the testing we run the test and you get it on your account and you get like a really Pretty color coded green yellow red with then a discussion and all of the discussions start with Don't Panic. This is reversible. It's do not get we don't want you to run to your doctor and get on meds. We want you to and you know, if you're all green great carry on if you're yellow what you were doing. I say something into that and that's the way and then if you're yellow we want you to make the changes with your coach with your box not Not we really don't want you at the doctor's office. We want you doing the things we want you with the people that know how to make a difference that makes yeah. So on that note so for any trainers or commits or listening to this and they kind of want a crash course on just to be educated not necessary to recommend nimmakur recommendation and many but what are some of the metrics that would and is as broad as you guys want to make it as far as like what puts me as far as A1C or HDL or anything like that, excuse me what to do. numbers look like or what should what would you guys see or what falls in the category of red where a patient where this is like alarming? Yeah. Well I so I'll start with just a little background on, you know diabetes, which also is you know, if there's a Joseph crafted a ton of these tests where he tested both insulin and glucose together between fasting and then after glucose challenge test and Joe Western and is obsessed with crafting the craft test. These are some work. Do you see her smart? But the thing that was discovered is that elevated insulin levels, you know, PC elevated sugars and even elevated sugars in the low levels for a long time and they're really the root cause of a lot of chronic disease. I mean, some people would say, they're the root of you know diabetes for sure, you know, heart disease cancer Alzheimer's polycystic ovary disease obesity. I mean, the list is very long and that's All basically due to consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugar which unless you're really strict that you're reading every label. It's in everything, you know, and so I think that's a great place for for the trainer's to you know, it's not long lectures but periodically in your talks at the Whiteboard talk about are you eating? Are you introducing more Whole Foods how much food or eating out of a package those type of things are very useful for them, you know, and then when your results come back, you know the exact numbers on the website, so Anna Knocks, I'll probably say the wrong thing. But you know, unless your numbers alarmingly high. It's not like you're in this emergency State and you know by just making the lifestyle changes you can see the changes in a pretty short order and then retest the duck and the diagnosis is really an A1C over 6.5 puts you in the diabetic range and then pre-diabetic is five point seven two six point five. Yep, and in less than 5.7 is considered from yeah, right and that's where I think some people get lost is is like, okay, what do I do with this number? But I also wanted you to can you give a crash course on the hdls and as far as like what you think most people should know just like very Baseline level. You don't have to go super crazy on this but this was largely one thing. I know I do. I don't know it was gonna listen to me. I would I would love to listen to it. But I think that's one that gets misinterpreted. That's why I asked the question will give a summary and then the jokes so to deal with cholesterol and fat, you know, I mean fat is the storage form of energy on her body. It's there for a reason and fact is not a bad thing. In fact, like the fact that it's like, you know outside of your abdominal wall that type of fat is considered to be healthy fat and is not really associated with chronic disease. It's the fat that accumulates in in your organs and especially in your liver that leads to you know, the bad things that happen with health. Yes early for anybody who's like I'll back up so that would be what he's talking about. What Scott's talking about is the visceral fat is what's bad. There's that kind of subcutaneous fat is not as indicative of chronic disease and most kids and Jason right about that at length in his book as well. Yeah, and I mean everybody used to put in your back in the days we didn't have, you know, Whole Food Delivery through Amazon, you know people would not have food for periods of time and so they would eat and store fat and then they would have to go for it or find find the hurt again to get more food. So we're designed to do you know, this whole intermittent fasting thing is probably how he lived a long time ago just as we didn't have food around all the time, but HDL and what the doctors treat with statins LDL or not actually fat or cholesterol there actually the carrier Our vessels that carry and shuttle fat around the body because fats are not soluble in blood pledged basically water based and so fact would be just like oil droplets footing your bike. So they're these little protein in case molecules that have a water-soluble Casey on the outside and fat-soluble on the inside and they carry the transport the fat around the body and and you know, characteristically LDL has been called the bad fat and HDL is called a good fat, but the reality is They're all good in the right proportions. They're all they're all you know cholesterols made by almost every cell in our body. In fact an energy source for everybody. So all these things are not like it's not it's not in black and white lie good and bad but excesses of some things are bad. So HDL is considered to be the transport vessel, which carries fat from the periphery back to the liver to be metabolized in gotten rid of so, it's got you know, that's why it's called the good cholesterol and you know, Apologists will tell you with much more complicated and night but the bottom line is that higher HDL levels found naturally. They tried to elevate HCL with medications and people actually had worse outcomes, but elevated HDL from natural causes from exercises not smoking, you know, not eating refined carbohydrates and sugar are highly correlated with good good health good both low incidence of they're correlated with lower insulin levels and also with lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. Cool. So now you guys know about HD else. So no because I do think that is something where a lot of people look at some of that stuff and they're not she really sure how to interpret it or they're just like, okay, what do I do now? But and I do think it's something it doesn't take you very long to get like a baseline level of knowledge on some of this stuff like which I think is good to be armed with from a coaching standpoint. So anything our what else would you guys recommend from a testing standpoint? Like is there anything past those original Three or two? Well, yeah, I'm going to I mean which along with you coz triglycerides in the ratio of the two you really want it to be less than two to one triglycerides to HDL and and lower is even better than that but you know other things that we'd like that to include we have HS CRP, which is a reactive protein which is made by the liver and response to inflammation, you know. In a sort of the mechanism by which you know, chronic diseases occurred something, you know in Flames almost like frosting on the inside of your body. And so, you know, we added that test which you know, if it's elevated not if it's super elevated It's like because you got pus coming out of your arm, you know, or you know, you've got some type of acute inflammatory process going on and then you see there are these can be super high and that's the way it's supposed to be. It's all part of the bodies, you know mechanisms information that internet Racks, you know healing you know, substances macrophages and stuff to the area. But in this kind of low-grade elevation is correlated with with heart disease and then the last test it we do it's not offered as an at home kit tests yet. So you have to go to the lab do it but it's fasting insulin and I really think of all the tests. That's the very best one except that you have to go to a lab because elevated insulin levels proceed elevated glucose levels here and they said The earliest warning sign of disease and you know so we can be you know, dr. Kraft felt that I mean, he made a couple of statements when statement he said is there's no case of coronary artery disease that's not due to elevated insulin. I mean, he really felt that strongly and but he also felt that insulin could be elevated for up to a decade before your sugar start to creep up, you know, which is really scary how we're actually seeing pre-diabetes and diabetes and like five year olds now. now because they don't even get a decade of life that their sugars are just that that high but if the fasting insulin is kind of last one and that's sort of the Holy Grail I think of screening for chronic disease if you get your fasting insulin levels really though your Likelihood of a longevity is very high and have a great most been. Yeah. I've been told and read that like 5.5 and lower is like really really is that good? Yeah, I see that but yeah - 5.4. So I'm good to go. It's good, you know and it's you know, it's just like, you know, I mean we know, you know Greg's genius with coming up with, you know place. Smart workouts is you can really do something that's measurable and repeatable. And you know, that's the same idea of a screening test is you can say, oh I'm doing great. You know meeting well blah blah blah and then you get in you're like, hey, maybe I'm not doing it, you know, maybe I need to tighten up the program a little bit and similarly if you have anyone as benchmarks, you think you're doing great and you go back in your times like 30% longer than it used to be you can realize that, you know, maybe maybe haven't been getting to the gym. I feel like you're talking about Fitness these days you re not going in the wrong direction. There's a hit one workout RX. I'll be happy. Do you want to like make a comment on the things out? So that's with the warrior Clinic. Yep, then add some other markers that are like the blood pressure and right through other things. So one of the biggest indicators for you know bad outcomes is a thing called metabolic syndrome and and this diagnosis is a metabolic syndrome is based on if you have three Out of five abnormalities. One of them is an elevated glucose, which the hemoglobin A1c screams for as well one is low try to unload HDL high triglycerides. And then the other two things are in elevated blood pressure and abdominal circumference. So which one of those is the addition to the deadly quartet? Be like pressure guy forget you lost as I read that article if yeah, so yeah, so there so they put additional one in there. But if you have your yeah, if you don't know the deadly quartet is go read it we want amazing article. Yeah, and and and so, you know, it's really simple actually, you know, again not being Physicians, but I don't think I mean, I think that Health Care I mean preventive Health Care needs to be taken out of the medical space and into places like the box where a trainer can say, I mean, you're not saying hey, I'm making a diagnosis you have this you need to be on this med center Center, but it's very easy to get a measuring tape to measure abdominal girth when people come in and to get a blood pressure cuff and measure people's blood pressure and then have them screen either through their day. Or do something to wear your clip Clinic which will give you the other three of you could say look. If you have three of these five things that metabolic syndrome go home and read about it and the solution to it is diet and exercise and and you know, it's pretty simple to say and you're not saying hey, I'm a doctor. This is what you need to do and certainly for anybody within the box if there are on medication for either lowering blood pressure or for lowering blood sugars. That and you're going to make drastic changes to their diet nutrition that the physician needs to be on board as what's happening because they could you know, either bottom out their blood pressure or bottom out their sugars if they're not being tracked by either making the changes are only because you're doing so well. Yeah and that is something I cannot stress enough and people ask this these questions do come up regularly at the level one more often more so than the level 2, but my general guidance is if you are not a doctor don't do doctor stuff. Like that is not your swimlane don't do it. But again going back to kind of what we were talking about earlier is like start to arm your clients because they don't know. So now that's our job to know so inform them so they can have an informed conversation with your doctor. So that is kind of the recommendation is like you're going to have that conversation with the physician, but you're going to have it through the patient. So we live on either side of that patient. So we have that conversation because the physician as you guys already stated is really doesn't have the time to do that. That we do have the time. We see them far more frequently than the doctor does. So we have the ability ability to make a much greater impact on their life, but we do have to not just train them. We do have to educate them and I think that is kind of that Gap that we have to bridge with regard to okay, everybody's on board with costly very functional movements training high intensity is effective. But how do we start moving towards the health aspect of it? Which means most of us need to brush up a little bit on some of this stuff start pushing our athletes to have Conversations with their Physicians start maybe recommending people get more frequent blood draws and panels from the warrior clinic or wherever they can if they can get it from their Physicians so that they can start operating with all the things that we already do in the gym, which is observable measurable repeatable metrics because again, they can't lie about that stuff like with the blood panel comes back and it's a disaster like that's a real unique occasion. If you take this range of 400 you you you know, I mean that's about it. Then you have an idea that That you probably need to make some changes, right? The quartet is HDL. There's nothing to tell. Yep and then the but I do think that you know, it's it's I guess it's a fine line between practicing medicine versus I think I think it's completely within the scope of practice of a gym to just like you put somebody on a scale and if you use one of those ones that you get you know body fat percentages, you know and stuff it they all of Tests are very motivating for people just like hey, I can do a push-up now. I can do a pull-up. I mean that keeps people coming back. But when you actually see changes in your body composition your you see changes in your metabolic markers, you can really feel that you are in control of your destiny. You know what I mean? Yeah current system. You have to go into the doctor sucks. I mean, you know, I'm so busy. It's hard to find the time right? I mean, it's all right. To get cream is hard to find the time you don't have enough time when you get there. I mean it's difficult. So the more that people can be empowered to do on their own the better off. They're likely to be that's it. And that's that to see if your arms in three pieces. You want to look up on the Internet what to do. I mean there's times, you know, it's a great Soul lifeguard swim coach. Yeah of Club Med just like you'd get lost in there. But the where where's the Best place to find what you guys are doing. Is it the warrior Clinic? Yeah, firstly afterwards and we have a we're we're pretty reachable just that the in email at the info at the where your with people, you know have questions or anything. You guys have any social media handles any like Instagram anything like that we do but we're just starting it. So the warrior Clinic if but thank you for that. But we're just starting it. So but it's really and there's a lot of information to on the test to if they want to know about it on the website. And then we'll yes so at the warrior clinic, but there's not as much information on that. But but we're doing we're just going to push people there in force you guys to have to have to grow that to give information. There's a lot of good reading year for people to, you know, get a little bit of information just on, you know on the website, you know, we're not a nutritionist or dietitian and so, you know will guide people to you know, somebody or you know For if they need more specific work, but we give some basic discussions on what you should avoid. And what is good and similarly with the you know exercise. I mean if people are going to cost to the kind of have it already but we're big Believers in resistance training and you know high intensity interval type of training, you know, it's across the constant very, you know, high intensity functional movements. It's better than anything my opinion The Works being done in the Box. Yeah when you guys have you guys both taking the little one? Yeah my team. Our Flowmaster. I mean now we had EC and we had Mo and we have done. Hey, Ray, I mean Matt load so we had an amazing Crew That's a good Crew That's a good crew very, how long is that? How long it goes up two and a half years? Really? Yeah. It's gonna be like five years. It feels like forever. The only be expiring. Yeah. Yeah, then you'd have to re-up and I have to ask did you pass the test or you guys level one? - yes, absolutely. Are you home? And you know, I'm I'm always in like everything for I've done with my boards everything. I'm like 99% of right like I am like so like I'm as I was like that med student. I wanted to get an A+ even though they didn't have grades. And so we you know, we get home and I'm like struggling through this test because I've never not written on a test like you I'd cross things off and they're like do not write on the - wow, like how am I gonna do this? And then we don't have a desk. So I'm like sitting there trying to visualize everything and we get in the car and I'm like, wow babe that was hard. It was really hard to make excuses just as it was hard. Yeah, Scott say that was easy. That was so easy. So for the next 24 hours, I'm here about how he's pretty sure. I'm like, you know, baby we didn't get results back. You know that we don't you just get a passport up. So nobody knows that you actually did better than Than you just think you did. Yeah. He's like a hundred percent certain that like I got like one point past passing and he got a hundred percent. He got a hundred percent, right? I think I did better. I like I like I like that level of confidence. I can appreciate that. It's good. No it is but I have seen some medical professionals leave there in the full sweat just like you've done far more difficult things than fake the One death, no not test is so hard because they also put the wrong answer the right answer from other questions to the wrong answer for the XO is in our boards. They don't do that. They just the right answer as soon as you see the right answer you go on to the next question. It was probably about halfway through the test that I'm like there's some right answers to other questions. It's still have to read the whole question. How about that right now? They could you could have been some of those test questions in there, right the ones that don't count against you. But yeah, I was like, yeah, sometimes I do watch people take the test and I'm just kind of like Little know about that watch people kind of their thought process when they do it, but cool. This has been amazing I could do this literally for the rest of the night because I love to nerd out on this stuff. But thank you guys so much for this. I think there is I think people will have to listen to this podcast, two three, maybe four times to pull out his information out of it, but this is incredibly valuable information and Incredibly important for the community because a lot of us Not only would you do we have to just shift? But our Focus but we kind of have to shift where we spend some of our mental resources on order to do that. Right? It's not just train the air squat anymore. It's like hey if we're going to actually combat chronic disease, we have to continue to get to be better trainers, but we also have to get smarter and figure out what will be good resources are and you two are both helping Community do that. So thank you for that. And thank you guys for your time. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for having us. And yeah, I really hope that the Affiliates, you know, I mean Greg's a And I think you seen you know where this can go so much further than anybody else great really think that so much more value can be added to what is offered inside of the Box by getting people healthy in addition to getting them, you know, Jack. Yeah, and I think this conversation is how that starts. I have a vision of my gym in 10 years where that is like where you go for everything like we're like, we have a nutritionist. We have a doctor we have trainer like all the three things that you would ever need to basically live. Of into your 200 years old. So that's amazing and we're really grateful for the Affiliates as doctors were Beyond grateful for the work that they're doing to make all that difference. They're the ones who are making a difference and that just gives me chills because it's I mean it's so it's this is so as a physician and you struggle with the what's going on. It's so freeing to know that there's a solution. Yeah, it's we just got to keep pushing. This is one one one person at a time. So just like one rep at a time in a workout. So thank you guys very much. This was been amazing. So I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Thanks for listening to best our of their day. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. First of all, it's free. How cool is that? There's a creation tool that allows you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. So it becomes super simple some of these episodes with Fern or Todd or myself chatting with one another we've done right within the app itself. Anchor will make it easy to distribute your podcasts to all platforms Spotify apple and many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make an awesome podcast in one place. 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In this episode, Fern sits down with Dr Shakha and Dr Scott, who are both involved in the Crossfit Health scene. Dr Scott is an anesthesiologist, Dr Shakha is Coach Glassman’s children paediatrician. They discuss how Crossfit moving forward in the greater community, chronic disease and how to navigate that when it walks into your gym, what really is Glassman problem with Coke- Cola, and how when it comes to chronic disease medicine don’t curse they simply slow down the decay. They dive into how the main site is now more beneficial to us all as trainers and coaches. You may have to listen to this podcast a couple of time theirs so much information about health mark and why they are so important because they are so hard to get a test through your normal Doctors as well. Dr Shakha and Dr Scott open the Warrior Clinic so that you could get this important test done yourself at home to be more in control of your health. Along with we will be hosting a live Q&A with Dr Shakha and Dr Scott, details to follow. Check out the extras about this episode on Rate/subscribe in Apple Podcasts! Find us on Instagram: @besthouroftheirday + @thejasonackerman Check out our website - - to learn more about our private coaches development group.
Welcome to the HMO experience. The UK's only HMO focused property podcast where every Monday Matt Jaime & Steve will inform and inspire you about everything to do with hmos rent to rent and how to set up and grow a successful HMO business whether you're just starting out or you're already on your way. Hey guys, I'm Harris and welcome to the HMO experience. This is episode 11 and we We are going to be covering off proxy onboarding and set up as you can see it's only the Two Amigos today for me. Jamie has gone off to do some very important client facing work. And so Steve and I are going to be presenting this episode. So let me introduce you to Steve Saylor Steve. Hello Steve nice. So let's kick this off and in the last three episodes we've covered off viewing. Offering negotiation and then the last one we cut off cover off the power team. However, once you've got your offer accepted and what we're going to talk about now is obviously getting making sure you've got the legal structure in place and then getting the property to a point where you're ready to furnish it. So that being said Steve you want to kick us off with what you generally tend to do once your offer has been accepted on a property. See ya preventer rent for ramps around cool. Okay. So the first thing for us is to focus on the legal side of the arrangement. So we've obviously done our deal analysis with other deal Works. We've had our offer accepted its now formalizing that arrangement with the shrimp landlord and agent, so we favored a management contract or they get other people for lease Arrangements. That's entirely So then they talked about that one of the the beginning and they were little Benjamin experience. So we favored a management contract and we are checking things like blue is the actual owner of the property. Sure. So what we do is we going to land registry will put in the address. We download the title deed and we make sure that the Contracting party that we are entering into is the same. Same that is listed on land registry. Sure. So what we don't want to be is in a position, whereby we've got a contract. Yeah with a third party who doesn't own the property which can get you into some bills. Yeah, so we always make sure and our contract goes down to the detail of who the person is the title of the reference on the property so that if we have to go to court any reason whatsoever that time Indeed reference in the thing that joins the actual property to the owner to a contract. Yeah, so we're covered off and there's no ambiguity about what property were talking about. Yeah. So once we've got the the contract or lined up and that's gone off to the either the vendor directly. Yeah. Well that I will directly or the letting agent because when we sign a contract it's and the properties conveyor letting agents what we call a tripartite agreement. Yes, we're signing the property owners saying and the letting agent the signing deaf and that makes it fair and extraordinary everybody understands what's going on. There's no suggestions of some letting you know that a big thing in our world and trying to convince agents that we're not subletting. Well, this is how we go about it. So once all the legal stuff is done. We then start to focus on the Instead. Yeah, and the compliance bit for Us is around making sure that the ho actually has a license. Yeah, so what's the right Sensational or if it's not currently license, then we start the process to get the 40 license. We make sure that there's a valid gas safety certificate on the we make sure that there is a valid fixed firing test certificate. Yeah, if you're inheriting electrical appliances. It needs to be packed tested. So you need to make sure you've got the relevant documentation for that. And then once we've done all of our compliance checks, then we start to get under the skin of the property like really talked about in previous episodes. Whereby we are. We have a hundred eight things that we that we look for the other we have a checklist. So again, the benefit of having a checklist means that anyone can do that. I want to see anyone not anyone that are somewhat is being trained to That and we're checking things like electric sockets to make sure they'll work. Yeah, we're checking to make sure that all the appliances were so we actually put the washing machine on with the other tumble dryer off the dishwasher on anything as in there. We actually test it. Yeah. I know I've known some people who haven't done it yet. And the first time a customer comes to put their washing on suddenly. There's a big leak, which again is not ideal. From your new customers coming in to your new property. So testing all of the appliances which might seem like a mundane thing. I think is quite a crucial because it's better to spot these things early and get the landlord to rectify than having to do that yourself. So you haven't you once we've got that in place and all of the checks are done and I think we're attaching a copy of our hundred eight. We are the check. Going to be in the show description so you can download that. It's then we focus back into our Administration setup. So we use a system called Arthur and we thoroughly recommend our that there are other systems out there. But we recommend Arthur Arthur online that is yeah. So we start to set up the property of the system and we are putting in detail such as what is the cereal. Number four the washing machine. What is the serial number for the tumble dryer? And the reason we do that and have that on file is that if there's a problem then we can simply go on to our online app get the serial number give that to a domestic appliance engineer he can put that into his system and he can order the park and go and fit it at the same time. So all of these little bits of information is quite crucial we go down. The level of knowing what type of light bulbs are any true so that if we get a customer who rings in and says the light bulbs are out in the lounge, it means that we can go to the store pick out the appropriate light bulb go and get it fitted as opposed to go into the property finding out what light bulb is going to the store picking up the light bulb have to go back to the property in order to change the light bulb. So by doing all of this in the setup phase means that you're going to To save time and energy further down the line. Yeah, for sure. I am I adopted some of those processes as part of our sessions and evolved into the point where we take pictures of all the light bulbs for sure and we've got a property setup checklist. So we also use Arthur but we really record all of the setup details like serial numbers model numbers, you know checking to make sure Anything works as part of this checklist, which is quite comprehensive. So it's not just written info is backed up by photographs as well. And then what we do as part of that once the testing is done through we will send that checklist and together with we've got a very basics of health and safety style assessment and we'll send those two bits and before and after pictures of the property from When we took it on straight up to completion to once you put a setup and money will send that over to to the landlord. And as part of our covering email will identify the points obviously that needs to be rectified. Now before we start getting people moved in and at least then it's on record then so that they know from from day one that you know, these are the bits that have been highlighted and if there's an ongoing issue because then a rectifying it then least you've got a point of reference to say Kinda let you know either this needs to be taken care of and as you were not as responsive as we might have liked we took the responsibility of dealing it with ourselves and hence, you know, we need to have a conversation about setting off against the rent or getting reimbursed for work, which you should have done first instance. Is that the right exactly I think getting into that discipline of being able to have a process like that. Will Aid make sure that you don't miss anything. Yeah and from a check-in. Process I think on the first property we had something like 60 things that we identified that we need to do and it's only through trial and error and knitting stuff are like for example plug's not being in the oceans. And then what the customers do is they take toilet roll when they drive out cold so that they can have a wash in the morning. Yeah, and then although the paper goes down the waist and then suddenly got a blocked pipe. So simple little things like that is is crucial. Because the other most important thing is when you take on a property. Yeah, making sure there's in terms of your compliance checks making sure there's a fire risk assessment. Yeah, because God forbid that anything goes wrong. One of the first things that it's going to be looked at is what was your fire risk assessment? And what steps did you take to mitigate fire in household? Yeah, and not anyone can do a fire risk assessment. Yeah, it's highly. He recommended that you get a professional in to do that. We work with a bike with Nick Greene who is a professional nurse. We can put his contact details. Yeah, and you can contact this naked he will help me. The important thing is that because you've got someone competent if something did go wrong. Then the judge is not going to throw the book at you for not having a professionally prepared fire risk assessment. That's one thing that you won't get caught up on. Yeah, and certainly with having an independent Assessment Act before you get your customers in someone like Nick or Nick if you decide to use it. Yeah, we'll spot out things that you have to change and it's always better to get that done right at the get-go than having to do halfway 3. Yeah, so things like testing the Firearms if there is a fire alarm system to install is really important. Yeah, making sure that when you take on the property that you get all the keys. Yeah. Yeah, we've taken their properties before where he missing and then suddenly we're in the Realms of change it locks and which again it's important to give all that up front and not only one set of keys but two sets of genes. Yeah, making sure that you will we put a key box outside the f t so that is the customer loses their key or misplaced. Luckily say can get in the property and our viewers if someone contacts us before 9 o'clock, then someone will come out and let them in if it's after 9:00 o'clock. Then there's a plastic box in the lounge with a sleeping bag and a pillow. It's a night on the sofa for them if they can't get into their room and then some will be over the next morning. It's Grand. So it's just getting all those elements set up. Yeah, so that when you're ready to open your doors to a new customers. Yeah, then it's a nice smooth. Smooth experience because in my experience customers and will always remember the thing that goes wrong and then our first property and I don't know how he managed to do this, but we forgot to order the broad back, right? So we have customers and our Target customers are young professionals and they live and die on their band for Benson. He's yeah totally but we forgot so the one thing that they focused on when we did our survey was The fact that we did not grow back extremely. Yeah, everything else was was perfect. So that went on to the list and but not only did that for them to the list. We also use an app called Wi-Fi sweet spot. So we go around. Okay Petit to identify how strong the signal is and if we then need it's if the signals not that strong then we know we need to go up by boosters and we get all the boosters configure them set up and it's just all those little bits and pieces that will so when they all come together equates to a positive experience for the customers to move into and then once if you set off the relationship of the other beginning with a positive experience, then that slightly to transition through to the rest of Eternity. Yeah, for sure. I think that's a great couple of sweets and tips Wi-Fi sweet spot. I didn't realize is that a nap or is yeah some happiness on Android and iPhone these iPhone and what will you Do is you you get the router turned on? Yeah, and you turn on the app, you'll see need to make sure that you're connected to the router. And then what it does is it measures the signal strength from your phone to the router. So if you've got a particularly long house for example, or if it's for a house over three or four stories. Yeah, then as soon as you start to walk around the house, you'll start to see where the signal starts to drop. Pop out and then that's when you need to go and start booster booster or as in some of the property larger properties that we have. We put in a second router. So one of the front of the house, okay, and one at the back of the house serving that the roots of that we buy are always Netgear, we found that they did the best and the Netgear. I don't know if they make any more than that game night Hall seemed to have What's called the strongest Wi-Fi bubble. So that's the Um the amount of area that that particular router will service to get a really strong powerful router. Yeah and particularly where if you're serving young professionals who might be looking at downloaded movies or games meetings or whatever it might be and if you've got seven or eight people in the house as we have in some of ours then you're going to need to have good strong services in order to satisfy our plan. Yeah if you don't You can bet your bottom dollar that within a week or so. You'll be getting what's happening with the Wi-Fi can't like Drop as our brain freezes or so. It's important. We understand all these elements were well ahead of time. Yeah, I think that goes back to I guess, you know, you mentioned the sort of leading time. It's already good having your checklist. I'm Janae points, but it's about executing those steps in time either. And just before your customers your housemates moving or to like at least shown the time after they moved in for that sort of thing to be executed. Yes, in an Ideal World. We would have everything set up and ready to go before they move. Yeah things like we call them letting pack. So this is all the documentation that the customers will sign when they move in so we have a side of seven or eight step check in process. So We need to make sure all of those all of that documentation is is ready to go with the property address on his name on and once you've got that set up and you start to add parties. It's really quick to amend the documents. It's not rocket science. And if you have this prescribed process that and steps that you go through then you're minimizing any issues for your Yeah, it's a stage and I think also, you know, give me the best opportunity to fill your rooms as quickly as possible. Right and there was a previous episode Jamie mentioned that the first property took you guys six or seven weeks to get ready and you know, I had a similar experience and you know, the second property was reduced drastically. I think it took us a week to get setup. And and the only thing that was outstanding which I haven't quite mastered. Just yet is getting the Broadband set up so that it's ready to go just before the house meets moving because we we generally have a sword to week ish lead in time. Yeah, because we don't commit to our service provider until we've got a deal over the line into completing the paperwork and sign like that that inevitably now leaves us with Bob leaves or five or seven days where you know, how smear start checking in. There won't be any Boba. Yeah, you know as part of that process to sort of manage it we will say look, you know, just to make you aware obviously on the viewing that Broadband is should be set up a week or so after you moved in now if that's going to be a massive issue then one thing that's worked for us in the past is to offer a contribution towards data. Yeah, you know if that's by data bundle or whatever the case may be. But I think that sort of working out your timelines and making sure that you know, you can bleed the as many of the steps as possible before you know, your you've got your first check is massively important because once you've got people in is hard to reorganize and talking about Broadband on one of the properties that we have we took over which was given to us vacant. We had Untold amount. I will find several Broadband out and there's and we had the problem was because the previous occupant had cancelled their contract go out so you can't have a chair contract on one property. So for the Virgin to track them down and to get them to cast possessed, okay, but the version of cut off the service because obviously they've received a termination notice. Yeah, but they haven't actually got the paperwork. Work back from the from the previous owner or operator, which meant that we were we were out of broadband for like 10 days. I think yeah and the amount of complaints that we got from our customers and when we just explaining the business scenario, it didn't really matter because they're paying for a service at the end of the day. Yeah. So have we probably been a bit more switched on and had we started that process a little bit earlier, which is reason why that's now one of the first things that we Figure out and we have a account manager. So if we have any problems, we did contact him and let him sort but yeah, it will it can be a real struggle and when you're getting customers in because you don't have a precise date as to when they do that sometimes is a bit of a balancing trick, but the end of the day it's all about the service. Yes communicating with customers the most. I'm not forgiving yeah, I understand. It's really good. I think before we wrap up. I know we've touched on it a couple of times. I think the compliance aspect in terms of the setup is is massively important, you know, you're running or you're going to be running a HMO. So you mentioned obviously the fire risk assessment, you know, making sure your gas safety certificate is is up to date is on point and make sure your electrical and Is there and also you know stuff like if there's already a service history or you know, there's a fire alarm panel which needs to be installed or has been installed that needs to be tested. Annually. Yeah. Yeah and and you know, make sure that all of your your smoke alarms have been testing you've got certificates then station as well. And that is that goes back to you know part of your your offer. Process, you know what we have in our and off the template is we stipulate all of the compliance requirements that we expect to see on completion. And then we you know, as part of the the onboarding process we then have you know reminders to if we hadn't received all of those on the landlord of the agent to chase because you know, there's as much responsibility on us as the as their went through an operator or the management. Company to make sure that all of your documentation is up to date because if for whatever reason, you know, the cows do come around any to expect you need to help aaden show you need to have all of the compliance documents to hand. So I think that that for me I'm always super mindful of making sure that we have all those documents so it out. Yeah and people missing or what to even my thing with this is complicated but it's not as long as you know what we need to ask for as long as You've got a copy of the paperwork, then it's no more difficult than that. We manage our own households in terms of paperwork and there's and all that type of stuff. It's no different. You just need to know what you're asking for. Ya and making sure that the property owner has that if they don't have it then you organize it and that becomes part of your negotiation as to who's going to pay for that. So it's it's not not that No, it's not. I think obviously the and engine a point a checklist that will provide in the M show description is going to be useful covering those bits off and we'll also sticking there. We've got a think here's a 20 or 25 point and checklist specifically on documentation. So all the stuff, you know that you want to have in your folder for property which is which will no doubt reinforce what's on the engine a point bit but it's something that you'd be able to send out to the agent and say look, We expect to see all of these bits and if there is a reason why they are in place, then we need to get organized or you know, you give us your information that actually, you know, you can get them organized ourselves here and if there's any questions and also you can connect with us via the hom experience Facebook page and ask has all sorts of questions and we can come back and give you some pointers as well. Most perfect. So look Steve. I think we did pretty well without Jamie in this episode's we we do welcome back elects one. Yeah for sure. The next episode is undecided as yet, we're going to leave it as leave you guys in suspense as to what we're going to be talking about but it will certainly be a continuation of the onboarding thing. Just thought about it and it's going to be Furnishing because we've talked about and setting up to shelling cool. So there's going to be Furnishing and choosing your color palettes you choosing the furniture and getting everything ready for our sleeves to move in. So that's something that we will cover off in episode 12. So for now, thank you very much for listening and Appreciate you tuning in and subscribing to the podcast. Make sure you subscribe to the HMO experience YouTube channel as well. And if you want to continue the conversation as Steve said and you can join us on our Facebook page the HMO experience and levers and comments questions suggestions, you know, there's anything specific you want answered and we can either come back to you directly or include them in our hashtag HMO hacks, which should be able to find Twitter Instagram and Facebook and we'll leave all of our and social annuals in the so show description so you can pick up those juicy little Nuggets next Monday. Like I said, we're going to be covering off Furnishing your HMO property. And so if you're interested in that make sure you tune in but now Steve and I are going to say goodbye. So Steve I'll leave you sad EOS and the Earth's distance. We hope you enjoyed this episode of the HMO experience. Don't forget that all of the resources mentioned in each episode will be available on our website moments perience. Doc Co dot u k we regularly update our website with new content to help you along your HMO Journey. So make sure you check out Momo. Koreans don't Co dot U k-- for more details. Also remember to join our online community by liking the HMO experience Facebook page and subscribing to our YouTube channel.
In this episode of the podcast Matt and Steve are by themselves (Jamie has gone walkabout!) and they talk about what you need to do once you’ve secured your first, or next, HMO property. The house might look amazing after any refurbishments that you’ve made, but does everything work? This is an area that many people think is complicated, but it’s not if you are organised and follow these suggestions. KEY TAKEAWAYS Following a simple process of getting the property ready for your first customers to rent your rooms means you reduce the stress for you, and you give your new customers a great first experience. Your customers will always remember the one thing that doesn’t work after moving in. If there’s no wi-fi or a blown lightbulb in the bathroom that is far from ideal! Using a checklist that reminds you to check everything means it eliminates the easy-to-forget things that can be missed when getting your HMO ready. One of the most important things you need to know is that the property is compliant. This is to keep your customers safe so a fire risk assessment, gas safety check and electrical certification are paramount. An accurate record of all necessary information about the property, and what’s in it, will make your life easier too once it’s rented out. This will help you in future if anything needs to be fixed. Download our checklist it will give you confidence that you haven’t missed anything in the property set up, and help your customers have an amazing experience moving into their new rooms. BEST MOMENTS 'We use a tripartite contract. We don’t want to be in a position where we’ve a contract with a third party who doesn’t even own the property.' 'The benefit of having a checklist is that anyone can follow it.' 'It takes us a week to get a property set up & ready to rent.' ABOUT THE HOSTS Matt Harris - Matt started working for a Mayfair based property investment company before practicing as a property lawyer. In 2013 he swapped law for cleaning and set up The Organised Cleaning Company! In 2016 Matt started MiPropCo Leeds, a buy to let investment company and in 2018 he founded MiRentCo London, a multi-let management business providing co-living accommodation for young professionals in London. Matt is also co-host of PPN St Pancras. Jamie Madill - After an 18 year career in advertising Jamie became a full-time property investor with a property portfolio of single-lets & HMOs and with Steve, they have created a successful Rent2Rent HMO business. Jamie is an international public speaker and co-founder of Progressive Property Network and co-host of PPN St Pancras. Steve Mitchell - Steve had a successful corporate career in finance and risk management before becoming a full-time property investor. He owns a portfolio of single-lets and HMOs. A black belt in Six Sigma, Steve is the project management and systems expert. Steve is also co-host of PPN St Pancras.
Boys and girls, welcome back to the inspiration space where today I got to speak to George Crews and Dom de Sao Jorge cruising from Davy don't know they are two very well-known professional rugby players Dom is from Wales. He's been around the block. He's been some amazing clubs. He's now it's saracens with George Who Who obviously is an England hero as I mean, I watch for years. He also played for the British and Irish lions and is you know, one of the best second rows in the world? So yeah for me to sit in the gym have a chat with these boys about their passion project, which is obviously their company for five which is CBD oil created by athletes for athletes. They contacted me about a month and a half ago and kind Obviously new of CBD oil and heard about it and I just naturally in all honesty somebody who has never really smoke marijuana hasn't really enjoyed it when it when I have in the past when I was in my sort of teenagers and 20s uni or whatever it never really appealed to me. So from from the office. Yeah, there's this stigma which we talk a lot about in this episode around CBD oil and how it's kind of linked with marijuana obviously being from the cannabis plant. It's like to really educate yourself and trying it like I did I you know, I've been on Z bill for the last six weeks and to realize really what an unbelievable product is in the grand scheme of things. For example, a lot of people myself included take it to reduce anxiety and stress like everyone either, you know, relatively stressful and sad points anxiety for your job and Something that I've taken in the evening, this product is for five product. They've kindly gave me to try out and yeah, it has an unbelievably relaxing effect on me. Not the point where I'm sort of like Mom doubt. It just reduces that that stress level 2 up to a degree where it just helps me calm and switch off in the evening. And that is one of the common things I speak to about from, you know people my age are in the 20s and 30s. Is that that difficulties kind of switch off from their day-to-day activity? So more than anything that for me is what is coming and done such a fantastic job of doing so that now without doubt. This is not a sales pitch. This is quite simply, you know, a part of my of my daily habits now and yeah, it's something that I'm definitely doing going forward. Also, you know, it's a really really good tool for four people more like the Everyday Athlete for pain inflammation all the all These things but what I do want you to do is don't don't have that initial stigma towards this CBD oil guys. It's it's you know, it's understandable. He kind of this. Yeah, you know think drug you think you know smoking a joint in the street. It's not like that. So I do encourage you to go away do your research on it. Maybe trial it I'll leave the link to four five four fives. Website in my show notes. Also George is Happy enough George and Dom. Sorry. I happy enough to give us a cheeky little discount code which I will also leave in the show notes, but just for you here. It is f45 Oxford 20. So every five Oxford 20, I was going to also circus in there, but it was too long. But yeah, George is commonly a Georgian dorm of kind. Giving us this discount code. So yeah get stuck into that more than anything. Just try like guys is a really really great tool. If you specially if you have a things, you know levels of anxiety and stress. It just helps you switch off. But yeah, it's a good story this uh, Dom and George have been a pink eyes. I've watched for years and it was just moving anything great to speak to these layers the top fellows and I really enjoyed again the chance to get to know them and hearing about their their sort of vision and passion for this for five CBD Oil Company. You have a fantastic day guys get stuck into this. And as always I will see you and speak to you soon. Anyway boys first things first. I want to say a massive. Thanks for coming down to I've watched you two guys over the years plenty. Obviously, I'm sorry span known Jamie. And yeah, I hope you're enjoying your season after a mega mega season. How was it? How was the experience how you feeling now? Is it nice to have a couple of months off a couple months off we wish Why don't you get off we get five weeks in total, but I think like there's a there's an expectation you come back in reasonably good shape, you know, you don't want to come back like a doable, but but it's so like the last couple weeks you'll be doing a bit of training. And so yeah, you get you get five weeks off. But yeah, it's been a man of season with with obviously we did the double which was something with yeah something we're properly proud of We actually we've done the double double but it's the they're not usual things to do. So so sometimes you got to what firstly you've definitely got a celebrate it properly. But yeah, I think the best thing probably be due to do right now probably introduce yourself separately little bit of your background on your careers and then almost let's just get straight onto how you guys came across CBD oil. And how you going to start this company? I think that would be the best place to start from the start Joshua don't some tea. I'll go fish introduce myself. So don't they obviously I'm at saracens bleep lay there with George been there for last couple years started in Wales. Obviously as you can tell by my accent, I'm sure there's a deep valley. I'm so afraid in Wells a few years moves on to bath when Ron the world been in Japan Australia. And then yeah, I'm back in back in Sunny London playing saracens, which is awesome. Absolutely, you sell shoes. I got slightly probably more boring set up. I left school went straight to series and that's pretty much it. Yes in John's and love. Yeah, not yet to travel to a time when we've been a fair few places both with club and Country. But yeah, I'm I've been to a different club yet. So I think I don't want you to the main. So yeah, I mean from from all the research I've done you guys obviously behavior for how long but two years two years now. Yeah, we played against each other in the Premiership after bit as well. So yeah. Yeah just a little bit. We'll see and yeah, yeah, so I was struggling to injury a time. And as you are you in a different sort of mindset when you're injured now, I was sort of looking for every which way this will give myself an edge to get back to get back as fast as possible stumble across CBD online was reading a few papers read some some really positive things all anecdotal but was really positive and that and that's when I thought thought you know, I'm going to give this a go give it a go and it seemed to help my symptoms that I had with with with certain problems. I was having and then after that George George is injury sort of happened at a similar time. I actually did what I did my other ankle. I'm I know I'm currently in a boot for my other ankle. But but yeah, he had an operation on my left ankle and for me it was Trying to Target a better lock recovery program. So the sleep was a massive thing for me looking up kind of trying to get a better quality sleep was massive looking at especially when you when you're injured you trained kind of 6 6 times a week, you know, it's a pretty bleak existence been professional and been been injured you really put in the hours and so definitely for me. It was more about targeting. I've got a better recovery through sleep and that's definitely something I Ah, I've benefited from but what was interesting as well reading about what your experience dogmas that you tried it? You didn't tell your physio the time and he and he started to notice less. It was letting you less inflammatory everywhere recoveries the result to be hard with. Yeah. So look there's a stigma around around CBD around where it comes from. So I was I was a bit sketchy about telomere physio first. Kept it to myself. He noticed that I was my signals are getting better. I was improving I was recovering. So I sort of changed up. I came off CBD and symptoms came back took it again Sydney's went away. And that's how I sort of got sold on it initially. I was like, there's one thing changed in here and that is me taking taking this natural product. And yeah, it was brilliant and I was sold out that up. So that was Jenna. Yeah, but what about a year and a half ago? Important message that I want to get from this podcast today and I'm sure save you guys isn't your right that stigma around. obviously I have this stigma around it maybe would be great. If you can kind of break down really what CBD is why it's not like smoking a joint and such. I think that let's just get angry. It's kind of really breaking down. What's the difference? Obviously THC is a big fastened around its maybe if you just break it down a little bit for this. For sure, I think you if you take a normal cannabis plant. It's fairly high in THC. So THC is the stuff that gives you that the psychoactive the the stuff that all kind of make you high. So we take the the hemp plant which is naturally low in THC further to that. We extract a lot of the THC out. So we've got two products one a flat line 0 THC which is for are tested athletes, but we've also got a full spectrum. Product which has Trace Amounts of THC so below zero point 2 by law. So only Trace Amounts and it's really about distinguishing between those two plants, I think and how you how you get your product from the hemp plant, which is already low in THC. Okay. So what do you think are the first kind of steps in in order to get out there and break this stigma? I mean, I've started to see CBD pop up all over the shop now. But yours I believe is the only CBD oil which has zero THC. So there's lots which have zero THC but but as athletes who get properly tested, you know, we get drugs tested how many times we've been drug tested this year? Yeah, like five six times. Yeah. So again, I've been tested six times this year. So you got to be completely assured of what you're taking. So we are the first CBD product to be cross-contaminated tested. And substances by BSC G which is a drugs test control group and for us that's huge. It allows us to go to the players and give them a genuine option to know that there are pretty safe taken our product. And is it people think that because I mean there are obviously so many benefits. I'm going to ask you about them but as athletes and especially Rob got these people, you know, you guys like I said the human resource running each other you've had to play and deal with pain for your whole careers. I mean the impact of having something to turn to which isn't a prescribed. I'm sure we'll get on to putting a prescribed medication prescribed painkillers. Could you talk to us? Obviously you've had to deal with my papers because you're going to stumble across TBD what for you is that is the kind of main difference between the two I mean prescribed painkillers and secretly I mean, is there anything that you feel lonely day to day basis? Yeah, I mean You know, obviously CD two hundred percent natural organic is essentially a plant. So first of all, you're not putting any chemicals into your body is all 100% natural and you know, like you said we've had a lot of experiences with prescribed drugs, you know, all all you want to do in your rugby players get out there and play and when you're injured you'll do you'll do what you need to do to get out and play whether it's taken anti-inflammatories. They can painkillers and all that fuss. part and parcel of the game sometimes because you're trying to pay the bills you trying to get out there trying to get contracts and and win games essentially, but we've sort of managed to switch it up and take this organic natural product, which essentially is is doing great things for us and and helping our symptoms and and it's just brilliant and we're sold out in massively so Talk me through how you personally take it. So you kindly sent me a sample, which is funny. I just came off the back of it. It's not it's not professional. We had to go around things seven seven times. So my body was the thought stream. It was honestly man. And the next night I put a couple drops because I had the spray. Yeah, I had a couple of couple sprays on the time and to be honest with all these things if I mean to be honest, like like anything that's people approach me with I kind of go in not expect anything. So yeah, that's way to approach it and I'm telling you like I was so unbelievably chilled like it relaxed me so much. Finding the person I like to three nights and finally got really good quality AR sleep relax. I thought I woke up feeling refreshed and most importantly for her passion. Well, we're doubling first time in a couple days. I'm glad you did great. I think he's great. I had the chance to try it myself before. Yeah. Awesome. So yeah back to my question. I mean the process the you guys obviously taking me that would be interesting for me to hear in regards to you know, do you do you take it during the day like to take it before training like my own experience with it is simply just to try and relax. I feel like what are you kind of go into a state due to that before you train? I mean probably not I would have who both different. So yeah, I mean I take mine like I said for sleep rather than Yeah, rather than anything else because I know that when I'm when I've had a good sleep fussing I'm a lot less grouchy but I feel I feel a lot better state. So for me, it's about targeting that and I'll have maybe three sprays before before bed and I won't use it everyday. It will be more when I'm when I'm looking to Target cuz I do sleep a lot of time generally quite well, but if I want to promote a better one than than our Target that no, I'm not not not particularly. It's something our I'll take maybe three times a week pre some of the the bigger training session days. Yeah, so I think every day every day twice a day three times a day and I know I do think it twice a day every day because I'm a bit old and George bit more whether to probably Yeah tough paper on but not much much that you take all people would take a multivitamin. That's how I see they can see really I take it morning and night obviously to help me sleep and just sort of to help me get up there and get through the obviously trainings pretty physical and tough these days and as I get older, I feel like I need something to sort of helped me get through it. So touching on both those points you takes the which I find really fascinating. I don't feel like I could Nick little elves before he's this league coach. We've done some stuff as professional sports teams in Puerto. Madryn Cristiano Ronaldo and all this stuff. He works on their sleep and he remembers being Tim on the podcast and he was like what's really frightening is that there's all these prescribed sleep aid of the financial status of that ended of that sector is frightening and but the negative impact of those drugs have And it's I think hope I mean you guys also have a business that does that really fucking excite you the fact that something like this which doesn't have detrimental effects in the long run can potentially have a definitely will have a much better sustainable impact on people sleep. Naturally. I mean that must be extremely extremely exciting. Yeah. I look for our point of view were a food supplement. So it is quite hard for us to talk about other drugs and medical and medical claims as such but Us being an athlete looking at you know, different Alternatives towards those sort of things and having something which is very natural, you know, it strikes everything that we want to be kind of getting onto an especially like Dom said you do a lot and you you do a lot to get yourself to, you know to be up to play and stuff. So to have something which is a bit more natural for me. It's a no-brainer really and then move on to what you say Dom so In terms of just feeling better and more. You said she was saying you'll be able to perform better due to better recovering essentially. So they're less inflammatory mean. Is that is I mean that that's extremely exciting as well the fact that you don't have to pump. I mean I was reading about Lewis moon in the fact that you taking so many painkillers over the year. You've had some some gutter shoes. I mean replacing these Bankers was such a CBD we can't go masterly into the sort of medical size and touch base on that but your This huge exciting because it's a market that that we that we think is going to grow hugely and people are really going to adopt and you know, those are the reasons that we think people are going to sort of start moving over to this sector and and take a natural product that's going to give them the same sort of benefits similar benefits. So he's questioned spin on its head because like I said, I like to come in with an open mind and anyone listening to this podcast, you know, I really wanted to hear all angles. Is there a time that people really You shouldn't be taking this CBD oil. I mean from my experience from anything any research done. Is it is there really? No. I mean what essentially what it is? They're not the time to be taken. Like I think that as were saying that you should always kind of speak to your doctor and your you know, your nutritionist before you take anything like this, but it's for us it's got a really good safety profile and that's come, you know come from above board. It's as a product. It's yeah, it's got a really healthy safety product safety profile. So I but yeah, I think there's there's dosages and things that you want to stick to and not go above we suggest don't go above a hundred mgs of CBD a day. The the guideline from from above is don't go above 200 mg. So it's yeah, like I said, it's got a real decent safety profile and there's nothing really at the moment, sir. Justin otherwise so in terms of the company. I mean how long you guys been working on this together? It's probably a year. No. Yeah everybody. Yeah must be quite exciting working on this project and kind of I mean, what was it like kind of getting over the line getting that approval from what was the body said the BSU? Yeah. I mean, what was that was that touching go was a long process but was a long expensive painful process, but it was good like it's CBO. It's like it was russets. It was it was something we knew we had to because we can offer. I mean our Target audiences active people but a large part of obviously what we do is is we were other players and professionals we get drugs tested. So we knew we had to kind of come up with a problem solver problem that a lot of professionals at the moment whether it's you know Olympians whether it's footballers rugby players across the board. There's a lot of people Who are definitely interested in taking CBD but a little bit tentative because of things I've read or because of you know, the link with cannabis. So for us it's about kind of knowledge expanding the knowledge on the subject and providing a genuine option which not only players but nutritionist coaches and and testing bodies are completely satisfied with I'm interested to see where you think and how I think this stigma will kind of be eradicated. I mean like you said it's all down to education. It's like anything. like I'm trying to think of loads of places there's tons of examples out there but like it's almost like I was used to refer to sleep as an example just to just example, like like napping is has a stigma around it in our culture today like it especially in my corporate culture like our God you went for a nap and we this is something very very different but Then in order for its go to a new level like really needs to be it's like said the educated on the topic of cvd is I mean, what do you think? Hopefully the steps will be? Yeah. I mean, first of all a lot of the a lot of is anecdotal a minute that you'll get you Google CBD oil and you'll see all these sort of amazing stories of whatever happening, but I think now or now that it is getting a lot more mainstream. There's a lot more sort of Trials happening think that's going to help massively, you know, just just sort of the science behind it is is come to the fore so all that sort of stuff and you know, look, I can't even convince my dad to take seemed like yes, it's a hundred percent. Yeah, and you know, he's still not home percent sure what we're doing here. So I'm pretty sure wants once I convinced my dad then you're not. Drug dealer. Yeah, once I convinced him. Everyone's going to be good to your what also something. I love. Beyond pretty want to touch on is I'm always really touched on in my podcast is the impact that this stuff. I think it have one not just physical or just sleeping like your mental mental mental health. I think it like I'm a very anxious character. I mean, I'll get pretty stressed with this job. Sometimes just you know, we're not the six in the morning, you know back to sleep 11:30 at night and my sneakers affected has definitely benefited that but more than anything find it. I've noticed this week like wines. Xiety levels of just being really really like chilled and I'm much more focused. So I'm hoping I'm really hoping that that part I know this leaves indefinitely because be better because the CBO I'm really hoping that that specifically the mint that's what anxiety my anxiety levels isn't anything to like this procedure or anything like that because I'm really super like calm like I'm not I'm not I'm very like erratic as a human being I'm just launched a lot more chill and what I notice actually the other night I took it from her to bed. I actually And I just was really really super focused. It's weird. Like I wish that time anomaly like a zombie but I just I noticed my anxiety levels dropped and I should do like another like 45 minutes now work but really good solid quality work. So I'm hoping that's not to say though. This is not a paid ad yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think speaking about personal experiences is like yeah, for sure. I think we again it's what you take it the night before a game obviously. Yeah, I'll take you out to get night before game happily it from our point of view again. It's talking about anxiety and stuff. Like that is a touchy subject in terms of medical claims and things like that. But definitely our customer base, you know a good chunk of them are kind of young fit people who, you know take that into account and and And use use it because of that so it's for us. It's like we're take on board all feedback. And yeah, we're dead happy with some of it. So I mean the next 12-18 months. I mean what have you got on the agenda for this also personally like next season like toast a little bit couple of things are going on with the business and you know your careers as well. Yeah who solve probably is back to salaries. Here's some different points throughout Korea. I'm probably not Off retire myself. So CBD will be coming to the Forefront for me. Yeah. Yeah. Look we're working on some exciting stuff as well. Obviously, we just released our zero for athletes, but aside from that we got a lot of really exciting things to be released over the next few months. So a couple more product releases sort of really pushing this out as much as possible and then someone's got possible possible World Cup. That he's got to get something to do as well. Yeah. Yeah, so I mean look, we're in the next few weeks and I woke up camp so looking to look forward to seeing how that goes. Obviously. We you know, we had a exactly our issue of my foot on my own but it's it's good timings work out well and it was a it was a kind of a decision based on you know, what we've got in front of us to get it done now. So yeah, I'm probably pumped for what lies ahead I think we really got a good group England which kind of galvanizing well, obviously a couple of poor halfs in the in the Six Nations, but aside from that it's you know, it's looking like a really well-built team that have been together for kind of four years now and experience that the pain of a previous poor World Cup. So yeah, that's so excited for it. Yeah, it's gonna be good. I can we go from we're gonna get blood. He's projector. Do not cancel classes for ya. But ya boys, I really Are you coming down? You know, I've got members down here and people that I know that this stuff could directly benefit on a daily basis. So yeah, I'm very very keen and excited to kind of help I would always end with looking to find ways to help them in. This is definitely added onto the the spectrum of what I've what I'm going to introduce them. So once again, thanks very much coming down really appreciate time and all the best for the World Cup, and I'm looking forward to see what the future lies for CBD. And everything that about the grandma, thanks, but just Revenue.
CBD oil seems to have come from nowhere. Naturally there is a stigma around it as it is extracted from the cannabis plan. A lot of people initially view it as a something that gets you high and sloppy rather than something that can benefit you in ways that positively support a busy and stressful day to day work life. Dom Day has been playing professional rugby for 14 years with over 250 top flight games to his name. Starting in Wales, his career took him to England, Japan, Australia and he now plays for English Premiership club Saracens. Dom was also a key part of the Wales national side throughout the 2015/16 season, including playing in the 2015 World cup. George Kruis has been playing professional rugby for 10 years and is a seasoned international and British Lion. He has over 150 appearances for Saracens winning 2 European titles and 3 Premiership trophies. Between them they have 20 years experience in professional sport and have been under the surgeon's knife 12 times. They have played and trained through pain and injury more often than they would have liked. They've used cbd as part of their daily routine during their rugby careers. It helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the highs and lows of professional sport. Now they want to spread the word about the benefits of cbd, and how as founders of fourfive, they are committed to offering the highest grade cbd products available, specifically designed to help you maintain an active lifestyle.
The worst piece of advice that I ever got was playing it safe and this came from everybody around all the people closest to me were telling me that I should just be careful and make sure that I don't get into trouble. Well guess what trouble is a good thing? You should be seeking out the risk in your life because here's how risky life is. There is a guarantee that you will not get out of this life a lot. So now that you know that at the end of this you're gonna die. Anyway, you might as well play on. All out don't leave anything on the table because at the end of the day you'll just end up with regret and you don't want to sit on your deathbed and say I could have done more you want to die empty and live Full House the whole play it safe mentality is based on trying to live a comfortable life trying to just kind of be okay, not even anything spectacular just average and how many people actually want to live an average life. This is terrible advice if you want to actually experience something if you will. Actually have some fun average and safety is not going to fulfill those needs when I started taking risks in my life. Yes. I started losing and some things went wrong. But here's the thing. It's better to fail over and over again at something that you love to do then to win at something that you hate to do because although you might not enjoy the feet it sure beats winning in the wrong direction when you win at something you don't like to do you end up miserable. Anyway, at least if you fail at something that you really enjoy your still happy and you're making progress and that's the problem people think that failing at building your business are failing at a relationship or failing at anything is some kind of traumatic experience that's going to haunt you for the rest of your life when in all reality. It's the best lesson that you can get even better than studying. The book is actually having a real life experience and seeing that hey this works and this doesn't work and you might have to go through a lot of those doesn't work type of experiences until you actually hit some gold. But if you never risk you'll never gain So putting yourself through an experience that you don't enjoy just so that you can have a certificate at the end or make somebody else proud as not really that rewarding at the end of your life. You're going to regret all the people pleasing that you did trying to make everybody else happy and not really following your heart. So be brave enough say no and say yes to you say yes to your dream your passion whatever it is that you want to pursue and stop listening to trying to play it safe because no matter how safe you try to Say you're going to end up dead sure as everybody else will and stop trying to play it safe because you're going to end up dead at the end of your life just to sure as everybody else. Will sometimes that's the best reminder. You got to keep in mind that you going to die eventually. If you don't remember that you can easily get caught up and living life as if you have forever as if you have eternity, but you don't have eternity your dreams are fading away as you're wasting your time doing something that you don't want to do. So take that risk take that leap. Stop playing it safe and you're To have a much more fulfilling experience, even if you fail you'll enjoy life. You always have to keep in mind whoever you're taking advice from. Would you want to trade places with them? Would you want to actually live their life a lot of the people that promote safety and comfort their living a pretty tragic and miserable life. Do you want that? Do you actually want to experience that? Is that something that you would like if you want extraordinary you got to get around extraordinary and listen to extraordinary and extraordinary does not say play it safe. Remember most people are giving you advice based on what they feel they can achieve based on their experiences and based on what they're going through and when you realize that you'll realize that your potential and your dreams and your vision for your life is going to be entirely different to what they're trying to put on you. So for some people that play it safe mentality works great, but for people that actually want to be extraordinary and live an amazing life. It's not going to work very well at all. You have to know who you are. Who are you? What are you going after? What is your dream? And in your dream do you get the luxury of playing it safe or do you have to go all out work hard every single day and take risks and jump take the leap of faith and actually believe that you can do it. I hope that you have enjoyed this video. Give it a like if you did and subscribe join the tribe become a champion today. Leave me a comment down below as well. What are you going to take a risk with? What's the thing that you really want to do in your life? Stop playing it safe.
I share with you the worst advice that could ever be given to you! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #WorstAdvice #Don'tListenToBadAdvice  #ListenToGoodAdvice #GoodAdvice #SuccessfulThinking #SuccessfulThoughts #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker Podcast Summary: ‘Play it safe’ is the worst advice you can get Advice from people close to us is always welcome. After all, they only want the best for us. Still, the ‘play it safe’ advice is the most common one and also the worst piece of advice you can get. By the time you’re done reading you’ll know why. First things first. What does it mean to ‘play it safe’? Obviously, no one close to you wants your harm or to see you get in trouble. So, the easiest way to prevent you from experiencing failure is to make you believe that keeping trouble at bay is your best solution. The thing is that if you want a life filled with experience, success and free of regrets, then you have to do the exact opposite. TROUBLE IS GOOD. Look at it this way; nobody lives forever. And you probably don’t want your last thought to be ‘I could have done more’. So how do you go about it? Well, that depends on what kind of life you want to live. The whole ‘play it safe’ state of mind is a general rule to live by for those who are not after anything big. Those people are happy with a comfortable life, nothing spectacular. Are you that type of person? Truth be told, most out there are, but if you kept reading so far, then you’re probably not. If you want to live with excitement and genuine happiness that goes into anything you do, then safety is not something you want to carry all over around with you. Taking risks is an indispensable part of succeeding in your life. Does that mean that every risk you take is going to be a win for you? No! Of course not. Because failure is also in the game. Still, it’s far better to fail over and over doing something you love than to succeed doing something you hate. Sure, nobody likes defeat. But you’d be surprised to know that getting beat up in life doing something you truly enjoy gives you a sense of fulfilment – not to mention that you’re still making progress – whereas succeeding in areas that are within your ‘safe zone’ will leave you with that same feeling of misery and emptiness that you had in the first place. Besides, what does failing mean after all? Most people think that failing in any aspect of their lives, for instance a relationship, is a traumatic and haunting experience. In reality it’s the best lesson you can get. Take a minute to think about it and ask yourself. What is better? Reading about something in a book, or experiencing it in real life? The verdict: Don’t lower the level of your life to stay safe and satisfy others. Don’t study to make your parents proud, if it’s not something that will make you proud above all. In other words, don’t try to make others happy at the cost of your own happiness. Keep in mind that life is not forever, so stop living like you’ve got all eternity. Oh, and next time you consider taking advice from someone, take a moment first to put yourself in their shoes and see if you would trade places with them. If not, then it’s probably best to say ‘Thank you, but no thank you’!
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey gang, welcome to the dead and buried show. My name is Mike AKA dad and buried you may know me from my various online presences my blog which is a dying a slow death. Thanks to the Facebook's algorithms and then, you know, frankly your own neglect and that visiting it but I'm going strong on Instagram. Yeah, we're Pete. My co-host here does not have a presence. Is a lot right and how my God he doesn't know how to log into his computer. Facebook is about Instagram. Now, I know but Facebook owns Instagram, you're right, you know this but I do know that the same and it's a yeah, but anyway, I'm verified so good for you. So obviously, I have a lot of opinions on parenting and on my kids and on myself and on Pete and Pete's shirt there. Is that golfers on your shirt. What is that Polo the fuck? Is that hula? Hula hula ladies. It's hula ladies. Ladies who like #me too. It's inappropriate was like mermaids. I meant to Somerset mermaids. I don't know man. You know, what don't attack me. Anyway, I need somewhere to vent and tours and doing it. I'm not really everything about parenting but it's the official film of the dead and buried podcast. So I just wanted to say thank you for coming. If this is your first time I think you're going to enjoy this especially if you don't have a problem with swearing because it happens. Yeah. Um and Pete was raised in London, so please stick with us and don't hold that against us. Well, I think yeah, I mean, I don't know why anyone would it's called the fucking Revolutionary War bitch is that's why yeah it is because I was raised in London. Yeah, we don't like you interesting. We don't like really you're really pulling these things all together anyway, so we went but I have I have three kids you do have two kids one more than me, which means you're less smart than me. You also went to the worst the lesser of the two main salemba. I never I never thought about not including MIT which neither of us or Harvard. Could even fucking approach with the with a stick. Anyway, I want to thank all our patreon supporters on patreon or allow patrons patrons on patreon patron saints. We have a bunch of different tiers there. We can contribute different amounts of money. We got Chris Coleman David Tuttle Ms. Buying who also who submits through anchor on the single dad tear we got Barbara Geiger AKA funky feet all the way from Germany who says that we recorded that when it's 2 a.m. There. So yeah, if this were alive she wouldn't be able to listen, but it's not life it comes out usually on Thursday, but You to get the world the global. We have a global and we do have a global audience Paula policy on the dad. Bod tail all the thank you the Father Figure tear my old friend Julie McCarthy apologize for anyways, I've wronged you in the past. There are plenty everyone. I've met has a laundry list the world's greatest dad tear. We got Mary Williams and Mom party of Two And if we got my new dad our friend Sarge was the patron the patron saint of our patreon. Yep, and our podcast is that guys on the Hall of Fame in the Hall of Fame for us. He bought a mug Jersey thrush. Sure, there are store which is a Dad - and - buried it's the worst. Yeah, it should have underscores. I mean on our store but the URL to go so if you like the podcast go to patreon and and help us subscribe and help us. So we're literally in an actual sweat box right now. I'm losing weight. What you watched on YouTube. I've got moisture on my lip. It's offensive in a lot of different ways. You can go to iTunes and give us reviews. Thank you to the 42 people will give us five star reviews. The someone who gave us a three-star well coming for you. We don't know why you didn't leave a comment you coward why three stars? Why not two more? Look what about do is Click even if you don't like it, all you gotta do is Click what about one's auditing your reviews and whether you believe it be nice. It's the Christian thing to do. Okay. I was raised Catholic and I don't know but yeah, you don't know. Alright, you're from England. No, but I'm just saying well, how about give us a 1 come on man up. Give us a 1 in comment. Why? Given us the one so we can improve ourselves. That's what ratings are for not to shit on somebody constructive criticism. There you go, right? Yeah. I'm always things. I'm trying to learn with with my children and we're going to talk about that this week the different parenting Styles. We're going to be discussing. That's the topic of this week's show show. So I did want to say we missed last week due to a variety of scheduling mishaps. So we have a bunch of comments from my previous two episodes, which were the helicopter parents episode. And what was the one before raising raising kids in your family. So we want to get into some of those comments that you guys left on YouTube starting with Sarge again, the Hall of Fame charter member of the dead and buried podcast fan Li family. I just coined that like it know either so he said each of the comment of helpful family members enraged me. So he's bitching about the fact that some people were like, oh our family helps us all the time with free babysitting, you know, what enraged us to if you listen to that episode Pete and I were very angry and envious of those people and frankly. Lee I'm probably one of those people if the three-star review why should why should they get all the help? Why should they Why can't your in-laws come help us Why can't your grandparents your kids my parents? Come help us are our parents are horrible horrible parent horrible. Don't you don't help us? We live in New York City. It's easy to get here variety of ways. Exactly. You don't have to go through LaGuardia if you don't want to so he goes on and he calls out Shannon quit bragging Shannon, no one likes you and then he welcomes the other the other patrons who joined him on patreon and says what took you so long. You know what? Sarge we agree. What the fuck took you people so long no offense. I'm sorry this charity. Yeah, it's you very highly you this is just the beginning right now. It is there. I'm really sweating like Jabba the Hutt over here. So Heather Smith actually corrected directed The the URL and I got it wrong earlier when I said it was sighs dad - and buried its shop dot slash forward slash dad - and - buried if you want to buy a mug or a Bag eventually, we're going to vomit bowls Pete's sake of your vomit bowls on there. Yeah, and hopefully pint glasses are bottle openers. Yeah. We'll see. Well, I don't know. She said it's difficult to trust anyone outside of family for some families. Anyway, which is sure I get scared when I get a babysitter. I just get the cheapest possible person every time though, you know. Yeah. I mean, I think I've for me it's like as long as you're able to use a phone for good maybe for even for like phone sex when I was a kid. I called her. Yes. Oh, Hey. Listen, sir, you're having phone sex outside. Why wouldn't you just have it on my hell man? I would like to go outside. I'd like to go to dinner with my wife when you're off the party line. Yeah. Yeah, like they still have Sweet Emotion hang that up and give us a call on 900 you need help or call 9-1-1 when I was a kid when Howard the Duck came out. I called the Howard the Duck line. It's like fucking buck-fifty every two minutes or something probably more than that. Just talked to Howard the Duck for some reason we use against were your parents. That you're finally like, you know, I think chat. I had a friend if you know is Howard like, you know what honey? It's cost us 400 bucks. But at least well, you know white boy, you know, what happened there were like guess where that money's coming from his college fund because he ain't going if he's gone then one 900 Howard the Duck guess what joke's on you Mom and Dad. I did go. Maybe that's why they don't help out. Yeah, I think so as much as I would like them to she says however with my parents you can't just pop in you have to schedule an appointment weird, but other than mother-in-law sister-in-law and niece that's it on the Family. In regards to a babysitter, we've had a lot. It ain't always easy getting away from these damn kids. No, it's not. Oh that's Mom party of two. I didn't even see she's one of our patrons. Thank you Heather and I knew she was in Maryland the DMV as they call it the people that live down in the Delaware, Maryland, Virginia is of the day is no I think it's the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, but I can't be sure so Heather let us know if you've ever heard the term DMV. Yes. I'm sure she has her the term DMV. So Julie Julie McCarthy. Yeah, not the same one. Julie McCarthy you my old friend said my late mother. Live nowhere near a body of water bigger than her bathtub bathtub refused to wear a seatbelt in case she crashed her car and ended up trapped underwater good coffee felt similarly about car seat. She refused to wear car seats because other heavy, you know what it's awkward when you walk into a party and you're wearing a car seat will especially if somebody else is wearing the same car same God. I'm so embarrassed accordingly when she would offer to babysit for my daughter. I had to order her not to put my child in her car ever under any circumstances. She was all you turned out fine without any safety precautions in short grandparents can't be trusted. It was a Different time back then. You know what in that case I would purposely drive into water just to be like see see, I think he's dead because of the car seat meaning the opposite I would drive in and say I was always our the grandma because I wasn't wearing my I would prove my point by doing the very experiment that I told everybody so about my wife's dad mom and Barry's dad follow her on Instagram. He was they were visiting for Thanksgiving and one point it came up and he just said Believe in seatbelt and I literally did a fucking double kick. I'm like what you don't believe in in seatbelts. Like ya know believe in him. It's like the fur Tooth Fairy. He was an over-the-road truck driver. That was his job. Yeah, he doesn't believe it doesn't bleed. I don't know. The phrasing is strange. I don't believe in them like they're real my man. You know what he talking about those those poindexter's those Poindexter scientists are those fucking honored wearing their seatbelts trying to save their own lives make me a break. So it's funny were talking about seat belts because the other episode we did was helicopter. Parents. Yes, and some helicopter parents probably put multiple seat belts on there. Yes, just to make sure you know what speaking of car seats how about like having your seven-year-old in the car seat dude, your seven-year-olds exams, right? Yeah, that's not good. Yeah with that car seat attack. So Rob Karen and chimed in and said, I don't appreciate the bad-mouthing of Robin Williams billion performance in Aladdin. Don't remember doing it stand by it 100% I find it really annoying and I'm not a huge fan of Williams is stand up which is essentially what he's doing in Aladdin. You don't find that you all he does is throw out words and do quickfire shit. Like I'm not saying he's not talented. I just don't think it's that funny. You don't think Robin will you no no, I think Robin Williams has been funny and can be funny. I don't think some of his sand up. Is that great and I'm not a huge fan of the movie Aladdin its just stream of Consciousness. And yeah, he can do lots of shit and it's amazing to see him thick on his feet. Cocaine's a hell of a drug, but I don't love the movie Aladdin certainly not going to see the Will Smith won even though my kid already. He loves it. I'm just saying, you know what Rob we can have different opinions and still get along. Anyway, he says as the dad of an autistic child who has a tendency to run away when you are not looking. Well, that's problematic. I've started to develop helicopter parent attributes not with all my kids, but definitely with him but his out of necessity. Well, that's not helicopter parenting. That's just being a conscientious parent who's scared for his kids well-being. You're not overdoing it if your kid is fucking yeah dashing off into traffic no know when you're not looking at you if you if that's a reason to be S. The problem is it's when it's like Oh, you know you're overprotective because you have different who's trying to catch their kid who's on the slide and you're like dude. It's on the slide. We've all gone on slack. Some of us haven't made it. But that's fine. It's just natural selection goddamn selection of it. Yeah every once in a while wait fucking coming from Dad and bury the new fragrance natural selection if it's anything like how I smell right now. Nobody wants it. So Sarge again. Yeah chimed in he's chimed in and left and right on here. He said I cannot attest to this formality. T Sarge we're friends. You don't need I cannot attest to what you experience but my cousin who was 10 years old has autism. Oh he's responding to brob and I remember when he was younger he would bolt and Sprint down the street if you weren't watching exactly that's not helicopter. Well, especially if yeah, if you have someone who's is affected by a disease or has some some issues. Yeah. No. No, I mean being protective and being worried about them. That's that's good parenting yours. Congratulations Rob. Thank you. Good parent. Thank you for protecting. Your child helicopter parent is when you take a perfectly healthy child. And you take him to a playground and then you stand their arms outstretched while they're doing any and you give them anxiety because if your own and all the other parents are just the fuck back off motherfucker, like like if he has fall if that person the kid falls let him ball. So Sarge Did also say if it weren't for this podcast, I'm pretty sure Pete doesn't exist. I even I mean even my 70 plus year old grandmother has social media. Yeah, you know what I bet she has some good opinion and guess what? Sorry guess what Cambridge analytic has all over that. I'll see ya. I love the I ran to the very beginning don't remember what it was that I'm not surprised. There was a rant at the beginning. It's kind of what I do, which was at 5:10 a.m. Thanks to my toddler waking me up that happens to me all the time. Mind you the little guy never wakes up. Mom. I'm always the target of his torture. You know what thank you for speaking out Sarge because most moms are like dad's don't fucking get up that don't do that shit. Guess what? That's do. I'm I do. I'm the only one who gets up me to the nighttime the mom dude. Yeah, I'm mr. Mom. Mr. Mom and buried somebody referred to me recently. Is they like Mama bears Instagram account? More than mine. You don't have to tell me that. I'll get the tabard full. I'll get the tap in the middle of night Dad. It's 3 dot dot one to get up. No go fucking back to sleep. So this didn't happen overnight. But today my son asked me when was when was soup invented. I Googled it. Apparently it's been around since 20,000 BC I go I thought 86 the more, you know 80s 1986. Yeah. It's a right at during the World Series. I thought that's when someone was like, wait a second guys put Super put it assistant put a bone in law is actually somebody had a vomit bowl and they're like that. So Paula Paul ski also says I have it on good authority that Pete is actually just a hologram. I am actually just no way a hologram would wear those kinds of clothes. You don't know how a grandma I'm self-respect the fuck dude my from where and it's it's working out. So we had a question a couple weeks ago where somebody used the term puddle jumper. I guess it was MSB buying perhaps and she said it's Pete really did Pete really grew up in England that he doesn't know that a puddle jumper is a pool floaties up. That's not Nellie's. It's not raining probably never heard of a puddled a puddle jumper is either one is like a little plane that jump from like the keys to my enemy. I don't remember saying puddle jumper but I do didn't say across someone said it and I was like what the hell's a puddle jumper and I guess that it was like rain boots and you didn't know what it was because I think maybe you lie about cross having grown up in any no. No, I think maybe do a hash tag fact-checking. She's also thank God for being able to listen this while on my two-week International family of international a brag Jesus. Oh, she can't wait for podcasts guess which is The reason we need ya we want more patreon subscribers, if you can spare the get some more mics as a people in house and get the equipment. We need to have good sounding phone according. Yeah, my wife really is desperate to be honest. She won't shit. She is. She really? No. She doesn't listen. She's not she doesn't listen, but if she's on it she listened. So there's one more follower subscriber if we get around one. So Paul says the societal pressure impacts dad's to I developed some helicopter Tennessee's because I didn't want to be the doofus dad who doesn't know how to take care of so he's over. It is over based on the stereo. Okay. Yeah, I overcorrect the opposite way and I'm worse. Oh so much so that my rifle. Yeah take care of the kids and can't trust dad. Come on. Let's get going. But no that was good. That was a good lot of Engagement. If you guys want to comment what we're doing is we post on face on on YouTube so that we can get comments and individual episodes where these came fast so that that we want to hear from you guys. We'd love to be obvious you're commenting to Mike directly on Instagram, but for the episode specifically We get a little convo going. Yeah, and this week we're going to talk about parenting Styles and when you and your spouse maybe parent a little bit differently and yeah and how that plays out. So that's coming up after this if we have not completely melted because I am literally like I haven't sweat this much since my friend Rizzo's wedding and August of 2007 and a feel than fucking Watertown, Massachusetts in a tux with no cloud cover no trees and I was my face was a waterfall much like this. I am literally my shirt is going to be transparent soon. Mmm, basically to but people can't wait to that shit and not wait my BQE shirt. Let's do it brooklyn-queens Expressway, which I walked under earlier today. That's correct. All right, let's do it. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and Listen offline, wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for dead and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. All right guys this week we're talking about different parenting Styles. But when you and your spouse parent a little bit differently in a variety of different ways so differently the interesting thing that's happening in my life right now. One of the many many interesting things that's happening is Mom and buried his going back to work and I am still a deadbeat who cannot find a job to save his life. So I'm working. I'm at home with my kids who are both out of school because we're in the summer. I wrote a thing about being a stay-at-home dad and why I suck at it and how it's hard and I don't like it. My Instagram and on Facebook, if you haven't seen that check it out called me up and interviewed them a little bit and we talked about it and then I got off the phone with them and they ran it today today parenting. It's like today shows parenting website. As far as I know like Savannah Guthrie does not even Metallurgy does not contribute. You were no Haitian parenting Savannah Guthrie be like what now, you know what you but you know, what on the plus side neither Is Matt Lauer so they ran that today? So today Monday this is going to air on Thursday. So a couple of days ago if you're listening and it's almost as soon as I saw that it was live and I may be shared it on my thing. I'm at home with my kids went to the playground because I try to do like one thing a day that makes me feel better about it. What ya gonna take you kids. I went to the movies one day last week with them and I'm like fucking nailed it. We sat in a room instead of the screen, which is not good when you do it at home, but when you go to the movie, it's a day out dad. Fucking ear baby. Yeah, so when to the playground we got home from the playground and my kids love playing attack with me, which is essentially I get on my bed and they like jump on me and we wrestle in the hippie with pillows. Yeah, and I have been able to do it a lot because of my sciatica the legendary sciatica, which over the past few weeks seems to have subsided. You know, why I've gone running longer I've gone running you've gotten stronger. I'm starting to get back in shape. I'm losing probably 15 to 20 pounds just recording this podcast in this literal hell hole right now. So I'm like sure you know what? It's been a while. Yeah, they hadn't even asked in a while. But let's do it. Let's do a little so what they do I jump on them throw them around a little bit. I try to make sure that their Noggins don't bump into each other because the toddler and the that make sure that my oldest kid doesn't kick his little brother in the face because he's flailing with his legs and then like they bury me in pillows and I pretend I'm like Dad or passed out and then and then we'll like a merge right and grab them right? So today I'm emerging. Yeah, and I'm reaching out from Over the pillows and accidentally I'm reaching out with my hand in the form of a Yeah, and I think I hit my eight-year-old in the temple now. I did not hit him in the temple. I pulled up he starts screaming bloody murder emphasis on Bloody because I've hit him in his nose and his nose is now a fucking faucet of blood. He's the blood and he he's literally like O nanak City. He's bleeding. It's dark Reds like Maroon, he's going I'm gonna die. I don't want to die. I'm like doing I'm gonna die just but died over there. No, no. No, it's on the sheet and on the sheet. It's on the pillow cover. It's on the duvet cover that what it is. Duvet cover me. It depends on I bring them to the bathroom. I'm clocking. That's it. Shitty. This is a you know, what unconventional way that I use to solve these things OB I cut off his nose. No. No. Usually you you hold the bridge of the nose how you put a put a no? No you do that. Well, I don't have it. I didn't have a tampon yell at me right but I'll tweet paper wadded-up do that. The other thing I do is I make them blow his nose. If you blow the nose you sometimes they like the tendon or whatever the shit comes out and that stops IT, right? It's not the easiest thing to do, especially if it's a bad one got him, too. Would even though he refuses to blow his nose when there's just not in there like he's like I can't do it. He's like scared of it calm down got him to do it. And I think he's actually kind of cool. He's covered in blood literally like I'm covered in it and then eventually looks up at himself and he's like, I'm the motherfucking badass bitch. Yeah. So I'm going to post a photo of that soon of him with the toilet paper was nose because not only do I want to physically harm him. I want to psychologically damaged him by humiliating him on my Instagram verified account with 80,000 followers. Congrats for clocking him Square was an accident. I was trying to hit his Temple. I wasn't trying to be either right now. I know listen I do wrestling too by the way. And so I with all three and you can omit so here's the way the way it goes. Usually for me is let's rest tablets Russell. It's called we do wrestling it's pitiful pillows for me the pillows go at as full strength right. Now. You cannot throw a pillow harder at a human being that I do. It was my concern when I do that is your gonna Like whip their head around like you're going to hit them so hard that they like I don't know. I throw it across the room. You don't swing it like a basement on and that's what I do. Well, I do that oranges in it. No, it doesn't worries on the outside is actually just first their internal or I do I do that as well, but bars is Sophia but in the second is is and I say to my middle kid, who's my daughter? I say do not use it. We can't wrestle because you're immediately going to start crying. I'm not I want to wrestle and she's like all over me. She's on my back and like choking. Yeah and like doing anything and I'll just get her leg and I'll turn around. Upside down and immediately starts crying and crying dad terms. Like what the fuck what a way we're playing this fcking game here. And then I'm like and then secret Lamont. That's right. You mess with the bull you get the fucking horns. So this is a pretty dad Centric kind of thing. I think does the most of the roughhousing. I'm sure and some of your home's the mom doesn't run housing. Don't at me. All right, so moms can run fast. So Mom and buried coincidentally posted a meme. She saw about picking battles we Had this conversation a lot where basically says, you know, you're picking too many battles put some down no more than that. You're picking tomatoes like what the meme said and then she wrote a little thing about how I pick too many battles and it fills the house with tension and stress because I'll end up yelling at my son and all the shit. So it gave us the idea. I mentioned this to you give us the idea to have a podcast about different parenting styles with your spouse and how you deal with that. So I asked people if they have different parenting Styles than their spouse does and how that plays out and how they deal with it a handful of people said actually no, we're very well aligned and again like Sarge with people who have family help. We don't want to hear from you. It's not what this podcast is about. This is that you're warm you're having an angry. You have a wonderful relationship with both your spouse and your children, you know, what just stay out of it. Give us a five star review on iTunes and yeah, don't stay out of it. All right. Just kidding. We want to hear from everybody. I just not going to read the happy comments on the air like my got to Instagram account which is like how parenting has changed your life if you're smiling in the app yet for the worst not using it. Guess what that's not funny. Yeah, if your life improved because he had kids you're just you're destroying my entire premise you're now in your an outlier. First of all, let's be honest. So anyway, the picking battles thing came up and I asked and a bunch of people seems like the husbands are the are the effect explain what you mean by picking battle. Okay, so it means You need to let some shit go right? You can't jump on your kid for every minor thing they do right? And sometimes when you get home when you say you are that's a general. You're not me. I'm probably I'm talking about parents everywhere. Like you got to let some stuff go with something. You kind of have to learn right? You can't my kids eating dinner and he and he sits Indian style or puts his leg up right like in the grand scheme of things who gives a shit really, right? But if I'm in a bad mood, which is 90% of the time especially this stage of my life sciatica mon employed. Which is getting better hang with you all the time and not the employment but not they had a deployment is not getting better can't stress that enough but like you can't make a big deal of it all that stuff like savior fucks for the stuff that matters right? You shouldn't give a fuck about that. It just fills the place with unnecessary tension. Yeah, my wife gets on me because she feels like I am constantly picking at my eight-year-old for all that shit. Which Grammy she has a good point like it's not good for him, especially since the three-year-old gets away with a lot more because a three-year-old doesn't know what he's doing in a way that an eight-year-old needs to write right? So I do it too much Sara Lee Contreras says her husband picks every battle and she's like every time he doesn't she's like I picked my sanity which I think means she leaves when he does that but also lets a lot more don't let it go. That's smart. Hillary so8 says he wants to pick every battle I pick and choose the important Ones based on health and safety which is how it should be right the opposite of wives. It sounds like the wives are really like coming in with the coming in hot coming in. Hi Maria. Adam buried in the suck and they're agreeing with Mom and buried and they probably prefer her Instagram. And again, you don't have to tell me that I dot candy 7 says I try to knit bad habits in the bud, but my husband says let our four-year-old have fun for now. See that's a flip-flop. So that would be like me where I'm like get your leg down or use your utensils. You're not a caveman. I can you need your know how to cut he still is no I seal my kids and they don't know it's salad. I'm like what? But it's salad. What do you mean? It's like if it were fries sure but he'll say it about weird stuff. It's fucking soup. Of course. I'm using my hand you talking about but yeah, that's a bad habit that you like you like. It's my job to kind of teach you how to live in society you eating pasta with your fucking macaroni and cheese your PS1 by what time like a bird who uses his hands exact right? It's like a weird bird creature like Hawkman hmm eats like a bird but has opposable found tie. All of every single child that I Have other bird every single one with the hand water just it's so irritating even the kid weeds to breakfast heat, but he did he just will sit there for hours and just keep eating one at a time. So half an acre says my husband picks more this is this she might as well be my wife my husband picks more battles because they are so much alike. He and her son. She's like I know how to pick fewer and she said partially because she deals with the husband and she knows what the husband's life if she knows nothing the battles with him and the kids exactly. She says a behavior chart is made things better, which is she spelled it the British way. Yeah, you know shout out to Pizza bringing you or maybe the Canadian way and I assume that's like a reward chart where they know. Yeah, you done that, right? Yeah. I'm just having a daughter of I've ever called it a behavior, you know what has worked really try to reinforce good behavior rather than punish the bad we did we found this. I don't know where we learned it, but it was early on with my older daughter is now 11, but she in her nursery school. They had a Laughs light red. Yeah, you've mentioned this red. Yellow green. Yeah, we talked about this in the desolate podcast. I haven't put it into action yet and it's amazing the effect of that but of course it just like we forget about it after like, oh my God. Yeah. Well consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. Is that the phrase but but can I say so before it's really hard to be consistent as a parent at least for me because I'm a kind of a shitty person and a bad parent but it is really the key to the whole thing. Yeah. Well, I think also it's like it's, you know, there's something we all have different experiences growing up. Right and some of us have similar experience eight had really similar ones. Yeah, maybe get I'm saying are our wives our spouse. Let's just solve all units all units. That's right. So, you know Different Different Strokes for different folks different experiences. My wife had a very different growing up experience and I did and so we come we have different, you know Styles apparent. Obviously. I'm well, not necessarily obviously some I think it was obvious, but I'm pretty bright. Okay, but but you know, I'm always at like I'm always at like a level 7. Yeah aggravated like just a college that's like your natural walk in like hey, that's your Baseline. You know, just like okay. Can you can you get your feet? Can you operate like a 7 to 10 at all times? I just like hey guys, come on. Can I ask you to do this? Can you do it? Hey guys, come on, let's do this and I'm always on the case. And of course by wife is why are you always on the yeah Meanwhile my wife who's absolutely amazing. He's got a one 90% of 190 and but her volume goes to 11 then eleven eleven thousand eleven thousand. No, then she my wife the same size as the nuclear option when my wife goes off efferent it's rare and and it is explosive and I get scared. Yeah. I'm a joke way too much and then all of a sudden you just like, how do we come back from this the the interesting thing about that when my wife will Mom and buried does explode it's like bunker mentality between me and the kids and all of a sudden. I'm like, yeah. That's when I'm my best. Yeah. All right, let's keep yeah. Yeah, you know, you know, mommy's really upset if that happens to try to fix this drive like that because usually they're scared of me because I'm but they're also not they go to view - yeah, they get so used to it. I heard of this. Yes, they're tired of it of this this human being who's just constantly like do the don't eat with your feet. Why are you eating with your feet dad that's actually impressive they can even their feet and well, I don't know what get him get him to the circus long story short you and I are the worst. Yeah big time, but I will say though that the one the one thing that I that does aggravate me is disciplining based on mood now. Well, that's part of the problem is we would know it can work we come home and you're tired and frustrated well, but I you're in a bad mood I read say because I'm at this 7 to any level. I feel like I'm always kind of like hey, I will say the same thing kind of consistently. Yeah, whereas my wife will depending on her mood will let definitely the Same thing why would let it fly, but then similarly would also let the same thing if she was nicer up. Well, that's for consistency makes to come in right and that's where it gets a little weird because it's well and we're trying to we're still trying to figure it out. I have no idea how to do any of this stuff is somebody actually mentioned that where when they're trying to work with their husband or their spouse on how they work with a lot of it comes down to who's more pissed off in the moment and who's more grumpy, right? Who's the Worst parent and then how they deal with it afterwards. Yeah a lot of times if you're pissed you're not going to listen to your spouse about like what you should be doing. Right? Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, especially with your spouse one of these days Alice if your spouse is then all of a sudden on their side, then you're like, oh, yeah, so we'll how about this fuck everybody in this. I'm going to the bar. Yeah, and then you're talking about ba RR e which is the class that I take and is in the Barre Vermont. Yeah near Montpelier. Exactly. So miss Chelsea. ER Miss shells Year may have written that wrong Miss missed. Okay. Mrs. Gels here. Yeah. This is yelling doesn't actually work. He thinks getting louder as the answer. I prefer quieter yelling does work probably not. This is the problem. I yell do she says you're eight years in but if you yell most of the time and then you You get quiet. There's a there's a funny. There's a toothpaste for dinner is like an online comic strip, which is actually really funny and it says don't one of them says don't yell at your kids whisper quietly. It's a lot scarier. Yes, which is funny on an adventure, especially if you like say I'm going to kill you. That's really scary. You know what that's a really good point and I should stop screaming. Yeah exactly. Will you get in trouble? Like if you're especially in the Summer with the windows open? You don't want to hear you say that no, but also like that. Yeah. No, but the the arm grab it slight pressure on. Oh my God. The problem with that when you do that, no, no think you're doing it's light and then the kid acts like they're in a vise and they scream and then you're like everybody notices like when you're at the park and you're doing it and you let go, you know, would you do exactly so Robin Kay Thompson comes out guns blazing like I thought this is very passive-aggressive. She goes. I'm an actual parent instead of a friend boom in her husband's face. Wow, she said but that means I'm captain mean mom 100% of the time that's him an actual parent instead of a friend like the fuck you you my husband who clearly doesn't listen to the podcast or she wouldn't have put that in with her name on it. I don't consider my wife to be a friend of my I mean look, we're both friends with our kiddo. But so I think that's really all I think that's a really interesting point. Do you are you and should you be friends with your kids or should you know parent I don't I believe you can do both. There's an I absolutely believe but I believe that there's an intersection and that intersection is somewhere around, you know, when you get both drink together, yeah like in 20 years, but also when they get older when they're teenagers, it's a lot more. Necessary for you to be a parent hair and not a friend. I'm not you know the whole like me, you know, the Amy Poehler Mean Girls is yeah. That's yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna try to regular mom. But I mean, I think you really need to that's when you need to be setting boundaries and that's why I'm a dick all the time three say they're used to it. You know what I'm thinking you are you thinking this all the dimensional chess? Yeah. So the Robinson life says are different styles can be a problem. We talk it out and compromise a lot are different styles can be a problem. Problem. Hopefully you're able to talk it out and compromise. Somebody else said we will talk it out. We discuss with Jackie bat said we should we both discussed what we should do and then go off and do completely different things. Right? It's easier said than done. Like I'll have plenty of conversation with my wife about how I need to pick your battles how this is bad for my son what I'm doing and I'll be like, I'll try to be better. You're right. You're right and I do agree with her. It doesn't it's hard to change. I need to start of meditating the second. You see that leg on the table eating pasta. Yep. It's I want to flip the table over and I want you to be on the other end of it. You know, it's like what the fuck are you doing? Just eat with a spoon. I have told you this 30 times point is just eat with a fucking spoon. I don't want to pick them. Here's the thing eat with a spoon. I'll eat you with a spoon. Oh man. So thanks, I don't want to pick every battle. But if I have pre so maybe tonight. I'm not going to pick that battle. But guess what if I have previously picked that battle 25 times and you were still fucking losing the battle. I'm going to be pissed. Just right if I have told you a million times don't put your leg up like that or eat and you still haven't gotten it through your thick skull. Yeah, the odds of me letting it go that extra time or not good right? It's like then it but I've let so here's what I found is when when my wife speaks to the kids just like oh, hey, could you please do this? Yeah, the kids are listening. We got to be constructive here. We want to see do this instead of that. No, you know what? I'm three Bourbons deep and I don't have time for that shit. It's bedtime. Okay, so been teeny 80 says that her husband. And I think this happens probably a lot in in relationships one of the other he said she said he thinks I coddle him. It's an always an ongoing issue like when her husband forgot the toddler's favorite stuffed animal and favorite PJ's and he said the kid can deal. Yeah, and he also thinks that he thinks that Mom buys their son too. Many toys. He can go play with rocks. Like what century is this guy from rocks? If he's ever seen a screen. Guess what he wants the screen. Yeah. I understand. I agree. Like it's okay for them to be bored. They don't need all this shit. We didn't grow up with this shit, but you forgot to dudes favorite stuffed animal or his favorite PJ's like that's just bad news for everybody. Right sounds like the dads getting a little bit defensive and rather than admit his own mistakes. He's being like kicking fucking learn to deal with it. Guess what? Yeah, I don't I mean sand back when he was a kid Sabrina borrow 6 says, my husband is a softie unless their daughter get away with murder, right? This is it goes back and forth. Oh good cop bad cop just say this. Joke, we call back to restaurants episode that we did a couple I remember that we oh, yeah, no shit. There was a kid. We were at a Thai restaurant had a Satay skewer chicken skewer goes up to a DOT that it was that we were sitting outside in the backyard. The there was a dog out there beating just sitting totally being great and this little like three-year-old four-year-old sits down with each set a skewer next to the dog. And of course, the the owner is like has the dog owner of that dog. Owner of the dog is has the dog and it's like hey and this just a random kid. The parents are just Young Living us their yukking it up like they deserve some of that's what a long time. Guess what what am I living? You know stands up turns around picks the four-year-old up and goes, where's your mommy and daddy? No shit fucking I was really are the honestly like got tears in my eyes is like, yeah. Why did you bring that annoying come back in the restaurant was said go take him to the parents and tell them that this fuckwad. Yeah. It was had a chicken like a skewer. So what we're doing In the darkness smoking the exactly the exactly the whole thing was going to end up disaster. Yeah, but I want to know was the kid got the kid the Donald he was gonna stab the doll. He didn't know what the fuck he just wanted to know. Is that jobs elbow that kid with the dog cute. What kind of dog was it some some lovely lovely? Yeah kind of the Labradoodle now is a cute short hair the tiny dog. No not timing. It was a white guy. It was a dog that would have that would have done some serious and you know, Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec is a real man's man. And he says at one point he goes he goes a dog that's under 50 pounds is a cat and cats are useless. I disagree. I love cats like dogs to guess what people you can like both. Yep. You can't be a pet. Mom. No, boom. Okay. So Paula policy one of our patient says I'm a hard-ass with little sympathy. My wife is a softer touch this guy from the 50s to she's a soft touch. Yeah. It's mostly a good balance that does sound like a good balance. I think you need that. I think you need a little bit of yeah, you need come back up back here and sometimes the roles get reversed. You know what? The funny part about bad cop is is when you have someone on the other end being like, you know, what fuck you cop and you're just like, oh, you know the worst cop. Yeah. There's no legal system to back me up. There's no that's the thing if they click calls your it's all I got. That's all I got call your bluff. Yeah true. Yeah, so little charmer 80 goes back to the picking the battles think she says her husband makes a big fuss over every mess the kids will be playing nicely even dad comes in a starts going. Oh my God the mess so screaming the kids get himself set these she said she said this I want people to know I did not use this phrase. She did. She said nice one Buttmunch. Yep. Haven't heard that one a long time Buttmunch if they're amusing themselves. I leave the hell alone. Even if they make a mess we care that Cliff there being quiet playing nicely. Don't poke the bear shit. Yeah, let em play nice if they're if they're making pillow Mountain let him make pillow Mountain as long as they don't break anything or doing anything just with who gives a shit as long as it's not getting crowded at the top like Everest, right? Everybody gets a photo op filled with dead tourists. Yeah idiots. Well actually Climbing Everest to be unfortunately one of the pillow mountains they made actually a couple dead people a couple digitally that kid with the chickens attack. Yeah colorful hooker who I poke some fun at a couple weeks ago about about being a hooker. Actually. It's a Knitter or a crocheter. I don't know they use hooks got it. And she uses a colorful design early way very nicely did not mean to disparage her character her give her her parents. Yeah. She said her husband is gone for two weeks at a time and they are Polar Opposites, which makes it hard because she's leaning then when he gets back. That's it reacts to like the minor single thing where she kind of knows the drill like what you can what you can attack or not, like what you can do with or not and that caused the problem. And so that's kind of what I'm doing with my stay at home - my wife is kind of learned. There's some shit is minor that you can let go but now that I'm at home and I haven't done that in a while shit that maybe is kind of routine and generic Guess what gets me rankled you're not you're not actually letting more stuff go. I'm just not as in tune to you know, what their daily routines are and kind of what she is like going. What's a big deal and what's not I'm still learning right and I consider too many things a big deal. Got it. So Megan Megan Megan Megan done Megalodon Jensen Jason Statham, didn't you know, he listen to our podcast? Yeah. The Meg my view on dinner is we give them healthy meals and it's their choice to eat it. Dad says eat it now no matter what like he does not he's not giving them leeway. Whereas we're going to cover picky eating in a future episode, but that's tough because dinner is fraught. Yeah stress. I think you just need to know like hey if you're well, I mean, this is our My Philosophy is it's your food. This is taking a leave it take your leave. If you don't eat it. I don't like, you know, but if you come to me about snacks or hungry guess who doesn't give any shit. It's but Megalodon Jensen says her husband is like you better eat that shit. You know what right now came from like a place where like the military lot of food, you know, like Narnia just maybe everybody for their Turkish delight. I'm sure they have so gjr Scott 2002. I don't know if he ran for office back then but yeah congratulations are I'm sorry. I'm stricter. I have them more on my own. I try not to get in the way of the parenting child negotiation. That's interesting. So he says because he has them more on his own. He's more strict. Whereas a lot of other people say that they kind of are able to let the minor shit go because you go crazy if you're with them all the time and you're going down on them for everything which is what I'm learning being stay at home going to drive myself in them crazy. If every little thing I'm coming at him. Yeah, so we had a bunch of random stuff where there's it was it was Megalodon Jensen who said that a lot of it depends on who's more? Tired and ornery. Yeah, I mean it's kind of the worst little so that's it. I think the thing is is when you you know, there's both my wife and I would agree eating with your hands is stupid and just eat with a fork or utensil or whatever but there is something to that the tiredness or like a you know, what? Oh, you know, what happens is sometimes if a kid is acting out and I won't I won't have the context to it and I'll yeah, it's persons just being a straight dick. Love people like this person's tired when you know, yeah right tired to give him a break or something happen at school that you're not privy to but I'm but I'm also but then what happens is the flip side is the same exact thing will happen like a week or two later. Yeah, and then my wife whom rightly I mean in my mind will get but we will just go to the moon and then all of a sudden it's like wait what just happened because hypocrite not they don't sound so here's something Justin Justin Cunningham 12 says his wife worked with autistic kids. So she knows all like the professional techniques and what to do and he says it's frustrating for him because she teaches him when he's failing which must be like, how can that not feel condescending and emasculating right? You feel like your wife is like this is what you should be doing and you're doing it right here. She teaches the she teaches the dad when he's husband up like no use this technique. Not that one depending on the way. She does it it can be especially if you're mad hot pokers work for me because she says except for this arm. Goes she teaches me when I'm failing and I'm ready to blow a gasket and it's even worse when she what she does actually works because then I know I'm stupid and probably fucking my kids up which brings us to Dad guilt, which is what I get all the time when my wife tells me like you're picking too many battles, you're coming down on them too hard too often and I'm like God damn it. You're right. Like it's hard to stop yourself. Right and then you end up feeling like shit. You're always the bad the bad guy. Yeah. So get up Angelina says kind of the same thing. My husband follows my lead. He will come he will come up with ideas and options but only when When they've already like gotten to a specific situation they're talking about and he will he will come up with something specific. Otherwise, he kind of leaves it to her. I don't know how I feel about that. I feel like it should be a little bit more equal this we try to do it, but I'm certainly worse at it. I think at parenting than my wife is but I guess we won't really know for 30 years. Yeah, which way pays off. What we should do is I should handle one kid. She handle the other one is an experienced a control experiment will see which kid turns out better for me. I think the only thing I have is wrestling That's like my oh, you're like the fun rough housing. That's the only currency that I that's my only real purpose in the household. I have that the ability to when I have a yellow bow Hartley's that would take out a like a six-year-old but just like off their feet. It has taken this example office. Yeah, I'm sure or her but but then to have them get up and start laughing and then coming up charged at me and then for me to get him in a headlock now, I get my kit buddy know so well then you're talking about but here's the thing. That's what you mean. That's all I have. That's all I have. As a contributing parents all you can bring to the table. And so what I do is I tend to you also bring home. The bacon Peak don't sell yourself short. You know, what the honest Ricky bake bake? Yeah exactly that it might as well not great. Believe me, but it's better than no. It's not just that it's the phone is like don't even don't even mention that like, that's just like an RKO. No, you can't say that. You don't think what I do at work. Yeah point is even do all day as a parent will I go to my relaxing office and enjoy myself? Obviously, but but the only thing I can do to threaten, there's also the only threat that will ever work is all right. Well, I guess we're not going to wrestle him. Yeah. Okay, hold on a second and then immediately for except in the line leg goes down for the short-term super shark. So the last thing I want to talk about is something that Candice is mouse brings up and it's when you and your spouse have different styles and those Styles maybe come into conflict. Yeah. Don't call your spouse out in front of the fucking kids. That's right. She says we've agreed not to correct each other in front of the kids. Otherwise at least two arguing. That's right. You feel you get defensive and insecure she said it's taken us a decade. I think she said they've been married for 12 years and they've had kids for nine, which is exactly mine timetable mom and buried Calls me out in front of the kids all the time. Now. A lot of that is probably a product of the fact that I fuck up and do the wrong thing all the time and she can no longer afford to be like, let's wait and talk about it after like yeah, and you're probably like what is the jacobi's in Myers number? Yeah. No shit. No, I guess it's harmful to the relationship. It's not good for the kids to see that. It's they can use that against you guys later. Not you guys born of the other. So just I've been many times have been called out for I will never call my wife. I've been hey give it a break. Like I'll never say this person's just as tired or whatever. Even if I've had the kids all day if there's something that's you know happening. I'll you know, just let the moment happen but I won't be like you're wrong. Yeah, you're saying the only thing that I'll call my wife out for is I have been called out Miss. Sometimes she swears a little bit too frequently in front of the kids. Sometimes. I'll try. To nip that in the bud not that I care about swearing but you only need a toddler repeating that yeah, you know and toddlers are as we've discussed previously dumb as fucking rocks and they'll just copy what you say. Yeah exact right. Don't copy. Thank you. You're welcome, but they'll copy fuck you and fuck shit. And yeah, but Munch not only that but there's nothing ever sound like much now, they'll copyright it they will copyright it I was sitting right on this where now they get your fucking verified quicker than I got mine. Probably think we covered everything. I'm literally dying right now. I think yeah, I think our bodies are so I'm kind of excited to step on a scale tomorrow. Yeah, see what happened. I mean cool. I've lost a lot of moisture. That sounds good. I don't drink water is being a banana for just to let's put a little potassium. Yeah. Well, I'm not really but yeah, I think banana flavored things artificial. Banana flavoring is better than actual banana. You think grunts? Yeah, I can get on it tastes bad. I know that's annoying, but I'm going to say yes. It's an annoying that preference. Know that that that I would agree with you you're annoyed to agree with him. That's why we make such a good couple you go. All right. Listen before we actually do die. Why don't we say thank you very much to everybody. Who's listening. Okay. Thank you very much to everybody who's listening anything else. I should say then say the following thing. Okay. What? Okay, so thanks to our patrons again. Go to iTunes give us five stars. If you're gonna give us less than five stars justify it cowards. Why did you give us three we want to improve We want to be better. Yeah, but also just DM us and let us know y-yeah me anonymously and just be like look I liked it when you had a beard and you shaved it. So I'll give you fucking three as a big controversy on my Instagram. My wife doesn't like facial hair. It really wasn't so I just got it. Wow, you know what you're not even on Instagram so I know but I do know beard no beard. Really? Yeah. It was a vegan because that's what people been on social media in 2019 my God, have you been outside recently? I have it's ok, really tell her about as hot as in hearable is it is in here iTunes YouTube one of the comment on specific episodes temperature on anchor. Yeah. It's a were everywhere Facebook. Hit me up. All right, but don't tell me my wife's Instagram is better than mine. Hey, it's not true be you're breaking my heart man. We live in these modern times these modern times. All right. We'll catch you next week.
Have you ever been in the middle of disciplining your kid when your spouse comes over and immediately undercuts any shred of authoritah you might have? It might go something like this "Oh relax. The kids are just having fun. Kids, don't worry about it." That's it. That's all it takes. You're just standing there while kids continue to jump on the couch while eating ice cream. Parenting is hard and when you and your spouse disagree with how to do it you show weakness. And thats EXACTLY what these kids are probing for: weakness. Mike and Pete discuss.
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Welcome to popcorn Tom featuring movie discussion news and interviewed popcorn talk we talk movie and now here's pop corn stalks anatomy of a movie. Welcome, welcome. Welcome movie fans. How's it going today big to news big movie and we're here at anatomy of a movie to break it down to two well expose everything and talk about this this movie that well knees actually it begs of discussion and with me my awesome gracious beautiful how co-hosts there's the Serafini. Hello everyone. Yes, I'm here. Hello, everyone it again. My name is Dimitri Panos and we are going to be breaking down and discussing Captain Marvel marvelous Emmons over here. We we just Eminem anyway, so for those of you who have not joined us in you are joining us for the first time. Well, hello and welcome. Thanks for joining. And for those who join us on a weekly basis, well, you know the rundown we we go in depth of these movies and we spoil what we talked spoilers. We talk Park Points. We talk twists of which this movie had quite a few. So if you haven't quite seen the movie yet, I do suggest go see the movie then join us later because we're up in the ethernet's once this shows the live stream is done where there forever. Perpetuity as Marissa likes to say our favorite word he would take so and again, we always love you for you to be part of the discussion as well. The somebody have our feet up if anybody shines in so you if you are watching us live chime on in and perhaps will even reach out loud. And then of course once the show is done, you're always welcome to chat which is fantastic. So with Without further achoo, we're going to start off with our opinions and I will start off with ladies first Marissa. All right, so I went into this film not knowing anything really Oh Captain Marvel like most comic book movies that I go into. So I'm just, you know viewing it as an actual movie Watcher and I enjoyed it. I had fun. I've always been a fan of Brie Larson ever since she was like 11 years old. I'm in the mood Disney Channel original movie on the right track. Yeah back in her career. Like have you been a fan of her for that long? Yeah, I guarantee you haven't so I've always been a fan of Brie Larson. So I knew she was going to be fun. She was going to be dramatic and her character had so many different range of emotions and she was great. So I was all-in for just her and I didn't care if it was DC movie like our sorry. Don't kill me a comic book movie. All right, it's Marvel Marvel. Don't kill me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but for reai. Didn't go in for Brie Larson not for karmic write a sense and it was fun. I enjoyed it. I didn't know the character or the backstory and going into it. She didn't know either so that's where I felt was realistic because we're also trying to figure out her character while she's trying to figure it out and I was just along for the ride. There was good moments. Samuel Jackson was a great great. What does chemistry will definitely get into it? But honestly I had fun. I really did actually enjoy this film cool. Yeah, I liked it. I wasn't crazy about it. The way everyone else is crazy about it, but I did enjoy it. I didn't know what to expect with the Brie Larson casting. I was so surprised by that. I love her as an actress. I think she's phenomenal but I just didn't know what it would be like to have her in a lead role as a superhero and what I love about how they did. This was like as you can see in the picture up here. She wasn't overly sexed up. It was a very feminist movie and it still had this balance of femininity. Masculinity where there's this overlying theme of emotions and just having emotions make you weak or does it make you strong and we ultimately find out but what it means to be human and she can still be a superhero and still be humid by having her emotions and that's not a weakness. So I I really loved what this movie did thematically I love the feminist themes. I thought Brie Larson's performance performance was great and I loved that. It wasn't like just another like as much as I love Scarlett Johansson. It wasn't like an over weight like, you know, sexed-up portrayal of a superhero cool cool. Yeah, I again and for those who are huge highly detailed Marvel fans. Welcome if your comic book fans, welcome, you know, if we make a mistake be gentle be kind you can point it out. Let us know and you know, because we may say that Things from a movie perspective and I'll be straight up. I as much as I've read Comics never really followed up on Captain Marvel other than knowing who the character was but that's about it. So want to get that out of the way just be kind you can point out if we make a mistake. That's all good. I don't mind being corrected, but just don't be an idiot about it. That's all so in regarding captain. Orville, I actually man I ended up really liking this movie a lot more than I anticipated. I thought it was really structured. Well, I first offer for a superhero movie. I thought that it was structured magnificently. This wasn't a movie that that like really takes off out of the gate it took a little while to start really getting into it but I appreciated it because I looked at it as if they were taking time to put the players on the board game so that you understood the world that we're about to enter with cree and scroll and and we are going back to the 90s and this flashback stuff that was going on and they set it up rather nicely so that when things really started to chug along you understood I liken it to if you watch or podcast of cocoa what Brilliant about Pixar is they give you the rules of the world at first? They tell you this this this like you can do this here you can do this here so that when the movie gets along they explain it to you at the beginning and then once you're in the world, you're already like educated but you don't even know that you're being educated and that to me is brilliant and that's what happens here. I felt that Brie Larson was was I thought you was great even more. So I thought her chemistry with Sam Jackson. Amazing. We'll talk about that but it really felt. Well it felt real and I know that they're quite close good friends in real life and it just seemed to like come off on screen which I always love when that happens, but there were no throwaway support characters either everybody had something to do and or say, I love the woman who played her best friend Rambo. She had some quite amazing moments as did her daughter. So again, there's no throw a cow. Doctors I never felt that this movie was overstuffed. I felt the pacing was really solid and the movie was that a really decent time and I didn't feel bored the action sequences or a ton of fun The Nostalgia aspect which a was it was so fun tremendously fun, but it didn't beat you over the head with it. It was like here were in the 90s and they had these little jokes the music both score and Source music fantastic. Makes me wish that like rock music Still mattered as it did in the 90s. So I love the 90s. Yeah soundtrack which incorporates score and all the source music and you just yeah these bands like why don't we have this kind of music today made me think of that a lot and by the end of this movie number one, dad had some touching moments powerful, but it made me. Now cannot wait to see Avengers and game where I was kind of lukewarm on and on Infinity War II mean I liked it and not love it. But now I can't wait to see end game and how that game will end. Now that we have Captain Marvel on the board. It was great. So there we go. So, it's fun. Yeah. It was just a really solid movie. I started an IMAX. It was gorgeous. It was actually filmed. For IMAX, like literally saw the picture stretch from floor to ceiling it was on certain scenes. Awesome. So I you mentioned you're seeing it tomorrow again singing again tomorrow and 3D and 3D. Yeah 3D. I can't remember if it's I'm going to be the 3D real experience. Yeah. Are you trying to pick up on things? You might have missed the first time or why do you want to see it? Yeah. I'm actually seeing it again with my boyfriend. So there yeah, I mean I want to see Again, because I really did have a good time and and I do think it's a movie that there are little things that you can pick up on especially now that we know the story and how it unfolds because at the beginning it's a little bit of a mystery because as you said as Carol Danvers is trying to learn about herself and why is she on this crazy world? And it's very Jason Bourne ish. I almost like I had no memory anymore Dart but not knowing Who he has a who like eating just important like if you've ever seen those film. Yeah, he starts off. He he realizes he has a bunch of skill sets. It doesn't know his background kind of has Amnesia. Not that she has full great Amnesia, but like what doesn't know her history. She doesn't know her background. She only knows a few people in her life. And that's it. He already has that skill set in the fighting techniques and stuff, but she doesn't know why and what and I enjoyed that because we're learning also why we do how did she get to where she is now and how it Piece together was really well done. Because in the hands of a wrong like the wrong director. It could have been just a muddled confusing meth. And I think that they pieced everything all the pieces of the puzzle with are you just have to really go along for the ride thing action for it all to come together and we're really comes off when when Marvel becomes Marvel. You're like, yeah. Okay that all makes Sense, so and I know we'll talk casting but I was I've been neglecting your duties. If it didn't talk about Ben mendelsohn and Annette Bening who to who are also I felt very fabulous. It's good to see well and that banning it in a superhero movie. I mean Michelle Pfeiffer has had her turn already, right? So she's in the NC you so why not have an at Benning Ben mendelsohn will talk about his passing has been imparted. No, Michelle, Michelle Pfeiffer. Yeah, you Williams. Yeah, Pfeiffer was an Ant-Man and Wasp. That's right. Yeah, you're right. So all these comic books. It's the 21st. Empty Jesus. It's a lot to track look great. I'm glad you brought that up. Let's talk about that for for a minute. It's my one drawback at this point about Marvel movies. Like I wonder I wonder be you know, yes. Yes, this is a standalone movies. Most of the Marvel movies are Standalone, but they incorporate so much information from the other movies like the test Iraq. Let's talk about the Tesseract right a place such a huge part of the MCU that this movie universe that I had to do a refresher and go the chess Iraq seems to have been in almost every movie. But where did it start off with because I know we've seen it in Captain America. The First Avenger Age of Ultron Age of Ultron the first Avengers movies for I re-watched Infinity War literally. All right, and then in the middle watch Captain Marvel, it's in this one and if you take this story because it's technically ahead of all the other stories you're like, so where does the texture actually originated? Yeah one has yet to know it's crazy. And so that's the one thing. It's the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Verse has become so epic in scope that it's getting to a point that the enjoyment of these movies if you don't know some of these finer details on how because where they're smart. Is it all Blends into the other movies, right and it and once you figure that out and there is an enjoyability Factor, you can piece it all together. But if you are new like if Captain Marvel was Your first movie which I saw some kids in the audience when I saw it and I'm thinking maybe a was their first Marvel movie Spider-man but read well Spider-Man. Well, yeah the wall homecoming. Yeah, but like they're not gonna understand like this history of the Tesseract. Like what did you say 21 movies now with Casey, this is the 21st movie. Yeah that actually that sounds about right especially in the NCAA. That's a lot of movie. It is sown it many. So many characters is so many years exactly. So it's it is hard to because we're like we're fans of Marvel. I can't speak for all of us, but not all of us are the die-hard right fan. So it is hard to keep all those details and for you really DieHard Marvel fans. Well, here's an opportunity for you. You should put a timeline of all these Marvel movies. I'm sure I do that because that would be great have a legend a key so to speak so Anyways, but yeah, I really think that they weave her in quite nicely because we know well we know that she is a we know that she's going to show up in end game not because the new trailer just dropped this week, which is really good. But because if you saw the end of endgame her pager, the pager is really funny which was which was brought up over here. So you can see the her logo, I guess so, you know, she's going to end up there. R and I just think that it's fantastic that this movie takes place in the 90s where we know endgame or Infinity war was more well today yes to be. Yeah, so I think that's how we'd have that 20 plus your job. Yeah, you're like a little she still looks the same even though we know she's young and stuff. But like she does look older more mature more put together to help the Now Avengers. Yeah. Yeah, it's just crazy how it all just literally comes full circle. They do such a great job connecting. That's the one thing that I always wonder even when I think about JK Rowling and how she managed to tie like seven books together and when I think about Stanley and how like how do all of these characters come together in a way where everything coincides and there's no like plot holes for the most part for the most but such a huge Universe when we see plot holes in movies. They're only like it's just one movie and it's two hours long and we find like in potholes and in this entire universe with all these complex relationships and Dynamics it all seamlessly fits. It just kind of shows the brain power and the creativity of Stanley and I even love, you know, the opening sequence they did where they had this Montage for him. Yeah. I want to talk about that looks about that that many like so my emotional before watching it I wasn't expecting that. Yeah, there was really great. We will bring that up for sure. I think but yeah, I think that with Kevin feige And Marvel have done is once Iron Man really took off pun intended that they just started this roadmap and it's like okay. We need to go from point A to The Avengers how we going to do this? And then we have the Avengers and then we got to go to another Avengers movie and how do we do this? And I can only imagine that they're writers room like when they bring on a director and they bring on the writer. This is these are the Beats you need. Add to these are the Beats you need to hit and crossover. And this is what we're going to mention and then we're going to have this button at the end of the movie because people will remember the like it really is like to be a script coordinator on this movie. You got to be like you're earning your keep as far as I'm concerned when you're doing that for this movie and you're right. I think I think from a from a writing standpoint from a cinematic writing standpoint. It is crazy considering to that they're not working with same directors all the time. Hmm, you know and to their credit they will bring in new blood or bring in people that aren't necessary that you wouldn't associate with superhero movie like big tent pole movies. Like they are they give the keys to the car. So to speak or to the Ferrari to people who don't come from tentpole moviemaking indie film. Umm, sometimes comedy TV and they say hey guys, we're going to give you a chance. We like your style. We're like your sense of story. There are also people who are going to be excited to be working on a motion picture. So they're not going to fight back and they just build this cohesiveness and you can tell that they set them down and this is where we need. This is where we need to go and that to me is genius it actually to is one of the biggest mistakes that the DC Universe has Done. They seemed to rush especially those the those first like Batman Superman. They rushed to Justice League. They always try to reverse-engineer. It was almost like they didn't have a roadmap where Marvel has a roadmap veins. Also. I mean like and this is so not a Marvel vs. DC kind of Mmm Yeah commentary go watch our other popular the same characters over and over. Again, how many iterations Batman have you seen how many iterations of Superman Genesis of characters? They take the same characters and reuse different actors over and over and over. Yeah, at least Marvel they set so many different new characters so many different new franchises within a big umbrella. That is Marvel's there are more characters and mortgage-backed stories to develop and that's why I still think MCU. Is more Pearl event and that yes, Justin movie sake and storytelling sake there's higher here to work with. No, I well again. They've just roadmap to everything out. They know where they started they know where they want to sort of kind of and an arc. I mean if with every Avengers movie, it's the end of a like a series and you get up to the Avengers where the of the individual movies and then we bring the heroes together for an Avengers movie. So yeah, I think that the the Marvel Cinematic Universe has done a fantastic job of interweaving all the characters and making it not overly confusing. So and if you choose and you jumped in the middle, all these movies are available on Blu-ray you can catch up but when you're talking 21 films each movie is over two hours. It's a lot. It's a lot of movie watching not bad movie watching you could be watching worst movies for sure. Captain Marvel is definitely not it worse movie. I really enjoyed Captain Marvel. So let's let's let's get it to go ahead. Oh, yeah. It kind of reminded me. There was something about the vibe of Captain Marvel that reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy and I feel like you can kind of you know, if you were to draw a parallel between different characters. I feel like the protagonist of Guardians of the Cat Guardians. Of the Galaxy played by Chris pride is kind of like the male counterpart for Brie Larson's character. I just feel like they have very similar personalities where they're like snarky and kind of quirky and there's like a certain nerdy quality about them, but they're extremely lovable and Fierce and also incredibly underestimated and they just look like regular people on top of that. I'm glad you brought that up because there is at least I saw and again for You Marvin For you Marvel folk out there, please. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but in both movies something happens to the main characters that the characters do something in each movie that no other person can do and that is they can touch what an infinity stone. So Star-Lord in Guardians picks up an infinity stone saves the day if I am correct. There is an infinity stone in Captain Marvel and She just picks it up. Like it's a rock and a beach like nothing happens to her. If you see anything pretty Stone, you know that the Tesseract yes being an infinite he's right and and that's her power. She is powered by a tesseract when you so but I I noticed that the other thing that that because I had a similar feeling it was the music like musical really 90s. Yes. Illusion touches of like the Blockbuster. Yeah crashing into it and just that feeling of nostalgia and then being like oh, this is like a shithole Galaxy like, I don't know it was just funny like there's some Advanced bananas were great time and I kid you not every single day of my girl in my car. I wasn't in 90s R&B music 90's pop that don't it's still better music than all the shit. That's really stupid. Yeah. Yeah, so I mean so the music I I believe I mean the music helps Drive Guardians and and it's two movies and the music in this movie really drives the the Captain Marvel because of what it said in and it keyed off alive for my audience when you know, I'm Only Happy When It Rains came on the girl next to me, she was like dancing in her seat and I'm like, I didn't know she was I'm like, oh, well, she's really digging this movie. So yes. I think that is a valid point that they are similar in those ways in the characters of someone because they're each have powerful enough to hold on to an infinity stone word vaporized anybody most anybody else. Yeah, and that razor-sharp wit. I think personality-wise it's like it wasn't as you know intense as Ryan Reynolds its character and Deadpool, but there was that like underlying snarkiness. We're just like kind of like a smartass. She had good snark backed up by looks like she could like shoot it like she would just look at somebody or she would smile at somebody like marks. You just like it was great Charming. That's yeah, and that's how I fell in love with the character and that's how the character made me laugh. I think it was um, you know that said, he didn't really get to know Carol Danvers and that's a that that's a valid point. I felt that I got to know her just enough for me, too. Hair and I did end up Carrie and what was brilliant for me was I want to I want to talk about lashonna Lynch who played Rambo her best friend Rambo. I felt that I learned a lot about Carol Danvers their her through her. Yeah, and that to me was amazing. One of the best scenes I think in the movie was when the both of them are in the house, and she was just telling them and she was telling her the Carol Danvers. I knew the guy was just such an emotional seeing and from there. I learned about Carol Danvers through her friend that was discovered. I liked that. She knew that she was still alive and she was out there and she's like, yeah, my biggest fear was that I knew you were out there and there was nothing that I could do about it. Yeah, so powerful. It really was someone's missing for six years. He's such an integral part of your life and your child's life and you know that there's nothing you can do about it and you're Clueless. Someone that you people in the military or Air Force or in such close proximity with one another where it's like a lifelong Sisterhood Bond, so it was nice to kind of see that play out and also the diversity of like not just having someone as a side character when they're a woman of color and actually having them in a role that is like such an important and also heartwarming room. I love that. Yeah. I thought that it was played out in such an authentic way, right? You know what I loved about their relationship is that for like two folds is That it's it was nice to see a human of regular just another regular human the Friendship because that also made Carol more human and more realistic in that sense. And it's also refreshing to because I'm just going back throughout all the movies and stuff is hard to find another actual just true friend who's not part of the heroes scheme regular human being and it was refreshing to see just like a normal person be a good friend to our hero. And that's because that's that's actually rare and then the second part. I love about it. It's a healthy relationship. It's a healthy friendship from another girl empowering another girls. Like right that's also rare to see ya because I'm tearing down getting upset. You got to have another woman left up another woman look like that's what we need. And I think that's what this movie did. So well it says we had healthy realistic female empowering friendships. Yeah. I couldn't agree with you more and I think It said I think it's part of the backbone of Captain Marvel. And again, it goes back to there was none of the Supporting Cast that were throwaways. Everybody had really great purpose here including Rambo and her daughter. The daughter was fantastic as well. Yeah. Yeah and and they were very endearing characters to fall in love with to your point again. Yeah in a superhero movie you don't you don't always get that. Actually, one of the aspects of Age of Ultron that I appreciated the most was the downtime the movie took were we met Hawkeyes family and like all the other superheroes are like he has a family like, what are you talking about? And we got to see that and to me that was again sometimes in the Marvel Universe. They have the time to do this to introduce this and to me it just lends to the The character you end up there's depth in their steaks because if that character dies, like there's the family that you've met and fallen in love with Rambo is going to be there for Captain Marvel and I just really thought that their dialogue is great when Captain Marvel shows up for the first time remember wasn't like the surprised. She was just like yeah and then that their gear yeah, we knew you'd be back, you know, it was like it was really Yeah, it was it was a fantastic moment. And I think one of the one of the strengths of this film another very for me emotional moment was the Montage of her standing up. It's in the trailer but in the context of the movie when you see it and then you know, the final stand up is hers Captain Marvel just made me I applauded I was like, this is great. I really it was it was just very well. Done and for a character that you don't know a whole hell of a lot about that you're learning about for it to do that emotionally. Yeah, it works. You know, I think you're it really works. So let's talk about another relationship which is we're going to talk first about Sam Jackson and then we're going to get into Ben mendelsohn but Sam Jackson. Yeah, Nick Fury's relationship with me. Vol I thought again the a heartbeat of this movie their relationship and their chemistry together. I thought was just brilliant and you could buy the fact that well, I mean again in real life, they're very close friends, but I felt that they were bonding so well in this movie, I want to see a movie at just the two of them right now initially that role was supposed to go to Keanu Reeves and he turned it down. Yeah, which I thought was interesting because I don't know I kind of would have wanted to see Keanu Reeves with Brie Larson that it's kind of like a an odd pairing. I just love Keanu Reeves in general, but I just fine. I thought the dynamic was Samuel Jackson and free Larson was refreshingness. Yeah, just like that. It was like a wider age Gap and you know, his acting is always brilliant and he can go from playing a villain to playing someone with redeemable qualities just like that. So, I don't know I and he brings so much humor to to the role versus like I feel like someone like Keanu Reeves is like All and edgy but he doesn't have that necessarily that seem like humor. Yeah, where's with Samuel Jackson he can just turn that on and I think that's what makes this movie. Like that's why I was reminded of Guardians of the Galaxy was the humor in it was a Cheesy it was like fun and it was I don't know. It was like quirky. Yeah, the the Marvel movies. Well, I'm sorry Marissa you were going to say something. It's just funny because people a lot of times they forget that Brie Larson and Sam L. Jackson have been in other films together there. Chemistry is already genuine. It's already directed him in her movie. There were things like Kong they are longtime friends. So their relationship on screen is just genuine just translates and it's fun to see they were just how you can tell they were having fun together. There are moments. I was like are you even acting that's like and you get paid for this crazy Marissa. I felt the same way. I felt the sarcasm right that would go between them again. You can't pull that off unless you really know the person. Have that chemistry and it worked erase absolutely genuine and it's fun because yeah, I would totally take another film with just these two. Yeah. It doesn't have to be comic book movie could just be anything. Yeah, and but it's also believable to because there are times where he helped her and she helped him. It was a very mutual type of relationship agreed and I really felt and again, some people have said, oh seem to Nick Fury was wasted in this room the way I look at it is Nick Fury has been in a good handful of these movies and I think the he's like a kind of terrain. It's Common Thread but think about his screen time and I think outside of maybe Captain America Winter Soldier. He's that character is had the most screen time in this movie. You know, he is a Supporting Cast like he's part of The rounded cast Nick Fury is in this movie a lot. I do recall him in Captain America the Winter Soldier being, you know being in that movie. He just you could jump but Nick Fury usually just pops up for yeah one or two scenes and all the MCU. Yeah. He doesn't look like majority of them. He just pops in and out and that's it. Yeah, it doesn't have his meteor as a role or much else to do in this movie. He did stuff and I loved M with Coulson, you know, I love seeing him we both worked on Shield. Yeah. So yeah, I again I didn't think he was wasted at all. I thought Sam Jackson was great. And again the dynamic between he be Larson between Fury and Captain Marvel. He knows the strength that she has and it's because of her that prompts more or less the Avenger initiative where we got to go out and find like she Be the only one, you know, I sort of enjoyed that as well. All right, so let's talk about Ben mendelsohn. I thought it was the best trick casting of the year. I think decade. Yeah. I mean at least the last five years Ben mendelsohn's been around for a long time. I believed you and I were having a conversation how we secure and It's great. So so the scrolls are being at the beginning of the movie. They're set up as the bad guys. They're the bad aliens. And once you see that, it's Ben mendelsohn at least for me the viewer like for me. It was almost too obvious. It was like, oh, it's him of course is always the bad guy always he's yes, he's one of those character actors who Place that the personality type where he's always the Bad Guy Bad villain the smug guy that you just want to punch. I mean, yes, but he's great at it. That's what he does for a plastic but he can play good too. But I'm going back to like Dark Knight Rises, you know, he was in the villain and ready player one. He was the villain in Rogue one. No one's there's a there's a commonality of these one. So when you see his face you immediately think It just sets you off and go bad guy. Yeah, but when the twist comes in in the last three quarters of the movie, like where are the last half? I actually loved it loved it and Ben mendelsohn's turn and turning the character from from being like the vilified villain and he's the one actually that you're going to be protecting and I thought he was great. I really liked that turn those wonderful twist and it's also It character building for him and just just as an actor like personality actor building because he can now play the good guy and the bad guy because now we felt more for him and I realized the actual backstory and what was happening to him. And then Jess has them upon his family and friends and stuff and you feel for him and he miss humanistic way, right? Like even though he's an alien psycho. Yeah, we know what that's like because it grounded him even more with human kind of problem, right and It sounds like yeah, I can refer you knowing that you know, the creek completely screwed over everyone you loved right? Yeah, I think I also like thematically this was such an important lesson in the movie where people that you think are the other or the alien or you know are the villains and then you learn to love what you didn't know before because your perspective changes once you understand the common humanity and the suffering that goes on and how Like sometimes the other is way more relatable than we think but we create these divisions because they don't look the same or they have a different practice or a different set of not even set of values or morals at the end of the day. Like everyone's kind of looking for their own self interest and the interest of their people. So what makes someone good or bad is if anyone threatens that self-interest or that autonomy, so I just thought it was like interesting like so many great themes in this movie together and it was nicely It was well done because again talking about the trick crack casting when you see Jude Law. He's very easy easily acceptable as a good guy has a likeable guy. Hey, he's played bad guys before but when you see him and the way, he conducts himself. Yeah, of course, he's the good guy. He's you know, he's the leader of her Battalion or that they're the Star Command. You can get it he's training her, you know, nothing. Kind of like exposing himself to be harmed by her and you're brave like, oh, he's like this this cool coach. She's like not really looking out for her like you kind of like because someone who's like willing to expose themselves like that. You normally have this like yes sense of trust like okay trust them. They're not going to do anything. Absolutely. There's like some openness there, but then we're just like, wow what a turn of events. It was a good turn of events. I mean, I really I bite into it and when it happened I was like well, okay it wins because I didn't see it coming. Saying it may be there may be some people can make the argument that they did whether they've read comic books. I don't know. I didn't see it coming and that made the movie far more interesting to me because I didn't it wasn't predictable and and the people that I mean Babylon 5 the television series did this as well, but it had a five season Arc to change characters around but this did it into little over two plus hours and when you turn the characters around and they flip-flopped, Go. Okay, that works. I like it. And then I really love Ben mendelsohn. It was like really really solid. So it was a really well played and it made the movie that much more enjoyable and we talked we did talk about Annette Bening. She was great when she was dancing to some of the 90s music. Yeah, but that was a great Jennifer example of how it's like people that I wouldn't expect like she was in The Kids Are Alright, like people that I wouldn't expect to be in a superhero movie and then just doing an excellent job at it. Yeah, it's just like I've kind of like put them in this box of like, oh, they're serious actors their dramatic actors and this is still a dramatic role, but I just it's so funny how I'm just like wow, you see so much versatility. Now with people that you wouldn't expect being in this woman, and she she even said herself that I she herself is not a big comic book fan, but her all of her friends and her family are so they're the ones who had to Actually explain to her the stories and the characters and so I can she she immediately she took the role mostly just to appease her family of course and you know, and it's funny because my history with Annette Bening and she doesn't know me so but I'm just like watching at the movies. I always remember her from The Great Outdoors what you're great with Phil John Kasich is great and You know and then other movies that I always admired of her were grifters. Were she plays alongside John Cusack? It's on cable. All right. Now if you haven't cut the cord and you have the HBO's of the world and all that stuff look out for the grifters if you haven't seen it, and that bending is stellar and iMovie. So she's playing different roles and drama and what not. It was just it's great to see a Renaissance. That Hollywood is is is utilizing women who have who have aged fine like a fine wine and that they're not just like staying with Meryl Streep, you know, I mean Michelle Pfeiffer has had a lovely Renaissance. It's wonderful to see here on the big screen and it's wonderful to see Annette Bening on the big screen as well and to be in a commercial big movie as part of the universe, you know kudos to her if she only Better I think as with Michelle Pfeiffer, it adds class time because these are these are great actresses are all we need is like Bette Midler. Yeah, we can get I'm not gonna be there every week. I've seen every legitimate reason they don't even get me started because that's a whole nother show. Yep. Like I do love how Annette is in it because she is she's also great for another maternal role another strong female sure and this film to to look up to right. Yep. I agree keep them coming. Yeah, I totally agree. So now the this movie to the script was for Miss Miss Marvel. Was being bandied about in 2013. So six years this goes back to our the knew that we wanted to bring her in the road mapping this out. How are we going to do it? Well, it took six years and that's how long she was going from Earth to for this to happen, which again goes into the detail of Not in and they wanted to use Carol Danvers before she took the mantle of Captain Marvel. I think Captain Marvel is a much better title than Miss Marvel sounds like an Agatha Christie mystery. It sounds like my Christmas. Yeah, so and then in October 2014 that you and I was Captain Marvel would we be released on July 6th of 2018 didn't exactly hit that Faith, but they A lot of moving Parts. I forgive you in between that you gotta remember. It says like the Genesis of the writing process. Right? Like Marvel wasn't taken over by DC then right? There. It is. I don't know why I keep saying Marvel TV back, then it was in the last six years. It just shows like how much actually changes with all the moving parts right? Disney. Didn't know marble then no. No the who knew? Yeah, absolutely. We so, you know and then there were discussions apparently Ava d'oeuvre of a Duvernay. We're was in they had discussions with her. I'm glad no offense, but I didn't go with her. I think the duo that they picked I think they were really great. We had a man or a woman that together before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and it's in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV because we had co-directors which again not a bad idea. You really Marvel uses this a lot think they did a really really good job. And you do yours was had to do directors. Yeah. Oh, yeah, the roots are brother. Yummy soup. Yep, Captain America first Avengers, like they've been they've been involved a lot and I hope these two lots of tarragon. So for them. Oh, absolutely and so Anna Boden and Ryan Act directed this and now they're within the MCU and I hope to see more of their stuff because I think they did a good job. Even if it's just a sequel to Captain Marvel. So we had no now the story Nicole Perlman Mega lefou and a Boden Ryan Fleck Geneva Robertson do arts. So we have women writing this a lot to into your point. You were talking feminism a woman's voice. I A lot of that did Shine through without but it was natural. Yeah, it wasn't like it's crowbarred in there. It kind of for me. It kind of felt like, you know like Wonder Woman Like yes. I I understand the importance of what Wonder Woman meant to cinema to theater to the comic book universe and for audiences. And I feel that Captain Marvel is similar because it can still mean the same thing. Like anybody can go to Wonder Woman but I but I it gives little girls the imagination. Yeah to this. I can be a superhero. This is the especially especially because of the flash bags. Honestly, just I think the the whole Origins part where we're seeing her as a child and we're seeing all the times that people are telling her. No you Can't no you can't do this and then they see like little girls who go watch this movie will see oh, but look at what she transformed into and even the powerful scenes with her best friend when she was like you didn't need to have like heat coming out of your hands or whatever Power is coming out of your hands to be a superhero. You've always been powerful. She knew her to be powerful before it was acknowledged by your super strength and I think I mean I thought that was a very powerful message and I also love how they did the - vaccine because it wasn't just her remembering something it was her kind of being like pseudo tortured / hypnotized into revealing facts about her background and we're kind of in the same boat as her where we're like what's going on? What's the truth? What's real what isn't so I think this movie did a lot of things brilliantly and I loved the message it gave two little girls and boys because little boys need to see this to their needs to be this Mutual understanding that women are Fierce and not just male not just like Meal like this every single time again. I don't even as a big little boy when I watch a movie like Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel, I never ate feel threatened. I just feel it's a superhero. It doesn't matter. I don't care if you're male or female if you give me somebody to care for and look up to yeah and admire. It doesn't matter to me. Yes. Should there be more women? Yeah. Absolutely. I don't I don't I don't argue that but it doesn't feel like if I watch a movie I said there's a meet the movie press if I watch a movie like A League of Their Own. They didn't make A League of Their Own because there was an urge to do it a need to do it was just a really good story. So I go seeing a movie like A League of Their Own which is an all-female cast. Yeah, and I don't feel like I'm compelled to do it because it's all women. I'm compelled to do it because it's a goddamn good movie. Yeah, and you walk out it's damn good movie when it was released in today and I wish more because there actually was a small group of like Fanboys and I was looking into this that were that were basically saying Brie Larson needs to smile more and that's why there was that very specific scene in the movie where the guy on the motorcycle is, like literally literally telling her like oh you need to smile more honey, and it's kind of that like patriarchal like like that disgusting like well, I just loved it when she sucked it was kind of like a commentary on Like the guys that are like, oh Brie Larson like why didn't you smile? Why didn't you do this kind of like that expectation on women to always be the perfect balance of whatever a man wants there to be and I want to like, well, let's talk a little bit about that because there was this whole trolling thing right but but women were a part of this too and and a lot of this happened before the movie even screened his like this is just ridiculous to me. How can you go? Wow, it's not how can you go in hate a movie that you hadn't seen it happens all the time. But why well it to what took to what end are you doing? This like you haven't seen the movie what and you know, I understand Brie Larson had made some comments that some people were a little bit turned off. On but still it's really right McGee executed correctly and Republic has surely been the intent and the reasons behind it. Absolutely was absolutely Marissa. I agree and I just don't know to what end because you know trolls. Sorry you lose when the movie comes out and ends up doing almost a hundred fifty four million dollars in its opening weekend if any The folks you help it get to that gross because of all the publicity that was given to this movie and let's face it. A lot of people wanted to go see this movie. So yeah, I just could never understand. What are you doing liked it? Because it just makes like they're not making these moves for you and you just want to this is your outlet that's social media. It's so unfair for the trolls to do that because in like I don't I want to bring up gender issues either but was like why so many trolls came out for this one because they haven't seen it was the first female lead and do you fell but but it's like if that was for if all the trolls came out and started hitting all the MC use because they're usually led by males. It'd be a completely different story. But because it was led by a female. We saw the trolls rear their ugly heads and that's really unfortunate. They are really is so not fair in such a disservice to the but you know, what else we've learned because of the Grocer's He's right. They scream the loudest. So it really again a hundred and fifty four million dollar opening weekend gross. That was not on a holiday weekend mind you that's nothing to sneeze at it's actually a damn good gross. So that really means that they scream the loudest but they really don't contribute the box office all that much when you think about it, they they could have and not on it and I'm willing to bet that this crowd of 10. Screams the loudest every other person went and saw Captain Marvel so they could yell and scream all they want. I'm willing to bet that their boycott was shortly lived come Thursday night or Friday Friday evening over the weekend Captain Marvel also. Add they added bonus that they already have and already set up Universe. They already have a loyal fan base. They're going to go see it. Anyways, no matter if they already made comments about it. Yeah that dog gonna go see him in and I do think that it's good for girls. I think, you know, it'll be awesome come Halloween time to see I Captain Marvel girls, you know in costume asking for you, but I think it's great for boys too. You know that there's nothing wrong. We're boys can't Wait to Super 8. They love superhero stuff little of the flying whatever the Friendship you've got aliens. They're going to love it anyways, and to your point about her her power. It was a great action fight scene when she was housing everybody and she had literally her hands were like kind of tied behind your back. She could use them and she still housing everybody just on technique. Okay, you know, that's fine. So that is finding and I also Brie Larson she spent months learning. Learning different types of martial arts fighting which good for her here. Didn't you pull a bus or something or push a button called the Jeeps and she's to the point where she was dead lifting 225 pounds not until I forget the the amount and said some other type of ways, but she was pulling an actual Jeep down the street. Yeah great can kick your ass and she's only a few like the mermaid to please. Yeah. He's like, yeah, I don't get it. She's incredible. And also the funniest part is like she's this and on such-and-such. She was like, oh but like get the cat away from me because I'm allergic and I'm gonna break out in hives. So hold up. That was funny. Everybody's talking about the cat. So we have to talk about the cap before we talk about grosses and all that fun stuff. So yeah, I mean look there before I saw the movie I heard a lot of people talking about the cat. Oh the cat steals the a movie. Oh the cat and when I was hearing that I would say to myself if the cat is stealing the movie and the movie really can't be that good and I'm not saying that because I too am allergic to cats and I'm not a big fan but I'm like this isn't a cat movie the cat was fine. The cats are deals hot scenes. He doesn't steal the movie. That's not a nice long time. It's not even let's be real about it. The plot point of the cat is what Stills the movie because when Have Nick Fury and Ben mendelsohn's character. Oh, forgive me. I forget what his character's name is and they're doing the analysis of the cat and the like going oh this this is such and such species. It's thales its threat. Its threat boarding is like off the charts and then they go to like they go to fury like guys just a humanoid non-threatening and all is it what do you mean and then like you see the little cat there, but then when you see what the cat can Do you like? Oh, okay. That's pretty funny. It was really fun to see Nick Fury who is like the least opposite kind of care. You would actually picture with the cat. He was just like petting inserting it and like it kind of soften him up and made him a shirt more vulnerable. But the moment that really like I thought the cat was used very well was it there was a scene where you had that the whole Kre-O population when they finally reunite with the family and stuff and they see the cat. They're all like, Everybody in the room was like no. It's a cat like the gave us some discussion like some do monoi everything. What do you put it up for? Yeah. I think that was a perfect use of the cat again playing against expectation of what we know is cats and it isn't and it works, you know, even in and he coughs up. The Tesseract is a fur ball at the end of the movie. So we are to deleted top there to like we had two buttons and you know, No, I thought. Yeah, the the with the remaining Avengers and you know, they have the thing and yeah, but he's around also if you think about it now that that Goose goose coughed it up if you think about Nick Fury now in the 90s has ownership over at the Tesseract. He is in possession but it gets stolen. I believe that's the Tesseract that gets stolen at the very beginning of the first Avengers movie, right? But like now in the 90s, you know at this point Nick Fury, you know position of the tether, right? There's too much to keep track of it is and that's what I was saying. Like if you're trying to convert also in this which is also yep. So, yeah, it's really impressive what they've been able to do is just great and and I like that button with the with remaining Avengers, they weren't in their superhero. Oh Garb, and they turn around. It's like I have no idea and it's heard. She's like, where's Fury? And it was like, all right, and I'm telling you that's when I got that's what I said. Okay. Now I can't wait for end game. I really can't wait for and game because she is a she's a game changer in from what little I know and again, please Marvel fans correct me but Captain Marvel is to be the most powerful being Within the Marvel universe is supposed to be I mean, she's got Tesseract power. I know now that I've learned that from the movie but she's supposed to be like like she's the one that can form an apology Heroes for sure because if you think about Like Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett, yes, I'm Elizabeth Olsen's character. Could you could arguably say she was the most powerful but she, you know dissipated along with half of the the heroes. So right now, Now sculpting done in the the the timeline Captain Marvel is the most powerful. Yeah. I think she's the most powerful because she can literally hold Infinity Stones without like nothing. So it's going to be interesting. I can't wait now for the outcome and and game in in part because Captain Marvel's in it. So let's talk a little bit about gross. Well what this movie has done. We already talked its opening. Hundred and a hundred and fifty three point four million dollars 50 good pretty good for a three-day weekend right now catch this so domestically up to this point domestically a hundred and eighty seven million dollars a hundred and eighty seven point six. So let's just say a hundred eighty eight foreign gross 362 million dollars. Wow, foreign ghosts. Now. I had read an article just before we came in today that today. Domestically Captain Marvel's should be should be up to 200 million dollars. Wow, and it will have another fantastic week. There's not a whole hell of a lot of competition. But when you look at the foreign the foreign gross on this accounted for almost seventy percent of the entire Global gross. So that's huge and what that means for free license markets, it's crazy. It's crazy your it is it's 70 65.9% Let's 70 where domestic gross 31 34.1% so it to me is it's fantastic. I think they did a really good job marketing this I love the poster. I love like what we have behind us Brie Larson to me. I had an opportunity to meet a briefly as well. She is very an exuberant and she's trolls aside. I agree with you a hundred percent. I think they mishandled. Old I think the publicity machine kind of broke down. They mishandled what she said, you know, and that caused that caused a lot of some discomfort that could have seen. Yeah, I think the the publicity machine sort of kind of broke down a little bit but I think they've righted the ship. I don't find any real reason for there to be trolls on this movie. I know from a Rotten Tomatoes perspective last I checked it was Is Let's Take a Look 79% which to me? I don't know. I would expect it to have been in the mid 80s. It's Cinema scores in a audiences really liking this. It's cinemascore is not is not a Rotten Tomatoes or an IMDb or Yahoo were people can rig. This court rolls. Can't manipulate cinemascore. Like they can other Outlet. So I will believe in a from cinemascore. I think this panel really enjoyed it. I think the people who are watching us really enjoyed it as well. So why don't we just I just think I think oh, we didn't talk we talked about the source music we didn't talk about the score the score for Captain Marvel which ended up downloading last week, which I folks I really highly recommend it because it includes the source music so it includes all Great music of the 90s that was in the movie. It includes this really great score to yeah, you should I highly recommend how many great 90 songs though. I do like that one. That one was so like fitting I felt like yeah, I mean everything was used really. Well I felt but I really as far as a Marvel is always been accused from a score perspective as being Nothing stands out. Like how do you like? It's not like a John Williams score that he does sweets. And that once you hear the score you got Indiana Jones. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, so I will say regarding this score that I thought that it was really done. Well when you when you mix it in with the 90s music it really it's great. But it's the score is very heroic. Forgive me. I'm trying to find I want to I want to give credit to the person who did the score. Oh, I know what it is. So it was actually a first that's right. It's the first female to compose the music for a superhero music Don't movie and that is worth. Thank you for finding it because I wanted to give her I wanted to give this peanut to proc. The credit because I thought you did a really good job, especially the whole montage of the whole stand up getting out thing. I was like, yes get it Goose. I would stand up to it worked. It worked her squirrel. It's a great. It's a great. It's a great message like all pair to get listen to the score on its own and you'll recall that scene and you go up. She did really good and I seen some behind the scenes of her like conducting. She was so proud to be part of this and to be in to have been invited in and I think International women's day when you have a peanut rope Rock Brie Larson and you have a woman directing and writing. I mean as much look you can argue whether you like Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel better. I put them on equal footing for me for me. That's just for me you can like a move. He better than the other that's fine. But I think what they do for women, I think within the industry outside of the inspiration they give for kids I think is fantastic, but I think it really works. So anyway, so one final thoughts Marissa, I think this film did a great job in opening up doors for more stronger female movie leads rather it be comic book movies rather just be in movies in general and like we're seeing the shift with Hollywood where there Are better more stronger female lead protagonist films and this is one of them so it's not new. It's just needed. Yeah, we need more movies like this. I enjoyed it. I'm going to see it again. I'll probably enjoy it even more. So yes, great job Captain Marvel. Yeah. I totally agree with that. I thought Captain Marvel was great. I think you know, it's so important that we have these strong female leads and it's not just fitting the mold of this over. early sex stop, you know sidekick or just like a very voluptuous woman because I think often times even when it comes to like the shape or the body or like the mannerisms people have a certain idea of what it means to be a woman but this movie Just explains what it means to be a woman so well that you can fall down and get back up and you can be strong and you can be fierce and he like femininity is shown in so many different ways like you can be a smartass and You can be beautiful in so many different ways and you're worth isn't tied to how you look it's just kind of your character sure. And I love that. It's the fact that you're a good friend that you are loyal that you are kind that you are a force to be reckoned with that. You know, she doesn't just go and kill Jude Law's character. She still has like the empathy and emotional connection to send him back without killing him like she has a certain degree of loyalty even to someone who she is no longer on their their drugs. So this movie does so many things so well, including not just like the setting of The 90s and like that nostalgic aspects. Also the humor the writing the acting was stronger than most Marvel movies I've seen and yeah everything it did everything very well. I like yeah, I really enjoyed this. It would go into my top. Probably my top 5 for Marvel movies, you know and there the more Movies let's face it 21 films right? There is a small handful. I think that you can point to that really aren't that good, but the other movies I would say are like really good but there are degrees of good like, you know, this one's better than this one this one that okay, that's fine. But there really isn't a stinker Roux. There isn't one of these Marvel movies that I would like give it, you know the where I would give it the finger like, you know, I'm saying so they've done a really good job. Considering 21 movies. Not too bad. I think Captain Marvel is just another one where you could good entertainment to your point. Yeah, it's great female character, but I think the men were really well. And again, they were given opportunity good opportunity. They showed up the characters everybody had something to do and that's there was nothing through. And Away there is really no fat on this movie. I wouldn't mind seeing some deleted scenes but this movie was in two and a half. I don't think it was two and a half hours to minutes. Yeah, that's it. That's not bad. You know, I got a lot of hate it when they make it like 10 hours as long as well the next Avengers movies being roomy to around 3 hours. So yeah. Anyways, well folks we're going to wrap up our Captain Marvel. I I think you'd agree. We all felt it was Marvel loss Marvel Marvel Marvel. We believe you two again. Please feel free to comment. We will you know will be talking. I'm sure Avengers and game and then all these other movies because we were going over the the summer movies between Avengers to a story for Maleficent we got Dumbo Aladdin, yeah. Yes. I am excited really really unfair for everybody else to be honest, but game in a month. Yeah and game in a month. So you can't wait looking forward to it. We're looking for it to you for tuning in and thank you very much for listening and giving us your time. And again take more time to give some comments. If there was anything you want to nitpick about. Please let us know. Just please be kind. That's all we ask you folks have been doing a fantastic job. Job, whether you agreed or disagreed you've written out some decent pieces that I really really have appreciated reading whether you've turned me or not. It doesn't matter. I'm just glad that you wrote and you do a good job doing when you put some thought behind it. That's all that really counts. So thanks for loving movies as much as we love movies. That's why you tune in keep going to the movies because hey we need this to sustain. So love you for it. We'll see you at the movies. Take care for now. From producers Maria Menounos Keven undergaro fils VTech, but the entire popcorn Talk network. We would like to thank you for tuning in for questions or comments. Be sure to visit popcorn I'm Sir Richard Wentworth and this has been a presentation of the popcorn Talk Network.
Hosts Marisa Serafini (@SerafiniTV), Mina Wahab (@MinaMakesMagic) & Demetri Panos (@DMovies1701) discuss Captain Marvel (2019) Review! Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial Kree warrior who finds herself caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between her people and the Skrulls. Living on Earth in 1995, she keeps having recurring memories of another life as U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers. With help from Nick Fury, Captain Marvel tries to uncover the secrets of her past while harnessing her special superpowers to end the war with the evil Skrulls. To download the rundown used during the Captain Marvel (2019) anatomy, click here:  HELPFUL LINKS: Website - Follow us on Twitter - Merch - ABOUT POPCORN TALK: Popcorn Talk Network is the online broadcast network with programming dedicated exclusively to movie discussion, news, interviews and commentary. Popcorn Talk Network is comprised of the leading members and personalities of the film press and community including E!’s Maria Menounos, Scott “Movie” Mantz, The Wrap’s Jeff Sneider, Screen Junkies and the Schmoes Know, Kristian Harloff and Mark Ellis who are the 1st and only YouTube reviewers to be certified by Rotten Tomatoes and accredited by the MPAA. Current Roster or Shows: -Disney Movie News -The Unproduced Table Read -I Could Never Be -On The Fly Filmmaking -Horror Movie News -Anatomy of a Movie -Box Office Breakdown -Meet the Movie Press -Guilty Movie Pleasures -Marvel Movie News -DC Movie News -Action Movie Anatomy -Watchalong Series!
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. Um to get started. Hey, what's up Bachelor Nation Mike dealing here with AfterBuzz TVs ruthless recap of season 15 episode 2 of The Bachelorette. Now, this is the show where I bring you all the hardcore information our opinions on what down on the most recent episode. I am a hardcore reality competition Super Fan. So I look at bachelor and bachelorette a little bit differently. I look at the game moves that all these contestants are playing on their road to be the final battle. They're a bachelorette. So let's get into it on the show. We're going to go through our top three good bad and in question mark moves of the episode. I want to start right out with the good when I liked this episode first. I love Jed laughing off the whole situation when he walked in on Hannah and Luke. This shows a couple of things right. So first he acted upset he was very awkward and he walked out of there, but then Hannah got very upset about it. She was very Awkward about the whole thing, which leads us to realize that she does like Jed Jed could have exploded got really upset and angry and that would have just played to his detriment instead. He left causing Hannah to chase him have a very intense in intricate conversation with him where he showed that he could laugh it off. It's not a big deal. He understands there's a lot of guys going after and everything's okay. It really brought them together and it was a big big win for him in my book. Secondly. I'd like to talk about Good old boy pilot Pete every single woman's fantasy or this episode of The Bachelorette. We all love pilot Pete pilot. Pete did a really really great thing over every other guy in this specific episode. He actually talked to Hannah about things that mattered most of the guys conversations. We saw with her tonight. We're about what they should be feeling at this point and maybe what they should talk about pilot Pete really talked about his career and what he wanted. He was actually trying to get real conversation going in questions with Hannah. About who she is who he is that's developing a real connection. That's developing a real relationship. And that's what all the guys should be doing. Good move Pete and finally number three. We're going to go ahead to your boy beast mode Luke going in to Hannah's itm at the very very end after she gave out that final Rose. Now a couple of us the producers we are talking about is this a good move its is a bad move. It's totally a good move. He snuck in extra time to no detriment of anybody else and he really showed Hannah that he cared. He went that extra mile. She's been talking this whole season about being bold making bold moves. He really went for it. And he also did Big damage control this episode because we know he busted out the Big L word in the beginning which is a big big move on episode 2 to say anything about falling in love. He was able to clarify it at the end of the episode say that everything was a hundred percent real and really really really reassure Hannah that his intentions are true. So that is a great great move for your boy. Loot now. Now let's talk about some of the bad bad bad stuff that you never want to do. If you're in a reality-based competition like The Bachelorette, let's start out first and foremost by the way, all of our bad things come from your boy cam first Tyler Garrett, Kevin confronting cam after he interrupts the group date all of them decide to go outside confront cam one-on-one and tell them what they thought of him. This is a terrible move, especially on The Bachelor or Bachelorette. I've seen other podcasts. This as the White Knight syndrome they decided they're really here for Hannah what he did was wrong from a gameplay perspective. How dare you do it. So disrespectful I got news for you guys cam doesn't care what you think about him and you shouldn't care what camping's you should be there completely for Hannah. So you have somebody like Garrett complaining the entire time that he didn't get any one-on-one time with Hannah. So instead of talking to her and getting that one-on-one time. He decides to go outside and confront Camp, bro. What are you Doing stay in there get your time with Hannah forget that this whole cam nonsense ever existed. It's going to show that you're a bigger person just like Jen did when he laughed off the whole situation with Luke moving on. Let's talk about another bad thing Devon giving in when cam interrupts his date. This is a terrible terrible move. If somebody like cam is Gonna Come and interrupt your one-on-one time for some reason all these guys just try to be gracious try to be respectful and just okay. Yes. No, You say no? Okay, you see? No, I'll need five minutes. Come back in 10 minutes. It shows Hannah that you're being bold. You're being brave. You're not just going to lay down you're going to fight for her and you really want to keep having that real conversation going with her. If you're just going to lay over when anybody comes over and takes your time. You deserve to lose your time. And then finally Kevin's handling of Cam interrupting his date first off. He should have said no when Cam said I want to come and grab her that's we learned that already from Devon's response, right but then not only does he let cam take the time he goes with them into this weird threesome date where he becomes an awkward third wheel Hannah pay no attention to him. He's sitting there in the weird heart of roses watching them eat chicken nuggets and then it gets worse. Then he takes the empty bowl of chicken nuggets in The Leftovers off with him. Like he's all of a sudden become the waiter of The Bachelorette Mansion. This is terrible. You look like a peon. You don't look like a brave alpha male. Who's For Hannah, you look like somebody sidekick now and it completely takes away your power and any kind of hope you've gotten the game. Now. Let's move into the question mark moves. I don't really know where these lies. We want you guys to tell us in the comments what exactly you think of all these moves? Let's talk first my Johnson. We love Mike Johnson. First of all, right, he's a definite shooing to be the next Bachelor. We love this guy. He calls Luke a dog now ordinarily I would say this is a terrible game move because he's focusing on Luke. Instead of Hannah. However, he does do this when it's just the guys around and he's trying to stand up a little bit to kind of let him know his place. I understand where he's coming from if Hannah was there and he was trying to focus on Luke instead of her I would say that's definitely bad. But this I think he might have got away with it. What do you guys think next Jed? We all love Jed to man. There's a couple real Front Runners this season, right? So Jed playing guitar and singing again in the talent portion competition of the mr. Wright pageant. Jed is a Shin we know he's amazing guitar player and singer, but he's done this before so I'm worried that if he does this too much, he's gonna come off as a one-note Wonder kind of one-hit-wonder kind of deal and you don't want that you want to show a variety you want to show that you're an interesting person. He is connecting with Hannah and this obviously worked. He one that dates Rose he won the group date Rose, but I'm worried that if he does it too much there's not going to be enough substance. So he's gotta watch out there. And then finally Tyler G's solo date. He was the only one to get a solo. Date this episode and you know the 4x4 off-roading they had a meal but overall. I think the general consensus was that it was real milk toast and they talked more about Colton first of all and how it felt to be on a first solo date and how it felt to be on a one-on-one date rather than actually taking time to get to know each other to have a meaningful conversation and to deepen the connection. So while it obviously wasn't completely bad because he got a rose. I think he wasted a Really good opportunity to get to know her deeper the connection and kind of further himself in the game, but I don't know let us know what you guys think overall really excited episode. I'll repeat what I said in AfterBuzz is after show that I guess it on today all the guys that I like. I think they're doing pretty good moves to further yourself in the game all the guys that I don't really like they're making for really really fun TV and a lot of drama. So I'm about this season overall. I love it. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. I'm your host Mike feeling. This is the ruthless. Cap will see you next time right here on AfterBuzz TV.
Host Mike Thieling - @MikeThieling - goes on in Sn 15 E 02 of The Bachelorette, where we talk about the Good, The Bad, and The Middle ground of game moves the franchise is making. Need more Discussion? Watch the full Episode 2 After Show The Bachelorette After Show: Which of the men will get the final rose? On THE BACHELORETTE AFTER SHOW we’ll fill you in on everything that happens on and off camera on the hit ABC series. Plus be bringing your favorite cast members our panel. Tune in for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes’ group dates, one on one dates, the squabbles and fights AND bonus off-season content like news updates happening in Bachelor nation. ABOUT THE BACHELORETTE: Becca Kufrin believed she had found love with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on "The Bachelor," but when the race car driver changed his mind and broke her heart so he could reunite with runner-up Lauren Burnham, the humble girl next door from Minnesota resolved not to let the heart-wrenching breakup hold her back. When the 27-year-old publicist isn't making a splash at the boutique public relations agency where she works or planning her next overseas trip, she can be found at home hosting dinner parties for her friends. She hopes to find a man who shares her firm set of Midwest values and who is actually ready to commit to her on her terms.
Hi, my name is Duncan and we are the fancy Football Fanatics. I'm in Manchester and I'm joined by Andy in Oakland in La this week. Been what is your football moment of game week 10. Can I have can I have two moments? So my first moment?Is I only saw two highlights of the Arsenal game, but they were pretty entertaining one is granite sucker the captain getting substituted and fans just booing him and then he's kind of inciting them. He's holding his hand to his ear and then he takes off his shirt. He throws it on the floor and he walks down the tunnel. So that was pretty funny. And the second one was it was injury time. So has a battery goes through a go. Go and get and Oozy just rugby tackle him at the halfway line to stop and go through and got a yellow card. So I thought that was also pretty hilarious. Now. I don't know if you don't know if he thought that was that was a hellacious in the hospital fan to Duncan. I actually did I think the the Checker booing thing like you can't pick a captain who all the fats hate and then when they were people whom he throws the shirt on the floor, it's not a good look and the Gwen Susie tackle. Actually quite I'm quite proud of him for doing that for for like give few years. I don't think Arsenal Midfield as would have been Savvy enough to just completely rugby tackle someone cynically in a crucial time in the game when you could have been exposed on the break. We're going to Z both arms like a full rugby tackle to the back. That's what you wanna see in like the 97th minute and he's potentially through on goal. So now that was good. Yeah, but digging in Yang we ask them. Then I find the granite shakka situation fascinating because it seems like the more Arsenal fans hate him. The more integral Emery makes him to the team. It's almost like I'm not sure who's being trolled whether it's the Arsenal fans or whether it's Granny shaking himself, but it's like a really strange situation. Yeah. He probably doesn't want to be Captain the fats to wanted to cancel last hierarchies to be fair he has Subdue few times recently. So maybe he might he might get a little bit of time on the bench. That would be amazing. If you did. How about you Andy? What's your football moment of the week? My little member of the week is a something that we haven't seen man. You do really since game one of the Season which is score and exciting intricate and good goal Marseilles goal against Norwich was completely different from anything else in mind. You do the season. It was like a flowing move with a back heel. And a chipped finish from RC AO and I actually feel hope today as a man you fan with with Maciel being back the like that gives us like enough movement going forward that we could actually cause teams trouble that aren't really not counter-attacking now. I realize that's hanging by a thread because Marcia had to have a great history with injuries or effort. So they at least give me something to cling to so that that was my favorite moment of the week. I mean, it's a good moment, but I want to pick you up on something. I think in your first kind of two or three games when Marshall was fit and upfront and you know, everyone was scrambling to get him. I think you did score a couple of those kind of flowing moves on the break. It may be against Chelsea or walls. We don't see what game of the seasons. Yeah, and we'll see moves in the second game. I think Marshall scored a really classy girl in that one as well. So maybe it's just Marshalls effect on the team and that's hopefully going to be back. Well, I think it's mostly the effect of having a balanced front line with Maciel gives us and if he only got James and rash furred, I don't like alone. They can't really do it up right in front of a midfielder Fred and look tahminae, you know, and the rest of our attacking line is being woeful this season, but I think when you put Marcy out back in Zebra, three attacking price you can do something and that's enough to create an attack with so I don't think it's necessarily Maciel himself being this Wonder player so much as just balancing the team, but it does that that's that that's the thread that I'm hanging to. Anyways. I hope and I'm really hoping he stays fit and performs well over the next few games because we need some points. Yeah fair enough. I definitely echoing a lot of what Matt has been saying about balance when we talk about man united and it may be coming back. So that's good. My I can't believe we got to the end of Football moments with me and no one has mentioned the Lester game. That's my there's a lovely that's what Friday Night Football is supposed to be for. Yeah. I mean, I didn't expect much I didn't have much on. I thought I'd settle down and watch it and it was an absolute treat and I think the biggest the biggest kind of treat that came out. The game was been chill World kind of announcing himself. Finally. He's so he's shown so much promise going forward, you know for England for Lester and he's never he's picked up the Assist here or there but never really kind of made good on his potential. But this game he was just on absolute fire to be fair Southampton were woeful. But he got two assists and a goal and and all three of those contributions who are top quality. So yeah Lester thrashing Southampton and been Chalmers my big highlight you guys see the game. Highlights for the highlights my I enjoyed it a lot because I have both see you in two and VAR D. And most of you guys have seen show on your bench and body not in your team so that I enjoyed that a lot. I was paid for that kind of moves son quite nicely to fpl moments. I'm guessing that's your F bill moment of the week Andy, it's not actually enjoyable though. It was I did some actual research on a different FPL moments. I'm going to give you something else. Okay. Because a my FBO with only a moment more of a highlight of the week because there were a lot of really high scoring goalkeepers without clean sheets this week. We had obviously that sort of most notable. One of those is Tim cruel who wants to get us three bonus points. We have 16 points this week despite conceding three goals. He made two penalty saves an eight save overall. So it would have been 5 one without him. It's saving those penalties. So a really huge score for him Ben Foster in a Neil Neil got three bonus points as well as he got 10 points Edison got nine points despite being in absolute trouncing of three-nil without seemingly much to do but he was you also got to bonus points and made five saves Gaza and eager today May 12 saves in one match. So it seems to have been a very big week for goalkeepers. And even I was sort of lonely looking at Matt Ryan in my goal, but he he actually got two bonus points and made six eight. Four-point play yeah, lots of saves this week which are translated into points in fantasy. Yeah, definitely and gas an eager. I think Gary brought him in recently during the doing the business for him this week tenderly with those safe points indeed. If you will though in addition to that. I've just realized something. Let me have one point from the Leicester game is Jamie vardy 89 points in the bonus point system, which I don't think I've ever seen before. It's pretty huge. Considering he hadn't been involved in the first four goals. Was it something like that hadn't really been talked in the game up until that point. That's pretty impressive. Maybe it's just he's so efficient. He doesn't miss when he shoots so he's not getting any points reduced for shots going wide. Yeah, maybe incredible. Like I didn't other players get like had tricks and get sort of 52g final point about 89. I've never seen anything like that before anyway back to goalkeepers. Yeah goalkeepers big weeks ago few business week and normally sort of Often an overlooked position in the team and real realtor real returns this week. How about you been what's your FPL moment of the week? Mine is kind of FPL trolls come back. So if you remember two preseason lot of people were talking about ioc Perez as a really good pick. I think I actually had it in my team when I when we started the season continued to do nothing until this weekend when he scored the hat trick, which was quite funny and then the other preseason Peak mukha Dean also I had him in the team early in season this had an unfortunate week this week. Going to assist ruled out. I think it was it was dubbed a own goal. So he didn't get his assist and then in the 93rd minute concedes and own go himself giving him a minus one. So I think to early early picks having vastly different fortunes this week. I thought was quite funny. And those are those are good ones for the Trolls, but you've missed out one of the key trolls Callum Wilson has that three banks in a row two blanks on the road at least for him. And just in time for when I think me and you brought him here exactly. Yeah, the king of Trials. It's definite rules. You know, I think Pierre Emerick aubameyang is a troll as well because we've just brought him into our team and you blank for the first week. Obviously this week Lost season. I picked him consistently when he wasn't scoring he ended up joint top scorer in the league and then score a single goal for me despite the fact that I had him in my team for more than half of the season. So I think either Keith role as well. Maybe a very personal troll to you. We all have our personal trials as well. As you know FPL white roles. He hasn't yet made it into the wider Community as a troll, but who knows if he keeps this up he may well do that even things like training for him. He's practicing on me so that when he can when he makes the big time, he's ready. Yeah practice makes perfect. My-my FPL moment of the week was was at the captaincy in our you know, I little kind of rivalry between all the broadcaster's I think pretty much everyone. Apart from me went for de bruyne a captain. I went for Sterling captain and at the end of the game, it looked like it hadn't made much difference. I think Sterling was on 11 deployment was on something like eight or nine and but it was just the deliciousness of of his goal being taken away from him. Yeah. I just a lovely kind of post game that will glow so it's not a big difference if it's if you just going against one person. When you're going against for other people, it's a nice kind of Swing to have so yeah, that was my my nasty fbl moment of the week my best even more than that. Is that within the get there whether you guys watch that game but in the game, they actually allowed the goal on the basis that it didn't touch debit silver because if it had touched him that would have made Raheem Sterling offside when he sort of limbo de round the ball and put the goalkeeper off and ago would have been disallowed if in the moment. Moment the referee had decided the silver did touch it. But because he didn't it was allowed and then it's still got taken away from De bruyne, which is insane. It's so brutal, isn't it? They're basically admitting that it shouldn't have been a goal after the game or that ever thought we didn't touch it one of the other. Yeah. Yeah that and yeah, if you were with me on the Serling Captain see this week congratulations. We got away with one. I think massively there and let's take a quick break and when we come back we're going to Shit, the upcoming fixtures for game week 11 of time in LA bombonera stadium and England trail Mexico by two goals to nil. England lose for Nill. Okay, we're back and it's Bournemouth vs Man United for Andy Andy. You said you had a bit of Hope when you're looking at man united this game week. What do you think about next game week? Yeah, really interesting one this because I think after a really positive result this week, we have a like that You can get freak positive results. But if you get two in a row, that's when you sort of feel like you've turned a corner. So especially with a sort of generally positive run a thick just coming up now man, you kind of really need that. So I think this is gonna be very instructive game to see whether it's time to start piling in on man you assets that have previously been ignored so and digging a specially down James and Anthony marcial or whether it's actually just a freak result. And continue to avoid I have gone big and I've already made my transfer the next week. I put in Marcio because I think everyone will be doing that. I'm hoping to gain some some value by doing by making the transfer early. So those are the two players that I would be looking out for I think although R Ashford is obviously one of the main goals for us for United heater forward and the others are midfielders. And so your returns aren't as good and he's more expensive. So on man you side. I think those are your two players on the ball. Outside interests. It's really interesting because that obviously a good side and a man you team who's sort of resurgence is not hasn't yet happened. They could sort of kill it dead right now. We're bye-bye by winning this game. I think so, they'll be obviously motivated. I think by the chance to continue man United's drought and also by the fact that they kind of need a result. So at home, I think it's going to be very very very lately stand a chance of winning to be very very easy. In game, I'd be looking after Colin Wilson to break this three-game drought I'd be looking out for Ryan phrases like a great season this year and he seemed to be totally eclipsed by Harry Wilson as the midfielder to have to Bournemouth. So I'm going to pick it you're going to pick a midfielder from Bournemouth side. I think he's the one neither team. I don't think are likely to keep a clean sheet in this game. So it's one for the attackers rather than the Defenders. It's a tricky one, isn't it? Because boom Earth aren't known for their clean sheets, but they've picked up to clean sheets in the last two games, which is quite unusual for them. Then on top of that. They've also not scored in those last two games. So it's very unlike Bournemouth. They're coming in in a very unpredictable way more than kind of ever before I'd say with Bournemouth. So but you're predicting goals for Man United and goals for Bournemouth. So you kind of go and get their form. I think if you look at the teams born with a faced in the last two games that As you more about those Nails than almost themselves. They've played against teams who are really looking to stop the rot and have kind of their their main thing has been we're going to try not to concede today man. You won't play like that which will open the game up a lot more and I think you'll see ya like I think you'll see both teams score. I've been sort of joking on the on the WhatsApp thing before the game that maybe teams are going to be ushering man you players into the penalty area and then fouling them so that we missed the penalty. You might see a penalty in this game because man, you've had a lot of those in this a lot in this week this year either. Anyway, I'd I believe it will be goals on both sides. If man, you really have turned it around then it could be a sort of a 3-1 score that kind of thing could be a 2-1 for Bournemouth, but I think I don't think either team is defensively sound enough to knock and see them a kind of game that I think it will be. Okay and one last thing last You went early and you picked this guy out before anyone else was talking about it may be too early Diego Rico. He's now 4.2 million, which is dirt cheap. He's on quite a few set pieces for Bournemouth and he's also picking up bonus recently as well. So do you think he's a just a good enabler or do you think he's worth playing in a few fixtures? Well, thank you for remembering that bank. And I want about a year too early with him was an iced over. Yeah, the reason I picked him last year was to takes corners and he was really really cheap and he still played a couple of pictures in a row and then lost his place right now. Charlie Daniels being injured means that he's not really under threat is his place in the team isn't really under threat Adam Smith seems to have not that that's why I've been not even as it and it's been slow playing at left-back, which was kind of an odd decision and threw me off. But anyway Rico I think is worth playing. In some fixtures, but this one I don't think boomers are going to keep a clean sheet. And so he's not one hints of stand out as somebody to play but if you look at what's what's coming up for them and it's going to be up there fixtures. Now, they've got Newcastle away and Wolves at home coming up next I would I would Advocate playing Rico in those two games because Newcastle don't score a lot of goals and wolves don't seem to do very well on the road against the not the best teams in the league. So I don't like playing Rico most against they just have to fix just coming up. I've got my new next then. They've got Tottenham again week 14 Liverpool Chelsea and Arsenal coming up it within the next ten games. So I think he's one of those players. He's an enabler when he when they're playing against one of those top sides and he's somebody that you can put in as an actual starter further games when they're playing week opposition. Yeah. Okay, not that no one for this week, but maybe later on down the line fair enough and Next up its Arsenal vs wolves and this is one for me. I've just finished watching recording on Sunday night just finish watching the Arsenal Crystal Palace game, which was not too much of a pleasure. It has to be said, I mean, I just I turned on just after Arsenal and scored the second goal and this the first 10 minutes, so I got to watch our lead be slowly taken away from us. And then in the kind of dying minutes having a goal completely taken away by VR overturned a firm. For what I could see is just a general kind of goldmail scramble and they've got have narrowed in and done replays and found a foul somewhere in there. So that was pretty pretty depressing viewing next up its walls for Arsenal another home fixture and although and he was saying wolves don't tend to do that. Well on the road against the small teams and against the bigger teams they do. All right. They did a pretty damn well last season against the good teams and they've just done really well against Man City at the Etihad so they beat Arsenal and Last season as well. I kind of had a bit of a Hooter over them. So I would expect this to be a really tough game for Arsenal and I think if you brought in a Banning recently for his good fixtures, you're probably really annoyed that he's as only saying starting to kind of troll you a little bit. I think there are other options out there and I think wolves would be a tough game followed by Lester away, which is another tough game for Arsenal another bit of a team with a hoodoo over them, especially going to Jamie. Body, so I think there's two tough fixtures for Arsenal about me and being the standout pick for them at the moment. If you can make it through those two games, then you've got Southampton at home Norwich away and brightener home. So it's just whether you think it's worth waiting that time or whether there's better options for two games. Maybe you can bring him back in again after those two games. If you show some form apart from that Arsenal a starting to rotate in the full-backs so class Natchez not really much of an option anymore. Tierney came. For his first premier league game subbed probably because he's come back from a big injury and but I expect him to be a bit more of a first teamer Chambers probably going to be going soon bellowing on the bench. Yeah. So after the fence if you're crazy enough to go there it's probably not very safe in the fall back positions. But from that lacazette came in. I didn't think he looked particularly up to speed lost the ball and got fouled quite a lot. So yeah, he's not really an option especially his price where he's competing with VAR D. VAR D. I think at the moment is the man to go for in that price bracket for sure apart from that wolves. A lot of talk about him and is going into Kalin Wilson's blanks and Pookie being off form completely lot of people talking about him and there's a bit of a an outsider pick based on their fixtures and the form he said recently. I don't think asking the way as a bad fixture for him. By Aston Villa. So if if you brought him in I would stick with him for the moment because I think walls will play quite well against against Arsenal. I think counter-attack will suit them. They're counter-attacking style against Arsenal at home is kind of perfectly set up for them. So yeah, I'd hold onto them and apart from that annoying to see Wooly Bully not playing. I know a lot of people think he was a bit of an option for their clean sheets and defensive salinity but seems even even he isn't safe to get minutes every week. So Yeah, if you can be brave hold onto a banging if not, maybe take him out for the next two fixtures. I would say you guys can jump in or we can move on to Aston Villa Liverpool with been so Villa Liverpool. I think I think below are a good side. But I think you saw this week. I and we predicted this last week unlikely to do anything against the big boys. So lost three notice City and I think this may be a similar game where I would Spect Liverpool to win the only things are watching that game look like Salah had to go off before full time. I think he may have hurt his ankle with the other like a lingering ankle injury. So would monitor that and also Liverpool have I think they play Arsenal actually in the leak up midweek. So may be interesting to see what kind of team they put out for that game. But everyone kind of knows I think The Usual Suspects On the Liverpool team. I watched that game today and I have Trent Alexander Arnold and he honestly you could have had so many assists you just crossing the wall constantly. So I still feel good. Keep they're sticking with him and probably Robertson to even though they aren't ready picking up any clean sheets. I think this would be a good shout for a clean sheet will I think we've talked a lot about real ishm again as they're good players, but I don't think they'll get much out of this. My I think Liverpool May win two or three now. Yeah, I mean, I don't know about 2-3, they'll live people seem to be picking up the you know, considering the old girl here or there. So maybe maybe a villa at home, you know, they have posed a bit of an attacking threat. They can pick up a goal. But yeah, I think your prediction is pretty pretty much spot-on for a livable win and it's pretty cut and dry isn't it? So three crack on with Brighton Norwich for Andy? Yeah. Another one. I thought these alien diaries that exciting week. Getting beyond all that. So these are two interesting sides bright and I think are a lot better than it I can both sides are a lot better than anybody expected him to be this year, but nor it just kind of hit a bit of a rough patch at the moment. And so I expect Brighton winning this game as a result. I think there's a couple of players on brightens team that I'm quite interested in. First one is I think a lot of people are interested in in Connolly. Who has sort of come from nowhere at 4.6 million to be a regular starter? He I think I'm not necessarily convinced that this is going to be like a new Superstar for the season and this is kind of the last game for him where we're really they've got a winnable fixture. They've got off to Norwich. They've got man united left a Liverpool Arsenal's are really tough Runner fix just coming off the back of Norwich. He's a really interesting one and I think if you if we see him start Next five games that could be a sign that he sort of made his way into the first team permanently. And then for the next fix that a picture Little Wolves Palace Sheffield United taught number then Bournemouth, they've got a they've got a much nicer run of fixtures. If you look from game week 17 through 229 really it's just time and she'll see that a sort of little red fixtures. So I think he's definitely one that I'm looking out for to see where he plays or not another one that sort of run under the radar. Where is Neil mopey who seems to be even when Connolly's playing on the pitch and the running very hard? What's interesting about him is if you look at his history through the game weeks, he sort of he doesn't score when he does score. He said he'd enter school. We go six and a seven and a nine and his price point. It seems like it's quite predictable when he's going to be doing well because he tempted seems to be against the even bottom teams. So when you see ya guys and moped against a team of Pretty good, right gatien like Norwich could be a week for him. So there's my to brighten players. I'm interested in on the Norwich side. I think Pookie's really fallen from grace and I think what you mentioned earlier, he's out of form now. So he's what he's a get rid of my book somebody that you don't want right now. He may come back later in the season big doesn't look on great form right now. A lot of people have transferred in Todd can't well, I think that may have been a bit premature doesn't seem to have done a lot since the start of the Run. Games are made of one transfer him in and say yeah, I don't really see much of interest in Norwich is team but two players from Brighton. Yeah, he's a funny one Mo pay, isn't it? Because there's a lot of talk about him. I say a lot of time there was a bit of talk and the FPL community on Twitty and going into this game week. So Andy from let's talk FPL and from the state Scout Cass brought in my pairs one of his Strikers and I think Neal Murray who's quite big on FB or Twitter. It was also championing my pain, bro. Vince was team, but it seems strange doing that. I know he's a good price point and he's it's clear. He's on penalties after this game week, but now you say with the fixtures, you know with those those really nice T fixtures from game week 12. It's a weird one, but I guess six million he could sit on your bench couldn't lie. He cured the question I guess is you've also got Connolly in the same team on the same price and same with same pictures obviously in same position but a lot cheaper, so I guess that's the the argument against my Hey, but if you don't if you're not sure Connolly's going to play or you think he's not going to play. Then the moped makes more sense and although he's got a nasty fixtures approaching. He has had a nice run running up to now so I don't know maybe maybe they're planning to get rid of him next week. Yeah, maybe it's just for those couple of fixtures and it's working out for them and next up. It's a pretty easy one for me. It's Man City versus a team who had just beaten 9 mil at home. And so if it's RF is Southampton right now. I don't know where it is. Yeah this I expect a bloodbath and and that's quite easy to say but more specifically I think I think Neil from Fantasy Football Scout was tweeting after the or maybe even during the Lester game saying that you know, this is something that it was very self-deprecating and I liked me or not. He was saying, you know, I've said a lot of things this season isn't it annoying when people just pick out one thing they've said and said, you know, look this came true, but one of the stats he picked out on an article for Fantasy Football Scout was that Southampton concealer huge amount of chances League record high from their right hand side. So he was predicting players like Charles Barnes and chill well to do well against Southampton and So based on that logic, I think we've got absolute open goal for Raheem Sterling as a captain see this this game we because He's up against that weeks at Southampton right flank. He's in absolutely, you know, brilliant form back on form again. And also he's being helped out massively. I think by Mehndi inconsistently Mehndi is being pushed really far wide because Pap is obsessed with having people really close to kind of, you know, grass and are choking their boots from the touchline many can play that role. So Sterling who come inside and get those goals and whereas before Mandy was in the team Sterling was been pushed out. If I widen that was coming in siding with his bad run a foreman and a couple of blanks. So I think Wendy's an interesting pick is very low and at the moment and he has been very attacking the past but Sterling for a captaincy. I think he's a shoe-in this week and that's pretty much it because there's no one on South Hampton already asked to talk to you about. I think the one thing I would add is Southampton have one game before to kind of get their spirits up and hits against Man City. By the way, like example of a game where pet food just not play. I can have Bernardo silver and Rehab Morrigan the wings and just like flummox everybody by playing a reserve team against Southampton and like gold will come from I don't know Phil foden and ilk I gun the gun like and go and Gabrielle Jesu. So it seems like that kind of game to me when he The noise all of the fancy primary place. I think it's perfectly set up for us because we can see what happens in the League Cup in the week. See who plays them based on that kind of have an educated guess but I think what Sterling quite often this season if he's dropped he doesn't come on the pitch. So if you Captain him, he's not coming on for one pointer your Vice Captain comes in and you know, if that's the broiler then you've got a good chance of one of them playing at least against the Southampton see, but I think we're R yes potentially in a normal way with the League Cup. We've got a little bit of insight this week which is like something my shower is on that point. I would do the one thing I wouldn't do is Captain Sterling in Vice de bruyne because if he does come out with a reserve team you can up with neither of them playing. So if you're going to I would say don't put both your captain Daniel Vice into the city team just to protect yourself against hype surrounding whims. I don't know. I think it's worth it for this. Fountain team and City, I'm I'm going to be doing it myself. So I disagree with you there. I think it's worth the risk. Yeah, and I did it this week and it worked out as well. But who knows you're right is roulette. So we'll have to see and Ben. What do you reckon to Sheffield United vs. Burnley? Oh, this is do. Uh, yeah. I think this is going to be a tight low scoring game. I'm actually hoping for an O'Neill since I have both mnsure and Nick Pope, I think the only thing I noticed when Burnley play Chelsea was Chris Wood was injured so Gary's favorite so will be interesting to see if he is back and when I actually was watching that game your favorite Duncan Ashley Barnes, he was atrocious. He missed so many chances actually had a couple of chances and was just looked awful. So yeah, I'm just hoping this will be a boring nail nail. I definitely am feeling the this would be an ill and I think you've done it the right way having one from each side and defense or goalkeeper so you can balance because I'm I'm with you on this. I see it as a nil nil or at least one clean sheet for one of the teams. So yeah have have kind of a player in each team is a good way to go for it. And yeah, you're right about Ashley Barnes when he's good. He is one of the best in the league, you know, he gets all the shots and all the stats when he's bad. He's really bad. Yeah, so it's taking away from the burning attack myself in the moment Andy what you reckon to West Ham, Newcastle. I fancy New Castle in this game. I think it's Prime West Ham losing territory to be home to Newcastle. I think that they really sort of had the wind taken out of their sails and the last few weeks Newcastle conversely. Although the results haven't been great. They obviously beat man, you everybody's menu but they they lost one meal to Chelsea Drew 1-1 with Wolves. Those aren't bad results. Like Chelsea have been putting load the gold particle recently and only You want there is actually quite a good sign. I think for a team of mutants in newcastle's level. It's a good sign that they only conceded one wolves are a good side and draw one on with them in the bad results tool. I think we could see a one-nil win for Newcastle here. I think definitely they'll be like their defense is strong enough to keep a clean sheet. So I'm not sort of obviously it might not happen, but I think it's a decent shout and I definitely would not be rushing to put West Ham players in for us for this fixture so I can see like a one-nil through over Joe Linton or maybe scoring from a Corners like like like just blame yourself scored this week There's a chance that Fabian share might be back. So if you read include transfer and you guys all players in then need to do my real my real point of this is is watch out what happened in the game because I think if they do just play really well in this game. They've got a lot of very kind fix just coming up. So if they did they do really well it could A time to look at enablers from newcastle's defense. Yeah, interesting. I mean that is out there potential for bringing Newcastle players and interesting to see that you're thinking that they're not going to weather our way to West Ham. I don't know if I totally agree. I think it's interesting that you've picked other. They're not conceding very much recently, you know since that Lester mauling they've kind of tightened up quite a bit, but I don't know I think West am at home. They've got quite a lot of attacking threat and yah, malenko picking up another assist this week still looks red. I think the one thing for me is Halo is not doing the business up front for West Ham's. That's kind of planting them a little bit. Isn't it? Same for Felipe Anderson to be there? So might have something there who knows and and Lindsay knee has traditionally been what when you play he'd been very exciting for them. He hasn't really been playing the minutes. So you don't know whether he's like either off for more slightly injured or whatever it is. Y'all malenko's really the only one from their from their attack was doing business in that moment. So I think Newcastle having them to blunt him. Yeah, fair enough low scoring at least four for Western and next up its Watford vs Chelsea. This is one for me. So what food have definitely tightened up since the the eight Neil morning Flores has got them drilled, you know, he's known for his defensive approach and he's picked up a nil-nil against Bournemouth, which spite Bournemouth not really being on top form at the moment is not bad and 1-1 against Spurs. So again keeping Keep the score down and Anil against Sheffield United. So three clean sheets in to clean sheets and three games is pretty good and only one goal conceded. So he's definitely done what he was brought in to do and Chelsea may find it a tough nut to crack but I think we've had a pretty good example of Chelsea going away to a team who are defensively really solid in them playing barely this week and they went and scored four goals. So I think Chelsea at the moment are a team in a lot of attacking form. Everyone now has tell RI Abraham. Everyone has then doubled up with Mount as well. And some people like you only have gone even further and they've gone for come on Hudson a toy or tamari, so Chelsea I think they're worth it the moment. I think defensively this could be a really good fixture for them as well as attacking. So yeah, it's I think it's worth it a triple up. I think it's worth going that far annoying to see that the cam Hudson ndoye didn't get the minutes this week and he didn't start the game and his replacement came in and scored a hat-trick. So that definitely puts his place under a bit of threat for the people who went on him a bit early after his good run of form, and I know You tipped him as well. So we are partially partially to blame for that but he's worth keeping in your team. I think but I expect you too sick to be starting ahead of him at the moment and build a sect is a player to keep an eye on if he keeps getting keeps getting starts, you know hat-trick and he's looked bright in the games. He has played he picked up he's picked up three assists as well as that hat trick and and that's let's have a look. He said he's played for seven games. He's got yeah, he's got six returns in those seven games attacking return. So when he gets the time he gets the returns. So there are so many options to get into that Chelsea team at the moment alone. So I'm just want to shout them out because I brought him in this week and he was my gut punch came in with very lucky clean sheet because he was subbed off before they conceded to and I don't think that's because he was subbed off because as we know he's not defensively the soundest but he was on for four bonus before he came off. He was quite high up in the bonus. So Fingers crossed for him in this fixture and for tomorrow as well getting a clean sheet what food I think avoid avoid avoid and looking like they have no throughout from whatsoever. And yeah who wants to bring in Craig Cathcart for Chelsea or any other fixture? So yeah stick with Chelsea and keep an eye on bonuses pressure and we worry about Chelsea donkeys the other wing with Willian there. Do you think either option A Willian is the one who's like reliably going to play and therefore may be a decent pick or do you think maybe because of to the six form? It might be Williams places at threat with flaps and Dawn. I think that Hudson Midori and boosts its you competing for that Left Flank and Lampard is said in quotes recently about Willie and he said on one of his performances, you know, he's proved why he's one of one of our or he might even said he's proved why he's our best player at the Moon recently and you know in the returns fancy wise prove that you know goal assist goal and assist against Burnley. In the last four games, so I don't think he's planning on dropping at the moment and fitness-wise. He's very fit boy. So yeah, I think Wilson Williams place is pretty secure myself, I think and I think he's competing with petrol who doesn't seem to be getting a looking at the moment. So yeah, that's that's my concern with account Hudson to die, but we'll have to see we'll see how it develops because I know Karen Hudson do I can play on the right? So potentially Williams could get rotated or dropped is a bit of a risk at the moment. I wouldn't I wouldn't be picking William myself because he I think he's not changed as a player in fancy since he pretty much joined the Premier League. He's set been seven million for so long and has just about yeah prove to 7 million player with patches of form, but he's not an option. I'm interested in myself. And what do you reckon been to Crystal Palace verse? Last so I think this will be a harder game from Lester Palace. Very good result against Arsenal coming back from two down to draw that game. Obviously Lester have so many options and an amazing win against Southampton. I think there are there are a lot of options and I think a good case for tripling up on less the plays given that they have a really I think Another good run of seven more games where their hardest game is Arsenal which you know may not actually be that hard. So all The Usual Suspects Jamie vardy Madison bonds all the Defenders chill. Well, so you want to Pereira T lemons. So a lot of options I think for Lester and I think I think probably most veteran players will be trying to maybe double or triple up for this this good run. I know I'm deaf. Trying to find a way to do it but Pilots are a tough team at home. So maybe a I think a lot tighter than the shuffle the Southampton game. The only Power Swatch I was on is Kelly who is bench Ford of most people I think is now now replaced by Tompkins. He was on the bench for for their game against their last game against Arsenal, so I'm not too interested in Palace attacking us. Assets or though are you as amazingly managed to score a couple goals recently. But yeah, I think this will be a tough game for less than will be interesting to see if they can pull this one out. Yeah, I think you've picked it out there. You've basically listed the entire lesson team at the start. They're saying so many cups as me. All right, it's basically it's a case of fit in the Lester option that fits into your team, isn't it? Because like you say, it's a race to Triple up on Lester at the moment, you know, whether you go jars bonds for a cheap wine, or you go for Pereira for expensive of the black. It could be anyone couldn't because any of any of them are going to score points the moment just one play you didn't mention is of course Jonny Evans and I would say stay away from him, but from that, Yeah, say weeks in DDT. He only got three points in the 901 again. Yeah fair enough stay away from my duty to and okay next up its Everton vs. Tottenham and that's the last game and yeah, and they with game at you before I go into this looking I noticed today, they'll never notice. There's a weird like Hut on Everton's badge. I just got really obsessed with that earlier and I found out what it is. It's Prince Rupert's Tower, which was next door to the The the famous coffee shop owned by money bushel, which is why they called the toffees. So that's a little piece of information that I Googled because I was bored into the actual game. I think Everton have been a really interesting side because they have been atrocious defensively really ever since sober took over my over their management and this season the goal seemed to have dried up to mostly but they lock this cord to this week, even though they conceded three and Calvert Lewin scored as It's quite an interesting situation. They're in it might be that there is like poised to take off right now or it might be that they're poised to fire silver and start anything new a new trend. So we'll see how this game goes against Spurs, but I think the most interesting thing in this game for me at least is human song. He has despite Tottenham not looking good recently just looked exactly the same as he always does really really industrious shooting a lot and even got an assist this week. Eek and this the last sort of the game in the week in Europe and again against Liverpool and they live will beat them. They looked good in both of those games. So it might be that human song is about to come into fashion again. So for both sides is a really interesting game and really the point of me watching. This one is going to be to decide what to do with both of their assets next rather than to try and transfer players from either team in right now. We have a pleasant sort of looking out for in both. These teams that are attacking so humans on and potentially the likes of the sort of Traditional High scorers like sigurdsson and Richardson. I think if this sort of turns out to be a either a golf are store where one team really shines it could be a something that's interesting for the following weeks. One player from Everton. I want to ask you about who's actually their top scorer by some distances which are Allison who seems to be playing up front again, and he's got two returns to assist to playing upfront. Do you think he's an over talked about him before do you think he's an adoption at all now is playing on Frank he get the best out of him playing him up front and although your Ray has had some returned recently. I think that when he's been at his best, he's been a left Winger playing behind a striker arriving late in the box and scoring goals and Cause a lot of like it's weird actually like Paul scholes used to arrive late in the box and score head as I feel like that's for childless and its main like Point getting attribute. So you playing said before when you lose that and he said of his fighting for scraps rather than doing his main thing. So if they manage to sort of settle on one of either noisy keying or cover Lou and playing Center forward, you might get better results. However charlatan Yeah, fair enough. It definitely happened last season. They didn't get returns up front so I can understand that. Okay. Should we should we have a look at our whipping boys for this week? I have a pretty good idea. Who minor who are you whipping? I will go Southampton. I would agree with you and check that I can agree with you. Okay, dude. Are you worried for a second then? Okay. What about clean sheets been? Can you see some clean sheets. I will go Sheffield United. Yep, we talked about it before that's definitely true. Clean Brandy between shakers Norwich. Yes, you've left me Burnley. So I'm going to go for Burnley a way to Sheffield United. I'm hoping for a nil nil and that fixture back to you been man, Sissy. Yep, another very obvious one. bendy now That's good. I am going to go with Chelsea a way to what for Watford blankie recently and more defensively focused. Okay back to you been I still think Liverpool can keep it clean she but yeah, maybe maybe a less certain about that one. Okay, getting down to the drags Andy here we are and maybe less we're going to Palace. Not really convinced by that though. I think I'm gonna back you up with that because after watching the 9 mil, I thought that Lester wasn't that they look defensively sound because they weren't really test it at all. But they just took so in control of the ball so intro in control of the game and I think Palace I think we'll probably can see them that control in this game. I think Lester will approach it as they are a big team and they will try to control the ball. So I kind of back you up on that on Lester getting thei think It's worth paying so onto if you have them in your team and okay, that's a clean sheets. Let's take a break and when we come back, we'll have a look at the the podcast league as flies to wanton boys. We are for the gods they kill us for their sport. I love. Thank you. Okay, we're back and let's have a look at the app FPL fantastic Fantasy Football Fanatics podcast League see how you guys are getting on first of all in first place. I'm looking at the alive league on Sunday night on live FPL dotnet and he's the man Kevin miles is still number one in the world. He still top Clinging On by his fingernails now with 43 points this game week and captaining Aguero, but he's still Go to healthy League of 20 or so points and I very much feel like his team is is the old template Clinging On You Know Aguero Pookie sala de bruyne are lundstrom mountain and Robertson, but he's got a pretty big lead to lose. So it's in his hands at the moment. And so the player that I wanted to shout out this week. The one with the biggest score in the top half of the league was a flabby men's team with King incapable with 78 points. So have a look at his team guys. He's he's obviously got Vari as you'd have to have for that kind of points all this week Sterling captaincy. He's big upfront with Abraham and aubameyang joining VAR. He Mount David silver who I think is massively being overlooked as one of the top scoring FPL midfielders and really low priced as well this season with nine pointer. Monet getting an assist Rico who's doing doing the business at the moment and then a weird one. He's got Chambers in there for his little run in the Arsenal team, which has hasn't worked out. But actually I think this might be a stats pick because Chambers is recently had some of the highest numbers for attempts in the box from you know, free kicks and corners and stuff like that and to add to that he's got Ryan and tamari and they've come in with a score of 78 points this week, which is pretty huge. What's your racket to his class? Because you've got a really good team looking forward for something to get 78 points with 11 million Striker blanking is pretty impressive. He's got a absolutely tough on the bench as me. He's got his entire benched combine got one point this week. So he that's obviously where he saved his money and to have a every single player on his team with the possible exception of Chambers. Looks like they can get points on any given week. I there's no there's no No Junk in there with all these are in the first team they've got I think you're right the David silver is a really interesting differential so yeah, I really like his team and I might be jealous. He's he's kind of way ahead of where people started the season with the heavy at the back and then slowly have been moving van zout defense up front. He's just gone so light at the back. It's unbelievable, you know, Rico Chambers tamori Kelly and just dirt cheap, but I looked at his Strikeforce VAR D Abraham in a bomb Yang, very expensive and I assumed his Midfield would be cheap as chips, but it's not it's not at all really Sterling and money silver and mount and but yeah, just so light in defense and say nothing on the bench so in the one thing is in the mystery of the result of that who I think is really an essential is a tag on Ronald like the amount of like time he spends Way Forward putting crosses in it I think he's going to be one of the biggest scorers this season so every week he's going to miss the Alexander I will point and have to make those up elsewhere but he's pretty well set up to do that so we'll see I was thinking about this this week if you if you look at the points kind of the top Point scorers in the different brackets yeah Defenders a some way short at the moment you know people were talking about big at the back and start the season I mentioned it before but I don't I think it really has not come to past I don't think the Defenders have have delivered at all lundstrom he's one of the top Defenders are 4.0 starting midfielder and they're quite a serious way off at the moment so I think To be fair though, even though Trent is doing well. He's still not the top-scoring defender and he still kind of forth in the list or joint third at least so he's even not fulfilling his price tag, potentially at 7.2. So, I don't know if I fully agree. I think super light maybe that's the way to even like nature already played Arsenal Chelsea Lester Man United and Tottenham as for the first 10 games and if you look at their their upcoming fixtures, I think you're going to see a lot more clean sheets from Liverpool. So I think Alexander Arnold will catch up over this next like 8-10 weeks. So maybe saving some back to double up on Robertson and Trent for that nice wrong after the man set your game. Yeah fair enough and if you want to compete with us, if you want to compete with the other listeners and maybe not Kevin miles of top spot and then you can find the the lead code on our Twitter. We're at FP L FF fanatics on Twitter. And so yeah finally code there right guys. We need to talk about the slight disaster. As our hive mind joint punk-ass team been how did we get on this week? So we made a little bit of an error where we talk through our transfers last week, but we classically forgot to do them. I don't know who's to blame. But let's just call it bad management and not just quit it Gary. That's quite a guy because he's not here. We we got Mighty 39 points. They'll turn to I think 41 with our subs and yeah, not too much to be happy about me. Got a soil onto clean sheet. We got a Mane assist. We got a saint assist at a me Abram assist and we Captain de bruyne are the transfers. We were going to make worse on to Marshall, which I think would have nests about Marshall scored, but he also missed a penalty. The one we kind of missed out on was Cantwell to Madison Madison got eight points in that win. So we definitely lost some points there. So we now have we have double Bank transfers. So we have two transfers to make and you know, hopefully we can make them this this week the shame of using one of your free transfers because we were onto last week. We're still onto we've lost one is cutting really cutting. I think there's one big big mess in our team at the moment. I think that's right him Sterling and I think this might be a week to bring him in. I think we've got Sun there who's picking up assists but isn't doing the same as as he's been doing in Europe with his two goals recently, and he's not getting the minutes as well. So I think he he could change into Sterling. Lee and then we'd have to save a million elsewhere I should just say before we before we go into transfers that I team at the moment is poping goal. They're nice fixture away to Sheffield United Trent ottoman D. So you and XU D up in defense Cantwell, son moneda Briner Abraham and a bam being up front. So that's our starting team at the moment. Yeah. What do you guys think? We can have the luxury of doing that to my verdict II think we have too many Duds in our team right now and are our priority has to be to get rid of some of those we've got Diop otamendi and Cantwell, all of whom look like does to me we've got green with his men to be an enabler but he's enabling us to have Duds and then we've got him again. He's been great but is about to face a really tough Runner fixtures. So I think we should be trying to remove enough of the Duds that we actually get 11 potentially point-scoring players in the team. I don't know. I think I think you can worry too much about the third player on your bench. You know, when we're talking about Greenwood or Wickham in my personal team, you know, lots of players are Cantwell potentially as well as a fifth midfielder for a lot of players. I think you can worry a bit too much about those teams when when you can make a bigger effect on your point tools for those weeks, you know second sub third sub. I'm not so concerned about it's more about who's actually starting the game and I think you're right. I think Cantwell is a problem. I don't think Diop is a problem. He's at home to Newcastle I'd say that's not bad for a clean sheet. We've got ice amenity. He's not playing. Well, you say that say that Bart Fernandina you've gotta read this week. So I think Autumn Indian stones will actually be starting because Roger he's injured fernandinho is suspended. So I think it will actually be two cents about playing for Man City at home to Southampton which is we've caught as a clean sheet. So I think we've got away with one there. I do worry about that. Even this week. He's certainly not somebody that we want a team long term there is because I think it depends made it clear that he's no longer first choice. He's a stay of execution presently. I'm very clear with you. I'm I'm not talking about having a bench with points on I'm talking about like who are attempting 11 players in the first team. We don't want I think it's important to have to look at your first team and see potential points everywhere and I think home in Saint isn't a problem. He looks like he's like playing well if you look at although this particular week it obviously is a weekly. You want Sterling if you look further ahead after this week you've Have a pool Chelsea. Then you Castle Burnley and then man united Arsenal's are really tough one effect. Just coming up for a city. I think if we took can control ourselves to get City players in right now, it might end up looking short-sighted in a few weeks time. I don't I'm Gonna Cancel eyes you with this. So if you give me Sterling, I will bring it J B VAR D for a balmy. Yang about being was saying his potential Troll. He's trying to personally Andy we can bring in Jamie vardy. We can bring Jamie vardy for him a man on form with the fixtures Sterling and VAR D out go about me owing and son. That's a pretty that's pretty crazy. I agree. That's an upgrade. It does leave us with issues. Like I still feel like we've got like structural issues with the team that we haven't dealt with by doing that though and we might want to do that next week instead. I don't know but I do feel like having like those four players. That's a plus. Because of enabler as well really the most of them most of the next six weeks. I feel like we've got too many. We do need at some point plan to get rid of probably to out of McGann Cantwell ottoman D&D op at some point in the next couple weeks. Yeah, I think maybe this week we could leave mcginn in there. I know it's a tough experience Liverpool, but they are considering your goal and he is a big threat for Villa and maybe he's our our fourth midfielder the plays more than count. Well, we just leave Cantwell on the bench to rot for a little bit. What do you reckon been? You're very quiet. Yeah. I like it. I just that was a good point mentor to many a hen and thought about that. But if we do this move, then we could do often Mehndi to a lesser Defender Maybe. Next week. But yeah, I do I would like to get rid of him again or upgrade begin with this this money, but would probably have to be next week as well. We could take a hit we could play, you know, many wild card in play three triangles absolutely should we do bonds from again? Oh, that's nice that let the computer. Can we please all three we afford that well. Yeah, we can we just be taking it here. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, we just be taking a hit. I think it's sad to lose mcginn because I don't think he deserves it. I mean he's he's not done it, you know in the last few games but he's got some tough fixtures and I think he's a value pick that has produced in the season so far and they've got you know, you know, if we could hang onto maybe we could make our third transfer count. Well instead of mcginn, you know, if we got rid of Cantwell brought in the other two would still have 5.4 to spend it. Failed. So is there anyone that you'd be interested in at 5.4 the top scorers in that bracket are becoming. Toma de Cantwell traoré your genie. Oh, yeah not hey, there's always Noble but yeah, there's not a lot to go with their but if we're picking yeah, we are picking a star around because we're saying leave them again on the bench as s tricky. Okay, that hasn't worked. Damn it. I still think begin to bonds may not be all you could we could even go up to T lemons, but it's unclear to me who's a better pick at that price. We could go for any of the Lester attacking midfielders. So this is where we could steal a March we could triple up on Lester in this game week Sterling VAR D. And then any of Perez T lemons or bonds? Basically we get to pick between us now. I think Paris even is Paris top and we'll miss fixtures. He's not like a proper first team of the way. The other is I think actually maybe maybe bonds and Perez are rotating much I was working but I'm I know although Paris he To me. It seems to one of these players you randomly shows up like here, but I had to get a 9 mil but he's not somebody who's a consistent score points. I don't think so. I would say from that group. We're going to 40 lemons. He's the one He's a pretty good fourth midfielders to start is neat elements. I think I'm think I'm on board with that his ownership. As a lot of the Lesser players is still low. He still differential 5.7 million. And so yeah for me I think Barnes is out of the picture because he doesn't get the minutes and we're looking for someone seriously starting Perry's there is a bit of concern over minutes, although he has just picked up a hat trick. But yeah humans, I like that one. Should we do it now before you Get I mean I just yeah, I think of me right now that team so that just be clear what I've done. I've got tea leaves in firm again Sterling enforce on his body and for about me and I'm looking at it right now. Should I press save? Yeah, it's a bit of a risk with the League Cup, but I think do it because because those values are going to change anybody's going to change key elements going to change Sterling might even change. So yeah, I say go for it time risk. I just confirmed it the Rick has been taken. I am 17 again next week looks as follows we've got poping goal over budget yelping puppy goal defense of Alexander Arnold ottoman DC into and the up the field of telamon Sterling man end of roaring. All right like that a lot and then body and Abraham up front with the bench of Cantwell, Rico Greenwood and button. I like that. That's a good team. I think that's a really good team. I look good looks great for clean sheets. It's good for points in Midfield and up front. So the only question is captaincy. I mean, I've I put my my money on Sterling. What do you think? I agree and my money's on Sterling assuming he doesn't play leak up. Yeah, and we have I think I still think it's important to not gamble too hard on guardiola's roulette. So I would say body as Okay, fair enough Sterling and VAR device. Nice. That is probably the most succinct team team transfer section. We've had so far. Hopefully it works out and we've actually made the transfers this time. So the chance and take a quick break and then when we come back we're going to have a guest doing the gust buttons for I think Gary is going to join us. So we'll see you in a sec. Okay, we're back and we've got a cameo appearance off the bench in you know to waste some time at the end. It's Gary and with the gut punts how we doing this week. I don't care. How you doing. Yeah, I think I think I got dropped this week after my my prediction last week. I was listening back to my preview for Southampton versus Lester which started the work. My first words were I think this looks like a tight a close one. So So I did I did I did you did you did bring it on to Southampton towards the end and I did say don't don't put any Southampton players in which was Sage advice, which I wish I had followed in my own team. But I thin stead I brought an Angus gun for gas and eager which ranks up there with another in a season of disasters another another disaster, which is cost me eight points. But but anyway, but for a play but for a player who can see the nine goals, he didn't even get any minus points. Did he? Yeah. Yeah, he might he managed to he must have talked up six saves which at least grabbed him a couple of points. But yeah, no there wasn't there was a moment in that game where Madison scored and I thought hey that's five points. And then I was like, oh no, it's only four points because he's knocked another one off the gun my team play against each other and not points off each other. It's terrible. Bittersweet anyway, so yeah for the Cameo I will say my my predictions in the actual Fantasy game are going terribly this season, but in terms of the gut punch Sleek, I'm still I'm still roaring away with it. So Aaron Connolly for Brighton got two assists and nine points. So I've extended my lead at the top of our league to 32 points now, but it was quite a strong weak because been picked out marcial who Eventually got six points after missing a penalty and then Duncan you went with Alonzo who's got another clean sheet and he got three points for Felipe Anderson and still in last place. It's Matt bringing up the rear his pick of land. Zini managed to hold one point. So that is keeping up his Peerless record of picking players and teams that always win but do terribly But yes, it explains how we're going to kind of change things a little bit round with the got punts this year this this week. So you may remember at the start of the Season we would have been doing a good pot each week and we picked what was like a season-long punt where we have someone who was kind of people to stand by as like trustee players for the whole season, but then I think we thought that it was a little bit monotonous going through the same players. So we And of putting this in a box with kind of the player-manager those Leeds United numbers on the socks and a cheerleaders at football matches all those kind of ideas that seem like a good idea but we're going to we're going to pack it away at least for the moment. And what we're going to bring in instead is like a monthly pick. Hopefully this will be a bit more useful for the listeners. So we'll still do a weekly pick for a good pain if you're looking for instant impact, but we're also free. Each month now for the rest of the season. We're going to pick a player that we're going to have play every game that season on our gut punt table and that's going to be a chance. So you're kind of looking at short-term short-range four or five games who are the players to have we've got a few highlighted for this for November. So basically from game week 11 through to game week 40 and the rules are the same as they were before that we have less than five percent ownership. It and less than 6 million pounds. So we're not going to go for any of the premium players for this. It's going to be who are the who are the bargains that you can get in that? No one else will have so yeah without any further Ado unless anyone has any further comments to add on that will go into the players that people have picked for this week. I can I just say Gary there was there was the rule where they have to be under 6 million if there are a striker or midfielder, but for Defenders, it's under 5 million. That's right. Yes. Yeah because I think Defenders are generally bit lower priced. Although this first month. I think everyone's gone for either midfielders or attackers seems mainly Midfield as we've gone for ya. So let's maybe we will maybe we can start with Andy because I don't actually know who and he's good point for. Week is but yeah and you want to tell us a bit about your choices and they tell you both of them together. Yeah. Yeah. Might as well sure. So for my short-term weeklies hunt with the injury to Roger E. And the the red carpet fernandinho. I think that ilk I've been doin is a suit a shoo-in for the city Midfield and when he plays that role he just tends to sort of randomly pop up with goals in a season sees takes so they sort of a surprise free kick taker sometimes so yeah, he's my weekly pranks. I think you'll play and they're they're up against Southampton. So we expect a thrashing in that game. My monthly got punt is coming up to the door who we mentioned earlier isn't necessarily A shoo-in for to play every game given Christian ballistics prolific if you will, but I think that he He doesn't start he'll get on for the last 20 minutes against tired legs. And if he does start is an extremely talented player in a very attacking side. And so yeah, I think he's likely to get if he plays two out of the four games and gets 10 points in each of those two games something like that. I think that's not not unachievable given the fixture list. They've got and so yeah, I think I think he's a decent decent shot for the next month. Yeah and Chelsea seem to be scoring goals at fun this season out there so that they're attacking players seem to be a good good long-term that yes indeed. So, yeah, he's my team a long-term been going to gone for this week. Great. So I'm moving on to Ben. You've got a bit Maverick in this this section and doubled up. So you're putting all your eggs in in one bright and shaped basket. So Ben do you want to tell us a bit about your your choice? Yeah. My choice is Erin Connolly 4.6 million to percent ownership for my weekly pick. I think he'll do pretty well gets Norwich monthly brighten her. Tough Run of fixtures, but I don't know I think brighten this season are very different team and more attacking team. So I think I'm I'm betting he'll nail down his spot in this next month and hopefully get me some points. Excellent and I should say that Matt's who's not on the past week. He's also putting his eggs in their bright and basket at least for the weekly Pond. He's going for Leandro truss odd who we've talked about quite a lot of the starts and and he's just come back from injury. So that's obviously backing him to make an impact this week and for his monthly pick he's well as I say, I will remind our listeners that matters bottom of the table, but for his monthly November pick he's going for Scott. The United Terrier there, although I think it has quite a few points this season. So yeah, whatever on think of them worked on a pick for November, I think and I think Matt's he's done something that they should never do which is when you're Dullard you try and go Maverick, but you picked a lot of pics. So we terminate is a Maverick Dullard pick and I don't think it's going to work out for him if it does. I'll be very impressed not take my hat off to him, but you get what I mean. It's like it's Maverick but it's also quite dull art. I am I posted earlier on our WhatsApp group The the definition of the word delusion, which is an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as a reality or rational argument. Typically a symptom of mental disorder. That is how I would describe picking Scotland terminate your one of them guns. It's got full. He's he's going to bet. He's got a bit weird. He's normally such a sensible player. He's brought in Nicola Pepe this week into his team as a Maverick pick. It's just it's off the wall. He's gonna have a guard and didn't do we think he's having options. Maybe I whatever's happening to him. I'm quite worried. Okay. Well well anyway, we'll let will let that defend himself maybe on the next Parliament and fight back with his rationale one swans Pepe and Rick Tom and I have blasted in hat-tricks next week. So yeah, Duncan, do you want to tell us a bit about your picks? Yes. So for my weekly pick I've gone for a guy that I was shouting out in the previews for game week 11 is Benjamin Mehndi, so he's come back into the team after His injury he's played two games in the last two game weeks. It's got a clean sheet in both of those. He's yeah 5.9 million. So he's dropped down from his kind of Premium Defender price 1.1 percent owned and he has a history of good attacking returns for defensive player. So I think he's a great pic of the moment marks Southern's who runs Fantasy Football Scout has brought him into his team this week. And I think it's that kind of he's one of those As players where you're looking to climb the rankings, you're looking for players with a lot of explosive potential with a low ownership that people aren't thinking about just yet and I think mende definitely falls into that category. Yeah, so I think he's a good pick for this week against Southampton at home. I think that's a great chance of a clean sheet and attacking turns down that Left Flank as well and and southampton's right which is their dodgy half and and for my monthly pick I've gone for years A Perez. Have picked up a hat-trick. So I'm definitely chasing the points. But I'm hoping that that kind of gives them a confidence boost gives a bit of time in the team as well. And I think Lester having watched that game. They just looked so impressive and I wanted to pick one of them. Parrot. It was either Perez or Harvey bonds under the 6 million point because Paris is dropped down from six point five to six million now. So I think now is the time to pick him up and yeah, and I think he offers a lot. Attacking threat then Harvey bonds. So I think he's a decent shout and his ownership is down to 4.5% 4.1% as well. So it's a nice differential for a kind of Striker playing out of position slightly. Yeah, and he tends to kind of Scots to Goran clutches doesn't care because he kind of towards the end of last season. He was banging the goals in so hopefully for Perez owners, he's hitting that run a form. They don't know how a lot of people had him at the start but maybe not so much now. Yeah, we'll have to speak. Yeah, so I think it I think that's a good pick. So I think yeah, so some some definite ones to think about there for the month. I Hudson and I Perez, who knows Mike Tomlin a I can kind of just a Little bit of Defense of my I can see where he's kind of coming from in terms of menus fixtures. Look very good. And I was toying with actually Pereira for this for this spot. He's not a blower has done much recently, but he plays a bit further forward than tommen a and seems to be getting minutes at the moment. But instead for my monthly pick, I'm going to go with Dwight McNeil who is a bit of a favorite of mine. I don't know if I had him in the team briefly last. Last year, but I feel like he Burnley don't have a lot of roots to go. But he seems to be involved in a lot of what they've done. He's already got four assists so far this season and I think why Burnley are interesting is that they've at least for November they've got some very nice fixtures coming up. They've got to away games at Sheffield United and Watford which they could feasibly win and two home games at home to West Ham and The may be the trickiest is at home to Palace because they do travel well. But what you think they're all winnable games? I think that that for 6 million pounds Dwight McNeil's a good one and then short-term just for this week because I'm smashing the got punched stable, but I'm never having these pies in my team. I'm going to go with a player in my team just to just to hope that somehow this will rub off on my drastically underperforming fantasy team. So someone I brought in lieu this week Aaron Cresswell from West Ham. Partly because he had some some nice-looking fixtures coming up particularly last week to Sheffield United which didn't work but next Saturday Westheimer at home to Newcastle. So I'm backing on and getting a clean sheet against them and maybe some attacking me turns as well. So yeah, well, we'll keep you updated maybe on the end of the month who's got the most points out of these players and and at the start of the end of November will pick your pick a player to watch for December for everyone. I think Dwight McNeil is a cracking sound. I think he's like you say he's one of their main sort of creative players who takes their corners and they're a big tall side this, you know dangerous from Corners. So that's a really good show, I think. Yeah, I think I saw a stat on Match of the day this week that he has the most create. He's created the most chances or has the most crosses for the Berkeley team. Probably not much competition. But yeah, we could shout at 6 million. All right, that one and I like the back to your garden brought Creswell in as your gut Punt and into your own team. Yeah, I think I've already got off to such a bad start this season. I've just gotta try and do a few more gut-punch now because it's not it's not going to it's not going to be a glorious season. I've got a lot of catching up to do I think like a mirror is a turducken based on your gut punch outrageous lead and form. I think you've just got to bring in those players to your team. Whoever you got on his bring them in. I think it's an interesting moment is like an irresistible Force meets. The immovable object is Gary's got punt from going to win or is Gary's family team formed? Yeah, we'll sit we'll say but yeah, I've got my eyes in our league on the hive mind team. I think they're catchable. They've they're struggling a little bit last week with tips for Madison and Marcel who both scored today, but ya know it's I think I think maybe the hive mind team is going to it's going to turn around soon as well. Yeah, well have a listen back to the That section this week. I think you'll be pretty impressed by the transfers. We've made possibly less Maverick than you would have gone. But definitely some good transfers in there. And if you don't follow us already on Twitter, give us a follow at FPL FF Fanatics. You can get in touch with us through Twitter as well be great to hear from you guys. And if you like the show, please take the time to rate and review us wherever you get your podcast it would be brilliant and it would mean that other people can find the show and hopefully will like it as much as you guys do as well. So we really appreciate that. And so these would say thank you for your Insight Gary. Thanks very much. Thank you for insight been welcomed and I enjoyed Gary's injury-time substitution to our pod and thank you for insert a handy. You're welcome. I I enjoyed our little chat about Matt's Newfound Maverick - I hope it's not as bad as we play as we think it's going to be. Yeah that make terminate. Patrick is kept just coming and thank you for thank you for listening guys. Speak to you next week. Nice work guys. I'm going to split if that's okay. Yeah, you have to eat it. Yeah. cheers
Ben, Andy and Duncan look back over GW10, which at last is not a low scoring week! Andy gets excited again about the Man Utd attack with their free flowing moves and even talks about that little thing called hope. Ben delights in a tackle inspired by the Rugby world cup and a Xhaka meltdown to boot. Duncan reminisces over that 0-9 result and picks out one player for his breakthrough performance. There’s discussion of unexpected high scoring keepers, the return of the FPL trolls and that De Bruyne goal that wasn’t. In the GW11 previews there’s one more game to watch and decide on Man Utd assets before their great fixture run, Ben encourages us to keep an eye on the league cup games and Duncan highlights a teams’s record busting weakness with an opposition’s flank in form. There’s a cameo appearance from Gary in the gut punts and a new feature to introduce as we wave farewell to the season long punts, Glenn Murray how little we knew ye. Follow us on twitter @FPLFFFanatics and get in touch with the FFFanatics. Want to compete against the FFFanatics? Join our @FPLFFFanatics Podcast League - use the code k07oof on the Fantasy Premier League site. It means a great deal to us and will make it easier for other potential listeners to find us. Thanks!
