module va40d2f ( input v27dec4, input vb192d0, input v2d3366, output v030ad0 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; assign v030ad0 = w0; assign w1 = v2d3366; assign w2 = v27dec4; assign w3 = vb192d0; vd0c4e5 v0f3fef ( .v030ad0(w0), .v2d3366(w1), .vb192d0(w2), .v27dec4(w3) ); endmodule
module vd0c4e5 ( input v27dec4, input vb192d0, input v2d3366, output v030ad0 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; wire w6; wire w7; assign v030ad0 = w0; assign w2 = v2d3366; assign w3 = v2d3366; assign w6 = v27dec4; assign w7 = vb192d0; assign w3 = w2; v873425 vaaee1f ( .vcbab45(w0), .v0e28cb(w1), .v3ca442(w4) ); vba518e v569873 ( .vcbab45(w1), .v3ca442(w2), .v0e28cb(w6) ); v3676a0 v1f00ae ( .v0e28cb(w3), .vcbab45(w5) ); vba518e vc8527f ( .vcbab45(w4), .v3ca442(w5), .v0e28cb(w7) ); endmodule
module v053dc2 #( parameter v71e305 = 0 ) ( input va4102a, input vf54559, output ve8318d ); localparam p2 = v71e305; wire w0; wire w1; wire w3; assign w0 = va4102a; assign ve8318d = w1; assign w3 = vf54559; v053dc2_vb8adf8 #( .INI(p2) ) vb8adf8 ( .clk(w0), .q(w1), .d(w3) ); endmodule
module v053dc2_vb8adf8 #( parameter INI = 0 ) ( input clk, input d, output q ); //-- Initial value reg q = INI; //-- Capture the input data //-- on the rising edge of //-- the system clock always @(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule
module v84f0a1 ( input vd84a57, input vf8041d, input vee8a83, input v03aaf0, output [3:0] v11bca5 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire [0:3] w4; assign w0 = vee8a83; assign w1 = v03aaf0; assign w2 = vf8041d; assign w3 = vd84a57; assign v11bca5 = w4; v84f0a1_v9a2a06 v9a2a06 ( .i1(w0), .i0(w1), .i2(w2), .i3(w3), .o(w4) ); endmodule
module v84f0a1_v9a2a06 ( input i3, input i2, input i1, input i0, output [3:0] o ); assign o = {i3, i2, i1, i0}; endmodule
module v145d1e ( input [31:0] vb79ed5, input [7:0] vc74a9c, input v6287a6, input v19f646, output [31:0] vb76294 ); wire [0:31] w0; wire [0:31] w1; wire [0:7] w2; wire [0:7] w3; wire [0:7] w4; wire [0:31] w5; wire [0:31] w6; wire [0:31] w7; wire [0:7] w8; wire w9; wire w10; assign w6 = vb79ed5; assign vb76294 = w7; assign w8 = vc74a9c; assign w9 = v6287a6; assign w10 = v19f646; assign w3 = w2; assign w4 = w2; assign w4 = w3; v15006c v7f618a ( .v3d79e8(w0), .v53354a(w6), .vd99bd0(w7), .v2d3366(w9) ); v15006c vf576d8 ( .vd99bd0(w0), .v53354a(w1), .v3d79e8(w5), .v2d3366(w10) ); v78e0a3 v9e8b5c ( .v7d0a31(w1), .v6127ee(w2), .v12d067(w3), .vea9d11(w4), .v29bdec(w8) ); vda0861 vfb1ecd ( .vffb58f(w2) ); v2c97f6 v1dbb84 ( .v7c9bd8(w5) ); endmodule
module v15006c ( input [31:0] v53354a, input [31:0] v3d79e8, input v2d3366, output [31:0] vd99bd0 ); wire [0:7] w0; wire [0:7] w1; wire [0:7] w2; wire [0:31] w3; wire [0:31] w4; wire [0:31] w5; wire [0:7] w6; wire [0:7] w7; wire [0:7] w8; wire w9; wire w10; wire w11; wire w12; wire [0:7] w13; wire [0:7] w14; wire [0:7] w15; wire [0:7] w16; wire [0:7] w17; wire [0:7] w18; assign vd99bd0 = w3; assign w4 = v3d79e8; assign w5 = v53354a; assign w9 = v2d3366; assign w10 = v2d3366; assign w11 = v2d3366; assign w12 = v2d3366; assign w10 = w9; assign w11 = w9; assign w11 = w10; assign w12 = w9; assign w12 = w10; assign w12 = w11; v1bbb5b v41cfb0 ( .v9d2a6a(w0), .v2d3366(w12), .v2a1cbe(w17), .v9d7ae8(w18) ); v1bbb5b vf7893e ( .v9d2a6a(w1), .v2d3366(w11), .v2a1cbe(w15), .v9d7ae8(w16) ); v1bbb5b v40a6d4 ( .v9d2a6a(w2), .v2d3366(w10), .v2a1cbe(w13), .v9d7ae8(w14) ); v78e0a3 v2e8dfc ( .v29bdec(w0), .vea9d11(w1), .v6127ee(w2), .v7d0a31(w3), .v12d067(w6) ); v468a05 v95e147 ( .ve841af(w5), .vdd0469(w7), .v4ba85d(w13), .vf93ecb(w15), .vc6471a(w17) ); v468a05 v44f594 ( .ve841af(w4), .vdd0469(w8), .v4ba85d(w14), .vf93ecb(w16), .vc6471a(w18) ); v1bbb5b v68fd67 ( .v9d2a6a(w6), .v2a1cbe(w7), .v9d7ae8(w8), .v2d3366(w9) ); endmodule
module v1bbb5b ( input [7:0] v2a1cbe, input [7:0] v9d7ae8, input v2d3366, output [7:0] v9d2a6a ); wire [0:3] w0; wire [0:7] w1; wire [0:7] w2; wire [0:7] w3; wire [0:3] w4; wire [0:3] w5; wire [0:3] w6; wire [0:3] w7; wire w8; wire w9; wire [0:3] w10; assign v9d2a6a = w1; assign w2 = v2a1cbe; assign w3 = v9d7ae8; assign w8 = v2d3366; assign w9 = v2d3366; assign w9 = w8; v952eda v54aed2 ( .v6833fd(w0), .v54ac99(w7), .v2d3366(w9), .ve2616d(w10) ); vafb28f v117a88 ( .v3c88fc(w0), .va9ac17(w1), .v515fe7(w4) ); v6bdcd9 v9f32ae ( .vcc8c7c(w2), .v651522(w5), .v2cc41f(w7) ); v6bdcd9 v9881c7 ( .vcc8c7c(w3), .v651522(w6), .v2cc41f(w10) ); v952eda v34a43a ( .v6833fd(w4), .v54ac99(w5), .ve2616d(w6), .v2d3366(w8) ); endmodule
module v952eda ( input [3:0] v54ac99, input [3:0] ve2616d, input v2d3366, output [3:0] v6833fd ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire [0:3] w3; wire w4; wire [0:3] w5; wire [0:3] w6; wire w7; wire w8; wire w9; wire w10; wire w11; wire w12; wire w13; wire w14; wire w15; wire w16; wire w17; wire w18; assign v6833fd = w3; assign w5 = ve2616d; assign w6 = v54ac99; assign w9 = v2d3366; assign w10 = v2d3366; assign w11 = v2d3366; assign w12 = v2d3366; assign w10 = w9; assign w11 = w9; assign w11 = w10; assign w12 = w9; assign w12 = w10; assign w12 = w11; vd0c4e5 v6d94c9 ( .v030ad0(w0), .v2d3366(w11), .v27dec4(w15), .vb192d0(w17) ); vd0c4e5 vebe465 ( .v030ad0(w1), .v2d3366(w12), .v27dec4(w16), .vb192d0(w18) ); vd0c4e5 ve1c21f ( .v030ad0(w2), .v2d3366(w10), .v27dec4(w13), .vb192d0(w14) ); v84f0a1 va44bdf ( .vee8a83(w0), .v03aaf0(w1), .vf8041d(w2), .v11bca5(w3), .vd84a57(w4) ); vd0c4e5 v2ebff3 ( .v030ad0(w4), .v27dec4(w7), .vb192d0(w8), .v2d3366(w9) ); vc4f23a v3c3a57 ( .v985fcb(w5), .v4f1fd3(w8), .vda577d(w14), .v3f8943(w17), .v64d863(w18) ); vc4f23a vd6d480 ( .v985fcb(w6), .v4f1fd3(w7), .vda577d(w13), .v3f8943(w15), .v64d863(w16) ); endmodule
module v78e0a3 ( input [7:0] v12d067, input [7:0] v6127ee, input [7:0] vea9d11, input [7:0] v29bdec, output [31:0] v7d0a31 ); wire [0:31] w0; wire [0:7] w1; wire [0:7] w2; wire [0:7] w3; wire [0:7] w4; assign v7d0a31 = w0; assign w1 = v29bdec; assign w2 = vea9d11; assign w3 = v6127ee; assign w4 = v12d067; v78e0a3_v9a2a06 v9a2a06 ( .o(w0), .i0(w1), .i1(w2), .i2(w3), .i3(w4) ); endmodule
module v78e0a3_v9a2a06 ( input [7:0] i3, input [7:0] i2, input [7:0] i1, input [7:0] i0, output [31:0] o ); assign o = {i3, i2, i1, i0}; endmodule
module vda0861 #( parameter vfffc23 = 0 ) ( output [7:0] vffb58f ); localparam p0 = vfffc23; wire [0:7] w1; assign vffb58f = w1; vffc517 #( .vc5c8ea(p0) ) v778577 ( .va0aeac(w1) ); endmodule
module vffc517 #( parameter vc5c8ea = 0 ) ( output [7:0] va0aeac ); localparam p0 = vc5c8ea; wire [0:7] w1; assign va0aeac = w1; vffc517_v465065 #( .VALUE(p0) ) v465065 ( .k(w1) ); endmodule
module vffc517_v465065 #( parameter VALUE = 0 ) ( output [7:0] k ); assign k = VALUE; endmodule
module v04e061 #( parameter v001ed5 = 1 ) ( input vd6bebe, output v4642b6, output [4:0] vb385cd, output vd9f5b6 ); localparam p1 = v001ed5; wire w0; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; wire w6; wire w7; wire [0:4] w8; wire w9; wire w10; wire w11; wire [0:4] w12; assign v4642b6 = w2; assign vd9f5b6 = w6; assign vb385cd = w8; assign w9 = vd6bebe; assign w10 = vd6bebe; assign w4 = w2; assign w5 = w3; assign w10 = w9; assign w11 = w2; assign w11 = w4; v144728 #( .v573b2a(p1) ) v04fe70 ( .v27dec4(w0), .v4642b6(w2), .v92a149(w3), .v6dda25(w9) ); vd30ca9 v8af589 ( .v9fb85f(w0) ); vba518e ve66489 ( .v0e28cb(w5), .vcbab45(w6), .v3ca442(w11) ); vaf1249 ve31e7c ( .ve37344(w3), .ve556f1(w7), .v6dda25(w10), .va1c800(w12) ); vd30ca9 va31481 ( .v9fb85f(w7) ); v51353d vabd391 ( .v427380(w4), .v81cd93(w8), .v083523(w12) ); endmodule
module v144728 #( parameter v573b2a = 0 ) ( input v6dda25, input v27dec4, input v92a149, output v4642b6 ); localparam p0 = v573b2a; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; wire w6; wire w7; wire w8; wire w9; assign w5 = v6dda25; assign v4642b6 = w6; assign w8 = v27dec4; assign w9 = v92a149; assign w7 = w6; v053dc2 #( .v71e305(p0) ) v24b497 ( .vf54559(w1), .va4102a(w5), .ve8318d(w6) ); vd0c4e5 vda4b54 ( .v030ad0(w1), .v27dec4(w2), .vb192d0(w3), .v2d3366(w8) ); vfebcfe v2141a0 ( .v9fb85f(w2) ); vd0c4e5 v75d8ff ( .v030ad0(w3), .v27dec4(w4), .vb192d0(w7), .v2d3366(w9) ); vd30ca9 va595cf ( .v9fb85f(w4) ); endmodule
module vfebcfe ( output v9fb85f ); wire w0; assign v9fb85f = w0; vfebcfe_vb2eccd vb2eccd ( .q(w0) ); endmodule
module vfebcfe_vb2eccd ( output q ); //-- Constant bit-1 assign q = 1'b1; endmodule
module vaf1249 ( input v6dda25, input ve556f1, output [4:0] va1c800, output ve37344 ); wire w0; wire [0:4] w1; wire [0:4] w2; wire w3; wire [0:4] w4; wire w5; assign w0 = ve556f1; assign w3 = v6dda25; assign va1c800 = w4; assign ve37344 = w5; assign w4 = w1; v6ed669 vad9b51 ( .v782748(w0), .vcc30ea(w1), .v35dd11(w2), .v6dda25(w3) ); vd0bb30 v1e9706 ( .vd03823(w1), .vb4c454(w2), .v4642b6(w5) ); endmodule
module v6ed669 ( input v6dda25, input v782748, input [4:0] v35dd11, output [4:0] vcc30ea ); wire [0:4] w0; wire [0:3] w1; wire w2; wire [0:3] w3; wire w4; wire [0:4] w5; wire w6; wire w7; wire w8; wire w9; assign w0 = v35dd11; assign vcc30ea = w5; assign w6 = v6dda25; assign w7 = v6dda25; assign w8 = v782748; assign w9 = v782748; assign w7 = w6; assign w9 = w8; v2be0f8 v8aa818 ( .vf354ee(w2), .v4642b6(w4), .vd53b77(w6), .v27dec4(w8) ); v5c75f6 vbdef88 ( .v4de61b(w1), .v50034e(w3), .v6dda25(w7), .v782748(w9) ); v91f34c v122992 ( .v427dd1(w0), .v479af4(w1), .v53baa6(w2) ); vcdce79 v93fefd ( .v167ed7(w3), .vee8a83(w4), .v6a2e9e(w5) ); endmodule
module v2be0f8 #( parameter vbd3217 = 0 ) ( input vd53b77, input v27dec4, input vf354ee, output v4642b6 ); localparam p5 = vbd3217; wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w6; assign w2 = v27dec4; assign w3 = vf354ee; assign v4642b6 = w4; assign w6 = vd53b77; v3676a0 v7539bf ( .vcbab45(w1), .v0e28cb(w2) ); vba518e vfe8158 ( .vcbab45(w0), .v0e28cb(w1), .v3ca442(w3) ); v053dc2 #( .v71e305(p5) ) vd104a4 ( .vf54559(w0), .ve8318d(w4), .va4102a(w6) ); endmodule
module v5c75f6 ( input v6dda25, input v782748, input [3:0] v4de61b, output [3:0] v50034e ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; wire [0:3] w6; wire [0:3] w7; wire w8; wire w9; wire w10; wire w11; wire w12; wire w13; wire w14; wire w15; wire w16; wire w17; assign w6 = v4de61b; assign v50034e = w7; assign w10 = v6dda25; assign w11 = v6dda25; assign w12 = v6dda25; assign w13 = v6dda25; assign w14 = v782748; assign w15 = v782748; assign w16 = v782748; assign w17 = v782748; assign w11 = w10; assign w12 = w10; assign w12 = w11; assign w13 = w10; assign w13 = w11; assign w13 = w12; assign w15 = w14; assign w16 = w14; assign w16 = w15; assign w17 = w14; assign w17 = w15; assign w17 = w16; vc4f23a v4b1225 ( .v3f8943(w2), .v64d863(w3), .vda577d(w4), .v985fcb(w6), .v4f1fd3(w8) ); v84f0a1 v6491fd ( .v03aaf0(w0), .vee8a83(w1), .vf8041d(w5), .v11bca5(w7), .vd84a57(w9) ); v2be0f8 v10a04f ( .v4642b6(w0), .vf354ee(w3), .vd53b77(w13), .v27dec4(w17) ); v2be0f8 v7d9648 ( .v4642b6(w1), .vf354ee(w2), .vd53b77(w12), .v27dec4(w16) ); v2be0f8 v004b14 ( .vf354ee(w4), .v4642b6(w5), .vd53b77(w11), .v27dec4(w15) ); v2be0f8 v8aa818 ( .vf354ee(w8), .v4642b6(w9), .vd53b77(w10), .v27dec4(w14) ); endmodule
module vcdce79 ( input vee8a83, input [3:0] v167ed7, output [4:0] v6a2e9e ); wire [0:4] w0; wire w1; wire [0:3] w2; assign v6a2e9e = w0; assign w1 = vee8a83; assign w2 = v167ed7; vcdce79_v9a2a06 v9a2a06 ( .o(w0), .i1(w1), .i0(w2) ); endmodule
module vcdce79_v9a2a06 ( input i1, input [3:0] i0, output [4:0] o ); assign o = {i1, i0}; endmodule
module vd0bb30 #( parameter v6c5139 = 1 ) ( input [4:0] vd03823, output v4642b6, output [4:0] vb4c454 ); localparam p1 = v6c5139; wire w0; wire [0:4] w2; wire [0:4] w3; assign v4642b6 = w0; assign w2 = vd03823; assign vb4c454 = w3; va17f79 #( .vd73390(p1) ) vc288d0 ( .v4642b6(w0), .va6f14e(w2), .v919f01(w3) ); endmodule
module va17f79 #( parameter vd73390 = 0 ) ( input [4:0] va6f14e, output v4642b6, output [4:0] v919f01 ); localparam p1 = vd73390; wire w0; wire [0:4] w2; wire [0:4] w3; wire [0:4] w4; assign v4642b6 = w0; assign w3 = va6f14e; assign v919f01 = w4; v0cfc7a v530cb5 ( .v4642b6(w0), .v225d34(w2), .vbb6b94(w3), .vae8b91(w4) ); v3693fc #( .vc5c8ea(p1) ) v809c3c ( .vc8d3b9(w2) ); endmodule
module v0cfc7a ( input [4:0] v225d34, input [4:0] vbb6b94, output v4642b6, output [4:0] vae8b91 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire [0:4] w2; wire [0:4] w3; wire [0:4] w4; wire w5; wire [0:3] w6; wire w7; wire [0:3] w8; wire w9; wire [0:3] w10; assign w2 = vbb6b94; assign w3 = v225d34; assign vae8b91 = w4; assign v4642b6 = w5; vad119b vb8ad86 ( .v0ef266(w0), .v8e8a67(w1), .v4642b6(w5), .v27dec4(w7), .v82de4f(w9) ); v91f34c v144430 ( .v427dd1(w2), .v53baa6(w9), .v479af4(w10) ); v91f34c v09d2c7 ( .v427dd1(w3), .v53baa6(w7), .v479af4(w8) ); v25966b vd35762 ( .v4642b6(w0), .v817794(w6), .v0550b6(w8), .v24708e(w10) ); vcdce79 v758283 ( .vee8a83(w1), .v6a2e9e(w4), .v167ed7(w6) ); endmodule
module vad119b ( input v27dec4, input v82de4f, input v0ef266, output v4642b6, output v8e8a67 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; wire w6; wire w7; wire w8; wire w9; wire w10; wire w11; assign v8e8a67 = w1; assign v4642b6 = w5; assign w6 = v27dec4; assign w7 = v27dec4; assign w8 = v82de4f; assign w9 = v82de4f; assign w10 = v0ef266; assign w11 = v0ef266; assign w2 = w0; assign w7 = w6; assign w9 = w8; assign w11 = w10; vd12401 v2e3d9f ( .vcbab45(w0), .v0e28cb(w7), .v3ca442(w9) ); vd12401 vb50462 ( .v0e28cb(w0), .vcbab45(w1), .v3ca442(w11) ); vba518e v4882f4 ( .v3ca442(w2), .vcbab45(w3), .v0e28cb(w10) ); vba518e v8fcf41 ( .vcbab45(w4), .v0e28cb(w6), .v3ca442(w8) ); v873425 vc5b8b9 ( .v3ca442(w3), .v0e28cb(w4), .vcbab45(w5) ); endmodule
module v25966b ( input [3:0] v0550b6, input [3:0] v24708e, output v4642b6, output [3:0] v817794 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire [0:3] w5; wire [0:3] w6; wire [0:3] w7; wire w8; wire w9; wire w10; wire w11; wire w12; wire w13; wire w14; wire w15; wire w16; wire w17; wire w18; assign w5 = v24708e; assign w6 = v0550b6; assign v817794 = w7; assign v4642b6 = w9; v1ea21d vdbe125 ( .v4642b6(w0), .v8e8a67(w2), .v27dec4(w15), .v82de4f(w18) ); vad119b vb8ad86 ( .v0ef266(w0), .v8e8a67(w1), .v4642b6(w3), .v27dec4(w14), .v82de4f(w17) ); vad119b v5d29b2 ( .v0ef266(w3), .v8e8a67(w4), .v4642b6(w8), .v27dec4(w12), .v82de4f(w16) ); vc4f23a vf4a6ff ( .v985fcb(w5), .v4f1fd3(w13), .vda577d(w16), .v3f8943(w17), .v64d863(w18) ); vc4f23a v9d4632 ( .v985fcb(w6), .v4f1fd3(w11), .vda577d(w12), .v3f8943(w14), .v64d863(w15) ); v84f0a1 v140dbf ( .vee8a83(w1), .v03aaf0(w2), .vf8041d(w4), .v11bca5(w7), .vd84a57(w10) ); vad119b v5c5937 ( .v0ef266(w8), .v4642b6(w9), .v8e8a67(w10), .v27dec4(w11), .v82de4f(w13) ); endmodule
module v1ea21d ( input v27dec4, input v82de4f, output v4642b6, output v8e8a67 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; assign w0 = v82de4f; assign w1 = v27dec4; assign v4642b6 = w3; assign v8e8a67 = w4; vad119b vb820a1 ( .v82de4f(w0), .v27dec4(w1), .v0ef266(w2), .v4642b6(w3), .v8e8a67(w4) ); vd30ca9 v23ebb6 ( .v9fb85f(w2) ); endmodule
module v51353d ( input [4:0] v083523, input v427380, output [4:0] v81cd93 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; wire w6; wire w7; wire [0:4] w8; wire w9; wire [0:4] w10; wire w11; wire w12; wire w13; wire w14; wire w15; wire w16; assign w1 = v427380; assign w2 = v427380; assign w6 = v427380; assign w8 = v083523; assign v81cd93 = w10; assign w13 = v427380; assign w14 = v427380; assign w2 = w1; assign w6 = w1; assign w6 = w2; assign w13 = w1; assign w13 = w2; assign w13 = w6; assign w14 = w1; assign w14 = w2; assign w14 = w6; assign w14 = w13; vba518e v984c00 ( .v0e28cb(w0), .v3ca442(w2), .vcbab45(w3) ); vba518e v63c547 ( .v3ca442(w1), .vcbab45(w4), .v0e28cb(w9) ); vba518e v017827 ( .v0e28cb(w5), .v3ca442(w6), .vcbab45(w7) ); v60f5a9 v3aadcd ( .v3f8943(w0), .vda577d(w5), .v427dd1(w8), .v64d863(w9), .v53baa6(w11), .v4f1fd3(w12) ); v36cddd v6e87bf ( .vee8a83(w3), .v03aaf0(w4), .vf8041d(w7), .v6a2e9e(w10), .vd84a57(w15), .v684b0d(w16) ); vba518e vd994d2 ( .v0e28cb(w12), .v3ca442(w13), .vcbab45(w15) ); vba518e v0bd924 ( .v0e28cb(w11), .v3ca442(w14), .vcbab45(w16) ); endmodule
module v60f5a9 ( input [4:0] v427dd1, output v53baa6, output v4f1fd3, output vda577d, output v3f8943, output v64d863 ); wire w0; wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire [0:4] w5; assign v3f8943 = w0; assign v64d863 = w1; assign vda577d = w2; assign v4f1fd3 = w3; assign v53baa6 = w4; assign w5 = v427dd1; v60f5a9_v9a2a06 v9a2a06 ( .o1(w0), .o0(w1), .o2(w2), .o3(w3), .o4(w4), .i(w5) ); endmodule
module v60f5a9_v9a2a06 ( input [4:0] i, output o4, output o3, output o2, output o1, output o0 ); assign o4 = i[4]; assign o3 = i[3]; assign o2 = i[2]; assign o1 = i[1]; assign o0 = i[0]; endmodule
module v36cddd ( input v684b0d, input vd84a57, input vf8041d, input vee8a83, input v03aaf0, output [4:0] v6a2e9e ); wire w0; wire w1; wire [0:4] w2; wire w3; wire w4; wire w5; assign w0 = vee8a83; assign w1 = v03aaf0; assign v6a2e9e = w2; assign w3 = vf8041d; assign w4 = vd84a57; assign w5 = v684b0d; v36cddd_v9a2a06 v9a2a06 ( .i1(w0), .i0(w1), .o(w2), .i2(w3), .i3(w4), .i4(w5) ); endmodule
module v36cddd_v9a2a06 ( input i4, input i3, input i2, input i1, input i0, output [4:0] o ); assign o = {i4, i3, i2, i1, i0}; endmodule
module altera_up_character_lcd_communication ( // Inputs clk, reset, data_in, enable, rs, rw, display_on, back_light_on, // Bidirectionals LCD_DATA, // Outputs LCD_ON, LCD_BLON, LCD_EN, LCD_RS, LCD_RW, data_out, transfer_complete ); /***************************************************************************** * Parameter Declarations * *****************************************************************************/ // Timing info for minimum wait between consecutive communications // if using a 50MHz Clk parameter CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_IDLE_STATE = 7'h7F; // Minimum 2500 ns parameter IC = 7; // Number of bits for idle counter parameter IDLE_COUNTER_INCREMENT = 7'h01; parameter CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_OPERATION_STATE = 3; // Minimum 40 ns parameter CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_ENABLE_STATE = 15; // Minimum 230 ns parameter CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_HOLD_STATE = 1; // Minimum 10 ns parameter SC = 4; // Number of bits for states counter parameter COUNTER_INCREMENT = 4'h1; /***************************************************************************** * Port Declarations * *****************************************************************************/ // Inputs input clk; input reset; input [ 7: 0] data_in; input rs; input rw; input enable; input display_on; input back_light_on; // Bidirectionals inout [ 7: 0] LCD_DATA; // Outputs output reg LCD_ON; output reg LCD_BLON; output reg LCD_EN; output reg LCD_RS; output reg LCD_RW; output reg [ 7: 0] data_out; // Stores data read from the LCD output reg transfer_complete; // Indicates the end of the transfer /***************************************************************************** * Constant Declarations * *****************************************************************************/ // states parameter LCD_STATE_4_IDLE = 3'h4, LCD_STATE_0_OPERATION = 3'h0, LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE = 3'h1, LCD_STATE_2_HOLD = 3'h2, LCD_STATE_3_END = 3'h3; /***************************************************************************** * Internal Wires and Registers Declarations * *****************************************************************************/ // Internal Wires // Internal Registers reg [ 7: 0] data_to_lcd; reg [IC: 1] idle_counter; reg [SC: 1] state_0_counter; reg [SC: 1] state_1_counter; reg [SC: 1] state_2_counter; // State Machine Registers reg [ 2: 0] ns_lcd; reg [ 2: 0] s_lcd; /***************************************************************************** * Finite State Machine(s) * *****************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) s_lcd <= LCD_STATE_4_IDLE; else s_lcd <= ns_lcd; end always @(*) begin ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_4_IDLE; case (s_lcd) LCD_STATE_4_IDLE: begin if ((idle_counter == CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_IDLE_STATE) & enable) ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_0_OPERATION; else ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_4_IDLE; end LCD_STATE_0_OPERATION: begin if (state_0_counter == CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_OPERATION_STATE) ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE; else ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_0_OPERATION; end LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE: begin if (state_1_counter == CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_ENABLE_STATE) ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_2_HOLD; else ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE; end LCD_STATE_2_HOLD: begin if (state_2_counter == CLOCK_CYCLES_FOR_HOLD_STATE) ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_3_END; else ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_2_HOLD; end LCD_STATE_3_END: begin if (enable == 1'b0) ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_4_IDLE; else ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_3_END; end default: begin ns_lcd = LCD_STATE_4_IDLE; end endcase end /***************************************************************************** * Sequential Logic * *****************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin LCD_ON <= 1'b0; LCD_BLON <= 1'b0; end else begin LCD_ON <= display_on; LCD_BLON <= back_light_on; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin LCD_EN <= 1'b0; LCD_RS <= 1'b0; LCD_RW <= 1'b0; data_out <= 8'h00; transfer_complete <= 1'b0; end else begin if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE) LCD_EN <= 1'b1; else LCD_EN <= 1'b0; if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_4_IDLE) begin LCD_RS <= rs; LCD_RW <= rw; data_to_lcd <= data_in; end if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE) data_out <= LCD_DATA; if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_3_END) transfer_complete <= 1'b1; else transfer_complete <= 1'b0; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) idle_counter <= {IC{1'b0}}; else if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_4_IDLE) idle_counter <= idle_counter + IDLE_COUNTER_INCREMENT; else idle_counter <= {IC{1'b0}}; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin state_0_counter <= {SC{1'b0}}; state_1_counter <= {SC{1'b0}}; state_2_counter <= {SC{1'b0}}; end else begin if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_0_OPERATION) state_0_counter <= state_0_counter + COUNTER_INCREMENT; else state_0_counter <= {SC{1'b0}}; if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE) state_1_counter <= state_1_counter + COUNTER_INCREMENT; else state_1_counter <= {SC{1'b0}}; if (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_2_HOLD) state_2_counter <= state_2_counter + COUNTER_INCREMENT; else state_2_counter <= {SC{1'b0}}; end end /***************************************************************************** * Combinational Logic * *****************************************************************************/ assign LCD_DATA = (((s_lcd == LCD_STATE_1_ENABLE) || (s_lcd == LCD_STATE_2_HOLD)) && (LCD_RW == 1'b0)) ? data_to_lcd : 8'hzz; /***************************************************************************** * Internal Modules * *****************************************************************************/ endmodule
module small_async_fifo #( parameter DSIZE = 8, parameter ASIZE = 3, parameter ALMOST_FULL_SIZE = 5, parameter ALMOST_EMPTY_SIZE = 3 ) ( //wr interface output wfull, output w_almost_full, input [DSIZE-1:0] wdata, input winc, wclk, wrst_n, //rd interface output [DSIZE-1:0] rdata, output rempty, output r_almost_empty, input rinc, rclk, rrst_n ); wire [ASIZE-1:0] waddr, raddr; wire [ASIZE:0] wptr, rptr, wq2_rptr, rq2_wptr; sync_r2w #(ASIZE) sync_r2w (.wq2_rptr(wq2_rptr), .rptr(rptr), .wclk(wclk), .wrst_n(wrst_n)); sync_w2r #(ASIZE) sync_w2r (.rq2_wptr(rq2_wptr), .wptr(wptr), .rclk(rclk), .rrst_n(rrst_n)); fifo_mem #(DSIZE, ASIZE) fifo_mem (.rdata(rdata), .wdata(wdata), .waddr(waddr), .raddr(raddr), .wclken(winc), .wfull(wfull), .wclk(wclk)); rptr_empty #(.ADDRSIZE(ASIZE), .ALMOST_EMPTY_SIZE(ALMOST_EMPTY_SIZE)) rptr_empty (.rempty(rempty), .r_almost_empty(r_almost_empty), .raddr(raddr), .rptr(rptr), .rq2_wptr(rq2_wptr), .rinc(rinc), .rclk(rclk), .rrst_n(rrst_n)); wptr_full #(.ADDRSIZE(ASIZE), .ALMOST_FULL_SIZE(ALMOST_FULL_SIZE)) wptr_full (.wfull(wfull), .w_almost_full(w_almost_full), .waddr(waddr), .wptr(wptr), .wq2_rptr(wq2_rptr), .winc(winc), .wclk(wclk), .wrst_n(wrst_n)); endmodule
module sync_r2w #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 3) (output reg [ADDRSIZE:0] wq2_rptr, input [ADDRSIZE:0] rptr, input wclk, wrst_n); reg [ADDRSIZE:0] wq1_rptr; always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n) if (!wrst_n) {wq2_rptr,wq1_rptr} <= 0; else {wq2_rptr,wq1_rptr} <= {wq1_rptr,rptr}; endmodule
