module sky130_fd_sc_hd__o32ai_1 ( Y , A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); output Y ; input A1 ; input A2 ; input A3 ; input B1 ; input B2 ; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_hd__o32ai base ( .Y(Y), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .B1(B1), .B2(B2), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB) ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hd__o32ai_1 ( Y , A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 ); output Y ; input A1; input A2; input A3; input B1; input B2; // Voltage supply signals supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_hd__o32ai base ( .Y(Y), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .B1(B1), .B2(B2) ); endmodule
module wasca_altpll_1_dffpipe_l2c ( clock, clrn, d, q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */; input clock; input clrn; input [0:0] d; output [0:0] q; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri0 clock; tri1 clrn; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif reg [0:0] dffe4a; reg [0:0] dffe5a; reg [0:0] dffe6a; wire ena; wire prn; wire sclr; // synopsys translate_off initial dffe4a = 0; // synopsys translate_on always @ ( posedge clock or negedge prn or negedge clrn) if (prn == 1'b0) dffe4a <= {1{1'b1}}; else if (clrn == 1'b0) dffe4a <= 1'b0; else if (ena == 1'b1) dffe4a <= (d & (~ sclr)); // synopsys translate_off initial dffe5a = 0; // synopsys translate_on always @ ( posedge clock or negedge prn or negedge clrn) if (prn == 1'b0) dffe5a <= {1{1'b1}}; else if (clrn == 1'b0) dffe5a <= 1'b0; else if (ena == 1'b1) dffe5a <= (dffe4a & (~ sclr)); // synopsys translate_off initial dffe6a = 0; // synopsys translate_on always @ ( posedge clock or negedge prn or negedge clrn) if (prn == 1'b0) dffe6a <= {1{1'b1}}; else if (clrn == 1'b0) dffe6a <= 1'b0; else if (ena == 1'b1) dffe6a <= (dffe5a & (~ sclr)); assign ena = 1'b1, prn = 1'b1, q = dffe6a, sclr = 1'b0; endmodule
module wasca_altpll_1_stdsync_sv6 ( clk, din, dout, reset_n) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */; input clk; input din; output dout; input reset_n; wire [0:0] wire_dffpipe3_q; wasca_altpll_1_dffpipe_l2c dffpipe3 ( .clock(clk), .clrn(reset_n), .d(din), .q(wire_dffpipe3_q)); assign dout = wire_dffpipe3_q; endmodule
module wasca_altpll_1_altpll_8932 ( areset, clk, inclk, locked) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */; input areset; output [4:0] clk; input [1:0] inclk; output locked; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri0 areset; tri0 [1:0] inclk; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif reg pll_lock_sync; wire [4:0] wire_pll7_clk; wire wire_pll7_fbout; wire wire_pll7_locked; // synopsys translate_off initial pll_lock_sync = 0; // synopsys translate_on always @ ( posedge wire_pll7_locked or posedge areset) if (areset == 1'b1) pll_lock_sync <= 1'b0; else pll_lock_sync <= 1'b1; fiftyfivenm_pll pll7 ( .activeclock(), .areset(areset), .clk(wire_pll7_clk), .clkbad(), .fbin(wire_pll7_fbout), .fbout(wire_pll7_fbout), .inclk(inclk), .locked(wire_pll7_locked), .phasedone(), .scandataout(), .scandone(), .vcooverrange(), .vcounderrange() `ifndef FORMAL_VERIFICATION // synopsys translate_off `endif , .clkswitch(1'b0), .configupdate(1'b0), .pfdena(1'b1), .phasecounterselect({3{1'b0}}), .phasestep(1'b0), .phaseupdown(1'b0), .scanclk(1'b0), .scanclkena(1'b1), .scandata(1'b0) `ifndef FORMAL_VERIFICATION // synopsys translate_on `endif ); defparam pll7.bandwidth_type = "auto", pll7.clk0_divide_by = 22579, pll7.clk0_duty_cycle = 50, pll7.clk0_multiply_by = 116000, pll7.clk0_phase_shift = "0", pll7.compensate_clock = "clk0", pll7.inclk0_input_frequency = 44288, pll7.operation_mode = "normal", pll7.pll_type = "auto", pll7.lpm_type = "fiftyfivenm_pll"; assign clk = {wire_pll7_clk[4:0]}, locked = (wire_pll7_locked & pll_lock_sync); endmodule
module wasca_altpll_1 ( address, areset, c0, clk, locked, phasedone, read, readdata, reset, write, writedata) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */; input [1:0] address; input areset; output c0; input clk; output locked; output phasedone; input read; output [31:0] readdata; input reset; input write; input [31:0] writedata; wire wire_stdsync2_dout; wire [4:0] wire_sd1_clk; wire wire_sd1_locked; (* ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = {"POWER_UP_LEVEL=HIGH"} *) reg pfdena_reg; wire wire_pfdena_reg_ena; reg prev_reset; wire w_locked; wire w_pfdena; wire w_phasedone; wire w_pll_areset_in; wire w_reset; wire w_select_control; wire w_select_status; wasca_altpll_1_stdsync_sv6 stdsync2 ( .clk(clk), .din(wire_sd1_locked), .dout(wire_stdsync2_dout), .reset_n((~ reset))); wasca_altpll_1_altpll_8932 sd1 ( .areset((w_pll_areset_in | areset)), .clk(wire_sd1_clk), .inclk({{1{1'b0}}, clk}), .locked(wire_sd1_locked)); // synopsys translate_off initial pfdena_reg = {1{1'b1}}; // synopsys translate_on always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset == 1'b1) pfdena_reg <= {1{1'b1}}; else if (wire_pfdena_reg_ena == 1'b1) pfdena_reg <= writedata[1]; assign wire_pfdena_reg_ena = (write & w_select_control); // synopsys translate_off initial prev_reset = 0; // synopsys translate_on always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset == 1'b1) prev_reset <= 1'b0; else prev_reset <= w_reset; assign c0 = wire_sd1_clk[0], locked = wire_sd1_locked, phasedone = 1'b0, readdata = {{30{1'b0}}, (read & ((w_select_control & w_pfdena) | (w_select_status & w_phasedone))), (read & ((w_select_control & w_pll_areset_in) | (w_select_status & w_locked)))}, w_locked = wire_stdsync2_dout, w_pfdena = pfdena_reg, w_phasedone = 1'b1, w_pll_areset_in = prev_reset, w_reset = ((write & w_select_control) & writedata[0]), w_select_control = ((~ address[1]) & address[0]), w_select_status = ((~ address[1]) & (~ address[0])); endmodule
module pcie_7x_v1_11_0_pcie_top # ( // PCIE_2_1 params parameter PIPE_PIPELINE_STAGES = 0, // 0 - 0 stages, 1 - 1 stage, 2 - 2 stages parameter [11:0] AER_BASE_PTR = 12'h140, parameter AER_CAP_ECRC_CHECK_CAPABLE = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP_ROLE_BASED_ERROR = "TRUE", parameter LINK_CAP_SURPRISE_DOWN_ERROR_CAPABLE = "FALSE", parameter AER_CAP_ECRC_GEN_CAPABLE = "FALSE", parameter [15:0] AER_CAP_ID = 16'h0001, parameter AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER = "FALSE", parameter [11:0] AER_CAP_NEXTPTR = 12'h178, parameter AER_CAP_ON = "FALSE", parameter [23:0] AER_CAP_OPTIONAL_ERR_SUPPORT = 24'h000000, parameter AER_CAP_PERMIT_ROOTERR_UPDATE = "TRUE", parameter [3:0] AER_CAP_VERSION = 4'h1, parameter ALLOW_X8_GEN2 = "FALSE", parameter [31:0] BAR0 = 32'hFFFFFF00, parameter [31:0] BAR1 = 32'hFFFF0000, parameter [31:0] BAR2 = 32'hFFFF000C, parameter [31:0] BAR3 = 32'hFFFFFFFF, parameter [31:0] BAR4 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] BAR5 = 32'h00000000, parameter C_DATA_WIDTH = 64, parameter REM_WIDTH = (C_DATA_WIDTH == 128) ? 2 : 1, parameter KEEP_WIDTH = C_DATA_WIDTH / 8, parameter [7:0] CAPABILITIES_PTR = 8'h40, parameter [31:0] CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER = 32'h00000000, parameter [23:0] CLASS_CODE = 24'h000000, parameter CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT = 0, parameter CMD_INTX_IMPLEMENTED = "TRUE", parameter CPL_TIMEOUT_DISABLE_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter [3:0] CPL_TIMEOUT_RANGES_SUPPORTED = 4'h0, parameter [6:0] CRM_MODULE_RSTS = 7'h00, parameter DEV_CAP2_ARI_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP32_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP64_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP_ROUTING_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_CAS128_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_EXTENDED_FMT_FIELD_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CAP2_LTR_MECHANISM_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter [1:0] DEV_CAP2_MAX_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIXES = 2'h0, parameter DEV_CAP2_NO_RO_ENABLED_PRPR_PASSING = "FALSE", parameter [1:0] DEV_CAP2_TPH_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED = 2'h0, parameter DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_SCALE = "TRUE", parameter DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_VALUE = "TRUE", parameter integer DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L0S_LATENCY = 0, parameter integer DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L1_LATENCY = 0, parameter DEV_CAP_EXT_TAG_SUPPORTED = "TRUE", parameter DEV_CAP_FUNCTION_LEVEL_RESET_CAPABLE = "FALSE", parameter integer DEV_CAP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SUPPORTED = 2, parameter integer DEV_CAP_PHANTOM_FUNCTIONS_SUPPORT = 0, parameter integer DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12 = 0, parameter integer DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16 = 0, parameter integer DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29 = 0, parameter DEV_CONTROL_AUX_POWER_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter DEV_CONTROL_EXT_TAG_DEFAULT = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_BAR_FILTERING = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_ERR_MSG = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_ID_CHECK = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_LANE_REVERSAL = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_LOCKED_FILTER = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_PPM_FILTER = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_RX_POISONED_RESP = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER = "FALSE", parameter DISABLE_SCRAMBLING = "FALSE", parameter [7:0] DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM = 8'h00, parameter [11:0] DSN_BASE_PTR = 12'h100, parameter [15:0] DSN_CAP_ID = 16'h0003, parameter [11:0] DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR = 12'h10C, parameter DSN_CAP_ON = "TRUE", parameter [3:0] DSN_CAP_VERSION = 4'h1, parameter [10:0] ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE = 11'h000, parameter ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM = "FALSE", parameter ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED = "FALSE", parameter ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0 = "TRUE", parameter EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI = "TRUE", parameter [31:0] EXPANSION_ROM = 32'hFFFFF001, parameter [5:0] EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR = 6'h3F, parameter [9:0] EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR = 10'h3FF, parameter [7:0] HEADER_TYPE = 8'h00, parameter [4:0] INFER_EI = 5'h00, parameter [7:0] INTERRUPT_PIN = 8'h01, parameter INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO = "TRUE", parameter IS_SWITCH = "FALSE", parameter [9:0] LAST_CONFIG_DWORD = 10'h3FF, parameter LINK_CAP_ASPM_OPTIONALITY = "TRUE", parameter integer LINK_CAP_ASPM_SUPPORT = 1, parameter LINK_CAP_CLOCK_POWER_MANAGEMENT = "FALSE", parameter LINK_CAP_DLL_LINK_ACTIVE_REPORTING_CAP = "FALSE", parameter integer LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1 = 7, parameter integer LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2 = 7, parameter LINK_CAP_LINK_BANDWIDTH_NOTIFICATION_CAP = "FALSE", parameter [3:0] LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED = 4'h1, parameter [5:0] LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH = 6'h08, parameter integer LINK_CAP_RSVD_23 = 0, parameter integer LINK_CONTROL_RCB = 0, parameter LINK_CTRL2_DEEMPHASIS = "FALSE", parameter LINK_CTRL2_HW_AUTONOMOUS_SPEED_DISABLE = "FALSE", parameter [3:0] LINK_CTRL2_TARGET_LINK_SPEED = 4'h2, parameter LINK_STATUS_SLOT_CLOCK_CONFIG = "TRUE", parameter [14:0] LL_ACK_TIMEOUT = 15'h0000, parameter LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN = "FALSE", parameter integer LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC = 0, parameter [14:0] LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT = 15'h0000, parameter LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN = "FALSE", parameter integer LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_FUNC = 0, parameter [5:0] LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH = 6'h01, parameter MPS_FORCE = "FALSE", parameter [7:0] MSIX_BASE_PTR = 8'h9C, parameter [7:0] MSIX_CAP_ID = 8'h11, parameter [7:0] MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR = 8'h00, parameter MSIX_CAP_ON = "FALSE", parameter integer MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR = 0, parameter [28:0] MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET = 29'h00000050, parameter integer MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR = 0, parameter [28:0] MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET = 29'h00000040, parameter [10:0] MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE = 11'h000, parameter [7:0] MSI_BASE_PTR = 8'h48, parameter MSI_CAP_64_BIT_ADDR_CAPABLE = "TRUE", parameter [7:0] MSI_CAP_ID = 8'h05, parameter integer MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP = 0, parameter integer MSI_CAP_MULTIMSG_EXTENSION = 0, parameter [7:0] MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR = 8'h60, parameter MSI_CAP_ON = "FALSE", parameter MSI_CAP_PER_VECTOR_MASKING_CAPABLE = "TRUE", parameter integer N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1 = 255, parameter integer N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2 = 255, parameter integer N_FTS_GEN1 = 255, parameter integer N_FTS_GEN2 = 255, parameter [7:0] PCIE_BASE_PTR = 8'h60, parameter [7:0] PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_ID = 8'h10, parameter [3:0] PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_VERSION = 4'h2, parameter [3:0] PCIE_CAP_DEVICE_PORT_TYPE = 4'h0, parameter [7:0] PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR = 8'h9C, parameter PCIE_CAP_ON = "TRUE", parameter integer PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14 = 0, parameter PCIE_CAP_SLOT_IMPLEMENTED = "FALSE", parameter integer PCIE_REVISION = 2, parameter integer PL_AUTO_CONFIG = 0, parameter PL_FAST_TRAIN = "FALSE", parameter [14:0] PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT = 15'h0000, parameter PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN = "FALSE", parameter integer PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_FUNC = 0, parameter PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT = "FALSE", parameter [7:0] PM_BASE_PTR = 8'h40, parameter integer PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT = 0, parameter PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT = "TRUE", parameter PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT = "TRUE", parameter PM_CAP_DSI = "FALSE", parameter [7:0] PM_CAP_ID = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_CAP_NEXTPTR = 8'h48, parameter PM_CAP_ON = "TRUE", parameter [4:0] PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT = 5'h0F, parameter PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK = "FALSE", parameter integer PM_CAP_RSVD_04 = 0, parameter integer PM_CAP_VERSION = 3, parameter PM_CSR_B2B3 = "FALSE", parameter PM_CSR_BPCCEN = "FALSE", parameter PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST = "TRUE", parameter [7:0] PM_DATA0 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA1 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA2 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA3 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA4 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA5 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA6 = 8'h01, parameter [7:0] PM_DATA7 = 8'h01, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE0 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE1 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE2 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE3 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE4 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE5 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE6 = 2'h1, parameter [1:0] PM_DATA_SCALE7 = 2'h1, parameter PM_MF = "FALSE", parameter [11:0] RBAR_BASE_PTR = 12'h178, parameter [4:0] RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR0 = 5'h00, parameter [4:0] RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR1 = 5'h00, parameter [4:0] RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR2 = 5'h00, parameter [4:0] RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR3 = 5'h00, parameter [4:0] RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR4 = 5'h00, parameter [4:0] RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR5 = 5'h00, parameter [15:0] RBAR_CAP_ID = 16'h0015, parameter [2:0] RBAR_CAP_INDEX0 = 3'h0, parameter [2:0] RBAR_CAP_INDEX1 = 3'h0, parameter [2:0] RBAR_CAP_INDEX2 = 3'h0, parameter [2:0] RBAR_CAP_INDEX3 = 3'h0, parameter [2:0] RBAR_CAP_INDEX4 = 3'h0, parameter [2:0] RBAR_CAP_INDEX5 = 3'h0, parameter [11:0] RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR = 12'h000, parameter RBAR_CAP_ON = "FALSE", parameter [31:0] RBAR_CAP_SUP0 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] RBAR_CAP_SUP1 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] RBAR_CAP_SUP2 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] RBAR_CAP_SUP3 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] RBAR_CAP_SUP4 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] RBAR_CAP_SUP5 = 32'h00000000, parameter [3:0] RBAR_CAP_VERSION = 4'h1, parameter [2:0] RBAR_NUM = 3'h1, parameter integer RECRC_CHK = 0, parameter RECRC_CHK_TRIM = "FALSE", parameter ROOT_CAP_CRS_SW_VISIBILITY = "FALSE", parameter [1:0] RP_AUTO_SPD = 2'h1, parameter [4:0] RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT = 5'h1f, parameter SELECT_DLL_IF = "FALSE", parameter SIM_VERSION = "1.0", parameter SLOT_CAP_ATT_BUTTON_PRESENT = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_ATT_INDICATOR_PRESENT = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_ELEC_INTERLOCK_PRESENT = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_CAPABLE = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_SURPRISE = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_MRL_SENSOR_PRESENT = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_NO_CMD_COMPLETED_SUPPORT = "FALSE", parameter [12:0] SLOT_CAP_PHYSICAL_SLOT_NUM = 13'h0000, parameter SLOT_CAP_POWER_CONTROLLER_PRESENT = "FALSE", parameter SLOT_CAP_POWER_INDICATOR_PRESENT = "FALSE", parameter integer SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_SCALE = 0, parameter [7:0] SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_VALUE = 8'h00, parameter integer SPARE_BIT0 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT1 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT2 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT3 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT4 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT5 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT6 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT7 = 0, parameter integer SPARE_BIT8 = 0, parameter [7:0] SPARE_BYTE0 = 8'h00, parameter [7:0] SPARE_BYTE1 = 8'h00, parameter [7:0] SPARE_BYTE2 = 8'h00, parameter [7:0] SPARE_BYTE3 = 8'h00, parameter [31:0] SPARE_WORD0 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] SPARE_WORD1 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] SPARE_WORD2 = 32'h00000000, parameter [31:0] SPARE_WORD3 = 32'h00000000, parameter SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO = "FALSE", parameter TECRC_EP_INV = "FALSE", parameter TL_RBYPASS = "FALSE", parameter integer TL_RX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY = 0, parameter integer TL_RX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY = 2, parameter integer TL_RX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY = 0, parameter TL_TFC_DISABLE = "FALSE", parameter TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE = "FALSE", parameter integer TL_TX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY = 0, parameter integer TL_TX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY = 2, parameter integer TL_TX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY = 0, parameter TRN_DW = "FALSE", parameter TRN_NP_FC = "FALSE", parameter UPCONFIG_CAPABLE = "TRUE", parameter UPSTREAM_FACING = "TRUE", parameter UR_ATOMIC = "TRUE", parameter UR_CFG1 = "TRUE", parameter UR_INV_REQ = "TRUE", parameter UR_PRS_RESPONSE = "TRUE", parameter USER_CLK2_DIV2 = "FALSE", parameter integer USER_CLK_FREQ = 3, parameter USE_RID_PINS = "FALSE", parameter VC0_CPL_INFINITE = "TRUE", parameter [12:0] VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT = 13'h03FF, parameter integer VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD = 127, parameter integer VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH = 31, parameter integer VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD = 24, parameter integer VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH = 12, parameter integer VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD = 288, parameter integer VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH = 32, parameter integer VC0_TX_LASTPACKET = 31, parameter [11:0] VC_BASE_PTR = 12'h10C, parameter [15:0] VC_CAP_ID = 16'h0002, parameter [11:0] VC_CAP_NEXTPTR = 12'h000, parameter VC_CAP_ON = "FALSE", parameter VC_CAP_REJECT_SNOOP_TRANSACTIONS = "FALSE", parameter [3:0] VC_CAP_VERSION = 4'h1, parameter [11:0] VSEC_BASE_PTR = 12'h128, parameter [15:0] VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID = 16'h1234, parameter [11:0] VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH = 12'h018, parameter [3:0] VSEC_CAP_HDR_REVISION = 4'h1, parameter [15:0] VSEC_CAP_ID = 16'h000B, parameter VSEC_CAP_IS_LINK_VISIBLE = "TRUE", parameter [11:0] VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR = 12'h140, parameter VSEC_CAP_ON = "FALSE", parameter [3:0] VSEC_CAP_VERSION = 4'h1 ) ( // wrapper input // Common output user_clk_out, input user_reset, input user_lnk_up, output trn_lnk_up, output user_rst_n, // Tx output [5:0] tx_buf_av, output tx_err_drop, output tx_cfg_req, output s_axis_tx_tready, input [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tx_tdata, input [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tx_tkeep, input [3:0] s_axis_tx_tuser, input s_axis_tx_tlast, input s_axis_tx_tvalid, input tx_cfg_gnt, // Rx output [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_rx_tdata, output [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_rx_tkeep, output m_axis_rx_tlast, output m_axis_rx_tvalid, input m_axis_rx_tready, output [21:0] m_axis_rx_tuser, input rx_np_ok, input rx_np_req, // Flow Control output [11:0] fc_cpld, output [7:0] fc_cplh, output [11:0] fc_npd, output [7:0] fc_nph, output [11:0] fc_pd, output [7:0] fc_ph, input [2:0] fc_sel, input wire [1:0] pl_directed_link_change, input wire [1:0] pl_directed_link_width, input wire pl_directed_link_speed, input wire pl_directed_link_auton, input wire pl_upstream_prefer_deemph, input wire pl_downstream_deemph_source, input wire pl_directed_ltssm_new_vld, input wire [5:0] pl_directed_ltssm_new, input wire pl_directed_ltssm_stall, input wire cm_rst_n, input wire func_lvl_rst_n, input wire pl_transmit_hot_rst, input wire [31:0] cfg_mgmt_di, input wire [3:0] cfg_mgmt_byte_en_n, input wire [9:0] cfg_mgmt_dwaddr, input wire cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_n, input wire cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_n, input wire cfg_mgmt_wr_en_n, input wire cfg_mgmt_rd_en_n, input wire cfg_err_malformed_n, input wire cfg_err_cor_n, input wire cfg_err_ur_n, input wire cfg_err_ecrc_n, input wire cfg_err_cpl_timeout_n, input wire cfg_err_cpl_abort_n, input wire cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_n, input wire cfg_err_poisoned_n, input wire cfg_err_acs_n, input wire cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_n, input wire cfg_err_mc_blocked_n, input wire cfg_err_internal_uncor_n, input wire cfg_err_internal_cor_n, input wire cfg_err_posted_n, input wire cfg_err_locked_n, input wire cfg_err_norecovery_n, input wire [127:0] cfg_err_aer_headerlog, input wire [47:0] cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header, input wire cfg_interrupt_n, input wire [7:0] cfg_interrupt_di, input wire cfg_interrupt_assert_n, input wire cfg_interrupt_stat_n, input wire [7:0] cfg_ds_bus_number, input wire [4:0] cfg_ds_device_number, input wire [2:0] cfg_ds_function_number, input wire [7:0] cfg_port_number, input wire cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_n, input wire cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_n, input wire cfg_pm_force_state_en_n, input wire [1:0] cfg_pm_force_state, input wire cfg_pm_wake_n, input wire cfg_turnoff_ok, input wire cfg_pm_send_pme_to_n, input wire [4:0] cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum, input wire cfg_trn_pending, input wire [2:0] cfg_force_mps, input wire cfg_force_common_clock_off, input wire cfg_force_extended_sync_on, input wire [63:0] cfg_dsn, input wire [4:0] cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum, input wire [15:0] cfg_dev_id, input wire [15:0] cfg_vend_id, input wire [7:0] cfg_rev_id, input wire [15:0] cfg_subsys_id, input wire [15:0] cfg_subsys_vend_id, input wire drp_clk, input wire drp_en, input wire drp_we, input wire [8:0] drp_addr, input wire [15:0] drp_di, output wire drp_rdy, output wire [15:0] drp_do, input wire [1:0] dbg_mode, input wire dbg_sub_mode, input wire [2:0] pl_dbg_mode , output wire pl_sel_lnk_rate, output wire [1:0] pl_sel_lnk_width, output wire [5:0] pl_ltssm_state, output wire [1:0] pl_lane_reversal_mode, output wire pl_phy_lnk_up, output wire [2:0] pl_tx_pm_state, output wire [1:0] pl_rx_pm_state, output wire pl_link_upcfg_cap, output wire pl_link_gen2_cap, output wire pl_link_partner_gen2_supported, output wire [2:0] pl_initial_link_width, output wire pl_directed_change_done, output wire pl_received_hot_rst, output wire lnk_clk_en, output wire [31:0] cfg_mgmt_do, output wire cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done, output wire cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set, output wire cfg_err_cpl_rdy, output wire cfg_interrupt_rdy, output wire [2:0] cfg_interrupt_mmenable, output wire cfg_interrupt_msienable, output wire [7:0] cfg_interrupt_do, output wire cfg_interrupt_msixenable, output wire cfg_interrupt_msixfm, output wire [7:0] cfg_bus_number, output wire [4:0] cfg_device_number, output wire [2:0] cfg_function_number, output wire [15:0] cfg_status, output wire [15:0] cfg_command, output wire [15:0] cfg_dstatus, output wire [15:0] cfg_dcommand, output wire [15:0] cfg_lstatus, output wire [15:0] cfg_lcommand, output wire [15:0] cfg_dcommand2, output wire cfg_received_func_lvl_rst, output wire cfg_msg_received, output wire [15:0] cfg_msg_data, output wire cfg_msg_received_err_cor, output wire cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal, output wire cfg_msg_received_err_fatal, output wire cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a, output wire cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a, output wire cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b, output wire cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b, output wire cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c, output wire cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c, output wire cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d, output wire cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d, output wire cfg_msg_received_pm_pme, output wire cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack, output wire cfg_msg_received_pme_to, output wire cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit, output wire cfg_msg_received_unlock, output wire cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak, output wire cfg_to_turnoff, output wire [2:0] cfg_pcie_link_state, output wire cfg_pm_rcv_as_req_l1_n, output wire cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l1_n, output wire cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l23_n, output wire cfg_pm_rcv_req_ack_n, output wire [1:0] cfg_pmcsr_powerstate, output wire cfg_pmcsr_pme_en, output wire cfg_pmcsr_pme_status, output wire cfg_transaction, output wire cfg_transaction_type, output wire [6:0] cfg_transaction_addr, output wire cfg_command_io_enable, output wire cfg_command_mem_enable, output wire cfg_command_bus_master_enable, output wire cfg_command_interrupt_disable, output wire cfg_command_serr_en, output wire cfg_bridge_serr_en, output wire cfg_dev_status_corr_err_detected, output wire cfg_dev_status_non_fatal_err_detected, output wire cfg_dev_status_fatal_err_detected, output wire cfg_dev_status_ur_detected, output wire cfg_dev_control_corr_err_reporting_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_non_fatal_reporting_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_fatal_err_reporting_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_ur_err_reporting_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_enable_ro, output wire [2:0] cfg_dev_control_max_payload, output wire cfg_dev_control_ext_tag_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_phantom_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_aux_power_en, output wire cfg_dev_control_no_snoop_en, output wire [2:0] cfg_dev_control_max_read_req, output wire [1:0] cfg_link_status_current_speed, output wire [3:0] cfg_link_status_negotiated_width, output wire cfg_link_status_link_training, output wire cfg_link_status_dll_active, output wire cfg_link_status_bandwidth_status, output wire cfg_link_status_auto_bandwidth_status, output wire [1:0] cfg_link_control_aspm_control, output wire cfg_link_control_rcb, output wire cfg_link_control_link_disable, output wire cfg_link_control_retrain_link, output wire cfg_link_control_common_clock, output wire cfg_link_control_extended_sync, output wire cfg_link_control_clock_pm_en, output wire cfg_link_control_hw_auto_width_dis, output wire cfg_link_control_bandwidth_int_en, output wire cfg_link_control_auto_bandwidth_int_en, output wire [3:0] cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_val, output wire cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_dis, output wire cfg_dev_control2_ari_forward_en, output wire cfg_dev_control2_atomic_requester_en, output wire cfg_dev_control2_atomic_egress_block, output wire cfg_dev_control2_ido_req_en, output wire cfg_dev_control2_ido_cpl_en, output wire cfg_dev_control2_ltr_en, output wire cfg_dev_control2_tlp_prefix_block, output wire cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse, output wire cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en, output wire cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en, output wire cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en, output wire cfg_root_control_pme_int_en, output wire cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en, output wire cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en, output wire cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en, output wire cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en, output wire cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en, output wire cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received, output wire cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received, output wire cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received, output wire [6:0] cfg_vc_tcvc_map, output wire [63:0] dbg_vec_a, output wire [63:0] dbg_vec_b, output wire [11:0] dbg_vec_c, output wire dbg_sclr_a, output wire dbg_sclr_b, output wire dbg_sclr_c, output wire dbg_sclr_d, output wire dbg_sclr_e, output wire dbg_sclr_f, output wire dbg_sclr_g, output wire dbg_sclr_h, output wire dbg_sclr_i, output wire dbg_sclr_j, output wire dbg_sclr_k, output wire [63:0] trn_rdllp_data, output wire [1:0] trn_rdllp_src_rdy, output wire [11:0] pl_dbg_vec, input phy_rdy_n, input pipe_clk, input user_clk, input user_clk2, output wire pipe_rx0_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx1_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx2_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx3_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx4_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx5_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx6_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_rx7_polarity_gt, output wire pipe_tx_deemph_gt, output wire [2:0] pipe_tx_margin_gt, output wire pipe_tx_rate_gt, output wire pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx0_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx0_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx1_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx1_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx2_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx2_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx3_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx3_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx4_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx4_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx5_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx5_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx6_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx6_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt, output wire pipe_tx7_compliance_gt, output wire [15:0] pipe_tx7_data_gt, output wire pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt, output wire [1:0] pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt, input wire pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx0_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx0_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx0_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx1_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx1_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx1_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx2_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx2_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx2_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx3_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx3_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx3_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx4_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx4_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx4_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx5_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx5_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx5_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx6_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx6_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx6_valid_gt, input wire pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt, input wire [1:0] pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt, input wire [15:0] pipe_rx7_data_gt, input wire pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt, input wire pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt, input wire [2:0] pipe_rx7_status_gt, input wire pipe_rx7_valid_gt ); //wire declaration // TRN Interface wire [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] trn_td; wire [REM_WIDTH-1:0] trn_trem; wire trn_tsof; wire trn_teof; wire trn_tsrc_rdy; wire trn_tsrc_dsc; wire trn_terrfwd; wire trn_tecrc_gen; wire trn_tstr; wire trn_tcfg_gnt; wire [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] trn_rd; wire [REM_WIDTH-1:0] trn_rrem; wire trn_rdst_rdy; wire trn_rsof; wire trn_reof; wire trn_rsrc_rdy; wire trn_rsrc_dsc; wire trn_rerrfwd; wire [7:0] trn_rbar_hit; wire sys_reset_n_d; wire [1:0] pipe_rx0_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx1_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx2_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx3_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx4_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx5_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx6_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_rx7_char_is_k; wire pipe_rx0_valid; wire pipe_rx1_valid; wire pipe_rx2_valid; wire pipe_rx3_valid; wire pipe_rx4_valid; wire pipe_rx5_valid; wire pipe_rx6_valid; wire pipe_rx7_valid; wire [15:0] pipe_rx0_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx1_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx2_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx3_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx4_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx5_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx6_data; wire [15:0] pipe_rx7_data; wire pipe_rx0_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx1_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx2_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx3_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx4_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx5_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx6_chanisaligned; wire pipe_rx7_chanisaligned; wire [2:0] pipe_rx0_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx1_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx2_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx3_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx4_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx5_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx6_status; wire [2:0] pipe_rx7_status; wire pipe_rx0_phy_status; wire pipe_rx1_phy_status; wire pipe_rx2_phy_status; wire pipe_rx3_phy_status; wire pipe_rx4_phy_status; wire pipe_rx5_phy_status; wire pipe_rx6_phy_status; wire pipe_rx7_phy_status; wire pipe_rx0_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx1_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx2_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx3_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx4_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx5_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx6_elec_idle; wire pipe_rx7_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx_reset; wire pipe_tx_rate; wire pipe_tx_deemph; wire [2:0] pipe_tx_margin; wire pipe_rx0_polarity; wire pipe_rx1_polarity; wire pipe_rx2_polarity; wire pipe_rx3_polarity; wire pipe_rx4_polarity; wire pipe_rx5_polarity; wire pipe_rx6_polarity; wire pipe_rx7_polarity; wire pipe_tx0_compliance; wire pipe_tx1_compliance; wire pipe_tx2_compliance; wire pipe_tx3_compliance; wire pipe_tx4_compliance; wire pipe_tx5_compliance; wire pipe_tx6_compliance; wire pipe_tx7_compliance; wire [1:0] pipe_tx0_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx1_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx2_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx3_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx4_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx5_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx6_char_is_k; wire [1:0] pipe_tx7_char_is_k; wire [15:0] pipe_tx0_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx1_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx2_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx3_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx4_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx5_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx6_data; wire [15:0] pipe_tx7_data; wire pipe_tx0_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx1_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx2_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx3_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx4_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx5_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx6_elec_idle; wire pipe_tx7_elec_idle; wire [1:0] pipe_tx0_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx1_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx2_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx3_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx4_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx5_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx6_powerdown; wire [1:0] pipe_tx7_powerdown; wire cfg_received_func_lvl_rst_n; wire cfg_err_cpl_rdy_n; wire cfg_interrupt_rdy_n; reg [7:0] cfg_bus_number_d; reg [4:0] cfg_device_number_d; reg [2:0] cfg_function_number_d; wire cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done_n; wire pl_phy_lnk_up_n; wire cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set_n; assign cfg_received_func_lvl_rst = ~cfg_received_func_lvl_rst_n; assign cfg_err_cpl_rdy = ~cfg_err_cpl_rdy_n; assign cfg_interrupt_rdy = ~cfg_interrupt_rdy_n; assign cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done = ~cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done_n; assign pl_phy_lnk_up = ~pl_phy_lnk_up_n; assign cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set = ~cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set_n; assign cfg_to_turnoff = cfg_msg_received_pme_to; assign cfg_status = {16'b0}; assign cfg_command = {5'b0, cfg_command_interrupt_disable, 1'b0, cfg_command_serr_en, 5'b0, cfg_command_bus_master_enable, cfg_command_mem_enable, cfg_command_io_enable}; assign cfg_dstatus = {10'h0, cfg_trn_pending, 1'b0, cfg_dev_status_ur_detected, cfg_dev_status_fatal_err_detected, cfg_dev_status_non_fatal_err_detected, cfg_dev_status_corr_err_detected}; assign cfg_dcommand = {1'b0, cfg_dev_control_max_read_req, cfg_dev_control_no_snoop_en, cfg_dev_control_aux_power_en, cfg_dev_control_phantom_en, cfg_dev_control_ext_tag_en, cfg_dev_control_max_payload, cfg_dev_control_enable_ro, cfg_dev_control_ur_err_reporting_en, cfg_dev_control_fatal_err_reporting_en, cfg_dev_control_non_fatal_reporting_en, cfg_dev_control_corr_err_reporting_en }; assign cfg_lstatus = {cfg_link_status_auto_bandwidth_status, cfg_link_status_bandwidth_status, cfg_link_status_dll_active, (LINK_STATUS_SLOT_CLOCK_CONFIG == "TRUE") ? 