All I know is because of the way this offense is played and and the way they've executed if they close it off with a win and in this National Championship, I'll be 80 year olds 80 years old somewhere sitting hopefully fishing somewhere and I'll be someone I ask me. What's the best team you saw and maybe it's because it's right now, I mean, I think back to Matt Leinart and USC I think events young Tim Tebow had some teams most recently, you know to ahead a great team a few years ago. Go there have been great teams, but this team and I think it's because of the offense, you know, the defense had to find its way late in the year, but this offense and if they go out and put an exclamation point with a 42 Point effort, I think people whether you're an LSU fan or just a college football fan. Yeah. I think you'll look back at 2019 is one of the great runs that we've ever witnessed. If I decide to fight all the way, hey everybody, welcome to another edition of a fine podcast the official podcast of LSU football as always. I'm Cody Worsham digital media reporter for LSU Athletics and very excited about today's show head to sit down with two legends two icons of the broadcasting industry Kirk Herbstreit to talk a little football little X's and O's and Some own field stuff with LSU Clemson, and then right after that set down with Tom Rinaldi to talk storylines and storytelling and I'll get a little off football for a second but get back on football and talk about Coach. Oh and this team and Clyde over to you later and some stories that he's got an eye on going into the championship game. So excited about this episode much less of this of me talking into a microphone much more of me listening to people who actually know what they're talking about talk into a microphone. So really excited about Out those conversations and I'm just gonna go ahead and get straight to them before we do a little housekeeping, please if you haven't yet give us a rating give us a subscription. Give us a review send it to a friend email Facebook Twitter or whatever anything you could do helps get all the lessons if you guys last episode it was it was a lot of me talking into a microphone, but it was kind of an in-depth X's and O's dive on LSU Oklahoma and clubs in Ohio State and what I learned from those games and how that might apply into the Of game one last final notes. I hope to have another episode before the LSU Clemson game working to get Jacob Hester on to do our routine, which is been to preview these games right before so hoping to do that Saturday and then hoping to have one more episode as well trying to give you all the hey fine podcast that you can handle this week. It's a big week trying to take advantage of that and trying to keep you engaged and entertained and informed and listening. So I thank you so much for all the listening you've done so far. Are all the feedback has been wonderful all the messages. You send one Facebook and Twitter. Even the ones that don't respond to. I greatly appreciate they they keep me going and they keep me excited. So without further Ado, let's go ahead and we'll start with Kirk Herbstreit and then we'll throw it to Tom Rinaldi can't think those guys enough for sitting down with me great conversations a little more football with Kirk little more storytelling and narrative with Tom, but I think it's kind of two sides of the same coin and two different looks at this game, which is really exciting. So without further Ado here are Kirk Herbstreit and Tom and All right. It's my pleasure to be joined by ESPN college football analyst Kirk Herbstreit Kirk. You just wrapped up a long conversation with Joe burrow, but I really insightful when just I was kind of there is a fly on the wall. It was really fun to watch you guys talk football and kind of during one of the breaks you were just talking about his his football IQ and where he is mentally, so I want to start the interview there. Let's start with Burro, because I want to I want to get your Insight on the game and LSU Clemson, but since you just did something with Joe, yeah, I want to talk about him yesterday. You were on a conference call. I think you talked about he's maybe the best quarterback you've seen at this level executing in 30 years. Now that you've talked to him. What did you learn from that conversation with him just now. Well you were in there you you probably heard some of the same stuff that that I was hearing as far as and I'd love this game and I am one of these nerds that when everybody's at their job I'm watching. Umm, I just love it. I'm a quarterback myself. So I still as an analyst study film and and love that aspect of it and I love studying quarterbacks and I've never sat down with a guy who's more insightful and more prepared for a defense and what he's facing every week and more just in tune. It's he's almost like it. Let's just put it this way if he were on that Show with Jon Gruden back in the day. Yeah, and if I match up our Green Room Girls Camp think you can't win. Have a quarterback in yeah, and most of these college quarterbacks. I'm not talking about Andrew Luck is Indianapolis Colts. I'm talking about Andrew Luck coming out of Stanford or you name it Peyton Manning and they sit down with with a guy. That's a proven head coach like like Jon Gruden drunk ruins firing out questions. What do you happen to have covered three what I'm doing safety comes down. What you doing with this? What about the protection there? They're showing Mike dog Blitz what and there's nothing you can ask Joe burrow. He's not going to have an answer. Yeah, and it just it's just not common. And the reason that's important is he's running an NFL system and it allows him to execute at a speed and a level of consistency that just we I personally studying this game never have seen. So I just I love it. I'm appreciative of it and I love sitting down talking to him and hearing more about his thoughts about protections and blitzes and all the stuff that kind of goes into it. You were there for the Texas game and that was kind of Introduction nationally, we had glimpses of it here like, you know, I was fortunate to see some fall scrimmages and I was like, okay, I think this offense might be a little different. But yeah, it's hard to balance. Like how good is the Defense Forces? How good is the offense that sort of thing but you were there for the Texas game and I remember after that game you came out and you're like look everyone pay attention to LSU. Did you first see it getting to this level where I mean? We knew that night. Okay, they're going to be something different on offense. It's not going to be i-formation power, you know handed off toss dive on the first play of every game but did You first see this level where he just won the Heisman by the widest margin and history. I mean did you see this often is getting to this level what I saw when I left that stadium that night and I told a lot of my friends was when's that Alabama game was in November, whatever 7-9 whatever. Remember November 9th him and Tua that not this was early September. Yeah him and Tula like, can we get there now? Like that's what that's what I remember thinking because I thought this is different man. This is not LSU. This is not Defense and ball control and I formation this is a totally different thing and like you said third and 17 almost any offense. Let alone LSU's running the ball making Texas use timeouts. That was the thing that left an impression on me was their kind of their the approach from kocho all the way down like we're here to win and they did it against Florida late in the game. They're here to win. They threw a touchdown late to class. I think was quite Edwards earlier. I thought one Jamar it maybe tomorrow. Come on Chase on it on a wheel. So it just made me feel early in the year that this was possible not in no-till get hurt. Yeah at the but I thought it'd be a to Alabama LSU who wins that game probably ends up going to the national title and probably ends up winning the Heisman Trophy. I felt that confident early in the year after the Texas game. So one of the things that y'all just did was watch film and one of the plays you watch was a touchdown against Oklahoma or thaad Moss goes up the seam and it was funny because Joe Joe. Wrote down that play really. Well, he talked about how much they worked on it and stuff. You could tell it meant a lot to me and he said it was my favorite play of the year. You think about all the great plays he had for sure. Well, he got real excited about that one. Didn't he for sure and so just by coincidence three or four days ago is talking to that asked him about the same play and he gave me one of the best just football answers ever. Just what his read was, you know, how he knew when that defensive end hit him. He had to get vertical all that kind of stuff. You've produced a lot this year the caches in yards when you caught that that ball in the last game you see open field. Front of you, what's going through your mind when you get in the end zone? Well, it was the same play that we're and Ole Miss and I fumbled on so when I could so when I ran the route, I think we called it. We called it previously in in the game. But instead of having me attached they detach me so I can get a cleaner release. So when I caught the ball, so first off it was get a release on the DN just keep my feet almost fell keep my feet and I cut the ball. I was worried about the corner. I don't want it out in what the corner to hit me once I caught the ball. Just trying to give her two. We'll go and once I realized the corner came down the Jamar and that safety was rotating to the he was opening up to Jet side which Jets had four touchdowns. So once I caught it, it was like ma'am. This is myself, but I've been all year just for are getting many yards I can and as I was watching you and Joe talked it made me realize like this isn't just an offense with a genius at quarterback. They're smart guys all over the football field how much can that with a fad having that intelligence but the receivers able to make the Reeds how much can that unlocked off and so much. Is that a reason why LS use often? It's has expressed its everything and I think you bring up a great point the fact you're talking to that about it and he's breaking it down in the same manner of depth that the quarterback is like I think all of us as fans sometimes we watch and we see touchdowns and we think the quarterback throw a nice pass 60-yard touchdown. That's awesome. Yeah. I don't unless you privy to what you and I are and you get a chance to hear these guys talk. It's like sitting and I was kidding about like sitting in a math class and there's a professor. At the board and he's not teaching arithmetic. He's teaching calculus. It really is at that level of depth and knowledge of well that I noticed that the Sam linebacker he was he was leaning a little bit to the outside pre-snap and I saw the safety all these things are happening is you just see Joe routinely looking, you know calling the Cadence out. He's recognizing the safeties leaning here the corners over here. Oh look at the Mike linebacker, all these things are indicators. For him the of what he and sad and Jamar and Justin and Clyde and all these guys what they're seeing is eventually going to tell them because they all have to be on the same page because you adjust your route based on the coverage that they're in and so all these things happen in the blink of an eye and they for LSU they always seem to be on the same page seeing the same thing. So that is Steven swinger. It's Joe Brady, it's Joe burrow and it's the receivers and the tight ends and running backs everybody buying in. To this system which allows them to execute a level. I don't think we've ever seen in college football. I'm going to ask you a question. That's not a fair question. It's a question that 14 defensive coordinators. Haven't been able to answer yet. How do you stop this? LSU offense? Is there what would you do? Like, if you're a defensive coordinator, would you take the Auburn approach and throw something different out there? Would you stick with what you do best and and try to limit though the talked to him last night Kevin Steele the defense coordinator from Auburn said all I know is you better change up your calls. On every play he goes in baseball. There's a batter and you better throw him fastball curveball same at-bat fastball curveball knuckleball slider changeup, he goes if you go fastball slider fastball you're dead. Like if Joe and those receivers know what you're in it's over. Yeah, and so think about that as a defensive coordinator, you know, that's really hard to do. And so you got to respect Brent venables. He's one of the top defensive coaches in the country. He had 15 days to get ready. He's To have a plethora of things that he's not shown on film because he knows for 15 days Joe Brady Steven swinger, Joe Borough are studying every move that he's made so he's got to come in with a completely different look and if he does what he's always done all year. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel. And so that's why I think what do you do? You got to dial up pressure. You can't play man-to-man unless you have confidence that your guys can stay and stay with those receivers because if you don't get home, you're going to give up. Touchdown so I think you'll see a mixed bag. All I know is you better disguise and you better change it up. Otherwise Joe's going to pick you up are so the flip side of that text is game was LSU's defense did not look very good in that game and they've come a long way since then the last three games have kind of crunched the numbers Pastor efficiency Defense. Number one in the country would be if you extrapolate it for the rest of the season Rush defense top three in the country extrapolated to their season small sample size, but we've seen against good teams, Oklahoma, Georgia, Texas A&M good football teams. This defense has played. Well, where have you seen them change wherever they improved from that Texas game where they could get a stop in the second half to the last three games where they're playing really really? Well. I think they're more aggressive at the line of scrimmage. You know, I think early in the year if you go back and watch them had some injuries we were talking before we came on the air and guy like Todd Harris that they lose and it affected their ability to cover in the slot and I think you know, they were fine a corner because he had Fulton on one side and Stingley on the other but I think we're teams really are able to attack them was in the middle and I think they're still trying to figure out Linebacker they put grant who's banged up in a position of have to cover and he's better at blitzing and playing center field. So I think now because of the development of some of the other guys like clot and Maurice Hampton, it's allowed them to free up some of these players and I think they're healthy so schematically I think they're attacking more Chase on is able to get up and get into the backfield get some one-on-one opportunities in past Pro, which he didn't have used sometimes drop it in coverage now, he's added back into attack mode and getting after the quarter. Back, I think the other thing is I think that this defense got a little lazy with a new offense that was scorned 40 or 50 a game. I think they lost their Edge and I think it took the performance against Ole Miss if you go back and remember they played Ole Miss didn't go well the quarterback Plumlee was running all over the place. They gave up a lot of big plays and the committee the next week came out and said, we're flipping Ohio State over 1 LSU's just not a complete team and I think talking to Dave Aranda he went into the meeting rooms and he's like fellas We're not living up to our standard LSU's known for defense. We're relying on this offense that you know, what's wrong with you guys kind of truly challenged them and I think they really bought into we're not going to rely on Joe and this offense every week. Let's let's go do our part. So I think it's a kind of a perfect storm of different scheme healthy and a different confidence in mindset is allowed them to play better. I want to I want to Pivot to Clemson you called the the Clemson Ohio State game. I went back and re-watch. It because obviously I was covering the LSU game and then enjoying myself quote unquote after after the win, but I went back and re-watch it and like Midway through the second quarter. It's 16 nothing and I know the result of the game. I know that Clemson has won this football game, but I'm sitting here watching it. How did they win this game? There's no way they want it but yet they did. So what happened in your mind in that game that cleansing was able to so to stay close how state to their credit came out. It's the defending champ undefeated Trevor Lawrence never lost a game a lot of buildup in hype about the game. Clemson has a point to prove after dropping the three undefeated and they're frustrated but High State took the fight to them. If you watch the game, they went Tempo offense. They were aggressive. They were hitting them with big plays defense was jamming the receivers and getting Trevor Lawrence and kind of an uncomfortable position. It couldn't throw the ball and was boom boom Ohio state three different times. I got into the Red Zone. They were ready to go Mike Tyson first round knockout and three different times. I'd settle for field goals. So there was a little bit of a hmm shit. Feels like it's 28 nothing but it's 16 to nothing. And then there was a third and five. I don't host a guy called for the targeting which we can argue all day about targeting. It was the right call because Sean Wade who lowered his head crown his helmet he hit Trevor on Third and five. It was an incompletion and they called that so is it automatic first down led to eventually a touchdown for Clemson? So it was like that to me was a turning point if you watch the game in the game that went from Ohio State be enough 28-nothing. A to it's 16:7. How did this happen? I just felt it. It changed the momentum of the game and then they got another score. We're Trevor got out on a long quarterback run and they had to change their game plan it within the game. They couldn't throw the ball couldn't run Travis CTN. So they started running of all people the big fella. Yeah quarterback and it worked and so I think Ohio State outplayed them. I think a lot of cases they all coach them and you got to give Give Clemson one thing got to give him credit is a heart of a champion kind of got backed into a corner didn't give up kept fighting and at the end of the game, they found a way to win it looking at Trevor because I think a lot of people going to focus on the quarterbacks in this game because it's probably the number one pick in the draft the next two seasons. Yeah where the spots that he can try to attack LSU's deepens. What are the things that he does? Yeah, I think first of all, I think if I'm Dabo and Jeff Scott the receiver coach I'm walking into that receiver room and really challenging my guys because they Beat up last week Ohio State I think went into the game thinking we're not in the ACC. We got confidence in our defensive backs. They have NFL defensive backs. We're going to jam them at the line. We're big tall receivers and they just going to get up into his and their faces and try to disrupt them and it worked and so I think Clemson really has been embarrassed by that. I heard of Mari Rogers their slot receiver come out and say man, we know excuse like we got beat up. We got to come out. Swinging so I think you got it. You got to get your receivers on track and you got to make some plays on the perimeter. You got to win against two really good corners and Fulton and Stingley. And the other thing is they've got to find ways to make the safeties from LSU have to respect the passing game. So then you can eventually the strength of their team is running Travis, he and his Louisiana guy and if they can't get him on track, it makes for a very very long day for their offense. So I think I think etn will be the key to Attack because it when he gets going it tends to set up every other aspect to their offense to more for you. Just a quick one here. Do you think it's more likely this game is in the 40s. Both teams are in the 40s or in the 20s. I would my instincts is you ask that say the 40s because I have respect for both quarterbacks and both offenses and I would throw caveat in 15 days of prep for Dave Aranda who's a great defensive mind 15 days for for Brent venables. Who's a great defensive mind. I have a great deal of Of confidence for LSU's offense because I haven't seen a defense stop them, you know as much as I respect but venables it I have to see it to believe it. You know what I mean? Like I watch them every week. Nobody can stop and they plant a pretty tough conference in the SEC with great defense has nobody can stop him. The real question is Clemson get back. It's like it's almost like they're stuck in second gear and that Ohio State game. Yeah. Can they get back into third fourth and fifth gear to try to stay up? LSU that's the one question I have in this game is can Clemson's offense score with jokes? I think Joe is going to score. Yeah. So my last one for you and this is this is a tough one to and I'm kind of put you on the spot. But if you look at it from a historical perspective what else he's done this season if they beat Clemson will be their seventh top 10 when they'll have the Heisman winner by a historic. Margin Biletnikoff Thorpe, they'll have navigated a very tough schedule. They've knocked off the defending Champions 29 and oh the last two seasons Where would that rank that resume rank historically among the great college football teams going back to the the greatest teams of all time. Where would can you do you have a sense of where that would be? All I know is because of the way this offense is played and and the way they've executed if they close it off with a win and in this National Championship, I'll be 80 year olds 80 years old somewhere sitting hopefully fishing somewhere and I'll be someone I ask me. What's the best team you saw and maybe it's because it's right now, I mean, I think back to Matt Leinart USC I think events young Tim Tebow had some teams most recently, you know to ahead a great team of Two years ago there have been great teams, but this team and I think it's because of the offense, you know, the defense had to find its way late in the year, but this offense and if they go out and put an exclamation point with a 42 Point effort, I think people whether you're an LSU fan or just a college football fan. Yeah. I think you'll look back at 2019 is one of the great runs that we've ever witnessed. Yep. Hopefully they can they can wrap it up. Yeah and what aggression and Orleans? Yeah. What a great time. We were in Santa Clara last. Imagine LSU fans because I did it Santa was or where we were where's the game? I mean, it's just it's like the football God said to LSU fans. You know what you guys have been through a lot lately. Yeah because we're going to do for ya Atlanta for the SEC Championship in Atlanta for the semi-final and just for fun. We're going to we're going to close it off for three days over in New Orleans for the national title. I don't know. It's a get much better if you're an LSU fan. Yeah, I think as the game approaches my prep for the game will be to get as much I work done as I can now so that as soon as it's over. Usually I do a podcast right after the game. It's do it for Bourbon Street. Okay that now we're tossing on so hurricane and one hand the microphone in the other down there. We'll do a post game show perfect. Perfect create context so much. I just my pleasure to be joined by Tom Rinaldi of ESPN, which is really cool for me because I'm a big fan of all your stuff Tom and thank you so much. Time. I know you're busy first. Let's start with why you're here because I know you're embedded with LSU this week for the national championship game and you were just interviewing some of the guys out there for sound of the game. Right and Clyde words either. It was one of the guys that you talk to and you came out of that interview. And you said something to bring it Barry o our sports information director for football that I think Bears repeating on this podcast if you don't mind sharing it, but just tell me your take away from that conversation with Clyde. I think this is the third time I've had the opportunity to speak with Clyde. But walking out and I could have said it the other times as well. He is among the 10 most thoughtful football players. I've interviewed in my career and that perspective is informed by a life where he's had more to experience in his first couple of decades than a lot of people have in their entire lifetimes and what he's done with those experiences manifests in A great depth and a great ability to be reflective and expressive and he just is a remarkable person to speak with I don't want to spoil anything that you're going to be using. But what were some of the things that he talked about that really caught your storytellers ear just a simple question. Like what would it mean to win and to hear him describe what he thinks it would mean to this city this state to its people to the jaw. Joy, that it would bring one of the Expressions. He used was it's remarkable to think that an egg-shaped ball could change so much but it does and I again, I think that's a remarkable thought to express he also was very powerful talking about Kochi and the tragedy that's happened in the last week and a half and how the Brotherhood of the team the Culture of the team he hoped and believed was helping the Ensminger family through the depths of this loss. So one of the things that that people associate with you as your ability to tell these these emotional stories that obviously fits into that category. I don't know if that's something that you anticipated your the direction you anticipated your career going being the guy known for kind of going into those stories. What about those kinds of stories the quote-unquote tearjerker stores or emotional stories are the stories that take you outside of the field appeals to you. So I two things I don't know that it was certainly never anything that I did by Design or intended to have happen. It just seemed that and this is something I say from time to time that I do many other kinds of stories as well. I do some lighter hearted stories. I've done stories around the butt of the joke. I've done stories that are simpler in their approach that are limited. To what's happening in the field of competition, but the stories that people remember most often are ones which have an emotional resonance and that has far less to do with me or the way. I tell them then the elements of the stories themselves because perhaps because of the relatability of that each of us not all of us is going to be able to run and jump and perform and and pull off the athletic Feats that these he's incredible athletes. Do we all will face trial and test and challenge will all deal with failure and hopefully persist to Victory and perhaps in those themes we find connection and something Universal. So one of my favorite moments from you, I'm a big tennis guy. I grew up literally grew up on a street called Wimbledon. Yeah. Yeah. So when wilden's a big deal in my household, it's right down the road here in Baton Rouge. Or the other streets that have yes, there's this was Don budge. There's Rod Laver. I'm trying to memorize some of the other streets. I lived on Wimbledon. So that was the hook John Newcombe. It's all older older. So I think I was probably built in the 80s so sure on up. We were Big Pete Sampras fans. And so I was always allowed me and my mom like who do we need to talk to to get like a Pete Sampras Road and here and I'm you could add Roger Federer to that list too. But one of my favorite moments from you is and you mentioned this being the butt of the joke or kind of being in on it was your Curiosity moment where for those who don't know Nick kyrgios tweeted. I don't know what tournament this was a petite woman US Open US Open he tweeted one morning who the hell is Tom Rinaldi? Why is he talking about tennis? And then was it hours later? Was it the same day where he's walking out to prepare for his match and there's Tom Rinaldi you ready to agree to her as being mentally little weekend of this past us open and curios who is a really volatile spectacular Talent. Yeah, as you know, if you're not a tennis fan, he's absolutely Solutely worth watching he's a popcorn match creator for sure. You don't know what he's gonna do among the most electric talents, but he's also incredibly unpredictable. Yes, and he sent that tweet at I'm not on any social media. So it was a producer who told me. Hey, I'm sorry about the cariou's three times of what are you talking about? And he's some old Nick kyrgios said, you know who the hell is Tom Rinaldi YZ commentating on a tennis match when he has no idea. What the hell's going on? Yeah. I was calling a Rafa match. Little did he know the little did. I know I knew this part I on the schedule from the previous night was slated to do the pre-match interview. The kurios has a nighttime match on Arthur Ashe. So kurios was was playing a hundred rublev who came out first. I did ask rublev a couple of questions. He comes out and then curios comes walking down the hall and I said to him Nick Tom Rinaldi with ESPN and he was like, oh mate. Oh, no, and I said he said that's hilarious. And I said why is it hilarious Nick? You gave me a shout out earlier in the day let people know and he handled it beautifully. Yeah, you did he laughed and and he was willing to play along with it. And I was I was surprised at the number of people who reacted to that moment. Yeah, maybe because of something simple that you have to be able to laugh at yourself and how often in the age Social media. Do you troll somebody or say something negative and then have to look held accountable right in the eye just a couple of hours later. So and again I give kudos to kurios because I thought he handled it very well speaking of her later, but I think we've all been trolled online and I think we've all probably trolled a little bit too. And so you never really see the confrontation, right? And I think what was in endearing about that moment from both of your perspectives was you had a great sense of humor about it, and then he had a great sense of humor. I did he didn't you know, he could have shunned. I don't know what he could have done. Otherwise, I don't if you could have shunned you or what but it was just it was a great moment. But I think what made it great also was I don't know if you plan to greet him with that. But the the line that you just said that that's hilarious line. You couldn't have planned that because you wouldn't have our what's hilarious about it. You could have plan that because you wouldn't have known he was going to say that how much of what you do as a Storyteller as an interviewer. Do you have to really listen and be able to to adapt to the situation and because that would have I would have been at Data to know that. Oh, gosh. I've got Nick kyrgios. Now. He just called me out on Twitter. Like I don't know how my handle this but you seem to be ready for it as much as you could be why would that have been intimidating? You know, I think it's to me. It's the the idea. I'm not a confrontational person. So facing very few of us are yeah. I've been afraid that there would be it on camera confrontation and how I would have handled it how I would have looked how he would have handled it would have just I don't know it would have been a little intimidating for me. I think it's taking me way too long. Ang and this is an indictment. I don't know how else to say it. It's taking me way too long to and it came at the painful price of botching interviews and I still do this I still Commit This one of the most basic sins. I don't listen well enough and I become a little bit more concerned with the next question rather than the present answer and so in listening to the present answer not all the time. But at times there's something valuable there which should trigger a follow-up and something as simple as you know, that's hilarious. Why is it hilarious that then gives him an on-ramp to explore it or go farther in the same note vain again. That's something that is I'm still at work as we all are and in progress, but I've I've tried I've been conscious of listening and not being as concerned with this sequential follow up. According to the list versus the follow-up according you what's actually being said for sure. I mean you can see I've got my list of questions here that I've already deviated from I'm curious because you mentioned listening and I think it's a super and we are going to talk football and a second by the way, we are going to talk about this you cleanse in which I know people listening want to hear but I want to talk to you about this because this is something I feel like you're really strong at but the ability to listen is is clearly a talent, but it's also what I've learned especially on this job. It can be really Ring like I remember we did that. That's Joe Series where we went up to Athens. Thank you. Thank you fantastic, and we went up there and we talked literally from 8 a.m. To 9 p.m. We talked to 13 people probably and by the end of the day, like I was just I was exhausted. Like I was just tired because sitting there paying attention and gauging it takes a toll it takes a mental toll it takes a physical toll. I was tired from the positions. I was sitting in that sort of thing. And so I'm curious are someone who does that literally every week. I mean, it seems like every week you have something coming out whether it's on game day, whether it's major time for tennis, how have you cultivated that skill? How do you maintain the energy to travel as much as you do and until these stories which some people think all you know, it's a dream job, which it is of course and we love doing it but there's their sacrifices and there's there's certainly a there's a tiring element to it. There's a toll that it takes personally. How do you kind of cope with that? How have you developed the ability to listen to people for so long and engage and Turn that into a story that's a great sign that you would be worn out by and it seems so counterintuitive right? I'm only sitting in a chair how on Earth could that be tiring? There were people breaking rocks in the hot sun and sure framing houses and length are down and writing code Etc. How could it be tiring to Simply sit and listen, but attention attentiveness is engagement. Yeah engagement. Is purposeful purposeful comes from effort effort is tiring. Yeah, and especially if you're really listening to what someone has to say and thinking through where is that leading me? Where's the conversation going to go from the previous Point that's been made that can be tiring. That's number one. Yeah. Number two. It is a lottery winning job. No. No, I won the lottery and I'm able to work in different sports and have different. Alls I'm able to balance the feature world and tell stories with the urgency and immediacy of sideline reporting with play-by-play in tennis with the interviews. I'm able to do both live and for features. It's just won the lottery. Yeah, the sacrifice really comes at home. And I'm married. I've used this line many times. My wife Diane is three seats from Jesus and there were times this late in the season where she might be only two seats away. So and our kids as well our wonderful so they sacrificed a lot so that I'm able to cash the lottery ticket. Yeah season after season. Yeah, I got to take my wife to because you talked about developing listening skills. My wife as a social worker. So she's a professional listener and she's given me a few very valuable tips both professionally and personally so a big thanks to her. Let's pivot to football because I know people want to hear about it and we were joking about your ability to listen to me. And from people and you're in the stories that you do one of the people that you did elicit emotion from this year was Edwards Ron who is an emotional guy, but we don't see that side of him often I'm talking about when you had your sit-down with him. He talked about that day at USC which the day that he found out. He wasn't getting the job at USC. What are the layers to Edwards wrong? What are the layers that you've seen from him and how that's helped him this year to go from where he was three years ago. Go where he gets hired and across the country people are mocking it or people are critical of it and to now where he's maybe the best coach in college football in the best team in college football. What how is that kind of emotional Foundation gotten him to where he is. I think one of the one of the deepest most powerful tributes, you can pay to eddowes. Ron is recognizing something very deceptively simple. Ed has changed he's grown. He has used experiences from the past and they have altered him and improved him and that's personally professionally it in almost any way and if you were sitting here with us, he would tell you that. Yeah, and the fact that he is able in the midst of a Dream Season think about this at the peak of his professional life. To still open his heart and be vulnerable enough. To pause and have his face reflect the hurt of his players. Looking to him to know why are you leaving us? Why isn't this job yours when he knows it's not his call the additional part of that to know that there's a judgment being made about me and I can't control that judgment. Yeah, I think I did everything I needed to do to secure this job to earn it beyond the interim label and I didn't get it and How he's grown from Ole Miss to SC to the time when he stepped away to what he's gone through in The Cauldron of Kelly's health problems his wife to the success his sons have in playing football collegiately all of that. I think Ed's Evolution. It can't be undervalued or understated or undersold. I also think it takes a very small. smart man to hire smart people around him And listen, yeah, and a lot of people don't do that. They might hire people who are smart and still do it the same way I do that way too often. I don't change often enough. I find myself set in my ways and I'm inspired by people who can change because it takes humility and it takes risk and that's what is raw this season. This was manifesting in the success of LSU season. How much do you see in this team a reflection of kocho because you have you have guys like Joe burrow who was overlooked at Ohio State Clyde who was overlooked coming out of high school Thad Moss a transfer you could go up and down the list. There's a lot of their it's a good combination of Elite Talent, but also a lot of guys with that same kind of mentality that that is a towards Iran has that they were overlooked they were over past you would know this better than I would but the program really is Is in his shape, it really does play with his Spirit. You can't say that at very many programs. I don't think now you can say well at the most successful programs, aren't they by Design By definition the shape and manifestation of the head coach not always and I've said this for a long time no team plays perhaps her teams of play as much but no team plays more. For its coach then LSU. Yeah none and I think that's because with Ed the players recognized the authenticity of his commitment to them and the depth of his love for them. It's funny because one of the things that I do in addition to the reporting in the writing and stuff as I help out with some of our branding we have branding meetings, we talk ideas. And any time we talk branding for LSU. I look at coach. Oh and this this is an intentional. He's not a Quote unquote brander. He's not a guy that thinks about Brands but he is LSU and he is Louisiana and he embodies it so much and I think that's why you know first here. There was a fan base that bought into him pretty quickly. Once they saw that not that he didn't have to overcome his daughters here too, but they bought into that that's why he got the job in my opinion more than anything in addition to all the other traits that he has but now nationally people have really embraced him and LSU because there is such a strong tie. They're do you sense that you think people pick up on that? I think if people didn't anyone who saw Joe Burrows Heisman speech need see no more than that. That's a player who managed his emotions as best. He could up to the point that he addressed his head coach that is what in essence caused his heart to overflow. Yeah that he Navigate that emotionally without showing the depth of what his head coach means to him. Thank you for taking a risk on me. Thank you for helping to teach me how to be a man. Those are Mighty sentiments to express in private to do it on the stage when you've just won the Heisman Trophy. I don't know that there can be a greater Testament to what he means to his players in that moment. Moment. Yeah, I mean you're an interviewer Joe is Joe Broz probably as tough a nut to crack as there is in the interview game. And so for that moment to happen was I think I think you're exactly right. That was the perfect representation that will get out on this as a as a Storyteller not as a reporter, but as a Storyteller as you're around LSU this week and also with Clemson, what are the storylines in this game that entry you had talked with Kirk about the hardcore football stuff if that appeals to you by all means but what are some of the the bigger picture? Is that are standing out to you that you're looking into this week? I think there's a number of them and they're all Sensational right? The fact that LSU is had this season and win or lose it concludes where it concludes is an obvious storyline that you have a head coach who says repeatedly over and over the great state of Louisiana that might sound like some stump line or a slogan from anyone else not from a native son who is so proud to represent his native state. That's number one number two. Two is Trevor Lawrence ever going to lose again. I'm a period there, you know Blessed Trinity. You have any idea what those two words mean now? They that's the school that beat him in the last loss that he's had Blessed Trinity. Okay. So when is he ever going to lose that that's number two number three, of course is the Joan Joe show the Revelation that's been jobber all the magic that's been Joe Brady tragically the trash that the the plane crash and what it has shown about. One coach one family the indian incandescence spirit of Carly and how she was in a way such a favored daughter of this state and what that's meant in the latter stages here of this season as the team tries to win a title and tries in its own way to show its love for one of its favorite coaches, and I could go on and on and on in the obvious. Is disrespect for Clemson and Etc. There's a lot of great story. Yes. I've said all year, you know when people compliment work that we've done and we're very proud of our work, but let me pause on on there just say the work that you guys have done the moments that you've captured and then presented it's one thing to have the access. However limited or granted and capture a moment. It's another thing to turn it around. Present it in an authentic meaningful moving way. You guys have done that time and time again in bringing your fanbase closer to the core and spirit of the program. In fact in riveting ways including the series on Jal including the 10,000 catches include and including the visit between the boy and Ed. There's so many different aspects that so many stories you guys have told Old but you've been phenomenal. Well, thank you. That means the world to me. It's very humbling and I'll tell you what, I've told people that have complement us before we're very proud of our work. We have a great team from Matt and Brandon and Chris and everybody Lindsay. I feel like every time I start talking about I should name them all but what what makes it easy as this team? This team makes it really easy on us because not of not just the way that they play and going undefeated but the type of guys the Clyde upwards you layers and the that Thad mosses the void cushion buries the code Jose. They're all they're all so One and they not only are really good football players and coaches, but they're great stories, and they're great at sharing with us to so no doubt. They've given you a lot to work with. I'm excited to see what you do for the championship game, but it's been my honor and I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much for having me. free for all
Really excited to be joined by two of the best in the business, Kirk Herbstreit and Tom Rinaldi, on today's show. Both were in town to shoot some interviews for ESPN ahead of Monday's championship game, and both were gracious enough to carve out some time for a special podcast episode. First up is Kirk, who spent an hour or so with Joe Burrow before sitting down for this interview having one of the most detailed and intelligent football conversations I've ever overheard. Kirk gives us all the analysis and insight you'll need before Monday's game, from both an LSU and Clemson perspective. We talk Joe's genius, the high IQ of the entire offense, what he's learned about trying to slow down LSU's offense, and what Clemson can do to beat LSU. We finish up with Tom, who indulges some of my own questions about storytelling and interviewing (when you sit down with the master, you pick his brain) before jumping into some of the narratives he's eyeing ahead of this game. We talk Ed Orgeron, native son and redeemed coach, but we also talk Clyde Edwards-Helaire, Steve Ensminger, and the two Joes. Very happy with how this episode turned out, as the tactical talk with Kirk and the narrative discussion with Tom gives a good picture of all the angles of interest for this game. Back later this week with more episodes.
Class is in session. You're listening to squat University by dr. Aaron horse Shake. Now. Let's start the show according to Trenton is manic depression settled and flipping in the fantasy. Hey, what's up podcasters? Thank you so much for checking out Today Show. This is episode 68 of the squat University podcast the goal with each and every one of these shows is to bring you as much value pad content help you move better in the gym and in life decrease your body's aches and pains and help you reach your true athletic potential.Now have you ever heard the expression a picture is worth a thousand words. It means the meaning or idea behind something can be summed up better in a single image than a lengthy description. Now the phrase itself should not have any place in the diagnosis of back pain. However, the way in which our current Medical Society works as far as diagnosing pain is often used with this phrase and we'll talk about that today. Tell me if this story sounds Familiar to you you're lifting at the gym one day trying to go heavy and all of a sudden have this back injury something just feels like it pops. You're hung up with back pain for a couple days sometimes even weeks. So what do you do you decide to go to the doctor. Now first off usually takes a little bit of time to get it into the doctor. Usually don't just go straight to the doctor unless you have a great relationship with one or you go to the emergency room for most of us. We're not going to the emergency room with just back pain things start hurting me call up a doctor you make an appointment. Takes a little bit you get in finally see a doctor after waiting for like an hour in the weight room. They look at you. They ask you a couple questions. They don't even touch you and then you go. All right. Well, let's order an MRI and see what you find. So then you have to wait a little bit to finally get your MRI scheduled with first off is not cheap. Then you get your MRI and you have to finally reschedule with the doctor so that you can find out what the MRIs basically showed. So you meet with them a couple weeks later and he goes As well after reviewing your scans, we found that you have a bulging disc. Sound familiar. This happens all the time doctors often today diagnosed back pain simply by looking at an expensive picture of your spine, which essentially is what an MRI is now if you had like a car accident or something else, I was very traumatic injury like a large fault. Obviously, it makes sense that we're looking for huge fractures or things like that with an MRI. So going straight to that can be very helpful at that time, but for the common back injury, especially Lifting we cannot only look at an expensive picture of your spine and think that's the best way to diagnose injury you see many medical practitioners today commonly seek out these abnormal findings like a bulging disc on an MRI and interpret them to be recent developments presuming that these specific tissues are the source of a person's pain. Basically if they see something that looks off on the scan like an MRI. They assumed it to be the exact anatomical cause of your newly developed paint. Now the presumption that these abnormalities on Imaging can be directly linked to the cause of pain is actually flawed for a couple reasons first results on Imaging actually have very poor correlation to the symptoms of pain the MRI cannot show if the damage is a new wound or an old scar pathology does not drive. Mention the fourth reason the MRI only shows Anatomy. It does not show function. So let's dive into each one of those presumptions in why those are incorrect and why the MRI is not the only way that we should go about diagnosing back pain. Now, what if I told you that finding a bulging disc is actually one of the easiest to catch abnormalities with an MRI of the spine. It's true. In fact many people are walking around today with the disc bulge who have absolutely Zero back pain. How can that be? Well, if you actually look at the research, there's some that shows that it is estimated that almost a third of healthy pain-free 20 year olds currently have a disc bulge in their spine in this number of disc bulges actually increases 10% every decade meaning every 40 year-old up out there half of them likely has a disc bulge in his yet not having any back pain at all. I'm 32 years. Old I probably have a couple disc bulges. If you were to take an MRI my spine another research article that has been very eye-opening in 2006 a group of researchers collected MRI scans of 200 individuals without any history of back pain now during the study those who developed severe back pain with in the months following that original MRI had new MRIs taken and the results were compared with the previously taken scans. Now here's what surprising 84% of those who developed back pain during that time had absolutely zero difference in their spine scans from the original one. Some people even had improved markers compared to their first demo right now. Clearly This research is showing that just because an abnormal finding is picked up on an MRI. It does not necessarily mean it is the root cause of your pain now when you see a bulging Disc on an MRI there is no way a radiologist can determine if it is due to a recent event, which we would call like a wound or if it's basically a 20 year old wound a scar. Basically. This is because disc bulges can heal over time and no longer currently generate pain, even though they can still be seen by an MRI. Now what's important to understand is that an injury to the spine is different than an injury to the knee or hip? An injury to the spine sets off this Cascade of events often. For example, when the spine is compressed under load a healthy disc helps distribute that load evenly across the entire vertebral bone. So if you put a big weight on your back your back squatting the disc itself actually acts sort of like an airbag. So when the spine is compressed it sort of pushes the load not to one part of this. Fine, but sort of distributed amongst the entire disk or the entire vertebral spine when a disc bulge occurs load is no longer evenly distributed but instead it's actually shifted to the posterior part of the spine called the facet joints. So wall pain from a disc bulge can eventually burn out in a couple weeks or months the mechanics of how the spine functions is actually instantly changed from there on so the way in which the spine carries low Load after this quad show you had a disc bulge in May and then in October you're starting to develop some paintings because your spine has actually changed the way in which it carries load. It's been affected at that particular segment. Basically from then on out whenever you're loading force on your spine instead of it being evenly distributed on them part of the spine. It's now being shifted a lot of the forces being shifted to the back part of the spine, which is called the facet joints. Therefore if someone at that Time so why not Tobar then goes to get an MRI in their spine. There's no way that the radiologist looking at it can determine if that observed disc bulge that is still there. Is that a new wound that just happened and it's currently generating symptoms or is it just an abnormality that is seen from a past scar. It's scarred over no longer is that disc bulge creating pain in the true source of pain is actually at the facet joints, you can see it actually can become much more difficult to understand as someone that's looking at us. Vine is what I'm seeing is that truly what's generating pain, even if the anatomical structure that was causing pain was identified the knowledge of that problem. It actually does very little for a clinician like a physical therapist chiropractor. Dr. It does very little for us in finding the next possible fix. This is because problems like a disc bulge could be due to a couple different causes. For this reason it would be of no benefit of anyone just to do a simple Google search five best exercises for disc bulge. If you do that, I promise you the results that you're finding are not going to be efficient. Not every single person is going to respond to the same type of treatment based on the anatomy of what is injured in the end. The only person who actually benefits from the knowledge of what exact Anatomy is injured is the surgeon because a surgeon To fix the problem by cutting it out or repairing it. No one else benefits from it. Okay. So here's the next thing to think about in MRI is only a picture of your anatomy in one particular posture. If you've ever had an MRI, I've had a few you're just laying in this machine same thing for the CAT scan same thing as an x-ray your in one particular posture. They take a snapshot. That's what they're looking at. It would be naive to think that a mechanic. It could look at a picture of a race car in know exactly why it seemed to me make like a weird noise when you're shifting from third to fourth gear at 60 miles an hour. Just think about it if you took your car to a mechanic and they're like just just take a picture of the engine. I can figure it out from there be like I have no trust in this mechanic. There's no way in which I could diagnose my car troubles with just looking at a picture. However, our society is very hesitant to do the same thing with our medical doctors. Better attempting to interpret what's going on with our spine just by taking an MRI of it that makes sense in order for a skilled mechanic for a car to truly diagnose a problem with the engine. He's got to take the car for a spent. You're going to say. Hey wait here. I'm going to go take your car for a spin on the look at some things. I'm going to rev the engine up. I'm going to test the capabilities of it. I'm going to slam on the brakes real hard. I'm going to see how things are working the mechanic must establish context for what's eating a problem the same goes for our physical body. We need context through a full physical movement first examination in order to uncover. What is actually triggering pain what movements would loads what postures what is creating pain can just look at a picture. It is only after we go through a full movement diagnosis that we can then turn to Imaging if we want to to look deeper into what specific tissues may be driving or symptoms. Now this is not to say that the MRI results should be completely dismissed because that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that the findings the content of an MRI should only be interpretable within the context of a full evaluation for what is actually causing our pain. So here's an example of how we could correctly view the results of an MRI. So let's go back to that prior story that we talked about your lifting all of a sudden you have pain. Pain and blah blah blah you go on to the doctor's office get an MRI the first thing that should happen whenever you go into a practitioner is that they should do some movement testing and screening so sort of determine what is creating pain and what takes it away what feels good. So here's a simple test you can perform to understand of whether or not a disc bulge. Is it truly an active disc bulge? Is it a new wound or is it an old scar now? This is a test that I've learned from. Dr. Or Miguel de we're now back expert I definitely recommend going back. I've had them on the podcast three times go back and listen to the stuff that we've done together in the knowledge that he shares because it's just truly amazing but one of the tests is basically just sitting in a chair and you're going to start in a neutral spine position, which means set up with good posture. You're going to take your hands on the bottom of the chair and you're going to pull up. So basically you're in a try to compress your spine straight down, but keep it in that neutral position. What? What happens did they create pain? Yes, no, next you're going to round your back like crazy Flex it and then do the same thing. So basically you're combining flexion and compression or force and does that create back pain? So yes or no for someone that maybe has a disc bulge that's often going to create some pain. So then let's find out. Alright that creates pain what feels good now if you get up and walk around for 10 minutes, Have less pain or you line your stomach for a few minutes in a slightly extended spinal position. What happens did the pain lesson you see when we move to understanding how the body generates pain, but then also what feels good were able to put more context to the pain that we're having. So after that I may do some other types of tests with someone that comes to me with the situation. So for example, you're having pain with lifting now, Let's say you only have pain with a deadlift or squat but in doing so like a squat you notice that as you get all the way down to the bottom squat your spine is actually flexed a little bit. So you have a little bit of that but wink and that brings out pain, but what if all of a sudden we change your squat pattern just slightly in clinic and I say squat only to a point where your back remains a neutral so don't go all the way down. What happens. Does that decrease your back pain? Do we just change? Or symptoms by changing your movement. So understanding that if we can limit excessive flexion of the back it does that decrease pain. We can also come to the understanding that movement of flexion under load is a current trigger for pain. So this is all giving us more context. If we wanted to add that time. We could then look to an MRI and say with more confidence that the disc bulge that popped up at that certain level is likely inactive just fault. Judge, which of the anatomical cause of pain see when you sit down and you Flex under load with the chair stretch or when you squat all the way down to the bottom and your backgrounds uneven Force distribution at that spinal segments pressurizes the disc in a way that is forcing more to that inner nucleus to seep its way through the outer rings of the disc, which is then triggering paints Dynamic disc bulge without that context through the examination. There's no way. Determine if that disc bulge found on MRI is the exact cause of pain. So you have to have both we cannot just look at an MRI. So where did the story for most of us who go the traditional route of seeing a doctor who doesn't even touch us just talks to us and then gets an MRI where most that turns takes a turn for the worse. Our story is that the only form of evaluation is ordering an MRI the evaluation for someone in back? Pain is the most crucial part of fixing pain because it establishes the foundation from which the entire treatment plan is then based upon and the case for most of us. It's established on this very Rocky assumption that a picture is worth a thousand words. So I hope you guys liked today's podcast and were able to take just a little bit of a better understanding of way that the next time you go to a Her and they asked to only do an MRI and they don't do any other types of testing understand that you're probably not at the best doctor for you. I would highly recommend going to see physical therapist chiropractor medical doctor that treats from a movement perspective who understands how to screen the body properly by not just looking in ordering some expensive Imaging now, if you would like to learn a little bit more on the way in which I recommend screening back pain, All you have to do go online Squad under the blog article tab at the top scroll on down. There's a Blog for free that says how to screen your low back pain just walk through that's a very simple process and it can give you like I said today a little bit better context for what may be triggering your pain. You don't need to have an expert clinician there to tell you what specific and natta me may be injured you have to understand a movement first perspective because here's the deal twould guides been the next couple steps in your rehab understanding disc bulge or fassett impingement or end plate fracture itself in itself does not drive your treatment but understanding necessarily loading tolerance flexion and tolerance extension and toners that gives us just a little bit better understanding for our first steps that we need to take right after that to decrease our pain and then build resiliency with a proper training program that's individualized to your body and Ember there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to back pain. You have to understand how you were presenting and then how we can then build back on top of that to find your best treatment plan. I hope you guys liked today's quick podcast. If you did, please hit me up at Twitter is quite University and just give me just a little bit of feedback if there's something you want to listen to in the future or any guess that you'd like to have on the show until next week guys. Happy squatting. That's it for today class on squat University by dr. Aaron horse jig for more exclusive content, log on to squat
In episode 68, Dr. Aaron Horschig breaks down why you shouldn't place your complete trust in MRI results for low back pain. Research has estimated that almost a third of healthy pain free 20-year-olds currently have a disc bulge in their spine! (Brinjikji W, Luetmer PH, Comstock B, et al. Systematic literature review of imaging features of spinal degeneration in asymptomatic populations. Am J Neuroradiol. 2015;36:811-16) This number increases 10% every decade, meaning 45-50% of people between the ages of 40-50 have a disc bulge but with no back pain at all. It is highly likely to have abnormal scary findings on the MRI if you’re above the age of 60 but many of these individuals have no low back pain at all. Can a disc bulge create back pain? Sure. But just because there is one that is picked up on an MRI does NOT necessarily mean it is the root cause of your pain. Check out these referenced articles:  Jensen MC, Brant-Zawadzki MN, Obuchowski N, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine in people without back pain. N Engl J Med. 1994;331(2):69-73 Carragee E, Alamin T, Cheng I, et al. Are first-time episodes of serious LBP associated with new MRI findings? Spine J. 2006; 6(6):624-35 Fukuda K & Kawakami G. Proper use of MR imaging for evaluation of low back pain (radiologist’ view). Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2001;5(2):133-6
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The family takes on Napa Valley and are The Bella Twins ready to go their separate ways all this and more on the total Bells after show on AfterBuzz TV, you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look, Hey guys, I'm Leslie cologne here. And I'm joined by my lovely co-host. Hey guys. I'm an eagle of lift. Any what's up guys? I'm Tay Alexandria. TK isn't here today, but she's handling her business like always so of course miss you today where she at one the chat. I know y'all better going at TK Trinidad make sure it's a gram Twitter everything. She's missing today. So, how'd you guys feel about this episode today? Oh, okay. Um, it was a beautiful cliche season finale. I mean kind of I've kind of predicted all of this they both go their separate ways at the end and I'm kind of sad The Bella Twins like together over right? That was like the main sad part to me. Yeah. Well, I think it made sense that both of them ended at the same time. I feel like it would be right for one of them to end and not the other. Yeah, that makes sense. I don't know. I just felt like it was cute and uplifting. I guess. Wow, I mean, but it It was just like and then I was like, okay and then then they went their separate ways and their cars, you know, right and I know the lay and then Nicky off National and the Right freeze like whatever so that's pretty interesting. All right, let's get to it. It starts off with Evolution Nikki Bella vs. Ronda Rousey and Nikki loss. Unfortunately. She did. So how do you describe are losing her match overall already said I really felt like I mean You had a breakdown like oh if she did she would have to go every week. I don't care about all that. What I do care about is that I felt like at least they could have gave Nikki a win and then maybe hurried up her storyline something. She wouldn't get the so she lost a belt maybe after that well, but in that case, you know because she did go on to Survivor series and made it could have made sense to do that. So they could have given her the belt and taking it away at Survivor Series. Yeah, like I felt like there was a way that they could have But at least let her win especially when they know she was kind of phasing out. Anyway, yeah and Ronda Rousey has a long road to go in this undefeated stuff is just making her feel making me feel like she's like not like they're not know. I know WWE once all this attention and that's cool. I get it, but it's it's not I don't know. I personally wanted same thing. I want a Nikki to win actually more. So I said this before I like more so for her just like separating herself from the whole Johnny thing for her. Yeah personal gain course and if Rhonda would have lost it would have been like a huge like upset. It would have been like a buzz. So right I really want to make anyone but hey, I know this makes me question like who's going to be good enough to be Ronda Rousey. Yeah record-wise because I would think that you know, the Bella twins have a big name WWE. So it was weird to me that they wouldn't at least let Nikki defeat her. I think I would have been more fun to watch too. Yeah, I think you would have won and then what of I watched it. That purpose. Yeah, like I know Rhonda is gonna win but if they have good writing or they have a good storyline Nikki will win so I was like maybe hopefully but they didn't they went with the same thing. And that's one of the things that they're doing has that it's very predictable. So everyone kind of knows who's going to win or not. And also I know you guys don't watch in a regular basis, but throughout their whole storyline there were just talking about dancing the whole time. I know Rhonda was laying, Yeah, she mentioned it a few times but we talked about this week. We talked about it, but we talked about it. And you know, that's what Rhonda's known for like she's known for like the bad-mouthing or hit ya where it hurts type situation that you know to me that that's not a big deal either but I just wanted to see something different like WWE. This is 2099 and we get something that will shock and all all of us in the general. Pop that don't watch all the things fail, but I mean the fact that you guys can predict it means that and you guys don't even watching the regular basis then it is highly predictive. So yeah, you could have been as I know that the same thing. Well, that's like Floyd Money Mayweather losing for somebody you can even as big as the oh, yeah for sure. Yeah, but you know and I have two big names as well. So yeah, I understand what you get time. I don't know. Yeah Joseph Joseph in the chat said money gives write the story line for Rhonda's match at Mania has been giant cluster. I can't say that word and if it was Rhonda if it was Rhonda versus Becky home home freaking run like I guess home run. No. Yeah. I understand with you Joseph. I also wanted Rhonda versus Becky by themselves, but they were W doesn't like for the public to boo Ronda Rousey, which may be getting her from the the UFC the MMA. Is she ma. She was MMA right or you You okay? I think they're yeah same thing. So she's coming off of a defeated run like putting her in the WWE and making her undefeated is making her not it's making her brand cheesy. Yeah, like Lauren more. Yeah, very boring good before we were like, oh, she's doing the real fighting. She's in the UFC she undefeated and then she gets in there and she gets to feed it twice. And now you bring her now she took At the moment. She's coming into the WWE. They have this huge story line for her all these storylines and then she comes in like undefeated undefeated undefeated. It's like know y'all need to mix it up. Yeah with her right now because she's coming off of a defeated twice run and the not just that the public is getting boring. That's why I watching right now. She's switching it to a bad guy now, but everyone should like okay. Yeah. She should be a hit. Anyway, it makes more sense for her to be a heel but I feel like they wanted for her to come in as a good person. A baby face. That's what it's called for her image and WWE. They did that all wrong. I feel like they're still trying to go about it like they did in 1992 1980s. Like this ain't what you might remember who's in charge of still Vince McMahon and he sent in his way. So unfortunately, we can't move forward so did not see ratings ratings going down at all. Yeah. That's why I see that that's why he became a cop man. I know but he's very strange ways. He's the owner. It's like, I mean, it's like the gonna let him down. What was like the But they are senile and can't really do anything anymore. So I feel like yes, I understand that but as the people were telling Vince McMahon right now light it up. We need something big and this is 2019 like we need. Yeah, we need some unpredictable thing. They're gonna wait till it's too late and they have nobody watching and then they'll like you know what? Maybe we should change. That's the difference between Brands Triple H runs and XT and XT is huge. But the problem that you see is once these wrestlers come up to the main roster their characters get messed up next up because like they don't know what to do with them. So that's the problem like there's management Triple H's running an XT, which is Triple H is running is not mainly making the decisions on Raw. So that's why Raw and SmackDown her kind of going down while NXT continues to go up. Well show one. Yeah. We're seeing the show of their disability. Yeah, Nikki lost the match and then she continues her storyline to Survivor series and then the European tour, but they also highlight the fact that this was the end of the Bella twins together rustling and that they were together for 12 years. So how do you guys feel about like all those videos and stuff about them? I will the funny part is and I'm a tad this into news to is that they're already talking now even before the finale. Came, they were already saying that they might make a return already. So yeah or Bri or somebody might make a return already. So I don't understand the whole like if you're going to retire retire go do something else like not something else outside of WWE. But even if it's something not inside the ring, but don't keep like yeah, I feel like all this. Oh, imma keep announcing my retirement. I feel like that's why it wasn't that big. But yeah, especially right now because we kind of already knew and they weren't so active. Yeah. Yeah, yeah and the ring I feel like it's time for them to like let and and maybe that's a good thing too. Because now maybe we can see more of their lives instead of their career lives with that show so it could go in a different route 28 times as they like fake retired or have they well but it's like number two. This is known for leaving and coming back. So it's not the first time they've done it. I feel like I think it's like the fourth time that they've done this. Yeah, so they left I think back in 2010 and they came back after. Two years. So they've done it before I remember that me happy. Yeah was yeah at the very beginning. Okay, so there because there are still considered ambassadors, which means that they're still connected to the brand no matter what which is why they just announced also that they're going to be on the Wrestlemania Axxess. So where people can go and take pictures with them and like sign their autographs and stuff like that. So they're still technically part of the company does not in ring competitors. Yeah, but why do I feel like this time? Is there actual well, I don't know you guys should Said they are dirty trying to make a comeback again. But yeah, I know that they're trying to make a comeback already. I can't give up. That's why I feel like they shouldn't make such a big deal especially because if it was like a whole brain situation where he really wasn't able to wrestle medically. Okay, but if you're really gonna stop wrestling and stuff mostly because then they get all this time on TV and then the women who are actually, you know, working towards this aren't able to get their time because you know, the Bella twins just come in and kind of take it take over. Yeah. Well, that's what bosses do Anna to they are so then also regards to wrestling Brian becomes a heel so he's a bad guy now and he wins his championship vs AJ Styles and he also finds Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. How do you guys think he's going to do as a bad guy now, I like it when they switch it's like fun to me to watch that. Yeah, everybody was confused and conflicted. Yeah, people are still confused. It's so hard for me to watch him on Smackdown because I can't see him as a bad person. Yeah, it doesn't hurt to me like that you need to bring in. Irish new people that are that are fans, but maybe not, you know, they can still do this. Yeah and help out with the the heads who are doing this till because we're going and I'll totally different time now, you know and all the stuff that they're doing is just kind of like what the its questioning your ability anymore. Yeah. So I just feel like and the way this company is going to move forward because they have the people they have the wrestlers. They have the ability to make these great matches, but they don't so that's the problem. Well going back to Brian. I feel like he can't it's in him to be the he'll only because what he said at the end, he said like I love seeing young women like long young girls. Cry. What do you say hello know he that he loves to see little kid little kid. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but I didn't know that was in you to say that in general, but I right. Yeah, but when I'm in the ring and try like you could tell he's trying so hard. Our and I'm just like I can't watch the scent. I like him like that competitor, but the character goes a long way in WWE. If you can't play like your character, then you're not going anywhere. And right now he's like this like eco-friendly wrestler who's like mean and has his like Championship friendly and stuff like that. So does it make sense? Like you're connecting, you know a person who is eco-friendly and then who's like a bad person? Yeah. That's why it's confusing. Yeah exciting to me. Family takes on Napa Valley due to harvest season and as you guys know the Bellas have their own wine. So Nikki is emotional due to the memories that Napa brings back because we know oh, yes, you have to get married there. Tour and stuff. Yeah, she was and that was our first time back since that night. Mmm. I feel like so she says that this is her healing process and she's ready for a new Nicole. Do you guys understand why she's like so emotional and where she comes from. I think you know how the beginning of the Season we see Nikki kind of like going crazy. I'm going crazy, but she's like looking for ya free shipping and free spirit and I now it's like levels to this that wasn't that was that and now she's kind of bringing it down and actually like thinking about what's really going on. Yeah, and I'm really proud of her for that. Yeah. It's this level of like okay now, I'm just trying to be Nikki like, you know new chapter. I'm proud of her for this. Yeah. I feel like I'm at once you go through like a big breakup you can I go through you like you're crazy moments where you're like, I'm just gonna do whatever I don't care. Nobody's like around me. It's like a moment of finding yourself. Yeah. It's a quick second. Yeah, that's what I do. It's a moment of finding yourself outside of that relationship because we as women tend to compromise a lot and I know over the years you don't realize until you're out of that relationship how much you've compromised yourself. So I feel like it's like a finding of herself. But my favorite part of them going to the wine thing is when they did the testing thankful. Really really good job, and I'm a wine purse like I get that from my mom but like I can't be blind fold it in like close my eyes like okay, I can tell between red and white but not like okay, this is Merlot. This is solved. E en Blanc this is like Cabernet. I can't do that. And then the fact that Jamie of course had to make it thank him and tequila and soda. Yeah and Bree One race away again surprised to see that Brie one. Nobody wins everything sure remember when they went to the IQ test. Oh, yeah because Nikki always wants to win she'd never ends up winning. She doesn't she's hiding miss perfect, you know. I'm not in that little dark thing that oh the axe thing, right? Oh, yeah that one. Yeah. She when it comes to mental like stuff or things like that where you feel like you have to use your mind a little more and it seems like Brie always wins those right? Yeah. I honestly thought Nikki Witter one that because I don't have and that's why Daisy was like, oh I was going to make a bet that Nikki was going to win but then I was way off good thing I didn't but we have Brie mode. What are y'all talking about? Breathe? Alcohol, like she was one great party out curly girl and I'm pretty sure that within all of that. She was even when she was pregnant. She was like she was smelling wind is like, oh my gosh, I can't take this off. But I think we've seen Nicki and because of John, you know, all they would do was kind of drink wine and drink these different types of wine. So I think he was like, all right, she's gonna yeah, there's Brie mode but then like that's like cream on it. Just kind of like shots like shot leverages taken. Yeah, I think he's like always loved one. All right. No, she want classy. Yeah wine. Well Breeze like screw this on party mode, right? No, she's still always liked her wine though. Because even like I said, yeah, she was pregnant. She was like, I have to smell it. I still feel like it makes sense that everyone. Well that was funny. And then also we see Nikki and Brie have this conversation about Nikki wanting to move to LA and then her explaining to Brian, you know how she feels Eels on the fact that she doesn't go home to someone who can support her or like her family if she doesn't have money for rent. She feels like she would have to go to her family. But the thing about that was I felt like I wanted to hear Brian's opinion and we didn't hear his opinion. We I heard stuff family somebody guys think about what she said about that say it again what she said about her going on her own and like not having anyone to kind of lightly when they were on the couch and Briana and Ryan were talking about be ways and to Sam Her like emotionally and also yeah my partner pretty much because they're used to being the twins are used to being together like in the vicinity right now like so now this time for once like Nick, he's actually going to La and yeah now her first Breeze first priority is her family and like Nikki doesn't have like a backbone to follow up on that close to sanity. So who is Nikki going to like faltering? They have not always been in close vicinity because they were living in Arizona am halfway, Washington when Nikki was in jail with John Cena in Tampa. So what he has None, but she had done then. Yeah, that was a thing but she had somebody like salad and she had John and Brie had Brian so then maybe think about at the same time John was never really there. Yeah, so I think not even if you're right John Wayne really there because he was traveling stuff. There was times where Nicky was like I've been in the house all by my yeah, so that's our show Lars mom. So I feel like there's been times where there has been a part. There's not been a time where they've always just been 20 together so - dramatic effect on No to do with everything that has happened after her breakup, you know, Bree immediately was like I need to go rescue my sister. So I feel like she got used to that and now she's not okay with being on her own. Maybe that was more so like a brief side of thing. Yeah. Okay. I'm not gonna like go save my sister anymore today thing. This is like the first time I'm going to do this and even though Nikki tries to claim that you know, she's independent. She doesn't need Bree you can see and so many cases that she and her sister especially rustling especially like in life. Living close with her. No, I think the cameras got you all fooled. That's all that is. Well, I got it Gleason feel like that. It was just a filler that was just filler talk. So you don't think they need each other. No, I think that talk every day. I feel like if they don't talk, I feel like their face time in each other their FaceTiming birdie. I feel like there's still always there but there's been times where they've been apart and Nikki has been living in John's house why he hasn't been there a month on time filming. WWE stuff to everything so there's like no this is just a repeat. She's just not with the John which is not like a huge difference from him not being home all the time. So I I got was filler talk. I still think it's a mental distance though because bring is like I said breathe now like more so instead of Nikki. Yeah more so focusing on like person yourself and Brian and we family love through the see that to change somebody's mind set. So now less time until you going to be put into Nikki right and not just I think like she's not mentally strong yet to the point where she's so independent like she was before because she always at the end of the day had someone to go back home to and he even though John was the way he he's kind of right and she still not now she's like single well, it's not really my thing. As one Danny time when I fill in that episode, I don't think she was with Arden yet though, correct. I think together since December like I feel like they've officially been together since December. So that means they had to be dating for hurt for this to end like that. They had to be dating probably before that or at least going out on dates. I feel like she really moved to LA due to the fact that she was dating him. Yes, I could but there's a difference between dating and being in a relationship with someone if you're dating someone you're seeing them. Like here and there but when you're in a relationship, so I think they're right now they're actually I should ship but that's a different mentality. Yeah for sure. She was dating in the beginning of a relationship. Now you have somebody right when she moved to LA did they not show her getting on his bike? She moved to LA while when breathe moved to Phoenix. She was already in a relationship with our demand moved to LA easy gonna pan. Yeah. Okay got it agree to disagree. Going to disagree timing is different. Yes, it is and dating a relationship is a completely different thing filler talk. So yes, I agree to disagree because to me it was just filler talk. Anyways, I talk about this Birthday Bash. The Bell has turned 35 and Bri wants a center. I don't know what in the hill that we like. I had to Google it. Okay, you know what? I don't know if you guys have watched this movie The Chronicles of Narnia. I had a dress like that. That's what I thought of but then it didn't make sense of why would you want your birthday to be deemed of the Centaur before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify you can listen. All of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us. Us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. All I know is that it was weird. But hey, well, I mean it was only one guy so they didn't really go all out, but it was still kind of makes it more weird. Yeah, that's heroin guy to fulfill it be nothing, right? Okay throughout this birthday party the Bellas have their dinner with their family and their close friends and this is where Nikki announces that she bought her house in La where you guys surprising the fact of how like Brie responded and how she was super supportive about Tennessee already mentioned it prior to like a couple episodes ago. So breathe already kind of got had an idea. Yeah, but before that she didn't force we go through with it. That's why she got the beach house in San Diego. Got it. Yeah. She said her lease is that we already knew she already knew. Laughs you think it's for the cameras. Yeah. This was all the finale was pretty much all for the cameras. The finale was pretty much all four cameras. That's what it was like I mean cuz you can tell you I can tell by the way, we've watched their shows many of time right to tell by the way, they react when one of them doesn't know something before yeah roles like their reactions tell everything but I mean with them being cool with that mean she already talked about it. She already told Bree she already like all of this was done. I feel like before cameras roll just like when spring announced that she was moving to Arizona and it was just kind of like, yeah. Nikki was just come back and see what you're saying. Yeah, like when they don't when they You really don't know something about each other and they say it on camera. Like they really get a like either they'll get really angry. Yeah, or they're like, oh my gosh, like Nikki just walks away or breed just like walks away so you can tell when they're really getting into it and when they've already discussed it before the camera. I was just surprised by freshy were believe that it for storyline and I guess fake camera purposes. I think that Brie get did awesome reaction. Yeah, the fact that Nikki is like a - nicking is moving on by yourself. Yeah, starting a new chapter. And I think that has free is at the point where she's like, okay, you're not my preferred priority anymore. I'm glad you're actually doing something for yourself and you're not coming to me to ask me what I'm doing so you could come with me got it and that's where I think they kind of split their own separate way romantic thing. I think maybe like off-camera she bring new but like maybe it was the first time the family knew right? That could be it too. But I'm talking about together like super surprised and right. So this is where After this birthday party the Bellas feel that they know who they are and they're moving forward with their life Bree, you know her family and then the key to LA to live her single life and living happily ever after so then we see that Bree moves to Arizona and Nikki to LA and then they will be separated after 35 years. This means New Beginnings heard you guys feel about that whole scene where they went home in their cars and then it was crying and Bri was just like, all right. Okay, I feel like I'm with if she were to say this I'm with Monica. This one so that's the like this was like a set purpose and like they just drove off but like down the street and then they met together like all right, let's go have dinner real quick. And then like there's like the whole crying thing that was a bit much because the camera was just like right there on her Facebook on both of their faces. Yeah. I think that's what I'm saying. That was like overly cliche season finale but I mean and then also Brian didn't react to just like, all right, let's just go that when I will say that was like, you know, we're all privy to this he knows Like Brian is like okay y'all are going all dramatic which are going to talk tomorrow. If not in a few hours, right? Yeah. That is like when I'm sitting there somewhere a big deal. Like it really isn't like we've seen this before we know how they kind of maneuver with one another we know how they work with one another so it's not like it's not like it was such a big difference. So do you feel like if this relationship doesn't work out Nikki will We move back to Arizona I think so. I don't think she'll go to okay, if it doesn't work out, I think she'll stay but I don't or she might go somewhere else but it won't be Arizona may be fair enough. I don't think Mickey's going anywhere any time soon unless she gets into a serious relationship if she gets into a serious relationship and it's with someone who doesn't live in LA. I think she's prone to do it again and move with wherever they are if they're busier than she is, but I feel like Life in La is not that family life. It's right. Yeah, I feel like that now from experience. Yeah, I feel like that's what she really wants. So she's prone to move if she has a serious relationship. She's want to get married. She knows because she's at that age now where she's 35 and she's really she's retiring from what was the biggest part of her career and I think she's trying to make some differences in some different moves, but I really feel like if she gets into a serious serious relationship where where there's marriage and kids she won't be in LA because I feel like our team is a rebound. First of all a question. I asked you feel like he's married like marriage material. Oh, I don't know if he's marriage material. I just think as far as Nikki's mindset right now. She had just said, I don't know about the timing when they film like, yeah, I want to be like a new chapter by myself. I'm not ready. I'm just starting The Grieving not grieving process. Yeah, I like that. Yeah because she even though she did say that she survived the grieving process like the first time she's had a grieving process and it'll kill her if she ever saw. John with somebody else like you're not if you're officially moved on you're not going to think about stuff like that, you know, think about what the next person your old dude is doing right. So I think our team is the rebound and it's not gonna last long. Well Joseph in the shadows of her an art of don't work out. I think magically it will be revealed that her and Jonna also married Gabby agrees that they are married three guys think that Don and Nikki are actually more now. I don't I don't think that they're married but I do I'm on the same storyline is Joseph. I do feel like they are copying each other. I still feel like they're seeing each other. Yeah and like with with benefits with bitumen. So I definitely I mean everybody knows how I feel about art of I feel like this is a business thing for our demand. I feel like this is a rebound for Nikki or at least for people to get off her back about John. This is her way of kind of saying well here you guys go and this is a good way for artem to come up in a different Lane then D TW s and now what it is man to see you DW DW together. I was close but I feel like this is like Julianne Hough did like I just feel like he might want to switch out of a different Lane and do something different and he's expressed that and think he's like, okay. Okay, and she's like, well we can do this but I don't feel like it's real I do feel like she still talks to John. I'm like they still day each other. I feel like they go out on their nightly dates and everything. Yeah. Well, he's been very low-key. He's always been here super low-key, but even more interviews after he expressed like it was like he went on this whole interview thing trying to plead to her. I want to marry you now and I want to have kids Yeah, and then when they broke it off like it was like he went and done his movie and then you haven't heard anything from like nothing. I still think it's a no but if in the future something comes out on e-i will think about you guys well because she's been saying that while she was dating she would still told John who she was dating and who she was talking to and get his opinion. Yeah, and she said it biblically I feel like I'm there. I feel like he's like, well, you know what I've tested the waters, and I know I want you and if you Want to test the waters go ahead and see how yeah, and he's letting her test the waters, but I still know he's in the corner like oh I got you coming back. It's only a matter of time. I don't need any kids. So I'm good. I can keep with my my thing. Yeah, but I'll let you test the waters and see if you find anything better. But you know, you're not I feel like that's John only and and he's letting her kind of like test the waters, but he knows she's there. She'll come by each other. Yeah, there are still things that you believe that piece. We're low-key, right? Yeah, that is like super not like I think it's because he don't want it. He doesn't want anybody to ask him anything goes right caliber. So yeah being like super low-key especially now that it's public and she even said like going to be talking to the media tomorrow about all this. Yeah, and the fact that she's really close with our demand. They had a chemistry. I feel like this is a good thing because this helps him to get out of that era of the Dancing with the Stars and now he can do something a little bit different. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, cuz I don't know if you guys watch the show but he's just he's a regular Pro but he's not as big as the other phenotype Julianne Hough and yeah, yeah all the main ones so he's just there he's good. But he's not he does have a big name. Yeah Dancing with the Stars say it believe that one. Well, yeah. Yeah, and I heard different world. Well not even just wrestling gets now celebrity because make the Bella twins are so loud. Like they've crossed over into mainstream now, so there are mainstream commodity. So now he's on a mainstream level when they take pictures together or do anything together. So I just feel like yes, he's a rebound do I feel like John is still there? Yeah, John is there I feel like eventually they will get married and she'll provide a kid and that'll be all right. He said that on the Today show. I think that they're still talking. That's what Joseph is saying right now. So yeah, I do think that there's a jaunt out. Personally, I don't feel like I can see Nikki with anyone else. I just because you're used to it. Yeah, okay, because that's the two different things have used to it or just know because I'm used to okay and seeing her with our time. Like I don't know. It's kind of weird. I don't feel like they're like, I don't do that either. I agree. I don't know. Shit older and he has the ability to be like listen. I'm hang back here. I'm a grown man. I got things I need to do you go out and test the waters you gonna come back cuz you're here because we're on date night and I just feel like if I need to prove it to you. I'm gonna prove it to you. But whatever anybody used to be on his own and not necessarily needing anyone and to be honest. I don't feel like he's going to get into another relationship after this. He was already super like yeah, I'm gonna be with Nikki and then marriage and all that so I don't think he's going to be with anyone else. I don't know everybody pretty much agrees with me right now because that guy's a John thing that has such a John thing. Like I'm sure he's very like low-key he lets you know, he's like kind of out there. He's Loki but he's like if you want to be out there, I'll be out there with you if you don't want to be out there. I'm cool with chilling back here and just working. Yeah, so I just feel like that's such a jumping like I'll hang bag you do your, you know your thing because you're younger than me lying. You do it and we'll meet back on Friday. Okay, they have date nights till my God. They are very nice too. Well, that's that. Okay, we all have our opinions. I do believe Jenna knickers will together. Yeah you but I know you're like I'll be the one that says no, let's move forward. All right, and next money. Do you have some news for us today? Yes, we haven't let me pull it up. Because I wasn't all the way ready. Okay. So the Bella twins have a new podcast. So they said they're turning off the cameras and they're about to turn on the mics. And so they should be dishing Nikki said that she'll be dishing definitely about the finale and kind of wrap it up and put those bows on it that we're looking for. Yeah. So yeah, are y'all going to listen I had to be honest. I didn't even expect for them to do something like this and it's weird. For me, I would think like, you know, they already have their YouTube channel. So they wanted to do something. I think they would have done it there but clientele it's interesting. Yeah, it's interesting. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to listen to either them talking is different than looking at them. Right is it that I can't tell them apart and I picture, you know, I can't tell them apart. Bree are on the left and then Nikki on the right. Okay, I couldn't do it I can but like nose is a little different for some reason. Yeah. That was yeah. Yeah, and then I Breeze I browser completely different to that. Hey Mickey finally Nikki confirms. Oh, no, we're confirming Nikki with artem. She finally confirms that she's with artem with their PDA picture. They were doing lots of PDA. Were there together suppose this you put a date on there? Yeah. She said since December 18th or 2018 since December 2018. They have been officially dating. Yeah, and I found many 1099. I wonder how many 19 2018 they're officially today like that picture is weird to me. I don't know I can't see it. Yeah. Yeah, cheers to John and yeah, that's the difference. Bella finally announced their retirement. I don't know Iris, maybe accuse Golden Bell has finally announced her retirement and page and Natty give their you know, their goodbyes and let them know how much they loved working with them. But we're actually fake retirement. Right? Well, this was weird to me because when I saw on Instagram and I was like what retirement are they talking about, but I guess they're going off of like the show when the lies Ben not wrestle anymore, but I didn't see them announce it like they are anything like that. Yeah somewhere I said Nikki Bella has retired from the ring and the WWE. So I don't know they've come back so many times. Yeah, so and they're gonna come back. I do believe that and then so as to according to Leslie, this is breaking news. This is breaking news. The wwd has confirmed that for the first time. Time in WWE history women will Main Event WrestleMania on April the 7th. Yes women power live streaming right now. Yes 7 p.m. Central Time. So that makes it a p.m. He no, no backward and Pacific time and 8 p.m. And Eastern Standard Time. So for my wrestling fans, make sure your turn into WrestleMania and definitely support your women wrestlers. It's gonna be a good match Becky versus Ron. Versus Charlotte but of course like Joseph said we all wanted Becky and Charlotte just by themselves, but it's gonna be a good WrestleMania and make sure you tune in on the WB Network. You mean like yeah Rhonda by themselves. Yeah. Yeah, Becky and Charlotte, Charlotte. Oh, yeah wrong one not the Blair and then last but not least the Miz and Miz's comes back Tuesday, April the 2nd and 10 p.m. On the USA Network, which I'm super excited about. They will be back and hopefully We will be back to talk about them to here. So make sure you guys tune into them. We love them their arms. They're about to have their second baby II it baby? What do you predict is going to be a boy didn't you say it was a boy. What is it called my Clairvoyance? See they have it right now. I feel like they're having a well. I think she just didn't I'm not sure. Oh Yeah, she had me out. Yeah that for sure. I think it's a boy. She hasn't what she got me out girl a girl Monroe Sky. I've wanted to be a boy. I'm all for families having both. Yeah, so I wanted to be a boy. I love I didn't like the Miz and Maurice and WWE because of their characters, but after watching the reality show, it's so you might not to love them. Yeah, and I never did I guess just because they have such a big Feud with like Brian stuff like that and I was always like Team Bella so then Watching the reality shows like all right, they're super cool. So we're totally gonna have an after show. So tune in for that. Alright Shady's moment. I don't really have my own - small at the end when they were doing their dramatic drive off being bring it was like before she got in the car and now you get to go live your own life and I mind that was my The little bit of shade that was it and I didn't even think it was necessary like you could tell from the start that Nikki was emotional. Well, I felt like she was emotional. I did she say you can see ya. I didn't think that was necessary and she was like, well, that's make sure Shady here right many other ones shadiest moment. You know that felt like that was the that was the only one really everything else is like, you know biology. Yeah dogs and rainbows rainbows peaches. Final thoughts on this whole season and this episode. How do you think we're gonna move forward now move forward like like pardon. Well, as far as Nikki goes, I just think our time is a rebound. I'll just stick to that anything else. No, I thought this I thought the season was over all better executed than it was last season because last season was a horrifico. Act like it was terrible. So this season was over all better. I don't think that clearly Nikki is what our time like that so I don't see them. I don't foresee them being together that long and then I'm ready for a missing. Mrs. And Total Divas has a new light casts honey. I can do cast Carmela's coming back and I wanted to see more of her so I hope that we get to see more of her in total divas, and then Rhonda is coming. Going on which will be interesting to kind of see into her life. Yeah, like we've never really seen into her real life like that. So I think it'll be an Indemnity into like her real life. Yeah, so and then no Lana by more the Bella twins are not going to be part of total divas. Yeah. And so that's a big one. They wanted to focus solely on their stuff and then line up like that was so salty. That was a little bit of shade fighting so hard Just to be on like TV period that the Rocks cousin or my going to mix them now. That's nyah. Nyah. Okay. Sorry my bad night. I think it's gonna be part of the yeah. Yeah, but I feel like wanna makes total divas. She makes it fun. She makes entertainment entertaining especially with Rusev. She gives the drama shall we honestly Natty can go honestly, I feel like your daddy keep not. Hey saying, I love that. I really like the season. It was more entertaining, you know, no surprise that it was yeah better than laughing because last season was just a it was it was bad PR didn't do that, right? They didn't execute at it. None of that like no and then I do believe that the Bella twins are going to come back to Russell because now that the Tag Team Championships are out. I feel like those championships were meant for them. So the Bella twins have to come back and take part in like a tag team. I don't know match or something, but they're definitely gonna take part in that. I don't think They're officially officially been something big is going to happen and just like Evolution. They're going to come by. I think they're gonna come back to make like small big appearances, but not like actually being in the ring ring ring, right? That's what Joseph said. He said I see them getting a woman's Tag Team Championship Match by summary. Yeah SummerSlam. No, he said summer like he meant summer-ish like summer in. Yeah, but then he says SummerSlam that's a paper. Summer is MM. No SummerSlam, I am For one I thought I I need glasses though. All right quick. Shout out to all of our fans that are in the chat. Thank you for tuning in this whole season. We really appreciate you make sure you tune in to all of our other wrestling shows reality or just straight up wrestling. Yes, and then where can they find you can find me that Alexandria everywhere on swear my oath as a Alexandria TV and Diamond League lovely thing you'll find me everywhere at mismo Loveless. That's Ms. My Loveless. Also, check me out on my website at Monique Lovelace So keep updated and I am Leslie cologne. Thank you for tuning in and you can find me at underscore Leslie cologne that was it for this season. Thank you guys. See you later. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first for the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz ya later. You've expressed herein are those of the hotel they do not necessarily reflect. The views of AfterBuzz TV with owners are pretty good.
 Are the Bella Twins ready to hang up their wrestling boots? Are Nikki and Brie ready to go their separate ways? Wrap up the finale with Leslie, Monique and Tay as we get hyped discussing all things Bella! #Bellaarmy get ready. The Total Bellas After Show: Your favorite twins Nikki & Brie Bella from WWE are opening up their doors to their real life outside of the ring. On the TOTAL BELLAS AFTER SHOW, we’ll discuss their transition from in-ring competitors to becoming top-notch business women, expanding their families, and many more life changes. Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show. ABOUT TOTAL BELLAS: Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network’s hit series “Total Divas.” The six, one-hour episodes will give viewers exclusive access into the lives of The Bella Twins and their significant others, John Cena and Daniel Bryan, as the WWE Superstars move in together and enter a new chapter of their lives, both professionally and personally. After Nikki goes through delicate surgery on her neck and spine, her sister and brother-in-law move into the house she shares with Cena in order to care for her and keep her company during her long and protracted recovery. The Bella Twins will continue to appear on “Total Divas,” which concludes its fifth season tomorrow night at 9 p.m. ET.
This episode is brought to you by TaxACT. This tax season Tax Act has your back with their deduction maximizer and a hundred K accuracy guarantee. You can feel confident. You're getting the most out of tax season learn more about how to maximize your deductions and your refund and get 25% off federal and state filing attacks gimlet. That's gimlet for 25% sent off federal and state filing. Hi, I'm Brittany loose and welcome to sampler the show where we play. You can pick moments from podcasts that you just have to hear my fellow Americans. We now stand on the precipice of one of the most contentious and closely watched elections in our modern history. As we enter the final stretch of the 2016 presidential campaign season. We at sampler felt this would be a good time to do our civic duty and to start off. I asked a very special guest to come in and debrief me on the best moments from the political podcasts. We've been listening to so I would like to welcome to the show gimlets resident policy wonk noted Hillary Clinton pantsuit Enthusiast any Strasser well also my editor. What do I did you known for my enthusiasm and Hillary Clinton fancy? I don't even know if that's true. I just know you like pantsuits. I respect a pantsuit. I don't want it. Welcome my heroes. Thank you. Thanks for having me. So as you mentioned I'm your editor, but I have lived many lives one of which was at a think tank in DC one of which was working on Capitol Hill. So I guess I like politics. I mean, it feels like the wrong thing to say. Because I kind of hate politics, but I follow it. It's like Kanye you love it. You hate it. You follow it. I just I love Kanye. That's my only feeling about he stresses me out sometimes but I mean, you know I'm saying I love and compassion for him. So last week when the Democratic Convention and the week before that was the Republican convention. Wow, and we're deep in the middle of a hot election cycle hot. Okay. So I feel like it's a good time to talk about politics podcasts and even more specifically I think like election themed podcasts Mmm Yeah. I'm into it cool. So what I've noticed in the political podcast realm is that it does a really good job of sort of I would say a humanizing politicians or like helping you to understand where they're coming from Mmm. So I brought you a bunch of Clips today and they're all sort of on that beam of like understanding the political process and politicians better. I'm ready. Yeah, I'm game. So this is from a show called no one knows anything and it's a buzzfeed politics. Pop tight right full disclosure disclosure alert. I was waiting for this yet. But as soon as my former employer, but I think it's a really great podcast because it does a really Job of basically like explaining the like ins and outs of politics that you might not otherwise get like stuff. That's like a little confusing or complicated. Hmm and doing it in a way. That's like super accessible great. I love accessible. So the host of it is Evan McMorris Santoro who's a politics reporter for them and basically all you need to know going into it is that it's about a job that you don't hear a lot about in an election cycle. Hmm, and and you'll hear evidence. As voice first. Let's open the portal to the dark side of politics meet the Sith Lords who work in the shadows skillfully destroying powerful men and women with the power of their minds. There's an art to you know, buttering up the local Clerk and you know, I very often bring baked goods. All right, that's on a daily. She's not a Sith Lord, but she does know how to use tasty snacks to get the information that she needs. She's an opposition researcher and her job is to dig into a candidate to past and find things that voters won't like that means going through huge sets of data and Stacks and stacks of public records looking for anything any little thing that somebody might have missed. That's what Shauna was doing for the Obama campaign. When our Story begins it was April of 2007. So, you know, Hillary Clinton was running John Edwards is running Barack Obama was running a few other folks if you run for federal office, you have to file File an FDC report their detailed lists of a campaigns income and spending required by law, you know tens of thousands. If not, you know hundreds of thousands of lines of data when you're trying to get something on a candidate these FEC reports can really be like a huge gold mine because when they come out reporters and campaigns and super Pacs and all these other kinds of people start going through them trying to find that one damaging piece of information. Shana was going through the FEC report for John Edwards Edwards are really popular guy back. Then he was handsome running as a man of the people. My father worked in this mail and others lock it for 30 years. I worked here when I was young now. It's closed. The jobs are gone to the Obama campaign Edwards and his Southern Charm was actually like a real threat. They really wanted to burst his bubble. So Shana was reading through his FEC report line by line and she found something there was one transaction that really stuck out at us. It said it was too pink sapphire. Those are words that you know, don't really appear too often in these very dry reports. So so we Googled it and it turned out it was a hair salon and Manchester New Hampshire and then we ended up finding a few additional hair salons that had large purchases including one for $400. And so I am that to to Ben Smith at Politico. I was covering the Democratic primary and so I was here in constantly from the the Clinton Edwards and Obama campaign's band is not the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed. But back in 2008. He was just a Plucky blogger and he was pitched up. Oh, we in the business call it Oppo from people like Shawna all the time. Sean is instant message about pink sapphire and the four hundred dollar haircut would turn out to be some of the best Oppo of the cycle. Here's why John Edwards is a great-looking guy with a great head of hair. But remember he's also a guy who ran as an Everyman a Supercuts kind of guy not a forty dollar haircut kind of guy Ben were too quick blog post about the haircut. But that little detail in that little post turned out to be really kind of a big deal which brings us to tonight's word $400 hair. So this is actually one of those moments from the movies. We're top advisors or slapping their foreheads watching their candidate go from man-of-the-people to out-of-touch. Rich guy. We've had a Congress that spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop and it's hot. It's no coincidence that that happened Shana and the Obama campaign people. I talked about it, you know realized some will taneous lie that it was very explosive and also that it was kind of ridiculous and I think you know, but that's that's politics. You got to be able to hold all these things in your head at the same time. The haircut heard round the world Oppo at its best or worst depending on your point of view. First I remember this did you remember our of course? I remember this. This was the first election that I was that I a presidential election that I was ever old enough to vote in. Hmm. I just think about my own hair and then I think about John Edwards hair and I'm like, what the fuck were you spending $400 on? What could you possibly have been spending $400 on he didn't have that much hair. I mean you have way more hair. I have way more hair. It's a much trickier to find somebody who knows what? They're doing won't make you look crazy. I mean is haircut was not that popping. I'm very sorry to insult the person who did it. But like there was nothing about it to me that was worth that amount of money. Yeah. So I remember there was like a gift at the time that was like John Edwards like combing his hair and it was I feel pretty was underneath it. Do you remember that has like such a moment. I mean one of the things that I really love about this clip and also I think this is like something that happens during election Cycles as you revisit old election cycles, and you remember things that you didn't remember like things are just totally slipped. Your mind like everyone United under Obama. Yes, and you totally forgot about the primary and now here we are and like the primer just ended and it doesn't feel like people are united yet and it's like you totally forget that there are like that that was that came from another Democratic campaign. Yeah, and that was I mean, that was a really really huge deal. I also didn't know that there were like people like sneaky people like this Shawna woman who like who's who I actually like, I mean what an amazing job. That is right? Yeah. I mean, I think it's like a really it's a huge part. Of a political campaign, but it's one that you sort of don't nobody is saying like, oh, I have a war room of like 22 year olds who are like going through everything you've ever done. Yeah acting like a bunch of stalkery x's but like they do. Yeah, and when they first had pink sapphire my first thought was like, oh it's gonna be a strip club. That's what I was thinking. I was like, this is a strip club or like some sort of like Sex Dungeon, although I don't think you would put a Sex Dungeon on your FEC report. I would hope not I do also like to that like that the The dirt was like legitimate, but it wasn't like, how do I put it? It's low stakes. Yeah, it's low stakes. Like I just remember all that goofy stuff from like 2008. I don't know you can just thinking about like, like people said things that were like pretty racist or like mildly racist. But like now it's like balls to the wall like the 2016 election cycle is Buckwild. Yeah. So actually that's I think that's a really good segue into another clip that I wanted to play for you which is kind of about that idea of like saying things. You're implicitly racist. Yeah, and I think it kind of goes back to the theme to of like explaining stuff. You might not hear about or like that. You don't really understand the terminology of in elections. So this is from a podcast. That's really new. It's um, it's called politically reactive. Oh, yeah W. Kamau Bell and Hari kondabolu. It's from First Look media and they do it with panoply. It's cool because it's kind of like it's got these guys talking about it. They're obviously they're both people of color. They have like kind of a different perspective then I think what you hear in a lot of traditional media, like whatever CNN and and this clip is about dog whistling. So dog whistling is a term that people use when they talk about speeches and it's basically the well, I'll let them explain it. So yeah, so their guests in the episode is a professor at Berkeley named Ian Haney Lopez, but the first voice you're going to hear is W kamau bells and then you'll hear Hari and then you'll hear you. I defined dog whistling as like the Illuminati for dummies. It's like coat Language that we can all crack the code on you know what I mean? And how are you how would you define dog whistling? Yeah, man, that sounds that sounds about right. It's just it's a simple way to hurt people's feelings and alienate others while like uniting other people around that hatred but without saying the things that would get you in trouble in our society. Yeah, I think Harry you're actually pushing it a little bit further. So the generic meaning a dog whistling is speaking in coded speech then that your target audience can hear but others can okay die happens all the time. That's just that's just called political speech, but when we're talking about race or about gender what we really Talking about is a dynamic in which politicians are saying things that are socially offensive and would be understood as socially offensive and would be widely repudiated if they were clearly understood so they use coded phrases that trigger social anxiety social revulsion that trigger racism and sexism. But at the same time allows them to deny that they're doing any such thing that they're intending to manipulate people's racial fears or or fears based upon gender Donald Trump when he says that he wants to build a wall. Wall, you know when he's talking about Mexicans as rapists like that's blunt. Like that's not really dog whistling. And then he gets challenging that he says, yeah. I said I want to build a wall in ways that some politicians are like, well, I didn't meet a wall like they start to write register when they when they get caught dog whistling they pull back but he goes I'm a builder twice as high now that you challenge me open that dog whistling whistling. So think about what happened with David Duke in the clan. Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't Know what group you're talking about. He's Miss calculating. Of course, he knows who David Duke is, of course, he knows who the clan is and he's wondering to himself, you know, if I don't condemn them do I win more votes and he just got it wrong because the rule with dog whistling is you got a fool two sets of people. What are your liberal critics? He's given up on that. He doesn't he doesn't give a shit about fooling us. All right, that's we all hear it. But the other is you got a fool your supporters because your supporters do not want to believe leave that they support you because they're racist they want to believe that they support you because they are common sense Patriots who love America and this is what Trump is always saying to them. So when Trump refuses to repudiate the clan his supporters got to look at themselves and say hey, this is a guy who wants Clan support. That's not me. I'm not a racist and it's this it's in this way that Trump is still dog whistling, even he says build a wall. He says this isn't about race. This is about the fact that we don't know. Common across our border and its people from every nation and and that's all yeah crime and it's Muslims. It's not you know, some of them are good people. It's okay, but but we can't take the chance. We can't take the chance. We got to figure out who it is and then if they're good people will let them in right he's very careful never to talk in color-coded terms. He does not ever say stand up and say I am here to ask for your vote because I intend to defend the white race, which is currently embattled by a surging tide of black and brown people who never says that he's came off. Leslie that's B's came out of your mouth really quickly like well because I've been translated Trump's speeches in my mouth. That's what he's saying, but he can't say it expressly and he never uses a racial epithet. So there's dog wasn't going to lift who correct? Yeah that happens to right and you know, you can even think about Bill Clinton who sort of playing both sides of the racial aisle when he says, okay. Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna say end welfare as way of life. And then I'm going to go on The Arsenio Hall Show. Yeah exactly. Which which is the one of the greatest dog whistles to black people of all time. Exact I always feel like that I think about Bill Clinton their Seton Hall Show, I think about that when I see Hillary Clinton trying to dance on the Ellen show like the difference between Clinton on The Arsenio Hall Show. Is he actually knew how to play the saxophone? Where's Hillary Clinton on Alan doesn't actually know how to do that dance and is never bad dancer. It's like he actually invested in his dog whistling in a very profound way. He practiced over time where she was shown by an intern backstage move your arms like this. You made a lot of faces listening to that because it like as soon as I start talking about Trump's speeches. I was like, oh ultimate dog whistle make America great again. What's a bigger dog whistling that yeah. I the one that came to mind for me was do you remember on Cinco de Mayo when he tweeted out that picture of him eating a taco bowl. Yes, and he was like, I love Hispanics here. I am eating a taco bowl and it was like it was like, I don't think that his intention in saying that was to prove. He loves Hispanics for an audience. That doesn't think he does or for Hispanic people themselves. I think it was for his his followers for their legitimised to be like, yeah look like we love Taco balls. We love Hispanic people here and it was actually really appreciate in the clip that which was totally new idea for me. Is that dog whistling like you said is not just for like it's not just for your critics, but it's also for your supporters. Yeah, and they end later on in the code actually go in there and talk about Obama and how Obama does that? Yeah, and like the one that that came to mind for me when I was thinking about it was when Obama talks about personal responsibility and fatherhood. Yeah. Yeah. Actually that's a really good point especially because I feel I always have such complicated feelings whenever he says something like that. But like I also know that like, he's not necessarily speaking to me, I guess when he says that like I imagine that like Moe like any powerful black person in the public eye feels like it's their responsibility to tell people to keep personal. Stability in mind but I also like I don't know that that's necessarily for me as much as it's for like critics and also probably for like older black supporters and like possibly white supporters like of Obama. Yeah, I guess that is a form of dog whistling. Yeah, it's funny. I've never liked I know the term I've known the term for a long time but I've always thought of it is as like only racial dog whistling in a negative sense. Another thing to talk about in the clip is the idea of Obama brushing dirt off his shoulders. La Jay-Z So I guess like for our last clip we can kind of go in whatever Direction you want to go in like whatever is most interesting to use like a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of yeah, I mean, I just basically what I want to do is I want to play you stuff that you feel like piques your interest in politics. I could play you something about one of the most notable booing in electoral history that I do want to hear you want to hear that. Yeah. Okay. So this is from a show called Kennedy confessional and it's a it's basically like revisiting pull. Little failures so it's like that so it's from The Huffington Post. It's hosted by Sam Stein and Jason Turkish their guest is somebody who probably haven't heard of his name is Ben can up know and he ran for mayor of Toledo. Oh my God, Toledo, Ohio, uh-huh. Yeah. It's like an hour away for I grew up in I believe 2009 and so in this clip, he's talking about getting booed. But the first voice you are going to hear is Sam steins. So you show up at the scene? Yeah, it looked like a really nice day. Yeah, I think it was as I said and you have what I assume is a crowd of supporters around you and a few members of the media. That's right. Okay. I'm pretty sure beforehand. Someone had told me that there's this guy sitting on the porch who's like, you know think some of our supporters stepped on his flower bed. And it's like upset or something. And you start talking. Yep know what happened. Yeah, so I guess we just got our supporters, you know lined up for the camera shots and the media is there and everything and I start giving my Spiel and this guy is like on the porch starts yelling. I guess, you know, my name the street that my mother actually grew up on down the street, you know, I didn't really think much of it. It's up like this, you know, it's going to be Kind of just screw up our our little like press clippings. Legally. We have a situation in Toledo where there's faulty fire lines and then he keeps yelling. Yeah. Yeah. He was very persistent. I think so, you know, I mean honestly like I didn't think it was that big of deal. I felt like I just needed him to be quiet for like five minutes so I could just give my thing. Yeah, then I'll go talk to him and whatever. You know sure if you're just walking down the street and some guy started yelling at me. I would have handled differently obviously. So yeah, I mean there's a there's cameras on you. And I mean also I there was a bunch of little kids there. For some reason. I don't know why how that ended up happening but there was like a group of like ten year old or eight year old kids. They weren't part of the campaign. They were I think they were yeah, they were part of the campaign event, but I don't like I don't they weren't campaign workers now I could have my little child labor law. I don't know how I mean they might have been like family of us importers. Don't see anybody wearing our shirts. So, you know, it was kind of like and they were screaming him safety of many. Right. Yeah, I mean yeah, they were started and then he was so consistently over and over again and it sort of monotone. Yeah. And so I mean, you know, I think frankly he had he had he was within his rights to the didn't like me and and to make that apparent which he did. Is that amazing? Yes, I love is a person booing was just like run for mayor somewhere else. I know that it's like a little flare that took a little creativity. He clearly was not super well prepared to boo is how I'd put it no, I think he also thought that like if he kept at it like he may like Coalition build or something like that. Yeah, which I would I would not have Assume that myself and he only got child enemies. Yes only got a child. So that's not the whole story. So so after that happened but Cliff went viral, it was like 2009 early virality. So I looked it up today. It has something like 800 thousand YouTube views and it's amazing to watch but it became such a big deal. That's South Park imitated it to inherit. Yeah, they did. So it's a little different because they made a they made the politician a woman, but he here it is refugees from Syria should be considered in need of international protection Wendy Boo Boo Boo midi the vast majority of refugees from Syria are likely to meet refugee. Wendy laughs boo boo been they throw in a nice little boob in don't you just love I think it's so it's like, you know, you know, you've reached like political notability if wanted or otherwise. Oh, yeah, if you making South Park, like I did not win election. That's the theme of Canada confessional. They all didn't I just love the way you feel like they all lost. Yeah, it's great. I mean, I think it's like so this, you know going back to the idea of podcasting and sort of why I think this It is so interesting. Is that when are you going to hear from Ben Kenobi unless you have this podcast that's like about a really specific thing. You know, like that guy doesn't make the news know and I feel like it's like so olestra Dave of like how incredibly trying it is to run for office like at any level and like I don't think we need to like love them as people know. I think it's really helpful to understand like a politicians they are people and like it hurts when they get booed and they don't want to go viral that like you put so much into trying to win. When you don't ask to be devastating yeah has to be devastating totally and then at least like you're someone like if someone is disrespectful to you, which is why someone's wildly disrespectful to you in public like you can kind of at least like file in the back your mind like, all right. Well, you know what when I win all this is gonna be worth. It just suck its kind of suck ears. This is great. I feel like you played me so much amazing stuff. Like I feel like it's gonna be great. It's Ruben ate food. How long have you been? How have you been waiting to bust that out? That's what I really want to know. When did the life lies in this morning all Isis? Okay, so I need to go recover from getting booed. So we're going to take a quick break. But when we get back someone's gonna cry. This episode is brought to you by TaxACT. This tax season Tax Act has your back with their deduction maximizer and a hundred K accuracy guarantee. You can feel confident. You're getting the most out of tax season learn more about how to maximize your deductions and your refund and get 25% off federal and state filing attacks gimlet. That's gimlet for 25. Sent off federal and state filing. Welcome back to sampler. So today's show is all about elections and campaigning and I want to tell you guys a story about a podcast that raised a lot of questions for me questions about gender and running for office. It comes from the ways and means podcast which is a show produced by the Sanford School of public policy at Duke University. It's hosted by Emily Hanford and it's about you guessed it public policy. So obviously this here we have a woman in the race for the White House Hillary. 10 but in the not-so-distant past there was a point in time when a woman even running for congress was a big deal and you're going to hear from one of those early Pioneers in this next clip. She's a former congresswoman named Pat Schroeder and back in 1972 Pat's husband and some of their friends suggested that she run for Congress to represent her state of Colorado. So even though Pat had a lot of grief from Harvard, she'd never actually thought she'd run for office. In fact when her husband brought it up. Her first instinct was to ask if he had been drinking Emily Hanford will explain it and then you'll hear from Pat herself in 1972. The idea of a woman running for national office was kind of crazy. There were many women who are very good friends telling me we don't even have a woman on the school board Pat. What are you thinking? She was 31 and kind of outspoken. I must say I can't integrate trouble early on my mother just about died. I don't suffer fools lightly and every media person would say to me. How could you be a congresswoman and a mother and I got through about 40 of those questions and on the 41st. I think I said, I have a brain and I have a uterus and they both work and my dear mother was like you did. Didn't say that so Pat actually ended up winning the seat and in doing so became the first woman ever elected to congress from the state of Colorado and she ended up holding that c for 24 years and the late 80s Pat thought about taking her political aspirations to a much higher office again. Here is Emily Hanford Pat publicly flirted with the idea of making a bid for the White House. But ultimately determined it was too late to raise millions of dollars and attract enough delegates. And she concluded that as a woman. She just wouldn't be able to win. So standing at a podium in Denver. She told the world she would not run for president. I said that I wanted America to see me as a candidate for president who was a woman rather than a woman's candidate and label me and pigeonhole me because I felt my qualifications were every bit as good and had my name been Patrick. That's how they would have treated it. A little later in the speech. She began to cry. That's why I will not be a candidate for president. I could not figure out. how to run That's a lot of flak for crying and it's always bugged her for years. She kept a file of men who teared up in public. Wait. Did she just say that Pat kept a binder full of men? I have to know more. Hello. Hi Pat this how are you? I'm good. It's Brittany. How are you? Well, I am fine. Okay, so let's say this just dive in so we heard you on the ways and means podcast you said, you kept a binder of all of the times a male politician cribe. Well, I did we just did newspaper clippings or maybe some notes if you happen to watch a a TV interview It was very interesting because that incident obviously was in 1987 and by the end of that primary period almost every single politician in the Democratic party who have been running. I've been running against or would have been running against had had a time where they choked up, you know, and everybody thought. Oh, isn't that just wonderful during the 80s? He's almost every time Ronald Reagan saw an American flag. He could get tears in his eyes and people thought that was terrific almost every person in politics. I think I had another pointer by the time I was over it was very large behind. So one politician who is kind of Infamous for his crying was former Speaker of the House John Boehner. I mean like you could have had an entire separate binder just for him alone. I have to stop making entries right you think maybe the whole block grant. What did you think every time you saw him cry to be honest good for him that he was able to do it and and continue on and I do think every human being should be able to that's it's part of our humanness. But as a woman it made me very angry had that been Nancy Pelosi. Oh my goodness. I watch this current race. And I really feel for Hillary people say, you know, she doesn't get out there and wave our arms and excite people and the minute she did it. They that's why is she shouting? You know, the last time you were here a nano eight if you remember the woman asking her don't you find this really hard and she kind of choked. It's not easy and I couldn't do it if I just didn't, you know, passionately believe it was the right thing to do. You know, I have so many opportunities from this country. It is still want to see us fall backwards, you know, so. But oh my goodness it all started again. So we have a cub that far so aside from the crying what are some of the double standards that you're seeing that are still playing out as Hillary is running today the most important thing I think for Americans is visuals and the real advantage that men have if they have a uniform. Yeah. They know that you were a suit the tie sure. If you want to look like you're working you loosen the tie I throw the code over your shoulders your roll up your sleeves that mean if it's all down when it comes to women, we either look like a Vogue model or an unmade bed. I mean, we're either overdressed or underground. Yeah, they don't like the color or people don't like the jewelry or they don't the pantsuits. I remember the last time around Hillary had, you know between her haircut and the colorful pantsuits. It was like people didn't What to do? Yeah, and I must say when I was in Congress, I got more letters about my hair than anything else including people include checks and take a look at you know, good it died or go get it done. There is a sink was wrong with your hair. I don't know. I mean you just say, who are you people? Yeah. Can you imagine somebody sending money soon Newt Gingrich and telling him look your hair looks like a chrysanthemum, but I'm out loud get something done. I wish they would oh I got welding right? Maybe we should start that. Well Pat before you go. I just have one more question to ask you. Did you ever catch any of those checks and buy yourself a drink? No, you are better of a much better person that I am because I want to cash those and gone straight to the bar. But that's why you tried to reform run for president and why I just hosts a podcast. East My conversation with Pat reminded me of one of my favorite thing. She said when she was on the ways and means podcast is about why crying can be a good thing. Oh, one of the things I used to say when they criticize me about crying I would say, well, you know, I'll debate that if you want someone who answers the red phone, which is the nuclear phone. That doesn't cry. Okay, I I think I would like somebody who does cry because I would like to have them think this is really a compassionate terrible thing that could happen to humanity. If that phone rings to recap the clips featured on the show today Amy Rose brought me clips from no one knows anything politically reactive and candidate confessionals. And the story of Pat Schroeder was from the ways and means podcast. This episode was produced by Rose Reed Sarah abdurrahman and myself with help from Kate Parkinson Morgan. It was edited by a Nero Strasser. Our theme music was made by Michael Valiant and our add music was made by Mark Phillips additional music in the show is by talk star. The show was mixed by Matthew bowl and Enoch. Kim sampler is a production of gimlet media. Next week on sampler finding interesting Sports podcasts for the non sports Enthusiast photographer. Like what most measures like what three hours it's like they're running for that like straight. You don't say. Yeah, but they're not make me seem like the 3 hours. I just soon indication of how much you like soccer. The games are 90 minutes.
As the election season heats up, Gimlet editor Annie-Rose Strasser highlights podcasts that help us understand the grueling, complex world of campaigning. Plus, Brittany gets the details on a politician’s “binder full of men.” **Warning, this episode contains adult language** Episode #23 features clips from the following episodes (please go to our website for links to all episodes): No One Knows Anything, "How to Destroy A Man With A Haircut" Politically Re-Active, "Episode 1: Dog Whistling With Ian Haney-López" Candidate Confessional, "Relive One Of the Worst Booings in Political History" Ways & Means, "Women In Politics: A Shout Or A Whisper?" The Facts: This episode was produced by Rose Reid, Sarah Abdurrahman, and Brittany Luse, with help from Kate Parkinson-Morgan. It was edited by Annie-Rose Strasser. Our theme music was made by Micah Vellian and our ad music was made by Mark Phillips. Additional music in the show by Takstar. The show was mixed by Matthew Boll and Enoch Kim. Sampler is a production of Gimlet Media. Our Sponsors: Spotify (Try Spotify’s Discover Weekly Playlist by visiting Backblaze (Go to to sign up for a two week free trial) Wealthsimple (Get your first ten thousand dollars managed for free at
Thank you Ruby. Hi, Sarah. Welcome to Los Angeles. Okay, we have a guest today and we are so excited major make our crust. We're actually at her beautiful studio in Beverly Hills. Can you guys guess I mean you guys know it's shoddy Darden. Okay Shani is one of our favorites we were talking about Johnny before we came here and we were saying that we love her no bullshit approach. Yep to skincare like When you go get a facial with Shaunie, she's not like like she doesn't lovely arm massage. She like does all the amazing treatment very but it's to the point. Yes, like she'll tell you what you're doing. What you shouldn't be doing to yours. Yeah. She's like, I'm not just gonna like let you luxuriate for a second because for the ham on those blackheads, she gets the extractions and she goes hard on them, which is like my favorite part and then we are just like glowy Angels right after exactly. I love this is so Shawnee Darden, obviously a renowned despot. Sharon and the secret behind some of Hollywood's most Flawless faces including Jessica Alba Chrissy Teigen and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley her passion for simple yet effective and no bullshit Solutions have garnered her a loyal client base and a massive social media following so much so that Sean he's often booked out a year in advance. So good luck trying to book an appointment in June 2019 Shawnee opened her first Flagship Studio, which we are at right now here in Beverly Hills where she treats clients and shares her expertise with her followers on Instagram. We are so thrilled to have Shawnee on our podcast today. Thank you for taking the time. We know you're such a busy woman. So excited to be here. We a lot of people when we ask when we first got started. Hey, what guests would you like to see on the show? You were definitely in the top five my God, I love that. So it's like an amazing I think about sound nice, but you know, it's funny because when we before you even opened the studio you were like y'all should come over we should do like a sleeper gonna do that. If we actually do it I want to do that. I said you invited Yeah, I was like I wanted to so bring it up again because I want it to happen. But I also generally brewed in case it wasn't gonna happen. We're gonna have like will have bathrobes and like the whole thing wine and just like hang out my God. Yes, and you can be just like how to massage our faces. Yes. Yes. Let's do it. Oh my God. Wait can beg attili. Please come there's no way she's not gonna I'm obsessed with her. I love her Instagram stories. Obviously. I know you guys are friends. She's a good one make the guess like yeah, and then you make the list yep done and I'll get the Ropes, yes. Okay. Perfect. So let's start from the beginning before you became the fabulous Shani Darden. Let's talk about your start and how you transition into working with celebrities because I know a lot actually have a lot of estheticians that listen to our podcast. Yes, and they want to get into the celebrity world. Can you talk a little bit about your experience? There's also rumors that you maybe starred in some music videos look like a model so beef. That might be true before becoming an esthetician. I moved out here to model. Okay, and I quickly found out I was not going to get any modeling jobs. And so I kept getting cast in music videos. So I was in a bunch of music videos, but I didn't know how to dance. Yeah, I'm not no. I mean there wasn't really I feel like there wasn't like a ton of modeling at that time here. It was just like commercials like the commercial modeling. Yeah, so I just kept getting cast in music videos and I was just like awful and I had no idea what it was. Music videos just like a lot like LL Cool J was one of my really big ones. I was a tunnel girl and I was like rolling around no need to shoot something like a phenomenon. You were a legend. It's amazing. Now you familiar with her? Oh, yes. Well you two would be like best friends. Oh, yeah. She was my producer at popsugar for years. She's like the most stylish woman on the planet and she can dance she can dance for kossoff and she Like sent me a video. She sent me Justin Timberlake Señorita video and she's like they filmed with me and then cut me out to one part and like it's just so funny seeing her because she's like those were that was back in the day like when I was just trying to schlep it. She's like in a Michael Jackson video. It's like sighs so you're saying people weighed I didn't have any dancing ability, but like I tried to go with and it just like wasn't me and I just woke up one day and I was like never doing that again. You're like it just was so not me. Yeah, and so So then I went to school to be an esthetician. Okay, had you always cared about your skin since I was like eight always been totally crazy about my skin if I had your I don't know like I just had it from a very young age. And I remember like I was breaking out and I would get weird rashes and I remember really wanting to go to the dermatologist and I lived in a really small town and my mom had to take me to Burlington Vermont which was an hour away. You had to go on a ferry to get their wait. Where are you? From a rally Manhattan New York. I was born but that I lived I lived I grew up in Plattsburgh New York, which is by like Montreal Canada. Oh, wow. Okay. So way up North you're like, I feel like I'm a Cali girl. I just knew I wasn't out there. I knew that I needed to be in like a bigger city. Yeah, like I knew that wasn't my vibe totally because your vibe to me is such SoCal Los Angeles goddess. Don't even like die for you easy boy. Breezy laid back. So you start it. You went to Association School. What school did you go to it was called Marinello ago. Oh, yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. It's here anymore. Like a bunch of them. I think they were huge and then they actually recently closed down like they went bankrupt Yang, which is so sad. Yeah. A lot of people went to yeah, that's a lot of Pacific shirt. Yeah, and then after that I kind of went from there I had already. I knew I wanted to do it. So I was already working as a receptionist at a spa hoping when I get School the let me work here. They didn't let me work there. But one of the estheticians got me a job working for a dermatologist. So that's kind of where I learned everything. I was so lucky to get that job because otherwise you come out of school. You really have no idea what you're doing because you're really going to school just to pass that state board and get your life. That's it. Right and you come out and you're like, I have no idea what I'm going to do. So working for her. That's where I learned everything. So I think that's actually a really great point because a lot of times people want to know, where did you go to school but especially Really with aestheticians you go, just to learn protocol. Yeah to get your license. Yes like that and you really learn a lot of what makes you an esthetician right from the people you train under $100 and you train under some amazing people. Yeah. So I think the fact that you train you work with the dermatologist is a really big part of it too. Yeah, that's not sure why you know so much about also, you know, that's luck to like most dermatologists aren't going to let someone that just came out of school work for them. So it was like really lucky that she did like They threw me in like you must have been super eager and like Beyond but scared out of my mind. So and I worked directly with dr. Bonitas. And so what would happen is I would give the facial and then she would come in and look at their skin and say what they needed. So I learned different medications and different skin conditions. So but you don't learn that at at a spa no at all. No, and that's I think that's amazing. Yeah, especially like pinpointing skin condition. Yeah. Yeah, I always think about wanting to just intern for a Dermatology has you total hundred that shit. It would be my dream. I know it would be one of my jobs. I've just everything. Yeah, so, okay. How did you transition into having celebrity clientele when I worked at one of the Spas I met Jessica Alba and so that's how it happened. And I think just because when she's so she's so loyal with the people she works with and we had become. Friends over time that once she put me in it was a lure magazine then I think it just slowly started happening. Well because we've talked about this aspect I so I got a facial with Shaunie a little bit before this podcast and we were joking that nobody's your client in Allah, like right like you can say like, oh, this is my client, but then you'll see that different people go after your quote-unquote client, but I actually have found a lot of celebrities. These are DieHard loyalists to the people that they end up working with especially you I feel like yeah, your clients are like super loyal to you. That's nice. Yeah. I mean I've had the same clients forever. So I am really lucky but that's sort of how it all came about. Is it ever awkward though when so when Jessica mentioned you and Al or and and she said, you know, this is my aesthetician that I work with at least she said it but then I feel like sometimes We get pitched people as so-and-so's aesthetician or so and so's hair stylist. It's like they haven't worked with them in years. I don't do I won't let the item never let that happen. Yeah, so I always make sure like if someone hasn't come to see me in a year. I'm not let them I also don't really talk about anyone. Yeah, but if somebody needs to use a name it's like if they actually see me, yes, but I'm not not if I haven't seen them in a year, there's no way totally and you have a such a strong following On Instagram and people like love to hear your tips and tricks, but I think also there is that celebrity aspect that they're like, oh she does so and so skin but you on the other hand aren't like this whole like influencer culture is like not your cup of tea. You don't look so good at it. Like I know that you can consider yourself active thing. But is that your government is amazing not an easy thing. I mean, it takes a lot of it takes a big push for me to do all of that. It was really hard in the beginning. But now you're just kind of like We're going to ice long as it comes off, you know, authentic. Yes. I want to just touch on the fact that you started out of your house. Right? No, so I used to I mean before here, yes, but before that, I worked everywhere. I worked I worked at a bunch of different places. I even worked out of Jessica's house for a little bit. Wow. I had left a spa and she was like you're and by the way, we didn't even know each other that well like I was just Our esthetician maybe I'd gone to like a party at our house once you can she was like, you know, what why don't you just set up at my house and so she set up an area. I think she actually had it set up for me. Like I didn't even do that and that was how she was renting because she was fixing her own house and it had like this side side area to it and I just set up there and worked. It's so crazy. I think about that. She would beautifully generous as crap. So crazy, so then I worked there or doctor's office bounced around and then what happened was I was pregnant with my second child and I was working all the time at a doctor's office. And you know, like I was just like big and like it was a lot of like a constantly was giving facials and Jessica actually was like you have a back office at your house just set up there. Yeah, and I did it thinking no one would calm but what happened was is everyone wanted to come so then I was like, well, I can't go back to the doctor's office. So that's How it happened? Yeah, and I loved that. I mean obviously the new place is yay donning great energy. Yeah. I really did. It felt very cozy and very very you yeah music that. Yeah. It's still very much. Yeah came Vibe here, but like definitely I love that. I thought I would never ever leave. I really truly was like this is what I want to do. Like, I don't want to move it just seemed so private, but then I was able to create this in this has been amazing. And also really private. Yeah. So a lot of people want to know about your clients because they truly have amazing skin. What's the key to getting the glow some of your the Hollywood? Holler? Yeah clients would have I don't know just having all using all the right products. I'm really into peels yet. So and a good peel will always give you that amazing glow. I think that's kind of everything sort of based around the peel and I have one peel that I developed myself and Usually what I kind of use for any kind of like event or that's my go-to. Is there anybody that you think should stay away from peels like a specific skin type? I mean if you're super super sensitive you can't but otherwise no, I think it's also depends on the type of Peel how strong the peel is. You know what I mean? I tend to use pretty light PLS. Yeah, really love really deep peels unless you have a lot of damage otherwise and I kind of stay away from they can just be too much. I just think like we're overdoing it you end up damaging your skin. I think I used to work at this place and we were taught just to exfoliate every day. Like that's all she wanted you to do is exfoliate physical exfoliant. Yeah and every and chemical and because of that I think that that's why I have pigmentation is from that I agree. I so Shawn and I both have melasma. It's like how we bonded initially. We're like, oh, yeah. We're in this club together. And one of the things that I told her initially before like the first time I saw her was I was a chronic over exfoliator and I've talked about that a lot on the podcast but really it was like I was doing a scrub in the shower on my Clarisonic are cleansing brush, whatever you want to call it. Sorry and then, you know would go ham with like chemical exfoliants to and it was making my skin so thin and read already. It was also like very trendy like five years ago course, I know like all the lasers that everyone does. Yeah healing Lasers and then on top of it, we're all using the most active ingredients. Now if we didn't used to all use retinol's and things like that, so you using all those things you're going to damage your skin exactly and it can actually cause more pigmentation. I know my melasma as a result in my birth control, but I think for a while it was so bad because I was just constantly exfoliating my skin. So if you notice that you have melasma and yeah worse like chill out for surely a shit. Yeah. You're also a really big with Sunscreen love sunscreen all the sunscreen. Well, it's just that all the damage that you see people are always like well I'm starting to get wrinkles and I'm fine lines and wrinkles and discoloration. It's like it's the sun. I mean it really is that's what ages you my mom is the palest person in the universe and I just saw her and I think my mom's like 68 now should know my mom's age and I was looking for when I came and I said, I'm so lucky if I just follow the path that I mean, she's really fair to And she has never been in the sun like ever. Oh my God. She sounds like my mom. I got Christine never in the sun. Yeah, does it use anything as never used a retinol doesn't use anything but it's just never been in the sun. Yeah, we had Renee below which we know your good friend lost her friends with her and she actually talked about you know, she's like, I know everybody says you should have sun protection. It's like the staple that aestheticians tell their clients. But really if you're not protecting your skin the right way, it affects the entire rest of your routine. So we just talked about over exfoliation. What do you think is another big factor that's negatively affecting people's skin care routines right now, like what products or like I mean just like a mistake. Yeah, maybe a mistake that you think people are making I think I mean, I didn't go very slowly. She I am. Yeah. I mean, I think the mistake that everyone's making his they're doing too much I think more so like the lasers and all of the things that ever it's just too much also. Another thing is that people will read about a product that somebody's using and they think nobody thinks about like you have to use the product that's right for your skin type. So people will use that not understand like why they're breaking out exactly. That's I mean, there's just too many products so many and there's there's consumer there's editor overload, you know, we're constantly trying to weed through everything but because beauties of 500 billion dollar business like everybody wants a piece of the pie so Like for the 100th time par back your routine. Yes. Yes, take a breather. Do a three-step thing. If you're you know, overloading in your Skin's not reacting the way you want to I mean, it's all inflammation like everything the root causes inflammation. So just like take it down a notch Shawny you obviously show us on your Instagram. But can you tell our listeners who maybe haven't followed you? What's your routine at home? Like how many products are you using? I'm really really simple so morning. Nike lens I use an antioxidant use a vitamin C product and then sunscreen that's already has Moisturizer in it. So I'm done and then at night I cleanse I use retinol every night. It's foliate with a chemical exfoliant once a week. And then I moisturize sometimes I also use a hyaluronic acid before kind of switch that up but I'm pretty much always using a retinol. So let's yeah, let's jump into retinol then obviously you created retinol with reform. All of your clients have talked about this you reformulated. This year are just repackaged repackage, which is repackaging again. Okay, haven't that oh really? Yeah, so everything's going to change in a few months. Okay new packaging you will both get it but I yes for now because I had the packaging of all the other products and then that retinol was just all by itself. So I felt bad for it totally. So we just threw it into a new Chic bottle for now. Okay. Got it. Yeah, so then let's talk about retinol because a lot of people have a love-hate relationship. Yes. I actually got to the point where I'm finally at a good place with retinol. Like I can put it on at night and my skin isn't super red the next day or it isn't flaky right and I think sometimes people are like I am just too sensitive for what all is there a right way to use it. Well, I think everybody's scared because when people think of retinol they think of like Retin-A. Yeah, and so that's why everyone's afraid but it's not the same and I think the most important thing with using any Null is that you start with one to two times a week and build up. So if you build up slowly then you're going to know when you need to stop because you're like, okay now I'm starting to get a little dry. Yeah, would you say that? It's like finding the right pair of shoes or something like there. There's a different retinol's for different shirt. Yeah, and some people can handle a prescription and some people can't like I can use one, but I can't use one every day a prescription. Obviously, they're giving you the same effect. It's just prescription would be faster, but Also, like if you're going to have all that down time using one why use one? Yeah why I made mine. Yeah, so I fell in love with retinol from working for the Derm. So that was where it started also like you look at people that have been using retinol since you know, like they're 20. Yeah, and they're in their 50s. Now you die. You're like they have like the nicest skin ever beautiful texture firmness is actually my next question is like what age should people start using a And I would use start using a retinol in my 20s for sure. Yeah, and like even if it's once a week like yeah get started and that area and also, you know Shawnee has hers but there's obviously plenty of knobs that are over the counter. I don't think there is a line that doesn't have a retinol now because everybody knows yeah something actually blew my mind and I knew this but I don't know I knew it but I didn't like really think about it like retinol isn't an exfoliator. Like people think retinol is an exfoliator because it makes some people's skin Flakes and stuff like that, but it's like such a deeper. It's actually cell turnover. Like that's the difference and I think people have been using those two terms interchangeably like right I'll turn over and exfoliation and using it probably to so much so that they can see their skin right a layer coming off when it's like that's not what's supposed to be happening. Yeah, and I brighter and smoother and I know that actually a lot of experts are now speaking out and saying You can wear retinol during the day. Dr. Loretta brought hers up and said, you know, this is actually a vitamin C and Retinol Serum that you can put on in the morning, which at first I was like are you on drugs lady like to read you talking about but I think that's also like a trend we're going to start seeing in 2020 people wearing retinol during the like their morning routine. Yeah. I think it's just you always want to be careful obviously have to be a person that is not going to you know, you're not someone that wants to be in the Sun. And exactly what did you use when you are pregnant? All right now no retinol. I used God. I used active Serum by is clinical. I love that. Is that what you recommend? Like you're all of their products don't with is clinical. They don't go into the bloodstream. So I love all their products really great for when you're breastfeeding or pregnant. You turned me on to their Pro he'll serum which is fantastic. Is that the same one vitamin C? Ene yeah, she you the recommended the Hydra cool. That's kind of ironic acid. Yes. Yeah, they make it like their products are so good. Yeah, I always say is clinical me too. Yeah I did too, but and they were like, well, we don't even care but it's okay. And by the way, I've been calling them is for years and they just told me great. Perfect time. I said learn something nice. Yeah, it's okay. Yeah. Okay. So what treatments are you excited about microcurrent? That's what I'm most excited about. I also really love I told you about that little micro needling stamp. I'm obsessed with yes. The one from our friend. Yes. Yep. I have that. I really like it. I think it's great. What do you use in yours? So she gives you when she gives you her. Yeah, it's a snail. Yeah, and so, okay. So there's the one that she makes you and rice the one that she can admire. Mr. At the things we do, well, no she has it's the same exact tool. It's just the differences when you come in and see her she puts Botox. Yes, and then I like took it home because there were still some left over right? Ah, but then if you feeling it at home than it has been I guess yeah. Got it. Yeah, I have done I was thinking about this after we talked about it. I have done the micro infusion with the mix of hyaluronic acid and Botox and she did it under my eyes not Vanessa. Somebody else did it under? Or my eyes which I thought was nice for like a Plumping effect, especially because I have like a hollowness under my eye and it's a way to get BOTOX in that area without the injection because you should not be botoxing under that area. I actually have had a friend that did that and like made her eyes droopy like it made her head like the sad droopy eyes. I know and like on top of that optically like you could go blind, right FYI, we're not doing so like don't do that. Everybody micro infusions like a safer way. Do that, but you have these mm back to microcurrent because I am now a huge fan of microcurrent recurrent so much. I think in my 20s when I would get microcurrent done to me. I'm like, okay, whatever right but doing worse. Like I was in my 20s, I didn't have you know, like I didn't see like the jowls coming on but Shawnee has these amazing hand amazing handle amazingly gloves and these wells and in the gloves and the this is kind of what I mean when she's like no bullshit like she's not like, okay, so I'm going to put this on your face. Face and your it's going to feel weird. Literally. She just started going and I felt it in my tooth, but I felt the market microcurrent in my left hand. I like you warned me. Oh my God, we were talking about everything and literally it was just like yeah, we're and I'm good and he video this and I wish I would have but I have told you I did enjoy we can throw my videos when she's doing them, but then we talked the whole time so whatever but it is the craziest thing and then afterwards your face is a Actually lifted for sure but it works so well pretty gentle it's gentle and if it unless it hits a nerve or your tooth. Well you can go up. Also I was really nice to you. Okay, go up really high with those. Yeah, and it wasn't it. Like it doesn't hurt. It's just a weird sensation. Like I always get a metallic taste. Yeah, and then I felt it like in my tooth which was hilarious and that's how I knew. It was like the microcurrent gloves but a lot of celebrities do microcurrent ahead of a big event. Yeah because of the instant lifting effect. Fact and over time it's supposed to help actually like stimulates like exercise for your muscles. Yeah. Exactly. It's great. You said that you do it on yourself like everyday everyday? Oh my God. I'm so jealous. It's like I literally when I saw you had those I started like Googling like yeah can't love her just this on Amazon. I don't think I can purchase those gloves. Yeah. I think you it's like, I mean, it's probably for the best always a way but I mean if there's a will there's a way I know that will find it. Well, there's the new facial mask. Right that Peach and Lily came out with and it's my secret. That's interesting. I haven't heard of that. No, it's a sheet mask and it's a serum that's actually activated and the first in the world that you don't need like and I need to see this. I'm gonna send this. I'm going to give it to you because up first when I saw it, I was like this is bullshit, but then I started reading about it and it's one of oh, I did see this. I'm I want dying to try I saw this, but what? But basically it's the first in the world that utilizes a serum that actually creates the microcurrent instead of needing like a device to create it, which I think is super interesting now, I'll say this I don't think it's going to be as powerful. No, it's going to take much longer to see results, but it's probably I'm oh wow, it's all there. Wait. You haven't done this yet? No, you need to do this right now. I need to know about any this immediately. I will also say I would have loved to have seen them do it on someone that actually needed lifting. Yeah. Has she had like beautifully taut skin like she'd beat it what you have the before and afters. Oh, oh, we're getting these tomorrow. We might check this out. Yeah, you know what's going on? I need to try this and get it on my face immediately. But yeah, I think microcurrent over the past couple of years lasers peels like all those things have been really popular but I think 2020 the focus is going to be microcurrent and and obviously there's like new face. Yeah dip and all of those devices but I think 2020 is going to be the year that people actually are like no I need a micro current device in my home. Yeah, I want to sure. Yeah, you also are a big proponent of LED lights love LEDs feel like you are probably one of the first people that you love. Well, I remember first having it done before I started in a facial and I just thought it was so great and it's such an instant you can instantly see a glow and also for someone that has acne. It's like so healing so quickly. Is there a specific light that works better? I can't remember which one is wet. Blue are my favorite so blue is kills the bacteria for acne red boost collagen in the skin great and then there's whites as well right infrared. So mixed together same thing speeds up healing so all combined and you have like a panel also that you like to sit in front of I have a panel and I have a bed bed. And then yeah and then I have the I love the Desi mask. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah, that's like yeah, the the one that one and it's it's Desi. Yeah. Okay, I see. Because I mean there are brands that have made everybody has some available but note Regina ever come back like create another one. No, they just pulled it. And that was it. Yeah, that's they pulled. There's yeah, they pulled it. I think like you do need to do your research when you're buying one of these for at home because they will charge you an arm and a leg but then you don't know if it's actually don't deliver the results Nikita roast who is a makeup artist. She's amazing and she had problems with acne and she actually liked her. Petition told her like you need to buy this panel and she like literally bought this panel and she's like, I don't regret a moment of it when we change my life for sure. It was like it's an investment but it's way better and then she'll use the skinning light the try light. Oh, yeah, she'll take it with her if she has like a breakout but she's like sometimes I just travel with the pan. Yeah. She's like a crazy person like us there's nothing great handheld ones, too. Yeah handheld ones. It's just more of a obviously more of a pain because you have to ride around your face, but Only so I want to get into pimples and breakouts because we know that hormonal acne is a real thing and that adult acne. It's like more relevant than all. I love that. You're pointing to like your one breakout it really but honestly, it keeps coming back. Okay. So this is the question. Yeah, it's Johnny's like we need to get that thing out yet. So let's say you get a pimple and it's in the same spot every single month or every couple of weeks. Why does that happen? And how do we make it stop? This doesn't happen to you. Yeah, well, I think I want this one is because it's by my hairline but a lot of times when you get a pimple and it keeps happening it's because it never you never got it out completely. Yeah. Okay. So that's usually the problem. That's why you usually have to see someone to take you know, I have is a Lancet. Yes. Okay, so I had this one right here, but you got it out. So I feel like now it's just it's done. Yeah, I feel like it's gone. Like she finally and I think that is I mean, that's what I picture like Squeezing it at home. And then do you know recommend people trying to take their own room, you know I do but like you have to know what you're doing, which I mean I try to teach people it's much easier to do it with a Lancet. So you're not. It doesn't become a messy situation. If you're not familiar with a Lancet. It's like a little needle and I'm a again crazy person and I bought like we're 500. Yes. I have a whole box of them. And if I see that I have something that's either. Come to a head or I know I can actually see like the little poor like I can see it. That's really good. Thank you. It's so good. I get in there like Boop and then literally just I lightly press and I have little gloves or a little like a living thing gurgling video. Oh my God. Yeah, you should I don't want to get I'm always scared though because I don't want to know people to yell at you. Yeah be like, well, you're not a professional. Yeah, it's Lee. I mean, I guess that's true, but you're kind of a profession. IBuyPower. I really am trying okay for non-professionals. What should they do? Ooh, when they get a break out or when they have a pimple, I think the best thing to do is spot treat unless it does have if it's a white head you have to get that out. Yeah, so the best way would be to Lance it and okay, so go see get it. Yeah, sure. Whatever you can. Yes, this is what Shawn was. Otherwise, you have to just spot treat until it goes away and just like not touch it. Do you believe in pimple patches? I do. You know what I just started testing them out. You have to be careful because some of them can leave some discoloration because it's so strong when you're wearing that but I have been getting into them. So I read something that is super interesting business a fashion did our maybe it was box boxed did an amazing article on pimple patches and how they're becoming. It's like the number one best seller on Amazon right now star face came out like Julie shot. She was a former Beauty editor until she came out with hers you actually if you're using a pimple patch there has to be an opening for Stuff to come out of it like it's a hydro. Koyla colloid patch. So the whole point is that it sucks. Whatever's in the wound out. So if you're just going to put it on something that doesn't have an opening it nothing's gonna happen. Yeah drawing the outside and I'm a crazy. I keep saying my own crazy person, but I really I have like tried to figure out like the secret sauce for it and if you don't have a Lancet and this is not shaunie's advice. Okay, if you don't have a Lancet, I have a pair of really sharp tweezers. Oh wow. I'll just lightly. Yeah. No, I am not talking about your tweezers. I will lightly just know I will take alcohol sanitize them and then like measure Pleasers or like know tweezing your eyebrows tweezers, but a really deep Point like they're so I know Sean he's like the ones that look like Chopsticks were yes sharp. I know you're talking about and I will you should not be used. I know I'm crazy. I lightly puncture it and then literally I will press down and everything will come out Shawnee. I'm telling you. I'm onto something. What about those little Patches they now have with like almost like the little needle. Yeah, so I use that one the Zips Tikka. Yeah, uh-huh. I found that of the ones that have come out. Those are the watch winner need but they don't do enough to actually like put anything deep into the skin and like might help but it'll help like a smaller pimples. But like for this angry guy up here, that's not gonna work on this guy. Everybody has to read this article on box. It totally blew my mind when it comes to pimple patches like because it teaches you the right way to use them because if you aren't a I love them. I love the cause RX. I think they're the best father XR similar. Yeah, they're the best and like you can they make a one that is so transparent like you could wear it out in public and no one would know you had an aunt to try that one. Yeah, they're amazing. I buy them on Amazon in bulk because they're so fabulous. But if you have a pimple do not take tweezers to them do it. Try it. Don't blame me if you fuck it up. Sorry. She said she stabbed herself. I literally is go Boop. I wasn't different. Stopping yourself with a sharp tweezer and then a little a needle is so much thinner my guy you kidding me. That's that's like a night. Yeah. Listen, it's very gratifying gettin that shit really is though. I'm sure it is when you're just squeezing it. Yeah, but to recap if you have a white head you have to remove the white head like sure that's not just going to go away with well, you know tender loving care if you have like something underneath the skin just don't Spot Treatment. Yeah the cystic pimple you want to leave alone. It's got to run. Its course. It usually contains. It's up to five days. Usually but you have to let it run. Its course. There's nothing there's no picking. You're not going to get anywhere. Okay, great. Love that. I have a question. Yes. Is there like a common skin issue that like you're seeing a lot more of lately with your clients or you know getting a lot of questions about on Instagram. I'm seeing a lot of rashes. I was just talking to dr. Bonita is about this too because I was like, do you see more? She's like I'm a dermatologist Shawnee I see them all the time, but I feel like I'm seeing so many people have allergies. He's now like so many of my clients out of nowhere all of a sudden they start getting these like weird little little pimples everywhere and I'm like that's a rash and they end up having they can't figure out what it is that they're using what's changed and I think people are having really weird food allergies and also from a lot of overuse of all these active products. I see that a lot actually now, I think that's a really great Point especially as you get older your Body changes and different ways it would make sense that something might bring on an allergy that you didn't expect. So like after years of using one Prada, it's like I hated the taste of lemon as a kid now. I want a lemon bar every night. Like it just is $11 and change Johnny earlier was like can I would really die for some beef jerky. We know now for those part. It was like I don't have a DJ's like it's all I know but If you so I guess the question is how do you know if it's a rash versus it's so hard. Well, usually with you'll see a lot of it's almost like dermatitis. You'll see a lot of people with it's very very very small bumps. Sometimes they can fill up just a little bit and it's almost like if you wipe them with all the warm washcloth, they would just go away. Do you know yeah. Yeah, that's that's like a dermatitis rash situation and it always happens around my mouth. Yeah, a lot of people get that around the mouth. Of nose area, but it can be from so many different things. So what do you recommend going to a dermatologist for that? Because it's hard to treat. I mean, I recently got it and I don't know what it came from and I just stopped using everything and then finally it went away. Yeah, but hard for people like yeah, I'm sure a lot of our listeners because we're trying new products all the time. Right? And if you if you invest in a skincare regimen that you believe in and then this is happening. It's going to be really difficult for you to want to give that up. But I I think the best thing is if you have a rash or you have a breakout that you can't pinpoint like what if it's not hormonal it's not going away. You need to kind of just go clean turkey ya go retinol know retinol. Nothing use a gentle cleanser to make sure you're moving all your makeup, maybe even a micellar water and then make sure you're protecting your skin with the sun block and use a nice moisturizer at night. But like nothing that is too fragrant. Like keep it super hard back. What are your suggestions for spot testing a product? Oh before I just always tell people I mean, yes, but you can if you're really sensitive for sure just putting a little bit like around near your ear is great. But otherwise, I'm more of like just start with once a week camp on anything active and then build up slowly. You got to give your your skin a chance. Are there any skincare trends that you're seeing that you wish would die that like when people talk to you about like what they're doing or you see it on Instagram. You're like, oh my God. I wish people would stop. Stop doing this. I don't know I guess so many of the lasers. Yeah. Yeah a lot of lasers and then I'll see people after I'm like, did you like it and they're like, I didn't really notice a difference and I'm like, why do you keep doing it? What about since you know, the holidays are coming up and the there's gonna be a lot of traveling doing like a skincare routine on the plane. I think it depends if you get if you're someone that gets really dry definitely having a mass that you can do. You're on the plane. It just kind of depends. It doesn't usually bother me when I'm on the plane, but for some people if you get dry definitely using a mask, I also just feel like sometimes you know, the plane skincare has turned into like a trend all my goddamn new brands that have launched and they're like specifically made for the plane, but it's because it's a recycled air. So I'm like, I don't want anything that's weird to me. Right and also hyaluronic acid like Like for a lot of the a lot of people are like, oh I'm going to play them to be dehydrated. Let me put hyaluronic acid, but guess what how ironic acid like pulls from that the moisture from the air. So if there's no moisture in the air, I could actually dehydrate right? So you have to just be smart. I see people sometimes putting on like sheet masks and stuff and like whatever right? Enjoy yourself care. Like this is more of like a I feel like it's more of like an anxiety. Yeah, we're do sir. I think it's actually a lot. I'm sure what like use what's a good plane routine? Yeah, and it's more about afterwards like before and Which is what our dear friend Renee always has to she's like just wash your face right after when you go home rap. Yeah done. Yeah, I agree. Los Angeles is brought to you by after pay partnered with more than 9,000 United States Brands and retailers after pay allows for you to shop now. Enjoy now and pay later Shaunie. Is there anything we should be on the lookout for from you in 2020 a come back to music videos? No. No, I think just new amazing products. So I'm developing a bunch of product. So I'm excited about all of that. Okay, so we have some Very exciting news for our amazing listeners. Obviously, it's the holidays we wanted to do another giveaway for you guys. So Shaunie is graciously going to give away her entire skin regimen for you and your friend so go to our Instagram right now and enter to win all the instructions are there and we're going to wrap this up so that you can get these products ahead of the holidays so that you can share the beautiful skincare well, You remind us where we can find you. You mean like my Instagram? Yeah, Shani Darden or Shawnee Perfect. If you are able to get in and La I highly recommend coming to the spot. It's gorgeous. You'll never hear when I walk in my shoulders just like yeah lease and I like take this deep breath and I'm like relax. I got it and you'll be back for our little our little girls night. Okay. I'm so we're doing girl like that. Done. Laughs yeah, it's - yes, so Shawnee. Thank you so much you guys love love you, and thank you guys for listening as always. You can find us on Instagram at gloss underscore Angeles on Twitter at Los Angeles pod and find us on Facebook just search Los Angeles, and we'll see you next week. Bye. Wow.
Continuing skin week, today we're talking about the best way to pop a pimple at home and the most common skin care issue Shani Darden encounters when treating her clients. Shani is a renowned esthetician and the secret behind some of Hollywood’s most flawless faces, including Jessica Alba, Chrissy Teigen, and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Her passion for simple, yet effective and no bullshit solutions have garnered her a loyal client base and a massive social media following, so much so that Shani is often booked out a year in advance. In June 2019, Shani opened her first flagship studio in Beverly Hills where she treats clients and shares her expertise with her followers on Instagram. Follow Shani: Shop her products: Be sure to subscribe and review us on Apple Podcasts: Listen to us on Stitcher and Spotify, too! Follow us on Instagram: Shop all of our product lists: Shop Kirbie’s stash: Shop Sara’s stash: Gloss Angeles is co-hosted by Kirbie Johnson and Sara Tan. Our editor is Patrick Muldowney.
It is Friday the 19th of April 2019. My name is Jeremy Midland and welcome to episode 36 of a Stock Market Movers podcast just to remind that nothing that I or any of the guests say today. She'll be considered Financial advice. The information discussed on the show is general information only and if you're looking for financial vices, please speak to an authorized to financial advisor. It is also good Friday today and I hope that you think is a good episode today for Easter. You might even think have been thinking that it will be no podcast this week.That this is a podcast that never sleeps even for Easter. So we do have a good show today. I caught up with investor friend of mine called met Joss during the week. We were second down having a coffee talking about Warren Buffett as you do which is a great way to spend any morning and we sort of decided let's do a podcast. So we sat down and recorded a 25 minute conversation. The conversation is unscripted and we have no sick question. So I really hope that you enjoy it during the week also also made an effort to catch. Up with Craig her person the CEO of pleasure. I basically just wanted to get his thoughts on the acquisition by McDonald's of nearly 10 percent of the stock. So I've added that and as bonus content the content at the end. Okay. So let's pick up on the conversation that I had with Matt. So I'm sitting here with Matt Jaws. So first thing that would be able to tell us a bit about yourself. Yeah. Sure. So I'm originally from New Zealand joined a grad program of the shipping company out of out of uni and moved to Copenhagen for a few years and while I was there became obsessed with investing Kind of took over my life and nights and weekends instead of investment Club there in Copenhagen and I got obsessed and then moved to Australia to work as a research analyst for a couple years and then portfolio manager for but over two years. So yeah left there and November and kind of enjoying being a private investor at the moment and looking at next steps. Yeah. So what what made you become obsessed with investing was there a did you have a spark from when you're a kid, or was it a particular moment or was it saying just developed an interest for yeah, I guess it was. Was in my teens. I read some terrible books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and then that kind of stuff. Yeah in hindsight like I love the other time but it definitely like got me on that think that mindset and so, you know, but my first shares when I was like 18, but it was only a few years later that I really found like Warren Buffett and value investing that I really had something to Anchor myself to before that was terrible investment of that young but I guess got me some experience and learning what not to do and then really really got obsessed was yeah. Reading a book about Warren Buffett like a lot of people and and realizing there's a whole different way to invest and yeah, I guess it was a similar approach to myself and then when you were 18, what what how what what what were you doing? Yeah what to do. What made you buy your first stock? What was the sort of process that you followed for me? It was I Googled what companies increase their profits every year. Yeah, Roman Healthcare came up and I bought Ramen Healthcare. That was my whole investment process. What was yours? Yeah, it wasn't great process kind of embarrassing. I think my first company was a vending machine like a vending machine company that would restock electronically ended up. I think I did. Okay, but after I saw it in up going bankrupt, so thankful. I got out of that one. And then later at some point. I invested in like a mining exploration company. I had those kind of viewed the world like there was more about big macro themes is how you should invest which can work for some people but it's pretty challenging so much more like driven from the bottom up these So yeah, but that's I guess how I might kind of first thoughts. I was worried like forums where you know, it's a blind leading the blind. Uh, yeah, what's the hot idea and that kind of stuff? Yeah. I think everyone has to go through that. Yeah. I think it's always best to go through that when you are 18 year old 18 years old with a small amount of money because at least then you're making mistakes and learning lessons with a smaller amount of money as opposed to a larger amount. Yeah, so obviously it developed from the air and then you got into the Warren Buffett and the bottom-up value investing. And treating it like a business. So how did it evolve from there? Yeah, so got really into value investing bread all the kind of Classics and I still kind of that is kind of like the base of how I think about things but my style has evolved quite a lot over the last few years Peter Lynch was a big influence another book called a hundred to one in the stock market that looking more at there's a few like outlier companies like Amazon in the US and there's local equivalents a few companies that kind of Dominate and those are the companies I focus on now, so it's much more. On growth and I do evaluation to make sure it's not crazy priced. So is that sort of where the the qualitative aspects of the company don't necessarily get reflected in the balance sheet. Yeah straight away or the income statement straightaway. Yeah, exactly. I just think that people don't really it's very hard for us to appreciate exponential growth for instance the kind of the s-curve how crazy things how fast things can grow for how long when there is mass adoption. So I think all of those are opportunities any time the markets generally getting something wrong as a good opportunity for us. Yeah. I'll come back to that in a second that in terms of books. You mentioned books. There's any particular books you'd recommend people read Yeah, a hundred to one hundred 100 Baggers, which I thought yeah, I've been reading as well. So I like it those 100 Baggers win every dollar you invest it turns into a hundred dollars. Yeah, so it's looking at that but kind of categorize has all of the companies that have done more than that. So from Emory Apple was like an 8,000 bagger. I think Warren Buffett's company is an 18,000 Baggers. So every dollar turns into a Yeah, yeah, there's interesting what I like about that though is that it's not just a lotto ticket because there are many times along the way where you can buy these companies at reasonable valuations and kind of join in that huge wealth creation Journey that they're doing. So it's about trying to find what are the common characteristics of those? Yeah, and I guess the I've read that because well, it's a it's a good book and I'll post it in the in the show notes from reading the book. I think the key thing. Apart from identifying those companies has been able to hold on. Yeah to them as well because there's obviously even with Amazon used the example earlier where there's a whole period of Amazon's existence as a public company where it would have delivered mediocre or turn certain how basically we're only two is how do you identify the companies that are worth holding onto because for every Amazon there's literally thousands of companies that yeah go to zero or don't achieve the same sort of returns. Yeah. You may end up holding them. Same period of time as your as your particular things you look for or yeah, it's a great question. There's a few common traits. So they tend to be often quite Capital light businesses. They don't need too much more Capital to grow and when they do reinvest they have very high Returns on invested capital and that stuff you can measure the other is a lot of it is driven by comparable. So just just for listens. What do you mean by Capital like company? So a capital like company would be often. It's a software business or a brand something where to add an extra, you know million dollars of Revenue you I need to go out and build too much Machinery is often the case. So something about the business which means you can add a lot more Revenue a lot more customers without going and building a new Factory us right now, but your sucks up a lot of capital A lot of investment. If you have to invest a lot to do it that it slows everything down means you're a returns are going to be that much lower because you have to keep putting in more cash and you're making a lower return on that chemical you do deploy a hundred percent exactly. So I think software has been a big part but also Brands like A2 milk was another company that an investor them. It's a very Capital like company is exactly so that's an interesting one, right? It seems like a big Capital intensive, but actually they have sunlight to do all the capital intensive stuff. Yeah, that's what is basically yeah, it is the marketing company exactly one someone else doing all the hard work for low returns and finding the businesses that capture the value on and I have to admit that's one of the reasons I missed a to milk was because I made the Assumption without doing any research that it would be a capital intensive business where it was until I dug into it later on when everyone started talking about it that I realized. I used it was a hundred Anacapa like business. It reminds me of Coca cola's business model. Yes. Exactly. I think that's the example I use. Yeah that Bellamy's and HTML both Coca-Cola. They have the bottlers. Yeah the hard work. Yeah. I just manage the brand. It doesn't mean the bottling businesses are a bad business. Yeah, that could still be great, but they can't even the same Returns on Capital. You can't be as exceptional. Absolutely. So I hate to sort of ask this question, but I know you have some views on the macro seen as well. Even though it more bottom-up focused in this conversation. What's your view on The Wider economy? And yeah and the stock market in general. Yes. I'm living in Australia. And I think it's very interesting there because it hasn't been a recession about 30 years. And so I think people have forgotten what it's what it's like or that they can happen. So the moment over their house prices are down about 10% a lot of indicators as slowing down. So I'm I guess I'm fairly bearish on there. Royal Australian economy almost all of the companies they invest in a global businesses. I find the best businesses tend to have Global Revenue software and everything else even a to is quite Global. So that's kind of how I'm positioning myself for it, but I'm not like timing the market that's not my strategy is always bottom up but it just makes you a bit more cautious. I kind of like Howard marks mastering the market cycle view where it's you're trying to not time the market, but you can be more like aggressive in the 2009 and as things get to me. Expensive you become a bit less aggressive. So so it's not necessarily a detailed macro view. It's more say something as simple as you don't know when the top of the market is going to be but you know, it's not the bottom of the market. Yeah, exactly. You know, you're closer to the top than the bottom. I think it's pretty fair to say and I think just keeping an eye on these things because I think there will be a time where you can just measure you can observe the world and see that things are very bad and it takes a while for that story to change so it's not really about predicting. The future is just observing things. So like in Australia Had very nearly and negative economic growth if the next couple come out there will be a lag before people really realize that it's the first recession and 30 years where you might want to start positioning yourself for that and for me right when I'm doing one reason, I don't really think about where we are and the cycle or even though it's obviously very important information. I normally just think about the individual companies and if it makes sense to buy here, but how do you position yourself knowing that we might be closer to the top than the bottom for example, yeah. Yeah, I think it's still be driven by those valuations that I'm that still a bad rap for me. I guess it's just being more observant of how those valuations are and like are you stretching yourself to buy are you kind of padding out your evaluation to ya think? This is good. You can justify anything. Exactly. Yeah been very cautious about justifying anything when things are running hot I think is one part of it. And then also just try to look for parts that aren't running hot. So, you know, a lot of Australian Tech had became very expensive you can look to other Accounts or other parts of the industry. So that's it's not everything is always hot at once either. That's another thing to keep in mind because it'll be my biggest problem with a lot of software companies. I look at some of them and I just think they're fantastic businesses, but I can't rationalize the valuation. Am I hearing what do you think of the valuations in the software space of a moment? It really depends on the business. Some of them are very expensive appen was one that had bought fairly recently and I still think is reasonable value today and that so that's so what happened. Yeah, so that's how they provide that. AI training data the training data for AI systems for Google and other big companies like Facebook so so that they can train their algorithms. They provide the training data. So there's still this Pockets but I think it has a definite raids on the ASX and APS is it? Yes, that's correct lady in a px HX. Yeah. Yeah. So that's a company that's up and to few thousand percent over the last few years. Yes, but I still think it's reasonably priced it is there are companies out there, but I think you need to As you say don't bottom-up approach. I say one other point that I think a lot of people don't appreciate how good software businesses are so there had been a very long time where they were under values. That's how they've gone up so much because people don't realize how good it is to have a business with zero marginal cost that you can replicate globally and all the other good stuff that comes with it. So, yeah, so when you use when you say that you mean that for every customer you add doesn't actually cost you anything a hundred. Yeah. Yeah, so it's very different from a traditional model. Is no extra cost to have another customer. It's also very hard fat customer to switch. So they often quite sticky software companies. It's hard to move away. Those those two together very low cost of supply and strong sticky demand is like a magic combination and I don't think the markets fully baked that and I think sometimes they can get too excited. We've seen crash excetera, but generally speaking they're still not fully appreciated. Yeah. Yeah, so you sort of see some more upside and general. Yeah. I think I think it'll be it'll be swings. I think that Companies will still continue to be under appreciated in the space. It's just a matter of avoiding some that it is overhyped and no one has any model for them. Yeah, just it all comes back to me to valuation. That's how you make sense of the world. And so can you talk me through I guess your process. I mean I had to actually had some questions from the listeners during the week about my investment process. But what's what's your sort of investment process from origination to place in the order? Yeah. So very quickly I try to like wow. I'm buffets start with the a so he goes through every company on the index a to zed and Australia that's like 2,000 companies and New Zealand. It's a bit easier. Yeah hundred so go through everyone to like filter out what you'd try and find as a top 10% that are interesting business models and have all the things that you look for. So for me, that's again Capital light businesses that are probably growing if they're not profitable. They're likely to be soon. Well run trying to just skim through and then Diving very deep and a few of them. So before I'm actually buying a company I'd want to be talking to customers and suppliers talking to management getting a handle of what is the competitive dynamics of this business. How dominant is it over all of the other companies trying to do what it does and then finally putting a valuation on it, which means forecasting for me. It means forecasting in the next 10 years of cash flows. I normally am more willing to give credit to companies to continue growing for longer probably. And also recognizing something called operating leverage, which is for these businesses because they don't need to spend much more when they add new customers each bit of Revenue. They don't either have much more cost. So that's a lot of operating leverage means a much higher increase in profits and revenue. So you're literally doing Warren Buffett when you steer first out of them and boosting for those that don't know we'll probably not just when you first started what he's probably always done as he's literally gone through it was back in the day was with the Barons book or something. Yeah Moody's He's made you to Daniel. Yeah, so he went through the Moody's manual with basically a list of 10,000 stocks or whatever. It was all listed in the massive book and he went through a tizzy. Just looking looking at each individual company and finding out their information. Are you obviously not using a book. So you're doing it online or using any screening tools or he'd literally going from 1 to 2. Yeah. I have a spreadsheet which pulls in some data from Capital IQ that honestly that just saves me some time you could do it without and I just have another spreadsheet which has a big list of all the Tucker's Yeah, although symbols for all the companies. So yeah, I don't really use too much house. I find that's a really good exercise because it just calibrates you as well. Like it helps you identify when a company is really exceptional because you look at all the other companies which exactly yeah, so that's half of the value. It's not just that it is a way to like turn over all the Rocks. It's also makes you realize when you've really found something special. I hundred percent agree. I think sometimes when you over screen for things you lose a lot of learning in the process. Mmm, you know from actually it from actually going through And that obviously is time to time consuming. So then say you found one that registers your interest unique step is to read the company. Yeah, read the company reports see if that still interesting then start reading maybe about competitors ideally talk to some customers or read something from customers. If there are if there's like a prospective this understanding the product. Yeah understanding the product understand its competitive position. It's really good if you can talk to a competitor And see what they think about the company that can be like quite good and tell if they really think there are threat. That's probably a good sign. Yeah. Yeah, so it's just I can't take in as much information as possible that stage and just trying to like connect all the dots. So Warren Buffett has a filter for example, if he doesn't understand where he obviously understands a lot more companies than what he lets on but if he doesn't understand what the cash flow is going to be like in 10 years time. He'll just move on to the next one. Do you hit you sound like you're a bit more flexible. Yeah. I'm definitely Willing to I guess see different options for the future. I think that's like a great approach and that can work very well. But it means that you don't buy Google and Amazon do easily. So it's more for me having a like to have a clear idea of why the company will grow so and and then they can be like other optionality on top. So if I was back in time value in Amazon, I'd be value in it on it like book retail business and I wouldn't be valuing AWS which is that we don't exist you can might be To you know, that's nice to have on top. So for me that's as looking at the existing business that and that and that example. Sorry to interrupt one if they had done the someone may have been able to realize that Jeff Bezos was was brilliant. Yeah, and may have realized that based on that qualitative information. They could have predicted that he would do something else and something they didn't know what it was going to be. But you had essentially back in the back in the person the Union Jack. Yeah, and that I think can be like the cherry on top. So that would allow me with valuation to like hold a company as it runs up to fair value. I'll even hold a company sometimes slightly above and intrinsic value estimate if I think there's a lot of big upside that could come soon. So in Australia, there was an example of a company called all tiem, which makes software for Designing printed CL users. Are you not yet? That's been a another big winner and part of the reason was it finally figured out how to start charging customers and China who are pirating its product but around the time like it ran slightly ahead of fair value, but there had been making some progress in China and I was comfortable to hold a certain size position recognizing they could have a real big change and they ended up did they did have it and it worked out in there a few hundred percent since then, it's that can sometimes go the other way, but you still got a very good business and yeah, so what you mentioned you would hold up to fair value. So say if a company become you've got a price that you think it's worth. Yeah at what point do you sell when? It's over that price when it meets that price also, I'd normally start trimming back for position. So say it it's a 10% position reducing it to 8% takes a bit of the risk off the table. I think about all that like it sounds like small boring stuff and I think that is a big part of my portfolio management. So I think around when it starts getting past fair value start thinking about to trim it at a certain point of it's 20% above what you think it's worth. You probably need to be looking to sell it. It does depend a lot though. Like how what other new news is Humming how how many other upside potential optionality to have so and as your other situations that you would sell to say if there was say you own an Amazon for example, and they suddenly just sent you a very uncomfortable with or didn't like or yeah, I think that selling is one of the biggest areas people don't do well and I think one of the reasons why there's a lot of reasons why but my fool you as you should sell very quickly when a thesis is broken. So your reason for holding the stock is your thesis. Think X thing will happen if that if you find some evidence counter to that, I think you should sell very quickly because as I said, there's a few percent of companies that do these exceptional hundred bag or more returns, but that means that you are probably going to be holding a lot that aren't those in need to identify those early and pull your weeds as quickly as possible which goes against human nature. There's a bias of loss aversion they call it where you don't want to realize a loss or yeah don't want to realize something on its down, but I think you need to be able to be willing to move very quickly and what if A situation where you buy a stock based off your valuation and what you think of the company and and the price may drop 50 percent we could easily happen. Yeah, especially with these sorts of companies. Yeah. Do you make any decisions based off price? Like if the thesis and your valuation is still intact with that with that encourage you to buy more or what would you generally don't want to be driven by price? But if there's some reason that it's down 50% and I didn't see that then that means I'm probably the wrong. Yes, so I don't I definitely not My price but if the market is telling you wrong and if I check my view, I guess so ideally by more but it would depend a lot like often if it's down 50% It means I probably got something wrong. And so I'd want to be very comfortable that I was right and the market was wrong. So if your thesis is still intact and nothing you've changed then you might consider. Yeah, I don't really like if I was very convinced the markers wrong that can be a great opportunity, but it's just just don't be too arrogant I guess is my yeah for myself and just make sure you're you really you should Stand Charlie Munger scissors understand the Bears position understand the negative position better than they do. Yeah in New York, you know it well enough to and from a portfolio management management perspective a you typically quite concentrated than your stock. Yeah. Yeah, I guess a lot of fun managers out there. I think I mostly about correct protecting their salary and their career risk. Yeah, so they'll buy a hundred or two hundred companies and be very likely index and they just don't want to be too different on that scale. I'm very concentrated because I probably only 50 Into 20 companies, you know an individual investor might think that's quite Diversified. I think that's it like a fair level where you're getting enough diversification while still concentrating as much as possible in your best ideas. Yeah, and what's the advantage you're concentrating in your best ideas? Yeah. Basically just that it's very hard to be right and have a different thought on a hundred companies. It's much easier. It's yeah if I could have a hundred really brilliant ideas, that would be fine. But I think the amount of time and energy you need to invest it concentrates you down to a few. And you really want to be by focusing on those best as long as you're accurate that is how you can have. Yeah, exceptional returns. Basically. Yeah, I mean, I'll always think of I think of some other way to be honest. Like if you've got if you've got a great idea they don't come around every day. Yeah, exactly. And then if you've got a great idea and you're this one percent of your portfolio on it and it and it goes up five times, then you've got five percent in your portfolio and you don't really realize the full exactly the full return and I, you know, ideally one of my mom Us by low and then by a higher so I really try and pride myself in force myself to continue to buy more if they're if the thesis is unfolding well so it doesn't always happen is a bias we anchored to that original price but I think if you find a company that can go up tenfold if you can buy when it's up to fold threefold fivefold they're still really the zones evaluations I was like yeah and often it can ya can run up and people still don't really appreciate so oh yeah, I mean Amazon was a goodbye when I was a four billion dollar Accompany, it was a good buyer when it was a 40 billion dollar company, you know, so it's if you could buy along the way and really doing well and I guess just on the diversification thing, there's nothing wrong with having that diversification, you know, owning a hundred stocks only 500 stocks, but there's easy ways of doing it is yeah exactly you can buy an ETF. So we've been talking for a while now Matt. So just before we wrap up, is there any particular stocks or companies you'd like to talk about to listeners bear in mind that nothing's Financial advice and kill General. Formation. Yeah, I think so. Apon was one that I mentioned earlier. I think that's still quite interesting. They just made a takeover of their one of their big competitors. So I think that could be a really interesting space is AI continues to roll out and still at a reasonable price. Another company could just quickly mention that I quite like is automate so there the Ada 888 is just eight is the number eight. Yeah, correct. So they're providing kind of standard. And for running audio engineering over ethernet cables rather than over traditional audio-visual cables. They have run up a bit. But I very attractive long-running economics for me. The question just there is monitoring the valuation. So they profitable at the moment or are they still in there just tap into profit and they're basically becoming their Dontae standard their transmission standard is becoming the standard for the industry and that is very valuable. If you control the the standard for the industry a very valuable spot to And so I think they've got a lot of good economics are very good competitive position. They need to manage that well, they can't be too aggressive like Microsoft in the early 90s, but it's a similar kind of thesis where they control the standard for industry and they're selling the product at the industry uses. So yeah, really interesting one and again app and I think is probably closer to like a much more reasonable valuation as well for a company. That's still growing very fast. Fantastic and is we can listeners go if they want to find out more information about you. Yeah the best right now. Is probably Matt So MIT TJ, OAS So I write about investing their I'll be writing up another company that I haven't talked about so far over the next couple of weeks. So I've just been researching a kiwi company actually. So yeah be right in right in a few thoughts and invest in there. That's the best place to follow along. So that's a free blog as it. Yeah. It's a free blog there will be some other next steps and use hopefully the yeah man squirt. Yeah, that's a good that's a free blogging going just to have a read about investing. So there you go listeners heat to met and a couple weeks to find out about it. You in City companies, isn't it? Absolutely good stuff. Thanks so much for coming in. Thanks very much for having me on she's home. So I hope you enjoyed the conversation with MIT. I always liked talking to Matt. We are very similar and different approaches. We both think about investing from a bottom-up perspective. And we believe that the key thing is that it starts with the fact that you're buying part of the business. So I always think that most questions in the stock market if you unsure of the answer can be answered when you get back to the question, what would this mean if I were buying the whole business and you can work backwards from there? I would say that the only difference between our approach is that met generally is more comfortable. Each is more comfortable with forecasting out growth rates in the future than what I am. So this generally means that is usually more comfortable than what I am and buying companies that have valuation that assume a lot of growth which is absolutely fine. There's nothing wrong with that. So it was a fantastic conversation. I hope you enjoyed it. So for this for this part and the final part of the episode, I just had to get hold of craic herbs and from pleasure during the weekend and talk about the McDonald's by and so I've added this in as bonus content for the episode which I'll play for you now. So Craig was speaking on the podcast last week about McDonald's buying into picture. I'd love to hear the back story about how that came about. Well, the process is started with us renegotiating the global agreement with him in terms of ss agreement and that was taken quite some time because we were trying to move our pricing model lawn from a very distribution based model to more transaction activity base and through that we sort of got to see you know, the number of customers. The customers we actually had on a platform and in the markets and it sort of became fully clear that we were quite significant to their business and to their franchisees. Is that because you had a hundred million of their customers. Yeah. Well, we're seriously we didn't we didn't at that time we had you know, so this is we can we put on about five percent every month. Yeah, and we integrate new markets pretty much every month as well. So as it went through became more and more and I think from their perspective, If it was you know, how can we make sure that you know, our customers are kept safe in this environment, you know, then you the business was investing quite heavily and creased availability security those sorts of things and experience with the customers, but I think it became a point where you know became quite a strategically important to them and so they wanted to participate in their business to really help us grow. So obviously a 10% holder now when you mention strategic for them before can you expand on that a little bit? It's nine point nine percent, but I believe well, I think you know, if you look at what Steve Easterbrook was saying about the importance of you know, the digital experience in terms of the experience of the future for McDonald's. This is enabler of that experience the acquisition of dynamic yield the week before the 300 million to that company which fictive is helping them get more value out of their drive-thru decisioning really talk to these enablers of that experience being quite important and I guess they wanted to get closer to our business and that since yeah, and you mentioned sort of off here before about Is he some sort of exclusivity with McDonald's and him to some products or is it has that working? Well, so it's part of the deal there's a list of companies which we won't work with. Yeah. Yeah Foods restaurant Brands as you might expect KFC Pizza the direct the direct the direct competitors and I think you know from our perspective. We weren't targeting them necessarily anyway for the reason that they may not have wanted to be in the place. We are allowed to compete. This was at some scale and also just from a good business practice perspective not wanting to harm or impact our customers result by giving a teacher someone else. So is that strategic from McDonald's do you think yeah, I think yeah absolutely it because what came then with that was, you know, the ability for them to you know, if we get a takeover office from somebody within that realm one of their competitors, they have the ability to step up and look at If they want to take more of the company or or suit more control, absolutely and it's obviously a huge why said is a big vote of confidence from the company. Did it generate a lot of publicity and press for you guys incredible amount of publicity into the first day. We had 11 new leads and through the website. Unfortunately from those brands that were not able to work for anymore but some of them anyway, but certainly a lot of a lot of leads and you know, it's sort of global PR that you can't really buy. Yeah, exactly. Fantastic. It's really pop lecture on the map. And you know, it's opened a lot of opportunity. So we're in that very interesting position the moment we were able to say, no not good fit for us. This is more what we're focused on yes a sifting through that and they taken an active role in the business or was it more of a passive? No, McDonald's golden toads are a shareholder like any other shareholder. They're not the largest shareholder in the company and they have the same footing as everybody else. Yeah. There's no board directors right now. That's coming up that fantastic. Great was is there anything? You'd like to add about the about the residual not the the state holding or as anything about the country voted at the moment. I just think you know again it's you know, really strong positive signal of the talent that you Zealand has in the space that we can export it worldwide and get the traction and interest of you know, really big Global brands that are interested in what we do here and I think from Little all Cluny Zealand we can serve global companies and cloud-based technology is obviously enable that but I think it's just Another really good story of us taking on the world. Yeah, absolutely licenses while saying I can't think of saying gee before I can't think of a situation. We're in an American company of this sort of prestigious born to an Indian company. So it's that neither. Can I it's very interesting you something anyway good. It's not just great. Right there. That's about all we have time for this week big. Thanks again to this week's guest met Josh from that and Craig her person from picture always love to get gifts on the podcast. So if there's anyone that you would like to get on the podcast in please email me at Jeremy at Stock Market Movers Taco de Lins ID, please also give us a like on Facebook as well. Send me a message. Also. If you would like to receive a copy of my quarterly investment report that I send out to investors for My Portfolio Service. Thanks again for listening to episode 36 of the the Stock Market Movers podcast for Friday the 19th of April 2019. I'll see you all again next week.