module sync_w2r #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 3) (output reg [ADDRSIZE:0] rq2_wptr, input [ADDRSIZE:0] wptr, input rclk, rrst_n); reg [ADDRSIZE:0] rq1_wptr; always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n) if (!rrst_n) {rq2_wptr,rq1_wptr} <= 0; else {rq2_wptr,rq1_wptr} <= {rq1_wptr,wptr}; endmodule
module rptr_empty #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 3, parameter ALMOST_EMPTY_SIZE=3) (output reg rempty, output reg r_almost_empty, output [ADDRSIZE-1:0] raddr, output reg [ADDRSIZE :0] rptr, input [ADDRSIZE :0] rq2_wptr, input rinc, rclk, rrst_n); reg [ADDRSIZE:0] rbin; wire [ADDRSIZE:0] rgraynext, rbinnext; reg [ADDRSIZE :0] rq2_wptr_bin; integer i; //------------------ // GRAYSTYLE2 pointer //------------------ always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n) if (!rrst_n) {rbin, rptr} <= 0; else {rbin, rptr} <= {rbinnext, rgraynext}; // Memory read-address pointer (okay to use binary to address memory) assign raddr = rbin[ADDRSIZE-1:0]; assign rbinnext = rbin + (rinc & ~rempty); assign rgraynext = (rbinnext>>1) ^ rbinnext; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // FIFO empty when the next rptr == synchronized wptr or on reset //-------------------------------------------------------------- wire rempty_val = (rgraynext == rq2_wptr); // Gray code to Binary code conversion always @(rq2_wptr) for (i=0; i<(ADDRSIZE+1); i=i+1) rq2_wptr_bin[i] = ^ (rq2_wptr >> i); wire [ADDRSIZE:0] subtract = (rbinnext + ALMOST_EMPTY_SIZE)-rq2_wptr_bin; wire r_almost_empty_val = ~subtract[ADDRSIZE]; always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n) if (!rrst_n) begin rempty <= 1'b1; r_almost_empty <= 1'b 1; end else begin rempty <= rempty_val; r_almost_empty <= r_almost_empty_val; end endmodule
module wptr_full #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 3, parameter ALMOST_FULL_SIZE=5 ) (output reg wfull, output reg w_almost_full, output [ADDRSIZE-1:0] waddr, output reg [ADDRSIZE :0] wptr, input [ADDRSIZE :0] wq2_rptr, input winc, wclk, wrst_n); reg [ADDRSIZE:0] wbin; wire [ADDRSIZE:0] wgraynext, wbinnext; reg [ADDRSIZE :0] wq2_rptr_bin; integer i; // GRAYSTYLE2 pointer always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n) if (!wrst_n) {wbin, wptr} <= 0; else {wbin, wptr} <= {wbinnext, wgraynext}; // Memory write-address pointer (okay to use binary to address memory) assign waddr = wbin[ADDRSIZE-1:0]; assign wbinnext = wbin + (winc & ~wfull); assign wgraynext = (wbinnext>>1) ^ wbinnext; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Simplified version of the three necessary full-tests: // assign wfull_val=((wgnext[ADDRSIZE] !=wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE] ) && // (wgnext[ADDRSIZE-1] !=wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE-1]) && // (wgnext[ADDRSIZE-2:0]==wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE-2:0])); //----------------------------------------------------------------- wire wfull_val = (wgraynext == {~wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE:ADDRSIZE-1],wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE-2:0]}); // Gray code to Binary code conversion always @(wq2_rptr) for (i=0; i<(ADDRSIZE+1); i=i+1) wq2_rptr_bin[i] = ^ (wq2_rptr >> i); wire [ADDRSIZE :0] subtract = wbinnext - wq2_rptr_bin - ALMOST_FULL_SIZE; wire w_almost_full_val = ~subtract[ADDRSIZE]; always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n) if (!wrst_n) begin wfull <= 1'b0; w_almost_full <= 1'b 0; end else begin wfull <= wfull_val; w_almost_full <= w_almost_full_val; end endmodule
module fifo_mem #(parameter DATASIZE = 8, // Memory data word width parameter ADDRSIZE = 3) // Number of mem address bits (output [DATASIZE-1:0] rdata, input [DATASIZE-1:0] wdata, input [ADDRSIZE-1:0] waddr, raddr, input wclken, wfull, wclk); // RTL Verilog memory model localparam DEPTH = 1<<ADDRSIZE; reg [DATASIZE-1:0] mem [0:DEPTH-1]; assign rdata = mem[raddr]; always @(posedge wclk) if (wclken && !wfull) mem[waddr] <= wdata; endmodule
module block_design_m01_regslice_0 ( aclk, aresetn, s_axi_awaddr, s_axi_awprot, s_axi_awvalid, s_axi_awready, s_axi_wdata, s_axi_wstrb, s_axi_wvalid, s_axi_wready, s_axi_bresp, s_axi_bvalid, s_axi_bready, s_axi_araddr, s_axi_arprot, s_axi_arvalid, s_axi_arready, s_axi_rdata, s_axi_rresp, s_axi_rvalid, s_axi_rready, m_axi_awaddr, m_axi_awprot, m_axi_awvalid, m_axi_awready, m_axi_wdata, m_axi_wstrb, m_axi_wvalid, m_axi_wready, m_axi_bresp, m_axi_bvalid, m_axi_bready, m_axi_araddr, m_axi_arprot, m_axi_arvalid, m_axi_arready, m_axi_rdata, m_axi_rresp, m_axi_rvalid, m_axi_rready ); (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " CLK CLK" *) input wire aclk; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " RST RST" *) input wire aresetn; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI AWADDR" *) input wire [31 : 0] s_axi_awaddr; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI AWPROT" *) input wire [2 : 0] s_axi_awprot; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI AWVALID" *) input wire s_axi_awvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI AWREADY" *) output wire s_axi_awready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI WDATA" *) input wire [31 : 0] s_axi_wdata; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI WSTRB" *) input wire [3 : 0] s_axi_wstrb; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI WVALID" *) input wire s_axi_wvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI WREADY" *) output wire s_axi_wready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI BRESP" *) output wire [1 : 0] s_axi_bresp; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI BVALID" *) output wire s_axi_bvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI BREADY" *) input wire s_axi_bready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI ARADDR" *) input wire [31 : 0] s_axi_araddr; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI ARPROT" *) input wire [2 : 0] s_axi_arprot; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI ARVALID" *) input wire s_axi_arvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI ARREADY" *) output wire s_axi_arready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI RDATA" *) output wire [31 : 0] s_axi_rdata; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI RRESP" *) output wire [1 : 0] s_axi_rresp; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI RVALID" *) output wire s_axi_rvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " S_AXI RREADY" *) input wire s_axi_rready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI AWADDR" *) output wire [31 : 0] m_axi_awaddr; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI AWPROT" *) output wire [2 : 0] m_axi_awprot; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI AWVALID" *) output wire m_axi_awvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI AWREADY" *) input wire m_axi_awready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI WDATA" *) output wire [31 : 0] m_axi_wdata; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI WSTRB" *) output wire [3 : 0] m_axi_wstrb; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI WVALID" *) output wire m_axi_wvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI WREADY" *) input wire m_axi_wready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI BRESP" *) input wire [1 : 0] m_axi_bresp; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI BVALID" *) input wire m_axi_bvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI BREADY" *) output wire m_axi_bready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI ARADDR" *) output wire [31 : 0] m_axi_araddr; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI ARPROT" *) output wire [2 : 0] m_axi_arprot; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI ARVALID" *) output wire m_axi_arvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI ARREADY" *) input wire m_axi_arready; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI RDATA" *) input wire [31 : 0] m_axi_rdata; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI RRESP" *) input wire [1 : 0] m_axi_rresp; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI RVALID" *) input wire m_axi_rvalid; (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " M_AXI RREADY" *) output wire m_axi_rready; axi_register_slice_v2_1_9_axi_register_slice #( .C_FAMILY("zynq"), .C_AXI_PROTOCOL(2), .C_AXI_ID_WIDTH(1), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(32), .C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH(32), .C_AXI_SUPPORTS_USER_SIGNALS(0), .C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH(1), .C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH(1), .C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH(1), .C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH(1), .C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH(1), .C_REG_CONFIG_AW(7), .C_REG_CONFIG_W(7), .C_REG_CONFIG_B(7), .C_REG_CONFIG_AR(7), .C_REG_CONFIG_R(7) ) inst ( .aclk(aclk), .aresetn(aresetn), .s_axi_awid(1'H0), .s_axi_awaddr(s_axi_awaddr), .s_axi_awlen(8'H00), .s_axi_awsize(3'H0), .s_axi_awburst(2'H1), .s_axi_awlock(1'H0), .s_axi_awcache(4'H0), .s_axi_awprot(s_axi_awprot), .s_axi_awregion(4'H0), .s_axi_awqos(4'H0), .s_axi_awuser(1'H0), .s_axi_awvalid(s_axi_awvalid), .s_axi_awready(s_axi_awready), .s_axi_wid(1'H0), .s_axi_wdata(s_axi_wdata), .s_axi_wstrb(s_axi_wstrb), .s_axi_wlast(1'H1), .s_axi_wuser(1'H0), .s_axi_wvalid(s_axi_wvalid), .s_axi_wready(s_axi_wready), .s_axi_bid(), .s_axi_bresp(s_axi_bresp), .s_axi_buser(), .s_axi_bvalid(s_axi_bvalid), .s_axi_bready(s_axi_bready), .s_axi_arid(1'H0), .s_axi_araddr(s_axi_araddr), .s_axi_arlen(8'H00), .s_axi_arsize(3'H0), .s_axi_arburst(2'H1), .s_axi_arlock(1'H0), .s_axi_arcache(4'H0), .s_axi_arprot(s_axi_arprot), .s_axi_arregion(4'H0), .s_axi_arqos(4'H0), .s_axi_aruser(1'H0), .s_axi_arvalid(s_axi_arvalid), .s_axi_arready(s_axi_arready), .s_axi_rid(), .s_axi_rdata(s_axi_rdata), .s_axi_rresp(s_axi_rresp), .s_axi_rlast(), .s_axi_ruser(), .s_axi_rvalid(s_axi_rvalid), .s_axi_rready(s_axi_rready), .m_axi_awid(), .m_axi_awaddr(m_axi_awaddr), .m_axi_awlen(), .m_axi_awsize(), .m_axi_awburst(), .m_axi_awlock(), .m_axi_awcache(), .m_axi_awprot(m_axi_awprot), .m_axi_awregion(), .m_axi_awqos(), .m_axi_awuser(), .m_axi_awvalid(m_axi_awvalid), .m_axi_awready(m_axi_awready), .m_axi_wid(), .m_axi_wdata(m_axi_wdata), .m_axi_wstrb(m_axi_wstrb), .m_axi_wlast(), .m_axi_wuser(), .m_axi_wvalid(m_axi_wvalid), .m_axi_wready(m_axi_wready), .m_axi_bid(1'H0), .m_axi_bresp(m_axi_bresp), .m_axi_buser(1'H0), .m_axi_bvalid(m_axi_bvalid), .m_axi_bready(m_axi_bready), .m_axi_arid(), .m_axi_araddr(m_axi_araddr), .m_axi_arlen(), .m_axi_arsize(), .m_axi_arburst(), .m_axi_arlock(), .m_axi_arcache(), .m_axi_arprot(m_axi_arprot), .m_axi_arregion(), .m_axi_arqos(), .m_axi_aruser(), .m_axi_arvalid(m_axi_arvalid), .m_axi_arready(m_axi_arready), .m_axi_rid(1'H0), .m_axi_rdata(m_axi_rdata), .m_axi_rresp(m_axi_rresp), .m_axi_rlast(1'H1), .m_axi_ruser(1'H0), .m_axi_rvalid(m_axi_rvalid), .m_axi_rready(m_axi_rready) ); endmodule
module ded_top #(parameter BYTES = 16) ( // Global Signals input de_clk, // Drawing Engine Clock de_rstn, // Drawing Engine Reset // Host/ XY Windows input hb_clk, // host bus clock hb_rstn, // host bus reset input [12:2] hb_adr, // host bus lower address bits input hb_we, // host bus write strobe input hb_xyw_csn, // chip select for XY window // DEX related input dx_mem_req, // memory request dx_mem_rd, // memory read dx_line_actv_2, // line command active signal dx_blt_actv_2, // bit blt active signal input dx_pc_ld, // load pixel cache input [31:0] dx_clpx_bus_2, // clipping X values input dx_rstn_wad, // load cache write address input dx_ld_rad, // load cache read address input dx_ld_rad_e, // load cache read address input dx_sol_2, // start of line flag dx_eol_2, // end of line flag input dx_ld_msk, // load mask.{ld_start,ld_end, // ld_lftclp,ld_rhtclp} input [9:0] dx_xalu, // lower four bits of the X alu. input [15:0] srcx, // lower five bits from the destination X input [15:0] srcy, // lower five bits from the destination X input [15:0] dsty, // lower five bits from the destination Y input [15:0] dx_dstx, // Current X for blts and xfers. input dx_fg_bgn, // fore/back ground bit for line pat. input clip, // Clip indicator. PIPED SIGNAL input [4:0] xpat_ofs, // X off set for patterns. input [4:0] ypat_ofs, // Y off set for patterns. input [15:0] real_dstx, // X destination. input [15:0] real_dsty, // Y destination. input ld_initial, // load the initial color value. input pc_msk_last, // Mask the last pixel for nolast input last_pixel, // Last Pixel from Jim (Not Clean) input ld_wcnt, input [3:0] fx_1, input rmw, // Memory Controller Inputs input mclock, // memory controller clock input mc_popen, // memory controller pop enable input mc_push, // push data into fifo from MC. mc_eop, // end of page cycle pulse, from MC mc_eop4, // end of page cycle pulse, from MC input de_pc_pop, // Pop from PC // Level 2 Registers input [3:0] de_pln_msk_2, // Plane mask bits input dr_solid_2, // solid mode bit dr_trnsp_2, // transparent mode bit input [1:0] stpl_2, // stipple mode bit 01 = planar, 10 = packed input [1:0] dr_apat_2, // area mode bits 01 = 8x8, 10 = 32x32 input [1:0] dr_clp_2, // lower two bits of the clipping register input [31:0] fore_2, // foreground register output input [31:0] back_2, // background register output input dr_sen_2, // Source enable bits input y_clip_2, // Inside the Y clipping boundries input ps8_2, // pixel size equals eight ps16_2, // pixel size equals sixteen ps32_2, // pixel size equals thirty-two input [1:0] bc_lvl_2, // Y page request limit input hb_write, input [27:0] dorg_2, // Destination origin. input [27:0] sorg_2, // Source origin. input [27:0] z_org, // Z origin input [11:0] dptch_2, // destination pitch. input [11:0] sptch_2, // source pitch. input [11:0] z_ptch, // Z pitch input [1:0] ps_2, // Pixel size to MC input [3:0] bsrcr_2, // Source blending function. input [2:0] bdstr_2, // Destination blending function. input blend_en_2, // Blending enable. input [1:0] blend_reg_en_2,// Select blending registers or alpha from FB input [7:0] bsrc_alpha_2, // Source alpha data. input [7:0] bdst_alpha_2, // Destination alpha data. input [3:0] rop_2, // Raster operation. input [31:0] kcol_2, // Key Color. input [2:0] key_ctrl_2, // Key control. input [2:0] frst8_2, // used to be in dex // Memory Controller Outputs output [BYTES-1:0] mc_pixel_msk, // pixel mask data output output [(BYTES<<3)-1:0] mc_fb_out, // frame buffer data output output [(BYTES<<2)-1:0] mc_fb_a, // frame buffer data output output pc_mc_busy, // gated MC busy for Jim output [31:0] de_mc_address, // Line/ Blt linear address output de_mc_read, output de_mc_rmw, output [3:0] de_mc_wcnt, output de_pc_empty, output pc_empty, // Host Bus output [31:0] hb_dout, // Host read back data. // ded_ca_top memory interface `ifdef BYTE16 output [3:0] ca_enable, `elsif BYTE8 output [1:0] ca_enable, `else output ca_enable, `endif output [4:0] hb_ram_addr, output [4:0] ca_ram_addr0, output [4:0] ca_ram_addr1, input [(BYTES*8)-1:0] hb_dout_ram, input [(BYTES<<3)-1:0] ca_dout0, input [(BYTES<<3)-1:0] ca_dout1, // Drawing Engine output pc_dirty, // data is left in the pixel cache output clip_ind, // Clipping indicator. output stpl_pk_4, // packed stipple bit, level four output pc_mc_rdy, // Ready signal from PC to DX output pipe_pending, // There is something in the PC or pipe output line_actv_4, output [1:0] ps_4, output [3:0] bsrcr_4, // Source blending function. output [2:0] bdstr_4, // Destination blending function. output blend_en_4, // Blending enable. output [1:0] blend_reg_en_4, // Blending register enables output [7:0] bsrc_alpha_4, // Source alpha data. output [7:0] bdst_alpha_4, // Destination alpha data. output [3:0] rop_4, // Raster operation. output [31:0] kcol_4, // Key Color. output [2:0] key_ctrl_4, // Key control. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3D Interface. output pc_busy_3d, input valid_3d, input fg_bgn_3d, input msk_last_3d, input [15:0] x_out_3d, input [15:0] y_out_3d, input last_3d, input [31:0] pixel_3d, input [31:0] z_3d, input [4:0] z_ctrl, input active_3d_2, input [7:0] alpha_3d, output pc_last, output [4:0] z_ctrl_4, output [31:0] z_address_4, output [(BYTES*8)-1:0] z_out ); wire [(BYTES<<3)-1:0] de_pc_data; wire [(BYTES<<2)-1:0] de_pc_a; wire [BYTES-1:0] de_pc_mask; wire [1:0] clp_4; wire [31:0] fore_4; // foreground register output wire [31:0] back_4; // foreground register output /************************************************************************/ /* CREATE INTERNAL WIRE BUSSES */ /************************************************************************/ wire [(BYTES<<3)-1:0] ca_din; /* Data into cache. */ wire [BYTES-1:0] cx_sel; /* color expand selector. */ wire [BYTES-1:0] trns_msk; /* transparentcy mask. */ wire [9:0] ca_rad; /* Cache read address. */ wire [7:0] ca_wr_en; /* Cache write enables. */ wire [1:0] apat_4; wire [2:0] psize_4; wire [1:0] stpl_4; wire [8:0] x_bitmask; /* muxed input bitmask to texel cache */ wire [8:0] y_bitmask; /* muxed input bitmask to texel cache */ wire ca_src_2 = dr_sen_2; reg xyw_csn_d; `ifdef BYTE16 wire [2:0] ca_mc_addr; `elsif BYTE8 wire [3:0] ca_mc_addr; `else wire [4:0] ca_mc_addr; `endif wire sol_3; wire ps32_4; wire ps16_4; wire ps8_4; wire solid_4; wire blt_actv_4; wire trnsp_4; wire eol_4; wire pc_busy; wire [3:0] mask_4; wire rad_flg_2, rad_flg_3; wire [2:0] strt_wrd_2; wire [3:0] strt_byt_2; wire [2:0] strt_bit_2; wire [2:0] strt_wrd_3; wire [3:0] strt_byt_3; wire [2:0] strt_bit_3; wire [2:0] strt_wrd_4; wire [3:0] strt_byt_4; wire [2:0] strt_bit_4; wire [6:0] lft_enc_2; wire [6:0] rht_enc_2; wire [11:0] clp_min_2; // left clipping pointer wire [11:0] clp_max_2; // right clipping pointer wire [3:0] cmin_enc_2; wire [3:0] cmax_enc_2; wire [6:0] lft_enc_4; wire [6:0] rht_enc_4; wire [11:0] clp_min_4; // left clipping pointer wire [11:0] clp_max_4; // right clipping pointer wire [3:0] cmin_enc_4; wire [3:0] cmax_enc_4; wire y_clip_4; wire sol_4; wire [13:0] x_bus_4; wire mc_read_3; wire rst_wad_flg_2, rst_wad_flg_3; wire [2:0] frst8_4; wire mc_acken; assign stpl_pk_4 = stpl_4[1]; assign pc_mc_rdy = ~pc_busy; /****************************************************************/ /* DATAPATH CACHE CONTROLLER */ /****************************************************************/ ded_cactrl #(.BYTES (BYTES)) U_CACTRL ( .de_clk (de_clk), .de_rstn (de_rstn), .mc_read_4 (mc_read_3), .mc_push (mc_push), .mclock (mclock), //.mc_popen (mc_popen & blt_actv_4 & ~solid_4), .mc_popen (mc_popen), .mc_acken (mc_acken), .irst_wad (dx_rstn_wad), .ld_rad (dx_ld_rad), .ld_rad_e (dx_ld_rad_e), .x_adr (dx_xalu), .srcx (srcx[8:0]), .dsty (dsty[4:0]), .dstx (dx_dstx[6:0]), .lt_actv_4 (line_actv_4), .stpl_2 (stpl_2), .stpl_4 (stpl_4), .apat_2 (dr_apat_2), .apat_4 (apat_4), .ps8_2 (ps8_2), .ps16_2 (ps16_2), .ps32_2 (ps32_2), .psize_4 (psize_4), //.mc_eop (mc_eop & blt_actv_4 & ~solid_4), .mc_eop (mc_eop), .eol_4 (eol_4), .ofset (srcx[2:0]), .frst8_4 (frst8_4), .sol_3 (sol_3), //.mem_req (dx_mem_req & dx_blt_actv_2), .mem_req (dx_mem_req), .mem_rd (dx_mem_rd), .xpat_ofs (xpat_ofs), .ypat_ofs (ypat_ofs), .ca_src_2 (ca_src_2), .rad_flg_2 (rad_flg_2), .strt_wrd_3 (strt_wrd_3), .strt_byt_3 (strt_byt_3), .strt_bit_3 (strt_bit_3), .strt_wrd_4 (strt_wrd_4), .strt_byt_4 (strt_byt_4), .strt_bit_4 (strt_bit_4), .rst_wad_flg_3 (rst_wad_flg_3), .rad_flg_3 (rad_flg_3), .strt_wrd_2 (strt_wrd_2), .strt_byt_2 (strt_byt_2), .strt_bit_2 (strt_bit_2), .rst_wad_flg_2 (rst_wad_flg_2), .ca_rad (ca_rad), .ca_mc_addr (ca_mc_addr) ); /****************************************************************/ /* DATAPATH DATA CACHE */ /****************************************************************/ ded_ca_top #(.BYTES (BYTES)) U_CA_TOP ( .mclock (mclock), .mc_push (mc_push), .mc_addr (ca_mc_addr), .hclock (hb_clk), .hb_we (hb_we & ~hb_xyw_csn), // fixme??? is this needed .hb_addr (hb_adr[6:2]), .hb_dout_ram (hb_dout_ram), `ifdef BYTE16 .rad (ca_rad[9:7]), `elsif BYTE8 .rad (ca_rad[9:6]), `else .rad (ca_rad[9:5]), `endif .ca_enable (ca_enable), .hb_dout (hb_dout), .hb_ram_addr (hb_ram_addr), .ca_ram_addr0 (ca_ram_addr0), .ca_ram_addr1 (ca_ram_addr1) ); // always @ (posedge hb_clk) xyw_csn_d <= hb_xyw_csn; /****************************************************************/ /* DATAPATH FUNNEL SHIFTER */ /* DATAPATH COLOR SELECTOR */ /* (grouped for synthesis) */ /****************************************************************/ ded_funcol #(.BYTES (BYTES)) U_FUNCOL ( .mclock (mclock), .stpl_4 (stpl_4), .apat_4 (apat_4), .ps32_4 (ps32_4), .ps16_4 (ps16_4), .ps8_4 (ps8_4), .lt_actv_4 (line_actv_4), .fore_4 (fore_4), .back_4 (back_4), .solid_4 (solid_4), .pc_col (de_pc_data), `ifdef BYTE16 .rad (ca_rad[6:0]), `elsif BYTE8 .rad (ca_rad[5:0]), `else .rad (ca_rad[4:0]), `endif .bsd0 (ca_dout0), .bsd1 (ca_dout1), .col_dat (mc_fb_out), .trns_msk (trns_msk), .cx_sel (cx_sel) ); /****************************************************************/ /* MASK GENERATOR */ /****************************************************************/ ded_mskgen #(.BYTES (BYTES)) U_MSKGEN ( .de_clk (de_clk), .de_rstn (de_rstn), .mclock (mclock), .mc_acken (mc_acken), .mc_popen (mc_popen), .ld_msk (dx_ld_msk), .line_actv_4 (line_actv_4), .blt_actv_4 (blt_actv_4), .clp_4 (clp_4), .mem_req (dx_mem_req), .mem_rd (dx_mem_rd), .pc_msk_in (de_pc_mask), .clpx_bus_2 (dx_clpx_bus_2), .x_bus (dx_dstx), .xalu_bus (dx_xalu[6:0]), .trnsp_4 (trnsp_4), .trns_msk_in (trns_msk), .ps16_2 (ps16_2), .ps32_2 (ps32_2), .mc_eop (mc_eop), .mask_4 (mask_4), .lft_enc_4 (lft_enc_4), .rht_enc_4 (rht_enc_4), .clp_min_4 (clp_min_4), .clp_max_4 (clp_max_4), .cmin_enc_4 (cmin_enc_4), .cmax_enc_4 (cmax_enc_4), .y_clip_4 (y_clip_4), .sol_4 (sol_4), .eol_4 (eol_4), .x_count_4 (x_bus_4), .mc_eop4 (mc_eop4), .pixel_msk (mc_pixel_msk), .clip_ind (clip_ind), .lft_enc_2 (lft_enc_2), .rht_enc_2 (rht_enc_2), .clp_min_2 (clp_min_2), .clp_max_2 (clp_max_2), .cmin_enc_2 (cmin_enc_2), .cmax_enc_2 (cmax_enc_2) ); /****************************************************************/ /* LINE PIXEL CACHE */ /****************************************************************/ ded_pix_cache #(.BYTES (BYTES)) U_PIX ( .de_clk (de_clk), .mc_clk (mclock), // .de_rstn (de_rstn), .de_rstn (hb_rstn), .dorg_2 (dorg_2), .sorg_2 (sorg_2), .dptch_2 (dptch_2), .sptch_2 (sptch_2), .ld_wcnt (ld_wcnt), .fx_1 (fx_1), .rmw (rmw), .ps8_2 (ps8_2), .ps16_2 (ps16_2), .ps32_2 (ps32_2), .fore_2 (fore_2), .back_2 (back_2), .solid_2 (dr_solid_2), .dr_trnsp_2 (dr_trnsp_2), // 2D Interface. .dx_pc_ld (dx_pc_ld), .dx_clip (clip), .dx_real_dstx (real_dstx), .dx_real_dsty (real_dsty), .dx_pc_msk_last (pc_msk_last), .dx_fg_bgn (dx_fg_bgn), .dx_last_pixel (last_pixel), // 3D Interface. `ifdef CORE_3D .valid_3d (valid_3d), .fg_bgn_3d (fg_bgn_3d), .x_out_3d (x_out_3d), .y_out_3d (y_out_3d), .pc_msk_last_3d (msk_last_3d), .pc_last_3d (last_3d), .pixel_3d (pixel_3d), .z_3d (z_3d), .alpha_3d (alpha_3d), .z_op (z_ctrl[2:0]), .z_en (z_ctrl[3]), .z_ro (z_ctrl[4]), .zorg_2 (z_org), .zptch_2 (z_ptch), .active_3d_2 (active_3d_2), `else .valid_3d (1'b0), .fg_bgn_3d (1'b0), .x_out_3d (16'h0), .y_out_3d (16'h0), .pc_msk_last_3d (1'b0), .pc_last_3d (1'b0), .pixel_3d (32'h0), .alpha_3d (8'h0), .z_op (3'b0), .z_en (1'b0), .z_ro (1'b0), .zorg_2 (28'b0), .zptch_2 (12'b0), .active_3d_2 (1'b0), `endif // .de_pc_pop (de_pc_pop), .mc_popen (mc_popen), .srcx (srcx), .srcy (srcy), .dstx (dx_dstx), .dsty (dsty), .imem_rd (dx_mem_rd), .dx_mem_req (dx_mem_req), .mask_2 (de_pln_msk_2), .stpl_2 (stpl_2), .dr_apat_2 (dr_apat_2), .dr_clp_2 (dr_clp_2), .rad_flg_2 (rad_flg_2), .strt_wrd_2 (strt_wrd_2), .strt_byt_2 (strt_byt_2), .strt_bit_2 (strt_bit_2), .ps_2 (ps_2), .bsrcr_2 (bsrcr_2), .bdstr_2 (bdstr_2), .blend_en_2 (blend_en_2), .blend_reg_en_2 (blend_reg_en_2), .bsrc_alpha_2 (bsrc_alpha_2), .bdst_alpha_2 (bdst_alpha_2), .rop_2 (rop_2), .kcol_2 (kcol_2), .key_ctrl_2 (key_ctrl_2), .lft_enc_2 (lft_enc_2), .rht_enc_2 (rht_enc_2), .clp_min_2 (clp_min_2), .clp_max_2 (clp_max_2), .cmin_enc_2 (cmin_enc_2), .cmax_enc_2 (cmax_enc_2), .y_clip_2 (y_clip_2), .sol_2 (dx_sol_2), .eol_2 (dx_eol_2), .rst_wad_flg_2 (rst_wad_flg_2), .frst8_2 (frst8_2), .rad_flg_3 (rad_flg_3), .strt_wrd_3 (strt_wrd_3), .strt_byt_3 (strt_byt_3), .strt_bit_3 (strt_bit_3), .strt_wrd_4 (strt_wrd_4), .strt_byt_4 (strt_byt_4), .strt_bit_4 (strt_bit_4), .px_a (mc_fb_a), .px_col (de_pc_data), .px_msk_color (de_pc_mask), .de_mc_address (de_mc_address), .de_mc_read (de_mc_read), .de_mc_rmw (de_mc_rmw), .de_mc_wcnt (de_mc_wcnt), .pc_dirty (pc_dirty), .de_pc_empty (de_pc_empty), .pc_pending (pipe_pending), .pc_busy (pc_busy), .pc_busy_3d (pc_busy_3d), .fore_4 (fore_4), .back_4 (back_4), .blt_actv_4 (blt_actv_4), .stpl_4 (stpl_4), .ps8_4 (ps8_4), .ps16_4 (ps16_4), .ps32_4 (ps32_4), .trnsp_4 (trnsp_4), .solid_4 (solid_4), .clp_4 (clp_4), .line_actv_4 (line_actv_4), .apat_4 (apat_4), .mask_4 (mask_4), .ps_4 (ps_4), .bsrcr_4 (bsrcr_4), .bdstr_4 (bdstr_4), .blend_en_4 (blend_en_4), .blend_reg_en_4 (blend_reg_en_4), .bsrc_alpha_4 (bsrc_alpha_4), .bdst_alpha_4 (bdst_alpha_4), .rop_4 (rop_4), .kcol_4 (kcol_4), .key_ctrl_4 (key_ctrl_4), .lft_enc_4 (lft_enc_4), .rht_enc_4 (rht_enc_4), .clp_min_4 (clp_min_4), .clp_max_4 (clp_max_4), .cmin_enc_4 (cmin_enc_4), .cmax_enc_4 (cmax_enc_4), .y_clip_4 (y_clip_4), .sol_4 (sol_4), .eol_4 (eol_4), .x_bus_4 (x_bus_4), .rst_wad_flg_3 (rst_wad_flg_3), .mc_read_3 (mc_read_3), .sol_3 (sol_3), .mc_acken (mc_acken), .frst8_4 (frst8_4), .pc_empty (pc_empty), .pc_last (pc_last), .z_en_4 (z_ctrl_4[3]), .z_ro_4 (z_ctrl_4[4]), .z_op_4 (z_ctrl_4[2:0]), .z_address_4 (z_address_4), .z_out (z_out) ); assign pc_mc_busy = pc_busy; assign psize_4 = {ps32_4,ps16_4,ps8_4}; // Needed for cactrl endmodule
