1 value
How to Accrue Vacation Time
1. Earning Extra Vacation Time 1-1. Work more. For most jobs that offer paid vacation, simply showing up to work helps you accrue vacation days. Though the specific rules will vary from business to business, usually, every day, week, or pay period worked will add a specific number of hours or days toward your total vacation time. For instance, in the U.S., it's common for an entry-level full-time employee to earn about two weeks (10 work days) of paid vacation per year. Assuming about 250 days of work per year (5 days per week × 52 weeks per year - 10 days for holidays), this means that each day worked earns about 1/25 (4%) of a paid vacation day. As noted, however, vacation arrangements can vary greatly between jobs. For instance, some employers may grant all vacation days at the beginning of the year and allow the employee to use them as she pleases. Other jobs — especially part-time and "temp" jobs — may not allow for any paid vacation at all. Note also that many employers choose to grant their employees "sick days" and/or "personal days" in addition to normal paid vacation time. These usually accrue at different rates than ordinary vacation days and are intended to be used for illnesses, moving, and other situations when the obligations of the employee's personal life interfere with his work commitment. However, it's common practice for employees to sometimes use these days for vacation time. 1-2. If you're a new hire, finish your probationary period. Sometimes, employers require that a new employee works a certain length of time before he becomes eligible for benefits, including vacation time and other paid time off. If this is the case for your job, you'll need to finish your probationary period before you begin to earn paid vacation time — there isn't really a way around this. Like an employee's benefits, the length of a new hire's probationary period can vary from company to company. For instance, some companies have probationary periods of three months, while others have probationary periods twice as long. It's also important to note that employers may place an employee on "probationary" status for disciplinary reasons. If this is the case for you, you'll need to work with your employer to fix the problems that caused your probation to start accruing vacation time once again. 1-3. Stay with your company in the long haul. Usually, long-term employees are rewarded for their loyalty with additional vacation time. Working for the same company over many years can have other benefits, as well, including raises, recognition, and additional work flexibility. If you're a relatively new hire but you're happy with your current job, consider aiming for a few years of good work to start earning additional vacation time. While vacation policies differ greatly between employers, on average, new hires in the U.S. earn about 14 days of paid vacation per year, while employees who have been working for more than 15 years earn about twice as much at 27 days per year. 1-4. If you're allowed, buy more vacation time. Even with paid vacation time, it can be tricky to schedule a lengthy, refreshing break from work — sometimes, two weeks per year just doesn't cut it. For situations where employees need to take breaks longer than the amount of vacation time they have saved up, some employers allow their workers to buy additional time from other employees or the company itself. In these cases, the vacation time is almost always valued at the full value of the equivalent time worked — for instance, if you make $20 per hour, a full eight-hour day off of work would cost 8 × 20 = $160. Note that, in these situations, the cost of the time off isn't usually paid as a lump sum. Instead, the cost is deducted in small amounts over a long period of time from the employee's regular paychecks. 1-5. Switch to full-time work if you are a temporary or part-time hire. Independent contractors, seasonal workers, and most other part-time or temporary ("temp") employees do not usually accrue vacation time, no matter how much they work. The logic behind this is that part-time workers have much greater flexibility in their hours than full-time workers, so they don't "need" as much vacation time. However, in reality, it's easy for a temp worker with one or more jobs to end up working long hours without accruing any sorts of benefits (including vacation time). If you're in this situation, try making the switch to full-time employment either by reworking your commitment at your current job or by finding new work. If you're a temp worker and you're on good terms with your boss, you may want to cautiously try asking for enough work to qualify as full-time and start earning benefits. Note, however, that the prospects for temp workers can be slim in this regard — many temps have a difficult time making the transition to full-time work. 1-6. Make the most of other "time off" to save vacation time. As noted above, vacation days are often not the only type of paid leave offered by employers. Companies often offer a certain number of "sick days" and "personal days" per year for things like illnesses, moving days, and so on. While these often don't accumulate as rapidly as paid vacation days (for instance, some employers offer one sick day per month worked), you may want to use these to take breaks when possible to preserve your vacation time. Keep in mind that employers are also legally obligated to give you time off for certain types of important duties that are beyond your control. For instance, if you get a jury duty summons, most states have laws in place that require your employer to give you time off without requiring you to use your vacation days. Similar protections are in place for members of the armed forces or reserves who have periodic military duties. However, these laws do not always require your employer to pay you for the time off. In addition, many employers offer several days of paid bereavement leave when a close family member dies. However, this is often not mandated by law. 1-7. Don't let your vacation time reach its "cap". Most workplaces have a "cap" on the amount of vacation time that can be accrued. This means that once you have a certain level of vacation time saved up (like, for instance, three weeks), you won't continue to earn more vacation time, no matter how much you work. You want every hour that you work to go towards more vacation time, so if you're about to "cap out" on vacation time, seriously consider taking time off. Vacation caps vary between employers — in many states, the law is worded to allow employers to offer as high or as low of a cap as is "reasonable." However, many state and private agencies set minimum recommended amounts. For instance, in California, the CEA (California Employers Association) recommends a "cap" of at least 1.5 times the annual amount of vacation accrued per year. 1-8. Be ready to negotiate. Like wages, health insurance, 401(k) accounts, and other benefits, an employee's vacation time is subject to negotiation — especially in the U.S., where there is no national mandate for paid vacation time. If you can't get the level of vacation time you want without specifically asking for it, ask for it. If your employer is willing to talk, you may be able to reach an agreement that's satisfactory for both of you. However, it's worth noting that the strength of your bargaining position can vary greatly depending on your standing with your boss, the quality of your work, your current hours, the desirability of your skills, and more. In general, employees who are on good terms with their boss, who have a record of good work, and who have high-demand skills are more likely to fare well in negotiations. If you've decided to negotiate with your employer (or potential employer), see the section below for helpful advice on getting the level of vacation that you want. 1-9. If all else fails, look for a different job. If you're unable to get the amount of vacation time you need at your current job by using any of the strategies above, you may want to consider looking for other work. If you have a proven record of good work, highly sought-after skills, or both, there's a chance you may be able to secure a greater amount of paid vacation at a new job than at a current one. Keep in mind, however, that when you leave a job you forfeit all of the paid vacation you've saved up for that job. About half of the fifty states have laws that require an employee to be paid for his unused time off when he quits or is fired. If you don't live in one of these states, strongly consider taking your vacation before you quit. 2. Asking for More Vacation Time 2-1. Know the norms for vacation time in your field of work. One of the most important things an employee can take to the negotiating table is thorough knowledge of her field of work. Employers have an interest in keeping their wages and benefits competitive with their competitors — if they don't, they'll lose skilled employees to companies that are more generous. Before asking for more vacation time, do some research to find out the average amount of paid vacation time awarded to employees with jobs similar to yours in other countries. If you can prove that you're receiving less vacation time than is normal in your field, it will strengthen your bargaining position. One great source of this information is the U.S. Department of Labor (specifically, its Bureau of Labor Statistics), which, among many other things, regularly publishes data on the sorts of benefits offered to employees in a variety of fields. 2-2. Aim high. When asking for vacation, it's a smart idea to ask for a little more than you actually want. This gives you plenty of room to negotiate — you may get what you ask for, but if your employer "pushes back", you're more likely to get the amount of vacation you actually wanted than if you had started with your original number. As long as your request isn't completely outlandish, it's unlikely that you'll damage your relationship with your boss by simply asking for the extra time. 2-3. Bring examples of positive work to the negotiating table. For any sort of workplace negotiation, it's usually in your best interest to frame yourself as someone with a steady, dependable record of good work. Before you negotiate, take some time to review the work you've done recently and find a few examples of times when you've gone beyond your normal duties and done especially good work. If your employer is reluctant to give you the vacation time you want, you can bring these up to demonstrate your hard work and loyalty and claim that a little extra vacation will help you keep up your high-quality output. Statistically, taking occasional vacation leave is good for most workers' productivity. Research has found that, if every worker in the U.S. were to take just one more day of vacation each year, the U.S. economy would create an estimated $73 billion in revenue from the additional productivity. 2-4. Mention the negative effects of not taking enough vacation time. Just as important as the work you've already done for you (if not more so) is the work you'll do in the future. Telling your employer that you need the time off to keep the quality of your work high (with the implication that not taking a vacation will leave you unable to do your job properly in the future) can help your boss understand the importance of giving you a break. Again, science supports the idea that vacation time can help make you a better worker overall. Research has shown that vacation time is one of the most important ways to prevent "burnout" — a state of intense fatigue and dissatisfaction that leads to dramatically reduced productivity. 2-5. Ask for big breaks far ahead of time. Would it be a good idea to tell your boss that you plan on taking a two-week vacation the day before you plan to leave? Unless you have an unusually generous manager, the odds are that it is not. For the same reason, you'll want to ask for major increases in your vacation benefits well in advance of when you'll actually need it. This gives you two benefits — not only does it make you appear more kind and thoughtful in the eyes of your employer, but also gives you a better bargaining position. Since you don't need the extra vacation time right away, it will be harder for your employer to force you to settle for the bare minimum. 2-6. Be willing to give up a small amount of pay or other benefits. Every negotiation with your manager is a give-and-take. To get what you want, you may have to give something back to your employer. For instance, if you want the freedom to work from home on certain days as a sort of "semi-vacation," you may be asked to take a minor cut in your salary. It's up to you to work out an arrangement that's satisfactory for you and your employer. As a very general rule, you'll never want to take a reduction in pay in exchange for vacation time that's equal to or greater than the amount of money you could have made from working during your vacation. Agreeing to this is against your financial interests — in effect, it's reducing your wages for no net benefit to you. 2-7. Boost your chances with a job offer from a competitor. Perhaps the absolute best way to get what you want from your current employer is to prove that you can get it somewhere else. If you can get a job offer from another employer that includes the amount of vacation time you want, you win regardless of the outcome of your negotiations. There are one of two possibilities: your employer will either agree to give you the amount of vacation time you want, or you'll be able to leave for the other job (and get the amount of vacation time you want). Either way, you come out ahead, so don't be afraid to leverage this aggressive strategy if you can. The problem with this strategy, unfortunately, is that it requires you to put in extra effort outside of work to get the job offer in the first place. This can be difficult, especially if you're already working long hours. Don't get discouraged — many business experts agree that being employed makes you more attractive to potential employers. See our resume-writing and interview-prep articles for more information! It goes without saying, but you definitely don't want to do your job-searching work on the company dime. If your employer finds out you're looking for other work, you run a major risk of being let go. Tips Keep track of the vacation days you take throughout the year. Try to leave enough days available so you may take extra time off for holidays or special occasions. Don't be afraid to take unpaid vacation time for important events when all else fails. In the words of John Morrey, vice president of Expedia, "No one retires wishing they'd spent more time at their desk."
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:49", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Earning Extra Vacation Time\\n1-1. Work more.\\nFor most jobs that offer paid vacation, simply showing up to work helps you accrue vacation days. Though the specific rules will vary from business to business, usually, every day, week, or pay period worked will add a specific number of hours or days toward your total vacation time. For instance, in the U.S., it's common for an entry-level full-time employee to earn about two weeks (10 work days) of paid vacation per year. Assuming about 250 days of work per year (5 days per week × 52 weeks per year - 10 days for holidays), this means that each day worked earns about 1/25 (4%) of a paid vacation day.\\nAs noted, however, vacation arrangements can vary greatly between jobs. For instance, some employers may grant all vacation days at the beginning of the year and allow the employee to use them as she pleases. Other jobs — especially part-time and \\\"temp\\\" jobs — may not allow for any paid vacation at all.\\nNote also that many employers choose to grant their employees \\\"sick days\\\" and/or \\\"personal days\\\" in addition to normal paid vacation time. These usually accrue at different rates than ordinary vacation days and are intended to be used for illnesses, moving, and other situations when the obligations of the employee's personal life interfere with his work commitment. However, it's common practice for employees to sometimes use these days for vacation time.\\n1-2. If you're a new hire, finish your probationary period.\\nSometimes, employers require that a new employee works a certain length of time before he becomes eligible for benefits, including vacation time and other paid time off. If this is the case for your job, you'll need to finish your probationary period before you begin to earn paid vacation time — there isn't really a way around this.\\nLike an employee's benefits, the length of a new hire's probationary period can vary from company to company. For instance, some companies have probationary periods of three months, while others have probationary periods twice as long.\\nIt's also important to note that employers may place an employee on \\\"probationary\\\" status for disciplinary reasons. If this is the case for you, you'll need to work with your employer to fix the problems that caused your probation to start accruing vacation time once again.\\n1-3. Stay with your company in the long haul.\\nUsually, long-term employees are rewarded for their loyalty with additional vacation time. Working for the same company over many years can have other benefits, as well, including raises, recognition, and additional work flexibility. If you're a relatively new hire but you're happy with your current job, consider aiming for a few years of good work to start earning additional vacation time.\\nWhile vacation policies differ greatly between employers, on average, new hires in the U.S. earn about 14 days of paid vacation per year, while employees who have been working for more than 15 years earn about twice as much at 27 days per year.\\n1-4. If you're allowed, buy more vacation time.\\nEven with paid vacation time, it can be tricky to schedule a lengthy, refreshing break from work — sometimes, two weeks per year just doesn't cut it. For situations where employees need to take breaks longer than the amount of vacation time they have saved up, some employers allow their workers to buy additional time from other employees or the company itself. In these cases, the vacation time is almost always valued at the full value of the equivalent time worked — for instance, if you make $20 per hour, a full eight-hour day off of work would cost 8 × 20 = $160.\\nNote that, in these situations, the cost of the time off isn't usually paid as a lump sum. Instead, the cost is deducted in small amounts over a long period of time from the employee's regular paychecks.\\n1-5. Switch to full-time work if you are a temporary or part-time hire.\\nIndependent contractors, seasonal workers, and most other part-time or temporary (\\\"temp\\\") employees do not usually accrue vacation time, no matter how much they work. The logic behind this is that part-time workers have much greater flexibility in their hours than full-time workers, so they don't \\\"need\\\" as much vacation time. However, in reality, it's easy for a temp worker with one or more jobs to end up working long hours without accruing any sorts of benefits (including vacation time). If you're in this situation, try making the switch to full-time employment either by reworking your commitment at your current job or by finding new work.\\nIf you're a temp worker and you're on good terms with your boss, you may want to cautiously try asking for enough work to qualify as full-time and start earning benefits. Note, however, that the prospects for temp workers can be slim in this regard — many temps have a difficult time making the transition to full-time work.\\n1-6. Make the most of other \\\"time off\\\" to save vacation time.\\nAs noted above, vacation days are often not the only type of paid leave offered by employers. Companies often offer a certain number of \\\"sick days\\\" and \\\"personal days\\\" per year for things like illnesses, moving days, and so on. While these often don't accumulate as rapidly as paid vacation days (for instance, some employers offer one sick day per month worked), you may want to use these to take breaks when possible to preserve your vacation time.\\nKeep in mind that employers are also legally obligated to give you time off for certain types of important duties that are beyond your control. For instance, if you get a jury duty summons, most states have laws in place that require your employer to give you time off without requiring you to use your vacation days. Similar protections are in place for members of the armed forces or reserves who have periodic military duties. However, these laws do not always require your employer to pay you for the time off.\\nIn addition, many employers offer several days of paid bereavement leave when a close family member dies. However, this is often not mandated by law.\\n1-7. Don't let your vacation time reach its \\\"cap\\\".\\nMost workplaces have a \\\"cap\\\" on the amount of vacation time that can be accrued. This means that once you have a certain level of vacation time saved up (like, for instance, three weeks), you won't continue to earn more vacation time, no matter how much you work. You want every hour that you work to go towards more vacation time, so if you're about to \\\"cap out\\\" on vacation time, seriously consider taking time off.\\nVacation caps vary between employers — in many states, the law is worded to allow employers to offer as high or as low of a cap as is \\\"reasonable.\\\" However, many state and private agencies set minimum recommended amounts. For instance, in California, the CEA (California Employers Association) recommends a \\\"cap\\\" of at least 1.5 times the annual amount of vacation accrued per year.\\n1-8. Be ready to negotiate.\\nLike wages, health insurance, 401(k) accounts, and other benefits, an employee's vacation time is subject to negotiation — especially in the U.S., where there is no national mandate for paid vacation time. If you can't get the level of vacation time you want without specifically asking for it, ask for it. If your employer is willing to talk, you may be able to reach an agreement that's satisfactory for both of you.\\nHowever, it's worth noting that the strength of your bargaining position can vary greatly depending on your standing with your boss, the quality of your work, your current hours, the desirability of your skills, and more. In general, employees who are on good terms with their boss, who have a record of good work, and who have high-demand skills are more likely to fare well in negotiations.\\nIf you've decided to negotiate with your employer (or potential employer), see the section below for helpful advice on getting the level of vacation that you want.\\n1-9. If all else fails, look for a different job.\\nIf you're unable to get the amount of vacation time you need at your current job by using any of the strategies above, you may want to consider looking for other work. If you have a proven record of good work, highly sought-after skills, or both, there's a chance you may be able to secure a greater amount of paid vacation at a new job than at a current one.\\nKeep in mind, however, that when you leave a job you forfeit all of the paid vacation you've saved up for that job. About half of the fifty states have laws that require an employee to be paid for his unused time off when he quits or is fired. If you don't live in one of these states, strongly consider taking your vacation before you quit.\\n2. Asking for More Vacation Time\\n2-1. Know the norms for vacation time in your field of work.\\nOne of the most important things an employee can take to the negotiating table is thorough knowledge of her field of work. Employers have an interest in keeping their wages and benefits competitive with their competitors — if they don't, they'll lose skilled employees to companies that are more generous. Before asking for more vacation time, do some research to find out the average amount of paid vacation time awarded to employees with jobs similar to yours in other countries. If you can prove that you're receiving less vacation time than is normal in your field, it will strengthen your bargaining position.\\nOne great source of this information is the U.S. Department of Labor (specifically, its Bureau of Labor Statistics), which, among many other things, regularly publishes data on the sorts of benefits offered to employees in a variety of fields.\\n2-2. Aim high.\\nWhen asking for vacation, it's a smart idea to ask for a little more than you actually want. This gives you plenty of room to negotiate — you may get what you ask for, but if your employer \\\"pushes back\\\", you're more likely to get the amount of vacation you actually wanted than if you had started with your original number. As long as your request isn't completely outlandish, it's unlikely that you'll damage your relationship with your boss by simply asking for the extra time.\\n2-3. Bring examples of positive work to the negotiating table.\\nFor any sort of workplace negotiation, it's usually in your best interest to frame yourself as someone with a steady, dependable record of good work. Before you negotiate, take some time to review the work you've done recently and find a few examples of times when you've gone beyond your normal duties and done especially good work. If your employer is reluctant to give you the vacation time you want, you can bring these up to demonstrate your hard work and loyalty and claim that a little extra vacation will help you keep up your high-quality output.\\nStatistically, taking occasional vacation leave is good for most workers' productivity. Research has found that, if every worker in the U.S. were to take just one more day of vacation each year, the U.S. economy would create an estimated $73 billion in revenue from the additional productivity.\\n2-4. Mention the negative effects of not taking enough vacation time.\\nJust as important as the work you've already done for you (if not more so) is the work you'll do in the future. Telling your employer that you need the time off to keep the quality of your work high (with the implication that not taking a vacation will leave you unable to do your job properly in the future) can help your boss understand the importance of giving you a break.\\nAgain, science supports the idea that vacation time can help make you a better worker overall. Research has shown that vacation time is one of the most important ways to prevent \\\"burnout\\\" — a state of intense fatigue and dissatisfaction that leads to dramatically reduced productivity.\\n2-5. Ask for big breaks far ahead of time.\\nWould it be a good idea to tell your boss that you plan on taking a two-week vacation the day before you plan to leave? Unless you have an unusually generous manager, the odds are that it is not. For the same reason, you'll want to ask for major increases in your vacation benefits well in advance of when you'll actually need it. This gives you two benefits — not only does it make you appear more kind and thoughtful in the eyes of your employer, but also gives you a better bargaining position. Since you don't need the extra vacation time right away, it will be harder for your employer to force you to settle for the bare minimum.\\n2-6. Be willing to give up a small amount of pay or other benefits.\\nEvery negotiation with your manager is a give-and-take. To get what you want, you may have to give something back to your employer. For instance, if you want the freedom to work from home on certain days as a sort of \\\"semi-vacation,\\\" you may be asked to take a minor cut in your salary. It's up to you to work out an arrangement that's satisfactory for you and your employer.\\nAs a very general rule, you'll never want to take a reduction in pay in exchange for vacation time that's equal to or greater than the amount of money you could have made from working during your vacation. Agreeing to this is against your financial interests — in effect, it's reducing your wages for no net benefit to you.\\n2-7. Boost your chances with a job offer from a competitor.\\nPerhaps the absolute best way to get what you want from your current employer is to prove that you can get it somewhere else. If you can get a job offer from another employer that includes the amount of vacation time you want, you win regardless of the outcome of your negotiations. There are one of two possibilities: your employer will either agree to give you the amount of vacation time you want, or you'll be able to leave for the other job (and get the amount of vacation time you want). Either way, you come out ahead, so don't be afraid to leverage this aggressive strategy if you can.\\nThe problem with this strategy, unfortunately, is that it requires you to put in extra effort outside of work to get the job offer in the first place. This can be difficult, especially if you're already working long hours. Don't get discouraged — many business experts agree that being employed makes you more attractive to potential employers. See our resume-writing and interview-prep articles for more information!\\nIt goes without saying, but you definitely don't want to do your job-searching work on the company dime. If your employer finds out you're looking for other work, you run a major risk of being let go.\\nTips\\nKeep track of the vacation days you take throughout the year. Try to leave enough days available so you may take extra time off for holidays or special occasions.\\nDon't be afraid to take unpaid vacation time for important events when all else fails. In the words of John Morrey, vice president of Expedia, \\\"No one retires wishing they'd spent more time at their desk.\\\"\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Time off from one's career is, ironically, something many people work very hard for. Today, vacation time is more valuable than ever — the U.S. is one of the only developed countries in the world that does not mandate for paid vacation time, and nearly a quarter of U.S. workers now go without any paid time off. The one thing you can't get any more of in this life is your time on earth, so if you're unhappy with the amount of vacation time you're currently accruing, use aggressive strategies to get more.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Earning Extra Vacation Time\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Work more.\", \"描述\": \"For most jobs that offer paid vacation, simply showing up to work helps you accrue vacation days. Though the specific rules will vary from business to business, usually, every day, week, or pay period worked will add a specific number of hours or days toward your total vacation time. For instance, in the U.S., it's common for an entry-level full-time employee to earn about two weeks (10 work days) of paid vacation per year. Assuming about 250 days of work per year (5 days per week × 52 weeks per year - 10 days for holidays), this means that each day worked earns about 1/25 (4%) of a paid vacation day.\\nAs noted, however, vacation arrangements can vary greatly between jobs. For instance, some employers may grant all vacation days at the beginning of the year and allow the employee to use them as she pleases. Other jobs — especially part-time and \\\"temp\\\" jobs — may not allow for any paid vacation at all.\\nNote also that many employers choose to grant their employees \\\"sick days\\\" and/or \\\"personal days\\\" in addition to normal paid vacation time. These usually accrue at different rates than ordinary vacation days and are intended to be used for illnesses, moving, and other situations when the obligations of the employee's personal life interfere with his work commitment. However, it's common practice for employees to sometimes use these days for vacation time.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"If you're a new hire, finish your probationary period.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes, employers require that a new employee works a certain length of time before he becomes eligible for benefits, including vacation time and other paid time off. If this is the case for your job, you'll need to finish your probationary period before you begin to earn paid vacation time — there isn't really a way around this.\\nLike an employee's benefits, the length of a new hire's probationary period can vary from company to company. For instance, some companies have probationary periods of three months, while others have probationary periods twice as long.\\nIt's also important to note that employers may place an employee on \\\"probationary\\\" status for disciplinary reasons. If this is the case for you, you'll need to work with your employer to fix the problems that caused your probation to start accruing vacation time once again.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay with your company in the long haul.\", \"描述\": \"Usually, long-term employees are rewarded for their loyalty with additional vacation time. Working for the same company over many years can have other benefits, as well, including raises, recognition, and additional work flexibility. If you're a relatively new hire but you're happy with your current job, consider aiming for a few years of good work to start earning additional vacation time.\\nWhile vacation policies differ greatly between employers, on average, new hires in the U.S. earn about 14 days of paid vacation per year, while employees who have been working for more than 15 years earn about twice as much at 27 days per year.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"If you're allowed, buy more vacation time.\", \"描述\": \"Even with paid vacation time, it can be tricky to schedule a lengthy, refreshing break from work — sometimes, two weeks per year just doesn't cut it. For situations where employees need to take breaks longer than the amount of vacation time they have saved up, some employers allow their workers to buy additional time from other employees or the company itself. In these cases, the vacation time is almost always valued at the full value of the equivalent time worked — for instance, if you make $20 per hour, a full eight-hour day off of work would cost 8 × 20 = $160.\\nNote that, in these situations, the cost of the time off isn't usually paid as a lump sum. Instead, the cost is deducted in small amounts over a long period of time from the employee's regular paychecks.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Switch to full-time work if you are a temporary or part-time hire.\", \"描述\": \"Independent contractors, seasonal workers, and most other part-time or temporary (\\\"temp\\\") employees do not usually accrue vacation time, no matter how much they work. The logic behind this is that part-time workers have much greater flexibility in their hours than full-time workers, so they don't \\\"need\\\" as much vacation time. However, in reality, it's easy for a temp worker with one or more jobs to end up working long hours without accruing any sorts of benefits (including vacation time). If you're in this situation, try making the switch to full-time employment either by reworking your commitment at your current job or by finding new work.\\nIf you're a temp worker and you're on good terms with your boss, you may want to cautiously try asking for enough work to qualify as full-time and start earning benefits. Note, however, that the prospects for temp workers can be slim in this regard — many temps have a difficult time making the transition to full-time work.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Make the most of other \\\"time off\\\" to save vacation time.\", \"描述\": \"As noted above, vacation days are often not the only type of paid leave offered by employers. Companies often offer a certain number of \\\"sick days\\\" and \\\"personal days\\\" per year for things like illnesses, moving days, and so on. While these often don't accumulate as rapidly as paid vacation days (for instance, some employers offer one sick day per month worked), you may want to use these to take breaks when possible to preserve your vacation time.\\nKeep in mind that employers are also legally obligated to give you time off for certain types of important duties that are beyond your control. For instance, if you get a jury duty summons, most states have laws in place that require your employer to give you time off without requiring you to use your vacation days. Similar protections are in place for members of the armed forces or reserves who have periodic military duties. However, these laws do not always require your employer to pay you for the time off.\\nIn addition, many employers offer several days of paid bereavement leave when a close family member dies. However, this is often not mandated by law.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Don't let your vacation time reach its \\\"cap\\\".\", \"描述\": \"Most workplaces have a \\\"cap\\\" on the amount of vacation time that can be accrued. This means that once you have a certain level of vacation time saved up (like, for instance, three weeks), you won't continue to earn more vacation time, no matter how much you work. You want every hour that you work to go towards more vacation time, so if you're about to \\\"cap out\\\" on vacation time, seriously consider taking time off.\\nVacation caps vary between employers — in many states, the law is worded to allow employers to offer as high or as low of a cap as is \\\"reasonable.\\\" However, many state and private agencies set minimum recommended amounts. For instance, in California, the CEA (California Employers Association) recommends a \\\"cap\\\" of at least 1.5 times the annual amount of vacation accrued per year.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Be ready to negotiate.\", \"描述\": \"Like wages, health insurance, 401(k) accounts, and other benefits, an employee's vacation time is subject to negotiation — especially in the U.S., where there is no national mandate for paid vacation time. If you can't get the level of vacation time you want without specifically asking for it, ask for it. If your employer is willing to talk, you may be able to reach an agreement that's satisfactory for both of you.\\nHowever, it's worth noting that the strength of your bargaining position can vary greatly depending on your standing with your boss, the quality of your work, your current hours, the desirability of your skills, and more. In general, employees who are on good terms with their boss, who have a record of good work, and who have high-demand skills are more likely to fare well in negotiations.\\nIf you've decided to negotiate with your employer (or potential employer), see the section below for helpful advice on getting the level of vacation that you want.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"If all else fails, look for a different job.\", \"描述\": \"If you're unable to get the amount of vacation time you need at your current job by using any of the strategies above, you may want to consider looking for other work. If you have a proven record of good work, highly sought-after skills, or both, there's a chance you may be able to secure a greater amount of paid vacation at a new job than at a current one.\\nKeep in mind, however, that when you leave a job you forfeit all of the paid vacation you've saved up for that job. About half of the fifty states have laws that require an employee to be paid for his unused time off when he quits or is fired. If you don't live in one of these states, strongly consider taking your vacation before you quit.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Asking for More Vacation Time\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Know the norms for vacation time in your field of work.\", \"描述\": \"One of the most important things an employee can take to the negotiating table is thorough knowledge of her field of work. Employers have an interest in keeping their wages and benefits competitive with their competitors — if they don't, they'll lose skilled employees to companies that are more generous. Before asking for more vacation time, do some research to find out the average amount of paid vacation time awarded to employees with jobs similar to yours in other countries. If you can prove that you're receiving less vacation time than is normal in your field, it will strengthen your bargaining position.\\nOne great source of this information is the U.S. Department of Labor (specifically, its Bureau of Labor Statistics), which, among many other things, regularly publishes data on the sorts of benefits offered to employees in a variety of fields.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Aim high.\", \"描述\": \"When asking for vacation, it's a smart idea to ask for a little more than you actually want. This gives you plenty of room to negotiate — you may get what you ask for, but if your employer \\\"pushes back\\\", you're more likely to get the amount of vacation you actually wanted than if you had started with your original number. As long as your request isn't completely outlandish, it's unlikely that you'll damage your relationship with your boss by simply asking for the extra time.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Bring examples of positive work to the negotiating table.\", \"描述\": \"For any sort of workplace negotiation, it's usually in your best interest to frame yourself as someone with a steady, dependable record of good work. Before you negotiate, take some time to review the work you've done recently and find a few examples of times when you've gone beyond your normal duties and done especially good work. If your employer is reluctant to give you the vacation time you want, you can bring these up to demonstrate your hard work and loyalty and claim that a little extra vacation will help you keep up your high-quality output.\\nStatistically, taking occasional vacation leave is good for most workers' productivity. Research has found that, if every worker in the U.S. were to take just one more day of vacation each year, the U.S. economy would create an estimated $73 billion in revenue from the additional productivity.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Mention the negative effects of not taking enough vacation time.\", \"描述\": \"Just as important as the work you've already done for you (if not more so) is the work you'll do in the future. Telling your employer that you need the time off to keep the quality of your work high (with the implication that not taking a vacation will leave you unable to do your job properly in the future) can help your boss understand the importance of giving you a break.\\nAgain, science supports the idea that vacation time can help make you a better worker overall. Research has shown that vacation time is one of the most important ways to prevent \\\"burnout\\\" — a state of intense fatigue and dissatisfaction that leads to dramatically reduced productivity.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Ask for big breaks far ahead of time.\", \"描述\": \"Would it be a good idea to tell your boss that you plan on taking a two-week vacation the day before you plan to leave? Unless you have an unusually generous manager, the odds are that it is not. For the same reason, you'll want to ask for major increases in your vacation benefits well in advance of when you'll actually need it. This gives you two benefits — not only does it make you appear more kind and thoughtful in the eyes of your employer, but also gives you a better bargaining position. Since you don't need the extra vacation time right away, it will be harder for your employer to force you to settle for the bare minimum.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be willing to give up a small amount of pay or other benefits.\", \"描述\": \"Every negotiation with your manager is a give-and-take. To get what you want, you may have to give something back to your employer. For instance, if you want the freedom to work from home on certain days as a sort of \\\"semi-vacation,\\\" you may be asked to take a minor cut in your salary. It's up to you to work out an arrangement that's satisfactory for you and your employer.\\nAs a very general rule, you'll never want to take a reduction in pay in exchange for vacation time that's equal to or greater than the amount of money you could have made from working during your vacation. Agreeing to this is against your financial interests — in effect, it's reducing your wages for no net benefit to you.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Boost your chances with a job offer from a competitor.\", \"描述\": \"Perhaps the absolute best way to get what you want from your current employer is to prove that you can get it somewhere else. If you can get a job offer from another employer that includes the amount of vacation time you want, you win regardless of the outcome of your negotiations. There are one of two possibilities: your employer will either agree to give you the amount of vacation time you want, or you'll be able to leave for the other job (and get the amount of vacation time you want). Either way, you come out ahead, so don't be afraid to leverage this aggressive strategy if you can.\\nThe problem with this strategy, unfortunately, is that it requires you to put in extra effort outside of work to get the job offer in the first place. This can be difficult, especially if you're already working long hours. Don't get discouraged — many business experts agree that being employed makes you more attractive to potential employers. See our resume-writing and interview-prep articles for more information!\\nIt goes without saying, but you definitely don't want to do your job-searching work on the company dime. If your employer finds out you're looking for other work, you run a major risk of being let go.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Keep track of the vacation days you take throughout the year. Try to leave enough days available so you may take extra time off for holidays or special occasions.\\n\", \"Don't be afraid to take unpaid vacation time for important events when all else fails. In the words of John Morrey, vice president of Expedia, \\\"No one retires wishing they'd spent more time at their desk.\\\"\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Accrue an Expense
1. Knowing What Expenses to Accrue 1-1. Understand what an accrued expense is. An accrued expense occurs when an accounting period is coming to a close and there are unpaid expenses and unrecorded liabilities. For example, wages that have been earned but not yet disbursed would represent an accrued expense. Companies handle accrued expenses by making adjusting entries to the general journal. 1-2. Understand why you need to accrue expenses. The accrual basis of accounting states that you must record revenues and expenses in the period in which they are incurred, not when cash is received or paid. The principle relating to expenses is called the matching principle. The matching principle dictates that accountants record expenses in the period when they are incurred and that they are offset against their corresponding revenues. The implication of this principle is that you cannot always wait until cash changes hands to record an expense. Say, for example, a company has a biweekly payroll expense of $10,000, but the current pay period is split evenly in half between two accounting periods. That means half of those wages have already been earned at the end of the current accounting period. You must record half of the full amount—$5,000—during the current accounting period even if the employee paychecks won't be written until the following accounting period. 1-3. Determine the expenses that require accrual. Following these principles, any incurred expenses that have not yet been paid require accrual on the balance sheet. The following are some of the most common: Accrued wages Accrued interest Accrued taxes 2. Recording Accrued Expenses 2-1. Calculate the prorated accrual. Once you have identified the accrued expenses, you must calculate the amount of the accrual by prorating the portion of the total expense that falls into the current accounting period. Once the accrual accounts and the total dollar amount of the accrual have been determined, it is time to record them in the general ledger. In the example above, 50% of the payroll amount is recorded because half of the payroll falls within the reporting period. 2-2. Make the appropriate adjusting entry. You accrue expenses by recording an adjusting entry to the general ledger. Adjusting entries occur at the end of the accounting period and affect one balance sheet account (an accrued liability) and one income statement account (an expense). The adjusting entry should be made as follows: debit the appropriate expense account, and credit the appropriate payable account. Remember, debits increase expense accounts, and credits increase liability accounts. Using the previous example, you would debit the expense account related to payroll by $5,000, and you would credit the payable account for the accrued wages by ($5,000). Remember that since this is a payable account, you’re “crediting” a liability. You understate liabilities and overstate income by neglecting to make the adjusting entries in the appropriate accounting period. 2-3. Reverse the entry in the next period. The invoice relating to the accrual will eventually arrive and will be processed in the ordinary course of business. Thus, in order to avoid double counting the expense, the initial accrual entry must be reversed in the following accounting period. Most computer accounting software packages allow the user to specify the reversal date for an adjusting entry. You can also reverse the adjustment manually. Tips While accrual accounting operates on the same principles in different countries, the exact process taken to record accrued expenses will vary depending on each country's reporting standards. The examples above are consistent with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP). Sometimes, accruals are immaterial in amount, such as utility bills, monthly insurance premiums, or subscriptions fees. You should balance the informational benefit of recording an accrual with the extra work involved in calculating and posting it. It may be possible to ignore smaller accruals if the time required to calculate the accrual outweighs the usefulness of the information. To help with accuracy of processing accruals, assign similar account numbers to your accrued liabilities accounts and the associated expense accounts. For example, say a company begins all its liability accounts with a “2” and all its expense accounts with a “4.” This company might then assign the number “40121” to its Payroll Expense account and the number “20121” for the Accrued Wages account. This will reduce keying errors in processing and reversing accruals.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:49", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Knowing What Expenses to Accrue\\n1-1. Understand what an accrued expense is.\\nAn accrued expense occurs when an accounting period is coming to a close and there are unpaid expenses and unrecorded liabilities. For example, wages that have been earned but not yet disbursed would represent an accrued expense. Companies handle accrued expenses by making adjusting entries to the general journal.\\n1-2. Understand why you need to accrue expenses.\\nThe accrual basis of accounting states that you must record revenues and expenses in the period in which they are incurred, not when cash is received or paid. The principle relating to expenses is called the matching principle.\\nThe matching principle dictates that accountants record expenses in the period when they are incurred and that they are offset against their corresponding revenues.\\nThe implication of this principle is that you cannot always wait until cash changes hands to record an expense. Say, for example, a company has a biweekly payroll expense of $10,000, but the current pay period is split evenly in half between two accounting periods. That means half of those wages have already been earned at the end of the current accounting period. You must record half of the full amount—$5,000—during the current accounting period even if the employee paychecks won't be written until the following accounting period.\\n1-3. Determine the expenses that require accrual.\\nFollowing these principles, any incurred expenses that have not yet been paid require accrual on the balance sheet. The following are some of the most common:\\nAccrued wages\\nAccrued interest\\nAccrued taxes\\n2. Recording Accrued Expenses\\n2-1. Calculate the prorated accrual.\\nOnce you have identified the accrued expenses, you must calculate the amount of the accrual by prorating the portion of the total expense that falls into the current accounting period. Once the accrual accounts and the total dollar amount of the accrual have been determined, it is time to record them in the general ledger.\\nIn the example above, 50% of the payroll amount is recorded because half of the payroll falls within the reporting period.\\n2-2. Make the appropriate adjusting entry.\\nYou accrue expenses by recording an adjusting entry to the general ledger. Adjusting entries occur at the end of the accounting period and affect one balance sheet account (an accrued liability) and one income statement account (an expense).\\nThe adjusting entry should be made as follows: debit the appropriate expense account, and credit the appropriate payable account. Remember, debits increase expense accounts, and credits increase liability accounts.\\nUsing the previous example, you would debit the expense account related to payroll by $5,000, and you would credit the payable account for the accrued wages by ($5,000). Remember that since this is a payable account, you’re “crediting” a liability.\\nYou understate liabilities and overstate income by neglecting to make the adjusting entries in the appropriate accounting period.\\n2-3. Reverse the entry in the next period.\\nThe invoice relating to the accrual will eventually arrive and will be processed in the ordinary course of business. Thus, in order to avoid double counting the expense, the initial accrual entry must be reversed in the following accounting period.\\nMost computer accounting software packages allow the user to specify the reversal date for an adjusting entry. You can also reverse the adjustment manually.\\nTips\\nWhile accrual accounting operates on the same principles in different countries, the exact process taken to record accrued expenses will vary depending on each country's reporting standards. The examples above are consistent with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP).\\nSometimes, accruals are immaterial in amount, such as utility bills, monthly insurance premiums, or subscriptions fees. You should balance the informational benefit of recording an accrual with the extra work involved in calculating and posting it. It may be possible to ignore smaller accruals if the time required to calculate the accrual outweighs the usefulness of the information.\\nTo help with accuracy of processing accruals, assign similar account numbers to your accrued liabilities accounts and the associated expense accounts. For example, say a company begins all its liability accounts with a “2” and all its expense accounts with a “4.” This company might then assign the number “40121” to its Payroll Expense account and the number “20121” for the Accrued Wages account. This will reduce keying errors in processing and reversing accruals.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Expenses that a company has incurred (but not yet paid) are commonly referred to as accrued expenses. Accrued expenses are classified as current liabilities on the balance sheet. Learning how to recognize and record accrued expenses requires a solid grasp of the underlying accounting principles, but the process itself is fairly straightforward.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Knowing What Expenses to Accrue\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Understand what an accrued expense is.\", \"描述\": \"An accrued expense occurs when an accounting period is coming to a close and there are unpaid expenses and unrecorded liabilities. For example, wages that have been earned but not yet disbursed would represent an accrued expense. Companies handle accrued expenses by making adjusting entries to the general journal.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Understand why you need to accrue expenses.\", \"描述\": \"The accrual basis of accounting states that you must record revenues and expenses in the period in which they are incurred, not when cash is received or paid. The principle relating to expenses is called the matching principle.\\nThe matching principle dictates that accountants record expenses in the period when they are incurred and that they are offset against their corresponding revenues.\\nThe implication of this principle is that you cannot always wait until cash changes hands to record an expense. Say, for example, a company has a biweekly payroll expense of $10,000, but the current pay period is split evenly in half between two accounting periods. That means half of those wages have already been earned at the end of the current accounting period. You must record half of the full amount—$5,000—during the current accounting period even if the employee paychecks won't be written until the following accounting period.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Determine the expenses that require accrual.\", \"描述\": \"Following these principles, any incurred expenses that have not yet been paid require accrual on the balance sheet. The following are some of the most common:\\nAccrued wages\\nAccrued interest\\nAccrued taxes\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Recording Accrued Expenses\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Calculate the prorated accrual.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have identified the accrued expenses, you must calculate the amount of the accrual by prorating the portion of the total expense that falls into the current accounting period. Once the accrual accounts and the total dollar amount of the accrual have been determined, it is time to record them in the general ledger.\\nIn the example above, 50% of the payroll amount is recorded because half of the payroll falls within the reporting period.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make the appropriate adjusting entry.\", \"描述\": \"You accrue expenses by recording an adjusting entry to the general ledger. Adjusting entries occur at the end of the accounting period and affect one balance sheet account (an accrued liability) and one income statement account (an expense).\\nThe adjusting entry should be made as follows: debit the appropriate expense account, and credit the appropriate payable account. Remember, debits increase expense accounts, and credits increase liability accounts.\\nUsing the previous example, you would debit the expense account related to payroll by $5,000, and you would credit the payable account for the accrued wages by ($5,000). Remember that since this is a payable account, you’re “crediting” a liability.\\nYou understate liabilities and overstate income by neglecting to make the adjusting entries in the appropriate accounting period.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Reverse the entry in the next period.\", \"描述\": \"The invoice relating to the accrual will eventually arrive and will be processed in the ordinary course of business. Thus, in order to avoid double counting the expense, the initial accrual entry must be reversed in the following accounting period.\\nMost computer accounting software packages allow the user to specify the reversal date for an adjusting entry. You can also reverse the adjustment manually.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"While accrual accounting operates on the same principles in different countries, the exact process taken to record accrued expenses will vary depending on each country's reporting standards. The examples above are consistent with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP).\\n\", \"Sometimes, accruals are immaterial in amount, such as utility bills, monthly insurance premiums, or subscriptions fees. You should balance the informational benefit of recording an accrual with the extra work involved in calculating and posting it. It may be possible to ignore smaller accruals if the time required to calculate the accrual outweighs the usefulness of the information.\\n\", \"To help with accuracy of processing accruals, assign similar account numbers to your accrued liabilities accounts and the associated expense accounts. For example, say a company begins all its liability accounts with a “2” and all its expense accounts with a “4.” This company might then assign the number “40121” to its Payroll Expense account and the number “20121” for the Accrued Wages account. This will reduce keying errors in processing and reversing accruals.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Accustom Your Pregnant Dog to the Whelping Box
1. Setting Up the Whelping Box 1-1. Start a few weeks before your dog is due. You will need a few weeks to get your dog accustomed to the whelping box. This means you need to buy the box early to start getting her used to it. If she is unfamiliar with the box, she won't use it to give birth. Don't wait to the last minute to buy the whelping box and introduce your dog to it. A canine pregnancy lasts approximately 63 days. Once you find out from the vet how many weeks your dog is along, you can plan when to start introducing the whelping box. 1-2. Make sure the box is the appropriate size. Your dog needs to feel physically comfortable in the whelping box. This means the box should be the right size for your dog. The box should be large enough for your dog to lie down and stretch out to nurse the puppies. Make sure the box isn't too big. The box needs to be keep the puppies and mother close together without a lot of extra room for the puppies to get away. 1-3. Choose a spot where your dog feels comfortable. If possible, place the whelping box in an area where the dog feels comfortable. This may be a room they are familiar with or like to sleep in. This will help her adjust more easily to the box. Remember, it is important that the room is quiet and not busy. For example, your dog may love the living room, but a living room is not a good place to place the whelping box. If you think about it from a motherhood perspective, the dog will want to make sure that she's finding the safest, best, and most secure spot for her litter. 2. Making the Dog Feel Comfortable in the Whelping Box 2-1. Place the box in the birthing area. As you get your dog used to the whelping box, you should place it in the spot your dog will give birth. This helps the dog get used to the area and feel like it is safe for her puppies. Don't put the box in one room and then move it to a different room before the birth. 2-2. Choose a quiet location. To help your dog feel comfortable, place the whelping box in a private area. This room should be quiet, warm, dry, not too bright, and away from the usual traffic and excitement of your house. This will help your dog feel safe and secure after she gives birth. Good places are guest bedrooms, bathrooms that aren't used, studies or offices, laundry rooms, or enclosed garages. Make sure the area will be warm, away from drafts, and separate from people or other pets. Other dogs should not have access to the whelping box. 2-3. Encourage your dog to sleep in the box. During the weeks leading up to the birth, try to get your dog to sleep in the box. You can also let them lay in the box while they rest during the day. The goal is to help your dog view the whelping box as a comfortable location. 2-4. Lead your dog to the whelping box often. Your dog may not want to lay in the box just yet. If she doesn't take to it immediately, then take her to the box multiple times each day. Show her the box and help try to get her in the box. If your dog is small enough, you can physically place her in the box so she starts to smell her scent on it. If your dog isn't interested in getting in it, let her go away and bring her back the next day. 3. Helping Your Dog Adjust To The Box 3-1. Place toys in the box. Another way to help your dog become comfortable with the whelping box is to put some of her favorite toys in there. You may also want to put her favorite blanket in there. This will help the dog feel at home and safe in the box. Putting her toys in there will help the box smell familiar and also give her something to do while she is in the box. 3-2. Use positive reinforcement. One way to help your dog get accustomed to the box is to create a positive association for the dog. To do this, you can pet and stroke her while she is near or in the whelping box. Talk to her softly and lovingly, giving her a lot of praise when she gets in or near the box. You can also use treats to get her in the box, or give her treats when she gets in the whelping box. 3-3. Avoid forcing your dog in the box. It may take a few days to a week to get your dog accustomed to the whelping box. However, if you continue to lead her to the box and make it feel comfortable and safe, she will warm up to it. The thing to remember is never force her into the box or punish her for not going into it. You don't want to form negative associations with the whelping box. She will only have her puppies there if she feels safe and secure in the box.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:49", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Setting Up the Whelping Box\\n1-1. Start a few weeks before your dog is due.\\nYou will need a few weeks to get your dog accustomed to the whelping box. This means you need to buy the box early to start getting her used to it. If she is unfamiliar with the box, she won't use it to give birth.\\nDon't wait to the last minute to buy the whelping box and introduce your dog to it.\\nA canine pregnancy lasts approximately 63 days. Once you find out from the vet how many weeks your dog is along, you can plan when to start introducing the whelping box.\\n1-2. Make sure the box is the appropriate size.\\nYour dog needs to feel physically comfortable in the whelping box. This means the box should be the right size for your dog. The box should be large enough for your dog to lie down and stretch out to nurse the puppies.\\nMake sure the box isn't too big. The box needs to be keep the puppies and mother close together without a lot of extra room for the puppies to get away.\\n1-3. Choose a spot where your dog feels comfortable.\\nIf possible, place the whelping box in an area where the dog feels comfortable. This may be a room they are familiar with or like to sleep in. This will help her adjust more easily to the box.\\nRemember, it is important that the room is quiet and not busy. For example, your dog may love the living room, but a living room is not a good place to place the whelping box.\\nIf you think about it from a motherhood perspective, the dog will want to make sure that she's finding the safest, best, and most secure spot for her litter.\\n2. Making the Dog Feel Comfortable in the Whelping Box\\n2-1. Place the box in the birthing area.\\nAs you get your dog used to the whelping box, you should place it in the spot your dog will give birth. This helps the dog get used to the area and feel like it is safe for her puppies.\\nDon't put the box in one room and then move it to a different room before the birth.\\n2-2. Choose a quiet location.\\nTo help your dog feel comfortable, place the whelping box in a private area. This room should be quiet, warm, dry, not too bright, and away from the usual traffic and excitement of your house. This will help your dog feel safe and secure after she gives birth.\\nGood places are guest bedrooms, bathrooms that aren't used, studies or offices, laundry rooms, or enclosed garages.\\nMake sure the area will be warm, away from drafts, and separate from people or other pets. Other dogs should not have access to the whelping box.\\n2-3. Encourage your dog to sleep in the box.\\nDuring the weeks leading up to the birth, try to get your dog to sleep in the box. You can also let them lay in the box while they rest during the day. The goal is to help your dog view the whelping box as a comfortable location.\\n2-4. Lead your dog to the whelping box often.\\nYour dog may not want to lay in the box just yet. If she doesn't take to it immediately, then take her to the box multiple times each day. Show her the box and help try to get her in the box.\\nIf your dog is small enough, you can physically place her in the box so she starts to smell her scent on it.\\nIf your dog isn't interested in getting in it, let her go away and bring her back the next day.\\n3. Helping Your Dog Adjust To The Box\\n3-1. Place toys in the box.\\nAnother way to help your dog become comfortable with the whelping box is to put some of her favorite toys in there. You may also want to put her favorite blanket in there. This will help the dog feel at home and safe in the box.\\nPutting her toys in there will help the box smell familiar and also give her something to do while she is in the box.\\n3-2. Use positive reinforcement.\\nOne way to help your dog get accustomed to the box is to create a positive association for the dog. To do this, you can pet and stroke her while she is near or in the whelping box. Talk to her softly and lovingly, giving her a lot of praise when she gets in or near the box.\\nYou can also use treats to get her in the box, or give her treats when she gets in the whelping box.\\n3-3. Avoid forcing your dog in the box.\\nIt may take a few days to a week to get your dog accustomed to the whelping box. However, if you continue to lead her to the box and make it feel comfortable and safe, she will warm up to it. The thing to remember is never force her into the box or punish her for not going into it.\\nYou don't want to form negative associations with the whelping box. She will only have her puppies there if she feels safe and secure in the box.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"The whelping box is the place where your dog will give birth. It keeps the mother dog and puppies together, and it helps contain the mess from the birth. However, since this is a new place for your dog, you need to help her get used to the box. To get your dog accustomed to the whelping box, start a few weeks before she is due, encourage her to sleep and lay in the box, and place familiar objects inside to make it feel like home.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Setting Up the Whelping Box\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Start a few weeks before your dog is due.\", \"描述\": \"You will need a few weeks to get your dog accustomed to the whelping box. This means you need to buy the box early to start getting her used to it. If she is unfamiliar with the box, she won't use it to give birth.\\nDon't wait to the last minute to buy the whelping box and introduce your dog to it.\\nA canine pregnancy lasts approximately 63 days. Once you find out from the vet how many weeks your dog is along, you can plan when to start introducing the whelping box.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make sure the box is the appropriate size.\", \"描述\": \"Your dog needs to feel physically comfortable in the whelping box. This means the box should be the right size for your dog. The box should be large enough for your dog to lie down and stretch out to nurse the puppies.\\nMake sure the box isn't too big. The box needs to be keep the puppies and mother close together without a lot of extra room for the puppies to get away.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Choose a spot where your dog feels comfortable.\", \"描述\": \"If possible, place the whelping box in an area where the dog feels comfortable. This may be a room they are familiar with or like to sleep in. This will help her adjust more easily to the box.\\nRemember, it is important that the room is quiet and not busy. For example, your dog may love the living room, but a living room is not a good place to place the whelping box.\\nIf you think about it from a motherhood perspective, the dog will want to make sure that she's finding the safest, best, and most secure spot for her litter.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Making the Dog Feel Comfortable in the Whelping Box\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Place the box in the birthing area.\", \"描述\": \"As you get your dog used to the whelping box, you should place it in the spot your dog will give birth. This helps the dog get used to the area and feel like it is safe for her puppies.\\nDon't put the box in one room and then move it to a different room before the birth.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Choose a quiet location.\", \"描述\": \"To help your dog feel comfortable, place the whelping box in a private area. This room should be quiet, warm, dry, not too bright, and away from the usual traffic and excitement of your house. This will help your dog feel safe and secure after she gives birth.\\nGood places are guest bedrooms, bathrooms that aren't used, studies or offices, laundry rooms, or enclosed garages.\\nMake sure the area will be warm, away from drafts, and separate from people or other pets. Other dogs should not have access to the whelping box.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Encourage your dog to sleep in the box.\", \"描述\": \"During the weeks leading up to the birth, try to get your dog to sleep in the box. You can also let them lay in the box while they rest during the day. The goal is to help your dog view the whelping box as a comfortable location.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Lead your dog to the whelping box often.\", \"描述\": \"Your dog may not want to lay in the box just yet. If she doesn't take to it immediately, then take her to the box multiple times each day. Show her the box and help try to get her in the box.\\nIf your dog is small enough, you can physically place her in the box so she starts to smell her scent on it.\\nIf your dog isn't interested in getting in it, let her go away and bring her back the next day.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Helping Your Dog Adjust To The Box\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Place toys in the box.\", \"描述\": \"Another way to help your dog become comfortable with the whelping box is to put some of her favorite toys in there. You may also want to put her favorite blanket in there. This will help the dog feel at home and safe in the box.\\nPutting her toys in there will help the box smell familiar and also give her something to do while she is in the box.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Use positive reinforcement.\", \"描述\": \"One way to help your dog get accustomed to the box is to create a positive association for the dog. To do this, you can pet and stroke her while she is near or in the whelping box. Talk to her softly and lovingly, giving her a lot of praise when she gets in or near the box.\\nYou can also use treats to get her in the box, or give her treats when she gets in the whelping box.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoid forcing your dog in the box.\", \"描述\": \"It may take a few days to a week to get your dog accustomed to the whelping box. However, if you continue to lead her to the box and make it feel comfortable and safe, she will warm up to it. The thing to remember is never force her into the box or punish her for not going into it.\\nYou don't want to form negative associations with the whelping box. She will only have her puppies there if she feels safe and secure in the box.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Ace A Levels
1. Steps 1-1. Start preparing early. A-levels require you to learn a vast amount of content, so get your exam preparation under way as early as you can. If you haven't begun revising yet, . This will help you to learn the material gradually across the year - there's far too much to cram the week before! Use the specification (available on the exam board website) to make sure that you know everything you need to. Many students fail to appreciate that A-levels are a huge step up from GCSEs. Even if you got As and Bs at GCSE by only revising the month before, don't expect the same to work now. You need to dedicate much more time and effort to your studies if you want even the slightest chance of earning those elusive A* grades. 1-2. Pay attention in class. Be sure to write down brief notes during lectures, highlighting what the teacher says is especially important. If your school or college allows you to take a mobile phone to class, record your teacher's lecture so you can write extra notes from it later. 1-3. Rewrite your notes at home. After each day at school/college, write detailed notes neatly on a separate notebook. Include diagrams and tables. Make sure your existing notes are of good quality. If you have already attended some classes, rewrite all the notes you have in a more organized way, adding in more information that you have learned since then. Remember, the more you know about a subject the better. You could also make colourful posters for topics, including features such as key words, definitions, equations, mind maps, diagrams and flowcharts. Stick the posters to the wall in a place where you will be able to see them every day. 1-4. Organize a weekly schedule. Study all your subjects every day in small portions, aiming for at least four hours of study time per subject per week. This will help you to reconnect ideas you have previously learned, and helps with memorizing and understanding. After each weekly schedule has been completed, plan and write a new one for the following week. Only have one day a week as free time. Be strict and finish all your planned work! Keep in mind that some situations, such as coursework deadlines approaching or tests being announced, will need you to spend more time doing work for particular subjects. For example, if you have a Biology test next week, devote at least an extra 30 minutes daily to revising and practicing questions for it. If you are in your second year of studying new reformed A-Levels, be sure to put extra time towards revising content for these courses that you covered in your first year. It's essential to keep this material fresh in your mind - no matter how well you know it now, you won't remember it so clearly come exam time if you don't revise it regularly. 1-5. Keep on top of your homework. Homework may seem like a drag, but doing it is essential to your progress. Treat every assignment as a chance to revise topics you've gone over in class and apply your knowledge. Aim to start every piece of homework on the day it's assigned. It's hard to produce work that reflects the best of your ability if you procrastinate and carelessly whizz through it the night before it's due in. 1-6. Try to finish everything in your specification approximately 4 weeks prior to the exam. This will give you essential time to revise, practice past papers and answer additional questions. 1-7. Prioritise your revision. A common pitfall for many students is to revise what they already know rather than trying to understand what they're struggling on. Track how well you understand each topic using a traffic light system. Print out a copy of your syllabus to see all the topics that could come up in the exam, and mark each one with a colour - green, yellow or red. Use green for topics you would be confident answering questions about in the exam. Skim over them regularly to make sure things stay that way. Use yellow for topics you have some understanding of but haven't completely mastered yet. Spend a bit more time on these - practice questions on them and focus on the parts you're having trouble with. Use red for topics you find very difficult or confusing. Put the bulk of your revision towards understanding these, especially if questions about them are often worth a ton of marks in the exam. Ask your teacher for help if you're really struggling. Reassess the topics every week. Try to improve as many yellow and red topics to green as you can. 1-8. Do as many questions as you can. While textbook questions are handy for consolidating your knowledge, past exam papers are the key here. If you can get good marks on papers sat in previous years, you'll have a much better chance of earning high grades in the exams this year. At least two months before your exams, aim to do several per subject every week - it is crucial to practice. You can also challenge yourself by tackling papers from other exam boards. Content varies between boards, so stick to questions that are relevant to your specification. 1-9. Avoid stressing out or getting bored. If you don't find it interesting, try to create interest by studying biographies about famous scientists. 1-10. Make a routine, follow it strictly but don't get too cosy. Change it when this happens. 1-11. Rest, you don't want to spend days studying a topic that can easily be studied in a couple of hours. Keep your brain fresh and exercise. Remember "A healthy body possesses a healthy brain" and obviously, only a healthy brain can possibly ace Advanced level. 1-12. Motivate yourself and exercise discipline. 1-13. Don't panic if your test grades seem low. It's not easy to earn high grades in A-Levels, so if you find yourself suddenly getting Cs in a subject you aced at GCSE, you're not alone. Feeling a little nervous about your grades is normal and represents your concern. Set yourself goals to bring your grades up gradually. For example, if you're working at a grade D in a subject, practice that subject more regularly to reach grade C, then work towards grade B, and so on. Tips Practice as much as possible. Time is the key word here - keep to your schedule. Always have a bottle of water with you during your studies, even at school. Water is the only beverage essential to life! Warnings Don't skip topics you think are easy, some are crucial - make sure you know all of the topics that will be in the exam! O-levels/GCSEs are nothing compared to A-levels, you will need to put in a lot more effort. Use the specification (available on the exam board website) to make sure that you know everything you need to. Don't refer to the mark scheme while doing past papers, instead refer to the book or your notes. If you are sure you cannot find the answer use the mark scheme. Otherwise only use it to check how well you did after you've finished. Don't think it is easy to even pass A-levels even if you have done so in O-levels/GCSEs.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:49", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Start preparing early.\\nA-levels require you to learn a vast amount of content, so get your exam preparation under way as early as you can. If you haven't begun revising yet, . This will help you to learn the material gradually across the year - there's far too much to cram the week before!\\nUse the specification (available on the exam board website) to make sure that you know everything you need to.\\nMany students fail to appreciate that A-levels are a huge step up from GCSEs. Even if you got As and Bs at GCSE by only revising the month before, don't expect the same to work now. You need to dedicate much more time and effort to your studies if you want even the slightest chance of earning those elusive A* grades.\\n1-2. Pay attention in class.\\nBe sure to write down brief notes during lectures, highlighting what the teacher says is especially important.\\nIf your school or college allows you to take a mobile phone to class, record your teacher's lecture so you can write extra notes from it later.\\n1-3. Rewrite your notes at home.\\nAfter each day at school/college, write detailed notes neatly on a separate notebook. Include diagrams and tables.\\nMake sure your existing notes are of good quality. If you have already attended some classes, rewrite all the notes you have in a more organized way, adding in more information that you have learned since then. Remember, the more you know about a subject the better.\\nYou could also make colourful posters for topics, including features such as key words, definitions, equations, mind maps, diagrams and flowcharts. Stick the posters to the wall in a place where you will be able to see them every day.\\n1-4. Organize a weekly schedule.\\nStudy all your subjects every day in small portions, aiming for at least four hours of study time per subject per week. This will help you to reconnect ideas you have previously learned, and helps with memorizing and understanding. After each weekly schedule has been completed, plan and write a new one for the following week. Only have one day a week as free time. Be strict and finish all your planned work!\\nKeep in mind that some situations, such as coursework deadlines approaching or tests being announced, will need you to spend more time doing work for particular subjects. For example, if you have a Biology test next week, devote at least an extra 30 minutes daily to revising and practicing questions for it.\\nIf you are in your second year of studying new reformed A-Levels, be sure to put extra time towards revising content for these courses that you covered in your first year. It's essential to keep this material fresh in your mind - no matter how well you know it now, you won't remember it so clearly come exam time if you don't revise it regularly.\\n1-5. Keep on top of your homework.\\nHomework may seem like a drag, but doing it is essential to your progress. Treat every assignment as a chance to revise topics you've gone over in class and apply your knowledge. \\nAim to start every piece of homework on the day it's assigned. It's hard to produce work that reflects the best of your ability if you procrastinate and carelessly whizz through it the night before it's due in.\\n1-6. Try to finish everything in your specification approximately 4 weeks prior to the exam.\\nThis will give you essential time to revise, practice past papers and answer additional questions.\\n1-7. Prioritise your revision.\\nA common pitfall for many students is to revise what they already know rather than trying to understand what they're struggling on. Track how well you understand each topic using a traffic light system. Print out a copy of your syllabus to see all the topics that could come up in the exam, and mark each one with a colour - green, yellow or red.\\nUse green for topics you would be confident answering questions about in the exam. Skim over them regularly to make sure things stay that way.\\nUse yellow for topics you have some understanding of but haven't completely mastered yet. Spend a bit more time on these - practice questions on them and focus on the parts you're having trouble with.\\nUse red for topics you find very difficult or confusing. Put the bulk of your revision towards understanding these, especially if questions about them are often worth a ton of marks in the exam. Ask your teacher for help if you're really struggling.\\nReassess the topics every week. Try to improve as many yellow and red topics to green as you can.\\n1-8. Do as many questions as you can.\\nWhile textbook questions are handy for consolidating your knowledge, past exam papers are the key here. If you can get good marks on papers sat in previous years, you'll have a much better chance of earning high grades in the exams this year. At least two months before your exams, aim to do several per subject every week - it is crucial to practice.\\nYou can also challenge yourself by tackling papers from other exam boards. Content varies between boards, so stick to questions that are relevant to your specification.\\n1-9. Avoid stressing out or getting bored.\\nIf you don't find it interesting, try to create interest by studying biographies about famous scientists.\\n1-10. Make a routine, follow it strictly but don't get too cosy.\\nChange it when this happens.\\n1-11. Rest, you don't want to spend days studying a topic that can easily be studied in a couple of hours.\\nKeep your brain fresh and exercise. Remember \\\"A healthy body possesses a healthy brain\\\" and obviously, only a healthy brain can possibly ace Advanced level.\\n1-12. Motivate yourself and exercise discipline.\\n\\n1-13. Don't panic if your test grades seem low.\\nIt's not easy to earn high grades in A-Levels, so if you find yourself suddenly getting Cs in a subject you aced at GCSE, you're not alone. Feeling a little nervous about your grades is normal and represents your concern.\\nSet yourself goals to bring your grades up gradually. For example, if you're working at a grade D in a subject, practice that subject more regularly to reach grade C, then work towards grade B, and so on.\\nTips\\nPractice as much as possible.\\nTime is the key word here - keep to your schedule.\\nAlways have a bottle of water with you during your studies, even at school. Water is the only beverage essential to life!\\nWarnings\\nDon't skip topics you think are easy, some are crucial - make sure you know all of the topics that will be in the exam!\\nO-levels/GCSEs are nothing compared to A-levels, you will need to put in a lot more effort.\\nUse the specification (available on the exam board website) to make sure that you know everything you need to.\\nDon't refer to the mark scheme while doing past papers, instead refer to the book or your notes. If you are sure you cannot find the answer use the mark scheme. Otherwise only use it to check how well you did after you've finished.\\nDon't think it is easy to even pass A-levels even if you have done so in O-levels/GCSEs.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A-levels are what the standardized tests are called in most places in the United Kingdom. A-levels can be tedious, so it's a good idea to prepare for them. This wikiHow will tell you how you can prepare for, and ace, the A-Levels.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Start preparing early.\", \"描述\": \"A-levels require you to learn a vast amount of content, so get your exam preparation under way as early as you can. If you haven't begun revising yet, . This will help you to learn the material gradually across the year - there's far too much to cram the week before!\\nUse the specification (available on the exam board website) to make sure that you know everything you need to.\\nMany students fail to appreciate that A-levels are a huge step up from GCSEs. Even if you got As and Bs at GCSE by only revising the month before, don't expect the same to work now. You need to dedicate much more time and effort to your studies if you want even the slightest chance of earning those elusive A* grades.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Pay attention in class.\", \"描述\": \"Be sure to write down brief notes during lectures, highlighting what the teacher says is especially important.\\nIf your school or college allows you to take a mobile phone to class, record your teacher's lecture so you can write extra notes from it later.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Rewrite your notes at home.\", \"描述\": \"After each day at school/college, write detailed notes neatly on a separate notebook. Include diagrams and tables.\\nMake sure your existing notes are of good quality. If you have already attended some classes, rewrite all the notes you have in a more organized way, adding in more information that you have learned since then. Remember, the more you know about a subject the better.\\nYou could also make colourful posters for topics, including features such as key words, definitions, equations, mind maps, diagrams and flowcharts. Stick the posters to the wall in a place where you will be able to see them every day.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Organize a weekly schedule.\", \"描述\": \"Study all your subjects every day in small portions, aiming for at least four hours of study time per subject per week. This will help you to reconnect ideas you have previously learned, and helps with memorizing and understanding. After each weekly schedule has been completed, plan and write a new one for the following week. Only have one day a week as free time. Be strict and finish all your planned work!\\nKeep in mind that some situations, such as coursework deadlines approaching or tests being announced, will need you to spend more time doing work for particular subjects. For example, if you have a Biology test next week, devote at least an extra 30 minutes daily to revising and practicing questions for it.\\nIf you are in your second year of studying new reformed A-Levels, be sure to put extra time towards revising content for these courses that you covered in your first year. It's essential to keep this material fresh in your mind - no matter how well you know it now, you won't remember it so clearly come exam time if you don't revise it regularly.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Keep on top of your homework.\", \"描述\": \"Homework may seem like a drag, but doing it is essential to your progress. Treat every assignment as a chance to revise topics you've gone over in class and apply your knowledge. \\nAim to start every piece of homework on the day it's assigned. It's hard to produce work that reflects the best of your ability if you procrastinate and carelessly whizz through it the night before it's due in.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Try to finish everything in your specification approximately 4 weeks prior to the exam.\", \"描述\": \"This will give you essential time to revise, practice past papers and answer additional questions.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Prioritise your revision.\", \"描述\": \"A common pitfall for many students is to revise what they already know rather than trying to understand what they're struggling on. Track how well you understand each topic using a traffic light system. Print out a copy of your syllabus to see all the topics that could come up in the exam, and mark each one with a colour - green, yellow or red.\\nUse green for topics you would be confident answering questions about in the exam. Skim over them regularly to make sure things stay that way.\\nUse yellow for topics you have some understanding of but haven't completely mastered yet. Spend a bit more time on these - practice questions on them and focus on the parts you're having trouble with.\\nUse red for topics you find very difficult or confusing. Put the bulk of your revision towards understanding these, especially if questions about them are often worth a ton of marks in the exam. Ask your teacher for help if you're really struggling.\\nReassess the topics every week. Try to improve as many yellow and red topics to green as you can.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Do as many questions as you can.\", \"描述\": \"While textbook questions are handy for consolidating your knowledge, past exam papers are the key here. If you can get good marks on papers sat in previous years, you'll have a much better chance of earning high grades in the exams this year. At least two months before your exams, aim to do several per subject every week - it is crucial to practice.\\nYou can also challenge yourself by tackling papers from other exam boards. Content varies between boards, so stick to questions that are relevant to your specification.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Avoid stressing out or getting bored.\", \"描述\": \"If you don't find it interesting, try to create interest by studying biographies about famous scientists.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Make a routine, follow it strictly but don't get too cosy.\", \"描述\": \"Change it when this happens.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Rest, you don't want to spend days studying a topic that can easily be studied in a couple of hours.\", \"描述\": \"Keep your brain fresh and exercise. Remember \\\"A healthy body possesses a healthy brain\\\" and obviously, only a healthy brain can possibly ace Advanced level.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Motivate yourself and exercise discipline.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Don't panic if your test grades seem low.\", \"描述\": \"It's not easy to earn high grades in A-Levels, so if you find yourself suddenly getting Cs in a subject you aced at GCSE, you're not alone. Feeling a little nervous about your grades is normal and represents your concern.\\nSet yourself goals to bring your grades up gradually. For example, if you're working at a grade D in a subject, practice that subject more regularly to reach grade C, then work towards grade B, and so on.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Practice as much as possible.\\n\", \"Time is the key word here - keep to your schedule.\\n\", \"Always have a bottle of water with you during your studies, even at school. Water is the only beverage essential to life!\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't skip topics you think are easy, some are crucial - make sure you know all of the topics that will be in the exam!\\n\", \"O-levels/GCSEs are nothing compared to A-levels, you will need to put in a lot more effort.\\n\", \"Use the specification (available on the exam board website) to make sure that you know everything you need to.\\n\", \"Don't refer to the mark scheme while doing past papers, instead refer to the book or your notes. If you are sure you cannot find the answer use the mark scheme. Otherwise only use it to check how well you did after you've finished.\\n\", \"Don't think it is easy to even pass A-levels even if you have done so in O-levels/GCSEs.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Ace Middle School
1. Steps 1-1. Be organized If you stay organized, you will surely have all your materials and be prepared to complete all your assignments and get a good grade. Organizing is one of the basic keys to school success, so be sure to keep your locker and everything you need to be organized, though some middle schools do not have lockers. 1-2. Pay close attention in class If the class is boring, try your best to pay attention and find a way to stay interested in the subject. Take good notes, focus your attention on the teacher, and following directions. If you follow directions, you will succeed when you learn. If you don't follow directions, you'll have a hard time learning and be being successful. 1-3. Study Studying helps you retain knowledge. If you know information from previous years, the school will be easier to deal with than you might think. Review all the points in subject that you had, and study a little bit more for tests. Try to study for about an hour, beginning a couple nights before your test. Never cram your study time, but instead plan your studying period several days beforehand. That way, you'll be prepared with less stress. 1-4. Sleep more If you can't sleep, see tips on sleeping better. Sleeping will give your mind a rest, making you energetic when school starts. Always get at least 8-10 hours of sleep during your pre-adolescent and adolescent years. Good sleep habits will help you in the long run. It's a good idea to wake up at least an hour earlier than when you have to leave for school. Most 11-year-old girls need about 10 hours of sleep to look, feel and BE their best. So remember to have a nice long sleep before you go to school each day (e.g. If you have to wake up at 6 a.m., you should try to be in bed by 8 p.m.). 1-5. Eat a healthy breakfast. Eating healthy things will improve your listening capability to the teachers and will make you ready to go. Make sure to eat protein like eggs or bacon over sugary foods. The sugar will perk you up in the short term, but you will then crash, causing it to be more difficult for you to concentrate. 1-6. Always get your homework done right when you get home. This leaves more time for fun things but also makes you more responsible. 1-7. Ask questions when you are confused. The teacher most likely wants to answer any questions you have about what they teach. If you are too embarrassed to ask in class, (which you shouldn't be), ask the teacher in private, such as after school. You can't learn anything if you don't understand it. Usually when they talk about something you don't understand, and you don't ask about it, it'll lower your grade when you miss those questions on the test. Teachers are there to help you learn, not intimidate you. 1-8. Don't overbook yourself. It's good to be involved in sports, clubs, or other extracurriculars, but don't join so many that you are unable to do well. 1-9. Respect others Be respectful to your peers and teachers. If you do, people will respect you more and you will likely never get in trouble. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. If you make a good impression at the beginning of the year, the teacher will believe and trust you if you are accused of something. Don't think that that means you can get out of trouble you cause though! 1-10. Make friends! It's especially important in middle school to make some really good friends. They're your support group and your lifeline in middle school. If you have good friends, they'll be able to support you all through middle school and help you to achieve your very best. 1-11. Don't bring phone or other electronics unless you can stay focused with it, it can distract you easily. Don't text in class, it can get you in a lot of trouble, or even get your phone taken away. Only use or have out your phone and other electronics when you have permission from a teacher to do so. Remember that it can be disrespectful to the teachers if you have it out behind their back. If you do have your phone or other electronics with you, keep it on silent. It can detract your peers from learning and interrupt the teacher's teaching if your electronic goes off in the middle of class. 1-12. Start studying in advance. Begin studying for a normal test or quiz two weeks in advance or as soon as possible, and for midterms and finals (if you have them in middle school) start studying six weeks ahead. Tips When you're absent from class for more than one day at a time, get makeup work and study from your textbooks, copy any notes your friends may have taken, ask your teacher for extra help and get with one of your classmates to come over after school or meet you somewhere quiet (such as the library) to explain the material to you. Teaching yourself a little bit of the next grade during the summer can help you. Be prepared to go to and from school with all of your materials. Take a pencil and your homework back to school, and make sure you bring your homework home. Warnings If other students tell you that you are smarter than them, it's best to use your amazing talents to help them improve.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:49", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Be organized\\nIf you stay organized, you will surely have all your materials and be prepared to complete all your assignments and get a good grade. Organizing is one of the basic keys to school success, so be sure to keep your locker and everything you need to be organized, though some middle schools do not have lockers.\\n1-2. Pay close attention in class\\nIf the class is boring, try your best to pay attention and find a way to stay interested in the subject.\\nTake good notes, focus your attention on the teacher, and following directions. If you follow directions, you will succeed when you learn. If you don't follow directions, you'll have a hard time learning and be being successful.\\n1-3. Study\\nStudying helps you retain knowledge. If you know information from previous years, the school will be easier to deal with than you might think. Review all the points in subject that you had, and study a little bit more for tests. Try to study for about an hour, beginning a couple nights before your test. Never cram your study time, but instead plan your studying period several days beforehand. That way, you'll be prepared with less stress.\\n1-4. Sleep more\\nIf you can't sleep, see tips on sleeping better. Sleeping will give your mind a rest, making you energetic when school starts. Always get at least 8-10 hours of sleep during your pre-adolescent and adolescent years. Good sleep habits will help you in the long run. It's a good idea to wake up at least an hour earlier than when you have to leave for school. Most 11-year-old girls need about 10 hours of sleep to look, feel and BE their best. So remember to have a nice long sleep before you go to school each day (e.g. If you have to wake up at 6 a.m., you should try to be in bed by 8 p.m.).\\n1-5. Eat a healthy breakfast.\\nEating healthy things will improve your listening capability to the teachers and will make you ready to go. Make sure to eat protein like eggs or bacon over sugary foods. The sugar will perk you up in the short term, but you will then crash, causing it to be more difficult for you to concentrate.\\n1-6. Always get your homework done right when you get home.\\nThis leaves more time for fun things but also makes you more responsible.\\n1-7. Ask questions when you are confused.\\nThe teacher most likely wants to answer any questions you have about what they teach. If you are too embarrassed to ask in class, (which you shouldn't be), ask the teacher in private, such as after school. You can't learn anything if you don't understand it. Usually when they talk about something you don't understand, and you don't ask about it, it'll lower your grade when you miss those questions on the test. Teachers are there to help you learn, not intimidate you.\\n1-8. Don't overbook yourself.\\nIt's good to be involved in sports, clubs, or other extracurriculars, but don't join so many that you are unable to do well.\\n1-9. Respect others\\nBe respectful to your peers and teachers. If you do, people will respect you more and you will likely never get in trouble. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. If you make a good impression at the beginning of the year, the teacher will believe and trust you if you are accused of something. Don't think that that means you can get out of trouble you cause though!\\n1-10. Make friends!\\nIt's especially important in middle school to make some really good friends. They're your support group and your lifeline in middle school. If you have good friends, they'll be able to support you all through middle school and help you to achieve your very best.\\n1-11. Don't bring phone or other electronics unless you can stay focused with it, it can distract you easily.\\nDon't text in class, it can get you in a lot of trouble, or even get your phone taken away. Only use or have out your phone and other electronics when you have permission from a teacher to do so. Remember that it can be disrespectful to the teachers if you have it out behind their back. If you do have your phone or other electronics with you, keep it on silent. It can detract your peers from learning and interrupt the teacher's teaching if your electronic goes off in the middle of class.\\n1-12. Start studying in advance.\\nBegin studying for a normal test or quiz two weeks in advance or as soon as possible, and for midterms and finals (if you have them in middle school) start studying six weeks ahead.\\nTips\\nWhen you're absent from class for more than one day at a time, get makeup work and study from your textbooks, copy any notes your friends may have taken, ask your teacher for extra help and get with one of your classmates to come over after school or meet you somewhere quiet (such as the library) to explain the material to you.\\nTeaching yourself a little bit of the next grade during the summer can help you.\\nBe prepared to go to and from school with all of your materials. Take a pencil and your homework back to school, and make sure you bring your homework home.\\nWarnings\\nIf other students tell you that you are smarter than them, it's best to use your amazing talents to help them improve.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Middle school is an important time in your life, and it may be difficult and full of challenges. However, it is possible to both survive and ace it.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be organized\", \"描述\": \"If you stay organized, you will surely have all your materials and be prepared to complete all your assignments and get a good grade. Organizing is one of the basic keys to school success, so be sure to keep your locker and everything you need to be organized, though some middle schools do not have lockers.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Pay close attention in class\", \"描述\": \"If the class is boring, try your best to pay attention and find a way to stay interested in the subject.\\nTake good notes, focus your attention on the teacher, and following directions. If you follow directions, you will succeed when you learn. If you don't follow directions, you'll have a hard time learning and be being successful.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Study\", \"描述\": \"Studying helps you retain knowledge. If you know information from previous years, the school will be easier to deal with than you might think. Review all the points in subject that you had, and study a little bit more for tests. Try to study for about an hour, beginning a couple nights before your test. Never cram your study time, but instead plan your studying period several days beforehand. That way, you'll be prepared with less stress.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Sleep more\", \"描述\": \"If you can't sleep, see tips on sleeping better. Sleeping will give your mind a rest, making you energetic when school starts. Always get at least 8-10 hours of sleep during your pre-adolescent and adolescent years. Good sleep habits will help you in the long run. It's a good idea to wake up at least an hour earlier than when you have to leave for school. Most 11-year-old girls need about 10 hours of sleep to look, feel and BE their best. So remember to have a nice long sleep before you go to school each day (e.g. If you have to wake up at 6 a.m., you should try to be in bed by 8 p.m.).\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Eat a healthy breakfast.\", \"描述\": \"Eating healthy things will improve your listening capability to the teachers and will make you ready to go. Make sure to eat protein like eggs or bacon over sugary foods. The sugar will perk you up in the short term, but you will then crash, causing it to be more difficult for you to concentrate.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Always get your homework done right when you get home.\", \"描述\": \"This leaves more time for fun things but also makes you more responsible.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Ask questions when you are confused.\", \"描述\": \"The teacher most likely wants to answer any questions you have about what they teach. If you are too embarrassed to ask in class, (which you shouldn't be), ask the teacher in private, such as after school. You can't learn anything if you don't understand it. Usually when they talk about something you don't understand, and you don't ask about it, it'll lower your grade when you miss those questions on the test. Teachers are there to help you learn, not intimidate you.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Don't overbook yourself.\", \"描述\": \"It's good to be involved in sports, clubs, or other extracurriculars, but don't join so many that you are unable to do well.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Respect others\", \"描述\": \"Be respectful to your peers and teachers. If you do, people will respect you more and you will likely never get in trouble. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. If you make a good impression at the beginning of the year, the teacher will believe and trust you if you are accused of something. Don't think that that means you can get out of trouble you cause though!\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Make friends!\", \"描述\": \"It's especially important in middle school to make some really good friends. They're your support group and your lifeline in middle school. If you have good friends, they'll be able to support you all through middle school and help you to achieve your very best.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Don't bring phone or other electronics unless you can stay focused with it, it can distract you easily.\", \"描述\": \"Don't text in class, it can get you in a lot of trouble, or even get your phone taken away. Only use or have out your phone and other electronics when you have permission from a teacher to do so. Remember that it can be disrespectful to the teachers if you have it out behind their back. If you do have your phone or other electronics with you, keep it on silent. It can detract your peers from learning and interrupt the teacher's teaching if your electronic goes off in the middle of class.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Start studying in advance.\", \"描述\": \"Begin studying for a normal test or quiz two weeks in advance or as soon as possible, and for midterms and finals (if you have them in middle school) start studying six weeks ahead.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"When you're absent from class for more than one day at a time, get makeup work and study from your textbooks, copy any notes your friends may have taken, ask your teacher for extra help and get with one of your classmates to come over after school or meet you somewhere quiet (such as the library) to explain the material to you.\\n\", \"Teaching yourself a little bit of the next grade during the summer can help you.\\n\", \"Be prepared to go to and from school with all of your materials. Take a pencil and your homework back to school, and make sure you bring your homework home.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"If other students tell you that you are smarter than them, it's best to use your amazing talents to help them improve.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Ace Wrap a Leg
1. Wrapping the Leg 1-1. Start at the foot. Use a bandage that is four inches wide for the foot. Start with the wrap rolled up and unwind it as you go. Wrap in a diagonal, criss-cross pattern as follows: Begin wrapping over the top of the foot near the toes. Wrap under the foot to secure the bandage. When wrapping over the foot, you should be moving out towards the outside of your foot. When continuing to wrap under your foot, you should be moving in towards the inside of your foot. Pull the bandage so that is diagonal. It should not be at a 90 degree angle to your foot; instead, wrap at a 30 degree angle. Each time you wrap, reverse the direction of the diagonal to make a criss-cross pattern, not a spiral. Instead, it should look more like a herringbone pattern. You want to overlap the bandages a bit on either side of the foot to provide the extra support. The herringbone weave should ideally run right up the midline of the foot as you go — this provides pressure and support in all the right places. Do not wrap the middle of your leg without wrapping your foot. 1-2. Wrap in a figure-8 pattern over the ankle. After wrapping over the top of your foot, continue around your heel. Continue wrapping around to the front and over the top of your ankle towards the outside of your foot. The next time around your ankle will make an X on the front of your ankle. Wrap from underneath the inside of your heel, up and across the front to the bottom of your calf on the outside of your leg. 1-3. Continue wrapping up the leg. Keep working in a criss-cross pattern over the ankle and above, keeping the herringbone running up the midline as best you can. Wrap less tightly as you go over the calf and even looser at the knee. Take care that the bandage lays flat. If there are wrinkles it will create pressure points and irritate you. When you get to the thigh, you may want to change to using a larger bandage. For adults, you can use a bandage that is six inches wide. For children and small adults, you may simply use another four inch bandage. If you find it too difficult to wrap in a criss-cross pattern over your calf and thigh, you can wrap those areas using a circular pattern. If you do this, change to wrapping in circles just above your ankle. Each new layer should overlap the previous by 1/3 to 1/2 the width of the bandage. Secure the wrap with a clip when you are finished. 1-4. Check the tightness. The wrap should be tightest on your foot, looser on your calf, and loosest over your knee and thigh. It should not hurt and you should be able to fit a finger snugly underneath. Examine your toes, if you squeeze them, you should see the blood rapidly return to the tissue as soon as you release them. If your toes show the following signs, the wrap is too tight: Swelling Lack of color or bluish tinge Numbness Tingling 2. Recognizing When to Wrap 2-1. Apply an ace bandage if you have a muscle or joint injury. If you are unsure whether a compression wrap would be beneficial or if you are unsure how to wrap it, see your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on what would be best for your particular injury and how exactly you should apply the wrap. Both strains and sprains can benefit from wrapping. A strain occurs when your muscles or tendons stretch or tear. Tendons attach your muscles to your bones. A sprain occurs when your ligaments stretch or tear. Ligaments run between bones. 2-2. Watch for signs of improvement. Compression wraps serve multiple purposes for promoting healing. They are best used when you have to stay mobile while you heal your injury. Checking the bandage to make sure it isn't impeding blood flow at least a couple of times a day is useful. They can help by: Reducing pain. Limiting swelling. Protecting the injured area. 2-3. Call your doctor if you have an infected wound. If you are unsure whether you might have an infection, you should still call the doctor and ask if he or she would like to see you. Signs of an infection include: A wound that gives off a bad odor or leaks pus. Skin that is hot, swollen, and red, or has red streaks running from the wound site. A fever. 3. Cleaning Your Wraps 3-1. Wash the wraps after use. They are reusable, but they must be kept clean. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Most types are machine washable. Place them in a hosiery bag so they don’t get tangled in the machine. Use a gentle cycle and a mild soap. If you put them in the dryer use a low setting so that the elastic maintains its stretchiness. If you do not use a dryer, lay them flat to dry. Do not wring them out or hang them. This will stretch them out. 3-2. Protect the wraps from damaging substances. Some substances may cause the elastic or the fibers of the wrap to degrade. Do not use the following products on your skin when using wraps: Vaseline Lotions and ointments with petroleum 3-3. Replace the wraps when necessary. Depending upon how much use they get, most wraps will need to be replaced after one or two months. If the wrap is no longer as stretchy as it was when you bought it, this is a sign that it needs to be replaced. Wraps with tears or holes should also be replaced as this creates an uneven amount of pressure on your skin. Tips Although the metal clasps that come with most ace bandages are useful for gentle service, if you are needing to be mobile, try to pin the bandage in place with two safety pins. You can put a piece of medical tape over them to keep them from snagging on clothes etc. If a bandage comes unsecured, it will provide erratic support and you can aggravate the injury before you know it, so it’s best to keep them secured fast.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:50", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Wrapping the Leg\\n1-1. Start at the foot.\\nUse a bandage that is four inches wide for the foot. Start with the wrap rolled up and unwind it as you go. Wrap in a diagonal, criss-cross pattern as follows:\\nBegin wrapping over the top of the foot near the toes. Wrap under the foot to secure the bandage. When wrapping over the foot, you should be moving out towards the outside of your foot. When continuing to wrap under your foot, you should be moving in towards the inside of your foot.\\nPull the bandage so that is diagonal. It should not be at a 90 degree angle to your foot; instead, wrap at a 30 degree angle. Each time you wrap, reverse the direction of the diagonal to make a criss-cross pattern, not a spiral. Instead, it should look more like a herringbone pattern.\\nYou want to overlap the bandages a bit on either side of the foot to provide the extra support. The herringbone weave should ideally run right up the midline of the foot as you go — this provides pressure and support in all the right places.\\nDo not wrap the middle of your leg without wrapping your foot.\\n1-2. Wrap in a figure-8 pattern over the ankle.\\nAfter wrapping over the top of your foot, continue around your heel. Continue wrapping around to the front and over the top of your ankle towards the outside of your foot.\\nThe next time around your ankle will make an X on the front of your ankle. Wrap from underneath the inside of your heel, up and across the front to the bottom of your calf on the outside of your leg.\\n1-3. Continue wrapping up the leg.\\nKeep working in a criss-cross pattern over the ankle and above, keeping the herringbone running up the midline as best you can.\\nWrap less tightly as you go over the calf and even looser at the knee. Take care that the bandage lays flat. If there are wrinkles it will create pressure points and irritate you.\\nWhen you get to the thigh, you may want to change to using a larger bandage. For adults, you can use a bandage that is six inches wide. For children and small adults, you may simply use another four inch bandage.\\nIf you find it too difficult to wrap in a criss-cross pattern over your calf and thigh, you can wrap those areas using a circular pattern. If you do this, change to wrapping in circles just above your ankle. Each new layer should overlap the previous by 1/3 to 1/2 the width of the bandage.\\nSecure the wrap with a clip when you are finished.\\n1-4. Check the tightness.\\nThe wrap should be tightest on your foot, looser on your calf, and loosest over your knee and thigh. It should not hurt and you should be able to fit a finger snugly underneath. Examine your toes, if you squeeze them, you should see the blood rapidly return to the tissue as soon as you release them. If your toes show the following signs, the wrap is too tight:\\nSwelling\\nLack of color or bluish tinge\\nNumbness\\nTingling\\n2. Recognizing When to Wrap\\n2-1. Apply an ace bandage if you have a muscle or joint injury.\\nIf you are unsure whether a compression wrap would be beneficial or if you are unsure how to wrap it, see your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on what would be best for your particular injury and how exactly you should apply the wrap. Both strains and sprains can benefit from wrapping.\\nA strain occurs when your muscles or tendons stretch or tear. Tendons attach your muscles to your bones.\\nA sprain occurs when your ligaments stretch or tear. Ligaments run between bones.\\n2-2. Watch for signs of improvement.\\nCompression wraps serve multiple purposes for promoting healing. They are best used when you have to stay mobile while you heal your injury. Checking the bandage to make sure it isn't impeding blood flow at least a couple of times a day is useful. They can help by:\\nReducing pain.\\nLimiting swelling.\\nProtecting the injured area.\\n2-3. Call your doctor if you have an infected wound.\\nIf you are unsure whether you might have an infection, you should still call the doctor and ask if he or she would like to see you. Signs of an infection include:\\nA wound that gives off a bad odor or leaks pus.\\nSkin that is hot, swollen, and red, or has red streaks running from the wound site.\\nA fever.\\n3. Cleaning Your Wraps\\n3-1. Wash the wraps after use.\\nThey are reusable, but they must be kept clean. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Most types are machine washable.\\nPlace them in a hosiery bag so they don’t get tangled in the machine. Use a gentle cycle and a mild soap. If you put them in the dryer use a low setting so that the elastic maintains its stretchiness.\\nIf you do not use a dryer, lay them flat to dry. Do not wring them out or hang them. This will stretch them out.\\n3-2. Protect the wraps from damaging substances.\\nSome substances may cause the elastic or the fibers of the wrap to degrade. Do not use the following products on your skin when using wraps:\\nVaseline\\nLotions and ointments with petroleum\\n3-3. Replace the wraps when necessary.\\nDepending upon how much use they get, most wraps will need to be replaced after one or two months.\\nIf the wrap is no longer as stretchy as it was when you bought it, this is a sign that it needs to be replaced.\\nWraps with tears or holes should also be replaced as this creates an uneven amount of pressure on your skin.\\nTips\\nAlthough the metal clasps that come with most ace bandages are useful for gentle service, if you are needing to be mobile, try to pin the bandage in place with two safety pins. You can put a piece of medical tape over them to keep them from snagging on clothes etc. If a bandage comes unsecured, it will provide erratic support and you can aggravate the injury before you know it, so it’s best to keep them secured fast.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Ace bandages are used to control swelling. They have elastic in them so they apply pressure to the area and prevent fluid from building up. However, if the area already has a lot of fluid in it, this will apply a lot of pressure to the area and it can hurt. It can also reduce the circulation and slow the healing process. Talk to your doctor before applying wraps to be sure that it is right for your situation and that you are doing it correctly. Ace bandages can be purchased over-the-counter at your local drug store.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wrapping the Leg\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Start at the foot.\", \"描述\": \"Use a bandage that is four inches wide for the foot. Start with the wrap rolled up and unwind it as you go. Wrap in a diagonal, criss-cross pattern as follows:\\nBegin wrapping over the top of the foot near the toes. Wrap under the foot to secure the bandage. When wrapping over the foot, you should be moving out towards the outside of your foot. When continuing to wrap under your foot, you should be moving in towards the inside of your foot.\\nPull the bandage so that is diagonal. It should not be at a 90 degree angle to your foot; instead, wrap at a 30 degree angle. Each time you wrap, reverse the direction of the diagonal to make a criss-cross pattern, not a spiral. Instead, it should look more like a herringbone pattern.\\nYou want to overlap the bandages a bit on either side of the foot to provide the extra support. The herringbone weave should ideally run right up the midline of the foot as you go — this provides pressure and support in all the right places.\\nDo not wrap the middle of your leg without wrapping your foot.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Wrap in a figure-8 pattern over the ankle.\", \"描述\": \"After wrapping over the top of your foot, continue around your heel. Continue wrapping around to the front and over the top of your ankle towards the outside of your foot.\\nThe next time around your ankle will make an X on the front of your ankle. Wrap from underneath the inside of your heel, up and across the front to the bottom of your calf on the outside of your leg.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Continue wrapping up the leg.\", \"描述\": \"Keep working in a criss-cross pattern over the ankle and above, keeping the herringbone running up the midline as best you can.\\nWrap less tightly as you go over the calf and even looser at the knee. Take care that the bandage lays flat. If there are wrinkles it will create pressure points and irritate you.\\nWhen you get to the thigh, you may want to change to using a larger bandage. For adults, you can use a bandage that is six inches wide. For children and small adults, you may simply use another four inch bandage.\\nIf you find it too difficult to wrap in a criss-cross pattern over your calf and thigh, you can wrap those areas using a circular pattern. If you do this, change to wrapping in circles just above your ankle. Each new layer should overlap the previous by 1/3 to 1/2 the width of the bandage.\\nSecure the wrap with a clip when you are finished.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Check the tightness.\", \"描述\": \"The wrap should be tightest on your foot, looser on your calf, and loosest over your knee and thigh. It should not hurt and you should be able to fit a finger snugly underneath. Examine your toes, if you squeeze them, you should see the blood rapidly return to the tissue as soon as you release them. If your toes show the following signs, the wrap is too tight:\\nSwelling\\nLack of color or bluish tinge\\nNumbness\\nTingling\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Recognizing When to Wrap\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Apply an ace bandage if you have a muscle or joint injury.\", \"描述\": \"If you are unsure whether a compression wrap would be beneficial or if you are unsure how to wrap it, see your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on what would be best for your particular injury and how exactly you should apply the wrap. Both strains and sprains can benefit from wrapping.\\nA strain occurs when your muscles or tendons stretch or tear. Tendons attach your muscles to your bones.\\nA sprain occurs when your ligaments stretch or tear. Ligaments run between bones.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Watch for signs of improvement.\", \"描述\": \"Compression wraps serve multiple purposes for promoting healing. They are best used when you have to stay mobile while you heal your injury. Checking the bandage to make sure it isn't impeding blood flow at least a couple of times a day is useful. They can help by:\\nReducing pain.\\nLimiting swelling.\\nProtecting the injured area.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Call your doctor if you have an infected wound.\", \"描述\": \"If you are unsure whether you might have an infection, you should still call the doctor and ask if he or she would like to see you. Signs of an infection include:\\nA wound that gives off a bad odor or leaks pus.\\nSkin that is hot, swollen, and red, or has red streaks running from the wound site.\\nA fever.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Cleaning Your Wraps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wash the wraps after use.\", \"描述\": \"They are reusable, but they must be kept clean. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Most types are machine washable.\\nPlace them in a hosiery bag so they don’t get tangled in the machine. Use a gentle cycle and a mild soap. If you put them in the dryer use a low setting so that the elastic maintains its stretchiness.\\nIf you do not use a dryer, lay them flat to dry. Do not wring them out or hang them. This will stretch them out.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Protect the wraps from damaging substances.\", \"描述\": \"Some substances may cause the elastic or the fibers of the wrap to degrade. Do not use the following products on your skin when using wraps:\\nVaseline\\nLotions and ointments with petroleum\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Replace the wraps when necessary.\", \"描述\": \"Depending upon how much use they get, most wraps will need to be replaced after one or two months.\\nIf the wrap is no longer as stretchy as it was when you bought it, this is a sign that it needs to be replaced.\\nWraps with tears or holes should also be replaced as this creates an uneven amount of pressure on your skin.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Although the metal clasps that come with most ace bandages are useful for gentle service, if you are needing to be mobile, try to pin the bandage in place with two safety pins. You can put a piece of medical tape over them to keep them from snagging on clothes etc. If a bandage comes unsecured, it will provide erratic support and you can aggravate the injury before you know it, so it’s best to keep them secured fast.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Ace a Job Interview (Teenage Girls)
1. Prepare answers to potential interview questions. Feeling prepared with the questions can help you ace the interview. While you're most likely going to get a few questions that are specific to the job you're applying for, a lot of questions will probably be pretty generic. These are pretty common questions you can expect an interviewer to ask you: "Why do you want to work for us?" "Tell me something about yourself." "What are your weaknesses?" "What are your biggest strengths?" "Tell me about a problem you recently had and how you solved it." 2. Practice answering common questions. Ask a friend or family member to quiz you so you can work on your answers. Hand your list of possible questions to them so they can pretend to interview you. When you give your answers, try to come across as confident and concise. Here's how you might answer some of those questions: "I'd love to work for the company because I share many of the same values like community service." This shows them you've done your research on the company. When asked to tell about yourself, give useful information like, "I'm a junior and I'm in journalism. I love talking to people, so I thought the customer service aspect of this job would be a great fit." If asked about weaknesses, never say you don't have any! Admit to something, but explain that you're working on it. For example, say, "My biggest weakness is that sometimes I have a hard time staying organized. To help me with this, I write lists and check things off as I go." When explaining strengths, list things you're proud of and tie them to the job position. Giving an anecdote about a problem is a chance for you to show that you're able to think for yourself and get things done. You might share how a school project didn't work out but you made adjustments and finished the assignment, for instance. 3. Wear a professional outfit. You don't need to wear a suit, but dress up a little so you make a good impression. Even if you're interviewing for a casual, part-time position, dress up so it looks like you're making an effort. Instead of jeans and a T-shirt, wear slacks and a nice blouse or sweater. Skip the sneakers, heels, or flip-flops and wear closed-toed professional-looking shoes. If you want to wear a skirt, pick one that's at least knee-length. If you wear makeup, keep it light and natural. You don't want your makeup to be too bold or flashy so it distracts from what you're saying during the interview. Take out piercings if you think they'll distract your interviewer, especially if you'll have to remove the piercings while you're working. 4. Show up early. Arriving on time lets the interviewer know that this job is important to you. Aim to get to the interview about 5 to 10 minutes before it starts. Let them know you're there for the interview and they'll probably show you somewhere you can wait. If you're really nervous and don't want to wait at the interview space, it's totally fine to wait outside or in the car. Just don't be late! Don't forget to bring the application, your ID, the application, and maybe a notepad if you'd like to write things down. 5. Calm your nerves. Remind yourself that you're prepared for this! It's totally normal to have jitters before an interview but don't let them panic you. Try to focus your thoughts and turn any negative worries into positive statements. It might also help to practice deep breathing which can help your body relax. For example, instead of thinking to yourself, "There's no way I'll get this job. There are so many other people applying," tell yourself, "I'm qualified for the position and I'm prepared for this interview." 6. Speak professionally. Have great manners so the interviewer is impressed. A big mistake teenagers make in job interviews is being too informal. Wait to take a seat until the interviewer shakes your hand and directs you where to sit. When you speak, don't interrupt the interviewer and never swear or use slang. If you frequently say, "um," or "like," try to cut them out. Instead, use full, thoughtful sentences to answer the questions. 7. Project confidence. Smile, make eye contact, and be yourself! If you come across as self-assured and capable, you might stand a better chance of landing the job. Give your interviewer a firm handshake and sit up straight while you're interviewing. Answer the questions honestly and pay attention to the interviewer. Try to make a personal connection with them so they're more likely to remember you. It's easy to be nervous in an interview, but don't talk over the interviewer or you might look rude. Wait for them to finish speaking before you respond. Take your time when answering a question. Waiting to form an answer shows that you're giving the question serious thought. 8. Ask the interviewer questions. This usually comes as the interview is wrapping up. The interviewer will ask you if you have any questions for them and it's a great opportunity for you to look interested in the job or company. Instead of asking things like, "When will I hear a decision about hiring?" or, "How much does the job pay?" ask things open-ended questions like: "What does a typical shift look like?" "What do you like about working here?" "How would you describe the company's culture?" 9. Thank the interviewer for their time. You should also drop them a thank you note or email. When it's time to end the interview, let the interviewer know you appreciate the opportunity. Shake their hand and smile as you say goodbye. Then, send them a thank you note or email the same day. This shows them that you're really interested in getting the job. The note or email can help you stand out in a crowd of applicants. Your note doesn't have to be long—write a few lines reminding the person which job you applied for and thank them again for their time. Don't be afraid to follow up in a week if you haven't heard back from the company. 10. Research the job and the company ahead of time. Find out the requirements for the position so you know if you're a good fit. Get online and read about the company's values or what they're known for. Don't forget to read through the job descriptions, too! This can help you prepare for questions that an interviewer might ask and you'll come across as more confident and interested in the job. For example, if the job description says you should have communication skills, talk about how great you are with people during your interview. Do you have friends that work for the company? Ask them how they like working there and if they have interview suggestions. 11. Update your resume. Include your job experience, academic experience, and volunteer work. If you've had a job before, list your responsibilities and how long you worked there. If this will be your first job, fill your resume with important experiences like academic clubs you belong to, work you've done in your community like babysitting or volunteering, and leadership positions you have at school. Bring your resume to the interview even if the application doesn't call for one. This sets you apart as being professional and will impress your interviewer. Don't have a resume? Don't worry! Ask a teacher or guidance counselor at your school to help out. They might even offer resume-writing workshops, which can help you with formatting and style issues. 12. Fill out a complete application. Bring the finished application with you to the interview so you're prepared. Check over the application to make sure you filled in all of the details since leaving sections blank can reflect poorly on you. For example, if the application asks for references, list people who know you well and give their contact information. Write clearly so the interviewer can easily read your application. Some companies might ask you to fill it out online and print it off. It's a good idea to let your references know that you've listed them on a job application so they can be prepared to give a character reference. Tips Turn off your cell phone so it doesn't go off during the interview and don't look at it to check messages while you're waiting. Never use slang or curse words in an interview since this can make you look unprofessional. Hold off on wearing perfume to an interview. If you'll be interviewed in a small space, fragrance can be overpowering and you don't want to give your interviewer a headache!