This week on the podcast it is my pleasure to interview Matt Joass. In an unscripted and wide ranging discussion we get stuck into everything from the macro economy, to investment process and some individual stock names. Matt's Bio is inserted below and you can find out more about Matt by going to -- Matts Bio: Matt Joass, CFA is a private investor and former Portfolio Manager of Motley Fool Pro, a concentrated small-cap focused ASX investment portfolio. During his tenure as Portfolio Manager, Matt generated an annualised return of 32%, compared to an 8% return for the benchmark. Matt has appeared as an expert guest on CNBC Asia and Sky Business, and contributed to the Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian Financial Review. Matt’s ideal investment is a small, fast-growing business, that is capital-light, with demand- and supply-side competitive advantages, high returns on incremental invested capital, little analyst coverage, deeply aligned management (typically founders), and that are top-dogs or first-movers in an emerging and important industry. Last but by no means least, the company must be trading at a discount to Matt’s estimate of intrinsic value. -- A reminder that the comments on the podcast, particularly those related to individual stocks are not financial advice and is general information only. If you are looking for financial advice I recommend that you speak to an authorised financial adviser. Listen in by searching Stock Market Movers on Apple or wherever you get your podcasts. If you are looking to get in touch or would like more information go to
Welcome to my life. It has applied episode 274. We are in the last days of the month of Menachem of quickly approaching the month of elul. Yes, the awesome month of L, which is the last month of the Hebrew year. When we count not by the lunar cycle, but by the annual cycle that starts with tishrei meaning not from creationism, which then L is of course the the the the six month but the conclusion of the year and the preparation for the new year of Russia Hashanah and Yom, Kippur and sookie's tishri. So of course most appropriate is to begin with what is Timely As I pointed out a number of times when you look at the calendar the Jewish calendar, it's a fascinating remarkable document more than a document more than a counter that just measures time and gives us the ability to schedule appointments and schedule our daily routines. It also is a mirror image that reflects the cycles of life. So if you think of month of of as a month of sadness, especially the beginning of the month till the 9th evolve then from that sadness we begin the process of comforting and consolation which were now in that weeks the seven weeks of shivered in the camp te the seven weeks of consolation of comfort that leads right into Rosh Hashanah, but the story doesn't just begin their the story actually begins months ago when the Jewish people left Egypt and became a After 210 years of suffering horrible and terrible genocide and bondage. So on the 15th of Nisan the Jewish people leave Egypt with slime is wide leaving our limitations are constraints. So every one of us in life will go through this process of leaving our limited place and experiencing some Transcendence everybody and their own level 49 50 days. Later. Come 49 days of the Omer 50 days later. We arrived at Sinai received the Mandate from God the blueprint for life and here to Transcendence is beautiful, but you need to turn that into a concrete sized system. And hence. The Mandate called The Blueprint Toyota. Forty days after that. What should I buy a new returns with the first set of the tablets? What day is that the 17th of tamils and he sees that the Jewish people built a golden calf in our personal cycle of Life who would mean that after we've experienced Transcendence and freedom after we received the blueprint we betray our own selves and our own destiny and our own mission and mandate and we So the great Peril terrible sits experience, but all is not lost Moshe does indeed break the tablets in order to save the Jewish people as we've discussed a number of times because that was the contract and he goes back on the mountain on the 17th of tammuz for another 40 days that 40-day period is right now we're in that 40-day period coming to the conclusion of it. Why did you go back up here ready to receive the tablets? He goes up to besiege God to forgive the people. So this would include the 17th of tammuz, the three weeks and includes the nine days Tisha b'av and the days subsequent to that all the way till when is 40 days from the 17th of Thomas tourist reddish how to opinions when it goes back a third time. What is the first day of the Traders which would be next job is where the secondary cases which would be next Sunday that's not relevant to our discussion. And it says these were not pleasant days. These were not days where he was successful. How does that play itself in our lives that After a betrayal after violation after a betrayal of ourselves of our destiny of our Mandate of our commitments, we begin the process of trying to heal, but it doesn't come easily because it was a very serious betrayal wasn't a small matter. They built the golden calves they replace god with a piece of gold money with power with the ego. So it's not a small process not an easy process and then he comes back down. So right now moisture is finishing. His second days of 44 second period of 40 days comes back down and goes back a third time just razor shell first or second day of straightish. In other words, either the 30th of of or the first of ello it goes back a third time count 40 days from special 30 days of l 10 days of tishrei is 40 Yom Kippur the 10th of tishrei. So I Rush Hashanah technically made sure our Boehner was up on the mountain the third time that's really was Russia shot of that year. And Yom, Kippur he returns and this time he successful. Successful with what successful with gaining forgiveness and we say it every year Yom Kippur night right after kol nidre three times that a sham says so lactic in Photoshop. I have forgiven them as you have spoken. So moist we don't just say God forgave but it came through an initiative of maybe the greatest event in all of history human being arguing with God and not taking no for an answer and breaking down the door until he succeeds and he gave us that single most Empower, 'full force and life called hope she looked this you look at this story the cycle use look at the cycle this calendar and fascinating. It's awesome how it reflects life who hasn't gone through all these stages. We will have our Transcendence. We follow our blueprint We All Fall and then we tried to correct and heal and was the end of the story we can heal. It comes back with the second tablets, which is somewhere even greater than the first and from then on we have the holiest day of the year Yom Kippur the ability to constantly re re re re re re gain and reclaim that which was lost or broken. So whatever part of life you're in whether you're in the stage of Innocence or a stage of loss of Innocence or stage of regrets and and concerns and anxiety over the mistakes. We've made this cycle this counter is there exactly for us. So here we go from Paisa Touché Lewis is 50 days three sets of 40 days hundred twenty a hundred and seventy days since a half a year covers this journey this Ups and downs from pesach concluding with Yom Kippur. And of course after Yom Kippur comes the celebration of what we have gained and reclaimed which is the celebration of circus leading to the climax into the Apex of it on something that says, I'm Christina so you can add another 13 days four days between him keeper and circus and then all the way till the end of simcha stated almost the end of tishri. So you have over a hundred eighty five days of the year this whole cycle at as I said mirror. Hers and reflects who we are. This is this when studying this and learning about and seeing its power one of the things that motivated me to write the book 60 days a spiritual Guide to the high holidays literally that as a journey through these two awesome months of ailment issued a day-by-day this journey covering the entire spectrum of Life Experiences. So there you have access to the supplied sit is discussed at length every step of the way. So as we go from the end of of Intel As I've cited a number of times the Charles law that the summer said that brings the rebel also cites it and RDA the muzzle of this month of earlier from the muzzle from the sign and the power of this month the Leo lion creates LL. Hashanah Yom Kippur and hoshanna rabba area is an acronym for those four. Periods in time. So you see there again the story it's not just a continuation a Continuum. It actually one gives birth to the other. So the area which could be seen as such a negative thing the destruction of the temple through area of Oakland has compared to that lion who destroyed the line in the month of the lion. I'll nasty I'll coach mine says in order that the lion referring to God comes and rebuilds the line the Third Temple in the in the period of in the line which would be of but that gives birth L was just showing him keeper and he shine it up which is the conclusion essentially of Yom, Kippur the seam of the ceiling of the of the destiny of our lives next year. So this is where we are right now the conclusion of L II as the last days of measure banners 40th second period of 40 days on the mountain preparing ourselves for next job as this year's Shabbos is a traitor shall we bless this razor shell yesterday and this committee was created this coming. Shoppers will be the first day of rest radio show which then leads to the second day. See you have again L is the 30th day of of and the first day of L. So you see an interface because everything is one story. It's one narrative. So even when you're an of experience it immediately is also the first day of L the special I should say and that teaches us the matter where you are in your roller coaster of your life. You have a place to be able to grow too. Able to reconcile to be able to build there's no such thing as hopeless. God forbid. That's the overall lesson from this period this coming Shabbos will also be the a so one thought on the pasture a our nation nation of national Fame and sbrocco behold, I give you before you today the blessing and the opposite of blessing. These are of course of the words that measure the been uttered and spoke the last 37 days of his life in this world started Schrager Steven. I'm sorry to say - Swedish fat when he began speaking. In the beginning of pasture dividing until Zion other when Mason was going up or go up and had an avoid as the end of mission at a dead end of this book will tell so we're now in partial to a the fourth chapter of this book and one beautiful thought powerful thought you say very nascent. The Phoenicians nation is always refers to Nation means to bestowed to give a comet animatronic is called the giving of call harness in behind your furnace anyone who gives gives with a good eye. So it's a pleasant thing to give a gift. So the question I have is question is okay to give a gift of blessing make sense make a nation with you ever met him as a Prophet The Blessing but how could you forget to refer to the opposite of a blessing as a gift? What kind of gift is that the opposite of a gift? The lab explains that the gift is the clarity to know. What is a blessing and what is not a blessing. So when you're traveling down the road of life and you come to a Crossroads. And you don't know which way is the right way to go. Should you go to the right to the left and someone tells you go this path? This will lead you to beautiful things. That's of course a blessing. But after they don't tell you they tell you don't take this path because it can lead you to terrible things to destructive things. That's an equal blessing because it's Clarity. So the gift that is here is not God forbid the opposite of blessing to know what's opposite of blessing and that's the gift that God gives us both to know what to do. And also what to avoid doing because in a healthy life You need both you need to know how to plant the seeds to make sure the flowers grow be yourself to know how to weed the garden to make sure there are no impediments and negative influence that can stunt and be a black the flowers to emerge. So in psychologically and emotionally in our personal lives, we have mr. Cecil. We have Lisa and Minister says that tell us what to do. What's appropriate. We also want to know what not to do what to avoid doing and both are equal blessing. So the initialization Vector may even gives us that message is a tremendous mess. Message in so many ways in our lives. Sometimes you go for advice. You don't just want to know what to do. Just want to know what to avoid doing. That's what good professionals will tell you things that people have been there already who've gone through an experience. I can tell you don't try that that will not work try this. So that's the blessing of this week's chapter. And of course as we're preparing to go into L. That's what we're looking for L is a month of heshbon a month of accounting and a month of preparation for the new year. So we'll look into have the clarity to correct. So sometimes we know what needs to Be done. Sometimes we we but we don't know what not need. These are not be done and many other times were in denial or were ignorant or we minimize it's critical to know and they'll both things to know how to to heal and do things that are proper that help and are conducive to healing but also know what are the things that also impede the healing process and here I talk healing I mean the personal and emotional and spiritual level. Okay the cross-reference I always do because this is a program that's been going out for six years. So you can imagine for six years. We've covered many of the topics l&r a so I cross-referenced this to episode 79 129 175 224. So they're in those episodes which can all be found that metres. It has applied that cam a new site dedicated to this to the resources for this program and related you can find these archives in their entirety. They're also time-stamped and the YouTube desktop or laptop version. So you can actually find the exact place where the piece you're looking for. In addition is an excellent search that you can look for it by words or topics or themes to find different topics that you may be looking for. Yes. We have been encouraged by many many people asking more than encouraged actually demanding I can say to publish something in writing that couldn't be like a book that's like almost like an encyclopedia of taking the topics that we've covered which have been hundreds and hundreds which are are in the generated by you listeners who write questions in anonymously at our I should mention now the Forum which is again, it is supplied that cam / ask we can write any question. Nothing is off-limits. Nothing is taboo and we'll cover them. We are always backlogged a bit but we're moving along and every week new questions are covered. I'm constantly I'm continuously fascinated by the fact that there are more questions that come in guess when you really covering life life does not have Just a few questions every challenge every issue that comes up poses another dilemma and therefore questions that keep arising. So thank you for participating and I just participated really making it happen both by listening but even more so by put the by generating and suggesting different questions, so please use that opportunity. And so we s we have plans to do so we obviously everything is income our container. We need to have funding so if someone is interested out there to help the project like that which is to take these ideas and put them in some document form, meaning of the digital form of book form. So people can easily access them directly and of course edited we would definitely be appreciative and you can contact me directly at my email address Seaman as I Mo n at meaningful or you can write in the form as well and just give us your contact information and we will communicate with you reach out to you. Thank you for that and is also a good opportunity. That and every level we can use your support to dedicate a program or a series of programs to memory of a loved one or honor of a loved one and X naught portunity to reach thousands and thousands of people who are listening to this program and benefit from it in the marathon schools of so on you dedicate this program to okay with that questions. Question the first question we're going to address today. According to Exodus what relationship should we have with a physical objects in our lives clothing Furniture gifts. We receive antiques Etc little more spelled out there Rabbi Jacobsen. Can we Elevate all neutral objects? Like Furniture vessel jewelry ornaments clothes Etc. Does Judaism believe this kind of objects have good bad energy in them. What about pre-owned objects, we receive as a gift. For example What About Antiques should we get rid of objects that we feel don't have good energy or should we try to elevate them? Thank you and blessings. Okay, very good question practical question is absolutely as what to say about it starting from the Baal Shem Tov himself. The things that siddhis Chabad elaborates upon and you have to find it hinted to in the body shop there things about some to himself addressed in a number of places in the Terrace of the Baal Shem Tov. And for the record most of the Tailor's of the Baal Shem Tov. If not all were spoken by the Baal Shem Tov and written down by his students. So we have the difference for him. Whether it's Tire with a Consortium divorce divorce a divorce or the tell detective evasive and the others Forum that bring the impetus asaph and others that bring Titus abortion. That already been collected there's a safer Club of some developed a that not going to go through all the literature of the Baal Shem Tov. So I'll something in a number of places addresses this in a very direct way and he says the following paraphrasing everything that is in our possession whether it's through ownership meaning we bought it or it was given to us as a gift or you found that even with on Bernard p a locker that you're a lot of keep it anything that comes your way means is a reason that came your way based on the principle of us. Our approach is Divine Providence the Kami away because that item that object has in the Divine Sparks because everything in existence would not exist. If the Divine Purpose of that it was not there. Nothing is here by accident. It came your way. It means that there has Divine Sparks and it's part of the Divine Sparks allocated to you to elevate. So this would include furniture and clothing. Everything he also says when a person finishes meaning, let's say you either lose the object or you give it away to somebody or you sell it and so on it means your role in elevating those Sparks has come to an end. But as long as you have it and you've obtained it, so what does that mean? That's not just there for your Comforts to use a table a chair jewelry ornaments or whatever. It may be it's for you to use it for a purpose that is divine commissure border colors Barack Obama. Bought an elderly lady and the Pookie of is the end of chapter 6. We say everything God created the world he created but not for any other purpose but for a day for his glory and honor so-called moussaka Le shim-sham. I'm all your actions should be directed toward the sake of Heaven hold rehearsal. The are you in all your ways. You should know God meaning in everything seeing the object to the item as an opportunity as spiritual opportunity to grow personally and And to make other people grow you have a table not just to use it to sit by and read something or learn or I'm sorry to eat a meal but to use it to learn Teta to use the table to host guests there you're using the table and elevating and directing it Sparks toward the way they belong and the same thing with everything else that belongs to us things that are prohibited. Meaning you shouldn't own. So yes, those are things you should just don't belong to those means the things you should refrain from and avoid but that's not what we're addressing here. So that's number one. So this could be antiques. This can be anything. It could be lessons that it teaches us. It could be lessons you learn from it and we have to be creative and have to be proactive in seeing what can we learn or what can how can we use this for some Divine Purpose? Okay. Now as far as you mentioned things is if they're good and bad energy. There's potential good without the Lemma says and Tanya very clearly in chapter 6. He says clip us Nagle which is really everything falls under the domain of Clippers Nega accept the things that are Mitzvahs or things that are sodium that are not allowed there are things that must be done. It could be a snake is neutral what's Clippers negar? Literally Clippers nigga means a husk a translucent task. You can see through it think of it like an out of fix a thicker. She'll but like the shell of a like the appeal of a grape. What does that mean? Because the material world covers up and he's goes but either way you can use it for the do shh. So food food is Clippers naked kosher food, you can use it for the douche that by using it to use the strength to do a Mitzvah to do good deeds or God forbid you can use that energy for something destructive and then for the fish off or temporarily your made it you take that spark and you're descending it you're degrading and defiling it and putting it in the domain of shallow strippers at Emmaus in the negative things that are considered to be negative energy. So you can't really call it negative and positive until the human being does something with it. So potentially everything can be done. You can take a knife and use it to cut a hollow. God forbid. You could take a knife and hurt someone. So simple examples, so that's essentially what first pre-owned goes as I mentioned if someone else so that means they had a time when they had to do their job with it. And now your role is now to use that object for the redeeming and elevating the Sparks that are allocated to you. As far as ever getting rid of objects, look there how lockers there are maybe having a decision must be made. You think there's an object in your possession that is because in something negative it has to be dealt with case-by-case. I'm trying to think of an example, you know, if it's something that's completely not prohibited shouldn't be by you shouldn't you should get rid of it, but it's real Austin's were Takin us and destroying it is it's repair but things that so you have to really give an example and then talk to her over talk too much B and C. Maybe that thing doesn't belong in. Life, okay. So I think answer that question and it's a very good question because it touches upon literally our daily lives every interaction everything we possess everything we own and how we see it in the context of what citizen explains. It's not just yours to protect. No just yours to own the Earth to elevate. That's the punchline. Next question. Next question is a topic I've talked about but there are a lot of questions that come in either people have not heard me talk about it before so I'm not going to just ignore the question. I'll refer to where it was discussed or sometimes add a few points and there are of course recurrent themes that are people's minds. So so I obviously indulge that as well in a good way. So this is one about women having to cover the are the questioner asked briefly. What is the source and reason for married women covering their here? So this is a I talked about it at length. Let me read the question and then refer you to where I spoke about it to maybe add a line or two Rabbi Jacobsen first bless you. Your classes have completely changed my look to life bless you. My silly question, which I know thousands of if not more would benefit. I don't I want to just protest there's no such thing as a silly question. Every question is a healthy question question whether you know you sometimes sometimes it's obvious answer sometimes it's less obvious. So just want to comment before I continue the thousands of not more would benefit from and here it is, please would you explain what a weird does a woman covering here? Come from is a written in the Torah. Is it something that came later there's many who have different explanations, but your Source would be a direct message from Arabic it is it for that sneers the blessings for the husband and Sons is it for the woman to know her length her length and behavior to the outside? I guess or context not sure what this means to know her role in Behavior to the outside world. I cover my hair with a hat half scarf or keep our wig. I don't know if I feel I'm cheating and only doing half or don't connect to the actual covering due to lack of real explain meaning. I know so many women who are at low or a lost or loss and whether to cover or not. And others who completely hate the idea, I feel a clear understanding of meaningful message would help many obviously choice to all but a clear understanding would be a big Clarity for many women. We know many women cover their hair differently does every Star make a difference in life blessing your answer would mean the world for you are continuous light of the Rebus teachings bless you a hundredfold for your true work making this world a brighter place, right A Brighter Place Baruch Hashem. So let me first refusal would refer you where I discussed this at length. This is episodes 95 through 97 95 96 and 97 and episode 201. Why do I refer you there? Because there I did a far more comprehensive take on it. I would want to do the I don't want to repeat what I've said then no reason to same person speaking. You just click it's a few clicks away, but I will say the following it is absolutely based on Toyota. It is the causal learned arriving from different verses one about passion is a where talks about the SATA about them uncovering her hair which applies that she covered her here and other places especially when you go into the area of Zohar and the works of Kabbalah and siddhis there they talk about the power of here. There's powerful powerful power erratic power of here which which is rooted in very deep spiritual places, which is what I elaborated upon. On back then in those episodes. Most people are simply not aware. They just think in some type of either has a two successive just a nuisance. So it's rooted in real sources the rebel of course made a big fuss about it and asked women specifically personally to cover their hair and after with the sheitel not with a tickle as elaborated and there is well above all to put just put it briefly here whether we know it or not is a powerful Sexual Energy and just like we cover other parts. The body why do we cover it? Not because it's ugly not because we're ashamed not because it's disgraceful. But like we cover the holy of holies the holiest part of our beings we cover out of respect out of dignity out of preserving it to be experienced in the purest possible way. We live in a world that is far from Pure. So it needs a protection needs to be covered to protect it to be used in the clearest way without any contamination if you wish a woman's here falls into that category side issue. Ever the gemara says but people misunderstand what it means. They think it's a negative. It's a positive. It has power salvation means that woman's here. Now, of course the question is so why do girls were before marriage don't cover why do men not have to cover their hair and all the different things that I leave to referring to when I spoke about it then at length. I say again at length relatively speaking to this program. So in this case, I just want to conclude with this here as tremendous amount of power. And just like a human being as power in general. The feminine energy is very strong when its channeled and harnessed. Well, it can change world's when unfortunately it's abused or violated or not used. Well, it can actually also change worlds but the negative way and that is why it's so vital and that I'd ever made a very big thing about it based on desire and the sblood the words that the great blessings that comes from it the model that talks about it as well the woman that never uncovered her here. They even her here was never exposed even Walls of her house meaning even when she was alone and what the generations that grew out of that the blessings that she received for it. So it's a source of tremendous blessing because they hear is a power of energy powerful powerful energy. So when harness properly it brings great blessings, let's stick to the positive sides. How is each person each woman should adapt this and assimilated in her life go step-by-step learn about it the more, you know, the more informed you are I think the more you'll be able to embrace it and see there's a beautiful thing. You and like a crown a person wears on their head not as a nuisance or just a bother or something. That's you doing without any logic behind it. Okay. The next question which is also a topic that comes up once in a while and I've addressed as well is the topic of superstition. What attitude should we have to Upper Superstition Ian hotter and the likes I don't know if I Bunch all those exactly together Superstition is God's true. Meaning complete nonsense Superstition Ian Hodder. There is a concept the question is what attitude so let me read the question more detail. Then I'll give you my response and Reverend first reference the previous episode. They robbed a seaman bless you 120 years for your endless kind work in this world Rabbi. Would you please give a few words regarding Superstition evil eye and yetzer Hara? Please guide direct many I know with this empty exhausting mind game. Thank you, Rabbi Shimon. So episode 99 1 episode. I addressed this topic quoting the devil said that in order effects only those that believe in it. So let's just start from the beginning and now again just some up because more of the elaborate was discussed back in that episode In tha meme team a similar car has the general principle in this week. Josh's shaved him going to be reading that next week after the a that is walk innocently if you wish simply plainly with got with your God in other words don't look for gimmicks or tricks, which is a fundamental principle in general in Yiddish. Great. Do things called the push of mild faith in a simple direct way when people start looking for gimmicks, whether it's astrology or psychics and so on even if there's legitimacy to some of that and I've talked about this it's not the Of the Taylor that's it is a responsible approach to life. The fact that there are forces at work and it's very exotic and we're curious can also border on The Sensational so that's why when it comes to all types of things like superstitious things people have different Antics, they go through because of their fears of a curse or something like that is not the Tater way. We're not under the control of Missoula switch. We're told even though there are muscles muscles are signs the constellations because God governs the world with certain rules. So when you subject Yourself to that you are giving it power now. It has power but doesn't mean you have to be subject to its powers like a lot of things in life. We all have free predispositions. That doesn't mean you have to give it to them. That's why human being has self-control. So Superstition in general meaning taking anything and giving it some type of power over you is not a general Jewish anterior approach and this does not contradict the fact that their interpretations to dreams and yes, there is a concept of Muslim you say Mazel tov Is I think I've spoken about as well in previous episodes including back in 99 episode 99 Ian Hodder. So we have canine. How do we say there should be no evil eye and we have received before a bliss child is born you put up all kinds of different. Different chemical Mayors and other things that are so-called to ward off any negative energy. There's the concept of negative energy. The question is does it control your life that's was absolutely not does not control your life. It can control your life. If you allow it in like any things like a human being there are people for example that a difficult to deal with and they really get on our nerves but you control whether they'll get to you or not. If you allow them in yes, and you'll be then you'll be vulnerable to them. If you allow yourself to your mean immunize yourself you allow yourself to rise above. They won't affect you. We have that ability doesn't mean it's always easy and there's different ways and methods is not the place to discuss it. The same thing is with a positive and negative negative energies out there. So that's the general answer yet. So harder we all have a yetzer Hara that's the evil inclination doesn't mean you have to act on it. All Tonya is based on controlling that and directing it and harnessing. The right direction so and above all to be afraid to go to sleep with fear or to tremble and people literally are afraid because of they think there's a curse upon them in letter after letter after letter when the rubber writes about these things. He's always dismisses it saying it doesn't have no control over you think the talk and trust in God trust Goodwin's angered think it will be good and all different Expressions teaching us what not that there is a negative energy. That does not has no power over you that's a big key. Thing if you want a simple example based on time your chapter 26 we talks about what depression does doesn't it demoralizes. You not to feel the strength that you have to wrestle with your enemy. So in psychological warfare every Sports Athletics and even natural War how much of it is psychological if you think your enemy is stronger than really is you allowed get you give it power when you think the enemy is not as strong you win a wave its power and you become stronger. So this of course applies to every area of life. Okay. It's about empowerment knowing Governor's Summit Unisom is stronger than all these forces that doesn't mean these forces you don't contend with but there's ways to approach it will be reading in a few weeks. He said Salem Oklahoma Oliveira you go out to war oliverio is above your adversary. Okay? Next next question is this to current events have any deeper connection with the Hebrew dates when they occur and here's how it was praised by Robert Jacobson. I find that many historic events that the president United States declares or other similar events happen a special days in the Jewish or even Chabad calendar. Refers to a few examples this was written a while ago. She's referring to says everyone found out back in November and I'm sorry in February 14th, 2019. The president's concrete intention on declaring National Emergency and funding building a wall. And what was that connected to? What day was that are not even sure with the Rebus anything about what we can learn from this by a fire burning in this shop is if this was prior to for example gimel Thomas I'm speaking about what we can learn from this and not if a wall is right or wrong it building a wall is right or wrong. Oh it happened on tests other that what is the ninth of other when the Freda Culebra came to America Tesla is a special day that the physical ever speak about a wall or significance on this day or the tenth of other when he initially came to Looking forward to hearing something insightful. So this of course applies across the board any type of event the answer goes back to what I mentioned before but objects the Baal Shem Tov has got approaches. This is like a process to the extent that never once mentioned I think from the was addicts I'm safe and I'm not sure he mentioned who was that they would learn lessons even when they traveled on a train and the train had a number on it. If you're number one. Number two number three, there were lessons learned from those numbers because I was completely random you could have been the other car but there's no such thing as random. So applying it to this even more so things that happen a particular day. Yes have a connection to the day. Sometimes it's obvious. Sometimes it's not his expression the Komodo Miguel Gonzalez Liam's a key and also on the negative which means the Goblins ghosts. Mahogany means it like turns like a wheel that ends up being the something of Merit happens to take place, but God willing it's like role to is directed to I'm trying to find the exact words like rolling that's course. I shall make sure that that's who's has rolled until it reaches the James a key. The Merit is the Merit is they wear that Merit belongs and the same thing in a negative thing. So things that happen on Tisha b'av is first Tisha b'av was when the Marilyn came back and made the Jewish people cry over the bad report, but it's a slow and that day would later be the five tragic events that the mishna says including the Shouldn't the burning down of the first temple and the second temple and the other events that happened same thing with the 17th of tammuz and the negative and the positive. Yes, you could have events that happen on first day of pesach or ons poorly more on suitcase. So it's not a random thing if it happened means it's connected in some way to the positive or negative energy. Of the that particular day because remember time is energy and every day has its particular now to go Bend backwards and try to find the connection. Sometimes they'll be obvious. Sometimes I shame doesn't make it obvious. So I don't know if you have to turn it into a study but the general answer is yes, but we don't have to go crazy to find it because if we need to find them will be told and sometimes it's very obvious and that I often in Fabrications would take the day of the calendar using a safer called Valley MBA May would say things happen and Day and look what happened now. She also put this on that day so clearly we can derive from that. There's a connections. This can be connected also to our birthdays and other special events and our lives. But as I said again don't we don't want to turn this into a sensational Journey want to be a meaningful a meaningful one with responsible conclusions, which means it's a lead us to good actions. That's the bottom line that when you see something of screws comes out of your way in a certain day happens on your birthday or happens on another special day to turn it into To okay. So that lesson for me is that I should increase in Good Deeds connected to that particular schools that particular Merit and not just stick to The Sensational component. Ah, look what happened on that day. Wow, isn't it? Interesting? It's not enough. Just interesting. It has to lead us to some our Vedas Hashem some hey draw some directive in are serving God in becoming better people and better Jews and better relationship both with Hashem and by now the mahavira with others. Okay next question. Do you recommend reading books on intimacy by known rabbis and teachers? So examples were sent to me but as I usually I don't like to mention names of authors or books, especially if it's a if it's thrown up, its of people throwing aspirations or questions or doubts on those VAT on the and the validity of those books. So let's just keep it in general the person writes. I don't know if you've read this in this book. But you recommend that siddim should read it. I don't mean to put you at odds with that author or different authors that have written different books. But I want to have an unbiased opinion not by the author obviously, but someone who's not written it and I trustworthy opinion. I'm a bargain. I want to know I should read it or should I wait till I get married or shine ever read it. So I want to expand on the questions. This is not about as every book obviously is the thyroid the responsibility of the author if it's a legitimate Rabbi and teacher and is respected and trusted in general has proven to be someone that's as an authority. So that's what defines Appropriate what's not appropriate if there's a question mark because the book may be controversial or their different opinions. So there I would refer you to your A/V of my spear let them give you their opinion overall on a broader quite a way you can say is should we be reading books all together on matters of this nature, even if they're written by rabbis and teachers maybe their intention is to reach people who don't learn Tara if you can learn it directly in the original sources of Citizen and Taylor, why do you need to read books on the other hand are sometimes a book presents it in a pat presences and in a palatable way in a way that's accessible and easier to use. I mean, I wrote a book Tour de meaningful life. So there is a chapter and intimacy there. I'm biased that I say go read that instead of reading the syllabus will tailor absolutely not but if it can help explain Tater or presentator in a relevant way then perhaps but that you have to ask you a rather much beer generally speaking, but then there's the then this course the question whether it's the weather should a book be written on these topics. Still have been books written even though they're written even if they're correct. Technically. Do you write a book a whole book on intimacy? For example, it's a good question. Because you can write everything right but intimacy by definition maybe shouldn't be written about maybe it should be more of a discrete approach on the other hand. You can say we live in a world today that people are not going to all come to you for personal advice or write a book can actually help people discover a deeper and more sacred view on intimacy. So arguments go back and forth and that's why you have to come down to who's the person asking the question. Is it a 17 year old boxer. She be reading a book on Intimacy in English. I probably not She's getting married and that book is well recommended and well resource and grounded and tater based. So, okay, so it's like learning the Hassan classes or color classes. So again, it depends on where you are who you are and what you need. That's someone I'd give me example of a book years ago. Someone had written about intimacy. Some people love the book was really helpful to them others did not you know, the different people have different views on a book but someone asked me I said look you can write you can write a book about sneeze and a very non sneeze take away a person could stand on Brooklyn Bridge and talk about the beauty of the of modesty and standing there in a way. That's a modest. So what do you say about that? Obviously, there's a confusion there. You can't talk about modesty in a modest way as to be talked about know. Honest way but as I said, there are many arguments of the case because we live in a world where sometimes desperate times need Desperate Measures, but always in the context of a locker would sneeze with subtlety that had was very careful in my chapter and intimacy and toward a meaningful life. I quote a letter from the lever about teaching children or teaching students about matters of intimacy that the rebel takes very clear in saying it should be done very discreetly by a teacher whose presence it discreetly and suddenly not in a way that's provocative or so. Sensational or controversial so talking about these matters always needs great care and sometimes that's the me so you could say the right thing but the wrong way and there's another thing that you have to consider. So I'm not going to pass gun or rule here on a particular book on a particular author or a particular person because there's so many factors involved but I do believe I just put things into a framework frame the question a way that hopefully Silas Holcomb has to chuva that when you ask your much beer love you can get a very clear answer. What is it? In for you under those circumstances, right? next question Why is this so much conflict? Why is there such conflict about saying it he so those of you listening don't know what that is. Maybe it's better that way. Here's the way the question was phrased in full entirety and its entirety. Why is it that but why is that the opposition of your he has to do with gimel Thomas in other words pose gimel Thomas began the disagreements. Why do the bandages have to argue isn't it? Pretty clear that the rebels said that the nation should say a key to add highest energy vitality. To the Mellows to the king as business in Topsham class just for the source. And if and for whatever reason you don't say hey, why do you have to argue not meaning you but rather the Babbage as a whole? So firstly let me refer you to episodes 46 and 264 way spoke about the topic arguments are never good. Let's start with a clear statement argument says Hey Piccata that people should not argue. I'm not talking about argument /m shamim. We arguing the subtleties of upshot or the direct them to predation like xiaomi and Hillel or other explanations and understanding Taylor, but if an argument becomes personal and becomes negative and becomes critical and person and personalized Never a good thing even if one person is right one person is wrong. There's ways to disagree in a loving way in a kind way and never in a way that's that's condescending and judgmental and all the other negative things. So that's clear and must be stated. So I have the same question as you I don't understand why any people argue. I understand people can become passionate and very strong and some people say by saying it you're causing damage. So therefore I'm angry now because I'm angry because you're causing the damage to the debit Chabad antioxidants and so on but sometimes I see is it really really purely for the cause or you are personally angry that needs to also be determined and the same with the other way around those that say you don't say it means you're a kafir your own believe you didn't I and they get angry. I don't see the anger the personalizing you have a disagreement. Let it be this agreement and always looking at that safer seeing what that ever said how different people interpret and yes before gimel Thomas there was more consensus and later with more disagreement. What does that say about everything not even going to go into that right now because it's not really relevant. I just want to make the point that Mike lake is is never good disagreements. I'm not going to go explain why their disagreements try to justify it. I do understand sometimes the reasons but that doesn't mean it has to that's correct. And I think if everybody lowered the volume and lowered the temperature would always be healthier and you can have a legitimate conversation with a temperament and what way to do it when whether it's something where you know, what live-and-let-live do whatever it is. You see fit the you don't have to become an antihero become of for and be more neutral about it those that want to say personally definitely. People should not impose their opinion on others different people have different needs different people have different meanings in it. And more than that, I really rely on what I've discussed in the those previous episodes. Okay. I just I want to refer to intimacy the previous topic. I forgot to cross-reference. I also spoke about what is healthy intimacy and how to present it in episodes 59 151 and 272. Okay, one more question, then we'll do a follow up and see this question that the essays the lay of the land. Next question. Does this cofee apply to pregnant women? to a pregnant woman Thank you for your wonderful classes. I have gained so much and I'm sure a lot of time and effort goes into preparing. I do appreciate it. I've been learning the daily tiny over the last couple days in hearing a lot about his kawhia controlling one's desires. Some people call it refraining abstaining. Does this kawhia apply to a pregnant woman? If yes, how can she Implement in to implement it when it comes to Cravings that she has it cetera. I know that she'll Canada does not take this matter lightly because it discusses during the discuss during the Holocaust of fasting Yom Kippur. What does this have to say about this? Thank you. So first, I want to refer you to episode 207 as a not direct topic of covered there, but just touches upon some of these topics. Let's begin very basic here comes the pregnant woman comes to anything connected to life the bearing of Life the preserving of Life Health Taylor McCabe. Ahem you shall live by Taylor not God forbid opposite and we completely focused proper primary number one. Is the welfare of that person the pregnant woman and of course the child she's carrying with her and that's why when it comes to fasting or other things we find all kinds of unions leniencies and we don't look to be more firm than God in this or more from in general now comes the mm Kipper. Yes. It's a very hip has the most serious day. So the bottom will give you an answer pregnant women. We very lenient if there's even a doubt if it doesn't make a difference or sat any risks another story and Robin and we'll address that and I'm not going to pass can on those matters. As far as this calf here is coffee is a Vedas Hashem a pregnant woman her being pregnant is the greatest kawhia the discomfort. She has to endure not that I know of it firsthand but I understand it and I witnessed it the discomfort. She has to endure the the nausea the all the other pains that are involved that came because of had tasted ass is the greatest discovery. Why would she want to it's part of the process so I don't think a Woman has to look for new additional is coffees. She has a craving. It's a craving because she's pregnant. It's not a craving Chris only has a type why God made that she should have a craving now if a woman feels a craving that she thinks is inappropriate or she wants to limit it to curb it. That's her personal thing, but I'm not going to hear and I don't think any love or must be I should get involved in that that's a personal thing. But even there I would say take it easy your biggest Discovery is what you're going through and having a child the mrs. Nefesh of a mother bearing a child. And that is kawhia outweighs all other is coffees. That's my short and sweet answer on this matter and Peak be be at ease and comfort you're doing the greatest possible thing. You're bringing a gods and Shaman a soul into a new child into a new person. And that is the greatest source of the greatest Merit and everything else Shadow is over is pales in comparison. So it's a vast Sky fear for other times or save it in general, especially when it's your mother and nursing mother a mother that's given birth to a child that could potentially Whatever they call it. So it extends even after the pregnancy and the scarf has to be used with discretion. I generally think that it's coffee. Maybe your husband should be practicing Morris coffee and some of the men who often I was remember once being in the delivery room in the delivery room that I didn't want that in the delivery department and I was out in the hall and I saw a guy whose wife is being carried into to deliver. She was a sous expecting it but baby was about to be born and he faints Not she he faints so he probably should doing a little Morris. Kawhia. Especially didn't have to endure any of that pain. And that doesn't mean the scaffold doesn't apply to women in general. But in general the scarf is more of a I would say to curb and to tame the more masculine aggression than the women's gentleness now, everybody can use it to some extent but I think I put it in the context I wanted to but it's a good question and thank you for that. Okay follow up. So first follow-up we're going to do is something from episode 248 a little while back the talking about the topic of a male must appear for women and of course basically negating the idea definitely on a lot of Leon a permanent or on ongoing level and I told by the lecture or something like that. So that was back into 48 and you can look it up but here's someone sent a follow-up. Amazing. How many people Miss listen to what you say or miss the Nuance? Anyway, my father has told over the following. I hope I have all the details, correct. If you want to say it over you can always confirm with him. Well, my father was in the man married, I think to three years and teaching high school girls in Detroit. Now mental front of Father used to come visit every year he would go to the boys classes if I heard them test them and give out Rajan kartha mandolin Raisins and Almonds. My father asked him to come to his girls class and our mental declined upon further discussion. My father grandfather figured out he didn't want to come because it was a girl's class. So my father asked I'm a younger man, and I'm allowed to teach them. Am I allowed to teach them, but you I'm a human. I'm allowed to teach them but you and L to the house and all the custard the device aboard with a white beard can't come talk to them for a few minutes. There are mental responded a beer have been an elder hostage wagon Faulkner. If I'm an older hosted as you put it be quiet and listen to what I said. That's the story. I've never heard a good explanation to the story of the story of my guess is as good as yours, but the only thing I can come up with this that not generation that I'd be gaves us special cases to deal with various slow. Is various missions as needed and maybe the mental said this was a thing he had to learn to develop at his stage. Anyway, I think as I explained the back then is pretty clear the approach to take to this. But since this came in as a story, I added to the equation to the record now vaccines still no more questions coming in. Thank god. Well, I don't know. Thank God the right way. I think we covered almost everything. But since there are some questions I didn't address I thought I would take one more and then slowly either. Finish up with it, but this was covered in episodes 269 through 273. So we covered it pretty extensively probably more than most topics. So one more question, I'll read it responds to your answer but the rebels view on vaccinations, I would like to ask a follow-up question. If a family has a child who had an adverse reaction to a vaccine such as repetitive seizures, what would the levels view Beyond vaccinating other children in the same family? What is with this still be the same of their other members of the extended family have also had the same. There are adverse reactions with the rebels view of getting a second opinion from a doctor was expert the subject matter wonder what college has adverse reaction to vaccines be relevant in this type of case. Would this be an exception to the rule? Is this something the rabbit discussed the Red Bar above all this isn't just a rabbit the rebels going with Taylor approach. I'm responding the Tate approaches. Will Smite them Laden after second. You have to be a healthy person. The table gives me the shoe store and a philanthropist gives permission to legitimate authoritative and appropriate and responsible doctors to determine what's a healthy situation. That's halacha says if you want to know what is health is a danger to someone is it not danger ask a doctor and then the tail is giving that whatever the doctor says two opinions three opinions bottom line the consensus of the doctors. Then the Tater gives the power of Taylor to that issue just like a sakelik. If indeed there's a verse reaction that I was not going to say God give a vaccine and put the child in danger. Obviously. The answer is as the doctor the doctor the personal Family Doctor Who Sold who knows the situation and say what should we do? We have one child that has a verse reactions. Should we risk it with another child and let the doctor make the decision. If you see the family people are reverse this and they're allergic or something else. Obviously, the vaccine is not the right thing to do because of the risks. This is part of medical decisions made all the time. It's not only vaccinations in many areas you go to a doctor they find that you're allergic to certain things are not going to give you a medication or they may not do certain interventions, etc. Etc. So the rebels definitely spoken about this, but the answer is always a straight answer, which is that what the medical profession has to say not crack doctors. Not only General but get good doctors. If you need more than one opinion get more than one opinion get the consensus due diligence do what's necessary talking about lives here and the risk and if there are risks absolutely look at it all that we spoke about was that ever said that there are vaccines are other things that have gone through testing and I've been proven to work. Does that mean a hundred percent? Obviously, there's always going to be exceptions. That's why we have to use our wisdom but we have to also understand that there is a tailor approach and a medical approach to things and it's that way everything into account. The many people take vaccines and don't have a reverse reactions. Remember we have to remember that as well. So all things have to be taken into account. Okay? Another question was regarding this. Regarding vaccination what does tried and proven mean? What does reliable manufacturers mean when manufacturers have liability removed? Why is it so vital? Why is it vital for children to receive the flu shot and varicella? What about kids that have serious reaction and parents fears for their life, but according to law still can get a medical exemption. I don't know every nuance and every detail, but we live in a world where you have pretty much freedom to do things. So so take one question at a time tried and proven there's words in her locker want me to try to improve it if something has been proven. A period of time and you have a consensus of enough legitimate doctors that say this is acceptable. And yes, the doctors are objective. If you prove that the doctors are subjective and their bias and Prejudice because they were bought off is one thing that would be tried and proven like anything in life. How do you know if someone's are trying to improve in pharmacist? I tried and proven Carpenter a tried and proven plumber a tried and proven a contractor you ask around you get references and you find the consensus on it. It reliable manufacturers the same thing that can any business. We will you're going to buy a product from a business. Are they reliable? Can they be trusted their ways to do research on these matters? If you start tearing everybody apart, there's no company on Earth forget about medical and pharmaceutical which were there may be more abuse than others. There's always going to be issues. That's why you need to do research and properly why they need the flu shots are a seller that you have to ask a doctor. I'm not going to answer that question and if there are reactions and side effects, right just Obviously that has to be taken into account. Okay, let's go now to the see this question. mmm So this question is too short like this. How can we make sense of the different ways that Jews practice Judaism when we have only one God and one Teta here's how the question writes it out more detail serious uncertainty. He titles is oh, it's a she. I'm not sure. I have a question that has been bothering me for some time much of the study of Judaism such as the talmud is filled with debates even in Jewish law, there is debate such as between the rambam and his colleagues or the base Joseph and I miss Alice that are more ambitious ruthless, but from what I've learned that all makes sense that all makes sense because there can be truths and different spiritual levels. And the origin of the sages Souls also matters. This is referring to just elaborate. They have example shammai coming from Buda Hill from Hesed that that affects their opinions, but what I really do not understand is how there could be two practical truths as in how do stardom and astronauts him hold differently in actual practice or how is the difference between different versions of prayer books? I don't mean a minor customer stringency rather. I mean real big differences how There'll be an argument about if the Taylor should have aleph or hey Bub Sadako. And different people do different things one is for sure wrong. Do we need to wear a hat and jacket for Lee for the Fourth Avenue to people that do not want where one do something. They should not as it would it be a deal for all to wear jacket and hat like that. God want different laws for different Jews not better or worse just different. Where do we see that? This was God's intention. How do we know that? This is what God wanted and not some technicality. I understand it is all Divine Providence, but is there a source for this idea can Find these ideas in the Torah to summarize. How does it make sense that there can be two Jews practicing Judaism two different ways if we have one God and one Torah. Okay. So first I'll refer you to episode 92 or I discuss some of this but let's let's just step back a bit and see this does addresses directly and not only see this others for them as well. First of all, let's start from all the way from the beginning. Taylor is God's blueprint for life, which means stock about ISO about Alma. He looked into the Taylor and with that he created the world. It measures the expression is that like an architect uses PSI? So Pincus is a blueprint potatoes that blueprint. So Theta is not just laws super imposed over existence. It's actually the creator of existence is telling us that our lockers and Tara what applied to each situation the same God that created the blueprint for the universe the universe meaning all of us as well. The human beings created human beings diverse. We're not clones and they are saying shellfish of is our minds think differently impacts of fan shop is our faces look differently. So even though we all originated from other magician as the mishna says in son hadn't that we all from case made from the Seal of other My from the original Parent are the merkava, but each one has a different variation where a lot of things that are similar but we have different variations. So how does then the Tariff it to that? There's the Taylor want one way for everybody to do. same thing when people have different approaches to things look and passion are say and you see all the seemed the leaders of the tribes. They brought car bonus to dedicate the mishkan the temple. And it repeats the same thing. They all brought the same thing the wagons and the carbon is the offerings and so on and so forth as the labor. Why do you have to repeat it again? And again say once a say the rest for the same thing to make the emphasis that even though they brought the same object. They brought it with a different curve one because reuven has one roll Shimon as another that's why when they cross Christie I'm safe. Collapse of the missile Osceola everyone went on their path. So there are things that equalized and our common denominator among us all. Shops, but how do you keep Shoppers? I'm not talking about the whole office. Now the spirit of shops. We all say spicy sauce MLK knows I'm a fraud but what's the cavern in the hood in the Shema? Even the same person shouldn't have the same cover an intention when they say she ma different times of the day definitely two different people so they can have a click we could be doing the same thing. But with different intentions we could also be doing this the the purpose of it is the same and doing it in different ways Raschi and An attempt film both of these to be Michelle Beadle of in the mayor to bind the mind in the heart, but as she held that the partials are the four chapters are written are placed in a certain order and I've been in time in a different order each one thought that was the way because the Tater itself did not spell it out. So it's very likely during which should have been those times. There were those that put it on like way later - she would be called rashes fill in the some of the better times. Pisa so spotted we did not have the issue of kidneys like rice for whatever reasons not getting now with it the mixing a song that means they're not keeping Pace in their communities pesach all the cup. All the power of pesach is done. Even though the kidney is there's no there's no they're not in any way more lenient. So even not just an intention that shamah is has a quota and hillel's Hazard but also in how lucky you can have different person Acid that I have in the city of La Vida. Loca was like about bastard the small the city of smoothness alcohol was like Schmo each one had their way they had their students that were aligned and that path. There are times when Taylor in history, they decided to make our craw which means that even though there were two approaches how luckily like salmonella the students have some I followed his rulings the students of Hillel followed. The healers rulings intended came a basketball that said No Time Has Come that we should find one how Locker that Is going to follow so when those instances happen that becomes the ruling that still does not negate shamah is Theory it's still true legitimate in the world of goodish amazed Theory, but an action even xiaomi has to behave like hello the the and where did we know this from actually Robin Lott says there's a posthumous bottom that says follow the consensus what I mean the consensus that Taylor says do this don't do that. So the meditation because I'll explain because when Mason was on the mountain has Hmm that didn't just gave him laws. There were things are lawful and measurements in a bar mitzvahs at 13 Bas Mitzvah 12 the first theorem there were things in the written part of this. Is it Feelin Shabbos? But then there was a lot of nuances. How do you do Shabbos? Exactly? What it says don't light a fire on Shabbos does that mean not to light a fire and not to sit and light like the like the egg that's looking interpreted. So the Shemp taught my shirt a turbine pollution it now Taylor with his commentary and explained and he said here is a way to interpret it like this for you nine ways to interpret this way 49 ways to interpret it that way so make sure is waiting and saying Tosha new sacem says acronym hotties. I'm giving you the theories now, you guys have to discuss it you I've been in the people that they later the sun had them actually Robin follow the consensus. Now consensus could be one way and then the next Generation can be a different consensus and then things that are rulings that remain that was rulers and their things till this day that are done by different communities in different ways. All this and the contrary demonstrates the beauty of a Teta applying to the dive applying itself to the diversity of life and yet there's a tremendous Harmony because we're all doing the same ultimately the same purpose just different ways. So that accounts for the differences while it being at a to access an academic hood that that a caduceus manifests itself in many different applications all with the same unifying Spirits all the connect the god. There's no such thing as a Mitzvah that's not connected to God God forbid, but how the connection and the details that can be different from one Community to the next from one party to another sock even in action. So I hope that covers answers the question and and with that we go over to the essays of this week. So we doing every week we do three essays. This is from the last essay contest 2019 top. These are still the top 50 60 essays. Among the hundreds and hundreds that came in essay. Number one is let me just get my papers here to be free from Fear moisture backman age 27, Kingston, Pennsylvania. teacher at hater Menachem Luzerne Luzerne, Kingston, Pennsylvania upon hearing these words from his father. You stroll became an orphan is roaming. The Baal Shem Tov fear is a natural feeling a response that results from situations of vulnerability and possible danger one would expect the child at the tender age of five having lost both parents with vast unknown and impending difficult to drown in his worries with this message was his father left them though. He will grow to be the Baal Shem Tov and developed the Hasidic approach to over calling overcoming all life's challenges and that is a resistor all fear nothing but God. Those aren't to analyze this very powerful essay The Challenge of fear the proper approach of dealing with the responsibility and implementing it in Action a good essay. Excellent essay. And this essay is posted as we speak is being posted at has as well as the other 2 s is you can also receive them in your inbox when you subscribe to our emails. The next essay is sold challenged by most Moses Perez. Perez H25 Cordoba Argentina student Maya, not men and his job is being a is an intrapreneur and he writes Soul challenge imagine. We had the possibility to observe our world from above. What would we see? We would see a complex world with Landscapes towering mountains Blue Lakes exotic beaches and a network of Roads. Goes on to describe. But there's also another reality the one experienced by those will live in homes which lag values. There are people who live with little hope lies full of anger and intolerance divorce and infidelity disloyalty and unhappiness in this essay. We want to raise the root of the problem and possible solution using the considered concepts of The Godly soul in the animal soul. And basically the two perspectives on life understanding the root of our habits analyzing child's Behavior. How do these habits affect adults how can we change them animal Soul versus Godly soul. And then application everyday situations. Paradigm shift from animal Vision to human Vision Soul challenge our choice. Yes. So another comprehensive essay on this topic the challenges. We you see life on one hand the beauty on the other hand. We see the challenges and how to deal with that good very good essay. And finally a Hebrew sa gave a mystical - Adam. Okay height weight and measuring steps. basically pacing life he writes and he brought translating paraphrasing translating Loosely all of us want to be successful. But we see that in actuality. The only comes intermittently and we're still looking for ways to find success the same as successful person and especially this challenges in the 21st century has unique elements to it. So what did the FED definition of success what considered success before we describe whether we are successful. So in this essay, we're going to attempt to answer the question through three tools. According to Exodus Graver height initial weight and manage sudden and pacing yourself step by step. And it takes those three so-called measuring ways measuring rods and applies it to life. Very interesting essay, very creative and applies it to different situation. I've situations. With the conclusion of how one reaches real success a lot of good stories lot of good anecdotes. I personally enjoyed this essay enjoy. Most of the essays all the essays I could say each one has their own flavor as I mentioned before the diversity of different perspectives. So with that we conclude this week's my life is supplied episode 274. Everyone should have this coming Shabbos a very powerful to trade the shell should be a blessed. Hey - oh, Shot her husband when we make an accounting for the past year and I preparation for the new year since commission has evolved is a customer ready to wish each other Civic simit Ava some people write that it's the Russian is the commodity of commission has evolved and therefore I extend use this opportunity to extend the civic's imitative of the gosh. Mr. Bookman is everyone in the month of elul we begin to also sign our letters that way blessing people and should be a blessed year a year of gokula I meet is Vash Lima and that It should happen even before the new year ready before L will going from of the moment of of that turns right away into month of gula and then for will March into hell and traditionally with the globe emits fresh lime and mushy axis K know we're here every Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. My life is it has supplied. Thank you so much.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Re’eh and Rosh Chodesh Elul 0:18 • According to Chassidus what relationship should we have with the physical objects in our lives – clothing, furniture, gifts we receive, antiques etc.? 16:31 • What is the source and reason for married women covering their hair? 23:21 • What attitude should we have to superstition, ayin hora and the likes? 29:07 • Do current events have any deeper connection with the Hebrew dates when they occur? 34:37 • Do you recommend reading books on intimacy by known rabbis and teachers? 39:12 • Why is there such conflict about saying Yechi? 43:53 • Does iskafya apply to a pregnant woman? 47:09 • Follow up:       o Male mashpia for women (episode 248) 51:34     o Vaccinations (episodes 269-273) 53:31 • Chassidus question: How can we make sense of the different ways that Jews practice Judaism when we have only one G-d and one Torah? 58:34 • My Life 2019 essays:     o To Be Free From Fear, Moshe Backman, 27, Kingston, PA 01:07:17     o Soul Challenge, Moises Perez, 25, Cordoba, Argentina 01:08:28     o ובה, משקל ומונה צעדים, Adina Engelsman, 21, B'nei Brak, Israel 01:09:55 Submit your question now at or email: [email protected]. WEBSITE: EMAIL US: [email protected] SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
Oh look. I've got my antidepressants. I'm just going to take them there allow tablet you if you're not careful. I'll get out my setup. Okay, so guys popcorn junkies what we all seeing guys Joker and is it the Joker? No, no joker starring Joaquin Phoenix. Yes. Lazy beats Robert De Niro and who plays a month Frances Conroy plays his mum. Okay from American Horror Story. Absolutely. Let's just before we give anything. About what we thought of it or how we're currently feeling because I think Kiki right now is a prime example of how this film needs you feeling. We'd literally just walked out of the cinema and we wanted to get this immediate response. What were our feelings going in our we joke a fans in general. Yeah. Laughs yeah you want obsessed with his Ledger like crazy about this film much as you could you didn't like that on Jesus. We were running around getting excited. We were when you were lying basically like a saccade Big Joker mine ever was as crazy as you man. No. No, but you were worried that we were going to not be enjoying it when you were worried for us that how about you guys like the drug has been my favorite fictional character since I was a kid read so Not only was that I thought would be amazing. Yeah, but also I obsessed with the Phoenix family and on top of that to film that looks deeper into his character and his mental health is just a superhero film and what about you matters? I mean you're at the Heath Ledger Aficionado of all aficionados Yeah, I mean, I'm a firm believer that Heath Ledger as being the best performed in the best portrayal of the Joker and that it's very hard for anyone to kind of beat that or get anywhere close. I mean the same as Abby. I've always been a massive fan of the Joker and Harley Quinn because I feel like they're the most although I every superhero supervillain kind of have an origin story. I feel like that's the deepest and although the Joker's kind of seen as a bit of a chaotic character may be unrealistic. I feel like he's probably one of the most Australia stick is like a very extreme portrayal of how I think most poke actually feel. I mean I used to be really scared of clowns. I've always been scared of clowns but never The Joker because I have more time than just being this. Yeah creepy person. That's got this fake emotion on their face. And what about for you Mom is the Joker because I mean a lot of people are sort of saying these days that joker character the fiction of the Joker's like America's Hamlet. He's such a part of their popular culture and mainstream culture, but also he's a partner Actors can bring so much to bear on a you you do you see the Joker's a rich tapestry of pot I do but not but I would say not as not as much as Hamlet's no not literally in terms of in terms of tall until Heath Ledger alleged changed everything. Yeah, absolutely in the sense that he bought so much more to it. Yes, so that the Joker didn't necessarily hold any more alert you other than it's just another part that people have played. Jochen would give us more of the same and more the same of the he gave gave us. Okay. Okay. Well, this is directed by Todd Phillips the oddest thing about this film I think and I still can't even rationalize this is that really Todd Phillips our directors major kind of accomplishments The Hangover filmed and it was mighty that you said when you think actually really well shot. Hang on. Yeah, if you look back at them, they are talking please not that bad it absolutely is because it's comedy everybody kind of a seems exactly what and that's what Phillips I said in interview because I think a few people have said the same thing and he said I'm just drawn to strong storytelling. Yeah, you know you think about it as a filmmaker it is nothing worse than being pigeon-holed God. I mean, where do you start with a film like this is probably the most hotly anticipated film ice. I think of the year, I mean and last I mean it's been a slow build we've been charting it since those first Clips came off the internet where he was jumping off the tube in New York, and we just have no sense of even before that when there was just talk of him. Yes. So let's talk about that. So the casting of a Enochs you've explained you're a fan of the family. So and might be your fan of whacking. Oh, absolutely. I mean you were never really here was my top film and we all perhaps maybe we love that Fender, right? No, actually I even if it's not being a great film. Yes go for Matt's always delivers. Yeah, and that's why I was so excited about this film that I as we're getting closer and closer to it because we've had two disappointments this year once upon a time. Would have made summer as we get closer and closer to it. I was like, I really hope that it delivers as - I'm so excited about it. This is a film that doesn't situate itself within the DC Universe is actively saying which is a bit confusing other thought to Someone Like You Mom is not intimate with a DC EU which is the DC extended universe is that obviously it's the Joker only comes from the comics. Obviously. He is in relative relationship to Batman and yet what they're saying is this isn't a film within the cannon so you've got there's can't believe they're not There are countless DC fans who are saying they're not even going to go and see this because it sits outside the decent. I don't know if you're a full of you can just say I'm not seeing the film because it doesn't sort of tally with the yeah. These are people who are up scan you explain that to us guys. It's that true. I think it is true. I think a lot of people are going to to the point that Warner Brothers were worried that this could impact on its box office taking the first weekend that so many people saying hang on this this this doesn't tally or chime. So why not saying all of that is that this backstory is Necessarily the story there isn't necessarily the story that we can say. Oh is that true? And it's not happened like action superhero, you know sort of no, it's not pure origin story or juice or I mean, I think Abby was saying as we came out it's this film takes the idea of an origin story about as far to the word Ori eg. It gives you the origin of the word origin in its origin snorts. It's so granular. It's so takes you Takin me saying that he got offered loads of girls in Marvel and he turned them all down. The reason he said yes to taking on this character, right because it's not an association and it's actually a film about mental health. Yes. Yeah and how like brain works rather than a film about superheroes fighting each other. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, it's the most meaningful film and story in that. I know it's not in the DC Universe. It's most part of that obviously Joker is a part of the DC Universe. So it's the most meaningful film. That's That's ever been made. Yes in this kind of business for almost a minute. I thought as well and this isn't a word of an exaggeration until more that more than just halfway through it. I forgot it was about I mean, I forget what I was watching. I thought I was watching a film about medic bread. Well one one of Todd Phillips, the directors many references is obviously there are there are three films that he's definitely referencing and there's Taxi Driver. There's king of comedy which incidentally also Stars Robert De Niro in Taxi drivers are say Martin Scorsese was originally I think I don't think he's still is but he was originally associated with this as a producer but Todd Phillips has talked about those films and obviously One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest as in their sort of mental health treatment and what kind of stuff so what I liked about it within the first five ten minutes and I don't necessarily know if your generation was getting that work. It was really riffing on 70 Cinema. Yeah. I mean it was like watching I mean that just that chase in the street when he got hit with the placard. Yeah, and I you know for me the first, you know the weirdest first sign that we Great hands was was that when they follow those boys running down the street they went for a genuinely fast tracking shot in a car chasing them. Yeah, that's suddenly made me feel relaxed. I thought this isn't going to be CGI. This isn't going to be sort of two theatrical. This is going to be cinematic. It was through yeah moving through real space. Yeah real time. Yeah. How would you describe the ink? It's really hard to talk about this phone without just giving away how it's what I have feelings are right? Yeah, but how would you describe it work? Being on you how will you tense? She kept looking at me although thinking I mean before I even started, you know, and it's showing the age certificate and everything. I already like couldn't breathe. My blood pressure was so I might the heart was beating so fast. Yeah and it goes good guys not literal literally as soon as the first shot showed the first two seconds. I knew that I trusted the film is that thing of knowing you're in capable hands. It's yeah you just felt Safety the move. I mean because there's some films that are great. Yeah, you have moments of I don't really trust if it knows where it's going don't you trust it knows what it's doing but they're all times in this film. I trusted the film you see I trusted it from the beginning but I was so scared that my explode expectations were so high right but then like Maddie said as soon as the first two seconds it was just him then I was just like it's going to be great and it kind of like I just felt calm. I just wanted to take in the film. I'm so focused every shot from the beginning was did I think of a short? Yeah. So yeah, it was a shock because you know even great films are shot. Really? Well, there's always that lazy shot thrown in there that year to figure side cut away by the word cutaway. Is there a single shot meant something and they had a great, you know, when they grade these films I think it might be I think it was that there were 70. Ml Sprint's of everybody had that granular. Yeah when you looked at it you love grain ourselves. I love So this is my little light this for me what made me so in a sense find the such a rewarding experience was the fact that really for me. This was a fun wasn't expecting it to be such a film about mental health. Yeah feeling even with Heath Ledger Heath Ledger was great. But all we really get from the Joker's that is this in Psychotherapy laughs a lot and has not not doesn't have any feeling but no sympathy for anything or anyone but yes such a brutal character really and what this managed to do, even when he did really Brutal a messed-up things it showed the emotion and all so much emotion and not feeling any emotion that makes sense because when you did something outrageous really make sense. He looked like he didn't quite know what he done and there wasn't any feeling but you knew that there was so much feeling. Yes. Yes and the built up emotions that you've been carrying. I mean this film didn't hesitate at all at any point, you know it through your right into the middle of his mental illness. We were thrown into the heart of his head by the interview with Psychologists marking the beginning when I first chat and then he's even the very beginning when he's like going like this. Yes. Yeah that is crying because I mean it's just like every single moment. He was on screen. Yeah felt him. Yeah. I just going to make mention about his love is so powerful because to everybody around him. They don't understand like why you laugh and what's funny but to him it's because he's scared. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah something. Oh he's upset is because of this overwhelming. Russian triggered something in his brain and nobody understands it and it kind of goes to the thing of the joke of being misunderstood. Yes, and nobody listening or noticing her kids have never said that but the joke for you just know laughs because it's insane. Absolutely. He actually has a condition where he can't help but laugh because of the way it's really sad, isn't it is mother always thinks he's a really happy child because time and he says, you know, I haven't felt happy for a sick single lonely, but the way they played that as well in so they tell us about his condition. On the bus when he's making faces at the child and he can't stop laughing at that stage. I didn't know whether that was and I didn't for a long time after that whether that was part of his act as Robert says at one point is that part of your ass always come on breathe. Did you think it was part of his act? I knew his love. Did you think the last was a condition? Yes, because if you know I did too I did 95% of the time but this is where I think the film is so subtle you can see I'm like struggling where you can see him struggling with it, but there were moments where you would expect. Expect him given the condition to have laughed. Yeah, and he didn't yeah, just two occasions right towards the end and there I thought he did a very good job of just giving you a little enough tail. I don't like anything beyond so he gave you just a little bit of doubt. You're right as to whether could this be a choice. Yeah that could this be a choice that I thought that opening scene again, the other sign that I knew we were in good in a good place was that opening scene with the social worker. It was not rushed. No at all. No, and you know within To culture now making these films where everything has to account you have to account like I don't know for everything. Yeah, everything has to have a purpose but you know, very important story purpose. Yeah, and I thought this film because it was so about his personality and so about his fractured mental health. It just spent we had a luxury of time watching the process of acting. Yeah, but not acting because it was where he gets really angry and he's like he says some Along the lines of I'm trying to create something here. Yeah. Well you got mad at the fact he did something really extraordinary. I mean, it's true. He has entered like a level of the Joker that I didn't think anyone would ya and although the the trainer showed some of that that you know, the Deep mental health. I didn't quite realize how much until you're watching the film. Do you realize how much about mental health? I think because this film is one in to be about mental health and it's not about comic they did they wait to make it realistic. Yes, and so Doing that they've made into a realistic city rather than yes, like for example the Asylum. It was like a hospital look like what you'd see in Rhode Island has yet to make it you connect with it more you understand it more rather than this big castle with these big Iron Gate. Yes. Did you like the way it was shocked? I mean we haven't really talked about it. But how would you do you guys alive? Favorite shops? Did we have any favorite shops at the first shot? Which would oh God Janet just sat on him and I just spotted the tear of yeah, that's What I that's what I love with the film it really held shots. Yes. It didn't like every kind of lose faith in itself. I think it was very it was it trusted that it was a good shot of that. They would stay with it. Yes, because like we said, I feel like everybody now is very impatient when it comes to films. Yeah old movies and they're very slow and they take their time everyone just calls it dated but really it's just that they really want different with a show yet and they stick the shot and they trust that it's good and now like you said when you watch Modern feels it's all like this or yeah. It's not because it's too slow and I think this film is too slow any point. No and but it wasn't too fast. It just it was such a good Pace because it gets you know, sometimes it was quick. Sometimes it was slow and it really worked I thought but given I love so much shot was like, yeah, she was looking through a window or looking up a load of steps or looking at the rubbing. Yeah. I love him dancing on the stairs the lighting and it was remark. Yeah, the lighting was and and the sound but many people come to this. The difference between some a film that's made for film lovers and made with a reason and made for our yeah. Yeah, once like get Awards and then a film that's just made for people to enjoy. Yes might make money. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean given that you were the least exciting not least excited you excited. You knew it was going to be good as you like the trailer, but you weren't as kind of like, oh as me a medic. How was it working for you to do with did it hook you up? I really trusted him didn't ya? What did you think of him? What do you think? I mean II cried twice. Did you ignoring some respect into crying? Yeah, I can't are not static and I cried at the point where there's a scene where after a scene of extreme violence. He dances in a toilet sort of area like ride to and from this I only it was real it was real and I just did that with convenience felt that it was right for the so clever because what they could have done could have been that every other film where you kind of just has a mental breakdown screaming take that laughs. Yeah, thanks cries contemplates, you know killing himself or something, but he danced and it was so clever and the music as well. So was Jesus breaks these strings and it's something about it. It made me more upset and it made me feel more than it would if he was just breaking down. Oh, I thought I mean I go further than that. I mean I thought for me it was like an abstract expression. Explanation of probably every single crime in the real world that's been committed by someone due to mental health issues for which they've had no help no support no understanding underfunded and I thought you know, what was he looked each other off that seem just went oh my god well and and you know, no, you know, no most families were a family that's affected by mental the most families have experienced mental health in the most extreme lawful ways. And I thought this film wasn't afraid to go to the darkest places of potentially seeing something beautiful. It's something awful. Yeah. I thought that is a really fucking sophisticated thing to do and it's something about tricky for younger audiences, which I think that's probably why they've gone for the 15 certificate. I think they would worry about people expecting that no because obviously it's character from the very start you kind of see him as not not weak, but very very emotional. I don't like keeping it to himself. Of things. Yeah, and I just kind of did I mean his heart is his character just broke my heart the entire time. So it was I just wasn't expecting this massive very sudden amount of violence. Right? Right. I thought it really worked but there was nothing is real in terms of his acting but he also had kept you out in the sense that he's eyes didn't give it away. But really why wet too much so that when the violence came I won't go into it was such a shock. I know I'm home for screaming a Shepherd. It was that's how you shot one because he hadn't given they hadn't given us a notion of the Mask. Yeah. Yeah, you're right in the eyes. Yeah. I think that hold that film holds one of the greatest murder scenes because it was so honest which one on the this is has. Oh the scissors or later on. Yeah scissors. Is what's happening? You're going to see this right? This is what we're expecting that to happen Okay. Well you knew that you have scissors, but I didn't know I was going to cut his hair really do but door interrupting put in his pocket for later. It's like classic thing, isn't it? We always say that the best villains in cinema or in anything those villains where you as a viewer identify with some part of them. They have a human vulnerability the some Justification because then it confuses things for you the waters muddied your kind of sympathetic but you're driven to care for the so you find yourself caring for a psychopath? Yeah that to me really makes you connect with the character because dance is something that a lot of people used to express themselves. Yeah, sad and vulnerable or you're feeling too much. It's a release. Yeah, and so it's like everything got too much for him. He just he danced and suddenly you'd you'd hear him laugh. And yeah for real. Whereas when he would laugh as condition, it sounded almost like he was crying and yeah, he was trying to laugh. He wanted to stop you did that. So what I thought I was born at that laughter The Laughing great off because I he did it so good, you know, he's studied. So this is that that bit when he's on the train with those three men. Oh my God see his crop is laughing but really wants to cry. Yeah, so I noticed I literally could not I wanted to like step into the screen enter the scene punch him entertained by protecting all times and although he did quite Terrific things in the film you cannot help but love him. Well, you might answer some point coming out that you you I mean every will say this guardedly, but you mentioned how you can see why there are concerns about knowledge that. I don't think the film does glamorize and then like the film is a very just it's a very what's the word real honest very real portrait of the horrors of mental health and where it can go to but you know, there's all these concerns about copycat killings and will inspire copycat actions and all that kind of stuff but they do provide a total not justification, but no information on my understanding is there's that scene where he goes sport is a sport or a few days, but he goes on to the comedy show towards the end of the film where we rock the one that Robert De Niro presents and you know, he goes a bit crazy in the explains why he is what he is and throughout the film. Everyone treated me horribly because he makes people feel uncomfortable because he is a bit crazy and years, you know, not quite not Mobile and everyone, you know, he gets beaten up so many times it gets punched in the air something like my dick again ebook and I'm not saying that it justifies what he did but I always find a clever when films and TV shows give characters that have done awful things. We know evil villainous characters and he give them a reasoning and you understand where they're like it because that is life, you know people that Billy people in school have had a hard time at home, but there's something built up in them and that's what they managed to do with his character, which I've always wanted. From all Joker rolls, right? But then he managed to deliver that he did but I mean that sort of whole subject while not subjects. They made text of being bullied whatever and then turning into a murderer or a body yourself can be incredibly cliche. Oh, I agree. So here's my worried. He started doing whatever he did and just to come back to this point about the physicality. I mean, I've never seen a non-dancing piece. No it was so physically amazing. Yes mean. He's such a music thing. Dancing with the whole lot Thomas was correct. Correct. Yeah, but it wasn't like he was moving his body down DOT. He's literally moving his soul. Yeah, like I yeah, I don't believe that he was when he was dancing on set. I don't believe that he was even listening to music. I know it was his own music and that it was like he was a man. He was constantly ignored his whole life like everything like his purpose everyone people at work. Just ignored At him and he'd get beaten up and he'd laugh and people just ignore the fact. Yeah that was happening. Yeah, listen, at least they stole my side and well, there's that and then it happened on the train and that's when he kills them, but he doesn't say it because he knows no one believed because constantly belittled and I knew nothing he feels Justified. It makes sense that he became a murderer or not because he went insane but because it was the only thing that made him get He noticed himself being noticed and he crave that yeah, what was that line? He said when he actually goes in with the pillow. He says my I always thought my life was a comedy. No, I always laugh because you know, how do I what was it? He said I hope I hope my death makes more sense than my life. That was so much that makes so much sense and it was it was heartbreaking. I mean that was the to me the most shocking murder as well not because you know, yeah. Actually you doing it to me my boy. Families until the last kind of 20 minutes where he is a frantically The Joker he doesn't really say no is his character. You can just feel yeah. What what's what's going on? And what was so interesting about you too. I mean you told us before but having them seen the films that he's only the Joker in the last 20 minutes of the film. Absolutely. I mean the rest of it is just like that put you off. No. No, actually we realize that don't that in a sense is the Joker you want everything that comes what did you think of his? Romance with ZZ beats his neighbor. Did you think it was so clever? Wasn't it? Did it happen? No didn't happen, but it was but it's kinda glad The camera it we were parked in the center of his head. Yeah, and you were there so you will rarely you were rarely even in a position to be able to love it. Yeah, cause you were forever following it from his POV. What was so clever was that although I sort of from a personal point of view. I knew his his romance with the girl wasn't happening. But at the same time when he actually went she found him in his her room. I was I mean, I think why am I so short because I know. Yes it was because he did so even when we found out I was just like when he goes like that when he turns around to her so oh my God, he's gonna kill those times. I didn't know if he's going to kill himself with I kept thinking is this so out of the DC extended universe that he is going to Yeah, yeah, that's what I was thinking every time he came close to it. I was like my God. Oh my God is healing but this is choked up but will that man's role is with the government? Yes, and the chokers kind of for the people. Yeah every tree. He's kind of made to be this horrible character, but really he's doing what he thinks is right. Yes. Yeah. That's a really good point. Yeah, the majority thinks about yeah, not that you should kill people. Yeah, and that was a really nice twist. Because I think there was that there was a bigger political context of a political message, which was he gained the audience. He wanted yeah, don't kill innocent people not feeling I'm gonna guess the three guys on the train was so revolved. I was with him. He gave him a gun for the yeah Bradley Cooper and Todd. Yeah, definitely. That's so funny face at me laugh and I felt bad. So spank ya because Jacob basically kills the big guy the gun earlier in the film but the dwarf guys there and then he lets him go free become equal then that moment where he imitates his Cockney accent. Yeah. I just little touches that mean I could this is a film that Demands a re-watch though. I don't know if I've got the energy I loved it when he had his hands on either side of the wall when the big guys talk to me looks up like this and I was just like Guess what? Yeah. Yeah, it was that moment where every anyone who takes antidepressants or any pills. I'm off. My meds is going to be the most infamous line that the Joker says. Oh, yeah. I'm not taking my pills anymore shit. Okay, but at the same time within that there's going to be a release for him and his release was it I like the way in which the film was also toying with all that stuff about. You know how mental health issues are underfunded that they're you cut adrift that there's no care in the community and it did all of that without it hammering home a message you just felt Yeah, one big thing. I wanted was given about what do we think about his relationship with his mom very clever very clever. As I was are always really unsure of her character. Yeah, because obviously we find out that well, she's delusional isn't she she's absolutely yeah. She didn't she never seemed insane before you know, yeah, but because she tells him and everything that she had him with Batman's. Yeah your ass again. I was like, oh my God, the Joker's Batman's brother and yeah don't get along because we're getting a bit of a Star Wars. Yes and found that has adopted and that's any got like beaten up. Didn't he buy his mom's boyfriend's right head injury and that's why I'm loving condition and it was so and the bit of him just like when he was laughing and looking at the file just can handle it when Maddie said to me at that point or around that point in though. He's his brother or Batman's brother. Yeah, I'll have was pulled into the world thinking. Oh my God, it's that film. Yeah. It's not about the weight and was that a bad thing? No, it was done. So well, yes, totally because I thought about the moment when he met Batman, yes, you know the game is that to you. It was quite by getting close to keep Barry. Vine is gonna break his neck. Yeah, incredibly intricate mean I would have thought you know, they aunt Ida thought the sensors would have had to look like that quite a lot because you know, a man shoving his hands into a boy's mouth. It's very yeah on so many levels. It's just wrong. Yeah and quite invasive but not tonight as well. Yeah, but also that set set up the thing and it was really well observed. Well done. Whatever happens between the mother and son later on. He was a very caring son. I mean he did everything for her. I mean physically in a way that you weren't thinking well the family and that's what I liked about it the fact that he could care for. Yeah, he's funny. Yeah, don't touch him. Laughter what was incredibly clever, you know him such a that The Wretched father Falcons are just dying was doing the filming for the Joker. Right? And the diary was just like that was it but it was he pledges driving it said stuff like don't smile don't because the way they moment that they had the you know, you'd get snippet you'd catch shots of like pornography that he put in there because of what you know, so it was a very in itself. It was like an expression of his character and a black figure that scribble. Yeah showing off. There's one particular Saint one particular shot that I thought was so beautifully shot and performed by whacking and it was he was in the comedy club that first night in the camera slowly keeps pushing towards him and he's making notes and he's laughing at what you think is the wrong business. Yeah, and he's looking around and I thought he was amazing even begin to tell you how complicated that yes it performance. Yeah. It was way he looked around at people as well because it was almost like they're laughing at the wrong bit. Yes. Take it in as you notice it. So clever clever last I heard you that point O this performance kind of noticed that yes. I'm trying to make a joke when he goes on to the show. Yeah. She thinks everyone has to find funny. But because he doesn't understand it. Nobody else. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah when this clip was put on the comedy don't don't. Laughing now because he can say that again and I was like, oh my God, I have to say the vine go in. Yeah, let's get Thanksgiving. It's a he always takes it to place. I don't think you'll take it to ya and he doesn't like going he was dragging yourself up the stairs and shoot some mothers are tons and I was like why you make sure yeah, I mean, he re-injured the use of a gun with significance and we're confident that when you think that the violence is coming sometimes I go to these films thinking all the really inventive way or reforms going to deal with death of can't wait and I thought well if he's got just a gun and there's only so many ways you could but you know, it was so visceral given there was one girl and I'm gonna poke little one I love that shot. Yeah, it's like he's his shoulder blades like in words. Yes, and it's so effective. It just added to his Insanity in the ways that people his dancing. Oh my God. Victor to his abdomen. It was really bizarre and the bit when he was dying his hair green, and yes, it seemed like this. Oh Mase. It's just the people that feel meant something and every shop in that film was just beautiful. Aid Renta can drill it was Laden with meaning and daughter and I love the way he's always shaking his nose. Yeah. He had his he had loads of because like you like I've said that Heath Ledger. What I loved was the yeah the math look because the scars he had his little twinges. Well, what about Santa? Music I mean the soundtrack in this film. Like I said that bit was dancing in the bathroom. Yeah train see and there's a string music. Yes. So so that all Kestrel school was brilliant the contortion if you like a classic songs with brilliant send in the clown Frank Sinatra absolutely connecting more with the character. That was a song that me and my godmother would dance to my wild it made me feel better. So yeah, yeah. Yes. Well, let's do a little summaries and do our scores and we're going to start with many diagnosed. He was faultless faultless well to say that I didn't even realize that I was in a DC world. Yeah, I threw it shows the power of what they were what they were showing us the momentum of the whole mental health thing is just profound and and Incredibly moving. I mean you believed you just believed everything that did it distress you in anyway. Yeah. Yeah a lot. I'm so just enormously there was no bit of his performance. That wasn't true. I would give it a she's going to lead the way come on something point 29.7 so weird. So why wouldn't you give that point three although it was faultless. It was so excited about this. They're know there was a moment at the end you wanted it to end it I wanted it to end at it at a different place called it would have been braver. And what on the shop on. Bank of monitors, I didn't take it to the mat. So you're giving it 9.8 9.7. Okay. Well, let me flip over to you. What were your feelings about? It actually don't have work like I thought then itself I know what you mean. That itself is your review you feel like you feel like kind of hard to say. Yeah flat parts of your body of closed down. Yeah that my brain isn't working. I feel like the Joker. Yeah, it may say so I don't know how he feels. Okay, so it really spoke to because it let's face it. You got an underage. Yes, you are younger than the filmmakers think should be watching it. But it really spoke. Did you identify with all that the mental health? So yes, he was me anymore. You just incredible because you're a biggie on the you mean work is very good as you'll spy your sense of rat if what a small performance like ZZ beats or the kid or a bit part or of Like do you feel like all the characters were strong and everything about was part of it? And I'm literally shaking I'm so yeah, she has been shaking the entire time up Saturday. So what would you give it? So what would you be looking at our hands shaking? What would you give it? I agree with none of the ending. I want a nice thing the monitors all those monitors. I don't mean yeah, I like that. I love this shorts is so beautiful. He was amazing. I love him now. Yeah, and you like they were never really here. Yes. We let her watch that too. I've heard it here. First number 10. Let's go to Natalie. Ski, I literally can't breathe Mike. I need an aspirin pump. Okay. Well, I'll just get one just here we can always get you take one. Okay? Yeah, we all need a passport pump. That's kind of what's going on here. There's a brown one somewhere which prevents you needing as the okay. So like Kiki. I literally there's not single. What can express how much I love it and how much it means to me and I loved it so much that I don't think I could watch it again. Yeah, that's not I'm not watching it has I'm not what my friend. I mean, I probably caught any time this month or next month, or maybe not the rest of this year. But because it's so intense. So yeah, like he said before we started filming that's all I can think about and you know, just watching the characters maybe a little bit insane. So I can't even imagine right working Felix was like after that, okay. Yeah, I thought the cinematography was just on another sketch. I wasn't expecting that kind of person. But even though the posters of all be beautiful and the trailers been beautiful at just every single shot was like art pure art as a painting and I think it's literally the performance of a lifetime he if he does not get best actor at the Oscars. I will have to shoot something. I mean it what like he did not smash their head in again. Like I just it's just It's not that even lived up to my expectations. It lived up it the past that it was just like it's just the greatest film I've ever seen and I literally can't really fault it and although I think it could have ended on the monitors and everything was important that they showed the other two scenes because you need to see the chaos of Gotham after and how many people are inspired by him and it's interesting as well because although you know, he's creating these riots in this created an imbalance and government everything. I like smiled at the end because he was so He's probably seen I think he spoke to the underdog in everyone. Oh, yeah - yeah, and you know the whole the Misunderstood the whole thing about in the city as well because London's kind of like, you know, New York's quite like London, it's a very fast-moving City where everyone's always doing something a lot of people don't get sick or has walked over and that's why I think he really is going to speak to a lot of people. Yeah. I'm not saying speak to them in a way that they'll be inspired and act upon it but it is good when you have I think a good film is when you can watch it you can relate and you can be like, yes. Yes, I understand. Yeah, I can see why and I thought the mental health side of it was absolutely amazing. I mean, I think it was so honest and real and authentic. Like I think some films are solely about mental health haven't even taken it to that level. No, they're hungry and very true. Yeah, and I mean if he doesn't I mean I can see why he got absolutely insane off this part. I don't like man. I don't think he should be loud now. I didn't Duke the character again because I think he is talking about wanting to it. Yeah. Stop stop stop. Stop Joaquin Phoenix from well that part's oh my God. But yeah again, I thought the music was just because when you're watching it as well, I felt like I was watching it was like, my soul was pulled out and ye and it was sitting next to me and then the music also did that so when I was watching that felt like I was an empty but full. Yeah, but like, I mean, I literally can't breathe that my heart is beating. I just thinking about it makes me want to cry because like he be I mean his character broke my heart so So much and it's just like although he is a Twitter quite at the stuff. He does is quite twisted and you know should agree with everything he did and the way he acted upon it, but I just wanted to kind of protect him at all times giving so horrible to him and nobody understood him. Everybody made everyone feel uncomfortable and you follow his life like that. You know that he's such a using in is that it's delicate innocent person driven to such a such an aggressive pop cultural figure. Yeah is now seen as a delicacy. Turn t for total strangers and it's just simple things by people not looking him in the eye or telling him like the bit with on the bus when he's trying to make the child. I know don't disturb my child again like a be said with the laughing and everything in the whole time. He was laughing he knew that he really wanted to cry scream that I can't tell you how hard that is to act because yeah, I thought you know, like when I did a play once I had to cry and it's so hard to get to that level and it's like you managed to get to that level but also be on another level. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot about want to climb Mario. Yeah, and the way he portrayed that without giving us too much in his eyes as yeah, he would yes the LED to do which is kill people. It's just I mean just another level of performance. Yeah. It's a Michael said he's not acting he is being that yeah, he was the Joker. Yeah, it was a bit scary. Yes how far how absolutely loved his design of the Joker of like that's a really important thing. For me, I hate your job that I was designing Suicide Squad affected his role for me. I loved makeup and his color the color how colorful he wasn't everything and the music. Yeah, I mean it was just I had goosebumps and shots I'd seen in the trailer and got really excited about film like the bit where he's walking down the corridor and when yeah, and when he's dancing dance tears of just like but yeah in this is seriously affected me you don't say so I can't even give it a 10 I could have to get like a hundred so, you know, I mean, okay and number can't describe it. I was going up that bit where he's with the women in the one below the last scene. Yes, and he's that he's thinking of a joke. She says tell me the geoghan is that you won't get it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was funny wasn't it before he killed her giving it a hundred? Yeah hundred Abby. Well what I really love about it because I was so excited about this film because that's what I've always really had this. Nation with the joker his mind and I've always kind of thought of him as a good guy really misunderstood and I've always found him so fascinating and so hearing that this bill would be about his mind and I was hoping that it would kind of make people understand him. I feel like it does that so so well, it's just so truthful and you really connect with it everything. I kind of expected so hard, isn't it? So all-encompassing Like he wasn't acting he wasn't lying. He was telling the truth is being I can't speak. I know but in itself is kind of render that we all came out and rub it like I'm yeah, were you happy to see I've been saying it all the way through you've kind of got upset. So how would you and we'll just go ahead you score a film Oftentimes it's just it's one of is out there with like my favorite films ever. So is my favorite film I because I love a film that really dives into the mind. Yeah, and you just let the cat to be vulnerable without showing them week. It made me feel sane. Do they care? He's so crazy. You see how his mind worked you're seeing it from his point of view. Yes. Yeah. So it makes you kind of think about your yourself like that 10,000 but 108. Okay, I When I threw out what's in this film I had I was nervous. I was I was anxious I was stressed because I knew I really wanted it. I knew what I wanted it to be. But I also wanted to be able to react to it honestly so that if there were weaknesses they were going to be Witnesses. I thought I was going to find all of the any connection to the DC World strained. Yeah, and possibly it was a bit because the film itself is so much richer than even the DC Universe, you know, I mean, it's just so much for even though it's come from there. Yeah, it's something so much more I Almost the first time I cried in the film was because it was such a release of his own mental health angst that I identified with profoundly on a personal level. But then the other reason I kind of got so almost upset was it was a sense of relief the mainstream Hollywood Cinema to all intents and purposes could actually make a film this sophisticated. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's probably one of the most sophisticated films I've ever seen so In terms of mainstream Cinema and this stupid phrase are out in di it transcends all of them. Yeah. This is a it's a masterpiece. Yeah. It's an absolute Masterpiece of performance Direction photography musicality editing everything about it is there's not a wrong step and you guys you're right to say you could argue that they could have stopped to touch earlier and yet there's that also that guilty pleasure feeling of thinking I never want this to end Yes. Actually I just want to stay with this forever. Yeah. I thought work in Phoenix was just I mean words words shouldn't even bother to try and explain what he does. You have to see this film. Yeah, if you don't see this film I'd go so far as to say you can't in any way say you're a film lover or interesting film because it's it's profound and I do think it speaks to the dispossessed the Misunderstood the Unseen the ignored the much-maligned the left on the fringes of society and I think that's a very clever step for a film like this to do so dangerous step because think a lot of people will say potentially glamorizes of justifies. It doesn't come again doesn't glamorize it but some people say that but I think that's its strength. I think its strength is that it's on a knife edge and it stays on a knife edge and it is it throughout the entirety. It is building building building building like his body getting Tighter and toward that scene for me ways stretching. His shoes was like an analogy for the whole film. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely and although I don't I want him to do any more damage to himself. I think if he moves on in a way in a way, the reason I don't want him to move on to the next film is identity. You'll ever get anything as interesting as him getting to being the Joker. Yeah, I think him being the joke will never be quite as interesting. So you would still deliver it's still deliver it to the but I think it's probably the best film of the year. I think it's the best one that I mean, there's lots of films that come out. There was the last three. Yeah the last reward the favorite but there's so many different films but to be such a mainstream film coming from such a mainstream concept as Comics to deliver so much sophisticated stuff. Yeah is unheard of another thing. We'll get something like it again. Yeah, and so in that basis, I'm not even going to give it a number. I can't give it a number. Come on. Give it a number. It's beyond numbers. I mean, it's a big risk that no other filmmakers take that is just is and I don't want to be overdramatic and I don't want to be overdramatic but a human being that doesn't see this film. I lose all respect for my God. I don't like it. What does it mean if you don't like They kind of don't like The Human Condition and of don't have a reason to not like this, right nobody anybody that says they don't like this film. They just don't it might not can't say that. It might not it might hurt you. I think it's the kind of film that might hurt you. You won't find it really difficult. But that doesn't you know, I hear his laugh as well as straight from my top drawer. All I kept thinking is well on that note. Do you think Mum go on Abby? Yeah, that's how I describe. The I think I think is something that's going on out there film. Theory students will be spending you could do a PhD on this film. Yeah, there's so much going on. Yes, it's not real. It's a rich work of art.
Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker. Joker is a 2019 American psychological thriller film directed by Todd Phillips, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Silver. The film, based on DC Comics characters, stars Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. An origin story set in 1981, the film follows Arthur Fleck, a mentally ill failed stand-up comedian who turns to a life of crime and chaos in Gotham City. Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen, Glenn Fleshler, Bill Camp, Shea Whigham, and Marc Maron appear in supporting roles. Joker was produced by DC Films, Village Roadshow Pictures, Bron Creative, and Joint Effort, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Phillips conceived Joker in 2016 and wrote the script with Silver throughout 2017. The two were inspired by 1970s character studies and the films of Martin Scorsese, who was initially attached to the project as a producer. The graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke (1988) was the basis for the premise, but Phillips and Silver otherwise did not look to specific comics for inspiration. Phoenix became attached in February 2018 and was cast that July, while the majority of the cast had signed on by August. Principal photography lasted from September to December 2018 and took place in New York City, Jersey City, and Newark. Joker was the first live-action Batman film to receive an R-rating from the Motion Picture Association of America, due to its violent and disturbing content. Joker premiered at the 76th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2019—where it won the Golden Lion, the festival's highest prize—and was released in the United States on October 4, 2019. The film polarized critics; while Phoenix's performance was praised, the dark tone, portrayal of mental illness, and handling of violence was met with a divided response. Joker also generated concerns of inspiring real-world violence, with the movie theater where the 2012 Aurora, Colorado mass shooting occurred during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises refusing to show the film.
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. All right, guys, welcome back ey L. We are in ATL ETL home. Yeah Heroes back to Atlanta what New York New York twist in Atlanta. So, you know New York is heavy in Atlanta. So, you know so good. Yeah. Itself dying. Yeah, sure. But before we start we got some exciting news. So, you know as you guys know, we've been talking about Eli Yale University a lot and you know, one of the benefits with the podcast that every single week we get to bring on different entrepreneur different professional from different areas and you know, they give so much information and we build personal relationships with these people. So we thought like, you know, we want to kind of build on that and offer more value. So one of the things that we're going to be starting is a monthly Workshop series and you know every If we're going to have a guest come and that's going to be an in-person Workshop series and that's going to be in Debbie actual class and question and answers and all kind of stuff like that. So it's going to be in New York City and but we're gonna live streaming so anywhere in the world you can you no see and you can submit questions. It's gonna be a real dope situation is just going to be an extended version of the podcast but just more interactive so it started out with our God Matt mg the mortgage guys, and we going to do the first workshop and that's going to be on First time Real Estate Investors, so everybody wants to be a real estate investing right but it's like, how do I get in the game? It's like double dutch. If you don't know what you're doing, like what are you doing? So this is going to be the blueprint of how to get started in real estate first time real estate investor class and that will be October 17th. And yeah, so go to our website on the events Tab and we'll have all the information as I said, you can do a livestream or you do it in person. Yes, so make sure we got a lot of them coming back to so like that's good. Saying that everybody that comes on and we got we got a new alarm now, but going to have a lump coming back to each one of these events. Yeah, it's a real it's a real family. You know, it's not just a show or podcast who we develop relationships with these people and they become like real friends of our so, you know, his business is all about relationships. So, you know, it's about building strong relationships. Oh, yeah, make sure you check that out go to the events tab. Alright without further Ado. We have a very special guest a very highly recommended guest actually is something that all you know, we come from New York and especially mean I'm a career in financing the only thing about the trucking industry a lot you like it's something that at least I never been going about I think the last time I thought about the truck was Optimus Prime that was good. It was that and we never thought about trucks again now, it's a fact but I'm a lot of people have been asking us to cover the trucking industry. So my Mansion more he put me onto the good brother Alex good energy Alex Burton AKA Alice good energy, and I looked at his page on my IQ. Yeah, he's a cool dude. So I reached out to him and we have them on the podcast. So thank you. We heard the voice. He said you know, this guy got to be from New York. Yeah, talk to uplift a TLP of Brooklyn. So so I'll give you a quick background. So Alex is a is a guru when it comes to the trucking industry 1111 trucks running right now, right? Here's 11 trucks, but more importantly he actually teaches people how to actually operate trucks and the ins and outs of the business because the trucking industry I was Telling somebody that the other day like at least for me, it's like do they have a college for that like you how do you learn that? Like, you know I'm saying it's like yeah, you know, that's not something that's actually taught in school. Nothing is stuffed toy school, but definitely something like that like you gotta just go and just figure it out on your own. So yeah, he he's he's he's doing very well for himself and it's a very lucrative industry as far as Trucking industry and and it's not just for men either women women. He's making a killing. So, you know, you don't need to get truck driver at least with Leslie's mother. You know that I know that yeah at least Eliza. His mother one of the greatest NBA bat WNBA basketball players of all time. Her mother was actually a truck driver the building the statue film artists. They lay outside Simpson shout out shout out, huh? So so yes, so once again, thank you for joining us. We appreciate you Legends. Have you had a journey to get to this point right? And you started on promoting parties? Yeah. So all right. Can you thinking give us a quick back story on a party promotion because I want to ask you about this jacket and story but I want to I want to I want To lead up. I want to lead out to yeah, my first even before the parties man. I was doing telemarketing. You know, I was doing telemarketing. I was like my first like real job. You know I'm saying is selling this product called Z Max. It was just a product that you poured in your gas tax here. Yeah, you know for better fuel mileage man. It was like a boiler room situation and you know, it was cubicles me on my best friend Jason who's out here missing two weeks out. He was I literally sitting next to each other man. I think the base pay was like $7 an hour. And then we got commissioned over everything that we sold so man I did this job for about two years and he was killing the man. He was probably making about $1,000 a week and then my boss. He was only two years older than me young dude. So, you know, it was one of the things where you kind of became kind of cool with your boss and you got like a little too comfortable with him. And I think that you know, he we had our ups and downs and I relationship and you know, it was things that he felt like I wasn't doing correctly and I was Getting a little too comfortable at the job. And then one day he fired me. He said I missed a call. He could - all the calls in the call center. He said I was like playing with my phone and something like that and I missed the call that was his reason and he fired me man, and I just remember like at that time. I had just got my first house. I was just I was renting the house for my cousin. He got locked up and he needed somebody to kind of pay the mortgage while he was locked up. So I was writing this house some I just got my first car and this is like my first time like having real bills. I was doing pretty well, you know some like 20 21. I think it did sound 22 and when you fired me it was just like a wake-up call like it. He grabbed a rug up under my feet. You know, I mean, I'm like damn like I got these bills and I wasn't really saving my money because I was making $1,000 a week and back then I was a lot of money. So I'm thinking like, you know, I'm spending the money cuz I'm like, I got another thousand-dollar check coming next week, you know saying and long story short after I got fired. I know what to do. I was like y'all got to do. But I just knew I wouldn't work for nobody else. I just didn't like the fact that another man had that much control over my destiny. You know, I'm saying like it was a very uncomfortable feeling for me. I felt very very uneasy at that fact, so I know what I was gonna do. Yeah, but I do also do some so I'm literally just ran around Gwinnett, you know, I was in Gwinnett County at the time north side of Atlanta and Pike 30 minutes from the from the city and the spot called Carrabba's it was doing construction. I was my spy work have been there and I met the Asian guy who walked out. He was like look, Now we bout to build a nightclub. And you know, this is true story. He was like, yeah, we're looking for promoters and I'm like, okay, he was like are you a promoter? And I literally I've never forget. I was like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I see an opportunity to Club look fly and I was like, yeah, I'll give it a shot. You don't see I knew I knew a lot of people I was like I might be able to pull this off. So I literally walked out the arm spot. Yeah. I just called all my friends like little, you know, I got a party now. I need you to pull up, you know saying pull up brings him down. Two and two weeks. Let's go and you know, I'm just running through it $2,000. Mm some change to my name. It was a hard game before me like do I hold on to this little two grand or do I go ahead and bet on myself right? It's like do I bet on myself and give it a shot and depart from my last, you know been changed took 500 out some flyers and I took another 200 pay these little boys the hall pass them out for me and we are we hit up the neighborhoods and it was so fun. I told him I said look go ahead all the doors in the neighborhood. Like do like the people do the Chinese menu right for the million gonna get past the gate, you know, you know, yeah, we we told a whole city up man. Like we Placid the whole city with Flyers man grand opening first nightclub in Gwinnett County did the Grand Opening 200 people showed up almost a good night made my investment back plus a couple of extra dollars. I had I think it was I've been like 30 Allows that night and you know, but the grand opening height was over at this point. I'll say like it was pushing that y'all was the grand opening is the first night. It was a big deal. You know, I'm saying red carpet. So I'm like wow, so I decided to go to Buckhead and just do like some market research and just try to get some ideas of like, you know, what other clubs is doing like just try to pick their brain a little bit and just see how they got things set up. Man, I went down to Buckhead and I was at this club called Club Chaos on Monday nights and the DJ was like your Jagged edges in the building and I woke up to him humbly like a cobra like I love y'all music. Oh my God this nightclub. I would love for you guys to come out there and you know host a party. We remember with member wasn't this is Brian. Okay, is that right? Yeah. What are the twins? Yeah. Okay je heartbreak one of my favorite albums of all time. Absolutely. Let's get most of that is good. They'll skip slow down, you know since I woke up to them like I just usually Adam got to perform just show up, please. I said I'll give you half the do II don't really got no budget like that for you and he just loved the way I came at him and he was like look we going to be out there he knew where it was that he was like I got this chick that live on that street. I know exactly where shall we go pull up. He's like yo, it ain't gonna be the whole group, but I'll probably come with my brother something. I was like, I'm cool with that and I was so excited. I literally left the club and forgot to get his phone number. I forgot to get his phone number because I'm on. Yeah, I was beating myself up on the way home that night and but but the way that My man, like looked at my eyes and told me he was coming. I took his word for it. And I was like, you know, I'm gonna give a shot. I'm gonna go ahead and promote it. So it was a little uneasy but I was like, I'm gonna go ahead and do it so that the big flies this time hit the hole. So I mean we told a whole city up I did ten thousand fliers big joints Jagged Edge grand opening. I mean I grant open but Jagged edges are coming to go in there the night came, you know night came y'all, you know saying, And I got the at ten o'clock. Now. I was already around the building when I got there man, you know saying I have enough security guards, but you know, I was excited. I'm like I was going down I knew he was about to make some money this night said by eleven o'clock. The club was almost filled up 12 o'clock. We was at capacity line is still around the building and I just remember with so much money in the cash register. I had to take the money out and empty it out go hide in the back so that we can have space. In the cash register was crazy and then 12:30 hit and I started here Whispers In The Crowd like yo, man jacket AJ coming back got us go. He got us. Yo, he's doing a goddamn and I was like y'all should I just take the money and run? Is this gonna be right here? Yeah, and this is when the CLS Mercedes just came out in the G-Wagon started popping out in the streets. They decided to pull it up. It was like three of them and all they hopped out it was it was riding his brother and they hopped in already hopped out we walked into the club and had a good time. And yeah, we did about 700 people that night and I end up having to run for about three and a half years when it was one of the biggest parties on Thursday night. So it's goes in Atlanta at that moment when you see the pulled up you did was it like yeah, man. I got this, you know, it was like seeing Jesus himself. I'm gonna let me did you establish a date with them? Yeah. Yeah. It's all can't always see eye to see the flight. My name is sincere. I just like to have a sound from one. I think the ladies like it but another reason was because AG entertainment, he's a biggest promoter and I think in the country honestly, I shot the AG entertainment. For sure. Yeah. His name is Alex and I didn't want people confusing me with him. Like I didn't want people to have to be like hey which Alex the other houses so I would just like to say this is separate my so it had nothing to do with Kelly. Nah, that's what I was huh, Brooklyn do so. He might be a big shout-out to ask my cool. So all right. Yeah, that's a crazy story that you actually had enough courage to do that. And I honestly got to cut you off when I want to say is that the one that party for those many years that was like my first taste of Entrepreneurship, right? I went from working at a call center to now I am running a full staff. I got security guards. I got police officers, right? I got marketing people. I got the door girl. You know I'm saying it was my first time doing payroll and I learned how to become a leader and I learned how to take initiative right and it taught me how to Brand it taught me how to Market I had to convince people to leave. The city of Atlanta and come to the country Gwinnett County and come party with me and we did that. So it's a lot of I took a lot from throwing parties man, and it came full circle to some of the qualities that I have today even a telemarketer spot you like I had to sell stuff the people on his phone, you know, this is before people were hanging right up on telemarketers, right, but I had to call people and convince them to go today while it gets a credit card and give me the credit card number over the phone about his product and they had never heard of before. For right so we can talk about like sales like it really turned me into a hustle. Like I had to eat without killed inviting get themselves you we wasn't eating so, you know, I tell people all the time like if you got a 9:00 to 5:00 right now, it's all good. But just use it as leverage, right? Yeah, take take take the good stuff from that the skills that you're learning and be able to apply that into something that works for yourself. And that's what I did. So one thing I like about you is that you you weathered the storm. Yeah lot of Ice up and down. Sometimes you have sometimes you down. So you had a good thing going in Atlanta and then you went you took your talents to South Beach. Yeah, and you was living at he's living a highlight and Brickle. Yeah. Shout out to my aunt. This is this is we are was that this is LeBron James man. This is around like 2009-10 around that time. Okay, so he just got there. Yeah, so he went down in like 3 months a foul mood. I might be a little bit off on a dates, but I just know what I moved down there. He made the announcement about three months later. Should I was live on Sunday and I hope I've this is when like, you know Young Money was on fire. They was living down there when live on Sunday started blowing up, you know and LeBron was down there and you know, it's when we went and championships like it was a good time. I noticed you said the word we it was good energy. So, all right, so you live in a high life out there, but you said like you went broke right? I'm gonna be real mad. Like I went down and I was living with my savings. Laughs and I was like would I get down there? I got a couple dollars. I'm gonna figure something out on the network with some people when I get down to Miami and I'm gonna be real with you man. And I know some people might agree like go buy any you either got already have your bread together or you know, a lot of people are doing illegal things out there, you know I'm saying but I just couldn't find nothing to do. So I would just you know, Miami is really easy to spend the money out there. But if you already already got like your relationships set up if you ate if you don't speak Spanish, it's gonna be so yeah. It's gonna be a grind. And and get that Network up out there. So yeah, I got down to my last after living down there for about three years man. I got down to my last five grand and I was like, wow like I hadn't been stayed out here. Like I might have to go back to Atlanta back to my network back to my friends and figure something out. You know, I'm saying and that's what I did. I moved back to Atlanta 2012 I moved back and I'm humbly speaking. I moved back with my mother. So how was that for you? Because if anybody does is not familiar you lived in Brick right over the bridge. Yeah area, right? The icon Brickell right there literally also box right there - right like that's that's my spot a lot of good memories in Miami. So if anybody's not familiar, that's like, you know, the whole vibe you seen all the movies. It's right on the water. It's just living a highlight, right you got, you know, beautiful beaches beautiful women is so out of motivation. Yeah. So so you live in a time assuming you had a nice spot nice condo how humbling was that to have to move back in with your mom and was the most Bubbling the most humbling experience I've had to do you know I'm saying this is when I you know, social media was just starting to follow up on the top floor real nice spot overlooking the water, you know, I'm saying and to go from that to living back with my mother. It was actually humbling man, but I told her I said, you know, I just need six months my like maybe six months and we just wrecked on my credit again we can buy credits. Let me save up a couple hours. Let me get some of these bills for a minute, right it just get my head cleared out for a second and I was like, I'm going to figure something out. Just give me six months of my mom's you're making like I gotta do to make it so short. No, he said Flatbush - ooh, yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I don't know what the American culture is like, but my mom was glad to have me back. I'm here that's like that. She was excited like all you coming back. So she got my room old and I'm sales God's church. And yes. So, you know say but I was like my like don't make me too comfortable if I gotta leave, you know sick, but man I spent them six months is just just figuring out what I want to do next. And one thing I did know it was I go whatever it is is going to be for myself. I'm going to continue being an entrepreneur getting a job was just not even an option for me at that point and looked up with this one. This dude named Eric man, you know Derek hit me up like your brother. Let's let's let's go ahead and go in on a On a credit and jump into something maybe a restaurant or a barber shop or something. I was like cool. He's got a couple relationship with some banks, you know your credit straight. Let's go ahead and I'll make some happen. So we went and got a line of credit for about 40 I think was like 40 50 Grand and we went around looking at restaurants looking at buildings, you know saying it was a big deal. I was excited like anybody get a restaurant. But every time we would try to lock it on the spots up before through the building cold wouldn't get approved. It was just something right then. We started looking at barbershops same thing just it just wasn't coming together. But during that whole process. I just kept running into people. I was in the trucking industry, you know, whether it was drivers whether was Fleet owners. It was just like a coincidence. So one do it. Hit me up. I want to say his name because I don't know how far this thing's gonna be. You know Steve. You know who you are. I know you are nobody's listening. Yeah, but I'll manage to this doom and he was like, oh I got this contract with the post office. Right? I got box trucks and I got these lanes and if you get a box truck, I'll put you on you know again, I'm from New York. I'm a hustler. I'm like, oh it's working like okay. I need to get a truck must I wait you got me a chunks. I literally took some of the money that we got from the lot of credit because I went and got a lot of weight and got some trucks got one truck first was a box truck. This is a 26 foot. Trucks like you can get from like you Halls like the biggest truck. Yeah. What's up? Can you explain what a box truck is? Yeah. So box truck is again. If you go to U-Haul, you know, you're moving and you want to move your own stuff. It's a biggest truck that you can get is called a 26 foot box truck. So pretty much it's like half the size of the 18-wheeler, right and these trucks due to the weight. They're not required by law for you to have a CDL to drive them right? You're only required to have a CD of a drive a truck. That's gross over 26,000 pounds. Okay, and a forum and a bus to it, they have different levels of CDL guess so yeah, so these trucks were like, you know, not that expensive to get into so I was like, yeah I can so I went and got we went at least one actually from Penske. And let me tell you sound so I hit my men if I'm like, yo, I got the truck was good. He's like, okay, then that was fast. Let me make a couple calls and reach out to more people and try to get you a long I hit not back for like another week or two. So I hit him back like yo, what's good and then he just stopped answering his phone. Hey, who's my pretty much stopped answering his phone like a you know, how you meet people they like, yeah, she would be talking know like I got your but you're only thinking that you seriously think that you playing yeah. So here I am with this truck this box truck don't know nothing about trucks, but I got a truck note around the corner, right we got assurance that we just put on this truck that's around the corner that don't stop coming through the truck cause we put down I think it was about 6 grand down on it and it was at least and then we paid monthly right? So is this truck like sitting outside your mom's crib right now? We got parking lots for truck, you know saying so here we are now. Now like yo, I don't know what to do. But I was like I either had a choice to either sink or swim. Right and I decide to swim so I went online. I'm on YouTube how to run a trucking company. I'm on Google how to run a trucking company. I'm literally up stressed out trying to figure this thing out and I found out about something called a low board low board is a database that has every single load coming in and out of every city in real time. Okay, so you can literally get on there and find the loads negotiate your rates. Have your truck go pick it up deliver it and get paid once. What's up? What's a load? Load load is Freight pretty much OK it's great because like the merchandise on you actually put it on the truck and you're getting paid to pick it up and deliver it right. So okay. This is that it's not too hard. I can figure this out. You don't say it again. I did telemarketer. I know how to negotiate right we talked about getting certain skills from the jobs. I did I learned how to negotiate and convince people by doing the telemarketing. So I'm like, I'm on this boy, like, you know, I need this much for my truck. Let's go some booking loads of money starting to come in. And I'm yo it looked like everything was going okay until I started looking at my spreadsheets a few months later and I'm starting to look at the number learning. What a balanced p&l statement is now I'm learning what a profit and loss statement is not right. I'm realizing like yeah, the money's coming in but this is going right back out and the reason why is because I'm not negotiating correctly right here. I am coming from live with my mother, you know, not making no money to now. Just do is offer me a thousand dollars for this load, but the loan is going from Atlanta to Virginia for or Boston. Right so that does now is that up a few laughter. I pay my driver. I'm doing I'm running a nonprofit organization. You don't say pretty much I'm literally doing a non-profit. No not you know, but I didn't realize that. Yes, you will you were lowborn the negotiation any time and not even own a bicycle headquarters. Crackhead Express. You look Sam. I'm Ed Davis said it you're ready lows for the low like, yeah, we might have been crackhead expressed. Whatever they is paying he was taking it. So then so not that kind of fell apart right for you. Yeah, absolutely after 11 months man. He was upside down how many trucks at that time. We jumped up the five like when items are you really though? They're hostile? I'm like it was barking. I've seen the money come in. Let's go ahead and get some more. It's about the five trucks that are doing it all the wrong way. So when it fell apart, but that was another major setback for you. Right? Like how how did that happen? Like when you realized I got to pull the plug on this when we was running out of money and we realize we was in the hole deeper than we could get out of right? So one thing that's important in business is that you got to know when to exit right? You got to stop the bleeding and I decided to stop the bleeding, right, but people ask me all the time. Like what made you still give it another shot after? I felt so terribly and I tell people all the time. I seen the potential in the industry. I knew I just did something wrong. So I took a whole nother nine months off to figure out what did I do wrong? You said in and out cuz I'm about to go to the next time when you go to talk about the Resurgence. How you Rose Like a Phoenix. You said like you took not much rain to get a haircut it nothing like we should say I liked it. I was in it. I was in the house man, you know, I had a dog at the time only time I left my house literally was the what my dog and it'll be days. I forget to eat just doing research. I'm just I mean, I think your personal like I'm not about to just lay Like like I got to figure this thing out and you know haircut for six months, you know, I called the year to sacrifice. Stop partying stopped going out stop, you know, just all the way locked in and I said, you know what? I'm like, yo, you're not going to get to you trying to get to without that sacrifice. It's something that you're doing on a daily basis that's holding you back from getting away you trying to get to you gotta identify what it is. Mom's was just going out on the time partying all the time, you know, just not just not having money. management And so yeah, that was the year to sacrifice right there Then 2013. Yeah, correct. That's so key. As far as what you said. It's far as you just got to regroup sometimes and it's difficult. It's difficult, but we bother going to the next segment. Like I said when we were going to talk about the good side wall bad, as long as you stay down. You got to come up with Venture like so the day when the tables will ya now Drago to next segment. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income in today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student. That and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or whatever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. Alright, so we got the back story and you know, you stay down till you came up, but we now I want it. I'm interested in to come up. So I'll write you stayed in your mom's crib foot. Nine months. No haircut. Just walk the dog just on some real Will Smith pursue happiness. It's just figuring it out. All right. So what happened like if she's got like an epiphany and is like I got like what can you explain me how you walk out of that darkness and and re-emerge to the sunlight? Yeah, so when I went out of business with the box truck, My sole purpose of my research was that identify what I did wrong and apply the correct information to my operations. And first thing I realize is like yo, I need to get the 18 wheeler like the box sjokz is cool. But the 18-wheelers going definitely like open up my options now, it was so funny because when I will be on the load board with the box trucks, I would have to do the search for 26-foot, right? Only look for low that would fill up the 26-foot trailer, but I would just sometimes get curious and they let me see what the 18-wheeler loves it like so it'll be like 80 loads available for box trucks but 4,000 loads available for 18-wheelers there and I'll be like man like the 80 Witnesses eating. So that was the first thing I realized during my research is like yo, I need to get an 18-wheeler. So when I got the 18-wheeler and I started rolling with that one, it was like night and day it was like night and day, you know I'm saying. And you know, I learned how to negotiate I learned how to read the market. I learned how to position my trucks. So you said that before as far as all right, so just to get the first 18 wheeler did you finance that that you lease it? How do you first 18-wheeler? I was able to get that for really cheap this dude that I know he was going through a divorce and I think his wife is trying to take everything home and it's like you're just give me a price. I literally paid about $7,800. Oh, wow first 7880 what it was and how much how much does it cost? Like on average for a good truck that you know that we recommend getting his own be anywhere from 50 to 60 thousand and that's brand-new or you lie about 2016. 2015 All rights are used truck. Yeah. Yeah, but you always only I got o1u only recommend use trucks, right? Yeah. Absolutely. Why because a brand new truck is gonna run you upwards of a hundred something thousand dollars, right? And it's going to get you the same results as a semi use truck. Yes. I'm saying is all about getting a truck that you know the warranty you got to go warranty. Eon IT is inspected and if you get you a really good use truck is gonna get you the same results, but you'll be able to edit you'll be able to make your money back. So so between 45 to 64 you going fifty to sixty to sixty house the financing on that. Is there a certain amount you have to lie down and get that type of gasps? Oh, it's just different ways. So if you're an investor, right if you don't have a CDL, by the way, I don't have a CDL never drove a truck before I don't plan on job. You're not trying to drive, you know Cyrus. That's why I got so much respect for job versus I don't do it. I can't do it. So as an investor you can put down an average of about 30% down right 30% down is what I've been seeing for the last few years with you know, these are banks at the actual dealerships, right? It is different ways that you could come into the game. You could actually go through the truck dealership, right? And if you go through that route as an investor is only 30% but if you have a CDL, it's gonna be a little bit less down. Let's say around 15 to 20% and the reason why it's less for somebody who actually owns a CDL is because the risk is a lot less for the bank. So looking at it. Like hey, look if you're an investor, you don't have a CDL you get a truck. You don't have a driver. There's a higher chance that you're going to default on your loan because your truck's is going to be sending versus somebody who has a CDL they can actually just hop in the truck and go generate some money to pay they notes. So again 30% is the average down on a fifty sixty thousand dollar truck for the investor with no CDL and about 15 to 20 percent down is the average that I've been I am if you have a CDL we call them owner-operators due to own their trucks and operate their trucks as well. My the what I recommend though the best scenario as far as getting into the game now is just having like decent credit and having relationships with your own bank a credit union. For example, right some of these Credit Unions will finance you up to a hundred percent. Right so you don't have to put money a bunch of money down for the truck so we know scenarios you'll be looking at getting into the game about what about 10 grand because now all you got to pay for Jin surance down payment your license your DLT numbers your tags Etc. So that's the cheapest way to get into the game is getting financing directly from your credit union just bringing them a bill of sales like a look. This is the bill of sales. Can you guys find answers truck you're going to get if you don't get the best interest rate through your credit union and that's the best way. Yeah. I did my first like two cars to my credit union. It was just like they take the money right out your check. So it's like you never have to worry about it. And the interest rate like you said is a lot lower. Absolutely. That's a good so you said as far as okay reading the market? What does that mean? We're in a market like okay, so the truck and literally changes every week like literally every week like Atlanta could be The Hot Zone this week. As far as Freight when I say supply and demand I'm talking about loads to truck ratio. Yes I'm saying. Okay, so like for example, I think the last time I checked Atlanta had about 3,900 loads. And they had about 1,400 trucks, right? There's certain parts of the city right now. Wisconsin is one of them hot right now Wisconsin had about honesty about 5,000 loads in like eight hundred trucks available in the last business day. What does that mean? Y'all it's a bicep brachii. You going to be able to charge a higher amount because it's not enough and enough trucks trucks out there. So now we have all these shippers all these shippers as fighting for true. Now so what are they going to have to do to make sure that their load gets move pay top dollar. That's what a negotiating power comes in that so you don't understand. Okay this week Atlanta, Virginia. Tennessee is hot. I need to position my trucks up there. You don't know that you don't miss out and that's what I specialize and I specialize in in know and knowing where to position my trucks at to get that top dollar because all it is is connecting the dots. We're going for one city to the next city to the next city, right? So a lot of times what I was messing up at it I would just take the big the best paying load going Wherever not realizing that when I got there. It was no Lowe's there. Right, so I'm thinking like, okay. I'm about to eat on this $3,000 low not realize it when I get to Iowa. For example, right? I'm gonna have to draw a probably 500 miles to get to another good load. So now I don't put most of my profit back into the fuel tank to get to that next Market. So it's not just about booking the load that day. It's about looking at where the load is going and what that market is looking like as well. So you say the changes weekly. How do you how do you know like, he's like website? How do you think you said something about trucks having Seasons? Like how does that work? Yeah. I mean we got Peak Seasons. We got slow Seasons we got times where producers are real high at that time. And you know, like that's a wrap April to like July is produce season, you know, I'm saying the freight rates go up because it's more it's more demand for trucks, right but we have Actually have some of the low boards. We actually have a feature that shows you all the hot zones in the whole country so we can literally go on there and see what's going on in the market. Right anybody has access to those low boards or you have to you have to have an active Authority in order to have access. What does that mean? The deal T number? Okay DLC numbers the number that's on the side of all the trucks and you have to have that activated in order for you to have access to that low board. So the general public just couldn't go on. On and look at the low board. They probably won't even understand it. Even if they did know. It's like reading Spanish. Yeah, I mean it's similar to like a search engine for like Travelocity. Like if you're traveling it's similar to that. But if you just knew nothing about it, you would definitely need to get trained on how to actually operate with it. So you have like a map in your office where you have like, okay, I'ma go from Atlanta to Philly to New York to Chicago and this is going to like, how do you calculate the math? I wanted to say cause like you said I was a good point like you might it might be good money going to Idaho, Iowa, but now you got to come back to Atlanta. You don't really have any other stops in between so like you have a set idea. Okay, you need to hit at least five stops. Everyone's like 500 Miles something like that or you don't do more than 500 Miles like 50 miles something like that. It's not like a formula or well when I buy a book alone, I brought a couple here, for example, just to show you guys right but if you book a load, it's important that you know, how much Much money, you're going to be making after the load is complete. So I just bought like the low we're doing a low right now as we speak one of my drivers picked up a low yesterday, right? Hello. Just picking up in Tennessee and The Verge Tennessee picked up yesterday on the 20th and it's going to Franklin Massachusetts delivering on Monday, right? They're paying me twenty four hundred dollars for that load, right? So when I look at that load, I got to figure out how many miles is from the origin to the destination. So I did the math that's about a thousand miles. So now I got to figure out how How much fuel is it going to take for me to complete that low. So let's do the math rakuyo. This is the formula that I teach my students. So we're going to take the rate that the load is paying so we have twenty four hundred dollars, right and then I know that it's a thousand miles. I had to figure out how much fuel am I going to need to get this job complete? So we're going to take A Thousand Miles. I'm going to divide that by six miles per gallon because that's the average that each truck users six months. Yeah. It's gonna get sick eight miles if you got a good try but I'm just going to do worst-case scenario, right? So divide that by 6, right so I know it's going to take me a hundred and sixty six gallons of diesel in order to complete that load from Tennessee to Massachusetts. Right? So I'm going to do is I'm going to times that times the average amount of diesel the price for diesel which is all about three dollars and twenty five cents right now. All right special me right there. I let $2,400. I'm going to have to use 540 of it and fuel just to get there and get back right? So me personally everybody pays a drivers differently. I pay my job as a percentage right? So I pay my job is 20% of whatever that lowest-paying. So just remember that number right there. So we're going to 2400 times 20% It's $480. Remember that number and then going up there we got toes. So I'm going to say I think going up there is going to be about a hundred and eighty dollars and tolls right. So if we do $2,400 - was it 545 wondering how much does the job or maybe 480 480 minus 180 and toes. Yeah, so we had $11.99 on the prophet as your profit. That's my profit that I see on Monday. So she picked up the load yesterday Joel this well--what you guys right now. My truck is driving right now as we speak good right and by the time I wake up on Monday morning, it's delivering at 7 a.m. She's gonna deliver by the time I wake up. I'll be able to get 1199 in my bank account by 5:30 p.m. That's another thing about Trucking and I love is that it's liquid every single day. I'm getting deposit some out in our Account, you know, I don't have to wait 30 days to get paid. Yeah, right you pick up a load on the Monday. We deliver on the Tuesday we get paid on a Tuesday. So at the end of the day, we have a factoring company a factoring company is a third-party bank that literally purchases are invoices from us right now. My volume is so high. I started off at three percent. I'm down to one percent right now. So I get charged 1% to get paid the same day and they wait 30 days to get paid. Does that make sense? Yeah, right. So what do you talk about people who are in other Industries like real estate or they do deals but they need Finance. You know how attractive it looks to a bank to see daily deposits into your account. When I go to my bank, they harass me that'll you sure you want to block credit today because I'm a I'm a lower risk because they seeing that your money coming in at daily deposit come in that's dope. So, all right. How do you get drivers? Like what's the process for that? Yeah, and that's the hardest part of our industry. Like I'm not gonna sit here and just tell y'all the good part right? You can say if anybody tells you the good part of anything just run away from him, right? That's the biggest. Going on industry. Why because we talk about the human factor right here. We talked about people right personalities and with the drivers, they don't have to necessarily be the most polished people. You know, we this is an issue where we hire felons, you know, I'm saying like we you know, you don't have to have education it is what it is. Right? So the thing about drivers is that this is a very challenging job. This job requires him to be away from their families. Right this job requires them to be driving at sometimes 11 hours straight in the day a lot job is only allowed to drive for 11 hours straight. They're allowed to be on duty for 14 hours. They're allowed to and then they have to shut down for 10 hours, right? Everybody can't drive for 11 hours straight every single day. I'm still right so I got so much respect for job as man and I'll just shout out to you know to the drivers out there man, like the world was stopped without y'all, you know, I'm saying so I just got a lot of respect for y'all and that's why I treat my drivers really really. Well my you know, and we don't get into the portal and all that Without Rain on but you know, I know sites that I go on sites and I I put out an attractive ad that's the first step. Yeah, I wrote it down and when I saw the ad you would like we're going to pay you more by accident than devil shortened you on purpose and I was like, wow, that's not even on my ad. That's what I tell my driver is actually after I get them, but I tell them all the time because one of the biggest things I'm doing these driver interviews. I'm like yo, why did you leave your last job like what made you leave and 80% of the time it's because they previous employer was was playing with a money, right? That's the number one excuse that I hear while drivers leave companies is a playing with the money. So I tell them all the time like look, I'll pay you more on accident before I shoot you on purpose. It's my honor to pay you you helping me feed my family. I don't have a CDL You know, we both got a role to play. So I it's my honor to pay you. And just treat them with respect and I don't treat them like they work for me actually to my business partners. You gotta roll a play. I got to go to play your role is to make sure that that low gets there on time right safely and communication and my my job is to make sure that your truck is safe is operating correctly the loads it in and you get your paycheck. They're one of the things you do with with your trucks as you put extra equipment inside the truck just in the event that there is something that happens from a mechanical standpoint. It maintenance. Yeah. It's not just about reacting when the truck breaks down is how can I decrease my trucks possibility of breaking down, you know, and and without share with people is how I was able to decrease my breakdowns by 21% 2019. It's little things that I've done little little little extra things that you can do to just help help yourself on that road, you know, whatever belts that your truck uses. Like we got an alternator belt. We got an AC belt just put an extra set of belting exercise about to your truck, right? Keep antifreeze. Keep oil in it. Keep fuses. Keep light bulbs. Keep an extra spare tire or too little fixes that can have you shut down for 5 hours waiting on roadside. If you already have the part there, it's going to save you some time to save you some money save you a lot of money, right? They're going to charge you just look at it. So, how do you all right? So you have a truck you have the whole operation you have drivers and all that, but you gotta have product to move right? So Is the most companies like freelancer do you have set contracts with people long term, is it a combination of both? Like how does that work? So when you first come into this game, you know, the low board is pretty much a best friend at that point, right you just freshen the game you got to develop relationships. So the load board is where we started off at the load board. That's the website. That's the website and what's it web That's Dhcs so we have the we have the that board and we have trucks, okay. Those are the two big ones. Okay. So on this low board, there's Brokers, you know, these are the people who have the lows and we have to call a negotiate with right. So what I did was we just started we just did good business, right? We stressed being on time. We tracked we stressed delivering a good service. And what happened is we would just be meeting all these different Brokers every day from looking different laws in different cities and then me I ended up doing is loaded. I really like it was a low that picked up in Georgia and then went to Cleveland Tennessee and it was twice a day right? You would pick up in Atlanta. You would go to Cleveland Tennessee, which is right there by Chattanooga sigh. So I was like do I was two hours away, right? They was paying a 750 to go two hours away and back and was doing it twice a day. Okay, so we was generating $1500 a day going up twice. And I loved it. Right we did it for like a week. It was like this project they was working. All right, and then I looked at the numbers that we can't I go this is dope. So I hit the broke up like I often be God do these laws he was like man is funny. You ask that man. We just got an extension on this project. We gonna be doing this for the next nine months, right? So I'm like, wow, he was like, yeah, you know what maybe put we had like about five different companies on this side load ja actually executed the best y'all communicated whenever something was a delay. You called me immediately you let me know what was going on. He was like man what you would you know, how many trucks you guys have. Would you guys like to do this full-time at the time? I think we was at about five or six trucks. I was like, yeah, I'll give you all my trucks. And when I tell you, this is 2017 you ran is low. We ran this a load for the for the whole year right? And that was the year. I read I was able to level up on my cat. That was the entire business was just getting it was moving one plant from Cleveland, Tennessee. Two seats for Atlanta. He's moving an entire plant for a Fortune 500 company. Yeah to Atlanta that now months ended up turning into two years and then then it ended up turning into nine years. Now how how profitable is your business Falls like truck or an average like how how much can a truck make right now and I like to under promise and over achieve right? I don't like to give the high numbers like to give the low Ball numbers right with the way that we do it each truck should be The generates you anywhere from 1,500 to 3,000 a week. Take home after all expenses paid. That's what the truck that's not breaking down. That's what a good driver and that's what a full week of work. We don't see any reason why you should be able to at least take home about $1,500 a week her truck. And of course you can have multiple trucks. Yes. It's an awesome game after that Dom has a volume game yesterday. That's how you got your trust right the first truck pay for the second test. Yeah money management is how you is how you scale up, you know, I had to make a lot of sacrifices and first couple of years. And it said when I made my profits instead of using the money and buy a frivolous things, I would just reinvest it back into the company. I would be invested in new equipment, right and then once you jump up to four five six trucks in the money, that's when it gets real crazy cause I gotta flee. Yeah and you know say I should be what I've been doing this. I've been doing this game for like what six years now and I just really started like buying stuff like this year, you know saying like I just started really like enjoying life and traveling I've made my sacrifice. Sorry invested in my company, right? That's the common as the common theme for every almost every one of our guests almost it's funny you say that because literally we've had people from the music and just people from Real Estate developers Trucking now and no one common theme is exactly what you said like you got it's all money in like you got to put the money in and that's something that it sounds simple but nobody wants to do that soon as you get profit people want to live off that on some selfish like just go to the mall and just ball out and it's like That's not how it works. And it's like you try to explain that to people and they still don't understand. You gotta pay your dues. You gotta pay your dues bad and you know, like I said this year, I went bought my dream car I went and which I call the S63 coupe, okay. At the gym and you know like we are paid my dues so like any success that I've seen I'm Unapologetic for it because I put in the work for it. Now. We never apologize about making a profit. That's what we in business for you you in a business. Like you said, it's a seven hundred billion dollar industry. Absolutely. Yeah, and you're like, honestly, you're the first person I noticed but it's so crazy. That's the first black person for sure pazam show just in this industry for minorities. Looks like I said, I went to Louisville Kentucky. We it's his big truck show that they do every year in Louisville. Kentucky is called a match truck show right thousands of people. I mean they bring these trucks is like tricked-out trucks. They got classes. There is the biggest convention in the trucking industry, right every year. I went there last year and I'm walking through the crowd job and I had a couple of my students with me because I ate of us right and we played a game to game was how many minorities can you find In This Crowd? This is is mind-blowing how much of a minority we are in this industry and I'm a chubby I'm talking or they just messed up a let me figure it out. They messed up to another level this year 11 heavy and my eyes. All right. So now we're going to talk about how in the next seven how you duplicated yourself and educational component of what you got. Now, it's all you spreading the message of the trucking business in all of its benefits. What's up y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you're probably like music. Much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Fly or browse podcast in the your library tab also, make sure to follow us. So you never miss an episode of earn your leisure again. Alright, so we gotta go we gotta go into what you're doing. Now as far as educating people, but I just thought I had a quick question for you before we go into that house Amazon affected your industry. Has it affected or not me? No, I mean Amazon. I mean we ran a lot of those families I especially like earlier this year last year, you know, it hasn't affected me in a negative. Okay. Yeah, like is this making the industry bigger? What about insurance? So like if you go to carrying a little something happens to that truck, there's their insurance policy on and truck and we have a minimum insurance that we have to have a million dollars liability. Okay and on each truck, correct? Okay many dollars and that really that's for the company the company has a million dollar liability. Right? And then we have $100,000 coverage on our cargo. Yes I'm saying so anything that's in. Now truck like as far as a freight goals, it's covered up to $100,000 and then we have physical damage on the actual truck in some sense. Whatever the truck cause of the truck cost $60,000. We have physical damage in the amount of how much that truck cost. All right. So we had a guest from Baltimore. Shout out to my man Doug Falcon one of our favorite guys. Yeah, he was a restaurant owner. He one of the things that he says, you know that it's an average millionaire have seven streams of income but his theory was that I don't need to have seven different jobs on seven different. Businesses to generate seven streams of income. He like I could generate 17th and income from one restaurant. I actually I could be a restaurant owner. I could be a consultant I could deliver food. I can give classes but all kind of different stuff so merch so I saw you were speaking about the same thing, right? So you you took the education component and turned it into a business as well. So when win because you're educating people you're helping people, but you're also is another form of Revenue as well. Right? So can we talk about how you got into that? Because you know you started with just And coaching correct? And now that's kind of turned into an online portal, right? So yeah, can you talk about the evolution of of what made you want to take in talents and said, okay. I'm not just going to be doing it for myself and I want to you know, bring other people and educate them. Yeah, that's a good question. I'm a 2015. You know, this is when I finally started like making consistent profits, right? This is when my systems was working and it starts things started becoming a little bit more automated at this point, right and I just remember one day saying like man if only Would have known in 2012 what I know now, I wouldn't have lost all that money. Right? I wouldn't have lost all that time. So I was just sharing like my journey on Instagram like yo, you know this truck just did good. I just made this month this amount on this truck and people would literally hit me up. Like hey, can you show me how to do that? And I didn't know what to charge. I didn't see anybody else doing it, but I was like, okay, I gotta come up with something just for my time. So my first client Dana she's an attorney. And she came up on the Johnnie Cochran man. She was like, hey Alex, I'm very interested in getting to the industry that comments and I just pay you just to spend a couple hours with you and I was like, yo, we could do 1,500 and I was my first client. It's on my page to this day on Instagram 200 for an hour. No just uh just to stabilize. The system is a little bit. That's yeah walk you through how to start her company and show her the low board or not. So it's on my Instagram to this day. We were sitting in the office just like And I was showing it to her and she got up and running. I think she had like four trucks now, but I just remember the feeling that I felt watching her go from not knowing anything about Trucking to now she's running it on her own. She's calling me excited. Hey, I just made this this week the other the da and I kind of felt so when I shared her story on my Instagram that I was getting a couple more DM is like yo, I see what you did for girl. You think you got a couple dollars you do the same thing for me. So then I'm like Okay cool. So that one client turned into like R-25 clients and yo, it literally started going crazy after that and then I looked up I was at like 40 clients by like 2017, but I would just be in transparent and just sharing with the public like yo, I just put James in business. I just put her in business. I just it just thought it just kept coming. So I went from 1500 to 2500 a client. Then I'm going to 3500 a client and then when I looked up and I had a six-month waiting list. I was like man, I gotta go upstairs. More they'll say so but as well, yeah, so by the end of 2017, I was at $10,000 of client as a $10,000 of client and by last March, I had a waiting list until Christmas how many clients you have at 10,000 at the pie did about 20 clients at 10,000 and I had a waiting list for Christmas last March when people are on standby because I would only take a certain amount of clients per month just to make sure that I didn't stretch myself too thin and I didn't leverage my service the quality. And I met a guy you guys might know I'm a guy by the name of Eric Thomas ET to hip-hop preacher, you know, just like y'all I have been watching him on YouTube for years, you know I'm saying and he was doing a cruise last March and I had never seen him speak in person before like when I went out of business this that's why I was listening to to keep me motivated to even give it another shot. And yo, I'll pay the money to cruise like 5 grand and you know, it was like six months out and I was like, I'm gonna go ahead and make this a We just go get some motivation. Right and I went on this Cruise made was going to San Martin sent Thomas in Bahamas. I went on a cruise and I ended up meeting, you know, his crew behind the scenes. I can't really go to the Techno picture with them and all that other stuff. I just literally went there just to get this to get the information man, and I ended up meeting CJ CJ and his right-hand man that really the brains behind every time it's an associates and you know sit down at dinner one night. He was like, hey, what are you doing? I just told him what I did. He loved it. He was like, yo, I've heard about people in real estate doing so Even odds and teaching he was like, I ain't never seen nobody doing it for the transportation industry. He was like yo, this is Uncharted Territory right here. He was like so you don't want on ones though. I was like, yeah, he was like, what are you doing with these one-on-ones? I'm like I go to the dealership with them right? I have to pick the right truck. I help them hire the drivers. I do conference calls with hiring drivers with them. I go down there with my mechanics. We expect the trucks and make sure that they not buying OBS trucks like I'm holding a hands. He's like damn right? He's like yo, that's dope. He said you got a waiting list, so And he says, you know, why because you have a duplicated yourself. He said in order for you to take it to the next level in order for you to scale your information. You have to put this information online and I was terrified. I'm like online like he's like, yeah, I was like, I don't know if that's going to work. I do one-on-one, you know saying like this is this is personal for me. I don't want to just put it out there and people be like now you have to put it online. He's like look, this is what you do do record the videos create the PDFs. Let me know when you're done. You're not even you admittedly said you're not even a computer. I'm not a computer person. So that's what that was really intimidating Parts because I'm like like I'm not even a computer person. So is this how it's going to work? But I listen to him. I went and locked in for about 4 months man me and batis we went and locked in and we put the kind of another sacrifice another four months of sacrifice locked in right created a Content. I hit CJ up for months later like yo, I got it is done. He said you'll pull up on me. Let me see it when he saw the content. He seen how I laid it out he was Not only am I going to show you how to put this online. I want you to put it on our platform. We're going to be going to stamp it and we're going to put it on Brave University. So now we launched our platform and it's so funny, you know the dude that I've been looking up to four five years. I'm now in business with him now and it's just it's just an amazing. Is that the masses of the game? I'm not that's that's something different. I tell you about that next. Oh good. Yeah, that's something different. So we launched the trucking digital training portal on October 5th of last year. And it's a step-by-step guide like, you know, when I tell people all the time like when I had first down to the game, yeah, there's information on YouTube. Yeah this information on Google right, but the information is scattered. I was like I need we need to create a chronological order of how to not only get into this business how to structure your business. But also once you're up and running how to operate properly how to maximize profits but most importantly how to stay in business, right? So the course literally walks you from A to Z A to Z on how to do everything and it's a combination of videos and PDFs is people learn differently. You got some people to learn From visualizing or the some people learn better from hearing and some people that learn better from reading so we have all three fixes in this portal man and my goal really mad when we launched it October last year was just to get about 50 people. I didn't want to even put too much marketing behind. I just wanted to just kind of like put it out there to my network get a couple people in there and if there was any kinks be able to tweak a little, you know, some things and add some things in there and then go ahead and go crazy with it. So the goal was 50 for the first half of the launch and we ended up doing a 350 people signed up with in the first nine months. So it's as far as like people that are who would want to be in the courts people that want to get into the trucking industry. Obviously what people that have experience already and didn't work out or people that kind of put their toe in people who have no experience have no idea to like 101 102 103. Like what's the level all the above? Okay, all the above everything you just said just now is Mike. It's out somebody who knows nothing about Trucking, you know has some funds they're trying to invest I don't necessarily want to drive when it created a passive income situation. It's for that client. It's for the purpose for the client who was already in business, but they're not Mom reaching their full potential. They're not making what they feel like, they should be making a certain things that they need to tighten up on its for them as well. Okay. So like as far as putting together the online course, right? How do you do that? Like you made the video and then you have the slides? It's like you did that yourself or you work with somebody. Yeah, me and Vitesse man. You know, my thing is this and this is what I feel about my life overall. I don't have a saint nothing that I do in life. So I was like I'm going to do this it got to be done. Right? Right. So I created all the content and I had shot that will chop the Candyman they flow from Michigan. It's actually the people who do the videos for etn of was whole camera crew came to my office and they feel me spent three days with me and I just recorded all Content right but he's did all the PDFs structured it real clear real digestible and we uploaded it into brief University and the platform that we use is probably the best platform out there as far as online trainings the same platform the Daymond John Tony Robbins, you know all the short ten guys use right? So it's very important for me is that it's called light speed by Spirit. Yeah. It's called Lightspeed. Yep, and I invested a lot of money into creating it to make it look like the way it looks it's not it's not a small ticket item on the course. It's 2,000 right? You have two packages. We have a 90-day package that gives them access all the courses for 90 days because it shouldn't take you more than three months to get up and running if you serious and then we have our monthly Mastermind package that gives you everything in the first package all the courses, but this one adds our Mastermind calls. So every other Tuesday, I'm hopping on the line with what our members on Zoom. It's a video chat and we discuss different topics and truck and you know we discussed. It's filling in all the gaps of the course. So it's a 62 a 90-minute call and we're discussing. I'm doing a presentation of the actual topic. So one week we talked about Truck financing second week. We talked about insurance options another week. We talked about finding and keeping good drivers. I remember that call we had actual real drivers on the line giving Insight on what made them apply for a job. Right? What made them want to stay with? The company will make them leave a company right? Just given future Fleet owners insight to um better owners from the drivers, right? So right now there's about 27 calls that we've done so far this 27 hours worth of calls that people who sign up today on the portal will be able to go back and listen to me and they'll also be able to join us live on our on our upcoming call to create more content more content more constantly. How many people are on these calls average is anywhere from like eighty to a hundred people right now? Okay, I'm saying and everybody didn't sign up for the monthly. We got some people that just got the 90 days. And the thing about it is you could actually sign up for the 90 day. And then on day 89 you can upgrade into the Mastermind and then pay $1.99 a month and it's no contract you can cancel at any time. And yeah, it's pretty it's pretty dope man. So what's your vision is far as where you want to take it as far as your personal brand business and also the education you want to continue to grow both or you're going to focus on education and not really a personal. What do you think? I'm only above man at the end of the day. I want this portal. This portal will be it is the Holy Bible man at the transportation industry meaning that we've covered everything from A to Z every if you're trying to come into this industry, you must go through this portal and get educated because it's education before compensation educational for conversation. That's a fact that's a fact people try to skip steps and not properly educate themselves and life and that's when you make mistakes because you just jumping out and that's one of the reasons why we started this podcast is we felt like, you know, a lot of times especially in our community. We don't we don't have mentorships. We don't we're not properly The educator that's why you make a lot of mistakes. Right? And you just kind of just how you made a mistake. When you first started you didn't you didn't have a mentorship. You didn't know what you was doing. I wish it was a portal back in 2012. It makes it a lot easier and a lot of times people skim on important thing. So they'll spend money on items that they don't need quite the items that they actually do need then they're cheap on so education is something that you should never Be cheap about absolutely and you never apologized for using our talents and our platform to educate people and to get compensated for that that colleges do all the time and there's no backlash with that you go to Harvard. You're going to pay $300,000 over the course of four years, but you're getting properly educated and you'll be able to be an investment banker your program you you pay but you're going to be educated on to trucking industry. So there's no save you time and this will save you money. And you know, I brought what he even one of my clients off first loads. They just ran a couple weeks ago, you know, his first love was for Wisconsin and Massachusetts. It was a $2,800 load after he paid his driver his expenses. He damn near made when he spent on my portal his first load gotta go but now but this Porter was teaching you guys how to fish. I'm teaching you how to book loads will teach you how to make money for the rest of your life. What's $2,000 and learn something that's going Show you how to make money forever. It's fun. You know I'm saying you're not like you said you're not you're not selling them how to do just telling them you're in the states right? Like hold it. That's hopefully you have to go through it you paying for my mistakes, right? If you if you take my class and you avoid making something that will cause you to lose five six thousand dollars, you're ready major investment back all my resources. Everybody not do business with that runs my fleet from our dealerships where I get my trailers for my insurance companies my factory companies. I've literally turned over all my resources to my My students are no portals. Now. You ain't got to Google nobody everybody that you need to run your company. I've given you the direct phone numbers on the portal. All you got to do is follow the blueprint One-Stop shop. Let me say this. I am not the most richest Fleet honor. I'm not the biggest trucking company out here, right but the companies that are bigger than me and richer than me then I sharing a blueprint that's the difference. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. That was one of the things I we mentioned this before the Maverick Carter. Was saying like when people become successful, the number one thing they want to do is tell you how they have become successful and that's exactly what you're doing. Right? So like some people say like, yeah, we need a mentor and that's the vital you're like you can have a mentor but I'm telling you right here. This is it you should be doing this because I made those mistakes already. Absolutely that I get that question a lot like yo, why you do you feel like you creating competition? All right, like he showed people the sauce like is it possible to create competition? I said, well Tom, like you'll never be able to get on the highway. I see 18-wheeler exactly. He probably just also a shot on him. Shout out to my man. Fernando lord of the slums legendary real estate investing guys are Legend and he came on our podcast and he said he gave his whole blueprint and he's not even selling anything and he said he was like Michael Jordan show you how to play basketball. He still Michael Jordan Tiger Woods can show you how to swing it doesn't he still tiger words like, you know say like people have the misconception sometimes that if I educate somebody that takes away I'm still going to get money with yes, yes because you get my is enough for everybody to eat and I can't say I've been hundred billion, you know get a hundred shots and it still won't affect my body and I'm saying something definitely helps me, you know show people because I don't lose anything from that, you know saying and I just realized that it happens organically that it just came to the point was like, you know what your God is this what you want me to do like I'm a listen so I'm going to obey you like I found my purpose and that's why I don't like work for me no more because like when you operate in your purpose It's like work no more man. You know I'm saying like I realized like oh, this is what I'm here from here to know how to communicate. I know how to how to reach the people right? I was I was able to empty my in my brain into this portal. That's my purpose like when people say what's your biggest accomplishment getting the testimonials from people as I go? Look I was able to provide a second source of income for my family. I was able to quit my job and and take care of my newborn now because my I don't have a CDL my job was out there, too. Generating income right now because of the information that I got from you. That's my biggest accomplishment to date not got a bunch of those stop learning your life up with bills and start lining your life up with purpose. So that's my man Derek. Fuck another gym buddy drop. It's real it's real. So thank you for joining us. How can the people contact you how can they get information on everything that you got going on social media and all that? Absolutely man. A website is good energy That's good energy If we trying to book a truck hit the truck and tab, if you're trying to you know, we also got a dispatch servers you talk about multiple streams. I was able to diversify within my own industry. Not only do I have the trucking company also have a dispatch service when we actually book loads for our clients. Right? And then we also have the consultation so you can hit the logistics tab if you got a trucking company already and you want to you know, you know, you want somebody to book the lowest for you so you can kind of be a little bit more passive and if you are interested in our digital training portal click the Consultant tab everything is right there all information. You can sign up right there and look my Instagram is Alex underscore good energy. And Alex is a l IX. Naughty x a l IX underscore good energy and look at this something for y'all man. I appreciate y'all invited me on here. So what I want to do on you know for your followers, I'm anybody that wants to sign up for this portal. I got a coupon code for y'all man and poreless mm. You guys are safe $299 if you enter the coupon code. Yl 2 9 9 e yl for earn your leisure then it is he why L 299 you'll save two hundred and $99. Just put that in the coupon code. Yeah. Thank you. You can thank us later. Thanks Troy. Yes out everybody on as patreon backslash and your leisure are proud to pay program. Like we said we have five kids. We got some new members every week. It seems like we get a new members but big shout out to David he join at tier 5, so we're gonna be in contact with him and Courtney as Well, so shout out to you too for joining again as backslash and your leisure feel free to join at any till you like we got bonus footage there. We got some outtakes that are pretty entertaining. So shout out to everybody that's on there now and I'll merge shout out to I'm everybody that's purchased emerge assets of a liability shirt or the podcast shirt art or shirts that are out there continue to support so we can do more things like this. We can travel to Atlanta we can travel to Houston we could travel to Philly and DC and spread the word of financial literacy. Yeah, shout out to land. And once again, it's like a second home for so, you know, we'd be out here. We will be back out here very soon. And don't forget to go to our events tab on our website and our very first Workshop, which is dedicated to first time Real Estate Investors, first time Real Estate Investors, everything. You need to know about financing hard money loans all that stuff and also will be with me in a few other cities. We got you got DMV, we got Philly and a few other places that we got hit before the end of the year. So thank you guys for rocking with us. Oh, yes. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, what will you buy my book tip of the week? Almost forgot? My book tip of the week is a classic is called How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is great. Great book. I read it like three times business is all about relationships life is all about relationships. So that's that's a key book with a lot of gyms. But you had you had something you wanted to leave it what I just want to end the interview with my life phrase man. Don't hope decide you no longer. Hope we decide and we execute man. That's it. Is there you have it then you guys are rocking with us. We'll catch you next week pieces.
The trucking business is a $700 billion industry. Most people have no idea how lucrative it is. Anyone can become an entrepreneur in the industry with proper knowledge. You do not need to be a driver or even know how to drive a tractor-trailer. Alix Burton is the epitome of resilience. He started in the trucking industry in 2012 with no experience or mentor. He purchased a box truck and hit the ground running. After a year he shut his business down because his expenses became too much for him to keep up with. In 2015 he relaunched his business, this time he focused on 18 wheelers instead of box trucks. His past failure helped propel him to massive success. He now has a booming operation with 11 trucks on the road and monthly revenue totaling over $100,000. Along with running the trucking business Alix now teaches others how to become successful in the industry. He has partnered with Eric Thomas (The Hip Hop Preacher) to provide an educational platform for people interested in the business. In episode 39 Alix broke down the trucking industry, he explained the ins and outs and provided a blueprint for success, he also detailed his personal journey of business highs and lows. His story is a motivational tail that anyone can learn from. Guest IG: @alix_goodenergy Book Tip: How to Win Friends and Influence People --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Hello everyone. Welcome back to astrology Now podcast. My name is Christine Rodriguez. And this segment is all about Jupiter and what Jupiter represents in your birth chart if you'd like to calculate your birth chart, you can go to my website inner knowing dot Tioga click on chart generate your individual birth chart and see which House Jupiter is in which sign that's in ETC. Please keep in mind. I am a Vedic sidereal astrologer. And if you'd like to learn more about the difference between Western andAstrology, there is a wealth of information on the internet. So Jupiter is the great benefic. It's known for being one of the most optimistic planets and most prosperous planets in Vedic astrology. Jupiter represents abundance wealth optimism expands, whatever house it's in Jupiter also represents the spiritual path our devotion to a higher power. Our it represents belief systems and tradition now Jupiter also represents higher education and philosophy. And so anyone who's interested in pursuing a higher education like becoming a doctor or a lawyer a philosopher. That's pretty strong Jupiter Ian energy Jupiter Ian energy can also manifest as somebody being a spiritual leader or a preacher a guru. Okay. Jupiter also represents a husband in a cisgender woman's chart and so cisgender woman is a woman who it was born a female. She identifies as female and she's attracted to men and so Jupiter will give an indication into what type of men a woman is going to be attracted to so Jupiter is in the sign of Leo you may be attracted to leonine men if Jupiter is in the sign of Aquarius. You may be attracted to Aquarius like men. And so it represents your husband and it can also represent children. It can show how many children you may have or how much happiness you'll get from children. Jupiter is our philosophy. Jupiter represents wanting to seek the truth. There is a lot of Truth seeking honesty virtues and ethics attached to Jupiter Jupiter also represents generosity. And so as soon as Jupiter comes into contact with something or learn something or finds any truth an article of literature, it's immediately going to want to share that information when Jupiter comes into the sign of Cancer it's exalted. So we take this Warm generous philosophical virtue is planet and put it into the sign of Cancer which is sweet and generous and nurturing. It's naturally going to be exalted. It gives information away for free without expecting anything in return. Now when Jupiter comes into the sign of Capricorn it's debilitated Capricorn tends to want to reap the benefits right Capricorn is pretty practical. It does things in a structured way it if it's going to Do something expect something in return and so in Jupiter comes into Capricorn. It is technically debilitated Jupiter is in its own sign when it's in the sign of Pisces or Sagittarius. So it rules the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces giving them that strong philosophical religious spiritual energy that Jupiter does Jupiter does represent Good Karma. And so wherever Jupiter is in your chart, whatever you did in a past life Jupiter is bringing in benefits for you in that area of life in this life. And so if Jupiter is in the second house, maybe you're lucky this life financially if Jupiter is in the 9th house. Maybe you're lucky in this life for good teachers and gurus if you have Jupiter in the 7th house, maybe your Lucky in this life when it comes to relationships. This is how Jupiter can act if you have a very damaged Jupiter or a malefic Jupiter then it may not play out as well. You want to look at the chart holistically now, we do talk about the idea of dibala which means directional strength and that means whichever house the planet is in each planet likes being in different directions more or less. And so when Jupiter comes into the first house, I love as being in the first house, which is the Eastern Horizon, obviously Jupiter's this expansive spiritual planet is going to want to go to the east which is like this holy Direction and so when Jupiter comes into the first house it receives full directional strength full dig Bala and so it's going to take a lot to make that Jupiter malefic, but just because a planet is strong doesn't always mean it's going to be a good thing, but I'll go ahead and say it's going to be pretty Difficult to make that Jupiter malefic. Okay. Generally, I think Jupiter in the first house will do pretty well. in medical astrology Jupiter represents the liver the gallbladder the spleen and also represents fat because Jupiter is expansive it grows things that makes things bigger and so Jupiter does represent bigger bodies and fat and ayurveda Jupiter is associated with Cuppa, which is that heavy nurturing loyal sweet Dosha because there Butter Pitta kapha Dosha in ayurveda, and so Jupiter is cava. Jupiter is also associated with mantras and scriptures. And so there is so much around again spiritual beliefs and virtues here. Now there is a dark side to Jupiter Jupiter can be rather extreme. And so it's this truth-seeking planet. It wants to know the truth that wants to connect spiritually if Jupiter is out of balance. It can find a truth attach itself to a single truth and then it can become discriminating of others intolerant and radical in its belief systems. A strong healthy happy Jupiter is going to show someone who is optimistic and generous. They take their life lessons anything they experienced in life. They're going to take their life lessons and turn it into a lesson for others. So they experience their life. They contemplate how it's a lesson. They view it with optimism and then they share it with others those with a weaker Jupiter are Going to be a little bit more rigid there going to be a little bit less optimistic and they may be a little bit more of a victim to their life circumstances that can be seen as well with Jupiter. And so some folks that I was thinking about with strong Jupiter Ian energy Ram Dass has Jupiter in his first house and so he has this beautiful Jupiter in the first house. It's full dig Bala with directional strength. And he identified as a teacher everything he learned he shared throughout his life. He felt compelled to teach even if he wasn't getting anything back and now Jupiter has the special aspects of five seven and nine most planets have just the seven aspect of few planets have special aspects. So Jupiter aspects the house has 5 7 & 9th from Elf and so Jupiter being dig Bala in the first house. It also aspects the fifth House of creativity and education. It aspects the seventh House of relationship and business partners and aspects the ninth House of far-distant travel and teachers and so ramdas did he was lucky in his creativity. He created all of these books also achieved a very high education. He had luck in his relationships and business partners. And of course he had luck and encountering incredible spiritual gurus and traveling abroad. And so this is how Jupiter can begin acting other people who have strong Jupiter Ian energy is sadhguru one of my personal favorites. His moon is in the sign of Sagittarius and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and then of course Mother Teresa was a Sagittarius Rising. And Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. And so Jupiter was key players and all of these peoples charts and they're all religious influencers and natural teachers. Now, of course, not everyone with a strong Jupiter is going to be a religious teacher. They can also appear as philosophers lawyers people interested in the legal system. Again, there's that deep Drive of virtue and ethics behind Jupiter. And of course watching out making sure it doesn't get too extreme is important as well. And so again Jupiter is the guru. It's the guru of all the planets it represents wealth and spirituality philosophy the spiritual path virtues and ethics and a husband and a cisgender woman's chart. And so I hope that this was helpful if you want to get a reading with me. And learn more about where do you better is in your chart? Maybe how its influencing you you can email me at astrology Now podcast at You can visit my website inner knowing dot yoga, please follow my Instagram for astrology now astrology now underscore podcast and on Twitter astrology now underscore. Again, my name is Christine Rodriguez. This is astrology now. Thank you so much.
Jupiter is the great benefic. Wherever Jupiter lies it generally brings prosperity, growth, expansion, good fortune, spirituality, and knowledge. Jupiter represents good karma, generosity, philosophy, faith based practices, preaching, and tradition. Jupiter represents and the type of teachers that we are drawn to, as well as the type of information that we like to spread. It is indicative of our natural inclination to teach others. It is also the indicator of  a husband in a cisgender woman's chart. Jupiter can also represent over indulgence! Wherever Jupiter lies, it can expand the qualities and characteristics of that house and the sign it's in. Jupiter rules over the liver, gull bladder, thighs, knees, spleen, ears, and fat... be wary of sweets! Those with a strong Jupiter may find themselves keeping higher learning and philosophy close to their hearts. They love to constantly learn and to immediately teach what they've learned to others. Those with a weak Jupiter may find themselves running out of luck, experiencing melancholy, keeping information to themselves, and turned off by organized religion/spirituality. For more please email me at [email protected], visit my website, or follow our instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Welcome to my life because it is supplied episode 285. We are in the beginning of the month of kislev and this week. We'll be test Kozlov. Coming Shabbos, which is both the birthday and the yard sides of the mitla debit. It's also Shabbos pastors v8c. So as is our custom following the guidelines of the debit that I'm paying to live with the times to open up with discussing these significant dates and period in time and of course all in the spirit of the supplied applying it to our lives to our personal lives. So we'll start the start with test Kiss Live being that the the second Chabad Ribbit the middle of rubber the son of the alter rebbe as a as that are bane of said that there are beim are all structured around this fetus with the Baal Shem Tov and the maggot being casted attic and Erik all today. But hakama the Midler abena somewhat static - and that we heard the rumor a said that and then the later IBM said that the red mirages and that's our that ever Russia by the physical abuse in the Levant be Malthus. There are three wide skips classes Gerty Farish. I never saw a direct source, but it could be the reason is because I conduct business as well. The Nets are hey, you said it says in places and cities is the implementation of the practical application of the three meters of Hazzard Guru Tavares. So naturally, this is more connected to bring Too pale. So perhaps that's why it's not counted instead. It's not so crazy. Say if anyone has any sources about that, please share it and I will share it with the public. So Midler Deb is being there. Being of course is identified as anyone who's learned a little citizen knows how to cover expansion. so of costume is than the Cuda is a point is the conception just a mere concentrated point being is the expansion and comprehension of that and development of that spark Sabina the middle area, but we see that exactly that that it took the kudus relatively they were compared to before the altar lab especially before petalburg City before you test Kiss Live they were really short but even relatively affluent The words that the middle of ebba one page of the middle of the alter rebbe could be ten Pages by the middle of the herb both in the her knockers that he wrote that he heard from the altar debe are more expanded still based. Of course on the Altar debe and when you compare it to other Anarchist other people who wrote down with altered ever said and definitely the damn it let himself is on my modern are literally as I said expansive Davis are not so since explains the difference between a Mayan and are not a mine is a spring the Springs of water that are usually under the ground. They are what we call mindcrime there live water. So on one hand, they're very intense, but they'll come out very very concentrated form drop drop tipping tipping us as is brought in halacha and exodus drop drop behaviors are not on the other hand the river which is not a source a Rivers already has a source of water that's running into the river that's feeding the river but the river expands that those drops into becoming a very I'd and a more expansive flow. So that's what being a Dustin Hoffman. It takes the cart the concentrated that point and expands it in a way that we can fully understand it in simple English. There's the concept of stone conceiving of an idea. There are people who know how to develop that idea to the point that you can execute it. You can bring it into implementation execution. Because as long as it remains just a spark. It's very difficult has to be fleshed out. So you really need both and that's where the expression is used today. They in the lamest passion Hoffman be not like two friends that cannot be separated. They both need each other. Come of course is a spark which feeds been and being as the development that takes the the codes that spark and that concentrated point and develops it in a way that we can use it because understand we could integrate it and internalize that's what you see in the Lit up his classes. And in addition to that you see the middle it ever was actually a publisher even though the ultra ever published Tanya but besides the answer for another customer Theta but besides that the rest of the my mother will not publish in the time they'll deliver the Deborah the middle of them another hand actually composed books. I can mention I mentioned most many of them are mentioned. Of course, we know Traders crime, you know, the seed that him doc. We gathered all the alternative is my modern on siddur Beauty has their did the same thing out of his mouth more a man's a an organized way. We have swollen like Sharee era which is a Hanukkah chartreux. Bashara Moonshiner Munna, which is on pesach. We have Sade Sade you could which is Anastasia stylist share his Palace. Countryside special session see and many others that is that a crime. That's a Nevada truth Xiao. Nian Kippur is bad kadish which is which is a letter that he wrote to the Czar the time there's a Terrace race, which is about Russia's on Yom, Kippur so books. These books were all published by the middle of their but with a title with an introduction you can say publishing is a form of beaner and interesting many of them are called shot. What shot a gate by hug me you say lawmen business. It was Karma the 32 Paths of Hoffman and the sea was more of a narrow path. But you say by be know, what do you say commission Xiao de banana 50 Gates of understanding because the gate is a much wider Corridor a gate into something. So it's all consistent with the myth the rebels contribution. And we see as the devil says a number of systems that track of the middle of the best times are fossa the spreading and the dissemination of cities expanded far far more than it was before that. Obviously. It's all relative and levels because just like being is an expansion of hokhmah. So to see this was expanded by the middle debit not just income was not just in quantity, but also in quality in reaching like a river reaches like a gate reaches far far more audiences. Quantitatively and qualitatively this also connects it to Viator in the city until she remembered Zion connected to the McClure debited ever says by Yeats a was very 878 a Yakima British Eva base Eva is the Chevron seven meters of a silicon, whereby yellow Carano by Yeats a the it's easier from one higher level to a lower level begins with the in Syria from Kaufman to Ben. Very fascinating footnotes and that's it creates a tough. Sometimes. I wear it connects the two so yes. Mr. Karan is more from isil has to be our to some the Divine unified world of vision of a Tillis in to be really serious error, which is really the beginnings of creation and the conclusion of creation. Whereas we're in that still everything begins in a subtle level and higher levels. Where's that that Journey Begins it begins with very HCI Kiev you think of yeah, you heard of karma. Into Bina and from being a then it goes into me this and for me this it goes further down. So Hoffmans have been is also a form of I ate say now. Why do you need to buy eight? Say why not just stay so-called in your urine your own entity in your own domain because the going out is actually expands and it enriches and deepens the experience. So being in riches and deepens the experience of hot at the same time. It needs to always be connected to her. And so the lesson is very clear to all of us, which is in learning. First of all, very basically when you learn something to learn it, not just points and highlights and bullet points and just the Russia proc him. This is a short summary but actually to learn it in reverse on our with expansion of being obviously everybody in there in the right time with the time allowed to them, but there's a certain dish moccasin pleasure and joy that you have when your rooms us learn it quickly, but Actually expand on it and you read it in all detail. And so on members are Barkin you Shivan 770 Friday night, which was the winter nights in New York are short on Shabbos begins release you have many hours until you can make Kiddush in general is for bottling. It was all night. And I remember one of the most being telling us the most cash marketing do is take a minor from the middle a debit Terrace Haim Parts evaluates a or before that tailed us and learn it because you have the time and it's like an expanse of my Marine you just immerse yourself in a See in a river I should say in a river of cities as known with the dammit 11 General that from influx. It has its Mr. Sadýk his son-in-law and nephew said about the middle idea that if you cut him wouldn't be glad that would come out of his veins would be Exodus. Few other stories Justin's talking about test case live, which is both the birthday and the yard site of the mid-level. The only rabbit with the birthday and the outside come out the same day. Like my should I buy a new which the model talks about slain was a complete them amounts and they say Ami Ami a meaning. That's a dick him even though not by many most but there are those where you have complete year meaning the conclusion of their life in this world concludes the same day when it began little herb is one of them. So just a few more things. Midland Avenue as you drive through this road so quickly and he was so immersed in it that when he came to the bottom line of the pages of the bacons is writing with quill and ink someone had to move the next page because he would read on to the front of the desk and I actually saw this with my own eyes working. The rub is Library years ago. When I worked in said for the Quantum of some exotic we were instructed by the rabbit to compare the some Exotics my mom that would then they were then arriving in the library from Warsaw. Original manuscript, so we're comparing some comparing. I looked at some of the middle adapt as writing and you can sexually see you can see the bottom of the pages. I like half lines. And they say it was still wet. The top of the page was still wet. When he got to the bottom. That was his flow that opened in a vsi, making the flow of intelligence the flow of intellect in his writing the never once said to devolve to shake off some olives. One of the only time that I've actually used his hands that we could see and it's a bit is a video of it that ever said that each of them had his invaded the alpha debit Hawkman. She said I'll to their be his despite. This was very revealed. You could see it in a very palpable way and I'm a little out there but sometimes say my man would do this' greates greatest Pilots his excitement. He was sometimes roll on the floor to the point that I pinches raises one of the writers the money from crazy money him would go down in the floor to hear them. I'll tell them and we have actually my mother will you see that that that because he didn't hear every word the middle of on the other hand you did not see that his spouse and he David and he stood in one place. He didn't see movement. the rebel similar However, the episode those that notice closely than ever said that the different type of couple strands that were warned. There was a flat shtreimel yarmulke that was flat on top of this time on there was a spit sucker meaning with a point. Sometimes it seems it's some exotic images. You can see a point like the cup with the yarmulke on top of this time Liz pointed upward so that ever said the middle ever had appointed one and there are made like this with his hands appointed one. And if you look closely when he died, I haven't you could see in the Rubbermaid like this that the You see powder, which men Vapor steam out of his great Passion, but it was more internal would come out to the point you so steam come out there ever made like this spillover from the point of the triangle that he was wearing. So spineless more Panini's doesn't mean less passion. It just means a different form just a few nice anecdotes that relate of course to this concept. I've always wondered why Hoffman would be These Pilots golly more revealed Huffman would seem to be more concentrated and more concealed and being a should be more spice more expanded. So it's a question. I've always had I don't have an answer to it. If anybody would like to weigh in on that love to hear what you have to say, but regardless we know this from the table a name these facts and many many more about them. So test kits are being the birthday in your outside. We honor and we celebrate all that I'll beim are actually won one more word. But each one has their one luminary. But but as the never said actually on the Shabbos passers-by, ait's a test or youth case live tough Chanute the first year that that's why doesn't say shall shallow some oil on the sharp lot on the cover page of this volume of the lab image social Soviet there. We said I was asked why Charles shows that I've been Myron Moyer there a luminary their source of life. Not just a light not just are not just a reflection of the source episode because in nam oil and stalkerish Alice in a mire. There's no Hierarchy, there's no chain there because all that I've been bad. Some are one more but the Earth each one gives off a rock may have been docile. So really this all one but each one has their unique style and approach that we can learn from and the first lesson is I searched along see this with Ben and to looks it is Bischoff in the middle. A rabbit said he wished upon himself that's considered him was standing on the corner and be talking about that Salient and asked our hoodie lawyer who d'etat different versions. So fulfill the birthday yards have the mid-level. What better way is to have a V8 say going out of our own Comfort zones going out of our own Inner Space and going into spreading and speaking of cities with friends with others making it a common discussion. Not just a unique novelty but something that is so common. That is something that's unlike that we are comes regular language and part of our daily routines not necessary that in a negative way in a positive way that it's so poor. Part of us like the blood of the mid-level that was considers that this shoe should be some natural tested oxidants when you meet someone share a thought of citizens initiative our talks. This is a story of sedition Egan but something that's it is living with see this in that way that the be enough cities of the middle 11/8. See there are obviously many other lessons, which our cross reference to episodes 44 91, 4189 235 these our previous episodes for those that not real familiar. Of this long stands ready six years over six years that we're doing. My life is supplied were an episode 285 and we have actually created a special because of the demand and the popularity. We created a special website called City where you can find this this episode every live episode. Is that after the broadcast there as well as a many other platforms so many that are out there and social media and now we have a WhatsApp group you can subscribe to and receive the actual stream of the the audio actually in WhatsApp as well as the archives of all the previous ones so I cross reference because the fact is we talk about these topics more than once it's time I try to choose another angle but still like the complemented by cross-referencing two previous episodes and you can also find all the full array of resources there of appliances including a running summary and explanation of some evolve and I invade and more and more to come of course and of course your contribution the essays the thousands of s is that have been submitted over the last five years applying see this to a contemporary issue and we hope to expand these resources because that is essentially the lifeblood and the essence of our mission as Michelle told about shampoo of your foot so many Surah Hood so you do that when you'll spread the Wellsprings, you'll disseminate distribute them to the widest outskirts of the world. Then I will come a shareholder come so this is arm standing mission. So therefore hopefully more and more resources. If you have ideas thoughts you'd like to contribute in any way whether with ideas or with practical helping and volunteering or obviously financial support. Please don't hesitate not only don't hesitate I encourage you to do so because this is our core Mission and we're working on different projects adapting these programs are trying to turn it into we're going to turn it into a series of like an encyclopedia book that will be organized by topic. Take all the 285 episodes and all the episodes and organize it and we have other projects as well working with schools and curriculum as well as the contest that we do every year and we're trying we're expanding that is in Hebrew and in Russian, which we began last year and the sky's the limit frankly because we still have plenty of work to do to infiltrate the mainstream with cities and show how it's a blueprint for life that can address every personal psychological emotional spiritual. Religious issue in our relationship with ourselves with each other with god with the Toyota. So that is a small stepping back a little overview of what we do and with that. I want to go to few questions that came in somehow connected to this week's posture. So it's perfect. So one. What is the connection between the rods Jacob took to breed the flax and film? Here's how one of the right one of the questioners puts it. Yeah, I could have any painting lines on cattle. What is the source that says when yaakov been painted lines on cattle. He was also accomplishing drawing down the same spiritual energy that can be done by putting on tefillin if someone finds themselves in a place and doesn't have to fill and can he paint lines on Capitol instead? I'm always taken by the questions the creative original original thinking here. So first of all, let me just correct. I read the question as it was written magic of didn't paint lines on Capitol. The posix says in this week's chapter when yaakov begins building his family and he's working for Love on. So he tended to his flocks dish to sheep his livestock to his goats and Cetera when yaakov was asked by Alvin, how do you want me to pay you? This is pay me with a sheep. I will and it's all got a whole elaborate discussion. I yaakov says I will breathe the sheep and certain sheep the speckled ones and the brown ones will be go to me and the rest will go to you and they've come to that agreement and its elaborate Lafayette has relatively its elaborate story of yaakov tending to the sheep and then comes it's like strange episode narrative that yaakov goes and he says he takes rods moist rods. And he says that what of almond and and different forms of rods and he strips them that you see the white of the rods and he placed them in the in the gutters of the trolls with sheep and the livestock drink from and that caused them when they bred that they would shape that based on what they saw. That's how it's usually explained that it affected. What type of sheep what type of the whether it be spotted or Chuckles or striped such a could dim the could improve them is the expression or sometimes till I three different types of sheep three different types of flax. And so when you read it ostensibly like why why is it relevant to us to know comes as they are? So he didn't paint lines, we cause that it caused the cattle to actually breathe differently and look differently. So the comes Isaiah. This is where volume 1 162 a also 161 but especially Sicily Tater which refers to the film and reads and explains that length the the meaning the spiritual meaning behind all this activities that the act of did among the things that he says there is Is the film that there's a form of being mom shocked film. Obviously, it's not physical film but the rods he compares to finish up but Josh some say it's like the parchment the gutters in which he put the rods are like the but a bottom the boxes up in which in which the processor was laid, then it's connected to the truest the straps. So the xia connects it to the film. That's the source. It's explained in a number of places in Taylor 80 mentions it in this week's chapter 23 C. But in a detainer to a page is 757 and on explains that more at length and explains actually this difference that what's the difference in film by the way Yakov did it and the way their office in general perform Mitzvahs then the way it's done after Matt and Tara. Six planes that the way they're always did it in a component that film of the Marcus is not in the physical object and change anything. He was mom. She had the power because he was a merkava was connected to God. He had the power of the governor had the power to draw down the energies that are similar to the film and the mock lives are like a symbolic way of doing so my they'd achieved the actually Infuse the physical world and this case parchment and the boxes and the straps as it is with every other physical thing that the physical objects actually became quite a show in addition to drawing down the energy spiritually and actually permeated and was became manifest in the physical reality of film and that's why the makalah's don't have any condition it and fill in those have Holiness in it. So you can read in pasture to a so know if a person does not have feeling he cannot take rods and do what Yakov did absolutely no connection to it. If perhaps if someone on the level of yaakov, even then I would say after Martin Taylor yaakov would be putting on physical film like that are being detected. Make sure I painted it like everyone does if you could draw down in other ways this and that's a discussion in general whether you could draw down the spiritual energies without doing the mitzvot physically the way the Taylor says it one could argue. No once the mat and tater was conveying. Designated that this is the way to draw down. Let's say the dollars Makin the four levels of intellect, which is gonna be in a dozen that splits into Heston wouldn't into two parts. Then you can do it. Any other way Shabbos is through shops before Martin Taylor because the physical world was yet, not yet Kaylee container for these spiritual energies. There are other ways that the others did it spiritually as we say except bris and the few exceptions over they actually did it in a physical way in the physical flesh. I will also add there's a mime of Iuka Michael vehicle Mark of a ukulele marker you Carlo Markel, which is the posture compulsive. Eh, there's a moment of creation has from the lab rishabh and hopefully static test from the physical lab, which is based on the top fraction class. It's interesting the topics I Testament concludes big part of the my mother which continues in IRS is not the inside a test. I was wondering whether it was a deliberate or maybe something missing. I'll just say it's deliberate because it does conclude the minor but then I attest it's longer there. It does not bring Fillin. He generally brings him. He brings some desire inside says he says that there's a is might elaborates on this story with the sheep and with the rods and the gutters and so on and he says there that the could of the zayat is that he took that when he took the rods through elements in the rods. He took moisturize with moist, which is hasn't then he took Arroz with different colors, which is good. And then the third dimension was to fetes Yakov is the fattest drawing down from the highest levels to the lowest levels of transforming this world. She doesn't mention fill in there, but it does mention and discuss that so it's an interesting moment to learn its unique mind and I did not have the chance to see that I'm Irish as a mime and there's two and some exotic does that my modern irritated and partially by I'd say that is same as the basis of some of those points, but those men Some elaborate on it. One more thing. I would add something. I may have discussed in other episodes. Maybe not that there's also elaborate discussion Kabbalah and thus in my mom and sisters on the add some onion of the the mayor the core tending to the flocks and it's connection to Yahoo. The beautiful Syria in Helix has evolved about saying why sheep and inhale a relic of the climate. Hey, we're talks about academic freedom. Including the eights. Heim says that says all this came to you from Love and explains that love and are living alien, which is colorless is the core color is the levels the highest levels of Kester. They were the highest levels of Ilocos events of drawdown I could dim the could have lived in which of course are the three General worlds of breathe the closet. So you see that the Clovis and I see the end and it's either the Clovis aniseed the close the macrocosmic world that cover all of a sudden Styles, but that's the song. Of an aside was just completing the picture here that a lot of this is discussed in a time. This is a shot. I could them in the beginning and see the sights it and that's it. Hello climate. Hey explains it that that this is all connected to the spiritual evader of what Yakko were doing south of the sheep and the flocks and the the rods and the and the gutters all end up being really cold language for higher spiritual things that all of us are capable of doing each and our own way, of course because we have the power that we get from yaakov to achieve exactly the same things. So with that let us move now to the next question also on this week's chat Parsha Why didn't yaakov Why didn't Jacob free bill on zilpah? Why didn't I can fill in the why does the Tara continue to refer to them as servants throughout one day holy people who modeled for of the SWAT team the tribes shouldn't they have received more respect a similar question. You can say about of ROM if I promise such a kind person. Why did he have slaves? It seems that it wasn't scared to take a position against the world of he felt it was the right thing. How could he have possibly believe that slavery was? Okay, especially if his having slaves was later used as a defense to enslave people. The same could be asked about the terra's endorsement of slavery. Okay. The passion was spotted and other places, but so first of all, let me refer you to episode 246. Two key points have to be made slavery as we understand it today the abhorrent for fashion of subjugating like the Egyptians did to the Jews and even the slavery of the black people in this country the United States or other forms of slavery is completely not related to the slavery that you find in homage. Did the expression first of all shift is a maidservant. If you have a cleaning lady today, we have someone helping you in the kitchen. So yes today many people do not live in this but if they live in and you pay them a salary you take care of their needs instead of a salary. So that's the exchange that's that's labor and work in this responsibilities that the person who's paying this servant has in how this person has to be was as to be respected and cared for and so on giving them food before you give yourself food. So I think there's a major stereotype and the myth of comparing slavery in the tailored to that the Taylor believes every human beings created the Divine image that everybody is so even though there was a time and the second point there was a time in history that there were people who did that was more common today. It's less common. So but today you still find people who are doorman chauffeurs people who work in homes and help. And it's not necessarily considered to be a inferior position. Okay abuse is never acceptable not today. Not then so I think it's important to establish that when you act of married Leia so lay ahead with her maidservant an assistant if you wish an executive assistant, if you called it that, you know, probably a different attitude her name was below and then Raquel came with zilpah. So the fact of the matter is and not only that they became wives of yaakov. So you see even more than that and that makes it even more like Almeria. There's no variable format and Tara. What's even more responsible? They became the mothers as you point out of the tribes. Where do you find any way? If you found a positive grid says that Jakob mistreated them, then we can talk about it and that would have been inappropriate just like in mistreating any human being so the fact that their role was a servant or what you call a shift car. It is very different than what most of us think of it today as a slave. I wouldn't even use that word. Now even that we know imposter mishpatim is a whole issue of a person cells themselves into slavery ourselves into servitude because they are made a either did a crime or they can't afford and there's rules even that God doesn't want because you should be a servant to God and not a servant to servants but nevertheless it's not as Draconian and not even at all Draconian that data is very clear guidelines. Now whether they freed them, it's not a question. They were not subjugated. They were not punished. They were not held on the in bars. They wouldn't they can move a lot about they moved about with yaakov. They moved about with avram. They were part of that taraj. So I'm not sure whether the word free is the right word. And even though yes, there are levels of ownership because a person committed themselves. Let's say to someone who says I'll be with you seven years. I'll be with you whatever amount of years there's a commitment but it's all illegal and it's all moral and ethical and their guidelines. Others of their obligations they have to each other. So that's the short answer to this question. Okay, fine next since last week was the king of socialism and we talked about in last week's episode 24. So there's some follow-up that came from that and I will just read the follow-up and address the issues. a few comments Inspired by the kid knows how can a businessman be more involved in Slickers? They can assess welcome is a very inspiring event the Consortium just for the record is international annual conference of emissaries and ambassadors of the River from all over the world that come together here in New York and Crown Heights and celebrate and have workshops and for bring together through the days usually from Wednesday Thursday through Sunday or Monday. So saying this is a very inspiring event. It almost makes me feel like I should participate you have any practical suggestions about how a working professional And or business person can be more involved in slickest even if they don't do it full time. Another person wrote the very similar question may be the same person, but I'll just read it. How can Ordinary People do Still The King has inspired many of us to really think about what we're doing to make the world a better place. Can you provide a few practices just about how Ordinary People can just releases even if it's not full time that's even says the same person. I wrote it fine two different versions of the same question. Absolutely the answer to that comes straight from the debit that ever made it very clear every neshama every soul that comes to Earth is Ashley. God's doesn't come here by accident. It's Ambassador an emissary sent on a mission to fulfill a unique mission that only you and you and only you can accomplish. So whether you're in business or your equal ordinary is no such thing as ordinary. Everybody has this looks then there are those that merited that 24/7 they became their whole job. Their whole work is being on a mission building a organization of school your Shiva spreading cities wherever they may be this is not Popularity contest I'm not comparing but everyone can learn lessons from this that each of us is actually of The Inspirations to lead us that wherever you go back to your workplace find ways to influence to inspire. Tim power to educate invite people to come to your home co-workers, even if you go to a doctor's office, even if you're going to a business meeting your job is not just to do the business but also deeper reason to bring light to bring spiritual inspiration Jewish person to Judaism and non-jewish person to the seven noahide laws. This as laws of civilization, we're all obligated to live up to what God expects and wants of us and each of us is a Have to do that. So all of us can do that the truth is it's full time, but it could take the form of person is also doing work. They can while they're working they can be doing that exactly, but it doesn't mean they can't be working it in and everybody in their own particular way using your talents and skills. You just have to feel and be compelled by that sense of urgency and sense of mission a mission Centric life. I would refer you to also episodes 88 143 and 208 where I discuss this more at length. Another question came up, which I always hesitate reading these questions because there's somewhat distasteful in a way but I promised and I committed not to censor anything unless something that's so offensive that just don't is not appropriate which hasn't happened very often just for the record, but even then I'll couch it or somewhat modify the the question but here I'll just read it because it's a reality and I know some people are going to complain to say why do you even have to bring this up? But I'm going to bring it up and please wait till I answer don't just listen to what the the questions. To kinnison. Thank you very much for all your classes. I really enjoy listening to them. I noticed that there's a Kinder such looking banquet in 770. I might say Shabbos at the same time as the regular kinases going on. I looked into it to see what it's about and realized. Because this is a letter from a past thing that the real bottom of Crown Heights have all participated in this canoes. As well as the rubber secretary and B Simpson all of us all can you please elaborate on the background of this kinis another person writes? Hello Robert Jacobson. I'm not a cross it. I'm curious to know why there are two different Slocum conferences. Thank you Rabbi. Well, I am not going to condone the two conferences. The lever is advocated. One thing at once think primarily out of this officer Sherman out of the session obviously saw under this law which especially applies to the Slocum. What the living example Slauson Slauson Khmer say what that out of this is, so to me the mere fact that there's two separate things that are competing but one is not completely aligned with other is not necessarily healthy and aligned with what the rebel would want people have different opinions. Absolutely Slocum can have different opinions. I mean you have thousands of she'll come come you think everyone is of the same thought but they offer bring together. So to me I would do everything possible to bring them together and find a way there should be one. Why you ask why there's two because unfortunately some people feel that they take their differences and they just can't seem to combine can join and reconcile themselves with others not pointing fingers. I'm not going to say who what but that's what I want to say. I'm not condoning it. I think it's part of not a proper thing. It should be all United and that's that on that topic. Okay. next question completely different unrelated Well, you know, everything is always related. Is there a point in learning something? I don't understand. I've been told some to so many times about the proper learning process of Hoffman Jena Das. So that one's learning is actually internalize and has the desired effect and I try to implement implement it when possible many times. I'll come across ideas of cities that seem totally Beyond me. My question is is it even within a person's research to understand such lofty Godly Concepts. Is there a point in learning something? I don't understand. Learning it's not really understanding that contradict with the whole idea of Chabad way of learning. How should I approach this from they come across very difficult topics in my more room or the like thank you in advance. Very good question. I once heard that the rubber someone before the Nazis before the rebels leadership for tough. She knew that is someone brought an individual to the debit and he has the lead but what should you begin learning activity so that episode Tania while back a while later. He came back to the debit. And then I said, how's it going see says he's learning if he doesn't understand anything. This is how I heard the rub and she says smiled. He says the first step is good because the mere fact that you don't understand is already a progress and the second thing that I ever said in this trust and Zayn Malik life and not understanding were all equal because this is the terrorism himself. So compared to the infinite different finite levels are all equally distant. The difference is in what we know some no little more something a little less. So let's start with that. I'd recommend it to me that it'll have a mini on the Toyota is a means of so a person could argue. What's the point? I'm never going to reach the Pinnacle anyway, so what's the point of learning a second question their people greater sages than me in my time before my time back to 10. I'm a mother and I'm never going to reach their level. They ready works hard and exerted themselves understand something. So what is the what's the point? The answer is this is really lies the heart of the whole Taylor McLeod and our relationship with God. Let's broaden the question. How could we even have a relationship with God God is a Creator Beyond infinite beyond the find Immortal Eternal every possible way antithetical to human being whose mortal. temporary we are fallible were vulnerable were needy everything possible. We're different. It's not just gold unbelievable finite and infinite. It's completely two different entities and yet God created the world and created us in the Divine image human being and gave us a tailor mistress assess my tailor made suits and when you do it, you do the 10-year learning my tailor, you're connecting to my mind you're connecting through my mistress has shaken the shuttle from its face of it Savannah. I've sanctify you through this Mitzvahs. So clearly we mortals can suddenly have a connection to something. That's beyond that itself is the power that God gave us so someone will say walk I could never connect. Anyway even moisture. I been he said I want to see God's face a then inoculate their co-religionists production. Show me your honor your glory and no man can live and see my face. So I'm going to see the God's face even back answer is yes, everybody in their own way created in the Divine image has a piece of God in them. Godliness, I should say and as a result, they have an ability to connect when we say inch ma but have to Sashay molecular Hall of of her butthole natural homemade era. So becau love of God with all your heart. You have to your heart may not be the same as someone else's heart. Another person's work their entire lives there. They're passionate heartfelt connection to God may be deeper than yours. But this isn't a popularity contest as I mentioned earlier. This isn't a race the whole nabhi chakra with your nephew. And then behold my dacha, that's the interesting one made that remains with all of your might. But all of you all now, you're my age color meaning beyond your regular capabilities is different than someone or someone else you going Beyond yourself for another person is not really going Beyond they have to go beyond themselves and next to the says it ha you go beyond yourself out of your comfort zone and then you receive a more Ada meaty the true weight that infinite mode because you did an act that is a kale. Lee for Infinity by going Beyond yourself explains in tiny of chapter 15 going out of your comfort zone out of your routine. So the point the matter is that the same God that is completely Beyond also manifested himself in things that we can relate to and when we relate to it, we're actually getting the part of godliness even the part that's beyond us. Even the part that we don't understand could add some I should take this mixture set the tables, but cool there when you get the core of something even you get a piece of You get all of it. You may not understand it may not be completely in your containers. But whatever you do you have within it the whole Essence the whole Essence now a lot more can be said about this is the whole beer mug siddhis, but coming back to the question here that when you learn one poster container and that's on your level. You understand it. Even if you don't understand all its depth and even if there's more to understand and maybe you'll never understand at all in that. Is concentrated the entire crew must have it has changed our college but a hole right there a complicated machine the potato everyone who sits and cater for Shannon potato reads and studies Tater because one who cater for Shana connect day. I'll call ye shavasana. So God comes everyone doesn't say only those that learn it the deepest way everyone commensurate can mime upon Him upon Him meaning they're like a flat face reflected in water. So to the heart is reflected another heart. So you make your effort and God responds. So to start measuring this is not a as I said a contest where you measure how far it was there to go you make your effort and habala time Italian a say you do a little about Melissa McCarthy shot smile Amato, even my at person sanctifies even a bit. They give them a lot more from above. So it says will soon talk about quid pro quo. There's a midi connected leader and it's the acos is the quality of your effort that matters more than the Commerce of how much you do because a person who doesn't make an effort. Because it's easy for them because they know it already in a way does not get the same response as someone who does less but they did it with their effort you guys Tim. It's RC cough Chalet your effort and it's a vital component because it's not about saying since I won't get there. Anyway, the end was the point of even begin that's not correct because by getting whatever you're able to get then you receive something from above and also in that which you doing you receive the whole picture and the only way to reach the levels as the city says the highest levels of the connecting to the Divine is by first connecting the things you're able to connect and then more comes in like we count the 49 days of the Omer and then the 50th day. We don't count that emerges after you count 49 so many other examples to this obtrusive little Tata brings us rooster de Laila and Awakening From Below initiates and generates Awakening from above then comes another Awakening from above that comes follows that and then comes even a higher one that you can't directly access, but it will emerge once you do. Work so interestingly you can do everything you work you get commensurate to that you receive a response, but then you receive even something greater because you created the environment you created a platform. Once the platform is there much more can happen think of the mishkan for us to make this research. Can t be safe from such lamella. Sir, my name is Ramesh manly how the heavens and the heavens of Heavens cannot contain you Africa bias as a this small structured is building can continue and God says yes, read it now not a question reads has been the who says an answer that even though the heavens and heaven and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain me. This small house can contain me because I am in placing myself. I'm inserting myself into this microcosm called the Michigan and each one of us is a microcosm of the Michigan in In the basement - and the Michigan which was a limited to find place you have the divine presence and that's the story of Our Lives make a deal of autonomy in your corner of the world. It's your small corner. It's not the 7 have 7.7 other billion people and there are everyone has different work. But in your corner you do what you have to do that Divine Finds Its place there. You create a home for it and you have all of the Divine now, obviously the more you do the more revealed it is but The Core Essence of it is there with you regardless and finally the conclude. I remember that everything is story out of pesach we go to those that are praying the first born here as she assumed in order to be able to eat because not because creative The Jews were saved. So personally essentially I probably array peasant comes with this little baby son to hear a see him because he was abhorrent son was apart. So one of the people there was more of scholarly says than what do you bring him? Does he understand in Russian and he says and you do understand in other words, you start talking about Taylor, even the biggest people understand the relative to what he could understand is all of us are equal. That's why simply stated we all dance together. Belts and children the terror is wrapped up because the essence of Terror everybody equalized but I'm speaking even in the learning you also get something and everyone according commensurate to what they'd done. Okay, but next question. I want to also refer you to episodes 2 or 2 to 15 and 246 somewhat that talk a bit more about this topic. Okay. Next question is I wanted to say so is it within reach to understand lot got a lofty Godly Concepts answer is absolutely because God allowed us to to do its first of all we have a soul that itself is Godly. So we already have inherent within us the ability and the sensitivity to Divine Concepts. And secondly, we were given the power to achieve it and that's why we're capable to do though everyone according to their level as I explained. And the more you refine yourself just like a child five years old will say hey, Don't understand at five years old. You understand what you understand that 10 more and you build upon it knowledge is accumulated by the time your age 4830 whatever the ages you can come to a point of understanding and reaching even what your teacher. Like who initiated the David Robinson in 40 years with a 40-year being 40 years old or 40 years from when you heard the idea from your teacher, that means your Kaylee might become so refined your mind that now you can contain a lot more. So it's always a process of growth okay with that. Let me move to the next question about three versus one program of rambam. Is it better to Davin quote unquote three program of rambam. This is according to the rubber established in 1984 the law. Rambam three chapters a day or learn in one chapter. Well, the second option was to learn one chapter 1 chapter which would take three years till you finish an album or three chapters, which takes one year to finish or third option was saved from its surface, which correspond to the lockers are number the rabbi Jacobsen is a better to do one per gram and per day and learn it well or do three procurement day, but just quickly read it through it and not really learn it. Thank you for your wonderful and insightful program. I looked around and asked around. I've not found anything. Is it but I would say that because it's not by mysterious about that. It's not about home is just reading it even by Yoda Michael on my which means even if you don't know what it says and that ever gave explicitly options. Why would he give options? It wasn't just with you have time to quickly read three because if the Kiwanis to learn which I would lean to say to learn to understand if you have the time and the ability to learn three chapters a day properly choose that if you don't at least learn one properly, so I would say that Sir is better to do one chapter. This is my opinion. I don't have a black-and-white source better to do one pedak one chapter a day and More in be even more understandable than to do three chapters that you just read quickly because the both are Tucanos of the Rebus. So one is not fulfilling the rubber more than the other and the fact the rebel gave those options what other reason is there for those options if not that because it was about just reading three chapters without understanding reading one chapter without understanding. You could argue that the case and maybe some people do it but I would argue that would be more to understand so therefore whatever you understand more which of course brings the question about pitas so who Mission telling you can say instead of ship excessive commission the Micra and therefore reading alone is enough even though it's always good to understand but what about Tanya so again, I think I remember seeing something that Tanya because it's tells about pair but is that Airship example consider this so some of the people just read it. Is that better than nothing? I assume it is I mean, we don't tiny ball. / we don't always learn it with understanding it but it makes more sense that you should want to try to understand at least on a superficial level at least like like you learned not Lyon but at least in the gives her to understand the ideas and Tiny if anyone knows more information on these topics, please share for the benefit of the public, okay? Let's continue. Next question. Everyone has purpose the rabbi Jacobsen. Thank you for your weekly classes and for Meaningful for the meaningful Life Center. I really enjoy them. I have a question that may seem like it's coming from a judgmental place, but I'm trying to get an answer that disproves my question. I just don't have the answer yet. Basically if someone is not Froome and goes on a downward spiral, is there any purpose in being alive to being alive because of the says positive because of the man because I was To serve my Creator and University The shamash Cheney or on Elena Velez. CL - ah mrs. King. I was created to serve my Creator. It seems like if someone is not serving God then why would they put on Earth? So the question is short is is a life. If not used properly considered a waste. God forbid. I would really appreciate your answer. Thank you in one sentence. This means is it is if someone is not serving God, is there any purpose to their being alive since the entire purpose is to serve my creator. So I think it's pretty obvious the answer, but let me spell it out since the question seems to be bothering you and I'm probably others. Are the tension of all creation years was to serve God 24/7, but we were given Free Will and therefore we can choose God forbid not to do so, or at least not always to do so to serve God now that does not mean that you you you forfeit your right to life. It means you can every moment do chuva every moment. You can begin serving God and you have choice. So if you can you can say that a person who's wasting their time and it's not doing anything for a higher purpose than their own needs is not living up to the purpose of their existence, but none of us have the right to make a statement that that person does not deserve to be alive. God gives a person life and it's always hopes that a person will be wise enough and will give them more chance of more chance. So I don't think we should. It should be a so-called contingent on but it's a good question because there's a very big difference of a person should be alive or whether they're fulfilling their purpose of their lives. Now. We have the concept of a Russia a wicked person even in their lifetime. They considered that they're not there physically biological I've why they considered that because they're not living up to their purpose their people go around feel they say, I'm like a zombie. I'm alive physically biologically, but you're not living up to your purpose. So I think that in many ways were God forbid then life ending which I don't even want to put on say Express with my mouth. But since the question came up, why because you're living a life and you're not living you're not living but not living you're alive. Your heart is is beating your breathing your mind is working but not living up to your purpose and that's very sad, but the good news is there's always that spark in you that motivates and hopefully knowing this knowing that you have a mission. Mission a lot of people tell me they never even heard they had a mission you tell me have a mission. They're like turn a question is were they then something starts stimulating inside of them arousing them to one of the live up to that calling? That would be the approach. So if you see someone that's doing that living a purposeless life or at least in some aspects and we all are in some ways wasting time is to say not to say hey look you don't deserve to be alive because you're not fulfilling your purpose the other way around. God Is So compassionate he's giving you a life that means you have something so beautiful to contribute, isn't it sad that you're not living up to your great potential that would be the tone and the way I would describe express it. Okay next question. What can I do about my parents speaking negatively about my spouse? The rabbi Jacobsen it's recently come to light that my parents have a speaking a lot of loss and her about my wife to her face. They have always been pleasant, but they have been saying extremely harsh and untrue things. About her two friends and family members. My parents have some major emotional health issues. And as a result, we have put up necessary boundaries that limit our involvement in each other's lives. But at this point my wife doesn't feel that there's any point in her continuing to have even a limited fake relationship with them and I'm starting to feel the same way. Is there how logically acceptable way to come from them about this? Thank you so much for your input. Okay complicated question and I have addressed it and I will give you the references after I spawned what I meant to say now. Because I want hand we have the midst of cubed of a honoring our parents. It doesn't say loving your parent says honoring them at least on obviously they deserve it. Also love they gave us life. They pay they paid prices they sacrifice themselves and all the other reasons that 4 cubed over aim. At the same time parents are human beings and they could do things that hurt us. And I'm assuming that you're saying is correct because usually I like to hear both sides if you wish. What I mean by that is that there are whole picture because it's always more complicated than just hearing statement not in any way throwing any aspirations or questions on what you're saying. I'm just saying to get the Fuller picture, but I'm assuming now this that there are that human beings parents are human beings and yet God still say honor them Honor doesn't mean they have to be in your house Honor doesn't mean that you have to have them they're sitting and criticizing you and hurting you or your spouse or your children Etc. There's ways to honor from a distance as many ways to honor so it's not a contradiction. But what about the part that they are now doing things that are damaging or hurtful. So if you've tried directly as their child to defend your spouse and say it's not nice so on and didn't help and a kind compassionate way one way to go to have you tried with other people who may know your parents. Maybe they could speak to them at least speak to them to just knots not always have to be negative and always be critical. That's one if all that is not worked then yes, you may need to avoid them to some extent and keep the relationship more superficial especially if it's hurting somebody but you know what there are certain things. We do even want to call fake it at least superficially so I'm not saying you have to renew the hope that you're going to reconnect with them. But I would tell your spouse I'm with you come hundred percent your Mary were married together. I love you. You love me. My parents will not get in between us. I paying by it as much as your paint. Now let's just find ways hanukkah's coming on the holidays are coming find ways to just keep it bare minimum. And if anything starts being something very hurtful. We have our boundaries as you put it. So in answering is there how loss expect me to confront them about this. I would not confront an aggressive way because besides being parents, I wouldn't confront even if we're strangers because he usually doesn't work. I would try suddenly and sure you've tried I would try with others and then the day maybe it's not a bad idea to confront even in a kind way. It's you have to find the boundaries and maybe have to look at their your parents mother and father your parents that are critical. They usually not the same see who which of them is a little softer. Maybe you can talk to one of them the one that's easier to talk to now divide and conquer if you want to put it that way unlike the word conquer but you know that get the idea and that's the approach I would take to it be very practical and Case-by-case and try to have a wise dependent individual that's objective that you trust them must be it to help guide you along now. Clearly. There's a history here. So there's a lot of bad blood. I'm sure but nevertheless sure they are ways to make things better and at least to keep it to certain way. I would also add one more thing. Keep it at Bay. I should say regarding your spouse your wife. I hope that you've shared with her that you're with her, but you have to also help her because she's hurt and when you're hurt you usually react in kind either you Withdraw or your more aggressive or you're angry and to help her see it that listen, let's be let's rise above it. Let's not allow it to poison and toxify us and our family. Okay. Okay. See the follow-up we're not going to have time to do so I'm going to do right now is one more question and then the answer this question quid pro quo. I've heard you're speaking about impeachment then pratik impeachment proceedings or inquiries going on and lessons we can learn from it. I thought in that vein, perhaps we could also talk about quid pro quo with all the talk out their regards to quid pro quo. What would the bus shelters? Say we learn from this? Is there a concept of this Exodus? Another person writes is quid pro quo an acceptable principle in Judaism. Well quid pro quos basic Latin for repaying something favor for a favor. You do this. I'll do this in return. So this is a common common and the completely legitimate when I would not getting down to it illegal things. We're talking about legitimate is called me the connections made now see this is the funny. Mr. Sudden, even if you do a table for someone even if you don't get anything in return Shalom and hostile Kabul place, I'm not Shalala couple press not in order. But there is the concept of doing something. I do a favor for you. You do a favor for me and doesn't have to be subliminal. It can be very direct you haven't in business and other things people do this. It's a type of exchange and if it's above board doesn't have any Insidious in any malicious intentions. Neither connected me that I mentioned it before but media showed the made it but made them lay person the way you measure the way you give the way you receive now God we ask for master him. Look hashimites donkey should give us even more but the concept of come I'm oponopono which means as a face is reflected in a phrase is reflected in water. So to a heart has reflected another Heart is also an element of reciprocity. Now this is not necessarily connected to the given issues. Another issue is whether whether a quid pro quo is a legitimate thing if one nation wants something from another Nation says, you know what so trade you do this for us. This is a trade talks and we'll do this for you. So the mere concept is nothing wrong about it. If anyone says there's something wrong it would be I'm not and I'm not judging the city's current situation with the president and Congress and so on and they're all their issues, but rather there's wrong with be if I Asking you something. I'm blackmailing you. So blackmail is not appropriate to say you know, what if you want this for me, I want this from you if it's a black was so where's the thin line or not in line with the board of the boundary between blackmail and just a regular favor for a favor? So that's not always easy to determine I would say you can see it an intention. You can see what a person does if they don't get what they want. They may not give you exactly what you want. But they're not going to in any way hurt you and there's many ways to describe even in contractual agreements. What's a favor for a favor and it's not because Extortion or blackmail but that's a really outside of the scope of this and maybe we'll talk about it another time. Okay, the follow-up I was going to do the follow-up and I really wanted to because I've been pushing it off. But you know what follow-up is Cano has been moved to next week and we'll do that soon this question. So again, the customers here to always have a conclude with a question on citizen. Then with the three essays from this leg roast recent essay contest as we stand at the threshold of gokula always at a stage where the gorgeous rise above the southern. So, let's spell it out. Here the title of this Rider virtually must be and saves her. Advocacy that time lapse women. I didn't have to read it. But I just find it amusing. So I share it. So it's good to have a light moment in the mine were printed in this week's veromarcos entitled. This means last week's a little Egypt has been a drama from Haley the streets cock it's from basic gist of table sugar half a mile from the lab partial tells, I'm sorry Shabbos Pastor told us basically select option called Fay I'd be probably 1964 because right the debit States quote. Among others the tiny as explained by the some exotic that is a specifically because of the room. That's the refinements in this Godless that there's a need for sudden for kindness and specifically through the southern can the governor has be proper and through the sudden which alleviate and also sweetened and refine and harness the Glorious sutras the more the severe energy. So has it is a giving energy quota is more of an intense energy or severe energy. So when this building you need to have the test sudden, To properly harness the voters. However after the beroun when the balloon will be finished which means when goddess will be finished the Glorious will be entirely higher than the sudden because the root of the governor has come from a greater place in the southern. But today they need to be harnessed once they're finished and you already did the refinement. So there's no room for you. Nica sockets any meaning for any negative results from intensity from the severity of were the groom will be completely higher that Hassett common concept Not Just In This Moment of many memoriam based on The bowl adulterer Debbie speaks about it. My question is this since the devastated that we have finished of a disability as we know at this are we now, I'm sorry are we now at the status of lost of the future when the grotus are entirely higher than kassadin? Very good question. So let me first explain this testing for the thing. When we talk about testing, what are the ultimate test and voter is what is that symptom concealment because it is like the calves. So everyone would say life is greater than dark. But the why was there at symptom in order? There should be Kalin the should be Macabre myth should be recipient space for another entity received light like a teacher if you just allows light to shine without any filters and regulation it will overwhelm that the student like rain if it rains it pours Without Rain Drops, it'll flood the fields and Destroy them just as much as a drought. So gurus ashram you need to assess it to be dressed up and voila. So the Guevara is the concealment in order to bring Revelation. However, when it's in the state where you don't really understand that the concealment can end up being also a nightmare that ever brings in this famously argued that to b'shvat Lima test and I shine it up and mandalas crying that how much does she owe God conceals himself like a father conceals from a child himself in order to enlisted Ingenuity of the child to find the father what happens with the father himself. So well in the child stops are seeking. Being so suddenly gooda becomes a liability its intention was to bring a better bigger Custer the more it but it was misunderstood. That's why in a time when you're not still in Godless and the time after had said that is when you don't have divine revelation good and needs to be channeled. It needs to be harnessed and needs to be moderated. So that s it has to sort of speak that Reg voter because without that it can be misunderstood and could turn into very severe situation like someone thinking no one's watching. God has concealed has to ask the pointing to the deepest levels of goddess, which I don't even want to spell out how dark you can get. So you need to test it to their regular would sometimes see this associate that with the same thing with soccer in the cave must be amicable the mccampbell really the root of the mccampbell the root of that symptom is higher than the root of air because it is a natural flow from the Divine to conceal for Hashem. It's harder to restrain himself from saying something them from speaking. So since some has a power that comes from restraint that's deeper than Hesed but it needs tested to direct and guide it the same thing with must be amicable. The Kabul is routed much higher than the must be the Kayla my rooted higher than the air but you need there must be another day and age to direct them a couple because it doesn't know on its own the levana the moon needs the Sun. But with us and lovey when everything's going to be refined and they won't be no more unique as a containing. Then the be Delirious amicable Asia Scylla Terrace by law the cave it to save of government and all the Expressions. See this brings our mouths will rise, but Martha's today is less than Bergamot Klum. But because of that it could also be hurt them wounded. pajama models on the other hand once everything is cleared up because it has done its job. Then the My Love Guru the power of gouda tag betas are highest intensity will be revealed. So where do we stand now? The answer is as we get closer to the goal yet voters have become more sweetened. They're not as severe. They've been guided and the Gilly of the My Love Guru will become more and more revealed some say that's the reason that women today are much more prominent roles because it's And closer to the age when I'll be in the cave it to save of governor and you'll see the Myla of them accountable. So I can't say that every voter we see is now in a state of of doesn't need Hesed but you have to say the closer we get to the Gula that voters will become more and more apparent how the quality of it is is that is bottle of Islam navarran. We start seeing the clarity of things. So also the My Love Guru will be revealed this explains a lot of things kodak's mistake and many other mistakes made because they thought that was already like loss of loved it. It's called wanted to but bless a serve as a service gura. Because I thought there was already a time of gold aware of what is already ready for the for his greatness, but you still need to test it the guided until maschiach actually comes that doesn't mean they won't be hesitant. Michelle comes it'll just mean that voter will be able to rise to its prominence and Hazard will play its role at the same time. Okay, it's more to say on this but let me suffice with that. Let me now do three essays. These are essays from this last 2019 contest. The first one is by assayed of shots happen. I will personally it has exceeded the problem of extra time away Electra empty time and how do you solve that according to this? So the title tells it all basically how to time management and filling time when we have so much free time today. See time as elements not as one big flow, but see there's each moment is a life is the key to this essay. And how to use each moment to make the world a better place. This requires a different way of looking at Comforts The Comfort we have in the free time. We have the luxury the Leisure that we have and then comes actual applicable practical ways to do this making a true has been making a true accounting and a true accounting of your own time. What that's in your control. establishing goals and objectives creating a plan a long-term plan. Working with others Partnerships and knowing that Nothing Stops you when you want to do something very beautiful essay, very inspiring about a topic. We all can use how to waste less time and use the time for the right reasons. That's essay. Number one. The next essay is How big could T us a habit of them are in a cartoon. Once again, let me just say who wrote that essay. First. I say that by the time is butter. Sickish sick Vash really aged 39 crack about Israel. You should Rush Maki Market erroneously slow the head of a foundation. That is does Taylor research called a serious role the next essay. Happy Casillas, which is critique. How do we look at it? Critique or accountability accountability and what is the depth that's concealed in it Menachem Mendel. Not on is 21 carry out Malaki Israel and his job is safe for shook. My fear say for sure. Okay, so he talks about this is also in Hebrew and Dealing with challenges and things don't go exactly your way and how do you look at constructive critique versus negative critique? The fact that we're social creatures and we all depend on each other and therefore affected by each others opinions of us the mirror the image of the mirror when you see something what does it require? What does it mean? What does it reflect back to you and a pretty serious and I would say elaborate essay on this topic again well worth reading topic of that. I just addressed. Okay, and finally essay number three in English Exodus from Egypt be our own tasks. Matt Master task Kate in the parentheses. Ariela hertzfeld 842 Morristown, New Jersey an educator. She's an educator. Exodus from Egypt that's a what is the lesson from Nazareth from Egypt for our time in our generation? and based on the concept of cities that we have to in every generation go out of the limitations and constraints of mitzrayim employees that using the yam yam of dawlish lot of how we use that to control our own lives and be a task manager now test is three letter T thoughts application and knowledge Thoughts application of speech and knowledge the four things that our task and again very nice. I say very good applications. And all these essays can be found that me at the citizen We post them as we speak every week. We review three more and more three more are posted. You can also receive them in your inboxes and by subscribing to our weekly or bi-weekly different emails that we offer. So with that my friends we conclude episode 285 of my left to the supplied. We're here every week 8 to 9 p.m. Sundays and I look forward always to your questions and look forward to be able to do the best. Trying to respond to them. We always welcome your feedback your comments your critique positive how we can improve this program expanding the program and of course any of support and help you can offer us including financial help by going to consider Supply that cam donate or sponsor a program in memory and memory or honor of a loved one. Everyone have a very frail head exclusive from Tesco's live. And illuminated illuminated with the Inner Light of the supreme leader that will bring mushiya immediately be well.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Vayeitzei and Tes Kislev  0:14 • What is the connection between the rods Jacob took to breed the flocks and Tefillin? 17:54 • Why didn't Jacob free Bilha and Zilpa? 26:30 • Lessons from the Kinus HaShluchim 34:31 • Is there a point in learning something I don’t understand? 36:26 • Is it within a person’s reach to understand lofty G-dly concepts? 46:16 • Is it preferable to properly learn one daily chapter in Rambam or quickly read three chapters? 47:18 • If someone is not serving G-d is there any purpose to their being alive, since the entire purpose is “to serve my Creator”? 49:55 • What can I do about my parents speaking negatively about my spouse? 53:31 • Is quid pro quo an acceptable principle in Judaism? 58:03 • Chassidus question: As we stand on the threshold of Geulah, are we at a stage where the gevuros rise above the Chassidim? 01:01:12 • My Life 2019 essays:     o בעיית עודף שעות הפנאי ופתרונה לאור תורת החסידות, Baruch Tzikvashvili, 39, Kfar Chabad, Israel 01:07:54     o הביקורתיות: איך להביט על זה? ומה העומק הטמון בה, Menachem Mendel Natan, 21, Kiryat Malachi, Israel 01:09:15     o Exodus from Egypt: Be your own TAS(K) master, Ariella Herzfeld, 28, Morristown, NJ 01:10:48 Submit your question now at or email: [email protected]. WEBSITE: EMAIL US: [email protected] SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
Welcome to Soul sugar. I'm your host carry rad. You might know me from my videos on YouTube. I love to chat about all things self-care self-love living our very best lives and finding our inner magic Soul. Sugar is a community of blooming Soul Seekers like sugar for your soul. Welcome back to an all-new episode of Absol sugar podcast I am here with Tommy from brick. He has come up with a three-step program called The Brick method to help people get off of their phones more in this always plugged in world. This is crucial and I want to know more about what you're doing. Thank you. Well first thank you for having me on the show very honored and very flattered that I'm the first male on the show you are. Beyonce exactly, so you're like the first outside mail because Alex has just like party like become part of Soul sugar. So I guess I feel like doesn't count. I feel like this is yeah. This is you know, like I love that you appreciate that like when we talked on the phone before and you were like I feel honored I was like, I'm honored that your honor and this is why you're on because well, yeah, I mean, we'll talk about the brick method. But when I first started brick there was a few people that responded saying that the name but very masculine as I was, you know deciding the name of a company is kind of like naming a kid. I've always been focused on trying to make it for both genders or all genders and gender neutral to be on a show that's called Soul sugar. I feel like those fit with what brick is and to have hopefully your listeners respond. I think proves that suits. Well, that's why you're here because you do think about those things and that's really special and I think that of course like Soul sugar, Is a place for this conversation and just the fact that you are trying to be inclusive in that way is one of the reasons why you're here, but another reason is because of all the cool stuff that you're doing and the important work that you're doing. So tell us more about brick tell us more about where I'd love to know like the backstory of like where it became brick because I know that your background is in neuroscience and that you worked for DreamWorks and that you were Steven Spielberg's this Austin for a while there, so you have a really cool story and if you could share that with my listeners, I would love that. Yeah. Sure. So yeah, I have a background in neuroscience and was working on a six-year long gestating project that finally got published which was really amazing on this one portion of the brain and around that time. I was offered to yeah be Steven Spielberg just system on his next movie and I was like, you know what I love science, but I love the results of science. I don't love conducting this. Science research let me take this amazing opportunity and bring my science interest into film. So I basically yeah served him for for five years and then he in 2015. He promoted me to a new position in a new Department as the junior digital executive. And so I was tasked to explore what Dreamworks Studios was going to do Beyond film and TV. So like what are we doing on Facebook? What are we doing on Instagram and Snapchat and VR and so it Was through this kind of exploratory position that I got to know a bunch of influencers and YouTubers and people who are in this space and they were younger than me and kind of revealed to me that they were incredibly isolated and felt this that they need they were in this constant Rat Race for needing to create content. If it was Instagram, they know they needed to post every day or if it was YouTube. They needed to post once a week at least to keep on top of the algorithms and over time. I think they were experiencing. Lot of stress and burnout and they are also younger than me. So they didn't realize that life didn't used to be this way. It's kind of just in the Advent of the smartphone at the time. I knew that I had compulsions to over use my phone if it wasn't even a full-fledged addiction addiction. It was at least definitely overuse in dependency on my phone and it was affecting my mental health. It was making me irritable and Sleepless. I would check my phone in the middle of the night to make sure there wasn't an important email coming in and it was really in control of my life. I I was not in control of my life. And so I decided to try to tackle this problem with a daily challenge to myself. This is now in 2017 quick anecdote related to this. So my favorite thing in the world to do is read and I have this bookshelf in my bedroom with like a hundred and fifty books that I bought over the years and for years. I had only read like three of the books and I would spend every morning and every night in bed. Just scrolling and swiping and checking. Nails and my bookshelf would just look down at me with glared down at me like a like a to-do list of a life that wasn't well live and I mean it was literally my favorite thing to do and I was filling my time with this unintentional time on my phone. And so I challenged myself to put my phone down to turn it into a brick for an hour a day to read and over the course of that year. I ended up reading 28 books that sense of achievement of taking back control of my time and doing Literally, my favorite thing again was just so Priceless. It's what I now know is called a keystone effect where you create one Behavior change and it creates a Cascade of other positive behaviors. And so my life really opened up after that. I started to feel more confident in the real world. I could now put my phone down when I was in social situations just with that one rudimentary life change of one hour a day to do something that was meaningful to me. And so that was where the brick concept started and I challenged some friends. Hey, Do you want to turn your phone into a brick for an hour a day and do something that's meaningful to you for a week? See what happens they had an amazing response couple of them ended up deleting Instagram because they were like, wow, I realized that it's actually making me feel worse and which wasn't my intention but still pretty interesting and then a few of them are like this was really great. But I kind of wish that I could do this with other people and so I was like, that's interesting. Let me let me try throwing phone-free experiences and events. And so I started throwing What we'd call Brick events which were phone free game nights and dinner parties and it just kind of grew into takeovers a venues often with a focus of Wellness, but always with a focus of creating more meaningful connections. And so yeah from 2018 till now we've been about two years of doing events. We now do full phone free weekend getaways where we'll get off the grid with like 55 people into a secluded either camping area group campsite or a secluded a hundred and ten. Or property mostly strangers and it'll be either fully programmed with yoga and meditation and other activities or it'll be kind of Choose Your Own Adventure and use the time to reconnect with yourself and other people in the natural world and more recently. We've kind of gone a step further and I now offer what you were describing as the brick method which we described as a three-step transformational program to help you take back control of your phone habits. So so many of us today suffer from um, what's called Low volitional control when it comes to our phone use and volitional control is kind of like saying the ability to say no to an unwanted habit. So if you're trying to focus on work, if you're trying to focus on something that's really important, but you find yourself checking Instagram and you just checked it and minutes ago. You have low volitional control or if you're checking your phone while driving and you know, that that's unsafe and you don't really want to be doing it because you have your kid in the backseat or just because it's unsafe. For you might hit somebody that's low volitional control. And so that was something that I realized I was struggling with and I took that kind of rudimentary practice daily practice of turning my phone into a brick and have taken the past two years of research and development and now make this an actual training that we that we lead in new private one-on-one coaching like a digital wellness coach and then I also lead workshops that we have at our at our weekend Retreats and around La. Why it's such an important thing to be paying attention to right now and to be there helping people out because you know, I can relate to the Creator content creator bar now and feeling like we always have to be connected but I don't feel like that is just a content creator problem. It's so many people and I started noticing that through my friend groups because I hang out with a lot of people who don't Do what I do for a living but they are experiencing the same problems and I thought it was an isolated issue at the beginning and I thought that that feeling of isolation and loneliness and dependent on technology was because I'm a content creator and this is what I do. And so this is just part of it then I started realizing wow. No, this is everybody like even older people who grew up without technology and that way like, Without smartphones, you know, I can remember what it was like without having I remember having a pager but that doesn't mean that I haven't been able to become addicted to it at some point multi-generation. It's multi-generational and I think what's really fascinating is that 15 year olds today don't know what life was like before that. Yeah, and so it is something that is crucial because you're right it does it like it's not safe and in terms of check Your phone when you're driving and having this addiction to it and you you mentioned, you know, the one thing that really like is true for me today. I've really put in a lot of work to be away from my phone more. I remember when I was single living in Silverlake in my apartment. I remember like that. I was at the worst with technology at that time. This was probably about three years ago where you know, I was living alone, so I didn't necessarily have anything. NG to be away from my computer at that time really and so work was like my number one thing it was my passion and my business was growing and I was just consumed by it. So I would wake up in the morning and I would put up my lights and I would put up my camera technology and then I would take all of that and I would put it into my computer technology and I would edit it and I would be in front of my screen and then I would upload it and then I would share it on Instagram and then I would answer my emails and then I would go to bed and it was just this consistent thing that I Realizing. Oh my gosh like I this is not healthy. I'm feeling lonely. I feel so isolated in this situation and then the more and more I started to realize that the more I realized. Okay. I need to like take steps in in the right direction here. Also. I'm just going to like, you know fall down this slide of technology and just never come back the other direction. So I think it sounds similar to what you experienced in terms of that. And you had some really crucial things at your disposal that you had experienced that you could Implement into your life. And the fact that you're sharing that with people and sharing with people how they can get through that. It's important to Stage like it's real. It's very real. Yeah. Yeah. I mean this this new burgeoning industry that we're calling digital Wellness, I believe is essential to Wellness to having, you know to improving your mental health and I really liked what you were just saying it's kind of Like why the classic Chef you think of is like an overweight guy because they're just surrounded by amazing food all day. And so they're going to eat it and we kind of suffer from that. I mean especially people who are creators or people who are in in Creative Fields the stimulation from their phone and the sense of you know, the follows in the likes and the responses that you get are. So engaging they are like just like candy they are just like the donuts that a chef might Have or a cook might have in his bakery that give you that same pleasure chemical of dopamine, which is this endless searching neurochemical. What we're trying to train people with in digital Wellness is to be a skinny Chef so you can be surrounded by all the amazing tools and foods of digital Foods or reap the rewards of your digital labor without succumbing to it and eating it for breakfast lunch and dinner, but only having it for dessert or having structures around it, so that You're not only consuming junk food all day. Yeah, so like be the skinny Chef. Yeah, and I know for me my first step and I want to ask you more about the way that you your steps and how your steps work and how you can determine really how somebody if somebody is addicted to their phone and we'll get in to more of that. So what I know for me like I would wake up in the morning before and always check my phone when I was in that phase where I was just really addicted to my phone. And then now what I try to do is when I wake up in the morning, I won try not to keep my phone in the room and I went through a phase where I was so good at this and then I like one day just because my charger was in there. I just started putting it back in my room again. So I keep it across the room and when I wake up what I try to do for an hour is to just have my coffee sit on the couch with Alex my fiance with Dog and just have our coffee and communicate and just be present and that's something him and I both practice so it does we it does make it easier. I think that things come up in our relationship sometimes where it's like somebody checking their phone at dinner or whatever and then the other person gets annoyed by the person checking their phone and I think that that's so common in relationships today or potentially some people aren't even getting annoyed that the person across from them is on the phone and they're just going to be on there's two so I think that there's different Parts of it. I know that something that you know, I want to ask you about two is like how does that affect a relationship and what have you learned through that process and there's just so many questions. I want to ask you. So first off. I want to know more so what the steps look like and how you can determine so kind of just like tell me that pasture. Yeah. So with the brick method the name of the game is volitional control, like I said, so that is your your will power your self-control. And so many of us today because we were and I actually don't have my phone on me. But because we I have Phantom phone right now. We're like, where is it? Yeah, because we're handed this amazing tool that has more technology in it than what got us to the moon in 1969. I mean, it's missing this supercomputer in our pockets, but we weren't taught how to use it. And so so many of us are now dependent on our phones because we've been over stimulated by that dopamine that we get from every and every email and every like and so we have low volitional control. So what we offer to help people understand where they're at. Do they have digital dependency? How are they dependent on their device or are they in control of their phone? We have what we call the volitional control survey. It's on our website, but it's basically just a 10-question survey that allows you to determine what your volitional control rating is and you get a percentage and then that's something you can also treat as like a Baseline and then As you continue to work towards digital Wellness you that can change over time and you can use that as a metric for improvement. So that is something we could do. You want to do the survey on me right now? I guess it's okay. I'm nervous because I know I'm I think I'd be better than I was three years ago, but I know I'm not perfect in any way shape or form and I'm not either and remember I reason why I'm doing this and I created this company was because I had a problem and I wasn't seeing any structures in place that was working to solve it and it first started out with Community. I mean when you're surrounded by people who have the same values of you or are doing healthy things, you're more likely to be healthy and follow through and commit and I feel like that's actually getting into what I was going to say about relationships where when you're just by yourself. You really have to set up rules for yourself, you know create it's part of like environmental design. And how can you set up a lifestyle and environment for yourself where you're not going to be tricked by your own Temptations? How can you set yourself up for success? And so again to use the example of food, if you're trying to go on a diet every good trainer would say, you know, first throw away all of the food that you snack on. That's unhealthy throw away all the cereal and the cookies like just don't give yourself easy access to it make it impossible to do the bad behavior when you're alone. It's really all up to you to be like, okay, what is intentional use and what is unintentional use that will leave me feeling worse when you have a relationship. It's amazing for a bunch of reasons one is that love as an emotion that something that you share love has been shown to be an antidote for addiction. So I'm not calling this full-fledged addiction. But even if it was as bad as an addiction for many of us love has shown to increase the feeling Of self-worth if somebody loves me then, you know, there must be something worth loving and maybe it is worth me working towards having better habits. And so having that in your life is obviously something that not everybody has it at any given moment, but can also be a really great impetus for improving habits and then they can be your accountability buddy your accountability partner and sharing that yeah. Definitely. I also think that it could you know be something That you could argue about like if somebody is on one side of it and they're like, I think we should not have our phones at dinner and then the other person may pull it out. Sometimes I know for my fiance and I like we go through phases like right now he doesn't keep his phone in the bedroom and mines in the bedroom. You know what I mean? So there's things that like we go through phases so and before my phone was out of the bedroom and his was in it and and now he's like, why is your phone in the bedroom now and so it's like it's this interesting dynamic. Hammock, and so I think that I'd love to get more tips from you. If you have them in terms of like how to navigate that but first I want to do I want to know how I did I answer we're going to take the volitional control survey super short 10 questions. No pressure. Nobody's perfect. What I will ask you to do is just yeah, maybe maybe even just close your eyes if you want and I'll ask these questions one by one you don't have to do anything except say yes or no if you feel like these statements apply to you and don't think too much. Much about it. Just use just kind of the immediate response. If you're feeling yes or feeling a know as the first feeling will be got you we need okay, I find myself checking my phone out of habit for no specific reason. Yes. I opened my phone for a specific reason and then lose track of time on it. Yes, I find myself checking my phone when I'm trying to focus on something more important. Yes. I check my phone even when I don't want to. No, I wish I spent less time on my phone. Yes. I checked my phone in the morning right after waking up. No, I check my phone one last time right before going to sleep. No. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I'll check my phone. No, I check my phone while in social situations even when it might be inappropriate. No, I check my phone while driving and not just a navigate know. Okay, so you scored a 60% volitional control rating which would put you in the middle category for volitional control. So that means that you it's classified as having impaired volitional control, which is still very strong. It's Other than most people today, it means that your phone use is likely feels like a nuisance or yeah, it's frustrating. It might be kind of annoying to you. But you have control over a number of behaviors. There are still a number of Phone habits that you do not have control over. Yeah, and that sounds about right because there are things that I feel in control of and before I didn't there were there was a time where I didn't feel in control at all just In terms of like why am I checking this thing all the time? And because it is part of my work to it was like I'm working kind of thing. But and use it as an excuse It's not and so you still need to detox and be away from it. And I think that like if we're all honest about it, then it's a step in the right direction because you know, I can sit here and say that I've never had a problem doing like, you know what I mean, and that's easy to say, but it's not the case. So I think that if we're all honest and like we own up till the fact that like we do, Into this and it is a challenge. I think that that's the first step and so I think it's great that you have that survey where people can really get the questions the hard-hitting questions that are like. Hey, like let's really see. Yeah. I really liked what you were saying there because I feel the same way and I think that you know, what we're also trying to convey here is like by being honest about it is that there's no shame in it these apps in our phones and the phones themselves have been designed to be addictive. So it's not our fault that We are now feeling these compulsions and feeling this dependency on them. We are working against the top smartest thousand engineers in the world that are being paid big bucks to keep us hooked. Yeah, so it's really an uphill battle. And I remember I was feeling like it was my own shameful problem that I wasn't in control of my phone use that it was controlling me. And and now that I've released that shame it makes it Actually easier to act on it they say that shame is actually a disincentive to Habit change. And so that's actually I think what kind of one of the issues of screen time is, which is that app on iPhones. It tells you how much time you're spending so often people end up spending twice as much time on their phones than they think they did before they launched screen time. And so that kind of makes you feel worse because you're like, oh my God, I thought I was spending like two hours on my phone, but it's really for five hours and so when you Feel worse, you don't actually put in the work to improve your habits or look into it. And so that's kind of the first that's the foundation for digital wellness. It's like it's okay that we're not perfect and wanting to improve your habits is the first step and hopefully the volitional control survey allows people to take something that they might not think was an issue and realize that it could be better and then the rest of the of the brick method and what we offer in the brick communities is That yeah, and it makes sense because I mean shame isn't a way to get through anything. You know, like when you start with shame then you're just so clouded by everything else. And I know for me the most frustrating thing is when I'd say like this is my biggest problem when it comes to my phone is when I am working I'll be on my computer and I'll need to get something from my phone to send an email. I need to like Look back at something look at numbers for something look up a phone number check up a photo or something like that and that transition from workspace to cell phone. Sometimes captures me right to where I just remember even just yesterday just getting frustrated and thinking oh my gosh, like why am I checking Instagram right now? I'm supposed to be getting this thing for work and I in that moment, especially because you and I had been talking and I was looking up more about like what you do. I was even becoming more aware and paying more attention because I think Eating brick just in itself makes people think more like what it is makes people like take a step back and think okay. Yeah, that's probably important because I'm looking at my phone a lot. You know what I mean? Yeah. We're labeling something that didn't exist before exactly exactly. Yeah, and so like talking with you and like researching more about what you do like led me to the moment before even like knowing more. I was able to like notice that take a second and go. Oh wow. I'm like getting lost in my phone right now when I don't want to be yeah, you know what I mean? And I guess I should have answered. Yes to one of those questions though because it said do you check your phone? When only when you want to be or do you check your phone when you don't want to be and I might have said no. I meant what I said. Yes. Let's let's check. Yeah, I find myself checking my phone when I'm trying to focus on some. Yeah, of course I said, yes. Okay. I was honest. Yay. So yeah that That's my that's my biggest thing and that's the thing that frustrates me. And yeah, I probably do feel shame around that at times because I try to be the best version of myself and I think we all want that and I think that having access to your right this like incredible technology that can tell you anything at any time like how how do we not pull that out as much like how do we not become addicted to it that specific behavior that you're talking about reaching out for your a phone with a specific intention but then getting lost and doing something else on your phone is the most difficult thing to change because it's a lot easier to not check your phone if it's in airplane mode and it's across the room and you can't reach it you are doing what you're talking about of the environmental design where you're making it impossible for you to do the wrong the bad habit, but if you're in the realm in the digital realm it is so Arius and and you see a text you didn't think you were going to get I mean you're we have evolved to respond to novelty. What is the rustling in the bush over there? I mean with that helped us survive for millions of years because that could have been a jaguar or something or another Predator. And so we are constantly we are our most basic basic primitive part of our brains constantly responds to new and so if you are going to your phone and you're seeing a new red notification, which also heightens the dopamine response, that is like Millions of years of evolution that you're fighting to then only look at that photo that you were intending to that's where your Neuroscience comes in handy because you can go back and really look at that and think okay, like why our brains working this way? Yeah, and so it's accepting also I think even just releasing The Narrative that we tell us about that too. I mean this these devices are optimizing our vulnerabilities. It's going to be it's very difficult. That's where the No control comes in where you are in Christ that in the brick method as we increase the volitional control you go from being like, okay. I'm going to my phone for this intentional reason and I'm not going to get lost in something unintentional and every time you feel that craving to let me just check Instagram or check text real quick instead of succumbing to that impulse and checking that other app. You will still feel that craving to do it. I wonder what's new is called often the the kind of little feeling that we tell ourselves. But every time you don't do that, you stop reinforcing that behavior because neurons that fire together wire together and neurons that fire apart, why are apart so if you feel that craving and you do react to the impulse you allow yourself to get distracted you're reinforcing that the next time you reach out to your phone to do something purposeful. You're more likely to get distracted. Yeah, so if you're able You just sit and be with that uncomfortable feeling of not checking of not seeing what that new notification might be accepting that light but it is delivered a negative. It is an uncomfortable feeling as opposed to a strong negative feeling of loneliness or boredom which we can also feel associate with our phones you no longer start RI you no longer reinforce that that bad habit and overtime it diminishes all together. We will get back to the episode in just a moment. But first I want to tell you about today's sponsor care of care of is a subscription service that delivers vitamins and supplements customized for your specific Health needs you take a short quiz and answer questions about your diet lifestyle fitness and health goals and care of puts together a personalized plan just for you. I've talked about care of before I've been taking care of vitamins for at least a year. Now when I first took the quiz Is on take care I loved how easy it was for me to navigate. I also loved how specific the questions were to find out my health goals by the end of the quiz it recommended exactly the right vitamins for my needs for me. I was specifically interested in heart and brain health and other vitamins that would help with stress and energy. I also absolutely love how cute the individual packets are they are perfect for travel and have cute little thoughts questions or challenges. Azure facts to help get you thinking in the morning my vitamin packet this morning had a quote and it said believe you can and you're halfway there by Theodore Roosevelt. I'm with you Theo, I like it. So at the end of the day care of vitamins are a super fun and convenient way to keep up with your health on a daily basis. I love how customizable it is to you and your needs and it makes finding the right vitamins for you a seamless process for 25% Off of your first care of order go to take care Soul sugar and enter the promo code Soul sugar. That's 25% off of your first care of order and you'll go to take care Soul sugar and enter promo code Soul sugar. Thank you to Lola for sponsoring. Today's episode of Soul. Sugar Lola is a female founded company offering a line of organic cotton tampons pads and liners and they now offer sex products to I'm on my period as we speak. And thankfully I had some Lola tampons to save the day for me when I started yesterday. Obviously, I start my period every single month and Lola makes starting my period every single month a little bit easier Lola subscription is fully customizable so you can choose your mix of products. You can mix your absorbency your number of boxes. Is and frequency of delivery Lola subscriptions are super flexible. So you can change skip or cancel your subscription at any time. You can pick your products so you can choose from organic cotton tampons which are available in a bpa-free plastic applicator or in an environmentally non applicator format. You can choose pads or liners and all natural cleansing wipes, or you can add a box of each the sex by Lola line is available by subscription as well. So you can add that to your period subscription so that everything is conveniently delivered on Our ideal schedule. You also do good when you purchase from Lola so for every purchase they donate feminine care products to homeless shelters across the United States. Like I said Lola save the day for me yesterday when I started my period I didn't have any tampons in stock besides my Lola ones and because they show up at my door every single month and I have to deal with my period annoyingly every single month. It makes dealing with my period every single month a lot less annoying if there's anything that makes my period less annoying. I'm very Wait, so I got you guys a code for 30% off of your first month subscription. You visit my and enter Soul sugar 30 when you subscribe. So that's 30% off of your first month subscription. You visit my which is M why LOL and enter Soul sugar 30 when you subscribe 30% off of your first month subscription at my and enter Soul sugar 30 when you subscribe now, let's get back into the conversation. Ian What do you think about the feeling of feeling frustrated by it? Like for me, you know, I will not necessarily frustration. But almost this like turn my phone over don't want to look at it don't care if it's ringing type of thing. It's almost like I'm sort of mad at it for being what it is doing mean like even even my fiance feels that same way sometimes like because we're both content. It's like we're both like oh like get this thing away from me. And I think that that's probably healthy to a certain degree when it when it I mean, I don't know for sure but I would think because what it is, it's it's me realizing the frustration of the fact that it is addicting and just like keeping it away and wanting it to be away, but I think that there's probably a happier place to be in where it's sort of like and I do feel this very much so at times where You know, I feel like I'm going to put my phone here and I'm going I Garden so I go out to my garden all the time. And that's my favorite place because I like sometimes I'll do stories out there if I like feel like it but most of the time honestly like all leave it inside and I'll go out there and just garden and that's a hobby that I've developed that keeps me away from my phone awesome because I think that if we don't have a hobby necessary like you really love to read and I really love reading too. So I Stand where you are coming from there in the cool thing about reading is that we can't really do anything else but read what do you think and that's how I feel about like watercolor to like I can't really do any so I guess it's a little bit easier with watercolor but there's things that I know for me that's been helpful in my path is like developing these habits or these hobbies that keep me away from my home from my home my home. My that's done. My phone is my home. I know but keeping me from my phone, you know in these situations where I'm like really loving this experience. So I don't feel as the I don't feel the need to like grab for it as much because I'm living here. Yeah, and in this moment because I'm enjoying it. Is that a habit that you think is a healthy one. Do you think like what are habits that you recommend in terms of relationships or if you're a single person trying to be off your phone more like if somebody Isn't able to attend one of your events right now. Like what do you recommend? Well, I mean I think gardening is what you're describing is a replacement Behavior instead of checking your phone, which is awesome and is also something that we promote and we coach people through with the brick method you've found gardening and a bunch of other things yourself like watercolor that I think is super important my stuff. Yeah, it's reading it's surfing I think anything that that you do for its own sake not for accomplishing it it's not trying to finish it. But the purpose of it is to do it. It's kind of like the difference between play and work things that you get into a flow state where you kind of lose track of time or you eat might even lose lose a sense of self. You're just so deep into it that yeah you get into that flow that flow State that's really helpful too because You're doing is you are getting dopamine in the real world. You're getting that pleasure neurochemical, but you're also getting oxytocin which is this. It's actually it's like having a full meal. It's the group bonding neurochemical and it's released during meaningful experiences, especially with other people. So when you get that oxytocin from gardening with your with your fiance and then you come back to your phone you feel full so you don't feel the compulsion to get that dough. Dopamine, it's just that candy is not as tasty anymore or at least less likely to get lost into it. Yeah. One thing that I wanted to talk to you about is morning routines on YouTube. There's a really popular video called morning routine and almost every time I watch one of them, it's somebody who's guiding you through their morning routine and every time it's a girl waking up and she's like and the first thing that I do is check my cell phone. I mean, oh, I mean everywhere like And they're normally a little bit younger like I'd say I'm 31 now. So I'd say like, maybe they're I don't know 18 to you know around that area and it's so it's such a normal practice that it's not weird for it to be in the video for like younger people to see and it's literally like a girl opening her eyes and being like, you know, once my eyes adjust I check my phone and it's it's so common and I feel like I look back at that and it's going to be like waking up and smoking a cigarette. I think I think it can be extremely detrimental to your day to I mean for one when you're sleep when you're asleep. We used to think that the brain rested like we rested but Recent research shows that the brain is actually just as active if not even more active than we are awake. And so what it's doing is its consolidating memories. It's solving problems for you for the upcoming days. Weeks it's you know, it's resetting a bunch of neurotransmitters so that you can feel rested. But when you wake up your you come out of this dream like flowy creative state and it's an opportunity for your also extremely suggestible. So it's an opportunity for you to decide. What's your intention for the day? What is the what are the most important things that you want to do? And how do I how can I take my time? To be fully present in conscious in it. And if you use your phone as the alarm clock and then end up looking at it and then end up opening it and responding to seeing everything that's on it. You are immediately switching out of that creative flowy suggestible State into this over stimulated cortisol inducing which is the fight/flight, you know, it increases your anxiety and stress where you're seeing everyone else's emails and to-do lists for you. They say that your email is actually Is everyone else's to-do list for you and your very suggestible to that because you're in you're coming out of theta and these lower brain wave States. And so if that is the first thing that you're seeing in the morning that then becomes the Baseline for your entire day where you then have as the foundation this kind of low-grade anxiety of eating to you know, your failure to fulfill your to-do lists and just go go go and you might not ever accomplish your Your intentions for the day, you might not even establish what they are. And so I think that part of the general issue today of why we are seeing an increase in anxiety and stress levels is because we are checking our phones first thing in the morning and we are putting ourselves in that sympathetic dominant state, which is that that fight-flight state that I mean, you have the entire world you're seeing news from from the president. You're seeing the fires locally you're seeing, you know text from Your mom that you know, you need to figure out how to respond to like, it can be very it's not bad to look at in general and respond to but especially when you wake up when you're in that suggestible state it can it can then set you set you there for the rest of the day. Yeah this day and age when things are so stressful like, you know our political situation we both live in California where there's fire is going happening left and right it can be so it can be a really intense thing to wake up to and Also waking up to work to sometimes you know, because you can wake up and open your email whether you are content creator or not. You're opening your phone and you're checking your email potentially or even a text message from your boss or whatever. It might be and you're going straight into work. So you're not having a moment where you're like, this is for me. Yes, and I think actually that like that is that for me has been helpful in my process is saying like the mornings are for me like an hour of my morning is for me. So no cell phone no responding to text messages from anybody that revolves around work. I'm lucky in the sense where I do like waking up early. So that first hour is like nobody's even you know, really texting me about time because nobody's up at 6 a.m. And you wouldn't even know anyway because your phone's an airplane exactly exactly, but I don't but I feel like if I wake up earlier, it's my time and no one's also nobody else is awake yet. So it's like it's also meal Liking to wake up earlier because it's easier for me to take that time. Yeah, because I don't think that anybody else is awake so I don't feel the pressure but that's really smart, you know, because it's just like that moment for me to have that time. And so nobody's needing that time for me. And so I feel even that's how it was easier for me to do it. Now. I just feel good about not having it around until I need to but it was easier if I was just like, okay. Well I wake up. Really anyways, and nobody else is awake. So I'm taking this time back to myself. Yeah, there's a great brain coach who says that the morning should be about output not input. So if you're waking up and you're seeing all these inputs from other people you aren't able to output and do things for yourself. So whether it's journaling or writing or for me, it's trying to figure out what are my top three priorities for the day and then I also work out in the morning and so that allows Sighs me too. Now. I'm the same way my first hour of the day's phone free. I charge my phone at my desk in the other room. I mean, I have a very specific routine that is structured for me to feel a sense of accomplishment and build momentum towards a feel-good day of progress before I even check my phone because if I check my phone, who knows what is going to come up with? I mean, it could totally change the trajectory yesterday. My parents had to evacuate from their house and Oh if I hadn't already had my morning routine, I mean that would have I was able to respond better and more fully because I had already built up the momentum to be fully present with them respond to it things like that. When you're dealing with security stuff to that can be hard with the phone isn't there a way on cell phones though to side note like question. Maybe you would know because I just heard this from somebody because Cuz they were able to unsilenced like one individual or like a specific amount of people. Yeah, you create VIP of the I just reach for my phone. Again. You create a VIP list. So that would be like your loved ones your parents, you know, your partner and anyone else that calls you your phones on do not disturb so it doesn't ring but anyone that's in that list. It will go through. Yeah, that can be really helpful. You can also change that at any time. So it's I go during the work day. Maybe you are waiting for a specific. A call from your boss and so that would go through but I keep my phone on do not disturb all day. Yeah, I texted you earlier to see if you got into the building. Okay. And yeah, I got your Phi and I was like, this is awesome. Yeah, that's so that's brick mode, which is one step further from do not disturb. So not only am I not seeing the message but there's an auto-reply that anyone who texts me sees so that they know that I haven't seen it yet and it relieves me of the pressure of feeling like When I do go back to my phone and I see that notification flood that I'm behind on responding to all the messages and and you knew that I wasn't ignoring you. Exactly one thing that I definitely wanted to talk to you about that. We haven't talked too much about yet is your events. I want to know more about your events and what they're like and all the things cool. Yeah. So we our last event was called an instant choir where we get 70 people into a room of all. Singing abilities and the leading Voice coach and Lala transforms us into a live choir with a live band button and we always sing a classic nostalgic 80 song usually so this was a hollow note song You Make My Dreams Come True and I was going to do but then I decided not to oh, you're gonna come are you know, I was gonna sing that song. No, so that's a to our experience where someone like me I mean into the closest I'm ever going to get to being in a band. And and it's filled typically with a bunch of strangers who over the course of this two-hour period group singing actually boosts oxytocin that group bonding neurochemical faster than anything else. So you come out of that that experience having sung with all these 70 people you haven't met but you feel a sense of community and connection so that again when you go back on your phone, you're like, my phone's nice, but but I'll just check it for five minutes before going to sleep. You don't get lost in it and It's a really great Community Building event. It's filled with people who have always felt that they had a horrible voice and have never sung outside of the shower and they end up just letting loose and feel really good about it. You kind of get high on these natural chemicals people just doing something that a lot of human beings are so afraid to do and being together doing it and not only is it cellphone free, but it's also just like getting rid of comfort zone just like break. And I love that and just like the idea of being in a group of people doing something fun. Whether it be like the choir or whether it be the trip to Joshua Tree that I saw on your Instagram like people getting together and like the fact that nobody's using their cell phone to take photos or stories or done. It'll like let me stand by this Joshua tree and get a cute photo or and maybe you can like with film cameras. I noticed you guys had film cameras which are so creative and so cool and so amazing to be able to use and There's a big difference between a film camera and using your cell phone just because one using a film camera. You have to be there, you know to take that photo and you have to be very present because you only have a certain amount of film. And yeah, so and you're developing it later exactly think of what you're gonna just the description. It's not instant gratification like a cell phone, so Just thinking about something like that and people being present in that and looking into each other's eyes and being there and experiencing it then in that moment is such a luxury. Yes day and age which is so bizarre, but it truly is yeah. It's a luxury and I think it's a necessity. I mean we are starving for that and that's what's been most valuable. I think with the brick Community is that we're just giving permission to people that want this to be phone free with other people. It doesn't feel good when you're hanging out with people and they're on their phone. I mean, even though it's been normalized. It's kind of rude. And so we're trying to denormalize it and when you I mean it's amazing. I would love to have you at an upcoming event, especially with the weekends. It's incredible how quickly people Bond will be there for two days and it feels like two weeks because you're just fully present and fully engaged. There's one guy. I remember from that Joshua Tree trip who was like listen, man. I can never have Member anybody's name and it's just like something I've always had my whole life and and he said I effortlessly remembered 53 other people's names on this trip and he's like it's just because I was there and it was just easy there with everybody. So there's a lot of really interesting discoveries that that you make and even if it's realizing. Oh my god. I've liked thought about my phone 50 times today and oh wait, I can't check. I can't show you that photo of that mountain. I climbed last year like Realize how often you reach out to it with that. You didn't didn't think you did. Yeah it because it is it unfortunately has become a comfort spot for us and one of the things that I find fascinating in your work is that you're starting to realize that people are utilizing the phone as you know away to avoid social anxiety, which I think is really interesting when you look at it because it is true when you're in a conversation and you have it's Getting awkward for a second as human beings were kind of like we just grab for our phone because it's like this comfort zone and that is so interesting that we do that and it's so real you can't do that when you're at a phone free event how so you sit in that discomfort that momentary discomfort and that's where relationships are built instead of you being in an elevator with a bunch of strangers and pulling out your phone, which is what typically everybody does. I go back to what we used to do which is like, oh my God. I like really like those shoes. Where do you get them? And then suddenly you might have a conversation out of the elevator and you know, where the next good shoe sale is in a new friend you can go there with and so it's in those interstitial moments that start uncomfortably where relationships are formed. And so we are every time we are using our phone to get back into that comfort zone and not feel that uncomfortable LOL of silence or I don't know what to say next and just sitting in it we're doing ourselves. As a disservice, I mean we're reaching out to our phones. We use social media to connect with people were using it to to get that sense of connection. We are tribal creatures. That's how we evolved but on our phones, you know, it's all surface level. You can't I guarantee there's nobody that you met. Well this could be a big claim. But how many people that you've met through social media that you haven't met in person. Could you ask to help you move? I don't need you to answer specifically, but I guess just more rhetorically. I feel like you don't make deep connections through the comments and the likes deep connections are formed in person with people that you share experiences with I get what you mean by that for sure and I think that what is interesting when you did live your life at a certain point without social media, it's easier to maybe meet somebody through social media. Let's say and really gravitate towards the the feeling of what it felt like to actually connect with somebody like so if there's somebody out there because I know for me in the social media World, it felt really surface-level for a long time when I first started doing it just like you said and and it and it was a lot of the time but then when I was able to find certain people who like valued human connection as much as I did it was like sticking to them like glue because it was like, okay like, you know, you're in the same field as me, but you also Like to put your phone away and look at me in my eyes and communicate with me and you're also on this path of like learning how to not be on our phones all the time. But I think what's really interesting too about what you're talking about is like with in younger people to because like if you're a 15 year old and you've always had a cell phone that feeling of social anxiety and picking up your phone when you feel uncomfortable is just almost part of your nature. Yeah. I mean, they definitely have it the worst because their Brains and their social structures are developing in that over stimulated World. These events are great for them to like take like to know what it feels like to just be forced to keep it away and to recognize like the fact that you were talking about that when they're at those events. They think about oh, I keep trying to pull my phone out like those are things that like kind of like they need to experience to like actually physically feel the addiction. Yeah, awareness is required before you can change anything. Absolutely, you can't change something unless you're aware of it. A lot of people are aware of it, but might not necessarily think it's an issue. Some people are just completely, you know, just think that that's the norm because that's how they grew up and the younger you are probably the more likely I'm not exactly sure. But yeah, I mean I think for them, I can't wait to our our community is currently more like Millennials, but I can't wait to take bricks message and Mission to high schools and colleges and I feel like when I first started this Social media was cool. The number of followers you had is kind of like what made you cool and what I'm trying to create is yeah, you can have social media. You can have a lot of followers you can you can have a highly curated profile and that's that has value but there's other things that also have a lot of value and exist in the real world and you're never going to be fulfilled truly fulfilled through the digital realm. I think that yeah sharing that message with them. Hopefully will resonate so that so that they can know that the new cool is maybe having it but not making it your priority. Definitely. How can people find an event to go to on our website go brick events is where we show all of our upcoming events. We're going to soon announce a bunch of events for 2020. We're going to be doing more weekend getaways, which I'm super excited about. Most of the events are in Southern California with the brick method and the ivett coaching. Yeah that all you can sign up for a free evaluation on our website that can be with anyone anywhere in the world. Yeah to be in La I encourage the listeners to definitely check that out because it's really for me. It was really cool to take that survey and just like see my percentage and we don't normally think about those questions on a daily basis and we use our phones so much on a daily basis. So stopping for a second and asking those questions is important and I would love to come. To an event that would be so cool. And can you tell everybody where they can find everything that has to do with brick? Yes. Go brick is our website. Our Instagram is also at go brick. Now. Those are the two hot spots where you can find. Most of it also texts are number text the word brick two eight four, four, four two seven two, five two nine. That's our priority text list if you want to get your invites and updates by text, I mean all Your listeners and followers. I know are interested in mindfulness and self-improvement and finding a healthy balance for themselves and self-care. And so yeah, I'm just honored that I was able to share the message of digital Wellness to them and hopefully it can be a part of their lifestyle if it's not already. Yeah, and I'm so honored to have you on to because what you're doing is so cool and your background and where you come from is So special for your journey and it just makes so much sense that you're doing what you're doing. So thank you so much for being here and being on the podcast. And before you go I'm going to make you do a soul sugar moment because we do that at the end of each the episode. Okay? Yeah, I'd love to offer a short exercise that anybody can do if they're feeling a craving to check their phone when they don't want to so if you're trying to focus on something more important or if you've just woken up in the middle of the night and you feel the urge to check your phone and you've listened to this or you're trying to practice what we're what we're talking about. I would love for you listeners out there to think of one happy memory. So give yourself a minute to decide what that happy memory is and the moment you feel a craving to check your phone and whatever the situation is. I want you to think about That happy memory instead and that happy memory will be the antidote to checking your phone. The human mind doesn't know the difference between an imagined. Experience and an actual experience. So every time you think of that time you threw the final pitch at the baseball game, which is one of mine or that one day with your significant other on the beach every time you reflect on that. It actually releases chemicals in your body as if it's actually happening those feel-good chemicals and so often when we're checking our phone, it's we're trying to feel better. Leave, you know, I wonder what what the message is. And so if instead of getting the dopamine from that get the dopamine from a feel-good memory, that's what I would be my sole sugar moment. I love that. I'm going to do that, too. Thank you. Well, thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it so much and thank you all for listening. Talk to you guys soon in an all new episode of Soul sugar podcast. Thank you all so much for tuning in to today's episode. I hope that you enjoyed it while you're waiting for our next episode come chat with us over on the Instagram. It's at Soul sugarcoat. That's at SSO you LSU? G Arc o we give you a daily dose of inspiration over there. Also. It is the best place for us to communicate together and I love hearing feedback and advice from you guys over there as well. So definitely come on over and let's be friends there.