1'b1 : 1'b0, cfg_link_status_link_training, 1'b0, {2'b00, cfg_link_status_negotiated_width}, {2'b00, cfg_link_status_current_speed} }; assign cfg_lcommand = {4'b0, cfg_link_control_auto_bandwidth_int_en, cfg_link_control_bandwidth_int_en, cfg_link_control_hw_auto_width_dis, cfg_link_control_clock_pm_en, cfg_link_control_extended_sync, cfg_link_control_common_clock, cfg_link_control_retrain_link, cfg_link_control_link_disable, cfg_link_control_rcb, 1'b0, cfg_link_control_aspm_control}; assign cfg_bus_number = cfg_bus_number_d; assign cfg_device_number = cfg_device_number_d; assign cfg_function_number = cfg_function_number_d; assign cfg_dcommand2 = {4'b0, cfg_dev_control2_tlp_prefix_block, cfg_dev_control2_ltr_en, cfg_dev_control2_ido_cpl_en, cfg_dev_control2_ido_req_en, cfg_dev_control2_atomic_egress_block, cfg_dev_control2_atomic_requester_en, cfg_dev_control2_ari_forward_en, cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_dis, cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_val}; // Capture Bus/Device/Function number always @(posedge user_clk_out) begin if (~user_lnk_up) begin cfg_bus_number_d <= 8'b0; end // if (~user_lnk_up) else if (~cfg_msg_received) begin cfg_bus_number_d <= cfg_msg_data[15:8]; end // if (~cfg_msg_received) end always @(posedge user_clk_out) begin if (~user_lnk_up) begin cfg_device_number_d <= 5'b0; end // if (~user_lnk_up) else if (~cfg_msg_received) begin cfg_device_number_d <= cfg_msg_data[7:3]; end // if (~cfg_msg_received) end always @(posedge user_clk_out) begin if (~user_lnk_up) begin cfg_function_number_d <= 3'b0; end // if (~user_lnk_up) else if (~cfg_msg_received) begin cfg_function_number_d <= cfg_msg_data[2:0]; end // if (~cfg_msg_received) end pcie_7x_v1_11_0_axi_basic_top #( .C_DATA_WIDTH (C_DATA_WIDTH), // RX/TX interface data width .C_FAMILY ("X7"), // Targeted FPGA family .C_ROOT_PORT ("FALSE"), // PCIe block is in root port mode .C_PM_PRIORITY ("FALSE") // Disable TX packet boundary thrtl ) axi_basic_top ( //---------------------------------------------// // User Design I/O // //---------------------------------------------// // AXI TX //----------- .s_axis_tx_tdata (s_axis_tx_tdata), // input .s_axis_tx_tvalid (s_axis_tx_tvalid), // input .s_axis_tx_tready (s_axis_tx_tready), // output .s_axis_tx_tkeep (s_axis_tx_tkeep), // input .s_axis_tx_tlast (s_axis_tx_tlast), // input .s_axis_tx_tuser (s_axis_tx_tuser), // input // AXI RX //----------- .m_axis_rx_tdata (m_axis_rx_tdata), // output .m_axis_rx_tvalid (m_axis_rx_tvalid), // output .m_axis_rx_tready (m_axis_rx_tready), // input .m_axis_rx_tkeep (m_axis_rx_tkeep), // output .m_axis_rx_tlast (m_axis_rx_tlast), // output .m_axis_rx_tuser (m_axis_rx_tuser), // output // User Misc. //----------- .user_turnoff_ok (cfg_turnoff_ok), // input .user_tcfg_gnt (tx_cfg_gnt), // input //---------------------------------------------// // PCIe Block I/O // //---------------------------------------------// // TRN TX //----------- .trn_td (trn_td), // output .trn_tsof (trn_tsof), // output .trn_teof (trn_teof), // output .trn_tsrc_rdy (trn_tsrc_rdy), // output .trn_tdst_rdy (trn_tdst_rdy), // input .trn_tsrc_dsc (trn_tsrc_dsc), // output .trn_trem (trn_trem), // output .trn_terrfwd (trn_terrfwd), // output .trn_tstr (trn_tstr), // output .trn_tbuf_av (tx_buf_av), // input .trn_tecrc_gen (trn_tecrc_gen), // output // TRN RX //----------- .trn_rd (trn_rd), // input .trn_rsof (trn_rsof), // input .trn_reof (trn_reof), // input .trn_rsrc_rdy (trn_rsrc_rdy), // input .trn_rdst_rdy (trn_rdst_rdy), // output .trn_rsrc_dsc (trn_rsrc_dsc), // input .trn_rrem (trn_rrem), // input .trn_rerrfwd (trn_rerrfwd), // input .trn_rbar_hit (trn_rbar_hit[6:0]), // input .trn_recrc_err (trn_recrc_err), // input // TRN Misc. //----------- .trn_tcfg_req ( tx_cfg_req ), // input .trn_tcfg_gnt ( trn_tcfg_gnt), // output .trn_lnk_up ( user_lnk_up), // input // Fuji3/Virtex6 PM //----------- .cfg_pcie_link_state (cfg_pcie_link_state), // input // Virtex6 PM //----------- .cfg_pm_send_pme_to (1'b0), // input NOT USED FOR EP .cfg_pmcsr_powerstate (cfg_pmcsr_powerstate), // input .trn_rdllp_data (32'b0), // input - Not used in 7-series .trn_rdllp_src_rdy (1'b0), // input -- Not used in 7-series // Power Mgmt for S6/V6 //----------- .cfg_to_turnoff (cfg_to_turnoff), // input .cfg_turnoff_ok (cfg_turnoff_ok_w), // output // System //----------- .user_clk (user_clk_out), // input .user_rst (user_reset), // input .np_counter () // output ); //------------------------------------------------------- // PCI Express Pipe Wrapper //------------------------------------------------------- pcie_7x_v1_11_0_pcie_7x # ( .AER_BASE_PTR ( AER_BASE_PTR ), .AER_CAP_ECRC_CHECK_CAPABLE ( AER_CAP_ECRC_CHECK_CAPABLE ), .AER_CAP_ECRC_GEN_CAPABLE( AER_CAP_ECRC_GEN_CAPABLE ), .AER_CAP_ID ( AER_CAP_ID ), .AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER ( AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER ), .AER_CAP_NEXTPTR ( AER_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .AER_CAP_ON ( AER_CAP_ON ), .AER_CAP_OPTIONAL_ERR_SUPPORT ( AER_CAP_OPTIONAL_ERR_SUPPORT ), .AER_CAP_PERMIT_ROOTERR_UPDATE ( AER_CAP_PERMIT_ROOTERR_UPDATE ), .AER_CAP_VERSION ( AER_CAP_VERSION ), .ALLOW_X8_GEN2 (ALLOW_X8_GEN2), .BAR0 ( BAR0 ), .BAR1 ( BAR1 ), .BAR2 ( BAR2 ), .BAR3 ( BAR3 ), .BAR4 ( BAR4 ), .BAR5 ( BAR5 ), .C_DATA_WIDTH ( C_DATA_WIDTH ), .CAPABILITIES_PTR( CAPABILITIES_PTR ), .CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT ( CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT ), .CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER ( CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER ), .CLASS_CODE ( CLASS_CODE ), .CMD_INTX_IMPLEMENTED ( CMD_INTX_IMPLEMENTED ), .CPL_TIMEOUT_DISABLE_SUPPORTED ( CPL_TIMEOUT_DISABLE_SUPPORTED ), .CPL_TIMEOUT_RANGES_SUPPORTED ( CPL_TIMEOUT_RANGES_SUPPORTED ), .CRM_MODULE_RSTS (CRM_MODULE_RSTS), .DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_SCALE ( DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_SCALE ), .DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_VALUE ( DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_VALUE ), .DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L0S_LATENCY ( DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L0S_LATENCY ), .DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L1_LATENCY ( DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L1_LATENCY ), .DEV_CAP_EXT_TAG_SUPPORTED ( DEV_CAP_EXT_TAG_SUPPORTED ), .DEV_CAP_FUNCTION_LEVEL_RESET_CAPABLE ( DEV_CAP_FUNCTION_LEVEL_RESET_CAPABLE ), .DEV_CAP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SUPPORTED ( DEV_CAP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SUPPORTED ), .DEV_CAP_PHANTOM_FUNCTIONS_SUPPORT ( DEV_CAP_PHANTOM_FUNCTIONS_SUPPORT ), .DEV_CAP_ROLE_BASED_ERROR( DEV_CAP_ROLE_BASED_ERROR ), .DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12 ( DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12 ), .DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16 ( DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16 ), .DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29 ( DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29 ), .DEV_CONTROL_AUX_POWER_SUPPORTED ( DEV_CONTROL_AUX_POWER_SUPPORTED ), .DEV_CONTROL_EXT_TAG_DEFAULT ( DEV_CONTROL_EXT_TAG_DEFAULT ), .DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER ( DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER ), .DISABLE_BAR_FILTERING ( DISABLE_BAR_FILTERING ), .DISABLE_ID_CHECK( DISABLE_ID_CHECK ), .DISABLE_LANE_REVERSAL ( DISABLE_LANE_REVERSAL ), .DISABLE_RX_POISONED_RESP (DISABLE_RX_POISONED_RESP), .DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER ( DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER ), .DISABLE_SCRAMBLING ( DISABLE_SCRAMBLING ), .DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM ( DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM ), .DSN_BASE_PTR ( DSN_BASE_PTR ), .DSN_CAP_ID ( DSN_CAP_ID ), .DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR ( DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .DSN_CAP_ON ( DSN_CAP_ON ), .DSN_CAP_VERSION ( DSN_CAP_VERSION ), .DEV_CAP2_ARI_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED(DEV_CAP2_ARI_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP32_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP32_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP64_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP64_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP_ROUTING_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP_ROUTING_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_CAS128_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_CAS128_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_EXTENDED_FMT_FIELD_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_EXTENDED_FMT_FIELD_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_LTR_MECHANISM_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_LTR_MECHANISM_SUPPORTED), .DEV_CAP2_MAX_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIXES (DEV_CAP2_MAX_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIXES), .DEV_CAP2_NO_RO_ENABLED_PRPR_PASSING (DEV_CAP2_NO_RO_ENABLED_PRPR_PASSING), .DEV_CAP2_TPH_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED (DEV_CAP2_TPH_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED), .DISABLE_ERR_MSG (DISABLE_ERR_MSG), .DISABLE_LOCKED_FILTER (DISABLE_LOCKED_FILTER), .DISABLE_PPM_FILTER (DISABLE_PPM_FILTER), .ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED (ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED), .ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE( ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE ), .ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM ( ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM ), .ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0( ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0 ), .EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI (EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI), .EXPANSION_ROM ( EXPANSION_ROM ), .EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR ( EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR ), .EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR ( EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR ), .HEADER_TYPE ( HEADER_TYPE ), .INFER_EI( INFER_EI ), .INTERRUPT_PIN ( INTERRUPT_PIN ), .INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO (INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO), .IS_SWITCH ( IS_SWITCH ), .LAST_CONFIG_DWORD ( LAST_CONFIG_DWORD ), .LINK_CAP_ASPM_OPTIONALITY ( LINK_CAP_ASPM_OPTIONALITY ), .LINK_CAP_ASPM_SUPPORT ( LINK_CAP_ASPM_SUPPORT ), .LINK_CAP_CLOCK_POWER_MANAGEMENT ( LINK_CAP_CLOCK_POWER_MANAGEMENT ), .LINK_CAP_DLL_LINK_ACTIVE_REPORTING_CAP ( LINK_CAP_DLL_LINK_ACTIVE_REPORTING_CAP ), .LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1 ( LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1 ), .LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2 ( LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2 ), .LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1 ( LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1 ), .LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2 ( LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2 ), .LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1 ( LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1 ), .LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2 ( LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2 ), .LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1 ( LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1 ), .LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2 ( LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2 ), .LINK_CAP_LINK_BANDWIDTH_NOTIFICATION_CAP (LINK_CAP_LINK_BANDWIDTH_NOTIFICATION_CAP), .LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED ( LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED ), .LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ( LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ), .LINK_CAP_RSVD_23( LINK_CAP_RSVD_23 ), .LINK_CAP_SURPRISE_DOWN_ERROR_CAPABLE ( LINK_CAP_SURPRISE_DOWN_ERROR_CAPABLE ), .LINK_CONTROL_RCB( LINK_CONTROL_RCB ), .LINK_CTRL2_DEEMPHASIS ( LINK_CTRL2_DEEMPHASIS ), .LINK_CTRL2_HW_AUTONOMOUS_SPEED_DISABLE ( LINK_CTRL2_HW_AUTONOMOUS_SPEED_DISABLE ), .LINK_CTRL2_TARGET_LINK_SPEED ( LINK_CTRL2_TARGET_LINK_SPEED ), .LINK_STATUS_SLOT_CLOCK_CONFIG ( LINK_STATUS_SLOT_CLOCK_CONFIG ), .LL_ACK_TIMEOUT ( LL_ACK_TIMEOUT ), .LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN ( LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN ), .LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC ( LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC ), .LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT ( LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT ), .LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN ( LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN ), .LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_FUNC ( LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_FUNC ), .LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ( LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ), .MPS_FORCE (MPS_FORCE), .MSI_BASE_PTR ( MSI_BASE_PTR ), .MSI_CAP_ID ( MSI_CAP_ID ), .MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP ( MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP ), .MSI_CAP_MULTIMSG_EXTENSION ( MSI_CAP_MULTIMSG_EXTENSION ), .MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR ( MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .MSI_CAP_ON ( MSI_CAP_ON ), .MSI_CAP_PER_VECTOR_MASKING_CAPABLE ( MSI_CAP_PER_VECTOR_MASKING_CAPABLE ), .MSI_CAP_64_BIT_ADDR_CAPABLE ( MSI_CAP_64_BIT_ADDR_CAPABLE ), .MSIX_BASE_PTR ( MSIX_BASE_PTR ), .MSIX_CAP_ID ( MSIX_CAP_ID ), .MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR( MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .MSIX_CAP_ON ( MSIX_CAP_ON ), .MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR( MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR ), .MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET ( MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET ), .MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR ( MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR ), .MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET ( MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET ), .MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE ( MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE ), .N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1 ( N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1 ), .N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2 ( N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2 ), .N_FTS_GEN1 ( N_FTS_GEN1 ), .N_FTS_GEN2 ( N_FTS_GEN2 ), .PCIE_BASE_PTR ( PCIE_BASE_PTR ), .PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_ID ( PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_ID ), .PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_VERSION ( PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_VERSION ), .PCIE_CAP_DEVICE_PORT_TYPE ( PCIE_CAP_DEVICE_PORT_TYPE ), .PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR( PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .PCIE_CAP_ON ( PCIE_CAP_ON ), .PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14 ( PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14 ), .PCIE_CAP_SLOT_IMPLEMENTED ( PCIE_CAP_SLOT_IMPLEMENTED ), .PCIE_REVISION ( PCIE_REVISION ), .PL_AUTO_CONFIG ( PL_AUTO_CONFIG ), .PL_FAST_TRAIN ( PL_FAST_TRAIN ), .PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT ( PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT ), .PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN ( PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN ), .PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_FUNC ( PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_FUNC ), .PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT ( PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT ), .PM_BASE_PTR ( PM_BASE_PTR ), .PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT ( PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT ), .PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT( PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT ), .PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT( PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT ), .PM_CAP_DSI ( PM_CAP_DSI ), .PM_CAP_ID ( PM_CAP_ID ), .PM_CAP_NEXTPTR ( PM_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .PM_CAP_ON ( PM_CAP_ON ), .PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK( PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK ), .PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT ( PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT ), .PM_CAP_RSVD_04 ( PM_CAP_RSVD_04 ), .PM_CAP_VERSION ( PM_CAP_VERSION ), .PM_CSR_B2B3 ( PM_CSR_B2B3 ), .PM_CSR_BPCCEN ( PM_CSR_BPCCEN ), .PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST( PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST ), .PM_DATA0( PM_DATA0 ), .PM_DATA1( PM_DATA1 ), .PM_DATA2( PM_DATA2 ), .PM_DATA3( PM_DATA3 ), .PM_DATA4( PM_DATA4 ), .PM_DATA5( PM_DATA5 ), .PM_DATA6( PM_DATA6 ), .PM_DATA7( PM_DATA7 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE0 ( PM_DATA_SCALE0 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE1 ( PM_DATA_SCALE1 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE2 ( PM_DATA_SCALE2 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE3 ( PM_DATA_SCALE3 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE4 ( PM_DATA_SCALE4 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE5 ( PM_DATA_SCALE5 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE6 ( PM_DATA_SCALE6 ), .PM_DATA_SCALE7 ( PM_DATA_SCALE7 ), .PM_MF (PM_MF), .RBAR_BASE_PTR (RBAR_BASE_PTR), .RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR0 (RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR0), .RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR1 (RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR1), .RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR2 (RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR2), .RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR3 (RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR3), .RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR4 (RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR4), .RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR5 (RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR5), .RBAR_CAP_ID (RBAR_CAP_ID), .RBAR_CAP_INDEX0 (RBAR_CAP_INDEX0), .RBAR_CAP_INDEX1 (RBAR_CAP_INDEX1), .RBAR_CAP_INDEX2 (RBAR_CAP_INDEX2), .RBAR_CAP_INDEX3 (RBAR_CAP_INDEX3), .RBAR_CAP_INDEX4 (RBAR_CAP_INDEX4), .RBAR_CAP_INDEX5 (RBAR_CAP_INDEX5), .RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR (RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR), .RBAR_CAP_ON (RBAR_CAP_ON), .RBAR_CAP_SUP0 (RBAR_CAP_SUP0), .RBAR_CAP_SUP1 (RBAR_CAP_SUP1), .RBAR_CAP_SUP2 (RBAR_CAP_SUP2), .RBAR_CAP_SUP3 (RBAR_CAP_SUP3), .RBAR_CAP_SUP4 (RBAR_CAP_SUP4), .RBAR_CAP_SUP5 (RBAR_CAP_SUP5), .RBAR_CAP_VERSION (RBAR_CAP_VERSION), .RBAR_NUM (RBAR_NUM), .RECRC_CHK (RECRC_CHK), .RECRC_CHK_TRIM (RECRC_CHK_TRIM), .ROOT_CAP_CRS_SW_VISIBILITY ( ROOT_CAP_CRS_SW_VISIBILITY ), .RP_AUTO_SPD ( RP_AUTO_SPD ), .RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT ( RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT ), .SELECT_DLL_IF ( SELECT_DLL_IF ), .SLOT_CAP_ATT_BUTTON_PRESENT ( SLOT_CAP_ATT_BUTTON_PRESENT ), .SLOT_CAP_ATT_INDICATOR_PRESENT ( SLOT_CAP_ATT_INDICATOR_PRESENT ), .SLOT_CAP_ELEC_INTERLOCK_PRESENT ( SLOT_CAP_ELEC_INTERLOCK_PRESENT ), .SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_CAPABLE( SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_CAPABLE ), .SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_SURPRISE ( SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_SURPRISE ), .SLOT_CAP_MRL_SENSOR_PRESENT ( SLOT_CAP_MRL_SENSOR_PRESENT ), .SLOT_CAP_NO_CMD_COMPLETED_SUPPORT ( SLOT_CAP_NO_CMD_COMPLETED_SUPPORT ), .SLOT_CAP_PHYSICAL_SLOT_NUM ( SLOT_CAP_PHYSICAL_SLOT_NUM ), .SLOT_CAP_POWER_CONTROLLER_PRESENT ( SLOT_CAP_POWER_CONTROLLER_PRESENT ), .SLOT_CAP_POWER_INDICATOR_PRESENT( SLOT_CAP_POWER_INDICATOR_PRESENT ), .SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_SCALE ( SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_SCALE ), .SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_VALUE ( SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_VALUE ), .SPARE_BIT0 ( SPARE_BIT0 ), .SPARE_BIT1 ( SPARE_BIT1 ), .SPARE_BIT2 ( SPARE_BIT2 ), .SPARE_BIT3 ( SPARE_BIT3 ), .SPARE_BIT4 ( SPARE_BIT4 ), .SPARE_BIT5 ( SPARE_BIT5 ), .SPARE_BIT6 ( SPARE_BIT6 ), .SPARE_BIT7 ( SPARE_BIT7 ), .SPARE_BIT8 ( SPARE_BIT8 ), .SPARE_BYTE0 ( SPARE_BYTE0 ), .SPARE_BYTE1 ( SPARE_BYTE1 ), .SPARE_BYTE2 ( SPARE_BYTE2 ), .SPARE_BYTE3 ( SPARE_BYTE3 ), .SPARE_WORD0 ( SPARE_WORD0 ), .SPARE_WORD1 ( SPARE_WORD1 ), .SPARE_WORD2 ( SPARE_WORD2 ), .SPARE_WORD3 ( SPARE_WORD3 ), .SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO (SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO), .TECRC_EP_INV ( TECRC_EP_INV ), .TL_RBYPASS(TL_RBYPASS), .TL_RX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY ( TL_RX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY ), .TL_RX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY ( TL_RX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY ), .TL_RX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY ( TL_RX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY ), .TL_TFC_DISABLE ( TL_TFC_DISABLE ), .TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE ( TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE ), .TL_TX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY ( TL_TX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY ), .TL_TX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY ( TL_TX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY ), .TL_TX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY ( TL_TX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY ), .TRN_DW (TRN_DW), .TRN_NP_FC (TRN_NP_FC), .UPCONFIG_CAPABLE( UPCONFIG_CAPABLE ), .UPSTREAM_FACING ( UPSTREAM_FACING ), .UR_ATOMIC (UR_ATOMIC), .UR_CFG1 (UR_CFG1), .UR_INV_REQ(UR_INV_REQ), .UR_PRS_RESPONSE (UR_PRS_RESPONSE), .USER_CLK2_DIV2 (USER_CLK2_DIV2), .USER_CLK_FREQ ( USER_CLK_FREQ ), .USE_RID_PINS (USE_RID_PINS), .VC0_CPL_INFINITE( VC0_CPL_INFINITE ), .VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT( VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT ), .VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD ( VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD ), .VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH ( VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH ), .VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD (VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD), .VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH ( VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH ), .VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD ( VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD ), .VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH ( VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH ), .VC0_TX_LASTPACKET ( VC0_TX_LASTPACKET ), .VC_BASE_PTR ( VC_BASE_PTR ), .VC_CAP_ID ( VC_CAP_ID ), .VC_CAP_NEXTPTR ( VC_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .VC_CAP_ON ( VC_CAP_ON ), .VC_CAP_REJECT_SNOOP_TRANSACTIONS( VC_CAP_REJECT_SNOOP_TRANSACTIONS ), .VC_CAP_VERSION ( VC_CAP_VERSION ), .VSEC_BASE_PTR ( VSEC_BASE_PTR ), .VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID ( VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID ), .VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH ( VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH ), .VSEC_CAP_HDR_REVISION ( VSEC_CAP_HDR_REVISION ), .VSEC_CAP_ID ( VSEC_CAP_ID ), .VSEC_CAP_IS_LINK_VISIBLE( VSEC_CAP_IS_LINK_VISIBLE ), .VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR( VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR ), .VSEC_CAP_ON ( VSEC_CAP_ON ), .VSEC_CAP_VERSION( VSEC_CAP_VERSION ) ) pcie_7x_i ( .trn_lnk_up ( trn_lnk_up ), .trn_clk ( user_clk_out ), .lnk_clk_en ( lnk_clk_en), .user_rst_n ( user_rst_n ), .received_func_lvl_rst_n ( cfg_received_func_lvl_rst_n ), .sys_rst_n (~phy_rdy_n), .pl_rst_n ( 1'b1 ), .dl_rst_n ( 1'b1 ), .tl_rst_n ( 1'b1 ), .cm_sticky_rst_n ( 1'b1 ), .func_lvl_rst_n ( func_lvl_rst_n ), .cm_rst_n ( cm_rst_n ), .trn_rbar_hit ( trn_rbar_hit ), .trn_rd ( trn_rd ), .trn_recrc_err ( trn_recrc_err ), .trn_reof ( trn_reof ), .trn_rerrfwd ( trn_rerrfwd ), .trn_rrem ( trn_rrem ), .trn_rsof ( trn_rsof ), .trn_rsrc_dsc ( trn_rsrc_dsc ), .trn_rsrc_rdy ( trn_rsrc_rdy ), .trn_rdst_rdy ( trn_rdst_rdy ), .trn_rnp_ok ( rx_np_ok ), .trn_rnp_req ( rx_np_req ), .trn_rfcp_ret ( 1'b1 ), .trn_tbuf_av ( tx_buf_av ), .trn_tcfg_req ( tx_cfg_req ), .trn_tdllp_dst_rdy ( ), .trn_tdst_rdy ( trn_tdst_rdy ), .trn_terr_drop ( tx_err_drop ), .trn_tcfg_gnt ( trn_tcfg_gnt ), .trn_td ( trn_td ), .trn_tdllp_data ( 32'b0 ), .trn_tdllp_src_rdy ( 1'b0 ), .trn_tecrc_gen ( trn_tecrc_gen ), .trn_teof ( trn_teof ), .trn_terrfwd ( trn_terrfwd ), .trn_trem ( trn_trem), .trn_tsof ( trn_tsof ), .trn_tsrc_dsc ( trn_tsrc_dsc ), .trn_tsrc_rdy ( trn_tsrc_rdy ), .trn_tstr ( trn_tstr ), .trn_fc_cpld ( fc_cpld ), .trn_fc_cplh ( fc_cplh ), .trn_fc_npd ( fc_npd ), .trn_fc_nph ( fc_nph ), .trn_fc_pd ( fc_pd ), .trn_fc_ph ( fc_ph ), .trn_fc_sel ( fc_sel ), .cfg_dev_id (cfg_dev_id), .cfg_vend_id (cfg_vend_id), .cfg_rev_id (cfg_rev_id), .cfg_subsys_id (cfg_subsys_id), .cfg_subsys_vend_id (cfg_subsys_vend_id), .cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum (cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum), .cfg_bridge_serr_en (cfg_bridge_serr_en), .cfg_command_bus_master_enable ( cfg_command_bus_master_enable ), .cfg_command_interrupt_disable ( cfg_command_interrupt_disable ), .cfg_command_io_enable ( cfg_command_io_enable ), .cfg_command_mem_enable ( cfg_command_mem_enable ), .cfg_command_serr_en ( cfg_command_serr_en ), .cfg_dev_control_aux_power_en ( cfg_dev_control_aux_power_en ), .cfg_dev_control_corr_err_reporting_en ( cfg_dev_control_corr_err_reporting_en ), .cfg_dev_control_enable_ro ( cfg_dev_control_enable_ro ), .cfg_dev_control_ext_tag_en ( cfg_dev_control_ext_tag_en ), .cfg_dev_control_fatal_err_reporting_en ( cfg_dev_control_fatal_err_reporting_en ), .cfg_dev_control_max_payload ( cfg_dev_control_max_payload ), .cfg_dev_control_max_read_req ( cfg_dev_control_max_read_req ), .cfg_dev_control_non_fatal_reporting_en ( cfg_dev_control_non_fatal_reporting_en ), .cfg_dev_control_no_snoop_en ( cfg_dev_control_no_snoop_en ), .cfg_dev_control_phantom_en ( cfg_dev_control_phantom_en ), .cfg_dev_control_ur_err_reporting_en ( cfg_dev_control_ur_err_reporting_en ), .cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_dis ( cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_dis ), .cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_val ( cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_val ), .cfg_dev_control2_ari_forward_en ( cfg_dev_control2_ari_forward_en), .cfg_dev_control2_atomic_requester_en ( cfg_dev_control2_atomic_requester_en), .cfg_dev_control2_atomic_egress_block ( cfg_dev_control2_atomic_egress_block), .cfg_dev_control2_ido_req_en ( cfg_dev_control2_ido_req_en), .cfg_dev_control2_ido_cpl_en ( cfg_dev_control2_ido_cpl_en), .cfg_dev_control2_ltr_en ( cfg_dev_control2_ltr_en), .cfg_dev_control2_tlp_prefix_block ( cfg_dev_control2_tlp_prefix_block), .cfg_dev_status_corr_err_detected ( cfg_dev_status_corr_err_detected ), .cfg_dev_status_fatal_err_detected ( cfg_dev_status_fatal_err_detected ), .cfg_dev_status_non_fatal_err_detected ( cfg_dev_status_non_fatal_err_detected ), .cfg_dev_status_ur_detected ( cfg_dev_status_ur_detected ), .cfg_mgmt_do ( cfg_mgmt_do ), .cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set_n ( cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set_n), .cfg_err_aer_headerlog ( cfg_err_aer_headerlog), .cfg_err_cpl_rdy_n ( cfg_err_cpl_rdy_n ), .cfg_interrupt_do ( cfg_interrupt_do ), .cfg_interrupt_mmenable ( cfg_interrupt_mmenable ), .cfg_interrupt_msienable ( cfg_interrupt_msienable ), .cfg_interrupt_msixenable ( cfg_interrupt_msixenable ), .cfg_interrupt_msixfm ( cfg_interrupt_msixfm ), .cfg_interrupt_rdy_n ( cfg_interrupt_rdy_n ), .cfg_link_control_rcb ( cfg_link_control_rcb ), .cfg_link_control_aspm_control ( cfg_link_control_aspm_control ), .cfg_link_control_auto_bandwidth_int_en ( cfg_link_control_auto_bandwidth_int_en ), .cfg_link_control_bandwidth_int_en ( cfg_link_control_bandwidth_int_en ), .cfg_link_control_clock_pm_en ( cfg_link_control_clock_pm_en ), .cfg_link_control_common_clock ( cfg_link_control_common_clock ), .cfg_link_control_extended_sync ( cfg_link_control_extended_sync ), .cfg_link_control_hw_auto_width_dis ( cfg_link_control_hw_auto_width_dis ), .cfg_link_control_link_disable ( cfg_link_control_link_disable ), .cfg_link_control_retrain_link ( cfg_link_control_retrain_link ), .cfg_link_status_auto_bandwidth_status ( cfg_link_status_auto_bandwidth_status ), .cfg_link_status_bandwidth_status ( cfg_link_status_bandwidth_status ), .cfg_link_status_current_speed ( cfg_link_status_current_speed ), .cfg_link_status_dll_active ( cfg_link_status_dll_active ), .cfg_link_status_link_training ( cfg_link_status_link_training ), .cfg_link_status_negotiated_width ( cfg_link_status_negotiated_width), .cfg_msg_data ( cfg_msg_data ), .cfg_msg_received ( cfg_msg_received ), .cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a ( cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a), .cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b ( cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b), .cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c ( cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c), .cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d ( cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d), .cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a ( cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a), .cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b ( cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b), .cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c ( cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c), .cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d ( cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d), .cfg_msg_received_err_cor ( cfg_msg_received_err_cor), .cfg_msg_received_err_fatal ( cfg_msg_received_err_fatal), .cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal ( cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal), .cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak ( cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak), .cfg_msg_received_pme_to ( cfg_msg_received_pme_to ), .cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack ( cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack), .cfg_msg_received_pm_pme ( cfg_msg_received_pm_pme), .cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit ( cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit), .cfg_msg_received_unlock ( cfg_msg_received_unlock), .cfg_pcie_link_state ( cfg_pcie_link_state ), .cfg_pmcsr_pme_en ( cfg_pmcsr_pme_en), .cfg_pmcsr_powerstate ( cfg_pmcsr_powerstate), .cfg_pmcsr_pme_status ( cfg_pmcsr_pme_status), .cfg_pm_rcv_as_req_l1_n ( cfg_pm_rcv_as_req_l1_n), .cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l1_n ( cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l1_n), .cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l23_n ( cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l23_n), .cfg_pm_rcv_req_ack_n ( cfg_pm_rcv_req_ack_n), .cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done_n ( cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done_n ), .cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse (cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse), .cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en ( cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en), .cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en ( cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en), .cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en ( cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en), .cfg_root_control_pme_int_en ( cfg_root_control_pme_int_en ), .cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en ( cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en ), .cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en ( cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en ), .cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en ( cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en), .cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en( cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en), .cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en ( cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en), .cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received ( cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received), .cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received ( cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received), .cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received ( cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received), .cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum ( cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum ), .cfg_transaction ( cfg_transaction), .cfg_transaction_addr ( cfg_transaction_addr), .cfg_transaction_type ( cfg_transaction_type), .cfg_vc_tcvc_map ( cfg_vc_tcvc_map), .cfg_mgmt_byte_en_n ( cfg_mgmt_byte_en_n ), .cfg_mgmt_di ( cfg_mgmt_di ), .cfg_ds_bus_number ( cfg_ds_bus_number ), .cfg_ds_device_number ( cfg_ds_device_number ), .cfg_ds_function_number ( cfg_ds_function_number ), .cfg_dsn ( cfg_dsn ), .cfg_mgmt_dwaddr ( cfg_mgmt_dwaddr ), .cfg_err_acs_n ( 1'b1 ), .cfg_err_cor_n ( cfg_err_cor_n ), .cfg_err_cpl_abort_n ( cfg_err_cpl_abort_n ), .cfg_err_cpl_timeout_n ( cfg_err_cpl_timeout_n ), .cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_n ( cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_n ), .cfg_err_ecrc_n ( cfg_err_ecrc_n ), .cfg_err_locked_n ( cfg_err_locked_n ), .cfg_err_posted_n ( cfg_err_posted_n ), .cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header ( cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header ), .cfg_err_ur_n ( cfg_err_ur_n ), .cfg_err_malformed_n ( cfg_err_malformed_n ), .cfg_err_poisoned_n ( cfg_err_poisoned_n), .cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_n ( cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_n ), .cfg_err_mc_blocked_n ( cfg_err_mc_blocked_n ), .cfg_err_internal_uncor_n ( cfg_err_internal_uncor_n ), .cfg_err_internal_cor_n ( cfg_err_internal_cor_n ), .cfg_err_norecovery_n ( cfg_err_norecovery_n ), .cfg_interrupt_assert_n ( cfg_interrupt_assert_n ), .cfg_interrupt_di ( cfg_interrupt_di ), .cfg_interrupt_n ( cfg_interrupt_n ), .cfg_interrupt_stat_n ( cfg_interrupt_stat_n), .cfg_pm_send_pme_to_n ( cfg_pm_send_pme_to_n ), .cfg_pm_turnoff_ok_n ( cfg_turnoff_ok_w ), .cfg_pm_wake_n ( cfg_pm_wake_n ), .cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_n ( cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_n ), .cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_n ( cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_n ), .cfg_pm_force_state_en_n ( cfg_pm_force_state_en_n ), .cfg_pm_force_state ( cfg_pm_force_state ), .cfg_force_mps ( cfg_force_mps ), .cfg_force_common_clock_off ( cfg_force_common_clock_off ), .cfg_force_extended_sync_on ( cfg_force_extended_sync_on ), .cfg_port_number ( cfg_port_number ), .cfg_mgmt_rd_en_n ( cfg_mgmt_rd_en_n ), .cfg_trn_pending_n ( ~cfg_trn_pending ), .cfg_mgmt_wr_en_n ( cfg_mgmt_wr_en_n ), .cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_n ( cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_n ), .cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_n ( cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_n ), .pl_initial_link_width ( pl_initial_link_width ), .pl_lane_reversal_mode ( pl_lane_reversal_mode ), .pl_link_gen2_cap ( pl_link_gen2_cap ), .pl_link_partner_gen2_supported ( pl_link_partner_gen2_supported ), .pl_link_upcfg_cap ( pl_link_upcfg_cap ), .pl_ltssm_state ( pl_ltssm_state ), .pl_phy_lnk_up_n ( pl_phy_lnk_up_n ), .pl_received_hot_rst ( pl_received_hot_rst ), .pl_rx_pm_state ( pl_rx_pm_state ), .pl_sel_lnk_rate ( pl_sel_lnk_rate), .pl_sel_lnk_width ( pl_sel_lnk_width ), .pl_tx_pm_state ( pl_tx_pm_state ), .pl_directed_link_auton ( pl_directed_link_auton ), .pl_directed_link_change ( pl_directed_link_change ), .pl_directed_link_speed ( pl_directed_link_speed ), .pl_directed_link_width ( pl_directed_link_width ), .pl_downstream_deemph_source ( pl_downstream_deemph_source ), .pl_upstream_prefer_deemph ( pl_upstream_prefer_deemph ), .pl_transmit_hot_rst ( pl_transmit_hot_rst ), .pl_directed_ltssm_new_vld ( pl_directed_ltssm_new_vld ), .pl_directed_ltssm_new ( pl_directed_ltssm_new ), .pl_directed_ltssm_stall ( pl_directed_ltssm_stall ), .pl_directed_change_done ( pl_directed_change_done ), .dbg_sclr_a ( dbg_sclr_a ), .dbg_sclr_b ( dbg_sclr_b ), .dbg_sclr_c ( dbg_sclr_c ), .dbg_sclr_d ( dbg_sclr_d ), .dbg_sclr_e ( dbg_sclr_e ), .dbg_sclr_f ( dbg_sclr_f ), .dbg_sclr_g ( dbg_sclr_g ), .dbg_sclr_h ( dbg_sclr_h ), .dbg_sclr_i ( dbg_sclr_i ), .dbg_sclr_j ( dbg_sclr_j ), .dbg_sclr_k ( dbg_sclr_k ), .dbg_vec_a ( dbg_vec_a ), .dbg_vec_b ( dbg_vec_b ), .dbg_vec_c ( dbg_vec_c ), .pl_dbg_vec ( pl_dbg_vec ), .dbg_mode ( dbg_mode ), .dbg_sub_mode ( dbg_sub_mode ), .pl_dbg_mode ( pl_dbg_mode ), .drp_do ( drp_do ), .drp_rdy ( drp_rdy ), .drp_clk ( drp_clk ), .drp_addr ( drp_addr ), .drp_en ( drp_en ), .drp_di ( drp_di ), .drp_we ( drp_we ), .ll2_tlp_rcv ( 1'b0 ), .ll2_send_enter_l1 ( 1'b0 ), .ll2_send_enter_l23 ( 1'b0 ), .ll2_send_as_req_l1 ( 1'b0 ), .ll2_send_pm_ack ( 1'b0 ), .ll2_suspend_now ( 1'b0 ), .ll2_tfc_init1_seq ( ), .ll2_tfc_init2_seq ( ), .ll2_suspend_ok ( ), .ll2_tx_idle ( ), .ll2_link_status ( ), .ll2_receiver_err ( ), .ll2_protocol_err ( ), .ll2_bad_tlp_err ( ), .ll2_bad_dllp_err ( ), .ll2_replay_ro_err ( ), .ll2_replay_to_err ( ), .tl2_ppm_suspend_req ( 1'b0 ), .tl2_aspm_suspend_credit_check ( 1'b0 ), .tl2_ppm_suspend_ok ( ), .tl2_aspm_suspend_req ( ), .tl2_aspm_suspend_credit_check_ok ( ), .tl2_err_hdr ( ), .tl2_err_malformed ( ), .tl2_err_rxoverflow ( ), .tl2_err_fcpe ( ), .pl2_directed_lstate ( 5'b0 ), .pl2_suspend_ok ( ), .pl2_recovery ( ), .pl2_rx_elec_idle ( ), .pl2_rx_pm_state ( ), .pl2_l0_req ( ), .pl2_link_up ( ), .pl2_receiver_err ( ), .trn_rdllp_data (trn_rdllp_data ), .trn_rdllp_src_rdy (trn_rdllp_src_rdy ), .pipe_clk ( pipe_clk ), .user_clk2 ( user_clk2 ), .user_clk ( user_clk ), .user_clk_prebuf ( 1'b0 ), .user_clk_prebuf_en ( 1'b0 ), .pipe_rx0_polarity ( pipe_rx0_polarity ), .pipe_rx1_polarity ( pipe_rx1_polarity ), .pipe_rx2_polarity ( pipe_rx2_polarity ), .pipe_rx3_polarity ( pipe_rx3_polarity ), .pipe_rx4_polarity ( pipe_rx4_polarity ), .pipe_rx5_polarity ( pipe_rx5_polarity ), .pipe_rx6_polarity ( pipe_rx6_polarity ), .pipe_rx7_polarity ( pipe_rx7_polarity ), .pipe_tx0_compliance ( pipe_tx0_compliance ), .pipe_tx1_compliance ( pipe_tx1_compliance ), .pipe_tx2_compliance ( pipe_tx2_compliance ), .pipe_tx3_compliance ( pipe_tx3_compliance ), .pipe_tx4_compliance ( pipe_tx4_compliance ), .pipe_tx5_compliance ( pipe_tx5_compliance ), .pipe_tx6_compliance ( pipe_tx6_compliance ), .pipe_tx7_compliance ( pipe_tx7_compliance ), .pipe_tx0_char_is_k ( pipe_tx0_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx1_char_is_k ( pipe_tx1_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx2_char_is_k ( pipe_tx2_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx3_char_is_k ( pipe_tx3_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx4_char_is_k ( pipe_tx4_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx5_char_is_k ( pipe_tx5_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx6_char_is_k ( pipe_tx6_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx7_char_is_k ( pipe_tx7_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx0_data ( pipe_tx0_data ), .pipe_tx1_data ( pipe_tx1_data ), .pipe_tx2_data ( pipe_tx2_data ), .pipe_tx3_data ( pipe_tx3_data ), .pipe_tx4_data ( pipe_tx4_data ), .pipe_tx5_data ( pipe_tx5_data ), .pipe_tx6_data ( pipe_tx6_data ), .pipe_tx7_data ( pipe_tx7_data ), .pipe_tx0_elec_idle ( pipe_tx0_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx1_elec_idle ( pipe_tx1_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx2_elec_idle ( pipe_tx2_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx3_elec_idle ( pipe_tx3_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx4_elec_idle ( pipe_tx4_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx5_elec_idle ( pipe_tx5_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx6_elec_idle ( pipe_tx6_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx7_elec_idle ( pipe_tx7_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx0_powerdown ( pipe_tx0_powerdown ), .pipe_tx1_powerdown ( pipe_tx1_powerdown ), .pipe_tx2_powerdown ( pipe_tx2_powerdown ), .pipe_tx3_powerdown ( pipe_tx3_powerdown ), .pipe_tx4_powerdown ( pipe_tx4_powerdown ), .pipe_tx5_powerdown ( pipe_tx5_powerdown ), .pipe_tx6_powerdown ( pipe_tx6_powerdown ), .pipe_tx7_powerdown ( pipe_tx7_powerdown ), .pipe_rx0_char_is_k ( pipe_rx0_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx1_char_is_k ( pipe_rx1_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx2_char_is_k ( pipe_rx2_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx3_char_is_k ( pipe_rx3_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx4_char_is_k ( pipe_rx4_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx5_char_is_k ( pipe_rx5_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx6_char_is_k ( pipe_rx6_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx7_char_is_k ( pipe_rx7_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx0_valid ( pipe_rx0_valid ), .pipe_rx1_valid ( pipe_rx1_valid ), .pipe_rx2_valid ( pipe_rx2_valid ), .pipe_rx3_valid ( pipe_rx3_valid ), .pipe_rx4_valid ( pipe_rx4_valid ), .pipe_rx5_valid ( pipe_rx5_valid ), .pipe_rx6_valid ( pipe_rx6_valid ), .pipe_rx7_valid ( pipe_rx7_valid ), .pipe_rx0_data ( pipe_rx0_data ), .pipe_rx1_data ( pipe_rx1_data ), .pipe_rx2_data ( pipe_rx2_data ), .pipe_rx3_data ( pipe_rx3_data ), .pipe_rx4_data ( pipe_rx4_data ), .pipe_rx5_data ( pipe_rx5_data ), .pipe_rx6_data ( pipe_rx6_data ), .pipe_rx7_data ( pipe_rx7_data ), .pipe_rx0_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx0_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx1_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx1_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx2_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx2_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx3_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx3_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx4_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx4_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx5_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx5_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx6_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx6_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx7_chanisaligned ( pipe_rx7_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx0_status ( pipe_rx0_status ), .pipe_rx1_status ( pipe_rx1_status ), .pipe_rx2_status ( pipe_rx2_status ), .pipe_rx3_status ( pipe_rx3_status ), .pipe_rx4_status ( pipe_rx4_status ), .pipe_rx5_status ( pipe_rx5_status ), .pipe_rx6_status ( pipe_rx6_status ), .pipe_rx7_status ( pipe_rx7_status ), .pipe_rx0_phy_status ( pipe_rx0_phy_status ), .pipe_rx1_phy_status ( pipe_rx1_phy_status ), .pipe_rx2_phy_status ( pipe_rx2_phy_status ), .pipe_rx3_phy_status ( pipe_rx3_phy_status ), .pipe_rx4_phy_status ( pipe_rx4_phy_status ), .pipe_rx5_phy_status ( pipe_rx5_phy_status ), .pipe_rx6_phy_status ( pipe_rx6_phy_status ), .pipe_rx7_phy_status ( pipe_rx7_phy_status ), .pipe_tx_deemph ( pipe_tx_deemph ), .pipe_tx_margin ( pipe_tx_margin ), .pipe_tx_reset ( pipe_tx_reset ), .pipe_tx_rcvr_det ( pipe_tx_rcvr_det ), .pipe_tx_rate ( pipe_tx_rate ), .pipe_rx0_elec_idle ( pipe_rx0_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx1_elec_idle ( pipe_rx1_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx2_elec_idle ( pipe_rx2_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx3_elec_idle ( pipe_rx3_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx4_elec_idle ( pipe_rx4_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx5_elec_idle ( pipe_rx5_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx6_elec_idle ( pipe_rx6_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx7_elec_idle ( pipe_rx7_elec_idle ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PIPE Interface PIPELINE Module // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// pcie_7x_v1_11_0_pcie_pipe_pipeline # ( .LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ( LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ), .PIPE_PIPELINE_STAGES ( PIPE_PIPELINE_STAGES ) ) pcie_pipe_pipeline_i ( // Pipe Per-Link Signals .pipe_tx_rcvr_det_i (pipe_tx_rcvr_det), .pipe_tx_reset_i (1'b0), //MV? .pipe_tx_rate_i (pipe_tx_rate), .pipe_tx_deemph_i (pipe_tx_deemph), .pipe_tx_margin_i (pipe_tx_margin), .pipe_tx_swing_i (1'b0), .pipe_tx_rcvr_det_o (pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt), .pipe_tx_reset_o ( ), .pipe_tx_rate_o (pipe_tx_rate_gt), .pipe_tx_deemph_o (pipe_tx_deemph_gt), .pipe_tx_margin_o (pipe_tx_margin_gt), .pipe_tx_swing_o ( ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 0 .pipe_rx0_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx0_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx0_data_o (pipe_rx0_data ), .pipe_rx0_valid_o (pipe_rx0_valid ), .pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx0_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx0_status_o (pipe_rx0_status ), .pipe_rx0_phy_status_o (pipe_rx0_phy_status ), .pipe_rx0_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx0_polarity_i (pipe_rx0_polarity ), .pipe_tx0_compliance_i (pipe_tx0_compliance ), .pipe_tx0_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx0_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx0_data_i (pipe_tx0_data ), .pipe_tx0_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx0_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx0_powerdown_i (pipe_tx0_powerdown ), .pipe_rx0_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx0_data_i (pipe_rx0_data_gt ), .pipe_rx0_valid_i (pipe_rx0_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx0_status_i (pipe_rx0_status_gt ), .pipe_rx0_phy_status_i (pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx0_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx0_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx0_polarity_o (pipe_rx0_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx0_compliance_o (pipe_tx0_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx0_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx0_data_o (pipe_tx0_data_gt ), .pipe_tx0_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx0_powerdown_o (pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 1 .pipe_rx1_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx1_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx1_data_o (pipe_rx1_data ), .pipe_rx1_valid_o (pipe_rx1_valid ), .pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx1_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx1_status_o (pipe_rx1_status ), .pipe_rx1_phy_status_o (pipe_rx1_phy_status ), .pipe_rx1_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx1_polarity_i (pipe_rx1_polarity ), .pipe_tx1_compliance_i (pipe_tx1_compliance ), .pipe_tx1_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx1_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx1_data_i (pipe_tx1_data ), .pipe_tx1_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx1_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx1_powerdown_i (pipe_tx1_powerdown ), .pipe_rx1_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx1_data_i (pipe_rx1_data_gt ), .pipe_rx1_valid_i (pipe_rx1_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx1_status_i (pipe_rx1_status_gt ), .pipe_rx1_phy_status_i (pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx1_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx1_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx1_polarity_o (pipe_rx1_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx1_compliance_o (pipe_tx1_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx1_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx1_data_o (pipe_tx1_data_gt ), .pipe_tx1_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx1_powerdown_o (pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 2 .pipe_rx2_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx2_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx2_data_o (pipe_rx2_data ), .pipe_rx2_valid_o (pipe_rx2_valid ), .pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx2_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx2_status_o (pipe_rx2_status ), .pipe_rx2_phy_status_o (pipe_rx2_phy_status ), .pipe_rx2_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx2_polarity_i (pipe_rx2_polarity ), .pipe_tx2_compliance_i (pipe_tx2_compliance ), .pipe_tx2_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx2_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx2_data_i (pipe_tx2_data ), .pipe_tx2_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx2_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx2_powerdown_i (pipe_tx2_powerdown ), .pipe_rx2_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx2_data_i (pipe_rx2_data_gt ), .pipe_rx2_valid_i (pipe_rx2_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx2_status_i (pipe_rx2_status_gt ), .pipe_rx2_phy_status_i (pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx2_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx2_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx2_polarity_o (pipe_rx2_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx2_compliance_o (pipe_tx2_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx2_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx2_data_o (pipe_tx2_data_gt ), .pipe_tx2_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx2_powerdown_o (pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 3 .pipe_rx3_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx3_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx3_data_o (pipe_rx3_data ), .pipe_rx3_valid_o (pipe_rx3_valid ), .pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx3_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx3_status_o (pipe_rx3_status ), .pipe_rx3_phy_status_o (pipe_rx3_phy_status ), .pipe_rx3_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx3_polarity_i (pipe_rx3_polarity ), .pipe_tx3_compliance_i (pipe_tx3_compliance ), .pipe_tx3_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx3_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx3_data_i (pipe_tx3_data ), .pipe_tx3_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx3_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx3_powerdown_i (pipe_tx3_powerdown ), .pipe_rx3_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx3_data_i (pipe_rx3_data_gt ), .pipe_rx3_valid_i (pipe_rx3_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx3_status_i (pipe_rx3_status_gt ), .pipe_rx3_phy_status_i (pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx3_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx3_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx3_polarity_o (pipe_rx3_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx3_compliance_o (pipe_tx3_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx3_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx3_data_o (pipe_tx3_data_gt ), .pipe_tx3_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx3_powerdown_o (pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 4 .pipe_rx4_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx4_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx4_data_o (pipe_rx4_data ), .pipe_rx4_valid_o (pipe_rx4_valid ), .pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx4_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx4_status_o (pipe_rx4_status ), .pipe_rx4_phy_status_o (pipe_rx4_phy_status ), .pipe_rx4_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx4_polarity_i (pipe_rx4_polarity ), .pipe_tx4_compliance_i (pipe_tx4_compliance ), .pipe_tx4_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx4_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx4_data_i (pipe_tx4_data ), .pipe_tx4_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx4_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx4_powerdown_i (pipe_tx4_powerdown ), .pipe_rx4_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx4_data_i (pipe_rx4_data_gt ), .pipe_rx4_valid_i (pipe_rx4_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx4_status_i (pipe_rx4_status_gt ), .pipe_rx4_phy_status_i (pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx4_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx4_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx4_polarity_o (pipe_rx4_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx4_compliance_o (pipe_tx4_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx4_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx4_data_o (pipe_tx4_data_gt ), .pipe_tx4_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx4_powerdown_o (pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 5 .pipe_rx5_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx5_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx5_data_o (pipe_rx5_data ), .pipe_rx5_valid_o (pipe_rx5_valid ), .pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx5_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx5_status_o (pipe_rx5_status ), .pipe_rx5_phy_status_o (pipe_rx5_phy_status ), .pipe_rx5_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx5_polarity_i (pipe_rx5_polarity ), .pipe_tx5_compliance_i (pipe_tx5_compliance ), .pipe_tx5_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx5_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx5_data_i (pipe_tx5_data ), .pipe_tx5_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx5_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx5_powerdown_i (pipe_tx5_powerdown ), .pipe_rx5_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx5_data_i (pipe_rx5_data_gt ), .pipe_rx5_valid_i (pipe_rx5_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx5_status_i (pipe_rx5_status_gt ), .pipe_rx5_phy_status_i (pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx5_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx5_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx5_polarity_o (pipe_rx5_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx5_compliance_o (pipe_tx5_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx5_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx5_data_o (pipe_tx5_data_gt ), .pipe_tx5_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx5_powerdown_o (pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 6 .pipe_rx6_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx6_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx6_data_o (pipe_rx6_data ), .pipe_rx6_valid_o (pipe_rx6_valid ), .pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx6_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx6_status_o (pipe_rx6_status ), .pipe_rx6_phy_status_o (pipe_rx6_phy_status ), .pipe_rx6_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx6_polarity_i (pipe_rx6_polarity ), .pipe_tx6_compliance_i (pipe_tx6_compliance ), .pipe_tx6_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx6_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx6_data_i (pipe_tx6_data ), .pipe_tx6_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx6_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx6_powerdown_i (pipe_tx6_powerdown ), .pipe_rx6_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx6_data_i (pipe_rx6_data_gt ), .pipe_rx6_valid_i (pipe_rx6_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx6_status_i (pipe_rx6_status_gt ), .pipe_rx6_phy_status_i (pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx6_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx6_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx6_polarity_o (pipe_rx6_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx6_compliance_o (pipe_tx6_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx6_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx6_data_o (pipe_tx6_data_gt ), .pipe_tx6_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx6_powerdown_o (pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt ), // Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 7 .pipe_rx7_char_is_k_o (pipe_rx7_char_is_k ), .pipe_rx7_data_o (pipe_rx7_data ), .pipe_rx7_valid_o (pipe_rx7_valid ), .pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_o (pipe_rx7_chanisaligned ), .pipe_rx7_status_o (pipe_rx7_status ), .pipe_rx7_phy_status_o (pipe_rx7_phy_status ), .pipe_rx7_elec_idle_i (pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_rx7_polarity_i (pipe_rx7_polarity ), .pipe_tx7_compliance_i (pipe_tx7_compliance ), .pipe_tx7_char_is_k_i (pipe_tx7_char_is_k ), .pipe_tx7_data_i (pipe_tx7_data ), .pipe_tx7_elec_idle_i (pipe_tx7_elec_idle ), .pipe_tx7_powerdown_i (pipe_tx7_powerdown ), .pipe_rx7_char_is_k_i (pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_rx7_data_i (pipe_rx7_data_gt ), .pipe_rx7_valid_i (pipe_rx7_valid_gt ), .pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_i (pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt), .pipe_rx7_status_i (pipe_rx7_status_gt ), .pipe_rx7_phy_status_i (pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt ), .pipe_rx7_elec_idle_o (pipe_rx7_elec_idle ), .pipe_rx7_polarity_o (pipe_rx7_polarity_gt ), .pipe_tx7_compliance_o (pipe_tx7_compliance_gt ), .pipe_tx7_char_is_k_o (pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt ), .pipe_tx7_data_o (pipe_tx7_data_gt ), .pipe_tx7_elec_idle_o (pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt ), .pipe_tx7_powerdown_o (pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt ), // Non PIPE signals .pipe_clk (pipe_clk ), .rst_n (phy_rdy_n ) ); endmodule
module mac_tb; parameter INTERMEDIATOR_DEPTH = 1024; parameter LOG2_INTERMEDIATOR_DEPTH = log2(INTERMEDIATOR_DEPTH - 1); parameter MATRIX_FILENAME = "../../src/tmp/cant/cant.mtx"; reg clk, rst, wr; reg [LOG2_INTERMEDIATOR_DEPTH - 1:0] row; reg [63:0] v0, v1; wire push_out; wire [63:0] v_out; reg eof; wire stall; reg stall_out; mac #(INTERMEDIATOR_DEPTH) dut(clk, rst, wr, row, v0, v1, push_out, v_out, eof, stall, stall_out); initial begin clk = 0; forever #5 clk = !clk; end reg [63:0] floats [0:10000000]; reg [63:0] row_index [0:10000000]; reg [63:0] col_index [0:10000000]; integer file; integer bufferSize = 100; reg [100 * 8 - 1:0] string; integer M, N, nnz; integer r; integer i = 0; integer tmp1, tmp2; real tmp3; initial begin $readmemh("floats.hex", floats); $readmemh("row.hex", row_index); $readmemh("col.hex", col_index); file = $fopen(MATRIX_FILENAME, "r"); r = $fgets(string, file); r = $fscanf(file, "%d%d%d", M, N, nnz); for(i = 0; i < nnz; i = i + 1) begin $fscanf(file, "%d%d%f", tmp1, tmp2, tmp3); //$display("tmp1: %d", tmp1); row_index[i] = tmp1 - 1; col_index[i] = tmp2 - 1; floats[i] = $realtobits(tmp3); end $display("finshed reading mtx file"); end integer stall_count = 0; initial begin rst = 1; wr = 0; row = 0; v0 = 0; v1 = 0; eof = 0; stall_out = 0; #1000 rst = 0; #100; for(i = 0; i < nnz; i = i + 1) begin while(stall) begin stall_count = stall_count + 1; wr = 0; #10; end wr = 1; row = row_index[i]; v0 = floats[i]; v1 = floats[col_index[i]]; //$display("pushing: row: %d, v0: %f, v0: %f", row, $bitstoreal(v0), $bitstoreal(v1)); #10; end wr = 0; //eof = 1; #10000 eof = 1; #10 eof = 0; end wire multiplier_push_ieee; wire [63:0] ieee_multiplier_out; flopoco_to_ieee conv_after_mult(clk, dut.multiplier_push, dut.multiplier_out, multiplier_push_ieee, ieee_multiplier_out); wire adder_push_ieee; wire [63:0] ieee_adder_out; flopoco_to_ieee conv_after_add(clk, dut.adder_push_out, dut.adder_out, adder_push_ieee, ieee_adder_out); wire [63:0] before_adder_v0, before_adder_v1; wire push_before_adder; flopoco_to_ieee conv_before_add0(clk, dut.intermediator_push_to_adder, dut.intermediator_v0_to_adder, push_before_adder, before_adder_v0); flopoco_to_ieee conv_before_add1(clk, dut.intermediator_push_to_adder, dut.intermediator_v1_to_adder, , before_adder_v1); integer out_count; initial begin #1000000000 $display("watchdog reached"); $display("out_count: %d", out_count); $display("stall_count: %d", stall_count); $finish; end initial begin #20000 $display("endgame:"); $display("window end: %d", dut.intermediator_inst.window_end); end initial out_count = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin if(out_count == M) begin $display("reached the end"); $display("@verilog:out_count: %d", out_count); $display("@verilog:stall_count: %d : %d", stall_count, nnz); $finish; end if(push_out) begin //$display("push_out: %d, %f", v_out, $bitstoreal(v_out)); out_count = out_count + 1; end /* if(dut.flopoco_conv_push) $display("flopoco_conv_push"); if(dut.multiplier_push) $display("multiplier_push: row: %d", dut.multiplier_row); if(dut.intermediator_push_to_adder) $display("adder push"); if(dut.adder_push_out) $display("adder output"); if(multiplier_push_ieee) $display("multiplier_out: %f", $bitstoreal(ieee_multiplier_out)); if(dut.adder_push_out) $display("flopoco adder out: %H", dut.adder_out); if(adder_push_ieee)begin $display("adder_out: %H %f", ieee_adder_out, $bitstoreal(ieee_adder_out)); end if(push_before_adder) begin $display("before adder: v0: %f v1: %f", $bitstoreal(before_adder_v0), $bitstoreal(before_adder_v1)); end */ /* if(dut.multiplier_push) $display("flopoco multiplier_out: %H", dut.multiplier_out); */ /* if(dut.intermediator_inst.p0_stage_0) $display("intermediator p0_stage_0"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.p0_stage_1) $display("intermediator p0_stage_1"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.p0_stage_2) $display("intermediator p0_stage_2"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.p0_stage_3) $display("intermediator p0_stage_3"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.p0_stage_5) $display("intermediator p0_stage_5"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.p0_stage_6) $display("intermediator p0_stage_6"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.to_adder_stage_7) $display("intermediator to adder stage 7"); if(dut.intermediator_inst.overflow_fifo_pop_stage_5) $display("intermediator popping overflow fifo"); */ /* $display("overflow_fifo_empty: %d", dut.intermediator_inst.overflow_fifo_empty); $display("p1_stage_5: %d", dut.intermediator_inst.p1_stage_5); $display("p1_stage_3: %d", dut.intermediator_inst.p1_stage_3); $display("p1_stage_0: %d", dut.intermediator_inst.p1_stage_0); */ end `include "common.vh" endmodule
module ColorImageProcess# ( parameter[ 2 : 0 ]ReadState = 0, // read raw data operation parameter[ 2 : 0 ]ALState = 1, // auto level parameter[ 2 : 0 ]WBState = 2, // white balance parameter[ 2 : 0 ]RemainderState = 3, // color correction // forward space // saturation enhancement // backward space // tone reproduction // gamma correction parameter[ 2 : 0 ]WriteState = 4 ) ( input Clock, input Reset, input[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]R, input[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]G, input[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]B, output reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]R_out, output reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]G_out, output reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]B_out ); reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]ScaleR[ 0 : `SumPixel - 1 ]; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]ScaleG[ 0 : `SumPixel - 1 ]; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]ScaleB[ 0 : `SumPixel - 1 ]; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]ScaleRTemp; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]ScaleGTemp; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]ScaleBTemp; reg[ 3 : 0 ]StateNow; reg[ 3 : 0 ]StateNext; // counter integer i; integer ReadIndex; integer WriteIndex; // CTC reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]RFactor; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]BFactor; // variable declaration reg[ `size_int + `size_int - 1 : 0 ]RLongTotal; reg[ `size_int + `size_int - 1 : 0 ]GLongTotal; reg[ `size_int + `size_int - 1 : 0 ]BLongTotal; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]RTotal; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]GTotal; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]BTotal; // divider usage reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]GRIndex; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]GBIndex; // color space reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]CIEL; // declaration is signed type, a or b maybe negative value reg signed[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]CIEa; reg signed[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]CIEb; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]X; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Y; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Z; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]fX; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]fY; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]fZ; always@( posedge Clock ) begin if( Reset == 1'b1 ) begin ReadIndex = 0; WriteIndex = 0; RLongTotal = 0; GLongTotal = 0; BLongTotal = 0; StateNext = ReadState; end end always@( StateNext ) StateNow = StateNext; always@( posedge Clock ) begin if( StateNow == ReadState ) begin //////////////// // read raw data ScaleR[ ReadIndex ] = R << `ScaleBit; ScaleG[ ReadIndex ] = G << `ScaleBit; ScaleB[ ReadIndex ] = B << `ScaleBit; ReadIndex = ReadIndex + 1; if( ReadIndex == `SumPixel ) StateNext = ALState; end else if( StateNow == WriteState ) begin if( WriteIndex < `SumPixel ) begin R_out = ScaleR[ WriteIndex ] >> `ScaleBit; G_out = ScaleG[ WriteIndex ] >> `ScaleBit; B_out = ScaleB[ WriteIndex ] >> `ScaleBit; WriteIndex = WriteIndex + 1; end end end always@( StateNow ) begin case( StateNow ) ///////////// // auto level ALState: begin `ifdef EnableAL for( i = 0; i < `SumPixel; i = i + 1 ) begin ScaleRTemp = ScaleR[ i ]; ScaleGTemp = ScaleG[ i ]; ScaleBTemp = ScaleB[ i ]; if( ( ScaleRTemp > `LowThreshold ) && ( ScaleRTemp < `HighThreshold ) ) ScaleR[ i ] = `Scale * ( ScaleRTemp - `LowThreshold ); else if( ScaleRTemp <= `LowThreshold ) ScaleR[ i ] = `MinThreshold; else // ScaleRTemp >= `HighThreshold ScaleR[ i ] = `MaxThreshold; if( ( ScaleGTemp > `LowThreshold ) && ( ScaleGTemp < `HighThreshold ) ) ScaleG[ i ] = `Scale * ( ScaleGTemp - `LowThreshold ); else if( ScaleGTemp <= `LowThreshold ) ScaleG[ i ] = `MinThreshold; else // ScaleGTemp >= `HighThreshold ScaleG[ i ] = `MaxThreshold; if( ( ScaleBTemp > `LowThreshold ) && ( ScaleBTemp < `HighThreshold ) ) ScaleB[ i ] = `Scale * ( ScaleBTemp - `LowThreshold ); else if( ScaleBTemp <= `LowThreshold ) ScaleB[ i ] = `MinThreshold; else // ScaleBTemp >= `HighThreshold ScaleB[ i ] = `MaxThreshold; end `endif // EnableAL StateNext = WBState; end //////////////// // white balance WBState: begin `ifdef EnableWB for( i = 0; i < `SumPixel; i = i + 1 ) begin RLongTotal = RLongTotal + ScaleR[ i ]; GLongTotal = GLongTotal + ScaleG[ i ]; BLongTotal = BLongTotal + ScaleB[ i ]; end RTotal = RLongTotal >> `ScaleHalfBit; GTotal = GLongTotal >> `ScaleHalfBit; BTotal = BLongTotal >> `ScaleHalfBit; // GR ratio, scale = 16 GRIndex = Divider( GTotal, RTotal >> `ScaleHalfBit ); // GB ratio, scale = 16 GBIndex = Divider( GTotal, BTotal >> `ScaleHalfBit ); if( ( GRIndex >= 16 ) && ( GRIndex <= 40 ) ) GRIndex = GRIndex - 16; else if( GRIndex < 16 ) GRIndex = 0; else GRIndex = 23; if( ( GBIndex >= 16 ) && ( GBIndex <= 40 ) ) GBIndex = GBIndex - 16; else if( GBIndex < 16 ) GBIndex = 0; else GBIndex = 23; LUTCTCFactor( GRIndex * 24 + GBIndex, RFactor, BFactor ); // RFactor = ( RFactor * `WBRCorrection ) >> `ScaleBit; // BFactor = ( BFactor * `WBBCorrection ) >> `ScaleBit; for( i = 0; i < `SumPixel; i = i + 1 ) begin ScaleRTemp = ( ScaleR[ i ] * RFactor ) >> `ScaleBit; ScaleBTemp = ( ScaleB[ i ] * BFactor ) >> `ScaleBit; ScaleR[ i ] = ( ScaleRTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleRTemp : ( ScaleRTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; ScaleB[ i ] = ( ScaleBTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleBTemp : ( ScaleBTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; end `endif // EnableWB StateNext = RemainderState; end ///////////////////////// // color correction // forward space // saturation enhancement // backward space // tone reproduction // gamma correction RemainderState: begin for( i = 0; i < `SumPixel; i = i + 1 ) begin `ifdef EnableCC /////////////////// // color correction ScaleRTemp = ( ScaleR[ i ] * `CC1 - ScaleG[ i ] * `CC2 - ScaleB[ i ] * `CC3 ) >> `ScaleBit; ScaleGTemp = ( -ScaleR[ i ] * `CC4 + ScaleG[ i ] * `CC5 - ScaleB[ i ] * `CC6 ) >> `ScaleBit; ScaleBTemp = ( ScaleR[ i ] * `CC7 - ScaleG[ i ] * `CC8 + ScaleB[ i ] * `CC9 ) >> `ScaleBit; ScaleR[ i ] = ( ScaleRTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleRTemp : ( ScaleRTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; ScaleG[ i ] = ( ScaleGTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleGTemp : ( ScaleGTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; ScaleB[ i ] = ( ScaleBTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleBTemp : ( ScaleBTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; `endif // EnableCC `ifdef EnableSpace //////////////// // forward space // 256 * 0.950456 * 256 X = ( ScaleR[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ1 + ScaleG[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ2 + ScaleB[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ3 ) >> ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); X = ( X * 269 ) >> `ScaleBit; // 256 / 0.950456 = 269.34439 Y = ( ScaleR[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ4 + ScaleG[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ5 + ScaleB[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ6 ) >> ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); // 256 * 1.088754 * 256 Z = ( ScaleR[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ7 + ScaleG[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ8 + ScaleB[ i ] * `RGB2XYZ9 ) >> ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); Z = ( Z * 235 ) >> `ScaleBit; // 256 / 1.088754 = 235.13116 // avoid extreme case of Y if( Y < `RGB2LabLimit ) Y = `RGB2LabLimit; // avoid extreme case of X if( X < `RGB2LabLimit ) X = `RGB2LabLimit; // avoid extreme case of Z if( Z < `RGB2LabLimit ) Z = `RGB2LabLimit; fX = LUTPow033( X ); fY = LUTPow033( Y ); fZ = LUTPow033( Z ); CIEL = 116 * fY - `pow_16_256_1_3; CIEa = 500 * ( fX - fY ); CIEb = 200 * ( fY - fZ ); `endif // EnableSpace `ifdef EnableSE ///////////////////////// // saturation enhancement CIEa = ( CIEa * `SE_a ) >>> `ScaleBit; CIEb = ( CIEb * `SE_b ) >>> `ScaleBit; // operator <<<, >>> // If operand is signed, the right shift fills the vacated bit positions with the MSB. // If it is unsigned, the vacated bit positions are filled with zeros. // The left shift fills vacated positions with zeros. `endif // EnableSE `ifdef EnableSpace ///////////////// // backward space // proto type formulation // fY = ( CIEL + pow_16_256_1_3 ) / 116; // fX = CIEa / 500 + fY; // fZ = fY - CIEb / 200; // fY = ( ( CIEL + pow_16_256_1_3 ) / 116 ) << ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); // fX = ( ( CIEa / 500 ) << ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ) ) + fY; // fZ = fY - ( CIEb / 200 ) << ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); // avoid usage of the division fY = ( CIEL + `pow_16_256_1_3 ) * 565; fX = CIEa * 131 + fY; fZ = fY - CIEb * 328; // avoid extreme case of fY if( fY < `Lab2RGBLimit ) fY = `Lab2RGBLimit; // avoid extreme case of fX if( fX < `Lab2RGBLimit ) fX = `Lab2RGBLimit; // avoid extreme case of fZ if( fZ < `Lab2RGBLimit ) fZ = `Lab2RGBLimit; // in case of over-range of power 3 operation later // fY = fY >> `ScaleHalfBit; fY = fY >> ( `ScaleHalfBit + `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); Y = fY * fY * fY; Y = ( Y * 256 ) >> `ScaleBit; // in case of over-range of power 3 operation later // fX = fX >> `ScaleHalfBit; fX = fX >> ( `ScaleHalfBit + `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); X = fX * fX * fX; X = ( X * 243 ) >> `ScaleBit; // 256 * 0.950456 = 243.316736 // in case of over-range of power 3 operation later // fZ = fZ >> `ScaleHalfBit; fZ = fZ >> ( `ScaleHalfBit + `ScaleBit + `ScaleBit ); Z = fZ * fZ * fZ; Z = ( Z * 279 ) >> `ScaleBit; // 256 * 1.088754 = 278.721024 ScaleRTemp = ( `XYZ2RGB1 * X - `XYZ2RGB2 * Y - `XYZ2RGB3 * Z ) >> ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleHalfBit ); ScaleGTemp = ( -`XYZ2RGB4 * X + `XYZ2RGB5 * Y + `XYZ2RGB6 * Z ) >> ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleHalfBit ); ScaleBTemp = ( `XYZ2RGB7 * X - `XYZ2RGB8 * Y + `XYZ2RGB9 * Z ) >> ( `ScaleBit + `ScaleHalfBit ); ScaleR[ i ] = ( ScaleRTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleRTemp : ( ScaleRTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; ScaleG[ i ] = ( ScaleGTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleGTemp : ( ScaleGTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; ScaleB[ i ] = ( ScaleBTemp[ 17 : 16 ] == 2'b00 ) ? ScaleBTemp : ( ScaleBTemp[ 17 ] == 1'b1 ) ? `MinThreshold : `MaxThreshold; `endif // EnableSpace `ifdef EnableGC /////////////////// // gamma correction ScaleR[ i ] = LUTPow045( ScaleR[ i ] >> `ScaleBit ); ScaleG[ i ] = LUTPow045( ScaleG[ i ] >> `ScaleBit ); ScaleB[ i ] = LUTPow045( ScaleB[ i ] >> `ScaleBit ); `endif // EnableGC end StateNext = WriteState; end endcase end /* always@( posedge WriteEnable ) begin R_out = ScaleR[ WriteEnableIndex ] >> `ScaleBit; G_out = ScaleG[ WriteEnableIndex ] >> `ScaleBit; B_out = ScaleB[ WriteEnableIndex ] >> `ScaleBit; WriteEnableIndex = WriteEnableIndex + 1; end */ function[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Divider ( input[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Dividend, input[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Divisor ); reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Quotient; // Quotient reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Remainder; // Remainder reg[ `size_int : 0 ]Partial; reg[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]div; begin Quotient = Dividend; div = Divisor; Partial = { `size_int'h00, 1'b0 }; for( i = 0; i < `size_int; i = i + 1 ) begin Partial = { Partial[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ], Quotient[ `size_int - 1 ] }; Quotient = { Quotient[ `size_int - 2 : 0 ], 1'b0 }; Partial = Partial + { ~{ 1'b0, div } + 1'b1 }; // subtraction if( Partial[ `size_int ] == 1'b0 ) Quotient[ 0 ] = 1'b1; else begin Partial = Partial + div; Quotient[ 0 ] = 1'b0; end end Remainder = Partial[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]; //to round up or down if( Remainder * 10 >= Divisor * 5 ) Divider = Quotient + 1; else Divider = Quotient; end endfunction // ratio = 1.0 ~ 2.5 // scale = 16 // ratio * 16 = 16 ~ 40 // every layer size = 40 - 16 = 24 // it needed to be modified task LUTCTCFactor ( input[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Index, output[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]RFactor, output[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]BFactor ); begin case( Index ) 0 : begin RFactor = 417; BFactor = 414; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.00 1 : begin RFactor = 405; BFactor = 427; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.06 2 : begin RFactor = 394; BFactor = 440; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.12 3 : begin RFactor = 383; BFactor = 452; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.19 4 : begin RFactor = 373; BFactor = 464; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.25 5 : begin RFactor = 364; BFactor = 476; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.31 6 : begin RFactor = 356; BFactor = 487; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.38 7 : begin RFactor = 348; BFactor = 498; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.44 8 : begin RFactor = 341; BFactor = 509; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.50 9 : begin RFactor = 334; BFactor = 520; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.56 10 : begin RFactor = 327; BFactor = 530; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.62 11 : begin RFactor = 321; BFactor = 540; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.69 12 : begin RFactor = 315; BFactor = 551; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.75 13 : begin RFactor = 310; BFactor = 560; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.81 14 : begin RFactor = 305; BFactor = 570; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.88 15 : begin RFactor = 300; BFactor = 580; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 1.94 16 : begin RFactor = 295; BFactor = 589; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.00 17 : begin RFactor = 291; BFactor = 599; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.06 18 : begin RFactor = 286; BFactor = 608; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.12 19 : begin RFactor = 282; BFactor = 617; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.19 20 : begin RFactor = 278; BFactor = 626; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.25 21 : begin RFactor = 274; BFactor = 634; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.31 22 : begin RFactor = 271; BFactor = 643; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.38 23 : begin RFactor = 267; BFactor = 652; end // GR = 1.00, GB = 2.44 24 : begin RFactor = 430; BFactor = 402; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.00 25 : begin RFactor = 417; BFactor = 414; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.06 26 : begin RFactor = 405; BFactor = 427; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.12 27 : begin RFactor = 395; BFactor = 438; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.19 28 : begin RFactor = 385; BFactor = 450; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.25 29 : begin RFactor = 375; BFactor = 461; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.31 30 : begin RFactor = 367; BFactor = 472; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.38 31 : begin RFactor = 359; BFactor = 483; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.44 32 : begin RFactor = 351; BFactor = 494; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.50 33 : begin RFactor = 344; BFactor = 504; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.56 34 : begin RFactor = 337; BFactor = 514; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.62 35 : begin RFactor = 331; BFactor = 524; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.69 36 : begin RFactor = 325; BFactor = 534; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.75 37 : begin RFactor = 319; BFactor = 544; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.81 38 : begin RFactor = 314; BFactor = 553; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.88 39 : begin RFactor = 309; BFactor = 562; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 1.94 40 : begin RFactor = 304; BFactor = 572; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.00 41 : begin RFactor = 299; BFactor = 581; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.06 42 : begin RFactor = 295; BFactor = 590; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.12 43 : begin RFactor = 291; BFactor = 598; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.19 44 : begin RFactor = 287; BFactor = 607; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.25 45 : begin RFactor = 283; BFactor = 615; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.31 46 : begin RFactor = 279; BFactor = 624; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.38 47 : begin RFactor = 275; BFactor = 632; end // GR = 1.06, GB = 2.44 48 : begin RFactor = 442; BFactor = 390; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.00 49 : begin RFactor = 429; BFactor = 403; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.06 50 : begin RFactor = 417; BFactor = 415; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.12 51 : begin RFactor = 406; BFactor = 426; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.19 52 : begin RFactor = 396; BFactor = 437; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.25 53 : begin RFactor = 386; BFactor = 448; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.31 54 : begin RFactor = 377; BFactor = 459; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.38 55 : begin RFactor = 369; BFactor = 470; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.44 56 : begin RFactor = 361; BFactor = 480; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.50 57 : begin RFactor = 354; BFactor = 490; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.56 58 : begin RFactor = 347; BFactor = 500; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.62 59 : begin RFactor = 340; BFactor = 510; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.69 60 : begin RFactor = 334; BFactor = 519; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.75 61 : begin RFactor = 328; BFactor = 528; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.81 62 : begin RFactor = 323; BFactor = 538; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.88 63 : begin RFactor = 318; BFactor = 547; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 1.94 64 : begin RFactor = 313; BFactor = 555; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.00 65 : begin RFactor = 308; BFactor = 564; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.06 66 : begin RFactor = 303; BFactor = 573; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.12 67 : begin RFactor = 299; BFactor = 581; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.19 68 : begin RFactor = 295; BFactor = 590; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.25 69 : begin RFactor = 291; BFactor = 598; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.31 70 : begin RFactor = 287; BFactor = 606; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.38 71 : begin RFactor = 283; BFactor = 614; end // GR = 1.12, GB = 2.44 72 : begin RFactor = 454; BFactor = 380; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.00 73 : begin RFactor = 441; BFactor = 392; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.06 74 : begin RFactor = 428; BFactor = 403; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.12 75 : begin RFactor = 417; BFactor = 415; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.19 76 : begin RFactor = 406; BFactor = 426; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.25 77 : begin RFactor = 396; BFactor = 436; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.31 78 : begin RFactor = 387; BFactor = 447; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.38 79 : begin RFactor = 379; BFactor = 457; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.44 80 : begin RFactor = 371; BFactor = 467; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.50 81 : begin RFactor = 363; BFactor = 477; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.56 82 : begin RFactor = 356; BFactor = 486; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.62 83 : begin RFactor = 350; BFactor = 496; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.69 84 : begin RFactor = 343; BFactor = 505; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.75 85 : begin RFactor = 337; BFactor = 514; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.81 86 : begin RFactor = 332; BFactor = 523; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.88 87 : begin RFactor = 326; BFactor = 532; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 1.94 88 : begin RFactor = 321; BFactor = 541; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.00 89 : begin RFactor = 316; BFactor = 549; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.06 90 : begin RFactor = 312; BFactor = 558; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.12 91 : begin RFactor = 307; BFactor = 566; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.19 92 : begin RFactor = 303; BFactor = 574; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.25 93 : begin RFactor = 299; BFactor = 582; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.31 94 : begin RFactor = 295; BFactor = 590; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.38 95 : begin RFactor = 291; BFactor = 598; end // GR = 1.19, GB = 2.44 96 : begin RFactor = 466; BFactor = 370; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.00 97 : begin RFactor = 452; BFactor = 382; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.06 98 : begin RFactor = 439; BFactor = 393; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.12 99 : begin RFactor = 428; BFactor = 404; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.19 100 : begin RFactor = 417; BFactor = 415; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.25 101 : begin RFactor = 407; BFactor = 425; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.31 102 : begin RFactor = 397; BFactor = 436; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.38 103 : begin RFactor = 389; BFactor = 445; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.44 104 : begin RFactor = 380; BFactor = 455; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.50 105 : begin RFactor = 373; BFactor = 465; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.56 106 : begin RFactor = 365; BFactor = 474; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.62 107 : begin RFactor = 359; BFactor = 483; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.69 108 : begin RFactor = 352; BFactor = 492; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.75 109 : begin RFactor = 346; BFactor = 501; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.81 110 : begin RFactor = 340; BFactor = 510; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.88 111 : begin RFactor = 335; BFactor = 519; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 1.94 112 : begin RFactor = 329; BFactor = 527; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.00 113 : begin RFactor = 324; BFactor = 535; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.06 114 : begin RFactor = 319; BFactor = 543; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.12 115 : begin RFactor = 315; BFactor = 552; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.19 116 : begin RFactor = 310; BFactor = 559; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.25 117 : begin RFactor = 306; BFactor = 567; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.31 118 : begin RFactor = 302; BFactor = 575; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.38 119 : begin RFactor = 298; BFactor = 583; end // GR = 1.25, GB = 2.44 120 : begin RFactor = 477; BFactor = 361; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.00 121 : begin RFactor = 463; BFactor = 373; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.06 122 : begin RFactor = 450; BFactor = 384; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.12 123 : begin RFactor = 438; BFactor = 394; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.19 124 : begin RFactor = 427; BFactor = 405; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.25 125 : begin RFactor = 417; BFactor = 415; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.31 126 : begin RFactor = 407; BFactor = 425; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.38 127 : begin RFactor = 398; BFactor = 435; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.44 128 : begin RFactor = 390; BFactor = 444; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.50 129 : begin RFactor = 382; BFactor = 454; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.56 130 : begin RFactor = 374; BFactor = 463; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.62 131 : begin RFactor = 367; BFactor = 472; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.69 132 : begin RFactor = 361; BFactor = 480; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.75 133 : begin RFactor = 354; BFactor = 489; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.81 134 : begin RFactor = 348; BFactor = 498; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.88 135 : begin RFactor = 343; BFactor = 506; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 1.94 136 : begin RFactor = 337; BFactor = 514; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.00 137 : begin RFactor = 332; BFactor = 522; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.06 138 : begin RFactor = 327; BFactor = 530; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.12 139 : begin RFactor = 323; BFactor = 538; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.19 140 : begin RFactor = 318; BFactor = 546; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.25 141 : begin RFactor = 314; BFactor = 554; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.31 142 : begin RFactor = 310; BFactor = 561; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.38 143 : begin RFactor = 306; BFactor = 569; end // GR = 1.31, GB = 2.44 144 : begin RFactor = 488; BFactor = 353; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.00 145 : begin RFactor = 474; BFactor = 364; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.06 146 : begin RFactor = 460; BFactor = 375; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.12 147 : begin RFactor = 448; BFactor = 385; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.19 148 : begin RFactor = 437; BFactor = 396; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.25 149 : begin RFactor = 426; BFactor = 406; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.31 150 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 415; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.38 151 : begin RFactor = 407; BFactor = 425; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.44 152 : begin RFactor = 399; BFactor = 434; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.50 153 : begin RFactor = 391; BFactor = 443; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.56 154 : begin RFactor = 383; BFactor = 452; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.62 155 : begin RFactor = 376; BFactor = 461; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.69 156 : begin RFactor = 369; BFactor = 469; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.75 157 : begin RFactor = 363; BFactor = 478; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.81 158 : begin RFactor = 356; BFactor = 486; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.88 159 : begin RFactor = 351; BFactor = 494; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 1.94 160 : begin RFactor = 345; BFactor = 502; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.00 161 : begin RFactor = 340; BFactor = 510; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.06 162 : begin RFactor = 335; BFactor = 518; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.12 163 : begin RFactor = 330; BFactor = 526; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.19 164 : begin RFactor = 325; BFactor = 533; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.25 165 : begin RFactor = 321; BFactor = 541; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.31 166 : begin RFactor = 317; BFactor = 548; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.38 167 : begin RFactor = 313; BFactor = 556; end // GR = 1.38, GB = 2.44 168 : begin RFactor = 499; BFactor = 345; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.00 169 : begin RFactor = 484; BFactor = 356; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.06 170 : begin RFactor = 471; BFactor = 367; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.12 171 : begin RFactor = 458; BFactor = 377; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.19 172 : begin RFactor = 446; BFactor = 387; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.25 173 : begin RFactor = 436; BFactor = 397; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.31 174 : begin RFactor = 426; BFactor = 406; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.38 175 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 415; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.44 176 : begin RFactor = 407; BFactor = 424; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.50 177 : begin RFactor = 399; BFactor = 433; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.56 178 : begin RFactor = 391; BFactor = 442; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.62 179 : begin RFactor = 384; BFactor = 451; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.69 180 : begin RFactor = 377; BFactor = 459; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.75 181 : begin RFactor = 371; BFactor = 467; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.81 182 : begin RFactor = 364; BFactor = 476; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.88 183 : begin RFactor = 358; BFactor = 484; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 1.94 184 : begin RFactor = 353; BFactor = 491; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.00 185 : begin RFactor = 347; BFactor = 499; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.06 186 : begin RFactor = 342; BFactor = 507; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.12 187 : begin RFactor = 337; BFactor = 514; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.19 188 : begin RFactor = 333; BFactor = 522; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.25 189 : begin RFactor = 328; BFactor = 529; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.31 190 : begin RFactor = 324; BFactor = 536; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.38 191 : begin RFactor = 320; BFactor = 543; end // GR = 1.44, GB = 2.44 192 : begin RFactor = 510; BFactor = 338; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.00 193 : begin RFactor = 494; BFactor = 349; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.06 194 : begin RFactor = 481; BFactor = 359; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.12 195 : begin RFactor = 468; BFactor = 369; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.19 196 : begin RFactor = 456; BFactor = 379; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.25 197 : begin RFactor = 445; BFactor = 388; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.31 198 : begin RFactor = 435; BFactor = 398; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.38 199 : begin RFactor = 425; BFactor = 407; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.44 200 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.50 201 : begin RFactor = 408; BFactor = 424; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.56 202 : begin RFactor = 400; BFactor = 433; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.62 203 : begin RFactor = 392; BFactor = 441; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.69 204 : begin RFactor = 385; BFactor = 449; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.75 205 : begin RFactor = 378; BFactor = 458; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.81 206 : begin RFactor = 372; BFactor = 465; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.88 207 : begin RFactor = 366; BFactor = 473; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 1.94 208 : begin RFactor = 360; BFactor = 481; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.00 209 : begin RFactor = 355; BFactor = 489; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.06 210 : begin RFactor = 350; BFactor = 496; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.12 211 : begin RFactor = 344; BFactor = 503; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.19 212 : begin RFactor = 340; BFactor = 511; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.25 213 : begin RFactor = 335; BFactor = 518; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.31 214 : begin RFactor = 331; BFactor = 525; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.38 215 : begin RFactor = 326; BFactor = 532; end // GR = 1.50, GB = 2.44 216 : begin RFactor = 520; BFactor = 331; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.00 217 : begin RFactor = 505; BFactor = 342; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.06 218 : begin RFactor = 490; BFactor = 352; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.12 219 : begin RFactor = 477; BFactor = 362; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.19 220 : begin RFactor = 465; BFactor = 371; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.25 221 : begin RFactor = 454; BFactor = 380; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.31 222 : begin RFactor = 443; BFactor = 390; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.38 223 : begin RFactor = 434; BFactor = 398; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.44 224 : begin RFactor = 425; BFactor = 407; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.50 225 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.56 226 : begin RFactor = 408; BFactor = 424; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.62 227 : begin RFactor = 400; BFactor = 432; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.69 228 : begin RFactor = 393; BFactor = 440; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.75 229 : begin RFactor = 386; BFactor = 448; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.81 230 : begin RFactor = 380; BFactor = 456; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.88 231 : begin RFactor = 373; BFactor = 464; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 1.94 232 : begin RFactor = 368; BFactor = 471; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.00 233 : begin RFactor = 362; BFactor = 479; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.06 234 : begin RFactor = 357; BFactor = 486; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.12 235 : begin RFactor = 351; BFactor = 493; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.19 236 : begin RFactor = 347; BFactor = 500; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.25 237 : begin RFactor = 342; BFactor = 507; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.31 238 : begin RFactor = 337; BFactor = 514; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.38 239 : begin RFactor = 333; BFactor = 521; end // GR = 1.56, GB = 2.44 240 : begin RFactor = 530; BFactor = 325; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.00 241 : begin RFactor = 514; BFactor = 335; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.06 242 : begin RFactor = 500; BFactor = 345; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.12 243 : begin RFactor = 486; BFactor = 354; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.19 244 : begin RFactor = 474; BFactor = 364; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.25 245 : begin RFactor = 463; BFactor = 373; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.31 246 : begin RFactor = 452; BFactor = 382; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.38 247 : begin RFactor = 442; BFactor = 391; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.44 248 : begin RFactor = 433; BFactor = 399; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.50 249 : begin RFactor = 424; BFactor = 408; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.56 250 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.62 251 : begin RFactor = 408; BFactor = 424; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.69 252 : begin RFactor = 401; BFactor = 432; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.75 253 : begin RFactor = 394; BFactor = 440; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.81 254 : begin RFactor = 387; BFactor = 447; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.88 255 : begin RFactor = 381; BFactor = 455; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 1.94 256 : begin RFactor = 375; BFactor = 462; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.00 257 : begin RFactor = 369; BFactor = 469; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.06 258 : begin RFactor = 364; BFactor = 477; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.12 259 : begin RFactor = 358; BFactor = 484; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.19 260 : begin RFactor = 353; BFactor = 491; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.25 261 : begin RFactor = 348; BFactor = 498; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.31 262 : begin RFactor = 344; BFactor = 504; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.38 263 : begin RFactor = 339; BFactor = 511; end // GR = 1.62, GB = 2.44 264 : begin RFactor = 540; BFactor = 319; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.00 265 : begin RFactor = 524; BFactor = 329; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.06 266 : begin RFactor = 509; BFactor = 338; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.12 267 : begin RFactor = 496; BFactor = 348; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.19 268 : begin RFactor = 483; BFactor = 357; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.25 269 : begin RFactor = 471; BFactor = 366; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.31 270 : begin RFactor = 461; BFactor = 375; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.38 271 : begin RFactor = 450; BFactor = 383; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.44 272 : begin RFactor = 441; BFactor = 392; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.50 273 : begin RFactor = 432; BFactor = 400; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.56 274 : begin RFactor = 424; BFactor = 408; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.62 275 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.69 276 : begin RFactor = 408; BFactor = 424; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.75 277 : begin RFactor = 401; BFactor = 431; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.81 278 : begin RFactor = 394; BFactor = 439; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.88 279 : begin RFactor = 388; BFactor = 446; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 1.94 280 : begin RFactor = 382; BFactor = 453; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.00 281 : begin RFactor = 376; BFactor = 461; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.06 282 : begin RFactor = 370; BFactor = 468; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.12 283 : begin RFactor = 365; BFactor = 475; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.19 284 : begin RFactor = 360; BFactor = 481; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.25 285 : begin RFactor = 355; BFactor = 488; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.31 286 : begin RFactor = 350; BFactor = 495; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.38 287 : begin RFactor = 346; BFactor = 501; end // GR = 1.69, GB = 2.44 288 : begin RFactor = 550; BFactor = 313; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.00 289 : begin RFactor = 533; BFactor = 323; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.06 290 : begin RFactor = 518; BFactor = 332; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.12 291 : begin RFactor = 505; BFactor = 342; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.19 292 : begin RFactor = 492; BFactor = 351; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.25 293 : begin RFactor = 480; BFactor = 359; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.31 294 : begin RFactor = 469; BFactor = 368; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.38 295 : begin RFactor = 459; BFactor = 376; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.44 296 : begin RFactor = 449; BFactor = 385; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.50 297 : begin RFactor = 440; BFactor = 393; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.56 298 : begin RFactor = 431; BFactor = 401; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.62 299 : begin RFactor = 423; BFactor = 408; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.69 300 : begin RFactor = 416; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.75 301 : begin RFactor = 408; BFactor = 424; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.81 302 : begin RFactor = 401; BFactor = 431; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.88 303 : begin RFactor = 395; BFactor = 438; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 1.94 304 : begin RFactor = 389; BFactor = 445; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.00 305 : begin RFactor = 383; BFactor = 452; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.06 306 : begin RFactor = 377; BFactor = 459; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.12 307 : begin RFactor = 372; BFactor = 466; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.19 308 : begin RFactor = 366; BFactor = 473; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.25 309 : begin RFactor = 361; BFactor = 479; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.31 310 : begin RFactor = 357; BFactor = 486; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.38 311 : begin RFactor = 352; BFactor = 492; end // GR = 1.75, GB = 2.44 312 : begin RFactor = 559; BFactor = 308; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.00 313 : begin RFactor = 543; BFactor = 317; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.06 314 : begin RFactor = 527; BFactor = 327; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.12 315 : begin RFactor = 513; BFactor = 336; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.19 316 : begin RFactor = 500; BFactor = 344; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.25 317 : begin RFactor = 488; BFactor = 353; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.31 318 : begin RFactor = 477; BFactor = 362; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.38 319 : begin RFactor = 467; BFactor = 370; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.44 320 : begin RFactor = 457; BFactor = 378; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.50 321 : begin RFactor = 447; BFactor = 386; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.56 322 : begin RFactor = 439; BFactor = 394; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.62 323 : begin RFactor = 431; BFactor = 401; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.69 324 : begin RFactor = 423; BFactor = 409; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.75 325 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.81 326 : begin RFactor = 408; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.88 327 : begin RFactor = 402; BFactor = 431; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 1.94 328 : begin RFactor = 395; BFactor = 438; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.00 329 : begin RFactor = 389; BFactor = 444; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.06 330 : begin RFactor = 384; BFactor = 451; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.12 331 : begin RFactor = 378; BFactor = 458; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.19 332 : begin RFactor = 373; BFactor = 465; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.25 333 : begin RFactor = 368; BFactor = 471; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.31 334 : begin RFactor = 363; BFactor = 478; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.38 335 : begin RFactor = 358; BFactor = 484; end // GR = 1.81, GB = 2.44 336 : begin RFactor = 569; BFactor = 302; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.00 337 : begin RFactor = 552; BFactor = 312; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.06 338 : begin RFactor = 536; BFactor = 321; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.12 339 : begin RFactor = 522; BFactor = 330; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.19 340 : begin RFactor = 509; BFactor = 339; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.25 341 : begin RFactor = 497; BFactor = 347; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.31 342 : begin RFactor = 485; BFactor = 356; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.38 343 : begin RFactor = 474; BFactor = 364; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.44 344 : begin RFactor = 464; BFactor = 372; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.50 345 : begin RFactor = 455; BFactor = 379; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.56 346 : begin RFactor = 446; BFactor = 387; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.62 347 : begin RFactor = 438; BFactor = 395; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.69 348 : begin RFactor = 430; BFactor = 402; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.75 349 : begin RFactor = 422; BFactor = 409; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.81 350 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.88 351 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 1.94 352 : begin RFactor = 402; BFactor = 430; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.00 353 : begin RFactor = 396; BFactor = 437; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.06 354 : begin RFactor = 390; BFactor = 444; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.12 355 : begin RFactor = 384; BFactor = 450; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.19 356 : begin RFactor = 379; BFactor = 457; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.25 357 : begin RFactor = 374; BFactor = 463; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.31 358 : begin RFactor = 369; BFactor = 469; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.38 359 : begin RFactor = 364; BFactor = 476; end // GR = 1.88, GB = 2.44 360 : begin RFactor = 578; BFactor = 297; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.00 361 : begin RFactor = 561; BFactor = 307; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.06 362 : begin RFactor = 545; BFactor = 316; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.12 363 : begin RFactor = 531; BFactor = 325; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.19 364 : begin RFactor = 517; BFactor = 333; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.25 365 : begin RFactor = 505; BFactor = 342; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.31 366 : begin RFactor = 493; BFactor = 350; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.38 367 : begin RFactor = 482; BFactor = 358; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.44 368 : begin RFactor = 472; BFactor = 366; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.50 369 : begin RFactor = 462; BFactor = 373; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.56 370 : begin RFactor = 453; BFactor = 381; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.62 371 : begin RFactor = 445; BFactor = 388; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.69 372 : begin RFactor = 437; BFactor = 395; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.75 373 : begin RFactor = 429; BFactor = 403; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.81 374 : begin RFactor = 422; BFactor = 410; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.88 375 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 416; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 1.94 376 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.00 377 : begin RFactor = 402; BFactor = 430; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.06 378 : begin RFactor = 396; BFactor = 436; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.12 379 : begin RFactor = 391; BFactor = 443; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.19 380 : begin RFactor = 385; BFactor = 449; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.25 381 : begin RFactor = 380; BFactor = 456; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.31 382 : begin RFactor = 375; BFactor = 462; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.38 383 : begin RFactor = 370; BFactor = 468; end // GR = 1.94, GB = 2.44 384 : begin RFactor = 587; BFactor = 293; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.00 385 : begin RFactor = 570; BFactor = 302; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.06 386 : begin RFactor = 554; BFactor = 311; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.12 387 : begin RFactor = 539; BFactor = 319; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.19 388 : begin RFactor = 525; BFactor = 328; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.25 389 : begin RFactor = 513; BFactor = 336; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.31 390 : begin RFactor = 501; BFactor = 344; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.38 391 : begin RFactor = 490; BFactor = 352; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.44 392 : begin RFactor = 479; BFactor = 360; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.50 393 : begin RFactor = 470; BFactor = 367; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.56 394 : begin RFactor = 461; BFactor = 375; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.62 395 : begin RFactor = 452; BFactor = 382; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.69 396 : begin RFactor = 444; BFactor = 389; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.75 397 : begin RFactor = 436; BFactor = 396; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.81 398 : begin RFactor = 429; BFactor = 403; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.88 399 : begin RFactor = 422; BFactor = 410; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 1.94 400 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.00 401 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.06 402 : begin RFactor = 403; BFactor = 430; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.12 403 : begin RFactor = 397; BFactor = 436; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.19 404 : begin RFactor = 391; BFactor = 442; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.25 405 : begin RFactor = 386; BFactor = 448; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.31 406 : begin RFactor = 381; BFactor = 455; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.38 407 : begin RFactor = 376; BFactor = 461; end // GR = 2.00, GB = 2.44 408 : begin RFactor = 596; BFactor = 288; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.00 409 : begin RFactor = 578; BFactor = 297; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.06 410 : begin RFactor = 562; BFactor = 306; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.12 411 : begin RFactor = 547; BFactor = 315; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.19 412 : begin RFactor = 533; BFactor = 323; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.25 413 : begin RFactor = 520; BFactor = 331; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.31 414 : begin RFactor = 508; BFactor = 339; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.38 415 : begin RFactor = 497; BFactor = 347; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.44 416 : begin RFactor = 487; BFactor = 354; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.50 417 : begin RFactor = 477; BFactor = 362; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.56 418 : begin RFactor = 468; BFactor = 369; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.62 419 : begin RFactor = 459; BFactor = 376; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.69 420 : begin RFactor = 451; BFactor = 383; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.75 421 : begin RFactor = 443; BFactor = 390; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.81 422 : begin RFactor = 435; BFactor = 397; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.88 423 : begin RFactor = 428; BFactor = 404; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 1.94 424 : begin RFactor = 421; BFactor = 410; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.00 425 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.06 426 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.12 427 : begin RFactor = 403; BFactor = 429; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.19 428 : begin RFactor = 397; BFactor = 435; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.25 429 : begin RFactor = 392; BFactor = 442; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.31 430 : begin RFactor = 387; BFactor = 448; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.38 431 : begin RFactor = 382; BFactor = 454; end // GR = 2.06, GB = 2.44 432 : begin RFactor = 605; BFactor = 284; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.00 433 : begin RFactor = 587; BFactor = 293; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.06 434 : begin RFactor = 570; BFactor = 302; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.12 435 : begin RFactor = 555; BFactor = 310; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.19 436 : begin RFactor = 541; BFactor = 318; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.25 437 : begin RFactor = 528; BFactor = 326; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.31 438 : begin RFactor = 516; BFactor = 334; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.38 439 : begin RFactor = 505; BFactor = 342; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.44 440 : begin RFactor = 494; BFactor = 349; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.50 441 : begin RFactor = 484; BFactor = 356; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.56 442 : begin RFactor = 475; BFactor = 364; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.62 443 : begin RFactor = 466; BFactor = 371; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.69 444 : begin RFactor = 457; BFactor = 378; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.75 445 : begin RFactor = 449; BFactor = 384; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.81 446 : begin RFactor = 442; BFactor = 391; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.88 447 : begin RFactor = 435; BFactor = 398; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 1.94 448 : begin RFactor = 428; BFactor = 404; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.00 449 : begin RFactor = 421; BFactor = 410; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.06 450 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.12 451 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.19 452 : begin RFactor = 403; BFactor = 429; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.25 453 : begin RFactor = 398; BFactor = 435; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.31 454 : begin RFactor = 392; BFactor = 441; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.38 455 : begin RFactor = 387; BFactor = 447; end // GR = 2.12, GB = 2.44 456 : begin RFactor = 614; BFactor = 280; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.00 457 : begin RFactor = 595; BFactor = 289; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.06 458 : begin RFactor = 579; BFactor = 297; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.12 459 : begin RFactor = 563; BFactor = 305; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.19 460 : begin RFactor = 549; BFactor = 314; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.25 461 : begin RFactor = 536; BFactor = 321; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.31 462 : begin RFactor = 523; BFactor = 329; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.38 463 : begin RFactor = 512; BFactor = 337; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.44 464 : begin RFactor = 501; BFactor = 344; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.50 465 : begin RFactor = 491; BFactor = 351; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.56 466 : begin RFactor = 481; BFactor = 358; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.62 467 : begin RFactor = 472; BFactor = 365; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.69 468 : begin RFactor = 464; BFactor = 372; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.75 469 : begin RFactor = 456; BFactor = 379; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.81 470 : begin RFactor = 448; BFactor = 385; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.88 471 : begin RFactor = 441; BFactor = 392; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 1.94 472 : begin RFactor = 434; BFactor = 398; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.00 473 : begin RFactor = 427; BFactor = 405; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.06 474 : begin RFactor = 421; BFactor = 411; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.12 475 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.19 476 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.25 477 : begin RFactor = 403; BFactor = 429; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.31 478 : begin RFactor = 398; BFactor = 435; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.38 479 : begin RFactor = 393; BFactor = 440; end // GR = 2.19, GB = 2.44 480 : begin RFactor = 622; BFactor = 276; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.00 481 : begin RFactor = 604; BFactor = 285; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.06 482 : begin RFactor = 587; BFactor = 293; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.12 483 : begin RFactor = 571; BFactor = 301; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.19 484 : begin RFactor = 557; BFactor = 309; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.25 485 : begin RFactor = 543; BFactor = 317; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.31 486 : begin RFactor = 531; BFactor = 325; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.38 487 : begin RFactor = 519; BFactor = 332; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.44 488 : begin RFactor = 508; BFactor = 339; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.50 489 : begin RFactor = 498; BFactor = 346; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.56 490 : begin RFactor = 488; BFactor = 353; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.62 491 : begin RFactor = 479; BFactor = 360; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.69 492 : begin RFactor = 470; BFactor = 367; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.75 493 : begin RFactor = 462; BFactor = 373; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.81 494 : begin RFactor = 454; BFactor = 380; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.88 495 : begin RFactor = 447; BFactor = 386; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 1.94 496 : begin RFactor = 440; BFactor = 393; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.00 497 : begin RFactor = 433; BFactor = 399; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.06 498 : begin RFactor = 427; BFactor = 405; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.12 499 : begin RFactor = 421; BFactor = 411; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.19 500 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.25 501 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.31 502 : begin RFactor = 404; BFactor = 429; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.38 503 : begin RFactor = 398; BFactor = 434; end // GR = 2.25, GB = 2.44 504 : begin RFactor = 631; BFactor = 272; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.00 505 : begin RFactor = 612; BFactor = 281; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.06 506 : begin RFactor = 595; BFactor = 289; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.12 507 : begin RFactor = 579; BFactor = 297; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.19 508 : begin RFactor = 564; BFactor = 305; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.25 509 : begin RFactor = 551; BFactor = 313; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.31 510 : begin RFactor = 538; BFactor = 320; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.38 511 : begin RFactor = 526; BFactor = 327; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.44 512 : begin RFactor = 515; BFactor = 335; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.50 513 : begin RFactor = 505; BFactor = 342; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.56 514 : begin RFactor = 495; BFactor = 348; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.62 515 : begin RFactor = 485; BFactor = 355; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.69 516 : begin RFactor = 477; BFactor = 362; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.75 517 : begin RFactor = 468; BFactor = 368; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.81 518 : begin RFactor = 461; BFactor = 375; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.88 519 : begin RFactor = 453; BFactor = 381; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 1.94 520 : begin RFactor = 446; BFactor = 387; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.00 521 : begin RFactor = 439; BFactor = 393; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.06 522 : begin RFactor = 433; BFactor = 399; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.12 523 : begin RFactor = 426; BFactor = 405; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.19 524 : begin RFactor = 420; BFactor = 411; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.25 525 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.31 526 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.38 527 : begin RFactor = 404; BFactor = 428; end // GR = 2.31, GB = 2.44 528 : begin RFactor = 639; BFactor = 269; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.00 529 : begin RFactor = 620; BFactor = 277; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.06 530 : begin RFactor = 603; BFactor = 285; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.12 531 : begin RFactor = 586; BFactor = 293; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.19 532 : begin RFactor = 572; BFactor = 301; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.25 533 : begin RFactor = 558; BFactor = 308; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.31 534 : begin RFactor = 545; BFactor = 316; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.38 535 : begin RFactor = 533; BFactor = 323; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.44 536 : begin RFactor = 522; BFactor = 330; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.50 537 : begin RFactor = 511; BFactor = 337; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.56 538 : begin RFactor = 501; BFactor = 344; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.62 539 : begin RFactor = 492; BFactor = 351; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.69 540 : begin RFactor = 483; BFactor = 357; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.75 541 : begin RFactor = 475; BFactor = 364; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.81 542 : begin RFactor = 467; BFactor = 370; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.88 543 : begin RFactor = 459; BFactor = 376; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 1.94 544 : begin RFactor = 452; BFactor = 382; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.00 545 : begin RFactor = 445; BFactor = 388; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.06 546 : begin RFactor = 438; BFactor = 394; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.12 547 : begin RFactor = 432; BFactor = 400; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.19 548 : begin RFactor = 426; BFactor = 406; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.25 549 : begin RFactor = 420; BFactor = 411; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.31 550 : begin RFactor = 415; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.38 551 : begin RFactor = 409; BFactor = 423; end // GR = 2.38, GB = 2.44 552 : begin RFactor = 647; BFactor = 265; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.00 553 : begin RFactor = 628; BFactor = 273; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.06 554 : begin RFactor = 610; BFactor = 281; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.12 555 : begin RFactor = 594; BFactor = 289; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.19 556 : begin RFactor = 579; BFactor = 297; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.25 557 : begin RFactor = 565; BFactor = 304; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.31 558 : begin RFactor = 552; BFactor = 312; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.38 559 : begin RFactor = 540; BFactor = 319; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.44 560 : begin RFactor = 528; BFactor = 326; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.50 561 : begin RFactor = 518; BFactor = 333; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.56 562 : begin RFactor = 508; BFactor = 339; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.62 563 : begin RFactor = 498; BFactor = 346; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.69 564 : begin RFactor = 489; BFactor = 352; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.75 565 : begin RFactor = 481; BFactor = 359; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.81 566 : begin RFactor = 473; BFactor = 365; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.88 567 : begin RFactor = 465; BFactor = 371; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 1.94 568 : begin RFactor = 458; BFactor = 377; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.00 569 : begin RFactor = 451; BFactor = 383; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.06 570 : begin RFactor = 444; BFactor = 389; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.12 571 : begin RFactor = 438; BFactor = 395; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.19 572 : begin RFactor = 431; BFactor = 401; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.25 573 : begin RFactor = 426; BFactor = 406; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.31 574 : begin RFactor = 420; BFactor = 412; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.38 575 : begin RFactor = 414; BFactor = 417; end // GR = 2.44, GB = 2.44 endcase end endtask function[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]LUTPow033( input[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]Index ); begin case( Index ) 0 : LUTPow033 = 0; 1 : LUTPow033 = 256; 2 : LUTPow033 = 322; 3 : LUTPow033 = 369; 4 : LUTPow033 = 406; 5 : LUTPow033 = 437; 6 : LUTPow033 = 465; 7 : LUTPow033 = 489; 8 : LUTPow033 = 511; 9 : LUTPow033 = 532; 10 : LUTPow033 = 551; 11 : LUTPow033 = 569; 12 : LUTPow033 = 586; 13 : LUTPow033 = 601; 14 : LUTPow033 = 616; 15 : LUTPow033 = 631; 16 : LUTPow033 = 645; 17 : LUTPow033 = 658; 18 : LUTPow033 = 670; 19 : LUTPow033 = 683; 20 : LUTPow033 = 694; 21 : LUTPow033 = 706; 22 : LUTPow033 = 717; 23 : LUTPow033 = 728; 24 : LUTPow033 = 738; 25 : LUTPow033 = 748; 26 : LUTPow033 = 758; 27 : LUTPow033 = 767; 28 : LUTPow033 = 777; 29 : LUTPow033 = 786; 30 : LUTPow033 = 795; 31 : LUTPow033 = 804; 32 : LUTPow033 = 812; 33 : LUTPow033 = 821; 34 : LUTPow033 = 829; 35 : LUTPow033 = 837; 36 : LUTPow033 = 845; 37 : LUTPow033 = 853; 38 : LUTPow033 = 860; 39 : LUTPow033 = 868; 40 : LUTPow033 = 875; 41 : LUTPow033 = 882; 42 : LUTPow033 = 889; 43 : LUTPow033 = 896; 44 : LUTPow033 = 903; 45 : LUTPow033 = 910; 46 : LUTPow033 = 917; 47 : LUTPow033 = 923; 48 : LUTPow033 = 930; 49 : LUTPow033 = 936; 50 : LUTPow033 = 943; 51 : LUTPow033 = 949; 52 : LUTPow033 = 955; 53 : LUTPow033 = 961; 54 : LUTPow033 = 967; 55 : LUTPow033 = 973; 56 : LUTPow033 = 979; 57 : LUTPow033 = 985; 58 : LUTPow033 = 990; 59 : LUTPow033 = 996; 60 : LUTPow033 = 1002; 61 : LUTPow033 = 1007; 62 : LUTPow033 = 1013; 63 : LUTPow033 = 1018; 64 : LUTPow033 = 1023; 65 : LUTPow033 = 1029; 66 : LUTPow033 = 1034; 67 : LUTPow033 = 1039; 68 : LUTPow033 = 1044; 69 : LUTPow033 = 1050; 70 : LUTPow033 = 1055; 71 : LUTPow033 = 1060; 72 : LUTPow033 = 1065; 73 : LUTPow033 = 1069; 74 : LUTPow033 = 1074; 75 : LUTPow033 = 1079; 76 : LUTPow033 = 1084; 77 : LUTPow033 = 1089; 78 : LUTPow033 = 1093; 79 : LUTPow033 = 1098; 80 : LUTPow033 = 1103; 81 : LUTPow033 = 1107; 82 : LUTPow033 = 1112; 83 : LUTPow033 = 1116; 84 : LUTPow033 = 1121; 85 : LUTPow033 = 1125; 86 : LUTPow033 = 1129; 87 : LUTPow033 = 1134; 88 : LUTPow033 = 1138; 89 : LUTPow033 = 1142; 90 : LUTPow033 = 1147; 91 : LUTPow033 = 1151; 92 : LUTPow033 = 1155; 93 : LUTPow033 = 1159; 94 : LUTPow033 = 1163; 95 : LUTPow033 = 1168; 96 : LUTPow033 = 1172; 97 : LUTPow033 = 1176; 98 : LUTPow033 = 1180; 99 : LUTPow033 = 1184; 100 : LUTPow033 = 1188; 101 : LUTPow033 = 1192; 102 : LUTPow033 = 1196; 103 : LUTPow033 = 1200; 104 : LUTPow033 = 1203; 105 : LUTPow033 = 1207; 106 : LUTPow033 = 1211; 107 : LUTPow033 = 1215; 108 : LUTPow033 = 1219; 109 : LUTPow033 = 1222; 110 : LUTPow033 = 1226; 111 : LUTPow033 = 1230; 112 : LUTPow033 = 1233; 113 : LUTPow033 = 1237; 114 : LUTPow033 = 1241; 115 : LUTPow033 = 1244; 116 : LUTPow033 = 1248; 117 : LUTPow033 = 1252; 118 : LUTPow033 = 1255; 119 : LUTPow033 = 1259; 120 : LUTPow033 = 1262; 121 : LUTPow033 = 1266; 122 : LUTPow033 = 1269; 123 : LUTPow033 = 1273; 124 : LUTPow033 = 1276; 125 : LUTPow033 = 1279; 126 : LUTPow033 = 1283; 127 : LUTPow033 = 1286; 128 : LUTPow033 = 1290; 129 : LUTPow033 = 1293; 130 : LUTPow033 = 1296; 131 : LUTPow033 = 1300; 132 : LUTPow033 = 1303; 133 : LUTPow033 = 1306; 134 : LUTPow033 = 1310; 135 : LUTPow033 = 1313; 136 : LUTPow033 = 1316; 137 : LUTPow033 = 1319; 138 : LUTPow033 = 1322; 139 : LUTPow033 = 1326; 140 : LUTPow033 = 1329; 141 : LUTPow033 = 1332; 142 : LUTPow033 = 1335; 143 : LUTPow033 = 1338; 144 : LUTPow033 = 1341; 145 : LUTPow033 = 1344; 146 : LUTPow033 = 1348; 147 : LUTPow033 = 1351; 148 : LUTPow033 = 1354; 149 : LUTPow033 = 1357; 150 : LUTPow033 = 1360; 151 : LUTPow033 = 1363; 152 : LUTPow033 = 1366; 153 : LUTPow033 = 1369; 154 : LUTPow033 = 1372; 155 : LUTPow033 = 1375; 156 : LUTPow033 = 1378; 157 : LUTPow033 = 1381; 158 : LUTPow033 = 1383; 159 : LUTPow033 = 1386; 160 : LUTPow033 = 1389; 161 : LUTPow033 = 1392; 162 : LUTPow033 = 1395; 163 : LUTPow033 = 1398; 164 : LUTPow033 = 1401; 165 : LUTPow033 = 1404; 166 : LUTPow033 = 1406; 167 : LUTPow033 = 1409; 168 : LUTPow033 = 1412; 169 : LUTPow033 = 1415; 170 : LUTPow033 = 1418; 171 : LUTPow033 = 1420; 172 : LUTPow033 = 1423; 173 : LUTPow033 = 1426; 174 : LUTPow033 = 1429; 175 : LUTPow033 = 1431; 176 : LUTPow033 = 1434; 177 : LUTPow033 = 1437; 178 : LUTPow033 = 1440; 179 : LUTPow033 = 1442; 180 : LUTPow033 = 1445; 181 : LUTPow033 = 1448; 182 : LUTPow033 = 1450; 183 : LUTPow033 = 1453; 184 : LUTPow033 = 1456; 185 : LUTPow033 = 1458; 186 : LUTPow033 = 1461; 187 : LUTPow033 = 1463; 188 : LUTPow033 = 1466; 189 : LUTPow033 = 1469; 190 : LUTPow033 = 1471; 191 : LUTPow033 = 1474; 192 : LUTPow033 = 1476; 193 : LUTPow033 = 1479; 194 : LUTPow033 = 1481; 195 : LUTPow033 = 1484; 196 : LUTPow033 = 1487; 197 : LUTPow033 = 1489; 198 : LUTPow033 = 1492; 199 : LUTPow033 = 1494; 200 : LUTPow033 = 1497; 201 : LUTPow033 = 1499; 202 : LUTPow033 = 1502; 203 : LUTPow033 = 1504; 204 : LUTPow033 = 1507; 205 : LUTPow033 = 1509; 206 : LUTPow033 = 1511; 207 : LUTPow033 = 1514; 208 : LUTPow033 = 1516; 209 : LUTPow033 = 1519; 210 : LUTPow033 = 1521; 211 : LUTPow033 = 1524; 212 : LUTPow033 = 1526; 213 : LUTPow033 = 1528; 214 : LUTPow033 = 1531; 215 : LUTPow033 = 1533; 216 : LUTPow033 = 1535; 217 : LUTPow033 = 1538; 218 : LUTPow033 = 1540; 219 : LUTPow033 = 1543; 220 : LUTPow033 = 1545; 221 : LUTPow033 = 1547; 222 : LUTPow033 = 1550; 223 : LUTPow033 = 1552; 224 : LUTPow033 = 1554; 225 : LUTPow033 = 1557; 226 : LUTPow033 = 1559; 227 : LUTPow033 = 1561; 228 : LUTPow033 = 1563; 229 : LUTPow033 = 1566; 230 : LUTPow033 = 1568; 231 : LUTPow033 = 1570; 232 : LUTPow033 = 1573; 233 : LUTPow033 = 1575; 234 : LUTPow033 = 1577; 235 : LUTPow033 = 1579; 236 : LUTPow033 = 1582; 237 : LUTPow033 = 1584; 238 : LUTPow033 = 1586; 239 : LUTPow033 = 1588; 240 : LUTPow033 = 1590; 241 : LUTPow033 = 1593; 242 : LUTPow033 = 1595; 243 : LUTPow033 = 1597; 244 : LUTPow033 = 1599; 245 : LUTPow033 = 1601; 246 : LUTPow033 = 1604; 247 : LUTPow033 = 1606; 248 : LUTPow033 = 1608; 249 : LUTPow033 = 1610; 250 : LUTPow033 = 1612; 251 : LUTPow033 = 1614; 252 : LUTPow033 = 1616; 253 : LUTPow033 = 1619; 254 : LUTPow033 = 1621; 255 : LUTPow033 = 1623; 256 : LUTPow033 = 1625; endcase end endfunction function[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]LUTPow045( input[ `size_int - 1 : 0 ]source ); begin case( source ) // ( ( RGB / 256 ) ^ 0.45 ) * 256 * 256 0 : LUTPow045 = 0; 1 : LUTPow045 = 5404; 2 : LUTPow045 = 7383; 3 : LUTPow045 = 8860; 4 : LUTPow045 = 10085; 5 : LUTPow045 = 11150; 6 : LUTPow045 = 12104; 7 : LUTPow045 = 12973; 8 : LUTPow045 = 13777; 9 : LUTPow045 = 14527; 10 : LUTPow045 = 15232; 11 : LUTPow045 = 15900; 12 : LUTPow045 = 16534; 13 : LUTPow045 = 17141; 14 : LUTPow045 = 17722; 15 : LUTPow045 = 18281; 16 : LUTPow045 = 18820; 17 : LUTPow045 = 19340; 18 : LUTPow045 = 19844; 19 : LUTPow045 = 20333; 20 : LUTPow045 = 20808; 21 : LUTPow045 = 21270; 22 : LUTPow045 = 21720; 23 : LUTPow045 = 22158; 24 : LUTPow045 = 22587; 25 : LUTPow045 = 23006; 26 : LUTPow045 = 23415; 27 : LUTPow045 = 23816; 28 : LUTPow045 = 24209; 29 : LUTPow045 = 24595; 30 : LUTPow045 = 24973; 31 : LUTPow045 = 25344; 32 : LUTPow045 = 25709; 33 : LUTPow045 = 26067; 34 : LUTPow045 = 26420; 35 : LUTPow045 = 26767; 36 : LUTPow045 = 27108; 37 : LUTPow045 = 27444; 38 : LUTPow045 = 27776; 39 : LUTPow045 = 28102; 40 : LUTPow045 = 28424; 41 : LUTPow045 = 28742; 42 : LUTPow045 = 29055; 43 : LUTPow045 = 29365; 44 : LUTPow045 = 29670; 45 : LUTPow045 = 29972; 46 : LUTPow045 = 30270; 47 : LUTPow045 = 30564; 48 : LUTPow045 = 30855; 49 : LUTPow045 = 31142; 50 : LUTPow045 = 31427; 51 : LUTPow045 = 31708; 52 : LUTPow045 = 31986; 53 : LUTPow045 = 32262; 54 : LUTPow045 = 32534; 55 : LUTPow045 = 32804; 56 : LUTPow045 = 33071; 57 : LUTPow045 = 33336; 58 : LUTPow045 = 33598; 59 : LUTPow045 = 33857; 60 : LUTPow045 = 34114; 61 : LUTPow045 = 34369; 62 : LUTPow045 = 34621; 63 : LUTPow045 = 34871; 64 : LUTPow045 = 35119; 65 : LUTPow045 = 35365; 66 : LUTPow045 = 35609; 67 : LUTPow045 = 35851; 68 : LUTPow045 = 36091; 69 : LUTPow045 = 36329; 70 : LUTPow045 = 36565; 71 : LUTPow045 = 36799; 72 : LUTPow045 = 37031; 73 : LUTPow045 = 37262; 74 : LUTPow045 = 37490; 75 : LUTPow045 = 37718; 76 : LUTPow045 = 37943; 77 : LUTPow045 = 38167; 78 : LUTPow045 = 38389; 79 : LUTPow045 = 38610; 80 : LUTPow045 = 38829; 81 : LUTPow045 = 39047; 82 : LUTPow045 = 39263; 83 : LUTPow045 = 39478; 84 : LUTPow045 = 39691; 85 : LUTPow045 = 39903; 86 : LUTPow045 = 40114; 87 : LUTPow045 = 40323; 88 : LUTPow045 = 40531; 89 : LUTPow045 = 40737; 90 : LUTPow045 = 40943; 91 : LUTPow045 = 41147; 92 : LUTPow045 = 41350; 93 : LUTPow045 = 41551; 94 : LUTPow045 = 41752; 95 : LUTPow045 = 41951; 96 : LUTPow045 = 42149; 97 : LUTPow045 = 42346; 98 : LUTPow045 = 42542; 99 : LUTPow045 = 42737; 100 : LUTPow045 = 42931; 101 : LUTPow045 = 43123; 102 : LUTPow045 = 43315; 103 : LUTPow045 = 43505; 104 : LUTPow045 = 43695; 105 : LUTPow045 = 43884; 106 : LUTPow045 = 44071; 107 : LUTPow045 = 44258; 108 : LUTPow045 = 44443; 109 : LUTPow045 = 44628; 110 : LUTPow045 = 44812; 111 : LUTPow045 = 44995; 112 : LUTPow045 = 45177; 113 : LUTPow045 = 45358; 114 : LUTPow045 = 45538; 115 : LUTPow045 = 45717; 116 : LUTPow045 = 45896; 117 : LUTPow045 = 46073; 118 : LUTPow045 = 46250; 119 : LUTPow045 = 46426; 120 : LUTPow045 = 46601; 121 : LUTPow045 = 46776; 122 : LUTPow045 = 46949; 123 : LUTPow045 = 47122; 124 : LUTPow045 = 47294; 125 : LUTPow045 = 47465; 126 : LUTPow045 = 47636; 127 : LUTPow045 = 47806; 128 : LUTPow045 = 47975; 129 : LUTPow045 = 48143; 130 : LUTPow045 = 48311; 131 : LUTPow045 = 48477; 132 : LUTPow045 = 48644; 133 : LUTPow045 = 48809; 134 : LUTPow045 = 48974; 135 : LUTPow045 = 49138; 136 : LUTPow045 = 49301; 137 : LUTPow045 = 49464; 138 : LUTPow045 = 49626; 139 : LUTPow045 = 49788; 140 : LUTPow045 = 49949; 141 : LUTPow045 = 50109; 142 : LUTPow045 = 50269; 143 : LUTPow045 = 50428; 144 : LUTPow045 = 50586; 145 : LUTPow045 = 50744; 146 : LUTPow045 = 50901; 147 : LUTPow045 = 51058; 148 : LUTPow045 = 51214; 149 : LUTPow045 = 51369; 150 : LUTPow045 = 51524; 151 : LUTPow045 = 51678; 152 : LUTPow045 = 51832; 153 : LUTPow045 = 51985; 154 : LUTPow045 = 52138; 155 : LUTPow045 = 52290; 156 : LUTPow045 = 52441; 157 : LUTPow045 = 52592; 158 : LUTPow045 = 52743; 159 : LUTPow045 = 52893; 160 : LUTPow045 = 53042; 161 : LUTPow045 = 53191; 162 : LUTPow045 = 53340; 163 : LUTPow045 = 53488; 164 : LUTPow045 = 53635; 165 : LUTPow045 = 53782; 166 : LUTPow045 = 53928; 167 : LUTPow045 = 54074; 168 : LUTPow045 = 54220; 169 : LUTPow045 = 54365; 170 : LUTPow045 = 54509; 171 : LUTPow045 = 54653; 172 : LUTPow045 = 54797; 173 : LUTPow045 = 54940; 174 : LUTPow045 = 55083; 175 : LUTPow045 = 55225; 176 : LUTPow045 = 55367; 177 : LUTPow045 = 55508; 178 : LUTPow045 = 55649; 179 : LUTPow045 = 55789; 180 : LUTPow045 = 55929; 181 : LUTPow045 = 56069; 182 : LUTPow045 = 56208; 183 : LUTPow045 = 56347; 184 : LUTPow045 = 56485; 185 : LUTPow045 = 56623; 186 : LUTPow045 = 56761; 187 : LUTPow045 = 56898; 188 : LUTPow045 = 57035; 189 : LUTPow045 = 57171; 190 : LUTPow045 = 57307; 191 : LUTPow045 = 57442; 192 : LUTPow045 = 57578; 193 : LUTPow045 = 57712; 194 : LUTPow045 = 57847; 195 : LUTPow045 = 57981; 196 : LUTPow045 = 58114; 197 : LUTPow045 = 58248; 198 : LUTPow045 = 58380; 199 : LUTPow045 = 58513; 200 : LUTPow045 = 58645; 201 : LUTPow045 = 58777; 202 : LUTPow045 = 58908; 203 : LUTPow045 = 59039; 204 : LUTPow045 = 59170; 205 : LUTPow045 = 59300; 206 : LUTPow045 = 59430; 207 : LUTPow045 = 59560; 208 : LUTPow045 = 59689; 209 : LUTPow045 = 59818; 210 : LUTPow045 = 59947; 211 : LUTPow045 = 60075; 212 : LUTPow045 = 60203; 213 : LUTPow045 = 60331; 214 : LUTPow045 = 60458; 215 : LUTPow045 = 60585; 216 : LUTPow045 = 60712; 217 : LUTPow045 = 60838; 218 : LUTPow045 = 60964; 219 : LUTPow045 = 61090; 220 : LUTPow045 = 61215; 221 : LUTPow045 = 61340; 222 : LUTPow045 = 61465; 223 : LUTPow045 = 61589; 224 : LUTPow045 = 61713; 225 : LUTPow045 = 61837; 226 : LUTPow045 = 61961; 227 : LUTPow045 = 62084; 228 : LUTPow045 = 62207; 229 : LUTPow045 = 62330; 230 : LUTPow045 = 62452; 231 : LUTPow045 = 62574; 232 : LUTPow045 = 62696; 233 : LUTPow045 = 62817; 234 : LUTPow045 = 62938; 235 : LUTPow045 = 63059; 236 : LUTPow045 = 63180; 237 : LUTPow045 = 63300; 238 : LUTPow045 = 63420; 239 : LUTPow045 = 63540; 240 : LUTPow045 = 63660; 241 : LUTPow045 = 63779; 242 : LUTPow045 = 63898; 243 : LUTPow045 = 64016; 244 : LUTPow045 = 64135; 245 : LUTPow045 = 64253; 246 : LUTPow045 = 64371; 247 : LUTPow045 = 64488; 248 : LUTPow045 = 64606; 249 : LUTPow045 = 64723; 250 : LUTPow045 = 64840; 251 : LUTPow045 = 64956; 252 : LUTPow045 = 65073; 253 : LUTPow045 = 65189; 254 : LUTPow045 = 65305; 255 : LUTPow045 = 65420; endcase end endfunction endmodule