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:50", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Prepare answers to potential interview questions.\\nFeeling prepared with the questions can help you ace the interview.\\nWhile you're most likely going to get a few questions that are specific to the job you're applying for, a lot of questions will probably be pretty generic. These are pretty common questions you can expect an interviewer to ask you:\\n\\\"Why do you want to work for us?\\\"\\n\\\"Tell me something about yourself.\\\"\\n\\\"What are your weaknesses?\\\"\\n\\\"What are your biggest strengths?\\\"\\n\\\"Tell me about a problem you recently had and how you solved it.\\\"\\n2. Practice answering common questions.\\nAsk a friend or family member to quiz you so you can work on your answers.\\nHand your list of possible questions to them so they can pretend to interview you. When you give your answers, try to come across as confident and concise. Here's how you might answer some of those questions:\\n\\\"I'd love to work for the company because I share many of the same values like community service.\\\" This shows them you've done your research on the company.\\nWhen asked to tell about yourself, give useful information like, \\\"I'm a junior and I'm in journalism. I love talking to people, so I thought the customer service aspect of this job would be a great fit.\\\"\\nIf asked about weaknesses, never say you don't have any! Admit to something, but explain that you're working on it. For example, say, \\\"My biggest weakness is that sometimes I have a hard time staying organized. To help me with this, I write lists and check things off as I go.\\\"\\nWhen explaining strengths, list things you're proud of and tie them to the job position.\\nGiving an anecdote about a problem is a chance for you to show that you're able to think for yourself and get things done. You might share how a school project didn't work out but you made adjustments and finished the assignment, for instance.\\n3. Wear a professional outfit.\\nYou don't need to wear a suit, but dress up a little so you make a good impression.\\nEven if you're interviewing for a casual, part-time position, dress up so it looks like you're making an effort. Instead of jeans and a T-shirt, wear slacks and a nice blouse or sweater. Skip the sneakers, heels, or flip-flops and wear closed-toed professional-looking shoes.\\nIf you want to wear a skirt, pick one that's at least knee-length.\\nIf you wear makeup, keep it light and natural. You don't want your makeup to be too bold or flashy so it distracts from what you're saying during the interview.\\nTake out piercings if you think they'll distract your interviewer, especially if you'll have to remove the piercings while you're working.\\n4. Show up early.\\nArriving on time lets the interviewer know that this job is important to you.\\nAim to get to the interview about 5 to 10 minutes before it starts. Let them know you're there for the interview and they'll probably show you somewhere you can wait.\\nIf you're really nervous and don't want to wait at the interview space, it's totally fine to wait outside or in the car. Just don't be late!\\nDon't forget to bring the application, your ID, the application, and maybe a notepad if you'd like to write things down.\\n5. Calm your nerves.\\nRemind yourself that you're prepared for this!\\nIt's totally normal to have jitters before an interview but don't let them panic you. Try to focus your thoughts and turn any negative worries into positive statements. It might also help to practice deep breathing which can help your body relax.\\nFor example, instead of thinking to yourself, \\\"There's no way I'll get this job. There are so many other people applying,\\\" tell yourself, \\\"I'm qualified for the position and I'm prepared for this interview.\\\"\\n6. Speak professionally.\\nHave great manners so the interviewer is impressed.\\nA big mistake teenagers make in job interviews is being too informal. Wait to take a seat until the interviewer shakes your hand and directs you where to sit. When you speak, don't interrupt the interviewer and never swear or use slang.\\nIf you frequently say, \\\"um,\\\" or \\\"like,\\\" try to cut them out. Instead, use full, thoughtful sentences to answer the questions.\\n7. Project confidence.\\nSmile, make eye contact, and be yourself!\\nIf you come across as self-assured and capable, you might stand a better chance of landing the job. Give your interviewer a firm handshake and sit up straight while you're interviewing. Answer the questions honestly and pay attention to the interviewer. Try to make a personal connection with them so they're more likely to remember you.\\nIt's easy to be nervous in an interview, but don't talk over the interviewer or you might look rude. Wait for them to finish speaking before you respond.\\nTake your time when answering a question. Waiting to form an answer shows that you're giving the question serious thought.\\n8. Ask the interviewer questions.\\nThis usually comes as the interview is wrapping up.\\nThe interviewer will ask you if you have any questions for them and it's a great opportunity for you to look interested in the job or company. Instead of asking things like, \\\"When will I hear a decision about hiring?\\\" or, \\\"How much does the job pay?\\\" ask things open-ended questions like:\\n\\\"What does a typical shift look like?\\\"\\n\\\"What do you like about working here?\\\"\\n\\\"How would you describe the company's culture?\\\"\\n9. Thank the interviewer for their time.\\nYou should also drop them a thank you note or email.\\nWhen it's time to end the interview, let the interviewer know you appreciate the opportunity. Shake their hand and smile as you say goodbye. Then, send them a thank you note or email the same day. This shows them that you're really interested in getting the job.\\nThe note or email can help you stand out in a crowd of applicants. Your note doesn't have to be long—write a few lines reminding the person which job you applied for and thank them again for their time.\\nDon't be afraid to follow up in a week if you haven't heard back from the company.\\n10. Research the job and the company ahead of time.\\nFind out the requirements for the position so you know if you're a good fit.\\nGet online and read about the company's values or what they're known for. Don't forget to read through the job descriptions, too! This can help you prepare for questions that an interviewer might ask and you'll come across as more confident and interested in the job.\\nFor example, if the job description says you should have communication skills, talk about how great you are with people during your interview.\\nDo you have friends that work for the company? Ask them how they like working there and if they have interview suggestions.\\n11. Update your resume.\\nInclude your job experience, academic experience, and volunteer work.\\nIf you've had a job before, list your responsibilities and how long you worked there. If this will be your first job, fill your resume with important experiences like academic clubs you belong to, work you've done in your community like babysitting or volunteering, and leadership positions you have at school.\\nBring your resume to the interview even if the application doesn't call for one. This sets you apart as being professional and will impress your interviewer.\\nDon't have a resume? Don't worry! Ask a teacher or guidance counselor at your school to help out. They might even offer resume-writing workshops, which can help you with formatting and style issues.\\n12. Fill out a complete application.\\nBring the finished application with you to the interview so you're prepared.\\nCheck over the application to make sure you filled in all of the details since leaving sections blank can reflect poorly on you. For example, if the application asks for references, list people who know you well and give their contact information.\\nWrite clearly so the interviewer can easily read your application. Some companies might ask you to fill it out online and print it off.\\nIt's a good idea to let your references know that you've listed them on a job application so they can be prepared to give a character reference.\\nTips\\nTurn off your cell phone so it doesn't go off during the interview and don't look at it to check messages while you're waiting.\\nNever use slang or curse words in an interview since this can make you look unprofessional.\\nHold off on wearing perfume to an interview. If you'll be interviewed in a small space, fragrance can be overpowering and you don't want to give your interviewer a headache!\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Ready to shine at your next job interview? It's totally normal to feel nervous before an interview, but there are tons of things you can do to feel prepared and confident. Whether it's your first interview ever or you're looking for ways to improve your interviewing skills, read on for suggestions that can help you land your next job.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Prepare answers to potential interview questions.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Feeling prepared with the questions can help you ace the interview.\", \"描述\": \"While you're most likely going to get a few questions that are specific to the job you're applying for, a lot of questions will probably be pretty generic. These are pretty common questions you can expect an interviewer to ask you:\\n\\\"Why do you want to work for us?\\\"\\n\\\"Tell me something about yourself.\\\"\\n\\\"What are your weaknesses?\\\"\\n\\\"What are your biggest strengths?\\\"\\n\\\"Tell me about a problem you recently had and how you solved it.\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Practice answering common questions.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ask a friend or family member to quiz you so you can work on your answers.\", \"描述\": \"Hand your list of possible questions to them so they can pretend to interview you. When you give your answers, try to come across as confident and concise. Here's how you might answer some of those questions:\\n\\\"I'd love to work for the company because I share many of the same values like community service.\\\" This shows them you've done your research on the company.\\nWhen asked to tell about yourself, give useful information like, \\\"I'm a junior and I'm in journalism. I love talking to people, so I thought the customer service aspect of this job would be a great fit.\\\"\\nIf asked about weaknesses, never say you don't have any! Admit to something, but explain that you're working on it. For example, say, \\\"My biggest weakness is that sometimes I have a hard time staying organized. To help me with this, I write lists and check things off as I go.\\\"\\nWhen explaining strengths, list things you're proud of and tie them to the job position.\\nGiving an anecdote about a problem is a chance for you to show that you're able to think for yourself and get things done. You might share how a school project didn't work out but you made adjustments and finished the assignment, for instance.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Wear a professional outfit.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You don't need to wear a suit, but dress up a little so you make a good impression.\", \"描述\": \"Even if you're interviewing for a casual, part-time position, dress up so it looks like you're making an effort. Instead of jeans and a T-shirt, wear slacks and a nice blouse or sweater. Skip the sneakers, heels, or flip-flops and wear closed-toed professional-looking shoes.\\nIf you want to wear a skirt, pick one that's at least knee-length.\\nIf you wear makeup, keep it light and natural. You don't want your makeup to be too bold or flashy so it distracts from what you're saying during the interview.\\nTake out piercings if you think they'll distract your interviewer, especially if you'll have to remove the piercings while you're working.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Show up early.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Arriving on time lets the interviewer know that this job is important to you.\", \"描述\": \"Aim to get to the interview about 5 to 10 minutes before it starts. Let them know you're there for the interview and they'll probably show you somewhere you can wait.\\nIf you're really nervous and don't want to wait at the interview space, it's totally fine to wait outside or in the car. Just don't be late!\\nDon't forget to bring the application, your ID, the application, and maybe a notepad if you'd like to write things down.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Calm your nerves.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Remind yourself that you're prepared for this!\", \"描述\": \"It's totally normal to have jitters before an interview but don't let them panic you. Try to focus your thoughts and turn any negative worries into positive statements. It might also help to practice deep breathing which can help your body relax.\\nFor example, instead of thinking to yourself, \\\"There's no way I'll get this job. There are so many other people applying,\\\" tell yourself, \\\"I'm qualified for the position and I'm prepared for this interview.\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Speak professionally.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Have great manners so the interviewer is impressed.\", \"描述\": \"A big mistake teenagers make in job interviews is being too informal. Wait to take a seat until the interviewer shakes your hand and directs you where to sit. When you speak, don't interrupt the interviewer and never swear or use slang.\\nIf you frequently say, \\\"um,\\\" or \\\"like,\\\" try to cut them out. Instead, use full, thoughtful sentences to answer the questions.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Project confidence.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Smile, make eye contact, and be yourself!\", \"描述\": \"If you come across as self-assured and capable, you might stand a better chance of landing the job. Give your interviewer a firm handshake and sit up straight while you're interviewing. Answer the questions honestly and pay attention to the interviewer. Try to make a personal connection with them so they're more likely to remember you.\\nIt's easy to be nervous in an interview, but don't talk over the interviewer or you might look rude. Wait for them to finish speaking before you respond.\\nTake your time when answering a question. Waiting to form an answer shows that you're giving the question serious thought.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Ask the interviewer questions.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"This usually comes as the interview is wrapping up.\", \"描述\": \"The interviewer will ask you if you have any questions for them and it's a great opportunity for you to look interested in the job or company. Instead of asking things like, \\\"When will I hear a decision about hiring?\\\" or, \\\"How much does the job pay?\\\" ask things open-ended questions like:\\n\\\"What does a typical shift look like?\\\"\\n\\\"What do you like about working here?\\\"\\n\\\"How would you describe the company's culture?\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Thank the interviewer for their time.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You should also drop them a thank you note or email.\", \"描述\": \"When it's time to end the interview, let the interviewer know you appreciate the opportunity. Shake their hand and smile as you say goodbye. Then, send them a thank you note or email the same day. This shows them that you're really interested in getting the job.\\nThe note or email can help you stand out in a crowd of applicants. Your note doesn't have to be long—write a few lines reminding the person which job you applied for and thank them again for their time.\\nDon't be afraid to follow up in a week if you haven't heard back from the company.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Research the job and the company ahead of time.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find out the requirements for the position so you know if you're a good fit.\", \"描述\": \"Get online and read about the company's values or what they're known for. Don't forget to read through the job descriptions, too! This can help you prepare for questions that an interviewer might ask and you'll come across as more confident and interested in the job.\\nFor example, if the job description says you should have communication skills, talk about how great you are with people during your interview.\\nDo you have friends that work for the company? Ask them how they like working there and if they have interview suggestions.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Update your resume.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Include your job experience, academic experience, and volunteer work.\", \"描述\": \"If you've had a job before, list your responsibilities and how long you worked there. If this will be your first job, fill your resume with important experiences like academic clubs you belong to, work you've done in your community like babysitting or volunteering, and leadership positions you have at school.\\nBring your resume to the interview even if the application doesn't call for one. This sets you apart as being professional and will impress your interviewer.\\nDon't have a resume? Don't worry! Ask a teacher or guidance counselor at your school to help out. They might even offer resume-writing workshops, which can help you with formatting and style issues.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Fill out a complete application.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Bring the finished application with you to the interview so you're prepared.\", \"描述\": \"Check over the application to make sure you filled in all of the details since leaving sections blank can reflect poorly on you. For example, if the application asks for references, list people who know you well and give their contact information.\\nWrite clearly so the interviewer can easily read your application. Some companies might ask you to fill it out online and print it off.\\nIt's a good idea to let your references know that you've listed them on a job application so they can be prepared to give a character reference.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Turn off your cell phone so it doesn't go off during the interview and don't look at it to check messages while you're waiting.\\n\", \"Never use slang or curse words in an interview since this can make you look unprofessional.\\n\", \"Hold off on wearing perfume to an interview. If you'll be interviewed in a small space, fragrance can be overpowering and you don't want to give your interviewer a headache!\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Ace a Math Test
1. Taking the Test Effectively 1-1. Bring all the necessary equipment for the test. On some tests you just need a pen or pencil, but for math tests you may need more tools. Remember your calculator, protractor, ruler, compass, and anything else that you need to take the test. You’ll be at a big disadvantage if you’re allowed to use these tools and you don’t have them. 1-2. Read all the directions before starting your work. Understand exactly what you have to do on this test. The teacher may have written specific instructions that you have to follow. Read and follow all the directions given to avoid losing points. Don’t lose silly points for not following directions. For example, your teacher may have instructed you to circle all your final answers in pen. If you skipped reading the instructions, you wouldn’t see this, and you’d lose points that you otherwise would’ve gotten. 1-3. Write down all the formulas you need at the start of the test. Most math tests involve remembering numerous formulas to solve different problems. Even if you studied and know them well, you could forget some if you get nervous during the test. Prevent this by doing a “brain dump” and writing down all the necessary formulas at the beginning of the test. Then refer back to this list if you forget any formulas. Also briefly write down the situation you would use the formula in. Instead of just writing “Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2,” add “Find the sides of a right triangle” so you know what the formula is for. If there isn’t room for extra writing on the test, ask your teacher if you can use a blank piece of scrap paper. Show the teacher that there is nothing on the paper. Then write all your formulas on this paper and use it as a reference. 1-4. Pay careful attention to word problems. Word problems are especially tricky because it isn’t always clear what the question is asking, or you may be confused by how the question is worded. Take extra time on word problems to identify the point of the question. Read through it slowly and underline important words that guide you to the calculations you have to make. Put the word problem into mathematical form to make it clearer. If a problem says, “Johnny has 5 apples and Sarah has 3 times more. How many apples does Sarah have?” Write out 5 x 3 to put the problem in mathematical form. It probably makes a lot more sense that way. If you get stuck, break the question down to its components. Cross out words that aren’t important. Then translate words into math terms. For instance, the word “of” usually means you have to multiply, and "per" usually means division. Keep an eye out for words like these that you can turn into math terms. 1-5. Show all your work if partial credit is allowed. Some teachers allow partial credit if you set up an equation correctly and are on the right track to working it out. Get as much credit as possible by writing all your work neatly. Even if you can’t get the right answer, you can get a few valuable points. For example, you might know that a problem requires the Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2. First write that equation out without plugging any numbers in. Then plug the numbers you know into the correct place. This demonstrates to the teacher that even if you get the wrong answer, you know which processes you're supposed to do. You could earn partial credit from that. Showing your work also helps you even if there is no partial credit. With a neat rundown of your work process, it’s easier to spot any mistakes. If you are stuck on a problem, go back through your work. See if you made a mistake somewhere or if you set up the equation incorrectly. 1-6. Skip questions you’re stuck on and return to them later. It’s probably inevitable that you’ll hit a question that stumps you. If you come to one of these questions, skip it for now. There are probably other questions on the test that you can get quickly. You could spend too much time solving this one and run out of time for the rest of the test. Come back to these harder questions after completing the rest of the exam. If there are 20 questions and you have 40 minutes for the test, that means you have 2 minutes to spend on each question. If a minute has gone by and you don’t know where to start with a question, skip it. You risk running out of time if you keep mulling it over. As a reverse strategy, you could go through the test and do all of the ones you know right away first. Then you have plenty of time to work out harder problems. 1-7. Make sure all your answers are in the correct unit and value. Some math tests say that your answers have to be in the correct value like miles per hour, kilograms, and the like. If a problem uses any units like these, put them in your final answer. Also be careful with positive and negative numbers. If a number should be negative but you forget the negative sign, the answer is wrong. 1-8. Use extra time to check your work. If you finish early, make the most of the extra time and look over your test. Read the directions again to make sure that you’ve followed all the rules. Make sure you’ve shown your work and all your answers are in the correct units. Try reworking some of the questions you thought were hard and confirming your answer. Remember that math works in two ways. Check your answers by doing the reverse operation. For example, if you find in 8x = 40 that X = 5, try multiplying 8 by 5. If you get 40, the answer is correct. If in the same equation you get X = 6, multiplying 8 by 6 would produce 48, so you'd know the answer was wrong. 2. Working Through Hard Problems 2-1. Use relaxation techniques if you get flustered from a hard question. Getting stuck on a question is definitely stressful, but don’t let that ruin the rest of the test. Stress can stop your mind from working properly. Take a minute to relax yourself if you feel anxious. Then return to the question with a clear mind. You may realize that you know the answer after all. Do some deep breathing to relax your heart rate and release your anxiety. Close your eyes and focus on relaxing each muscle group if you’re feeling tense. Stretch your arms a little to get your circulation flowing again. 2-2. Identify what the question is asking you. If you’re stuck on a problem, you’ll never solve it if you don’t understand what the problem is actually asking. Take a step back and look at the problem again. Think about what this problem is asking. Is it asking for speed? Is it a geometry question? If so, what shape is involved? All these questions will help you identify what you have to do. If it’s a numerical problem, think about what formula you might need. Go back to your list of formulas and see which one this problem corresponds with. If it’s a word problem, break the question down to its components. Cross out words that aren’t important. Look for words that tip you off to which operation you have to use. For instance, the word “of” usually means you have to multiply. 2-3. Eliminate multiple choice answers you know are wrong. The process of elimination is a big help if you’re stuck on a multiple-choice question. Look at the answers and cross out ones that seem wrong. Then try to discern an answer from what’s left. There are a few ways to tell if an answer seems wrong. For example, if the result you’re getting is close to 3 answers but nowhere near the 4th, eliminate that one. If you can narrow the answers down to 2, run your calculations again. If your result is closer to one of the 2 answers, pick that answer. 2-4. Strategically guess if you can’t choose an answer. Sometimes you’ll just be stuck and unable to solve a problem. This happens. Remember that this is only one question and if the rest of your test is good, you’ll do fine. Do your best to pick an answer. You might get lucky and choose the right answer. For a multiple-choice test, choose the answer that seems the best. If this isn’t a multiple-choice test, write down the answer that you got. It may be the correct answer after all. 2-5. Leave your work if you can’t get an answer. If you’re completely lost and can’t even guess an answer, don’t erase your work. If the teacher gives partial credit, you might still get a few points for your work. 3. Preparing for Tests 3-1. Pay attention The work of preparing for a test begins long before the actual test. If you're attentive during class, you'll know the material much better for test day. Always get to class on time, take out your pen and notebook, and be ready to work. Participate in class discussions and ask questions if you need any clarification. Take effective notes so you have good material to study from. Review your notes regularly. Eliminate distractions while you're in class. Don't browse on your phone or talk to your friends. 3-2. Do your homework. While you may not like homework, the point of it is giving you more practice so you can do well on tests. This is especially important with math, because using different formulas and equations requires a lot of practice. Do all the homework that your teacher assigns so you're ready for the test. Get comfortable, but not too comfortable. Doing homework on your bed tempts you to take a nap. Remove distractions, turn off the TV, and sit in a quiet room to do your work. If you were stuck on a problem during homework, ask the teacher for an explanation the next day. This question just might be on the test. 3-3. Study Don't cram for a test. As soon as the date is announced, start preparing. Look over your notes and textbook to review the material each day for a few days before the test. This way, you avoid anxiety the night before the test by trying to learn everything in a few hours. Focus on questions you got wrong in your classwork or homework. Examine why you got this question wrong and how you can improve. Use any review aids or prep material your teacher gave you. If your teacher told you something would be on the test, listen to them. 3-4. See your teacher for extra help if you’re not confident. Even if you studied well and paid attention in class, there may still be things you're unsure of. In this case, don't hesitate to go to your teacher for more explanation. Have a specific list of problems you’d like to discuss with the teacher because they will probably ask “What don’t you understand?” Try to be more specific than “I don’t understand anything!” Ask for help at least a day before the test. Don't ask the day of the test because you won't have enough time to study. Tips Start studying for the test as soon as you find out the test date, so you're prepared and don't have to cram. Write very neatly on your test. This is so both you and the teacher can read the writing. Study with a partner or a study group if you're feeling confused by the work. Warnings Don't wait until the night before to study. It's hard to cram everything into one night of studying, and you'll feel pressured, and won't do as well. Don't talk to anyone during the test. A teacher may assume that you are cheating.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:50", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Taking the Test Effectively\\n1-1. Bring all the necessary equipment for the test.\\nOn some tests you just need a pen or pencil, but for math tests you may need more tools. Remember your calculator, protractor, ruler, compass, and anything else that you need to take the test. You’ll be at a big disadvantage if you’re allowed to use these tools and you don’t have them.\\n1-2. Read all the directions before starting your work.\\nUnderstand exactly what you have to do on this test. The teacher may have written specific instructions that you have to follow. Read and follow all the directions given to avoid losing points.\\nDon’t lose silly points for not following directions. For example, your teacher may have instructed you to circle all your final answers in pen. If you skipped reading the instructions, you wouldn’t see this, and you’d lose points that you otherwise would’ve gotten.\\n1-3. Write down all the formulas you need at the start of the test.\\nMost math tests involve remembering numerous formulas to solve different problems. Even if you studied and know them well, you could forget some if you get nervous during the test. Prevent this by doing a “brain dump” and writing down all the necessary formulas at the beginning of the test. Then refer back to this list if you forget any formulas.\\nAlso briefly write down the situation you would use the formula in. Instead of just writing “Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2,” add “Find the sides of a right triangle” so you know what the formula is for.\\nIf there isn’t room for extra writing on the test, ask your teacher if you can use a blank piece of scrap paper. Show the teacher that there is nothing on the paper. Then write all your formulas on this paper and use it as a reference.\\n1-4. Pay careful attention to word problems.\\nWord problems are especially tricky because it isn’t always clear what the question is asking, or you may be confused by how the question is worded. Take extra time on word problems to identify the point of the question. Read through it slowly and underline important words that guide you to the calculations you have to make.\\nPut the word problem into mathematical form to make it clearer. If a problem says, “Johnny has 5 apples and Sarah has 3 times more. How many apples does Sarah have?” Write out 5 x 3 to put the problem in mathematical form. It probably makes a lot more sense that way.\\nIf you get stuck, break the question down to its components. Cross out words that aren’t important. Then translate words into math terms. For instance, the word “of” usually means you have to multiply, and \\\"per\\\" usually means division. Keep an eye out for words like these that you can turn into math terms.\\n1-5. Show all your work if partial credit is allowed.\\nSome teachers allow partial credit if you set up an equation correctly and are on the right track to working it out. Get as much credit as possible by writing all your work neatly. Even if you can’t get the right answer, you can get a few valuable points.\\nFor example, you might know that a problem requires the Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2. First write that equation out without plugging any numbers in. Then plug the numbers you know into the correct place. This demonstrates to the teacher that even if you get the wrong answer, you know which processes you're supposed to do. You could earn partial credit from that.\\nShowing your work also helps you even if there is no partial credit. With a neat rundown of your work process, it’s easier to spot any mistakes.\\nIf you are stuck on a problem, go back through your work. See if you made a mistake somewhere or if you set up the equation incorrectly.\\n1-6. Skip questions you’re stuck on and return to them later.\\nIt’s probably inevitable that you’ll hit a question that stumps you. If you come to one of these questions, skip it for now. There are probably other questions on the test that you can get quickly. You could spend too much time solving this one and run out of time for the rest of the test. Come back to these harder questions after completing the rest of the exam.\\nIf there are 20 questions and you have 40 minutes for the test, that means you have 2 minutes to spend on each question. If a minute has gone by and you don’t know where to start with a question, skip it. You risk running out of time if you keep mulling it over.\\nAs a reverse strategy, you could go through the test and do all of the ones you know right away first. Then you have plenty of time to work out harder problems.\\n1-7. Make sure all your answers are in the correct unit and value.\\nSome math tests say that your answers have to be in the correct value like miles per hour, kilograms, and the like. If a problem uses any units like these, put them in your final answer.\\nAlso be careful with positive and negative numbers. If a number should be negative but you forget the negative sign, the answer is wrong.\\n1-8. Use extra time to check your work.\\nIf you finish early, make the most of the extra time and look over your test. Read the directions again to make sure that you’ve followed all the rules. Make sure you’ve shown your work and all your answers are in the correct units. Try reworking some of the questions you thought were hard and confirming your answer.\\nRemember that math works in two ways. Check your answers by doing the reverse operation. For example, if you find in 8x = 40 that X = 5, try multiplying 8 by 5. If you get 40, the answer is correct. If in the same equation you get X = 6, multiplying 8 by 6 would produce 48, so you'd know the answer was wrong.\\n2. Working Through Hard Problems\\n2-1. Use relaxation techniques if you get flustered from a hard question.\\nGetting stuck on a question is definitely stressful, but don’t let that ruin the rest of the test. Stress can stop your mind from working properly. Take a minute to relax yourself if you feel anxious. Then return to the question with a clear mind. You may realize that you know the answer after all.\\nDo some deep breathing to relax your heart rate and release your anxiety.\\nClose your eyes and focus on relaxing each muscle group if you’re feeling tense.\\nStretch your arms a little to get your circulation flowing again.\\n2-2. Identify what the question is asking you.\\nIf you’re stuck on a problem, you’ll never solve it if you don’t understand what the problem is actually asking. Take a step back and look at the problem again. Think about what this problem is asking. Is it asking for speed? Is it a geometry question? If so, what shape is involved? All these questions will help you identify what you have to do.\\nIf it’s a numerical problem, think about what formula you might need. Go back to your list of formulas and see which one this problem corresponds with.\\nIf it’s a word problem, break the question down to its components. Cross out words that aren’t important. Look for words that tip you off to which operation you have to use. For instance, the word “of” usually means you have to multiply.\\n2-3. Eliminate multiple choice answers you know are wrong.\\nThe process of elimination is a big help if you’re stuck on a multiple-choice question. Look at the answers and cross out ones that seem wrong. Then try to discern an answer from what’s left.\\nThere are a few ways to tell if an answer seems wrong. For example, if the result you’re getting is close to 3 answers but nowhere near the 4th, eliminate that one.\\nIf you can narrow the answers down to 2, run your calculations again. If your result is closer to one of the 2 answers, pick that answer.\\n2-4. Strategically guess if you can’t choose an answer.\\nSometimes you’ll just be stuck and unable to solve a problem. This happens. Remember that this is only one question and if the rest of your test is good, you’ll do fine. Do your best to pick an answer. You might get lucky and choose the right answer.\\nFor a multiple-choice test, choose the answer that seems the best.\\nIf this isn’t a multiple-choice test, write down the answer that you got. It may be the correct answer after all.\\n2-5. Leave your work if you can’t get an answer.\\nIf you’re completely lost and can’t even guess an answer, don’t erase your work. If the teacher gives partial credit, you might still get a few points for your work.\\n3. Preparing for Tests\\n3-1. Pay attention\\nThe work of preparing for a test begins long before the actual test. If you're attentive during class, you'll know the material much better for test day. Always get to class on time, take out your pen and notebook, and be ready to work.\\nParticipate in class discussions and ask questions if you need any clarification.\\n\\nTake effective notes so you have good material to study from. Review your notes regularly.\\nEliminate distractions while you're in class. Don't browse on your phone or talk to your friends.\\n3-2. Do your homework.\\nWhile you may not like homework, the point of it is giving you more practice so you can do well on tests. This is especially important with math, because using different formulas and equations requires a lot of practice. Do all the homework that your teacher assigns so you're ready for the test.\\nGet comfortable, but not too comfortable. Doing homework on your bed tempts you to take a nap.\\nRemove distractions, turn off the TV, and sit in a quiet room to do your work.\\nIf you were stuck on a problem during homework, ask the teacher for an explanation the next day. This question just might be on the test.\\n3-3. Study\\nDon't cram for a test. As soon as the date is announced, start preparing. Look over your notes and textbook to review the material each day for a few days before the test. This way, you avoid anxiety the night before the test by trying to learn everything in a few hours.\\nFocus on questions you got wrong in your classwork or homework. Examine why you got this question wrong and how you can improve.\\nUse any review aids or prep material your teacher gave you. If your teacher told you something would be on the test, listen to them.\\n3-4. See your teacher for extra help if you’re not confident.\\nEven if you studied well and paid attention in class, there may still be things you're unsure of. In this case, don't hesitate to go to your teacher for more explanation.\\nHave a specific list of problems you’d like to discuss with the teacher because they will probably ask “What don’t you understand?” Try to be more specific than “I don’t understand anything!”\\nAsk for help at least a day before the test. Don't ask the day of the test because you won't have enough time to study.\\nTips\\nStart studying for the test as soon as you find out the test date, so you're prepared and don't have to cram.\\nWrite very neatly on your test. This is so both you and the teacher can read the writing.\\nStudy with a partner or a study group if you're feeling confused by the work.\\nWarnings\\nDon't wait until the night before to study. It's hard to cram everything into one night of studying, and you'll feel pressured, and won't do as well.\\nDon't talk to anyone during the test. A teacher may assume that you are cheating.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Many people have trouble with math, and naturally they worry about doing well on math tests. Fortunately, there are tons of techniques you can use to make these tests much easier. Reading all directions, writing down all your formulas, working through every question carefully, and showing all your work neatly are all effective tricks for nailing every question. If you get stuck on a question, skip it and come back to it later. Finally, keep yourself prepared for tests by participating in class, doing all your homework, and reviewing your work regularly. It takes practice and work, but with the right strategies, you can ace any math test.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Taking the Test Effectively\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Bring all the necessary equipment for the test.\", \"描述\": \"On some tests you just need a pen or pencil, but for math tests you may need more tools. Remember your calculator, protractor, ruler, compass, and anything else that you need to take the test. You’ll be at a big disadvantage if you’re allowed to use these tools and you don’t have them.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Read all the directions before starting your work.\", \"描述\": \"Understand exactly what you have to do on this test. The teacher may have written specific instructions that you have to follow. Read and follow all the directions given to avoid losing points.\\nDon’t lose silly points for not following directions. For example, your teacher may have instructed you to circle all your final answers in pen. If you skipped reading the instructions, you wouldn’t see this, and you’d lose points that you otherwise would’ve gotten.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Write down all the formulas you need at the start of the test.\", \"描述\": \"Most math tests involve remembering numerous formulas to solve different problems. Even if you studied and know them well, you could forget some if you get nervous during the test. Prevent this by doing a “brain dump” and writing down all the necessary formulas at the beginning of the test. Then refer back to this list if you forget any formulas.\\nAlso briefly write down the situation you would use the formula in. Instead of just writing “Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2,” add “Find the sides of a right triangle” so you know what the formula is for.\\nIf there isn’t room for extra writing on the test, ask your teacher if you can use a blank piece of scrap paper. Show the teacher that there is nothing on the paper. Then write all your formulas on this paper and use it as a reference.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Pay careful attention to word problems.\", \"描述\": \"Word problems are especially tricky because it isn’t always clear what the question is asking, or you may be confused by how the question is worded. Take extra time on word problems to identify the point of the question. Read through it slowly and underline important words that guide you to the calculations you have to make.\\nPut the word problem into mathematical form to make it clearer. If a problem says, “Johnny has 5 apples and Sarah has 3 times more. How many apples does Sarah have?” Write out 5 x 3 to put the problem in mathematical form. It probably makes a lot more sense that way.\\nIf you get stuck, break the question down to its components. Cross out words that aren’t important. Then translate words into math terms. For instance, the word “of” usually means you have to multiply, and \\\"per\\\" usually means division. Keep an eye out for words like these that you can turn into math terms.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Show all your work if partial credit is allowed.\", \"描述\": \"Some teachers allow partial credit if you set up an equation correctly and are on the right track to working it out. Get as much credit as possible by writing all your work neatly. Even if you can’t get the right answer, you can get a few valuable points.\\nFor example, you might know that a problem requires the Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2. First write that equation out without plugging any numbers in. Then plug the numbers you know into the correct place. This demonstrates to the teacher that even if you get the wrong answer, you know which processes you're supposed to do. You could earn partial credit from that.\\nShowing your work also helps you even if there is no partial credit. With a neat rundown of your work process, it’s easier to spot any mistakes.\\nIf you are stuck on a problem, go back through your work. See if you made a mistake somewhere or if you set up the equation incorrectly.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Skip questions you’re stuck on and return to them later.\", \"描述\": \"It’s probably inevitable that you’ll hit a question that stumps you. If you come to one of these questions, skip it for now. There are probably other questions on the test that you can get quickly. You could spend too much time solving this one and run out of time for the rest of the test. Come back to these harder questions after completing the rest of the exam.\\nIf there are 20 questions and you have 40 minutes for the test, that means you have 2 minutes to spend on each question. If a minute has gone by and you don’t know where to start with a question, skip it. You risk running out of time if you keep mulling it over.\\nAs a reverse strategy, you could go through the test and do all of the ones you know right away first. Then you have plenty of time to work out harder problems.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Make sure all your answers are in the correct unit and value.\", \"描述\": \"Some math tests say that your answers have to be in the correct value like miles per hour, kilograms, and the like. If a problem uses any units like these, put them in your final answer.\\nAlso be careful with positive and negative numbers. If a number should be negative but you forget the negative sign, the answer is wrong.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Use extra time to check your work.\", \"描述\": \"If you finish early, make the most of the extra time and look over your test. Read the directions again to make sure that you’ve followed all the rules. Make sure you’ve shown your work and all your answers are in the correct units. Try reworking some of the questions you thought were hard and confirming your answer.\\nRemember that math works in two ways. Check your answers by doing the reverse operation. For example, if you find in 8x = 40 that X = 5, try multiplying 8 by 5. If you get 40, the answer is correct. If in the same equation you get X = 6, multiplying 8 by 6 would produce 48, so you'd know the answer was wrong.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Working Through Hard Problems\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Use relaxation techniques if you get flustered from a hard question.\", \"描述\": \"Getting stuck on a question is definitely stressful, but don’t let that ruin the rest of the test. Stress can stop your mind from working properly. Take a minute to relax yourself if you feel anxious. Then return to the question with a clear mind. You may realize that you know the answer after all.\\nDo some deep breathing to relax your heart rate and release your anxiety.\\nClose your eyes and focus on relaxing each muscle group if you’re feeling tense.\\nStretch your arms a little to get your circulation flowing again.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Identify what the question is asking you.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re stuck on a problem, you’ll never solve it if you don’t understand what the problem is actually asking. Take a step back and look at the problem again. Think about what this problem is asking. Is it asking for speed? Is it a geometry question? If so, what shape is involved? All these questions will help you identify what you have to do.\\nIf it’s a numerical problem, think about what formula you might need. Go back to your list of formulas and see which one this problem corresponds with.\\nIf it’s a word problem, break the question down to its components. Cross out words that aren’t important. Look for words that tip you off to which operation you have to use. For instance, the word “of” usually means you have to multiply.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Eliminate multiple choice answers you know are wrong.\", \"描述\": \"The process of elimination is a big help if you’re stuck on a multiple-choice question. Look at the answers and cross out ones that seem wrong. Then try to discern an answer from what’s left.\\nThere are a few ways to tell if an answer seems wrong. For example, if the result you’re getting is close to 3 answers but nowhere near the 4th, eliminate that one.\\nIf you can narrow the answers down to 2, run your calculations again. If your result is closer to one of the 2 answers, pick that answer.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Strategically guess if you can’t choose an answer.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes you’ll just be stuck and unable to solve a problem. This happens. Remember that this is only one question and if the rest of your test is good, you’ll do fine. Do your best to pick an answer. You might get lucky and choose the right answer.\\nFor a multiple-choice test, choose the answer that seems the best.\\nIf this isn’t a multiple-choice test, write down the answer that you got. It may be the correct answer after all.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Leave your work if you can’t get an answer.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re completely lost and can’t even guess an answer, don’t erase your work. If the teacher gives partial credit, you might still get a few points for your work.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Preparing for Tests\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Pay attention\", \"描述\": \"The work of preparing for a test begins long before the actual test. If you're attentive during class, you'll know the material much better for test day. Always get to class on time, take out your pen and notebook, and be ready to work.\\nParticipate in class discussions and ask questions if you need any clarification.\\n\\nTake effective notes so you have good material to study from. Review your notes regularly.\\nEliminate distractions while you're in class. Don't browse on your phone or talk to your friends.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Do your homework.\", \"描述\": \"While you may not like homework, the point of it is giving you more practice so you can do well on tests. This is especially important with math, because using different formulas and equations requires a lot of practice. Do all the homework that your teacher assigns so you're ready for the test.\\nGet comfortable, but not too comfortable. Doing homework on your bed tempts you to take a nap.\\nRemove distractions, turn off the TV, and sit in a quiet room to do your work.\\nIf you were stuck on a problem during homework, ask the teacher for an explanation the next day. This question just might be on the test.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Study\", \"描述\": \"Don't cram for a test. As soon as the date is announced, start preparing. Look over your notes and textbook to review the material each day for a few days before the test. This way, you avoid anxiety the night before the test by trying to learn everything in a few hours.\\nFocus on questions you got wrong in your classwork or homework. Examine why you got this question wrong and how you can improve.\\nUse any review aids or prep material your teacher gave you. If your teacher told you something would be on the test, listen to them.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"See your teacher for extra help if you’re not confident.\", \"描述\": \"Even if you studied well and paid attention in class, there may still be things you're unsure of. In this case, don't hesitate to go to your teacher for more explanation.\\nHave a specific list of problems you’d like to discuss with the teacher because they will probably ask “What don’t you understand?” Try to be more specific than “I don’t understand anything!”\\nAsk for help at least a day before the test. Don't ask the day of the test because you won't have enough time to study.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Start studying for the test as soon as you find out the test date, so you're prepared and don't have to cram.\\n\", \"Write very neatly on your test. This is so both you and the teacher can read the writing.\\n\", \"Study with a partner or a study group if you're feeling confused by the work.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't wait until the night before to study. It's hard to cram everything into one night of studying, and you'll feel pressured, and won't do as well.\\n\", \"Don't talk to anyone during the test. A teacher may assume that you are cheating.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
10+ Proven Tips to Help You Ace a Test
1. Take notes in class. Your instructor will usually cover test material during class time, so pay close attention to what they’re saying. Get a good notebook that you’ll only use for that class, and jot down important dates or facts your teacher mentions by hand. If your teacher repeats something, writes it on the board, or gives a subject special emphasis, be sure to put it in your notes since it’s going to be important to remember. Use bullet points and symbols to help take notes faster so you don’t miss any information, and write as neatly as you can. You don't want to struggle to read your own writing later on! Try writing your notes in a flowchart or concept map so you can keep similar ideas and subjects together. If you miss something in your notes, ask another classmate or your instructor after class to go over what you missed. 2. Ask your teacher what to expect. If you still aren’t sure what you the test covers, wait until after class and talk to your teacher. Let them know that you’re a little confused and ask what topics you should study. You can also ask what types of questions will be on the test so you can find similar practice questions. Your teacher wants to see you succeed in class, so they’ll point you in the right direction. Your teacher may even hand out study guides or practice exams so you can see questions that are similar to the ones on the actual test. 3. Review the class material every day. While it may seem like overkill, you’ll retain a lot more information if you study every day. Set aside time where you won’t get distracted so you can organize your notes and go over the test material. Read through your class notes so you can refresh your memory on key terms or formulas. If you have required readings, take notes on the text so you remember it better. 4. Focus on the subjects you don’t know.[4] X Research source Look through your notes and write down everything you’re still confused by on a different piece of paper. As you’re studying, skim through your textbook or lectures to find the information on the topics that you’re the least familiar with. As you find the topics, be sure to write down dates, names, and other important concepts that could appear on your test. Write down all the exam topics on flashcards and go through them every day. When you get confused by a topic, put the cards on the top of the stack so you know you need to focus on those areas first. As you get more familiar with a topic, try taking a 1- to 2-day break from reviewing it. When you come back to it, see if you still remember all of the information. 5. Take practice tests.[5] X Research source Your teacher may already give you practice tests, but if not, you’re bound to find some online. Treat the practice test as if it were the real thing. Don’t use your notes and set a timer so you can get used to answering the questions. After you finish the practice test, check your answers to see what you got incorrect. Review your notes for any topics or questions you struggled with. Practice exams are a great way to eliminate stress from the actual test since you’ll get used to the time crunch and topics covered. If you can’t find a practice exam, make one of your own. Check your textbook for questions at the end of the chapter and write your own questions based on your notes or class discussions. 6. Write key concepts in your own words.[6] X Research source Rewriting helps you think critically and remember information better. Choose a topic from your notes or textbook and write it on the top of a new page. Take a few minutes writing down all of the information you remember about the topic so you can see how well you understand it. If you struggled coming up with anything, go back to your textbook, lectures, and notes to review the info. Be sure to check what you wrote for accuracy as well. Even if you think you remember something well, make sure it’s the right information. Try writing the information as if you were teaching it to someone else. That way, you can get a better, more simplified understanding of it as well. 7. Form a study group. Studying in a group lets you compare notes, ask questions, and discuss confusing concepts so you can see what you should focus on. Pick somewhere quiet and free of distractions, such as the library or someone’s home, to host your study session. Talk about what subjects you all are struggling with and prioritize those first while you’re studying. Make a study guide for the group with sample questions from the book or online. Try taking turns explaining topics to one another so you don’t need to read as much on your own. Take a few 10-minute breaks while you’re studying so you have some time to relax and have fun with your classmates. 8. Get a good night’s sleep before the test. Your brain needs rest before a big test, and sleep can even help you remember the concepts you just studied. Try to avoid eating or having caffeine right before you go to bed so you have an easier time falling asleep. Limit using your phone or other electronics since bright screens could keep you awake. Make your room as dark as possible before climbing into bed and getting some rest. If you still have a lot on your mind before you go to bed, try meditating or reading a book to help calm down and feel relaxed. 9. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.[10] X Research source You may have heard it called the most important meal of the day, but it’s even more so when you have a test to focus on. Try having some oatmeal since it can help give you the mental energy to get through the morning. You can also try almonds, yogurt, and fruit to keep you energized. Even just an apple 30 minutes before your test can help you stay alert and ready for the exam. Eat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables since it can help you pay better attention while you’re taking the test. 10. Psych yourself up with positive affirmations. If you keep telling yourself that you won’t do well on the test, you can put yourself in a negative mindset. Instead, say things like “I prepared a lot for this test and I’m going to do well on it,” or, “I know I’m smart and I’ll be able to pass this.” By building yourself up, you’ll feel more confident and won’t be as nervous while you’re taking the test. Try to avoid talking negatively to other students as well. For example, don’t tell your classmates that you’re nervous or that you don’t think you studied enough. 11. Try looking over the entire test right away. You may not know how to budget your time for each question if you don’t know what’s on the test. Scan through all of the material on the test so you can see the types of questions and subjects it covers. Make note of any essay or free-writing questions since they’ll take up more time. Once you get an idea of how long the test is, you’ll know where to focus your attention. 12. Read through each question carefully before answering. Make sure you have a full understanding of the question so you don’t accidentally misread it and make a mistake. Once you read the question, guess what you think the answer might be before looking at any options. Then look at your choices to see if any of them align with what you think the answer may be. If you’re confused by a question on the test, ask your teacher for clarification. Chances are another one of your classmates might also be confused. 13. Start with the easiest questions. Look for keywords or terms in the questions and answers to see if you’re familiar with the concept. If you see any that you positively know, fill in the answer right away so you don’t have to come back to it later. If you get confused or you don’t know the answer, don’t worry. Just skip the question for now and come back to it at the end when you have more time to focus on it. The right answers on a multiple-choice exam are usually grammatically correct or have similar words as the question. Words like “no,” “never,” “always,” and “only” in true-or-false questions are usually false. 14. Check your work when you finish.[15] X Research source It can be really easy to make a silly mistake when you’re stressing over a test. Once you’ve completed your test, go back through your answers if you have time to make sure they still look correct. If you notice a mistake or something incorrect, fix it before handing the test in. When you think you’ve answered everything correctly, then turn your test in. Even if you don’t get the right answer, you may still get partial credit if you show your work and thought process. Tips Don’t get stressed out if your classmates turn in their test before you. Take your time to ensure you’re doing your best and answering questions thoroughly. Talk to your teacher if you have trouble in class to see how you can improve. Warnings Never cheat on a test since you can get in serious trouble with your school.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:50", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Take notes in class.\\nYour instructor will usually cover test material during class time, so pay close attention to what they’re saying.\\nGet a good notebook that you’ll only use for that class, and jot down important dates or facts your teacher mentions by hand. If your teacher repeats something, writes it on the board, or gives a subject special emphasis, be sure to put it in your notes since it’s going to be important to remember.\\nUse bullet points and symbols to help take notes faster so you don’t miss any information, and write as neatly as you can. You don't want to struggle to read your own writing later on!\\nTry writing your notes in a flowchart or concept map so you can keep similar ideas and subjects together.\\nIf you miss something in your notes, ask another classmate or your instructor after class to go over what you missed.\\n2. Ask your teacher what to expect.\\nIf you still aren’t sure what you the test covers, wait until after class and talk to your teacher.\\nLet them know that you’re a little confused and ask what topics you should study. You can also ask what types of questions will be on the test so you can find similar practice questions. Your teacher wants to see you succeed in class, so they’ll point you in the right direction.\\nYour teacher may even hand out study guides or practice exams so you can see questions that are similar to the ones on the actual test.\\n3. Review the class material every day.\\nWhile it may seem like overkill, you’ll retain a lot more information if you study every day.\\nSet aside time where you won’t get distracted so you can organize your notes and go over the test material. Read through your class notes so you can refresh your memory on key terms or formulas.\\nIf you have required readings, take notes on the text so you remember it better.\\n4. Focus on the subjects you don’t know.[4]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nLook through your notes and write down everything you’re still confused by on a different piece of paper.\\nAs you’re studying, skim through your textbook or lectures to find the information on the topics that you’re the least familiar with. As you find the topics, be sure to write down dates, names, and other important concepts that could appear on your test.\\nWrite down all the exam topics on flashcards and go through them every day. When you get confused by a topic, put the cards on the top of the stack so you know you need to focus on those areas first.\\nAs you get more familiar with a topic, try taking a 1- to 2-day break from reviewing it. When you come back to it, see if you still remember all of the information.\\n5. Take practice tests.[5]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nYour teacher may already give you practice tests, but if not, you’re bound to find some online.\\nTreat the practice test as if it were the real thing. Don’t use your notes and set a timer so you can get used to answering the questions. After you finish the practice test, check your answers to see what you got incorrect. Review your notes for any topics or questions you struggled with.\\nPractice exams are a great way to eliminate stress from the actual test since you’ll get used to the time crunch and topics covered.\\nIf you can’t find a practice exam, make one of your own. Check your textbook for questions at the end of the chapter and write your own questions based on your notes or class discussions.\\n6. Write key concepts in your own words.[6]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nRewriting helps you think critically and remember information better.\\nChoose a topic from your notes or textbook and write it on the top of a new page. Take a few minutes writing down all of the information you remember about the topic so you can see how well you understand it. If you struggled coming up with anything, go back to your textbook, lectures, and notes to review the info.\\nBe sure to check what you wrote for accuracy as well. Even if you think you remember something well, make sure it’s the right information.\\nTry writing the information as if you were teaching it to someone else. That way, you can get a better, more simplified understanding of it as well.\\n7. Form a study group.\\nStudying in a group lets you compare notes, ask questions, and discuss confusing concepts so you can see what you should focus on.\\nPick somewhere quiet and free of distractions, such as the library or someone’s home, to host your study session. Talk about what subjects you all are struggling with and prioritize those first while you’re studying.\\nMake a study guide for the group with sample questions from the book or online.\\nTry taking turns explaining topics to one another so you don’t need to read as much on your own.\\nTake a few 10-minute breaks while you’re studying so you have some time to relax and have fun with your classmates.\\n8. Get a good night’s sleep before the test.\\nYour brain needs rest before a big test, and sleep can even help you remember the concepts you just studied.\\nTry to avoid eating or having caffeine right before you go to bed so you have an easier time falling asleep. Limit using your phone or other electronics since bright screens could keep you awake. Make your room as dark as possible before climbing into bed and getting some rest.\\nIf you still have a lot on your mind before you go to bed, try meditating or reading a book to help calm down and feel relaxed.\\n9. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.[10]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nYou may have heard it called the most important meal of the day, but it’s even more so when you have a test to focus on.\\nTry having some oatmeal since it can help give you the mental energy to get through the morning. You can also try almonds, yogurt, and fruit to keep you energized. Even just an apple 30 minutes before your test can help you stay alert and ready for the exam. \\nEat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables since it can help you pay better attention while you’re taking the test.\\n10. Psych yourself up with positive affirmations.\\nIf you keep telling yourself that you won’t do well on the test, you can put yourself in a negative mindset.\\nInstead, say things like “I prepared a lot for this test and I’m going to do well on it,” or, “I know I’m smart and I’ll be able to pass this.” By building yourself up, you’ll feel more confident and won’t be as nervous while you’re taking the test.\\nTry to avoid talking negatively to other students as well. For example, don’t tell your classmates that you’re nervous or that you don’t think you studied enough.\\n11. Try looking over the entire test right away.\\nYou may not know how to budget your time for each question if you don’t know what’s on the test.\\nScan through all of the material on the test so you can see the types of questions and subjects it covers. Make note of any essay or free-writing questions since they’ll take up more time. Once you get an idea of how long the test is, you’ll know where to focus your attention.\\n12. Read through each question carefully before answering.\\nMake sure you have a full understanding of the question so you don’t accidentally misread it and make a mistake.\\nOnce you read the question, guess what you think the answer might be before looking at any options. Then look at your choices to see if any of them align with what you think the answer may be.\\nIf you’re confused by a question on the test, ask your teacher for clarification. Chances are another one of your classmates might also be confused.\\n13. Start with the easiest questions.\\nLook for keywords or terms in the questions and answers to see if you’re familiar with the concept.\\nIf you see any that you positively know, fill in the answer right away so you don’t have to come back to it later. If you get confused or you don’t know the answer, don’t worry. Just skip the question for now and come back to it at the end when you have more time to focus on it.\\nThe right answers on a multiple-choice exam are usually grammatically correct or have similar words as the question.\\nWords like “no,” “never,” “always,” and “only” in true-or-false questions are usually false.\\n14. Check your work when you finish.[15]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nIt can be really easy to make a silly mistake when you’re stressing over a test.\\nOnce you’ve completed your test, go back through your answers if you have time to make sure they still look correct. If you notice a mistake or something incorrect, fix it before handing the test in. When you think you’ve answered everything correctly, then turn your test in.\\nEven if you don’t get the right answer, you may still get partial credit if you show your work and thought process.\\nTips\\nDon’t get stressed out if your classmates turn in their test before you. Take your time to ensure you’re doing your best and answering questions thoroughly.\\nTalk to your teacher if you have trouble in class to see how you can improve.\\nWarnings\\nNever cheat on a test since you can get in serious trouble with your school.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"We’ve all been there: a teacher announces an upcoming test, and you start to worry about how you'll do. Maybe you feel unprepared, or maybe you just want to make sure you perform as well as you possibly can. Either way, the good news is that you're already on the path to an A -- you're here, looking for info on how to nail that test! Whether you have plenty of time left to study or you're down to wire, we can help you set yourself up for success.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Take notes in class.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Your instructor will usually cover test material during class time, so pay close attention to what they’re saying.\", \"描述\": \"Get a good notebook that you’ll only use for that class, and jot down important dates or facts your teacher mentions by hand. If your teacher repeats something, writes it on the board, or gives a subject special emphasis, be sure to put it in your notes since it’s going to be important to remember.\\nUse bullet points and symbols to help take notes faster so you don’t miss any information, and write as neatly as you can. You don't want to struggle to read your own writing later on!\\nTry writing your notes in a flowchart or concept map so you can keep similar ideas and subjects together.\\nIf you miss something in your notes, ask another classmate or your instructor after class to go over what you missed.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Ask your teacher what to expect.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"If you still aren’t sure what you the test covers, wait until after class and talk to your teacher.\", \"描述\": \"Let them know that you’re a little confused and ask what topics you should study. You can also ask what types of questions will be on the test so you can find similar practice questions. Your teacher wants to see you succeed in class, so they’ll point you in the right direction.\\nYour teacher may even hand out study guides or practice exams so you can see questions that are similar to the ones on the actual test.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Review the class material every day.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"While it may seem like overkill, you’ll retain a lot more information if you study every day.\", \"描述\": \"Set aside time where you won’t get distracted so you can organize your notes and go over the test material. Read through your class notes so you can refresh your memory on key terms or formulas.\\nIf you have required readings, take notes on the text so you remember it better.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Focus on the subjects you don’t know.[4]\\nX\\nResearch source\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Look through your notes and write down everything you’re still confused by on a different piece of paper.\", \"描述\": \"As you’re studying, skim through your textbook or lectures to find the information on the topics that you’re the least familiar with. As you find the topics, be sure to write down dates, names, and other important concepts that could appear on your test.\\nWrite down all the exam topics on flashcards and go through them every day. When you get confused by a topic, put the cards on the top of the stack so you know you need to focus on those areas first.\\nAs you get more familiar with a topic, try taking a 1- to 2-day break from reviewing it. When you come back to it, see if you still remember all of the information.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Take practice tests.[5]\\nX\\nResearch source\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Your teacher may already give you practice tests, but if not, you’re bound to find some online.\", \"描述\": \"Treat the practice test as if it were the real thing. Don’t use your notes and set a timer so you can get used to answering the questions. After you finish the practice test, check your answers to see what you got incorrect. Review your notes for any topics or questions you struggled with.\\nPractice exams are a great way to eliminate stress from the actual test since you’ll get used to the time crunch and topics covered.\\nIf you can’t find a practice exam, make one of your own. Check your textbook for questions at the end of the chapter and write your own questions based on your notes or class discussions.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Write key concepts in your own words.[6]\\nX\\nResearch source\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Rewriting helps you think critically and remember information better.\", \"描述\": \"Choose a topic from your notes or textbook and write it on the top of a new page. Take a few minutes writing down all of the information you remember about the topic so you can see how well you understand it. If you struggled coming up with anything, go back to your textbook, lectures, and notes to review the info.\\nBe sure to check what you wrote for accuracy as well. Even if you think you remember something well, make sure it’s the right information.\\nTry writing the information as if you were teaching it to someone else. That way, you can get a better, more simplified understanding of it as well.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Form a study group.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Studying in a group lets you compare notes, ask questions, and discuss confusing concepts so you can see what you should focus on.\", \"描述\": \"Pick somewhere quiet and free of distractions, such as the library or someone’s home, to host your study session. Talk about what subjects you all are struggling with and prioritize those first while you’re studying.\\nMake a study guide for the group with sample questions from the book or online.\\nTry taking turns explaining topics to one another so you don’t need to read as much on your own.\\nTake a few 10-minute breaks while you’re studying so you have some time to relax and have fun with your classmates.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Get a good night’s sleep before the test.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Your brain needs rest before a big test, and sleep can even help you remember the concepts you just studied.\", \"描述\": \"Try to avoid eating or having caffeine right before you go to bed so you have an easier time falling asleep. Limit using your phone or other electronics since bright screens could keep you awake. Make your room as dark as possible before climbing into bed and getting some rest.\\nIf you still have a lot on your mind before you go to bed, try meditating or reading a book to help calm down and feel relaxed.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.[10]\\nX\\nResearch source\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You may have heard it called the most important meal of the day, but it’s even more so when you have a test to focus on.\", \"描述\": \"Try having some oatmeal since it can help give you the mental energy to get through the morning. You can also try almonds, yogurt, and fruit to keep you energized. Even just an apple 30 minutes before your test can help you stay alert and ready for the exam. \\nEat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables since it can help you pay better attention while you’re taking the test.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Psych yourself up with positive affirmations.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"If you keep telling yourself that you won’t do well on the test, you can put yourself in a negative mindset.\", \"描述\": \"Instead, say things like “I prepared a lot for this test and I’m going to do well on it,” or, “I know I’m smart and I’ll be able to pass this.” By building yourself up, you’ll feel more confident and won’t be as nervous while you’re taking the test.\\nTry to avoid talking negatively to other students as well. For example, don’t tell your classmates that you’re nervous or that you don’t think you studied enough.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Try looking over the entire test right away.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You may not know how to budget your time for each question if you don’t know what’s on the test.\", \"描述\": \"Scan through all of the material on the test so you can see the types of questions and subjects it covers. Make note of any essay or free-writing questions since they’ll take up more time. Once you get an idea of how long the test is, you’ll know where to focus your attention.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Read through each question carefully before answering.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make sure you have a full understanding of the question so you don’t accidentally misread it and make a mistake.\", \"描述\": \"Once you read the question, guess what you think the answer might be before looking at any options. Then look at your choices to see if any of them align with what you think the answer may be.\\nIf you’re confused by a question on the test, ask your teacher for clarification. Chances are another one of your classmates might also be confused.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Start with the easiest questions.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Look for keywords or terms in the questions and answers to see if you’re familiar with the concept.\", \"描述\": \"If you see any that you positively know, fill in the answer right away so you don’t have to come back to it later. If you get confused or you don’t know the answer, don’t worry. Just skip the question for now and come back to it at the end when you have more time to focus on it.\\nThe right answers on a multiple-choice exam are usually grammatically correct or have similar words as the question.\\nWords like “no,” “never,” “always,” and “only” in true-or-false questions are usually false.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 14, \"标题\": \"Check your work when you finish.[15]\\nX\\nResearch source\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"It can be really easy to make a silly mistake when you’re stressing over a test.\", \"描述\": \"Once you’ve completed your test, go back through your answers if you have time to make sure they still look correct. If you notice a mistake or something incorrect, fix it before handing the test in. When you think you’ve answered everything correctly, then turn your test in.\\nEven if you don’t get the right answer, you may still get partial credit if you show your work and thought process.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Don’t get stressed out if your classmates turn in their test before you. Take your time to ensure you’re doing your best and answering questions thoroughly.\\n\", \"Talk to your teacher if you have trouble in class to see how you can improve.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Never cheat on a test since you can get in serious trouble with your school.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Business Goals
1. Setting Actionable Goals 1-1. Assess your business’s finances and identify your needs. Review your profit and loss and cash flow statements to get a snapshot of your business’s overall health. Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and tailor your goals to your business’s needs. Suppose your goal is to expand your flower shop, and you initially want to open a second retail location. However, you find that your delivery sales are growing twice as fast as your walk-in sales. Instead of opening a full retail space, it might be more profitable if the second location serves as a hub to expand your delivery range. Your overhead would be lower, you’d increase your customer base, and you’d expand the strongest area of your business. 1-2. Conduct market research to pursue the most relevant goals. Research your market so you can prioritize your goals based on your customers’ needs and your industry’s trends. Check government and university studies, trade publications, and professional association resources related to your industry. Look for information about growth in your industry, new technologies, and changes in customers’ preferences. For instance, when you research the floral industry at large, you find that florists generally aren’t reaching younger generations, haven’t adopted digital marketing strategies, and are losing foot traffic. Based on this research, you decide a small delivery hub is definitely better than a more expensive retail space. You can use the money you’ll save on overhead to create a delivery app, streamline the ordering form on your website, and expand your digital marketing. 1-3. Set clear, actionable goals instead of vague, audacious goals. You’re more likely to achieve goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely (SMART). Create clear, doable goals, identify specific tasks to accomplish them, and establish a timeline of when you can complete each task. A SMART goal would be, “Expand my delivery service within 6 months by establishing a hub to increase delivery range, store inventory, and process orders.” Vague, overly ambitious goals would be, “Double my sales” or “Export products internationally.” These goals don’t provide any information about how or when you can achieve them. 1-4. Break up long-term goals into smaller steps. Big, long-term goals can feel overwhelming and leave you asking, “Where do I start?” Break quarterly, annual, and multi-year goals up into more manageable weekly and daily steps. Have patience, divide and conquer, and check your progress weekly to stay on track. For example, opening a second location within 6 months might seem daunting at first. Start by reviewing your finances and setting your budget. If necessary, apply for a business loan to fund your expansion. Next, scout potential sites by researching demographic statistics and searching for available properties. Finding the right spot might hold up the process, but aim to sign a lease (or a mortgage) within 2 or 3 months. After signing a lease, allow around 6 to 8 weeks to complete renovations, acquire inventory, and hire new employees. Break these tasks up into even smaller steps, such as “Week 1: plumbing and electrical; research wholesalers. Week 2: painting and decor; advertise job openings.” 1-5. Inform your staff about your business goals. Your employees need to be up to date about your business goals in order to achieve them. When you set goals, communicate them clearly to your staff, and identify specific ways that your team can achieve your desired outcomes. Suppose you run a sales team, and you want to increase your client retention rate. If your salespeople aren’t aware of that goal, they might spend most of their time trying to gain new clients instead of focusing on retaining customers. 2. Developing an Action Plan 2-1. Make a reasonable timeline with specific tasks. After setting a clear business goal, identify the specific actions needed to achieve your desired outcome. Type a step-by-step plan with detailed daily and weekly tasks. Set realistic expectations when you estimate how long it will take to complete each action. If you’re expanding your business, a specific task might be, “Compare census data, median incomes, property values, and walkability scores for potential second locations.” When pursuing development goals, such as opening a new location, remember that you still have to run your business. If you set unrealistic time frames, you’ll either fail to achieve development goals or drop the ball on your current operational tasks 2-2. Identify the resources each goal requires. All goals demand resources, such as time and money. After identifying the specific steps your goal requires, establish how much each task will cost, what supplies you’ll need, and how to utilize your staff. For example, if you want to expand your digital marketing, review your finances and figure out how much you can pay a new marketing specialist. Factor in the cost of posting job advertisements and the time you’ll spend interviewing candidates. Alternatively, calculate the cost of hiring a recruiter. 2-3. Delegate tasks to appropriate team members. If you have employees, identify tasks that you don’t have to complete yourself. Assign these tasks to members of your staff with the right seniority and skills. When you assign tasks, explain an employee’s responsibilities in detail. For instance, if you’re expanding your business, you might need to negotiate a new lease, but an employee could scout out locations and research local demographics. If you’re an owner-operator and you employ a general manager, they have the seniority to review your financial reports, set budgets, and interview new hires. However, you wouldn’t want a lower-level employee to carry out these tasks. 2-4. Establish ways of measuring success. For simple tasks, measuring success might only entail checking a box or crossing off your list. For complex development and operational goals, you might track your progress by reviewing financial data, analyzing web traffic, or tracking returning customers. For example, you can just check a box for tasks such as conducting market research and advertising a job opening. If you opened a new location to grow your delivery service, track its performance by reviewing your delivery sales. If you invested in online advertisements, redesigned your website, and increased your social media presence, look for increased web traffic and online orders. 3. Sticking to Your Plan 3-1. Keep your plan and desired outcomes on display. Post your goal and action plan in your office or write them on a whiteboard so they’re always visible. Your plan will be out of sight and out of mind if you tuck it into a drawer, and you’ll be more likely to put off important tasks. Put up a calendar or timeline to maintain a bird's-eye view, post agendas with daily or weekly tasks, and display charts and graphs that track progress. A vision board with images related to your goal could also help you stay focused. 3-2. Evaluate your progress and update your timeline each week. Review your action plan, check off completed tasks, and identify tasks that weren’t completed that week. Tasks from the previous week should then become the following week’s priorities. If necessary, adjust your long-term expectations periodically to account for these delays. For example, if you didn't get a chance last week to hire a contractor for your second location's renovations, that task becomes this week's top priority. If things get pushed back, don’t lose your focus or get frustrated. Obstacles and delays are bound to happen, so try to be flexible. 3-3. Celebrate when you achieve small goals. Since it can take months or years to reap the benefits of long-term goals, staying motivated is tough. Rewarding yourself and your staff when you reach smaller milestones can help you stay on target. If your goal is to increase your daily revenue by 30% over the course of a year, you could reward your staff at 5 or 10% intervals. Incentives might be gift cards, spa or golf days, or gadgets. For simple daily tasks, something as small as a gold star on a calendar can be effective. 3-4. Include down time in your schedule. If you get burned out, you’re not going to stay on track. Instead of running yourself ragged, give yourself permission to take days off. Schedule a day each week to do things you enjoy and keep your mind off of work. If you can’t take an entire day off, set aside at least a few hours for down time. When you’re refreshed, you’re more efficient and more likely to complete tasks.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:50", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Setting Actionable Goals\\n1-1. Assess your business’s finances and identify your needs.\\nReview your profit and loss and cash flow statements to get a snapshot of your business’s overall health. Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and tailor your goals to your business’s needs.\\nSuppose your goal is to expand your flower shop, and you initially want to open a second retail location. However, you find that your delivery sales are growing twice as fast as your walk-in sales.\\nInstead of opening a full retail space, it might be more profitable if the second location serves as a hub to expand your delivery range. Your overhead would be lower, you’d increase your customer base, and you’d expand the strongest area of your business.\\n1-2. Conduct market research to pursue the most relevant goals.\\nResearch your market so you can prioritize your goals based on your customers’ needs and your industry’s trends. Check government and university studies, trade publications, and professional association resources related to your industry. Look for information about growth in your industry, new technologies, and changes in customers’ preferences.\\nFor instance, when you research the floral industry at large, you find that florists generally aren’t reaching younger generations, haven’t adopted digital marketing strategies, and are losing foot traffic.\\nBased on this research, you decide a small delivery hub is definitely better than a more expensive retail space. You can use the money you’ll save on overhead to create a delivery app, streamline the ordering form on your website, and expand your digital marketing.\\n1-3. Set clear, actionable goals instead of vague, audacious goals.\\nYou’re more likely to achieve goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely (SMART). Create clear, doable goals, identify specific tasks to accomplish them, and establish a timeline of when you can complete each task.\\nA SMART goal would be, “Expand my delivery service within 6 months by establishing a hub to increase delivery range, store inventory, and process orders.”\\nVague, overly ambitious goals would be, “Double my sales” or “Export products internationally.” These goals don’t provide any information about how or when you can achieve them.\\n1-4. Break up long-term goals into smaller steps.\\nBig, long-term goals can feel overwhelming and leave you asking, “Where do I start?” Break quarterly, annual, and multi-year goals up into more manageable weekly and daily steps. Have patience, divide and conquer, and check your progress weekly to stay on track.\\nFor example, opening a second location within 6 months might seem daunting at first. Start by reviewing your finances and setting your budget. If necessary, apply for a business loan to fund your expansion.\\nNext, scout potential sites by researching demographic statistics and searching for available properties. Finding the right spot might hold up the process, but aim to sign a lease (or a mortgage) within 2 or 3 months.\\nAfter signing a lease, allow around 6 to 8 weeks to complete renovations, acquire inventory, and hire new employees. Break these tasks up into even smaller steps, such as “Week 1: plumbing and electrical; research wholesalers. Week 2: painting and decor; advertise job openings.”\\n1-5. Inform your staff about your business goals.\\nYour employees need to be up to date about your business goals in order to achieve them. When you set goals, communicate them clearly to your staff, and identify specific ways that your team can achieve your desired outcomes.\\nSuppose you run a sales team, and you want to increase your client retention rate. If your salespeople aren’t aware of that goal, they might spend most of their time trying to gain new clients instead of focusing on retaining customers.\\n2. Developing an Action Plan\\n2-1. Make a reasonable timeline with specific tasks.\\nAfter setting a clear business goal, identify the specific actions needed to achieve your desired outcome. Type a step-by-step plan with detailed daily and weekly tasks. Set realistic expectations when you estimate how long it will take to complete each action.\\nIf you’re expanding your business, a specific task might be, “Compare census data, median incomes, property values, and walkability scores for potential second locations.”\\nWhen pursuing development goals, such as opening a new location, remember that you still have to run your business. If you set unrealistic time frames, you’ll either fail to achieve development goals or drop the ball on your current operational tasks\\n2-2. Identify the resources each goal requires.\\nAll goals demand resources, such as time and money. After identifying the specific steps your goal requires, establish how much each task will cost, what supplies you’ll need, and how to utilize your staff.\\nFor example, if you want to expand your digital marketing, review your finances and figure out how much you can pay a new marketing specialist. Factor in the cost of posting job advertisements and the time you’ll spend interviewing candidates. Alternatively, calculate the cost of hiring a recruiter.\\n2-3. Delegate tasks to appropriate team members.\\nIf you have employees, identify tasks that you don’t have to complete yourself. Assign these tasks to members of your staff with the right seniority and skills. When you assign tasks, explain an employee’s responsibilities in detail.\\nFor instance, if you’re expanding your business, you might need to negotiate a new lease, but an employee could scout out locations and research local demographics.\\nIf you’re an owner-operator and you employ a general manager, they have the seniority to review your financial reports, set budgets, and interview new hires. However, you wouldn’t want a lower-level employee to carry out these tasks.\\n2-4. Establish ways of measuring success.\\nFor simple tasks, measuring success might only entail checking a box or crossing off your list. For complex development and operational goals, you might track your progress by reviewing financial data, analyzing web traffic, or tracking returning customers.\\nFor example, you can just check a box for tasks such as conducting market research and advertising a job opening.\\nIf you opened a new location to grow your delivery service, track its performance by reviewing your delivery sales.\\nIf you invested in online advertisements, redesigned your website, and increased your social media presence, look for increased web traffic and online orders.\\n3. Sticking to Your Plan\\n3-1. Keep your plan and desired outcomes on display.\\nPost your goal and action plan in your office or write them on a whiteboard so they’re always visible. Your plan will be out of sight and out of mind if you tuck it into a drawer, and you’ll be more likely to put off important tasks.\\nPut up a calendar or timeline to maintain a bird's-eye view, post agendas with daily or weekly tasks, and display charts and graphs that track progress.\\nA vision board with images related to your goal could also help you stay focused.\\n3-2. Evaluate your progress and update your timeline each week.\\nReview your action plan, check off completed tasks, and identify tasks that weren’t completed that week. Tasks from the previous week should then become the following week’s priorities. If necessary, adjust your long-term expectations periodically to account for these delays.\\nFor example, if you didn't get a chance last week to hire a contractor for your second location's renovations, that task becomes this week's top priority.\\nIf things get pushed back, don’t lose your focus or get frustrated. Obstacles and delays are bound to happen, so try to be flexible.\\n3-3. Celebrate when you achieve small goals.\\nSince it can take months or years to reap the benefits of long-term goals, staying motivated is tough. Rewarding yourself and your staff when you reach smaller milestones can help you stay on target.\\nIf your goal is to increase your daily revenue by 30% over the course of a year, you could reward your staff at 5 or 10% intervals. Incentives might be gift cards, spa or golf days, or gadgets.\\nFor simple daily tasks, something as small as a gold star on a calendar can be effective.\\n3-4. Include down time in your schedule.\\nIf you get burned out, you’re not going to stay on track. Instead of running yourself ragged, give yourself permission to take days off. Schedule a day each week to do things you enjoy and keep your mind off of work.\\nIf you can’t take an entire day off, set aside at least a few hours for down time. When you’re refreshed, you’re more efficient and more likely to complete tasks.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"What are your company's priorities, and how well are you meeting your objectives? If you’re a business owner, you know that accomplishing goals is sometimes easier said than done. Whether the goals you want to achieve are related to basic operations or long-term growth, the key is to identify clear, concrete desired outcomes so you can break down your objectives into smaller steps. Set company goals that are specific, measurable, and actionable instead of goals that are vague or overly ambitious. Develop an action plan, and stay on target by tracking your progress and rewarding yourself along the way as you achieve smaller milestones.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Setting Actionable Goals\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Assess your business’s finances and identify your needs.\", \"描述\": \"Review your profit and loss and cash flow statements to get a snapshot of your business’s overall health. Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and tailor your goals to your business’s needs.\\nSuppose your goal is to expand your flower shop, and you initially want to open a second retail location. However, you find that your delivery sales are growing twice as fast as your walk-in sales.\\nInstead of opening a full retail space, it might be more profitable if the second location serves as a hub to expand your delivery range. Your overhead would be lower, you’d increase your customer base, and you’d expand the strongest area of your business.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Conduct market research to pursue the most relevant goals.\", \"描述\": \"Research your market so you can prioritize your goals based on your customers’ needs and your industry’s trends. Check government and university studies, trade publications, and professional association resources related to your industry. Look for information about growth in your industry, new technologies, and changes in customers’ preferences.\\nFor instance, when you research the floral industry at large, you find that florists generally aren’t reaching younger generations, haven’t adopted digital marketing strategies, and are losing foot traffic.\\nBased on this research, you decide a small delivery hub is definitely better than a more expensive retail space. You can use the money you’ll save on overhead to create a delivery app, streamline the ordering form on your website, and expand your digital marketing.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Set clear, actionable goals instead of vague, audacious goals.\", \"描述\": \"You’re more likely to achieve goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely (SMART). Create clear, doable goals, identify specific tasks to accomplish them, and establish a timeline of when you can complete each task.\\nA SMART goal would be, “Expand my delivery service within 6 months by establishing a hub to increase delivery range, store inventory, and process orders.”\\nVague, overly ambitious goals would be, “Double my sales” or “Export products internationally.” These goals don’t provide any information about how or when you can achieve them.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Break up long-term goals into smaller steps.\", \"描述\": \"Big, long-term goals can feel overwhelming and leave you asking, “Where do I start?” Break quarterly, annual, and multi-year goals up into more manageable weekly and daily steps. Have patience, divide and conquer, and check your progress weekly to stay on track.\\nFor example, opening a second location within 6 months might seem daunting at first. Start by reviewing your finances and setting your budget. If necessary, apply for a business loan to fund your expansion.\\nNext, scout potential sites by researching demographic statistics and searching for available properties. Finding the right spot might hold up the process, but aim to sign a lease (or a mortgage) within 2 or 3 months.\\nAfter signing a lease, allow around 6 to 8 weeks to complete renovations, acquire inventory, and hire new employees. Break these tasks up into even smaller steps, such as “Week 1: plumbing and electrical; research wholesalers. Week 2: painting and decor; advertise job openings.”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Inform your staff about your business goals.\", \"描述\": \"Your employees need to be up to date about your business goals in order to achieve them. When you set goals, communicate them clearly to your staff, and identify specific ways that your team can achieve your desired outcomes.\\nSuppose you run a sales team, and you want to increase your client retention rate. If your salespeople aren’t aware of that goal, they might spend most of their time trying to gain new clients instead of focusing on retaining customers.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Developing an Action Plan\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make a reasonable timeline with specific tasks.\", \"描述\": \"After setting a clear business goal, identify the specific actions needed to achieve your desired outcome. Type a step-by-step plan with detailed daily and weekly tasks. Set realistic expectations when you estimate how long it will take to complete each action.\\nIf you’re expanding your business, a specific task might be, “Compare census data, median incomes, property values, and walkability scores for potential second locations.”\\nWhen pursuing development goals, such as opening a new location, remember that you still have to run your business. If you set unrealistic time frames, you’ll either fail to achieve development goals or drop the ball on your current operational tasks\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Identify the resources each goal requires.\", \"描述\": \"All goals demand resources, such as time and money. After identifying the specific steps your goal requires, establish how much each task will cost, what supplies you’ll need, and how to utilize your staff.\\nFor example, if you want to expand your digital marketing, review your finances and figure out how much you can pay a new marketing specialist. Factor in the cost of posting job advertisements and the time you’ll spend interviewing candidates. Alternatively, calculate the cost of hiring a recruiter.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Delegate tasks to appropriate team members.\", \"描述\": \"If you have employees, identify tasks that you don’t have to complete yourself. Assign these tasks to members of your staff with the right seniority and skills. When you assign tasks, explain an employee’s responsibilities in detail.\\nFor instance, if you’re expanding your business, you might need to negotiate a new lease, but an employee could scout out locations and research local demographics.\\nIf you’re an owner-operator and you employ a general manager, they have the seniority to review your financial reports, set budgets, and interview new hires. However, you wouldn’t want a lower-level employee to carry out these tasks.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Establish ways of measuring success.\", \"描述\": \"For simple tasks, measuring success might only entail checking a box or crossing off your list. For complex development and operational goals, you might track your progress by reviewing financial data, analyzing web traffic, or tracking returning customers.\\nFor example, you can just check a box for tasks such as conducting market research and advertising a job opening.\\nIf you opened a new location to grow your delivery service, track its performance by reviewing your delivery sales.\\nIf you invested in online advertisements, redesigned your website, and increased your social media presence, look for increased web traffic and online orders.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Sticking to Your Plan\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Keep your plan and desired outcomes on display.\", \"描述\": \"Post your goal and action plan in your office or write them on a whiteboard so they’re always visible. Your plan will be out of sight and out of mind if you tuck it into a drawer, and you’ll be more likely to put off important tasks.\\nPut up a calendar or timeline to maintain a bird's-eye view, post agendas with daily or weekly tasks, and display charts and graphs that track progress.\\nA vision board with images related to your goal could also help you stay focused.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Evaluate your progress and update your timeline each week.\", \"描述\": \"Review your action plan, check off completed tasks, and identify tasks that weren’t completed that week. Tasks from the previous week should then become the following week’s priorities. If necessary, adjust your long-term expectations periodically to account for these delays.\\nFor example, if you didn't get a chance last week to hire a contractor for your second location's renovations, that task becomes this week's top priority.\\nIf things get pushed back, don’t lose your focus or get frustrated. Obstacles and delays are bound to happen, so try to be flexible.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Celebrate when you achieve small goals.\", \"描述\": \"Since it can take months or years to reap the benefits of long-term goals, staying motivated is tough. Rewarding yourself and your staff when you reach smaller milestones can help you stay on target.\\nIf your goal is to increase your daily revenue by 30% over the course of a year, you could reward your staff at 5 or 10% intervals. Incentives might be gift cards, spa or golf days, or gadgets.\\nFor simple daily tasks, something as small as a gold star on a calendar can be effective.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Include down time in your schedule.\", \"描述\": \"If you get burned out, you’re not going to stay on track. Instead of running yourself ragged, give yourself permission to take days off. Schedule a day each week to do things you enjoy and keep your mind off of work.\\nIf you can’t take an entire day off, set aside at least a few hours for down time. When you’re refreshed, you’re more efficient and more likely to complete tasks.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Fame on Wattpad
1. Writing a Great Story 1-1. Choose a genre for your story. The genre you choose to write in will affect the kind of characters and plot you'll create. Pick a genre that you’re comfortable writing in and passionate about. For instance, if you're interested in the strange and unusual, you might want to focus on horror or science fiction. Romance and fan fiction are two very popular genres on Wattpad. Focus on one of these for the widest audience. 1-2. Write profiles for your characters. Doing character profiles can help you create strong, vivid characters. Start by profiling your main character. What do they look like? What’s their personality? What are their dreams, goals, and fears? What significant events happened in their past? Once you've profiled your main character, move on to the supporting characters. Your story doesn’t need to include all the details you put in the profiles. However, the more you know about your characters, the easier it will be to write them. 1-3. Figure out your basic plot. Some authors like to have their plot completely figured out before they start writing. Others start with the basics and fill in the rest as they write. Many fall somewhere in the middle. All are valid approaches! Start with a simple plot outline and go from there. A great way to start thinking about the plot is to think about questions you want your story to answer. For example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy answers questions like, "What happens when the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a hobbit?” and "What happens when friends embark on an exciting and dangerous adventure together?" 1-4. Write the first draft. The goal of your first draft is to get the foundation of your story on paper (physical or digital). You’re not necessarily trying to write a perfect story at this point. Focus on getting your characters on the page and writing out the events you want to happen. Don’t focus too much on grammar and spelling at this stage. Correct basic stuff as you go, but you'll do intensive editing later. Wattpad stories can be different lengths, from novelettes (about 7500 words) to full-length novels (over 40,000 words). Write as much as you need to tell your story without padding it. 1-5. Review and edit your story. After you’ve written your first draft, go through your story, and read it carefully. Correct grammar and spelling mistakes. Look out for parts of the story that don’t make sense and revise them. Add character detail, context, and subplots, as needed. Ask friends and family to read your story, too. They can give you important feedback as you make your revisions. 1-6. Complete your final draft. Improvise your edits and continue to hone your story until it feels complete to you. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. All of the chapters are important, but make sure you begin with engaging chapters to really hook your readers. Polish any outstanding grammar and spelling errors. Focus on making the final product as professional as possible. 2. Standing out on Wattpad 2-1. Upload an interesting profile image. Try to use an image that captures your writing style. For example, if you write horror fiction, go for something dark and sinister. If you write romance, aim for something dreamy or whimsical. Use a high-quality image with decent resolution, so that it looks crisp and professional. The image doesn't have to be of yourself. It can be any cool picture you've taken! 2-2. Write an intriguing profile description. Think of your profile description almost like a cover letter. Write something brief but engaging that draws readers in. Don't forget to include a few interesting facts about yourself, as well! You could write something like, "I'm a part-time writer, a full-time dreamer who explores reveries, hallucinations, nightmares, and visions. During the day, I moonlight as a psychology student at Berkeley." 2-3. Upload engaging, high-resolution covers for your stories. Many people will pick up a book just because they find the cover art interesting, and it's no different on Wattpad! A great cover should stand out with bold colors and compelling images. Pick imagery that represents an important part of your story (without spoiling it of course). If you have friends that are good artists, you can ask them to design a cover for your story. Make sure to give them credit on your profile. You can find high-resolution stock photos on websites like Pexels and Shutterstock. Most of these websites aren't free to use, but you may find the fees worth it. Don't neglect the font when designing your cover. The font color and size should make the title stand out, and the font style needs to match the tone of the book. For example, if you're writing a humorous story or one aimed at younger audiences, you might be able to opt for a quirky font; for a more serious book, however, choose a more sophisticated font. 2-4. Create attention-grabbing story titles. Your titles need to be short and catchy. Think of something that outlines the main idea of the piece and is easy to remember. Spend some time brainstorming some ideas before making a decision. Use action words and strong verbs in your titles to get attention, like "Things Fall Apart" or "Breaking Through Barriers." Try something mysterious to interest readers, like "Caves of Crystal and Blood" or "The Light in the Ruins." Consider a punchy, one-word title, like "Torrential" or "Wanderlust." 2-5. Write an interesting short paragraph describing your book. Think of the one thing that makes your book special and write a short paragraph about it. Focus on the main character’s conflict and the challenges they face in your story. You can hook readers in with a compelling description! 3. Finding and Growing Your Audience 3-1. Pick the right tags and categories to find your audience. Tags and categories make your story easily searchable on Wattpad. Use keywords that accurately describe what your stories are about. Mention genre, subject matter, main themes, and any other relevant tags and categories that will get your work to the right audience. For instance, if you write war fiction, use tags like "history," “WWII,” and “war." 3-2. Rate your story appropriately for its content. If you write for mature audiences, use tags and categories to make that clear. Depending on the nature of the content, you could use tags like "strong language," "mature readers," "adult fiction," and "sexual content." If you're writing for young people specifically, use tags like "YA," "teen fiction," and "young adult fantasy" to reach the right audience. 3-3. Serialize your stories to publish more frequently. To build your reader base, you need to publish regularly and consistently. Break up your story into smaller chunks, such as chapters or acts. Choose a schedule to upload your story, such as once a month or once a week. Make sure you don’t miss an upload date, as this will hurt your number of readers. Life happens, and if you do miss a promised update on rare occasions, it probably won't mean the end of your Wattpad popularity. However, you should avoid doing this routinely as it can cause your readers to lose trust in you. Try to make sure your updates seem worth the wait each time, and especially when you have to take a longer break than usual. If you write your story before you start uploading it, you won’t have to worry about struggling to keep up. 3-4. Interact with your readers. Wattpad is a lot like a social media network. People can leave comments on your stories, and you can reply to them. After you post your story, take some time to answer any comments that you get. It makes you more approachable, and it’s more likely your readers will recommend your story to others. Some readers might post criticism of your story, constructive or not. Accept any feedback you get graciously unless it’s insulting. Thank your readers for any polite comments they share, regardless of whether those comments are praise, constructive criticism, or a combination of both. You can delete insulting or hateful comments posted on your story. 3-5. Ask Wattpad’s staff to feature your book. Wattpad has a special category called “Featured Stories." If your story is featured, it will gain much more exposure. You will get more attention as an author, and your other stories will reach a wider audience, as well. You can contact Wattpad staff through their help center. Be humble and respectful; Wattpad’s staff probably receives a lot of requests. 3-6. Include links to your Wattpad on social media profiles. You can do this using your personal profiles, or create separate, professional profiles to market your writing. Invite readers to like and follow your social media pages, and engage with them on those platforms, as well. 3-7. Enter a Wattpad writing contest to gain more attention. Wattpad always has several writing contests happening at the same time. Sometimes they’re tied to a movie that’s about to come out or a specific brand. Winning these contests will bring you even more exposure, and sometimes you can even win prizes. Check out Wattpad's current contests by visiting The Wattys happen yearly, offering multiple awards for plot development, one-of-a-kind, and breakthrough stories. They’re the biggest awards on Wattpad. Tips Try to avoid cliché stories and plot points. This might be easier said than done, but after spending some time reading other stories on Wattpad and getting a feel for what's already been overdone, it'll gradually get easier to avoid common clichés and come up with something unique. Be patient. Achieving fame on Wattpad takes time and dedication, but as long as you remain committed to quality content and positive interactions, the goal is still achievable. Warnings Don’t advertise your stories on other people’s profiles. It’s against the Wattpad terms of service. Don't respond to hate. It can discourage you and make you lose confidence. Also, know the difference between hate and critique because some people are just pointing out mistakes and you may take it as hate while they're just trying to help.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:50", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Writing a Great Story\\n1-1. Choose a genre for your story.\\nThe genre you choose to write in will affect the kind of characters and plot you'll create. Pick a genre that you’re comfortable writing in and passionate about. For instance, if you're interested in the strange and unusual, you might want to focus on horror or science fiction.\\nRomance and fan fiction are two very popular genres on Wattpad. Focus on one of these for the widest audience.\\n1-2. Write profiles for your characters.\\nDoing character profiles can help you create strong, vivid characters. Start by profiling your main character. What do they look like? What’s their personality? What are their dreams, goals, and fears? What significant events happened in their past?\\nOnce you've profiled your main character, move on to the supporting characters.\\nYour story doesn’t need to include all the details you put in the profiles. However, the more you know about your characters, the easier it will be to write them.\\n1-3. Figure out your basic plot.\\nSome authors like to have their plot completely figured out before they start writing. Others start with the basics and fill in the rest as they write. Many fall somewhere in the middle. All are valid approaches! Start with a simple plot outline and go from there.\\nA great way to start thinking about the plot is to think about questions you want your story to answer. For example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy answers questions like, \\\"What happens when the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a hobbit?” and \\\"What happens when friends embark on an exciting and dangerous adventure together?\\\"\\n1-4. Write the first draft.\\nThe goal of your first draft is to get the foundation of your story on paper (physical or digital). You’re not necessarily trying to write a perfect story at this point. Focus on getting your characters on the page and writing out the events you want to happen.\\nDon’t focus too much on grammar and spelling at this stage. Correct basic stuff as you go, but you'll do intensive editing later.\\nWattpad stories can be different lengths, from novelettes (about 7500 words) to full-length novels (over 40,000 words). Write as much as you need to tell your story without padding it.\\n1-5. Review and edit your story.\\nAfter you’ve written your first draft, go through your story, and read it carefully. Correct grammar and spelling mistakes. Look out for parts of the story that don’t make sense and revise them. Add character detail, context, and subplots, as needed.\\nAsk friends and family to read your story, too. They can give you important feedback as you make your revisions.\\n1-6. Complete your final draft.\\nImprovise your edits and continue to hone your story until it feels complete to you. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. All of the chapters are important, but make sure you begin with engaging chapters to really hook your readers. Polish any outstanding grammar and spelling errors. Focus on making the final product as professional as possible.\\n2. Standing out on Wattpad\\n2-1. Upload an interesting profile image.\\nTry to use an image that captures your writing style. For example, if you write horror fiction, go for something dark and sinister. If you write romance, aim for something dreamy or whimsical. Use a high-quality image with decent resolution, so that it looks crisp and professional.\\nThe image doesn't have to be of yourself. It can be any cool picture you've taken!\\n2-2. Write an intriguing profile description.\\nThink of your profile description almost like a cover letter. Write something brief but engaging that draws readers in. Don't forget to include a few interesting facts about yourself, as well!\\nYou could write something like, \\\"I'm a part-time writer, a full-time dreamer who explores reveries, hallucinations, nightmares, and visions. During the day, I moonlight as a psychology student at Berkeley.\\\"\\n2-3. Upload engaging, high-resolution covers for your stories.\\nMany people will pick up a book just because they find the cover art interesting, and it's no different on Wattpad! A great cover should stand out with bold colors and compelling images. Pick imagery that represents an important part of your story (without spoiling it of course).\\nIf you have friends that are good artists, you can ask them to design a cover for your story. Make sure to give them credit on your profile.\\nYou can find high-resolution stock photos on websites like Pexels and Shutterstock. Most of these websites aren't free to use, but you may find the fees worth it.\\nDon't neglect the font when designing your cover. The font color and size should make the title stand out, and the font style needs to match the tone of the book. For example, if you're writing a humorous story or one aimed at younger audiences, you might be able to opt for a quirky font; for a more serious book, however, choose a more sophisticated font.\\n2-4. Create attention-grabbing story titles.\\nYour titles need to be short and catchy. Think of something that outlines the main idea of the piece and is easy to remember. Spend some time brainstorming some ideas before making a decision.\\nUse action words and strong verbs in your titles to get attention, like \\\"Things Fall Apart\\\" or \\\"Breaking Through Barriers.\\\"\\nTry something mysterious to interest readers, like \\\"Caves of Crystal and Blood\\\" or \\\"The Light in the Ruins.\\\"\\nConsider a punchy, one-word title, like \\\"Torrential\\\" or \\\"Wanderlust.\\\"\\n2-5. Write an interesting short paragraph describing your book.\\nThink of the one thing that makes your book special and write a short paragraph about it. Focus on the main character’s conflict and the challenges they face in your story. You can hook readers in with a compelling description!\\n3. Finding and Growing Your Audience\\n3-1. Pick the right tags and categories to find your audience.\\nTags and categories make your story easily searchable on Wattpad. Use keywords that accurately describe what your stories are about. Mention genre, subject matter, main themes, and any other relevant tags and categories that will get your work to the right audience.\\nFor instance, if you write war fiction, use tags like \\\"history,\\\" “WWII,” and “war.\\\"\\n3-2. Rate your story appropriately for its content.\\nIf you write for mature audiences, use tags and categories to make that clear. Depending on the nature of the content, you could use tags like \\\"strong language,\\\" \\\"mature readers,\\\" \\\"adult fiction,\\\" and \\\"sexual content.\\\" If you're writing for young people specifically, use tags like \\\"YA,\\\" \\\"teen fiction,\\\" and \\\"young adult fantasy\\\" to reach the right audience.\\n3-3. Serialize your stories to publish more frequently.\\nTo build your reader base, you need to publish regularly and consistently. Break up your story into smaller chunks, such as chapters or acts. Choose a schedule to upload your story, such as once a month or once a week.\\nMake sure you don’t miss an upload date, as this will hurt your number of readers. Life happens, and if you do miss a promised update on rare occasions, it probably won't mean the end of your Wattpad popularity. However, you should avoid doing this routinely as it can cause your readers to lose trust in you.\\nTry to make sure your updates seem worth the wait each time, and especially when you have to take a longer break than usual.\\nIf you write your story before you start uploading it, you won’t have to worry about struggling to keep up.\\n3-4. Interact with your readers.\\nWattpad is a lot like a social media network. People can leave comments on your stories, and you can reply to them. After you post your story, take some time to answer any comments that you get. It makes you more approachable, and it’s more likely your readers will recommend your story to others.\\nSome readers might post criticism of your story, constructive or not. Accept any feedback you get graciously unless it’s insulting.\\nThank your readers for any polite comments they share, regardless of whether those comments are praise, constructive criticism, or a combination of both.\\nYou can delete insulting or hateful comments posted on your story.\\n3-5. Ask Wattpad’s staff to feature your book.\\nWattpad has a special category called “Featured Stories.\\\" If your story is featured, it will gain much more exposure. You will get more attention as an author, and your other stories will reach a wider audience, as well.\\nYou can contact Wattpad staff through their help center. Be humble and respectful; Wattpad’s staff probably receives a lot of requests.\\n3-6. Include links to your Wattpad on social media profiles.\\nYou can do this using your personal profiles, or create separate, professional profiles to market your writing. Invite readers to like and follow your social media pages, and engage with them on those platforms, as well.\\n3-7. Enter a Wattpad writing contest to gain more attention.\\nWattpad always has several writing contests happening at the same time. Sometimes they’re tied to a movie that’s about to come out or a specific brand. Winning these contests will bring you even more exposure, and sometimes you can even win prizes.\\nCheck out Wattpad's current contests by visiting\\nThe Wattys happen yearly, offering multiple awards for plot development, one-of-a-kind, and breakthrough stories. They’re the biggest awards on Wattpad.\\nTips\\nTry to avoid cliché stories and plot points. This might be easier said than done, but after spending some time reading other stories on Wattpad and getting a feel for what's already been overdone, it'll gradually get easier to avoid common clichés and come up with something unique.\\nBe patient. Achieving fame on Wattpad takes time and dedication, but as long as you remain committed to quality content and positive interactions, the goal is still achievable.\\nWarnings\\nDon’t advertise your stories on other people’s profiles. It’s against the Wattpad terms of service.\\nDon't respond to hate. It can discourage you and make you lose confidence. Also, know the difference between hate and critique because some people are just pointing out mistakes and you may take it as hate while they're just trying to help.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Wattpad is a platform that allows people to read and publish their stories for free. While many Wattpad authors write and publish their stories just for fun, some have become famous and even published books! To publish your work on Wattpad and stand out from the crowd, start by writing great stories. Publish your work frequently, use the tags and categories correctly, and engage with users on the site to gain attention for your work.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Writing a Great Story\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose a genre for your story.\", \"描述\": \"The genre you choose to write in will affect the kind of characters and plot you'll create. Pick a genre that you’re comfortable writing in and passionate about. For instance, if you're interested in the strange and unusual, you might want to focus on horror or science fiction.\\nRomance and fan fiction are two very popular genres on Wattpad. Focus on one of these for the widest audience.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Write profiles for your characters.\", \"描述\": \"Doing character profiles can help you create strong, vivid characters. Start by profiling your main character. What do they look like? What’s their personality? What are their dreams, goals, and fears? What significant events happened in their past?\\nOnce you've profiled your main character, move on to the supporting characters.\\nYour story doesn’t need to include all the details you put in the profiles. However, the more you know about your characters, the easier it will be to write them.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Figure out your basic plot.\", \"描述\": \"Some authors like to have their plot completely figured out before they start writing. Others start with the basics and fill in the rest as they write. Many fall somewhere in the middle. All are valid approaches! Start with a simple plot outline and go from there.\\nA great way to start thinking about the plot is to think about questions you want your story to answer. For example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy answers questions like, \\\"What happens when the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a hobbit?” and \\\"What happens when friends embark on an exciting and dangerous adventure together?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Write the first draft.\", \"描述\": \"The goal of your first draft is to get the foundation of your story on paper (physical or digital). You’re not necessarily trying to write a perfect story at this point. Focus on getting your characters on the page and writing out the events you want to happen.\\nDon’t focus too much on grammar and spelling at this stage. Correct basic stuff as you go, but you'll do intensive editing later.\\nWattpad stories can be different lengths, from novelettes (about 7500 words) to full-length novels (over 40,000 words). Write as much as you need to tell your story without padding it.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Review and edit your story.\", \"描述\": \"After you’ve written your first draft, go through your story, and read it carefully. Correct grammar and spelling mistakes. Look out for parts of the story that don’t make sense and revise them. Add character detail, context, and subplots, as needed.\\nAsk friends and family to read your story, too. They can give you important feedback as you make your revisions.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Complete your final draft.\", \"描述\": \"Improvise your edits and continue to hone your story until it feels complete to you. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. All of the chapters are important, but make sure you begin with engaging chapters to really hook your readers. Polish any outstanding grammar and spelling errors. Focus on making the final product as professional as possible.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Standing out on Wattpad\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Upload an interesting profile image.\", \"描述\": \"Try to use an image that captures your writing style. For example, if you write horror fiction, go for something dark and sinister. If you write romance, aim for something dreamy or whimsical. Use a high-quality image with decent resolution, so that it looks crisp and professional.\\nThe image doesn't have to be of yourself. It can be any cool picture you've taken!\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Write an intriguing profile description.\", \"描述\": \"Think of your profile description almost like a cover letter. Write something brief but engaging that draws readers in. Don't forget to include a few interesting facts about yourself, as well!\\nYou could write something like, \\\"I'm a part-time writer, a full-time dreamer who explores reveries, hallucinations, nightmares, and visions. During the day, I moonlight as a psychology student at Berkeley.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Upload engaging, high-resolution covers for your stories.\", \"描述\": \"Many people will pick up a book just because they find the cover art interesting, and it's no different on Wattpad! A great cover should stand out with bold colors and compelling images. Pick imagery that represents an important part of your story (without spoiling it of course).\\nIf you have friends that are good artists, you can ask them to design a cover for your story. Make sure to give them credit on your profile.\\nYou can find high-resolution stock photos on websites like Pexels and Shutterstock. Most of these websites aren't free to use, but you may find the fees worth it.\\nDon't neglect the font when designing your cover. The font color and size should make the title stand out, and the font style needs to match the tone of the book. For example, if you're writing a humorous story or one aimed at younger audiences, you might be able to opt for a quirky font; for a more serious book, however, choose a more sophisticated font.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Create attention-grabbing story titles.\", \"描述\": \"Your titles need to be short and catchy. Think of something that outlines the main idea of the piece and is easy to remember. Spend some time brainstorming some ideas before making a decision.\\nUse action words and strong verbs in your titles to get attention, like \\\"Things Fall Apart\\\" or \\\"Breaking Through Barriers.\\\"\\nTry something mysterious to interest readers, like \\\"Caves of Crystal and Blood\\\" or \\\"The Light in the Ruins.\\\"\\nConsider a punchy, one-word title, like \\\"Torrential\\\" or \\\"Wanderlust.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Write an interesting short paragraph describing your book.\", \"描述\": \"Think of the one thing that makes your book special and write a short paragraph about it. Focus on the main character’s conflict and the challenges they face in your story. You can hook readers in with a compelling description!\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Finding and Growing Your Audience\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Pick the right tags and categories to find your audience.\", \"描述\": \"Tags and categories make your story easily searchable on Wattpad. Use keywords that accurately describe what your stories are about. Mention genre, subject matter, main themes, and any other relevant tags and categories that will get your work to the right audience.\\nFor instance, if you write war fiction, use tags like \\\"history,\\\" “WWII,” and “war.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Rate your story appropriately for its content.\", \"描述\": \"If you write for mature audiences, use tags and categories to make that clear. Depending on the nature of the content, you could use tags like \\\"strong language,\\\" \\\"mature readers,\\\" \\\"adult fiction,\\\" and \\\"sexual content.\\\" If you're writing for young people specifically, use tags like \\\"YA,\\\" \\\"teen fiction,\\\" and \\\"young adult fantasy\\\" to reach the right audience.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Serialize your stories to publish more frequently.\", \"描述\": \"To build your reader base, you need to publish regularly and consistently. Break up your story into smaller chunks, such as chapters or acts. Choose a schedule to upload your story, such as once a month or once a week.\\nMake sure you don’t miss an upload date, as this will hurt your number of readers. Life happens, and if you do miss a promised update on rare occasions, it probably won't mean the end of your Wattpad popularity. However, you should avoid doing this routinely as it can cause your readers to lose trust in you.\\nTry to make sure your updates seem worth the wait each time, and especially when you have to take a longer break than usual.\\nIf you write your story before you start uploading it, you won’t have to worry about struggling to keep up.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Interact with your readers.\", \"描述\": \"Wattpad is a lot like a social media network. People can leave comments on your stories, and you can reply to them. After you post your story, take some time to answer any comments that you get. It makes you more approachable, and it’s more likely your readers will recommend your story to others.\\nSome readers might post criticism of your story, constructive or not. Accept any feedback you get graciously unless it’s insulting.\\nThank your readers for any polite comments they share, regardless of whether those comments are praise, constructive criticism, or a combination of both.\\nYou can delete insulting or hateful comments posted on your story.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Ask Wattpad’s staff to feature your book.\", \"描述\": \"Wattpad has a special category called “Featured Stories.\\\" If your story is featured, it will gain much more exposure. You will get more attention as an author, and your other stories will reach a wider audience, as well.\\nYou can contact Wattpad staff through their help center. Be humble and respectful; Wattpad’s staff probably receives a lot of requests.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Include links to your Wattpad on social media profiles.\", \"描述\": \"You can do this using your personal profiles, or create separate, professional profiles to market your writing. Invite readers to like and follow your social media pages, and engage with them on those platforms, as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Enter a Wattpad writing contest to gain more attention.\", \"描述\": \"Wattpad always has several writing contests happening at the same time. Sometimes they’re tied to a movie that’s about to come out or a specific brand. Winning these contests will bring you even more exposure, and sometimes you can even win prizes.\\nCheck out Wattpad's current contests by visiting\\nThe Wattys happen yearly, offering multiple awards for plot development, one-of-a-kind, and breakthrough stories. They’re the biggest awards on Wattpad.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Try to avoid cliché stories and plot points. This might be easier said than done, but after spending some time reading other stories on Wattpad and getting a feel for what's already been overdone, it'll gradually get easier to avoid common clichés and come up with something unique.\\n\", \"Be patient. Achieving fame on Wattpad takes time and dedication, but as long as you remain committed to quality content and positive interactions, the goal is still achievable.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don’t advertise your stories on other people’s profiles. It’s against the Wattpad terms of service.\\n\", \"Don't respond to hate. It can discourage you and make you lose confidence. Also, know the difference between hate and critique because some people are just pointing out mistakes and you may take it as hate while they're just trying to help.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Full Screen Aspect Ratio Using Widescreen Hack
1. Steps 1-1. Download a Wii ISO from a specific site or from a torrent file. 1-2. Retrieve the emulator from the Dolphin Emulator website 1-3. Download the DirectX program that is designed for games like these for emulation. 1-4. Open up the emulator program, click on the Graphics menu, and change the aspect ratio from auto to "Force 4:3". 1-5. Click on the enhancements tab and check the box "Widescreen hack". Please leave the actual game aspect ratio on config options window on "16:9" for full-screen to display more top and bottom when playing in 4:3. 1-6. Launch the game with these kind of settings for the in-game display. The result should look like these examples: Notice the top and bottom are seen as the aspect ratio is full-screen with certain and noticeable parts that aren't seen on the game before. Tips If you have a 4:3 monitor, use full-screen mode using the 4:3 resolutions in your settings on your emulator as you execute the game in it. Warnings Some games may cause graphical glitches such as HUD stretch or geometric objects disappearing from the scene used on the top and bottom as you move some place in the video game.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Download a Wii ISO from a specific site or from a torrent file.\\n\\n1-2. Retrieve the emulator from the Dolphin Emulator website\\n\\n\\n1-3. Download the DirectX program that is designed for games like these for emulation.\\n\\n1-4. Open up the emulator program, click on the Graphics menu, and change the aspect ratio from auto to \\\"Force 4:3\\\".\\n\\n1-5. Click on the enhancements tab and check the box \\\"Widescreen hack\\\".\\nPlease leave the actual game aspect ratio on config options window on \\\"16:9\\\" for full-screen to display more top and bottom when playing in 4:3.\\n1-6. Launch the game with these kind of settings for the in-game display.\\nThe result should look like these examples:\\nNotice the top and bottom are seen as the aspect ratio is full-screen with certain and noticeable parts that aren't seen on the game before.\\nTips\\nIf you have a 4:3 monitor, use full-screen mode using the 4:3 resolutions in your settings on your emulator as you execute the game in it.\\nWarnings\\nSome games may cause graphical glitches such as HUD stretch or geometric objects disappearing from the scene used on the top and bottom as you move some place in the video game.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"The Wii console usually uses vert+ when changing aspect ratio to 4:3 and Hor+ for other widescreen resolutions above 16:9, but uses Hor+ instead for full-screen if set on standard. This can be done with Dolphin Emulator to achieve 4:3 with more vertical than the one used on the console like movies, video games and studio logos use such as the New Line Home Entertainment 1994-2010 logos.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Download a Wii ISO from a specific site or from a torrent file.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Retrieve the emulator from the Dolphin Emulator website\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Download the DirectX program that is designed for games like these for emulation.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Open up the emulator program, click on the Graphics menu, and change the aspect ratio from auto to \\\"Force 4:3\\\".\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Click on the enhancements tab and check the box \\\"Widescreen hack\\\".\", \"描述\": \"Please leave the actual game aspect ratio on config options window on \\\"16:9\\\" for full-screen to display more top and bottom when playing in 4:3.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Launch the game with these kind of settings for the in-game display.\", \"描述\": \"The result should look like these examples:\\nNotice the top and bottom are seen as the aspect ratio is full-screen with certain and noticeable parts that aren't seen on the game before.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If you have a 4:3 monitor, use full-screen mode using the 4:3 resolutions in your settings on your emulator as you execute the game in it.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Some games may cause graphical glitches such as HUD stretch or geometric objects disappearing from the scene used on the top and bottom as you move some place in the video game.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Goals As a Nursing Student