In this episode of Soul Sugar — we are joined by Tommy Sobel of Brick: The Digital Wellness Co! Carrie (@carrierad) is joined by Tommy Sobel of @gobricknow to discuss the brick method. Tommy created Brick after having worked in the influencer space and saw the epidemic of phone overuse and burnout. He realized this wasn’t just happening with influencers. It was happening all around him. Carrie and Tommy discuss how you can figure out if you are addicted to your smartphone, what Tommy calls — “low volitional control,” and the steps you can take to take control and pick up your life again. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Find Brick: The Digital Wellness Co on Instagram: Find Tommy on Instagram: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Care/of — For 25% off your first Care/of order, go to and enter promo code, SOUL SUGAR. LOLA Organic Feminine Care — For 30% off your first month’s subscription, visit and enter SOULSUGAR30 when you subscribe. I’m your host Carrie Rad! You might know me from my videos on YouTube. I love to chat about all things self care, self love, living our very best lives, and finding our inner magic. Soul Sugar is a community of blooming soul seekers. Like sugar for your soul. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ CONTACT SOUL SUGAR — ➭ If you are a listener, you can get in touch with us here: [email protected] ➭ If you are a business, you can get in touch with us here: [email protected] ➭ Follow Soul Sugar on Instagram @soulsugarco FOLLOW CARRIE RAD — ➭ Follow Carrie Rad on Instagram @carrierad ➭ Follow Carrie Rad on YouTube: Carrie Rad ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Production Manager — Samantha Belgarde If you enjoy listening to Soul Sugar Podcast — please rate and review the podcast!
Migration Miracles and a con man's name. We're getting into it next. I'm Maria Menounos and your and you're busted. Even welcome welcome welcome guys, here is the after show for messiah on Netflix recovering episode 6. We will not all sleep. Well, that's my life right now. So I don't know what they're doing. We're talking the migration into the unknown jabril steps into leadership. And of course Alma sighs real identity you guys that is my jam the real identity. We're also talking our special segment W Wy D and of course Our news and gossip. But first, my name is Tatiana maresa. Hello everybody, and I'm joined by my lovely co-host who knows all things Messiah and Netflix dare. I say, oh, yes, ebony Chapman having a Chapman's. Yes. Hello. How you doing? Good. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. Busy day. Yeah. Yeah definitely busy when we can just you know, chill out talk about homicide. Yeah. Okay. Everybody wants to talk about it. So, you know episode episode 6. I feel like we're really getting into it. Yes, but I'm so excited started off slow. And now I feel like it's just every episode is like in your face. Yes. I love it. This is this is the type of content on into me to needed action-packed beginning to end. Yes. That's why we're here to talk about the show. What were your overall thoughts of episode 7, excuse me episode 6 will not Asleep, I thought it was first of all, there was just like so many things going on. We know so many more facts and I'm so excited about it the whole thing answered. Well more questions appeared but more questions answered and that's why I'm like, yes finally has all the things that we've been asking for the past five episodes have finally been answered. So I'm like, yes, yes. Yes, like I was into it the whole time. I was like, no they did not just right up. And right. Yeah, and it makes her crazy in case you guys don't know if you're just joining us. We have like a little team thing going on right now. So I am team skeptic. Okay and team believer hashtag team believer. That's tag-team skeptic. Okay. So just if you just in case we have like an ongoing debate about this and we're keeping score, right? Okay. So who's winning me? Okay, well because of last episode I have winning and I think because of this episode I'm going to be I still win. I'm gonna be stuck my thumb just so you know, my point is being proved team skeptic has tag team. You have there what you call mediaeval. Is that even though he's not evil. Okay? Okay, let's talk about the the migration into the unknown. So this is basically a Maasai giving Felix complete control of where to go which I think was really really interesting and at the same time I'm like because he has no plan in he has no idea. He's like Felix you should talk to God and ask him where to go because you know, I'm like Felix is like I don't I don't know. I don't know I do but the fact that Felix actually took it into his own hands to be like, okay. Yeah, I mean told me that this is what we're doing. He's like convincing his wife. He's totally convinced that he's in his life for a reason and like packs up his things. And like gets in the car and tells everyone to follow and there's a that is the longest Caravan. I think I've ever seen in my entire life. Like it was like all the way back in time. It was like all the way. Yeah hot the way cost X there are so many people who have gathered in dili Texas just to be a part of this man's life. So great. The fact that he is has all these people follow him. I feel like it gives them a real sense of Pride and Leadership. Like that's something that he's always wanted and now Alma side is kind of giving him the chance to do it, but he still doesn't know he still doesn't know where he's going so much so that he doesn't trust himself like, you know, when they're at that intersection and due to which right? Yeah, he's looking at which way to go and he looks in his rearview mirror down beside and he's like this and he looks at him and he's like this. All right, it is like Of course, of course, I mean at the end of the day, I don't even think I'll Maasai knows what's going on. Yeah, so that's really the key right there. And I think something you said last the last episode you really were you were like dead on when you said that a Felix is doing things like more for himself. Oh mmm, right and I think this episode shows that even more like because you know, they were driving looks the billboard of his of his Father-in-law and it seems like he's kind of in competition with his father-in-law. So now he's like look, I'm going to lead all these people and I have a Maasai in the backseat. He needs to like prove a point. Yeah. I mean his father-in-law basically challenged him and was like, right. What are you doing, sir? Get it together get it together, you know trying he's trying to get it together is trying to prove that. He is the man of the household. Yeah and the congregation of this Caravan of people, right, right. So it's really interesting because they do end up in DC of course, which I thought was really interesting because they did mention like, you know the March on Washington like that was like the headline on the news and I was like, oh, it doesn't understand that like we're pulling and like historical events into this. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah because you could have been anywhere else but you decided to go to DC. Of course, you know, I mean where else would he go? He's been he's kind of hit like The prominent areas, you know what I mean? Ideally tell your take that back Billy Texas is not a prominent area. Is that back? Never mind, just DC just to see his theory. I guess and Israel. Like those are the three. I'm really big ones, but he arrives in DC and he says this speech like he just he walks so sure of himself what he's doing even though I think you're right. He has no plan of what he's doing, but he walks to do see and our he walks to to the state building and he says if you have come to receive you will go away poor if you have Here to understand you will leave here lost for those who have understood for those who have received. It is time returning to your scripture will not save you bending to your knees will not please anyone that time has passed this time is now you are judged and you are chosen and I'm here to break the mirror so you can see what's on the other side. Wow, first of all is like what right break it down. I don't know. I don't understand. Basically. I think he's giving people a choice either believe me or don't if you're going to try to sit here and question me anymore. Then too bad. You're dead not dead, but you're not going to be a believer if you're not a Believer by now, and then he walks on water. Well walking on water. So did you did that? Is that a point? You know, what's so funny though? Because I was like, he was saying a whole lot of something. Yeah and a whole lot of nothing. Yeah at the same time. Yeah. I was just like what is this man talking about like he is giving a speech saying things that sound like they are meaningful right and but at the same time I was really trying to think like But I don't really what art what exactly are you saying? If you're looking for clarity, you didn't come to the right spot. He's saying you should already have Clarity by his booking more confusing. I think he's saying if you don't have Clarity is too late to look for answers because I'm here and I'm the answer. So so you either believe me or you don't my problem is what is the answer though? Like it sir? Like you think it's not like you went. I don't know. It wasn't like he he He's even been in DC before. I don't know I guess maybe because he's been on the news so he's like if I'm the real one, you should know now. Yeah, I think that's what he's thinking or saying or giving. I think he's I think at the end of the day it turns down to he's giving people an ultimatum. I think like me or don't like me. Yeah love me or leave me and then and then there's this whole like I'm here to break the mirror so you can see on what side you stand. I don't know. I'm so excited these days. I really think that I don't even think he knew what he was talking about. He didn't I don't think he said anything very sort of interaction. So is this is this something that could be a point for team? Skeptic it is it's yes. Yes. Yeah for sure. That's what's going on with that speaking of Skeptics. There are a lot of Skeptics here at AfterBuzz TV who review a lot of shows? Shows and kind of figure this muddy water out. Can you tell us more about these after shows here at AfterBuzz? Yes, of course. Well, we do cover a lot of TV range dramas and reality TV. We love love love to sit here and talk with you guys. Thank you so much for making us the ESPN of TV talk but to continue to do this you're going to have to like subscribe and comment on these videos so that we can keep it going. Okay, so let's get right back. In to episode six amazing jabril steps into leadership. Now this boy on accident. Okay, but what I was like really trying to figure out like I think he was losing it. He okay. Yeah, I'm seeing his mommy definitely getting of the episode. I was like, oh my God, my mom is not dead. He's still alive. And then he keeps seeing these visions of her so I was like, oh no hatred mixed with Alma sighs right of character. Right and like one of them he was given a gun right wrapped up in the prayer rug. It's like he was framing him. That's what I was thinking. I was wondering that he was telling him to go like kill. I don't know kill somebody. I don't know. I don't know. I think these are the two most prominent people in his life and that's why he keeps having visions, but he's basically With death like he is he hasn't healthy hydrated. Yeah, no food. No water. He's been beaten, you know within an inch of his life. He's probably has some something broken in his body like he hasn't gotten up and I don't know how long nobody is caring for him anymore like this man he's gonna die, but instead he strips naked. And basically walks walks across the border which I was like besi wasn't that interesting? Sorry. I got on my wasn't that interesting because I was like, what is this connection? You have a messiah be here walking on the water in DC. And then you have this man at the same time naked walking in the desert. So for a second, I thought like what is what is this for a second? I thought that jabril could see Alice. I in DC like I thought he was standing up because he See him that wasn't the case, but that was my first initial. Okay. Well that wasn't what happened. But that's what I thought but I don't know. I think it was just I think they were supposed to show that maybe they have some kind of connection. Obviously. There's a relationship there that's been been like building slowly but surely for the short time that they were together, but I think that he's so like dedicated to almost die that he you know, that's why he's seize him and his hallucinations and which even further backs his like faith in him. I could see that I could definitely see that but I was I was just really trying to figure out what that like weird connection was there because it was like almost like two people at the same time doing the same thing but was like, all right, because you know, we did figure out that whole Archangel thing. Yeah, I'm no and if he is the Messiah, you know, like maybe there is this like deep rooted connection. So it was like maybe is it a point for team believer out there? Okay. Okay. Here's what? The here okay, do I don't get a point maybe no, I can't give you that point because because okay. How about we both killed because I don't want a Pity Point. That's okay because you have to if a Masai is the second coming if he is the Messiah then yeah sure to Broken be like the Archangel. Okay, that's short. But if Alma PSI is somewhat of like an antichrist character then that means jabril is the Which means he could fight our Antichrist character you like the lead angel that jabril is actually the chosen one. I think I don't think he's the chosen one. But I think he has I think he has a really important character in the story and I think at the end I think there's going to be not necessarily a standoff but I think that's going to split so people are going to go with Alma sigh and some people are going to go with your grill because now jabril, Followers after he did that. I mean everyone's kind of feeling like he like some people hate him because of Alma side, but then this old man at the end was urging him to think for himself as opposed to just following after almost I write and I think it was interesting because you almost see him like kind of like he's getting threatened really with his life with like the soldiers at the border, but then he doesn't they don't shoot him. I mean what? Are they going to do with the naked guy like starving like Fievel walking to I wouldn't even put my gun on, you know, they saw something in him that made them almost in disbelief. So I don't know but it created writing everywhere right everywhere. So that's you know all because of Alma sighs which of course. You know Alma sighs real name is now revealed. Uh, okay Purim go Sherry Pi M Pi. Mmm pie. Mmm pie. Mm-hmm. I am girl Sherry. Yes. Okay is his real name? And he has a brother. He has a brother in Tehran and went to University. Yes in Massachusetts guys. We had a yearbook photo. He was taught by Oscar Wallace. So he was actually a student of off. Oscar Wallace has in Massachusetts, right and you know Ava was going so far just to say that he could be his Protege and I know he's kind of like a terrorist. Yeah, like going going so far, you know, is that do you think that's too far of a reach how she's reaching the fact that they were in the same place at the same time could mean a whole lot or it couldn't mean Jack shiznit. I mean very true, but I guess the connection here is the fact that I was quoting Oscar Wallace. So I think that was that was like The Smoking Gun right there, right and I do terrorists. I mean, I wouldn't call him a terrorist. I think that's like really pushing. It's right. But I mean I could understand why she thinks he's such a threat and right so because he's creating all this chaos. I just see the Joker. It's the cat the Joker from the comics played out like, you know, The Joker has nothing to do with the Messiah but this character Alma side. This character outside really does like the Joker rules and I'm a very big DC Comic fan. So, you know the Joker rules and chaos and Anarchy and that's how he thrives and how he gets his way and all that kind of stuff and I feel like Alma sighs the same you just not as crazy right but it's that same distraction. Yeah. It's that so this is a market is my question here, right? It's like what exactly are you distracting us from? Like if you are creating this chaos, you have people flying to Delhi, Texas driving bringing. Their daughters that are sick to come see you and news frenzy as wild and you have the reporters fault that you have all this craziness going on. If you're supposed to be distracting us, what are you distracting us from? I'm concerned now may be hesitant. Maybe he's a psychopath and hates also ization. I don't know what like, I don't know right? Look what I don't know. Look what is the point of creating the chaos or like are you trying to like get everyone's attention over here? And then Oscar Wallace is over here doing something else while door like coming. He could be wanting I don't know. I feel like there's many reasons. He could be wanting power, right? Obviously. This is given him so much power. He hasn't it. Yeah, isn't it to pay for anything? You know, he's being taken all these places people are feeding him worshiping him, you know, like who I feel like a lot of people would be attracted to that, you know. But then you have to prove yourself at some point. I mean you guess he did right he walked on water you want that he killed the dog in the last episode right? We could have saved the dog. That doesn't make the person he saved a little boy. Yeah. Hmm. I don't know guys see I am a believer. We have a point. So what is it two against one? What are we at? Right? I don't know. I left my notebook at home. I will get back to you guys. I'm gonna go ahead and I will show you guys a Post-It. So getting into our special segment W Wy D. Okay, here we go. Here's the saying. Are you ready? You had a change of heart? and decided to travel with your family to see this man who is saving lives and bringing Miracles and hope to people around the world you arrive in Washington DC with a crowd of people to hear what this miraculous man has to say he opens his mouth to speak but you cannot quite understand what he is saying for in your mind is a rush of excitement and adrenaline to see What happens next? He takes one last look at the crowd and his eyes connect with yours you share a short gaze and he turned looking out over the water. He steps down and begins walking across the water. What would you do? That is such a good question. What would I do you have this man talking preaching? Sounds like some good some good ish. Sounds good. I mean, I'm trying to tell you I'm kind of convinced, you know makes eye contact with me and then continues to walk on water. Hmm, I mean Imma, take my phone out. What else you supposed to do? I'm gonna take my phone out. Okay. All right expecting that. All right, what would you do? It's and take my phone out was like way back wasn't the first thing that's gonna do. I would I would probably watch I watch the whole thing and I turn around and walk away because you think it was like a magic trick. Yeah, because knowing what I know if it was the same situation and I had all this backstory my mind of this dude. I don't believe he's anything I would turn around and walk away. Mhm. I'd be like, wow, that's cool. Mmm-hmm. But I mean the things the only thing that you know, is that he saved the boy. Hmm, and he's walking. On water and he was preaching. Hmm. Yes. So I mean that sounds like some good stuff right there sounds like good stuff, but there's but there's certain things. I feel I would think that don't add up skeptic deep skeptic. Okay, so you're just no I wouldn't be there. I would not watch not gonna lie. Like, of course, I would be interested. Of course, I would be curious and I would stay and watch him walk across the water and then be like, wow, okay. Mmm think about that me He looked back, right? Yeah, and you know that this is what I was thinking when he looked back the story of Jesus when he walked on water. Yeah, and then he had Peter come out and yep walk on water with him. He said do not look down right and soon as he looked down he sank. So the literally I was thinking like you look back you're going down. I don't know. I was just thinking like you're gonna say what are you doing? Literally what I was thinking? Yeah. Yeah, that's good. One of the first things I thought when I watched it good times good always have your phone with you bottom line, but you just never know if you don't take the picture didn't happen, right? Okay, exactly exactly going into our news and gossip. This is good guys. So we all know that Messiah is on Netflix and Netflix is coming. Excuse me, an article pull that was put out by Paul Tassie of Orbs, has been watching the debate between Disney plus and Netflix closely. And this was just really there's been a lot of debate about the various aspects of Disney plus and Netflix namely is Disney plus stretching out its content over a rather sparse first year to justify continuing subscriptions and is Netflix and contrast wasting the potential of its biggest shows by dumping them all in one weekend. Well, this one's for the US of course and we're going to look at this graph the red line you might guess is the Mandalorian. In and while the blue line is The Witcher and these were the two top shows that were released on both now if they were released at the same time, it's actually The Witcher that is the most popular and of course Netflix Netflix has the advantage because it's been around for years and has almost a hundred and sixty million subscribers globally, right? It's a crazy ton and Disney plus just debuted this past fall and has far far far less. That even with an attractive price. So that's a lot of difference there. But the overall the short of it seems to be that the Mandalorian is scored Higher by critics and audiences and the witcher's more widely watched especially on a global scale. So people are kind of thinking that you know, obviously Netflix is is more of a go-getter than Disney plus but I think that there needs to be some more time for Disney plus two kind of totally put out more content and reach a global scale. But right now the fight between them Netflix is winning a hundred percent on at the end of the day Disney plus did just come out and a lot of the stuff that is on Disney plus is from Disney Channel. So it's like I mean if that is static, right that audience is only so big and so so true Netflix has a wide variety of options and shows and things to pique your interest. I think they were hoping that the Mandalorian would carry them, you know like up here. I think they were hoping that that's the show that would get them all of the subscribers. Is that they would need I have, you know seen the parallel for the Mandalorian and so clearly you're not doing your job. I don't know. I haven't seen it. I don't know. I haven't seen it's okay. They'll probably why nobody watched it a lot of people hit me up for like you have Disney plaster you have kids. I know you have Disney plus. Can I can I I was like, no guys no, no mmmm - just a trial, so I can't do it. Just two seven three days. Thank you. I'm cutting it off crazy. Well, thank you so much guys. I hope we covered everything that you wanted to hear. We try to pack everything into the time that were allotted and so I know there's probably some things that we missed if we did let us know what they are so we can continue the conversation because we all love to do that before we go. Where can we stock you have been a okay. I'm very excited about this guy's because I figured out how to change my name on Twitter. So they both match now and Um Twitter, so Stephanie Chapman 12 nice and I of course am Tatiana maresa at Tachi on Reefs on all social media platforms. So, please follow me see what we're doing. We are here all the time. So, you know, this is where we are. Yes so much fun. Love AfterBuzz. In the meantime. We will catch you next time. Bye guys our founder Keven undergaro and meet Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world. World and will be the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you're great. We've got it. So go to after those check out our lineup buzz you later. You just press your inner. Those are the house only do not necessarily reflect. The views of AfterBuzz TV or shoulders are principles.
Al-Mesih gives Felix the control to take the masses of people where he feels called. Even though, Felix has no idea where he will be going, he tries to prove to himself and his family that he is capable of leading a large congregation. By accident, the choice becomes to migrate to DC. Upon arrival, all follow Al-Mesih to the capital building where he gives a short word and walks across the water, leaving many to believe he is the miraculous second coming. Jibril, still stranded at the border, starved and dehydrated, begins to flirt with death and see hallucinations of Al-Masih and his mother raising from the dead. In a haze, he strips naked and walks toward a guard who has his gun raised towards him. He presses his chest upon the gun, only to challenge the guard in his exhaustion. The guard lets Jibril pass, as others stand behind him, now looking to him as a new leader. A part of Al-Mesih's past is revealed, including his name and his brother who lives in Tehran. Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Tatiana Mariesa @TatianaMariesa and Ebone Chatman @EboneChatman12Follow us on "Like" Us on For more After Shows for your favorite TV shows and the latest news in TV, Film, and exclusive celebrity interviews, visit
This is episode number three of the new paradigm intimacy podcast. I'm your host Lauren Renee. And today I am joined by the magical Sigourney Weldon. She has got so much power to share with us in this episode. So Sigourney is a business medicine facilitator spiritual teacher and revolutionary leader in the new consciousness. Paradigm she's the founder of the wild Grace movement a groundbreaking development in healing which is the accumulation of cigar knees career in Western medicine as a physiotherapist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders and extensive training in complementary medicines, including Reiki. Yoga therapy access bars therapy Tantra and the spiral clearing process through years of experience working in health Sigourney. Discovered that the body has an intuitive ability to heal and restore itself to its natural state of homeostasis where it is wild alive and free. She then created the parasympathetic restoration technique a globally accredited modality with the International Institute of complementary therapies and teachers it in privately-run trainings all over the world. So Sigourney just is the most incredible bridge between in the old Paradigm and the new paradigm in so many ways and I absolutely love the message and transmission that she brings through and she is in absolute embodiment of the truth and full surrender with whatever wants to move through her. And so this conversation is just such a potent start to 2020 because I know that so many people especially women in business right now are feeling this pool to really change the way we approach what Bring out to the world. So we just go really in depth into Sigourney is Journey and what she's bringing through in this new paradigm of business and the work that she does in embodiment and how this complements how we bring through our gifts and our transmission to the world. So we will jump straight into this conversation. There is so much gold in this and for anything that we mentioned in this show will include links in the show notes. There will be be references to where to find Sigourney online and also an exciting offer that she has coming up with Victoria red bad this week. So we'll get straight into it. Sorry, welcome Sigourney to the new paradigm intimacy podcast. I am so excited to have you on today. I just feel like you are the absolute embodiment of new paradigm leader. So I know we just have so much to jump into today and you've got so much incredible wisdom to share from your journey. So before we jump straight in the question that I would love to ask you is when was is your last self-pleasure practice? And what did that look like for you? Yeah, thank you for asking that question. So my last self-pleasure practice Yeah, it was earlier this week. I actually lose concept of time because I feel like I'm like constantly living in this Quantum state of like no time. So I'm like it was last week. When was that? I'm sorry earlier in the week probably a few days ago. So I do a self-pleasure practice on most most mornings and it's it's part of my spiritual practice of like tuning in to my day and also aligning my energy with like what I'm wanting to cultivate for that day and how I'm going to feel and it's also my leg drop in practice. So it's like the practice that takes me into myself to really feel what's what's alive and what I want to harness for the day. So yeah, my last of pleasure practice was three days ago and actually used it to cultivate energy for my business and also to call in actually to call in my new members for my business because I'm currently just setting up setting up my team for 2020 so Yeah, I did some visualization practices as I sell pleasured and actually funnily enough landed someone to come on board and do branding for me that evening. So it was really powerful really, I love it. And like I just love how you're approaching business like this as well. I feel like we can even just straight into this area like we say that you know sexuality and you know, the next stage of business in the new paradigm is tantric. So I feel like that's really unfolding for you as well. Yeah, like I've been doing business this way for the past few years. I think it'll actually really happened organic organically for me. When I started learning Tantra which was about five years ago naturally because I'm very entrepreneurial like thinking and based in business based thinking I just started naturally merging the two so my tantric practice quite quickly became a way to tap into consciousness. Enos of my business and actually utilize that energy to harness flow within my business and also magnetized what I needed towards me for my business. So yeah it is it's such a powerful energy that can actually awaken your Consciousness and awaken your visual field and actually type you into Quantum States beyond the physical to be able to manifest what you're creating. So it is I actually can't separate the two they are very intertwined for me. Yeah, it's definitely the new way definitely the new way and I know the people that I really admire that are doing business and doing business in the really accelerated way and a really the people that are kind of leading the way at the moment are all working with high-end Tantra and merging business and Tantra and I do believe it is it is definitely the way forwards and actually the people that are doing it like myself and other people in the field. Or actually it's now. You know, they just actually importing Tantra and you know, it's not like I have to do this practice to do this. It's like actually, you know, it's just a way of life and then that magnetism is the way of life and yeah, you almost begin to embody that energy like it's like a daily cultivated for cultivation practice at it just becomes who you are I guess so Yes, definitely. Yeah, I feel that's been such a big part of my journey in particular this year like every time I've tried to go back to these old patterns of like hustle and try and work it out and everything like that. It's like I get these roadblocks but in those roadblocks, it's like all of a sudden I get into this receptive State and it comes through what I need to do and it's like so much happening around that as well with the way we approach business and career and working. It's it's all connected. Yeah, like oh, wow, you can actually have more by doing less. You know, that's huge. That's huge. We're so used to having to show up and do more in order to have more. But yeah, the reversal is actually far more true in the new way of doing things that are receptive state or our feminine. I don't even like using that term but when I talk about the word feminine, I'm talking about a state of being and I'm talking about the state of being that is receptive deep. Feeling and empathetic insensitive and our emotional state and I'm talking about the body as opposed to the mind and Consciousness. So coming deeply into our body and practices that take us deep into the body and into more receptive States actually do bring us into a natural state of magnetism and receptivity where we can actually draw what we desire to ourselves and that's harnessing that with the practice. Where were actually like sharpening our Consciousness state to write so we can actually Like discern like what it is we're Desiring so we can harness and create Union between the two because if we just pleasuring and we're not actually creating a visual field and we don't know what we desire then also that can actually be quite dangerous because we're just in this receptive State we open ourselves up to receiving but we don't know what we want. So it's like, oh, we probably receive a lot of Yes, we don't know how to shift through the blocks then. We actually might attract. What what's their that's you know in resonance with the emotional block or the subconscious blocks. So it's actually has to be a crisis of also like knowing exactly what we want and having that that Focus as well so that we can we can work with the both. Yeah, very good point. It's like tapping into the desires and something that's really been coming through. me this week is just how much intention is everything in order like knowing what that clear intention is and actually like So much of like this shift that we're all going through is becoming aware that like actually we are deciding what it is that we want and we're channeling our area in that way and moving forward through our life in that way rather than life happening to us. Yeah. It's the most scary and also empowering thing to know. Yeah. It's like yeah, it's liberating when you know that it's like great. I control my reality and also we're not doing That it's like fuck exactly it's like full responsibility power and responsibility. It's that push and pull. Yeah, totally. So I feel like we can just dive so deep with that, but I would love to just backtrack a bit to your personal Journey because what I really love about what you're bringing to the world is you have this really core understanding of the way that like what we call the old Paradigm is like you've really been in that in your journey, so if you can sort of speak to Yeah, what sort of got you to this stage and what you've experienced and how that's really allowing you to be a strong leader in the new paradigm to have that level of understanding of the way things are structured now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the juxtaposition of where I've come from to where I am now is quite extreme. So I guess starting off. It's like I never knew I had this level of magic that I've always kind of had since I was a child I've always in school, I was always the disruptor was always the one that was getting in trouble is like but also getting the highest marks and reports and you know, like I was highly intellectual but also couldn't be within like what I saw was a very limiting and confining Model and education system and so I'd always disrupt in like create havoc and that was my way of like trying to address the the control that I felt in in the education model. So since I was a little kid, I was always extremely aware and then also in my teenage years dived into an experience and really deep mental health issues, which I now see were really catalyzing me or they'll really like Soul depression. It was like Where I was I didn't made and wasn't a match for war where my gifts were. So I journeyed for about five years into deep anxiety depression and was diagnosed with a bunch of medical issues. And yeah went down the medical and mainstream approach it addressing those psychologist. Medications I did basically what was I was told I was meant to do and I didn't really have any spiritual understanding or my gifts hadn't really fully opened then and just to give you a bit of insight is I started off working within the medical models. I worked with in Hospital systems for eight years as a senior physiotherapist and I was the one that was diagnosing and treating people with neurological disorders. And I didn't know about them, but I also really had a gift there and that I was really able to intuitively feel what was actually at the root of people's like what was actually creating and feeling their medical health issues. And I didn't know because I had no understanding that it was a gift because I've always had it so I was able to feel into people's Trauma from a young age and be like, I understand that this person had a stroke because they had this trauma at this. Agent was Amber's old and I thought that was normal that's likely won't it. Was it because I started to become really sick. I got really sick when I was about 24. So I went from being an elite athlete to not being able to walk a hundred meters or lick my feet off the ground because I was starting to develop neurological signs and symptoms and ironically was working in that field. And so I started to diagnose myself and go through these whole processes and also, Like and got medical attention and they couldn't really figure out what was going on. And ironically I was seeing a lot of times like myself. And that's when I basically went through this journey of accessing deep faith. And there was one night where I was in a crisis situation. Actually. I was like, I don't know what to do. I'm so sick. I have no guidance. I have no one around me that I can fix the support. I don't yeah, I was really stuck and so in that moment, I actually just prayed. Which was something I'd never done before I was actually highly and to religious as a child and raised in a very atheist family, but I knew I had to do that in that moment and I close my eyes and in that moment, actually my my gifts awoke so like I started to have Clairvoyance and I saw myself like I saw myself living in this Monastery. I saw these big golden Monastery Gates. I saw myself traveling through India and I saw my whole path opening in front of me. And I open my eyes and it was not even abnormal for me. I was like, okay cool. I know what I have to do and within like six months time, I was living and studying in the monastery and I was studying Tibetan path of Buddhism and meditation and then I was traveling through India and they studied yoga therapy and Tantra and other forms of yoga as well. And my pastor started opening and I started directing my path according to what I was seeing for myself. Internally as opposed to you know, what I believed I needed to do and that was all very a very natural process for me and it wasn't something that scared me or that felt unusual. It just felt like okay I know what to do. So yeah, that was the beginning. I was age 23, I think actually when I first went down my more spiritual Pathway to And navigating my wife from having internal felt space as opposed to you know, like preconceived ideas of how it's going to be showing up in the world. And since then my path is just really orientated itself, very intuitively and all my big decisions. It's like I've never studied business and yet I'm running like a global Enterprise where it's like 15 employee and I still haven't studied. And really actually did like the guidance of always worked with his always come to me from this space. It's like, you know, the first Business Partnership that came into place came through with me doing a unique practice and self-pleasuring and it's like I heard her name comes through and I contacted her and we had a discussion. We had a meeting and makes minute with business partners. You know, I've always navigated things from that space and people like what like and So yeah, I fully trust it. It's gotten to me to where I am now. And yeah, I've tried I've tried working things and never getting things from you know, a place of Outsourcing because I believe that this person has the knowledge and you know, that done uses studies and I should listen to them because they're running like this successful business and I've come in and I've taking guidance from certain people and actually it's destroyed. Duke of my business and it's like actually put a whole ton things and so I've learned I've learned that I have to trust and I have to do things my own way because it's the only way that works for me. So yeah and I believe this is I do believe this is the new way and that's fundamentally what I teach with in my trainings no whilst I teach Practices such as Tantra, you know and embodied movement practices and breath work and different embodiment practices. The core Foundation of it is how do we navigate life firstly our own life and how do we then teach from a space of having deep access to our own intuitive gifts and from Essence as opposed to from Mike what I believe I'm going to be showing up in teaching. Wow. Oh my gosh, that's a little bit maybe my story. Sorry mate. I'm not but I can just resonate so much and what I love is like how you just close that off at the end. It's like all this work that we're doing like teaching people about embodiment and self-pleasure and dance and movement and Tantra ultimately. It's about how can we connect people to their truth so they can tap into that guidance because that's really it it's like we get like, what was it up until this point we get to surrender and listen and follow and that's where the magic is and like I can so relate to what you've shared about how you can magnetize the people in to your business because that was actually our Victoria and I met I had this like I just ended up following her online synchronistically and I was looking to expand myself in my business and what I was doing and I had this really Vivid dream about her and I being superheroes together in this dream and we're all this and I was like how interesting I met this woman, but like I just resonate with her so much and He put a call out. I'm looking for people to support my business. I was like, right we've got some work to do together. And here we are. So yeah, it blows my mind. It's just about following what those calls are and I guess you would say to that that's what connecting to the body is about. It's about getting out and actually starting to feel what's alive for you. Yeah, and if we look at like, you know, the mind is only 20% of Consciousness and then 80 percent is actually subconscious and if we look at like how that's broken up in the human form and structure is that a mind is our Consciousness and our bodies actually our subconscious. So we learn to navigate through and down into the depths of the body. We can actually tap into and hack a subconscious state. So which gives us access to Realities beyond what you know, we think is possible with a condition mine because we go beyond the conditioning and to like the realm of the infinite where it's like, okay, actually anything's possible. Yeah, we have more access to information that goes beyond the mind, you know, there's like a limitless storage information within the body as well, but it's related to our own personal experience of how we can heal our own body. D and beyond that the collective Consciousness hmm beautiful, so I would love to really like delve into your modality the wild Grace movement because I love like what I'm what I've been really feeling is like we're learning as Leaders about these ancient practices and yoga and you know more of these structures things, but what I personally feel in the new paradigm is like we get to deliver it in our own way and I'm seeing this in so many different leaders. It's taking all of this knowledge, but Channeling how that wants to come through us and it's almost like there's no rules anymore because it's just like we're all delivering this work in our own unique way that's going to resonate with different people. So how is that all come together for you? And yeah, what what is the modality really look like like what what pieces is it bringing in? And how is it impacting people? Mmm, yeah, cool. Thank you. So while gross is the company the wild Grace of movement and we have to Day Day by events and teacher trainings and the body of work. That's the registered modality is the parasympathetic restoration formula. So that's kind of underpins all of what we teach and really that is about what we're talking about. It's like how do we return to our Natural State? How do we actually Lee soften the body and learn how to access Our Truth beyond the mind and so all of the different practices that we teach within the wild growth models feedback into that core modality, which is learning how to heal the body from a parasympathetic. State as opposed to what I actually see is quite common in healing modalities is healing through sympathetic means which is like a rousing emotional body. But what we teach is how to undo everything in the body and how to come back to a Still Point and to how to allow the body to actually heal itself without us feeling like we need to heal or fix something like trying to evoke something or move something through from this leg pain. Space of course. It's like how do we actually undo everything and allow the body to return to its natural state? The body actually wants to heal itself. We just have to know the formulas on how to do that. And so it's a very deep Quantum healing experience. Like you're not to day experiences and the seven-day training and with that it's like that opens you up to a magnitude of possibilities. So women come out like being completely stuck to know exactly what they're here to do people with had Quantum healing experiences of healing like a lifetime worth of extra overnight getting their moon cycles for the first time in a year, like people are going into these containers and they're coming out and they're just completely different people and that's because we're actually allowing them to access what is possible for them as opposed to what they think and that's too deep embodiment practices. Yeah, which encompasses the embodiment work that we do we work through a archetypal wheel which works through the chakra system and at each level we work with different name or demon work practices and somatic experiencing practices and debts devotional. Dance is a healing practice. So there's a whole bunch of Embodiment practices we work with and then we work in a structured formula really and it's also powerful because it's very like it's similar to what we get to see with the people that go through the self-pleasure Journey as well. It's like when we drop into the body like life can just shift so quickly in all areas because we're you know, locking ourselves and allowing energy and Life to just move through us it almost like for me like when I when I really jumped into the embodiment work and Started to move so quickly. It was almost like this is so simple, but you know the way they were thought is just so behind it's crazy, isn't it? Yeah. So how imagine if everyone in this world had access to these teachings, you know, exactly exactly and it's just like science is not catching up to all of all of this knowledge in a way. So what like yeah, I'd love to know what kind of challenges you've kind of come up against like have you experience trying to integrate this into mainstream and has there been kind of roadblocks that have come up around that? Yeah, I guess they coming from a background where I was working with largely the mainstream and seeing the blocks there and really Desiring to contribute. To change within that space. I started my business with the intention of getting this work into mainstream spaces. And then there's Times Gone by over the past couple of years since birth in the business. It's more and more. It's like I can't change the system. I have to create my own system and that I'm not too. It's deeply magical work and it deserves to be held in certain spaces and certain environments and the work that I'm doing is actually not Desiring to be out there in the mainstream and in saying that it's actually attracting a lot of people from the mainstream so I don't desire to change the systems at all. But I am creating a system that does attract a lot of people and that are from mainstream and actually taking their work then. And taking it back into the mainstream. So ironically even though I'm like, I'm not the one to go in and penetrate and create change like the dinner Hospital systems and within the whole systems like which was originally in my intention. I was going to go back and do my masters and look at doing research because I was really passionate about changing the system but it's kind of happening anyway in a different way, which is great because it means I'm serving that intention but it's just not through the way that I thought it was going to be like I have women coming in her side. Psychologist I have women come in that I'm working with in the field of Fitness that are taking it into those Realms. So it's like really starting to weave its way through different spaces in different through different people in different forms, really organically. So it is kind of tapping into the mainstream. It's just not yeah not in the way that I thought it was going to which is how magic Works anyway, it's never what you think. It's got to be. It does its own thing. You just have to guess. You can see how the intention and then be like open to how that manifests itself, you know is usually never how you think it's gonna be. Yeah, exactly. It's like you think it's going to be amazing, but then it kind of ends up being even more amazing than you expected. But in a totally surprised way, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know and I love that like around we're not changing the old Paradigm. We're creating a new one. Is that what you'd say like the new paradigm shift really means to you? you Yeah, because like if I'm going to go back into the old Paradigm I kinda have to actually tell my little bit to kind of be able to weave through that space. I don't want to do that. So I have to just trust that me showing up with the teachings that I have and teaching it the way that I do it is going to is going to create an impact. Yeah, and in saying that I have like created this model in system to to try and Bridge the world's a Like that's why I did have an accredited through the ICT The International Institute of complementary therapies. So there is a certified modalities so that it can actually be taken into spaces and we can actually get insurance to do the work as well. And you know, so I am I am I do have that in mind. Yeah and which is why a lot of the women that come to do. The training are like why they drawn to the training as well. Because it is more of a bridge modality, even though it is really deep and magical. It's like we still have those like foundational measures in place to be able to actually take it in like safely into mainstream Arenas. Hmm. Yeah, and I love the like the idea that we're bringing these healing modalities to people like who were like you that are in the mainstream and they kind of like only weaving slowly we Them together and I know that even in our Institute of new paradigm intimacy where like magnetizing women who are in the sex industry and they want to bring the light into that industry. So yeah, we're slowly weaving and changing and people are waking up and realizing they don't have to be in this space actually bring their magic and start to make real change. Yeah, I love that. Mmm. Yeah. Yeah, and that's I think that's another thing. I'll just speak on quickly about like new paradigm way of teaching is like that's something that I really prized within the wild Grace model is that we are teaching the women particular formulas and practicing tools and techniques, but it's like, okay you can then weave that into your personal brand and into the way that you teach in your own unique way, so it's not it's not holding. It control over its teachers and the people that do the come to do the trainings. It's like there is a level of like, okay, the potency has to be held and we have you know ways of upholding that through certification etcetera, but it's like take this work and weave it into the world in your own unique way, which I created because I also don't like being under strict regimes. It's like any any like if I'm told I need to do something a certain way and this This is how you teach it. So I'm going to automatically rebel against that I'm not going to do it. So it's like I needed to create a model that would suit me is well, it's like this is what I would like. So I'm going to create that. Yeah, it means letting go of control a little bit but it's in my view far more effective. Yeah, it's total freedom to just bring all of ourselves which I feel is like so important to this shift. It's like authenticity and bringing your unique transmission. The world is so much of what it's about. Yeah. Mmm, what's kind of I would love to know like we're in such a shifting phase. Like we're about to go into a new decade. I'm just looking at the time now, it's 11 11 a.m. Here as I say that which is super powerful and but how are you seeing like this play out in the world? Like what do you feel is going to really Elevate Us in the next decade through this change? Four star I feel like we're not going to have a choice. From to be completely honest like with with the astrological transits that we're entering. Well that was kind of actually just already entered with Jupiter entering Capricorn and like everything that's happening. We actually enter the technically into the Aquarian age December 21st, next year or 20. So really with what's happening astrologically and cosmically I'm not really Really going to have much of a choice like it's going to really Propel us and you know, if we look at our bodies as a microcosm of the macrocosm what's happening out there and all of the changes and shifts that are happening out. There are also happening internally and we have to face those and it's going to be really fucking uncomfortable if you don't so it's the discomfort of what's going in or arise within this next year is going to really Propel people into an internal Revolution and then to revolutionize their lies and I don't believe that we're going to have too much of a say that we can And control it but the forces at play at the moment a really huge. So that's creating a lot of the change with this shift that we're moving into the Aquarian age. If we look at, you know, the sign of Aquarius and what that represents will by Uranus, which is the freedom fighter. It's the rebel it's the one that doesn't do things conventionally. It's the one that's also doing things unconventionally but to serve Humanity, so there's a real focus on the The collective and what's happening collectively and how we can start to do things differently and that really anchors in next December. So we're all moving towards that for some it's going to be stronger than others if it's a really like deeply ingrained within us but to some degree it's going to be happening and filtering through the whole of the collective and actually feel like the next year is going to be very revolutionary year in terms of like all of the biggest structures and systems uprooting and changing as well. Yeah, I feel like this big a forces at play at the Matt. Why don't feel like I know there's bigger forces at play at the moment, but you're really helping in the shift in Consciousness and then obviously like right now specifically as a really strong point for leaders to be really stepping up and creating their their legacy. So there's going to be some core core people that play to help to generate and accelerate this shift in consciousness. Yeah, it's such a fun time to be alive like fun, but messy and like KO te is going to say well. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like 2019. It was just it just chewed me up and spit me out and threw me into a lineman. It's like just it's like a push around. I like a gentle holding at the same time while you're being pushed is how I describe it. Yeah. So I know that a lot of people like with how you said like what we're moving through all these shifts internally and we're going into a new year and a new decade and all of these things. I know a lot of people have kind of feeling this internal overwhelm. Like they've got this mission on their heart and they want to step into it. But there's all these like old things playing out from your teachings and how you're raising up leaders into this new paradigm. What would be your advice that you'd share with someone that's kind of going through that process right now. Yeah, the things that are coming to my mind immediately like Community like finding the right community and support and surrounding yourself with the right people and people that are like kind of doing and navigating life summer space where you're also wanting to do that that's like Sookie and pivotal. There's so many things I could say to this. I'm going to just tune into what wants to be spoken. A community so important surround yourself with the right people obviously having these practices, you know working with these practices. Maybe personally like nature is huge for me like spending time in nature and I just stealing your mind to the point where you can hear the deeper Essence which is you know, the same Essence which is in nature. So people actually like I've just made the shift in the past year to like living in the center of Melbourne. To and you know for someone that's like I was still able to tap into essence of my deep intuition, but it was really really clouded so it took a lot more work. And now that I've moved out into nature, it's just like it's so much more seamless and easy and I actually feel like there's going to be a lot of people really making that shift as well. I got out of the city and into like nature and community. and yeah Aquarius is also the sign of you know, the rules Community as well as the people are really finding their community and the next year we finding like who that is and Fundamentals, you know like health and movement I find. Like just simply this tip in store. Yeah and finding people that you resonate with and following are two genes. Beautiful. I love it. I think that's perfect. And I feel that really happening to it's like I live over in Bali and sometimes I feel like I'm just in this little Fantasy Realm here. So it's like, you know what I'm experiencing this space. It's like it is Rippling out to the rest of the world people are craving to get back to the core of who they are and feel connected and you know, all of this just weaves together so well, so I'm so excited like for what this next decade brings and Just love everything you stand for and how you're helping Empower leaders and raise them up and have people connected to their truth. So yeah, thank you so much for the work that you're doing. I feel like we've chatted and we've just ya covered so much magic in this So before we wrap up, yeah, I would love for you to just share like where people can find you online and maybe what you have coming up in the new year that people can tune into. Yeah, awesome, sir. I have my personal Brands going to go and then I have the movement of created while Grace movement which is separate Sigourney Bell. You can find me on Instagram. Yes. It's / Sigourney Bell Facebook. So gonna bail as well and my website is in terms of the world Grace movement. It's the Wild Rose movement is the tag for Facebook Instagram. And also our website is the world gross So you can find all information up on our social media in terms of what we've got going on. So due to do we've got two trainings in February, but they're fully booked. There's going to be a training in June and in November in Bali at a beautiful Eco stay and we're also going to be touring through the UK and Europe media and they'll be something happening in America towards the end of the I haven't quite anchored that in yet. I've also got a really exciting offering coming up through my personal brand in a pool in New York City. We're going to be doing a massive temple on Easter called the resurrection and I'm teaming up with some pretty epic people over there. So watch this space and looking to release too much because I haven't actually released it to my audiences yet. But that's going to be coming up in the next couple of weeks or so brilliant. I love it. It all sounds so fun. And I think that's a core piece of like how we do business. The new paradigm to it's like actually having fun doing it. Yeah fun. I'm like, I've got such a funny thing with fun like my butt so much Capricorn which is like the planet of like sorry the sign of like no fun. Like I don't do fun, but I'm like, no actually but yeah, yeah, absolutely really. well, yeah, so just say Yeah, just my individual offerings. Our first only do a limited number of sessions, but I do business matter medicine sessions which are Channel branding and business consults. It's basically anyone that wants Clarity in their business or they want clear Direction over their Essence their why they're there what they're basically here to do. I do sessions which incorporate deep ritual magic can bring through the whole essence of someone's brand and connect them to the school of their business. So do those sessions as well? Yeah, I love it. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for being on here today. And yeah, I would love to know what sort of a life for you now after this chart. Hmm. I saw a river did as well. So I'm going to go jump in the river speaking of nature before I was like, I haven't actually been in nature today. So I'm gonna go and do that really well and really grateful. Thank you. Yeah me to thank you so much.
Sigourney Belle Weldon is a Business Medicine Facilitator, Spiritual Teacher & Revolutionary Leader in the New Consciousness Paradigm. The WILDGRACE™ Movement, a groundbreaking development in healing, is the culmination of Sigourney’s career in Western Medicine as a Physiotherapist – specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders – and extensive training in Complementary Medicines, including Reiki, Yoga Therapy, Access Bars Therapy, Tantra and The Spiral Clearing Process. Through years of experience working in health Sigourney discovered that the body has an intuitive ability to heal and restore itself to its natural state of homeostasis where it is wild, alive and free. She then created the The Parasympathetic Restoration Technique™, a globally accredited modality with the International Institute of Complementary Therapies (IICT) and teaches it in privately run trainings all over the world. In today's episode we talk about Sigourney's journey from the western health care system to ancient wisdom and embodiment The new paradigm of business How business and tantra work hand in hand The power of movement and somatic therapy Predictions for how we create in 2020  Follow Sigourney Belle Weldon Instagram: @sigourneybelle Facebook: Sigourney Belle The General Follow Lauren Renee Instagram: @laurenreneeintimacy Facebook: Lauren Renee Intimacy Register for the World's Largest Sex Magic Temple with Sigourney Belle and Victoria Redbard  Apply for the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy February 2020 intake
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We don't a two-day weekend takeover, January. If we have a live podcast with the ptg boys, if you don't Brandon, he was he was on our podcast these young cats out of the city and they sell cars but they they all go around like I'll pull and reach port in the 80s. Like they got helicopters and Lamborghinis and all that. They forget about the other day. He was like, yo man, if I know y'all have this file just took a chapel. Yeah. So PT PTT is going to be in the building. Mr. And mrs. Two weeks out crazy crazy Fitness couple in Atlanta. They got the whole Fitness game in Smash on. Atlanta definitely Kiana Watson celebrity realtor Superstar realtor in Atlanta and our brother. Kenny Burns will be in the building bullheaded bit accrual here. Don't be too sure so it's and it's gonna be crazy like yeah, it's gonna be crazy and go have open bar private networking event private dinners crazy. And this is day one facts day two. We got a workshop with Alex good energy Trucking Guru lives in Atlanta Legend Andy from watch UK Credit Solutions going get your credit, right? He said Got em, G mortgage guy everything you need to know about mortgages real estate. You got to cover all of that and then Max Max. Well the King of wholesaling Great One wholesale and so it's going to be crazy. We're going to have all of our other alumni friends, you know, it's gonna be there's gonna be crazy crazy ain't gonna hold you. So all you all the tickets or last on our website on your under the events tab hit that 1000 don't wait don't wait if you ask a lot of questions that are already on the tab. So just go to the tab everything that you need to know about the event is there. The VIPs the the one-off everything's done everything to the tab. So all right. We're going to jump right into this. We got my brother while oh two six seven the legend himself. So fantastic a long time. They in the make it now people been asking for this episode for a long time and I'll get it back story actually while I don't even know if I ever told why Lotus but while I actually is one of the reasons why we even have on your leisure because so happens was four months. We had a podcast I was following wallow. And while I was dope, I'll tell the whole story but he was putting like motivational videos on Instagram like hit do like push-ups in the rain helped it out of garbage cans like it's about the tree. Yeah, so I'm watching these clips but you know, it's a lot of motivational speakers on Instagram, but his was actually like hitting me like I'm like yours. I was tended to like Troy. I send it to all my friends like yo watch this like check this shit out and be like yo, that's actually pretty dope. And so so I'll put a clip about 50 Cent taking equity and vitamin water and he actually DM me no, he followed me. He followed me first and I was actually out my oh shit while the follow me look they're like, oh that's like that young boys and I'm like a while. He like, you know, you made it bro. Let's get big like so then he caught me. He called me tonight EDM me like yo, what's your He called me the next day and we spoke like an hour and he just gave me free game like yo, this is dope. You should do more of this the Back stories of finance of like entertainment like this is like something that this is a whole Lane you can carve out. I'm like, yeah you like. Yeah, you should just like that's the lane like the Baxter and that's how earn your leisure like, that's our tag line and Back stories of sports entertainment. So that kind of like encourage me to do more. So yeah, man while oh, it's a legendary story, you know. He was incarcerated for 20 years as 1616 right 17:17 came out and just hit the ground running literally hit the ground running and in just over two years has the number one podcast on Apple music has endorsement deals with tons of companies a book A book the merge pop enhanced ebook not yeah. I mean we go. His whole thing, but it's just it's really just inspiring. So first and foremost, thank you. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate no problem coming to be here man. It's just all the all the all the all the guys out here is real because when we got the phone when he told me like yo, I'm about to speak to while he was like, yo, I'm like, yeah, you think I can hear it? No, it's like I was moist I was so excited to speak to him because it was like yo this do is giving it to like, you know, I might I might have pushed people, you know. In a different way, but the information that he had I was like yo, this is going to grab me and people and you know grab people's attention and make them want to learn see like, you know, learning ain't always cool we from so so the be able to you know, encourage people to learn through people that they see that celebrities and you giving up their information and you throwing these dollar signs up there and they got a story with it. Oh, that's that was like man. It was like, you know sort of like what I do is like medicine and candy. Yeah, you're not me and I was like yo, this is That's why I was saying like yo, because it was so many it's so many stories that we want to know about where the sneaker deals where ever you know, you know warded the all type of deals is going on that. We you know, we don't really hear about yeah, I you see how this do made all his money like, you know who this guy in like, it'll be somebody you by don't even know that did they created a patent or trademark something or you know, just I did at went, you know, I mean or just the negotiated a deal you like. Oh, oh, he negotiated that you know it and it can inspire you. Yeah, I think that was See when I seen it and that would definitely was the intention because not only does it inspire you but it also inspires another generation to see like, you know, this is possible. Yeah, I could do this because he did it, you know saying like that's pretty much what we rooted in so like one of the like a lot of people know your story as far as like, you know motivation come out the be incarcerated, but to me, I'll tell you this before like to me the business story to me is is like what really interests me because it's like we see, you know, you've done deals with Puma Footlocker Hennessy. NFL Network TED Talks Global Citizens all of that right? And like I said number one podcast merge trademarks book all that stuff, but at what point because we spoke about this on the phone like at what point did you see the direction that the world was changing while you're actually incarcerated and map out a strategy to hit the ground running when you come home so I know when you first came home the first business that you had was selling T-shirts, like literally like just want a street corner, right? Yeah. It was just like that was the first thing but when I was in prison, I was like I used to I used to eat a lot, man and It was it was a guy called Anthony Bourdain. He was a legend of me. That was like a teacher from far away because Anthony Bourdain had three shows no reservation Parts Unknown in The Layover and I used to watch him on like, you know different channels Discovery a Channel all the type of Travel Channel all the CNN and this dude you should be a heroin addict and you got yourself together. You just be all over the world and exposing people to different cultures and different ways of life and ways of thinking so I was up on him then I used to read all the time entrepreneur Forbes black. Price and I will read as much as possible Rolling Stone GQ Vanity Fair and I will read articles about people making it happen technology Wired Magazine. And when people used to come to prison, I used to always interview people like about life. I want to know what was going on in life because in jail and lifestyle is not really life. It's not no oxygen. So when people come out when it go I will want to get I won't want to escape the reality I was going through so my way to escape is I would just interrogate the man like a schema that Thousand questions man, but my life so my new coming in new coming in and I when I first heard about Google and YouTube, I was like man. I didn't believe somebody when he first told me about Google because it was like what? Yeah. Yeah. Well, you can type your name and I said, why won't my name being I've been in jail. Like I Could you type my name in someone to come up and you know, I saw always write it down in a thing called The Book of Life. The book of life is a book that I had and composition because I used to write everything down all over every inch of that we use to write I might be talking to you or tell me somebody are poor. You may tell me some about a website but I got to remember that. I don't care what I got all the type of stuff written in that book of life. Ernie. 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So join the millions of students already learning those skills here today with a special offer just for our listeners get two free months. That's right. Skillshare is offering Ernie Leisure listeners two months of unlimited access to thousands of classes for free to sign up go. Leisure again go to / Leisure to start your to free months. Now that Leisure, you know, and it just was like one day. I'm a look into his old my homie. Yeah got a access to a wireless hotspot in the iPod touch. And once we gave me that it was like hey, I came alive when the first time you saw her iPod here think it was like alien and be like, what did you not drop? Is it because I couldn't believe it when I typed it up and stuff was just popping up. Yeah. Yeah. I mean the name of this stuff was popping up that you know, I was thinking it was like yo, this is like and I thought I was I thought I had something that nobody in the world had just Google Google was like it was like University to me. He was the Free University you can find anything you can learn anything and you know, and you know, just typing a high to on YouTube. So I was like, oh sháá I was like yo, this is I can't believe I thought this is like this is like unreal. I'm like this is no way in the world. People we got this because I thought like with this I got a and I said to him I got to ask you on anybody out here. Yeah, I got the edge. Now, you know, that's that's powerful because it's like a lot of time we don't take we take stuff for granted like on the outside right or just people in general and I never figured like my cousin came home. My cousin came home from jail and he did like think 10 or 11 years and he sort of iPhone for the first time and he didn't know like he was looking at it and but he didn't say he didn't know what it but I could tell he had no idea what was going on. He's like like how you touch it like no say like what's going on? So it's like things like that. It's like we don't fully understand how powerful what we have are like the phone is the most powerful invention ever created got a library anything that's ever happened in the history of the world is writing the palm of your hand. Absolutely you're so at that time when you discovering these things are you formulating like go. How am I going to use these things once I leave to be honest with you, I just was like yo, I always was a dude that was always a grinder like a hustler, you know. Because growing up I used to I was a part of a crew called the lowlifes who used to boost and still you know, the original. Oh, yeah, they originated from the documentary on. Yeah. They originated from our New York Brooklyn the cat named be Bill recipe shy slow and a heater when he gave me the name while low real name is Wallace, but they just call me little Wiley. He made it while low. So I used to boost and steal all that stuff. So I always had like a hustle to me. So I used to sell things all the time. That's what a low part comes in. Yeah, so you to sell things all the time and When I was in jail, I always study marketing. I study colors. I study. I understood that. I studied attention span. I understood about when I see a commercial on TV. I used to love watching commercials in jail, you know, like you might watch and look at it commercial like that. I'm watching like you. I wonder why advertising agency made this they gave, you know gated, you know, contract to shoot all the commercials. I'm looking at the colors. I'm looking at the time frame. I'm looking at the excitement of the do, you know to catch your jaw and I'm like yo, man. I studied t-shirt game because it was like t-shirts and I'll never doubt and I just sell clothes. I saw me get out there and do some teaching. I'm gonna get some both eyes and get some catchy Sands in his arm. I'm gonna go out there because I just knew stuff and I study symbolism and I said when I go out here is on because I said, I literally I'm gonna fuck shit up. I'll hit his people sleep because as I was beyond Google and all eyes will be on social media and I used to see that people was out here celebrating nothing. I'm like, oh my God, I got it to you know, because you know for me to be able to had is this As leverage being improved prison because in prison everybody's like on dinosaur Tommy stuck in the time that they came in on. Hmm. And you know, they're part of a world that don't exist no more. So what that did is they that put me up in today until it told me about tomorrow and I was like, it's nothing that can stop me with this and I got this that's all I you know would say until my people. I just want to phones now, come on you not me. I just want to you know me and he was like, I'm gonna go out here and I'm gonna just destroy this shit and I knew that people like I knew people like Grind they lack imagination and I knew that you know, even though I was coming out of prison 37 it was like I'm becoming out of prison 37 but at the same time, I'm really still going to be a kid with my imagination because Jill stagnated Jill didn't give me the experience that average person would have like as an adult, you know, you grow you get experience you start to know more things the where's don't limit your imagination because you feel as though. Oh that can't be done. This can't be done that came as a child. You got unbelievable imagination. You have in ran up against no walls yet. So I still was in that mind of my imagination is everything and I was like, oh I could do any fucking thing. You know, that's powerful to decide the imagine that the ability to dream. Yeah. I still was dreaming that's dope. I still was reading so when you were like you said you were coming up with slogans. Like are you writing these down in the Life Book like it because I like that coming. I will write stuff down. I'll be talking talking trash and we might be tall. I might see something to think of some remake. You know me like, you know, it's always money in Philadelphia, you know, that was a slow and I'm from is Always Sunny in Philadelphia the show. Yes. I see I go with that and I started praying that on shirts and it was like game time like it was like so when you when you when you come home, like what's the first steps of getting a t-shirt like you like? What like, how do you because you come up you don't have any money at all? No, I had a couple dollars. Okay some for my books a couple people. Hit me off. Give me a couple hours, but they don't take nothing start like a t-shirt line. Like, you know me wanted a local printer. I want this what I want a printout, don't you? City you and you got a you always want a t-shirt hotel somewhere in your town is going to be where they sell wholesale t-shirts hoodies. Whatever I went there. I heard about a guy named Mark, you know from Hustler jr. I heard about him in jail because I knew a guy who knew people that was dealing with in my homie girl was dealing with him. She had a clothing line and when I came home she took me to him like yo, here you go and I was like, okay it's on and I would just buy a certain. I've I forget how many was probably like 20, I'll board him took him to him Pete a couple hours. For this year a couple dollars for the silk screening and I just went with it. I just was like, all right, I'm gonna go sell these I was selling T-shirts in the wintertime and ahead and a hand man like Coke, so and I just started selling them. It ended just did just start. I just start feeling at that point. When you coming up with these slogans and your mind, like obviously you've been studying are you thinking about I got a trademark this or or you know, I already knew about tree much that I ran into in jail. I ran into intellectual property attorney. He was in jail and he gave me the game about the and I read about Okay, but he would tell me about in the lake because I'm like intellectual property with help type of real estate. You got something but you see properly and then he said knowing the reality that is like real estate. Yeah, yummy because still property still stuff. Do you can make money off ever? It's probably in your mouth, you know license and then I used to watch Shark Tank and I will see them talking about, you know asking people to the owner John and tell my license in royalties are the trademark and I'm like, oh shit. This is the game. Yeah. Sure. I always was fascinated with trademarks and understanding that and like so I said, okay, I'm gonna trade my shit and I just write stuff down. We're a company names right ideas down and I was like, I'm a trademark this shit. So one thing I was I was actually curious about those a business podcast, but we talk about Criminal Justice Reform or stuff like that. Like when people come home from jail, like for probation stuff that they got to show that they work and they get a job. They have to have a job right? Like how did that work out for you? Like being an entrepreneur they let you rock with that or like me. I wouldn't she be like I told her I don't know what it was my parole. Just believed in me. I told him I was going to do because when I came home like my like my scores and if I was going, you know, you take like Tessa's like any Ted some of these tests show. If you want to know what your chances of reoffending the whatever I had low. She was like, you ain't really no problem. I ain't really a you own use drugs on what's the name and I live like a good probably like two to three hundred feet from the parole office. Literally. No, I was right there like Grandma. I was living in my grand. So it was like Dave she wasn't worrying about me. You know me. She just like you some mandated you got to go to this job here, whatever I go but I started I just started getting settlement help us getting it man, you know, and before I knew it was game time. Yeah start doing advertising for people on Instagram, you know to build my staying up and it was like it was over and that's just you getting paid to speak and it was like, okay. I'm going to game. All right, so the next thing we're going to talk about that. We got about your transition from selling T-shirts to blowing up and being a social-media influencer. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income in today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and Then in between solution to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. All right, so I want to talk about social media marketing because a lot of people everybody that has a business right now. I think has to be marketing themselves online and everybody is trying to do it but a lot of people was not doing it correctly and not doing it right but you you caught Wildfire like so all right, your social media campaign was that deliberate oil was that just you was just doing it and just kind of caught Steam and before you knew it you just Like did you have a plan for that or you just was doing it and that's how it was already done. You know, I knew I knew one thing. I knew I knew the attention span. I knew that I had to battle with the timeline. So what I did was I knew that wherever I'm laying on the ground with ketchup on my head over I'm jumping off a roof. I had to grab your attention because I had to battle with the girl that was naked on Instagram to do with all the jury on the sister with all the designers should on do with all this. On a sheet on the wrapper the a flea so I'm Gil something nobody doing out here. Nobody. I know but I'm gonna give it to you with a message because you won't stop when you see me laying on the ground to catch up. You're going to stop when you see me jumping off a roof and then I'm going to pop it in that one minute and give you a message, you know, like once again, you know medicine in the candy. So it was like it wasn't no big big plot of plan. That was just like I just was giving the message out, you know, and and it just was my natural me being me like I knew and I knew that everybody out here was afraid to be themselves over you got people on Instagram really be any so really not worrying about how you look at me. I'm really not trying to impress you with things or man. I you can kill shit and that's what I did. You know, I just was I guess me was Mimi naturally being me was marketing. Yeah, that's a fact and I always tell people that's the best way like people asked they asked even me all the time like, you know different tips and I'm like you got to The original Mutual I just had this conversation with somebody yesterday like you gotta find your own lane. Like there's really no set Rhyme or Reason or formula. It's like what works for you like this works for us, but what works for you and I think a lot of times especially social media everybody's trying to like duplicate what's already hot and a problem. You always run in a race with your behind somebody like you're following and then it's like a turn now, you got to follow that turn now, you gotta follow this turn. It's like if you want your own path, you're not worried about what I know of no was crazy. I was thinking about that shit and I was thinking about staying only Enjoy it. I realized talking to associate of mine. I said I said man. I'm coming to the conclusion that that whole mindset might be a little dated because we live in the world. Where as though it's just it's like you ever notice how you driving that different Lanes. You got this lady. You got to be Lane. If you trying to get somewhere. You'd be banging all types of things speed lane Slow it Up Car slowing speed up ain't you? But like I think you got to change lanes. Sometimes you got because the way the game is no way to the co-chair of nowness to coach her now and you change so much. Where's though? Can you keep up with the speed of coaching? You know Troy Carter once said that and and that's the real reality of it is you might jump in the lane. And you really might be multi-talented but you might be like that's just like tell you do. Oh man, everybody might come up getting money some way. But everybody always preach real estate real estate real estate real estate real estate all the billionaire real estate, you know, the saying all the billionaires got multiple Revolution all the billionaires got real estate. Hey, you know the same on gives a shit you always hear you say I'm saying like so you will have a dude they got the real estate. But at the same time he probably came up from Juice company, right you got to do to get the real estate. Same time. He came up I offer music this dude athlete. This dude is my got restaurants. This do might have gas this do myself, you know landscape and stuff. So it's like what do you that means like My people is getting Mighty In Deed. But at the same time he stay in your lane Danny seen time. They say have multiple revenue streams. So it's like what the fuck do you do? But just do what you feel it's a million ladies man, but the key is to remain authentic even back then was I was saying was like somebody was asking us like yo, how do y'all do it? And it was like, well, we've been friends for 25 plus years. It's not a how do we do is just naturally what we do, but I'm glad you said that like diversifying your mind right? Because like you said like if I stay in my one lane like I'm a teacher like people will To keep me in that lane. So like when they hear me even talking about businesses, like you're not supposed to do that. Like, you know that do normal things. It's like a shot two people and then you get to diversify from this like, yeah, I could do this I could do this and you surprise yourself. You're like damn like I really did that. I you gotta look at it. Like I don't even try to you know. I don't even try to categorize myself because like You know me I advertise is I'm saying which is marketing for myself or brains or I you know, I do speaking engagements because I'm saying I'm a host of a podcast. You know, I mean, I'm an effect you merch you see I'm saying I create you know, I sell merch light if we come here we go. What can't you do? No, no, you know, I don't wrap a pleasure, but it's like but it's like at the same time like what if I box myself? Yeah, not for sure. I you got you got to leave all your options open. I just think you still have you have to be authentic because a lot of times I think people are chasing something that they're not that's what I mean. I like chasing something like not chasing like in different directions different Lanes but chasing like, okay. This is the way you want Instagram comedian. I won't be in control. The Instagram comedian. Oh, this is the way you want Instagram. I'm going to do this. Honestly, it's like it's not sustainable. That's not what you are. It's like it's not you not comfortable with it. Like I'm comfortable with getting a bathing fucking shit up throwing the video doing video. I'm cool with that do that shit in my sleep, and I'm cool with that. You know, I mean, I don't it's good when you can inspire people that I've seen a lot of people come after me and wanted to do whatever they was doing and I respect it. I don't feel no type of way. I don't think I'm going to do what I'm doing, you know. I guess you just you just you just see people you just like I wish people could just I want people to win and I wish they do find anything, you know, and it ain't never too late to figure it out. You can find that shit. You know, I mean like I just be like I just be like going hard at what I know and I'm always adding some new shit to my Arsenal. So one thing you told me our side we use like when you was in SoHo and he was walking around. He's like people most people wouldn't they? Look at it? Look at the store. They look at that. They looking at the stores name, but you looking like as a possible Advertiser like I'm looking I'm looking at I'm looking at it as they need advertisement. They could be a sponsor for a podcast. It could be a sponsor for event. They could be sponsor for Community, you know giveback activate it like that's how I see that I don't see like I see things differently when I see I'm on my way okay bang, but everything is about the introduction to that idea. Yeah, a lot of times you have an idea but if the introduction to that idea to who you present it to it on grab them. I mean that's why a lot of times you see movies as soon as the movie come on yummy. You see something happen the car chase somebody shot. Somebody can kill you had a gun but it didn't say six months earlier. But the injured that the introduction grabs you made you see you like the I want to see what still this and sometimes it's with a bit, you know, you everybody out here man, all these businesses. They always looking for new ways to Market, you know, because you know, you gotta this technology anybody want to be a part of anybody want to be hip they want to be cool then went the followers the big Brands even Deuce. Yeah. It's like Sean social media is the new rock stars influences for sure. So you got to try to figure out how can we partner so How did that how did that happen? Cuz I remember one thing you told me a while ago to is like don't always worried about like big Brands and stuff like that. Like take like it might be a small mom and pop that wants to do an Instagram at like I tell people that all the time especially when you're first starting out but like at what point did you transition into like bigger Brands like did that just happen through relationships or did you reach out to them? Like how did that and the game out here? Everything goes off of relationships? It goes off here. He tracking out here and then when you eat night it goes goes off multiple things but when you get hot Man, I'm telling you man. You get hot out here. They come in looking for it. And I'll be there I wouldn't say climb. It was like it's been two and a half years, right? So it's been actually thirty four months 30. So at what point I mean was it this hot from the start like on whether you know, what was the process it was it was it was it took time like, all right. I was out of jail price six months, and I that was the first time I got to speak in a real serious speaking. I think the first speaking got was like was it six hundred dollars? Spoke at his school, but I wasn't sure it's do gaming like six my first advertising check. I got was five hundred dollars for one minute and on Instagram Okay, and like six months outside of me being six months of me being home. I've done the speaking thing with a speaking engagement. I did it for 15 minutes do do big business. He's been seeing if he gave me two grand for 15 minutes. I said, oh shit is game time. I'm about to say that to my face when I'm doing she said, holy shit obsessing to copy the check and I did this I'm doing it. I hear that was based off of what you have been curating already on social media. Yeah. It was based off of my what he my valuation that he had for me. I didn't know what I was doing. Yeah, it's a fairly right? Yeah, he just said come and do it. I went and done it and he gave me that you know, and it was like two thousand and fifteen minutes. I'm leaving out of jail six months game time. This is my word for saying yeah. I knew anybody probably can paint it, but I knew where to start from. Yeah, I know damn. Well I get $2,000 plus travel I could do this then I start making moves and I mean I understood with a the one she was honest. I started looking up Dan. We do a you know contract with like what type of you know speaking engagement contract what it look like what I'm going line pulling joins down going to speakers Pages like everything you want is already out. So you're doing it yourself. You're not like, oh I got to get an agent. I got no, I don't handle ages because so I didn't really handle agent but I had friends, you know, I mean that will help me and then people do stuff for me like Nadia Nisa, you know, my lawyer sham Lawson. You know me one thing about my lawyer man. Oh my god get hurt that thing going when you're going sham lost. She's from Cleveland, but She she lived in the land of she practice out of Atlanta. She's an intellectual property attorney and all that stuff and I met her down Atlanta. Like I wasn't home that long and she was like lizard man. I'm gonna help you. She will help me think she got me an 8-3. See she the what she ate three Sea Festival. Okay. I got me there the first year home speaking here, you know, and she was like listen, you ain't got that much money. Give me what you gonna give me. I'ma help you get your stuff trademark, whatever you give me the for the filing fees and I love her. You know me. She always done. They like she's a if you listen to this check out Shea am lost and on. And she really like a she knows stuff. You know me and I ran into like a couple deals little small stuff. I mean Fosse Grand take Joan. She will make sure that there was right reading Kant. No, no take this out. Take that out. She's a beast, you know, I mean, but her, you know, I had people like her I had Nisa I had no idea then was like, like one thing I learned about the game out here like when you're doing stuff women approach is way different like they've really Beyond shit for you the best thing women, like if it women like you got people like went yes. Women out here that would try to like most of my journey was like women at it through the plug through the alley oop, you know me, you know, you know, it was like it was different women and they would D they position you're different like they'd be really on shitty. They work hard. They never seem like a lot of dudes be bullshit now they be trying to compete with you and maybe trying to be popping. So be crazy not all of them, but some of you know, so and like yeah the thing I like about it's the whole package is very polished like your website and your bio You know what it took. Listen, man. I tell you I didn't had different website one it took time and it took me just looking at people like a lot of times if you know, you got to like whatever you trying to do. Like I tell people look at the peopl that's doing what you doing on the next level you some saying if you you know, if you trying to be a speaker, you know, I mean, you got to look at look at speaker Pages look and see how much they charge and look at the website. Look how I look who was the guy that all the people that you looked at when you were going trying to model like, you know what he's doing that or she's doing that. That this is what I need to do. I need to try this like who would some know I think the charge was like because some people prices were astronomical. Yes. I'm still are you got some people you was like damn. You know me. I'm gonna I'm gonna get that. I'll be getting a 50,000. It's like it's like a lot of speakers out here like you not me you got you got that Les Brown you got the Eric time as you've got the David Goggins you got these type of dudes is out there. You got the icky icky Johnson Johnson butter, but the dude that really broke it down for me was a guy named Maurice Clarett Charles my God y'all tomorrow. one thing about him is that You know he gave me the game because once when Maurice Clarett came out of prison was doing anything. He's 3430 documentary came out powerful as email got swapped like a thousand of those people when the booking he know how to do so he got with people people ink wasn't there for him and try to give them the game. So he's seen when I was coming home. I was may he send me an email and I was like hold up. I know this thing. I was watching his stare down boys the Ohio State I'll be Stout listen, so I hit him. I'm like yo, man. Shit Yoda and was crazy like at the beginning of my journey. I used to be the mouse living on my grandma. I was talking to Maurice every morn he be working out. He'd be talking to me. I got my earphones. I'm shoot my videos. It's raining put whatever and he's like, yeah, man, you got some special man. You going to be you won't be that guy. That's all you should tell me Maurice you like. Yo, man. I'm telling you man. I see it in you man. I don't look at a lot of kids, you know, he'd like slide a corny shit on it are how good your cornball see that me? He's like you shit. He's like he's real passion is real. I'm telling you won't be like, all right, man. I'll hear you Maurice. But right now I'm living in my grandma's here. I am just really hurts just really job is making sure he was to do that. You know, you got to have them pushes in your life. He was to do they're used to push me. But I owe you this shit. You got it you something going to happen and he you know me he always seemed to the day like I told you he bled told you was going to pop it's gonna pop. He said you ain't even heat up for real yet. He still be talking like that. So it was like he was a guy that told me about you need a contract you need this you need that you not me. You need a one sheet. You need he gave me a lot of games to one. She I want she just basically like but all your stuff on you. Got the one she's got to EPK electronic, press kit once. She's like all the Brand's you work with it like Viola your stuff and I mean stuff like that. You had a little goes on that. He gave me a lot of gay man. You gave me game two as far as the the DAC we had no idea why people don't know about the DAC poles will deck proposal. Yeah, that's necessary when you got some of you trying to propose to whatever sponsorship deck box like, you know everything. Do you know, you know what I learned whatever you try to do is already on Google bro, like you you can see templates. You can see somebody else like if you type in sponsorship dick, it'll pop You know and then you have people like, you know on Fiverr you get it done on Fiverr, you know, all you got to do just have all the language and they put it in the format, you know, put the pictures there they do anything and it'll cause nothing like everything you trying to do. Is there already is this about you know, I mean you doing the research like that's the number one thing that people don't people call me like your wall. All you do is I've been like and I'll send it to him screenshot. Like I just Googled it bro. Yeah, it was crazy when you sent it over we were like, oh this is what a decade now that's a family clearly was like I we should use that. They put this here. We have no experience lean. I'm a financial advisor Choice educated. We just come into the podcast game. So we just learn it as we go. So you sent that to me. Oh my oh, oh, okay. This makes sense. This is how we post the action format it so we can you have a you know, what gotta write a bio about ourselves that we just copied it like exactly like we did and all you're doing all you doing is like one deck is the same thing. So I'm doing is might be fancy to put all that shit is the same stuff and is about just a when you see I know what you see and he was like, yeah. Oh this Like simple, we do shit like getting enough and you know me and it'd be real like that. Like I just be trying to help people want to aspect like I get my blessings, you know from helping people like it ain't you know, it ain't like I'm looking for now turn it like this. Just trying to school people help people like because like I get excited when I can find somebody I want to listen because a lot of people might blow me over like damn dude crazy tripping in there damn understand it. I'm very informative like dude you to call me some some dudes you to call me information King in jail because I used to always give up. Information that was my thing, you know, you're my girl trying to start this. Oh, yeah. She need this get well and I hear all this and go to LLC hit may have shown with the LCS. You get a DBA doing business ass fictitious name application with his dad when we go to like I used to always be on that time. Like, you know, I mean, it was just like you want to start a food truck right here. I got the print out a food truck. He got anything to Dell and I want you to have you got ahead of you got ahead of the sink right here. You got to have this in here. You got to have this got to be this many feet. Hey all the paperwork right here go to so it was like that was my thing. You know, I mean, so Now hear that shit easy, and I know I video that you I really like one of my favorite videos of you is when you talk about like relationships, like a lot of times people scared to like like No New Friends and like they scared to build relationships with people but you like how you going that's leverage for me like coming in the black community like a lot of times in the black community. We don't want to mess with nobody that we don't know but in reality a lot of times the people we know they don't really mess with us what we trashed our salmon to do things like yoga. I don't mess with this person. I know Mess with this purse you don't even mess with the people. I understand you don't even mess with the people that you posed a mess with an opposing Massachusetts. It is be crazy just be like it's a mindset that people got to get rid of grid of and other in order to win that was supposed today, right? It was like invest in the people who are interested in you. Yeah, you got a vest in people that just like that's going to invest in you man. I don't be like man. I don't be like, I really don't be caring man like I go and talk to anybody man. I don't care who you is like like I will walk up to you and say start talking to you. I would D mu and go right into full blown conversation. No, you know as a fact like I said when you did me and we spoke for like two hours like I never spoke to you ever in life. You did me like yo, what's your number? I'll text you my number and we spoke for two hours as the first time we spoke and I'm like, yeah, it's just genuine do it because it was like, yeah, he didn't ask for now. Anyway, he just wanted to just have a conversation. I live information. I listen because what it is is like you sharpen my blade to cut his infamy if there is the energy and information exchange a value exchange. I know you had something going on with this and I knew that like from the pieces I was saying you're throwing I was like yo that shit was decent like I was just so fascinated with that because I never seen nobody do that on social media and I'm like, oh these boys next level and I wanted to let you know like yo, bro, you next level this some shit keep doing this shit ain't nobody doing this. You really could kill him. Yeah because like y'all put out the type of information to where's though? Biggie catch to do that. We're going to Corporate America. It can catch the kid is going to you know, wherever you know. A pwi predominately white institution or kid is going to HBCU. Hey catch the person is working out a KFC. He catch the borders in the Trap House selling dope the fact that the felt like because like the like the way y'all put the title the way I would like damn, you know, like when y'all did that one John one of the major best joins and we always talk about Supreme. I was a preemie came, you know, Cameron. I'm like 10,000 Argentinos them to promote and they just wind up selling the four billion years later how to utilize the culture that elevate their stuff and They say I'm out of here. Yeah, I got think that's major. Yeah, you know just giving it to them in a way they can digest it means digest y'all shit is digestible simplistic and is digestible and that's major for y'all to be you're educated you and finance like you ought to be on a high level. Y'all were smart enough to understand I got to talk to my people where they are. You see I'm saying even though some people might be up here, but I'm going to talk to it everybody get it. I mean, that's a fact I want to ask you to all my for your last statement consistency because you're like one of the most consistent people I've seen like you you really be on it. Like how important is that in? Like, how do you you post? Do you have your post already set the night before like, you know, like the schedule already, you know, I get up sometime and bang them out. Sometimes I might bring out a bunch of the day depends though. It always depends on it always depends on where I'm at with it because it's like with me is like I just got it is a feeling like I might know like I'm getting up the more like five and I'm wild in the fuck out. Yeah, not as though because I thought like maybe and every time we do an interview is different with the person who comes usually still be like two or three people with them or they have a videographer and you come and it's just you and you're like, yeah, it's just me like I'm carrying everything. I'm pushing myself a yeah because I got to because like a lot of people they ain't ready for that shit. Yeah, like a lot of people say they want to go but down be ready man. I had a lot of bad experiences video. I Was dating turning my shit around on time. They hold my stuff. I'm like, I'm not dealing with you just took control of it all I gotta take you to pee, but I can't take you to people you pulled me up. That's a fact. All right, so we're going to head to the last time you want about the number one podcast your podcast and Merchants without as well for sure me me me. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcasts and you're probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you Done. So already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. All right, so we don't we don't finish it out. I want to talk about the podcast though because we got obviously we got a podcast but so you got a podcast with your cousin Gilly say that it does. Yeah attend it up. Maybe I'll turn it up on all y'all 10 up on YouTube. What? The idea for that because that's that's actually dope too because you got two different I look at you. It's like two different brands like, you know say it's like two different friends. It's two completely different brands your family, obviously. So like what that's actually a dope like even from a business standpoint is like I Gilly got his following you got your following was that the idea like yo, let's let's just combine This and like really just blow it out the water. Yeah. Gilly always been doing. Thinkers always been doing this thing with me and I was with the gang they giving up that stuff on answer for years until my four years. He doing this shit for like ten years. Right? Right, and I'm me and him he's always he's always together and it was like damn start a podcast because we always together tripping out throwing us living a life. Yeah. We just document our life because we still want some shit like I come over prison. We still don't some shit like before I went like young we just be tripping out all day. That's how we you know, we just need to live we don't give like we really don't care. Yeah, I mean I think the first time first time I ever heard the word not ask was like Gilly calling you that yeah, you just really lightweight. Well, that's like a filly saying that it was like the people kept asking about that podcast y'all need to podcast and we did it and he just like took, you know, I even called you about. Yeah, I'll talk to say like I called you like yo, man how you remember it was like She leaves type of dish that there because I was just going to shoot on my iPhone and I'm like, I shoot whereas while I hear ya. He was like no we can't do it because we got to get the audio and all right cool cuz you know, I'm cool. I just go at that point. I was like yo, I felt like an engineer. I'm like, oh, he just asked me what was using how we were that's how you did it. Now I take advantage of information. I'm I take advantage of the axe meaning you got to ask somebody like we be people be out here thinking. Oh, I got it off the fuck now. I'm going to ask you so at least I get some A game and if I mess up and you told me what was right that's on me, but I'm gonna ask you if I know you doing and you making it happen. I'm like, you know, how you do this your some saying nice note for me because like you said before that call you call me before you started the podcast can we had a podcast gone already? And you was like, you're about to start this podcast and you actually like who we use I use an come on you use anchor and I was telling you like different stuff like that and it was dope to it for me to watch that like To where it is now to like the number one podcast like Jose is like you literally in but that just goes he just was crazy. Only thing I didn't done. It was a brother named and Filly named Prince Darnell right jaw different because I seen it y'all think was a little more elaborate. His name was more simplistic. He just had to join. I'm like yo, man, what you on you use man? He said while I use bus probably send me the joint like he go to package to get I ain't get the pack. Because we wound up going to the studio where they had anything any but he sent me the package of what do you get? He was like yo get this while low and he was like, he was like this the platform I use buzzsprout. I was like, what's he see Maggie all your analytics. They spit uh, where they put your Apple Spotify. Boom. Boom. Boom. All you do is uploaded it. And it go are you said the date? I was like, oh this you like distro kid or like Doom cool. It was like it was a rat. Yeah. Yeah, we had that kind of send it to different outlets and Yeah, so to see it number one in a short period of time. Yeah, it's ready. Yeah, the first day we came out we went we went all the way up to number two in comedy. Then we went all the way to number 4 and there he podcast on Apple that day. So that was dope. You know, I mean, then we went you know, I mean we were using music category. We want to be did number 117 week Street. Congratulations on that. That's right, man. So is this so like the the podcast right because we A podcast obviously, so I always tell people like this different business opportunities over that so like now you do like live shows right? You can do live shows. You got you got live shows. You got merch you got advertising dollars all that stuff man. Yeah, I'm saying like like if you got a podcast you got on YouTube YouTube YouTube money. Yeah. That's that's sick not freeze over there what I'm saying is this If you got a podcast is how you make it you got the YouTube money. You got your merch you got your live show. You got to catch man. I don't care if you did a live show like a lot of people think. Oh, you need all these people you might do a live show for 30 people in charge. You might do a live show 450, but you build it up. He would create a great experience Adobe experience, you know, and you might have Bartered the spot the location create a dope experience and people going to tell other people they're going to build up now you make money of the YouTube to merge the live show to add dollars. you something guess what you kick up over here and Dallas is like this a lot of people think the reality is it's over like What million podcast? Yeah, this close to a million podcast, the 1% of podcast is is the ones that do like 50,000 plus per episode. We are part of that 1 million. I was with the game is one part of that one percent of the podcast industry per week or for 30 days straight. No every time we like or a black website per episode every episode not just do we like that was so because the week we might do something stupid but the week we you go crazy here, but like each episode, you know, I mean within that we gonna do 50. Okay, so it's like more so is like our number one joint did like one something hundred thousand y'all freak Show unless you just dig treat but like the whole thing is like understanding that once you get the numbers like everybody ain't going to do get the jewel buttons deal. Everybody's not going to sign the big, you know, the big deals or whatever. But what you can do is this if you have a podcast and it's a local pocket, like get your own logo, even though you put on the podcast thing is National its leg. Where's or Global here goes fine. But if you could build your brand up enough you could be able to approach local businesses local like there's no rules to who can sponsor you as family. Pay for ads on your podcast. You get the corner the corner store want to say you I mean, this is Mike's Corner Store. There's Mike hoagie shop on this was named Cheesesteak. Oh this whirling called dealer Charlie hot or the car dealer shot or the I'm trying I don't care all this clothing line independent clothing line. Anybody can sponsor your podcast and we we come up. Yeah, how you doing - you know, how you doing? This is a this is to get this is to get down podcast. You know, when we sponsored by Mikey's t-shirts, it can be sponsored by anybody. Stop thinking that you know you you just got to figure out what is the worth and so it's cool to build up like they might be you might have somebody sponsoring your podcast and they might not be give you money. They might be giving you the location to do it. Then you might have somebody sponsor your podcast and they might buy you the equipment. They might buy you better mics and they might buy you better if on whatever like you might don't you it might don't be about money might be a barter you some saying somebody might sponsor your podcast. It depends on what you're looking for. I'm just saying anybody ain't probably won't get the money you might What I did this give you the food for any time. You have a podcast. Yeah, like it's different things man. You might go you might go and get with what some places that they sell our mics and speakers and also like cause I know it's hard Center you might get a sponsor for Guitar Center. They might sponsor you your equipment makes you got new stuff. And you say yeah, this is brought to you by Guitar Center. He's I'm saying like we got to understand like in this podcast game is just like this is like is no real top-flight structure on and how you can be like how you know, I mean who like you really could create your own world and create your own success all for this stuff. I'm talking about just anything that you could think of I'm talking about. I'm talking anything could be a peanut company could be it could be anything. I'm telling they could be RNs Strauss. It could be AutoZone. It could be a I don't know. It could be just anything. It could be a print shop. I mean they can sponsor you so so have they just have to have the have that just the Outlook of I can step. Anyway, but make sure you got your proof, you know, your infrastructure together. You got to you know, you you know, you introduction kit together and just go at people man. It's I'm tumble but think about it anybody that's a fact that's part of being independent to yeah, right as if you under the umbrella of somebody else and might be some some language in a way you couldn't do it. But yeah being independent skiing part as Majors. So one thing you said about, you know women always they show a lot of love and they give game and all that and And your ladies entrepreneur machine? No joke. She's a monster. She give me game like she she give me game. I will be sent back laying in bed and just trading game. Mmm God's intentions motivation education. We good with that. We play like it's like ping-pong. She say something like that. She like yeah, that's I'll say something like that. I'm like damn that. Yeah, so and it is real is real isn't nurturing is real nurturing when you got somebody that you can shoot back and forth. And then in that mind is there that mind of understanding marking the understanding the game understanding the temperature of our Environment understanding that this major. Yeah. Could I talk about Thomas like your partner could either make or break you like, you know, even if even they gonna hold you down and hold you up. That's right. That is no absolute fastest Jim Jim for sure. Oh what made you want to get into the trade bar game not because I know you got a lot of hair told you it was a guy in jail to gave me the game. Like he was he was an intellectual property attorney was arrested and he gave me the game are trademarks in nice to read about it. And then I was always curious about Brands and I'll be you know growing up. You see that see that low. Go go Tim. Then you see that are two paces with names like what that and then you realize I'm like trademark register. It was deep, you know, go to New York. First the world. That's just my New York vs. The World is Mine Lana vs. The World is Mine Philadelphia versus The World Is Mine Houston vs. The World is Mine while oh two six seven is mine. We own million dollars worth of game. We - just like that. No, that's not mine. Just crazy a lot of crazy. It's cool. No somebody had their but it's cool. It's always money and The Philadelphia all this stuff like new you always money in real estate always money in real estate. That's big. I forgot about that. But like, you know, I so much more but it's like I believe, you know, just trade monkey stuff assemble couple hundred hours, man. You trade marking it on just the merch or being used in any language. They say I've basically treat Morgan for what I use it for. You know me. I mean, it's just too many categories as that guy. Like that's something we have to learn to like 30 caracal but that's like that. We we learn now on the Fly took I we trademarked as of reliability trademark, sorry. Alicia and we that I didn't know that when you trademark something it's not just like I trade market. It's like 12 different categories and worst kind of are you doing it for sports? Like it's like steaming light like got Furniture. Now, you ain't gonna trade market for furniture exactly at things like what's the point? Yeah. Are you able trademarking for steel or irons and shit, you know, I mean, so it's like he's different stuff. Yeah, but the fabric different countries to different countries to yeah now it's dope and it's like all this stuff is just we just learning like, you know, I mean, yeah, that's the whole thing with the podcast is like it's so much stuff that we don't know. It's like we just know what I like. All learning y'all give it out. That's it. That's the key. That's the key learning the game give it right back. So speaking of the podcast you got you got you got an announcement made by the time this episode drops you got we, you know, we signed a partnership with a Barstool Sports and it was a great Partnership of you know, just a nice a nice partnership he coming in and helping us they really putting gasoline on the situation and they understand our brand they respected. We got all Creed. We keep our creative control because it's a partnership don't you know, I mean we didn't sell our breath We didn't sell, you know, I mean sell our stuff and it's great man it like this stuff. You know, we did that within like 30 7 episode 36 that query close it down and then he was able to negotiate something. We was in talk with other companies like Spotify, you know other people and it was like, it's great man. Just like it was all great Combos and then everybody came at his right, you know, we we went with the we went with the company we felt as though there's going to be it's going to be more mutually beneficial for both of us and we going to be going to be a to win. Yeah, maybe when the team that's on that man. Congratulations for And what you said is like when you get high like the law of inertia, like once something gets moving its it like and I always tell people all the time like when you have a spark of fire you got the gasoline on it got to and this the gasoline. Come gasoline on this is serious. Okay, if we go while oh man, I appreciate that man. Thank you for joining us. So I had to come to you man. I had to come and show you all some love y'all keep doing your thing. Y'all going to be big y'all in the space bar. By yourself y'all giving them game. You're educating our people your y'all make, you know, people want to want want want to want look forward to information. That's major when y'all could because y'all kids like is digestible as you know, and you know, it's just so simplistic and that's major now, you know, I think sometimes people get education and they just want to be so far up. They just try to throw just to show that they smart you're not trying to show you. How small your hey buddy be smart and that's major man. And I think y'all going to do big things keep doing a live show. Keep the merged company. Keep keep building up Partnerships for you know, Brands and companies that want that that's going to add value to what y'all going and can enhance your visibility out here. And I think everything is going to play out man. Y'all ain't got nothing to worry about man. Appreciate that. I appreciate that bro. Appreciate that bro choice of housekeeping items. Yeah. Shout out to everybody on that is are proud to pay program. As you know, we put bonus content you get the episodes early you get to talk to him shot him myself. And if you are tier 4 or 5 member, you know. You have access to eyl University our online school that is moving crazy. Obviously, we have our merch on social out. Everybody's been supporting the merch on your Shall you want to talk about oh wait before I go. I got to give a shout out to some new members on patreon because they'd be like, oh man you shot me out. So I want to give a big shout-out to Alicia child to Kyle and shout out to Maurice Maurice actually is a tiff or member. So you have access to tearful all reach out to you. And yeah UIL University three times a week we are There we have a Monday episode with Matt talking about different topics real estate Wednesday. We have a guest webinar a lot of times. It's all alumni that come on. So definitely check them out and then Thursday my child myself. I don't even know why I say wish I shot it myself Lea we do a different business lesson. So that's doping we got e y El español launching in 2020, so it's time y'all every Community needs to have financial literacy. And we going to make sure that we are the pillars that can provide that yeah, you want a university. That's the we started almost. Cool. So we teach three classes a week old Legends a lot of camping. A lot of gay has a million-dollar forget million dollars. Don't forget January 25th 26. We are coming we bring everybody with us is going to be huge huge huge. We're going to do a real real big for the city the a whole day is going to come out looking forward to it book tip of the week. None other than our guy Maurice Clarett one and done. All right. Someone in yeah, right Maurice make sure that's my guy man. He alleged good do much. He's actually you introduce me to him. Yeah, and we develop our own relationship after that and he kills me told you. Yeah, he's a good dude, man. He's see you he was like I messed with them Yo Yoshi. Yeah for sure. So yeah me. Thank you guys for talking with us. We'll see you next week. Peace, please. He's
If you spend any time on social media the odds are you’ve seen Wallace Peeples aka Wallo267. His videos and posts have served as inspiration for millions. To say his story is legendary would be an understatement. At 17 he was sentenced to 20 years in jail. He was released 34 months ago after being incarcerated for two decades. Upon his release, he hit the ground running on day one selling t-shirts hand to hand on the streets of North Philly and building his social media following with daily videos of motivation. In less than three years he has managed to leverage his social media brand into partnerships with the NFL Network, Global Citizen, Foot Locker, Puma, and Philly Union. He has also established himself as a lecturer speaking at Penn State University, The University of Maryland, St. John’s University and Yale University. He also was a guest speaker at the prestigious Ted Talk. He now has one of the top podcasts in the world called Million Dollaz Worth of Game with his cousin Gillie the Kid. The two just signed a lucrative multi-year deal with Bar Stool Sports to host their show on Bar Stool’s network. In EYL 57 Wallo reflected on his journey and gave the insight of what kept him going after being down for so long. Guest IG: @wallo267 Book Tip: One and Done by Maurice Clarett --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hi everyone. How are you doing? My name is Dylan Nicholson. And I want to welcome you to the dill Journey podcast these podcast will share the stories of how entrepreneurs are living their best lives. Obviously, all of them have their trials tribulations and this podcast will delve all into them the key objective. I hope the listener can get from this podcast would be to ignite that dream of yours and take that leap of faith. Faith also give an insight into the importance of mental physical and spiritual well-being. Now. Let me introduce you to the first guest of this podcast Dan Jones director and co-founder of weapon where an aesthetically pleasing range of workout gear that you can wear to grab a coffee and still turn heads this brand aims to create a culture around bringing men together as a unit helping motivate each other to become stronger healthier. Happier while achieving success along the way this is something I strongly believe in and after speaking to him. He is aligned his company with his passions for sport and man becoming stronger. So enjoy awesome Abdel I'll delve into it. So thanks again for joining the podcast and green. Come on. I've never met you before so and I'm sure a lot of the audience don't know much about you. So you could tell us your 30 seconds story like yeah age what your brand is and what your role is in it and like how you got there. Just quick 30 second condensed angry, you know, I say, yes, my name is Daniel. 36 years old come from a background of graphic design. My father is actually tile about try. So I've always had that kind of fashion clothing background from there basically with the background of design and fitness boss control martial arts things like that. It's something kind of merged into what we have today. You know long story short down co-founder with us is the guy that I started a street wear clothing label with that went. Okay, but then we found there was a bit of a shift in what we were doing as far as lifestyle and fitness and also the industry growth in Fitness of how and Where as you call it? So basically yes, Aaron I co-founded what is weapon today? And we basically started it from the ground up focusing on stylish Athletic Apparel that had you know technical aspects but also aesthetic design that was you know, understated and could be worn in multiple environment. So yeah, that's kind of Of you know a quick run through of how it all started. Yeah quick 2 Min it once so it was young Danny Boy always so entrepreneurial like did you want to what did you want to become when you're in high school? Not so much entrepreneurial, but definitely driven. I've always been driven and probably competitive. So yeah early on it was sports for me. So basketball with my life. I wanted to do an MBA, you know, I want to see you know, the next Michael Jordan. I'm sorry. I was completely driven by that and succeeding in that that then went on to martial arts. So being in martial arts for over 20 years now, and so I quickly took that drive to martial arts and went pretty far in that as well. So the drive to succeed and challenge myself has always been there and I think just having Creative Flair as what really pushed me into wanting to do my own being and you know have control of the whole process. And of course we saw a gap in the market something that we were both passionate about kind of evolved the yeah, so That leads me to my next question you touched on a little bit about it. What led you to actually starting weapon and if you could tell us a bit more about the brand values and what it believes in because I know you talked a lot about the mental health for your men in all that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So essentially when we actually did a trip to the states, I was in America for about 6 or 7 months when I came back. Like we still had the street wear clothing label at that point and when I came back I got back into training because I wasn't trying too much over there. That's when I really saw the lack of aesthetically pleasing as I would call it apparel. That wasn't just, you know branded to the Max and wasn't one of the big Brands like Nike or Under Armour and although so I thought to myself is Gap here for you know, I'm more personal brand that career is really community-based and has a you know a community by behind it, you know so down and I had a quick chat looked into into the market and really found that there was a lack of specially for men about like women activewear. I mean, there's endless amounts of Brands but for men actually not so many other than the big brands that you see today. So yeah, that's basically basically where that came out of and originally we were mainly focused on bringing that technical sportswear into a lifestyle space, but it then evolved into something that we could find. I real, you know, why of giving back we've always wanted to give back and everything we've done even before with the previous brand and at the point of starting the company. We never really had the exact cause that we were passionate about our we knew we wanted to focus on and through some experiences of our own with Stress and Anxiety it really just Just evolved and it was almost like a lightbulb moment. When Dan came to me and said look my of been going through a few things and its really dawned on me. That meant mental health is such a big issue that really overlooked and not spoken about enough and that was it. I was alive all moment where we both thought this is this is the cause this is what we're giving back to this. This is what we're going to make our mission. And then we took it from there. So it's yeah, like I said of old to what it is today where we running weapons sessions and things like that donating 10% of the profit towards the awareness. Yeah hundred percent arguments. Awesome. Like what you guys are doing with the mental health because there's definitely a strong stigma around that needs to get rid of with young men and also any age men that you know, it's okay. Speak up. Yeah, but you had experience with mental health issues or you say co-founded did or what was the go there? Yeah for myself personally, probably more so Stress and Anxiety is is a big thing not so much depression or anything like that and I probably would put that down to a few factors one of those being Biologically, I feel like luckily from my parents. So I am quite a grounded and chilled kind of guy. So, you know, I don't intend to have those issues as much but more so Stress and Anxiety where you know, you're trying to balance business and lifestyle, you know, making money versus following your dream. All the stresses that come with being an entrepreneur and things like that. So I've definitely dealt with those and still do you just got to know the signs and work with the tools that you have to you know, avoid getting anxiety or being able to reduce it down also went through a very stressful period with with other job that he has And trying to balance the two and you know, that was extremely overwhelming for him at the time and I think he has his own story. But yeah, I think those two aspects that are very similar on both ends of myself and really were the reason to that sparked us to move forward with this with this Mission and you know even just looking into the statistics. It's overwhelming really really sad and alarming how about it is so and the funny thing was as soon as we started this mission to raise awareness for mental health. The amount of men that came out of the woodwork and just said look, I've gone through my own issues and and people just started opening up and we were like wow, this is This is is great. But also super allowing Jack almost, you know, every second guy would come to us and say I've gone through depression on I had severe anxiety. So it's great that we're able to help and there's a lot of guys that we can't help but it's also quite scary to know that so many men deal with this and don't really speak up about it. Yeah hundred percent like I think I was reading some statistic. The Institute was saying how like, it's more common to dive mental illness and it is skin cancer yet like skin cancers much more promoted and you hear nothing about mental health. So I just yeah something that definitely you're putting your voice to him needs to be more spoke about. Yes. Listen to me Greg. Yep, and now on to our next segment of the interview talks about all things personal growth. Because I believe it's such an important thing to have when being an entrepreneur like your desire what your why is because when it does get tough, you need to know that because not to give up I yes and so personally believe in always trying something new currently doing this right now with the podcast. So I throw the question to you. What is like a new skill that you're learning or one that you maybe want to try that. You haven't really yet delve into me skill. I've just gotten into bouldering. Well there ya go indoor rock climbing thing without ropes. I yeah just sort of watch the feed docos and thought to myself, you know, that looks like something that taped. Not only a lot of physical skill, but I think mental until skills as well. So I have been doing that quite a bit lately and it hasn't it's intense, you know hanging from the smallest little grip hold and it's really a mental thing. You got to sort of get over some mental hurdles with that in regards to other things. Don't really relate to Fitness. I guess I've I've been working on I mean I've been doing this for a while now, but making it more of a an everyday thing where that meditation is such a big part or my life and you know coming from the martial arts background. We waited Chinese martial art. So there's a lot of breathing aspects to it. She going and things like that where it's more about internal healing and internal breathing and stuff like that. So I kind of had that background and tried to shift that into my everyday life so that I can ya help with Stress and Anxiety of everything that comes with running your own business and it's helping a lot for me and you know just aim to do two sessions a day. So, you know do a bit of a meditation In the morning and just before I go to sleep, so a couple of newest things that I'm done trying out. Yeah. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah, I'm starting to get into the most a meditation realm as well. I I do the 10 minutes a day sort of thing on the on the app. So it's awesome. I've also got into a float therapy if you tried that. Nah, I haven't had it been you got to give it a go. You literally you go into another world in there. It's crazy. So the next question is do you seek discomfort? Like do you believe that through experiencing discomfort? There's opportunity to grow in like unfamiliar situations. Yes, definitely. I wouldn't call it personally. I wouldn't call it discount that I was getting out of your comfort zone. I guess which might be a little bit uncomfortable but I don't find it. Yeah, I wouldn't call it discomfort but definitely getting outside of your comfort zone and pushing yourself and believe me being a entrepreneur running your own company. You have plenty of opportunities to get out of your comfort zone. Yeah, you know cold calling to sell your product to doing events and you know getting in front getting up in front of crowds of guys to talk about the brand and who you are and and you can even down to doing podcasts like this like there's always something new and I'm definitely Italy for everything outside of your comfort zone because he's from things like this is how we really grow. I'm actually quite afraid of comfort zone because when you comfortable I feel like you're not progressing so, you know, if everything is super easy with with the company things applying. Well, that's all I know thinking. Okay. What can we do we need to be doing more or we do? Pushing all getting out of our comfort zone and try something new and yeah, I'm all for it. That's a good that's good. So another thing I believe in is making sacrifices. So could you tell us like some sacrifices you've made to start the business or if there has been I'm sure there's been a few here. Yeah, honestly, I don't need to yeah, you don't even need to try and make sacrifices. Has unfortunately, it just comes with the job. So you have to sacrifice time as probably the biggest thing time and and and financially, you know you sacrificing a lot for the future. Yeah, but you know when you look at it in a positive way. Like if you're looking at it in the light of you know, this is going to be successful. We will be success or is it something that you're willing to sacrifice because you believe in it, you know and you believe in the cause itself as well. So and when you can see that you're helping other people's lives not only through the clothing and the brand and everything it stands for but we've man's world and everything like that is It's worth the sacrifice, but you definitely sacrificed a lot time is a big thing, you know, trying to juggle, you know, your personal life trying to give my wife a last time in the back of my mind. I'm always working like and it's really hard to switch off be honest because the business and ever really stopped and like we have guys working for us that You know, we use slack through communication and it never turns open we constantly in discussion and I have to put things aside when it's time to have personal time. You just got to switch everything off. Otherwise, I can't go off, you know, if it's even when you even when you go on holidays if you want to lose it really takes a bit of time to disconnect from everything work. So yeah, I'd say time and answers. And to a certain extent Health not so much health, but you know extracurricular activities where you may have taken them for granted like, you know, I would working out in a five five six times a week, but sometimes you have to sacrifice a bit of that time because you know, you have deadlines or the new product really. That's something that I'm really trying to work on balancing because I feel that staying healthy and keeping up your business and health routine is crucial to not only being successful but you know having a clear head and being more productive with your work. Yeah. I'm so that's one thing is I find quite difficult to do at the moment because we're just so busy. It's something that I've wanted to grow important and I have to just have some pointers truck things and say no more. I'm going to the gym. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, awesome. So now on to the last segment I call it the five four five. So it's basically five quick questions and they yes or no answers. Yep. See ready mate. Yeah, it looks good cold showers. Yeah, yep. Join the club coffee. Yeah yoga. Yes early mornings. I don't like it. But yes, yes and optimistic definitely. Yeah, listen killed it. So the last question is for any aspiring entrepreneurs out there. What would be one piece of advice that you would give them? Just keep going. Yeah, you know you can give up. Yeah, don't give up. That's that's the one thing. I mean, I'm every day. You know, there's something that makes you feel like you want to give up and just go through it. This is never going to happen. But you just keep plugging along and then all of a sudden something does happen you like hang on a second. There's hope this can happen and I think the ones that really are successful the ones the night and never gave up, you know, yeah, so yeah, just keep going and don't give up. Yeah, awesome. And I think I think that's I think as you know, like that's an actions and also mentally, you know, don't give up what you do day to day but don't give up the hope, you know, and the belief that you will be successful, you know, yeah. How do you how do you do that? So do you have like a goal just have like a vision board and you constantly remind yourself or yeah bad system buds are different than vision boards definitely vision boards and more for like, you know, getting that instant spark of, you know, inspiration and motivation like this is where we'll be and you get that good feeling inside also do affirmations and meditation where I will be Visualizing the visualization I think is a big K. So when I meditate or visualize the the the goals we have in mind or the success or you know, whatever may be visualized it while I'm meditating and actually I am to get the feeling that it gives you with that success not just saying it in your head but actually feeling that goal being achieved. I think you have to be part as well. So yeah, yeah, obviously I'm a visual learner. So I visualize it happening. So anyone who's listening to a podcast and wants to connect or follow your journey. Where would they do that? Like through Instagram Facebook or I'd say yeah Instagrams probably where we most active. Yeah, so wpn. Where is Hand and yeah, just check us out there and you'll see all the updates you product releases or you know, what concessions events that were running in their cities. Yeah, that'll be the place to go. Awesome. Well, thanks for jumping on and doing the podcast. I really appreciate and I'm sure many people have got something out of it. Thanks. I appreciate it. Thanks again to Dan for jumping on and like he said if you want to see more of his brand and followed WP and we're on Instagram tune in next time as I interview Glenn Richards founder of Australia's largest pet care company and investor on Shark Tank. Thanks again for listening and I'll catch you soon.
Background to the PODCAST. I'm super excited to share with you guys the first episode of the "Dyl journey" podcast. The goal of this podcast is to inspire the youth, that there're endlessly possibilities and give you some motivation to take that leap of faith by interviewing a wise range of entrepreneurs . When 18, 22, 30  you are expected to have your life sorted like what degree you want to study or trade. No questions asked, but i encourage you to take a step back and ask yourself is this really what lights me up on the inside because if its not then run. Try new things until you find out what will get you up early and keep you up late at night. As corny as it sounds you do only have one life, so go out there and try new things everyday! fail, learn from it and then repeat the process and you will find something that will light you up. 1st EPISODE W/ Dan Jones' Dan has always been a sporty person having aspirations to go big with basketball at a young age and that desire to always be the best in what ever he does. This led him to starting as he calls it an ascetically pleasing sports apparel brand, that brings style to the workout industry that is struggling with a sense of style. He has got his creative flares from his father and Dan loved graphic design. Also the company has a strong message around mental health and one that he is very passionate about and myself included rasing  much need awareness. So enjoy! listen in the car, walk, gym, during a lecture at university or on smoko.
Hello and welcome to it. Let the funny books podcast each episode. I talk to comedians writers or Publishers about their favorite witty literature in this episode. I'm talking to the brilliant leaner Norms about how books about sex are often worryingly. Funny. Stay tuned to hear Lina reading out award-winning Lee bad erotic scenes or to find out her special name for her genitals Should we be ready to begin? Yeah, let's begin. I wanted to ask you what at firstly to do a little intro for me. Oh, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, that's cool. I like it. My name is Lina. I make things on the internet which is the most comfortable. I can be with explaining what I do, but also I recognize very unspecific for people trying to work out what the fuck I actually do. So today. To dig a bit further into that is that I rode video essays to the internet and poetry and I do podcasts I used to do a podcast called the banging book club. I presently produce and present the Vintage books podcast and it was have my own podcast called the option club and they're all very good. Also very good. And what else do I do? And then I work in publishing so I read a lot of books for that and I've been tentatively somebody describe me as a book activist, and I don't know if I want to take on that. Because it feels like a lot of work and then also, I don't know what point you become an activist but like I don't really have like political opinions about books and I write about those kind of things sex books. Yeah. Why why sex books why funny second book? So so the banging book club is a podcast where me and two of my friends had a really see like read books about sex and gender and we discussed them. That's Lucy what happens at the very beginning? It was mainly about getting drunk. And I knew this podcast was missing something. Yeah, and we kind of had the idea where we were quite drunk because we were all like just talking and talking about how we felt like we were very ill equipped intellectually to talk about sex and why we had sex we had a lot of songs and we don't really like know that much about it, you know, I mean and we felt like very much in the in the dark about it and we knew all these books existed. Some of them had really big reputation. Some of them we felt weren't there or we needed to go and discover because they were by marginalized voices. So we decided we're going to start a podcast and explore all of that and see if we could learn anything about our own sex lives through books basically and that was the point of it. I think we read a lot of amazing books. We read a lot of awful books and it's really quite hard to decipher what they're going to be before you start reading them. And when you're reading it as a group collectively, there's an extra level of pressure because if you're the person you've chosen the book, you're not just putting yourself through absolute month long Agony. We're also putting through Best friends through it too. So it was it was a really interesting thing to like try and pick the books with these sex books were they deliberately trying to be funny or was it in unintentional? So all of the ones I've picked to talk about today. I don't think any of them intended to be funny, but there are there were some like really funny book to read They're intentionally funny. Like I think you know Dawson's the gender games is she's so fucking naturally funny. So that was a really good book Caitlin Moran how to build a girl. It is genuinely funny and I was like looking through some of my notes for banging book club. And I remember there's a point where Joanna who's the main character in how to build a girl describe somebody's penis as an infant's arm because I remember finding the funniest of the ones It was very since it amazing. So maybe that's just my mean-spirited. That's okay. Yeah, maybe it's more about me than just which have you got here with you. Yeah, so so basically I've got three books with me we picked we wanted to pick books that we'd Heard lots of supplemental and also pick the books that we felt we alluded to in life, but hadn't actually read so one of them was He's Just Not That Into You Bye Greg been a bear hunt bear end. How would you set aside named Brendan? Don't Bren burnt Brent Greg Brent and Liz took Elio. Do you wanna have a clean run at that Greg Brent and Liz to kill yo, and their book is the the real self help book that the film. He's just my into you the famous one is based on and then the other Most Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus Amazing by John Gray Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus. I don't have with me because I made an Instagram story of me recycling it because I was literally like I don't want they want to give it a serious charity shop we need to do is destroy these which is completely against my principles and actually self contradictory because I'm like, let's not censor any books but burning bag step-by-step this book. We will recycle this one, but then I've since learned that actually I didn't recycle it because apparently the glue that keeps paperbacks together. It's Completely unrecyclable. So if you want to recycle a book you have to individually go through and rip everything which might be quite cathartic. We're so glad you did actually first heard about that book. Maybe we can talk about them first and she said about that book because my mum and dad you see marriage counseling but like not these to run marriage counseling workshops for other people and they read that book and they would recommend it to people and I just had it was just around the house in my childhood and I was like, oh that's that. Talk about marriage and then I read it when I was 24. I look like an idiot. My parents have like a really good marriage. So I was like, oh maybe you can be good despite this book, but the premise of it is because of you heard. Yeah. I've heard of it through the Georgia nicolson books AKA My Louise rennison the amazing young adult series that was sort of made into that film of what was it called Angus lungs and full-frontal snugging is Important as we recognize it. Yeah exactly but amazing series and in that the main character sort of again actually very similar to your own actual life discovers that her parents are like reading this book to generation marriage and she reads it and then really take you know tries to really take it to heart and tries to yeah, and it also it exists in the public imagination like this exist like Bridget Jones reads it in Bridget Jones Diary. She's reading Men Are from Mars and it's like it just exists. Even if we destroyed every copy it would still exist other characters memories of having read it. Yeah, and but what was interesting about it is that it's so it's sold 15 million copies. So the chances of me even getting to the store if I believed in that who is very slim. I'd have to dedicate my whole life to it. Really, I mean a lot of them are in charity shops. So parity shops, like if I mean it's not condoning, but it's an option, but it was only published in 1919 to see I thought when I I was when we were planning the podcast and talking about it. I thought it was like an 80s hmm bad. She was 1992 and like by that point because it's so based on like very damaging gender stereotypes. I was like, well, you don't really have an excuse now because like it must have been out of date for some people even when it was published and basically the premise is that really what's happening in a marriage is that women women exist in Venus, that's where they're born and they've been thriving quite happily men. In born on Mars and and they're two separate alien groups that are lonely and need to come together. So they pick Earth as the place that they want to live and then and the men the men from Mars come over to Venus and woo them and invite them to Earth and then the book is supposed to be covering what everyone should do now. They're on Earth. They decided to share a space together having been from different planets. That's the literally the premise of the book which I don't know it would get through any kind of editorial meeting. Like if you were that's like that's the pitch and this is literal illusion the whole way through the book keeps going back to aliens. Like Danny's lightweight title is not a metaphor. I want you to take you literally literally. So it was it's really out and sometimes recommend it to people just because I think it's like a circle artifact what like at a point where we knew that the genders weren't working together in inverted commas, but We didn't quite know that how masculinity was completely in crisis. Yes. So this is this is the thing where it's like masculinity is not in crisis. We just need to learn to get on like it's that book. That's just before the thing where like, oh actually we might like toxic masculinity might be a thing. So he makes a lot of excuses for himself his loss suggestions for his poor wife Betty Who I'm like pray for Betty make that make that hashtag. But he like he talks a lot about how women women's emotions come in waves and they should learn to control them and Cognizes what's happening? And I'm like, he's just hoping that periods are you literally just looking up he realized I've got this incredible Theory. Yeah. He's literally like oh my god. I've noticed a pattern and then have no idea. Then you see like the pins in the cork bottom strings between them. He like kind of like are you okay lots of like really like Psychopathic ways that he talks about expressing emotion and he has like Alyssa 101 James just score points with women and there's a hundred one suggestions. But he also has suggestions for women for everything that women do they get one point for the 101 things that men can do they get a varying amount of points between 10 and 20 points each because it's expensive gesture this harder for men to do these things so they should get more points and there's literally expressly what's this it's so I was just like howling at this point I think is like I just kind of loved it because I was like this This is it felt like thing is you can imagine it being written today. Yeah it coming out and everyone being like this is an amazing parody this satire of like gender politics. Yeah, it wasn't funny. Yeah, and it's not and so some of the points that I wrote down was like one of them was offered to build a fire offer to build as long as we're in the bed in her in her own head. Yeah laugh at her jokes, even if they're not funny because obviously women can't be funny and you went to want a Laughing people's jokes, if you decide to spend your whole life with them by superglue by super glue is important to have super glue about and these are this is how many points does he get for that? I can't remember now. I imagine it's quite a few just in case anything breaks in the house. But also you should go around asking her if anything needs fixing around here. Which also is that like begging the question is like John. Do you live in the house? Do you use anything in the house? Because you know, what was broken if you fucking use any of the other tools in that anyway, I'm getting I'm getting hysterical classic Venus woman. I know he also suggests that if you want to take a nap, you should tell you why first because you get angry if she doesn't know where you are and you're actually laughing and I'm like these just felt this feels like a diary entry child doesn't feel like like tell me what was it Thursday night. You were working late. It was like what's happening? And there's keep the bathroom floor. Clean is another Point scorer. Tiny write down a few but there are a hundred and one hundred and one I will have to check it out. Go for hugs a day was the other one for husband leaves to give you a wife for her. But only two women You couldn't possibly give for hugs a day to another man. No, no, no not mine. It's just that he actually just really wanted for hugs a day and he likes he also talks about having a man cave women don't understand. Sometimes men just need to go in their cave and that they should respect that and trying to bring them out of their cave before they're ready isn't is rude and we're in a relationship and I'm like do you mean asking for communication at the right? You don't mean this there's some actually I'm kind of I brought this out as a funny book, but actually the more I'm talking about. Yeah plenty project. Yeah put on Gray he's a doctor as well. He's a doctor of Martian studies. Yes doctor, so it's interesting because it's very very heteronormative. Lose everybody apart from like him and Betty. That's actually I don't think it has anything to say to the heterosexual community and connecting 30. I would love Betty to write a response book. It would be incredible and I bite your commission that oh my God, please women are not from Venus, but I wish that I was really kind of thing. But I want to Google whether they're still together because I highly doubt that's the case. That's live do it. Oh sorry, it's Bonnie. Sorry Bonnie Bonnie pray for Bonnie. Eea also Christian Grey discussed speltzer. Wow. I know Maj Bonnie gray. So John Gray, unfortunately, it's only through him spouse spouse spouse says spice he has multiple spice. Oh Barbara de angelis. Yeah, they divorced in 1984 and their weights. Abyss is mighty nice to so that was his first wife. Yes, so this must be the second while I so presumably there was a lot going on there that meant that the first yeah, maybe orange did not work. Maybe this is a whole blame. / oh shit. Repentance is marriage. Yes, it's his Taylor Swift album and then married Bonnie gray. But oh God and she dead. It's not happy. She she died. She died. She died horribly. Okay. So we will pray for me but in a different way slowly lighting up, I mean, well, I don't know what it is. But he's I think he still going he's so caring showing strong wife 3x3 probably touring the country. Yes people talking pillows and yes whatnot. But yeah, it was interesting and I think it actually I think sometimes I know some people like in like blah blah account. Culture like I think that in this age where we're so quick to dismiss things if they have any problems with them, it's interesting. If you want to relate to people of a certain generation who don't understand what you're saying about gender because this was 15 million people's like jumping off point for understanding gender in their own lives and their own relationships. So to read it just to get into the mindset a bit of character development a bit of you know, we're background music to read it. I think was helpful for me because I was like, huh, and I'm Also more impressed by my parents marriage. That's like if they manage to keep it together despite that being their advice and when people of a certain age ask you about who's what role in a relationship always continue to like confused about transsexuality. I'm like, okay, I understand that things have moved quite fast for you because this was only 1991, which is also no 1980 to 1981 was when Primera like and marital rape was made illegal. So up until nineteen one you could you could have you could rape your wife. And it would be completely fine and you would go to prison. So like we're doing like some people I think so actually, you know building your wife a fire like if that's a step on. Yeah, I would rather be I guess a little transition state. So yeah, I think it's interesting and it built some empathy for me. I think yeah it is that weird thing where it's like you read it trying to have an open mind. They have like this is so stupid. Yeah, so silly. I'm going to laugh at it and not take it seriously and they're like wait, so Any people have taken this seriously? It's not funny anymore. Yeah, it's a story art. Did your did your dad ever to your knowledge build your mama fire? I mean my dad makes everything from scratch. So that was in his natural wheelhouse. Anyway, quite literally our garage is full of screws and he's like all got a screw loose like he's already like yeah. She's like very much building a log cabin in our back Garden as we speak. Scouting man, he's very soft. He plays the piano and he's really like sensitive and cries at the time. But he like is masculine in the he owns a lot of tools, which is apparently something we associate masculinity, but he must be either from Mars or Venus. What is this dude? I mean, it's from you later speaking of yes Uranus. What's the next book few other work? So the second book? Okay. This is gonna blow your mind. And again, this is one that I'm like was not supposed to be funny, but I find I found like it shook us. Me to the point where you have to fucking laugh because it was and also when I tell people some of the facts I've learned to knit like I have to laugh when I'm doing it kind of like in the same way the explain global warming and you're like, so we're all going to die. It's like that but from vaginas, so it's called vagina by mu by Virginia Woolf. I've Mastered by vagina vagina wolf and by Naomi wolf, it's quite 70s hippie spirituality side of stuff. So they have a thing called The Goddess. What's it called the goddess complex or something and she talks a lot. Out of that and how that men should learn to treat women like goddesses and it's kind of Insane In some ways. It's really incredible. So it's kind of like a mix of anthropology and sociology and history all about the history of the vagina and how we treated it in different cultures and different histories. And then what that means for us today, so it's really cool and it also happened because she she got a nerve trapped in her pelvic floor or something like that and she wasn't able to have sex started hurting she went to the doctor about it and they didn't really know what to do and it opened up this big Chasm for her where she was like, maybe I'll never be able to have a able to have sex again and then she Started critiquing why there was such little science around vaginas and how little even her GP knew about it. And so it's very cool and in like I respect her for that. I think that she's come under a lot of like fire recently and I think that her like with John Gray won't always be relevant, but for now it is and it was really interesting. But the one thing that really like actually shook my Towers, is that a and was there one of the claims that she makes in it and she backs up with a few bits of research but also emphasizes that there's Really barely any money put behind like Research into vaginas compared to like like told us. Yeah. It's like they're claiming that so obviously liked women haven't really been on the pill for that long like in in the years in the history of humanity. We still don't really know the effects of the pill so I was on a pill for PCOS to have but it had some other fun stuff in it to stop me from growing too much hair on my face and other fun things like that. So I was on that for six or so. Seven seven years. And in that time I started dating my ex my now X when I was like 18 and I came off and I was 24. So later later dumped later down the line. I'm like, maybe 26 27 and I read vagina and it talks about some of the other effects that the pill can have on women. So one of them is that obviously when you went not obviously I didn't really know that when I got prescribed it when you have the con To feel what it's doing is tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant. Ladies like this is supposed to be a funny project and all I'm is tricking your body into thinking it's yes. Yeah. So when you're pregnant you your your the hormones in your body are telling you to surround yourself with people who have similar DNA makeup to you. So it's either like in what they're allergic to and what they're like that kind of thing or can be literally their DNA but like it's a different kind of person that you're like your want to surround yourself with because you're supposed to be nesting and getting ready to start a family. So you want to find your family and your career and this is a conscious thing subconscious hormonal thing apparently and when you're not pregnant, you're supposed to be like the hormones are telling you to find people who have got really different DNA makeup to you're trying to find you're trying to make the strongest baby. That is the aim of to always trying to make the structure not never not trying to make the strongest baby. I'm so I came off the pill when I was 24, I'd been with this guy for six years you from my home. And we were engaged three months after I came off the pill I broke up with him. I did know like there were lots of other reasons, but mainly I was like, I don't really find you attractive or in I'm not in love with you anymore. I don't like I just felt completely distant and I was like No And then obviously like two or three years later. I read this book my friends and I'm like, yo, we know that the X was also kind of a dick head. But also have you considered that the timing was really weird. So in the book she talks about how there are lots of studies around couples. That have been on the pill their whole relationships. They get married. I come from Hill to try and get pregnant and the woman is no longer attracted to the man now in most instances, what they do is they just accept this and how I can so it's marriage or and then she just goes back on the pill and it's fine but is it fine and then so it is a really like there's some spot. Black spots where I'm like this isn't just tragically funny like you intentionally made this funny. There are some points that there's just some really interesting parts of History where I like the way they thought about vaginas been scared of vaginas or talk about vaginas is like really hilarious. And so some of the slang words that she's brought from history the to do with vaginas. I'm really saying I made a list of all the ones that she'd written in the book, but I thought were really funny and then I also just inserted one that I'd made up so I thought I could I love a good game. So I thought I could give him some one of these is not true. None of these came from my hair. No reason why I say more about my hat. So one of these dead but the most like all almost all of them are phrases from the book that she's found that people were like using to describe vaginas. Are you ready? Yeah, slush puppy. Oh, hush. Puppy very different. Diana's quiff the snack that gives back the She's Dustbin. And then finally the bearded oyster. So which one do you think join to recap? Yeah, slush puppy Hush Puppy Diana's quiff the snack that gives back butchers Dustbin or the bearded oyster. Which one did I make up right for those listeners at home? Write write your answer down. We come back after the break tweet us at I think it's the snack that gives back. Oh, no, that's a real one. That's a real ones. A real was smack that gives back you want to try again or slow to tell you? Okay second second time Diana's quiff I didn't make it. Anything to do with oysters. I'm like all I can think about the Virginia Woolf and her and I love the letters. I'm like really gunning for us to republish like an Abridged collection of them because I think they're really really worth the read and I also think having more like queer writerly love. This is such a good thing. But something that I find really off-putting about them is that they both refer to each other like they like call each other each other's dog's name. So it will be like Pato misses you or whatever and it's like you might think that's cute. Maybe like once maybe maybe yeah, but it becomes this for like veiled. Yeah sex thing where it's like, you know Potter's here on my bed. And you know like yearning for you kind of a high and you're like I just I don't want this anymore. I just don't want to think about segue into yeah, maybe what Virginia and Vita needed was He's Just Not That Into You a great book about fuck boys who ignore your letters and then send you we're dog and allergies. Yes completely. Tell me more. So this book I we read for banging book club, but I had read previously because I'll be honest with you. I actually felt like I needed it and I was trying to get over somebody and I actually couldn't and I was just literally like this has become like an obsession but like in a way that isn't romantic and isn't like a thing. It's just a weird brain tick the won't leave my head. You know, you're like you're somebody only the way that you're like, oh, I you know, I always think about them. So I'm just going to do that weird thing that my brain has got a pattern of doing anything wrong. Real Crush someone else is saying this. Yeah, you're like of casually not as if it's something I've never experienced myself that it what just making us what you think that's been your experience leaner. So actually so basically it's an incredibly 90s book. It's incredibly heteronormative. It has a lot of issues with it, but it is also about people demonstrating their commitment to you and whether they actually mean it or not and like it is it genuinely is quite helpful. In the way that when you have you know, you have like that friend that's more that's clever than you and like you go to them for like, you know that they're a better person than you. So you ask them a question about your life and they'll give you a really like roundabout answer that's really like wide-reaching every like it could be this. It could be this here's an example of this like love and sometimes you really want that other sometimes you want to go to the friend who's like fuck him. You can be I lucky hate him. You deserve better like sometimes you need that friend in this book. Is that friend like if you wanted the other one you guys Eli calendar boat on all the school of life, but if you just really need the friend to get drunk with he's like fucking leave him. He's a loser. There's this book using so I really I do love it. And for some reason I keep it around because I just feel like I've never got rid of it, even though I'm like, it's problematic. It's like quite repetitive. It's really dated but like somewhere I'm like if I need it one day again, the the guy like wrote loads of dissection City scripts Greg and they were in a writers room together thing. That's how they met. Has these workbooks at the end of every chapter the workbook part. That's just like always really sick. I think a t so this one is like get a bright red crayon color in this flag. You have just made a big red flag. There you go good because that is what a man not wanting to have sex with you is now put down that crayon and go get yourself some good love it. And then this was another one all super good really helpful workbook here are five suggestions on what your man. Could have done if he was unsatisfied in your relationship. You will notice none of them is it includes includes sleeping with somebody else one talk about it to write about it three sing about it for email about it five even put on a puppet show about it. Wow. Now think of fiber with your own and then it gives you a little something read them. Laugh Lat have a laugh then dump the cheetah. Of course, I can't tell you what to do, but dumped him quite I tend to like been the corners of books and then I'm like, I just bend it on the page and then I'm like if I can't look, Back to that page and realize what was going on it then I might probably wasn't that funny. Yeah, it's like kind of like Agony aunt and and he just calls them all at really sarcastic names and this one. He's just called dear really really let's talk about Johnny really good friend. And you're Johnny really good friendship personally when I'm picking friends, I like to pick the ones that don't make me cry myself to sleep and it was like really stuff. It's just like, oh you probably have to take my advice but you're a dick if you do so, yeah, I think it's really funny and I would recommend it. People even their like obviously it's not very inclusive and very old. Well when I was thinking about these funny sex books and you're finding I couldn't help thinking about the bad sex award the which is for fiction. And anyone who hasn't come across this yet. Honestly, it's so worth a read. I think it comes out around late November time. It's a little pre-Christmas treat but it's by literary review and I was just having a little Searcher earlier because I'm so it's uh, Quote the idea of the bad sex in fiction award is that it's for the most outstandingly awful scene of sexual description in an otherwise good novels as being an otherwise good time. Theoretically, yes, although I think that has definitely been variable. So 2018. The sort of list that I was looking at recently is an all-male lest. It hasn't always been all male but it is overwhelmingly male and the winner was Catarina by James Frey which I haven't read and I do not I want to read now that I've read that paragraph. I was going to read it. But I honestly cannot bring myself to say it aloud so I haven't brought it with me, but I did wondering if you were if you would like to read another one. I particularly enjoyed which is from the book Scoundrels. No indeed Scoundrels: the hunt for hands clap and it is by not one, but two majors major Victor Cornwall and major Arthur sent John. Trevelyan, so I was hoping that you are wow, read this out for me. Try not to get hung you around clap empty my tanks. I begged breathlessly as once more she began drawing me deep inside her pleasure. Okay her vagina ratchet move. What does that mean? Couldn't concertina like, oh like yeah. Oh, that's not the word. I was expecting to see like an accordion. My mind was just like they're just Collection of letters it could possibly the word concertina. Moved in concertina, like waves slowly chugging my organ as a boa constrictor swallows its prey soon. I was locked in balls deep ready to be ground down but no within thank you. Thank you Applause rapturous. Also this feels like a massive beard that they're actually lovers and they're trying to cover it up. Yes by being like we've seen vagina. Yes, there's something about her pleasure cave that sounds like the list that you were reading earlier. So they wrote together like yeah put pleasure K. Yeah - puppies. Should I give this back often? They make an excuse. They're like sadly. I can't be there and washing my hair. I think it was a I'm washing my boy my boy. I was trying to have a little think about whether we could think of any good funny sex writing. Yeah, if people are listening to this being like Oh my God what I've always wanted in my life and someone to come along and recommend books that have funny sex scenes in them. I haven't read and so I feel weary of recommending it but I'm basically saying this because I want to read it and I want someone to send me a copy. Okay, which is in at the deep end by Kate Davies, which was shortlisted for the word house comedy. Eyes. Yes, and it was described by the guardian of desert. The most fun you will have with lesbian BDSM short of doing it yourself and why it's a great like that should be on the front exactly. As far as I could tell from the copious good reads reviews that I read of it because I have nothing better to do last night. Yeah. It seems to be basically woman breaks up with boyfriend has sort of sexual Awakening goes and has loads and loads of lesbian sex. Yeah and Basically, the book is just loans of descriptions of various different sects some of which is funny some of which is smutty some of which has sort of not funny. Yeah Vibe. But yeah, if anyone's listen to that send me yeah, but I wondered if there was any way you sort of did some of the top of infant's arms really yeah anything like that? No, Moran I I think Dawn a porter. She's written a book called cows that I've just downloaded and it's all about three women. One of them. They're all friends in one of them has a baby one of them just had a miscarriage and one of them is single and it's all about them and their sex lives and their bodies and that and she's Rich. She's a really funny woman. So I feel like that is going to be really good. But again, I haven't read it so we can have two on our wish list that's allowed right? Yeah exactly because some of the best books, I think I read from the banging book club where like ones that are a bit more. Or tragic, but that's like well shit. It's like Virgin Suicides such a good one of the best ways I've ever had and asking for it. It's really good all the rage incredibly written. But again about rape. Yeah to be clear. Yeah. So yeah, it's I think it's still a gap in the market for the good stuff. So if I'm listening can send in some some rum comes potentially. Yeah, that is an area that I want to read more in but I'm kind of scared of going into without a guide. Well, I love rom-coms it. I feel like a lot of them that are famous and like do the whole like Fade Out show me and then they felt on the bed like no scrub it. Yeah, exactly. So Mario McFarland's great at like wrong. Oh my God, she's a master. Like if she turned her pain to literary fiction, they would all be safe arced. I miss you like a manicure and you won't know what's hit you like she's amazing, but she chooses to write rom-coms and she's great. Oh, yeah this just an interesting thing from China yeah, if you wanted certain so so like she calls it the feminist hormone. The feminist hormone is oxytocin and it happens you it was released in women in women when they have or people with vaginas when they have an orgasm like a good orgasm you get a really big hit of oxytocin, which is the feminist hormone. Not only because it makes you want to cuddle which is not feminist. It's just if that's just a human thing that everybody wants to do but like but also it releases it makes you more assertive. If it makes you more socially fluent and it makes you more risk-taking. So basically the patriarchy don't want you to have orgasms because they know that it will Empower you. Yes, so would recommend oxytocin the freest drug available to my video so fun fact, okay final quest. Okay, if you could commission let your dream funny book, but like let's keep it on a sex that you come. Yeah, yeah nonfiction any writer. Well, we've I've mentioned before today my crush on the Speaker of the House John John Berger where this is going. I would absolutely love a like sex fanfic if that is respectful as he is like one of the leaders of our kits that is respect. Very respectful sex. Yeah. And fun fact sexy just like sexy awesome him sort of being sexy going about town or him. You know, he's not getting a although. I feel like he's married and well, it could be about their lovely relationship. I'd yeah, I'd love to with great suspects and their consent would love to have like a sexy but I find them very sexy fun, Lena. We just need to normalize. Yes. I'm going to refer to it as nothing other than that podcast listening. Yes. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of wit lit. If you liked it well done. You have excellent. Taste Please Subscribe. Tell your friends. Tell your family follow it on. Social media. It's on Instagram at wit lip podcast or Twitter app with lit pod. I don't have Facebook because it's dead. But please send me a message or at me with your favorite funny books or quote or if you're interested in coming on as a guest each episode. I'm going to do a book giveaway on that as well. So get involved with that. Finally. I'd like to thank cleaner not only for being a great interviewee and I like on but also for her help in getting this little pod off the ground. So thanks Nate, and the other one is to my amazing sister Holly for making this logo for me pro bono, despite being far too good an artist and only do the sort of thing. So thank you very much for being my sister. Finally. Thank you for listening. Your hair looks great today and see you soon.
I talk to book activist, cool content creator, and stud muffin Leena Norms about silly sex self-help books. Includes 101 tips to make your wife love you, a quiz about what to call your vagina, and erotic fan-fic involving a certain British political figure... OBVS FOLLOW, LIKE, SHARE, GIVE IT 5 STARS PLS THX. --- Get in touch if you have recommendations of funny books, quotes, or want to be a guest! Follow Leena's marvellous online contentment too: twitter @leenanorms, instagram @leenanorms, youtube @justkissmyfrog, Patreon The Gumption Club, and if you want more sex book chat, the Banging Book Club Podcast. --- This episode's Wit Lit Reading List:  Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, by John Gray Vagina, by Naomi Wolf He's Just Not That Into You, by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo Plus Bad Sex from:  Katarina by James Fray Scoundrels by Major Victor Cornwall and Major Arthur St John Trevelyan (I have since done some research into this book and turns out, reassuringly, it's a parody. SO maybe it should go in the Good Sex list?!) And Good Sex from: In At The Deep End, by Kate Davies The Cows by Dawn O'Porter Caitlin Moran, Juno Dawson, and Mhairi McFarlane. --- Stay silly,  Lily
Don't have enough time to sit down and read all the best Bitcoin articles. Well, let us read them for you. This is a crypto Konami quick read. Bitcoin is the most sound or scarce monetary resource that has literally ever existed anything else we seek to acquire more of as humans. We ultimately can we can either produce find or create more of that thing. We do not have this capacity with Bitcoin everything. We think we know about the degree of market dominance the accrual of value and reliability of a monetary good will be breaking new ground as we watch these early stages of Bitcoins growth. Welcome back to the crypto economy everybody. I am guy Swan the guy who's read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, and we are going to start this week off. Off. I've got a lot of fun stuff to cover this week, but we're going to begin by going back to Robert breedlove's piece on money Bitcoin and time. This will actually be part for we kind of took a week off from that work and now we're finally getting back into it and it's really good. It's a great overall introductory piece kind of the hope the breath of the entire concept and we broke down the money section, which is actually the biggest section of The of the work into three separate episodes. So I will link to those episodes say so you can just get a foundation. You don't really need to listen to them to come into in order to follow what's going on here just because this is just breaking into Bitcoin and what it is, but there are some foundational ideas about the soundness of money about the history of money and a lot of other great stuff that will really help to make you make it easier to understand and follow some of the concepts that are covered in the Bitcoin section here on the so I highly encourage you to go back and listen to it. This whole piece is going to be awesome when we've got this thing completed and in a single audiobook version because it's a great overarching hitting the concepts from the very beginning to the very end that pulls Knowledge from a lot of different works and a lot of different disciplines is just a great overarching piece. So highly recommend it but we are going to be starting into the Bitcoin section now. So without further Ado, let's jump into Robert breedlove's incredible piece money Bitcoin and time, I which he has posted and you can download a PDF on Parallax Digital Dot IO, I have all those links obviously available and this is the section titled Bitcoin beginning with the simple truth about coin Bitcoin the simple truth about Bitcoin Bitcoin is the hardest form of money ever invented. It has successfully brought the advantages of physical cash money into the digital realm Bitcoin is changing the way people organize themselves the next chapter in the story of money is being written in a new language. grasping Bitcoin Bitcoin seems easy to understand it first. It's just magic internet money, right? However, truly grasping its significance is a formidable task. Once you think you have Bitcoin figured out you'll see it from another perspective and realize how little you actually knew this pursuit of understanding Bitcoin is like a mountain climber that continually encounters all speaks which fool him into thinking he has reached the summit only to realize it is higher. Till it has been said that you can judge the quality and importance of an idea by the vehement some of its opposition Bitcoin has been called many things digital gold. Tulip Mania 2.0 Financial Revolution, the Myspace of cryptocurrencies environmental disaster rat poison squared libertarian idealism apex predator of monetary Technologies, the biggest bubble in history the Model T of cryptocurrencies a superior species of Money, but it turns out that in context of the history and nature of money Bitcoin appears to be a distinct evolutionary Leap Forward Bitcoin is not an internet application like Myspace. It is an Internet Protocol Bitcoin is not the Model T of cryptocurrencies. It is more like a global freeway system Bitcoin is not like any type of gold coin bit coin is more like the element gold its Integrity is protected by the the inviolable laws of mathematics human nature is one of its core components. It is a new form of social institution Bitcoin is a living system unto itself that adapts to environmental changes. This made sound mind-blowing at first most Innovations of this magnitude sound this way in the beginning as we struggle to communicate using outdated terms and analogies that cannot possibly convey their importance. However, history shows us that ignoring Innovation is a terrible strategy in light of its inherent complexity and Novelty. We will view Bitcoin from many different perspectives in an attempt to create a mosaic of understanding in the minds of our Readers first and foremost Bitcoin is digital cash money. digital cash money as the global economy becomes increasingly digitized and interconnected new technological realities are taking shape which will cause the market to naturally select for the most effective species of money native to this new digital. Terrain Bitcoin is the first truly digital solution to the problem of money. It is the world's first digital cash in the original sense of the word cash discussed earlier meaning that it is under the full control. It's owner and can be used for final settlement in the same way as gold is today put another way Bitcoin is digital Cash Money a self Sovereign asset that contains within it all the trust factors and permissions necessary to transact with it Bitcoin is not the liability of any counterparty. Hence its nickname digital gold. Like gold Bitcoin is a supranational form of money. Meaning that no government needs to decree its value or permit its use nor can it be eliminated unilaterally by regulation. The hardness of Bitcoin is superior to all forms of money, including gold and its stock to flow ratio will eventually reach infinity as a digital asset Bitcoin has unprecedented levels of saleability across scales space and Fine, it is resistant to confiscation censorship inflation and counterfeit. Meritoriously Bitcoins value is attained entirely from the social consensus. It earns by competing freely in the marketplace. as one perspective of its monetary significance Bitcoin can be understood as the successful Fusion of the advantages associated with physical cash payments with the efficiencies and certainties enabled by digital technology cash payments have the advantage of being immediate final and requiring no trust on the part of either transacting party in each other or any other intermediary the drawback of cash payments was the need for Transacting parties to be physically present in the same space and time which increases risks associated with physical custody, especially for larger transactions, as more business is conducted remotely thanks to ever-advancing telecommunications Technologies, like the internet physical cash transactions become increasingly impractical since the Inception of computers. The nature of All Digital objects is that they were infinitely replicable. This meant that no digital object would be provably limited in quantity. For instance. When you send an email. You're actually sending a copy as you still have the email in your sent folder before Bitcoin. There was no way to send a digital good that could not also be present elsewhere at a later time. This presented an intractable issue for direct digital payments known as the double spend problem without a trusted third party. Your mediary to verify the payer was not double spending digital payments were not possible. Using intermediated digital payments like venmo or PayPal exposed parties to additional transaction costs risk of censorship Broad and transaction disputes the nature of digital objects. Also meant creating a digital cash was impossible since its monetary units could be reproduced in lessly and would therefore suffer from unlimited inflation before Bitcoin people had to rely on physical laws Rarity and chemistry. The case of gold or jurisdictional laws government and Central Bank monopolies to regulate money supplies Innovative Lee Bitcoin relies on mathematical laws to protect its monetary policy. Building on top of Decades of innovative trial and error by other programmers in combining a wide range of proven Technologies Nakamoto successfully made Bitcoins, the first digital objects that were verifiably scarce as the world's first instance of digital scarcity Bitcoin was able to solve the double spend problem and become the world's first functioning digital cash. Quote that in order to make a person covet a thing. It is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain in quote Mark Twain. In this way Bitcoin would bring the desirous advantages of physical cash to the digital realm and combine them with an immutable monetary policy. It cannot be manipulated to benefit any outside party at the expense of Bitcoin holders drawing on Lessons Learned by other programmers during two decades of attempts at this Innovative breakthrough Nakamoto, finally achieved digital Cash Money by combining for key. Technologies proof of work mathematical puzzles, which require energy expenditure to be solved Solutions are rewarded with newly issued Bitcoin and user transaction fees functions as skin in the game necessary to keep Bitcoins distributed Ledger truthful and maintain its monetary hardness distributed peer-to-peer Network. A record of Bitcoins entire transaction history is maintained by each Network participant known as a node coup mathematically verify each other's work making the entire system resistant to censorship and manipulation. hashing a method of computer cryptography that transforms any stream of data into a data set of a fixed size known as a hash this transformation is irreversible and is the foundation of trustless verification within the Bitcoin Network. digital signatures a method of authentication that relies on a set of mathematically related elements called the private key the public key and signatures the private key which must be kept secret allows its holder to control the Bitcoin associated with it. Meaning that the private key is a bearer instrument holding Bitcoin is holding its private key which makes it a self Sovereign monetary good like gold. In the same way a monetary assessment of gold would not delve too deep into its chemical properties. This essay will not delve too deep into a technological properties of Bitcoin. We will instead focus on its monetary properties and its relevance in the story of money. However, some basic technical knowledge of Bitcoin is warranted to fully appreciate the importance of the Innovation that is digital cash money. technological properties Bitcoin is open-source software meaning its source code can be inspected by anyone this makes Bitcoin a language its source code and transaction history are universally transparent and can even be printed onto paper interestingly. This makes it protected under the first amendment in the United States more on this later. As an open source software project Bitcoin is supported by a Global Network of volunteer programmers. These programmers are self-interested in the sense that they are almost always bitcoiners as they are aligned with its purpose philosophically and therefore stands to gain financially from its expanding Network their work over the years has greatly enhanced the functionality of the Bitcoin Network. However, these programmers are unable to change the rules of Bitcoin. As we will see when we discuss bitcoin's social contract. To become a Bitcoin Network member known as anode all that is necessary is to download and run the software on a computer once downloaded the software will enable you to store Bitcoin and transact with any other node in the world. Also by becoming a node the entire Bitcoin transaction history will be recorded on your machine and updated in perpetuity just as it is on every other node in the world. This is the essence of Coins decentralized architecture the Bitcoin Network similar to the internet lives everywhere and nowhere. Owning a Bitcoin means owning the private key that can authorize it to be used in a transaction. The private key is purely informational meaning that it is just a string of alphanumeric characters. This makes it a self Sovereign form of money giving its holder the presumption of rightful ownership, which makes Bitcoin and instrument of final settlement like gold Bitcoin is the world's first Global digital final settlement system. The core operational feature of Bitcoin is verification, which allows its users to remove the need for trust completely every transaction has to be recorded by every node on the network so that they all share one common Ledger of balances and transactions remarkably similar to The Rise Stone system used by the Yap Islanders. Transactions are grouped together approximately every 10 minutes in what is known as a block. Each block is then added to the previous block of transaction forming a chronological chain of inextricably linked block that stretches all the way back to the Genesis block Mind by Nakamoto himself exactly 10 years ago today. This is commonly called the Bitcoin blockchain. The blockchain is the common Ledger of which each node maintains, its own copy commonly known as as the distributed Ledger Each node verifies, the accuracy of every other nodes transaction inputs and Truth is established by consensus in this way the Bitcoin Network relies 100% on verification and 0% on trust. This gives Bitcoin the unique property of trustless meaning it is able to operate successfully without the need to trust any counterparty or intermediary whatsoever blockchain energy and Mining All right. Let's take a quick break and hit our sponsor and we'll jump back in on this section. 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So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today blockchain energy and Mining economic incentives and disincentives are used to maintain truthful records in the blockchain. It's an ingenious application of the skin in the game concept nodes compete the solve complex mathematical puzzles in a process called proof-of-work nose are incentivized perform this Computing task because the first one to solve the proof of work is awarded a batch of newly issued Bitcoin in the And bees generated within the latest block of transactions called The Block reward. A block is sealed approximately every 10 minutes which triggers the opening of the next block and proof-of-work competition nodes expand processing power in the form of electricity to solve these complicated mathematical problems. Although considerably less and much more efficiently than the systems that support gold and government money today. He's got a chart here comparing the annual cost in u.s. Dollars the energy consumption and then the dollar per energy consumption per gigajoule in gold mining gold recycling government Fiat money production the banking system governments and Bitcoin mining and it just shows that in comparison Bitcoin mining is by far the most efficient and least costly of all of the available Alternatives, but if you want to go Look at specifics and get that data. I definitely recommend going to the actual getting the actual PDF or going to the blog so that you can see these graphics. Proof of work energy expenditure is the thermodynamic Bridge from the physical to the digital world. It transmutes the fundamental commodity of the universe energy into digital gold. This energy expenditure is essential to the functioning of the Bitcoin Network as it disincentivizes. No dishonesty. If a note attempted to include a fraudulent transaction in a block of Nodes would reject it and it would incur the cost of processing power without the prospect of earning the block reward. This process is commonly referred to as Mining and the competing nodes are called miners or mining nodes mining is a truly capitalistic voting mechanism where energy expended equals hashes, which are votes for the proof-of-work solution generated. The name mining is an Ode to the arduous process of mining for gold as we've learned the costs and risks related to the mining of this monetary metal is necessary for it to maintain its hardness or skin in the game. Similarly mining using proof of work is the only known method of creating digital cash money money, which is the representation of the work required to generate Goods can also be considered a form Form of stored energy in the early 20th century free-market proponents like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were interested in replacing gold or the US dollar with an energy money showing great precedents. They foresaw the day when the world may exhaust its nonrenewable energy sources and be forced to switch to Alternatives convicted in their free market beliefs. They shared this idea and assumed a great deal of reputational risk in the process as the their views ran contrary to the established economic order the concept of energy money was popular due to its hard money characteristics as energy is costly to produce. However, energy money was technologically well before its time as energy could not be transmitted or stored easily using Technologies of the day in championing the novel idea with the greater. Good at heart Ford and Edison were exhibiting soul in the game or the exposure to downside risks on behalf of others as Edison said in 1931 quote. I put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power. I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that in quote. By using proof of work, which was originally invented as a measure to mitigate email spam Bitcoin became the world's first functional energy money with physical monetary Goods. We were required to build walls to safeguard our money with the Bitcoin Network. We are required to expend energy to preserve the sanctity of its Ledger secure its Network and enforce the immutability of its money supply. Proof of work is essential for Bitcoin to function as hard digital cash money and enables it to serve as the buyer of Last Resort for electricity worldwide the Bitcoin Network provides a Perpetual economic incentive for everyone in the world to invent more efficient methods of harnessing energy. This Global incentive will increase the rate of innovation in Energy Technologies as Bitcoin. Nick Carter puts it quote. The Bitcoin network is a global energy net that liberates stranded assets and makes new ones viable. Imagine a 3D topographic map of the world with cheap energy hotspots being lower and expensive energy being higher. I imagine Bitcoin mining being akin to a glass of water poured over the surface settling in the nooks and crannies and smoothing it out. end quote As more nodes compete to solve the proof-of-work puzzle the difficulty automatically increases so that new blocks are added on average once every 10 minutes this automatic algorithmic change is called the difficulty adjustment and is perhaps the most ingenious aspect of Bitcoin. It is the most reliable engineering solution for making and keeping money maximally hard and gives Bitcoin the unique ability to apt its network security as it grows. As we have seen when a form of money appreciates people are immediately incentivized to increase its new Supply flow which reduces its stock to flow ratio and compromises its hardness with Bitcoin and increase in its price does not lead to the production of more Bitcoin Beyond its transparent and predictable Supply schedule instead it simply leads to an increase in processing power committed by minors. Hours, which in turn makes the network more secure and difficult to compromise like a vault. It becomes harder to crack. The more money that is stored within it Bitcoin offers people and Incredibly effective means of value storage next. We depict the entire process of a Bitcoin transaction. Bitcoin graphic it's a rather popular graphic of the entire process of a Bitcoin transaction from the beginning wallet to the actual verification in the chain on and I highly recommend going through the entire thing, but we will not be doing it for the purposes of this reading. the internet of value the internet of value is a popular moniker to describe Bitcoin in reality. The Bitcoin protocol can be considered an integral and newly evolved layer of the commercial internet in computer science. A protocol is a rule set that governs the transmission of data the internet as we know it is an integration of four successive layers of open-source protocols called the Internet Protocol Suite that maintain constant communication. At one another the link layer puts data packets on The Wire the internet layer routes data packets across networks, the transport layer persists communication across any given conversation and the application layer delivers software files and applications. In this context Bitcoin can be considered the fifth layer of the Internet Protocol Suite the value layer allocates scarce resources across Networks. In the same way that the internet is a set of Open Source protocols for exchanging data Bitcoin is an open source protocol for exchanging value. It is trustless as any machine can accept it from any other securely and it virtually zero cost Bitcoin is also Global and permissionless. Meaning that any machine can speak its language and no Central Bank is required to authorize its use this means that transactions on its Network are essentially Unstoppable as all trust factors and permissions necessary to transact with it are intrinsic to the act of holding a Bitcoin private Key software protocol developments are being implemented that will make Bitcoin transactions even faster cheaper Anonymous and capable of Authentication. These can expand the utility of Bitcoin to enable the allocation of scarce network resources, like computing power verification of contracts or tracking identity and reputation. Although Bitcoin is the fifth layer of the Internet Protocol Suite. It is the base layer protocol for the value layer itself. This means that second and other higher order protocol layers may be built on top of it a second layer protocol to bitcoin called the lightning network is currently being implemented and is designed to sacrifice some degree of trustless to achieve higher transaction throughput allowing Bitcoin to be used more effectively as a of Exchange the lightning network is an open source protocol and functions by establishing trust channels among parties for faster cheaper transactions that are then settled periodically to the Bitcoin blockchain higher-order protocol development. And integration is one of the many ways Bitcoin adapts to changes in its environment more on this later in the same way that money is an emergent property of complex human interactions. Bitcoin is an And property of complex interactions occurring between people machines and markets even if Nakamoto and Bitcoin never existed. It would still be necessary for us to invent the concept of crypto assets to enable machines to exchange value to facilitate digital economies, use Smart contracts and provide the substrate necessary for the internet of things to come into existence. Not only is Bitcoin a prerequisite Innovation to the digital economy. It is also the hardest monetary technology ever invented. the infinite hardness of Bitcoin Bitcoin is the hardest form of money in existence its money supply is enforced mathematically and like the other rules of Bitcoin cannot be broken or changed only 21 million Bitcoins can and will ever exist. This strictly limited Supply makes it the first monetary technology exhibiting absolute scarcity unlike gold and other monetary Metals no matter how much demand for Bitcoin increases. There will never be any units produced in excess of its fully transparent predictable and unchangeable monetary policy. Before Bitcoin only time itself had achieved the property of absolute scarcity. Since increased demand for Bitcoin cannot affect its Supply. It can only be expressed in its price Bitcoin has perfect price inelasticity of Supply meaning that it has zero supply-side response to increases in its price unlike gold and all other physical Commodities where an increase in demand will inevitably lead to larger supplies being produced over time Bitcoin can only express an increase in demand. By becoming more expensive and a more secure network a perfect price in elasticity of supply. No doubt contributes to the notorious price volatility of Bitcoin is exhibiting at the earliest stage of its growth. We are witnessing today. Absolute scarcity greatly exacerbates Bitcoins price volatility as its Network continues to grow the value of Bitcoin as an Unstoppable payments Channel and an inflatable money is steadily increasing over time while it's price is constantly attempting to find it dramatically over shooting and under shooting along the way. With the totally inflexible Supply schedule as long as Bitcoin is growing quickly its price will behave like that of a startup company stock undergoing meteoric growth should Bitcoin achieve sufficient Market penetration that its growth slows down. It would stop attracting high risk investment flows and become a stable monetary asset expected to appreciate slightly each year as demand increases due to productivity and population growth like any mature hard money should as expected over the long run. We are already seeing a decrease in Bitcoins price volatility. Any other chart here just showing the Bitcoin price volatility over time and a general decreasing trend. Bitcoins immutable monetary policy ensures that it's Supply will continue to grow at a decreasing rate and will reach its maximum of 21 million units sometime in the year 2140 to maintain saleability across scales Nakamoto designed each Bitcoin to be further divisible into 100 million units, which are now commonly called satoshi's in his honor. Once the last Bitcoin is mind. It's talk to flow ratio will become infinite as its flow will completely and irreversibly cease Beyond this point miners will be compensated exclusively by transaction fees. The coins decreasing growth rate means that the first 20 million coins will be mined by the year 2025 leaving the last 1 million to be mined over the subsequent 115 years this predictable transparent and immutable Supply schedule gives Bitcoin a significant Advantage as it competes for the trust of the people to become a reliable store of value unlike government money or even gold people know with absolute certainty that Bitcoin will never have it's saleability across time compromised by unexpected Supply increases Bitcoin is an inflatable money in a world where wealth is continuously stolen via inflation. As is the case with its other immutable laws Bitcoins monetary policy is enforced by the inviolable laws of mathematics inevitably Bitcoin will surpass goal around the year 2020 to become the hardest form of money in history. By virtue of its natively digital nature Bitcoin is critically highly resistant to centralization as we have learned. It was the centralization of gold that led to government money backed by gold which made gold more saleable across scales and encouraged a gold standard to flourish throughout most of the world. However, as the temptation to expand money supplies seems to be irresistible for humans government soon took control of the bank. King sector printed money in excess of its gold reserves eventually severed their currencies pegged to gold and thereby destroyed the hardness of government money completely historically people who adopted hard money systems flourished such as the Romans under Caesar the byzantines under Constantine and Europeans under the gold standard and people who had the hardness of their money compromised suffered enormous. Consequences such as the Yap Islanders West Africans using glass beads and the Chinese under a silver standard in the 19th century moving a society away from a hard money system has been a harbinger of economic crisis and societal Decay an outcome that can be explained as a social contract rescission. Bitcoins social contract social contract theory starts with an assumed hypothetical state of nature full of violence that is unbearable for people to live in driven by a desire to improve their circumstances people come together and collectively agree to sacrifice some of their freedoms to establish a social contract and Empower an institution to protect them. Government is the result of a social contract people sacrifice some of their freedoms to give the state control over the monetary system and armed forces the state in turn uses that power to manage the economy redistribute wealth and fight crime in the United States. Our current social contract grants the Government monopoly control of money via the Federal Reserve and violence via the police and military. Similarly money itself can be thought of as a social contract if enough people are unhappy with a barter economy. They can collectively agree to use money instead the social contract entails sacrificing certainty requiring trust that dollars will maintain their value over time in exchange for convenience using dollars as a medium of Exchange. The social contract for money as we have seen emerges and involves spontaneously based on Market driven natural selection each person continuously decides which outcomes they prefer and how best to achieve them. If enough people seek the same outcome. We call the result a social contract. Throughout history almost every government a formal social contract put in charge of the monetary system. Another often interrelated form of social contract has abused its power by forcibly confiscating assets censoring private transactions and printing money to steal wealth via inflation. using the virtually unlimited financial means provided by control over money supplies these governmental social contract grew in successive bureaucratic layers the larger and more valuable the social contracts became the more freedoms were forfeited and the more others salt control over them this led to many instances of conflict Warfare or social revolution in which old social attract dictatorships or tyrannical regimes were rescinded in favor of new ones new laws treaties or government. The principal Point here is that people can agree they are in a terrible situation and come together to change it, but the resultant social contract is only as strong as its credibility and enforceability. The invention of Bitcoin can be regarded as a new implementation of the social contract for money Nakamoto settled on the following rules for this new implementation. Only the owner of a Bitcoin can produce the digital signature to spend it confiscation resistance. Anyone can transact and store value in Bitcoins without permission censorship resistance. There will only be 21 million Bitcoins issued on a predictable schedule inflation resistance anyone will always be able to verify all the rules of Bitcoin counterfeit resistance. Historically social contracts intended to protect people such as governments and their Central bangs eventually became controlling and ultimately turned abusive when a social contract losses sufficient Trust of the people. It falls apart or is overthrown by Ballot or by Bullet this Dynamic is resulted in a continuous cycle of rising and falling social contracts throughout history. Bitcoin is intended to break this Cycle in two ways first instead of seeking security form a powerful Central entity like a government or Central Bank that can be corrupted or overthrown the coin creates a hyper-competitive market for its own protection. It turns security into a commodity and the security providers or minors into harmless commodity producers. And to by requiring it security Market participants were minors to incur real-world costs to generate their economic reward skin in the game Bitcoin incentivizes the market to reach consensus over who owns what at any given point in time. In this sense, the Bitcoin social contract is composed of two distinct self-reinforcing layers the social layer and the protocol layer the social layer is the social consensus itself, which determines the rules of Bitcoin and establishes its value the protocol layer simply automate the enforcement of the rules set by the social layer. Graphic of the Bitcoin to layer social contract. We have the Bitcoin social layer, which determines the rules of the Bitcoin protocol layer which in turn automate the enforcement of the rules back in the Bitcoin social layer and so on. In this sense Bitcoin is more than just a technology indeed. It is a new institutional form viewing it in this way. We are better able to answer some of the more existential questions about Bitcoin. Who can change the rules of Bitcoin? Since the rules of the Bitcoin social contract are decided at its social layer and enforced at its protocol layer who can actually change its rules. Bitcoin has a computer network comes into existence when people run implementations that follow the same rule set think of these rule sets is speaking the same language you remain in the network by following the same rules as everyone else. If you decided to change the rules set on your local computer, you would simply be evicted from the network you no longer speak the same language as everyone else. Your unilateral decision to change the rules would not impact the actual Bitcoin Network in any way whatsoever. The only way to change the rules of the Bitcoin social contract is to convince people to voluntarily accept your proposed rule changes at the social layer as each Network member is self-interested. They will only adopt rules that benefit them seeing as its current rules are already optimal for Bitcoin holders resistance to confiscation censorship inflation and counterfeit. It would be extremely difficult to convince. a majority of the approximately 30 million Network participants to change rule sets This asymmetrical governance Dynamic virtually rules out any contentious changes from succeeding as they would never get Broad Social consensus there for the Bitcoin Network can be upgraded in ways that align with the collective best interests of its members and is at the same time highly resilient to changes that contradict those interests. Can a software bug kill Bitcoin? In September 2018 a software bug arose in the main implementation of Bitcoin that opened up to potential attack vectors, which theoretically could have been exploited to circumvent its counterfeit and inflation resistance properties Bitcoin developers quickly fixed the bug before eyes are vector was exploited. However, this event left many people wondering what would have happened at the vulnerabilities not been discovered in time. Anytime the social layer and protocol layer diverge in the Bitcoin social contract. The protocol layer is always wrong again. All rules are set at the social layer. Whereas the protocol layer is only responsible for automating their enforcement had the software bug not been discovered in time. Bitcoins. Blockchain would have undergone a fork meaning it's protocol layer would have been split into two Networks. One with the bug and one without it every Bitcoin holder would then have an equal number of coins in each network, but the value of these coins would be determined solely by the free market. This is true for all forms of money as social consensus determines the value of money at the social layer. Each Bitcoin owner would then choose either the implementation with or without the bug? To protect the value of their Bitcoin holders would rationally choose to migrate to the mended Network and it's blockchain would continue without interruption. When the Bitcoin protocol layer successfully automates the enforcement of the rules determined at its social layer, the two layers are in sync if they diverge for any reason the social layer supersedes and the protocol layer is amended to reflect the economic reality of the social consensus surrounding Bitcoin. Software bugs are inevitable in Bitcoins to layer social contract construction ensures that it can withstand them. Can Forks compromise the immutability of Bitcoins rules? Since Bitcoin is open source software anyone in the world can copy its code change it and launch their own version. This is also a chain Fork which as established earlier affects only the protocol layer of the Bitcoin social contract without changing the rules at the social layer first a protocol layer for only a Vicks you from the true Bitcoin Network. To successfully change the rules of Bitcoin. You must successfully Fork its social layer first to accomplish this you would need to convince as many people as possible that your proposed rule set is meaningfully better for them so that they take the risk of adopting your proposed software changes. Forks like these are difficult to pull off in reality because they required buy-in from thousands of people to be successful this asymmetry between the cost of campaigning for ruleset changes and their potential benefit to network participants makes the Bitcoin Network exhibit and extremely strong status quo bias when it comes to governance the key to understanding this is that the value of any form of money is purely a social construct or Other words is derived from social consensus. Individual Bitcoins like US dollars or any other currency receive their value exclusively from the shared belief of their users forking Bitcoins protocol layer is worthless without forking the social layer from which it derives its value in the rare cases that the social layer itself splits as was the case with the Bitcoin cash for the result is to weaker social contracts each agreed upon. Buy fewer people than before the complete failure of the Bitcoin cash Fork its price has declined from point to 12.04 bitcoin over the past year is yet another battle scar for Bitcoin that pays Testament to its governance model and exemplifies the winner-take-all Dynamics inherent in monetary competition. So long as Bitcoin Network participants continue to act in accordance with their own individual self-interest the rules of Bitcoin resistance to confiscation censorship inflation and counterfeit are immutable and therefore as reliable as the laws of mathematics. It's clear from this perspective that Bitcoin is more than just a technological innovation. Although Bitcoin has a network and monetary technology. Groundbreaking in many respects its social contract implementation is revolutionary. Bitcoin is the first technology that incorporates human nature as one of its core moving parts. In essence by believing that mathematics and individual self-interest will persist. We can reliably believe in Bitcoins value proposition and its own going successful operation. Over the past 10 years by inventively aligning human self-interest with its own self-interest. The Bitcoin network has managed to grow organically from $0 to 80 billion dollars in value. a new form of life and we will close our reading for today. We're in a cut this off here again. This this is us moving back into breedlove's Robert breedlove's piece from Parallax Digital Dot IO and just a correction since this is already and an older piece from January 3rd of this year that 80 billion dollar valuation is now closer I think to 190 or 200 billion at the time of my reading at the time of this episode. And this next section a new form of life is going to be really fun and it's a topic. I've covered numerous times on the show, but it's such a fascinating concept and for anybody who's new to bitcoin. This is definitely going to be one. You don't want to miss I'm so we will jump back into this. I'm not a hundred percent sure if I'll be doing this one tomorrow. I probably I think I will be continuing on from here really depends on kind of how I'm feeling in the morning. So I will be back here tomorrow. With more of this amazing piece before we do. I want to hit a sponsor. I got to take a break here for just a second. But I do actually want to go over even though I'm a little low on time go over a number of the things that we've covered in this section because it's just such a dense set of ideas. If you're just new to the space and there's so many fun analogies to kind of go through to really kind of bring light to a lot of what he's talking about here. So, let's hit a let's hit another break, really And then we'll come back and we'll talk about this piece a little bit. So this is just one of those pieces that's incredibly thorough and I love the breakdown. He does such a good job of hitting each individual element and I kind of want to just going to go back through and talk about the key ideas. So obviously anybody who's been here for any length of time knows Bitcoin is about money. And sometimes that misconception is there's actually a misconception that this is more of a technology, but we just covered Carter's piece about a most peaceful Revolution and talked in Robert Breedlove does a great job of going into that Justin what we've read today on the social and really political aspects that the Bitcoin is a technical Innovation. There is a lot there in the technical breakdown of it. It's a new Way to combine old tools and Technologies, very trusted and proven tools and Technologies. In fact, there's not a lot in the actual technical pieces of the coin that's brand-new. There are a few things that are novel in the way they are on put together. But really it's just in the entire structure in the idea of what is accomplished with Bitcoin. It's as if like maybe for a good analogy, is that like the gears Exist Pistons exist we know oil can be used to burn and as a fuel we know and understand the laws of thermodynamics and and the laws of gases and how they expand when heated very quickly like we know all of the elements that we need to know in order for an automobile and an internal combustion engine to be possible, but no one has ever put all of those pieces together. Either in order to produce an internal combustion engine and Satoshi Nakamoto is the first to do that. He used a a a number of very resilient and Powerful Technologies on both in cryptography in networking and most importantly in human nature in incentives on network incentives in like social engineering and he used these elements to create a system that Is them all together there's there's an element or there's something that discussed. It's mentioned a couple of times in this piece by Robert Breedlove that it's one of the first technological inventions where human nature is an element that makes it run and that's one of the most fascinating things to think about because it's so true. It requires humans to be self-interested. There's a we've talked about it in the Bitcoin meet up before the Bitcoin uses human greed. Read human greed is just self-interest is just like you can use it in a negative context and call it greed or you can use it in a positive context and just call it we want our lives to be better simple point. In fact greed is usually just meant to say, oh we'll do it at whatever expense. We don't care about hurting or hurting other people are being immoral, but that's not the case and like human self-interest. In fact, there are certain systems that can be designed and incentives. It can be created in order to use human self-interest in order to create honesty. And that's what Bitcoin does it uses a handful of other Technologies in order to create a closed system in which only honest behavior is rewarded and dishonest or cheating behavior is either punished or incredibly costly and does not permit the reward that the dishonesty would actually a produce in some other environment and they it's done. So by creating an entirely closed system. It's because like the digital points and the architecture is all within the design of the Bitcoin system. So let's go through a couple of the things that we talked about in this piece. So it's really four key technologies that come together to create Bitcoin. First we've got proof of work, which he says their mathematical puzzles that require energy to be solved and that's just because the puzzle is difficult. I like to think of it like imagine it as like a Sudoku puzzle that you might be able to solve it a number of different ways. But the Sudoku board is just really really big and a lot of people are all trying to solve it at the same time. And the first one to solve it basically broadcast it to the network and Buddy can check their work. Like it's really hard to solve the Sudoku puzzle and you have to attempt a lot of different possibilities and keep trying and trying and trying but if someone gives you a finished Sudoku puzzle, it's really easy to verify that everything is there all you have to do is, you know, make sure you count 1 through 9 or whatever it is, you know any every line, you know how Sudoku works? What is important to consider look what the purpose of that is because it sounds totally arbitrary. Right? Look, we're all just playing this stupid game. Why are we doing that? Um and what's funny is the original use of proof of work is actually a really great way to demonstrate part of its usefulness. What makes it valuable Nick Szabo in the context of money Nick Szabo calls it an unfortunate costliness, but we're talking about the original use of proof of Work. It was as a email spam prevention mechanism. So if I have a million people's email address it cost me almost nothing to send an email to all milk 1 million of those people, which is a nightmare is a huge pain in the butt because now I can just abuse and flood messages to everybody who doesn't who don't even want them and you would have to change your email address in order to prevent me from doing that. And and you couldn't you couldn't even block like an email address specifically because I could easily just create another and my Essential payoff is everyone email I create if everyone blocked me after their every every new email address. Excuse me, if everyone blocked me immediately after I sent them like a huge flood of spam. Well, then I would get a million emails out every single time. I created a new email address. Whereas your new email address, too. You're blocking or whatever would only last for one email. So the the payoff or cost for both parties is ridiculously lopsided to benefit the spammer in this situation. The defense is much more difficult than the actual attack. This is where proof-of-work came in. Now what if you only accepted an email your machine your server whatever it is just automatically rejected anything that Didn't have two or three seconds worth of computational work attached to it. So proof of work is essentially a thing that says the person who sent me this email had a computer do some computations for you know, two seconds which from the user side. No one would even notice would recognize like you just hits and and walk away Union. Think about it. And what that does is it makes the other person say okay in a sense. They have this little skin in the game. There's this tiny barrier to sending one message to them. So they actually have to invest resources. Even if it's tiny in order to send a message. They actually have to want to honestly it would typically you would think with the trade-off. They would have to honestly be sending a message in actually want to contact them and be legitimate in their purpose. Why because Two seconds is not difficult to send to a message send a message to a friend or a business partner associate or something, but two million seconds to spam to a million different people makes it unviable makes it on vile completely just like it's just not going to happen for anybody who's thing about looking up. It's like 23 days is 2 million seconds. So it presents an in vast barrier to someone who is Trying to spam the network that is extremely that is not costly at all for legitimate messages. So that was the original creation of proof of work. It was a tiny amount of quote-unquote skin in the game so that there was a cost to sending a message meaning that You're more likely to invest in a message that will create a long-term relationship or that will be a legitimate message to someone you actually want to contact or is likely to actually want the contact from you rather than simply spamming and flooding the network with nonsense information because now there's a cost to the information whereas before it was essentially free to just Spam everybody with crap. However with money it's a very different Dynamic. It serves a lot of the same purpose in the sense. It is it is essentially to some degree a Spam prevention mechanism. But at the exact same time what it does is it creates a cost. It creates a defensive measure around alterations to the blockchain. Now the blockchain as Robert breedlove's goes into is the the easiest way to explain it is just it's a banking Ledger. It's just a ledger as a digital Ledger is just out there in the world. Everybody has a copy of it and everybody's on the exact same page of The Ledger, but we will only accept new pages to this Ledger that have a very specific set of criteria. And one of those is that there is an enormous amount of Proof of work done in order to produce it this way. There aren't just going to be thousands of different versions of this Ledger out there because think about it like oh my computer. I have a note I could just go in and edit transactions in the past and then just publish the whole thing and I'll just have a ledger that has the same 580,000 whatever blocks it is. Um, and you know block 100,000 will just have a Bitcoin transaction to me. I'll have just minded. Is coins and without the proof of work I can do that in no time. I could just go edit on my computer right now. And how would anyone on the network know since it's all just digital information? How would they be able to determine that mine wasn't the real blockchain? Well, it's because in order to block a to edit anything in Block 100,000. I have to redo the proof of work. I have to expend an enormous amount of energy just to just to Edit or produce one valid block, but if I'm trying to produce a valid block on block 100,000 I actually have to redo the proof of work. They're chained together. That is something in the blockchain which we actually kind of didn't get to we haven't gotten to yet in this thing, but they are chained together through one of the other tools called hashing so that if I change block 100,000 block 100 thousand in one Now no longer valid and everyone who downloads it sees that one hundred thousand and one is not valid. And since that one is valid neither is 100,000 and to etcetera etcetera all the way to the current bitcoin block. What that means is that not only do I have to redo the proof of work, which is already going to be extremely costly in Block 100,000. I have to redo the proof of work for every single block forever since then another 480 some odd thousand blocks just to get the network to accept it as an option. As a possibly valid blockchain, but maybe even more importantly is I'm competing with the entirety of the rest of the network that is producing. It is extending the blockchain that already exists making more blocks for me to redo which means that I have to I have to literally have more computational power and energy expenditure than the entire world worth of Bitcoin mining nodes. Proof of work creates an objective easily verifiable way to make it an extremely difficult to make any alterations to the chain and extremely easy for everyone to agree on agree on exactly what the chain looks like. Right this instant. We don't have a thousand different versions of the blockchain being spread all across the world and everybody trying to figure out which one is which We don't have thousands of different versions of the next block and everybody we don't have multiple splits of this network sitting with different blocks. Wondering you know, which one's going to be the next one and which one was the previous one what was valid and what wasn't everybody can easily and in a matter of just a couple of seconds globally come to consensus on what the next block is in a stable reliable pattern that happens every 10. Minutes throughout the entire network at a global scale and that is absolutely insanely powerful. There is never been a way to reach consensus in a decentralized manner in the digital realm before and that is what proof of work enables and at the same time that it does this it is essentially creating a virtual force field on to the Integrity of the blockchain. The great example that Nick Szabo and a number of other people have used our you'll probably bump into this quite a bit is the idea of Amber like when like a mosquito or a bug or something is locked in the Amber of a tree like a sap in a tree or something and then there's another layer and then there's another layer and over time it gets harder and harder and last for longer and longer or like tree rings like the center of the tree is protected. buy more and more as it continues forward every new block produced in the blockchain makes this makes it a force field around editing the blockchain ever stronger editing the the Deep past of this blockchain harder and harder while at the same time the more computing power and Mining power put on the network just in the most recent block makes it more and more difficult to edit or Any alterations to or confiscate funds from or sensor transactions from it is literally the digital equivalent of producing a giant Vault for all of the value in the chain and the more valuable. It's a feedback loop the more valuable the money or the funds the Bitcoin in this example, the more valuable the Bitcoins are that are hiding inside this Vault the more money there. There is devoted to building the Vault the stronger and thicker The Vault becomes so when there's two hundred billion dollars in the vault. There are more computers getting online in order to make the make the Vault more secure because the network is paying for the vault. It's paying for the structure to secure it. And that structure is proof of work. It is the hash function that makes it impossible to edit a block without producing a valid proof of work. It is an absolutely extraordinary concept and it is so it's so brilliant that the more you keep reading about it the more you'll learn about it for anybody who's new to this. You're going to keep going down this Rabbit Hole you'll listen to a lot more pieces on this we've talked about proof of work from so many different. Current context but is going to blow your mind more and more the the deeper you dig into what it is what it does and how it coordinates stuff on the Bitcoin over is a fascinating concept and it enables the decentralized nature of that of the distributed peer-to-peer Network. So it's like with BitTorrent. It's BitTorrent with a banking Ledger and using proof of work to make it so that that banking Ledger is cannot be Corrupted but eight using a peer-to-peer Network where essentially everyone is the referee. I can't remember who it was. I think it was Jameson Lop but it's probably been said by numerous people but said that the Bitcoin network is like a game where everyone watches everyone else to make sure that no one is cheating. Since every full node has an entire copy of this banking Ledger. We can all be 100% certain that nothing has been cheated and none of the rules are anything outside of mathematics like so all of the rules are completely objective. There is no like, oh, he almost had the proof of work lets, you know, take it to the judges like it either is or isn't there is no like our we produce like 99% of a hash the way the hash function works is it's either valid or it isn't These are all yes/no questions two plus two equal four. Yes, two plus two equal 5. No, there's no subjectivity in this whatsoever. So it's not it's not even like everybody's referee in a game because there's a ton of subjectivity in a game or a sport or whatever and then you have self-interest as well. But when everything is so easily verifiable and you can go back to the very beginning of Bitcoin in prove that every single proof of work is accurate every bit of the accounting is accurate down to the Satoshi 100 millionth of a Bitcoin and that nothing has ever been cheated within the rules of Bitcoin that there has never been a Bitcoin that is created outside of the inflation schedule. No one has ever spent Bitcoin that they did not have the private keys to spend all signatures are valid everything. It is the most secure high integrity banking Ledger in the world. And it is entirely emergent from a group of tens of thousands of nodes just cooperate together together on the Internet. It's that doesn't Fascinate You you have lost all intellectual curiosity whatsoever because that is absolutely nuts and it's never existed ever. And it enables the ability to produce a digital token a digital money within this system used as both the reward and the unit of account within this institution. Essentially this decentralized institution that is emerges from the cooperation of everyone participating in the network. That is scarce like a physical good It is true digital scarcity. It cannot be copied. It cannot be spent twice. And if you do not have the single valid key that allows you to sign a transaction with it, then it's not yours. It's simply not yours. And there's no hope of Ever Getting It the math. I recommend listening to 21 lessons of the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole by dare GG such a good piece and there's one lesson in particular in the 21 about the the big numbers of Bitcoin and sha-256 and like what what all involves in the security of these random numbers, but just so you can get an idea the I the someone guessing a private key is as if someone reached out into the universe and picked a single atom. From anywhere in the visible and known universe and it happens to be the very same atom that you picked at random. Understand you are vastly more likely to win the lottery once every second for the rest of your life until you die. Then you are to do that. There's nothing obscure about this code either like that's what makes makes it so that everyone can be you know, a referee in this game is every bit of the rule set is established openly in this protocol. And everyone downloads and maintains and can view like everyone has an entire copy of the entire rule set the entire code everything. It's entirely open source, and anyone can contribute to it as well. Like you could essentially you could go in and edit your version of the Bitcoin software. And as long as you edited it within the rules of verification, like like you could essentially make it so that your client only Accepted or only produced Bitcoin addresses with like some certain, you know numbers at the beginning of it. But as long as it was a valid address, all you've technically done is restricted the rules of your client and because of that nothing you broadcast in the network will be invalid even though you won't accept as much as the rest of the network would because you you know, you want some special thing or maybe you want but at the beginning of all of your addresses, you can technically do that you Hash addresses over and over and over again until you just happen to stumble upon one that had but written at the beginning of the address and you know, all your quote-unquote Bitcoin accounts could start with the word but these are actually you can actually do this which is called a vanity address. I mean, it's not like it's not like you'd actually make these rules in your client, but you can continually hash and address until it just happens to have a word in it and they're referred to as vanity addresses. Like I could make one. That's it crypto economy. at the front of an address, but unfortunately crypto economy is a very long word and every single letter you add to the desired word that you were looking for the more difficult it gets and I'm pretty sure that I could probably hash and a dress for the rest of my life on my computer and just produce Trillions quadrillions in don't even know the numbers in that size, but I could produce hashes or address is almost infinitely for the rest of my life and I will probably never find one that says crypto economy. However, creating one with the word guy or the name guy at the beginning of it would probably not be very difficult. Another really cool point that he gets to in. This is about the layers of the internet and how Bitcoin really is. The protocol itself is the internet of value. It's a standardized protocol and means of communicating exchanging and owning value within the digital realm. So just like the internet was that independent protocol for ordering and Breaking apart and transmitting information. Well, that is what Bitcoin is for value and it truly is a just a new layer. Its we're hitting another phase in the continual growth and maturation of the internet. I don't think you can disconnect these two technologies from each other. They're in their deeply dependent upon each other and they are both decentralized protocols that are consuming more and more of our economic activity and communication which includes value communication protocol communication and just information in general I go into this a lot in the guys take episode. I did recently on the 7th disruption of the digital age because that that whole that whole concept there's so much to unpack there every week probably do Eight Episodes just on that. There's so much fun stuff to explore their so I highly recommend doing some digging if you It really gone into that concept much yet. But if you went back, if you went back and listened to the first three parts of this series, which I hope you did or of this piece all about money and the history of money in the main Concepts like the scale of the saleability across scales time and space and then the double coincidence of wants problem that money actually solves and then the nature of her hard or sound money and kind of historical monies that were sound or more sound than Alternatives throughout throughout history and their kind of development and the market realities of certain monies based on their hardness and the environment of competition between monies and like kind of the historical battle between hard and soft money so to speak but that's one thing that's just so incredibly unique. About Bitcoin. That's why I started this episode off talking about how everything we think we know about the history of money and what it means for money to compete and exactly how great that winner-take-all Dynamic is in money and how fast or powerfully value accrues in a certain hard money is really out the window. We are breaking new ground on all of those fronts because the highest stock to flow ratio we've Ever had of any money was gold and it's like 64 or something for a light it would take what that stocked up loan means just in like a general senses how many years of mining new gold or producing it or finding it? Wherever it is? However, it is we obtain it how many years of the new flow of money coming in would reproduce the entire amount that we have already the the full stock so it's only 54 ish years that if we had no gold we would mine the amount of gold that we already have for thousands of years. We've mined it so far. And that's entirely at the wind of possibly finding new huge reserves. We weren't aware of technology that allows us to do things like mine, you know other planets or asteroids that have enormous amounts of gold or the technology to irradiate something like Mercury or lead and turn it into gold. So technological advancement really throws that up in the air like it does have a highly stable and difficult to obtain elements. So none of it is so it's a very Hard money regardless, but it is still completely unknown and it could be destroyed and become one day a soft money through technological advancement just like almost all monies in history have at some point or another. But that is not the case with Bitcoin and Bitcoin won't just have a slightly higher stock to flow ratio, like like 70 or a hundred big coin bit coin stocked flow Trends to Infinity. It will literally come a point in time where no new Bitcoin are created ever and we have the current stock - any lost Keys which will inevitably continue to happen obviously far less often than it has in the past. But Bitcoin will be a perfectly finite money. The only one that has ever existed in the history of the world and that is absolutely a Astounding and there is nothing that can quite the as he as he refers to it the price in elasticity of supply the supply cannot adjust at all only the value of the network can adjust to accommodate increased production increased efficiency or increased demand. If any of those things three things within the Bitcoin economy increase the price is the only thing that can adjust in Bitcoin to accommodate that. So we truly have no idea exactly how this economy will work or or to what degree that value distribution throughout the economy will happen. We know hard money does this and distributes that value and produces the right incentives better than anything better than any other obviously form of money, but we've never had one that does it so perfectly. So we really breaking new ground with Bitcoin as a technology and an economic experiment and it's just a fascinating thing to study from so many different angles and there's still there's still more that we could dig into here, but I think we will close this episode right here and we will pick this back up. Hopefully tomorrow would concluding this section of the the Section of Robert breedlove's money Bitcoin and time and for anybody who just hasn't really dug into this Beast. It's a great overarching like it really thorough breakdown of so many of the Core Concepts of Bitcoin and huge. Thank you to Robert Breedlove for writing this piece again, I will link if you haven't listened to part 1 2 and 3 on the money section. I will be linking to those in the show notes as well as the couple of our episodes and stuff that I mentioned so that will be all for today. Thank you guys so much for listening. This is the crypto Konami podcast and I am guys Swan. Thank you so much to all of my listeners and supporters. I've got another couple of people on patreon in the last couple of days and that has been wonderful. Thank you. Welcome crypto dread to the crypto economy crew. The telegram is growing quite a bit and it's good to have such a good group. In there and we've had a lot of fun. So if you want to join the telegram group and you want to help make sure that I can continue to produce to turn all of the best articles and the medium articles essays research papers all this crazy stuff into audio. So to make it easy to consume all the best pieces in the Bitcoin space become a patron at slash the crypto Konami. And if you can't do that the one way you can definitely support the show that's really easy and only takes a couple of seconds you share this out. Whatever. Your favorite episode is or your favorite work is share that with somebody that you know is sort of interesting wants to dig a little bit deeper into this but just hasn't taken the leap because this is where I'm trying to make everything all topics and disciplines and the philosophies and everything about I want it to be accessible so that everybody can understand the future that we are building and the whole the purpose behind all of this. So hopefully you guys will share this out to somebody, you know and help support this show. So thank you guys so so much and I will catch you on the next episode of the crypto economy until then take it easy guys.