module mt48lc4m16a2 (Dq, Addr, Ba, Clk, Cke, Cs_n, Ras_n, Cas_n, We_n, Dqm); parameter addr_bits = 12; parameter data_bits = 16; parameter col_bits = 8; parameter mem_sizes = 1048575; inout [data_bits - 1 : 0] Dq; input [addr_bits - 1 : 0] Addr; input [1 : 0] Ba; input Clk; input Cke; input Cs_n; input Ras_n; input Cas_n; input We_n; input [1 : 0] Dqm; reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank0 [0 : mem_sizes]; reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank1 [0 : mem_sizes]; reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank2 [0 : mem_sizes]; reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank3 [0 : mem_sizes]; reg [1 : 0] Bank_addr [0 : 3]; // Bank Address Pipeline reg [col_bits - 1 : 0] Col_addr [0 : 3]; // Column Address Pipeline reg [3 : 0] Command [0 : 3]; // Command Operation Pipeline reg [1 : 0] Dqm_reg0, Dqm_reg1; // DQM Operation Pipeline reg [addr_bits - 1 : 0] B0_row_addr, B1_row_addr, B2_row_addr, B3_row_addr; reg [addr_bits - 1 : 0] Mode_reg; reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Dq_reg, Dq_dqm; reg [col_bits - 1 : 0] Col_temp, Burst_counter; reg Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3; // Bank Activate reg Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3; // Bank Precharge reg [1 : 0] Bank_precharge [0 : 3]; // Precharge Command reg A10_precharge [0 : 3]; // Addr[10] = 1 (All banks) reg Auto_precharge [0 : 3]; // RW Auto Precharge (Bank) reg Read_precharge [0 : 3]; // R Auto Precharge reg Write_precharge [0 : 3]; // W Auto Precharge reg RW_interrupt_read [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Read with Auto Precharge reg RW_interrupt_write [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Write with Auto Precharge reg [1 : 0] RW_interrupt_bank; // RW Interrupt Bank integer RW_interrupt_counter [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Counter integer Count_precharge [0 : 3]; // RW Auto Precharge Counter reg Data_in_enable; reg Data_out_enable; reg [1 : 0] Bank, Prev_bank; reg [addr_bits - 1 : 0] Row; reg [col_bits - 1 : 0] Col, Col_brst; // Internal system clock reg CkeZ, Sys_clk; // Commands Decode wire Active_enable = ~Cs_n & ~Ras_n & Cas_n & We_n; wire Aref_enable = ~Cs_n & ~Ras_n & ~Cas_n & We_n; wire Burst_term = ~Cs_n & Ras_n & Cas_n & ~We_n; wire Mode_reg_enable = ~Cs_n & ~Ras_n & ~Cas_n & ~We_n; wire Prech_enable = ~Cs_n & ~Ras_n & Cas_n & ~We_n; wire Read_enable = ~Cs_n & Ras_n & ~Cas_n & We_n; wire Write_enable = ~Cs_n & Ras_n & ~Cas_n & ~We_n; // Burst Length Decode wire Burst_length_1 = ~Mode_reg[2] & ~Mode_reg[1] & ~Mode_reg[0]; wire Burst_length_2 = ~Mode_reg[2] & ~Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; wire Burst_length_4 = ~Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & ~Mode_reg[0]; wire Burst_length_8 = ~Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; wire Burst_length_f = Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; // CAS Latency Decode wire Cas_latency_2 = ~Mode_reg[6] & Mode_reg[5] & ~Mode_reg[4]; wire Cas_latency_3 = ~Mode_reg[6] & Mode_reg[5] & Mode_reg[4]; // Write Burst Mode wire Write_burst_mode = Mode_reg[9]; wire Debug = 1'b1; // Debug messages : 1 = On wire Dq_chk = Sys_clk & Data_in_enable; // Check setup/hold time for DQ assign Dq = Dq_reg; // DQ buffer // Commands Operation `define ACT 0 `define NOP 1 `define READ 2 `define WRITE 3 `define PRECH 4 `define A_REF 5 `define BST 6 `define LMR 7 // Timing Parameters for -7E PC133 CL2 parameter tAC = 5.4; parameter tHZ = 5.4; parameter tOH = 3.0; parameter tMRD = 2.0; // 2 Clk Cycles parameter tRAS = 37.0; parameter tRC = 60.0; parameter tRCD = 15.0; parameter tRFC = 66.0; parameter tRP = 15.0; parameter tRRD = 14.0; parameter tWRa = 7.0; // A2 Version - Auto precharge mode (1 Clk + 7 ns) parameter tWRm = 14.0; // A2 Version - Manual precharge mode (14 ns) // Timing Check variable time MRD_chk; time WR_chkm [0 : 3]; time RFC_chk, RRD_chk; time RC_chk0, RC_chk1, RC_chk2, RC_chk3; time RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3; time RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3; time RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3; initial begin Dq_reg = {data_bits{1'bz}}; Data_in_enable = 0; Data_out_enable = 0; Act_b0 = 1; Act_b1 = 1; Act_b2 = 1; Act_b3 = 1; Pc_b0 = 0; Pc_b1 = 0; Pc_b2 = 0; Pc_b3 = 0; WR_chkm[0] = 0; WR_chkm[1] = 0; WR_chkm[2] = 0; WR_chkm[3] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[0] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[1] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[2] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[3] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[0] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[1] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[2] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[3] = 0; MRD_chk = 0; RFC_chk = 0; RRD_chk = 0; RAS_chk0 = 0; RAS_chk1 = 0; RAS_chk2 = 0; RAS_chk3 = 0; RCD_chk0 = 0; RCD_chk1 = 0; RCD_chk2 = 0; RCD_chk3 = 0; RC_chk0 = 0; RC_chk1 = 0; RC_chk2 = 0; RC_chk3 = 0; RP_chk0 = 0; RP_chk1 = 0; RP_chk2 = 0; RP_chk3 = 0; $timeformat (-9, 1, " ns", 12); end // System clock generator always begin @ (posedge Clk) begin Sys_clk = CkeZ; CkeZ = Cke; end @ (negedge Clk) begin Sys_clk = 1'b0; end end always @ (posedge Sys_clk) begin // Internal Commamd Pipelined Command[0] = Command[1]; Command[1] = Command[2]; Command[2] = Command[3]; Command[3] = `NOP; Col_addr[0] = Col_addr[1]; Col_addr[1] = Col_addr[2]; Col_addr[2] = Col_addr[3]; Col_addr[3] = {col_bits{1'b0}}; Bank_addr[0] = Bank_addr[1]; Bank_addr[1] = Bank_addr[2]; Bank_addr[2] = Bank_addr[3]; Bank_addr[3] = 2'b0; Bank_precharge[0] = Bank_precharge[1]; Bank_precharge[1] = Bank_precharge[2]; Bank_precharge[2] = Bank_precharge[3]; Bank_precharge[3] = 2'b0; A10_precharge[0] = A10_precharge[1]; A10_precharge[1] = A10_precharge[2]; A10_precharge[2] = A10_precharge[3]; A10_precharge[3] = 1'b0; // Dqm pipeline for Read Dqm_reg0 = Dqm_reg1; Dqm_reg1 = Dqm; // Read or Write with Auto Precharge Counter if (Auto_precharge[0] === 1'b1) begin Count_precharge[0] = Count_precharge[0] + 1; end if (Auto_precharge[1] === 1'b1) begin Count_precharge[1] = Count_precharge[1] + 1; end if (Auto_precharge[2] === 1'b1) begin Count_precharge[2] = Count_precharge[2] + 1; end if (Auto_precharge[3] === 1'b1) begin Count_precharge[3] = Count_precharge[3] + 1; end // Read or Write Interrupt Counter if (RW_interrupt_write[0] === 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_counter[0] = RW_interrupt_counter[0] + 1; end if (RW_interrupt_write[1] === 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_counter[1] = RW_interrupt_counter[1] + 1; end if (RW_interrupt_write[2] === 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_counter[2] = RW_interrupt_counter[2] + 1; end if (RW_interrupt_write[3] === 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_counter[3] = RW_interrupt_counter[3] + 1; end // tMRD Counter MRD_chk = MRD_chk + 1; // Auto Refresh if (Aref_enable === 1'b1) begin if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t AREF : Auto Refresh", $time); end // Auto Refresh to Auto Refresh if ($time - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Auto Refresh", $time); end // Precharge to Auto Refresh if (($time - RP_chk0 < tRP) || ($time - RP_chk1 < tRP) || ($time - RP_chk2 < tRP) || ($time - RP_chk3 < tRP)) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Auto Refresh", $time); end // Precharge to Refresh if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 || Pc_b1 === 1'b0 || Pc_b2 === 1'b0 || Pc_b3 === 1'b0) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: All banks must be Precharge before Auto Refresh", $time); end // Load Mode Register to Auto Refresh if (MRD_chk < tMRD) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Auto Refresh", $time); end // Record Current tRFC time RFC_chk = $time; end // Load Mode Register if (Mode_reg_enable === 1'b1) begin // Register Mode Mode_reg = Addr; // Decode CAS Latency, Burst Length, Burst Type, and Write Burst Mode if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t LMR : Load Mode Register", $time); // CAS Latency case (Addr[6 : 4]) 3'b010 : $display ("%m : CAS Latency = 2"); 3'b011 : $display ("%m : CAS Latency = 3"); default : $display ("%m : CAS Latency = Reserved"); endcase // Burst Length case (Addr[2 : 0]) 3'b000 : $display ("%m : Burst Length = 1"); 3'b001 : $display ("%m : Burst Length = 2"); 3'b010 : $display ("%m : Burst Length = 4"); 3'b011 : $display ("%m : Burst Length = 8"); 3'b111 : $display ("%m : Burst Length = Full"); default : $display ("%m : Burst Length = Reserved"); endcase // Burst Type if (Addr[3] === 1'b0) begin $display ("%m : Burst Type = Sequential"); end else if (Addr[3] === 1'b1) begin $display ("%m : Burst Type = Interleaved"); end else begin $display ("%m : Burst Type = Reserved"); end // Write Burst Mode if (Addr[9] === 1'b0) begin $display ("%m : Write Burst Mode = Programmed Burst Length"); end else if (Addr[9] === 1'b1) begin $display ("%m : Write Burst Mode = Single Location Access"); end else begin $display ("%m : Write Burst Mode = Reserved"); end end // Precharge to Load Mode Register if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 && Pc_b1 === 1'b0 && Pc_b2 === 1'b0 && Pc_b3 === 1'b0) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: all banks must be Precharge before Load Mode Register", $time); end // Precharge to Load Mode Register if (($time - RP_chk0 < tRP) || ($time - RP_chk1 < tRP) || ($time - RP_chk2 < tRP) || ($time - RP_chk3 < tRP)) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Load Mode Register", $time); end // Auto Refresh to Load Mode Register if ($time - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Load Mode Register", $time); end // Load Mode Register to Load Mode Register if (MRD_chk < tMRD) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Load Mode Register", $time); end // Reset MRD Counter MRD_chk = 0; end // Active Block (Latch Bank Address and Row Address) if (Active_enable === 1'b1) begin // Activate an open bank can corrupt data if ((Ba === 2'b00 && Act_b0 === 1'b1) || (Ba === 2'b01 && Act_b1 === 1'b1) || (Ba === 2'b10 && Act_b2 === 1'b1) || (Ba === 2'b11 && Act_b3 === 1'b1)) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: Bank already activated -- data can be corrupted", $time); end // Activate Bank 0 if (Ba === 2'b00 && Pc_b0 === 1'b1) begin // Debug Message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ACT : Bank = 0 Row = %d", $time, Addr); end // ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period if ($time - RC_chk0 < tRC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 0", $time); end // Precharge to Activate Bank 0 if ($time - RP_chk0 < tRP) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 0", $time); end // Record variables Act_b0 = 1'b1; Pc_b0 = 1'b0; B0_row_addr = Addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; RAS_chk0 = $time; RC_chk0 = $time; RCD_chk0 = $time; end if (Ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) begin // Debug Message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ACT : Bank = 1 Row = %d", $time, Addr); end // ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period if ($time - RC_chk1 < tRC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 1", $time); end // Precharge to Activate Bank 1 if ($time - RP_chk1 < tRP) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 1", $time); end // Record variables Act_b1 = 1'b1; Pc_b1 = 1'b0; B1_row_addr = Addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; RAS_chk1 = $time; RC_chk1 = $time; RCD_chk1 = $time; end if (Ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) begin // Debug Message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ACT : Bank = 2 Row = %d", $time, Addr); end // ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period if ($time - RC_chk2 < tRC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 2", $time); end // Precharge to Activate Bank 2 if ($time - RP_chk2 < tRP) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 2", $time); end // Record variables Act_b2 = 1'b1; Pc_b2 = 1'b0; B2_row_addr = Addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; RAS_chk2 = $time; RC_chk2 = $time; RCD_chk2 = $time; end if (Ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1) begin // Debug Message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ACT : Bank = 3 Row = %d", $time, Addr); end // ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period if ($time - RC_chk3 < tRC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 3", $time); end // Precharge to Activate Bank 3 if ($time - RP_chk3 < tRP) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 3", $time); end // Record variables Act_b3 = 1'b1; Pc_b3 = 1'b0; B3_row_addr = Addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; RAS_chk3 = $time; RC_chk3 = $time; RCD_chk3 = $time; end // Active Bank A to Active Bank B if ((Prev_bank != Ba) && ($time - RRD_chk < tRRD)) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $time, Ba); end // Auto Refresh to Activate if ($time - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Activate bank = %d", $time, Ba); end // Load Mode Register to Active if (MRD_chk < tMRD ) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $time, Ba); end // Record variables for checking violation RRD_chk = $time; Prev_bank = Ba; end // Precharge Block if (Prech_enable == 1'b1) begin // Load Mode Register to Precharge if ($time - MRD_chk < tMRD) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violaiton during Precharge", $time); end // Precharge Bank 0 if ((Addr[10] === 1'b1 || (Addr[10] === 1'b0 && Ba === 2'b00)) && Act_b0 === 1'b1) begin Act_b0 = 1'b0; Pc_b0 = 1'b1; RP_chk0 = $time; // Activate to Precharge if ($time - RAS_chk0 < tRAS) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $time); end // tWR violation check for write if ($time - WR_chkm[0] < tWRm) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $time); end end // Precharge Bank 1 if ((Addr[10] === 1'b1 || (Addr[10] === 1'b0 && Ba === 2'b01)) && Act_b1 === 1'b1) begin Act_b1 = 1'b0; Pc_b1 = 1'b1; RP_chk1 = $time; // Activate to Precharge if ($time - RAS_chk1 < tRAS) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $time); end // tWR violation check for write if ($time - WR_chkm[1] < tWRm) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $time); end end // Precharge Bank 2 if ((Addr[10] === 1'b1 || (Addr[10] === 1'b0 && Ba === 2'b10)) && Act_b2 === 1'b1) begin Act_b2 = 1'b0; Pc_b2 = 1'b1; RP_chk2 = $time; // Activate to Precharge if ($time - RAS_chk2 < tRAS) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $time); end // tWR violation check for write if ($time - WR_chkm[2] < tWRm) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $time); end end // Precharge Bank 3 if ((Addr[10] === 1'b1 || (Addr[10] === 1'b0 && Ba === 2'b11)) && Act_b3 === 1'b1) begin Act_b3 = 1'b0; Pc_b3 = 1'b1; RP_chk3 = $time; // Activate to Precharge if ($time - RAS_chk3 < tRAS) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $time); end // tWR violation check for write if ($time - WR_chkm[3] < tWRm) begin $display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $time); end end // Terminate a Write Immediately (if same bank or all banks) if (Data_in_enable === 1'b1 && (Bank === Ba || Addr[10] === 1'b1)) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; end // Precharge Command Pipeline for Read if (Cas_latency_3 === 1'b1) begin Command[2] = `PRECH; Bank_precharge[2] = Ba; A10_precharge[2] = Addr[10]; end else if (Cas_latency_2 === 1'b1) begin Command[1] = `PRECH; Bank_precharge[1] = Ba; A10_precharge[1] = Addr[10]; end end // Burst terminate if (Burst_term === 1'b1) begin // Terminate a Write Immediately if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; end // Terminate a Read Depend on CAS Latency if (Cas_latency_3 === 1'b1) begin Command[2] = `BST; end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin Command[1] = `BST; end // Display debug message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t BST : Burst Terminate",$time); end end // Read, Write, Column Latch if (Read_enable === 1'b1) begin // Check to see if bank is open (ACT) if ((Ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b1) || (Ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) || (Ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) || (Ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1)) begin $display("%m : at time %t ERROR: Bank is not Activated for Read", $time); end // Activate to Read or Write if ((Ba == 2'b00) && ($time - RCD_chk0 < tRCD) || (Ba == 2'b01) && ($time - RCD_chk1 < tRCD) || (Ba == 2'b10) && ($time - RCD_chk2 < tRCD) || (Ba == 2'b11) && ($time - RCD_chk3 < tRCD)) begin $display("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read", $time); end // CAS Latency pipeline if (Cas_latency_3 == 1'b1) begin Command[2] = `READ; Col_addr[2] = Addr; Bank_addr[2] = Ba; end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin Command[1] = `READ; Col_addr[1] = Addr; Bank_addr[1] = Ba; end // Read interrupt Write (terminate Write immediately) if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; // Interrupting a Write with Autoprecharge if (Auto_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1 && Write_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_write[RW_interrupt_bank] = 1'b1; RW_interrupt_counter[RW_interrupt_bank] = 0; // Display debug message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Read interrupt Write with Autoprecharge", $time); end end end // Write with Auto Precharge if (Addr[10] == 1'b1) begin Auto_precharge[Ba] = 1'b1; Count_precharge[Ba] = 0; RW_interrupt_bank = Ba; Read_precharge[Ba] = 1'b1; end end // Write Command if (Write_enable == 1'b1) begin // Activate to Write if ((Ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b1) || (Ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) || (Ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) || (Ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1)) begin $display("%m : at time %t ERROR: Bank is not Activated for Write", $time); end // Activate to Read or Write if ((Ba == 2'b00) && ($time - RCD_chk0 < tRCD) || (Ba == 2'b01) && ($time - RCD_chk1 < tRCD) || (Ba == 2'b10) && ($time - RCD_chk2 < tRCD) || (Ba == 2'b11) && ($time - RCD_chk3 < tRCD)) begin $display("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read", $time); end // Latch Write command, Bank, and Column Command[0] = `WRITE; Col_addr[0] = Addr; Bank_addr[0] = Ba; // Write interrupt Write (terminate Write immediately) if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; // Interrupting a Write with Autoprecharge if (Auto_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1 && Write_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_write[RW_interrupt_bank] = 1'b1; // Display debug message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Read Bank %d interrupt Write Bank %d with Autoprecharge", $time, Ba, RW_interrupt_bank); end end end // Write interrupt Read (terminate Read immediately) if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin Data_out_enable = 1'b0; // Interrupting a Read with Autoprecharge if (Auto_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1 && Read_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1) begin RW_interrupt_read[RW_interrupt_bank] = 1'b1; // Display debug message if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Write Bank %d interrupt Read Bank %d with Autoprecharge", $time, Ba, RW_interrupt_bank); end end end // Write with Auto Precharge if (Addr[10] == 1'b1) begin Auto_precharge[Ba] = 1'b1; Count_precharge[Ba] = 0; RW_interrupt_bank = Ba; Write_precharge[Ba] = 1'b1; end end /* Write with Auto Precharge Calculation The device start internal precharge when: 1. Meet minimum tRAS requirement and 2. tWR cycle(s) after last valid data or 3. Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without Auto Precharge) Note: Model is starting the internal precharge 1 cycle after they meet all the requirement but tRP will be compensate for the time after the 1 cycle. */ if ((Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[0] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 (((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [0] >= 1) || // Case 2 (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_write[0] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[0] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 Auto_precharge[0] = 1'b0; Write_precharge[0] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_write[0] = 1'b0; Pc_b0 = 1'b1; Act_b0 = 1'b0; RP_chk0 = $time + tWRa; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 0", $time); end end end if ((Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[1] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 (((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [1] >= 1) || // Case 2 (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_write[1] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[1] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 Auto_precharge[1] = 1'b0; Write_precharge[1] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_write[1] = 1'b0; Pc_b1 = 1'b1; Act_b1 = 1'b0; RP_chk1 = $time + tWRa; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 1", $time); end end end if ((Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[2] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 (((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [2] >= 1) || // Case 2 (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_write[2] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[2] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 Auto_precharge[2] = 1'b0; Write_precharge[2] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_write[2] = 1'b0; Pc_b2 = 1'b1; Act_b2 = 1'b0; RP_chk2 = $time + tWRa; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 2", $time); end end end if ((Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[3] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 (((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [3] >= 1) || // Case 2 (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_write[3] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[3] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 Auto_precharge[3] = 1'b0; Write_precharge[3] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_write[3] = 1'b0; Pc_b3 = 1'b1; Act_b3 = 1'b0; RP_chk3 = $time + tWRa; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 3", $time); end end end // Read with Auto Precharge Calculation // The device start internal precharge: // 1. Meet minimum tRAS requirement // and 2. CAS Latency - 1 cycles before last burst // or 3. Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without AutoPrecharge) if ((Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[0] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 ((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 1) || // Case 2 (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_read[0] == 1'b1)) begin // Case 3 Pc_b0 = 1'b1; Act_b0 = 1'b0; RP_chk0 = $time; Auto_precharge[0] = 1'b0; Read_precharge[0] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_read[0] = 1'b0; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 0", $time); end end end if ((Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[1] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) && ((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 1) || (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_read[1] == 1'b1)) begin Pc_b1 = 1'b1; Act_b1 = 1'b0; RP_chk1 = $time; Auto_precharge[1] = 1'b0; Read_precharge[1] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_read[1] = 1'b0; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 1", $time); end end end if ((Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[2] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) && ((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 1) || (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_read[2] == 1'b1)) begin Pc_b2 = 1'b1; Act_b2 = 1'b0; RP_chk2 = $time; Auto_precharge[2] = 1'b0; Read_precharge[2] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_read[2] = 1'b0; if (Debug) begin $display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 2", $time); end end end if ((Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[3] == 1'b1)) begin if ((($time - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) && ((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 1) || (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 2) || (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 4) || (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 8))) || (RW_interrupt_read[3] == 1'b1)) begin Pc_b3 = 1'b1; Act_b3 = 1'b0; RP_chk3 = $time; Auto_precharge[3] = 1'b0; Read_precharge[3] = 1'b0; RW_interrupt_read[3] = 1'b0; if (Debug) begin $display("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 3", $time); end end end // Internal Precharge or Bst if (Command[0] == `PRECH) begin // Precharge terminate a read with same bank or all banks if (Bank_precharge[0] == Bank || A10_precharge[0] == 1'b1) begin if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end end end else if (Command[0] == `BST) begin // BST terminate a read to current bank if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end end if (Data_out_enable == 1'b0) begin Dq_reg <= #tOH {data_bits{1'bz}}; end // Detect Read or Write command if (Command[0] == `READ) begin Bank = Bank_addr[0]; Col = Col_addr[0]; Col_brst = Col_addr[0]; case (Bank_addr[0]) 2'b00 : Row = B0_row_addr; 2'b01 : Row = B1_row_addr; 2'b10 : Row = B2_row_addr; 2'b11 : Row = B3_row_addr; endcase Burst_counter = 0; Data_in_enable = 1'b0; Data_out_enable = 1'b1; end else if (Command[0] == `WRITE) begin Bank = Bank_addr[0]; Col = Col_addr[0]; Col_brst = Col_addr[0]; case (Bank_addr[0]) 2'b00 : Row = B0_row_addr; 2'b01 : Row = B1_row_addr; 2'b10 : Row = B2_row_addr; 2'b11 : Row = B3_row_addr; endcase Burst_counter = 0; Data_in_enable = 1'b1; Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end // DQ buffer (Driver/Receiver) if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin // Writing Data to Memory // Array buffer case (Bank) 2'b00 : Dq_dqm = Bank0 [{Row, Col}]; 2'b01 : Dq_dqm = Bank1 [{Row, Col}]; 2'b10 : Dq_dqm = Bank2 [{Row, Col}]; 2'b11 : Dq_dqm = Bank3 [{Row, Col}]; endcase // Dqm operation if (Dqm[0] == 1'b0) begin Dq_dqm [ 7 : 0] = Dq [ 7 : 0]; end if (Dqm[1] == 1'b0) begin Dq_dqm [15 : 8] = Dq [15 : 8]; end // Write to memory case (Bank) 2'b00 : Bank0 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm; 2'b01 : Bank1 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm; 2'b10 : Bank2 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm; 2'b11 : Bank3 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm; endcase // Display debug message if (Dqm !== 2'b11) begin // Record tWR for manual precharge WR_chkm [Bank] = $time; if (Debug) begin $display("%m : at time %t WRITE: Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %d", $time, Bank, Row, Col, Dq_dqm); end end else begin if (Debug) begin $display("%m : at time %t WRITE: Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $time, Bank, Row, Col); end end // Advance burst counter subroutine #tHZ Burst_decode; end else if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin // Reading Data from Memory // Array buffer case (Bank) 2'b00 : Dq_dqm = Bank0[{Row, Col}]; 2'b01 : Dq_dqm = Bank1[{Row, Col}]; 2'b10 : Dq_dqm = Bank2[{Row, Col}]; 2'b11 : Dq_dqm = Bank3[{Row, Col}]; endcase // Dqm operation if (Dqm_reg0 [0] == 1'b1) begin Dq_dqm [ 7 : 0] = 8'bz; end if (Dqm_reg0 [1] == 1'b1) begin Dq_dqm [15 : 8] = 8'bz; end // Display debug message if (Dqm_reg0 !== 2'b11) begin Dq_reg = #tAC Dq_dqm; if (Debug) begin $display("%m : at time %t READ : Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %d", $time, Bank, Row, Col, Dq_reg); end end else begin Dq_reg = #tHZ {data_bits{1'bz}}; if (Debug) begin $display("%m : at time %t READ : Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $time, Bank, Row, Col); end end // Advance burst counter subroutine Burst_decode; end end // Burst counter decode task Burst_decode; begin // Advance Burst Counter Burst_counter = Burst_counter + 1; // Burst Type if (Mode_reg[3] == 1'b0) begin // Sequential Burst Col_temp = Col + 1; end else if (Mode_reg[3] == 1'b1) begin // Interleaved Burst Col_temp[2] = Burst_counter[2] ^ Col_brst[2]; Col_temp[1] = Burst_counter[1] ^ Col_brst[1]; Col_temp[0] = Burst_counter[0] ^ Col_brst[0]; end // Burst Length if (Burst_length_2) begin // Burst Length = 2 Col [0] = Col_temp [0]; end else if (Burst_length_4) begin // Burst Length = 4 Col [1 : 0] = Col_temp [1 : 0]; end else if (Burst_length_8) begin // Burst Length = 8 Col [2 : 0] = Col_temp [2 : 0]; end else begin // Burst Length = FULL Col = Col_temp; end // Burst Read Single Write if (Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; end // Data Counter if (Burst_length_1 == 1'b1) begin if (Burst_counter >= 1) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end end else if (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1) begin if (Burst_counter >= 2) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end end else if (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1) begin if (Burst_counter >= 4) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end end else if (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1) begin if (Burst_counter >= 8) begin Data_in_enable = 1'b0; Data_out_enable = 1'b0; end end end endtask // Timing Parameters for -7E (133 MHz @ CL2) specify specparam tAH = 0.8, // Addr, Ba Hold Time tAS = 1.5, // Addr, Ba Setup Time tCH = 2.5, // Clock High-Level Width tCL = 2.5, // Clock Low-Level Width tCK = 7.0, // Clock Cycle Time tDH = 0.8, // Data-in Hold Time tDS = 1.5, // Data-in Setup Time tCKH = 0.8, // CKE Hold Time tCKS = 1.5, // CKE Setup Time tCMH = 0.8, // CS#, RAS#, CAS#, WE#, DQM# Hold Time tCMS = 1.5; // CS#, RAS#, CAS#, WE#, DQM# Setup Time $width (posedge Clk, tCH); $width (negedge Clk, tCL); $period (negedge Clk, tCK); $period (posedge Clk, tCK); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Cke, tCKS, tCKH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Cs_n, tCMS, tCMH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Cas_n, tCMS, tCMH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Ras_n, tCMS, tCMH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, We_n, tCMS, tCMH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Addr, tAS, tAH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Ba, tAS, tAH); $setuphold(posedge Clk, Dqm, tCMS, tCMH); $setuphold(posedge Dq_chk, Dq, tDS, tDH); endspecify endmodule
module pcie3_7x_0_pipe_sync # ( parameter PCIE_GT_DEVICE = "GTX", // PCIe GT device parameter PCIE_TXBUF_EN = "FALSE", // PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen1/Gen2 only parameter PCIE_RXBUF_EN = "TRUE", // PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen3 only parameter PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE = 0, // PCIe TX sync mode parameter PCIE_RXSYNC_MODE = 0, // PCIe RX sync mode parameter PCIE_LANE = 1, // PCIe lane parameter PCIE_LINK_SPEED = 3, // PCIe link speed parameter BYPASS_TXDELAY_ALIGN = 0, // Bypass TX delay align parameter BYPASS_RXDELAY_ALIGN = 0 // Bypass RX delay align ) ( //---------- Input ------------------------------------- input SYNC_CLK, input SYNC_RST_N, input SYNC_SLAVE, input SYNC_GEN3, input SYNC_RATE_IDLE, input SYNC_MMCM_LOCK, input SYNC_RXELECIDLE, input SYNC_RXCDRLOCK, input SYNC_ACTIVE_LANE, input SYNC_TXSYNC_START, input SYNC_TXPHINITDONE, input SYNC_TXDLYSRESETDONE, input SYNC_TXPHALIGNDONE, input SYNC_TXSYNCDONE, input SYNC_RXSYNC_START, input SYNC_RXDLYSRESETDONE, input SYNC_RXPHALIGNDONE_M, input SYNC_RXPHALIGNDONE_S, input SYNC_RXSYNC_DONEM_IN, input SYNC_RXSYNCDONE, //---------- Output ------------------------------------ output SYNC_TXPHDLYRESET, output SYNC_TXPHALIGN, output SYNC_TXPHALIGNEN, output SYNC_TXPHINIT, output SYNC_TXDLYBYPASS, output SYNC_TXDLYSRESET, output SYNC_TXDLYEN, output SYNC_TXSYNC_DONE, output [ 5:0] SYNC_FSM_TX, output SYNC_RXPHALIGN, output SYNC_RXPHALIGNEN, output SYNC_RXDLYBYPASS, output SYNC_RXDLYSRESET, output SYNC_RXDLYEN, output SYNC_RXDDIEN, output SYNC_RXSYNC_DONEM_OUT, output SYNC_RXSYNC_DONE, output [ 6:0] SYNC_FSM_RX ); //---------- Input Register ---------------------------- (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg gen3_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rate_idle_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg mmcm_lock_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxelecidle_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxcdrlock_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg gen3_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rate_idle_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg mmcm_lock_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxelecidle_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxcdrlock_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txsync_start_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txphinitdone_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txdlysresetdone_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txphaligndone_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txsyncdone_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txsync_start_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txphinitdone_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txdlysresetdone_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txphaligndone_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txsyncdone_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txsync_start_reg3; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txphinitdone_reg3; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txdlysresetdone_reg3; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txphaligndone_reg3; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg txsyncdone_reg3; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxsync_start_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxdlysresetdone_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxphaligndone_m_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxphaligndone_s_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxsync_donem_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxsyncdone_reg1; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxsync_start_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxdlysresetdone_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxphaligndone_m_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxphaligndone_s_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxsync_donem_reg2; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE", SHIFT_EXTRACT = "NO" *) reg rxsyncdone_reg2; //---------- Output Register --------------------------- reg txdlyen = 1'd0; reg txsync_done = 1'd0; reg [ 5:0] fsm_tx = 6'd0; reg rxdlyen = 1'd0; reg rxsync_done = 1'd0; reg [ 6:0] fsm_rx = 7'd0; //---------- FSM --------------------------------------- localparam FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE = 6'b000001; localparam FSM_MMCM_LOCK = 6'b000010; localparam FSM_TXSYNC_START = 6'b000100; localparam FSM_TXPHINITDONE = 6'b001000; // Manual TX sync only localparam FSM_TXSYNC_DONE1 = 6'b010000; localparam FSM_TXSYNC_DONE2 = 6'b100000; localparam FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE = 7'b0000001; localparam FSM_RXCDRLOCK = 7'b0000010; localparam FSM_RXSYNC_START = 7'b0000100; localparam FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1 = 7'b0001000; localparam FSM_RXSYNC_DONE2 = 7'b0010000; localparam FSM_RXSYNC_DONES = 7'b0100000; localparam FSM_RXSYNC_DONEM = 7'b1000000; //---------- Input FF ---------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge SYNC_CLK) begin if (!SYNC_RST_N) begin //---------- 1st Stage FF -------------------------- gen3_reg1 <= 1'd0; rate_idle_reg1 <= 1'd0; mmcm_lock_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxelecidle_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxcdrlock_reg1 <= 1'd0; txsync_start_reg1 <= 1'd0; txphinitdone_reg1 <= 1'd0; txdlysresetdone_reg1 <= 1'd0; txphaligndone_reg1 <= 1'd0; txsyncdone_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxsync_start_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxdlysresetdone_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxphaligndone_m_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxphaligndone_s_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxsync_donem_reg1 <= 1'd0; rxsyncdone_reg1 <= 1'd0; //---------- 2nd Stage FF -------------------------- gen3_reg2 <= 1'd0; rate_idle_reg2 <= 1'd0; mmcm_lock_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxelecidle_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxcdrlock_reg2 <= 1'd0; txsync_start_reg2 <= 1'd0; txphinitdone_reg2 <= 1'd0; txdlysresetdone_reg2 <= 1'd0; txphaligndone_reg2 <= 1'd0; txsyncdone_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxsync_start_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxdlysresetdone_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxphaligndone_m_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxphaligndone_s_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxsync_donem_reg2 <= 1'd0; rxsyncdone_reg2 <= 1'd0; //---------- 3rd Stage FF -------------------------- txsync_start_reg3 <= 1'd0; txphinitdone_reg3 <= 1'd0; txdlysresetdone_reg3 <= 1'd0; txphaligndone_reg3 <= 1'd0; txsyncdone_reg3 <= 1'd0; end else begin //---------- 1st Stage FF -------------------------- gen3_reg1 <= SYNC_GEN3; rate_idle_reg1 <= SYNC_RATE_IDLE; mmcm_lock_reg1 <= SYNC_MMCM_LOCK; rxelecidle_reg1 <= SYNC_RXELECIDLE; rxcdrlock_reg1 <= SYNC_RXCDRLOCK; txsync_start_reg1 <= SYNC_TXSYNC_START; txphinitdone_reg1 <= SYNC_TXPHINITDONE; txdlysresetdone_reg1 <= SYNC_TXDLYSRESETDONE; txphaligndone_reg1 <= SYNC_TXPHALIGNDONE; txsyncdone_reg1 <= SYNC_TXSYNCDONE; rxsync_start_reg1 <= SYNC_RXSYNC_START; rxdlysresetdone_reg1 <= SYNC_RXDLYSRESETDONE; rxphaligndone_m_reg1 <= SYNC_RXPHALIGNDONE_M; rxphaligndone_s_reg1 <= SYNC_RXPHALIGNDONE_S; rxsync_donem_reg1 <= SYNC_RXSYNC_DONEM_IN; rxsyncdone_reg1 <= SYNC_RXSYNCDONE; //---------- 2nd Stage FF -------------------------- gen3_reg2 <= gen3_reg1; rate_idle_reg2 <= rate_idle_reg1; mmcm_lock_reg2 <= mmcm_lock_reg1; rxelecidle_reg2 <= rxelecidle_reg1; rxcdrlock_reg2 <= rxcdrlock_reg1; txsync_start_reg2 <= txsync_start_reg1; txphinitdone_reg2 <= txphinitdone_reg1; txdlysresetdone_reg2 <= txdlysresetdone_reg1; txphaligndone_reg2 <= txphaligndone_reg1; txsyncdone_reg2 <= txsyncdone_reg1; rxsync_start_reg2 <= rxsync_start_reg1; rxdlysresetdone_reg2 <= rxdlysresetdone_reg1; rxphaligndone_m_reg2 <= rxphaligndone_m_reg1; rxphaligndone_s_reg2 <= rxphaligndone_s_reg1; rxsync_donem_reg2 <= rxsync_donem_reg1; rxsyncdone_reg2 <= rxsyncdone_reg1; //---------- 3rd Stage FF -------------------------- txsync_start_reg3 <= txsync_start_reg2; txphinitdone_reg3 <= txphinitdone_reg2; txdlysresetdone_reg3 <= txdlysresetdone_reg2; txphaligndone_reg3 <= txphaligndone_reg2; txsyncdone_reg3 <= txsyncdone_reg2; end end //---------- Generate TX Sync FSM ---------------------------------------------- generate if ((PCIE_LINK_SPEED == 3) || (PCIE_TXBUF_EN == "FALSE")) begin : txsync_fsm //---------- PIPE TX Sync FSM ---------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge SYNC_CLK) begin if (!SYNC_RST_N) begin fsm_tx <= FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE; txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end else begin case (fsm_tx) //---------- Idle State ------------------------ FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE : begin //---------- Exiting Reset or Rate Change -- if (txsync_start_reg2) begin fsm_tx <= FSM_MMCM_LOCK; txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end else begin fsm_tx <= FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE; txdlyen <= txdlyen; txsync_done <= txsync_done; end end //---------- Check MMCM Lock ------------------- FSM_MMCM_LOCK : begin fsm_tx <= (mmcm_lock_reg2 ? FSM_TXSYNC_START : FSM_MMCM_LOCK); txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- TX Delay Soft Reset --------------- FSM_TXSYNC_START : begin fsm_tx <= (((!txdlysresetdone_reg3 && txdlysresetdone_reg2) || (((PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTH") || (PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTP")) && (PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1) && SYNC_SLAVE)) ? FSM_TXPHINITDONE : FSM_TXSYNC_START); txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Wait for TX Phase Init Done (Manual Mode Only) FSM_TXPHINITDONE : begin fsm_tx <= (((!txphinitdone_reg3 && txphinitdone_reg2) || (PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1) || (!SYNC_ACTIVE_LANE)) ? FSM_TXSYNC_DONE1 : FSM_TXPHINITDONE); txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Wait for TX Phase Alignment Done -- FSM_TXSYNC_DONE1 : begin if (((PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTH") || (PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTP")) && (PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1) && !SYNC_SLAVE) fsm_tx <= ((!txsyncdone_reg3 && txsyncdone_reg2) || (!SYNC_ACTIVE_LANE) ? FSM_TXSYNC_DONE2 : FSM_TXSYNC_DONE1); else fsm_tx <= ((!txphaligndone_reg3 && txphaligndone_reg2) || (!SYNC_ACTIVE_LANE) ? FSM_TXSYNC_DONE2 : FSM_TXSYNC_DONE1); txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Wait for Master TX Delay Alignment Done FSM_TXSYNC_DONE2 : begin if ((!txphaligndone_reg3 && txphaligndone_reg2) || (!SYNC_ACTIVE_LANE) || SYNC_SLAVE || (((PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTH") || (PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTP")) && (PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1)) || (BYPASS_TXDELAY_ALIGN == 1)) begin fsm_tx <= FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE; txdlyen <= !SYNC_SLAVE; txsync_done <= 1'd1; end else begin fsm_tx <= FSM_TXSYNC_DONE2; txdlyen <= !SYNC_SLAVE; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end end //---------- Default State --------------------- default : begin fsm_tx <= FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE; txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end endcase end end end //---------- TX Sync FSM Default------------------------------------------------ else begin : txsync_fsm_disable //---------- Default ------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge SYNC_CLK) begin fsm_tx <= FSM_TXSYNC_IDLE; txdlyen <= 1'd0; txsync_done <= 1'd0; end end endgenerate //---------- Generate RX Sync FSM ---------------------------------------------- generate if ((PCIE_LINK_SPEED == 3) && (PCIE_RXBUF_EN == "FALSE")) begin : rxsync_fsm //---------- PIPE RX Sync FSM ---------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge SYNC_CLK) begin if (!SYNC_RST_N) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end else begin case (fsm_rx) //---------- Idle State ------------------------ FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE : begin //---------- Exiting Rate Change ----------- if (rxsync_start_reg2) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXCDRLOCK; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Exiting Electrical Idle without Rate Change else if (gen3_reg2 && rate_idle_reg2 && ((rxelecidle_reg2 == 1'd1) && (rxelecidle_reg1 == 1'd0))) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXCDRLOCK; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Idle -------------------------- else begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE; rxdlyen <= rxelecidle_reg2 ? 1'd0 : rxdlyen; rxsync_done <= rxelecidle_reg2 ? 1'd0 : rxsync_done; end end //---------- Wait for RX Electrical Idle Exit and RX CDR Lock FSM_RXCDRLOCK : begin fsm_rx <= ((!rxelecidle_reg2 && rxcdrlock_reg2) ? FSM_RXSYNC_START : FSM_RXCDRLOCK); rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Start RX Sync with RX Delay Soft Reset FSM_RXSYNC_START : begin fsm_rx <= ((!rxdlysresetdone_reg2 && rxdlysresetdone_reg1) ? FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1 : FSM_RXSYNC_START); rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end //---------- Wait for RX Phase Alignment Done -- FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1 : begin if (SYNC_SLAVE) begin fsm_rx <= ((!rxphaligndone_s_reg2 && rxphaligndone_s_reg1) ? FSM_RXSYNC_DONE2 : FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1); rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end else begin fsm_rx <= ((!rxphaligndone_m_reg2 && rxphaligndone_m_reg1) ? FSM_RXSYNC_DONE2 : FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1); rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end end //---------- Wait for Master RX Delay Alignment Done FSM_RXSYNC_DONE2 : begin if (SYNC_SLAVE) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd1; end else if ((!rxphaligndone_m_reg2 && rxphaligndone_m_reg1) || (BYPASS_RXDELAY_ALIGN == 1)) begin fsm_rx <= ((PCIE_LANE == 1) ? FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE : FSM_RXSYNC_DONES); rxdlyen <= (PCIE_LANE == 1); rxsync_done <= (PCIE_LANE == 1); end else begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_DONE2; rxdlyen <= 1'd1; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end end //---------- Wait for Slave RX Phase Alignment Done FSM_RXSYNC_DONES : begin if (!rxphaligndone_s_reg2 && rxphaligndone_s_reg1) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_DONEM; rxdlyen <= 1'd1; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end else begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_DONES; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end end //---------- Wait for Master RX Delay Alignment Done FSM_RXSYNC_DONEM : begin if ((!rxphaligndone_m_reg2 && rxphaligndone_m_reg1) || (BYPASS_RXDELAY_ALIGN == 1)) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE; rxdlyen <= 1'd1; rxsync_done <= 1'd1; end else begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_DONEM; rxdlyen <= 1'd1; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end end //---------- Default State --------------------- default : begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end endcase end end end //---------- RX Sync FSM Default ----------------------------------------------- else begin : rxsync_fsm_disable //---------- Default ------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge SYNC_CLK) begin fsm_rx <= FSM_RXSYNC_IDLE; rxdlyen <= 1'd0; rxsync_done <= 1'd0; end end endgenerate //---------- PIPE Sync Output -------------------------------------------------- assign SYNC_TXPHALIGNEN = ((PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1) || (!gen3_reg2 && (PCIE_TXBUF_EN == "TRUE"))) ? 1'd0 : 1'd1; assign SYNC_TXDLYBYPASS = 1'd0; //assign SYNC_TXDLYSRESET = !(((PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTH") || (PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTP")) && (PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1) && SYNC_SLAVE) ? (fsm_tx == FSM_TXSYNC_START) : 1'd0; assign SYNC_TXDLYSRESET = (fsm_tx == FSM_TXSYNC_START); assign SYNC_TXPHDLYRESET = (((PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTH") || (PCIE_GT_DEVICE == "GTP")) && (PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE == 1) && SYNC_SLAVE) ? (fsm_tx == FSM_TXSYNC_START) : 1'd0; assign SYNC_TXPHINIT = PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE ? 1'd0 : (fsm_tx == FSM_TXPHINITDONE); assign SYNC_TXPHALIGN = PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE ? 1'd0 : (fsm_tx == FSM_TXSYNC_DONE1); assign SYNC_TXDLYEN = PCIE_TXSYNC_MODE ? 1'd0 : txdlyen; assign SYNC_TXSYNC_DONE = txsync_done; assign SYNC_FSM_TX = fsm_tx; assign SYNC_RXPHALIGNEN = ((PCIE_RXSYNC_MODE == 1) || (!gen3_reg2) || (PCIE_RXBUF_EN == "TRUE")) ? 1'd0 : 1'd1; assign SYNC_RXDLYBYPASS = !gen3_reg2 || (PCIE_RXBUF_EN == "TRUE"); assign SYNC_RXDLYSRESET = (fsm_rx == FSM_RXSYNC_START); assign SYNC_RXPHALIGN = PCIE_RXSYNC_MODE ? 1'd0 : (!SYNC_SLAVE ? (fsm_rx == FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1) : (rxsync_donem_reg2 && (fsm_rx == FSM_RXSYNC_DONE1))); assign SYNC_RXDLYEN = PCIE_RXSYNC_MODE ? 1'd0 : rxdlyen; assign SYNC_RXDDIEN = gen3_reg2 && (PCIE_RXBUF_EN == "FALSE"); assign SYNC_RXSYNC_DONE = rxsync_done; assign SYNC_RXSYNC_DONEM_OUT = (fsm_rx == FSM_RXSYNC_DONES); assign SYNC_FSM_RX = fsm_rx; endmodule