1. Setting Goals as a Nursing Student 1-1. Identify your individual and professional goals as a nursing student. One important personal goal you should aim for is staying healthy and well since nursing programs can be stressful. Professional goals could include achieving certain competencies, taking particular courses you’re interested in, completing an internship in a specific field, making plans for graduate school, or aiming for a particular grade point average. Try making a list of all of your goals. 1-2. Identify the learning outcomes of your nursing program. Each nursing program sets learning outcomes that students must achieve. These goals differ from school to school, but all of them include passing your national nursing boards. They usually include passing exams, developing qualitative and quantitative skills, completing internships, and participating in professional development activities. 1-3. Set your goals. Make a list of both your individual goals as a nursing student as well as the learning outcomes your institution requires its students to achieve. Use this list as a framework for developing a pathway for achieving each goal. Common goals for nursing students include: Staying healthy and well Taking care of your emotional health Learning nursing curriculum Meeting and connecting with faculty members Achieving particular test scores and competencies Practicing patient-centered and person-focused care Finding your professional interest Learning and practicing safe therapeutic interventions Building your nursing resume with experience, internships, clinicals, volunteering, and research projects Staying organized and efficient Practicing self-care 2. Succeeding in Nursing School 2-1. Prioritize your education. It is important that nursing school is a top priority in your life. Nursing programs are intensive and you will need to prioritize class and study time over non-essential activities. Try making a list of priorities like school, family, friends, exercise, etc. If nursing school isn’t within the top few priorities on your list, you may need to do some rearranging in order to achieve your goals as a nursing student. 2-2. Complete your general education courses. For many nursing programs, you will be required to complete general education courses like English before entering the program. At other schools, you will complete these courses while you are a student in the program. Prioritize these courses as they will help you learn how to communicate effectively, understand diverse human behaviors and experiences, and think critically. You must earn good grades in your general education classes to be competitive for nursing programs. 2-3. Master foundational science and nursing courses. As a nursing student, you will take courses that are foundational to the field of nursing. Courses in anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, health assessment and promotion, and informatics are part of most nursing programs. Mastering this curriculum is crucial to your success as a nurse. Try studying in one-hour blocks. Study for the first 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break before beginning the next study block. Find a study buddy or study group. Your fellow students likely come from a wide variety of backgrounds and can be a great source of support. Focus really hard on learning the concepts and earning the best grades possible. 2-4. Learn about patient-centered and person-focused care. Patient-centered revolves around the patient and centers on the assessment and treatment of the patient’s problems and disease processes. Person-focused care is based on the accumulated knowledge of the patient, helping nurses and doctors assess the patient’s medical needs over time and within the context of other needs the patient might have. Many nursing schools have simulation laboratories to mimic a hospital or clinic environment. They’re a great opportunity to practice your hands-on skills before going into rotations. 2-5. Take advantage of professional development opportunities. You should begin building your nursing resume with clinicals, internships, and professional experience as soon as possible. These experiences will help you land a job once you finish school, and help you further develop your understanding of nursing and healthcare. For example, if you want to work as an emergency room RN and the local hospital announces an internship, apply for it! If you set a goal of learning how to effectively communicate with diverse patient populations, attend a local conference on the subject. Learn about how patient care differs between working in a hospital, clinic, school, or community center so you can find which area you fit in best. 2-6. Pass nurse licensure and certification examinations. Once you have passed all the clinical and curriculum requirements for your program and graduated with your nursing degree, you will need to begin studying for upcoming board exams. Nurses are required to pass licensure exams, which vary depending on your nursing education level. These exams include the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. Talk to your nursing professors about how you can utilize the nursing curriculum from your program to study for licensure and certification exams. Your nursing curriculum will prepare you for questions on the NCLEX. As long as you do well in your regular curriculum, you should easily pass the NCLEX. Consider taking an NCLEX preparation course to help you achieve the passing standard for the exam. 3. Maintaining Balance while Achieving Your Goals 3-1. Make your health a priority. It’s important to make sure that you are getting enough exercise, eating properly, and tending to any preexisting medical conditions while you are in nursing school. Maintaining your health will help you boost your performance in school and avoid burnout, making it easier to get ahead. Set aside time on the weekend to prepare healthy snacks and/or meals for the upcoming week. Set aside time for a walk several times a week. Set up an appointment with a mental health professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can help you manage the stress and anxiety that often comes with being a nursing student. Take supplements to keep your immune system strong. Make sure you get all of your immunizations to help prevent community-spread illnesses. 3-2. Take time for self-care. Nursing school is tough and it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself while you’re overloaded with homework and life’s responsibilities. Set aside time each week for an activity that recharges you, a practice that helps you relax, or habits that help you maintain your health and energy levels. Soak in a long, hot bath after a long day at school. Make your Saturday morning yoga class a priority. Invest in supportive, comfortable shoes. As a nursing student, you will be on your feet for many hours at a time. 3-3. Stay connected. It’s important that you maintain connections with family and friends while studying to become a nurse. They will be an important source of support. Spending time with the important people in your life will help you stay focused and ultimately achieve your goals as a nursing student.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Setting Goals as a Nursing Student\\n1-1. Identify your individual and professional goals as a nursing student.\\nOne important personal goal you should aim for is staying healthy and well since nursing programs can be stressful. Professional goals could include achieving certain competencies, taking particular courses you’re interested in, completing an internship in a specific field, making plans for graduate school, or aiming for a particular grade point average. Try making a list of all of your goals.\\n1-2. Identify the learning outcomes of your nursing program.\\nEach nursing program sets learning outcomes that students must achieve. These goals differ from school to school, but all of them include passing your national nursing boards. They usually include passing exams, developing qualitative and quantitative skills, completing internships, and participating in professional development activities.\\n1-3. Set your goals.\\nMake a list of both your individual goals as a nursing student as well as the learning outcomes your institution requires its students to achieve. Use this list as a framework for developing a pathway for achieving each goal. Common goals for nursing students include:\\nStaying healthy and well\\nTaking care of your emotional health\\nLearning nursing curriculum\\nMeeting and connecting with faculty members\\nAchieving particular test scores and competencies\\nPracticing patient-centered and person-focused care\\nFinding your professional interest\\nLearning and practicing safe therapeutic interventions\\nBuilding your nursing resume with experience, internships, clinicals, volunteering, and research projects\\nStaying organized and efficient\\nPracticing self-care\\n2. Succeeding in Nursing School\\n2-1. Prioritize your education.\\nIt is important that nursing school is a top priority in your life. Nursing programs are intensive and you will need to prioritize class and study time over non-essential activities.\\nTry making a list of priorities like school, family, friends, exercise, etc. If nursing school isn’t within the top few priorities on your list, you may need to do some rearranging in order to achieve your goals as a nursing student.\\n2-2. Complete your general education courses.\\nFor many nursing programs, you will be required to complete general education courses like English before entering the program. At other schools, you will complete these courses while you are a student in the program. Prioritize these courses as they will help you learn how to communicate effectively, understand diverse human behaviors and experiences, and think critically. You must earn good grades in your general education classes to be competitive for nursing programs.\\n2-3. Master foundational science and nursing courses.\\nAs a nursing student, you will take courses that are foundational to the field of nursing. Courses in anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, health assessment and promotion, and informatics are part of most nursing programs. Mastering this curriculum is crucial to your success as a nurse.\\nTry studying in one-hour blocks. Study for the first 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break before beginning the next study block.\\nFind a study buddy or study group. Your fellow students likely come from a wide variety of backgrounds and can be a great source of support.\\nFocus really hard on learning the concepts and earning the best grades possible.\\n2-4. Learn about patient-centered and person-focused care.\\nPatient-centered revolves around the patient and centers on the assessment and treatment of the patient’s problems and disease processes. Person-focused care is based on the accumulated knowledge of the patient, helping nurses and doctors assess the patient’s medical needs over time and within the context of other needs the patient might have.\\nMany nursing schools have simulation laboratories to mimic a hospital or clinic environment. They’re a great opportunity to practice your hands-on skills before going into rotations.\\n2-5. Take advantage of professional development opportunities.\\nYou should begin building your nursing resume with clinicals, internships, and professional experience as soon as possible. These experiences will help you land a job once you finish school, and help you further develop your understanding of nursing and healthcare.\\nFor example, if you want to work as an emergency room RN and the local hospital announces an internship, apply for it!\\nIf you set a goal of learning how to effectively communicate with diverse patient populations, attend a local conference on the subject.\\nLearn about how patient care differs between working in a hospital, clinic, school, or community center so you can find which area you fit in best.\\n2-6. Pass nurse licensure and certification examinations.\\nOnce you have passed all the clinical and curriculum requirements for your program and graduated with your nursing degree, you will need to begin studying for upcoming board exams. Nurses are required to pass licensure exams, which vary depending on your nursing education level. These exams include the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN.\\nTalk to your nursing professors about how you can utilize the nursing curriculum from your program to study for licensure and certification exams.\\nYour nursing curriculum will prepare you for questions on the NCLEX. As long as you do well in your regular curriculum, you should easily pass the NCLEX.\\nConsider taking an NCLEX preparation course to help you achieve the passing standard for the exam.\\n3. Maintaining Balance while Achieving Your Goals\\n3-1. Make your health a priority.\\nIt’s important to make sure that you are getting enough exercise, eating properly, and tending to any preexisting medical conditions while you are in nursing school. Maintaining your health will help you boost your performance in school and avoid burnout, making it easier to get ahead.\\nSet aside time on the weekend to prepare healthy snacks and/or meals for the upcoming week.\\nSet aside time for a walk several times a week.\\nSet up an appointment with a mental health professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can help you manage the stress and anxiety that often comes with being a nursing student.\\nTake supplements to keep your immune system strong.\\nMake sure you get all of your immunizations to help prevent community-spread illnesses.\\n3-2. Take time for self-care.\\nNursing school is tough and it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself while you’re overloaded with homework and life’s responsibilities. Set aside time each week for an activity that recharges you, a practice that helps you relax, or habits that help you maintain your health and energy levels.\\nSoak in a long, hot bath after a long day at school.\\nMake your Saturday morning yoga class a priority.\\nInvest in supportive, comfortable shoes. As a nursing student, you will be on your feet for many hours at a time.\\n3-3. Stay connected.\\nIt’s important that you maintain connections with family and friends while studying to become a nurse. They will be an important source of support. Spending time with the important people in your life will help you stay focused and ultimately achieve your goals as a nursing student.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Achieving goals as a nursing student is possible with planning, dedication, and lots of hard work. Aligning your goals with those of your program, prioritizing your education, and taking advantage of professional development opportunities can help you achieve your goals as a nursing student.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Setting Goals as a Nursing Student\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Identify your individual and professional goals as a nursing student.\", \"描述\": \"One important personal goal you should aim for is staying healthy and well since nursing programs can be stressful. Professional goals could include achieving certain competencies, taking particular courses you’re interested in, completing an internship in a specific field, making plans for graduate school, or aiming for a particular grade point average. Try making a list of all of your goals.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Identify the learning outcomes of your nursing program.\", \"描述\": \"Each nursing program sets learning outcomes that students must achieve. These goals differ from school to school, but all of them include passing your national nursing boards. They usually include passing exams, developing qualitative and quantitative skills, completing internships, and participating in professional development activities.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Set your goals.\", \"描述\": \"Make a list of both your individual goals as a nursing student as well as the learning outcomes your institution requires its students to achieve. Use this list as a framework for developing a pathway for achieving each goal. Common goals for nursing students include:\\nStaying healthy and well\\nTaking care of your emotional health\\nLearning nursing curriculum\\nMeeting and connecting with faculty members\\nAchieving particular test scores and competencies\\nPracticing patient-centered and person-focused care\\nFinding your professional interest\\nLearning and practicing safe therapeutic interventions\\nBuilding your nursing resume with experience, internships, clinicals, volunteering, and research projects\\nStaying organized and efficient\\nPracticing self-care\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Succeeding in Nursing School\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Prioritize your education.\", \"描述\": \"It is important that nursing school is a top priority in your life. Nursing programs are intensive and you will need to prioritize class and study time over non-essential activities.\\nTry making a list of priorities like school, family, friends, exercise, etc. If nursing school isn’t within the top few priorities on your list, you may need to do some rearranging in order to achieve your goals as a nursing student.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Complete your general education courses.\", \"描述\": \"For many nursing programs, you will be required to complete general education courses like English before entering the program. At other schools, you will complete these courses while you are a student in the program. Prioritize these courses as they will help you learn how to communicate effectively, understand diverse human behaviors and experiences, and think critically. You must earn good grades in your general education classes to be competitive for nursing programs.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Master foundational science and nursing courses.\", \"描述\": \"As a nursing student, you will take courses that are foundational to the field of nursing. Courses in anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, health assessment and promotion, and informatics are part of most nursing programs. Mastering this curriculum is crucial to your success as a nurse.\\nTry studying in one-hour blocks. Study for the first 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break before beginning the next study block.\\nFind a study buddy or study group. Your fellow students likely come from a wide variety of backgrounds and can be a great source of support.\\nFocus really hard on learning the concepts and earning the best grades possible.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Learn about patient-centered and person-focused care.\", \"描述\": \"Patient-centered revolves around the patient and centers on the assessment and treatment of the patient’s problems and disease processes. Person-focused care is based on the accumulated knowledge of the patient, helping nurses and doctors assess the patient’s medical needs over time and within the context of other needs the patient might have.\\nMany nursing schools have simulation laboratories to mimic a hospital or clinic environment. They’re a great opportunity to practice your hands-on skills before going into rotations.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Take advantage of professional development opportunities.\", \"描述\": \"You should begin building your nursing resume with clinicals, internships, and professional experience as soon as possible. These experiences will help you land a job once you finish school, and help you further develop your understanding of nursing and healthcare.\\nFor example, if you want to work as an emergency room RN and the local hospital announces an internship, apply for it!\\nIf you set a goal of learning how to effectively communicate with diverse patient populations, attend a local conference on the subject.\\nLearn about how patient care differs between working in a hospital, clinic, school, or community center so you can find which area you fit in best.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Pass nurse licensure and certification examinations.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have passed all the clinical and curriculum requirements for your program and graduated with your nursing degree, you will need to begin studying for upcoming board exams. Nurses are required to pass licensure exams, which vary depending on your nursing education level. These exams include the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN.\\nTalk to your nursing professors about how you can utilize the nursing curriculum from your program to study for licensure and certification exams.\\nYour nursing curriculum will prepare you for questions on the NCLEX. As long as you do well in your regular curriculum, you should easily pass the NCLEX.\\nConsider taking an NCLEX preparation course to help you achieve the passing standard for the exam.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Maintaining Balance while Achieving Your Goals\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make your health a priority.\", \"描述\": \"It’s important to make sure that you are getting enough exercise, eating properly, and tending to any preexisting medical conditions while you are in nursing school. Maintaining your health will help you boost your performance in school and avoid burnout, making it easier to get ahead.\\nSet aside time on the weekend to prepare healthy snacks and/or meals for the upcoming week.\\nSet aside time for a walk several times a week.\\nSet up an appointment with a mental health professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can help you manage the stress and anxiety that often comes with being a nursing student.\\nTake supplements to keep your immune system strong.\\nMake sure you get all of your immunizations to help prevent community-spread illnesses.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Take time for self-care.\", \"描述\": \"Nursing school is tough and it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself while you’re overloaded with homework and life’s responsibilities. Set aside time each week for an activity that recharges you, a practice that helps you relax, or habits that help you maintain your health and energy levels.\\nSoak in a long, hot bath after a long day at school.\\nMake your Saturday morning yoga class a priority.\\nInvest in supportive, comfortable shoes. As a nursing student, you will be on your feet for many hours at a time.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay connected.\", \"描述\": \"It’s important that you maintain connections with family and friends while studying to become a nurse. They will be an important source of support. Spending time with the important people in your life will help you stay focused and ultimately achieve your goals as a nursing student.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Gorgeous Looking Hair With Healthy Eating
1. Getting Healthy Protein 1-1. Go for a high-protein diet. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet can help your hair grow strong and beautiful. Hair is made of protein, so a high-protein diet is essential for your hair's health. Opt to include a serving of protein in every meal. Things like poultry, beef, eggs, nuts, and legumes all contain protein. Go for protein-based snacks. Have a piece of low-fat cheese in the afternoon. Go for a hard boiled egg or a handful of nuts when you feel hungry. 1-2. Eat eggs. Eggs contain biotin, which is a water-soluble B vitamin. Too little biotin can cause hair loss, as well as brittle hair. Try eating a couple of eggs every day. Make sure to eat the yolks, as egg yolk is what contains biotin. Other sources of biotin include liver, soy flour, and yeast. 1-3. Try seafood. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help hair stay hydrated. Oysters contain zinc, which can prevent hair from becoming dry and flaky. In general, oily fish are better. Go for salmon, herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel. In addition to fish, omega-3 fatty acids are found in avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. 1-4. Eat plenty of vegetarian sources of protein. Non-meat options contain a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary to keep hair strong. Opt for nuts, legumes, and soy products for healthy hair. Nuts are particularly good for hair. They contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, all of which are great for your hair's health. Try snacking on nuts between meals. Be careful not to overindulge on nuts, however. They tend to have a lot of calories. 2. Eating the Right Nutrients 2-1. Get plenty of iron. Iron is vital for healthy hair growth. Brittle hair could be caused by an iron deficiency. If you want healthy hair, make sure to include a lot of iron in your diet. Dark green vegetables tend to contain a lot of iron, so add a lot of greens to your diet. Put some spinach on your sandwich at lunch, or order a small side salad. When you go out to eat, see if you can order something like grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts for an appetizer instead of french fries or potatoes. Red meat is another very good source of iron. Look for lean cuts of red meat to avoid unhealthy fats. Whole grains also contain a lot of iron, so always opt for whole grains when possible. Go for whole wheat bread and pasta over white varieties. Have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast in the morning. You can also take iron supplements, but you should talk to your doctor first to make sure supplements are safe for you. 2-2. Ask your doctor about vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D is related to the health of your hair. Unfortunately, few foods contain vitamin D naturally. You can get juice and milk fortified with vitamin D for your hair's health, but you can also ask your doctor about supplements. Your body synthesizes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, so a vitamin D deficiency may be more common in the winter. You should always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements. You never know how supplements will interact with existing medication. If you're unable to take supplements, try spending more time in the sun each day; however, be careful to wear sunscreen with UV protection. Too much exposure to UV rays can be dangerous to your health. 2-3. Increase your vitamin C intake. Vitamin C helps with circulation. This can encourage hair growth. If you want strong, healthy hair, work on increasing the amount of vitamin C in your diet. Citrus fruits are all rich in vitamin C. Go for oranges, lemons, limes, clementines, and other citrus fruits. Many vegetables contain vitamin C. Cucumbers, tomato, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and red peppers are all sources of vitamin C. 2-4. Stock up on vitamin A. Vitamin A is also essential to healthy, beautiful hair. There are many foods you can eat that naturally contain vitamin A. Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamin A. Green and yellow vegetables tend to contain the most vitamin A, so go for things like green and yellow peppers, bananas, leafy greens, and other green and yellow plants. Sweet potatoes, broccoli, and apricots are also great sources of vitamin A. 2-5. Drink plenty of water. Water is essential to strong and healthy hair. In addition to eating healthy foods, up your water intake. Drink only water with meals. If you have trouble drinking plain water, try drinking flavored seltzer water or putting fruits, vegetables or herbs (like lemon, cucumber, or mint) in your water to improve its taste. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Make a point of periodically taking a sip. Take every opportunity you can to drink water. Stop by a water fountain and take a drink every chance you get. 3. Limiting Bad Foods 3-1. Limit sugars. Refined sugar is bad for your overall health. Your body uses up vitamin B to metabolize sugar, which is important to your hair health. Make a point of limiting the amount of sugar in your diet. Make sure to read food labels. A lot of foods have a surprising amount added sugar. It's not uncommon for a seemingly healthy food, like granola or pasta sauce, to be loaded with sugar. If you need to indulge your sweet tooth, do so sparingly. Try going for a fun-sized candy bar instead of a full sized one. Have a diet soda at lunch instead of a regular soda. Eat fruit if you're craving something sweet. Fruit has natural sugars, and also contains vitamins and minerals that can help your hair stay strong and beautiful. 3-2. Stay away from junk food. Junk food is full of empty calories, high in salt, and can contain harmful preservatives. This can have a detrimental effect on the nutrients needed for hair growth. Do not buy junk food. If you have things like chips and candy in your house, you'll be tempted to overindulge. Bring healthy snacks to work if candy and junk food will be provided. This way, you'll fill up on quality snacks and won't be tempted by junk food. If you're having a craving, indulge it reasonably. For example, get a 100 calorie bag of chips so you don't end up overeating. 3-3. Limit your use of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. All these things can block your body's ability to absorb nutrients. This can have a negative effect on your hair. As smoking is bad for your overall health, try to quit if you're a smoker. Talk to your doctor about how to taper off nicotine. If you drink, limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Stick to one or two drinks at happy hour with co-workers. Try to avoid keeping alcohol at home, as you may be tempted to drink it. Stick to one or two cups of coffee in the morning, and avoid caffeinated beverages throughout the day. Soda, energy drinks, and some teas contain caffeine.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Getting Healthy Protein\\n1-1. Go for a high-protein diet.\\nIncreasing the amount of protein in your diet can help your hair grow strong and beautiful. Hair is made of protein, so a high-protein diet is essential for your hair's health.\\nOpt to include a serving of protein in every meal. Things like poultry, beef, eggs, nuts, and legumes all contain protein.\\nGo for protein-based snacks. Have a piece of low-fat cheese in the afternoon. Go for a hard boiled egg or a handful of nuts when you feel hungry.\\n1-2. Eat eggs.\\nEggs contain biotin, which is a water-soluble B vitamin. Too little biotin can cause hair loss, as well as brittle hair. Try eating a couple of eggs every day. Make sure to eat the yolks, as egg yolk is what contains biotin.\\nOther sources of biotin include liver, soy flour, and yeast.\\n1-3. Try seafood.\\nFish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help hair stay hydrated. Oysters contain zinc, which can prevent hair from becoming dry and flaky.\\nIn general, oily fish are better. Go for salmon, herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel.\\nIn addition to fish, omega-3 fatty acids are found in avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.\\n1-4. Eat plenty of vegetarian sources of protein.\\nNon-meat options contain a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary to keep hair strong. Opt for nuts, legumes, and soy products for healthy hair.\\nNuts are particularly good for hair. They contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, all of which are great for your hair's health. Try snacking on nuts between meals.\\nBe careful not to overindulge on nuts, however. They tend to have a lot of calories.\\n2. Eating the Right Nutrients\\n2-1. Get plenty of iron.\\nIron is vital for healthy hair growth. Brittle hair could be caused by an iron deficiency. If you want healthy hair, make sure to include a lot of iron in your diet.\\nDark green vegetables tend to contain a lot of iron, so add a lot of greens to your diet. Put some spinach on your sandwich at lunch, or order a small side salad. When you go out to eat, see if you can order something like grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts for an appetizer instead of french fries or potatoes.\\nRed meat is another very good source of iron. Look for lean cuts of red meat to avoid unhealthy fats.\\nWhole grains also contain a lot of iron, so always opt for whole grains when possible. Go for whole wheat bread and pasta over white varieties. Have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast in the morning.\\nYou can also take iron supplements, but you should talk to your doctor first to make sure supplements are safe for you.\\n2-2. Ask your doctor about vitamin D supplements.\\nVitamin D is related to the health of your hair. Unfortunately, few foods contain vitamin D naturally. You can get juice and milk fortified with vitamin D for your hair's health, but you can also ask your doctor about supplements. Your body synthesizes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, so a vitamin D deficiency may be more common in the winter.\\nYou should always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements. You never know how supplements will interact with existing medication.\\nIf you're unable to take supplements, try spending more time in the sun each day; however, be careful to wear sunscreen with UV protection. Too much exposure to UV rays can be dangerous to your health.\\n2-3. Increase your vitamin C intake.\\nVitamin C helps with circulation. This can encourage hair growth. If you want strong, healthy hair, work on increasing the amount of vitamin C in your diet.\\nCitrus fruits are all rich in vitamin C. Go for oranges, lemons, limes, clementines, and other citrus fruits.\\nMany vegetables contain vitamin C. Cucumbers, tomato, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and red peppers are all sources of vitamin C.\\n2-4. Stock up on vitamin A.\\nVitamin A is also essential to healthy, beautiful hair. There are many foods you can eat that naturally contain vitamin A.\\nFruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamin A. Green and yellow vegetables tend to contain the most vitamin A, so go for things like green and yellow peppers, bananas, leafy greens, and other green and yellow plants.\\nSweet potatoes, broccoli, and apricots are also great sources of vitamin A.\\n2-5. Drink plenty of water.\\nWater is essential to strong and healthy hair. In addition to eating healthy foods, up your water intake.\\nDrink only water with meals. If you have trouble drinking plain water, try drinking flavored seltzer water or putting fruits, vegetables or herbs (like lemon, cucumber, or mint) in your water to improve its taste.\\nKeep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Make a point of periodically taking a sip.\\nTake every opportunity you can to drink water. Stop by a water fountain and take a drink every chance you get.\\n3. Limiting Bad Foods\\n3-1. Limit sugars.\\nRefined sugar is bad for your overall health. Your body uses up vitamin B to metabolize sugar, which is important to your hair health. Make a point of limiting the amount of sugar in your diet.\\nMake sure to read food labels. A lot of foods have a surprising amount added sugar. It's not uncommon for a seemingly healthy food, like granola or pasta sauce, to be loaded with sugar.\\nIf you need to indulge your sweet tooth, do so sparingly. Try going for a fun-sized candy bar instead of a full sized one. Have a diet soda at lunch instead of a regular soda.\\nEat fruit if you're craving something sweet. Fruit has natural sugars, and also contains vitamins and minerals that can help your hair stay strong and beautiful.\\n3-2. Stay away from junk food.\\nJunk food is full of empty calories, high in salt, and can contain harmful preservatives. This can have a detrimental effect on the nutrients needed for hair growth.\\nDo not buy junk food. If you have things like chips and candy in your house, you'll be tempted to overindulge.\\nBring healthy snacks to work if candy and junk food will be provided. This way, you'll fill up on quality snacks and won't be tempted by junk food.\\nIf you're having a craving, indulge it reasonably. For example, get a 100 calorie bag of chips so you don't end up overeating.\\n3-3. Limit your use of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.\\nAll these things can block your body's ability to absorb nutrients. This can have a negative effect on your hair.\\nAs smoking is bad for your overall health, try to quit if you're a smoker. Talk to your doctor about how to taper off nicotine.\\nIf you drink, limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Stick to one or two drinks at happy hour with co-workers. Try to avoid keeping alcohol at home, as you may be tempted to drink it.\\nStick to one or two cups of coffee in the morning, and avoid caffeinated beverages throughout the day. Soda, energy drinks, and some teas contain caffeine.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Your diet can have an impact on your hair's appearance. If you're lacking certain vitamins and minerals, your hair will appear less healthy. Eating plenty of healthy protein and increasing the amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet can make your hair shine. You should also work on limiting things like sugar and junk food, which can harm your hair.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Getting Healthy Protein\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Go for a high-protein diet.\", \"描述\": \"Increasing the amount of protein in your diet can help your hair grow strong and beautiful. Hair is made of protein, so a high-protein diet is essential for your hair's health.\\nOpt to include a serving of protein in every meal. Things like poultry, beef, eggs, nuts, and legumes all contain protein.\\nGo for protein-based snacks. Have a piece of low-fat cheese in the afternoon. Go for a hard boiled egg or a handful of nuts when you feel hungry.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Eat eggs.\", \"描述\": \"Eggs contain biotin, which is a water-soluble B vitamin. Too little biotin can cause hair loss, as well as brittle hair. Try eating a couple of eggs every day. Make sure to eat the yolks, as egg yolk is what contains biotin.\\nOther sources of biotin include liver, soy flour, and yeast.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Try seafood.\", \"描述\": \"Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help hair stay hydrated. Oysters contain zinc, which can prevent hair from becoming dry and flaky.\\nIn general, oily fish are better. Go for salmon, herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel.\\nIn addition to fish, omega-3 fatty acids are found in avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Eat plenty of vegetarian sources of protein.\", \"描述\": \"Non-meat options contain a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary to keep hair strong. Opt for nuts, legumes, and soy products for healthy hair.\\nNuts are particularly good for hair. They contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, all of which are great for your hair's health. Try snacking on nuts between meals.\\nBe careful not to overindulge on nuts, however. They tend to have a lot of calories.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Eating the Right Nutrients\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Get plenty of iron.\", \"描述\": \"Iron is vital for healthy hair growth. Brittle hair could be caused by an iron deficiency. If you want healthy hair, make sure to include a lot of iron in your diet.\\nDark green vegetables tend to contain a lot of iron, so add a lot of greens to your diet. Put some spinach on your sandwich at lunch, or order a small side salad. When you go out to eat, see if you can order something like grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts for an appetizer instead of french fries or potatoes.\\nRed meat is another very good source of iron. Look for lean cuts of red meat to avoid unhealthy fats.\\nWhole grains also contain a lot of iron, so always opt for whole grains when possible. Go for whole wheat bread and pasta over white varieties. Have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast in the morning.\\nYou can also take iron supplements, but you should talk to your doctor first to make sure supplements are safe for you.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Ask your doctor about vitamin D supplements.\", \"描述\": \"Vitamin D is related to the health of your hair. Unfortunately, few foods contain vitamin D naturally. You can get juice and milk fortified with vitamin D for your hair's health, but you can also ask your doctor about supplements. Your body synthesizes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, so a vitamin D deficiency may be more common in the winter.\\nYou should always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements. You never know how supplements will interact with existing medication.\\nIf you're unable to take supplements, try spending more time in the sun each day; however, be careful to wear sunscreen with UV protection. Too much exposure to UV rays can be dangerous to your health.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Increase your vitamin C intake.\", \"描述\": \"Vitamin C helps with circulation. This can encourage hair growth. If you want strong, healthy hair, work on increasing the amount of vitamin C in your diet.\\nCitrus fruits are all rich in vitamin C. Go for oranges, lemons, limes, clementines, and other citrus fruits.\\nMany vegetables contain vitamin C. Cucumbers, tomato, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and red peppers are all sources of vitamin C.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Stock up on vitamin A.\", \"描述\": \"Vitamin A is also essential to healthy, beautiful hair. There are many foods you can eat that naturally contain vitamin A.\\nFruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamin A. Green and yellow vegetables tend to contain the most vitamin A, so go for things like green and yellow peppers, bananas, leafy greens, and other green and yellow plants.\\nSweet potatoes, broccoli, and apricots are also great sources of vitamin A.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Drink plenty of water.\", \"描述\": \"Water is essential to strong and healthy hair. In addition to eating healthy foods, up your water intake.\\nDrink only water with meals. If you have trouble drinking plain water, try drinking flavored seltzer water or putting fruits, vegetables or herbs (like lemon, cucumber, or mint) in your water to improve its taste.\\nKeep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Make a point of periodically taking a sip.\\nTake every opportunity you can to drink water. Stop by a water fountain and take a drink every chance you get.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Limiting Bad Foods\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Limit sugars.\", \"描述\": \"Refined sugar is bad for your overall health. Your body uses up vitamin B to metabolize sugar, which is important to your hair health. Make a point of limiting the amount of sugar in your diet.\\nMake sure to read food labels. A lot of foods have a surprising amount added sugar. It's not uncommon for a seemingly healthy food, like granola or pasta sauce, to be loaded with sugar.\\nIf you need to indulge your sweet tooth, do so sparingly. Try going for a fun-sized candy bar instead of a full sized one. Have a diet soda at lunch instead of a regular soda.\\nEat fruit if you're craving something sweet. Fruit has natural sugars, and also contains vitamins and minerals that can help your hair stay strong and beautiful.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Stay away from junk food.\", \"描述\": \"Junk food is full of empty calories, high in salt, and can contain harmful preservatives. This can have a detrimental effect on the nutrients needed for hair growth.\\nDo not buy junk food. If you have things like chips and candy in your house, you'll be tempted to overindulge.\\nBring healthy snacks to work if candy and junk food will be provided. This way, you'll fill up on quality snacks and won't be tempted by junk food.\\nIf you're having a craving, indulge it reasonably. For example, get a 100 calorie bag of chips so you don't end up overeating.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Limit your use of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.\", \"描述\": \"All these things can block your body's ability to absorb nutrients. This can have a negative effect on your hair.\\nAs smoking is bad for your overall health, try to quit if you're a smoker. Talk to your doctor about how to taper off nicotine.\\nIf you drink, limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Stick to one or two drinks at happy hour with co-workers. Try to avoid keeping alcohol at home, as you may be tempted to drink it.\\nStick to one or two cups of coffee in the morning, and avoid caffeinated beverages throughout the day. Soda, energy drinks, and some teas contain caffeine.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Greatness
1. Laying the Groundwork for Greatness 1-1. Decide on your greatness goal. “Being great” is such an undefinable thing that you have to choose something concrete to work with. Think about your strengths and your areas for improvement, and decide on a goal that makes sense for your personality. Research shows that you’re most likely to achieve a goal if it’s something you want and something you’re willing to work hard to achieve. You could decide that you want to be become a great author writing beautiful works of literature, or an investigative journalist exposing the darkest aspects of the human psyche. Or you could decide you want to help make change and get involved in politics or become an activist. Try writing down your dream goals first. Don’t worry yet about making them specific and achievable; that will come soon! As famous philosopher and writer Henry David Thoreau once said, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” In a commencement speech at Stanford University, inventor and entrepreneur Steve Jobs said that he asked himself the following question every morning: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” If the answer was "No," he changed things. This could be a good question to ask yourself, too. 1-2. Frame the problem properly. Now that you have your list of the great things you want to accomplish, you need to frame the problem of achieving them so that you don't get overwhelmed. It's easy to feel like you can't achieve your goals, especially when you're just starting out. Frame your goals so that your goal is something you’re working toward, rather than something you’re trying to move away from. You’re more likely to achieve your goals when they’re positive! Viktor Frankl, who survived a Nazi concentration camp, said that his survival came through the freedom “to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Because he refused to allow the Nazis to take away his freedom of choice, Frankl was able to reframe a seemingly impossible situation into one where he had control over himself -- something that he believed allowed him to survive. Stephen Hawking, the eminent theoretical physicist and cosmologist, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a type of motor neuron disease, just after he turned 21. He was given little more than two years to live. Instead of giving in to the problem, Hawking says that two things inspired him to work even harder: realizing that others were going through even worse things, and recognizing that he might only have a limited time to achieve his goals. 1-3. Make your goal specific. Once you’ve framed your goals in a positive way, make sure you can achieve them. The best way to do this is to make your goals as specific as possible. Setting a specific goal makes you more likely to not only achieve what you want, but to achieve more happiness in general! For example: Imagine that one of the goals you have written down is “be Batman.” Instead of saying to yourself, “Batman isn't a real person, therefore I can't be him,” ask yourself what can you do to be like Batman. Determine what, specifically, about Batman you’d like to emulate, and set your goals to follow through on those values. Some options: Dress up as Batman and work in a children's cancer ward. Help people who are poverty-stricken by donating money and/or time to a local soup kitchen. Become a police officer (you get to wear a costume and, hopefully, you get to help keep the streets free of crime). 1-4. Use positive thinking. Visualization techniques can help you achieve greatness. Studies have shown that visualization can effective in improving athletic and academic performance. Many athletes (such as Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods) have used visualization to help them win boxing matches, races, even golf tournaments. There are two basic types of visualization, outcome visualization and process visualization, and you should use them together for best results: Outcome visualization is the process of imagining yourself achieving your desired goal. This visualization should be as detailed as possible and should use all of your senses: imagine who is there with you as you achieve your goal, what it smells and sounds like, what you’re wearing, where you are. You could even draw a picture or create a detailed “vision board” to help you create this mental visualization. Process visualization involves imagining all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Think about each action you will take leading up to accomplishing your goal of greatness. For example, if your goal is “be Batman (for a children’s hospital),” you could think about what you need to do at each step: find a costume, contact hospitals in the area, practice your Batman voice, etc. 1-5. Use positive action. While positive visualization is very effective, it must be coupled with positive action. You have to actively work towards the goals you have set, rather than simply enjoy the thought of achieving them. This is where process visualization pays off: once you have envisioned each step you need to take to achieve a goal, it will be easier to actually take those steps. If you're looking to be a writer, for instance, write every single day, even if only for a paragraph. Join a local writers’ group, take some writing classes at a community center, enter contests and get your writing out there for other people to see. Ask all of your friends for feedback. And, as world-famous writer Stephen King reminds us, stay positive even when it’s hard: “Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.” If you want to be a great philanthropist, start small. If you don't have much money, donate your time to a food bank or local charitable organization. Teach language classes or tutor under-privileged children. It doesn't have to be a grand sweeping gesture of eliminating hunger worldwide. Making a difference in just one person’s life tends to start a positive domino effect. 1-6. Examine others' success stories. You'll need to look and see what made other people, especially people who are doing the things you're aiming to do, succeed in their chosen path. There are often threads of similarities that run through these stories. For example, athlete Jesse Owens, who won 4 gold medals in the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin, was one of 10 children. He early on discovered a passion for running and practiced before school, since he often worked after school. Owens had to suffer through horrible racism to compete in the races both in the U.S. and in Germany, but managed to completely destroy the propaganda of “Aryan racial superiority” in the 1936 Olympics. Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to fly into space, was originally a textile factory worker. She had pursued an interest in sky-diving and it was this interest that helped her get chosen from 400 applicants. Tereshkova had the tenacity to go through all the intensive training that was required, and after her flight she earned a doctorate in engineering. 2. Achieving Your Long-Term Greatness Goals 2-1. Stay in it for yourself. If you want to achieve greatness to impress others, your undertaking may be doomed before it even starts. This is because many of the people who achieve greatness aren’t seen as great at first. Stephen King, for example, was told that his first novel, Carrie, would never sell. It went on to sell 1 million copies in its first year, but as he says in On Writing, he was only able to continue writing because he was in it for his own passion: “I did it for the pure joy of the thing. And if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever.” For example, the list of now-famous authors who were rejected at first, even many times, is incredibly long. Jane Austen’s first several novels were rejected by multiple publishers, even though she’s been considered one of the greatest writers in the English language for close to 200 years now. Frank Herbert, author of the world’s best-selling science-fiction novel of all time, Dune, was rejected 23 times before someone agreed to publish his novel -- and even then, they weren’t sure they were making the right choice. The history of scientific achievement is also a history of people who were considered wrong or even insane before time and study proved them right. Astronomer Galileo publicly supported the Copernican idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun in 1610 and -- despite the fact that his findings were correct -- was persecuted by the Catholic Church for heresy. He wasn’t officially pardoned by the Vatican until 1992. 2-2. Learn from your mistakes. It may seem trite, but learning from your mistakes is a hallmark of the great. People who continue to make the same mistakes over and over again tend not to get very far. According to best-selling author and inventor Scott Berkun, understanding four basic types of mistakes can help you understand them and prevent them: “Stupid” mistakes are things that just happen: you order the wrong coffee, you leave your keys at home, you stub your toe coming up the front steps. Being human pretty much guarantees that these things will happen occasionally, and there isn’t a whole lot you can do to avoid these. “Simple” mistakes are mistakes that can be avoided, but that weren’t avoided because of a series of decisions you’ve made: for example, paying late fees on movies you rented because you didn’t take your car in for maintenance and it went out on you and you couldn’t get to the video store on time. These take a little effort to address, but they can be fixed fairly simply once you recognize what went wrong. “Involved” mistakes involve more effort to keep you from making them, even though you probably already know what the mistake is: eating bacon at every meal, always arriving late when you go to the movies with friends, wanting to finish writing a novel but not making time to write. These mistakes require a significant amount of commitment and thought to prevent, because they often tend to be the result of bad habits. “Complex” mistakes are, well, complex. They often have significant consequences and no clear way to keep from making them again: failed relationships or business ventures, actions that had unexpectedly negative consequences. Ask yourself questions about your mistakes. It can be really uncomfortable to examine your own mistakes in detail, but it’s crucial for you to learn. Questions such as “What assumptions did I make in this situation?” and “What were my goals here?” will help you figure out what to change. J.K. Rowling openly talks about her initial failure -- living after college as a single mother with next to no income and multiple rejections from publishers -- as what motivated her to keep trying with her writing. Failure “meant a stripping away of the inessential,” a way for her to see that even though her greatest fears had been realized, she could make it. People who ask for advice and support from other people, such as asking for help when you keep making the same mistake and don’t seem able to change, or asking for honest critique of your work, are more likely to succeed in the long run. Just make sure you reach out to people who love and support you so that the feedback is useful and not simply brutal. 2-3. Don't give up. Tenacity and perseverance are signs of greatness. People like Jesse Owens could have given up when they encountered horrific racism, but Owens did not and went on to win 4 gold medals and break a variety of records. Perseverance should be coupled with learning from your mistakes. If the things you try don’t work out the first time, keep trying, but also learn from your mistakes and change the outcome for the better. For example, if your goal is to achieve literary greatness but no literary agents are picking up your novel, you have to consider a few things: maybe you need to re-write it (have a trusted friend or family member look it over and give you some ideas), maybe you should try to go the route of self-publishing, maybe you need to keep trying. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter was rejected 12 times and she was told “not to quit her day job.” Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper at which he worked because he was considered to have no imagination or good ideas. He had to dissolve the first film company that he formed because he couldn't pay rent and when he tried to have MGM distribute Mickey Mouse, he was informed that the idea of a cartoon mouse would never sell. Oprah Winfrey, who had already had a rough and abusive childhood, was told that she was unfit for TV when fired from her job as a TV reporter. Like Rowling and Disney, she did not let that stop her, and she is now one of the world’s most iconic and influential women. 2-4. Break out of your comfort zone. To achieve greatness you have to leave your comfort zone. Research has shown that individuals need a space just outside their comfort zone, called the “optimal anxiety” zone, to push themselves to higher performance levels. The more you’re willing to challenge yourself, the more your comfort zone expands. Start small: turn off your GPS on a roadtrip for a while, order something you’d never normally try at a restaurant, approach a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. While you may not always succeed, you will always learn new perspectives. Ask yourself: if, at the end of your life, you look back on this choice, would you regret not making it? It’s important to try to distance yourself from how you may feel in the present, because most people fear risk in the short-term. However, they also are more likely to regret not taking those risks later. Believe it or not, by taking controlled, informed risks, you actually make yourself more resilient to dealing with unexpected challenges, too. 2-5. Put yourself out there. Putting yourself and your works out into the world is the only way that people are going to see and acknowledge that work. It can be terrifying to show your first draft of a novel to someone, or put up your photography on a website for everyone in the world to see, but exposing yourself to others’ opinions and critiques is the only way you’ll improve and ultimately achieve greatness. If you're an artist, make a website and put your work up online so that people can see examples of your art. Talk to galleries or even coffee shops in your community about hosting some of your work. Network! Go to professional events in the field you’re trying to achieve in whenever possible. If you want to be a great artist, go to gallery openings and workshops. If you want to be a great scholar, go to the best conferences. You have to see what others are doing and be willing to talk about your own work. 2-6. Keep learning. Even as you're succeeding, you will need to keep learning -- and not just from the mistakes you make. Keep looking at how other people are achieving their goals and see if you can incorporate that into your own life. Try to make yourself better each day. Consider donating to a cause you think is worthy, or use your writing skills to cheer up a friend. Doing an act of kindness or compassion can help you feel better about yourself, which in turn will help with your confidence in achieving your goals. Stretch yourself to learn new things. If you're really good at mathematics, try to get in some literature or history. If dancing is what you're trying to do, take a break to learn about art or computer science. Learning something new keeps your brain active, it keeps you from becoming too relaxed, and it can give you new avenues for inventiveness and creativity. It will also help you challenge confirmation bias, or the tendency to look only at the information that supports what we already believe. Seeking advice and knowledge from others can also help stimulate your own greatness even if they are in very different fields from you. 2-7. Don't act alone. As you're achieving your goals on your way to greatness, always seek out the help and guidance of others. There isn't a single person who has achieved something that hasn't been helped in one way or another by people in their community, whether through schooling, through a single kind act, or through access to social programs. When you have achieved greatness, don't forget to give back to your community and to the people who helped you along the way, the person who edited your first manuscript, the people who convinced you to join track, the people who taught you how to code, etc. Tips Always look for ways in which you can use your greatness to help other people. Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine always involved asking himself in the morning, “What good shall I do today?” and asking himself before bed, “What good have I done today?”[30] X Research source Try physical exercise to get your creative juices flowing! President Barack Obama[31] X Research source and entrepreneur Richard Branson both start each day with an intense workout, which stimulates endorphins in the body. These nifty chemicals reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, increase energy, and help you sleep better.[32] X Research source Warnings Don't grow arrogant based on your abilities, or the abilities you think you have. Being humble is one of the keys to having other people see your greatness.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Laying the Groundwork for Greatness\\n1-1. Decide on your greatness goal.\\n“Being great” is such an undefinable thing that you have to choose something concrete to work with. Think about your strengths and your areas for improvement, and decide on a goal that makes sense for your personality. Research shows that you’re most likely to achieve a goal if it’s something you want and something you’re willing to work hard to achieve.\\nYou could decide that you want to be become a great author writing beautiful works of literature, or an investigative journalist exposing the darkest aspects of the human psyche. Or you could decide you want to help make change and get involved in politics or become an activist.\\nTry writing down your dream goals first. Don’t worry yet about making them specific and achievable; that will come soon! As famous philosopher and writer Henry David Thoreau once said, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”\\nIn a commencement speech at Stanford University, inventor and entrepreneur Steve Jobs said that he asked himself the following question every morning: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” If the answer was \\\"No,\\\" he changed things. This could be a good question to ask yourself, too.\\n1-2. Frame the problem properly.\\nNow that you have your list of the great things you want to accomplish, you need to frame the problem of achieving them so that you don't get overwhelmed. It's easy to feel like you can't achieve your goals, especially when you're just starting out. Frame your goals so that your goal is something you’re working toward, rather than something you’re trying to move away from. You’re more likely to achieve your goals when they’re positive!\\nViktor Frankl, who survived a Nazi concentration camp, said that his survival came through the freedom “to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Because he refused to allow the Nazis to take away his freedom of choice, Frankl was able to reframe a seemingly impossible situation into one where he had control over himself -- something that he believed allowed him to survive.\\nStephen Hawking, the eminent theoretical physicist and cosmologist, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a type of motor neuron disease, just after he turned 21. He was given little more than two years to live. Instead of giving in to the problem, Hawking says that two things inspired him to work even harder: realizing that others were going through even worse things, and recognizing that he might only have a limited time to achieve his goals.\\n1-3. Make your goal specific.\\nOnce you’ve framed your goals in a positive way, make sure you can achieve them. The best way to do this is to make your goals as specific as possible. Setting a specific goal makes you more likely to not only achieve what you want, but to achieve more happiness in general!\\nFor example: Imagine that one of the goals you have written down is “be Batman.” Instead of saying to yourself, “Batman isn't a real person, therefore I can't be him,” ask yourself what can you do to be like Batman. Determine what, specifically, about Batman you’d like to emulate, and set your goals to follow through on those values.\\nSome options: Dress up as Batman and work in a children's cancer ward. Help people who are poverty-stricken by donating money and/or time to a local soup kitchen. Become a police officer (you get to wear a costume and, hopefully, you get to help keep the streets free of crime).\\n1-4. Use positive thinking.\\nVisualization techniques can help you achieve greatness. Studies have shown that visualization can effective in improving athletic and academic performance. Many athletes (such as Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods) have used visualization to help them win boxing matches, races, even golf tournaments. There are two basic types of visualization, outcome visualization and process visualization, and you should use them together for best results:\\nOutcome visualization is the process of imagining yourself achieving your desired goal. This visualization should be as detailed as possible and should use all of your senses: imagine who is there with you as you achieve your goal, what it smells and sounds like, what you’re wearing, where you are. You could even draw a picture or create a detailed “vision board” to help you create this mental visualization.\\nProcess visualization involves imagining all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Think about each action you will take leading up to accomplishing your goal of greatness. For example, if your goal is “be Batman (for a children’s hospital),” you could think about what you need to do at each step: find a costume, contact hospitals in the area, practice your Batman voice, etc.\\n1-5. Use positive action.\\nWhile positive visualization is very effective, it must be coupled with positive action. You have to actively work towards the goals you have set, rather than simply enjoy the thought of achieving them. This is where process visualization pays off: once you have envisioned each step you need to take to achieve a goal, it will be easier to actually take those steps.\\nIf you're looking to be a writer, for instance, write every single day, even if only for a paragraph. Join a local writers’ group, take some writing classes at a community center, enter contests and get your writing out there for other people to see. Ask all of your friends for feedback. And, as world-famous writer Stephen King reminds us, stay positive even when it’s hard: “Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.”\\nIf you want to be a great philanthropist, start small. If you don't have much money, donate your time to a food bank or local charitable organization. Teach language classes or tutor under-privileged children. It doesn't have to be a grand sweeping gesture of eliminating hunger worldwide. Making a difference in just one person’s life tends to start a positive domino effect.\\n1-6. Examine others' success stories.\\nYou'll need to look and see what made other people, especially people who are doing the things you're aiming to do, succeed in their chosen path. There are often threads of similarities that run through these stories.\\nFor example, athlete Jesse Owens, who won 4 gold medals in the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin, was one of 10 children. He early on discovered a passion for running and practiced before school, since he often worked after school. Owens had to suffer through horrible racism to compete in the races both in the U.S. and in Germany, but managed to completely destroy the propaganda of “Aryan racial superiority” in the 1936 Olympics.\\nValentina Tereshkova, the first woman to fly into space, was originally a textile factory worker. She had pursued an interest in sky-diving and it was this interest that helped her get chosen from 400 applicants. Tereshkova had the tenacity to go through all the intensive training that was required, and after her flight she earned a doctorate in engineering.\\n2. Achieving Your Long-Term Greatness Goals\\n2-1. Stay in it for yourself.\\nIf you want to achieve greatness to impress others, your undertaking may be doomed before it even starts. This is because many of the people who achieve greatness aren’t seen as great at first. Stephen King, for example, was told that his first novel, Carrie, would never sell. It went on to sell 1 million copies in its first year, but as he says in On Writing, he was only able to continue writing because he was in it for his own passion: “I did it for the pure joy of the thing. And if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever.”\\nFor example, the list of now-famous authors who were rejected at first, even many times, is incredibly long. Jane Austen’s first several novels were rejected by multiple publishers, even though she’s been considered one of the greatest writers in the English language for close to 200 years now. Frank Herbert, author of the world’s best-selling science-fiction novel of all time, Dune, was rejected 23 times before someone agreed to publish his novel -- and even then, they weren’t sure they were making the right choice.\\nThe history of scientific achievement is also a history of people who were considered wrong or even insane before time and study proved them right. Astronomer Galileo publicly supported the Copernican idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun in 1610 and -- despite the fact that his findings were correct -- was persecuted by the Catholic Church for heresy. He wasn’t officially pardoned by the Vatican until 1992.\\n2-2. Learn from your mistakes.\\nIt may seem trite, but learning from your mistakes is a hallmark of the great. People who continue to make the same mistakes over and over again tend not to get very far. According to best-selling author and inventor Scott Berkun, understanding four basic types of mistakes can help you understand them and prevent them:\\n“Stupid” mistakes are things that just happen: you order the wrong coffee, you leave your keys at home, you stub your toe coming up the front steps. Being human pretty much guarantees that these things will happen occasionally, and there isn’t a whole lot you can do to avoid these.\\n“Simple” mistakes are mistakes that can be avoided, but that weren’t avoided because of a series of decisions you’ve made: for example, paying late fees on movies you rented because you didn’t take your car in for maintenance and it went out on you and you couldn’t get to the video store on time. These take a little effort to address, but they can be fixed fairly simply once you recognize what went wrong.\\n“Involved” mistakes involve more effort to keep you from making them, even though you probably already know what the mistake is: eating bacon at every meal, always arriving late when you go to the movies with friends, wanting to finish writing a novel but not making time to write. These mistakes require a significant amount of commitment and thought to prevent, because they often tend to be the result of bad habits.\\n“Complex” mistakes are, well, complex. They often have significant consequences and no clear way to keep from making them again: failed relationships or business ventures, actions that had unexpectedly negative consequences.\\nAsk yourself questions about your mistakes. It can be really uncomfortable to examine your own mistakes in detail, but it’s crucial for you to learn. Questions such as “What assumptions did I make in this situation?” and “What were my goals here?” will help you figure out what to change.\\nJ.K. Rowling openly talks about her initial failure -- living after college as a single mother with next to no income and multiple rejections from publishers -- as what motivated her to keep trying with her writing. Failure “meant a stripping away of the inessential,” a way for her to see that even though her greatest fears had been realized, she could make it.\\nPeople who ask for advice and support from other people, such as asking for help when you keep making the same mistake and don’t seem able to change, or asking for honest critique of your work, are more likely to succeed in the long run. Just make sure you reach out to people who love and support you so that the feedback is useful and not simply brutal.\\n2-3. Don't give up.\\nTenacity and perseverance are signs of greatness. People like Jesse Owens could have given up when they encountered horrific racism, but Owens did not and went on to win 4 gold medals and break a variety of records.\\nPerseverance should be coupled with learning from your mistakes. If the things you try don’t work out the first time, keep trying, but also learn from your mistakes and change the outcome for the better. For example, if your goal is to achieve literary greatness but no literary agents are picking up your novel, you have to consider a few things: maybe you need to re-write it (have a trusted friend or family member look it over and give you some ideas), maybe you should try to go the route of self-publishing, maybe you need to keep trying. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter was rejected 12 times and she was told “not to quit her day job.”\\nWalt Disney was fired from the newspaper at which he worked because he was considered to have no imagination or good ideas. He had to dissolve the first film company that he formed because he couldn't pay rent and when he tried to have MGM distribute Mickey Mouse, he was informed that the idea of a cartoon mouse would never sell.\\nOprah Winfrey, who had already had a rough and abusive childhood, was told that she was unfit for TV when fired from her job as a TV reporter. Like Rowling and Disney, she did not let that stop her, and she is now one of the world’s most iconic and influential women.\\n2-4. Break out of your comfort zone.\\nTo achieve greatness you have to leave your comfort zone. Research has shown that individuals need a space just outside their comfort zone, called the “optimal anxiety” zone, to push themselves to higher performance levels. The more you’re willing to challenge yourself, the more your comfort zone expands.\\nStart small: turn off your GPS on a roadtrip for a while, order something you’d never normally try at a restaurant, approach a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. While you may not always succeed, you will always learn new perspectives.\\nAsk yourself: if, at the end of your life, you look back on this choice, would you regret not making it? It’s important to try to distance yourself from how you may feel in the present, because most people fear risk in the short-term. However, they also are more likely to regret not taking those risks later.\\nBelieve it or not, by taking controlled, informed risks, you actually make yourself more resilient to dealing with unexpected challenges, too.\\n2-5. Put yourself out there.\\nPutting yourself and your works out into the world is the only way that people are going to see and acknowledge that work. It can be terrifying to show your first draft of a novel to someone, or put up your photography on a website for everyone in the world to see, but exposing yourself to others’ opinions and critiques is the only way you’ll improve and ultimately achieve greatness.\\nIf you're an artist, make a website and put your work up online so that people can see examples of your art. Talk to galleries or even coffee shops in your community about hosting some of your work.\\nNetwork! Go to professional events in the field you’re trying to achieve in whenever possible. If you want to be a great artist, go to gallery openings and workshops. If you want to be a great scholar, go to the best conferences. You have to see what others are doing and be willing to talk about your own work.\\n2-6. Keep learning.\\nEven as you're succeeding, you will need to keep learning -- and not just from the mistakes you make. Keep looking at how other people are achieving their goals and see if you can incorporate that into your own life.\\nTry to make yourself better each day. Consider donating to a cause you think is worthy, or use your writing skills to cheer up a friend. Doing an act of kindness or compassion can help you feel better about yourself, which in turn will help with your confidence in achieving your goals.\\nStretch yourself to learn new things. If you're really good at mathematics, try to get in some literature or history. If dancing is what you're trying to do, take a break to learn about art or computer science. Learning something new keeps your brain active, it keeps you from becoming too relaxed, and it can give you new avenues for inventiveness and creativity. It will also help you challenge confirmation bias, or the tendency to look only at the information that supports what we already believe.\\nSeeking advice and knowledge from others can also help stimulate your own greatness even if they are in very different fields from you.\\n2-7. Don't act alone.\\nAs you're achieving your goals on your way to greatness, always seek out the help and guidance of others. There isn't a single person who has achieved something that hasn't been helped in one way or another by people in their community, whether through schooling, through a single kind act, or through access to social programs.\\nWhen you have achieved greatness, don't forget to give back to your community and to the people who helped you along the way, the person who edited your first manuscript, the people who convinced you to join track, the people who taught you how to code, etc.\\nTips\\nAlways look for ways in which you can use your greatness to help other people. Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine always involved asking himself in the morning, “What good shall I do today?” and asking himself before bed, “What good have I done today?”[30]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nTry physical exercise to get your creative juices flowing! President Barack Obama[31]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\\n\\n\\n and entrepreneur Richard Branson both start each day with an intense workout, which stimulates endorphins in the body. These nifty chemicals reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, increase energy, and help you sleep better.[32]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nWarnings\\nDon't grow arrogant based on your abilities, or the abilities you think you have. Being humble is one of the keys to having other people see your greatness.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Achieving greatness is something that is hard to define. What makes a person great is often highly personal, and one person’s idea of greatness may not be someone else’s. There are, however, concrete ways for you to get started on achieving your dreams and goals. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Laying the Groundwork for Greatness\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Decide on your greatness goal.\", \"描述\": \"“Being great” is such an undefinable thing that you have to choose something concrete to work with. Think about your strengths and your areas for improvement, and decide on a goal that makes sense for your personality. Research shows that you’re most likely to achieve a goal if it’s something you want and something you’re willing to work hard to achieve.\\nYou could decide that you want to be become a great author writing beautiful works of literature, or an investigative journalist exposing the darkest aspects of the human psyche. Or you could decide you want to help make change and get involved in politics or become an activist.\\nTry writing down your dream goals first. Don’t worry yet about making them specific and achievable; that will come soon! As famous philosopher and writer Henry David Thoreau once said, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”\\nIn a commencement speech at Stanford University, inventor and entrepreneur Steve Jobs said that he asked himself the following question every morning: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” If the answer was \\\"No,\\\" he changed things. This could be a good question to ask yourself, too.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Frame the problem properly.\", \"描述\": \"Now that you have your list of the great things you want to accomplish, you need to frame the problem of achieving them so that you don't get overwhelmed. It's easy to feel like you can't achieve your goals, especially when you're just starting out. Frame your goals so that your goal is something you’re working toward, rather than something you’re trying to move away from. You’re more likely to achieve your goals when they’re positive!\\nViktor Frankl, who survived a Nazi concentration camp, said that his survival came through the freedom “to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Because he refused to allow the Nazis to take away his freedom of choice, Frankl was able to reframe a seemingly impossible situation into one where he had control over himself -- something that he believed allowed him to survive.\\nStephen Hawking, the eminent theoretical physicist and cosmologist, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a type of motor neuron disease, just after he turned 21. He was given little more than two years to live. Instead of giving in to the problem, Hawking says that two things inspired him to work even harder: realizing that others were going through even worse things, and recognizing that he might only have a limited time to achieve his goals.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make your goal specific.\", \"描述\": \"Once you’ve framed your goals in a positive way, make sure you can achieve them. The best way to do this is to make your goals as specific as possible. Setting a specific goal makes you more likely to not only achieve what you want, but to achieve more happiness in general!\\nFor example: Imagine that one of the goals you have written down is “be Batman.” Instead of saying to yourself, “Batman isn't a real person, therefore I can't be him,” ask yourself what can you do to be like Batman. Determine what, specifically, about Batman you’d like to emulate, and set your goals to follow through on those values.\\nSome options: Dress up as Batman and work in a children's cancer ward. Help people who are poverty-stricken by donating money and/or time to a local soup kitchen. Become a police officer (you get to wear a costume and, hopefully, you get to help keep the streets free of crime).\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Use positive thinking.\", \"描述\": \"Visualization techniques can help you achieve greatness. Studies have shown that visualization can effective in improving athletic and academic performance. Many athletes (such as Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods) have used visualization to help them win boxing matches, races, even golf tournaments. There are two basic types of visualization, outcome visualization and process visualization, and you should use them together for best results:\\nOutcome visualization is the process of imagining yourself achieving your desired goal. This visualization should be as detailed as possible and should use all of your senses: imagine who is there with you as you achieve your goal, what it smells and sounds like, what you’re wearing, where you are. You could even draw a picture or create a detailed “vision board” to help you create this mental visualization.\\nProcess visualization involves imagining all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Think about each action you will take leading up to accomplishing your goal of greatness. For example, if your goal is “be Batman (for a children’s hospital),” you could think about what you need to do at each step: find a costume, contact hospitals in the area, practice your Batman voice, etc.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Use positive action.\", \"描述\": \"While positive visualization is very effective, it must be coupled with positive action. You have to actively work towards the goals you have set, rather than simply enjoy the thought of achieving them. This is where process visualization pays off: once you have envisioned each step you need to take to achieve a goal, it will be easier to actually take those steps.\\nIf you're looking to be a writer, for instance, write every single day, even if only for a paragraph. Join a local writers’ group, take some writing classes at a community center, enter contests and get your writing out there for other people to see. Ask all of your friends for feedback. And, as world-famous writer Stephen King reminds us, stay positive even when it’s hard: “Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.”\\nIf you want to be a great philanthropist, start small. If you don't have much money, donate your time to a food bank or local charitable organization. Teach language classes or tutor under-privileged children. It doesn't have to be a grand sweeping gesture of eliminating hunger worldwide. Making a difference in just one person’s life tends to start a positive domino effect.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Examine others' success stories.\", \"描述\": \"You'll need to look and see what made other people, especially people who are doing the things you're aiming to do, succeed in their chosen path. There are often threads of similarities that run through these stories.\\nFor example, athlete Jesse Owens, who won 4 gold medals in the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin, was one of 10 children. He early on discovered a passion for running and practiced before school, since he often worked after school. Owens had to suffer through horrible racism to compete in the races both in the U.S. and in Germany, but managed to completely destroy the propaganda of “Aryan racial superiority” in the 1936 Olympics.\\nValentina Tereshkova, the first woman to fly into space, was originally a textile factory worker. She had pursued an interest in sky-diving and it was this interest that helped her get chosen from 400 applicants. Tereshkova had the tenacity to go through all the intensive training that was required, and after her flight she earned a doctorate in engineering.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Achieving Your Long-Term Greatness Goals\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Stay in it for yourself.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to achieve greatness to impress others, your undertaking may be doomed before it even starts. This is because many of the people who achieve greatness aren’t seen as great at first. Stephen King, for example, was told that his first novel, Carrie, would never sell. It went on to sell 1 million copies in its first year, but as he says in On Writing, he was only able to continue writing because he was in it for his own passion: “I did it for the pure joy of the thing. And if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever.”\\nFor example, the list of now-famous authors who were rejected at first, even many times, is incredibly long. Jane Austen’s first several novels were rejected by multiple publishers, even though she’s been considered one of the greatest writers in the English language for close to 200 years now. Frank Herbert, author of the world’s best-selling science-fiction novel of all time, Dune, was rejected 23 times before someone agreed to publish his novel -- and even then, they weren’t sure they were making the right choice.\\nThe history of scientific achievement is also a history of people who were considered wrong or even insane before time and study proved them right. Astronomer Galileo publicly supported the Copernican idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun in 1610 and -- despite the fact that his findings were correct -- was persecuted by the Catholic Church for heresy. He wasn’t officially pardoned by the Vatican until 1992.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Learn from your mistakes.\", \"描述\": \"It may seem trite, but learning from your mistakes is a hallmark of the great. People who continue to make the same mistakes over and over again tend not to get very far. According to best-selling author and inventor Scott Berkun, understanding four basic types of mistakes can help you understand them and prevent them:\\n“Stupid” mistakes are things that just happen: you order the wrong coffee, you leave your keys at home, you stub your toe coming up the front steps. Being human pretty much guarantees that these things will happen occasionally, and there isn’t a whole lot you can do to avoid these.\\n“Simple” mistakes are mistakes that can be avoided, but that weren’t avoided because of a series of decisions you’ve made: for example, paying late fees on movies you rented because you didn’t take your car in for maintenance and it went out on you and you couldn’t get to the video store on time. These take a little effort to address, but they can be fixed fairly simply once you recognize what went wrong.\\n“Involved” mistakes involve more effort to keep you from making them, even though you probably already know what the mistake is: eating bacon at every meal, always arriving late when you go to the movies with friends, wanting to finish writing a novel but not making time to write. These mistakes require a significant amount of commitment and thought to prevent, because they often tend to be the result of bad habits.\\n“Complex” mistakes are, well, complex. They often have significant consequences and no clear way to keep from making them again: failed relationships or business ventures, actions that had unexpectedly negative consequences.\\nAsk yourself questions about your mistakes. It can be really uncomfortable to examine your own mistakes in detail, but it’s crucial for you to learn. Questions such as “What assumptions did I make in this situation?” and “What were my goals here?” will help you figure out what to change.\\nJ.K. Rowling openly talks about her initial failure -- living after college as a single mother with next to no income and multiple rejections from publishers -- as what motivated her to keep trying with her writing. Failure “meant a stripping away of the inessential,” a way for her to see that even though her greatest fears had been realized, she could make it.\\nPeople who ask for advice and support from other people, such as asking for help when you keep making the same mistake and don’t seem able to change, or asking for honest critique of your work, are more likely to succeed in the long run. Just make sure you reach out to people who love and support you so that the feedback is useful and not simply brutal.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don't give up.\", \"描述\": \"Tenacity and perseverance are signs of greatness. People like Jesse Owens could have given up when they encountered horrific racism, but Owens did not and went on to win 4 gold medals and break a variety of records.\\nPerseverance should be coupled with learning from your mistakes. If the things you try don’t work out the first time, keep trying, but also learn from your mistakes and change the outcome for the better. For example, if your goal is to achieve literary greatness but no literary agents are picking up your novel, you have to consider a few things: maybe you need to re-write it (have a trusted friend or family member look it over and give you some ideas), maybe you should try to go the route of self-publishing, maybe you need to keep trying. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter was rejected 12 times and she was told “not to quit her day job.”\\nWalt Disney was fired from the newspaper at which he worked because he was considered to have no imagination or good ideas. He had to dissolve the first film company that he formed because he couldn't pay rent and when he tried to have MGM distribute Mickey Mouse, he was informed that the idea of a cartoon mouse would never sell.\\nOprah Winfrey, who had already had a rough and abusive childhood, was told that she was unfit for TV when fired from her job as a TV reporter. Like Rowling and Disney, she did not let that stop her, and she is now one of the world’s most iconic and influential women.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Break out of your comfort zone.\", \"描述\": \"To achieve greatness you have to leave your comfort zone. Research has shown that individuals need a space just outside their comfort zone, called the “optimal anxiety” zone, to push themselves to higher performance levels. The more you’re willing to challenge yourself, the more your comfort zone expands.\\nStart small: turn off your GPS on a roadtrip for a while, order something you’d never normally try at a restaurant, approach a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. While you may not always succeed, you will always learn new perspectives.\\nAsk yourself: if, at the end of your life, you look back on this choice, would you regret not making it? It’s important to try to distance yourself from how you may feel in the present, because most people fear risk in the short-term. However, they also are more likely to regret not taking those risks later.\\nBelieve it or not, by taking controlled, informed risks, you actually make yourself more resilient to dealing with unexpected challenges, too.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Put yourself out there.\", \"描述\": \"Putting yourself and your works out into the world is the only way that people are going to see and acknowledge that work. It can be terrifying to show your first draft of a novel to someone, or put up your photography on a website for everyone in the world to see, but exposing yourself to others’ opinions and critiques is the only way you’ll improve and ultimately achieve greatness.\\nIf you're an artist, make a website and put your work up online so that people can see examples of your art. Talk to galleries or even coffee shops in your community about hosting some of your work.\\nNetwork! Go to professional events in the field you’re trying to achieve in whenever possible. If you want to be a great artist, go to gallery openings and workshops. If you want to be a great scholar, go to the best conferences. You have to see what others are doing and be willing to talk about your own work.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Keep learning.\", \"描述\": \"Even as you're succeeding, you will need to keep learning -- and not just from the mistakes you make. Keep looking at how other people are achieving their goals and see if you can incorporate that into your own life.\\nTry to make yourself better each day. Consider donating to a cause you think is worthy, or use your writing skills to cheer up a friend. Doing an act of kindness or compassion can help you feel better about yourself, which in turn will help with your confidence in achieving your goals.\\nStretch yourself to learn new things. If you're really good at mathematics, try to get in some literature or history. If dancing is what you're trying to do, take a break to learn about art or computer science. Learning something new keeps your brain active, it keeps you from becoming too relaxed, and it can give you new avenues for inventiveness and creativity. It will also help you challenge confirmation bias, or the tendency to look only at the information that supports what we already believe.\\nSeeking advice and knowledge from others can also help stimulate your own greatness even if they are in very different fields from you.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Don't act alone.\", \"描述\": \"As you're achieving your goals on your way to greatness, always seek out the help and guidance of others. There isn't a single person who has achieved something that hasn't been helped in one way or another by people in their community, whether through schooling, through a single kind act, or through access to social programs.\\nWhen you have achieved greatness, don't forget to give back to your community and to the people who helped you along the way, the person who edited your first manuscript, the people who convinced you to join track, the people who taught you how to code, etc.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Always look for ways in which you can use your greatness to help other people. Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine always involved asking himself in the morning, “What good shall I do today?” and asking himself before bed, “What good have I done today?”[30]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"Try physical exercise to get your creative juices flowing! President Barack Obama[31]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\\n\\n\\n and entrepreneur Richard Branson both start each day with an intense workout, which stimulates endorphins in the body. These nifty chemicals reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, increase energy, and help you sleep better.[32]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't grow arrogant based on your abilities, or the abilities you think you have. Being humble is one of the keys to having other people see your greatness.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Happiness
1. Adopting the Right Attitude 1-1. Do an act of kindness for someone else. If you do something nice for someone else, it is likely to make you feel happier about yourself. Getting outside of yourself is a great way to alleviate your own suffering. Try to do one act of kindness every day. It could be something small – say, a compliment or helping someone at work with a project when you don’t have to. If could be how you speak to someone. Or it could be a bigger effort, like helping out a friend or stranger in need. When you do kind things to others, they will acknowledge the goodness in you, which is bound to make you feel happier. You could make it a habit to make the first email you write every day be one that thanks or praises someone else. This will start out your day with a positive feeling. The ancient philosopher Aristotle believed that to be happy a person needed to live a life of virtue. By virtue he meant showing such attributes as courage, generosity, and wisdom. How can you achieve these virtues? By acting out on them. Be generous to another person, for example, by sharing your time, your intellect, your care, or your money. 1-2. Smile a lot. Smiles are truly contagious. When you smile, you feel happier inside. It’s hard not to! And when you smile a lot, people will respond to you more positively, which will make you feel better. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, just force it at first. Smiling releases endorphins in the body that will elevate your mood. Laughter is another way to feel happy. Find the humor in life. Watch a funny movie. Read some jokes online. People’s sense of humor varies. Figure out what you find funny, and absorb yourself in more of it. 1-3. Focus on the positives. It sounds simple but it’s true. The old saying that you can look at a glass half full or half empty makes a lot of sense. So never forget the positives in your own life or how much worse you could have it. You could make a list of all of the positives in your life. Write down everything you can think of. Tape it to the refrigerator so you see it every day. Or you could keep a journal that contains only positive experiences. A great way to focus on the positives? Imagine your life without the things you have. What would it be like if you didn’t have your house? Your spouse? Your job? Help someone in need who has it worse than you in some way (volunteer at a homeless shelter; help an elderly shut-in). This is a good thing to do but should also help you remember that it can always be worse. Try not to constantly compare yourself to others. Don’t worry about the friend with the bigger house, or the co-worker who got a better job somewhere else. Focus on yourself. Chasing money is unlikely to create long-term happiness. 2. Creating a Better Mood 2-1. Associate with happy people. Research has shown that happiness is contagious. That means that people are happier if they are around happy people. If you're always around misery (including on the job), it's a recipe for unhappiness. Researchers even found that a person’s happiness can affect the friends of friends of friends. The basic point is that social networks matter. So befriend and spend time with people who are happy. That doesn’t mean you ignore friends who are going through a hard time. It just means you shouldn’t only have friends who are miserable or constantly in turmoil. 2-2. Meditate Meditation will provide a sense of calm and reflection into what can otherwise be an excessively busy life. Many people feel like they never have time to pause and be grateful. If you take that time, it's going to make your life more centered, and happiness will follow. Meditation means you find some quiet space every day to think and remove outside distractions from your life. What form this takes can be individual; for example, sitting on a sunny deck. Jogging. Going for a quiet walk. Listening to music. Meditation teaches the brain to focus. If you focus the brain, you will eliminate distractions that can cause a great deal of stress. And stress is a common cause of unhappiness. If you’re a religious person, pray. 2-3. Smell something you like. Don’t forget all of the senses. The sense of smell can actually trigger good emotions and moods. So don’t forget to smell. What smells good to you? Figure that out and smell more of it. Smell your favorite flower. Sniff coffee or food that smells good to you. Maybe you love the smell of a certain fragrance. Stimulate the emotions in a positive way. You could also activate the sense of hearing by playing high-energy music that lifts up your mood. Everyone’s tastes are different. Choose peppy songs that are inspiring or energetic. Avoid any music with negative or sad connotations. 3. Improving your Life 3-1. Find your passion. Do things you love and love what you do. Choose an occupation that moves you and that you enjoy. If you’re stuck in an occupational rut, find a way to change your circumstances. Try not to get too sucked into consumer culture. It’s not a strong foundation upon which to build happiness. Some philosophers have argued that once people’s basic needs are met, they become more interested in things like achievement, freedom of expression, and other intangible concepts. Being part of something bigger than yourself can make you a lot happier. 3-2. Forgive. Letting go of anger – we all harbor some of it – can be extremely difficult to do. But if you hold onto old grievances, you’re bound to only hurt yourself in the end. Try as much as possible to focus on the future, and learn from the past rather than dwell in it. You may need help from a religious leader or from a counselor to let go of deep traumas. However, learning to forgive and to let go of anger is mostly about you – not the person you need to forgive. Seek reconciliation in situations where it might be possible, even if that means you have to take the high road when you think you’re the one wronged. It will make you feel better inside to be the generous one. Recognize that no one is perfect, most people have their own version of the story, and everyone’s an imperfect human being at the end of the day. 3-3. Exercise There’s no question about it. Exercise is good for more than your muscles. It’s also going to release adrenaline into the body, which is a natural mood lifter. If you exercise regularly, you will also be physically healthier and look fitter, which should lead to a better mood. How could it not! You might meet people at the workout gym, increasing your social network. Or you could exercise outside. This way you will also get the warming rays of the sun (if you live in a warm enough climate). The sun has healing powers. Get out of a gloomy dark house for awhile and you will see an immediate mood lift! 3-4. Change your situation. Make an honest assessment of your life. What’s not making your happiness stronger? Are there things in your life that are negative patterns that you just keep repeating? Assess what aspects of your life add to your life in positive ways, and which detract. And then set out to remove the aspects that detract. Ask a friend or relative for their assessment, and see if they match yours. Figure out the causes of unhappiness and to what degree you are playing a role in your own problems. What would it take to make your life happy? What life do you want? Write it down. 3-5. Be centered in yourself. You need to have a strong idea of who you are and your own self worth to be happy. If you don’t have those things, you need to work on them with a therapist or just by starting to recognize your own worth. Be happy with yourself. Never change who you are for anybody; discover what you like and dislike, and figure out what you believe in and what issues are of little importance to you. This will help you discover who you really are. Then be proud to be you and let it show. If people don't like you the way you are, brush it off and embrace yourself. You are unique and special, so enjoy the wonderful things that make you stand out from the crowd. Ignore the opinions of others, unless they come from someone you deeply respect. But random gossip or criticism that seems unfair – don’t let it rock you if you know you operated in good faith. 3-6. Develop a support system. You will be happier if you are not isolated or alone. If you feel like you have isolated yourself, force yourself to reach out to others or at least to slowly build relationships, even casual ones. Connection leads to happiness. Support groups, friends at work, joining a new church or workout club, these are all ways to meet new people. Your support system could be a pet. Many people feel better when they are around pets, because pets provide constant and unconditional love. A therapist could be part of your support system. Every individual is different, but sometimes people need help working through past issues before they can let go of them and move on to finding happiness. Don’t feel embarrassed if you need to seek outside help; it’s a sign of strength. Be a support system for those who love you too. Make sure to prioritize what’s important in your life, and make sure you carve out enough quality time for those you love and who love you. Connecting with loved ones is a happiness builder. Tips Smile as big as you can when you're feeling overwhelmed; interrupt bad feelings the instant they creep up on you.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Adopting the Right Attitude\\n1-1. Do an act of kindness for someone else.\\nIf you do something nice for someone else, it is likely to make you feel happier about yourself. Getting outside of yourself is a great way to alleviate your own suffering. \\nTry to do one act of kindness every day. It could be something small – say, a compliment or helping someone at work with a project when you don’t have to. If could be how you speak to someone. Or it could be a bigger effort, like helping out a friend or stranger in need.\\nWhen you do kind things to others, they will acknowledge the goodness in you, which is bound to make you feel happier. You could make it a habit to make the first email you write every day be one that thanks or praises someone else. This will start out your day with a positive feeling.\\nThe ancient philosopher Aristotle believed that to be happy a person needed to live a life of virtue. By virtue he meant showing such attributes as courage, generosity, and wisdom. How can you achieve these virtues? By acting out on them. Be generous to another person, for example, by sharing your time, your intellect, your care, or your money.\\n1-2. Smile a lot.\\nSmiles are truly contagious. When you smile, you feel happier inside. It’s hard not to! And when you smile a lot, people will respond to you more positively, which will make you feel better.\\nEven if you don’t feel like smiling, just force it at first. Smiling releases endorphins in the body that will elevate your mood.\\nLaughter is another way to feel happy. Find the humor in life. Watch a funny movie. Read some jokes online. People’s sense of humor varies. Figure out what you find funny, and absorb yourself in more of it.\\n1-3. Focus on the positives.\\nIt sounds simple but it’s true. The old saying that you can look at a glass half full or half empty makes a lot of sense. So never forget the positives in your own life or how much worse you could have it.\\nYou could make a list of all of the positives in your life. Write down everything you can think of. Tape it to the refrigerator so you see it every day. Or you could keep a journal that contains only positive experiences. A great way to focus on the positives? Imagine your life without the things you have. What would it be like if you didn’t have your house? Your spouse? Your job? \\nHelp someone in need who has it worse than you in some way (volunteer at a homeless shelter; help an elderly shut-in). This is a good thing to do but should also help you remember that it can always be worse.\\nTry not to constantly compare yourself to others. Don’t worry about the friend with the bigger house, or the co-worker who got a better job somewhere else. Focus on yourself. Chasing money is unlikely to create long-term happiness.\\n2. Creating a Better Mood\\n2-1. Associate with happy people.\\nResearch has shown that happiness is contagious. That means that people are happier if they are around happy people. If you're always around misery (including on the job), it's a recipe for unhappiness.\\nResearchers even found that a person’s happiness can affect the friends of friends of friends. The basic point is that social networks matter. So befriend and spend time with people who are happy.\\nThat doesn’t mean you ignore friends who are going through a hard time. It just means you shouldn’t only have friends who are miserable or constantly in turmoil.\\n2-2. Meditate\\nMeditation will provide a sense of calm and reflection into what can otherwise be an excessively busy life. Many people feel like they never have time to pause and be grateful. If you take that time, it's going to make your life more centered, and happiness will follow.\\nMeditation means you find some quiet space every day to think and remove outside distractions from your life. What form this takes can be individual; for example, sitting on a sunny deck. Jogging. Going for a quiet walk. Listening to music. \\nMeditation teaches the brain to focus. If you focus the brain, you will eliminate distractions that can cause a great deal of stress. And stress is a common cause of unhappiness. If you’re a religious person, pray.\\n2-3. Smell something you like.\\nDon’t forget all of the senses. The sense of smell can actually trigger good emotions and moods. So don’t forget to smell.\\nWhat smells good to you? Figure that out and smell more of it. Smell your favorite flower. Sniff coffee or food that smells good to you. Maybe you love the smell of a certain fragrance. Stimulate the emotions in a positive way.\\nYou could also activate the sense of hearing by playing high-energy music that lifts up your mood. Everyone’s tastes are different. Choose peppy songs that are inspiring or energetic. Avoid any music with negative or sad connotations.\\n3. Improving your Life\\n3-1. Find your passion.\\nDo things you love and love what you do. Choose an occupation that moves you and that you enjoy. If you’re stuck in an occupational rut, find a way to change your circumstances.\\nTry not to get too sucked into consumer culture. It’s not a strong foundation upon which to build happiness.\\nSome philosophers have argued that once people’s basic needs are met, they become more interested in things like achievement, freedom of expression, and other intangible concepts.\\nBeing part of something bigger than yourself can make you a lot happier.\\n3-2. Forgive.\\nLetting go of anger – we all harbor some of it – can be extremely difficult to do. But if you hold onto old grievances, you’re bound to only hurt yourself in the end. \\nTry as much as possible to focus on the future, and learn from the past rather than dwell in it. You may need help from a religious leader or from a counselor to let go of deep traumas. However, learning to forgive and to let go of anger is mostly about you – not the person you need to forgive.\\nSeek reconciliation in situations where it might be possible, even if that means you have to take the high road when you think you’re the one wronged. It will make you feel better inside to be the generous one. Recognize that no one is perfect, most people have their own version of the story, and everyone’s an imperfect human being at the end of the day.\\n3-3. Exercise\\nThere’s no question about it. Exercise is good for more than your muscles. It’s also going to release adrenaline into the body, which is a natural mood lifter. \\nIf you exercise regularly, you will also be physically healthier and look fitter, which should lead to a better mood. How could it not!\\nYou might meet people at the workout gym, increasing your social network. Or you could exercise outside. This way you will also get the warming rays of the sun (if you live in a warm enough climate). The sun has healing powers. Get out of a gloomy dark house for awhile and you will see an immediate mood lift!\\n3-4. Change your situation.\\nMake an honest assessment of your life. What’s not making your happiness stronger? Are there things in your life that are negative patterns that you just keep repeating?\\nAssess what aspects of your life add to your life in positive ways, and which detract. And then set out to remove the aspects that detract. Ask a friend or relative for their assessment, and see if they match yours.\\nFigure out the causes of unhappiness and to what degree you are playing a role in your own problems. What would it take to make your life happy? What life do you want? Write it down.\\n3-5. Be centered in yourself.\\nYou need to have a strong idea of who you are and your own self worth to be happy. If you don’t have those things, you need to work on them with a therapist or just by starting to recognize your own worth.\\nBe happy with yourself. Never change who you are for anybody; discover what you like and dislike, and figure out what you believe in and what issues are of little importance to you. This will help you discover who you really are. Then be proud to be you and let it show. If people don't like you the way you are, brush it off and embrace yourself. You are unique and special, so enjoy the wonderful things that make you stand out from the crowd.\\nIgnore the opinions of others, unless they come from someone you deeply respect. But random gossip or criticism that seems unfair – don’t let it rock you if you know you operated in good faith.\\n3-6. Develop a support system.\\nYou will be happier if you are not isolated or alone. If you feel like you have isolated yourself, force yourself to reach out to others or at least to slowly build relationships, even casual ones. Connection leads to happiness.\\nSupport groups, friends at work, joining a new church or workout club, these are all ways to meet new people. Your support system could be a pet. Many people feel better when they are around pets, because pets provide constant and unconditional love.\\nA therapist could be part of your support system. Every individual is different, but sometimes people need help working through past issues before they can let go of them and move on to finding happiness. Don’t feel embarrassed if you need to seek outside help; it’s a sign of strength.\\nBe a support system for those who love you too. Make sure to prioritize what’s important in your life, and make sure you carve out enough quality time for those you love and who love you. Connecting with loved ones is a happiness builder.\\nTips\\nSmile as big as you can when you're feeling overwhelmed; interrupt bad feelings the instant they creep up on you.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being. We all want to be happy. But how do you achieve it? Even if you don’t have much happiness in your life, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of finding it. They say success doesn’t cause happiness; happiness causes success. Life is better all around when you are happy!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Adopting the Right Attitude\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Do an act of kindness for someone else.\", \"描述\": \"If you do something nice for someone else, it is likely to make you feel happier about yourself. Getting outside of yourself is a great way to alleviate your own suffering. \\nTry to do one act of kindness every day. It could be something small – say, a compliment or helping someone at work with a project when you don’t have to. If could be how you speak to someone. Or it could be a bigger effort, like helping out a friend or stranger in need.\\nWhen you do kind things to others, they will acknowledge the goodness in you, which is bound to make you feel happier. You could make it a habit to make the first email you write every day be one that thanks or praises someone else. This will start out your day with a positive feeling.\\nThe ancient philosopher Aristotle believed that to be happy a person needed to live a life of virtue. By virtue he meant showing such attributes as courage, generosity, and wisdom. How can you achieve these virtues? By acting out on them. Be generous to another person, for example, by sharing your time, your intellect, your care, or your money.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Smile a lot.\", \"描述\": \"Smiles are truly contagious. When you smile, you feel happier inside. It’s hard not to! And when you smile a lot, people will respond to you more positively, which will make you feel better.\\nEven if you don’t feel like smiling, just force it at first. Smiling releases endorphins in the body that will elevate your mood.\\nLaughter is another way to feel happy. Find the humor in life. Watch a funny movie. Read some jokes online. People’s sense of humor varies. Figure out what you find funny, and absorb yourself in more of it.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Focus on the positives.\", \"描述\": \"It sounds simple but it’s true. The old saying that you can look at a glass half full or half empty makes a lot of sense. So never forget the positives in your own life or how much worse you could have it.\\nYou could make a list of all of the positives in your life. Write down everything you can think of. Tape it to the refrigerator so you see it every day. Or you could keep a journal that contains only positive experiences. A great way to focus on the positives? Imagine your life without the things you have. What would it be like if you didn’t have your house? Your spouse? Your job? \\nHelp someone in need who has it worse than you in some way (volunteer at a homeless shelter; help an elderly shut-in). This is a good thing to do but should also help you remember that it can always be worse.\\nTry not to constantly compare yourself to others. Don’t worry about the friend with the bigger house, or the co-worker who got a better job somewhere else. Focus on yourself. Chasing money is unlikely to create long-term happiness.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Creating a Better Mood\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Associate with happy people.\", \"描述\": \"Research has shown that happiness is contagious. That means that people are happier if they are around happy people. If you're always around misery (including on the job), it's a recipe for unhappiness.\\nResearchers even found that a person’s happiness can affect the friends of friends of friends. The basic point is that social networks matter. So befriend and spend time with people who are happy.\\nThat doesn’t mean you ignore friends who are going through a hard time. It just means you shouldn’t only have friends who are miserable or constantly in turmoil.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Meditate\", \"描述\": \"Meditation will provide a sense of calm and reflection into what can otherwise be an excessively busy life. Many people feel like they never have time to pause and be grateful. If you take that time, it's going to make your life more centered, and happiness will follow.\\nMeditation means you find some quiet space every day to think and remove outside distractions from your life. What form this takes can be individual; for example, sitting on a sunny deck. Jogging. Going for a quiet walk. Listening to music. \\nMeditation teaches the brain to focus. If you focus the brain, you will eliminate distractions that can cause a great deal of stress. And stress is a common cause of unhappiness. If you’re a religious person, pray.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Smell something you like.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t forget all of the senses. The sense of smell can actually trigger good emotions and moods. So don’t forget to smell.\\nWhat smells good to you? Figure that out and smell more of it. Smell your favorite flower. Sniff coffee or food that smells good to you. Maybe you love the smell of a certain fragrance. Stimulate the emotions in a positive way.\\nYou could also activate the sense of hearing by playing high-energy music that lifts up your mood. Everyone’s tastes are different. Choose peppy songs that are inspiring or energetic. Avoid any music with negative or sad connotations.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Improving your Life\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find your passion.\", \"描述\": \"Do things you love and love what you do. Choose an occupation that moves you and that you enjoy. If you’re stuck in an occupational rut, find a way to change your circumstances.\\nTry not to get too sucked into consumer culture. It’s not a strong foundation upon which to build happiness.\\nSome philosophers have argued that once people’s basic needs are met, they become more interested in things like achievement, freedom of expression, and other intangible concepts.\\nBeing part of something bigger than yourself can make you a lot happier.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Forgive.\", \"描述\": \"Letting go of anger – we all harbor some of it – can be extremely difficult to do. But if you hold onto old grievances, you’re bound to only hurt yourself in the end. \\nTry as much as possible to focus on the future, and learn from the past rather than dwell in it. You may need help from a religious leader or from a counselor to let go of deep traumas. However, learning to forgive and to let go of anger is mostly about you – not the person you need to forgive.\\nSeek reconciliation in situations where it might be possible, even if that means you have to take the high road when you think you’re the one wronged. It will make you feel better inside to be the generous one. Recognize that no one is perfect, most people have their own version of the story, and everyone’s an imperfect human being at the end of the day.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Exercise\", \"描述\": \"There’s no question about it. Exercise is good for more than your muscles. It’s also going to release adrenaline into the body, which is a natural mood lifter. \\nIf you exercise regularly, you will also be physically healthier and look fitter, which should lead to a better mood. How could it not!\\nYou might meet people at the workout gym, increasing your social network. Or you could exercise outside. This way you will also get the warming rays of the sun (if you live in a warm enough climate). The sun has healing powers. Get out of a gloomy dark house for awhile and you will see an immediate mood lift!\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Change your situation.\", \"描述\": \"Make an honest assessment of your life. What’s not making your happiness stronger? Are there things in your life that are negative patterns that you just keep repeating?\\nAssess what aspects of your life add to your life in positive ways, and which detract. And then set out to remove the aspects that detract. Ask a friend or relative for their assessment, and see if they match yours.\\nFigure out the causes of unhappiness and to what degree you are playing a role in your own problems. What would it take to make your life happy? What life do you want? Write it down.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be centered in yourself.\", \"描述\": \"You need to have a strong idea of who you are and your own self worth to be happy. If you don’t have those things, you need to work on them with a therapist or just by starting to recognize your own worth.\\nBe happy with yourself. Never change who you are for anybody; discover what you like and dislike, and figure out what you believe in and what issues are of little importance to you. This will help you discover who you really are. Then be proud to be you and let it show. If people don't like you the way you are, brush it off and embrace yourself. You are unique and special, so enjoy the wonderful things that make you stand out from the crowd.\\nIgnore the opinions of others, unless they come from someone you deeply respect. But random gossip or criticism that seems unfair – don’t let it rock you if you know you operated in good faith.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Develop a support system.\", \"描述\": \"You will be happier if you are not isolated or alone. If you feel like you have isolated yourself, force yourself to reach out to others or at least to slowly build relationships, even casual ones. Connection leads to happiness.\\nSupport groups, friends at work, joining a new church or workout club, these are all ways to meet new people. Your support system could be a pet. Many people feel better when they are around pets, because pets provide constant and unconditional love.\\nA therapist could be part of your support system. Every individual is different, but sometimes people need help working through past issues before they can let go of them and move on to finding happiness. Don’t feel embarrassed if you need to seek outside help; it’s a sign of strength.\\nBe a support system for those who love you too. Make sure to prioritize what’s important in your life, and make sure you carve out enough quality time for those you love and who love you. Connecting with loved ones is a happiness builder.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Smile as big as you can when you're feeling overwhelmed; interrupt bad feelings the instant they creep up on you.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Inner Peace
1. Peacefully Caring For Yourself 1-1. Soothe and replenish your spirit. Quiet your mind. Sit quietly to free and empty your mind of thought. Rest frequently. Find a comfortable spot to unwind, relax or take a nap. Being well-rested is crucial to your mental and emotional well-being. Learn to meditate. Mindfulness meditation will help you to focus on your spiritual wellbeing, and can ease the anxiety and stress that hinders your inner peace. Free yourself of stress and worries. 1-2. Keep everything simple. Inner peace is easier to achieve when you simplify your life and your to-do list. Try not to do everything at once. You can do anything you want, but you don’t have to do everything at once. 1-3. Take your time. Achieving inner peace is a process; take the time to experience and enjoy your own personal journey. Don't be discouraged if the process takes a while; there is beauty in the process of becoming. Especially if you are recovering from emotional or mental trauma, allow yourself to experience the process of recovery. You can achieve inner peace and live a purposeful, self-directed life when you take the time to recover fully. 2. Developing a Peaceful Perspective 2-1. Be patient. Remember that inner peace develops over time. Fluctuations occur throughout the day. There will be moments that you feel more peaceful than others. Remember that you are a work in progress, and although you are always changing you are beautiful in every moment. 2-2. Experience the current moment. Think only of what is at hand. Think less about the past or future. Today is different from the past. Being mindful of each moment can help you feel centered, calm, and peaceful. Try a guided meditation through a website or app, like Headspace or Calm. 2-3. Try not to prejudge. It is easy to allow negativity into your mind by expecting or fearing unknown situations. Let go of bias and expectation. Be open to experience. Letting go of the need for control will help you feel peaceful with life's unpredictable circumstances. 2-4. Be happy. Take time to do the things that make you happy. Satisfy your desires. Following your own path is the road to inner peace. Try reaching out and connecting to others. This can help you feel peaceful and content. 2-5. Have pride. You are who you are. Take pride in your individuality. Accept yourself for who you are. Self-acceptance should be unconditional: you deserve to love yourself, strengths, weaknesses, and all. 2-6. Be content. Find contentment in where you are, who you are and what you are doing. Accepting your life as it is and yourself as you are will help you to feel inner peace. 2-7. Take responsibility. Rectify your errors when possible. Relieve your mind. Everyone makes mistakes. To feel peace, you should admit when you are wrong. 2-8. Be optimistic. Your worries will drive away inner peace; focus on the positive in life to remain peaceful and in control. 3. Letting Your Inner Peace Influence Your Relationships 3-1. Be private. You can keep things to yourself. So much stress comes from talking about problems with others. While its always ok to share with others if that feels peaceful and freeing to you, never feel obligated to talk about your problems or journey unless you want to. Let no one interfere with your inner needs. Avoid gossip. Friends who want to talk about others or who leave you feeling drained are toxic to your emotional health. 3-2. Be pleasant. Be kind and courteous. It warms your heart as well. 3-3. See beauty. See the beauty in everyone and everything. Noticing what is good about others, instead of what is bad, will help you to feel peaceful with the world. 3-4. Fall in love. Fall in love with everyone you meet. Enjoy the spirit in others. Caring for others can bring peace to you. You can also care for animals, which can help you feel valued and loved. 3-5. Avoid negative people. Limit time spent with people that make you feel negative in any way. Remember the famous saying, "He who angers you, controls you." Tips Avoid negative people. Limit time spent with people that make you feel negative in any way. Find a therapist. Consider seeing someone to talk to about your inner feelings. You can find inexpensive therapists anywhere. You can also talk to any really close friend(s) that you trust, about anything that is bothering you. Don't wait for appreciation from anyone but yourself.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Peacefully Caring For Yourself\\n1-1. Soothe and replenish your spirit.\\nQuiet your mind. Sit quietly to free and empty your mind of thought.\\nRest frequently. Find a comfortable spot to unwind, relax or take a nap. Being well-rested is crucial to your mental and emotional well-being.\\nLearn to meditate. Mindfulness meditation will help you to focus on your spiritual wellbeing, and can ease the anxiety and stress that hinders your inner peace.\\nFree yourself of stress and worries.\\n1-2. Keep everything simple.\\nInner peace is easier to achieve when you simplify your life and your to-do list. Try not to do everything at once. You can do anything you want, but you don’t have to do everything at once.\\n1-3. Take your time.\\nAchieving inner peace is a process; take the time to experience and enjoy your own personal journey. Don't be discouraged if the process takes a while; there is beauty in the process of becoming.\\nEspecially if you are recovering from emotional or mental trauma, allow yourself to experience the process of recovery. You can achieve inner peace and live a purposeful, self-directed life when you take the time to recover fully.\\n2. Developing a Peaceful Perspective\\n2-1. Be patient.\\nRemember that inner peace develops over time. Fluctuations occur throughout the day.\\nThere will be moments that you feel more peaceful than others. Remember that you are a work in progress, and although you are always changing you are beautiful in every moment.\\n2-2. Experience the current moment.\\nThink only of what is at hand. Think less about the past or future. Today is different from the past.\\nBeing mindful of each moment can help you feel centered, calm, and peaceful. Try a guided meditation through a website or app, like Headspace or Calm.\\n2-3. Try not to prejudge.\\nIt is easy to allow negativity into your mind by expecting or fearing unknown situations. Let go of bias and expectation. Be open to experience.\\nLetting go of the need for control will help you feel peaceful with life's unpredictable circumstances.\\n2-4. Be happy.\\nTake time to do the things that make you happy. Satisfy your desires.\\nFollowing your own path is the road to inner peace. Try reaching out and connecting to others. This can help you feel peaceful and content.\\n2-5. Have pride.\\nYou are who you are. Take pride in your individuality.\\nAccept yourself for who you are. Self-acceptance should be unconditional: you deserve to love yourself, strengths, weaknesses, and all.\\n2-6. Be content.\\nFind contentment in where you are, who you are and what you are doing.\\nAccepting your life as it is and yourself as you are will help you to feel inner peace.\\n2-7. Take responsibility.\\nRectify your errors when possible. Relieve your mind.\\nEveryone makes mistakes. To feel peace, you should admit when you are wrong.\\n2-8. Be optimistic.\\nYour worries will drive away inner peace; focus on the positive in life to remain peaceful and in control.\\n3. Letting Your Inner Peace Influence Your Relationships\\n3-1. Be private.\\nYou can keep things to yourself. So much stress comes from talking about problems with others. While its always ok to share with others if that feels peaceful and freeing to you, never feel obligated to talk about your problems or journey unless you want to. Let no one interfere with your inner needs.\\nAvoid gossip. Friends who want to talk about others or who leave you feeling drained are toxic to your emotional health.\\n3-2. Be pleasant.\\nBe kind and courteous. It warms your heart as well.\\n3-3. See beauty.\\nSee the beauty in everyone and everything. Noticing what is good about others, instead of what is bad, will help you to feel peaceful with the world.\\n3-4. Fall in love.\\nFall in love with everyone you meet. Enjoy the spirit in others.\\nCaring for others can bring peace to you. You can also care for animals, which can help you feel valued and loved.\\n3-5. Avoid negative people.\\nLimit time spent with people that make you feel negative in any way.\\nRemember the famous saying, \\\"He who angers you, controls you.\\\"\\nTips\\nAvoid negative people. Limit time spent with people that make you feel negative in any way.\\nFind a therapist. Consider seeing someone to talk to about your inner feelings. You can find inexpensive therapists anywhere. You can also talk to any really close friend(s) that you trust, about anything that is bothering you.\\nDon't wait for appreciation from anyone but yourself.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Do you want to achieve the calmness and serenity that comes with inner peace? No problem; anyone can! All you need to do is let go of the stresses and strains of daily life and make time to just be. But remember that finding inner peace is a process - so take it one day at a time.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Peacefully Caring For Yourself\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Soothe and replenish your spirit.\", \"描述\": \"Quiet your mind. Sit quietly to free and empty your mind of thought.\\nRest frequently. Find a comfortable spot to unwind, relax or take a nap. Being well-rested is crucial to your mental and emotional well-being.\\nLearn to meditate. Mindfulness meditation will help you to focus on your spiritual wellbeing, and can ease the anxiety and stress that hinders your inner peace.\\nFree yourself of stress and worries.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Keep everything simple.\", \"描述\": \"Inner peace is easier to achieve when you simplify your life and your to-do list. Try not to do everything at once. You can do anything you want, but you don’t have to do everything at once.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take your time.\", \"描述\": \"Achieving inner peace is a process; take the time to experience and enjoy your own personal journey. Don't be discouraged if the process takes a while; there is beauty in the process of becoming.\\nEspecially if you are recovering from emotional or mental trauma, allow yourself to experience the process of recovery. You can achieve inner peace and live a purposeful, self-directed life when you take the time to recover fully.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Developing a Peaceful Perspective\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be patient.\", \"描述\": \"Remember that inner peace develops over time. Fluctuations occur throughout the day.\\nThere will be moments that you feel more peaceful than others. Remember that you are a work in progress, and although you are always changing you are beautiful in every moment.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Experience the current moment.\", \"描述\": \"Think only of what is at hand. Think less about the past or future. Today is different from the past.\\nBeing mindful of each moment can help you feel centered, calm, and peaceful. Try a guided meditation through a website or app, like Headspace or Calm.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Try not to prejudge.\", \"描述\": \"It is easy to allow negativity into your mind by expecting or fearing unknown situations. Let go of bias and expectation. Be open to experience.\\nLetting go of the need for control will help you feel peaceful with life's unpredictable circumstances.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be happy.\", \"描述\": \"Take time to do the things that make you happy. Satisfy your desires.\\nFollowing your own path is the road to inner peace. Try reaching out and connecting to others. This can help you feel peaceful and content.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Have pride.\", \"描述\": \"You are who you are. Take pride in your individuality.\\nAccept yourself for who you are. Self-acceptance should be unconditional: you deserve to love yourself, strengths, weaknesses, and all.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be content.\", \"描述\": \"Find contentment in where you are, who you are and what you are doing.\\nAccepting your life as it is and yourself as you are will help you to feel inner peace.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Take responsibility.\", \"描述\": \"Rectify your errors when possible. Relieve your mind.\\nEveryone makes mistakes. To feel peace, you should admit when you are wrong.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Be optimistic.\", \"描述\": \"Your worries will drive away inner peace; focus on the positive in life to remain peaceful and in control.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Letting Your Inner Peace Influence Your Relationships\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be private.\", \"描述\": \"You can keep things to yourself. So much stress comes from talking about problems with others. While its always ok to share with others if that feels peaceful and freeing to you, never feel obligated to talk about your problems or journey unless you want to. Let no one interfere with your inner needs.\\nAvoid gossip. Friends who want to talk about others or who leave you feeling drained are toxic to your emotional health.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be pleasant.\", \"描述\": \"Be kind and courteous. It warms your heart as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"See beauty.\", \"描述\": \"See the beauty in everyone and everything. Noticing what is good about others, instead of what is bad, will help you to feel peaceful with the world.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Fall in love.\", \"描述\": \"Fall in love with everyone you meet. Enjoy the spirit in others.\\nCaring for others can bring peace to you. You can also care for animals, which can help you feel valued and loved.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Avoid negative people.\", \"描述\": \"Limit time spent with people that make you feel negative in any way.\\nRemember the famous saying, \\\"He who angers you, controls you.\\\"\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Avoid negative people. Limit time spent with people that make you feel negative in any way.\\n\", \"Find a therapist. Consider seeing someone to talk to about your inner feelings. You can find inexpensive therapists anywhere. You can also talk to any really close friend(s) that you trust, about anything that is bothering you.\\n\", \"Don't wait for appreciation from anyone but yourself.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Long‐Term Goals
1. Achieving Your Long-Term Goal 1-1. Commit to one long-term goal at a time. Long-term goals by definition require a lot of time, commitment, and energy. Because of this, it would be better to only commit to one long-term goal at a time. Otherwise, you may end up committing only partially to your goals and never end up completing them. It is much better to have one complete goal than three incomplete ones. This doesn't mean, of course, that you should forget about your other long-term goals if you have them. You have plenty of time in your life to accomplish numerous long-term goals. Some may just have to wait until you have the time to commit to them. Prioritize your goals so the most important one is completed first. 1-2. Break your goal into sub-goals. Achieving a long-term goal can seem overwhelming when you look at it as a whole. Goals become much more manageable, however, when you break them into several smaller goals. That way you can focus on less daunting tasks, all while working towards your overall goal. Read Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones for more details on how to divide up your long-term goals. 1-3. Set up a timetable for your goal and sub-goals. It helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This will help you stay focused and committed to working on your goal. Set timetables for the overall goal, and for each smaller task you break that goal into. That way you'll always know where you stand and if you need to adjust anything. Say your goal was to go back to school for your master's degree. You would like to do your master's in 2 years, which represents the deadline for your overall goal. There are several sub-goals involved in this goal that you should give a timetable to as well. You'll want to apply for the program within 3 months, then find an adviser in your first semester, then develop a thesis topic in your second semester. By sticking to these smaller deadlines, you'll be able to stay on track for your larger goal. 1-4. Work on your self-discipline. Long-term goals will entail several months to several years of commitment. You won't be able to attain your goal if you can't keep yourself disciplined and focused. It will help to improve your self-discipline to make it easier to put in the necessary work to reach your goal. There are a number of steps you can take to do this. Work in an area with few distractions. Before you're disciplined enough to ignore or tune out distractions, you should eliminate them entirely. Meditate. Regular meditation can help focus your mind and keep distractions at bay. Design a schedule and stick to it. Without a tight schedule, you're more willing to give into procrastination. Schedule your day and make sure that during time you've scheduled to work, you're focused on working. Focus on starting tasks rather than completing them. It is often more difficult to get started on something. By forcing yourself to start, you can allow momentum to take over and you'll be able to finish with less effort. 1-5. Develop habits that aid in accomplishing your goal. A long-term goal requires more than just a few weeks or months of commitment- it can require a complete lifestyle change. You may have to restructure certain aspects of your life to help make your goal attainable. If that is the case, you should do so. Pick up new habits that will help you reach your goal. Say, for example, that you have a habit of sleeping in on weekends. However, you've set a goal that you'd like to write a book within the next few years. You realize that you can add several hours to your work if you wake up earlier on weekends. By making a habit of waking up early, you've found more time to research and write, which will lead to a faster accomplishment of your goal. 1-6. Review your progress regularly. Whenever you have a goal, you should keep careful track of your progress. This is even more important for a long-term goal, because over months and years of work, you could lose track of where you're at with your goal. Develop a way to keep track of your progress so you always know if you're doing well or need to improve at all. If your long-term goal was to live a healthier lifestyle, you can keep a log of your diet and exercise habits, as well as your wight loss statistics. That way, you'll have a record of your progress. When viewing this record, you may see that you've come a long way since you started working on this goal. Seeing your improvement will help keep you motivated to keep working. You can also see if there are any areas you should work harder on. You may notice that over the last month you've fallen behind on your diet. With this information, you can come up with a plan to improve your eating habits over the next month to get back on track. 1-7. Identify obstacles you might encounter. When working towards a long-term goal, it is almost inevitable that you'll experience hardships. Over the years you'll be working toward this goal, numerous things can go wrong or stand in your way. The key is not avoiding obstacles, but planning for them. If you anticipate problems ahead of time, you can have a system in place for overcoming them. Say your goal was to start your own business. You know that this is a financial risk and your business may fail to turn a profit for the first few months. In preparation, you commit to saving enough money to support yourself for 6 months. That way, if your business gets off to a slow start, you've anticipated this potential problem and made arrangements so that it won't ruin you. 2. Staying Motivated for Long-Term Goals 2-1. Take breaks regularly. Though you'll need to work hard on your goals, you also need to rest. If you're worn out, your mind and body will work far below their peak. This will get in the way of almost any goal. To keep yourself fresh and motivated, be sure to relax once in a while. If you're feeling worn out, overwhelmed, or like you can't reach your goal, take a step back. Do something to distract yourself like taking a walk, reading, or any activity that you enjoy. Then you can come back to your goal rested and ready to keep working. 2-2. Try to make your goal fun. There is no reason that you can't enjoy working towards your goal. By making some activities fun, you'll be able to enjoy yourself while simultaneously achieving your goal. If your goal is to live a more healthy lifestyle, there are plenty of ways you can make that enjoyable. Playing sports, riding your bike, and taking hikes are all fun activities that also help keep you in great shape. 2-3. Celebrate your successes. Each time you complete one of your sub-goals, it is a cause for celebration. You're one step closer to achieving your overall goal, and you should be proud of that. Celebrate by taking a break and doing something you enjoy. These little celebrations will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated to accomplish your goal. 3. Developing a Long-Term Goal 3-1. Ask yourself where you'd like your life to be in the next few years. Developing a long-term goal requires a lot of thought about the future and what you want from it. To start developing a long-term goal, ask yourself where you'd like to be in the next five years. Think about what kind of work you'd be interested in, where you'd like to live, whether you'd like a family, and any other questions that might be important to you. When you have concrete answers to all of these questions, you'll have a clearer picture of what your ideal future will look like. Then, you can begin work on formulating a goal that will help you reach that future and ultimately get ahead in life. 3-2. Build a goal from your broad ideas. When you've brainstormed about the kind of future you want, you can start building a goal to reach that future. Look at the elements that make up your ideal future, and think about what kind of goal would lead to that future. That way, you can make sure your long-term goal will lead to a positive outcome for you. Your ideal future may be to be financially secure. This would involve getting a high-paying job. After doing some research, you decide that specializing in computer science would lead to a lucrative career. So, you set a long-term goal of getting your degree in computer science and working for a programming company. 3-3. Write out a specific goal. Vague goals are difficult to accomplish because there is really no way to track your progress. For long-term goals, lack of specificity can make them nearly impossible to complete. You need to be specific with your goals, especially long-term ones. That way you can stay focused and effectively measure your progress so you'll be able to tell if your goal is attainable. Your broad idea may have been to go back to school and get your degree. This is a great start and a great goal, but it is still too vague. When will you enroll? What will you major in? A better way to phrase that goal would be, "In the Fall semester I'm going to enroll in school to get my bachelor's in biology." This gives you a concrete goal, along with when you will start working towards that goal. 3-4. Separate short and long-term goals. In formulating a goal, it is possible you'll come up with a few different goals. Among these, there are probably several that are more short-term goals that won't require several years of commitment. As a general rule of thumb, goals that take a few months to a year are considered short-term. Goals that are longer than this are entering long-term territory. Separate short and long-term goals to make sure that your efforts are focused in the right areas. Weight loss, for example, is more of a short-term goal that takes a few months. Living a more healthy lifestyle, however, is a lifetime commitment. You should separate these two when assessing your goals. Certainly losing weight will contribute to a more healthy lifestyle, but much more time and a different kind of effort must go into changing your lifestyle. 3-5. Assess your goal to make sure it's manageable. While it is good to dream big when making goals, setting goals that are too ambitious can result in frustration and lead you to give up. There are a number of ways you can tell if your goal is unmanageable. Read Get Rid of Unrealistic Goals for a full description of how to spot unrealistic goals and how to adjust them so they are more attainable.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:51", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Achieving Your Long-Term Goal\\n1-1. Commit to one long-term goal at a time.\\nLong-term goals by definition require a lot of time, commitment, and energy. Because of this, it would be better to only commit to one long-term goal at a time. Otherwise, you may end up committing only partially to your goals and never end up completing them. It is much better to have one complete goal than three incomplete ones.\\nThis doesn't mean, of course, that you should forget about your other long-term goals if you have them. You have plenty of time in your life to accomplish numerous long-term goals. Some may just have to wait until you have the time to commit to them. Prioritize your goals so the most important one is completed first.\\n1-2. Break your goal into sub-goals.\\nAchieving a long-term goal can seem overwhelming when you look at it as a whole. Goals become much more manageable, however, when you break them into several smaller goals. That way you can focus on less daunting tasks, all while working towards your overall goal. Read Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones for more details on how to divide up your long-term goals.\\n1-3. Set up a timetable for your goal and sub-goals.\\nIt helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This will help you stay focused and committed to working on your goal. Set timetables for the overall goal, and for each smaller task you break that goal into. That way you'll always know where you stand and if you need to adjust anything.\\nSay your goal was to go back to school for your master's degree. You would like to do your master's in 2 years, which represents the deadline for your overall goal. There are several sub-goals involved in this goal that you should give a timetable to as well. You'll want to apply for the program within 3 months, then find an adviser in your first semester, then develop a thesis topic in your second semester. By sticking to these smaller deadlines, you'll be able to stay on track for your larger goal.\\n1-4. Work on your self-discipline.\\nLong-term goals will entail several months to several years of commitment. You won't be able to attain your goal if you can't keep yourself disciplined and focused. It will help to improve your self-discipline to make it easier to put in the necessary work to reach your goal. There are a number of steps you can take to do this.\\nWork in an area with few distractions. Before you're disciplined enough to ignore or tune out distractions, you should eliminate them entirely.\\nMeditate. Regular meditation can help focus your mind and keep distractions at bay.\\nDesign a schedule and stick to it. Without a tight schedule, you're more willing to give into procrastination. Schedule your day and make sure that during time you've scheduled to work, you're focused on working.\\nFocus on starting tasks rather than completing them. It is often more difficult to get started on something. By forcing yourself to start, you can allow momentum to take over and you'll be able to finish with less effort.\\n1-5. Develop habits that aid in accomplishing your goal.\\nA long-term goal requires more than just a few weeks or months of commitment- it can require a complete lifestyle change. You may have to restructure certain aspects of your life to help make your goal attainable. If that is the case, you should do so. Pick up new habits that will help you reach your goal.\\nSay, for example, that you have a habit of sleeping in on weekends. However, you've set a goal that you'd like to write a book within the next few years. You realize that you can add several hours to your work if you wake up earlier on weekends. By making a habit of waking up early, you've found more time to research and write, which will lead to a faster accomplishment of your goal.\\n1-6. Review your progress regularly.\\nWhenever you have a goal, you should keep careful track of your progress. This is even more important for a long-term goal, because over months and years of work, you could lose track of where you're at with your goal. Develop a way to keep track of your progress so you always know if you're doing well or need to improve at all.\\nIf your long-term goal was to live a healthier lifestyle, you can keep a log of your diet and exercise habits, as well as your wight loss statistics. That way, you'll have a record of your progress. When viewing this record, you may see that you've come a long way since you started working on this goal. Seeing your improvement will help keep you motivated to keep working. You can also see if there are any areas you should work harder on. You may notice that over the last month you've fallen behind on your diet. With this information, you can come up with a plan to improve your eating habits over the next month to get back on track.\\n1-7. Identify obstacles you might encounter.\\nWhen working towards a long-term goal, it is almost inevitable that you'll experience hardships. Over the years you'll be working toward this goal, numerous things can go wrong or stand in your way. The key is not avoiding obstacles, but planning for them. If you anticipate problems ahead of time, you can have a system in place for overcoming them.\\nSay your goal was to start your own business. You know that this is a financial risk and your business may fail to turn a profit for the first few months. In preparation, you commit to saving enough money to support yourself for 6 months. That way, if your business gets off to a slow start, you've anticipated this potential problem and made arrangements so that it won't ruin you.\\n2. Staying Motivated for Long-Term Goals\\n2-1. Take breaks regularly.\\nThough you'll need to work hard on your goals, you also need to rest. If you're worn out, your mind and body will work far below their peak. This will get in the way of almost any goal. To keep yourself fresh and motivated, be sure to relax once in a while. If you're feeling worn out, overwhelmed, or like you can't reach your goal, take a step back. Do something to distract yourself like taking a walk, reading, or any activity that you enjoy. Then you can come back to your goal rested and ready to keep working.\\n2-2. Try to make your goal fun.\\nThere is no reason that you can't enjoy working towards your goal. By making some activities fun, you'll be able to enjoy yourself while simultaneously achieving your goal.\\nIf your goal is to live a more healthy lifestyle, there are plenty of ways you can make that enjoyable. Playing sports, riding your bike, and taking hikes are all fun activities that also help keep you in great shape.\\n2-3. Celebrate your successes.\\nEach time you complete one of your sub-goals, it is a cause for celebration. You're one step closer to achieving your overall goal, and you should be proud of that. Celebrate by taking a break and doing something you enjoy. These little celebrations will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated to accomplish your goal.\\n3. Developing a Long-Term Goal\\n3-1. Ask yourself where you'd like your life to be in the next few years.\\nDeveloping a long-term goal requires a lot of thought about the future and what you want from it. To start developing a long-term goal, ask yourself where you'd like to be in the next five years. Think about what kind of work you'd be interested in, where you'd like to live, whether you'd like a family, and any other questions that might be important to you. When you have concrete answers to all of these questions, you'll have a clearer picture of what your ideal future will look like. Then, you can begin work on formulating a goal that will help you reach that future and ultimately get ahead in life.\\n3-2. Build a goal from your broad ideas.\\nWhen you've brainstormed about the kind of future you want, you can start building a goal to reach that future. Look at the elements that make up your ideal future, and think about what kind of goal would lead to that future. That way, you can make sure your long-term goal will lead to a positive outcome for you.\\nYour ideal future may be to be financially secure. This would involve getting a high-paying job. After doing some research, you decide that specializing in computer science would lead to a lucrative career. So, you set a long-term goal of getting your degree in computer science and working for a programming company.\\n3-3. Write out a specific goal.\\nVague goals are difficult to accomplish because there is really no way to track your progress. For long-term goals, lack of specificity can make them nearly impossible to complete. You need to be specific with your goals, especially long-term ones. That way you can stay focused and effectively measure your progress so you'll be able to tell if your goal is attainable.\\nYour broad idea may have been to go back to school and get your degree. This is a great start and a great goal, but it is still too vague. When will you enroll? What will you major in? A better way to phrase that goal would be, \\\"In the Fall semester I'm going to enroll in school to get my bachelor's in biology.\\\" This gives you a concrete goal, along with when you will start working towards that goal.\\n3-4. Separate short and long-term goals.\\nIn formulating a goal, it is possible you'll come up with a few different goals. Among these, there are probably several that are more short-term goals that won't require several years of commitment. As a general rule of thumb, goals that take a few months to a year are considered short-term. Goals that are longer than this are entering long-term territory. Separate short and long-term goals to make sure that your efforts are focused in the right areas.\\nWeight loss, for example, is more of a short-term goal that takes a few months. Living a more healthy lifestyle, however, is a lifetime commitment. You should separate these two when assessing your goals. Certainly losing weight will contribute to a more healthy lifestyle, but much more time and a different kind of effort must go into changing your lifestyle.\\n3-5. Assess your goal to make sure it's manageable.\\nWhile it is good to dream big when making goals, setting goals that are too ambitious can result in frustration and lead you to give up. There are a number of ways you can tell if your goal is unmanageable. Read Get Rid of Unrealistic Goals for a full description of how to spot unrealistic goals and how to adjust them so they are more attainable.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"While all goals require commitment and dedication, long-term goals are unique. They require work over several months or years, so it's easy to lose your motivation and let your goal slip away. To avoid this outcome, you can take several steps that will keep up your motivation and make your long-term goal much more attainable.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Achieving Your Long-Term Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Commit to one long-term goal at a time.\", \"描述\": \"Long-term goals by definition require a lot of time, commitment, and energy. Because of this, it would be better to only commit to one long-term goal at a time. Otherwise, you may end up committing only partially to your goals and never end up completing them. It is much better to have one complete goal than three incomplete ones.\\nThis doesn't mean, of course, that you should forget about your other long-term goals if you have them. You have plenty of time in your life to accomplish numerous long-term goals. Some may just have to wait until you have the time to commit to them. Prioritize your goals so the most important one is completed first.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Break your goal into sub-goals.\", \"描述\": \"Achieving a long-term goal can seem overwhelming when you look at it as a whole. Goals become much more manageable, however, when you break them into several smaller goals. That way you can focus on less daunting tasks, all while working towards your overall goal. Read Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones for more details on how to divide up your long-term goals.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Set up a timetable for your goal and sub-goals.\", \"描述\": \"It helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This will help you stay focused and committed to working on your goal. Set timetables for the overall goal, and for each smaller task you break that goal into. That way you'll always know where you stand and if you need to adjust anything.\\nSay your goal was to go back to school for your master's degree. You would like to do your master's in 2 years, which represents the deadline for your overall goal. There are several sub-goals involved in this goal that you should give a timetable to as well. You'll want to apply for the program within 3 months, then find an adviser in your first semester, then develop a thesis topic in your second semester. By sticking to these smaller deadlines, you'll be able to stay on track for your larger goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Work on your self-discipline.\", \"描述\": \"Long-term goals will entail several months to several years of commitment. You won't be able to attain your goal if you can't keep yourself disciplined and focused. It will help to improve your self-discipline to make it easier to put in the necessary work to reach your goal. There are a number of steps you can take to do this.\\nWork in an area with few distractions. Before you're disciplined enough to ignore or tune out distractions, you should eliminate them entirely.\\nMeditate. Regular meditation can help focus your mind and keep distractions at bay.\\nDesign a schedule and stick to it. Without a tight schedule, you're more willing to give into procrastination. Schedule your day and make sure that during time you've scheduled to work, you're focused on working.\\nFocus on starting tasks rather than completing them. It is often more difficult to get started on something. By forcing yourself to start, you can allow momentum to take over and you'll be able to finish with less effort.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Develop habits that aid in accomplishing your goal.\", \"描述\": \"A long-term goal requires more than just a few weeks or months of commitment- it can require a complete lifestyle change. You may have to restructure certain aspects of your life to help make your goal attainable. If that is the case, you should do so. Pick up new habits that will help you reach your goal.\\nSay, for example, that you have a habit of sleeping in on weekends. However, you've set a goal that you'd like to write a book within the next few years. You realize that you can add several hours to your work if you wake up earlier on weekends. By making a habit of waking up early, you've found more time to research and write, which will lead to a faster accomplishment of your goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Review your progress regularly.\", \"描述\": \"Whenever you have a goal, you should keep careful track of your progress. This is even more important for a long-term goal, because over months and years of work, you could lose track of where you're at with your goal. Develop a way to keep track of your progress so you always know if you're doing well or need to improve at all.\\nIf your long-term goal was to live a healthier lifestyle, you can keep a log of your diet and exercise habits, as well as your wight loss statistics. That way, you'll have a record of your progress. When viewing this record, you may see that you've come a long way since you started working on this goal. Seeing your improvement will help keep you motivated to keep working. You can also see if there are any areas you should work harder on. You may notice that over the last month you've fallen behind on your diet. With this information, you can come up with a plan to improve your eating habits over the next month to get back on track.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Identify obstacles you might encounter.\", \"描述\": \"When working towards a long-term goal, it is almost inevitable that you'll experience hardships. Over the years you'll be working toward this goal, numerous things can go wrong or stand in your way. The key is not avoiding obstacles, but planning for them. If you anticipate problems ahead of time, you can have a system in place for overcoming them.\\nSay your goal was to start your own business. You know that this is a financial risk and your business may fail to turn a profit for the first few months. In preparation, you commit to saving enough money to support yourself for 6 months. That way, if your business gets off to a slow start, you've anticipated this potential problem and made arrangements so that it won't ruin you.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Staying Motivated for Long-Term Goals\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Take breaks regularly.\", \"描述\": \"Though you'll need to work hard on your goals, you also need to rest. If you're worn out, your mind and body will work far below their peak. This will get in the way of almost any goal. To keep yourself fresh and motivated, be sure to relax once in a while. If you're feeling worn out, overwhelmed, or like you can't reach your goal, take a step back. Do something to distract yourself like taking a walk, reading, or any activity that you enjoy. Then you can come back to your goal rested and ready to keep working.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Try to make your goal fun.\", \"描述\": \"There is no reason that you can't enjoy working towards your goal. By making some activities fun, you'll be able to enjoy yourself while simultaneously achieving your goal.\\nIf your goal is to live a more healthy lifestyle, there are plenty of ways you can make that enjoyable. Playing sports, riding your bike, and taking hikes are all fun activities that also help keep you in great shape.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Celebrate your successes.\", \"描述\": \"Each time you complete one of your sub-goals, it is a cause for celebration. You're one step closer to achieving your overall goal, and you should be proud of that. Celebrate by taking a break and doing something you enjoy. These little celebrations will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated to accomplish your goal.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Developing a Long-Term Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ask yourself where you'd like your life to be in the next few years.\", \"描述\": \"Developing a long-term goal requires a lot of thought about the future and what you want from it. To start developing a long-term goal, ask yourself where you'd like to be in the next five years. Think about what kind of work you'd be interested in, where you'd like to live, whether you'd like a family, and any other questions that might be important to you. When you have concrete answers to all of these questions, you'll have a clearer picture of what your ideal future will look like. Then, you can begin work on formulating a goal that will help you reach that future and ultimately get ahead in life.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Build a goal from your broad ideas.\", \"描述\": \"When you've brainstormed about the kind of future you want, you can start building a goal to reach that future. Look at the elements that make up your ideal future, and think about what kind of goal would lead to that future. That way, you can make sure your long-term goal will lead to a positive outcome for you.\\nYour ideal future may be to be financially secure. This would involve getting a high-paying job. After doing some research, you decide that specializing in computer science would lead to a lucrative career. So, you set a long-term goal of getting your degree in computer science and working for a programming company.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Write out a specific goal.\", \"描述\": \"Vague goals are difficult to accomplish because there is really no way to track your progress. For long-term goals, lack of specificity can make them nearly impossible to complete. You need to be specific with your goals, especially long-term ones. That way you can stay focused and effectively measure your progress so you'll be able to tell if your goal is attainable.\\nYour broad idea may have been to go back to school and get your degree. This is a great start and a great goal, but it is still too vague. When will you enroll? What will you major in? A better way to phrase that goal would be, \\\"In the Fall semester I'm going to enroll in school to get my bachelor's in biology.\\\" This gives you a concrete goal, along with when you will start working towards that goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Separate short and long-term goals.\", \"描述\": \"In formulating a goal, it is possible you'll come up with a few different goals. Among these, there are probably several that are more short-term goals that won't require several years of commitment. As a general rule of thumb, goals that take a few months to a year are considered short-term. Goals that are longer than this are entering long-term territory. Separate short and long-term goals to make sure that your efforts are focused in the right areas.\\nWeight loss, for example, is more of a short-term goal that takes a few months. Living a more healthy lifestyle, however, is a lifetime commitment. You should separate these two when assessing your goals. Certainly losing weight will contribute to a more healthy lifestyle, but much more time and a different kind of effort must go into changing your lifestyle.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Assess your goal to make sure it's manageable.\", \"描述\": \"While it is good to dream big when making goals, setting goals that are too ambitious can result in frustration and lead you to give up. There are a number of ways you can tell if your goal is unmanageable. Read Get Rid of Unrealistic Goals for a full description of how to spot unrealistic goals and how to adjust them so they are more attainable.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Launch a Rocket into Orbit in Kerbal Space Program