Jumping back into Robert Breedlove's great piece with a thorough exploration of Bitcoin as a money, a technology, a network, and a measure of time. • The Cost and Reward of Proof-of-Work • A Vault Built of Energy • The infinite Hardness of Bitcoin • The Internet of Value • The Bitcoin Social Contract & more! Don't miss the continuation of this excellent piece available on the blog or in PDF at - If You haven't yet, don't forget to check out the first 3 parts of this incredible piece on the episodes linked below: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Other Great works mentioned on the show for further diving into related topics and exploring Bitcoin: 21 Lessons of the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole [DerGigi] Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - More on the Fascinating Nature of Proof-of-Work: Proof of Work is Efficient Bitcoin & the 7th Great Disruption of the Digital Age Anatomy of Proof of Work Bitcoin, Chance, and Randomness --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hi and welcome to data futurology a podcast for data enthusiasts data scientist and upcoming data science leaders to learn the skills required to take your career to the next level. And we do this by hearing the stories the experiences of current top data science leaders Executives people that are making big changes in organizations from all around the world. My name is Felipe Flores and today we have a different type of episode where I wanted to talk to you about one of the aspects of leadership. Chip. So in this podcast we want to prepare leaders in the data space. We want to teach or help leaders understand what data science can do we want to bridge the gap between business and data science. One of the key aspects of leadership is the one-on-one mentoring relationship that you have with your direct report. Sometimes people do it within the team that they give one-on-one feedback to other team members as a peer relationship and having covering that type of relationship is one of the Aspect I think of leadership and I'll do a separate episode on what I see as the pillars of leadership skills to work on develop and maintain throughout your career and obviously they go much broader than the technical side. So we'll talk about that in a separate episode. But today I want to talk about the one-on-one meeting the feedback session that you can have with people in your team people in your department your peers and how to try and get the best out of that meeting. Typically the way that I do though. Those meetings is a aim to cover pressing issues in the other person's mind. So I always start by asking them. What's on your mind. How are you going? I generally start with what's been on your mind. Recently. I try to start with very broad open-ended questions to elicit the any issues any ideas anything that is pressing on their mind. We can discuss that at length if they don't have anything that they really want to discuss in the session. Then I go into a set of 12 questions, which is the what I wanted. Share with you today. So over the years I've developed a set of 12 questions that have helped me have some structure to the one-on-one mentoring meetings when there is no other burning topic to discuss. All right, let's dive into it. So the first one is what are you most proud of that you've done since we last caught up and as you'll see the idea behind a lot of these questions is to help people develop continual self-assessment. So in these sessions during these interactions, I'm asking them to check in with Elves around what they've done in the past two weeks if we're catching up for nightly. But if the idea is to help them develop these introspective skills, so they can use them more often and starting with the one that they're most proud of. Hey, I'm looking for a highlight that they can share with me. But what they say is an important really it whatever made them feel the best in the last time over the last period obviously that itself gives you a sense of the person and gives you an insight into them, but then asking More questions around that specific topic. Why are you most proud of about that particular piece of work? What was the process that you took and how was it different to previous times? You've done it that you feel that led to this great result that you're proud of so you're trying to help them uncover themselves the improvements the learnings help them investigate further if they haven't done that themselves so they can keep learning from themselves and keep getting better. So it's a very much a coaching session. So the first question is What are you most proud of that you've done since we last quarter and it's always an interesting discussion and the idea with all these questions as that you always ask follow-up questions to try and understand more about the person dig deeper and get them thinking about these topics question. Number two is what could you have done better in this time since we last caught up and the idea here is for help. The person look for improvements that they themselves can suggest one of the best and quickest ways to learn is to continually evaluate your effort your approach. And this is helping the other person do this. So, how could you have done better in this time? This obviously leads to what were some of the pitfalls some of the mistakes. Where did you get caught up? How long did it take you to resolve that? What was the way that you took could there be in a better way it opens up for really really interesting conversations to help the person develop new approaches that they can Implement going forward and with these questions the idea is not to give them any answers really, but just to keep asking them questions and be curious. And genuinely want to help them. So having that disposition that is non-judgmental because sometimes you know when you're sitting down with your boss you want to sound competent and you want to be eloquent and the in these sessions. It's not about that at all. It's about getting to the real person and their highs their lows their successes their struggles and get them to voice those in a way that's constructive for them. So the fact that you're the one asking these questions it none of this is about It's all about helping the other person be their best. So that was question number two. Well, obviously but helping the person be their best that's across all the questions and it's the key motivation behind this session and we just spoke about question to which was what could you have done better since we last code up then question and I should have mentioned that the idea is that these questions are used regularly, but also I have learned that it's better to send them to people ahead of time a lot of people who like the preparation time and to have thought of it offline. So I put these in the mainly we invite and I'll put them in the show notes. So question number three and three four five and six are about the team the first one which is number three is how can we do better as a team and one of the motivations there is that I'm looking for people to think more broader than just their work. So obviously question one and two were completely around them and their work and we will go back to them obviously, but in these next few questions, we want them to have a broader perspective. Dave which most people have most people are thinking about how the team can do better for the ones that don't which might mean more Junior people you get them on this Pathway to try and develop this rotor vision. And for the ones that are a little bit more experience you will be surprised or at least I find myself constantly surprised and impressed with the ideas that people have that. I'm trying to get those ideas heard to come out during these sessions with a view of quick implementation. So this is truly Trying to find how we can all do better as a group and obviously as a leader, you're not going to have the best ideas the majority of the time you're not going to have the best ideas. And also you need to make it clear to people that it's a team effort. We are all one team in everyone's ideas are heard and trialed and then decided on as a team whether we liked it like it or not. So question three is how can we do better as a team? And then the next three questions for five and six are around. What should we stop? Doing start doing and continue doing so question for what should we stop doing as a team or what? Should we stop doing for the team? What is something that where the person in the session feels like we're wasting effort as a team and that we should stop doing that and sometimes the answer is a come up there and the discussion because you always want to be following up these questions with more questions the discussion leads to we're trying to tackle too many projects. We're lacking Focus or we're spending too much time. I'm may be researching and not implementing. It can go to a number of different ways. But you get a different perspective on things that we shouldn't be doing anymore. Maybe there's Legacy processes, right? You want to be bringing those up to essentially cut the fat in the team. They might be agreements that made a lot of sense a while back that are no longer necessary because we've mature or evolved or there's different demands on the team and things that we shouldn't be doing anymore. So question for what should we stop doing as a team or for the team question 5, what should we start? Doing so that is what should we do that we're not doing as a team for the team. And obviously that also goes down really interesting pots. We're actually not creating a seamless way to take our models to production and it always requires a lot of effort. You might get an answer like that and you go great. Thank you all they say, we're not setting clear expectations with our stakeholders and you go why and they say well because we lead we start working and then we end up having tough conversations once the projects running because we didn't have a lineman at the stock. Great, let's talk about that. How can we start creating the right expectations with our stakeholders question 5 that was and then question six. What's the best thing that we're doing? What is the best thing that we're doing as a team or for the team? And this is what should we continue doing? What's the best thing that we're doing? And obviously in organizations, we have a job. Any person has a job because this problems to be solved. There's usually more problems to be solved more things to be done. Then the bandwidth of a person or a team which is no wirelessly. And in doing that there are things that people do which allow the team to have higher bandwidth or removes bottlenecks makes the life of the team easier might be some automation. They might be certain processes and approaches. Sometimes it's a knowledge sharing in my teams will always make sure that we have an hour a week of knowledge sharing sessions where a person of the team presents back to the rest of the team something that they've learned something that they're interested in something that they replied in the work or Elsewhere we try to keep it pretty open, but in terms of the topic and trying to have at least some portion of the talk applied to work as in the say in the future if we see problems like this, we can apply this Solution that's enough of a application. It doesn't have to be work related pretty much at all. And sometimes people say that's the best thing that we're doing knowledge sharing sessions and for you as a leader that is fantastic feedback. So you definitely want to know what's the best thing that we're doing for the team or as a team and then we go back to My questions about the person number 7 is what would you like to work on or improve? I really like that question because it's vague and people take it in different directions depending on where their head space. Is that what they're thinking about and sometimes you find that the same person Fortnight 249 will take that question in different directions. So sometimes when they hear what would you like to work on or improve? They think technical capabilities they say I want to improve my feature engineering. I want to be better at feature engineering or sometimes they say I want to learn more about machine learning and get better at using tree based algorithms. For example, sometimes they go for the soft skills. Sometimes I say I want to be a better presenter public speaker, or I want to be better at stakeholder engagement. Great. That's all in that learning expanding knowledge side, but then other times when they say what would you like to work on or improve? They think about work they say I want to work on this project or out. To work on something to do with natural language processing. I want to be working with text or Wendy's I hear what would you like to improve? They think? Oh, we have an internal library that we've developed or package and they say there's this set of functions that could do with some love with some revisiting rewriting or extending improving and they think I want to do that. So it's really turn I really love it's a really great question. I think we see in biased but I think it's a good question and I love the diversity of thought that it brings that's question number 7 with what would you like to work on or improve and then question number eight is one that it always takes me a while to develop the rapport with the people in my team in order to get an honest answer and obviously what we spoke about before they're having a non-judgmental demeanor and open mindset in these meetings to try and extract as much value in this dynamic in this time. That's really helpful. And then question number 8 is most challenging for people. But definitely the one that I love the most and it is what is one thing that is true that you don't think I want to hear. What is one thing that is true that you think I don't want to hear obviously a tough question obviously made to remove barriers of communication if somebody's uncomfortable with something or see something not being done. Well or has some negative feedback it opens up a safe space for that to be discussed. Oh, it's the best intentions possible and a lot of people are they tackle thorny issues during that question, especially once they're comfortable and you establish yourself as a leader that takes on feedback and that doesn't judge but that we are willing to work through whatever is happening in the team to make sure that we are all making the biggest difference and the biggest impact that we can together another way that I ask that question is what is the worst thing that we're doing to ourselves as into the team? How are we shooting ourselves in the foot? What are we overlooking? That's sort of the war? Down version but the hardcore version and that's why it's sort of in the middle section and towards the end of the middle section out of the 12 with question number eight or that was question number 8. What is one thing that is true that you think I don't want to hear question number nine is how can I help you? Do better and sometimes I've had great feedback over the years with this question. I've had excellent team members helping me see my blind spots. So for example a typical one for me is that I'm good with that. Big picture and not great with the details. So people in my team's they feel that they need more structure or yet. Another level of detail that will help them understand the guard rails around the space that we're moving towards helping them understand that better and part of the reason why I keep it open is because I want them to have a lot of space to self-direct and fill in the gaps. I've used as you've heard me speaking in Some of the other episodes giving people a lot of autonomy and the ability to work on the things that they want to improve that they want to get better at those are some of the key things that least I to focus on and therefore I sometimes have too much of a gap or too little information for some people and I would say a lot of people because the other side is that I am a big picture thinker and sometimes I don't go through all the detail as much as I should and that's where it's a working relationship. So people will get better. Better at filling in the gaps and I'll get better at explaining what I mean with the vision those type of things. So type of feedback is what you're looking for and what you will ideally get with question number nine. How can I help you? Do better people say, you know, I need more coaching or I want to have a better career development plan or we understand what we're going for in the direction of the team, but we'd like more detail around X or Y and great like that's exactly what you want question number 10, and obviously This is heading into the last three questions. So question number 10 is a negative version and then questions 11 and 12 are happy questions. So we can end the end the meeting in a high and question number 10 is what do you like the least about the team? So in this one people have said in the past what I like the least is that we often work late because the team really cares about the work and it's going to do their best but there's either too much workload or this competitive pressures or this tight timeline. Sore but in general the outcome is that we work late or some people say we don't have enough collaboration in my teams. We've had cases where sometimes we have too many projects running at once and we almost get to a point that a single individuals working on their own project. And obviously that doesn't Foster collaboration and data science is a team sport. So sometimes people say what I like about the least is that there's little collaboration in the work and obviously for you as a leader you have to change that so there is the environment Will help everyone be their best and feel heard and being able to ship in. So I'll question 10 what you like least about the team and then the last two questions were happier questions with question 11. What do you like best about the team and sometimes people say, you know, we work really well together. We really trust each other. We are friends in and out of work. I know that I can rely on them or sometimes people say they're very knowledgeable and they know a lot about areas that I don't know very much about and that's always for you as a manager as a leader. It's always great to know. So that was question 11 what you like best about the team and question number 12 is are you happy at the moment? Obviously a great question and an important one and a lot of people including myself like sometimes when I'm asked that I like a lot of people default to yes like a quick yes back and almost like can we move on but that's not the aim the aim is that we dive into the answers of these questions and we can have a chat and a discussion around why And what's making you happy and obviously with a fuel can we improve it? But also another key parts of this question is to understand the human behind the data scientist the human behind the role because we all have so much going on in our lives that we all have our ups and downs and we all have our different and changing motivations and perceptions and expectations the more you know, those those then the better leader you will be because you'll be able to make allowances for those Andre G agree juggle things reprioritize helping you it will help you get better aligned as a team because you'll know what's really happening with people and what they really want. I think that is it's one of the key part of creating a really high functioning team and something to be highlighted and Revisited often for example myself. I'm a huge fan of comedy in general Sojourner, but I really and I really like Saturday Night Live She's a comedy skit show coming out of the US and because I like it so much hope and it's gone on for over 40 years. Now. I was curious to see how something can have such a long life and be so successful continuously and create so many great comedic actors. Some of the biggest names in comedy have come through and out of Saturday Night Live. So anyway, I was researching this guy called Lorne Michaels who is a producer essentially. He's he started. Saturday Night Live and he's famous for the amount and quality of the comedy output that he's been able to create with his teams over the years and in looking at that and investigating a bit more about how he's done it. Well one of the main things this is one right one off but one of the main things that he does is make sure that people are okay psychologically whatever is going on in their life personal or professional that gets acknowledged. Work it doesn't have to be fixed. Right like you don't need to be fixing people's every problem. That's not the point. But people feel like they can be Rio that they can be them themselves that we all all everyone need help every now and again and that's why we live and work and Tackle challenges as a group because we have a different strings and because we all need help every now and again, so having your feelings and to a degree like your problems acknowledge that work then it really helps and it doesn't have to be spoken about every day. Obviously. It doesn't have to be something that you're always using as a handicap or that it takes over the work life. That's not the point at all. But having a safe space where people can talk about what's going on outside of work and how they are. That's really good and Lorne Michaels famously has stopped meetings when you notice is that somebody's down or not themselves and we'll take them out of the room and have a one-on-one discussion with them to understand what's going on. And how he can help and acknowledge those feelings. So then the person can come back with a little bit less weight on their shoulders and knowing that they're cared for and that helps them be their best at work and be they're the best team member and obviously that leads to having a really really great team. So the last question in there is are you happy at the moment and designed to open up a more human discussion and interaction. So there you have it my 12 questions that I use in one-on-one. Mentoring sessions the idea there is to understand what is happening with the person get them to self-evaluate definitely withhold judgment. They mustn't feel like the need to impress you. It's the opposite. It's like let's leave rolls titles everything. Let's leave that at the door. It's outside over here. Let's just have a chat about what's going on how you're saying things what your perceptions are and how we can all be better as a team as a result of these. So those are the questions that I use fortnightly. I catch up with my direct reports and as I mentioned at the beginning we always start with what's on your mind. How are you going? And if there's something to discuss something on their mind, which follow that definitely some of the big themes covered in these meetings. Sometimes through these questions sometimes not career development team development and strategy. So helping the person the team or the direction of the team of department and I always love those types of discussions where people are wanting to understand more. In the gaps have ideas. We need to discuss and you always need to make space for those conversations in your day. Especially as days get so crazy. Also what you'll find is that sometimes more senior people who are more experienced people won't need all of these questions, but I'm found them at least a very useful and helpful reminder. And as I mentioned before I put them in the meeting invite, we have them in front of us as we discuss. We don't use them all every time we don't use them at all sometimes so we don't use them every time and We have space to talk about and the questions as I mentioned through this episode have been super helpful for me definitely for my teams for our growth for a Unity for our productivity and our sanity and happiness over the tough times and the good times. So I hope that they are helpful for you if I take them change anything that you want and let me know how they work for you what you change. I'd love to know how you're making these your own. Thank you so much for listening and and definitely stay in touch. I'll speak to you soon. I wanted to tell you about the rmit online masters of data science strategy and Leadership. I was one of the industry advisors for this program. It's an online Master's program and it covers both a design strategy and Leadership and it has also a technical component highly highly recommended for people wanting to get ahead with the program. You can gain this Advanced strategic leadership and data science capabilities required to influence executive leadership teams and Deliver organization-wide solutions for more information visit online dot are the AU. That brings this episode to conclusion. Thank you so much for listening. Please find us on data or on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn or Instagram as that of utility. Also go to data forward size podcast to find the show notes for this and any other episodes. If you liked this episode it would mean a lot to us. If you could leave us a review wherever you listen to our podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode and that it was helpful and valuable for you. Thanks again and see you next time.
In this episode, Felipe talks about an aspect of leadership, the one-on-one mentorship and feedback session with people on your team. To start, ask your team member what is on their mind and in general, how have things been going? If they do not have anything pressing they want to discuss in the sessions, Felipe turns to set of twelve questions. The first question is what you are most proud of that you have done since we last caught up? These questions are designed as tools for the team member to recognize the need for self-assessment. What they say is not essential; really, the follow-up questions are more necessary to help them uncover themselves. Next, ask what the team member could have done better since the last time you talked. By allowing them to evaluate and think of improving continually, they can learn faster and become more efficient in their work. The next few questions require a broader perspective and ask about the team as a whole. It should be clear that everything is a team effort, and all member’s ideas are respected and heard by others on the team. After the team questions, head back to questions about the person and ask what they would like to work on or improve? Then, the next issue will take a lot of trust and rapport with your team member, ask what is one thing that is true that you think I do not want to hear? Question nine is how I can help you to do better? This question has taught Felipe that he is good at the big picture but needs to focus on the details and how the team might achieve the big picture. Finally, the last three questions are asking what they like best and least about the organization and if they are happy at the moment. Enjoy the show! We speak about: [01:35] Open-ended questions [02:15] What are you most proud of that you have done since we last caught up? [03:45] What could you have done better? [05:30] Questions about the team [10:00] What would you like to work on or improve? [11:40] What is one thing that is true that you think I do not want to hear? [13:10] How can I help you to do better? [15:00] What do you like the least about the team? [16:00] What do you like best about the team? [16:35] Are you happy at the moment? Resources: Saturday Night Live Quotes: “One of the best and quickest ways to learn is to evaluate your efforts continually.” “Understand the human behind the data scientist.” “You don’t need to be fixing every person’s problem, but everyone needs help every now and again.” Thank you to our sponsors: Fyrebox - Make Your Own Quiz! RMIT Online Master of Data Science Strategy and Leadership Gain the advanced strategic, leadership and data science capabilities required to influence executive leadership teams and deliver organisation-wide solutions. Visit for more information And as always, we appreciate your Reviews, Follows, Likes, Shares and Ratings. Enjoy the show!
Chief of police got hung hanged Silk Spectre is an FBI agent. Hero. Number three is practically a God himself. So tell them apart. He makes them blue. He is blue. He likes walking around with his dick hanging out and he can teleport. That's a big difference. Okay, forget the break new joke if y'all can fight fire with fire y'all can fight Mass with mass Tulsa is not realm. We are talking HBO's Watchman season 1 episode 3. She was killed by space junk now after buzz after show starts, right? right now Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock two times when we are talking Watchman HBO's Walkman season 1 episode 3. She was killed by space junk man. What an episode? Wow Phil there. I'm I keep expecting why this can't just keep going forever and yet it does. Yeah. It does such a such a lot. Hey boys involved. Okay. Yeah blue dildo. Hateful it but I didn't do it. I didn't do it. They did it. They did it by they I mean HBO's Watchman, of course, we are talking season 1 episode 3. She was killed by space junk fortunately on the planet Earth. No one to date as we know has been killed by space junk. However, if someone was to be killed it might be a person on this panel, but my left the queen of the Queen's drewjones is in the building. I feel like space junk mean something completely different. Oh no. Yes, it does killed by space junk by Wait till double entendre that if I've heard one yet all the way to her left and my left's left my favorite race traitor right Nelson in the building. Yes, that's me. This episode was dopa get it. I loved it. And yeah, I think space junk is the new euphemism for that type of toy it is it is and if I was going to be killed by space junk, that would be the space junk not of my choice if you don't know who I am I am. I will be hosting a paneling what the slew of other AfterBuzz panelists but remember all of you at home you are if not as much more so part of this panel than all of us and behind the blue curtain. Our favorite 10 is with us stuff sobral. Thank you so much for holding it down. All right. I appreciate you and your wonderful attitude. Let's break this at this this episode down. We're going to have to discuss a lot of different things. First of all, Lori Blake. That is its own chapters. Oh Lord blank so much Petey. I want to touch on PD who Ryan Nielsen's PD PD is Ryan Nelson, the legal acts these different acts you made a reference, of course Ryan to dopa and I think out of everyone here who's dopa Drew. That's you. Got dopamine joke. Okay, we're done with this joke that phone call the Chiefs funeral. We gonna have to break that down and especially the 7th Cavalry attack. Senator Joseph King jr. And then R sub plot R sub storyline, which we don't know how it ties in yet, but it's tying in so well Ozymandias that letter we have a special segment by herself shushing when you pick an element of the show that is working for you by or not working for you sell by the way. Y'all I'm in the chat. So please comment away. I know creasing Ryan's got full bottle waiting for me to say Damon Lindelof. That's right. We do have some news and gossip you're going to want to stay tuned for and of course are on point predictions and more. Let's start with our overall thoughts on this episode Drew everything. I thought about this episode was foreshadowed by a giant blue dildo. And now it's just like everything else is a blur for me every time Ryan says, what's the name? You say? Well, I'm DEA Mañana Lindelof and every time Drew says Joe. It blew dildo. We're taking drinks and shots to take three shots. That's how it works. I blue dildos were three shots don't think I say it as much as he says not yet. Well, whatever the after show has just begun. Were you a fan of the tie-in with dr. Manhattan and the joke and being on Mars? And yeah, I like when TV shows kind of do a long stretched out and they're like you're like what's going on here? What is Is the joke I like stuff like that. So I liked how they tied it all in together. Especially someone who doesn't know. I know like the basics but someone who doesn't know a lot it's cool to see how they take stuff from the comics or taking stuff from the movie and their sprinkling into this shake it all about you do the hokey pokey Ryan on for dr. Manhattan the overall thoughts on the show overall thoughts. I loved this episode. I thought it was a unique set up the structure remind me of Double Indemnity and that someone's on the phone leaving a message and we're just flashing. Ack through everything happened prior to them leaving that message also remind me of the movie narrated by Rorschach which this it had to know our feel the entire time and just the introduction of this officer played by Jean Smart. Really she just owns it the second she gets on screen and I've really thrilled with the show so far. Yeah. I thought it was really good in the war Shack the joke was reminiscent of Rorschach as well. The he tells a clown joke and she tells this tie in with the brick. Rick and the people going to heaven so during the in the movie Rorschach and throughout the comic book so Rorschach tells that joke regarding the clown and he says I am the clown, you know the sad clown joke. So it was very good to bring it back. Exactly great. Great voice to me this this episode was about Lori Blake. So if you liked Laurie Blake you liked this episode if you did not like Lori Blake you possibly did not like this episode. Personally, I loved Lori Blake. Lori Blake is very enigmatic as a character. I enjoy the concept of how we tied in Silk Spectre into of course being one of the The Watchman that we all knew and loved tying it back in making her an FBI agent making her against vigilantism showing her taking down the vigilantes in the beginning the Revenger and the shadow and so showing these montages and and and the nod to Batman of course and bringing it all in this show is the most interesting intriguing show on HBO and it is a show that Rivals Game of Thrones it Rivals Game of Thrones and in its in its greatness Game of Thrones had had action. This has an actual script that's amazing and what I like Game of Thrones they have this banter this back and forth that happened very Shakespearean and at Times Watchman does a very similar thing. If you notice the conversation between Lori Blake and and sister night and between Angel a a bar that conversation the back and forth, but the attack the abrasiveness the intimidation and then the return it's tennis you're watching it back and forth really enjoy the show a lot. Let's start with Lori Blake. Let's start with where do we even start? Yeah worry. We wanted to go in with the information of the comic book. You know that she's Silk Spectre and that the end of the graphic novel she finds out that the comedian is or father. So she's Dawn the last name Blake Blake. I didn't actually think she do that. Of course. She went from Lori Jupiter to Lori blink, right? So she has that last name and even in the beginning they go officer Blake oguo is this is supposed to be Lori or her mother. I guess if I but they never were married I yeah, I really what an awesome way to intro character staging a bank heist with all that. Just to get one hero down that really just set her up as this badass officer who will go to whatever lengths to get what she wants. I've well, I'm obsessed with her character. Yeah, I really like that. She's very unapologetically kind of bitchy. I think that's fun. I think yeah. I just I don't know. She's very like this is who I am. I don't really care how you feel and I like her little back and forth with Ryan who's Ryan schtoppel ganger Petey Petey. He I like how she goes back and forth with him. And you know, she's just very Cutthroat the entire time. There's no weak spot for her and I kind of like that Ryan you stated that she's willing to go to any lengths to get the job done any legs. Anyway, no matter how long or not blue. Okay, we're not making those comparisons investigation, right? She'll go deep in To any investigate Drew. Yeah, Ryan mentioned how Lori Blake was willing to go to any lengths to get the job done. Yeah. What do you feel about her motivation regarding this particular investigation? How do I feel about it sure with the getting to the bottom of the of the sheriff's hanging and and what's in the closet the tie-ins? Yeah, I feel like I want to know a little bit more what her mother. I mean we kind of get like a mother died. I just feel like there's something there that we're not like we're still surface level with her and I want to know What intrigues her so much about all those know what you know, what made her hate vigilante? Yeah. Why does she feel that way? Why is she kind of beefing with Angela right off the bat? You know, why does she why does she know all you know, why does she know to look into the closet and all I just want to know she's a great investigator. My whole thing was with Angela. I felt like she saw herself in Angela silk. She saw Silk Spectre. Yeah, Angela that obsessiveness that compulsion. Getting off on being a vigilante so it's almost as if she's talking to her younger self, but I can't tell if there is a sense of compassion there where it's like I know where you've been and I'm trying to help you or if it's just a screw all Vigilantes. I'm gonna bite your head off type of vibe for me personally. I'm yeah, I think that's what we're going to learn probably down the road another big thing with her character. They mentioned up top she that there's an owl in a cage. And like from the graphic novel who night who yeah, it was a finding in the cage. I think they're referencing Night Owl, of course, which you know, this whole episode was talking about her relationship with dr. Manhattan. She also had a relationship with Night Owl. She and he's in jail. So I'm curious if if this Lorry Blake still has feelings for that night owl or maybe she put him behind bars. I don't know. That's an interesting call if she's responsible if the new lawyer Blake was the one responsible for putting Night Owl Behind Bars. She's a hard copy. She is she's tough. And she's one of she's one of the I know things if she's asking you a question. This is this is one of those girlfriend moments when the girlfriend knows saw the text and she's asking you and it's your opportunity to tell the truth or not. Did you get that sense where she knows all Yeah, she does kind of have a God complex words. I already know the answer and I already know the outcome of this you might as well just fall into it and tell me what's going on. I completely agree. What was interesting about that though. She does know she knows that something was in that that class and the closet. She knows everyone's secret identity. She privy to this information. It's almost as if dr. Manhattan did rub off on her and her attitude that condescending way in the mannerism in which he Beds PD. Yeah, she bets him he doesn't bet her the conquest is is definitely her to him. She is for shirring dominating personality. I like that. He was still wearing his mask after the fact I feel I feel like she made him. I know I absolutely feel like she did maybe we'd and if you remember even a flashback to the movie where Nite Owl and Silk Spectre as when they were when they were out of costume. They weren't able to copy late. But then in costume later after resuming their vigilante roles that passion led to them being able to be intimate. I did not notice that that's all. Yeah, you're right. So is this a thing where she has a mask fetish she has vigilante fetish. I mean, obviously she still has something for dr. Manhattan and it's something that she let go reluctantly even in the comic books and the movie she didn't want to move on. I'm dr. Manhattan lost what he perceived as his humanity and then she moved on that famous line in which dr. Manhattan says she asked did you even care and he says when I lost you I left Earth. Yeah, 30 years. She he's she's technically the reason he's on Mars. Right? She really is. I think I think that's something we're just getting away to find out with her character. I don't know I was the for the first half the episode. I thought she was just this really committed to The law cop and then we realize oh, there's some stuff she doesn't even care about and that she's kind of people. I think he's out for herself. I think she has a personal goal or Vendetta, maybe just to contact John dr. Manhattan because you know, you see her go visit Looking Glass and she doesn't even care if there's laws being broken. So I think she's out for herself and she's got a room. I love that same personally where she's like, do you feel your civil rights are being violated? Yeah, actually, yeah, I don't care. Yeah, yeah don't care. You're like her a lot. I'm the Lori Blake of the point-blank of the panel here the PD I'm if you call me the giant don't know how I'm leaving take a shot. So just to formulate this idea of who is PD to Lori. Well, who's Ryan to you? Oh God, who's Peter Lorre? It's weird that when he volunteers to go with her. She's like, all right. Well, thanks again. I really don't know I think maybe because she knows he's just a fan much like us we're just fans in this network. I think I think that she wants to be around people that she knows she can have control of her because the person she loved she could not control. Or maybe she just like she kind of sees herself in Angela. Maybe she also sees herself in PD and is like I have to break him because he's an old the old Lori the Lorry that met. Dr. Manhattan is very much like a PD. Yeah. Wow. Yeah naive doesn't know what's going on about apt. So to me when it comes to impede even tries to step up for himself. I actually have a PhD in history and I'm not a fan and then he turns out to kind of Of just be a fan but even has a few moments where he's a little sassy back with her and I think it's you know peeking a little bit that he has that little inside of him. He tries making a joke and it's not funny to me. But yeah, he still gets his coffee taken away from him at the end there like she has all the control over but that's what I mean. When I say Lori Blake knows all she's so smooth even the way she says did you Did you have any other Snopes young? Let's go and intimidate sister night. Now did that seem to be an interrogation to you or was she testing a potential partner? I felt it was more like she was just telling her. You know, she knows what's up. Like it was kind of one of those like he might have been able to get one over before but I'm here so hey, what's up, you know real recognize real Oh, I thought this was a test for partner for sure. I think even at it before the funeral she goes, you know, I'm here because you're no longer a cop, but I'm here for Vigilantes. Like what's there between a vigilante in a cop there is no difference like the mascot amassed cop and a vigilante if she doesn't know the difference she No, and then she goes and she says no Angela says no and then Lori says me neither angel. I'm friends where I think this episode because she messed up by shooting that guy and she even goes to the line you had nine times out of ten. They don't even go through the work of putting it but yet something drew said resonated with me where and since I'm familiar and especially, you know, what Drew and stuff Unapologetic people right Unapologetic people boy when you have Unapologetic people, she did not apologize. Large eyes for her actions. She simply explained it. She said nine times out of ten. Usually, it's not true. They don't take the time to do so. She didn't say, I'm sorry. Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad you were there to do this. She almost did it on purpose to test Angela just like she's testing every single other person in the show. I think even when we keep joking about it when she goes to PT's room that's a test II really do think that she is it's more testing instead of interrogating. Okay, I'm think about what because I also was thinking about she's made like multiple comments about Angela's husband being hot being hot which like same like, oh you he is hot unicorn test. Let's be very honest. He is extremely good-looking. He's yeah. Yeah Abdul Martin the second very good-looking very good-looking guy and she says it would it doesn't even make sense if you would cheat on your husband because he's so hot, right? But she's kind of once again testing her just pushing those boundaries pushing those buttons getting under people's skin. It's almost as if she has a wall up to keep people out so that she can stand on top of the wall and be able to look down. I definitely see that maybe I'm just projecting maybe I'm just projecting. You're just projecting. Yeah, I'm projecting one thing. I don't project however is the fact in the sentiment that you all at home are as much if not a more so part of this panel as all of us. Yes, thank you so much. You guys make us the ESP MTV talks you for watching this on YouTube again. I'm in the live Channel shut y'all out. Please hit that like button comment. Subscribe. Go on iTunes. Give us a five star review. If you give us a review on iTunes on with shout you out on air and thank you again for making us the ESPN of TV talk ding. Thank you Peter. I mean Ryan, thank you. So sorry that I call you PDR apology. Let's go over really quick the different legal acts that we heard. So we've all we know that in this world. There are things like the Reformation. And that nature but we also get the defensive police act dopa dope. We also get the victims of violence actions. These are policies that are made in response to different different circumstances that have happened of course dopa is in regards to the White Knight. Yeah where everything goes with night to heck. Hmm and to Nanking pass the Bill James Keenan just to Bill and That's who I would like to talk about now is getting into that Senator. Joseph King jr. What is his motivations? Who do we think he is? Is he on the side of good on the side of batter on the side of self? I feel like maybe it's the accent that makes me want to believe this but I feel like he had good intentions in the beginning and maybe just because it's politics got a little dirtied up but I understand y'all if y'all Can't Fight Fire with Fire y'all can fight Mass with masks itself. I'm going self that's why I'm plants where I'm tossing my bed into uh, yeah. I think he's all out for himself. He even there's a detail where Crawford's wife. Ran his campaign. So there's something going on there and you know Crawford had a hood in his closet. I think I think he's got Cruel Intentions. I think he is a double agent politician to face and I think we're gonna we're gonna put this is the last time we're going to see King. This is the accident. We just show everyone what that accent is either racist or a liar or something. It's how we're program. I personally am a fan of Senator Joseph King jr. Simply because I believe in his Power of of persuasion. I don't want to use the term persuasion. However, the concept is I feel that some politicians have a hero complex named senator. Joseph King jr. Is one of those but Vigilantes have one too where it's I'm the one to make a difference now, it seems like a hero complex when you're not the one to make a difference oftentimes. We always go man. Someone should do something about that and we forget the concept we are someone We can do something about that and there's nothing wrong with Senator Joseph King jr. Stepping up and doing something about it. I think Keen is to face without the burns man. He's something happened to him on that why tonight? And I think he passed that bill for different reasons than we think he did. I think he has a second agenda. He has to face without the burns. I disagree. I think he was not that bad in beginning and it's just gotten mixed up and is in over his head because I could also not be surprised if the the 7th Cavalry bomber that came to the funeral was commissioned by Keane in some elaborate scheme in order to increase his popularity. Once again, he says all the right things. He does all the right things. It's too good to be true. He could be diabolical could be diabolical. But then again a man in a wheelchair could have strung up Sheriff Crawford. I don't know that's the concept of the show. We get that Chiefs funeral and I don't know if it was a great idea to have all the police all in the same area to begin with right. So the attack seemed what I would suspect is inevitable. Mmm. Okay, but We also get this moment where Angela shows her true colors. What were your thoughts overall on the funeral and on Angela's actions? Will the is a cop funeral. So please got to be there. I think I know that there's just an instance of the 7th Cavalry, but I totally understand why the cops had to be there. I think I think you're onto something with Keen potentially hiring that and setting that up. And I mean that was a gigantic hole in that grave the grave site. Yeah. I'm really curious how that girl thoughts on the whole funeral. I mean, this said a lot about all these characters first and foremost that we got Crawford's body blew up because they shoved his coffin into Angela's job just coffin into the grave site and now they cannot exhume the body and view it. I think that was a major detail. It also said a lot about Lori's character in The Shield shoot first. You know, what we saw that in the bank robbery. We did see that in the bank. Free however, that was after they'd already that's after he started running, you know, they which is even worse it is even and then there was a question where one of the agents was like agent Blake how did you know his bulletproof body suit would stop the bullets and I don't think Drew I don't think she knew I don't think it is worse. I don't think it can take you away. Yeah, because if you shoot a guy who's got a bomb strapped to his body that could explode you could The politician I think that she could have doomed everyone right there. I think that's way more riskier than shooting than shooting a vigilante running away in a society where that's illegal. I thought I thought you were saying it wasn't that bad that she shot him in the back and I got concerns. I don't know. That's pretty yeah, I agree with you. I don't think I don't think her shooting the guy running away was riskier than the bomb situation. I just thought it was worse. I thought it showed in difference in character. Not that it was more dangerous second of all. In terms of policy technically speaking. We try to save lives but we do not negotiate with terrorists because once you negotiate with a terrorist, that is extremely slippery slope where does it end? If you give them what they want once based on the act of force, then it will never end and continue. So you actually throw everything at the problem. All right. What was the sangra If You Give a Pig a Pancake hell you never heard of Quahog no, no, no the rest. Pancakes a beloved children's book. You should check it out. What is it? It just it's if you give them a little but keep going and we'll keep at like asking for more. What's the book If You Give a Pig a Pancake? Okay, I guess they didn't have this book in the Middle East know if I don't think is very popular in the Middle East call some indifferent sir. Yeah might have there might've been a rewrite if you give a camel. Okay, so I'm so sorry. We just get that so so we get this the seventh Calvary do you believe the 7th Cavalry is behind the Chiefs death? True. I'll take this one go for it. I do I do think the 7th Cavalry is behind this but I don't think they worked alone Tehran. I think Keen is in on it. Like you just recommended. I think it was planned Drew. Are you gotta let this happen? Are you going to let him and he's just 250 file without the bird Senator Kaine and that's a agree that Keynes and on it, but I do think they're involved but I think they're like once or twice removed from it. It's too obvious for it to be they just them I definitely I think there's some type of connection to them though. I don't think they're clean on it. His name is literally Keen, you know, he's smart. No, he's intelligent. It's right there. It's right in front of you. But I feel like it's literally are they gonna to obvious though? I think so obvious for there to be at the Crooked politician or it could just be an Irish. Last name before guy was born does that we're thinking Hmm, okay. He's he's a traitor not a race traitor race traitor is a race traitor. So we get this joke this running joke the phone call right? Very intricate. We get a joke where it's set up the bricklayer joke and then she agent Blake goes off on a tangent. So I messed up the joke goes into another joke the joke of the three Heroes that go to heaven and speak to God obviously a direct reference to the heroes of Watchmen, right? To the Watchman members so we get first was night owl and I know the person with all the entire intelligence who can create inventions and what does he do with it? Secondly was Ozymandias the smartest man ever gave him the most Intelligence on the planet. And what does he do with it? Thirdly was dr. Manhattan a man who's basically a God himself and to differentiate the two he made him blue. Hmm, and then finally right when God has I'd forgotten sees a little girl who was there and she he says I didn't notice her I didn't notice you were there and she who are you I'm I'm this never happens to me. But who are you and she says I'm a little girl. I'm not a hero. I'm the girl that threw the brick he's in see it going strong and he does not see it coming and the brick Kilns God and where does God go when God dies. God goes to hell EG double hockey sticks that was brilliant to me really was it was brilliant Damon Lindelof take the shot take the shot greasy and Ryan in the chat. Definitely brilliant. Did I thought it was? There was an Intrigue to it and it was extremely telling of not only the character but the storyline of Watchmen overall. It was a nod to the original comic book and to the movie it was a nod to the way Watchman is supposed to be done thoughts thoughts incredible writing also incredible visuals during that entire monologue in that the really showing Tulsa is hell. For everyone, I think every time she said the word hell it cut to someone opening a door in Tulsa entering Tulsa. Something like something sinister is happening. The toaster in Tulsa. Tulsa is hell right and that I will give as senator Joseph Keen. There's a tie in there like God intended stir is happening Drew. What did you think? No, I just think like you said it was amazing writing. It didn't feel forced at all. And I think that's really big especially for shows like this where they're trying to Have a message. They're trying to have you know, a point of view on whatever social commentary. Sometimes it can feel really Force. But this was a really natural. I think you know, I'm packaging of the episode so good. It was so good. It was so well done. Now we get the sub story Ozymandias. We get this letter from the game. Warden we get more of something's going on. We have no idea what and of course we get this All concept of something that was very interesting. His horse's name was boosts awfulest which is the horse of Alexander the Great. Oh, wow. Yes, and that of course we know is Ozymandias his favorite historical character. Yeah. So it looks after the Empire. Yeah, exactly leader the Persian Empire, but we won't get into that, please. I'm not an idiot. Mozzie Mandy is so we discussed this concept. What do you think of ozymandias' storyline? I'm and what is he trying to accomplish? I feel like he has an obsession with dr. Manhattan. He's trying to do what dr. Manhattan did like trying to replicate it. Maybe I don't know you think with the Sioux tryout trials with all of his henchmen. Yeah. Yeah. He's trying to eat out equal himself to him. He's totally obsessed. I completely agree with that. I I still don't know what he's trying to do though. I don't know if he's trying to be calm be trying to become. Dr. Manhattan. I think he's trying to He's doing something with some suit. Maybe he's going to visit Mars. I'm just really not all that sure yet. I don't know why you would wear the metal something from like the Middle Ages in for space. I'm really this has been kind of the most frustrating but also intriguing part of the entire show for me because this is the stuff is so Random. I have no idea where we're going to get each week and they give him cake every episode. I don't I really am trying to figure it out. Thicker skin was the takeaway. You need thicker thicker skin. It's interesting. We have this game warden. I don't know what the game warden was. It seems like it's someone he created there's a very big Howard Hughes feel to Adrienne that I feel this secluded recluse in his own mind and yet there's a method to his Madness a genius behind it that we are unable to see and it as it the storyline divulge has I will say this while I would ask I would naturally think that a storyline of this nature would would convolute the the show it does nothing it is perfect. It is amazingly it is amazing counterpart. It's like having two main course meals simultaneously and not having something that confuses me. It does not throw me off at all. In fact, it's a pieces of Pop of a puzzle that I don't even know what the picture is. I'm creating the puzzle on the back side. I think it's more like a dessert menu. That's right there and you're seeing it and it's looking good, but you just don't really know what you're going to Quite yet and at the end, it's gonna be delicious. You just want to take my metaphor make it better or Drew. What what move food what food metaphor. Can you make that happen? But I just want you to know his was in fact better way better. I liked it a lot. I think there's something on there called Blue there might be I don't know we might get some steps tomorrow. Could you please be the tiebreaker in the food metaphor Department? Sure. I don't want to be a part of this discussion. I just want to watch the best Watchman after show out there period all right, leave me alone. Thank you. Steph sobral you Unapologetic that's on Mars right now. Let's let's discuss the letter the letter from the game. Warden. What did you think the letter meant? We have no idea any time we talk Ozymandias. We're all just stop. I just like I don't get because it seems like he he not like he knows the What is the guys name the game or game? Warden game? Warden the heat it seems like it's another one of his henchmen, but the same time he's like you do that again. I'm pulling up so I'm confused. You just made it as gangster Mom. Okay, he's what's going on. Oh, you know what? I really did like, I'd like the back and forth rhetoric between the two the letter that game. And then of course Adrian in the most Adrian of ways engine and then I'm glad you enjoyed the tomatoes and he said Tomatoes it was very is a tomato or tomato diced tomatoes. I'd love to hear from you guys in the comments. What are you thinking of the Ozymandias suction? What are we getting in the chat right now a few people saying Ozymandias is fully capable of making himself into another. Dr. Manhattan. I have agree with that. I think you know so much that was random that maybe that's what really frustrates him about that. Other people say it's really weird. It's the weirdest part of the episode each episode. There's more and more candles in the cake. Didn't notice that Kalyn baby great. Great job, Jeff Williams local hosts an AfterBuzz. Shout out to you. He says I hundred percent agree with Drew great take who's tough Williams. I think he does a Flash. No, but yeah, everyone's just saying they completely agree. It's the weirdest part. I think they think Ozymandias is trying to get to Mars. That's what I mean. That seems to be the conclusion. There is something about space as Body falls back and it's frozen and then but I did not like something and I'll talk about it in our special segment by ourselves. Should she buy or sell or we pick an element of the of the show that's working for us or we sell it and it's not working for us. Let's start off. You know, I'm gonna throw it to tear on right now. No, I want to hear from I want to hear from Drew. Actually. I want to hear from Juliet's ruse by ourselves. I am buying agent Blaine. I think she's like a fantastic addition to the show and definitely a lot more interested and I'm selling Bluebell down find that one actually went on Amazon. It looks extra large. It's coming Tuesday. Uh-huh. I am I'll go next. I am buying the fact that you can go to a site and leave a voicemail for dr. Manhattan all across the country. I think that is capitalism at its finest. Absolutely. I love that idea and the fact that he yes is indeed listening and I'll let you know by sending you a mold up car. I am selling I am selling this idea that I'm selling this idea that that Ozymandias Adrian veidt has captivated himself on purpose to this place. I think that that's a red herring. I think that's a red herring and I think that I think there's going to be an ultimate. It fake out maybe he's in some kind of Westworld like place where you literally cannot find them, but he's so rich in in brilliant that you can put himself there. So I'm I'm selling this that this idea that he's captivated himself. That's great. I'm buying the phone call the phone call itself. I thought that that was brilliant and extremely well done. I loved it all the way through especially since we got this idea of Lady true and we will find out who she is in the next episode. And of course the fact that Dr. Manhattan was actually listening from Mars something that only dr. Manhattan would do and then respond in such a manner and while agent Blake said you never had a sense of humor. This was his show of a sense of humor brilliant. I'm selling the idea that that Adrienne would get so upset when one of his plans did not work that he would start crushing. I do not remember Adrian being such an emotional person. Yeah. He is logical through him through and that intelligence is what made at him able to do even the the Sinister thing that he did was unleashing whether you believe the comics with the giant monster on major cities or of course using dr. Manhattan's powers to to make explosions, which I like better that I like. I personally like the explosion scenario better just seemed more realistic and the world of the Watchman. But either way I'm selling that let's discuss some news and gossip. AfterBuzz TV news so The Daily one of our favorite sites to get some dirt news discusses Jean Smart our favorite new Watchman addition who played Agent Lori Blake Gene smarts Watchman debut on Silk Spectre becoming an action hero and the Designing Women come back. That's right. We got some Designing Women coming back out, but everyone was talking about Watchman critics were raving about it fans were debating. It trolls were definitely trolling it and This is how you know something really clicked Jean Smart. However was taking her daughter to school. She was not aware and then became super aware of the premiere of HBO's Watchman series as she is tickled by the massive response to the show and she discusses in this what is a retelling of an interview of how she felt her how she came to be part of the show. She was killed by Spain space junk is Being Framed by this monologue that she delivers and it's basically to satiate the fans of Alan Moore. Dave Gibbons 19 every 87 graphic novel because it definitely discusses more of the mythology and Cannon and the source material turns out Lord is speaking through the phone to the booth to dr. Manhattan, which we all got to see and she gets to love her life a more. So Jean Smart talks about her Swagger as Silk Spectre and sporting her auburn hair and the trench coat and the easy confidence of a superhero and spandex. We also get a nod to Designing Women and discussing it especially the 1986 comic I mean comedy show that was on television and is Resurgence of popularity that is on TV. We get a lot of Jean Smart and even more Watchman so you might want to go read The Daily Gene smarts Watchman debut on Silk Spectre becoming an action hero and the Designing Women come back read it read it now. Let's get into some predictions. Shall we boom your AfterBuzz TV predictions? Let's start with our predictor of predictors drewjones. All right. Um, I think that Adrienne is trying to be dr. Manhattan or trying to be a ability wise his equal interesting interesting Rhino by that by that I predict that this isn't the last time we've heard rorschach's Journal. We had a pretty Little mentioned that from PD in that slide show who put that in almost like I put in Damon Lindelof and all these shows. So I think that that's not just a this is an 80s anymore that's going to come back. I also predict that next week just judging from what we saw going on with Ozymandias Adrian veidt that we're going to we're going to get a great idea of what he is trying to do. I think that was some kind of simulation on shooting something to the sky. So maybe he is trying to get to Mars. So I think we're going to learn what that is next week. I also Predict that next week we are going to find out what happened to our wheelchair man. When you got to take it from the sky above us and we'll see dr. Manhattan was that the car was thrown down know the car was a car a car for this Irregulars regular car? Yes. It did not seem to be Angela's car. That was a caravan. I believe I didn't remember. I don't care good. Yeah. Yeah, it was a caravan. And this was what seemed to be the agents car. Just I just really like that. That scene I'm going to predict that 7th. Cavalry is not behind share of Crawford's death As Told agent Blake specifically says they usually take credit and they didn't this one. Actually. The other agent also said that I also think that the Chiefs I'm still maintaining that the chief is not the bad person. It was his ancestor that he was making up for I still will hold on to that. I think that something super Sinister is happening in Tulsa. And we're going to find out I think that lady true is going to be more than meets the eye as we see her and I think that Angela and Gloria are going to butt heads in the best and worst of ways possible, but I guess we only have to wait till next week to find out but until then where can people find you if you want to be found Ryan Nielsen, you can find me at Ryan Nelson and IL SE and underscore. That's a try. No scoring on Twitter and Instagram Drew. You guys can find me on all the things. Okay. Juje. That's right. And you can find me at I am Toronto. And of course host Italy hosting and paddling. I think yes. That's right. I'm hustling. Okay, you don't know what that is oscillating. Okay tomato tomahto. I'm hosting and paneling on a slew of other AfterBuzz after shows because all of your favorite TV shows are my favorite TV shows two steps abroad where can people find you if they want to be berated. Wow, what an introduction at stuffs her bra great show guys. That's right. Hashtags are bra size find us next week as we touch more Watchman. See you guys then. In Tick-Tock Tick-Tock, Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you're great. We've got it. So go to after those check out our lineup Buzz ya later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
Afterbuzz hosts Tehran Von Ghasri @IAmTehran - Drew Jones @OkDrewJ - Ryan Nilsen @RyanNilsen_ - discuss HBO's WATCHMEN - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 3 - SHE WAS KILLED BY SPACE JUNK. Discussions include FBI Agent Laurie Blake aka Silk Spectre, terrorist attack on Senator Joseph Keene Jr, and talking to Doctor Manhattan. Discussions also include Ozymandias' secret plan, 7th Kavalry, The Joke, Special Segment: Buy or Sell, News & Gossip: Jean Smart as Laurie Blake, Predictions and more. Stay tuned! The doomsday clock draws nearer. Everything Begins. Nothing Ever Ends. Who watches the Watchmen? Join us for THE WATCHMEN AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW PODCAST as every single week, we'll be here discussing HBO's adaptation of the world famous graphic novel of the same name. From comic history knowledge to topical discussion on the largely divisive subjects the show covers, we'll be here breaking it down. Subscribe and comment to stay up to date with all things HBO's Watchmen. ABOUT Watchmen: "Watchmen takes place in an alternative, contemporary reality in the United States, in which masked vigilantes became outlawed due to their violent methods. Despite this, some gather around in order to start a revolution while others are out to stop it before it is too late, as a greater question rises above them all; who watches the Watchmen?"
Fellow fiends, welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror Pride cast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls. And Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to another episode Another mini episode of nightmare on film street. I'm John I'm Kim and this week we are talking about Kim's birthday pics. They're coming up. You got a name for this episode yet. Do we have a name for this episode? I was leaving that in your hands. Oh, I'm gonna throw okay. All right. Let's let everybody in Pitch meeting. We're going to tell you what movies were talking about at the end of this mini episode. But right now you're going to hear us brainstorm some terrible titles for it until we find a good one. Okay, what about fables and folklore? I like fables and folklore. I was going to say freaky folklore. I was just a freaky fables. Yeah. It's like tables and folklore table. Are we done? Done it frightening. Folklore. I like it frightening fables. Just think of an F adjectives and let's go with it fables and folklore. That's what we're going with. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, maybe we'll punch that up a little bit over the course of this video episode title fables and folklore. Hello again, welcome to this bonus mini episode of this is your first Coming Attractions. It's a interstitial episode that we put out in between our full-length doubled. Head-to-head pairings regular episode our regular episodes last week. We were talking about Brian De Palma's blowout and Peter Strickland's the Barbarian Sound Studio. It was my greedyguts birthday pick because it was my birthday episodes. Even though my birthday still hasn't actually happened soon it soon and I just heard a yep Saturday. I got to pick two movies that I wanted to talk about for no goddamn reason. That's what Kim has curated for next week's episode. Yeah, cuz I am having a birthday next Saturday because we are so cool. We have our birthdays in the same seven days ban people judge cool. Yep, but because we always end up doing a really fun kind of free-for-all for July. We both picked some guilty pleasures and we extended that to the website this month. So at NFS, all of our contributing team is celebrating their guilty pleasure movies were calling it greedyguts month. And it's all about underrated gems and favorite films and defending your favorites. So there's tons of great articles hitting the website this month. So many fun things coming this month. Everybody's picked their favorite movies to chat about some aren't even talking movies. We got comic books board games video games graphic novels. There is a very specific look at a very specific decades soundtracks. Yeah. It's getting pretty greedy over there. Loving it. I'm loving it also happening this weekend and next weekend John and I are going to be hitting up Fantasia film festival in Montreal. We do this every July it's a huge fun fabulous Festival filled with a genre films horror films sci-fi foreign films. It's a great time so fun. There's so many great movies. We're going to be covering that basically all month long over a 1000 FS reviews interviews all that stuff. And if you're there let us know. Social media tweeted us whatever we'd love to meet up with you get a drink catch a movie. If not, you can keep your eyes peeled for all of our coverage will also be you know, highlighting the events from social media so you can see as posting selfies and posters and whatever else we have a defined like that free issue of fangoria. I saw oh, yeah. Oh man celebrating 40 Years of Phantom of The Paradise. So excited. Are we ready? Yeah set ready. That's this weekend. I'm excited. I we all seen on a big screen. I can't wait. Yeah, and it's the The think it's a 4K restoration man's go. Also if you if you can't make it I would highly highly encourage you to go to Fantasia and check out the lineup of films. Just peruse it see which movies you find most interesting that like if the the one movie that if you were there, this is the movie you would make sure that you saw let us know what movie that is and we will do our best to have a review on the website or we'll talk about it on this podcast if there's a movie that you are dying to see that's having its world. Mirror at Fantasia let us know we would love to let you know our thoughts on it. Try to see it. Oh, yeah, we're gonna do our best. We got a man on the ground who lives in the area separate. Thank you very much Chris anytime. We're not there, but I kind of need you to go see right girls for me and maybe tell me that it's great. I need to know that it's great. We did it last year with Mandy where but please please go see it, please. Yeah. Honestly, I should have been given an award for taking for falling on the sword of editing that review. Yeah. Should I just like I just I want you to you look like you're going to love this movie Kim and I can't let you go in with any spoilers. So let me let me just take this one. Also it you know Festival season isn't all that's happening. Horror wise Alexandre aja's crawl is out this weekend. Yeah Gator Town, I'm gonna try and sneak away to it. I'm gonna do my best. I'm gonna try and find a 24-hour Cinema and I'm gonna I'm Gonna Leave the film festival to go see a different man. What's happening? I'm going to convince every journalist. I find we're gonna parade down to the local Cineplex, but John and I will not have seen it as much as John wishes. He's going to see it this weekend. So tweeted as and let us know what you thought of the film when you catch it this weekend. I'm pumped the trailer looks amazing. Looks like it's got some fun sound implementations with the crocodiles and distractions. It's like a house was haunted by crocodiles and I am about that. I'm so ready when you see the crocodile in the bathroom. You're like yes this movie. She you know what? I love the most about this is that it's only one trailer so far, I think right like there was maybe just like the quickest little teaser trailer, but I have only seen one theatrical trailer for this movie and that tells me that they do not want me to see anything else but before going in pump, I'm very pumped. Yeah, we're likely not going to be able to huh. I don't know when we're going to see it but I as soon as possible. Yeah, I want to hear your thoughts. So please non-spoilery tweeted me and let me know what you thought of the film and go see the movie because It's an original film and we are always complaining about sequels and remakes and not a lot of people saw Midsummer. Yeah, I was gonna actually try and take a moment here to plead with you to go see Midsummer even if you think that it maybe it's something you might not like if you've got an extra few bucks kicking around so you don't Tuesday you don't to say if you are. Yeah just like let them know that we want original horror content. Yeah, you got to vote with your dollar the join the conversation guys get on to it. No, that's the slogan on Twitter just like you can't Lane about it. You can't promote it if you don't see it. So one way or the other let us know your opinion by going to see the movie. So pay to go see it and there's no better way to see that movie and literally any movie then in a movie theater. Yeah and Horrors one of those things that is it's going to stand the test of time with Cinemas because everybody kind of worried with the new how people are getting content and how everybody's on mobile phones and but the horror Community is we're so retro minded and we're so nostalgic and we Of having things in our hands, we like to collect things. Sure So Physical media is always going to be important to our community. And that means we need to save the theater. We need to keep cinemas open. We need to keep them playing horror movie. So you got to keep seeing them think one of the other reasons that horror will always remain like a dominating Force at the box office. Is that everybody likes to date at the movies, right? Everybody sees horror movies on dates. Yeah. That's right. Gotta do it guys. Heart rate going to hold hands. No also what I think is I think it's jump scares and honestly and again, you know scares period but jump-scares I think are on the top of this list because a jump-scare is all about building tension and it's like a 10 minute scene where you're just like ramping up and ramping up and ramping up to a scare like you need to pay attention to that if you're at home watching something on now on your phone you are distracted no matter what you're eating. And snacks at the you can't do that the theater you're folding. Laundry. You're tweeting you're talking to somebody people love live-tweeting movies, but it takes you out of the movie and you never actually experienced that scare a movie theater puts you in an unfamiliar environment. I love that you're with a bunch of strangers you're experiencing this together. I love that. I love when the whole theater is vibing off of scare and everybody's kind of hooting and laughing. There's a weird sense of like community in the dark. Yes, exactly. And also just that it requires that you submit MIT to the movie like you have to put your phone down. You have to forget about the stuff that's outside of the theater you are the is submit instead of commit. Well, I mean the movies gonna start whether you're there or not. You got it. You gotta just give yourself over to it like commit to it. Sure sure, you know, no it's fine. I like you're using words. It's very mention spray at the altar of your local Multiplex. Hey mon, what else is going on right now? I mean if we want talk about crawl Sam Raimi producer of crawl producer of did don't breathe director of Evil Dead. It looks very dumb Braves. It looks very dumb breathe. I know right? Like he just said like if they told me that crocodile was blinded and I believe it. Yeah, you might as well be like, they're tiny bit silly the crocodiles metal. Oh my God, he's got an eye patch about that. Yeah, so Sam Raimi recently did a interview with Bloody Disgusting actually and they talked to him about the future possibilities of Evil Dead and We are all very happy to know that they are our future possibilities. Very firm that evil dead. Yes. Yes shrug doesn't matter. That's the big news of the week. Here's the thing though. He says like I'd love to do is Fede Fede Alvarez, but he's too busy right now. He's artist in the man could not be too busy for Evil Dead. I mean, it seems like you liked it and he does tweet about it a bunch of might but also, you know Bruce Campbell might be out. Is probably out but even then with all of that in mind Sam Raimi still said we're working on a third possible thing as well. So there there is there is no future where more Evil Dead content will not exist is what I'm being told cool. Are we ready for my pics? Are we ready? I think we're ready. All right guys, if you haven't listened to last week's episode check out John's previous pics if you're waiting for next Thursday's episode for my pics here. They are you can watch them. You can catch up this weekend. And you're gonna need to watch him. Yeah, you are going to need to watch these These are definitely some if you haven't seen them before you should or maybe don't it might even be funnier. Yeah, it's gonna be a weird week. So we are talking about Taxidermy. A' the Hungarian foreign fantasy horror and November from 2018-2019 think 2018. Yeah, the Estonian folklore Fable horror thing. Thanks John so fucking good, though. November you can find on shutter right now. It is streaming for your convenience wait, whoa, which is a Taxidermy on shutter as well. I don't know isn't it? I don't know it was at one point, but November your and I have a hard time Googling because it's like just type in November 2018 or November. Oscilloscope or November Estonian film November black and white. What are some other keywords search items remember Kim November Kratts? Oh man that crap. I can't wait to talk with you. I'm trying to search on shutter right now confirmed Taxidermy at not on sugar. Yeah at one point. It was it may still be in the u.s. I'm not sure hopefully if not this movie might take a little bit of searching hundred percent worth the hunt don't want you with your family. Don't watch what your family pretend. It's a Gasper November. You can November you can watch with your family, but please watch Taxidermy alone and like not near a window where neighbors can see definitely close the blinds guys. Yeah, don't On an airplane. Don't watch it on the bus. Can you imagine? Oh next next time you and I make a friendly bet the loser has to watch Taxidermy on a plane. Oh my God, and we sit separate seats. Like we don't sit next to me on the plane too because there's no way one of us can pretend. We don't know the other right like, oh no, I definitely don't know her like sure you don't that's wearing the same t-shirt. It's his night. We're old man. Hey, look your faces. And it appears you're talking about a movie that you say no one should watch out on plane. Explain how this happened. Oh my gosh, so fables and folklore will be talking about that next Thursday for my birthday celebration episode two, really awesome aggressive about these movies. Like it's my birthday watch them birthday to really odd Fantastical fabulous movies. I can't wait to talk about them. In the meantime, you can catch all of our previous episodes. Ever you're getting this one apple podcast Spotify and Google Play and if you're looking for even more Nightmare On Film Street content, you can support us on patreon. We have hours of bonus episodes including reviews of Annabelle comes home. Child's Play Midsummer and coming up soon scary stories to tell in the dark, but you can get all those bonus episodes including a ton of extra minigames from all of our previous regular length episodes at slash Nightmare On Film Street. In exchange for a monthly donation, but until next week, I'm John Kim. Stay creepy. It appears you made it out alive just long enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street how help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you subscribe. This week's conversation on Twitter by following @n o FS podcast. And as always more terror can be found lurking on our website film Street until next week. Stay creepy fiends.
It seems contradictory but we're taking turns being greedy this month, and oh boy does Kim have some strange movies for you on next week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street. Join us for another mini episode to hear all the details of Fantasia Film Festival 2019, our plea that you see Alexandre Aja's CRAWL and Ari Aster's MIDSOMMAR in the theatre and, of course, give you a sneak peek at our upcoming Fables & Folklore head-to-head. Next week's episode might be a little hard to follow if you aren't familiar with the movies- but which movies? Well you're going to have to peel back the curtain for yourself, light a candle, pray to your ancestors for safe passage, fire up the projector to hear the COMING ATTRACTIONS. --- Website: www.NOFSPODCAST.COM ( Twitter: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Subreddit: Support the Show: Unlock access to exclusive bonus content and earn some other frightfully good rewards, including shoutouts, merch, and swag by supporting Nightmare on Film Street on Patreon ( .
Don't have enough time to sit down and read all the best Bitcoin articles. Well, let us read them for you. This is a crypto Konami quick read. What is up crew? Welcome back to the crypto kaname podcast. This is guys Swan coming at you from my Bitcoin blanket fort I am the guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, and we have got a really good short one that just dropped actually Nick Bhatia sent me this article last night, I believe and I It really quick and while I want to go ahead and start off say I'm sorry about missing an episode yesterday had a of mine on bitcoin life and a lot of things to get completed and I just never finished the recording but I'm going to try to finish that one up today because gonna be out of town for the weekend and Monday and I want to have an episode for you guys on Monday. So hopefully I can get that done today. But again today we are reading a short one by Nick Bhatia. It was just really great and and hits hard a a key principle to why Bitcoin exists and if you don't know who Nick Bhatia is he kind of pie until he did he pioneered the concept of the lnr are the lightning Network reference rate. We've read a couple of pieces by him in the past. He's got like a thing as a three-part series I will link to those articles because they're a little bit spread out in the in the actual show, but I will find those episodes in link to those as well so you can Listen to and or read some of the great stuff he has done in the past. But for now, let's go ahead and read through this new article that he just dropped so we can talk about it and the title of our piece today again by Nick Bhatia is Bitcoin is a human right Amen brother. So without further Ado, let's go ahead and jump in. I have some upsetting news to all the naysayers doubters and obituary writers Bitcoin has recovered from yet. Another supposedly catastrophic price collapse Bitcoin is now 10 years old and graduated long ago from Shady internet drug money to full-blown asset class and savings vehicle. The trouble with Bitcoin is that it's complicated to grasp it took me months to half understand and is so multifaceted. Only a rare individual can claim to fully understand Bitcoin. I tried to boil down three years of learning into a handful of analogies for the Curious Bitcoin beginner. This article is written for pre Corners a word used to describe people who don't own or use Bitcoin yet. I attempt to answer the fleeting question millions of pre Corners around the world keep asking what exactly is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is money Bitcoin is a land grab Bitcoin is a game Bitcoin works like email and last but not least Bitcoin is a human right? If you can absorb these five definitions of Bitcoin, I have confidence. It won't take long to shed your pre Corner status and don't forget you can buy a fraction of a Bitcoin. Bitcoin is money. Despite unprecedented levels of price volatility throughout its young life. The coin has strongly demonstrated its ability to be used as money around the world. No, you won't necessarily be able to buy a house car or meal with Bitcoin everywhere you go yet, but you can buy the most useful good of all US Dollars robust markets to exchange Bitcoins for dollars euros and Amazon gift cards are currently flourishing around the world. If you have a gold coin, you might not be able to buy dinner with it. You're certain to find somebody who will exchange it for dollars Bitcoin Works identically several million people around the world already own Bitcoin in order to store wealth. They are the early adopters of Bitcoin as a new form of money. Bitcoin is a land grab. There are only 57 million square miles of land on Earth. Similarly. There will only be 21 million Bitcoins Mark Twain once said quote by land. They're not making it any more end quote and Bitcoin should be thought of in the same way Bitcoin is scarce just like the amount of land on Earth as more people move from the world of British pounds Japanese Yen and US dollars to the Bitcoin World Bitcoin land will only Get more expensive and harder to find people who don't own Bitcoin in the future will face the consequences of having to borrow Bitcoin in order to use it much like people that don't own property renting from landlords. The land grab for Bitcoin will continue because people companies and governments will realize they cannot afford to be Bitcoin renters and not owners Bitcoins price has risen over the long term because people are treating Bitcoin like Prime real estate business. A coins price has risen over the long term because people are treating Bitcoin like Prime real estate. There is no single gatekeeper in Bitcoin world making every human being a potential property owner ownership will become more difficult and expensive as the Bitcoin world gets more crowded. Bitcoin is a game. But how does it all work if Bitcoin isn't backed by any government who controls it? These questions can be answered with the analogy of Bitcoin as a game every game has a set of rules all players must follow Bitcoins rules were created in 2009 and are continually enforced by thousands of players every 10 minutes on average. One of the rules Bitcoins rules for money creation and value transfer have proven. Stream Lee reliable over the years which encourages more people to join the game. You can play the game by downloading software to your computer or phone. Nobody is asking you to learn all the rules to Bitcoin today, but you must understand that there are rules just like any sport or video game. Bitcoin works like email Everybody uses email you might not understand the computer science behind how it works. But the simple concept of sending and receiving email is universally understood email addresses can be shared with anybody. But only the password holder can access received messages Bitcoin Works in a similar way. You can share your public address with anybody sending you money. But only with your password called a private key. Can you spend it? Bitcoin received criticism for being difficult to use but in reality people just aren't used to it yet in the near future understanding and usage of Bitcoin will be as ubiquitous as the understanding and usage of email send and receive. Bitcoin is a human, right? Buying coffee with Bitcoin and California isn't revolutionary but buying food with Bitcoin in Venezuela to survive is with a savings vehicle like Bitcoin every person in the world can now store money safe from seizure and censorship by corrupt governments Bitcoin is an alternative form of money when that people should have the right to choose for themselves billions of people today have access to send and receive information. Nation via the open internet tomorrow billions of people will have access to send and receive value via the Bitcoin network access to both should be considered basic human rights. If communicating on the Internet is freedom of speech Bitcoin is freedom of speech money. Alright, let's hit our sponsor real quick. And then we will go over and dig a little bit deeper into these analogies and drive home. The argument that Bitcoin is a human, right? For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid me for exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically published to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app. to Anchor dot fm today All right. So let's dig into these analogies a little bit again. This was a bit piece by Nick Bhatia. It was titled Bitcoin is a human right and I will link to this as well as the Twitter page so you can follow Nick Bhatia on medium. This is one of his medium posts. You can follow him on medium and Twitter his tag on both is time value of BTC and don't forget to drop some major Applause on this I will link straight to this. Article as well. This really was just a great little introduction to a couple of concepts of what Bitcoin is and what makes it valuable the internet of value to speak and why why is this like what is this tool exactly in from succumbing from our perspective from someone who's never seen or heard about Bitcoin? Well, they've heard of it but you know, it's just internet points to anybody who doesn't it hasn't gone down and asked what exactly is Bitcoin. Why does it exist why the hell hasn't it died in 10 years? How could something so seemingly ephemeral so so abstract actually survived the test of time but anybody like for the people who listen to this show like, you know, I'm a sucker for good analogies. So let's do some digging into these first Bitcoin is money. That's obviously it's First use case. That's this how it's designed that it's that's what it's designed to do and the role that supposed to play but then you immediately come into a question of so what the hell is money and most people like their is there really is not a foundation there if it's not a government money, then it's not money at all and nobody stops and asks why I like what is money as a tool? What does it do for society? And the truth is is a networking technology. It's a it's a technology that solves the barter problem The Coincidence of wants problem. It's very very similar in use within a society as language language is always a great analogy for understanding what money is so for saying Bitcoin is money. Well, we immediately have to ask. Well what the hell is money it's a language a language allows us a standard that allows us to communicate and Exchange information unambiguously or as unambiguously as possible in the sense that I can explain. I have some vague like undefined idea in my head and I am making a bunch of noises and you're listening to it. It's going in your ears and hopefully creating the same vague Define Loosely defined thing in your head closely enough to what's in mine as to be useful as to be able to apply it to the world. This be able to look at the world and apply the relationship that I was trying to explain to something that you are seeing to look at Bitcoins who read about it and take the ideas that I've shared it. Someone else has shared with you and apply them in a meaningful way and that's what language does like imagine. Imagine trying to get information to you right now without language. Like this is an audio format. The whole format of audio is completely Listen without language. Like what we are essentially doing is I'm you know, making a bunch of Grunts and stuff that only because you have the same set of language rules quote-unquote, the definitions of all of these words in your head the symbols that they relate to for real things in the real world in real relationships. Can you put these Concepts back together in a meaningful sense? So language is a brilliant networking tool to communicate ideas. in that same way money is a tool to exchange and communicate value unambiguously and by doing so it's a good in the economy, which is universal just like a language in an economy in a subset of an economy because you know, there's always limits to networking and how well you can standardize across, you know, barriers and stuff particularly barriers of time because language is moved blahblahblah, but Bitcoin is a It's an incredibly unique and like pointedly designed money in the sense that every money that has come about came about before simply because it had most of the properties of money and it fulfilled the role for a specific amount of time. We've never had a money that was really designed properly to be an independent money because kind of always with the design feature. Quote came with its ability to be corrupted like the like Fiat money the Fiat money being for any new listeners Fiat money being government money government money by decree. You will accept this as money because I say you will and you know, you'll be shot or put in jail if you don't but the the purpose of money is to secure trade without having to know or trust the people you're exchanging with you can trust the value of the Money rather than the value of the other person's promise or the a good that you may not want right now. That's the whole I mentioned something called the double coincidence of wants if we all had to barter imagine how ridiculously complex and and just impossible it would be for basic trade. Imagine. If I am a person who's really good at cooking and making food like say sandwiches and your person who It's a house and you're trying to sell a house to me. How the hell do we make that Arrangement? Do I make a million sandwiches and give you a million sandwiches. They're gonna be rotten in like they're just utterly disgusting in like three days right like so I can't do that. Do we make some sort of an agreement where I'm just always going to be in that town and you're never going to move and then I'll just make you sandwiches for the rest of your life. Now. We have this huge restriction, and you have to trust me to keep that promise in a year. Maybe I'll just peace out of town and you'll never see me again you gave me The value of a house, or maybe you just really want shoes or right now how the hell like all I do is make sandwiches, right? So what do I got to go find somebody to trade sandwiches for shoes? And you know, maybe it's a hundred thousand pairs of shoes is the equivalent of the value of your house. So now I'm like what you don't need a hundred thousand pairs of shoes. You need one pair of shoes maybe to like it's so what what I could get to get a thousand ten thousand other things that all together Other combined to the immense value of a house that you've built the it's it's just absurd and because of that you cannot scale trade. You cannot scale a market past simple utter basic and non-scalable barter just straight like okay. I know who you are. So we will I will exchange like my time for your time. It is money the universal good that allows us to cooperate with somebody in China. China with somebody on the internet who we've never spoken or conversed with we have no idea how well they're going to keep their promises. We don't know anything about them. They could be shitty people. It doesn't matter as long as we can secure the exchange of value. Well, then, you know, I don't have to I mean think of the immense efficiency that a market creates by like just look around your room or your Place your car wherever you are right now look around and think about what you have what you are in control of or in ownership of right now that you could actually make on your own without trading for it without trading for the resources The Goods the materials. Nothing. Try to make a pencil try to make try to make a TV you realize we only have these things. We only have this immense wealth because We can trade we can easily and efficiently trade with someone else an independent good like money to get it and that money doesn't die. That money doesn't lose value its characteristics are consistent. My sandwich is wrought my house falls apart and I have to maintain my my skills are variable over time. My my trust and reputation is variable and usually very fleeting if Look think of all of the things that have value and how inconsistent all the characteristics of those goods are. That's what money fills in it's the one thing that doesn't degrade or rot over time. It's that one good that can be aggregated into huge amounts or into really small amounts and it's worth roughly the same amount like a hundred thousand sandwiches is not worth a hundred thousand individuals. Sandwiches like in combination who the hell ever wants a hundred thousand sandwiches all at once. It's essentially worth three sandwiches. However much you can eat or it's worth it to an entire huge group of people like so in aggregate like the finding something that is just as valuable with a hundred thousand units as as it is with each individual. One of that hundred thousand is almost is almost an impossibility. It's kind of a Fascinating thing that we have something like metals like silver and gold that one ounce of gold is the same as one other ounce of gold anywhere and that 10 ounces of gold is worth 10 1 ounces of gold like like that's like everything there's not really any other Goods that have that characteristics. It's a crazy unique thing in the economy that makes it a brilliant tool for this universal language of you so all of these properties just make the secret what makes money good like what makes money such a useful tool is it encourages honesty and cooperation between people who don't have trust and don't have a relationship with each other and that's the only way you can scale Society because there's no way that we can know and understand and have some manage the Motional relationship with thousands tens of thousands millions of people. In fact, we have a rough idea that we can pretty much only do it with about a hundred fifty s called dunbar's number which is why for millions of years literally like the idea of human or eight Homo sapiens Homo erectus, like Society quote unquote. We're just families. They were small communities. They were tribes because it could not not scale past that until the invention of things like Universal languages and Universal money. So that's how Bitcoin is money that was a that was a there's a bit of a steep rant. And if you've just been introduced to these ideas, it could be hard to follow but Bitcoin is designed to have these characteristics Bitcoin has these characteristics better than anything else. It's a digit. It's a it's a digital unit. Therefore obviously every single one is equal to any other one. It's like that's the term is called fungible. And so the units are indistinguishable from each other. Of course, it doesn't degrade or rot. Like a Bitcoin the beginning of the blockchain or and Bitcoin at the end of the Block Chain. Like it doesn't matter where or when in time like it's the same unit. Like it doesn't look like you lose money out of your account and the best evidence like the the proof that Bitcoin is money is the Tons of people use it as money. In fact, he says Nick body is says in the article that you won't necessarily be able to buy a house or car or a meal people do that all the time. He says won't necessarily but you can there are houses for sale in Bitcoin. There are Tesla accepts Bitcoin to buy cars. I've bought many meals with Bitcoin before and there are also plenty of services where I can buy gift cards or just generic debit. Hard like those like the one time use debit cards or whatever where you can just refill and spend like that. You can just use those and fill those up with Bitcoin gift cards all kinds of stuff. I use it pretty regularly. Actually. I try not to because it's my I consider it my savings, but I'm now most of my donations for the show. I'm it will all of my donations I take that back pretty much every single one of my donations come in in Bitcoins. So I use it. Like to keep the show alive to make expenses. Sometimes I cash it out two dollars most of the time I have some other means to just spend it on the service or whatever it is. I'm using I use it as money all the time and it works great as money and it doesn't lose its value. In fact very often. I find I get some Bitcoin like I got donations from the Raleigh Bitcoin crew not too long ago, which was just amazing. They went around and collected money from a bunch of different people and send it to me and it was worth like I think Five hundred dollars or something at the time and I've just been holding on to it like trying not to keep my expenses as low as possible and a couple of months later here. I guess like three or four months later. It's worth like 1,500 dollars. Like not only did it not lose value not only did my money not rot. My money has held has grown in value substantially over that amount of time. But that immediately leads us into a question of why why does its value growth? And that goes to the analogy that Bitcoin is a land grab. Bitcoin is scarce. And that's an incredibly difficult thing to wrap your head around. It. Seems simple seems dirt simple. But think about anything else that you can compare it to. Everything out there even Mark Twain's quote by land because they're not making it any more. It's actually not true. You can get more land you can get has more habitable area by, you know adding stories to your house. You can build a skyscraper and even as costly and as obnoxious as it sounds you can you know, you can build a seasteading or a cruise ship live in a boat and you can I build a moon base for crying out loud. You can build space stations, but there is more land it's just incredibly difficult to obtain. So it's quote-unquote inflation rate is really low, you know building a skyscraper is not a cheap Endeavor. But if we want more land if we want more habitable living space we can always make it. And that's pretty much true of every other thing that we know of in existence. We can even do it with gold we can radiate gold. I mean, excuse me, we can re-radiate like Mercury or lead knock off a couple of neutrons and turn it into gold legit. It just takes so much more in resources and energy cost than it does to just buy the equivalent in gold or get the equivalent in Gold some other way that we don't do it kind of the same wood land really is that you know, you don't see any Version some ho dunk like rural town you cease Christ skyscrapers and giant cities because the land has gotten so valuable that it makes more sense to create new land upward than it does to buy land outward. But in Bitcoin there is no alternative. There is no other way to create it. There is no let's just build the number of Bitcoin vertically instead of horizontally. Bitcoin is the most scarce good That could literally ever be because it's perfectly scarce. It's set by a set of rules. You cannot create any more of it. It doesn't matter how much energy we throw at. It doesn't matter how many computers we throw at it. In fact it adjust based on how hard we are working to create it and if we multiplied 10 times the number of supercomputers that we are putting towards Mining and creating new Bitcoin. It would not change the schedule a tour. The difficulty would just adjust and we would continue to get the same amount of Bitcoin at the same schedule as we always have. That's a fascinating concept and there is no other good that has that property that no matter what we do. We cannot get more outside of the strict rules and that makes Bitcoin the hardest money and explicitly 21 million units of a straight-up land grab and when people start to understand the incredible potential of Bitcoin as a technology and then at the same time begin to e-exactly its nature of scarcity how scarce perfectly so that it actually is I think the idea of a phrasing things phrasing that idiom as a land grab will be retired and we will start calling things a Bitcoin grab from there on out because I think we will see fomo like we have never seen before once people realize the potential of what an independent technology like a Independent standard like this can actually do because because it's based on a set of rules that simply can't be cheated. If you aren't it's just a matter of if you aren't following the rules. You're not playing the same game you simply aren't on the network. It's like if you change the definition of a word in a language, imagine of language was completely unambiguous that definitions were absolutely objective and everybody understood. Every word exactly the same way and then you try to manipulate the meaning of violence or the meaning of the word capitalism or you try to twist a good word a positive word into a negative word or something like that that instead of confusing people. You were simply not speaking the same language anymore and no one would could understand you. That's how the Bitcoin rules work. And that leads us to the next analogy Bitcoin is a game. this analogy I think is one of the most enlightening in an effort to visualize one of the most abstract ideas or aspects of the system that no one controls it that's really really hard to wrap your head around particularly when you don't have prior, you know, any prior basis for like a peer-to-peer or networking type technology very Similarly to how no one really controls a language like certain people might be able to influence or alter language in a very slow way. But you know, like even like Webster's Dictionary couldn't come out and just like alter the definition of 50 words and everybody be oh my God shit. Now we gotta use these words this way like no I'm like, they wouldn't it would have no effect people would just probably just be a big like viral thing that Webster's Dictionary is a idiots or they just don't know the definitions of the words make no one would even question that they were misunderstanding the words. It would be that Webster's has screwed up. So who owns it who is in control there? If you can't change the definition without some sort of social agreement, like everyone has to know and move in the same direction essentially at the same time. And the game analogy for Bitcoin is particularly because it is particularly good because we usually think well, there is an exception there is because when you think of a game you kind of think of the rules is being sometimes difficult to enforce is you think of like judges or like a referee that you know could make a bad call or they have to get together and review the video kind of thing. And that's one of the beauties of Bitcoin is that Bitcoin is a set of rules a game very much like a sport or something. But there is zero subjectivity in the rules. It's it's an electronic game. It's a game of Finance and Accounting. So as long as four plus four equals eight. Those are the rules the rules are who is the owner of the rules are what are the rules like what are the restrictions on how you can use this thing? And Who has signed it and does the accounting add up there is no ambiguity in it. In fact, everything can be perfectly verified by any single person in the world anywhere and it doesn't matter on what machine or operating system they are on it will always verify to the exact same outcome. It's as if literally everyone in the system everyone who runs the software is both a player and And a referee and they can verify for themself. They never have to worry that a judge has made a bad call or if they're ref is made a bad call because they check it themselves. They review the video and there's never a question. There's never like oh, maybe it was over the line or something. Maybe four plus two equals seven. No four plus two equals six all the time every time it's based on math. It's the most easily verifiable thing ever and It's so it makes it because it's a set of rules. It's as if it's like a financial Court imagine imagine when you when we're talking about the fact that this thing is independent that it's based on every participant verifying and actually running the rules themselves. And there is no ambiguity in this thing. We're talking about a system. It's like a court. imagine if you had a court case that No matter which judge you put it in front of no matter which court no matter which jurisdiction no matter if no matter the political or social environment that you could put this case before anyone in the world. Like your judge could be a 12 year old kid in the sentence the outcome the the rightful owner every aspect of the conclusion of that case. Was exactly the same no bribery know like social tensions. No corrupt judge. No, no corrupt political atmosphere. None of these things. No president. No insurance agency. No regulatory agency. None of them could contest the outcome of that case. imagine how valuable a global system that could pull that off would be Now imagine that that that entire system holds the value of your money. You never have to worry about an agreement. If you long as you hold the keys as long as you hold the instruction the very specific password, the private key that says you own Bitcoin. There is no judge Court president anyone ever anywhere in the world that can contest the fact that you own it their only hope Is to get the keys if they don't have the keys Bitcoin does not care who they are. How valuable would just that aspect of it be now think that you can actually like these these rules you it's playing a game like you have a set of restrictions, but within those sets of restrictions you can do whatever you want. You can write you elaborate contracts. You can write agreements that are time delay that require something else to happen first require multiple people to get in together. Like it's a programmable atmosphere. It's a System that can be customized for escrow for a housing contract for loans, like collateral back loans, like the number of things that can be built with this. It is truly the internet of money the internet of finance and its Global has no jurisdictions in can't be cheated in any way because it's rules are easily definable. You can run the whole thing on your personal computer. Every aspect every validating rule everything that keeps the whole network honest. You can run on your desktop computer. Think about how powerful that system is. And when we talk about owning Bitcoin in the system, when we talk about that private key that he mentions we're talking about. It's a simple sinden receive system. It's not unfamiliar. It's just like email in that sense. I mean, yes, it might look and feel unfamiliar because the process is a little bit different but it is essentially the same if you ever seen that Good Morning Good Morning America clip from like the 1990s or like Or something like that when they're like showing an email address up on the screen and they've got like that the @ symbol and they're like, are you like going back and forth over what that symbol means? It's like at or and around about or something. I can't remember exactly what they say. But it's just hilarious to listen to them something that we're so unbelievably familiar with today to realize that there was somebody who looked at that for the first time and was just like I have no idea what I'm looking. Looking at and they try to make sense of it. It's it's it becomes clear that like the system of Bitcoin is is as simple as using email. It's sending and receiving based on your singular access to your email or your Bitcoin addresses. You send to a public address that belongs to somebody else. And then only the person with the password can send something back can send that to a new address. Except in this case. We're holding value or holding money inside of these addresses as opposed to just information and messages but it is wholly dependent on the holder of the private key. So again, if you don't have the private key, it doesn't matter who you are in the whole world. You can't you can't fake the private key. That's the Brilliance of the cryptography. I urge you to listen to Der Gigi's 21 Lessons Learned down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole. There's a great section. I have read it aloud. Loud so you can listen to it on the show or go to their That's another great one to be digging into but there's a whole section on the security of the cryptography and it's just really really fun. So I encourage you to listen to that one. But if you don't hold the private key, there is no hope like you can't you can't degree decree it and make you know, go in and change you would literally have to change the actual software on every single computer all On the world that runs Bitcoin simultaneously to get it to change the rules and you still wouldn't be able to do it without everyone knowing it would be clearly obvious. You would be like if you had one copy of the old software you'd still be able to run the old system and you would know what would be obvious even even if you just even if you just updated it. You would still just be able to look into the history and see that it was broken that it was that somebody cheated the system essentially an Turn all the rules but obviously that's just a hilarious claim that no one could do. Like how would you how would you go and how did you even find all of the computers are running Bitcoin tons of nodes now running over tour, so they're completely Anonymous on the network lightning nodes and Bitcoin nodes. I mean, it just it's so infeasible as to just be silly. And that leads us to the last point. Bitcoin is a human, right? And I love this like little quote right at the beginning straightforward buying Bitcoins. Excuse me. Buying coffee with Bitcoin in California is not revolutionary buying food with Bitcoin in Venezuela to survive is Bitcoin. This is this is what Bitcoin truly is. It is an independent money that does not care. About any individual jurisdiction it can it is safe from seizure and censorship by even the most corrupt governments as long as you can maintain your privacy mean obviously they can come to your house and be since listen, you know, try to get your private keys. But again, they have to get your private keys. And this is what it's about. It's about creating. So many people I think just either completely misunderstand or don't even think about what it means to own the printing press to money. It is a violation of Human Rights. If you own your body if you own your time in this world then for someone to be able to print your money. Is a vis maze they are making you a slave because the point of money is to secure the value that you've already produced. If you spend days on end, if you spend weeks building yourself like a small house. Do you not own that house? You built it with your property your hands your materials. Do you do not own that house? Or you own the value of that house, you can sell that house obviously, but that was your time. That was your blood you run out of time on this world. The only other thing this is scarce as Bitcoin is time we run out of it. And that's why it's critical that it's ours. Like I have the right to me. Like I own my body. Do you like what exact which of your rights which of your hours in the day? Do you think Someone else should be able to force you to use for them and be like how many hours of your day do you do should I be able to command? Obviously none right you own your body. You own your time. You own your life. Those things are are your value is your time your body your skills your life. Those are the only things you can use to produce value, which means that if you do not then own the value that you create. You never owned any of the things that it took to create them. You never owned your time. You never owned your body. You never owned your vision of the world what you are trying to create in the world to the betterment or the good that you are trying to create if someone can take your value from you. By confiscating your money were controlling what you can do with that money. Then they are the ones who control the vision of the world. They are the ones who decide where your value is directed what things you build in the world. Maybe you want to build homeless shelters. You want to help somebody or you want to make things better, but they confiscate that value and build prisons. They build guns to censor opinions that they don't like That is your value. That is your time. That's your life that they used to fund that. Our money is our extension of our life. If the ownership of our money is controlled by someone else then it means that our lives our goals and what we see to do in our life what we seek to build in the world is being controlled. And I love the idea that communicating on the Internet is freedom of speech transacting in Bitcoin is is Free Speech money, its freedom of Life its freedom of value. It's for you to command who you are and be responsible for that wholly and completely that you own your body your time that you make the world as you see fit. And as long as you aren't violating someone else's life or rules, like as long as you aren't trying to contest on This is right Bitcoin or the value that they have obtained. Then you you fully own yours. And and it's the it's the essence of the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As long as we are not infringing upon the rights of others and everything is derived from the fact that you own your body and your time and it only makes sense that you own it. How could anybody else own it? You're the only one in control it you can control it. I can't I can't move your arm. Without doing something terrible to you or against your will or getting your consent. Like you wake up and you have your arm already at the beginning of the day. It's yours. You have your time. It's yours. I can't take it from you. It is a great evil to consider if anyone owns it. It has to be you if somehow someone else owns that time that life that arm of yours. How did they get it? Think about it. It would be silly to suggest that you are. So low that you don't own your own body or your own time, but that they are so high they do own their body in their time plus other people's how absurd is that and based on what possible objective reasoning should they be able to command your body did they should be able to tell you what your your habits are your choices are how you spend your time and your day and what you seek to build in the world? Long as you're not getting in someone else's way as you're not as long as you're not stopping the rights of another person who could possibly say that they get to direct your life and choices for you. And that's why that's why Bitcoin is a human right? Because if if we have any rights if we own our life, whatever. Then we own the value that we create with that life. We own the ideas in the skills that we have in this life. We own what we decide to do in this life, which means we own its value. We own Bitcoin. And to be against that right as a human is simply to be for slavery as long as you agree with it, as long as you agree with the reason why and I think we're better than that. We should be better than that. And for those people who aren't better than that, we will build systems like Bitcoin that make it not matter that they're bad people. We will build systems of cooperation that secure our value and our human rights regardless of how little all they respect it. And they will not tell us that we can't. That is the philosophy. That is the essence of what Bitcoin is a system. It is the human right to own your life and value written in code. And that should close out our day. Wow, that was a hell of a rant for a 4 minute piece really great piece though. Hopefully I didn't overwhelm anyone who just got here, but this stuff is absolutely fascinating to me and I thought this was a great great piece here for the end of the week by Nick Bhatia again. Do not forget to check him out. Do not forget to drop some major Applause on this article and if you're interested in Continuing to go down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe. I am at the crypto Kana me. I'm guy Swan the guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else and you can find me on Twitter. This is this is how this show works, you know, like we we explore all of the principles the philosophy the technology we dig into how this thing works like the ongoing development that's happening in this space and And for my my listeners out there, I know you guys I know you guys probably know that one other person who's interested in going a little bit down the rabbit hole. This might be a good one to start from hopefully my rant wasn't a little bit too intense for anybody and I kind of get that way. I'm passionate about this, you know life is way too short to live without conviction. I read that recently and I like that quote so I'm using it and so yeah and there is there a little there are few things in the world that I have as strong a conviction about As Bitcoin and the future that we're building here and I think it's just because I'd you know, like I said, it's a human right and like I'm I'm here for the human rights aspect of this. I'm here for the Liberty that this gives back for the Privacy that this is going to recreate in the digital realm finally like something that I thought was gone in in the in the future like we thought we would just lose it and it's just crazy to see What really is possible out there and like what were you're getting to build and what we get to be a part of a huge shift in society is happening and it's happening here. It's happening now and you know I get to spend every day digging into it and exploring it and I hope you guys find this valuable because I love it and I love you guys. I'm so excited that you guys have joined me here that like you find your as passionate about it as I am. It's just it's been a absolute. Crazy amazing ride and I love it. So thank you guys so much. I am guys Swan at the crypto economy. Don't forget to subscribe to the show on all your favorite podcasting platforms were out there everywhere. And yeah until next time stay free out there guys, and I'll catch you on the next episode of the crypto kaname podcast. Take it easy guys.
Finishing this week out with a short but wonderful introductory article by Nik Bhatia. Bitcoin is a money, a game, a land grab, works like email, and ultimately, Bitcoin is a human right. My discussion afterward may have gotten a little out of hand with a 40 minute follow-up to a 5 minute article. But when a good article sparks great ideas, sometimes its just hard to stop. ;) Today we read and discuss Nik’s excellent piece, “Bitcoin is a Human Right” Don’t forget to follow Nik Bhatia on twitter and medium and check out his other great work: Check out the other great pieces of Nik's we have covered on the show in the past: The Time Value of Bitcoin: The Bitcoin Second Layer: The Business of Bitcoin Cold Storage: The Bitcoin Risk Spectrum: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome along to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host in McKnight and I am Eugene bird sidekick from Twining financial advisors. And today on the show. We are joined by Eugene Bart's icon from twine financial advisors there and auckland-based mortgage broking and financial advising firm. And the reason we've got Eugene on the show today is we actually came across one of his lending proposals Andrew wasBut because we've got a mutual client and I remember the email actually enter emailed Eugene said I am so impressed with your lending Proposal with the advice that you'd given this particular client go. Let's get you on the show and let's let's have a bit of a chat. So then I read the leading proposal. I was impressed in here we go. We've got your James so Eugene. Thanks for coming along to the show today and thank you for having me on it's a genuine privilege. Oh, no worries at all, and we're over the next five episodes or so. We're going to be talking doing a bit of a deep dive into mortgage. Has and lending and specifically in today's show. We're going to talk about the different ways that Banks treat both investors and first home buyers and which ones are slightly better for investors, which one's a bit of a first home buyers, but just before we get into that Eugene, why don't you just tell us a give us a word or two about twine? Sure. Well, the brand twine actually came from the idea that it's important to actually work together whether were the team to actually intertwined the advice from both your mortgage advisor or accountant or lawyer. I was just realize that early on in my career. I was I was doing a lot of the work Standalone and then the accountant would do something Stand Alone the lawyer would do something stand alone. And there's no Clear Vision. There's no clear plan for the client. And so when we were we were thinking about how to what is a vision for our firm. How do we want to actually operate and help our loans and serve our clients? That's where twine came from its we want to intertwine the advice from from a team of professionals and that's what leads us to Our clients mortgage strategy or property strategy and without that strategy you don't have Clarity and that's that's that's what we're aiming to achieve and I think one of the things and they lending document all the the strategy that you put together for this particular client, which I know a lot of lessons are going to be interested in is how you've broken down the different banks and how they treat investors differently and therefore which ones you would suggest that this particular investor approach. So, can you give us a sense of the different banks lending policies? Why they treat people different because it's not just the interest rate that they offer right? No, absolutely not. I mean the there is difference in interest rate, but honestly that changes on a day-to-day basis is very difficult to say who's always number one competitor in its or the or the second the main difference is really in the lint in the products that the banks offer and what do I mean by products? I mean the the the overall understanding of what is a mortgage. I mean the bank just lend you money and you pay it off over 30 years or Not only and that's that but the reality is that it goes into far more detail. There are offset loans there. There are Regional facilities revolving credits. There are there's a differences between how Banks how Bank Street interest-only versus principal and interest and it varies bank to bank and not sure how it evolved in the particular way, but some banks have become better for investors and some banks in better for owner-occupiers. It's not necessarily who's better. Or thirst home buyers or second home buyers. It's but it's more about what is the underlying security or what is underlying property that that bank is is is holding onto and that's what helps to distinguish which bank has a preference. Exactly. And I know we've talked about some of these different products previously on different shows like the offset accounts or the flexible loans that are available from like beans, it'll TSB we were able to vary the amount that you're paying each year and make that That plan but one of the other things that's really interesting and here is that some banks will charge a higher interest rate for investors. Have I understood that right? Correct. So that actually comes from The Reserve Bank The Reserve Bank actually tells the banks that you need to hold back more capital or in other words more deposit for every loan that they issue. So for example, if the bank is issuing a loan for the purpose of rental investing they need to hold back slightly more deposit if they do so they have a lower. So what banks majority of banks do is they actually allow for a possible extra margin on top and that's become much more of a reality today than it was. It's a few years ago. The banks previously would just absorb it but what's interesting is actually nowadays. Is that a small minority of banks are now officially always absorbing. They don't have a policy to charge investors more with other banks have a clear policy that they will charge and Esther's more and for many others, it's negotiable. So in reality, it's the the policy says it needs to charge more but in practice it's so often times in negotiable. And that's where it's a bit of a gray area depends on how much Equity is being contributed to depends on what other mix of properties that that the client has. Would that bank? Let's say there might be a family home and a rental property together the bank might treat that differently. So it's Case by case and there are You variables and I think the interesting thing is that there are these differences in policies, but they're not really publicized to to the market. Right? You've got almost got to go through a mortgage broker who's dealing with the banks on a day-to-day basis in order to be able to find this out. Why is it that the banks don't kind of publicize these policies and information. Well, if I was working for a bank, I'll probably direct you to where it shows where it explains it on the website, but it's not Easily found sometimes in for some banks, for example, they might have it at the bottom of the page. It talks about interest rates, but it's never at the top of the page if that makes sense. And are you allowed to share which which banks are tend to absorb them that extra Capital requirement versus versus others. So at the moment both T is b and a and z are quite clear that they are absorbing the the the extra margin. So therefore they're not specifically charging more. It's a rental property or a family home. However, what can differ is the amount of cash backs one might receive if it is for rental lending or not. Fantastic. Hey, and the other thing I'm really interested to know is that additional Capital requirement to be at that that the Reserve Bank requires Banks to hold onto when it's an investment property. Does that differ whether it's a new or existing property and second part to the question is well how much additional Capital to the banks need to hold on to the actual specifics? I'm going to have to Look back at my notes, but it is definitely more Capital if it is a new build that the Reserve Bank does allow doesn't allow exemptions for for this however, the banks are still need to report that as for rental investing. And so therefore it's still not the there's still a premium that they need they need to factor in and I think there are really two learnings for investors listing into this. The first is that when you're looking at the special rates that are advertised on Billboard's as you're driving around Always you see them online when you're surfing the internet is that you may not be able to get that specific Earth specific rate at a bank that factors in and passes on some of that additional cost of holding on to more Capital. So even though you can see well you'll be able to get a reasonably low interest rate, but you may not be able to get that three point three nine percent that's being advertised by this bank or that bank and I think the second learning as well is that when you're starting to really get into buying investment properties, that's why you're going to want to work with with a mortgage broker who's Scrolls down the whole page on where speckled begins its site to figure out exactly what those lending policies are and how they work and specific instances as well. Yeah, correct. I mean look the at the bottom of every rate at always says subject to lending criteria and then might actually explain what that lending criteria is you need to have X amount of deposit and you know, 20% deposit or must be for an owner occupied for example, but that's in small print and that's not obvious if that makes sense. Always what can sometimes happen is for those banks that are bit more of a gray area. We can often times try to negotiate some of that margin away. It will still be classified as a rental property, but maybe on that point in time when we're negotiating we may be able to actually achieve that special rate that's being advertised. But you see it's not just scrolling through the pages. We actually getting rates for variety of clients on a daily basis so we can actually see on a day-to-day basis depending on what the circumstances are what sort of rate we can get. And so actually paying attention to the advertisers rates doesn't really lead to what the true reality is. That makes sense. And hey just before we wrap up the show as well something that I think is really important and I imagine most listeners who have tuned in already know this but over the Christmas break. I was down in taranaki catching up with the family and I was talking with one of my family members because they're about to buy a house down in New Plymouth and I said to them you've got to use a mortgage broker. You got to use a mortgage broker. I anybody who's listening to the show for a while. Knows that I'm always going on about it and two interesting things one. They were saying well, why can't we will just do it ourselves well with Cube and we'll just you know, they've already given us the lending, you know, does it ask you to get a cheaper interest rate? You might you might get better terms from other Banks, you know, all of these sorts of things which I think are really important, but maybe they don't they haven't understood the importance of it yet. But also the other interesting thing is that a lot of people I was talking to down there when I was talking about mortgage brokers believe that there is a charge for it that mortgage brokers charge a fee on On top of the loan. Generally the answer is that they don't generally mortgage brokers are there are few exceptions, but generally mortgage brokers are paid a commission from the bank. So for for 99% of situations, we receive a commission from the bank. And so therefore we don't need to charge a fee for the service. Now how many there are KV? It's to that. So for example, you have to read through the fine print of the Brokers agreement some Brokers including ourselves. We actually include a clause that in case a loan is repaid within about two to two and a He is we met on charge any commission that's been clawed back. Now in practice is very rarely ever happens. But this is where the strategy is important. We need to understand. What is the purpose of buying this house with all what's the intention of how long we might we might hold onto this property as well to make sure that that all costs are being taken into account. So although in general there is no fee for the service. But in some instances, please make sure to talk to your broker and and and read through that. At that fine print because it's an important detail where it's important to know what the long-term plan is for this property and I think the key thing from this episode if you take one thing away, it's that each bank has different policies. They will treat you differently and treat investors differently from others different banks. If we're talking about first home buyers will offer different sorts of terms or a more likely to offer you lending and and that's why you do want to play them off of each other, but let's wrap it up there because we're going to get into A lot more detail about all of this in the coming episodes as well now Eugene. Thanks for coming on for the for the first episode of this anymore. Thank you. You'll be here for the next I think four episodes. Now, if you do want to learn more about property with Andrew, and I then why not check out our Epic guide to mortgages, this is something we just released in January and it's a nine and a half thousand would guide that teaches you how to get a mortgage and then how to pay it down quicker. So we're going to drop that link in the show notes. And then also, please don't forget to rate review And subscribe it really Does help us get the message out to more people. Thanks for listening to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host it but Knight and I'm Eugene Birdseye confront wine financial advisors and we gonna be back again tomorrow with even more daily strategies, Texas and insights to help you get the most out of the New Zealand property market and something time.
In this episode, we are joined by Eugene Bartsaikin from Twine Financial Advisers. Eugene is a lending specialist and helps investors structure their lending and financial lives to achieve their goals. During the show, we discuss that banks don't treat investors differently. When banks lend to investors they are required by the Reserve Bank to hold on to more capital than owner-occupiers. This means that there is an additional cost to banks by lending to investors. That's why some banks pass on that additional cost in the form of higher interest rates to investors. But, not all banks pass on this cost. Specifically, ANZ and TSB do not charge investors higher interest rates ... in essence, they absorb that extra charge (at the time of writing). Now, that doesn't mean that you should always put your loans with ANZ or TSB, becuase these rates are negotiable (and those banks may not be in the position to lend to you at the time of your application). That's why it's important to have a good mortgage broker who can negotiate down the additional margin when working with a bank that does pass on that margin. Throughout the show we also referenced the Epic Guide to Mortgages, our 9,500 word guide that teaches you both how to get and then pay down a mortgage.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Libra season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you in your expansion and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you and leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each. Each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism with them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day you were born in the place. You were born if you know Earth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, make sure to take a listen to embodied astrology for Libra season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of Libra zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world in our relationships and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each one of us. You can find the Libra season episode bling. It in the show notes from my website, or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you in your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring monthly donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. I want to let you know that I'm offering a live online class on October 13th for the full moon in Aries. This class is open to all and no previous experience. With astrology is required in the class will explore the chart for the full moon and how we might each interpret it in our personal charts in relationship to broader themes right now such as climate change and social justice. You can register for the class by donation and ninety percent of all proceeds will be given to the sunrise movement a youth-led movement for climate and economic activism. I also want to let you know that the deadline to register for my upcoming Retreat is on Friday September 27th. Please join me for three days and nights and South West Washington state for a deep dive into the astrology of 2020 and how to work with your own chart to manifest your vision and expand your gifts. You can find more information about my upcoming classes and Retreats at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsor message and I'll be right back with you in just a moment with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on a Every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for embodied astrology save it and browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on On social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Aries you are tuning into your audio horoscope for Libra season and 2019 Libra season refers to the span of time between September 23rd and October 23rd. And in today's horoscope. I'm going to be exploring some of the larger themes of the season four. You and giving you a message about how I'm interpreting the planetary movement in your chart specifically I'm going to be focusing on the zodiacal influence of Libra and the personal planets moving through Libra as they relate to the other cardinal signs and the signs include Capricorn Aries and Cancer. So Libra is your opposite sign and in your solar chart. It represents your opposite. And this is basically another person in general. This is how you relate with other people and the expect expectations and understandings that you come to your relationships with this has a lot to do with the agreements you make to be in relationships and what you expect and desire to get out of them as well as the actual other people your partner's your friends other people that you're dealing with. There is a specific correspondence to this. Of your chart to Partners. And so this could include life Partners business partners and any other important collaborators or people that you for whatever reason you need to find a way to get along with cancer in your chart is the ruler of your solar fourth house the solar fourth house refers to your home your foundation your family and your sense of belonging. This is where we find information about your survival instincts and your security needs are he's of course refers to you your personality and your identity and finally Capricorn rules your solar 10th house and this place in the chart describes your Ambitions your aspirations and where you are your most public in your career or vocation or how you present yourself or perform in the world. So over the course of Libra season for these next 30 days, there will be significant movement through the sign of Libra and this is bringing a lot of emphasis into your relationships your recognizing that your relationships are changing and that the ways that you attend to your relationships and the expectations you have for them. How you communicate in them. How you value them? How you give to them and how you respond to them? Also change you can evolve in your relationships and how you agree to relate now how you are relating is definitely a place for evolution and in particular I want to ask you to pay attention to your roles with authority or your relationships to Authority. Now for those of you who hold positions of authority if you are a boss of some kind or if you have achieved some level of Mastery that other people know you for if you have a platform where you're a leader, if you're making choices that impact employees then please pay particular attention to how you embody your power. It's essential for you right now to understand your role in the health and happiness and well-being of others in the world your relationships with others should come from a place of equality regardless of the rank you Regardless of power differentials try and Elevate and advocate for equity in every single way that you possibly can this might mean taking a step down from your own power. It might mean reconsidering what it means to be powerful and actually moving a little bit away from the spotlight or giving your power to someone else or speaking with other people who have power over. Over you and advocating for a different kind of dispersion of power. It is absolutely essential right now that you occupy any space of power that you hold from a place of integrity and from a place of gentleness and compassion in the world. If you do not you will suffer. You will be unhappy you'll be an easy and you'll experience toxicity in your life and the Toxic byproducts of competition in disregard if you are an employee or if you are a student or if you are very young or if you are someone who has not tried to or succeeded in attaining some kind of platform or leadership position. Please consider your personal power and the way that your personal power is rooted in your connection to source. It's do not get trapped up in the Paradigm of competition. Do not get hung up on comparing yourself to other people and what they represent and how you think that you should measure up with them. It's unhelpful for you right now to engage with those kinds of behaviors just as it's unhelpful for someone in a position of Authority or To actually believe that those positions matter these ways of being that are competitive that are exploitative that are hierarchical lead to acidic and corrosive and inflammatory relationships and those relationships are not just with other people, but they are really with the foundational anchors of Our Lives. It's themselves how we feel ourselves existent in the world and whether we feel like we're good people or not. I really want to encourage everyone to connect with your deepest sense of home. The deepest sense of home is probably energetic. It's probably not anything tangible that you can place in a structure or a group of people, please think about your deepest sense of belonging your deepest sense of being held or Cared for by something that is bigger than you try and behave responsibly to the home that you come from try and feel yourself in as many ways as you possibly can to be part of this home to be aware of your influences and behaviors and choices and how they impact others who share your home. You have the possibility right now to really shift your sense of self. and identity and to understand your healing potentials your potential to self-heal to do really important work with yourself to integrate and resolve the painful spots in your being and you have a huge potential right now to set an example of what healing looks like for other people in the world how you occupy yourself is in itself a healing and a teaching for others around You so live up to that responsibility. And as many ways as you can buy embodying care and compassion and respect know that you are worthy of all of those things and that when you deliver those qualities to other people when you really commit to these qualities in yourself that you will receive them in turn. That's what I have for you for now Ares. I hope that you find this horoscope interesting and helpful in your month ahead. If you'd like to know more about the specifics of astrology and Libra season, please become a subscriber in the subscriber only content. You can find an extended monthly forecast and a calendar with day by day planetary aspect and Transit descriptions and information on the lunar cycles. I'm wishing you all the best in the city. Season and Beyond. Thanks for listening and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Libra Season in 2019. Libra Season extends between September 23 - October 23. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Libra Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Libra’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Libra season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Libra Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information on my upcoming classes and retreats here: Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
This episode is brought to you by TaxACT. This tax season Tax Act has your back with their deduction maximizer and a hundred K accuracy guarantee. You can feel confident. You're getting the most out of tax season learn more about how to maximize your deductions and your refund and get 25% off federal and state filing attacks gimlet. That's gimlet for 25% sent off federal and state filing. Hi guys, before we get started with today's episode of sampler. I have a quick announcement to make and so with me in the studio today is gimlet CEO and co-founder Alex blumberg and he is here to make the announcement with me. I am sorry guys like to get down to business. The big announcement is that this is the last episode of sampler. I can hear the like the cries of No, and what I want to make clear is that it's not the last episode of you. This is the last episode of sampler sampler is ending true. Brittany loose is here to stay and get bigger and stronger for Britney all yes, exactly. So we're making this last episode of sampler to basically clear the decks so that we can develop a bold new project with u-bolt. I like that. Yeah, I like that a lot. Yeah and listeners don't don't unsubscribe because we'll be using the sampler feed to do some podcast curation and to keep you guys updated on what's next. But before we get to all that I want to thank all of you for listening to sampler week after week me and the sampler team. We absolutely love our listeners and we appreciate every single tweet and email and piece of feedback that you guys have provided throughout the past nine months. We literally could not have done this show without you really love you guys and Been amazing going on this podcast Journey with all of you, but we've done a lot of what we wanted to do with the show and we're kind of ready for the next thing. So, we really enjoyed this time with you guys at sampler. And we hope that you will join us on our next adventure. Yeah, and I want to say I'm just incredibly proud of what you have accomplished in the show. I feel like every episode almost it's just been better and better. I've just been amazed at how you're connecting with your audience, and that's why we want to Build on the success that you've had with sampler and build a project that is around you and the team that you've built here. Thank you. I'll take that. Thank you. So what can you tell everybody about your new show? The details are very very Under Wraps right now. It's obviously still in development. So we are working on it. But we do have a name. Yes, Brittany on the loose Brittany on the I think they're allowed to I got it because yeah because of your last name because of my last name. Yeah. Name right Brittany. Yeah on the loose. Yeah. Yeah. I like it what other things could you do a loose screw loose cannon loosing my mind losing my mind that's have stretch. I've never really thought about this kind of name can really I know it's very flexible. I'm sure I'm sure you thought about know most people stop at loosey-goosey. So we have a name. We're we're gonna concept. Yeah, so listen, Sirs, please stay subscribed new things are definitely coming your way. You're gonna be sending people previews of Brittany on the loose. Yes previews and Brittany on the loose. So that's all the news that we have for now. That's enough news. That's really the big that's a big amount of news for our listeners before the podcast. I think it's but we do have one final podcast of sampler for you guys to enjoy. Yes. So without further Ado here is the finale episode of sampler. From gimlet media. This is sampler. I'm your host Britney loose and today's episode is all about True Crime podcast. So true crime is really popular. And for some it's pretty controversial one could argue that it's the genre that really brought podcasting into the mainstream like you might be thinking about the first season of cereal which investigated. A murder and subsequent trial in Baltimore, Maryland that particular show focused on the social issues surrounding a crime and it's aftermath and other shows on the True Crime Spectrum focus more on like the gruesome details of the crimes themselves. And for me, those are the ones that are especially difficult to listen to and if you are like me just a warning because we were talking about true crime in this episode. Some of this stuff will be hard to hear. They're going to be mentions of sexual assault and violence. Crime, so please proceed with caution. So later in the show. We're going to focus on one true crime podcast in particular one, that's more on the serial style investigative end of the spectrum. But first we are going to sample some of the other True Crime stuff that's really gained in popularity so that we can understand the many varied appetites of podcast listeners. And as I mentioned already the more violent stuff is not really my personal cup of tea. So I I have decided to enlist some help the only person to appear on sampler two times. No way. Yes. Yes some of the two timers. Yes. Yes, you are. I'm so special Tracy. Welcome. Welcome to sampler. Thank you for having me. I've missed you and your face. I miss you too. I'm so glad you're here of like we don't have any alcohol this time. I forgive you I gave you when I walked into mins ago. I just don't want but I noticed I noticed so Tracy Clayton is a writer. Heed and she is one half of the podcast another round. But the main reason why Tracy is here today so excited so so freaked out already stressed out about this, but the reason the Tracy is here today is because she is obsessed with True Crime podcast. I am I'm obsessed with True Crime like everything true crime books True Crime shows. I if I had to television in the only station was investigation, Discovery I would be completely fine with that. I wouldn't even be mad. It's not just you who likes these you're saying. I mean like there's a ton of people. I mean eat since True Crime has kind of like really en masse come on the podcasting because if you think about podcast really blew up after cereal, which is true crime, but it's kind of more just like investigation. Yeah, but like the specific kind of True Crime stuff that you're talking about like now it's like now that it's kind of like entered the podcast world for real. I mean, it's blown up like it is like people are It's not just you people are obsessed with it period and there seems to be a new two hand Pockets everything. Like I can't even listen to all of you can't keep up. I can't I just I just why do you like it so much because it's like I mean full disclosure like I can't get into it. Like it's traffic sent a stresses me out. I feel like that's the most logical response to horrible crimes like murder and assault that makes more sense to be like, I'm good. I'm good. Why do you like it? This is actually a question that I always struggle to answer. Eloquently because I can hear how like nuts I sound as I'm saying this but I think that my obsession with True Crime comes from my anxiety over such horrible things happening in the world. All right, so I have generalized anxiety disorder, which means I forgot about everything so when I'm like reading the stories in watching all these crazy documentaries and now listening to True Crime podcast in my head, I feel like I feel like I'm preparing myself to keep something like that from happening to me if only by like always Having it on my mind, you know, so like when I pass somebody on the street that I don't know like I seriously assume that you could need me bodily harm. Hopefully, you won't just in case you do like my guard is up and like my my neurons are like doing whatever like the protective neurons do and I'm just like okay just be ready to run if you have to because you never ever ever know. So there's that aspect of it. I'm also really obsessed with what happens in somebody's brain or their life that like makes them do these horrible horrible things. I never thought I never thought about it from the I have no idea what I never thought. But I mean like it's really scary to think that like somebody's brain could just like fuck up as it's like being put together and then bam there's a psychopath and they can like murder people with like no conscious and like I'm somebody who wants to have kids one day. I'm very interested in not raising a serial killer and so like I'm really really interested in like the childhoods of serial killers, like what happened to Ted Bundy like to make him just awful and terrible. How can I not treat my child the same way, you know what I mean? Yeah, like my brain is always overly trying to Keep catastrophe from happening. Yeah and somehow I feel like this is a way this it feels like a tool for me. It feels like some kind of comfort like I never get too comfortable when I'm like walking down the street by myself in the dark, you know, like I'm just like well this reminds me of like the episode of I killed everybody that I saw and that's for sure. No, it might as well be also it's entertaining. Like I also don't want to like minimize that aspect of it. It's easier to be like I enjoy like Thrillers like suspenseful music. Yeah. No, because to say I enjoy hearing about these things happening in real life is it's creepy to here is uncomfortable to say why is it uncomfortable to say like, I know there are a lot of people who like True Crime, but I also know that it's a very like specific sort of like fandom and I feel like the average person that you stopped on the street. You're like, hey, are you into serial killers it be like you maybe a little too into serial killers just like a wild thing to like ask our Wonder, but I think there's this Fascination in every human. This thing that we just like can't control that being being like death in an unforeseen tragedy, you know, like we can do our best to guard ourselves against it but we really, you know, yeah, we just got here kind of waiting to be killed sort of that was depressed. I'm sad so hard not to be creepy. So true crime is kind of like your security blanket True Crime is my security blanket. That's a perfect way to say, so I heard you brought some clips and did you today I would like to apologize. In advance, I'm a little nervous. But I mean, I'm not expecting like a full like 180 conversion. Uh-huh. But like I'm brave Mmm Yeah, and you're so brave. I'm an Intrepid host sampler dedicated and I'm gonna go I'm gonna do this deep dive with you today Tracy. So the very first clip is from a show that I absolutely love cock criminal. It's hosted by Phoebe judge so criminal I like because it's very short. It was very well produced and she often has Is interviews with people who are involved in the particular crimes and it's important to note that not every crime that she discusses like murder rape assault like sometimes it's just like people who were falsely convicted. I think there was an episode about like the vandalism of like a really sacred redwood trees. I like all kinds of like crimes get discussed me right now. I'm kind of drawn to the violent episodes. I know it feels weird for me to say this particular case. This was a really tough one to hear and to everyone listening. You should know that this is going to contain graphic descriptions of a sexual assault. So, please listen at your own discretion. So the crime itself happened in Anderson South Carolina in 1983 in the first clip is an account of basically what happened in the initial crime. So you've got Phoebe judge and she's talking to Carl Anderson who was the deputy chief of the Anderson County Sheriff's Office he Is one of the officers who got called into the Days Inn motel, which is where the attack happened and he got there and you found 23 year-old Elizabeth Daniel who had just been like brutally gang-raped and here he is describing the scene and the crime and what he saw it's amazing just a miracle that she survived because the injuries harm Harbor she'd been raped by three men. She knew one of them Roscoe Brown very well, they'd had a Child together although Brown was married to someone else when she went to the motel that night. She thought she was meeting only him and he wanted to break it off and I think maybe she was asking for child support. So he basically he did. I think he did this to discredit her show that she was a person of just go out with anybody and man he didn't intend for it to go. far, but everybody got drunk and then the other words I just went berserk the blood the room was just not walked in it which bloody blood all over the place, but she they left and she managed to get enough strength to make it to the lobby of the hotel and said and share their and it was just so so with blushing. Almost ready there. Elizabeth Daniel lost four pints of blood and was burned all over her body with cigarette lighters newspapers described it as a six-hour Act of unbelievable brutality. She was in the hospital for five days. How you feeling? Oh my God, that's terrible. Yes. These moments are the hardest ones for me and like True Crime podcast. My true crime stories is listening to like the actual harm that was visited upon the victims. I was disturbed by the details, but I was very depressed by the fact that like this guy wanted to get out of paying child support. So he decided to Stage a gang rape so that people would just assume that this woman was of like loose moral. Yeah and like You know and then she wouldn't be able to ask for child support like that so much going on there. Yeah, like that's just so fucked up something that like I do find when I watch Like true crime documentaries that I was able to like get into it's just like sort of like how or like what certain crimes and how they're received like what that says about not just the person who committed the crime but like how all of us feel Write about the person who like the crime was done against. Yeah, I mean for sure when it comes to crimes against women, I feel like true crime stories can be such a stark indictment of like the society that we live in in the way that like our legal system sees and treats the act of rape itself. Yeah, because like another component in this is that he not only did he assumed that if he could make her look like a promiscuous woman that like that would get him out of child support but like it didn't even seem to matter that like, this was a violent sexual assault it. A consensual sexual act, you know and like implicit in that is blaming the victim. You know, what? Oh, well if she wasn't so loose then she wouldn't have been in a position to like get hurt in this particular way. You know what I mean? Yeah, which is crazy. So the next part of the story is it just like made my brain melt and I will tell you why after the assault happened the three men who were responsible for it were quickly found and they all of them plead guilty right in a court of law this And yes, I did this horrible awful things. Yeah, and so it comes time for sentencing. So the case went to a judge named see Victor pile Junior for sentencing. And in this next clip. We're going to hear a man named George Duckworth who was a solicitor on the case with that time and that's kind of like being the district attorney. So here's George Duckworth talking about Judge piles, very unusual sentence. I mean nobody really expected that sentence. I mean, we weren't we weren't prepared for that sentence. Here's what happened first judge pile told the court. It was the worst rape case he'd ever seen and then he gave the man a choice. They could serve 30 years in prison. That was the maximum at the time or spend no time in prison and undergo surgical castration. There was just dead silence in the courtroom for a moment when when he handed that down and I think a lot of people look at each other wondering if they'd heard it right but then after a short time of silence and there was a lot of talking going back and forth then people really surprised at the at the sentence. Were you surprised? I was not totally surprised because I had talked with the judge earlier and I'm he'd read the pre-sentence report and and I didn't know the judge that well as first time we'd had him and and I asked him if he'd decided on a senate shit for the people and he mentioned then he thought about castration but I didn't and I didn't say anything else aside. I didn't know I didn't know what to think about him. I thought he was kind of kidding at that time. But when I heard it in the courtroom, I knew it. I was not kidding. Have you ever heard of have you ever been in a courtroom where you've had such an odd Choice given anything odder than that? No, I don't think so. No. I mean, I mean Right. I'm very interested in what your initial thoughts and reactions. Well, you know, I am kind of of relieved at the sentencing. I feel like a lot of the time most people who like report rape and even like get to a courtroom the person who they're accusing like likely doesn't get convicted and if they do get sentenced a lot of times it's a much lower sentence than one. Then one might think is appropriate. So like the fact that he said you can spend 30 years in jail, or I will cut off your balls. Uh-huh that like I kind of appreciate the severity of that sentencing and kind of like I felt like the judge sort of like took a moment to like just like make really clear for these guys like how how much you abuse and brutalize this woman and not letting them off the hook for it which happens every day. Yeah all the time. So my understanding standing is that surgical castration would lessen greatly the desire for the men to have sex or to get an erection. It wouldn't completely like get real like you can still like have sex once you've been surgically castrated is just like not as easy. I would assume seems more challenging. It seems like it would be a little tougher I think so, but I feel like the fact that he considers a man not being able to have sex anymore for the rest of his life as harshest sentence as being removed from like the female population where you can't physically harm Someone else, you know, like yeah, it still comes down to like these men being stripped of their sexual pleasure, which I think colors rape itself as like a sexual act and rape is not as I'm not yeah, you know, it's about power like they can still get out of prison and hurt women. They can hurt them. In other ways. They can rape them with other things. You know what I mean? Yeah. And so then you've got that whole conversation to dealing contend with yeah, you know, and it's it was just complicated. It really really really complicated. There's a lot going on. There's a lot going on. No. So true crime like freaks me out and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. But like millions of people love it. Yeah, you uncomfortable about it the things that make me uncomfortable about it are the thing of the same reasons. Why you like it? Yeah to me. It makes me feel like it could happen to me. The only thing can happen to anybody and like whereas for you like thinking about it sort of makes you feel like you can kind of guard yourself against it. Yeah thinking about it makes like would just make me uh-huh. So like too crazy like it just reminds you of like how like vulnerable I feel like criminal is a good is a good starter True Crime podcast because not everything is so heavy and oppressive as our next show which I have brought a clip from my very very very first True Crime podcast is still number one in my heart. It's called sword and scale my God my boyfriend listens to this shit. I won't let him. I'm like I'm too freaked out. It's hosted by a guy named Mike beaudet the tagline of the show is the worst monsters are real. So this is like this. Is this is a heavy heavy heavy show like there are times where even I have to like take a break like this pause just heard was I know I'm trying to find a way to like even describe the show in like a not scary wave every episode is its own story. So like often cases that I've never heard of which is like a big appeal for me because once you like, you know, you've spent like x amount of years consuming every True Crime Story, you hit a point where you're like, I know Thing like I know every serial killer story. This is a good a good podcast for like stories and like Regional crimes that you've never ever heard of right and he just gives so much detail like he goes back and he gets archival footage. He has not won one tapes. He has interviews with people who are actually involved and the show is is edited and such like a sensational way. Like he's got the creepy music in the background and like his voice is kind of like I can't do an impression. But I mean, he's got a good True Crime podcast. Voice right? I don't know what that means in the case is that he finds are like often really really disturbing. This episode is a particular like heartbreaking just like tragic tragic murder is going to be very difficult to listen to It's very very intense. So just please listen with discretion got two clips in the first one. We're going to hear from my boo days. You can hear his Sensational True Crime podcast was great, but the very very first voice you're going to hear. Is that of King Coker and he's reported at a local NBC affiliate and he covered this story. It happened in a small town outside of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was just about to say I know who can conquer is because Michigan, okay. Well, yeah, he's gonna walk us through what happened with this case. Kyra Kirky and his little brother Cameron and a little friend or outlining. We just out playing the mobile home park where they lived and doing what normal bullies do and Jamar Ian Longhorn who's 12 and who lived a couple blocks away didn't know them but basically came up and introduced himself to them and has to take a go play at the playground and unbeknownst to the little boys. He somehow had a knife. A kid large kitchen knife in the sand and the playground and while they were playing he pulled out the knife and just started stabbing kind of occur key. A 12 year old boy stabbing a nine-year-old boy in a playground they made so many new friends this summer. They accepted everybody into their group. This is Connor for Kirk. He's parents describing how that day. Connor was trying to befriend the boy that would kill him 10 minutes later. Everything fell apart. What's even worse is that it was premeditated? Yeah. He had hidden the knife in the sand. It's not clear to me whether he did it. Kind of while they were playing and you just sort of ditched it but at some point he pulled that knife out and started stabbing Connor and Connor and his little brother one running home and the little brother's trying to help Connor home and Connor end up dying on this the porch of his home Connors little brother Cameron was just seven years old when he watched his brother be killed he could do nothing but watch and then try to get Connor back home the two stumbled back before collapsing outside. Grab them up under his arm. And basically they ran together got all the way home, you know bleeding in the last thing you said was, you know, something like, you know, he told his parents he loved them and told his brother in love come and then he died. He was saying that he loves us and he kept trying to roll over so he could look at me and Jared the last thing I heard him say was when they were Wheeling him into the ambulance. He said Mama. It's so sad that stare sometimes like I feel like I feel like like the story can sometimes come at the expense of the people's lives. Do I'm saying like their personalized it sometimes I'm like, oh my God, like how does your family feel about this? Yeah, that's a point of discomfort for me as a true-crime listener because I do like I don't I try really hard not to lose sight of like the victims and their families and very often. I like think about what if it was like my family and like those are the thoughts that really like I have to pull myself out of Thinking like that. Yeah. I mean that's like really well like shakes me up but I do feel like it's it's to sit down and really consider like you're interested in these stories. It's really uncomfortable and like I don't want to make it seem like, you know, I love murder and death and everything is like fun it like, you know, like yeah, it does make me feel weird that these are things that like give me some sort of like Comfort when these are things that have given other people like the families like so much like pain and like suffering. And I mean already there like questions of like why and how right like what drives one child to like murder another child. So I mentioned that my goood a often includes 9 1 1 calls. I think they're fascinating to listen to sometimes they're too much for me to listen to that. I worry too much. Um, this one really really sticks out of my mind and I think it's pretty like you'll hear why so right now we're about to listen to the now on. I'll call that Jamari and makes after he stabs the little boy whose name was Connor. So he actually went to someone else's house asked to use my telephone called 9-1-1 and turned himself in and this is the call and County 9-1-1. Where's your emergency? See you have an emergency. This is the 12 year old Jamar Ian Longhorn calling 9-1-1 from a neighbor's cell phone. You did. Yeah, who wasn't you just stabbed? I don't know. I'm fed up with like you what fed up with night. Okay, did you stab yourself? No. No. Okay. What is your name? What is your name? You just killed somebody and he said that he wanted to die. And that's why he did it. He did it because he was hoping he might get the electric chair. Hurry up. Hurry up and come. I'm going to hell I don't care says Jamar Ian. cuz a lot the fuck I know this is the sad so sad. It's so sad. It's so sad. I mean, I just think about I dream Aryan and like what I would I'm sick. Yeah, he's 12 hmm. He's 12. He's fed up with life. He wants to die if he's fed up with life and he wants to die in general. I would say he probably has some like brain chemistry stuff. But also the first thing that I think of it that age is what is happening at home to say you're fed up with If that's a very specific you could have said anything else. It's such a specific thing to say and it's also like it's a thing that like black people say when they've been on the earth and just been like mistreated for a long time. You know, like I mean it he just sounds so like he sounds like a child but that sentiment is so old. Yeah, it's very yeah being that we re is like you yeah, I mean you don't you don't learn that for some years exactly. But for me as a black person, I'm listening to this little boy saying he's fed up with life. And he wants to die. Like you've seen in the movies and just like angry and like doesn't really have the words to describe it and like you always wonder about like context, you know, because for a person who doesn't think about this stuff a lot it's easy like, oh he's just a bad kid and he did a bad thing and that's that. Yeah, but like you have to wonder about like you were saying like what is the home life like is poverty involved, you know, is he abuse and verbal abuse like all of the things that like racism does to a child of color? Like I feel like there's a particular lens that We have to like look at cases like this with so as much as I love this genre. I think that one of the shortcomings is not thinking enough about race and how race plays into in fact, there's a lot of crimes, you know, so I'm always really wary of these stories like just becoming entertainment. It's kind of like cops like cops cops the TV show. Yeah. One of the big problems with cops is that it just showed a whole bunch of like bad black and brown criminals being caught in like justice being served and you know, like whether are they like, you know, like stealing from like a store or something, you know, it's not this stuff doesn't only happen because like these are bad because criminals are bad people, you know, like they're like systemic like reasons that crime looks and performs differently and like the black community. This is it so much. She liked the first see like the first clip like the stuff that you play me from Criminal. I was like, all right, like I get it. Uh-huh. This is like I can't do this like the night went like 9 1 1 calls. I Here I can't do that thing - it just makes me feel like like hearings the like the voice of the person or seeing crime scene photos or anything like that like that to me feels like it's just too close. It's too much for me too. Huh? It's hard. It's a lot to engage with. I know that I could not produce stories like this because it's really important for me to be able to like remove myself as needed and like if that's like my job just like bring you story after story after story has to haunt you yeah, it has to definitely couldn't I couldn't make it I couldn't my gosh. Well Tracy, thank you so much. Thank you. How can people find you on the internet? Well, my personal Twitter is broken with poverty. I tweet way too much sometimes about True Crime. I'm sure if you want to talk to me about your crime there you're very welcome to and you can follow my show and other one with heaven and Tracy add another round on Twitter and around on Facebook in another round at Okay Samplers. We are going to take a quick break and when we get back, we'll talk to someone who makes a true crime podcast that even someone who can't really listen to the genre someone like myself can appreciate. This episode is brought to you by TaxACT. 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The name of the show is in the dark and it's a serialized podcast from American public media with eight episodes total each investigating a different part of the story and this show tackles. One of the most sensationalized True Crime subjects child abduction. My name is Jacob. My favorite food is steak. Favorite color is blue my favorite. I don't really have a favorite song. My favorite game is clue. My favorite thing to do most is watch football. My favorite sport is football on October 12th, 1989 a sixth grader named Jacob wetterling made this recording as part of a school project. 10 days later. He was kidnapped while riding his bike on a country road in a small town in central, Minnesota. It's a case that defied logic then and now it is a crime that has both captivated and frustrated minnesotans for the on the outskirts of his hometown of st. Joseph A young boys misses the most feared type of abduction won by a complete stranger. No Ransom note, no contact what happened to Jacob wetterling? I've been hearing the name Jacob wetterling ever since I moved to Minnesota 12 years ago. Jacobs kidnapping was a huge deal here. It changed the way people parented their children. It may kids afraid to go outside at night and it even led to a federal law that requires all states to maintain Registries of sex offenders. This one case this kidnapping of one eleven year old boy change the lives of millions of Americans. That's the show's host Madeline Baron. She's a Body, award-winning investigative journalist and she's reported on sensitive subjects like this before. In fact when she first came seriously interested in the wetterling case about a year and a half ago. She was covering another big Minnesota story clergy sex abuse, but when I reached out to Madeline, she explained that like me, she's not a fan of true crime stories. I don't watch horror movies. I don't read like, you know, the gruesome crime stories that are sometimes like in the paper on TV. That's just not a genre of things that I read. So I do think one thing that's been different for me is all of a sudden finding myself in a story that suede darker than I had ever even imagined it in a way that is so dark that you know at times I think wow. I don't know if I would I don't know. I don't know. I mean like I don't know if I would listen to parts of this and yeah parts of his story do get really dark, you know, there's kidnapping murder the sexual assault of a child. But the story doesn't stay in that dark place. I think the show is reporting stands out in the True Crime genre because it's not a sensational retelling of the crime and Madeline the host. She doesn't set out to solve the crime instead. She explains why the crime wasn't solved for 27 years and it's pretty amazing what Madeline and her team discover. Most of the wetterling case File is sealed but through nine months of investigative reporting. The team pieces together all the facts Madeline talks to Jacobs parents law enforcement and people who lived in Towns close to Jacob at one point. She speaks to a man named Chris who lived in a town near to Jacobs a town called Painesville a few years before Jacobs disappearance. When Chris was about 12 or 13 years old. He was out biking with a friend when a man jumped out of the dark and assaulted his friend looking back the details of that attack seemed similar to what During Jacobs Abduction the real frustration and Chris's voice about the way law enforcement handled these leads. It really stuck out to me. I was walking on Saint Germain in Saint Cloud. And a girl ran up to me. And handed me a piece of paper like a flyer with his picture on it. And she said this little boy was abducted in st. Joe was taken in st. Joe and I remember the I had like a flashback, you know, when she said that to me. I thought I mean it immediately it was a trigger for me. And I remember thinking you know, is this a high? I mean, I think it could it be is this possible? You know that how does how does this happen and did anyone from law enforcement on the wetterling case ever reach out and contact, you know, Chris told me he and his dad went to law enforcement themselves and gave a statement to the wetterling investigators about the Painesville assaults. He can't remember the names of the investigators. He was just a teenager at the time I had expectations that This was hot like my lead this this stuff in Paynesville. You can't ignore this guy's and I went in with that mentality because I thought well this is this is very similar. Jacob was on a bike. We were on bikes you just a lots of things. Chris said the investigators didn't seem all that interested. They didn't ask him to do a lineup or to look at any photos. In fact, they never called him again. I think we all kind of gave up on Taking a look. Why is your stuff like this? I find myself wanting to know why this case wasn't solved for so long and despite my queasiness about these types of things. I find myself obsessed with all the little details of this case, but I'm also feeling close to the people that it affects, you know, the boys who reported similar salts and how Jacobs family his mom and dad share so much more of themselves than I even expected. Here's some are free mark I'm a senior producer for the show followed by Madeline. We are constantly asking ourselves whether we are whether we're including the right information and whether we are avoiding that just sort of gratuitous sensationalism. Like are you doing something that connects people to what has happened and makes them understand or are you doing something that like makes it a spectacle? Right? So essentially what it's doing is the opposite it's like distancing and you're like gawking at it in early September 2016. 27 years after Jacobs disappearance. The investigation came to a very gruesome end a man named Danny Heinrich came forward and confessed to kidnapping sexually assaulting and killing Jacob. He lived in a town very close to Jacobs and had been investigated in connection with Jacobs disappearance, but for decades, he denied any involvement and law enforcement had said there wasn't enough evidence to charge him. But this October he He's due in court on charges of more than two dozen counts of child pornography possession. So a federal prosecutor offered Heinrich a plea deal confessed to killing Jacob lead them to Jacobs remains and only be prosecuted for one of the pornography charges Heinrich took the deal when Madeline recounts heinrichs confession on the podcast. She doesn't dwell on the details of the murder or the sexual assault. I asked her why we were trying to really turn the whole notion of True Crime, you know in a different direction, so to not focus on the criminal and you know, the horrible things that he did which I think is a genre of True Crime, you know, like what kind of monster would do this and let us look at all of the gross details and here are the photos and here is all the stuff the danger of that is that the can blind you to what the investigators are doing and by turning their I away from all the gruesome details Madeline and Samara reveals some major mistakes made by investigators and we're talking basically Basic police work routine procedures like neighborhood canvassing stuff that police have known how to do for years and years police work that if done properly at the time might have helped solve the case much more quickly instead of 27 years after Jacobs disappearance again, the show's producer Samara followed by Madeleine. What we were trying to do is raise these larger questions that hopefully people will be able to ask themselves everywhere no matter They are which are you know, how does law enforcement work? What does it mean for law enforcement to do a good job? Are they being held accountable? Yeah, like if you look at you know, what are the big unsolved cases in your community? What are the cases that are being described always as these like unbelievable Mysteries and what is really going on in those cases? And that's where like those reporters that is our job to look at those cases and to look past like the awful details and try to focus on what is actually happening beyond the mistakes made by law enforcement the show focuses on some major shifts in the National psyche at that time. Remember, this is the late 1980s. You've heard the phrase stranger danger a kind of national hysteria about children's safety that first took hold in late 70s and early 80s, but it's definitely something I remember from my own childhood throughout the 90s a handful of cases A stranger's abducting children. That's what set off this panel. In the dark asks what we should make of all this. So I think the one thing that people are still not perhaps fully facing when we're talking about child safety is a sexual abuse of children. And so there's a way in which when we talk about, you know, these bad men jumping out of bushes. It's a way to not talk about the people that are much more likely to be abusing kids which are people in the family the coach the priest the babysitter for Samara the show's producer. This is where the the conversation gets personal she has a young son. And while she says the show hasn't changed her parenting style. Sometimes the work follows her home. I think a lot about how to balance that freedom which sounds so lovely. I mean the way that even today the way that these kids now adults describe what their life was like in the early 80s, that's the kind of life. I want my son to have and yet there's I mean that there were the attitude was a bit Cavalier. And in some rare circumstances, there is a price to that and Patty wetterling Jacob's mother has been very overt about that. Her desire is not for people to give into fear of this stuff. She has always said that we shouldn't fear strangers and that we shouldn't be afraid of the dark and the kids shouldn't grow up with fear, but it is hard to come home at night after spending all day talking to people who have had terrible things happen to them. M and and try to be a chill parent that's that is difficult parenting is a theme that comes up on the show a lot here Samara with some help from Medellin. There's like a very typical cliche image of The Grieving parents their Martyrs and and they're Saints and the real people. I mean, they're actually integrate the wetterling's are actually real people and so we in some situations we put stuff on air that was a little uncomfortable moments where Jerry We're sort of fighting a little bit on her voice. If I didn't really we're talking about is like, you know competing narratives of the story, you know, like like, you know one person remembers at this way another person remembers it that way but we thought there's something in the exchange of that that tells you something about trauma. When Jacob first went missing the wetterling's were this United Team Patty and Jerry but as the investigation dragged on Patty and Jerry started to go their separate ways of it as each tried to make sense of what had happened. I was just all about talking to the cops and the investigation just give me the facts I can deal with facts Jeremy meanwhile had all of these these spiritual connections and psychics and he was was until about a month after that. I started doing that, right? So we wasn't home. It's like whatever, you know, if straight law enforcement isn't solving it, you know, maybe there's another method out there. So then I went down that road for a couple of years of craziness craziness. So it is it's crazy. He called it abductor hunting and they tell him to go out on a County Road and say something and turn around three times he do it. I mean it was like You do anything, you know and but meanwhile I was alone because he was out abductor hunting with these crazy. People had midnight Margie who became I called her midnight, Margie, or maybe you did she'd call and they'd talk all night long and she was just exaggerating. I didn't talk all night long. There was always people around here. There was there was craziness and investigation then about 11 o'clock at night, you know things would kind of Get a little quiet and I would talk with her about psychic stuff pretty much leads but wasn't all night long. But anyway, because they all wanted some of Jacob's clothing. They wanted a toy. They wanted some something and and I watched and Jerry would would package up his stuff and send it off. It was a desperation. And you know, how can you not do everything but it was so painful. That tape is so raw. And this is the thing that still bothered me. Even when these stories are handled delicately when the people in the story retain their dignity and their voices, you're still listening to all of their suffering and their trauma and it can feel cruel. So I asked Madeline and Samara. What's the point of all this? Here's Madeline. There is an importance to the act of witnessing and we see this, you know in big stories and we see this about war, you know that there are awful details like in Syria and it's not appropriate for us to say well that's hard for me to personally deal with therefore. I'm not going to read anything about Syria like as a culture that is not the right reaction. Like we need to pay attention to people's suffering and trauma, but I think the way that we pay attention to it is a different. And question and are we paying attention to it? Because you know were captivated by these gross details or are we paying attention to it? Because this is a really important thing to happen to this person and we want to you know, learn from it or it's important to know that it happened and to make changes so it doesn't happen again this focus on the way. We pay attention to the Jacob wetterling story is what makes the show work and telling the story on the radio through voices low. It with emotional Nuance, you know the kind of stuff that facts can't capture. Well that didn't hurt either again senior producer Samara. There's something incredibly intimate about radio the way you listen to it the way like the voices just echoing your head. It is a very personal way to listen and I think it's I think it's a medium that really lends itself to empathy empathy to me. That sounds like a a good place to start listening to recap the clips. You have heard on today's show the clips about the brutal rape and unusual sentencing came from Criminal and the heartbreaking murder a 9-1-1 call by a 12 year old boy came from sword and scale all the clips from the second half of the show were from the investigative podcast in the dark their final episode drops this week. So check them out. So I guess we have reached the end of The line sampler. I will spare you guys my version of Boys to Men and of the road because I think we can all live without it. But I hope that it goes without saying even though I'm going to say it right now that I appreciate you guys listening and supporting me and the sampler Team every single week. We absolutely could not have done any of the stuff not a fraction of The stuff that we were able to do with this show without you and I hope you guys will join me on my next adventure. This episode was produced by Sarah after Amon Kate Parkinson Morgan and myself. It was edited by a Nero Strasser and Peter Clowney. Our theme music was made by my couvillion. And our ad music was made by Mark Phillips additional music in the show was by Phil Stancil and Bobby Lord. The show was mixed by Matthew Bowl sampler is a production of gimlet media sampler. Was a production gimlet media.
"True Crime" is perhaps the most talked about genre in podcasting but it's also a type of podcast that Brittany just can't stomach. Tracy Clayton of Buzzfeed's Another Round joins the show to discuss her love of these shows. Plus, Brittany talks to the creators of the only true crime podcast she's been able to enjoy. And a warning: since this episode is about true crime, the content may be disturbing to some listeners. There will be descriptions of sexual assault and violent crime, so please proceed with caution. Episode #31 features clips from the following shows (please click below for hyperlink to episodes): Sword & Scale, Episode 61 Criminal, Episode 39 In the Dark by American Public Media The Facts: This episode was produced by Sarah Abdurrahman, Kate Parkinson-Morgan and Brittany Luse. It was edited by Annie-Rose Strasser and Peter Clowney Our theme music was made by Micah Vellian and our ad music was made by Mark Phillips. Additional music in the show was by Phil Stancil and Bobby Lord. The show was mixed by Matthew Boll. Sampler is a production of Gimlet Media. Our Sponsor: Blue Apron (Get your first two meals for free using Audible (Go to to get your first book free!)
Welcome to episode 0 of the carry the fire podcast. This is kind of a Prelude a prequel episode of what's coming and we're doing this for a couple reasons one is to make sure that everything gets uploaded so that on October 7th when we launched you guys will have access. To the first couple episodes. So subscribe on your favorite podcast app so that you get that right when it comes out and another reason it's just to kind of let you know why I'm doing this what it's all going to be about and to that end my buddy Dan Coke from the podcasts depolarize and also you have permission which is great and has been very active lately. You should check it out. He's going to come on and just ask me some questions. If you're excited about the podcast you can get more involved already even before it's out check out patreon. Come forward slash carry the fire pod. You can sign up for as little as $10 a month as a patron you're going to be able to weigh in on upcoming episodes interact with me and other patrons and also receive perks and special access to additional podcast episodes and content. If you become a patron before the end of the year, you'll also be added to the flint and steel Founders Club as a special. Thank you for supporting the show early on you'll receive perks beyond the regular tears such as limited flint and steel Founders Club enamel pin, that will be Getting to you once the signup closes at the end of the year. Yeah, check it out. Thanks for coming on Dan. I appreciate him. I'm very honored and I'm also interested like I'm excited about this podcast. I have followed your music for a long time and really you've always been a thoughtful songwriter. I think that most people who are familiar with your work would say you're on certainly on the thoughtful end of the spectrum. You're not just writing stuff that's catchy. And so it's going to be really cool to see where you go with this my first question for you. You talk about you know, the big questions. This is something that I talked about as well and you have permission, you know, people ask these big questions kind of naturally, sometimes they are encouraged and sometimes they're squashed and their squash for all kinds of reasons, but before talking about why they're squashed like what are these questions? Like, how would you describe some of these questions? I mean, it's the kind of questions that you lay up thinking about when you're a kid or like what what is going on? It's the questions you asked before you're told that you just need to have an answer to and move on. I like that. Yeah, so it's yeah, it's like why are we here? What is going on with the universe? And I don't know. I mean it's not like every episode is going to be themed on like our what is time and right. Yeah, it's more about I wanted to be I don't want it to be a philosophical show even though you know the good the true. Beautiful that's these are philosophical Concepts in a sense, but they're human Concepts. These are the things that were all ascribing value to innately I think the buckets of kind of placing this value in it's a way of talking about what we actually care about deep down. So everyone is going to be approaching those things differently whether you know from different cultures your religious upbringing or not religious upbringing or the kind of work. You do the kind of things you've studied. It's going to affect that. I guess my contention is that at the end of the day? There is a Common Thread between any human and and these Concepts so I want the the show to be very open in the sense. I mean that it's been hard to answer kind of before it starts people being like, what's it about? Well, it's about kind of whatever we're talking about that day. What and the way that these things interact with? I don't know whatever it seems like an interesting way to approach it for that specific guess whether they're a science. Or they're a musician. It's going to play out a little different and that's that's kind of the exciting thing about it to me is that it doesn't it doesn't have a it's got a framework. It's got a lens as I say but part of my intention in doing it is fostering and intellectual humility and growing empathy for people to just hear from different kinds of people may like, oh man, I never would have thought about that way, but I hear this person talking I My I hear their Humanity. I it's getting you outside of the maybe the bubble that you've been in so. When do you first remember asking these kind of questions of transcendence these you know, I not necessarily like a three-year-old asking why are we here, you know, but like maybe a little older than that where you have a sort of a semi adult or at least adolescent experience of like oh really ruminating on on these things. I always remember being curious just loving to think and ask weird questions on Twitter the other day. I was at posted a picture of the globe upside down though with all the names reverted. So just it just I thought of the day and I was like someone else has to have thought of this like, what would that do to you? If you just started looking at the whole world upside down it's piss people off is really funny actually because of course it's not upside down. It's arbitrary that we put North at the top and south of the Yeah, I mean people. Yeah, it's from people were not happy about it. Someone posted. There's a there's a West Wing where they they do something like this and it was actually hilarious. The guy was like, hey, you can't do this. It's freaking me out. I've always liked thinking about that stuff. I remember I would soon someone brought up time or something and the threat I was like you could I use that was my big thing. I'd lie awake at like a sleepover and be like hey times not even like real meaning like The way that we break time up, right we have hours and days whatever but I was just thinking expanding into the universe was like of time there and I mean, this is before I was exposed to you know, anyone really thinking profoundly on this but my brain was gone, like there's no actual seconds or hours or anything like that. I am looking at relativity of time but as a ten-year-old trying to figure it out one way, we might determine which questions count is like You imagine someone asking them between bong rips their funny and if you imagine them asking them sober they're like really challenging. What's all right. I thought about that and I mean that's probably one way to describe the stuff we're getting into is stunner stunner questions, but you know, it's sad about that. Those questions are associated with stones because I think people stoned forget that they're not supposed to think about them. Yeah, or it's a way for us to sideline them to not actually have to Discuss them but like it's not what but you know, I'm saying they're like, yeah, it's like beginner's mind stuff. Right like rare. They're asking you questions. Yes that are actually profound totally but everyone else is like we don't have time for that. Well, so there's a couple things one thing that's you know, they're asking them when they are their mind is opened in such a way that they could think to ask them but they're also in a really bad position to answer them and that's I think where some of the humor comes in and that's True, but then we do I think that we have a defense mechanism of like, oh, you're just stoned like people who are getting on with the business of life don't actually ask those questions. Yeah, you know and then we don't have to deal with them. So that's a very yeah as that's especially very kind of modernist and especially American approach. It's about efficiency and our yeah that actually getting you somewhere but speaking of that efficiency and inefficiency, you know, one thing that's worth asking is are we asking these questions in order to answer them or are like how much of the value comes in the asking itself at one point in my life was I would get really frustrated and be like all these especially as a Christian. There'd be people have a very different view now a lot of this, but people would be able man I should have questions about this and I would be like, well, you're not even looking for answers man. You just you're just you're just trying to have Shins and I think it's just a way of deflection of me that willing to deal with whatever those things were but I've come to a place where I think the questions are are more important than the answers and that's mostly I think because I think when we have extreme certainty about things it generally is very harmful. I'm interested in asking the questions. I'm not interested in like avoiding answers to two helpful questions, right? But I'm also I don't think I have to land in the same place as someone for that to have been helpful and uplifting to you know, both people in that conversation. I tend to think of it like given a robust intellectual humility, which is one of the goals of the show your show and mine both. I think I like to aim for really enjoying asking the question and then trying to find a provisional answer that works right now and that point me toward the The true in the beautiful Point me towards God whatever knowing that that provisional answer might change but not not simply Awash in a sea of who knows man. It's the journey not the destination with sort of no destination in mind, you know. Yeah. There's a great g k Chesterton quote where he says, I think I'm quoting it, right? He says it's not arrogance to believe that you're right. It's arrogance to be unable to imagine how you could have been how you could be wrong or How could you could have gone wrong? Yeah, and so that's I think that's talking about that provisional nature of look we all think we're right like it's impossible not to yeah you that's how you function and that's fine. You just always need to have that level of humility like a shoot like I could be wrong. I'm a big fan of the idea of changing your mind being essential to growth and the problem is we really don't like changing our mind because it means we were wrong before. And so it takes humility to change your mind to have to be like Oh, I thought this before and now I think something differently Ralph Waldo Emerson would say I have always loved especially parts of his essay on self-reliance about about changing your mind and he says something like shout today with today says loudly and even if tomorrow it can't it's contradictive everything you say because unless you're willing to do that. You can't grow so. We're recording this after having just recorded an almost to our interview for my show for you have permission, which will be up about a week after this episode airs, if people want to listen to that but in that interview check it out, but in that interview, I was trying to ask you about the good the true and the Beautiful sort of one by one and it became clear that they're Inseparable. And so I would like to just have you say a little bit about the good that The beautiful why are they Inseparable or why do they link to each other? And how did you come to view that as sort of the focal point of the show or the focal lens through which all things will be approached on the show. I've seen this thread now through my life where the good that you're in the beautiful are essentially the things that have always been Bedrock for me and I have always even understood them that way completely but various points in my own kind of beliefs or doubts or faith. Deconstruction reconstructions, whatever is going on. I realized those were always at the bottom. And so I had you know in my early 20s times where I was had a bunch of doubt about the things I've been raised believing and in the end the reason I kind of came back towards what I'd grown up believing was because I thought it was the only way to to hold on to the value of the good that you're in the beautiful. I had this false. Of like well, if you go the other way, it's just, you know, reductive materialism and nothing matters or has any value like I can't go there. I don't know. I don't nothing makes sense to me that way. So I guess I'll keep all this baggage and at least I get to keep the good that you're the beautiful more recent than when I had a deconstruction a lot of it related to views of inerrancy of scriptures and stuff like that where I realized. Oh the good that you're in the beautiful Dozer. Those are really foundational to my experience and I I thought I was using the Bible to prop those things up. But really A Certain view of the Bible is being propped up by these things. And so removing that view of the scriptures didn't do anything to those those pillars. I did they just I had this visceral experience of feeling like, oh those pillars are just there. They're solid none of this heady stuff that you've been doing and playing with affected them at all. And so I think there's there's something interesting there where It's a good way to get at the Shared human values a way to talk about things where I can be like, oh I disagree with you on so many things but somehow first even be having this conversation, but I think it implies that the good that you're in the beautiful cement matter to us. So if the good the true in the beautiful are not separable from each other, what do you think? How do you see their relatedness? Yeah this idea that they're inseparable. Goes back to kind of early classical philosophical views of these the called the transcendentals one of the first the first two transcendentals are really talked about we're Oneness and and being so the good that you're the beautiful kind of fit into this idea of Oneness and being and the idea is that if you go all the way down you follow them down that they basically are are all connected but we see them separate in certain ways, but we do see a lot of connections between them. So a lot of times to do The good maybe you have to know something true about what's happening. And that's going to lead into may be a situation that has aesthetic value in his beautiful. And so they rarely is one functioning just on its own. I think we're making connections between them all the time and so it can be useful to break them apart recombine them. See what's going on, but I really don't think there's anything that you can talk about that has valued that that can't be described within the three some sometimes it's helpful to know if a podcast is for you by knowing who it's not for who would not like this show do you think and why people would not like the show probably who have a concrete view of what reality is from something that they would view as as direct Revelation. Maybe you I think essentially fundamentalist of any stripe will be rubbed the wrong. Way because what I'm trying to do with the show is in a sense undercutting fundamentalism. It's undercutting this idea that you know, certainly what everything is supposed to be about because you have this text or this tradition or whatever. It's trying to cut against that so I think whether you're fundamentalist, I mean you can be a scientist scientist as a hard word to use there, but at not a not a something could be a scientist Mentalist. Assault follower of scientism. Yes. Thank you as opposed to science. Yeah where you think science is the only way you get truth, which is a philosophical statement to begin with. So that's already weird. If you have something where you're like, this is the only place where where I get the truth from you probably going to be bothered by by the show because it's actively cutting against them. And so would it be fair to say it's a show for people who are interested in their understandings of the world being why? Didn't and also at the while also widened focused on these transcendental questions these big questions and these sort of universal values. Absolutely and I don't I don't think if someone actually listens to it. It's the kind of thing that anyone needs to be afraid of I know that there's people who have come up in a more fundamentalist way or a lot of people wouldn't even understand themselves that way but have that tinge of like I don't know this seems scary to just let all the ideas fly that's evidence that there's some fundamentalist indoctrination that you are a part of and I would just encourage you to it's okay to let the ideas fly and you don't you don't have to be passive about a You can disagree with all sorts of stuff. But at the end of the day, I think hearing from people from these diverse backgrounds and beliefs is going to enlarge your view. Of the world. It's going to increase your empathy and I'd say absolutely it's going to increase your sense of wonder about everything which is I think at the core of all of this, I think I think the sense of wonder is is key to just so much so Last question for you Destin you are someone who is very publicly into Theology and thinking through things from a Christian perspective. I mean that both in your musical work and Twitter profile Etc. Should we expect mostly Christian guests on the show? Definitely not well and first I'd say there's a lot of Christians who wouldn't consider me a Christian. Anyway, you know, that's where I've come from and have deconstructed reconstructed that multiple times. I want the show to Really diverse. So I want to hear from people from all different religious backgrounds and people who don't have religious backgrounds and people who do all sorts of different work different racial backgrounds genders, whatever. I really want it to be as wide as possible. So definitely is not going to be a majority Christian voice. Well, dude, I am really excited to see where they show goes. I'm excited for some full episodes and thank you for having me on to interview you and again if people want to hear more of our conversation that will be up a week from the date of this on the you have permission feed. That's it. It's all I got cool. Thanks so much man. I appreciate it. Alright. Thanks again everyone for listening. We can't wait to start this whole thing off on October 7th. So make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast app so that you get those First episodes right when they come out. I want to thank Dan Coke for helping me out with this episode 0. I want to thank Oscar Navarro and Pat Brumfield for helping me with some of the setup for all of this in the first place and Andy Laura, who is the show's producer now as well as just being a rad dude and helping me out before. He was the producer another reminder. If you want to know what's coming up who what guests are going to be on what we're really talking about. You can sign up for our mailing letter at And if you want to get more involved to check out forward slash carry the fire pod. Thank you all we will see you for episode 1 2 + a special sneak preview of The Patron only episodes on October 7th. Thanks so much. much
Welcome to Carry the Fire Podcast. Hosted by Dustin Kensrue. This preview episode is offered as an introduction to share about what's to come from Carry the Fire Podcast. Our friend, Dan Koch (Depolarize! and You Have Permission Podcast), joins us to interview our host Dustin Kensrue as a means to explore where this show will go, discuss what it means to pursue the Good, True, and Beautiful, and what we can expect from our guest list. Next week, a full episode interview with Dustin will air on Dan's podcast, You Have Permission, that dives deep into the questions discussed on this episode and much much more. Make sure to tune in to his show next week for that interview. More specifically, the show aims to explore those big questions through the lens of the good, the true, and the beautiful. While these days it may feel like our disagreements and divisions threaten any hope of building a broad and beloved community, could it be possible that we all share some innate common belief in the value of these three transcendentals? By exploring our differences through this common ground, I believe our individual worldviews can be enriched by our interactions, becoming more good, true, and beautiful every day. To this end, we will engage in conversations with people like you, from a wide variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and professions. Whether the conversation is with a musician or author, a scientist or philosopher, we will together glimpse the world anew through their unique perspectives. Thank you for listening, - Dustin Kensrue SUPPORT THE PODCAST ON PATREON We are offering a special opportunity to support the show early through Patreon. If you are new to Patreon, it is an effective way to support the creators that you already love, or discover brand new ones. When you sign up to become a patron of the show, you are partnering with me in this work, helping me to cover costs and to invest the necessary time to make the podcast both great and sustainable. Not only that, but as a patron you'll also gain access to a variety of patron-only episodes, exclusive content and perks, as well as a patron-only online community where you can interact regularly with myself and other patrons and have the opportunity to give input that will help shape future episodes. By joining Patreon before the end of the year, you will be inducted in the Flint & Steel Founders Club, where you will receive special perks beyond the tier incentives. To start, you will receive a limited edition Flint & Steel enamel pin, that will ship out at the close of the year. Thank you in advance for your support, you can begin your support here > SIGN UP ON PATREON Carry the Fire will official launch October 7th, 2019. Please be sure to check out Dan Koch's Podcasts below, we enjoy them very much and believe you would too. Depolarize!