module pcie ( input wire sys_clk_250, // 250 Mhz Clock input wire sys_clk_125, // 125 Mhz Clock input wire rst_n, // asynchronous system reset. input wire inta_n, input wire [7:0] msi, input wire [15:0] vendor_id , input wire [15:0] device_id , input wire [7:0] rev_id , input wire [23:0] class_code , input wire [15:0] subsys_ven_id , input wire [15:0] subsys_id , input wire load_id , input wire force_lsm_active, // Force LSM Status Active input wire force_rec_ei, // Force Received Electrical Idle input wire force_phy_status, // Force PHY Connection Status input wire force_disable_scr,// Force Disable Scrambler to PCS input wire hl_snd_beacon, // HL req. to Send Beacon input wire hl_disable_scr, // HL req. to Disable Scrambling bit in TS1/TS2 input wire hl_gto_dis, // HL req a jump to Disable input wire hl_gto_det, // HL req a jump to detect input wire hl_gto_hrst, // HL req a jump to Hot reset input wire hl_gto_l0stx, // HL req a jump to TX L0s input wire hl_gto_l1, // HL req a jump to L1 input wire hl_gto_l2, // HL req a jump to L2 input wire hl_gto_l0stxfts, // HL req a jump to L0s TX FTS input wire hl_gto_lbk, // HL req a jump to Loopback input wire hl_gto_rcvry, // HL req a jump to recovery input wire hl_gto_cfg, // HL req a jump to CFG input wire no_pcie_train, // Disable the training process // Power Management Interface input wire [1:0] tx_dllp_val, // Req for Sending PM/Vendor type DLLP input wire [2:0] tx_pmtype, // Power Management Type input wire [23:0] tx_vsd_data, // Vendor Type DLLP contents // For VC Inputs input wire tx_req_vc0, // VC0 Request from User input wire [15:0] tx_data_vc0, // VC0 Input data from user logic input wire tx_st_vc0, // VC0 start of pkt from user logic. input wire tx_end_vc0, // VC0 End of pkt from user logic. input wire tx_nlfy_vc0, // VC0 End of nullified pkt from user logic. input wire ph_buf_status_vc0, // VC0 Indicate the Full/alm.Full status of the PH buffers input wire pd_buf_status_vc0, // VC0 Indicate PD Buffer has got space less than Max Pkt size input wire nph_buf_status_vc0, // VC0 For NPH input wire npd_buf_status_vc0, // VC0 For NPD input wire ph_processed_vc0, // VC0 TL has processed one TLP Header - PH Type input wire pd_processed_vc0, // VC0 TL has processed one TLP Data - PD TYPE input wire nph_processed_vc0, // VC0 For NPH input wire npd_processed_vc0, // VC0 For NPD input wire [7:0] pd_num_vc0, // VC0 For PD -- No. of Data processed input wire [7:0] npd_num_vc0, // VC0 For PD input wire [7:0] rxp_data, // CH0:PCI Express data from External Phy input wire rxp_data_k, // CH0:PCI Express Control from External Phy input wire rxp_valid, // CH0:Indicates a symbol lock and valid data on rx_data /rx_data_k input wire rxp_elec_idle, // CH0:Inidicates receiver detection of an electrical signal input wire [2:0] rxp_status, // CH0:Indicates receiver Staus/Error codes input wire phy_status, // Indicates PHY status info // From User logic // From User logic input wire cmpln_tout , // Completion time out. input wire cmpltr_abort_np , // Completor abort. input wire cmpltr_abort_p , // Completor abort. input wire unexp_cmpln , // Unexpexted completion. input wire ur_np_ext , // UR for NP type. input wire ur_p_ext , // UR for P type. input wire np_req_pend , // Non posted request is pending. input wire pme_status , // PME status to reg 044h. // User Loop back data input wire [15:0] tx_lbk_data, // TX User Master Loopback data input wire [1:0] tx_lbk_kcntl, // TX User Master Loopback control output wire tx_lbk_rdy, // TX loop back is ready to accept data output wire [15:0] rx_lbk_data, // RX User Master Loopback data output wire [1:0] rx_lbk_kcntl, // RX User Master Loopback control // Power Management/ Vendor specific DLLP output wire tx_dllp_sent, // Requested PM DLLP is sent output wire [2:0] rxdp_pmd_type, // PM DLLP type bits. output wire [23:0] rxdp_vsd_data , // Vendor specific DLLP data. output wire [1:0] rxdp_dllp_val, // PM/Vendor specific DLLP valid. output wire [7:0] txp_data, // CH0:PCI Express data to External Phy output wire txp_data_k, // CH0:PCI Express control to External Phy output wire txp_elec_idle, // CH0:Tells PHY to output Electrical Idle output wire txp_compliance, // CH0:Sets the PHY running disparity to -ve output wire rxp_polarity, // CH0:Tells PHY to do polarity inversion on the received data output wire txp_detect_rx_lb, // Tells PHY to begin receiver detection or begin Loopback output wire reset_n, // Async reset to the PHY output wire [1:0] power_down, // Tell sthe PHY to power Up or Down output wire phy_pol_compliance, // Polling compliance output wire [3:0] phy_ltssm_state, // Indicates the states of the ltssm output wire [2:0] phy_ltssm_substate, // sub-states of the ltssm_state output wire tx_rdy_vc0, // VC0 TX ready indicating signal output wire [8:0] tx_ca_ph_vc0, // VC0 Available credit for Posted Type Headers output wire [12:0] tx_ca_pd_vc0, // VC0 For Posted - Data output wire [8:0] tx_ca_nph_vc0, // VC0 For Non-posted - Header output wire [12:0] tx_ca_npd_vc0, // VC0 For Non-posted - Data output wire [8:0] tx_ca_cplh_vc0, // VC0 For Completion - Header output wire [12:0] tx_ca_cpld_vc0, // VC0 For Completion - Data output wire tx_ca_p_recheck_vc0, // output wire tx_ca_cpl_recheck_vc0, // output wire [15:0] rx_data_vc0, // VC0 Receive data output wire rx_st_vc0, // VC0 Receive data start output wire rx_end_vc0, // VC0 Receive data end output wire rx_us_req_vc0 , // VC0 unsupported req received output wire rx_malf_tlp_vc0 ,// VC0 malformed TLP in received data output wire [6:0] rx_bar_hit , // Bar hit output wire [2:0] mm_enable , // Multiple message enable bits of Register output wire msi_enable , // MSI enable bit of Register // From Config Registers output wire [7:0] bus_num , // Bus number output wire [4:0] dev_num , // Device number output wire [2:0] func_num , // Function number output wire [1:0] pm_power_state , // Power state bits of Register at 044h output wire pme_en , // PME_En at 044h output wire [5:0] cmd_reg_out , // Bits 10,8,6,2,1,0 From register 004h output wire [14:0] dev_cntl_out , // Divice control register at 060h output wire [7:0] lnk_cntl_out , // Link control register at 068h // To ASPM implementation outside the IP output wire tx_rbuf_empty, // Transmit retry buffer is empty output wire tx_dllp_pend, // DLPP is pending to be transmitted output wire rx_tlp_rcvd, // Received a TLP // Datal Link Control SM Status output wire dl_inactive, // Data Link Control SM is in INACTIVE state output wire dl_init, // INIT state output wire dl_active, // ACTIVE state output wire dl_up // Data Link Layer is UP ); pci_exp_x1_core_wrap u1_dut( // Clock and Reset .sys_clk_250 ( sys_clk_250 ) , .sys_clk_125 ( sys_clk_125 ) , .rst_n ( rst_n ), .inta_n ( inta_n ), .msi ( msi ), .vendor_id ( vendor_id ), .device_id ( device_id ), .rev_id ( rev_id ), .class_code ( class_code ), .subsys_ven_id ( subsys_ven_id ), .subsys_id ( subsys_id ), .load_id ( load_id ), // Inputs .force_lsm_active ( force_lsm_active ), .force_rec_ei ( force_rec_ei ), .force_phy_status ( force_phy_status ), .force_disable_scr ( force_disable_scr ), .hl_snd_beacon ( hl_snd_beacon ), .hl_disable_scr ( hl_disable_scr ), .hl_gto_dis ( hl_gto_dis ), .hl_gto_det ( hl_gto_det ), .hl_gto_hrst ( hl_gto_hrst ), .hl_gto_l0stx ( hl_gto_l0stx ), .hl_gto_l1 ( hl_gto_l1 ), .hl_gto_l2 ( hl_gto_l2 ), .hl_gto_l0stxfts ( hl_gto_l0stxfts ), .hl_gto_lbk ( hl_gto_lbk ), .hl_gto_rcvry ( hl_gto_rcvry ), .hl_gto_cfg ( hl_gto_cfg ), .no_pcie_train ( no_pcie_train ), // Power Management Interface .tx_dllp_val ( tx_dllp_val ), .tx_pmtype ( tx_pmtype ), .tx_vsd_data ( tx_vsd_data ), .tx_req_vc0 ( tx_req_vc0 ), .tx_data_vc0 ( tx_data_vc0 ), .tx_st_vc0 ( tx_st_vc0 ), .tx_end_vc0 ( tx_end_vc0 ), .tx_nlfy_vc0 ( tx_nlfy_vc0 ), .ph_buf_status_vc0 ( ph_buf_status_vc0 ), .pd_buf_status_vc0 ( pd_buf_status_vc0 ), .nph_buf_status_vc0 ( nph_buf_status_vc0 ), .npd_buf_status_vc0 ( npd_buf_status_vc0 ), .ph_processed_vc0 ( ph_processed_vc0 ), .pd_processed_vc0 ( pd_processed_vc0 ), .nph_processed_vc0 ( nph_processed_vc0 ), .npd_processed_vc0 ( npd_processed_vc0 ), .pd_num_vc0 ( pd_num_vc0 ), .npd_num_vc0 ( npd_num_vc0 ), // From External PHY (PIPE I/F) .rxp_data ( rxp_data ), .rxp_data_k ( rxp_data_k ), .rxp_valid ( rxp_valid ), .rxp_elec_idle ( rxp_elec_idle ), .rxp_status ( rxp_status ), .phy_status ( phy_status), // From User logic .cmpln_tout ( cmpln_tout ), .cmpltr_abort_np ( cmpltr_abort_np ), .cmpltr_abort_p ( cmpltr_abort_p ), .unexp_cmpln ( unexp_cmpln ), .ur_np_ext ( ur_np_ext ), .ur_p_ext ( ur_p_ext ), .np_req_pend ( np_req_pend ), .pme_status ( pme_status ), .tx_lbk_data ( tx_lbk_data ), .tx_lbk_kcntl ( tx_lbk_kcntl ), .tx_lbk_rdy ( tx_lbk_rdy ), .rx_lbk_data ( rx_lbk_data ), .rx_lbk_kcntl ( rx_lbk_kcntl ), // Power Management .tx_dllp_sent ( tx_dllp_sent ), .rxdp_pmd_type ( rxdp_pmd_type ), .rxdp_vsd_data ( rxdp_vsd_data ), .rxdp_dllp_val ( rxdp_dllp_val ), //-------- Outputs // To External PHY (PIPE I/F) .txp_data ( txp_data ), .txp_data_k ( txp_data_k ), .txp_elec_idle ( txp_elec_idle ), .txp_compliance ( txp_compliance ), .rxp_polarity ( rxp_polarity ), .txp_detect_rx_lb ( txp_detect_rx_lb ), .reset_n ( reset_n ), .power_down ( power_down ), // From TX User Interface .phy_pol_compliance ( phy_pol_compliance ), .phy_ltssm_state ( phy_ltssm_state ), .phy_ltssm_substate ( phy_ltssm_substate ), .tx_rdy_vc0 ( tx_rdy_vc0), .tx_ca_ph_vc0 ( tx_ca_ph_vc0), .tx_ca_pd_vc0 ( tx_ca_pd_vc0), .tx_ca_nph_vc0 ( tx_ca_nph_vc0), .tx_ca_npd_vc0 ( tx_ca_npd_vc0), .tx_ca_cplh_vc0 ( tx_ca_cplh_vc0), .tx_ca_cpld_vc0 ( tx_ca_cpld_vc0), .tx_ca_p_recheck_vc0 ( tx_ca_p_recheck_vc0 ), .tx_ca_cpl_recheck_vc0 ( tx_ca_cpl_recheck_vc0 ), .rx_data_vc0 ( rx_data_vc0), .rx_st_vc0 ( rx_st_vc0), .rx_end_vc0 ( rx_end_vc0), .rx_us_req_vc0 ( rx_us_req_vc0 ), .rx_malf_tlp_vc0 ( rx_malf_tlp_vc0 ), .rx_bar_hit ( rx_bar_hit ), .mm_enable ( mm_enable ), .msi_enable ( msi_enable ), // From Config Registers .bus_num ( bus_num ) , .dev_num ( dev_num ) , .func_num ( func_num ) , .pm_power_state ( pm_power_state ) , .pme_en ( pme_en ) , .cmd_reg_out ( cmd_reg_out ), .dev_cntl_out ( dev_cntl_out ), .lnk_cntl_out ( lnk_cntl_out ), // To ASPM implementation outside the IP .tx_rbuf_empty ( tx_rbuf_empty ), .tx_dllp_pend ( tx_dllp_pend ), .rx_tlp_rcvd ( rx_tlp_rcvd ), // Datal Link Control SM Status .dl_inactive ( dl_inactive ), .dl_init ( dl_init ), .dl_active ( dl_active ), .dl_up ( dl_up ) ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_ls__o2bb2ai ( Y , A1_N, A2_N, B1 , B2 ); output Y ; input A1_N; input A2_N; input B1 ; input B2 ; // Voltage supply signals supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; endmodule
module pipeline_CPU ( input clk, input rst, input[`RegDataWidth-1:0] data_from_mem, output[`MemAddrWidth-1:0] mem_addr, output[3:0] mem_byte_slct, output[`RegDataWidth-1:0] data_to_write_mem, output mem_we, output mem_re, input[`InstDataWidth-1:0] inst_from_rom, output[`InstAddrWidth-1:0] rom_addr, output rom_ce ); supply1 vcc; supply0 gnd; // Forwarding wire wire[1:0] FWA; wire[1:0] FWB; wire[1:0] FWhi; wire[1:0] FWlo; wire FWLS; wire[1:0] FW_br_A; wire[1:0] FW_br_B; // branch control wire wire[`InstAddrWidth-1:0] branch_address; wire is_branch; wire is_rst_IF_ID; // Hazard Control wire wire is_hold_IF; wire is_hold_IF_ID; wire is_zeros_ID_EX; wire[`InstAddrWidth-1:0] pc_plus4_IF; wire[`InstDataWidth-1:0] inst_ID; wire[`InstAddrWidth-1:0] pc_plus4_ID; IF inst_fetch(.clk (clk), .rst (rst), .is_hold (is_hold_IF), .is_branch(is_branch), .branch_address(branch_address), .ce(rom_ce), .pc(rom_addr), .pc_plus4(pc_plus4_IF) ); wire IF_ID_controlor; mux2x1 IF_ID_control( .in_0(rst), .in_1(vcc), .slct(is_rst_IF_ID), .out(IF_ID_controlor) ); IF_ID if_id_reg( .clk (clk), .rst (IF_ID_controlor), .is_hold (is_hold_IF_ID), .pc_plus4_IF(pc_plus4_IF), .inst_IF (inst_from_rom), .pc_plus4_ID(pc_plus4_ID), .inst_ID (inst_ID) ); wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] raddr_1_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] rdata_1_ID; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] raddr_2_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] rdata_2_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] shamt_ID; wire WriteReg_ID; wire MemOrAlu_ID; wire WriteMem_ID; wire ReadMem_ID; wire[`ALUTypeWidth-1:0] AluType_ID; wire[`ALUOpWidth-1:0] AluOp_ID; wire AluSrcA_ID; wire AluSrcB_ID; wire RegDes_ID; wire ImmSigned_ID; wire is_jal_ID; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] rt_ID; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] rd_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] imm_signed_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] imm_unsigned_ID; wire[`OpcodeWidth-1:0] opcode_ID; ID inst_decode( .rst(rst), .pc_plus4(pc_plus4_ID), .inst(inst_ID), .reg1_addr(raddr_1_ID), .reg2_addr(raddr_2_ID), .WriteReg(WriteReg_ID), .MemOrAlu(MemOrAlu_ID), .WriteMem(WriteMem_ID), .ReadMem(ReadMem_ID), .AluType(AluType_ID), .AluOp(AluOp_ID), .AluSrcA(AluSrcA_ID), .AluSrcB(AluSrcB_ID), .RegDes(RegDes_ID), .ImmSigned(ImmSigned_ID), .opcode(opcode_ID), .rt(rt_ID), .rd(rd_ID), .imm_signed(imm_signed_ID), .imm_unsigned(imm_unsigned_ID), .shamt(shamt_ID), .is_jal(is_jal_ID) ); wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] reg_write_addr; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] reg_write_data; wire reg_we; wire we_hi; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] hi_data_in; wire we_lo; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] lo_data_in; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] hi_data_out_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] lo_data_out_ID; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] hi_data_to_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] lo_data_to_EX; // force read regfile regfile regs( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .waddr(reg_write_addr), .wdata(reg_write_data), .we(reg_we), .re1(vcc), .raddr_1(raddr_1_ID), .rdata_1(rdata_1_ID), .re2(vcc), .raddr_2(raddr_2_ID), .rdata_2(rdata_2_ID) ); hilo_reg hilo_regs( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .we_hi(we_hi), .hi_data_in(hi_data_in), .we_lo(we_lo), .lo_data_in(lo_data_in), .hi_data_out(hi_data_out_ID), .lo_data_out(lo_data_out_ID) ); wire WriteReg_EX; wire MemOrAlu_EX; wire WriteMem_EX; wire ReadMem_EX; wire[`ALUTypeWidth-1:0] AluType_EX; wire[`ALUOpWidth-1:0] AluOp_EX; wire AluSrcA_EX; wire AluSrcB_EX; wire RegDes_EX; wire ImmSigned_EX; wire is_jal_EX; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] rt_EX; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] rd_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] imm_signed_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] imm_unsigned_EX; wire[`OpcodeWidth-1:0] opcode_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] rdata_1_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] rdata_2_EX; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] raddr_1_EX; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] raddr_2_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] shamt_EX; wire[`InstAddrWidth-1:0] pc_plus4_EX; wire ID_EX_controlor; mux2x1 ID_EX_control( .in_0(rst), .in_1(vcc), .slct(is_zeros_ID_EX), .out(ID_EX_controlor) ); ID_EX id_ex_reg( .clk(clk), .rst(ID_EX_controlor), .is_hold(gnd), .rdata_1_ID(rdata_1_ID), .rdata_2_ID(rdata_2_ID), .raddr_1_ID(raddr_1_ID), .raddr_2_ID(raddr_2_ID), .shamt_ID(shamt_ID), .WriteReg_ID(WriteReg_ID), .MemOrAlu_ID(MemOrAlu_ID), .WriteMem_ID(WriteMem_ID), .ReadMem_ID(ReadMem_ID), .AluType_ID(AluType_ID), .AluOp_ID(AluOp_ID), .AluSrcA_ID(AluSrcA_ID), .AluSrcB_ID(AluSrcB_ID), .RegDes_ID(RegDes_ID), .ImmSigned_ID(ImmSigned_ID), .is_jal_ID(is_jal_ID), .rt_ID(rt_ID), .rd_ID(rd_ID), .imm_signed_ID(imm_signed_ID), .imm_unsigned_ID(imm_unsigned_ID), .opcode_ID(opcode_ID), .hi_ID(hi_data_out_ID), .lo_ID(lo_data_out_ID), .pc_plus4_ID(pc_plus4_ID), .rdata_1_EX(rdata_1_EX), .rdata_2_EX(rdata_2_EX), .raddr_1_EX(raddr_1_EX), .raddr_2_EX(raddr_2_EX), .shamt_EX(shamt_EX), .WriteReg_EX(WriteReg_EX), .MemOrAlu_EX(MemOrAlu_EX), .ReadMem_EX(ReadMem_EX), .WriteMem_EX(WriteMem_EX), .AluType_EX(AluType_EX), .AluOp_EX(AluOp_EX), .AluSrcA_EX(AluSrcA_EX), .AluSrcB_EX(AluSrcB_EX), .RegDes_EX(RegDes_EX), .ImmSigned_EX(ImmSigned_EX), .is_jal_EX(is_jal_EX), .rt_EX(rt_EX), .rd_EX(rd_EX), .imm_signed_EX(imm_signed_EX), .imm_unsigned_EX(imm_unsigned_EX), .opcode_EX(opcode_EX), .hi_EX(hi_data_to_EX), .lo_EX(lo_data_to_EX), .pc_plus4_EX(pc_plus4_EX) ); wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] target_EX; wire is_Overflow; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] data_out_EX; wire we_hi_EX; wire we_lo_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] hi_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] lo_EX; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] rdata_2_EX_out; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] hi_MEM; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] lo_MEM; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] data_from_ALU_MEM; EX execution( .rst(rst), .shamt(shamt_EX), .AluType_EX(AluType_EX), .AluOp_EX(AluOp_EX), .AluSrcA_EX(AluSrcA_EX), .AluSrcB_EX(AluSrcB_EX), .RegDes_EX(RegDes_EX), .ImmSigned_EX(ImmSigned_EX), .is_jal_EX(is_jal_EX), .rt_EX(rt_EX), .rd_EX(rd_EX), .imm_signed_EX(imm_signed_EX), .imm_unsigned_EX(imm_unsigned_EX), .hi(hi_data_to_EX), .lo(lo_data_to_EX), .rdata_1(rdata_1_EX), .rdata_2(rdata_2_EX), .pc_plus4_EX(pc_plus4_EX), // forwarding data in .data_out_MEM(data_from_ALU_MEM), .data_out_WB(reg_write_data), .hi_MEM(hi_MEM), .hi_WB(hi_data_in), .lo_MEM(lo_MEM), .lo_WB(lo_data_in), .FWA(FWA), .FWB(FWB), .FWhi(FWhi), .FWlo(FWlo), .target_EX(target_EX), .is_Overflow(is_Overflow), .data_out_EX(data_out_EX), .rdata_2_EX(rdata_2_EX_out), .hi_EX(hi_EX), .lo_EX(lo_EX), .we_hi(we_hi_EX), .we_lo(we_lo_EX) ); wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] target_MEM; wire we_hi_MEM; wire we_lo_MEM; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] rdata_2_MEM; wire[`RegAddrWidth-1:0] raddr_2_MEM; wire WriteReg_MEM; wire MemOrAlu_MEM; wire WriteMem_MEM; wire ReadMem_MEM; wire[`OpcodeWidth-1:0] opcode_MEM; EX_MEM ex_mem_reg( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), // set gnd temporarily .is_hold(gnd), .target_EX(target_EX), .data_out_EX(data_out_EX), .we_hi_EX(we_hi_EX), .we_lo_EX(we_lo_EX), .hi_EX(hi_EX), .lo_EX(lo_EX), .raddr_2_EX(raddr_2_EX), .rdata_2_EX(rdata_2_EX_out), .WriteReg_EX(WriteReg_EX), .MemOrAlu_EX(MemOrAlu_EX), .WriteMem_EX(WriteMem_EX), .ReadMem_EX(ReadMem_EX), .opcode_EX(opcode_EX), .target_MEM(target_MEM), .data_from_ALU_MEM(data_from_ALU_MEM), .we_hi_MEM(we_hi_MEM), .we_lo_MEM(we_lo_MEM), .hi_MEM(hi_MEM), .lo_MEM(lo_MEM), .raddr_2_MEM(raddr_2_MEM), .rdata_2_MEM(rdata_2_MEM), .WriteReg_MEM(WriteReg_MEM), .MemOrAlu_MEM(MemOrAlu_MEM), .WriteMem_MEM(WriteMem_MEM), .ReadMem_MEM(ReadMem_MEM), .opcode_MEM(opcode_MEM) ); wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] MEM_data_MEM; // memory read/write MEM mem( .rst(rst), .FWLS(FWLS), .reg_data_2(rdata_2_MEM), .WB_data(reg_write_data), .raw_mem_data(data_from_mem), .ReadMem(ReadMem_MEM), .WriteMem(WriteMem_MEM), .mem_addr(data_from_ALU_MEM), .opcode(opcode_MEM), .data_to_write_mem(data_to_write_mem), .data_to_reg(MEM_data_MEM), .byte_slct(mem_byte_slct) ); assign mem_addr = data_from_ALU_MEM; assign mem_re = ReadMem_MEM; assign mem_we = WriteMem_MEM; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] ALU_data_WB; wire[`RegDataWidth-1:0] MEM_data_WB; MEM_WB mem_wb_reg( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), // set gnd temporarily .is_hold(gnd), .target_MEM(target_MEM), .ALU_data_MEM(data_from_ALU_MEM), .MEM_data_MEM(MEM_data_MEM), .we_hi_MEM(we_hi_MEM), .we_lo_MEM(we_lo_MEM), .hi_MEM(hi_MEM), .lo_MEM(lo_MEM), .WriteReg_MEM(WriteReg_MEM), .MemOrAlu_MEM(MemOrAlu_MEM), .target_WB(reg_write_addr), .ALU_data_WB(ALU_data_WB), .MEM_data_WB(MEM_data_WB), .we_hi_WB(we_hi), .we_lo_WB(we_lo), .hi_WB(hi_data_in), .lo_WB(lo_data_in), .WriteReg_WB(reg_we), .MemOrAlu_WB(MemOrAlu_WB) ); // See define.v // MemOrAlu // `define ALU 1'b1 // `define Mem 1'b0 mux2x1 #(.data_width(`RegDataWidth)) result_mux( .in_0(MEM_data_WB), .in_1(ALU_data_WB), .slct(MemOrAlu_WB), .out(reg_write_data) ); // Control center ForwardControl forwarding_handler( .rst(rst), .reg_data_1_addr_ID(raddr_1_ID), .reg_data_2_addr_ID(raddr_2_ID), .reg_data_1_addr_EX(raddr_1_EX), .reg_data_2_addr_EX(raddr_2_EX), .target_EX(target_EX), .WriteReg_EX(WriteReg_EX), .reg_data_2_addr_MEM(raddr_2_MEM), .target_MEM(target_MEM), .WriteReg_MEM(WriteReg_MEM), .MemOrAlu_MEM(MemOrAlu_MEM), .we_hi_MEM(we_hi_MEM), .we_lo_MEM(we_lo_MEM), .target_WB(reg_write_addr), .WriteReg_WB(reg_we), .we_hi_WB(we_hi), .we_lo_WB(we_lo), .FWA(FWA), .FWB(FWB), .FWhi(FWhi), .FWlo(FWlo), .FWLS(FWLS), .FW_br_A(FW_br_A), .FW_br_B(FW_br_B) ); BranchControl branch_handler( .rst(rst), .pc_plus4_ID(pc_plus4_ID), .inst_ID(inst_ID), .FW_br_A(FW_br_A), .FW_br_B(FW_br_B), .rdata_1_ID(rdata_1_ID), .rdata_2_ID(rdata_2_ID), .data_out_EX(data_out_EX), .data_from_ALU_MEM(data_from_ALU_MEM), .MEM_data_MEM(MEM_data_MEM), .branch_address(branch_address), .is_branch(is_branch), .is_rst_IF_ID(is_rst_IF_ID) ); HazardControl hazard_handler( .rst(rst), .ReadMem_EX(ReadMem_EX), .WriteMem_ID(WriteMem_ID), .raddr_1_ID(raddr_1_ID), .raddr_2_ID(raddr_2_ID), .target_EX(target_EX), .is_hold_IF(is_hold_IF), .is_hold_IF_ID(is_hold_IF_ID), .is_zeros_ID_EX(is_zeros_ID_EX) ); endmodule
module mulAddRecF16_add ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [16:0] a, input [16:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [16:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [15:0] out_imul ); wire [16:0] recF16_1 = 'h08000; mulAddRecFN#(5, 11) mulAddRecFN( control, {int_mul, 2'b0}, a, recF16_1, b, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module mulAddRecF32_add ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [32:0] a, input [32:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [32:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [31:0] out_imul ); wire [32:0] recF32_1 = 33'h080000000; mulAddRecFN#(8, 24) mulAddRecFN( control, {int_mul, 2'b0}, a, recF32_1, b, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module mulAddRecF64_add ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [64:0] a, input [64:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [64:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [63:0] out_imul ); wire [64:0] recF64_1 = 65'h08000000000000000; mulAddRecFN#(11, 53) mulAddRecFN( control, {int_mul, 2'b0}, a, recF64_1, b, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module mulAddRecF128_add ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input [128:0] a, input [128:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [128:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags ); wire [127:0] out_imul; wire [128:0] recF128_1 = 129'h080000000000000000000000000000000; mulAddRecFN#(15, 113, 0) mulAddRecFN( control, 3'b0, a, recF128_1, b, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul ); endmodule
module mulAddRecF16_mul ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [16:0] a, input [16:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [16:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [15:0] out_imul ); wire [16:0] zeroAddend = {a[16] ^ b[16], 16'b0}; mulAddRecFN#(5, 11) mulAddRecFN( control, {int_mul, 2'b0}, a, b, zeroAddend, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul ); endmodule
module mulAddRecF32_mul ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [32:0] a, input [32:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [32:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [31:0] out_imul ); wire [32:0] zeroAddend = {a[32] ^ b[32], 32'b0}; mulAddRecFN#(8, 24) mulAddRecFN( control, {int_mul, 2'b0}, a, b, zeroAddend, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul ); endmodule
module mulAddRecF64_mul ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [64:0] a, input [64:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [64:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [63:0] out_imul ); wire [64:0] zeroAddend = {a[64] ^ b[64], 64'b0}; mulAddRecFN#(11, 53) mulAddRecFN( control, {int_mul, 2'b0}, a, b, zeroAddend, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul ); endmodule
module mulAddRecF128_mul ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input [128:0] a, input [128:0] b, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [128:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags ); wire [128:0] zeroAddend = {a[128] ^ b[128], 128'b0}; wire [127:0] out_imul; mulAddRecFN#(15, 113, 0) mulAddRecFN( control, 3'b0, a, b, zeroAddend, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags,out_imul ); endmodule