1. Building a Ship 1-1. Know what an orbit really is. Getting to space and getting to orbit are two very different things. Getting to space means you simply leave Kerbin's atmosphere by going above 70 kilometers (43 mi). Getting to orbit involves gaining appropriate lateral velocity (speeding up side-ways) while also propelling yourself vertically. 1-2. Design a ship capable of reaching orbit. Everyone has their own style of ship-building; where one persons rocket may have 20 elaborate stages, another players ship may only have two stages and still be able to get just as high an orbit. Try playing around with a few stock ships and ships from the forums. If you find a design you like, adapt it to suit your style and/or needs. 1-3. Try breaking the design down into 3 main stages or sections. The first being the boost stage. This stage is your least efficient stage with the most power and biggest rockets. The 'Mainsail' engine or the �LV-T45 for a small rocket would be perfect. Solid rocket boosters also provide high thrust but remember that you can't turn them off! Your transfer stage should kick in as you approach the 900m/s mark when you are almost tilted over towards the horizon. This will push your apoapsis up to around 70–100 kilometers (43–62 mi). Your third stage or orbital module should be used only to circularise your orbit and de-orbit and an LV-909 or Poodle engine attached to a small fuel tank (like the FL-T400 or X200-16) will be fine. 1-4. Keep 'Delta-V' in mind. 'Delta-V' means 'Change in velocity' and is measured in m/s. Your delta-V is linked with the fuel capacity, weight and efficiency of your rocket. You will need around 4500m/s (4700m/s with safety margin) Delta-V to get to orbit around Kerbin. To find how much Delta-V your rocket has, use this formula: ( 1-5. Get in the mindset. Ok, to do this you are going to need to think big. KSP is not for the faint of heart, It's a giant universe out there, get ready for it! 2. Launching Your Ship 2-1. Launch your rocket. At this stage you simply want it to go straight up until you reach an altitude of 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) Consider turning SAS on and keeping your thrust at 2/3rds for lighter rockets. (depending on the weight of the rocket). Obviously, some rocket designs will require full thrust at launch, it is simply good practice to not exceed terminal velocity so that you don't waste fuel. Speed should be 120m/s at 1 kilometer (0.62 mi) and let it slowly increase 2-2. Perform your 'Gravity Turn'. The gravity turn is the manoeuvre that will start giving you lateral velocity. You will want to tilt over to about 45 degrees east(right), this angle will allow your craft to continue to rise into the skies while gaining that needed lateral velocity. It is always good practice to launch your rockets into an anti-clockwise orbit (an eastward gravity turn) as this will let the planets rotational velocity add to your orbital velocity. 2-3. Burn till your apoapsis>70 kilometers (43 mi). Your apoapsis is the highest point in your orbit and is marked in the map view by 'Ap'. you can hover over the marker to see its altitude or you can click on it to see it without having to hover over it. 70 kilometers (43 mi) is the altitude at which Kerbin's atmosphere ends, if your apoapsis is under this altitude, you will not be able to achieve a stable orbit as friction from the atmosphere will cause your craft to slow down and fall back to the rocky ground. 2-4. 'Coast' till you reach your apoapsis. 'Coasting' just means 'hit the time warp!'. You will want to warp to your apoapsis for your next burn. 2-5. Perform your circularization burn. At this point you will be changing your sub-orbital trajectory into an orbital trajectory. You will do this by pointing 'Pro-Grade' and burning till your periapsis>70 kilometers (43 mi). 2-6. Enjoy the view! If you have followed these steps correctly, you should be looking at a rather round planet! Well done! 2-7. Remember to come back home, point the ship with WASD at the retrograde marker, the yellow circle with the cross through it(against your direction of travel) and burn until your periapsis is below about 20 kilometers (12 mi). Tips Periapsis - Lowest point in an orbit (Marked by Pe in map view) Apoapsis - Highest point in an orbit (Marked by Ap in map view) Pro-Grade - To point Pro-Grade is to point in the direction of travel. pro-grade is indicated on the nav-ball by a yellow marker (without a cross through it) Warnings This may take several attempts, don't get upset if you can't get it first, second or 25th time. Just keep at it! Keep an eye on your apoapsis in map view as you make you circularization burn, if it goes too far ahead of you, tilt down. if it goes too far behind you, tilt up. You want your apoapsis to be right on top of you till the moment you get your periapsis above 70 kilometers (43 mi)
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:52", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Building a Ship\\n1-1. Know what an orbit really is.\\nGetting to space and getting to orbit are two very different things. Getting to space means you simply leave Kerbin's atmosphere by going above 70 kilometers (43 mi). Getting to orbit involves gaining appropriate lateral velocity (speeding up side-ways) while also propelling yourself vertically.\\n1-2. Design a ship capable of reaching orbit.\\nEveryone has their own style of ship-building; where one persons rocket may have 20 elaborate stages, another players ship may only have two stages and still be able to get just as high an orbit. Try playing around with a few stock ships and ships from the forums. If you find a design you like, adapt it to suit your style and/or needs.\\n1-3. Try breaking the design down into 3 main stages or sections.\\nThe first being the boost stage. This stage is your least efficient stage with the most power and biggest rockets. The 'Mainsail' engine or the �LV-T45 for a small rocket would be perfect. Solid rocket boosters also provide high thrust but remember that you can't turn them off! Your transfer stage should kick in as you approach the 900m/s mark when you are almost tilted over towards the horizon. This will push your apoapsis up to around 70–100 kilometers (43–62 mi). Your third stage or orbital module should be used only to circularise your orbit and de-orbit and an LV-909 or Poodle engine attached to a small fuel tank (like the FL-T400 or X200-16) will be fine.\\n1-4. Keep 'Delta-V' in mind.\\n'Delta-V' means 'Change in velocity' and is measured in m/s. Your delta-V is linked with the fuel capacity, weight and efficiency of your rocket. You will need around 4500m/s (4700m/s with safety margin) Delta-V to get to orbit around Kerbin. To find how much Delta-V your rocket has, use this formula: (\\n1-5. Get in the mindset.\\nOk, to do this you are going to need to think big. KSP is not for the faint of heart, It's a giant universe out there, get ready for it!\\n2. Launching Your Ship\\n2-1. Launch your rocket.\\nAt this stage you simply want it to go straight up until you reach an altitude of 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) Consider turning SAS on and keeping your thrust at 2/3rds for lighter rockets. (depending on the weight of the rocket). Obviously, some rocket designs will require full thrust at launch, it is simply good practice to not exceed terminal velocity so that you don't waste fuel. Speed should be 120m/s at 1 kilometer (0.62 mi) and let it slowly increase\\n2-2. Perform your 'Gravity Turn'.\\nThe gravity turn is the manoeuvre that will start giving you lateral velocity. You will want to tilt over to about 45 degrees east(right), this angle will allow your craft to continue to rise into the skies while gaining that needed lateral velocity. It is always good practice to launch your rockets into an anti-clockwise orbit (an eastward gravity turn) as this will let the planets rotational velocity add to your orbital velocity.\\n2-3. Burn till your apoapsis>70 kilometers (43 mi).\\nYour apoapsis is the highest point in your orbit and is marked in the map view by 'Ap'. you can hover over the marker to see its altitude or you can click on it to see it without having to hover over it. 70 kilometers (43 mi) is the altitude at which Kerbin's atmosphere ends, if your apoapsis is under this altitude, you will not be able to achieve a stable orbit as friction from the atmosphere will cause your craft to slow down and fall back to the rocky ground.\\n2-4. 'Coast' till you reach your apoapsis.\\n'Coasting' just means 'hit the time warp!'. You will want to warp to your apoapsis for your next burn.\\n2-5. Perform your circularization burn.\\nAt this point you will be changing your sub-orbital trajectory into an orbital trajectory. You will do this by pointing 'Pro-Grade' and burning till your periapsis>70 kilometers (43 mi).\\n2-6. Enjoy the view!\\nIf you have followed these steps correctly, you should be looking at a rather round planet! Well done!\\n2-7. Remember to come back home, point the ship with WASD at the retrograde marker, the yellow circle with the cross through it(against your direction of travel) and burn until your periapsis is below about 20 kilometers (12 mi).\\n\\nTips\\nPeriapsis - Lowest point in an orbit (Marked by Pe in map view)\\nApoapsis - Highest point in an orbit (Marked by Ap in map view)\\nPro-Grade - To point Pro-Grade is to point in the direction of travel. pro-grade is indicated on the nav-ball by a yellow marker (without a cross through it)\\nWarnings\\nThis may take several attempts, don't get upset if you can't get it first, second or 25th time. Just keep at it!\\nKeep an eye on your apoapsis in map view as you make you circularization burn, if it goes too far ahead of you, tilt down. if it goes too far behind you, tilt up. You want your apoapsis to be right on top of you till the moment you get your periapsis above 70 kilometers (43 mi)\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Have you been trying to get into orbit for ages but lacked the know-how? Do you want to finally be able to fall towards Kerbin for an eternity? The popular space engineering sim can take a little learning, but with some persistence and insider knowledge, you'll be soaring through the stars in no time, and we'll show you how.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Building a Ship\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Know what an orbit really is.\", \"描述\": \"Getting to space and getting to orbit are two very different things. Getting to space means you simply leave Kerbin's atmosphere by going above 70 kilometers (43 mi). Getting to orbit involves gaining appropriate lateral velocity (speeding up side-ways) while also propelling yourself vertically.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Design a ship capable of reaching orbit.\", \"描述\": \"Everyone has their own style of ship-building; where one persons rocket may have 20 elaborate stages, another players ship may only have two stages and still be able to get just as high an orbit. Try playing around with a few stock ships and ships from the forums. If you find a design you like, adapt it to suit your style and/or needs.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Try breaking the design down into 3 main stages or sections.\", \"描述\": \"The first being the boost stage. This stage is your least efficient stage with the most power and biggest rockets. The 'Mainsail' engine or the �LV-T45 for a small rocket would be perfect. Solid rocket boosters also provide high thrust but remember that you can't turn them off! Your transfer stage should kick in as you approach the 900m/s mark when you are almost tilted over towards the horizon. This will push your apoapsis up to around 70–100 kilometers (43–62 mi). Your third stage or orbital module should be used only to circularise your orbit and de-orbit and an LV-909 or Poodle engine attached to a small fuel tank (like the FL-T400 or X200-16) will be fine.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Keep 'Delta-V' in mind.\", \"描述\": \"'Delta-V' means 'Change in velocity' and is measured in m/s. Your delta-V is linked with the fuel capacity, weight and efficiency of your rocket. You will need around 4500m/s (4700m/s with safety margin) Delta-V to get to orbit around Kerbin. To find how much Delta-V your rocket has, use this formula: (\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Get in the mindset.\", \"描述\": \"Ok, to do this you are going to need to think big. KSP is not for the faint of heart, It's a giant universe out there, get ready for it!\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Launching Your Ship\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Launch your rocket.\", \"描述\": \"At this stage you simply want it to go straight up until you reach an altitude of 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) Consider turning SAS on and keeping your thrust at 2/3rds for lighter rockets. (depending on the weight of the rocket). Obviously, some rocket designs will require full thrust at launch, it is simply good practice to not exceed terminal velocity so that you don't waste fuel. Speed should be 120m/s at 1 kilometer (0.62 mi) and let it slowly increase\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Perform your 'Gravity Turn'.\", \"描述\": \"The gravity turn is the manoeuvre that will start giving you lateral velocity. You will want to tilt over to about 45 degrees east(right), this angle will allow your craft to continue to rise into the skies while gaining that needed lateral velocity. It is always good practice to launch your rockets into an anti-clockwise orbit (an eastward gravity turn) as this will let the planets rotational velocity add to your orbital velocity.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Burn till your apoapsis>70 kilometers (43 mi).\", \"描述\": \"Your apoapsis is the highest point in your orbit and is marked in the map view by 'Ap'. you can hover over the marker to see its altitude or you can click on it to see it without having to hover over it. 70 kilometers (43 mi) is the altitude at which Kerbin's atmosphere ends, if your apoapsis is under this altitude, you will not be able to achieve a stable orbit as friction from the atmosphere will cause your craft to slow down and fall back to the rocky ground.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"'Coast' till you reach your apoapsis.\", \"描述\": \"'Coasting' just means 'hit the time warp!'. You will want to warp to your apoapsis for your next burn.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Perform your circularization burn.\", \"描述\": \"At this point you will be changing your sub-orbital trajectory into an orbital trajectory. You will do this by pointing 'Pro-Grade' and burning till your periapsis>70 kilometers (43 mi).\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Enjoy the view!\", \"描述\": \"If you have followed these steps correctly, you should be looking at a rather round planet! Well done!\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Remember to come back home, point the ship with WASD at the retrograde marker, the yellow circle with the cross through it(against your direction of travel) and burn until your periapsis is below about 20 kilometers (12 mi).\", \"描述\": \"\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Periapsis - Lowest point in an orbit (Marked by Pe in map view)\\n\", \"Apoapsis - Highest point in an orbit (Marked by Ap in map view)\\n\", \"Pro-Grade - To point Pro-Grade is to point in the direction of travel. pro-grade is indicated on the nav-ball by a yellow marker (without a cross through it)\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"This may take several attempts, don't get upset if you can't get it first, second or 25th time. Just keep at it!\\n\", \"Keep an eye on your apoapsis in map view as you make you circularization burn, if it goes too far ahead of you, tilt down. if it goes too far behind you, tilt up. You want your apoapsis to be right on top of you till the moment you get your periapsis above 70 kilometers (43 mi)\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Pastel Hair
1. Bleaching Your Hair 1-1. Choose your bleach. If your hair is not platinum blonde or white, you will need to bleach your hair. The lighter your hair, the better the pastel color will take. If this is your first time bleaching your hair, start with a bleach kit. The kit contains dye and peroxide to bleach your hair. Bleach kits will be labeled as white, blue, or purple. Blue and purple add in cool tones to help combat brassy-ness. Blue is more ideal for canceling out orange hair, and purple is best for yellow. White bleach is normal, with no added tones. If this is your first time bleaching or dyeing your hair at home, you may want to seriously consider going to a hair salon to get your hair bleached. Bleaching is the hardest part of this whole pastel hair process and improperly bleached hair can end up looking really fried and dead. Consider going to a hair salon to get your hair bleached and they do the pastel dyeing yourself (or have them do the whole thing). 1-2. Make sure your hair is not freshly shampooed before you begin bleaching. Bleach will irritate your skin when it comes in contact with your scalp. To avoid this, or at least lessen the irritation, you should not wash your hair for several days before you plan on bleaching it. The natural oils of your hair will help to reduce the irritation caused by the bleach. Using a toner over already yellowy-blonde hair may be enough to lighten your hair. Try this before using bleach. Virgin Snow by Manic Panic is a great toner and won't set you back too much cash. Alternatively, if the toner just doesn't cut it you may use a bleaching method such as this. A less harmful way to lighten your hair is a bleach bath. (a bleach bath is a mixture of half bleach, half shampoo) 1-3. Choose your kit based on the developer. The developer (peroxide) comes in either 10, 20, 30, or 40 volume. Bleach kits will not contain 10 volume, however, because it is not meant for this use. Do not use a kit with 40 volume developer, it is too strong and can damage your hair badly. If your hair is already light blonde, use a 10 volume developer. While you may find it odd to bleach your hair when you are already blonde, using a 10 volume developer will help to open up your hair and make it more receptive to the pastel dye. If your hair is light to medium brown or strawberry blonde, use a 20 volume developer. If your hair is dark brown or black, use a 30 volume developer. Keep in mind, the higher the volume of developer, when you use it with bleach, or determines how FAST it processes. NOT how light your hair will get. 1-4. Perform a strand test. Strand tests will help you to see how long you need to process your hair. Section off a small piece of hair and make sure to keep it away from the rest of your hair. Mix one spoonful of the bleaching powder from your kit with one spoonful of the peroxide developer. Dip your small section of hair into the mixture. Wait five minutes and then wipe the dye off with a cloth. Continue dipping the strands and waiting five minutes until the strands are the color you want your hair to be. This amount of time will be how long your need to bleach your whole head of hair for. Do not rely on the results of your strand test too heavily. Different areas of hair will process at different speeds, and might even have different chemicals on them. 1-5. Prepare your bleaching area. This will be the same area you dye your hair in. Lay down old towels (ones that you don’t mind staining) or newspapers on any of the surfaces near where you will be working, as dye has a tendency to stain everything it touches. You will also need a tint brush with a pointed handle, some latex (or rubber) gloves, and a non-metallic bowl. You should also place an old towel around your shoulders. If possible, ask a friend to help you with the actual bleaching process, as it can get a little tricky to just do by yourself. If your bleaching kit did not come with a tint brush, you can buy one at any beauty supply store. 1-6. Mix the lightener packet and developer. Follow the directions on the bleach kit box to properly mix up the bleach. You will want to use a bowl that you do not care about or that is white, as bleach can suck the color right out of ceramics. Plastic bowls are the best for mixing dyes. 1-7. Divide your hair into sections. Use the pointy handle of your tint brush to divide your hair down the middle of your head so that your part is directly in the middle of your hair. Then divide your hair from ear to ear so that you have four sections of hair. Use plastic clips to hold these sections in place. Don’t use metal clips; they may have a chemical reaction with the bleach. 1-8. Bleach your hair. If you have a friend around, now is the time to ask for their assistance. If not, make sure you are standing in front of a mirror so you can see what you are doing. Take a thin section of hair from the top of one of the back quarters. ‘Paint’ that strand with the dye, starting 1cm (0.39 inches) to 2.54cm (1 inch) away from your root and going all the way down to the bottom of the strands. Brush your hair with the dye from top to bottom (the direction that your hair grows) leaving your roots at the top uncovered (you will dye it later.) You should wait until later on to bleach your roots because roots tend to process quicker than the rest of a strand of hair. 1-9. Flip the dyed strand over. Repeat the same process with the strand below each dyed later, continuing to flip each dyed layer over to reveal the next layer of undyed hair. You will have to work quickly, as bleach starts working almost immediately. When you are done with one quarter, move onto the next until all of the quarters of hair are dyed. 1-10. Add a second layer of bleach to the first quarter you dyed. Do this when that quarter of hair has turned golden blonde. This time, run the tint brush from the root of your hair all the way to the end of each strand. Repeat this process with each section of hair. 1-11. Monitor your hair color. When your dyed hair has reached a pale blonde color (that is more white than blonde) it’s time to rinse the bleach out. Wash it out with shampoo. In preparation for the dyeing process, you should use a pre-color shampoo. Do not use conditioner, as it will make the dye job uneven. Rinse your head thoroughly. Your hair may or may not be platinum when you are done. The instructions on your bleach will likely say you can leave it on for 50 minutes. That is a bad idea. If your hair is still dark (or very orange) after 30 minutes, you may need to bleach again. It's better to bleach two times for 30 minutes than to do it once for nearly an hour. It is not common for hair to bleach white! The lightest you need to have your hair when bleaching is a pale yellow. Once your hair has reached the pale yellow point, you need to use a high lift blonde permanent color, or a toner, to make it white. Bleaching past white is dangerous, as once it is white, there is no more pigment left and will break (fry, melt, fall off) if chemically processed much further. 2. Dyeing Your Hair 2-1. Dry your hair. If you can stand to, blow dry your hair to speed up the dyeing process--blow drying your hair with high heat will help your hair absorb the dye. 2-2. Pour white conditioner into a mixing bowl. It is absolutely essential that the conditioner be white. The conditioner acts as the base that you will mix the dye with. Once you have pour the conditioner into a mixing bowl, add the color. The best color dyes to work with when making pastel dye include Manic Panic, Pravana, Crazy Color, and Special Effects, among others. (Splat is not suggested) 2-3. Start by squirting a small amount of the dye into the conditioner. Mix these two ingredients together so that the color is thoroughly worked into the conditioner. As a general rule, the color you see in the bowl will be the color that your hair gets dyed. Continue to mix in the dye until the color in the bowl is the color you want your hair to be. If you are concerned about the dye washing out of your hair, add enough dye that the mixture becomes one shade darker than you ultimately want your head to be. 2-4. Apply the mixture evenly to your hair. Start at the roots of your hair and work the dye from the roots to the ends of your hair. You can choose to use either an applicator, brush or your hands to do this. Sometimes, your glove-covered hands will actually work the best. If you have a friend around, ask them to look for any spots you may have missed, or have them apply the dye to your hair for you. No matter what application technique you go with, even saturation of the dye is essential. 2-5. Pile your dyed hair on top of your head and cover it in a shower cap. Putting your hair in a shower cap while you wait for the dye to process is essential. The shower cap ensures that the dye does not dry out (thus resulting in a patchy dye job). The processing time depends on how dark you want your hair to be--generally for a normal (versus light or dark) pastel color, you will want to let the dye process for 30 to 45 minutes. However, the length of time is up to you--keep an eye on your color while it is processing. 2-6. Check to see if your hair has processed. After 20 minutes or so, wash one strand of your hair and check to see if it is the color you want. If it is too light, let the dye continue to process. Continue to check every 5 to 10 minutes to ensure that the color does not become too dark. 2-7. Wash your hair with cool water. Once your hair has reached the desired color, rinse it out with cool water. You do not need (and should not use) shampoo or conditioner. Don’t be alarmed that color will wash off your head and down the drain--this is natural and will not affect your dye job. 2-8. Dry your hair to check for uneven dye spots. Wet hair always looks darker than dry hair, so it is important to let your hair dry before you freak out. Use a blow dryer and dry your hair thoroughly. 2-9. Redye any uneven spots. If you find that one section of your hair is lighter than another (and you don’t want it to look that way) re-apply dye to that spot and let it process again. Make sure to check on it often to make sure it doesn’t become darker than the rest of your head. 2-10. Mix some of the dye into your normal conditioner. If you want to keep up your new color, adding some of the dye to your conditioner will help to keep your color from fading. Tips It does not matter what brand of conditioner you use, it can be cheap. You will need a lot to keep your hair looking pastel. Some good dye's to use are: Directions lagoon blue (pastel blue), Directions Lilac (pastel purple), and Pinks by stargazer (pastel pink). Mixing dyes to achieve your own unique custom colors is also a fun idea. Warnings Bleaching hair can be quite dangerous. It is always a good idea to give toning a go before resorting to bleach. When bleach bathing, DO NOT use a high volume of peroxide.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:52", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Bleaching Your Hair\\n1-1. Choose your bleach.\\nIf your hair is not platinum blonde or white, you will need to bleach your hair. The lighter your hair, the better the pastel color will take. If this is your first time bleaching your hair, start with a bleach kit. The kit contains dye and peroxide to bleach your hair.\\nBleach kits will be labeled as white, blue, or purple. Blue and purple add in cool tones to help combat brassy-ness. Blue is more ideal for canceling out orange hair, and purple is best for yellow. White bleach is normal, with no added tones.\\nIf this is your first time bleaching or dyeing your hair at home, you may want to seriously consider going to a hair salon to get your hair bleached. Bleaching is the hardest part of this whole pastel hair process and improperly bleached hair can end up looking really fried and dead. Consider going to a hair salon to get your hair bleached and they do the pastel dyeing yourself (or have them do the whole thing).\\n1-2. Make sure your hair is not freshly shampooed before you begin bleaching.\\nBleach will irritate your skin when it comes in contact with your scalp. To avoid this, or at least lessen the irritation, you should not wash your hair for several days before you plan on bleaching it. The natural oils of your hair will help to reduce the irritation caused by the bleach.\\nUsing a toner over already yellowy-blonde hair may be enough to lighten your hair. Try this before using bleach. Virgin Snow by Manic Panic is a great toner and won't set you back too much cash.\\nAlternatively, if the toner just doesn't cut it you may use a bleaching method such as this. A less harmful way to lighten your hair is a bleach bath. (a bleach bath is a mixture of half bleach, half shampoo)\\n1-3. Choose your kit based on the developer.\\nThe developer (peroxide) comes in either 10, 20, 30, or 40 volume. Bleach kits will not contain 10 volume, however, because it is not meant for this use. Do not use a kit with 40 volume developer, it is too strong and can damage your hair badly.\\nIf your hair is already light blonde, use a 10 volume developer. While you may find it odd to bleach your hair when you are already blonde, using a 10 volume developer will help to open up your hair and make it more receptive to the pastel dye.\\nIf your hair is light to medium brown or strawberry blonde, use a 20 volume developer.\\nIf your hair is dark brown or black, use a 30 volume developer.\\nKeep in mind, the higher the volume of developer, when you use it with bleach, or determines how FAST it processes. NOT how light your hair will get.\\n1-4. Perform a strand test.\\nStrand tests will help you to see how long you need to process your hair. Section off a small piece of hair and make sure to keep it away from the rest of your hair. Mix one spoonful of the bleaching powder from your kit with one spoonful of the peroxide developer.\\nDip your small section of hair into the mixture. Wait five minutes and then wipe the dye off with a cloth. Continue dipping the strands and waiting five minutes until the strands are the color you want your hair to be. This amount of time will be how long your need to bleach your whole head of hair for.\\nDo not rely on the results of your strand test too heavily. Different areas of hair will process at different speeds, and might even have different chemicals on them.\\n1-5. Prepare your bleaching area.\\nThis will be the same area you dye your hair in. Lay down old towels (ones that you don’t mind staining) or newspapers on any of the surfaces near where you will be working, as dye has a tendency to stain everything it touches. You will also need a tint brush with a pointed handle, some latex (or rubber) gloves, and a non-metallic bowl. You should also place an old towel around your shoulders.\\nIf possible, ask a friend to help you with the actual bleaching process, as it can get a little tricky to just do by yourself.\\nIf your bleaching kit did not come with a tint brush, you can buy one at any beauty supply store.\\n1-6. Mix the lightener packet and developer.\\nFollow the directions on the bleach kit box to properly mix up the bleach. You will want to use a bowl that you do not care about or that is white, as bleach can suck the color right out of ceramics. Plastic bowls are the best for mixing dyes.\\n1-7. Divide your hair into sections.\\nUse the pointy handle of your tint brush to divide your hair down the middle of your head so that your part is directly in the middle of your hair. Then divide your hair from ear to ear so that you have four sections of hair. Use plastic clips to hold these sections in place.\\nDon’t use metal clips; they may have a chemical reaction with the bleach.\\n1-8. Bleach your hair.\\nIf you have a friend around, now is the time to ask for their assistance. If not, make sure you are standing in front of a mirror so you can see what you are doing. Take a thin section of hair from the top of one of the back quarters. ‘Paint’ that strand with the dye, starting 1cm (0.39 inches) to 2.54cm (1 inch) away from your root and going all the way down to the bottom of the strands. Brush your hair with the dye from top to bottom (the direction that your hair grows) leaving your roots at the top uncovered (you will dye it later.)\\nYou should wait until later on to bleach your roots because roots tend to process quicker than the rest of a strand of hair.\\n1-9. Flip the dyed strand over.\\nRepeat the same process with the strand below each dyed later, continuing to flip each dyed layer over to reveal the next layer of undyed hair. You will have to work quickly, as bleach starts working almost immediately. When you are done with one quarter, move onto the next until all of the quarters of hair are dyed.\\n1-10. Add a second layer of bleach to the first quarter you dyed.\\nDo this when that quarter of hair has turned golden blonde. This time, run the tint brush from the root of your hair all the way to the end of each strand. Repeat this process with each section of hair.\\n1-11. Monitor your hair color.\\nWhen your dyed hair has reached a pale blonde color (that is more white than blonde) it’s time to rinse the bleach out. Wash it out with shampoo. In preparation for the dyeing process, you should use a pre-color shampoo. Do not use conditioner, as it will make the dye job uneven. Rinse your head thoroughly.\\nYour hair may or may not be platinum when you are done. The instructions on your bleach will likely say you can leave it on for 50 minutes. That is a bad idea. If your hair is still dark (or very orange) after 30 minutes, you may need to bleach again. It's better to bleach two times for 30 minutes than to do it once for nearly an hour.\\nIt is not common for hair to bleach white! The lightest you need to have your hair when bleaching is a pale yellow. Once your hair has reached the pale yellow point, you need to use a high lift blonde permanent color, or a toner, to make it white. Bleaching past white is dangerous, as once it is white, there is no more pigment left and will break (fry, melt, fall off) if chemically processed much further.\\n2. Dyeing Your Hair\\n2-1. Dry your hair.\\nIf you can stand to, blow dry your hair to speed up the dyeing process--blow drying your hair with high heat will help your hair absorb the dye.\\n2-2. Pour white conditioner into a mixing bowl.\\nIt is absolutely essential that the conditioner be white. The conditioner acts as the base that you will mix the dye with. Once you have pour the conditioner into a mixing bowl, add the color.\\nThe best color dyes to work with when making pastel dye include Manic Panic, Pravana, Crazy Color, and Special Effects, among others. (Splat is not suggested)\\n2-3. Start by squirting a small amount of the dye into the conditioner.\\nMix these two ingredients together so that the color is thoroughly worked into the conditioner. As a general rule, the color you see in the bowl will be the color that your hair gets dyed. Continue to mix in the dye until the color in the bowl is the color you want your hair to be.\\nIf you are concerned about the dye washing out of your hair, add enough dye that the mixture becomes one shade darker than you ultimately want your head to be.\\n2-4. Apply the mixture evenly to your hair.\\nStart at the roots of your hair and work the dye from the roots to the ends of your hair. You can choose to use either an applicator, brush or your hands to do this. Sometimes, your glove-covered hands will actually work the best. If you have a friend around, ask them to look for any spots you may have missed, or have them apply the dye to your hair for you.\\nNo matter what application technique you go with, even saturation of the dye is essential.\\n2-5. Pile your dyed hair on top of your head and cover it in a shower cap.\\nPutting your hair in a shower cap while you wait for the dye to process is essential. The shower cap ensures that the dye does not dry out (thus resulting in a patchy dye job). The processing time depends on how dark you want your hair to be--generally for a normal (versus light or dark) pastel color, you will want to let the dye process for 30 to 45 minutes. However, the length of time is up to you--keep an eye on your color while it is processing.\\n2-6. Check to see if your hair has processed.\\nAfter 20 minutes or so, wash one strand of your hair and check to see if it is the color you want. If it is too light, let the dye continue to process. Continue to check every 5 to 10 minutes to ensure that the color does not become too dark.\\n2-7. Wash your hair with cool water.\\nOnce your hair has reached the desired color, rinse it out with cool water. You do not need (and should not use) shampoo or conditioner. Don’t be alarmed that color will wash off your head and down the drain--this is natural and will not affect your dye job.\\n2-8. Dry your hair to check for uneven dye spots.\\nWet hair always looks darker than dry hair, so it is important to let your hair dry before you freak out. Use a blow dryer and dry your hair thoroughly.\\n2-9. Redye any uneven spots.\\nIf you find that one section of your hair is lighter than another (and you don’t want it to look that way) re-apply dye to that spot and let it process again. Make sure to check on it often to make sure it doesn’t become darker than the rest of your head.\\n2-10. Mix some of the dye into your normal conditioner.\\nIf you want to keep up your new color, adding some of the dye to your conditioner will help to keep your color from fading.\\nTips\\nIt does not matter what brand of conditioner you use, it can be cheap. You will need a lot to keep your hair looking pastel.\\nSome good dye's to use are: Directions lagoon blue (pastel blue), Directions Lilac (pastel purple), and Pinks by stargazer (pastel pink). Mixing dyes to achieve your own unique custom colors is also a fun idea.\\nWarnings\\nBleaching hair can be quite dangerous. It is always a good idea to give toning a go before resorting to bleach. When bleach bathing, DO NOT use a high volume of peroxide.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Want to try something new with your hair? Then look no further! Dyeing your hair pastel colors can give it a unique look. Before getting this funky look, you will need to bleach your hair. Scroll down to Step 1 to start you on your path to pastel hair!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Bleaching Your Hair\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose your bleach.\", \"描述\": \"If your hair is not platinum blonde or white, you will need to bleach your hair. The lighter your hair, the better the pastel color will take. If this is your first time bleaching your hair, start with a bleach kit. The kit contains dye and peroxide to bleach your hair.\\nBleach kits will be labeled as white, blue, or purple. Blue and purple add in cool tones to help combat brassy-ness. Blue is more ideal for canceling out orange hair, and purple is best for yellow. White bleach is normal, with no added tones.\\nIf this is your first time bleaching or dyeing your hair at home, you may want to seriously consider going to a hair salon to get your hair bleached. Bleaching is the hardest part of this whole pastel hair process and improperly bleached hair can end up looking really fried and dead. Consider going to a hair salon to get your hair bleached and they do the pastel dyeing yourself (or have them do the whole thing).\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make sure your hair is not freshly shampooed before you begin bleaching.\", \"描述\": \"Bleach will irritate your skin when it comes in contact with your scalp. To avoid this, or at least lessen the irritation, you should not wash your hair for several days before you plan on bleaching it. The natural oils of your hair will help to reduce the irritation caused by the bleach.\\nUsing a toner over already yellowy-blonde hair may be enough to lighten your hair. Try this before using bleach. Virgin Snow by Manic Panic is a great toner and won't set you back too much cash.\\nAlternatively, if the toner just doesn't cut it you may use a bleaching method such as this. A less harmful way to lighten your hair is a bleach bath. (a bleach bath is a mixture of half bleach, half shampoo)\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Choose your kit based on the developer.\", \"描述\": \"The developer (peroxide) comes in either 10, 20, 30, or 40 volume. Bleach kits will not contain 10 volume, however, because it is not meant for this use. Do not use a kit with 40 volume developer, it is too strong and can damage your hair badly.\\nIf your hair is already light blonde, use a 10 volume developer. While you may find it odd to bleach your hair when you are already blonde, using a 10 volume developer will help to open up your hair and make it more receptive to the pastel dye.\\nIf your hair is light to medium brown or strawberry blonde, use a 20 volume developer.\\nIf your hair is dark brown or black, use a 30 volume developer.\\nKeep in mind, the higher the volume of developer, when you use it with bleach, or determines how FAST it processes. NOT how light your hair will get.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Perform a strand test.\", \"描述\": \"Strand tests will help you to see how long you need to process your hair. Section off a small piece of hair and make sure to keep it away from the rest of your hair. Mix one spoonful of the bleaching powder from your kit with one spoonful of the peroxide developer.\\nDip your small section of hair into the mixture. Wait five minutes and then wipe the dye off with a cloth. Continue dipping the strands and waiting five minutes until the strands are the color you want your hair to be. This amount of time will be how long your need to bleach your whole head of hair for.\\nDo not rely on the results of your strand test too heavily. Different areas of hair will process at different speeds, and might even have different chemicals on them.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Prepare your bleaching area.\", \"描述\": \"This will be the same area you dye your hair in. Lay down old towels (ones that you don’t mind staining) or newspapers on any of the surfaces near where you will be working, as dye has a tendency to stain everything it touches. You will also need a tint brush with a pointed handle, some latex (or rubber) gloves, and a non-metallic bowl. You should also place an old towel around your shoulders.\\nIf possible, ask a friend to help you with the actual bleaching process, as it can get a little tricky to just do by yourself.\\nIf your bleaching kit did not come with a tint brush, you can buy one at any beauty supply store.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Mix the lightener packet and developer.\", \"描述\": \"Follow the directions on the bleach kit box to properly mix up the bleach. You will want to use a bowl that you do not care about or that is white, as bleach can suck the color right out of ceramics. Plastic bowls are the best for mixing dyes.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Divide your hair into sections.\", \"描述\": \"Use the pointy handle of your tint brush to divide your hair down the middle of your head so that your part is directly in the middle of your hair. Then divide your hair from ear to ear so that you have four sections of hair. Use plastic clips to hold these sections in place.\\nDon’t use metal clips; they may have a chemical reaction with the bleach.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Bleach your hair.\", \"描述\": \"If you have a friend around, now is the time to ask for their assistance. If not, make sure you are standing in front of a mirror so you can see what you are doing. Take a thin section of hair from the top of one of the back quarters. ‘Paint’ that strand with the dye, starting 1cm (0.39 inches) to 2.54cm (1 inch) away from your root and going all the way down to the bottom of the strands. Brush your hair with the dye from top to bottom (the direction that your hair grows) leaving your roots at the top uncovered (you will dye it later.)\\nYou should wait until later on to bleach your roots because roots tend to process quicker than the rest of a strand of hair.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Flip the dyed strand over.\", \"描述\": \"Repeat the same process with the strand below each dyed later, continuing to flip each dyed layer over to reveal the next layer of undyed hair. You will have to work quickly, as bleach starts working almost immediately. When you are done with one quarter, move onto the next until all of the quarters of hair are dyed.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Add a second layer of bleach to the first quarter you dyed.\", \"描述\": \"Do this when that quarter of hair has turned golden blonde. This time, run the tint brush from the root of your hair all the way to the end of each strand. Repeat this process with each section of hair.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Monitor your hair color.\", \"描述\": \"When your dyed hair has reached a pale blonde color (that is more white than blonde) it’s time to rinse the bleach out. Wash it out with shampoo. In preparation for the dyeing process, you should use a pre-color shampoo. Do not use conditioner, as it will make the dye job uneven. Rinse your head thoroughly.\\nYour hair may or may not be platinum when you are done. The instructions on your bleach will likely say you can leave it on for 50 minutes. That is a bad idea. If your hair is still dark (or very orange) after 30 minutes, you may need to bleach again. It's better to bleach two times for 30 minutes than to do it once for nearly an hour.\\nIt is not common for hair to bleach white! The lightest you need to have your hair when bleaching is a pale yellow. Once your hair has reached the pale yellow point, you need to use a high lift blonde permanent color, or a toner, to make it white. Bleaching past white is dangerous, as once it is white, there is no more pigment left and will break (fry, melt, fall off) if chemically processed much further.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Dyeing Your Hair\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Dry your hair.\", \"描述\": \"If you can stand to, blow dry your hair to speed up the dyeing process--blow drying your hair with high heat will help your hair absorb the dye.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Pour white conditioner into a mixing bowl.\", \"描述\": \"It is absolutely essential that the conditioner be white. The conditioner acts as the base that you will mix the dye with. Once you have pour the conditioner into a mixing bowl, add the color.\\nThe best color dyes to work with when making pastel dye include Manic Panic, Pravana, Crazy Color, and Special Effects, among others. (Splat is not suggested)\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Start by squirting a small amount of the dye into the conditioner.\", \"描述\": \"Mix these two ingredients together so that the color is thoroughly worked into the conditioner. As a general rule, the color you see in the bowl will be the color that your hair gets dyed. Continue to mix in the dye until the color in the bowl is the color you want your hair to be.\\nIf you are concerned about the dye washing out of your hair, add enough dye that the mixture becomes one shade darker than you ultimately want your head to be.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Apply the mixture evenly to your hair.\", \"描述\": \"Start at the roots of your hair and work the dye from the roots to the ends of your hair. You can choose to use either an applicator, brush or your hands to do this. Sometimes, your glove-covered hands will actually work the best. If you have a friend around, ask them to look for any spots you may have missed, or have them apply the dye to your hair for you.\\nNo matter what application technique you go with, even saturation of the dye is essential.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Pile your dyed hair on top of your head and cover it in a shower cap.\", \"描述\": \"Putting your hair in a shower cap while you wait for the dye to process is essential. The shower cap ensures that the dye does not dry out (thus resulting in a patchy dye job). The processing time depends on how dark you want your hair to be--generally for a normal (versus light or dark) pastel color, you will want to let the dye process for 30 to 45 minutes. However, the length of time is up to you--keep an eye on your color while it is processing.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Check to see if your hair has processed.\", \"描述\": \"After 20 minutes or so, wash one strand of your hair and check to see if it is the color you want. If it is too light, let the dye continue to process. Continue to check every 5 to 10 minutes to ensure that the color does not become too dark.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Wash your hair with cool water.\", \"描述\": \"Once your hair has reached the desired color, rinse it out with cool water. You do not need (and should not use) shampoo or conditioner. Don’t be alarmed that color will wash off your head and down the drain--this is natural and will not affect your dye job.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Dry your hair to check for uneven dye spots.\", \"描述\": \"Wet hair always looks darker than dry hair, so it is important to let your hair dry before you freak out. Use a blow dryer and dry your hair thoroughly.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Redye any uneven spots.\", \"描述\": \"If you find that one section of your hair is lighter than another (and you don’t want it to look that way) re-apply dye to that spot and let it process again. Make sure to check on it often to make sure it doesn’t become darker than the rest of your head.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Mix some of the dye into your normal conditioner.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to keep up your new color, adding some of the dye to your conditioner will help to keep your color from fading.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"It does not matter what brand of conditioner you use, it can be cheap. You will need a lot to keep your hair looking pastel.\\n\", \"Some good dye's to use are: Directions lagoon blue (pastel blue), Directions Lilac (pastel purple), and Pinks by stargazer (pastel pink). Mixing dyes to achieve your own unique custom colors is also a fun idea.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Bleaching hair can be quite dangerous. It is always a good idea to give toning a go before resorting to bleach. When bleach bathing, DO NOT use a high volume of peroxide.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Proper Running Form
1. Steps 1-1. Keep your eyes looking forward. Always have your eyes focus on what is in front of you. Looking 10-15 meters ahead of you is a good distance for you to identify any obstacles or hazards. Looking down may distract you and negatively affect your form. While maintaining a forward focus, also take time to make glances at your other surroundings, especially when on a road or sidewalk. 1-2. Keep your head level. Make sure to keep your head level with your vision ahead of you. Avoid looking down or up, as you will restrict your air ways and put added stress on your neck, which can lead to early fatigue and excess strain. An occasional twist or turn of your head to stretch out your neck is okay, but return to the forward level position afterwards. 1-3. Relax your shoulders. Maintaining a relaxed position is crucial to avoiding cramps and additional muscle strain. Drop your shoulders to a relaxed position and allow them to sway with the gentle twisting of your body as you run. For faster pace running you may want to drop your shoulders back an inch to orient your body more forward. 1-4. Keep your chest forward and lean slightly. From a resting position push your chest out about 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Keeping your chest forward and body leaned forward will help to keep your body moving forward and using gravity to push you in the forward direction. From your ankles you should be leaning forward about 10 degrees. 1-5. Move your arms with pace. Swing your arms in opposite movements of your forwards foot. This will help to generate momentum and keep you moving forward with ease. Your hands should not break mid-chest level when maintaining pace, however when sprinting your hands may reach or exceed such a level, but should not go past your collar bones. Your hands should also never cross your center; focus on forward and backward movement. 1-6. Maintain your elbows at right angle. Your elbows should never be less than 90 degree angles, but may exceed 90 degrees over long distances or heavy inclines. Ensure elbows are close to your sides and not winging out, maintaining a forward motion of your entire arm. 1-7. Flex your core/abdominal muscles. Keeping a strong core while running will help to hold your form, if you have a weak core your form will deteriorate, and you may begin to shuffle and slouch. Keep a firm hold on your core, but do not flex to maximum extent, just enough to hold your position. 1-8. Keep your hand relaxed. Hold your hand in a slight fist, but relaxed. Avoid straightening your hand or holding a very tight fist; have a relaxed hold. 1-9. Rotate your hips. Moving your hips back and forth as you stride, but do not over rotate to the point that it restricts movement. Your hips will also move laterally as you extend your legs, let them naturally “bounce” do not force them down or hold them from moving freely. 1-10. Maintain consistent knee height. The height at which your knees rise varies on your pace. For sprinting your knees should rise higher, but should not exceed your waistline. For a slower pace, knee keep your knees lower, but focus more on the push force rather than knee height to push forward. 1-11. Push off your feet. Think of your legs as pistons that push off the ground. Do not focus on the strike down, but rather the push off the ground. Bring your foot down gently, but push off the ground with force, once you have planted. 1-12. Land in the center or in front of your foot. When you bring your foot down, try to land first with the front or center of your foot. This allows your foot and leg to act as a dampener, distributing the impact force and taking the stress and strain off your joints and muscles. Do not land on your heel, doing so sends all the impact of the strike to your ankle and knee. When aiming for faster paces, you may shift towards your toes more as you lean farther forward. 1-13. Strike with your feet underneath your body. When striding, your foot should land underneath your body. Too far ahead and you’ll over stride, too short, and you’ll be wasting momentum, both require more energy than a centered strike. This will keep your stride distance at a proper length and your body moving with optimal efficiency. 1-14. Maintain high cadence. You should aim for approximately 180 strikes per minute, more for faster movement, less for a slower pace. If your cadence is too low, you are likely over striding. Beepers or music with matching beat pace can help with your cadence. Tips When you are Running long distance keep your arms with the rhythm of your legs. Keep your arms level with your belly button. Warnings if you hurt in any way take it easy and don't run so hard. Make sure you stretch before running or else you could cause injury.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:52", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Keep your eyes looking forward.\\nAlways have your eyes focus on what is in front of you. Looking 10-15 meters ahead of you is a good distance for you to identify any obstacles or hazards.\\nLooking down may distract you and negatively affect your form.\\nWhile maintaining a forward focus, also take time to make glances at your other surroundings, especially when on a road or sidewalk.\\n1-2. Keep your head level.\\nMake sure to keep your head level with your vision ahead of you.\\nAvoid looking down or up, as you will restrict your air ways and put added stress on your neck, which can lead to early fatigue and excess strain. An occasional twist or turn of your head to stretch out your neck is okay, but return to the forward level position afterwards.\\n1-3. Relax your shoulders.\\nMaintaining a relaxed position is crucial to avoiding cramps and additional muscle strain. Drop your shoulders to a relaxed position and allow them to sway with the gentle twisting of your body as you run.\\nFor faster pace running you may want to drop your shoulders back an inch to orient your body more forward.\\n1-4. Keep your chest forward and lean slightly.\\nFrom a resting position push your chest out about 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Keeping your chest forward and body leaned forward will help to keep your body moving forward and using gravity to push you in the forward direction. From your ankles you should be leaning forward about 10 degrees.\\n1-5. Move your arms with pace.\\nSwing your arms in opposite movements of your forwards foot. This will help to generate momentum and keep you moving forward with ease. Your hands should not break mid-chest level when maintaining pace, however when sprinting your hands may reach or exceed such a level, but should not go past your collar bones. Your hands should also never cross your center; focus on forward and backward movement.\\n1-6. Maintain your elbows at right angle.\\nYour elbows should never be less than 90 degree angles, but may exceed 90 degrees over long distances or heavy inclines. Ensure elbows are close to your sides and not winging out, maintaining a forward motion of your entire arm.\\n1-7. Flex your core/abdominal muscles.\\nKeeping a strong core while running will help to hold your form, if you have a weak core your form will deteriorate, and you may begin to shuffle and slouch. Keep a firm hold on your core, but do not flex to maximum extent, just enough to hold your position.\\n1-8. Keep your hand relaxed.\\nHold your hand in a slight fist, but relaxed.\\nAvoid straightening your hand or holding a very tight fist; have a relaxed hold.\\n1-9. Rotate your hips.\\nMoving your hips back and forth as you stride, but do not over rotate to the point that it restricts movement. Your hips will also move laterally as you extend your legs, let them naturally “bounce” do not force them down or hold them from moving freely.\\n1-10. Maintain consistent knee height.\\nThe height at which your knees rise varies on your pace. For sprinting your knees should rise higher, but should not exceed your waistline.\\nFor a slower pace, knee keep your knees lower, but focus more on the push force rather than knee height to push forward.\\n1-11. Push off your feet.\\nThink of your legs as pistons that push off the ground. Do not focus on the strike down, but rather the push off the ground. Bring your foot down gently, but push off the ground with force, once you have planted.\\n1-12. Land in the center or in front of your foot.\\nWhen you bring your foot down, try to land first with the front or center of your foot. This allows your foot and leg to act as a dampener, distributing the impact force and taking the stress and strain off your joints and muscles.\\nDo not land on your heel, doing so sends all the impact of the strike to your ankle and knee. When aiming for faster paces, you may shift towards your toes more as you lean farther forward.\\n1-13. Strike with your feet underneath your body.\\nWhen striding, your foot should land underneath your body. Too far ahead and you’ll over stride, too short, and you’ll be wasting momentum, both require more energy than a centered strike. This will keep your stride distance at a proper length and your body moving with optimal efficiency.\\n1-14. Maintain high cadence.\\nYou should aim for approximately 180 strikes per minute, more for faster movement, less for a slower pace. If your cadence is too low, you are likely over striding.\\nBeepers or music with matching beat pace can help with your cadence.\\nTips\\nWhen you are Running long distance keep your arms with the rhythm of your legs.\\nKeep your arms level with your belly button.\\nWarnings\\nif you hurt in any way take it easy and don't run so hard.\\nMake sure you stretch before running or else you could cause injury.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Proper running form is an important aspect to all runners from casual jogger to Olympic athletes and marathon runners. Proper running is key to avoiding onset stress-related injuries and improving overall endurance and speed ability. This wiki will go over parts of the body, head to toe, on how they should be moving.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Keep your eyes looking forward.\", \"描述\": \"Always have your eyes focus on what is in front of you. Looking 10-15 meters ahead of you is a good distance for you to identify any obstacles or hazards.\\nLooking down may distract you and negatively affect your form.\\nWhile maintaining a forward focus, also take time to make glances at your other surroundings, especially when on a road or sidewalk.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Keep your head level.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure to keep your head level with your vision ahead of you.\\nAvoid looking down or up, as you will restrict your air ways and put added stress on your neck, which can lead to early fatigue and excess strain. An occasional twist or turn of your head to stretch out your neck is okay, but return to the forward level position afterwards.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Relax your shoulders.\", \"描述\": \"Maintaining a relaxed position is crucial to avoiding cramps and additional muscle strain. Drop your shoulders to a relaxed position and allow them to sway with the gentle twisting of your body as you run.\\nFor faster pace running you may want to drop your shoulders back an inch to orient your body more forward.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Keep your chest forward and lean slightly.\", \"描述\": \"From a resting position push your chest out about 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Keeping your chest forward and body leaned forward will help to keep your body moving forward and using gravity to push you in the forward direction. From your ankles you should be leaning forward about 10 degrees.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Move your arms with pace.\", \"描述\": \"Swing your arms in opposite movements of your forwards foot. This will help to generate momentum and keep you moving forward with ease. Your hands should not break mid-chest level when maintaining pace, however when sprinting your hands may reach or exceed such a level, but should not go past your collar bones. Your hands should also never cross your center; focus on forward and backward movement.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Maintain your elbows at right angle.\", \"描述\": \"Your elbows should never be less than 90 degree angles, but may exceed 90 degrees over long distances or heavy inclines. Ensure elbows are close to your sides and not winging out, maintaining a forward motion of your entire arm.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Flex your core/abdominal muscles.\", \"描述\": \"Keeping a strong core while running will help to hold your form, if you have a weak core your form will deteriorate, and you may begin to shuffle and slouch. Keep a firm hold on your core, but do not flex to maximum extent, just enough to hold your position.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Keep your hand relaxed.\", \"描述\": \"Hold your hand in a slight fist, but relaxed.\\nAvoid straightening your hand or holding a very tight fist; have a relaxed hold.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Rotate your hips.\", \"描述\": \"Moving your hips back and forth as you stride, but do not over rotate to the point that it restricts movement. Your hips will also move laterally as you extend your legs, let them naturally “bounce” do not force them down or hold them from moving freely.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Maintain consistent knee height.\", \"描述\": \"The height at which your knees rise varies on your pace. For sprinting your knees should rise higher, but should not exceed your waistline.\\nFor a slower pace, knee keep your knees lower, but focus more on the push force rather than knee height to push forward.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Push off your feet.\", \"描述\": \"Think of your legs as pistons that push off the ground. Do not focus on the strike down, but rather the push off the ground. Bring your foot down gently, but push off the ground with force, once you have planted.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Land in the center or in front of your foot.\", \"描述\": \"When you bring your foot down, try to land first with the front or center of your foot. This allows your foot and leg to act as a dampener, distributing the impact force and taking the stress and strain off your joints and muscles.\\nDo not land on your heel, doing so sends all the impact of the strike to your ankle and knee. When aiming for faster paces, you may shift towards your toes more as you lean farther forward.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Strike with your feet underneath your body.\", \"描述\": \"When striding, your foot should land underneath your body. Too far ahead and you’ll over stride, too short, and you’ll be wasting momentum, both require more energy than a centered strike. This will keep your stride distance at a proper length and your body moving with optimal efficiency.\"}, {\"编号\": 14, \"标题\": \"Maintain high cadence.\", \"描述\": \"You should aim for approximately 180 strikes per minute, more for faster movement, less for a slower pace. If your cadence is too low, you are likely over striding.\\nBeepers or music with matching beat pace can help with your cadence.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"When you are Running long distance keep your arms with the rhythm of your legs.\\n\", \"Keep your arms level with your belly button.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"if you hurt in any way take it easy and don't run so hard.\\n\", \"Make sure you stretch before running or else you could cause injury.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Self Actualization
1. Connecting to Your Future Self 1-1. Decide who you want to be. The only way you can reach self-actualization is to envision what your actualized self will look like. Connecting with your future self is an important step in reaching personal goals. Two possible ways you can connect with your future self are: Creating a vision board. Prepare a collage – either online or with photos and paper – that sums up the future self you hope to become. Browse through magazine or online galleries and search for pictures and phrases that represent the person you envision yourself becoming. Paste all these images and words together to create a larger image depicting your future self. Writing a letter. Another powerful way to forge a connection with your future self is with a “Dear Future Me” letter. Write in detail about all the things you are proud of or inspired by about your future self. Go on to tell exactly HOW and WHY your future self reached these successes. 1-2. Identify your personal values. Once you have a general idea of where you want to end up you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to get there. Pinpointing your personal values can give insight on what drives your decisions, beliefs, and ideas. Think of your values as a road map directing you to your future self. Identify your values by doing the following: Think of two people you admire. What characteristics describe them? If you could change something about your local community or the world in general, what would it be? If your house was on fire, what three things would you take with you? When was the last time you felt really accomplished? Describe the moment and why you felt this way. Which topics do you stand up for or get really riled up about? Why do these topics get you going? Once you have considered these questions/statements, look for themes in your answers. Any recurring themes may shed light on your values. 1-3. Check for contradictions. After you have performed an analysis of your values, compare these to your future self. Do your current values coincide with the life you hope to someday lead? Now, reflect on your everyday behaviors, beliefs, and principles. Do these match your values and the person you hope to be? If you are not currently living out the values that are important to you or that will help you manifest into your future self, you will need to do some restructuring and goal-setting. 2. Living Your Values 2-1. Set goals that align with your vision. Having goals that don't fit with your overall values is like riding in a buggy with two horses that are going in opposite directions - it's mayhem. You can have the most inspiring goals, but if they are not supporting your personal values, your success won't feel like success. For example, Joe finds that his biggest values are community involvement, integrity, and leadership. In his current job, he is a supervisor at a non-profit organization that offers scholarships and training to under-served student populations. He learns that all the funds are not being directed to students as he once thought. Despite him meeting his values of community involvement and leadership, Joe may feel dissatisfied with his job because the organization is not one of integrity. Joe must develop new goals that align with his values to bring him balance and happiness. 2-2. Reassess your progress over time. Self-actualization is a careful balance of goal completion and values. Whenever one becomes misaligned, you will need to revisit both your values and goals. If your values shift, for example, because you have a family, you will need to create new goals that coincide with these new values. 2-3. Learn constantly. Committing to becoming a lifelong learner is the ultimate step in achieving self-actualization. A lifelong learner is one who uses information and experience to expand his own horizons and his life accordingly. Become a lifelong learner by: Questioning your assumptions - Think twice about unquestioned beliefs or biases, asking yourself "What else could I assume?" or "What evidence do I have for or against this assumption?" Teaching learned skills to others - Whether it's information from your career or study gleaned from a hobby, teach it. Teaching what you know to others helps you gain exposure, allows you to be seen as an expert to others, and enhances your knowledge of the subject. Reading books Cultivating relationships with intellectuals Journaling Meditating Engaging in problem-solving Joining organizations Attending workshops Getting involved with projects 2-4. Find passions. Passions are activities that you are willing to invest time and effort into because they bring you great pleasure. Passions result in a decrease in negative emotions and increased psychological well-being. These can range from writing to running to collecting stamps. More than likely, these passions will also align with your values in life. If you have trouble pinpointing any passions, think about the last event you attended. You had to buy a ticket, coordinate your schedule with a buddies or partners, and find something to wear. You put in a lot of effort to go to this event. Now, think about other events you have attended over the past year. Do you notice any recurring themes? 3. Reaching Your Mental Potential 3-1. Think positively Being able to look on the bright side of things is key to personal success and well-being. People who thin positively tend to have less health problems, stronger immune systems,and greater resilience to difficult life problems. One way to become a more positive thinker is by eliminating negative self-talk. Spend a few minutes each day paying careful attention to your self-talk. What are you saying to yourself as you go about your daily routine? Are these thoughts uplifting or belittling? If your self-talk contains a lot of criticisms, aim to replace these negative thoughts with more positive, helpful statements. For example, if you catch yourself thinking "This is too hard. I don't know how to do it" reframe these statements to "This is a difficult task. I may need extra help in getting it done." 3-2. Boost your self-esteem Self-actualized people feel a sense of worthiness and respect for both themselves, and others. Appreciating who you are and recognizing your worth are instrumental in developing a healthy mindset. Two practical solutions for boosting self-esteem are overcoming perfectionism and the tendency to compare. When we hold ourselves to unrealistically high standards (perfectionism), we will always fall short. Having realistic expectations about what you can accomplish motivates you to work harder and makes your feel good about yourself. When you move past perfectionism, mistakes aren't permanent failures, and even tiny successes are worthy of celebration. Assuming that everyone else has a better time than you is a recipe for disaster. All humans have shortcomings and comparing yourself to someone else based on what you see from the outside is unfair to you. The only comparisons you should be making is with yourself today versus yesterday. 3-3. Be open-minded A self-actualized person is capable of considering alternative opinions, perspectives, and methods that differ from his own. Being open-minded does not mean you are wishy-washy. Instead it means you can adequately assess multiple variables of a situation before coming to a conclusion. You welcome new experiences and are accessible to positive reactions. You can learn to be more open-minded by completing these two exercises: Think of a highly charged topic (e.g. abortion, war, artificial intelligence, etc.) and take the opposite side of the argument from your own. List five valid statements that support this position. Recall a time when you were betrayed or hurt by another. List three potential reasons this person may have hurt you, either by accident or on purpose. 3-4. Stand behind your choices. While self-actualized individuals may be open to various opinions and perspectives, they are also self-reliant. Being emotionally self-reliant translates to having the confidence to make your own decisions without relying on the influences of others and standing behind these decisions. If you are interested in becoming more emotionally self-reliant, try these three strategies: Quit waiting for an "okay". When you have a big decision to make, it can be easy to delay or put off making a choice because you are waiting for some other key player in your life to grant you permission. Self-reliance means trusting your intuition and making the choice that suits without relying on others to tell you its okay. Jump off the see-saw. Going back and forth on a decision after making it builds self-doubt. Once you have chosen, move on. Stop weighing the pros and cons and doubting the value of your decision. Stay the course. Even if a decision you made leads to subpar results, it doesn't mean you're on the wrong path. If you truly want something, you don't roll over and surrender after being faced with opposition. keep pushing towards the life you want. 3-5. Cultivate relationships with positive influencers. A sense of belonging and love are important needs in realizing self-actualization. However, ensuring that the relationships you build are positive gives you an extra lift. When we surround ourselves with positive people we have greater self-confidence, make healthier decisions, and cope with stress better. Conduct an inspection of your close relationships. Do the people you spend the most time with reflect your personal values? Do these people make you feel good about yourself? Do they motivate you to be your best self? If the answers to any of these are "no", you may need to distance yourself from these negative influencers.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:52", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Connecting to Your Future Self\\n1-1. Decide who you want to be.\\nThe only way you can reach self-actualization is to envision what your actualized self will look like. Connecting with your future self is an important step in reaching personal goals. Two possible ways you can connect with your future self are:\\nCreating a vision board. Prepare a collage – either online or with photos and paper – that sums up the future self you hope to become. Browse through magazine or online galleries and search for pictures and phrases that represent the person you envision yourself becoming. Paste all these images and words together to create a larger image depicting your future self.\\nWriting a letter. Another powerful way to forge a connection with your future self is with a “Dear Future Me” letter. Write in detail about all the things you are proud of or inspired by about your future self. Go on to tell exactly HOW and WHY your future self reached these successes.\\n1-2. Identify your personal values.\\nOnce you have a general idea of where you want to end up you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to get there. Pinpointing your personal values can give insight on what drives your decisions, beliefs, and ideas. Think of your values as a road map directing you to your future self. Identify your values by doing the following:\\nThink of two people you admire. What characteristics describe them?\\nIf you could change something about your local community or the world in general, what would it be?\\nIf your house was on fire, what three things would you take with you?\\nWhen was the last time you felt really accomplished? Describe the moment and why you felt this way.\\nWhich topics do you stand up for or get really riled up about? Why do these topics get you going?\\nOnce you have considered these questions/statements, look for themes in your answers. Any recurring themes may shed light on your values.\\n1-3. Check for contradictions.\\nAfter you have performed an analysis of your values, compare these to your future self. Do your current values coincide with the life you hope to someday lead? Now, reflect on your everyday behaviors, beliefs, and principles. Do these match your values and the person you hope to be?\\nIf you are not currently living out the values that are important to you or that will help you manifest into your future self, you will need to do some restructuring and goal-setting.\\n2. Living Your Values\\n2-1. Set goals that align with your vision.\\nHaving goals that don't fit with your overall values is like riding in a buggy with two horses that are going in opposite directions - it's mayhem. You can have the most inspiring goals, but if they are not supporting your personal values, your success won't feel like success.\\nFor example, Joe finds that his biggest values are community involvement, integrity, and leadership. In his current job, he is a supervisor at a non-profit organization that offers scholarships and training to under-served student populations. He learns that all the funds are not being directed to students as he once thought. Despite him meeting his values of community involvement and leadership, Joe may feel dissatisfied with his job because the organization is not one of integrity. Joe must develop new goals that align with his values to bring him balance and happiness.\\n2-2. Reassess your progress over time.\\nSelf-actualization is a careful balance of goal completion and values. Whenever one becomes misaligned, you will need to revisit both your values and goals. If your values shift, for example, because you have a family, you will need to create new goals that coincide with these new values.\\n2-3. Learn constantly.\\nCommitting to becoming a lifelong learner is the ultimate step in achieving self-actualization. A lifelong learner is one who uses information and experience to expand his own horizons and his life accordingly. Become a lifelong learner by:\\nQuestioning your assumptions - Think twice about unquestioned beliefs or biases, asking yourself \\\"What else could I assume?\\\" or \\\"What evidence do I have for or against this assumption?\\\"\\nTeaching learned skills to others - Whether it's information from your career or study gleaned from a hobby, teach it. Teaching what you know to others helps you gain exposure, allows you to be seen as an expert to others, and enhances your knowledge of the subject.\\nReading books\\nCultivating relationships with intellectuals\\nJournaling\\nMeditating\\nEngaging in problem-solving\\nJoining organizations\\nAttending workshops\\nGetting involved with projects\\n2-4. Find passions.\\nPassions are activities that you are willing to invest time and effort into because they bring you great pleasure. Passions result in a decrease in negative emotions and increased psychological well-being. These can range from writing to running to collecting stamps. More than likely, these passions will also align with your values in life.\\nIf you have trouble pinpointing any passions, think about the last event you attended. You had to buy a ticket, coordinate your schedule with a buddies or partners, and find something to wear. You put in a lot of effort to go to this event. Now, think about other events you have attended over the past year. Do you notice any recurring themes?\\n3. Reaching Your Mental Potential\\n3-1. Think positively\\nBeing able to look on the bright side of things is key to personal success and well-being. People who thin positively tend to have less health problems, stronger immune systems,and greater resilience to difficult life problems. One way to become a more positive thinker is by eliminating negative self-talk.\\nSpend a few minutes each day paying careful attention to your self-talk. What are you saying to yourself as you go about your daily routine? Are these thoughts uplifting or belittling?\\nIf your self-talk contains a lot of criticisms, aim to replace these negative thoughts with more positive, helpful statements. For example, if you catch yourself thinking \\\"This is too hard. I don't know how to do it\\\" reframe these statements to \\\"This is a difficult task. I may need extra help in getting it done.\\\"\\n3-2. Boost your self-esteem\\nSelf-actualized people feel a sense of worthiness and respect for both themselves, and others. Appreciating who you are and recognizing your worth are instrumental in developing a healthy mindset. Two practical solutions for boosting self-esteem are overcoming perfectionism and the tendency to compare.\\nWhen we hold ourselves to unrealistically high standards (perfectionism), we will always fall short. Having realistic expectations about what you can accomplish motivates you to work harder and makes your feel good about yourself. When you move past perfectionism, mistakes aren't permanent failures, and even tiny successes are worthy of celebration.\\nAssuming that everyone else has a better time than you is a recipe for disaster. All humans have shortcomings and comparing yourself to someone else based on what you see from the outside is unfair to you. The only comparisons you should be making is with yourself today versus yesterday.\\n3-3. Be open-minded\\nA self-actualized person is capable of considering alternative opinions, perspectives, and methods that differ from his own. Being open-minded does not mean you are wishy-washy. Instead it means you can adequately assess multiple variables of a situation before coming to a conclusion. You welcome new experiences and are accessible to positive reactions. You can learn to be more open-minded by completing these two exercises:\\nThink of a highly charged topic (e.g. abortion, war, artificial intelligence, etc.) and take the opposite side of the argument from your own. List five valid statements that support this position.\\nRecall a time when you were betrayed or hurt by another. List three potential reasons this person may have hurt you, either by accident or on purpose.\\n3-4. Stand behind your choices.\\nWhile self-actualized individuals may be open to various opinions and perspectives, they are also self-reliant. Being emotionally self-reliant translates to having the confidence to make your own decisions without relying on the influences of others and standing behind these decisions. If you are interested in becoming more emotionally self-reliant, try these three strategies:\\nQuit waiting for an \\\"okay\\\". When you have a big decision to make, it can be easy to delay or put off making a choice because you are waiting for some other key player in your life to grant you permission. Self-reliance means trusting your intuition and making the choice that suits without relying on others to tell you its okay.\\nJump off the see-saw. Going back and forth on a decision after making it builds self-doubt. Once you have chosen, move on. Stop weighing the pros and cons and doubting the value of your decision.\\nStay the course. Even if a decision you made leads to subpar results, it doesn't mean you're on the wrong path. If you truly want something, you don't roll over and surrender after being faced with opposition. keep pushing towards the life you want.\\n3-5. Cultivate relationships with positive influencers.\\nA sense of belonging and love are important needs in realizing self-actualization. However, ensuring that the relationships you build are positive gives you an extra lift. When we surround ourselves with positive people we have greater self-confidence, make healthier decisions, and cope with stress better.\\nConduct an inspection of your close relationships. Do the people you spend the most time with reflect your personal values? Do these people make you feel good about yourself? Do they motivate you to be your best self? If the answers to any of these are \\\"no\\\", you may need to distance yourself from these negative influencers.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Self-actualization is a concept coined by American psychologist Abraham Maslow. It refers to the process of achieving a hierarchy of needs – physiological, safety and security, love and belonging, and esteem – in addition to reaching one’s full potential. Assuming you have met the lower level basic needs for food, water, oxygen, sleep, shelter and social stability, you can reach self-actualization by identifying and striving towards ultimate meaning in your life.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Connecting to Your Future Self\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Decide who you want to be.\", \"描述\": \"The only way you can reach self-actualization is to envision what your actualized self will look like. Connecting with your future self is an important step in reaching personal goals. Two possible ways you can connect with your future self are:\\nCreating a vision board. Prepare a collage – either online or with photos and paper – that sums up the future self you hope to become. Browse through magazine or online galleries and search for pictures and phrases that represent the person you envision yourself becoming. Paste all these images and words together to create a larger image depicting your future self.\\nWriting a letter. Another powerful way to forge a connection with your future self is with a “Dear Future Me” letter. Write in detail about all the things you are proud of or inspired by about your future self. Go on to tell exactly HOW and WHY your future self reached these successes.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Identify your personal values.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have a general idea of where you want to end up you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to get there. Pinpointing your personal values can give insight on what drives your decisions, beliefs, and ideas. Think of your values as a road map directing you to your future self. Identify your values by doing the following:\\nThink of two people you admire. What characteristics describe them?\\nIf you could change something about your local community or the world in general, what would it be?\\nIf your house was on fire, what three things would you take with you?\\nWhen was the last time you felt really accomplished? Describe the moment and why you felt this way.\\nWhich topics do you stand up for or get really riled up about? Why do these topics get you going?\\nOnce you have considered these questions/statements, look for themes in your answers. Any recurring themes may shed light on your values.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Check for contradictions.\", \"描述\": \"After you have performed an analysis of your values, compare these to your future self. Do your current values coincide with the life you hope to someday lead? Now, reflect on your everyday behaviors, beliefs, and principles. Do these match your values and the person you hope to be?\\nIf you are not currently living out the values that are important to you or that will help you manifest into your future self, you will need to do some restructuring and goal-setting.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Living Your Values\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Set goals that align with your vision.\", \"描述\": \"Having goals that don't fit with your overall values is like riding in a buggy with two horses that are going in opposite directions - it's mayhem. You can have the most inspiring goals, but if they are not supporting your personal values, your success won't feel like success.\\nFor example, Joe finds that his biggest values are community involvement, integrity, and leadership. In his current job, he is a supervisor at a non-profit organization that offers scholarships and training to under-served student populations. He learns that all the funds are not being directed to students as he once thought. Despite him meeting his values of community involvement and leadership, Joe may feel dissatisfied with his job because the organization is not one of integrity. Joe must develop new goals that align with his values to bring him balance and happiness.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Reassess your progress over time.\", \"描述\": \"Self-actualization is a careful balance of goal completion and values. Whenever one becomes misaligned, you will need to revisit both your values and goals. If your values shift, for example, because you have a family, you will need to create new goals that coincide with these new values.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Learn constantly.\", \"描述\": \"Committing to becoming a lifelong learner is the ultimate step in achieving self-actualization. A lifelong learner is one who uses information and experience to expand his own horizons and his life accordingly. Become a lifelong learner by:\\nQuestioning your assumptions - Think twice about unquestioned beliefs or biases, asking yourself \\\"What else could I assume?\\\" or \\\"What evidence do I have for or against this assumption?\\\"\\nTeaching learned skills to others - Whether it's information from your career or study gleaned from a hobby, teach it. Teaching what you know to others helps you gain exposure, allows you to be seen as an expert to others, and enhances your knowledge of the subject.\\nReading books\\nCultivating relationships with intellectuals\\nJournaling\\nMeditating\\nEngaging in problem-solving\\nJoining organizations\\nAttending workshops\\nGetting involved with projects\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Find passions.\", \"描述\": \"Passions are activities that you are willing to invest time and effort into because they bring you great pleasure. Passions result in a decrease in negative emotions and increased psychological well-being. These can range from writing to running to collecting stamps. More than likely, these passions will also align with your values in life.\\nIf you have trouble pinpointing any passions, think about the last event you attended. You had to buy a ticket, coordinate your schedule with a buddies or partners, and find something to wear. You put in a lot of effort to go to this event. Now, think about other events you have attended over the past year. Do you notice any recurring themes?\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Reaching Your Mental Potential\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Think positively\", \"描述\": \"Being able to look on the bright side of things is key to personal success and well-being. People who thin positively tend to have less health problems, stronger immune systems,and greater resilience to difficult life problems. One way to become a more positive thinker is by eliminating negative self-talk.\\nSpend a few minutes each day paying careful attention to your self-talk. What are you saying to yourself as you go about your daily routine? Are these thoughts uplifting or belittling?\\nIf your self-talk contains a lot of criticisms, aim to replace these negative thoughts with more positive, helpful statements. For example, if you catch yourself thinking \\\"This is too hard. I don't know how to do it\\\" reframe these statements to \\\"This is a difficult task. I may need extra help in getting it done.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Boost your self-esteem\", \"描述\": \"Self-actualized people feel a sense of worthiness and respect for both themselves, and others. Appreciating who you are and recognizing your worth are instrumental in developing a healthy mindset. Two practical solutions for boosting self-esteem are overcoming perfectionism and the tendency to compare.\\nWhen we hold ourselves to unrealistically high standards (perfectionism), we will always fall short. Having realistic expectations about what you can accomplish motivates you to work harder and makes your feel good about yourself. When you move past perfectionism, mistakes aren't permanent failures, and even tiny successes are worthy of celebration.\\nAssuming that everyone else has a better time than you is a recipe for disaster. All humans have shortcomings and comparing yourself to someone else based on what you see from the outside is unfair to you. The only comparisons you should be making is with yourself today versus yesterday.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be open-minded\", \"描述\": \"A self-actualized person is capable of considering alternative opinions, perspectives, and methods that differ from his own. Being open-minded does not mean you are wishy-washy. Instead it means you can adequately assess multiple variables of a situation before coming to a conclusion. You welcome new experiences and are accessible to positive reactions. You can learn to be more open-minded by completing these two exercises:\\nThink of a highly charged topic (e.g. abortion, war, artificial intelligence, etc.) and take the opposite side of the argument from your own. List five valid statements that support this position.\\nRecall a time when you were betrayed or hurt by another. List three potential reasons this person may have hurt you, either by accident or on purpose.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Stand behind your choices.\", \"描述\": \"While self-actualized individuals may be open to various opinions and perspectives, they are also self-reliant. Being emotionally self-reliant translates to having the confidence to make your own decisions without relying on the influences of others and standing behind these decisions. If you are interested in becoming more emotionally self-reliant, try these three strategies:\\nQuit waiting for an \\\"okay\\\". When you have a big decision to make, it can be easy to delay or put off making a choice because you are waiting for some other key player in your life to grant you permission. Self-reliance means trusting your intuition and making the choice that suits without relying on others to tell you its okay.\\nJump off the see-saw. Going back and forth on a decision after making it builds self-doubt. Once you have chosen, move on. Stop weighing the pros and cons and doubting the value of your decision.\\nStay the course. Even if a decision you made leads to subpar results, it doesn't mean you're on the wrong path. If you truly want something, you don't roll over and surrender after being faced with opposition. keep pushing towards the life you want.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Cultivate relationships with positive influencers.\", \"描述\": \"A sense of belonging and love are important needs in realizing self-actualization. However, ensuring that the relationships you build are positive gives you an extra lift. When we surround ourselves with positive people we have greater self-confidence, make healthier decisions, and cope with stress better.\\nConduct an inspection of your close relationships. Do the people you spend the most time with reflect your personal values? Do these people make you feel good about yourself? Do they motivate you to be your best self? If the answers to any of these are \\\"no\\\", you may need to distance yourself from these negative influencers.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Short Term Goals
1. Examining the Goal 1-1. Make sure the goal is specific. For any goal, it is important that your goal is specific and clearly defined. The work you will do to achieve short-term goals occurs over a shorter, so it's important to avoid confusion about what you are trying to achieve. Confusion creates delay and decreases motivation. For example, imagine you are writing a book. To make the process manageable, you decide to break it down into several short-term goals. You hope to achieve them over several one-month periods of time. You could set the short-term goal "start writing the book" for the first month. But that's not very specific. A better goal might be "write a first draft of chapter one this month." This is much clearer in terms of exactly what you want to achieve. 1-2. Make sure the goal is realistic. It is important to set goals that you will actually be able to achieve in the available time. Failure to do so will result in discouragement, which may lead you to give up on future goals. Our brains thrive on success. Setting achievable goals and following through will create motivation to pursue the next goal.Setting a goal you can't achieve within the time frame sets you up for the opposite. Returning to the example of writing a book, you would probably not want to set a goal to complete the first six chapters in a month. Unless the chapters are very short, that's probably more writing than you can produce in that time. Failing to achieve this goal may then discourage you from doing a more reasonable amount of writing the following month. 1-3. Determine the steps. Nearly every goal can be broken down into smaller steps. Knowing what those steps are can help the goal feel more manageable. It also can help you create a clear plan to follow in working toward the goal. For example, let's say you've got company coming over and your house needs a serious cleaning. You break the process down into several short-term goals: clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, clean the living room, etc. But you can break each of these down into steps as well. Using the kitchen as an example, you might need to wash dishes, clean the counters, clean out the fridge, and sweep and mop the floor. 1-4. Estimate how long you expect each step to take. Having a timeline and deadlines for these tasks will help keep you motivated, accountable and on-task. For example, if you are starting with cleaning the bathroom, you might estimate it will take you 15 minutes to clean the tub, another 15 to clean toilet, another 10 ten to clean the sink area, ten minutes for organizing and cleaning the medicine cabinet, and another 10 minutes to clean the floor. If you can stick to this timeline, you should be able to clean the bathroom in an hour. 1-5. Write your goal(s) down and sketch out a plan. Once you've determined the steps, write up a quick plan that puts them in a logical order that will be easy to follow. Writing the steps down also ensures you won't forget anything important. 2. Achieving your Goal 2-1. Set priorities. Often times, when dealing with short-term goals, we may have many goals at one time. It is important to decide which goals are most important so that you can achieve them first. If company is coming to visit, you may need to clean your house. But you might also need to stock up on groceries. You might want to clean your car. It might be a good idea to make plans for things to do while your friends are staying with you. You may need to get ahead on work that you won't be able to while they are visiting. If you try to do all these things at once, you won't work as efficiently as if you picked the most important task, finished it, and moved on. In fact, by trying to do all of these things at once, you might not finish any of them. Prioritizing your goals will also avoid wasting time after you've completed a goal. You will have already figured out what you need to do next. 2-2. Get to work. As with any goal, short term goals are only accomplished through putting in time and effort. Once you get started, you'll develop momentum that can help carry you through to the end. If your house is a real disaster, it may be hard to get started on the cleaning. But look at your plan and try to dive in on the first step as soon as you can. Once you've got one room clean, the satisfaction you feel will help you feel motivated to keep going. 2-3. Stay focused. To achieve any goal, you have to work on it steadily. With short-term goals, this is even more important. Because you don't have long to complete your goal, it's crucial to keep your eye on the prize and not get distracted. There are several ways to promote this. Track your progress. Keep one eye on the clock (or calendar) and one eye on the plan you wrote up for achieving your goal. The timeline you set for yourself can be a strong motivation to stay focused. No one likes to feel that they've failed. Create a good environment for success. Try to remove things from your environment that might prevent you from achieving your goals. Imagine you are trying to clean your house, but you know that your dog is likely to follow you around begging for attention all day. You might want to take it to the kennel for an afternoon so you can focus. If you don't think you'll be able to resist the temptation to play your favorite video game, put the game controllers in a drawer in another room. Don't take them out again until you're done working on the goal. 2-4. Be flexible. Sometimes, you may find that your work toward short-term goals isn't having the effect you had hoped. Or, once you've been working on something for a while, you might think of a better way to do it than you had planned. If this is the case, don't stick rigidly to the plan for its own sake. If a short-term goal is not working out as you expected, or is taking a lot more time than you thought it would, don't be afraid to revise the plan. Having a plan is important, but sometimes, you need to change the order of your steps, remove steps entirely, or add new ones. Sometimes, you might need to drop one short term goal altogether in favor of another one. Using the example of writing a book, you might have a plan to draft the first chapter in a month. But, in writing the chapter, you might come up with a new idea for the book that you hadn't thought of before. If it's a good idea, it might be worth going back and revising your outline to include it. The time this takes might prevent you from achieving your original goal, but if it means a better book, be flexible and revise the plan! 2-5. Reward success. When you achieve a short-term goal, give yourself a reward. This is called "reinforcement." It helps your brain associate following through on goals with good consequences. This makes it easier to motivate yourself to achieve future goals. Reinforcement comes in two types. Positive reinforcement is when you add something good to your life. For example, you might reward your success by going out for a fancy cocktail or dessert. Negative reinforcement is when something unwanted is removed from your life. For example, imagine you you don't like walking your dog. You might make a deal with someone else in your household in which they agree to walk it for you for a day if you achieve your goal. Reinforcing good behaviors is more effective than punishing bad ones. It will increase your motivation to follow through much more. Tips Having a third party assess your progress can be useful. Be open to criticism. Often times, third parties are more aware of the flaws that are keeping you from getting your goals accomplished than you are. It's important to develop your ability to keep your own promises. If you're going to set goals for yourself, don't talk yourself out of them no matter how insignificant it may seem. This sets you up to back out again in the future.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:52", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Examining the Goal\\n1-1. Make sure the goal is specific.\\nFor any goal, it is important that your goal is specific and clearly defined. The work you will do to achieve short-term goals occurs over a shorter, so it's important to avoid confusion about what you are trying to achieve. Confusion creates delay and decreases motivation.\\nFor example, imagine you are writing a book. To make the process manageable, you decide to break it down into several short-term goals. You hope to achieve them over several one-month periods of time. You could set the short-term goal \\\"start writing the book\\\" for the first month. But that's not very specific. A better goal might be \\\"write a first draft of chapter one this month.\\\" This is much clearer in terms of exactly what you want to achieve.\\n1-2. Make sure the goal is realistic.\\nIt is important to set goals that you will actually be able to achieve in the available time. Failure to do so will result in discouragement, which may lead you to give up on future goals.\\nOur brains thrive on success. Setting achievable goals and following through will create motivation to pursue the next goal.Setting a goal you can't achieve within the time frame sets you up for the opposite.\\nReturning to the example of writing a book, you would probably not want to set a goal to complete the first six chapters in a month. Unless the chapters are very short, that's probably more writing than you can produce in that time. Failing to achieve this goal may then discourage you from doing a more reasonable amount of writing the following month.\\n1-3. Determine the steps.\\nNearly every goal can be broken down into smaller steps. Knowing what those steps are can help the goal feel more manageable. It also can help you create a clear plan to follow in working toward the goal.\\nFor example, let's say you've got company coming over and your house needs a serious cleaning. You break the process down into several short-term goals: clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, clean the living room, etc. But you can break each of these down into steps as well. Using the kitchen as an example, you might need to wash dishes, clean the counters, clean out the fridge, and sweep and mop the floor.\\n1-4. Estimate how long you expect each step to take.\\nHaving a timeline and deadlines for these tasks will help keep you motivated, accountable and on-task.\\nFor example, if you are starting with cleaning the bathroom, you might estimate it will take you 15 minutes to clean the tub, another 15 to clean toilet, another 10 ten to clean the sink area, ten minutes for organizing and cleaning the medicine cabinet, and another 10 minutes to clean the floor. If you can stick to this timeline, you should be able to clean the bathroom in an hour.\\n1-5. Write your goal(s) down and sketch out a plan.\\nOnce you've determined the steps, write up a quick plan that puts them in a logical order that will be easy to follow.\\nWriting the steps down also ensures you won't forget anything important.\\n2. Achieving your Goal\\n2-1. Set priorities.\\nOften times, when dealing with short-term goals, we may have many goals at one time. It is important to decide which goals are most important so that you can achieve them first.\\nIf company is coming to visit, you may need to clean your house. But you might also need to stock up on groceries. You might want to clean your car. It might be a good idea to make plans for things to do while your friends are staying with you. You may need to get ahead on work that you won't be able to while they are visiting. If you try to do all these things at once, you won't work as efficiently as if you picked the most important task, finished it, and moved on. In fact, by trying to do all of these things at once, you might not finish any of them.\\nPrioritizing your goals will also avoid wasting time after you've completed a goal. You will have already figured out what you need to do next.\\n2-2. Get to work.\\nAs with any goal, short term goals are only accomplished through putting in time and effort. Once you get started, you'll develop momentum that can help carry you through to the end.\\nIf your house is a real disaster, it may be hard to get started on the cleaning. But look at your plan and try to dive in on the first step as soon as you can. Once you've got one room clean, the satisfaction you feel will help you feel motivated to keep going.\\n2-3. Stay focused.\\nTo achieve any goal, you have to work on it steadily. With short-term goals, this is even more important. Because you don't have long to complete your goal, it's crucial to keep your eye on the prize and not get distracted. There are several ways to promote this.\\nTrack your progress. Keep one eye on the clock (or calendar) and one eye on the plan you wrote up for achieving your goal. The timeline you set for yourself can be a strong motivation to stay focused. No one likes to feel that they've failed.\\nCreate a good environment for success. Try to remove things from your environment that might prevent you from achieving your goals. Imagine you are trying to clean your house, but you know that your dog is likely to follow you around begging for attention all day. You might want to take it to the kennel for an afternoon so you can focus. If you don't think you'll be able to resist the temptation to play your favorite video game, put the game controllers in a drawer in another room. Don't take them out again until you're done working on the goal.\\n2-4. Be flexible.\\nSometimes, you may find that your work toward short-term goals isn't having the effect you had hoped. Or, once you've been working on something for a while, you might think of a better way to do it than you had planned. If this is the case, don't stick rigidly to the plan for its own sake.\\nIf a short-term goal is not working out as you expected, or is taking a lot more time than you thought it would, don't be afraid to revise the plan. Having a plan is important, but sometimes, you need to change the order of your steps, remove steps entirely, or add new ones. Sometimes, you might need to drop one short term goal altogether in favor of another one.\\nUsing the example of writing a book, you might have a plan to draft the first chapter in a month. But, in writing the chapter, you might come up with a new idea for the book that you hadn't thought of before. If it's a good idea, it might be worth going back and revising your outline to include it. The time this takes might prevent you from achieving your original goal, but if it means a better book, be flexible and revise the plan!\\n2-5. Reward success.\\nWhen you achieve a short-term goal, give yourself a reward. This is called \\\"reinforcement.\\\" It helps your brain associate following through on goals with good consequences. This makes it easier to motivate yourself to achieve future goals.\\nReinforcement comes in two types. Positive reinforcement is when you add something good to your life. For example, you might reward your success by going out for a fancy cocktail or dessert. Negative reinforcement is when something unwanted is removed from your life. For example, imagine you you don't like walking your dog. You might make a deal with someone else in your household in which they agree to walk it for you for a day if you achieve your goal.\\nReinforcing good behaviors is more effective than punishing bad ones. It will increase your motivation to follow through much more.\\nTips\\nHaving a third party assess your progress can be useful. Be open to criticism. Often times, third parties are more aware of the flaws that are keeping you from getting your goals accomplished than you are.\\nIt's important to develop your ability to keep your own promises. If you're going to set goals for yourself, don't talk yourself out of them no matter how insignificant it may seem. This sets you up to back out again in the future.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Setting and achieving short-term goals is an excellent way to help yourself feel like you're making steady progress. We'll help you with the tips and tricks you need to stay on track and meet those goals!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Examining the Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make sure the goal is specific.\", \"描述\": \"For any goal, it is important that your goal is specific and clearly defined. The work you will do to achieve short-term goals occurs over a shorter, so it's important to avoid confusion about what you are trying to achieve. Confusion creates delay and decreases motivation.\\nFor example, imagine you are writing a book. To make the process manageable, you decide to break it down into several short-term goals. You hope to achieve them over several one-month periods of time. You could set the short-term goal \\\"start writing the book\\\" for the first month. But that's not very specific. A better goal might be \\\"write a first draft of chapter one this month.\\\" This is much clearer in terms of exactly what you want to achieve.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make sure the goal is realistic.\", \"描述\": \"It is important to set goals that you will actually be able to achieve in the available time. Failure to do so will result in discouragement, which may lead you to give up on future goals.\\nOur brains thrive on success. Setting achievable goals and following through will create motivation to pursue the next goal.Setting a goal you can't achieve within the time frame sets you up for the opposite.\\nReturning to the example of writing a book, you would probably not want to set a goal to complete the first six chapters in a month. Unless the chapters are very short, that's probably more writing than you can produce in that time. Failing to achieve this goal may then discourage you from doing a more reasonable amount of writing the following month.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Determine the steps.\", \"描述\": \"Nearly every goal can be broken down into smaller steps. Knowing what those steps are can help the goal feel more manageable. It also can help you create a clear plan to follow in working toward the goal.\\nFor example, let's say you've got company coming over and your house needs a serious cleaning. You break the process down into several short-term goals: clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, clean the living room, etc. But you can break each of these down into steps as well. Using the kitchen as an example, you might need to wash dishes, clean the counters, clean out the fridge, and sweep and mop the floor.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Estimate how long you expect each step to take.\", \"描述\": \"Having a timeline and deadlines for these tasks will help keep you motivated, accountable and on-task.\\nFor example, if you are starting with cleaning the bathroom, you might estimate it will take you 15 minutes to clean the tub, another 15 to clean toilet, another 10 ten to clean the sink area, ten minutes for organizing and cleaning the medicine cabinet, and another 10 minutes to clean the floor. If you can stick to this timeline, you should be able to clean the bathroom in an hour.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Write your goal(s) down and sketch out a plan.\", \"描述\": \"Once you've determined the steps, write up a quick plan that puts them in a logical order that will be easy to follow.\\nWriting the steps down also ensures you won't forget anything important.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Achieving your Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Set priorities.\", \"描述\": \"Often times, when dealing with short-term goals, we may have many goals at one time. It is important to decide which goals are most important so that you can achieve them first.\\nIf company is coming to visit, you may need to clean your house. But you might also need to stock up on groceries. You might want to clean your car. It might be a good idea to make plans for things to do while your friends are staying with you. You may need to get ahead on work that you won't be able to while they are visiting. If you try to do all these things at once, you won't work as efficiently as if you picked the most important task, finished it, and moved on. In fact, by trying to do all of these things at once, you might not finish any of them.\\nPrioritizing your goals will also avoid wasting time after you've completed a goal. You will have already figured out what you need to do next.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Get to work.\", \"描述\": \"As with any goal, short term goals are only accomplished through putting in time and effort. Once you get started, you'll develop momentum that can help carry you through to the end.\\nIf your house is a real disaster, it may be hard to get started on the cleaning. But look at your plan and try to dive in on the first step as soon as you can. Once you've got one room clean, the satisfaction you feel will help you feel motivated to keep going.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay focused.\", \"描述\": \"To achieve any goal, you have to work on it steadily. With short-term goals, this is even more important. Because you don't have long to complete your goal, it's crucial to keep your eye on the prize and not get distracted. There are several ways to promote this.\\nTrack your progress. Keep one eye on the clock (or calendar) and one eye on the plan you wrote up for achieving your goal. The timeline you set for yourself can be a strong motivation to stay focused. No one likes to feel that they've failed.\\nCreate a good environment for success. Try to remove things from your environment that might prevent you from achieving your goals. Imagine you are trying to clean your house, but you know that your dog is likely to follow you around begging for attention all day. You might want to take it to the kennel for an afternoon so you can focus. If you don't think you'll be able to resist the temptation to play your favorite video game, put the game controllers in a drawer in another room. Don't take them out again until you're done working on the goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be flexible.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes, you may find that your work toward short-term goals isn't having the effect you had hoped. Or, once you've been working on something for a while, you might think of a better way to do it than you had planned. If this is the case, don't stick rigidly to the plan for its own sake.\\nIf a short-term goal is not working out as you expected, or is taking a lot more time than you thought it would, don't be afraid to revise the plan. Having a plan is important, but sometimes, you need to change the order of your steps, remove steps entirely, or add new ones. Sometimes, you might need to drop one short term goal altogether in favor of another one.\\nUsing the example of writing a book, you might have a plan to draft the first chapter in a month. But, in writing the chapter, you might come up with a new idea for the book that you hadn't thought of before. If it's a good idea, it might be worth going back and revising your outline to include it. The time this takes might prevent you from achieving your original goal, but if it means a better book, be flexible and revise the plan!\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Reward success.\", \"描述\": \"When you achieve a short-term goal, give yourself a reward. This is called \\\"reinforcement.\\\" It helps your brain associate following through on goals with good consequences. This makes it easier to motivate yourself to achieve future goals.\\nReinforcement comes in two types. Positive reinforcement is when you add something good to your life. For example, you might reward your success by going out for a fancy cocktail or dessert. Negative reinforcement is when something unwanted is removed from your life. For example, imagine you you don't like walking your dog. You might make a deal with someone else in your household in which they agree to walk it for you for a day if you achieve your goal.\\nReinforcing good behaviors is more effective than punishing bad ones. It will increase your motivation to follow through much more.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Having a third party assess your progress can be useful. Be open to criticism. Often times, third parties are more aware of the flaws that are keeping you from getting your goals accomplished than you are.\\n\", \"It's important to develop your ability to keep your own promises. If you're going to set goals for yourself, don't talk yourself out of them no matter how insignificant it may seem. This sets you up to back out again in the future.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Something in Life
1. Setting Your Goals 1-1. Clarify your life goals. You may be passionate about obtaining an advanced degree, starting a family, creating a successful business or writing a book. Begin visualizing these goals and talk to competent people about how you might achieve your aspirations. Ask yourself what really makes you happy and try to follow your happiness. 1-2. Recognize your strengths. It is a bad idea to follow a life trajectory just because someone tells you to. However, other people will be able to recognize your strengths in an unbiased way that you often cannot. Listen to what they say about your strengths and weaknesses. Try to tailor your goals to your strengths. For example, if you are good at drawing, consider careers in visual design. If you are good at writing, think about how you can leverage that in your own career. That doesn't necessarily mean that you should commit yourself to being a novelist or an artist, which can be difficult careers. But you should consider other careers that utilize these skills, like advertising, architecture, interior design, or law. 1-3. Identify obstacles that may interfere with your goal. For example, you might have an innovative business concept, but not enough capital to get it off the ground. It is impractical to get into sports or some professional careers past a certain age. Talk to people who have followed the route you are entertaining to determine if it is viable option for you. 2. Creating a Plan 2-1. Talk to someone who is successful. To get a sense for what you will need to do to accomplish your goal, you should talk to someone who has already accomplished it. Ask her what steps she had to take to reach her goals. Try to get a sense for the “price” she paid, in terms of how many hours she committed daily to work. Build a plan to follow in her footsteps. Part of this will consist of setting up a daily schedule. If she committed 3 hours a day to work, ask how can you do the same. Will you need to cut out Television from your schedule or severely limit it to a certain amount of time per day? You will only know if you do the math. 2-2. Create a goal achievement action plan. Your goals will be more actionable if you create a plan to realize them. Create a timeline for each goal and identify the steps necessary to realizing each of them. Put it in writing and be as specific as possible about dates, small steps, and verifiable benchmarks for success. Determine the steps necessary to achieve each life goal. For example, to get into a reputable law school, you must first complete an undergraduate degree with a high grade point average. Then, you'll need a high score on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). You'll then apply to a list of carefully selected reputable law schools. Break down each large goal into smaller steps. For example, applying to reputable law schools will require that you submit reference letters, write a personal statement, and detail any experience in a law office. Identifying these smaller steps early on helps you be proactive in establishing relationships with professors who can write you letters of recommendation before you graduate. Similarly, you can begin planning to find a part-time summer job in a law office during your undergraduate years. Create a plan for addressing obstacles and personal challenges. For example, if your goal is to marry and have a family, but you can't find a romantic partner because you struggle with shyness, you might ask friends to introduce you to people, push yourself to attend social activities, or consult with a relationship counselor. 2-3. Stay motivated. Once you have an action plan, you should reward yourself every time that you meet a goal. If it a small goal, go out for a dinner or a drink, perhaps take some extra time off. If it is a big goal, Take a long vacation. Rewarding yourself will keep you motivated, though you need to make sure that you have set clear benchmarks, like a specific percent increase in sales or a certain grade on the LSAT. Otherwise, you might not force yourself to a very high standard. Reflect on your personal needs. In addition to the physical needs of staying fed, sheltered and healthy, consider your mental, emotional and spiritual needs as you work to achieve something in life. The need to feel respected, mentally stimulated, challenged and loved are vital factors for sustaining motivation. Remain constantly aware of the outcomes of your work. Verify that your goals foster your motivation. For example, the chances of building a loving family are much greater if you choose a life partner who makes you feel loved and respected, and encourages you to pursue your life goals. 2-4. Assess your progress. Constantly assess whether you are meeting your goals. If not, determine whether or not you have committed yourself sufficiently, and, if not, make more time in your schedule to meet these goals. If you are working hard to no effect, consider whether a different strategy would work better, or if you need to think about a new goal. 3. Changing Your Perspective 3-1. Learn to delay gratification. One of the strongest predictors of how successful a person is whether one can delay gratification for bigger rewards in the future. Take a bad habit that consumes time or sacrifices your health—like eating junk food or watching TV—and practice putting it off for as long as you can stand. This was proven in the classic marshmallow experiment, where children were promised two marshmallows if they could hold themselves back from eating a single marshmallow for fifteen minutes. Those who delayed the gratification to receive two marshmallows went on to have higher SAT scores, better health, and a lower risk of substance abuse. Follow up studies demonstrated that if children reliably received rewards when they delayed gratification, they would be better able to do so. 3-2. Cultivate grit. Along similar lines, it is important to practice perseverance. Stop thinking about life as a sprint, instead think of it as a marathon. Don't expect to reach your goal in a short period of intense effort. Stay active and working to your goals all the time as consistently as possible. Seinfeld, for example, argues that the key to his success was to sit down and write some jokes every day. It wasn't about periods of intense, highly motivated activity, but rather a devoted, consistent habit. Some people recommend finishing up your most important or difficult task at the very beginning of the day. If you do that, you will have momentum and your difficult tasks won't intimidate you into procrastination. 3-3. Work on your social skills. Research shows that nowadays the most successful people are those who combine skill with social graces. Social skills have become increasingly important in the modern world. They can best be cultivated through continuous practice. Practice socializing, even if it just saying “hello” or “thank you” to someone you meet in public. Watch how people who are popular act to determine what they do that attracts other people. Similarly, watch how people respond to you to see what does and does not work. 3-4. Have confidence. Studies show that the confidence that you project about yourself is as important as your actual qualifications. Think about your accomplishments. Practice body language that exudes confidence. Once you develop the confidence to act and be successful, your confidence will naturally snowball with your accomplishments. To exude confidence, stand up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. Project your voice to sound strong. Make eye contact when you talk to someone. Exercise to look and feel strong. 3-5. Embrace change. Many people feel that embracing change violates our authentic self. The most successful people, however, are those that do not perceive themselves as fixed, but rather as growing, changing to improve their skills, and adapt to the world around them. Model yourself after successful people and follow their example. While authenticity can be a powerful asset, you shouldn't allow yourself to be held back by your inability to change. Instead embrace an evolving sense of authenticity: the idea that the authentic you is someone you are becoming, not someone you were.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:52", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Setting Your Goals\\n1-1. Clarify your life goals.\\nYou may be passionate about obtaining an advanced degree, starting a family, creating a successful business or writing a book. Begin visualizing these goals and talk to competent people about how you might achieve your aspirations. Ask yourself what really makes you happy and try to follow your happiness.\\n1-2. Recognize your strengths.\\nIt is a bad idea to follow a life trajectory just because someone tells you to. However, other people will be able to recognize your strengths in an unbiased way that you often cannot. Listen to what they say about your strengths and weaknesses. Try to tailor your goals to your strengths.\\nFor example, if you are good at drawing, consider careers in visual design. If you are good at writing, think about how you can leverage that in your own career. That doesn't necessarily mean that you should commit yourself to being a novelist or an artist, which can be difficult careers. But you should consider other careers that utilize these skills, like advertising, architecture, interior design, or law.\\n1-3. Identify obstacles that may interfere with your goal.\\nFor example, you might have an innovative business concept, but not enough capital to get it off the ground. It is impractical to get into sports or some professional careers past a certain age. Talk to people who have followed the route you are entertaining to determine if it is viable option for you.\\n2. Creating a Plan\\n2-1. Talk to someone who is successful.\\nTo get a sense for what you will need to do to accomplish your goal, you should talk to someone who has already accomplished it. Ask her what steps she had to take to reach her goals. Try to get a sense for the “price” she paid, in terms of how many hours she committed daily to work. Build a plan to follow in her footsteps.\\nPart of this will consist of setting up a daily schedule. If she committed 3 hours a day to work, ask how can you do the same. Will you need to cut out Television from your schedule or severely limit it to a certain amount of time per day? You will only know if you do the math.\\n2-2. Create a goal achievement action plan.\\nYour goals will be more actionable if you create a plan to realize them. Create a timeline for each goal and identify the steps necessary to realizing each of them. Put it in writing and be as specific as possible about dates, small steps, and verifiable benchmarks for success.\\nDetermine the steps necessary to achieve each life goal. For example, to get into a reputable law school, you must first complete an undergraduate degree with a high grade point average. Then, you'll need a high score on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). You'll then apply to a list of carefully selected reputable law schools.\\nBreak down each large goal into smaller steps. For example, applying to reputable law schools will require that you submit reference letters, write a personal statement, and detail any experience in a law office. Identifying these smaller steps early on helps you be proactive in establishing relationships with professors who can write you letters of recommendation before you graduate. Similarly, you can begin planning to find a part-time summer job in a law office during your undergraduate years.\\nCreate a plan for addressing obstacles and personal challenges. For example, if your goal is to marry and have a family, but you can't find a romantic partner because you struggle with shyness, you might ask friends to introduce you to people, push yourself to attend social activities, or consult with a relationship counselor.\\n2-3. Stay motivated.\\nOnce you have an action plan, you should reward yourself every time that you meet a goal. If it a small goal, go out for a dinner or a drink, perhaps take some extra time off. If it is a big goal, Take a long vacation. Rewarding yourself will keep you motivated, though you need to make sure that you have set clear benchmarks, like a specific percent increase in sales or a certain grade on the LSAT. Otherwise, you might not force yourself to a very high standard.\\nReflect on your personal needs. In addition to the physical needs of staying fed, sheltered and healthy, consider your mental, emotional and spiritual needs as you work to achieve something in life. The need to feel respected, mentally stimulated, challenged and loved are vital factors for sustaining motivation. Remain constantly aware of the outcomes of your work.\\nVerify that your goals foster your motivation. For example, the chances of building a loving family are much greater if you choose a life partner who makes you feel loved and respected, and encourages you to pursue your life goals.\\n2-4. Assess your progress.\\nConstantly assess whether you are meeting your goals. If not, determine whether or not you have committed yourself sufficiently, and, if not, make more time in your schedule to meet these goals. If you are working hard to no effect, consider whether a different strategy would work better, or if you need to think about a new goal.\\n3. Changing Your Perspective\\n3-1. Learn to delay gratification.\\nOne of the strongest predictors of how successful a person is whether one can delay gratification for bigger rewards in the future. Take a bad habit that consumes time or sacrifices your health—like eating junk food or watching TV—and practice putting it off for as long as you can stand.\\nThis was proven in the classic marshmallow experiment, where children were promised two marshmallows if they could hold themselves back from eating a single marshmallow for fifteen minutes. Those who delayed the gratification to receive two marshmallows went on to have higher SAT scores, better health, and a lower risk of substance abuse. Follow up studies demonstrated that if children reliably received rewards when they delayed gratification, they would be better able to do so.\\n3-2. Cultivate grit.\\nAlong similar lines, it is important to practice perseverance. Stop thinking about life as a sprint, instead think of it as a marathon. Don't expect to reach your goal in a short period of intense effort. Stay active and working to your goals all the time as consistently as possible.\\nSeinfeld, for example, argues that the key to his success was to sit down and write some jokes every day. It wasn't about periods of intense, highly motivated activity, but rather a devoted, consistent habit.\\nSome people recommend finishing up your most important or difficult task at the very beginning of the day. If you do that, you will have momentum and your difficult tasks won't intimidate you into procrastination.\\n3-3. Work on your social skills.\\nResearch shows that nowadays the most successful people are those who combine skill with social graces. Social skills have become increasingly important in the modern world. They can best be cultivated through continuous practice.\\nPractice socializing, even if it just saying “hello” or “thank you” to someone you meet in public. Watch how people who are popular act to determine what they do that attracts other people. Similarly, watch how people respond to you to see what does and does not work.\\n3-4. Have confidence.\\nStudies show that the confidence that you project about yourself is as important as your actual qualifications. Think about your accomplishments. Practice body language that exudes confidence. Once you develop the confidence to act and be successful, your confidence will naturally snowball with your accomplishments.\\nTo exude confidence, stand up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. Project your voice to sound strong. Make eye contact when you talk to someone. Exercise to look and feel strong.\\n3-5. Embrace change.\\nMany people feel that embracing change violates our authentic self. The most successful people, however, are those that do not perceive themselves as fixed, but rather as growing, changing to improve their skills, and adapt to the world around them. Model yourself after successful people and follow their example.\\nWhile authenticity can be a powerful asset, you shouldn't allow yourself to be held back by your inability to change. Instead embrace an evolving sense of authenticity: the idea that the authentic you is someone you are becoming, not someone you were.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"To achieve something in life, you will need to identify important life goals, create a plan of action, and possibly even consider questions of personal identity. Goal achievement involves clarity of purpose, persistent determination, and a reward system that keeps you on your intended path. Most importantly, it requires a goal that keeps you inspired.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Setting Your Goals\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Clarify your life goals.\", \"描述\": \"You may be passionate about obtaining an advanced degree, starting a family, creating a successful business or writing a book. Begin visualizing these goals and talk to competent people about how you might achieve your aspirations. Ask yourself what really makes you happy and try to follow your happiness.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Recognize your strengths.\", \"描述\": \"It is a bad idea to follow a life trajectory just because someone tells you to. However, other people will be able to recognize your strengths in an unbiased way that you often cannot. Listen to what they say about your strengths and weaknesses. Try to tailor your goals to your strengths.\\nFor example, if you are good at drawing, consider careers in visual design. If you are good at writing, think about how you can leverage that in your own career. That doesn't necessarily mean that you should commit yourself to being a novelist or an artist, which can be difficult careers. But you should consider other careers that utilize these skills, like advertising, architecture, interior design, or law.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Identify obstacles that may interfere with your goal.\", \"描述\": \"For example, you might have an innovative business concept, but not enough capital to get it off the ground. It is impractical to get into sports or some professional careers past a certain age. Talk to people who have followed the route you are entertaining to determine if it is viable option for you.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Creating a Plan\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Talk to someone who is successful.\", \"描述\": \"To get a sense for what you will need to do to accomplish your goal, you should talk to someone who has already accomplished it. Ask her what steps she had to take to reach her goals. Try to get a sense for the “price” she paid, in terms of how many hours she committed daily to work. Build a plan to follow in her footsteps.\\nPart of this will consist of setting up a daily schedule. If she committed 3 hours a day to work, ask how can you do the same. Will you need to cut out Television from your schedule or severely limit it to a certain amount of time per day? You will only know if you do the math.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Create a goal achievement action plan.\", \"描述\": \"Your goals will be more actionable if you create a plan to realize them. Create a timeline for each goal and identify the steps necessary to realizing each of them. Put it in writing and be as specific as possible about dates, small steps, and verifiable benchmarks for success.\\nDetermine the steps necessary to achieve each life goal. For example, to get into a reputable law school, you must first complete an undergraduate degree with a high grade point average. Then, you'll need a high score on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). You'll then apply to a list of carefully selected reputable law schools.\\nBreak down each large goal into smaller steps. For example, applying to reputable law schools will require that you submit reference letters, write a personal statement, and detail any experience in a law office. Identifying these smaller steps early on helps you be proactive in establishing relationships with professors who can write you letters of recommendation before you graduate. Similarly, you can begin planning to find a part-time summer job in a law office during your undergraduate years.\\nCreate a plan for addressing obstacles and personal challenges. For example, if your goal is to marry and have a family, but you can't find a romantic partner because you struggle with shyness, you might ask friends to introduce you to people, push yourself to attend social activities, or consult with a relationship counselor.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay motivated.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have an action plan, you should reward yourself every time that you meet a goal. If it a small goal, go out for a dinner or a drink, perhaps take some extra time off. If it is a big goal, Take a long vacation. Rewarding yourself will keep you motivated, though you need to make sure that you have set clear benchmarks, like a specific percent increase in sales or a certain grade on the LSAT. Otherwise, you might not force yourself to a very high standard.\\nReflect on your personal needs. In addition to the physical needs of staying fed, sheltered and healthy, consider your mental, emotional and spiritual needs as you work to achieve something in life. The need to feel respected, mentally stimulated, challenged and loved are vital factors for sustaining motivation. Remain constantly aware of the outcomes of your work.\\nVerify that your goals foster your motivation. For example, the chances of building a loving family are much greater if you choose a life partner who makes you feel loved and respected, and encourages you to pursue your life goals.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Assess your progress.\", \"描述\": \"Constantly assess whether you are meeting your goals. If not, determine whether or not you have committed yourself sufficiently, and, if not, make more time in your schedule to meet these goals. If you are working hard to no effect, consider whether a different strategy would work better, or if you need to think about a new goal.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Changing Your Perspective\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Learn to delay gratification.\", \"描述\": \"One of the strongest predictors of how successful a person is whether one can delay gratification for bigger rewards in the future. Take a bad habit that consumes time or sacrifices your health—like eating junk food or watching TV—and practice putting it off for as long as you can stand.\\nThis was proven in the classic marshmallow experiment, where children were promised two marshmallows if they could hold themselves back from eating a single marshmallow for fifteen minutes. Those who delayed the gratification to receive two marshmallows went on to have higher SAT scores, better health, and a lower risk of substance abuse. Follow up studies demonstrated that if children reliably received rewards when they delayed gratification, they would be better able to do so.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Cultivate grit.\", \"描述\": \"Along similar lines, it is important to practice perseverance. Stop thinking about life as a sprint, instead think of it as a marathon. Don't expect to reach your goal in a short period of intense effort. Stay active and working to your goals all the time as consistently as possible.\\nSeinfeld, for example, argues that the key to his success was to sit down and write some jokes every day. It wasn't about periods of intense, highly motivated activity, but rather a devoted, consistent habit.\\nSome people recommend finishing up your most important or difficult task at the very beginning of the day. If you do that, you will have momentum and your difficult tasks won't intimidate you into procrastination.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Work on your social skills.\", \"描述\": \"Research shows that nowadays the most successful people are those who combine skill with social graces. Social skills have become increasingly important in the modern world. They can best be cultivated through continuous practice.\\nPractice socializing, even if it just saying “hello” or “thank you” to someone you meet in public. Watch how people who are popular act to determine what they do that attracts other people. Similarly, watch how people respond to you to see what does and does not work.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Have confidence.\", \"描述\": \"Studies show that the confidence that you project about yourself is as important as your actual qualifications. Think about your accomplishments. Practice body language that exudes confidence. Once you develop the confidence to act and be successful, your confidence will naturally snowball with your accomplishments.\\nTo exude confidence, stand up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. Project your voice to sound strong. Make eye contact when you talk to someone. Exercise to look and feel strong.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Embrace change.\", \"描述\": \"Many people feel that embracing change violates our authentic self. The most successful people, however, are those that do not perceive themselves as fixed, but rather as growing, changing to improve their skills, and adapt to the world around them. Model yourself after successful people and follow their example.\\nWhile authenticity can be a powerful asset, you shouldn't allow yourself to be held back by your inability to change. Instead embrace an evolving sense of authenticity: the idea that the authentic you is someone you are becoming, not someone you were.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Success in Examinations