Welcome to haken in Animal Crossing podcast your podcast dedicated to all things Animal Crossing episode. 108 is brought to you by Gregor L. One of our newest patreon patrons today Sergio and I are going to talk about the 100-day countdown to New Horizons starting tomorrow animal crossing over the last decade and the latest screenshots from new. New Horizons, so to begin. Hello Sergio. How are you doing? Hi, Chuy. I'm doing rather. Well, you know, it's been another good week of very good Nintendo gaming and even more importantly we finally have something new for New Horizons. I know it's it definitely came out of nowhere, but also not out of nowhere because you predicted something was gonna happen specifically a direct but you know, I'll give you this one just because we did At something. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, yeah, we're kind of going to save that I guess to the end just to cover it. But yeah, well, I guess what have you been playing just still paintball? Come on actually catching them all. This is gonna be my actually my first time that I ever actually catch them all in. It's a good challenge. It's a good challenge how close are you to that I need about 80 more? Okay, so you're getting there. I mean I'm taking this game pretty slow like I'm only three badges in and how long has it been out now like three weeks? Yes. Oh, yes. I'm doing about a badger week which is you know decent progress. But in the meantime, like I have been getting a lot of like catching in and between and I guess I'm trying to catch em all to I don't know why I have a lot of them already, but but I decided just to do it because the wild area just makes it like It makes it appealing to do that. You know, yes. Yeah, and you see like tons of cool big Pokemon that you normally wouldn't see in previous games in the wild. So I like that aspect a lot. Yeah. So anyways, let's go ahead and get it into this show. So the first thing we're going to talk about is the 100-day countdown to New Horizons. So just so you all know this episode is coming out 101 days away from this. Game, not 101 Dalmatians. But yeah, so we're getting really close here. So pretty much like in a couple days at least for anybody listening. We're going to be hitting double digits in our wait time here, so I can't believe it's this close already. Yeah. I feel like we've been waiting for this for so long now because you know, like some people Say oh you've just been waiting since like September 2018 or so, you know, and I'm like no we've been waiting for this since they announced the we you like a nice do ya like when was that like 2010 or so like yeah, there was just so much anticipation going into an HD Animal Crossing that to be almost double digit numbers away from it is it's a big deal. That's true. Yeah, so a little background on this countdown years ago when you leave came out or at least when you leave was coming out I had an idea back then I was still in college. I was still on Tumblr. I've haven't used that site in years now. I think I have like I have some sort of code set up that things will automatically post their I don't think it works anymore though. So nothing's being posted there, but I This I made a big post on Tumblr before Animal Crossing came out and it was a 100-day countdown to New Leaf and back then like, you know, nobody really knew me or anything or you know, they just they like the Animal Crossing on Tumblr. And so there was one person who saw it and that was actually Island Grizzly who is one of our mods on our Discord very good friend of ours. Hours and she she'd brought up this countdown thing a while ago and the way she phrased it. I was like, oh, you know, I made a countdown but this doesn't sound like the one I made so maybe it's not and then she found it and it was on my old Tumblr blog which was called hakken town. And so I mean there's not a lot of towns called hate get out there. So when she found it she was like wait a second. This is this you I was like, yeah, that is my blog. That's my countdown that I made years. As in years ago, so it was very cool to kind of know that like she knew me before she knew me. That's true. Yeah. Yeah, so that was pretty fun. But yeah outside of that like it was you know, I did what I could with my questions. I was like favorite flower least favorite flower like it just kind of alternated back and forth between favorites and least favorites and I was like the countdown is Fine, it was something I just it could have been better, you know, so let's go to today Island. Grizzly has actually come up with her own set of 100 questions and I helped very minimally. I will say this was definitely like mostly on her and me like very tiny little fraction where it was just like I read through it. I gave some suggestions with some that we were changing. Yup, just because as you know, some of the questions we had or she had originally where they were we need more information to be able to ask some of those questions, you know, so I looked through it and I was like, oh, you know, we could ask this instead and you know, so edited things a bit and then she went and like handwritten wrote them all made these nice little pictures along it. So this is all available on the Discord. Right now I am put it should be on patreon by the time you're listening to this and all of these things are free to access. It's not going to be like a patron reward or anything. This one's going to be open to everybody. So in case you're worried about that, you're going to be able to find the questions there, but also on top of that I'm planning on posting these questions daily on Twitter and YouTube and I mean, I guess I should do the Facebook. I don't do enough without I'm bad at logging into Facebook. And maybe I should do Instagram to okay. Oh, yeah. I have a lot of social media accounts. I should use them. We'll do that. That will be my Challenge on top of this challenge. So anyways, we have this list of 100 questions. Now, they're really fun is the thing with this list like they're have Sergio. You look through it, right? Yes. There are so many questions on Hear that. I'm like, I cannot wait to answer these it goes way further than just like favorites and least favorites and actually like, you know, it plays with the series a lot more gives you a lot more to answer and one thing that's really cool about Island Grizzly. Is she teaches art. So all of these questions are also like super drawable like if you want to draw your answers and challenge yourself to do that for a hundred days. You are more than welcome and we will apply You every step of the way on that because it's hard to do if you know that's hard to keep up with. Yes, but I will say like if you don't want to draw them all we didn't well it was Nina or I Island Grizzlies idea to have these questions like every fifth question be very drawable, you know, so now like if you want to draw every fifth day or so like you can and so that's a little bit easier on everyone but those are definitely Lee questions that are more catered toward art, you know as far as how we'll be answering them. I guess. I'm dictating this Sergio, but I thought let's add a segment to the podcast where we will go through the week's questions and answer all of them together. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. I cannot wait in honestly. I'm going to challenge myself to go ahead and do some art for every fifth one. I I do not draw what I can do to get a large so I'm gonna do that for For the ones that are drawable. Yeah, I'm going to try to do that too. I don't know if we'll be able to put them on the podcast and we'll leave the YouTube version fast enough. I'll try I'll definitely attempt to put it in there, but I'm thinking I'll definitely post them on Discord and Twitter and I guess everywhere else. Yeah, I have on social media. So if you all are interested in seeing our less Than terrible art. I don't know. I haven't drawn in so long. So it's going to be a refresher for sure. Yeah, and I was never even like, you know, amazing or anything. I just took our classes here. But yeah, I'm gonna try to draw them too and I'll post them throughout social media and we'll try to get them onto the show to on YouTube. So if you want to see them they'll be there and if you want To see them you can still click through on our social media accounts and everything to yeah. Yeah. So the countdown for everybody it officially begins tomorrow. So today is Tuesday December 10th. If you're listening to this episode as it came out and tomorrow Wednesday, December 11th is the official start to this whole thing this whole countdown. Yeah. Like I said you can join in Here on YouTube. I'll be posting it on the community tab on my channel. I'll post it on Twitter. I'll post it pretty much everywhere and it'll be on Discord, of course. So if you want to join in and answer these questions, it starts Wednesday, December 11th, 2019. And then the end date question number 100. You will answer on March 19th, 2020 nice. That will be the day before the biggest. Release of Our Lives it's crazy to me that like we're at that point where we're now counting down to this day, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so to start a little bit early I did there was one question. We left out of these and I was like, you know, what Sergio and I have to answer this question because I was like, you know me, I've got to have one about this. So this is 101 days away from Animal Crossing. And this question is what is your favorite tree? Nice. So Sergio, what do you have for this one for this one? I don't know if I'm cheating a little bit but I'm not going with that could hurt a traditional tree. I'm going with my town tree from my data. I just really like the importance of you know, it marks the beginning of your journey in New Leaf. And you see it grow as your town girls and as your gameplay continues and then eventually it's this huge tree that becomes the centerpiece of your town like an amenity even I just really like that. I really like how they introduced the town tree. And you everybody does it on the first day of their playthrough? So it's very significant to me that is actually an amazing answer because I feel like you know there there's all the trees that you see in the game. Games all the time, but this one is like truly unique to that experience. It's truly unique to that game. You know, like we don't know if we're going to get a big town tree and you Horizons and part of me is really sad about that, you know, because like thinking back to this town tree, I think I have a video up on YouTube where for the first year first 365 days of new Leaf. I took a picture next to that tree. A single day and so I have a video that goes through all of those photos and you know what just between you and me. I think I messed up on one of them where I took you know, sometimes I'll take multiple pictures each day. And I think one of them I messed up and I put two of the same day and Skip today so little little back around at it right there, but must up a little bit in that video. But regardless, I think just that tree is amazing. I've always adored that tree and it gets huge it gets so yea big I want a big tree like that. Yeah. All right. So my answer are you ready? Yes, all I wrote in my notes here just to give you all a background. So this is what Sergio can see this answer will surprise you. And so I mean many would think that my go to Tremont number one in this game is the cedar, right? Mmm, and I've got to be honest with you. There is one tree that I do prefer over the Cedar and it's one that you actually cannot get in any of the mainline Animal Crossing games. This is a spin-off exclusive and it's from Pocket camp but my favorite tree is the Autumn birch trees in Pocket Camp. Oh, okay. Gotcha those that's just my aesthetic, you know, I love autumn and you know, I love trees and I they're perfect you put in Autumn Tree there you can put a little pile of leaves and stuff right next to it. It's the perfect aesthetic. That's essentially what I want to live in in New Horizon. So, That's my favorite nice. But you know Cedars, I love the Cedars. Yeah, and then the town tree to like that's an amazing pick Sergio. Yeah, I'm with you that it's going to be a little disappointed if it's not back in your horizons, but at the same time it's going to make the ones in New Leaf even more special. You know, it's going to be the new Leaf thing exclusive to that game. We're going to remember it very fondly if that's the case. Yeah, and I feel like it's important for every game to have like a reason to go back to especially because like, you know, they're they're pretty Timeless games like they're meant to work around the clock and so It's nice to know that each game has its differences and each one is kind of worth going back to at some point, you know? Yes. Yeah, and so I see myself like maybe in three to five years being like I wonder what new Leaf is feeling like now, you know and just revisiting that yeah, maybe like 10 years because I do I expect to be playing New Horizons for a very long time. Oh, yes, so Let's go ahead and move into our next topic and it is actually animal crossing over the last decade. So I have some fun categories for us to discuss for this. And the first that I want to cover is our favorite moments for animal crossing over this last decade because I made a video about it recently and it was it was more focused on like the history of animal crossing over the last decade and there is some things here and there that I Skipped specifically like I didn't really set the stage by saying like, oh, you know 2010 started and the latest game was city Folk, you know, but yeah, I do want us to end Sergio like I haven't gotten your ideas on this but I do want us to go over like our favorite moments and I guess the other categories are saddest moments and most surprising moments. So yeah Sergio, let's let's hear some of your favorites for this. Past decade sure thing in when it comes down to it for sure. The biggest one is the the one and only Mainland game that we got this decade the release of new Leaf. I guess following it through, you know through its initial reveal and then some III is where it wasn't and then finally when they really announced a release date after it had been in Japan for so long, but just overall the release in finally been able to play new leaf and I mean Animal Crossing fully back into our lifestyle was amazing that it that is my single biggest animal crossing moment of this decade. Yeah, and you know just for like a little bit of context to like the wait for this game was crazy. It was completely insane. I think the first time we saw it was E3 2010 and after that it was just like nothing for long long long periods of time like we would go year like a year. Year or two without seeing anything. So I think I think E3 2011 or sometime around then we did get a trailer but then E3 2012 like they skipped Animal Crossing completely and it wasn't till later in the summer. They had a japan-only event that talked about it and it was all in Japanese. But you know, we could enjoy the visuals and stuff and videos but outside of that like all the announcements were. For that they had their own direct that talked about the release, you know, and so it wasn't till after the game like had come out that we got I think the next year in February a direct of our own. Yeah actually cover that game. So it was a long wait. It was really hard waiting for it and it was really hard knowing that the game was out there. A lot of people were already experiencing it if they lived in Japan. This was like the linen coat Nowadays who you know they were both based out of Japan. So I watched every single one of their videos. Yeah, so I don't know. I I put this in my as if one of my favorite moments as well. It was a very strange day like I remember that day perfectly but it was strange mostly because like the last turn before returning to my friend's apartment where we could finally like unwrap our games put them in our 3DS has and play I Rear-ended at a red light there and it was such a bummer and then I was like, oh whatever it was. We finally got like all of that settled and then we went back and we played for hours and hours and we were all very hungry and then we still kept playing for hours and doing nothing about it. So yeah, that was a fun one. I really appreciated that. Yes, definitely. So the next one is the treehouse. Payment of when they showed New Horizons not the initial reveal. I am really really partial to whatever they showed on the Treehouse segment. I think they really went into detail about everything and they really clarified a lot of things that kind of mmm. I don't want to see this appointed me on the initial reveal. They kind of confuse me. And then in the treehouse segment, then it really showed that. This was just a new regular good Animal Crossing game and it really cemented that. You know, it's going to be a really good game in that. I cannot wait for it. Yeah. I remember that reveal being very strange because you know, I was live streaming the whole time kind of seeing the chat as they saw it and it was It was jarring at first, you know like yeah looked so different than what we were used to even though now, I look at it. I'm like, oh, yeah, this is definitely the way we had to go with this, you know, but yeah, but at first, you know, like everybody was a bit hesitant toward the new look crafting was a very I guess contentious addition at first like I think there are people who are really not wanting crafting. I'm sure there are still people who don't and An really felt like it's the right direction for the game, you know, but yeah, I think overall it's going to be a new experience. It's going to be something different from the previous four games that we've had which you know, they're different from each other of course, but they all kind of do the same thing. Whereas crafting. I feel really changes that up, you know. Yes, it gives us a new experience. But yeah, I think the Treehouse really did a lot for people and even like afterwards after that reveal. I kind of went through the trailer a pretty pretty in-depth and looked at everything and I think as I was looking at things closely people were like, oh, okay this seems yeah this seems like a special game, you know, like it seems like it's different. Yes, but I'm they were starting to feel okay with what they just saw exactly. Yeah. So the Treehouse definitely cleared that up and I like that for me. I put the New Horizons reveal just because I so relieved I was so relieved to finally see animal crossing and I've waited years and years for that moment 2015 the weight began and it took four years to finally see the game. So yeah, it's is a that was a big moment for me this decade for sure. Nice nice and the third and last one for me. It actually happened not that long ago. Was the cake a slider concert where he opened before the squid sisters for his platoon concert that some lucky people got to go to in Japan. Not only that. I mean it was awesome scene, you know KK performing the theme for New Horizons, but also at that event there was a cake a mascot like walking around and allowing for photo opportunities. It was amazing to see like videos on Twitter. Of people taking pictures with the cake a slider and it definitely looks a lot better than the KKK that was in the Harvey video. Oh man that cake a slider is like really something. Yeah. Yeah. No, that was really cool. And it made a lot of sense because you know, they were there for Splatoon concert. We know the teams that work on Splatoon and Animal Crossing are pretty similar. You know that's coming out of this same I guess. How do we describe this? Because Nintendo's a big company everybody they're pretty big and so they have a lot of different development teams and some of them some of their I guess in house Studios kind of work on certain types of games, but you know, there's still a lot of movement between all of them. Yeah. Um, so, you know people will shift from one game to another but regardless this one is for the most part under nogami who works on Splatoon and Animal Crossing. So, you know, it's natural to have your star I guess performer from Animal Crossing kind of show up at that Splatoon concert, you know. Yeah, and it's so cool to watch that too. Because if you ever watch like live performances in Japan, it's really awesome to see just because of how cool. Japanese Crowds Are they do a really awesome job of like being into the show and being participatory you during that, you know, yeah. So yeah, that was a very cool moment. And I really I was happy when I heard that you like immediately were looking up how people got there because yeah, like, you know, like if anybody's going to be at a cake a slider show It should be you. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, so I guess my last one is a little bit different than yours and it's one that's it's kind of sad, but it is also happy but my other favorite moment was that the Isabel fake-out essentially? Yeah back in September, which if you don't know it was essentially there was a Nintendo Direct Isabelle popped up on the screen and we were like yes, it's finally happening. Animal Crossing is getting announced. This is great. This is what we wanted and then it turns out it wasn't Animal Crossing on switch. It was Isabelle for Smash and it was a roller coaster of emotions. But after that we did get Tom Nook announcing the new game is in the work so that whole thing. I was just like, all right Nintendo. I feel like you knew exactly what you were doing here. You knew people were waiting for this announcement. So it was just like let's mess with people and and I love a good prank and this one, you know, it's generally harmless and we got the news we wanted so that's a good prank. That's a good prank. Yeah. Yeah, awesome. So let's go ahead and move into our saddest moments Sergio. What bummed you out this decade with Animal Crossing? Well, the one that jumped to the top of my list of sad moments is the delay when they did, you know, it was very nice to Finally see the game, but they when they really when they announced the date that it was going to be March 2020 which you know, a lot of us were suspecting. We just didn't want to believe it. It was either going to be Animal Crossing or Luigi or another game getting delayed and I guess New Horizons took it for the team. Yeah, and I mean, like I said, we may have expected it but even so it really hurt in because especially because like You always say we were waiting so long to finally see the game and then we do and then it's still so far away when they announced the date. Yeah, that was the single saddest moment after decade. Yeah it is and you know, I didn't want it to be true, but it was like there's so many games stacked at the end of the year once again, and it made sense for them to move it for like two reasons. I think one was definitely like they had just gotten Planes from investors about how back heavy their release dates had been the previous year and so they're like, oh man, you know, we're doing the same thing. We got to push something and then on top of that it's like maybe they didn't have anything for spring quite yet. So that fills in that part of the schedule and then of course, there's Nintendo's official reason of giving their, you know, work-life balance to their employees, which is also important. Oh, yeah, so overall I think it's going to amount to a really nice product. It's going to amount to you know, just good treatment of your developers, which is it's rare. Unfortunately in a you know video game industry. So luckily Nintendo pays attention to that makes things work for their their team their schedule, you know, yes, so yeah, I'm still bummed about it like yeah, my guess was Little just this past Friday. I was like December 6th 2019. That's the data release Animal Crossing. So it would have been the day just this past Friday, but we've still got a few months to go but it's not far like once we hit the 20th here, it's literally just going to be three months away. So yeah. Yeah, we're getting close. It's only it's it's only getting closer. Yes. Yes, cool my first sad moment. Was definitely the pocket Camp direct and I mean it was happy because we got to finally see the mobile game, but I was unhappy about the the announcement for it where they were just like we're not talking about anything else but pocket Camp. There's not going to be a switch game as I'd be a 3DS game you all just have to wait for that news and I was just like man, we wait and wait and there's finally something and they're like, no this isn't it? And so I still went in and I was like, please be lying. Tell us something and unfortunately, they were not they were telling the truth. And so they that's it. So yeah, that was my first sad moment. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that one. That was pretty disappointing to but you know, at least they were direct about it. Yeah, that's true. They did tell us the truth at least so my second disappointment in terms of Animal Crossing for this decade. And how man sorry to say but yes it is. I'm evil Festival. I guess the saddest part was seen an animal crossing game getting an ounce and then within a few seconds see what it is in just seeing that it's not looking what we wanted what we think we should have gotten you know what we were expecting everybody wanted a Mainline game on the Wii U, or at least like an enhanced version of new Leaf understanding that, you know. Next was in the way at that point. So seeing something completely different and then getting to see more of it and basically realizing that this is really just for amiibo in to sell amiibo figures overall. I'm evil Festival was just a sad game for the decade to me. Yeah, and you know, this is been admitted to by Echo kill Goku who was like, yeah. We just really wanted Animal Crossing amiibo. Yeah and You know, like she's right I did too but they could have done something a little better with it. And so yeah, and I think a lot of that disappointment really also stems from like we're waiting for that Mainline game and this isn't quite it and it's not as good as it could be so it's kind of not worth it. Yeah. Yeah, so I got that my other sad moment was that the Sanrio amiibo cards didn't come to North America. And it was sad because I didn't import them early enough and so they got really expensive and it just taught me a lesson overall. It made me realize that like if there's something that's region exclusive. It's probably not going to come to your region anytime soon. Like you're gonna have to get it, you know, yeah. Yeah, so it's a bummer, but luckily now I have them so it's not as big a deal, but I still still kind of wish that they'll re-release all of these amiibo and at least bring them once New Horizons is out, you know, yeah, hopefully and I agree with you that if you see something cool for Animal Crossing that it's not an ounce for North America or your might as well get it sad to say but I think Animal Crossing gets that kind of treatment more than something like Mario or even sell that gets things released in Japan or in Europe that don't make it over here, but I think animal animal Get to the worst. So definitely if you see something and you get a chance to import you I think you should yeah. So my third and last sad moment for Animal Crossing for this decade is the fact that they have not confirmed Cloud saves for New Horizons in the actually been pretty open about not not being a part of basically not being non-existent not implemented and it is disappointing. We know the game is not rowdy at something could change something could be done but it doesn't sound like that's the case and knowing how precious our towns are going to be. Our islands are gameplay our saves in seeing Nintendo not really addressed that yet. That's disappointing to me and it's pretty sad. So I'm going to put that here on my list, but it's still with some hope that something gets done, you know between now and launch. Yeah. I'm hoping this is one of those cases where it's like not quite translated very Well, like maybe it's a mistranslation with their answer, you know and hoping they change their mind because like I don't know what it is with nogami and Cloud saves but the dude is against them. Yeah, so like he's already done this to Splatoon and I'm just like come on you guys like come on just let us save our towns like they're they take a lot of effort and it's such a bummer to see him disappear. Yeah. Yeah, my last one is that And this one's another kind of news related one and it felt it feels like the same burn as like pocket Camp the pocket Camp direct but it was Nintendo skipping any sort of news back in the February Direct in 2019, because at that point like it was the first direct since we had heard about the game and we're like, they've got to talk about it. Right like it's coming in 2019 if they if it's still coming like they got to talk about it and then they didn't Just skipped it and it was another one of those like we thought you changed a Nintendo but you didn't you're still leaving us in the dark on all of this and it's such a bummer. Yeah, you know what thinking back? I think part of the reason or I guess the fact that they didn't show it should have pointed to us that this game was probably not going to make it in 2019 if anybody thought that I guess they were right so It's true. Just not seeing it at that direct. You know, that was a start of the bad signs. Basically for the release date. Yeah, that's true. It was definitely like you can't go that long without saying something about such a huge game, you know. Yeah, especially like half a year. They went into a went without saying a single thing about it. And yeah, it's a big game so they must they should start talking about it soon and even now like, We've had a couple appearances in directs and I'm just like all right, you guys start dropping the news we need some like we want to see these new screenshots. We want to see whatever you got and we're going to get into some exciting stuff. That was just random and I think we really got it by a fluke. Yeah. All right. Well, I think that was all of our saddest moments, right? Yes. Alright, then let's go ahead and move into the most surprising moments of the decade. Sergio what is it that surprised you this decade well first and foremost it's actually haken taking the podcast for Animal Crossing because you know, we kind of touched on it on previous episodes how all of this began but when you either I think you do told me be a disc or DM that you were doing an animal crossing podcast. That was a really surprising moment to me like it made so much sense that there should have been a Animal Crossing podcast by then and there really wasn't so that was a surprise to me and being being able to support you pretty much from from very close to the beginning. That was awesome in a very nice surprise to have Animal Crossing in podcast form this decade for sure. Yeah, and I mean it's it was very strange for me like looking around and trying to find an animal crossing podcast and essentially finding nothing to you know. So yeah, I'm glad I was able to surprise you with those those things and I'm glad you've joined us for this show. And because it's been it's been really great to make I always think about this game wait way more than I should and now this has always felt like my outlet to be like I get to talk about this even more. This is where I let it all out and tell everybody how I feel about Animal Crossing. Yeah for me, I guess mine are a little different. The first surprise for me was that there was no we you Animal Crossing game. It was like it was expected. You know, I felt like Animal Crossing was one of those one of those series that just like had a game every single console now, you know, so for it to be skipped. It was like what how I can't believe Of that like this doesn't seem like you're making the right decision, you know, yeah. Yeah, so I don't know it just felt like not cool. So yeah, it's surprising it's surprising to see the we you skipped. I mean it kind of technically didn't with like the amiibo Plaza and amiibo Fest not not the amiibo Plaza that what was it called that just Animal Crossing Plaza, right? Yes, and then amiibo Festival from there. But I mean still like it's a Mainline game that we were waiting for. So I was very surprised not to see that on the Wii U. It seemed like a good console for it. Yeah. Yeah, and it should have been something it would have been like a nice send-off to the Wii U or like one of the last big releases for the system Animal Crossing would have been pretty perfect. I think around that time but yeah sadly nothing. Yeah. So another surprise for me for Animal Crossing I think. You can agree was see New Horizons again in the September 2019 direct and I feel like since we saw, you know the reveal at E3 and then a pretty lengthy Treehouse segment on it. We were pretty much set for a while and a lot of us were not expecting it at the September direct especially because Nintendo said, you know, we're focusing on Luigi's Mansion in Pokemon, and it turns out Animal Crossing had the biggest showtime in that drag, so I was surprising and I was just awesome overall. Yeah, that was angry for sure because that was really surprising first off like they go so long without ever focusing on the game and then it just happened to be the biggest thing for that that whole show you know. Yeah, and I was like, yes, that is treat us like that from now on because luckily, you know, we haven't had a direct since then so there hasn't been an opportunity to skip the game again. But yeah, I'm I'm I'm hoping that now they're just like all right. We gotta go full with this Animal Crossing game. Yeah it now it's time to talk about it. So yeah, I was surprised for sure. My next one was actually the welcome amiibo update. So that was there was a lot of brand-new things that Nintendo did with Animal Crossing that have never been done before first, they started doing like spin-offs and then they decided to update new leaf. And to me this was an there were several things. I thought were being said here. They're saying like we have not started working on this new Animal Crossing game. Here is an Date to kind of fill in the Gap, you know, and that was a bummer. That was a bummer to accept. I was just like all right, fine, but the welcome amiibo update. It was fun. It brought me back to New Leaf and it felt like a good time to be playing that game again, you know? Yes. Yeah, so I was surprised they did it. Nobody expected it everybody still like, you know, this game has been out for three years. It's pretty crazy to update it all of the sudden. Yeah, you know, I don't know where so I thought that was cool. Yeah, definitely, especially that it was free. Yeah, definitely big part of why I was so surprised him for sure. Yeah because it was a huge update and they just gave it away. Yeah. Yeah in my third and last Animal Crossing surprise for the decade is actually pocket Camp overall because I don't know if I shouldn't have but I wasn't expecting much I guess based on. Well, not really. I mean Nintendo's mobile game. It's have been pretty good overall. But I don't know for some reason. I wasn't expecting too much. I guess I had low expectations for Animal Crossing as a mobile game, but thinking back. I know I don't play Pocket Camp anymore. But when I did I was really into it and I feel like it offers a little bit of everything that works in Animal Crossing like the villagers the item collecting the crafting being a new thing the different locations. It gives you a little taste of everything you do in a Mainline new. And Animal Crossing game. So having that basically for free if you decide not to buy anything, which you can that was pretty awesome pocket Camp is pretty awesome, honestly. Yeah. Yeah and it's it's a new kind of look at animal crossing it. They definitely filled it with like new ways to play the game new ways to approach it, you know, so I appreciate it at for sure. I still play I've check in Daily still. And yeah, I don't know. I've had a good time with it. I think it's been fun and they did a good job of making it a different experience. I think because you know, I think a lot of people were disappointed when it wasn't similar as similar as they wanted it to be to a Mainline Animal Crossing, but I'm like, you know, I've played a lot of animal crossing at this point. I'm open to the new things, but I am wanting something. A little bit bigger a little bit more classic feeling at this point, you know. Yes Mmm Yeah, and then kind of going off of yours. My last one was that I was just surprised to see spin-off titles. That's true. That's true before this decade. We never saw that before, you know, like it's just a new way to approach Animal Crossing and that's what I appreciated about pocket Camp. That's what I appreciate about. Happy home designer and even amiibo Festival to some extent, you know, Because a happy home designer. I felt grew the design so much that I was just like I don't want to play the next game and not have all of these options anymore. So that really changed up the game for me at least from that perspective and then amiibo Festival. It was just you know, I didn't know that I wanted an animal crossing party game until they announced it and then you know now that it's out. I still kind of want an animal crossing party game. Because I think they should go back to this idea for sure and do it again. Yeah, because I think it could be fun. Yeah, definitely agree. Mmm. Yeah. All right. Well, this was really fun. It was fun to chat with you about the last decade of Animal Crossing. I'm looking forward to the next one will probably you know, talk about what we think is coming up with that pretty soon but that's going to be for another episode. So a little bit of an anticipatory comment there for all of you, but let's go ahead and talk about these new screenshots that we've both mentioned this episode, but haven't really gotten to Anything about yet. So just as background for everybody Nintendo held an event in Mexico and they it was I guess I don't know exactly what they showed off. But the thing we did see come out of it was some new screenshots for Animal Crossing and these were posted by my parents and he kind of just posted on Twitter some new the new announcement from Nintendo. It was essentially a photo that he took of like a kind of PowerPoint slide, you know? Yes, and so everybody saw this and was just like what this is insane. We just got something new and the big news that was tied to it. Was that Animal Crossing is now getting localized in Latin American Spanish and there will be elements of Mexican culture in it. So they showed off a new dress that was part of it. They also showed a monarch butterfly which isn't new to the series, but it is Significant because if you don't know monarchs migrate every year to Mexico and so there's a huge migration in October or so. And you know, there was one random year where we drove through Mexico during that time of year and it's insane to see how many monarchs are flying through that country. It's amazing nice. So yeah, that's kind of the relevance with the Monarch in that one, but it has been in the game before. But regardless like there was also like a new nose has confirmed on this before we've only had triangle noses. Now, we have kind of more of a rounded and square nose and there's like updated visuals to the game. It's just it's looking really good. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. So all of this came from just a little screenshot thing, but then my parents says that Nintendo gave him some more screenshots to share so We got more and these screenshots are just they're wonderful. They are so nice to look at and it just feels like they are fine-tuning the visuals of this game big time right now, you know, yes, yes. Yes. Oh Sergio, I made a video about this but I really wanted to check in with you and see like would you what do you think of the screenshots? How do you feel about the news and everything that they announced so I think the game is looking amazing like you said and it's nice to get new screenshots and being able to analyze. Them and getting new details like you you're always amazing at doing that by the way, and so we really appreciate the videos you do but gaining new info is great in getting information for Latin American Spanish translation officially for once. It's it's pretty awesome. I I did play when I had a second town in nearly five plated in Spanish, but it's the Spain Spanish and you know, you could you could you could get along like if you know a Spanish you Do you know what your reading but every now and then you see a word or a phrase that you were really not familiar with and that's fine. That's that's cool too. But now getting a Latin American one and then having Mexican culture references like it specifically added to it. I think that's great. I think that's especially really good for Mexico itself. So that in Latin America for people that are there that play Animal Crossing in getting this recognition in this translation so they can enjoy enjoy the game a hundred percent way more. That's pretty awesome. Yeah. Yeah. It's a really cool thing to see like a game that you love get just a little bit closer to home to you, you know? Yeah because you know Animal Crossing's always been kind of this huge Global thing and it's represented a lot of the time through events and holidays, you know, so there are like region-specific holidays and region specific items that have come out through and I really like that they are, you know, it pushes people to build communities around that and meet people from other parts of the world just to like because you know, it is an annoyance that say South Korea has an event that we don't have you know, but at the same time you're just like oh man, what if I just knew somebody from South Korea and could go over there on that day and then something I want to kind of capture to like this is going to be a side note, but you know when we're working on. The calendar all the time, at least I'm always thinking about it. And one thing that I want to make sure with this calendar is that it captures the international aspect of Animal Crossing where oh nice each the calendars are going to have every holiday like 400 no matter where it's from, you know. Oh, yeah, so I want people to be able to look at their calendar and be like, oh, wow, it's this day over here in the world. I got to go find somebody from there and go celebrate. Great, you know yes, so I feel like it opens you up in one way to just like learn about different cultures learn about different things around the world and also get some cool new stuff in Animal Crossing. Hey, yeah. So yeah, I really like that aspect. I think it's really cool to see that like Mexico is getting some cool treatment Latin America is getting some cool treatment. It's a it's a big awesome change for sure. Yes. Mmm. Yeah, so outside of that I guess I had this note here. I'm trying to figure out what I meant by it. Please leave us your questions in the comments on Twitter via email or the post office on Discord will be answering a ton next episode. Oh, that's what I mean. Okay, I guess yeah. I wanted to say that we got some awesome questions in the post office recently on Discord and I want you all. All to send in some questions and stuff. We're going to do kind of a male episode Mailtime Post Office episode, you know, so yeah send us your stuff leave them on, you know, wherever you can contact us comments here on YouTube. Send us a tweet. Send us an email. All that stuff is findable. I don't know exactly where but I'll have stuff in the description as always, you know, yes and you know on Discord check the post. Send us something there, but there are a lot of really cool things that I want to answer and I'm in an answering questions mood. Mostly because of this hundred day countdown. Yeah going right. All right, so we're gonna be answering a lot of things next week and it should be pretty fun. Yeah, I guess yeah any other thoughts you had on the screenshot Sergio? No, I think it's very nice to get information. And honestly, I feel like that's just the beginning. I kind of feel like like we should be expecting little things like this happening way more often. Yeah II definitely feel like it's beginning to it's just like this next year. They've got to start giving us a lot of information about this game and just you know, pumping it out there getting people excited. It's going to be a big game and it's going to be one that's like going to be relevant for at least a year, you know. Oh, yeah, so everybody who plays it like there's this Feeling that you get when you play and you're just like, oh man, I really want to play and see what all of the seasons look like. Yeah. So yeah, that's that's what I'm hoping happens with everybody on this one cool. So let's go ahead and move into our Hankins Islander corner. And for those of you who don't know every week we ask our patrons on patreon a question and then read their answers here, and we actually wanted to get started a little bit early for them. On this 100-day countdown. So this is their question for day a hundred and one the question is which two villagers. Do you hope join you when you start your Island? So what we know about New Horizons is that we are going to be starting with two villagers and two villagers only. This is the lowest amount we've ever gotten hopefully we can get like 20 of them. I don't know but I did it. We just wanted to know which two villagers were the ones that they To start with so Sergio. What do you think honestly and I know this is bearing on very not likely to happen. But I hope I get to brand-new Builders right from the beginning. I one brand new ones considering the amount of villagers that are that already exists. You know, I don't think they're gonna add that many new ones or at least not as many as they are now, so it's unlikely you got to be pretty lucky to get two brand new ones, but I really hope I do. Yeah, I'm kind of Eileen that way too and I'm gonna be a little bit I guess not so picky with that either and I will consider brand new ones as just ones that I've never had before my town. Oh nice, they could be ones that have existed before you know, yeah, but they would be brand-new to me at least. Yeah. So yeah. I'm hoping for like a nice fresh start, you know, it's just like we're getting a completely new game new setting so just giving you stuff. That's what I'm here for guys. Yeah, cool. So let's go ahead and go back and forth on these answers Sergio. Do you want to start sure thing? Our first answer is by so each orn and they say they want stitches in Marshall in those are amazing. So we fix great pics. Yeah. Those are really fun. Definitely those two have always been like very popular. So yeah, I get it. I get it. LOL Walker said stitches and Lolly. They're cute. - makes me makes my heart Happy I would have said feline because he's my favorite villager in Animal Crossing New Leaf. But I imagine he would still be amiibo exclusive if they brought him back at all, which I hope they do. Yeah, I really do wonder what they're going to do with those like amiibo only villagers that they introduced in the previous games. Like I hope they come back in some way. Yeah, but yeah another stitches fan very good and then lolly lolly is really cute. Yeah, yeah, definitely and I just hope everyone makes it back all the villagers all the amiibo wants everyone everyone. Yeah, definitely. So lean see Hitler says Marshall in Maple. If I don't at least get Marshall, I will start my game over and over until I do he's so cute another Marshalls. Yeah, definitely adding to the popularity of that awesome guy. Yeah, two stitches two Marshals so far a lot of popularity for sure and maple Maple is cute too. I love her. Definitely. Yep. So Kevin's son said Tangy and Nate the two villagers. I was super bummed about leaving them in. Population growing when I updated to Wild World and yeah, that's another thing like there's some villagers that I've never had since population growing so I wouldn't mind seeing them either. You know, it feel like coming home in a way. Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely. So Elijah Baron says Poncho is my number-one friend from New Leaf and Filbert from pocket Camp. So it would be awesome to start a new island with them as neighbors, but those sheep loose look so cool. So maybe you need Nice nice. Oh, I I feel like a lot of people got a touch to feel burning pocket Camp to yeah, filbert like that was one of the first characters to kind of get highlighted. Yeah the fortune cookies and he had a really cute set like the stokehole space thing that he had. That was awesome. So I definitely see the appeal for sure. Nice. Let's see. I think we were on Tab, correct. Yes cool. So tab said I want to be A prize with some new villagers I've never seen before. I think I would like one villager to be cute and a small like a frog hamster squirrel and one big species like a gorilla or a rhino. I can't wait to see who arrives with me on the island. I love I used to not like the gorillas but now I love the gorilla and the Rhinos. I love them to I just like rhinos in general. So I'm a fan nice. I'd like to have some approach like very different what one of each type of thing. NG yeah, that's a really cool way to put it to like just having completely different types of animals there. Yeah. Nice. So cyber gyro says, it's Sneaky and Mitzi with static as a close. Third. I wish for all three if I could nice. Yeah Mitzi. She's one from my population growing town that somehow. She always manages to be in every single one of my game. So we'll see if it happens again. I'd be I'd be very torn restarting if Mitzi where they all got you guys. Yeah, so lampshades said I would melt if my pouch Chief stepped up off the dodo plane with me accompanied by a new bat villager or any other villager really nice. Yeah. Having bats would be great. I think they're so I was I watching that showed some bats I think is like Survivor or something and I was like, yeah, they're cute. Nice and are less answer for this week is by Grizzly Nina and she said I grew very fond of Eric in New Leaf. So I would love a lacy villager like him to supply the comic relief and I think I would like my second villager to be won. I've never ever had before it's time to make some brand-new Island friends. Definitely definitely agree with that. Yeah. It's for sure a good thing to have some like brand new. Villages with you. Yeah, I think a lot of people are hoping for that especially if they're ones that they like so I think it's yeah. All right, everybody. Well, thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of hakken and Animal Crossing podcast don't want the episode to end. Well, you can keep the conversation going by Nintendo switching over to our Discord just follow the link in the description and you can talk with other people who love Animal Crossing as much as you do including Sergio and me and you'll be able to join in on that 100-day countdown. We have a channel dedicated solely for that. Once it's worth the show in a bigger way and get your voice heard during the show visit chewy plays in tendo. You can support our show with just one dollar have an episode dedicated to you get special access to a secret room on Discord. Join in on the hick and Islander corner and even read a monthly newsletter covering all things haken and chewy plays. We really appreciate the support and put your money toward great. Things on the show tuned in on YouTube. The comments are a great place to let us know your answers to The haken Islander Corner, which two villagers. Do you hope join you when you start your Island if you dig what you hear, please take a slide over to that review section on your platform of choice. Let people know what they're missing out on taken as a wild production brought to you by Chewie Sergio and all of our patrons. We thank you for listening and we hope you have a great week. Goodbye everybody.
We are now 101 days away from Animal Crossing New Horizons. This episode, we introduce the 100 Day Countdown to New Horizons. Each day will feature a new question to answer until the game releases on March 20th, 2020. After, Sergio and I discuss some of the biggest Animal Crossing moments of the decade. We then talk a bit about the latest screenshots we got from an event Nintendo held in Mexico. Finally, we end with an early question to kick off the countdown to New Horizons! Time Stamps: 0:05 - Introduction 2:12 - 100 Day Countdown to New Horizons 16:10 - Animal Crossing over the last Decade 45:10 - New Horizons Screenshots 53:02 - Haken's Islander Corner 59:36 - Outro Announcements Support my channel on Patreon: Join the Haken Discord: Get More Nintendo and Video Game Content Here: Follow me on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch: Tumblr: --- Support this podcast:
Hello. Welcome to the boy you to sleep podcast the podcast that will hopefully help you get to sleep. I am going to read an Open Source book one that is not particularly interesting. But one that is hopefully boring enough to get you to sleep. Anchor podcast is the easiest way for me to bring out the sides to you. It's free and has all of the tools you need to record and edit from your phone and computer. A lot of people rely on boy you to sleep and anchor podcast allows me to bring it to you on Spotify Apple podcast and many more download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Spotify is a great place to follow your favorite podcasts to make sure you never miss an episode premium listeners can download episodes to listen offline and you can also share what you're listening to with friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the spot. Defy app and search for boy you to sleep and make sure you follow me. So you never miss an episode. tonight's ratings come from Peninsula Veteran by anonymous this story is published in the late Seventeen hundreds in England. When religion was an important aspect of the lives of the people the lived there. My name is Teddy and I aim to help people everywhere get a good night's rest so they can have a productive day. And Achieve what it is, they need to achieve. I will rage you a different story every episode to help you doze off. My mission is to keep bringing this podcast out to people everywhere who need a good night's rest. I know it's helping a lot of people get the rest they need and I'm grateful to be able to help you do this. I want to say a special. Thank you till I change listener miscue to you for this lovely review you left on iTunes. I also received a new Patron during the week on patreon Caroline Morton your financial contribution to my podcast meant so much to me and will allow me to keep bringing out more episodes to you. Thank you. My passion is to bring out this podcast so that people can get the sleep they need. If the podcast is helping you I'd love for you to become a sponsor or Patron which you can do add boy you to Your financial contribution really does help me keep the podcast on air and help me bring out more episodes. I'd also love if you're able to subscribe leave a review and writing. All of these things do help me keep the podcast alive. So the people everywhere can get the good night's rest that they deserve. In the meantime lie back relax and enjoy the ratings. the story of a peninsula veteran chapter one I have the advantage of being an Irishman. My parents had also the Felicity of first seeing the light of day as it Shone upon the soil of the land which for ages has seemed to possess such a passing interest in the eyes of Britain their family consisted of six children four boys and two girls I was the youngest of the hull and for raisins. I do not profess to comprehend was I special favorite? I was named Thomas which interpreted by parental love was converted into Benjamin with a double portion of all that substance so scanty as there's could Supply. I was born in the small towns land of enim Kings County in the province of Leinster about the year 1795. They the same a little Elia or later. The exact period I cannot specify. As at that time and place and in consequence of the culpable negligence generally prevalent in pericle registration, very little thought or care was shown in recording such events. Those were the days of intestine broil and Vengeance the seeds of rebellion, which had been sown with an unsparing and remorseless hand were just ready to produce their baneful first fro. Such was the Jeopardy in which Protestants especially what placed? That no one who beheld the morning Sunrise could safely calculate upon seeing it go down. Domestic Fury and fierce civil strife kindled and mainly maintained by papal cupidity and violence raged through the fairest portions of the country. No, one had the courage to trust his neighbors for no one could tell who was worthy of trust. Mutual confidence based upon moral principle, which alone can cement Society was blotted from the list of social virtues. Not many dead depend even upon former friends. The ties of relationship and those arising from Nearness of Ken were frequently forgotten. Natural affection usually Invincible was unheated. And under cover of night or even in open day The unwary Traveler became frequently a prey to instantaneous death from the bullet of some skulking assassin concealed behind the roadside Bush or break my parents. I regret to state where Roman Catholics They knew no better for no other teaching had reached their minds. Their membership with that Fallen Community was their Misfortune rather than their fault. I believe the profession they made was sincere and that though mingled with the dross of popish superstition. They were possesses of at least some few grains of Sterling piety. My mother in particular was remarkably constant and fervid in her devotions and the earnest manner in which her beads were counted though. I could never detect the meritorious points of calculation is to be numbered among the earliest and most powerful Impressions. I have received. My father had for several years acted as Steward to Archibald Nevins Esquire. Hey gentlemen her at the time was the owner of considerable Estates in the vicinity of Port Arlington. House was a happy family my father though a plain man was excelled by few in attachment to his wife and children. Hope Springs Eternal in the human breast and we flattered ourselves that for charity offered to our notice lengthened years of comfort. But we soon found that our hold on Earthly happiness was fragile as the spiders thread. My father was taken ill and passed away. Even now the procession of his funeral is pictured on my memory. The gentleman already named as my father's employer had fallen upon evil days. His property passed into other hands and as the purchaser knew nothing of our family no one cared for the Widow and her often charged a house with every needful convenience had been built for us by the original proprietor. This way were abruptly ordered to quit. Another king had Arisen who knew not Joseph for his father's house. We went away Weeping at every step. I saw my mother's tears and to this day her low wailing strikes my ear. But though destitute and we were not forsaken though in straights. We did not perish and by the blessing of Almighty Providence upon the well-directed industry of my mother and my Elder Brothers. We were sustained with food convenient. the desolate condition of the moneyless and unprotected Widow was aggravated in no common degree by the political commotion already adverted to persons unacquainted with the approaching Terrors of that era May imagine that an obscure and an influential family like ours had little to apprehend that our poverty was protection enough. And that those who had nothing to lose had nothing to fear. This was not so the conflict then impending arose from the dark designs of men cursed with a heart and knowing how to yield and who were bent on Havoc and repent. Personal robbery might not be planned. But when many were ready for that and a great deal more hearsay and Sedition were closely in League the emissaries of each were in ceaseless motion. And the ultimate design was to burst forth from the unsuspected places of mischief. Suddenly and wide wasting as the Simone of the desert and swamp within discriminating ire from the abodes of their peaceful countrymen every Vestige of existing government and every Temple devoted to the reformed religion as by law and right raisin established. Perfect secrecy on the part of the rebels was happily attainable. Every now and then circumstances and facts transpired the tendency of which could not be mistaken. Harebrained but hot-headed men became the self-elected orators of secluded nocturnal assemblies Liberty and equality and raisin versus religion. Nate has imported from the French directory at Paris. was the order of the day Uproarious vociferation took the place of argument and though the majority of these Hibernian Gentry whereas ignorance of jurisprudence as the more modern destruction assist nothing less than the dismemberment of the British Empire and the establishment of a republic. Formed probably on the model of Citizen Robespierre would suit their purpose. All this was designed and most of it was divulged. Experience has shown that when numerous and unequally gifted agencies are employed. Let the pursuit be good or evil entire privacy is next to Impossible. The parties May promise to be silent or may bind themselves to be so by oath. But concealed knowledge is a treasure of which the custody is to some communicative Souls impracticable. They find themselves in the possession of a secret. It struggles to break away, but they remember their vow. And in order to hold it fast. They get a friend or two to help them. This sons of Irish Mistral assumed several names there were white boys and still boys Oak boys and right boys distinctions are however needleless. They were all bad boys and at length, the entire series were drawn into the wild and Powerful Vortex of United Irishmen. It being understood that this body consisted chiefly of persons professing the Roman Catholic religion. The storm and a length came down and the consequences were awful. Although not quite nine years of age when our neighborhood rang with Wars alarms. The scenes I was then compelled to witness cannot be forgotten. I distinctly remember the transactions of an eventful day which took place in a small town near my mother's residence. The rebels had taken possession of the place and had murdered a magistrate who attempted to oppose them. And that crisis a squadron of dragoons stationed at Tullamore received orders to March and Endeavor to dislodge them. The Cavalry rode into the main street with great gallantry, but were received by a tremendous fire of musketry from the windows of houses on each side. So that after sustaining a considerable loss they were compelled to retreat several of the soldiers were killed and a number of wounded men were afterwards conveyed on cars from the place of action to the military Hospital. My poor mother was in the midst of these dangers and I well remember that she experienced great rudeness from the Ruffian Rebel. But the almighty preserved her from Serious injury. He can restrain AT Pleasure the wrath of man as well as diverted into a new and unintended channel that night. We were afraid of entering into any house lest. We should attract the notice of the rebels. Who are now flashed into insolence and in a birdie by their recent Victory? We therefore crept behind the foliage of some low trees. And passed the night in the open air. Our next precaution was to protect the little remaining household furniture from pillage. To affect this we buried the most valuable articles in the earth as nothing above ground appeared to offer the least protection. The property the sacred was saved. But on raising it subsequently almost everything was spoiled by the dampness of the soil in which it had been embedded. One of my neighbors John tinkler was singled out by these barbarians as a victim. He was a man of singular benevolence and held in general esteem by the surrounding inhabitants. But he was a Protestant and that had been long placed at the head of the list of unpardonable crimes. The house of this worthy men whom I knew well was beset by a horde of armed Ruffians who commenced an immediate attack. Tinkler in the midst of his family consisting of a wife and seven or eight children though surprised determined to defend himself to the last extremity. He fought desperately though oppressed by numbers until one of the villains posted outside the house and guided by the sound of his voice deliberately leveled his pace and fired. The bullet passed through the door and struct in qua who fell dead. Just within the threshold valiantly defending his home and property and I regret to add that the Widow and her helpless charge ejected by some means from the farm and land were obliged to seek shelter. elsewhere these were bought the beginning of Sorrows. the spirit of ruinous aniki spread far and wide it was particularly observed that the Roman Catholics were very much devoted to their chapels. Mass was celebrated every day throughout a most parts of the country. Whereas formerly it was chiefly observed only on the Sabbath day. The chapel of Bala canoe was attended by a very numerous congregation had both morning and evening prayers. Michael Murphy was officiating priest of that Parish a young man strongly made and of dark complexion her had been a few years resident in the place and not long in holy orders. This person was Master of profound dissimulation and contrived to throw around himself the Garb of saintly innocence at the very moment in which he was preparing to Smite with the sword the military Saint actually took the oath of Allegiance in which he expressly declared himself ready. To be true and faithful to his majesty King George the third and to the succession of his family to the throne. And that he would prevent tumult and disorder by every means within his range and give up all sorts of arms with his possession. All the above quarth Michael I swear so help me God and my redeemer. Main time in the vicinity and all around the residence of his reverence Timbo was missing out of the gentleman's nurseries. It was observed that the woods and shrubberies were gleaned of such materials as would search for the construction of offensive weapons. In fact this genuine sample of popish fidelity who had he lived or to have been rewarded with at least a Cardinals hat. This pretended patent of all that is good and praiseworthy went his way from the altar put down the Testament on which after the preparation of his delusive F of David. His lips had been pressed and straightway began to exemplify the inviolability of his oath to existing government, but the manufacture of Pike handles and granting Absolution to those who helped him. Without going into the history of the Irish Rebellion, which is foreign from my present purpose. The fact is sufficiently evident that the whole of that sanguinary struggle From First to Last maybe ascribed to The Crafty domination of the Roman Catholic clergy. It is not a little singular that three of the most daring military leaders those. I mean who were principally signalized in The wholesale Butchery of their Protestant fellow subjects were priests in that persecuting Church. One of these named roach assumed the power of working miracles. Indeed each of them as occasion required did a little business in that line. Roach declared that in battle. His person was invulnerable that no shot could here till hurt him and having picked up several bullets after an engagement at Ross. He assured his dupes that he caught them in his hand during the fight. The Wily ecclesiastic true worship Allah as he was at The Shrine of mamaan conceived the idea of turning the thing to good account by the alternate practice of hypocrisy and Theft. For either of which his hand was ready. He succeeded and I hardly know which to admire most. the consummate impudence of the Holy Father all the Folly of his disciples roach procured slips of paper each of which he termed a protection or gospel. In the center was a figure of the cross with an inscription underneath stating. In the name of God and of the Blessed Virgin no gun pistol sword or any other offensive weapon can hurt or otherwise injure the person who has this paper in his possession. And it is earnestly recommended to all women to carry it as it will be found an infallible preservation against the fatality of child bed. anxious to secure customers in every rank the price of these tickets to the better sort of people was half a crown. As the poor might haggle at parting with a coin so large the vendor discreetly condescended to open a retail trade at six pence each. The circulation of this trumpery the value of which was equal to every other product of the Catholic church was immense customers were to be computed by thousands. Friar Murphy had already been noticed his career as has been related commenced with daring perjury and as the progress and end of such a man may be instructive. He shall have a parting glance. Like his inquiring associate he was disposed to do the wonderful. His campaign. However, with those of many other villains was way soon over. Bloody and deceitful men do not live out half their days. It was at the Battle of arklow in 1798 that Commander Murphy determined by a decisive movement to blast the hopes of the Protestant cause on the morning of the 9th of June. The rebel Army was observed amounting to thirty four thousand men. with three Paces of Tillery advancing on the town had this formidable Force arrived only two days earlier. It would in all probability have captured the place. But providentially reinforcements had been procured from Dublin so that the Garrison amounted in the hole to 1,500 men under the command of Major General Needham. Aunt Clara considered as a military position presented no point susceptible of advantageous to fans and was altogether open and unprotected. About two o'clock p.m. Advice was received that the enemy was approaching. This was so little credited to the Garrison which had been ordered underarms was just to go to be dismissed. When a Dragoon came Galloping into the town with intelligence that the rebels were now at hands. The drums instantly bait to Arms the troops flow to their respective stations and preparations were made to give the enemy a proper reception. Having Advanced to the suburbs of the town the rebels set fire to several buildings. In hope that the smoke would annoy the Garrison and confuse their operations. Just then the wind shifted to the opposite quarter so that the scheme not only failed but served to confound their own devices. The action commenced between a column of the rebels and a Detachment of the Dunbarton fencibles. Who were ordered out to line the ditches on each side of the road? When they had exchanged about a dozen rounds the fencibles received orders to retreat. Which was performed but with a little confusion on perceiving this movement the rebels pursued with loud houses and one of their officers waving his hat call down. Come on my boys. This is our town. That was a narrow. He was suddenly surrounded by the troops. His horse was shot and himself wounded on which he fell has thou slain in a little time curiosity constrained him to lift up his head and look about when he was perceived and shot dead. the rebels pressed on with obstinance e worthy of a better cause But on receiving a close fire of musketry and grapeshot they fell back to some distance. They then endeavored to extend their line in order to turn the Left Flank. But the fire of the Caravan Battalion was so severe that the attempt was aborted of another column of the rebels tried to gain the lower end of the Town by the beige. But here they were repulsed by a desperate charge of Cavalry headed by Colonel sir. What can win? They then proceeded in great force to a passage that led to the center of the town which was defended only by a sergeant and 12 privates. This handful of men however, made good their position and has the past they held was narrow rendered every effort to dislodge them from it ineffectual. Out of this critical juncture praised Murphy appeared animating his men to renewed acts of outrage were driven before him to the thickest of The Fray. As no new deception presented itself. He had recourse to the worn-out pretension of working miracles. He declared like brother roach that he could catch the boards. I want them off at pleasure. In proof of which he had Advanced at the head of a strong party in order to take a cannon stationed near a Barrack. In that moment, his bowels were torn out with canister shot. The Rebels on observing him fall fled with precipitation swearing the priest himself was down. On that day a thousand Rebels foul. Their a traitor's might be expected was marked by Dreadful excesses. They broke the windows of churches and other places consecrated to Divine service. They had an intolerable hatred to Protestant prayer books and tore to Pieces all that came within their rage. They Carried the leaves of the church Bible on their Pikes shouting behold the French colors And to complete their impiety, they put two Protestants to death in the aisle of a church. In other parts, they made Saddles of the Bible's and wrote about upon them. The retrospect of these vengeful days while it serves to fix my faith in True Religion as contrasted with that which is false calls forth unfeigned gratitude to God for his protecting Mercy. Exposed as my mother and family were to the pelting of the pitiless hurricane. None of the sustained material caused us personal injury. I have before stated that my mother was conscientiously attached to the tenants such as they are of the Church of Rome. I never observed anything reprehensible in her conduct. Though no one was more constant than she was at the confessional. Neither know I to which of the Saints she was disposed on emergency to turn. That she loved the Savior and was willing to wash the feet of the Servants of her Lord. I can safely affirm. I can vouch for the constancy and Zeal of her private prayers and intercessions. I know that the practices of how life had grade with engagements of her lips and I cannot help but think that she was a noble proof that God is no respecter of persons. That Holiness of my heart May subsist in the most defective dispensation. And that whoever seeks the face of God through the merits of his son in the path of penitence and faith. Hey, even, though cumbered with mistaken doctrinal views shall not be Cast Away. The time the extent and the unwitting nature of her ignorance. God winked out he saw that she urged through ignorance. The eye of his almonds pierced through the veil of her mental delusion. To the uprightness of intention that dwelt within him. And I believe through Divine Mercy. She went down to her grave justified by Grace how load and made meat for heaven. Agreeably with the religious views which my mother had entertained. She endeavored to teach me the principles of papacy. I was more over frequently taken to Mass. But being young and heedless one system of religion was to me as good as another. In other words, I was careless respecting them at all. Indeed. I have reason to believe that my indifference in this respect was to my mother a source of great grave. Meantime I had arrived at the 14th year of my age. A period generally speaking of no small vanity and self complacency and in which many men think themselves qualified by the Dignity of their teens to shake off the trammels of Parental Guidance among others side determined to walk alone. But unfortunately on reflection boast of my first staff. Among the youths with whom I contracted some acquaintance was a dissolute lad about my own age. By whose enticement we're not only just turned 15. I enlisted in the Queens County militia. Not that my conduct like his had been openly immoral. He had he had gained over me and ascendency I could not resist. Hey evil, Communications corrupt. Good manners. And perhaps the apparent Freedom the frankness and gaiety of an open-hearted soldiers holiday life. Had an influence which though not acknowledged was really felt. But oh my mother for when I became a soldier she was still living. I had in this date of hardihood well-nigh forgotten her. But she remembered me and when I thought there on I wept. Never shall I forget how last her parting look. My elder brother had settled at some distance and on the eve of my departure to share in unknown danger had unexpectedly arrived. If braved of her children, she was braved and I know she said in her heart all these things are against me. Her farewell was accompanied with a prayer for my future prosperity and I impute my preservation under Providence. On leaving her presence on this eventful occasion. I was taken before Captain fitzmorris the officer in command at the recruiting station and was kindly received. He expressed himself blazed with my local and healthy appearance made several inquiries relative to my family. And at once engaged me as his servant. After serving in the core about 12 months, I received principally, I believe on account of my youth and honorable discharge while the regiment was stationed at the castle barrack in Limerick and returned to the quietude of home. I hope you enjoyed that story. That concludes the end of tonight's ratings. If you're not quite tired yet, please feel free to listen to another episode. In the meantime, I'll be working on bringing you another episode for another good night's rest until then. Good night.
Tonight’s readings come from Peninsular Veteran by Anonymous This story is published in the late 1700’s in England, when religion was an important aspect of the lives of the people that live there. My name is Teddy and I aim to help people everywhere get a good night’s rest so they can have a productive day and achieve what they need to achieve. I will read you a different story every episode to help you doze off. My mission is to keep bringing this podcast out to people everywhere who need a good night’s rest. I know it’s helping a lot of people get the rest they need and I’m grateful to be able to help you do this. My passion is to bring out this podcast so that people can get the sleep that they need. If the podcast is helping you, I’d love for you to become a sponsor or Patron which you can do at Your financial contribution really does help me keep the podcast on air and help me bring out more episodes. I’d also love if you were able to subscribe, leave a review and rating. All of these things do help me keep the podcast alive so that people everywhere can get the good night’s rest that they deserve. In the meantime, lie back, relax and enjoy the readings. Sincerely.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started dang a jam-packed episode of NXT. Shayna baszler means business Finn Balor means business Mauro ranallo is back and he means business. It's going to be hotter than chestnuts roasting because the NXT - show starts right now. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESP n of T v-- talk now let the buzz all the sounds of Iron Man means one thing NXT. And it is officially the Wednesday night the right guy. And that is Undisputed. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so I know it's been way too long. I love an iced tea. So I am here. Yeah, it's a seminar her right this guy. You call them punk rock, you can call him amazing. You can call him the man himself called 1/2 on the AfterBuzz TV wrestling tag team. We can't chance over the world David Christopher. I know what's going on. How you doing? I'm good. I'm good. You know I'm awake now. I'm feeling the vibe from the energy. Okay. Mmm. I'm here. I'm present how many hot the man is. The owner of the king's court half man half amazing. He is a controversial Firebrand hashtag Hilton to those in Ireland and rudeness and that of course, I have more to say than that. I'm just on a little bit of a high. So now I'm subdued I had a good conversation with Lana and Rusev separately today and I separately she made from from jail and just overall Thoughts with you. Today's episode like oh my God. Last month, well, I think overall I mean you're coming back from like a few weeks after Survivor series and more games. And so again, you have to bring it you have to show your talent and NXT brings it every week. So look. Well. I mean, yeah, you know, here's here's the thing. I you know, we were on this high with the NXT bring, you know going into war games to survive E-Series. I mean, they're just kicking. But yeah, it was just it was really fun if I go on this roller coaster and Almost feel like not we're going down, but it's kind of like know just kind of smooth and even and you're trying to like bounce you can't always be a true eventually. We got to go down a little bit. So I think that's where we're at right now. But let's see where it goes to Mo think about what the match and fuzzy of coming off the raw and raw had his own. On just book thoughts about this week's edition. Yeah, obviously, it's not as hot as it was going into war games and Survivor since they were on top. I mean, where do you go after he kind of dominated Survivor series not only war games that they did an awesome job, but it just going to naturally take you down a bit and I felt it there wasn't that hype and energy kind of going into that paper if you were all like, you know, there was a lot of yeah that energy we just want to recreate that kind of back to a regular show which is fine. It's a good show, you know. But obviously it's not writing that that hot special momentum. They had in the last few weeks some of them in time one Pete Dunn had a match with Killian Danes a day Paint done has been okay. I can argue over the past month besides Adam Cole into keighley piton got a lot of elevation on Survivor series and War Games the match himself. He was on the losing end. Jim Alexander me I start with you Pete Dunn where he was here five six, maybe a year ago was considered one of the best but he lost them all these up-and-coming guy. I mean two years ago. He was putting out matches of the year. No one knew about it great was annexed Tuk. Why is he losing stuff? Why is he still losing? There's no reason for him to lose cleanly tonight. Well, you know, I know it's the kind of a weird pain and all that but Killian Dana isn't as over never will be as over as peidong has the potential to be in should be I just don't like him picking up lost. I know when we talk about wins and losses don't matter it matters for a guy like this because he was kind of stuck in a rut and he needs every win to boost himself back up there build himself back. Cup where he was supposed to be. I just don't like him seeing and clean losses for sure. No way. Yeah, you know Jim I have to back you on that man. I don't I don't know why he took that out. I don't get it. I'm with you the guy's got so much talent so much potential. I mean, he needs the right push back because this guy break like watching those matches had recently. I mean, especially with riddle going in there. I mean the championship match. I mean when he had with Cole, I mean just killing it man. This guy deserves so much. Or and it seemed taken out and I was kind of what's going on with this, you know, like somehow needs grammar structures and we we thought about the actual result first about the match. Well, so I we were kind of like talking about it kind of going back and forth and you know, like you guys said Pete on is really like they're both really phenomenal but Pete Dunn really has this this this story that can be built but isn't quite there yet and he keeps, you know, he keeps losing he had really great moments the Last few weeks and so I think they're going to find where he fits into this NXT world. We just we just have to wait a little bit. Yeah, we had to wait a little bit longer, but you know, I really wanted him to him to win tonight just to like get something, you know, get a little get a little hope and a little like momentum going but it obviously wasn't the real question is killing thing gets it w is he more established now, it doesn't open that door. No, because really it doesn't again like what you said, it doesn't do anything for him. It does more for Pete done for him to get the window. So I wish that he got it. You know, what's that you in the chest? How's everyone at right now? Dang and que Jose opposes Ruckus all you guys we appreciate the fun size 40. I want to say what's up. You guys can directly chat all throughout the show will be answering your questions, but I would imagine so Okay, it was solid was slow. It shows nxt's range, but it was kind of weird that people lost the way he did eating it rolled up. There was no interference. It was just exhausted. Yeah. David can tell the world. I think this is the this out the moisture out. The Michelle's please cut a promo. Yes, so you can find us anywhere we know where would you like to listen to a podcast whether it's iTunes rather Spotify YouTube make sure that you're engaging comments and give you those those thumbs up like and we love to talk to you guys. Obviously we can't do this without you and it's fun coming here every week and Itzhak wrestling with you guys. So hopefully you can send you like to show support us again. Give us those five star, especially if you're on iTunes leave us positive comments as Flowbee to I said in the past Because we don't like the negative stuff. But I mean I just tells you there's a point to it, right you're right give us that support and stuff quick promo back backstage and we'll get to the promos letter because I think You're all taking episode of NXT put a lot of promos out there that you get to buy into a lot of superstars. I really want to save time and talk about that. But before we talk about her mask later on today, but thoughts about her being a heel and are you on board with her the new Dakota Chi David? Here's the thing. I you know, I'm I'm a little unsettled with how this is going. So at first yes, we had actually called it before it happened. We talked about on air that you know, it was the right time the right moment for her to become heal, but they could have literally gave her such a good push with this healed. Turn right now where I feel like even tonight with her getting beat up and they kind of squashed her a little bit, you know, it was kind of like they should have made her more of a dominant forces should have made her more just like oh she just enraged now this bad he'll she's a tough chick, but I felt like the last few matches is she's kind of putting her flame a little bit. You know, we're dumping him. Let's go for Emily. That's what about this. So we had this math schedule with a coat of Carver's Ripley's comes out. She's all like my girl me is gonna handle this and me I'm comes out and Tim's. Yes, New York style. When you want to know, I'm not a new heels and I actually like well, I like the abundance of heels right now in the Women's Division. I think it adds a some variety and you know, she her he'll turn, you know, the last few weeks like has been I think she needed it. I think it's giving her the push where she can like have these stories develop and have these matches against people that she wouldn't necessarily be in the ring with I think I think that where is it going? That's my train of thought but it's kind of like it's kind of getting her butt kicked. She's not that. Big number. Yes. She was even me and was even dressed look like she getting shit look like sweatpants sweatpants knocking out your big heel. It's like what does that do for her? You know, that's true. But I think you need those moments of highs and lows in order us to establish that line where like the the stakes and objectives and later might be a little bit higher so you have to have like those moments where you are down and then you rise to the Mountaintop. No, right right, but I mean, she's literally On that high of just having that shocking turn, you know, so it's kind of like built her up a little bit more. Yeah make her a little bit more intimidating make more tougher. So I agree with you, you know, and you do you think she can do it though. Like is she there? I think she can I'm not sure if she's in the position to do. Allure and the other four horsewomen so she looks like she's going to be the one to have the next mattress and a base layer shisha. Jim Alexander is really someone who's capable of being LeBron James upper-division. Yes. She has not many LeBron. No, I don't think it will happen because I don't see them moving shit. We kept talking about Shana's coming up next. She's coming to the main roster. I think now with that new brand that and exceeds become I think she's staying there. I agree and they're going to keep that title on her at some point. You got to drop it because it should become stale it becomes there's a difference between dominating and just holding on to it versus then the title being an accessory and I think it's a entering the territory just an accessory. You don't even acknowledge. It just be kind of became like a sticker on her, you know. We need more substance. I think someone taking that to off of her does two things. It gives the title more credibility again and notice and it makes someone look like a star by beating base our Ripley has that look she legitimately looks like she could be the one that could finally take baser out and you'd believe it. We don't believe Kansas or a could do it or someone like that, but I do believe she could do it. So this is your chance. They've done this don't do the same thing you did with the southern. Lazy Evans Lacey having yeah, this is a see those events because not make that mistake in the spot. She should if they're going to give that title over. She's the one who should handle it. Absolutely. Well, I think she can you know, I feel like she has been dominating the Women's Division and NXT and I think I think it is her time to shine, but I'm interested to see how it's going to play out because again, you don't I do it too soon. But you also want to build up to it and have a fine balance where it is where the fans feel like. It was a good payoff. Yeah fair enough, but Sheena basil wasn't action tonight. Non-title match against I lie. I have my thoughts about zai Leanne about how she was built up over the last couple weeks, but I'm gonna ask you guys about the match. The match itself was a little different little change of pace here for our women's division here at NXT. Jim Alexander her the low you go first help me out. What do you think about the match slightly? As prospects and say that these are established yourself with or without the prop of the women's exemptions. I'll lie too much like he oh sure I and Kyrie saying wait how well besides that aspect to her and like to happy. I don't want that. You can't be that happy and cheery. Baesler you need to have some bad ass Sprout. No, okay be just like hey waving flags and you know just petting kids and because she has a chance to happy. You're going to get Shane up here in about to get destroyed. Show some Moxie you need that Underdog Story you need someone to fight for and so you and she's it. So happy doing that. What you need to be happy. Why can't we have some happiness? Wait, here here is my take on it. I'm anime fan. I have a new background. So I was excited about this in the beginning as I told you for was like this could be really cool if they do it, right? Yeah, it started off that way. I saw you nodding it started out that way with the Striking kicks. I'm I loved all that I was like this is gonna be awesome, you know, because they both are being a background. Yeah. I was like, this is red. And then it kind of just took a die for me a little bit that I don't think she's over at Soo. Yeah, you know what you like you don't really recognize her. You know, that's the thing. She doesn't stand out when she comes out there. Is it just that happy? It's so generic to me, you know the happy kind of thing could bring some Edge bring some Persona and you said she has an MI background and fighting she displays that in a ring, but I need that toward when she's walking. Walking up towards hearing show me something that makes me believe that you're going to bring that out and actually want to like a Rousey coming out that like that kind of like intensity that cheery and happy especially because you're going to it's like it's like someone had being happy going in fighting Brock Lesnar. You're about to destroy him. Moving on she's not to attend to here, please man. It's actually xylene. Here's a reason why I like your purse ever to time boo thing of the week. It's not so much the fact she lost the way she was built. We saw a couple years ago and me uncle Asik so awfully under Powers. That's right zero we built up a little bit have some adult matches won that match couple weeks ago with the Lea by breaking her nose Maybe by accident maybe on purpose. She has a mess with Shayna baszler non-title of fair and you got offense in her style is different and to compare her to ear shorai is a totally disservice because two things one Jenna promo right before saying I'm angry. Well, I was on board is inviting and fun and to her office looking hurt. It isn't like I'm some ladies and some guys were roster has me schmoozer. Like I don't believe that at all. I really believe that she kicked me in the face. And that's why as I lie is this week's book of the week. Yeah. Let's go Leo like I yeah. Well, I will I will second you on that flow because you specially showed me her Instagram where she was doing legitimate striking Muay Thai kicks. I was like, okay, so she's legit agree that in the beginning of the match like I was like, oh, this is something different you're there when you bring a different wrestlers from different backgrounds together that actually don't start as wrestlers. But they train later they get to bring their background to their to their work and to the ring and I think showcasing that just will make it a more diverse roster and so I can appreciate it. And you know, I think if they develop it a little bit more and find moments where like they continued that build in the match and keep it engaging then she's gonna again, yeah be the Abu thing like three times. Jim Alexander king's court. She is the most handsome charming intellectual and brilliant man on God's green earth. He related to Siri pay attention when the AfterBuzz King speaks. In the king's court, I'm sorry, but I will be putting in Lana Morgan wherever she is and we're putting Kathy Kelly you want someone from the show the bus leave me alone. I want to put someone in a show. Yeah. But and we have Lashley and Rusev outside the door holding down the king's court. So this is this is a good group this week. Oh my goodness. There we go. Good things over why the forget the Forgotten sounds come out and they have a match against I think was Elena sin rough, but I have question marks in my nose. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Forgotten Sons looks like they're trying to rebuild them again. Only be the third possible time in the room. Next T. Emily may walk me through this forgotten sons. Are you would you will there be anything they can do now to make you engaged in that tag team are trying bit. Uh, they can try now. I don't know. I just I mean, I think there's always a possibility but I think tonight's match was just not doing it for me. It did just it was an in-between transitional match. So I felt like it was just leading to the next one. So and we watched it we kind of chatted about it, but it didn't I feel like they're going to have to have a different opponent in order their Christmas. with your that's imagine you you submit your tape twe, right they sign which I did I did by the way, I did you spot to the performance center you What do you expect so I think it's just a matter of what it could be the gimmick, you know could be their characters, but also just the booking and it just was there. Yeah, and it's also like the lineup of the show and the problem down and like where they're like, oh, well, we only have this much time and there's a lot that goes into it. So trying to find like okay we can fit this in and sometimes you know, maybe later they'll have a better match, but I think you know, it's also just a rundown of what happens Kim Alexander the Forgotten Sands want to turn out forgotten Jimmy question what's missing from them? Think they're perfect as they are. No, this need better opponents. Like this is now their kindly their chance someone were talking about that wasn't they weren't getting pushed through it. They're kind of been done. Remember when that tag team tournament happened. They went bar in your dedication that tournament. Okay, and they were really getting up there and I thought they're going to continue that momentum. I don't know why it was halted. They had the same gimmick the same group right over. So why to mix work? Killian Dane and what's Cameron Grimes? Are they the biker gimmick to no camera? No camera groans. Lucky runs a haunted hayride Barnum the size d got the skills in hurry. I don't know. You can't say they're over people chant. We forgot you when they run they go against that would make it memorable should go right through that tacking. Jim Jim if you were right now is that many qualified teachers about teenagers groups are Regal right. Now. You're making these matches. What do you do with them? Yeah, start knocking people out interfering and mattress for real just like a people like if you were going to bring them either you bring them good at attacking opponents, which I think that roster right now and XT. Does it have many tag teams. You're just going to have to have them interfere and start beating people down randomly with no purpose or thing. Like you're forgotten Sons remember us bam knocking on that riddle, whoever I got going to make it look if they do that. So many times be meaningful though. It was being invited. That's what they're going to do. Their promos are gonna be like you wanted attention. You want to you forgot you forgot we're forgotten now remember us after him with that? Okay, because I think they're gimmick is supposed to be there like veterans that are forgotten like they returned home and then forgot. Yeah, nothing of their bikers, but the probably got but we gotta go on. I remember we got talk about this this thing then Finn Balor promo and over again jumping had the main event, but Dave and Chris were talking about Finn Balor and his positioning on the brand you're saying that and this Is true here saying that he is an elite-level guy, which I agree with and the current NXT champion. Adam Cole is not here's my thing. Here's my thing where I'm probably going to take a lot of heat for this and I'm okay. I'm okay with it. Don't don't get me wrong. I like Adam Cole. Maybe I like them but I don't feel he's as good as he's being pushed. I really don't I really don't I don't especially when you compare him to like a Finn Balor. I feel like when you get Finn Balor That is like a top-level elite. He's a superstar you just all right, when you look at Adam Cole, I think yeah, you know like he's good. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. Here's the thing before the internet. Adam Cole is good. Tim Ballard is great. Okay, there's a difference. Okay so Emily. Yeah. He said this before outside and you were like, oh hell no, it takes time to build stardom and to build Old that you know that that character that is like iconic and that will like stand the test of Time Finn Balor is that that has that star quality that like will forever be in like the WWE Hall of Fame like you're going to see him for years to come I think so, I think maybe we could talk about that but not the way he's been punished, but well but like Adam pulls having that moment where like he needs to build that star quality and like he's happy like he had that moment at Survivor series and Worrell. James and and those moments I think he'll have more of and that's where he's going to build those moments where you feel like he is a star and that he can carry the brand and the brand because she can't carry a roar Smackdown. That's for sure. Yeah. That's it. That's what I'm saying. That maybe not you can we talk about stars you put a star like for me a Drew McIntyre then you put Adam Cole maximum and I'm cold could be serving him lunch or something. That's not that's messed up. Right, but we always different and like we were talking about before what you know, the big deal with HBK Shawn Michaels, right? Who's big influence on Adam Cole smaller guy who's you know Legend but I think it comes down to and it was even comparing riddle because there's so many comparisons to Shawn Michaels so many influences, you know, I think riddle has more of the grit and tenacity Sean has as opposed to Adam Cole from when I see Adam Cole, he just doesn't have that. What star does he compare? And he's good. He's great. I like that. I'm cold, but I don't I don't see him on that pedestal that they're putting him on right now. I feel like I really feel like bro. Our riddle has has a better shot. What's Adam Cole without that group? That's what I say. I think that is true. But I think one of those things is like like Finn Balor is like one-of-a-kind and so you can so you can't say okay, he's gonna be like have the Act Level of Star Quality is Finn Balor. He has to create his own story and create his own moments. And so you just develop that over time and he's developing it right now. So I'm not going to count him out what she developing know. He's developing his whole his whole brand story is right. What is the Adam Cole bread? Because that's why I know you did make a good point and I'm bringing to where we are right now with this because you said, you know, it was almost like how HBK He first had his like I see run he was at gimmick first coming in the Heartbreak Kid. He was kind of you know, he wasn't what he became, right? So maybe in that sense. Maybe that's where the Adam Cole is finding his Mark developing get it maybe as we go maybe he will evolve into that will see I'm not kind of the guy like I said, he's good, but I just don't see him at that pedestal top level yet fair enough. I gotta run but I know it is now time for a punk rock spin up. Yes. All right, okay. All right guy, I dig it. Okay. So tonight's program pin of the night. Okay. I mean, I'm gonna call this one. It's like ever done. That's it. All right. All right. Oh no, I mean I'm gonna just roll because this is the war games, you know just re Mass. Basically, I mean, we got all the top stars in there. You know it Champa with Lee riddle, you know Undisputed era. I'm gonna go with that for the Mets tonight tonight. We knew you know, he's getting a great push. He's on a roll right now. We knew he was going to just dominate at the end have his moment which he did. I liked it, of course Balor coming out and then that whole, you know battle with them and now we got this crazy match going for who's the winner or they're going to challenge for the title. So that will be our punk rock pin of the night because it was the moment of the night. I would say. Well the night I want to put a task on this the former Chris hero caches. Oh, no appears. You just discuss about the guy like right back. Now get over here David stuff out of the way. No. Hey, man, there's no hate and about tonight know. Hey, here's just the thing riddle is on a high right now as well. He's being pushed likely he and like like I said when I watch him in that match with done, I mean I was already with riddle, but when I watch him in that match with done, I was like, okay. This guy's a real deal, you know that wrestling technician that he has, you know, he obviously has a little bit of that that striking background here. This guy is good man. He's a better than I thought he was and you know, and no disrespect to see him come out. And I have already forgot his name because I don't know cash is over. No disrespect him at all. Try to mix it up a little bit. No, I mean I like the I like the contrast, you know, we haven't seen Cassius in a while. So it's nice to like see him in the ring and kind of see him kind of go against a riddle. And you know, I think it was a good highlight match for the night and you know riddle took it took it home. But you know, it's it was a dynamic, you know highlight. I must have been watching Dynamite or something because Yeah, sure. I'll be going with children on the swings. I was cool. Yeah, I love that prom. I loved it. I'll see you like him being happy Jim. It's okay for him to be happy. Yeah, you know the kid it's a happy moment coming down this line coming off the injury, you know it R is equal to b gets wrong with Mendoza. But Cameron Grimes gets involved in the match - don't be asking. It's about two things Cameron Graham inserting himself in the match. The match self. Don't care about Cameron Grimes. What you like the Mad Hatter next weird Okay micro number three, but a minute put her in the group. That's just good. I mean like you said everyone can work in this company pretty much especially on NXT roster. So you're not going to get bad man. If you get a bad batch of the something to talk about really, you know, but I'm just not sold on Cameron Grimes of this point. Like I haven't been from the beginning. I don't like the Emic, I don't know maybe I'm missing something here. But do I give me from the big city? I understand. Yeah, right. Yeah, cause she never turns after being hurt by Walter interests of emperium. Yeah. His first run was okay caught in the middle of road. Is there any room left for Kristina really become a star and x t yeah, I mean, I think that there's two yeah- Jim over here. I'm not on Think that there is always room for improvement. But I think this you know here you're you're showing this it's a good mix of a good match of athleticism. And but again, I would love to know the the ideology behind why they matched Grimes up with kushida because it was an interesting like do interesting style. Yeah, and they're trying to put we talked about in the him trying to put over. And create those storylines, but I don't know how effective how effective it was. Yeah, so I was thinking something like what you're looking for. Oh my gosh when Finn Balor came out, I like screamed. Oh my gosh, and then they have that fantastic moment where Keithley is just behind Balor and he just like Rises behind the ropes and I was like you guys watch and it was an incredible moment. I even taught I think I turned to you and said, oh, they're not using keighley like in the beginning of the National Electric Code that they're not using him. So I think they're going to use them for the end of the match for a big moment and then it happens. So I think it's incredible. I think they're leading up to that December 18th and XT and it's going to be interesting to see who gets it G I think it's going to be Keithley. So that's that's me that's just stuff and we were talking about it and it you know, I sent my called this, you know, we were talking out there as you know, so I was thinking well because this is a triple threat that was going to be Balor versus Lee versus Cole, right? I didn't see I mean I Champa a D&C league in thrown in that mix, you know, so I'm so happy did he did which is cool. Yeah, very cool. But I almost think it Just be you know for man match where we just go pay-per-view with it. You know, I think that right cool but again even in this situation like where do we go? Who do we give it to you? I mean everybody isn't the right plate like Chiapas good you got you got freakin Ballard, you know, what was he going? What's he doing? And what would happen with him? If he doesn't go for it, you know that you know him so I mean and then leaves on his frickin high right now. So I mean, what are we go? Yeah and Tom I had fantastic moments in this. Yes tonight where I was like, oh man, he could take it to yeah. Absolutely. This is simple Later on. I met right on dollar. You can't have keighley my boy Dominic joke of it. He got it right together. I feel like they're promoting them you're introducing them to ourselves, but it's not their time yet. Champa just came back from the serious injury. Give him some time to work off the ring rust and all Finn Balor supposed to be this brand. I don't care what you say about Adam clatter close a placeholder because Johnny Gargano couldn't get it done. Let's face it. So that's harsh. This is now the time you bring over Finn Balor to this roster. That's a main event player on Raw and SmackDown. You better hand him that title and this is his opportunity as you put Kuechly there. There's no way in hell you're going to make me believe you can't even make to she does kid believe that keighley won't will lose took Adam Cole. Well, here's like that. Don't want bigger than him. They would squash Adam called Bella loses though. I don't think it's going to be clean pin on Balor. I don't think there's no exactly something there that's going to happen where it's like not reason they don't agree with you. I think I think Balor is if sorry, I got you all think balor's the future you but you got to finish up to Moscow campus story first. You'll have to accept an incredible story. So I think he's gonna win cool. I think Chad I can see that. Because why would you have to jump over there? It's yeah, totally I Want You Back goalie has been having such strong matches and such strong moments that you have to put them in you like I could see that too. I'm sorry placeholder that it's like you're using Champa just to move on a storyline and you're disposing of a piece too. Good to be just used to move movement actually all the time. I know but I still think he's got ring rust man. The guys had a serious neck injury can't just throw him into like I mean Cole can go no matter what we're saying about him. He can go and array. I don't know if Champa can run like that. And right now at this point coming off an injury, I think it's too much too fast. Let him ease into it Finn balor's time right now. I mean, you can't there's no point of waiting around for Finn Balor take that title have him start at Ron and really become a face of that brand and then it's going to go it's got to be either better or Champa. One of the two can be deadly though Lee not. Yeah. I mean, he's on a great run right now and I think it's just going to keep building. But yeah, I think it's too early. Yeah. I also think that one of the benefits of NXT is because they have the weekly show at Full Sail, you know. We wrestle every week right you can do you really become the champ and we're also like once a month or even are our main brand Champions. I mean Brock Lesnar rustles what whenever he feels like it. I know that was the last match of the evening, but I know we have two minutes left. I want to talk about the promos of other stars are featured in tonight's episode of NXT. But before we get to that NXT year-end Awards nominations are open now since we're as one of all time best match or best how I rescued you. Can I make the Djokovic my boys? Also catches don't know got one. Angel Garza has a lie, Isaiah. Swerve Scott Finn Balor tell me about this about nxt's like challenge of having quality shows on Wednesday night and trying to build up of their talents are not on drugs and are they doing it right for the whole FPS brand or is it kind of like Hokey or kind of a throwback? Like what do you know? You need to promise? That's one thing this brand has been always lacking you never so I know they had an hour show, but they didn't ever really feature Pro most you get a quick behind. The backstage, you know little Simon was like a faction or group. You never had or like a quick. Oh coming out of the locker room thing, right? We can't think Ali running up there. Right? I want legitimate promos. We need those regem problems now to time you're building a brand. We need to see individual Talent step out one thing and XTS. Like it's got too many factions and too many groups and too many, you know, I mean like together bunched up. Let's see some solo players come out of this in every sense and promos are the first way of getting in there. I agree. It's hard not to cut you off, but I just Hot take on this one. I really agree with you. I think they need that and that ties into what they've done in the past and and I will say this right now that I think this is the newest version of WWE's best attempt of recreating the Attitude Era because if you look at I mean, let's lay it out you got those sleazy story lines. We saw in the past like with Lana and Rusev now, that's that's definitely a replay. That's where you play. We have the stone cold stunner being used now with Owens. We have everybody doing the superkick now Becky Lynch me. In book like stone cold, right exactly. I mean when you think about it like we got the razor's Edge being used now. I mean every mu every everything is literally being reap what's old is new what's old exactly is new and you have even with any yeah, even with an exceeds almost like DX which they've literally had DX. Do you know, so it's I think the new version of The Attitude Era promos work though. Absolutely because I was a big part of the Attitude Era so hot take on the promos the Balor promo was my favorite tonight. Yeah. I think it was that Old school like just in your face like really artsy fartsy promo. And I think they're gonna this is gonna be interesting. I mean it's a different take on it. And and I think if they do more of that and developing the that style, I think it's gonna do well for the to our shows on Wednesdays agree. Yeah. I like the fact that specifically in Isaiah's words promo. He actually put his chance in there. Yes, what are those? So now when I see him it's like, okay. I'm buying on brand there. I love the fact that sperm is there but doesn't matter with some talents like Cameron Grimes in your case and the some they're building up here. So Props to that but it's now time for us to get out of here. Thank you so much for checking out this edition of the NXT after show. Emily may work in the world find you on my. All right guys, you can find me online on all social media platforms at Emily May Heller M AE for all rustling content and news and fun. Damn it, David underscore Christopher underscore official or on Tick-Tock. Now at David Christopher official find me, but I do you know what I tune into real talker. That's a place to be Arielle Lana Rusev, we're talking and it's going to be posted real soon some really good juicy stuff coming up there at the Jim Alexander on social media, you know where you can find me Wednesday night is always my favorite night of the week. I'm so boys. Follow me at Twitter app logo voice on Instagram that flow be tail and please support the homie and buy a t-shirt. Yeah Cheeto that thread but until next time buzz you later. See you later. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first with a biggest in the world. 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With the hype for both WarGames and Survivor Series hitting a fever pitch, NXT comes to us live from Full Sail. Join Flobo Boyce (@floboboyce) and David Christopher (@david_christopher_official) as they break down all of the matches and highlights! The Unofficial WWE NXT After Show The NXT After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of WWE's NXT. Every week, tune in for host discussion, recap, and play by plays of the best moments of that week's NXT! With in depth and often entertaining commentary, be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the world of NXT! *This podcast is not associated or affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ("WWE") in any way. ABOUT WWE NXT: WWE NXT is the professional wrestling developmental branch for WWE, based in Winter Park, Florida. From its inception in August 2012 to June 2013, it was a distinct but affiliated developmental territory for WWE under the name NXT Wrestling. In June 2013, the NXT Wrestling website was shut down and NXT content was moved to From February 2014, NXT started a series of live special events broadcast on the WWE Network, comparable to main roster pay-per-view shows. Despite its status as a developmental branch, NXT has been praised for its high quality of wrestling, captivating storylines, and the opportunities they afford female wrestlers as opposed to on the main roster; the latter of which has led to a change on how women's wrestling is portrayed in WWE. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
It is Friday the 10th of May 2019. My name is Jeremy Lin and welcome to episode 39 of the Stock Market Movers podcast. Just a reminder that nothing I or any of the guests say today should be considered Financial advice the information discussed on the show's general information only and if you looking for financial advice, please speak to an authorised financial advisor just before I kick off the show. We actually have a Twitter account. And now for the podcast so search Top Market Movers and follow us on there. I'll start.With just a couple of interesting statistics from companies listed in the United States firstly Apple. You'll know them. They trade on the NASDAQ under the ticket AAPL. I read something during the week that on average they buy a company every two or three weeks and the last six months have brought twenty to twenty-five businesses. They generally do not get reported because they are small relative to the size of airport and the company said that they're always on the lookout for talent and intellectual property. So this just highlights how big they are that they can. Do this that would not end. It would not even make a headline and you can almost guarantee that these companies and and most in most languages and relative to most companies are reasonably large. So it just highlights how how big they are. The second step is something else or from Activision Blizzard. They trade under the ticket a tvi. They basically make video games. They said that the average daily user time for the company was 50 minutes. So 50 minutes per user and if you think about that for a second, I I play a video game maybe once a week if that And that the average user is 50 minutes. So there must be some serious and get engagement from these video company. So I'll find it really interesting that's 50 minutes a day is probably the only time a lot of people put down their phone as when their plane is video games. So it's been a pretty gnarly week on the stock markets this week on the index. We had some big news with the push pay found across his lip stepping down as CEO and that caught me by surprise to be honest. And you know, it's been a rollercoaster rollercoaster ride for some other companies such as New Zealand King Salmon, but I'll have to To talk talk about that these from the other week you mean we had some other big news from the United States with the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. I think on Saturday seven hours long great watching I'd recommend anyone that's interested in the stock market get there and view. I'm think I'm five hours of the way through it now, so get your popcorn and and settle down for that not as good as what it used to be. Really they they ask questions these days a series of Emma. Ask questions any questions from the audience and the analyst seem to use it as a time to make speeches and things like that rather than just straight questions to Warren and Charlie. I think the best ones that I've seen a from, you know, the late 90s when when Warren and Charlie were really on there and they're Pomp and you know, they got the just straight questions from the audience and you just listen to them speak for 5 hours. You can learn so much the reason they get the analysts to ask. Questions these days is because people would basically use the Berkshire Hathaway and your meeting is a platform to protest about Coca-Cola and all sorts of other stuff. So they had to keep the questions relatively focused. The other big news again came from the United States this week and basically Donald Trump was feeling trigger-happy on his Twitter account and and fired off some tweets related to tariffs. And China. First thing I would say is there's a stock investor. The last thing you should be doing is taking action based off what Donald Trump tweets, but people are very, They do in the stock market has been down because of that. I've a couple of images in my mind when it comes to Donald Trump tweeting. The first is of him trying to hide it from the staff and you know, like sneaking on his phone to send it out. I know it has his staff gets driven insane by a lot of his tweets because they're not regulated his codename apparently with the secret surface a secret service according to Wikipedia is Mogul and I can imagine sort of moguls. On his phone again Moguls on his phone and repeat Mogul on his phone code blue that sort of thing trying to keep him off his phone and I can sort of Imagine him sneak into the bathroom and find off tweets where no one can regulate or filter and then but that's not the only situation I can imagine him sending Tweets the second situation I can imagine him as his just firing off tweets and going what of it. What are you going to do? I'm Donald Trump on the president. I'll do what I want. And actually that's probably more realistic than the first scenario and what we're on Donald Trump. I'll say something that'll probably upset. I used to made about half the people listening and we're getting a bit off stocks for a moment would be with me or on a tangent. I really don't understand why someone would vote for a month. I thought that at the time during the election and I still think that now it's funny when you when you think about it. Why would why would you vote for someone who has had one former immigrant wife after another and one current immigrant wife that wants to stop immigration. It seems a bit. Insane to me, but what do I know? I think maybe wants to stop immigration on this. You're a beautiful woman. I don't know and now upset the other half of listeners and say that he is by far and away my favorite US president and in terms of entertainment value, I don't think you'll get better. I mean, I cannot vote in the United States in obviously have zero influence so I might as well, you know, enjoy the ride and what a ride it's been I can think I think any one of the dozens of scandals that he's been involved in would have derailed other presidents or leave as I mean think of all the there's all the porn stars have come out as an example. I mean how many prisons would have survived that but I think that before one Scandal can really get a hold at another one starts up. So well, I obviously hope he doesn't win the next election. My personal view is that he probably will and you know, I'll surely be enjoying the why the ride and the circus and the tweets as if he Because it certainly entertaining right. So now that I've upset everyone Donald Trump supporters, and those that aren't we'll get him today to today's episode. So this is the second part of what I hope to be a four part series that I'm doing on the index last week. I spoke to the CFO of these idiots ground law and I recorded the conversation that we had. We had a wide-ranging an unscripted discussion where we talked about the history of the ends of the exits business. We talked about IPOs and the current state of the market. As well as some some future discussions as well. So it is an incredibly enjoyable conversation for me and I sure did learn a lot which is obviously great for me doing the podcast now just before we get into it. I was an Auckland recording on the phone and Graham was in Wellington. So there are a couple occasions where there was some audio issues. So please forgive me in advance, but that should be a reflection of my podcast and abilities not necessary the quality of the guests. So let's pick up the discussion and we'll get straight on into it. So I'm here on the phone with graham law who is the on the executive team at the end of the axon is the CFO and I believe you join. 2017 that's right during the party of ten months ago prior to that. I was with ACC and MP Capital with ACC. I was head of Finance with MP capital. I was CFO and then CEO managing director a fantastic fantastic and just so if people weren't quite sure I able to explain sort of what the NZXT. Yeah sure. It's a pretty complicated business, but I would describe it and in three parts the core markets business the funds management business and the wealth technology business the core markets business from a retail investor perspective is like tree of me where buyers and sellers come together to do a transaction and in our case the products that the sales side are Equity shares bonds. That's wholesale and Retail and funds are buyers and buyers are essentially both retail and wholesale investors that's sort of the the front of high school, but behind the scenes there's a complexities as to what goes on and how transactions are settled. So we operate a Clearinghouse which ensures that the buy and sell side are matched and paired two days later after the transaction. Also provide data and insight services to participants in the market so that they can see what the been mask prices are for shares or dads and can kind of give that insights into various aspects of the market like the value with an average price Etc in a nutshell. That's the core Market. It does have a few additional bits in that we run the Run unsettled. The energy Market in New Zealand where we much generators and retailers generators who sell electricity retailers apart and then on sell it to their customer and we also run so what are those just just interrupt there? What are those generators doing and in that situation essentially essentially the way electricity flows around the electricity Network its measured at certain points and prices are fixed at certain points the software that we're And essentially matches buyers and sellers at those points that the sellers being the rich the generators who generated the electricity and the buyers being the retail companies who you are as a homeowner deal with they effectively March up the prices the bitmask a price it gets much the not sets the price that I wholesale level between generation and Retail Distributors. Yeah, so it's the core Market. Your core business is what your most well known for and I guess the front-facing better. That is the shear method I guess and essentially the are you're facilitating transactions between the buyers and the sellers and so my right to say that the way you guys make money is by taking a clip on the ticket to Center essentially. Yes, the the me and the me and aspects are the products as you would like them to treat me or Equity products, which Company shares. It is retail debts. It is fun. So it's more than just Equity all day at that Equity is probably 80% of the total market capitalization on a there's a fee for the seller of those being on the the company being on the market likewise, when a transaction occurs, there is a percentage of small portion of a percentage charge on the trailer and quote from a training perspective use of the trade. In system, but also from a clearing perspective of we are the clearer on WE effectively guarantee that the both sides of the transaction will be cleared as in casual flow. So we match all rightful markets buying and selling activity over a two-day period and essentially ensure the funds flow program. Okay, so I guess if I'm understanding you correctly if I have my company ABC company and I Listed on the stock market have facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers of my of my shears. I'm paying a subscription essentially every year to Stock Exchange s and what we would call in your listing fee and yet when I as that company goes and it raises more Capital it would pale incremental fee as well. As they get larger, essentially. Yeah. Yeah and in the other part is that you're taking a small slice of every transaction that someone makes and in the third part is the clearing part. Do you guys carry any risk with the clearing side of things if someone doesn't fulfill an obligate us right and we met a get that risk and several Market ways. We hold large amounts of collateral from the market participants. So we're talking about the Brokers the investment banking community. Who participate in the market for their underlying retail clients? So they post collateral which we hold as cash short-term deposits in case something did go wrong. Additionally then in the cash Market we have what we call a holding of risk Capital. We hold 20 million dollars cash on our balance sheet to cover up the risk of a failure of one of those Market participants and then in the dairy derivative Market, We also operate a virtualized default fund whereby that risk capital is contributed both by ourselves and by the market participants, which is the big the big investment Banks. So that that cash on their balance sheet is under cash and cash equivalents corrected as - yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And that's essentially to protect participants in the mail yesterday and it's not we look at it as being known distributable. So I'm a pins every every year round to point out that we have a large cash balances that we can't distribute as evidence. Right, of course. Yeah, and and obviously the way the I guess the stock exchange works and 2019. There's a lot different to how it worked in 1919. Hey, you have just described some of the changes. It's happened in the market. And the last war doesn't have to be a hundred years at least especially the last few years. Yeah. Sure. I mean the the fun fundamentally the biggest change over that period of time is the electrocution of the market in particular what we're I think over the last few years is more known display unit type trading what I mean by that well previously where you had active fund managers having humans and investigating and trading stocks. We know finding that there's more and more use of Automation in that process process and consequently the sort of Third Leg of our core Market being the data and insights business has opportunities to provide Add more data more insights to investment banks, for example or participants who are actively using these nor display units to mathematically or systemically drive. They're treading. because that I guess that data and the past wasn't didn't have the ability to well it was captured in a different way of tended to go to terminal Revenue which is like a Bloomberg terminal where you as an individual will sit and watch a screen and be able to inquire and look up information on a particular stock one of the time whereas this is more the systems of the participants absorbing all the market data and one go the individual or the trailer will have programmed in what trade Matt needs to do the system will actively do those over and over the day rather than the trader having to make by sell decisions the system fundamentally. Does that within the binds of Hearts programmed in? So is that exactly can into the area of the I guess that automated and high frequency trading it's more just execution of something that previously would have been a manual process. The frequency high frequency is a potential and is a use of the data and information that we can provide but not necessarily so it's active managers who have investment not Here but not necessarily the number of investment managers. They previously had. And just on the high frequency stuff. I wasn't intending to ask you about this, but it popped into my mind. Ye see any of that in New Zealand at the moment because I know it's very prevalent in the other states. There's some deadly Sam but I wouldn't say it's as big as over there. It's definitely being taken up by some participants, but I wouldn't even call it a massive part of The Malt Market. And would that be a good thing for you guys as a ballistic price Discovery is good for everyone in that if Automation and machines are posting their trades into their bones sale orders into the trading systems that everyone can see what those those are over the last few years. You can you ask me about how the markets changed automations one of them. Another aspect is the increasing use of on Market as being the prevalent price discovery. Point that's very important for the Integrity of the market especially from a retail investor perspective in that basically the price that you see on the screen is the best price or the most likely price. So we've seen over the last ten plus years on Market trading growing from 20% to last year. It was over 50 approximately 53 4% I'm not means that when you when you look at a screen, you know that that's the price of the particular stock and you don't have to necessarily Lee asked a broker what they're seeing that's not on the screen. Mmm, okay. Absolutely. And you mentioned we got the straight to there but you mentioned some of you guys either. Yeah. Well this outside the goal areas the sort of non core areas that your decency to the core and they expand the market and totality or first they are funds management business and secondly our wealth Technologies business that the funds management business is passive ETF business extremely exchange-traded funds this week. That's a lie. Style Partnership of BlackRock tissue a few of their I share funds and expand that part of the market and why it's exciting area for us is in New Zealand ETF represent about 3% of the market capitalization in America. It's over 30% in Europe. It's over twenty percent. So we see a significant growth opportunity there. When you combine that with kiwisaver and potential increases in kiwisaver rates, we see that part of the market. A growing substantially and we believe we're best position to take advantage of that. Step 7 the ATF thing especially during a bull market. We're in Dixon's have trended up into the writer. Just increasing them there. And it's a fantastic business for you guys. Yeah, well the business well for growth in the future by activating or five year strategy, I believe. Yeah, did you want to talk a bit more about the fight? That was the was that the 2007 and the new CEO more Peterson coming on board and early 17 was a relook at the the strategy fundamentally. It's been a back to Core Business core markets approach. We have disposed of some non-core assets through 2018 and gone up a lot more client Centric. Which lets us focus on on both companies and participants and service those better so that the internal Focus that was crazy 17 has gone and now there's a lot more people actually interacting with Market participants. So focusing on the core business is there's going back to focusing on the transactional side of things in the financial markets here. Yeah, just customer Centric approach. Yeah exactly. I mean the the businesses that we divested that were no Encore where for example an agricultural newspaper, which most people wouldn't have known that the stock machine guns. I think to be fair. I didn't know so so that sort of gives you a bit of context of the types of things we do. Yeah, really getting back to that that core buyer-seller matching type approach but being focused on both sides and getting to deliver their needs to which and the strategy last year and implementing. It really was focused initially on alleviating what I call barriers or blockages. We sort of change the hearts, but maybe the name but a few we set the rules for the market. The previous rules were 500 pages long. They talked about telexes. You're probably too young to remember what Alex is but but you know that that's not what maybe give you an indication of how long ago the rules have been sad and hadn't been changed. So 500 pages there. No, I dying to 100 cages and More in English within those 100 Pages. What we've also done is open up some more. Products that we can market so the best example is funds so exchange-traded funds we've talked about a bit earlier, but all funds can I be easily listed on the market prior to Christmas? We had a carbon fund listed by salt under the old rules. It required 43 pages of waivers from from the regulation team to be able to comply with the old grows nigh under the new rules. It wouldn't require any anywhere version for just less straight away. So it's a Quantum difference in the the compliance obligation placed on a fund to list that will make a difference in the and of course that reduces the costs for the fund and therefore reduces the cost for end user and therefore makes it more likely that funds will come unless likewise. We've also opened up the wholesale debt Market which for a retail investor they may not they won't be able to invest in but Me what we're talking about here is central government central government borrowings being compliance listed on the stock exchange as overseas investors. Look at government debt. They want to know that their thought that is listed and goes through a continuous disclosure style regime which gives them another degree of comfort. So I them to invest in it and some instances. It's actually a hurdle to investing into government that and likewise there are some central government. These which will or local bodies which will come on and she wholesale dead in the similar manner. So, you know, it's just opened up a lot more product. As I said maybe at the start everybody tends to focus on Equity shares and see any percent of the market cap at this point in time, but we have grown the retail debt Market to be 20% That's grown extensively over the last few years and continues into this year to grow that way but we've also opened this wholesale debt market and fun. Market which we look to to grow over the foreseeable future. Now the way one bit that I didn't mention in terms of our business talk about three aspects core markets the funds management. There's also the wealth technology aspect her business and it's pretty much a start-up it offers the advisor Community a piece of software to manage portfolios for retail investors essentially. So it's the piece of software when you look at the screen. It adds up your portfolio with those all your transactions. It does all your reporting and Doc so would a fund manager were to buy some shares. For example, it would allocate the stock amongst the various accounts and stuff like that. So they don't need to do any more family advisor when the advisers managing your right applied across all his clients or if he changes Allocation between equities or fixed income or overseas Investments you can do it in totality or you can do it individually, but it also allows you to report the individual basis except so that's that's the nature of that business and and the exciting bit. There is it's effectively only a startup we brought on our first big client last year last year which jump the funds under Administration and not business from what roughly 1 billion to two billion. And now we have an act of pipeline of 40 billion worth of advisor Community funds under Administration that shows that probably shows you the size of the you know, the size of growth that we can hope for in that particular business now with that business, right? How would you how do you make money from that how to how does that get monetized Ephesus at the startup stage? But fundamentally, the startup component has been developing the software the core platform is there. Whatever development for specific client requirements as required still but it's there. It's operational the way we charge is essentially a bib spaces a pretty small percentage of the funds under Administration and on the service offering will determine the actual charge so we can effectively be the back office for an advisor full service or we could just provide the software with the the Investment Bank providing the The back-office the Personnel she'll call. Yeah, absolutely. Now when I talk to other investors and I talked about the in ZX with them the first thing that they invariably say to me is that there's not enough IPOs in New Zealand and they point to certain examples and everything like that. So I'd love to catch your views on that topic. Yeah. Sure. I mean, obviously the more listings the better. I think we'd all agree on that and certainly it's a pretty much a largely Global developed World phenomenon that The current point in the site I think didn't interrupt you there. That's what I think a lot of people Miss is that if you actually look at the US market steals 8000 stocks in 1995 and is something like 4,000 now, I don't quite mean the exact numbers, but I guess you just don't notice it as much and yeah, that's correct phenomenon and it is a point probably in the cycle the economic cycle post Global financial crisis. You know, my personal view is that the same cycle has just been Ellen gifted when when private Equity starts to divest and looks at IP owing some of its Investments. That's when we'll see things turn. That's what I really high level that other sort of here and my level it is Forefront of our mind. It is appropriate. I think also in the early late 90s early 2000 you had a lot of frivolous listings as well and not not in New Zealand necessarily bit differently worldwide after the tea. Boom in everything not it. Yeah, and obviously we want to attract quality listings to the market. So, you know, the the refocus of the strategy has been as I said Tran Centric and with regard to our issuer relationship tainted, it's about focusing on not just Equity, but also the other the other products wholesale and debt but talking to clients and potential clients setting up a process that builds a pipeline in forms that pipeline us. To the advantages of being listed provides encouragement and guidance along the way and and really pushes them towards joining joining us on the market. My what I would say is changing the rules has alleviated some of the barriers and coerced to and Wrangle the stock exchange but it is a it is very much an ecosystem. And IPO is an ecosystem event. We believe we have done what we can To encourage more IPOs, but there's more time more to an IPO than just us, you know, there's a there's a full community involved and we call that the ecosystem. So as part of our long-term strategy, we have co-sponsored with the FMA the capital markets 2029 initiative being led by Morton sternum and with ey providing the the groundwork support and fundamentally that independent project is going wrong the the whole ecosystem of whole market and getting the views of what the constraints blockages and barriers are to the IPO pipeline at the moment and working out what recommendations they can do either in terms of Market settings Market structure and regulation to holistically improve the IPO pipeline position. Absolutely. So I mean what are some of the challenges that you see from from the IPO perspective because obviously there's been some I guess relatively high profile companies that heavy have either decided New Zealand companies. I mean they have decided to miss out the nzx all together and just directly on the ASX and then perhaps the most high-profile one was Zero deciding to dealers completely from the nzx. Yeah, maybe dealing with zero first meeting. I joined just after the zero announcement, right and look. I think the the feeling the place here was certainly one of disappointment. We believe the reasons that a zero moved were certainly other companies that achieve those those reasons are requirements and retained primary listing on the ends are Stock Exchange and I could reel off the examples. As of 18 mode Fisher & Paykel hurt Healthcare Sky City and maybe me and Fred, you know, the global growth and Global liquidity and the stock is achievable lands are eggs, but more importantly it probably was a bit of a reality check for the business in that. We you know, we we have hadn't have were in the process of deciding what the new strategy was and look as a result of that. We've progressed on this memorandum of understanding route with others. Exchange stages you'll note that last year. We signed one one last act. I'm not gives us the ability to deliver in the long run deliver what exactly those particularly it companies may want and that may ultimately be a global listing and NASDAQ. And with with this memorandum of understanding that is heading towards being a possibility rather than having to jump from exchange The Exchange to get to that point. Yeah. Yeah, sorry. There's another part to your question there. Yeah, I was referring to companies like volt power and other businesses that have decided not to this time the in ZDX at all and go straight. Yeah, look, I mean there's was good analysis a few months back in the paper. Probably the last eight or ten that have gone down that road and how successful they had been some some only have only a few have been but as I said each it's the ecosystem each of those probably has its own reason as to why it went Where It ultimately did and the capital markets 20:29 will delve into each of those reasons and look at are there barriers boundary or the blockage is how can we change Market structure or regulation to bridging of them to join the local market? So it's not just the the IPO settings or regulations or rules that we have just changed, you know, it's full support of the That ecosystem be at the Brokers analysts fund managers supporting and listing and it's more there's more to it than just a simple Choice thing. Yeah, absolutely. I mean do you think part of the reason is that is this other Alternatives these days I'm guessing you know, 40 years ago if you wanted to raise money one of the ways to do it one of the few ways to do it was through the public markets. I mean even now you see some small and media companies that can raise money through Angel Investing and things like that. Is it just set this is a lot more Alternatives out there now, I think there's always been people willing to invest in Risk risk. Invest risk capital or risk risky or younger develop type and companies. It's just that it's probably easier to find them or in the current environment. They're actually out hunting to lately. The current asset allocations globally is towards more private equity and risk Capital as interest rates are low people are seeking return. Therefore this point in time asset allocations or towards the more risky and of capital that cycle will change it. Some point our asset allocation will come back to a more active normal Equity or standard equity and and fixed-income away from private equity. And that's when you see companies that have moved the private Equity more likely to come on to the public markets at that point. Yeah, and you mentioned the word listing pipeline. Yep. And then as I go how's the listing pipeline so to speak well with the issue a relationship team performed as part of the The new strategy their role is to actively service our current clients and search for potential clients. And I essentially they will have a list that anyone can go and make out from public records of the larger companies and I've assessed them as to where they may go in the future as in Stand private ownership or come to the public markets and then they actively engage go through a process of determining whether we can help them along with their with their Journey To The Future and you know, it's as promising as it has been over the last few years. Clearly. There's the other company in the that is going and to the prayer in the Press about potentially listing in the future and the easiest example to give is poured in their beer. They're you know, they're both of Nate. Yeah, they've indicated a desire to list. Clearly clearly as I said before the ecosystem needs to get behind support-bound. So we look forward to that happening. So there are there are changes occurring the pipeline. We are active with a lot of companies, but they could be two three five years away from actually listing and there's a long process because it's not like just switching on a lysosome. Not unless you're prepared knows. Yes. And one of the reasons that prompted me to reach out to you guys or some of the publicity Brian Gay news article from the other week got regarding in ZX. So, I'd love to hear your sort of thoughts and views on that as well. Yeah. Well clearly as I said earlier more or less things is clearly what we want. His article was a few days before our investor Day presentation. I thought I wonder I wonder if you guys check that out after the other no, no, no, no. They know we need more wealth more know we need more listings. So we're actively trying to get more listings. It's an interesting conundrum as mr. Keener point so that we may need to spend some to get some in a period of time where other certain number of investors are requesting that we don't spend money. So we find that that interesting but fundamentally, you know, our investor day went into the detail of the processes. Has that we have implemented on the new strategy to build a pipeline to inform the pipeline to encourage the pipeline. But as I've said before we need the ecosystem to get behind us and as a result of that we have co-sponsored with afma like Capital markets 2029 and I guess it tight like you see it. It doesn't happen overnight and this you're ready for it. It takes the time from inception to build that ecosystem and then to see the rig was so we might see the results and to Three four five ten years down the road. That's correct. You know, what is it? There's very few companies, which would be at the stage where they could just immediately start into the IPO process. It does take a little bit of time to line everything up and certainly change mentality from being, you know private to being in a continuous disclosure environment. Hmm and you mentioned some of your shareholders there. I guess you're referring to I guess they're also one of your Market participants. I guess you referring to Elevation kept up Capital who's taken a bit of a peace activist role. I'm not sure if that's the right term and activist role is to share what we talked. We talked to other investors or shareholders as part of our investor relations program. So, you know, we actively listen to any suggestions or shareholders Harvin an elevation of courses. Is one of them which was a bit more in the public to me and we certainly have talked to them a lot since since that point the time I would say as we have explained what the new strategy is. They have come to understand that probably there's a high degree of overlap with what they were suggesting versus what our strategy had changed him maybe as high as 85% but certainly there were aspects of what they suggested that we have taken on board the amount of the the easiest and most proof. Recent examples investor diag had requested that we do do a new investor day and certainly the feedback from that has been good. But it was something we certainly needed to do with the rest of their investors. But the same token there's the old saying that we don't necessarily think is the right time to implement that they have suggested and you know, we take on all feedback we welcome discussion with all shareholders if they have good ideas. It's the nature. Of investor relations as far as we're concerned. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I've pretty much run through all my questions. I'd love to sort of give you a final word or if there's anything else you would sort of like to talk about well, look, you know, I think I would encourage people to go and have a look at our investor Day presentation and our year-end investor Day 2018 Financial results. We believe the opportunities to have a quite big for our funds management business or with Gee business on for dairy derivatives business, which we haven't overly caught on a lot on today, but we see we're pretty optimistic. We're pretty optimistic about the future the key for us as you have rightly pointed out this converting IPOs into reality with the help of the ecosystem. Absolutely. Well, I appreciate your time Graham and we look forward to I guess we're looking forward to that maybe the port of Napier and some other companies listing listing on the incidents in the future. Yeah. I mean that's the other the intention there's a long way to go and sure for them. But as long as the ecosystem Gets behind them and you know the Brokers help the investment Banks help they fund managers help the analyst help it'll get there. Thanks very much. No worries. Thank you. Seriously, I wrote well, I hope you enjoyed the interview. Like I said at the start of the episode. I certainly enjoyed doing it me. I found Graham very honest and direct. You know, when you say things like we know we need more listings, you know, that's what we want to hear. So many thanks again for listening to the podcast is a reminder that nothing that I said or grams here today should be considered Financial advice. If you're looking to find out more about the podcast go to dot NZ or Find it and give it a like by searching on Facebook and Twitter now also make sure also to share it with your friends if you want to email me at is Jeremy at Stock Market Movers dot code or in Z dot code or ends it. So once again, my name is Jeremy Midland, and this has been episode 39 of the Stock Market Movers podcast for Friday the 10th of May 2019. I'll see you all again next week.
In the latest episode of the Stock Market Movers podcast Jeremy provides a quick update about some of the action on the NZX and international markets from the week. Including a quick discussion about the Berkshire Hathaway Annual meeting, Donald Trump and Pushpay. The bulk of the episode is an interview with Graham Law, the CFO of the NZX. The discussion is unscripted and wide ranging and includes a deep dive into the NZX and the lack of IPOs in New Zealand. We discuss the past, present and the future of the NZX. Grahams Bio: Graham joined NZX in November 2017. He has considerable experience working across the financial and professional service sectors in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Graham previously worked as Head of Finance at ACC, and prior to this was Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer at AMP Capital Limited. Graham brings expertise in strategic leadership, corporate governance, and risk and financial management. As always, nothing that is discussed on the podcast is financial advice. If you are looking for financial advice please contact an authorised financial adviser.
I guess looking back. I don't really know specifically what it was other than me feeling. Like I didn't have another option. I'd so much pushback from my body. But you know now I can reflect back and be like there was some part of me that was just like you don't have to live like this. Let's dig through the mud together. We're so glad you're here. Join us here each week for my life. But that that I thought that my life. How are you guys? Back to the show. I'm your host Andy bolts, and I'm just so glad you're here. This is your first time here mudlark welcome. And if you're returning welcome back here at mudlark, we basically just talk about the things that are sometimes really hard to talk about and we definitely lace humor into just the challenging parts of being a human being and today. I am talking with yoga teacher Lauren B Lindbergh out of Portland, Oregon before I get into it. Explaining the episode and more details and more about Lauren. I just want to point out that this episode might not be for everybody out there and especially if you've experienced or currently experiencing some type of disordered eating this could be potentially triggering for you and as much as I wholeheartedly believe that Lauren did such a delicate compassionate job explaining her experience with disordered eating. And I know it can help so many of you there. It's just possible that this could be tricky. So this is a really good opportunity for you to decide and just really advocate for yourself right here right now. So do that. I love you so much whether you stay or whether you go I really appreciated this episode with Lauren because it wasn't like Smooth Sailing or really even easy, you know it we had to stop a couple of times during recording and chat and what I love so much aside from her vulnerability of it. All is the freshness of her story and of her being in recovery for orthorexia something. She has been dealing with for a really long time and I'm just so grateful that she came to my house the other night and recorded this episode if it's so cozy and comfy and hard and I just really like her a lot. We talked about attachment Styles we talked about her. From California to Oregon. We talked about the transition from being a personal trainer to her being a yoga teacher and what that look like and we went into our experience with or through exia and she just gave us so many incredible resources and really just so much hope for creating a healthier Cozier more connected relationship with ourselves and our bodies and I just love this conversation really kind of like appreciating my body in a whole new way and I just Just yeah, like I said, I just really like her a lot and I'm just so excited to share this powerful inspiring conversation with you. All right now, so without further Ado, let's move on to my conversation with Lauren. I'll see you on the other side just don't make out with it. That's fair. But I love to just start the shows out with an introduction. Of like who are you and where do you come from? And what do you like about being a human basically? So if you could just kind of give us a little background of who you are. Yeah. So hi. My name is Lauren. I am new ish to Portland. So I moved here a little over two years ago from San Francisco, California. I guess I should backtrack prior to that. I was born in Alameda, but I grew up in Santa Rosa. Oh Oh, yeah, I grew up in Santa Rosa. Yeah, Sonoma County. Oh that I'm that's where that we haven't talked about that. I just have family in Sebastopol. Oh, no way. Yeah. So I've say yes, so I've spent time in Santa Rosa. Okay, so wonderful there. Yeah, it's great. And I have a sister who is older. We are here in three days apart. So very close in age. Are you guys close? Oh, yeah. She's my best friend. She's like, she's like so dear to my heart and I feel so so lucky to have her in my life where you guys best friends growing up growing up. I would say we especially with how close we were in age. I think especially as you're in the younger ages of trying to figure out who you are and we had like the X to be expected challenges, but I would say we weren't as close as we are now. I'm pretty much when she moved off to college. Then we just like got super close and actually before I moved here she was the last person that I lived with and it was just very sweet like how we made started. That's so cozy. And is she still in California? Yes. Okay. Yes. I have that. Yeah, and your parents are still in California. Yeah. My parents are both in Santa Rosa. Okay. Do you have visit often? I don't visit a ton. We try to I'll will see each other during the holidays. And then they'll make a trip out at least once or twice a year and then I try to make a trip out as well because my best friends there and my grandpa who's also like the love of my life. My first tattoo was his signature. Oh my gosh. What is your guys's relationship like just so close. Oh, yeah. He's he's such an incredible man. I when I first went to so I went to Junior College in Santa Rosa, but I went to San Francisco State. And when I first moved I lived with him for about three months, which I was 21 or 20 at the time like this is gonna be weird like an ideal like my boyfriend at the time was at Cal Poly which is just like such a college town and I was like, oh I'm living with my Grandpa gave me too. But I think that was probably the greatest gift because especially after that period you know, we would have lunch I think once or twice Weak and that lasted for like I mean I until I moved so I was in San Francisco for about 10 years. So I mean we did that. Yeah, I pretty much every week if not twice. Oh my God, and so he's like and he actually came out to visit with my mom which was so wonderful. I bet you were so emotional. I mean the whole trip. I think we are crying between him and I both because we're like, I just love you so much and he you know, he understands he's getting older and yeah, it's bleeding. And so what a sweetheart that's your mom's dad everyone in our family has a very special relationship with him it just they all look different all so different and unique. I love that. There's something really special just about that like granddaughter grandfather relationship Italy. There's just I mean, I know there is with me and my grandpa even though it has been kind of like tumultuous but it's like I just love him so much, you know, and it feels kind of like that Dad figure sometimes literally sure totally. So, okay, so to back up a little bit. What were you like is a little girl. Mmm. That's a really good question. This is like mmm. I the one thing that I know stands out is I was very I did things when I was ready. Yeah, so my parents we'll both say like no one could force me to do anything. Even the first thing they will always remember his writing my bike. Like I just would not do it, but they were not ready. They're like the day that you were ready. You are like nothing is stopping me. Oh, that's like one thing that I can really remember. Mmm capricorn. Yeah. Oh Caprica. I love that that's I could totally relate to that too is like I just always wanted to do things when I wanted to do them and people weren't going to tell me when that was really it was just like no toe now, huh? But I also feel like that can like that's a good thing and then also it can sometimes be challenging because it makes me think about like sometimes I'm like, I like to ride things until the wheels fall off and then I'm like I should go now and so like I think that's also the similar type of Of Personality trait, which also you know might not always be super beneficial, right? So yeah go both ways. Yeah. So you moved your in California, you're living in San Francisco going to college. Yep. And then what was your relationships back then really I had a pretty long term relationship High School through college. I actually look back very fondly at that relationship which Really really wonderful young love Zone and then I would say following that relationship. I've had a series of different types of relationships and they were not the healthiest. I'm relationships just the dynamic. It definitely inspired me to look at the book attached. Oh, yeah to learn about different attachment Styles and how that can really impact. T' relationships absolutely. So what is that book? What does that book about? That's just about the different attachments test. If there's there's a secure attachment which is ideally who you would want to pair with. I think in any relationship, right? They can help people who are anxious or avoidant. I think it's more beneficial or helpful for those that are anxious because they are like that grounding like seeing that they have that trust and stability. And then yeah so avoidant, so there's anxious secure and avoidant, which is secure and avoidant and can't you kind of flow between them? Yeah, totally and I think that it affects or it depends on who you are with. Yes. Well, so I found myself being drawn to people who were more avoidant. So then I became more anxious I run anxious by Nature. Yeah, and so it made me that much more right? Yes. Yeah. Courtney sentaro who's been on here twice now the astrologer we talked about attachment Styles quite a bit. And she we I think we talked about it on episode one of like her leaning more towards like that anxious attachment. Yeah, and I was always the opposite like in relationships so avoidant. Yeah. I was more of the avoidance. Yeah, and it's because I was like, I think it's just because I was so unwilling to open at that point like with those like those earlier. Nation ships I was so afraid that I would like once they started to like get close to me. I was like who yeah get away from me. Like it just like scared me. We're like not I don't know if this was annexed something for you. But like if they started wanting to know more or learn more it was like no everything's fine. Like what do you mean or or there's like a shield, but definitely I'm or yeah, I just didn't ever want to go. I was just kind of grossed out. I don't know. It was really unhealthy, but then like meeting hi, this is like the first really Russian ship thank God. We're married where he was so secure there were some moments of like anxiousness early on when we were living like long-distance totally but like I definitely see how like that secure attachment style. Like totally fucking grounded me in that way because I had never had that yep was always like a little seems like secure and again, I'm not like super like, I don't know this like in depth I got burst in it totally. But yeah, I definitely feel like secure attachment can be a good. I like sounding board but they can hold that space. So yeah, they even if you have moments of being more. Feeling more anxious or more avoidant that they can hold this space so that it allows you to come back. Absolutely. Yes. And so you're saying that and I haven't really felt this or thought this but even in the distance early on with high and I there was some anxiousness on my end because I loved him so much and we were far apart, but he was so secure and yeah like there were times where I'm like is this good like are we still got were so good and he was just like of course. Yeah, but yeah. That's so true how that security can just make you feel so much better. You got to have it. Yeah, what did you go to college for? So I did liberal studies I went so I actually want to do hair. I did hair for five years. Oh cool. Yeah. So it's awesome the first two years of college where non-negotiable which is totally fair was like getting it a then if you still want to do this like go for it, and I was like, okay, that's fair, and I knew I wanted to do hair, but when I went to look at the beauty school in San Francisco before going to college College or that's final two years. I got like super freak Towers like oh my God, what's two more years like just do this and then go and so I actually I did liberal studies, which a lot of people will do liberal studies if they want to go to the credential program to be a teacher. So I don't want to downplay and say it's a degree for General Ed. But I've say that in the sense of you go over multiple topics. It's a lot of writing but it's not like science major or I know you touch on everything. Because then you would go into the credential program. Okay. Yeah, and so you were doing hair in San Francisco though. Yeah. So after I went to college, I've had many a life. I feel ya after I went to college. I then went to Beauty School in San Francisco. Okay, and then I did hair for about five to six years. I bet you were so good at it. I liked it and talking with people and like being sassy. I really enjoyed getting to know people and Also, I feel like getting your hair done is like something that you do when you just feel great. And so most of the time not all the time, but most of the time people would be really happy in your chair and not that you have to be happy all the time, but it's nice to do something. That is also bringing people. Yeah, whenever I get my hair done like I need to go out and do all my groceries. Like I feel really good right? No get my hair. Yeah. Yeah. Really enjoyed it. I met a lot of really wonderful people. Hmm. And so you're not doing that now? No, I actually I stopped doing hair in San Francisco and I became a personal trainer. Oh, yeah. And what was the shift their? How did that happen? So I that's good that is kind of a long story, but I have always been active my my entire life pretty much I grew up doing gymnastics until I was Pretty much a freshman in high school. So I did competitive gymnastics. So, you know, we would gymnastics is a very intense intense sport, you know, we would work out 12 to 16 hours a week on top of school. So I did that but I feel like with gymnastics at some point. You're either going to go like to Elite and potentially the Olympics or at some point. You know, it's you stop is harder. Yeah, so like yeah, and I got to high school I stopped doing I mean gymnastics but I always found myself in sports or you know, I did cheerleading one year which I didn't love but I feel like it's a common transition for gymnast because you can still tumble and you can still do a lot of those things but in a different context, yeah, so it's still kind of like kept me in it. Yeah, and then I did track a little bit but it was probably I think it was yeah, I mean it was in high school. When I started going to the gym quite frequently and so yeah, I just was very active and the more and more I worked out the more my body's changed and shifted and there was a period where I was feeling very empowered by it and I saw a lot of people transition or transform. Yeah, but not just physically but like emotionally and how movement can be really empowering for people bandhan. And also there is a darker side to that. Yeah, but the transition I was doing hair as much as I enjoyed meeting people and I still cut you know, my friends hair and stuff. Dunno. Yeah, like you're like, yeah and I felt like the industry's just a tough industry and I give a lot of props to people who can kind of stick it out. It's just yeah, it's a tough industry. So what's tough about it? I think finding a place that feels like a home cozy. I mean, yeah, and it's I'm just like I'm such a softy. Yeah, so it's like I can hold my own right but I also and I'm an empath so it's like I internalized a lot. Yeah, so I think for me it was just it was a kind of impacting. Yeah, and then also the work is really hard. Yeah, a lot of people I think and that's why I give a lot of credit to people who are hair stylist because I think sometimes they get a bad rap of like, oh you just do hair and it's like you're on your feet all day like chemicals like you legitimately can Mess things up. So like you still go to school for it. You still have to pass boards like you've all written and practical like so it is just as yeah, you know, it is equally as it's a job. It's a big job. Yeah. Yeah. So throw my mom was a Beauty School Dropout. I see his fucking hard. It was not as like glamorous and easy as I thought it was going to be definitely not. Yeah. Okay, so but guess we transition I think just because it was during a time where I was working out a lot. Yeah, and I was enjoying that it felt it definitely felt like An easy transition of like, okay. Well what else? What I want to do, right and I was able to study for it online and you know and at home so I could do that while doing other work. Yeah, so I think that that's yeah and that's how I transitioned into personal training. And were you working at her like a private Studio or was it a gym or well, so yeah when I became a personal trainer, actually I had a friend that owned a studio. So I rented a space I didn't want to do the corporate thing. Yeah, again, no disrespect to people who choose to go that route because I know it's a great way to get. More education and meet a lot of people clients totally. Yeah. It's a very efficient way for me. My I just felt I wanted to work with people in such a close way of like the I didn't want them to feel like a number. I didn't want to push. I didn't want to have to make a certain number a month. I didn't want to feel like I had to push supplements on them. I just wanted to help people feel. Well empowered. So yeah, I had a couple people that I trained at their house which was so fun. So cozy am one of them. I just adore her so much. She liked to there were two clients that I trained at home and I adored both of them and one of them in particular I would get to her place and she would just have Bruno Mars bumping she was ready and I could hear it from my car and every time I would just light up and I'd get there and shoot open the door and be like, I am ready. And every time I do any form of exercise be this much fun. I know it's so great. It's really sweet. Yeah, so I made like real and I still keep in touch with everyone that I that was a client. Wow. So yeah, I've like created really special relationships. Yeah and your yoga teacher I am that's how we met Yes. Actually it was at last year's Christmas Market at Now yoga where you teach and Portland? Yeah, and how did you transition from personal training to teaching yoga? Yeah. Okay, so that's I almost was like a forced Thing by the universe feels like but I never said I struggled I would say pretty much through my fitness world like period which was a good half of my life. I struggled with an eating disorder it is if you were to give it a term it would be orthorexia. And so that is it's becoming more talked about Out but it's this obsession with health. And so, you know being extra regimented with what you're choosing to eat and how often you eat. How often you exercise what you do for exercise and I yeah, I did that for a quite a long time and it was pretty much at the peak of that when my body just I got so much. Push back I so I did a lot of different there were some really great moments from it. I would say because I got to be really fun events. I participated in Ragnar relay, which is so fun. It's like when I ignore Ragnar, okay, like what is that? So same idea you have like 12 people to Vans and you run different distances, but it's so wonderful Like You Meet A lot of people and energy run at like 2:00 in the morning. You're like, how cool is this? It's like Like they're like, why am I doing this? Yeah, I love it fun. But I decided to train for a marathon. So a dear friend of mine. We were both training for half-marathons just at different different ones. But at the same time, yeah, and so they were like her and her now husband were like we're gonna do a full Marathon do it with us and I was like, yeah sure. That'd be so fun. And I I Severely overtrained instead of changing my exercise routine in my nourishment, which was already not I wasn't properly taken care of myself for the amount of exercise I was doing but instead of altering that I just added marathon training to it. So it's like I took what I was doing and I didn't alter your one of Staff diet and then I just added marathon training to it. Everybody's like he's like, what are you doing? What are you doing? I had a lot of a lot of pushback. Yeah and pretty much when I got to the point where I kind of was like and it was really disheartening like I got 220 miles. So I was like a month out and I was just like I can't do this and I would say to be fair. It was definitely not that clear. There was a lot of struggle that I had mentally having to work through cuz that was the beginning really of kind of my journey. Yeah, I was definitely not that easy of a decision. But I also was like the amount of physical discomfort. I was in it just wasn't worth it Oakland. Was it physical discomfort in like the day-to-day or just when you were like running? Oh, no day-to-day it like I mean my body I ended up, you know, I dealt with adrenal fatigue. I've had a lots of gut issues. My cortisol was like through the roof. So there was many many factors. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, and so was it right after that race that you're like I need to or I need to do something and just shift or where where did you go after that? So I think it was it was right before the race where I started feeling like something's not right. Hmm. And so there's been that this part is just been like such a journey and I remember yoga was the first thing that they were like, okay. Well, this is a form of movement and they of course, you know, I started With restorative where it was like who's they practitioners that I was working with? Okay. So yeah the I ended up starting getting a team of people. So wow, you know doing the whole therapy and ND dietitian nutritionist all that snow like help me out, but something's not right. Yeah, I feel horrible. Yeah, and so I kind of found yoga, but it's interesting because with having I operated a certain way for a very long time and so to find And something like me find yoga really there's eight limbs to yoga. Right and they're not all physical and so to come to that and I noticed my mind start to be like, oh like I can just do a ton of power Vinyasa classes like yoga is allowed. So, how can I like I found how can I push it to the max Leigh being like? Okay like I kinda spite like this is cool. And then it's back to notice that and be like, oh, I see I see what's happening pattern. Yeah, so Anyway, so that was kind of a process in itself, but I had a couple teachers that I worked with who are absolutely incredible who were very very huge in the beginning of my recovery because I did a lot of privates with them and it was just simple things as like breath work and like being in touch learning to feel what it's like to be in this like human body and not operate like a machine. And so yeah, there was that and then working with them and I noticed such a shift. I also started working with an ayurvedic practitioner who that woman. I mean, she's she's helped save me like she's just such an incredible woman she in California she is okay, and I will never forget when I started working with her. She was she was so wonderful. We had we communicated frequently. docks and just like so if I needed to ask our question like she was so incredible and I remember, you know, I started scaling back what my exercise looked like just because of the severity and being like you need to nourish your body just a side note that I think is really important to address that Eating Disorders are one of the Hyatt have one of the highest mortality rates of mental illnesses not to say that I was that Extreme but just say that it is a really big. I think that we as human beings can sometimes take for granted all that our bodies. Do I remember her saying to me? I was really frustrated. I was like I'm starting to change my patterns. Like why do I feel so horrible? Like why is my body punishing me and she was just like sweet Lauren like your body's not punishing you like your body is doing everything it can to keep you alive. Oh, I like this idea of just like our bodies. Use whole much for us like and it sounds so like cliche but it's so true. Like it's just yeah, it's like not only does our body like PLS out of bed, but it like can take us to do incredible things and go to a yoga class or teach a yoga class. It's like it's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, I was going to say how did you like have that awareness to go and get so much support? Support so quickly. I that just is so incredible to me and I haven't seen that a ton. So where do you think that comes from? I think comes back to that same like writing till the wheels fall off type thing because I just I think at some point I was like this like I think it was 26 because I remember being like I am 26 years old and I feel this awful like I should not like this is not how I should feel in my body and they think Just knowing and there's always been this part of me. And I think that's what I try to hold on to is like just being like I don't know like what do you have to lose right like in seeking help like you don't have to go through it alone. I don't I guess looking back. I don't really know specifically what it was other than me feeling. Like I didn't have another option. I'd so much pushback from my body. But you know now I can reflect back and be like there was some part of me that was just like you don't have to live like this if you just you don't I love it. It's like your soul talking to you. It's like honey. You can have a good life. Yep, and your body needs. You right now that's so beautiful. Yeah, and so you started going through working with these different practitioners to get back to health. And what is that Journey look like for you to share some of that? Yeah. It was a journey because I think that the most supported in the sense of practitioners because my I am feel incredibly blessed to have the support system of the friends and family that I do but in regards to practitioners, I would say the biggest support I've had was since I moved here because two years ago, he has about two years ago. So I got my sorry. I know this is kind of a like tangential we like to squirrel around over. So it's pie basically my time in San Francisco. All of this was towards the end of my move. I'm sorry the end of my time in San Francisco. Okay. So I remember being I was working at the yoga studio as well like front desk taking classes all this stuff and then they were offering I was like, wow, I would love to go through the yoga teacher training because as you know, it's also it's really not just for people who want to teach like it's such like a dedicating time to just love on yourself to nourish who you are totally and so I Yeah, so I did the yoga teacher training and the way the timing fell it's like one of those things where like you just know you're going in the direction that feels aligned with you because it felt seamless like my move here felt seamless my not seamless. There's of course bumps in the road, but it didn't feel like a struggle. Yeah. It was not Upstream totally. Yeah. I felt like I was like in the flow. Yeah, but yeah, so I got my teacher training because that also is great to pair with personal training. I found that once I got my yoga my 200 hours certification. I would incorporate that into like the boot camps. I was leading on and they like the participants loved it, which was great. And so yeah, so oh, yeah the the journey so really I would say the the most support I did love the woman that I worked with the therapist in California, but coming here has probably been The most supportive I think just the the energy here is different and I know bad, you know, no bad know about it's not something you hang back to California because I like yeah, I grew up there and but the energy in San Francisco is different than the energy in Oregon Portland. There's kind of like, I mean, I'm biased because I'm from here, but I just feel like Portland and just Oregon and Enroll is such a place of healing totally and there's just open arm. Yes, just like come here. Child. It kind of not energy even by Nature. Yeah, I just felt like I will never forget when I drove in to like the night the day that I moved and I drove in and so I had sold everything that didn't fit in my Toyota Corolla. So I think I moved with like five boxes an air mattress. And I've been like blankets or something. That was pretty much it right like a pillow. Yeah, and I remember driving in and I think it was the Fremont bridge. I should know this. I'm like 99% positive and that the sun was setting and I just remember my face like lit up and I had this feeling of like your home oh your home and it was just it was such a special moment and you were by yourself. Whoa, but it felt like something I needed to do like kind of like, you know, my the people closest to You're like let us help you and I was like no, I like I like how cool would this be just do this for myself things and like just move? Yeah. So do you feel like where you are at in your recovery from your orthorexia? Do you think that was like kind of like next chapter like Catalyst like moving to Portland totally? I think I don't think because I think a part of it was also like shedding a label that I had or that I felt that I had. Yeah. It didn't align with me anymore. Right? And and so this is kind of a cool story. I remember when I did apply to college so I still applied to college even though I knew I wanted to go to beauty school, but I applied to Oregon State and I got in and I remember I wanted to go and everyone's like we'll have you been there like it's foggy and I don't I don't mind the fog. Yeah, thank God. I remember because that would be that would be a problem. But I just remember being like I really want to go and like have you Visited and I'm like no, but I just have this like Pole to go. Oh my God, I ended up not going that isn't literally your soul totally and it's so crazy that like here I am in Portland and it just feels like home and I remember when I first moved even how unsettling it was it like there was some part of me that was like this is where you are like a residence of just like justly where you are supposed to be everything will fall into place. Totally. That's beautiful. Yeah, and so you're here now, Now yeah, what are you doing here? You're teaching yoga. Yes. I am teaching yoga. And I'm also a nanny. Okay, which I love it is such a gift so part of this and so with orthorexia I didn't have my period for about five years. It's back now and it's been consistent like Mama's leg. It's like a huge sign of Vitality for females. And so I learned a lot like I just it's been a very educational experience. You know like females having their period is very important for bone health heart health like so so many factors and so I feel very fortunate to have gained it back right? How long did it take for you to gain it back and we just stay there for a minute. I totally well. So I mean, I've I'll just say it it's fine. It's been about five months now. Okay, so it's really I mean, I didn't have it five months consistently. Yeah. I didn't have it for about five to five and a half years and then then I got it. Almost a year ago, but it was kind of like hitting mess. Yeah, I know but that's feel like when it came back so surreal know what to do. I was like I like what I do like by things but it also was like So I I'll never forget my sister saying to me she was like, oh there's life there like that feeling of like, oh my God, like there's life like and that's because with like so the body is so fascinating with especially Eating Disorders, like my body shut down, but that's because it's so smart. That's what it had to do. Right like our bodies know what to do to Keep Us Alive like our bodies are so smart. We think we can control it. Which yeah, and I guess in some capacity we can but like Innately like our bodies just know and so it's as like frustrating as the process has been it's like my body's learning to trust me again. I'm learning to trust my body and so getting my period back. It also gives me hope for like that. I could have kids. Yeah. I mean hope there's other factors. So yeah, I know but it gives me more hope right I like if I chose to like, maybe I could maybe I could maybe that's a possibility. That's so beautiful have there been Things because I mean you've been going through recovery for two years. Yeah, probably I mean, can you tell us what like recovery looks like mmm. I can first say it's not linear. Okay. So yeah, I've I'm saying like recovery like I know but I don't having a yeah, it's definitely not linear. So I think it's so interesting so generally and I can't speak for every eating disorder. I've I think it's also important to note that there's this Expectation expectation, I think with a forms of addiction. There's this thought that it's the extreme or you don't have it. Yeah, totally you're either binging and purging or restricting and that's it. And it's like there's actually this a big spectrum of like I think any type of like our relationships to food and exercise are very, They're very complex. And so that has been something that I've learned also recovery with an eating disorder is tricky because unlike an again. I'm trying to be respectful. I don't know much about other forms of addiction, but I do know that if there's a drug addiction, you know, it would be something like, okay. Well we will will work with someone too. Hopefully we knew off and then you'll be off of it, but you can't not eat and you can't MILF so to have a complex relationship already where there's this control factor and then learn how to still move and also still eat but in a way that's nourishing for your body is very challenging. Yeah. I'm so I mean there are I'm far enough away. I'm like far enough removed from behaviors and patterns, which is really exciting. There's a sense of Freedom there. Yeah. But I definitely do not have it all figured out. You know, it's I don't I don't know if you can ever fully recover and a part of me is like I want to be I'm continuing to grow through this process. Yeah, and so my relationship to things is getting healthier, which is really wonderful but it's also that is a part of me that I think I hold with tenderness and like compassion kind of like a warm hug of like oh like that's what They did to help me. It was a survival tool, you know, so I think I'm learning to befriend that part of me and be like, oh that's like that. Yeah. See you. I feel you. It's so beautiful. Yeah. It's like the more we can connect with these like quote-unquote like darker parts of us like the more whole we become and like what is the gift? Yeah in this Darkness. What is this here? Is this here for me? Me to then help the world, you know, and I think that's what you're doing. Yeah and one so I will never forget in seventh grade. Someone asked me what I wanted to do. Hmm. And that was when I first initially wanted to do hair and I remember my response was I want to help people feel beautiful. Oh and it's so crazy to meet also like looking back at that to be like that is what I want to do. It just looks a lot different than what I think at that time I envisioned right? And so that is what I want to do. I want to help people feel beautiful Mike Know that there's so much more. There are things bigger than us. Yes. And do you talk openly about your orthorexia with your students? I haven't yet. I am I am leading a yoga for a cause class at Now yoga in February for need. Uh, so the national Eating Disorders Association amazing super pumped about will link it in. The show notes is already created. So I created it's not fully up yet. But I've created the link or I'm like in the process of it. It's super easy and it can definitely I'll give you the link. I would be so nice if people want to donate that would be so wonderful if they want to just come to the class as well. That is what also be wonderful. Oh, so happy you're doing that. Yeah, it's I did this year last spring. I did the need a walk in Salem and that was just like so surreal. What was that? Like hmm, very emotional. I think my heart hurt a little bit because you know, there are a lot of things that people feel passionate about in this life and based on our lived experiences and based on my lived experience. I'm very passionate about mental health, especially around eating disorders and body acceptance and with it being one of the most having one of the highest mortality rates. It is also one of the least funded I think when it comes to donations and so I was one of In this is not like well look at me but it was I was one of the higher fundraisers and in the big picture like as donation things go. It wasn't a ton of money, right and that just like broke my heart to be like we're like, how did I bring in the most money? Yeah. It was it was also so special like To be a part of something I've donated for things in the past. Right? And I think it also goes to show when you donate for something that really hits home it like it just feel regardless of how much it is. It doesn't matter. It's just like I get to help a cause that's really important to me. Yeah, that's beautiful like very dear to my heart. So it was and I went by myself, but it felt like something I wanted to do by myself. I love you. I love you this do that. Thanks. I mean Super uncomfortable. Yeah, but like it's also those are Mindset of really special so special and what is where are you at with your body today? Mmm. I am working with lots of compassion. You know, I think yeah, that's definitely something that still is on the Forefront of my mind. I have been holding a lot of space to just be grateful when I know the condition or like how I was treating my body and how far I've come and what I'm capable of doing is just like I think that is what's grounding me through all of that because of course my thought like I have to eat every day. For my well-being I need to do some type of movement whether it's walking or you know, but, you know noticing where there's still those thoughts that come in but being like hey I get to walk today. Yeah, our latitude finding a think what's been really helpful for me is finding different forms of movement. I got into rock climbing, which is so fun. You go to the rock gym. Just go one importantly. I want outdoor climbing for the first while first time since I was like, I mean, Maybe I did once but like it feels so it's like dancing on a wall and it feels so fluid and I mean and strong it is Hive so much it is so hard because my mind is like oh if I go like trying to figure it out, you know and like Capricorn every yeah like boxes rules like perfect on the go here I go here here. I'll get to the top like, no actually it's not that easy a humble learning to move with your body, but I think Doing things like that and also finding hobbies to help me to relate to my body in a different way. So I just signed up for a clay. I think it's like the clay throwing like on the wheel stop it. Nick said no. Yeah next weekend. I'm going to do my first one which I'm super pumped and that's like using my body but to create something and like that's all I care about if I love that you're doing that that feels like another sign from the universe because it's like I keep I've been wanting to learn how for so long do it. For yeah forever and I just keep talking to people who are doing it and I'm like what the fuck I want totally. Yeah, is it important? So Portland? It's a hot thing. It's a hot commodity in Portland. So I'm actually going to a place in Vancouver. Okay, and they have classes where you can just like go in for a class could drop in I want to do so. Yeah. Yeah, I can give you the information. I can you can link it if other people are yeah because Portland is great if but if you haven't done it before they're beginning classes, I think. Two of the ones that I looked at or sold until like March. Oh, wow. That's right. Now you're like Mom but once once you know what to do, you can go to Open studio. And I think you have more flexibility, right which is great. I love is so yeah just like relating to my body in different ways taking dance classes. I'm a kitchen dancer. I love dancing in the kitchen you're like trying to but even that it's like when you're so used to operating in ass like a machine like way like rigid or is more Yeah, then that can feel kind of uncomfortable. Yeah, but like learning to like yeah what music do I like but it's something that I wanted to share. I had met someone here in Portland and they had asked me what is your biggest fear in life? And I remember I was like, I haven't like thought about that in a long time and I was like, wow a long time ago a long time ago, but I used to be afraid of death, which I think is a very common fear, but I was like through this journey like My my biggest fear is like being alive and not living and like I think that's been like a really big turning point for Recovery is like that was I was alive but I was like so regimented and I was like that felt like such a dark period that like now like there's I'm so I'm uncomfortable in my body at times like a human but like how great is that to feel uncomfortable? Oh like and yeah, this is so Uncomfortable, but I'm going to do it anyways. Oh, I love that now so I know there's just like this Hope ya like it cordial. Yeah. It's yeah, I can relate to that so much of what you just said because I had an eating disorder in high school. It was more just not eating totally enough a similar, but I guess it would be called orthorexia. I was like very little food and lots of working out totally and it was like just like my relationship with my body has been so tumultuous. Joshua's mostly bad until like in the like the last few years. I felt so much better, but it's like when I think of like looking when I think of looking at myself, this is an exercise. I do I think of looking at my body and myself as a very old old old woman. Hmm and how sad I would be to not be living in my body today as a 29 year old totally and why would I waste my whole life not being in this body? That I've been gifted by whoever and just yeah, it's just like that. I'd be so scared to not live in this life and be 90 years old if I'm lucky to live that long and look back and be like, what was I doing? Yeah, all of the mental space and physical space that's taken up with that obsession with the way that we look you're like that the way you look means that you're that much more worthy. Right and you know, and that's a whole other piece with recovery is Like there's a lot more time to learn about yourself instead of being like Oh, I'll just go work out. Yeah are all go do this. Like there's a lot more time. And again, you know, everyone's work is different every like there's so many factors that go into this but at least in regards to The eating disorder piece right like the mental space like now I'm like, oh I have like I have free time like, I don't know. I don't even people like what you like to do. I'm like it at home in my papa's. I'm yeah, I'm learning and I'm learning. Yeah, which is really I feel like I've been gifted as another opportunity. Yeah. I don't know if you feel this, but I certainly do have like if you have like a few hours of not really maybe you haven't had this just tell me like if you I don't but like if I go a few hours with not even thinking about my body and like a Cess of way. I'm like, holy shit. I'm doing really well. Yeah because it used to be always I told every moment I'd be having a conversation with you or something or anyone and I would be thinking about my body and how it looked absolutely to the other person or anyone who might walk by us as I'm having the conversation it was so so so so painful and like now to like be cooking dinner for my husband and I and moving around not thinking about it. Yeah, I still I'll think about it, but just not 24/7. One of the context is different. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know how like it's definitely still comes up like thoughts come up for me often, but how I relate to them or how I handle them when they are their hair looks different. Yeah, love and compassion where I'm just like up there you are again, like I see yellow here instead of being like go away. I don't want you to be here. It's just like we're like what the fuck is wrong with me? Like why am I thinking like this just being like, oh I see. Wait for it like half of your life like yeah, you're learning right how to operate differently and also, you know societal messages. I think don't really help not at all. So yeah, so that's like also something to although you know, we are saying how like, I do think that that's starting to change people are talking more which I think is really wonderful. So wonderful, it's a gift but there is still still very much like kind of shoved down our throats. Yeah and There are people in my life that I've talked to about this stuff that I think there's messages that we don't even realize like if you watch a show that it's probably like either a guilty pleasure show it like you might not realize at some point there might be some comment whether it's about food or body or workout or looking a certain way or like it's it's so much more common than I think we even realize absolutely which can also be really triggering for people in this world and confusing. Yeah, like that's a whole nother piece of you know, Every is its can super confused so confusing. Yeah how has working in this yoga Community? Because you are a part of the yoga Community. How has that been for you with is just issues related to your body because I know I mean yogurt there's a lot of yoga teachers out there that are like teaching power Vinyasa and are totally you know, I mean, it's just it can how do I even put it into words? How has that has that been more healing or triggering a times or both? So I think in the beginning it was more triggering when I was trying to find my ground with teaching because I was comparing a lot of like, oh, my class isn't like that. My class should be like that. It should be like this or you know, I should look this way and I drop I'm a yoga teacher I should look this way. Yeah, I do think that like Again, that's starting to change to where people it's like because I love I've learned about Hayes like the health at every size which is so great because there's this assumption like the way you looked at equals the way you how healthy you are which is so not true not true at all right at all. But in the beginning of teaching, I think that was really challenging for me, but I would say within the last like, so I've been teaching yoga now for like two and a half years and I feel like I'm starting to I'm able to show up and just be like, this is me. And again, I think it's really important to address like I do not have it all figured out like this is all I'm learning. But I know none of us know what the hell we're doing this like it's definitely not like I do not it is still healing and forever, you know, but it's I feel like I'm able to show up more as myself and just be like I'm going to like teaching and instructing is so vulnerable. Yeah, so I think just being like I want people People to have a wonderful experience and I think my goal ultimately is like I remember the experience. I had my first few classes regardless of the style and like I want to offer that for people to be like like there's My Heart Like Yours my body like I feel you and yes, you know, it might feel great today and tomorrow I might feel horrible right but that's okay and I'm going to soak in this moment. Yeah, totally. I love that. So so freaking much yeah. Do you have any like main resources that have been really supportive for you during your healing? Yeah and recovery, so there's a lot well once that I would love to link so like Psychology today. If you go on there you can actually look up different therapists. And I think that's what you like. That's what the resource that I had used to just kind of see what would special like for Specialists your stuff so I would fully support I mean So much of this is it's like not about the food. It's not about the exercise or so much more to it. So that also need a is a great resource Nita so the national eating disorder Association. Okay. Yeah, so they their Nationwide so they can they have great resources on there because there's lots of I know that with recovery comes insurance and expense and there are still free groups go where there's like groups that have a minimal. Just for you to just get some type of support because it's very isolating and every person experiences. Like we said there's a spectrum it's a different experience. So like someone what might be challenging for one person isn't for the other and so I think being around people that you're like, oh we're kind of like I struggled with dinner last night or you know, something that you don't I struggled with my exercise or you know, whatever it looks like right, but so that would be one and I also think finding mode Dalit, he's to help you physically. So like I have been doing acupuncture for the past. Like I mean, it's for sure since I moved here. I did a little bit before in the beginning but acupuncture getting a naturopath or an MD and do whatever feels most aligned with you. I personally have felt most supported by naturopathic doctors because there's You're looking at the whole the whole and again, I don't know enough about other, you know other medicine, but that's been super it's just so connected to yoga to like totally and limbs or whatever. Like I've worked with someone that does abdominal massage. So it's just I think the biggest thing for me I would say is psychology today and then Nida and need as a great resource because they can also connect you I think with you know, dietitians nutritionists they have can talk to Different recovery centers I know montanita is in Portland, which would be a great source for people who need more structure for your recovery. Yeah, I like not. Eating Disorders are so tricky because they're so hidden and secret and you know, I'm glad that it's changing and I think part of my recovery is sharing my story because it's like removing the guilt and the shame so I think knowing that You don't have to go through it alone. And if something doesn't feel right or if you're questioning your relationships to things like it could be really scary. But it also could really be worth exploring. Yeah and life-changing. Mmm. Yeah. Yeah and you're leading a retreat and February works with doing that is it felt or they're all there's still some spots. Can you talk about that Richard? Yeah, so I it's all just kind of happened very quickly I am. In a retreat in Bend, it's going to be a weekend retreat. It's like rest and restore. So it's going to be will do a yoga class. They'll be some journaling meditation. The place has a hot tub, so it'll be just really cozy. I'll be making all the food which I'm really excited about. I love baking so I'll be making the food and it'll just be a weekend to just be cozy and I'm like part of me is hoping it's end of February. So I'm like, well, they're still be some snow. There better be I'm hopeful I mean not enough to like make the trip some people horrible but enough for it to like be cozy, you know, I'm like so when I first moved here, so, you know, you don't get snow in San Francisco. And so when the snow landed I was like, oh my God, it's like people are like, oh you're new here, but there's something so magical so magical and so I feel like even if there's like a little bit like I'll take it. So have you been up to Timberline? Yeah, so thank God. Yeah, I mean I haven't this is the year. I was like part of my like relating to my body try new activities. Like I'm going to go up and I don't know if it'll be Timberline, but I'm gonna go and I want to learn to ski or yeah, it's been a long it's been a hot minute since I've since I've done so fun. Yeah, my beautiful catch. I love it. I grew up working at Timberline. My whole freakin family works at Timberline. What didn't I do there? I started in like housekeeping when I was 14 and I have worked reservation because you lived near Hood like your how close was it to where you were so I grew up in Rhododendron? Okay, that's about 25 minutes. Okay from Timber line goes that's not far at all. No, it's really close like to place for a job. Yeah, and it was like what me and all my friends did we just worked up at Timberline? And yeah, my mom worked there for a lot of my childhood and my stepdads the GM. Yeah, so it's like everyone up there. I'm just like Timberlands home. I love it so much. So Are they still there? I stepped out us. Okay. Yeah, he's up. There he is. But yeah, I just love Timberline. I'm actually going to go up there with Courtney on Thanksgiving which is weird that I'm not going up there with my husband, but he'll be back in Montana. Okay, and then all we're doing like an early Thanksgiving and then I'll be doing a friendsgiving here. I'm gonna go to Timberline to get like hot cocoa. Oh, I love that. Have you had hot cocoa there? No, I have not but I so chocolate is like I am like a chocolate connoisseur. Yeah chocolate every day. That's like well it is not fancy hot chocolate. But the what they do to it is fancy. So it's like probably kind of shitty hot chocolate but then say, okay sorry Timberline, but then it's like whipped cream and then like chunks of Heath and like a candy cane and does not sound like I should be hot chocolate. It's like the I think the powder or whatever. It's not like a fancy like I don't even know. But anyway, and I get kind of busy with my child. Yeah. It's a shame. So um, so we have a couple listener questions. Yeah. Can I ask you please? So what do you do when old feelings creep back in kind of answered that and he said but yeah, I would say it depends on the day to be completely honest. I would say I have found you know, it's so tricky because exercise you do get endorphin that like that natural high. So I think certain Days, I'm when I try to really listen and honor and like okay, if I want to go do something I will now I have set hard rules for myself. So I don't go over just in to making sure because that's like my tendency is like the more the more do more do more do it. Yeah, but I would say so when old thoughts because they're still very present. I think it's just honored like acknowledge them instead of being like go away be like, oh there you are do Journal it's like I I've go through phases. So I think journaling can be really helpful if it feels like like when it feels authentic where I'm like, oh, I want to write this out. I'll do it. This is being like I need again. It's that feeling of like if it's something that I need to do as a tool. Yeah, then it doesn't flow right? So I think that or also I take those thoughts and be like, what can I do for myself that feels good? Yeah. Well, like let's throw my legs up the wall and I'll just sit there and I might be uncomfortable, but I missed it there for 15 minutes or make something for One I remember I started I there's something about receiving mail. No. Oh, yeah the best when I've had those things and like what can I do for someone so I like write letters and just mail them so some so I think yeah, I guess it's so tricky because it's everyone so different different but what I what I would encourage would be to try to open yourself to being creative or like honoring that part of you of like, okay, so that's an old thought. It's not pattern. I feel that I see that but I don't want to go down that path. Yeah, because I know what that is. Absolutely and so being like what can I do to nourish myself? Yeah, how can I love on myself take a bath? Yeah. It's so beautiful the other one and again you kind of you kind of answered these but maybe you have another thing you want to throw in what steps can I take what steps can I take to move into a space of Better Body acceptance? Softness and love for myself so sweet. I love that I knew to do especially because I'm like, oh that's something that like, I'm still working on every day. I don't think I feel like especially with Society. It doesn't you know it. I mean, maybe people maybe there are people in this world who I and I'm sure there are that don't struggle with that in the same way, but How can you say that one more time? Yeah, that's a beautiful question. Yeah, what steps can I take to move into a space of Better Body acceptance softness and love for myself. Mmm. I think gratitude for all that. Our bodies are doing MMA and I know that that's like we talked about gratitude a lot but I think because it works and also like when you really think about all that our bodies do like when you really think about it, right like just being like like Thank you. Yeah. I love that. Yeah, I feel like gratitude and and finding things that bring you Joy and I know that that's not easy because I'm still I'm still working on that. Yeah, like they're going to a clinic last. Yeah. I'm like, I want to find something that's not exercise related. That makes me happy that will bring me joy and I think when you have tools in your kit that like, you know, bring you Joy when you have those moments, you can help bring that with like compassion and it's building your toolbox totally basically because it's like what's going to work for you one day may not the next year when you have a ton of shit that makes you feel good and joyous you have a lot to choose from and also I think In society or in this world, we sometimes feel guilty to do nice things for us for ourselves. Yeah, like a were being selfish overindulgent or what I and I do think that that's like a huge piece of it because I dunno like acupuncture and abdominal massage. Those are all luxuries like, you know, when I think believing that like you're doing something to invest in yourself that brings you like some he's is also really helpful. Yeah, because those those feelings I feel like will not well. Definitely. I don't know if they'll ever like fully go away. Yeah, absolutely. I feel that I'm not to get like back back back but like just like with body dysmorphia stuff that I've dealt with of like literally seeing a totally different body in the mirror than what's actually there. It's like there are just and it's usually like around when I'm when I have my period but like that's what I'm like, oh my God. Yeah. Did I just liking so much, you know, and I just see myself so differently and it's like, but I met a really good. Earthy place but those thoughts still creep back in and I just don't see them being completely gone ever and I think that's okay. Yeah, I think it's like that kind of dark and light like it just helps us to really appreciate those good body image moments that much more and to have that Insight I think is also really helpful to like if you can step back from it and be like, what is the alternative? Yeah, and if it's worth it absolutely where can people connect with you. Hmm. So that's a while. So we were talking about So I'm working on my website, which I will hopefully be up by the end of the year. That's like my goal but present would be would be my email which I will link it. Okay? Yeah my email and then I am on social media. I'm not I'm not Super Active on social media, but I am on Facebook and Instagram so and you do have some Community classes. Can you share that so I teach classes at Now yoga PDX both their Williams location and their division location. They have to now It is a high-intensity class. So and that's why I know it sounds like wait a second and that's something that I've that has been to be honest something that I've struggled with. But I also feel like I know how I teach the class and so that's also been I think interesting for me because when you go through recovery, and I was over and not to like totally backtrack, but just something that I think would be worth sharing. It's a pendulum. So I was like on the way High Spectrum of exercise and then I went to this like my body so fragile, I don't want to hurt it. I don't want to be challenged. I just want to love on it and then there's this period of like, okay like I do also want to be like it's empowering to be challenged. Yeah, but also love on yourself. And so I feel like that class is kind of a mix where like you are challenged and I encourage people to challenge themselves, but I also really encourage people to honor where they're at. So I let them know that this I'm really just A container and I'm guiding them to do some challenging exercises. But also there's so much time that's also designated towards just like the restore peace to it. So that's that's currently what I'm teaching. I'm sure it'll evolve like the more I think about it and also my relationship to those things like we are all growing and evolving or life. So yeah, I think that's why I definitely don't want people to I feel like I can bring a really good perspective. To those classes because I I there's no body. Shame. There's no it's very much. Like hey, look what I can do and if you want to challenge yourself, this is what you can do. And if you don't if you want to be a cozy soft human right now and lay on your back you could do that do actually had a class for a group of women and one of the women came and she was like look at this is my lunch break and I want to just lay down. Oh, I love you. I just don't I don't want to land a down in my car. So I just am going to be here. I'm going to be in the back. It was like I talk really love her like I'm still like her. She's like you have some good music. It was a difference is like mama needs a nap. I'm just going to be taking a nap back here. Have a good time. It's like I'm just glad you're here. I know I say it and almost like every single class. I'm like you can you can work your ass off today, or you can lay in the fetal position, whatever you need to do do it. I don't care really just do whatever feels good. Yeah. Well, I will link your schedule and Langston everything all of your resources you're so amazing. Thank you. So much and yeah, just thank you for sharing this amazing story. Thank you. Bye. As always thank you guys so much for listening and thank you are and for that amazing conversation, just so grateful to be getting to know you more and yet just thank you for sharing yourself with all of us. And also please if you have not yet. Don't forget to rate and review the show. This is what helps mudlark get into more hands and our hearts, and I just appreciate it. So stinkin much. I love you all. Have a great day. Bye. Hi.
⎜⎜⎜POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING — The topics discussed in today's episode could potentially be triggering. We discuss disordered eating and although Lauren was so tender and lovely in sharing the information, it was important to both of us to place this warning at the top of the show. A perfect opportunity and practice of self-advocating and knowing what you can and cannot see today⎜⎜⎜ Today Dani interviews Lauren Bielenberg; a yoga teacher who’s passion lies within helping people reconnect to their bodies with compassion and tenderness. Lauren shares about her experience in healing with Orthorexia and is now opening up about her recovery process in hopes that she can make others feel less alone in the darkness of disordered eating. She wants to bring awareness and light to this very common mental illness and wants to empower and inspire individuals struggling to see while it may not be easy, there is so much hope. She talks candidly about how she began her excessive exercise routine and how her body let her know she needed to slow down. We talked about her transition from personal training to becoming a yoga teacher and we also talked about how she weaves in so much softness and love into her yoga teaching. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to find better body acceptance or to find compassion for loved ones who may be struggling with disordered eating habits. Enjoy the show!
this episode of Molly's minutes is sponsored by depop depop is the Community Marketplace app where creatives come to buy sell and discover the most unique items from around the world for many of us including myself fashion is a form of expression a way to tell a story of who we are how we are feeling and what we stand for whether you want to shock Inspire Rebel or just experiment depop gives you the space to do just that without breaking the bank or the planet download the app for IOS and Android now or head to deep to get started. Welcome to Molly's Minutes. Jamie said I needed to Brandon Moore and I probably do but I need to know my God we can give you a class on that. We're so good at selling ourselves. Like Okay We're Cute. Okay. Well after this we're going to shut off the camera. I'm here with Kaitlyn. Okapi faunal. Hello. Hello. So we're just gonna ramble today. We don't really have a plan, but we hope it's good. So Joanna like say Justin gate, well, everyone that follows me Daphne follows you because you would like way more followers and I feel like they would cross over a little bit. But Joanna describe kind of who you are like what I see, but you know what I mean? Oh, that's such art much. I'm sorry. Okay, you're just like everyone meet Molly actually already know each other in laws. So if we were if we reference anyone that we both know is because we're actually related so I mean like what do you do like Like I know what you do. OK Kalyn is basically Instagram famous. She has a slick Instagram. Your status says cool. Your aesthetic is like clouds rainbows and blue skies. You know, I love a blue sky like we love God like he was just so good. And I love that kind of a good kind of unfiltered happy. It's not like me on a nighttime or maybe a few times it is but I feel like it's just you have a very nice. Grid I do. Have a nice. Like my grid now ya see, I would be my captions now, I wouldn't be into smelled or like quotes and my captions. I don't know. I can't do Chi captions just freaked me out. No, literally the wouldn't be grabbing my boobs on my Instagram if anyone's reference at ke underscore Mo n I'm grabbing my boobs. It's a timer cam in the car with my mom. I was like the lighting so good. I can't miss this opportunity. My mom was you driving like are you doing meditation as me? She's like are you because I cross my legs. I try to get the position. I was like, what am I captain? This is like literally me taking a Time account. Big grabbing my boobs. Like that's what it is. But I feel like if I will be like me and anxiously waiting for the dart, but that's like hashtag relatable. People would love that. No, that's unlucky laughing. Oh no idea. That's hilarious like dude. Have you like that would just turn into like a series of my anxiety and I tried to like come off as happy and like my I'm a happy person, but I'm like happy. Like the constantly rushing. This thing's me so early like that's like mean another job. I feel like I just feel like I don't know. I don't know. What am I talking right now? You just be unapologetically yourself Molly. Yeah. I know because I know from I know from me to you. You're like, you're like, I can't even decide that. I'm so sorry like you're having a conversation with me. Like, I'm sorry. I take it back or take back that whole conversation. I post and delete so much. Oh my god. Oh, do you yeah. Oh so much. I'm like, I don't know. But it won't be because they'll be like, oh, I don't like that photo mmm. It'll be like something so Random. I'll just be like, oh, I don't know. I just I freaked out. I'm a freaking you are freaking. Yeah that oh, you need to know but like that's part of your character. Yeah. I think it's enjoyable. Maybe just keep it like yeah. I don't even know I needed this is supposed to be that you we're just like this if you have a YouTube I have to YouTube's I have to install Um, I used to know the reason I have followers because out of Snapchat account dries. Jamie said this as well. This is how I got my nose and I'm doing quotation marks if you're not watching this and I'm doing quotation marks. Also. I hope my sarcasm like reads in a podcast it does. I'm very sarcastic. So basically I started a soda because I was friends with Jamie a YouTube channel before this and I was like really just I was kind of just like watching other YouTubers and copying them because I was like I wanted to do that too, but I wasn't being myself. I was just like I'm just gonna copy other people I like hope that I get the audience, right? Yeah, so then I started a Snapchat and because it's like unfiltered you don't have to edit it and you don't have to you know, when you're editing I'd say you see this is our when you're editing your podcast. You're like, oh you're really critical of yourself. Yeah, so you could add a lot. So it's basically not even showing the real you kind of what you will never use that much butter. You know what I mean? No, and also mine is normally other people talking but I've tried to film but videos by myself and just never post them exactly. So you're just if you re-watch something you're not going to be your true instant like Instinctual self. Yeah. So when I started the Snapchat, I was just like I would talk about anything. My first story was like how I used to fish for drink when I was 15 and then the second one was losing my virginity and I just got like Hugh and everyone's like this is gas. Like no one on the Internet is like this. Yeah, but like this is bizarre. Why doesn't anyone talk about this which I find bizarre because you'd I talk so loudly I'd be on the dark side me and my all my gay friends if you like. Oh, you've got fisted us are you can edit that out so visceral of me. Even I don't even think it has to be like people like people our age are into the same things would be really kind of they wouldn't talk about that. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's weird because maybe in there likes private sphere they might and they might be online but they never talk about things like that like me included kind of I mean, I feel like I do open up quite a bit, but I Can you do this? Yeah, but I things like talking about like losing your virginity and like fishing for drink. It's literally something everyone can relate to yeah, so it just like makes kind sometimes I'm like, why do people pretend that they're not like a sexual being or that they were never like that or it's like with the whole drug saying that I can always me so much and it did talk about drugs as well and different experiences because teenagers actually don't have any idea what like narcs are like in Dublin they have No idea like no one's teaching him this. Yeah, it's just in school. You're like don't do drugs and no one's being like this is the effect of this one. Yeah. This is where you shouldn't by offering. Yes, even if they even to dude safely exactly like even they can still say don't do drugs. I mean, that's so fairly. Yeah, but tell tell us why you know what? I mean? Like there should be educated like they're just here to death. Yeah, I drug user when you're in school is like a heroin addict on the streets, which is obviously a drug use As well and it's super super sad a huge problem in Ireland, but there's like no middle ground. Not that they should be saying oh by the way loads of your peers in the future will be doing drugs. I don't expect that but I saying why it's dangerous because then you get to an age and everyone's doing drugs. You might feel peer pressured into it or you might not and you literally especially Irish people like Irish people don't really think about things they just like go fresh. There's like I want the ball. Yeah. It's so dangerous. Is that because there's no Like testing kits there's nothing Clubs closed at have to then you're after and after is of person. You don't know like raves illegal Rave are coming up in the world. Yeah. Well, hopefully like that all gets sorted next couple years, but it just annoys me so much and then I remember with bloggers and veiled so many people were getting like busted for like my denial texting and dealer. Mmm and they'd be like, oh, I don't do it and it's like, okay. Well you clearly do so you might as well just talk about it. Like you could actually get people really on your side by like being someone to talk about it, right? So it started with Snapchat. Yes our Snapchat then it blew off and then I started hating it because I was getting an audience that I didn't really want. It was like 12 year olds and then I'd be talking about inappropriate things. Okay, so it's gone and then I got Mom's Taxi me being like I don't know. That's what your fault I know it's not my fault, but I was still like just lead us. Okay, and it's really instant they reply because you can replace you right away and I just wasn't able to handle it. Hmm. And then like people were coming up to me being like Oh, I know your ex-boyfriend is because I had a story about my ex-boyfriend like being abusive to me and then I was like, Like attacked for that. It was like the worst thing ever. I think after that I deleted my Snapchat and then I were good. Yeah, I like deleted the whole thing and it's a dying up anyway, so yeah, you know what? I mean? It's literally Dad. Yeah, so that's basically where it started and then people were coming up to me being like you're like my guilty pleasure and I was like, I know night I know I was like is that complementarity and it's like a backhanded compliment? Yeah, and I know I'm an acquired taste because I've been pretty outspoken. Like, I think people think I'm We're lucky that I actually am it's just like I'm open about being myself. It's just that you're honest. Yeah, I don't think you're even that wacky or I'd spoken like you're just like, oh my God, she's crazy. Like well, you're not crazy in a nice way, but you're like you're fun, but you're not like I don't know maybe people aren't and find you outrageous because no one else is being authentic or transparent. So maybe that was getting followers. I never was like I want to get Get sent free stuff and sell it on the internet for other people. This is my girl. I never want to quit my day job to do to work on the internet that is not something that you've worked the whole way through all of this. Oh, I've always worked and I'm never I even if I had a million followers, I still wouldn't quit my day job. I don't want to sell people products on the Internet. It's not a vocation at all. And that shouldn't be a passion. I don't want my followers thinking that's a passion and be yeah, I wanna girls like I don't I don't think it's like bad. If you align yourself with something you like. You're really passionate about like say a vintage. For something more like oh we really want to send you that so you'd be like, yeah, what do you or no? Yeah, I take second-hand clothes. Yeah, okay, but I to be honest like I don't accept store for if I liked it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, but I lie In fairness no one really sends me anything because in my Captain's I'm like cursing all the time and I don't look like a sellable person. Well, I think I'd I think that you I don't know it seems vintage shops in second hand shops and kind of deep pop shops. They don't really do that kind of PR. No, they don't but I think if they did like you Be the absolute perfect your so that look you're so that I feel like the media that shops anyway, yeah. No, but that's what I'm saying because like they obviously know you're into it. You know what I mean? Where is like if someone else is into certain like fast-fashion Brands you can kind of tell that that's their style. Anyway, you know what I mean? So you could tell that you shop and like vintage shops and like cool probably smaller shops. You got me. So so it's hard to tag your clothes and like it's hard to be a blogger when you chose exactly. Yeah. It's really annoying. Yeah. I don't wear polyester. Yeah takes like I don't I think that I first polyester clothing those has ever been made as still like in perfect condition. Yeah, it's so scaffold. Yeah the worst and I'm like, yeah, I always think that like I don't get too much into it because I don't think it's like that Society. I don't shame people for doing some people just like love those clothes and that's their goal and they like attain that goal and that's amazing, but for me, And I used to buy from those Heights all the time. So, you know, but for me, I just can't imagine promoting something that then like you're responsible. So then like the brand comes back to you and says congratulations, you've actually salt made us sell a hundred thousand body suits made out of this material so that you're actually responsible for that like never rotting. Yeah to get me that just sometimes I'm like sometimes I'm like, maybe they don't know they don't know but I feel like these Bloggers are always talking about how they're saving the planet and stuff. Like I feel like the majority tomorrow and they're like, oh I'm doing great and I'm sending a good message. See I don't follow that many. I follow smell a few small ones know from Ireland and this is what I've gathered and they like say openly they're like, I'm they romanticize insecurities. They romanticize anxiety to be more relatable to younger teenagers. This is what you mean by you know, not what you mean by romanticize like if you're like talk met someone I have no clue who you're not anyone in okay, okay. Like I feel like it's just a formula that people create. Okay heads and this is how I'm going to get followers. Okay, I'm gonna do it but it's subconscious like that. I know they don't know they're doing it. Okay. So basically they put up a post and be like, I've worked so hard like, you know, the big message the big long captions basically either like a transformation thing or like I was bullied in school That's a classic one and then it's just like do not think see I would never think of As romanticizing I do I only do know because I realized that when these people get followers and then they start to promote like the brands that they want and then they they lose themselves completely. Okay. That is the that's the in their head. They're like, this is how I got followers. So I'm going to keep doing it. Okay, and I feel like only maybe in a few weeks. I've kind of realized this. Okay via, I don't know. No I get what you mean. Sorry. I'm just like trying I'm just like processing this because I definitely sometimes times will see it's more like on my captions of my podcast. I like described on my podcast about and generally sometime like most that I'm well recently. Anyway, all my podcasts have been surrounded by just because my last three know my last for a podcast the first one was up literally talking to a girl about and the body because that was like her thing then another one was about eating disorders and then another one was about a guy who was gay growing up in like a football football like atmosphere. Yeah. So then I feel like it turned then like after like obviously I'm going to promote that post yet. Obviously. Yeah, but I yeah I get what you mean in a sense. It's like if you're kind of talking about it all the time and then you just drop it once you get like PR packages, but yeah seems fake to me. Yeah, I got you. I totally cannot the saying this about you. I'm literally just say no. No, I know. I don't know this. I don't know what I like to just I'm just like yeah because I totally know I totally know that and I feel like with Irish there's some iron. It influences that promote literally like and I have no problem with face tuning or anything because if you want to do that, like go ahead and do it and I hate when people shame people for us, but then in the same breath like will post about yeah like being insecure because you see perfect people on Instagram that does annoy me and I don't think I'd only can think of like one person who does that and I feel like they have they got a hard time from bloggers unveiled. Oh, yeah, but like I was never really involved in that. Pay attention to any of it was so scary. Oh my God, like I actually sometimes I'd be like like oh, yeah and I all the drama's well, I just like missed that one for some reason I was supposed to but I was off the radar on value. We actually missed all oh, I never all of them or anything. Would you ever get scared of like kind of being see you are so honest about anything you don't do right now. Everyone's a hypocrite like yeah. I definitely made mistakes in the past people have sent me stuff that I've said before. I like especially for my Snapchat because I'd say one thing and then like a few months later growing up. Yeah exactly because I was young when I started doing it. So just happens but everyone's a hypocrite. Yeah, like everyone is just like makes mistakes, but I'm learning and I actually want to be a better person like openly say yeah, I think myself and I wanted you about lip fillers. Yeah, like explain if someone hasn't seen it. So basically I when I started my soft and had a big following I had a big Spiel on us and how like bloggers are getting lip fillers and fillers and kind of promoting it and be like, I'm gonna and this is It's another thing on how to get followers. I need to look perfect. So the people follow me because it's like the aesthetic and I never wanted to sell that a promote that so I basically ripped into lip fillers on my story and then few months don't know actually like a year down the line I end up getting fillers. So there's a huge contradiction on my purse and I'm fully like admit that but I because I was so honest about it. I kind of I'm forgiving myself. It's kind of I hate to Forget You know, I feel like I had to justify it. It to myself because I tell you Dean but I love that video because we are still growing up and you know, the way you see like people got like demoted from something or something was taken off them because the Tweet they did when they were like 14 or something. I don't know. I love how you were honest about that in that video. And if you haven't seen it like go watch it right now because you're like look, this is why I and you said the actual reasons that girls can feel insecure and I feel like some people could be like, oh, I can't believe she said that but it's the truth is the truth and What every girl has gone through like maybe they haven't gotten lip fillers, but I like maybe you know, but they maybe have done something else. I can put on a little more Foundation that day or something like try to lose weight as well. We've all been there like we have all been there and it I mean at the end of the day, it's promoted all over Instagram and you weren't like owed a 10% discount if you go to whoever yeah, you know what I mean? And that's what I feel like you were criticizing more than people just getting them ya know because I didn't want people to think that if you got fillers you'd make it would feel better about yourself because I wasn't secure after getting fillers. It's something have to fix in your own brain. Yeah to yourself. Yeah, and I literally therapy is not going to fix up because they don't know what's inside your head and there's no way they can read your brain. You have to literally rewire your own brain. I feel like you have to be ready for therapy if you do therapy. Oh, yeah, you know what? I mean? Like, it's definitely like the most used tool to heal people, but it didn't work. Because when I went mmm, I wasn't ready to talk to someone and I was angry I was so angry, but that doesn't mean like yeah, like the I completely agree with you, but I feel like people would take that the wrong way cause I've already had a comment about me saying I pair of you didn't work for me, but I really didn't work for me either. Yeah. I feel like you actually have to carry yourself. I do believe that. I feel like you have to work with yourself. And if anything else is like extra, but you like first have to obviously acknowledge that something's going on. Hmm. But like yeah, love I just Like it's hard. Like I was saying that I was a metaphor for it yet. But you know, I just named him but the other day I was like Ariana goes in by the way. I was like, I wonder what I am whatever not feel anxious and then he was like, well, that's a pretty scary thing. I always like like I just do I don't know why I said that sometimes I'm like, why do I say zorc? This is what we're talking about. And was there any been any videos where you're like, oh like taking a day. Everything I talked to anyone how to lose weight without exercising. Okay. I had a video up like basically how you eat and I just it's not I just didn't want that on my channel. And yeah. No, when did when did you take it down after I uploaded the live injections video? Really? Yeah. I was just looking to my channel and that's the only thing that I was like, it doesn't feel like me something that I should even be promoting. Like is that amazing and then like that just shows how much you've grown like, when did you start all this? Like two years ago two years ago. I like what I do then what age you know, I'm 21 now. So I was 19. I'd left school and like I didn't really have I had friends but like a day didn't they weren't my people? Yeah, if that makes sense because he was thrown into it like a building with people. I know like I know like I didn't relate to them at I was kind of just molding myself into the group. So I was shaving myself in a different way and I feel like I have so much creativity and my brain and needed to do something. Hmm. And so I started a YouTube channel and Then people liked it people love it. Like how many's you have like four thousand and something I gotta tell you those and after the live in Jackson video did you yeah, I feel like I'm you're more yourself. If you're telling people like it when you're kind of like put yourself in a vulnerable position people kind of trust you almost she got me. I like I feel like some people use that to their advantage like what we were talking about actually like what you were saying, but you know, if you're being completely authentic and transparent and like your videos and like sponsored you What I mean not like it's like yeah, it's like Kendall Jenner with them. What what's it called proactive? Oh the skin. Yeah. Like I just I don't know why I just said that but like it's like I feel like cause I feel like people like you because first of all you're nice person and you're just like fun like your videos are just fun to watch but also because you put yourself out there, so there's nothing that people can comment you get me. Yeah, like people can't be like, oh Yuri, Just put yourself out there, you know like haha. You're the worst. Yeah, I might with my gay friends and like Tony's would rock Walk by and be like, haha queer and I'm like, that's a good one. Yeah, it's pointing out the obvious. But like I feel like you do proposed a lot of personal stuff. So you ever kind of regret that or you you ever like passing like a friend or like meeting up with it? I don't know meeting up with someone they say, oh I saw your video at this. I am really shocked you there that or yeah, would you be like Like oh shit, or would you just be like, yeah. No, I'd be totally other than I'd follow on with us. Yeah talk about myself more. But the thing is you have to be really careful not to involve other people because I like talking about my life, but I don't want to talk about people who are more private and I was kind of doing that when I had Snapchat and my family were kind of like Caitlin honestly, like take it down a notch, you know what I mean? So I'm just trying to keep more talking about my own personal experience. Yes and not involving anyone else. Yeah, you're saying as you were walking up that you're like You find you're not posting as much because you almost have your group of friends know that you like you love. Yeah, what like explain that more. So because I had the YouTube channel on you just had like my boyfriend and that was I was really codependent. Yeah. I am and then I got a job and literally made like all of my best friends in the whole world. I found my people basically my soul mates. Yeah. I was just so happy with life. I didn't feel the need to post and I didn't want people's attention. Yeah. I wanted to feel liked I got you putting myself in the internet because I because the thing was I didn't have any fur. I felt like I had no friends, but I also loved myself. So it was really confusing from a brain. It's like why don't I have people that like me hmm enough, but then when I found my people I'm like I are actually the best ever. Yeah and I love my friends so much, but now that I'm like really secure myself and I have extra time. I'm kind of like I have I feel like I have important things to say and I want to use my platform to say important. Rather than sell people products. Yeah, which I think is different on no one else is doing you're just like their goal is to get a lot of followers that they can quit the day job like I so get that I do understand what you mean by that but I just think that's something so many people can relate to like, I definitely since I drew since I went to college and then like kind of slowly gradually now, I feel like I've found different group of people to the people. I may have grown up with and and it's not that I have anything against those people. It's just like you're you're actually just not supposed to be friends. Some people same they're just different so that I didn't like them. Yeah. It's like I couldn't get on like we got the conversation was never flowing. I felt like I was having fun. Yeah. I got myself and I like literally I'd be with people who were when I was in a group. They were like my best friends by be with them individually and I couldn't look at me like the I did. Yeah and it's like well, I don't really know you and like that's not a criticism on them because I was completely me but I felt then as I like I just be happy I'd like I'd like put on something funky and then if you like, oh, I'll just very like jeans and I stopped. Yeah, I mean, I just like take it out. I don't know like I feel like that's something so many people can relate to and that's just like another reason why you're so relatable. Hashtag relatable a message for anyone who doesn't have any friends like yeah, it's not that you're not you're not like people yeah, or if you do have friends and you're like, I don't know the make you feel Like shit. Yeah, just either just like going to school just soldier soldier and I and join some sort of like it sounds so weird. But like I remember I went to acting and I was like, whoa, this is what normal people are like outside of my like Social Circle, you know what I mean? And I don't know it's so like did you do anything in school that I feel like you heard you two singing and Bim don't um, no I did that last year getting fashion boiling now. It is it no in Portobello. Oh my God snake. Is that what you want to do with like that's what I want to do. Yeah. Okay so like that he was so good at that. I know right. So how would you do that and in like a sustainable? Wait, do you even do like, do you know where am I? I don't know but apparently you can study fashion law, but it's in America for 20 grand at the moment. So but that's what I'd love to get into. I like dry sustainable fashion, but obviously I'm a big advocate for second-hand clothes bought companies are getting more into sustainable fashion. So like natural products and this is how I can actually make a difference if your work in it is one thing complaining about it and saying I'm doing my part by buying second hand clothes, but I actually can work in it now and say well I'm buying a hundred percent organic cotton for this brand and I'll change it like, oh my God, that is incredible healing. So that's like what you'd want to do. Yeah, I think because Brands will have to do that to me because I think this is just going to snowball. Have you noticed that? In the past two weeks, even you see it on so many more people Pages they are honestly people are just panicking now and I'm like, I literally said this from the beginning you morons, where know what like, I definitely I think I in the last two months ago. I was trying I was trying but then like I would see something I really liked and then I'm like, okay, I'll just buy that but now that I have like what have no money, but also is you see you when you have no money though as well. You're like, I actually have everything I need ya and you're like, well, I definitely just buy things. Things just for to use once or just when I feel sad. Yeah, exactly. Yeah inside it gives me such a better buzz to buy something off deep upper find something in a secondhand shop. That's like unreal. Yeah. I'm like, wow, this is like unique and no one else can have it like that. My sweater vests. God bless. Oh my God. I love your sad arrests. I love you changing hair buying. What's it? How do you like this is so random but like to finish. How do you keep your hair healthy? Um, I only wash it once a week. Okay and coconut oil in it all the time. It's like it. Oil in it all the time like right now that destroying us how you can all agree because it's so dry that like it just sucks it up and that's why it's like normal that's really taken to grow. So quick fast as well. Yeah because it grows so fast. I feel like you always have like a tiny little break because I love it. I love blond with a tiny Road. I hate like to the roof. Yeah. You got me. I always hate for like three days after. Yeah, I used to when I had blond hair. I used to like my recipe like you're like the opposite of everyone else because I'd be like, oh, I just want like my first little roof to come in yet and then for like two weeks is perfect and then us Just like dad again. Yeah, but do you do it all yourself? Yeah. Oh my God. I know can you come over and put my ear but no your high scores. My hair is like 12 different types of colors. So him em anyway, laughs and so Joanna finished with some advice save someone right now. I was like, I want to be a blogger. I want to be an influencer. Like, what does that entail thinking? It's like a really glamorous thing that once you have followers, you instantly have money. Why would you like say I'd say big fat? No. Yeah and do I think that's worth your while and also going to make you happy because being an influencer isn't going to like it's a shit you enough and no matter how much free stuff you got it. It's not going to fulfill whatever need that you have. Okay. Yeah. Yeah Megatron make a difference on be happy. I like that's never going to bring you true happiness, you know mean because it's a really it's a fleeting thing like Instagram could be on tomorrow. There could be new app, you know what I mean? Okay. Well, thank you so much for coming along and guys, please subscribe, and if you're from kalin's Channel, please subscribe. Grab to me. Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much. Oh my God. That was so good. Thank you so much to depop for sponsoring this podcast. I'm remember download the app on iOS or Android or had to to get started.
Sustainability advocate, fashion queen, and YouTuber Keelin Moncrieff (Instagram: @kee_mon) is a force to be reckoned with. Having put herself out there on the internet as a young adult, she's rethinking it all in an effort to encourage the online industry to re-think their marketing methods. Keelin is a different girl to what we have gotten used to on platforms like instagram and youtube. She has no intention of making money off her platforms, and instead uses it to educate people on topics that are important to her as well as answering questions that her followers ask her about sex and relationships. Keelin's dream job is to consult clothing labels on how they can make their products more sustainable in the way that they were produce, and that certainly comes through. Keelin is passionate and doesn't mince her words, but that is why she has such a devoted and engaging fanbase that love her to bits. Listen an honest and raw discussion with plenty of disagreements. These conversations will always bring up different opinions, and me and Keelin don't agree on everything, but it's important that we have them and don't brush them under the rug. Thank you so much to Depop for sponsoring this podcast. The shop I am loving on Depop today is @exgirlfriendshop for sassy, trashy Y2K grams from spice girls watches and Hannah Montana light up keychains to vintage Galliano era Dior.
Hey guys, this is Lisa and Rebecca and we are here on the secret life of weddings. If you like drama, you're in the right place where we tell you the world's craziest, but true wedding stories. So get ready for the drama on the secret life of weddings. Hello, everybody. Welcome to episode 80 of the secret life of weddings podcast. This is Lisa and Rebecca and we are here for your entertainment today. There's there's so much to catch up on we have a bunch of news up top. And then we're going to of course get to our lovely wedding dumpster fire stories for You drama llamas. You know what I hate. What do you hate Rebecca? I hate that. It's not news by the time they hear this all unfortunately unless we become a 24-hour Like I know, you know CNN or something. Anyways, it's technically news because it just happened but it grew up there till next week. But yeah, it doesn't matter. It doesn't guys, you know, maybe we have some people who live under rocks like me. I totally do truth, right? Yes. Yes, so maybe we have some schemes that are like me true and they don't get out much. They don't really watch new movies like you they don't get hurt, you know know what's going on or who the new actors are. Yeah, I'm stuck in 1995. I'm very happy with that. At so why don't you educate me on what's going on in the world right. Now as far as weddings are concerned engagements and stuff who is getting engaged like what is so obviously we're gonna go right into the news because I mean there's just so much of it. Okay. Well there isn't but anyways, there is it is to be on for Sation already know. Okay? Okay. So Chris Pratt Pratt is engaged to Katherine Schwarzenegger. Okay, you know who Chris Pratt is? Yes, and you know who Katherine Schwarzenegger is well. I assume I know who she is. There's not too many Schwarzenegger, 's yes, so they've been dating since the summer and they're now engaged now. He was married to Anna Faris. I know that okay good because I get the sense. He's a bit of a dick. So they divorced I know that do you know when no, okay. So the divorce just became final like final finally, you know in November but they've been apart for quite a while right over a year. Okay not as long as people think okay. Yeah, so Yeah, and they're engaged. He's 39 years of age and she's 29. Okay, and yeah, they're engaged. Okay, and what are what are people's reactions? What is your reaction R about? You know people's reactions are pretty mixed. Really. Yeah. A lot of people are saying it's too soon. Mmm, right not it's anybody's business but their own no shoe fair enough, right? I mean, I can't shit on the fact that they've only been dating since summer and now they're engaged because I you do that. Yeah my my Has been proposed which I was not expecting. Oh, yes. We remember that basically. Yeah, so, you know, I like you do you we're still married. So yeah, there's that true. You know, my parents to be fair have a 10 year age group age Gap do that. Yes. Okay. So I've grown up around it. How long have they been married a long time? So old am I yep care? See the two. Oh gosh, like four to six years. Wow. Yeah. Okay, right. So my mom's an old soul though. Hmm. So it kind of made sense. It makes sense to me because they seem like they're the same age right now. Like it's weird. Mmm. My mom's 10 years younger and like that's a that's substantial amount of time when women are more mature so that we have a similar situation because she's 29 and he's 39. Is that correct? Yes, so it's the same situation. Yeah. So a lot of people are shitting on that to write the whole eat. That thing I think I don't think that's fair because people are all different at their ages. I don't know. I don't know. Like I said my parents were 10 years apart. Yeah. Okay. I think it becomes a bigger deal when you got someone in their 20s and someone in their third was just about to say that like there's that whole living life when you have a younger like imagine a 16 year old with a 26 year old. It's like a hard no. Well, it's like Dane Cook is 47 and his girlfriend's 19 like That's a hard no day. I'm sorry. I used to love him. And I'm yeah, I'm sorry. I'm fucking judging like Mick judge judgy fucker fucker son. No dane. No because I want to see it bothers me because my daughter is 16. How old is he? He's 47 that could almost be his daughter. It could be his daughter. Yes, and it looks like his daughter. Okay EP that shit bugs me because I have a 16 year old. Mmm, I have an 18 year old son. I see what this ages. I get it. I remember it too. Yeah, and I'm like not down with them. Like I'm not quite a lot bigger like let them be Bubba but I'm like, you know, what dude you really can't get someone I don't know even later 20s, I mean still incredibly young. It's very young. Let her kind of live her life and being tied down to a 47 year old. What the fuck don't worry. I'm sure there's a prenup. And anyways people going to hit on me. I used to love him guys. I really did but I kind of that really bothers me. Yeah anyways, so yeah, a lot of people are shooting on Chris his ex-wife congratulated them. That's good. Yeah, she's cool. I love her. I like a first yeah, I love her was on a fair of she Anna Faris on a on a on a ferris. I don't know. I just like her. I think it's on their own podcast to she's super cute. Yeah, but yeah, so that was big in the news I think because most people just didn't see it coming and they had to come. Word with the engagement because I guess paparazzi's been hounding them a lot. And for everyone that's saying that she's marrying him for the money. She is way more well off than him. Really. Oh, yeah. Oh, I guess yeah Schwarzenegger. Her family is like her mom is estimated at a hundred million dollars. Oh my God, and her dad 500 million. So she's not she's this girl's not hurting for money guys that there's a new Terminator movie coming out. Yes. I heard didn't know that. Yeah, I heard that. Yeah, so I'm very excited. Yeah. Because you know, I like old movies. I feel like they don't do it. Well when they redo them, I don't know. I actually liked the other continuation or whatever. But this one's a direct sequel to Terminator 2. Do you know that how is it? Yeah, it's a direct one Linda Hamilton's in it. Oh, but she's that's a big age difference so it but Schwarzenegger to some how is he going to be a he's a robot so he wouldn't age. I mean he's in it, but he does look older but he liked what he lost. You know what? He looks cool. I saw photos. It's really cool. I know a lot of people hate on him because you know, he had that Affair and I know I was going to say is this a nanny kid or is this is this a Maria kid that was gonna fail Maria Shriver kid wasn't it? Wasn't the nanny it was a the he's her housekeeper. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Have you seen his son? Yes from that the love you ask the child. Oh my gosh looks quite a bit like him a real. I don't remind he's like in bodybuilding and stuff. If so, it's kind of crazy. Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay, and then it's so funny. I was watching a movie with my daughters with Bella Thorne and Patrick Schwarzenegger. So his other son with Maria Shriver and I was like my daughter is like, oh my God, he's so hot and I was just like, oh, who is that? She's like, it's Patrick Schwarzenegger, and I'm like, that's Arnold Schwarzenegger son. She's like who's Arnold Schwarzenegger. She doesn't know go to your room go to your room and put on Terminator way. Now no she doesn't know no Kindergarten Cop. Can I yes, can we please see if I give her a movie references? She's like me she'll know who they are. It's not a Tuma. Yeah, he's amazing. I love him and do the chopper you did. I know and I like his ex-wife and all but are they doing? No, they're not. I don't think they are Alicia ever. I I just like them. I like him, you know, he did a bad thing, but you know, sometimes good people do bad things. Maybe he fell into it. Am I getting soft usually I hate on the cheaters really hard you usually do but I like him. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I guess I'm just excited about Terminator. Yes. There you go. That's really anyways. Yeah, that's the biggest of the news. Okay. The only reason I pointed out ages and stuff is because everyone's pretty heated over its but whatever hmm, I mean, yeah and a bigger news. I accidentally touched your ass when we were coming into the Pod. This is right. It's a the podcast is not on hot. It's a spaceship. It's taken me a year and a half of crawling into this fucking thing for you to finally touch my ass. It was an accident. I swear I wasn't dark it was a Gary is it wasn't for me? Very firm. No, I crawled under this is she goes to the gym. I can tell no I crawled under and we have all these blankets draped, right? So, you know again before we designed the Pod Booth. Yeah. This is what we had to make a yes basically like apparently they don't get a pug Booth, you know, we just have to live in the shit Shack that I built we crawl in here every time right? Into what we call our scholarship but I get a pot of my own. Well, you know, sorry, we only sell it. We only saw it. So where's this pink ours is pink on the interior. I mean you could take a pod pink in the interior to be fair. Yeah out of extra fabric. Yeah. But anyway, the point is I can't really see when we're going in. So I went in and to lift up the fabric to crawl under because again unlike the pot. We don't have a door on this thing. I'm calling bullshit and I was a full-on grab. I caught her jacket. She was wearing her jacket still she was right on my ass. So now yeah full on background. I didn't I do I just lifted up her. I felt a pinch I lifted up her coat wasn't an aggressive pinch pose a pinched on the list, but I went it was pitch-black. I swear anyway, because she hadn't turned on the light yet because she was forgot she comes in here saying you and run my ass. I would totally grabbed me. What is it? You're my work wife. Of course, I would grab your ass. But anyway, I put my hand under the coat and lift and filing a complaint. Listen. There's no HR in this company. We are way too small. Mall, I am HR. Yeah, I'm filing a complaint against you. Do you make me do but yeah, so I lift it up and that's nothing to laugh about. I'm sorry. I'm laughing. I don't want people to think I'm laughing at ass grabbing in the business place. He's not laughing. It's she's laughing at me grabbing her ass as this place. So I keep trying to get the sentence out. I sorry lift up the fabric and meet with resistance and I'm like, why is this whole thing not going to fit over my head right now and then I was like, oh Rebecca's acids attached to my you may sit on your head. This is getting way out of hand. This isn't what I meant. It's not what I've Rebecca. I'm very sorry. This is her subtle way of hitting on me, maybe but chicken the year and a half but we got there eventually hmm. I'm a little shine you down you weren't it. I'm a little shy I'm a little shy now. It's okay. But like I said, every time we come in here she has one job. So her job is to sit down take her coat off and plug in our light. So we have these little patio lights basically that I Up around it around the top and there's one job and is on her side. So this is why it's her job. I think I've done it three times without you asking in total in a year and a half and like I'm like, I'll sit here on the fucking dark with her. She doesn't do anything until I look over and go Rebecca and I have two or sometimes I just stand up and do it for her over her head. She goes. Oh, sorry. I forgot. I do forget. I don't know why I forgot. I think he's want to be romantic in the dark with me, but that's just I don't know. Maybe it's because it's not so dark that it's Not like because of the glove of the computer not like it's not registering in my brain. Yeah that we need more light. Yeah, but I'm like pretty fairy lights or whatever. Yeah patio light cells funny. Anyway, I just think it's funny that I never remember these are Adventures which I get my brain tested. I don't know it's weird adventures with Lisa and Rebecca. Okay, so we got address the elephant in the room. There is another elephant that motherfucking I get in Heroes control Saga. Okay. Okay, okay this thing. It's like a fucking Boomerang. I'm calling bullshit on this. It just keeps coming back. Yeah, we're hate. Yeah, it's like the cat that came back the very next day. Yeah, they thought he was a goner. Oh, okay came back the very next day. So like what? So what's happened? Now AP is releasing next week next week. I mean, it's a dropping. We're dropping a joint next week. There we go. Cruise control Saga. I'm calling bullshit. Okay, I really I am really I read it. I read through comments know you're calling bullshit on the I'm daring bullshit on this whole latest update bullshit. So not the whole story just the just the update fuck. Who knows. Maybe the whole story is bullshit for all I know. I don't know. Okay, the latest development some people are saying she's been hacked. Oh, I know why I'm saying there was some not-safe-for-work photos that were posted on another thread or something. Oh boy. Did you hear that? No. Yeah. Someone said that some the original poster whatever some not-safe-for-work photos were posted somewhere and she was claiming. She got hacked or something. So now people are starting to discuss the validity. First of all, okay, so two updates ago. Apparently he chose. I'm not going to read the whole thing. No because it's give us the I'm kind of over it. Yeah, just give us the highlights. I don't know what else is. Apparently he chose she gave him she found out about remember. I told you she found out about his other email account. Apparently, he's still in contact with his mom. Yada yada. Laughs yeah or the other Beyonce. Yeah. Were they married? Yes, they did member. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. They did get married. Yeah. So low stay low. Yeah, so he was still in contact with his mom and she found out she was upset about it. And that would that was three updates to go and then the the two updates ago was that she just found out she was still in contact, which I'm like no you already knew this but and apparently she gave him an ultimatum. It's either hers mom, which I mean I couldn't get I don't at that point. I think that you cannot I mean that's a hard ultimatum for someone to but she's made she's given him every opportunity to what to man up and not No to be a reasonable husband. Yes. Okay this I agree with but I don't think it's an ultimatum. It's either her or me. I think you just get to a cut at a point where it's like, yeah, like she saw a flat out said well you either pick her me. Well, I don't know. How about you just walk away because he's not going to change that and she just doesn't want to walk away and that's her last ditch attempt. Yeah, but that's on her. Yeah. I'm just saying I think you know what? I mean? Like, I feel like a last desperate bid. Yeah, and I was just like he's not going to I mean a lot of people aren't going to do that. They're not just going to I get the moms fucking batshit my gal with how he leans on his mother. He's not gonna do it. No and she should have known that from the beginning. I'm sorry to be fair. You could see it for I could see it from the beginning. He was like that and she knew that every every you knew that going in. You knew that dating him. You knew that marrying him and you knew that after all the shit. You knew this. This is who he is you were not going to change him an ultimatum is not going to change him either. Yeah. So, why wait, Why even bother anyways, but that's just my opinion. Now the latest update apparently she's pregnant. What yeah. Jeez. No, do you think but you you don't think it's true? No, I don't. And maybe it is I don't I don't and I don't for a number of reasons because they she was he was not living there which I'm has neither here nor there, but she was they were fighting and in counseling and everything. So yeah, I mean the chances of you like poking out of it with your husband and you say ponying up. Yeah. Wow, that's great. I've never heard that well Thursday, it's bad. I was like Cut it out that no. I just heard that the chances of you doing that when you're so on the outs with your spouse are lower are pretty fucking low. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like I feel like this has gone almost too far to the point where it's unbelievable. Like it's my room anymore. It seems like maybe the writer is reaching for that next. How do I keep the story going either the whole fucking thing was a fiasco it is none of its real. Yeah or this one or she been hacked or she's desperate for attention. I don't think she's been hacked because that's just not even that long shot reach. Yeah, I would say this is something we're saying she's been hacked. I'm like, I don't know but I know but I feel like I mean if she's pregnant, I'm sorry like thunder you could be a tough situation. Sorry about that. But I just I think because I've read so many stories now over the past year and a half. Yeah that I'm kind of like weeding out who's full of shit and who's not Yeah, no, I know but all you can do is update on it. Yep. And so that's it. You guys draw your own conclusions. If you want, it's all cool. Let us know on our Facebook fans group because we have guys we have a convo thread on yeah every episode and all the screens got together and we all talked about on the water cooler the virtual water cooler. What we think is bullshit. What we think is right or wrong and and kind of go from there. I also have something to tell you. Yeah. There was the discussion in our patreon episode last week about whether or not it is okay to write that you want money on the invitation right? Have you seen our patreon comments? No, I fucking won hard. You don't win though. I did too. I want how do you win though? Because we asked the screams if they agreed with you or me, and everybody's you ask them if they and I said I was going to change my Yeah, I didn't care but I'm telling you I want that's all but everybody in I did tell you one for yourself. So can everybody else. Please tell her about you didn't win against me because he's so stubborn. Listen to me. I have my opinion. That's a wonderful thing about the world but you so everybody else in the world has a different opinion there Rebecca, but it's wrong. It's not wrong though. Hey, it's just different. Yes Fair. Okay. There you go guys. Guys Rebecca has a very different opinion than 99% of everyone else. It's not 99 is patreons patrons patrons. Okay screams. Here's my words. I love You' patrons are just different opinion on that's okay. That's okay. Yes. Do you think it's okay screams? I'm opening this up to the whole store. Then I am in the Congo threat like not think I love our listeners, but I'm not going to change my mind based on what they are. I just want to rub it in. So listen, I've been what though? I don't care right so All right, how do you know because it's an opinion but it's not just an opinion. It's the world's opinion. You know, it seemed like you have your I think it's rude. I have my opinion your Phi this for the screams. Okay, because they haven't heard if you're not on the patreon. First of all get right over there right now. Yeah, but there's like 50 episodes almost now we argue for the first time ever. It's fucked a we've argued before this not really an argument. Not one be related for fucks sakes. What was arguably? Yeah, but again, I mean It's an argument but it's not argument. Yeah, I'm saying is I believe it's very rude to write in writing on the wedding invitation that you want cash has a gift. I think it's appropriate to send word through family. And Rebecca was saying she thinks it's appropriate and okay to actually write, you know cash gifts are appreciated. I've seen monetary gifts or appreciate it. I'm sure you have seen it doesn't make it right. I'm okay with it. It's not wrong, but I'm not I'm not okay with it and Emily post is not okay. Okay with your wording. I'm not okay with your whole concept. I'm not okay with your face. I'm okay with your face. I think she's very pretty but that's not the point. We're going to forget about the ass grab right now. I am just talking about the whole world and what everybody else you can reaso be ruled. Are you telling the world? Like are you putting this out to the whole world? But your argument is like, oh I come from a culture that you know does monetary gifts and I said, yes, but even if you you are I don't think that excuse is it I here's the thing just but I don't think you need an excuse just I think it's okay. Okay. Well Rebecca seriously needs some people on her side. So if you agree with her, please I don't I'm good as a lone lone wolf here. I'm good. Well, I'm glad you feel that way because it's going to be low. I'm clearly not a lone wolf if I've seen it on him invitations before us because you're an asshole doesn't mean there are another one. I'm not an asshole. I kidding. I love you. Anyway, it's fine anyway, but uh, but would you not agree come to our Facebook group and tell us come to the conversation thread don't care. No, you're supposed to say come to the group and tell us because that's what that's what we do. We talk in the group. Okay, come to the group and tell me how I'm putting my cool air quotes up wrong. I am a genuine come to the groom. Oh geez. Yes, come tell me how I wrong. I am so you fuel Lisa. All laugh invitation ego and etiquette iron literally need By Invitation ego fed, please God. I need validation immediately. Yeah tell you I need constant validation. Just think there's a bigger things in the world to forget. You know, you know, this is a wedding podcaster a fight on yes. No, but I mean like other than monetary gifts appreciated like I don't that's such a little thing. Okay, we're not fighting again. I'm just saying I just wanted to broaden At the pole. No, I'm just putting it out there to everyone that's listening. It's such a little thing. It would not be it would not even phase me older folks in your family would not think it's a little thing they would be best one person one scream said that she got she got that on her cousins invitation and she went out of her way to just get them gift cards or something like that. I saw that I laughed I think she had like started it with that. She agreed with me and I was like, well you agree. No, so then or something. No, she said I don't agree with I I think it's so rude the know she had Post it was when I put the the episode hadn't released yet. Oh and I said, we think we argued over and then I say, oh my God what he's like I agree but she was agreeing with me and I'm like no. No, I was on the other side. Yes. Exactly. I was like, oh you agree with Lisa you mean? Yes. Yeah. I don't like I just don't care either way. I know. I know. I'm just basically poking the bear at this point. Yeah. It's fun to poke the bear every now and then keeps things interesting. I was gonna bite you. She's got teeth. Canada may be known as the friendliest country in the world, but make no mistake. It has some of the most shocking criminal cases to my name is Christy and I host Canadian True Crime. I'm Australian but I've been living in Canada for many years Canadian True Crime takes a deep dive into some of Canada's most well-known cases like the canon Barbie Killers Robert Pickton the pig farmer. A and many smaller cases. You probably haven't heard of but a Justice fascinating if you're looking for the facts of the case told in a narrative storytelling format with ambient music. You can find me on your favorite podcast app or social media just by searching for Canadian True Crime. So we should jump into our stories for the week. Well, we have this update which are doing. Oh, okay cool. Cool. Cool. I like I like updates. So this is actually going to be harkening back because whoever gets to use the word hearkening anymore. What the fuck is on hearkening. I've never heard that in my life. Are you kidding? No, this Harkens back to the Christmas episode basically work harken. It's a refer refers back to this is harkening back to the Christmas episode. Your vocabulary is officially too big. Thank So this is from when we asked about now, I say we it was actually you Rebecca you asked, you know, if you got engaged at Christmas, would you still expect a Christmas gift or is it bullshit to knock out? I was genuinely curious. Yeah, and we had a couple people right in nice. So did do we have both of them here? Okay, awesome. So the first well, I'm just making sure before I'm like we got to and then she's like yeah, I didn't put in the other one. So this is from an anonymously got a text from you telling me to put them in. I know I was like can we put these? Zin so this is first of all from an anonymous bride-to-be. We asked a question about Christmas engagements and whether or not you would still receive a present we had some responses. I'm not going to bring that in. Hi ladies here is my response story to your Christmas Proposal as a gift topic from the most recent podcast also is the Christmas one and I'm late on this it's fine last year my boyfriend of five years proposed to me on Christmas Eve. No crazy proposal story just him and I and Home together relaxing when he kneeled down and pop the question. That's really sweet. Everything was great and happy and couldn't have been a better day. Then on Christmas Day. We went to his family's house where we all do a secret Santa gift exchange like we have every year with them, you know, everyone draws names and you buy a gift for that one person and someone secret buys for you and you find out all at the same time of the gift exchange. Well after everyone exchange gifts, I must have looked confused because my fiancé asked me if everything was okay. I replied I must Have been forgotten in the name draw. I didn't get a gift. He laughs then he explained that he drew my name and couldn't think of what to get me. So that's when the proposal idea came to his mind and he thought a ring would do it. Oh no. Oh God. He says I should be happy. I technically got the most expensive gift. Yes. That's true. And of course, I'm grateful, but I guess in my head, I delusionally imagine him waking up one morning suddenly realizing it was about damn time. He put a ring on it. Went about the proposal. But no now I will forever be reminded that my proposal was because my name was drawn from a hat and he couldn't think of anything else. I know I miss bride-to-be. Oh, honey. Oh listen, don't worry. We don't all have good proposals degrees. That's okay. That's all right. I'm I hope you're happy though. Thank you for writing us. The next one is let's see here from a gentleman who I guess was his name on it or not, or I can't was but I know people who don't know if you Is it on there? So this is for you. I asked my girlfriend to marry me on Christmas. And of course, I got her a Christmas gift in addition to the ring good for you. Actually, my original plan was to propose on Christmas Eve, but for various reasons that didn't happen and I had to improvise so I ended up proposing on Christmas, but I never would have even thought of just giving the ring as a Christmas gift good good man extra points to TeamViewer. His name was bugging me anyway. Christopher but I could be wrong. I was gonna say Dean. Oh, I think it was to you know, what Steve congrats congrats Dean if it's not you if it's not Dean, sorry. Sorry mystery man going from memory on this one. So this next story our first official one for the day is from Reddit. Not quite bridezilla, but boy do I have a story to tell so I got you know, it's funny always when it starts like that. It's totally broken. I'm saying looks the time. Yeah most of the time so I got married in 2016 to the love of my life. We wanted a very small wedding so decided to get married at a courthouse and only invited nine people and of those nine I could have done with two less. Let me explain so my husband has a very large family due to his parents both marrying multiple times. His mother is out of the I pictured like his mom and dad divorcing then marrying divorcing the marrying divorcing than Mary. Seeing no no Mary different people multiple times. Yeah, his mother is out of the picture and wasn't coming to the wedding which was fine by us. In order to keep the wedding small and reasonable. We invited my mom dad and brother his grandmother and grandfather and his dad and new wife the third who we can call see. My husband also has a little sister who was nine at the time who we wanted to be the ring bearer / flower girl. And naturally we invited her mom. Who was his father's Second wife who we can call Em. Emma also volunteers to pay for everyone's meal on the day as a wedding gift. So she is high on our esteem lists. We run this by his dad who doesn't have a problem with this. So day of the wedding we go to court and meet up with everyone there except for em, and his little sister who were meeting us later at the restaurant. We were having lunch at which had a beautiful gardens for photographs everything said and done register signed and we make our way over to the restaurant the second Cece's M her whole Meaner changes so this is the new wife seeing. Yeah the other wife. Yeah, she went from happy and bubbly too sour and seething I noticed this but his dad is trying to deal with her. She point-blank refuses to be in any of the photographs. Alrighty, then turns out his dad didn't tell see that M was going to be there. Maybe this is shit that he's like hey, yeah, that should have been ya know. I mean, duh. So so we sit down for our meal which was a buffet. So everyone could help themselves to whatever they wanted. Everyone gets food and we try to enjoy ourselves regardless a while later. I noticed they are missing from the table. So I thought they might be getting more food making a call whatever turns out they left without saying goodbye to me, but they made sure to eat something. So M had to pay for them. Wow, that is dark. Luckily the car wheel rolled them flat because in their haste to get away they drove into a security van. I love it. See you made such a scene. That she was now permanently banned from the premises. We were there about three hours and they left about an hour in they were still sorting stuff out the security van by the time we left. Oh, that's an awkward walk by mmm. Oh my God hubby, and I decided to stick around but the rest of the family all walked by without saying a word the cherry on the cake was later the cherry on the cake. That's a weird phrase. Isn't it the icing on the cake or the air? The cherry on the sundae. Yeah the cherry on the cake, which I'm going to start saying every day now was later on Facebook. See put us on blast for being so spiteful for inviting that woman and never being there for them in a public post. Luckily. They are divorced now. Wow, she seems like a bitch. She's got a massive hate on massive. Holy crap. Oh boy. I don't ya. I mean, no I'm out. I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not commenting any further on that. It's fine was it's so that's his third wife. Yeah, and the second wife was the mother of the flannel. Yeah. All right. Our next is I have to thank I don't I'm afraid to say her name Marita Maritsa. Morita-ya. I love her. She's so cute. She's always sending me stuff. Oh, she's adorable. Thank you. That's why I want to say her name. Thank you Marissa. Yeah. So the question was I guess in a group some oh and for the record anybody who sends me stories don't I don't I can't read them. I don't have the Let's just send them to Rebecca. I like hearing them on the podcast. Yeah, people send them to me and I go that's awesome. Do not send to Lisa sent they sent to me and I'm like, thank you, but please send a Rebecca because yeah, I don't I don't have the drive you do for reading on yeah and stuff. I just don't do it that way. Yeah, I like besides. I like to hear it all fresh from you. Yeah, so I'm like reading four days keeps me her key funny enough. I always prefer to read stuff online then to read a book. Really. Yeah. Interesting. I really have to be into the book to read it anyways, but if I credit I'll just dive in for a few hours and it's all good. Anyways, the question that was posted was daughter's friend being in wedding my 27 year old daughter and her best friend have been best friends since they were 4 KT practically grew up in our house and is like a daughter to me. My daughter recently got engaged to her fiance and announced that He would be the maid of honor Katie's boyfriend is also a good friend of my future son-in-law. Don't read at Lisa. Sorry. I'm looking at my phone reading it and I like I just I just said I don't read it and I'm because I want to see your shock. Okay, the problem is that Katie walks with a pretty severe limp due to a birth defect not an underlying medical condition. She has no problem wearing high heels and has already been fitted for the dress, but I still think it will look unsightly. She's in the wedding procession limping. Head of my daughter. Oh my God. No, no. No, this is the mother that quote raised her practically. Hmm. What a bitch. I mentioned this to my daughter and suggested that maybe Katie could take video or handle programs while sitting so she doesn't ruin the aesthetic aspect of the wedding. Oh my God, my daughter is no longer speaking to me good you she doesn't you don't do you know you don't deserve it. We were never really close but this is her big wedding and I want it to be perfect. All of the other bridesmaids will look gorgeous walking down the aisle with my daughter. I hope this bitch of a mother limbs down the I'm going to go fucking Nancy Kerrigan the shit and hit her in the fucking knee so she has a limp. She can go fucking limp down the aisle is bullshit. No, that's horrible. The woman has a birth defect and she's shitting all over her. You can't go down the aisle. You're look like crap. Well, you're gonna look like crap when I'm finished with you. Sorry, so this so this is why I didn't want you to read it. It's like you knew I'd have a strong opinion or something. There's one last sentence. Sorry, I went off too early. Is it wrong to have two friends set out like you don't know. Yeah. Oh, yeah I'm seething. That is bad. That makes me sick to my stomach. The people are that fucking shallow? I don't think I've seen you so enraged before I it's fair. She granted birth defect and yeah, we're girl obviously. Okay, you don't makes me even sicker. This woman was like her second mother which means she probably doesn't have like a mother or parents Fair. She was just there so much right like but still she was like a daughter to me. Well if she's like a daughter than maybe treat her like one. And stop being such a shit. I can't even I can't even with people like that. No, like I can't even I would I so can't even I wouldn't have my mom off but my mom would never in a million years. I can't I think anything like that. Okay. Yeah. No. No, I'm just I want to vomit with rage like it's so not okay. I'm spitting I'm talking it's not yet. Okay, look it's so yeah. Okay. Yeah, I agree. It's pretty fucking so in case the Opie is listening. I don't think it's okay. Okay, that that you I hope you got Uninvited to your daughter's wedding. I hope you got herpes. Wow. Well, those just keep coming back. It's true. That's how much I don't like you. I hope you could herpes. All right. Okay, so that's cool. And on that note we want to thank our patrons. There's not herpes involved good these lovely folks Alexandra L Lydia. You Elise are they went to slash secret life of weddings to get the additional episodes upwards of 50 now that we have over there, which is crazy. So go again slash secret life of weddings three bucks a month, which is insane. You get extra episodes every single week. Our last one was 40 minutes the one coming out. Well, the one that just came out I guess was 14. I look crazy. Hmm, usually about twenty five, but we went wee wee bit. We went on for a bit of planning of this world Lord. I remember what we were talking about, but it was something yeah, there was a topic involved. Yeah, so thank you for your support. It allows us to actually, you know, try to do this as a job. Yeah. We're on our way man. Yeah. We're on our way. So keep up the good work. I will thank you so much you guys rock so we have a new saga. Whoo-hoo. Let's get already buzzed rolling always a good time. Yeah, you're ready. Always my husband and I had been together. About three years when I told him I'd picked a date for our wedding. Yep told him as in came out to the lounge told him we were getting married and that I was wearing a third. I was wearing the $30 ring I got on sale as an engagement ring. Now Hey Joe, we're getting married. This is it you gave it to me. Well, we're going down the I'll get going now. He got on board. Well, that's good lucky, possibly cuz it was either that or move out and he's too lazy to pack. Well as long as you're doing it for the right. Others or he loves me. I don't know after a couple of weeks letting him adjust to the idea. We started telling people we were really happy. I let him get comfortable with seriously like the this first like paragraph of the story. I was like, I had we have to tell this because it just made me laugh. We were really happy. So I put off telling my parents for months because of how Mom behaved at older sister's wedding. Wait, that's how you react to being really excited. And yeah and off for months from telling parents. Yeah, okay, because apparently how her mom behaved at her old sister's wedding. Okay. I'm the middle of three girls. Here's a we sample for y'all sent a three-page handwritten letter about how she didn't want to be older sisters mummy anymore. Stop talking to older sister for a month or so when older sister who made it clear only dad was going to walk her down the aisle and mums mind it should Should have been her or no one. No, Mom and Dad aren't divorced who generally morose and shitty about all wedding ideas sobbing toddler tantrum wild dress shopping because older sisters future mother-in-law was invited as well forcibly took the microphone from the MC at the reception to make her own unauthorized speech. That's awesome spend rest of reception. Alone and weeping while playing the I'm fine game. I'm fine. I'm fine. No, no you go back. I'm fine. I play that a lot. You do not I do. I always say I'm fine when I'm not fine. I'm fine. And that's how everyone knows I'm not fine except except to me though, right? You tell me when you're not fine. I don't know I assume so I probably say something else. Okay, good. I'm joking. You said you were fine. And now I'm not sure if it's time for me. I say I'm fine. Okay. Well, that's yeah, I got a bone even I would know that. Yeah, so you're all on board as to why I was reluctant to tell my mom. I was getting engaged. Yeah. Yes. Let's move on to actually telling my mom who did not believe me. Oh see because he didn't ask me and I didn't ask him. How were we getting married. We can't have just agreed that we wanted to share one life. There had to be some sort of proper asking did he even know was I just playing to kidnap him on the day and spring it all on him? Wow, people do that though ended up having to call it. No, no, you know how remember we told the story before did we? Yeah about how everyone showed up and there were like, he didn't even know. Yeah, he's getting married. That's right that did happen. My memory is not so bad. It is pretty good ended up having to call him put him on speakerphone where he verified he knew wasn't being threatened or coerce. I was okay with the whole thing over the hostage video thing. We were talking about all that was on the patreon never. Yeah go over there to listen to that. There you go. He was on Phone because I'd gone over to tell Mom and Dad by myself because she had previously indicated that finding out your child was engaged was a special mother-daughter moment and didn't need to involve the prospective husband at all and I accepted more of her bullshit until back then until you need proof. Yeah, Mom now accepts this and immediately asks what her role will be in the wedding. You best know what you're going to say huge CBF. Let's see. BF okay. Someone will tell us something huge CBF when I said I hadn't figured that out yet and she liked her but fuck do I win a prize for creativity at least? Yes. Okay. Thank you. You win. I'm gonna give you a gold star huge cluster, but fuck. There we go. Okay, and she might not have one Beyond mother of the bride part two is next week. Wait, she might not have one. What a CBF she might not have Official role wedding other than being a mother of the bride. She wouldn't have enough a full cluster, but fuck CBS sounds painful, doesn't it? I don't know if you know what CBF means please crying bitch fit. Oh, I'd like cluster butt-fuck butter. Yeah, me too. Okay crying. Bitch fit. That makes sense. Did you I don't know. Wow, that just came to you didn't it? Oh, yeah, like I just think he's not before your have. I it's like you're psychic the this is a short forms as trying to think of emotions because it said she had a huge and I'm like thinking fit like some sort of fit. Yeah crying bitch fit when I said I hadn't figured out yet cluster about five. I like that better. Me too much more creative. So more next week. Yes. There you go. Don't go looking for it. Yeah Bunch. Oh, no, we're not swimmers not doing that. We're not doing that. We're being nice to them. Don't look should I do the writer critic? Yes. Okay. Yeah because everything's all ass-backwards. I think so Haas backwards in her notes this week. It's all good. It's all good. This has been fabulous. My husband's sister makes cakes. Are you laughing already? Because she's like I know it's told she's like I know what's coming. She made a wedding cake for a middle-aged couple on the bride's second marriage and drove almost two hours to deliver it. Anyway the groom got so drunk before the ceremony that the registrar refused to marry the couple the registrar offered to come back an hour later to try again. However, the groom carried on drinking and got even drunker always a some always a good plan. Yeah. Ride refuse to marry him her son's ended up beating the groom up in the police got involved. Wow, the cake was used for the wedding party that evening by the bride celebrating her Newfound Freedom Bravo. That's crazy. I actually like that. Yeah, you know what you needed to not marry that asshole. He clearly doesn't have his priorities. I EU in mind in order. Yeah people need to take it easy on the drinking. They sure do. Yeah sure. We just quickly talk about our friend Kristy Lee. Yes. So our official she's hot. She's so hot. She's hot Rebecca's got a total girl crush on Chris. I do so and the accent. Oh, holy shut totally in love with Kristy Lee. Oh and today's Wednesday. Well as we're recording so she's like my woman crush Wednesday woman crush Wednesday. Yes. I love that. I thought I was your woman crush Wednesday. Everything W WCW have to take a back seat this week. Okay, I give up one week. Yo, but listen, so Christie Lee. I'm sure many of you know hosts are one of our favorite podcasts the Canadian True Crime podcast and she is our favorite landed immigrant Australian Canadian girl. Yes is just the sweet. She's the sweetest pie. She's so fun and she's actually hilarious which is so funny because you can't know that from her podcast and that was the one that like we went to her house. Yes true. And I told her, you know, you're genuinely hilarious, but unfortunately, there's no way you can be funny when no ice no one knows this except us. But yeah good because it's our own private little joke, right? So anyway, we went over there because we knew that Christy had a deep dark secret despite the fact that she's had all the success with Canadian True Crime and she has like a hundred thousand listeners crazy amounts and just crazy downloads. She's still records in her walk-in closet upstairs. Yeah, so she records The setup is crazy. It's crazy. And so we were just like not I'm like I'm shocked it worked. I know I know it kind of blows their mind. You have to watch the video on our website. So thin little sweater in the Box. Yeah, I'm towels and yeah, she stands and then she's on the floor and she actually gave us a tour of her house and her dirty little secret that she called it how she records her pot this amazing podcast. Yeah, and it's fabulous, but she was so uncomfortable. Table doing it that she literally quote dreaded. Yeah recording night and I thought that was so depressing to us. We were just like that sucks because so many people find such joy in her show. Yeah, so we were like this is bullshit. She needs a better solution. I don't know about Joy. It's like True Crime, but they very much enjoy her. Sorry, they enjoy your show what I meant people love her show. Yes people love her show. They respect it and she deserved better. Yeah, so, you know for her storytelling and honoring the victims and I think she does with her. Yes, wonderful show her. She was amazing. So anyway, we were like, you know, what you need a better solution. We had a view as you probably remember from last week. We told you we have the Pod now, which is like pop-up sound booth for podcasters voice-over artist that kind of thing and we said we want to give you one. So what we did was we were invited over to her house because she actually lives not far from us. Yeah and no Canada is not that small. It's actually quite large. It's just a really hilarious also our friends at minds of Madness their nearby to yeah. It's so funny we all live Within two hours of each other. So anyway, we drove, you know an hour down and went to her house. We did a whole video of Christie showing us a tour of her house showing us inside her recording space and she was so embarrassed. It was so cute and she's so sweet. So we then did a fast forward kind of video of Rebecca and I setting up a pod time of her a time lapse. That's what professional photographers call it. We did a time-lapse video and we were both it was so funny that She goes, we're not on camera. Are we and I said except for the time-lapse. Hell no. I said I'm not putting on any makeup or you nope. So it was like the to know who Rebecca and Lisas run it like running through with just like hair up far away, you know, so we put up the whole pod and then she test it out and she loves it. So anyway, it's spoiler alert. She's a fan. So if you want to see this video go to the Pod and if you just scroll down a little bit it was a picture of Christy and it says Kristy leaves, you know dirty. It'll secret or some yeah funny like that, but it's a fun little video and it kind of shows everything. She was using. Yeah that she has used from the beginning to start her podcast. Yes, and now how the pot has helped her and now she can sit and feel like a professional and that she is she is such a professional and she's amazing. So we love her. We thank her so much for her support. Yeah, and we hope she is loving her pod, which she said she was and we just hope she is comfortable now and the poor guy doesn't have to get down on the floor. For laptop, because yep, that is ridiculous. Yes. Nobody should have dreamed that I agree Insanity. You need your own space. You need your own space if you're going to have a podcast or do voiceover, whatever. So again, if you want to see the video the Pod Yeah, and if you want to listen to her go head on over to Canadian True Crime, please like such as amazing guys. It's amazing subscribe to it right now and yours truly did a voice on their recently. There you go, the Aaron chorney episode she reached out and she needed this lovely girl Erin chorney was murdered. And I won't spoil the details. But the point is she had some really intriguing diary entries before she was murdered. So Christy asked me if I would read them for her. So I was very honored to nice honor Aaron like that and to help Christian with that sowed so A big thank you to her for having me on the show too. Cool and always giving a shout-out. She's yes and have amazing Peach. So I love her I love her too. So thank you for listening to the secret. Of weddings this week and Rebecca anything can happen I weddings and we will be here to tell you all about it. Well, that's it for us this week on The Secret Life of weddings podcast. If you need more drama in your life go over to slash secret life of weddings to sign up for additional weekly episodes. The first few episodes are free. So go check it out slash secret life of weddings, and we will see you here. R next week
SKIPPERS - jump to 23:30 to begin the stories! We chat about recent celeb engagement news (Chris Pratt & Katherine Schwarzenegger) before we get into yet another Cruise Control update. From there we argue about whether or not it’s socially acceptable to ask for monetary gifts in your wedding invitation. Stories this week run the gamut from listener updates about Christmas proposals and whether you should get another gift in addition to an engagement ring, a story about an ex-wife of the Groom’s dad who attends a wedding and inadvertently pisses off his current wife to our new saga about a drama mama! Want more Secret Life of Weddings? Get some extra juicy stories exclusively available monthly on Patreon (the first few are free) plus early release ad-free main episodes every Monday over on Patreon!