module mulAddRecF16 ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [2:0] op, input [16:0] a, input [16:0] b, input [16:0] c, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [16:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [15:0] out_imul ); mulAddRecFN#(5, 11) mulAddRecFN(control, op, a, b, c, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module mulAddRecF32 ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [2:0] op, input [32:0] a, input [32:0] b, input [32:0] c, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [32:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [31:0] out_imul ); mulAddRecFN#(8, 24) mulAddRecFN(control, op, a, b, c, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module mulAddRecF64 ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input int_mul, input [2:0] op, input [64:0] a, input [64:0] b, input [64:0] c, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [64:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags, output [63:0] out_imul ); mulAddRecFN#(11, 53) mulAddRecFN(control, op, a, b, c, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module mulAddRecF128 ( input [(`floatControlWidth - 1):0] control, input [2:0] op, input [128:0] a, input [128:0] b, input [128:0] c, input [2:0] roundingMode, output [128:0] out, output [4:0] exceptionFlags ); wire [127:0] out_imul; mulAddRecFN#(15, 113) mulAddRecFN(control, op, a, b, c, roundingMode, out, exceptionFlags, out_imul); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_lp__dlygate4s50 ( //# {{data|Data Signals}} input A , output X , //# {{power|Power}} input VPB , input VPWR, input VGND, input VNB ); endmodule
module wb_mux (sys_clk, resetcpu, // High priority bus h_cyc, h_stb, h_we, h_sel, h_ack, h_adr, h_dat_o, h_dat_i, // Low priority bus l_cyc, l_stb, l_we, l_sel, l_ack, l_adr, l_dat_o, l_dat_i, // Muxed bus m_cyc, m_stb, m_we, m_sel, m_ack, m_adr, m_dat_o, m_dat_i ); input sys_clk; input resetcpu; input h_cyc; input h_stb; input h_we; input [3:0] h_sel; input [31:0] h_adr; input [31:0] h_dat_o; // An input, but matches name of LM32 interface output [31:0] h_dat_i; // An output, but matches name of LM32 interface output h_ack; input l_cyc; input l_stb; input l_we; input [3:0] l_sel; input [31:0] l_adr; input [31:0] l_dat_o; // An input, but matches name of LM32 interface output [31:0] l_dat_i; // An output, but matches name of LM32 interface output l_ack; output m_cyc; output m_stb; output m_we; output [3:0] m_sel; output [31:0] m_adr; output [31:0] m_dat_o; input [31:0] m_dat_i; input m_ack; reg active; reg h_owns_bus_reg; // Select high priority bus, if bus inactive and high priority bus // requesting, or (when active), it is the selected bus. wire sel_h = (h_cyc & ~active) | (h_owns_bus_reg & active); // Mux the outputs from the two busses assign m_cyc = h_cyc | l_cyc; assign m_stb = sel_h ? h_stb : l_stb; assign m_we = sel_h ? h_we : l_we; assign m_sel = sel_h ? h_sel : l_sel; assign m_adr = sel_h ? h_adr : l_adr; assign m_dat_o = sel_h ? h_dat_o : l_dat_o; // Route read data back to sources (regardless of bus selection) assign h_dat_i = m_dat_i; assign l_dat_i = m_dat_i; // Route ACK back to selected bus. // Using h_owns_bus_reg assumes there can be no ACK earlier than the // next cycle. If ACK can be in the same cycle as assertion of m_cyc, // then sel_h should be used, but this has slow timing and could, potentially, // create a timing loop, as ack would then be dependant on <x>_cyc. assign h_ack = h_owns_bus_reg & m_ack; assign l_ack = ~h_owns_bus_reg & m_ack; always @(posedge sys_clk or posedge resetcpu) begin if (resetcpu == 1'b1) begin active <= 1'b0; h_owns_bus_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin // Go active (and hold) if either bus requesting, clearing state on the returned ACK active <= (active | h_cyc | l_cyc) & ~m_ack; // Flag high priority bus ownership, and hold, or if that bus requesting and inactive. h_owns_bus_reg <= (active & h_owns_bus_reg) | (~active & h_cyc); end end endmodule
module okWireIn_sync ( input wire clk, input wire okClk, input wire [112:0] okHE, input wire [7:0] ep_addr, output reg [31:0] ep_dataout ); wire [31:0] control_bus; wire [31:0] q_buff; wire rdempty; reg rdreq; always @( posedge clk ) begin if ( rdreq ) begin ep_dataout <= q_buff; end rdreq <= ~rdempty; end fifo32_shallow fifo32_shallow_inst ( .data ( control_bus ), .rdclk ( clk ), .rdreq ( rdreq ), .wrclk ( okClk ), .wrreq ( 1'b1 ), .q ( q_buff ), .rdempty ( rdempty ), .wrfull ( ) ); okWireIn control_wires( .okHE(okHE), .ep_addr(ep_addr), .ep_dataout(control_bus) ); endmodule
module pipeline( input Clk, output [31:0] PC_in,PC_out, output [2:0]PCSrc, //1 /*output[5:0] Op_IF, output[4:0] Rs_IF,Rt_IF,Rd_IF,Shamt_IF, output[5:0] Func_IF, */ //3 /*output[31:0] Branch_addr_EX,PC_Add_EX, output[2:0] Condition_EX, output Branch_EX, output[2:0]PC_write_EX, output[3:0]Mem_Write_Byte_en_EX,Rd_Write_Byte_en_EX, output MemWBSrc_EX,OverflowEn_EX, output[31:0] MemData_EX,WBData_EX, output Less_EX,Zero_EX,Overflow_EX, output[4:0]Rd_EX, output flash_ID,flash_EX, //4 output[31:0] MemData_Mem,Data_out, output[31:0] WBData_Mem, output MemWBSrc_Mem, output[3:0] Rd_Write_Byte_en_Mem, output[4:0] Rd_Mem, output [31:0] Immediate32_IF,ALU_OpA,ALU_OpB,ALU_out,RegShift, output [1:0] Rs_EX_Forward,Rt_EX_Forward, output [4:0]ShiftAmount */ output flash_ID,flash_EX, output [31:0] OperandA_ID,OperandB_ID, output [4:0] Rs_ID,Rt_ID,Rd_ID,Rd_EX,Rd_Mem, output [31:0] Immediate32_ID, output [2:0] MemDataSrc_ID, output ALUSrcA_ID,ALUSrcB_ID,Jump_ID, output [3:0] ALUOp_ID,Rd_Write_Byte_en_Mem,MemWriteEn,RdWriteEn, output [31:0] IR_IF,Shifter_out,Rd_in,MemData_EX,Data_out,WBData_EX, output [4:0]ShiftAmount, output [1:0] Rs_EX_Forward,Rt_EX_Forward, output [31:0] Immediate32_IF,ALU_OpA,ALU_OpB,ALU_out,RegShift ); //--------Harzard---------------------------------- //wire[2:0] PCSrc; //--------PC--------------------------------------- //wire[31:0] PC_in,PC_out; //--------PC+4------------------------------------- wire[31:0] PC_Add_IF; //--------InstruMemory----------------------------- wire[31:0] ins_data;//,IR_IF; //--------IF_ID Seg1------------------------------- wire stall_IF; wire flash_IF; wire[5:0] Op_IF; wire[4:0] Rs_IF,Rt_IF,Rd_IF,Shamt_IF; wire[5:0] Func_IF; //--------Controller------------------------------- wire RegDt0_IF,ID_RsRead_IF,ID_RtRead_IF; wire[1:0] Ex_top_IF; wire BranchSel_IF; wire OverflowEn_IF; wire[2:0] Condition_IF; wire Branch_IF; wire[2:0] PC_write_IF; wire[3:0] Mem_Write_Byte_en_IF,Rd_Write_Byte_en_IF,ALUOp_IF; wire MemWBSrc_IF; wire Jump_IF; wire ALUShiftSel_IF; wire[2:0] MemDataSrc_IF; wire ALUSrcA_IF,ALUSrcB_IF; //wire[3:0] ALUOp_IF; wire[1:0] RegDst_IF; wire ShiftAmountSrc_IF; wire[1:0] Shift_Op_IF; //---------Registers------------------------------- wire[31:0] Rs_out,Rt_out;//Rd_in //---------expansion------------------------------- //wire[31:0] Immediate32_IF; //---------ID_EX Seg2------------------------------ wire stall_ID;//flash_ID, wire[31:0]PC_Add_ID; wire OverflowEn_ID; wire[2:0] Condition_ID; wire Branch_ID,EX_RsRead_ID,EX_RtRead_ID; wire[2:0] PC_write_ID; wire[3:0] Mem_Write_Byte_en_ID,Rd_Write_Byte_en_ID; wire MemWBSrc_ID,ALUShiftSel_ID; //wire[2:0] MemDataSrc_ID; //wire ALUSrcA_ID,ALUSrcB_ID; //wire[3:0] ALUOp_ID; wire[1:0] RegDst_ID; wire ShiftAmountSrc_ID; wire[1:0] Shift_Op_ID; //wire[31:0] OperandA_ID,OperandB_ID; //wire[4:0] Rs_ID,Rt_ID,Rd_ID; //wire[31:0] Immediate32_ID; wire[4:0]Shamt_ID; //----------JUMP branch--------------------------- wire[31:0] Branch_addr_ID,Jump_Done; //----------Forward------------------------------- //wire[1:0] Rs_EX_Forward,Rt_EX_Forward; wire Rs_LoudUse_Forward,Rt_LoudUse_Forward; //----------After ALU and ID/EX mux--------------- wire[31:0] mux4one,mux4two,mux4three,mux8one; wire Zero,Less,Overflow,BranchSel_ID; //wire[31:0] ALU_out; //----------Shifter------------------------------- //wire[31:0] Shifter_out; //wire [4:0]ShiftAmount; //----------Ex_MEM Seg3-------------------------- wire stall_EX;//flash_EX wire OverflowEn_EX; wire[31:0] Branch_addr_EX,PC_Add_EX; wire[2:0] Condition_EX; wire Branch_EX,MemWBSrc_EX; wire[2:0]PC_write_EX; wire[3:0]Mem_Write_Byte_en_EX,Rd_Write_Byte_en_EX; //wire[31:0] WBData_EX;//MemData_EX, wire Less_EX,Zero_EX,Overflow_EX; //wire[4:0]Rd_EX; //----------Condition------------------------------ wire BranchValid; //wire[3:0] RdWriteEn;//,MemWriteEn; //----------DataMemory----------------------------- wire [31:0]Mem_data_shift; //----------MEM_WB Seg4--------------------------- wire stall_Mem,flash_Mem; wire[31:0] MemData_Mem; wire[31:0] WBData_Mem; wire MemWBSrc_Mem; //wire[3:0] Rd_Write_Byte_en_Mem; //wire[4:0] Rd_Mem; //-----------------------------------------------Hazard------------------------------------------------------- HazardControl hazard(BranchValid,Jump_ID,MemWBSrc_ID,ID_RsRead_IF,ID_RtRead_IF,Rs_IF,Rt_IF,Rt_ID, //output stall_IF,stall_ID,stall_EX,stall_Mem,flash_IF,flash_ID,flash_EX,flash_Mem,PCSrc); //-------------------------------------------------PC--------------------------------------------------------- wire[31:0] PC_Add_IF_in; Mux4_1 PC_selcet(PC_Add_IF,Jump_Done,Branch_addr_EX,mux4one,PCSrc,PC_in); PC pc(Clk,PC_in,PC_out); //------------------------------------------------PC+4--------------------------------------------------------- assign PC_Add_IF_in = PC_out + 4; //---------------------------------------------InstructMemory-------------------------------------------------- parameter ins_we = 4'b0000; assign ins_data = 0; InstruMemory instruct(ins_data,PC_out,ins_we,Clk,IR_IF); //----------------------------------------------IF_ID_Seg Seg1------------------------------------------------- IF_ID_Seg Seg1(Clk,stall_IF,flash_IF,PC_Add_IF_in,IR_IF,PC_Add_IF,Op_IF,Rs_IF,Rt_IF,Rd_IF,Shamt_IF,Func_IF); //----------------------------------------------Controller----------------------------------------------------- Controller controller(Op_IF,Rs_IF,Rt_IF,Rd_IF,Shamt_IF,Func_IF,RegDt0_IF,ID_RsRead_IF,ID_RtRead_IF,Ex_top_IF,BranchSel_IF, OverflowEn_IF,Condition_IF,Branch_IF,PC_write_IF,Mem_Write_Byte_en_IF,Rd_Write_Byte_en_IF,MemWBSrc_IF,Jump_IF, ALUShiftSel_IF,MemDataSrc_IF,ALUSrcA_IF,ALUSrcB_IF,ALUOp_IF,RegDst_IF,ShiftAmountSrc_IF,Shift_Op_IF); //----------------------------------------------Registers------------------------------------------------------ assign Rd_in = (MemWBSrc_Mem == 0)?WBData_Mem:MemData_Mem; MIPS_Register mipsregister(Rs_IF,((RegDt0_IF == 1'b1)?Rt_IF:5'b00000),Rd_Mem,Clk,Rd_Write_Byte_en_Mem,Rd_in,Rs_out,Rt_out); //--------------------------------------------expansion-------------------------------------------------------- NumExpansion expansion({Rd_IF[4:0],Shamt_IF[4:0],Func_IF[5:0]},Ex_top_IF,Immediate32_IF); //------------------------------------------ID_EX Seg2------------------------------------------------------- ID_EX_Seg seg2(Clk,stall_ID,flash_ID,PC_Add_IF,OverflowEn_IF,Condition_IF,Branch_IF,PC_write_IF, Mem_Write_Byte_en_IF,Rd_Write_Byte_en_IF,MemWBSrc_IF,Jump_IF,ALUShiftSel_IF,MemDataSrc_IF,ALUSrcA_IF,ALUSrcB_IF, ALUOp_IF,RegDst_IF,ShiftAmountSrc_IF,Shift_Op_IF,(Rs_LoudUse_Forward == 0)?Rs_out:Rd_in, (Rt_LoudUse_Forward == 0)?Rt_out:Rd_in,Rs_IF,Rt_IF,Rd_IF,Immediate32_IF,Shamt_IF,BranchSel_IF, {ID_RsRead_IF,ID_RtRead_IF}, //output PC_Add_ID,OverflowEn_ID,Condition_ID,Branch_ID,PC_write_ID,Mem_Write_Byte_en_ID,Rd_Write_Byte_en_ID, MemWBSrc_ID,Jump_ID,ALUShiftSel_ID,MemDataSrc_ID,ALUSrcA_ID,ALUSrcB_ID, ALUOp_ID,RegDst_ID,ShiftAmountSrc_ID,Shift_Op_ID,OperandA_ID,OperandB_ID,Rs_ID,Rt_ID,Rd_ID,Immediate32_ID,Shamt_ID, BranchSel_ID,{EX_RsRead_ID,EX_RtRead_ID} ); //----------------------------------------JUMP branch Module--------------------------------------------------- assign Branch_addr_ID = PC_Add_ID + {Immediate32_ID[29:0],2'b00}; assign Jump_Done = {PC_Add_ID[31:28],Rs_ID,Rt_ID,Immediate32_ID[15:0],2'b00}; //-----------------------------------------forward------------------------------------------------------------- Forward forward({EX_RsRead_ID,EX_RtRead_ID},Rt_ID,Rs_ID,Rd_EX,RdWriteEn,Rd_Mem,Rd_Write_Byte_en_Mem, //output Rs_EX_Forward,Rt_EX_Forward, //input Rt_IF,Rs_IF,{ID_RsRead_IF,ID_RtRead_IF}, //output Rs_LoudUse_Forward,Rt_LoudUse_Forward); //--------------------------------------after ALU and ID/EX Mux------------------------------------------------ Mux4_1 mux4_one(OperandA_ID,WBData_EX,Rd_in,0,Rs_EX_Forward,mux4one); Mux4_1 mux4_two(OperandB_ID,WBData_EX,Rd_in,0,Rt_EX_Forward,mux4two); Mux4_1 mux4_three(Rd_ID,Rt_ID,5'b11111,0,RegDst_ID,mux4three); MUX8_1_ALU mux8_one(MemDataSrc_ID,32'b0,mux4two,PC_Add_ID + 4,0,0,0,0,0,mux8one); //rt assign ALU_OpA = (ALUSrcA_ID == 0)?mux4one:0; assign ALU_OpB = (ALUSrcB_ID == 0)?mux4two:Immediate32_ID; ALU alu(ALU_OpA,ALU_OpB,ALUOp_ID,Zero,Less,Overflow,ALU_out); assign ShiftAmount = (ShiftAmountSrc_ID == 1)?mux4one[4:0]:Shamt_ID; //--------------------------------------------shifter----------------------------------------------------------- MIPS_Shifter shifter(mux4two,ShiftAmount,Shift_Op_ID,Shifter_out); //-----------------------------------------EX_MEM---Seg3-------------------------------------------------------- EX_MEM_Seg seg3(Clk,stall_EX,flash_EX,Branch_addr_ID,PC_Add_ID,Condition_ID,Branch_ID,PC_write_ID, Mem_Write_Byte_en_ID,Rd_Write_Byte_en_ID,MemWBSrc_ID,OverflowEn_ID, mux8one,((BranchSel_ID == 1'b0) ? ((ALUShiftSel_ID == 1'b0)?Shifter_out:ALU_out): mux8one),Less,Zero,Overflow,mux4three, //output Branch_addr_EX,PC_Add_EX,Condition_EX,Branch_EX,PC_write_EX,Mem_Write_Byte_en_EX, Rd_Write_Byte_en_EX,MemWBSrc_EX,OverflowEn_EX, MemData_EX,WBData_EX,Less_EX,Zero_EX,Overflow_EX,Rd_EX ); //----------------------------------------Condition-------------------------------------------------------------- Condition_Check condition_check(Condition_EX,PC_write_EX,WBData_EX[1:0],MemWBSrc_EX,OverflowEn_EX,Branch_EX,Overflow_EX,Mem_Write_Byte_en_EX,Rd_Write_Byte_en_EX,Less_EX,Zero_EX, //output BranchValid,RdWriteEn,MemWriteEn); //---------------------------------------DataMemory-------------------------------------------------------------- //wire [31:0] RegShift; Register_ShiftOutput regshift(MemData_EX,WBData_EX[1:0],{3'b101,PC_write_EX[2:0]},RegShift); DataMemory datamemory(RegShift,WBData_EX,MemWriteEn,Clk,Data_out); Memory_ShiftOutput memshift(Data_out,WBData_EX[1:0],{3'b100,PC_write_EX[2:0]},Mem_data_shift); //---------------------------------------DataMemoryWithCache----------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------You can choose one section from DataMemory or DataMemory with cache-------------- /*wire hit; wire [63:0] ReadRam; wire writeback; wire [7:0] readramn,writeramn; Register_ShiftOutput regshift(MemData_EX,WBData_EX[1:0],{3'b101,PC_write_EX[2:0]},RegShift); Cache DataMemorywithCache(RegShift,WBData_EX,MemWriteEn,Clk,Data_out,hit,ReadRam,writeback,readramn,writeramn); Memory_ShiftOutput memshift(Data_out,WBData_EX[1:0],{3'b100,PC_write_EX[2:0]},Mem_data_shift); */ //--------------------------------------MEM_WB---Seg4------------------------------------------------------------ MEM_WB_Seg seg4(Clk,stall_Mem,flash_Mem,Mem_data_shift,WBData_EX,MemWBSrc_EX,RdWriteEn,Rd_EX, //output MemData_Mem,WBData_Mem,MemWBSrc_Mem,Rd_Write_Byte_en_Mem,Rd_Mem); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hdll__xnor2 ( //# {{data|Data Signals}} input A , input B , output Y , //# {{power|Power}} input VPB , input VPWR, input VGND, input VNB ); endmodule
module cls_spi_tb; // Inputs reg clock; reg reset; reg [31:0] data; reg miso; // Outputs wire ss; wire mosi; wire sclk; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) cls_spi uut ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .data(data), .ss(ss), .mosi(mosi), .miso(miso), .sclk(sclk) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs clock = 0; reset = 1; data = 32'h89ABCDEF; miso = 0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100 reset = 0; end always begin #10 clock = !clock; end endmodule
module top(); // Inputs are registered reg D; reg VPWR; reg VGND; reg VPB; reg VNB; // Outputs are wires wire Q; wire Q_N; initial begin // Initial state is x for all inputs. D = 1'bX; VGND = 1'bX; VNB = 1'bX; VPB = 1'bX; VPWR = 1'bX; #20 D = 1'b0; #40 VGND = 1'b0; #60 VNB = 1'b0; #80 VPB = 1'b0; #100 VPWR = 1'b0; #120 D = 1'b1; #140 VGND = 1'b1; #160 VNB = 1'b1; #180 VPB = 1'b1; #200 VPWR = 1'b1; #220 D = 1'b0; #240 VGND = 1'b0; #260 VNB = 1'b0; #280 VPB = 1'b0; #300 VPWR = 1'b0; #320 VPWR = 1'b1; #340 VPB = 1'b1; #360 VNB = 1'b1; #380 VGND = 1'b1; #400 D = 1'b1; #420 VPWR = 1'bx; #440 VPB = 1'bx; #460 VNB = 1'bx; #480 VGND = 1'bx; #500 D = 1'bx; end // Create a clock reg CLK; initial begin CLK = 1'b0; end always begin #5 CLK = ~CLK; end sky130_fd_sc_ls__dfxbp dut (.D(D), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB), .Q(Q), .Q_N(Q_N), .CLK(CLK)); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_ms__a2bb2oi ( Y , A1_N, A2_N, B1 , B2 ); // Module ports output Y ; input A1_N; input A2_N; input B1 ; input B2 ; // Module supplies supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; // Local signals wire and0_out ; wire nor0_out ; wire nor1_out_Y; // Name Output Other arguments and and0 (and0_out , B1, B2 ); nor nor0 (nor0_out , A1_N, A2_N ); nor nor1 (nor1_out_Y, nor0_out, and0_out); buf buf0 (Y , nor1_out_Y ); endmodule
module single_bit_cdc_synchronizer #( parameter NUM_STAGES = 3 // minimum 2 stages, recommended 3 stages // probability of metastability decreases // exponentially with #stages ) ( input clk, //latch clock input d_in, output q_out; ); reg[NUM_STAGES-1:0] r; assign q_out=r[NUM_STAGES-1]; integer i; always@(posedge latch_clk) begin for(i=1; i<NUM_STAGES; i=i+1) begin r[i] <= r[i-1]; end end endmodule
module SPIMemoryTest; // SPI interface. reg _select, sck, mosi; wire miso; // Memory interface. wire [`SPI_MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr; wire [`SPI_MEM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in; wire [`SPI_MEM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out; wire rd, wr; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT). SPIMemory spi_memory( ._select(_select), .sck(sck), .mosi(mosi), .miso(miso), .addr(addr), .data_in(data_in), .data_out(data_out), .rd(rd), .wr(wr) ); // Don't have actual memory, so just use the lower byte of address as the data // read from memory. assign data_in = rd ? addr[`SPI_MEM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : 'bx; initial begin _select = 0; sck = 0; mosi = 0; #1 _select = 1; // Perform some writes. #10 _select = 0; spi_transmit(8'hde); // Write to address 0x5ead. spi_transmit(8'had); spi_transmit(8'h01); // These are the data bytes written. spi_transmit(8'h02); spi_transmit(8'h04); spi_transmit(8'h08); _select = 1; #10 _select = 0; spi_transmit(8'hbe); // Write to address 0x3eef. spi_transmit(8'hef); spi_transmit(8'h11); // These are the data bytes written. spi_transmit(8'h22); spi_transmit(8'h44); spi_transmit(8'h88); _select = 1; // Perform some reads. #10 _select = 0; spi_transmit(8'h5a); // Read from address 0x5afe. spi_transmit(8'hfe); spi_transmit(8'h01); // These dummy data bytes should not show up. spi_transmit(8'h02); spi_transmit(8'h04); spi_transmit(8'h08); _select = 1; #10 _select = 0; spi_transmit(8'h7f); // Test wraparound during read. spi_transmit(8'hfe); spi_transmit(8'h11); // These dummy data bytes should not show up. spi_transmit(8'h22); spi_transmit(8'h44); spi_transmit(8'h88); _select = 1; #10 _select = 0; spi_transmit(8'hff); // Test wraparound during write. spi_transmit(8'hfe); spi_transmit(8'h11); // These dummy data bytes should not show up. spi_transmit(8'h22); spi_transmit(8'h44); spi_transmit(8'h88); _select = 1; end // Task to send a byte over SPI. task spi_transmit; input [`BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] data; integer i; begin sck = 0; #2 sck = 0; for (i = 0; i < `BYTE_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin mosi = data[`BYTE_WIDTH - 1 - i]; #1 sck = 1; #1 sck = 0; end #2 sck = 0; end endtask endmodule
module top(); // Inputs are registered reg UDP_IN; reg VPWR; reg VGND; reg SLEEP; // Outputs are wires wire UDP_OUT; initial begin // Initial state is x for all inputs. SLEEP = 1'bX; UDP_IN = 1'bX; VGND = 1'bX; VPWR = 1'bX; #20 SLEEP = 1'b0; #40 UDP_IN = 1'b0; #60 VGND = 1'b0; #80 VPWR = 1'b0; #100 SLEEP = 1'b1; #120 UDP_IN = 1'b1; #140 VGND = 1'b1; #160 VPWR = 1'b1; #180 SLEEP = 1'b0; #200 UDP_IN = 1'b0; #220 VGND = 1'b0; #240 VPWR = 1'b0; #260 VPWR = 1'b1; #280 VGND = 1'b1; #300 UDP_IN = 1'b1; #320 SLEEP = 1'b1; #340 VPWR = 1'bx; #360 VGND = 1'bx; #380 UDP_IN = 1'bx; #400 SLEEP = 1'bx; end sky130_fd_sc_lp__udp_pwrgood_pp$PG$S dut (.UDP_IN(UDP_IN), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .SLEEP(SLEEP), .UDP_OUT(UDP_OUT)); endmodule
module counter_tb(); //-- Registro para generar la señal de reloj reg clk = 0; //-- Datos de salida del contador wire [26:0] data; //-- Registro para comprobar si el contador cuenta correctamente reg [26:0] counter_check = 1; //-- Instanciar el contador counter C1( .clk(clk), .data(data) ); //-- Generador de reloj. Periodo 2 unidades always #1 clk = ~clk; //-- Comprobacion del valor del contador //-- En cada flanco de bajada se comprueba la salida del contador //-- y se incrementa el valor esperado always @(negedge clk) begin if (counter_check != data) $display("-->ERROR!. Esperado: %d. Leido: %d",counter_check, data); counter_check <= counter_check + 1; end //-- Proceso al inicio initial begin //-- Fichero donde almacenar los resultados $dumpfile("counter_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, counter_tb); //-- Comprobación del reset. # 0.5 if (data != 0) $display("ERROR! Contador NO está a 0!"); else $display("Contador inicializado. OK."); # 99 $display("FIN de la simulacion"); # 100 $finish; end endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_hs__o41ai ( VPWR, VGND, Y , A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , B1 ); // Module ports input VPWR; input VGND; output Y ; input A1 ; input A2 ; input A3 ; input A4 ; input B1 ; // Local signals wire A4 or0_out ; wire nand0_out_Y ; wire u_vpwr_vgnd0_out_Y; // Name Output Other arguments or or0 (or0_out , A4, A3, A2, A1 ); nand nand0 (nand0_out_Y , B1, or0_out ); sky130_fd_sc_hs__u_vpwr_vgnd u_vpwr_vgnd0 (u_vpwr_vgnd0_out_Y, nand0_out_Y, VPWR, VGND); buf buf0 (Y , u_vpwr_vgnd0_out_Y ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_lp__dlxtp ( Q , D , GATE, VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); // Module ports output Q ; input D ; input GATE; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; // Local signals wire buf_Q ; wire GATE_delayed; wire D_delayed ; // Delay Name Output Other arguments sky130_fd_sc_lp__udp_dlatch$P_pp$PG$N `UNIT_DELAY dlatch0 (buf_Q , D, GATE, , VPWR, VGND); buf buf0 (Q , buf_Q ); endmodule
module sky130_fd_sc_ms__nand4 ( Y , A , B , C , D , VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); // Module ports output Y ; input A ; input B ; input C ; input D ; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; // Local signals wire nand0_out_Y ; wire pwrgood_pp0_out_Y; // Name Output Other arguments nand nand0 (nand0_out_Y , D, C, B, A ); sky130_fd_sc_ms__udp_pwrgood_pp$PG pwrgood_pp0 (pwrgood_pp0_out_Y, nand0_out_Y, VPWR, VGND); buf buf0 (Y , pwrgood_pp0_out_Y ); endmodule
module bsg_channel_tunnel #(parameter width_p = 1 , parameter `BSG_INV_PARAM(num_in_p) , parameter `BSG_INV_PARAM(remote_credits_p) , use_pseudo_large_fifo_p = 0 , harden_small_fifo_p = 0 , lg_remote_credits_lp = $clog2(remote_credits_p+1) , lg_credit_decimation_p = `BSG_MIN(lg_remote_credits_lp,4) , tag_width_lp = $clog2(num_in_p+1) , tagged_width_lp = tag_width_lp + width_p ) (input clk_i ,input reset_i // incoming multiplexed data ,input [tagged_width_lp-1:0] multi_data_i ,input multi_v_i ,output multi_yumi_o // outgoing multiplexed data , output [tagged_width_lp-1:0] multi_data_o , output multi_v_o , input multi_yumi_i // incoming demultiplexed data , input [num_in_p-1:0][width_p-1:0] data_i , input [num_in_p-1:0] v_i , output [num_in_p-1:0] yumi_o // outgoing demultiplexed data , output [num_in_p-1:0][width_p-1:0] data_o , output [num_in_p-1:0] v_o , input [num_in_p-1:0] yumi_i ); // synopsys translate_off initial assert(lg_credit_decimation_p <= lg_remote_credits_lp) else begin $error("%m bad params; insufficient remote credits 2^%d to allow for decimation factor 2^%d" ,lg_remote_credits_lp,lg_credit_decimation_p); $finish; end initial assert(width_p >= num_in_p*lg_remote_credits_lp) else begin $error("%m bad params; channel width (%d) must be at least wide enough to route back credits (%d)" ,width_p ,num_in_p*lg_remote_credits_lp); $finish; end // synopsys translate_on wire [num_in_p-1:0][lg_remote_credits_lp-1:0] credit_local_return_data_oi; wire credit_local_return_v_oi; wire [num_in_p-1:0][lg_remote_credits_lp-1:0] credit_remote_return_data_oi; wire credit_remote_return_yumi_io; bsg_channel_tunnel_out #(.width_p (width_p) ,.num_in_p (num_in_p) ,.remote_credits_p (remote_credits_p) ,.lg_credit_decimation_p(lg_credit_decimation_p) ) bcto (.clk_i ,.reset_i ,.data_i ,.v_i ,.yumi_o ,.data_o (multi_data_o ) ,.v_o(multi_v_o) ,.yumi_i (multi_yumi_i ) ,.credit_local_return_data_i (credit_local_return_data_oi ) ,.credit_local_return_v_i (credit_local_return_v_oi ) ,.credit_remote_return_data_i(credit_remote_return_data_oi) ,.credit_remote_return_yumi_o(credit_remote_return_yumi_io) ); bsg_channel_tunnel_in #(.width_p (width_p ) ,.num_in_p (num_in_p ) ,.remote_credits_p (remote_credits_p) ,.use_pseudo_large_fifo_p(use_pseudo_large_fifo_p) ,.harden_small_fifo_p (harden_small_fifo_p) ,.lg_credit_decimation_p(lg_credit_decimation_p) ) bcti (.clk_i ,.reset_i ,.data_i (multi_data_i ) ,.v_i (multi_v_i) ,.yumi_o (multi_yumi_o ) ,.data_o ,.v_o ,.yumi_i ,.credit_local_return_data_o (credit_local_return_data_oi ) ,.credit_local_return_v_o (credit_local_return_v_oi ) ,.credit_remote_return_data_o(credit_remote_return_data_oi) ,.credit_remote_return_yumi_i(credit_remote_return_yumi_io) ); endmodule