1. Create a structured, consistent study plan. Plan out your study schedule on both a weekly and daily basis. Putting together a long-term study plan is an essential tool that helps you stay on top of your studies. Here are a few ways that you can get the most study potential out of each day: Program an alarm or reminder for yourself so you remember when you’re supposed to study. Mark any upcoming quiz or exam dates on a calendar. Then, schedule your future study session before these dates. Create a weekly or daily checklist to help you stay on top of your assignments and study obligations. This is a great way to stay focused on and on-topic during your study sessions. 2. Find a productive place to study. Work somewhere you can focus and be comfortable. If you're not studying well in your current location, you might be better off moving to a new spot. There’s nothing wrong with switching study spaces if you aren’t able to concentrate on your study materials or don't have what you need nearby. Some people may like the soothing background chatter of a coffee shop, while others may prefer a silent corner of the library. Test out different study spots and see what works best for you! Make sure that your desk is organized if you have one. Stack and organize any loose papers, and toss out or recycle anything you don’t need anymore. Try to keep all of your school supplies in designated places, too. Choose a study space that has good lighting as well as a comfortable place to sit. 3. Take an hour to review your classes each day. Long-term studying is better for your memory than cramming. Give yourself an hour or so to go through your notes, assignments, and any new material you learned throughout the day. Continue to review this new material throughout the week, so you have a better grasp of what you’re learning. This is a great way to stay on top of what you do and don’t understand. Feel free to ask a teacher or professor for help if something doesn’t make sense during one of your regular study sessions. 4. Break for 15 minutes once every hour. Study in short sprints instead of long marathons. The longer you study, the less you’ll get out of your study session overall. Instead, step away from your study space for around 15 minutes so your brain can unwind and recharge. Here are some things you might do on your break: Head outside for a walk Munch on your favorite snack Pop on social media Watch a funny video 5. Cater your study sessions to your learning style. Many learners fall into 3 categories: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. These groupings are fairly self-explanatory—auditory learners study by hearing information spoken out loud; visual learners study best with special visual cues; and kinesthetic learners prefer hands-on study techniques. Explore your learning style by testing out different types of studying strategies. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Create a color-coding system for your class notes and/or represent information with diagrams Record and listen to yourself reading through your notes and/or chat about study topics with other students Act out a scenario with another person and/or craft physical models 6. Increase your understanding of the subject with visual aids. You don’t have to be a visual learner to get a lot out of visual aids. In fact, many studies agree that visuals can help students better remember specific information. Try sprinkling some visuals into your study sessions when you’re trying to memorize and recall a lot of different terms at once. You might: Picture a container of disinfectant wipes while memorizing the word “antiseptic” Associate a picture of a mirror with the word “albedo” Connect the image of a white circle with the term “lymphocyte” 7. Memorize tough material with mnemonics. Mnemonics are special acronyms that help you remember specific info. The acronym can represent a real word, or it can be complete gibberish—all that matters is that the mnemonic is something that you can easily memorize and recall later on. "ROYGBIV" is an example of a popular mnemonic to remember the colors of the rainbow: ed range ellow reen lue ndigo iolet 8. Incorporate multiple senses into your study sessions. Reading alone isn’t enough to help you commit new info to memory. Instead, try reading your notes and study materials out loud as you study. This will make it a lot easier to memorize important concepts and information. You could also: Listen to a recording while reading the same material on the page Act out what you’re reading or memorizing 9. Transform your study sessions into mini exams. Flashcards and practice quizzes are a great way to get started. Your main goal is to remember info on your own instead of relying on study materials to refresh your memory. Plus, this study technique makes it easier to recall important details on the days of your exams. Here are a few ways you get started: Jotting down the answer to a flashcard before turning it over Taking a practice quiz without any study materials nearby Brainstorming possible test questions and answering them yourself 10. Get the most out of your flashcards with a 5-box system. This system helps you prioritize the material that you’re struggling with. Set aside 5 boxes that are large enough to hold stacks of index cards. Start with all of your flashcards in the first box—if you get the flashcard right, move it to the second box. If you get it wrong, leave it in the first box. Over the next few days and weeks, go through each box and move a card to the right if you get it correct. Continue reviewing the different flashcard boxes until all of the cards stay in box 5. Here’s a helpful timeline that you can follow: Review the cards in box 1 every day Review the cards in box 2 every other day Review the cards in box 3 every 4 days Review the cards in box 4 every 9 days Review the cards in box 5 every 2 weeks If you forget the information on a specific card, move it to the previous box. For instance, if you answered a box 3 card incorrectly, you’d shift it over to box 2. 11. Teach the material to somebody else. Teaching a topic forces you to have a really strong understanding of it. Ask a friend or study buddy if they’re willing to be your “student” for a few minutes. In that time, pretend that you’re teaching a class. Walk yourself through the topic as thoroughly as possible, filling the lesson with your own examples and definitions as you go. Feel free to reference your notes when you first start “teaching” a subject. With enough practice and focus, you’ll be able to remember the material without any extra help. 12. Set up a study group. Study groups Sure, that upcoming exam may seem pretty scary—but you’re in the same boat with all of your fellow classmates! Invite some of your peers to meet up outside of class and review the material that’s going to be on your exam. Invite fellow students that will stay focused and on-topic during your study session. You definitely don’t want to invite someone who will goof off the entire time. 13. Stay on-task during your study sessions. Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram will still be there when you’re done studying. You’ll get more out of your session if you focus your complete attention on your study materials. A quick peek at your notifications can easily turn into a 20-minute detour away from your studies. Stay focused and put your devices away in the meantime. As a last resort, the AntiSocial app can help keep you focused. This app locks you of pre-specified websites for a certain amount of time so you aren’t tempted to surf the web. 14. Sleep instead of cramming before the test. Cramming won’t do you any good if you’re too tired to remember the material. Instead, hit the hay at a reasonable time on the night before your big test. Ideally, try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep so you feel refreshed, alert, and ready to tackle your big exam. If you can’t shake off your test-taking jitters, try: Only heading to bed when you feel tired Setting your thermostat to a cooler temperature Sticking to decaffeinated drinks in the afternoon and evening Soaking in the tub before bed 15. Skim through the exam before diving in. Budget your total exam time on different portions of the test. Certain exams might have different sections, like multiple-choice, true or false, essay writing, and more. Once the clock starts ticking, flip through your test and get an idea of what you need to get done. Then, make a mental schedule for yourself so you can stay on task and on track throughout the test. If you have 2 hours to take your English final, you might spend 30 minutes on multiple-choice questions, 15 minutes on true or false questions, and 1 hour on the essay. Then, you could use the last 15 minutes however you need. 16. Double-check your answers before handing anything in. Check for any unanswered questions or small errors on your test. Make sure that you answered every question on the exam, and that you didn’t fill in or circle any incorrect options by mistake. If you have enough free time in the end, feel free to expand some of your long-answer responses. Tips Study well in advance. This will give you more control and enough time to tie up loose ends.[20] X Expert Source Nathan Fox, JDAcademic Tutor Expert Interview. 15 November 2019. It’s okay to ask a teacher, professor, tutor, or classmate for help if you need it! Some topics and concepts are really tough, and an in-depth explanation from another person can be super helpful.[21] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Create a structured, consistent study plan.\\nPlan out your study schedule on both a weekly and daily basis.\\nPutting together a long-term study plan is an essential tool that helps you stay on top of your studies. Here are a few ways that you can get the most study potential out of each day:\\n\\n Program an alarm or reminder for yourself so you remember when you’re supposed to study.\\n Mark any upcoming quiz or exam dates on a calendar. Then, schedule your future study session before these dates.\\n Create a weekly or daily checklist to help you stay on top of your assignments and study obligations. This is a great way to stay focused on and on-topic during your study sessions.\\n2. Find a productive place to study.\\nWork somewhere you can focus and be comfortable.\\nIf you're not studying well in your current location, you might be better off moving to a new spot. There’s nothing wrong with switching study spaces if you aren’t able to concentrate on your study materials or don't have what you need nearby.\\nSome people may like the soothing background chatter of a coffee shop, while others may prefer a silent corner of the library. Test out different study spots and see what works best for you!\\nMake sure that your desk is organized if you have one. Stack and organize any loose papers, and toss out or recycle anything you don’t need anymore. Try to keep all of your school supplies in designated places, too.\\nChoose a study space that has good lighting as well as a comfortable place to sit.\\n3. Take an hour to review your classes each day.\\nLong-term studying is better for your memory than cramming.\\nGive yourself an hour or so to go through your notes, assignments, and any new material you learned throughout the day. Continue to review this new material throughout the week, so you have a better grasp of what you’re learning.\\nThis is a great way to stay on top of what you do and don’t understand. Feel free to ask a teacher or professor for help if something doesn’t make sense during one of your regular study sessions.\\n4. Break for 15 minutes once every hour.\\nStudy in short sprints instead of long marathons.\\nThe longer you study, the less you’ll get out of your study session overall. Instead, step away from your study space for around 15 minutes so your brain can unwind and recharge. Here are some things you might do on your break:\\nHead outside for a walk\\nMunch on your favorite snack\\nPop on social media\\nWatch a funny video\\n5. Cater your study sessions to your learning style.\\nMany learners fall into 3 categories:\\nauditory, visual, and kinesthetic. These groupings are fairly self-explanatory—auditory learners study by hearing information spoken out loud; visual learners study best with special visual cues; and kinesthetic learners prefer hands-on study techniques. Explore your learning style by testing out different types of studying strategies. Here are a few ideas to get you started:\\n\\n Create a color-coding system for your class notes and/or represent information with diagrams\\n Record and listen to yourself reading through your notes and/or chat about study topics with other students\\n Act out a scenario with another person and/or craft physical models\\n6. Increase your understanding of the subject with visual aids.\\nYou don’t have to be a visual learner to get a lot out of visual aids.\\nIn fact, many studies agree that visuals can help students better remember specific information. Try sprinkling some visuals into your study sessions when you’re trying to memorize and recall a lot of different terms at once. You might:\\nPicture a container of disinfectant wipes while memorizing the word “antiseptic”\\nAssociate a picture of a mirror with the word “albedo”\\nConnect the image of a white circle with the term “lymphocyte”\\n7. Memorize tough material with mnemonics.\\nMnemonics are special acronyms that help you remember specific info.\\nThe acronym can represent a real word, or it can be complete gibberish—all that matters is that the mnemonic is something that you can easily memorize and recall later on. \\\"ROYGBIV\\\" is an example of a popular mnemonic to remember the colors of the rainbow:\\n\\ned\\nrange\\nellow\\nreen\\nlue\\nndigo\\niolet\\n8. Incorporate multiple senses into your study sessions.\\nReading alone isn’t enough to help you commit new info to memory.\\nInstead, try reading your notes and study materials out loud as you study. This will make it a lot easier to memorize important concepts and information. You could also:\\nListen to a recording while reading the same material on the page\\nAct out what you’re reading or memorizing\\n9. Transform your study sessions into mini exams.\\nFlashcards and practice quizzes are a great way to get started.\\nYour main goal is to remember info on your own instead of relying on study materials to refresh your memory. Plus, this study technique makes it easier to recall important details on the days of your exams. Here are a few ways you get started:\\nJotting down the answer to a flashcard before turning it over\\nTaking a practice quiz without any study materials nearby\\nBrainstorming possible test questions and answering them yourself\\n10. Get the most out of your flashcards with a 5-box system.\\nThis system helps you prioritize the material that you’re struggling with.\\nSet aside 5 boxes that are large enough to hold stacks of index cards. Start with all of your flashcards in the first box—if you get the flashcard right, move it to the second box. If you get it wrong, leave it in the first box. Over the next few days and weeks, go through each box and move a card to the right if you get it correct. Continue reviewing the different flashcard boxes until all of the cards stay in box 5. Here’s a helpful timeline that you can follow:\\nReview the cards in box 1 every day\\nReview the cards in box 2 every other day\\nReview the cards in box 3 every 4 days\\nReview the cards in box 4 every 9 days\\nReview the cards in box 5 every 2 weeks\\nIf you forget the information on a specific card, move it to the previous box. For instance, if you answered a box 3 card incorrectly, you’d shift it over to box 2.\\n11. Teach the material to somebody else.\\nTeaching a topic forces you to have a really strong understanding of it.\\nAsk a friend or study buddy if they’re willing to be your “student” for a few minutes. In that time, pretend that you’re teaching a class. Walk yourself through the topic as thoroughly as possible, filling the lesson with your own examples and definitions as you go.\\nFeel free to reference your notes when you first start “teaching” a subject. With enough practice and focus, you’ll be able to remember the material without any extra help.\\n12. Set up a study group.\\nStudy groups\\nSure, that upcoming exam may seem pretty scary—but you’re in the same boat with all of your fellow classmates! Invite some of your peers to meet up outside of class and review the material that’s going to be on your exam.\\nInvite fellow students that will stay focused and on-topic during your study session. You definitely don’t want to invite someone who will goof off the entire time.\\n13. Stay on-task during your study sessions.\\nTwitter, YouTube, and Instagram will still be there when you’re done studying.\\nYou’ll get more out of your session if you focus your complete attention on your study materials. A quick peek at your notifications can easily turn into a 20-minute detour away from your studies. Stay focused and put your devices away in the meantime.\\nAs a last resort, the AntiSocial app can help keep you focused. This app locks you of pre-specified websites for a certain amount of time so you aren’t tempted to surf the web.\\n14. Sleep instead of cramming before the test.\\nCramming won’t do you any good if you’re too tired to remember the material.\\nInstead, hit the hay at a reasonable time on the night before your big test. Ideally, try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep so you feel refreshed, alert, and ready to tackle your big exam. If you can’t shake off your test-taking jitters, try:\\nOnly heading to bed when you feel tired\\nSetting your thermostat to a cooler temperature\\nSticking to decaffeinated drinks in the afternoon and evening\\nSoaking in the tub before bed\\n15. Skim through the exam before diving in.\\nBudget your total exam time on different portions of the test.\\nCertain exams might have different sections, like multiple-choice, true or false, essay writing, and more. Once the clock starts ticking, flip through your test and get an idea of what you need to get done. Then, make a mental schedule for yourself so you can stay on task and on track throughout the test.\\nIf you have 2 hours to take your English final, you might spend 30 minutes on multiple-choice questions, 15 minutes on true or false questions, and 1 hour on the essay. Then, you could use the last 15 minutes however you need.\\n16. Double-check your answers before handing anything in.\\nCheck for any unanswered questions or small errors on your test.\\nMake sure that you answered every question on the exam, and that you didn’t fill in or circle any incorrect options by mistake. If you have enough free time in the end, feel free to expand some of your long-answer responses.\\nTips\\nStudy well in advance. This will give you more control and enough time to tie up loose ends.[20]\\nX\\nExpert Source\\n\\nNathan Fox, JDAcademic Tutor\\nExpert Interview. 15 November 2019.\\nIt’s okay to ask a teacher, professor, tutor, or classmate for help if you need it! Some topics and concepts are really tough, and an in-depth explanation from another person can be super helpful.[21]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"You’ve got some big exams coming up, and you’re ready to give them all you’ve got. But how can you make the most of your study time in the days and weeks before your tests? We’ve got your back. Keep reading for plenty of tips and tricks to help you take your studying and test-taking skills to the next level, so you can do your very best on your upcoming exams.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Create a structured, consistent study plan.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Plan out your study schedule on both a weekly and daily basis.\", \"描述\": \"Putting together a long-term study plan is an essential tool that helps you stay on top of your studies. Here are a few ways that you can get the most study potential out of each day:\\n\\n Program an alarm or reminder for yourself so you remember when you’re supposed to study.\\n Mark any upcoming quiz or exam dates on a calendar. Then, schedule your future study session before these dates.\\n Create a weekly or daily checklist to help you stay on top of your assignments and study obligations. This is a great way to stay focused on and on-topic during your study sessions.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Find a productive place to study.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Work somewhere you can focus and be comfortable.\", \"描述\": \"If you're not studying well in your current location, you might be better off moving to a new spot. There’s nothing wrong with switching study spaces if you aren’t able to concentrate on your study materials or don't have what you need nearby.\\nSome people may like the soothing background chatter of a coffee shop, while others may prefer a silent corner of the library. Test out different study spots and see what works best for you!\\nMake sure that your desk is organized if you have one. Stack and organize any loose papers, and toss out or recycle anything you don’t need anymore. Try to keep all of your school supplies in designated places, too.\\nChoose a study space that has good lighting as well as a comfortable place to sit.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take an hour to review your classes each day.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Long-term studying is better for your memory than cramming.\", \"描述\": \"Give yourself an hour or so to go through your notes, assignments, and any new material you learned throughout the day. Continue to review this new material throughout the week, so you have a better grasp of what you’re learning.\\nThis is a great way to stay on top of what you do and don’t understand. Feel free to ask a teacher or professor for help if something doesn’t make sense during one of your regular study sessions.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Break for 15 minutes once every hour.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Study in short sprints instead of long marathons.\", \"描述\": \"The longer you study, the less you’ll get out of your study session overall. Instead, step away from your study space for around 15 minutes so your brain can unwind and recharge. Here are some things you might do on your break:\\nHead outside for a walk\\nMunch on your favorite snack\\nPop on social media\\nWatch a funny video\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Cater your study sessions to your learning style.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Many learners fall into 3 categories:\", \"描述\": \"auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. These groupings are fairly self-explanatory—auditory learners study by hearing information spoken out loud; visual learners study best with special visual cues; and kinesthetic learners prefer hands-on study techniques. Explore your learning style by testing out different types of studying strategies. Here are a few ideas to get you started:\\n\\n Create a color-coding system for your class notes and/or represent information with diagrams\\n Record and listen to yourself reading through your notes and/or chat about study topics with other students\\n Act out a scenario with another person and/or craft physical models\"}]}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Increase your understanding of the subject with visual aids.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You don’t have to be a visual learner to get a lot out of visual aids.\", \"描述\": \"In fact, many studies agree that visuals can help students better remember specific information. Try sprinkling some visuals into your study sessions when you’re trying to memorize and recall a lot of different terms at once. You might:\\nPicture a container of disinfectant wipes while memorizing the word “antiseptic”\\nAssociate a picture of a mirror with the word “albedo”\\nConnect the image of a white circle with the term “lymphocyte”\"}]}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Memorize tough material with mnemonics.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Mnemonics are special acronyms that help you remember specific info.\", \"描述\": \"The acronym can represent a real word, or it can be complete gibberish—all that matters is that the mnemonic is something that you can easily memorize and recall later on. \\\"ROYGBIV\\\" is an example of a popular mnemonic to remember the colors of the rainbow:\\n\\ned\\nrange\\nellow\\nreen\\nlue\\nndigo\\niolet\"}]}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Incorporate multiple senses into your study sessions.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Reading alone isn’t enough to help you commit new info to memory.\", \"描述\": \"Instead, try reading your notes and study materials out loud as you study. This will make it a lot easier to memorize important concepts and information. You could also:\\nListen to a recording while reading the same material on the page\\nAct out what you’re reading or memorizing\"}]}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Transform your study sessions into mini exams.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Flashcards and practice quizzes are a great way to get started.\", \"描述\": \"Your main goal is to remember info on your own instead of relying on study materials to refresh your memory. Plus, this study technique makes it easier to recall important details on the days of your exams. Here are a few ways you get started:\\nJotting down the answer to a flashcard before turning it over\\nTaking a practice quiz without any study materials nearby\\nBrainstorming possible test questions and answering them yourself\"}]}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Get the most out of your flashcards with a 5-box system.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"This system helps you prioritize the material that you’re struggling with.\", \"描述\": \"Set aside 5 boxes that are large enough to hold stacks of index cards. Start with all of your flashcards in the first box—if you get the flashcard right, move it to the second box. If you get it wrong, leave it in the first box. Over the next few days and weeks, go through each box and move a card to the right if you get it correct. Continue reviewing the different flashcard boxes until all of the cards stay in box 5. Here’s a helpful timeline that you can follow:\\nReview the cards in box 1 every day\\nReview the cards in box 2 every other day\\nReview the cards in box 3 every 4 days\\nReview the cards in box 4 every 9 days\\nReview the cards in box 5 every 2 weeks\\nIf you forget the information on a specific card, move it to the previous box. For instance, if you answered a box 3 card incorrectly, you’d shift it over to box 2.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Teach the material to somebody else.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Teaching a topic forces you to have a really strong understanding of it.\", \"描述\": \"Ask a friend or study buddy if they’re willing to be your “student” for a few minutes. In that time, pretend that you’re teaching a class. Walk yourself through the topic as thoroughly as possible, filling the lesson with your own examples and definitions as you go.\\nFeel free to reference your notes when you first start “teaching” a subject. With enough practice and focus, you’ll be able to remember the material without any extra help.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Set up a study group.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Study groups\", \"描述\": \"Sure, that upcoming exam may seem pretty scary—but you’re in the same boat with all of your fellow classmates! Invite some of your peers to meet up outside of class and review the material that’s going to be on your exam.\\nInvite fellow students that will stay focused and on-topic during your study session. You definitely don’t want to invite someone who will goof off the entire time.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Stay on-task during your study sessions.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram will still be there when you’re done studying.\", \"描述\": \"You’ll get more out of your session if you focus your complete attention on your study materials. A quick peek at your notifications can easily turn into a 20-minute detour away from your studies. Stay focused and put your devices away in the meantime.\\nAs a last resort, the AntiSocial app can help keep you focused. This app locks you of pre-specified websites for a certain amount of time so you aren’t tempted to surf the web.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 14, \"标题\": \"Sleep instead of cramming before the test.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Cramming won’t do you any good if you’re too tired to remember the material.\", \"描述\": \"Instead, hit the hay at a reasonable time on the night before your big test. Ideally, try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep so you feel refreshed, alert, and ready to tackle your big exam. If you can’t shake off your test-taking jitters, try:\\nOnly heading to bed when you feel tired\\nSetting your thermostat to a cooler temperature\\nSticking to decaffeinated drinks in the afternoon and evening\\nSoaking in the tub before bed\"}]}, {\"编号\": 15, \"标题\": \"Skim through the exam before diving in.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Budget your total exam time on different portions of the test.\", \"描述\": \"Certain exams might have different sections, like multiple-choice, true or false, essay writing, and more. Once the clock starts ticking, flip through your test and get an idea of what you need to get done. Then, make a mental schedule for yourself so you can stay on task and on track throughout the test.\\nIf you have 2 hours to take your English final, you might spend 30 minutes on multiple-choice questions, 15 minutes on true or false questions, and 1 hour on the essay. Then, you could use the last 15 minutes however you need.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 16, \"标题\": \"Double-check your answers before handing anything in.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Check for any unanswered questions or small errors on your test.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure that you answered every question on the exam, and that you didn’t fill in or circle any incorrect options by mistake. If you have enough free time in the end, feel free to expand some of your long-answer responses.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Study well in advance. This will give you more control and enough time to tie up loose ends.[20]\\nX\\nExpert Source\\n\\nNathan Fox, JDAcademic Tutor\\nExpert Interview. 15 November 2019.\\n\", \"It’s okay to ask a teacher, professor, tutor, or classmate for help if you need it! Some topics and concepts are really tough, and an in-depth explanation from another person can be super helpful.[21]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Your Full Potential
1. Setting Yourself up for Success 1-1. Define the best version of yourself. At its heart, achieving your full potential is about being the best person that you can be. Since everyone is different, only you can define the terms of success for yourself. Therefore, it is important to know yourself. Write down your values, strengths, and weaknesses. Is there something I have ever wanted to do/achieve/accomplish, such as dancing, singing, writing, or playing a sport? Have I been thinking I could improve in any way, such as being kinder, or politer, more assertive? Are there any physical aspects of myself I could work on, such as losing weight, gaining weight, or building muscle? Try to define your vocation. Voco in Latin means calling. What is the universe calling you to do? So the first steps are to determine your likes and things that are calling you and things that attract you. Follow your dharma. Dharma, on the macro level, means how the universe is operating. On the micro level, it means your relation to the universe. Try to think of things that fill your heart from your soul. 1-2. Set goals for yourself Setting goals is an important part of achieving success. Research shows that setting specific goals helps people get what they want. Take advantage of this fact by setting both short and long term goals for yourself. Write down a list of everything you want to achieve. Check over your list and seriously consider whether or not it is realistic. State your goals positively. Instead of “I want to be less worried about my appearance,” write “I want to be confident about my appearance.” Be specific. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to define success. 1-3. Work toward your goal every day. Once you have confirmed that your goal is achievable and realistic, get to work so it can become a new pattern and process. Your goal may take time to achieve, but you have to begin somewhere. Commit to the process. When you focus on the process, rather than the endpoint, you will find it much easier to stay on track. Note that your long-term goal does not have to be set in stone, word-for-word. Times will change, people will change, and therefore, your goals will change. It's not an exact science, so you don't need to treat it like one. Allow yourself some room to grow. Create a checklist of things you should do every day to work towards your goal. Do those things every day without fail. 2. Beginning Your Journey 2-1. Find your inspiration It can be a person, a landmark, or your lucky charm. Whatever it is, it will make you smile when you wake up in the morning, and it is the last thing you want to see before you fall asleep at night. Discover what or who it is and treasure it. To find inspiration, try disconnecting from your usual routine. Listen to music. Spend time in nature Carry around a small notepad with you. Write down inspirational moments so you can remember them later. 2-2. Create short-term goals. Breaking your goals into small steps also makes you more likely to achieve them. Achieving short-term goals will help you stay motivated along the way to achieving your long-term goals. Write your short-term goals down on a calendar. Use the calendar to hold yourself accountable for achieving your short-term goals. In order to get yourself in a mindset for success, make your first few short-term goals easy to attain. That being said, once you get going, do challenge yourself. Whenever you feel like something is getting too easy to do, take it up a notch. Once you get in the habit of pushing yourself, it will be easier to continue making progress on your goals. 2-3. Be confident. Being confident will help you achieve your goals. Although believing is not enough on its own, negative thoughts will slow you down. The old adage is true: fake it until you make it! Take care of yourself. Dress well, brush your hair, sit with good posture, and groom regularly. Think positively. When you have a negative thought, rephrase it positively. Do not compare yourself to others. Instead of dwelling on how you stack up to other people, focus on yourself and your goals. You must determine what your levels of success are, without living by anyone else's standards. Do not let your levels of success be inflicted upon you. 2-4. Accept changes as they happen On the way to developing your full potential, things in your life will change. If you become stuck in your ways, your personal development will stagnate. Focus on the things that you can influence and then . As before, remember you are engaging in a process. Adapt to new circumstances by setting new goals. Be open to learning new things. 3. Achieving Your Potential in the Long Term 3-1. Accept your failures. Setbacks and failures will happen; they're a natural part of life. Failures are simply a way of showing you what works and what does not. They will help you figure out what you are capable of, and what needs work as you move toward achieving your goal(s). Do not take failure personally. Failure to achieve a goal does not mean you are a failure as a person. Move on. After you have learned from your failed attempt, let the failure go. One way to keep your morale high is to look at any setbacks as learning opportunities. Failing once does not mean you will fail in the future. In fact, having failed, you are now more prepared to succeed the next time. Visualize your past successes. This can give you the mental boost you need to get past the stress of your failure. 3-2. Get support. Whether you are dealing with addiction, obsession, or any crisis, it helps to have external support. This could mean friends, family, coworkers, or buddies at the gym. You do not have to do it alone. Tell someone you see frequently about your goals. When the people in your life know about your goals, they can help you achieve them and hold you accountable. Sometimes our willpower fails us, but the people around us can help. 3-3. Trust your intuition. Intuition comes from experience and instinct. Although you must be open to change, you should also be willing to trust your own experience and knowledge. Trust your experience, but be open to new experiences too. Your intuition can help you make better decisions. Remember that intuition and contemplation are not mutually exclusive. You can use your intuition to help inform your decision-making process, even when you are not relying on it fully. Intuition is a helpful tool for making quick decisions. This can free you up to work on other important goals. You do not need to dwell on every decision, but acting on intuition does not mean making the decision lightly either. In your journal, keep a list of the times your intuition helped you. Reference your journal when you are working through a problem. 3-4. Never stop. Achieving your full potential is a lifelong process. You will achieve many goals along the way, but always stay committed to the process of self-improvement. Our abilities are not static and fixed. Even after you achieve your goals, continue to abide by the checklist you created earlier. This will help you continue to progress even further than you thought you could. Failure is not absolute. Samuel Beckett wrote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Follow this simple premise and you will be able to continue to work toward achieving your full potential. Tips Remember that this is a simple guide. You'll have to twist and tweak this to fit your specific goals in mind. As mentioned before, everyone's full potential is variable, so find yours and work toward it in the best way that you can. Love yourself. Don't expect people to respect and accept you if you can't respect and accept yourself! Smile and be positive. It's a phrase that's used way too much, but that's because it's true. Smile at a stranger on the street just once, and your mood will lift. Whether you're on your way to the court or the office, keeping a generally kind and accepting attitude will be inspiring to you and everyone around you.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Setting Yourself up for Success\\n1-1. Define the best version of yourself.\\nAt its heart, achieving your full potential is about being the best person that you can be. Since everyone is different, only you can define the terms of success for yourself. Therefore, it is important to know yourself.\\nWrite down your values, strengths, and weaknesses.\\nIs there something I have ever wanted to do/achieve/accomplish, such as dancing, singing, writing, or playing a sport?\\nHave I been thinking I could improve in any way, such as being kinder, or politer, more assertive?\\nAre there any physical aspects of myself I could work on, such as losing weight, gaining weight, or building muscle?\\nTry to define your vocation. Voco in Latin means calling. What is the universe calling you to do? So the first steps are to determine your likes and things that are calling you and things that attract you.\\nFollow your dharma. Dharma, on the macro level, means how the universe is operating. On the micro level, it means your relation to the universe. Try to think of things that fill your heart from your soul.\\n1-2. Set goals for yourself\\nSetting goals is an important part of achieving success. Research shows that setting specific goals helps people get what they want. Take advantage of this fact by setting both short and long term goals for yourself.\\nWrite down a list of everything you want to achieve.\\nCheck over your list and seriously consider whether or not it is realistic.\\nState your goals positively. Instead of “I want to be less worried about my appearance,” write “I want to be confident about my appearance.”\\nBe specific. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to define success.\\n1-3. Work toward your goal every day.\\nOnce you have confirmed that your goal is achievable and realistic, get to work so it can become a new pattern and process. Your goal may take time to achieve, but you have to begin somewhere.\\nCommit to the process. When you focus on the process, rather than the endpoint, you will find it much easier to stay on track. \\nNote that your long-term goal does not have to be set in stone, word-for-word. Times will change, people will change, and therefore, your goals will change. It's not an exact science, so you don't need to treat it like one. Allow yourself some room to grow.\\nCreate a checklist of things you should do every day to work towards your goal. Do those things every day without fail.\\n2. Beginning Your Journey\\n2-1. Find your inspiration\\nIt can be a person, a landmark, or your lucky charm. Whatever it is, it will make you smile when you wake up in the morning, and it is the last thing you want to see before you fall asleep at night. Discover what or who it is and treasure it.\\nTo find inspiration, try disconnecting from your usual routine.\\nListen to music.\\nSpend time in nature \\nCarry around a small notepad with you. Write down inspirational moments so you can remember them later.\\n2-2. Create short-term goals.\\nBreaking your goals into small steps also makes you more likely to achieve them. Achieving short-term goals will help you stay motivated along the way to achieving your long-term goals.\\nWrite your short-term goals down on a calendar. Use the calendar to hold yourself accountable for achieving your short-term goals.\\nIn order to get yourself in a mindset for success, make your first few short-term goals easy to attain.\\nThat being said, once you get going, do challenge yourself. Whenever you feel like something is getting too easy to do, take it up a notch. Once you get in the habit of pushing yourself, it will be easier to continue making progress on your goals.\\n2-3. Be confident.\\nBeing confident will help you achieve your goals. Although believing is not enough on its own, negative thoughts will slow you down. The old adage is true: fake it until you make it!\\nTake care of yourself. Dress well, brush your hair, sit with good posture, and groom regularly.\\nThink positively. When you have a negative thought, rephrase it positively.\\nDo not compare yourself to others. Instead of dwelling on how you stack up to other people, focus on yourself and your goals. You must determine what your levels of success are, without living by anyone else's standards. Do not let your levels of success be inflicted upon you.\\n2-4. Accept changes as they happen\\nOn the way to developing your full potential, things in your life will change. If you become stuck in your ways, your personal development will stagnate.\\nFocus on the things that you can influence and then .\\nAs before, remember you are engaging in a process.\\nAdapt to new circumstances by setting new goals.\\nBe open to learning new things.\\n3. Achieving Your Potential in the Long Term\\n3-1. Accept your failures.\\nSetbacks and failures will happen; they're a natural part of life. Failures are simply a way of showing you what works and what does not. They will help you figure out what you are capable of, and what needs work as you move toward achieving your goal(s).\\nDo not take failure personally. Failure to achieve a goal does not mean you are a failure as a person.\\nMove on. After you have learned from your failed attempt, let the failure go.\\nOne way to keep your morale high is to look at any setbacks as learning opportunities. Failing once does not mean you will fail in the future. In fact, having failed, you are now more prepared to succeed the next time.\\nVisualize your past successes. This can give you the mental boost you need to get past the stress of your failure.\\n3-2. Get support.\\nWhether you are dealing with addiction, obsession, or any crisis, it helps to have external support. This could mean friends, family, coworkers, or buddies at the gym. You do not have to do it alone.\\nTell someone you see frequently about your goals.\\nWhen the people in your life know about your goals, they can help you achieve them and hold you accountable. Sometimes our willpower fails us, but the people around us can help.\\n3-3. Trust your intuition.\\nIntuition comes from experience and instinct. Although you must be open to change, you should also be willing to trust your own experience and knowledge.\\nTrust your experience, but be open to new experiences too.\\nYour intuition can help you make better decisions.\\nRemember that intuition and contemplation are not mutually exclusive. You can use your intuition to help inform your decision-making process, even when you are not relying on it fully.\\nIntuition is a helpful tool for making quick decisions. This can free you up to work on other important goals. You do not need to dwell on every decision, but acting on intuition does not mean making the decision lightly either.\\nIn your journal, keep a list of the times your intuition helped you. Reference your journal when you are working through a problem.\\n3-4. Never stop.\\nAchieving your full potential is a lifelong process. You will achieve many goals along the way, but always stay committed to the process of self-improvement. Our abilities are not static and fixed. \\nEven after you achieve your goals, continue to abide by the checklist you created earlier. This will help you continue to progress even further than you thought you could.\\nFailure is not absolute. Samuel Beckett wrote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Follow this simple premise and you will be able to continue to work toward achieving your full potential.\\nTips\\nRemember that this is a simple guide. You'll have to twist and tweak this to fit your specific goals in mind. As mentioned before, everyone's full potential is variable, so find yours and work toward it in the best way that you can.\\nLove yourself. Don't expect people to respect and accept you if you can't respect and accept yourself!\\nSmile and be positive. It's a phrase that's used way too much, but that's because it's true. Smile at a stranger on the street just once, and your mood will lift. Whether you're on your way to the court or the office, keeping a generally kind and accepting attitude will be inspiring to you and everyone around you.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Once you've developed your full potential, it is time to work toward achieving it. It will take planning, time, and effort, but you can do it! Achieving your full potential is about committing yourself to the process of self-improvement, not a single task. Sail your own ocean, and you never know what you might find.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Setting Yourself up for Success\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Define the best version of yourself.\", \"描述\": \"At its heart, achieving your full potential is about being the best person that you can be. Since everyone is different, only you can define the terms of success for yourself. Therefore, it is important to know yourself.\\nWrite down your values, strengths, and weaknesses.\\nIs there something I have ever wanted to do/achieve/accomplish, such as dancing, singing, writing, or playing a sport?\\nHave I been thinking I could improve in any way, such as being kinder, or politer, more assertive?\\nAre there any physical aspects of myself I could work on, such as losing weight, gaining weight, or building muscle?\\nTry to define your vocation. Voco in Latin means calling. What is the universe calling you to do? So the first steps are to determine your likes and things that are calling you and things that attract you.\\nFollow your dharma. Dharma, on the macro level, means how the universe is operating. On the micro level, it means your relation to the universe. Try to think of things that fill your heart from your soul.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Set goals for yourself\", \"描述\": \"Setting goals is an important part of achieving success. Research shows that setting specific goals helps people get what they want. Take advantage of this fact by setting both short and long term goals for yourself.\\nWrite down a list of everything you want to achieve.\\nCheck over your list and seriously consider whether or not it is realistic.\\nState your goals positively. Instead of “I want to be less worried about my appearance,” write “I want to be confident about my appearance.”\\nBe specific. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to define success.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Work toward your goal every day.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have confirmed that your goal is achievable and realistic, get to work so it can become a new pattern and process. Your goal may take time to achieve, but you have to begin somewhere.\\nCommit to the process. When you focus on the process, rather than the endpoint, you will find it much easier to stay on track. \\nNote that your long-term goal does not have to be set in stone, word-for-word. Times will change, people will change, and therefore, your goals will change. It's not an exact science, so you don't need to treat it like one. Allow yourself some room to grow.\\nCreate a checklist of things you should do every day to work towards your goal. Do those things every day without fail.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Beginning Your Journey\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find your inspiration\", \"描述\": \"It can be a person, a landmark, or your lucky charm. Whatever it is, it will make you smile when you wake up in the morning, and it is the last thing you want to see before you fall asleep at night. Discover what or who it is and treasure it.\\nTo find inspiration, try disconnecting from your usual routine.\\nListen to music.\\nSpend time in nature \\nCarry around a small notepad with you. Write down inspirational moments so you can remember them later.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Create short-term goals.\", \"描述\": \"Breaking your goals into small steps also makes you more likely to achieve them. Achieving short-term goals will help you stay motivated along the way to achieving your long-term goals.\\nWrite your short-term goals down on a calendar. Use the calendar to hold yourself accountable for achieving your short-term goals.\\nIn order to get yourself in a mindset for success, make your first few short-term goals easy to attain.\\nThat being said, once you get going, do challenge yourself. Whenever you feel like something is getting too easy to do, take it up a notch. Once you get in the habit of pushing yourself, it will be easier to continue making progress on your goals.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be confident.\", \"描述\": \"Being confident will help you achieve your goals. Although believing is not enough on its own, negative thoughts will slow you down. The old adage is true: fake it until you make it!\\nTake care of yourself. Dress well, brush your hair, sit with good posture, and groom regularly.\\nThink positively. When you have a negative thought, rephrase it positively.\\nDo not compare yourself to others. Instead of dwelling on how you stack up to other people, focus on yourself and your goals. You must determine what your levels of success are, without living by anyone else's standards. Do not let your levels of success be inflicted upon you.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Accept changes as they happen\", \"描述\": \"On the way to developing your full potential, things in your life will change. If you become stuck in your ways, your personal development will stagnate.\\nFocus on the things that you can influence and then .\\nAs before, remember you are engaging in a process.\\nAdapt to new circumstances by setting new goals.\\nBe open to learning new things.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Achieving Your Potential in the Long Term\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Accept your failures.\", \"描述\": \"Setbacks and failures will happen; they're a natural part of life. Failures are simply a way of showing you what works and what does not. They will help you figure out what you are capable of, and what needs work as you move toward achieving your goal(s).\\nDo not take failure personally. Failure to achieve a goal does not mean you are a failure as a person.\\nMove on. After you have learned from your failed attempt, let the failure go.\\nOne way to keep your morale high is to look at any setbacks as learning opportunities. Failing once does not mean you will fail in the future. In fact, having failed, you are now more prepared to succeed the next time.\\nVisualize your past successes. This can give you the mental boost you need to get past the stress of your failure.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Get support.\", \"描述\": \"Whether you are dealing with addiction, obsession, or any crisis, it helps to have external support. This could mean friends, family, coworkers, or buddies at the gym. You do not have to do it alone.\\nTell someone you see frequently about your goals.\\nWhen the people in your life know about your goals, they can help you achieve them and hold you accountable. Sometimes our willpower fails us, but the people around us can help.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Trust your intuition.\", \"描述\": \"Intuition comes from experience and instinct. Although you must be open to change, you should also be willing to trust your own experience and knowledge.\\nTrust your experience, but be open to new experiences too.\\nYour intuition can help you make better decisions.\\nRemember that intuition and contemplation are not mutually exclusive. You can use your intuition to help inform your decision-making process, even when you are not relying on it fully.\\nIntuition is a helpful tool for making quick decisions. This can free you up to work on other important goals. You do not need to dwell on every decision, but acting on intuition does not mean making the decision lightly either.\\nIn your journal, keep a list of the times your intuition helped you. Reference your journal when you are working through a problem.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Never stop.\", \"描述\": \"Achieving your full potential is a lifelong process. You will achieve many goals along the way, but always stay committed to the process of self-improvement. Our abilities are not static and fixed. \\nEven after you achieve your goals, continue to abide by the checklist you created earlier. This will help you continue to progress even further than you thought you could.\\nFailure is not absolute. Samuel Beckett wrote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Follow this simple premise and you will be able to continue to work toward achieving your full potential.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Remember that this is a simple guide. You'll have to twist and tweak this to fit your specific goals in mind. As mentioned before, everyone's full potential is variable, so find yours and work toward it in the best way that you can.\\n\", \"Love yourself. Don't expect people to respect and accept you if you can't respect and accept yourself!\\n\", \"Smile and be positive. It's a phrase that's used way too much, but that's because it's true. Smile at a stranger on the street just once, and your mood will lift. Whether you're on your way to the court or the office, keeping a generally kind and accepting attitude will be inspiring to you and everyone around you.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve Your Goals for the New School Year
1. Getting in the Right Mindset 1-1. Write down all of your goals. You don’t have to think of realistic or precise goals just yet. Begin by writing down any goal that comes to mind. For example, write down “make captain of the football team.” Even if you aren’t sure it’s a realistic goal, it’s okay to write it down at this point. You can narrow down your goals later. Write your goals on a poster and stick it above the desk that you look at each day. 1-2. Create precise goals for yourself. You may be excited and making all kinds of goals, but it’s better to pace yourself once you’ve written your initial goals down. Choose specific, realistic goals or even one single but very important goal. When it comes to choosing your goal, ensure that it states precisely what it is that you want to achieve. Write these down in a journal and keep it with you at home and school. For example, instead of saying you want to study more, say that you want to study for three hours every night during the school week. 1-3. Think of immediate and long-term goals. Now that you’ve written down specific goals, separate them into either immediate or long-term goals. An immediate goal would be to organize all of your notes and schoolwork. A long-term goal would be to make honor roll at then end of the year. Keep the immediate and long-term goals on separate pages. 1-4. Make deadlines for your goals. There are certain things you won’t be able to set deadlines for, like final tests and tryouts for teams. But, you do need to make deadlines for goals that don’t have set dates. For example, if you want to learn a certain amount of vocabulary words for the SAT, set a number for a specific date. Write down that date in your notebook and keep it in mind as the year progresses. It’s also helpful to write down the dates of things that are out of your control, like final tests. 1-5. Start with a positive attitude. Seeing all of your goals written down can be overwhelming. A positive attitude is essential when it comes to achieving your goals. You can maintain a positive attitude by thinking of the positive things that happen in your day, considering your strengths, and remembering that everyone has a bad day sometimes. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal in a positive way. For example, instead of writing “Stop failing vocabulary quizzes,” you can write “Improve grades on vocabulary quizzes.” Be open with a friend or family member about your feelings and worries. 2. Working towards Your Goals 2-1. Get organized. Getting organized will make it easier to stay on top of achieving your goals. Organize your backpack, locker, notebooks, and anything else that holds your schoolwork or other paperwork. Determine what you need and get rid of the junk. Keep your things organized throughout the school year. Spend 10 minutes on organization when you get home from school every day. 2-2. Don’t procrastinate. It’s easy to get distracted and do something that sounds like more fun than work. A little bit of procrastination is normal, so don’t get mad at yourself if it happens. Instead, work on overcoming procrastination. Do things like prioritizing your tasks, starting with the hardest task, and breaking your tasks down into 15 minute chunks. Set small periods of time each week for TV and internet use that isn't for research purposes. Don't allow these times to bleed into study time or to replace it. 2-3. Attend every class. Skipping classes will only prevent you from achieving your goals. Try to never skip class unless it is for a good reason, like sickness. Take every class seriously and take notes. If you do miss class, ask your teacher and schoolmates what you missed. 2-4. Ask questions when you need help. It’s normal to struggle with something at some point in school. Even if you’re not struggling, be curious and ask questions. This will help you learn more and be prepared to take on your goals. Ask for extra help from a tutor or parent if you find that you aren’t understanding something on your own. Ask the question to your teacher after class if you’re not comfortable raising your hand in class. 2-5. Use a planner. Keep a personal planner with you at all times. Buy a planner that includes the dates you will be in school and has enough room to write things down. First, write down all of the permanent due dates. Then, write down your daily assignments and weekly goals. Keep up the planner for the rest of the year. You can also keep a calendar on your wall. 3. Staying on Track 3-1. Reward Occasionally, when you've achieved certain milestones in your goal plan, take a break and reward yourself. See a favorite movie, visit a friend who lives across town, go to the ice cream parlor with your friends, or buy yourself something new. If you don't have the money to purchase rewards for yourself, find ways to reward yourself that don't cost anything. This can include setting aside a favorite game or activity only for when you earn it. 3-2. Overcome You are going to make mistakes during the process of achieving your goals. That is completely normal and expected. Even if it’s not you making a mistake, you’re going to encounter some kind of obstacle. Don’t let these problems overwhelm you. Gather your thoughts, readjust your efforts, and maintain a positive mindset. Break down your goals into smaller chunks if you find that your initial list was not possible. 3-3. Create new goals halfway through the year. Once you’ve gone through the first part of the school year, make a list for the second half. You may have some goals that you haven’t accomplished yet, and that’s okay. Put those goals at the top of your new list. Write down a few other realistic and manageable goals. 3-4. Reflect on your progress. At some point during the year, you will need to evaluate your progress. Think of what you’ve accomplished so far. You should also consider what you need to work on. Once you’ve done that, you can figure out what you need to do to get better as the year goes on. You can review your progress halfway through the year, or do it once a month. 3-5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is very important, especially when you’re keeping up with a busy school schedule. Don’t overwhelm yourself so much that you lose out on sleep. Try to maintain a sleeping schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get at least eight hours of sleep. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, like television screens, before you go to bed. 3-6. Find ways to relax. Hard work is necessary but so is relaxation. Overwhelming yourself can lead to exhaustion and mood problems, which could prevent you from achieving your goals. Do things like sports, meditation, or writing to help you relax. Exercising can also help you sleep better. Tips Meet with your guidance counselor at the beginning of the year and explain your goals to them. Have regular check-ins with them throughout the school year.[15] X Expert Source Ashley Pritchard, MAAcademic & School Counselor Expert Interview. 4 November 2019. Although you may have set goals, explore and try news things during your studies. You may find something you enjoy that makes you want to alter your goals or allows you to exceed them.[16] X Research source Change your password when you are studying for finals, practicing a sport, or doing anything where social media can get in the way.[17] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Getting in the Right Mindset\\n1-1. Write down all of your goals.\\nYou don’t have to think of realistic or precise goals just yet. Begin by writing down any goal that comes to mind. For example, write down “make captain of the football team.” Even if you aren’t sure it’s a realistic goal, it’s okay to write it down at this point. You can narrow down your goals later.\\nWrite your goals on a poster and stick it above the desk that you look at each day.\\n1-2. Create precise goals for yourself.\\nYou may be excited and making all kinds of goals, but it’s better to pace yourself once you’ve written your initial goals down. Choose specific, realistic goals or even one single but very important goal. When it comes to choosing your goal, ensure that it states precisely what it is that you want to achieve. Write these down in a journal and keep it with you at home and school.\\nFor example, instead of saying you want to study more, say that you want to study for three hours every night during the school week.\\n1-3. Think of immediate and long-term goals.\\nNow that you’ve written down specific goals, separate them into either immediate or long-term goals. An immediate goal would be to organize all of your notes and schoolwork. A long-term goal would be to make honor roll at then end of the year. Keep the immediate and long-term goals on separate pages.\\n1-4. Make deadlines for your goals.\\nThere are certain things you won’t be able to set deadlines for, like final tests and tryouts for teams. But, you do need to make deadlines for goals that don’t have set dates. For example, if you want to learn a certain amount of vocabulary words for the SAT, set a number for a specific date. Write down that date in your notebook and keep it in mind as the year progresses.\\nIt’s also helpful to write down the dates of things that are out of your control, like final tests.\\n1-5. Start with a positive attitude.\\nSeeing all of your goals written down can be overwhelming. A positive attitude is essential when it comes to achieving your goals. You can maintain a positive attitude by thinking of the positive things that happen in your day, considering your strengths, and remembering that everyone has a bad day sometimes.\\nWrite down your thoughts and feelings in a journal in a positive way. For example, instead of writing “Stop failing vocabulary quizzes,” you can write “Improve grades on vocabulary quizzes.”\\nBe open with a friend or family member about your feelings and worries.\\n2. Working towards Your Goals\\n2-1. Get organized.\\nGetting organized will make it easier to stay on top of achieving your goals. Organize your backpack, locker, notebooks, and anything else that holds your schoolwork or other paperwork. Determine what you need and get rid of the junk. Keep your things organized throughout the school year.\\nSpend 10 minutes on organization when you get home from school every day.\\n2-2. Don’t procrastinate.\\nIt’s easy to get distracted and do something that sounds like more fun than work. A little bit of procrastination is normal, so don’t get mad at yourself if it happens. Instead, work on overcoming procrastination. Do things like prioritizing your tasks, starting with the hardest task, and breaking your tasks down into 15 minute chunks.\\nSet small periods of time each week for TV and internet use that isn't for research purposes. Don't allow these times to bleed into study time or to replace it.\\n2-3. Attend every class.\\nSkipping classes will only prevent you from achieving your goals. Try to never skip class unless it is for a good reason, like sickness. Take every class seriously and take notes. If you do miss class, ask your teacher and schoolmates what you missed.\\n2-4. Ask questions when you need help.\\nIt’s normal to struggle with something at some point in school. Even if you’re not struggling, be curious and ask questions. This will help you learn more and be prepared to take on your goals. Ask for extra help from a tutor or parent if you find that you aren’t understanding something on your own.\\nAsk the question to your teacher after class if you’re not comfortable raising your hand in class.\\n2-5. Use a planner.\\nKeep a personal planner with you at all times. Buy a planner that includes the dates you will be in school and has enough room to write things down. First, write down all of the permanent due dates. Then, write down your daily assignments and weekly goals. Keep up the planner for the rest of the year.\\nYou can also keep a calendar on your wall.\\n3. Staying on Track\\n3-1. Reward\\nOccasionally, when you've achieved certain milestones in your goal plan, take a break and reward yourself. See a favorite movie, visit a friend who lives across town, go to the ice cream parlor with your friends, or buy yourself something new. If you don't have the money to purchase rewards for yourself, find ways to reward yourself that don't cost anything.\\nThis can include setting aside a favorite game or activity only for when you earn it.\\n3-2. Overcome\\nYou are going to make mistakes during the process of achieving your goals. That is completely normal and expected. Even if it’s not you making a mistake, you’re going to encounter some kind of obstacle. Don’t let these problems overwhelm you. Gather your thoughts, readjust your efforts, and maintain a positive mindset.\\nBreak down your goals into smaller chunks if you find that your initial list was not possible.\\n3-3. Create new goals halfway through the year.\\nOnce you’ve gone through the first part of the school year, make a list for the second half. You may have some goals that you haven’t accomplished yet, and that’s okay. Put those goals at the top of your new list. Write down a few other realistic and manageable goals.\\n3-4. Reflect on your progress.\\nAt some point during the year, you will need to evaluate your progress. Think of what you’ve accomplished so far. You should also consider what you need to work on. Once you’ve done that, you can figure out what you need to do to get better as the year goes on.\\nYou can review your progress halfway through the year, or do it once a month.\\n3-5. Get enough sleep.\\nSleep is very important, especially when you’re keeping up with a busy school schedule. Don’t overwhelm yourself so much that you lose out on sleep. Try to maintain a sleeping schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get at least eight hours of sleep.\\nAvoid caffeine and other stimulants, like television screens, before you go to bed.\\n3-6. Find ways to relax.\\nHard work is necessary but so is relaxation. Overwhelming yourself can lead to exhaustion and mood problems, which could prevent you from achieving your goals. Do things like sports, meditation, or writing to help you relax.\\nExercising can also help you sleep better.\\nTips\\nMeet with your guidance counselor at the beginning of the year and explain your goals to them. Have regular check-ins with them throughout the school year.[15]\\nX\\nExpert Source\\n\\nAshley Pritchard, MAAcademic & School Counselor\\nExpert Interview. 4 November 2019.\\nAlthough you may have set goals, explore and try news things during your studies. You may find something you enjoy that makes you want to alter your goals or allows you to exceed them.[16]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nChange your password when you are studying for finals, practicing a sport, or doing anything where social media can get in the way.[17]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"It’s a great idea to make goals at the beginning of the school year to better yourself as a student and person. Everyone wants to achieve their goals, but it can be too easy to fall back into bad habits, such as procrastination, as the year progresses. That doesn’t have to happen if you take steps to get into the right mindset, steadily work towards your goals, and make efforts to stay on track so you can accomplish everything you’ve dreamed of by the end of the year.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Getting in the Right Mindset\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Write down all of your goals.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t have to think of realistic or precise goals just yet. Begin by writing down any goal that comes to mind. For example, write down “make captain of the football team.” Even if you aren’t sure it’s a realistic goal, it’s okay to write it down at this point. You can narrow down your goals later.\\nWrite your goals on a poster and stick it above the desk that you look at each day.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Create precise goals for yourself.\", \"描述\": \"You may be excited and making all kinds of goals, but it’s better to pace yourself once you’ve written your initial goals down. Choose specific, realistic goals or even one single but very important goal. When it comes to choosing your goal, ensure that it states precisely what it is that you want to achieve. Write these down in a journal and keep it with you at home and school.\\nFor example, instead of saying you want to study more, say that you want to study for three hours every night during the school week.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Think of immediate and long-term goals.\", \"描述\": \"Now that you’ve written down specific goals, separate them into either immediate or long-term goals. An immediate goal would be to organize all of your notes and schoolwork. A long-term goal would be to make honor roll at then end of the year. Keep the immediate and long-term goals on separate pages.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Make deadlines for your goals.\", \"描述\": \"There are certain things you won’t be able to set deadlines for, like final tests and tryouts for teams. But, you do need to make deadlines for goals that don’t have set dates. For example, if you want to learn a certain amount of vocabulary words for the SAT, set a number for a specific date. Write down that date in your notebook and keep it in mind as the year progresses.\\nIt’s also helpful to write down the dates of things that are out of your control, like final tests.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Start with a positive attitude.\", \"描述\": \"Seeing all of your goals written down can be overwhelming. A positive attitude is essential when it comes to achieving your goals. You can maintain a positive attitude by thinking of the positive things that happen in your day, considering your strengths, and remembering that everyone has a bad day sometimes.\\nWrite down your thoughts and feelings in a journal in a positive way. For example, instead of writing “Stop failing vocabulary quizzes,” you can write “Improve grades on vocabulary quizzes.”\\nBe open with a friend or family member about your feelings and worries.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Working towards Your Goals\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Get organized.\", \"描述\": \"Getting organized will make it easier to stay on top of achieving your goals. Organize your backpack, locker, notebooks, and anything else that holds your schoolwork or other paperwork. Determine what you need and get rid of the junk. Keep your things organized throughout the school year.\\nSpend 10 minutes on organization when you get home from school every day.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don’t procrastinate.\", \"描述\": \"It’s easy to get distracted and do something that sounds like more fun than work. A little bit of procrastination is normal, so don’t get mad at yourself if it happens. Instead, work on overcoming procrastination. Do things like prioritizing your tasks, starting with the hardest task, and breaking your tasks down into 15 minute chunks.\\nSet small periods of time each week for TV and internet use that isn't for research purposes. Don't allow these times to bleed into study time or to replace it.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Attend every class.\", \"描述\": \"Skipping classes will only prevent you from achieving your goals. Try to never skip class unless it is for a good reason, like sickness. Take every class seriously and take notes. If you do miss class, ask your teacher and schoolmates what you missed.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Ask questions when you need help.\", \"描述\": \"It’s normal to struggle with something at some point in school. Even if you’re not struggling, be curious and ask questions. This will help you learn more and be prepared to take on your goals. Ask for extra help from a tutor or parent if you find that you aren’t understanding something on your own.\\nAsk the question to your teacher after class if you’re not comfortable raising your hand in class.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Use a planner.\", \"描述\": \"Keep a personal planner with you at all times. Buy a planner that includes the dates you will be in school and has enough room to write things down. First, write down all of the permanent due dates. Then, write down your daily assignments and weekly goals. Keep up the planner for the rest of the year.\\nYou can also keep a calendar on your wall.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Staying on Track\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Reward\", \"描述\": \"Occasionally, when you've achieved certain milestones in your goal plan, take a break and reward yourself. See a favorite movie, visit a friend who lives across town, go to the ice cream parlor with your friends, or buy yourself something new. If you don't have the money to purchase rewards for yourself, find ways to reward yourself that don't cost anything.\\nThis can include setting aside a favorite game or activity only for when you earn it.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Overcome\", \"描述\": \"You are going to make mistakes during the process of achieving your goals. That is completely normal and expected. Even if it’s not you making a mistake, you’re going to encounter some kind of obstacle. Don’t let these problems overwhelm you. Gather your thoughts, readjust your efforts, and maintain a positive mindset.\\nBreak down your goals into smaller chunks if you find that your initial list was not possible.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Create new goals halfway through the year.\", \"描述\": \"Once you’ve gone through the first part of the school year, make a list for the second half. You may have some goals that you haven’t accomplished yet, and that’s okay. Put those goals at the top of your new list. Write down a few other realistic and manageable goals.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Reflect on your progress.\", \"描述\": \"At some point during the year, you will need to evaluate your progress. Think of what you’ve accomplished so far. You should also consider what you need to work on. Once you’ve done that, you can figure out what you need to do to get better as the year goes on.\\nYou can review your progress halfway through the year, or do it once a month.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Get enough sleep.\", \"描述\": \"Sleep is very important, especially when you’re keeping up with a busy school schedule. Don’t overwhelm yourself so much that you lose out on sleep. Try to maintain a sleeping schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get at least eight hours of sleep.\\nAvoid caffeine and other stimulants, like television screens, before you go to bed.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Find ways to relax.\", \"描述\": \"Hard work is necessary but so is relaxation. Overwhelming yourself can lead to exhaustion and mood problems, which could prevent you from achieving your goals. Do things like sports, meditation, or writing to help you relax.\\nExercising can also help you sleep better.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Meet with your guidance counselor at the beginning of the year and explain your goals to them. Have regular check-ins with them throughout the school year.[15]\\nX\\nExpert Source\\n\\nAshley Pritchard, MAAcademic & School Counselor\\nExpert Interview. 4 November 2019.\\n\", \"Although you may have set goals, explore and try news things during your studies. You may find something you enjoy that makes you want to alter your goals or allows you to exceed them.[16]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"Change your password when you are studying for finals, practicing a sport, or doing anything where social media can get in the way.[17]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones
1. Defining Your Goal 1-1. Start with broad ideas. When formulating a goal, you may only have a vague idea what you want. This is okay. Starting broad will actually help you map out a clear path towards more specific, attainable goals. For example, you may broadly tell yourself, "I want to be happy." This is a very large and vague goal, but it can be specified in time. Right now, what's important is that you've identified a big idea that will help guide you through the process of finding your goal. 1-2. Focus in on specific aspects of your broad idea. Initially, your goal will be vague and unfocused. This is fine to start, but if your goal stays vague it will be difficult to complete. You won't be able to track your progress and determine if you've been successful. It is more effective to whittle the idea down into a more concrete and specific goal. Once you come to a precise goal, you can work on breaking it up into manageable tasks. For example, if your original idea was to get into a good college, you have a good start but a vague goal. Narrow this idea down. What will you have to do to get into a good college? After some thought you realize that you have a lot of extracurricular activities to report, but your GPA is a little low. So with this information, you set your goal to improve your GPA. 1-3. Write out a concrete goal. After narrowing down your broad idea and defining what you mean by it, you can decide what exactly your goal is. Taking your broad idea and the narrowed-down elements, you should explicitly write what exactly your goal is. Let's stick with the goal of improving your GPA. After deciding that you need better grades, you still need to state your goal specifically. You might come up with something like "My goal is to raise my GPA from 3.2 to 3.7 by the end of the year." This will lay out exactly what you have to do and your time frame for doing so. Whatever your specific goal is, be sure to state it clearly. This will ensure that you have a concrete target to aim for. With a clear definition, you'll be able to lay out exactly what is required to achieve your goal. You'll also be able to assess your success more easily with a clear definition. 2. Dividing Your Goal 2-1. Identify the different components of your goal. Even when you've made your goal as specific as possible, there will still probably be different parts to achieving it. Examine your goal and identify as many different components as you can. Then you can design a plan to accomplish each of those smaller tasks. When you do that, your overall goal will fall into place. Let's stick with your goal of improving your GPA. What will that entail? You decide that in order to work on your grades, you'll set aside an extra hour to study every day, go to extra help classes once a week, and meet with a tutor in your worst subject. You now have three components for your larger goal of improving your GPA, and can work out a plan to tackle each one. 2-2. Develop a strategy to tackle each smaller task. Once you successfully identify the different components of your goal, you'll have to come up with a plan to accomplish each. These little chunks of your overall goal will allow you to focus on one area at a time and gradually accomplish the larger goal. Let's stick with the GPA goal from Step 1. Remember that you broke this goal down into 3 components: finding an extra hour per day to study, going to extra help classes, and meeting with a tutor. Each of these tasks are goals in themselves that require a plan of action. To find more study time, you commit to cutting back your hours watching TV and playing video games. For extra help classes, you decide that one day a week you'll miss track practice to attend a class after school. To find a tutor, you go to the office, get a list of tutors from the secretary, and contact him. You now have a plan in place to accomplish each sub-task of your goal. 2-3. Prioritize your sub-goals. Since the point of breaking your goal into more manageable tasks is meant to prevent you from getting overwhelmed, you should avoid focusing on too many sub-goals at once. This can be just as overwhelming. Instead, analyze your list of smaller tasks and see which ones are most important to achieving your goal. Then focus on them first before moving on to other tasks that may not be so important. While trying to improve your GPA would probably entail studying hard in all your classes, there may be a trouble area that you need to work on first. Say your grades are an 85 in math, an 89 in history, and a 70 in biology. While your grades in math and history could definitely be better, your biology grade is what's really pulling down your average. Your first focus should be improving your biology grade so it's on par with your other grades. Then, when you have a handle on biology, you can work on the rest of your subjects and raise your overall GPA. 2-4. Concentrate on the tasks rather than the overall goal. Remember, the point of breaking up your goal to make it more manageable. Therefore, you should spend your time focusing on the smaller tasks you've come up with. If you start to dwell on the overall goal, you could end up overwhelming yourself. Keep your mind focused on the smaller tasks in front of you. Remember that when you complete these tasks, your goal will be accomplished. 2-5. Set benchmarks for your goal. In addition to breaking your goal into smaller tasks, another way to divide your goal is to set up a long timetable to track your progress. Weight loss is a good example for this. You may have an overall goal of losing 50 pounds. That large number seems daunting, and can be overwhelming. However, committing to losing 2 pounds per week sounds much more manageable. You haven't changed your goal, but you've broken up the timescale into more realistic chunks. This will help you stay committed and on track to complete your overall goal. 3. Achieving Your Goal 3-1. Set up a timetable for your goal. It helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This will help you stay focused and committed to working on your goal. Set timetables for the overall goal, and for each smaller task you break that goal into. That way you'll always know where you stand and if you need to adjust anything. Say your goal is to write a book. You decide that two years from now, you'd like the book complete. This is your timetable for the overall goal. Break up the tasks further. Decide that you'd like the research done by the 6 month mark, the proposal written by 9 months, the contract drawn up by a year, and the final year will be committed to writing. Sticking to this timetable for your smaller tasks will help you reach the deadline for your overall goal. 3-2. Review your progress regularly. Achieving goals is usually a process rather than a one-time commitment. While you work towards your goal, you'll need to stay motivated. A great motivator is seeing improvement. Check in with your progress regularly to ensure you see results as they happen. It helps to keep a written log of your progress and update it every week or month. Careful monitoring will also let you know if you've fallen behind your goal. If you stop seeing improvement, you know you have to work harder. Let's continue with the goal of improving your grades this year at school. You should keep a log of your grades as the year goes on. If you see an upward trend, then you know that you're studying right and your goal is becoming a reality. If you see a downward trend, you know you'll need to improve if you want to accomplish your goal. 3-3. Tell people about your goal and ask for help if you need it. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated all the time. If your goal is difficult or you aren't seeing progress fast enough, it's normal to get frustrated. This is where a support network comes in. By telling friends and family about your goal, you're creating a network that can help you if things get tough. With a good support group, a difficult goal becomes much more attainable. Couples trying to lose weight is a good example. If you and your partner are trying to lose weight together, you can keep each other accountable for dieting and working out. Your partner can talk you out of eating junk foods and motivate you to exercise. This way, you can stay more committed to a goal than if you were trying to do it all alone. 3-4. Identify obstacles you might encounter. When working towards any goal, it is almost inevitable that you'll experience hardships. The key is not avoiding obstacles, but planning for them. If you anticipate problems ahead of time, you can have a system in place for overcoming them. Say your goal is to cut down on your alcohol intake. You know that your friends will probably pressure you to drink when you're around them, which represents an obstacle to your goal. To plan for this, start by letting your friends know that your goal is to drink less and ask them not to offer you drinks. Make a commitment to yourself that if they don't stop pressuring you, you'll remove yourself from the situation. 3-5. Celebrate your successes. Each time you complete one of your sub-goals, it is a cause for celebration. You're one step closer to achieving your overall goal, and you should be proud of that. Celebrate any way you want: watch a movie, go out for dinner, take a day off. It doesn't matter. These little celebrations will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated to accomplish your goal. Tips Remember that you may experience setbacks when working towards a goal. This is normal and you shouldn't let it derail your progress. Stay positive and keep working. Give yourself some feedback too by asking these questions: [A] What did I do really well ? [B] If I were to do it again what could I do that would make it even better? [C] Why is moving toward my final goal important to me?
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Defining Your Goal\\n1-1. Start with broad ideas.\\nWhen formulating a goal, you may only have a vague idea what you want. This is okay. Starting broad will actually help you map out a clear path towards more specific, attainable goals.\\nFor example, you may broadly tell yourself, \\\"I want to be happy.\\\" This is a very large and vague goal, but it can be specified in time. Right now, what's important is that you've identified a big idea that will help guide you through the process of finding your goal.\\n1-2. Focus in on specific aspects of your broad idea.\\nInitially, your goal will be vague and unfocused. This is fine to start, but if your goal stays vague it will be difficult to complete. You won't be able to track your progress and determine if you've been successful. It is more effective to whittle the idea down into a more concrete and specific goal. Once you come to a precise goal, you can work on breaking it up into manageable tasks.\\nFor example, if your original idea was to get into a good college, you have a good start but a vague goal. Narrow this idea down. What will you have to do to get into a good college? After some thought you realize that you have a lot of extracurricular activities to report, but your GPA is a little low. So with this information, you set your goal to improve your GPA.\\n1-3. Write out a concrete goal.\\nAfter narrowing down your broad idea and defining what you mean by it, you can decide what exactly your goal is. Taking your broad idea and the narrowed-down elements, you should explicitly write what exactly your goal is.\\nLet's stick with the goal of improving your GPA. After deciding that you need better grades, you still need to state your goal specifically. You might come up with something like \\\"My goal is to raise my GPA from 3.2 to 3.7 by the end of the year.\\\" This will lay out exactly what you have to do and your time frame for doing so.\\nWhatever your specific goal is, be sure to state it clearly. This will ensure that you have a concrete target to aim for. With a clear definition, you'll be able to lay out exactly what is required to achieve your goal. You'll also be able to assess your success more easily with a clear definition.\\n2. Dividing Your Goal\\n2-1. Identify the different components of your goal.\\nEven when you've made your goal as specific as possible, there will still probably be different parts to achieving it. Examine your goal and identify as many different components as you can. Then you can design a plan to accomplish each of those smaller tasks. When you do that, your overall goal will fall into place.\\nLet's stick with your goal of improving your GPA. What will that entail? You decide that in order to work on your grades, you'll set aside an extra hour to study every day, go to extra help classes once a week, and meet with a tutor in your worst subject. You now have three components for your larger goal of improving your GPA, and can work out a plan to tackle each one.\\n2-2. Develop a strategy to tackle each smaller task.\\nOnce you successfully identify the different components of your goal, you'll have to come up with a plan to accomplish each. These little chunks of your overall goal will allow you to focus on one area at a time and gradually accomplish the larger goal.\\nLet's stick with the GPA goal from Step 1. Remember that you broke this goal down into 3 components: finding an extra hour per day to study, going to extra help classes, and meeting with a tutor. Each of these tasks are goals in themselves that require a plan of action.\\nTo find more study time, you commit to cutting back your hours watching TV and playing video games.\\nFor extra help classes, you decide that one day a week you'll miss track practice to attend a class after school.\\nTo find a tutor, you go to the office, get a list of tutors from the secretary, and contact him.\\nYou now have a plan in place to accomplish each sub-task of your goal.\\n2-3. Prioritize your sub-goals.\\nSince the point of breaking your goal into more manageable tasks is meant to prevent you from getting overwhelmed, you should avoid focusing on too many sub-goals at once. This can be just as overwhelming. Instead, analyze your list of smaller tasks and see which ones are most important to achieving your goal. Then focus on them first before moving on to other tasks that may not be so important.\\nWhile trying to improve your GPA would probably entail studying hard in all your classes, there may be a trouble area that you need to work on first. Say your grades are an 85 in math, an 89 in history, and a 70 in biology. While your grades in math and history could definitely be better, your biology grade is what's really pulling down your average. Your first focus should be improving your biology grade so it's on par with your other grades. Then, when you have a handle on biology, you can work on the rest of your subjects and raise your overall GPA.\\n2-4. Concentrate on the tasks rather than the overall goal.\\nRemember, the point of breaking up your goal to make it more manageable. Therefore, you should spend your time focusing on the smaller tasks you've come up with. If you start to dwell on the overall goal, you could end up overwhelming yourself.\\nKeep your mind focused on the smaller tasks in front of you. Remember that when you complete these tasks, your goal will be accomplished.\\n2-5. Set benchmarks for your goal.\\nIn addition to breaking your goal into smaller tasks, another way to divide your goal is to set up a long timetable to track your progress.\\nWeight loss is a good example for this. You may have an overall goal of losing 50 pounds. That large number seems daunting, and can be overwhelming. However, committing to losing 2 pounds per week sounds much more manageable. You haven't changed your goal, but you've broken up the timescale into more realistic chunks. This will help you stay committed and on track to complete your overall goal.\\n3. Achieving Your Goal\\n3-1. Set up a timetable for your goal.\\nIt helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This will help you stay focused and committed to working on your goal. Set timetables for the overall goal, and for each smaller task you break that goal into. That way you'll always know where you stand and if you need to adjust anything.\\nSay your goal is to write a book. You decide that two years from now, you'd like the book complete. This is your timetable for the overall goal.\\nBreak up the tasks further. Decide that you'd like the research done by the 6 month mark, the proposal written by 9 months, the contract drawn up by a year, and the final year will be committed to writing.\\nSticking to this timetable for your smaller tasks will help you reach the deadline for your overall goal.\\n3-2. Review your progress regularly.\\nAchieving goals is usually a process rather than a one-time commitment. While you work towards your goal, you'll need to stay motivated. A great motivator is seeing improvement. Check in with your progress regularly to ensure you see results as they happen. It helps to keep a written log of your progress and update it every week or month. Careful monitoring will also let you know if you've fallen behind your goal. If you stop seeing improvement, you know you have to work harder.\\nLet's continue with the goal of improving your grades this year at school. You should keep a log of your grades as the year goes on. If you see an upward trend, then you know that you're studying right and your goal is becoming a reality. If you see a downward trend, you know you'll need to improve if you want to accomplish your goal.\\n3-3. Tell people about your goal and ask for help if you need it.\\nSometimes it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated all the time. If your goal is difficult or you aren't seeing progress fast enough, it's normal to get frustrated. This is where a support network comes in. By telling friends and family about your goal, you're creating a network that can help you if things get tough. With a good support group, a difficult goal becomes much more attainable.\\nCouples trying to lose weight is a good example. If you and your partner are trying to lose weight together, you can keep each other accountable for dieting and working out. Your partner can talk you out of eating junk foods and motivate you to exercise. This way, you can stay more committed to a goal than if you were trying to do it all alone.\\n3-4. Identify obstacles you might encounter.\\nWhen working towards any goal, it is almost inevitable that you'll experience hardships. The key is not avoiding obstacles, but planning for them. If you anticipate problems ahead of time, you can have a system in place for overcoming them.\\nSay your goal is to cut down on your alcohol intake. You know that your friends will probably pressure you to drink when you're around them, which represents an obstacle to your goal. To plan for this, start by letting your friends know that your goal is to drink less and ask them not to offer you drinks. Make a commitment to yourself that if they don't stop pressuring you, you'll remove yourself from the situation.\\n3-5. Celebrate your successes.\\nEach time you complete one of your sub-goals, it is a cause for celebration. You're one step closer to achieving your overall goal, and you should be proud of that. Celebrate any way you want: watch a movie, go out for dinner, take a day off. It doesn't matter. These little celebrations will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated to accomplish your goal.\\nTips\\nRemember that you may experience setbacks when working towards a goal. This is normal and you shouldn't let it derail your progress. Stay positive and keep working.\\nGive yourself some feedback too by asking these questions:\\n\\n[A] What did I do really well ?\\n[B] If I were to do it again what could I do that would make it even better?\\n[C] Why is moving toward my final goal important to me?\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"One of the primary reasons people fail to achieve their goals is because they felt overwhelmed and quit. This is often because the original goal was too big. You can avoid this, however, by breaking your goal into smaller, more manageable parts. That way, your goal that seemed so big and daunting becomes something that can be accomplished over time in several steps. Upon completing these steps, you'll realize that you've reached the goal that you originally found overwhelming or even impossible.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Defining Your Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Start with broad ideas.\", \"描述\": \"When formulating a goal, you may only have a vague idea what you want. This is okay. Starting broad will actually help you map out a clear path towards more specific, attainable goals.\\nFor example, you may broadly tell yourself, \\\"I want to be happy.\\\" This is a very large and vague goal, but it can be specified in time. Right now, what's important is that you've identified a big idea that will help guide you through the process of finding your goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Focus in on specific aspects of your broad idea.\", \"描述\": \"Initially, your goal will be vague and unfocused. This is fine to start, but if your goal stays vague it will be difficult to complete. You won't be able to track your progress and determine if you've been successful. It is more effective to whittle the idea down into a more concrete and specific goal. Once you come to a precise goal, you can work on breaking it up into manageable tasks.\\nFor example, if your original idea was to get into a good college, you have a good start but a vague goal. Narrow this idea down. What will you have to do to get into a good college? After some thought you realize that you have a lot of extracurricular activities to report, but your GPA is a little low. So with this information, you set your goal to improve your GPA.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Write out a concrete goal.\", \"描述\": \"After narrowing down your broad idea and defining what you mean by it, you can decide what exactly your goal is. Taking your broad idea and the narrowed-down elements, you should explicitly write what exactly your goal is.\\nLet's stick with the goal of improving your GPA. After deciding that you need better grades, you still need to state your goal specifically. You might come up with something like \\\"My goal is to raise my GPA from 3.2 to 3.7 by the end of the year.\\\" This will lay out exactly what you have to do and your time frame for doing so.\\nWhatever your specific goal is, be sure to state it clearly. This will ensure that you have a concrete target to aim for. With a clear definition, you'll be able to lay out exactly what is required to achieve your goal. You'll also be able to assess your success more easily with a clear definition.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Dividing Your Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Identify the different components of your goal.\", \"描述\": \"Even when you've made your goal as specific as possible, there will still probably be different parts to achieving it. Examine your goal and identify as many different components as you can. Then you can design a plan to accomplish each of those smaller tasks. When you do that, your overall goal will fall into place.\\nLet's stick with your goal of improving your GPA. What will that entail? You decide that in order to work on your grades, you'll set aside an extra hour to study every day, go to extra help classes once a week, and meet with a tutor in your worst subject. You now have three components for your larger goal of improving your GPA, and can work out a plan to tackle each one.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Develop a strategy to tackle each smaller task.\", \"描述\": \"Once you successfully identify the different components of your goal, you'll have to come up with a plan to accomplish each. These little chunks of your overall goal will allow you to focus on one area at a time and gradually accomplish the larger goal.\\nLet's stick with the GPA goal from Step 1. Remember that you broke this goal down into 3 components: finding an extra hour per day to study, going to extra help classes, and meeting with a tutor. Each of these tasks are goals in themselves that require a plan of action.\\nTo find more study time, you commit to cutting back your hours watching TV and playing video games.\\nFor extra help classes, you decide that one day a week you'll miss track practice to attend a class after school.\\nTo find a tutor, you go to the office, get a list of tutors from the secretary, and contact him.\\nYou now have a plan in place to accomplish each sub-task of your goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Prioritize your sub-goals.\", \"描述\": \"Since the point of breaking your goal into more manageable tasks is meant to prevent you from getting overwhelmed, you should avoid focusing on too many sub-goals at once. This can be just as overwhelming. Instead, analyze your list of smaller tasks and see which ones are most important to achieving your goal. Then focus on them first before moving on to other tasks that may not be so important.\\nWhile trying to improve your GPA would probably entail studying hard in all your classes, there may be a trouble area that you need to work on first. Say your grades are an 85 in math, an 89 in history, and a 70 in biology. While your grades in math and history could definitely be better, your biology grade is what's really pulling down your average. Your first focus should be improving your biology grade so it's on par with your other grades. Then, when you have a handle on biology, you can work on the rest of your subjects and raise your overall GPA.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Concentrate on the tasks rather than the overall goal.\", \"描述\": \"Remember, the point of breaking up your goal to make it more manageable. Therefore, you should spend your time focusing on the smaller tasks you've come up with. If you start to dwell on the overall goal, you could end up overwhelming yourself.\\nKeep your mind focused on the smaller tasks in front of you. Remember that when you complete these tasks, your goal will be accomplished.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Set benchmarks for your goal.\", \"描述\": \"In addition to breaking your goal into smaller tasks, another way to divide your goal is to set up a long timetable to track your progress.\\nWeight loss is a good example for this. You may have an overall goal of losing 50 pounds. That large number seems daunting, and can be overwhelming. However, committing to losing 2 pounds per week sounds much more manageable. You haven't changed your goal, but you've broken up the timescale into more realistic chunks. This will help you stay committed and on track to complete your overall goal.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Achieving Your Goal\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Set up a timetable for your goal.\", \"描述\": \"It helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This will help you stay focused and committed to working on your goal. Set timetables for the overall goal, and for each smaller task you break that goal into. That way you'll always know where you stand and if you need to adjust anything.\\nSay your goal is to write a book. You decide that two years from now, you'd like the book complete. This is your timetable for the overall goal.\\nBreak up the tasks further. Decide that you'd like the research done by the 6 month mark, the proposal written by 9 months, the contract drawn up by a year, and the final year will be committed to writing.\\nSticking to this timetable for your smaller tasks will help you reach the deadline for your overall goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Review your progress regularly.\", \"描述\": \"Achieving goals is usually a process rather than a one-time commitment. While you work towards your goal, you'll need to stay motivated. A great motivator is seeing improvement. Check in with your progress regularly to ensure you see results as they happen. It helps to keep a written log of your progress and update it every week or month. Careful monitoring will also let you know if you've fallen behind your goal. If you stop seeing improvement, you know you have to work harder.\\nLet's continue with the goal of improving your grades this year at school. You should keep a log of your grades as the year goes on. If you see an upward trend, then you know that you're studying right and your goal is becoming a reality. If you see a downward trend, you know you'll need to improve if you want to accomplish your goal.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Tell people about your goal and ask for help if you need it.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated all the time. If your goal is difficult or you aren't seeing progress fast enough, it's normal to get frustrated. This is where a support network comes in. By telling friends and family about your goal, you're creating a network that can help you if things get tough. With a good support group, a difficult goal becomes much more attainable.\\nCouples trying to lose weight is a good example. If you and your partner are trying to lose weight together, you can keep each other accountable for dieting and working out. Your partner can talk you out of eating junk foods and motivate you to exercise. This way, you can stay more committed to a goal than if you were trying to do it all alone.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Identify obstacles you might encounter.\", \"描述\": \"When working towards any goal, it is almost inevitable that you'll experience hardships. The key is not avoiding obstacles, but planning for them. If you anticipate problems ahead of time, you can have a system in place for overcoming them.\\nSay your goal is to cut down on your alcohol intake. You know that your friends will probably pressure you to drink when you're around them, which represents an obstacle to your goal. To plan for this, start by letting your friends know that your goal is to drink less and ask them not to offer you drinks. Make a commitment to yourself that if they don't stop pressuring you, you'll remove yourself from the situation.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Celebrate your successes.\", \"描述\": \"Each time you complete one of your sub-goals, it is a cause for celebration. You're one step closer to achieving your overall goal, and you should be proud of that. Celebrate any way you want: watch a movie, go out for dinner, take a day off. It doesn't matter. These little celebrations will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated to accomplish your goal.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Remember that you may experience setbacks when working towards a goal. This is normal and you shouldn't let it derail your progress. Stay positive and keep working.\\n\", \"Give yourself some feedback too by asking these questions:\\n\\n[A] What did I do really well ?\\n[B] If I were to do it again what could I do that would make it even better?\\n[C] Why is moving toward my final goal important to me?\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve a Messy Hair Effect
1. Selecting Your Messy Look 1-1. Determine your hair texture. Depending on the texture of your hair, you may need to add some product to make sure your messy hair maintains the look you want all day long. It is important to have the proper tools of the trade before you get started. If your hair is thick, coarse, or curly, you are in luck. This look is going to be easy for you. All you will need is a styling product to keep the frizz in control. If your hair is wavy, this look will be pretty easy for you. A little texture cream should be all you need. If your hair is fine or straight, do not worry. With the right products, you can add texture to your hair that will make sure the messy look stays put. Get some styling products that add texture (like sea salt, volumizer, or texturizing pomade). You will probably need to use those with some blow-drying and curling. 1-2. Consider your hair length. You may have short hair, medium length hair, or long hair. The length of your hair affects the amount of product you use, how long it takes to style your locks, and which messy look you want. Short and medium length hair look best with both tousled messy hair and curly messy hair. Tousled messy hair is done with your fingers. If you are going for the curly messy hair and you have short hair, be sure to use a smaller barrel size of curling iron. Long hair can also do both types of messy hair but generally looks better with curly messy hair. You will use a larger barrel curling iron because you want loose curls that you can tousle with your fingers. To get the best messy look, start off with a great haircut. The foundation of any hairstyle is the shape. 1-3. Decide which style of messy hair you want. There are a few ways you can achieve the messy hair effect depending on the look you are going for and the texture of your hair. You can go for tousled messy hair, curly messy hair, or combine them. If your hair is wavy or curly you can achieve any of the messy effects without much extra effort. Curling the hair first will help maintain the messy hair effect longer. Just tousling the hair with your fingers will not be enough, even with product in your hair. It will benefit you to have the heat styling help of a curling iron. 1-4. Gather your tools. Depending on your hair texture and length, and which style of messy hair you want to achieve you will need a few tools and products to make your messy hair look fabulous. If your hair is curly, a curl-forming cream will keep your curls under control without weighing them down. Avoid using texture sprays and anything with alcohol. If your hair tends to frizz you can try a lightweight frizz control product as well. If your hair is wavy, try a sea salt spray to add texture and keep your messy look lasting all day long. If your hair is fine and straight, you will want a texture wax or molding balm. This will help your hair stay in place after curling and tousling. You will also need a brush, a blow dryer, and a curling or flat iron (unless your hair is already curly). 2. Styling Long Hair with the Messy Effect 2-1. Wash your hair. First, you need to wash your hair. You can prepare your hair by using a shampoo or conditioner that adds moisture or controls frizz. Remember that rinsing your hair in cool or cold water adds a nice sheen to your hair. 2-2. Towel-dry your hair. Dry your hair so that there is no excess water dripping from the ends of your locks. Press your hair between the folds of the towel rather than rubbing the towel on your head. Sometimes it helps to pull your hair into a towel and leave it there for a few minutes while it sops up the water. 2-3. Apply any necessary product to your hair. By now you should have your products ready to go. Apply any texturizing products you may need to your hair. If you're using volumizing mousse, work it into your hair from the roots. Some products are designed to go on damp hair, while others are meant for dry hair. Read the product label to make sure you get the most out of your product. 2-4. Blow-dry your hair. Dry your hair using a blow dryer. If your hair is fine, flip your head upside down and blow-dry it from the roots first by massaging your fingers into your roots. This will help add volume to your hair. 2-5. Curl your hair. Unless you have curly hair you will need to curl it a bit before you tousle it. To curl your hair you have a few options, depending on how controlled or messy you want your curls to look. If you want controlled curls you can use a wide barrel curling iron (½ inch to 1 inch wide). Curl sections of your hair, settings them aside as you go. When you have curled all your hair, spray the hair with sea salt or holding spray. Tousle it a bit by running your fingers through it and scrunching it. You can also achieve this using a flat iron as a curling iron.[1] If you want more casual curls, spray a section of your hair with sea salt or holding spray. Twist the section until it twists into a small bun, and clamp it down while it dries (or dry it with your blow dryer). Do this until all your hair is clamped down. Release all the twists and run your fingers through them.[2] If your curls are too controlled you can pull them apart with your fingers. This will create a looser look. 2-6. Tousle your hair. If you are going straight for the tousled look, all you need to do is apply some texturizing spray or holding gel/spray and tousle your hair with your fingers. Sometimes it helps to flip your head upside down to do this.[3] If your hair is fine you may need to tease your roots. You can do this by pulling apart the top layer of your hair and running a comb or brush through it backward. Start from midway through the strand and comb to the root. Keep doing this until a knotted mess forms. 2-7. Apply hair accessories. If you want you can wear a headband, barrette, some pins, or pull the hair back into a ponytail. If you do not want to do any of that you can just leave your beautiful locks free flowing.[4] 3. Tousling Medium-Length Hair 3-1. Wash and dry your hair. To prep your hair for styling, use a moisture rich shampoo and conditioner on your hair to wash it. Then, dry your hair by gently squeezing your hair with a towel. Do not try to wrap your hair up in a towel to dry it, as this can damage your hair. If you have curly hair, you may want to use spray gel after towel drying your hair to maintain your curl. Put a few dollops of the spray and run it through the bottom section and the roots of your hair. If you have straight or fine hair, you can use a large dollop of volumizing mousse in your hair to give it some body. If you have medium to thick hair, you can apply a styling cream to help control any flyaways. Use your fingers to comb it through your hair for easy, even application. 3-2. Blow dry your hair with a diffuser dryer. You should then use a diffuser dryer to dry your hair until it is about 85 percent dry. Avoid touching your hair a lot as you dry it, as this will create more frizz. You can try flipping your hair and run the dryer through your hair to dry it quickly and efficiently. 3-3. Secure the top section of your hair. Use a hair tie or a clip to lift up the top section of your hair, from your hairline, to secure it so it is out of the way. If your hair is short enough that you do not have any layers in your hair, or layers long enough to tie back, you can skip this step. 3-4. Apply a heat protectant. Make sure you protect your hair from the heat of the curling wand by using a heat protectant. You can find heat protectant at your local beauty supply store or drugstore. Look for a heat protectant that is also a styling spray, as this will allow it to protect your hair and make it easier to style. 3-5. Wrap the lower section of your hair around a wide-barrel curling wand. Alternate between holding the wand vertically and horizontally, as this will create more messy look. You should curl one small section vertically and then switch to curling the next small section horizontally. Start by curling your hair vertically, wrapping your hair on the wand, away from your face. Release it after about five seconds. Then, turn the wand so it is horizontal and wrap the hair around it, away from your face. Release after five seconds. Follow this sequence, alternating between vertical and horizontal, all the way around your head. 3-6. Repeat on the middle and top sections of your hair. Once you have finished curling the lower section, take out some of the hair from the small ponytail at the top of your head to create a middle section. Then, repeat the alternating curls all the way around your head for the middle section. If you have a lot of hair left in your ponytail, you may be able to create a top section of hair that you would then curl in the same way. If you only have the small pieces that frame your face left in your ponytail, take them out and curl the small pieces in alternating directions. 3-7. Apply finishing spray for a matte texture. Finish your messy hair look by spritzing your hair with a matte finishing spray. Use your fingers to scrunch up the ends of your hair to create a nice, matte texture. Tips Some people prefer to wait until the day after they have washed their hair.[13] X Research source Remember that you are going for a “messy” look. Make it look like you put little to no effort into this. If you find your hair is getting too out of control, you can use a comb or brush to put it back into place. Warnings If you blow dry your hair often, get a good moisturizing conditioner and shampoo. Be careful not to burn yourself with the curling iron or blow dryer.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Selecting Your Messy Look\\n1-1. Determine your hair texture.\\nDepending on the texture of your hair, you may need to add some product to make sure your messy hair maintains the look you want all day long. It is important to have the proper tools of the trade before you get started.\\nIf your hair is thick, coarse, or curly, you are in luck. This look is going to be easy for you. All you will need is a styling product to keep the frizz in control.\\nIf your hair is wavy, this look will be pretty easy for you. A little texture cream should be all you need.\\nIf your hair is fine or straight, do not worry. With the right products, you can add texture to your hair that will make sure the messy look stays put. Get some styling products that add texture (like sea salt, volumizer, or texturizing pomade). You will probably need to use those with some blow-drying and curling.\\n1-2. Consider your hair length.\\nYou may have short hair, medium length hair, or long hair. The length of your hair affects the amount of product you use, how long it takes to style your locks, and which messy look you want.\\nShort and medium length hair look best with both tousled messy hair and curly messy hair. Tousled messy hair is done with your fingers. If you are going for the curly messy hair and you have short hair, be sure to use a smaller barrel size of curling iron.\\nLong hair can also do both types of messy hair but generally looks better with curly messy hair. You will use a larger barrel curling iron because you want loose curls that you can tousle with your fingers.\\nTo get the best messy look, start off with a great haircut. The foundation of any hairstyle is the shape.\\n1-3. Decide which style of messy hair you want.\\nThere are a few ways you can achieve the messy hair effect depending on the look you are going for and the texture of your hair. You can go for tousled messy hair, curly messy hair, or combine them.\\nIf your hair is wavy or curly you can achieve any of the messy effects without much extra effort.\\nCurling the hair first will help maintain the messy hair effect longer. Just tousling the hair with your fingers will not be enough, even with product in your hair. It will benefit you to have the heat styling help of a curling iron.\\n1-4. Gather your tools.\\nDepending on your hair texture and length, and which style of messy hair you want to achieve you will need a few tools and products to make your messy hair look fabulous.\\nIf your hair is curly, a curl-forming cream will keep your curls under control without weighing them down. Avoid using texture sprays and anything with alcohol. If your hair tends to frizz you can try a lightweight frizz control product as well.\\nIf your hair is wavy, try a sea salt spray to add texture and keep your messy look lasting all day long.\\nIf your hair is fine and straight, you will want a texture wax or molding balm. This will help your hair stay in place after curling and tousling.\\nYou will also need a brush, a blow dryer, and a curling or flat iron (unless your hair is already curly).\\n2. Styling Long Hair with the Messy Effect\\n2-1. Wash your hair.\\nFirst, you need to wash your hair. You can prepare your hair by using a shampoo or conditioner that adds moisture or controls frizz. Remember that rinsing your hair in cool or cold water adds a nice sheen to your hair.\\n2-2. Towel-dry your hair.\\nDry your hair so that there is no excess water dripping from the ends of your locks. Press your hair between the folds of the towel rather than rubbing the towel on your head. Sometimes it helps to pull your hair into a towel and leave it there for a few minutes while it sops up the water.\\n2-3. Apply any necessary product to your hair.\\nBy now you should have your products ready to go. Apply any texturizing products you may need to your hair. If you're using volumizing mousse, work it into your hair from the roots.\\nSome products are designed to go on damp hair, while others are meant for dry hair. Read the product label to make sure you get the most out of your product.\\n2-4. Blow-dry your hair.\\nDry your hair using a blow dryer. If your hair is fine, flip your head upside down and blow-dry it from the roots first by massaging your fingers into your roots. This will help add volume to your hair.\\n2-5. Curl your hair.\\nUnless you have curly hair you will need to curl it a bit before you tousle it. To curl your hair you have a few options, depending on how controlled or messy you want your curls to look.\\nIf you want controlled curls you can use a wide barrel curling iron (½ inch to 1 inch wide). Curl sections of your hair, settings them aside as you go. When you have curled all your hair, spray the hair with sea salt or holding spray. Tousle it a bit by running your fingers through it and scrunching it. You can also achieve this using a flat iron as a curling iron.[1]\\nIf you want more casual curls, spray a section of your hair with sea salt or holding spray. Twist the section until it twists into a small bun, and clamp it down while it dries (or dry it with your blow dryer). Do this until all your hair is clamped down. Release all the twists and run your fingers through them.[2]\\nIf your curls are too controlled you can pull them apart with your fingers. This will create a looser look.\\n2-6. Tousle your hair.\\nIf you are going straight for the tousled look, all you need to do is apply some texturizing spray or holding gel/spray and tousle your hair with your fingers. Sometimes it helps to flip your head upside down to do this.[3]\\nIf your hair is fine you may need to tease your roots. You can do this by pulling apart the top layer of your hair and running a comb or brush through it backward. Start from midway through the strand and comb to the root. Keep doing this until a knotted mess forms.\\n2-7. Apply hair accessories.\\nIf you want you can wear a headband, barrette, some pins, or pull the hair back into a ponytail. If you do not want to do any of that you can just leave your beautiful locks free flowing.[4]\\n3. Tousling Medium-Length Hair\\n3-1. Wash and dry your hair.\\nTo prep your hair for styling, use a moisture rich shampoo and conditioner on your hair to wash it. Then, dry your hair by gently squeezing your hair with a towel. Do not try to wrap your hair up in a towel to dry it, as this can damage your hair.\\nIf you have curly hair, you may want to use spray gel after towel drying your hair to maintain your curl. Put a few dollops of the spray and run it through the bottom section and the roots of your hair.\\nIf you have straight or fine hair, you can use a large dollop of volumizing mousse in your hair to give it some body.\\nIf you have medium to thick hair, you can apply a styling cream to help control any flyaways. Use your fingers to comb it through your hair for easy, even application.\\n3-2. Blow dry your hair with a diffuser dryer.\\nYou should then use a diffuser dryer to dry your hair until it is about 85 percent dry. Avoid touching your hair a lot as you dry it, as this will create more frizz.\\nYou can try flipping your hair and run the dryer through your hair to dry it quickly and efficiently.\\n3-3. Secure the top section of your hair.\\nUse a hair tie or a clip to lift up the top section of your hair, from your hairline, to secure it so it is out of the way. If your hair is short enough that you do not have any layers in your hair, or layers long enough to tie back, you can skip this step.\\n3-4. Apply a heat protectant.\\nMake sure you protect your hair from the heat of the curling wand by using a heat protectant. You can find heat protectant at your local beauty supply store or drugstore.\\nLook for a heat protectant that is also a styling spray, as this will allow it to protect your hair and make it easier to style.\\n3-5. Wrap the lower section of your hair around a wide-barrel curling wand.\\nAlternate between holding the wand vertically and horizontally, as this will create more messy look. You should curl one small section vertically and then switch to curling the next small section horizontally.\\nStart by curling your hair vertically, wrapping your hair on the wand, away from your face. Release it after about five seconds. Then, turn the wand so it is horizontal and wrap the hair around it, away from your face. Release after five seconds.\\nFollow this sequence, alternating between vertical and horizontal, all the way around your head.\\n3-6. Repeat on the middle and top sections of your hair.\\nOnce you have finished curling the lower section, take out some of the hair from the small ponytail at the top of your head to create a middle section. Then, repeat the alternating curls all the way around your head for the middle section.\\nIf you have a lot of hair left in your ponytail, you may be able to create a top section of hair that you would then curl in the same way. If you only have the small pieces that frame your face left in your ponytail, take them out and curl the small pieces in alternating directions.\\n3-7. Apply finishing spray for a matte texture.\\nFinish your messy hair look by spritzing your hair with a matte finishing spray. Use your fingers to scrunch up the ends of your hair to create a nice, matte texture.\\nTips\\nSome people prefer to wait until the day after they have washed their hair.[13]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nRemember that you are going for a “messy” look. Make it look like you put little to no effort into this.\\nIf you find your hair is getting too out of control, you can use a comb or brush to put it back into place.\\nWarnings\\nIf you blow dry your hair often, get a good moisturizing conditioner and shampoo.\\nBe careful not to burn yourself with the curling iron or blow dryer.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"The messy hair look has gained popularity. It looks good on all hair lengths and with all hair textures. It is a great way to give off an unassuming impression while looking your best. With the right tools and products, you can make this hair effect work for you in the best way possible.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Selecting Your Messy Look\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Determine your hair texture.\", \"描述\": \"Depending on the texture of your hair, you may need to add some product to make sure your messy hair maintains the look you want all day long. It is important to have the proper tools of the trade before you get started.\\nIf your hair is thick, coarse, or curly, you are in luck. This look is going to be easy for you. All you will need is a styling product to keep the frizz in control.\\nIf your hair is wavy, this look will be pretty easy for you. A little texture cream should be all you need.\\nIf your hair is fine or straight, do not worry. With the right products, you can add texture to your hair that will make sure the messy look stays put. Get some styling products that add texture (like sea salt, volumizer, or texturizing pomade). You will probably need to use those with some blow-drying and curling.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Consider your hair length.\", \"描述\": \"You may have short hair, medium length hair, or long hair. The length of your hair affects the amount of product you use, how long it takes to style your locks, and which messy look you want.\\nShort and medium length hair look best with both tousled messy hair and curly messy hair. Tousled messy hair is done with your fingers. If you are going for the curly messy hair and you have short hair, be sure to use a smaller barrel size of curling iron.\\nLong hair can also do both types of messy hair but generally looks better with curly messy hair. You will use a larger barrel curling iron because you want loose curls that you can tousle with your fingers.\\nTo get the best messy look, start off with a great haircut. The foundation of any hairstyle is the shape.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Decide which style of messy hair you want.\", \"描述\": \"There are a few ways you can achieve the messy hair effect depending on the look you are going for and the texture of your hair. You can go for tousled messy hair, curly messy hair, or combine them.\\nIf your hair is wavy or curly you can achieve any of the messy effects without much extra effort.\\nCurling the hair first will help maintain the messy hair effect longer. Just tousling the hair with your fingers will not be enough, even with product in your hair. It will benefit you to have the heat styling help of a curling iron.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Gather your tools.\", \"描述\": \"Depending on your hair texture and length, and which style of messy hair you want to achieve you will need a few tools and products to make your messy hair look fabulous.\\nIf your hair is curly, a curl-forming cream will keep your curls under control without weighing them down. Avoid using texture sprays and anything with alcohol. If your hair tends to frizz you can try a lightweight frizz control product as well.\\nIf your hair is wavy, try a sea salt spray to add texture and keep your messy look lasting all day long.\\nIf your hair is fine and straight, you will want a texture wax or molding balm. This will help your hair stay in place after curling and tousling.\\nYou will also need a brush, a blow dryer, and a curling or flat iron (unless your hair is already curly).\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Styling Long Hair with the Messy Effect\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wash your hair.\", \"描述\": \"First, you need to wash your hair. You can prepare your hair by using a shampoo or conditioner that adds moisture or controls frizz. Remember that rinsing your hair in cool or cold water adds a nice sheen to your hair.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Towel-dry your hair.\", \"描述\": \"Dry your hair so that there is no excess water dripping from the ends of your locks. Press your hair between the folds of the towel rather than rubbing the towel on your head. Sometimes it helps to pull your hair into a towel and leave it there for a few minutes while it sops up the water.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Apply any necessary product to your hair.\", \"描述\": \"By now you should have your products ready to go. Apply any texturizing products you may need to your hair. If you're using volumizing mousse, work it into your hair from the roots.\\nSome products are designed to go on damp hair, while others are meant for dry hair. Read the product label to make sure you get the most out of your product.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Blow-dry your hair.\", \"描述\": \"Dry your hair using a blow dryer. If your hair is fine, flip your head upside down and blow-dry it from the roots first by massaging your fingers into your roots. This will help add volume to your hair.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Curl your hair.\", \"描述\": \"Unless you have curly hair you will need to curl it a bit before you tousle it. To curl your hair you have a few options, depending on how controlled or messy you want your curls to look.\\nIf you want controlled curls you can use a wide barrel curling iron (½ inch to 1 inch wide). Curl sections of your hair, settings them aside as you go. When you have curled all your hair, spray the hair with sea salt or holding spray. Tousle it a bit by running your fingers through it and scrunching it. You can also achieve this using a flat iron as a curling iron.[1]\\nIf you want more casual curls, spray a section of your hair with sea salt or holding spray. Twist the section until it twists into a small bun, and clamp it down while it dries (or dry it with your blow dryer). Do this until all your hair is clamped down. Release all the twists and run your fingers through them.[2]\\nIf your curls are too controlled you can pull them apart with your fingers. This will create a looser look.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Tousle your hair.\", \"描述\": \"If you are going straight for the tousled look, all you need to do is apply some texturizing spray or holding gel/spray and tousle your hair with your fingers. Sometimes it helps to flip your head upside down to do this.[3]\\nIf your hair is fine you may need to tease your roots. You can do this by pulling apart the top layer of your hair and running a comb or brush through it backward. Start from midway through the strand and comb to the root. Keep doing this until a knotted mess forms.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Apply hair accessories.\", \"描述\": \"If you want you can wear a headband, barrette, some pins, or pull the hair back into a ponytail. If you do not want to do any of that you can just leave your beautiful locks free flowing.[4]\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Tousling Medium-Length Hair\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wash and dry your hair.\", \"描述\": \"To prep your hair for styling, use a moisture rich shampoo and conditioner on your hair to wash it. Then, dry your hair by gently squeezing your hair with a towel. Do not try to wrap your hair up in a towel to dry it, as this can damage your hair.\\nIf you have curly hair, you may want to use spray gel after towel drying your hair to maintain your curl. Put a few dollops of the spray and run it through the bottom section and the roots of your hair.\\nIf you have straight or fine hair, you can use a large dollop of volumizing mousse in your hair to give it some body.\\nIf you have medium to thick hair, you can apply a styling cream to help control any flyaways. Use your fingers to comb it through your hair for easy, even application.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Blow dry your hair with a diffuser dryer.\", \"描述\": \"You should then use a diffuser dryer to dry your hair until it is about 85 percent dry. Avoid touching your hair a lot as you dry it, as this will create more frizz.\\nYou can try flipping your hair and run the dryer through your hair to dry it quickly and efficiently.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Secure the top section of your hair.\", \"描述\": \"Use a hair tie or a clip to lift up the top section of your hair, from your hairline, to secure it so it is out of the way. If your hair is short enough that you do not have any layers in your hair, or layers long enough to tie back, you can skip this step.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Apply a heat protectant.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure you protect your hair from the heat of the curling wand by using a heat protectant. You can find heat protectant at your local beauty supply store or drugstore.\\nLook for a heat protectant that is also a styling spray, as this will allow it to protect your hair and make it easier to style.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Wrap the lower section of your hair around a wide-barrel curling wand.\", \"描述\": \"Alternate between holding the wand vertically and horizontally, as this will create more messy look. You should curl one small section vertically and then switch to curling the next small section horizontally.\\nStart by curling your hair vertically, wrapping your hair on the wand, away from your face. Release it after about five seconds. Then, turn the wand so it is horizontal and wrap the hair around it, away from your face. Release after five seconds.\\nFollow this sequence, alternating between vertical and horizontal, all the way around your head.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Repeat on the middle and top sections of your hair.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have finished curling the lower section, take out some of the hair from the small ponytail at the top of your head to create a middle section. Then, repeat the alternating curls all the way around your head for the middle section.\\nIf you have a lot of hair left in your ponytail, you may be able to create a top section of hair that you would then curl in the same way. If you only have the small pieces that frame your face left in your ponytail, take them out and curl the small pieces in alternating directions.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Apply finishing spray for a matte texture.\", \"描述\": \"Finish your messy hair look by spritzing your hair with a matte finishing spray. Use your fingers to scrunch up the ends of your hair to create a nice, matte texture.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Some people prefer to wait until the day after they have washed their hair.[13]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"Remember that you are going for a “messy” look. Make it look like you put little to no effort into this.\\n\", \"If you find your hair is getting too out of control, you can use a comb or brush to put it back into place.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"If you blow dry your hair often, get a good moisturizing conditioner and shampoo.\\n\", \"Be careful not to burn yourself with the curling iron or blow dryer.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve the 13 Goals of a Witch
1. Steps 1-1. Know yourself. This is the first and possibly the most important rule. Knowing yourself, your values, your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, your history and what you want to achieve in the future is crucial to Wicca. Love yourself and don't attempt to change your inner values or personality for others. It can help to write down self-biographies and keep track of your opinions on things by debating, writing or talking with friends. 1-2. Know your craft. This is not only things you have read in books or online (such as this), this is also your own personal experiences. Keep a grimoire journal and note down interesting experiences, rituals, correspondence charts, and other things you've learnt. Keep it as a record of all your knowledge and information related to Wicca. 1-3. Learn. You should never decide you know all there is to it––Wicca is an undulating and complex state of becoming, so there's always new information out there. Once you've studied all the planets, herbs and omens you can, look online and learn about other people's views and opinions. Remember to also learn from yourself, your mistakes and the world around you. 1-4. Apply knowledge with wisdom. You can know how to perfectly execute a ritual, but if you have malicious or harmful intentions, there is a chance of this malevolent intent backfiring at your expense. Seek the sensible way to achieve your goals; for example, if you and your best friend are having an argument, it might be better to talk to them rather than resort to using magic. Also, keep in mind the mundane restrictions on your craft, such as stigma, secrecy, financial situations or other responsibilities. While your craft should take a big place in your life, attend to urgent things first. 1-5. Achieve balance. Most of Wicca is about this concept in some ways, using all five elements, balancing the masculine and feminine, celebrating throughout the cycle of the year, etc. The struggle for many is celebrating all of these parts equally, instead of just the one they feel the most connected to or the one that's easiest to connect to for them. You can do this by focusing on one element or deity or concept per week, and rotating between them, developing a connection between each. Check out "A Witch's Primer" by Ariel: This is a series of podcasts that covers this "power base" rotation concept thoroughly, and guides you through it. 1-6. Keep your words in good order. Avoid slander or gossip as much as possible, and don't become excessively aggressive; anger is good, but violence is not. Most importantly, do not lie. Neither to yourself, nor to friends, enemies, family, the internet, or anyone else. It's bad for you spiritually, and reduces the power of your intentions during rituals, spells and other magical workings. Keep your word and even avoid those "white lies". If you must lie, lie by omission and change the subject as soon as possible. Keep your words meaningful and choose them wisely, like you would an incantation. 1-7. Keep your thoughts in good order. There is a power to thoughts––there are situations where people can recover from illnesses if they think they're being cured, while in some cases, stress/negativity/sadness, and so forth, may lead to illness. And, of course, spellwork rests on this very idea that thoughts lead to physical effects. Therefore, it's of the utmost importance that you filter your thoughts just as you would do while meditating, keeping the positive, productive ones and letting the negative ones go. Don't stress too much though, and keep in mind the old saying that "thoughts are like birds; you can't stop them from landing on your head, but you can stop them making a nest". 1-8. Celebrate life. This is what Wicca is all about! Enjoy nature and the Earth to its fullest, and embrace the little things. Go for walks to parks and sit on the grass under a big tree, look for edible flowers and herbs in the forest, go swimming at the beach, plant and harvest a garden, collect shells and pebbles, teach children good lessons, be kind to animals, and do anything else that celebrates the divine and life itself. Defend nature's gifts by planting trees, donating to charities like Greenpeace, picking up beach rubbish and using organic goods. 1-9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth. Most obviously, this means following the seasons and the sabbats well and embracing them in simple ways. Keep track of moon phases, solstices and equinoxes and notice the changes in your environment. Also, keep your own cycles on track as much as you can. For example, try to sleep a good amount of time each day at a similar time, and avoid messing up your sleep cycle with caffeine. You may also need to track your menstrual cycle and make sure that no external stimulus, such as extreme weight loss, is making it irregular. 1-10. Breathe and eat correctly. Focus on your breathing throughout the day––avoid shallow breaths and try to breathe through your nose and out through your mouth deeply, focusing closely on your breathing at least once a day. Meditating is a good time for this practice. In terms of eating correctly, this varies from person to person. Some Wiccans feel best when they eat a raw, paleo vegan diet that they grow in their own garden. However, many can't due to lack of money, space, time, dietary requirements, such as anemia and even just personal taste. If this is the case, simple additions can really help. These additions include: Purchasing more seasonal fruits and vegetables in a range of colours Drinking tea with each meal Avoiding processed or artificial additions when possible Having a big, home-cooked feast for each sabbat, ensuring that ingredients used are seasonal and perhaps correspond to the deities or representations of that sabbat (for example, during Ostara, eating pomegranates for Persephone) Choosing free-range eggs and meat Using honey instead of white sugar when sweetening tea or cereal Starting a small, windowsill herb garden to use when cooking. 1-11. Exercise the body. This is simple; if your body is healthy, so is your mind. Exercise also releases endorphins and dopamine, so it will put you in a positive mood. Working out can easily be wound into Wicca by doing it outside in natural settings, and enjoying the feeling it gives you. Exercise can include swimming at beaches or lakes, mountain-biking, hiking, walking, yoga, dance or anything else that can help keep you spiritually and physically fit. Don't focus on losing weight––instead, focus on feeling better and being able to use your god-given body to its full potential. 1-12. Meditate. A regular meditation, ritual or other spiritual practice (for example, grounding and centering) every day will do wonders for your spirituality. Meditation can provide you with answers to questions you have now or may not even know you have, a better knowledge of yourself, a better knowledge of the craft, and of course, a closer relationship with the deities you identify with. It also helps centre you and give your intentions greater clarity. 1-13. Honour your deities. Whether they be an ancient pantheon, an eclectic mix, your own unique deities, the classic Horned God and Mother Goddess, or an ambiguous "spirit", honour them every day. Create altars or pray to them, and honour them through calling upon them during rituals. Most importantly, honour them through acting well throughout the day and being the best self you can be. Become a physical manifestation of the ideals your deities want to induce into the world. Tips Develop your own interpretations of Cunningham's words, and read the book for a more official point of view.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Know yourself.\\nThis is the first and possibly the most important rule. Knowing yourself, your values, your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, your history and what you want to achieve in the future is crucial to Wicca. Love yourself and don't attempt to change your inner values or personality for others. It can help to write down self-biographies and keep track of your opinions on things by debating, writing or talking with friends.\\n1-2. Know your craft.\\nThis is not only things you have read in books or online (such as this), this is also your own personal experiences. Keep a grimoire journal and note down interesting experiences, rituals, correspondence charts, and other things you've learnt. Keep it as a record of all your knowledge and information related to Wicca.\\n1-3. Learn.\\nYou should never decide you know all there is to it––Wicca is an undulating and complex state of becoming, so there's always new information out there. Once you've studied all the planets, herbs and omens you can, look online and learn about other people's views and opinions. Remember to also learn from yourself, your mistakes and the world around you.\\n1-4. Apply knowledge with wisdom.\\nYou can know how to perfectly execute a ritual, but if you have malicious or harmful intentions, there is a chance of this malevolent intent backfiring at your expense. Seek the sensible way to achieve your goals; for example, if you and your best friend are having an argument, it might be better to talk to them rather than resort to using magic. Also, keep in mind the mundane restrictions on your craft, such as stigma, secrecy, financial situations or other responsibilities. While your craft should take a big place in your life, attend to urgent things first.\\n1-5. Achieve balance.\\nMost of Wicca is about this concept in some ways, using all five elements, balancing the masculine and feminine, celebrating throughout the cycle of the year, etc. The struggle for many is celebrating all of these parts equally, instead of just the one they feel the most connected to or the one that's easiest to connect to for them. You can do this by focusing on one element or deity or concept per week, and rotating between them, developing a connection between each.\\nCheck out \\\"A Witch's Primer\\\" by Ariel: This is a series of podcasts that covers this \\\"power base\\\" rotation concept thoroughly, and guides you through it.\\n1-6. Keep your words in good order.\\nAvoid slander or gossip as much as possible, and don't become excessively aggressive; anger is good, but violence is not. Most importantly, do not lie. Neither to yourself, nor to friends, enemies, family, the internet, or anyone else. It's bad for you spiritually, and reduces the power of your intentions during rituals, spells and other magical workings. Keep your word and even avoid those \\\"white lies\\\".\\nIf you must lie, lie by omission and change the subject as soon as possible. Keep your words meaningful and choose them wisely, like you would an incantation.\\n1-7. Keep your thoughts in good order.\\nThere is a power to thoughts––there are situations where people can recover from illnesses if they think they're being cured, while in some cases, stress/negativity/sadness, and so forth, may lead to illness. And, of course, spellwork rests on this very idea that thoughts lead to physical effects. Therefore, it's of the utmost importance that you filter your thoughts just as you would do while meditating, keeping the positive, productive ones and letting the negative ones go. Don't stress too much though, and keep in mind the old saying that \\\"thoughts are like birds; you can't stop them from landing on your head, but you can stop them making a nest\\\".\\n1-8. Celebrate life.\\nThis is what Wicca is all about! Enjoy nature and the Earth to its fullest, and embrace the little things. Go for walks to parks and sit on the grass under a big tree, look for edible flowers and herbs in the forest, go swimming at the beach, plant and harvest a garden, collect shells and pebbles, teach children good lessons, be kind to animals, and do anything else that celebrates the divine and life itself. Defend nature's gifts by planting trees, donating to charities like Greenpeace, picking up beach rubbish and using organic goods.\\n1-9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth.\\nMost obviously, this means following the seasons and the sabbats well and embracing them in simple ways. Keep track of moon phases, solstices and equinoxes and notice the changes in your environment. Also, keep your own cycles on track as much as you can.\\nFor example, try to sleep a good amount of time each day at a similar time, and avoid messing up your sleep cycle with caffeine.\\nYou may also need to track your menstrual cycle and make sure that no external stimulus, such as extreme weight loss, is making it irregular.\\n1-10. Breathe and eat correctly.\\nFocus on your breathing throughout the day––avoid shallow breaths and try to breathe through your nose and out through your mouth deeply, focusing closely on your breathing at least once a day. Meditating is a good time for this practice. In terms of eating correctly, this varies from person to person. Some Wiccans feel best when they eat a raw, paleo vegan diet that they grow in their own garden. However, many can't due to lack of money, space, time, dietary requirements, such as anemia and even just personal taste. If this is the case, simple additions can really help. These additions include:\\nPurchasing more seasonal fruits and vegetables in a range of colours\\nDrinking tea with each meal\\nAvoiding processed or artificial additions when possible\\nHaving a big, home-cooked feast for each sabbat, ensuring that ingredients used are seasonal and perhaps correspond to the deities or representations of that sabbat (for example, during Ostara, eating pomegranates for Persephone)\\nChoosing free-range eggs and meat\\nUsing honey instead of white sugar when sweetening tea or cereal\\nStarting a small, windowsill herb garden to use when cooking.\\n1-11. Exercise the body.\\nThis is simple; if your body is healthy, so is your mind. Exercise also releases endorphins and dopamine, so it will put you in a positive mood. Working out can easily be wound into Wicca by doing it outside in natural settings, and enjoying the feeling it gives you. Exercise can include swimming at beaches or lakes, mountain-biking, hiking, walking, yoga, dance or anything else that can help keep you spiritually and physically fit. Don't focus on losing weight––instead, focus on feeling better and being able to use your god-given body to its full potential.\\n1-12. Meditate.\\nA regular meditation, ritual or other spiritual practice (for example, grounding and centering) every day will do wonders for your spirituality. Meditation can provide you with answers to questions you have now or may not even know you have, a better knowledge of yourself, a better knowledge of the craft, and of course, a closer relationship with the deities you identify with. It also helps centre you and give your intentions greater clarity.\\n1-13. Honour your deities.\\nWhether they be an ancient pantheon, an eclectic mix, your own unique deities, the classic Horned God and Mother Goddess, or an ambiguous \\\"spirit\\\", honour them every day. Create altars or pray to them, and honour them through calling upon them during rituals. Most importantly, honour them through acting well throughout the day and being the best self you can be. Become a physical manifestation of the ideals your deities want to induce into the world.\\nTips\\nDevelop your own interpretations of Cunningham's words, and read the book for a more official point of view.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"The 13 Goals of a Witch appeared in Scott Cunningham's book, \\\"Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner\\\", and are very helpful to many eclectic and traditional Wiccans, as they can be easily slipped in to your everyday life. Here's how to achieve them.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Know yourself.\", \"描述\": \"This is the first and possibly the most important rule. Knowing yourself, your values, your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, your history and what you want to achieve in the future is crucial to Wicca. Love yourself and don't attempt to change your inner values or personality for others. It can help to write down self-biographies and keep track of your opinions on things by debating, writing or talking with friends.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Know your craft.\", \"描述\": \"This is not only things you have read in books or online (such as this), this is also your own personal experiences. Keep a grimoire journal and note down interesting experiences, rituals, correspondence charts, and other things you've learnt. Keep it as a record of all your knowledge and information related to Wicca.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Learn.\", \"描述\": \"You should never decide you know all there is to it––Wicca is an undulating and complex state of becoming, so there's always new information out there. Once you've studied all the planets, herbs and omens you can, look online and learn about other people's views and opinions. Remember to also learn from yourself, your mistakes and the world around you.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Apply knowledge with wisdom.\", \"描述\": \"You can know how to perfectly execute a ritual, but if you have malicious or harmful intentions, there is a chance of this malevolent intent backfiring at your expense. Seek the sensible way to achieve your goals; for example, if you and your best friend are having an argument, it might be better to talk to them rather than resort to using magic. Also, keep in mind the mundane restrictions on your craft, such as stigma, secrecy, financial situations or other responsibilities. While your craft should take a big place in your life, attend to urgent things first.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Achieve balance.\", \"描述\": \"Most of Wicca is about this concept in some ways, using all five elements, balancing the masculine and feminine, celebrating throughout the cycle of the year, etc. The struggle for many is celebrating all of these parts equally, instead of just the one they feel the most connected to or the one that's easiest to connect to for them. You can do this by focusing on one element or deity or concept per week, and rotating between them, developing a connection between each.\\nCheck out \\\"A Witch's Primer\\\" by Ariel: This is a series of podcasts that covers this \\\"power base\\\" rotation concept thoroughly, and guides you through it.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Keep your words in good order.\", \"描述\": \"Avoid slander or gossip as much as possible, and don't become excessively aggressive; anger is good, but violence is not. Most importantly, do not lie. Neither to yourself, nor to friends, enemies, family, the internet, or anyone else. It's bad for you spiritually, and reduces the power of your intentions during rituals, spells and other magical workings. Keep your word and even avoid those \\\"white lies\\\".\\nIf you must lie, lie by omission and change the subject as soon as possible. Keep your words meaningful and choose them wisely, like you would an incantation.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Keep your thoughts in good order.\", \"描述\": \"There is a power to thoughts––there are situations where people can recover from illnesses if they think they're being cured, while in some cases, stress/negativity/sadness, and so forth, may lead to illness. And, of course, spellwork rests on this very idea that thoughts lead to physical effects. Therefore, it's of the utmost importance that you filter your thoughts just as you would do while meditating, keeping the positive, productive ones and letting the negative ones go. Don't stress too much though, and keep in mind the old saying that \\\"thoughts are like birds; you can't stop them from landing on your head, but you can stop them making a nest\\\".\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Celebrate life.\", \"描述\": \"This is what Wicca is all about! Enjoy nature and the Earth to its fullest, and embrace the little things. Go for walks to parks and sit on the grass under a big tree, look for edible flowers and herbs in the forest, go swimming at the beach, plant and harvest a garden, collect shells and pebbles, teach children good lessons, be kind to animals, and do anything else that celebrates the divine and life itself. Defend nature's gifts by planting trees, donating to charities like Greenpeace, picking up beach rubbish and using organic goods.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Attune with the cycles of the Earth.\", \"描述\": \"Most obviously, this means following the seasons and the sabbats well and embracing them in simple ways. Keep track of moon phases, solstices and equinoxes and notice the changes in your environment. Also, keep your own cycles on track as much as you can.\\nFor example, try to sleep a good amount of time each day at a similar time, and avoid messing up your sleep cycle with caffeine.\\nYou may also need to track your menstrual cycle and make sure that no external stimulus, such as extreme weight loss, is making it irregular.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Breathe and eat correctly.\", \"描述\": \"Focus on your breathing throughout the day––avoid shallow breaths and try to breathe through your nose and out through your mouth deeply, focusing closely on your breathing at least once a day. Meditating is a good time for this practice. In terms of eating correctly, this varies from person to person. Some Wiccans feel best when they eat a raw, paleo vegan diet that they grow in their own garden. However, many can't due to lack of money, space, time, dietary requirements, such as anemia and even just personal taste. If this is the case, simple additions can really help. These additions include:\\nPurchasing more seasonal fruits and vegetables in a range of colours\\nDrinking tea with each meal\\nAvoiding processed or artificial additions when possible\\nHaving a big, home-cooked feast for each sabbat, ensuring that ingredients used are seasonal and perhaps correspond to the deities or representations of that sabbat (for example, during Ostara, eating pomegranates for Persephone)\\nChoosing free-range eggs and meat\\nUsing honey instead of white sugar when sweetening tea or cereal\\nStarting a small, windowsill herb garden to use when cooking.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Exercise the body.\", \"描述\": \"This is simple; if your body is healthy, so is your mind. Exercise also releases endorphins and dopamine, so it will put you in a positive mood. Working out can easily be wound into Wicca by doing it outside in natural settings, and enjoying the feeling it gives you. Exercise can include swimming at beaches or lakes, mountain-biking, hiking, walking, yoga, dance or anything else that can help keep you spiritually and physically fit. Don't focus on losing weight––instead, focus on feeling better and being able to use your god-given body to its full potential.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Meditate.\", \"描述\": \"A regular meditation, ritual or other spiritual practice (for example, grounding and centering) every day will do wonders for your spirituality. Meditation can provide you with answers to questions you have now or may not even know you have, a better knowledge of yourself, a better knowledge of the craft, and of course, a closer relationship with the deities you identify with. It also helps centre you and give your intentions greater clarity.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Honour your deities.\", \"描述\": \"Whether they be an ancient pantheon, an eclectic mix, your own unique deities, the classic Horned God and Mother Goddess, or an ambiguous \\\"spirit\\\", honour them every day. Create altars or pray to them, and honour them through calling upon them during rituals. Most importantly, honour them through acting well throughout the day and being the best self you can be. Become a physical manifestation of the ideals your deities want to induce into the world.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Develop your own interpretations of Cunningham's words, and read the book for a more official point of view.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve the First Rank in Your Class