It's not about women or potential women need to take a page from men and own their own success is to enable the others. Hello, you're listening to the first podcast to go for women and take in all those who want to be able to Smart gender equity for take 10 minutes really actionable advice at 50 in Tech. We give you the keys to unlock the tech industry and move it. For real today. We welcome Mariotti. She's the co-founder and CEO of Aden dot AI my name is Marie and I'm the CEO and co-founder of Aden dot AI We're in a I start up. We started in 2017. We're based out of London. I have one co-founder. Who is the CTO of our company. His name is PJ and he works at Apple before he started Aidan. I worked in my work marketing for eight years. So we went from two people in 2017 and a low-quality minimum viable products or MVP to team of 12 people two years later in terms of the product. We built a software We're called Aiden that is used by mobile app marketing teams to get better results from their paid acquisition campaigns. The product is in fact an AI system that relies on machine learning to analyze Facebook Google ads Snapchat Twitter. Apple search ads campaigns automatically and it produces recommendations that marketers can then just approve and implements in all those different channels in a single click to fund the development of this product. There were now commercializing after 18 months of development. And many failures or some would actually call them learnings. So he raised two rounds of funding to fund the the company. I proceed Angel round of $750,000 joined by strategic Angel Investors such as the head of deep learning at Athol Nicholas pinto and Alexander Wang, who's a Serial a I slash n LP entrepreneur is now the founder of nabla, which is an exciting day. I started based in Paris. Check it out. The second round was particularly interesting. So we closed then as he drowned 18 months after the precede round of 1.6 million. I was six months pregnant when we started the process and my daughter was four months old when we closed that round and it's the one obviously there are going to talk about bit more today and hopefully my narrative will give other women. His path forward or just at least some kind of like illustration of what it can be like when you are when you're fundraising and I wanted to share with you a couple of tips things. You need to watch out for what if you are in the same situation as me so precisely, where do you start you start by being very pragmatic and identifying all of the VCS that could potentially invest at your stage in our case when we started talking to investors to fund raise. We had already raised a fair. First round and Angel round of 750,000 dollars and we were still pre-revenue and we're in a I start up which means our machine learning models need to be trained which means it's cash intensive which means risk. So if you just like take a hard look at yourself and just be like is my business attractive right now, you know, if you've got revenue of course will be more attractive if you've got over 50k of Revenue. Start to be very attractive anything below that is kind of still early stage. So you don't like waste time meeting with people who will just see the sake of it because VCS will always take a meeting with you. So then when you have that list of people that you want to engage with set a deadline for yourself decide exactly when it is you want to close around and tell the investors that the second thing is, make sure to take all of the VC meetings within a period of two to three. Weeks and tell them tell the VCS that this is what you're doing if you're going to raise in different cities, if you can go into Paris, for example, you want to make sure you're just doing one trip and you're just saying hey this week. I'm just meeting all the VCS and set a deadline again. Just tell them we need to have a decision on whether we're going to the next step next stage by you know, the end of November for example, how does that look for you? So essentially you explain what the context is and you ask the VC put it to them basically put the ball in their Court ask them whether or not with your timelines they are able to make a decision fast enough because actually what VCS don't tell you sometimes unless you ask them is that there may be in the middle of raising a fund. Maybe they haven't closed it. Maybe they have restrictions on how many investment they can make so the second question you want to ask Is essentially when was the last investment if you ask them that it's more likely that you'll get a better picture of how active that BC is now, of course, you can look it up on crunchbase before you go into the meeting and you should do that. But sometimes it's just not up to date. There's good to know and gives you an indication of How likely is VC is likely to make a decision fast. So the third point is you have to become a pro assessing whether there's a fit and again, those are Our advice is that you can use as well even if you're not pregnant, but when you're pregnant it becomes a lot more crucial to do that because you don't want to waste your time every minute is precious. So before you jump into pitch mode just make sure that you know is the right fit perhaps check whether or not that VC has already made Prime business in the same verticals you so that you know how technical you can get and then go into pitch mode and never leave the meeting without Knowing what the next up its so yes is better than no, but there is nothing worse than a maybe so the other piece of advice is it's not because you're pregnant that you need to rush things also, which is kind of the opposite word you said but what I mean by this is of course you have a deadline but if people and I mean VCS and investors just ask you for things you're not willing to give don't do that in the hope. They will accelerate the decision-making. Well, I'm specifically referring To is due diligence calls for your clients. This is her last has to talk to our clients, which was a B&B. So obviously everybody wanted to talk to a B&B before they even gave us a timesheet and we refused of course when you refuse, you know that you're delaying the process and you know, it's not in your interest to delay the process because you're pregnant, but you have to hold, you know, your grounds stick to your guns here because this is not going to do you any favor, especially if your clients have to take ten calls from you? Half interested these who are just like looking to educate themselves on the market. So don't give up anything that you don't want to give up just because you're pregnant now to this point. Do you bring this up when you're in a Visa meeting most of the time you don't have to because it's quite visible. You're literally the elephant in the room, but I never ever mention this because I don't apologize for being pregnant. And all should you if people ask you which to be honest I have to say in my experience. No one ever mentioned anything and I don't know if this is because I never let the door open or because you know the UK and the us where we were speaking to investors are very politically correct. Perhaps they wouldn't even dare even if they think about it, but if people want to just, you know, ask how your how you're going to be handling. A maternity leave let them ask just don't anticipate it and don't start making it a point of discussion. Now. The other thing I want to say is that is easier to fundraise when you're pregnant. If you have a co-founder doesn't have to be a male co-founder can be a female co-founder, but honestly, you have to be quite you know, sort of objective Investing For VC's in startups. This is high risk. So you cannot deny that whether they tell you or not. They just look at you as being a risk. So if your sole female founder and you're pregnant, to be honest, this is you know, it's very unlikely going to raise anything. Now a lot of these will say that's not true. Of course, we would just depends of the products great if there's enough traction, but proof is in the pudding. And as as of today, there's no VC that I ever came across they're actually has said, yep. We invested in a sort of humor founder who was pregnant with a pre-revenue AI company that had only raised 700 before they came to see us is that does exist. Please reach out to 50 and text. I think they'd love to hear from you. So now Now don't forget that you're pregnant. And the most important thing is you and your baby what I mean by this is listen to yourself. Of course, you want to close the round before you give birth if you can this was definitely our goal and we didn't manage to do this. We've got we had a lead investor three days before I had my baby. So we had 70% of the commitment from the entire round. We were not going to close around in several stages. The only going to wait until we've got everyone involved. So hypothetically it would have been easy for my co-founder to just finish the rounds because we only went missing a small piece of the pie. Now. What happened is I oversee was off for at least a couple of weeks and then my co-founder just told me look I've been taking meetings but the investors want to see it's not that they were insensitive. It's not that they Lord that I had a baby but it is kind of you know hard for them to justify that there are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars in a co-founding team where they're very seen half of the team. So first of all understand that this is a legit ask, but try to you know, see if you can actually go around it because if you can if they just want to talk to you over a call that's possible. I made some investors come to me so we had coffee. Close to where I live in Hampstead when I had to go I went but I took my baby with me. You don't have to just like, you know, you just gave birth. So you have to make sure that you're not kind of putting pressure on yourself more than you already have just to get meetings with investors. I took between the the time I be was three weeks old in five weeks. I thought that it was in my best interest to take those meetings. So I did it. That's what my gut feeling told me. I took seven in-person meetings during that time. And today I have to say there were useless. None of the meetings that I had in that period ended up in anybody investing the company but it did put a lot of pressure on me. I thought it was the right thing to do now. I would really encourage you to think about this twice. So what I ended up doing is clawing off all the meetings that I was supposed to have after that because obviously I was supposed to have maternity. Him and I just called some of them versus that had already committed who already trusted us and I just told them look invest more so we can close that round because I'm not I'm not just doing that anymore and they did it. They invested more and we close the round now, no one is a superhuman and no one is a superwoman and there's often that sort of projection on Startup Founders like me. That we're just you know made of a different type of metal that we can just go through everything without feeling any pain. That's not true at all. You cannot know in advance. What's going to happen when you have a baby you may have complications you may have a C-section you may have lots of different things that people don't want to hear about but that you know, physically don't allow you to just show up to meetings, like nothing ever happened and having a baby is just not having you know, Walk in the park, so don't make it look like it is this is why again, if you're breastfeeding take your baby with you and just ask for room to breastfeed. You shouldn't hide what your your day-to-day is just because it makes people feel uncomfortable. So I said earlier that all the meetings I took between the time my baby was three weeks old and my biggest why weak Souls were useless that's not entirely true after I met with investors who, you know said no or just Just didn't give an answer. I reached out to one of them here. I really liked and who passed on the opportunity because it wasn't the right fit and just told him that we really want it to have at least one female investor because at that point we had nine investors in the company and they were a hundred percent male was very important to me to have diversity in my investors just to reflect the diversity that we've got, you know in our DNA as a company and its a guy called Spencer Crawley. She works at first minute Capital who introduced me to several angel investors who were very relevant for what we're doing. So specifically are to have people who are either had an expertise and AI or MARSOC which didn't make things any easier and this is how I got introduced to Sofia Ben's who's the CMO of spotify and one of the first 10 employees or Spotify. So that was like definitely, you know, huge huge. Positive outcome from just asking that question. So I guess one last piece of advice is you know, even if the investors pass on the opportunity see if you can get something out of that relationship and in my case again if it wasn't for Spencer and I had pitched other female angel investors before but I don't think I would have found the perfect fit because I had no access to Sofia in that case and she's specifically Song to what we do as a business. So why did I join the 50 and tap platform? Because I'm a strong Advocate that women helping other women leads to better outcomes. When you are thunder you often feel quite alone and just listening to other narratives very much helps the entire ecosystem helps investors see that there's previous historical models of people like me who have been running. Raising whether were pregnant and then who you know made it happen. It helps other aspiring female Founders. So people who are perhaps working in a corporate world and thinking entrepreneurship maybe for me but they don't have examples and I think this is what 50 and tag brings is just voices of many different people who can say, yeah, I've done it and you can do it too. If you like this podcast subscribe comment and share. And give us a five stars note on your preferred platform should be iTunes Google or some cloud and if you want to empower women at scale Sharon advice on 15
My name is Marie. I am the CEO and co-founder of We are an AI startup. We started in 2017. I have one co-founder who is the CTO of the company,PJ, and he worked at Apple before he started Aiden. I worked in mobile app marketing for 8 years. We went from 2 people in 2017 and a low quality minimum viable product or MVP to a team of 12 people, 2 years later. We built a software called Aiden, that is used by mobile app marketing teams to get better results from their paid acquisition campaigns. It is an AI assistant that relies on machine learning to analyze facebook, google adds, snapchat, twitter... campaigns automatically and it produces recommandations that marketers can implement in all those different channels in a single click. (...) we raised two rounds of funding to fund the company. A pre-seed Angel round of $750,000 joined by strategic Angel Investors such as the head of deep learning at Apple, Nicolas Pinto, and Alexandre Legrand who is a serial AI/NLP entrepreneur, who’s now the founder of Nabla The second round was particularly interesting. We closed then a seed round, 18 months after the pre-seed round, of  1.6 million. I was 6 months pregnant when we started the process. And my daughter was four months old when we closed that round. And it’s the one obviously that I’m going to talk about more today. (...)Start by being very pragmatic and identifying all of the VCs that could potentially invest at your stage. (…)Do not waste time with people who are just going to see you for the sake of it. Because VCs will always take a meeting with you. (…)  set a deadline for yourself, decide exactly when it is you want to close the round and tell the investors that. No time to waste. Start early. Fundraising can take ages, The second thing is, make sure to take all the VC meetings within a period of two to three weeks and tell the VCs that this is what you’re doing. Tell them “We need to have a decision on whether we’re going to the next step, next stage by the end of november for example. How does that look for you?”. Essentially you explain what the context is and you ask the VC. Put it to them basically. Put the ball in their court, basically. Ask them whether or not with your timelines they are able to make a decision fast enough. What VC's don't tell you, unless you ask them, is that they may be in the middle of raising a fund, maybe they haven't closed it yet, maybe they have restrictions about how many investments they can make. Never leave the meeting without knowing what the next step is. “Yes” is better than “No” but there is nothing worse than a “Maybe” It's not because you are pregnant that you need to rush things. Don't give up anything that you don't want to give up just because you are pregnant. (...) do you bring this up when you are in a VC  meeting? Most of the time you don't have to because it's quite visible. You are literally the elephant in the room. But I never, ever, mention this because I don't apologize for being pregnant. If people want to just ask how you are going to be handling the maternity leave, let them ask but don't anticipate it. it's easier to fundraise when you're pregnant if you have a co-founder. You have to be quite objective. Investing for VCs in startups is high risk. So you cannot deny that, whether they tell you or not, they just look at you as being a risk. (...) Do not forget that you are pregnant, the most important thing is you and your baby : listen to yourself.
Hello everyone. Thank you so much for listening to embodied astrology. My name is Renee and I'll be your host for the next hour or so. I'm a Consulting astrologer and a sensate intuitive. I understand astrology as a language for deepening our awareness and experience as embodied beings. I think astrology is such an amazing tool and generous language it gets us. Us a lot of creative context for getting to know ourselves better understanding who we are as human beings having a Earthly experience in our relationships in our world all the stuff that we're going through. So in this podcast, that's what I'm going to be talking about. I'll be looking at current astrology transits what's been going on the last couple of weeks. It's coming up the next couple of weeks. I'll be thinking about the way that astrology relates to our Bodies and I'll be offering a number of tools and suggestions for approaching your embodied experience as a way to get to know astrology a little bit better in today's episode. I'm going to be talking about the full moon in Sagittarius exact on June 17th, 2019. I'll be discussing how the energy of Sagittarius and the energy of Gemini as the opposite sign of Sagittarius and the full moon is always an opposition how these energies live in our body. He's how they are embodied and how their symbols or ways of thinking about our physiological States and what happens in our bodies and our embodied experience. So astrology is not a set of 12 separated things that people are it's actually a really vast and nuanced way of describing The Human Experience and all of us contain the energies of Gemini and Sagittarius. Is so be talking about that today. I'll be looking at several aspects that this full moon is making and stimulating And discussing what's been going on in the last week or so what's coming up in the next week or so and just generally Meandering around with astrology as it is embodied. So, thank you so much for listening and thank you so much for your support embodied astrology is self produced by me. Me and a very small team of people who are all supported by you. So this project is 100% listener-supported if you enjoy embodied astrology and if it brings benefit to your life, please support it. The number one way that you can support embodied astrology is by sharing it. You can share it on social media. You can include it in your stories and in your posts you can tag embodied astrology on Facebook Twitter and Instagram you can sign up for the Free newsletter and send it off to all of your friends. You can tell people about it. It's really helpful when people listen and people spread the word if you have some extra coin in your pocket and you want to support embodied astrology monetarily that is super helpful. A one-time donation can get made at embodied and you can also sign up to become a recurring monthly donor at any amount per month and when you become a donor at any amount per month, you also become a subscriber Burr and subscribers get a month ahead expanded forecasts at the beginning of every zodiac season. We are about five days away right now from the beginning of cancer season, which begins on the solstice. That's June 21st, 2019 and on the 21st, I'll be releasing a new expanded report. And so this is a PDF with a month ahead planner that includes aspects and lunar cycles and gives you suggestions for how to With astrology and your own life subscribers also get big discounts on my online classes and you're ahead birthday reports. These are special reports for every sign. So if you want to learn more about subscribing go to embodied and click subscribe before I jump into today's podcast. I also want to give an announcement that registration is open for a retreat that I'm leaving this Autumn September. 28th through October 2nd. I'll be leading a retreat at the southwester. The southwester is a queer female Run trailer park this amazing place in southern Washington that has all kinds of renovated are streams and a big beautiful Lodge with a space for movement and a sauna. It's right on the beach. It's a really cool space and the retreat that I'm offering is called expansive alignment committing to your vision. And I'll be working specifically with Jupiter in Capricorn, which is a year-long Transit beginning in December and I have to say next year's astrology is pretty spectacular. There is a lot of support for us to make really big changes to manifest to get a lines to get integrated and to work with our gifts to work with our magic and Now's the Time to do it. So if you want to play with astrological correspondence And embodiment and working with these big visions and big energy check out the retreat. It's really affordable its local if you're in the Northwest you can camp at the spot. You can also stay in one of the trailers people get half off for lodging during this Retreat and then you get all kinds of goodies with it like a catered dinner and yoga classes and stuff like that. So information at embodied under Play and Learn Coming events, or you can check out the southwester That's sou W estr And then finally, I want to give a shout-out to the special episode that I'm releasing with this full moon. That's a conversation between myself and the folks that big Dark Energy podcast Rose blakelock and Golem of clova one of my favorite astrology podcasts and so much fun, too. Listen to and it was so much fun to connect with them and you can listen to our conversation where we talked about all kinds of things. You can find the link also in the show notes or from embodied Alright, everyone. Let's get into this astrology. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to incur dot f m-- to get started. Welcome to the full moon podcast. Today is June 17th. It's the full moon in Sagittarius. I'm recording about 11:30 a.m. In Portland, Oregon on the west coast of the United States and the full moon was exact a couple of hours ago kind of in the middle of the night and the Moon is now actually moved into the sign of Capricorn as I've begun this recording. So in the last couple weeks, I've had a lot of thoughts and Meandering. Around what to do this podcast on so usually the process I'll spend a bunch of time kind of thinking about the themes of the new moon or the full moon or whatever season we're entering into and then I get to the day of the recording and whatever comes out comes out this morning. It felt important to connect with a really deep embodiment and sensation of this full moon and the signs that it's a Activating so the full moon is always in opposition between the Sun and the Moon and currently the sun is in the sign of Gemini. It's about five days away from moving into the sign Cancer. So it's been in Gemini for the last three weeks plus and the Sun and Gemini is bringing a lot of attention and awareness into the Gemini themes as I talked about in the Gemini season horoscopes and podcast Gemini is associated to the mind and to the mental. Sharon astrologically and over the course of the last month. I have been very aware of my mind and very aware of my thoughts and perhaps that's in part to just thinking about astrology and knowing what this season is, but I also feel like some of the other themes of Gemini such as Communications exchange hearing listening comprehension and understanding have been really big themes for me as well working with clients is always a reflection for me on how I'm feeling. Astrology, of course, but the issues that people are coming in with a lot of them also have to do with communication and exchange and working skillfully with the mind and what happens in the mind which of course our thoughts so over the course of the last few weeks not only the Sun but also the planets Mercury and Venus more recently have also been in Gemini and Mercury as the planetary ruler. Of Gemini is increasing. The Gemini Vibe and Venus is actually in the esoteric astrology tradition considered to be the sole centered ruler of Gemini. And so through this lens Venus is also in one of its home signs with Mercury's relationship to Gemini. We really do have this idea of the mind and the mental identifications and mental identifications happen through language and through whatever. Ever it is that kind of precedes language, but whatever that is is some kind of locating or identifying and fixing of a personal Awareness on some kind of idea or some kind of concept Venus as the esoteric ruler of Gemini brings in the knowing and experience of connection and language being too. Sort of love. So with Venus as this kind of exalted Gemini possibility. What we have is a connective ability or a mental ability to move more towards love and to move more towards relationship. So over the course of these last couple of weeks. I know that for me my attention has been greatly in the language and the stories that are filling my head and then this awareness of the balance. between how language and story can influence my perception and felt State and experience and also how language and the mental state can really get in the way of my own connection and in these past couple weeks have really been trying to sit with this idea and practice this idea that I can connect through a heart space and through a relational space, especially when I noticed that my mind is Going off doing the thing that it does which is usually move really fast and loop around as I think many of our minds do Gemini is representative of a binary. There's a this side and that side of something and this is really what our minds do they function. Well, their gift is in contrast and comparison and so our mind see effing and they go that's that thing. That's not this thing and we go not this not that It's this it's that over and over again. And we do this with ourselves. We do this with our stories or personal stories where we identify and we go it's this way. It's not that way but Gemini is also representative of the Curiosity of the mind and the learning process that wants to know what's it for you what's going on with this? Where did the story come from? You say? It's this way, but why and the Gemini? Energy is related to Early Childhood early cognitive development. And if you are fortunate enough to be around young kids the way that they questioned and particularly the way that they questioned the knowledge or the assumptions that you might not question. Any more is a real gift to be around. And so this kind of experience where maybe with a kid you might remember this in yourself or still do this in yourself, but definitely kids are teachers of this and you go. Well this thing is this way and they're like, but why and they want to know the answer and they're not really satisfied sometimes with the answers so they want to go well why but why why that answer why why why so the Curiosity ends the binary is one way that we can think of Gemini in its function for all of us and how we contrast and compare and Shin how we can hold the complexity of different answers or different points of view the multiplicity of things but with Geminis correlation to the mind, there's also the state that we can get in of identifying with the thoughts and so language comes in and of course, you know this experience because we all have it most of the time we become our thoughts wherever the mind is focusing that Lee creates the container for perception, it creates the container for experience. So as we continue with this podcast with the experience of talking for me or listening for you and some kind of conversation and exchange that we're having in this space. Let's take a minute and just get present with the mind. So an invitation now is to bring your awareness into your body. And take a couple deep breaths. And whatever my words have been doing for you as they've entered your ears and entered your awareness notice the residue notice how your thoughts might be responding to my thoughts. Or other thoughts or other stories that maybe in the background or in the foreground for you and how those identifications ideas Sensations are coming in. And just take a moment to notice what's present in your mind? What images what thoughts what locations What feelings? Usually for me the moment that I start to bring awareness into my mind and into my thoughts is also the moment that I start to check out and I'll you know intentionally begin to meditate or we can call this meditation or an approach to meditation by noticing kind of just noticing what's going on and my mind is real slippery as I think many. People's minds are so as I start to bring awareness and attention and still my thoughts or try and notice where they are another part of my mind kind of slips into whatever is Habitual and often. These are tasks or memories in the yoga Sutra. There's an offering around what kinds of thoughts we can have. And so it is said in the Sutra it's offered in the Sutra that there are five different kinds of thoughts. There are improper thoughts or improper knowing incorrect knowing maybe it would be a better way of saying it correct knowing memory sleep and Imagination and out of all of those kinds of thoughts. They all produce Sensations and some are pleasurable and some are not pleasurable. But those kinds of thoughts of course are the fluctuations and the identifications that come in in a very slippery way. So incorrect knowing might be some kind of delusion or fantasy or reactivity that's boiling up. That's kind of surface. Seing the places where we kind of circle around distress are often places of incorrect knowing or where we're getting hooked on something where we're thinking that something is the way it is and we're having a really strong opinion is usually a place of incorrect knowing and incorrect knowing can produce a kind of heat and agitation and the body as well as dullness. Correct knowing I think is something that's probably a little bit harder to Define because what is correct my experience of correct knowing or when I feel like I get into that space as the closest thing to emptiness. It feels like presence and when my mind can abide there in a state of presence, sometimes thoughts come in, but the way that I'm perceiving those thoughts as a kind of commentary or temporary. Ocean but the feeling of the correct knowing is the knowing that those thoughts are temporary that they are a kind of commentary and that they're not really the reality of something memory as another kind of thought is another slippery sensation. And so this happens to me all the time when I sit and think I'm going to meditate like I'll sit and I'll have about two breaths of presence may be correct knowing I'm feeling myself and space and time without attachment to the thing that I'm thinking and then something will remind me of something and my mind will drift off into some kind of trajectory or memory or into imagination, which is another kind of thought into some fantasy about the future and it's also just as often that my mind kind of gets sleepy and so sleep is another kind. Thought and to kind of go back to this idea of the mental state being related to Gemini Gemini is this energy that is associative. So it moves forward and back between one thing and another and our memories can trigger our imaginations. Our imaginations can be the kind of a Vortex or the foundation for both incorrect. Young and potentially correct knowing sleep is a place where memory dwells all of the time and Imagination can lead to so all of these different kinds of thoughts. They're associating to each other all the time. There's always connections between one thing that arises in mental Consciousness. And another thing. So with the symbolism of Gemini as the associative mind and Associative mind it travels and it'll grasp one thing and then the next thing and then the next thing so how Association works is one idea stimulates another idea. And usually the way that ideas are stimulated becomes fairly habitual and this is basically how we learn. So in a state of active learning we can make an association we go, uh a equals SB or one plus one equals two and then when we've made some kind of Association when we have experienced that it functions, it makes sense. Then it becomes a habit and an expectation the ways that our minds Loop inhabit can again Loop between these different states of thinking an example here is if I have a memory that gets stirred up I might easily And jump into an imagination. I'll have a memory that comes up of some kind of painful experience and then I'll jump into an imagination where I somehow relieve the pain I prove myself right or I Avenged something or I have a memory that jumps up and then I slip into incorrect knowing I start to ruminate I start to project story into other people. Maybe that have been there in my memory or other aspects of that. Emery and then this might lead me into a state of sleep the state of numbness where I kind of shut out or shut down. So with Gemini with the way that it works these loops and functioning of the Mind happen really kind of unconsciously and I used the word slippery a couple of minutes ago, and I really feel it like that the way that our minds Loop and the mental identifications feels so far beyond any kind of of conscious control for me most of the time and meditation is one of the times that I can really practice being present with the way that my mind travels and one of the ways that I can be really present is by tuning into my breath and another offering that comes through the yoga tradition, which is where I've encountered it but probably is present in many other places is the correlation between the Mind and the breath and so in yoga philosophy, there's this kind of saying that Prana equals chitta and chitta is a Sanskrit word for the substance of the mind and the substance of the subjective experience. And Prana is a word for the breath Prana is also referring to kind of basic Life Energy what fills up the material nature here on Earth and allows it to Express so let's again just kind of tune into the mines and you've been listening to me and I've been talking so there's this residue of words. And as I start to pay attention to myself to that residue of words, I can feel the busyness in my own mind and maybe you can feel it in yours. And together through our differences of time and space. Let's take a couple of deep breaths. And allow your mind to turn towards your breath with curiosity. and notice where your inhale begins How does it move into your body? Where does it spread? Where does it fill? Notice the quality of your exhalation. And just with that with one or two or three intentional breaths. Notice what happens to the sensation in the mind? Can feel for myself the way that my mind suddenly just gets a lot more still and the buzzing busyness of words and mental focus gets softer. It gets more spacious and one of the things that we can do to really work skillfully with the mind as to work intentionally with the breath the first or the second Sutra in the yoga sutras that Yoga, which is a word of course for Union for linking the mind with the body or the mind with the heart or the small soft with the greater Consciousness in the greater self that yoga is the cessation of the thought forms and the cessation of the identification with the thought forms. So how do we practice this paying attention to breath is one way another way that we can practice is by giving the Mind tasks. And of course focusing on the breath is a task and a very worthwhile task a task to practice all the time another task for the mind that I particularly enjoy especially working with Gemini energy is to create a link between mind and Earnest I've been practicing this recently with my hands and my arms and the hands and the arms are ruled by Gemini and medical astrology. They have Association to Gemini and then two Gemini's ruling planet Mercury. So just to kind of give give the background to this again Gemini is the sign that describes the way that we communicate it is the symbol of our ability to to learn to listen and to share their own experiences and the way that we articulate our own experiences based on the tools that we've been given to articulate such as language and such as gesture and in the body Gemini and Mercury rule the communicative functions, so we have the portions of the nervous system that have to do with communication how we perceive information how we process And then how we deliver it others, but we also have our the substance of our words which is the breath the air in the lungs and then the way that we can gesture so the collarbones the arms and the hands are Gemini and Mercury ruled and I've been doing this exercise recently that I've found really satisfying when my mind is jumping around from you know, everything on Earth. to everything on Earth and this exercise is also really helping me with pain that I have in my hands and my wrists and so if you're also a person who does a lot of typing or writing or you have tension in your neck and shoulders and experience pain in your hands, you might also enjoy this exercise but in a kind of more energetic and integrating way this exercise is one way that we can practice with Gemini which is to create a Conscious link between mind and body. So if you want to do this exercise with me, you have to be able to look at your hands and you have to be able to use your hands for this exercise. So if you're driving or doing something like, you know cooking you might need to take a break or come back to this. But if you're in a place where you can use your hands and pay attention to them then bring your hands together. Other and press your palms and your fingers together. And then just take a look at your hands for a second and turn your hands so that you look at your left hand and then you look at your right hands and you'll be looking at the fingernail side of the hand and get a connection for yourself between your eyes and your hands so that when you look at one hand you go. That's my right hand. You look at the other hand. That's my left hand. And then rub your hands together and maybe you hear my hands rubbing together. And as you rub your hands together, you can feel your skin heat up the friction of the rubbing creating sensation between your hands and then finish rubbing your hands together and let the hands just move apart a little bit. You might feel kind of a tingling through your palms and through your hands. Okay, now hold your hands maybe about six or eight inches away from each other the Palms facing in and we're just going to create links from the mines to each of the fingers. And so you can look at your thumbs and use your mind to tell your thumbs to bend in. So you're just flexing your thumbs. You're just wiggling your thumbs and your using your minds to tell your thumbs to move and you're also using your Things to tell your other fingers to not move. And then you can let your thumbs be still and look at your pointer fingers your second fingers and now use your minds to bend your pointer fingers towards each other. Now as you tell your pointer fingers to move, you're also really trying to get as present as you can with them so that the other fingers are not moving and if this is already starting to feel like a little impossible notice what happens with your mind and if you get really kind of focused and intent and like gripped around this task and let your mind stay relaxed just know that this is something to practice it's going to get harder as we go. So now if you can bring your attention into Your middle fingers and use your minds to connect to your middle fingers and then just take the middle fingers for words. the middle fingers towards each other and here I find that it's really hard to get them to move independently from the 4th fingers and maybe you you're feeling that as well or from the second or with fingers, too. And if it starts to feel really challenging you can take a pause and massage one hand with the other and feel the length of your finger bone and follow your finger bone into your hand. So you'll feel the length of your finger move into the the longer bone of your hand. And each of your fingers actually has a structural relationship to your shoulder and you might just With without kind of getting into all of that Anatomy, you might just give a squeeze from your middle finger down the kind of middle of the arm and through your elbow and up into the middle of your shoulder. And you might just imagine here the connection of your middle finger all the way up into your shoulder. And then when you've done that you could try it again and see if you can. Tell your middle fingers to just move a little bit independently of the other fingers. And then you can go onto your fourth fingers to your ring fingers and if you're finding again, so if you're finding that it's it's challenging to move one finger independent of the others. You can take a couple breaths are a couple moments to just do some sensing to feel how your finger is relating to your hand and how your hand relates to your arm and your arm relates to the shoulder and you might imagine Line of connection from the tip of the finger into the shoulder. And this kind of exercise of asking your minds to relate to one part of the body and looking at that part of the body so you can look at your fifth fingers your little fingers and go. Okay. I see you I sense you really try and bring your attention into that part of your body. And then I move you I asked you to move is a wonderful way to use the focus of our minds and to start to hone them and to train And as we bring more and more attention, in this case into the hands the hands also begin to know themselves and I feel this with my fingers where when I look at my fingers and I named them and I say, okay, I see you. I feel you when you move I'm going to move with you. I'm going to let my sensation travel with your movement and this process is building intelligence in my hands that's allowing the intelligence. That's innate in my hands and my fingers to kind of be awakened and stimulated to know itself. And then it's giving my mind to something to do and that something is a relationship not so much a loop or the habitual kind of pathway in my mind might take otherwise. So if you enjoy that little exercise maybe just bring it into your daily life a little bit. I've been taking pauses about once a day. To do this with myself trying to really build a relationship between my mind and my hands and in that relationship is also a gesture of what we're offering out what we're using our hands for in the world. We're creating and a little bit of a ceremony to bring more relationship and awareness into that creation. So we've been in Gemini season for almost a month. We're about to move into cancer season in Gemini season. There's a stimulation of of the mental identification and of language and connection of all kinds where does language come from where do our thoughts come from here? We have the reflection of Gemini and Sagittarius and that is today's full moon. So the moon as I mentioned a few hours ago was in Sagittarius. The full moon is now beginning to separate its beginning to move into its waning cycle. But this is just in the last few hours. So Sagittarius as the opposite of Gemini is the embodiment of teachers mentors beliefs. How do we learn to think at all? We learn from people who are taller than us. We learn from Big Ideas. We learn from belief systems from religions. From philosophies and that is what Sagittarius represents in the language of astrology. It is the way that our thoughts are formed from the construction of Truth belief systems. I've been reading this book called sapiens that I'm really enjoying and in this book, there's a lot of kind of unpacking of human evolution. So humans have a biological Evolution and then we also have cultural Evolution and the cultural evolution is the formation and expansion of beliefs and beliefs are what binds culture so we have religious beliefs. We have beliefs in nationality or identifications with different ethnicities and different backgrounds. The cultural beliefs that we share with our people and with our groups are in I think large part if not completely where our thoughts arise from. We learn our languages. We learn our expectations. We learn our assumptions and then these get filtered through our information processors are internal information processing and they become our words and how we understand the world. Around us and this is the balance between Sagittarius in Gemini in Gemini. We filter through the information and we make it make sense for ourselves and Sagittarius gives us the the information it gives us this big picture. It gives us the possibility with all signs. We have their exaltation their beauty and we also have their detriment or their wretchedness and when they become problems so Gemini, I is a beautiful sign when we're curious when we're connecting when we're using language and thought skillfully it is not so great of a sign when we're getting caught up in the thoughts when we're really identifying with the mental looping when we're giving in to our distractions and the way that the Mayans can associate very unskillful e and kind of based in some state of unconsciousness. Sagittarius is in its exaltation when it is vast and expanding when we're really pushing into the edges of our knowing when we're seeking to move into larger perspective. Sagittarius is in its detriment when it's opinionated and fundamentalist and preachy when we get hold of some kind of larger truth or belief system and then we think that we know something and then we want to like tell other people about it. I certainly know this for myself being a person who thinks I know things quite often, you know being in that space of like, oh, I've got this idea. I really need to share. It is very much a Sagittarian experience. But anytime we think we know something anytime we we think we've got the truth then usually what we've got is a box that were stuck in and so Sagittarius and it's exaltation is how we move into Two expansion of the Mind the axis of Gemini Sagittarius is the axis of beliefs and our open-mindedness our curiosity. It's the axis of our communication and knowledge the expression of knowledge. It's how we give language to personal truth Sagittarius. As a fire sign is personal all the fire signs have to do with the person and and personal truth is you know, what we believe in and what we believe in really influences how we communicate and how we're going to be open or not two other ideas. This axis is how we use language to connect truths and my personal truth in your personal truth are going to be different and if we can find a way to connect and to get curious to use our words and our gestures and our facial expressions to inform one another is truth Then we can grow in our Consciousness. And so this is also the axis of learning and mental expansion. And in this axis we get to really play with the Power of Words and language and concept to inform and shape the minds to grow our beliefs to expand our truths and to evolve in our expectations Sagittarius in the body rules the hip joints and the thighs and so So you might notice here how there's a polarity in a balance with Gemini. Gemini rules the upper limbs the joints of the shoulders the arms and the hands and Sagittarius rules the place where our legs connect to our centrality to are axial bodies Our spines and our torsos Sagittarius as a symbol is what we stand in and rise from if you think about the hip joint as a symbol where are Eggs meet our spine the hips give us freedom of movement and they give us the ability to travel and to move to into new terrain to hike to climb to elevate its where our lower bodies and kind of our foundations and in our foundations. We might are a might just name for a moment that we have Capricorn our rules our Traditions our structure. Sirs in the knees and then Aquarius our societies and kind of larger social Concepts in our ankles and then the collective Pisces in our feet. So the the lower limbs the collective the the social the society and then the traditions and the rules there an inker and our belief systems, of course rest. On the those previous signs are they rest on those ideas are hips are resting on the stability of our knees the adaptiveness of our ankles and then the connection of our feet into the ground. So when we can kind of think of Sagittarius as the symbol we can also think about the relationship between the symbols of Gemini and Sagittarius. Tereus in this larger framework and in this embodiment, so maybe you've heard this before like if you want to run faster, it's not so much. It's not completely about your legs. It's also about your arms. So if you want to run faster pump your arms harder, there's this relationship between the hips the lower Limbs and the upper limbs that it's pretty important and that relationship. Evolves into a contralateral awareness in the body. So when you walk and your left arm swings forward and your right leg swings forward that kind of function of the homo sapien to be upright and bipedal that were walking and the opposite limbs are swinging forward at the same time. This gives us the ability to come into midline and to balance with some kind of central. Eeyore forward-moving Focus the contralateral pattern evolves from What's called the homo lateral pattern and that's left side right side. So to get into this place, we have to move out of a binary out of going that's it. That's it. We've got to be able to put both both sides forwards at the same time. They have to balance each other. So maybe maybe even In this or hopefully you're following this as my mind is associating between the embodiment and the symbol of the sign and the concepts of the sign. So when we are working really skillfully and beautifully with the possibility of these signs Sagittarius and Gemini what we get is a central axis. We get a thread of Integrity that we can follow that keeps us in our uprightness. And that of brightness is where our ability to conceive of larger perspective and experience meets our capacity to learn where we can grow our minds where we can grow our expectations where we can notice the the looping pattern of the mind and how our thoughts might actually impede perception and where we can get curious allow our thoughts to grow expand our perception expand our truth. This is a And it's a path of integrity and it's a path of evolution and for me when I feel into Gemini and Sagittarius, I really feel into the potential of evolution for the human spirit for the function of the mind and for the ways that we can Elevate and awaken in our lives, which I think is everybody's Birthright and potential. Now this axis of Gemini and Sagittarius has been greatly stimulated over the Last nine months or so since Jupiter moved into Sagittarius last November and Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius. And what Jupiter does is it teaches us and it expands and experience. It brings things to the Forefront of our awareness so that we can learn and grow in the body Jupiter rules the liver. I heard from one of my teachers that the liver does so many jobs that We couldn't even fill an entire set of Psych encyclopedias with all of the stuff that the liver does and doctors are still finding out how much stuff that the liver does and this is the essence of Jupiter. How much can we process? How much can we digest the liver is one of the places where we produce the enzymes that we need to digest anything. It has a lot to do with how we can absorb information and nutrition how we can detox and Keep ourselves in a state of balance. So Jupiter in the sign of its ruler ship Jupiter in Sagittarius is a metaphor for a lot of what we're doing right now. I think with information and with personal truth how much information can we bring in in our lives? How can we absorb it? How do we make sense of it? And ultimately, how do we grow in it? How do we expand our perception? How do we give from this place? Jupiter is a gift its It's a benefic it has a very generous energy in the Zodiac and it's one of the places where we find our talent where we really want to give. So as you kind of consider these themes definitely think about where Sagittarius is in your birth chart what house it rules what house Gemini rules and in the place that Sagittarius rules in your chart is a place where for the last nine months or so and through December of this year. You're you're growing lot your We reaching into an expansion of possibility and in order to get into that expansive place where you can really give your gifts where you can grow into the next level of your Evolution. There has to be a process which is probably really stimulated right now around waking up to the mental identifications waking up to the ways that the Mind might keep your perspective smaller. I do want to take a moment just to give a plug for a rich treat that I'm offering in September that is going to be focused on Jupiter. We're going to be working with Jupiter and Capricorn which is a cycle that begins this December and from September 29th through October 2nd. I'll be leading a retreat in southern Washington where we work with Jupiter and Capricorn as a symbol and it's like Alchemy magic and embodiment Retreat kind of Resting into these symbols and exploring their possibility and using them to set intentions for 2020 and how we want to use our energy next year. So if you want information on that, it's in the show notes and you can find it at embodied as well. So to get back to Jupiter. There's a lot of emphasis on Jupiter with this full Moon. The Moon was conjunct to Jupiter yesterday. That's June 16th, and then the son I'm in Gemini was opposing Jupiter at the last quarter square or the second quarter Square in Virgo. And that was on June 10th. So the sun and the moon are our right and our Left Eye's astrologically our objective kind of larger Consciousness that the sun brings it brings attention into something. The sun in Gemini is opposing Jupiter. It's really asking us to get in touch with what we believe in. What are deeper truths? What are we in Korean? And the Moon is our subjective awareness. It's the personal experience and so in these last few days you may have kind of felt the way is that your belief systems are really functioning in your body now Jupiter right now as I'm recording. This is in the second of three exact squares with Neptune and this aspect was exact yesterday as well. I'm June. 16th the first aspect occurred in January. It was exact on January 14th and the third and final aspect will be in September on the 21st. Now a square is a challenge and so whenever two planets are square to one another we get the challenge of they're combining energies if you just imagine a square it's a 90 degree angle. These are two energies that are working towards fairly different aims. Their energy has to find a way to work together. And in order to understand this, let's take a moment and talk about Neptune. So Neptune is currently in Pisces and Neptune is What's called? The modern ruler of Pisces and Jupiter is actually the classical ruler of Pisces. So Pisces is an energy that in the body rules are endocrine system. The way that an emotional state can change very rapidly sometimes but completely and the physiology of an entire system can shift with endocrine. So one little drop of cortisol in the bloodstream or adrenaline or dopamine. These are chemicals that our bodies produce and shift our entire state of awareness. The endocrine system is stimulated by and in With the emotional system and when we feel things oftentimes, there's a chemical foundation. So like if you're feeling really in love your body is experiencing increased dopamine production and the emotional system can also trigger the endocrine system. So if we're feeling really fearful, for example our bodies, then we'll release more stress hormones so we become More sympathetic and ready to to reactor to respond in a protective way in a more conceptual framework Pisces rules, the larger experience of things and therefore it can't really be articulated because the larger experience of things is always too big to really understand. So we have kind of global culture or Evolution could think of pie Season that way it's like how did we get to the place that we are who knows it was billions and billions of influences inter permeating with each other and therefore Pisces is also Associated to deeper meanings and larger truths such as God or whatever name you want to give God a sense of the spiritual Neptune in Pisces in their exaltation and their highest manifestation are loved. And the kind of love that is Oneness. It's non separation. It's non self. It is moving past the ego past the separated self, but Neptune in Pisces in their detriment are the ways that we get completely confused about what the self is and grasp to fantasies and Illusions and delusions. So the square between Jupiter and Neptune if Think about this conflict between truths and personal truths and then like a larger truth or a larger one or spiritual connection or confusion. We can feel some of the friction that is definitely so present in the world right now. And I know it's very present for me. I know it's also very present for my clients and for my friends who have been talking with this kind of question of like, well, what do I believe Leave in and what am I going to choose to believe in? My personal truth is based on story. It's based on my experience. It's based on my past. But I can also grow my personal truth can expand. I can tell a different story or I can evolve the story that I'm telling when I notice how my beliefs are limiting me. How can they grow? How can I let my self my mind my opinions my Goals grow and evolve and the other option right now is delusion. It is getting really attached to fundamentalist ideas to this is right or this is wrong to some kinds of opinion. It is like an increasing Erasure of that correct knowing space of that space where we can be present. aunt and an increasing attachment to the incorrect knowing which is it feels like bombastic or hyperbolic a lot of the times where we get really convinced around something when the ego or the self become aggrandized and that doesn't always mean really confident sometimes when the ego is really stimulated as when were the most insecure but it's when the self becomes what's centered so this Square between Jupiter and Neptune Is really stimulating a lot of this I think for a lot of people and as I mentioned a couple of moments ago, this is the second of three squares. So if you think back to mid-January, you might come up with with some themes and then you might also consider again where Sagittarius is in your birth chart and where Pisces is in your birth chart because these are the places that are stimulating each other in Conflict right now now Neptune is particularly activated right now. It's receiving A lot of aspects it is receiving a sextile from Saturn in Capricorn and a trying from Mars and Mercury in cancer. So the sextile from Saturn in Capricorn is a lending influence. This is bring the stability of Saturn and the stability of Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces. This is helping us to get a little bit more Discerning to clarify. Ourselves how we're working with our own states of Illusion or expansion the trying from Mars and Mercury is bringing in a lot of water energy. So Neptune is in Pisces Mars and Mercury are in cancer in the astrological language water is the emotional space and the feeling space and Mars in cancer is stirring up a lot of feeling it's bringing awareness to our emotional defense mechanisms and And mercury in cancer is bringing a lot of attention to the ways that we Bond and kind of the the cords of our relationships Mercury and Mars are also transiting right now with the North Node and the North Node is one of the eclipse points and we are now entering into a clip season. So as of next week when the sun moves into cancer, the next lunar cycles will be eclipsed Cycles will have both a solar and lunar eclipses. and this means that there's a lot of potential for Change and evolution with these themes and so the cancer themes cancer rules the home and we're we're safe as a concept in our bodies that rules the stomach where were nurtured and kind of how we feel comfort and how we Bond so themes of inclusion home tribe claiming who claims Us and how we claim ourselves and how we claim each other mothering and parenting and boundaries and safety, how do we protect our home how do we open our home to others these are Big energetic and emotional themes right now for many people and with Mercury and Mars there there's a lot of energy to shift hopefully to shift into evolve so Mars was trying to Neptune On June 14th, and Mercury was trying to Neptune on June 16th. So again, the trying is a flowing energy. It links these two signs really he's fully water flows right into water the water of cancer the very personal emotional state flows into the water of Pisces the non-personal collective emotion. On the 18th, which is tomorrow Mercury and Mars will come into an exact conjunction and Saturn and Neptune will come into their exact sextile. So as I'm recording this full moon podcast the themes right now of our discernment our ability to put some container around our feelings to hold them with At least somewhat of an objective space the Saturn in Capricorn influence that allows us to be fairly dispassionate is giving a lending influence to this other energy. That's really encouraging us to open up to become more inclusive to notice the ways that we're working with our emotions that we're working with our bonds. And I think for a lot of us this means coming into greater Clarity with our bonds and coming into to Greater Clarity with our emotional intelligence. That's what I'm hoping that it means for a lot of us. That's what I'm experiencing in myself is kind of the ability to work with my emotional self in a more rational logical way. It doesn't mean that the emotions aren't there. It just feels like I have a little bit less attachment with them. I can see them functioning doesn't mean they're not functioning, but I can Watch them functioning with enough separation that I can start to do something about it and I've been really appreciating that sextile from soldering these last couple days Mars and Mercury have also been in an opposition with Saturn and these aspects were also exact on the 14th in the 16th. So Mars opposed Saturn on the 14th and Mercury opposed Saturn on the 16th and the axis between Cancer and Capricorn, which is getting stimulated. is doing this work around the the softness and the interiority of cancers emotional state and then the container and the boundary and discipline and and discernment of Capricorn state so themes here our discernment dedication humility and refinement of the ways that we work with our own Egos and relationship and connection or increasing rigidity authoritarianism and War in our action and our words, which is a more kind of detrimental manifestation of these opposition's as we Of into the next week as I mentioned Mercury and Mars are forming their exact conjunction tomorrow Saturn and Neptune are forming their exact sextile. Then the day after Wednesday, June 19th Mercury and Mars will both go on to oppose Pluto in Capricorn. So next month. I'm going to do quite a long episode or not quite a long but an in-depth episode on Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. I'm going to be talking specifically to Saturn returns and people who are working with their Saturn return right now are really wanting to understand Saturn and their chart. So make sure to listen in next month with the podcasts there, but briefly as mercury and Mars move into their opposition with Pluto these themes around deep transformation of underlying patterns and specifically the ways that we have attached to rules internalised rules in our Chips are what is transforming Pluto in Capricorn is a transformation of the rules and it's a transformation of long-held structure. So in your life notice what's coming up in your relationships and in your emotional bonds? And anyways that you are addressing your own internalized rules. I'm going to relate with you this way. I'm going to relate with you that way or you're addressing boundaries or you're addressing these kind of Silent expectations where you met maybe feeling into something coming into some kind of expectation or assumption about it taking that as truth, not questioning further Mercury and Mars in their opposition to Pluto this week really helped us to kind of move out of that and to move into potentially radical transformation of the way that we connect big themes for a lot of people right now are around attachment and emotional attachment and how we Lend ourselves or give ourselves to attachments or how we resist and Boundary around them so notice what's going on for you and check in with embodied astrology on Instagram. If you want to stay up-to-date with me, I'm posting about all of these aspects little stories about them. And then you can also check out as usual you can check out the embodied astrology seasonal planners and in the Gemini season planner, I talk about these aspects as well and the planners Are available to subscribers and you can subscribe at any time at any amount per month for these expanded planners and the next planner will be coming out on Friday. That's a June 21st. That is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. It's the day that the sun moves into the sign of Cancer and it's also the day that Neptune turns retrograde and Neptune will be retrograde through the end of November. And so these themes that I'm talking about in terms of Neptune and the For our increased intuition sensitivity to Collective emotion working more deeply with these larger spiritual truths is going to be a really big theme over the course of these next six seven months or so and in the next week after we get into cancer season Venus will go on to form a number of aspects with these same planets and these aspects are more challenging Venus. Susan Gemini right now and it'll form an opposition to Jupiter and in conjunct to Saturn and a squared and Neptune in the week the first week of cancer season. So the way that we're using the Gemini capacity for language and capacity for connection really does have to come into a place of much deeper relationality and all these themes are definitely going to continue to be present and learning spaces. So to summarize the podcast happy full moon. The full moon is always an illumination and relationship when we come into relationship. We come into awareness of difference and curiosity about difference allows us to expand our perception and expand our awareness some questions to consider at this full moon some Reflections to reflect on what and where are the roots of your Watson identifications, how is your mind being stretched towards a larger truth right now? And what is it that you are willing to stretch your mind for how do you connect with this expansion in the possibility of your own expansion and evolution? What are you working through transforming and releasing so that you can become more inclusive and inclusivity for me feels like a deeper state of love the more more that I can open my mind and become curious less identified with my thoughts the more I feel like I can actually love myself. I don't need to prove something. I'm not in a space of constant comparison and the more comfortable and loving I feel with myself the better my relationships get the more I can actually relate the more I can be in that space of not knowing not needing to assert but just being in the essence and being in the quality of connection. Action, so how nice is that really feels like a relief when I get there and definitely feels like something to practice as we move into these next few weeks the aspects that Venus in Gemini will be making Neptune turning retrograde. Remember that language is a tool for connection and language happens on so many levels. It's not just the words. We speak speak. It's also the way that our thoughts come into form and how we engage with our thoughts and we engage with our Concepts how we connect and communicate on the gestural level through our eyes our eyes soft or are they aggressive our ears receptive or are they listening for what they expect to hear? I want to give a nod and a shout out to low Mathis who's an artist who I've really been enjoying for a while and Recently, I was on their website again and just really appreciating the way that they use words to expand perspective and invoke love their champion of radical softness and they use tenderness as a tool for dismantling oppression and I just love these ideas. So I look them up at Laura That's Lor a ma th all kinds. Of inspiration on radical softness as a weapon. It's kind of a cool idea for Mars and cancer right now and yeah notice what you're believing notice what ideas are coming in remember that knowledge is not ideas. It's not right and Wrongs. It's not language. Its quality its Essence commit to the quality and teach by example be someone who is Teaching others and yourself constantly by checking in with presence and expanding yourself into that space of correct knowing which is not knowing that's what I think. That's what I know as the sun enters cancer on Friday. We begin the eclipse season eclipses this year in cancer and Capricorn season. So these are opportune moments my friends for Change and transformation stay awake and stay curious practice good internal parenting. Give yourself good discipline. Give yourself good encouragement. There is a lot of potential right now to change and expand perspectives and possibilities to close out this podcast today. I want to give a big shout out and just all my love to queer people everywhere. Thank you. Thank you for doing the emotional labor of changing perspective and expanding knowledge in yourself as you confront and battle and shift paradigms around sexuality around gender around presentation around connection around Community around intimacy. Queerness is so much more than sexual orientation. It really is a way of life. I mean, it's a complete perspective and perspective shift. A special thanks to all Queer trans folks of color those of you that are in bodies that are differently abled that are working in a lot of different intersections and through your lives. You are embodying these teachings of expansion and perspective and doing so much work for so many of us to experience life in a more accepting open-minded. Space so thank you. Thank you for shouldering that burden for doing this work and for committing to your truth in celebration of pride month. I've created a special episode with my friends Rose blakelock and Golem local OVA the to creators of big Dyke energy podcast big dark energy is my favorite astrology podcast to listen to right now. I really recommend it if you're interested in queer astrology if you're Stood in as astrology as kind of jumping off point for a pop culture and for all things gay or daiki. I should say not always the same. Please check them out picked. I get energy. We had a really fun conversation. We talked about all kinds of things. So you can listen to that conversation listen to us talk about astrology and relationships and drugs and outer planet transits and our personal lives and you can find that link. In the show notes and you can find it from embodied I will be back with you on Friday. That's June 21st for cancer season, you can get your month ahead horoscopes there and just a reminder that subscribers get access to the expanded report and that includes PDF that gives you all kinds of info and updates for planetary transits and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work with them working. Skillfully with astrology makes my life. A lot better more interesting, but also I have to say objectively better being able to use timing and to consider astrological openness. You know, it doesn't make everything perfect. But I definitely notice a difference when I'm using astrology and what I'm not and all the feedback I get from clients and from you all who are checking in with embodied astrology regularly as it's helping you to so, please consider subscribing 100% of your subscriptions go to supporting Work you can subscribe by donation. It's recurring monthly donation, but it can be any amount you get access to these expanded reports subscribers also get discounts you get big discounts on any of my online classes as well as my birthday reports and so every month, I put out a year ahead expanded birthday report for every sign Cancer season is coming up the cancer year ahead birthday report will also be coming out on Friday if you're interested in getting one of these for yourself or buying one for friends. They make really great. Eight gifts and again subscribers get discounts. Finally. I want to close out the podcast by encouraging everyone who's listening to get out there and support the folks who are doing some heavy lifting around changing perspective and expanding perspective giving us new information and being pioneers and leaders and examples of new knowledge. Expanding possibilities Alexandria Kasia Cortez and ilhan Omar you probably know their names are two of my favorite people to be paying attention to their both young women their women of color. They are women who are taking leadership in the United States Congress and they're also politicians who are supported more by their demographics by their constituents then Pac money and corporations and and their success is fueled by us. So if you like me appreciate the work that they're doing to bring a different perspective and an expanded conversation that feels definitely a lot more relevant and important onto center stage and into the political stage. Then please consider giving them a donation. They are working with crowdfunding not big Pac money. So check them out. I also want to give a shout-out to the Nat Turner project, which is a Based artist Collective and support for artists of color not Turner project gives small artist grants to artists of color and allows them to expand their practice and of course art and culture are some of the biggest ways that we expand. Our minds not Turner project is doing some fundraising right now for their year ahead with programming and if you are in Portland if you're in the Pacific Northwest or if You're just someone who wants to support the Arts and wants to support an amazing cause you can check them out at Nat Turner project Dot c-- o-- N 8e T. You are any our project dot Co and you can find more information about them there. You can also find them on Instagram and a link, of course in the show notes and then the final offering that I want to make and request for your support is To one of my listeners and a friend from social media Deb. Thanks so much for sharing all the information that you do share with me last week Dove shared some information with me about a supermarket in Los Angeles called mr. Wisdoms and the supermarket and the crunch on neighborhood. Maybe you're familiar with it is the oldest Organic Market or option in that part of Los Angeles and it's one of the only options for folks and an area that's otherwise a food desert when we're thinking about the possibility of expanding our minds and working skillfully with our mental state nutrition cannot be understated as an important factor how we nourish our bodies has everything to do with how we can come into relationship with our minds in a skillful way if we're eating junk our minds are going to be more dull more distracted more prone to anxiety. We are being nourished with good food and clean water. We can think clearer we can have more peace in our minds getting access to good food and good water is so critical and so important and something that unfortunately is not available for a lot of people. So there's a crowd funds right now to raise money to keep this Market open and I will include the link in the show notes. Oh notes, but you can also look for keep. I'm not actually sure how to say this name. It's a street name. I think it's Slauson or Slauson SLA uson keeps Lawson fresh. And yeah, you can give some money to the fundraiser and help people get access to good food. So please consider after you've listened them. Podcast sending support to these people. So these projects to these resources and sharing your resources as a means for all of us to expand our perspectives and possibilities and connections. Thanks everyone so much for listening. I really appreciate your support your time and your attention. I will be back with you on the 21st for cancer season. I'll check you out then until then happy. the moon and bye for now
In this episode  I talk about the astrology surrounding the full moon in Sagittarius on June 17, 2019. The full moon is conjunct with Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and astrological symbol of the Great Teacher or Guru. Jupiter works to expand our minds and open our perception. It guides us to reach into the unknown and stimulates our longing for Truth and Wisdom. Exact at the full moon, Jupiter is forming its 2nd of 3 squares with Neptune, and Neptune is receiving aspects from Saturn, Mercury, Mars and the South and North nodes (eclipse points.) The astrological potential of this full moon and the surrounding weeks is vast. As we explore personal stories and the nature of mind (Sun in Gemini) the beliefs that have formed our minds become illuminated and held up for examination and question (Moon in Sagittarius). Examining, questioning and leaning into new perspectives requires us to work through what has previously been unconscious and invisible. Through this process we move through barriers in our intuition and access deeper spiritual support (Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Sagittarius and aspects from Saturn and Pluto.) Enjoy :) Intros end and astrology begins at 6:45 Become a subscriber Make a one time donation Come on retreat with me! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Where we blow your mind, I'm flesh is burning burning all the time Church alert alert alert.And I have to give you sound the alarm just sound the alarm. It's a serious note on this one Shanaya. It is. Hello everyone. I'm Ian with no no try to meet with you. There we go. Hello. Dr. Robin Casas. Hi, Shanaya. Hello Pastor Tony kisses and hello Pastor Nathan guesses. A guy like mrs. Doubtfire. Yeah, you too this Deliverance for me. Yes, there is sign me up. You are listening to this official episode of we're getting more in harmony as it comes and Pastor. I'm just enjoying her little ad-libs that there you go. I'm gonna T-shirt with snack. If you are just now joining this my name is nannies and I just hope this thing along with the crew the trio of talk New York, which our church is located in the hot of Times Square the hot you can always visit our website and torque NYC that org and figure out where we are any who cuz we don't have time we need to jump in this thing. Last week we had a great testimony from a rabbi, which was amazing. It was so many gems. He's dropping gems didn't even know it he was he was so we just want to just thank him for coming on and you know just sharing his troops about how he discovered tort or came to torquing discovered torque. Someone's someone said and now testimony time tonight. I don't know that they understood exactly what they were saying, but they were like, he was a Jew but now he's a Wow, so I just kind of you know, I stepped in just to remedy the situation. I'm like no no now, he's a do tile. Yeah, it's a du Tau yes, give him that. Anyhow, yes, and then we also was talking about God venting which I hope you guys have you listed last episode of you have not is available on Spotify. But if you listen to the last episode about God venting, hopefully you ask the Lord. What do you want to speak about or speak? Hmm? All right. I'm listening. I think that Need to talk about God invented. She was ready. Yeah, he wanted to do what do you want? What do you think? That's right. What is God venting about this season the condition of the chilling. Wow, I'm awake. I think that's what he wants to talk about because you know, this one one sin that will never be forgiven. Oh and that's the same. Sin against the Holy Spirit. No, I'm telling you. The church is moving into areas that are very touchy. Wow, because they are moving the Holy Spirit out of his position in the godhead and putting a piece of paper for a survey in his place. That was a big statement. Just there like you said that tonight in the message passed the Robin and it hit me very very very strongly. The holy spirit is a part of the godhead a true, but the way that we treat him in the church today, we treat him like a feeling up. He's an experienced and he's a power and he's a force but he's not a person the yellows they all the spirits or me on the spirit. Just did this and spirit. I was you that voice because that's how it sounds to Jesus, you know, I mean, but he's actually Of the godhead and went wow. It just hit me. It's even hitting me as you say it again now. Yeah, well, we're not we're not we're not putting him in that place that he deserves. No and God put him in that place. God put him in that place. He is the spirit of Jesus and if they don't if people don't see that and treat him like a personality something that has its own place. In the godhead, then you will replace him with a piece of paper Church. She's coming. She's coming right off the press that the printer but let me finish in this when you hit that buzzer, but I'm tired - You're Gonna Keep talking about stuff going to say that he has personality. He doesn't have to be a 5 at 10:00 a 3 a 4 a 2 a 1. Can you count? Don't he doesn't have to be any of those things. Yeah, he's part of the godhead, which is three and one hmm first Jam of the night first gym in the night, but we're gonna gonna break because we're going to explain what's gotten past Robin. So rattled about aiming these papers. We going to explain these papers when we come back from break. Hi, everybody passed an 8 here and boy are we excited to invite you to a new event that we have happening on Sundays at 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The new Bible study that starting at talk called connecting the dots. This is going to be a great way for you to come connect the dots of your faith reintroduce yourself to the Bible or introduce yourself to the Bible like never before Pastor. Tony will be leading this class. You don't have to come to every class you can drop in. It will be recorded and available later on on talk TV. So we're excited to take this journey and for you to come on this journey with us. We'll see you there Sunday at 3 p.m. One two three four to walk through that spiritual door five six, seven eight. Let me get this straight. Oh my God, should we have done it again? I'll discovered. I've got a reputation to Pastor Tony. Come on. Let's give you a hand. He was helping me get that made up. One two, three four don't walk through that spiritual door, five, six. Seven eight. Let me get your personality straight speaking of personalities on a more serious note. We've been noticing this trend that's been entering the church very subtly and it's called Enneagram. Which is basically a personality test to try to find your place in church, but we're going to say this is an insult to Holy Spirit. I need to come here, isn't it? And it weary. Why isn't it? We're gonna we're gonna give the background of what it is for those listeners who don't know what any of grammy is. We don't want you just researching and finding his all the things we want to bring it to you home now. So passionate if you don't mind just about to given us the background and then Then Pastor Robin we promise we're gonna tag you man and you're gonna come in head-on on this thing. Okay, she's saying she gonna do it. So she wants to go first go for it. Then you can give the explanation of the stupidity of it. I would love to excited. I actually just want to say why are we replacing the holy spirit's work with a piece of paper and a pen computer and anything else that makes Not have to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. That's what it really is church. You don't want a relationship with the Holy Spirit have your relationship with your pencil and your paper and your computer but you got to know he's a person of the third part of the godhead and if you want to see Power and presence of God, you better work with him now hit that. One. Wow well, then since you told that part off that was great. You come in fascinating just give us some bullet points. So what it actually is so people can understand if listeners that might be like, what is this any random talking about it's being used subtly in the church today Shanaya. It's being used in the world. And it's funny how we are using methods in the world that you know not founded in scripture not founded in the spirit of God, you know. And it's crept into the church through psychology and you'll notice that the church is on this whole journey of ink because there's such a big awareness these days with mental health. Yeah mental health is a huge thing in the world and in the church people are beginning to see that mental health is just as important as physical health spiritual health. And so mind you I want to add that all these Ministries that do this don't teach about demons, but that's another port. Yeah, because they believe it's them anyway, as you would say Enneagram in comes from a teaching a set of teachings from certain philosophies and philosophers who have studied different spiritual Concepts. It's based on nine points. So each point of the nine is the personality type. So just bringing up my notes here, you know one is And it's so ridiculous. But one is the reformer to is the help with three is the achiever. I don't want to go through all of them nine is The Peacemaker and then they have these things called Wings where you can have a mix of both and what it's doing is it's really sub categorizing people into these prototypes. I just want to point out to our listeners that might be doing this and think it's no problem. Look do your research the founders of the Enneagram were Yogi's they were monks and It was brought in through a Chilean psychologist who brought it over to America in the 1970s, and then it was incorporated with Jesuit priests who applied it to Christianity and Christian methods for counseling so it's not founded in scripture. It's not founded in the word of God yet. It's very very alien to the word of God and if I could just challenge our listeners, why would you use something that Hindus new age? Leavers atheists and Buddhist and all faiths are using this is what's scary about this thing all faiths use this test on the process of self-discovery and there's a book They're called the way back to you. Now, if that title doesn't scare you I don't know what will I don't either but which we kind of brought that out why that was important for the people who might not even understand the dangers of Being a Christian in participating in yoga and meditation we brought that out in our season casting which you can find on YouTube as well and there are torque in NYC branch on YouTube. If you just search that this part of season casting we really talked about why that is so dangerous for us because it brings in a false Holy Spirit. Yep, and we don't definitely want to replace the holy spirit's voice with trying to figure out who we are and identity and there's a lot of there's a lot of conjecture he back and forth. An argument this people that a Christian writers that write that the any Graham can be used by God and right, you know that we're not to like, you know, toss it out because who are we to like, you know say that God can't use anything my argument with that. Is this anything that I'm going to quote you from? It's actually the book is called the road back to you. Not the way back to you the road back to you and here's a quote from the book. So I just want to like let this land with people right it says he Let me bring up the quote. It says he every chapter 10 of this book talks about a combination of forgiving myself finding my true self becoming spiritually evolved being healed from wounded messages dealing with codependent behaviors and pursuing personal homeless. Now, that's fine. You know, we understand that God is it see it's like the angel of Light. It's coming in the language of what God actually wants to do with us. God wants us to pursue wholeness not by ourselves, but by him I'm saying Um, these people that have gone through the any Graham system and have come into a self-enlightenment come they say they come face-to-face with their true self. They actually come face-to-face with themselves and they end up having more face-to-face moments with themselves than face-to-face moments with Jesus, you know, take that scripture in 23rd psalm in it. Let's change it around I mean I mean we're gonna do this. Let's do it all the way and so we say, you know, the Lord is my shepherd and then we go into that verse that now what are we saying? I restore my soul. I restored no no listeners. It's not that at all. It's he restores my soul. You can't restore your soul. And so we need to get this right tonight. We really do this is playing with new ways. It is evil spirit and I'm telling you as a leader and as a pastor and prophetically I'm telling you. This is a time of doctrines of demons not so juicing doctrines of demons and the doctrines of demons. That demons are seducing the leadership. We all need to wake up and wake up quickly. We think we can analyze the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit to go. Only thing that can't be predicted. So how could you put what he says you are on a piece of paper some sort of a survey. This is so disgraceful. Yep. It needs so disrespectful to the power of the Holy Spirit the third person of the godhead deserves better than this. Yeah in the book the road back to you Ian Morgan. On and Susan stable. These are the two authors that are trying to advocate for Christian to use this they actually say the true purpose of the anagram is to reveal to you your Shadow side and offer spiritual Counsel on how to open it to transformative light. Oh my goodness. That sounds so Transcendental Meditation. It's nonsense and then just to give you an example of how unscriptural e base this is they say in the anteroom if you're at A to then you're wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging. Where is threes need to hear that? You are just loved for who you are. I'm sorry. Nowhere in the Bible. Does it sell with I'm wired for Struggle No Weir's one verse that combats that verse and it's in Jeremiah where the Lord says before you were formed in your mother's womb. I knew you I called you. I said to us apart as a prophet to the nation's didn't say there is Why'd you for struggle didn't say you're a type. He basically said that before environment before anything in life affected your choices. I set you apart and called you and put you on a path of Destiny Pastor Donny. You want to chime in there. That's just insulting the Holy Spirit these these leaders instead of seeking the Lord for a person's call and placement in the body of Christ. They're letting people's self assess through these. He's these any you grams. And you know, I was speaking at the church tonight and you know in the message that an Enneagram would not have placed Paul. I minister to Gentiles and Enneagram would have really put Paul because of his Hebrew background. He would be more suited to minister to Jews. But the Holy Spirit chose to make his you know, he's Niche Gentiles and the Lord used Peter who did not have Good background with the you know, the traditions of the elders and and the Torah and the talmud like Paul. Did he gave that to Peter he gave the ministry of Jews to Peter the ministry of Gentiles to Paul. We would have picked the Opposites. So we can't you know, God whatever God has called you to do once you find it he equips you to do it and you could be the least person. I right you could be the least. Person qualified it's Jesus who qualifies I think this is just laziness past shit. Niggas Indianapolis should seek the Lord for where people's gifts and placements are well, I think that that's coming to the place where they're doing away with Shepherds. You see we had the five fold Ministry and if you're going to give the enemy a good punch, you know, you got to you got to clench your fist with five fingers together. Either and you've got to have that fivefold King hit you can't poke his eyes out. You gotta hit him with all five fold Ministry so that even the little finger that can clean your ear out. It's got to be a teacher and the Evangelist which is I'm in the ring finger, which is the pastor in the Evangelist, which is the Reach Out finger and the pot and the prophet who points and the apostle that can touch off other for Ministries. They have to be operating in the church to have Jesus operating fully in the church, you know, white pasta because he was all five. We can't bill five Hallelujah can only be one or two, but we can't be all fine. And so here's the key. Here's the key for you to of those Ministries fight for our fur God to the people. Yeah, but three of them. Chad the grounding Ministries are the people to God Jesus. We're gonna take a short break and really unpacked this because this is something that was what out in the service and it was very important to understand the necessity of having a five fold Ministry and how it benefits us all and how we contribute to it and our place in it, you know, so I really want to unpack that and you know, just take a second. To just process all of this and we'll be right back. Hi, everybody passed innate here again, and I am thrilled to announce the official launch of Skype dipping 9. This means dipping night has gone International. That's right. Even if you're outside the New York City area you can now be blessed by the prophetic Ministry of this house. Look God is speaking to everyone and we want to give you the opportunity to hear what God is saying regardless of location. So go to our Facebook page look for the tab on the side that His prophetic appointments and sign up for your appointment now everyone should he what God is saying to them and have the chance to share that with the world? We're gonna go straight in we got a lot to talk about and I was hesitant see there. Yeah. I must say I just have a righteous hate for the fact that these people are really wanting to seek God right? You got a congregation really wanting to understand the Holy Spirit really want to grab hold to what the Lord offers. Is fullness in the enemy is just coming right on in and manipulating and using it against them. And that's the part where it just makes me have a righteous cringe. It's true against Satan as a righteous man is right and manipulating the innocence of people being having a pure heart and distorting the truth from them. It's like, you know, this is why the the the embodiment of like we were talking about before break of having a five fold Ministry, you know comes into Play because we're all you know covering each other listening to One Spirit. Not just a bunch of you know, yep different types of spirits. Needless to say, I think one of the most disappointing things that we experience in our dipping night and for those listeners who are just visiting and for the first time our dipping night is basically a prophetic Outreach where you know, we give people in the church or even non-believers an opportunity to hear what God speak through prophecy. But we fine I would say 90% of Believers that come to our Outreach the most common requests requests from the Lord is Lord. Please tell me what my call is what my gifting is 90% And and our our our sort of response to them asking that question is what has what have your pastors told you and they say they haven't told us. Anything it's very hard for them to even get time with their pastors. And this is sad because we are getting the reality at least in New York in the tri-state area. There are so many believers who haven't been touched by a Shepherd yet. They got no idea what their function and placement in the body of Christ is and they come to us as profits to find out and you know, we can't say well go back to your pastor and ask him because he doesn't know his Got no idea disclaimer on that. Some of them have been in the church 30 years 30 years 30 years and they have no idea what place they have in the church and they come and and it's to me we give them God's word and suddenly the veil. Let's mmm 30 years and they said 30 years. We've been waiting for God to speak. Yeah, well you haven't been waiting God's been speaking Yeah, but you haven't been hearing because you're not allowed to here and goes back to what you said, you know don't have a relationship with paper have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. But now we need to see okay, that's for the individual but Pastor need to have a relationship with their flock and so having a relationship with events and you know programs and you know, all these things forms. And formulas and actually let the Lord use you to touch the people, you know, I want to go back to one thing because people listening to this Villa. Okay, right? Okay any grams? Yeah the evil. What's well, what's the harm in self-assessing, you know the harm in self-assessing Shanaya and using a self assessment method whether it's the you know prior mig's whether it's the Enneagram whether it's a personality type tests that use take you to you know, magazine or a horoscope. Let me call that out because there's too many Christians out there using horoscopes. Well, Be hearing God the danger is when you self-assess, you won't count what God counts. Come on skim over what God won't skim over you look at something in you and say it's not worth counting. It's not worth being used but the scripture says that in your weakness his strength is perfect it and that's what you Qualify in your weakness not in your strength. I've heard Christians say got to get strong so so I can have each strength. Yep. Come on, you told him at two dots the strength you it's in your weakness that you qualify for his strength. You do not qualify for his strength with your strength. And so to go into scripture to back this up because I really had the Holy Spirit drop me drop this in me in our previous segment. So portal sup. Yeah, and it was good. So we're at the you know, the story of the two fish in the Five Loaves and Jesus looks at his disciples and they come up to him and they say Lord we've got no food. Now let's let's dissect that. They had 5,000 men following them and it was the custom of the day just to count the men. It was 15 pastors bringing out a revelation. There was actually 15,000 if you include women and children now, that's a pretty big crowd to have following you without any fear. Facebook Twitter Google, you know what I'm saying? Just saying McDonald. Yeah. I'm the corner there. So my point is this the first thing we see is that the disciples came to Jesus and they said we've got nothing. So first of all, they didn't see potential in what wasn't being counted the women and the children in are eyes weren't important enough to count because they said, you know, we got nothing. So what happens Jesus says, well, what do you have go and find it? You know, what do you have because God is not asking you to you know, stop looking at something in you he's saying what do you have that I can work with? So he goes to them and he says what do you have? So a little boy comes forward, you know, it says any I got I got two fish and Five Loaves. So the very person that they overlooked was the very thing that God caused to bring the miracle. Did you catch that what I'm saying the very person the very young boy that they overlooked because they self assess and was the very thing that God used to bring the miracle. So God is in what you don't count it. See people are not seeing the way the Lord does this? Yep, you see we To turn it around everybody puts it the way that they can work it you see and that's lazy just lazy if you want purity of heart then see God everyone in every situation, but we think I start counts by God if we see God will be pure in heart. No purity of heart comes as a result of seeing God in every figure. And every situation that little boy was used do you understand? He was discarded. He wasn't to be used be wasn't even counted. They get God counted him God counted him and he took what he had and fed 50,000 people as a beginning of what God can do. So, what does that mean? That means instead of just putting a cart and a horse together? And having the horse carried the car around maybe maybe the cart has to be put before the horse and the horse has to push the cart. Yep out of the way which brings us passed it to the point here. If you self-assess, you're only going to count on Merit and points the things that matter to you. According to the any Graham you take this personality type test and you do Define Yourself by things that pop up in your emotions. But again, I challenge our listeners seldom is God in the good parts of me. He's more in the things that are broken because the things that are broken need Jesus things that are broken need the Healer. He says I didn't come for the healthy. I came for the sick. That's right and Mark Mark the area Christian comedian. He says it this way. He says seldom is God. My plans all my formulas on my formations, but he's always in my interruptions. And so if we're self-assessing, I'll get a gem for that one. She's saying thank you. Dr. Road. I'm trying to give it to you guys about to make it because it's a Hot Topic if we're self-assessing then what discounting what God wants to use as a testimony. This is true. We're looking at things in us that we don't see worthy but the scripture says That he works all things for his good and that it's over by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony. We said in Breaking Free from guilt that God wants to bring purpose to the pain those things in you that you're not counting listener listeners. That's what God is going to use to bring glory for his name. Yes. I think the opposite is true too that I was going to say. We need to go the opposite end. The there are things that we esteem in our souls that God despises. New tonight about how you know, Jesse thought his seven sons that were you know, physically fit handsome. Well trained Warriors be a number 1 to 7, but it was you know, son number eight David who was in the eyes of his father and the brothers he would not qualify to be king. But Samuel comes along and the Lord says this is the one anoint him. Yeah if he would have done an assessment would David have You know, they're like the right number. Yeah never on this is an insult to the Holy Spirit. Most different is the Holy Spirit who calls you and places you in the body and he supposed to use fivefold ministers to call you out. Come on, you know, we are the Samuels and we are to discern what the Lord is saying now, the the members part is he has desires he or she has desires and natural gifts. God gave. Them Supernatural Gibson and it's a combination of the two that makes them distinct but that is not discovered through some, you know form you fill out some self assessment. It's a revelation of the Holy Spirit acts 13 there were prophets and teachers they were fasting and praying up and then the holy spirit said let that resonate the holy spirit said separate unto me Paul. And Barnabas for the work that I have called them. Yep. They didn't go into a form. They didn't do in a self-assessment the Holy Spirit revealed what their call and their Destiny was and this is the way it should be for every believer. I heard Nate saying off off off the air that you know, so many Believers are coming into these mega churches pastors are saying well, we don't have time. Yeah baby is the one person that's listening to you. I brought three thousand people drop out to Christ drop it Pentecost and they all got a placement in the first church. That's right Slater 5000 came in when the man was healed at the gate beautiful. Yeah, come on, most of these men and women had a general idea of how Temple worship went. Yep. They had to be taught what church worship was about but each one of them got touched. By a Shepherd or a teacher or an evangelist or a prophet or an apostle? That's it. Each one. I think I think that comes down to the placement and the work of the spirit because when Jesus went to heaven the Holy Spirit came and then he lived in each person. So to turn around and say that they couldn't be touched. Then he's everywhere. Mmm, you know Believers he can touch all believers at the same time. If you let him he is letting him right? I'm in control. We got two minutes fear of losing control a lot of Shepherds and I used to be this way. When you start telling people they have spiritual gifts. They have a To call it's a challenge because if they excel in that call you feel threatened. Oh and so the ideology is and Nate mentioned mentioned it earlier when Moses was inundated with judging Israel from dawn to dusk Jethro. His father-in-law said look, you need to delegate you need to delegate men try and women who are full of understanding full of the Holy Spirit who can deal with the you know, not So important matters the meaning or matters you just deal with the critical issues and it saved Moses as Ministry. He was use on a quick burn out but a lot of pastors can't do that because they lose control. They lose control. They're afraid of someone outshines them. Someone evangelizes better than them were preachers better than am will prophesize better than them you shut them down because that's a threat to your ministry. We've got to get this rooted out of the church then you that way Mikey is But that one is you bring that up. He is a good answer for that teach them. Well, just maybe if they do feel threatened it can at least go into a platform for deliverance. Anyway, we will be right back after these messages if there are any Hi everyone. We are excited for the soap fall season to commence with life-changing courses that will deepen our relationship with Jesus starting Saturday, October 5th. Dr. Robin. Cassis will kick us off with counsel by God. This course is so powerful to help heal emotions and memories and learn to let Jesus be the wonderful counselor of Our Lives you will be renewed with hope and life. As we learn to let God turn the scars into Stars sign up now by visiting soap and why dot-org. Burn them papers up. Those papers up. Yes, you don't have time for the night. I love that part. That was hilarious. I feel like the borders jiggle like, you know changes every episode better and better. I'm here for it three dimensional. Alright, so before the break, of course, we were talking about the five fold Ministry to say it with that gospel five phone like he got stuck in the back of your throat. The prophets the evangelists tag your man, where's my witness? I'm gonna start casting things to mention mention purpose of fivefold ministry. Bring us back on point is to actually be equipped as in one area or the other. Mmm, and it doesn't make us Head it makes us footstools. It doesn't the apostles and not the king of the ministry. He's the father come on to the ministry. The Evangelist is the Hand Helping Hand. They the pastor is supposed to be the Wonder buying. Yes. Yep binds and the teacher he just clears your ear out so you can have an ear to hear. Yeah, now this is supposed to be equipping the church. What about the prophet and the prophet? He supposed to see ahead see ahead. But as he meant to be a master or a footstool, I already said I was taking is the footstool people are supposed to put that feet on the him Jesus. Oh my goodness. Why not to walk on but to get to another place? You just Jam dropped. Yeah II. Yeah, I get quite papers up quite I hope you burn in papers right now Ian and owning Emily. Be me are owning them and I hope I'm burning am in Christendom. I hope I'm burning them because I can tell you I want you to share some of the other nonsense that we're hearing on the internet and on Christian podcasts and every other thing I I know what they're saying. I don't even know what they're trying to get at if they're analyzing the Holy Spirit and can't be predicted. He can't be analyzed and his work can't be analyzed. So please share with us the latest about the new age and all that about the last statement. That's made just close your eyes. You're in the spirit. Come on. She today. Is anybody can be yours dropping. I'm over it myself, you know there there are many things that are coming out like, you know, like Pastor robbing. You just mentioned, you know with the close your eyes and now you're in a spear or you know, you're jumping the spirit jacuzzi so we can feel the Holy Spirit or Jesus. You know, we've we've talked again about this and season casting a little bit about how that is such a false Holy Spirit. It has no beneficial. You no experience whatsoever. So the actual experience you're chasing is actually the more and bondage and this is why this is mono demanding and we also bought out passionate you were saying we were just talking about how you still have the father had so yeah, you know as a big church, you know churches often have connect groups and sometimes you know, whether their leader strong enough or not. You still have to report to the father hedge of You know the congregation the problem with look I have nothing against connect groups and these mega church people they use this method in its it and it works to a to a point. But the problem with connect groups today is your pasta and only your pasta has a Spiritual Authority and delegation and legislative authority over your life. You'll connect group leader does not have that Authority. Right? So if you're only connecting with your pasta as a Pasta, and not your actual senior pastor, then you're not getting the full Spiritual Authority. And you know what most Christians are facing right now. It's not even being able to connect to the past which is really really sad is the hard part that I think is coming out of a lot of the maker churches no offense to having a large congregation. May God bless you in that. However, the delegation as you said Pastor Tony, yep isn't being distributed or trust it amongst, you know, their their congregation one thing that you was saying pastor about the different methods that are coming out. I mean, it's ridiculous. What was saying was seeing New Age methods and my favorite term to say it's prophetic but it's laced with new age and I was on Facebook just like, you know, I believe we need to start our own CIA. I'm just putting that out there like spiritual CIA because there's so many things and we're told in the got like we're told in the Bible test the spirits, right? So we need a system that we can say, right? What's the fruit of this? Does it line up with the word of God, you know. Is a produce faith hope and love anyway, so I was just you know being led by the Holy Spirit and I saw this quote by this ministry and there are teaching prophetic. They're teaching all these spiritual gifts and the quote was Jesus is the newest age life. I was just literally gobsmacked. So what do I do? They referencing from that? Like they have an ID. The other thing is this person was saying close your eyes and now you're in the spirit because the spirit The Unseen realm so when you close your eyes you're in the spirit, but when I open my eyes again after closing them now, I'm Translating that spiritual reality to this reality. I'm gonna come in on so unscriptural. Yes it is because you can't be in the spirit. Am I sure in contact with the Holy Spirit e so you have to touch the Holy Spirit to be in the spirit because you have to open up a Chilled. Oh, wow. Yeah, so but this is the important that one. Okay, sorry disrupt your gym. But this is a portent of as you were saying to Pastor Tony about the you know delegation these people unfortunately aren't being taught how to hear the Holy Spirit how to navigate and even what to do with the word. Yeah this brings back what I said tonight in the word about the Samuel Eli complex. There's a lot of people out there saying this Samuel I can hear the voice of God I can hear the voice of God. I can hear the voice of God and what the enemy does but that is when it's not shepherded. He actually brings a spirit of isolation in and so now these people become their own answer but my challenge to those people saying, you know, I can hear the voice of God is Samuel the one of the greatest prophets of all time right didn't know what to do with what he heard. He had to go back to an older generation. Yes, somebody that was more learned and experienced then. I am and say what do I do? It was Eli now Eli gets a pretty bad rap, you know his sons all that thing. We know that he was cursed because of his sin. But in that moment, it was Eli that told him go back and when that voice speaks say speak, I'm here speak Lord. Yeah. So Christians can't do it. Just oh, well, it's just me and the Holy Spirit I can hear God. No, you need to get a higher. This is what the word of season casting was in. This season you're not going to live breakthrough unless you go to a higher source of authority to shift you out of your funk and put you into breakthrough and shift you out of your drifting because you're definitely drifting my mom and you need shifting. Hashtag past Christy. Yes, that's not our Revelation. That was someone else's so what I wanted to share with you is against Thing else that's going on. Let's go back to the Book of Genesis where we were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil but we are we are so I asked which tree you were eating from Jesus or are you waiting from wanting to know more about what's good? What's evil, you can't handle it? So God tells you not to eat of it. You see Adam Adam was on these own and God said it's not good. This man be alone. He wasn't lonely sure. He wasn't lonely. He was in danger of being too much. So God wanted to give him someone he could share it when when somebody stands up and says, they're everything. Then they're just in danger of being all in all that was one question. I know we were supporting about is can that pastoral leader be everything now and they have all pretty straight into no right. Only. Jesus can have all five fault right? Come on. Let's be honest about now. Just okay just take four. Instance right for pastor Prophet evangelist teacher and opossum know how are we going to do all that in one go. Have you got enough hours in the day while I haven't that Christ has yes Christ has you see and so he was all five and if you want to have a healthy Church, you need to be all five. Then needs to be all five fold Ministry operating in the church. And people have these chords on their life, but they are not all they could be a pastor and they could be a teacher. They could be a mix of things. I don't know about this wind and and these wings or whatever else is being said these days that they can be a mixture. Yeah a mixture, but they can't be all five. They cannot because that would Rob us for the need for each other. That's right. Christ is all five. Yep, and he wants to be all five in his church not all five in one person. That would be just what we see happening in the church, but they said that these these really Foundation or one, you know, where people get brought to God. That is so essential with the fivefold ministry. That is so essential that those three you're out of the five are really bringing people to God. Yep, you know and then the other two are to Bringing God to people you see there's a balance in that. So you're saying you're saying the prophetic isn't enough not enough to keep you in that place, you know of growing Maturity. Yes the prophetic because we're a prophetic Church. You know, I'm not like, you know having got the prophetic everything we do is prophetic but we have to go to the next level the prophetic isn't enough. The apostolic is enough. We're always asking the Lord what's next and I want to go back to what you said. You said something so revolutionary it dropped in my spirit. You said the prophetic is about equipping but not these days that these days the prophetic is about indulging equipping means it's about somebody else. Yes, and Me tell you something you see we're supposed to be training people how to get on the field and play the game, but we're too busy substituting. The people that are supposed to be playing the game. We want to be out and play the game are culture. I really think leaders Apostles prophets get into your position and stay there find your name dot trying to feel all the emotions. Ocean - a problem and you're not got that problem solved out get on your knees and pray and ask God. You don't have to look for the emotion. You need to look for the god of the emotion now and it goes back to what you were saying Pastor Tony about the coach is the one who knows where every player fits best you brought that in such a great way new even use the NFL very American of you. Go ahead. Tell us. I mean, you know as prophets Apostles pastors to fivefold. Yes. God gives us a discernment. We get a understanding of where each member of the body is supposed to fit in the team like a football coach would assign, you know, the quarterback the running back the you know, the kicking Baxter defensive the offensive teams are a lot of people come in with Talent have giftings and they think they know where they fit but only a coach can make the team a winning team. Come on, and we we talked about having a champion team rather than a team full of Champions. Wow. So how many how many times have we had people come to us and say this is where I fit and we go no. No, this is not where God's putting you, you know, we feel you should go over here. You should you know do this kind of work and every time we've seen fruit come out of that because the Holy Spirit shows us it's he's his ability. It was the reason Same thing that gave Jesus Insight on how to choose the 12 out of the hundreds of disciples that were following him. The scripture says he went up on a mountain and he prayed and then when he came back he chose twelve. Wow, because he knew they were the ones that fitted in his Apostolic team. Yeah. Okay. Yeah so the coach knows where you fit so so don't you be sorry what a champion team rather than the team Paula Champions that do their own thing. I was talking tonight. I mean, I don't know how how factual is is but I know that the New England Patriots went through a period where they weren't winning anything. Yeah, they change their coaches but the head coach got changed and this man had a knack of how to see the talent on the team that he had and Make them maximize that talent and he taught them how to play together how you know, they all thought the same they all had same strategies and they started winning and they've been on a winning streak and when can I bring another subject up quickly and that's all about this coach and the team yeah, you know, if we did what God called us to do as leaders and we waited on the Lord ministered. Turd to the Lord every single one of our flock would be fed by the spirit. I'm telling you Pastor. We need to do what God Said to do. There are some that wait on tables, but we ministered to the Lord we ministered to the Lord and the Lord who knows to our people. Wow. Wow, we're gonna go on break and just kind of close some of these ideas and expand a little bit more big subjects a big something we could probably go on and on we want to make sure the church is alert to yes. Oh they better be alert true to let her jewelry me UNAM. Okay, go find uniforms for the Jet Beauty. But it's out to know what and then papers up and don't put any numbers on your jersey and we'll be right back. I'm going to speak that pay. I'm gonna speak that pay I'm gonna speak that pay change from faded pay for them papers up spur them papers up for them papers up. I think you actually do like go ahead you really just enjoy those portals? Jingle. What can I say? I'm just saying, uh, can I say hello to some friends? Who do you want to prophetically? Say? Hi today? I got some friends in Portland, Oregon. Okay, my from my previous oversight group mfi. Okay. So greetings to Clara John Peter and Bartholomew. Okay, Oregon say hello to some friends. You can say hello. I clean I want to say hello to my friend in Russia. That's listening to this in your you know, kept closed in Bungalow hiding from the Communist police support you yes, we'll see you soon. Okay any profit friends for you to master? I got plenty but I time she got friends in. Yeah. Yeah, your friend and you didn't dude. I don't even know what drinking that is. So, right yes ask me questions. I was hmm. I forgot. No, I didn't anyway, we were wrapping up this portal because we were really getting into why these things are dangerous and we as a church have to be Discerning with one another that interdependence that we've been talking about for weeks now Church alert Turtle art, you know and making the choice. Has to be interdependent so, you know, unfortunately some of our Brethren has been exposed to this. Yeah in churches and have participated in some of these weather being naive that yes know whether it being, you know through the church or even at home reading horoscopes. You know, how can they call you don't write call yourself back or if anything what what can a Believer do it? If they have fallen into that and didn't know about it, or maybe even intending, you know our church in that what can we say to the pastors? And what can we say to the kind of games? Well, I think that we need to come back to the witch of Jesus that we should judge people by their fruit. And so I would say with these programs any are grams the surveys Facebook comment. It's and whatever is defining you and your personality. You need to find out the origin of it. You need to locate where it came from do some homework before you fall into being seduced do some homework go and find out the history of it. Don't try to redeem. That was dedicated to Demons. You're not going to redeem it. No matter how many numbers you put on it and how many crosses you put on it. It's not going to be redeemed. It's finished with its curse. That's good. You need to find something better. And you know what the better thing is the holy spirit. Do you know he wants to tell you where you belong he wants to tell you? What your gifts are he wants to tell you what your call is? Yep, I'm telling you that he wants to do it because he wants to see you moving in the kingdom of God and not just sitting there and doing nothing he wants to do that, but you can only get that guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit. You will not get it from any. Place go and reason in the presence of the Holy Spirit and he will tell you things that you need to know Shanaya. That's what needs to be done. Let's have a look at the fruit is my identity in numbers is my identity in a personality is my identity. In a lack of Personality Jesus picked the most ungodly people and he moved in them Peter denied him. He came back. He Peter wouldn't have even got a chance because Peters character just wouldn't have made the Mark just wouldn't have done it Paul. He wouldn't have made it. He wouldn't have made it either you see when we start to predict. What's happening? We get ourselves into trouble. We really really did I cut in their pasta. I would like to just suggest to some some of our brothers and sisters who may have had an assessment Enneagram that puts a stigma on them. It's going to be hard to shake. Yes, if they've if they've got subconsciously now they've been convinced, you know, there are two there are three of their eight. There are some whatever that is. It's going to take Bit of forceful prayer to shake off, you know, whatever influence hasn't has impressed upon their minds and on their souls that this this is who I am you this is so dangerous because we're using a system that is not originating in God to tell us who we are and that is that is demonic. I got a call it out divination is it's a demonic impression see God night quoted Jeremiah. I knew you before I formed you in the womb God had a personality ready for you Tom on right and that's why only the Holy Spirit can reveal your placement in the morning and your function in the body. So I would humbly reach out to you brother and sister and and say to you you need to break the power of whatever categorized you yeah from thatís assessment and break free from that chain. Yeah, you need the Holy Spirit to loosen those change and give you keys to the kingdom and find out what his personality what his gifts are in your life and and we have the full potential to had the full godhead in us. And so therefore how you're going to number that system. How are you going to do that? We had the potential of the full godhead in us and we have our relationship with Father Son and Holy Spirit. Spirit seriously guys don't sell yourself short, but go and spend the time with the Lord and you know, don't listen to these doctrines of demons. I'm not judging anyone. I'm telling you this is doctrines of demons and it says in the last days there will be seducing spirits of doctrines of demons and if I could just One thing if you have done this then take the time that you spent looking at the horoscope looking at the any Graham looking at the Facebook personality test, whatever it is and spent it with the Lord. Yeah soit asked him. Who am I? Why have you made me? Where do I fit? And he will show you this is wonderful. But Pastor I think this is the this is the bottom line. What we're going to say right now. Can Believers hear Jesus speak to them? Yes you the Holy Spirit? Yes. He said those are the he is here is voice why sheep hear my voice Saints out there in the listening audience. If you believe that you can't hear the voice of Jesus the voice of the spirit. We want to we want to liberate you you can we can we can show you we can train you how to tune your heart to Jesus. He says my sheep hear my voice Yep. This is the key for tonight's podcast. We love you. Don't judge you. That's right. We want God's best for you. But God's best is revealed by the Holy Spirit and and if they need help Now you're hearing God's voice just like that Eli thing. I know when I'm about to sign off. That's why we have developed a new ministry called online dipping night. We're taking it to the world where we understand. There are people out there that might be in a predicament in their churches that don't move in the prophetic don't move in, you know understanding that you can hear the voice of God, you have trained prophetic ministers. He time-tested ministers and it's very very easy. You can just go on Facebook and book an appointment online. It's on the first Monday of every month and people from anywhere in the world even my friend. Russia sign on and get a prophetic word and unlock that key for hearing God speak to them about themselves and Summit. Look I just want to finish but some of these things that are being done in a church. They're foolish. They're foolish their Folly the PHA. They're really Fay. Yeah, but their Folly. Yep, and you need to look at them done a district. Uzi spiritual jacuzzis. There's only one thing that I know and that was the will in a woman's was that at the well, she wasn't bubbling. She was sobering. Wow. Well, well guys Hopefully if you were listening to this you walk away feeling that God loves you so much. He doesn't want to put you in just some old category some old tree model statement made by man, man. Can't Define you cop. God can give yourself a gem. I'm gonna give myself because we are closing this portal down. With this here alarm for the church church alert Church alert burn them papers. All right, guys, you've been listening to portals. See you next time. Bye. Hey guys. Want to hear God speak to you personally, then join us here at dipping night. It's every first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. To find out more information or to RSVP. You can visit us at dipping night dot torque. And why Hope to see you there. Looking forward to the lightest poems can't light.
"Church Alert! Burn them papers up." In this episode of portals, host Shenaya Annise and our senior leadership -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, and Ps. Nathan Kassas -- confront a hot topic in the church right now, which is self assessment void of the Holy Spirit. There are so many techniques and forms being used in the church to reveal one's personality and purpose. People are turning to programs and surveys to find out who they are and what gifts they have. Our team confronts this on the head and talks about having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit because He lives inside everyone of us. They challenge the listener to cultivate communication and intimacy with Jesus through constant conversation and communion. By doing this we won't belittle the Holy Spirit -- a member of the triune Godhead -- by trying to fit Him into our own ideas and perspective. If that wasn't powerful enough, Dr Robyn once again calls us to a higher level of maturity by emphasizing that we need all fivefold arms and offices of ministry operating --  the prophetic is not enough. The only way we can have a healthy church is to allow Jesus to be all fivefold offices in His church...only He can be all five because only He is God! After listening to this episode we hope you won't settle to being defined by a number, test, result, or "type". Instead, let the Holy Spirit reveal your identity and the fact that you are so unique there is no one else like you in the universe. Wow! Let that land.
Welcome to Soul sugar. I'm your host carry rad. You might know me from my videos on YouTube. I love to chat about all things self-care self-love living our very best lives and finding our inner magic Soul. Sugar is a community of blooming Soul Seekers like sugar for your soul. Hello everyone. Welcome back to an All new episode of Soul sugar podcast I have Catalina here. She is a birth Doula and she is studying to become a midwife right now, and I'm so happy to have you here right now because there is so much more that I can learn about the birth process about postpartum. I know that you know, there's so much to learn. I can't wait to give birth one day, but I also feel like I can wait because I'm also terrified. So I'm excited to have you here because it's cool to have somebody who is an expert. In giving birth. I'm super excited to be here and share my knowledge with you. Yeah, it's going to be cool. So first off, I think the biggest question I have for you because when I just look at what you're doing currently I have questions because I don't know what the difference between being a birth Doula and being a midwife is so I'd love to hear that from you. This is probably the most common question that I get in there is a huge difference between Mean dualism midwives a doula is a basically a lay person. So there is no medical training involved in Doula work. Google is our physical informational emotional support people throughout pregnancy birth and postpartum midwives are medically trained to deliver babies. They can do everything that a doctor can do except for C-sections when it comes to birth. So a midwife Actually replaces a doctor in low-risk healthy pregnancies people can choose to work with the Midwife either in a homer setting or Center setting or a hospital setting. So those are the main differences between doulas and midwives and that's exactly why there's more extensive training for becoming a midwife, right? Exactly. So there's two routes to Midwifery. There's nurse Midwifery and there's licensed. Midwifery certified professional midwives a nurse Midwife is like a traditionally trained RN who goes on for extra schooling to become a midwife and they usually work in the hospital system, but not necessarily. They also kind of time home verse and verse enter Birds licensed midwives are more traditionally and holistically train. So for example, I'm planning to become a licensed Midwife in the state of California. I'm currently Training with a midwife who's been a midwife for over 20 years and I'm working under her to learn the skills that I need to get my license from the state cool. That's it's neat that you get to be underneath somebody who's already practicing the way that you want to be practicing. I think that that is such an excellent way to get into the field that you want to be in and to learn from somebody. I feel like there's so much that you can learn in school about a certain subject. But being able to work underneath somebody and learn from them and kind of see their path is a really cool way to do that too. I want to know what exactly made you passionate about being a birth duel. I think it's such a cool path in you're so important to women. I know for me. I've never had a baby. But when I do have a baby, I really do want a birth Doula or a midwife involved just because I feel like having somebody that you know, And that you can talk to and have a connection with is just so important because it's not it just seems like especially for your first time. It's just just such a scary thing to to go into without having somebody by your side that like knows your plan and knows what you want to do. And again, I'm just like kind of going into why I love it so much and I mean that's obvious because I have you here. So I guess that I just want to know exactly how you became passionate about it. So I got into Doula work. Work after I had an experience myself where I became pregnant and I chose to have an abortion and this was over six years ago, but during that time in my life. I really had no support around me. And so I started to think like, what would I have done if I would have had the baby and how my pregnancy and how my birth would have been and I felt the same way like very terrified very uninformed very Howard and through that experience I had sort of a shift in my career and in my life path and I thought back to what did I want to be when I was young when I grew up and wanting to follow that passion and I had thought I wanted to be a nurse. So I enrolled back in school and was planning to become a nurse but along the way I had a yoga teacher who was a doula and she was also a midwife and she suggested Midwifery. So before making the commitment to Midwifery school, I decided to become a doula and start attending births in the hospital and see if it was for me and I really fell in love with the work. I worked as a doula for two years in New York and I was still planning to go to nursing school and then onto Midwifery school, but at a certain point there was a shift in the seeing all of the ways that the medical system. Is failing people in Birth by not providing that support and honestly, I wish doulas weren't necessary in the way that I wish that our culture has not in distilled so much fear and lack of support in birthing people. So traditionally we would have communities of support where everybody saw their family members give birth saw their family members breastfeed. It was normal and it was not something to be feared and it wasn't like a disaster waiting to happen, which is the way that the medical model approaches birth versus the Midwifery model, which says birth is actually a healthy normal condition of the body and how do we support that instead of using fear to you know control us so as a doula I found that in the hospital, especially At the time of birth there is very little support. So the doctor shows up at the very end for about five minutes to catch the baby the nurses in and out usually has multiple patients and you're left alone to labor by yourself and that there are many issues with consent and what's considered obstetric or violence in the hospital by care provider. So doulas act as a really important. Aunt advocates in the hospital setting and also preparing you with information to know your rights when you walk into a hospital that in pregnancy just because you're pregnant doesn't mean that you have to do anything to your body that you don't want to do even though you'll walk into the doctor's office or you'll walk into the hospital say it's time for this test. It's time for this shot. It's time for this and it makes you feel as if you have no choice absolutely and we've all heard stories. Is you know and seen people in our Lives who after pregnancy or birth? You know, they might feel like this didn't go the way I had planned and I understand that to a certain extent. That is normal that maybe it's not going to go exactly the way that you planned but being knowledgeable about exactly what happens and having another woman who can be there with you who maybe has experienced birth before or Just has the knowledge that she needs to be by your side and that process even just to talk to you and tell you about what happens and what you whatever you want to do is possible whatever you don't want to do. You don't have to do I think having that person by someone's side when they go through one of the scariest moments in their life is so important. So I love that. There's people like you out there because you're right. We can't just walk into a hospital and just completely trust the fact that He's looking out for your best interest which is really sad to think about but at the end of the day in the medical industry like it is about like how quickly you can get people off of a bed. And so sometimes things are happening in that room that you know are to just kind of move things along without really paying attention to how the person feels or what they wanted. And are you able when you are there as a midwife off to step in medically and kind of interfere with what you know, let's say instead of doing a water birth at home, you know, someone's transferred to the hospital. Are you still able to be there as support and helped make the decisions so I would not be able to step in medically in the hospital setting. But if we were planning a home birth, for example, and we were planning or we were planning a water birth or That option available if we're going to the hospital, we know we're going there because hospital has something that we need. We have tried everything everything at home. We have exhausted all the options either. The person's body is telling us I'm reaching a point of exhaustion. I need pain management or the baby is telling us I'm not tolerating this labor anymore and I need support So when we're going into the hospital we're owing because they have something that we need and for the people that I work with as a student. I've been with free in home births. They know that so there's not like this fear of failure or anti Hospital approach because that's something that we actually work through in the pregnancy and in the birth prep because usually the people who are like I'm having a home birth. I'm not going to the hospital. There's no way those are the people that are going to the hospital and the ones that are like, If I need to be in the hospital, then I need to be in the hospital. But as long as I'm healthy and safe and the baby's okay and labor is going physiologically normal. I know that I'm cool to stay home. Yeah, so healthy low-risk women, the literature proves that they actually don't need obstetric care doctors are great for high-risk situations, but we have a culture that has just, you know accepted the The model medical model as the status quo as the norm as like this is just what we do and people don't even know that midwives are an option and the care that you get with a midwife is so much different than what you got with an Obe. So for example, a typical doctor's appointment is seven minutes enough time to test your urine take your blood pressure. Listen to the baby's heart rate. Maybe look at the baby on the ultrasound and ask you I'm question about how you're feeling and that's it. A Midwifery appointment is an hour-long we talked about. What are you eating? How are you sleeping? How are you? Pooping? Are you having sex what's going on in your relationship? What are your fears about birth? How can we prepare for postpartum? So we want to know what is going on with the whole person in order to prepare for birth. It's almost like ancient Chinese medicine of approach where you know, they ask how you're feeling because that is obviously going to directly affect how you feel your baby's condition stress, like whatever it maybe can obviously this day and age we know that stress affects our health and it's incredible to me that that that question is not asked the truth is they don't they don't ask the questions because they don't want to know because They don't have time to answer or they don't know the answer. So for nutrition, for example, I would say nutrition is the number one most important thing in pregnancy and doctors are not trained one hour of one day in nutrition in their entire residency or entire medical school career, maybe some might, you know do their own outside research, but from their perspective they're looking Look at pregnancy from the disease model. So they don't care if you develop high blood pressure at the end of pregnancy because they are just going to intervene and induce or give you medication. Whereas in Midwifery. Our goal is to keep you low-risk. Keep you safe. Keep you at home. So if we can address that with nutrition from the beginning of care and if all it takes is for the most part decreasing some stress making sure eating enough protein in your diet, then we can Decrease the likelihood that you're going to develop high blood pressure at the end of pregnancy that could lead to a high-risk condition. So interesting that it's that way in the hospital here in the United States because there are so many other countries where it's just such a what like well flowing environment and like it feels like you're like the way that you just described it makes so much sense that they look at it as like they're like curing a disease sort of which sort of like we are all here because we were born and we are all here because our mother had to give birth to us and the fact that it like the way that it looked at in our society and the way that it's handled it should be by this point and that's why I like birth doulas and Midwifery Czar so like it's so important because at this point we should look at this as like this isn't a awful experience and they're like, we need to be by someone side to go through this and I from what I understand like and I might be wrong here in particular, but from new, I think like in New Zealand, they provide a birth Doula there's countries where like it's just so it ingrained in the system. It's just part of it and I think that that's the way that it should be because we have to have that it's a long process, you know, and they have people taking Care of people in surgery left and right but and like there's like therapist like physical therapist that will help you after surgery. But and you can get your insurance to cover that does insurance cover a doula some insurances. Okay, and this is something I actually did want to talk about was the access to doulas and the issue of privilege when it comes to access to doulas and midwives because the truth is right now it's a privilege. Age to work with a doula and work with a midwife and the people who need doulas and midwives the most are those with less privileged. So right now the United States is one of the highest developed nations with the highest rates of maternal mortality and infant mortality and morbidity. And that number is four times higher for black people babies and moms are dying at four times higher rates in Black communities than in white and I struggle Have this conversation because as a white Earth worker, it's really hard for me to see what's going on in the birth World, especially in LA and the price of what a doula might cost or a fancy celebrity Doula who provides all the things because at the end of the day, it's just like abortion or any other form of healthcare. That should be a right but is a privilege so there are people who are doing amazing. Work in working to provide these things for people on a more accessible basis but insurance so then there's the question of if doulas are going to be regulated or provided by a hospital or an insurance then who are they really serving? Because the most important thing about the Doula is that they are an independent third-party. They don't work for the insurance. They don't work for the hospital they work for You so we are not bound we can do whatever we want in the hospital. Obviously, there are like guidelines but we can say and do whatever we want and we can stand up for people or remind people to stand up for themselves. I would never speak on anyone's behalf or take their power away, but I have no problem pointing out. Hey, are you sure you wanted to do that or remember we talked about the risk of this. Do you need more time to think about that in private and then let the doctor and nurse know what you decide? Side versus feeling pressured in the moment to do something that you didn't want to do and that's the most important part because when you're in that chair terrified about to give birth, I'm sure it's so hard to make the decisions that you would if you were in a more comfortable situation or had somebody by your side very vulnerable totally and that mortality rate and complications and birth for the United States. Like that's really So hard to to talk about and to like swallow, you know, I would say the first intervention is getting in your car and driving to the hospital and that in and of itself is disruptive of the natural physiology of birth. We are mammals we birth the same way as your dog or your cat or any animal in nature. Our nervous systems have to be safe and relaxed. We have to be out of fight or flight mode, which is what ins when you get in the car you drive somewhere you're in traffic. You're worried about how long it's going to take to get there you're in pain. So that is the first most disruptive part about birthing within the medical model of care. Totally that makes so much sense because yeah, I mean your water breaks and then you have to get in a car and all of a sudden your anxiety and stress levels just Skyrocket because first of all you're about To give birth and then second of all you're in a car where like who knows what could happen and not you know cars are dangerous first and foremost. If you're about to have a child the last thing you want to think about is like getting on the street, especially in Los Angeles on the 405. I always think about that when I'm driving on the 405, I'm like gosh what if somebody just what if their water just broke what if they had to get through this? I want to dispel the myth of what happens when the water breaks or when the water breaks. Thank you. Please do in only in Scent of Labor's does the water break before the labor starts? The water breaking is not an indicator of Labor or that birth is imminent the water could break and you could give birth to Days Later through the water could break and no contractions are starting my own the water could break at any point throughout the labor or could not break it all I've seen babies born fully within the sack. The water doesn't break. They are born what's called in and call some people call it like a mermaid birth or there's like very specific like so the baby comes out in the sack still and then you break the sack. Yeah, usually like once it comes out, you know, they'll be like a little bit of like a tear in the sack and the waters will release and it's not like a gush always sometimes it's like a trickle like You're not sure if you're peeing or your water is leaking but in the cases of and call births is what we call it happens more often in water. Birth happens more often with second babies just because they come somewhat faster easier and there's just more space in the pelvis or people who have really strong diets. Their amniotic stocks are very very strong. So essentially it sounds like and correct me if I'm wrong and that a baby coming out in the sack is all is actually very healthy. Yeah, because I know that when a dog gives birth their baby comes out in the sack and you have to you up like a lot of the times a human being asked to like help the dog open the sack or well died it or lick it or whatever the dog naturally knows to look at her bite it so, you know a baby being born in water. That's personally look what I think I want to do when I get there. I'll see how I feel. But I think it just feels so natural and makes so much sense because the baby is like in water exactly and so the sack coming out into the water in the fact that that happens more often than not in that circumstance. I wouldn't say it's common it's quite rare, but when it does happen, it's a very beautiful thing and it is it how does it happen more often than not when you're in a water birth or for second babies, I would Say like for example, I was at a birth on Sunday night. And after the birth mean Midwife looked at each other. We were like when did her water break because we never we never saw it and so we were like it must have happened at the delivery, but we never actually saw it break. So there was some of the membranes covering the baby's face like a veil to like move it off. Thank you to your super for sponsoring. Today's episode. I'm all about taking my health into my own hands because we may not be able to control everything in our lives. But one thing we can control is what we eat. 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Thank you to hemifusion for sponsoring. Today's episode of Soul sugar. There is so much confusion around CBD these days and that's exactly why I created an episode all about CBD here on Soul sugar podcast. And that's also why I'm so excited to be working with him Fusion because not all CBD is created equally adding hemifusion CBD to your daily routine adds. So many great benefits our bodies already make cannabinoids and plant-based. He helps naturally balance out. Our body have Fusion doesn't just offer CBD. They offer CBD plus omegas plus terpenes to help you feel 100% They do this because CBD works best for your body. When combined with other nutrients. I have been absolutely loving their sleep CBD full spectrum hemp extract. It's been helping me to just feel more relaxed at the end of the night and really helps me get a deeper. I sleep if you're interested in checking them out. You can find him Fusion at a natural products retailer near you. They're also available online and they can ship anywhere in the u.s. I have a 20% off code for you guys. You can use Soul sugar for 20% off of your first order and free shipping at that's promo code so sugar for 20% off and free shipping at hemp hemifusion can ship anywhere Are in the u.s. Thank you to thrive Cosmetics for sponsoring. Today's episode of Soul. Sugar podcast Thrive Cosmetics is a beauty brand and philosophy that goes beyond Skin Deep by empowering women based in Los Angeles and founded by makeup artist and product developer Carissa bodnar Thrive Cosmetics creates high performance vegan 100% cruelty free formulas without the use of parabens or sulfates their beautiful products highlight your Best features and are created for long-lasting where I have been using their focus eyeshadow palette. I'm holding it in my hand right now because I want to show you guys what my favorite color is. So they have the Bridget Marina Aubrey and Dill Shawnee in this there's about four different colors and they're so beautiful. They're these neutral colors. So ones like this like burnt rose color ones this beautiful taupe. There's this like super light creamy pink and then in this darker brown these four Shades together are so gorgeous on your eyes. You can really contrast your eyes add the taupe on top and then add the darker Marina into your crease and then you can like light up the inner corner with Bridget and I this is just absolutely my favorite thing by them so far and it just feels good to be using a product that is vegan. It is cruelty free. It has no And no sulfates and so it just makes you feel so good when you're using this makeup on your face because you just feel good about it. Not only do you feel good about it. It's so gorgeous. I've been using it like crazy. I have been loving their makeup brushes to I've been using their eyeshadow crease brush like crazy with the focus eyeshadow palette and it's honestly my favorite little Duo to just put on my eyes every single morning in a world where we have so many options when it comes to Beauty Brands. It is really nice and start thinking about the best of the best and really start thinking about what brands are doing good and for every product purchase from Thrive Cosmetics, they donate to help women who are in need those causes include emerging from homelessness surviving domestic abuse and fighting cancer. You can also auto-replenish so you can replenish any of the products that you've been using every single day, which I'm probably going to have to do for this eyeshadow palette because I've been using it. So often and you'll never run out of your absolute favorite essentials from the brand start thriving and help women in need today by going to thrive Soul sugar and enter Soul sugar for 15% off of your first purchase. That's thr I ve c ause m ET Soul sugar and enters Soul sugar for 15% off Thrive Soul sugar Now, let's get back into the conversation. How do you feel being a birth Doula? It has affected you as a mother because you are you are a mother. How old is my daughter is 15 months? Okay, so I was a doula and a student midwife for five years or and a half years before giving birth. So I had a lot of information going into the experience and I prepared for my birth in the way that I tried to prepare my client. So I was I'm going to practice what I preach I'm going to eat really. Well, I'm going to exercise I'm going to take care of my body. I'm going to take care of my mind. I'm going to prepare for postpartum and for me it worked out really. Well. I had a very successful home. Birth postpartum was definitely challenging and I think since giving birth and going back to work. It's definitely given me more tools. Owls more empathy for my clients who are going through the same experience. I don't think it's a requirement to have a baby before becoming a doula or a midwife. I think it just gives you the experience to look through it with another lens and just provide a different level of support based on your own experience based on the things that worked for me are based on the things that I was like. Oh, I wish I would have had somebody doing that but the truth is it's an individualized experience. And for everyone so what works with one client or what worked for me might not work for another that makes sense. Another question that I have is about postpartum. I don't know much about it, but I've heard about it and I've had other people on the podcast talking about their experience with postpartum. How does a birth Doula help do that? And does a birth Doula or Midwife help after the baby is born through that process as well. Yeah, both birth doulas and midwives support. Postpartum. So the way a birth Doula might support in postpartum is with breastfeeding initial post partum. So like right after the birth for several hours, we stay we wait until you're stabilized baby has a good latch. If you're planning to breastfeed your fed, you know help you kind of like process and come down from the experience and then usually there's a follow-up visit just once with a birth Doula to check-in process the birth story but there's always like the providing of support so it's like My nipples hurt. I need a lactation consultant or I think birth doulas who don't do postpartum doula work. So there are dual is who just do postpartum and they come in either overnight like as opposed to a baby nurse or a night nurse or they come in during the day and they approached postpartum just like I explained for birth. So they're there for physical emotional informational support, especially for people who don't have family around. So we like I said, we don't live in a culture where our families stick together and support one another or maybe we don't have the type of relationship with our mothers or extended family where we would want them around during this vulnerable time. So doulas and postpartum doula sort of can take on that role for you and then as midwives the difference between the postpartum care between a midwife and a doctor is that we see people 24 hours after the birth. Two weeks after the birth and then six weeks. So after you leave the hospital you just have a six-week appointment at the OB. So there's really no care. And then we're also checking in on the baby and there are pediatrician appointments and things like that, but you're still getting Midwifery care all the way through six weeks postpartum. So your Midwife is available to you for support during that time. I'm sure that makes mothers feel so good that like they're going to have you by their side like afterwards to help with because after you have the baby there's just I'm sure so many questions that come up about how to do this all because yeah, the birth process seems really like quite a bit and then afterwards you're just sitting there like, okay now I have the baby now I need to breastfeed and now there's all these other things that I need to know how to do and I just wish that that was more accessible to everyone and I hope in the future that that changes What would you say your biggest piece of advice is to somebody who can't get a birth Doula right now and like is there like three things that you would say I would do this and I would pay attention to that. Well first I will say that there are doulas out there who will do volunteer work or there are low-cost Doula so and a doula who has less experience doesn't necessarily mean that they're any less than a doula. Like I said, Having a baby or having gone to a hundred births or versus five births that the most important thing when looking for a doula is the connection and the trust that you have with this person and it being the right fit and then if a doula is not accessible if you can't find any doulas in your area or it's just not an option. This is such a hard question because I really want everyone to have a doula. I think everyone deserves a doula but doing the research for yourself and listening. If you hear something from your doctor or your care provider or even your Midwife that doesnt sit well with you to just investigate that and to do your own research. That's number one. Number two is to look at your nutrition and prioritize your Self throughout pregnancy. I think if any time is a time to be selfish. It's during pregnancy and to take that time for yourself learning boundaries to decrease stress as much as possible and I would say if you're not going to have a duel alone to take and even if you do have a doula book very much. If you don't to take a childbirth education class if that's accessible. Those are all really good tips something else. That I think is really great to prepare for breakfast, especially if you don't have a doula is listening to burst stories. So there are podcasts like the birth our dr. Berlin's informed pregnancy podcast and a few others where people share their birth stories and the thing that I find so powerful is that they are real honest robber stories. Some of them might have went exactly according to plan some of them may have not but the thing that you'll find Is through processing your birth story and owning the story and listening to them is that everybody found some sense of empowerment or power through their experience in sharing their story. So hearing these stories can actually dispel and ease some of the fear and feeling more prepared because we don't talk about birth stories in our culture as a whole we talked about the train racks and we say, oh I so and so almost died our baby had the cord around the neck very dramatic traumatic stories that when you have the information you realize maybe it wasn't so they aren't such scary things to deal with. Yeah. I mean, there's definitely a lot out there that makes you feel nervous about going into birth, but I also think that there's a lot of cover up about what actually goes on. And I think that the work that you're doing in there so many wonderful women and people out there really advocating for being honest and raw and showing the stretch marks and and talking about postpartum and talking about postnatal depletion those things that you know, we don't know about and talking about miscarriages, you know, I think that there's so many people that experienced these things and I love that people. All are talking about it so much more and they're talking about it candidly, but there are also a lot of people who don't talk about it and most people don't even know what a cervix is or where a cervix has until they're pregnant. There is so much that I don't know to be honest and like that's why I felt like having you on would be so beneficial not only for me but also for people who have or haven't given birth because I personally think that And I could be wrong but I personally believe that like there's probably a lot of people who have gone through the entire birth process and there's a lot of things they don't really know about birth because maybe they didn't want to know or maybe they just wanted to go through the motions and to each their own. I think that as human beings whether you are male or female whether you've given birth or you haven't given birth. It's important to know and to understand and I think the older I get the more I mean, I've always looked at pregnancy as as a magical thing like every time I see a pregnant woman, I think superhero in my head because I think it's so incredible and I think it's so amazing and magical that this woman is creating a human being inside of her belly and all the things that she's going through and going through like a lot of the time on her own, you know, and yeah, I went on a tangent about how magical it is, but I think that every human being should know about the Process because we're all here because of it. Not everybody is going to give birth but we are procreating and making humans every single day and that is our species and we should know and I love that you're doing the work and teaching and being there by people side when they're going through it. Thank you. Like I said, I believe knowledge is power going into this experience. Some people choose to go into it with ignorance is bliss and I think that's a choice, but I really encourage people. To dig a little bit deeper and this is not to shame or say that home birth is better than Hospital birth. I think everybody has to make the choice that is right for them. But they need to know that there is a choice in the first place and maybe explore it a little bit to see if it's for them instead of just saying, oh no, I could never do a home birth or the other way around and I think that there is this discourse currently to in terms of unmedicated. gated versus Medicaid verse epidural unmedicated is just the way of saying, you know natural birth now because it's sort of eases the Divide between epidurals and natural birth and like this competitive nature, which I don't really buy into but what I do like to encourage people to consider, is that what is available to you in the process of a geological normal Earth it is the ultimate Human Experience and there is a transformation and like a spiritual awakening available in that process for people and when we dampen the experience or cut off the connection between the body and the Mind through Medicated birth, we're losing out on that experience and I've seen how powerful it is for myself and for other people and so I just encourage people to consider thinking about that. Well, thank you so much for being here and sharing your knowledge with me and to the listeners in whatever, you know part of their Journey that they are when it comes to Mother heard or even if they aren't interested in. No giving birth, like just thank you for being here and sharing that information and that knowledge with us and at the end of each episode. We do a soul sugar moment. So it's normally a moment where I ask my guests to just lead us in a Moment of Zen I guess for lack of a better word, but just a moment where we just kind of like breathe in and breathe out and you kind of like let them and set them off through their day whether it be all. Listener who's pregnant right now or a listener who would love to be a mom one day or a listener just listening because they think the process of birth is a beautiful thing. So if you could just give like a little piece of something to leave them off with I would be amazing. So Catalina, if you could lead us into the soul sugar moment, that would be awesome. Okay, I would just like to leave you today with a reminder that you have all of the knowledge that you To know within yourself and there is nothing external that you need for the process of birth the memories of your mother's birth. Your grandmother's birth your great grandmother's birth are all inside of your cells in your body and if we can just quiet our minds and listen, you don't know what you might find. I love that because it's true. It's like we are animals at the end of the day and like just like any other animal. They just know how to do it. So, thank you so much and thank you all for listening. Can you please let us know Catalina where to find? Yeah, you can find me on Instagram at Catalina dot Clerk and my website is just Catalina Clark Thank you so much. Thank you all so much for tuning in to today's episode. I hope that you enjoyed it while you're waiting for our next episode come chat with us over on the Instagram. It's at Soul sugar cocoa. That's at Esso you LS u-- G Arc o we give you a daily dose of inspiration over there also, it is the best place for us to communicate together and I love hearing feedback and advice from you guys over there as well. So definitely come on over and let's be friends there.
In this episode of Soul Sugar — we are joined by Catalina Clark! Carrie (@carrierad) sits down in the studio with Catalina Clark — Birth Doula + Student Midwife! Together they discuss what a birth doula and midwife are, what they provide and bring to the table for new moms, and the issues behind the medical model of the birth process in today’s day and age. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Find Catalina on Instagram: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Your Super — For 15% off your order, go to and use promo code 'SUGAR' at checkout. Hemp Fusion — For 20% off and free shipping, go to and use promo code SOUL SUGAR. Hemp Fusion can ship anywhere in the US. Thrive Causemetics — Start thriving and help women in need today by going to and enter code “SOULSUGAR” for 15% off your final purchase. I’m your host Carrie Rad! You might know me from my videos on YouTube. I love to chat about all things self care, self love, living our very best lives, and finding our inner magic. Soul Sugar is a community of blooming soul seekers. Like sugar for your soul. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ CONTACT SOUL SUGAR — ➭ If you are a listener, you can get in touch with us here: [email protected] ➭ If you are a business, you can get in touch with us here: [email protected] ➭ Follow Soul Sugar on Instagram @soulsugarco FOLLOW CARRIE RAD — ➭ Follow Carrie Rad on Instagram @carrierad ➭ Follow Carrie Rad on YouTube: Carrie Rad ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Production Manager — Samantha Belgarde If you enjoy listening to Soul Sugar Podcast — please rate and review the podcast!
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These horoscopes focus on what I see as being the most important themes of the season and I'll offer some perspective on how to work with these themes through your embodied awareness Gemini season extends between Tuesday, May 21st and Friday, June 21st, please listen to the horoscopes for both your sun sign and your rising sign. Your sun sign is the time of year. You were born and it's the answer you give. When asks you what your sign is Sun Sign horoscopes will generally give you more information about what's important in your larger life journey and soul development. Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born and the rising sign horoscopes generally give you greater insight into the current events of your day-to-day life many people also find valuable information in the horoscopes for their Moon signs, which often speak to more emotional experiences or those occurring within the home and family. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart in the horse in the the horoscope section on my website embodied check on the site any way to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs for Gemini season to learn more about Gemini and Gemini season, make sure to listen to the guided meditation called meet your mind. Gemini is a sign in everyone's chart. And in this meditation, you'll gain understanding for how to work with Geminis strengths and challenges and will experience how Gemini functions in your body and lived experience. If you're a monthly subscriber, you'll also receive my Ended month ahead astrology report this report includes an expanded forecast audio recording and downloadable PDF with information on planetary aspects in lunar cycles this month and suggestions for how to work with the astrology for your best benefit. You can subscribe today by becoming a monthly donor at any amount per month when you subscribe. You'll also receive discounts for my online classes other events and month late birthday reports. If you enjoy this work, please support it by sharing it with your friends on social media tag, and Follow embodied astrology on Instagram Facebook and Twitter. Please consider also supporting the work by leaving positive ratings on iTunes or likes and comments on the links. Finally your financial support allows me to continue offering this work for free to donate or to find any of the information that I mentioned above. Go to embodied or check the show notes. Thank you so much for listening. Happy Gemini season now onto your horoscope. Hello Libra. Thank you so much for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead forecast for Gemini season. Gemini season extends between May 21st and June 21st. And for you Gemini rules the solar ninth house. This is the place in the chart that has to do with how you expand your perspective. The feelings in this place is a chart have to do with Higher Learning the search for truth the search for knowledge the Quest for wisdom anything that you do to achieve these aims such as Higher Learning or continuing education any kind of religious or spiritual Quest anyway that you simply seek to expand your own perspective by opening your mind and whatever way that you do would fit into the themes of this chart. This is also the place in the chart that has to do with broadcasting and Publishing and dissemination of information in Large way finally this place in the chart has to do with travel long distance travel foreign languages and people who really don't look like you don't talk like you and come from somewhere that is very different from the place that you came from in essence. This place in the chart is where we get bigger where we realize the vast potential of difference and how much there is to know with the sun and Mercury coming together. Together in the sign of Gemini. There's a powerful image here for a new beginning. This may be a time when you feel that you can move forward with some kind of idea about your own expansion about your own publishing projects about travel. Anyways that you are embracing new philosophies or opening up your mind or receptive to new ideas as we get into Gemini season, you could feel very stimulated and excited. They're in the first couple. Days of Gemini season there are a number of powerful aspects formed by the moon and the sun these aspects figure into the parts of your life that have to do with family home tribe the way that you feel safe and secure in the world with relationships important Partnerships. And anybody that you're really needing to get along with in order to make your life function make your life work and then again this place that describes meaning-making. Young and Higher Learning as we get into these couple first days of Gemini moving into about the 26th when we have the 4th quarter Square, there are a lot of opportunities for you to do some significant healing work and understanding the message that I'm getting for you here is that your relationships and foundation and stability are really fundamental and pivotal for you and how much you can open too. Ideas and how much you can pursue broadening your horizons. I think that it's important to have both stability and freedom for you right now to commit to the stable ongoing relationships that may not be exciting all the time. But definitely hold your heart and your home is really important attends to your home attend to the needs that you have. They're the people who are there etcetera it might again, I might not always be the most exciting but it's definitely supportive for you that said if you come across circumstances or experiences with home family anchor that feel like they're limiting your growth. There may need to be some kind of resolution process that happens and you may have some clarity coming up around these relationships and how you function in them. How you perpetuate or Certain kinds of behaviors and also how you can do some resolution within yourself to move into this greater sense of expansion that I think that you're really wanting and looking for right now from May 30th through June 2nd, the planet Venus makes a number of important aspects currently Venus is in the sign Taurus and Taurus is home to the planet Uranus for the next seven years. This is a very long Transit that has just begun in the last couple of months and for you the site and Taurus is the ruler of the part of your chart. That is the solar Eighth House. And in this part of the chart, we find lots of information about things that are quite uncomfortable this part of the chart rules emotional entanglements and attachments. It rules Shadow material taboo and death. It's where we have to confront our fears where we have to look really deep and seek to gain a psychological awareness for ourselves and First it's also where we need to contend with loss and transition and ultimately transformation Venus is a benefic energy and your honest is bringing change the aspects that Venus is making have a lot to do with home family tribe. Once again, so the message that I gave a few minutes ago about there may need to be some resolution processes some important conversations. There may need to be negotiation around Freedom around support around resourcing take the time to have these important conversations, especially if there are significant situations in your home or family. This could be with housemates. It could obviously be with family members. It could even be like with you and your house like if your house needs a lot of care right now or if there's some kind of precarity in your living situation. It's taking a lot of energy from you. The important message of this time is that you make space for your own growth and development but part of how you're going to make space and be supported and sustainable in your growth and development is through steadiness and incurring now that said you want to be study and you want to Anchor with what and who really feels in the lineman with you. So you definitely need to be living And relating in spaces of authenticity transparency and tenderness there needs to be a lot of honesty and integrity wherever you call home with whomever you're making home with and these couple of days as we know as forms these aspects again, there may be stimulation for conversations. There may be some discomfort that's coming up, but trust that if the process is bringing intensity, the ultimate end goal is to open up space for you to Expand there's a new moon on June 3rd in the sign of Gemini. Again. Gemini rules the part of your chart that has to do with broadening perspectives and the search for knowledge and Truth as well as teaching publishing broadcasting and long-distance travel. If any of these ideas are resonating for you, you might take some time to set your new moon intentions the day of the new moon June 3rd and the day or two after are the most powerful times to consider these intentions. I always like to try and take 20 or 30 minutes out of my day to just meditate with the idea of the new moon and do a brief writing exercise. You could do something like this or you could do something that looks completely different now of your own devising but consider this part of your chart. This is where you are expanding and coming into new possibilities New Perspectives and much more open mind and sense of knowledge and wisdom. Gemini as an energy relates to communication writing hearing listening exchanges and mental intellect. If there are ways that you've been interested in honing your mind or developing your mind again moving towards a broader perspective. Maybe you want to learn a new language. Maybe there's an idea that you could learn about something that you've never even considered before these kinds of Processes to learn require patience. They require discipline in the next 12 months as you move through this solar year cycle. What would you like to see for yourself? What would you like to grow and develop on the new moon just spend some time thinking about that and of course check back in with me for the new moon podcast and guided meditation ritual. I'll be working with these ideas as well from June 4th to the 28th. The planet Mercury is seeing the sign of Cancer and for you cancer rules the solar 10th house. This is the place in your chart that has to do with career ambition and Public Image as mercury moves into cancer. It will move into a conjunction with the planet Mars that's already been there for a little while and both Mars and Mercury will begin to aspect the North Node. The North Node is where eclipses happen and there will be some powerful eclipses later this year in July that really stimulate this part of your chart. This portion of the astrology is part of why I've been talking about your desire to expand. There's a lot of movement and energy for you to shift your way of being in the outer World potentially to take up some more space. Maybe make a career change. There may be some kind of new offering that you're putting forward or there just may be a significant shift where your ideas about who you are and what you're doing are changing and evolving with Mercury and Mars. Their energy together can be really quite mental and fast Mars is energy is Heating and sometimes aggressive but definitely initiatory Mercury and Mars together tend to lend a lot of force to the thinking mind June 14th through 18th is when Mercury and Mars make a number of aspects to the place in your chart that I was discussing earlier that has to do with home. Lie and try during this time. It's really important that if important conversations need to be have that you give yourself the time for them and that you don't rush anything and don't blow up at anybody there seems to be a little bit of tension between what's happening at home and what you want to be doing in your public life or in your work life if that's the case and that's resonant for you again, you need stability you need Foundation, but you need that stability. Ility and Foundation to be in alignment with your essence and with your energy there may need to be things that are worked out. There may need to be ideas that are let go you are moving forwards. You want the support of anybody who you're living with in that movement for words on June 17th. There's a full moon that full moon is coming right in the middle of these intense aspects. The full moon is in the sign Sagittarius for you. Sagittarius rules the part of the chart. Has to do with communication so big themes this month around. How do you speak your truth? The full moon will be conjunct to the planet Jupiter Jupiter has a lot to do with the ninth house, which I've been to talking about before so thinking about your communication thinking about your words thinking about your Pursuit for knowledge your Pursuit for expansion and any writing or teaching projects that you have to do could be very big themes and again any conversations with Folks at home or people who are supporting you. Mercury and Mars come together in a conjunction on June 18th. And again, this is just another little note be mindful with your words. This is a time when words can get really conflicted or confrontational and they definitely have a lot of energy and force behind them. All of Gemini season Gemini being a sign that relates to language and communication is bringing a fair amount of influence into our words. So Check out the guided meditation that I offer for Gemini. You might be interested in how we all embody Gemini. It rules the thinking mind the comparing mind and how we use language and how we use words. It's definitely important to be mindful with our words right now and definitely important for you from June 8th through July 4th Venus will Transit Gemini and this brings a graceful and magnetic and benefic influence into This part of your chart lots of energy once again for your expansion during this time. It's important that you give yourself permission and whatever kind of space you need to explore the New Horizons that you're interested in to delve into any kind of teaching or learning that's calling you maybe to take a trip. It's a wonderful time to focus on what is bringing you Joy what's opening your mind and broadening your horizons. If you would like to learn more about astrology check out my month ahead offerings in the month ahead package. I give you an extended forecast and that includes all of the planetary aspects or the major planetary aspects in this upcoming month as well as the lunar cycles that comes in two formats an audio recording and a PDF the PDF includes a calendar layout so you can use this information to plan for your best benefit with astrology. How to work with the particular influences challenges and opportunities that are coming up you can also just use this calendar as a way to keep track of what's going on and contextualize anything that's happening in your life. You get these monthly packages for free as a monthly subscriber or they're available for a one-time purchase by donation. If you sign up to be a monthly subscriber, you'll also get discounts on all of my classes and online products such as the birthday year ahead. Ports, you can find out more information at embodied Thanks so much for listening. Happy Gemini season, and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Gemini Season in 2019. Gemini Season extends between May 21- June 21 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs and to find out more about donating to sustain this work or becoming a monthly subscriber Check out the Embodied Astrology introduction and guided meditation for Gemini Season, Meet Your Mind. In this 40-minute episode I’ll introduce the sign Gemini as an embodied quality and state of being. Everyone has Gemini in their chart and Gemini is a very important sign! This is the sign that governs mental processes, thinking and language. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize Gemini’s influence in your body and behaviors, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with Gemini’s tendency to overthink, compare and get distracted. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Gemini season (May 21-June 21), and also a great energy to check in with at any point. Get the Gemini Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today!
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They killing the car industry right now Brandon Medford CYO alumni and his two partners will be there. Mr. And mrs. Two weeks out killing a fitness game in Atlanta. How come oh, yeah the first couple of Atlanta they will be guest none. Other than the The top realtors in Atlanta Keanu Watson for top 5% realtor in Atlanta will be there to talk about Atlanta real estate and also the legend himself curator Birds curator of culture Kenny Burns eyl. Alumni Will Be Our Guest will have all the alumni and the building we will have following the live podcast is open bar private dinner private networking event. It's going to be crazy. That's just day one day two. We have a workshop planned for you guys. We have Alex good energy. The king of trucking ey alumni we have Andy from Y2K Credit Solutions comes riding around me. Why all alumni mg2 mortgage guy eyl alumni will be in the building to talk about real estate for financing your real estate deal. And then also the king of wholesaling Max Max well and eyl alumni himself bloody in there to teach real estate wholesaling. So two-day event. All the information is on our website over now. Don't don't wait till it's too late get your tickets Atlanta. We will see you soon. Can't wait to touch the temps right? Don't worry. Hesitate going on your right now hit events tab will see you there. All right, guys, welcome back ey o we have a very very exciting special episode today personal foremost. Shout out to Diaw will tell you what a couple months ago. We were number 2 on it on a Dr. Charged with business podcast. We have a strong following it and deal and some of our biggest guests have been Dominican. We had Caesar. Yeah, DJ and his partner. Shout out to Caesar we Lord of the slums for the horn and oh, yes, he's best friend shouts of Fernando. This is other guy from Harlem John Henry John Henry Charlotte the John Henry. So you're in good hands. So today we got chef chef Calvin Calvin Fernandez. So I'll do the rundown He Is Legend within his own right prodigy-man Prodigy Legend, whatever you want to call it. He has cooked for the New York Yankees. He is personal. Chef to J.Lo and in Iraq, yes, sir, personal personal chef to J.Lo and A-Rod. He made Forbes 30 under 30 for Chef list. He's been on TV network on Chop on man vs. Child Bobby Flay. Yeah. He actually defeated Bobby Flay beat him twice. He defeated Bobby Flay twice. He's partner chef and last lap, which is his restaurant Daddy's partner in right now and He was formerly the chef at La Marina. Oh my God, La Madrina whole entire world at the height of it. I think that the people talk what we got talk about that like I gotta walk around with you on a regular basis Merida on a yacht. So first and foremost, thank you. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. I'm happy to be here. It's an honor you shout out to you guys for doing what you're doing. I got Goose Bumps, or you would tell me what you guys are doing a DC because I don't know about that. So I'm happy and proud of you guys cause you're always leveling up. So, thank you. Things on a regular basis Welcome to The Green Room. So thing where are you leash is that we are it's really cool because it's a business podcast but it gives us broad range because everything is a business like literally everything is a business because you're making money in it and one of the things that especially like for just everybody has to eat right and everybody like that's it. So this literally and figuratively saying that is that this is one of the biggest reasons why I started this just getting into this business. I knew three things. I'll always be Friends, I'll never go hungry and always have a job because we need food to survive. That's it offer. You need food to live as a fan of that and it's like a lot of time. So we've interview restaurant owner before but we haven't interviewed a chef. Yeah, it's a different Dynamic and a lot of times people is one of those things where people love to cook a lot of times right but a lot of times people don't think about how can they monetize it? How can I make a career out of it, but it's gonna take a business out of it, but you've done all of that and You're still leveling and up and so it's an interesting conversation cuz I feel like these are these are conversations that we can have wear. Anybody in okay apply skills that they have and become a chef right? It's not something that you have to like a lot of times when we talk about hedge funds and stuff like that people get like oh, this is over. My head cooking is not over anybody's head like you got a bag of chips and your cupboard you got some jalapenos you doing a basket right there. You gotta grab whatever's in the world class chef, but you come from humble beginnings what your family is a long line of Chef. Coke's things that nature right especially being Dominican you come from a line of women that know how to cook. You know, I think what's always nostalgic for me. I can be out of the country for three months. The first thing I need is a home cooked meal for my mom and it's one of those things where I remember and I think about it and when I'm creating a new dish, it's always like how can I make this nostalgic for someone else? You know, so just like you said with food there's so many different Outlets that you can go to creating a business and reality is you think About how many people have started a business in their own home and how they've grown to a small little commercial and then buying the store next door? And those are some of my favorite stories, you know people that start small and not ever even I started as a company at one point when I was doing meal preps and we were we literally rented out an apartment and just made that our kitchen like there was no other Furniture we have refrigerators in there. We had shelving in there. We had two ovens and trap an electric bill electric bill was high but at the end of the day we were doing the job. Yeah, so you said you came. Also a home-cooked meal for your mom, but your dad is actually the shop. My dad is a chef, you know, and especially being in a Latino you always think about the women are the cooks, you know, and if you think about restaurants 90% of the cooks are men, you know, so I'm actually happy to see that there's a lot more women in restaurants and and shutting it down. There's a lot of female chefs that I've had the honor and privilege to work alongside and collab with and that's something that I like to see on a regular basis as well because when you do think about food and love and it It really does come from both. So I'm happy to see that on a regular basis and I just thought that that's interesting because yeah, you think about it traditionally not to sound sexist, but it's like most of the time and household a woman. Your mom is the one that's really making 1,000 mom Grandma Auntie Alice, but in restaurants the men are the artists chefs and I think about it comes to a point where in restaurants. You probably get paid a little bit more than your regular standard jobs, you know, like even me I was 15 years old and I was getting paid at that time. It was like $10 an Or but minimum wage was 750 or 650. So I was like, I'm already ahead of the game. I'm making $4 more than anybody else. And that was me. I'm 15. So when I was getting a check of eight hundred dollars for every two weeks, I thought I was rich I think about that now I can't I don't even leave my house if I don't make $800. So what what point did you do? You say? Okay. This is something that I could actually take Serious you went to school for this right? I went to well it started in Long Island City High School and went to a high school that had the the program. So the Graham was just learning how to make you know, brownies and cookies and the whole neck like a home at class. I would say that you know, but me I was being the typical jock and I was like, I'm not going to wear an apron. I don't want to be in a in a place where you think about, you know, they were my friends but you know, we tease each other a little bit and the last thing I need is to give my teammates on the football team and on the baseball team something else to tease me other than me being five feet tall. Thank God for those extra 500. So it's one of those things where it took a lot for me to take my put my pride aside. And say all right. Let me let me put my focus on to something. So shout out to my ex-girlfriend. Yeah in high school Maria because if it wasn't for her exactly right you push me into cooking, you know, she wanted me to show a little bit of interest and support the way she was supported me by being at every game every match being my biggest cheerleader. No pun intended because she was on the cheerleading squad. So she was forced to be there wasn't more of a more of a maybe she chose to be that she chose to be here, but it's a going to add my man. Take it on down. If it wasn't for her, I would have never went into cooking and she gave me the opportunity to put my talent into something else because I was a good sports. I was good in baseball. I was great in wrestling. I was okay in football, but being on a platform where I'm the solostar like cooking that was all thanks to her. So, all right. So you went to CIA which is one of the top culinary institute in the world, right Culinary Institute of America. The CIA is the School for culinary, so it's like, you know where the Cornell of culinary schools, you know, it's one of those things where they provided a program and a way for you to learn more than just cooking. You know, I thought at 17 18 years old. I'm here learning about wines of the world. I'm here learning there was one of my favorite classes was product knowledge. We're literally by the end of the class. You would have a table full of ingredients. You can't pick them up. You can't smell them. You can't touch them. You have to know what it is just by looking at it, but that what I mean, there was a process for you. It was a process of learning that absolutely you don't get that overnight. Yeah, so, I mean you you weren't just chosen for the school. You have to apply and go through a whole process to be so a program through the program. I was fortunate enough. Thank you for mentioning that CCAP careers through culinary arts program. These people are the reason why I am who I am as a chef and I say that more because it was it was more than just us an opportunity to win a scholarship. There were family, you know Richard grouseman the founder he was like my second dad and when he sees people that he Leaves in just like my old high school teacher Terry Maxis, you know, he's retired now good for him, you know he put in effort and he put in the hard work to make sure that we had the opportunity, you know, I did a cooking class that led me to a cooking competition that led me to winning $40,000 to the CIA, you know never in a million years that I think I would win a scholarship let alone get 40 Grand. How much do CIA course CIA now? Probably 40 Grand a year for Korea. So I saved like half so so two year program. So you're getting old so yeah, okay agree and culinary arts and business management. So aside from that, you know, I dorm there I'm not going to go back and home even though I was close to home. I still took on the full college experience 40 bands Allah what he imagined so I just sit let's say sorry to cut you off it. Let's just say it's 15 years ago. I graduated. I just finished paying off Sallie Mae and I got brother 44 the other 40 like I took a long time. That was it. That was a good I don't worry. I'm still paying. All right, so you finish college and then you start you going to court. Right after that I started right after college I joined there was a company called there was a restaurant called Gotham Bar & Grill. So before I got into corporate, I literally did what any young Chef should do in his bust your ass for the next two years and give six months of the top chefs in New York city. So I worked with Marcus Samuelsson. I worked with Jean George. I worked with Chef Daniel boulud I worked with Alfred Port Ali that was the place where I did my 6-month my 18 week internship at the CIA and then I got hired. Right out of college. So I was lucky enough that and that was one of those things where I determined that I'm going to come in early even though I'm not getting paid. I got paid internship wage, which was still at least getting paid. How much do you get paid? I think it's like 750 an hour after you graduated during my internship. Okay for graduate. That was like right in the middle. So Alpha board tally he is the head chef at the Gotham Bar and Grill was the executive chef at Gotham Bar and Grill for about over 30 years. He just opened its funny cuz I went to Gotham Bar and Grill last night. He did some Nostalgia. I went to Shrimp House and I was like, let me just go to Gotham Bar & Grill. Amazing old-fashioned and so much better. Yeah a little flashback and I walked in and they're like, well Alfred's not here anymore. He just opened up his own restaurant like three blocks away and I'm like 90 to go there but the restaurant itself if I mean when he was there with it was it was Michelin star was michelin-starred. So what is that? So three star it was three star New York Times consistently for 30 years in a row, which is which is very hard to do. The highest you can get is 4 stars in New York New York Times and Michelin is 3 so they were one-star Michelin and there were three star New York Times, which is Elite aside from That it's one of those classifications of knowing that your branded by the Michelin guide knows that your your top of your tier. So, all right, then you started working at this strand, right? So after Gotham Bar and Grill, I did I was at the restaurant called Cafe des artistes and I had my opportunity to become like a junior sous chef. That was the first time I had an opportunity of sous-chef is a chef underneath the head chef. That's correct. Yeah, so it's like not a sushi chef The Apprentice I get that. The time these people are always so you do sushi. Shout out to the movie Ratatouille then let everybody know who was a sous-chef and who was the sous chef and what they do because at that moment in my part of my life, I was a sous chef. I'm like finally people going to stop thinking that I make sushi, so what's the what's the what's the what's the order for the chain of command would be like when you first walk into a restaurant like I did this I worked as a dishwasher for a couple months then I did prep which is all you do is peel potatoes clean vegetables literally all the dirty stuff. If that people don't think about because we come into restaurants as cooks and things are ready for us. Like I don't have to pick my own garlic. I don't have to peel my own shouts don't have to peel my own potatoes out of the pool my own onions. When you do these cooking shows, you gotta do everything you you take for granted that you don't have your prep cooks or your with you, you know to help you out. But you have that chain of command of prep Cooks then the very next step is Garmin GE which is salads and cold appetizers then if you're good at that you move to hot apps which is usually like little pastas risottos seared foie gras, depending on a restaurant I did. Ten years in French. I was classically french-trained working at restaurants. Like, you know, Cafe des artistes and Jean-Georges and restaurant Danielle, but those are all like little six months since I just wanted to learn a little bit from all of these great chefs and knowing that my Foundation later on I was still going to use a little bit of what they taught me and then after it to Cafe des artistes, I got an opportunity to become an executive chef at the age of 22 Westchester and Westchester Westchester my place. If it wasn't for you, I would have continued to doubt myself and he told me I remember I said, how am I going to be a chef at 22? I'm going to need to know all the answers that the guys are going to ask me. He's like dummy you're gonna know the answer is because it's going to be your food and I said shit this guy's right. All right, let's do it and it It was a memorable experience. I was a chef at 22. I saw my name on the menu for the first time and I learned how to do Italian food. Thanks to the the sous chef that was there. I inherited John Donne remember his last name, but John was amazing. I didn T pasti. We're friends on Facebook. Imma send you a message John. He taught me how to make pizza. He told me how to do fresh pasta and he taught me that his secret was putting some truffle oil and chocolate cake and still to this day I do that. So when people ask me what's different about my chocolate cake, I'm like I can't tell you but I just don't know that it's so so so so like all right, because you're you're in a different Market in like you're in a high-end market like going to the education and working in like a New York City or La cities like that. How much money do chefs get paid like top the top chef the suit to xuxa the prep like, what's it all it all depends because even my even me, I'll tell you when I made my most money was as an executive chef was when I was 22 years old. I was making a hundred fifty Grand and I made them pay me because I was leaving New York City, right? So and West Chelsea made my chest. Also I made that money in Westchester. I've got them I left Gotham. I like Cafe des artistes because the general manager at that restaurant was going to go to be the general manager and antipasti and he took me with me and I said this is what I want to leave because of course at that time. I was like, I live in Queens at that point. I was like, where is why point? Where is why you gotta take Metro-North. I've never done that in my life. I gotta pay $200 a month for a train ticket. I'm like I need to allocate all these things into my into my salary but I got a reality check right away when I left antipasti, and I came back to the city and I knew that taking a step back. Sometimes you got to take a couple steps back to move forward. So here I am 24 years old. The reason I left antipasti was because the restaurant was going out of business because of things that happened previous to me arriving there. There was just no fixing that and they went to court and the judge ordered that the company get dismantled. Everybody share their sell their shares. So to me, it was another learning step. You know, I was an executive chef here. I am 24 years old coming to New York City trying to apply for all these executive chef jobs and everybody was like, who is this kid? Like, why is he here? We're looking for an executive chef. Yeah. I mean they looking at you as a kid because most guys that has ever suggested what 45th 3540. Yeah, nowadays you you have a different types of chefs, you know, so you see inspirational people that you know, there was a movie called Chef Lynn where there's this kid who was 15 years old and you know, he learned by reading books and watching YouTube and he literally has his own restaurant at like 22 years old downtown in New York city. So like I'm inspired by that story and I remember reading that story when I was at La Marina and he came out front page of the New York Times. I'm like, there's no way that this kid is a chef. There's no way I'm at work my ass off to go to school and and work for all these chefs and he's worked for nobody and he's a chef. I went to have his food. He's a chef. So it's documentary. It's a whole different perspective of what type Chef's the are nowadays, you know, like I was I had a meeting with one of my friends last night and she has her own meal prep service and she doesn't want to call herself a chef. She doesn't want to buy herself a selfish chef jacket. I'm like you deserve to call yourself a chef you do the food. You create the menus. You taught yourself. It's okay. You're not an executive chef, but you are a chef. So that's why I say there's lots of different levels of chefs. But yeah, I learned the hard way because people were looking at me and I was young and I was always hungry so I just needed to get to the point of being able to cook for you if I can cook for you. I want I already know that so as an executive chef if you're trying out, it's not just a resume. You have a portfolio and you do what's called The Tasting so you're offering me a job before we even talk numbers. We got to see what you can do. So you I mean as the executive chef you obviously create the menu, right? So you're doing that appetizers entrees desserts. Are you also creating the pricing you're doing the food costs? Are you doing the pricing? So I you have to learn that's why if it wasn't for culinary school. I wouldn't have known how to do food cause I would have known what labor costs he can you talk to you break about the kids over there. Yeah. So basically for you to make money, you multiply the weight the amount of what a food costs by three. I would say hire expensive fine dining restaurants will do it by 4. So for example, if it cost me to make a hamburger, right? I'm not going to make just any am Burger. I'm gonna make sure of Calvin burger, right? So it's gonna we're gonna put it on the menu for $18. So for me to make money that burger cannot cost me more than six dollars, so that's the patio. The Buns the condiments the french fries and the labor to make that dish. So for you to make money, you always multiply things by three depending on what the business is. So for you to learn about food costs it really you have to break down. How much does the four ounces of the meat costs. How much does one burger bun cause how much does one slice of lettuce calls? Here's one tomato. How much does a case of tomato cost and how many slices of that tomato do I get? So to really break it down. It takes a lot of work to do food costs, but only the most successful people are the ones that do their food costs, right? And that's - with any business and I'm glad you said that because a lot of times people go into business and they just wing it. They just wait. It's like I'm going to I'm going to charge charge charge. That's right. It's like yeah, I'm in charge complete how you decided to charge at $12. I think people will pay $15 for this fish sandwich. So I'll charge $15 like it's like you wouldn't know that cost you $8 to make it is that it is no Rhyme or Reason why you're doing it. You're just wing it and that's like That's that's true in the food industry but as shown any industry and it's like you got to have a set formula to know how you got have a profit. Margin. If not, just grew yes. We gonna be in that absolutely. Nobody wants a business. It's not making money. So what else did like Business Insider day-to-day teach you in aside from food cost labor costs. It's how to treat people people management, you know, and I always joke around that on my excuse me. I always joke around saying that on my resume. I'm a professional babysitter because you have to be able to manage people and there's so many different. Different personalities there's so many different people how people were raised how people grew up in what restaurants they grew up and this why my best advice is if you want to be great surround yourself by greatness surround yourself by people that you aspire to be like surround yourself by people that you want to be better than in a sense of greatness. And that's why I've worked for all these great people and I learned how to manage people because of I always treated people with respect there was a restaurant that I worked at in the beginning of high school years where My weekends instead of playing baseball with my friends. I'm here at a restaurant volunteering my time just so I can learn and know to make sure that if I want to go through this career before I go to culinary school before I sign that $40,000 Sallie Mae loan. Do I want to be in the restaurant business? So I volunteered my time. I worked at this place called The Waters Edge in Queens and I worked for a chef who was like, you know, if you seen Gordon Ramsay, yeah, let's put Gordon Ramsay times 10. Wow. Shout out to My giraffe I love you. He's like Dad number three, but he was tough man. And I was 15 16 years old and I'm getting things thrown at me. I'm getting called every name in the book The Moment he found out I was Dominican. He's like, oh that explains it all your Dominican head back. Wow, and I knew what he was doing wasn't right. But to me, it made me tougher right it I grew to a sense of I became a man a lot faster, but I also knew that I'm not going to be that guy. No matter how talented he was and still is I was not going to treat my staff like that. It's a lesser. What's that? What's that? What's the labor cost? So labor costs when you come to labor costs you think about how much money people are making per hour and an example, there's restaurants where if you're in a hotel in corporate, you're making a lot more you're probably making double to what chefs and Cooks normally make in restaurants and that's just because I've had the opportunity to work in both. So let's say for example when I was at the Strand Hotel, Was a non-unionized hotel when we first started and I was there for about six years and then I left open up blend on the water which is my first Latin restaurant. And then after that the Marriott Vacation Club company came in bought it out and when I got there I came back when I saw it. Anyway is I don't ever like to go back to something but for me, it was like, oh it's corporate now. It went from a small boutique hotel to the Marriott. Maybe this is what's right for me. Maybe I do want to be a corporate Chef. Maybe I want to be able to have my food and multiple Marriott's but when I I got there all of a sudden the dishwasher was making $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour the line cook who was making $17 an hour now is making twenty seven dollars an hour. So now it's like I can't have a successful kitchen doing the food that I do because now I can only have one dishwasher now I can only have two Cooks not for or cousin to your margin cuts into my margin because at the end of the day your labor cost has to be you think about this you have this is 100% right? Your food cost has to be under 30 percent right? Your labor cost has to be under Let's say 20 percent 20 to 25% Then you have to think about liquor costs under 18 percent because all this is cutting into your profit then you think about rent think about Electricity water you're left with like 10 percent at the end of the day. So though the more that I save on food labor is the more money that gets into the pocket of the business. That's a typical profit margin for restaurants and person. It's stuff. That's why a lot of restaurants go out of business. There are times where I saw where we made two point two million dollars and after after all expenses, we came home with $200,000. Yeah, the two point we did an episode of restaurant owner in Baltimore Charlotte's Derek Falcon, and he his thing was a unique strategy that he has we only Who's mixed use properties for his thing because he gets to rent from people that live upstairs and is subsidized. It takes less pressure off of him hit the restaurant he filled a hundred percent not smart if you're finding ways to make more money in your pocket and that was another thing he doesn't open every day. Yeah, so you don't have to open every day right people people are so afraid of granted. I see the mentality of the day that the the moments our clothes are opportunities to make money. Yeah, that's also opportunities for you to lose money. It's Okay to have Monday Tuesday off. Guess what now? You have a staff that's happy because everybody has two days off consecutively. This is a business where you know, I'm grateful when I get two days off in a row, but now I'm at a point where I make my own schedule, but I'm also a hustler. I also love money and I also love working. So I this is busy season for me. I'm lucky if I have three days off this month, you know, but I also take the whole month of January off. So it there's there's it works out pretty well right nice luxury have to take off two weeks for my birthday in July, so It's the heat of the business but at the end of the day, I've put myself in a position where I deserve that night. I learned that but again you earned your leisure at your leisure. Yeah. Other than that, you see me hustle and every single day if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I'm always working whether it's doing a video on YouTube now whether it's speaking at a high school or Elementary School, it's me at last lap or it's me doing a private dinner for 20 or doing the private dinner for ten or doing an event for a hundred and fifty people so I'm grateful that because of Of what I do. I do so many dope different things on a regular basis. Well that leads us right into our next segment. We're going to talk about some entrepreneurial stuff that you do and yeah, take it from there. This episode of earn your leisure is sponsored by jumping jack tax the fastest-growing minority owned tax company in the country Jumbo. Jack tax is owned by our own alumni. That's right Prince Donnell and Dana Chanel. Well, they've helped over 600 families Start Tax businesses and 2019 with your support and getting your taxes done with Jumpin Jack tax. 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The only way that you can have my food is by you booking me. So it's kind of mean like forcing the other hand. It's like you want my food working you booked me and I'm not gonna lie what I do with food changes the way that you see food, for example, if you have my mac and cheese You'll never see mac and cheese again unless it's my Mac and Cheese because every time you take a bite of someone else's mac and cheese like damn it's good, but this is not Kelvin. What do you what do you do with the magic textures and flavors and like I'm salivating now, I'm gonna be thinking about today. We are about to put an oustanding man. All chefs was wrong. I'll bring food with you should have told me that I can never come in handy. I always introduce myself with food. But today I introduced myself as something else. We'll talk about later you'd only way that they could eat your food. It's my book in the a that would be Anyone know what restaurant where you are at that time at that time. I wasn't at a restaurant. Okay, the first time that it was 2018, we're in the Marriott Vacation company closed down. They just decided they didn't want a restaurant no matter how successful the restaurant was we weren't making money. And the reason we were in making money because the labor was too high. There was nothing I could do. Yeah, I was on the line and that's something went on the line means I was actually cooking the food that's a line cooks job, you know what I mean as a chef. I'm creating the menu. I'm teaching them. Line Cooks how to do food like me and that's what I think makes me a little bit successful on the end where I really take into consideration the teaching part. I love to teach right? So if you're one of my employees start and we got a new menu me and you are going to cook salmon side by side for two weeks straight. Yeah, so I'm on my own. I mean I work with kids. So I'm thinking like the line cook is like the minion. Yeah. Absolutely been there your minions are they they absolutely are and they're only as good as how you train them. Okay, I got you. And I'm grateful that everybody that's been a part of my team is just now like 10 years later five years later even two years later. Like I'll take the biggest example is La Marina La Marina was one of the best teams that I've ever assembled in my entire life and I'll say that because it was such a big team so much so many different personalities. So many talented chefs that are all executive chefs now like Trill cooker is Chef José de jesús one of my road dogs. This guy's been with me for about 4 years and he has his own pop-up dinner. As in his home, like he does Infuse cannabis dinners as well. He does he comes on the road with me when I need to go to jail on a rides. You know, he's so yeah, I want to talk about the pot because that's interested for a few different reasons. So you all right. So you built a following on social media and or at the time already. Yeah. Thanks for doing the food shows doing Food Network doing be Bobby Flay that also helps out. Yeah for sure. So so so the pop-up can we get back to that because that's an interesting business model. So the pop-up the reason we did the pop-up was because we wanted to do something once a month whether it A pop-up event where it was like friendsgiving. We sold tickets online. They sold out in one day. We're like, okay. This is this is we're onto something with the friendsgiving. So the friendsgiving was around Thanksgiving we would do almost like we ran out of Loft will invite a hundred people you buy tickets online you get food catered by me whether it was passed hors d'oeuvres plus an actual meal. I'm always fancy. So we did like first meal was an actual Thanksgiving meal you get turkey caramelized brussels sprouts stuffing and gravy and then the next minute. It would be like something Latin like a knee which is like a roasted pork with mac and cheese and something else and then of course you get my other Buzz. It's not an event. It might help us or not there and if people walk into the building and they see me, the first question is are we having at it bus and the has to be yes, sometimes people don't book me for a deaf person. I tell them if they're yelling at me. I'm a point them to your direction. You're taking that hit not me. So I learned that the pop-up thing was was was such a big demand because already I'm not giving you the luxury to have my food on a regular basis. Every time I get a different pop up we wanted to do like a Tacos & Tequila. So we'd run out. They'll be summertime we run out of rooftop and do a dope event like that. And then I started noticing that I wanted to do more of a sit-down experience so that when tines day was like the first time that we did we run it out of place in mott Haven. It was called Motley kitchen, which is not known for being a restaurant. It's just a bakery and out of that Bakery they do catering so I ran it out the spot. We did 50 people three nights in a row. Thursday Friday Saturday sold out and then from that moment on I was just like people will follow me wherever I am. So how much money are you making up the pop-up off the popups? Let's say that's when I would be making depends on location. It depends on the rent of the venue at the end of the day. I always try to make 25% to 30% profit compared to like what we talked about 10% profit in a restaurant. How many people going with you? I mean to do it to do an event you depending on the size. So for that I had three Cooks I had a host which My best friend shout out to Eric. This guy is become like my manager my assistant my brother, but also give him love cuz he's got to be in some dough commercials with me too. So he was a host. I had three servers. So I would say a team of about less than 10, but about seven to eight people but depending on the on the event like I have another event that we did with the NFL Amazon and we had a team of 14 people. It all depends on what we need to produce as a team and me. I'm so Hands-On So I'm always still cooking. I need to learn some time to take a step back and let the team make me proud. Like they always do so like the event in my Haven but I'm interested. I'm going to notice like how much would you say so we charge $150 per person 50 people per night, which was like, let's say $4,500 and then after that we paid $1,000 for the venue for three days. It was like 1600 for three days because we got it three days consecutive. It was a deal and a me. I'm a negotiator. I will negotiate to as much because I guess at the end of the day I If you don't ask you'll never know right? So if you're charging me 500 hours per day, I'm like, can you give me 400 per day and I'll give you three days in a row instead of just one event. So on and so forth. So you need to be able to learn how to talk learn how to negotiate and at the end of the day you offer barter, you know, I'm very big on barters where I'm like, okay, if you give it to me at this price, I'll give you two tickets to the event as well, you know, so you need to be able to learn how to work with people. I was fortunate enough that my partner for this events. He was great on getting liquor sponsors because that is where We're and the reason why we made money because if I had to pull out a pocket for liquor, that's one case that's going to kill us. Yeah, so we're already paying for food. We're already paying for a venue. We're already paying for staff take off that liquor and that's the money that we're making so that again not every event that I do I get a liquor sponsor, but I tried to okay. So what 5000 profit out of three days five prop 5,000 profit split between me and my partner yoga. So yeah, the reason why it sounds like $2,500, let's just say so, but that's not bad, but it's not a weekend and we And it's all about creativity. So it's like a lot of times if you're not familiar with New York City Mott Haven South Bronx South Bronx. So Fox not really the best neighborhood, but I've been coming. It's a good thing to buy something now because then it's going to be big it's gonna be big so Frenchy, it's almost certain. She has a few different lessons in that. I think exclusivity is very important and it's like people the more sometimes a more you make yourself available. You devalue yourself like Supreme clothing, right? It's like people play it pay $1,000 for it because you can't get it's not easy to get where right even like with the marathon closed right now rest in peace in it, but it's like people is lined up around the corner for the pop-up store because you can't really get the clothes like it's hard to really get right now. There's like four months to get it running. So by you by you making yourself like the pop ups like once a month however you is doing it. It's like now it's the whole event as opposed to just having a mom-and-pop. Stop you just selling food every day. It's like they just walk past you you come out once a month and you got to be creative. So it's like you didn't pick the most expensive real estate in New York City. You pick the hood. I'm not afraid of there's times where like the event that we're doing on 19th and the 20th. We paid Prime dollar for 37th Street between 8th and 9th, you know, but at the end of the day, it depends on the event that we're doing and of course the net and you're at that point your career, yeah for like four people that's just starting out a lot of Times it's like they feel intimidated but it's like work with the resources that you have think that's so important that you're saying that because you have to be able to know budgets. Like you said, you're not going to be successful. If you're breaking even you're not going to be successful. If you're not charging the right prices, you know, of course, I wasn't able to charge $150 if this was 10 years ago for me and my bread and who I am now, but with the accolades and with the awards and constantly winning, you know an award after award and the people that I cook for it. It's vouching for itself and I always joke around and I say my food is all Until you finally experience it yourself. Yeah, and I was just telling I was told one of my friends is all the day. Can we talk about like a business and we was talking actually Jamal actually said it originally now I relayed the message and it's like the business is only going to bring like let's say like 2,000 a month. And at first I'm like, it's not worth it. Like that's mm. But then I was I'm like thinking about it like well, that's mm and actually do that five times. Now you got 10,000 so it's like Like it's not about hitting it's never about hitting home runs. It's never because if you play baseball, you don't swing for a home run you swing and eventually you'll hit a home run if you're strong enough, but you don't plan ahead home. Right? Could you just strike out it like it's never about home run just about consistently building a name building your brand get in two thousand a thousand that's up over the course of time. A lot of people would like they were never going up and that's what what - how much you made to could that's kind of what I figured you made and I people forget it. Me like iconic 50,000 for weekends like not when you first start it's not how it works ain't like you make 2500 like that's somebody's month. Yeah, you're absolutely right and I thought of that there's certain times where I haven't made money on events because you have to understand what is this event bringing to me also is an event that I have influencers that are going to every single person tag me in their Instagram post because those are deals that I may have made to and I was afraid to make those in the past until I finally made one and I was like, holy shit just got 1,500 new followers in a day. Day, you're like how because every single person that was there was an influencer or was in their own and their own life a star whether it was a singer where there's an actress whether it was a songwriter whether it was an artist whether it was a banker they were all at the top of their game at that. And when I did that event I was okay. I need to find ways that I can do more and do more that's not a product's going to speak for itself the product speak for something people are posting people are eating they're having their reactions and all of a sudden out of those new 1500. Guess what I just made some income from those people book. So like you said supply and demand and then also you have to make sure that like you said I'm doing an event on the 19th and the 20th. That's one of the most expensive events I've ever done. I'm doing a collab with Griselda via which is an incredible woman credible voice and we're charger $175 per person, you know, but at the end of the day people don't know the expense that comes into pulling off an event in New York City on 37:37 where you're where you're just buying a raw stage a raw form where you have to buy stay. Age and lights and the highlight of the holiday season and the holiday season where he Christmas is in two weeks and that's why we sold it two months ago where we sold out again in one day and I'm blessed to be able to say that like you said supply and demand if you put yourself available every single day. I'm not going to sell an event out every single day. But if we do it once a month, I guess what people talked about it for a whole month. We're posting for the next one. We're going to do it again already people have an experience glad you said that having experienced this event and their when's the next one. Next I mean that sounds like I'm so high we haven't even done it yet. That sounds like an event that we just did in DC. I love that. It is streets is three got the streets going crazy love that Atlanta. Don't play yourself going. Yeah. We're telling you now. I think I'm a cop. Earnings, are you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or Be looking to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in earn in today's economy. So that's another thing that you did coat keto coquito Costa Rican drink traditional dish toxic Puerto Rican love would say Thanksgiving holidays like Thanksgiving Christmas and maybe New Year's was a little pushy. That's always the gift that they give you. New York City, you know you got Boutique was Puerto Ricans you got dominicanos. Yes, sir. Mannequins don't leave us alone do that. They're different. No don't ever confuse that you make whatever confused to write. They have different cultures different foods different Vibes are so many similarities for sure. Like we all do absolutely but that particularly is Puerto Rico. Rico has a very good thing right? It's just so you've been a Dominican what what made you do that? I did it as a joke. Joke, I did as a joke kind of like a faux fur the moment. You know, I was one of those things where I was like, let's test the market. This is like five years ago. You know where Chef Kelvin was finally building his brand. I'll talk in the third person now because even in the street even in the streets, I'm not Kevin anymore. Sure. You have Calvin. I remember I was on the train once and sometimes you know Chef I'm like, oh shit. I made it. Somebody's calling me out on the train. I was like damn I can be on the train no more joking around, you know, but in reality it the cookie. His traditional Puerto Rican so I did it and I'm like, let me find ways to what makes a chef unique is making something that's classic traditional reinvented. Right? So I've been reinvent the wheel when I made this coquito, I just made it mine like everybody makes it with Bacardi. Let's make Hennessy everybody uses these ingredients. Let's use those ingredients but let's add something else into it. I can't tell you the secret that again. Everybody is a cinnamon I'ma use exotic spices. Like I'm using you're privy to them. Yeah, I things that I've used in cooking so Like that's the cool thing about it. I'm thinking of making coquito as like making a dessert for me because in reality it's a little bit sweet. It's thick and flavor. It's coconutty. And it's I use it for like French toast batter now, I use it to make ice cream. I use it to let's take that to the next level. So of course when I'm a coconut for the first time there's a lot of you know people saying that's not traditional but it's okay. I'm not looking to be traditional. I'm looking to be Chef Kelvin. So I'm making coquito. That's why Michael Keaton says on the label cookie dough by Chef Kelvin. Yeah, if you're looking for traditional like Sure, you can find those out there. And again, there's plenty of room for all of us to eat. I know I had people hit me up on a regular day. Please don't sell your cookie dough in Jersey. Please don't sell your potato and Brooklyn like you already do enough. I'm like but I want more. Yeah, what's the problem with wanted more? So, how did you so how did you get that out? I posted it on Instagram and I posted on Instagram back. Then I had like 30,000 followers. I'm blessed to have like almost 67 68 now and I posted it and I said I made it for myself. I wasn't even selling it. I was like, I just made honey coquito right away. Way, there were no DM's back. Then they were just comments. So I posted it on my page and I got flooded with comments and like the first five minutes. You said you said the magic word Genesis Genesis and they're like are you selling and I was like, no I'm not selling it. So I just made it for my friends. We had it then the next year. I was like, let me just make 20 bottles to see what happens. I made it. I sold out in 10 minutes and I said I was going to make a business next year because again you you I knew I didn't bite off more than I can chew. I wasn't ready to start a business and I wasn't when I launched it in. 16 but I was fortunate enough that was working on Medina and I had a kitchen of disposal. They were only there were only open for season season. So when we were there in the winter, it was just for private events. So I ended up using the kitchen to make okay, though, and I paid some guys that were on my team. They're loyal Alex and David these guys have been through everything with me and they're both that last lap. So even though I'm not a last lap, you know, you can get great food with them, but we started a business we got labels. We got gift bags. We started answering made up an email we made Up a venmo a cash app and open up a bank account and we opened up a business. How much how much did you sell first year of officially selling me so 250 bottles, which I thought was not bad for we started late. We started only in December. Yeah following year. We sold 500 bottles and now we're in unofficially year 5, we've already sold 600 bottles and we're not even at peak season yet. So Christmas is our big one we're looking to sell about three or four hundred the reason why I love that store. Also see this is all things that especially food is like your grandmother your eye. Your mom makes makes these these home a drums and all these stuff but it's like if and people like here right but it's like why is it just limited to your family? Absolutely right guys? Yeah. Absolutely, right you can you can sell anything at all. That's the product is good and you can't be afraid again don't reinvent the wheel. Like I said, I'm not doing nothing new. I'm just making the version. I'm making it mine. I just made it a little A bit different I'm using Madagascar vanilla bean. That's why you know, it's expensive. Each vanilla bean is like five dollars if that is that the secret that is one of the one of them what I really should stop the reason why you see the specs and the vanilla ice cream, you know, it's the reason you see the specs in the crème brûlée, but at the end of day, it's the the special spices. It's always about the love can't duplicate that what it is always about being creative to and it's like we're going to take my line Marina. But La Marina is only open for two months a year right three months. I was I would say more three pushing for some special events. It would open April and it would close. I would say beginning of September because what you had access I had a successful year ya around. So now you use that to pretty much have a free kitchen knife. I found ways yet. So I asked you know I said hey you guys are not doing it. I even offered to rent their like now because at the end of the day the way that no one knew really about my contract, but the way my contract worked again, I'm not a greedy guy. So I understand things if we were not open full year. I wasn't expecting to get paid full year. But what I did want was the times that we were just seasonal you put me as an independent contractor and you would still pay me 50 percent of my yearly salary. So I was still getting a check every week, but it wasn't the full 100% So I needed to find ways. To make money. Yeah, you had access had access. Okay. Now I'm going to start doing catering. Now. I'm going to start, you know doing cookie dough. Now, I'm going to start a not the opportunity was there I wasn't I wasn't afraid to do things that I wasn't expecting and I also wasn't desperate. I was patient throughout the whole process. Like I said, I sold 20 coquitos year one. We're at 500 now and we're not even halfway through our season you can we dominican-american selling cookie Dominican silicon. I was waiting. I was waiting the basketball tournament. We talked about the basketball tournament a lot because they treat us they love us there. Shout out to everybody there. We actually got to do Chris Gotti show after this so like mint but So Eastside Westside, so on the on the east side on the east side is the basketball court on the West Side bottled water. I was La Marina. No, we never we did tell a stories about La varita legendary live from New York City and know about La Marina. If not you her fabulous in La Marie know some of you seen you heard French pull up a La Marina and yeah boy. Whoo. Whoo, especially it made some easy captions on Instagram where they would be. Just made me feel like I'm on top of the world even more. So we go we go we go get off track for one minute. You was executive chef at La Marina at his Peak Glam. Arena was a beach best way I could describe it as like a beachfront party restaurant had everything. Yeah. She had a lounge you had food trucks you had a lot of stage. Yeah, you gotta live stage beautiful women restaurant beautiful women. I got in trouble. Whoa, can you just explain in a minute? Like what was the vibe in La Marina at that time? So I'll tell you two quick Vibes one was imagine being the only sober person at a drunk point something when I was leaving work Kitchen close that 12. I'm walking now. People are just like well, I can't even catch up. There's no way I can catch up. We got an hour left. So it was always a problem with LA mattina because they close that one o'clock, but the blessing of La mattina also was that entire Dyckman was bored I cried. Next door to the right then to the left and now you got a 75 seats outside and then they're on their third fourth location. God bless. Shout out to them that those are the people that I aspire to be like and I don't even have one location yet, but La Marina was Vibe so not only the reason I work there was because I used to party there a lot and I joked lie around said in front of the wrong person. I wonder what it'd be like to work here the opportunity presented itself and still to this day. Shout out to Fernando Mateo. He's the owner of Zona the coup by which is a dope spot or down the street. Yeah and Zone as a coup by in the Bronx. Oh God just opened up on top of a post office window. I think he paid somebody inspired. I think he paid somebody because the moment I again I was living in Queens traveling. To the Washington Heights. I got out the train station and somebody said Chef Kelvin. Welcome to Washington Heights. We've been waiting for you - it was the only time where I had it had a walkie-talkie on and I'm kind I'm talking to my sous-chefs through this walkie-talkie the other beaches going down. We need more french fries on the beach. I need to To go to the beach. Yo French need some food on a yacht first me something Carmelo Anthony needs, you know, a Tomahawk Steak. I'm gonna happen. It was one of the greatest experiences ever. I had an amazing team. Like I said Chef Trill Jose their sous chef Andi, who's the chef of suyo in the Bronx? Like this is just guys that are talented Elio who's in a Michelin star restaurant in Manhattan. Like that's what makes me proud because I feel like I'm a proud dad even though we're all similar to Age. Yeah, not a La Marina. Marina is a fight, but you you said that also On a business you turned it around the kitchen around like he talked about that a little bit. Yeah, it was hard to come into a place that this is why when making business decisions, it's hard for me to go to a place that already has an identity because it's hard to change either bad habits or it's hard to change something where people are used to so when I got to La Marina, they already had a standard they went through a couple different chefs. The food was not great and the owners themselves said it we don't need to really worry about the food people are going to come for the view and I said what? When wrong is you're not giving them another reason to come people are going to come regardless the view the women the parties the artist the Maseratis the Ferraris the hookah the who come back then it was just cash cash is King and I don't find it hookah, Uptown because everybody got to put it on the books, but it was such an experience where we learned so my goal was to bring Chef kelvins food to an area that was not understanding it. So So after being there for a full summer, I was able to turn around lower the labor cost lower the food cost increase the food sales. I remember over almost like $375,000. And again, we were only open seasonal. So imagine what I could have done in a full year. We didn't have the opportunities because it gets cold down there by that water. So we did some great closed events. We did some great weddings and 2015-2016 was a year to remember for me for sure. Yeah, you made it. All right. Yeah, we made it. All right, Peter La Marina Marina, we will miss you will never be forgotten gone but not forgotten. The corner will never be the same that we won't be able it really won't even a ship is not the same as no absolutely not it's not like even me. I live in Riverdale. So I'm close to the madness, but I haven't been out there in a while. Yeah, it's not the same team all oh don't look Americans out of town. What you got going on now and future endeavors. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes. To listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so we're going to close it out. Which what you have going on now, so I want the first one so about last lap last lap. So he's about so that's that was an establishment. That was already open. And you partnered right? Yeah. Last lap is such a great Vibe. It's a Caribbean Vibe. It's true to like my heart my soul. Shout out to the guys that last lap. They're the reason I'm there because when we started just talking about it, you know, the Vibes got to be right and these guys are young entrepreneurs doing their things opening different establishments. There's going to be last lap La there's going to be less loud Miami there's opportunity to continue to grow and those are the right people to do it with. And they were open and I went to forgot to mention this I went to France for three months. I lived in Lyon France at one point when the Strand decided to close down. I got a nice you're a French train style classically french-trained. I got a nice little severance check and at that moment. I did a cooking competition Circle back again 15 years the same people that gave me a scholarship to go to high school gave me an opportunity to win a full scholarship to go to France and live all expense paid to go to a culinary. Fran sorry, I'm at 30 something years old going again learning school and you can never stop learning. So I'm the only guy who was in this class with didn't speak French and here I'm trying to communicate with people would think God that food is a universal language show me how to cut this. I will cut it the way you want to show me how to cook it. I will cook it the way you want it, but the reason I didn't get involved with last lap right away was because I was out here doing this three-month stint in France and I got back to last lap. We were doing some cool little audit ba de Vibes like was there once a month again doing the Pop up and it was always a successful sold-out night. We sat down and they may be a deal that I couldn't refuse and they offered me a partnership and I was able to establish my team there to make me feel comfortable to know that even though that I'm not there the food is going to be great. So thanks to Chef David. Thanks for Chef Alex. Those guys have been with me for 10 plus years and it's hard loyalty is a hard thing to find and these guys make me proud every single day. And one thing you said I was interesting is like you have like royalties like a royalty deal. So, you know, I watch them. Our tank. Yeah as a businessman you got to learn right? So, you know, I made him an offer of you know, I wanted to make this much amount per hour at a bar and they said yes and I shouldn't ask for more. But again, I'm not greedy. So, you know, I was I was just grateful for that opportunity. This is the first time that I've made a deal like that and it's been it's been steady. You know, I think it's the only place that you can get your it. So that this is this is traditionally you could say Calvin's kitchen, but in reality, it's the only place that you can get. That's my food, you know aside from getting Himself with kelvins kitchen, you know, so you know and last lap is a small run bar. We got two floors. It gives you an opportunity to come have some amazing cocktails because they have a great Mixology program and then you never know who's going to be there the same day that you there we've got a lot of celebrities from Rihanna to Michael B, Jordan to the list goes on. We're always on page six. So that's a great thing. So so so like even though you're not there a lot cooking, but you have the recipe, so anytime. Dishes sold or any dishes so you get a percentage of that. I got ya. I got a fee for each out about that Soul. Correct. What does not ever say that again? He said it better than the people that set it on the feel of the shows. They like arepa. I'm gonna I'm not we're not right but nobody I'm like and I stopped because it just comes with with the culture and how we learned by not it ba is the dish that I be Bobby Flay with and that Epi is also the dish that I've won four. Years in a row best chef in America with Forbes. So I have five different versions of the these ideas and we the only place you can find those is at last lap. So that's the signature star. We have a dish called added by heaven where you get 20 pieces of our apis and it's all so so so what what is it? So not it by its traditionally like a corn cake almost like it's hard to describe. It's traditionally made with corn flour and water and I actually use fresh corn by corporate kind of sort of but not really and I'm going to say Because it's almost the same ingredients except we're not baking it or not. You got to make a dough and then traditionally the dokic the dough is griddled or like pan-fried. I deep-fry Minds so you get that crispy texture traditionally a not it by stuffed. I put all of my toppings on top of it. So and I make the mini so you'll have like fur on it by so in order my traditional classic one is the we call it the award winner now because that's the one that Beat Bobby Flay it's braised beef short rib guacamole pico de gallo lime scented sour cream Cotija cheese micro cilantro, so you'll take A kit you'll dip it in the sauce. You'll have it in one bite and it's a party in your mouth it every every sense that your palate. It's like sweet salty crispy hot cold herbaceous creamy Mami. You're like what the fuck did I just experienced? And I want what was that? I want more we pulling up the last last five. So you mentioned the in Bobby Flay with the dish now I read this and maybe it's true or not, but prior to that because you are French training and what you doing Latin Foods prior to this no, I Wasn't doing Latin food until I left the Strand Hotel the first time I got an opportunity to open up a Latin restaurant and that's how I created the a deposit at a restaurant called blend on the water. So my goal was to go learn as much as I can about Latin food. I'll tell you 100% I did not know what I was doing until I started asking my mom asking my dad going to you know, got a COS got accosted by bar, which is like the was or it still is the number one at it by bar downtown the glory side. They had a line around. The door and I'm like they must be doing something right so I have their out at by I'm big on Textures. It was good, but I'm like, how can I make this different unique and mine? So we're going to the drawing board and created the iPod. The original one that I have now was nowhere near the the first one I made so not everything I make was great. So things take time things take practice and let's just say direction to Perfection takes time. Well said, so you're J.Lo and a-rod's personal show. How did that how did that come about? Shout out to Duval this beautiful lady was a fan of mine five years ago. She came to one of my events. I didn't a pop-up event in Brooklyn. It was a restaurant called sdq. It was also like a lounge and she came to my event and I treated her the way I treat everybody like I know you for 10 years and you say hi to me. Imma give you a hug. If you show me pictures from last birthdays that you came to celebrate with me that makes me even more special. So I treated her like I treat everybody we have a conversation. We'll talk about it when Did you come here have you had my food before five years later fast-forward? She's J-Lo's personal assistant and an opportunity presented itself where the chef that they've had for 10 years couldn't do Thanksgiving weekend. And she's like, I know the chef. I don't know him personally, but I've had his food. He's great with kids. He's great with no hablas this this that opportunity came presented itself. I hit a home run unless a for a ride. I had a grand slam since then they hit me up. Every time they need something whether it's a birthday party for their kids whether it's Memorial Day in the Hamptons, whether it's Christmas in Miami, which I'm going next couple weeks and then New Year's even Allah, I'm blessed to say that anywhere. They need me I go, you know a personal chef is actually a good investment something. I'm going to look into in a new year like a personal trainer. I'm a personal chef. Those are good Investments a hundred have to you're investing in your mind not to Yeah, well yeah personal chefs you can't cook like you don't have time to cook it's actually like, you know, you got dietary should I'm triangle vegan so it's like it's not dating a girl cause she was vegan And I tried to be a vegan chef, but I'm like I can't I can't be a vegan chef but I can't be a vegan Chef. I can't be a vegan chef and I tried it like we did a couple years ago when a couple dates and I was vegan when I took us some of the best Michelin star restaurants that were vegan. I'm like, I need steak. Oh my God, and then you'll have to take a home and I'll go get a burger or something. I'm like yo, this is crazy. I'm eating twice from spending double the money. It's not going to work out. This is not a workout. It's not gonna work out. I laugh about it now. So why take you so long to go mom ni traffic stop it. Okay. Shout out to you. That's that's not easy and I have some vegan friends that they hold me to it and like even doing this event on the 19th and 20th. I had to put a vegetarian menu because I know so many people that support Grisel and support her are all vegetarians and vegans. So I got to make sure that that offers and it doesn't know the lane to especially like this so many athletes Entertainers and just you know, high-level business people that like personal chefs is like a whole nother Lane. It's a it's a it's definitely a world in its own at but it takes a special type of person to do that because at the end of the day you sacrifice your entire life not alone. Just a cooking to the person that you're working with them because they they requiring their needs are a lot different than any other cook Chef you're like to get back and cold at all times and that's why I when I decided to do Anil cheffing I had my own requirements and restrictions and it's like one I would never stay at the person's house. I would need my own hotel because I tried it once and no matter what I'm staying in the 20 million dollar house. I can't sleep in a bed knowing that I work downstairs or imagined. I was joke around imagine. I'm hungry and I'm gonna go make a grilled cheese sandwich. I want o'clock in the morning and somebody says can you make me one too if I can get you this close man? I would make it gladly. Did you hear about this? Something I always joke around with did you hear? What did you hear about did he story with his personal chef not in here that he story imagine that he story. I will tell you. Okay? Yeah, because obviously you have you've done an amazing job on social media doing that and it's led to some deals with infinity and Wells Fargo your blessings on blessings. And again, these are things that I tell people they're always asking. How did you get so many A followers. How did you do this? And I was like I am giving you what I'm saying. I'm giving you so if I'm a chef Paige, I'm going to give you food. I'm gonna give you things that are related to Chef's I'm gonna give you some tips. I'm going to give you some recipes. I'm going to not be afraid. The only thing I'm not going to give you as Michael keep the recipe and my had a pie recipe. So guys, I love you to death just stop asking anything that I make money on. I can't give you but again, it's one of those things where you have to stay true to what you're trying to sell what you're trying to do and who you're trying to be so I am chef. Then my Instagram is Chef Kelvin and I'm going to give you everything that has to do with food Instagram stories are a little bit different. You can get a little bit more personal you can show traveling you can show Family you can show friends. But at the end of the day, I'm giving you what I promised that I was going to give you. You have to stay consistent and at the end of the day, you have to make sure that what you put on your feed is true to you and you can't be afraid to post because you're not going to get a lot of like so I'm I'm actually a little bit happy with the whole, you know, removing likes because at the end of The day you'll know still that someone is getting a lot of insights and a lot of people coming to them when the comments are there because you can tell when someone has a real $50,000 following and someone has a bought 50,000 following you can have 10,000 likes but if you have two comments, something's wrong. They gave me those engagements completely on you know, because if I post something and I'm gonna get a thousand likes I'm gonna get a hundred comments and it's a that's something I learned early on as far as social media friend of mine told me that you should be able to look at somebody. Age without reading their bio know they do a hundred percent agree without reading your bio. Let's just say everything that you do and you're like can't say everything cuz I then my my characters would run out right away, but you would have to say in your body. You would say who you are what you do and what I'm saying, they should be able to tell without reading your absolutely agree. So it's like a lot of times people do all kinds of random nonsense pictures and memes and it's like it's happening. What are we here for but it was going on messages confused. I'm confused if it's there for fun than cool. Yeah, but if it's for business, yeah, you can't do that. You can't you gotta sacrifice that and this page is like a reflection of like how people are going to look at your business. I like the way you said that without reading your bio should be able to tell just by looking at Ya pictures CI and I learned that I even tried doing like a personal page and that didn't work because I have no time to let alone. Yeah, this is my personal life. So stop with the personal stuff. If you know me on a personal level, you know that you get the same guy that you get as a chef level, you know, but building that brand you have to learn that it takes time. You have to be patient. You can't rush for the likes and I know that now because I just started YouTube and I'm hitting up one of my friends who has been an expert on YouTube and she's done multiple videos and I'm and I'm reaching out to her. I'm like what if I put it on Instagram I'll get 50,000 likes but if I put it on YouTube, I only have a thousand likes she says you have to wait you have to be patient and I learned and I'm like not weird not patient in this world. We don't even read in this world and I learned that because I got my car towed on a regular basis and I can't get mad act like I'm being dead honest. As I get my God, can I park here is like six lines? Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. I forgot the last one and I get mad at clients when I'll give you all the information like for example to purchase Michael Keith. Oh, you got to send an email to coquitos by Chef Kelvin at You say hello. You can say all the information you want you're going to automatically get a response that says thank you for your inquiry. Here's the product. Here's how much it cost. Here's the size of the bottle. Here's how we can deliver here's forms of payment everything that you can ever ask me first question. How much is the bottle? Happens all the time. All the information you need is in the the last week and you have to be patient. So you have the patient also has a life. So even now that you know, 10 years 15 years. I'm going to say now when I turned 35 in July, I'm going to be cooking for 20 years. So building this brand for 20 years. Everything that I've wanted is happening right now at this moment brand deals with infinity. You know, I have an awesome commercial that's coming out where I'm honored to know that Infinity that luxury Brand wants to follow me around for a day and tell my story and it's going to be an awesome commercial can't wait to share that. You know, I'm a chef and you know with the Institute of Culinary education, even though that's not my alma mater. I'm so happy to be with them. They give me an opportunity to tell my story on blog posts to use their kitchen for YouTube shows for if I want to shoot a book if I want to just come in and prep for an event. So I'm grateful for people like that that believe in me believe in the brand and and help me take my career to a level that I Imagine doing so I think it's important and as you mentioned, you know companies like Wells Fargo to see my Instagram page and say, you know, we want to partner up and collab with this guy because what he's doing is positive so I know that he can be the right guy that will share our message and I'm always smiling. So I have other people say I have a million-dollar smile, but it comes it comes with making people. Happy Chef Calvin man. You want to thank you for coming appreciate it. Appreciate it. Um anything you want to tell the people your Instagram. Your social media thing you got coming up. Absolutely man. I appreciate you guys for having me letting me tell my story on a whole different platform because I'm able to tell people my story and Inspire. So I always say if I can Inspire one person from one thing that I do per day. My job is done most important thing is I can offer some people advice that want to become a young entrepreneur is back to what I said surround yourself by greatness. Don't be afraid of not making a lot of money now don't chase the money. The money will come chasing you. I'm at a point in my career where I can go. Greatly say that I'm turning down gigs because there's just so many things coming in. So as the team expands, I'm looking forward to growing my YouTube show starting my cookbook in January and cookbook Summit cookbook. Yeah, that's number one thing. It's cookbook and cooking classes. So I'm going to try to get back on the cooking classes looking for a venue. All my social media is Chef Kelvin CH E. FK L VI n don't look at my page after midnight. You only going to make yourself hungry in advance. But thank you guys for having me. Thank you. Troy house keeping everybody on Y'all know that's how proud to pay program. That's somewhat their support on it has been tremendous man. And it's beautiful. We got to actually get to speak in and engage with some of our patrons and the list keeps growing. So shout out to everybody. That's the point that you know that if you are tier 4 or 5 member you are access to earn your leisure University, which is our online school shots were in emerge South everybody. The old emerge has been moving. Like crazy man. I don't school. We put up the merchant. The sales were out the door man the first day so shocked everybody that's purchased emerge. Yeah, man. You wanna talk about Ernie was Universal. Yeah. It really virtually we're about to actually do a class like right now because he's not joking three is three classes every single week. We do a real estate class on Monday. We do a float in class on Wednesday. Me and Troy to a class every Thursday and starting in the New Year. We going to have a y El Español. So, you know, we all its interactive is zoom you get to ask questions. It's really dope before we don't experience and yeah, don't forget Atlanta Atlanta VIP experience. We are coming January 20 2010 626 it's gonna be crazy live podcast networking event open bar dinner. And then we have a workshop the next day alumni is gonna be there. We're going to be this going to be a whole vibe so events tab on our website or you leave Dot-com don't play yourself. No, no for real Elena. We gotta we can't wait to touch the town for sure and the book tip of this week is Kitchen Confidential by the late great Anthony Bourdain recipes for sure. So I thought that would be fitting Chef recommended that book himself. He's read it four times. Yes. Oh, that's it. Thank you guys for talking with us. We'll see you next week. Peace. Peace.