module Approx_adder_W32 ( add_sub, in1, in2, res ); input [31:0] in1; input [31:0] in2; output [32:0] res; input add_sub; wire n9, n10, n11, n12, n13, n14, n15, n16, n17, n18, n19, n20, n21, n22, n23, n24, n25, n26, n27, n28, n29, n30, n31, n32, n33, n34, n35, n36, n37, n38, n39, n40, n41, n42, n43, n44, n45, n46, n47, n48, n49, n50, n51, n52, n53, n54, n55, n56, n57, n58, n59, n60, n61, n62, n63, n64, n65, n66, n67, n68, n69, n70, n71, n72, n73, n74, n75, n76, n77, n78, n79, n80, n81, n82, n83, n84, n85, n86, n87, n88, n89, n90, n91, n92, n93, n94, n95, n96, n97, n98, n99, n100, n101, n102, n103, n104, n105, n106, n107, n108, n109, n110, n111, n112, n113, n114, n115, n116, n117, n118, n119, n120, n121, n122, n123, n124, n125, n126, n127, n128, n129, n130, n131, n132, n133, n134, n135, n136, n137, n138, n139, n140, n141, n142, n143, n144, n145, n146, n147, n148, n149, n150, n151, n152, n153, n154, n155, n156, n157, n158, n159, n160, n161, n162, n163, n164, n165, n166, n167, n168, n169, n170, n171, n172, n173, n174, n175, n176, n177, n178, n179, n180, n181, n182, n183, n184, n185, n186, n187, n188, n189, n190, n191, n192, n193, n194, n195, n196, n197, n198, n199, n200, n201, n202, n203, n204, n205, n206, n207, n208, n209, n210, n211, n212, n213, n214, n215, n216, n217, n218, n219, n220, n221, n222, n223, n224, n225, n226, n227, n228, n229, n230, n231, n232, n233, n234, n235, n236, n237, n238, n239, n240, n241, n242, n243, n244, n246, n247, n248, n249, n250, n251, n252, n253, n254, n255, n256, n257, n258, n259, n260, n261, n262, n263, n264, n265, n266, n267, n268, n269, n270, n271, n272, n273, n274, n275, n276, n277, n278, n279, n280, n281, n282, n283, n284, n285, n286, n287, n288, n289, n290, n291, n292, n293, n294, n295, n296, n297, n298, n299, n300, n301, n302, n303, n304, n305, n306, n307, n308, n309, n310, n311, n312, n313, n314, n315, n316, n317, n318, n319, n320, n321, n322, n323, n324, n325, n326, n327, n328, n329, n330, n331, n332, n333, n334, n335, n336, n337, n338, n339, n340, n341, n342, n343, n344, n345, n346, n347, n348, n349, n350, n351, n352, n353, n354, n355, n356, n357, n358, n359, n360, n361, n362, n363, n364, n365, n366, n367, n369, n370; OAI2BB1X2TS U43 ( .A0N(n264), .A1N(n274), .B0(n19), .Y(res[32]) ); XOR2X2TS U44 ( .A(n204), .B(n203), .Y(res[26]) ); XOR2X2TS U45 ( .A(n239), .B(n238), .Y(res[27]) ); XOR2X2TS U46 ( .A(n244), .B(n243), .Y(res[25]) ); XOR2X2TS U47 ( .A(n248), .B(n247), .Y(res[28]) ); NAND2X1TS U48 ( .A(n237), .B(n89), .Y(n238) ); NAND2X1TS U49 ( .A(n242), .B(n241), .Y(n243) ); NAND2X1TS U50 ( .A(n246), .B(n257), .Y(n247) ); NAND2X1TS U51 ( .A(n228), .B(n256), .Y(n229) ); NAND2X1TS U52 ( .A(n272), .B(n271), .Y(n273) ); NAND2XLTS U53 ( .A(n83), .B(n294), .Y(n295) ); NAND2XLTS U54 ( .A(n86), .B(n291), .Y(n292) ); NAND2XLTS U55 ( .A(n311), .B(n310), .Y(n313) ); NAND2XLTS U56 ( .A(n87), .B(n275), .Y(n276) ); NAND2X1TS U57 ( .A(n285), .B(n284), .Y(n286) ); NAND2X1TS U58 ( .A(n306), .B(n305), .Y(n307) ); NAND2XLTS U59 ( .A(n326), .B(n325), .Y(n327) ); NAND2XLTS U60 ( .A(n301), .B(n300), .Y(n302) ); NAND2X4TS U61 ( .A(n274), .B(n22), .Y(n77) ); OA21XLTS U62 ( .A0(n267), .A1(n271), .B0(n268), .Y(n19) ); OAI21X1TS U63 ( .A0(n308), .A1(n304), .B0(n305), .Y(n303) ); INVX6TS U64 ( .A(n45), .Y(n287) ); NOR2X1TS U65 ( .A(n231), .B(n233), .Y(n236) ); INVX2TS U66 ( .A(n289), .Y(n296) ); CLKBUFX2TS U67 ( .A(n297), .Y(n298) ); OR2X2TS U68 ( .A(n270), .B(n266), .Y(n79) ); NOR2X2TS U69 ( .A(n262), .B(in1[30]), .Y(n265) ); NAND2X2TS U70 ( .A(n263), .B(in1[31]), .Y(n268) ); NAND2X1TS U71 ( .A(n227), .B(in1[29]), .Y(n256) ); CLKMX2X2TS U72 ( .A(in2[30]), .B(n253), .S0(n252), .Y(n262) ); NAND2X2TS U73 ( .A(n219), .B(in1[28]), .Y(n257) ); NAND2X2TS U74 ( .A(n180), .B(in1[22]), .Y(n284) ); NAND2X1TS U75 ( .A(n181), .B(in1[23]), .Y(n280) ); OR2X2TS U76 ( .A(n168), .B(in1[20]), .Y(n83) ); NOR2X2TS U77 ( .A(n299), .B(n304), .Y(n160) ); NAND2X2TS U78 ( .A(n193), .B(in1[24]), .Y(n275) ); CLKMX2X4TS U79 ( .A(in2[29]), .B(n226), .S0(n225), .Y(n227) ); INVX2TS U80 ( .A(n291), .Y(n170) ); OR2X4TS U81 ( .A(n214), .B(in1[27]), .Y(n89) ); NAND2X2TS U82 ( .A(n157), .B(in1[18]), .Y(n305) ); NAND2X2TS U83 ( .A(n158), .B(in1[19]), .Y(n300) ); NOR2X2TS U84 ( .A(n251), .B(in2[30]), .Y(n249) ); CLKMX2X3TS U85 ( .A(in2[23]), .B(n175), .S0(n225), .Y(n181) ); OR2X2TS U86 ( .A(n142), .B(in1[16]), .Y(n82) ); NAND2X2TS U87 ( .A(n169), .B(in1[21]), .Y(n291) ); NOR2X1TS U88 ( .A(n224), .B(n223), .Y(n211) ); MX2X2TS U89 ( .A(in2[25]), .B(n189), .S0(add_sub), .Y(n194) ); MXI2X2TS U90 ( .A(n167), .B(n166), .S0(n225), .Y(n168) ); XOR2X1TS U91 ( .A(n174), .B(n173), .Y(n175) ); OR2X1TS U92 ( .A(n210), .B(in2[27]), .Y(n223) ); INVX4TS U93 ( .A(add_sub), .Y(n353) ); NOR3X2TS U94 ( .A(n176), .B(in2[22]), .C(n184), .Y(n174) ); INVX2TS U95 ( .A(n187), .Y(n153) ); NAND2X1TS U96 ( .A(n206), .B(n205), .Y(n210) ); INVX4TS U97 ( .A(n63), .Y(n61) ); INVX2TS U98 ( .A(in2[20]), .Y(n167) ); NOR2X2TS U99 ( .A(n176), .B(in2[20]), .Y(n163) ); CLKINVX2TS U100 ( .A(n128), .Y(n67) ); INVX2TS U101 ( .A(in2[26]), .Y(n205) ); NAND2X2TS U102 ( .A(n131), .B(in1[14]), .Y(n321) ); NAND2X4TS U103 ( .A(n127), .B(in1[12]), .Y(n330) ); NAND2X2TS U104 ( .A(n18), .B(in1[13]), .Y(n325) ); OR2X2TS U105 ( .A(in2[21]), .B(in2[20]), .Y(n184) ); NOR2X4TS U106 ( .A(in2[17]), .B(in2[16]), .Y(n162) ); XNOR2X2TS U107 ( .A(n112), .B(in2[11]), .Y(n113) ); NOR2X1TS U108 ( .A(in2[19]), .B(in2[18]), .Y(n161) ); OR2X6TS U109 ( .A(n104), .B(in1[8]), .Y(n84) ); CLKINVX6TS U110 ( .A(n346), .Y(n105) ); BUFX4TS U111 ( .A(add_sub), .Y(n252) ); NOR2X2TS U112 ( .A(in2[13]), .B(in2[12]), .Y(n133) ); XNOR2X2TS U113 ( .A(n111), .B(in2[10]), .Y(n93) ); OR2X4TS U114 ( .A(n115), .B(n116), .Y(n111) ); NAND2X6TS U115 ( .A(n52), .B(n350), .Y(n101) ); INVX4TS U116 ( .A(n54), .Y(n97) ); BUFX8TS U117 ( .A(add_sub), .Y(n225) ); INVX8TS U118 ( .A(add_sub), .Y(n94) ); INVX12TS U119 ( .A(in2[3]), .Y(n90) ); CLKINVX6TS U120 ( .A(in2[8]), .Y(n103) ); AND2X2TS U121 ( .A(n118), .B(n117), .Y(n119) ); NAND2X2TS U122 ( .A(in2[6]), .B(add_sub), .Y(n96) ); NOR2X1TS U123 ( .A(n176), .B(n184), .Y(n177) ); AOI21X2TS U124 ( .A0(n89), .A1(n216), .B0(n215), .Y(n217) ); NOR2X4TS U125 ( .A(n219), .B(in1[28]), .Y(n254) ); NOR2XLTS U126 ( .A(n11), .B(in2[2]), .Y(n364) ); OR2X2TS U127 ( .A(n193), .B(in1[24]), .Y(n87) ); OAI21X2TS U128 ( .A0(n220), .A1(n254), .B0(n257), .Y(n221) ); OA21XLTS U129 ( .A0(n336), .A1(n333), .B0(n334), .Y(n20) ); INVX2TS U130 ( .A(n298), .Y(n308) ); NAND2X1TS U131 ( .A(n209), .B(n232), .Y(n203) ); AND2X4TS U132 ( .A(n261), .B(n255), .Y(n9) ); AND2X2TS U133 ( .A(n94), .B(n95), .Y(n10) ); NAND2X2TS U134 ( .A(n92), .B(n352), .Y(n11) ); INVX2TS U135 ( .A(n275), .Y(n240) ); NOR2X4TS U136 ( .A(n227), .B(in1[29]), .Y(n258) ); NOR2X4TS U137 ( .A(n16), .B(n27), .Y(n29) ); INVX2TS U138 ( .A(n260), .Y(n220) ); NOR2X6TS U139 ( .A(n218), .B(n231), .Y(n255) ); INVX3TS U140 ( .A(n267), .Y(n269) ); INVX4TS U141 ( .A(n182), .Y(n46) ); INVX2TS U142 ( .A(n232), .Y(n216) ); NOR2X4TS U143 ( .A(n202), .B(in1[26]), .Y(n233) ); INVX2TS U144 ( .A(n254), .Y(n246) ); NOR2X4TS U145 ( .A(n258), .B(n254), .Y(n261) ); XNOR2X2TS U146 ( .A(n200), .B(in2[26]), .Y(n201) ); XOR2X2TS U147 ( .A(n177), .B(in2[22]), .Y(n178) ); MXI2X4TS U148 ( .A(n192), .B(n191), .S0(n225), .Y(n193) ); NAND2BX2TS U149 ( .AN(n153), .B(n162), .Y(n154) ); NAND2X4TS U150 ( .A(n269), .B(n268), .Y(n270) ); NAND2X4TS U151 ( .A(n209), .B(n89), .Y(n218) ); INVX2TS U152 ( .A(n183), .Y(n42) ); NOR2X4TS U153 ( .A(n196), .B(n195), .Y(n234) ); INVX4TS U154 ( .A(n233), .Y(n209) ); INVX2TS U155 ( .A(n36), .Y(n69) ); OAI21X2TS U156 ( .A0(n258), .A1(n257), .B0(n256), .Y(n259) ); INVX2TS U157 ( .A(n299), .Y(n301) ); INVX4TS U158 ( .A(n190), .Y(n242) ); INVX2TS U159 ( .A(n237), .Y(n215) ); MXI2X4TS U160 ( .A(n205), .B(n201), .S0(n252), .Y(n202) ); NAND2X4TS U161 ( .A(n147), .B(in1[17]), .Y(n310) ); INVX4TS U162 ( .A(n294), .Y(n290) ); MXI2X4TS U163 ( .A(n179), .B(n178), .S0(n252), .Y(n180) ); MX2X4TS U164 ( .A(in2[28]), .B(n212), .S0(n225), .Y(n219) ); NAND2X2TS U165 ( .A(n199), .B(n206), .Y(n200) ); NAND2X2TS U166 ( .A(n142), .B(in1[16]), .Y(n314) ); NOR2X4TS U167 ( .A(n149), .B(n153), .Y(n151) ); OR2X4TS U168 ( .A(n110), .B(in1[10]), .Y(n85) ); INVX6TS U169 ( .A(in2[10]), .Y(n117) ); INVX2TS U170 ( .A(in2[17]), .Y(n144) ); XNOR2X1TS U171 ( .A(n303), .B(n302), .Y(res[19]) ); NAND2X6TS U172 ( .A(n43), .B(n41), .Y(n47) ); XOR2X1TS U173 ( .A(n308), .B(n307), .Y(res[18]) ); NAND2X4TS U174 ( .A(n182), .B(n9), .Y(n71) ); OR2X4TS U175 ( .A(n213), .B(n254), .Y(n222) ); NOR2X4TS U176 ( .A(n16), .B(n79), .Y(n72) ); AND2X2TS U177 ( .A(n63), .B(n25), .Y(n24) ); AND2X2TS U178 ( .A(n270), .B(n272), .Y(n22) ); NOR2X1TS U179 ( .A(n267), .B(n265), .Y(n264) ); XOR2X1TS U180 ( .A(n20), .B(n332), .Y(res[12]) ); INVX2TS U181 ( .A(n231), .Y(n198) ); AND2X2TS U182 ( .A(n281), .B(n280), .Y(n23) ); XOR2X1TS U183 ( .A(n337), .B(n336), .Y(res[11]) ); NOR2X6TS U184 ( .A(n263), .B(in1[31]), .Y(n267) ); CLKAND2X2TS U185 ( .A(n271), .B(n265), .Y(n76) ); XNOR2X2TS U186 ( .A(n249), .B(in2[31]), .Y(n250) ); NOR2X4TS U187 ( .A(n194), .B(in1[25]), .Y(n190) ); NAND2X4TS U188 ( .A(n340), .B(n85), .Y(n37) ); MX2X2TS U189 ( .A(in2[27]), .B(n208), .S0(add_sub), .Y(n214) ); XOR2X1TS U190 ( .A(n345), .B(n13), .Y(res[9]) ); XNOR2X1TS U191 ( .A(n81), .B(in2[29]), .Y(n226) ); NAND2X4TS U192 ( .A(n320), .B(n321), .Y(n63) ); INVX4TS U193 ( .A(n333), .Y(n335) ); NAND2X4TS U194 ( .A(n114), .B(in1[11]), .Y(n334) ); NAND2X4TS U195 ( .A(n104), .B(in1[8]), .Y(n346) ); OAI21XLTS U196 ( .A0(n358), .A1(n353), .B0(n357), .Y(res[6]) ); OAI21XLTS U197 ( .A0(n366), .A1(n353), .B0(n365), .Y(res[3]) ); NAND3X6TS U198 ( .A(n35), .B(n32), .C(n30), .Y(n350) ); OAI21XLTS U199 ( .A0(n361), .A1(n353), .B0(n360), .Y(res[5]) ); OAI21XLTS U200 ( .A0(n363), .A1(n353), .B0(n362), .Y(res[2]) ); OAI21XLTS U201 ( .A0(n370), .A1(n353), .B0(n369), .Y(res[4]) ); OAI21XLTS U202 ( .A0(n355), .A1(n353), .B0(n354), .Y(res[1]) ); OR2X2TS U203 ( .A(in2[18]), .B(n148), .Y(n149) ); CLKINVX6TS U204 ( .A(n11), .Y(n12) ); OR2X1TS U205 ( .A(in2[0]), .B(in1[0]), .Y(res[0]) ); OAI21X4TS U206 ( .A0(n279), .A1(n284), .B0(n280), .Y(n182) ); NOR2X4TS U207 ( .A(n181), .B(in1[23]), .Y(n279) ); NAND3X4TS U208 ( .A(n78), .B(n77), .C(n74), .Y(res[31]) ); MX2X6TS U209 ( .A(in2[13]), .B(n124), .S0(n225), .Y(n18) ); NOR2X4TS U210 ( .A(n61), .B(n60), .Y(n62) ); NAND4X4TS U211 ( .A(n352), .B(n92), .C(n91), .D(n90), .Y(n48) ); XNOR2X2TS U212 ( .A(n154), .B(in2[18]), .Y(n155) ); INVX12TS U213 ( .A(in2[7]), .Y(n49) ); XNOR2X4TS U214 ( .A(n115), .B(in2[8]), .Y(n102) ); AOI21X1TS U215 ( .A0(n347), .A1(n84), .B0(n105), .Y(n13) ); XOR2X2TS U216 ( .A(n134), .B(in2[12]), .Y(n125) ); NOR2X4TS U217 ( .A(n147), .B(in1[17]), .Y(n309) ); MX2X4TS U218 ( .A(in2[17]), .B(n146), .S0(n225), .Y(n147) ); AND4X8TS U219 ( .A(n90), .B(n95), .C(n91), .D(n92), .Y(n14) ); INVX12TS U220 ( .A(in2[6]), .Y(n95) ); INVX12TS U221 ( .A(n277), .Y(n40) ); NAND2X8TS U222 ( .A(n187), .B(n186), .Y(n224) ); NOR4X2TS U223 ( .A(n185), .B(n184), .C(in2[23]), .D(in2[22]), .Y(n186) ); AND2X4TS U224 ( .A(n183), .B(n9), .Y(n80) ); XOR2X1TS U225 ( .A(n176), .B(n167), .Y(n166) ); NOR2X4TS U226 ( .A(n10), .B(n59), .Y(n58) ); NAND2BX4TS U227 ( .AN(in2[29]), .B(n81), .Y(n251) ); NOR3X4TS U228 ( .A(n224), .B(in2[28]), .C(n223), .Y(n81) ); NOR2X2TS U229 ( .A(n99), .B(in2[7]), .Y(n31) ); NAND2X4TS U230 ( .A(n90), .B(n91), .Y(n99) ); XOR2X1TS U231 ( .A(n293), .B(n292), .Y(res[21]) ); AOI21X4TS U232 ( .A0(n296), .A1(n83), .B0(n290), .Y(n293) ); NAND2X4TS U233 ( .A(n168), .B(in1[20]), .Y(n294) ); NAND2BX4TS U234 ( .AN(n185), .B(n187), .Y(n176) ); NOR2X4TS U235 ( .A(in2[25]), .B(in2[24]), .Y(n206) ); OAI21X4TS U236 ( .A0(n234), .A1(n218), .B0(n217), .Y(n260) ); XOR2X2TS U237 ( .A(n163), .B(in2[21]), .Y(n165) ); MXI2X4TS U238 ( .A(n165), .B(n164), .S0(n353), .Y(n169) ); NAND2X4TS U239 ( .A(n86), .B(n83), .Y(n172) ); MX2X4TS U240 ( .A(in2[19]), .B(n152), .S0(add_sub), .Y(n158) ); NAND2X8TS U241 ( .A(n134), .B(n133), .Y(n139) ); NAND2X8TS U242 ( .A(n103), .B(n108), .Y(n116) ); NOR2X4TS U243 ( .A(n224), .B(n210), .Y(n207) ); XNOR2X4TS U244 ( .A(n188), .B(in2[25]), .Y(n189) ); NOR2X4TS U245 ( .A(n224), .B(in2[24]), .Y(n188) ); MXI2X4TS U246 ( .A(n103), .B(n102), .S0(n225), .Y(n104) ); NOR2X6TS U247 ( .A(n70), .B(n334), .Y(n68) ); NAND2X4TS U248 ( .A(n134), .B(n126), .Y(n123) ); INVX2TS U249 ( .A(in2[16]), .Y(n141) ); INVX2TS U250 ( .A(in2[18]), .Y(n156) ); INVX2TS U251 ( .A(in1[7]), .Y(n53) ); NAND2X2TS U252 ( .A(n109), .B(in1[9]), .Y(n342) ); NAND2X4TS U253 ( .A(n110), .B(in1[10]), .Y(n338) ); NOR2X2TS U254 ( .A(n131), .B(in1[14]), .Y(n320) ); NOR2X4TS U255 ( .A(n180), .B(in1[22]), .Y(n283) ); INVX4TS U256 ( .A(n71), .Y(n27) ); INVX2TS U257 ( .A(n116), .Y(n120) ); INVX2TS U258 ( .A(in2[11]), .Y(n118) ); INVX2TS U259 ( .A(n96), .Y(n57) ); OAI21X2TS U260 ( .A0(n96), .A1(n17), .B0(in1[6]), .Y(n59) ); INVX6TS U261 ( .A(in2[9]), .Y(n108) ); INVX2TS U262 ( .A(in2[12]), .Y(n126) ); INVX12TS U263 ( .A(in2[5]), .Y(n51) ); INVX8TS U264 ( .A(in2[4]), .Y(n50) ); CLKAND2X2TS U265 ( .A(n49), .B(add_sub), .Y(n15) ); NAND2X1TS U266 ( .A(n34), .B(in2[7]), .Y(n33) ); INVX2TS U267 ( .A(n99), .Y(n34) ); CLKINVX6TS U268 ( .A(n68), .Y(n28) ); INVX2TS U269 ( .A(n88), .Y(n60) ); XOR2X1TS U270 ( .A(n151), .B(n150), .Y(n152) ); INVX2TS U271 ( .A(in2[19]), .Y(n150) ); INVX2TS U272 ( .A(in2[21]), .Y(n164) ); INVX2TS U273 ( .A(n224), .Y(n199) ); INVX2TS U274 ( .A(n241), .Y(n195) ); NOR2X2TS U275 ( .A(n275), .B(n190), .Y(n196) ); INVX2TS U276 ( .A(n171), .Y(n44) ); INVX2TS U277 ( .A(n255), .Y(n213) ); NOR2X4TS U278 ( .A(n279), .B(n283), .Y(n183) ); INVX2TS U279 ( .A(n314), .Y(n143) ); NOR2X4TS U280 ( .A(n158), .B(in1[19]), .Y(n299) ); OR2X4TS U281 ( .A(n169), .B(in1[21]), .Y(n86) ); CLKBUFX2TS U282 ( .A(n288), .Y(n289) ); NAND2X2TS U283 ( .A(n194), .B(in1[25]), .Y(n241) ); NAND2X4TS U284 ( .A(n202), .B(in1[26]), .Y(n232) ); INVX2TS U285 ( .A(n234), .Y(n197) ); NAND2X2TS U286 ( .A(n214), .B(in1[27]), .Y(n237) ); NAND2X2TS U287 ( .A(n242), .B(n87), .Y(n231) ); OAI21X1TS U288 ( .A0(n234), .A1(n233), .B0(n232), .Y(n235) ); NAND2X1TS U289 ( .A(n270), .B(n271), .Y(n75) ); NOR2XLTS U290 ( .A(n48), .B(in2[4]), .Y(n359) ); NAND2X1TS U291 ( .A(n349), .B(n52), .Y(n351) ); NAND2X1TS U292 ( .A(n84), .B(n346), .Y(n348) ); NAND2X1TS U293 ( .A(n343), .B(n342), .Y(n345) ); INVX2TS U294 ( .A(n341), .Y(n343) ); NAND2X1TS U295 ( .A(n85), .B(n338), .Y(n339) ); NAND2X1TS U296 ( .A(n335), .B(n334), .Y(n337) ); NAND2X1TS U297 ( .A(n331), .B(n330), .Y(n332) ); INVX2TS U298 ( .A(n329), .Y(n331) ); OAI21XLTS U299 ( .A0(n20), .A1(n329), .B0(n330), .Y(n328) ); INVX2TS U300 ( .A(n324), .Y(n326) ); NAND2X1TS U301 ( .A(n322), .B(n321), .Y(n323) ); INVX2TS U302 ( .A(n320), .Y(n322) ); NAND2X1TS U303 ( .A(n88), .B(n317), .Y(n318) ); CLKBUFX2TS U304 ( .A(n64), .Y(n25) ); NAND2X1TS U305 ( .A(n82), .B(n314), .Y(n315) ); XOR2XLTS U306 ( .A(n313), .B(n312), .Y(res[17]) ); INVX2TS U307 ( .A(n309), .Y(n311) ); XNOR2X1TS U308 ( .A(n296), .B(n295), .Y(res[20]) ); XOR2X1TS U309 ( .A(n287), .B(n286), .Y(res[22]) ); INVX2TS U310 ( .A(n283), .Y(n285) ); XOR2X2TS U311 ( .A(n282), .B(n23), .Y(res[23]) ); INVX2TS U312 ( .A(n279), .Y(n281) ); INVX2TS U313 ( .A(n258), .Y(n228) ); OAI21X1TS U314 ( .A0(n270), .A1(n76), .B0(n75), .Y(n74) ); NAND3X2TS U315 ( .A(n73), .B(n72), .C(n71), .Y(n78) ); NAND2X4TS U316 ( .A(n100), .B(n367), .Y(n55) ); NAND3X6TS U317 ( .A(n335), .B(n38), .C(n129), .Y(n36) ); CLKINVX12TS U318 ( .A(n26), .Y(n134) ); XNOR2X2TS U319 ( .A(n139), .B(in2[14]), .Y(n130) ); BUFX8TS U320 ( .A(n278), .Y(n45) ); NOR2X4TS U321 ( .A(in2[8]), .B(n115), .Y(n106) ); INVX8TS U322 ( .A(n115), .Y(n122) ); XNOR2X1TS U323 ( .A(n277), .B(n276), .Y(res[24]) ); NOR2X4TS U324 ( .A(n109), .B(in1[9]), .Y(n341) ); INVX16TS U325 ( .A(in2[0]), .Y(n352) ); NAND2X4TS U326 ( .A(n262), .B(in1[30]), .Y(n271) ); NOR2X4TS U327 ( .A(n157), .B(in1[18]), .Y(n304) ); AO21X4TS U328 ( .A0(n260), .A1(n261), .B0(n259), .Y(n16) ); AND2X8TS U329 ( .A(n50), .B(n51), .Y(n17) ); INVX2TS U330 ( .A(n271), .Y(n266) ); AND4X8TS U331 ( .A(n50), .B(n352), .C(n51), .D(n49), .Y(n21) ); INVX2TS U332 ( .A(n265), .Y(n272) ); INVX2TS U333 ( .A(n38), .Y(n336) ); CLKINVX6TS U334 ( .A(n48), .Y(n367) ); NOR2X4TS U335 ( .A(n114), .B(in1[11]), .Y(n333) ); XOR2X2TS U336 ( .A(n187), .B(in2[16]), .Y(n140) ); NAND2X8TS U337 ( .A(n14), .B(n21), .Y(n115) ); INVX8TS U338 ( .A(n129), .Y(n70) ); NAND2X8TS U339 ( .A(n122), .B(n121), .Y(n26) ); NAND3X8TS U340 ( .A(n55), .B(n58), .C(n56), .Y(n54) ); NOR2X8TS U341 ( .A(n39), .B(n221), .Y(n230) ); AND2X8TS U342 ( .A(n36), .B(n28), .Y(n65) ); AOI21X4TS U343 ( .A0(n347), .A1(n84), .B0(n105), .Y(n344) ); NAND2X8TS U344 ( .A(n101), .B(n349), .Y(n347) ); NAND2X8TS U345 ( .A(n73), .B(n29), .Y(n274) ); NAND2X8TS U346 ( .A(n45), .B(n80), .Y(n73) ); OAI2BB1X4TS U347 ( .A0N(n31), .A1N(n12), .B0(n98), .Y(n30) ); NAND3BX4TS U348 ( .AN(n33), .B(n12), .C(n100), .Y(n32) ); NAND2BX4TS U349 ( .AN(n100), .B(n15), .Y(n35) ); NAND2X8TS U350 ( .A(n64), .B(n62), .Y(n138) ); NAND2X8TS U351 ( .A(n65), .B(n66), .Y(n64) ); NAND2X8TS U352 ( .A(n37), .B(n338), .Y(n38) ); OAI21X4TS U353 ( .A0(n344), .A1(n341), .B0(n342), .Y(n340) ); NOR2X8TS U354 ( .A(n40), .B(n222), .Y(n39) ); AOI21X4TS U355 ( .A0(n171), .A1(n172), .B0(n42), .Y(n41) ); NAND2BX4TS U356 ( .AN(n44), .B(n288), .Y(n43) ); OAI21X2TS U357 ( .A0(n288), .A1(n172), .B0(n171), .Y(n278) ); NAND2X8TS U358 ( .A(n47), .B(n46), .Y(n277) ); XOR2X4TS U359 ( .A(n123), .B(in2[13]), .Y(n124) ); MXI2X8TS U360 ( .A(n126), .B(n125), .S0(n225), .Y(n127) ); MXI2X4TS U361 ( .A(n132), .B(n130), .S0(n252), .Y(n131) ); NAND2X8TS U362 ( .A(n54), .B(n53), .Y(n52) ); NAND2BX4TS U363 ( .AN(n367), .B(n57), .Y(n56) ); NOR3XLTS U364 ( .A(n68), .B(n69), .C(n128), .Y(n319) ); AND2X8TS U365 ( .A(n67), .B(n321), .Y(n66) ); INVX16TS U366 ( .A(in2[1]), .Y(n92) ); INVX16TS U367 ( .A(in2[2]), .Y(n91) ); XNOR2X1TS U368 ( .A(n315), .B(n316), .Y(res[16]) ); XNOR2X1TS U369 ( .A(n348), .B(n347), .Y(res[8]) ); XNOR2X1TS U370 ( .A(n340), .B(n339), .Y(res[10]) ); XNOR2X2TS U371 ( .A(n274), .B(n273), .Y(res[30]) ); OR2X8TS U372 ( .A(n137), .B(in1[15]), .Y(n88) ); MX2X4TS U373 ( .A(in2[11]), .B(n113), .S0(n252), .Y(n114) ); MXI2X4TS U374 ( .A(n117), .B(n93), .S0(n252), .Y(n110) ); AND2X4TS U375 ( .A(n17), .B(n95), .Y(n100) ); NAND2X8TS U376 ( .A(n97), .B(in1[7]), .Y(n349) ); XOR2X1TS U377 ( .A(add_sub), .B(in2[7]), .Y(n98) ); XNOR2X4TS U378 ( .A(n106), .B(n108), .Y(n107) ); MXI2X4TS U379 ( .A(n108), .B(n107), .S0(n225), .Y(n109) ); NOR2X4TS U380 ( .A(n111), .B(in2[10]), .Y(n112) ); AND2X8TS U381 ( .A(n120), .B(n119), .Y(n121) ); NOR2X8TS U382 ( .A(n18), .B(in1[13]), .Y(n324) ); NOR2X8TS U383 ( .A(n127), .B(in1[12]), .Y(n329) ); NOR2X8TS U384 ( .A(n324), .B(n329), .Y(n129) ); OAI21X4TS U385 ( .A0(n324), .A1(n330), .B0(n325), .Y(n128) ); INVX2TS U386 ( .A(in2[14]), .Y(n132) ); NAND3X1TS U387 ( .A(n134), .B(n133), .C(n132), .Y(n135) ); XOR2X1TS U388 ( .A(n135), .B(in2[15]), .Y(n136) ); MX2X4TS U389 ( .A(in2[15]), .B(n136), .S0(n252), .Y(n137) ); NAND2X6TS U390 ( .A(n137), .B(in1[15]), .Y(n317) ); NAND2X8TS U391 ( .A(n138), .B(n317), .Y(n316) ); NOR3X8TS U392 ( .A(n139), .B(in2[15]), .C(in2[14]), .Y(n187) ); MXI2X2TS U393 ( .A(n141), .B(n140), .S0(n252), .Y(n142) ); AOI21X4TS U394 ( .A0(n316), .A1(n82), .B0(n143), .Y(n312) ); NOR2X2TS U395 ( .A(n153), .B(in2[16]), .Y(n145) ); XOR2X1TS U396 ( .A(n145), .B(n144), .Y(n146) ); OAI21X4TS U397 ( .A0(n312), .A1(n309), .B0(n310), .Y(n297) ); INVX2TS U398 ( .A(n162), .Y(n148) ); MXI2X4TS U399 ( .A(n156), .B(n155), .S0(n252), .Y(n157) ); OAI21X4TS U400 ( .A0(n299), .A1(n305), .B0(n300), .Y(n159) ); AOI21X4TS U401 ( .A0(n297), .A1(n160), .B0(n159), .Y(n288) ); NAND2X2TS U402 ( .A(n162), .B(n161), .Y(n185) ); AOI21X4TS U403 ( .A0(n86), .A1(n290), .B0(n170), .Y(n171) ); INVX2TS U404 ( .A(in2[23]), .Y(n173) ); INVX2TS U405 ( .A(in2[22]), .Y(n179) ); INVX2TS U406 ( .A(in2[24]), .Y(n192) ); XNOR2X4TS U407 ( .A(n224), .B(in2[24]), .Y(n191) ); AOI21X4TS U408 ( .A0(n277), .A1(n198), .B0(n197), .Y(n204) ); XNOR2X1TS U409 ( .A(n207), .B(in2[27]), .Y(n208) ); XNOR2X1TS U410 ( .A(n211), .B(in2[28]), .Y(n212) ); XOR2X4TS U411 ( .A(n230), .B(n229), .Y(res[29]) ); AOI21X4TS U412 ( .A0(n277), .A1(n236), .B0(n235), .Y(n239) ); AOI21X4TS U413 ( .A0(n277), .A1(n87), .B0(n240), .Y(n244) ); AOI21X4TS U414 ( .A0(n277), .A1(n255), .B0(n260), .Y(n248) ); MX2X4TS U415 ( .A(in2[31]), .B(n250), .S0(n252), .Y(n263) ); XOR2X1TS U416 ( .A(n251), .B(in2[30]), .Y(n253) ); OAI21X4TS U417 ( .A0(n287), .A1(n283), .B0(n284), .Y(n282) ); INVX2TS U418 ( .A(n304), .Y(n306) ); XNOR2X1TS U419 ( .A(n24), .B(n318), .Y(res[15]) ); XOR2XLTS U420 ( .A(n319), .B(n323), .Y(res[14]) ); XNOR2X1TS U421 ( .A(n328), .B(n327), .Y(res[13]) ); XNOR2X1TS U422 ( .A(n351), .B(n350), .Y(res[7]) ); XOR2X1TS U423 ( .A(n352), .B(in2[1]), .Y(n355) ); AOI21X1TS U424 ( .A0(n94), .A1(in2[1]), .B0(in1[1]), .Y(n354) ); NAND2X1TS U425 ( .A(n367), .B(n17), .Y(n356) ); XNOR2X1TS U426 ( .A(n356), .B(in2[6]), .Y(n358) ); AOI21X1TS U427 ( .A0(n94), .A1(in2[6]), .B0(in1[6]), .Y(n357) ); XOR2X1TS U428 ( .A(n359), .B(in2[5]), .Y(n361) ); AOI21X1TS U429 ( .A0(n94), .A1(in2[5]), .B0(in1[5]), .Y(n360) ); XNOR2X1TS U430 ( .A(n11), .B(in2[2]), .Y(n363) ); AOI21X1TS U431 ( .A0(n353), .A1(in2[2]), .B0(in1[2]), .Y(n362) ); XNOR2X1TS U432 ( .A(n364), .B(n90), .Y(n366) ); AOI21X1TS U433 ( .A0(n94), .A1(in2[3]), .B0(in1[3]), .Y(n365) ); XOR2X1TS U434 ( .A(n367), .B(in2[4]), .Y(n370) ); AOI21X1TS U435 ( .A0(n94), .A1(in2[4]), .B0(in1[4]), .Y(n369) ); initial $sdf_annotate("Approx_adder_add_approx_flow_syn_constraints.tcl_LOALPL7_syn.sdf"); endmodule