1. Participation 1-1. Sit at the front of the class. Distractions from classmates sitting in front of you can make it very difficult to pay attention in class and keep up with lessons. Choose a seat at the front of the classroom, where you can listen attentively to everything that your teacher says. Being up front will also put you on your teacher’s radar, which will allow them to see you engaging with the lesson and may help you win you extra points with them. Being in front will also remove the temptation to pull out your phone, read something that isn’t pertinent to the class, or zone out. If you can't move to the front of the class, ask your classmates to let you focus and to not talk to you during class. 1-2. Take detailed notes. Absorb the most that you can during each lesson by taking notes in class. Instead of writing down every word your teacher says, listen attentively to pick up on the important details, such as names, dates, and places. Write short, simple sentences that include important keywords from the lesson. For instance, "Franz Ferdinand (archduke of Austria) was assassinated on June 28, 1914." 1-3. Take part in class discussions. Speaking up in class is an excellent way to show that you are keeping up with the course work and thinking about the material thoughtfully. Bring up points and questions that relate directly to the specific lesson or module your class is covering that week. Mention other students’ ideas in a respectful way, either to agree or disagree, to show that you are fully engaged in the conversation. For example, say something like, "I agree with Andrea's point about global warming, and I think even more effort can be put into making a change." Try to think of questions that will spark further discussion. For instance, "How do you think Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet might have been different if he had written the play in the age of social media?" 2. Homework 2-1. Make a homework calendar. Juggling coursework for different classes can be tricky so it is important to stay as organized as possible. Keep track of all of your homework due dates and schedule specific time to work on assignments. You can use a day planner or a wall calendar to schedule your homework time, or both if you want extra reminders. Try color coding your calendar with colored pens to show the priority level or difficulty of your assignments. 2-2. Complete all of your assigned reading on schedule. Follow your course outline or syllabus and do all of your assigned reading on the days it is assigned. This will prepare you to fully participate in class and impress your teacher. You will also be ready for any pop quizzes that might come up. 2-3. Shift between subjects when you lose concentration. If you have multiple homework assignments from different classes, shift between them when you start to lose focus. A fresh topic can reinvigorate your mind and ensure that you do not waste any valuable time. Shift between subjects as much as you need to but make sure that all of your assignments are completed by their due date. Try focusing on the more difficult subjects first so that you can devote more time to them if you need to. 2-4. Avoid handing in homework late. Late assignments are object subject to penalties that will lower your overall grade. Make sure to accurately track the due dates for all of your homework assignments on your calendar and get your work in on time. If you are going to be absent on a day when a homework assignment is due, aim to hand it in early to avoid losing marks. 3. Studying 3-1. Ask your teachers what scores you will have to beat. Class-ranking systems can vary from school to school, using different methods to establish first rank. Ask your teacher how much they think you will have to score on different tests and assignments to achieve first rank. You can also ask how much first rank students in previous years scored to get a sense of how high you should be aiming. 3-2. Start studying for exams about 3 weeks early. Do not put off studying what you need to know to ace an exam, which will be a nearly impossible task to complete at the last minute. Give yourself at least 3 weeks to cover all the material you need to know in small, manageable study sessions. Plan these sessions out in advance and make sure that you have enough time to keep up with all of your other course work. Planning ahead will remove stress from the studying process, making it easier to concentrate. Only do group study with good students who study. If you study with any other students who does not have interest in study they will only distract you. 3-3. Test yourself to gauge your progress. While studying for exams, use practice tests or previous years’ exams to test yourself on the course content. Time yourself so that you complete them within the same time frame as they are given in school and score them once you are finished. If you do not attain the scores you need to achieve first rank, schedule additional study time to improve your performance. Obtain practice tests for certain subjects online, or ask your teacher for a copy of a previous year’s exam. 3-4. Remove distractions. Your cell phone, laptop, television, and radio can all be big distractions during your study time. If possible, opt to study from books and use a paper and pen instead of your computer, which may be a source of many different diversions. Put away your phone and turn off the TV and radio so you can concentrate. If you have to use your computer, download software that will block distracting websites while you study. If there are too many distractions at home, go to your local library to study in peace. 3-5. Study in short bursts. Studying for long periods of time can cause you to lose focus and energy. You will be able to concentrate better after taking 10-15 minutes to relax, and studying will seem less daunting this way. Use your break to have a nutritious snack, like an apple or yogurt. Watch a short YouTube video or check in with a friend to boost your spirits before going back to studying. 3-6. Get a tutor if you need one. Balancing different classes and assignments can make it difficult to keep up in every subject. If you feel that you are having trouble grasping certain topics or staying ahead of your class, look for a local tutor to help you or ask your teacher for extra help. Take this kind of initiative at the first sign that you might need help to keep from falling behind. 4. Good Behavior 4-1. Aim for perfect attendance. Missing class will leave you behind on class work and disrupt your study schedule. It may also disrupt the flow of the classroom if your teacher has to delay a lesson to may sure you are caught up on what you missed. Aim to attend all of your classes and miss school only if you are too sick to go. If you do miss class, be sure to borrow class notes from another student and ask to make up any missed assignments. 4-2. Be polite and respectful. Being disruptive in class will not only keep you from learning efficiently, it will distract others. Always be respectful to your teacher and classmates, and maintain a positive attitude. Being well-behaved will put you in your teacher’s good graces, which may translate into better grades for effort and participation. 4-3. Put away your phone. It can be tempting to look at your cell phone in class, especially if you receive a text message or email. Put your phone on silent and put it away somewhere out of reach so you aren’t tempted to look at it during a lesson. It is not only rude to your teacher to do so, it is detrimental to your concentration and success in class. You should also avoid other distracting behaviours, such as passing notes to other students or reading things that are not related to the course. 4-4. Do not engage with distracting classmates. Being on your best behaviour in class means avoiding distracting classmates. Do not respond to fellow students who whisper at you or try to pass notes to you during class. Let your classmates know that you are trying hard to focus on your schoolwork when you are outside of the classroom so that they don't bother you once the lesson starts.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:53", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Participation\\n1-1. Sit at the front of the class.\\nDistractions from classmates sitting in front of you can make it very difficult to pay attention in class and keep up with lessons. Choose a seat at the front of the classroom, where you can listen attentively to everything that your teacher says. Being up front will also put you on your teacher’s radar, which will allow them to see you engaging with the lesson and may help you win you extra points with them.\\nBeing in front will also remove the temptation to pull out your phone, read something that isn’t pertinent to the class, or zone out.\\nIf you can't move to the front of the class, ask your classmates to let you focus and to not talk to you during class.\\n1-2. Take detailed notes.\\nAbsorb the most that you can during each lesson by taking notes in class. Instead of writing down every word your teacher says, listen attentively to pick up on the important details, such as names, dates, and places. Write short, simple sentences that include important keywords from the lesson.\\nFor instance, \\\"Franz Ferdinand (archduke of Austria) was assassinated on June 28, 1914.\\\"\\n1-3. Take part in class discussions.\\nSpeaking up in class is an excellent way to show that you are keeping up with the course work and thinking about the material thoughtfully. Bring up points and questions that relate directly to the specific lesson or module your class is covering that week. Mention other students’ ideas in a respectful way, either to agree or disagree, to show that you are fully engaged in the conversation.\\nFor example, say something like, \\\"I agree with Andrea's point about global warming, and I think even more effort can be put into making a change.\\\"\\nTry to think of questions that will spark further discussion. For instance, \\\"How do you think Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet might have been different if he had written the play in the age of social media?\\\"\\n2. Homework\\n2-1. Make a homework calendar.\\nJuggling coursework for different classes can be tricky so it is important to stay as organized as possible. Keep track of all of your homework due dates and schedule specific time to work on assignments. You can use a day planner or a wall calendar to schedule your homework time, or both if you want extra reminders.\\nTry color coding your calendar with colored pens to show the priority level or difficulty of your assignments.\\n2-2. Complete all of your assigned reading on schedule.\\nFollow your course outline or syllabus and do all of your assigned reading on the days it is assigned. This will prepare you to fully participate in class and impress your teacher. You will also be ready for any pop quizzes that might come up.\\n2-3. Shift between subjects when you lose concentration.\\nIf you have multiple homework assignments from different classes, shift between them when you start to lose focus. A fresh topic can reinvigorate your mind and ensure that you do not waste any valuable time. Shift between subjects as much as you need to but make sure that all of your assignments are completed by their due date.\\nTry focusing on the more difficult subjects first so that you can devote more time to them if you need to.\\n2-4. Avoid handing in homework late.\\nLate assignments are object subject to penalties that will lower your overall grade. Make sure to accurately track the due dates for all of your homework assignments on your calendar and get your work in on time. If you are going to be absent on a day when a homework assignment is due, aim to hand it in early to avoid losing marks.\\n3. Studying\\n3-1. Ask your teachers what scores you will have to beat.\\nClass-ranking systems can vary from school to school, using different methods to establish first rank. Ask your teacher how much they think you will have to score on different tests and assignments to achieve first rank. You can also ask how much first rank students in previous years scored to get a sense of how high you should be aiming.\\n3-2. Start studying for exams about 3 weeks early.\\nDo not put off studying what you need to know to ace an exam, which will be a nearly impossible task to complete at the last minute. Give yourself at least 3 weeks to cover all the material you need to know in small, manageable study sessions. Plan these sessions out in advance and make sure that you have enough time to keep up with all of your other course work.\\nPlanning ahead will remove stress from the studying process, making it easier to concentrate.\\nOnly do group study with good students who study. If you study with any other students who does not have interest in study they will only distract you.\\n3-3. Test yourself to gauge your progress.\\nWhile studying for exams, use practice tests or previous years’ exams to test yourself on the course content. Time yourself so that you complete them within the same time frame as they are given in school and score them once you are finished. If you do not attain the scores you need to achieve first rank, schedule additional study time to improve your performance. \\nObtain practice tests for certain subjects online, or ask your teacher for a copy of a previous year’s exam.\\n3-4. Remove distractions.\\nYour cell phone, laptop, television, and radio can all be big distractions during your study time. If possible, opt to study from books and use a paper and pen instead of your computer, which may be a source of many different diversions. Put away your phone and turn off the TV and radio so you can concentrate.\\nIf you have to use your computer, download software that will block distracting websites while you study.\\nIf there are too many distractions at home, go to your local library to study in peace.\\n3-5. Study in short bursts.\\nStudying for long periods of time can cause you to lose focus and energy. You will be able to concentrate better after taking 10-15 minutes to relax, and studying will seem less daunting this way.\\nUse your break to have a nutritious snack, like an apple or yogurt.\\nWatch a short YouTube video or check in with a friend to boost your spirits before going back to studying.\\n3-6. Get a tutor if you need one.\\nBalancing different classes and assignments can make it difficult to keep up in every subject. If you feel that you are having trouble grasping certain topics or staying ahead of your class, look for a local tutor to help you or ask your teacher for extra help. Take this kind of initiative at the first sign that you might need help to keep from falling behind.\\n4. Good Behavior\\n4-1. Aim for perfect attendance.\\nMissing class will leave you behind on class work and disrupt your study schedule. It may also disrupt the flow of the classroom if your teacher has to delay a lesson to may sure you are caught up on what you missed. Aim to attend all of your classes and miss school only if you are too sick to go.\\nIf you do miss class, be sure to borrow class notes from another student and ask to make up any missed assignments.\\n4-2. Be polite and respectful.\\nBeing disruptive in class will not only keep you from learning efficiently, it will distract others. Always be respectful to your teacher and classmates, and maintain a positive attitude. Being well-behaved will put you in your teacher’s good graces, which may translate into better grades for effort and participation.\\n4-3. Put away your phone.\\nIt can be tempting to look at your cell phone in class, especially if you receive a text message or email. Put your phone on silent and put it away somewhere out of reach so you aren’t tempted to look at it during a lesson. It is not only rude to your teacher to do so, it is detrimental to your concentration and success in class.\\nYou should also avoid other distracting behaviours, such as passing notes to other students or reading things that are not related to the course.\\n4-4. Do not engage with distracting classmates.\\nBeing on your best behaviour in class means avoiding distracting classmates. Do not respond to fellow students who whisper at you or try to pass notes to you during class. Let your classmates know that you are trying hard to focus on your schoolwork when you are outside of the classroom so that they don't bother you once the lesson starts.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"To achieve the first rank in your class, you will have to stay disciplined and study hard throughout the year. Take part in class activities and do all of your homework on time, including reading assignments. Organize your study time, test yourself, and eliminate distractions that will reduce your productivity. Maintain a good attitude and always aim to earn the best grades possible.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Participation\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Sit at the front of the class.\", \"描述\": \"Distractions from classmates sitting in front of you can make it very difficult to pay attention in class and keep up with lessons. Choose a seat at the front of the classroom, where you can listen attentively to everything that your teacher says. Being up front will also put you on your teacher’s radar, which will allow them to see you engaging with the lesson and may help you win you extra points with them.\\nBeing in front will also remove the temptation to pull out your phone, read something that isn’t pertinent to the class, or zone out.\\nIf you can't move to the front of the class, ask your classmates to let you focus and to not talk to you during class.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Take detailed notes.\", \"描述\": \"Absorb the most that you can during each lesson by taking notes in class. Instead of writing down every word your teacher says, listen attentively to pick up on the important details, such as names, dates, and places. Write short, simple sentences that include important keywords from the lesson.\\nFor instance, \\\"Franz Ferdinand (archduke of Austria) was assassinated on June 28, 1914.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take part in class discussions.\", \"描述\": \"Speaking up in class is an excellent way to show that you are keeping up with the course work and thinking about the material thoughtfully. Bring up points and questions that relate directly to the specific lesson or module your class is covering that week. Mention other students’ ideas in a respectful way, either to agree or disagree, to show that you are fully engaged in the conversation.\\nFor example, say something like, \\\"I agree with Andrea's point about global warming, and I think even more effort can be put into making a change.\\\"\\nTry to think of questions that will spark further discussion. For instance, \\\"How do you think Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet might have been different if he had written the play in the age of social media?\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Homework\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make a homework calendar.\", \"描述\": \"Juggling coursework for different classes can be tricky so it is important to stay as organized as possible. Keep track of all of your homework due dates and schedule specific time to work on assignments. You can use a day planner or a wall calendar to schedule your homework time, or both if you want extra reminders.\\nTry color coding your calendar with colored pens to show the priority level or difficulty of your assignments.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Complete all of your assigned reading on schedule.\", \"描述\": \"Follow your course outline or syllabus and do all of your assigned reading on the days it is assigned. This will prepare you to fully participate in class and impress your teacher. You will also be ready for any pop quizzes that might come up.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Shift between subjects when you lose concentration.\", \"描述\": \"If you have multiple homework assignments from different classes, shift between them when you start to lose focus. A fresh topic can reinvigorate your mind and ensure that you do not waste any valuable time. Shift between subjects as much as you need to but make sure that all of your assignments are completed by their due date.\\nTry focusing on the more difficult subjects first so that you can devote more time to them if you need to.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Avoid handing in homework late.\", \"描述\": \"Late assignments are object subject to penalties that will lower your overall grade. Make sure to accurately track the due dates for all of your homework assignments on your calendar and get your work in on time. If you are going to be absent on a day when a homework assignment is due, aim to hand it in early to avoid losing marks.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Studying\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ask your teachers what scores you will have to beat.\", \"描述\": \"Class-ranking systems can vary from school to school, using different methods to establish first rank. Ask your teacher how much they think you will have to score on different tests and assignments to achieve first rank. You can also ask how much first rank students in previous years scored to get a sense of how high you should be aiming.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Start studying for exams about 3 weeks early.\", \"描述\": \"Do not put off studying what you need to know to ace an exam, which will be a nearly impossible task to complete at the last minute. Give yourself at least 3 weeks to cover all the material you need to know in small, manageable study sessions. Plan these sessions out in advance and make sure that you have enough time to keep up with all of your other course work.\\nPlanning ahead will remove stress from the studying process, making it easier to concentrate.\\nOnly do group study with good students who study. If you study with any other students who does not have interest in study they will only distract you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Test yourself to gauge your progress.\", \"描述\": \"While studying for exams, use practice tests or previous years’ exams to test yourself on the course content. Time yourself so that you complete them within the same time frame as they are given in school and score them once you are finished. If you do not attain the scores you need to achieve first rank, schedule additional study time to improve your performance. \\nObtain practice tests for certain subjects online, or ask your teacher for a copy of a previous year’s exam.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Remove distractions.\", \"描述\": \"Your cell phone, laptop, television, and radio can all be big distractions during your study time. If possible, opt to study from books and use a paper and pen instead of your computer, which may be a source of many different diversions. Put away your phone and turn off the TV and radio so you can concentrate.\\nIf you have to use your computer, download software that will block distracting websites while you study.\\nIf there are too many distractions at home, go to your local library to study in peace.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Study in short bursts.\", \"描述\": \"Studying for long periods of time can cause you to lose focus and energy. You will be able to concentrate better after taking 10-15 minutes to relax, and studying will seem less daunting this way.\\nUse your break to have a nutritious snack, like an apple or yogurt.\\nWatch a short YouTube video or check in with a friend to boost your spirits before going back to studying.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Get a tutor if you need one.\", \"描述\": \"Balancing different classes and assignments can make it difficult to keep up in every subject. If you feel that you are having trouble grasping certain topics or staying ahead of your class, look for a local tutor to help you or ask your teacher for extra help. Take this kind of initiative at the first sign that you might need help to keep from falling behind.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Good Behavior\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Aim for perfect attendance.\", \"描述\": \"Missing class will leave you behind on class work and disrupt your study schedule. It may also disrupt the flow of the classroom if your teacher has to delay a lesson to may sure you are caught up on what you missed. Aim to attend all of your classes and miss school only if you are too sick to go.\\nIf you do miss class, be sure to borrow class notes from another student and ask to make up any missed assignments.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be polite and respectful.\", \"描述\": \"Being disruptive in class will not only keep you from learning efficiently, it will distract others. Always be respectful to your teacher and classmates, and maintain a positive attitude. Being well-behaved will put you in your teacher’s good graces, which may translate into better grades for effort and participation.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Put away your phone.\", \"描述\": \"It can be tempting to look at your cell phone in class, especially if you receive a text message or email. Put your phone on silent and put it away somewhere out of reach so you aren’t tempted to look at it during a lesson. It is not only rude to your teacher to do so, it is detrimental to your concentration and success in class.\\nYou should also avoid other distracting behaviours, such as passing notes to other students or reading things that are not related to the course.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do not engage with distracting classmates.\", \"描述\": \"Being on your best behaviour in class means avoiding distracting classmates. Do not respond to fellow students who whisper at you or try to pass notes to you during class. Let your classmates know that you are trying hard to focus on your schoolwork when you are outside of the classroom so that they don't bother you once the lesson starts.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Achieve the Proper Grip in Golf
1. Steps 1-1. Make sure the clubface is square to the target. Before you do anything with your hands, make sure that the clubface is square to the target. When you put your hands on first and then move the club face to a square position, you are actually ruining your correct grip and you will have to compensate in your golf swing. A golf swing happens extremely fast, (about 2.5 seconds) so we want to make sure that we have everything correct before we actually start the swing. 1-2. Do the left hand grip. After you have the clubface square to the target, begin to put your left hand on the club. In order to have the correct left hand grip, have the grip of the club in the root of our fingers, where the fingers meet the palm. The incorrect left hand grip will usually lie too much in the middle of our fingers in the left hand. The reason you'll want the club in the root of the fingers is because the palm creates more of a flat wrist action. The fingers will create a cupped left wrist and that will produce an inconsistent strike on the golf ball. 1-3. Do the left thumb and hand sewn together. The great Jack Nicklaus once said that he wished God had sewn his thumbs to his hand. Once we have the grip in our left hand more towards the root of our fingers, we want to make sure that there is no gap between our thumb and our hand. It should feel as if you were trying to get change out of your pant pocket. Once there is no gap between the thumb and the hand, position your thumb at about 12:30 on top of the grip. As you see in these images, pretend that the, “Golf Pride” on my grip is 12 o’clock. 1-4. Do the short left thumb. Now that we have the sensation of the left thumb and hand sewn together, we now want to make sure that we have a short left thumb opposed to a long left thumb. A short left thumb will allow you to use the bones in your left arm at the top of the golf swing. A long left thumb will be less stable throughout the swing. 1-5. Check your knuckles and the "V". To make sure our left hand is on properly, you should be able to see your index and middle finger knuckles from your point of view. If you see 3 knuckles, then you have gripped the club to strong. If you only see one knuckle, then you have gripped the club too weak. Another checking point to make sure your grip is correct, is the thumb and the hand will create a "V" shape. That "V" should be pointing at your right shoulder. If it is pointing at your chin, then your grip is again too weak. Weak grips produce weak shots. 1-6. How the hands connect. There are three ways to connect your left and right hand. The first way is to have your right pinky overlap your left index finger. The second way, would be to have your right pinky and left index finger interlock with one another. The third way, would be to have all 10 fingers on the club, much like a baseball grip. Try doing either the overlap or the interlock. If you have small hands, go with more of an interlock. If your hands are medium to big, go with the overlap grip. 1-7. Do the hand grip. The right hand is below the left hand on the grip. Opposite of the left hand, we want the grip to lay more in the tips of our fingers in the right hand. God drew lines on our hands for a reason so lets use them in this step. Lay the handle of the club on the last line of your fingertips. You then want to squeeze the club ever so slightly with those fingertips until the meat of your palm touches the club, (shown in the first picture). 1-8. Suck the right thumb back. Once we have the fingers and the meat of the palm touching the grip of the club, we then must suck the right thumb back like a vacuum and fold it over the left thumb. 1-9. Check the right hand "V". Just like the left hand checkpoint, we want to make sure that the "V" in the right hand also points to the right shoulder. If the "V" points to the correct position, the handle of the club will sit in between the thumb and the right index finger like a saddle at the top of the backswing. 1-10. You are now in perfect position to start your takeaway. Tips The right hand placement is the most difficult part in your grip. Please copy and paste the links below to watch videos on how to achieve the correct right hand grip.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:54", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Make sure the clubface is square to the target.\\nBefore you do anything with your hands, make sure that the clubface is square to the target. When you put your hands on first and then move the club face to a square position, you are actually ruining your correct grip and you will have to compensate in your golf swing. A golf swing happens extremely fast, (about 2.5 seconds) so we want to make sure that we have everything correct before we actually start the swing.\\n1-2. Do the left hand grip.\\nAfter you have the clubface square to the target, begin to put your left hand on the club. In order to have the correct left hand grip, have the grip of the club in the root of our fingers, where the fingers meet the palm. The incorrect left hand grip will usually lie too much in the middle of our fingers in the left hand. The reason you'll want the club in the root of the fingers is because the palm creates more of a flat wrist action. The fingers will create a cupped left wrist and that will produce an inconsistent strike on the golf ball.\\n1-3. Do the left thumb and hand sewn together.\\nThe great Jack Nicklaus once said that he wished God had sewn his thumbs to his hand. Once we have the grip in our left hand more towards the root of our fingers, we want to make sure that there is no gap between our thumb and our hand. It should feel as if you were trying to get change out of your pant pocket. Once there is no gap between the thumb and the hand, position your thumb at about 12:30 on top of the grip. As you see in these images, pretend that the, “Golf Pride” on my grip is 12 o’clock.\\n1-4. Do the short left thumb.\\nNow that we have the sensation of the left thumb and hand sewn together, we now want to make sure that we have a short left thumb opposed to a long left thumb. A short left thumb will allow you to use the bones in your left arm at the top of the golf swing. A long left thumb will be less stable throughout the swing.\\n1-5. Check your knuckles and the \\\"V\\\".\\nTo make sure our left hand is on properly, you should be able to see your index and middle finger knuckles from your point of view. If you see 3 knuckles, then you have gripped the club to strong. If you only see one knuckle, then you have gripped the club too weak. Another checking point to make sure your grip is correct, is the thumb and the hand will create a \\\"V\\\" shape. That \\\"V\\\" should be pointing at your right shoulder. If it is pointing at your chin, then your grip is again too weak. Weak grips produce weak shots.\\n1-6. How the hands connect.\\nThere are three ways to connect your left and right hand. The first way is to have your right pinky overlap your left index finger. The second way, would be to have your right pinky and left index finger interlock with one another. The third way, would be to have all 10 fingers on the club, much like a baseball grip. Try doing either the overlap or the interlock. If you have small hands, go with more of an interlock. If your hands are medium to big, go with the overlap grip.\\n1-7. Do the hand grip.\\nThe right hand is below the left hand on the grip. Opposite of the left hand, we want the grip to lay more in the tips of our fingers in the right hand. God drew lines on our hands for a reason so lets use them in this step. Lay the handle of the club on the last line of your fingertips. You then want to squeeze the club ever so slightly with those fingertips until the meat of your palm touches the club, (shown in the first picture).\\n1-8. Suck the right thumb back.\\nOnce we have the fingers and the meat of the palm touching the grip of the club, we then must suck the right thumb back like a vacuum and fold it over the left thumb.\\n1-9. Check the right hand \\\"V\\\".\\nJust like the left hand checkpoint, we want to make sure that the \\\"V\\\" in the right hand also points to the right shoulder. If the \\\"V\\\" points to the correct position, the handle of the club will sit in between the thumb and the right index finger like a saddle at the top of the backswing.\\n1-10. You are now in perfect position to start your takeaway.\\n\\nTips\\nThe right hand placement is the most difficult part in your grip. Please copy and paste the links below to watch videos on how to achieve the correct right hand grip.\\n\\n\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"In order to make a proper golf swing, the golfer must have the correct grip on the club. The grip is the foundation, or what is called, the mission statement of the golf swing. This article will teach you the appropriate steps to achieve the correct grip for a right-handed golfer.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make sure the clubface is square to the target.\", \"描述\": \"Before you do anything with your hands, make sure that the clubface is square to the target. When you put your hands on first and then move the club face to a square position, you are actually ruining your correct grip and you will have to compensate in your golf swing. A golf swing happens extremely fast, (about 2.5 seconds) so we want to make sure that we have everything correct before we actually start the swing.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Do the left hand grip.\", \"描述\": \"After you have the clubface square to the target, begin to put your left hand on the club. In order to have the correct left hand grip, have the grip of the club in the root of our fingers, where the fingers meet the palm. The incorrect left hand grip will usually lie too much in the middle of our fingers in the left hand. The reason you'll want the club in the root of the fingers is because the palm creates more of a flat wrist action. The fingers will create a cupped left wrist and that will produce an inconsistent strike on the golf ball.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Do the left thumb and hand sewn together.\", \"描述\": \"The great Jack Nicklaus once said that he wished God had sewn his thumbs to his hand. Once we have the grip in our left hand more towards the root of our fingers, we want to make sure that there is no gap between our thumb and our hand. It should feel as if you were trying to get change out of your pant pocket. Once there is no gap between the thumb and the hand, position your thumb at about 12:30 on top of the grip. As you see in these images, pretend that the, “Golf Pride” on my grip is 12 o’clock.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do the short left thumb.\", \"描述\": \"Now that we have the sensation of the left thumb and hand sewn together, we now want to make sure that we have a short left thumb opposed to a long left thumb. A short left thumb will allow you to use the bones in your left arm at the top of the golf swing. A long left thumb will be less stable throughout the swing.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Check your knuckles and the \\\"V\\\".\", \"描述\": \"To make sure our left hand is on properly, you should be able to see your index and middle finger knuckles from your point of view. If you see 3 knuckles, then you have gripped the club to strong. If you only see one knuckle, then you have gripped the club too weak. Another checking point to make sure your grip is correct, is the thumb and the hand will create a \\\"V\\\" shape. That \\\"V\\\" should be pointing at your right shoulder. If it is pointing at your chin, then your grip is again too weak. Weak grips produce weak shots.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"How the hands connect.\", \"描述\": \"There are three ways to connect your left and right hand. The first way is to have your right pinky overlap your left index finger. The second way, would be to have your right pinky and left index finger interlock with one another. The third way, would be to have all 10 fingers on the club, much like a baseball grip. Try doing either the overlap or the interlock. If you have small hands, go with more of an interlock. If your hands are medium to big, go with the overlap grip.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Do the hand grip.\", \"描述\": \"The right hand is below the left hand on the grip. Opposite of the left hand, we want the grip to lay more in the tips of our fingers in the right hand. God drew lines on our hands for a reason so lets use them in this step. Lay the handle of the club on the last line of your fingertips. You then want to squeeze the club ever so slightly with those fingertips until the meat of your palm touches the club, (shown in the first picture).\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Suck the right thumb back.\", \"描述\": \"Once we have the fingers and the meat of the palm touching the grip of the club, we then must suck the right thumb back like a vacuum and fold it over the left thumb.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Check the right hand \\\"V\\\".\", \"描述\": \"Just like the left hand checkpoint, we want to make sure that the \\\"V\\\" in the right hand also points to the right shoulder. If the \\\"V\\\" points to the correct position, the handle of the club will sit in between the thumb and the right index finger like a saddle at the top of the backswing.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"You are now in perfect position to start your takeaway.\", \"描述\": \"\"}], \"小提示\": [\"The right hand placement is the most difficult part in your grip. Please copy and paste the links below to watch videos on how to achieve the correct right hand grip.\\n\", \"\\n\", \"\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Etch Concrete
1. Preparing to Etch 1-1. Grab muriatic acid or another suitable etching acid. Before you start your etching, you'll want to make sure you have enough of a suitable acid to complete your project — having to run out to the hardware store in the middle of your etching project is a serious pain. Muriatic acid (also called hydrochloric acid) is the most common type of acid used for this project. It's difficult to say exactly how much acid any given project will need because the acid is usually sold in varying strengths. In very general terms, ⁄4 gallon (0.9 L) of acid (when properly diluted) will cover about 50-70 square feet of concrete (about 4.5-6.5 square meters). Other suitable acids for etching include phosphoric acid and sulfamic acid. The latter is an especially good choice for first-timers because it is much less caustic and dangerous than the other acids. If you're unsure of whether you have the right type of acid, check the label on its packaging — most suitable products will mention that they can be used for concrete etching purposes. 1-2. Clear the concrete of any obstructions. To begin, remove any any all furniture, vehicles, and other obstructions from the area you intend to treat. Etching acids can permanently damage common objects if allowed to remain in contact with them for even short periods of time, so have them well out of the way by the time you start your project. You'll also want to give the area a good sweeping to remove accumulated dust, dirt, or grime. The acid needs to be able to touch every part of the concrete's surface to react properly with it. Even small pieces of debris can interfere with the reaction, potentially causing an uneven etching. 1-3. Use degreaser for oil or grease. If you're etching concrete in your garage or on your driveway, there's a chance that there may be oil or grease stains on the driveway from your vehicle. Etching acids can't penetrate through oily substances, which means that any concrete under an oil stain will go un-etched. To remove oil and grease stains, try scrubbing with a commercial degreasing product — these are available from most home improvement stores for fairly cheap. Alternatively, try using ordinary laundry detergent. Most detergents are formulated to dissolve oil and grease, making them perfect for degreasing your concrete surface. 1-4. Hose down the entire area. When your concrete is perfectly clean and clear, use a hose with a sprayer attachment to wet the entire surface of the concrete. Spread the water evenly across the surface until all of the concrete is wet but no standing water remains. The concrete should stay at this level of wetness until the acid is applied. If you'll be etching up to any adjacent walls or other surfaces, be sure to also wet the bottom inch or so to minimize the possibility of direct contact with the acid. 2. Applying the Acid 2-1. Mix water and acid in 3 or 4: Add clean, clear water to a plastic bucket. Very carefully pour your acid in, being sure not to cause any spills or splashes. Don't use a metal container — acid can corrode many metals, leading to the possible destruction of the container. pour acid into water. pour water into acid. If acid splashes back into your face, it can lead to disfiguring injuries or even blindness. From this point forward, you'll want to observe basic acid safety measures. Wear long sleeves, gloves, eye protection, and, if necessary, a face mask to protect against any fumes. For more information, see the safety section below. 2-2. Test the mixture in a small space. Most 3:1 or 4:1 mixtures of acid will be a suitable strength for etching concrete. However, before you pour your mixture on to the floor, it's a very wise idea to test it on a small, unimportant area of the concrete (like a spot that would normally be covered by furniture or tool boxes) to make sure it works. Pour about 1/2 cup directly on to the concrete. If it's strong enough, it should immediately begin to bubble and react. If you don't immediately see bubbles, your mixture probably isn't strong enough. Consider carefully adding more acid. 2-3. Use a sprayer or watering can to distribute the acid. Rather than pour all of the acid onto one spot of the floor, which can leave some of the acid spent by the time it reaches the far corners of the concrete, use a plastic sprayer or watering can. This ensures a more even application. Immediately after spraying, use a squeegee to manually distribute so that the whole floor receives an even coating. You may also use a floor machine to scrub the floor and distribute the acid. The floor needs to stay wet the entire time you are acid etching. Don't let the acid dry on the floor — if you need to, hose down areas that are drying out. 2-4. Wait for the acid to react with the floor. When you're sure that your acid has been evenly applied, simply step away from the floor and wait for it to stop bubbling. Usually, this will take about 2-15 minutes. As the acid reacts with the floor, it will open up small, porous holes in the concrete, making it much more accepting of your intended sealant. Inspect the surface as the acid works. You want the acid to be reacting evenly and uniformly across the surface. If there are spots where the acid isn't reacting, this can be a sign that an unnoticed grease stain or sealant was present on the concrete. In this case, you may need to use a mechanical solution, like a grinder, to finish etching the concrete. 2-5. Neutralize the surface. Check your acid's label — many will require using a special neutralizing solution to stop the reaction of the acid, while some others may "time out" on their own. For acids that require a neutralizing solution, mix the neutralizer and distribute it throughout the floor according to the instructions on the packaging. Usually, you'll need to spray the neutralizer and scrub with a squeegee or use the floor machine to ensure the entire surface has been neutralized. For a general, all-purpose acid neutralizer, try mixing 1 cup of baking soda in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water, then mixing until it dissolves. 2-6. Rinse the floor thoroughly. At this point, your concrete should have a clean, freshly-etched appearance. You're now ready to clean up. Use a broom or squeegee to gather the rinse water into one area, then suck it up with a shop vacuum. Read packaging instructions for how to properly dispose of your acid — you may have to add more baking soda to further neutralize it before pouring it down the drain. Alternatively, if you're working in a garage, you may be able to simply rinse your neutralized solution directly out of the garage and into a drain. Check your local regulations before doing this — you don't want to break the law or hurt the environment. 3. Treating Concrete After Etching 3-1. Apply sealant or epoxy Many acid etching projects are carried out to prepare a concrete floor for the application of a synthetic epoxy or sealant. These sorts of products give the concrete a professional-looking sheen and also resist water, grease, oil, and other common spills, making the floor easy to maintain. In addition, using an anti-skid additive in your sealant can give your garage or driveway surface the traction your vehicle needs to securely grip it in rain or snow. 3-2. Use a pigment or stain Adding a stain or pigment to the concrete after etching is a great way to make it more visually attractive. For some interior spaces, stained concrete can give a clean, elegant, modern look to the room. Even some outdoor spaces, like patios, can use stained concrete to great effect. 3-3. Paint the concrete Concrete can also be painted fairly easily with brushes, rollers, or sprayers. Though it's a little less common to paint a concrete floor than it is to paint a concrete wall or ceiling, some decorators can create breathtaking interior spaces with the help of painted concrete floors. For painted concrete floors, generally, low-sheen, matte paints are used — otherwise, the floor can appear oddly shiny or "wet". 3-4. Add metal flakes for a sparkly surface. Many sidewalks, driveways, and other exterior concrete surfaces can be given an appealing sparkling quality by adding metal chips flakes before sealing or during the etching process. Even some interior spaces (especially public or commercial ones) can benefit from this type of treatment — for instance, sparkling concrete floors are sometimes used in shopping malls and airport corridors to give a lively look. 4. Handling Acid Safely 4-1. Wear protective clothing. All acids (but especially the strong ones used for concrete etching) should be handled with care. If splashed onto the body, caustic acid can cause painful chemical burns. Worse still, acid can cause permanent blindness and disfigurement if splashed into the face and eyes. Because of this, it's important to always wear protective gear when working with acid, even if you're very experienced. Below are the sorts of protective clothing you should wear to protect yourself: Chemical safety glasses or goggles with face shield Gloves Long sleeves Close-toed shoes 4-2. Don't breathe the fumes of the acid. Strong acids like muriatic acid can give off harmful vapors. If breathed, these fumes can cause chemical burns in the mouth and throat. Though rare, it's technically possible to seriously hurt or even kill yourself by breathing acid vapors. For these reasons, you'll want to ensure that your work area is well-ventilated at all times. For instance, you'll probably want to open any adjacent windows and use a fan to keep air continually circulating into and out of your work area. If the acid's fumes are strong, use a breathing mask with acid vapor cartridges to prevent injury. 4-3. Always pour acid into water, not the reverse. This is a hugely important basic rule of acid safety. Whenever you pour and mix acid and water, you pour the acid into the water. You pour the water into the acid. If you pour either liquid too quickly, you can cause the liquid in the container to splash back into you. If this liquid is mostly water, you'll probably be fine. However, if it's mostly acid, you can be in serious trouble. Always observe this simple rule when working with acid. It may be helpful to keep a second bucket or plastic container with you while you work. If you accidentally pour acid into the first container first, you can pour water into the second container and then transfer the acid to it to easily correct for your error. Tips Please note muriatic acid is dangerous and must be diluted before use. Read all label instructions before application and wear the proper safety gear when applying. Warnings Again, muriatic acid can be dangerous - be sure to take the proper precautions.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:54", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Preparing to Etch\\n1-1. Grab muriatic acid or another suitable etching acid.\\nBefore you start your etching, you'll want to make sure you have enough of a suitable acid to complete your project — having to run out to the hardware store in the middle of your etching project is a serious pain. Muriatic acid (also called hydrochloric acid) is the most common type of acid used for this project. It's difficult to say exactly how much acid any given project will need because the acid is usually sold in varying strengths. In very general terms, ⁄4 gallon (0.9 L) of acid (when properly diluted) will cover about 50-70 square feet of concrete (about 4.5-6.5 square meters).\\nOther suitable acids for etching include phosphoric acid and sulfamic acid. The latter is an especially good choice for first-timers because it is much less caustic and dangerous than the other acids.\\nIf you're unsure of whether you have the right type of acid, check the label on its packaging — most suitable products will mention that they can be used for concrete etching purposes.\\n1-2. Clear the concrete of any obstructions.\\nTo begin, remove any any all furniture, vehicles, and other obstructions from the area you intend to treat. Etching acids can permanently damage common objects if allowed to remain in contact with them for even short periods of time, so have them well out of the way by the time you start your project.\\nYou'll also want to give the area a good sweeping to remove accumulated dust, dirt, or grime. The acid needs to be able to touch every part of the concrete's surface to react properly with it. Even small pieces of debris can interfere with the reaction, potentially causing an uneven etching.\\n1-3. Use degreaser for oil or grease.\\nIf you're etching concrete in your garage or on your driveway, there's a chance that there may be oil or grease stains on the driveway from your vehicle. Etching acids can't penetrate through oily substances, which means that any concrete under an oil stain will go un-etched. To remove oil and grease stains, try scrubbing with a commercial degreasing product — these are available from most home improvement stores for fairly cheap.\\nAlternatively, try using ordinary laundry detergent. Most detergents are formulated to dissolve oil and grease, making them perfect for degreasing your concrete surface.\\n1-4. Hose down the entire area.\\nWhen your concrete is perfectly clean and clear, use a hose with a sprayer attachment to wet the entire surface of the concrete. Spread the water evenly across the surface until all of the concrete is wet but no standing water remains. The concrete should stay at this level of wetness until the acid is applied.\\nIf you'll be etching up to any adjacent walls or other surfaces, be sure to also wet the bottom inch or so to minimize the possibility of direct contact with the acid.\\n2. Applying the Acid\\n2-1. Mix water and acid in 3 or 4:\\nAdd clean, clear water to a plastic bucket. Very carefully pour your acid in, being sure not to cause any spills or splashes. Don't use a metal container — acid can corrode many metals, leading to the possible destruction of the container.\\n\\n pour acid into water. pour water into acid. If acid splashes back into your face, it can lead to disfiguring injuries or even blindness.\\nFrom this point forward, you'll want to observe basic acid safety measures. Wear long sleeves, gloves, eye protection, and, if necessary, a face mask to protect against any fumes. For more information, see the safety section below.\\n2-2. Test the mixture in a small space.\\nMost 3:1 or 4:1 mixtures of acid will be a suitable strength for etching concrete. However, before you pour your mixture on to the floor, it's a very wise idea to test it on a small, unimportant area of the concrete (like a spot that would normally be covered by furniture or tool boxes) to make sure it works. Pour about 1/2 cup directly on to the concrete. If it's strong enough, it should immediately begin to bubble and react.\\nIf you don't immediately see bubbles, your mixture probably isn't strong enough. Consider carefully adding more acid.\\n2-3. Use a sprayer or watering can to distribute the acid.\\nRather than pour all of the acid onto one spot of the floor, which can leave some of the acid spent by the time it reaches the far corners of the concrete, use a plastic sprayer or watering can. This ensures a more even application. Immediately after spraying, use a squeegee to manually distribute so that the whole floor receives an even coating. You may also use a floor machine to scrub the floor and distribute the acid.\\nThe floor needs to stay wet the entire time you are acid etching. Don't let the acid dry on the floor — if you need to, hose down areas that are drying out.\\n2-4. Wait for the acid to react with the floor.\\nWhen you're sure that your acid has been evenly applied, simply step away from the floor and wait for it to stop bubbling. Usually, this will take about 2-15 minutes. As the acid reacts with the floor, it will open up small, porous holes in the concrete, making it much more accepting of your intended sealant.\\nInspect the surface as the acid works. You want the acid to be reacting evenly and uniformly across the surface. If there are spots where the acid isn't reacting, this can be a sign that an unnoticed grease stain or sealant was present on the concrete. In this case, you may need to use a mechanical solution, like a grinder, to finish etching the concrete.\\n2-5. Neutralize the surface.\\nCheck your acid's label — many will require using a special neutralizing solution to stop the reaction of the acid, while some others may \\\"time out\\\" on their own. For acids that require a neutralizing solution, mix the neutralizer and distribute it throughout the floor according to the instructions on the packaging. Usually, you'll need to spray the neutralizer and scrub with a squeegee or use the floor machine to ensure the entire surface has been neutralized.\\nFor a general, all-purpose acid neutralizer, try mixing 1 cup of baking soda in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water, then mixing until it dissolves.\\n2-6. Rinse the floor thoroughly.\\nAt this point, your concrete should have a clean, freshly-etched appearance. You're now ready to clean up. Use a broom or squeegee to gather the rinse water into one area, then suck it up with a shop vacuum. Read packaging instructions for how to properly dispose of your acid — you may have to add more baking soda to further neutralize it before pouring it down the drain.\\nAlternatively, if you're working in a garage, you may be able to simply rinse your neutralized solution directly out of the garage and into a drain. Check your local regulations before doing this — you don't want to break the law or hurt the environment.\\n3. Treating Concrete After Etching\\n3-1. Apply sealant or epoxy\\nMany acid etching projects are carried out to prepare a concrete floor for the application of a synthetic epoxy or sealant. These sorts of products give the concrete a professional-looking sheen and also resist water, grease, oil, and other common spills, making the floor easy to maintain. In addition, using an anti-skid additive in your sealant can give your garage or driveway surface the traction your vehicle needs to securely grip it in rain or snow.\\n3-2. Use a pigment or stain\\nAdding a stain or pigment to the concrete after etching is a great way to make it more visually attractive. For some interior spaces, stained concrete can give a clean, elegant, modern look to the room. Even some outdoor spaces, like patios, can use stained concrete to great effect.\\n3-3. Paint the concrete\\nConcrete can also be painted fairly easily with brushes, rollers, or sprayers. Though it's a little less common to paint a concrete floor than it is to paint a concrete wall or ceiling, some decorators can create breathtaking interior spaces with the help of painted concrete floors. For painted concrete floors, generally, low-sheen, matte paints are used — otherwise, the floor can appear oddly shiny or \\\"wet\\\".\\n3-4. Add metal flakes for a sparkly surface.\\nMany sidewalks, driveways, and other exterior concrete surfaces can be given an appealing sparkling quality by adding metal chips flakes before sealing or during the etching process. Even some interior spaces (especially public or commercial ones) can benefit from this type of treatment — for instance, sparkling concrete floors are sometimes used in shopping malls and airport corridors to give a lively look.\\n4. Handling Acid Safely\\n4-1. Wear protective clothing.\\nAll acids (but especially the strong ones used for concrete etching) should be handled with care. If splashed onto the body, caustic acid can cause painful chemical burns. Worse still, acid can cause permanent blindness and disfigurement if splashed into the face and eyes. Because of this, it's important to always wear protective gear when working with acid, even if you're very experienced. Below are the sorts of protective clothing you should wear to protect yourself:\\nChemical safety glasses or goggles with face shield\\nGloves\\nLong sleeves\\nClose-toed shoes\\n4-2. Don't breathe the fumes of the acid.\\nStrong acids like muriatic acid can give off harmful vapors. If breathed, these fumes can cause chemical burns in the mouth and throat. Though rare, it's technically possible to seriously hurt or even kill yourself by breathing acid vapors. For these reasons, you'll want to ensure that your work area is well-ventilated at all times. For instance, you'll probably want to open any adjacent windows and use a fan to keep air continually circulating into and out of your work area.\\nIf the acid's fumes are strong, use a breathing mask with acid vapor cartridges to prevent injury.\\n4-3. Always pour acid into water, not the reverse.\\nThis is a hugely important basic rule of acid safety. Whenever you pour and mix acid and water, you pour the acid into the water. You pour the water into the acid. If you pour either liquid too quickly, you can cause the liquid in the container to splash back into you. If this liquid is mostly water, you'll probably be fine. However, if it's mostly acid, you can be in serious trouble. Always observe this simple rule when working with acid.\\nIt may be helpful to keep a second bucket or plastic container with you while you work. If you accidentally pour acid into the first container first, you can pour water into the second container and then transfer the acid to it to easily correct for your error.\\nTips\\nPlease note muriatic acid is dangerous and must be diluted before use. Read all label instructions before application and wear the proper safety gear when applying.\\nWarnings\\nAgain, muriatic acid can be dangerous - be sure to take the proper precautions.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Concrete that hasn't been treated in any way after being poured can be too hard and smooth to accept paint or protective sealants. However, etching (or washing) concrete with acid opens the pores of the concrete and prepares the surface to accept its next treatment. Though it's also possible to prepare the concrete manually by abrading it with a grinder, acid etching is generally much less labor-intensive.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Preparing to Etch\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Grab muriatic acid or another suitable etching acid.\", \"描述\": \"Before you start your etching, you'll want to make sure you have enough of a suitable acid to complete your project — having to run out to the hardware store in the middle of your etching project is a serious pain. Muriatic acid (also called hydrochloric acid) is the most common type of acid used for this project. It's difficult to say exactly how much acid any given project will need because the acid is usually sold in varying strengths. In very general terms, ⁄4 gallon (0.9 L) of acid (when properly diluted) will cover about 50-70 square feet of concrete (about 4.5-6.5 square meters).\\nOther suitable acids for etching include phosphoric acid and sulfamic acid. The latter is an especially good choice for first-timers because it is much less caustic and dangerous than the other acids.\\nIf you're unsure of whether you have the right type of acid, check the label on its packaging — most suitable products will mention that they can be used for concrete etching purposes.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Clear the concrete of any obstructions.\", \"描述\": \"To begin, remove any any all furniture, vehicles, and other obstructions from the area you intend to treat. Etching acids can permanently damage common objects if allowed to remain in contact with them for even short periods of time, so have them well out of the way by the time you start your project.\\nYou'll also want to give the area a good sweeping to remove accumulated dust, dirt, or grime. The acid needs to be able to touch every part of the concrete's surface to react properly with it. Even small pieces of debris can interfere with the reaction, potentially causing an uneven etching.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Use degreaser for oil or grease.\", \"描述\": \"If you're etching concrete in your garage or on your driveway, there's a chance that there may be oil or grease stains on the driveway from your vehicle. Etching acids can't penetrate through oily substances, which means that any concrete under an oil stain will go un-etched. To remove oil and grease stains, try scrubbing with a commercial degreasing product — these are available from most home improvement stores for fairly cheap.\\nAlternatively, try using ordinary laundry detergent. Most detergents are formulated to dissolve oil and grease, making them perfect for degreasing your concrete surface.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Hose down the entire area.\", \"描述\": \"When your concrete is perfectly clean and clear, use a hose with a sprayer attachment to wet the entire surface of the concrete. Spread the water evenly across the surface until all of the concrete is wet but no standing water remains. The concrete should stay at this level of wetness until the acid is applied.\\nIf you'll be etching up to any adjacent walls or other surfaces, be sure to also wet the bottom inch or so to minimize the possibility of direct contact with the acid.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Applying the Acid\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Mix water and acid in 3 or 4:\", \"描述\": \"Add clean, clear water to a plastic bucket. Very carefully pour your acid in, being sure not to cause any spills or splashes. Don't use a metal container — acid can corrode many metals, leading to the possible destruction of the container.\\n\\n pour acid into water. pour water into acid. If acid splashes back into your face, it can lead to disfiguring injuries or even blindness.\\nFrom this point forward, you'll want to observe basic acid safety measures. Wear long sleeves, gloves, eye protection, and, if necessary, a face mask to protect against any fumes. For more information, see the safety section below.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Test the mixture in a small space.\", \"描述\": \"Most 3:1 or 4:1 mixtures of acid will be a suitable strength for etching concrete. However, before you pour your mixture on to the floor, it's a very wise idea to test it on a small, unimportant area of the concrete (like a spot that would normally be covered by furniture or tool boxes) to make sure it works. Pour about 1/2 cup directly on to the concrete. If it's strong enough, it should immediately begin to bubble and react.\\nIf you don't immediately see bubbles, your mixture probably isn't strong enough. Consider carefully adding more acid.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Use a sprayer or watering can to distribute the acid.\", \"描述\": \"Rather than pour all of the acid onto one spot of the floor, which can leave some of the acid spent by the time it reaches the far corners of the concrete, use a plastic sprayer or watering can. This ensures a more even application. Immediately after spraying, use a squeegee to manually distribute so that the whole floor receives an even coating. You may also use a floor machine to scrub the floor and distribute the acid.\\nThe floor needs to stay wet the entire time you are acid etching. Don't let the acid dry on the floor — if you need to, hose down areas that are drying out.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wait for the acid to react with the floor.\", \"描述\": \"When you're sure that your acid has been evenly applied, simply step away from the floor and wait for it to stop bubbling. Usually, this will take about 2-15 minutes. As the acid reacts with the floor, it will open up small, porous holes in the concrete, making it much more accepting of your intended sealant.\\nInspect the surface as the acid works. You want the acid to be reacting evenly and uniformly across the surface. If there are spots where the acid isn't reacting, this can be a sign that an unnoticed grease stain or sealant was present on the concrete. In this case, you may need to use a mechanical solution, like a grinder, to finish etching the concrete.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Neutralize the surface.\", \"描述\": \"Check your acid's label — many will require using a special neutralizing solution to stop the reaction of the acid, while some others may \\\"time out\\\" on their own. For acids that require a neutralizing solution, mix the neutralizer and distribute it throughout the floor according to the instructions on the packaging. Usually, you'll need to spray the neutralizer and scrub with a squeegee or use the floor machine to ensure the entire surface has been neutralized.\\nFor a general, all-purpose acid neutralizer, try mixing 1 cup of baking soda in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water, then mixing until it dissolves.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Rinse the floor thoroughly.\", \"描述\": \"At this point, your concrete should have a clean, freshly-etched appearance. You're now ready to clean up. Use a broom or squeegee to gather the rinse water into one area, then suck it up with a shop vacuum. Read packaging instructions for how to properly dispose of your acid — you may have to add more baking soda to further neutralize it before pouring it down the drain.\\nAlternatively, if you're working in a garage, you may be able to simply rinse your neutralized solution directly out of the garage and into a drain. Check your local regulations before doing this — you don't want to break the law or hurt the environment.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Treating Concrete After Etching\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Apply sealant or epoxy\", \"描述\": \"Many acid etching projects are carried out to prepare a concrete floor for the application of a synthetic epoxy or sealant. These sorts of products give the concrete a professional-looking sheen and also resist water, grease, oil, and other common spills, making the floor easy to maintain. In addition, using an anti-skid additive in your sealant can give your garage or driveway surface the traction your vehicle needs to securely grip it in rain or snow.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Use a pigment or stain\", \"描述\": \"Adding a stain or pigment to the concrete after etching is a great way to make it more visually attractive. For some interior spaces, stained concrete can give a clean, elegant, modern look to the room. Even some outdoor spaces, like patios, can use stained concrete to great effect.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Paint the concrete\", \"描述\": \"Concrete can also be painted fairly easily with brushes, rollers, or sprayers. Though it's a little less common to paint a concrete floor than it is to paint a concrete wall or ceiling, some decorators can create breathtaking interior spaces with the help of painted concrete floors. For painted concrete floors, generally, low-sheen, matte paints are used — otherwise, the floor can appear oddly shiny or \\\"wet\\\".\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Add metal flakes for a sparkly surface.\", \"描述\": \"Many sidewalks, driveways, and other exterior concrete surfaces can be given an appealing sparkling quality by adding metal chips flakes before sealing or during the etching process. Even some interior spaces (especially public or commercial ones) can benefit from this type of treatment — for instance, sparkling concrete floors are sometimes used in shopping malls and airport corridors to give a lively look.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Handling Acid Safely\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wear protective clothing.\", \"描述\": \"All acids (but especially the strong ones used for concrete etching) should be handled with care. If splashed onto the body, caustic acid can cause painful chemical burns. Worse still, acid can cause permanent blindness and disfigurement if splashed into the face and eyes. Because of this, it's important to always wear protective gear when working with acid, even if you're very experienced. Below are the sorts of protective clothing you should wear to protect yourself:\\nChemical safety glasses or goggles with face shield\\nGloves\\nLong sleeves\\nClose-toed shoes\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don't breathe the fumes of the acid.\", \"描述\": \"Strong acids like muriatic acid can give off harmful vapors. If breathed, these fumes can cause chemical burns in the mouth and throat. Though rare, it's technically possible to seriously hurt or even kill yourself by breathing acid vapors. For these reasons, you'll want to ensure that your work area is well-ventilated at all times. For instance, you'll probably want to open any adjacent windows and use a fan to keep air continually circulating into and out of your work area.\\nIf the acid's fumes are strong, use a breathing mask with acid vapor cartridges to prevent injury.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Always pour acid into water, not the reverse.\", \"描述\": \"This is a hugely important basic rule of acid safety. Whenever you pour and mix acid and water, you pour the acid into the water. You pour the water into the acid. If you pour either liquid too quickly, you can cause the liquid in the container to splash back into you. If this liquid is mostly water, you'll probably be fine. However, if it's mostly acid, you can be in serious trouble. Always observe this simple rule when working with acid.\\nIt may be helpful to keep a second bucket or plastic container with you while you work. If you accidentally pour acid into the first container first, you can pour water into the second container and then transfer the acid to it to easily correct for your error.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Please note muriatic acid is dangerous and must be diluted before use. Read all label instructions before application and wear the proper safety gear when applying.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Again, muriatic acid can be dangerous - be sure to take the proper precautions.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Etch Steel
1. Preparing the Steel for Etching 1-1. Choose the type of steel you want to etch. You can etch stainless steel, mild steel, or high-carbon steel. Which type of steel you etch will determine the best acid or chemical to use to etch it with. 1-2. Remove any burrs on the edges of the steel. File away any burrs on the side of the steel you plan to etch with acid. You can leave the burrs on the other side if you're etching a steel plate. 1-3. Scrub the steel. Use a chlorine cleanser on an abrasive sponge, a wire brush, fine steel wool, wet number 600 emery paper, or corundum paper, scrubbing in a circular motion. You want to leave the surface just gritty enough to grip the resist material, but not so scratched that you end up etching extra lines that aren't part of your design. 1-4. Rinse the steel with water. The water should sheet off the steel surface. 1-5. Clean the steel a second time with isopropyl alcohol. 2. Etching the Steel 2-1. Choose the image you want to etch into the steel. You can either draw a freehand image or replicate an existing image onto the steel surface. Depending on which transfer method you use, you can have a fairly simple design or a complex one. If you plan to replicate an existing design, choose something in high-contrast black and white. If you plan to make and sell prints of your etching, choose an image in the public domain or get the permission of the copyright holder, if there is one. 2-2. Transfer your design onto the steel surface. You can transfer the design in 1 of several ways, as described below. Be aware that however you transfer your design, it will print the reverse of the way you etch it into the steel. If you plan to use the etched steel plate solely as a decoration, not to print with, this won't matter to you. The oldest method for transferring designs is to coat the steel surface with a liquid varnish or wax-like substance (like beeswax), or even enamel paint or nail polish. This coating is called a ground. You then scratch your design into the ground using needles or wider-bladed cutting tools. (This is similar to woodcutting.) The ground will serve as a resist to keep the etching acid off the steel it covers. Another method is to cover the steel surface with permanent markers in those places where you want the acid not to etch the steel and leave the surface exposed where you want to etch the steel. You may need to experiment with several brands and colors of permanent marker to determine which makes the best resists. A third method is to create an iron-on stencil by either photocopying an image onto transfer paper or printing it onto glossy photo paper with a laser printer. Place the paper onto the steel surface, image-side down, and using a clothes iron set to "high," iron with smooth, circular strokes for 2 to 5 minutes. (Press gently if using transfer paper; press hard if using photo paper.) You can then remove the paper. (Transfer paper will peel away on its own, but photo paper requires soaking in a tray of hot water to soften it for removal.) The transferred ink becomes the resist for the etching acid. 2-3. Cover the steel's edges. You can tape over the edges or paint them. Either method keeps the acid from etching the edges. 2-4. Choose the acid you want to etch the steel with. Possible acids include muriatic (hydrochloric) acid (HCL), nitric acid (HNO3), or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Certain non-acids that form acid in water, such as ferric chloride (FeCl3) or copper sulfate (CuSO4), can also be used as etching chemicals. How strong the acid is generally determines how fast the steel will be etched, or "bitten." You can obtain etching acids and chemicals through chemical supply stores or electronics supply shops. Ferric chloride is normally mixed with water in equal parts to form hydrochloric acid in solution. It's more commonly used to etch copper, but it also works well to etch stainless steel. It also works with a wider range of resist materials than pure acids do; however, it can pit the surface if not attended to properly. Copper sulfate is better suited to etching mild steels than stainless steel. It is best mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio with sodium chloride (NaCl - common table salt) to keep the copper sulfate from coating the steel with a deposit of copper that will stop the etching process. The blue solution gradually fades as the etching progresses and turns colorless when it's finished. Nitric acid is commonly mixed in a ratio of 1 part nitric acid to 3 parts water. It can also be mixed with acetic acid (vinegar), in a 1 to 1 ratio, or with hydrochloric acid. Sulfuric acid should be used only in concentrations from 10 to 25 percent. Generally, dilute solutions are more effective than concentrated ones. Acids generally take longer to etch steel than do chemicals that form acids in water, however. 2-5. Immerse the steel in a bath of the etching acid. Usually, you'll want to place the steel plate face-down in the solution so that the exposed metal flakes downward into the solution and away from the plate. This produces cleaner lines when etching the steel. If you put the plate in face-up, you can sweep away the flakes as they form with a light brush or feather; this will also remove bubbles that form. (The bubbles impede the etching process, but they can also create interesting designs if left alone.) Leave the steel plate in the etching acid until the lines are cut to the depth you want. Whether you put the steel plate in the etching acid face-up or face down, suspend it off the bottom of the container in some fashion. (This is particularly necessary when the plate is face down.) Tap the container holding the chemical bath periodically to keep the solution agitated. 2-6. Remove and clean the steel plate. Wash the plate with water to remove the acid. If you used a particularly strong acid, you may also need to use baking soda to neutralize it. You then need to remove the resist; depending on the resist material, use one of the following methods: Use turpentine to remove paint or varnish grounds. (Use acetone if you used nail polish.) Use alcohol, methyl hydrate, or steel wool for wax-like grounds. Use running water for water-soluble inks and alcohol for inks insoluble in water. Tips Another way to etch steel is called anodic or galvanic etching. In this method, the steel plate is connected to the positive pole of a 12-volt battery and a bath of etching chemicals to its negative pole. The etching chemical, or electrolyte, in this method is not an acid but a chemical that can act like one when ionized by the current.[6] X Research source Etching acids can be used more than once to etch steel plates. Each time the acid is used, it will take longer to etch a piece of steel to the same depth as before. Warnings Once the etching acid is too weak to use for etching steel, take it to a hazardous waste collection place. Do not pour it down the drain. Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear rubber gloves and safety goggles to protect your skin and eyes from the etching acid. It's also a good idea to have clean water nearby to flush your eyes or skin if you're accidentally exposed to the acid. When diluting acid, pour the acid into the water, not the water onto the acid. Adding water to concentrated acid causes it to heat up and splash out of the container. When you add the acid to water instead, the water carries the heat safely.[7] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:54", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Preparing the Steel for Etching\\n1-1. Choose the type of steel you want to etch.\\nYou can etch stainless steel, mild steel, or high-carbon steel. Which type of steel you etch will determine the best acid or chemical to use to etch it with.\\n1-2. Remove any burrs on the edges of the steel.\\nFile away any burrs on the side of the steel you plan to etch with acid. You can leave the burrs on the other side if you're etching a steel plate.\\n1-3. Scrub the steel.\\nUse a chlorine cleanser on an abrasive sponge, a wire brush, fine steel wool, wet number 600 emery paper, or corundum paper, scrubbing in a circular motion. You want to leave the surface just gritty enough to grip the resist material, but not so scratched that you end up etching extra lines that aren't part of your design.\\n1-4. Rinse the steel with water.\\nThe water should sheet off the steel surface.\\n1-5. Clean the steel a second time with isopropyl alcohol.\\n\\n2. Etching the Steel\\n2-1. Choose the image you want to etch into the steel.\\nYou can either draw a freehand image or replicate an existing image onto the steel surface. Depending on which transfer method you use, you can have a fairly simple design or a complex one.\\nIf you plan to replicate an existing design, choose something in high-contrast black and white.\\nIf you plan to make and sell prints of your etching, choose an image in the public domain or get the permission of the copyright holder, if there is one.\\n2-2. Transfer your design onto the steel surface.\\nYou can transfer the design in 1 of several ways, as described below. Be aware that however you transfer your design, it will print the reverse of the way you etch it into the steel. If you plan to use the etched steel plate solely as a decoration, not to print with, this won't matter to you.\\nThe oldest method for transferring designs is to coat the steel surface with a liquid varnish or wax-like substance (like beeswax), or even enamel paint or nail polish. This coating is called a ground. You then scratch your design into the ground using needles or wider-bladed cutting tools. (This is similar to woodcutting.) The ground will serve as a resist to keep the etching acid off the steel it covers.\\nAnother method is to cover the steel surface with permanent markers in those places where you want the acid not to etch the steel and leave the surface exposed where you want to etch the steel. You may need to experiment with several brands and colors of permanent marker to determine which makes the best resists.\\nA third method is to create an iron-on stencil by either photocopying an image onto transfer paper or printing it onto glossy photo paper with a laser printer. Place the paper onto the steel surface, image-side down, and using a clothes iron set to \\\"high,\\\" iron with smooth, circular strokes for 2 to 5 minutes. (Press gently if using transfer paper; press hard if using photo paper.) You can then remove the paper. (Transfer paper will peel away on its own, but photo paper requires soaking in a tray of hot water to soften it for removal.) The transferred ink becomes the resist for the etching acid.\\n2-3. Cover the steel's edges.\\nYou can tape over the edges or paint them. Either method keeps the acid from etching the edges.\\n2-4. Choose the acid you want to etch the steel with.\\nPossible acids include muriatic (hydrochloric) acid (HCL), nitric acid (HNO3), or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Certain non-acids that form acid in water, such as ferric chloride (FeCl3) or copper sulfate (CuSO4), can also be used as etching chemicals. How strong the acid is generally determines how fast the steel will be etched, or \\\"bitten.\\\" You can obtain etching acids and chemicals through chemical supply stores or electronics supply shops.\\nFerric chloride is normally mixed with water in equal parts to form hydrochloric acid in solution. It's more commonly used to etch copper, but it also works well to etch stainless steel. It also works with a wider range of resist materials than pure acids do; however, it can pit the surface if not attended to properly.\\nCopper sulfate is better suited to etching mild steels than stainless steel. It is best mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio with sodium chloride (NaCl - common table salt) to keep the copper sulfate from coating the steel with a deposit of copper that will stop the etching process. The blue solution gradually fades as the etching progresses and turns colorless when it's finished.\\nNitric acid is commonly mixed in a ratio of 1 part nitric acid to 3 parts water. It can also be mixed with acetic acid (vinegar), in a 1 to 1 ratio, or with hydrochloric acid.\\nSulfuric acid should be used only in concentrations from 10 to 25 percent. Generally, dilute solutions are more effective than concentrated ones. Acids generally take longer to etch steel than do chemicals that form acids in water, however.\\n2-5. Immerse the steel in a bath of the etching acid.\\nUsually, you'll want to place the steel plate face-down in the solution so that the exposed metal flakes downward into the solution and away from the plate. This produces cleaner lines when etching the steel. If you put the plate in face-up, you can sweep away the flakes as they form with a light brush or feather; this will also remove bubbles that form. (The bubbles impede the etching process, but they can also create interesting designs if left alone.) Leave the steel plate in the etching acid until the lines are cut to the depth you want.\\nWhether you put the steel plate in the etching acid face-up or face down, suspend it off the bottom of the container in some fashion. (This is particularly necessary when the plate is face down.)\\nTap the container holding the chemical bath periodically to keep the solution agitated.\\n2-6. Remove and clean the steel plate.\\nWash the plate with water to remove the acid. If you used a particularly strong acid, you may also need to use baking soda to neutralize it. You then need to remove the resist; depending on the resist material, use one of the following methods:\\nUse turpentine to remove paint or varnish grounds. (Use acetone if you used nail polish.)\\nUse alcohol, methyl hydrate, or steel wool for wax-like grounds.\\nUse running water for water-soluble inks and alcohol for inks insoluble in water.\\nTips\\nAnother way to etch steel is called anodic or galvanic etching. In this method, the steel plate is connected to the positive pole of a 12-volt battery and a bath of etching chemicals to its negative pole. The etching chemical, or electrolyte, in this method is not an acid but a chemical that can act like one when ionized by the current.[6]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nEtching acids can be used more than once to etch steel plates. Each time the acid is used, it will take longer to etch a piece of steel to the same depth as before.\\nWarnings\\nOnce the etching acid is too weak to use for etching steel, take it to a hazardous waste collection place. Do not pour it down the drain.\\nAlways work in a well-ventilated area and wear rubber gloves and safety goggles to protect your skin and eyes from the etching acid. It's also a good idea to have clean water nearby to flush your eyes or skin if you're accidentally exposed to the acid.\\nWhen diluting acid, pour the acid into the water, not the water onto the acid. Adding water to concentrated acid causes it to heat up and splash out of the container. When you add the acid to water instead, the water carries the heat safely.[7]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Because copper and zinc have gone up in price, many artisans who etch designs in metals have turned to etching steel. Although not as fine a metal as copper, steel is finer than zinc, and it is also more durable--particularly when used as a printing plate. Several kinds of steel can be etched with acid, including both mild steel and stainless steel. Following are instructions on how to acid-etch steel.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Preparing the Steel for Etching\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose the type of steel you want to etch.\", \"描述\": \"You can etch stainless steel, mild steel, or high-carbon steel. Which type of steel you etch will determine the best acid or chemical to use to etch it with.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Remove any burrs on the edges of the steel.\", \"描述\": \"File away any burrs on the side of the steel you plan to etch with acid. You can leave the burrs on the other side if you're etching a steel plate.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Scrub the steel.\", \"描述\": \"Use a chlorine cleanser on an abrasive sponge, a wire brush, fine steel wool, wet number 600 emery paper, or corundum paper, scrubbing in a circular motion. You want to leave the surface just gritty enough to grip the resist material, but not so scratched that you end up etching extra lines that aren't part of your design.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Rinse the steel with water.\", \"描述\": \"The water should sheet off the steel surface.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Clean the steel a second time with isopropyl alcohol.\", \"描述\": \"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Etching the Steel\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose the image you want to etch into the steel.\", \"描述\": \"You can either draw a freehand image or replicate an existing image onto the steel surface. Depending on which transfer method you use, you can have a fairly simple design or a complex one.\\nIf you plan to replicate an existing design, choose something in high-contrast black and white.\\nIf you plan to make and sell prints of your etching, choose an image in the public domain or get the permission of the copyright holder, if there is one.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Transfer your design onto the steel surface.\", \"描述\": \"You can transfer the design in 1 of several ways, as described below. Be aware that however you transfer your design, it will print the reverse of the way you etch it into the steel. If you plan to use the etched steel plate solely as a decoration, not to print with, this won't matter to you.\\nThe oldest method for transferring designs is to coat the steel surface with a liquid varnish or wax-like substance (like beeswax), or even enamel paint or nail polish. This coating is called a ground. You then scratch your design into the ground using needles or wider-bladed cutting tools. (This is similar to woodcutting.) The ground will serve as a resist to keep the etching acid off the steel it covers.\\nAnother method is to cover the steel surface with permanent markers in those places where you want the acid not to etch the steel and leave the surface exposed where you want to etch the steel. You may need to experiment with several brands and colors of permanent marker to determine which makes the best resists.\\nA third method is to create an iron-on stencil by either photocopying an image onto transfer paper or printing it onto glossy photo paper with a laser printer. Place the paper onto the steel surface, image-side down, and using a clothes iron set to \\\"high,\\\" iron with smooth, circular strokes for 2 to 5 minutes. (Press gently if using transfer paper; press hard if using photo paper.) You can then remove the paper. (Transfer paper will peel away on its own, but photo paper requires soaking in a tray of hot water to soften it for removal.) The transferred ink becomes the resist for the etching acid.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Cover the steel's edges.\", \"描述\": \"You can tape over the edges or paint them. Either method keeps the acid from etching the edges.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Choose the acid you want to etch the steel with.\", \"描述\": \"Possible acids include muriatic (hydrochloric) acid (HCL), nitric acid (HNO3), or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Certain non-acids that form acid in water, such as ferric chloride (FeCl3) or copper sulfate (CuSO4), can also be used as etching chemicals. How strong the acid is generally determines how fast the steel will be etched, or \\\"bitten.\\\" You can obtain etching acids and chemicals through chemical supply stores or electronics supply shops.\\nFerric chloride is normally mixed with water in equal parts to form hydrochloric acid in solution. It's more commonly used to etch copper, but it also works well to etch stainless steel. It also works with a wider range of resist materials than pure acids do; however, it can pit the surface if not attended to properly.\\nCopper sulfate is better suited to etching mild steels than stainless steel. It is best mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio with sodium chloride (NaCl - common table salt) to keep the copper sulfate from coating the steel with a deposit of copper that will stop the etching process. The blue solution gradually fades as the etching progresses and turns colorless when it's finished.\\nNitric acid is commonly mixed in a ratio of 1 part nitric acid to 3 parts water. It can also be mixed with acetic acid (vinegar), in a 1 to 1 ratio, or with hydrochloric acid.\\nSulfuric acid should be used only in concentrations from 10 to 25 percent. Generally, dilute solutions are more effective than concentrated ones. Acids generally take longer to etch steel than do chemicals that form acids in water, however.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Immerse the steel in a bath of the etching acid.\", \"描述\": \"Usually, you'll want to place the steel plate face-down in the solution so that the exposed metal flakes downward into the solution and away from the plate. This produces cleaner lines when etching the steel. If you put the plate in face-up, you can sweep away the flakes as they form with a light brush or feather; this will also remove bubbles that form. (The bubbles impede the etching process, but they can also create interesting designs if left alone.) Leave the steel plate in the etching acid until the lines are cut to the depth you want.\\nWhether you put the steel plate in the etching acid face-up or face down, suspend it off the bottom of the container in some fashion. (This is particularly necessary when the plate is face down.)\\nTap the container holding the chemical bath periodically to keep the solution agitated.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Remove and clean the steel plate.\", \"描述\": \"Wash the plate with water to remove the acid. If you used a particularly strong acid, you may also need to use baking soda to neutralize it. You then need to remove the resist; depending on the resist material, use one of the following methods:\\nUse turpentine to remove paint or varnish grounds. (Use acetone if you used nail polish.)\\nUse alcohol, methyl hydrate, or steel wool for wax-like grounds.\\nUse running water for water-soluble inks and alcohol for inks insoluble in water.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Another way to etch steel is called anodic or galvanic etching. In this method, the steel plate is connected to the positive pole of a 12-volt battery and a bath of etching chemicals to its negative pole. The etching chemical, or electrolyte, in this method is not an acid but a chemical that can act like one when ionized by the current.[6]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"Etching acids can be used more than once to etch steel plates. Each time the acid is used, it will take longer to etch a piece of steel to the same depth as before.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Once the etching acid is too weak to use for etching steel, take it to a hazardous waste collection place. Do not pour it down the drain.\\n\", \"Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear rubber gloves and safety goggles to protect your skin and eyes from the etching acid. It's also a good idea to have clean water nearby to flush your eyes or skin if you're accidentally exposed to the acid.\\n\", \"When diluting acid, pour the acid into the water, not the water onto the acid. Adding water to concentrated acid causes it to heat up and splash out of the container. When you add the acid to water instead, the water carries the heat safely.[7]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Stain Concrete
1. Preparing the Concrete Surface 1-1. Familiarize yourself with your concrete flooring. Concrete flooring that has been poured recently (in the last 10 years or so) is more likely to have been smoothed and troweled mechanically. What that means is that even though mechanically troweling the floors creates a nice, smooth top surface, it is too smooth for the acid stain to penetrate through. So, keep that troweling method in mind along with a few other conditions when figuring out if your concrete surface would be a good surface for acid staining: For concrete surfaces that are older, power-washed, or have been profiled using a machine, the surface of the concrete has to be virtually pristine before adding an acid stain. That means there should be no areas of damage revealing exposed underlying concrete or sand granules. If there are areas that are damaged, those areas are going to absorb the acid stain abnormally, and may cause areas of inconsistent coloring. The concrete slab should be free from waterproofing agents, or muriatic acid. The acid stain reaction cannot occur on surfaces treated with these products. You can usually tell if a concrete surface has a layer of waterproofing by performing a water test. All you do is pour water onto the concrete surface. If the water beads up and does not absorb into the concrete, it’s treated with a waterproofing agent. If the water sinks into the concrete, your concrete should readily absorb acid stain. 1-2. Familiarize yourself with the factors that can affect your acid staining. The current condition of the concrete is one of the biggest factors to consider when acid staining is the current condition of the concrete. An initial questions to ask yourself before staining is, “What’s on the floor now?” Depending on the answer, your concrete surface could be ready for cleaning and a direct acid stain (meaning applying the acid stain directly onto the concrete surface in its current condition), or more floor prep (and possibly a surface modification) before the acid stain application. Some other factors that can affect your acid staining include different flooring material covering the concrete surface, how the concrete surface was troweled, if the concrete has ever been patched or repaired, and if there was carpeting, if the carpet underpad was glued onto the concrete. The ideal candidates for direct acid staining are usually new construction projects (where nothing has been applied to the concrete floor and it has been kept clean), and exterior projects. Remodels are harder, as any imperfections left behind from the previous floor covering (tile, linoleum, wood, carpet, laminate, etc.) will show up to some degree in the final acid stained concrete floor. Remodels mostly require more prep work before the acid stain application. 1-3. Perform a water test to check for a sealer. Sprinkle or spray water in several places on the concrete surface. If the water beads and the color of the concrete doesn’t change in the areas you sprayed, then a barrier (usually a sealer) is present on the concrete surface, and must be removed during the floor prep process. This barrier must be removed because it will prevent the acid stain from even penetrating the concrete surface. You can remove this barrier by sanding the top layer of the concrete, or applying a micro finish overlay on top of your concrete. These barrier removal steps may also require a combination of chemical cleansers to dissolve any additions made to the concrete's surface. 1-4. Modify your concrete surface if necessary. Not all concrete surfaces will require this step, but for surfaces that have a chemical barrier on top of the concrete, are too smooth because they were machine troweled, or contain excessive contaminants from previous flooring, may all need some surface modifications. This is when sanding or a micro finish overlay may be required. Sanding the floor with a high-speed buffer and an 80-grit sanding pad provides a roughened concrete surface that helps ensure maximum adhesion of the acid stain. Sanding also helps to remove superficial contaminants like paint or surfaces stains, while removing the top layer of a sealer. After sanding, the entire floor will feel like sandpaper and the surface debris will all be sanded away. A micro finish overlay is a thin, smooth coat of concrete that resurfaces the floor to cover up defects left behind from previous flooring. This is because any residue from your previous flooring (carpeting glue, nail holes, tile adhesive outlines) can leave a “ghost image” that shows up later in acid staining process. A micro finish overlay is a little more expensive than a direct acid stain, but the resurfacing virtually eliminates all imperfections on the floor, and creates an even, covering over the original concrete that ends up looking a lot like leather. This step could get tricky for someone doing this project by themselves, and may require the professional assistance. 1-5. Choose your concrete cleaner. Once you have made your concrete surface ready for proper acid staining absorption, you need to clean the concrete surface. There are a few different concrete cleaners that can rid your concrete surface of impurities in their own way. Knowing the differences between these cleaners will allow you to clean your concrete surface with a cleaner best suited for your surface’s deposits. 1-6. Consider using a pH-neutral cleaner. A pH cleanser is mild in nature, and are normally used for cleaning indoor concrete surfaces that are already sealed. These pH cleaners can also be used on unsealed exterior or interior concrete that only requires gentle, non-irritating cleaning. 1-7. Consider using an acidic cleaner. These are the most popular types of concrete cleaners. Acidic cleaners are mainly used to get rid of staining, dirt contamination, and other contaminants that can be broken down by its acidic properties. Acidic stains come in ready-to-use applications or more concentrated solutions, and they are applied right onto any area that is affected by contamination. Acidic cleaners sometimes need to be scrubbed into the contaminated areas, and may even require more than one application. 1-8. Consider using alkaline cleaners. Alkaline cleaners are mostly used to get rid of tough stains like oil, grease, or other hard to remove hydrocarbon-based stains. These cleansers are very effective in breaking down oily and greasy contaminates due to the high alkalinity. Alkaline cleansers reap the best results when the cleanser is scrubbed into the concrete stains. A big mistake people make when using this cleanser is not giving it enough time to work its magic and remove the stain. Depending on how bad the oil stain is and how far it has seeped into the concrete, you made need to apply this cleanser many times to fully eradicate the stain. Each application will require a sitting time of approximately 3 hours. 1-9. Mask the walls. Protect your walls from getting acids stain on the bottoms and edges by covering them with masking paper. Cover all exposed walls by pulling the masking paper tightly across the wall (covering the areas closest to the floor), and securing the back of the paper to with wall with double sided tape (a piece of tape taped onto itself, sticky side out, making a loop). Spread the tape out about every 12 inches to ensure the masking paper is applied evenly. 1-10. Clean the concrete surface thoroughly. For general-purpose cleaning, sweep the floor to pick up any superficial dirt, and then scrub the floor thoroughly with trisodium phosphate (TSP). To scrub the TSP, consider using a machine powered floor scrubber with a heavy duty nylo-grit scrubber designed for aggressive concrete cleaning. Then use an industrial wet vacuum to remove all water and debris. 1-11. Remove caulk and mastic residue. Mastic and caulking compounds are incredibly difficult materials to remove from concrete. Use a putty knife or floor scraper to scrape and remove as much of the sticky substances as possible. Then use a chemical concrete chemical stripper to remove whatever leftover residue remains. Apply the cleaning agent to the concrete surface, and allow it to sit for approximately 1 hour, so it has time to soak into the concrete. Then, thoroughly rinse the surface with water, and clean up the water and debris with a wet vacuum. You can find a concrete chemical stripper at any home improvement store. Also consider using a poultice to remove mastic substances. To make a poultice, mix a fly ash or hydrated lime with denatured alcohol. This mixture makes a paste that can be added to contaminated areas. After you apply the poultice paste to the areas that have mastic residue, wait for the poultice to dry (close to an hour, maybe more depending on how thick you applied the paste), and then scrape off the now crumbling mastic debris with a putty scraper or stiff brush. 1-12. Do a final cleaning of the floor. It's very important to clean the floor one more time after using all the chemical cleaners, to remove any and all remaining residue. Scrub the concrete surface one more time with TSP, and then follow up once more with a thorough washing and rinsing with clean water. After the final rinsing of the concrete, again, use a wet vacuum to pick up all the remaining water and leftover particles. 2. Staining The Concrete 2-1. Put on your safety equipment. Remember to use goggles, gloves and a ventilation mask while working with concrete acid stain. A activated charcoal respirator may be your best defense against fumes, especially with staining concrete in areas of poor ventilation, like basements. However, even basements should be has well ventilated as possible, using fans and open windows to circulate and draw in fresh air. Also consider wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants, combined with knee guards, in case you have to get on your hands and knees. 2-2. Mix the acid stain. The acid stain mixture contains strong chemicals and fumes, so be sure to mix the stain somewhere outside, or in an area that has adequate ventilation. Pour the mixed acid stain into a plastic pump. Usually a two-gallon pump is sufficient, but be sure that it is made completely of plastic. It is important that the applicator or spray wand is also made of plastic rather than metal, because hydrochloric acid (one of the key ingredients in the acid stain), corrodes metal very easily. For floors that have been troweled and smoothed out by hand, dilute the acid stain with a 1:4 ratio of 1 part acid stain to 4 parts water. For floors that have been troweled by a machine, (which are mostly industrial or commercial flooring), the acid stain mixture will be more concentrated, with a 1:1 ratio of one part acid stain to one part water. When mixing and diluting the acid stain, you need to pour the acid into the water rather than pouring the water into the acid. This is because acids release a lot of heat when mixed with water. The water is added to the acid so you can start with a very diluted and weak acid mixture instead of adding water to the acid, and starting with a very strong acid mixture. 2-3. Test a small area of concrete. Always apply a test sample of stain to a small, inconspicuous area of the concrete to be treated. Because so many variables can affect the final color, that’s the only way to get an accurate preview of the finished look, and even then, the final outcome might look a bit different. 2-4. Apply the acid stain to the concrete. Normally, the most effective and efficient way to apply acid stain to concrete is to use a sprayer. A sprayer helps to evenly coat the concrete surface while providing quick and complete coverage. It also helps to avoid creating puddles with the stain by spraying a large area at a time rather than smaller, more concentrated areas. The spraying container you use must to be made out of plastic, and have plastic parts (like the spraying tip). That’s because the hydrochloric acid in the acid stain is highly corrosive to metal, and can cause a dangerous acidic reaction while ruining your sprayer. Start your spraying in a rear corner of the room so you can spray the entire floor and walk out of the area without walking on top the acid. Spray the acid stain with the spraying wand about a foot and a half above the ground. Consider using figure 8 patterns to spray the acid stain randomly but evenly, to thoroughly coat the floor with the stain. When you apply the acid stain, the lime deposits in the concrete are what react with the acid, giving the flooring its different coloring. Let the first coat of acid completely dry (about an hour) before adding a second coat. You can stop applying acid after the second coat, or keep adding coats until you get the coloring you want. Be very careful when walking around the stained area. Footprints from stepping in acid stain and then walking on unstained concrete can leave “burn” marks in the concrete (basically acid stains of shoe prints). Acid resistant spiked shoes (similar to soccer or golf shoes, and made with acid resistant stainless steel), are really helpful for walking around during the acid staining process, because they leave minimal shoe markings on the floor. The spikes cover less area, making foot prints a lot less visible and easier to blend into the rest of the acid stain. Don't expect color consistency or perfection. Variations are inherent in the staining process. 2-5. Neutralize the applied stain. Wait until the chemical reaction of the acid stain is complete before you neutralize the staining. It generally takes a minimum of 3 to 4 hours after applying the acid stain for the full chemical reaction to take place. The neutralizing solution is a 4:1 ratio mixture of four parts water and one part ammonia. Spray this neutralizing mixture on the floor using a plastic pump sprayer like you did with the acid stain. After spraying the neutralizing solution, the floor will look like you are washing away the acid stain. Don't be alarmed, this is just the stain residue. The acid will have already reacted with the concrete. To scrub and properly neutralize the floor, use a broom that has stiff bristles (perhaps a broom with medium bristles - not too soft not too hard), or a slow-speed floor scrubber, and work the neutralizing solution across the entire concrete surface. You may need to perform many scrubbings to fully neutralizer the surface, especially if the acid stain used was a darker color. 2-6. Clean up the floor. Use a clean mop or a big push brush with soft bristles to wash the floor and scrub off any extra water and neutralizing agent. Then, use a shop vacuum to immediately suck up the residue from the floor before it has time to dry. After you vacuum up the water and residue with the shop vacuum, you should have a general idea of how the acid coloring will look on the concrete. Allow the floor to dry completely before you add on your sealer. At this point in the process, there’s not really a way to make touch ups to the floor. You will have an idea of how the finished floor will look, but until you add the sealer, the final product is still unpredictable. If there is any remaining amount of moisture on the floor before the solvent-based sealer is applied, the concrete will have a cloudy haze covering the entire floor. This haze can only be removed by stripping the sealer and reapplying. One of the easiest ways to check if the floor is moist is to use blue painters tape. Try to stick the tape to the floor. If the tape sticks, the floor is thoroughly dried. If not, the floor is still moist and needs more time to dry. 2-7. Know what kind of finish you want on your concrete. Apply a sealer to seal in the acid stain and add a layer of protection to your concrete flooring. Adding a sealer can also help boost the appearance of the acid stain coloring. For interior acid staining projects, film-forming sealers (sealers that provide a protective top coat on the concrete surface) are the kind most often used. However, there are several different types of these sealers, and each type has its own benefits and restrictions. 2-8. Consider using a penetrating sealer. These sealers include silanes, siloxanes, and silicates. These are mostly used on outdoor concrete surfaces because they provide excellent protection from harsh, outdoor weather conditions. 2-9. Consider using an acrylic sealer. Acrylic sealers are used on both indoor and outdoor concrete surfaces. These types of sealers help bring out color from stained surfaces, and usually dry within an hour after application. They are available in both solvent-based and water-based formulas, but the solvent-based acrylics generally heighten color appearance better than their water-based counterparts. When acrylic sealers are used on indoor surfaces, they usually need many coats of wax (to act as a barrier), preventing scuffs from shoes and floor traffic. Acrylics normally wear faster than polyurethanes and epoxies. 2-10. Consider using a polyurethane sealer. Polyurethane sealers are used mostly in places like restaurants or entryways because of their durable resistance to things like shoe markings and stains. These sealers come in a wide variety of shine levels, and have a clear finish once they dry. 2-11. Consider using an epoxy sealer. Epoxies (which normally consist of a mixture of two highly protective compounds) form an extremely defensive coating on concrete surfaces. Since epoxies tend to yellow when exposed to UV rays, they tend to be confined to indoor concrete surfaces. Epoxies give a long lasting, durable finish while also being extremely water resistant. However, because of their nonporous nature, epoxies can sometimes trap water and moisture within the concrete. 2-12. Seal the floor. Rather than applying one heavy coat of sealer, apply many thin coats. Sealers can be applied with either an applicator sprayer, or paint roller, but using a spray tends to be the easiest application method. If you use a sprayer, avoid spraying too much in one area and creating small pools of sealer. If you used a paint roller, push the sealer on the floor rather than pulling it. Pulling the paint roller will result in streaks across the concrete. Allow adequate drying time (normally about 1 hour) before adding addition coats of sealer. However, a second coat of the sealer must be applied within four hours of applying the first coat. After four hours of sitting time, the first coat of sealer is too hard for the second coat to bond properly. If you use a sprayer to apply your sealer, consider using a cone-shaped spray tip rather than a fan-shaped spray tip. Allow a minimum of 4 hours before subjecting the surface to foot traffic. Within 3-4 days, the sealer will be fully dried and ready for everyday wear and tear. 2-13. Wax the concrete surface. To protect the sealant, it’s best to apply a wax finish on top of the concrete flooring. The easier way to apply wax to the acid stained floor is using a mop and a mop bucket. Pour the wax into a mop bucket, wring out the mop so it's not dripping with wax, and then apply the wax on the concrete in figure 8 patterns. After you apply the first coat of wax and wait about a half hour for it to dry, you can take down all the parchment paper you used to protect the bottoms of the walls. If the masking paper pieces fall on a concrete floor that has just been sealed, hasn't had time to dry, and hasn't been waxed yet, they can stick to the floor practically like glue. However, if the pieces of parchment paper have the chance to fall on the wax coating, they can be picked up right away. Normally within an hour of applying the final wax coating, you should be able to walk on the concrete surface. However, you should wait at least 24 hours before you move any furniture onto the freshly waxed surface. The longer the wax gets to settle on the floor, the harder and more protective it becomes. Supplementary wax coats are usually applied every three to six months to ensure the finish continues to look its best. Tips Concrete flooring isn't the only surface that can be coated with acid stains. Other concrete bricks, concrete walls, and driveways can also be stained with acid. Be aware that the concrete surface will still show through the acid stain, and combined with the stain, certain imperfections may stand out more. This is what makes every single acid staining project unique. Warnings The color charts provided by makers of the acids stains are only meant to serve as a guide. Acid staining colors all depend of the surface being stained. Acid stains, just like wood stains can highlight differences in the surfaces they are staining. This includes natural differences, but also man-made defects. It doesn't matter if you hire the best concrete acid staining contractor around, it all depends on the type of surface you present him to work on. Sometimes it's just not possible to cover up damaged areas on the flooring. To ensure your acid stained flooring is all you hoped it be, the concrete surface needs to be as blemish-free as possible. It's the only way to provide a customer with the best possible acid staining results.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:54", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Preparing the Concrete Surface\\n1-1. Familiarize yourself with your concrete flooring.\\nConcrete flooring that has been poured recently (in the last 10 years or so) is more likely to have been smoothed and troweled mechanically. What that means is that even though mechanically troweling the floors creates a nice, smooth top surface, it is too smooth for the acid stain to penetrate through. So, keep that troweling method in mind along with a few other conditions when figuring out if your concrete surface would be a good surface for acid staining:\\nFor concrete surfaces that are older, power-washed, or have been profiled using a machine, the surface of the concrete has to be virtually pristine before adding an acid stain. That means there should be no areas of damage revealing exposed underlying concrete or sand granules. If there are areas that are damaged, those areas are going to absorb the acid stain abnormally, and may cause areas of inconsistent coloring.\\nThe concrete slab should be free from waterproofing agents, or muriatic acid. The acid stain reaction cannot occur on surfaces treated with these products. You can usually tell if a concrete surface has a layer of waterproofing by performing a water test. All you do is pour water onto the concrete surface. If the water beads up and does not absorb into the concrete, it’s treated with a waterproofing agent. If the water sinks into the concrete, your concrete should readily absorb acid stain.\\n1-2. Familiarize yourself with the factors that can affect your acid staining.\\nThe current condition of the concrete is one of the biggest factors to consider when acid staining is the current condition of the concrete. An initial questions to ask yourself before staining is, “What’s on the floor now?” Depending on the answer, your concrete surface could be ready for cleaning and a direct acid stain (meaning applying the acid stain directly onto the concrete surface in its current condition), or more floor prep (and possibly a surface modification) before the acid stain application.\\nSome other factors that can affect your acid staining include different flooring material covering the concrete surface, how the concrete surface was troweled, if the concrete has ever been patched or repaired, and if there was carpeting, if the carpet underpad was glued onto the concrete.\\nThe ideal candidates for direct acid staining are usually new construction projects (where nothing has been applied to the concrete floor and it has been kept clean), and exterior projects.\\nRemodels are harder, as any imperfections left behind from the previous floor covering (tile, linoleum, wood, carpet, laminate, etc.) will show up to some degree in the final acid stained concrete floor. Remodels mostly require more prep work before the acid stain application.\\n1-3. Perform a water test to check for a sealer.\\nSprinkle or spray water in several places on the concrete surface. If the water beads and the color of the concrete doesn’t change in the areas you sprayed, then a barrier (usually a sealer) is present on the concrete surface, and must be removed during the floor prep process. This barrier must be removed because it will prevent the acid stain from even penetrating the concrete surface.\\nYou can remove this barrier by sanding the top layer of the concrete, or applying a micro finish overlay on top of your concrete. These barrier removal steps may also require a combination of chemical cleansers to dissolve any additions made to the concrete's surface.\\n1-4. Modify your concrete surface if necessary.\\nNot all concrete surfaces will require this step, but for surfaces that have a chemical barrier on top of the concrete, are too smooth because they were machine troweled, or contain excessive contaminants from previous flooring, may all need some surface modifications. This is when sanding or a micro finish overlay may be required.\\nSanding the floor with a high-speed buffer and an 80-grit sanding pad provides a roughened concrete surface that helps ensure maximum adhesion of the acid stain. Sanding also helps to remove superficial contaminants like paint or surfaces stains, while removing the top layer of a sealer. After sanding, the entire floor will feel like sandpaper and the surface debris will all be sanded away.\\nA micro finish overlay is a thin, smooth coat of concrete that resurfaces the floor to cover up defects left behind from previous flooring. This is because any residue from your previous flooring (carpeting glue, nail holes, tile adhesive outlines) can leave a “ghost image” that shows up later in acid staining process.\\nA micro finish overlay is a little more expensive than a direct acid stain, but the resurfacing virtually eliminates all imperfections on the floor, and creates an even, covering over the original concrete that ends up looking a lot like leather. This step could get tricky for someone doing this project by themselves, and may require the professional assistance.\\n1-5. Choose your concrete cleaner.\\nOnce you have made your concrete surface ready for proper acid staining absorption, you need to clean the concrete surface. There are a few different concrete cleaners that can rid your concrete surface of impurities in their own way.\\nKnowing the differences between these cleaners will allow you to clean your concrete surface with a cleaner best suited for your surface’s deposits.\\n1-6. Consider using a pH-neutral cleaner.\\nA pH cleanser is mild in nature, and are normally used for cleaning indoor concrete surfaces that are already sealed.\\nThese pH cleaners can also be used on unsealed exterior or interior concrete that only requires gentle, non-irritating cleaning.\\n1-7. Consider using an acidic cleaner.\\nThese are the most popular types of concrete cleaners. Acidic cleaners are mainly used to get rid of staining, dirt contamination, and other contaminants that can be broken down by its acidic properties.\\nAcidic stains come in ready-to-use applications or more concentrated solutions, and they are applied right onto any area that is affected by contamination. Acidic cleaners sometimes need to be scrubbed into the contaminated areas, and may even require more than one application.\\n1-8. Consider using alkaline cleaners.\\nAlkaline cleaners are mostly used to get rid of tough stains like oil, grease, or other hard to remove hydrocarbon-based stains. These cleansers are very effective in breaking down oily and greasy contaminates due to the high alkalinity. Alkaline cleansers reap the best results when the cleanser is scrubbed into the concrete stains.\\nA big mistake people make when using this cleanser is not giving it enough time to work its magic and remove the stain. Depending on how bad the oil stain is and how far it has seeped into the concrete, you made need to apply this cleanser many times to fully eradicate the stain. Each application will require a sitting time of approximately 3 hours.\\n1-9. Mask the walls.\\nProtect your walls from getting acids stain on the bottoms and edges by covering them with masking paper. Cover all exposed walls by pulling the masking paper tightly across the wall (covering the areas closest to the floor), and securing the back of the paper to with wall with double sided tape (a piece of tape taped onto itself, sticky side out, making a loop).\\nSpread the tape out about every 12 inches to ensure the masking paper is applied evenly.\\n1-10. Clean the concrete surface thoroughly.\\nFor general-purpose cleaning, sweep the floor to pick up any superficial dirt, and then scrub the floor thoroughly with trisodium phosphate (TSP). To scrub the TSP, consider using a machine powered floor scrubber with a heavy duty nylo-grit scrubber designed for aggressive concrete cleaning. Then use an industrial wet vacuum to remove all water and debris.\\n1-11. Remove caulk and mastic residue.\\nMastic and caulking compounds are incredibly difficult materials to remove from concrete. Use a putty knife or floor scraper to scrape and remove as much of the sticky substances as possible. Then use a chemical concrete chemical stripper to remove whatever leftover residue remains. Apply the cleaning agent to the concrete surface, and allow it to sit for approximately 1 hour, so it has time to soak into the concrete. Then, thoroughly rinse the surface with water, and clean up the water and debris with a wet vacuum.\\nYou can find a concrete chemical stripper at any home improvement store.\\nAlso consider using a poultice to remove mastic substances. To make a poultice, mix a fly ash or hydrated lime with denatured alcohol. This mixture makes a paste that can be added to contaminated areas.\\nAfter you apply the poultice paste to the areas that have mastic residue, wait for the poultice to dry (close to an hour, maybe more depending on how thick you applied the paste), and then scrape off the now crumbling mastic debris with a putty scraper or stiff brush.\\n1-12. Do a final cleaning of the floor.\\nIt's very important to clean the floor one more time after using all the chemical cleaners, to remove any and all remaining residue. Scrub the concrete surface one more time with TSP, and then follow up once more with a thorough washing and rinsing with clean water.\\nAfter the final rinsing of the concrete, again, use a wet vacuum to pick up all the remaining water and leftover particles.\\n2. Staining The Concrete\\n2-1. Put on your safety equipment.\\nRemember to use goggles, gloves and a ventilation mask while working with concrete acid stain. A activated charcoal respirator may be your best defense against fumes, especially with staining concrete in areas of poor ventilation, like basements. However, even basements should be has well ventilated as possible, using fans and open windows to circulate and draw in fresh air.\\nAlso consider wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants, combined with knee guards, in case you have to get on your hands and knees.\\n2-2. Mix the acid stain.\\nThe acid stain mixture contains strong chemicals and fumes, so be sure to mix the stain somewhere outside, or in an area that has adequate ventilation. Pour the mixed acid stain into a plastic pump. Usually a two-gallon pump is sufficient, but be sure that it is made completely of plastic. It is important that the applicator or spray wand is also made of plastic rather than metal, because hydrochloric acid (one of the key ingredients in the acid stain), corrodes metal very easily.\\nFor floors that have been troweled and smoothed out by hand, dilute the acid stain with a 1:4 ratio of 1 part acid stain to 4 parts water.\\nFor floors that have been troweled by a machine, (which are mostly industrial or commercial flooring), the acid stain mixture will be more concentrated, with a 1:1 ratio of one part acid stain to one part water.\\nWhen mixing and diluting the acid stain, you need to pour the acid into the water rather than pouring the water into the acid. This is because acids release a lot of heat when mixed with water. The water is added to the acid so you can start with a very diluted and weak acid mixture instead of adding water to the acid, and starting with a very strong acid mixture.\\n2-3. Test a small area of concrete.\\nAlways apply a test sample of stain to a small, inconspicuous area of the concrete to be treated. Because so many variables can affect the final color, that’s the only way to get an accurate preview of the finished look, and even then, the final outcome might look a bit different.\\n2-4. Apply the acid stain to the concrete.\\nNormally, the most effective and efficient way to apply acid stain to concrete is to use a sprayer. A sprayer helps to evenly coat the concrete surface while providing quick and complete coverage. It also helps to avoid creating puddles with the stain by spraying a large area at a time rather than smaller, more concentrated areas. The spraying container you use must to be made out of plastic, and have plastic parts (like the spraying tip). That’s because the hydrochloric acid in the acid stain is highly corrosive to metal, and can cause a dangerous acidic reaction while ruining your sprayer. Start your spraying in a rear corner of the room so you can spray the entire floor and walk out of the area without walking on top the acid. Spray the acid stain with the spraying wand about a foot and a half above the ground. Consider using figure 8 patterns to spray the acid stain randomly but evenly, to thoroughly coat the floor with the stain. When you apply the acid stain, the lime deposits in the concrete are what react with the acid, giving the flooring its different coloring.\\nLet the first coat of acid completely dry (about an hour) before adding a second coat. You can stop applying acid after the second coat, or keep adding coats until you get the coloring you want.\\nBe very careful when walking around the stained area. Footprints from stepping in acid stain and then walking on unstained concrete can leave “burn” marks in the concrete (basically acid stains of shoe prints).\\nAcid resistant spiked shoes (similar to soccer or golf shoes, and made with acid resistant stainless steel), are really helpful for walking around during the acid staining process, because they leave minimal shoe markings on the floor. The spikes cover less area, making foot prints a lot less visible and easier to blend into the rest of the acid stain.\\nDon't expect color consistency or perfection. Variations are inherent in the staining process.\\n2-5. Neutralize the applied stain.\\nWait until the chemical reaction of the acid stain is complete before you neutralize the staining. It generally takes a minimum of 3 to 4 hours after applying the acid stain for the full chemical reaction to take place. The neutralizing solution is a 4:1 ratio mixture of four parts water and one part ammonia. Spray this neutralizing mixture on the floor using a plastic pump sprayer like you did with the acid stain. After spraying the neutralizing solution, the floor will look like you are washing away the acid stain. Don't be alarmed, this is just the stain residue. The acid will have already reacted with the concrete. To scrub and properly neutralize the floor, use a broom that has stiff bristles (perhaps a broom with medium bristles - not too soft not too hard), or a slow-speed floor scrubber, and work the neutralizing solution across the entire concrete surface.\\nYou may need to perform many scrubbings to fully neutralizer the surface, especially if the acid stain used was a darker color.\\n2-6. Clean up the floor.\\nUse a clean mop or a big push brush with soft bristles to wash the floor and scrub off any extra water and neutralizing agent. Then, use a shop vacuum to immediately suck up the residue from the floor before it has time to dry. After you vacuum up the water and residue with the shop vacuum, you should have a general idea of how the acid coloring will look on the concrete. Allow the floor to dry completely before you add on your sealer. At this point in the process, there’s not really a way to make touch ups to the floor. You will have an idea of how the finished floor will look, but until you add the sealer, the final product is still unpredictable.\\nIf there is any remaining amount of moisture on the floor before the solvent-based sealer is applied, the concrete will have a cloudy haze covering the entire floor. This haze can only be removed by stripping the sealer and reapplying.\\nOne of the easiest ways to check if the floor is moist is to use blue painters tape. Try to stick the tape to the floor. If the tape sticks, the floor is thoroughly dried. If not, the floor is still moist and needs more time to dry.\\n2-7. Know what kind of finish you want on your concrete.\\nApply a sealer to seal in the acid stain and add a layer of protection to your concrete flooring. Adding a sealer can also help boost the appearance of the acid stain coloring. For interior acid staining projects, film-forming sealers (sealers that provide a protective top coat on the concrete surface) are the kind most often used. However, there are several different types of these sealers, and each type has its own benefits and restrictions.\\n2-8. Consider using a penetrating sealer.\\nThese sealers include silanes, siloxanes, and silicates. These are mostly used on outdoor concrete surfaces because they provide excellent protection from harsh, outdoor weather conditions.\\n2-9. Consider using an acrylic sealer.\\nAcrylic sealers are used on both indoor and outdoor concrete surfaces. These types of sealers help bring out color from stained surfaces, and usually dry within an hour after application. They are available in both solvent-based and water-based formulas, but the solvent-based acrylics generally heighten color appearance better than their water-based counterparts. When acrylic sealers are used on indoor surfaces, they usually need many coats of wax (to act as a barrier), preventing scuffs from shoes and floor traffic. Acrylics normally wear faster than polyurethanes and epoxies.\\n2-10. Consider using a polyurethane sealer.\\nPolyurethane sealers are used mostly in places like restaurants or entryways because of their durable resistance to things like shoe markings and stains. These sealers come in a wide variety of shine levels, and have a clear finish once they dry.\\n2-11. Consider using an epoxy sealer.\\nEpoxies (which normally consist of a mixture of two highly protective compounds) form an extremely defensive coating on concrete surfaces. Since epoxies tend to yellow when exposed to UV rays, they tend to be confined to indoor concrete surfaces.\\nEpoxies give a long lasting, durable finish while also being extremely water resistant. However, because of their nonporous nature, epoxies can sometimes trap water and moisture within the concrete.\\n2-12. Seal the floor.\\nRather than applying one heavy coat of sealer, apply many thin coats. Sealers can be applied with either an applicator sprayer, or paint roller, but using a spray tends to be the easiest application method. If you use a sprayer, avoid spraying too much in one area and creating small pools of sealer. If you used a paint roller, push the sealer on the floor rather than pulling it. Pulling the paint roller will result in streaks across the concrete. Allow adequate drying time (normally about 1 hour) before adding addition coats of sealer. However, a second coat of the sealer must be applied within four hours of applying the first coat. After four hours of sitting time, the first coat of sealer is too hard for the second coat to bond properly.\\nIf you use a sprayer to apply your sealer, consider using a cone-shaped spray tip rather than a fan-shaped spray tip.\\nAllow a minimum of 4 hours before subjecting the surface to foot traffic. Within 3-4 days, the sealer will be fully dried and ready for everyday wear and tear.\\n2-13. Wax the concrete surface.\\nTo protect the sealant, it’s best to apply a wax finish on top of the concrete flooring. The easier way to apply wax to the acid stained floor is using a mop and a mop bucket. Pour the wax into a mop bucket, wring out the mop so it's not dripping with wax, and then apply the wax on the concrete in figure 8 patterns. After you apply the first coat of wax and wait about a half hour for it to dry, you can take down all the parchment paper you used to protect the bottoms of the walls.\\nIf the masking paper pieces fall on a concrete floor that has just been sealed, hasn't had time to dry, and hasn't been waxed yet, they can stick to the floor practically like glue. However, if the pieces of parchment paper have the chance to fall on the wax coating, they can be picked up right away.\\nNormally within an hour of applying the final wax coating, you should be able to walk on the concrete surface. However, you should wait at least 24 hours before you move any furniture onto the freshly waxed surface. The longer the wax gets to settle on the floor, the harder and more protective it becomes.\\nSupplementary wax coats are usually applied every three to six months to ensure the finish continues to look its best.\\nTips\\nConcrete flooring isn't the only surface that can be coated with acid stains. Other concrete bricks, concrete walls, and driveways can also be stained with acid.\\nBe aware that the concrete surface will still show through the acid stain, and combined with the stain, certain imperfections may stand out more. This is what makes every single acid staining project unique.\\nWarnings\\nThe color charts provided by makers of the acids stains are only meant to serve as a guide. Acid staining colors all depend of the surface being stained.\\nAcid stains, just like wood stains can highlight differences in the surfaces they are staining. This includes natural differences, but also man-made defects.\\nIt doesn't matter if you hire the best concrete acid staining contractor around, it all depends on the type of surface you present him to work on. Sometimes it's just not possible to cover up damaged areas on the flooring. To ensure your acid stained flooring is all you hoped it be, the concrete surface needs to be as blemish-free as possible. It's the only way to provide a customer with the best possible acid staining results.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Applying acid stain to concrete can give new life to plain, and otherwise dull looking surfaces. Acid stains can give concrete a look of deep marbling, along with a color unlike any other type of available flooring. Acid staining your concrete surface can be a do-it-yourself weekend project, or you can have professionals come in and do the job. Either way, once this meticulous undertaking is completed, you'll be left with a beautiful and unique flooring design.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Preparing the Concrete Surface\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Familiarize yourself with your concrete flooring.\", \"描述\": \"Concrete flooring that has been poured recently (in the last 10 years or so) is more likely to have been smoothed and troweled mechanically. What that means is that even though mechanically troweling the floors creates a nice, smooth top surface, it is too smooth for the acid stain to penetrate through. So, keep that troweling method in mind along with a few other conditions when figuring out if your concrete surface would be a good surface for acid staining:\\nFor concrete surfaces that are older, power-washed, or have been profiled using a machine, the surface of the concrete has to be virtually pristine before adding an acid stain. That means there should be no areas of damage revealing exposed underlying concrete or sand granules. If there are areas that are damaged, those areas are going to absorb the acid stain abnormally, and may cause areas of inconsistent coloring.\\nThe concrete slab should be free from waterproofing agents, or muriatic acid. The acid stain reaction cannot occur on surfaces treated with these products. You can usually tell if a concrete surface has a layer of waterproofing by performing a water test. All you do is pour water onto the concrete surface. If the water beads up and does not absorb into the concrete, it’s treated with a waterproofing agent. If the water sinks into the concrete, your concrete should readily absorb acid stain.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Familiarize yourself with the factors that can affect your acid staining.\", \"描述\": \"The current condition of the concrete is one of the biggest factors to consider when acid staining is the current condition of the concrete. An initial questions to ask yourself before staining is, “What’s on the floor now?” Depending on the answer, your concrete surface could be ready for cleaning and a direct acid stain (meaning applying the acid stain directly onto the concrete surface in its current condition), or more floor prep (and possibly a surface modification) before the acid stain application.\\nSome other factors that can affect your acid staining include different flooring material covering the concrete surface, how the concrete surface was troweled, if the concrete has ever been patched or repaired, and if there was carpeting, if the carpet underpad was glued onto the concrete.\\nThe ideal candidates for direct acid staining are usually new construction projects (where nothing has been applied to the concrete floor and it has been kept clean), and exterior projects.\\nRemodels are harder, as any imperfections left behind from the previous floor covering (tile, linoleum, wood, carpet, laminate, etc.) will show up to some degree in the final acid stained concrete floor. Remodels mostly require more prep work before the acid stain application.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Perform a water test to check for a sealer.\", \"描述\": \"Sprinkle or spray water in several places on the concrete surface. If the water beads and the color of the concrete doesn’t change in the areas you sprayed, then a barrier (usually a sealer) is present on the concrete surface, and must be removed during the floor prep process. This barrier must be removed because it will prevent the acid stain from even penetrating the concrete surface.\\nYou can remove this barrier by sanding the top layer of the concrete, or applying a micro finish overlay on top of your concrete. These barrier removal steps may also require a combination of chemical cleansers to dissolve any additions made to the concrete's surface.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Modify your concrete surface if necessary.\", \"描述\": \"Not all concrete surfaces will require this step, but for surfaces that have a chemical barrier on top of the concrete, are too smooth because they were machine troweled, or contain excessive contaminants from previous flooring, may all need some surface modifications. This is when sanding or a micro finish overlay may be required.\\nSanding the floor with a high-speed buffer and an 80-grit sanding pad provides a roughened concrete surface that helps ensure maximum adhesion of the acid stain. Sanding also helps to remove superficial contaminants like paint or surfaces stains, while removing the top layer of a sealer. After sanding, the entire floor will feel like sandpaper and the surface debris will all be sanded away.\\nA micro finish overlay is a thin, smooth coat of concrete that resurfaces the floor to cover up defects left behind from previous flooring. This is because any residue from your previous flooring (carpeting glue, nail holes, tile adhesive outlines) can leave a “ghost image” that shows up later in acid staining process.\\nA micro finish overlay is a little more expensive than a direct acid stain, but the resurfacing virtually eliminates all imperfections on the floor, and creates an even, covering over the original concrete that ends up looking a lot like leather. This step could get tricky for someone doing this project by themselves, and may require the professional assistance.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Choose your concrete cleaner.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have made your concrete surface ready for proper acid staining absorption, you need to clean the concrete surface. There are a few different concrete cleaners that can rid your concrete surface of impurities in their own way.\\nKnowing the differences between these cleaners will allow you to clean your concrete surface with a cleaner best suited for your surface’s deposits.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Consider using a pH-neutral cleaner.\", \"描述\": \"A pH cleanser is mild in nature, and are normally used for cleaning indoor concrete surfaces that are already sealed.\\nThese pH cleaners can also be used on unsealed exterior or interior concrete that only requires gentle, non-irritating cleaning.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Consider using an acidic cleaner.\", \"描述\": \"These are the most popular types of concrete cleaners. Acidic cleaners are mainly used to get rid of staining, dirt contamination, and other contaminants that can be broken down by its acidic properties.\\nAcidic stains come in ready-to-use applications or more concentrated solutions, and they are applied right onto any area that is affected by contamination. Acidic cleaners sometimes need to be scrubbed into the contaminated areas, and may even require more than one application.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Consider using alkaline cleaners.\", \"描述\": \"Alkaline cleaners are mostly used to get rid of tough stains like oil, grease, or other hard to remove hydrocarbon-based stains. These cleansers are very effective in breaking down oily and greasy contaminates due to the high alkalinity. Alkaline cleansers reap the best results when the cleanser is scrubbed into the concrete stains.\\nA big mistake people make when using this cleanser is not giving it enough time to work its magic and remove the stain. Depending on how bad the oil stain is and how far it has seeped into the concrete, you made need to apply this cleanser many times to fully eradicate the stain. Each application will require a sitting time of approximately 3 hours.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Mask the walls.\", \"描述\": \"Protect your walls from getting acids stain on the bottoms and edges by covering them with masking paper. Cover all exposed walls by pulling the masking paper tightly across the wall (covering the areas closest to the floor), and securing the back of the paper to with wall with double sided tape (a piece of tape taped onto itself, sticky side out, making a loop).\\nSpread the tape out about every 12 inches to ensure the masking paper is applied evenly.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Clean the concrete surface thoroughly.\", \"描述\": \"For general-purpose cleaning, sweep the floor to pick up any superficial dirt, and then scrub the floor thoroughly with trisodium phosphate (TSP). To scrub the TSP, consider using a machine powered floor scrubber with a heavy duty nylo-grit scrubber designed for aggressive concrete cleaning. Then use an industrial wet vacuum to remove all water and debris.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Remove caulk and mastic residue.\", \"描述\": \"Mastic and caulking compounds are incredibly difficult materials to remove from concrete. Use a putty knife or floor scraper to scrape and remove as much of the sticky substances as possible. Then use a chemical concrete chemical stripper to remove whatever leftover residue remains. Apply the cleaning agent to the concrete surface, and allow it to sit for approximately 1 hour, so it has time to soak into the concrete. Then, thoroughly rinse the surface with water, and clean up the water and debris with a wet vacuum.\\nYou can find a concrete chemical stripper at any home improvement store.\\nAlso consider using a poultice to remove mastic substances. To make a poultice, mix a fly ash or hydrated lime with denatured alcohol. This mixture makes a paste that can be added to contaminated areas.\\nAfter you apply the poultice paste to the areas that have mastic residue, wait for the poultice to dry (close to an hour, maybe more depending on how thick you applied the paste), and then scrape off the now crumbling mastic debris with a putty scraper or stiff brush.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Do a final cleaning of the floor.\", \"描述\": \"It's very important to clean the floor one more time after using all the chemical cleaners, to remove any and all remaining residue. Scrub the concrete surface one more time with TSP, and then follow up once more with a thorough washing and rinsing with clean water.\\nAfter the final rinsing of the concrete, again, use a wet vacuum to pick up all the remaining water and leftover particles.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Staining The Concrete\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Put on your safety equipment.\", \"描述\": \"Remember to use goggles, gloves and a ventilation mask while working with concrete acid stain. A activated charcoal respirator may be your best defense against fumes, especially with staining concrete in areas of poor ventilation, like basements. However, even basements should be has well ventilated as possible, using fans and open windows to circulate and draw in fresh air.\\nAlso consider wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants, combined with knee guards, in case you have to get on your hands and knees.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Mix the acid stain.\", \"描述\": \"The acid stain mixture contains strong chemicals and fumes, so be sure to mix the stain somewhere outside, or in an area that has adequate ventilation. Pour the mixed acid stain into a plastic pump. Usually a two-gallon pump is sufficient, but be sure that it is made completely of plastic. It is important that the applicator or spray wand is also made of plastic rather than metal, because hydrochloric acid (one of the key ingredients in the acid stain), corrodes metal very easily.\\nFor floors that have been troweled and smoothed out by hand, dilute the acid stain with a 1:4 ratio of 1 part acid stain to 4 parts water.\\nFor floors that have been troweled by a machine, (which are mostly industrial or commercial flooring), the acid stain mixture will be more concentrated, with a 1:1 ratio of one part acid stain to one part water.\\nWhen mixing and diluting the acid stain, you need to pour the acid into the water rather than pouring the water into the acid. This is because acids release a lot of heat when mixed with water. The water is added to the acid so you can start with a very diluted and weak acid mixture instead of adding water to the acid, and starting with a very strong acid mixture.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Test a small area of concrete.\", \"描述\": \"Always apply a test sample of stain to a small, inconspicuous area of the concrete to be treated. Because so many variables can affect the final color, that’s the only way to get an accurate preview of the finished look, and even then, the final outcome might look a bit different.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Apply the acid stain to the concrete.\", \"描述\": \"Normally, the most effective and efficient way to apply acid stain to concrete is to use a sprayer. A sprayer helps to evenly coat the concrete surface while providing quick and complete coverage. It also helps to avoid creating puddles with the stain by spraying a large area at a time rather than smaller, more concentrated areas. The spraying container you use must to be made out of plastic, and have plastic parts (like the spraying tip). That’s because the hydrochloric acid in the acid stain is highly corrosive to metal, and can cause a dangerous acidic reaction while ruining your sprayer. Start your spraying in a rear corner of the room so you can spray the entire floor and walk out of the area without walking on top the acid. Spray the acid stain with the spraying wand about a foot and a half above the ground. Consider using figure 8 patterns to spray the acid stain randomly but evenly, to thoroughly coat the floor with the stain. When you apply the acid stain, the lime deposits in the concrete are what react with the acid, giving the flooring its different coloring.\\nLet the first coat of acid completely dry (about an hour) before adding a second coat. You can stop applying acid after the second coat, or keep adding coats until you get the coloring you want.\\nBe very careful when walking around the stained area. Footprints from stepping in acid stain and then walking on unstained concrete can leave “burn” marks in the concrete (basically acid stains of shoe prints).\\nAcid resistant spiked shoes (similar to soccer or golf shoes, and made with acid resistant stainless steel), are really helpful for walking around during the acid staining process, because they leave minimal shoe markings on the floor. The spikes cover less area, making foot prints a lot less visible and easier to blend into the rest of the acid stain.\\nDon't expect color consistency or perfection. Variations are inherent in the staining process.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Neutralize the applied stain.\", \"描述\": \"Wait until the chemical reaction of the acid stain is complete before you neutralize the staining. It generally takes a minimum of 3 to 4 hours after applying the acid stain for the full chemical reaction to take place. The neutralizing solution is a 4:1 ratio mixture of four parts water and one part ammonia. Spray this neutralizing mixture on the floor using a plastic pump sprayer like you did with the acid stain. After spraying the neutralizing solution, the floor will look like you are washing away the acid stain. Don't be alarmed, this is just the stain residue. The acid will have already reacted with the concrete. To scrub and properly neutralize the floor, use a broom that has stiff bristles (perhaps a broom with medium bristles - not too soft not too hard), or a slow-speed floor scrubber, and work the neutralizing solution across the entire concrete surface.\\nYou may need to perform many scrubbings to fully neutralizer the surface, especially if the acid stain used was a darker color.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Clean up the floor.\", \"描述\": \"Use a clean mop or a big push brush with soft bristles to wash the floor and scrub off any extra water and neutralizing agent. Then, use a shop vacuum to immediately suck up the residue from the floor before it has time to dry. After you vacuum up the water and residue with the shop vacuum, you should have a general idea of how the acid coloring will look on the concrete. Allow the floor to dry completely before you add on your sealer. At this point in the process, there’s not really a way to make touch ups to the floor. You will have an idea of how the finished floor will look, but until you add the sealer, the final product is still unpredictable.\\nIf there is any remaining amount of moisture on the floor before the solvent-based sealer is applied, the concrete will have a cloudy haze covering the entire floor. This haze can only be removed by stripping the sealer and reapplying.\\nOne of the easiest ways to check if the floor is moist is to use blue painters tape. Try to stick the tape to the floor. If the tape sticks, the floor is thoroughly dried. If not, the floor is still moist and needs more time to dry.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Know what kind of finish you want on your concrete.\", \"描述\": \"Apply a sealer to seal in the acid stain and add a layer of protection to your concrete flooring. Adding a sealer can also help boost the appearance of the acid stain coloring. For interior acid staining projects, film-forming sealers (sealers that provide a protective top coat on the concrete surface) are the kind most often used. However, there are several different types of these sealers, and each type has its own benefits and restrictions.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Consider using a penetrating sealer.\", \"描述\": \"These sealers include silanes, siloxanes, and silicates. These are mostly used on outdoor concrete surfaces because they provide excellent protection from harsh, outdoor weather conditions.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Consider using an acrylic sealer.\", \"描述\": \"Acrylic sealers are used on both indoor and outdoor concrete surfaces. These types of sealers help bring out color from stained surfaces, and usually dry within an hour after application. They are available in both solvent-based and water-based formulas, but the solvent-based acrylics generally heighten color appearance better than their water-based counterparts. When acrylic sealers are used on indoor surfaces, they usually need many coats of wax (to act as a barrier), preventing scuffs from shoes and floor traffic. Acrylics normally wear faster than polyurethanes and epoxies.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Consider using a polyurethane sealer.\", \"描述\": \"Polyurethane sealers are used mostly in places like restaurants or entryways because of their durable resistance to things like shoe markings and stains. These sealers come in a wide variety of shine levels, and have a clear finish once they dry.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Consider using an epoxy sealer.\", \"描述\": \"Epoxies (which normally consist of a mixture of two highly protective compounds) form an extremely defensive coating on concrete surfaces. Since epoxies tend to yellow when exposed to UV rays, they tend to be confined to indoor concrete surfaces.\\nEpoxies give a long lasting, durable finish while also being extremely water resistant. However, because of their nonporous nature, epoxies can sometimes trap water and moisture within the concrete.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Seal the floor.\", \"描述\": \"Rather than applying one heavy coat of sealer, apply many thin coats. Sealers can be applied with either an applicator sprayer, or paint roller, but using a spray tends to be the easiest application method. If you use a sprayer, avoid spraying too much in one area and creating small pools of sealer. If you used a paint roller, push the sealer on the floor rather than pulling it. Pulling the paint roller will result in streaks across the concrete. Allow adequate drying time (normally about 1 hour) before adding addition coats of sealer. However, a second coat of the sealer must be applied within four hours of applying the first coat. After four hours of sitting time, the first coat of sealer is too hard for the second coat to bond properly.\\nIf you use a sprayer to apply your sealer, consider using a cone-shaped spray tip rather than a fan-shaped spray tip.\\nAllow a minimum of 4 hours before subjecting the surface to foot traffic. Within 3-4 days, the sealer will be fully dried and ready for everyday wear and tear.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Wax the concrete surface.\", \"描述\": \"To protect the sealant, it’s best to apply a wax finish on top of the concrete flooring. The easier way to apply wax to the acid stained floor is using a mop and a mop bucket. Pour the wax into a mop bucket, wring out the mop so it's not dripping with wax, and then apply the wax on the concrete in figure 8 patterns. After you apply the first coat of wax and wait about a half hour for it to dry, you can take down all the parchment paper you used to protect the bottoms of the walls.\\nIf the masking paper pieces fall on a concrete floor that has just been sealed, hasn't had time to dry, and hasn't been waxed yet, they can stick to the floor practically like glue. However, if the pieces of parchment paper have the chance to fall on the wax coating, they can be picked up right away.\\nNormally within an hour of applying the final wax coating, you should be able to walk on the concrete surface. However, you should wait at least 24 hours before you move any furniture onto the freshly waxed surface. The longer the wax gets to settle on the floor, the harder and more protective it becomes.\\nSupplementary wax coats are usually applied every three to six months to ensure the finish continues to look its best.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Concrete flooring isn't the only surface that can be coated with acid stains. Other concrete bricks, concrete walls, and driveways can also be stained with acid.\\n\", \"Be aware that the concrete surface will still show through the acid stain, and combined with the stain, certain imperfections may stand out more. This is what makes every single acid staining project unique.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"The color charts provided by makers of the acids stains are only meant to serve as a guide. Acid staining colors all depend of the surface being stained.\\n\", \"Acid stains, just like wood stains can highlight differences in the surfaces they are staining. This includes natural differences, but also man-made defects.\\n\", \"It doesn't matter if you hire the best concrete acid staining contractor around, it all depends on the type of surface you present him to work on. Sometimes it's just not possible to cover up damaged areas on the flooring. To ensure your acid stained flooring is all you hoped it be, the concrete surface needs to be as blemish-free as possible. It's the only way to provide a customer with the best possible acid staining results.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Wash Aluminum