module ColorImageProcess_testbench; // Signal declaration reg Clock; reg Reset; reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]R; reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]G; reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]B; wire[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]R_out; wire[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]G_out; wire[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]B_out; reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]RBlock[ 0 : `SumPixel - 1 ]; reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]GBlock[ 0 : `SumPixel - 1 ]; reg[ `size_char - 1 : 0 ]BBlock[ 0 : `SumPixel - 1 ]; integer i; integer RFile; integer GFile; integer BFile; ColorImageProcess ColorImageProcess_test ( Clock, Reset, R, G, B, R_out, G_out, B_out ); initial begin #2 begin // open test data file $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_20x15R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_20x15G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_20x15B.dat", BBlock ); /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_320x240R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_320x240G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_320x240B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_640x480R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_640x480G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_640x480B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_480x360R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_480x360G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_480x360B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_160x120R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_160x120G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_160x120B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_120x90R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_120x90G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_120x90B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_100x75R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_100x75G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_100x75B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_40x30R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_40x30G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_40x30B.dat", BBlock ); */ /* $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_80x60R.dat", RBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_80x60G.dat", GBlock ); $readmemh( "data/IM000565_RAW_80x60B.dat", BBlock ); */ end #2 Reset = 1'b1; // Apply Stimulus for( i = 0; i < `SumPixel; i = i + 1 ) begin #2 begin // initialization, start to read data into buffer Reset = 1'b0; R = RBlock[ i ]; G = GBlock[ i ]; B = BBlock[ i ]; end end #2 begin RFile = $fopen( "data/R.dat" ); GFile = $fopen( "data/G.dat" ); BFile = $fopen( "data/B.dat" ); end for( i = 0; i < `SumPixel; i = i + 1 ) begin #2 begin // display information on the screen //$display( "R = %d, G = %d, B = %d\t\tR = %d, G = %d, B = %d", // RBlock[ i ], GBlock[ i ], BBlock[ i ], R_out, G_out, B_out ); if( i % 16 == 0 ) begin $fwrite( RFile, "\n" ); $fwrite( GFile, "\n" ); $fwrite( BFile, "\n" ); end $fwrite( RFile, "%X ", R_out ); $fwrite( GFile, "%X ", G_out ); $fwrite( BFile, "%X ", B_out ); end end $fclose( RFile ); $fclose( GFile ); $fclose( BFile ); #100000 $stop; #100000 $finish; end initial Clock = 0; always #1 Clock = ~Clock; //Toggle Clock endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_ls__nor2b_4 ( Y , A , B_N , VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); output Y ; input A ; input B_N ; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_ls__nor2b base ( .Y(Y), .A(A), .B_N(B_N), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB) ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_ls__nor2b_4 ( Y , A , B_N ); output Y ; input A ; input B_N; // Voltage supply signals supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_ls__nor2b base ( .Y(Y), .A(A), .B_N(B_N) ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hs__sdfbbn ( Q , Q_N , D , SCD , SCE , CLK_N , SET_B , RESET_B, VPWR , VGND ); // Module ports output Q ; output Q_N ; input D ; input SCD ; input SCE ; input CLK_N ; input SET_B ; input RESET_B; input VPWR ; input VGND ; // Local signals wire RESET ; wire SET ; wire CLK ; wire buf_Q ; reg notifier ; wire D_delayed ; wire SCD_delayed ; wire SCE_delayed ; wire CLK_N_delayed ; wire SET_B_delayed ; wire RESET_B_delayed; wire mux_out ; wire awake ; wire cond0 ; wire cond1 ; wire condb ; wire cond_D ; wire cond_SCD ; wire cond_SCE ; // Name Output Other arguments not not0 (RESET , RESET_B_delayed ); not not1 (SET , SET_B_delayed ); not not2 (CLK , CLK_N_delayed ); sky130_fd_sc_hs__u_mux_2_1 u_mux_20 (mux_out, D_delayed, SCD_delayed, SCE_delayed ); sky130_fd_sc_hs__u_dfb_setdom_notify_pg u_dfb_setdom_notify_pg0 (buf_Q , SET, RESET, CLK, mux_out, notifier, VPWR, VGND); assign awake = ( VPWR === 1'b1 ); assign cond0 = ( awake && ( RESET_B_delayed === 1'b1 ) ); assign cond1 = ( awake && ( SET_B_delayed === 1'b1 ) ); assign condb = ( cond0 & cond1 ); assign cond_D = ( ( SCE_delayed === 1'b0 ) && condb ); assign cond_SCD = ( ( SCE_delayed === 1'b1 ) && condb ); assign cond_SCE = ( ( D_delayed !== SCD_delayed ) && condb ); buf buf0 (Q , buf_Q ); not not3 (Q_N , buf_Q ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2i ( //# {{data|Data Signals}} input A0, input A1, output Y , //# {{control|Control Signals}} input S ); // Voltage supply signals supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hs__fill ( VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; endmodule
module // 0x800 - 0x9ff Up to 512 bytes of Debug ROM. // // wire i_icb_cmd_hsked = i_icb_cmd_valid & i_icb_cmd_ready; wire icb_wr_ena = i_icb_cmd_hsked & (~i_icb_cmd_read); wire icb_sel_cleardebint = (i_icb_cmd_addr == 12'h100); wire icb_sel_sethaltnot = (i_icb_cmd_addr == 12'h10c); wire icb_sel_dbgrom = (i_icb_cmd_addr[12-1:8] == 4'h8); wire icb_sel_dbgram = (i_icb_cmd_addr[12-1:8] == 4'h4); wire icb_wr_cleardebint_ena = icb_wr_ena & icb_sel_cleardebint; wire icb_wr_sethaltnot_ena = icb_wr_ena & icb_sel_sethaltnot ; assign icb_access_dbgram_ena = i_icb_cmd_hsked & icb_sel_dbgram; wire cleardebint_ena = icb_wr_cleardebint_ena; wire [HART_ID_W-1:0] cleardebint_r; wire [HART_ID_W-1:0] cleardebint_nxt = i_icb_cmd_wdata[HART_ID_W-1:0]; sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(HART_ID_W) cleardebint_dfflr (cleardebint_ena, cleardebint_nxt, cleardebint_r, dm_clk, dm_rst_n); wire sethaltnot_ena = icb_wr_sethaltnot_ena; wire [HART_ID_W-1:0] sethaltnot_r; wire [HART_ID_W-1:0] sethaltnot_nxt = i_icb_cmd_wdata[HART_ID_W-1:0]; sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(HART_ID_W) sethaltnot_dfflr (sethaltnot_ena, sethaltnot_nxt, sethaltnot_r, dm_clk, dm_rst_n); assign i_icb_rsp_valid = i_icb_cmd_valid;// Just directly pass back the valid in 0 cycle assign i_icb_cmd_ready = i_icb_rsp_ready; wire [31:0] rom_dout; assign i_icb_rsp_rdata = ({32{icb_sel_cleardebint}} & {{32-HART_ID_W{1'b0}}, cleardebint_r}) | ({32{icb_sel_sethaltnot }} & {{32-HART_ID_W{1'b0}}, sethaltnot_r}) | ({32{icb_sel_dbgrom }} & rom_dout) | ({32{icb_sel_dbgram }} & ram_dout); sirv_debug_rom u_sirv_debug_rom ( .rom_addr (i_icb_cmd_addr[7-1:2]), .rom_dout (rom_dout) ); //sirv_debug_rom_64 u_sirv_debug_rom_64( // .rom_addr (i_icb_cmd_addr[8-1:2]), // .rom_dout (rom_dout) //); wire ram_cs = dtm_access_dbgram_ena | icb_access_dbgram_ena; wire [3-1:0] ram_addr = dtm_access_dbgram_ena ? dtm_req_bits_addr[2:0] : i_icb_cmd_addr[4:2]; wire ram_rd = dtm_access_dbgram_ena ? dtm_req_rd : i_icb_cmd_read; wire [32-1:0]ram_wdat = dtm_access_dbgram_ena ? dtm_req_bits_data[31:0]: i_icb_cmd_wdata; sirv_debug_ram u_sirv_debug_ram( .clk (dm_clk), .rst_n (dm_rst_n), .ram_cs (ram_cs), .ram_rd (ram_rd), .ram_addr (ram_addr), .ram_wdat (ram_wdat), .ram_dout (ram_dout) ); wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_haltnot_set; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_haltnot_clr; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_haltnot_ena; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_haltnot_nxt; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_debint_set; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_debint_clr; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_debint_ena; wire [HART_NUM-1:0] dm_debint_nxt; genvar i; generate for(i = 0; i < HART_NUM; i = i+1)//{ begin:dm_halt_int_gen // The haltnot will be set by system bus set its ID to sethaltnot_r assign dm_haltnot_set[i] = icb_wr_sethaltnot_ena & (i_icb_cmd_wdata[HART_ID_W-1:0] == i[HART_ID_W-1:0]); // The haltnot will be cleared by DTM write 0 to haltnot assign dm_haltnot_clr[i] = dtm_wr_haltnot_ena & (dm_hartid_r == i[HART_ID_W-1:0]); assign dm_haltnot_ena[i] = dm_haltnot_set[i] | dm_haltnot_clr[i]; assign dm_haltnot_nxt[i] = dm_haltnot_set[i] | (~dm_haltnot_clr[i]); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) dm_haltnot_dfflr (dm_haltnot_ena[i], dm_haltnot_nxt[i], dm_haltnot_r[i], dm_clk, dm_rst_n); // The debug intr will be set by DTM write 1 to interrupt assign dm_debint_set[i] = dtm_wr_interrupt_ena & (dm_hartid_r == i[HART_ID_W-1:0]); // The debug intr will be clear by system bus set its ID to cleardebint_r assign dm_debint_clr[i] = icb_wr_cleardebint_ena & (i_icb_cmd_wdata[HART_ID_W-1:0] == i[HART_ID_W-1:0]); assign dm_debint_ena[i] = dm_debint_set[i] | dm_debint_clr[i]; assign dm_debint_nxt[i] = dm_debint_set[i] | (~dm_debint_clr[i]); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) dm_debint_dfflr ( dm_debint_ena[i], dm_debint_nxt[i], dm_debint_r[i], dm_clk, dm_rst_n); end//} endgenerate assign o_dbg_irq = dm_debint_r; assign o_ndreset = {HART_NUM{1'b0}}; assign o_fullreset = {HART_NUM{1'b0}}; assign inspect_jtag_clk = jtag_TCK; endmodule
module FrequencyCounter( input clk, input freqin, output [23:0] frequency ); parameter SecondCount = 8001800; // Number of cycles of clk to 1 second reg [23:0] counter = 0; // Counter for input freqin reg [23:0] freq = 0; // Last frequency value reg [23:0] secondcounter = 0; // Counter to one second reg stopin = 0; // Stop Input Counter reg inreseted = 0; // Reset Input Counter always @(posedge clk) begin if(secondcounter == SecondCount) begin secondcounter <= 0; stopin <= 1; freq <= counter*2; end else if(~stopin) secondcounter <= secondcounter + 1; if(inreseted) stopin <= 0; end always @(negedge freqin) begin if(~stopin) begin counter <= counter + 1; inreseted <= 0; end else begin counter <= 0; inreseted <= 1; end end assign frequency = freq; endmodule
module ClkDiv_20Hz( CLK, // 12MHz onbaord clock RST, // Reset CLKOUT, // New clock output CLKOUTn ); // =========================================================================== // Port Declarations // =========================================================================== input CLK; input RST; output CLKOUT; output CLKOUTn; // =========================================================================== // Parameters, Regsiters, and Wires // =========================================================================== // Output register reg CLKOUT = 1'b1; // Value to toggle output clock at parameter cntEndVal = 19'h493E0; // Current count reg [18:0] clkCount = 19'h00000; // =========================================================================== // Implementation // =========================================================================== assign CLKOUTn = ~CLKOUT; //------------------------------------------------- // 20Hz Clock Divider Generates timing to initiate Send/Receive //------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge CLK) begin // Reset clock if(RST == 1'b1) begin CLKOUT <= 1'b0; clkCount <= 0; end // Count/toggle normally else begin if(clkCount == cntEndVal) begin CLKOUT <= ~CLKOUT; clkCount <= 0; end else begin clkCount <= clkCount + 1'b1; end end end endmodule
module clk_wiz_1(clk_txd, clk_rxd, resetn, locked, clk_in1) /* synthesis syn_black_box black_box_pad_pin="clk_txd,clk_rxd,resetn,locked,clk_in1" */; output clk_txd; output clk_rxd; input resetn; output locked; input clk_in1; endmodule
module n64_vdemux( VCLK, nDSYNC, D_i, demuxparams_i, vdata_r_0, vdata_r_1 ); `include "vh/n64rgb_params.vh" input VCLK; input nDSYNC; input [color_width-1:0] D_i; input [ 4:0] demuxparams_i; output reg [`VDATA_FU_SLICE] vdata_r_0; // buffer for sync, red, green and blue output reg [`VDATA_FU_SLICE] vdata_r_1; // (unpacked array types in ports requires system verilog) // unpack demux params wire [1:0] data_cnt = demuxparams_i[4:3]; wire vmode = demuxparams_i[ 2]; wire ndo_deblur = demuxparams_i[ 1]; wire n16bit_mode = demuxparams_i[ 0]; // start of rtl reg fetch_deblur_n_16b = 1'b0; reg ndo_deblur_r = 1'b0; reg n16bit_mode_r = 1'b1; reg nblank_rgb = 1'b1; wire negedge_nVSYNC = !vdata_r_0[3*color_width+3] & D_i[3]; wire posedge_nCSYNC = !vdata_r_0[3*color_width ] & D_i[0]; always @(posedge VCLK) if (!nDSYNC) begin if (negedge_nVSYNC) fetch_deblur_n_16b <= 1'b1; if (ndo_deblur) begin nblank_rgb <= 1'b1; end else begin if(posedge_nCSYNC) // posedge nCSYNC -> reset blanking nblank_rgb <= vmode; else nblank_rgb <= ~nblank_rgb; end end else begin if (fetch_deblur_n_16b & data_cnt == 2'b01) begin fetch_deblur_n_16b <= 1'b0; ndo_deblur_r <= ndo_deblur; n16bit_mode_r <= n16bit_mode; end end always @(posedge VCLK) begin // data register management if (!nDSYNC) begin // shift data to output registers if (ndo_deblur_r) vdata_r_1[`VDATA_SY_SLICE] <= vdata_r_0[`VDATA_SY_SLICE]; if (nblank_rgb) // deblur active: pass RGB only if not blanked vdata_r_1[`VDATA_CO_SLICE] <= vdata_r_0[`VDATA_CO_SLICE]; // get new sync data vdata_r_0[`VDATA_SY_SLICE] <= D_i[3:0]; end else begin // demux of RGB case(data_cnt) 2'b01: vdata_r_0[`VDATA_RE_SLICE] <= n16bit_mode_r ? D_i : {D_i[6:2], 2'b00}; 2'b10: begin vdata_r_0[`VDATA_GR_SLICE] <= n16bit_mode_r ? D_i : {D_i[6:1], 1'b0}; if (!ndo_deblur_r) vdata_r_1[`VDATA_SY_SLICE] <= vdata_r_0[`VDATA_SY_SLICE]; end 2'b11: vdata_r_0[`VDATA_BL_SLICE] <= n16bit_mode_r ? D_i : {D_i[6:2], 2'b00}; endcase end end endmodule
module testREG32; // Inputs reg [31:0] in; reg clk; reg R; // Outputs wire [31:0] out; // Instantiate the DESIGN Under Test (DUT) REG32 dut ( .in(in), .clk(clk), .R(R), .out(out) ); always begin clk = 0; #100; clk = 1; #100; end initial begin // Initialize Inputs in = 0; R = 1; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #50 #300; R = 0; in=32'hEEEEEEEE ; #300; in=32'hEE0E5EA0 ; #300; in=32'hEEEE5EEE ; #300; R = 1; in=32'h000050A0 ; #300; in=32'hEE3EEEEE ; #300; R = 0; in=32'h0AB000A0 ; #300; in=32'hEE0E5EEE ; #300; in=32'h0AB000B0 ; #300; R=1; in=32'hEE0E5EAE ; #300; R=0; in=32'hEA003070 ; #300; in=32'h100200E5 ; #300; in=32'hD0D020E0 ; #300; in=32'h0607A061 ; #300; in=32'h09005E00 ; // Add stimulus here end endmodule
module bcam_trs #( parameter CAMD = 128 , // CAM depth parameter CAMW = 9 , // CAM/pattern width parameter BYPS = 1 , // Bypassed? (binary; 0 or 1) parameter PIPE = 0 , // Pipelined? (binary; 0 or 1) parameter INOM = 1 , // binary / Initial CAM with no match parameter BRAM = "M20K") // BRAM type- "M20K":Altera's M20K; "GEN":generic ( input clk , // clock input rst , // global registers reset input wEnb , // write enable input [`log2(CAMD)-1:0] wAddr , // write address / [`log2(CAMD)-1:0] input [ CAMW -1:0] wPatt , // write pattern / [ CAMW -1:0] input [ CAMW -1:0] mPatt , // patern to match / [ CAMW -1:0] output [ CAMD -1:0] match ); // match / one-hot / [ CAMD -1:0] localparam ADDRW = `log2(CAMD); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trace RAM - a single-ported RAM reg addRmv; // add or remove (inverted) pattern from CAM / control for CAM wire [CAMW-1:0] rDataRAM; // read data from RAM (should be erased from CAM) spram #( .MEMD ( CAMD ), // memory depth .DATAW( CAMW ), // data width .IZERO( INOM ), // binary / Initial RAM with zeros (has priority over IFILE) .IFILE( "" )) // initialization hex file (don't pass extension), optional trram ( .clk ( clk ), // clock .wEnb ( !addRmv ), // write enable for port B .addr ( wAddr ), // write/read address / [`log2(MEMD)-1:0] .wData( wPatt ), // write data / [DATAW -1:0] .rData( rDataRAM )); // read data / [DATAW -1:0] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Transposed RAM as a CAM wire [CAMD-1:0] match1Hot ; // pattern one-hot match from CAM reg wEnbCAM ; // write enable for CAM / control for CAM wire rmvSameAdd = !addRmv & (wPatt==rDataRAM); // trying to remove same just added pattern trcam #( .CAMD ( CAMD ), // CAM depth (power of 2) .CAMW ( CAMW ), // CAM/pattern width / for one stage (<=14) .INOM ( INOM ), // binary / Initial CAM with no match .BRAM ( BRAM )) // BRAM type- "M20K":Altera's M20K; "GEN":generic trcam_i ( .clk ( clk ), // clock .rst ( rst ), // global registers reset .wEnb ( wEnbCAM & !(rmvSameAdd) ), // write enable .wrEr ( addRmv ), // add or remove (inverted) pattern from CAM .wAddr( wAddr ), // write address / [`log2(CAMD)-1:0] .wPatt( addRmv ? wPatt : rDataRAM ), // write pattern / [ CAMW -1:0] .mPatt( mPatt ), // patern to match / [ CAMW -1:0] .match( match1Hot )); // match / one-hot / [ CAMD -1:0] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAM bypassing // register write address and pattern on wEnb reg [ADDRW-1:0] wAddrR; reg [CAMW -1:0] wPattR; always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) {wAddrR,wPattR} <= {{(ADDRW+CAMW ){1'b0}}}; else if (wEnb) {wAddrR,wPattR} <= { wAddr,wPatt }; // bypass if registered write pattern equals to pattern to match wire isByp = (wPattR==mPatt); // second stage bypassing reg isBypR; reg [ADDRW-1:0] wAddrRR; always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) {wAddrRR,isBypR} <= {{(ADDRW +1 ){1'b0}}}; else {wAddrRR,isBypR} <= { wAddrR,isByp }; /////////////// retiming ////////////// //// will increase registers count //// // onehot registerd write address reg [CAMD-1:0] wAddr1HotRR ; //always @(*) begin // wAddr1HotRR = 0 ; // wAddr1HotRR[wAddrRR] = 1'b1; //end reg [CAMD-1:0] wAddr1HotR ; always @(*) begin wAddr1HotR = 0 ; wAddr1HotR[wAddrR] = 1'b1; end always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) wAddr1HotRR <= {CAMD{1'b0}}; else wAddr1HotRR <= wAddr1HotR ; /////////////// retiming ////////////// // masked onehot match to onehot output assign match = BYPS ? ( isBypR ? ( wAddr1HotRR | match1Hot) : (~wAddr1HotRR & match1Hot) ) : match1Hot; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // controller / Mealy FSM // Inputs : wEnb // Outputs: addRmv wEnbCAM reg curStt, nxtStt ; localparam S0 = 1'b0; localparam S1 = 1'b1; // synchronous always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) curStt <= S0 ; else curStt <= nxtStt; // combinatorial always @(*) case (curStt) S0: if (wEnb) {nxtStt,wEnbCAM,addRmv}={S1,2'b11}; else {nxtStt,wEnbCAM,addRmv}={S0,2'b01}; S1: if (wEnb) {nxtStt,wEnbCAM,addRmv}={S0,2'b10}; else {nxtStt,wEnbCAM,addRmv}={S0,2'b10}; endcase /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endmodule
module shift_reg( input rx, output reg[(reg_length-1):0] shifted_bus, output reg finished_rx, input rst, input baud_clk ); parameter reg_length = 150; initial finished_rx = 0; parameter idle = 2'b00, reading = 2'b01, finished = 2'b10, finished_and_waiting = 2'b11; reg[1:0] current_state, next_state; reg [(reg_length-1):0] bitShiftReg = {reg_length{1'b1}}; always @(posedge baud_clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin bitShiftReg <= {reg_length{1'b1}}; current_state <= idle; end else begin current_state <= next_state; bitShiftReg <= {bitShiftReg[(reg_length-2):0],rx}; end end always @(rx or bitShiftReg or current_state) begin case(current_state) idle: begin if(rx == 1) next_state <= idle; else next_state <= reading; end reading: begin if(bitShiftReg[6:0] == {7{1'b1}}) next_state <= finished; else next_state <= reading; end finished: begin next_state<= finished_and_waiting; end default: begin next_state<=idle; end endcase end always @ (current_state) begin if(current_state == finished) finished_rx <= 1; else finished_rx <= 0; end always @ (posedge finished_rx or posedge rst) begin if(rst) shifted_bus <= {reg_length{1'b1}}; else shifted_bus <= bitShiftReg; end endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hdll__sdfxtp ( Q , CLK , D , SCD , SCE , VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); // Module ports output Q ; input CLK ; input D ; input SCD ; input SCE ; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; // Local signals wire buf_Q ; wire mux_out ; reg notifier ; wire D_delayed ; wire SCD_delayed; wire SCE_delayed; wire CLK_delayed; wire awake ; wire cond1 ; wire cond2 ; wire cond3 ; // Name Output Other arguments sky130_fd_sc_hdll__udp_mux_2to1 mux_2to10 (mux_out, D_delayed, SCD_delayed, SCE_delayed ); sky130_fd_sc_hdll__udp_dff$P_pp$PG$N dff0 (buf_Q , mux_out, CLK_delayed, notifier, VPWR, VGND); assign awake = ( VPWR === 1'b1 ); assign cond1 = ( ( SCE_delayed === 1'b0 ) && awake ); assign cond2 = ( ( SCE_delayed === 1'b1 ) && awake ); assign cond3 = ( ( D_delayed !== SCD_delayed ) && awake ); buf buf0 (Q , buf_Q ); endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_b2s_simple_fifo # ( parameter C_WIDTH = 8, parameter C_AWIDTH = 4, parameter C_DEPTH = 16 ) ( input wire clk, // Main System Clock (Sync FIFO) input wire rst, // FIFO Counter Reset (Clk input wire wr_en, // FIFO Write Enable (Clk) input wire rd_en, // FIFO Read Enable (Clk) input wire [C_WIDTH-1:0] din, // FIFO Data Input (Clk) output wire [C_WIDTH-1:0] dout, // FIFO Data Output (Clk) output wire a_full, output wire full, // FIFO FULL Status (Clk) output wire a_empty, output wire empty // FIFO EMPTY Status (Clk) ); /////////////////////////////////////// // FIFO Local Parameters /////////////////////////////////////// localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_EMPTY = ~(0); localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_EMPTY_PRE = (0); localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_FULL = C_EMPTY-1; localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_FULL_PRE = (C_DEPTH < 8) ? C_FULL-1 : C_FULL-(C_DEPTH/8); /////////////////////////////////////// // FIFO Internal Signals /////////////////////////////////////// reg [C_WIDTH-1:0] memory [C_DEPTH-1:0]; reg [C_AWIDTH-1:0] cnt_read; // synthesis attribute MAX_FANOUT of cnt_read is 10; /////////////////////////////////////// // Main simple FIFO Array /////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin : BLKSRL integer i; if (wr_en) begin for (i = 0; i < C_DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin memory[i+1] <= memory[i]; end memory[0] <= din; end end /////////////////////////////////////// // Read Index Counter // Up/Down Counter // *** Notice that there is no *** // *** OVERRUN protection. *** /////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) cnt_read <= C_EMPTY; else if ( wr_en & !rd_en) cnt_read <= cnt_read + 1'b1; else if (!wr_en & rd_en) cnt_read <= cnt_read - 1'b1; end /////////////////////////////////////// // Status Flags / Outputs // These could be registered, but would // increase logic in order to pre-decode // FULL/EMPTY status. /////////////////////////////////////// assign full = (cnt_read == C_FULL); assign empty = (cnt_read == C_EMPTY); assign a_full = ((cnt_read >= C_FULL_PRE) && (cnt_read != C_EMPTY)); assign a_empty = (cnt_read == C_EMPTY_PRE); assign dout = (C_DEPTH == 1) ? memory[0] : memory[cnt_read]; endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_b2s_simple_fifo # ( parameter C_WIDTH = 8, parameter C_AWIDTH = 4, parameter C_DEPTH = 16 ) ( input wire clk, // Main System Clock (Sync FIFO) input wire rst, // FIFO Counter Reset (Clk input wire wr_en, // FIFO Write Enable (Clk) input wire rd_en, // FIFO Read Enable (Clk) input wire [C_WIDTH-1:0] din, // FIFO Data Input (Clk) output wire [C_WIDTH-1:0] dout, // FIFO Data Output (Clk) output wire a_full, output wire full, // FIFO FULL Status (Clk) output wire a_empty, output wire empty // FIFO EMPTY Status (Clk) ); /////////////////////////////////////// // FIFO Local Parameters /////////////////////////////////////// localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_EMPTY = ~(0); localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_EMPTY_PRE = (0); localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_FULL = C_EMPTY-1; localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_FULL_PRE = (C_DEPTH < 8) ? C_FULL-1 : C_FULL-(C_DEPTH/8); /////////////////////////////////////// // FIFO Internal Signals /////////////////////////////////////// reg [C_WIDTH-1:0] memory [C_DEPTH-1:0]; reg [C_AWIDTH-1:0] cnt_read; // synthesis attribute MAX_FANOUT of cnt_read is 10; /////////////////////////////////////// // Main simple FIFO Array /////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin : BLKSRL integer i; if (wr_en) begin for (i = 0; i < C_DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin memory[i+1] <= memory[i]; end memory[0] <= din; end end /////////////////////////////////////// // Read Index Counter // Up/Down Counter // *** Notice that there is no *** // *** OVERRUN protection. *** /////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) cnt_read <= C_EMPTY; else if ( wr_en & !rd_en) cnt_read <= cnt_read + 1'b1; else if (!wr_en & rd_en) cnt_read <= cnt_read - 1'b1; end /////////////////////////////////////// // Status Flags / Outputs // These could be registered, but would // increase logic in order to pre-decode // FULL/EMPTY status. /////////////////////////////////////// assign full = (cnt_read == C_FULL); assign empty = (cnt_read == C_EMPTY); assign a_full = ((cnt_read >= C_FULL_PRE) && (cnt_read != C_EMPTY)); assign a_empty = (cnt_read == C_EMPTY_PRE); assign dout = (C_DEPTH == 1) ? memory[0] : memory[cnt_read]; endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_b2s_simple_fifo # ( parameter C_WIDTH = 8, parameter C_AWIDTH = 4, parameter C_DEPTH = 16 ) ( input wire clk, // Main System Clock (Sync FIFO) input wire rst, // FIFO Counter Reset (Clk input wire wr_en, // FIFO Write Enable (Clk) input wire rd_en, // FIFO Read Enable (Clk) input wire [C_WIDTH-1:0] din, // FIFO Data Input (Clk) output wire [C_WIDTH-1:0] dout, // FIFO Data Output (Clk) output wire a_full, output wire full, // FIFO FULL Status (Clk) output wire a_empty, output wire empty // FIFO EMPTY Status (Clk) ); /////////////////////////////////////// // FIFO Local Parameters /////////////////////////////////////// localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_EMPTY = ~(0); localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_EMPTY_PRE = (0); localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_FULL = C_EMPTY-1; localparam [C_AWIDTH-1:0] C_FULL_PRE = (C_DEPTH < 8) ? C_FULL-1 : C_FULL-(C_DEPTH/8); /////////////////////////////////////// // FIFO Internal Signals /////////////////////////////////////// reg [C_WIDTH-1:0] memory [C_DEPTH-1:0]; reg [C_AWIDTH-1:0] cnt_read; // synthesis attribute MAX_FANOUT of cnt_read is 10; /////////////////////////////////////// // Main simple FIFO Array /////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin : BLKSRL integer i; if (wr_en) begin for (i = 0; i < C_DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin memory[i+1] <= memory[i]; end memory[0] <= din; end end /////////////////////////////////////// // Read Index Counter // Up/Down Counter // *** Notice that there is no *** // *** OVERRUN protection. *** /////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) cnt_read <= C_EMPTY; else if ( wr_en & !rd_en) cnt_read <= cnt_read + 1'b1; else if (!wr_en & rd_en) cnt_read <= cnt_read - 1'b1; end /////////////////////////////////////// // Status Flags / Outputs // These could be registered, but would // increase logic in order to pre-decode // FULL/EMPTY status. /////////////////////////////////////// assign full = (cnt_read == C_FULL); assign empty = (cnt_read == C_EMPTY); assign a_full = ((cnt_read >= C_FULL_PRE) && (cnt_read != C_EMPTY)); assign a_empty = (cnt_read == C_EMPTY_PRE); assign dout = (C_DEPTH == 1) ? memory[0] : memory[cnt_read]; endmodule
module sha256_transform #( parameter LOOP = 7'd64 // For ltcminer ) ( input clk, input feedback, input [5:0] cnt, input [255:0] rx_state, input [511:0] rx_input, output reg [255:0] tx_hash ); // Constants defined by the SHA-2 standard. localparam Ks = { 32'h428a2f98, 32'h71374491, 32'hb5c0fbcf, 32'he9b5dba5, 32'h3956c25b, 32'h59f111f1, 32'h923f82a4, 32'hab1c5ed5, 32'hd807aa98, 32'h12835b01, 32'h243185be, 32'h550c7dc3, 32'h72be5d74, 32'h80deb1fe, 32'h9bdc06a7, 32'hc19bf174, 32'he49b69c1, 32'hefbe4786, 32'h0fc19dc6, 32'h240ca1cc, 32'h2de92c6f, 32'h4a7484aa, 32'h5cb0a9dc, 32'h76f988da, 32'h983e5152, 32'ha831c66d, 32'hb00327c8, 32'hbf597fc7, 32'hc6e00bf3, 32'hd5a79147, 32'h06ca6351, 32'h14292967, 32'h27b70a85, 32'h2e1b2138, 32'h4d2c6dfc, 32'h53380d13, 32'h650a7354, 32'h766a0abb, 32'h81c2c92e, 32'h92722c85, 32'ha2bfe8a1, 32'ha81a664b, 32'hc24b8b70, 32'hc76c51a3, 32'hd192e819, 32'hd6990624, 32'hf40e3585, 32'h106aa070, 32'h19a4c116, 32'h1e376c08, 32'h2748774c, 32'h34b0bcb5, 32'h391c0cb3, 32'h4ed8aa4a, 32'h5b9cca4f, 32'h682e6ff3, 32'h748f82ee, 32'h78a5636f, 32'h84c87814, 32'h8cc70208, 32'h90befffa, 32'ha4506ceb, 32'hbef9a3f7, 32'hc67178f2}; genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i < 64/LOOP; i = i + 1) begin : HASHERS // These are declared as registers in sha256_digester wire [511:0] W; // reg tx_w wire [255:0] state; // reg tx_state if(i == 0) sha256_digester U ( .clk(clk), .k(Ks[32*(63-cnt) +: 32]), .rx_w(feedback ? W : rx_input), .rx_state(feedback ? state : rx_state), .tx_w(W), .tx_state(state) ); else sha256_digester U ( .clk(clk), .k(Ks[32*(63-LOOP*i-cnt) +: 32]), .rx_w(feedback ? W : HASHERS[i-1].W), .rx_state(feedback ? state : HASHERS[i-1].state), .tx_w(W), .tx_state(state) ); end endgenerate always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!feedback) begin tx_hash[`IDX(0)] <= rx_state[`IDX(0)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(0)]; tx_hash[`IDX(1)] <= rx_state[`IDX(1)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(1)]; tx_hash[`IDX(2)] <= rx_state[`IDX(2)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(2)]; tx_hash[`IDX(3)] <= rx_state[`IDX(3)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(3)]; tx_hash[`IDX(4)] <= rx_state[`IDX(4)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(4)]; tx_hash[`IDX(5)] <= rx_state[`IDX(5)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(5)]; tx_hash[`IDX(6)] <= rx_state[`IDX(6)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(6)]; tx_hash[`IDX(7)] <= rx_state[`IDX(7)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(7)]; end end endmodule
module sha256_digester (clk, k, rx_w, rx_state, tx_w, tx_state); input clk; input [31:0] k; input [511:0] rx_w; input [255:0] rx_state; output reg [511:0] tx_w; output reg [255:0] tx_state; wire [31:0] e0_w, e1_w, ch_w, maj_w, s0_w, s1_w; e0 e0_blk (rx_state[`IDX(0)], e0_w); e1 e1_blk (rx_state[`IDX(4)], e1_w); ch ch_blk (rx_state[`IDX(4)], rx_state[`IDX(5)], rx_state[`IDX(6)], ch_w); maj maj_blk (rx_state[`IDX(0)], rx_state[`IDX(1)], rx_state[`IDX(2)], maj_w); s0 s0_blk (rx_w[63:32], s0_w); s1 s1_blk (rx_w[479:448], s1_w); wire [31:0] t1 = rx_state[`IDX(7)] + e1_w + ch_w + rx_w[31:0] + k; wire [31:0] t2 = e0_w + maj_w; wire [31:0] new_w = s1_w + rx_w[319:288] + s0_w + rx_w[31:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin tx_w[511:480] <= new_w; tx_w[479:0] <= rx_w[511:32]; tx_state[`IDX(7)] <= rx_state[`IDX(6)]; tx_state[`IDX(6)] <= rx_state[`IDX(5)]; tx_state[`IDX(5)] <= rx_state[`IDX(4)]; tx_state[`IDX(4)] <= rx_state[`IDX(3)] + t1; tx_state[`IDX(3)] <= rx_state[`IDX(2)]; tx_state[`IDX(2)] <= rx_state[`IDX(1)]; tx_state[`IDX(1)] <= rx_state[`IDX(0)]; tx_state[`IDX(0)] <= t1 + t2; end endmodule
module sha256_transform #( parameter LOOP = 7'd64 // For ltcminer ) ( input clk, input feedback, input [5:0] cnt, input [255:0] rx_state, input [511:0] rx_input, output reg [255:0] tx_hash ); // Constants defined by the SHA-2 standard. localparam Ks = { 32'h428a2f98, 32'h71374491, 32'hb5c0fbcf, 32'he9b5dba5, 32'h3956c25b, 32'h59f111f1, 32'h923f82a4, 32'hab1c5ed5, 32'hd807aa98, 32'h12835b01, 32'h243185be, 32'h550c7dc3, 32'h72be5d74, 32'h80deb1fe, 32'h9bdc06a7, 32'hc19bf174, 32'he49b69c1, 32'hefbe4786, 32'h0fc19dc6, 32'h240ca1cc, 32'h2de92c6f, 32'h4a7484aa, 32'h5cb0a9dc, 32'h76f988da, 32'h983e5152, 32'ha831c66d, 32'hb00327c8, 32'hbf597fc7, 32'hc6e00bf3, 32'hd5a79147, 32'h06ca6351, 32'h14292967, 32'h27b70a85, 32'h2e1b2138, 32'h4d2c6dfc, 32'h53380d13, 32'h650a7354, 32'h766a0abb, 32'h81c2c92e, 32'h92722c85, 32'ha2bfe8a1, 32'ha81a664b, 32'hc24b8b70, 32'hc76c51a3, 32'hd192e819, 32'hd6990624, 32'hf40e3585, 32'h106aa070, 32'h19a4c116, 32'h1e376c08, 32'h2748774c, 32'h34b0bcb5, 32'h391c0cb3, 32'h4ed8aa4a, 32'h5b9cca4f, 32'h682e6ff3, 32'h748f82ee, 32'h78a5636f, 32'h84c87814, 32'h8cc70208, 32'h90befffa, 32'ha4506ceb, 32'hbef9a3f7, 32'hc67178f2}; genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i < 64/LOOP; i = i + 1) begin : HASHERS // These are declared as registers in sha256_digester wire [511:0] W; // reg tx_w wire [255:0] state; // reg tx_state if(i == 0) sha256_digester U ( .clk(clk), .k(Ks[32*(63-cnt) +: 32]), .rx_w(feedback ? W : rx_input), .rx_state(feedback ? state : rx_state), .tx_w(W), .tx_state(state) ); else sha256_digester U ( .clk(clk), .k(Ks[32*(63-LOOP*i-cnt) +: 32]), .rx_w(feedback ? W : HASHERS[i-1].W), .rx_state(feedback ? state : HASHERS[i-1].state), .tx_w(W), .tx_state(state) ); end endgenerate always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!feedback) begin tx_hash[`IDX(0)] <= rx_state[`IDX(0)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(0)]; tx_hash[`IDX(1)] <= rx_state[`IDX(1)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(1)]; tx_hash[`IDX(2)] <= rx_state[`IDX(2)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(2)]; tx_hash[`IDX(3)] <= rx_state[`IDX(3)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(3)]; tx_hash[`IDX(4)] <= rx_state[`IDX(4)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(4)]; tx_hash[`IDX(5)] <= rx_state[`IDX(5)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(5)]; tx_hash[`IDX(6)] <= rx_state[`IDX(6)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(6)]; tx_hash[`IDX(7)] <= rx_state[`IDX(7)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(7)]; end end endmodule
module sha256_digester (clk, k, rx_w, rx_state, tx_w, tx_state); input clk; input [31:0] k; input [511:0] rx_w; input [255:0] rx_state; output reg [511:0] tx_w; output reg [255:0] tx_state; wire [31:0] e0_w, e1_w, ch_w, maj_w, s0_w, s1_w; e0 e0_blk (rx_state[`IDX(0)], e0_w); e1 e1_blk (rx_state[`IDX(4)], e1_w); ch ch_blk (rx_state[`IDX(4)], rx_state[`IDX(5)], rx_state[`IDX(6)], ch_w); maj maj_blk (rx_state[`IDX(0)], rx_state[`IDX(1)], rx_state[`IDX(2)], maj_w); s0 s0_blk (rx_w[63:32], s0_w); s1 s1_blk (rx_w[479:448], s1_w); wire [31:0] t1 = rx_state[`IDX(7)] + e1_w + ch_w + rx_w[31:0] + k; wire [31:0] t2 = e0_w + maj_w; wire [31:0] new_w = s1_w + rx_w[319:288] + s0_w + rx_w[31:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin tx_w[511:480] <= new_w; tx_w[479:0] <= rx_w[511:32]; tx_state[`IDX(7)] <= rx_state[`IDX(6)]; tx_state[`IDX(6)] <= rx_state[`IDX(5)]; tx_state[`IDX(5)] <= rx_state[`IDX(4)]; tx_state[`IDX(4)] <= rx_state[`IDX(3)] + t1; tx_state[`IDX(3)] <= rx_state[`IDX(2)]; tx_state[`IDX(2)] <= rx_state[`IDX(1)]; tx_state[`IDX(1)] <= rx_state[`IDX(0)]; tx_state[`IDX(0)] <= t1 + t2; end endmodule
module sha256_transform #( parameter LOOP = 7'd64 // For ltcminer ) ( input clk, input feedback, input [5:0] cnt, input [255:0] rx_state, input [511:0] rx_input, output reg [255:0] tx_hash ); // Constants defined by the SHA-2 standard. localparam Ks = { 32'h428a2f98, 32'h71374491, 32'hb5c0fbcf, 32'he9b5dba5, 32'h3956c25b, 32'h59f111f1, 32'h923f82a4, 32'hab1c5ed5, 32'hd807aa98, 32'h12835b01, 32'h243185be, 32'h550c7dc3, 32'h72be5d74, 32'h80deb1fe, 32'h9bdc06a7, 32'hc19bf174, 32'he49b69c1, 32'hefbe4786, 32'h0fc19dc6, 32'h240ca1cc, 32'h2de92c6f, 32'h4a7484aa, 32'h5cb0a9dc, 32'h76f988da, 32'h983e5152, 32'ha831c66d, 32'hb00327c8, 32'hbf597fc7, 32'hc6e00bf3, 32'hd5a79147, 32'h06ca6351, 32'h14292967, 32'h27b70a85, 32'h2e1b2138, 32'h4d2c6dfc, 32'h53380d13, 32'h650a7354, 32'h766a0abb, 32'h81c2c92e, 32'h92722c85, 32'ha2bfe8a1, 32'ha81a664b, 32'hc24b8b70, 32'hc76c51a3, 32'hd192e819, 32'hd6990624, 32'hf40e3585, 32'h106aa070, 32'h19a4c116, 32'h1e376c08, 32'h2748774c, 32'h34b0bcb5, 32'h391c0cb3, 32'h4ed8aa4a, 32'h5b9cca4f, 32'h682e6ff3, 32'h748f82ee, 32'h78a5636f, 32'h84c87814, 32'h8cc70208, 32'h90befffa, 32'ha4506ceb, 32'hbef9a3f7, 32'hc67178f2}; genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i < 64/LOOP; i = i + 1) begin : HASHERS // These are declared as registers in sha256_digester wire [511:0] W; // reg tx_w wire [255:0] state; // reg tx_state if(i == 0) sha256_digester U ( .clk(clk), .k(Ks[32*(63-cnt) +: 32]), .rx_w(feedback ? W : rx_input), .rx_state(feedback ? state : rx_state), .tx_w(W), .tx_state(state) ); else sha256_digester U ( .clk(clk), .k(Ks[32*(63-LOOP*i-cnt) +: 32]), .rx_w(feedback ? W : HASHERS[i-1].W), .rx_state(feedback ? state : HASHERS[i-1].state), .tx_w(W), .tx_state(state) ); end endgenerate always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!feedback) begin tx_hash[`IDX(0)] <= rx_state[`IDX(0)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(0)]; tx_hash[`IDX(1)] <= rx_state[`IDX(1)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(1)]; tx_hash[`IDX(2)] <= rx_state[`IDX(2)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(2)]; tx_hash[`IDX(3)] <= rx_state[`IDX(3)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(3)]; tx_hash[`IDX(4)] <= rx_state[`IDX(4)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(4)]; tx_hash[`IDX(5)] <= rx_state[`IDX(5)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(5)]; tx_hash[`IDX(6)] <= rx_state[`IDX(6)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(6)]; tx_hash[`IDX(7)] <= rx_state[`IDX(7)] + HASHERS[64/LOOP-6'd1].state[`IDX(7)]; end end endmodule
module sha256_digester (clk, k, rx_w, rx_state, tx_w, tx_state); input clk; input [31:0] k; input [511:0] rx_w; input [255:0] rx_state; output reg [511:0] tx_w; output reg [255:0] tx_state; wire [31:0] e0_w, e1_w, ch_w, maj_w, s0_w, s1_w; e0 e0_blk (rx_state[`IDX(0)], e0_w); e1 e1_blk (rx_state[`IDX(4)], e1_w); ch ch_blk (rx_state[`IDX(4)], rx_state[`IDX(5)], rx_state[`IDX(6)], ch_w); maj maj_blk (rx_state[`IDX(0)], rx_state[`IDX(1)], rx_state[`IDX(2)], maj_w); s0 s0_blk (rx_w[63:32], s0_w); s1 s1_blk (rx_w[479:448], s1_w); wire [31:0] t1 = rx_state[`IDX(7)] + e1_w + ch_w + rx_w[31:0] + k; wire [31:0] t2 = e0_w + maj_w; wire [31:0] new_w = s1_w + rx_w[319:288] + s0_w + rx_w[31:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin tx_w[511:480] <= new_w; tx_w[479:0] <= rx_w[511:32]; tx_state[`IDX(7)] <= rx_state[`IDX(6)]; tx_state[`IDX(6)] <= rx_state[`IDX(5)]; tx_state[`IDX(5)] <= rx_state[`IDX(4)]; tx_state[`IDX(4)] <= rx_state[`IDX(3)] + t1; tx_state[`IDX(3)] <= rx_state[`IDX(2)]; tx_state[`IDX(2)] <= rx_state[`IDX(1)]; tx_state[`IDX(1)] <= rx_state[`IDX(0)]; tx_state[`IDX(0)] <= t1 + t2; end endmodule
module testbed_hi_simulate; reg pck0; reg [7:0] adc_d; reg mod_type; wire pwr_lo; wire adc_clk; reg ck_1356meg; reg ck_1356megb; wire ssp_frame; wire ssp_din; wire ssp_clk; reg ssp_dout; wire pwr_hi; wire pwr_oe1; wire pwr_oe2; wire pwr_oe3; wire pwr_oe4; wire cross_lo; wire cross_hi; wire dbg; hi_simulate #(5,200) dut( .pck0(pck0), .ck_1356meg(ck_1356meg), .ck_1356megb(ck_1356megb), .pwr_lo(pwr_lo), .pwr_hi(pwr_hi), .pwr_oe1(pwr_oe1), .pwr_oe2(pwr_oe2), .pwr_oe3(pwr_oe3), .pwr_oe4(pwr_oe4), .adc_d(adc_d), .adc_clk(adc_clk), .ssp_frame(ssp_frame), .ssp_din(ssp_din), .ssp_dout(ssp_dout), .ssp_clk(ssp_clk), .cross_hi(cross_hi), .cross_lo(cross_lo), .dbg(dbg), .mod_type(mod_type) ); integer idx, i; // main clock always #5 begin ck_1356megb = !ck_1356megb; ck_1356meg = ck_1356megb; end always begin @(negedge adc_clk) ; adc_d = $random; end //crank DUT task crank_dut; begin @(negedge ssp_clk) ; ssp_dout = $random; end endtask initial begin // init inputs ck_1356megb = 0; // random values adc_d = 0; ssp_dout=1; // shallow modulation off mod_type=0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end // shallow modulation on mod_type=1; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end $finish; end endmodule