module gayle ( input clk, input clk7_en, input reset, input [23:1] address_in, input [15:0] data_in, output [15:0] data_out, input rd, input hwr, input lwr, input sel_ide, // $DAxxxx input sel_gayle, // $DExxxx output irq, output nrdy, // fifo is not ready for reading input [1:0] hdd_ena, // enables Master & Slave drives output hdd_cmd_req, output hdd_dat_req, input [2:0] hdd_addr, input [15:0] hdd_data_out, output [15:0] hdd_data_in, input hdd_wr, input hdd_status_wr, input hdd_data_wr, input hdd_data_rd, output hd_fwr, output hd_frd ); localparam VCC = 1'b1; localparam GND = 1'b0; //0xda2000 Data //0xda2004 Error | Feature //0xda2008 SectorCount //0xda200c SectorNumber //0xda2010 CylinderLow //0xda2014 CylinderHigh //0xda2018 Device/Head //0xda201c Status | Command //0xda3018 Control /* memory map: $DA0000 - $DA0FFFF : CS1 16-bit speed $DA1000 - $DA1FFFF : CS2 16-bit speed $DA2000 - $DA2FFFF : CS1 8-bit speed $DA3000 - $DA3FFFF : CS2 8-bit speed $DA4000 - $DA7FFFF : reserved $DA8000 - $DA8FFFF : IDE INTREQ state status register (not implemented as scsi.device doesn't use it) $DA9000 - $DA9FFFF : IDE INTREQ change status register (writing zeros resets selected bits, writing ones doesn't change anything) $DAA000 - $DAAFFFF : IDE INTENA register (r/w, only MSB matters) command class: PI (PIO In) PO (PIO Out) ND (No Data) Status: #6 - DRDY - Drive Ready #7 - BSY - Busy #3 - DRQ - Data Request #0 - ERR - Error INTRQ - Interrupt Request */ // address decoding signals wire sel_gayleid; // Gayle ID register select wire sel_tfr; // HDD task file registers select wire sel_fifo; // HDD data port select (FIFO buffer) wire sel_status; // HDD status register select wire sel_command; // HDD command register select wire sel_cs; // Gayle IDE CS wire sel_intreq; // Gayle interrupt request status register select wire sel_intena; // Gayle interrupt enable register select wire sel_cfg; // Gayle CFG // internal registers reg intena; // Gayle IDE interrupt enable bit reg intreq; // Gayle IDE interrupt request bit reg busy; // busy status (command processing state) reg pio_in; // pio in command type is being processed reg pio_out; // pio out command type is being processed reg error; // error status (command processing failed) reg [3:0] cfg; reg [1:0] cs; reg [5:0] cs_mask; reg dev; // drive select (Master/Slave) wire bsy; // busy wire drdy; // drive ready wire drq; // data request wire err; // error wire [7:0] status; // HDD status // FIFO control wire fifo_reset; wire [15:0] fifo_data_in; wire [15:0] fifo_data_out; wire fifo_rd; wire fifo_wr; wire fifo_full; wire fifo_empty; wire fifo_last; // last word of a sector is being read // gayle id reg reg [1:0] gayleid_cnt; // sequence counter wire gayleid; // output data (one bit wide) // hd leds assign hd_fwr = fifo_wr; assign hd_frd = fifo_rd; // HDD status register assign status = {bsy,drdy,2'b00,drq,2'b00,err}; // status debug reg [7:0] status_dbg /* synthesis syn_noprune */; always @ (posedge clk) status_dbg <= #1 status; // HDD status register bits assign bsy = busy & ~drq; assign drdy = ~(bsy|drq); assign err = error; // address decoding assign sel_gayleid = sel_gayle && address_in[15:12]==4'b0001 ? VCC : GND; // GAYLEID, $DE1xxx assign sel_tfr = sel_ide && address_in[15:14]==2'b00 && !address_in[12] ? VCC : GND; // $DA0xxx, $DA2xxx assign sel_status = rd && sel_tfr && address_in[4:2]==3'b111 ? VCC : GND; assign sel_command = hwr && sel_tfr && address_in[4:2]==3'b111 ? VCC : GND; assign sel_fifo = sel_tfr && address_in[4:2]==3'b000 ? VCC : GND; assign sel_cs = sel_ide && address_in[15:12]==4'b1000 ? VCC : GND; // GAYLE_CS_1200, $DA8xxx assign sel_intreq = sel_ide && address_in[15:12]==4'b1001 ? VCC : GND; // GAYLE_IRQ_1200, $DA9xxx assign sel_intena = sel_ide && address_in[15:12]==4'b1010 ? VCC : GND; // GAYLE_INT_1200, $DAAxxx assign sel_cfg = sel_ide && address_in[15:12]==4'b1011 ? VCC : GND; // GAYLE_CFG_1200, $DABxxx //===============================================================================================// // gayle cs always @ (posedge clk) begin if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) begin cs_mask <= #1 6'd0; cs <= #1 2'd0; end else if (hwr && sel_cs) begin cs_mask <= #1 data_in[15:10]; cs <= #1 data_in[9:8]; end end end // gayle cfg always @ (posedge clk) begin if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) cfg <= #1 4'd0; if (hwr && sel_cfg) begin cfg <= #1 data_in[15:12]; end end end // task file registers reg [7:0] tfr [7:0]; wire [2:0] tfr_sel; wire [7:0] tfr_in; wire [7:0] tfr_out; wire tfr_we; reg [7:0] sector_count; // sector counter wire sector_count_dec; // decrease sector counter always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (hwr && sel_tfr && address_in[4:2] == 3'b010) // sector count register loaded by the host sector_count <= data_in[15:8]; else if (sector_count_dec) sector_count <= sector_count - 8'd1; end assign sector_count_dec = pio_in & fifo_last & sel_fifo & rd; // task file register control assign tfr_we = busy ? hdd_wr : sel_tfr & hwr; assign tfr_sel = busy ? hdd_addr : address_in[4:2]; assign tfr_in = busy ? hdd_data_out[7:0] : data_in[15:8]; // input multiplexer for SPI host assign hdd_data_in = tfr_sel==0 ? fifo_data_out : {8'h00,tfr_out}; // task file registers always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (tfr_we) tfr[tfr_sel] <= tfr_in; end assign tfr_out = tfr[tfr_sel]; // master/slave drive select always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) dev <= 0; else if (sel_tfr && address_in[4:2]==6 && hwr) dev <= data_in[12]; end // IDE interrupt enable register always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) intena <= GND; else if (sel_intena && hwr) intena <= data_in[15]; end // gayle id register: reads 1->1->0->1 on MSB always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (sel_gayleid) if (hwr) // a write resets sequence counter gayleid_cnt <= 2'd0; else if (rd) gayleid_cnt <= gayleid_cnt + 2'd1; end assign gayleid = ~gayleid_cnt[1] | gayleid_cnt[0]; // Gayle ID output data // status register (write only from SPI host) // 7 - busy status (write zero to finish command processing: allow host access to task file registers) // 6 // 5 // 4 - intreq // 3 - drq enable for pio in (PI) command type // 2 - drq enable for pio out (PO) command type // 1 // 0 - error flag (remember about setting error task file register) // command busy status always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) busy <= GND; else if (hdd_status_wr && hdd_data_out[7] || (sector_count_dec && sector_count == 8'h01)) // reset by SPI host (by clearing BSY status bit) busy <= GND; else if (sel_command) // set when the CPU writes command register busy <= VCC; end // IDE interrupt request register always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) intreq <= GND; else if (busy && hdd_status_wr && hdd_data_out[4] && intena) // set by SPI host intreq <= VCC; else if (sel_intreq && hwr && !data_in[15]) // cleared by the CPU intreq <= GND; end assign irq = (~pio_in | drq) & intreq; // interrupt request line (INT2) // pio in command type always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) pio_in <= GND; else if (drdy) // reset when processing of the current command ends pio_in <= GND; else if (busy && hdd_status_wr && hdd_data_out[3]) // set by SPI host pio_in <= VCC; end // pio out command type always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) pio_out <= GND; else if (busy && hdd_status_wr && hdd_data_out[7]) // reset by SPI host when command processing completes pio_out <= GND; else if (busy && hdd_status_wr && hdd_data_out[2]) // set by SPI host pio_out <= VCC; end assign drq = (fifo_full & pio_in) | (~fifo_full & pio_out); // HDD data request status bit // error status always @(posedge clk) if (clk7_en) begin if (reset) error <= GND; else if (sel_command) // reset by the CPU when command register is written error <= GND; else if (busy && hdd_status_wr && hdd_data_out[0]) // set by SPI host error <= VCC; end assign hdd_cmd_req = bsy; // bsy is set when command register is written, tells the SPI host about new command assign hdd_dat_req = (fifo_full & pio_out); // the FIFO is full so SPI host may read it // FIFO in/out multiplexer assign fifo_reset = reset | sel_command; assign fifo_data_in = pio_in ? hdd_data_out : data_in; assign fifo_rd = pio_out ? hdd_data_rd : sel_fifo & rd; assign fifo_wr = pio_in ? hdd_data_wr : sel_fifo & hwr & lwr; //sector data buffer (FIFO) gayle_fifo SECBUF1 ( .clk(clk), .clk7_en(clk7_en), .reset(fifo_reset), .data_in(fifo_data_in), .data_out(fifo_data_out), .rd(fifo_rd), .wr(fifo_wr), .full(fifo_full), .empty(fifo_empty), .last(fifo_last) ); // fifo is not ready for reading assign nrdy = pio_in & sel_fifo & fifo_empty; //data_out multiplexer assign data_out = (sel_fifo && rd ? fifo_data_out : sel_status ? (!dev && hdd_ena[0]) || (dev && hdd_ena[1]) ? {status,8'h00} : 16'h00_00 : sel_tfr && rd ? {tfr_out,8'h00} : 16'h00_00) | (sel_cs && rd ? {(cs_mask[5] || intreq), cs_mask[4:0], cs, 8'h0} : 16'h00_00) | (sel_intreq && rd ? {intreq, 15'b000_0000_0000_0000} : 16'h00_00) | (sel_intena && rd ? {intena, 15'b000_0000_0000_0000} : 16'h00_00) | (sel_gayleid && rd ? {gayleid,15'b000_0000_0000_0000} : 16'h00_00) | (sel_cfg && rd ? {cfg, 12'b0000_0000_0000} : 16'h00_00); //===============================================================================================// endmodule
module qsys_serial_device#( parameter address_size=8)( // Qsys bus interface input rsi_MRST_reset, input csi_MCLK_clk, input [31:0] avs_ctrl_writedata, output reg[31:0] avs_ctrl_readdata, input [3:0] avs_ctrl_byteenable, input [7:0] avs_ctrl_address, input avs_ctrl_write, input avs_ctrl_read, input avs_ctrl_chipselect, output reg avs_ctrl_waitrequest, output reg avs_ctrl_readdatavalid, // Qsys serial interface output reg sdo, input sdi, output clk, output reg sle, input srdy ); reg [64:0] data_buffer; assign clk = csi_MCLK_clk; parameter initial_state = 8'd0; parameter bus_data_wait = initial_state+8'd1; parameter bus_data_ready = bus_data_wait+8'd1; parameter bus_transmit_start = bus_data_ready + 8'd1; parameter bus_transmit_ready = bus_transmit_start + 8'd64; parameter bus_transmit_finish = bus_transmit_ready + 8'd1; parameter bus_ready_wait = bus_transmit_finish + 8'd1; parameter bus_transmit_back = bus_ready_wait + 8'd1; parameter bus_data_read = bus_transmit_back + 8'd1; parameter bus_data_read_finish = bus_data_read + 8'd2; reg [7:0] state; reg [7:0] nextstate; always@(posedge csi_MCLK_clk or posedge rsi_MRST_reset) begin if (rsi_MRST_reset) state <= initial_state; else state <= nextstate; end always@(state or srdy or avs_ctrl_write or avs_ctrl_read) begin case(state) initial_state: nextstate <= bus_data_wait; bus_data_wait: begin if(avs_ctrl_write == 1'b1 || avs_ctrl_read == 1'b1) begin if(avs_ctrl_chipselect == 1'b1) nextstate <= bus_data_ready; else nextstate <= bus_data_wait; end else nextstate <= bus_data_wait; end bus_data_ready: nextstate <= bus_transmit_start; bus_transmit_start: nextstate <= state + 1; bus_transmit_ready: nextstate <= bus_transmit_finish; bus_transmit_finish: nextstate <= bus_ready_wait; bus_ready_wait: begin if(srdy == 1'b1) nextstate <= bus_transmit_back; else nextstate <= bus_ready_wait; end bus_transmit_back: begin if(srdy == 1'b0) nextstate <= bus_data_read; else nextstate <= bus_transmit_back; end bus_data_read: nextstate <= state +1; bus_data_read_finish: nextstate <= bus_data_wait; default: nextstate <= state + 1; endcase end always@(posedge csi_MCLK_clk) begin if (state == bus_data_wait) begin data_buffer[63:32] <= avs_ctrl_address; if (avs_ctrl_write == 1'b1) begin data_buffer[64] <= 1'b1; //write data_buffer[31:0] <= avs_ctrl_writedata; end else if (avs_ctrl_read == 1'b1) begin data_buffer[64] <= 1'b0; //read data_buffer[31:0] <= 32'd0; end end else if (state >= bus_transmit_start && state <= bus_transmit_ready) begin integer i; for(i=0;i<64;i=i+1) data_buffer[i+1] <= data_buffer[i]; sdo <= data_buffer[64]; end else if (state == bus_transmit_back) begin integer i; for(i=0;i<64;i=i+1) data_buffer[i+1] <= data_buffer[i]; data_buffer[0]<= sdi; end end always@(posedge csi_MCLK_clk) begin if (state >= bus_data_ready && state < bus_transmit_ready) sle <= 1; else sle <= 0; end always@(state) begin if (state >= bus_data_ready && state <= bus_data_read) avs_ctrl_waitrequest = 1'b1; else avs_ctrl_waitrequest = 1'b0; end always@(posedge csi_MCLK_clk) begin if (state == bus_data_read ) avs_ctrl_readdatavalid <= 1'b1; else avs_ctrl_readdatavalid <= 1'b0; end always@(posedge csi_MCLK_clk) begin if (state == bus_data_read) begin avs_ctrl_readdata <= data_buffer[31:0]; end end endmodule
module t ( input wire CLK ); foo #(.WIDTH (1)) foo1 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (7)) foo7 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (8)) foo8 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (32)) foo32 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (33)) foo33 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (40)) foo40 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (41)) foo41 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (64)) foo64 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (65)) foo65 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (96)) foo96 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (97)) foo97 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (128)) foo128 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (256)) foo256 (.*); foo #(.WIDTH (1024)) foo1024 (.*); bar #(.WIDTH (1024)) bar1024 (.*); endmodule
module foo #( parameter WIDTH = 32 ) ( input CLK ); logic [ ( ( WIDTH + 7 ) / 8 ) * 8 - 1 : 0 ] initial_value; logic [ WIDTH - 1 : 0 ] value_q /* verilator public */; integer i; initial begin initial_value = '1; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH / 8; i++) initial_value[ i * 8 +: 8 ] = i[ 7 : 0 ]; value_q = initial_value[ WIDTH - 1 : 0 ]; end always @(posedge CLK) value_q <= ~value_q; endmodule
module bar #( parameter WIDTH = 32 ) ( input CLK ); foo #(.WIDTH (WIDTH)) foo (.*); endmodule
module spi_slave_0_base( clk,sck,mosi,miso,ssel,rst_n,recived_status ); input clk; input rst_n; input sck,mosi,ssel; output miso; output recived_status; reg recived_status; reg[2:0] sckr; reg[2:0] sselr; reg[1:0] mosir; reg[2:0] bitcnt; reg[7:0] bytecnt; reg byte_received; // high when a byte has been received reg [7:0] byte_data_received; reg[7:0] received_memory; reg [7:0] byte_data_sent; reg [7:0] cnt; wire ssel_active; wire sck_risingedge; wire sck_fallingedge; wire ssel_startmessage; wire ssel_endmessage; wire mosi_data; /******************************************************************************* *detect the rising edge and falling edge of sck *******************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n) sckr <= 3'h0; else sckr <= {sckr[1:0],sck}; end assign sck_risingedge = (sckr[2:1] == 2'b01) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign sck_fallingedge = (sckr[2:1] == 2'b10) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; /******************************************************************************* *detect starts at falling edge and stops at rising edge of ssel *******************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n) sselr <= 3'h0; else sselr <= {sselr[1:0],ssel}; end assign ssel_active = (~sselr[1]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // SSEL is active low assign ssel_startmessage = (sselr[2:1]==2'b10) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // message starts at falling edge assign ssel_endmessage = (sselr[2:1]==2'b01) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // message stops at rising edge /******************************************************************************* *read from mosi *******************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n) mosir <= 2'h0; else mosir <={mosir[0],mosi}; end assign mosi_data = mosir[1]; /******************************************************************************* *SPI slave reveive in 8-bits format *******************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begin bitcnt <= 3'b000; byte_data_received <= 8'h0; end else begin if(~ssel_active) bitcnt <= 3'b000; else begin if(sck_risingedge)begin bitcnt <= bitcnt + 3'b001; byte_data_received <= {byte_data_received[6:0], mosi_data}; end else begin bitcnt <= bitcnt; byte_data_received <= byte_data_received; end end end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) byte_received <= 1'b0; else byte_received <= ssel_active && sck_risingedge && (bitcnt==3'b111); end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n)begin bytecnt <= 8'h0; received_memory <= 8'h0; end else begin if(byte_received) begin bytecnt <= bytecnt + 1'b1; received_memory <= (byte_data_received == bytecnt) ? (received_memory + 1'b1) : received_memory; end else begin bytecnt <= bytecnt; received_memory <= received_memory; end end end /******************************************************************************* *SPI slave send date *******************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) cnt<= 8'h0; else begin if(byte_received) cnt<=cnt+8'h1; // count the messages else cnt<=cnt; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) byte_data_sent <= 8'h0; else begin if(ssel_active && sck_fallingedge) begin if(bitcnt==3'b000) byte_data_sent <= cnt; // after that, we send 0s else byte_data_sent <= {byte_data_sent[6:0], 1'b0}; end else byte_data_sent <= byte_data_sent; end end assign miso = byte_data_sent[7]; // send MSB first always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) recived_status <= 1'b0; else recived_status <= (received_memory == 8'd64) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end endmodule
module redFour__NMOSwk_X_1_Delay_100(g, d, s); input g; input d; input s; supply0 gnd; rtranif1 #(100) NMOSfwk_0 (d, s, g); endmodule
module redFour__PMOSwk_X_0_833_Delay_100(g, d, s); input g; input d; input s; supply1 vdd; rtranif0 #(100) PMOSfwk_0 (d, s, g); endmodule
module scanChainFive__scanL(in, out); input in; output out; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_4, net_7; redFour__NMOSwk_X_1_Delay_100 NMOSwk_0(.g(out), .d(in), .s(net_7)); redFour__NMOSwk_X_1_Delay_100 NMOSwk_1(.g(out), .d(net_7), .s(gnd)); redFour__PMOSwk_X_0_833_Delay_100 PMOSwk_0(.g(out), .d(net_4), .s(vdd)); redFour__PMOSwk_X_0_833_Delay_100 PMOSwk_1(.g(out), .d(in), .s(net_4)); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) invV_0 (out, in); endmodule
module redFour__NMOS_X_6_667_Delay_100(g, d, s); input g; input d; input s; supply0 gnd; tranif1 #(100) NMOSf_0 (d, s, g); endmodule
module redFour__PMOS_X_3_333_Delay_100(g, d, s); input g; input d; input s; supply1 vdd; tranif0 #(100) PMOSf_0 (d, s, g); endmodule
module scanChainFive__scanP(in, src, drn); input in; input src; output drn; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_1; redFour__NMOS_X_6_667_Delay_100 NMOS_0(.g(in), .d(drn), .s(src)); redFour__PMOS_X_3_333_Delay_100 PMOS_0(.g(net_1), .d(drn), .s(src)); not (strong0, strong1) #(0) inv_0 (net_1, in); endmodule
module scanChainFive__scanRL(phi1, phi2, rd, sin, sout); input phi1; input phi2; input rd; input sin; output sout; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_0, net_2, net_3; scanChainFive__scanL foo1(.in(net_2), .out(net_3)); scanChainFive__scanL foo2(.in(net_0), .out(sout)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_0(.in(rd), .src(vdd), .drn(net_0)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_1(.in(phi1), .src(net_3), .drn(net_0)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_2(.in(phi2), .src(sin), .drn(net_2)); endmodule
module jtag__BR(SDI, phi1, phi2, read, SDO); input SDI; input phi1; input phi2; input read; output SDO; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; scanChainFive__scanRL scanRL_0(.phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(SDI), .sout(SDO)); endmodule
module scanChainFive__scanIRH(mclr, phi1, phi2, rd, sin, wr, dout, doutb, sout); input mclr; input phi1; input phi2; input rd; input sin; input wr; output dout; output doutb; output sout; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_2, net_4, net_6, net_7; scanChainFive__scanL foo1(.in(net_6), .out(net_7)); scanChainFive__scanL foo2(.in(net_2), .out(sout)); scanChainFive__scanL foo3(.in(net_4), .out(doutb)); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) invLT_0 (dout, doutb); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_0(.in(wr), .src(sout), .drn(net_4)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_1(.in(rd), .src(gnd), .drn(net_2)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_2(.in(mclr), .src(vdd), .drn(net_4)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_3(.in(phi1), .src(net_7), .drn(net_2)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_4(.in(phi2), .src(sin), .drn(net_6)); endmodule
module scanChainFive__scanIRL(mclr, phi1, phi2, rd, sin, wr, dout, doutb, sout); input mclr; input phi1; input phi2; input rd; input sin; input wr; output dout; output doutb; output sout; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_2, net_3, net_4, net_6; scanChainFive__scanL foo1(.in(net_2), .out(net_3)); scanChainFive__scanL foo2(.in(net_4), .out(sout)); scanChainFive__scanL foo3(.in(net_6), .out(doutb)); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) invLT_0 (dout, doutb); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_0(.in(rd), .src(vdd), .drn(net_4)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_1(.in(mclr), .src(vdd), .drn(net_6)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_2(.in(wr), .src(sout), .drn(net_6)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_3(.in(phi1), .src(net_3), .drn(net_4)); scanChainFive__scanP scanP_4(.in(phi2), .src(sin), .drn(net_2)); endmodule
module jtag__IR(SDI, phi1, phi2, read, reset, write, IR, IRb, SDO); input SDI; input phi1; input phi2; input read; input reset; input write; output [8:1] IR; output [8:1] IRb; output SDO; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_1, net_2, net_3, net_4, net_5, net_6, net_7; scanChainFive__scanIRH scanIRH_0(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_1), .wr(write), .dout(IR[1]), .doutb(IRb[1]), .sout(SDO)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_0(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_3), .wr(write), .dout(IR[7]), .doutb(IRb[7]), .sout(net_2)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_1(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_5), .wr(write), .dout(IR[5]), .doutb(IRb[5]), .sout(net_4)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_2(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_2), .wr(write), .dout(IR[6]), .doutb(IRb[6]), .sout(net_5)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_3(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_7), .wr(write), .dout(IR[3]), .doutb(IRb[3]), .sout(net_6)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_4(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_6), .wr(write), .dout(IR[2]), .doutb(IRb[2]), .sout(net_1)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_5(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(net_4), .wr(write), .dout(IR[4]), .doutb(IRb[4]), .sout(net_7)); scanChainFive__scanIRL scanIRL_6(.mclr(reset), .phi1(phi1), .phi2(phi2), .rd(read), .sin(SDI), .wr(write), .dout(IR[8]), .doutb(IRb[8]), .sout(net_3)); endmodule
module redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1(ina, inb, out); input ina; input inb; output out; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; nor (strong0, strong1) #(100) nor2_0 (out, ina, inb); endmodule
module jtag__IRdecode(IR, IRb, Bypass, ExTest, SamplePreload, ScanPath); input [4:1] IR; input [4:1] IRb; output Bypass; output ExTest; output SamplePreload; output [12:0] ScanPath; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire H00, H01, H10, H11, L00, L01, L10, L11, net_19, net_21, net_23, net_25; wire net_26, net_27, net_28, net_29, net_30, net_31, net_32, net_33, net_34; wire net_35, net_36, net_37; not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_0 (Bypass, net_19); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_1 (SamplePreload, net_21); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_2 (ExTest, net_23); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_3 (ScanPath[12], net_25); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_4 (ScanPath[11], net_26); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_5 (ScanPath[10], net_27); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_6 (ScanPath[9], net_28); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_7 (ScanPath[8], net_29); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_8 (ScanPath[7], net_30); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_9 (ScanPath[6], net_31); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_10 (ScanPath[5], net_32); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_11 (ScanPath[4], net_33); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_12 (ScanPath[3], net_34); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_13 (ScanPath[2], net_35); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_14 (ScanPath[1], net_36); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_15 (ScanPath[0], net_37); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_0 (net_19, L11, H11); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_1 (net_21, L10, H11); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_2 (net_23, L01, H11); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_3 (net_25, L00, H11); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_4 (net_26, L11, H10); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_5 (net_27, L10, H10); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_6 (net_28, L01, H10); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_7 (net_29, L00, H10); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_8 (net_30, L11, H01); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_9 (net_31, L10, H01); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_10 (net_32, L01, H01); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_11 (net_33, L00, H01); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_12 (net_34, L11, H00); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_13 (net_35, L10, H00); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_14 (net_36, L01, H00); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_15 (net_37, L00, H00); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_0(.ina(IR[1]), .inb(IR[2]), .out(L00)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_1(.ina(IRb[1]), .inb(IR[2]), .out(L01)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_2(.ina(IR[1]), .inb(IRb[2]), .out(L10)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_3(.ina(IRb[1]), .inb(IRb[2]), .out(L11)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_4(.ina(IR[3]), .inb(IR[4]), .out(H00)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_5(.ina(IRb[3]), .inb(IR[4]), .out(H01)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_6(.ina(IR[3]), .inb(IRb[4]), .out(H10)); redFour__nor2n_X_3_Delay_100_drive0_strong0_drive1_strong1 nor2n_7(.ina(IRb[3]), .inb(IRb[4]), .out(H11)); endmodule
module redFour__PMOSwk_X_0_222_Delay_100(g, d, s); input g; input d; input s; supply1 vdd; rtranif0 #(100) PMOSfwk_0 (d, s, g); endmodule
module jtag__clockGen(clk, phi1_fb, phi2_fb, phi1_out, phi2_out); input clk; input phi1_fb; input phi2_fb; output phi1_out; output phi2_out; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; wire net_0, net_1, net_3, net_4, net_6; not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_0 (phi2_out, net_3); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_1 (phi1_out, net_6); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) inv_2 (net_4, clk); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) invLT_0 (net_0, phi1_fb); not (strong0, strong1) #(100) invLT_1 (net_1, phi2_fb); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_0 (net_3, net_0, net_4); nand (strong0, strong1) #(100) nand2_1 (net_6, net_1, clk); endmodule