1. Acid Washing Aluminum 1-1. Apply the acid wash to the surface of your aluminum. This step will depend on the size of your piece and the stain you are trying to remove. If you have a stain that covers a large portion of the aluminum, it is often best to soak the piece in the acid for 1 to 2 hours. If you are removing a small stain or do not have a tank big enough for your piece to fit in, you can put your acid on a rag and rub gently back and forth. Do not go in a circular motion, as this can cause the aluminum to look uneven in the finished product. 1-2. Scrub lightly with a soft abrasive if needed. If the stain does not come off easily with just acid, consider using salt or baking soda as a minimal abrasive. You can rub it in with a rag. Put as little force into the scrubbing as possible to minimize scratches on your aluminum surface. Sometimes, steel wool is used as a more serious abrasive. If you feel that you need to do this, you should look for the finest grade of steel wool that you can buy and be very gentle with it. Scratches in your aluminum will allow things to get stuck on even worse in the future. 1-3. Rinse the acid away and dry the piece. If you leave acid on your piece it can eventually damage it and cause pitting. Rinse the piece in room temperature (about 70 °F (21 °C)) water. Once the acid is removed, simply dry the piece with a soft, clean towel. 1-4. Protect the aluminum from future damage by polishing it. You can find an aluminum polish at your local home improvement store, or order one online. Apply the polish by rubbing it in a circular motion with a rag, and then removing it with another rag. Buff the surface with a clean rag to shine up your piece. Do not put aluminum polish on any surface that will come in contact with food or fire. It is flammable and toxic. 2. Making an Acid Cleaning Solution 2-1. Choose an appropriate acid. Muriatic acid, otherwise known as hydrochloric acid, is a common choice for an acid wash. It is reasonably safe for the aluminum and fairly easy to come by. Keep in mind that this acid is very dangerous and should be kept away from pets and children. It is also toxic to the environment. Muriatic acid isn’t pure hydrochloric acid and doesn’t have a standard concentration. Make sure to always check the product label to know the exact concentration. Wear gloves and protective eyewear to avoid any irritation. Another approach is to make an acid solution from vinegar or cream of tartar and water. This is safer than using muriatic acid or other strong acids. 2-2. Pour your acid into water to dilute it. It is very important that you do this correctly. When water and acid mix, a large amount of heat is generated. As long as you pour the acid into a container of water, the heat will be safely dispersed. Consult the label or manufacturer for dilution ratios of water to acid. If you pour the water into the acid, the initial mixture is very concentrated acid, and it may get hot enough to flash boil, sending concentrated acid spewing out of the container. Pouring acid into water prevents this and protects you from flash boiling. 2-3. Keep the acid wash at room temperature. Room temperature is ideal for the acid to remove grime and corrosion from your aluminum. This works out great if you have to scrub the piece, as dealing with very hot or very cold acid could be difficult. You should also be sure that the aluminum piece is at room temperature before attempting to clean it with acid. You can also boil a dilute acid solution (e.g. 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar in 1 US quart (950 ml) of water) in a corroded pot or pan and then rinse and wipe it clean. 3. Pre-Washing Aluminum 3-1. Use warm water and a degreaser to wash the aluminum surface. The goal is to remove as much dirt and grime as possible. If you are trying to clean corrosion off of your aluminum piece, the acid will need to be able to reach the corrosion to do its job. Washing as many contaminants as possible from the piece prepares it for the acid wash. 3-2. Choose a light abrasive for any needed scrubbing. A little bit of scrubbing might be needed to remove things such as burnt-on food. If this is the case, you want to use the softest method that will work. Baking soda rubbed with a rag is a good idea. Remember to use a back and forth motion rather than a circular motion to ensure an even look. 3-3. Rinse and dry the piece thoroughly before the acid wash. Once you have washed and scrubbed the piece, it is ready for the acid wash. Rinse off any residues left behind by things such as detergent or baking soda. Dry the aluminum surface with a soft rag before exposing it to the acid solution. Tips Test a small, hidden portion of your piece before exposing it to a new cleaner.[14] X Research source Warnings It is best to wear gloves when working with acids even if they are diluted. If you are working with a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, you should wear gloves, goggles, and other skin protection. If using a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid, the fumes can be dangerous. Wear a respirator or work under a ventilated hood. Avoid harsh chemicals when possible.[15] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:54", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Acid Washing Aluminum\\n1-1. Apply the acid wash to the surface of your aluminum.\\nThis step will depend on the size of your piece and the stain you are trying to remove. If you have a stain that covers a large portion of the aluminum, it is often best to soak the piece in the acid for 1 to 2 hours. If you are removing a small stain or do not have a tank big enough for your piece to fit in, you can put your acid on a rag and rub gently back and forth.\\nDo not go in a circular motion, as this can cause the aluminum to look uneven in the finished product.\\n1-2. Scrub lightly with a soft abrasive if needed.\\nIf the stain does not come off easily with just acid, consider using salt or baking soda as a minimal abrasive. You can rub it in with a rag. Put as little force into the scrubbing as possible to minimize scratches on your aluminum surface. \\nSometimes, steel wool is used as a more serious abrasive. If you feel that you need to do this, you should look for the finest grade of steel wool that you can buy and be very gentle with it. Scratches in your aluminum will allow things to get stuck on even worse in the future.\\n1-3. Rinse the acid away and dry the piece.\\nIf you leave acid on your piece it can eventually damage it and cause pitting. Rinse the piece in room temperature (about 70 °F (21 °C)) water. Once the acid is removed, simply dry the piece with a soft, clean towel.\\n1-4. Protect the aluminum from future damage by polishing it.\\nYou can find an aluminum polish at your local home improvement store, or order one online. Apply the polish by rubbing it in a circular motion with a rag, and then removing it with another rag. Buff the surface with a clean rag to shine up your piece.\\nDo not put aluminum polish on any surface that will come in contact with food or fire. It is flammable and toxic.\\n2. Making an Acid Cleaning Solution\\n2-1. Choose an appropriate acid.\\nMuriatic acid, otherwise known as hydrochloric acid, is a common choice for an acid wash. It is reasonably safe for the aluminum and fairly easy to come by. Keep in mind that this acid is very dangerous and should be kept away from pets and children. It is also toxic to the environment.\\nMuriatic acid isn’t pure hydrochloric acid and doesn’t have a standard concentration. Make sure to always check the product label to know the exact concentration.\\nWear gloves and protective eyewear to avoid any irritation.\\nAnother approach is to make an acid solution from vinegar or cream of tartar and water. This is safer than using muriatic acid or other strong acids.\\n2-2. Pour your acid into water to dilute it.\\nIt is very important that you do this correctly. When water and acid mix, a large amount of heat is generated. As long as you pour the acid into a container of water, the heat will be safely dispersed. Consult the label or manufacturer for dilution ratios of water to acid.\\nIf you pour the water into the acid, the initial mixture is very concentrated acid, and it may get hot enough to flash boil, sending concentrated acid spewing out of the container. Pouring acid into water prevents this and protects you from flash boiling.\\n2-3. Keep the acid wash at room temperature.\\nRoom temperature is ideal for the acid to remove grime and corrosion from your aluminum. This works out great if you have to scrub the piece, as dealing with very hot or very cold acid could be difficult. You should also be sure that the aluminum piece is at room temperature before attempting to clean it with acid.\\nYou can also boil a dilute acid solution (e.g. 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar in 1 US quart (950 ml) of water) in a corroded pot or pan and then rinse and wipe it clean.\\n3. Pre-Washing Aluminum\\n3-1. Use warm water and a degreaser to wash the aluminum surface.\\nThe goal is to remove as much dirt and grime as possible. If you are trying to clean corrosion off of your aluminum piece, the acid will need to be able to reach the corrosion to do its job. Washing as many contaminants as possible from the piece prepares it for the acid wash.\\n3-2. Choose a light abrasive for any needed scrubbing.\\nA little bit of scrubbing might be needed to remove things such as burnt-on food. If this is the case, you want to use the softest method that will work. Baking soda rubbed with a rag is a good idea. Remember to use a back and forth motion rather than a circular motion to ensure an even look.\\n3-3. Rinse and dry the piece thoroughly before the acid wash.\\nOnce you have washed and scrubbed the piece, it is ready for the acid wash. Rinse off any residues left behind by things such as detergent or baking soda. Dry the aluminum surface with a soft rag before exposing it to the acid solution.\\nTips\\nTest a small, hidden portion of your piece before exposing it to a new cleaner.[14]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nWarnings\\nIt is best to wear gloves when working with acids even if they are diluted. If you are working with a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, you should wear gloves, goggles, and other skin protection.\\nIf using a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid, the fumes can be dangerous. Wear a respirator or work under a ventilated hood.\\nAvoid harsh chemicals when possible.[15]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Aluminum is a readily available metal that is used in a wide range of products. Aluminum alloys (pure aluminum mixed with other metals) are used in everything from cooking utensils to household furnishings and vehicle parts. The surface layer of an aluminum piece also forms a strong bond with oxygen from the air. This protects the aluminum and makes it more durable, but can also cause a discolored or dull appearance. Acid can often be used to neutralize the oxidation on the aluminum surface to restore the bright, shiny appearance of aluminum.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Acid Washing Aluminum\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Apply the acid wash to the surface of your aluminum.\", \"描述\": \"This step will depend on the size of your piece and the stain you are trying to remove. If you have a stain that covers a large portion of the aluminum, it is often best to soak the piece in the acid for 1 to 2 hours. If you are removing a small stain or do not have a tank big enough for your piece to fit in, you can put your acid on a rag and rub gently back and forth.\\nDo not go in a circular motion, as this can cause the aluminum to look uneven in the finished product.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Scrub lightly with a soft abrasive if needed.\", \"描述\": \"If the stain does not come off easily with just acid, consider using salt or baking soda as a minimal abrasive. You can rub it in with a rag. Put as little force into the scrubbing as possible to minimize scratches on your aluminum surface. \\nSometimes, steel wool is used as a more serious abrasive. If you feel that you need to do this, you should look for the finest grade of steel wool that you can buy and be very gentle with it. Scratches in your aluminum will allow things to get stuck on even worse in the future.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Rinse the acid away and dry the piece.\", \"描述\": \"If you leave acid on your piece it can eventually damage it and cause pitting. Rinse the piece in room temperature (about 70 °F (21 °C)) water. Once the acid is removed, simply dry the piece with a soft, clean towel.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Protect the aluminum from future damage by polishing it.\", \"描述\": \"You can find an aluminum polish at your local home improvement store, or order one online. Apply the polish by rubbing it in a circular motion with a rag, and then removing it with another rag. Buff the surface with a clean rag to shine up your piece.\\nDo not put aluminum polish on any surface that will come in contact with food or fire. It is flammable and toxic.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Making an Acid Cleaning Solution\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose an appropriate acid.\", \"描述\": \"Muriatic acid, otherwise known as hydrochloric acid, is a common choice for an acid wash. It is reasonably safe for the aluminum and fairly easy to come by. Keep in mind that this acid is very dangerous and should be kept away from pets and children. It is also toxic to the environment.\\nMuriatic acid isn’t pure hydrochloric acid and doesn’t have a standard concentration. Make sure to always check the product label to know the exact concentration.\\nWear gloves and protective eyewear to avoid any irritation.\\nAnother approach is to make an acid solution from vinegar or cream of tartar and water. This is safer than using muriatic acid or other strong acids.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Pour your acid into water to dilute it.\", \"描述\": \"It is very important that you do this correctly. When water and acid mix, a large amount of heat is generated. As long as you pour the acid into a container of water, the heat will be safely dispersed. Consult the label or manufacturer for dilution ratios of water to acid.\\nIf you pour the water into the acid, the initial mixture is very concentrated acid, and it may get hot enough to flash boil, sending concentrated acid spewing out of the container. Pouring acid into water prevents this and protects you from flash boiling.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Keep the acid wash at room temperature.\", \"描述\": \"Room temperature is ideal for the acid to remove grime and corrosion from your aluminum. This works out great if you have to scrub the piece, as dealing with very hot or very cold acid could be difficult. You should also be sure that the aluminum piece is at room temperature before attempting to clean it with acid.\\nYou can also boil a dilute acid solution (e.g. 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar in 1 US quart (950 ml) of water) in a corroded pot or pan and then rinse and wipe it clean.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Pre-Washing Aluminum\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Use warm water and a degreaser to wash the aluminum surface.\", \"描述\": \"The goal is to remove as much dirt and grime as possible. If you are trying to clean corrosion off of your aluminum piece, the acid will need to be able to reach the corrosion to do its job. Washing as many contaminants as possible from the piece prepares it for the acid wash.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Choose a light abrasive for any needed scrubbing.\", \"描述\": \"A little bit of scrubbing might be needed to remove things such as burnt-on food. If this is the case, you want to use the softest method that will work. Baking soda rubbed with a rag is a good idea. Remember to use a back and forth motion rather than a circular motion to ensure an even look.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Rinse and dry the piece thoroughly before the acid wash.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have washed and scrubbed the piece, it is ready for the acid wash. Rinse off any residues left behind by things such as detergent or baking soda. Dry the aluminum surface with a soft rag before exposing it to the acid solution.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Test a small, hidden portion of your piece before exposing it to a new cleaner.[14]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"It is best to wear gloves when working with acids even if they are diluted. If you are working with a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, you should wear gloves, goggles, and other skin protection.\\n\", \"If using a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid, the fumes can be dangerous. Wear a respirator or work under a ventilated hood.\\n\", \"Avoid harsh chemicals when possible.[15]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Wash Black Jeans
1. Steps 1-1. Wear old clothes that you would not mind getting bleached. Put on rubber gloves to protect your hands when handling the bleach. 1-2. Soak pumice stones, the kind used in pedicures, in laundry bleach overnight. Do this in a well-ventilated place. 1-3. Combine 2 parts bleach with 1 part water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to mix the bleach and water together. Lay your black jeans out flat. 1-4. Bunch up areas of the jeans, if desired. Hold them in place with elastic hair ties. 1-5. Spray as much or as little of the bleach solution as you want on your jeans, whether bunched up or flat, in the locations where you want the acid washed look to appear. 1-6. Scrub the bleach-soaked pumice stones onto the jeans wherever you choose. This will wear the denim down and help acid wash them. 1-7. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the fading on the jeans to occur. 1-8. Set your washing machine for a small load and fill it with water. Wash your acid washed black jeans several times by themselves or with clothes that are safe to be bleached. 1-9. Put your faded jeans in the dryer and dry as normal. Leave them in the dryer until completely dry if you wish them to shrink. Otherwise, remove the damp jeans and hang them to dry completely. Tips Soak your jeans or other denim clothing completely in the bleach water solution to create an all-over acid washed look instead of spraying them in places. Experiment with acid washing denim clothing of different colors, such as red. If you would rather not have to soak the pumice stones or cannot find any stones, try rubbing dry sandpaper on your jeans before spraying or soaking them in the bleach solution. The sandpaper's coarseness will help wear down and soften the denim fabric to create a worn look. Warnings Never let the bleach solution remain on the jeans for more than 20 minutes before washing them. After 20 minutes, the bleach will start to eat away at the denim.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:54", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Wear old clothes that you would not mind getting bleached.\\nPut on rubber gloves to protect your hands when handling the bleach.\\n1-2. Soak pumice stones, the kind used in pedicures, in laundry bleach overnight.\\nDo this in a well-ventilated place.\\n1-3. Combine 2 parts bleach with 1 part water in a spray bottle.\\nShake the bottle to mix the bleach and water together. Lay your black jeans out flat.\\n1-4. Bunch up areas of the jeans, if desired.\\nHold them in place with elastic hair ties.\\n1-5. Spray as much or as little of the bleach solution as you want on your jeans, whether bunched up or flat, in the locations where you want the acid washed look to appear.\\n\\n1-6. Scrub the bleach-soaked pumice stones onto the jeans wherever you choose.\\nThis will wear the denim down and help acid wash them.\\n1-7. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the fading on the jeans to occur.\\n\\n1-8. Set your washing machine for a small load and fill it with water.\\nWash your acid washed black jeans several times by themselves or with clothes that are safe to be bleached.\\n1-9. Put your faded jeans in the dryer and dry as normal.\\nLeave them in the dryer until completely dry if you wish them to shrink. Otherwise, remove the damp jeans and hang them to dry completely.\\nTips\\nSoak your jeans or other denim clothing completely in the bleach water solution to create an all-over acid washed look instead of spraying them in places.\\nExperiment with acid washing denim clothing of different colors, such as red.\\nIf you would rather not have to soak the pumice stones or cannot find any stones, try rubbing dry sandpaper on your jeans before spraying or soaking them in the bleach solution. The sandpaper's coarseness will help wear down and soften the denim fabric to create a worn look.\\nWarnings\\nNever let the bleach solution remain on the jeans for more than 20 minutes before washing them. After 20 minutes, the bleach will start to eat away at the denim.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"In acid washing, the top layer of color is stripped away on a piece of clothing to expose the white fabric underneath. The process is usually done on jeans or other denim clothing. It creates a worn, faded look that you can accomplish yourself at home. Follow these steps to acid wash black jeans.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wear old clothes that you would not mind getting bleached.\", \"描述\": \"Put on rubber gloves to protect your hands when handling the bleach.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Soak pumice stones, the kind used in pedicures, in laundry bleach overnight.\", \"描述\": \"Do this in a well-ventilated place.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Combine 2 parts bleach with 1 part water in a spray bottle.\", \"描述\": \"Shake the bottle to mix the bleach and water together. Lay your black jeans out flat.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Bunch up areas of the jeans, if desired.\", \"描述\": \"Hold them in place with elastic hair ties.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Spray as much or as little of the bleach solution as you want on your jeans, whether bunched up or flat, in the locations where you want the acid washed look to appear.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Scrub the bleach-soaked pumice stones onto the jeans wherever you choose.\", \"描述\": \"This will wear the denim down and help acid wash them.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the fading on the jeans to occur.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Set your washing machine for a small load and fill it with water.\", \"描述\": \"Wash your acid washed black jeans several times by themselves or with clothes that are safe to be bleached.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Put your faded jeans in the dryer and dry as normal.\", \"描述\": \"Leave them in the dryer until completely dry if you wish them to shrink. Otherwise, remove the damp jeans and hang them to dry completely.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Soak your jeans or other denim clothing completely in the bleach water solution to create an all-over acid washed look instead of spraying them in places.\\n\", \"Experiment with acid washing denim clothing of different colors, such as red.\\n\", \"If you would rather not have to soak the pumice stones or cannot find any stones, try rubbing dry sandpaper on your jeans before spraying or soaking them in the bleach solution. The sandpaper's coarseness will help wear down and soften the denim fabric to create a worn look.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Never let the bleach solution remain on the jeans for more than 20 minutes before washing them. After 20 minutes, the bleach will start to eat away at the denim.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Wash Concrete
1. Setting Up 1-1. Remove dirt and grease. Brush or vacuum dirt from the concrete. If there are oil stains, remove them with a concrete degreaser or alkali detergent. Rinse thoroughly with water. If water beads up on the surface, the acid wash may not work correctly. Degreasing should solve this problem. Trisodium phosphate (TSP) cleaners are not recommended. Any residue left behind can react violently with the acid to release dangerous gas. 1-2. Choose your acid. Select a cleaning or etching product based on your experience level and project location: Sulfamic acid is the safest to handle, and recommended for non-professionals. Phosphoric acid creates less fumes. Use it in rooms that contain stainless steel or other acid-vulnerable metals. It's also a good choice if you're just cleaning off mineral deposits. Muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) is the most dangerous option and produces strong fumes. Recommended only for professionals working outdoors. 1-3. Follow safety instructions. These acids are some of the most dangerous substances available for home use. Wear acid-resistant gloves, rubber boots, and vapor proof goggles. Protect your lungs with a respirator with an acid-grade filter, and use fans to improve ventilation if necessary. Protect exposed skin with well-fitting clothing at minimum, and ideally with a face shield plus a PVC or Butyl coverall or apron. Keep water nearby to wash spills from skin or clothing. Showers and an eye wash station are ideal. Keep baking soda or garden lime nearby to neutralize spills on the ground. 1-4. Add acid to water in a plastic bucket or watering can. Unlike metal, all common plastics are resistant to acid damage at these concentrations. To avoid a violent reaction, pour water in the bucket first, then add acid slowly. Defer to the manufacturer’s directions on the acid container over the guidelines below. These general ratios are suited to some mixes but not all: Sulfamic acid: 1 pound powder or crystals per 1 gallon hot water (120 grams per 1 L water). Phosphoric acid: dilute to 20–40%. Muriatic acid: mix 3 to 4 parts water with 1 part acid, or follow label instructions for a 10% concentration (15% for hard, smooth concrete). These solutions are for etching the concrete. If you're just removing mineral deposits (efflorescence), use a much weaker mix (10:1 or 16:1 for muriatic acid). 2. Applying the Acid 2-1. Hose down the entire area. Spray water on the concrete until damp, but not puddling. Also wet surrounding objects, such as trees, bushes, walls, doors, door frames, cabinetry, and carpets. Remove any furniture in close proximity. The concrete must stay wet the whole time. Divide large areas into sections or hose periodically to prevent it drying out. Protect asphalt, drywall, and tarmac with a plastic drop cloth or other physical barrier. 2-2. Sprinkle on the acid. Use a plastic watering can to sprinkle acid onto the concrete, pouring low to the ground. Work in small sections, starting with an inconspicuous test area. The plastic may corrode, sometimes within an hour, so have several replacement cans handy.. Read the label instructions to determine how much acid to add, or use these guidelines: Sulfamic acid: 1 gallon treats 300 ft. concrete (1 liter per 28 m). Phosphoric acid: 1 gallon treats 500–2500 ft. (3.8 L per 45–250 m) when removing mineral deposits. Muriatic acid: 1 gallon treats 45 ft. (4.5 L per 5 m). 2-3. Brush the acid over the concrete. Right after sprinkling on the acid, brush with a push broom or long masonry brush to spread the acid into an even layer. For large jobs, one person can use a floor machine while another brushes acid into the corners and walls. Make sure the floor and surrounding objects don't dry out while you're applying acid. You may need to hose them down frequently. 2-4. Let the acid sit for a few minutes. Wait 5–10 minutes for the acid to etch the concrete. If you're just removing white mineral deposits, wait until you see them lift off the concrete (usually just a couple minutes). 3. Cleaning Up 3-1. Rinse thoroughly. Before the acid dries, scrub off the remaining residue with a long masonry brush while rinsing with plenty of water. Leaving the acid on too long may damage your concrete. 3-2. Neutralize the acid. Mix 1 cup of baking soda, garden lime, or household ammonia in 1 gallon of water (roughly 250 mL in 4 L), or follow label instructions on an acid neutralizing product. Scrub this over the concrete and let sit at least ten minute to ensure that all the acid is neutralized. Pay particular attention to the edges and any low spots in the concrete. At this point, etched concrete should have a uniform texture like medium-grit sandpaper. If the concrete is smoother than this, or if there are still white mineral deposits, apply the acid a second time. 3-3. Rinse several times. Even after the acid is neutralized, liquid left on the surface may leave a white, powdery residue after it dries. Spray the concrete with water, scrub, and repeat several times to prevent this from happening. Pick up the final rinse water with a shop vac or brush it into the gutter. Use a hose to rinse the acid rather than a pressure washer. These can drive acid deep into the concrete. To be safe, test the final rinse water with a pH test strip. If it is below 6.0, there is too much acid and the floor needs more rinsing. (Less commonly, a result above 9.0 means you've added too much basic neutralizer.) 3-4. Clean up leftover acid. If you have any leftover acid solution, pour it slowly into a large bucket filled partway with the same neutralizing solution you used earlier. Slowly stir in more acid and base as needed until the mixture stops fizzing. Once neutralized, you can pour it down the sink or storm drain. Hose off any equipment or clothing that may have touched the acid. If you do not have plans for the rest of the pure acid, you may want to dispose of it the same way. Acid left in storage can be a serious hazard due to corrosive fumes and the risk of spills. Tips Let the floor dry for at least two days before you apply any coating (longer in humid, cool, or poorly ventilated conditions). Even if the surface looks dry, moisture under the surface can interfere with the coating.[28] X Research source Use a helper if you can. The process will move faster if you can scrub the floors while someone else keeps the hose going. Warnings Never add the water to the acid. Always add the acid to the water to prevent dangerous acid splashes, then mix the solution slowly. Keep the entire area wet throughout the process. This helps keep the acid from permanently damaging the materials. Muriatic acid will not only eat away at the concrete, it will damage metal, wood and synthetic materials like carpet. Keep children and pets out of the area.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Setting Up\\n1-1. Remove dirt and grease.\\nBrush or vacuum dirt from the concrete. If there are oil stains, remove them with a concrete degreaser or alkali detergent. Rinse thoroughly with water.\\nIf water beads up on the surface, the acid wash may not work correctly. Degreasing should solve this problem.\\nTrisodium phosphate (TSP) cleaners are not recommended. Any residue left behind can react violently with the acid to release dangerous gas.\\n1-2. Choose your acid.\\nSelect a cleaning or etching product based on your experience level and project location:\\nSulfamic acid is the safest to handle, and recommended for non-professionals.\\nPhosphoric acid creates less fumes. Use it in rooms that contain stainless steel or other acid-vulnerable metals. It's also a good choice if you're just cleaning off mineral deposits.\\nMuriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) is the most dangerous option and produces strong fumes. Recommended only for professionals working outdoors.\\n1-3. Follow safety instructions.\\nThese acids are some of the most dangerous substances available for home use. Wear acid-resistant gloves, rubber boots, and vapor proof goggles. Protect your lungs with a respirator with an acid-grade filter, and use fans to improve ventilation if necessary. Protect exposed skin with well-fitting clothing at minimum, and ideally with a face shield plus a PVC or Butyl coverall or apron.\\nKeep water nearby to wash spills from skin or clothing. Showers and an eye wash station are ideal.\\nKeep baking soda or garden lime nearby to neutralize spills on the ground.\\n1-4. Add acid to water in a plastic bucket or watering can.\\nUnlike metal, all common plastics are resistant to acid damage at these concentrations. To avoid a violent reaction, pour water in the bucket first, then add acid slowly. Defer to the manufacturer’s directions on the acid container over the guidelines below. These general ratios are suited to some mixes but not all:\\nSulfamic acid: 1 pound powder or crystals per 1 gallon hot water (120 grams per 1 L water).\\nPhosphoric acid: dilute to 20–40%.\\nMuriatic acid: mix 3 to 4 parts water with 1 part acid, or follow label instructions for a 10% concentration (15% for hard, smooth concrete).\\nThese solutions are for etching the concrete. If you're just removing mineral deposits (efflorescence), use a much weaker mix (10:1 or 16:1 for muriatic acid).\\n2. Applying the Acid\\n2-1. Hose down the entire area.\\nSpray water on the concrete until damp, but not puddling. Also wet surrounding objects, such as trees, bushes, walls, doors, door frames, cabinetry, and carpets. Remove any furniture in close proximity.\\nThe concrete must stay wet the whole time. Divide large areas into sections or hose periodically to prevent it drying out.\\nProtect asphalt, drywall, and tarmac with a plastic drop cloth or other physical barrier.\\n2-2. Sprinkle on the acid.\\nUse a plastic watering can to sprinkle acid onto the concrete, pouring low to the ground. Work in small sections, starting with an inconspicuous test area. The plastic may corrode, sometimes within an hour, so have several replacement cans handy.. Read the label instructions to determine how much acid to add, or use these guidelines:\\nSulfamic acid: 1 gallon treats 300 ft. concrete (1 liter per 28 m).\\nPhosphoric acid: 1 gallon treats 500–2500 ft. (3.8 L per 45–250 m) when removing mineral deposits.\\nMuriatic acid: 1 gallon treats 45 ft. (4.5 L per 5 m).\\n2-3. Brush the acid over the concrete.\\nRight after sprinkling on the acid, brush with a push broom or long masonry brush to spread the acid into an even layer. For large jobs, one person can use a floor machine while another brushes acid into the corners and walls.\\nMake sure the floor and surrounding objects don't dry out while you're applying acid. You may need to hose them down frequently.\\n2-4. Let the acid sit for a few minutes.\\nWait 5–10 minutes for the acid to etch the concrete. If you're just removing white mineral deposits, wait until you see them lift off the concrete (usually just a couple minutes).\\n3. Cleaning Up\\n3-1. Rinse thoroughly.\\nBefore the acid dries, scrub off the remaining residue with a long masonry brush while rinsing with plenty of water. Leaving the acid on too long may damage your concrete.\\n3-2. Neutralize the acid.\\nMix 1 cup of baking soda, garden lime, or household ammonia in 1 gallon of water (roughly 250 mL in 4 L), or follow label instructions on an acid neutralizing product. Scrub this over the concrete and let sit at least ten minute to ensure that all the acid is neutralized. Pay particular attention to the edges and any low spots in the concrete.\\nAt this point, etched concrete should have a uniform texture like medium-grit sandpaper. If the concrete is smoother than this, or if there are still white mineral deposits, apply the acid a second time.\\n3-3. Rinse several times.\\nEven after the acid is neutralized, liquid left on the surface may leave a white, powdery residue after it dries. Spray the concrete with water, scrub, and repeat several times to prevent this from happening. Pick up the final rinse water with a shop vac or brush it into the gutter.\\nUse a hose to rinse the acid rather than a pressure washer. These can drive acid deep into the concrete.\\nTo be safe, test the final rinse water with a pH test strip. If it is below 6.0, there is too much acid and the floor needs more rinsing. (Less commonly, a result above 9.0 means you've added too much basic neutralizer.)\\n3-4. Clean up leftover acid.\\nIf you have any leftover acid solution, pour it slowly into a large bucket filled partway with the same neutralizing solution you used earlier. Slowly stir in more acid and base as needed until the mixture stops fizzing. Once neutralized, you can pour it down the sink or storm drain. Hose off any equipment or clothing that may have touched the acid.\\nIf you do not have plans for the rest of the pure acid, you may want to dispose of it the same way. Acid left in storage can be a serious hazard due to corrosive fumes and the risk of spills.\\nTips\\nLet the floor dry for at least two days before you apply any coating (longer in humid, cool, or poorly ventilated conditions). Even if the surface looks dry, moisture under the surface can interfere with the coating.[28]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nUse a helper if you can. The process will move faster if you can scrub the floors while someone else keeps the hose going.\\nWarnings\\nNever add the water to the acid. Always add the acid to the water to prevent dangerous acid splashes, then mix the solution slowly.\\nKeep the entire area wet throughout the process. This helps keep the acid from permanently damaging the materials. Muriatic acid will not only eat away at the concrete, it will damage metal, wood and synthetic materials like carpet.\\nKeep children and pets out of the area.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Acid washing, also known as acid etching, prepares a concrete surface to accept a sealer. You can also use acid in weaker concentrations to remove white mineral deposits (efflorescence) and heavy grime. Acid washing is dangerous for people, plants, and metal objects, especially indoors where fumes can concentrate.\\n\\nDo not confuse this process with acid staining, which colors the concrete. An acid wash is not recommended before applying a stain.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Setting Up\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Remove dirt and grease.\", \"描述\": \"Brush or vacuum dirt from the concrete. If there are oil stains, remove them with a concrete degreaser or alkali detergent. Rinse thoroughly with water.\\nIf water beads up on the surface, the acid wash may not work correctly. Degreasing should solve this problem.\\nTrisodium phosphate (TSP) cleaners are not recommended. Any residue left behind can react violently with the acid to release dangerous gas.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Choose your acid.\", \"描述\": \"Select a cleaning or etching product based on your experience level and project location:\\nSulfamic acid is the safest to handle, and recommended for non-professionals.\\nPhosphoric acid creates less fumes. Use it in rooms that contain stainless steel or other acid-vulnerable metals. It's also a good choice if you're just cleaning off mineral deposits.\\nMuriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) is the most dangerous option and produces strong fumes. Recommended only for professionals working outdoors.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Follow safety instructions.\", \"描述\": \"These acids are some of the most dangerous substances available for home use. Wear acid-resistant gloves, rubber boots, and vapor proof goggles. Protect your lungs with a respirator with an acid-grade filter, and use fans to improve ventilation if necessary. Protect exposed skin with well-fitting clothing at minimum, and ideally with a face shield plus a PVC or Butyl coverall or apron.\\nKeep water nearby to wash spills from skin or clothing. Showers and an eye wash station are ideal.\\nKeep baking soda or garden lime nearby to neutralize spills on the ground.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Add acid to water in a plastic bucket or watering can.\", \"描述\": \"Unlike metal, all common plastics are resistant to acid damage at these concentrations. To avoid a violent reaction, pour water in the bucket first, then add acid slowly. Defer to the manufacturer’s directions on the acid container over the guidelines below. These general ratios are suited to some mixes but not all:\\nSulfamic acid: 1 pound powder or crystals per 1 gallon hot water (120 grams per 1 L water).\\nPhosphoric acid: dilute to 20–40%.\\nMuriatic acid: mix 3 to 4 parts water with 1 part acid, or follow label instructions for a 10% concentration (15% for hard, smooth concrete).\\nThese solutions are for etching the concrete. If you're just removing mineral deposits (efflorescence), use a much weaker mix (10:1 or 16:1 for muriatic acid).\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Applying the Acid\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Hose down the entire area.\", \"描述\": \"Spray water on the concrete until damp, but not puddling. Also wet surrounding objects, such as trees, bushes, walls, doors, door frames, cabinetry, and carpets. Remove any furniture in close proximity.\\nThe concrete must stay wet the whole time. Divide large areas into sections or hose periodically to prevent it drying out.\\nProtect asphalt, drywall, and tarmac with a plastic drop cloth or other physical barrier.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Sprinkle on the acid.\", \"描述\": \"Use a plastic watering can to sprinkle acid onto the concrete, pouring low to the ground. Work in small sections, starting with an inconspicuous test area. The plastic may corrode, sometimes within an hour, so have several replacement cans handy.. Read the label instructions to determine how much acid to add, or use these guidelines:\\nSulfamic acid: 1 gallon treats 300 ft. concrete (1 liter per 28 m).\\nPhosphoric acid: 1 gallon treats 500–2500 ft. (3.8 L per 45–250 m) when removing mineral deposits.\\nMuriatic acid: 1 gallon treats 45 ft. (4.5 L per 5 m).\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Brush the acid over the concrete.\", \"描述\": \"Right after sprinkling on the acid, brush with a push broom or long masonry brush to spread the acid into an even layer. For large jobs, one person can use a floor machine while another brushes acid into the corners and walls.\\nMake sure the floor and surrounding objects don't dry out while you're applying acid. You may need to hose them down frequently.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Let the acid sit for a few minutes.\", \"描述\": \"Wait 5–10 minutes for the acid to etch the concrete. If you're just removing white mineral deposits, wait until you see them lift off the concrete (usually just a couple minutes).\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Cleaning Up\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Rinse thoroughly.\", \"描述\": \"Before the acid dries, scrub off the remaining residue with a long masonry brush while rinsing with plenty of water. Leaving the acid on too long may damage your concrete.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Neutralize the acid.\", \"描述\": \"Mix 1 cup of baking soda, garden lime, or household ammonia in 1 gallon of water (roughly 250 mL in 4 L), or follow label instructions on an acid neutralizing product. Scrub this over the concrete and let sit at least ten minute to ensure that all the acid is neutralized. Pay particular attention to the edges and any low spots in the concrete.\\nAt this point, etched concrete should have a uniform texture like medium-grit sandpaper. If the concrete is smoother than this, or if there are still white mineral deposits, apply the acid a second time.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Rinse several times.\", \"描述\": \"Even after the acid is neutralized, liquid left on the surface may leave a white, powdery residue after it dries. Spray the concrete with water, scrub, and repeat several times to prevent this from happening. Pick up the final rinse water with a shop vac or brush it into the gutter.\\nUse a hose to rinse the acid rather than a pressure washer. These can drive acid deep into the concrete.\\nTo be safe, test the final rinse water with a pH test strip. If it is below 6.0, there is too much acid and the floor needs more rinsing. (Less commonly, a result above 9.0 means you've added too much basic neutralizer.)\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Clean up leftover acid.\", \"描述\": \"If you have any leftover acid solution, pour it slowly into a large bucket filled partway with the same neutralizing solution you used earlier. Slowly stir in more acid and base as needed until the mixture stops fizzing. Once neutralized, you can pour it down the sink or storm drain. Hose off any equipment or clothing that may have touched the acid.\\nIf you do not have plans for the rest of the pure acid, you may want to dispose of it the same way. Acid left in storage can be a serious hazard due to corrosive fumes and the risk of spills.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Let the floor dry for at least two days before you apply any coating (longer in humid, cool, or poorly ventilated conditions). Even if the surface looks dry, moisture under the surface can interfere with the coating.[28]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"Use a helper if you can. The process will move faster if you can scrub the floors while someone else keeps the hose going.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Never add the water to the acid. Always add the acid to the water to prevent dangerous acid splashes, then mix the solution slowly.\\n\", \"Keep the entire area wet throughout the process. This helps keep the acid from permanently damaging the materials. Muriatic acid will not only eat away at the concrete, it will damage metal, wood and synthetic materials like carpet.\\n\", \"Keep children and pets out of the area.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Wash Jeans
1. Beginning the Acid Washing Process 1-1. Select an old pair of jeans. Acid washing jeans will remove a lot of the color. You should not acid wash a pair of jeans you are attached to. Select an old pair of jeans for the acid washing process. If you do not have an old pair of jeans, stop by a local thrift store. You can find a cheap pair of jeans there, which you can acid wash at home. 1-2. Tie each jean leg in a bunch with rubber bands. This will help give your jeans the patchy, tie-dye like appearance of acid washed jeans. Work with one jean leg at a time, tying parts of the legs with rubber bands. There is no exact method for tying the jean legs. It depends on the kind of pattern you want. If you want a very tie-dyed appearance, twist your jeans in multiple places up and down each leg and secure these twists with rubber bands. If you want a less chaotic look, only twist and secure a few parts of the jeans. You can try concentrating on a particular area, like the lower legs or knees. Once you've added as many twists as you want, roll up each pant leg. Use a large rubber band to secure each pant leg in a tight roll. Your jeans should now be tied together in a small, lumpy bunch. 1-3. Fill a bucket with 2.4 liters (800 ounces) of cold water. Choose a bucket big enough to comfortably submerge your jeans. Make sure to use cold water. If you have to, run the water in your sink until it becomes cold. Make sure to measure the water. Your bucket may have measurements written on the side. If it does not, use a separate measuring cup or container to measure out 2.4 liters of cold water. 1-4. Add 1.4 liters (48 ounces) of bleach to the water. You want to use a chlorine bleach, which you can purchase at most hardware stores and supermarkets. Make sure to use gloves when handling the bleach. Pour your bleach into the water, making sure to measure out 1.4 liters. If you want a higher contrast look, add slightly more bleach than 1.4 liters. This will make the bleach solution more potent, stripping more color from the jeans. 2. Completing the Acid Washing Process 2-1. Submerge your jeans in the bleach. Wear gloves when you do this. Dunk the jeans into the bleach solution until they're more or less fully submerged. If part of your jeans are not submerged in bleach, this is okay. You will be flipping the jeans later. Just make sure the jeans are mostly submerged in the bleach solution. 2-2. Turn your jeans over every 20 minutes. Set a timer to make sure you're turning them over regularly. Always use gloves when handling the jeans. Turning your jeans over regularly will make the acid wash effect even throughout. You will begin to see the jeans change as you turn them over. Some color should be leaving the jeans, giving them a whiter look. 2-3. Soak your jeans for 30 minutes to an hour. How long you soak depends on the effect you want. For a more defined acid washed effect, soak the jeans longer. This will strip them of more color. For a mild look, only soak the jeans for about half an hour. Check on the jeans regularly if you're unsure of how long to soak them. Once you see the effect you want forming, you can remove the jeans. 2-4. Rinse your jeans with cold water. Make sure to soak out all the bleach. You can run the jeans under cool water in your sink. As always, wear gloves when handling jeans. Bleach should not touch your bare skin. You can also hose down the jeans in your backyard. Make sure to rinse every part of the jeans to remove all the bleach. When you're finished rinsing, wring out the jeans. 2-5. Wash and dry your jeans. Use a cold cycle in the wash. You will want to run two cycles. Run one cycle without detergent, and then another with detergent. After two wash cycles, hang your jeans to dry. Do not put them in the dryer. You should now have a pair of acid washed jeans. 3. Taking Safety Precautions 3-1. Wear gloves when handling bleach. It can be dangerous for bleach to come into contact with bare skin. Wear a solid pair of plastic or rubber gloves when handling bleach. Examine the gloves prior to handling bleach. Make sure they are free of any tears. Throw out and replace torn gloves for your own safety. 3-2. Work in a well-ventilated area. The buildup of bleach vapors can cause dizziness, eye irritation, and respiratory problems. When working with bleach, always work in a well ventilated area. If possible, acid wash your jeans outside. This will provide the most ventilation. 3-3. Wear eye protection. Safety goggles are important when working with bleach. Bleach can cause serious damage if it gets in your eyes. In the event you get bleach in your eye, flush with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove any contacts you were wearing. Call poison control shortly after getting bleach in your eye. 3-4. Wash your hands after handling bleach. This is especially important if you're going to be eating after handling bleach. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after the acid washing process. Bleach should not stay on your hands for long, and should never be ingested. Tips For an ombre effect, you can dunk the top or bottom of your jeans solution into the bleach bucket and slowly dunk more and more of the jeans in over the course of 1 hour. Remove and wash without detergent. It's a good idea to wear old clothing when acid washing your jeans.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Beginning the Acid Washing Process\\n1-1. Select an old pair of jeans.\\nAcid washing jeans will remove a lot of the color. You should not acid wash a pair of jeans you are attached to. Select an old pair of jeans for the acid washing process.\\nIf you do not have an old pair of jeans, stop by a local thrift store. You can find a cheap pair of jeans there, which you can acid wash at home.\\n1-2. Tie each jean leg in a bunch with rubber bands.\\nThis will help give your jeans the patchy, tie-dye like appearance of acid washed jeans. Work with one jean leg at a time, tying parts of the legs with rubber bands.\\nThere is no exact method for tying the jean legs. It depends on the kind of pattern you want. If you want a very tie-dyed appearance, twist your jeans in multiple places up and down each leg and secure these twists with rubber bands. If you want a less chaotic look, only twist and secure a few parts of the jeans. You can try concentrating on a particular area, like the lower legs or knees.\\nOnce you've added as many twists as you want, roll up each pant leg. Use a large rubber band to secure each pant leg in a tight roll. Your jeans should now be tied together in a small, lumpy bunch.\\n1-3. Fill a bucket with 2.4 liters (800 ounces) of cold water.\\nChoose a bucket big enough to comfortably submerge your jeans. Make sure to use cold water. If you have to, run the water in your sink until it becomes cold.\\nMake sure to measure the water. Your bucket may have measurements written on the side. If it does not, use a separate measuring cup or container to measure out 2.4 liters of cold water.\\n1-4. Add 1.4 liters (48 ounces) of bleach to the water.\\nYou want to use a chlorine bleach, which you can purchase at most hardware stores and supermarkets. Make sure to use gloves when handling the bleach. Pour your bleach into the water, making sure to measure out 1.4 liters.\\nIf you want a higher contrast look, add slightly more bleach than 1.4 liters. This will make the bleach solution more potent, stripping more color from the jeans.\\n2. Completing the Acid Washing Process\\n2-1. Submerge your jeans in the bleach.\\nWear gloves when you do this. Dunk the jeans into the bleach solution until they're more or less fully submerged.\\nIf part of your jeans are not submerged in bleach, this is okay. You will be flipping the jeans later. Just make sure the jeans are mostly submerged in the bleach solution.\\n2-2. Turn your jeans over every 20 minutes.\\nSet a timer to make sure you're turning them over regularly. Always use gloves when handling the jeans. Turning your jeans over regularly will make the acid wash effect even throughout.\\nYou will begin to see the jeans change as you turn them over. Some color should be leaving the jeans, giving them a whiter look.\\n2-3. Soak your jeans for 30 minutes to an hour.\\nHow long you soak depends on the effect you want. For a more defined acid washed effect, soak the jeans longer. This will strip them of more color. For a mild look, only soak the jeans for about half an hour.\\nCheck on the jeans regularly if you're unsure of how long to soak them. Once you see the effect you want forming, you can remove the jeans.\\n2-4. Rinse your jeans with cold water.\\nMake sure to soak out all the bleach. You can run the jeans under cool water in your sink. As always, wear gloves when handling jeans. Bleach should not touch your bare skin.\\nYou can also hose down the jeans in your backyard.\\nMake sure to rinse every part of the jeans to remove all the bleach.\\nWhen you're finished rinsing, wring out the jeans.\\n2-5. Wash and dry your jeans.\\nUse a cold cycle in the wash. You will want to run two cycles. Run one cycle without detergent, and then another with detergent.\\nAfter two wash cycles, hang your jeans to dry. Do not put them in the dryer.\\nYou should now have a pair of acid washed jeans.\\n3. Taking Safety Precautions\\n3-1. Wear gloves when handling bleach.\\nIt can be dangerous for bleach to come into contact with bare skin. Wear a solid pair of plastic or rubber gloves when handling bleach.\\nExamine the gloves prior to handling bleach. Make sure they are free of any tears. Throw out and replace torn gloves for your own safety.\\n3-2. Work in a well-ventilated area.\\nThe buildup of bleach vapors can cause dizziness, eye irritation, and respiratory problems. When working with bleach, always work in a well ventilated area.\\nIf possible, acid wash your jeans outside. This will provide the most ventilation.\\n3-3. Wear eye protection.\\nSafety goggles are important when working with bleach. Bleach can cause serious damage if it gets in your eyes.\\nIn the event you get bleach in your eye, flush with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove any contacts you were wearing.\\nCall poison control shortly after getting bleach in your eye.\\n3-4. Wash your hands after handling bleach.\\nThis is especially important if you're going to be eating after handling bleach. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after the acid washing process. Bleach should not stay on your hands for long, and should never be ingested.\\nTips\\nFor an ombre effect, you can dunk the top or bottom of your jeans solution into the bleach bucket and slowly dunk more and more of the jeans in over the course of 1 hour. Remove and wash without detergent.\\nIt's a good idea to wear old clothing when acid washing your jeans.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Acid washing is a process of partially bleaching jeans with chlorine bleach. Many people like the style of acid washed jeans, but buying them from a store can be expensive. You can make homemade acid washed jeans with a bleach mixture, an old pair of jeans, and a well ventilated area.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Beginning the Acid Washing Process\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Select an old pair of jeans.\", \"描述\": \"Acid washing jeans will remove a lot of the color. You should not acid wash a pair of jeans you are attached to. Select an old pair of jeans for the acid washing process.\\nIf you do not have an old pair of jeans, stop by a local thrift store. You can find a cheap pair of jeans there, which you can acid wash at home.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Tie each jean leg in a bunch with rubber bands.\", \"描述\": \"This will help give your jeans the patchy, tie-dye like appearance of acid washed jeans. Work with one jean leg at a time, tying parts of the legs with rubber bands.\\nThere is no exact method for tying the jean legs. It depends on the kind of pattern you want. If you want a very tie-dyed appearance, twist your jeans in multiple places up and down each leg and secure these twists with rubber bands. If you want a less chaotic look, only twist and secure a few parts of the jeans. You can try concentrating on a particular area, like the lower legs or knees.\\nOnce you've added as many twists as you want, roll up each pant leg. Use a large rubber band to secure each pant leg in a tight roll. Your jeans should now be tied together in a small, lumpy bunch.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Fill a bucket with 2.4 liters (800 ounces) of cold water.\", \"描述\": \"Choose a bucket big enough to comfortably submerge your jeans. Make sure to use cold water. If you have to, run the water in your sink until it becomes cold.\\nMake sure to measure the water. Your bucket may have measurements written on the side. If it does not, use a separate measuring cup or container to measure out 2.4 liters of cold water.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Add 1.4 liters (48 ounces) of bleach to the water.\", \"描述\": \"You want to use a chlorine bleach, which you can purchase at most hardware stores and supermarkets. Make sure to use gloves when handling the bleach. Pour your bleach into the water, making sure to measure out 1.4 liters.\\nIf you want a higher contrast look, add slightly more bleach than 1.4 liters. This will make the bleach solution more potent, stripping more color from the jeans.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Completing the Acid Washing Process\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Submerge your jeans in the bleach.\", \"描述\": \"Wear gloves when you do this. Dunk the jeans into the bleach solution until they're more or less fully submerged.\\nIf part of your jeans are not submerged in bleach, this is okay. You will be flipping the jeans later. Just make sure the jeans are mostly submerged in the bleach solution.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Turn your jeans over every 20 minutes.\", \"描述\": \"Set a timer to make sure you're turning them over regularly. Always use gloves when handling the jeans. Turning your jeans over regularly will make the acid wash effect even throughout.\\nYou will begin to see the jeans change as you turn them over. Some color should be leaving the jeans, giving them a whiter look.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Soak your jeans for 30 minutes to an hour.\", \"描述\": \"How long you soak depends on the effect you want. For a more defined acid washed effect, soak the jeans longer. This will strip them of more color. For a mild look, only soak the jeans for about half an hour.\\nCheck on the jeans regularly if you're unsure of how long to soak them. Once you see the effect you want forming, you can remove the jeans.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Rinse your jeans with cold water.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure to soak out all the bleach. You can run the jeans under cool water in your sink. As always, wear gloves when handling jeans. Bleach should not touch your bare skin.\\nYou can also hose down the jeans in your backyard.\\nMake sure to rinse every part of the jeans to remove all the bleach.\\nWhen you're finished rinsing, wring out the jeans.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Wash and dry your jeans.\", \"描述\": \"Use a cold cycle in the wash. You will want to run two cycles. Run one cycle without detergent, and then another with detergent.\\nAfter two wash cycles, hang your jeans to dry. Do not put them in the dryer.\\nYou should now have a pair of acid washed jeans.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Taking Safety Precautions\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wear gloves when handling bleach.\", \"描述\": \"It can be dangerous for bleach to come into contact with bare skin. Wear a solid pair of plastic or rubber gloves when handling bleach.\\nExamine the gloves prior to handling bleach. Make sure they are free of any tears. Throw out and replace torn gloves for your own safety.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Work in a well-ventilated area.\", \"描述\": \"The buildup of bleach vapors can cause dizziness, eye irritation, and respiratory problems. When working with bleach, always work in a well ventilated area.\\nIf possible, acid wash your jeans outside. This will provide the most ventilation.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Wear eye protection.\", \"描述\": \"Safety goggles are important when working with bleach. Bleach can cause serious damage if it gets in your eyes.\\nIn the event you get bleach in your eye, flush with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove any contacts you were wearing.\\nCall poison control shortly after getting bleach in your eye.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wash your hands after handling bleach.\", \"描述\": \"This is especially important if you're going to be eating after handling bleach. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after the acid washing process. Bleach should not stay on your hands for long, and should never be ingested.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"For an ombre effect, you can dunk the top or bottom of your jeans solution into the bleach bucket and slowly dunk more and more of the jeans in over the course of 1 hour. Remove and wash without detergent.\\n\", \"It's a good idea to wear old clothing when acid washing your jeans.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Wash a Swimming Pool
1. Steps 1-1. Drain your pool completely. As you drain, make sure to clean up any debris as you go. If your pool has an autofill, you should make sure that you turn it off during the drain. Once your pool is completely empty, start the acid-wash process. 1-2. Change into protective gear that includes clothing, goggles, mask, gloves and boots. 1-3. Mix 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid with 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of water in a watering can. Acid must be added to the water and not the other way around. 1-4. Wet down one of the walls with the hose. The hose should not have a nozzle and water should be running from the hose at all times. 1-5. Pour the acid mixture on the wall from top to bottom in 10-foot (300 cm) sections at a time, leaving the acid on the plaster for about 30 seconds. During this time, you should be scrubbing the wall with a brush. 1-6. Rinse the section you just acid-washed quickly and thoroughly. Before moving to the next section, make sure you rinse the wall well so the acid doesn't continue to eat the plaster. 1-7. Neutralize the pool after the acid-wash is complete. The acid-washing process leaves a foamy puddle of residue on the bottom of the pool that must be removed before it damages the plaster. Apply soda ash to the acid puddle, scrubbing the mixture with a pool brush. You will need to use 2 lb. (.9 kg) of soda ash per 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid. Pump the mixture into a bowl using a submersible pump. Dispose of what you pumped, as the acid can kill frogs, fish and plants. Rinse out the bowl. Pour water over any remaining residue, rinsing carefully around the drain. Tips If acid gets into the eyes or mouth, flush the area with the hose (no nozzle) for 15 minutes. If contact is made with the skin, rinse for 30 seconds as soon as contact is made. If you do not see results after the first attempt, you might need to increase the acid/water ratio, scrub harder or increase the time the acid is on the wall. You may have to repeat the process a couple of times to get the walls clean. Professionals will add a cleaning additive, like Bio-Dex White & Bright or Aquapoxy Etching Cleaner. This will thicken the acid mix making it adhere better to the walls of the pool. It will also neutralize the smell of the muriatic acid and reduce etching cause by muriatic acid. Warnings Work carefully around the acid. Wear protective clothing, transport the acid safely by securing it in the vehicle, rinse off after you've finished acid-washing the pool, and have at least one other person working with you. If the acid is not rinsed completely, it will continue to etch the plaster. Be careful not to allow the acid to run from the shallow end to the deep end as it will create an etched path on the pool floor. The acid-washing technique should never be used on a vinyl-lined pool. Detergents and conditioners work best for this type of pool.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Drain your pool completely.\\nAs you drain, make sure to clean up any debris as you go. If your pool has an autofill, you should make sure that you turn it off during the drain. Once your pool is completely empty, start the acid-wash process.\\n1-2. Change into protective gear that includes clothing, goggles, mask, gloves and boots.\\n\\n1-3. Mix 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid with 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of water in a watering can.\\nAcid must be added to the water and not the other way around.\\n1-4. Wet down one of the walls with the hose.\\nThe hose should not have a nozzle and water should be running from the hose at all times.\\n1-5. Pour the acid mixture on the wall from top to bottom in 10-foot (300 cm) sections at a time, leaving the acid on the plaster for about 30 seconds.\\nDuring this time, you should be scrubbing the wall with a brush.\\n1-6. Rinse the section you just acid-washed quickly and thoroughly.\\nBefore moving to the next section, make sure you rinse the wall well so the acid doesn't continue to eat the plaster.\\n1-7. Neutralize the pool after the acid-wash is complete.\\nThe acid-washing process leaves a foamy puddle of residue on the bottom of the pool that must be removed before it damages the plaster.\\nApply soda ash to the acid puddle, scrubbing the mixture with a pool brush. You will need to use 2 lb. (.9 kg) of soda ash per 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid.\\nPump the mixture into a bowl using a submersible pump.\\nDispose of what you pumped, as the acid can kill frogs, fish and plants. Rinse out the bowl.\\nPour water over any remaining residue, rinsing carefully around the drain.\\nTips\\nIf acid gets into the eyes or mouth, flush the area with the hose (no nozzle) for 15 minutes. If contact is made with the skin, rinse for 30 seconds as soon as contact is made.\\nIf you do not see results after the first attempt, you might need to increase the acid/water ratio, scrub harder or increase the time the acid is on the wall. You may have to repeat the process a couple of times to get the walls clean.\\nProfessionals will add a cleaning additive, like Bio-Dex White & Bright or Aquapoxy Etching Cleaner. This will thicken the acid mix making it adhere better to the walls of the pool. It will also neutralize the smell of the muriatic acid and reduce etching cause by muriatic acid.\\nWarnings\\nWork carefully around the acid. Wear protective clothing, transport the acid safely by securing it in the vehicle, rinse off after you've finished acid-washing the pool, and have at least one other person working with you.\\nIf the acid is not rinsed completely, it will continue to etch the plaster. Be careful not to allow the acid to run from the shallow end to the deep end as it will create an etched path on the pool floor.\\nThe acid-washing technique should never be used on a vinyl-lined pool. Detergents and conditioners work best for this type of pool.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Whether your pool looks like a swamp, or you just want a fresh, clean-looking appearance, acid-washing your swimming pool can help. Also called \\\"drain and clean,\\\" pools need this type of cleaning when winterizing the pool isn't done correctly, or algae has taken over due to the pool not being used or maintained in a while. The acid-wash process essentially strips the top layer of plaster to reveal fresh plaster beneath, so it's not recommended to do it often. But once in a while is a great idea!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Drain your pool completely.\", \"描述\": \"As you drain, make sure to clean up any debris as you go. If your pool has an autofill, you should make sure that you turn it off during the drain. Once your pool is completely empty, start the acid-wash process.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Change into protective gear that includes clothing, goggles, mask, gloves and boots.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Mix 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid with 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of water in a watering can.\", \"描述\": \"Acid must be added to the water and not the other way around.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wet down one of the walls with the hose.\", \"描述\": \"The hose should not have a nozzle and water should be running from the hose at all times.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Pour the acid mixture on the wall from top to bottom in 10-foot (300 cm) sections at a time, leaving the acid on the plaster for about 30 seconds.\", \"描述\": \"During this time, you should be scrubbing the wall with a brush.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Rinse the section you just acid-washed quickly and thoroughly.\", \"描述\": \"Before moving to the next section, make sure you rinse the wall well so the acid doesn't continue to eat the plaster.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Neutralize the pool after the acid-wash is complete.\", \"描述\": \"The acid-washing process leaves a foamy puddle of residue on the bottom of the pool that must be removed before it damages the plaster.\\nApply soda ash to the acid puddle, scrubbing the mixture with a pool brush. You will need to use 2 lb. (.9 kg) of soda ash per 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid.\\nPump the mixture into a bowl using a submersible pump.\\nDispose of what you pumped, as the acid can kill frogs, fish and plants. Rinse out the bowl.\\nPour water over any remaining residue, rinsing carefully around the drain.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If acid gets into the eyes or mouth, flush the area with the hose (no nozzle) for 15 minutes. If contact is made with the skin, rinse for 30 seconds as soon as contact is made.\\n\", \"If you do not see results after the first attempt, you might need to increase the acid/water ratio, scrub harder or increase the time the acid is on the wall. You may have to repeat the process a couple of times to get the walls clean.\\n\", \"Professionals will add a cleaning additive, like Bio-Dex White & Bright or Aquapoxy Etching Cleaner. This will thicken the acid mix making it adhere better to the walls of the pool. It will also neutralize the smell of the muriatic acid and reduce etching cause by muriatic acid.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Work carefully around the acid. Wear protective clothing, transport the acid safely by securing it in the vehicle, rinse off after you've finished acid-washing the pool, and have at least one other person working with you.\\n\", \"If the acid is not rinsed completely, it will continue to etch the plaster. Be careful not to allow the acid to run from the shallow end to the deep end as it will create an etched path on the pool floor.\\n\", \"The acid-washing technique should never be used on a vinyl-lined pool. Detergents and conditioners work best for this type of pool.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acid Wash a T‐Shirt
1. Using a Spray Bottle 1-1. Fill a spray bottle with a solution of bleach and water. To use a spray bottle to create your acid wash t-shirt, you will need to fill up a spray bottle with a solution of bleach and water. The solution should be 50% bleach and 50% water. 1-2. Lay your t-shirt in an empty sink or on concrete. It is important to place your t-shirt somewhere that it will not come into contact with things that might become discolored from the bleach. Placing the t-shirt into a sink or on a slab of concrete outside are both good options. Make sure that the t-shirt is lying flat, and it is not crumpled or wrinkled. This will help to ensure that you can spray as much of the t-shirt as possible. 1-3. Spray the t-shirt where you want. When your t-shirt is in position, begin spraying it with your bleach solution. Spray the shirt all over, but make sure to leave some areas bleach free. You can also concentrate your bleach spraying to certain areas if you would like them to be lighter than others. Spray your shirt in a random pattern rather than trying to make a design. This will help to give your acid washed t-shirt it’s signature grungy look. 1-4. Wait for the bleach to develop. It will take a little while for your bleach to lighten the areas of the shirt that you sprayed. The longer you wait, the lighter certain areas of your shirt will be. Try to wait for at least 10 minutes to give the bleach time to work. If you like, you can also spray the shirt again after 10 minutes, and then wait 10 more minutes to rinse and wash. This will give your acid washed t-shirt some dimension. 1-5. Rinse the shirt and wash it. When you have finished spraying your t-shirt, and it has had enough time to develop, you will need to rinse the shirt and then wash it. Dunk the shirt into a sink or bucket full of water and then wring it ou</ref> If you want to rinse it again, don’t use the same water because this water will now be full of bleach it dipping it into the same water again may ruin your design. 2. Using a Bucket and Rubber Bands 2-1. Twist or crumple your t-shirt and secure it with rubber bands. Using the bucket method is similar to tie dyeing a shirt, only you do not have to worry about intricately placing your rubber bands or twisting the shirt in certain ways. Just crumple or twist the shirt however you like and then use the rubber bands to secure it into a ball. 2-2. Mix a solution of bleach and water in a bucket. You will need a 50:50 solution of bleach and water to create your acid washed t-shirt. Mix this solution in the bucket. 2-3. Dunk the t-shirt into the solution. Next, place the crumpled t-shirt into the solution and immerse it in the solution completely. Make sure that the t-shirt is soaked in the solution. 2-4. Take the shirt out of the solution and hang it up. Pull the t-shirt out of the solution and then remove the rubber bands. Then, hang up the shirt outside or somewhere that it can drip and dry. Do not hang the shirt over any areas that might get damaged by the bleach. Make sure to hang it up somewhere that it will be okay for it to drip. 2-5. Sprinkle pure bleach across the shirt to enhance the design. When you have finished hanging the shirt, let it dry for about 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how much you want the bleach to develop. Then, take a capful (or a couple of tablespoons) of pure bleach and sprinkle it on the front of the shirt. You can do this multiple times to get more dimension. Try sprinkling some bleach on, waiting 10 minutes, and then sprinkling bleach on again before rinsing and washing the shirt. 2-6. Rinse, wash, and dry the shirt before wearing. After you have finished letting your shirt develop, dunk it into a bucket or sink full of clean water, wring it out, and then toss it into the washing machine for a regular wash cycle. When it is done, just dry the shirt, and it is ready to wear! 3. Staying Safe and Getting the Best Results 3-1. Put on your protective gear. Bleach is caustic, and it can cause irritation to your eyes, skin, and lungs. It can also discolor your clothes, carpet, furniture, and other surfaces. Make sure that you put on goggles, gloves, and some old clothes before you begin. Also, make sure to put down some old newspaper or paper towels to protect your floors and other surfaces. If you work outside, then you will not have to worry about getting bleach on the ground. 3-2. Work in a well-ventilated area. Inhaling bleach fumes can irritate your lungs and may even give you a headache. Open a couple of windows and turn on a fan for ventilation if you will be working indoors. You may even consider working outside since it is well ventilated. 3-3. Choose a dark or bold color shirt. It is important to use a colored t-shirt for this project because bleaching a white t-shirt will only make it look whiter. The darker the color of your shirt is, the more dramatic your results will be. Stick with bold and dark colors, such as black, blue, red, purple, orange, green, etc. Steer clear of lighter shades and pastels, such as lavender, powder blue, light pink, cream, and light gray.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Using a Spray Bottle\\n1-1. Fill a spray bottle with a solution of bleach and water.\\nTo use a spray bottle to create your acid wash t-shirt, you will need to fill up a spray bottle with a solution of bleach and water. The solution should be 50% bleach and 50% water.\\n1-2. Lay your t-shirt in an empty sink or on concrete.\\nIt is important to place your t-shirt somewhere that it will not come into contact with things that might become discolored from the bleach. Placing the t-shirt into a sink or on a slab of concrete outside are both good options.\\nMake sure that the t-shirt is lying flat, and it is not crumpled or wrinkled. This will help to ensure that you can spray as much of the t-shirt as possible.\\n1-3. Spray the t-shirt where you want.\\nWhen your t-shirt is in position, begin spraying it with your bleach solution. Spray the shirt all over, but make sure to leave some areas bleach free. You can also concentrate your bleach spraying to certain areas if you would like them to be lighter than others.\\nSpray your shirt in a random pattern rather than trying to make a design. This will help to give your acid washed t-shirt it’s signature grungy look.\\n1-4. Wait for the bleach to develop.\\nIt will take a little while for your bleach to lighten the areas of the shirt that you sprayed. The longer you wait, the lighter certain areas of your shirt will be. Try to wait for at least 10 minutes to give the bleach time to work.\\nIf you like, you can also spray the shirt again after 10 minutes, and then wait 10 more minutes to rinse and wash. This will give your acid washed t-shirt some dimension.\\n1-5. \\nRinse the shirt and wash it. When you have finished spraying your t-shirt, and it has had enough time to develop, you will need to rinse the shirt and then wash it. Dunk the shirt into a sink or bucket full of water and then wring it ou</ref>\\nIf you want to rinse it again, don’t use the same water because this water will now be full of bleach it dipping it into the same water again may ruin your design.\\n2. Using a Bucket and Rubber Bands\\n2-1. Twist or crumple your t-shirt and secure it with rubber bands.\\nUsing the bucket method is similar to tie dyeing a shirt, only you do not have to worry about intricately placing your rubber bands or twisting the shirt in certain ways. Just crumple or twist the shirt however you like and then use the rubber bands to secure it into a ball.\\n2-2. Mix a solution of bleach and water in a bucket.\\nYou will need a 50:50 solution of bleach and water to create your acid washed t-shirt. Mix this solution in the bucket.\\n2-3. Dunk the t-shirt into the solution.\\nNext, place the crumpled t-shirt into the solution and immerse it in the solution completely. Make sure that the t-shirt is soaked in the solution.\\n2-4. Take the shirt out of the solution and hang it up.\\nPull the t-shirt out of the solution and then remove the rubber bands. Then, hang up the shirt outside or somewhere that it can drip and dry.\\nDo not hang the shirt over any areas that might get damaged by the bleach. Make sure to hang it up somewhere that it will be okay for it to drip.\\n2-5. Sprinkle pure bleach across the shirt to enhance the design.\\nWhen you have finished hanging the shirt, let it dry for about 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how much you want the bleach to develop. Then, take a capful (or a couple of tablespoons) of pure bleach and sprinkle it on the front of the shirt.\\nYou can do this multiple times to get more dimension. Try sprinkling some bleach on, waiting 10 minutes, and then sprinkling bleach on again before rinsing and washing the shirt.\\n2-6. Rinse, wash, and dry the shirt before wearing.\\nAfter you have finished letting your shirt develop, dunk it into a bucket or sink full of clean water, wring it out, and then toss it into the washing machine for a regular wash cycle. When it is done, just dry the shirt, and it is ready to wear!\\n3. Staying Safe and Getting the Best Results\\n3-1. Put on your protective gear.\\nBleach is caustic, and it can cause irritation to your eyes, skin, and lungs. It can also discolor your clothes, carpet, furniture, and other surfaces. Make sure that you put on goggles, gloves, and some old clothes before you begin. \\nAlso, make sure to put down some old newspaper or paper towels to protect your floors and other surfaces.\\nIf you work outside, then you will not have to worry about getting bleach on the ground.\\n3-2. Work in a well-ventilated area.\\nInhaling bleach fumes can irritate your lungs and may even give you a headache. Open a couple of windows and turn on a fan for ventilation if you will be working indoors.\\nYou may even consider working outside since it is well ventilated.\\n3-3. Choose a dark or bold color shirt.\\nIt is important to use a colored t-shirt for this project because bleaching a white t-shirt will only make it look whiter. The darker the color of your shirt is, the more dramatic your results will be.\\nStick with bold and dark colors, such as black, blue, red, purple, orange, green, etc.\\nSteer clear of lighter shades and pastels, such as lavender, powder blue, light pink, cream, and light gray.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Acid washed t-shirts are the perfect solution for an otherwise boring old t-shirt. You can create an edgy tie-dye like effect with and old shirt and some bleach. Creating an acid wash t-shirt is easy. You can use a spray bottle to selectively distribute the bleach, or you can rubber band and dunk your shirt into a solution of bleach and water. No matter what option you choose, make sure to protect your eyes, skin, clothes, and surfaces throughout the process.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Using a Spray Bottle\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Fill a spray bottle with a solution of bleach and water.\", \"描述\": \"To use a spray bottle to create your acid wash t-shirt, you will need to fill up a spray bottle with a solution of bleach and water. The solution should be 50% bleach and 50% water.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Lay your t-shirt in an empty sink or on concrete.\", \"描述\": \"It is important to place your t-shirt somewhere that it will not come into contact with things that might become discolored from the bleach. Placing the t-shirt into a sink or on a slab of concrete outside are both good options.\\nMake sure that the t-shirt is lying flat, and it is not crumpled or wrinkled. This will help to ensure that you can spray as much of the t-shirt as possible.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Spray the t-shirt where you want.\", \"描述\": \"When your t-shirt is in position, begin spraying it with your bleach solution. Spray the shirt all over, but make sure to leave some areas bleach free. You can also concentrate your bleach spraying to certain areas if you would like them to be lighter than others.\\nSpray your shirt in a random pattern rather than trying to make a design. This will help to give your acid washed t-shirt it’s signature grungy look.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wait for the bleach to develop.\", \"描述\": \"It will take a little while for your bleach to lighten the areas of the shirt that you sprayed. The longer you wait, the lighter certain areas of your shirt will be. Try to wait for at least 10 minutes to give the bleach time to work.\\nIf you like, you can also spray the shirt again after 10 minutes, and then wait 10 more minutes to rinse and wash. This will give your acid washed t-shirt some dimension.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"\", \"描述\": \"Rinse the shirt and wash it. When you have finished spraying your t-shirt, and it has had enough time to develop, you will need to rinse the shirt and then wash it. Dunk the shirt into a sink or bucket full of water and then wring it ou</ref>\\nIf you want to rinse it again, don’t use the same water because this water will now be full of bleach it dipping it into the same water again may ruin your design.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Using a Bucket and Rubber Bands\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Twist or crumple your t-shirt and secure it with rubber bands.\", \"描述\": \"Using the bucket method is similar to tie dyeing a shirt, only you do not have to worry about intricately placing your rubber bands or twisting the shirt in certain ways. Just crumple or twist the shirt however you like and then use the rubber bands to secure it into a ball.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Mix a solution of bleach and water in a bucket.\", \"描述\": \"You will need a 50:50 solution of bleach and water to create your acid washed t-shirt. Mix this solution in the bucket.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dunk the t-shirt into the solution.\", \"描述\": \"Next, place the crumpled t-shirt into the solution and immerse it in the solution completely. Make sure that the t-shirt is soaked in the solution.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Take the shirt out of the solution and hang it up.\", \"描述\": \"Pull the t-shirt out of the solution and then remove the rubber bands. Then, hang up the shirt outside or somewhere that it can drip and dry.\\nDo not hang the shirt over any areas that might get damaged by the bleach. Make sure to hang it up somewhere that it will be okay for it to drip.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Sprinkle pure bleach across the shirt to enhance the design.\", \"描述\": \"When you have finished hanging the shirt, let it dry for about 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how much you want the bleach to develop. Then, take a capful (or a couple of tablespoons) of pure bleach and sprinkle it on the front of the shirt.\\nYou can do this multiple times to get more dimension. Try sprinkling some bleach on, waiting 10 minutes, and then sprinkling bleach on again before rinsing and washing the shirt.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Rinse, wash, and dry the shirt before wearing.\", \"描述\": \"After you have finished letting your shirt develop, dunk it into a bucket or sink full of clean water, wring it out, and then toss it into the washing machine for a regular wash cycle. When it is done, just dry the shirt, and it is ready to wear!\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Staying Safe and Getting the Best Results\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Put on your protective gear.\", \"描述\": \"Bleach is caustic, and it can cause irritation to your eyes, skin, and lungs. It can also discolor your clothes, carpet, furniture, and other surfaces. Make sure that you put on goggles, gloves, and some old clothes before you begin. \\nAlso, make sure to put down some old newspaper or paper towels to protect your floors and other surfaces.\\nIf you work outside, then you will not have to worry about getting bleach on the ground.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Work in a well-ventilated area.\", \"描述\": \"Inhaling bleach fumes can irritate your lungs and may even give you a headache. Open a couple of windows and turn on a fan for ventilation if you will be working indoors.\\nYou may even consider working outside since it is well ventilated.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Choose a dark or bold color shirt.\", \"描述\": \"It is important to use a colored t-shirt for this project because bleaching a white t-shirt will only make it look whiter. The darker the color of your shirt is, the more dramatic your results will be.\\nStick with bold and dark colors, such as black, blue, red, purple, orange, green, etc.\\nSteer clear of lighter shades and pastels, such as lavender, powder blue, light pink, cream, and light gray.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acidify Soil
1. Testing the pH of Your Soil and Water 1-1. Get your soil professionally tested for the best, most accurate results. If you're serious about growing plants or making your soil more acidic for whatever reason, you'll know that professional sampling is more accurate than DIY home tests. It may not seem like it, but the difference between soil that is 5.5 and 6.5 on the pH scale is pretty big! If you are in the United States, contact the nearest county extension office. They will do a basic soil test, which includes measuring pH, for free or for a small fee. 1-2. Try a DIY home pH test If you're not into the idea of professional soil testing, you can easily test the pH of your soil at home, but understand that it won't be as accurate as a professional reading. There are several ways to get a pretty decent reading at home: Use paper strips to test pH. This method will only tell you whether your soil is predominantly acidic or basic, but it's a fun exercise that you can use with lots of different flowers, vegetables, and herbs. Use vinegar and baking soda to test pH. Another rudimentary way of testing acidic vs. basic, this method involves taking a cup of soil and dividing it into two containers. Add vinegar to one container and baking soda and water to the other, seeing which one fizzes. If it fizzes for vinegar, it's basic or alkaline; if it fizzes for baking soda, it's acidic. Buy a home testing kit. A home testing kit should be able to tell you your soil pH by giving you a number. This number is a more informative reading than the simple "this is acidic" or "this is basic" reading of over home methods. 1-3. Be sure to test the pH of your water as well. The pH of groundwater that you may use to water your plants ranges from about 6.5 to 8.5, but is usually more on the alkaline side so that it doesn't corrode water pipes. If the water you use to water your plants is basic to begin with, and your soil is as well, know that you'll need a little extra "oomph" to produce the desired acidic effect for your plants. One way to get around this potential problem is to use pure, filtered water. Pure water has a pH of 7, which makes it almost completely neutral. Using pure, filtered water is effective, but it can become expensive quickly. 1-4. Know how to read the pH of whatever test you use. pH is a measure of how basic or acidic a substance is. This measure exists on a scale from 0 to 14, with 0 being very acidic (think battery acid) and 14 being very alkaline (think liquid drain cleaner). 7 is considered "neutral" on the pH scale. For example, if your soil reads 8.5 on the pH scale, it means that it's slightly basic. You'll need to add a little bit of acidic material to make the soil less basic. If your soil measures 6.5 on the pH scale, it means it's slightly acidic. If you want your soil to be even more acidic, you'll need to add additional acidic material. If you want to get into the nitty gritty, consider that pH is a logarithmic scale, meaning each number represents a 10-fold change. So a pH of 8 is 10 times more basic than a pH of 7, a pH of 8.5 is 15 times more basic, and so on. 2. Acidifying the Soil 2-1. Identify your soil type. This is different than determining the pH of your soil, and it's a really important move. Your soil type will tell you which method of acidifying you should use. Soil that is already well-drained and relatively loose will make acidification much easier. This type of soil can benefit from large amounts of organic compounds that acidify the soil as they break down. Soil that is clumped with clay and seriously compacted will make acidification much tougher. Adding organic material to this type of soil will make it more alkaline, not less. 2-2. Add organic materials to well-drained, loose soils. In order to acidify these types of soils, organic materials are your best bet. Organic materials acidify the soil as they break down, but large amounts of them are needed to bring the pH down. Here are some nice organic materials you should consider using: Sphagnum peat moss Composted oak leaves Compost and manure 2-3. Add elemental sulfur to soil that is heavily compacted or which has lots of clay. As mentioned earlier, adding organic materials to highly-dense soil can make problems worse, as your soil retains more moisture, making it more alkaline. For this reason, adding elemental sulfur or iron sulfate is the most surefire way to acidify soil with heavy clay components to it. Elemental sulfur acidifies the soil as bacteria turns the elemental sulfur into sulfuric acid. It takes about 2 pounds of elemental sulfur per 100 square feet to reduce the pH of a soil that is 7 down to a pH of 4.5. Because elemental sulfur is slow to react, it's best to add it the year before planting in order to achieve the best results. Work the elemental sulfur into the soil, going as deep as 6 inches (15.2 cm). 2-4. Add iron sulfate to soil that is heavily compacted or has lots of clay. Iron sulfate relies on a chemical reaction to create acidity. It is therefore less dependent on temperature conditions than elemental sulfur, which depends on bacteria to produce a biological reaction. It could take upwards of 10 pounds of iron sulfate for every 100 square feet of soil to reduce pH by one unit. If you are adding more than 10 pounds of iron sulfate for every 100 square feet of soil, then you will need to split it up into two applications, spaced one to two months apart. This will give the soil time to absorb the iron sulfate after application. Iron sulfates are lot faster-acting than elemental sulfurs. They can significantly reduce pH in a matter of three to four weeks, as opposed to several months. This gives them the added advantage of being usable the same season you decide on planting. Be careful when applying iron sulfates. They can cause rusty stains on clothes, sidewalks, and patios. It's best to separate any clothes you get iron sulfates on from other clothes — wash them separately to avoid any cross-contamination. 2-5. Use a fertilizer containing ammonia. In a lot of cases, all you need to do to acidify soil is use an ammonia-based fertilizer. Many of the fertilizers which are used for acid-loving plants contain ammonia sulfate or sulfur-coated urea. Calcium nitrate and potassium nitrate should not be used as fertilizers, even if they do contain ammonia. These fertilizers actually raise the pH of your soil. 3. Maintaining a Healthy pH for Your Plants 3-1. If flowers or plants already happen to be planted, use elemental sulfur. Because it is slow-acting, it's tough to make mistakes at recommended doses. Work it into moist soil as much as possible, without disrupting any root systems. Continue to monitor the pH of the soil as the months pass. 3-2. Resist the urge to add vinegar to your soil. Vinegar will lower the pH of the soil immediately, but in this case, it's not a great thing. The change happens too radically, disappears too quickly, and kills off beneficial soil organisms. Stay away from vinegar unless you're okay with the possibility of your plants dying. 3-3. Use cottonseed meal as an acidifying fertilizer over the course of the year. So you've already treated your soil with iron sulfates, for example, and you've just planted your blueberries. Keep the soil pH low by applying generous amounts of natural acidifying fertilizers such as cottonseed meal. Cottonseed meal, a by-product of cotton manufacturing, is especially great for acid-loving plants like azaleas, camellias, and rhododendrons. 3-4. Check your pH at least every year. Check the pH of your soil near the base of your plants, adding fertilizers such as aluminum sulfate (especially for hydrangeas) without damaging the root system. For the best results, use a commercial pH testing kit or send off a sample of your soil to get professionally tested. Ornamental plants and vegetables will mostly prefer a slightly acidic environment of between 6.5 and 6.8. Hydrangeas, azaleas, rhododendrons, and blueberries will prefer a more acidic environment — between 5 and 5.5. 3-5. Raise the pH of your soil, if needed, by liming In some cases, your efforts to acidify the soil will work too well and you'll be left with soil that is too acidic for your desired plant or vegetable. In these cases, you'll want to alkalize your soil with the addition of lime. Lime comes in three basic varieties — limestone, burned/quicklime, or hydrated lime — and how much to include will depend on the type of soil you have, as well as the variety of lime you choose to use. Inspect the packet for directions or talk to a horticulturist for more information. Tips Flowers of sulphur are a fine powder of pure sulphur. You can find this in garden centers or order from online suppliers. Iron salts might also be beneficial; soils that are too alkaline can "lock up" iron, preventing it from reaching the plants which need it. See how the first treatment goes before adding iron as well.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Testing the pH of Your Soil and Water\\n1-1. Get your soil professionally tested for the best, most accurate results.\\nIf you're serious about growing plants or making your soil more acidic for whatever reason, you'll know that professional sampling is more accurate than DIY home tests. It may not seem like it, but the difference between soil that is 5.5 and 6.5 on the pH scale is pretty big!\\nIf you are in the United States, contact the nearest county extension office. They will do a basic soil test, which includes measuring pH, for free or for a small fee.\\n1-2. Try a DIY home pH test\\nIf you're not into the idea of professional soil testing, you can easily test the pH of your soil at home, but understand that it won't be as accurate as a professional reading. There are several ways to get a pretty decent reading at home:\\n\\nUse paper strips to test pH. This method will only tell you whether your soil is predominantly acidic or basic, but it's a fun exercise that you can use with lots of different flowers, vegetables, and herbs.\\nUse vinegar and baking soda to test pH. Another rudimentary way of testing acidic vs. basic, this method involves taking a cup of soil and dividing it into two containers. Add vinegar to one container and baking soda and water to the other, seeing which one fizzes. If it fizzes for vinegar, it's basic or alkaline; if it fizzes for baking soda, it's acidic.\\nBuy a home testing kit. A home testing kit should be able to tell you your soil pH by giving you a number. This number is a more informative reading than the simple \\\"this is acidic\\\" or \\\"this is basic\\\" reading of over home methods.\\n1-3. Be sure to test the pH of your water as well.\\nThe pH of groundwater that you may use to water your plants ranges from about 6.5 to 8.5, but is usually more on the alkaline side so that it doesn't corrode water pipes. If the water you use to water your plants is basic to begin with, and your soil is as well, know that you'll need a little extra \\\"oomph\\\" to produce the desired acidic effect for your plants.\\nOne way to get around this potential problem is to use pure, filtered water. Pure water has a pH of 7, which makes it almost completely neutral. Using pure, filtered water is effective, but it can become expensive quickly.\\n1-4. Know how to read the pH of whatever test you use.\\npH is a measure of how basic or acidic a substance is. This measure exists on a scale from 0 to 14, with 0 being very acidic (think battery acid) and 14 being very alkaline (think liquid drain cleaner). 7 is considered \\\"neutral\\\" on the pH scale.\\nFor example, if your soil reads 8.5 on the pH scale, it means that it's slightly basic. You'll need to add a little bit of acidic material to make the soil less basic. If your soil measures 6.5 on the pH scale, it means it's slightly acidic. If you want your soil to be even more acidic, you'll need to add additional acidic material.\\nIf you want to get into the nitty gritty, consider that pH is a logarithmic scale, meaning each number represents a 10-fold change. So a pH of 8 is 10 times more basic than a pH of 7, a pH of 8.5 is 15 times more basic, and so on.\\n2. Acidifying the Soil\\n2-1. Identify your soil type.\\nThis is different than determining the pH of your soil, and it's a really important move. Your soil type will tell you which method of acidifying you should use.\\nSoil that is already well-drained and relatively loose will make acidification much easier. This type of soil can benefit from large amounts of organic compounds that acidify the soil as they break down.\\nSoil that is clumped with clay and seriously compacted will make acidification much tougher. Adding organic material to this type of soil will make it more alkaline, not less.\\n2-2. Add organic materials to well-drained, loose soils.\\nIn order to acidify these types of soils, organic materials are your best bet. Organic materials acidify the soil as they break down, but large amounts of them are needed to bring the pH down. Here are some nice organic materials you should consider using:\\nSphagnum peat moss\\nComposted oak leaves\\nCompost and manure\\n2-3. Add elemental sulfur to soil that is heavily compacted or which has lots of clay.\\nAs mentioned earlier, adding organic materials to highly-dense soil can make problems worse, as your soil retains more moisture, making it more alkaline. For this reason, adding elemental sulfur or iron sulfate is the most surefire way to acidify soil with heavy clay components to it.\\nElemental sulfur acidifies the soil as bacteria turns the elemental sulfur into sulfuric acid. It takes about 2 pounds of elemental sulfur per 100 square feet to reduce the pH of a soil that is 7 down to a pH of 4.5.\\nBecause elemental sulfur is slow to react, it's best to add it the year before planting in order to achieve the best results.\\nWork the elemental sulfur into the soil, going as deep as 6 inches (15.2 cm).\\n2-4. Add iron sulfate to soil that is heavily compacted or has lots of clay.\\nIron sulfate relies on a chemical reaction to create acidity. It is therefore less dependent on temperature conditions than elemental sulfur, which depends on bacteria to produce a biological reaction.\\nIt could take upwards of 10 pounds of iron sulfate for every 100 square feet of soil to reduce pH by one unit.\\nIf you are adding more than 10 pounds of iron sulfate for every 100 square feet of soil, then you will need to split it up into two applications, spaced one to two months apart. This will give the soil time to absorb the iron sulfate after application.\\nIron sulfates are lot faster-acting than elemental sulfurs. They can significantly reduce pH in a matter of three to four weeks, as opposed to several months. This gives them the added advantage of being usable the same season you decide on planting.\\nBe careful when applying iron sulfates. They can cause rusty stains on clothes, sidewalks, and patios. It's best to separate any clothes you get iron sulfates on from other clothes — wash them separately to avoid any cross-contamination.\\n2-5. Use a fertilizer containing ammonia.\\nIn a lot of cases, all you need to do to acidify soil is use an ammonia-based fertilizer. Many of the fertilizers which are used for acid-loving plants contain ammonia sulfate or sulfur-coated urea.\\nCalcium nitrate and potassium nitrate should not be used as fertilizers, even if they do contain ammonia. These fertilizers actually raise the pH of your soil.\\n3. Maintaining a Healthy pH for Your Plants\\n3-1. If flowers or plants already happen to be planted, use elemental sulfur.\\nBecause it is slow-acting, it's tough to make mistakes at recommended doses. Work it into moist soil as much as possible, without disrupting any root systems. Continue to monitor the pH of the soil as the months pass.\\n3-2. Resist the urge to add vinegar to your soil.\\nVinegar will lower the pH of the soil immediately, but in this case, it's not a great thing. The change happens too radically, disappears too quickly, and kills off beneficial soil organisms. Stay away from vinegar unless you're okay with the possibility of your plants dying.\\n3-3. Use cottonseed meal as an acidifying fertilizer over the course of the year.\\nSo you've already treated your soil with iron sulfates, for example, and you've just planted your blueberries. Keep the soil pH low by applying generous amounts of natural acidifying fertilizers such as cottonseed meal. Cottonseed meal, a by-product of cotton manufacturing, is especially great for acid-loving plants like azaleas, camellias, and rhododendrons.\\n3-4. Check your pH at least every year.\\nCheck the pH of your soil near the base of your plants, adding fertilizers such as aluminum sulfate (especially for hydrangeas) without damaging the root system. For the best results, use a commercial pH testing kit or send off a sample of your soil to get professionally tested.\\nOrnamental plants and vegetables will mostly prefer a slightly acidic environment of between 6.5 and 6.8.\\nHydrangeas, azaleas, rhododendrons, and blueberries will prefer a more acidic environment — between 5 and 5.5.\\n3-5. Raise the pH of your soil, if needed, by liming\\nIn some cases, your efforts to acidify the soil will work too well and you'll be left with soil that is too acidic for your desired plant or vegetable. In these cases, you'll want to alkalize your soil with the addition of lime. Lime comes in three basic varieties — limestone, burned/quicklime, or hydrated lime — and how much to include will depend on the type of soil you have, as well as the variety of lime you choose to use. Inspect the packet for directions or talk to a horticulturist for more information.\\nTips\\nFlowers of sulphur are a fine powder of pure sulphur. You can find this in garden centers or order from online suppliers.\\nIron salts might also be beneficial; soils that are too alkaline can \\\"lock up\\\" iron, preventing it from reaching the plants which need it. See how the first treatment goes before adding iron as well.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Some plants, such as camellias, lupines, garden lilies, and primrose, love acidic soils. If your soil isn't acidic enough, or has been heavily treated with lime, here are some methods for increasing the acidity slightly in order to keep your acid-loving plants happily growing.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Testing the pH of Your Soil and Water\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Get your soil professionally tested for the best, most accurate results.\", \"描述\": \"If you're serious about growing plants or making your soil more acidic for whatever reason, you'll know that professional sampling is more accurate than DIY home tests. It may not seem like it, but the difference between soil that is 5.5 and 6.5 on the pH scale is pretty big!\\nIf you are in the United States, contact the nearest county extension office. They will do a basic soil test, which includes measuring pH, for free or for a small fee.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Try a DIY home pH test\", \"描述\": \"If you're not into the idea of professional soil testing, you can easily test the pH of your soil at home, but understand that it won't be as accurate as a professional reading. There are several ways to get a pretty decent reading at home:\\n\\nUse paper strips to test pH. This method will only tell you whether your soil is predominantly acidic or basic, but it's a fun exercise that you can use with lots of different flowers, vegetables, and herbs.\\nUse vinegar and baking soda to test pH. Another rudimentary way of testing acidic vs. basic, this method involves taking a cup of soil and dividing it into two containers. Add vinegar to one container and baking soda and water to the other, seeing which one fizzes. If it fizzes for vinegar, it's basic or alkaline; if it fizzes for baking soda, it's acidic.\\nBuy a home testing kit. A home testing kit should be able to tell you your soil pH by giving you a number. This number is a more informative reading than the simple \\\"this is acidic\\\" or \\\"this is basic\\\" reading of over home methods.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be sure to test the pH of your water as well.\", \"描述\": \"The pH of groundwater that you may use to water your plants ranges from about 6.5 to 8.5, but is usually more on the alkaline side so that it doesn't corrode water pipes. If the water you use to water your plants is basic to begin with, and your soil is as well, know that you'll need a little extra \\\"oomph\\\" to produce the desired acidic effect for your plants.\\nOne way to get around this potential problem is to use pure, filtered water. Pure water has a pH of 7, which makes it almost completely neutral. Using pure, filtered water is effective, but it can become expensive quickly.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Know how to read the pH of whatever test you use.\", \"描述\": \"pH is a measure of how basic or acidic a substance is. This measure exists on a scale from 0 to 14, with 0 being very acidic (think battery acid) and 14 being very alkaline (think liquid drain cleaner). 7 is considered \\\"neutral\\\" on the pH scale.\\nFor example, if your soil reads 8.5 on the pH scale, it means that it's slightly basic. You'll need to add a little bit of acidic material to make the soil less basic. If your soil measures 6.5 on the pH scale, it means it's slightly acidic. If you want your soil to be even more acidic, you'll need to add additional acidic material.\\nIf you want to get into the nitty gritty, consider that pH is a logarithmic scale, meaning each number represents a 10-fold change. So a pH of 8 is 10 times more basic than a pH of 7, a pH of 8.5 is 15 times more basic, and so on.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acidifying the Soil\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Identify your soil type.\", \"描述\": \"This is different than determining the pH of your soil, and it's a really important move. Your soil type will tell you which method of acidifying you should use.\\nSoil that is already well-drained and relatively loose will make acidification much easier. This type of soil can benefit from large amounts of organic compounds that acidify the soil as they break down.\\nSoil that is clumped with clay and seriously compacted will make acidification much tougher. Adding organic material to this type of soil will make it more alkaline, not less.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Add organic materials to well-drained, loose soils.\", \"描述\": \"In order to acidify these types of soils, organic materials are your best bet. Organic materials acidify the soil as they break down, but large amounts of them are needed to bring the pH down. Here are some nice organic materials you should consider using:\\nSphagnum peat moss\\nComposted oak leaves\\nCompost and manure\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Add elemental sulfur to soil that is heavily compacted or which has lots of clay.\", \"描述\": \"As mentioned earlier, adding organic materials to highly-dense soil can make problems worse, as your soil retains more moisture, making it more alkaline. For this reason, adding elemental sulfur or iron sulfate is the most surefire way to acidify soil with heavy clay components to it.\\nElemental sulfur acidifies the soil as bacteria turns the elemental sulfur into sulfuric acid. It takes about 2 pounds of elemental sulfur per 100 square feet to reduce the pH of a soil that is 7 down to a pH of 4.5.\\nBecause elemental sulfur is slow to react, it's best to add it the year before planting in order to achieve the best results.\\nWork the elemental sulfur into the soil, going as deep as 6 inches (15.2 cm).\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Add iron sulfate to soil that is heavily compacted or has lots of clay.\", \"描述\": \"Iron sulfate relies on a chemical reaction to create acidity. It is therefore less dependent on temperature conditions than elemental sulfur, which depends on bacteria to produce a biological reaction.\\nIt could take upwards of 10 pounds of iron sulfate for every 100 square feet of soil to reduce pH by one unit.\\nIf you are adding more than 10 pounds of iron sulfate for every 100 square feet of soil, then you will need to split it up into two applications, spaced one to two months apart. This will give the soil time to absorb the iron sulfate after application.\\nIron sulfates are lot faster-acting than elemental sulfurs. They can significantly reduce pH in a matter of three to four weeks, as opposed to several months. This gives them the added advantage of being usable the same season you decide on planting.\\nBe careful when applying iron sulfates. They can cause rusty stains on clothes, sidewalks, and patios. It's best to separate any clothes you get iron sulfates on from other clothes — wash them separately to avoid any cross-contamination.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Use a fertilizer containing ammonia.\", \"描述\": \"In a lot of cases, all you need to do to acidify soil is use an ammonia-based fertilizer. Many of the fertilizers which are used for acid-loving plants contain ammonia sulfate or sulfur-coated urea.\\nCalcium nitrate and potassium nitrate should not be used as fertilizers, even if they do contain ammonia. These fertilizers actually raise the pH of your soil.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Maintaining a Healthy pH for Your Plants\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"If flowers or plants already happen to be planted, use elemental sulfur.\", \"描述\": \"Because it is slow-acting, it's tough to make mistakes at recommended doses. Work it into moist soil as much as possible, without disrupting any root systems. Continue to monitor the pH of the soil as the months pass.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Resist the urge to add vinegar to your soil.\", \"描述\": \"Vinegar will lower the pH of the soil immediately, but in this case, it's not a great thing. The change happens too radically, disappears too quickly, and kills off beneficial soil organisms. Stay away from vinegar unless you're okay with the possibility of your plants dying.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Use cottonseed meal as an acidifying fertilizer over the course of the year.\", \"描述\": \"So you've already treated your soil with iron sulfates, for example, and you've just planted your blueberries. Keep the soil pH low by applying generous amounts of natural acidifying fertilizers such as cottonseed meal. Cottonseed meal, a by-product of cotton manufacturing, is especially great for acid-loving plants like azaleas, camellias, and rhododendrons.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Check your pH at least every year.\", \"描述\": \"Check the pH of your soil near the base of your plants, adding fertilizers such as aluminum sulfate (especially for hydrangeas) without damaging the root system. For the best results, use a commercial pH testing kit or send off a sample of your soil to get professionally tested.\\nOrnamental plants and vegetables will mostly prefer a slightly acidic environment of between 6.5 and 6.8.\\nHydrangeas, azaleas, rhododendrons, and blueberries will prefer a more acidic environment — between 5 and 5.5.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Raise the pH of your soil, if needed, by liming\", \"描述\": \"In some cases, your efforts to acidify the soil will work too well and you'll be left with soil that is too acidic for your desired plant or vegetable. In these cases, you'll want to alkalize your soil with the addition of lime. Lime comes in three basic varieties — limestone, burned/quicklime, or hydrated lime — and how much to include will depend on the type of soil you have, as well as the variety of lime you choose to use. Inspect the packet for directions or talk to a horticulturist for more information.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Flowers of sulphur are a fine powder of pure sulphur. You can find this in garden centers or order from online suppliers.\\n\", \"Iron salts might also be beneficial; soils that are too alkaline can \\\"lock up\\\" iron, preventing it from reaching the plants which need it. See how the first treatment goes before adding iron as well.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acidify Urine
1. Eating and Drinking to Acidify Urine 1-1. Eat the right kinds of veggies. In general, a vegetable-rich diet is a great way to decrease the pH of urine. A lower pH signifies a higher acidic level. However, there are certain vegetables that should be avoided, since they have the opposite effect of making urine more basic or alkaline (with a higher pH level). Eat plenty of servings of corn, white beans, and lentils, since these are especially effective for acidifying urine. Most salads are also helpful for lowering urine pH. Avoid potatoes, lima beans, soybeans, parsnips, spinach, and dried vegetables. 1-2. Pick up some fruit, but skip the oranges and other citrus. Many fruits are also helpful for acidifying urine. As with vegetables, however, there are some that should be avoided, particularly citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc.). Though they are acidic, they do not react with your body to lower urine pH. Eat fruits such as prunes, plums and cranberries freely. Avoid cantaloupe, raisins, dates, figs, dried fruits, in addition to citrus fruits. You can also drink fruit juices (about 16 ounces a day), such as prune, plum, and cranberry, but stay away from citrus and tomato juices. 1-3. Load up on protein and carbs. Plenty of servings from these food groups will also help acidify your urine. There are plenty of options among them, and fewer restrictions. Try having: Two hearty servings of meat such as beef, poultry, or fish each day. A few eggs per day. Nuts as a snack (but not almonds or chestnuts). At least some carbs each day (white or brown rice, pasta, cereal, and bread are all good options). 1-4. Get some dairy each day. Products such as yogurt and buttermilk are especially helpful for raising the acidity of urine. Up to one pint of milk as well as 3 ounces of cream or cheese a day also make good choices. 1-5. Drink cola in moderation. The inorganic (non-naturally sourced) acid added to cola makes it a good way to lower the pH level of urine. However, drinking too much cola (whether regular or diet/sugar-free) is thought to be for your health. Ask your doctor whether drinking cola would be a sensible way to acidify urine. 1-6. Take betaine as a supplement or get it from natural sources. Betaine is an amino acid (building block of protein) available as a dietary supplement from health and nutrition stores. It is also naturally found in several foods. Taking a 650 mg supplement three times a day with meals has been shown to acidify urine. You can also try eating foods such as beets, broccoli, grains (wheat bran or quinoa), and spinach. These are relatively high in betaine, but you will need to eat several servings each day to get enough of the amino acid. Betaine can interact with medications. Mild side effects include diarrhea, nausea, or an upset stomach. Talk to your doctor before you start taking supplements. If you have high cholesterol or kidney disease, talk to your doctor before taking betaine. Betaine can worsen these issues. 2. Acidifying Urine for Health Reasons 2-1. Prevent bladder infections. When urine has a high pH level, it is more tolerated by bacteria that can cause infections. Raising urine acidity, on the other hand, reduces bacteria and the risk of bladder infection. 2-2. May help treat multiple sclerosis. Bladder infections are one of the most common threats facing MS patients. For this reason, physicians often recommending acidifying urine as part of MS treatment, even when there are no signs of a bladder infection. Drinking 12 ounces of cranberry juice per day may be an effective treatment. 2-3. Reduce or eliminate kidney stones. Acidic urine can help dissolve the solids that build up and cause the kidney stones. There are several types of stones, but acidifying urine is recommended as a treatment for both calcium phosphate and struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones. Warnings Always talk to your doctor before making major dietary changes, or attempting to treat an illness or condition on your own.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Eating and Drinking to Acidify Urine\\n1-1. Eat the right kinds of veggies.\\nIn general, a vegetable-rich diet is a great way to decrease the pH of urine. A lower pH signifies a higher acidic level. However, there are certain vegetables that should be avoided, since they have the opposite effect of making urine more basic or alkaline (with a higher pH level).\\nEat plenty of servings of corn, white beans, and lentils, since these are especially effective for acidifying urine. Most salads are also helpful for lowering urine pH.\\nAvoid potatoes, lima beans, soybeans, parsnips, spinach, and dried vegetables.\\n1-2. Pick up some fruit, but skip the oranges and other citrus.\\nMany fruits are also helpful for acidifying urine. As with vegetables, however, there are some that should be avoided, particularly citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc.). Though they are acidic, they do not react with your body to lower urine pH.\\nEat fruits such as prunes, plums and cranberries freely.\\nAvoid cantaloupe, raisins, dates, figs, dried fruits, in addition to citrus fruits.\\nYou can also drink fruit juices (about 16 ounces a day), such as prune, plum, and cranberry, but stay away from citrus and tomato juices.\\n1-3. Load up on protein and carbs.\\nPlenty of servings from these food groups will also help acidify your urine. There are plenty of options among them, and fewer restrictions. Try having:\\nTwo hearty servings of meat such as beef, poultry, or fish each day.\\nA few eggs per day.\\nNuts as a snack (but not almonds or chestnuts).\\nAt least some carbs each day (white or brown rice, pasta, cereal, and bread are all good options).\\n1-4. Get some dairy each day.\\nProducts such as yogurt and buttermilk are especially helpful for raising the acidity of urine. Up to one pint of milk as well as 3 ounces of cream or cheese a day also make good choices.\\n1-5. Drink cola in moderation.\\nThe inorganic (non-naturally sourced) acid added to cola makes it a good way to lower the pH level of urine. However, drinking too much cola (whether regular or diet/sugar-free) is thought to be for your health. Ask your doctor whether drinking cola would be a sensible way to acidify urine.\\n1-6. Take betaine as a supplement or get it from natural sources.\\nBetaine is an amino acid (building block of protein) available as a dietary supplement from health and nutrition stores. It is also naturally found in several foods. Taking a 650 mg supplement three times a day with meals has been shown to acidify urine.\\nYou can also try eating foods such as beets, broccoli, grains (wheat bran or quinoa), and spinach. These are relatively high in betaine, but you will need to eat several servings each day to get enough of the amino acid.\\nBetaine can interact with medications. Mild side effects include diarrhea, nausea, or an upset stomach. Talk to your doctor before you start taking supplements.\\nIf you have high cholesterol or kidney disease, talk to your doctor before taking betaine. Betaine can worsen these issues.\\n2. Acidifying Urine for Health Reasons\\n2-1. Prevent bladder infections.\\nWhen urine has a high pH level, it is more tolerated by bacteria that can cause infections. Raising urine acidity, on the other hand, reduces bacteria and the risk of bladder infection.\\n2-2. May help treat multiple sclerosis.\\nBladder infections are one of the most common threats facing MS patients. For this reason, physicians often recommending acidifying urine as part of MS treatment, even when there are no signs of a bladder infection.\\nDrinking 12 ounces of cranberry juice per day may be an effective treatment.\\n2-3. Reduce or eliminate kidney stones.\\nAcidic urine can help dissolve the solids that build up and cause the kidney stones. There are several types of stones, but acidifying urine is recommended as a treatment for both calcium phosphate and struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones.\\nWarnings\\nAlways talk to your doctor before making major dietary changes, or attempting to treat an illness or condition on your own.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Acidifying urine may be useful for treating or even preventing a variety of problems, ranging from bladder infections to multiple sclerosis. You should always talk to your doctor about the best options in your particular case, but there are several ways to acidify urine just by making a few dietary choices. Eating the right kinds of vegetables, fruits, protein, and carbs will be a great start. Drinking certain juices and taking dietary supplements may also be helpful.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Eating and Drinking to Acidify Urine\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Eat the right kinds of veggies.\", \"描述\": \"In general, a vegetable-rich diet is a great way to decrease the pH of urine. A lower pH signifies a higher acidic level. However, there are certain vegetables that should be avoided, since they have the opposite effect of making urine more basic or alkaline (with a higher pH level).\\nEat plenty of servings of corn, white beans, and lentils, since these are especially effective for acidifying urine. Most salads are also helpful for lowering urine pH.\\nAvoid potatoes, lima beans, soybeans, parsnips, spinach, and dried vegetables.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Pick up some fruit, but skip the oranges and other citrus.\", \"描述\": \"Many fruits are also helpful for acidifying urine. As with vegetables, however, there are some that should be avoided, particularly citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc.). Though they are acidic, they do not react with your body to lower urine pH.\\nEat fruits such as prunes, plums and cranberries freely.\\nAvoid cantaloupe, raisins, dates, figs, dried fruits, in addition to citrus fruits.\\nYou can also drink fruit juices (about 16 ounces a day), such as prune, plum, and cranberry, but stay away from citrus and tomato juices.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Load up on protein and carbs.\", \"描述\": \"Plenty of servings from these food groups will also help acidify your urine. There are plenty of options among them, and fewer restrictions. Try having:\\nTwo hearty servings of meat such as beef, poultry, or fish each day.\\nA few eggs per day.\\nNuts as a snack (but not almonds or chestnuts).\\nAt least some carbs each day (white or brown rice, pasta, cereal, and bread are all good options).\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Get some dairy each day.\", \"描述\": \"Products such as yogurt and buttermilk are especially helpful for raising the acidity of urine. Up to one pint of milk as well as 3 ounces of cream or cheese a day also make good choices.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Drink cola in moderation.\", \"描述\": \"The inorganic (non-naturally sourced) acid added to cola makes it a good way to lower the pH level of urine. However, drinking too much cola (whether regular or diet/sugar-free) is thought to be for your health. Ask your doctor whether drinking cola would be a sensible way to acidify urine.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Take betaine as a supplement or get it from natural sources.\", \"描述\": \"Betaine is an amino acid (building block of protein) available as a dietary supplement from health and nutrition stores. It is also naturally found in several foods. Taking a 650 mg supplement three times a day with meals has been shown to acidify urine.\\nYou can also try eating foods such as beets, broccoli, grains (wheat bran or quinoa), and spinach. These are relatively high in betaine, but you will need to eat several servings each day to get enough of the amino acid.\\nBetaine can interact with medications. Mild side effects include diarrhea, nausea, or an upset stomach. Talk to your doctor before you start taking supplements.\\nIf you have high cholesterol or kidney disease, talk to your doctor before taking betaine. Betaine can worsen these issues.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acidifying Urine for Health Reasons\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Prevent bladder infections.\", \"描述\": \"When urine has a high pH level, it is more tolerated by bacteria that can cause infections. Raising urine acidity, on the other hand, reduces bacteria and the risk of bladder infection.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"May help treat multiple sclerosis.\", \"描述\": \"Bladder infections are one of the most common threats facing MS patients. For this reason, physicians often recommending acidifying urine as part of MS treatment, even when there are no signs of a bladder infection.\\nDrinking 12 ounces of cranberry juice per day may be an effective treatment.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Reduce or eliminate kidney stones.\", \"描述\": \"Acidic urine can help dissolve the solids that build up and cause the kidney stones. There are several types of stones, but acidifying urine is recommended as a treatment for both calcium phosphate and struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones.\"}], \"注意事项\": [\"Always talk to your doctor before making major dietary changes, or attempting to treat an illness or condition on your own.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acoustically Tune a Room
1. Making Quick Adjustments 1-1. Remove hard surfaces and things that vibrate from the room. You’ll want to minimize hard surfaces and anything that vibrates, from table lamps to pictures hung on the wall. If you’re tuning your bedroom, leave the bed and other essentials. Just remove everything you can. You’ll also need space for your audio equipment, so clear out the area you’re tuning to make room. 1-2. Absorb and diffuse sounds with furniture and décor. Store-bought diffusers bounce sound waves in many different directions, effectively reducing reflections. However, they’re not really worth the expense for a home studio. Furniture like a soft sofa and bookshelves will work just as well. In addition to using furniture to diffuse sound, you should cover any windows with heavy curtains to help reduce outside noise. 1-3. Don’t just cover all the walls with equally sized foam panels. The key to tuning a room is to provide a balance between sound absorption and diffusion. In addition, using absorbers, like foam panels and corner bass traps, with various thicknesses will absorb low, mid, and high pitched sounds. Just using one thickness will only absorb one of those pitch ranges. Covering the entire room with the same sized foam panels is actually worse than doing nothing at all. Diffusers scatter sound waves and are useful in larger spaces. For the average home studio, they’re not worth the expense. A soft sofa and bookcase work just fine as diffusers. 1-4. Prioritize corners over walls. Trihedral corners are the three-dimensional corners between two walls and the ceiling or floor. These should be your first priority. Dihedral corners are where two walls meet and are your second priority. The walls themselves get last priority. For instance, if you’re on a budget, start with mounting bass trap sound absorbers at the corners where the walls meet the ceiling or floor. 1-5. Calculate how much wall coverage you need. Most home studios will only need about 30 to 40 percent of surface coverage. To estimate how much of a wall needs to be covered, multiply its length by its height. Divide that amount, or its area, by three. For instance, if your wall is 12 feet long and 9 feet high (3.65 by 2.75 meters), its area is 108 square feet (10 square meters). You should cover it with 36 square feet (3.3 square meters) of sound absorbing material. Three 4 by 3 foot (or about 1 by 1 meter) panels should do the trick. 1-6. Use rolls and slabs of insulation as absorbers. If store-bought absorbers aren’t in your budget, insulation can be a more affordable option. While not as effective or aesthetically pleasing, you can place rolls of insulation in your room’s corners and mount slabs on the walls. Keep in mind corners where the walls meet the floor and ceiling are your top priority. If you can only do one thing, place rolls of insulation in the room's corners. Look for fiberglass or foam insulation online or at your local home improvement store. 1-7. Build your own panels by framing rockwool. Creating your own panels is a little more sophisticated than just leaning slabs and rolls of insulation against the wall. Try gluing sheets of rockwool, foam, or fiberglass insulation together to create a variety of thicknesses. You can then cut wooden boards and glue them to the sides of your homemade panels to create frames. Then, glue or screw the frames onto your room’s corners and walls. 2. Installing Commercial Sound Absorbers 2-1. Sketch out your room and map out your panels. You won’t want to invest in absorbers, then hang them at crooked angles. Bass traps that fit into corners are easier to mount straight, but you should take the time to space out wall panels evenly. Measure your wall’s full length and add your panels’ lengths together. Then, subtract your panels’ total length from the wall length. Divide the difference by the number of panels you have. Suppose your walls are 10 feet (3 meters) long and you want to hang two 2 foot (0.6 meter) panels on each wall. You have 6 feet of space left over, so you can hang the panels 2 feet away from the wall’s corners and everything will be even. Use a pencil and level so you can hang panels on a straight line. 2-2. Install bass traps at the room’s corners. The corners of a room tend to amplify the effects of low frequency reverberation, which bass traps absorb best. Remember that the corners where two walls meet the ceiling and floor reflect the most sound, so these are your first priority. Store-bought absorbers usually come with heavy duty adhesive or brackets. Check your product’s instructions for specific installation information. 2-3. Install foam panels. Foam panels are thinner than corner bass traps, so they take care of sound waves at mid and high frequencies. If you can afford it, purchase panels with two or three different thicknesses to absorb the broadest range of frequencies. Space your panels evenly across a wall, and hang them at ear level for the best effect. If it’s affordable, mounting two or more flat foam panels on the ceiling is also effective. However, think of the ceiling as another wall, and make the corners your first priority if your budget is a concern. 2-4. Install asymmetrical absorbers. In addition to flat panels and corner bass traps, you might also want to try panels that hang from the ceiling or attach to walls at an angle. Recall that cube-shaped rooms have poor mode distribution and cause a distorting resonant frequency. Angled, asymmetrical absorbers can help curb this effect in small rooms with regular proportions. For example, you could mount panels at an angle between a wall and the ceiling. You're trying to add asymmetry, so avoid placing angled panels between walls and ceilings directly across from each other. If they mirror each other, you won't create any new, irregular proportions. You could also install absorbers that hang from the ceiling around the listening spot in the room. This is the spot where you'll be listening to music or placing the recording equipment. 3. Choosing a Room to Tune 3-1. Go for a large, asymmetrical room. Larger, asymmetrical spaces allow for better sound quality. Rooms with uneven dimensions interfere less with direct sound, or the sound waves that travel directly from the source to the listener. All rooms have modes, or modes of vibration. In basic terms, modes have to do with how a room reflects and distorts sound waves. Small, cube-shaped rooms are the worst choice for a studio but, unfortunately, they’re the only available option in most homes. A small room with roughly equal height, length, and width has poor mode distribution, which leads to a greater distortion at a specific frequency, or resonant frequency. A larger room with more varied proportions has more resonant frequencies, instead of one big peak, which means a less intense distortion. 3-2. Choose a room away from outside noises. If possible, choose a room where you can’t hear cars, lawn mowers, birds, and other outside noises. Downstairs rooms are typically better than rooms upstairs. Keep in mind you’ll also be making noise that others can hear. Professional soundproofing isn’t affordable for most people, so choose the most isolated spot available. 3-3. Clap your hands to check your room for reflections. Stand in several spots all around the room and clap your hands as loud as you can. Listen closely to the reflections that follow, and try to evaluate their quality. If necessary, attune your ear by doing the clap test in multiple rooms to hear a broader range of reflections. Intense flutter echoes, or a harsh, sharp ringing, are a worst-case scenario, and is probably what you’d hear in a small, cube-shaped room. The intensity of the echoes you hear will let you know how much work you have to put into tuning your room.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:55", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Making Quick Adjustments\\n1-1. Remove hard surfaces and things that vibrate from the room.\\nYou’ll want to minimize hard surfaces and anything that vibrates, from table lamps to pictures hung on the wall. If you’re tuning your bedroom, leave the bed and other essentials. Just remove everything you can.\\nYou’ll also need space for your audio equipment, so clear out the area you’re tuning to make room.\\n1-2. Absorb and diffuse sounds with furniture and décor.\\nStore-bought diffusers bounce sound waves in many different directions, effectively reducing reflections. However, they’re not really worth the expense for a home studio. Furniture like a soft sofa and bookshelves will work just as well.\\nIn addition to using furniture to diffuse sound, you should cover any windows with heavy curtains to help reduce outside noise.\\n1-3. Don’t just cover all the walls with equally sized foam panels.\\nThe key to tuning a room is to provide a balance between sound absorption and diffusion. In addition, using absorbers, like foam panels and corner bass traps, with various thicknesses will absorb low, mid, and high pitched sounds. Just using one thickness will only absorb one of those pitch ranges.\\nCovering the entire room with the same sized foam panels is actually worse than doing nothing at all.\\nDiffusers scatter sound waves and are useful in larger spaces. For the average home studio, they’re not worth the expense. A soft sofa and bookcase work just fine as diffusers.\\n1-4. Prioritize corners over walls.\\nTrihedral corners are the three-dimensional corners between two walls and the ceiling or floor. These should be your first priority. Dihedral corners are where two walls meet and are your second priority. The walls themselves get last priority.\\nFor instance, if you’re on a budget, start with mounting bass trap sound absorbers at the corners where the walls meet the ceiling or floor.\\n1-5. Calculate how much wall coverage you need.\\nMost home studios will only need about 30 to 40 percent of surface coverage. To estimate how much of a wall needs to be covered, multiply its length by its height. Divide that amount, or its area, by three.\\nFor instance, if your wall is 12 feet long and 9 feet high (3.65 by 2.75 meters), its area is 108 square feet (10 square meters). You should cover it with 36 square feet (3.3 square meters) of sound absorbing material. Three 4 by 3 foot (or about 1 by 1 meter) panels should do the trick.\\n1-6. Use rolls and slabs of insulation as absorbers.\\nIf store-bought absorbers aren’t in your budget, insulation can be a more affordable option. While not as effective or aesthetically pleasing, you can place rolls of insulation in your room’s corners and mount slabs on the walls.\\nKeep in mind corners where the walls meet the floor and ceiling are your top priority. If you can only do one thing, place rolls of insulation in the room's corners.\\nLook for fiberglass or foam insulation online or at your local home improvement store.\\n1-7. Build your own panels by framing rockwool.\\nCreating your own panels is a little more sophisticated than just leaning slabs and rolls of insulation against the wall. Try gluing sheets of rockwool, foam, or fiberglass insulation together to create a variety of thicknesses.\\nYou can then cut wooden boards and glue them to the sides of your homemade panels to create frames. Then, glue or screw the frames onto your room’s corners and walls.\\n2. Installing Commercial Sound Absorbers\\n2-1. Sketch out your room and map out your panels.\\nYou won’t want to invest in absorbers, then hang them at crooked angles. Bass traps that fit into corners are easier to mount straight, but you should take the time to space out wall panels evenly.\\nMeasure your wall’s full length and add your panels’ lengths together. Then, subtract your panels’ total length from the wall length. Divide the difference by the number of panels you have.\\nSuppose your walls are 10 feet (3 meters) long and you want to hang two 2 foot (0.6 meter) panels on each wall. You have 6 feet of space left over, so you can hang the panels 2 feet away from the wall’s corners and everything will be even.\\nUse a pencil and level so you can hang panels on a straight line.\\n2-2. Install bass traps at the room’s corners.\\nThe corners of a room tend to amplify the effects of low frequency reverberation, which bass traps absorb best. Remember that the corners where two walls meet the ceiling and floor reflect the most sound, so these are your first priority.\\nStore-bought absorbers usually come with heavy duty adhesive or brackets. Check your product’s instructions for specific installation information.\\n2-3. Install foam panels.\\nFoam panels are thinner than corner bass traps, so they take care of sound waves at mid and high frequencies. If you can afford it, purchase panels with two or three different thicknesses to absorb the broadest range of frequencies. Space your panels evenly across a wall, and hang them at ear level for the best effect.\\nIf it’s affordable, mounting two or more flat foam panels on the ceiling is also effective. However, think of the ceiling as another wall, and make the corners your first priority if your budget is a concern.\\n2-4. Install asymmetrical absorbers.\\nIn addition to flat panels and corner bass traps, you might also want to try panels that hang from the ceiling or attach to walls at an angle. Recall that cube-shaped rooms have poor mode distribution and cause a distorting resonant frequency. Angled, asymmetrical absorbers can help curb this effect in small rooms with regular proportions.\\nFor example, you could mount panels at an angle between a wall and the ceiling. You're trying to add asymmetry, so avoid placing angled panels between walls and ceilings directly across from each other. If they mirror each other, you won't create any new, irregular proportions.\\nYou could also install absorbers that hang from the ceiling around the listening spot in the room. This is the spot where you'll be listening to music or placing the recording equipment.\\n3. Choosing a Room to Tune\\n3-1. Go for a large, asymmetrical room.\\nLarger, asymmetrical spaces allow for better sound quality. Rooms with uneven dimensions interfere less with direct sound, or the sound waves that travel directly from the source to the listener.\\nAll rooms have modes, or modes of vibration. In basic terms, modes have to do with how a room reflects and distorts sound waves. Small, cube-shaped rooms are the worst choice for a studio but, unfortunately, they’re the only available option in most homes.\\nA small room with roughly equal height, length, and width has poor mode distribution, which leads to a greater distortion at a specific frequency, or resonant frequency. A larger room with more varied proportions has more resonant frequencies, instead of one big peak, which means a less intense distortion.\\n3-2. Choose a room away from outside noises.\\nIf possible, choose a room where you can’t hear cars, lawn mowers, birds, and other outside noises. Downstairs rooms are typically better than rooms upstairs.\\nKeep in mind you’ll also be making noise that others can hear. Professional soundproofing isn’t affordable for most people, so choose the most isolated spot available.\\n3-3. Clap your hands to check your room for reflections.\\nStand in several spots all around the room and clap your hands as loud as you can. Listen closely to the reflections that follow, and try to evaluate their quality. If necessary, attune your ear by doing the clap test in multiple rooms to hear a broader range of reflections.\\nIntense flutter echoes, or a harsh, sharp ringing, are a worst-case scenario, and is probably what you’d hear in a small, cube-shaped room. The intensity of the echoes you hear will let you know how much work you have to put into tuning your room.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Many people enjoy creating and listening to music, but few can afford the luxury of a recording studio. Most rooms in the average home have less than stellar sound quality, but there are steps you can take to acoustically tune any space. To keep your budget in check, try DIY hacks, like placing furniture strategically and using slabs of insulation. If you can splurge on sound absorbers, mount them on the room’s corners and walls, and hang them evenly so they’re most effective and aesthetically pleasing.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Making Quick Adjustments\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Remove hard surfaces and things that vibrate from the room.\", \"描述\": \"You’ll want to minimize hard surfaces and anything that vibrates, from table lamps to pictures hung on the wall. If you’re tuning your bedroom, leave the bed and other essentials. Just remove everything you can.\\nYou’ll also need space for your audio equipment, so clear out the area you’re tuning to make room.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Absorb and diffuse sounds with furniture and décor.\", \"描述\": \"Store-bought diffusers bounce sound waves in many different directions, effectively reducing reflections. However, they’re not really worth the expense for a home studio. Furniture like a soft sofa and bookshelves will work just as well.\\nIn addition to using furniture to diffuse sound, you should cover any windows with heavy curtains to help reduce outside noise.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don’t just cover all the walls with equally sized foam panels.\", \"描述\": \"The key to tuning a room is to provide a balance between sound absorption and diffusion. In addition, using absorbers, like foam panels and corner bass traps, with various thicknesses will absorb low, mid, and high pitched sounds. Just using one thickness will only absorb one of those pitch ranges.\\nCovering the entire room with the same sized foam panels is actually worse than doing nothing at all.\\nDiffusers scatter sound waves and are useful in larger spaces. For the average home studio, they’re not worth the expense. A soft sofa and bookcase work just fine as diffusers.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Prioritize corners over walls.\", \"描述\": \"Trihedral corners are the three-dimensional corners between two walls and the ceiling or floor. These should be your first priority. Dihedral corners are where two walls meet and are your second priority. The walls themselves get last priority.\\nFor instance, if you’re on a budget, start with mounting bass trap sound absorbers at the corners where the walls meet the ceiling or floor.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Calculate how much wall coverage you need.\", \"描述\": \"Most home studios will only need about 30 to 40 percent of surface coverage. To estimate how much of a wall needs to be covered, multiply its length by its height. Divide that amount, or its area, by three.\\nFor instance, if your wall is 12 feet long and 9 feet high (3.65 by 2.75 meters), its area is 108 square feet (10 square meters). You should cover it with 36 square feet (3.3 square meters) of sound absorbing material. Three 4 by 3 foot (or about 1 by 1 meter) panels should do the trick.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Use rolls and slabs of insulation as absorbers.\", \"描述\": \"If store-bought absorbers aren’t in your budget, insulation can be a more affordable option. While not as effective or aesthetically pleasing, you can place rolls of insulation in your room’s corners and mount slabs on the walls.\\nKeep in mind corners where the walls meet the floor and ceiling are your top priority. If you can only do one thing, place rolls of insulation in the room's corners.\\nLook for fiberglass or foam insulation online or at your local home improvement store.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Build your own panels by framing rockwool.\", \"描述\": \"Creating your own panels is a little more sophisticated than just leaning slabs and rolls of insulation against the wall. Try gluing sheets of rockwool, foam, or fiberglass insulation together to create a variety of thicknesses.\\nYou can then cut wooden boards and glue them to the sides of your homemade panels to create frames. Then, glue or screw the frames onto your room’s corners and walls.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Installing Commercial Sound Absorbers\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Sketch out your room and map out your panels.\", \"描述\": \"You won’t want to invest in absorbers, then hang them at crooked angles. Bass traps that fit into corners are easier to mount straight, but you should take the time to space out wall panels evenly.\\nMeasure your wall’s full length and add your panels’ lengths together. Then, subtract your panels’ total length from the wall length. Divide the difference by the number of panels you have.\\nSuppose your walls are 10 feet (3 meters) long and you want to hang two 2 foot (0.6 meter) panels on each wall. You have 6 feet of space left over, so you can hang the panels 2 feet away from the wall’s corners and everything will be even.\\nUse a pencil and level so you can hang panels on a straight line.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Install bass traps at the room’s corners.\", \"描述\": \"The corners of a room tend to amplify the effects of low frequency reverberation, which bass traps absorb best. Remember that the corners where two walls meet the ceiling and floor reflect the most sound, so these are your first priority.\\nStore-bought absorbers usually come with heavy duty adhesive or brackets. Check your product’s instructions for specific installation information.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Install foam panels.\", \"描述\": \"Foam panels are thinner than corner bass traps, so they take care of sound waves at mid and high frequencies. If you can afford it, purchase panels with two or three different thicknesses to absorb the broadest range of frequencies. Space your panels evenly across a wall, and hang them at ear level for the best effect.\\nIf it’s affordable, mounting two or more flat foam panels on the ceiling is also effective. However, think of the ceiling as another wall, and make the corners your first priority if your budget is a concern.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Install asymmetrical absorbers.\", \"描述\": \"In addition to flat panels and corner bass traps, you might also want to try panels that hang from the ceiling or attach to walls at an angle. Recall that cube-shaped rooms have poor mode distribution and cause a distorting resonant frequency. Angled, asymmetrical absorbers can help curb this effect in small rooms with regular proportions.\\nFor example, you could mount panels at an angle between a wall and the ceiling. You're trying to add asymmetry, so avoid placing angled panels between walls and ceilings directly across from each other. If they mirror each other, you won't create any new, irregular proportions.\\nYou could also install absorbers that hang from the ceiling around the listening spot in the room. This is the spot where you'll be listening to music or placing the recording equipment.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Choosing a Room to Tune\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Go for a large, asymmetrical room.\", \"描述\": \"Larger, asymmetrical spaces allow for better sound quality. Rooms with uneven dimensions interfere less with direct sound, or the sound waves that travel directly from the source to the listener.\\nAll rooms have modes, or modes of vibration. In basic terms, modes have to do with how a room reflects and distorts sound waves. Small, cube-shaped rooms are the worst choice for a studio but, unfortunately, they’re the only available option in most homes.\\nA small room with roughly equal height, length, and width has poor mode distribution, which leads to a greater distortion at a specific frequency, or resonant frequency. A larger room with more varied proportions has more resonant frequencies, instead of one big peak, which means a less intense distortion.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Choose a room away from outside noises.\", \"描述\": \"If possible, choose a room where you can’t hear cars, lawn mowers, birds, and other outside noises. Downstairs rooms are typically better than rooms upstairs.\\nKeep in mind you’ll also be making noise that others can hear. Professional soundproofing isn’t affordable for most people, so choose the most isolated spot available.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Clap your hands to check your room for reflections.\", \"描述\": \"Stand in several spots all around the room and clap your hands as loud as you can. Listen closely to the reflections that follow, and try to evaluate their quality. If necessary, attune your ear by doing the clap test in multiple rooms to hear a broader range of reflections.\\nIntense flutter echoes, or a harsh, sharp ringing, are a worst-case scenario, and is probably what you’d hear in a small, cube-shaped room. The intensity of the echoes you hear will let you know how much work you have to put into tuning your room.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire Abandoned Property