We have a holiday treat for this week's episode. We were lucky every enough to sit down with one of the top chefs in the world. Kelvin Fernandez aka Chef Kelvin has a resume too long to list. He comes from humble beginnings and has worked his way up the ranks. He is the son of Dominican parents and raised in Harlem. He rose to superstar status in the culinary world when he beat the iconic Bobby Flay in a cooking battle on Bobby’s own show on the Food Network. After that, he starred in two other food shows on the Food Network (Chopped and Man vs Child). He made Forbes 30 under 30 list for chefs in 2016, he was named Forbes best chef in America for the past 3 years, he is currently Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriquez’s personal chef, he has cooked for the Yankees, he was the former head chef at the legendary La Marina, he is currently a partner at a rum bar in New York called Las Lap, and he has brand endorsement deals with Infiniti and Wells Fargo. On episode 55 Chef Kelvin broke down his journey as a chef navigating the tricky restaurant industry, he explained profit margins, he detailed food cost, he gave insight on marketing strategies, he gave social media tips to help influencers attract brand partnerships, and he even gave away some of his recipes! Guest IG: @chefkelvin Book Tip: Kitchen Confidential --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome to the volunteer firefighter podcast where we listen in to a group of rural firefighters as they give their opinions on the challenges. They face both on and off the fire ground. We release a new episode every week. So please hit that subscribe button leave us a rating and share this with your fire family and friends now onto this week's episode. Where as always we ask the question. Are you DTF? Hello and welcome to the volunteer firefighter podcast. My name is Kyle and tonight. I have two members of my firefighting family eyelash, and I've got high and I'm always in a hammock tonight. We're going to be we're going to be talking about some some bits and pieces from drop is Buck extreme ownership, and we're only talking about the for long. Rules of combat, we're going to show or talk about how they apply to us as firefighters. But first, I just want to mention that we would really appreciate any likes and follows Etc. Obviously on Facebook and Instagram are you to page again this year? You'll be seeing a lot more content coming through that issue including videos of our podcasts room and our podcasts as well as a lot more training. Cereal etcetera that we've got coming through and some funny stuff is you know, we like to have a laugh as on but with words. Big tits and stuff Facebook. Oh iTunes review. Hey, please please please if you have a second just drop us a rating on iTunes or any of the platforms that you're listening on and if you can if you can drop a comment on there, you know, get her back if you're listening. We're going to hope it's good because that really helps it helps us trend on the pages. It helps us be able to get more listeners and just try and get the message out a little bit further. So we would greatly appreciate that. And yeah, no. You think that's a good grab some? All right guys nice who's news but something happened last night was keeping music is a new Heavyweight Champion important note about that and of the UFC, of course the important about that is he's also a firefighter who no longer though, but he's a full-time firefighter which would be challenging to UFC fighter in a full-time firefighter, I think even though his schedule my love for me. We are two minutes in and here comes the eighth notes. I already ordered know he was a firefighter for quite some time, but it's good to see him do that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure he's given a cool highlights and fight this good Catholic news on some other firefighter doing something badass. Yeah, so I don't have the info in front of me but a off-duty firefighter and I love hummus. Painter and volley, but somewhere in the states he had. Whatever the laws are to carry concealed carry and he was in a place of business. There was a robbery taking place and he stepped in intervene. And yeah save the star on the robbers an active shooter. It was an active shooter wasn't me? He came in with an assault rifle body armor. He was loaded and ready to roll and it didn't get to actively sure. He did not get to had to be shoot because Patty shut him down kept him at gunpoint for the duration until the cops. Done and done. Yeah, it is pretty awesome. Well, that's the thing about that active Shooters and thing police know what like if you can find all of them, they'll do one of two things usually either give up because they're cowards. These are shooting at people or they'll shoot themselves. It's pretty awesome. Oh, yeah, they're shooting sauce. Yeah. That's the first save everyone they met her part. As far as I am. She can't shoot myself first and then I'll do it. I don't see it either. Yeah, that's yeah, that was cool. What I read that apple is pretty awesome. And I think again it goes to that there's so much that he talked a lot about that on one of our episodes actually similar switch with the here with the a Tech conference and it's in pieces of The US yeah, I don't know if it's a gang but my feelings are going culture than culture. It's a factors 320 million people have gotten him. I think I mean there's a little bit of a culture and they obviously there were their firearms rules are a lot different to ours up here, but we have like in our country we have as many people that live in like, California actually California has more. Yeah. Yeah, so when you get that money Living in one country together you're gonna have some issues but we always in England. Obviously, we my uncle's used to refer to it as rats in the cage right to put to rights in the cage. Everyone gets on as one bowl of food and everyone's doing it. You add more rats more rats more rats and eventually especially popular song do nothing. You just gotta fight scrap and scraped and get to the get some grub. So, So it's different. Let's crack on we just get away from the rats conversations Engage The for the four laws of rules of combat the rules of combat re-recording. We are actually extremely ownership Jocko willing to book Jocko is rural big fans of Jocko. He is a Navy SEAL or was a Navy SEAL he A group a group of seals in their training exercises except he was leader at Chatsworth Bruiser and yeah did some amazing amazing stuff. He his podcast is by far one of my favorites and recently. He just went through a series. It was from like episode 187 all the way to one night you reading this one book and it was the book that they hand out to the Marines Marine Corps, right Marine Corps. Guidance but it was awesome. It's fantastic and off the back of that. I was like man put a note in the Trello that we should have an episode. Yeah, what we're supposed to write stuff down for the podcast and I'm the only one who uses it but I think I digress hi. My name is why is that so yeah, I don't know in there and then today is I'm coming back from from another time. It's got me. From Scotty. Yeah, I don't know if we got any ideas and progress tonight, but we should do the four rules of combat as they apply to that completely agree. It's it there's so many different ways. And again, you can see this in some of the training stuff that we do. So let's roll into it. They're sponsored Roman a couple of four and then we'll just start from one. Yeah. Yeah great. So we've got the four rules are basically covering move simple. So keeping it simple prioritize and execute and then decentralized command. And those four are the Keystone's Keystone's to every piece of every tactic every everything including on and off the phone rang in the hall as well as I sewed. So Scott the start with cover and move ahead of clothes. Yeah, so cover Move. It sounds very tactical but what it what it really is just teamwork. This is back in your back of your teammates up recording with chocolate says and I agree because obviously the everything we do we back each other up all the time. So we always like if your teammates doing something you should be with your teammate help them out. We always say what we feel a little like we obviously something that's needs feeling. This will go you will will cover the other person. So I think that's really important, you know every call we've had especially recently I noticed a guys doing that a lot. They felt holes as I see them pop up a meeting the other day. We were just wait this also ignorant the series being with the your structure fires. Yeah, it's we thought that's Many more destructive. So the one last week which it actually when one thing I was thinking about when we when this came up when we start talking about doing this essentially all for pretty much every call. We do these four rules coming on, but even on that small call because it turned up to this fall call all these things popped up, but the cover moving again it came right up because we were filling holes. Because there's a structure fire and it was it was you guys in. Well, actually you can talk about a little bit they will talk about that before we talk about a lot of combat. Yeah. So we get a call structure fire comes in Chief is going direct. Our first engine was very close behind. We arrived on scene to nothing showing. So yeah. Okay, this is It says there was smoke in a room that was it was an alarm response. So this is the the call or not payable. There's nothing showing so usually the first one seen does their 360 seen sound. Bob had just arrived. It was a bob takes the right side. I look at him. Like Hey, I'm going down left and then one of the guys on the truck war and I say war and I want you to check the front front door. See what we have up top. Top showing as we walk around the back. So it's a walk-in upper-level building with a walkout basement and its leaves out onto a beach to the lake. So as we're doing this we come around the back side. Oh, there is fire. There is smoke and Flame and we really that back and get people to advance down. It was like Scott says it wasn't a big one. It was the fire started basically. On the outside of the building and was slowly spreading through the outside the structure into the basement 5 says you have being being quick thought that enough you'll knock down quickly, but it was a nothing call but every box was ticked, which is what you love to see in your eyes. I think we talked about that afterwards like that day or the following day we talked about how you know, just like the same you're trying to fill in holes everything. Every little box gets checked and that's how things go smoothly. Like myself doesn't get bigger and so back to cover Move one thing cuz I was on you enzyme II do it, which I'm not on second doing quite often because I live so close. So normally I'm either not on any network or I'm on the first century. So it was like, oh I'm a second engine so different things go to you because now I'm like changing gear Frank is how I have to think of Second engines so top responsibilities as driving there tomorrow and probably a bit heightened. But again, it was coming through as nothing showing. So we're rolling out them regular oven - but they're obviously doing stuff. So I got the response response now. So as we roll out I can see they have a line stretched. I can see a little bit of smoked some like man. It's a structure fire. Let's hit a hydrant even though I was radioing nothing nothing. So am I going we're just going to fill out a little come to these guys as well obviously of water so so are we are talking to hide when Bob came up I think is a little surprised you hit the hydrant is he was I like again, we didn't communicative like site we try to communicate it but thing and fire around always happens where he was don't necessarily work, so A little bit decent size command and cover Move that we could be as we do that teamwork. We use something needs to be done with this bill that we map the weight some other departments away. We work with in the last few months and stuff. They will not do anything unless you're told to do something and that delays a lot of things especially with the timer's we run on. Yeah, and even once we arrived again, I knew there was guys kind of working on it. No, they're going lhe some guys didn't go in because it was inventing. So right away. I'm like, let's pull the rip like again. No one tells us do this, but we know these are the things that have to be filled. So again back to the other some of the other people we work with like other Regional Departments of stuff there. They will not do anything until I can tell them I know in the past it was always like well don't freelance folk realized. Oh freelancer because freelancing is the who get a weight say well, yeah, I don't start doing Weird stuff but we trained to understand how things need done and all these holes and be killed so fill the hole. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, the cover Move is may just you know supporting each other. No in Nome what your capabilities are known what the capabilities are the team and then just working towards that that common goal that everyone else is trying to achieve and just making sure that you know you're taking That you for the stuff that you know and going through those those steps. I mean, I more exact example of government would be like the nozzle man and me in the back of his coming there are totally that's what a lot of people like when you think of removed if I can do men shooting and moving and there's like a nozzle person moving on the back of guys pushing the hose and then leaving the third door control guy. So those guys were those guys are really covered move like they're like, Thrown together and I'm moving everything through when they're working. Well together. They that's that's that's a perfect example of cover Move, but on the broader picture from the other stuff we do is also covered move. So as you use the analogy of the the hosting the nozzle guy in the back up guider. It's a perfect way to move into the the simple stuff. So number two is simple now simple for us recently. Especially when we're talking about the nozzle operator and the backup guy. We've now refined those jobs down to the nozzle guy is just a nozzle guy and the backup guy has a couple of different couple of different things to do but it used to be that we had the nozzle that I operate in all of those functions and a whole bunch of other sites. You want to talk a little bit about that as you roll into it. Yeah. Well, it's just like to say it's you simplify what those guys are doing now, so What we used to do is we would have the whole team going and they would be dragging all sorts of tools with them. The nozzle guy be tripping over fools as he is trying to advance. So when you simplify that they can focus on the task has directly in front of them the back of guys still it still has a big river a larger task with embossing. He's done the most amount of work but simplifying that nozzle man's job. It allows them. This and being focused as what's going to effectively get that task done. Absolutely because with that with that simple thing, you know, we all know if like if you make anything too complicated and too complex, you're trying to run through so many things and your brains trying to action all of them at once very challenging when you're just another guy and you just operate in the nozzle you're concentrating on what's underneath you where that fire is and where you are and whether or not you need to move or spray and that's really the only things really it should be going through your head so much something to be going on. So when you break down you keep you keep it simple. They're able to see like you see what's in front of me. What's behind me? What's around me their task is just that nozzle and what might be coming out on. Yeah, which I think also adds when we've now added that the captain with that attack team there as well. This is let's take a nap because it is the nozzle guy used to literally pick up things the other radio. thermal camera and the nozzle the back of guys to be as we said nuts to butts to them. So they're basically wiggle one little they're like a run stuck together laughs all of it. So now we've spread it out. So the nozzle nozzle offerings right at the front entrance to the house of operator method type an estate guy, but it also operators of the front and in the back of person is is 6 8 feet back and we talked about this but if you know, they're back farther so they can move those better. They're not Nozzle operator around because they're not freaking out they still have visual for the most part Vision unless it's really Smoky but they're going to have verbals they're also going to have they're gonna be able to feel the hose with it's moving and also if nozzle operator false rule, they're not all going in the hole together. So that's one thing we've done we've separated them. We've taken the thermal camera giving it to the backup operator back a person because if the nozzle operator needs it he can call that person up and they can use it as a gun safe because I actually have the helmet. Cam footage of me try that with me on a structure fire inside a structure fire. I'm trying to run the nozzle and turn around the thermal camera and it wasn't I was like, yeah, I actually I want to point out flip it backwards and you see on the helmet channel icon to turn around and embarrassing but you see me trying to look at the thing and I drop the thermo gonna spray it on like they pick up Van which is wasn't working. So we've taken that now and we've and you know, it's on you have a YouTube live in Virginia. We believe in the the page. Yeah, we had because we had Jake Right you run the yeah, so we have a gun sight of the backup person comes over give them the Gun Sight and you can sort of Novel operator can look through the gun sight of that thermal camera. So that's one thing we've taken the thermal camera given to the backup person because a backup person for the most part all they do is pull a nose they can run the thermal camera and they're also checking the doors for you as we go through we've taken that opportunity because there were no Niles offer. You said the radio on them too. So it's like trying to run no hose and the than the chief calls, you know Gavin trying to do all this work and what never working. So the radio is now with the captain they all work as a kind of a team together. So they're all kids can they're covering move each other and keeping it simple because everybody has one or two tasks and stuff one guy has eight. Yeah try to remember. Yeah, and I think there's there's other there's two other words will come up to write all of this as well. And that is the dichotomy which Joker's next book was the dichotomy of leadership and it's that you know you Can always do one thing to an extreme and get kind of cool up in it. And when you said focus on - that was one of those things right like you can be extremely focused on that task and you can be so focused on that testing and not looking at anything else and that's where the Detachment mr. Come at. You need to be able to stop think or as they say in the book it relaxed look around and make the call. Right? Like I need to be able to step back and that's kind of now what the captain's able to do or the nozzle. Here is focused on his task. And while the backup guy is focused on his task. The captain now is also doing that even though we're all you know, we all should be taking that moment to figure figure out where we are what we're doing and detach it and then figuring out the situation making sure there's no danger anything else around us making sure that situation hasn't changed because again if we're in a burning structure things change very rapidly time because I just wrote curriculum for my other job for Mike Ross what we call accents are my the dumb. We didn't have anything or like there was a lot of driving involved in my view. So I've written this curriculum in the first slide of the new curriculum. Is that quote from talk about one of the higher-ups on a left, of course, you have jokke whenever but it's actually it's in there and I saw the final product and it's in there. It's going to the higher-ups as that's the first slide awesome. So I thought oh, yeah, it was great. That's awesome. Yeah, so the Detachment and sites it is super super important keeping things simple making sure that everybody understands everyone understands what the plan is and making sure that the the the task that we've got in front of us is broken down into the simple task to get the job done because when you look at it as a whole like any problem any problem you look at can be extremely complex, there's lots and lots of moving parts and when you've got all these different teams during Different things from the outside in it. Looks like it looks like we're just this one operating unit this doing this massive task, but when you look at each individual person everyone having that job and filling that hole. So when you see something not happening or something that's that needs somebody else there to go and do that thing. We fill that hole and then that person's just doing a set few tasks of that role. So that individual simple tasks build up into that complex thing to fix that complex problem, right? What? Selling the commander's intent is always a thing. Like I said evenly on that call last week and it said the intent obviously the intensity of the fire. So I'm thinking okay. What do we need to put out the fire your water? That's a diamond. Now, the guys are in the what we need now, so I understand the intent to involve wants without any relay me. He may not even know that's what he wants. But he's like, he knows what we need to do is structure fire. But again, there's a lot of stuff command. Is he gone and as captains its origin? Bob is to take some of that from the command and deal with our little sections and then the guys are a new fad take some of that stuff from us and you with their little sections which leads us the right way into number three. Alright script which is number three is prioritize and execute. So again, it's that like the relaxed look around make a course and the prioritized Is Hugh is just making sure that you go through that list. Okay, what are the priorities relay and those priorities to your team making sure everyone understands it but keeping it simple and then from there on executing that task until completion, but then being able to detach enough that you can see everything else going on around you to allow you to be able to be agile and change if you need to and adapt to the situation of the time you're on talked about there. Yeah and what I'll say about that in That's always in my mind and it comes back to acting and I think all time was Todd said what's important now when it's microscope? Essence it's the same idea. Thanks. You have to look at whatever is in front of you know, whatever. The scene is. What's important about that is going to be five six seven things that are coming at you whether it's an accident scene as we be traffic is going to be injury. You can't effectively go ahead and take care of everything, you know, the injury is terrible, but But if the highways running and another cars crashing through well now you got eight injured right not to so you have to stop one thing from getting worse before you can get them to the next thing better. And I think that's you know, the wind the whole prioritize execute. It's the same idea. You have to step back. You have to look and see what what you know needs to be accomplished first accomplish that chance entirety and then move on to the next important thing so you can continue to execute a lot. Yeah, absolutely. It's it's prioritizing is cute is one of those things that will help you and all of these things will help you in any aspect of your like not just on fire scenes. If you follow this checklist almost. Yeah, you can do amazing things. Right and the prioritizing execute will do it day to day if we're in certain jobs, right what's important in this job was important in this situation when it comes to fire seems like Scott was doing when he got on unit 2, okay. What are my duties now on engine to what are my priorities do we need to hit the hydrant? Can I see smoke you doing your window check? All right, and you're thinking about you know the guys in the back and what they need to be doing goes in the back of figuring out what they need to be doing when you're hitting the hydrant who's going out to do that who's taking that that lead right? And so again the the prioritization of those pieces to be able to make a plan so we go on All right, something like this before but this year I've noticed this especially prior doesn't execute a lot more. Well actually all the for these things being an officer being actual red have this year? It's been a lot different because of these things are always in there and I think you well, actually I were talking being duty officer for the week. It's stressful. You don't really sleep very well because you're like on the radio. Call comes in you unless it be like it goes a call when you're like oh, you know what then you have figured out and all stuff for all through the night and you're you know, you're probably gonna be the first one there because you have the duty truck parked a drought. So you're in you're not going to a fire hall to get the truck here getting it from your house you're driving. So, you know, you're in the first one there. So your job right away priority is gonna be stabilizing seeing if that's you can obviously it's a structure fire. There's not a whole lot we can do to stabilize the seen other than you know, there's other priorities like power. Where's the nearest hydrant or more genders water supply or the people inside all the sorts of things that so it becomes a priority. I mean, there's reseal we talked about this. There's also its actions in the fire service, but it's basically just comes down to prioritize and execute. So every time you roll this stuff your head like what is it that's important stuff and I notice that a lot more now in this year than previous year with and I was just like, you know, I was kind of a casual Get the truck in front of the truck officer guy because I was the training officer. So I was like, was it the fifth in the chain of command or six or whatever wisely? So I didn't really have a you know, I didn't need to get in the front of the truck. I can still a cop in the back and now it's like when you have any readout on your kind of expect yeah, you should be in the front of the truck. It was no one else. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah with the and again it comes back as well to the touch when one becomes a priority prioritize and execute because again, you may be working on what well is priority one and then the scene changes had now there's somebody inside. Okay, great. We now need to fix that problem all of the priorities of now shifted and that's now how many or you've detached enough the officer stood back. Hey power line above you right like things that I'm a big, you know, we've just going through those motions of being able to see everything not focusing on the building is on fire but looking at and being able to see the power lines and taking a peek across. Street and see in it. You know, there's a couple of cars in the driveway. Maybe there's somebody inside. It's 3:00 in the morning and I see you've got those designs right so which I kind of like it sucks because that the over fire waiting now we showed up I didn't do that priority because we start off on my up. I doubt that everything burning. So it's like I'm looking at grasp. I'm looking like two cars in the motor home. Like I'm not a structure of some kind of like figure out what sorry priorities and then we park and we get out now - yeah, he's good and I look up and the power line is right over a truck, but everyone is deployed now with water it was like so I told Warren Warren was running the truck. So I'm like more and more than old. So he looked up I'm like, okay. So now we've already made a mistake you get accepted mistake we go into as an extreme ownership. We own them State be made but now we're seeing here. So we definitely kept an eye on Paramount's make sure we were fooling around there if I can get only long high priority is to make sure that power line is stable and then right away we have power company to come and we kept going on and you know, we never did have a problem but I was 10 because it's one of those things that it's screwed up, but you also like that. Sometimes it happens a lot of stuff around your head like you Can't get sucked into the scene. Yeah, and I think it's funny because then we talked about it a little bit with that kind of going back to simple a little bit right like yeah. It's a really simple step that sometimes we forget simple steps and that's where even checklist and stuff don't always work in your brain. It's very tough to do that understand under stress. And when you're looking at the bigger picture or trying to at least sometimes things get missed and when you look at that section, we find a problem. And then we concentrate on the problem, but I'll tell you what I bet you don't pack under a power line for another few years, right? Because now it's it's in the Forefront right like man. That's seen it stuck with you you made a mistake, but now you just going to be me and on top of that and maybe it was something else we forget. But again, it's that that making sure that your priorities are you so the final one is decentralized command lady centralized command is not freelancing. It is non-free. Lansing it is operating to within your Authority basically your leaders and leaderships give you parameters and you operate within those set parameters. So Scott says go hit a hydrant. I'm not going to tell you so it doesn't say go and hit this hydrant and use the kit and grab the line and turn it and remember your accounts and blah blah blah and is there's no it's go hit the hydrant same as if you were to say. Reach that door. It wouldn't be a conversation wouldn't be a step-by-step guide to hide a brief side door. It would be your presenter and a lot of acid all that. I see with train back to training because if you don't train and then that's when you have guys to stand there and have an officer basically hold your hand while you do it because we don't train it. The only time you're gonna do it is on the training on the fire ground, then that's when you have to learn it learning. That is the worst time weren't you know, if you if you But maybe the guy that maybe look over like I look over and I see Hyderabad, right? Yeah, and it's been a couple minutes. Well, okay, what's going on over there is the first time a problem is a hydrant not working because there anyway we don't have that problem here very much because we're a pretty small town whenever we have a good town. Probably where example the word for really good. Yeah. Thanks take a long cycle hydrants. I've heard a lot of stories in life. Detroit for guys will hit eighth hydrants and they're all dead. They're all the activated. They've had stuff stuffed in there rusted. They fly like they had to go around until they finally found a hydrant. So that happens it never happens to us, but it's always it's always happened can be there or as opposed to just having a problem because maybe they forgot what to do hook it up, right? They they turned it on before they put it a gate valve on so I just shut down maybe then one of us some of the someone who's over there Medicaid try this but The Statler over them make sure that they're doing it right is it there it should be able to do all right. We're all set. We also make sure our guys are know that Don't take on a job. If you don't know how to do it. Like if we're driving up and I say who wants to hide her and who's going to hit the hydrant and you put your hand. Well, you better not hit I burn sometimes that like, you know, there's a structure fire once I look back. I said two months ahead Hydra narrow enough to me and I realized it was all your guys as I guess something on itself and it was like I never was right there. So it wasn't a big deal that was kind of before we start our weight and training them really into our recruiting so The new recruits hadn't learned how to hit hydrants until well into their first year. Well, I know the whole truck was wiener girls even called recruits and they're just new guys. They you know, I was wearing only we've talked with lots of that was when it was just whatever hide whatever practice happened to me that night. That's who you were where you practice. So maybe you didn't get a hug and practice with all European take a year to recycle three, maybe their practice wasn't your towards the rookie. He was here, you know, there's eight guys. That all of them would be on for a while and one rookie. So we quickly go through. This is memoranda so we can hide them. It's super quick and rookies like Mike. So now we've now it's a recruit training legal my step by step. The person should know what you're doing. And if they missed it, then we'll trim and cram again or go over again, but they should really know what they're doing. So that was really no reason that so it's true and that's that's with this the biggest portion of the centralized command you count. Decentralized command if people don't know what they're doing. They are not trained to be able to do that. And this is one of those is the perfect window. Yeah, it's the perfect thing for this is the the whole concept of filling the whole decentralized. Command is filling the hole. That's all it is. It's I see one person or nozzle and they need a backup guy and no one's there. That's my job. Now. I'm gonna go fill up and I'm trained enough and smart enough that I've been training hard. And I know that I want to look at the situation something's missing. I've got the training to fill that something and now I'm going to go and do that. I don't need my officer to tell me to do that. That's my job now because I'm a spare pair of hands or whatever right? I've got that knowledge and that experience to be able to say, okay. This is what I need to do to make this happen or you see some go struggling one of the door. We've already got the irons your head no room you're dealing with that right now you're on now you're on door and or control of your breach. So one of the people who say I seen on a few is a firefighter going around and he's just taken window without and no one's told to take these windows out. That's freelancing. So he's a start smashing Windows of the next thing they got a few flash over and back for often all this that's what up and makes it makes fireworks. Right? So there's reading that and filling the whole of being the person that's smashing taking the windows is that yeah, your job is to take the window but your job because you know from training your job is to fit into the team that is in ventilation. So you drop into the team event election. So, you know, one of the steps is I need to take a window, but I need to Sure that the government gets is ready to go fans that the guys ready to push and this is the right window not to smash every window in place. So that's kind of a difference between freelance to start doing stuff that I don't know you do it doesn't make sense. And it didn't. Yeah, it doesn't fit in anything. It's that you like you're not working with a team you're working by yourself as a freelance Partners. Yeah, where is des centralized command as you're still working with your team to drop it into small groups of people cause that's really what the Fire Guard. Is it small. Groups of people it's not one person. There's always small groups. It's attack team is three people or for anyone what you're doing for people don't even tap ventilation team whose through the four people the RIT team owned two three, four that are many you got in your routine. All that stuff only accountants. One person is usually puts a hydrant prohibit difference in the hydrant. But even then you're teamed up with it was a drunk guy. So with the big thing with that the centralized command is and this is this is from the the officer standpoint if you're looking at is an officer you need to make sure that would be centralized command. Not only does everybody need to be trained to a certain level and standard and know what they're doing. But you also you still need to set parameters beforehand and that being, you know, your area of operation, right you're operating within your Authority every time but you always need. To know as well the commander's intent and with that commander's intent. That's what that's what everyone else is basing their decisions on I'm making decisions now because I know that the chief has said I want this done go and do it. And now I'm going to make the decisions on how they gets that he doesn't care how it gets done. He wants it done and the officers are doing the same thing. I find the second you engine. Really operates on your that. So the first you there's there's generally some guidance because they are coming onto the scene where somebody has eyes on something that they don't have right. So there's there can be a lot of guidance. It's not going to be grab the hose go over here take eighteen steps, but it'll be this is where the fire is. Let's get a team going this way 117 going this way when the second engine. Was up like we say it's that fill in the hole but as an officer, you can hop out and you can see there's no fan of yet. There's no red. You're going to lose your map out lose. But here you're going to get your Manpower spread and like say they're dropping into all these different teams on a call. Like we just had we rolled a rescue truck just too many bands Manpower basically. Any sort of attend or anything there so that comes up. I mean that an entire truck company is going to be going everywhere. So one guy is going to go over to RIT next guys going to go over to the ventilation team. The next guy is going to go down and back up the nozzle mm like those there's people running everywhere. So that's as decentralized as you can get and again going back to that call. It was the nothing call, but all those boxes Okay is everybody has flowed out and it went perfectly so and all of these things constantly work together. And again with that Detachment when it comes to the decentralized command that's where you need to you've finished your job or you're working something which maybe isn't a high priority but it still needs to be done. And then as you take a second and you relax you look around and then you see something going on. I need somebody else there. You can make that call yourself and you can go and help that person that team that group windows then fan, right? They'll WTF become a member of that group and go and do that task with them and that's part of being just completely dynamic because those we know scenes extremely Dynamic. Yeah, everything's changing all the time. If you are constantly focused on one thing you're going to miss so much more the officers are now because of the way we've got the team sir. They're way more detached than they used to be and it helps because you know, they've got that extra. I they see things that we don't necessarily see. Certainly more detached and what they're actually more into the game, but they're very able to take a step back because it before we change it out. They're really they're almost do - like they weren't in the game like they were standing on for quickly because he loved the old old coin just the old old calf was like, yeah. I just want for our offices on each corner of the building which is kind of weird because then whenever we push in some of there's no there's nobody around so it would just be the senior guys job to take over and be like, oh, So we're doing now. So basically you get a senior guy essentially become an officer, but it was a kind of a weird thing because now the Manpower is going to shoot up because I get another guy who's sort of in command, but he's not really new man. He's suddenly in command because he's inside the interior. So then he would come out and then really the information of the officer who would relate the I see so now it's like now we've changed it. It's not the officer he comes in but he still has to keep Detachment his cousin take them back and look around. Yeah, he and there but we definitely Yeah, we make sure they're like when we first brought it up in our in our meetings we said hey, you know, we want doctors struggling more and all the officers like yeah, you know that all of us want to still be firefighter who's going to be in that game, but then when I go no, we don't mean you get to grab nozzle when you see you get to go in but you're you're still being detached and third person in got a finger watch over them. Well, that's that's again where the dichotomy comes in right like if You're concentrating too much on one thing then you can do that to the worst extreme. Right? So again, if you're you're trying to help people for example in a situation where you're watching some guys your captain you're watching some guys do a job. And again instead of just giving slight Direction. You start taking over that job. And if you start taking over now, you start you start losing because now you're trying to dictate to people that know their job. There's a whole bunch of things that are going on in this situation. You start losing the respect from them because now you're telling them what to do on their on their position, right it there's a whole game you gotta play there and that's where we were from the way leadership capital and things like that too. Right? Like I try not to tell like they make sure yeah, I'll be like, hey, let me try doing this kind of work better for you. Oh my tried eyes, sometimes it's some of this a try to say this might work better for you if you like what you're doing when you're even into half. You are nothing before you put on the holes before you turn it on. Otherwise, he's going to shoot note that sort of stuff try to remind them as a training officer outside like in front of like me. I know where they be trained but is not stuff. We train them like there's you know, obviously going through the list of stuff just become a basic interior firefighter was like 30-something things, you know, just basic and that is something like auto wax and medical and water rescue and all this other stuff. If we do because each one of those has 20 things attached to it. This is just basic interior attack firefighter. So guys, you know for yourself but this kind of a golf tee job is to because of attachment making look over be like but a person missing something important is missing something important that businesses are not that important. I'll let it slide because I don't need to micromanage, but we can move them. I'm going to certain things like we can with slide. We don't always Quite do that exactly the way we train it but it works. Yeah, I think yeah this past year has been clicked The Learning Experience for sure and I always find myself. I could be outspoken in a group when we're at training. I want to call them vocal to the people. I need to be local to but I find myself more times than not not having to say anything. It's more of that. That you know, you're there as that detach that eyes where your back a bit I found on that last call. I did exactly that. I popped in quick. I was like, hey, why don't we try to do in this quick? Boom? They did it. They were great. But after a couple of the larger calls, I've gone gone home and we kind of get in your head a bit and I can't lie. Try to sound like try been more vocal team. Should I done this right on that then it comes right back around where you say? Well, I didn't have to so why would you the guys know what they're doing? And that's the other good side of him being on the training side is you see what they're capable of knowing that seeing that happen knowing what we're expected to do and seeing the guys do it. You don't need to go in there and say anything like Scott says maybe there is a time where a small thing gets missed right? Like we that small we'll call that we had the guys. One of the sliding doors and there's a little bit of glass left and they can walk past it a thousand times. It wasn't going to hurt anybody, but maybe I can so I go get em. Hey, why don't we grab the rest of that glasses make sure and then they didn't mean it was fine for the rest of the call, but you don't need to be over top of there. They're all over town facility. You'll need to be right in their ear poke him drop drop a little comment and now is the biggest learning thing that I mean, I still go. Through every games. How much do you need to say? How much do you not need to say and more times not especially with our guys and girls when we say anything because they have it all for the most part figured out we work well together as that larger team work for the and that's where the nose too. And this is why it's so important again that everybody's at training because the big portion of it comes down to if you were training you get to see what other people all are good at and what their capabilities are. So again, when it comes to that that decision making process of what you're doing. Hey, you know what? I know. This goes not fully confident on the tools for for forced entry. I am he can be my second right? I will grab the irons off of him and I'll crack on and he can be my second we can figure out right together. We'll be able to do that. And then like we were talking about last week being able to make those decisions of okay. Is this the right parent am I going to know? Put myself in a position with say somebody is half my size. So if I end up causing the situation I end up going down for whatever reason is that half-size person going to be able to help me is that half-size person going to be able to pour me a great? Probably not so making those sorts of decisions as well and knowing okay sweetheart. Hey, Jason can pull any muscles. We do you want from Dane to back up Earl? Oh, right, like dance great great shape, but he's just eight smaller in stature. Fella and Earls just the bado farm boy who went out muscle ask me. He would like out diesel engine that's going back to one of our earlier. I mean, the guy said Fargo and we'll hike for He's out how hard time now then where's the side by side just keeps tracks right on so we we hunted deer around here. So remove simple prioritize and execute and the centralized command. So those four things if you are constantly running through those four things every time in your brain and making those your your priorities when you're on any scene or The job it work wherever those things will help you and they will help your team dramatically dramatically change the principles there there have become the principles that we use or Scott is now kind of ingrained in us and all of us do it. We don't a lot of people don't even know what these four things are. Yeah. I have no idea but because of the way that you view adapted them initially their scope and then brought that into training there. Time for you to know because again if they start preaching to people people to shut off some people and some people like at school. Yeah, I've been something we like so right off and seeds. Hey Ozzie plan. I love it's one in the time like a decentralized command was a Hard one because again everyone thought right away. Oh, it's pretty nice me at least freelancing Cowboys out running around that's you can you will get like, you know, just a bit road test tube area. Well other departments might look at this is the word multiple calls covers anything cause that was all right my exact sound be called colors. I was for a while. So I went as well. I don't mess with him. So the Cowboys but I don't know. I don't know and then they join us for joining us for our seminar and learn from us that sort of stuff. But I think if they were here they train with us all the time. They would realize we're not at was it just looks like being aggressive like we're super aggressive. We were we followed these rules. And to the outside people looking in there like now because we're crazy. Well another day another Joker Jamie, but the whole default aggressive that would be photographed. We are going straight at the gate. It's we're going to hit this extremely hard extremely fast with everything we've got and if we realize that that doesn't work and then we need to go on the defense. But first we are going to we're going to go in there last year the we had a wildfire. I'm not the bird dog. Radio the chief isn't how you guys are aggressive. We had trucks everywhere. We're running hose up in the hills and hitting the thing with everything we had and the guys like usually super aggressive. We weren't being unsafe. Nope. I think we lost a couple examples, but that was not a nice man to man defense use mean aggressive he's being aggressive and the only reason why we actually lost and I was just because We have a lot of because the bar was coming. So it's like we're not blow. I think we would have hit the line them. All right anyways, because we were we had the hose laid when we decide to pull out because that we wanted to get tired housing California mixed with whatever else so yeah, we we do have a default aggressive attitude now and that is a newer class. Ten years of him just a couple of weeks ago. He'll Chiefs ago. We were definitely more surrounded around. Let's go take it very slow. And then we have the chief before Bob. He was super aggressive which was getting you that got us into that kind of make us all working together was that was a really aggressive my God this all started and then log carried on with it. Just a little different leadership style. Yeah, I mean we have problems for 52, right and when he was on he was saying again right there. He's like the training has been the biggest change and the biggest thing he's enjoyed about how things are done. They you know, we are volunteers but we are not amateurs was his quote and we're professionals through and through that's not the courts of that episode that ever really Shawn. There was someone there Bob no, no, Scott. Oh, I don't know. Because your Chief is so unbelievably supportive. He understands what's going on and he allows these things to happen, but still keeps control like he just he supports his guys and that's what he does. He he knows his right eye. Like he said when he sat there, you know, sometimes I roll up on scene and I take the safety officer position. I don't need to because my guys are going to go and do the job. They're going to get that thing done because they all they're all trained. Well, they're all reactive and they're all smart guy so they can figure it out. And then sometimes you need to step in and take over. Maybe it's a bigger situation. Maybe something else is going on, but it's very rare that he ever does that anymore because again, we've got officers now that are taking control of that extra layer and Bob can then step back deal with all of the other pieces that make in the phone calls and getting power shut off and you know positioning and things like that and the other important stuff everything is important and this is again when we go back there are so many roles. On the fire ground that you should never be stood there with your hands in your pockets doing nothing. There's always something you can be doing. There are times when you need to take a break for sure, but otherwise, there's always a job. There's always a job. Do we have anything left to that voice? Let's go home. That's good. That's good. That's all we got. Yeah, so shout out to you Keith Miller. He's on all the social media platforms Facebook Instagram Twitter Keith Miller check about like some shares a crazy amount of content out there firefight related stuff is great. Check them out motus fire rescue. They do the Snyder tool. They do the forcible entry wedge. They have a couple Other new products coming out which I think is happening like really soon. So keep an eye out for that. They have ours in the mail, right? There's my email might not be an ally. Come on my screen. Can you please send Scott us- They have extended a discount code. So hop online use it. It's DTF F5. So you can five percent off to help deal with some custom colors and custom engraving was a long choices there for you guys. There's some glow-in-the-dark decals that they can put on there for you. So yeah check out motives are Zima. Masks we use them. We love them. I've seen more and more people. Oh, yeah, Rob actually made it you made it in the RZ masks. I think it was just firefighters on that one. I think like a look. No, was it not - yeah. Yeah. They have a little highlight reel of all of their supporters. We were in there with one of our photos of Rob a day early season grass fires. One of our first ones of Year. Rob was out there. I think it was the old dual. It was the RZ mask with the man this negative 2i back-to-back walking the mo is only ours. So we obviously use them out in the field. We love them we Purchase for the Department I think like 40 of them. So we went with the M1 and seemed to work out the best for us for from the easy use on and off. Yeah, I just work for the well for us, but they do have a couple other options. So check those guys out. They have offered up a 30% discount under Public Safety. So if you log onto them, make sure you pop that in there. It's going to help you guys out. Yeah, that's really awesome of them will get on see we've already done it brought him up. The barbel is a Brotherhood got any radio told you. Wow, I was the most English kind of it's funny because I text it in the you know message you the other day and it just because it he got in my head and I'm doing the big morning. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, listen to him today to go back and listen to you. Some of their first episodes would like the full song He's on a jingle and it's great. We were actually chatting back and forth and he sent me the link to the the people that produced the song and people yeah, they yeah, so I sounds like they game a couple of bullet points. So this is what we want to achieve in this sweet tune guys again, Yes, I guess you should be kind of cool. I just Jam. Yeah. Yeah, and so I Brotherhood kind of radio from the states. They are out east varies. This hasn't been a harbor they are from I got em, listen to me, but now the favorite of the harbor a nuclear submarine Park in there's a pool. Like the sub gums and the guys in there when they're dried off they are using this into their current. I I always listened before our episode just their intro because sometimes to make wisecracks at us, but I listened to their episode tomorrow morning. So I will I will get all of that by by days of each other. It's like jannetty did I was great. We don't drink Labatt Blue. Oh, yeah Moulson most of what do they call it? Molson multi-pulse enroll them most Yeah, they also talked about fire and subtract those guys out. So, you know, we're I was a making fun of it, but we're having a laugh at every week what they've been soaking these while they were playing. Yeah this they were talking again about us doing a crossover and getting us on there and them on here. We should look at some. Yeah, he said much in time just before this too late. We were talking about how we could set up same believe they reported Saturday. So that would probably be the day for us to everybody sooner so we can make something work. There are work three hours. Off from them. So like right now they're smash faster sleeping which is where we should be but we're in the closet. So yeah, so that's great moving on stop the bleed. So you've kind of brought that into our shoutouts and it's more of just to spread the awareness of it. Check them out at bleeding control dot-org I think so, I mean, I promise I'm talking about because I still haven't taken it. Yeah, he's because he was teaching last night. Oh, yeah, he's like you should be with us. Everyone's hands may be mine. Things you buy whatever it'll rain. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, stop the bleed. We've actually put it into our ties were talking right now. We put it into our curriculum large ring because I felt it was an obviously important as we bring up and really can trust on to putting in our training would be counterproductive. Yeah, we're trying to achieve and then the guy said training last week good reactions from an amazing job like it they all felt agrella the relevance of it we Had a couple of good discussions on like a computer stuff because they had something please not fall for that. It's you know accidents, you know, we're on the fire ground were running chainsaw and were doing all sorts of things that are potentially dangerous for wounds lot of hunters. A lot of guys are like, oh, I think my by a tourniquet now we go ahead and for quite some time. There's been times of near misses having them cut up a deer or your your shipping kinds of things I got Where you're in the woods if you especially I showed him a short video with a person getting shot in the leg and bleed out within two minutes under two minutes because right now yeah. That is the thing. It happened pretty easy human body's pretty easy easy easy to mess with so I'm just squishy bag for superdelegate. I mean as tough as we want to act was super delicate when metal and stuff is even expired quite easily. So yeah, you want to keep this stuff blows up all that inside. Yeah. I always ask it was I do this little demo where it don't take long around you saw talk about how much blender is in the in my and I always ask guys like everybody thinks. Him like I forgot one of the guys I'm not like 20 meters. No, there's not 20 years really like I was only like 6 or fall six of your big guy five years small person in fourth or half of you really small. But yeah so we can make is I have, you know, a couple liters of blood as I showed them my happen like with a goatee stages are see that most important to her aren't the first to and we should we should do that. Nobody hurt. We have to do that before dark. When I do this last week. It was said here doctor again, but yes, probably Morton and fiber. Yeah. And again, if you can please in order to help support us a little bit. Just give us the right troubles away in drops a review on our Facebook page as well as on our on the iTunes stuff for Spotfire, whatever platform you listen to so it just helps it helps us helps us climb the ladder a little bit, but it helps us more get Get other people interested so we can get more stuff to play with as well so that we can test all for you guys. And again bring it more of that training content and things too. We have had a few people reach out to us. We've got some good stuff on the cards again. Our burn season starts at the end of September ish. So that's when we can start Margaret heartburn season and really related to we use a burn billion. Yes don't burn season is happening right now, and since we can start getting And yeah, dude some loafer and stuff and showing some content from that but we've got a lot of plans coming up for this year. I think we'll probably end up looking at taking the day here soon and recording a bunch of content and liner some stuff up and and getting some bits and pieces put together for you guys. There's anything that you would like to see if there's anything any request specific request that you'd like, let's no hits up some of the message we get lots and lots of messages from this news all the time. Not just on our posts, but they private message us. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's great. You know, it's always a pleasure hearing from people. It's always good Marshall Bass the martial arts Legend the man the legend messages me all the time. Yeah probably is also you speak the same language. I'm your fans want English, but on that note. Let's see if your book stream ownership economy leadership. Reduce your costs website invention us because I begin yes that one one day. Oh, man. Oh man are parables. It's a post about a Samurai. And yeah, and what is doesn't it doesn't help you just unified lights. Oh my God. What did the same when I when I shared like when I share for the Joker's episodes. It's a really good episode number three. I think this is the episode. We're always talking about it talks about, you know, the dichotomy and it talks about all the different pieces that we always kind of again. We don't talk about direct. This is the first time we've ever really specifically spoken about from the book, but all of it really it all comes Off the back of this the way that the way that we do things and regardless it. I tried posting that episode up and I was like if you're if you're a leader or you're trying to get in leadership, it's the perfect episode for you. How did nematodes I think for people maybe like the back to the quote is when you look on you when you know the way broadly you'll see you in all things. And when you see these things you will you will see them all things and that's when you know, I know It along Taco is that quote it also Roman says a lot of programs. Well, it was armed. Yeah, and they talk about L offered you two aspects to have stuff to write like there's a lot of yeah important gentleman good like real good Josh Carl. Thanks guys. Let's go. There's still
We go through Jocko Willinks book "Extreme Ownership" and discuss the 4 Principals of Combat and how everyone can apply them to the fire scene. 4 Principals of Combat 1. Cover and Move | 2. Simple | 3. Prioritize and Execute | 4. Decentralized Command Ownership | Detachment | Relax, Look Around, Make a Call |  Hey Fire Family, please Check out and support Matt's cause at and don't forget to Share, Like, Subscribe and visit us on our Facebook Page at to do the same! If you have a subject that you would like us to discuss, a question that you would like to ask or if you would like to be ON the next Episode, then you can message us on our Facebook Page at To check out the rankings click here #DTFFpodcast #DownToFightFire #Firefighting #Volunteer #Firefighter #FireFamily #Firefighters #EMS #Rescue #Fire #Emergency #FireDepartment #FirstResponders #Firedept #FireDepartment #FireHouse #FireRescue #ThinRedLine #FireService #BrotherHood #SisterHood #FireFighterLife #Fireman #VolunteerFirefighter #VolunteerFirefighters #StopTheBleed #StayDTFF
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Want to AfterBuzz to be tonight. We were talking The Challenge season 34 episode 5 in poly, we trust my name is Danielle and Renee Ka Tick-Tock Tatty and to my left. You've heard of John Adams. You've heard of Amy Adams. We got Benny Adams. What's up guys? Thanks again for joining us happy to talk about the challenge. It was a good episode. It was you know, some people like French toast others, like waffles. You know what I like me some pancakes. What up Pam? I like that I like it. Hey, whoa good episode Another nail-biter of elimination. Yes, and certainly last but not least a man whose physique is better than the statue of David. We got to pump up that word out lightly because I'm a little bummed about the banana situation. Well, we're going to get into all that and more right now all we got Let's talk about guys. We got the whole banana situation. We got the whole car a situation. We got the whole Paulie situation. Of course, there's a little Josh thrown in there too. So that's great. We got a challenge that was called hooked. We got a Proving Ground that was called die for me. And also I've got some news and gossip for you guys and you guys are also gonna want to stick around later because we're going to be taking your calls and we've got that number. It's four to four three five four. Eighty 302. I tried to memorize it but I just could not we're gonna throw that on the screen. We're going to come to keep saying it over and over. Over and over again. We put in the live chat for you guys too. But first let's start with our overall thoughts who would like to start Benny. I love Kate another another great episode. This season has been amazing so far each episode better than the last episode super bummed that bananas went home definitely rooting for him. But yeah, it was good. Right Pam. Yeah also loved it. These challenges are really proving to be edge of the seat entertainment. Like the stakes are so high. For each of them. They're not just knocking off rookies. Like they usually do in the beginning. They are taking out their best players. So this wasn't pulling out the big guns from the get-go. So this was amazing. I will be on the live chat tonight and Alexis Nicole and the chat like Jared Banana Split joke. And yeah, this was really fun. All right in the world for me. I love Cara again. I hate bananas again. So I'm glad that I could challenge is back to normal Manny. I think it's been a great. Great past couple weeks for you hon Pam. I really have Karma. Yeah and the natural Order of Things. No, I mean, I agree with what you're saying. I think every move now really counts. It's not just like a burned Vote or you like you said thrown off a rookie. I mean everything is you got strong players. You don't know what the next move is. You got people saying they're going to do something then they stab you right in the back and don't do it. So it's crazy. It's crazy. But the challenges I agree or getting more intense. They're a lot more fun to watch. I was surprised especially I mean I We found turbos weakness and then we finally found his weakness. So some put them in water put in water. That's it. Same thing with you. There was a little yeah, I was a little surprised to you know, so for every time I watch the the new season, I'm shocked at the amount of people that don't know how to swim right? I mean II was spoiled hard I grew up on a lake. I was in the water. I just got thrown in the water as young kid. I just kept so so to me, it's like, how do you not? Yeah, but then again we have other people that just had big never picked it up or they didn't do it as a young kid or whatever but these people that live in the The gym join a gym with a pool, you know, do some laps like learn to swim fast. Well, like who said about car like in your I think was driven by George like just just wait if you know, you're one of your weakest it and you want to keep doing these challenges. Why won't you just came from practice? It's almost like a must you would expect it. Right? We always smell in the challenge. I probably should learn how to swim they have challenges that take place in the desert may find water for them to do whatever competition and so they're gonna be swimming every season. Let's be honest overall thought for me guys rough episode for me because it Involved most of the characters that I don't like now, of course, I'm always happy see bananas go home, but it did involve so much Cara time so much Polly just talking talking and I want to start with that honestly when he shook hands with bananas was I the only one that was like, there's no way in hell. He like he's actually going to stick to this. I called it. I called it we all we all call him so he wasn't gonna stick to his word because if I knew if Cara was good of voting Johnny he was going to do the same thing. There is no no way. He was gonna go against his girl. No way. It's the power of the I'll just say the fruit of you know, because I you know at the end of the day, I think truthfully I think Paulie would have wanted to stick to it because he seems like he's about integrity. I like Polly. He's a great competitor. He seems like one of those just you know stand up type of guys normally, but I think obviously carbine the factor persuaded him to go elsewhere. But at the end of the day, I was a little surprised because I did want to give Polly the benefit Doubt and maybe that's been naive of me. But again, like I said, I viewed Polly as more of a Integrity type of player. It's weird to me because you can you have the opportunity to get literally guaranteed get rid of a strong player on the UK side and you literally keep taking out your own players. I don't hate it or like I just think it's such a weird. They literally if they put Rogan and Theo guaranteed one of their competitors would have been gone and it keep doing this week after week. It was not the smartest most sorry pan, but he was definitely Not the smartest move to make oh completely 100% disagree. First of all, Paulie last one swore on his family members life that he wouldn't use that he would use his thing on just remember glass finale he cost just a million dollars essentially because they Johson what's her name? Sylvia were set to win but then they he gave them the penalty. He said I won't use it on you so we know Paul he's not trustworthy, which I'm not even Throwing Shade at because as banana Anchor repeated banana saying tonight all's fair in love war and challenges. Like if you trust someone that's given me I don't think any of us believe that Polly was being sincere there. Well, but part two is I really think and this is where we're going to debate all night. And this is going to be the Hot Topic is that I agree with car and Polly that bananas and Laurel throwing lure first putting in west then I do think that they were blindsided by the disloyalty to their team that early on and when there's a cancer you cut it out. Out and bananas and Laurel word that cancer and I think getting rid of them if they can make the team you nighttime. Yes, even if it's at the point of where they start losing all the challenges because they're getting rid of the strong Players Once you have bananas only wanted to be Team USA where United because I was online. It's very convenient. Let me just throw a kink in the chain here though Pam. They got rid of bananas and Laurel. You're correct. Are they a team now? Absolutely, there's there's still gross. No. No, I think that they are going to come together now more than they would have bananas was on the team. Bananas would constantly be doing what he did last week, which was trying to get out the people that weren't in his Alliance and the only way to do it was to destroy what they wanted to do to them. Guess what you couldn't put your money where your mouth. Oh, it's Laurel and bananas. It's just interesting to me that the whole everyone was. So like upset with Wes over, you know being like trying to you know, take out their own teammates Polly's doing it now and Pauly was like the one guy that went up to Josh and said don't you do it just don't want to we need everybody and now we're all human. So be it. Probably at some point I agree was saying when it comes down to it, when if we lose West would have I do not think Wes would have been like no I'll pick you off and if well, the team was winning they were winning. There's no need for any of that to happen. They were winning. They could have kept winning and kept winning and wait until they needed to fold on themselves, which is the problem. They made last season, they kept their own beefs and they kept, you know, imploding as a team. They should have learned from that. They didn't Laura was as the the female puppet to Johnny and Johnny was the puppet master and I think with Laurel and Johnny Gan the loudest strongest voice the next head that rises up will be able to unite and team if that is truly their goal to things. Oh Pam one, you hit one thing. I we've been witnessing the implosion of this team every week. It's just it's your employment. Uh-huh. Second season. Try it out here. There's going it always be someone's going to step up and want that that throw. As we saw with with poly SCI, someone's always going to try and make some crazy moves. It is too much ego. You can't trust people obviously this proves it regardless of West two wrongs, you know, don't make a right. It's you can't keep repeating the same steps. And now I mean obviously it where's Jordan stand in all this he was pretty upset now. I think he's gonna be back like that's the idea. So even though you took out bananas now Jordans like poop all you just lied to me. So I feel like an idiot. You think Paulie seems like probably like how our joys of like Polly good movement. Let's go. Best buds now know so, you know you got banned now you have more on alliances in your own team. There goes the team more and more every week. So I just don't see how getting rid of bananas. Not that I care bananas goes homes. Goodbye. Banana. See you later. I don't care but it's just it's never it's not going to fix so you might as well if in theory you're supposed to be a team at least put to keep UK players in I'll tell you why it's going to unite the team because we saw Jordan. Probably he's probably gonna scream. Yes, Pauline just you're okay leaving at each other. That's cause they're like big so they must be uniting your screaming over the love the game together. No, this is why I think it's going to unite the team I because this will go on forever or they'll unite and this is why because there's more males on the bananas Laurel side. You got Jordan Zack Thea or not the out don't whoever you got those guys. And supposedly neutral or girls on that are tough competitors on the other side. So every week it flips who's Zach is not neutral. Zach is on Team. Jordan was a cop friends the way that Jordan Paul has gotten who's the only described it. He said it's bananas himself Jordan Tory nany and Leroy. So bananas is gone. You got Jordan and Leroy and Nia. Well, I mean I decide to throw every Male Challenge and Leroy Jordan and whoever decided to throw every male challenge we're going to just see them pick each other off week after week. So it's in everybody's best interest and without a crazy person like bananas or Laurel just blustering at this point. I think they should unite but even if they do win these challenges, I think they're still gonna go after their own players because of what it shouldn't that I don't think is smart at this point. But I do think that what Cara I'm Polly said about like I'm going to get rid of the best player on the UK team. Yeah, Johnny is true. I honestly think like if you go if they next week's girl lamination, who knows but the following week like why wouldn't they go after their own player Josh to get off the fat off their teams? They don't think that he's as good of a player. So you're cutting the fast whatever. Jordan me laughter and Shadow Jordan Will and know he will and then but on top of that I think one thing that we can all agree on is this Mayhem this made the pretty much stronger good for them. Yeah. Well, I think Paulie what I would want to see happen is puffer Pauline our own it like bananas would if he did it like stealing money and saying all seem to own a pair of those guys. Yeah. I want to get rid of bananas. He tried to throw my girlfriend last week and he threw the challenge like buh. What am I a dum-dum? I'm of course. I'm trying to get rid of him you ding-dongs, but having said that he put a Target on his back. I've got nothing against you me and turbo are an alliance. You don't want to mess with that. Join us. Join us and have the guys unite I don't I like that if they want a million dollars. That's what they said at the same time Josh took the same thing Paulie did and there wasn't a Target on his back. So maybe there won't be a Target. You never know. The team was always kind of that time those different team at that time. Yeah, it's true. I want I want to get into the chorus tough, but I kind of want to save it for later. This is hers is very interesting. And honestly, she is the reason that any of this poly stuff happens tonight. She's actually the fuse so she did all this. Paulie wasn't going to do it unless she know if not, yeah. Yes. No, no, no, no camera top of me. She what she's the reason that this happened not polyester great. Absolutely. Great. Like I said in the beginning 15 hours. I think probably would have went the other way. Heck yes. Yes those crocodile tears that because the bar we got the whole bar scene because it's crazy and anytime everyone's like I feel bad for Cara. She's acting people every time she cries. I'm gonna say I'll see 90% I'll give her ten percent that she actually cried. She's acting she did it too. She showed us the cameras that how much he was acting. It was insane to me. I was so mad at her and I'm honestly curious. So what is our live chat think do you think it was a smart move? Do you think it's gonna help the It's going to hurt the team going forward. I want to know about bananas. Yes. Yeah, let's let's hear it. Well, let's get into hooked hooked was the challenge of the night. It looks super fun. I would have loved to do it. I used to I used to make zip lines in my Woods like as a kid. They were really bad in sketchy but no that was half the fun. So you the idea is I kept hearing they have an even amount of players on the Britain the US side at this point because they each went up against each other and the idea is if you if you get your hook in the in the ring, it gives you a little more momentum and get you a little further out. I noticed that it was it wasn't as my yeah, you know like a winning areas. I thought it would be it was like, come on me. Yeah, I don't know maybe maybe 10 feet but still it wasn't like everything is all you better get the hook on because like half the people miss and they were like right behind them right fastest time. I don't know why they wanted to announce who got the fastest time because it was just overall the team fastest time to win, but they made it very clear that Jordan got the fastest time hmm, but that didn't do anything yet accepted a Target on their back. Yeah as Jordan foreshadowed. I don't know I'll do a conspiracy for the night the producers just love the drama. So damn much like we're just going to add one more thing and just to see what from get any extra fights tonight, huh? Yeah. So fastest time wins, would you guys think I loved it? I thought it was really fun. I love the challenge ziplining. You know, I remind me I went I was in Costa Rica and we went ziplining through legitimate Sons now take mine. No, but I mean is is so fun that thing like I would have had a ball with that jump it in cruising down. But yeah, I think I think it was a little interesting you so like I said, we saw weakness there were turbo the ozone surprised at what was Esther doing what happened? Oh my gosh. Here's thing. She has two things knock. I don't think she can swim very well and she doesn't have the endurance. So you had to put those things together and you get what we saw. So I think water is that is the recipe to find out the weakness of You throw water into this thing and you find out who's going to sink or swim literally so I think that's the key. Yeah, you know who I was surprised though by seeing Nicole. She actually did pretty decent. Yes. I kept massive times on Nicole got yeah. Well, she did four minutes and 33 seconds if she jumped sooner. She was the one that was like scared. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if they start the time until your ring your hook. It's the ring though. I bet they don't start it yet. I don't know. I'm just yeah, I just assumed how did he blow he blows a whistle that getting some maybe does I was trying to think. Yeah, but that is very very decent. Well, I wanted to bring this up Polly three minutes and 17 seconds. He only lost to Jordan by 2 seconds and we everybody and he got announced as the winner. I'm not sure anyone else ever found out how well Polly. It okay. They got scores transition into why the car's not The Mastermind of this at this point that we were just talking about that will talk more about bananas has been hating on Polly specifically forever and like making fun of I love that. Everyone's like, oh he hates him but a since they're going I don't know why that dumb stupid elf doesn't like me. It's like well, you're calling him a dumb stupid-head. Well, I feel like it's the other way around. I feel like Polly does the same thing. I feel like it's a mutual like hey crew just kiss been making fun of bananas and not and targeting and that much. I don't know from what I've seen. He's been gunning for him that is bananas has his allies and he has his enemy. He might have been he might have been gunning for him in fiery challenge because well and he seemed to be upset, but then he literally made the handshake thing. So I think in theory of Cara just said, I'll vote for somebody else and then I don't think that Paulie would still be so into the whole banana riddle me this okay banana still had his puppets and he was able to control Laurel nany and Tory apparently and have them throw a mission on a girls day. Do you think or guys day do you think bananas would not orchestrate to get rid of Cara and Polly first? Well hold that that let me let me trouble you with this one real quick. If you have car was already eliminated to say she had gone home already and this situation happened. Do you think Paulie still would have made the same decision? Absolutely. Yeah, he bananas betrayed the team. I believe that they were all genuinely blindsided by that. I That it's one thing to be Wes and sit there and go when you thought everyone's Expendable talking. He didn't throw Mission Holly's all about get Polly's all about Karma and all about the team but in theory, he betrayed the teens tonight too. So it doesn't did I think he was responding at that point? It's like you started this fight. He should have got gonna die. All right. Oh he gave it to me, but I think at that point it just shoots the value and your credibility your character, you know, I mean, I think everybody knows that like Jordan said like okay now I look stupid. Well, what he could have done is not picked to Jordan. He could have picked someone like that on his Alliance. Like Cami could have picked car and cam kept his handshake word. He said I'm not going to I'm not going to pick people and let them pick both pick bananas and he could have been the what I think he wanted to make the statement and I think about Polly is Polly likes making big moves Johnny even said Polly is trying to be him. I've seen other cast members on social media say Paulie is trying to be the next Johnny Bananas and you know, he likes Making those big moves. He likes being the one where people that people are talking about. And so it was it was a very big move on his part and I think I saw that well, but he's doing a good job because no offense on team YB, because I love them but they haven't been able to take bananas dat. Well, they did when they had all the numbers lavender and tea might teamwork TYB, but Polly can actually beat him head on head in competitions. And I mean I'm here for it I say Great II just wanna say thank you when it comes down to it. I think Paulie was very new trial and think he he didn't mind making the decision to throw bananas in but I also think if it wasn't if he wasn't pushed the way he was pushed. I don't think he would have been that hung up on it because like he says it's too early in the game. I'm just going along with it. I'd really I just don't but it doesn't mean we can be together in the chat where we're getting and while you look at that Pam. We're gonna go to a word from our sponsor. Yeah. Yeah, what's up guys? We here at AfterBuzz. Just want to Thank you for making us the ESP and of TV talk and in order for us to grow we need your help. So if you're on YouTube right now, go ahead give us a thumbs up. If you're on iTunes go ahead and give us a five-star working AfterBuzz means so much to us and we just want to continue to learn and grow. So go ahead leave us a comment. Let us know how we're doing and we will continue to give you guys great amazing content. Thank you so much for that and guys just a heads up 15 minutes from now. We're gonna be taking your calls for two. 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 2 so start giving us calls will put you on the on the line and get you ready to go right out to the world. And that's fantastic. Yes. Yes. Any other thoughts on hooked? Were you swear you were you surprised or not surprised by the swimming ability of some of these people besides that Circle because D did pretty well see ya five five minutes and 50 seconds. What about Ninja when I was surprised by it and State plus minutes from Ninja. And indeed when she was doing it and everyone's or I guess Zack started yelling out. She's you know, she's trying to throw it. My first thought was good though. Throw banana. That's what I literally said last week. The girls on a girls day should do it and then our guys days the girl should do in throw a banana sin. And I thought that's what you doin in just was starting to do is I thought you didn't think. Yeah go for it. I thought she was doing that too, but I might note was like at least she's being a little more low-key about it. Like at least it's ambiguous. But now I come to see she really II really am I knew I knew from the start ninja wasn't throwing The Challenge from the get-go. She's been all about, you know team this and team that and she's doesn't seem like the type of person that's going to like follow what people were doing so it did shock me to see like how bad she did but yeah, I knew that wasn't that's not her style. Yeah and turbo do we have his time because I feel like we're like turbo didn't do these at four minutes and 54 seconds. It's not All given him or at least in the confessionals when you know when you know, they're talking behind each other's backs. They were giving him a hard time then but it really four minutes 54 seconds wasn't cool at all. I feel like we're all are we all just looking for a reason to you that find a weakness for Turbo, you know, I mean, it's he's not the best swimmer that's for damn sure, but I mean four minutes 54 seconds. I guess. It's on the the weaker side of grab the guys. I don't know. I guess he's just a very scary and intimidating. So to see that he does have a weakness. And what was Theo's time. Bye. The way they never gave us the light. They didn't give us bears time. They didn't give us Leroy's time because they were the last to go. I tried to write most from down. I don't know if I have feels in here if I find it. I'll let you know all about 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Oh and what was that? Oh, so yeah turbo finished right after him like five seconds later. So yeah interesting bananas win against Theo right? I don't know. What bananas did well bananas Three Bananas worry, I believe yeah. There's one in every three minutes three minutes and 29 seconds. He was like one of the like the third of the fourth guy. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They think yeah, they went against each other they windshield and the the finale as well. There they are. I'm sorry Proving Ground, right the perfect. So, oh my God, such a badass name. Alright, so that's all great. So let's get to the tribunal stuff. So they give it to Polly part of Holly chooses Cara and Jordan to be in his tribunal with him and then we get to a scene with bananas in his MTV underwear. Hmm. He's lying. The bed is empty. No one else knows a nice rocking TV under I was so focused and he's talking to Leroy and you know, that's his only guy left and going here's here's my peers. When I gotta I'm gonna jump ahead just because it's so fine me. He's like at the after he laughter bananas loses. He goes, you know, I was really doing this for My Boy Leroy. This is more about Leroy than me because I really wanted to you know, come back come back for Leroy. Two seconds ago bananas. You said you were going to switch a team UK the hell with that it done for your boy believe you would have just left them in the dust. It made no sense when he said that I couldn't I couldn't put my wrap my head around that. I have to point out that chocolate chocolate in the and I agree with that of course, but also bananas with the whole Leroy thing. I love bananas so logical when it's his possible elimination, but so let's get Let's get him. Let's get him when he's not on the Block. You know, what John he's a snake and so I you know John John he's obviously just like you never know with him. So it for all we know if he would across teams. He could have tried to help Leroy. Yeah opposing, you know, but who knows, you know, right before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one. Place for free you don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV By John, he's a politician and he believes what he believes in the moment. Like, you know, like oh I wanted Leroy to win. Oh, I was going to switch teams. Oh, I know. It's very interesting. Right so we get to the tribunal ceremony and they're all talking and then Theo goes on a long rant because I think that he realizes he might be up for grabs there because you can't vote in Bear twice in a row. So bear was automatically in a weird way bear was safe no matter what happened in that child's you can't go twice. Hey get soda. Place, right? That's what I think. That's that was what that's one of the rules. You can't get what's the tribe, you know, you can't be in the tribunal twice anyone else from so you're telling me they could have voted for Bear against a nice. I think so see I feel like if they could have a would have done that though. Anyways, let us know live chat with that is about I thought you couldn't get voted in by your own team two times in a row because they wanted to make it more even though I know actually that might be it but I might be wrong. But anyways, so Theo thinks he's on the chopping block. So he goes on his speech and then everyone. Start saying yeah, we think it could be you and then Kyle says I don't I think it was in the confessional. He's like, you know, what? Why are we doing this? He's one of us stronger players, you know, we could be used to vote for someone else and I'm like Kyle good accent. No, I'm like, I'm like, I'm sure that was good Kyle who's the weaker and weaker player though that you want them to put in the sides feel for anybody who is because I honestly think that religion is really is the weird like if you can't Just save in my in my world. You can't put bearing because he already went in so there is off the table. All right, you have Kyle who's I think a good player Rogan? I honestly think it's really good. Yeah, just to get a bad outing two seasons ago and they're give a shit about it. I'm over it Joss has made it to a final with Sylvia, right? So so as Kyle and so as po so who's the weak link that Kyle's talking about the I don't sides po I'm not saying feel the weakest. This is the rookie, but he already went in. So I mean, I know he can he can Tenley go back in because he got but I would say that at that point it may be e Juris we know bear from perform. He's proved it. Yeah. Bob said probably say just based on what we want. I just think that everyone and they all have their flaws and their good points. I think they're all even all the guys in the British stuff. Yeah. I think it's either I don't think there's one that's like he's so much better. We have to save him. Yeah, he went in there you earned your stripes good for you, but I don't think it was like this big. I can't bear the thought of me and I'm the I-17 at a 14 a little chat Elimination Challenge, whatever he said about last season feel good. I'm pretty certain you. Did you did fine? Whatever great great great, but I agree with you 1 million percent Kyle. What why didn't they say? Well who then who would you I would look nice in the confessional after our yeah. I don't think he said it that in the in the ring the I want to know the answer to that though to I wonder who they're considering from their perception to be a weak player because it's not like the girls I think faster talking about Esther might be I look like he's not even considered. Does run his mouth lot and that's fine. At least he's showing something a personality unlikely. I thought last season where he didn't really do anything. Right? But like dude, you're you're mad about the whole situation and you're so you're only thing to do is to brag about how good you are dude. That's not going to help. It's making you sound like you're like too cocky almost. Yes, even though it's a fine line right the fine line. I said this for the last aftershow someone is going to get sent in like I don't understand why whenever someone gets sent in they cry. I about it. Like that's the name of the game someone that has to get sentence because they know the chance of them coming back or a 50/50 shot. Most likely in. Those are the best odds. I mean after just mad at the situation, right? Yeah. Yeah, but it would be cool if they were I yeah, someone's going in depth. So get like a champ. Let's let's go to the bar scene because this is fun. Okay a lot of stuff. This is the Cara there's a car seat, but let's start with the the whole not the ninja and Rogan Josh. Our best friends that's just his personality this season. He's best friends with Rogan. Yes, that it broke. We will give us the best friend. Am I even agree with you all night, but I agree with you on that one. Joss is best friends with brilliant. That's right. It's so funny to me because like Rogen's actually kind of a fun character. He's a stripper off. Yeah. That's that's fun. I mean that that I could pull up penis true, but that's cool that you do that bro, and you're not like you want to talk about it. I think this is great and of Course, I love D. So I like that I mean upset that she's getting his D and not someone else. That's all. I'm sorry. I want to be entertained or watching the goddamn challenge with you. I'm starting to come around. I'll give you that. He seems like a cool guy. Yeah, I could have done without the the Buddhist nun. Right and I feel for you Dan. That's a bummer. I know but see you like Dean like you but yeah, that's I mean, we'll see though. I mean I'm rooting for Rogan and I would have actually love to see him go against Theo. Yeah. Yeah great. So yeah ninja and Zack have a quick conversation and it seems like if you didn't have that confessional by Zach, it seems like a legit like I'm sorry about what I did today. But then in the confessional he's like almost going to save so we can get the team back on the board there. So we're good. I don't really give two shits what exactly as the eye. I want to like you every season but you always say dumps like would on and someone Ryan on the chat says did Zach Pop off the juice. He lost all his games this season. He's not real. I'm just relax. Now. Let's get to the craziest part of the bar where there's a highlight the Cara and Josh talk. Now when you first when I first heard I'm like, okay. This is legitimate conversation. Cara seems like they she wasn't crying at first then Josh kept talking about the whole bananas thing and then it really seemed like wow. She's like, oh, you don't know what he's done it being my I thought wow maybe bananas really is being a super dick to her maid bothering her on Twitter or like being a bully and all this stuff and I'm like it's bringing her to tears if I'm starting to feel bad for Cara and then she goes around the corner to be sad. And then Ashley, what did you do Josh and if she's building that with everyone's like run Josh, Dudek me or you know, everyone's like thinking what did Josh do the car and then she gives that look at the camera to show that that I've met I fake tears and I'm doing it for the game and it's like well, I'm sorry Carl but next time. Do that. I'm going to say you're crying wolf and I'm not going to give a crap and feel bad feel like I did tonight for two seconds. There were even tears coming out of her eyes. Like that's how you know, I don't know. I thought it felt legit to me everything. She said was legitimate and had real feeling and validity. Behind it. He commenced Georgia last week to put her in remember in elimination. Do you remember that because it happened last week second. She's entitled to want Johnny in if some crocodile tears come into play during her persuasion. Why is that she doesn't know that. I think my we had frozen pizza and he wasn't from a restaurant. She cried because the team was sabotaging itself and look we all can agree that car takes this very seriously, right? Everybody was given jock I see I'm so T Josh not everybody hates Josh everyone. I like John that girl tonight. He was literally every time he talks like I don't trust Cara I don't trust her. I think she's up to and then she literally had a conversation where he should not have trusted her. Josh was right the whole night her words were accurate and truthful. She said I'm saying bananas. What's not to trust about that? Yes, he did that. All Josh said was can you I think you should reconsider for the benefit of our team and she goes you don't know what he did to me on Twitter off camera to my boyfriend. It's true and you know, she's look what was the face to the camera then the camera was I think here's my a phase 2. Holy like Okay, we'll meet. This is my back behind the scenes made up thing. All right, I think that Josh is a wild card now. He's in limbo. He says he's playing his own game what that is. I have no idea because he takes the stand about nothing but Josh says, he's his own person. He's playing his own game. He's not he is as Zach said the tug of war between the strongest players with was Polly and bananas were using the I'm sorry weakest willed player. I have to say as they're whipping. As they are numbers they needed the numbers on their side and Pauly also has a relationship with him, but it seemed like Josh was still falling under the sway of bananas. So Cara had to make moves to make him realize maybe bananas isn't a great guy so that when they did take him down he would just go lapping back up to his other person which is Polly. So the idea of this episode don't forget anybody ever. And um she put on some fake tears and made made try to make him feel sorry, right? It just it just anti I say but good game for her but it's because it worked and I agreed but it's true to me with cars. She's always saying how everyone's mean to her and knowing like like there and all this stuff cycle car. That's not going to help. That's all I want to say what I want it. Let's get into we are getting oily of ten minutes. Okay? All right, we gotta get I know my we're going to get this tree all night. Let's get into the The Proving Ground die for me. Me the best thing that banana says right when they get there before he even knows he's going in is man. I feel bad for you guys. That's a small cage and then five seconds later. He has to go down and be in that cage. Yeah, every line. Banana said tonight. He didn't got Karma every goddamn time, you know, but here's the thing and you know, I defend bananas, but tonight I will specially defend him because he shot he shot up this episode though. He kicked it was but in the swimming he did very well. Yeah, he had himself. Wow this episode. He like even when we were in that conversation is like I'm just gonna be quiet. I'm just gonna kind of stay out. And then even in the challenge like he kicked but I mean and I will say this Johnny didn't get beat by Theo Johnny beat Johnny. He lost and was weird. You know, what's weird is he had to like confessional before and he said, you know, I just gotta make sure I get these numbers right because I can mix up my Roman numerals. It's like did you just Jinx yourself or was that filmed after right? I don't know which that's another conspiracy because I love throwing him out there. But like how apropos is that that he said it and then did it if it wasn't for that technicality he would have wanted. Whatever you because I was being all you had to do was go to the other side here right here moratorium on calling people screwing up a technicality though. That's not a technicality. That's you messed up. I just didn't feel right, but technically Laurel everyone's like it's a technicality, but you cheated it's not a technicality. It's not a technicality that you jam something weird. Anyway, and I agree that we are we can't get out but they should have restarted that they should have done. Oh stop they should have restarted. What we challenge is okay, not to know ya Tuk. I'm gonna say this team UK has really gotten like these past two challenges by tricky situation. Yeah, and again clearly had those numbers not been wronged and I get that's part of the game. So I understand. Yes the old one but it's not that he beat Johnny because he was Webhead rap beat him by the actual game itself. Like Johnny mess not made his own mistake and beat himself. So realistically if that did not happen Johnny wouldn't beat the out of one. Yeah. Agree with you, but Johnny did a good job tonight and proved himself a great competitor again, which we can forget that he is again with him using the logic tonight. It's like, oh, I'm good for the team. I'm good for the team. It's like so Scara, you know, but whatever anyway, sorry, but with that he is not good at eliminations. I'm sorry Johnny's good when he's got the numbers and he can ride out. That's why he needs those numbers when you say he's not going to elimination. So I saw CT carrying him off. Yeah Johnny does Do great illumination. So he needs to avoid going out of eliminations right now. He's not that great when he first started out. He wasn't good. Then as he became more of a vet. He became really good when he was like winning all those challenges and now that now that he's not in his prime anymore. He's not but first I want to say on this and then we can is I 100 say what we will this that the other thing Laurel and Johnny decided to boldly. Throw a challenge in their own team space. They brought this on themselves. There's nothing they can say for themselves to defend it. When you go against your own team and then not targets put on you. Sorry seeing we've seen others throw challenges and have no issues the next week. That's my boy Shane without my boy but shame because Shane don't like us Shane. He threw a challenge like that football. Petey Nellie now it will have no Partners game not your whole team. There's another team I just I will say this really quick the one thing because we keep saying Karma and oh they got what they deserved blah blah blah. I don't agree with that because they don't have nothing to hang their heads about because they performed both of them performed really well and in my opinion, he should have won so I mean whatever okay, but like I said last aftershow they were just protecting themselves. So that's what they were doing. They were protecting themselves because if they if they didn't do that, then they still probably would have been going on The Chopping Block the fact that they perform so well is the exact reason that they need to be cut out when they declare war. Are you guys kidding me? If someone that's an amazing of Turbo said I'm going in for you then you and you and you had a chance to get out turbo Laurel and Johnny took a stand and we're like we're against you guys we're against who we think Kyle told us is working with Wes. Which is Polly? Kharak am obviously Paulie and Cara are the leaders of that team. They declared open War and said we are gunning for you when it backfired against Johnny when his puppet didn't win and he was down half his puppet Force. He tried to be logical. I'm a good player. You don't want to do this. Well, guess what? They're not that dumb. I don't understand why it's such bold tricky betrayals own car and Pauly do it. But when Johnny does it, it's cool. It's like trust me. Nothing. I don't think Jonathan. This is cool done smart for your own game. You have to play your own game. And when you declare war on a cup, he admitted that Polly made a boss move to the dead dead. Yeah, and I'm back to saying Johnny brought it on himself. You didn't have to go whoa and push so you like the poly move then? Oh, yeah, but you didn't like when Josh did it right? I'm just gonna throw team challenges he Say yes, he said if we lose and it comes down to it, but they didn't know what I was talking about the calling out of a fellow player I'm saying he didn't Josh didn't need to do that. Josh was another person's puppet. Josh was told by Laura. Okay. Polly was Cars puppet. Not true. And you said that Johnny did put this on himself because he I don't think they were after him when this challenge first started. And so I just feel like he put himself in that situation for the magnifying glass to get put on them. So I do agree with you on that until they threw the challenge. I don't think that team West team Wes was ever considering throwing the challenge of turning against their own team until that was declared by Laurel and Johnny. All right, we're not going to do some gossip to make sure we don't have time. I know you guys are upset about that. I'll save them for another time because they are not right now need to be talked about if we have anyone on the phone producer man, Jonathan. Let us know actually while you Hugh someone up I can do a quick know you tweeted it all for you. Nice win for a little quick news things. Do it Wes wrote on his Twitter and this is just a fun one because I thought it was hilarious. He wrote on September 22nd breaking news after a In a test. It's been confirmed that bears father is Puck. If you remember now, we're getting real puppies at regionals the real world. And if you look up Puck and you look up bear, but you look up Puck when he was Bears eggs. Yeah, that'll or Aunt a simpler answer is all the above. The last season Puck was on didn't he spit on someone's face. I remember my side. Yeah. That was yeah. That was the original General John that how we do and we good or what? Yeah, we've got someone on the line caller was know who you are where you're calling from. Yes, Gabrielle Anna from New Jersey. All right to am what's up? See? Yea, wow, thank you. Yes, I like to say I agree with pan. Like I definitely agree with her everything. She said like Johnny brought everything onto himself and he just got what was coming to him and car and Polly were just reacting to what they did by throwing the challenge. No, I agree with him. Thank you. I'm also from New Jersey. I hope very nice. I don't necessarily disagree with that either though. I'm in bananas. Got it coming to him. Sure. Why not? I mean that's not the entire thing. Right? Right. I just feel like banana should have played a game like CT is playing because right now no one's really paying attention to see T. He could have been that's that truthfully could have been the best route. I mean, but it's not bananas to do that. He's gotta hammer time, you know. Yeah, so it's expected of him, but I do agree to he did bring it on himself, of course. Yeah, well, hey the car was crying like it was like you were saying like car was crying that it was like acting and stuff but then Soviet do it and also like just cry all the time. Yes. Oh, yeah. I thought it was funny when she did it but Josh you cry. Josh and Chris is an emotional player. Yeah, I don't feel like you say two things to Josh and then he'll just get pissed off and just voting walk like how he did West so very very much totally. Alright, thank you so much for calling. We appreciate it. Thank you state of it's awesome. Yeah, thank you Jonathan. We have time for one more maybe or what do you think? Yeah. Okay one quick second. We got someone calling in right now. No boy. Hey caller. Let us know who you are. Where you calling from? Hello, it's Marissa from Bay Area California again. How are y'all doing saying good stuff. Is that is that your hello? Hi hi. Oh my God, this episode hurt my head saying you so bummed that that's like top three are out. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. I it's just too soon like producers conspiracy. Just keep them on for a little bit longer, please like we need them. There was a there was a conspiracy out there that the reason they all left was on purpose because they wanted to get to the MTV Movie Awards and accept the award for like the reality show the challenge. So I thought that was kind of a fun conspiracy help purposely had to get off the show and time to get there to receive to accept the award. That's funny. Yeah, do I believe that? You know, I agree it's funny you say that because I was honestly thinking that as I was watching the end of this episode, I was like wow like Wes Gone Bananas gone long. I'm like wow these Heavy Hitters. The oig's on. Yeah, that's crazy. Like who's going to really carry the show now? I mean you got seats. Who else have we lost? We lost Big T 1 episode anybody? Who else am I it's been 5 episode so we should have lost five. That's we're missing one person. We must have lost we lost that guy on the first night the UK guy who Sam, is it Sam? I'm throwing Sam out. Yeah and a female from USA team and to and to just two people from the UK tumor is there of someone were forgetting the 80s and one big T. Sam you good. You gotta yeah, we gotta get going anything else before we go Marissa. Um, I don't like Josh I don't like my big brother ever. He doesn't ask me of a really like painfully crying fourth grader that you just don't like. Yeah, so he can just be quiet because those pots and pans banging on Big Brother was so annoying. He's doing that now. Now I know his strategy he's doing great. But I hate he's so annoying. He also got it. I thought I feel also did well in the hook challenge tonight didn't show a lot of what he did. He was in the three-minute in the three-minute time as well. So he actually did really well and they didn't show any of it. And so now we're its producers a conspiracy producers wanting to us to think that he's not a good challenge participants. He just showed his time like that quick didn't show one thing he did and just and he had a three-minute school, so I'm big brother. I believe he was pretty good at challenges. That doesn't mean he's not annoying and do aisle. I just don't like him as a person like I would eventually ideas that I want to be friends with everyone else like Josh. Well, that's my idea though is that they want to keep him as the annoying guy not the guy that actually can do change on the show. Maybe on Big Brother showed it. I don't watch Big Brother, so I didn't ever I heard you won. So that's good. Dad. Did he was? Yeah. I know I was so angry he won. I'm really sad before you go. Who are you voting for? Are you rooting for now? Who's your Hoosier woman our guy now left? Jordan and Tori because Paulie and Cara are the worst ever. Oh my gosh. I had a Instagram. It was the words follow watching my together. It's a lawyer can be very obnoxious. All right. Well, thank you so much for have a great night. Thank you so much Marissa. Well guys, what a fantastic way. We we just we just drain through 45 minutes you like that guys. You want to thank you guys so much for joining us here and after busting you for the challenge 34 episode 5 in poly We Trust My name is Daniel in green. You can find me at the Dan lingered. Let's go down a line. Yeah, and I am Benny Adams. You can find me on all social media at Benny Jay Adams ever forgotten. Why am I was so I'm Pamela gross. You can find me across social media at Pamela gross Jill and thank you guys. This was a heated live chat. We love having you here. Thanks for tuning in and we hope to hear from you guys next week as always guys. Guys, thank you so much for hanging out this specially for staying up late with us. You can find me. I'm David Christopher on Instagram or fit TV network. See you guys next week. Thank you. Goodnight. See you guys later. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Views expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect. The views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principally.
On tonights episode Paulie lies. Cara Lies. And Bananas Splits. We talk about the Hooked Challenge and why half the cast can't swim. In the proving grounds Theo goes up against Bananas in an unforgettable match! About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge: It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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They're back for this season as well. Stay tuned. You're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now, let them go let it begin God. I just have to say I do this every opening and I just turned to Dave and I said I hate that I say stay tuned or just be right back in just a sec. It's all good. It's all good because it keeps you anxious to like stay tuned. I'm going to stay tuned for what? All right are excited. That's for what thanks for tuning in. It is the challenge War of the Worlds episode 3 we're talking about tonight. It's called casualties of War. It's just David and I tonight's hanging out with everybody because you know, it's Jenna bussiere and DPR David Christopher how we doing everyone? Hello crickets, you know Pam no, damn we miss you guys shout out. So let's Dive Right into this episode going over everything. We loved this daily challenge the month. Slide elimination Johnny Bananas is gone is West The Mastermind or did West get a few favors in this episode? We'll go over. You know, I think you got a few favors gotta keep favorite. Yeah. Well, we'll talk about it. And then we also got the weird Law and Order tribunal interrogation room that's going on that we gotta talk about whether we like or not. So for overall thoughts night. I want to pose some questions to you bananas or Ashley. Who are you excited to see go home so early this season, Obviously, you know, like I've said before you guys know, I'm a banana fan, you know, I support, you know, the bananas but you know, it was interesting to see what happened between him and Wes I enjoy watching that rivalry, you know, it's kind of fun at the same time. You know, I'm not the biggest fan of Zach. So I was bummed to see, you know, zag win and yeah, so I was bummed to see bananas go home. Okay, so you are more sad that bananas went home first rather than Ashley would have been like that. It's a sad but I was disappointed. I wish that I was more shocked. I wasn't shocked because we watch three hours after the east coast and we knew that this was going to happen. Unfortunately, I actually didn't look on Twitter or social media at all. And then David came in saying so due to see who went home. No, I'm not trying to look at all. Was it CT? It was probably CT and he goes down to now, right? No, I mean I saw it on, you know, Morgan's IG than bananas and they're you know, they're talking about it and you know, it kind of ruined it for me. The same time we you know kind of I think it was kind of obvious. Yeah, and then it grew foreshadowing like is it bananas and his smile was just here like well that says it all I obviously know it's bananas. So that was question. Number one second. I want to ask you who's more annoying this episode gosh Anza or Zach who are Partners last season, but they're still lingering around this season that stuff that is so tough. Because you know, I don't know Amanda personally or exact but on the show, man, they both really just like Good to me sometimes in a Amanda this show was just popping off and it was just like I even told him I was like I could not heal. I was like, I'll throw myself in just to get away. You know, I just I don't know I couldn't handle that. She was just going off in the way. She was just like, you know, just talking to her partner just I couldn't handle that it would be very very difficult to team with her. So I'd say she would probably be right up there. But Zach's like a close second because you would do exactly last season then to not be partners with Amanda. You just throw yourself into the game. Because you just cannot work with her maybe not that extreme, but honestly, I would try to separate myself as much as possible in that house, you know, because she's just like she's Hard to Handle. Yeah, I didn't know Zach could get this emotional. I've seen him make other people so emotional because of the way he's treated them a lot of his past partners his girlfriend other females in the game. So it's really weird to see the tables turn and for him to break down and cry and just be as upset as emotional as he was this episode that was weird to sit. Back and see him in a different light and I can't just forgive very easily because you know that I've had more dislike towards act than I have had likes to but I'm just wondering what's going on and it's just weird to see him like this but in his defense, I did really like the way that he worked with Zahida. I thought that they were a great team and he's actually communicating really well with her taking leads from her and it seems like he's willing to work with her as a partnership and as a union rather than him taking control. Wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on, so you liked it. Giving up his chance to win in throwing the ball to ask you like that are going to talk about more when we get to the daily challenge. I cannot say daily. I think it's all these British and UK Australian accents that we run watching right before I come in here. I'm like no the daily the daily challenge, but I'm going to talk about that more when we get into the mudslide challenge, but just right off the bat kind of overall who was more annoying as F. So, but I have to say Amanda at this point. It's just really hard and annoying to watch what I can't do anything but throw my hands up like what are you doing anymore? What are you actually doing? This is your partner that you're yelling at calling him an idiot calling him stupid saying nobody likes him. It's his first time in the challenge. How do you really know if nobody likes them yet? You're screaming at him. Maybe try working with your partner and see what happens. Yeah. How is that at all logical to think? Hey, if I'd be little and talk down on my partner. This is gonna help our team. You know, like we're how do you even like why would you do that? You know that I think that's going to make you guys just Apart from each other. It's going to make your game horrible than another person's going to hate you on top of that like the house is already not a fan of you. Why are you going to have your partner hate you? Do you know, why are you not working with your partner? Exactly. It's like it's not rocket science. That's your only person in the game. It makes zero sense me and I'm just don't know how she has any friends in this house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, who was she ever I know? She's friends with Ashley and she has a lavender ladies and Sylvia and shame but how does she ever even get to a point of Friendship with them? I don't know how her personality can Mash with anybody else's in the house because you literally It seems like she literally like fights with everybody it does. She's so toxic. So between the two of them, so you dub Zack was more annoying. I would dump Amanda with Zach being a close second. I'm gonna have to go that as well. Yeah, but I mean it was annoying that sack gave up. It seemed like he was just very I have ass with well, I'm not going to win this and you're also so big right he could have did way better and then I mean again to go back to what you're saying. Like, you know, he obviously didn't made it. His head wasn't in the game. But I mean there's there's something going on with him. You know, I mean, I think maybe it's having to do with guilt, you know for everything maybe someone guilty or what he's doing Jan. I don't know and then maybe if he did have something with West to where they prodded that I don't know, but maybe that's some guilt as well. That's how his head is not in the game. How is your head out of the game? Because yes, you made a bonehead mistake. I hope you do feel remorse. I hope you do feel slightly guilty, but your girlfriend is cool as hell and you guys talk for five minutes and you threw a tantrum and she forgave you right was your she looks like she's kept him in the game. Maybe it's maybe it's some kind of guilt that he's feeling maybe there's more to the pumblechook true now. I'm just no I cannot. Say that now I'm being like the girls gossiping. Exactly. Okay. So third question for the overall thoughts this daily challenge was amazing with the mudslide, but I'm sitting there thinking how powerful how strong these other female competitors are the women on the show Who as a guy you would be competing the guys heat watching this are you thinking who do I not want to go against if I have the ball and one person is coming at me trying to rip it from me. Who was that one guy that one competitor that I just don't want to see that. Pit as far as the guys go. Yeah for you guys, you're mad and down CT really come on. I mean that guy is just like literally stiff-armed Jimmy as you saw he just kind of just Powers through, you know, like absolutely I mean the other guys, of course, I mean there there's some fighters in there. It's going to be hard but I think CT overall just a size is Powers strength, you know, no one messes with CT, right but you're right. Nobody did mess with him because he just walked right through ya for a second somebody I forget who it was kind of like did this Little tip toe to CT and then back pain and I was like now I'm not going to touch it today. But with all of the new guys and all of the new Talent you're so great. Those guys are great competitors. I feel like that would be a competitor. Like that would be very challenging. That would be fun. That would be something that like the boys rolling around in the mud, you know, like old game of football. That's what you know, I do like those guys, you know, that that would be something like that where I think CT would be like more of like we're gonna have to really fight this guy because he's just so huge and strong and if he's trying to rip a ball from me, none of them. Yeah, I'm gonna have to like use speed or something, you know. That kind of got dad strength, right? I think the other guys is going to be a little bit least in my opinion. I don't know. I haven't seen in person but more of a better match. Okay, because I thought you you may went Ashley Ashley see I mean, I don't know but there's a couple guys in there that are actually they you know, they look pretty dang intimidating. But you know, I'm going to stick with CT just because I've seen what he can do in the past, you know, so I haven't seen too much from the new guys yet. So one challenge is to hard to say, you know, yeah. All right. Well next topic we're going to get into is the elimination we have to obviously talk about bananas is gone already and our reactions and Wes it did he spearhead this or we're through bones or were a few bones thrown as way but first got to give a shout out to our AfterBuzz TV creators and our other channels. Yes. Alright guys, so, you know move on to our next topic. Hey just want to say thank you for making us the ESPN of TV talk for us to continue to grow we can definitely use your help. If you're on YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe. If you're on iTunes, please give us a 5-star rating. We appreciate it. Leave us some comments. Let us know how you found us but no matter where you are. Leave us a comment obviously, like I said get involved we like talk with you guys hearing from you as well being a part of AfterBuzz TV has meant so much to all of us. You guys helped us grow. This is awesome getting to work with this awesome girl and our team it's always fun. And we truly appreciate you supporting us and doing what we love. Don't forget to tell your friends and keep enjoying our shows so Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts still in that Valentine's Day Bible. Yes. So let's get into the voting then it's a stalemate right away and then teach a kind of calls out cam not sure why she's the one that has to budge and change her decision and I actually really loved and respected that she said do they get to change am I the only one and I was a good for you camp because I wasn't even thinking that the entire time I would get so frazzled to be like, oh, it sounds like I need to change my decision or I'm going in she's like, well, what about everybody else? So Ash falls on the sword and Sides. Well, I'll change for the safety for my partner and I and I'm going to throw a bananas bananas gets thrown in there and he chooses Zach and sahiba, I had mixed feelings on this. What do you think? Well, here's my thing with that whole thing to begin with is is you know again, I agree with you with Cam. I think good call on her part because the way it seemed as like she was the deciding factor which kind of sucked right so, you know kudos to that. Um, but my thing is, you know, if you're calling someone out and you're saying, you know, this is what was wrong with trying to be tough. I mean Stick with your vote, you know don't backpedal now because something might happen, you know, like I say roll with it man up like, you know, if you're going to make a decision to call someone else stick with it don't backpedal. So I didn't like that. I didn't agree with that. I just say hey roll is what you're doing. So well scares say continue saying bananas and then possibly get thrown in. Well, we don't know what it could have been we have no idea what it could van and that's also I'm kind of bummed because I was curious and I wanted to know what was gonna happen, you know. Now get throw it in. Can you guys we're literally still riding this right now like ya know, what should we gotta get another map in here. We gotta switch up this challenge. Yes, I mean on you know, as far as that goes, you know, it's bump because I was curious to see what the consequence would be. But again, like I said, I you know, I I think it's fair who call it, you know bananas, of course, I think he's obviously mad exact and you know, it turned out the way it did. Yeah, I mean Zach borderline cried to you banana. Has are we really going to go that route? It's not that I'm mad that Zach got thrown in. I just think that that's a big team to put into elimination against you. I was I wasn't big on so heated yet. I wasn't sure how she was going to compete. I thought that she was a little bit of a lower level of a competitor, but she definitely can completely prove me wrong this illumination. She did great but I thought that going against Zach may have been a little stupid considering there was other weaker teams around but he really was That loyalty card and I thought that was a little little crazy. You know, I think as we've seen bananas he does tend to like let his emotions get the best of him you I mean, that's just what he does and you know, he obviously viewed Zach as a good friends part of his team and feeling betrayed as you've seen with Tony in the past. I mean he comes at you that's what he's going to do. You can expect it, you know, so I mean really like who else was he going to go after who else was he going to guess and Jenna you could have went Shaylee. Oh, no, that's Leroy's partner. Nevermind God. No, that's that's stepping over the right, but there's too much it meant to much to him. He was obviously pissed that he was in that situation to begin with and he blamed Zach for dinner. Hey, you know, that's why I have mixed feelings because guess I love that. I love like to call out that person that you thought did you wrong and I also just think that that's a great elimination great for TV. Right? But it's also like get out of your feelings all of you all the guys were so caught up in their feelings this episode. It was like very interesting to see them like this. Maybe yeah, maybe you know is the guys time of the month or something? Same house. They all got on the same cycle. So the guy did you throw on the same cycle to I mean was it did seem kind of like an emotional episode for a lot of guys, you know, they're very exactly so like, all right bananas is really going for this but I think if he was really going for that money, he probably could have picked a better team but I love when people are trying to call up big teams. I just don't know if it was the smartest decision for him. Well again, though, but I mean he did call Wes right away and he beat Wes. Yeah, you never know. He just has gone for this season. I mean why not he knows everybody's going for him. Anyway, so might as well just Yes, it's true. I'm for strong people. And also maybe he was taking advantage of the fact that Zach's head is not in the game and Zach obviously seems so mentally disrupted and emotional right now that he didn't think that Zach would be in the right frame of mind. You're right state to be able to execute this properly this challenge the elimination though is that it's a geography lesson and like I'd be screwed in a second. What is it with bananas getting these challenges like this? I mean as you see when you went and Devin with the lightbulb, yeah. Like these things are not in his favor as we've seen, you know lately just it's not good for him. And so immediately I was like, oh man, this is gonna be good for bananas, you know, but you know, it's part though. He's really good at puzzles. He's historically shown that he's got a puzzles and he's been to all of these countries. That's true. But that was so true. Like if anybody knows where these are in the map and shouldn't be bananas because he's been to all these places but it did look like just as much as I'm physically taxing competition as well because the guys were gas going up and down that rock climbing wall. Have you ever been rock climbing? Or even just in like indoor you guys once and I was like twelve super fun, but it's not super fun is just it is very taxing, you know, your forearms shoulders core, but I mean to me the challenging part would have been like trying to put all you know, the pieces in the right place that I would have been like completely the climate of in the easy part. I'd be like, you know, yeah look into the audience or that you know for some help. But yeah so that, you know, it didn't seem that crazy obviously like, you know intensity wise, but it just mentally I thought it was pretty yeah. I liked it. Um, it was interesting that I've sold neck and neck. But again my perception of it was just tainted because I knew the entire time who was gonna end up on top unfortunately, but I know Jen but I do have to say Zahida really did a great job. She proved herself. I again, I know I said this at the top of the show, but I thought the way team Z communicated with each other was so good and exactly what teams need to do in this situation. A lot of people were trying to help Zack so they had that going for them. But so he did a really Good job of being able to direct Zack where to put which countries agreed. Yeah, they did work very well. Especially, you know the pressure that Zach was filling and you know, depending on the game and I think yeah, they were a great team, you know, they it was a fair challenge. So I mean, yeah, exact one and bananas. Unfortunately you went home again again at what is going on weird. It's weird. Not going to be around but there's part of me. That's almost like that's fine for this season for some weird. I mean, I was loving the Vintage Wes and Zach meteor less than bananas rivalry. I was loving that because bananas loves to say that Wes isn't shit and that West doesn't know what he's doing and he's not a mastermind and he's never in the position of power. But West has always been good at this game. Also, they he just loves to like undermined him just for the Rivalry Wes is very good at this game. I will say that he's super calculated. I mean he seems to pull things out of nowhere and just like man this guy did it again, you know, and I enjoy seeing I rather it was fun. That's why I wish it could have went a little longer. You know, I wanted to see him but has a little more but yeah West is super good and again, you know, I'm team West as well. I like them both. So, you know, it's a bummer that Johnny went home. But again, I you know, we still got Wes and I'm curious to see what happens with a CT. You know, I wonder now Wes is really going to take control of this game because it was kudos to Wes by teaming up with Hunter and they played great together in the daily when they were together. And Hunter passw the ball, but same thing happened in the first heat with Zach passing west of all accidentally, which I truly believe it was an accident. I think Zach got lazy. He threw the ball didn't feel like fighting because he's not in this mental state whatever it is that he's attributing it to and I think that West got lucky was standing at the finish line and caught it. So for that reason, I think that he was kind of literally thrown a bone thrown a ball through this he was able to get bananas in elimination. If you didn't get that pass from Wes, this was an entirely different game of this point and bananas probably didn't go home tonight. Night, that's a very good point Jen. I mean that's that's crazy to think like if that ball is never thrown and Western just happened to be there. I mean who knows how this could have turned out so, you know, I will give Zach the benefit of the doubt being in that moment intense your full mud. You know, you just throw the ball the ball right? So I'll give you I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and I won't say it was plotted or anything. It's just that's a crazy coincidence though. The West happened to be there, you know, and he just Chuck's it ball your intense. You're full of mud like it. What is your just like in the mud you're grinding you're trying to hold on you're trying to win a you know, do this guy's on top of you. Like you're setting us up for a visual porno right? Now. You really every word you're saying you're not again. Where is your sliding around a mud grinding all of these guys on top of each other grinding you I am like you're really don't know what kind of porn you're watching. But yeah, what record scratch called out, right? So let's get into this Deli. Delhi challenge, I'm not going to try to fix it anymore. Y'all whatever comes out of my mouth and I try to say the fleur-de-lis turns out the daily challenge. The deli is the Jersey. That's what it is the day men slide around a mud. This was a good challenge. I loved this front to back. I love them running through the maze looking for the balls the balls were we'll hit into like they did a pretty good job. I thought the the maze might be a weaker part of the challenge and not be that exciting to watch but they did a really good job trying to hide the balls and a lot of times people were Just like walking around with their fingers and their ass is not knowing what to do top to bottom love the mud pit and it just got more and more intense as it went on. Yeah, you know, I agree. I was thinking the same thing at the beginning I was like running through a maze to get but I was like what like and then the girls just got to run across the line, you know, at first I was like I didn't really get it and then when I saw, you know in the mud pit, I forget who exactly maybe it was kamyp the did it first when she went after and snatch the balls at wait, whoa, like when they went after Morgan and I was like, oh, okay. Now this makes sense this Is fun now I get it and then it just got intense from there. Right? Like people didn't know it almost felt like they didn't know what was allowed yet. Yeah. Nobody was touching nany and Jenna the first heat they just ran right to the Finish Line. I thought that was interesting and then as soon as Morgan gets the ball, it's like swarm attack five chicks honor that actor. That was crazy. I mean, how do you feel about that? Gen II mean obviously she's got a Target on her back as a Johnny but I almost feel like man. She gets hate it on a lot just in general. Hmm. Yeah. I don't know what it was with Morgan that all the girls jumped, right? Our during the challenge but it probably does come back to Johnny. It's probably comes back to Johnny and maybe her being fresh blood and being a rookie, but maybe I really don't know. I don't know why nobody was touching Jenna not here on the when they ran by and just decided to all hop on Morgan. That was crazy. That was crazy. I want to say though. This challenge was badass and watching it as a woman. I was so inspired by just the female strength, like watching this it made me feel motivated inspired to just like work out. Get strong because I'm going to the gym. No, well, yeah, honestly, that's what the challenge did today and I wonder if it I'm sure a lot of guys feel like that too because it was just such a true competition like it felt like this is raw. This is people wrestling. This is people using their brute strength and it was just inspired like d and ninja seeing all these strong badass Kick-Ass women. It's like this is what I want to be able to do and look like rather than like the whole skinny thing and you know, just be thin and right. It's just it's amazing. And to see them use it not only being strong but using that strength and it was honestly really inspiring really Kick-Ass to see well that's what I was saying with the whole, you know, when it's intense and you're in the mud and get these guys any like that's the same thing with the women, you know, that's it was a gritty raw challenge, you know Brown back to old-school just playing some football in the mud going for having fun. But I mean that was aggressive and the girls the girls killed it man. They were going hard the girls killed it until they didn't meaning some girl's murder this met this challenge their own and then some girls just never had a chance. Right shaylene. That was I mean if she was as little as she was on TV for was as hard and as ugly as it was to watch how do you think performed the best as at the female? Mmm-hmm? Probably I could imagine Angels or D. Probably I would think ninja and a pop into my mind just and and cam cams. Awesome. I love that. She was she had a bunch of girls on her back and she was thinking I could do this all day like just that not only physical but mental. That she possessed during that I loved but I think ninja and D. They were girls who had to then go steal a ball from somebody that's and executed it perfectly and with he's like, yeah, like I don't know if they had that like mental touch over the other girls they were in their heads, but it really wasn't even really a fantastic rest. They just were able to manhandle that ya know I have to agree with you for sure. Obviously, we expect that from cam. She's a beast and you know, yeah, that was that was I also was just so happy that entire time that Jenna I mean she did end up winning or getting into the tribunal but her and Gus, I was telling them I tell you in the beginning that I thought that they were going to be a black sheep team and I thought that they perform so well Gus was getting the balls right the maze first every time in Jenna was just sprinting her lull self to the end line and I was happy that she was finally being able to progress in some in the challenge because the last few seasons have not done well for her Nadia's back spicy Nani is so back and I love her fight for her being a little girl with kind of a smaller frame like He really has so much fight and so much like heat and spice in her and I loved watching her perform tonight to I'm curious. I want to I want to know Jen what would your strategy be? Like if you're if you're in there and I mean would you you know because you're talking about a little bit while watching but you're thinking about it. Was it would you would you prefer to maybe just kind of wait in the pit and just steal the ball as someone's coming. Are you going to try and help my partner brings the ball out? Right? But I mean as you see some of them obviously can get to ball. So at that point are you just like mentally just trying to focus on someone coming in are you like wait I have To attack I can't wait. I don't like being back on my heels. I don't feel I wouldn't like somebody coming towards me. I feel like I have to go and attack that and jump on it as quickly as I can to kind of have the physical Edge over like I want to be the aggressor. I want to be getting in there instead of being back on my heels and trying to like right play defense and just protect somebody from the right. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. How about, you know the same I mean obviously like being amazing the painter you just totally different mindset, but I mean, yeah, you just You know, I've done something similar and that's that you got to just go for it full force. But again as you see you're basically playing football the guys are going to come after you. So you're just going to have to go expect to just hit and be raw and pull through hopefully yeah anything else that struck you your biggest takeaways from The Challenge the dahle? No, I mean I think you know, I think it was just overall. It was just it was finally like just a raw greedy fun challenge to watch like it same thing with me Jen. I got like pumped up watch it till I was excited. I was like, yeah like you just looked fun. You know what? A really fun just rolling around the mud and you know you love this is where is your mind? I did. It's too easy. I think Hunter and West did great together their Alliance and this is what working in an alliance should be like, it's no secret and I love that everybody knows now their cards on the table and this kind of reminds me of seasons in the past like way past where teams would work with each other during the daily challenges and it would be obvious and everybody knows where Alliance instead of just kind of like these secret behind closed door line says where people are two-timing people and you're not really sure where there are Legions really lies Hunter didn't need to win pass the ball to Wes solidified also one of hunters number one enemy is going home. And if they continue to work like that the entire time it's going to be them till the end. So I thought that was perfectly executed game plan and Alliance and again to Zach. I don't really know where he went wrong this challenge because I think the beginning I felt like he was a linebacker like his size. He was looking credible even wrote down like wow Zack is Really playing well, and then all of a sudden just gave up pass the ball off and I'm like, he just loves handing opportunities out like last year. He sacrificed himself for bananas and Tony and sent him himself home. He just loves giving up freebies on this show and it just like I don't know he could be so good. It's just, you know, it comes on. I think a question of heart. And again, like I said, I don't know him personally, but from what we've been staying on the show. Yeah, you know it just it seems like he just you know, it's a lack of hard what we saw today was a like are you just kind of But he threw the ball, you know enough is it desperation or if it was Wes, you know, but you know it just yeah, he could have you think he could have performed a lot better given his size and strength and he didn't I just left today's challenge thinking there so many good teams right there guys. Don't know how this is gonna go really nodding in Turbo are good Jenna and Gus performed. Well, Paulie Annette Polly and I keep confusing Polly and Natalie because he was partners with Natalie McGrady last season, but his partner is Natalie even though it's ninja so Paulie and ninja very good what's actually going to be incredible like it's just so hard to see who's going to be the best team so many are so good and we're just getting started. Meanwhile speak bringing up Natalie poor girl hasn't been on an episode. Yeah her and JP are just like the only time they get any screen time is when they're a little like initial tags are hanging above their heads when they're doing the challenges. They're a nothing. Yeah. Well, they're just not that exciting. But Natalie's good. She's an athlete and I want to see more of what JP brings athletically but yeah, I guess there's too many people in the house right now where you can't everybody can have the camera time and storyline right now, right just got to step it up, you know as you see the ones who perform those get the most camera time. So, you know, so moving on to the tribunal. I have a few things on what happened at the tribunal interrogation, but we never got to talk about it last week because Morgan was here. What are you just hear your Thoughts on this little this Shack we got going on here. You know, I don't know how I feel about this yet. I really don't it's like it's kind of awkward in this like dark room and they're like up high on these pedestals, you know, and it's just like I don't know how I feel about that. It's just kind of awkward. You know, it's weird. It's really weird creepy. Yeah. It's kind of weird. You mentioned reference like Law & Order. It's like yeah, I kind of I mean I did like was you know, he said you gave me the power, you know, basically to be the judge that the jury executioner, you know, that's like I agree. It's kind of funny, but I don't know how I don't know if I like this yet. I really don't I think I like it just because it's new and it's there. It's weird. It's definitely weird. It feels big brother-ish. It feels Survivor ish, but I'm not mad at it just yet. Yeah, it's I mean, it's one thing for sure is it's weird. That's how I feel. It's a weird. I don't know if I like it yet or not, but it's weird. Yeah, if and it feels a little produced like it feels a little like awkward in there, but it's an eye, it's not I believe everything. They're saying is true. I don't think that they're being fed lines or anything. But just the atmosphere of it just feels a little like gimmicky I guess but it's something new and I like it. It's cool. And it's also nice just to see some people have to squirm and plead their case. Have you been getting like as we're saying like, you know, I can't was was asking was it Josh Amanda. Are you ready - yeah, you know basically asked him like our oh, you know, is there going to be any kind of issues with this after this for me? Basically, it's like who would really the right mind is going to even just in that situation going to be honest, you know, I mean, it's like I mean, but it's like, okay. Are you gonna tell someone? Yeah after this I'm definitely coming after you, you know, like you're not going to tell him that like right course not no, we're cool. You know, that's one of the points of the tribunal I want. Bring up to so I'm glad you did. I thought it was weird for can't even ask that question because I think if Cam was in that position, yes, she would have bad blood and I think she would say. Yeah. Well if I get thrown in because of your burn vote quote unquote and we all know what happens with burn votes, it can send somebody home. So if I do go into elimination, yes, I'm gonna have bad blood for you because you were the one that said my name and I think cam would feel that way if she was in the position. So I thought that that question was just like irrelevant. I agree. Yeah, it almost seems like mostly they're going to they're not going to be happy if they get Ronan you said their name? Right just like no dude were totally climb. Yeah, man. Thanks for throwing me in. You know, like of course. I thought the Paulie Kyle situation was a little awkward. That was fun. Probably looked a little like Ruffles. Yeah, you know, he loves to talk if especially to Kyle and they were almost going to fight each other last year, but Polly looked a little weird when he brought the situation up to Kyle like he almost don't hesitate. He didn't want to say well you're going to go after my girlfriend again, like it kind of felt not as strong. Usually as Paul usually comes off. So I kind of felt the same with both of them to be honest and I felt Kyle also was kind of film that same Vibe, you know, it was almost like oh trying to talk about like, you know, if you're going to come after us like come after me, you know yourself and you don't have someone else do the dirty work and all but I feel like he's just trying to talk his way out, you know, and again totally if you let him a little bit so that that I think both of them is just a little awkward, you know, I thought that was the perfect thing you could say to Paulie because Paulie loves nothing more than going against somebody one-on-one head-to-head be the better guy on paper and in real life. I'm like wow Kyle. Yes, you definitely know how to talk your in circles in this game. So a lot of people but for Polly like you hit the nail on the head, it's Pride. He's very prideful. So prideful. That's all Polly wants to hear is like, oh, you're right. I should take you out one on one, but it's not a point of just thinking Polly just say you don't like him you and Kyle obviously hate each other. I don't think it's a car Maria thing anymore. I know you don't think that car is going to get back. With Kyle. Yeah, it's very obvious. She's in love with you and pointing every crevice and corner of the home that she wants to do you in so I I don't know if Polly really is insecure about it or if that was just an excuse but I thought like it's more than fine to just say I don't like you you don't have to make it about Cara. I think it's probably a mixture of all of it though because obviously Cara and Kyle have bad blood. So I mean if you're dating someone and you know, obviously he has bad blood with a girl that he previously was with I mean, that's what you're going to be weird for you. You right. You're naturally going to kind of just feel awkward with that situation. Yeah, I thought he was saying that he just didn't want Kyle make any moves on Cara. That's what I wanted out of the house. I was like, you don't need to say that just say you don't like him right by this. I mean, I think it's just all of it is just an it. Just you know, it adds to that dislike for each other. Yeah. Another thing I was thinking about this tribunal is banana saying Wes really buddy. Think about what you're doing buddy. It's too early too early for what West hates. You you a you hate Wes if you are. Listen, I'm sure you throw Wesson to why is it too early? You know, I just I again I like how bananas are just didn't be as it was just called him out. He's like, you know, is this like actual grouping or is this just your thing? So I'd like actually how bananas handled it because he's like, you know cut the crap. Alright, this is between me and you this is what's going on. So let's just like lay it on the table, you know, so I like that, you know, I thought that good, you know, like let's not beat around the bush. So yeah, I like how he handled it and obviously, you know, he got thrown in and he knew it was going in and least he was You know aware of it straightforward. So I like that. Okay. Yeah, I just it's no surprise. We all know that this entire game it was going to be those do going for each other. So why not just do it now and Wes is putting all the alliances in his back pocket. Anyway. Yeah Wes is a mastermind that guy like he's he's definitely a tough player dude, and like if you're on his bad side, you better be very cautious in your boobs because he's slick. Yeah. I'm excited to see how this season is going to go with all these tribunals. And with all these stalemates that's happening in the elimination like teams are going to have to start working together a lot more in the tribunal's everybody. Every partnership seems to be out for themselves right now. Yeah, and I mean Cam and Ashley didn't really have a choice. That's why they did the burner on Amanda and Josh but it's if certain friends and alliances getting that tribunal things can definitely get a little wild. I think eventually it's going to come down to that, you know, and they're going to start realizing that especially the newbies it'll get there eventually, you know, it's inevitable. It's the challenge. JH. Yeah, let's do a little segments. We talked about a lot this episode but favorite comic relief moment. Man me on the spot. I gotta like think I literally just pulled this segment Adam in you go first. Let me think I'm going to say boy time group therapy session at the boys club in the Boys Room. It felt like summer camp when it's like Leroy Wes bananas Zack and they're all basically just talking about their emotions. They're all in their feelings all in this circle and I just thought it was crazy that Wes had to stand up and basically defend Zach two bananas who Wes is trying to take bananas out of the game. But then Wes has to defend the actions of somebody else in the game to say that they weren't against who he's trying to take out and like this is just ridiculous. Why does West have to make excuses for anybody and why are all these guys sitting around basically crying like hashing out there feeling great. I don't know it was funny. Well, I guess the piggyback off of you then Jen that does make a good point. I think. You know Zack look very much like a little boy like with his head down. Yeah, most of the episode, you know what I mean? It was so that to me is kind of funny because you do remind me of like a little kid who did something wrong and he felt bad, you know, so that's kind of funny because you get again you got these grown man and yeah, they are kind of hash out their feelings and you know, like, oh he didn't do this and he's no he's not a bad guy and say yeah, so I agree that's kind of funny. Yeah. Also shout-out another good one is Cam calm down mom without Maddie and Kyle because all Funny though. She always he always let her live her best wife in The Meta comes over now. I have ketchup in my mouth because I just made out with Kyle and then the STD comment to I mean, honestly Kyle kind of been, you know, he's moving through these challenges. What kind of mood you think it is to make moves on your new partner. I think that's my opinion. Especially this early is stupid, right because something goes wrong or you know, these feelings starter just gets weird. You lose your focus. Your intent should be obviously be there to win to obviously do the best you can for not only yourself but your partner and get this get this money, you know, so it could work in their favor. It could make them better together could make them care about each other more have better communication everything's out on the table, but just knowing Kyle and knowing his track record and he seems to kind of hit it and quit it hop around between girls in the house that could be very detrimental to their relationship if he keeps up that kind of Playboy. Yeah. I mean, I'm no I'm all for Get close to the partner know them. I mean even if you want to flirt whatever have fun cool, but I mean as far as going all board full in like that's a dangerous ground at least this early on in the game. Yeah. Keep your focus so predictions. And The Relic so he the teaser for next week and it does seem like Kyle and Polly really can't help but get in fights with each other. But all I see is a Kyle with pigtails go ahead. But why are headbutts becoming the new staple fight of the challenge? We saw Sylvia do it to Marine last year and now All car or Kyle's taking it over with pigtails and all what do you think are you can if you're going to take a man seriously coming at you. It's because wearing themed outfits, so I guess there's some kind of theme going on. Yeah, probably, you know, I don't know. I mean I enjoy it. I love watching the rivalries. It's fun. Obviously keeps a challenging start. Yeah, I know. So what are your predictions for next episode as far as who's going home or anything? They thinks going to happen. We see that there's a double elimination. We see there's a themed t a fight no idea. Seriously. I don't know there's like so many things that just get thrown at you. So I don't know like I mean the double elimination already is like, okay, like what the hell are we doing? You know, so I don't know man. I think a team in the tribunal is not gonna be able to make a decision. There's going to be a stalemate and one of them are going to have to go in and then forcing a double elimination really possibly that's interested unless they want to purge because maybe there's too many people. What you do see TJ say there's too many teams. So this is a double elimination. Yeah, that's interesting. Okay. All right, I can ride with that. Okay, obviously, I'm like, I don't even know you keep it going and keep going for your going to think if there's now the bananas is out if there was another head honcho another big targets to get out of the game. Who do you think most people are going to be trying to get out of the house? I mean, obviously it's going to be a Wes is the big guy. You know, I like to see T kind of just rides back. Yeah, he's so I think he's in a cool spot, but I think obviously would be it's going to be like a Kyle poly or Wes one of those guys. Yeah, it's really hard because I think a lot of the guys are scary. I don't know if anybody's going to touch Paulie and ninja yet because ninja is obviously a force don't know what girls gonna be able to take her out don't know if people are going to touch Ashley and cam yet. I think I'll especially because car is like, you know, basically he wasn't loyal to Zack when they're competing since she's like, oh I'm going to tell him so I think you know and he's already got kind of a bit of a Target on his back. So I think I think Kyle might be one they could own that is a good one. Actually now, they say caracara and Theo might be a good one. She's because there's so many car is badass but there's so many good pairs in this season that it's yeah. It is. It's really almost isn't even probably top five and teams. You know. Whoo. Whoo. Whoo, that's a bold statement. I wonder if people are gonna go Josh and Amanda just because they want to get the toxicity. I would just Amanda say right, you know, sorry Josh, but you know, like I think unfortunate for him. I think that just you know by default, you know, it's gonna happen. Well guys, this is the time of the show where I tell you to tell us what you think and make sure you comment who you think is going to be the partnership. That's the hardest to compete against for the rest of the episode or the rest of the season. If you think that there's a certain team that the other teams are going to try to get out of the house quickest and what do you think? Going to happen with those double elimination, but the next time this has been our recap for episode three casualties of War. My name is Jenna bussiere. Thank you everybody so much for tuning in. I'm on Twitter and Jenna underscored bussiere. Shout out Pam and Dan we missed you tonight, but DPR was with me as well. We hung in there Jim. We got as always David Christopher find me on Instagram David poker Christopher Twitter DPR Christopher until next time guys. Thanks for hanging out with us. Good night. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz see you later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or donors our principal. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz see you later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or donors our principal.
Join us to discuss Season 33 Episode 3 "Casualties Of War" About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge:  It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Rule number one stay consistent where you want to be is always in control never wishing always trading and always first and foremost protecting your ass. This really goes to show how Paul Tudor Jones but a heavy importance on risk management and being able to trade for another day. Don't be the typical retail Trader and set yourself those unrealistic expectations, which will then lead to over leveraging in the market then this will end up in blown accounts.Rule number two invest this is not a get rich quick scheme. If everyone spent 90% of their time on that not 90% of the time when pie-in-the-sky ideas and how much money they're going to make then they will be incredibly successful investors the typical retail Trader. What are they sold their normally sold a dream of quitting their job and trading full time from anywhere in reality. It's not the get-rich-quick scheme you're looking for.Paul Tudor Jones specifically says if 90% of people spent more time and actually investing and trading rather than how much money they think they could make then the be on their way to be a great investor. Simply put stop dreaming and start doing rule number three. No your maximum risk. The most important rule is to play a great defense not a great offense every day. I assume every position I have is wrong. I know am I stopped risk points are going to be I do that so I can Define my maximum drawdown. Now. This is an incredibly important to pick up as a typical retail Trader. Everyone has different pain thresholds and risk appetites, but what you always want to be doing is protecting your Capital this means making sure you're setting stop losses at points where the trade idea is no longer valid and planning out the maximum risk. You can put on a single position rule number. For if in doubt get out, if you have a losing position that is making you feel uncomfortable The Simple Solution is to get out because you can always get back in many Traders out. There are always Wishing on prices to reach their take profits. Even when the price starts moving towards your stop Paul Tudor Jones specifically mentions, if it's making you feel uncomfortable and get out a nice tip you could do to soften losses is through to reduce your mission sighs partially as it moves to your stop-loss this way you reduce the overall loss, but you can still stay in the trade additionally following a systematic approach will heavily reduce the emotions in your trading rule number five. Do your homework and know your Edge it is not that we have an unfair knowledge Vantage. It's just that we did our homework people just don't want to believe that anyone can break away from the crowd and Rise Above mediocrity. Do you know if your approach actually has an edge to tackle this issue make sure to historically test your strategy and any methods to see if it worked in the past the more data the better different market conditions can heavily affect how well your strategy can perform. Rule number six trade turning points for the best risk to reward. Everyone says you get killed trying to pick tops and bottoms. Well, I've been missing the meat in the middle, but I've made a lot of money at the tops and bottoms many hedge fund managers actually trade turning points rather than Trend trading which follows the crowd but how do you know when a turning point will turn the simple answer is that most Traders at all the lie that technical analysis alone can help you forecast turning points in reality? See, that's not how the market Works to really increase your odds of turning points. You need to incorporate fundamentals technicals and an overall picture of the market to see if it's truly oversold or overbought rule number seven trade High volatility and breakouts when you get a range expansion, the market is sending you a very loud clear signal that the market is getting ready to move in the direction of that expansion. Most Traders out there only stick to the major currency pairs also known as the most liquid pairs. What does this mean? It means they're also the least volatile currencies. So they don't move as much as others Paul Tudor Jones specifically mentions to trade High volatility to work out the volatility. You can use methods such as the ATR and work out a tradable set of currency pairs based on volatility. Rule number eight always be humble. Don't be a hero don't have an ego and always question yourself and your ability don't ever feel that you are very good the second you do you are dead staying humble and knowing the market gives you opportunities and not the other way around is key to waiting for higher odds trades. If you start to think you're a market wizard in can predict every move you're going to end up over trading overconfident and over. Mystic all leading to a loss in capital and confidence in the end rule number nine always be alert to what can go wrong. I know that to be successful. I have to be frightened. My biggest hits have always come after I've had a great period and I started to think that I knew something in the end winning streets feel great, but they're the worst mental state to be in euphoric trading can get you killed Paul Tudor Jones mentions the key to keeping a healthy. Mindset is to always be alert. I never think trades going to work as his worst losses have come straight after the winning phases rule. Number ten always adapt markets are always changing you adapt evolve compete or die strategies will always have their ups and downs, but the key to Siz consistent growth in the markets is to always adapt your strategy. The market conditions are always changing. So knowing when your strategy be As well and when it doesn't is important to understand that's it for our video on top 10 trading Rules by Paul Tudor Jones. Hopefully you found it useful and maybe you can apply some of these roles to your trading if you actually interested in learning how to trade and how to trade the Forex Market specifically you can actually sign up to our Academy. The link will be in the bio will teach you how to generate fundamental trade ideas how to apply technicals and reports to time those ideas and how to to avoid create a trading plan that works for you. Thanks for watching the video. Do you make sure to subscribe and follow us on Instagram?
This video discusses the trading rules professional trader Paul Tudor Jones goes by. Trading Rules are a key part of your overall trading strategy and how to trade successfully.
Hello and welcome to the pantry party. This is episode number ten, which is exciting and we're double digits. We are talking to a dear friend of our Simone ably. My name is Eliza and this is brand. We're your hosts. Yeah, so see me is one of my favorite people who I went to Union on my favorite people in January General. We she was like with us. Well me the whole way throughMy bachelor of nutrition and dietetics and we did a lot of placement work together actually think we're on placement together in third year, but we definitely do our whole public health placement which then led to a research project. So we've been working together for a long yours. Fun fact, I did my first group assignment in first semester for him and two others. Yeah. She's a she. He's a good'n he seems got a really interesting career in dietetics because we don't actually talk about this but she like topped our year like she was like the smartest most accomplished very intelligent egg. Yeah, so she did very very well in dietetics did really well in all of her clinical placements and then left uni. I did a little bit of work but overseas for a few weeks and then came back and started a job in insurance, which I'm sure to many a dietitian would be seen as a bit of a step sideways and not a typical career path. But as you'll soon find out in this conversation Sim is loving it and she's really well suited to this position. She also talks us through how she got there what she actually does and how it kind of utilizes the skills that she's learned throughout the course, so Is really good chat because it does give a really really different perspective like a lot of us in dietetics and kind of like you either do clinical or you to Public Health or your community or food industry. But this is like completely left field completely different realm but she's still having a really cool impact on people's health and on their recovery more than anything. Yeah, and I think the the one thing that jumps out to me is how seem talks about how she wants to manage the perception that He's not being a dietitian. I think deep down that something that we're all struggling with a little bit. Is that kind of fear that if we don't get a role that he's and a typical dietetics role, then we're not being a dietitian and we're not using our degree and we're not making the heck step worth it, but I think we have a really good discussion around that and how Sometimes you just need to stand up for yourself and be like Mom know I'm technically not, you know a typical digestion, but I'm using so many skills that were in my dietetic degree. So I'm not discrediting my profession or discrediting my degree in any way. It's a very tough conversation to be had and I think there's a lot of people that can make comments like that which is very disheartening to new grads, especially because you feel like you've let yourself down and I think Sim highlights that Just because you're all doesn't have dietitian. It doesn't mean you're not being a dietitian and I think that's a very very very very important to tell me grads because that's something you can really hold you back. If you think about it too much. Yeah, we also did mention in this conversation. I called that simmer it for the nutrition press which is actually don't think that she's nutrition presses the blob of the sorry that post is still up. I have will they're not they're not creating new content and night but yeah will link this post, but she talks about why we need to regulate the term. The nutritionist as if anyone who wants to do a bit of advocacy around that and feels they need to be better educated around speaking about that kind of thing check that out or if you're someone who's not a nutritionist or dietitian go and have a read just so that you know yourself. She's a very good writer seeing and we do talk a little bit about how she'd like to do a bit more. But yeah, she's busy. Yes, she is and as always we'll leave her contact details down below. So I think she's said she's Very happy to be message didn't give advice and she gives very good advice. Yeah can confirm so yes. Well, obviously leave that all that down below and links to any content that we talked about. Yeah, so we'll jump straight on into the conversation. This is our pantry party with Simone ugly. and I went to UNI with Liza and bran I currently work as a claims consultant at an insurance company in the city, which is Isn't really what I thought I would do but I'm really enjoying it now and I loved my course at Uni but as we'll probably talk about after there's a few things that probably were didn't really prepare me for what I'm doing at the moment. But yeah, I really enjoy nutrition writing. I've done a bit of that in the past and now I'm working more in a corporate setting which is really Good because I'm using my degree in a different way to probably the norm. Yes, and that's one of the things that we wanted to talk to you about because you're probably one of the only people that we know who is doing more corporate nutrition, and it wasn't really presented as an option for us. I'm graduating. So I think they'll be really interesting to hear a bit more about that. But before we do with all of our guests would like to do a quick get to know you fast five questions, which I totally haven't briefed you on and I probably can't remember but we really should be able to Win It. So we'll jump in with that question. Number one is what are your top? Five Pantry Staples? Okay top five or three three top the Staples. I'd probably say like rice / noodles as one of my staple carbs. Yeah, definitely. Oh good. I really thought about this so Carbs including income so I would have to probably separate them out because I do love cars. I sorry if you have more the rice noodle kind of carbs, but then also bread. I love bread. I always have great and then my third one is probably just veggies as well. Yeah carbs and veggies are probably the things that I try and base most of my meals around. Yes, that's probably it any particular veggies at the moment mushrooms. I've been so sick. Yeah, I've been mushrooming with my auntie here and there it's so cute. Yeah, so I mean I picked the mushrooms with my auntie's knowledge hoping they're okay and they have green. Yeah, but yeah mushrooms definitely definitely nice very nice-nice little mushroom. Pastas itch. Oh, yeah is heaps around around the view any Chomp. Mmm. Oh, yeah. Okay the second question. What is your favorite dish to bring to a party like a dinner? This is probably not so much like a dinner dish but like the cob loaf of bread and fill it with cheese like different cheeses and then you bake it with you can do like Ring onions bacon pretty much anything that's kind of savory. And then you just kind of like bake it and toast it a bit and then use the bread to dip into the cob loaf full of cheese is delicious. Yes. Yeah, but it seems coming to all of my babies were leading on from that question number three is what's your favorite party that you've attended or that you've like hosted? Oh my favorite party when I was a lot younger. So I was maybe 14 or something. I did this high tea party, which was amazing because the food was incredible and it was quite like intimate and we all got to dress up and I've always remembered that is like something I want to do again in the future and I guess the thing there's probably food as well. Okay made the party. Yeah. What is your favorite self care strategy at the moment mindfulness meditation probably so I've always kind of been into mindfulness and yoga especially when I was doing vce, but I guess with The Busy World that we live in it gets hard to have time for yourself. So the last two or three months I've been trying to do mindfulness every morning and I also go to the This meditation class once a fortnight. So that's kind of something for me. Yeah, do you find that you're able to do it when like on a busy train or do you have to like Setzer time aside for it? I'm trying to do it on the train it's hard, but that's when I have the most time to do especially in the morning because I'm traveling quite a fair distance to work and I'm getting better at it. But that's what I usually do. During the week when I'm going to work maybe at the end of the day. I'll do it for five minutes or something that I don't really have time before work like at home. Yeah, so it'll be the train. Yeah nice and last question is what are you currently in to? Oh, um, sorry, I guess again like it's hard because I'm working so much to like get into stuff, but I'm probably the same thing into the mindfulness at the moment. Like that's probably the thing. I'm trying to get into more. I've kind of fallen out of my routine of the gym and exercise a little bit, but I think that's just a bit of like an ebb and flow like that. We'll come back again. Yeah, I'm enjoying kind of just giving myself time to to relax in the morning. And in the evening that's good reading any books or listening to any podcasts or TV anything like that that your entertainment books. I've been reading a couple of books about the Holocaust which has been an eye opener and I've enjoyed that in terms of TV shows. I've been watching Wentworth, which I don't know if you have heard about it yet. It's on foxtel. It's really really good. I've been watching it since season one and it's season 8 now, I think for seven or something and otherwise that's that's probably the main things. I don't have a lot of time for TV, but you get home really late in the evening. Yeah, depends how early I get to work at like the earliest I'll get home as I 6:00 6:30, and I leave home at 6:15. It's a 12-hour day. On that night. Could you tell us a little bit about what you currently do for work and how you got there? So I work as a claims consultant. I in the final year of uni an email came through that said there's a competition going for it was a collaboration with Monash mlc and DeLuca. So mlc is a life insurance company. Uluka is like a life. If insurance board like that that kind of regulates insurance and holds conferences and I entered it because you could win two and a half thousand dollars. So and to be honest and you yeah, that's why I entered it. I mean I also thought oh, this is a good opportunity, but I think like most uni students money is a pretty good incentive. So I got chosen as a finalist for this competition. So what it involved Is he had to answer a question that was eight questions and I got given the question should highly fit individuals be charged at a lower premium rate for their insurance. So in other words, if you're really fit should you get an advantage and have to pay less for your insurance cover and I had to answer the question in front of maybe like 60 senior members of this insurance company as well as some on ash. Staff and a few other people. So it was it was pretty scary to be honest looking back and sorry just to kind of I remember at the time like you were so conflicted about what the right answer was as well. And I think like that would have been a really valuable learning experience of the way that you shaped your perspective of our industry and insurance and everything as well. Yeah. So in the end yeah with how I went in that question I kind of didn't really know how to answer it because firstly I didn't really understand what insurance was I was just winging it and I tried to you know do research I asked my dad and whatnot, but I didn't really take much of a stance on either side because there's just so many variables and you know, when you're presenting to Lee senior staff who worked in the insurance industry for like 30 plus years and I've just a student who doesn't even know what insurance is it was it was hard, but I really I guess I didn't actually win but it was an experience in that I made a lot of like networks and I got to know a lot of people in that industry so that that competition ended been uni ended and then yeah, I guess that really leads me to the world of the unknown of finding a job, you know. So I can tell you a bit about my journey to finding work and where I am now, so I finished uni after pretty much at the time of that competition actually and I was it was actually quite a hard time of my life to be honest because not only was four years just gone and now you had to find a full-time job, which everyone tells you is hard and it is hard. I'd broken up with my boyfriend of three years. So I was a a little bit lost I guess and I just had all these expectations that I would have a job within like a month or two. So by the new year, so I was looking for work and I was applying for clinical roles, even though deep down. I kind of knew I didn't really want to work clinically, but I think there's this expectation that you do a dietetics course, which is Known traditionally has like a course that leads you into a dietitian role which everyone sees has private practice or Hospital work that yeah, so you end up as a clinical dietitian. So I started applying for those roles. I got a few interviews, but I guess my passion probably didn't really show in my interviews and and it is competitive and it is hard to get work. I got an internship with nutrition Australia, which was a Actually a really valuable learning experience. So that was 12 weeks. I worked with the healthy eating advisory service and I just really it was more of an admin role I guess but it was you learned a lot about what they do and it kind of opened up my doors a bit more into possibly like a public health path, but I still wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. So. I did this internship alongside a little bit of casual research work at Monash which involved Research into health education not specifically nutrition and I was just helping a PhD student go through hundreds of Articles pretty much to see if they were included or excluded into her study and I liked research so I actually really didn't mind doing that. It was quite Interesting, but I just knew that that I didn't even know what I wanted to do if that makes sense. So I went to Europe because I thought that was so much so I went to Europe in June last year for six weeks and then I came back and I kind of had a bit of a fresh head and I thought you know what? I think I want to explore different Avenues to the traditional career paths than that. I was kind of forcing a Myself, so I reached out to some of the people that I met at this mlc night where I presented my topic on Fitness and highly fit people and I made contact with one of the girls there and pretty much I just sent her a message saying hey, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm super-interested to just hear about how you got to where you are now. Now so she was leading a team of Consultants at at mlc. And so she said to me look I'll give you a call so she called me and she talked to me about how she got to her role. So she actually did the exact course that I did five years earlier than me. So it was really good to hear about how she got to where she got to because she literally knows exactly what kind of footsteps that I went through as well. And then I found out there was jobs going and I applied for one and I had my interview and I got the job. I really didn't know what I was getting into though. And so I was a little bit a bit scared. I guess everyone's little bit nervous going to the first full-time job and I started in a team of assessing claims for critical illness terminal illness and death so very very full on. Yeah. So, um, I guess my role started with having to look at all these claims and make sure they meet the policy terms and conditions. So I guess you might be thinking like how like how is that related to what I did at University, but there's a lot of transferable skills, and that's all. Clinical judgment. Yeah. Yeah. We use a lot of that which was so drilled into us through a lot placements that you've got to be able to use it for me before I hope prioritization and those critical thinking skills. Yeah, we got I guess so so, yeah, you're right in that I think that big skills of real your clinical judgment your patient centered care skills because you're dealing with people especially for critical illness and terminal illness people that are really unwell and essentially an inch. Insurance company is providing support for someone during their time of need. So it was someone that a critical illness is like a cancer might like mnd all those really serious illnesses that are potentially life-threatening but you necessarily haven't been told you're going to pass away in less than 12 months. So they're just so serious conditions that will affect you quite severely Whereas terminal illness is your doctors told you you've got less than 12 months to live. So that's the really hard claims to assess and I did that for six months. And I knew that when I did it, it's not what I wanted to keep doing because although it's very rewarding when you're talking to people and you're talking to doctors and you know that you can pay out their claim and it will change their life it was I've really really difficult to talk to these people who are get really really sick and obviously like having a really tough time. So a job went well, actually I got approached by another team because I was doing quite well in my job, which was surprising this kind of thought. I would not surprising at all and that it was a promotion and they said we have a roll going in the income Protection Team which So income protection is essentially if you were sick or injured and you can't work, we will pay you 75 percent of income until you can work again. Yeah, depending on your policy. Like there's obviously a few conditions if your policies are only two two-year benefits will only pay up to two years age 65 will pay yet until you're 65. So all income protection is a lot more involved in that you don't just assess your claim. Yes, you have cancer. No, you don't have cancer. Get paid you don't get paid income protection is okay. This person can't work because they've broken their leg or because they have cancer or anything really why can't they work you have to assess functional capacity and we have a team of rehab Specialists that work with us to get them back to work. So this really interested me because I kind of saw this as a lot more relatable to my my degree because you have a portfolio of of your clients that you're following up. Lee and you're actively using your Allied Health background to get them back to work so I'm in that role now, I got the job in March and yeah, I've finished all my training at the end of May so I look after maybe the moment like for 30-40 claims and they range from 25 year old men with injuries to You like it 60 year old women with cancer like it can be anything and it's really enjoyable. I'm really liking it and I'm feel like it's probably a really important area for Allied Health and and people with medical backgrounds to work it because essentially you're working to get people back to work and to recover so why wouldn't you want people that have a health background too? To do that for your company. So the insurance industry is actually moving more towards Allied Health specifically physiotherapists OTS Nutrition a little bit. Probably not as big the awareness probably isn't there as much about what we learn but yeah in general Allied Health people and of of that background to really assist in people getting back to work and recovering, yeah. I guess just to backtrack a little bit is that's quite I guess a specific role in a way backtracking to when you first started died headaches, I guess what was your picture of what you thought you'd be doing and or was there a picture or you just sort of like I'm just going to do it and see what happens? Yeah, when I first started the course in all honesty. I thought I'd be working in a hospital at the end of it or in To Private Practice. Yeah, which I think is typical of a lot of people starting the course. Yeah, and I guess as I went along I realized especially when I did clinical placements that I just felt like I had so much more to give and in a way you're quite restricted in your clinical placements and and in your clinical role as a dietitian, but also I just didn't have that passion to to do a clinical A nickel dietetic job. And I guess that's that's for multiple reasons, but I just enjoyed other parts of the course more and other options more and now I'm in a completely different role using my degree in a different way and I'm really liking it. Yeah, that sounds like those core skills are still there like in terms of that hospital and knowledge, but just get like you say translating it differently really interesting. Yeah, and I think like you're almost taking the parks that you Thrived in in the course and using those bits. Whereas I think in a clinical nutrition role, you're not necessarily going to use all of the skills that were equipped with like, you know course as we spoke with Claire about there's a strong focus on like public health and health promotion and more preventative health and looking at you know, social determinants of health and like the bigger picture and that's really nice that you've been able to like actually use some of that in your in your role. Whereas like in clinical like a cute clinical nutrition. You're not really looking at the Patients brought a circumstances. Yeah, and I think as well like and this probably is outside of just my role but in this industry in general and the need for Allied Health and medical professionals is that not just in claims, is it important but in like you're saying in underwriting so underwriting these when you take out a policy at the very beginning they ask you questions about your health, and then they really assess the School varsity ensuring you. So if you've got like you've had a cancer in the past that probably going to put an explosion on cancer and things like that. But at the same time they're starting initiatives and they're doing research on how they can kind of help The Wider community in a preventative way. Some of it is probably not not like in my opinion probably not the greatest preventative approach, but I think there's a lot of potential for for ourselves like a big company and and the industry to really really take part in that preventive research because essentially it would be not only important for the health of Australians but for out for the business because the more claims we have some more people are paying out and you know at the end of the day, yes, we are helping people get back to work because you know, we that's our genuine role, but it is Business as well and we obviously can't we don't want to be paying for ever and ever and ever. So yeah, there's a lot of potential for health professionals to work in that space as well to really look at. Okay, how can we reduce the risk of these people getting on claim? And that's like you're saying Liza it's preventative stuff. And it's yeah, it's really looking into ways that we can do that. Yeah. I think it's yeah, it's it kind of brings in more of the Lesser used conventional use parts of our degree, which is really nice. Do you want to talk a little bit about how you need prepared you for this role and how maybe it didn't? Yeah, any didn't really prepare me. Well, I think you need and it's probably something that you've explored with with other people that you've talked to but you need it has a very strong focus on the traditional dietetic pathway, which is Sleep clinical a little bit of Public Health, but it doesn't really give you much of an opportunity to explore other ways. You can use your degree. So in all honesty, if I didn't do that that competition I probably wouldn't have had any idea that that this was a different pathway for me to to look further into and to eventually, you know, start my career in so I guess with With that being said it's it kind of opened my eyes and when people ask me when their students not just in the dietetic courses, but in other health courses as well is to really like look beyond what you're being taught because yes, you know if you study nutrition or if you study OT like you think you're going to get to a hospital role or to a rehab role, but actually there's so many other opportunities and other ways you can use your core. And and use your degree and one of those ways is in like a corporate setting because health is like health is important for the economy. And I mean, we didn't learn anything it really at Uni about the economy finance that I've learned to better in my in my job. So and I mean it's kind of common sense as well like the more people that are off work, for example, the economy is going to be affected in a in a big Big way, so when you think of insurance specifically income protection insurance, which is huge. That's the most like that's the big part of the life insurance industry and you think of that like there's a huge huge potential in a huge role for us to make an impact not only towards the like the health kind of system, but the economy as well and that essentially bounces off each other like if you've got a healthy economy, you probably going to have a better health system as well and Probably goes beyond it my my head and my expertise but yeah, it just rounds out everything as well. So yeah, I think it's a huge potential to look into other ways to use your degree and I'm sure there's ways now that we don't even know that that you know, our nutrition degree can can help us to get a job in who knows other other career pathways. Other Industries, I guess it's just all about exploring and networking getting to know people getting to like asking lots of questions and advocating for your degree. Yeah, and I think that's one of the unique aspects of a nutrition degree compared to for example, a physio or even you know, just like jet. Yeah and there's no General method. Is that where you know, of course in particular I hadn't really can't speak for people who didn't study much but like we're taught to look at the bigger picture, but then Not taught of how to implement like Implement that in our work and I think that's a real floor of the course because they're seeing that that's so important but not teaching us how to use it. And I think that's like, you know, it's a big issue but I don't know how we address that. Yeah, and I think as well, I don't know if you guys recall, but I know that there was really only one lecture maybe a one tutorial that talked about entrepreneurship and like Exploring other ways to use your degree, but at the same time it was it was just touching on the bare minimum and novel like it wasn't. Yes like yes, it's an idea of it. None of you are actually going to do it. So yeah. Yes just taking a box and I think it was a lot about like your own business as well which like in realistic terms. It's very difficult to start your own business straight out of uni, especially if you just like if you're young and you you've just come out of school like you don't have the money to start your own business. Guys, I need that's what you need. So I think it's important not only to look at that side of things and entrepreneur kind of side of things to start new work and your businesses because that's just not realistic for some new graduates, but also to look at Ya different different Industries different career Pathways, which I don't even think we did it all. No, not at all and I think like we talked a little bit to Claire about this as well in that she was saying you know, we're equipped for so much more than what we're sort of sent into this and she was talking about the just as an example the implications of like a dietitian being employed in a big corporate firm like as a dietician so they could do menu development and they could do the catering policies and they could also do one-on-one like nutrition out there like that one person can have such an impact in that company, but that's not even a thought that crosses our minds because we're not really taught to think outside the Box of conventional clinical nutrition and even like private practice and stuff are not really taught how to do that. And it really taught how to do Public Health about the risks of Yeah. Well, yeah, I was like four hours is basically like just make sure you're in shoot yourself and like yeah, you know anything about rents and overheads and its really big investment. So don't think about doing until your further degree of hard essentially and yeah. Yeah, the flip of that is that so many people have had to go into private practice because that's always thought. It's like clinical or private practice public. Health maybe and that's it. Hmm. So it's yeah not very inspiring and not very like you say, it doesn't teach you to think outside the box, you know, and I think that's one of the main pieces of feedback that I personally have got when I mentioned this podcast is that people are like, oh that's really good that you're talking about this because no one does and like even though we're all aware of it in the back of our minds going through our course, we're not talking about it. We're not finding solutions to it. So I think it's really nice that you've been able to kind of like take a step back. Go, okay. I'm not not that you're not cut out. But like that's not what you're passionate about doing that conventional role. How can I have a bigger impact and how can I use this information these skills that I've got in a more effective way. Yeah, and I think it's interesting as well because it's hard like it is hard to do that and it is hard then people ask you. Oh, what are you doing and you explained it to you? Tell them I'm working in insurance and they just I've had people say They are so so you're not using a degree no dietitian. And that's all. No, I'm not essentially my role isn't a dietitian but I am using my degree and you know without the the course that I did I wouldn't be able to do the job that I'm doing and I wouldn't be able to use the skills that I've learned and I think that's really hard to to not only step back and look at okay. This is like maybe a different pathway that I could use my degree but to also kind of this stigma and this View that you haven't become a dietitian when your degree and actually be able to stand up for yourself of it. I found that really hard like a lot probably more people than not say to me, you know, not directly you've wasted your degree, but they give me that intention that I will then why you know, you could have done this without nutrition when it's not the case at all. And I guess that's not really anyone's fault. It's just The fact that we do need to there's multiple things but at Uni we need to explore new career Pathways. We need to advocate for our skills as dietitians and probably in the broader Allied Health industry as well. I'm sure there's other professions that you know, similar kind of things. Although nutrition is a difficult profession to working because everyone is involved in it and thinks they're an expert. But yeah, it's an it's a number of things really that I think make people think you need to do this with your degree. And if you don't then you've wasted it which is not the case at all. Yeah. Yeah, as we were saying before comparatively you're using a lot more of your degree that in some clinical dietitians would and I think like the way that the you set us up and the way that we sort of perceive our industry is that I mean, I definitely don't now but like going through your degree, you see that clinical position as the gold standard and that's it. That's where all the that's the goal job to get and I think like I personally didn't even bother applying for any cuz I knew it's what not what I wanted to do and that was a huge decision for me because I was having to go. Okay like this is what I've been primed to do and having to make that conscious decision to stray away from that almost seems like I'm not, you know, I'm not being successful and you're not using your degree. Yeah, it'll convert sort of feels like we're like yet is a lot to Grapple with when you've just finished uni, you just come out of this environment. Of everything's planned for you and you're thrown into this world. Like you say where you just there's so much unknown and yes to be able to Grapple with the fact that okay. I'm also not going to get the job that I have the title for is really mentally taxi and very exhausting to work through. Yeah. No, I think it sounds really weird. But how did you come to that conclusion like obviously went to Europe but he took six months off and that kind of thing. How did you come to the conclusion that you're like, you know what? No, I'm not. Going to go down that conventional path was like a lightbulb moment or was it just more accumulation of things and what were those things? I think yeah. I I'm glad I had a little break and went away because it's hard and I'm sure a lot of people can relate like finding work and all your friends are getting work and you're not it's really hard to to like be okay with that. So I went away I came back. And I think it was more just I kind of had this interest like this very small interest in the back of my mind of like business finance corporate world as well, which is something that when I was at school, I've considered as a career pathway, but my interest in nutrition was was Stronger, so when I came back, I just kind of thought okay. I really want to find work by the end of the year. I don't want to just keep doing that gluto jobs here and there but at the same time I can't be too harsh on myself because you just could never be without you. No, it's not obviously good for you to do that. So I think I was just playing around on my phone. Actually. I'm LinkedIn and I saw her name's Fiona who works at mlc and I just like saw her profile and it was just like that moment where I'm like, you know what I'm going to ask her like how she's gotten to where she's gotten to and how she thinks that her degree has, you know, helped her and shape during to who she is now and the role she's doing now, so I did that and I guess yeah, it wasn't necessarily like this moment of I don't want to become the traditional dietitian. I don't want to do research anymore. It was just me being inquisitive and yeah thinking of other options because at the same time the I found out I got the job. I was actually at Monash doing a research job and I just started it was a day. I saw this research job and it was casual and it was like only for like three weeks or something. And so I actually I found out and I was obviously so excited and then I called my parents and I told them and then I was still on campus and they said okay. Well, what are you gonna do with this other job? Like you can't you can't do both obviously and then I called I actually I actually went back into the office and I said really sorry. I've got full time work and they knew I was looking for work. So it was completely fine. I considered doing the research work on the weekend but a lot. Yeah, especially burning like a completely new new job starting full-time hours and things. So yeah, it was just something that kind of rolled like the ball kind of rolled in it. Ya got me there. Yeah, and now I really enjoy it. It's hard sometimes dancing. Yeah, go away doing it because I feel like traditionally they brought the goes into the course has a very knocked out idea of what's going to happen. Yeah, this is our I'm going to end up and it's just nice that you sort of use that really lame but you used initiative. You've used the network you sat back and gone. Hang on. There's so much other stuff that I can explore and I don't think many people have those moments. They get really tunnel-visioned. Yeah, and I think like it's all about being true to to yourself. So like like I said before people expect I think people kind of expect things from you or they say, okay. Well, you know a equals B, you did nutrition you become a dietitian and you just need to as hard as it is yet. Be true to yourself from realize. Okay. I don't want to do this. Like I went for a job actually like two months before or just after Europe so a month and a half before I started the job. I mean now And the job was very very much like a weight loss kind of dietetic role and I only applied for it because I wanted a job and I did not want that job. I just wanted a job and I it completely reflected I think in my job interview and I look back now and I obviously didn't get it and I'm really glad I didn't get it because it's not at all. What I would have wanted to do and that was yeah me not being true to myself and Thank you. Don't want to force yourself into something you don't want to do but at the same time like there are ways you can use what you have and the skills you have to do. Yeah things outside the norm that that maybe suit you better. So yeah, and I think that kind of says something about our broader industry as well in that like there's such a scarcity of jobs that we're all kind of just that grappling at whatever we can get but none of those jobs are actually going to be Innovative in improving our industry and In improving the health of our population, whereas like something like what you're doing now actually does support people to get back on their feet and you know, improve their health and therefore improve the populations health and saying I think goes for a lot of Private Practice in a lot of Public Health work, whereas like, we're not really taught to push the boundaries of our industry and of our profession as dietitians, we're kind of just taught to you know, you go on you do this job and then you stay there and you it's kind of like you're churning out. Patience, but you're not actually improving any ones Hells? Yeah. So I think like it's good that we can recognize that as a floor and I industry and work to improve that. Yeah, and I think like this and Ayala. I don't know what the answer is but like there is like a need to chew like advocate for our our skills. And I guess yeah, it's lots of ways there's lots of ways that we can do that and it's maybe it's just little things like get exploring new career. Our paths doing podcasts writing, you know articles blogs. But yeah, I think there needs to be like a higher level kind of discussion as well. And I don't know how well you know what that looks like, but I think it would be really interesting to somehow get some sort of movement going at a bigger level even if that's more like a regulatory level. I don't know just to to Really open people's eyes as well, too. What we do because I don't know if you guys have experienced this as well. But even when you see people ask you what you did and you say nutrition and they so I did nutrition to and they did like a two-day course. Yeah, and it's just a bit like they clearly don't understand what we've learned and and that isn't like a dig at that person. I think it's like a society thing as well that it's hard. It's every like you say Everyone's an expert in nutrition. - yeah, totally professional everyone sort of has there's no regulatory well-known regulatory guidelines, I think and I think sometimes going to sidestep a little bit from Korea stuff because that rings a bell about a piece that you wrote for gonna say nutrition pretzels a couple of years ago. And I remember hearing that I got so many hits because you had a really good breakdown of what there is that it did you read all the different stuff. I think that also was going to ask you mentioned before that. You do like Health writing. Is that a space that you would consider pursuing so I know we've had chats about that space and how a lot in a lot of major Publications. It's not people who are equipped with health knowledge necessarily writing those arguments or Ryan those pieces. Is that something that you would think about possibly going into a ER yeah, I mean I well you both know what I was like at Uni. I love riding. I love talking about nutrition and advocating for different. Yeah, different skills and different even just your nutrition knowledge in general and I have thought about it a lot and I think into up until now and I think moving forward definitely up until now it's been quite hard because Things are new in my role trying to learn not only the health side of my new job. But there's also a financial aspect of my job, which I've had to learn a lot about like accounting and tax and things that I've never really thought about before so I think now moving forward I would really like to engage more in yeah like nutrition writing again, and it was something that I did in the past and I loved and I do actually completely Got about that. It's something that I like honestly still refer to people for fail if they like so why people just so whilst with the whole dietitian versus nutritionist and my gears a little link of someone that I wrote this piece that really clearly broke down what the issues are and I don't think anyone's actually done that. Yeah. So because that that was actually pretty successful not to like sound no. No. Yeah. I think I've got like 40,000 hits which was crazy. They told me. Because I did this volunteer writing at the nutrition press in Turkey uni, and maybe even into fourth year actually and yeah, it was all about the role of a nutritionist the role of a dietitian and how we need to advocate for both. But also how we need to advocate for us to be regulated better. So from memory it was also to do with Accra which regulate a lot of other Allied Health Professions or not us. Us and I kind of posed a diff Yeah a different Viewpoint to how we're currently regulated, which I think got a lot of conversation going and yeah, I had a lot of responses. I have people messaging me being like, you know, should we take this further at this step stage? I know I should have at that stage. I was I think doing exams and it was like the third your exam was no. Thanks. Bye. You can take this I'm gonna go and finish my stuff. So yeah, so the The Da a they actually I think they were asking me about something else. They won't messaging me about something else and I sent them this article being like look at what I've written. Look at how many people have viewed this and commented on this and it was just an idea like it was not by all means any sort of like stance against the DEA. AAA it was it was more just a sense of we need to Advocate stronger at your level and they had you know, they are probably the starting point potentially to do that. So it never got published. I don't know what happened but that was a little bit of a shame because I was like really ready to to like take it to the next level and I think you know, it's something in the future that I would like to look at again. Yeah, but yeah even just Trish in writing in general I've written about nutrients and different foods and like berries. So it was really fun. I enjoy that and I think I also write about public health like regulation of food advertising on TV, and I honestly, I can't even remember what I wrote In detail about but I had a few articles which yeah, I enjoyed writing. So it's definitely something I'd probably think about the future. Yeah on the note of chatting about daa. We as dietitians are regulated by them. We basically put a link to the article that gives us the title of a kind of accredited practicing dietitian in Australia. Soon because your role isn't as a dietitian. Do you want to tell us a bit about your kind of Journey with that? Yeah. So I when I finished my degree obviously signed up for the day and I signed up to be an accredited practicing dietitian or APD did some or did my continued professional development hours. So my CPD hours and then I kind of at the end of the I sat down and thought to myself this is so much money. Do I need this? And actually I'll just backtrack a little bit last year. I actually presented at the DIA conference. So I presented this research to do with fruit and vegetable intake across Victoria and fruit vegetable availability and it really looked at different parts of Victoria. Like how available was fresh fruit and veg. Anyway, I presented that research at the conference in Sydney, which was really rewarding but then I got to the end of the year and was a bit like what what do I need this for? And so I decided not to renew it, which I'm still a little bit questioning about whether I should have done that or not, but I don't need it for what I'm doing now, and I don't see myself getting out of the industry that I'm in now for some time. Yeah, I think that it's probably something that is important for some dietitians to have but yeah, I really get I guess it you know what you have to think about if it's worth it or not. Apd's needed for Medicare. I think so she doing practice you need to have it but it's not needed for my role because I'm not practicing as a dietitian as such so yeah, I think like for me I mean I've I'm in a paycheck because I need it for Medicare so that my patients can claim on their private health insurance a portion of my fees, but honestly, I don't know if I would if I didn't need it for that like I think and I think that's a floor of not just a PD like I don't that of day. I don't think that's their fault. But of the Health Care system of the way, it's regulated in that we're only recognized as a dietician if we're doing a clinical job. Yeah, and so I think that's kind of I don't know how we address. I think that's even way above that's you know, that's like a Medicare thing or a but it's such a big thing that I think needs to be addressed because it kind of takes credibility away from people like yourself who aren't clinically practicing but you're still being a dietitian has helped you where you are and it's interesting that I think it's a fairly unique problem to our Industries and my dad's a technical engineer for example, and he's part of the engineering But he still gets some benefits and whether that's like Financial stuff he has enough to as much they feeding in that kind of thing, but he still thinks it's relevant to his job. Even though he's really far from where he was 20 years ago and he still maintained that the whole way through. So I think it's a problem that we need to address. There's a dietitian thing that like you say in needs to be an all-encompassing thing where the benefits are for. Everyone is working in Insurance in research. In practice and clinical whatever it is. That's a full of yeah, the system like you say and then we need to address that and think about how it's actually going to be beneficial for. Yeah, and it's again same thing without degrees. It's because that body is designed for the people that the job is expected to be so it's designed for clinical dietitians, but our industry is growing we need to be able to support everyone in ER because if suddenly we all run out like there's no more jobs in trician at all. What's going to happen if we're going to stop doing nutrition degrees or are they going to have to be Innovative and find a new way to work? Yeah, and I think if the da and Opera as well can learn how to support people regardless of their path that they're going down that's going to give us a more effective and more credible industry and that's going to therefore get better health outcomes for a population and also just a better like understanding of what we do. Yeah is that it's like that thing is that What if your insurance now people like a casino did not petition and it's like well, no, I can still be accredited and working dietetics and it's almost like I was talking about this with someone yesterday but a specialty like we need to sort of understand that all dietitians do all dietitians and nutritionists do things and that if we can create our professional support in a way that supports that supports those varying career paths and that all just being more beneficial for the general public understanding what we can do. Do and also more beneficial for the economy or whatever industry you're working in. Yeah. I think I think there just needs to be like a big movement of like evolving of of nutrition and dietetics in multiple ways. So yes like the da a and Opera and those regulatory bodies, you know, it's all about your dietitian. Here is a clinical job. Yeah, like a job description and he's joke going and that's all I advertised on the job part of the website and then you know uni, it's just the direction is clinical and a little bit of Public Health kind of / research and like you said Liza where what happens and what's happening. Now what happens when there's all these graduates and there's nowhere to go and then we're not equipped really to look at other ways to you soon. Degree, and I guess I'm I don't know. I'm lucky in a sense because I kind of fell into but also started exploring other career Pathways and now I'm in the job that I'm in but yeah, like how not everyone's like that. Yeah, and people need that support and you know, you pay you pay a lot of money to go to UNI and to learn to do great to then not have any job kind of there for you. Like I remember when we Shout out degree. It was like four nights specific graduate dietetics jobs in Victoria or something and it's probably the same yet. It's crazy. There's four and there's like so many universities now, I think I heard that my not of course. Yeah. There's another course coming from another University if it hasn't already started. I'm not sure so it just seems crazy that you can't keep teaching these people the same things like we need we need to revamp it all I think like, Yeah that we want some great stuff. Don't get me wrong. But we need to revamp the course significantly to produce graduates that can actually be equipped to find work that is maybe not necessarily the traditional pathway, but I think like as well we are equipping graduates with those with the skills that give them translate ability. Yes are the industries which is not telling them they can do it. Yeah, but I'm saying I'll go and look for jobs in this industry or that industry and you know, you can have an impact here because I think like we're all aware that there's other things that we can do, but we're not really told how to do it. Yeah, there we go, and like where we've learned like how to learn what we actually needed to do to get there and I think it comes back to that. It's clinical or other like yeah. Oh, yeah ever think it's like clinical and public health and ever waited the same. It's sort of like, yeah all these people in this idea in their head. I think of this idea of all these clinical roles which are right this before. Oh, yeah, and then everything else is just sort of like they lie scattered across various different Industries, which is that's where the bulk of people are going to go. Oh, yeah, like you said is me for grab positions which are revolving doors. Anyway, not guaranteed a spot after that where you going to end up after that it's going to be private practice is going to be insurance. Is it being able to explore those options and seeing it as more of a valid career option which is a dangerous word. But yeah, and the how I think you're right. It's like we do have all these great skills. And I think it's important that we that new graduates know how to use these skills and kind of back themselves up a bit in that. Yeah, you actually have one it so much and you can use all of the knowledge that you've learned in a different way to what what you might think you have to do. Yeah, so and that's that's even like it is even jobs going, you know in like that. Not just the Department of Health but there's government jobs. There's I know I was talking to a friend who's finishing her final year of Law and there's even jobs at big companies. I think makeup companies and stuff like L'Oreal for example that have graduate jobs and they invite anyone from any any background and any course and yeah, we've got heaps of skills to advocate for four different roles. And you know, we learn a lot about problem solving and critical King and we get exposure to to dealing with people with all passionate say dealing with people but treating people who have really in the worst time of their life and like where there's obviously other health courses that can compare to that but you know how there's courses that can't compare to that and that's huge those the knowledge of being able to to treat people and to even just consult with people all that are going through such a tough time, like other degrees don't have that and we have that and we have the problem solving skills to to kind of yeah deal with that and to be able to help people. Do you think it would almost be worth saying our last semester having just a subject that goes take a step back forget about all your clinical stuff even though you just come off clinical placement and looking at the Frameworks of what we've studied so like that problem-solving like that critical thinking and then Being able to almost brainstorm or understand what we can use that for. Yeah, I think that would be good too. And it would be good in the last year of uni to be able to kind of tie it all up. Yeah, and I mean how I don't know you'd have to go to like uni boards and presenting ideas and it would it would make for example say if this was something we presented to Monash like it would make Monash stand out as a course and I feel like it would be a huge opportunity to look at okay. Okay, we do this kind of unit. It doesn't have to be like super intense. It's probably a good unit to kind of end on it that it would be almost a bit refreshing to be able to step away from the intense clinical knowledge that we learn and yeah to just be able to explore and almost use it as like a brainstorming like tutorials and whatnot. And that would make that degree. I think stand out a lot and you'd say yeah and you graduates leaving and hopefully with with the how the equipping them on how to do or use their skills. You could see different Avenues of people starting new jobs in different. Yeah career paths and I think the reason that there isn't that at the moment is that those jobs don't exist yet and we need to learn how to be Innovative in our actual thinking about the industry and about our approach to it so that we create jobs so that we can then go back and educate people, you know, like we did have a course at the end of our degrees which we talked about with Clare that did try and equip us for graduation, but I don't think it really captures the way that we need like we need to like hustle like we have to drive passion to where it's going to be impactful and like it just I don't know how we get there. We'll just even just reflecting back on that unit. Anyway, I felt like it was very Basic, this is a raising. Yeah, this is how you tell you a cover letter. Yeah, but it was still technically trishul and that's that but the thing it's the they would even all the questions that people had were that they were tailored towards a hospital job because I like I need something with nutrition in the title, which is not my role didn't have nutrition the toilet only yours. Did yours probably definitely do so being able to teach people how to search for jobs and look at that application criteria. I tear up like say we did have that subject or we take a step back and go. Okay. So like for me it was a looking at quality improvement and being like I've done that that was our entire Food Service placement. I've got that framework. I've worked and I that understanding and applying it to something that is not nutrition-related whatsoever. And I don't think not saying I'm called standard but I think people think like that like everyone just searches nutrition dietitian food. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I agree. I think that would be a good aspect of like if this was a I mean it how some of it would be looking at. Okay. Yeah how to find work that isn't dietitian nutrition blah blah blah typical work. And then also how to hustle and advocate for those jobs. I think there is a lot of jobs and don't really exist but with a strong movement, I think in a lot of advocating definitely are important and essential and in the future can exist and yeah like Out how we go about that. So I think it would be good to like, yeah, like Mary those true that two ideas together and create. Yeah some sort of final unit that really explores more than just Hospital write your resume. Here it is. I think it rejected the core of it. It's about empowering people to seek that change and to actually like when you graduate you need like for the like us you finish this degree and you've got so many skills and your as a person much more, you know, well equipped to do so many things and but I think we belittle ourselves into like applying for certain jobs. And then we take that rejection really personally when it's just like it's just because it's We don't get these things and I think if we can learn to like, all right. Well, I've got all these great skills that I can use now. Where can I use them? How can I you know have the positive changes? I want to see in the world and I think that's where our like just personally that's where I feel like my course fell short in that. It didn't really Empower me to make a change and I wanted to see it kind of went you need to fit into this box. Well, you've needed gone sort yourself out pictures of I hope that doesn't reflect on much badly. Cuz I don't it was a great course I loved it. But I think like it's just it didn't wrap everything up. Yes, we and I think that's again. I don't think it's just this effect to our course. I know a lot of courses in general a lot of people that go through the university system and I have a friend who's working. She went through uni, and now she's working in bouquet avocational like a squirrel which deal with like a lot of Tafe courses and stuff and she's like, that's the main difference is that Exactly. They're ready for you to work. Whereas universities they give you that up higher level thinking but you're not taught how to practically do it a lot of the time and that really falls short of the end of so many courses because then you're left going I have this title, but I don't have a job to match to it. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's tough and finding work is tough and I guess it's yeah, it's something that like you're both saying as well like you can't let it do can't take it personally because I think yeah we have this great course that equips up equips us for a lot of different jobs. So if you were getting rejected, it's not like a reflection on you. It's more that it's just so Competitive and I found that tune. I mean all of us here were pretty good at Uni and we did really well what you mean. So it's hard and I think people have expectations like even even some other students and some of the lectures, you know, they say, oh, you know, you won that prize you'll be fine like you you're going to be so good when you finish uni, and then you finish uni and you're like, yeah it almost encouraged. Has a complacency in your degree, but I think like what we need to be taught is how to advocate for ourselves how to you know, bring ourselves up to the level that we're ready to go and do whatever we want to do and I think like honestly, I don't know if it's a floor in our courses. I don't know if it's the Unis responsibility to equip us for that. But I think it's something that needs to be changed in the industry and in our culture so that we are like feeling like we can go out and use our degree but that's not our defining characteristic as a person that's you know, a part of What we've learned but we can still go and use that to do what we want to do. I think it's this is a very big sleeping state of I think it's a societal shift exactly. Well because I know where my parents went through you and their idea of uni is that you finish uni, like you say, it's like a plus b equals c like yeah study something you've got a title and that means you go into a career. Yeah little bit the changing nature of the workforce in the moment and having there's so many contributing factors like female empowerment and like people being able to do multi - it sort of things is changing the face of that and I think we're in a very strange societal shift where we need to be taught to work with that and I guess that yeah, which is a very hard thing to to think about that is hard and like it even just Springs to mind like a few of my friends who again, they're not in nutrition one of them a different friend. He's in his final year of Law and it's a bit like he doesn't really want to become a lawyer now. And I think it's correct me if I'm wrong if you guys know but at the end of your water grade, you like a test and then yeah and then like you do some other train. Yeah. Anyways, please correct us. Yeah, we don't know your industry like yeah, you've got it. You've got to continue the process yet to this goal. But and he's a bit like, I don't know if I want to do that. I'll probably use my law degree in like the finance corporate Commerce World, which is is a literal like thing. You can do that like my dad works. In finance, and he has heaps of colleagues who have law degrees, but they're not lawyers now, but then, you know the typical like your parents know you did law. You become a lawyer and it's a society thing to me and even even when I talk to people and they are like oh but you did dietetics and you know dietitian and it's hard. It's actually really hard at times to explain to people and to actually have like faith in yourself that and not doubt yourself. I've I mean, I've seen at times doubted myself and Is this the right thing to do people think I should have done this? Maybe I should have and yeah, it's again. It's when you step back and look at it like that. It's like well, it's stupid because you can't just be thinking that I'm going to be a certain title for the rest of my life. That's I know that's not how jobs work anymore. Everything's contractual now as well. We're not in permanent positions for ya and you can I mean you can change whenever you want like this if in six months time, Time I don't want to do this anymore. I'll like it same with with both of you Finn, you know next week or something. You don't want to do it. There's so many opportunities. It's just it's like you said last it's like the how it's using a degree in different ways. It's how do you do that? And yeah, like out of the box thinking but yeah, I don't think you should think you do this degree. It means you become this and that is what you are for life because maybe you will become that for a year or two and then you will completely change to get a Job, it's 12 months. Then what those kind of things? Yeah, and I think that's what the not just the Unis bit like our society isn't thinking about well enough. Is that that then what yeah, what's happening next? What's happening after we get sick of that and move on to the next thing because as Millennials, that's what we do. Like we need to think about the bigger picture of both our individual lives and of the way that we can have an impact in our industry and in the world because like The system isn't supporting us and so we need to change the system. Yes. So yeah, I think if we can somehow Empower people to learn that for themselves, that's a great starting point and that can then hopefully inflict change in society and in the degrees and in the da a and there are pros and you know and everything can kind of be more accommodating to support everyone because I think that's where it comes down to is that lack of support for people who do want. Do something different. Yeah need to yeah, just wanted to actually have to yeah, this is out. We ask this question to everyone on the podcast and it's kind of diverted a lot from what we've actually talked about and that's okay. What does food mean to you? Nothing to do with insurance. Yeah, it's not really I guess food from from when I was about or 14 15. I kind of began thinking about nutrition as a career and there were a few reasons for that. I was really interested in like the power of food and the fact that like food is Is so much more than just the sum of its nutrients like its it brings people together and in so many different ways whether it be like social kind of gatherings birthdays Christmas, but also cooking with your mom or if that's something you do brings kind of families together. So I was really interested in food and really interested in science. So without the focus on science, I guess food to me. He is something that I value in the sense that it is a social thing. So even like I was saying when you asked me what was like a party that you recall as one of the best or whatever the wording was and and it was their high tea party when I was 14 because it was just so enjoyable to be with friends and to enjoy like these delicious Little Sweets and foods and then You know now I'm 23 and I have had birth a sense where my mom and I have cooked up all of this food and I've invited all my girlfriends around and we've celebrated in that way. So it's hard because you see people Advocate to cut food groups and it just makes no sense to me because food is so much more than the sum of its nutrients and I guess that's really my philosophy of from the beginning or really from when I was about yeah, 1415 and throughout my schooling and uni, I was never the type to be dieting and that wasn't why I did nutrition and I kind of had this fascination with food. It was more of food as this social thing with the acknowledgement that food is also obviously quite important in terms of our health, but not just for A nutritional reasons. So yeah, I mean food is a very important thing to me because it brings everyone together and I'm a bit of a foodie. I enjoy going out for breakfast and and I was like, yeah dumb. Yeah nice and that's the like we don't have to put these damn it. That's the exact answer that we've gotten from every single person that's been on the podcast. Yeah and I think that just really shows that this industry were working in this area is so much more important than we give it credit to and I think as you mentioned the whole like restriction died in stuff, like that's a whole lot about just bring it back and cut it down and it takes away that value that you can get from food. And so I think that you a nutrients you exactly yeah, she'll connection and love and all the things that everyone else has said in the podcast. Yeah. Yeah, and I think as well like You think of Hell slightly step to the side here a bit somewhat related. When you think of Health, I think a lot of these people that that don't necessarily have this nutrition background in terms of like a uni degree like we do they just see physical health and they don't see anything else like like social health mental health mental health. Yeah. I was thinking of what I like pm. And and yeah physical health emergency. Okay nutrients. Sodium back for heart and yeah, like everyone knows things like that, you know, if you have too much salt. Yeah. It's probably going to be bad for your heart. But but you need to look at everything like the whole picture of everything. So it's not just physical house like equally as important is mental health and yeah like social health as well and I think like, you know, we can all probably relate there's all been times in our lives. I'm not sure to like what extent well, you know. Things have gotten really hard mentally your health has has suffered because of that and yeah, it's really important to consider that, you know food restriction and that can really affect your mental health and food is really important in helping the Whole Health in the whole picture of it. So, yeah, I think it's it's another thing again like we equip ourselves with a lot of skills and we look at the person who is sickly and not just calories in calories out. Without physical health because that's just not sustainable that your humans. We're not machines. Yeah, and like in the example of sodium, you know, what else is bad for your health and bad for your heart health anxiety anxiety related to reducing your sodium and not enjoying your time out with friends. So it's like you've got to I think we're equipped with the skills to realize that and to look at the bigger picture and think. Okay, like yes nutrition at its biochemical level is important. Yeah, but it's also so Much more than that and it's and that's where like again going back to the dietitian versus any other member of the public that's what we're equipped into realizing in that we do have the larger broader thinking about this stuff. Mmm. So, yeah, and you're only human like if yeah, I mean and social health are going out for a drink with friends on the weekend. I mean, you know, maybe to some extent not as hard as I may have done in the past. Past yeah, like it's important. It's so important you need to do these things and it's important to yeah, like maintain your friendships and see people and a lot of that has to revolve around food and drinks. Yes. Yes exactly right important to give that credit to yeah. Yes, what a good note to end on before we sign off. Do you mind telling us a probably not as relevant for use a lot of other people that we've had on but like what you're currently working on where we can find you. Where people can see more of your work, so I guess it what I'm currently working on actually at work, which is exciting. So I've got my obviously my regular role of assessing claims looking at whether people can and can't work and working with rehab Specialists to get people back to work. So that's the 90% of my role which every day is different because everyone is off work for different reasons, which makes it exciting. But I'm actually at the moment we're working on starting up and it's has started up and the competition that I did at the end of 2017 has kind of fallen off the side of a hill after I did it and so when I started I did ask is the competition running again, and they said no anyway in about April this year. We got it running again. So I got into contact with a few. Tax at Monash. So now we have seven finalists in different Allied Health background. So we've got Social Work psychology. I think we have nutrition. I think we might even have some medicine and we're restoring the competition. So I'm like on the board of that and I'm excited about that. So now I know now I'm on the other end of not having to present you front of me being presented to you by another student. So that's what's happening internally at at mlc where I work, but I guess like where to find me and and I guess what my next steps like you said before like, I'm really thinking about doing nutrition riding again. It's not something that I have started yet, but I guess a bit of like watch this space and I'm sure bran analyzer will know I'll tell them well, then I have yeah when I do or if you What I end up doing and what like social media platform that that is on but yeah, I just keep an eye out. And if anyone I guess has any questions about different career paths to the norm and and how a bit more detail on how I got to where I am and more about what I do. They can find me on Facebook anyway, and they can probably just ask lies. Yeah. Yeah to get in touch with me, but I don't really have a lot going on at the moment in terms of blogs or anything, but it's probably something I'm going to consider moving forward. Yeah, nice all will update the podcast show notes and things with yeah any culture? Yeah Endeavors, but I'm super excited to see where your career goes because it's such a difference. It's it's so different to what anyone else we know is doing and it's really exciting. It's so different but it's good. It's good. It's different. I like it. It's so that you could be like your Target still. Yeah checkouts. Now these are actually doing. Hey, what are you still doing here? The party's over. Thanks for sticking around though. And thank you so much for coming to our pantry party. Yeah. I hope you had a great time. I mean we sure did. Oh, no, don't worry about doing the dishes leave them there. Yeah, we'll come tomorrow. Just get home safe. Yeah. Okay. So if you really want to do something you can hit the link down below. It takes you to our patreon page or you know, just check out our website or Instagram share this episode right us on Apple podcast. Maybe will be new and noteworthy. The one day I would be a great room for a party. Yeah, but either way go home. Yeah besides over by.
Today we have the pleasure of talking to great friend Simone Abley. Sim holds a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics and provides a positive reality check for new grad dietitians. We talk about why Sim went into dietetics in the first place; the ins-and-outs of having allied health professionals in the insurance industry; how your university course probably won’t prepare you for your first job (and why that’s okay to some degree); the societal expectations of what a dietitian does, how that limits us, and why that ties into a need for better advocacy skills. We also discuss plenty of advice for new grad dietitians facing the intimidating employment world, being willing to learn and be inquisitive as you go, and. the importance of taking time off after uni.
Before we get started with today's episode. I just want to say that I really enjoyed recording these podcasts. And if you enjoy listening to them, we both have anchored a Thang. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. First of all, it's free second of all their creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more the cool thing is you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It it's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started does bipolar disorder affect memory. Let's talk about it. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world indeed. It's the only thing that ever has Margaret Mead. Hi. My name is Ethan and I suffer from bipolar disorder addiction anger issues body dysmorphia and morbid obesity. In fact at my heaviest. I was north of 650 pounds growing up. I never felt comfortable asking for help or being vulnerable. My goal is to create a space where you can feel safe enough to be vulnerable and shake the Negative stigmas that are attached to mental health. Let's be vulnerable and give others the strength to do the same. Let's talk about it. So I don't know what part of the series this is going to be in but I want to have a series of I basically want to show you what my research has looked like as of right now. Today is December 30th 2019. I have still not been diagnosed officially with bipolar disorder. I've just done a lot of research on my own. So what the process looks like is it starts out with a question in today's question is does bipolar disorder affect memory. Can it create memory loss. Can it change memory bipolar disorder and memory is what we're if we Focusing on today and then the rest of the process is just doing research taking that question and expounding on it as much as I can. So I have found an article medical news today. We're going to go through it. We're going to I'm going to read it and then I'm going to talk. I'm going to compare what they talk about in the article with my experiences My Hope with this bipolar series one is to show you guys how I've done my research. Like I said, but to also just kind of normalized bipolar disorder. I know there's a lot of people out there that still don't understand it that don't understand why are friends or family or loved ones act the way they do so my goal is to better help. You better understand what bipolar disorder looks like not only from a research standpoint, but from my perspective. So here we go. The link for this article is going to be in the show notes. If you want to follow along just a quick disclaimer. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a psychologist. I'm not trying to diagnose you. I am simply reading an article and comparing it to my life and my experiences. You think that you have bipolar disorder or depression or anything like that? Please reach out to a medical professional because I am not one. I'm just speaking from my experience. So this article in medical news today its title is how does bipolar disorder affect memory people with bipolar disorder can experience dramatic alterations and mood and activity levels sleep disruption and a range of other features and behavior patterns. The disorder may also affect the way a person thinks. Thanks, and possibly their memory for some people with bipolar disorder poor memory and difficulty concentrating can make it hard to function in everyday life including it work and when studying, however, this is not true for everyone the authors of a 2012 study have pointed out that one of the key features of bipolar disorder is the wide range of potential ability that exists among people with the condition affects on thinking and memory some people with bipolar disorder may find it hard to think too. Reason and to remember things changes in thinking that can occur as people go through the different phases include so the different phases being manic neutral and then the depressive phase changes in attention span and focus. Yeah. I've noticed that racing thoughts during a high or manic phase my one of the one of the ways that myself and my father know that I'm manic is I just I will talk and talk and talk and talk and jump from subject to subject anxiety difficulty remembering things and in some cases psychosis, including delusions and hallucinations. Let's go ahead and look at psychosis for a minute. What is psychosis broadly speaking psychosis means a loss of contact with reality. It's a symptom of a number of mental illnesses rather than a medical condition in its own right? Here are some key points about psychosis more detail and supporting information is in the main article psychosis is A disease on it's in its own right? It's a symptom a common psychosis. Excuse me. A common psychotic delusion is a belief that the individual is an important figure. Earlier diagnosis of psychosis. It improves the long-term outcome. Okay, so there's an article but we're not going to go into it. Let me do a quick scan the classic signs and symptoms of psychosis or hallucinations hearing seeing or feeling things that do not exist delusions false belief, especially based on fear or suspicion of things that are not real disorganization in thought speech or behavior. One of one of my red flags as that my room gets disorganized and my room Discovered is a direct representation of my mind disordered thinking jumping between unrelated topics making strange connections between thoughts difficulty concentrating and going catatonic the milder initial symptoms of psychosis might include feelings of Suspicion general anxiety disorder did perceptions depression obsessive thinking and sleep problems. All right. So there's a quick bite on what psychosis is back to the main article studies report that some people with bipolar disorder. I have complained of memory impairment during High moods low moods and times in between as a person's mood shifts. They may report changes in their memory to as the mood becomes more extreme memory problems can increase how does mood affect the brain and memory scientists have suggested that some people with bipolar disorder experience memory problems due to changes in the brain. These could involve changes in the prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in planning attention problem. In memory among other functions the hippocampus which plays an essential role in storing memories and the anterior cingulate cortex. Hopefully I'm saying that right which has links in both emotional and cognitive function in the brain image tests have shown that as a person's mood shifts variations and the way the blood flows into corresponding areas of the brain also occur. What that is fascinating that's incredible. So there's actually a shift in blood flow depending on where someone with bipolar disorder is in the cycle if they are depressant or if they're in a depressed stage a manic stage or neutral stage. Oh, here we go. Memory types. Some people with bipolar disorder may find they face challenges with different kinds of memory functions. Here are some of the types of memory where problems might occur working memory this Stores information for a short time while person carries out mental tasks verbal learning and memory this enables us to remember the words. We see or hear executive functioning. It's vital for planning and prioritizing tasks declarative memory is necessary for recalling and explaining the past events spatial working memory enables people to recall shapes colors locations and movements. Okay. So this is really really interesting. I want to I want to focus on this for a second working memory. This stores information for a short time while a person carries out mental tasks. You can ask any of my co-workers. I am horrible horrible horrible horrible at directions at remembering how to get to somewhere like we could be in a 55 and over Community placing a house and I could get lost in that community. So that's interesting verbal learning and memory this enables us to remember the words. We see or hear. I don't really have many problems with that. Actually. No, I take that back. It depends. Like names, for example unless I'm paying very very very very close attention to someone when I meet them and they tell me their name. It's usually gone it's there and gone executive functioning as vital for planning and prioritizing tasks. I am honestly the last person you want planning an event declarative memories necessary for recalling and explaining past events. So this I think is where I have the most trouble I think when my mind is affected the most is right. Here because like I said the majority of my childhood, especially when I was on crazy crazy mood swings the majority of my childhood. I don't remember, you know, my dad and I will sit and we'll talk about these moments and every once in a while, I will grab you know, Mom I'll be able to reach out and grab a memory, but it's very fleeting and I can't recall it without some kind of Aid whether that's from my father or like a scent or something like that. I'll give you an example. So I was at work the other day and I was talking to One of my crew members and I know his name and I know that I know his name, but I said his name and in the moment where I said his name, I thought to myself. Oh, is that his name even though while I was questioning if it was his name or not? I knew that it was his name. Hopefully you guys followed that I realized that could be incredibly confusing and that was that was let's see. I don't know when this is going to be released. But that was while I was on a little too weak eating Off plan thing and I was As I was leaning more towards the manic side of my bipolar disorder, I did notice and I've noticed things like that in the past before like I my best friend's name. I've I have forgotten my best friend's name. I've looked him in the face and forgotten his name, which is really really strange spatial working memory enables people to recall shapes colors locations and movements There You Go locations. I'm horrible at navigating like I get made fun of almost every day because I'm so bad at navigating at work. What does the research? Say a 2017 systematic review found that people may experience changes in the working memory processes of update and recall both during and between episodes of bipolar disorder. This can make it hard for people to function and work or study a study published in 2007 found that some people who experience psychosis and bipolar disorder may have difficulty with executive functioning this can affect their ability to plan or carry out tasks other researchers have ribbed impairment in executive functioning as a core dysfunction that some people may experience when they are between high and low phases people with bipolar disorder who experience psychosis are more likely to experience problems with verbal declarative memory and spatial working memory compared with those who do not have psychosis. This can make it hard to recall and retell events and stories from the past. Okay. So this article is even saying that there are connections between psychosis and losing In certain types and parts of memory treatment and memory the changes that occur with bipolar disorder may affect a person's memory, but some of the treatments for the condition can also have an impact. So this would be interesting because I'll be honest. I haven't really looked into much into the treatments for bipolar disorder. So let's continue the first treatment they talk about is lithium. I have heard things about lithium. I've heard some good things and I've heard some bad things. I want to things that I've heard about lithium is that it kind of keeps you in a A neutral state so neutral that most people just kind of walk around and just don't feel anything which is terrifying to me because I've been there and I wouldn't want to take medication and induce that lithium is an important treatment for bipolar disorder newer drugs may also impact a person's cognitive ability. However, more studies are needed to confirm how these drugs affect thinking and memory if a person finds that a drug is affecting their memory. It's essential to speak to a doctor before stopping the treatment they may be able to offer an Our option electroconvulsive therapy. If a person has severe symptoms that do not respond to other treatments a doctor May recommend electroconvulsive therapy or ECT research published in 2017 suggests that ECT is safe and effective for people with severe symptoms of bipolar disorder and any phase of the condition so manic depressant or neutral. Let's go ahead and dive deeper into what ECT electroconvulsive therapy is because I am curious - what's to know about electroconvulsive therapy electroconvulsive therapy is safe controlled is a safe controlled procedure for depression and other psychological disorders that have not responded to other treatments a small amount of electrical current is passed to the brain in order to cause a brief seizure depression affects around 15 million Americans making it the leading cause of disability in the United States, but can be hard to treat between 60 and 70% of people with major depressive disorder respond to antidepressant medications. Sure, convulsive therapy may help people for whom these and other treatments have not been effective. ECT is given under anesthesia in both outpatient and inpatient Hospital settings between 70 and 90 percent of patients experience a rapid Improvement in symptoms. It may also help people who are acutely ill with Mania psychosis Catatonia agitated dementia, post-traumatic stress disorder and Suicidal Thoughts fast facts on ECT. Here are some key points about ECT more details in the main article. The American Psychiatric Society APA has established clear guidelines for ECT. Use ECT is considered safe for pregnant women adolescents and older people. So basically everyone positive results can be seen in as few as one or two ECT treatments around 100,000 people a year receive ECT in the u.s. Symptoms improve and seventy to ninety percent of patients. There's no reliable evidence of long-term harmful effects. It's electroshock therapy. It's Really what it is. Here we go. ECT formerly known as electroshock therapy has been used to treat several psychiatric conditions since 1938 since 1938. We are still using a quote-unquote treatment for depression that we were using in 1938. Before we had a better understanding of what was going on. Why are we using such antiqua time? Okay, so that's electroshock therapy is one of the other treatments if a person has severe symptoms that do not respond to other treatments a doctor May recommend electroconvulsive therapy ECT research published in 2017 suggests that ECT is safe and effective for people with severe symptoms of bipolar disorder and any phase of the condition. This is where we left off out of 522 people with bipolar disorder who Not responded to other forms of treatment 2/3 had a positive response to ECT including almost eighty one percent of those with catatonic depression. However, one possible side effect of the treatment is memory loss scientists have raised concerns about the impact on remembering things that happen before the treatment forming new memories after the treatment remembering personal facts and events verbal and working memory, but for some reason this is a widely popular. Tool that we use for people with bipolar disorder and other mental issues these impairments continue to affect people when they were between high and low moods more research is needed to find out exactly how ECT affects a person's memory. However, for people who experienced severe bipolar disorder the benefits of this treatment may still outweigh the risks. Here's my problem. We've been using electro shock therapy since 1938 since 1938. It is 2019. In 2017 when this was written, I guess why why do we still need to know medical reviewed by medically reviewed by Timothy J. Leg PhD see rnp on February 19th 2019. So this was reviewed this article was reviewed by a doctor this year why if a technique that has been used since 1938 widely been used and on over a hundred thousand people a year according to this article. Why are we still sitting there questioning what's actually going on? Why haven't we figured these things out see this this this right? Here is a big part of why I'm doing what I'm doing because nowhere in this article does it say hey cut out sugar and carbs and you know, your life will improve know where the two treatments they talk about our ECT electroconvulsive therapy and lithium back to the article living with cognitive challenges. Not every one of those with bipolar disorder will experience problems with memory, but some people do early diagnosis and good medical management may help to minimize these In those who are at risk if a person is having difficulty with short-term memory the following tips may help record all appointments and contacts on a smartphone. Yeah. Okay. Keep a book to record things that you want to remember for right? The first two things is write things down. Nope. The third thing is write things down. Nope. The fourth thing is write things down. The fifth thing is write things down. The sixth thing is have a special place to keep important things like he's glasses and wallets. I will definitely back that up. I have a key hook that Mikey's go on and I have a drawer that my wallet and my knife goes in every day. And as far as possible establish a routine, including regular bedtimes and meal times. This will also help maintain healthy, excuse me, healthful sleeping and eating habits. So 1 2 3 4 5 the first five things on this list of How to help with short term memory loss is write things down. Like no duh here I will read this entire list record all appointments and contacts on a smartphone. Keep a book to record things. You want to remember for example a recording of spending make it to do list each week or keep a wall calendar with space to write on Stick Post-it notes with reminders by the front door or other Stitch strategic places. Keep a chalkboard. For example in the kitchen to write reminders on the first five things is write stuff down back to the article knowing what Facts bipolar disorder can have on a person's ability to think and remember and understanding that mood changes are not the only feature of the disorder may make it easier for individuals and their families to manage the many challenges that bipolar disorder presents. And then we have an overview bipolar disorder a person who receives a diagnosis of bipolar disorder will have the condition for the rest of their life there currently is no cure. However, they may not always experienced mood alterations or show obvious symptoms symptoms often emerge Sometimes between the teenage years and the 30s the mood cycles and the symptoms vary between individuals one person may have more depressive symptoms while another one has mainly manic episodes a manic episode can involve the following a high sense of self-esteem or belief that the person is very important. Yep. Been there done that difficulty sleeping. If you've been following me for any length of time on Instagram, you know, I talked I haven't talked about it in a while, but I talked a lot about insomnia. And in fact, I take a sleep aid which is why I haven't talked about it and Talking more than usual with a rapid flow of speech the jump suddenly between topics. Yep racing thoughts. Mmm being easily distracted 100% moving quickly from one focus of attention to another. Yeah risk-taking behaviors such as reckless driving or shopping sprees. That's a big one that second one is a big one. A lot of people don't understand that people with bipolar disorder when they're manic spend a lot more money than they can during a low mood. The person may lose interest in activities have no pleasure in things. They usually enjoy be unable to focus sleep more or less than usual believe something terrible is going to happen or has happened talk about think about or attempt suicide. I've done all of those things. Some people may become some people may become completely inactive or catatonic if a person speaks about or attempt suicide or if they become unable to move or react someone should seek urgent medical help. For the person in either phase a person may experience psychosis involving delusions hallucinations or both they may hear see or smell things that do not exist or believe that something is true when there is no evidence that it is the cause of bipolar disorder remains unclear but genetic biochemical and environmental factors probably play a role stress May trigger an episode and using alcohol or other substances can make the symptoms and the impact of the condition worse. There's a reason I don't drink guys. Let's go all the way down to Outlook some people with bipolar disorder experience impairments and memory and thinking although this is not true for everyone memory problems baby may be more likely to develop if the person's symptoms are severe or if they experienced many manic episodes psychosis or both. Anyone who shows signs of bipolar disorder should seek medical help treatment including medication and counseling can help a person to overcome the challenges of this condition. So that is the article for medical news today reviewed by Timothy J leg with two G's PhD see rnp on February 19th of 2019 written by Marcus McGill. Like I said, the link will be in the show notes. What's really really frustrating is again. There's nothing in there about diet. I know that one of the one of these episodes in the series is going to be bipolar disorder and sugar because that is been a very big thing for me. And then the other frustrating thing is they only talk. Yeah, they only talk about two treatments. I think with this series we're going to see a big problem or a big part of the problem when it comes to the American Healthcare System. We would much rather treat these symptoms and not the problem. One of the really cool things that I got from this article was where it was talking about how the image testing has shown that during the mood shifts the way that the blood flows to the brain can change as well. Like that's that's really cool. And that definitely shows, you know, if part of the Gene that controls memory is starved for blood is starved for oxygen it start for what it needs to be able to do its job then yeah, obviously it's not going to work that well, I really hope that this has helped someone makes sense of what's going on in their head or make sense of what's going on with one of their loved ones or one of their friends again. I am not a doctor. I'm not here to diagnose you. I'm simply reading an article and talking about my life. If you notice that a lot of these things resonate with you or if you are questioning whether you have bipolar disorder Or not please reach out to a medical professional because I again am not a doctor. I'm not a medical professional. I'm just a guy that has spent a lot of time trying to figure out what's going on in his own head. I'm gonna go ahead and end this one the way that I end all of them. You should already know what I'm about to say, you are beautiful you are worth it. And as long as you are willing to put the work in hope will always be there. Until the next one.
I have had problems with my memory in the past, I wonder if it has anything to do with my bipolar disorder. Let's Talk About It. Bipolar Disorder and Memory  Just a quick disclaimer. Things I am not: A doctor A dietitian An expert A specialist Things that I am: Someone who has lost over 300lbs over the last nine years Someone who proudly labels himself as a gym rat Someone who is willing to be completely transparent in hopes of helping others realize they are not alone in the fight. Someone who is hoping to help others using the tools I have developed from my own experiences. I am so incredible grateful for you giving me time out of your day, if anything I have said touches you or brings up thoughts or topics you'd like to discuss or you'd like to be a guest on our podcast, the best place to reach me would be on Instagram @Depressed2Determined. I'm sure they would all appreciate it! You are beautiful, You are worth it, and as long as you are willing to put the work in hope will always be there! 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.