module testbed_hi_simulate; reg pck0; reg [7:0] adc_d; reg mod_type; wire pwr_lo; wire adc_clk; reg ck_1356meg; reg ck_1356megb; wire ssp_frame; wire ssp_din; wire ssp_clk; reg ssp_dout; wire pwr_hi; wire pwr_oe1; wire pwr_oe2; wire pwr_oe3; wire pwr_oe4; wire cross_lo; wire cross_hi; wire dbg; hi_simulate #(5,200) dut( .pck0(pck0), .ck_1356meg(ck_1356meg), .ck_1356megb(ck_1356megb), .pwr_lo(pwr_lo), .pwr_hi(pwr_hi), .pwr_oe1(pwr_oe1), .pwr_oe2(pwr_oe2), .pwr_oe3(pwr_oe3), .pwr_oe4(pwr_oe4), .adc_d(adc_d), .adc_clk(adc_clk), .ssp_frame(ssp_frame), .ssp_din(ssp_din), .ssp_dout(ssp_dout), .ssp_clk(ssp_clk), .cross_hi(cross_hi), .cross_lo(cross_lo), .dbg(dbg), .mod_type(mod_type) ); integer idx, i; // main clock always #5 begin ck_1356megb = !ck_1356megb; ck_1356meg = ck_1356megb; end always begin @(negedge adc_clk) ; adc_d = $random; end //crank DUT task crank_dut; begin @(negedge ssp_clk) ; ssp_dout = $random; end endtask initial begin // init inputs ck_1356megb = 0; // random values adc_d = 0; ssp_dout=1; // shallow modulation off mod_type=0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end // shallow modulation on mod_type=1; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end $finish; end endmodule
module testbed_hi_simulate; reg pck0; reg [7:0] adc_d; reg mod_type; wire pwr_lo; wire adc_clk; reg ck_1356meg; reg ck_1356megb; wire ssp_frame; wire ssp_din; wire ssp_clk; reg ssp_dout; wire pwr_hi; wire pwr_oe1; wire pwr_oe2; wire pwr_oe3; wire pwr_oe4; wire cross_lo; wire cross_hi; wire dbg; hi_simulate #(5,200) dut( .pck0(pck0), .ck_1356meg(ck_1356meg), .ck_1356megb(ck_1356megb), .pwr_lo(pwr_lo), .pwr_hi(pwr_hi), .pwr_oe1(pwr_oe1), .pwr_oe2(pwr_oe2), .pwr_oe3(pwr_oe3), .pwr_oe4(pwr_oe4), .adc_d(adc_d), .adc_clk(adc_clk), .ssp_frame(ssp_frame), .ssp_din(ssp_din), .ssp_dout(ssp_dout), .ssp_clk(ssp_clk), .cross_hi(cross_hi), .cross_lo(cross_lo), .dbg(dbg), .mod_type(mod_type) ); integer idx, i; // main clock always #5 begin ck_1356megb = !ck_1356megb; ck_1356meg = ck_1356megb; end always begin @(negedge adc_clk) ; adc_d = $random; end //crank DUT task crank_dut; begin @(negedge ssp_clk) ; ssp_dout = $random; end endtask initial begin // init inputs ck_1356megb = 0; // random values adc_d = 0; ssp_dout=1; // shallow modulation off mod_type=0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end // shallow modulation on mod_type=1; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end $finish; end endmodule
module testbed_hi_simulate; reg pck0; reg [7:0] adc_d; reg mod_type; wire pwr_lo; wire adc_clk; reg ck_1356meg; reg ck_1356megb; wire ssp_frame; wire ssp_din; wire ssp_clk; reg ssp_dout; wire pwr_hi; wire pwr_oe1; wire pwr_oe2; wire pwr_oe3; wire pwr_oe4; wire cross_lo; wire cross_hi; wire dbg; hi_simulate #(5,200) dut( .pck0(pck0), .ck_1356meg(ck_1356meg), .ck_1356megb(ck_1356megb), .pwr_lo(pwr_lo), .pwr_hi(pwr_hi), .pwr_oe1(pwr_oe1), .pwr_oe2(pwr_oe2), .pwr_oe3(pwr_oe3), .pwr_oe4(pwr_oe4), .adc_d(adc_d), .adc_clk(adc_clk), .ssp_frame(ssp_frame), .ssp_din(ssp_din), .ssp_dout(ssp_dout), .ssp_clk(ssp_clk), .cross_hi(cross_hi), .cross_lo(cross_lo), .dbg(dbg), .mod_type(mod_type) ); integer idx, i; // main clock always #5 begin ck_1356megb = !ck_1356megb; ck_1356meg = ck_1356megb; end always begin @(negedge adc_clk) ; adc_d = $random; end //crank DUT task crank_dut; begin @(negedge ssp_clk) ; ssp_dout = $random; end endtask initial begin // init inputs ck_1356megb = 0; // random values adc_d = 0; ssp_dout=1; // shallow modulation off mod_type=0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end // shallow modulation on mod_type=1; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end $finish; end endmodule
module testbed_hi_simulate; reg pck0; reg [7:0] adc_d; reg mod_type; wire pwr_lo; wire adc_clk; reg ck_1356meg; reg ck_1356megb; wire ssp_frame; wire ssp_din; wire ssp_clk; reg ssp_dout; wire pwr_hi; wire pwr_oe1; wire pwr_oe2; wire pwr_oe3; wire pwr_oe4; wire cross_lo; wire cross_hi; wire dbg; hi_simulate #(5,200) dut( .pck0(pck0), .ck_1356meg(ck_1356meg), .ck_1356megb(ck_1356megb), .pwr_lo(pwr_lo), .pwr_hi(pwr_hi), .pwr_oe1(pwr_oe1), .pwr_oe2(pwr_oe2), .pwr_oe3(pwr_oe3), .pwr_oe4(pwr_oe4), .adc_d(adc_d), .adc_clk(adc_clk), .ssp_frame(ssp_frame), .ssp_din(ssp_din), .ssp_dout(ssp_dout), .ssp_clk(ssp_clk), .cross_hi(cross_hi), .cross_lo(cross_lo), .dbg(dbg), .mod_type(mod_type) ); integer idx, i; // main clock always #5 begin ck_1356megb = !ck_1356megb; ck_1356meg = ck_1356megb; end always begin @(negedge adc_clk) ; adc_d = $random; end //crank DUT task crank_dut; begin @(negedge ssp_clk) ; ssp_dout = $random; end endtask initial begin // init inputs ck_1356megb = 0; // random values adc_d = 0; ssp_dout=1; // shallow modulation off mod_type=0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end // shallow modulation on mod_type=1; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin crank_dut; end $finish; end endmodule
module processing_system7_v5_5_atc # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "rtl", // FPGA Family. Current version: virtex6, spartan6 or later. parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 4, // Width of all ID signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, // Width of all ADDR signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 32. parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64, // Width of all DATA signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 64. parameter integer C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of AWUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of ARUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of WUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of RUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH = 1 // Width of BUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. ) ( // Global Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESETN, // Slave Interface Write Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWPROT, input wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWUSER, input wire S_AXI_AWVALID, output wire S_AXI_AWREADY, // Slave Interface Write Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WDATA, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input wire S_AXI_WLAST, input wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WUSER, input wire S_AXI_WVALID, output wire S_AXI_WREADY, // Slave Interface Write Response Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BID, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_BRESP, output wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BUSER, output wire S_AXI_BVALID, input wire S_AXI_BREADY, // Slave Interface Read Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARPROT, input wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARUSER, input wire S_AXI_ARVALID, output wire S_AXI_ARREADY, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Write Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWPROT, output wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWUSER, output wire M_AXI_AWVALID, input wire M_AXI_AWREADY, // Master Interface Write Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WDATA, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] M_AXI_WSTRB, output wire M_AXI_WLAST, output wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WUSER, output wire M_AXI_WVALID, input wire M_AXI_WREADY, // Master Interface Write Response Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BID, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_BRESP, input wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BUSER, input wire M_AXI_BVALID, output wire M_AXI_BREADY, // Master Interface Read Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARPROT, output wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARUSER, output wire M_AXI_ARVALID, input wire M_AXI_ARREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY, output wire ERROR_TRIGGER, output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG = 4; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal reset. reg ARESET; // AW->W command queue signals. wire cmd_w_valid; wire cmd_w_check; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_w_id; wire cmd_w_ready; // W->B command queue signals. wire cmd_b_push; wire cmd_b_error; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_b_id; wire cmd_b_full; wire [C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG-1:0] cmd_b_addr; wire cmd_b_ready; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Internal Reset ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @ (posedge ACLK) begin ARESET <= !ARESETN; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Write Channels (AW/W/B) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Address Channel. processing_system7_v5_5_aw_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH), .C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_addr_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Address Ports .S_AXI_AWID (S_AXI_AWID), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWLEN (S_AXI_AWLEN), .S_AXI_AWSIZE (S_AXI_AWSIZE), .S_AXI_AWBURST (S_AXI_AWBURST), .S_AXI_AWLOCK (S_AXI_AWLOCK), .S_AXI_AWCACHE (S_AXI_AWCACHE), .S_AXI_AWPROT (S_AXI_AWPROT), .S_AXI_AWUSER (S_AXI_AWUSER), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), // Master Interface Write Address Port .M_AXI_AWID (M_AXI_AWID), .M_AXI_AWADDR (M_AXI_AWADDR), .M_AXI_AWLEN (M_AXI_AWLEN), .M_AXI_AWSIZE (M_AXI_AWSIZE), .M_AXI_AWBURST (M_AXI_AWBURST), .M_AXI_AWLOCK (M_AXI_AWLOCK), .M_AXI_AWCACHE (M_AXI_AWCACHE), .M_AXI_AWPROT (M_AXI_AWPROT), .M_AXI_AWUSER (M_AXI_AWUSER), .M_AXI_AWVALID (M_AXI_AWVALID), .M_AXI_AWREADY (M_AXI_AWREADY) ); // Write Data channel. processing_system7_v5_5_w_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH) ) write_data_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), // Slave Interface Write Data Ports .S_AXI_WID (S_AXI_WID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WLAST (S_AXI_WLAST), .S_AXI_WUSER (S_AXI_WUSER), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), // Master Interface Write Data Ports .M_AXI_WID (M_AXI_WID), .M_AXI_WDATA (M_AXI_WDATA), .M_AXI_WSTRB (M_AXI_WSTRB), .M_AXI_WLAST (M_AXI_WLAST), .M_AXI_WUSER (M_AXI_WUSER), .M_AXI_WVALID (M_AXI_WVALID), .M_AXI_WREADY (M_AXI_WREADY) ); // Write Response channel. processing_system7_v5_5_b_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_response_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Response Ports .S_AXI_BID (S_AXI_BID), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BUSER (S_AXI_BUSER), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), // Master Interface Write Response Ports .M_AXI_BID (M_AXI_BID), .M_AXI_BRESP (M_AXI_BRESP), .M_AXI_BUSER (M_AXI_BUSER), .M_AXI_BVALID (M_AXI_BVALID), .M_AXI_BREADY (M_AXI_BREADY), // Trigger detection .ERROR_TRIGGER (ERROR_TRIGGER), .ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID (ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID) ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Read Channels (AR/R) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Address Port assign M_AXI_ARID = S_AXI_ARID; assign M_AXI_ARADDR = S_AXI_ARADDR; assign M_AXI_ARLEN = S_AXI_ARLEN; assign M_AXI_ARSIZE = S_AXI_ARSIZE; assign M_AXI_ARBURST = S_AXI_ARBURST; assign M_AXI_ARLOCK = S_AXI_ARLOCK; assign M_AXI_ARCACHE = S_AXI_ARCACHE; assign M_AXI_ARPROT = S_AXI_ARPROT; assign M_AXI_ARUSER = S_AXI_ARUSER; assign M_AXI_ARVALID = S_AXI_ARVALID; assign S_AXI_ARREADY = M_AXI_ARREADY; // Read Data Port assign S_AXI_RID = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RDATA = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP = M_AXI_RRESP; assign S_AXI_RLAST = M_AXI_RLAST; assign S_AXI_RUSER = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RVALID = M_AXI_RVALID; assign M_AXI_RREADY = S_AXI_RREADY; endmodule
module processing_system7_v5_5_atc # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "rtl", // FPGA Family. Current version: virtex6, spartan6 or later. parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 4, // Width of all ID signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, // Width of all ADDR signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 32. parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64, // Width of all DATA signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 64. parameter integer C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of AWUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of ARUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of WUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of RUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH = 1 // Width of BUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. ) ( // Global Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESETN, // Slave Interface Write Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWPROT, input wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWUSER, input wire S_AXI_AWVALID, output wire S_AXI_AWREADY, // Slave Interface Write Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WDATA, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input wire S_AXI_WLAST, input wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WUSER, input wire S_AXI_WVALID, output wire S_AXI_WREADY, // Slave Interface Write Response Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BID, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_BRESP, output wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BUSER, output wire S_AXI_BVALID, input wire S_AXI_BREADY, // Slave Interface Read Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARPROT, input wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARUSER, input wire S_AXI_ARVALID, output wire S_AXI_ARREADY, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Write Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWPROT, output wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWUSER, output wire M_AXI_AWVALID, input wire M_AXI_AWREADY, // Master Interface Write Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WDATA, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] M_AXI_WSTRB, output wire M_AXI_WLAST, output wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WUSER, output wire M_AXI_WVALID, input wire M_AXI_WREADY, // Master Interface Write Response Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BID, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_BRESP, input wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BUSER, input wire M_AXI_BVALID, output wire M_AXI_BREADY, // Master Interface Read Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARPROT, output wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARUSER, output wire M_AXI_ARVALID, input wire M_AXI_ARREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY, output wire ERROR_TRIGGER, output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG = 4; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal reset. reg ARESET; // AW->W command queue signals. wire cmd_w_valid; wire cmd_w_check; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_w_id; wire cmd_w_ready; // W->B command queue signals. wire cmd_b_push; wire cmd_b_error; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_b_id; wire cmd_b_full; wire [C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG-1:0] cmd_b_addr; wire cmd_b_ready; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Internal Reset ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @ (posedge ACLK) begin ARESET <= !ARESETN; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Write Channels (AW/W/B) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Address Channel. processing_system7_v5_5_aw_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH), .C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_addr_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Address Ports .S_AXI_AWID (S_AXI_AWID), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWLEN (S_AXI_AWLEN), .S_AXI_AWSIZE (S_AXI_AWSIZE), .S_AXI_AWBURST (S_AXI_AWBURST), .S_AXI_AWLOCK (S_AXI_AWLOCK), .S_AXI_AWCACHE (S_AXI_AWCACHE), .S_AXI_AWPROT (S_AXI_AWPROT), .S_AXI_AWUSER (S_AXI_AWUSER), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), // Master Interface Write Address Port .M_AXI_AWID (M_AXI_AWID), .M_AXI_AWADDR (M_AXI_AWADDR), .M_AXI_AWLEN (M_AXI_AWLEN), .M_AXI_AWSIZE (M_AXI_AWSIZE), .M_AXI_AWBURST (M_AXI_AWBURST), .M_AXI_AWLOCK (M_AXI_AWLOCK), .M_AXI_AWCACHE (M_AXI_AWCACHE), .M_AXI_AWPROT (M_AXI_AWPROT), .M_AXI_AWUSER (M_AXI_AWUSER), .M_AXI_AWVALID (M_AXI_AWVALID), .M_AXI_AWREADY (M_AXI_AWREADY) ); // Write Data channel. processing_system7_v5_5_w_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH) ) write_data_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), // Slave Interface Write Data Ports .S_AXI_WID (S_AXI_WID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WLAST (S_AXI_WLAST), .S_AXI_WUSER (S_AXI_WUSER), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), // Master Interface Write Data Ports .M_AXI_WID (M_AXI_WID), .M_AXI_WDATA (M_AXI_WDATA), .M_AXI_WSTRB (M_AXI_WSTRB), .M_AXI_WLAST (M_AXI_WLAST), .M_AXI_WUSER (M_AXI_WUSER), .M_AXI_WVALID (M_AXI_WVALID), .M_AXI_WREADY (M_AXI_WREADY) ); // Write Response channel. processing_system7_v5_5_b_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_response_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Response Ports .S_AXI_BID (S_AXI_BID), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BUSER (S_AXI_BUSER), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), // Master Interface Write Response Ports .M_AXI_BID (M_AXI_BID), .M_AXI_BRESP (M_AXI_BRESP), .M_AXI_BUSER (M_AXI_BUSER), .M_AXI_BVALID (M_AXI_BVALID), .M_AXI_BREADY (M_AXI_BREADY), // Trigger detection .ERROR_TRIGGER (ERROR_TRIGGER), .ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID (ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID) ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Read Channels (AR/R) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Address Port assign M_AXI_ARID = S_AXI_ARID; assign M_AXI_ARADDR = S_AXI_ARADDR; assign M_AXI_ARLEN = S_AXI_ARLEN; assign M_AXI_ARSIZE = S_AXI_ARSIZE; assign M_AXI_ARBURST = S_AXI_ARBURST; assign M_AXI_ARLOCK = S_AXI_ARLOCK; assign M_AXI_ARCACHE = S_AXI_ARCACHE; assign M_AXI_ARPROT = S_AXI_ARPROT; assign M_AXI_ARUSER = S_AXI_ARUSER; assign M_AXI_ARVALID = S_AXI_ARVALID; assign S_AXI_ARREADY = M_AXI_ARREADY; // Read Data Port assign S_AXI_RID = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RDATA = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP = M_AXI_RRESP; assign S_AXI_RLAST = M_AXI_RLAST; assign S_AXI_RUSER = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RVALID = M_AXI_RVALID; assign M_AXI_RREADY = S_AXI_RREADY; endmodule
module processing_system7_v5_5_atc # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "rtl", // FPGA Family. Current version: virtex6, spartan6 or later. parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 4, // Width of all ID signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, // Width of all ADDR signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 32. parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64, // Width of all DATA signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 64. parameter integer C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of AWUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of ARUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of WUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of RUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH = 1 // Width of BUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. ) ( // Global Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESETN, // Slave Interface Write Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWPROT, input wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWUSER, input wire S_AXI_AWVALID, output wire S_AXI_AWREADY, // Slave Interface Write Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WDATA, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input wire S_AXI_WLAST, input wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WUSER, input wire S_AXI_WVALID, output wire S_AXI_WREADY, // Slave Interface Write Response Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BID, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_BRESP, output wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BUSER, output wire S_AXI_BVALID, input wire S_AXI_BREADY, // Slave Interface Read Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARPROT, input wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARUSER, input wire S_AXI_ARVALID, output wire S_AXI_ARREADY, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Write Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWPROT, output wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWUSER, output wire M_AXI_AWVALID, input wire M_AXI_AWREADY, // Master Interface Write Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WDATA, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] M_AXI_WSTRB, output wire M_AXI_WLAST, output wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WUSER, output wire M_AXI_WVALID, input wire M_AXI_WREADY, // Master Interface Write Response Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BID, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_BRESP, input wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BUSER, input wire M_AXI_BVALID, output wire M_AXI_BREADY, // Master Interface Read Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARPROT, output wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARUSER, output wire M_AXI_ARVALID, input wire M_AXI_ARREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY, output wire ERROR_TRIGGER, output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG = 4; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal reset. reg ARESET; // AW->W command queue signals. wire cmd_w_valid; wire cmd_w_check; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_w_id; wire cmd_w_ready; // W->B command queue signals. wire cmd_b_push; wire cmd_b_error; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_b_id; wire cmd_b_full; wire [C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG-1:0] cmd_b_addr; wire cmd_b_ready; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Internal Reset ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @ (posedge ACLK) begin ARESET <= !ARESETN; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Write Channels (AW/W/B) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Address Channel. processing_system7_v5_5_aw_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH), .C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_addr_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Address Ports .S_AXI_AWID (S_AXI_AWID), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWLEN (S_AXI_AWLEN), .S_AXI_AWSIZE (S_AXI_AWSIZE), .S_AXI_AWBURST (S_AXI_AWBURST), .S_AXI_AWLOCK (S_AXI_AWLOCK), .S_AXI_AWCACHE (S_AXI_AWCACHE), .S_AXI_AWPROT (S_AXI_AWPROT), .S_AXI_AWUSER (S_AXI_AWUSER), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), // Master Interface Write Address Port .M_AXI_AWID (M_AXI_AWID), .M_AXI_AWADDR (M_AXI_AWADDR), .M_AXI_AWLEN (M_AXI_AWLEN), .M_AXI_AWSIZE (M_AXI_AWSIZE), .M_AXI_AWBURST (M_AXI_AWBURST), .M_AXI_AWLOCK (M_AXI_AWLOCK), .M_AXI_AWCACHE (M_AXI_AWCACHE), .M_AXI_AWPROT (M_AXI_AWPROT), .M_AXI_AWUSER (M_AXI_AWUSER), .M_AXI_AWVALID (M_AXI_AWVALID), .M_AXI_AWREADY (M_AXI_AWREADY) ); // Write Data channel. processing_system7_v5_5_w_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH) ) write_data_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), // Slave Interface Write Data Ports .S_AXI_WID (S_AXI_WID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WLAST (S_AXI_WLAST), .S_AXI_WUSER (S_AXI_WUSER), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), // Master Interface Write Data Ports .M_AXI_WID (M_AXI_WID), .M_AXI_WDATA (M_AXI_WDATA), .M_AXI_WSTRB (M_AXI_WSTRB), .M_AXI_WLAST (M_AXI_WLAST), .M_AXI_WUSER (M_AXI_WUSER), .M_AXI_WVALID (M_AXI_WVALID), .M_AXI_WREADY (M_AXI_WREADY) ); // Write Response channel. processing_system7_v5_5_b_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_response_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Response Ports .S_AXI_BID (S_AXI_BID), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BUSER (S_AXI_BUSER), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), // Master Interface Write Response Ports .M_AXI_BID (M_AXI_BID), .M_AXI_BRESP (M_AXI_BRESP), .M_AXI_BUSER (M_AXI_BUSER), .M_AXI_BVALID (M_AXI_BVALID), .M_AXI_BREADY (M_AXI_BREADY), // Trigger detection .ERROR_TRIGGER (ERROR_TRIGGER), .ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID (ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID) ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Read Channels (AR/R) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Address Port assign M_AXI_ARID = S_AXI_ARID; assign M_AXI_ARADDR = S_AXI_ARADDR; assign M_AXI_ARLEN = S_AXI_ARLEN; assign M_AXI_ARSIZE = S_AXI_ARSIZE; assign M_AXI_ARBURST = S_AXI_ARBURST; assign M_AXI_ARLOCK = S_AXI_ARLOCK; assign M_AXI_ARCACHE = S_AXI_ARCACHE; assign M_AXI_ARPROT = S_AXI_ARPROT; assign M_AXI_ARUSER = S_AXI_ARUSER; assign M_AXI_ARVALID = S_AXI_ARVALID; assign S_AXI_ARREADY = M_AXI_ARREADY; // Read Data Port assign S_AXI_RID = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RDATA = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP = M_AXI_RRESP; assign S_AXI_RLAST = M_AXI_RLAST; assign S_AXI_RUSER = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RVALID = M_AXI_RVALID; assign M_AXI_RREADY = S_AXI_RREADY; endmodule
module processing_system7_v5_5_atc # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "rtl", // FPGA Family. Current version: virtex6, spartan6 or later. parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 4, // Width of all ID signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, // Width of all ADDR signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 32. parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64, // Width of all DATA signals on SI and MI side of checker. // Range: 64. parameter integer C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of AWUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of ARUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of WUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, // Width of RUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. parameter integer C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH = 1 // Width of BUSER signals. // Range: >= 1. ) ( // Global Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESETN, // Slave Interface Write Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_AWLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_AWCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_AWPROT, input wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_AWUSER, input wire S_AXI_AWVALID, output wire S_AXI_AWREADY, // Slave Interface Write Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WDATA, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input wire S_AXI_WLAST, input wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_WUSER, input wire S_AXI_WVALID, output wire S_AXI_WREADY, // Slave Interface Write Response Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BID, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_BRESP, output wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_BUSER, output wire S_AXI_BVALID, input wire S_AXI_BREADY, // Slave Interface Read Address Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARID, input wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARLEN, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARSIZE, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARBURST, input wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_ARLOCK, input wire [4-1:0] S_AXI_ARCACHE, input wire [3-1:0] S_AXI_ARPROT, input wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_ARUSER, input wire S_AXI_ARVALID, output wire S_AXI_ARREADY, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Write Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_AWLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_AWCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_AWPROT, output wire [C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_AWUSER, output wire M_AXI_AWVALID, input wire M_AXI_AWREADY, // Master Interface Write Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WDATA, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] M_AXI_WSTRB, output wire M_AXI_WLAST, output wire [C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_WUSER, output wire M_AXI_WVALID, input wire M_AXI_WREADY, // Master Interface Write Response Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BID, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_BRESP, input wire [C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_BUSER, input wire M_AXI_BVALID, output wire M_AXI_BREADY, // Master Interface Read Address Port output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARID, output wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARADDR, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARLEN, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARSIZE, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARBURST, output wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_ARLOCK, output wire [4-1:0] M_AXI_ARCACHE, output wire [3-1:0] M_AXI_ARPROT, output wire [C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_ARUSER, output wire M_AXI_ARVALID, input wire M_AXI_ARREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY, output wire ERROR_TRIGGER, output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG = 4; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal reset. reg ARESET; // AW->W command queue signals. wire cmd_w_valid; wire cmd_w_check; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_w_id; wire cmd_w_ready; // W->B command queue signals. wire cmd_b_push; wire cmd_b_error; wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] cmd_b_id; wire cmd_b_full; wire [C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG-1:0] cmd_b_addr; wire cmd_b_ready; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Internal Reset ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @ (posedge ACLK) begin ARESET <= !ARESETN; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Write Channels (AW/W/B) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Address Channel. processing_system7_v5_5_aw_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH), .C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_addr_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Address Ports .S_AXI_AWID (S_AXI_AWID), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWLEN (S_AXI_AWLEN), .S_AXI_AWSIZE (S_AXI_AWSIZE), .S_AXI_AWBURST (S_AXI_AWBURST), .S_AXI_AWLOCK (S_AXI_AWLOCK), .S_AXI_AWCACHE (S_AXI_AWCACHE), .S_AXI_AWPROT (S_AXI_AWPROT), .S_AXI_AWUSER (S_AXI_AWUSER), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), // Master Interface Write Address Port .M_AXI_AWID (M_AXI_AWID), .M_AXI_AWADDR (M_AXI_AWADDR), .M_AXI_AWLEN (M_AXI_AWLEN), .M_AXI_AWSIZE (M_AXI_AWSIZE), .M_AXI_AWBURST (M_AXI_AWBURST), .M_AXI_AWLOCK (M_AXI_AWLOCK), .M_AXI_AWCACHE (M_AXI_AWCACHE), .M_AXI_AWPROT (M_AXI_AWPROT), .M_AXI_AWUSER (M_AXI_AWUSER), .M_AXI_AWVALID (M_AXI_AWVALID), .M_AXI_AWREADY (M_AXI_AWREADY) ); // Write Data channel. processing_system7_v5_5_w_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH) ) write_data_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_w_valid (cmd_w_valid), .cmd_w_check (cmd_w_check), .cmd_w_id (cmd_w_id), .cmd_w_ready (cmd_w_ready), // Command Interface (Out) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), // Slave Interface Write Data Ports .S_AXI_WID (S_AXI_WID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WLAST (S_AXI_WLAST), .S_AXI_WUSER (S_AXI_WUSER), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), // Master Interface Write Data Ports .M_AXI_WID (M_AXI_WID), .M_AXI_WDATA (M_AXI_WDATA), .M_AXI_WSTRB (M_AXI_WSTRB), .M_AXI_WLAST (M_AXI_WLAST), .M_AXI_WUSER (M_AXI_WUSER), .M_AXI_WVALID (M_AXI_WVALID), .M_AXI_WREADY (M_AXI_WREADY) ); // Write Response channel. processing_system7_v5_5_b_atc # ( .C_FAMILY (C_FAMILY), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH), .C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH (C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH), .C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG (C_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG) ) write_response_inst ( // Global Signals .ARESET (ARESET), .ACLK (ACLK), // Command Interface (In) .cmd_b_push (cmd_b_push), .cmd_b_error (cmd_b_error), .cmd_b_id (cmd_b_id), .cmd_b_full (cmd_b_full), .cmd_b_addr (cmd_b_addr), .cmd_b_ready (cmd_b_ready), // Slave Interface Write Response Ports .S_AXI_BID (S_AXI_BID), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BUSER (S_AXI_BUSER), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), // Master Interface Write Response Ports .M_AXI_BID (M_AXI_BID), .M_AXI_BRESP (M_AXI_BRESP), .M_AXI_BUSER (M_AXI_BUSER), .M_AXI_BVALID (M_AXI_BVALID), .M_AXI_BREADY (M_AXI_BREADY), // Trigger detection .ERROR_TRIGGER (ERROR_TRIGGER), .ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID (ERROR_TRANSACTION_ID) ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Read Channels (AR/R) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Address Port assign M_AXI_ARID = S_AXI_ARID; assign M_AXI_ARADDR = S_AXI_ARADDR; assign M_AXI_ARLEN = S_AXI_ARLEN; assign M_AXI_ARSIZE = S_AXI_ARSIZE; assign M_AXI_ARBURST = S_AXI_ARBURST; assign M_AXI_ARLOCK = S_AXI_ARLOCK; assign M_AXI_ARCACHE = S_AXI_ARCACHE; assign M_AXI_ARPROT = S_AXI_ARPROT; assign M_AXI_ARUSER = S_AXI_ARUSER; assign M_AXI_ARVALID = S_AXI_ARVALID; assign S_AXI_ARREADY = M_AXI_ARREADY; // Read Data Port assign S_AXI_RID = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RDATA = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP = M_AXI_RRESP; assign S_AXI_RLAST = M_AXI_RLAST; assign S_AXI_RUSER = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RVALID = M_AXI_RVALID; assign M_AXI_RREADY = S_AXI_RREADY; endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module altera_avalon_sc_fifo #( // -------------------------------------------------- // Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT = 1, parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL = 8, parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16, parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0, parameter ERROR_WIDTH = 0, parameter USE_PACKETS = 0, parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL = 0, parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0, parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0, // -------------------------------------------------- // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles // required for a write to deassert the empty flag. // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write. // // Another way to think of it is the latency for a // write to propagate to the output. // // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is // only implemented for the register-based FIFO. // -------------------------------------------------- parameter EMPTY_LATENCY = 3, parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1, // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT * BITS_PER_SYMBOL, parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT) ) ( // -------------------------------------------------- // Ports // -------------------------------------------------- input clk, input reset, input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0] in_data, input in_valid, input in_startofpacket, input in_endofpacket, input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_empty, input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] in_error, input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] in_channel, output in_ready, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_data, output reg out_valid, output out_startofpacket, output out_endofpacket, output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_empty, output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0] out_error, output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel, input out_ready, input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0] csr_address, input csr_write, input csr_read, input [31 : 0] csr_writedata, output reg [31 : 0] csr_readdata, output wire almost_full_data, output wire almost_empty_data ); // -------------------------------------------------- // Local Parameters // -------------------------------------------------- localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH); localparam DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH; localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH + DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH: DATA_WIDTH + ERROR_WIDTH + CHANNEL_WIDTH; // -------------------------------------------------- // Internal Signals // -------------------------------------------------- genvar i; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0]; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_ptr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_ptr; reg [DEPTH-1 : 0] mem_used; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr; wire read; wire write; reg empty; reg next_empty; reg full; reg next_full; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals; wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals; wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload; reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload; reg internal_out_valid; wire internal_out_ready; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] sop_ptr = 0; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] curr_sop_ptr; reg [23:0] almost_full_threshold; reg [23:0] almost_empty_threshold; reg [23:0] cut_through_threshold; reg [15:0] pkt_cnt; reg drop_on_error_en; reg error_in_pkt; reg pkt_has_started; reg sop_has_left_fifo; reg fifo_too_small_r; reg pkt_cnt_eq_zero; reg pkt_cnt_eq_one; wire wait_for_threshold; reg pkt_mode; wire wait_for_pkt; wire ok_to_forward; wire in_pkt_eop_arrive; wire out_pkt_leave; wire in_pkt_start; wire in_pkt_error; wire drop_on_error; wire fifo_too_small; wire out_pkt_sop_leave; wire [31:0] max_fifo_size; reg fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold; // -------------------------------------------------- // Define Payload // // Icky part where we decide which signals form the // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1 assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals; end else begin : gen_blk1_else assign out_empty = in_error; assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket}; assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals; end endgenerate generate if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2 if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk4_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk3_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5 assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk5_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data}; assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload; end end end else begin : gen_blk2_else assign out_packet_signals = 0; if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6 if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk7_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error}; assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload; end end else begin : gen_blk6_else assign out_error = in_error; if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8 assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel}; assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload; end else begin : gen_blk8_else assign out_channel = in_channel; assign in_payload = in_data; assign out_data = out_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory-based FIFO storage // // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is // obtained from the next read pointer and memory // outputs are unregistered. // // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic // around the memory so writes propagate to the // outputs on the next cycle. // // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to // refactor the two always blocks into one will break // memory inference. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk9 if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10 always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload; internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end else begin : gen_blk10_else always @(posedge clk) begin if (in_valid && in_ready) mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload; internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr]; end end assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk9_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register-based FIFO storage // // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea). // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep // FIFO. // // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a // read we shift occupied slots. // // The exception is the last slot, which always gets // new data when it is unoccupied. // -------------------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[i] <= 0; end else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin if (!mem_used[i+1]) mem[i] <= in_payload; else mem[i] <= mem[i+1]; end end end always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (DEPTH == 1) begin if (write) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1]) mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload; end end end endgenerate assign read = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid && ok_to_forward; assign write = in_ready && in_valid; // -------------------------------------------------- // Pointer Management // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11 assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1; assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1; assign next_wr_ptr = drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ? incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr; assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin wr_ptr <= 0; rd_ptr <= 0; end else begin wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr; rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr; end end end else begin : gen_blk11_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Shift Register Occupancy Bits // // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011 // On a read and write, do not modify the bits. // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111. // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001. // // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while // clearing the tail on a read. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[0] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[0] <= 1; else if (read) begin if (DEPTH > 1) mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1]; else mem_used[0] <= 0; end end end end if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0; if (write) mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2]; end end end end for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin mem_used[i] <= 0; end else begin if (write ^ read) begin if (write) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1]; else if (read) mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1]; end end end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Memory FIFO Status Management // // Generates the full and empty signals from the // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full. // // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing // to a FIFO clears empty. // // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13 always @* begin next_full = full; next_empty = empty; if (read && !write) begin next_full = 1'b0; if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end if (write && !read) begin if (!drop_on_error) next_empty = 1'b0; else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr) // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo next_empty = 1'b1; if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error) next_full = 1'b1; end if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr) next_empty = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin empty <= 1; full <= 0; end else begin empty <= next_empty; full <= next_full; end end end else begin : gen_blk13_else // -------------------------------------------------- // Register FIFO Status Management // // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when // the head occupancy bit is 0. // -------------------------------------------------- always @* begin full = mem_used[DEPTH-1]; empty = !mem_used[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the // full status immediately. // ------------------------------------------ if (DEPTH == 1) full = mem_used[0] && !read; internal_out_payload = mem[0]; // ------------------------------------------ // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes. // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying // with in_ready is meaningless). // // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write // ------------------------------------------ if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid; if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid) internal_out_payload = in_payload; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-ST Signals // // The in_ready signal is straightforward. // // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock // cycle. // // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or // the FIFO will underflow. // -------------------------------------------------- assign in_ready = !full; assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid; generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) internal_out_valid <= 0; else begin internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error; if (read) begin if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr) internal_out_valid <= 1'b0; end end end end else begin : gen_blk14_else always @* begin internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Single Output Pipeline Stage // // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled // for all other allowed latencies. // // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial // logic is present on the output datapath. // // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs // But isn't the memory counted as a register? // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is // slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. // // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on // all modern Altera devices). // // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, // and complicates the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin out_valid <= 0; out_payload <= 0; end else begin if (internal_out_ready) begin out_valid <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward; out_payload <= internal_out_payload; end end end end else begin : gen_blk15_else always @* begin out_valid = internal_out_valid; out_payload = internal_out_payload; end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Fill Level // // The fill level is calculated from the next write // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency // and logic. // // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter // for fmax optimization reasons. // // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one. // This may, or may not be important depending on the // application. // // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage // is enabled. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16 wire [31:0] depth32; assign depth32 = DEPTH; if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one; // -------------------------------------------------- // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets. // -------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end else begin if (write) begin curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1; if (in_endofpacket) curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0; end end end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin fifo_fill_level <= 0; end else if (drop_on_error) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one; if (read) fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1; end else if (write && !read) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1; end else if (read && !write) begin fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1; end end end else begin always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) fifo_fill_level <= 0; else if (next_full & !drop_on_error) fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0]; else begin fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH] <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr; end end end always @* begin fill_level = fifo_fill_level; if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid}; end end else begin : gen_blk16_else always @* begin fill_level = 0; end end endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17 assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold); end else assign almost_full_data = 0; endgenerate generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18 assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold); end else assign almost_empty_data = 0; endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point // // Register map: // // | Addr | RW | 31 - 0 | // | 0 | R | Fill level | // // The registering of this connection point means // that there is a cycle of latency between // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level. // -------------------------------------------------- generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; cut_through_threshold <= 0; drop_on_error_en <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; pkt_mode <= 1'b1; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 5) csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en}; else if (csr_address == 4) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b101) drop_on_error_en <= csr_writedata[0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin cut_through_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0); end else if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1 assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin almost_full_threshold <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0]; almost_empty_threshold <= 0; csr_readdata <= 0; end else begin if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 32'b0; if (csr_address == 3) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 2) csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold}; else if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end else if (csr_write) begin if(csr_address == 3'b011) almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; else if(csr_address == 3'b010) almost_full_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0]; end end end end else begin : gen_blk19_else2 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin csr_readdata <= 0; end else if (csr_read) begin csr_readdata <= 0; if (csr_address == 0) csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level}; end end end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Store and forward logic // -------------------------------------------------- // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20 assign wait_for_threshold = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ; assign wait_for_pkt = pkt_cnt_eq_zero | (pkt_cnt_eq_one & out_pkt_leave); assign ok_to_forward = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r; assign in_pkt_eop_arrive = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket; assign in_pkt_start = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket; assign in_pkt_error = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error; assign out_pkt_sop_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket; assign out_pkt_leave = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket; assign fifo_too_small = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready; // count packets coming and going into the fifo always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin pkt_cnt <= 0; pkt_has_started <= 0; sop_has_left_fifo <= 0; fifo_too_small_r <= 0; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1; end else begin fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold; fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small; if( in_pkt_eop_arrive ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero ) sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1; if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1; pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0; if (pkt_cnt == 0) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1; if (pkt_cnt == 1) pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0; if (pkt_cnt == 2) pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1; else pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0; end if (in_pkt_start) pkt_has_started <= 1'b1; else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) pkt_has_started <= 1'b0; end end // drop on error logic always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin sop_ptr <= 0; error_in_pkt <= 0; end else begin // save the location of the SOP if ( in_pkt_start ) sop_ptr <= wr_ptr; // remember if error in pkt // log error only if packet has already started if (in_pkt_eop_arrive) error_in_pkt <= 1'b0; else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start)) error_in_pkt <= 1'b1; end end assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero); assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr; end else begin : gen_blk20_else assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1; assign drop_on_error = 1'b0; if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1) assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0; else assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }}; end endgenerate // -------------------------------------------------- // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value // -------------------------------------------------- function integer log2ceil; input integer val; reg[31:0] i; begin i = 1; log2ceil = 0; while (i < val) begin log2ceil = log2ceil + 1; i = i[30:0] << 1; end end endfunction endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_r_axi3_conv # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "none", parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_SUPPORTS_USER_SIGNALS = 0, parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING = 1, // Implement transaction splitting logic. // Disabled whan all connected masters are AXI3 and have same or narrower data width. parameter integer C_SUPPORT_BURSTS = 1 // Disabled when all connected masters are AxiLite, // allowing logic to be simplified. ) ( // System Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESET, // Command Interface input wire cmd_valid, input wire cmd_split, output wire cmd_ready, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables for generating parameter controlled instances. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants for packing levels. localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_OKAY = 2'b00; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_EXOKAY = 2'b01; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_SLVERROR = 2'b10; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_DECERR = 2'b11; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttling help signals. wire cmd_ready_i; wire pop_si_data; wire si_stalling; // Internal MI-side control signals. wire M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Internal signals for SI-side. wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID_I; wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA_I; wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP_I; wire S_AXI_RLAST_I; wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER_I; wire S_AXI_RVALID_I; wire S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle interface handshaking: // // Forward data from MI-Side to SI-Side while a command is available. When // the transaction has completed the command is popped from the Command FIFO. // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pop word from SI-side. assign M_AXI_RREADY_I = ~si_stalling & cmd_valid; assign M_AXI_RREADY = M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Indicate when there is data available @ SI-side. assign S_AXI_RVALID_I = M_AXI_RVALID & cmd_valid; // Get SI-side data. assign pop_si_data = S_AXI_RVALID_I & S_AXI_RREADY_I; // Signal that the command is done (so that it can be poped from command queue). assign cmd_ready_i = cmd_valid & pop_si_data & M_AXI_RLAST; assign cmd_ready = cmd_ready_i; // Detect when MI-side is stalling. assign si_stalling = S_AXI_RVALID_I & ~S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple AXI signal forwarding: // // USER, ID, DATA and RRESP passes through untouched. // // LAST has to be filtered to remove any intermediate LAST (due to split // trasactions). LAST is only removed for the first parts of a split // transaction. When splitting is unsupported is the LAST filtering completely // completely removed. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate last, i.e. mask from split transactions. assign S_AXI_RLAST_I = M_AXI_RLAST & ( ~cmd_split | ( C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING == 0 ) ); // Data is passed through. assign S_AXI_RID_I = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RUSER_I = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RDATA_I = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP_I = M_AXI_RRESP; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SI-side output handling // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: registered? assign S_AXI_RREADY_I = S_AXI_RREADY; assign S_AXI_RVALID = S_AXI_RVALID_I; assign S_AXI_RID = S_AXI_RID_I; assign S_AXI_RDATA = S_AXI_RDATA_I; assign S_AXI_RRESP = S_AXI_RRESP_I; assign S_AXI_RLAST = S_AXI_RLAST_I; assign S_AXI_RUSER = S_AXI_RUSER_I; endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_r_axi3_conv # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "none", parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_SUPPORTS_USER_SIGNALS = 0, parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING = 1, // Implement transaction splitting logic. // Disabled whan all connected masters are AXI3 and have same or narrower data width. parameter integer C_SUPPORT_BURSTS = 1 // Disabled when all connected masters are AxiLite, // allowing logic to be simplified. ) ( // System Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESET, // Command Interface input wire cmd_valid, input wire cmd_split, output wire cmd_ready, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables for generating parameter controlled instances. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants for packing levels. localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_OKAY = 2'b00; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_EXOKAY = 2'b01; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_SLVERROR = 2'b10; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_DECERR = 2'b11; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttling help signals. wire cmd_ready_i; wire pop_si_data; wire si_stalling; // Internal MI-side control signals. wire M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Internal signals for SI-side. wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID_I; wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA_I; wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP_I; wire S_AXI_RLAST_I; wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER_I; wire S_AXI_RVALID_I; wire S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle interface handshaking: // // Forward data from MI-Side to SI-Side while a command is available. When // the transaction has completed the command is popped from the Command FIFO. // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pop word from SI-side. assign M_AXI_RREADY_I = ~si_stalling & cmd_valid; assign M_AXI_RREADY = M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Indicate when there is data available @ SI-side. assign S_AXI_RVALID_I = M_AXI_RVALID & cmd_valid; // Get SI-side data. assign pop_si_data = S_AXI_RVALID_I & S_AXI_RREADY_I; // Signal that the command is done (so that it can be poped from command queue). assign cmd_ready_i = cmd_valid & pop_si_data & M_AXI_RLAST; assign cmd_ready = cmd_ready_i; // Detect when MI-side is stalling. assign si_stalling = S_AXI_RVALID_I & ~S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple AXI signal forwarding: // // USER, ID, DATA and RRESP passes through untouched. // // LAST has to be filtered to remove any intermediate LAST (due to split // trasactions). LAST is only removed for the first parts of a split // transaction. When splitting is unsupported is the LAST filtering completely // completely removed. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate last, i.e. mask from split transactions. assign S_AXI_RLAST_I = M_AXI_RLAST & ( ~cmd_split | ( C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING == 0 ) ); // Data is passed through. assign S_AXI_RID_I = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RUSER_I = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RDATA_I = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP_I = M_AXI_RRESP; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SI-side output handling // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: registered? assign S_AXI_RREADY_I = S_AXI_RREADY; assign S_AXI_RVALID = S_AXI_RVALID_I; assign S_AXI_RID = S_AXI_RID_I; assign S_AXI_RDATA = S_AXI_RDATA_I; assign S_AXI_RRESP = S_AXI_RRESP_I; assign S_AXI_RLAST = S_AXI_RLAST_I; assign S_AXI_RUSER = S_AXI_RUSER_I; endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_r_axi3_conv # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "none", parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_SUPPORTS_USER_SIGNALS = 0, parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING = 1, // Implement transaction splitting logic. // Disabled whan all connected masters are AXI3 and have same or narrower data width. parameter integer C_SUPPORT_BURSTS = 1 // Disabled when all connected masters are AxiLite, // allowing logic to be simplified. ) ( // System Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESET, // Command Interface input wire cmd_valid, input wire cmd_split, output wire cmd_ready, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables for generating parameter controlled instances. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants for packing levels. localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_OKAY = 2'b00; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_EXOKAY = 2'b01; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_SLVERROR = 2'b10; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_DECERR = 2'b11; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttling help signals. wire cmd_ready_i; wire pop_si_data; wire si_stalling; // Internal MI-side control signals. wire M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Internal signals for SI-side. wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID_I; wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA_I; wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP_I; wire S_AXI_RLAST_I; wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER_I; wire S_AXI_RVALID_I; wire S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle interface handshaking: // // Forward data from MI-Side to SI-Side while a command is available. When // the transaction has completed the command is popped from the Command FIFO. // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pop word from SI-side. assign M_AXI_RREADY_I = ~si_stalling & cmd_valid; assign M_AXI_RREADY = M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Indicate when there is data available @ SI-side. assign S_AXI_RVALID_I = M_AXI_RVALID & cmd_valid; // Get SI-side data. assign pop_si_data = S_AXI_RVALID_I & S_AXI_RREADY_I; // Signal that the command is done (so that it can be poped from command queue). assign cmd_ready_i = cmd_valid & pop_si_data & M_AXI_RLAST; assign cmd_ready = cmd_ready_i; // Detect when MI-side is stalling. assign si_stalling = S_AXI_RVALID_I & ~S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple AXI signal forwarding: // // USER, ID, DATA and RRESP passes through untouched. // // LAST has to be filtered to remove any intermediate LAST (due to split // trasactions). LAST is only removed for the first parts of a split // transaction. When splitting is unsupported is the LAST filtering completely // completely removed. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate last, i.e. mask from split transactions. assign S_AXI_RLAST_I = M_AXI_RLAST & ( ~cmd_split | ( C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING == 0 ) ); // Data is passed through. assign S_AXI_RID_I = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RUSER_I = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RDATA_I = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP_I = M_AXI_RRESP; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SI-side output handling // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: registered? assign S_AXI_RREADY_I = S_AXI_RREADY; assign S_AXI_RVALID = S_AXI_RVALID_I; assign S_AXI_RID = S_AXI_RID_I; assign S_AXI_RDATA = S_AXI_RDATA_I; assign S_AXI_RRESP = S_AXI_RRESP_I; assign S_AXI_RLAST = S_AXI_RLAST_I; assign S_AXI_RUSER = S_AXI_RUSER_I; endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_r_axi3_conv # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "none", parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_SUPPORTS_USER_SIGNALS = 0, parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING = 1, // Implement transaction splitting logic. // Disabled whan all connected masters are AXI3 and have same or narrower data width. parameter integer C_SUPPORT_BURSTS = 1 // Disabled when all connected masters are AxiLite, // allowing logic to be simplified. ) ( // System Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESET, // Command Interface input wire cmd_valid, input wire cmd_split, output wire cmd_ready, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables for generating parameter controlled instances. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants for packing levels. localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_OKAY = 2'b00; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_EXOKAY = 2'b01; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_SLVERROR = 2'b10; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_DECERR = 2'b11; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttling help signals. wire cmd_ready_i; wire pop_si_data; wire si_stalling; // Internal MI-side control signals. wire M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Internal signals for SI-side. wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID_I; wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA_I; wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP_I; wire S_AXI_RLAST_I; wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER_I; wire S_AXI_RVALID_I; wire S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle interface handshaking: // // Forward data from MI-Side to SI-Side while a command is available. When // the transaction has completed the command is popped from the Command FIFO. // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pop word from SI-side. assign M_AXI_RREADY_I = ~si_stalling & cmd_valid; assign M_AXI_RREADY = M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Indicate when there is data available @ SI-side. assign S_AXI_RVALID_I = M_AXI_RVALID & cmd_valid; // Get SI-side data. assign pop_si_data = S_AXI_RVALID_I & S_AXI_RREADY_I; // Signal that the command is done (so that it can be poped from command queue). assign cmd_ready_i = cmd_valid & pop_si_data & M_AXI_RLAST; assign cmd_ready = cmd_ready_i; // Detect when MI-side is stalling. assign si_stalling = S_AXI_RVALID_I & ~S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple AXI signal forwarding: // // USER, ID, DATA and RRESP passes through untouched. // // LAST has to be filtered to remove any intermediate LAST (due to split // trasactions). LAST is only removed for the first parts of a split // transaction. When splitting is unsupported is the LAST filtering completely // completely removed. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate last, i.e. mask from split transactions. assign S_AXI_RLAST_I = M_AXI_RLAST & ( ~cmd_split | ( C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING == 0 ) ); // Data is passed through. assign S_AXI_RID_I = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RUSER_I = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RDATA_I = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP_I = M_AXI_RRESP; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SI-side output handling // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: registered? assign S_AXI_RREADY_I = S_AXI_RREADY; assign S_AXI_RVALID = S_AXI_RVALID_I; assign S_AXI_RID = S_AXI_RID_I; assign S_AXI_RDATA = S_AXI_RDATA_I; assign S_AXI_RRESP = S_AXI_RRESP_I; assign S_AXI_RLAST = S_AXI_RLAST_I; assign S_AXI_RUSER = S_AXI_RUSER_I; endmodule
module axi_protocol_converter_v2_1_r_axi3_conv # ( parameter C_FAMILY = "none", parameter integer C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer C_AXI_SUPPORTS_USER_SIGNALS = 0, parameter integer C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH = 1, parameter integer C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING = 1, // Implement transaction splitting logic. // Disabled whan all connected masters are AXI3 and have same or narrower data width. parameter integer C_SUPPORT_BURSTS = 1 // Disabled when all connected masters are AxiLite, // allowing logic to be simplified. ) ( // System Signals input wire ACLK, input wire ARESET, // Command Interface input wire cmd_valid, input wire cmd_split, output wire cmd_ready, // Slave Interface Read Data Ports output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID, output wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA, output wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, output wire S_AXI_RLAST, output wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER, output wire S_AXI_RVALID, input wire S_AXI_RREADY, // Master Interface Read Data Ports input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RID, input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RDATA, input wire [2-1:0] M_AXI_RRESP, input wire M_AXI_RLAST, input wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] M_AXI_RUSER, input wire M_AXI_RVALID, output wire M_AXI_RREADY ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables for generating parameter controlled instances. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local params ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants for packing levels. localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_OKAY = 2'b00; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_EXOKAY = 2'b01; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_SLVERROR = 2'b10; localparam [2-1:0] C_RESP_DECERR = 2'b11; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttling help signals. wire cmd_ready_i; wire pop_si_data; wire si_stalling; // Internal MI-side control signals. wire M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Internal signals for SI-side. wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RID_I; wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RDATA_I; wire [2-1:0] S_AXI_RRESP_I; wire S_AXI_RLAST_I; wire [C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1:0] S_AXI_RUSER_I; wire S_AXI_RVALID_I; wire S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle interface handshaking: // // Forward data from MI-Side to SI-Side while a command is available. When // the transaction has completed the command is popped from the Command FIFO. // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pop word from SI-side. assign M_AXI_RREADY_I = ~si_stalling & cmd_valid; assign M_AXI_RREADY = M_AXI_RREADY_I; // Indicate when there is data available @ SI-side. assign S_AXI_RVALID_I = M_AXI_RVALID & cmd_valid; // Get SI-side data. assign pop_si_data = S_AXI_RVALID_I & S_AXI_RREADY_I; // Signal that the command is done (so that it can be poped from command queue). assign cmd_ready_i = cmd_valid & pop_si_data & M_AXI_RLAST; assign cmd_ready = cmd_ready_i; // Detect when MI-side is stalling. assign si_stalling = S_AXI_RVALID_I & ~S_AXI_RREADY_I; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple AXI signal forwarding: // // USER, ID, DATA and RRESP passes through untouched. // // LAST has to be filtered to remove any intermediate LAST (due to split // trasactions). LAST is only removed for the first parts of a split // transaction. When splitting is unsupported is the LAST filtering completely // completely removed. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate last, i.e. mask from split transactions. assign S_AXI_RLAST_I = M_AXI_RLAST & ( ~cmd_split | ( C_SUPPORT_SPLITTING == 0 ) ); // Data is passed through. assign S_AXI_RID_I = M_AXI_RID; assign S_AXI_RUSER_I = M_AXI_RUSER; assign S_AXI_RDATA_I = M_AXI_RDATA; assign S_AXI_RRESP_I = M_AXI_RRESP; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SI-side output handling // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: registered? assign S_AXI_RREADY_I = S_AXI_RREADY; assign S_AXI_RVALID = S_AXI_RVALID_I; assign S_AXI_RID = S_AXI_RID_I; assign S_AXI_RDATA = S_AXI_RDATA_I; assign S_AXI_RRESP = S_AXI_RRESP_I; assign S_AXI_RLAST = S_AXI_RLAST_I; assign S_AXI_RUSER = S_AXI_RUSER_I; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule
module e0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[1:0],x[31:2]} ^ {x[12:0],x[31:13]} ^ {x[21:0],x[31:22]}; endmodule
module e1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y = {x[5:0],x[31:6]} ^ {x[10:0],x[31:11]} ^ {x[24:0],x[31:25]}; endmodule
module ch (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); endmodule
module maj (x, y, z, o); input [31:0] x, y, z; output [31:0] o; assign o = (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); endmodule
module s0 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:29] = x[6:4] ^ x[17:15]; assign y[28:0] = {x[3:0], x[31:7]} ^ {x[14:0],x[31:18]} ^ x[31:3]; endmodule
module s1 (x, y); input [31:0] x; output [31:0] y; assign y[31:22] = x[16:7] ^ x[18:9]; assign y[21:0] = {x[6:0],x[31:17]} ^ {x[8:0],x[31:19]} ^ x[31:10]; endmodule