1. Acquiring Abandoned Real Estate 1-1. Make sure it's actually abandoned. Just because a house is vacant or appears run-down doesn't necessarily mean it's abandoned. The problem with taking control of an abandoned piece of real estate is that somebody does technically own it, even if they don't live in it or take care of it. Generally speaking, real estate can never be abandoned, because there will always be the name of an owner recorded on the deed for the property. But that doesn't mean that whoever owns it still wants to own it. In many cases, the owner decided selling the property was more hassle than it was worth. 1-2. Find out who owns the property. The easiest way to find out who owns the property is to check your county's property tax records. You can talk to neighbors or take other steps to find out who owns the property, but property tax records are the easiest way. If real estate exists, someone is paying taxes on it – or owes taxes on it – and the county tax assessor will have that person's name and contact information. Keep in mind it's possible that the address the tax assessor has for the owner is the same as the address of the property you believe is abandoned. Another way to find the property owner is to look up the deed for the property in the county recorder's office. If any liens such as mortgages are recorded on the deed, try contacting the bank or mortgage company instead of the individual listed as property owner. 1-3. Contact the record owner. Once you have a name and address of the owner of the property, attempt to get in touch with them regarding the status of the property. This may require a little detective work on your part. For example, if the only address you can find for the owner is the street address for the property you believe to be abandoned, try sending a post card anyway. The property owner may be having his mail forwarded to a different address, so you can still reach him that way. If the property owner is actually a bank or mortgage company, you might have better luck tracking them down – especially if you make it clear you want to pay them money. 1-4. Make the owner an offer. If you are able to make contact with the owner, offer to take the property off their hands. If the owner owes back taxes, you may be able to acquire the property simply by offering to pay the back taxes. However, this amount may be more substantial if the owner owed additional money on the house when he abandoned it. Make sure you conduct thorough research on the house's title to ensure you're taking title free and clear of any debts aside from those you're willing to pay. A bank that owns property due to a foreclosure probably wants to get back as much as it can. Decide how much you can afford to spend on the property, accounting for any repairs that might need to be made, and make an offer. 1-5. Attempt adverse possession. If you cannot contact the owner, you can stake a claim on the property and see if you can keep it. If you openly "squat" on the property for a number of years – typically anywhere from five to 25 years or more – and the owner of record never tries to stop you, the title for the property might revert to you. In any case, this is a risky move considering the rightful owner could return at any moment and have you arrested for trespassing. 2. Acquiring Abandoned Personal Property 2-1. Make sure it's actually abandoned. Just because someone leaves something somewhere doesn't mean they've intended to rid themselves of it. However, if someone intentionally abandons most kinds of personal property, they lose ownership of it. This must be a deliberate act. In many states, a previous owner may come back and reclaim even intentionally abandoned property within a certain period of time. In the case of intangible property such as intellectual property, generally a period of time must pass during which the registered owner does nothing to control the property or limit access to it before it's considered abandoned. 2-2. Determine if anyone else has a better claim to the property. Typically the owner of the building or land where the property is left has a claim to the property that beats everyone but the true owner, even if you found it. For example, if you find a wallet on a street, you may be entitled to keep it. If, however, you find that wallet in a coffee shop, the owner of the coffee shop may have a better claim to the wallet than you do. However, the original owner of the wallet always has the superior claim, and provided the wallet included some sort of ID, you could track down the original owner fairly easily. 2-3. Hold the property in trust, if necessary. In some circumstances, you may be required by law to store the property for a period of time before you can claim it as your own. For example, if tenants leave personal property behind after an eviction, landlords typically are required to store the property for a period of time and notify the former tenants that the property is being kept. If the former tenants return to reclaim their property, the landlord can charge them reasonable storage fees. The amount of time property must be held varies among states, but typically is less than a month. After that period passes, the landlord is free to sell the property, throw it away, or keep it for himself. 2-4. Take the property as your own. If the true owner never reclaims the property, you are free to take it. 3. Acquiring Abandoned Vehicles 3-1. Check state or local law regarding abandoned vehicles. All states have laws regarding abandoned vehicles, but your city or county may have a stricter or more specific ordinance. 3-2. Make sure the vehicle is actually abandoned. Just because a car is broken down doesn't necessarily mean its owner intended never to claim it again. However, if a car is stripped or burned, or if it's missing significant parts, it's a pretty safe bet that it's been abandoned. 3-3. Contact local law enforcement. In most states, if you find an abandoned vehicle you must call local law enforcement and report it – even if you find it on your own property. Make sure you call the police or sheriff's department's non-emergency number – not 911 – to report an abandoned vehicle. Be prepared to give the officer who handles your call the exact location of the vehicle, as well as the make, model, and any other information you can give her about the appearance or condition of the vehicle so she can find it. In most states an abandoned vehicle or water vessel becomes state property. For example, in Michigan, you can't claim an abandoned vehicle on your private property, but you may have the opportunity to bid on it at public auction if it remains unclaimed. In many states, abandoning a vehicle may constitute a civil infraction or even a criminal misdemeanor, depending on where the vehicle is abandoned and in what condition. 3-4. Contact the owner. If you have the owner's contact information and you want the car yourself, you may be able to work out something with the owner before his time to reclaim his vehicle runs out. In some areas, police place a warning sticker on the vehicle instructing the record owner that it will be towed and auctioned if not moved within 24 hours. If the owner moves the car, the period of time starts over. If you find a car that already has an abandoned vehicle sticker or tag on it, you may be able to contact the owner and take the car yourself. Even with the owner's consent, you typically will be on the hook for title, registration, and towing fees, as well as whatever repairs are necessary to get the vehicle back in working order. 3-5. Bid on the vehicle at auction. If the county or state took ownership of the vehicle, it will either be scrapped or sold at auction. If the vehicle is sold at auction, you have the ability to bid for it there. Some states require a vehicle be sold for scrap if it is in significant disrepair or more than a certain number of years old. Vehicles that are sold for scrap typically can't be re-titled.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Acquiring Abandoned Real Estate\\n1-1. Make sure it's actually abandoned.\\nJust because a house is vacant or appears run-down doesn't necessarily mean it's abandoned.\\nThe problem with taking control of an abandoned piece of real estate is that somebody does technically own it, even if they don't live in it or take care of it.\\nGenerally speaking, real estate can never be abandoned, because there will always be the name of an owner recorded on the deed for the property. But that doesn't mean that whoever owns it still wants to own it. In many cases, the owner decided selling the property was more hassle than it was worth.\\n1-2. Find out who owns the property.\\nThe easiest way to find out who owns the property is to check your county's property tax records.\\nYou can talk to neighbors or take other steps to find out who owns the property, but property tax records are the easiest way. If real estate exists, someone is paying taxes on it – or owes taxes on it – and the county tax assessor will have that person's name and contact information.\\nKeep in mind it's possible that the address the tax assessor has for the owner is the same as the address of the property you believe is abandoned.\\nAnother way to find the property owner is to look up the deed for the property in the county recorder's office. If any liens such as mortgages are recorded on the deed, try contacting the bank or mortgage company instead of the individual listed as property owner.\\n1-3. Contact the record owner.\\nOnce you have a name and address of the owner of the property, attempt to get in touch with them regarding the status of the property.\\nThis may require a little detective work on your part. For example, if the only address you can find for the owner is the street address for the property you believe to be abandoned, try sending a post card anyway. The property owner may be having his mail forwarded to a different address, so you can still reach him that way.\\nIf the property owner is actually a bank or mortgage company, you might have better luck tracking them down – especially if you make it clear you want to pay them money.\\n1-4. Make the owner an offer.\\nIf you are able to make contact with the owner, offer to take the property off their hands.\\nIf the owner owes back taxes, you may be able to acquire the property simply by offering to pay the back taxes.\\nHowever, this amount may be more substantial if the owner owed additional money on the house when he abandoned it. Make sure you conduct thorough research on the house's title to ensure you're taking title free and clear of any debts aside from those you're willing to pay.\\nA bank that owns property due to a foreclosure probably wants to get back as much as it can. Decide how much you can afford to spend on the property, accounting for any repairs that might need to be made, and make an offer.\\n1-5. Attempt adverse possession.\\nIf you cannot contact the owner, you can stake a claim on the property and see if you can keep it.\\nIf you openly \\\"squat\\\" on the property for a number of years – typically anywhere from five to 25 years or more – and the owner of record never tries to stop you, the title for the property might revert to you.\\nIn any case, this is a risky move considering the rightful owner could return at any moment and have you arrested for trespassing.\\n2. Acquiring Abandoned Personal Property\\n2-1. Make sure it's actually abandoned.\\nJust because someone leaves something somewhere doesn't mean they've intended to rid themselves of it.\\nHowever, if someone intentionally abandons most kinds of personal property, they lose ownership of it. This must be a deliberate act.\\nIn many states, a previous owner may come back and reclaim even intentionally abandoned property within a certain period of time.\\nIn the case of intangible property such as intellectual property, generally a period of time must pass during which the registered owner does nothing to control the property or limit access to it before it's considered abandoned.\\n2-2. Determine if anyone else has a better claim to the property.\\nTypically the owner of the building or land where the property is left has a claim to the property that beats everyone but the true owner, even if you found it.\\nFor example, if you find a wallet on a street, you may be entitled to keep it. If, however, you find that wallet in a coffee shop, the owner of the coffee shop may have a better claim to the wallet than you do. However, the original owner of the wallet always has the superior claim, and provided the wallet included some sort of ID, you could track down the original owner fairly easily.\\n2-3. Hold the property in trust, if necessary.\\nIn some circumstances, you may be required by law to store the property for a period of time before you can claim it as your own.\\nFor example, if tenants leave personal property behind after an eviction, landlords typically are required to store the property for a period of time and notify the former tenants that the property is being kept. If the former tenants return to reclaim their property, the landlord can charge them reasonable storage fees.\\nThe amount of time property must be held varies among states, but typically is less than a month. After that period passes, the landlord is free to sell the property, throw it away, or keep it for himself.\\n2-4. Take the property as your own.\\nIf the true owner never reclaims the property, you are free to take it.\\n3. Acquiring Abandoned Vehicles\\n3-1. Check state or local law regarding abandoned vehicles.\\nAll states have laws regarding abandoned vehicles, but your city or county may have a stricter or more specific ordinance.\\n3-2. Make sure the vehicle is actually abandoned.\\nJust because a car is broken down doesn't necessarily mean its owner intended never to claim it again.\\nHowever, if a car is stripped or burned, or if it's missing significant parts, it's a pretty safe bet that it's been abandoned.\\n3-3. Contact local law enforcement.\\nIn most states, if you find an abandoned vehicle you must call local law enforcement and report it – even if you find it on your own property.\\nMake sure you call the police or sheriff's department's non-emergency number – not 911 – to report an abandoned vehicle.\\nBe prepared to give the officer who handles your call the exact location of the vehicle, as well as the make, model, and any other information you can give her about the appearance or condition of the vehicle so she can find it.\\nIn most states an abandoned vehicle or water vessel becomes state property. For example, in Michigan, you can't claim an abandoned vehicle on your private property, but you may have the opportunity to bid on it at public auction if it remains unclaimed.\\nIn many states, abandoning a vehicle may constitute a civil infraction or even a criminal misdemeanor, depending on where the vehicle is abandoned and in what condition.\\n3-4. Contact the owner.\\nIf you have the owner's contact information and you want the car yourself, you may be able to work out something with the owner before his time to reclaim his vehicle runs out.\\nIn some areas, police place a warning sticker on the vehicle instructing the record owner that it will be towed and auctioned if not moved within 24 hours. If the owner moves the car, the period of time starts over.\\nIf you find a car that already has an abandoned vehicle sticker or tag on it, you may be able to contact the owner and take the car yourself.\\nEven with the owner's consent, you typically will be on the hook for title, registration, and towing fees, as well as whatever repairs are necessary to get the vehicle back in working order.\\n3-5. Bid on the vehicle at auction.\\nIf the county or state took ownership of the vehicle, it will either be scrapped or sold at auction.\\nIf the vehicle is sold at auction, you have the ability to bid for it there.\\nSome states require a vehicle be sold for scrap if it is in significant disrepair or more than a certain number of years old. Vehicles that are sold for scrap typically can't be re-titled.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"You probably are familiar with the saying \\\"Finders, keepers; losers, weepers.\\\" Beyond a playground taunt, historically that also was a fair statement of abandoned property law: If you found abandoned property, you could claim it as your own. However, the law today is a bit more complicated, as many states have enacted legislation that alters the treatment of lost or abandoned property – particularly property such as real estate or motor vehicles in which the record owner can reasonably be discovered.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Acquiring Abandoned Real Estate\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make sure it's actually abandoned.\", \"描述\": \"Just because a house is vacant or appears run-down doesn't necessarily mean it's abandoned.\\nThe problem with taking control of an abandoned piece of real estate is that somebody does technically own it, even if they don't live in it or take care of it.\\nGenerally speaking, real estate can never be abandoned, because there will always be the name of an owner recorded on the deed for the property. But that doesn't mean that whoever owns it still wants to own it. In many cases, the owner decided selling the property was more hassle than it was worth.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Find out who owns the property.\", \"描述\": \"The easiest way to find out who owns the property is to check your county's property tax records.\\nYou can talk to neighbors or take other steps to find out who owns the property, but property tax records are the easiest way. If real estate exists, someone is paying taxes on it – or owes taxes on it – and the county tax assessor will have that person's name and contact information.\\nKeep in mind it's possible that the address the tax assessor has for the owner is the same as the address of the property you believe is abandoned.\\nAnother way to find the property owner is to look up the deed for the property in the county recorder's office. If any liens such as mortgages are recorded on the deed, try contacting the bank or mortgage company instead of the individual listed as property owner.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Contact the record owner.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have a name and address of the owner of the property, attempt to get in touch with them regarding the status of the property.\\nThis may require a little detective work on your part. For example, if the only address you can find for the owner is the street address for the property you believe to be abandoned, try sending a post card anyway. The property owner may be having his mail forwarded to a different address, so you can still reach him that way.\\nIf the property owner is actually a bank or mortgage company, you might have better luck tracking them down – especially if you make it clear you want to pay them money.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Make the owner an offer.\", \"描述\": \"If you are able to make contact with the owner, offer to take the property off their hands.\\nIf the owner owes back taxes, you may be able to acquire the property simply by offering to pay the back taxes.\\nHowever, this amount may be more substantial if the owner owed additional money on the house when he abandoned it. Make sure you conduct thorough research on the house's title to ensure you're taking title free and clear of any debts aside from those you're willing to pay.\\nA bank that owns property due to a foreclosure probably wants to get back as much as it can. Decide how much you can afford to spend on the property, accounting for any repairs that might need to be made, and make an offer.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Attempt adverse possession.\", \"描述\": \"If you cannot contact the owner, you can stake a claim on the property and see if you can keep it.\\nIf you openly \\\"squat\\\" on the property for a number of years – typically anywhere from five to 25 years or more – and the owner of record never tries to stop you, the title for the property might revert to you.\\nIn any case, this is a risky move considering the rightful owner could return at any moment and have you arrested for trespassing.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acquiring Abandoned Personal Property\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make sure it's actually abandoned.\", \"描述\": \"Just because someone leaves something somewhere doesn't mean they've intended to rid themselves of it.\\nHowever, if someone intentionally abandons most kinds of personal property, they lose ownership of it. This must be a deliberate act.\\nIn many states, a previous owner may come back and reclaim even intentionally abandoned property within a certain period of time.\\nIn the case of intangible property such as intellectual property, generally a period of time must pass during which the registered owner does nothing to control the property or limit access to it before it's considered abandoned.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Determine if anyone else has a better claim to the property.\", \"描述\": \"Typically the owner of the building or land where the property is left has a claim to the property that beats everyone but the true owner, even if you found it.\\nFor example, if you find a wallet on a street, you may be entitled to keep it. If, however, you find that wallet in a coffee shop, the owner of the coffee shop may have a better claim to the wallet than you do. However, the original owner of the wallet always has the superior claim, and provided the wallet included some sort of ID, you could track down the original owner fairly easily.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Hold the property in trust, if necessary.\", \"描述\": \"In some circumstances, you may be required by law to store the property for a period of time before you can claim it as your own.\\nFor example, if tenants leave personal property behind after an eviction, landlords typically are required to store the property for a period of time and notify the former tenants that the property is being kept. If the former tenants return to reclaim their property, the landlord can charge them reasonable storage fees.\\nThe amount of time property must be held varies among states, but typically is less than a month. After that period passes, the landlord is free to sell the property, throw it away, or keep it for himself.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Take the property as your own.\", \"描述\": \"If the true owner never reclaims the property, you are free to take it.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Acquiring Abandoned Vehicles\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Check state or local law regarding abandoned vehicles.\", \"描述\": \"All states have laws regarding abandoned vehicles, but your city or county may have a stricter or more specific ordinance.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make sure the vehicle is actually abandoned.\", \"描述\": \"Just because a car is broken down doesn't necessarily mean its owner intended never to claim it again.\\nHowever, if a car is stripped or burned, or if it's missing significant parts, it's a pretty safe bet that it's been abandoned.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Contact local law enforcement.\", \"描述\": \"In most states, if you find an abandoned vehicle you must call local law enforcement and report it – even if you find it on your own property.\\nMake sure you call the police or sheriff's department's non-emergency number – not 911 – to report an abandoned vehicle.\\nBe prepared to give the officer who handles your call the exact location of the vehicle, as well as the make, model, and any other information you can give her about the appearance or condition of the vehicle so she can find it.\\nIn most states an abandoned vehicle or water vessel becomes state property. For example, in Michigan, you can't claim an abandoned vehicle on your private property, but you may have the opportunity to bid on it at public auction if it remains unclaimed.\\nIn many states, abandoning a vehicle may constitute a civil infraction or even a criminal misdemeanor, depending on where the vehicle is abandoned and in what condition.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Contact the owner.\", \"描述\": \"If you have the owner's contact information and you want the car yourself, you may be able to work out something with the owner before his time to reclaim his vehicle runs out.\\nIn some areas, police place a warning sticker on the vehicle instructing the record owner that it will be towed and auctioned if not moved within 24 hours. If the owner moves the car, the period of time starts over.\\nIf you find a car that already has an abandoned vehicle sticker or tag on it, you may be able to contact the owner and take the car yourself.\\nEven with the owner's consent, you typically will be on the hook for title, registration, and towing fees, as well as whatever repairs are necessary to get the vehicle back in working order.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Bid on the vehicle at auction.\", \"描述\": \"If the county or state took ownership of the vehicle, it will either be scrapped or sold at auction.\\nIf the vehicle is sold at auction, you have the ability to bid for it there.\\nSome states require a vehicle be sold for scrap if it is in significant disrepair or more than a certain number of years old. Vehicles that are sold for scrap typically can't be re-titled.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire Bézier Curves Using Excel
1. Steps 2. Preparation 2-1. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/51\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/51\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\/388px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":664,"bigWidth":388,"bigHeight":560,"licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\/389px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":662,"bigWidth":389,"bigHeight":560,"licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} 2-2. Open a new Excel workbook and prepare 2 worksheets: Either click on the green "X" icon, or double-click on Excel in the Microsoft Office folder in your Applications folder by opening a Finder window, in order to start Excel; Using the File menu or the icon, Open a new workbook; Save the workbook as "Bezier Curves" into a logical folder, such as "wikiHow Articles" or "MS XL Imagery"; Create via the + button at the bottom or access the second worksheet tab and double-click edit-name it "Saves" -- this will be used to Paste Values and Charts to which you wish to keep and remember, while still having the top worksheet tab for doing the main work on -- if you were to copy and paste, the formula results would change with varying inputs on the top worksheet from the Defined Named Variables, which are global; Double-click on the first leftmost worksheet tab and edit-name it "3 Curves" (w/o quotes). 2-3. Set the Preferences, under the Excel menu: Be mindful that these settings will affect your future XL work; General - Set Show this number of recent documents to 15; set Sheets in new workbook to 3; this editor works with Body Font, in a font size of 12; set your preferred file path/ location; View - Check Show formula bar by default; check Indicators only, and comments on hover for Comments; show All for objects; Show row and column headings, Show outline symbols, Show zero values, Show horizontal scroll bar, Show vertical scroll bar, Show sheet tabs; Edit - Check all; Display 0 number of decimal places; set Interpret as 21st century for two-digit years before 30; Uncheck Automatically convert date system; AutoCorrect - Check all Chart - In Chart Screen Tips, check Show chart names on hover, and check Show data marker values on hover; leave the rest unchecked; Calculation - Automatically checked; Limit iteration to 100 Maximum iterations with a maximum change of 0.0001, unless goal seeking, then .000 000 000 000 01 (w/o spaces); check Save external link values; Error checking - Check all and this editor uses dark green or red to flag errors; Save - Check all; set to 5 minutes; Compatibility - check Check documents for compatibility Ribbon - All checked, except Hide group titles is unchecked. 3. Do Linear Bezier Curve 3-1. Fill in the worksheet's Column Headers and Defined Name Variables Enter label t into cell A1; Enter label Psub0_X into cell B1; Enter label Psub0_Y into cell C1; Enter label Psub1_X into cell D1; Enter label Psub1_Y into cell E1; Enter label Psub2_X into cell F1; Enter label Psub2_Y into cell G1; Enter label Psub3_X into cell H1; Enter label Psub3_Y into cell I1; Select columns $A:$I and Insert Name Create in Top Row -- those columns are now Defined Name Variables using the various labels for Points 1 to 3 for both X and Y, plus an interpolation point called t; Select Row $1 and do Format Alignment Center and Font Bold; (the dollar symbol just means that those variable names or formatting will always pertain to that column or row, absolutely); Enter label Interpolater: (with colon and a trailing space) to cell K1 and Format Cells Alignment Right -- this is my own method of adjusting the curves inwards and outwards by a basic overall ratio; Enter a 1 to cell L1, Format Fill Canary Yellow (for input) and Font Underline; Insert Name Define name Interpolater to cell $L$1; Select columns $A:$O and Format Cells Number Custom +0.0000;-0.0000;=0.0000 3-2. Start filling in the facts and formulas about the Linear Bézier Curve: Linear Bézier curves Note: "P0" and "P1", etc., simply stand for Points 0 and 1. Given Points P0 and P1, a linear Bézier curve is simply a straight line between those two Points. The curve is given by B(t) = P0 + t*(P1 - P0) = (1-t)*P0 + t*P1, where t is an element in the range [0,1], inclusive, and is equivalent to linear interpolation. Enter the sub headers and formulas which create the chart: Enter t to cell A11; enter X P0 to cell B11; enter Y P0 to cell C11; enter X P1 to cell D11; enter Y P1 to cell E11; enter (1-t)*P0 + t*P1 to cell K11 and also to cell L11; Enter .4 to cell A12; enter 2 to cell B12; enter 2 to cell C12; enter 4 to cell D12; enter 3 to cell E12; enter to cell K12, w/o quotes, the formula "=(1-t)*Psub0_X+t*Psub1_X" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=2.8]; enter to cell L12, w/o quotes, the formula "=(1-t)*Psub0_Y+t*Psub1_Y" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=2.4]; Enter Chart data: Enter to cell M10 w/o quotes "Linear Bézier curve"; Enter to cell N10 X; Enter to cell O10 Y; Enter to cell M11 P0; Enter to cell M12 B(t); Enter to cell M13 P1; Enter to cell M14 t; Copy Interpolater from cell K1 and paste it to cell M15; Enter to cell N11 w/o quotes the formula, "=B12"; Enter to cell O11 w/o quotes the formula, "=C12"; Enter to cell N12 w/o quotes the formula, "=K12"; Enter to cell O12 w/o quotes the formula, "=L12"; Enter to cell N13 w/o quotes the formula, "=D12"; Enter to cell O13 w/o quotes the formula, "=E12"; Enter to cell N14 w/o quotes the formula, "=A12"; Enter to cell N15 w/o quotes the formula, "=Interpolater"; 3-3. Create the Linear Bézier Curve Chart Select cell range N11:O13; Select Chart from the Ribbon and select Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter -- a chart should appear on your worksheet; Move the chart by selecting inside the border and place its upper left corner at the upper left of cell N2; Resize the chart by hovering over the lower right corner until the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, then grab the corner and fit the corner to the lower right corner of cell P9; Click on the line in the chart and edit the data series in the formula bar so that it reads as follows, "=SERIES("Bézier Line",Sheet1!$N$11:$N$13,Sheet1!$O$11:$O$13,1); Click on the chart line and do menu Format Data Series to bring that dialog box; Set Marker Fill to Red; Set Marker Style to Circle, 7 pts; Click inside the border of the chart area, but not on any object, and do Chart Source Data; Click on the Series Add button and for Name, enter B(t) Marker (or Initial Interpolation); Click on the middle Data Marker and do Menu Format Data Series -- Marker Style, Round, 10 pt, then do Marker Fill Red; OK; Click on Chart Layout in the Ribbon and set Axes, Vertical Axis, Axes Options, Number, Uncheck Linked to Source and set Number to 0.00; OK; Do it again but this time set Line to 3 pt; Do the same last two steps for the Horizontal axis; Choose the icon Axis Titles and, by using the Text option and going Home on the Ribbon and coming back, set both titles at 18 Point font in black, with the vertical axis Vertical (text orientation); Click on the Legend, then Home, and then the Bold icon. Your chart should now resemble this one, except that I did Copy Picture including the data section and did Paste Picture onto the 'Saves' worksheet, then copied that and opened it in Preview in order to save it as a jpg file: {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/7\/77\/Bezier-Line.png","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/77\/Bezier-Line.png\/404px-Bezier-Line.png","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":446,"bigWidth":404,"bigHeight":392,"licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} 4. Do Quadratic Bezier Curve 4-1. Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the Quadratic Bézier Curve: A quadratic Bézier curve is the path traced by the function b(t), given points P0, P1 and P2. B(t) = (1-t)*[(1-t)P0+t*P1] + t*[(1-t)*P1 + P2], where t is an element in the range [0,1], inclusive, which can be interpreted as the linear interpolant of corresponding points in the linear Bézier curves from P0 to P1 and from P1 to P2 respectively. Rearranging the preceding equation algebraically gives: B(t) = (1-t)^2*P0 + 2*(1-t)*t*P1 + t^2 * P2, where t is an element in the range [0, 1], inclusive. The derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is B´(t) = 2*(1-t)*(P1 - P0) + 2*t*(P2 - P1), from which it can be concluded that the tangents to the curve at P0 and P2 intersect at P1. As t increases from 0 to 1, the curve departs from P0 in the direction of P1, then bends to arrive at P2 from the direction of P1. The second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is: B´´(t) = 2*(P2 - 2*P1 + P0]. A quadratic Bézier curve is also a parabolic segment. As a parabola is a conic sector, some sources refer to quadratic Béziers as "conic arcs". Enter the sub headers and formulas which create the chart: Enter t to cell A34; enter X P0 to cell B34; enter Y P0 to cell C34; enter X P1 to cell D34; enter Y P1 to cell E39; enter X P2 to cell F34; enter Y P2 to cell G34; enter ((1-t)^2+(1-t)t*P1+t^2* P2)*Interpolater to cell K39 and also to cell L39; Enter .2 to cell A35; enter 1 to cell B35; enter 3 to cell C35; enter 2 to cell D35; enter 1.5 to cell E35; enter, w/o quotes, "=A35" to cell A40; copy cell A40 and paste it to cell range B40:G40; enter to cell K40, w/o quotes, the formula "=((1-t)^2+(1-t)*t*Psub1_X+t^2*Psub2_X)*Interpolater" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=1.2280]; enter to cell L40, w/o quotes, the formula "=((1-t)^2+(1-t)*t*Psub1_Y+t^2*Psub2_Y)*Interpolater" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=1.0400](given the Interpolater = 1); 4-2. Enter the Quadratic Chart data: Enter to cell N32 X; Enter to cell O32 Y; Enter to cell M33 P0; Enter to cell M34 P1i; Enter to cell M35 P2; Enter to cell M36 t; Enter to cell M37 Interpolater: ; Enter to cell N33 "=B35" w/o quotes; Enter to cell N34 "=D40*Interpolater" w/o quotes; Enter to cell N35 "=F40" w/o quotes; Enter to cell N36 "=A35" w/o quotes; Enter to cell N37 "=Interpolater" w/o quotes; Enter to cell O33 "=C35" w/o quotes; Enter to cell O34 "=E40*Interpolater" w/o quotes; Enter to cell O35 "=G40" w/o quotes; Select cell range M33:O35 and Format Cells Border Black Bold Outline Top Bottom and Sides but not the Middle bar. Enter to cell M39 P0; Enter to cell M40 B(t)*Interp; Enter to cell M41 P2; Enter to cell N39 "=B40" w/o quotes; Enter to cell N40 "=K40" w/o quotes; Enter to cell N41 "=F35" w/o quotes; Select cell range E40:O40 and Format Cells Font Red; Select cell range M39:O41 and Format Cells Border Red Dashed Line (long dash) and do Border All selection icon. 4-3. Create the Quadratic Curve Chart: Select cell range N13:O15 and use the Chart item on the Ribbon, or Chart Wizard, or whatever to select Charts - All, Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter; at this Point, a chart should appear atop your worksheet; Select inside the border but not on any chart object and do menu item Chart Source Data; For Series#1, title it P0, P1i, P2; set X-series to $N$33:$N$35 and set Y-series to $033:$O$35; Hit OK and go back to the same dialog box via Chart Source Data; For Series#2, title it P0, B(t)i, P2; set X-series to $N$39:$N$41 and set Y-series to $039:$O$41; These steps may not turn out right: Check by clicking on the first data series that its formula in the formula bar reads, "=SERIES("P0, P1i, P2", Sheet1!$N$33:$N$35,Sheet1!$O$33:$O$35,1)" and that the formula in the formula bar for the second data series reads, "=SERIES("P0, B(t)i, P2",Sheet1!$N$39:$N$41,Sheet1!$O$39:$O$41,2)", w/o quotes. Format the Axes, Vertical Gridlines and Axes Titles as you did for the Linear Chart above; Do Chart Layout, Chart Title, Format Title, Text Box and check Resize shape to fit text; Edit-click in the new Text-Box title box and title the chart Bézier Quadratic Curve (return) P0, P1i, P2 and P0, B(t)i, P2; OK. Drag the chart so that its upper left corner is in cell M19 and resize it so its lower right corner is in cell Q31. Except for some Data Marker Styles and Fill and perhaps a few other details, your chart should resemble this one: {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/2\/28\/Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/28\/Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\/392px-Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":657,"bigWidth":392,"bigHeight":560,"licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} 5. Do Cubic Bezier Curve 5-1. Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the Cubic Bézier Curve: Four points P0, P1, P2 and P3 in the plane or in a higher dimensional space define a cubic Bézier curve. The curve starts at P0 going toward P1 and arrives at P3 coming from the direction of P2. Usually, it will not pass through P1 or P2; these points being there only to provide directional information. The distance between P0 and P1 determines "how long" the curve moves into direction P2 before turning towards P3. Writing BPiPjPk(t) for the quadratic Bézier curve defined by points Pi, Pj and Pk, the cubic Bézier curve can be defined as a linear combination of two quadratic Bézier curves. B(t) = (1-t)*BP0,P1,P2(t) + t*BP1,P2,P3(t), with t as an element in the range [0, 1], inclusive. For some choices of P1 and P2, the curve may intersect itself, or contain a cusp. Any series of 4 distinct points can be converted to a cubic Bézier curve that goes through all 4 points in order. Given the starting and ending point of some cubic Bézier curve, and the points along the curve corresponding to t = 1/3 and t = 2/3, the control points for the original Bézier curve can be recovered. The derivative of the cubic Bézier curve with respect to t is B´(t) = 3*(1-t)^2 * [P1 - P0] + 6*(1-t)*t*(P2 - P1) + 3*t^2 *(P3 - P2). The second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is: B´´(t) = 6*(1-t)*(P2 - 2*P1 + P0) + 6*t*(P3 - 2*P2 + P1). Enter the sub headers and formulas that create the chart: Enter t to cell A71; enter X P0 to cell B71; enter Y P0 to cell C71; enter X P1 to cell D71; enter Y P1 to cell E71; enter X P2 to cell F71; enter Y P2 to cell G71; Enter ((1-t)^3*P0+3*(1-t)^2*t*P1+3*(1-t)*t^2*P2+t^3* P3)*Interpolater to cells K71, L71, K76, L76, K82 and L82; Enter .5 to cell A72; enter -3 to cell B72; enter -4 to cell C72; enter -.5 to cell D72; enter 1 to cell E72; enter -1 to cell F72; enter 3 to cell G72; enter 4 to cell H72; enter 1 to cell I72; Enter, w/o quotes, "=1/3" to cell A77; enter, w/o quotes, "=B72" to cell B77 and copy cell B77 and paste it to cell range C77:I77; Enter, w/o quotes, "=2/3" to cell A83; enter, w/o quotes, "=B77" to cell B83 and copy cell B83 and paste it to cell range C83:I83; Enter in cell A85, the text w/o quotes, "For further information, see:" and enter in cell A86 which then step into in the formula bar and edit it at the middle/end of it, adding nothing, press return, and it should become a live link; Enter to cell K72, w/o quotes, the formula "=((1-t)^3*Psub0_X+3*(1-t)^2*t*Psub1_X+3*(1-t)*t^2*Psub2_X+t^3*Psub3_X)*Interpolater" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=-0.8125]; copy this same formula and paste it to cells K77 and K83 [where the results are -1.2963 and -0.3704, respectively]; Enter to cell L72, w/o quotes, the formula "=((1-t)^3*Psub0_Y+3*(1-t)^2*t*Psub1_Y+3*(1-t)*t^2*Psub2_Y+t^3*Psub3_Y)*Interpolater" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=+1.1250]; copy this same formula and paste it to cells L77 and L83 [where the results are -0.0370 and +1.7037, respectively]; 5-2. Enter the Chart data section: Enter t into cell M70; Enter Pt# into cell N70 -- (not done in the image below); Enter X into cell O70; Enter Y into cell P70; Select cell range M70:O70 and Format Cells Font Bold Size 18; Enter to cell M72 the formula, "=t"; copy that formula and paste it to cells M77 and M83; Enter P0 and make 0 a subscript in cell N71. Copy cell N71 and paste it to cell range N72:N84; You want to have 3 series of 4 digits each, separated by 2 spaces between the series. Edit Series 1 from N71 to N74 so that the P's subscripts read 0, 1i, 2, 3; Delete the entry in cell N75, and edit Series 2 from N76 to N79 so that the P's subscripts read 0,1i, 2, 3; Delete the entry in cell N80, and edit Series 3 from N81 to N84 so that the P's subscripts read 0,1, 2i, 3; Copy from cell K1 the label Interpolater: and paste it to cell R71; Enter to cell S71 the formula, w/o quotes, "=Interpolater", (stripping off the colon and extra space first if you copied it from R71); Format Cells Border Red Bold Surrounding Box to cell range Q71:S71 and use the Paint bucket tool in the Toolbar to fill the cell range Q72:S72 with a band of bright red. Enter to cell O71 the formula w/o quotes, "=B72" and enter to cell P71 "=C72"; Enter to cell O72 the formula w/o quotes, "=K72" and enter to cell P72 "=L72"; Enter to cell O73 the formula w/o quotes, "=F72" and enter to cell P73 "=G72"; Enter to cell O74 the formula w/o quotes, "=H72" and enter to cell P74 "=I72"; Enter to cell O76 the formula w/o quotes, "=B77" and enter to cell P76 "=C77"; Enter to cell O77 the formula w/o quotes, "=K77" and enter to cell P77 "=L77"; Enter to cell O78 the formula w/o quotes, "=F77" and enter to cell P78 "=G77"; Enter to cell O79 the formula w/o quotes, "=H77" and enter to cell P79 "=I77"; Enter to cell O81 the formula w/o quotes, "=B83" and enter to cell P81 "=C83"; Enter to cell O82 the formula w/o quotes, "=D83" and enter to cell P82 "=E83"; Enter to cell O83 the formula w/o quotes, "=K83" and enter to cell P83 "=L83"; Enter to cell O84 the formula w/o quotes, "=H83" and enter to cell P84 "=I83"; Format cells fill yellow and font red for the Shift and Command cell range selection wherever there is an i in the P subscript, for the X and Y values only, i.e. cell range O72:P72+O77:P77+O83:P83. 5-3. Create the Bézier Cubic Curve Chart: Select cell range O71:P74 and create a new Chart via the Chart option on the Ribbon or from the toolbar or menu; select All, Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter ... and a chart should appear atop your worksheet with a curve on it. Double-click on the curve and edit the title in the front of the series formula in the formula bar until the formula reads, "=SERIES("Cubic Curve",Sheet1!$O$71:$O$74,Sheet1!$P$71:$P$74,1)", w/o quotes externally. Click inside the chart but not on any chart object once and select menu Chart Source Data; Below the Series box, click the Add button, then enter the name: ="Control Point 01"; then for the X values, select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$O$76:$O$79 and for the Y values select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$P$76:$P$79 -- hit OK and verify in the formula bar that the series formula is correct. You should have a second curve; double click on it and format chart series Line Red Weight 5 Dashed line; OK. Double click in the plot area, Again below the Series box, click the Add button, then enter the name: ="Control Point 02"; then for the X values, select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$O$81:$O$84 and for the Y values select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$P$81:$P$84 -- hit OK and verify in the formula bar that the series formula is correct. You should have a second curve; double click on it and format chart series Line Green Weight 4 Tiny Dashes line; Now add the series name ="Control Point Marker #00" with X values =Sheet1!$K$72 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$72 and Format that series or data Point as a big blue-filled style round dot. Now add the series name ="Control Point Marker #01" with X values =Sheet1!$K$77 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$77 and Format that series or data Point as a big red-filled style round dot. Now add the series name ="Control Point Marker #02" with X values =Sheet1!$K$83 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$83 and Format that series or data Point as a big green-filled style round dot. Select the chart and the chart data underneath it by selecting the cell range that includes them, once you've repositioned the chart over the chart data properly to extend from upper left cell 1/2 of M49 to lower right the left quarter of cell T69, and hold the Shift key down and do Edit Copy Picture, activate the Saves worksheet and hold down the Shift Key again and do Paste Picture, Do Copy via command and v, and open the app Preview and do File New from Clipboard. Export it as a .jpg or .png file into your same folder so you can easily send it to friends or keep it with your photos, etc. Here are the versions created for this article with Interpolate set to 1.4 and 1: {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/51\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/51\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\/388px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":664,"bigWidth":388,"bigHeight":560,"licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\/389px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":662,"bigWidth":389,"bigHeight":560,"licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"}
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n2. Preparation\\n2-1. \\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/388px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":664,\\\"bigWidth\\\":388,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/389px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":662,\\\"bigWidth\\\":389,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n2-2. Open a new Excel workbook and prepare 2 worksheets:\\nEither click on the green \\\"X\\\" icon, or double-click on Excel in the Microsoft Office folder in your Applications folder by opening a Finder window, in order to start Excel;\\nUsing the File menu or the icon, Open a new workbook;\\nSave the workbook as \\\"Bezier Curves\\\" into a logical folder, such as \\\"wikiHow Articles\\\" or \\\"MS XL Imagery\\\";\\nCreate via the + button at the bottom or access the second worksheet tab and double-click edit-name it \\\"Saves\\\" -- this will be used to Paste Values and Charts to which you wish to keep and remember, while still having the top worksheet tab for doing the main work on -- if you were to copy and paste, the formula results would change with varying inputs on the top worksheet from the Defined Named Variables, which are global;\\nDouble-click on the first leftmost worksheet tab and edit-name it \\\"3 Curves\\\" (w/o quotes).\\n2-3. Set the Preferences, under the Excel menu:\\nBe mindful that these settings will affect your future XL work;\\nGeneral - Set Show this number of recent documents to 15; set Sheets in new workbook to 3; this editor works with Body Font, in a font size of 12; set your preferred file path/ location;\\nView - Check Show formula bar by default; check Indicators only, and comments on hover for Comments; show All for objects; Show row and column headings, Show outline symbols, Show zero values, Show horizontal scroll bar, Show vertical scroll bar, Show sheet tabs;\\nEdit - Check all; Display 0 number of decimal places; set Interpret as 21st century for two-digit years before 30; Uncheck Automatically convert date system;\\nAutoCorrect - Check all\\nChart - In Chart Screen Tips, check Show chart names on hover, and check Show data marker values on hover; leave the rest unchecked;\\nCalculation - Automatically checked; Limit iteration to 100 Maximum iterations with a maximum change of 0.0001, unless goal seeking, then .000 000 000 000 01 (w/o spaces); check Save external link values;\\nError checking - Check all and this editor uses dark green or red to flag errors;\\nSave - Check all; set to 5 minutes;\\nCompatibility - check Check documents for compatibility\\nRibbon - All checked, except Hide group titles is unchecked.\\n3. Do Linear Bezier Curve\\n3-1. Fill in the worksheet's Column Headers and Defined Name Variables\\n\\nEnter label t into cell A1;\\nEnter label Psub0_X into cell B1;\\nEnter label Psub0_Y into cell C1;\\nEnter label Psub1_X into cell D1;\\nEnter label Psub1_Y into cell E1;\\nEnter label Psub2_X into cell F1;\\nEnter label Psub2_Y into cell G1;\\nEnter label Psub3_X into cell H1;\\nEnter label Psub3_Y into cell I1;\\nSelect columns $A:$I and Insert Name Create in Top Row -- those columns are now Defined Name Variables using the various labels for Points 1 to 3 for both X and Y, plus an interpolation point called t;\\nSelect Row $1 and do Format Alignment Center and Font Bold;\\n(the dollar symbol just means that those variable names or formatting will always pertain to that column or row, absolutely);\\nEnter label Interpolater: (with colon and a trailing space) to cell K1 and Format Cells Alignment Right -- this is my own method of adjusting the curves inwards and outwards by a basic overall ratio;\\nEnter a 1 to cell L1, Format Fill Canary Yellow (for input) and Font Underline;\\nInsert Name Define name Interpolater to cell $L$1;\\nSelect columns $A:$O and Format Cells Number Custom +0.0000;-0.0000;=0.0000\\n3-2. Start filling in the facts and formulas about the Linear Bézier Curve:\\nLinear Bézier curves\\nNote: \\\"P0\\\" and \\\"P1\\\", etc., simply stand for Points 0 and 1.\\nGiven Points P0 and P1, a linear Bézier curve is simply a straight line between those two Points.\\nThe curve is given by B(t) = P0 + t*(P1 - P0) = (1-t)*P0 + t*P1, where t is an element in the range [0,1], inclusive, and is equivalent to linear interpolation.\\nEnter the sub headers and formulas which create the chart:\\nEnter t to cell A11; enter X P0 to cell B11; enter Y P0 to cell C11; enter X P1 to cell D11; enter Y P1 to cell E11; enter (1-t)*P0 + t*P1 to cell K11 and also to cell L11;\\nEnter .4 to cell A12; enter 2 to cell B12; enter 2 to cell C12; enter 4 to cell D12; enter 3 to cell E12; enter to cell K12, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=(1-t)*Psub0_X+t*Psub1_X\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=2.8]; enter to cell L12, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=(1-t)*Psub0_Y+t*Psub1_Y\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=2.4];\\n\\nEnter Chart data:\\nEnter to cell M10 w/o quotes \\\"Linear Bézier curve\\\";\\nEnter to cell N10 X;\\nEnter to cell O10 Y;\\nEnter to cell M11 P0;\\nEnter to cell M12 B(t);\\nEnter to cell M13 P1;\\nEnter to cell M14 t;\\nCopy Interpolater from cell K1 and paste it to cell M15;\\nEnter to cell N11 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=B12\\\";\\nEnter to cell O11 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=C12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N12 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=K12\\\";\\nEnter to cell O12 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=L12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N13 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=D12\\\";\\nEnter to cell O13 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=E12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N14 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=A12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N15 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=Interpolater\\\";\\n3-3. Create the Linear Bézier Curve Chart\\n\\nSelect cell range N11:O13;\\nSelect Chart from the Ribbon and select Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter -- a chart should appear on your worksheet;\\nMove the chart by selecting inside the border and place its upper left corner at the upper left of cell N2; Resize the chart by hovering over the lower right corner until the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, then grab the corner and fit the corner to the lower right corner of cell P9;\\nClick on the line in the chart and edit the data series in the formula bar so that it reads as follows, \\\"=SERIES(\\\"Bézier Line\\\",Sheet1!$N$11:$N$13,Sheet1!$O$11:$O$13,1);\\nClick on the chart line and do menu Format Data Series to bring that dialog box;\\nSet Marker Fill to Red; Set Marker Style to Circle, 7 pts;\\nClick inside the border of the chart area, but not on any object, and do Chart Source Data;\\nClick on the Series Add button and for Name, enter B(t) Marker (or Initial Interpolation);\\nClick on the middle Data Marker and do Menu Format Data Series -- Marker Style, Round, 10 pt, then do Marker Fill Red; OK;\\nClick on Chart Layout in the Ribbon and set Axes, Vertical Axis, Axes Options, Number, Uncheck Linked to Source and set Number to 0.00; OK;\\nDo it again but this time set Line to 3 pt;\\nDo the same last two steps for the Horizontal axis;\\nChoose the icon Axis Titles and, by using the Text option and going Home on the Ribbon and coming back, set both titles at 18 Point font in black, with the vertical axis Vertical (text orientation);\\nClick on the Legend, then Home, and then the Bold icon.\\nYour chart should now resemble this one, except that I did Copy Picture including the data section and did Paste Picture onto the 'Saves' worksheet, then copied that and opened it in Preview in order to save it as a jpg file:\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/7\\\\/77\\\\/Bezier-Line.png\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/7\\\\/77\\\\/Bezier-Line.png\\\\/404px-Bezier-Line.png\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":446,\\\"bigWidth\\\":404,\\\"bigHeight\\\":392,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n4. Do Quadratic Bezier Curve\\n4-1. Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the Quadratic Bézier Curve:\\nA quadratic Bézier curve is the path traced by the function b(t), given points P0, P1 and P2.\\nB(t) = (1-t)*[(1-t)P0+t*P1] + t*[(1-t)*P1 + P2], where t is an element in the range [0,1], inclusive, which can be interpreted as the linear interpolant of corresponding points in the linear Bézier curves from P0 to P1 and from P1 to P2 respectively.\\nRearranging the preceding equation algebraically gives:\\nB(t) = (1-t)^2*P0 + 2*(1-t)*t*P1 + t^2 * P2, where t is an element in the range [0, 1], inclusive.\\nThe derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is\\nB´(t) = 2*(1-t)*(P1 - P0) + 2*t*(P2 - P1), from which it can be concluded that the tangents to the curve at P0 and P2 intersect at P1.\\nAs t increases from 0 to 1, the curve departs from P0 in the direction of P1, then bends to arrive at P2 from the direction of P1.\\nThe second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is:\\nB´´(t) = 2*(P2 - 2*P1 + P0].\\nA quadratic Bézier curve is also a parabolic segment. As a parabola is a conic sector, some sources refer to quadratic Béziers as \\\"conic arcs\\\".\\nEnter the sub headers and formulas which create the chart:\\nEnter t to cell A34; enter X P0 to cell B34; enter Y P0 to cell C34; enter X P1 to cell D34; enter Y P1 to cell E39; enter X P2 to cell F34; enter Y P2 to cell G34; enter ((1-t)^2+(1-t)t*P1+t^2* P2)*Interpolater to cell K39 and also to cell L39;\\nEnter .2 to cell A35; enter 1 to cell B35; enter 3 to cell C35; enter 2 to cell D35; enter 1.5 to cell E35; enter, w/o quotes, \\\"=A35\\\" to cell A40; copy cell A40 and paste it to cell range B40:G40; enter to cell K40, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^2+(1-t)*t*Psub1_X+t^2*Psub2_X)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=1.2280]; enter to cell L40, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^2+(1-t)*t*Psub1_Y+t^2*Psub2_Y)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=1.0400](given the Interpolater = 1);\\n4-2. Enter the Quadratic Chart data:\\nEnter to cell N32 X;\\nEnter to cell O32 Y;\\nEnter to cell M33 P0;\\nEnter to cell M34 P1i;\\nEnter to cell M35 P2;\\nEnter to cell M36 t;\\nEnter to cell M37 Interpolater: ;\\nEnter to cell N33 \\\"=B35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N34 \\\"=D40*Interpolater\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N35 \\\"=F40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N36 \\\"=A35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N37 \\\"=Interpolater\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell O33 \\\"=C35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell O34 \\\"=E40*Interpolater\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell O35 \\\"=G40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nSelect cell range M33:O35 and Format Cells Border Black Bold Outline Top Bottom and Sides but not the Middle bar.\\nEnter to cell M39 P0;\\nEnter to cell M40 B(t)*Interp;\\nEnter to cell M41 P2;\\nEnter to cell N39 \\\"=B40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N40 \\\"=K40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N41 \\\"=F35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nSelect cell range E40:O40 and Format Cells Font Red;\\nSelect cell range M39:O41 and Format Cells Border Red Dashed Line (long dash) and do Border All selection icon.\\n4-3. Create the Quadratic Curve Chart:\\nSelect cell range N13:O15 and use the Chart item on the Ribbon, or Chart Wizard, or whatever to select Charts - All, Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter; at this Point, a chart should appear atop your worksheet;\\nSelect inside the border but not on any chart object and do menu item Chart Source Data;\\nFor Series#1, title it P0, P1i, P2; set X-series to $N$33:$N$35 and set Y-series to $033:$O$35;\\nHit OK and go back to the same dialog box via Chart Source Data;\\nFor Series#2, title it P0, B(t)i, P2; set X-series to $N$39:$N$41 and set Y-series to $039:$O$41;\\nThese steps may not turn out right: Check by clicking on the first data series that its formula in the formula bar reads,\\n\\\"=SERIES(\\\"P0, P1i, P2\\\", Sheet1!$N$33:$N$35,Sheet1!$O$33:$O$35,1)\\\"\\nand that the formula in the formula bar for the second data series reads,\\n\\\"=SERIES(\\\"P0, B(t)i, P2\\\",Sheet1!$N$39:$N$41,Sheet1!$O$39:$O$41,2)\\\", w/o quotes.\\nFormat the Axes, Vertical Gridlines and Axes Titles as you did for the Linear Chart above;\\nDo Chart Layout, Chart Title, Format Title, Text Box and check Resize shape to fit text;\\nEdit-click in the new Text-Box title box and title the chart Bézier Quadratic Curve (return) P0, P1i, P2 and P0, B(t)i, P2; OK.\\nDrag the chart so that its upper left corner is in cell M19 and resize it so its lower right corner is in cell Q31.\\nExcept for some Data Marker Styles and Fill and perhaps a few other details, your chart should resemble this one: \\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/2\\\\/28\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/2\\\\/28\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\\/392px-Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":657,\\\"bigWidth\\\":392,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n5. Do Cubic Bezier Curve\\n5-1. Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the Cubic Bézier Curve:\\nFour points P0, P1, P2 and P3 in the plane or in a higher dimensional space define a cubic Bézier curve.\\nThe curve starts at P0 going toward P1 and arrives at P3 coming from the direction of P2. Usually, it will not pass through P1 or P2; these points being there only to provide directional information.\\nThe distance between P0 and P1 determines \\\"how long\\\" the curve moves into direction P2 before turning towards P3.\\nWriting BPiPjPk(t) for the quadratic Bézier curve defined by points Pi, Pj and Pk, the cubic Bézier curve can be defined as a linear combination of two quadratic Bézier curves.\\nB(t) = (1-t)*BP0,P1,P2(t) + t*BP1,P2,P3(t), with t as an element in the range [0, 1], inclusive.\\nFor some choices of P1 and P2, the curve may intersect itself, or contain a cusp.\\nAny series of 4 distinct points can be converted to a cubic Bézier curve that goes through all 4 points in order.\\nGiven the starting and ending point of some cubic Bézier curve, and the points along the curve corresponding to t = 1/3 and t = 2/3, the control points for the original Bézier curve can be recovered.\\nThe derivative of the cubic Bézier curve with respect to t is\\nB´(t) = 3*(1-t)^2 * [P1 - P0] + 6*(1-t)*t*(P2 - P1) + 3*t^2 *(P3 - P2).\\nThe second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is:\\nB´´(t) = 6*(1-t)*(P2 - 2*P1 + P0) + 6*t*(P3 - 2*P2 + P1).\\nEnter the sub headers and formulas that create the chart:\\nEnter t to cell A71; enter X P0 to cell B71; enter Y P0 to cell C71; enter X P1 to cell D71; enter Y P1 to cell E71; enter X P2 to cell F71; enter Y P2 to cell G71;\\nEnter ((1-t)^3*P0+3*(1-t)^2*t*P1+3*(1-t)*t^2*P2+t^3* P3)*Interpolater to cells K71, L71, K76, L76, K82 and L82;\\nEnter .5 to cell A72; enter -3 to cell B72; enter -4 to cell C72; enter -.5 to cell D72; enter 1 to cell E72; enter -1 to cell F72; enter 3 to cell G72; enter 4 to cell H72; enter 1 to cell I72;\\nEnter, w/o quotes, \\\"=1/3\\\" to cell A77; enter, w/o quotes, \\\"=B72\\\" to cell B77 and copy cell B77 and paste it to cell range C77:I77;\\nEnter, w/o quotes, \\\"=2/3\\\" to cell A83; enter, w/o quotes, \\\"=B77\\\" to cell B83 and copy cell B83 and paste it to cell range C83:I83;\\nEnter in cell A85, the text w/o quotes, \\\"For further information, see:\\\" and enter in cell A86 which then step into in the formula bar and edit it at the middle/end of it, adding nothing, press return, and it should become a live link;\\nEnter to cell K72, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^3*Psub0_X+3*(1-t)^2*t*Psub1_X+3*(1-t)*t^2*Psub2_X+t^3*Psub3_X)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=-0.8125]; copy this same formula and paste it to cells K77 and K83 [where the results are -1.2963 and -0.3704, respectively];\\nEnter to cell L72, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^3*Psub0_Y+3*(1-t)^2*t*Psub1_Y+3*(1-t)*t^2*Psub2_Y+t^3*Psub3_Y)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=+1.1250]; copy this same formula and paste it to cells L77 and L83 [where the results are -0.0370 and +1.7037, respectively];\\n5-2. Enter the Chart data section:\\nEnter t into cell M70;\\nEnter Pt# into cell N70 -- (not done in the image below);\\nEnter X into cell O70;\\nEnter Y into cell P70;\\nSelect cell range M70:O70 and Format Cells Font Bold Size 18;\\nEnter to cell M72 the formula, \\\"=t\\\"; copy that formula and paste it to cells M77 and M83;\\nEnter P0 and make 0 a subscript in cell N71. Copy cell N71 and paste it to cell range N72:N84;\\nYou want to have 3 series of 4 digits each, separated by 2 spaces between the series. Edit Series 1 from N71 to N74 so that the P's subscripts read 0, 1i, 2, 3; Delete the entry in cell N75, and edit Series 2 from N76 to N79 so that the P's subscripts read 0,1i, 2, 3; Delete the entry in cell N80, and edit Series 3 from N81 to N84 so that the P's subscripts read 0,1, 2i, 3;\\nCopy from cell K1 the label Interpolater: and paste it to cell R71; Enter to cell S71 the formula, w/o quotes, \\\"=Interpolater\\\", (stripping off the colon and extra space first if you copied it from R71);\\nFormat Cells Border Red Bold Surrounding Box to cell range Q71:S71 and use the Paint bucket tool in the Toolbar to fill the cell range Q72:S72 with a band of bright red.\\nEnter to cell O71 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=B72\\\" and enter to cell P71 \\\"=C72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O72 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=K72\\\" and enter to cell P72 \\\"=L72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O73 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=F72\\\" and enter to cell P73 \\\"=G72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O74 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=H72\\\" and enter to cell P74 \\\"=I72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O76 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=B77\\\" and enter to cell P76 \\\"=C77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O77 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=K77\\\" and enter to cell P77 \\\"=L77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O78 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=F77\\\" and enter to cell P78 \\\"=G77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O79 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=H77\\\" and enter to cell P79 \\\"=I77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O81 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=B83\\\" and enter to cell P81 \\\"=C83\\\";\\nEnter to cell O82 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=D83\\\" and enter to cell P82 \\\"=E83\\\";\\nEnter to cell O83 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=K83\\\" and enter to cell P83 \\\"=L83\\\";\\nEnter to cell O84 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=H83\\\" and enter to cell P84 \\\"=I83\\\";\\nFormat cells fill yellow and font red for the Shift and Command cell range selection wherever there is an i in the P subscript, for the X and Y values only, i.e. cell range O72:P72+O77:P77+O83:P83.\\n5-3. Create the Bézier Cubic Curve Chart:\\nSelect cell range O71:P74 and create a new Chart via the Chart option on the Ribbon or from the toolbar or menu; select All, Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter ... and a chart should appear atop your worksheet with a curve on it. Double-click on the curve and edit the title in the front of the series formula in the formula bar until the formula reads, \\\"=SERIES(\\\"Cubic Curve\\\",Sheet1!$O$71:$O$74,Sheet1!$P$71:$P$74,1)\\\", w/o quotes externally.\\nClick inside the chart but not on any chart object once and select menu Chart Source Data;\\nBelow the Series box, click the Add button, then enter the name: =\\\"Control Point 01\\\"; then for the X values, select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$O$76:$O$79 and for the Y values select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$P$76:$P$79 -- hit OK and verify in the formula bar that the series formula is correct. You should have a second curve; double click on it and format chart series Line Red Weight 5 Dashed line; OK.\\nDouble click in the plot area, Again below the Series box, click the Add button, then enter the name: =\\\"Control Point 02\\\"; then for the X values, select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$O$81:$O$84 and for the Y values select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$P$81:$P$84 -- hit OK and verify in the formula bar that the series formula is correct. You should have a second curve; double click on it and format chart series Line Green Weight 4 Tiny Dashes line;\\nNow add the series name =\\\"Control Point Marker #00\\\" with X values =Sheet1!$K$72 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$72 and Format that series or data Point as a big blue-filled style round dot.\\nNow add the series name =\\\"Control Point Marker #01\\\" with X values =Sheet1!$K$77 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$77 and Format that series or data Point as a big red-filled style round dot.\\nNow add the series name =\\\"Control Point Marker #02\\\" with X values =Sheet1!$K$83 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$83 and Format that series or data Point as a big green-filled style round dot.\\n\\nSelect the chart and the chart data underneath it by selecting the cell range that includes them, once you've repositioned the chart over the chart data properly to extend from upper left cell 1/2 of M49 to lower right the left quarter of cell T69, and hold the Shift key down and do Edit Copy Picture, activate the Saves worksheet and hold down the Shift Key again and do Paste Picture, Do Copy via command and v, and open the app Preview and do File New from Clipboard. Export it as a .jpg or .png file into your same folder so you can easily send it to friends or keep it with your photos, etc.\\nHere are the versions created for this article with Interpolate set to 1.4 and 1:\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/388px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":664,\\\"bigWidth\\\":388,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/389px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":662,\\\"bigWidth\\\":389,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Bézier curves are used in PhotoShop, animation, auto manufacturing, film special effects, higher math curve analysis and for many other functions. In this article, learn to use Bézier curves and the formulas they're based on to create Excel charts of curves, which are exacting. Bézier curves can also handle rational curves, like circles, with a bit of math tweaking -- but that's reserved for a subsequent article, if sufficient interest is generated. You'll be learning three types of curves in this article: the straight line's interpolation, the quadratic curve and the cubic curve. Bézier curves are not limited to 2 dimensions but can visualize more, many more in fact, which is one reason math pros find them very, very exciting! The math presented here is not terribly difficult and while some derivatives will be shown since Bézier curves are used to calculate the rate at which an object moves along a curve, they will not be much elaborated upon for now.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": []}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Preparation\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"\", \"描述\": \"{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/388px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":664,\\\"bigWidth\\\":388,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/389px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":662,\\\"bigWidth\\\":389,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Open a new Excel workbook and prepare 2 worksheets:\", \"描述\": \"Either click on the green \\\"X\\\" icon, or double-click on Excel in the Microsoft Office folder in your Applications folder by opening a Finder window, in order to start Excel;\\nUsing the File menu or the icon, Open a new workbook;\\nSave the workbook as \\\"Bezier Curves\\\" into a logical folder, such as \\\"wikiHow Articles\\\" or \\\"MS XL Imagery\\\";\\nCreate via the + button at the bottom or access the second worksheet tab and double-click edit-name it \\\"Saves\\\" -- this will be used to Paste Values and Charts to which you wish to keep and remember, while still having the top worksheet tab for doing the main work on -- if you were to copy and paste, the formula results would change with varying inputs on the top worksheet from the Defined Named Variables, which are global;\\nDouble-click on the first leftmost worksheet tab and edit-name it \\\"3 Curves\\\" (w/o quotes).\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Set the Preferences, under the Excel menu:\", \"描述\": \"Be mindful that these settings will affect your future XL work;\\nGeneral - Set Show this number of recent documents to 15; set Sheets in new workbook to 3; this editor works with Body Font, in a font size of 12; set your preferred file path/ location;\\nView - Check Show formula bar by default; check Indicators only, and comments on hover for Comments; show All for objects; Show row and column headings, Show outline symbols, Show zero values, Show horizontal scroll bar, Show vertical scroll bar, Show sheet tabs;\\nEdit - Check all; Display 0 number of decimal places; set Interpret as 21st century for two-digit years before 30; Uncheck Automatically convert date system;\\nAutoCorrect - Check all\\nChart - In Chart Screen Tips, check Show chart names on hover, and check Show data marker values on hover; leave the rest unchecked;\\nCalculation - Automatically checked; Limit iteration to 100 Maximum iterations with a maximum change of 0.0001, unless goal seeking, then .000 000 000 000 01 (w/o spaces); check Save external link values;\\nError checking - Check all and this editor uses dark green or red to flag errors;\\nSave - Check all; set to 5 minutes;\\nCompatibility - check Check documents for compatibility\\nRibbon - All checked, except Hide group titles is unchecked.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Do Linear Bezier Curve\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Fill in the worksheet's Column Headers and Defined Name Variables\", \"描述\": \"Enter label t into cell A1;\\nEnter label Psub0_X into cell B1;\\nEnter label Psub0_Y into cell C1;\\nEnter label Psub1_X into cell D1;\\nEnter label Psub1_Y into cell E1;\\nEnter label Psub2_X into cell F1;\\nEnter label Psub2_Y into cell G1;\\nEnter label Psub3_X into cell H1;\\nEnter label Psub3_Y into cell I1;\\nSelect columns $A:$I and Insert Name Create in Top Row -- those columns are now Defined Name Variables using the various labels for Points 1 to 3 for both X and Y, plus an interpolation point called t;\\nSelect Row $1 and do Format Alignment Center and Font Bold;\\n(the dollar symbol just means that those variable names or formatting will always pertain to that column or row, absolutely);\\nEnter label Interpolater: (with colon and a trailing space) to cell K1 and Format Cells Alignment Right -- this is my own method of adjusting the curves inwards and outwards by a basic overall ratio;\\nEnter a 1 to cell L1, Format Fill Canary Yellow (for input) and Font Underline;\\nInsert Name Define name Interpolater to cell $L$1;\\nSelect columns $A:$O and Format Cells Number Custom +0.0000;-0.0000;=0.0000\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Start filling in the facts and formulas about the Linear Bézier Curve:\", \"描述\": \"Linear Bézier curves\\nNote: \\\"P0\\\" and \\\"P1\\\", etc., simply stand for Points 0 and 1.\\nGiven Points P0 and P1, a linear Bézier curve is simply a straight line between those two Points.\\nThe curve is given by B(t) = P0 + t*(P1 - P0) = (1-t)*P0 + t*P1, where t is an element in the range [0,1], inclusive, and is equivalent to linear interpolation.\\nEnter the sub headers and formulas which create the chart:\\nEnter t to cell A11; enter X P0 to cell B11; enter Y P0 to cell C11; enter X P1 to cell D11; enter Y P1 to cell E11; enter (1-t)*P0 + t*P1 to cell K11 and also to cell L11;\\nEnter .4 to cell A12; enter 2 to cell B12; enter 2 to cell C12; enter 4 to cell D12; enter 3 to cell E12; enter to cell K12, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=(1-t)*Psub0_X+t*Psub1_X\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=2.8]; enter to cell L12, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=(1-t)*Psub0_Y+t*Psub1_Y\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=2.4];\\n\\nEnter Chart data:\\nEnter to cell M10 w/o quotes \\\"Linear Bézier curve\\\";\\nEnter to cell N10 X;\\nEnter to cell O10 Y;\\nEnter to cell M11 P0;\\nEnter to cell M12 B(t);\\nEnter to cell M13 P1;\\nEnter to cell M14 t;\\nCopy Interpolater from cell K1 and paste it to cell M15;\\nEnter to cell N11 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=B12\\\";\\nEnter to cell O11 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=C12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N12 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=K12\\\";\\nEnter to cell O12 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=L12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N13 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=D12\\\";\\nEnter to cell O13 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=E12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N14 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=A12\\\";\\nEnter to cell N15 w/o quotes the formula, \\\"=Interpolater\\\";\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Create the Linear Bézier Curve Chart\", \"描述\": \"Select cell range N11:O13;\\nSelect Chart from the Ribbon and select Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter -- a chart should appear on your worksheet;\\nMove the chart by selecting inside the border and place its upper left corner at the upper left of cell N2; Resize the chart by hovering over the lower right corner until the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, then grab the corner and fit the corner to the lower right corner of cell P9;\\nClick on the line in the chart and edit the data series in the formula bar so that it reads as follows, \\\"=SERIES(\\\"Bézier Line\\\",Sheet1!$N$11:$N$13,Sheet1!$O$11:$O$13,1);\\nClick on the chart line and do menu Format Data Series to bring that dialog box;\\nSet Marker Fill to Red; Set Marker Style to Circle, 7 pts;\\nClick inside the border of the chart area, but not on any object, and do Chart Source Data;\\nClick on the Series Add button and for Name, enter B(t) Marker (or Initial Interpolation);\\nClick on the middle Data Marker and do Menu Format Data Series -- Marker Style, Round, 10 pt, then do Marker Fill Red; OK;\\nClick on Chart Layout in the Ribbon and set Axes, Vertical Axis, Axes Options, Number, Uncheck Linked to Source and set Number to 0.00; OK;\\nDo it again but this time set Line to 3 pt;\\nDo the same last two steps for the Horizontal axis;\\nChoose the icon Axis Titles and, by using the Text option and going Home on the Ribbon and coming back, set both titles at 18 Point font in black, with the vertical axis Vertical (text orientation);\\nClick on the Legend, then Home, and then the Bold icon.\\nYour chart should now resemble this one, except that I did Copy Picture including the data section and did Paste Picture onto the 'Saves' worksheet, then copied that and opened it in Preview in order to save it as a jpg file:\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/7\\\\/77\\\\/Bezier-Line.png\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/7\\\\/77\\\\/Bezier-Line.png\\\\/404px-Bezier-Line.png\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":446,\\\"bigWidth\\\":404,\\\"bigHeight\\\":392,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do Quadratic Bezier Curve\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the Quadratic Bézier Curve:\", \"描述\": \"A quadratic Bézier curve is the path traced by the function b(t), given points P0, P1 and P2.\\nB(t) = (1-t)*[(1-t)P0+t*P1] + t*[(1-t)*P1 + P2], where t is an element in the range [0,1], inclusive, which can be interpreted as the linear interpolant of corresponding points in the linear Bézier curves from P0 to P1 and from P1 to P2 respectively.\\nRearranging the preceding equation algebraically gives:\\nB(t) = (1-t)^2*P0 + 2*(1-t)*t*P1 + t^2 * P2, where t is an element in the range [0, 1], inclusive.\\nThe derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is\\nB´(t) = 2*(1-t)*(P1 - P0) + 2*t*(P2 - P1), from which it can be concluded that the tangents to the curve at P0 and P2 intersect at P1.\\nAs t increases from 0 to 1, the curve departs from P0 in the direction of P1, then bends to arrive at P2 from the direction of P1.\\nThe second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is:\\nB´´(t) = 2*(P2 - 2*P1 + P0].\\nA quadratic Bézier curve is also a parabolic segment. As a parabola is a conic sector, some sources refer to quadratic Béziers as \\\"conic arcs\\\".\\nEnter the sub headers and formulas which create the chart:\\nEnter t to cell A34; enter X P0 to cell B34; enter Y P0 to cell C34; enter X P1 to cell D34; enter Y P1 to cell E39; enter X P2 to cell F34; enter Y P2 to cell G34; enter ((1-t)^2+(1-t)t*P1+t^2* P2)*Interpolater to cell K39 and also to cell L39;\\nEnter .2 to cell A35; enter 1 to cell B35; enter 3 to cell C35; enter 2 to cell D35; enter 1.5 to cell E35; enter, w/o quotes, \\\"=A35\\\" to cell A40; copy cell A40 and paste it to cell range B40:G40; enter to cell K40, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^2+(1-t)*t*Psub1_X+t^2*Psub2_X)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=1.2280]; enter to cell L40, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^2+(1-t)*t*Psub1_Y+t^2*Psub2_Y)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=1.0400](given the Interpolater = 1);\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Enter the Quadratic Chart data:\", \"描述\": \"Enter to cell N32 X;\\nEnter to cell O32 Y;\\nEnter to cell M33 P0;\\nEnter to cell M34 P1i;\\nEnter to cell M35 P2;\\nEnter to cell M36 t;\\nEnter to cell M37 Interpolater: ;\\nEnter to cell N33 \\\"=B35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N34 \\\"=D40*Interpolater\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N35 \\\"=F40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N36 \\\"=A35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N37 \\\"=Interpolater\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell O33 \\\"=C35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell O34 \\\"=E40*Interpolater\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell O35 \\\"=G40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nSelect cell range M33:O35 and Format Cells Border Black Bold Outline Top Bottom and Sides but not the Middle bar.\\nEnter to cell M39 P0;\\nEnter to cell M40 B(t)*Interp;\\nEnter to cell M41 P2;\\nEnter to cell N39 \\\"=B40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N40 \\\"=K40\\\" w/o quotes;\\nEnter to cell N41 \\\"=F35\\\" w/o quotes;\\nSelect cell range E40:O40 and Format Cells Font Red;\\nSelect cell range M39:O41 and Format Cells Border Red Dashed Line (long dash) and do Border All selection icon.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Create the Quadratic Curve Chart:\", \"描述\": \"Select cell range N13:O15 and use the Chart item on the Ribbon, or Chart Wizard, or whatever to select Charts - All, Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter; at this Point, a chart should appear atop your worksheet;\\nSelect inside the border but not on any chart object and do menu item Chart Source Data;\\nFor Series#1, title it P0, P1i, P2; set X-series to $N$33:$N$35 and set Y-series to $033:$O$35;\\nHit OK and go back to the same dialog box via Chart Source Data;\\nFor Series#2, title it P0, B(t)i, P2; set X-series to $N$39:$N$41 and set Y-series to $039:$O$41;\\nThese steps may not turn out right: Check by clicking on the first data series that its formula in the formula bar reads,\\n\\\"=SERIES(\\\"P0, P1i, P2\\\", Sheet1!$N$33:$N$35,Sheet1!$O$33:$O$35,1)\\\"\\nand that the formula in the formula bar for the second data series reads,\\n\\\"=SERIES(\\\"P0, B(t)i, P2\\\",Sheet1!$N$39:$N$41,Sheet1!$O$39:$O$41,2)\\\", w/o quotes.\\nFormat the Axes, Vertical Gridlines and Axes Titles as you did for the Linear Chart above;\\nDo Chart Layout, Chart Title, Format Title, Text Box and check Resize shape to fit text;\\nEdit-click in the new Text-Box title box and title the chart Bézier Quadratic Curve (return) P0, P1i, P2 and P0, B(t)i, P2; OK.\\nDrag the chart so that its upper left corner is in cell M19 and resize it so its lower right corner is in cell Q31.\\nExcept for some Data Marker Styles and Fill and perhaps a few other details, your chart should resemble this one: \\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/2\\\\/28\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/2\\\\/28\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\\/392px-Bezier-Curve-Quadratic.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":657,\\\"bigWidth\\\":392,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Do Cubic Bezier Curve\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the Cubic Bézier Curve:\", \"描述\": \"Four points P0, P1, P2 and P3 in the plane or in a higher dimensional space define a cubic Bézier curve.\\nThe curve starts at P0 going toward P1 and arrives at P3 coming from the direction of P2. Usually, it will not pass through P1 or P2; these points being there only to provide directional information.\\nThe distance between P0 and P1 determines \\\"how long\\\" the curve moves into direction P2 before turning towards P3.\\nWriting BPiPjPk(t) for the quadratic Bézier curve defined by points Pi, Pj and Pk, the cubic Bézier curve can be defined as a linear combination of two quadratic Bézier curves.\\nB(t) = (1-t)*BP0,P1,P2(t) + t*BP1,P2,P3(t), with t as an element in the range [0, 1], inclusive.\\nFor some choices of P1 and P2, the curve may intersect itself, or contain a cusp.\\nAny series of 4 distinct points can be converted to a cubic Bézier curve that goes through all 4 points in order.\\nGiven the starting and ending point of some cubic Bézier curve, and the points along the curve corresponding to t = 1/3 and t = 2/3, the control points for the original Bézier curve can be recovered.\\nThe derivative of the cubic Bézier curve with respect to t is\\nB´(t) = 3*(1-t)^2 * [P1 - P0] + 6*(1-t)*t*(P2 - P1) + 3*t^2 *(P3 - P2).\\nThe second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t is:\\nB´´(t) = 6*(1-t)*(P2 - 2*P1 + P0) + 6*t*(P3 - 2*P2 + P1).\\nEnter the sub headers and formulas that create the chart:\\nEnter t to cell A71; enter X P0 to cell B71; enter Y P0 to cell C71; enter X P1 to cell D71; enter Y P1 to cell E71; enter X P2 to cell F71; enter Y P2 to cell G71;\\nEnter ((1-t)^3*P0+3*(1-t)^2*t*P1+3*(1-t)*t^2*P2+t^3* P3)*Interpolater to cells K71, L71, K76, L76, K82 and L82;\\nEnter .5 to cell A72; enter -3 to cell B72; enter -4 to cell C72; enter -.5 to cell D72; enter 1 to cell E72; enter -1 to cell F72; enter 3 to cell G72; enter 4 to cell H72; enter 1 to cell I72;\\nEnter, w/o quotes, \\\"=1/3\\\" to cell A77; enter, w/o quotes, \\\"=B72\\\" to cell B77 and copy cell B77 and paste it to cell range C77:I77;\\nEnter, w/o quotes, \\\"=2/3\\\" to cell A83; enter, w/o quotes, \\\"=B77\\\" to cell B83 and copy cell B83 and paste it to cell range C83:I83;\\nEnter in cell A85, the text w/o quotes, \\\"For further information, see:\\\" and enter in cell A86 which then step into in the formula bar and edit it at the middle/end of it, adding nothing, press return, and it should become a live link;\\nEnter to cell K72, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^3*Psub0_X+3*(1-t)^2*t*Psub1_X+3*(1-t)*t^2*Psub2_X+t^3*Psub3_X)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=-0.8125]; copy this same formula and paste it to cells K77 and K83 [where the results are -1.2963 and -0.3704, respectively];\\nEnter to cell L72, w/o quotes, the formula \\\"=((1-t)^3*Psub0_Y+3*(1-t)^2*t*Psub1_Y+3*(1-t)*t^2*Psub2_Y+t^3*Psub3_Y)*Interpolater\\\" and Format Cells Font Red [Result=+1.1250]; copy this same formula and paste it to cells L77 and L83 [where the results are -0.0370 and +1.7037, respectively];\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Enter the Chart data section:\", \"描述\": \"Enter t into cell M70;\\nEnter Pt# into cell N70 -- (not done in the image below);\\nEnter X into cell O70;\\nEnter Y into cell P70;\\nSelect cell range M70:O70 and Format Cells Font Bold Size 18;\\nEnter to cell M72 the formula, \\\"=t\\\"; copy that formula and paste it to cells M77 and M83;\\nEnter P0 and make 0 a subscript in cell N71. Copy cell N71 and paste it to cell range N72:N84;\\nYou want to have 3 series of 4 digits each, separated by 2 spaces between the series. Edit Series 1 from N71 to N74 so that the P's subscripts read 0, 1i, 2, 3; Delete the entry in cell N75, and edit Series 2 from N76 to N79 so that the P's subscripts read 0,1i, 2, 3; Delete the entry in cell N80, and edit Series 3 from N81 to N84 so that the P's subscripts read 0,1, 2i, 3;\\nCopy from cell K1 the label Interpolater: and paste it to cell R71; Enter to cell S71 the formula, w/o quotes, \\\"=Interpolater\\\", (stripping off the colon and extra space first if you copied it from R71);\\nFormat Cells Border Red Bold Surrounding Box to cell range Q71:S71 and use the Paint bucket tool in the Toolbar to fill the cell range Q72:S72 with a band of bright red.\\nEnter to cell O71 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=B72\\\" and enter to cell P71 \\\"=C72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O72 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=K72\\\" and enter to cell P72 \\\"=L72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O73 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=F72\\\" and enter to cell P73 \\\"=G72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O74 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=H72\\\" and enter to cell P74 \\\"=I72\\\";\\nEnter to cell O76 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=B77\\\" and enter to cell P76 \\\"=C77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O77 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=K77\\\" and enter to cell P77 \\\"=L77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O78 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=F77\\\" and enter to cell P78 \\\"=G77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O79 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=H77\\\" and enter to cell P79 \\\"=I77\\\";\\nEnter to cell O81 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=B83\\\" and enter to cell P81 \\\"=C83\\\";\\nEnter to cell O82 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=D83\\\" and enter to cell P82 \\\"=E83\\\";\\nEnter to cell O83 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=K83\\\" and enter to cell P83 \\\"=L83\\\";\\nEnter to cell O84 the formula w/o quotes, \\\"=H83\\\" and enter to cell P84 \\\"=I83\\\";\\nFormat cells fill yellow and font red for the Shift and Command cell range selection wherever there is an i in the P subscript, for the X and Y values only, i.e. cell range O72:P72+O77:P77+O83:P83.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Create the Bézier Cubic Curve Chart:\", \"描述\": \"Select cell range O71:P74 and create a new Chart via the Chart option on the Ribbon or from the toolbar or menu; select All, Scatter, Smoothed Line Scatter ... and a chart should appear atop your worksheet with a curve on it. Double-click on the curve and edit the title in the front of the series formula in the formula bar until the formula reads, \\\"=SERIES(\\\"Cubic Curve\\\",Sheet1!$O$71:$O$74,Sheet1!$P$71:$P$74,1)\\\", w/o quotes externally.\\nClick inside the chart but not on any chart object once and select menu Chart Source Data;\\nBelow the Series box, click the Add button, then enter the name: =\\\"Control Point 01\\\"; then for the X values, select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$O$76:$O$79 and for the Y values select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$P$76:$P$79 -- hit OK and verify in the formula bar that the series formula is correct. You should have a second curve; double click on it and format chart series Line Red Weight 5 Dashed line; OK.\\nDouble click in the plot area, Again below the Series box, click the Add button, then enter the name: =\\\"Control Point 02\\\"; then for the X values, select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$O$81:$O$84 and for the Y values select on your sheet or type in =Sheet1!$P$81:$P$84 -- hit OK and verify in the formula bar that the series formula is correct. You should have a second curve; double click on it and format chart series Line Green Weight 4 Tiny Dashes line;\\nNow add the series name =\\\"Control Point Marker #00\\\" with X values =Sheet1!$K$72 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$72 and Format that series or data Point as a big blue-filled style round dot.\\nNow add the series name =\\\"Control Point Marker #01\\\" with X values =Sheet1!$K$77 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$77 and Format that series or data Point as a big red-filled style round dot.\\nNow add the series name =\\\"Control Point Marker #02\\\" with X values =Sheet1!$K$83 and Y values =Sheet1!$L$83 and Format that series or data Point as a big green-filled style round dot.\\n\\nSelect the chart and the chart data underneath it by selecting the cell range that includes them, once you've repositioned the chart over the chart data properly to extend from upper left cell 1/2 of M49 to lower right the left quarter of cell T69, and hold the Shift key down and do Edit Copy Picture, activate the Saves worksheet and hold down the Shift Key again and do Paste Picture, Do Copy via command and v, and open the app Preview and do File New from Clipboard. Export it as a .jpg or .png file into your same folder so you can easily send it to friends or keep it with your photos, etc.\\nHere are the versions created for this article with Interpolate set to 1.4 and 1:\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/5\\\\/51\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\\/388px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.4.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":664,\\\"bigWidth\\\":388,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\\n\\n\\n{\\\"smallUrl\\\":\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/460px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"bigUrl\\\":\\\"\\\\/images\\\\/thumb\\\\/8\\\\/83\\\\/Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\\/389px-Bezier-Curve-Cubic%3B-I%3D1.jpg\\\",\\\"smallWidth\\\":460,\\\"smallHeight\\\":662,\\\"bigWidth\\\":389,\\\"bigHeight\\\":560,\\\"licensing\\\":\\\"<div class=\\\\\\\"mw-parser-output\\\\\\\"><p>License: <a target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"external text\\\\\\\" href=\\\\\\\"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/licenses\\\\/by\\\\/3.0\\\\/\\\\\\\">Creative Commons<\\\\/a><br>\\\\n<\\\\/p><\\\\/div>\\\"}\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire New Skills
1. Getting Started 1-1. Set a realistic goal. Your goal doesn’t need to represent your endpoint with the skill. It should, however, encourage you to grow and push yourself as you learn your new skill. If, for example, you want to learn web design, your goal may be to build yourself an online portfolio that you design from scratch. Don’t make your goal too lofty to start. If you want to learn to cook, don’t start with the initial goal of a 3-course meal. Instead, focus on learning how to make 1 dish really well. After you learn basic skills, you can learn more recipes and build up toward that meal. 1-2. Break your goal down into steps. Even reasonable goals can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. Start by breaking your goal down into small steps. The exact number of steps you’ll need will depend on your goal. Think about your steps like lessons. Each step should be small enough that you can achieve it in 1-2 lessons, but not so small that it’s not enough for a lesson unto itself. Remember, each step builds toward your goal. They may feel small now, but they’ll accumulate. For example, if you’re learning photography, a good step would be learning how to adjust the settings on your camera. This can usually be learned easily, but it’s a bigger task than just learning to turn the flash on and off, which can usually be done in just a few seconds. Then, you can learn how to use light in photography, take still photos, take action photos, and edit photographs, for instance. 1-3. Choose a platform that fits your learning style. There are online tutorials, in-person classes, books, articles, and videos that can teach you all kinds of skills. Think about what learning platforms best enable you to absorb and apply new information. If you’re a visual learner, for example, try video tutorials instead of reading a text-only book or listening to a podcast on the subject. Think about what is most conducive to your new skill, too. Learning a new language using only books, for example, may not be the best choice because the text alone doesn’t give you a good idea of word pronunciation and accents in everyday speech. 1-4. Find a mentor who is an expert in your skill to guide you through the process. The best tool in your journey to build a new skill is to find an expert to tutor you and help guide your progress. Reach out to an expert in your skill and set up a face-to-face meeting to talk to them about possible mentor opportunities. In some fields, mentoring is a formal process, while in other fields, it’s more organic. Do some research online to see how others learning your desired skill found a mentor. For example, if you want to learn to use Microsoft Excel, ask a friend or family member who is familiar with the program to help you learn how to use it. If you want to learn to windsurf, you can hire an instructor with a lot of experience to teach you how to do it. 1-5. Set deadlines for yourself. Deadlines will help keep you accountable and help you stay on track. If you set a deadline without an external commitment, make sure you invest something in your deadline to keep you moving forward. If, for example, you say you’re going to be able to conjugate 10 verbs in Spanish by next week, reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. For instance, treat yourself to lunch or spend 1 hour doing something you love without feeling guilty. If you want to make an external commitment for your deadline, you could try something like signing up for an open mic night to hold you to your goal of learning to play a song on the guitar. 2. Building Your Skill 2-1. Learn about the fundamentals of your skill. The first thing to do is understand the basics of the skill you want to learn. For instance, if you want to master tai chi, read about the history and development of this martial art. If you want to learn to change your own oil, spend some time learning about the function of oil in an engine and check out a diagram of your specific vehicle’s engine bay. 2-2. Take courses and tutorials in your skill. Classes, workshops, and tutorials are great ways to help you build your skill and network with others learning the same skill. If you want consistent formal instruction, look for classes at your local community college, community center, or professional organization. You can also check with professional organizations, hobby groups, local businesses, and other organizations to see if they offer workshops or tutorials in your skill. These are usually 1-2 day events that help you focus on building a single aspect of your skill. For example, if you are learning to cook, a local specialty food store may have a workshop on learning to cook make-ahead meals or cooking for college freshmen. Try to learn as much for free as you can! YouTube is a great, free resource where you can learn just about anything. You can also check out some online educational forums, which are really good for learning new skills inexpensively. 2-3. Start with the first step and move on as you master each portion. The only way to learn is by doing, so start trying out your new skill. Use the resources available to you, whether that may be reading a tutorial or having an expert walk you through the steps. Complete each step and ensure you understand it fully before moving on. For instance, if your goal is to learn to type, begin by learning the home keys. Once you’ve mastered those, move on to the keys you type with your right hand, then the keys you type with your left hand. 2-4. Ask your mentor for help if you get stuck. Learning a new skill can be frustrating, but don’t give up when you hit a roadblock. Instead, seek help from an expert. Your mentor can explain what’s going wrong and help you correct the process so that you continue to make progress. 2-5. Practice a little every day. Building any new skill takes time, so you must dedicate yourself to this endeavor. After you’ve learned a portion of your new skill, take time every day to practice what you’ve learned. This should be separate from the time you take to learn a new portion of your skill. For example, if you’re learning to play the piano, set aside an hour a day to practice: 30 minutes to review chords you’ve already learned and an additional 30 minutes to learn new chords. The exact amount of time you’ll need to practice each day will depend on the skill your learning, as well as your personal learning style. 3. Selecting Your Skill 3-1. Think about skills that would benefit you. You may feel more motivated to learn a new skill if you pick something you think will benefit you in your work or daily life. Ask yourself if there are any skills that would help you get ahead at work, help you at school, or give you an advantage in your everyday life. Skills that many people find useful for their education and career include learning a new language, programming, photography, writing, public speaking, data analysis, and cooking. Try to identify the gaps in your skills and abilities to focus your efforts. Some practical skills can be learned with courses and classes. Others are more foundational — as is the case of building confidence or elevating your interpersonal relationships skills. These can be developed with the help of a coach. 3-2. List skills you would enjoy learning. Make a list of 5-10 skills that you think you’d enjoy learning. These don’t have to benefit your job or schoolwork directly, although they can. Just think about things you’ve found interesting or that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do. For example, have you always wanted to make your own scarf? If you have, then knitting or crocheting may be an enjoyable activity. Or, perhaps you want to learn how to play a new sport or take up a hobby like doing card tricks. 3-3. Calculate how much time you can devote to learning. Think about how much time you can devote on a daily or weekly basis to learning your new skill. If you don’t have a lot of extra time, a lower-commitment skill like learning to drive a manual car might be a good skill. If you have more time, a skill that takes a lot of practice, such as learning how to play an instrument, might be right for you. Pick a skill that you actually have time for right now. Picking a difficult skill and hoping you can learn it when you don’t have much time to practice is more likely to lead to you abandoning the skill. 3-4. Focus on a single skill at a time. Pay attention to learning one skill at a time rather than trying to master multiple skills at once. If you divide your attention, it will take longer for you to master your desired skill. This doesn’t mean you can’t learn lots of new skills. Just take the time to thoroughly learn the basics of one new skill before you move onto the next one. Tips The best way to learn is to do. Regardless of how unprepared you feel, make sure you are continually physically engaged. If you want to learn something that would be beneficial to your company, try asking your supervisor for help, as your employer may be able to afford to pay for your professional development.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Getting Started\\n1-1. Set a realistic goal.\\nYour goal doesn’t need to represent your endpoint with the skill. It should, however, encourage you to grow and push yourself as you learn your new skill. If, for example, you want to learn web design, your goal may be to build yourself an online portfolio that you design from scratch.\\nDon’t make your goal too lofty to start. If you want to learn to cook, don’t start with the initial goal of a 3-course meal. Instead, focus on learning how to make 1 dish really well. After you learn basic skills, you can learn more recipes and build up toward that meal.\\n1-2. Break your goal down into steps.\\nEven reasonable goals can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. Start by breaking your goal down into small steps. The exact number of steps you’ll need will depend on your goal.\\nThink about your steps like lessons. Each step should be small enough that you can achieve it in 1-2 lessons, but not so small that it’s not enough for a lesson unto itself. Remember, each step builds toward your goal. They may feel small now, but they’ll accumulate.\\nFor example, if you’re learning photography, a good step would be learning how to adjust the settings on your camera. This can usually be learned easily, but it’s a bigger task than just learning to turn the flash on and off, which can usually be done in just a few seconds. Then, you can learn how to use light in photography, take still photos, take action photos, and edit photographs, for instance.\\n1-3. Choose a platform that fits your learning style.\\nThere are online tutorials, in-person classes, books, articles, and videos that can teach you all kinds of skills. Think about what learning platforms best enable you to absorb and apply new information. \\nIf you’re a visual learner, for example, try video tutorials instead of reading a text-only book or listening to a podcast on the subject.\\nThink about what is most conducive to your new skill, too. Learning a new language using only books, for example, may not be the best choice because the text alone doesn’t give you a good idea of word pronunciation and accents in everyday speech.\\n1-4. Find a mentor who is an expert in your skill to guide you through the process.\\nThe best tool in your journey to build a new skill is to find an expert to tutor you and help guide your progress. Reach out to an expert in your skill and set up a face-to-face meeting to talk to them about possible mentor opportunities.\\nIn some fields, mentoring is a formal process, while in other fields, it’s more organic. Do some research online to see how others learning your desired skill found a mentor.\\nFor example, if you want to learn to use Microsoft Excel, ask a friend or family member who is familiar with the program to help you learn how to use it. If you want to learn to windsurf, you can hire an instructor with a lot of experience to teach you how to do it.\\n1-5. Set deadlines for yourself.\\nDeadlines will help keep you accountable and help you stay on track. If you set a deadline without an external commitment, make sure you invest something in your deadline to keep you moving forward.\\nIf, for example, you say you’re going to be able to conjugate 10 verbs in Spanish by next week, reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. For instance, treat yourself to lunch or spend 1 hour doing something you love without feeling guilty.\\nIf you want to make an external commitment for your deadline, you could try something like signing up for an open mic night to hold you to your goal of learning to play a song on the guitar.\\n2. Building Your Skill\\n2-1. Learn about the fundamentals of your skill.\\nThe first thing to do is understand the basics of the skill you want to learn. For instance, if you want to master tai chi, read about the history and development of this martial art. If you want to learn to change your own oil, spend some time learning about the function of oil in an engine and check out a diagram of your specific vehicle’s engine bay.\\n2-2. Take courses and tutorials in your skill.\\nClasses, workshops, and tutorials are great ways to help you build your skill and network with others learning the same skill. If you want consistent formal instruction, look for classes at your local community college, community center, or professional organization.\\nYou can also check with professional organizations, hobby groups, local businesses, and other organizations to see if they offer workshops or tutorials in your skill. These are usually 1-2 day events that help you focus on building a single aspect of your skill.\\nFor example, if you are learning to cook, a local specialty food store may have a workshop on learning to cook make-ahead meals or cooking for college freshmen.\\nTry to learn as much for free as you can! YouTube is a great, free resource where you can learn just about anything.\\nYou can also check out some online educational forums, which are really good for learning new skills inexpensively.\\n2-3. Start with the first step and move on as you master each portion.\\nThe only way to learn is by doing, so start trying out your new skill. Use the resources available to you, whether that may be reading a tutorial or having an expert walk you through the steps. Complete each step and ensure you understand it fully before moving on.\\nFor instance, if your goal is to learn to type, begin by learning the home keys. Once you’ve mastered those, move on to the keys you type with your right hand, then the keys you type with your left hand.\\n2-4. Ask your mentor for help if you get stuck.\\nLearning a new skill can be frustrating, but don’t give up when you hit a roadblock. Instead, seek help from an expert. Your mentor can explain what’s going wrong and help you correct the process so that you continue to make progress.\\n2-5. Practice a little every day.\\nBuilding any new skill takes time, so you must dedicate yourself to this endeavor. After you’ve learned a portion of your new skill, take time every day to practice what you’ve learned. This should be separate from the time you take to learn a new portion of your skill.\\nFor example, if you’re learning to play the piano, set aside an hour a day to practice: 30 minutes to review chords you’ve already learned and an additional 30 minutes to learn new chords.\\nThe exact amount of time you’ll need to practice each day will depend on the skill your learning, as well as your personal learning style.\\n3. Selecting Your Skill\\n3-1. Think about skills that would benefit you.\\nYou may feel more motivated to learn a new skill if you pick something you think will benefit you in your work or daily life. Ask yourself if there are any skills that would help you get ahead at work, help you at school, or give you an advantage in your everyday life.\\nSkills that many people find useful for their education and career include learning a new language, programming, photography, writing, public speaking, data analysis, and cooking.\\nTry to identify the gaps in your skills and abilities to focus your efforts. Some practical skills can be learned with courses and classes. Others are more foundational — as is the case of building confidence or elevating your interpersonal relationships skills. These can be developed with the help of a coach.\\n3-2. List skills you would enjoy learning.\\nMake a list of 5-10 skills that you think you’d enjoy learning. These don’t have to benefit your job or schoolwork directly, although they can. Just think about things you’ve found interesting or that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do.\\nFor example, have you always wanted to make your own scarf? If you have, then knitting or crocheting may be an enjoyable activity. Or, perhaps you want to learn how to play a new sport or take up a hobby like doing card tricks.\\n3-3. Calculate how much time you can devote to learning.\\nThink about how much time you can devote on a daily or weekly basis to learning your new skill. If you don’t have a lot of extra time, a lower-commitment skill like learning to drive a manual car might be a good skill. If you have more time, a skill that takes a lot of practice, such as learning how to play an instrument, might be right for you.\\nPick a skill that you actually have time for right now. Picking a difficult skill and hoping you can learn it when you don’t have much time to practice is more likely to lead to you abandoning the skill.\\n3-4. Focus on a single skill at a time.\\nPay attention to learning one skill at a time rather than trying to master multiple skills at once. If you divide your attention, it will take longer for you to master your desired skill.\\nThis doesn’t mean you can’t learn lots of new skills. Just take the time to thoroughly learn the basics of one new skill before you move onto the next one.\\nTips\\nThe best way to learn is to do. Regardless of how unprepared you feel, make sure you are continually physically engaged.\\nIf you want to learn something that would be beneficial to your company, try asking your supervisor for help, as your employer may be able to afford to pay for your professional development.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A large part of achieving both personal and professional success is learning new skills. All skills take time to learn, but you can simplify the process by setting goals and breaking the skill up into smaller steps. Practice every day and hold yourself accountable so you’ll be able to add that new skill to your repertoire in no time.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Getting Started\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Set a realistic goal.\", \"描述\": \"Your goal doesn’t need to represent your endpoint with the skill. It should, however, encourage you to grow and push yourself as you learn your new skill. If, for example, you want to learn web design, your goal may be to build yourself an online portfolio that you design from scratch.\\nDon’t make your goal too lofty to start. If you want to learn to cook, don’t start with the initial goal of a 3-course meal. Instead, focus on learning how to make 1 dish really well. After you learn basic skills, you can learn more recipes and build up toward that meal.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Break your goal down into steps.\", \"描述\": \"Even reasonable goals can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. Start by breaking your goal down into small steps. The exact number of steps you’ll need will depend on your goal.\\nThink about your steps like lessons. Each step should be small enough that you can achieve it in 1-2 lessons, but not so small that it’s not enough for a lesson unto itself. Remember, each step builds toward your goal. They may feel small now, but they’ll accumulate.\\nFor example, if you’re learning photography, a good step would be learning how to adjust the settings on your camera. This can usually be learned easily, but it’s a bigger task than just learning to turn the flash on and off, which can usually be done in just a few seconds. Then, you can learn how to use light in photography, take still photos, take action photos, and edit photographs, for instance.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Choose a platform that fits your learning style.\", \"描述\": \"There are online tutorials, in-person classes, books, articles, and videos that can teach you all kinds of skills. Think about what learning platforms best enable you to absorb and apply new information. \\nIf you’re a visual learner, for example, try video tutorials instead of reading a text-only book or listening to a podcast on the subject.\\nThink about what is most conducive to your new skill, too. Learning a new language using only books, for example, may not be the best choice because the text alone doesn’t give you a good idea of word pronunciation and accents in everyday speech.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Find a mentor who is an expert in your skill to guide you through the process.\", \"描述\": \"The best tool in your journey to build a new skill is to find an expert to tutor you and help guide your progress. Reach out to an expert in your skill and set up a face-to-face meeting to talk to them about possible mentor opportunities.\\nIn some fields, mentoring is a formal process, while in other fields, it’s more organic. Do some research online to see how others learning your desired skill found a mentor.\\nFor example, if you want to learn to use Microsoft Excel, ask a friend or family member who is familiar with the program to help you learn how to use it. If you want to learn to windsurf, you can hire an instructor with a lot of experience to teach you how to do it.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Set deadlines for yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Deadlines will help keep you accountable and help you stay on track. If you set a deadline without an external commitment, make sure you invest something in your deadline to keep you moving forward.\\nIf, for example, you say you’re going to be able to conjugate 10 verbs in Spanish by next week, reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. For instance, treat yourself to lunch or spend 1 hour doing something you love without feeling guilty.\\nIf you want to make an external commitment for your deadline, you could try something like signing up for an open mic night to hold you to your goal of learning to play a song on the guitar.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Building Your Skill\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Learn about the fundamentals of your skill.\", \"描述\": \"The first thing to do is understand the basics of the skill you want to learn. For instance, if you want to master tai chi, read about the history and development of this martial art. If you want to learn to change your own oil, spend some time learning about the function of oil in an engine and check out a diagram of your specific vehicle’s engine bay.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Take courses and tutorials in your skill.\", \"描述\": \"Classes, workshops, and tutorials are great ways to help you build your skill and network with others learning the same skill. If you want consistent formal instruction, look for classes at your local community college, community center, or professional organization.\\nYou can also check with professional organizations, hobby groups, local businesses, and other organizations to see if they offer workshops or tutorials in your skill. These are usually 1-2 day events that help you focus on building a single aspect of your skill.\\nFor example, if you are learning to cook, a local specialty food store may have a workshop on learning to cook make-ahead meals or cooking for college freshmen.\\nTry to learn as much for free as you can! YouTube is a great, free resource where you can learn just about anything.\\nYou can also check out some online educational forums, which are really good for learning new skills inexpensively.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Start with the first step and move on as you master each portion.\", \"描述\": \"The only way to learn is by doing, so start trying out your new skill. Use the resources available to you, whether that may be reading a tutorial or having an expert walk you through the steps. Complete each step and ensure you understand it fully before moving on.\\nFor instance, if your goal is to learn to type, begin by learning the home keys. Once you’ve mastered those, move on to the keys you type with your right hand, then the keys you type with your left hand.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Ask your mentor for help if you get stuck.\", \"描述\": \"Learning a new skill can be frustrating, but don’t give up when you hit a roadblock. Instead, seek help from an expert. Your mentor can explain what’s going wrong and help you correct the process so that you continue to make progress.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Practice a little every day.\", \"描述\": \"Building any new skill takes time, so you must dedicate yourself to this endeavor. After you’ve learned a portion of your new skill, take time every day to practice what you’ve learned. This should be separate from the time you take to learn a new portion of your skill.\\nFor example, if you’re learning to play the piano, set aside an hour a day to practice: 30 minutes to review chords you’ve already learned and an additional 30 minutes to learn new chords.\\nThe exact amount of time you’ll need to practice each day will depend on the skill your learning, as well as your personal learning style.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Selecting Your Skill\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Think about skills that would benefit you.\", \"描述\": \"You may feel more motivated to learn a new skill if you pick something you think will benefit you in your work or daily life. Ask yourself if there are any skills that would help you get ahead at work, help you at school, or give you an advantage in your everyday life.\\nSkills that many people find useful for their education and career include learning a new language, programming, photography, writing, public speaking, data analysis, and cooking.\\nTry to identify the gaps in your skills and abilities to focus your efforts. Some practical skills can be learned with courses and classes. Others are more foundational — as is the case of building confidence or elevating your interpersonal relationships skills. These can be developed with the help of a coach.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"List skills you would enjoy learning.\", \"描述\": \"Make a list of 5-10 skills that you think you’d enjoy learning. These don’t have to benefit your job or schoolwork directly, although they can. Just think about things you’ve found interesting or that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do.\\nFor example, have you always wanted to make your own scarf? If you have, then knitting or crocheting may be an enjoyable activity. Or, perhaps you want to learn how to play a new sport or take up a hobby like doing card tricks.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Calculate how much time you can devote to learning.\", \"描述\": \"Think about how much time you can devote on a daily or weekly basis to learning your new skill. If you don’t have a lot of extra time, a lower-commitment skill like learning to drive a manual car might be a good skill. If you have more time, a skill that takes a lot of practice, such as learning how to play an instrument, might be right for you.\\nPick a skill that you actually have time for right now. Picking a difficult skill and hoping you can learn it when you don’t have much time to practice is more likely to lead to you abandoning the skill.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Focus on a single skill at a time.\", \"描述\": \"Pay attention to learning one skill at a time rather than trying to master multiple skills at once. If you divide your attention, it will take longer for you to master your desired skill.\\nThis doesn’t mean you can’t learn lots of new skills. Just take the time to thoroughly learn the basics of one new skill before you move onto the next one.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"The best way to learn is to do. Regardless of how unprepared you feel, make sure you are continually physically engaged.\\n\", \"If you want to learn something that would be beneficial to your company, try asking your supervisor for help, as your employer may be able to afford to pay for your professional development.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire Property Through Adverse Possession
1. Occupying the Land 1-1. Occupy the land in a “hostile” fashion. Adverse possession requires that you make a “hostile” claim on the land. This means different things in different states. For example: In some states, simply occupying the land qualifies. Most states follow this rule. In other states, you have to be aware that you are trespassing. This means that you know the land doesn’t belong to you, but you occupy it anyway. In a few states, you must make a good faith mistake when you occupy the land. This generally means that you think you have a valid deed for the property but the deed is either defective or fraudulent. 1-2. Possess the land. To adversely claim the property, you must have actual possession. You must also treat it as if you were the owner by, for example, making improvements to the property. Be sure to document any improvements on the property. For example, you might have built a small building on the property or erected a fence. Take photographs of the changes you have made. Evidence like this will be important when you later bring a lawsuit to get title to the property. 1-3. Occupy the land in an “open and notorious” fashion. You can’t be hiding on the property if you want to claim it using adverse possession. Instead, it must be obvious to anyone that someone is living on the land. Visible changes to the property should tip people off that someone is living there. Accordingly, take photographs or get witness testimony that they saw you coming and going from the property regularly. 1-4. Possess the land continuously and exclusively. To claim adverse possession, you can’t stop into someone’s property once every six months. Instead, the law requires that you really possess it. This means two things: You continuously occupy the land. You can’t abandon the property and then return later. Each state has a time period for how long you must continuously occupy the land. In Massachusetts, for example, you must possess the land for 20 years. In Missouri, by contrast, you must occupy the land for 10 consecutive years. You exclusively occupy the land. You can’t share possession with the actual owner of the property or with strangers. 1-5. Pay taxes on the property. In some states, you must actually pay taxes on the land in order to qualify for adverse possession. In other states, the amount of time you must continuously occupy the land will be reduced if you pay taxes. Make sure to hang onto copies of your tax assessment and canceled checks or other proof that shows you paid taxes on the property. For example, in North Dakota, you must continuously occupy the land for 20 years unless you paid property taxes, in which case you must occupy it for only 10 continuous years. You will be sent the tax bill if you took possession with what you thought was a valid deed, and you recorded the deed with the Recorder of Deeds office. However, if you don’t have any deed, then in some counties you can go to the tax assessor’s office and file a document asserting your attempt to establish adverse possession. In Florida, for example, you would file a “Return of Real Property in Attempt to Establish Adverse Possession Without Color of Title.” You can then pay the taxes. Stop in and check with your county tax assessor. 1-6. Read your state law. In order to understand your state’s specific requirements, you should read your state’s laws on adverse possession. You can find them online. Type “your state” and “adverse possession” into a search engine. If you aren’t finding what you need online, then you might want to stop into a law library. Your nearest law library may be at the local courthouse, or it may be at a nearby law school. 1-7. Perform a title search. You need to find out exactly who owns the property so that you can sue them in court. You can hire a title company to perform a title search. When you get the title report back, look to see who owns the property. There are many different interests people can have in the property. For example, someone might claim an “easement” on the property. This means that they have the right to use a portion of the property for a certain purpose (e.g., use a driveway to reach their own piece of property). You will need to sue all people who have an interest in the property. This includes the owner, as well as anyone with an easement or other interest. Your title report should identify all of these people. 2. Filing a Lawsuit in Court 2-1. Consult with a lawyer. Adverse possession claims are complicated. You really have only one shot of winning this kind of lawsuit. Once the owner is tipped off that you are trying to get the property, they will move to eject you. Accordingly, you should think about hiring a lawyer to represent you. He or she can tell you what kinds of evidence will be most persuasive. You can find a lawyer by contacting your local or state bar association and asking for a referral. 2-2. Get a complaint form. You need to bring a lawsuit to “quiet title,” which is a suit to decide who owns the title to the property. You will start the quiet title action by filing a document with the court called either a “complaint” or a “petition.” This document should identify you, the property, and the owner of the property. Many courts have blank complaint forms you can complete. Using a printed complaint form makes bringing a quiet title action easy. You should go to the county court in the county where the property is located. You can find this court by looking in the phone book or online. 2-3. Format your own complaint. If your court does not have a form you can use, then you need to create your own. You can begin by opening a blank word processing document and setting the font to Times New Roman or Arial 14 point. Also double-space the document and use one-inch margins throughout. 2-4. Create a caption. The caption appears at the top of the page. It contains standard information and will not change throughout the lawsuit. The caption should contain the following information: The name of the court. Insert this at the top of the page, centered between the left- and right-hand margins. Also type the court name in bold, all caps. Your name. You are the “plaintiff.” You should type your name like this “Michael Jones, plaintiff.” Put this information beneath the court name, justified with the left-hand margin. The letter “v” a couple of lines below your name. The name of the owner of the property. Space down three lines below the “v” and insert the name of the owner, justified with the left-hand margin. Also add “John Does 1-100” in case there are people you haven’t identified who own an interest in the land. The case number. On the right-hand side of the page, you should type “Case No.” and then leave a blank line. The court clerk will give you a case number when you file your petition. 2-5. Title the document. You can title your complaint “Action to Quiet Title” or “Complaint to Quiet Title.” Insert the title right below the caption and make your title all caps, in bold. 2-6. Add an introduction. Your introduction can briefly identify yourself and state why you are bringing this action. For example, you could type: “Plaintiff, Michael Jones, representing himself pro se, files this Complaint against the Defendants to Quiet Title with respect to a certain parcel of real estate. In support, Plaintiff states as follows….” 2-7. Identify the parties. You should state your name and address. Also include this information for all defendants. Also identify the land. The land is a party to the lawsuit as well. You should state where the property is located, using a street address, but then you should also attach a legal description of the property to the complaint. 2-8. Explain that you have adversely possessed the land. Go into detail and explain how you have satisfied your state’s law on adverse possession. You should number your paragraphs so that each fact has its own number. Also be sure to identify your state’s law on adverse possession by number. 2-9. Insert a conclusion. In conclusion, request that the court enter judgment in your favor. Then add a signature block underneath the conclusion and include the words “Respectfully submitted” just above the signature line. For example, your conclusion could read: “Wherefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable court find in his favor and against Defendants, and enter a judgment ordering the Recorder of Deeds to convey the property located at [insert address] to Plaintiff, upon presentment of an order stating the same, and granting such other relief as is necessary and appropriate.” 2-10. Include a verification. In many states, every complaint must be “verified.” This means that you swear under penalty of perjury that every statement made in the complaint is truthful. You can either create a separate affidavit or you could add a paragraph underneath your signature verifying that the statements are true. For example, you could state the following: “I hereby verify that the statements set forth in the foregoing Complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I understand that these statements are made subject to the penalties under the laws of Maine relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.” 2-11. File with the court. Once you have completed your complaint, you should make multiple copies. Take your copies and the original to the court clerk. Ask to file. You probably will have to pay a filing fee, which will differ depending on your county. If you can’t afford the fee, then ask for a fee waiver form. This form will typically ask for information about your monthly income and expenses. 2-12. Serve notice of the lawsuit on the record owner. You will need to give the owner of the property notice that you are suing. Generally, you must arrange for someone to serve a copy of your complaint on the owner. You may also have to publish notice in a newspaper. This publication will let everyone who might claim an interest in the property know that you are trying to quiet title to it. 3. Going to Court 3-1. Organize your evidence. Go through each element that you need to prove to win an adverse possession claim. Then find evidence that can help you prove that you have met the law’s requirements. For example: Hostile occupation. If your state requires that you occupy the land because you have a deed, then get your copy of the deed. It will be an exhibit in your trial. Open and notorious occupation. Use photographs or video that shows you openly possessed the land. You could also find witnesses, such as a neighbor, to testify. Of course, you can testify on your own behalf, but it will be more convincing to also have third party witnesses testify. Continuous possession. You and witnesses can testify that you possessed the land for the required number of years. Payment of taxes. Get receipts that show you made payment. 3-2. Dress for success. You should look professional for your trial. Try to dress up as best as you can. Although you don’t have to wear a suit, you should wear one if you feel more comfortable in a suit. Remember the following tips: Men should wear dress pants and with a button-up shirt. Make sure the shirt is long-sleeved (and not short-sleeved). Wear a conservative tie if you have one. For footwear, wear dress shoes (not sneakers) with dark-colored socks. Women can wear a skirt or slacks with a blouse. Women can also wear conservative dresses. For women, fit is most important. Make sure the clothing is not too tight or too revealing. Neither men nor women should wear shorts, blue jeans, tank tops, T-shirts, clothing with writing, flip flops, or hats. 3-3. Present your evidence. You will go first at the trial. You should have your witnesses ready to testify. Also have exhibits prepared that support your claim that you have met all of the requirements for adverse possession. For tips on how to question your witnesses, see Question Witnesses when Representing Yourself. 3-4. Testify at the trial. You will probably have to testify. For example, you will want to explain to the judge the improvements you have made to the property as well as the fact that you have continuously and exclusively occupied the property for the required number of years. Remember the following tips when you testify: Listen closely to the question and answer the question asked. If you don’t understand a question, ask for clarification. Don’t guess. If you don’t know the answer, then say you don’t know. Always tell the truth. You are testifying under oath, and it is against the law to lie in court. Never argue with the attorney or the judge. 3-5. Listen to the defendant’s witnesses. The owner of the property also gets to put on a case. He or she could call witnesses who challenge your version of events. You will have a chance to cross-examine them. For example, the owner might have someone testify that you left the property for long periods of time. 3-6. Receive the verdict. The judge should issue a ruling shortly after all evidence has been presented. In many states, you can’t get a jury for a quiet title action, so the judge will hear all of the evidence and then make a decision. If you lose, then you should consider bringing an appeal. An appeal is heard by a higher court, which reviews the trial transcripts. If the judge made a serious error, then the appellate court can set aside the verdict. You can start the appeal process by filing a Notice of Appeal with the trial court. You shouldn’t delay. Generally, you get 30 days or less from the date final judgment is entered to file your Notice of Appeal. 3-7. File your judgment with the Recorder of Deeds. In order to become the new record owner of the property, you need to take your final judgment to the Recorder of Deeds office. Ask to enter the judgment on the books so that you show up as the new owner. Tips Keep in mind that the timelines for adverse possession may vary from state to state.[23] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Occupying the Land\\n1-1. Occupy the land in a “hostile” fashion.\\nAdverse possession requires that you make a “hostile” claim on the land. This means different things in different states. For example:\\nIn some states, simply occupying the land qualifies. Most states follow this rule.\\nIn other states, you have to be aware that you are trespassing. This means that you know the land doesn’t belong to you, but you occupy it anyway.\\nIn a few states, you must make a good faith mistake when you occupy the land. This generally means that you think you have a valid deed for the property but the deed is either defective or fraudulent.\\n1-2. Possess the land.\\nTo adversely claim the property, you must have actual possession. You must also treat it as if you were the owner by, for example, making improvements to the property.\\nBe sure to document any improvements on the property. For example, you might have built a small building on the property or erected a fence. Take photographs of the changes you have made.\\nEvidence like this will be important when you later bring a lawsuit to get title to the property.\\n1-3. Occupy the land in an “open and notorious” fashion.\\nYou can’t be hiding on the property if you want to claim it using adverse possession. Instead, it must be obvious to anyone that someone is living on the land.\\nVisible changes to the property should tip people off that someone is living there. Accordingly, take photographs or get witness testimony that they saw you coming and going from the property regularly.\\n1-4. Possess the land continuously and exclusively.\\nTo claim adverse possession, you can’t stop into someone’s property once every six months. Instead, the law requires that you really possess it. This means two things:\\nYou continuously occupy the land. You can’t abandon the property and then return later. Each state has a time period for how long you must continuously occupy the land. In Massachusetts, for example, you must possess the land for 20 years. In Missouri, by contrast, you must occupy the land for 10 consecutive years.\\nYou exclusively occupy the land. You can’t share possession with the actual owner of the property or with strangers.\\n1-5. Pay taxes on the property.\\nIn some states, you must actually pay taxes on the land in order to qualify for adverse possession. In other states, the amount of time you must continuously occupy the land will be reduced if you pay taxes. Make sure to hang onto copies of your tax assessment and canceled checks or other proof that shows you paid taxes on the property.\\nFor example, in North Dakota, you must continuously occupy the land for 20 years unless you paid property taxes, in which case you must occupy it for only 10 continuous years.\\nYou will be sent the tax bill if you took possession with what you thought was a valid deed, and you recorded the deed with the Recorder of Deeds office.\\nHowever, if you don’t have any deed, then in some counties you can go to the tax assessor’s office and file a document asserting your attempt to establish adverse possession. In Florida, for example, you would file a “Return of Real Property in Attempt to Establish Adverse Possession Without Color of Title.” You can then pay the taxes. Stop in and check with your county tax assessor.\\n1-6. Read your state law.\\nIn order to understand your state’s specific requirements, you should read your state’s laws on adverse possession. You can find them online. Type “your state” and “adverse possession” into a search engine.\\nIf you aren’t finding what you need online, then you might want to stop into a law library. Your nearest law library may be at the local courthouse, or it may be at a nearby law school.\\n1-7. Perform a title search.\\nYou need to find out exactly who owns the property so that you can sue them in court. You can hire a title company to perform a title search. When you get the title report back, look to see who owns the property.\\nThere are many different interests people can have in the property. For example, someone might claim an “easement” on the property. This means that they have the right to use a portion of the property for a certain purpose (e.g., use a driveway to reach their own piece of property).\\nYou will need to sue all people who have an interest in the property. This includes the owner, as well as anyone with an easement or other interest. Your title report should identify all of these people.\\n2. Filing a Lawsuit in Court\\n2-1. Consult with a lawyer.\\nAdverse possession claims are complicated. You really have only one shot of winning this kind of lawsuit. Once the owner is tipped off that you are trying to get the property, they will move to eject you. Accordingly, you should think about hiring a lawyer to represent you. He or she can tell you what kinds of evidence will be most persuasive.\\nYou can find a lawyer by contacting your local or state bar association and asking for a referral.\\n2-2. Get a complaint form.\\nYou need to bring a lawsuit to “quiet title,” which is a suit to decide who owns the title to the property. You will start the quiet title action by filing a document with the court called either a “complaint” or a “petition.” This document should identify you, the property, and the owner of the property. Many courts have blank complaint forms you can complete. Using a printed complaint form makes bringing a quiet title action easy.\\nYou should go to the county court in the county where the property is located. You can find this court by looking in the phone book or online.\\n2-3. Format your own complaint.\\nIf your court does not have a form you can use, then you need to create your own. You can begin by opening a blank word processing document and setting the font to Times New Roman or Arial 14 point.\\nAlso double-space the document and use one-inch margins throughout.\\n2-4. Create a caption.\\nThe caption appears at the top of the page. It contains standard information and will not change throughout the lawsuit. The caption should contain the following information:\\nThe name of the court. Insert this at the top of the page, centered between the left- and right-hand margins. Also type the court name in bold, all caps.\\nYour name. You are the “plaintiff.” You should type your name like this “Michael Jones, plaintiff.” Put this information beneath the court name, justified with the left-hand margin.\\nThe letter “v” a couple of lines below your name.\\nThe name of the owner of the property. Space down three lines below the “v” and insert the name of the owner, justified with the left-hand margin. Also add “John Does 1-100” in case there are people you haven’t identified who own an interest in the land.\\nThe case number. On the right-hand side of the page, you should type “Case No.” and then leave a blank line. The court clerk will give you a case number when you file your petition.\\n2-5. Title the document.\\nYou can title your complaint “Action to Quiet Title” or “Complaint to Quiet Title.” Insert the title right below the caption and make your title all caps, in bold.\\n2-6. Add an introduction.\\nYour introduction can briefly identify yourself and state why you are bringing this action. For example, you could type: “Plaintiff, Michael Jones, representing himself pro se, files this Complaint against the Defendants to Quiet Title with respect to a certain parcel of real estate. In support, Plaintiff states as follows….”\\n2-7. Identify the parties.\\nYou should state your name and address. Also include this information for all defendants. Also identify the land. The land is a party to the lawsuit as well. \\nYou should state where the property is located, using a street address, but then you should also attach a legal description of the property to the complaint.\\n2-8. Explain that you have adversely possessed the land.\\nGo into detail and explain how you have satisfied your state’s law on adverse possession. You should number your paragraphs so that each fact has its own number.\\nAlso be sure to identify your state’s law on adverse possession by number.\\n2-9. Insert a conclusion.\\nIn conclusion, request that the court enter judgment in your favor. Then add a signature block underneath the conclusion and include the words “Respectfully submitted” just above the signature line.\\nFor example, your conclusion could read: “Wherefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable court find in his favor and against Defendants, and enter a judgment ordering the Recorder of Deeds to convey the property located at [insert address] to Plaintiff, upon presentment of an order stating the same, and granting such other relief as is necessary and appropriate.”\\n2-10. Include a verification.\\nIn many states, every complaint must be “verified.” This means that you swear under penalty of perjury that every statement made in the complaint is truthful. You can either create a separate affidavit or you could add a paragraph underneath your signature verifying that the statements are true.\\nFor example, you could state the following: “I hereby verify that the statements set forth in the foregoing Complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I understand that these statements are made subject to the penalties under the laws of Maine relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.”\\n2-11. File with the court.\\nOnce you have completed your complaint, you should make multiple copies. Take your copies and the original to the court clerk. Ask to file. You probably will have to pay a filing fee, which will differ depending on your county.\\nIf you can’t afford the fee, then ask for a fee waiver form. This form will typically ask for information about your monthly income and expenses.\\n2-12. Serve notice of the lawsuit on the record owner.\\nYou will need to give the owner of the property notice that you are suing. Generally, you must arrange for someone to serve a copy of your complaint on the owner.\\nYou may also have to publish notice in a newspaper. This publication will let everyone who might claim an interest in the property know that you are trying to quiet title to it.\\n3. Going to Court\\n3-1. Organize your evidence.\\nGo through each element that you need to prove to win an adverse possession claim. Then find evidence that can help you prove that you have met the law’s requirements. For example:\\nHostile occupation. If your state requires that you occupy the land because you have a deed, then get your copy of the deed. It will be an exhibit in your trial.\\nOpen and notorious occupation. Use photographs or video that shows you openly possessed the land. You could also find witnesses, such as a neighbor, to testify. Of course, you can testify on your own behalf, but it will be more convincing to also have third party witnesses testify.\\nContinuous possession. You and witnesses can testify that you possessed the land for the required number of years.\\nPayment of taxes. Get receipts that show you made payment.\\n3-2. Dress for success.\\nYou should look professional for your trial. Try to dress up as best as you can. Although you don’t have to wear a suit, you should wear one if you feel more comfortable in a suit. Remember the following tips:\\nMen should wear dress pants and with a button-up shirt. Make sure the shirt is long-sleeved (and not short-sleeved). Wear a conservative tie if you have one. For footwear, wear dress shoes (not sneakers) with dark-colored socks.\\nWomen can wear a skirt or slacks with a blouse. Women can also wear conservative dresses. For women, fit is most important. Make sure the clothing is not too tight or too revealing.\\nNeither men nor women should wear shorts, blue jeans, tank tops, T-shirts, clothing with writing, flip flops, or hats.\\n3-3. Present your evidence.\\nYou will go first at the trial. You should have your witnesses ready to testify. Also have exhibits prepared that support your claim that you have met all of the requirements for adverse possession.\\nFor tips on how to question your witnesses, see Question Witnesses when Representing Yourself.\\n3-4. Testify at the trial.\\nYou will probably have to testify. For example, you will want to explain to the judge the improvements you have made to the property as well as the fact that you have continuously and exclusively occupied the property for the required number of years. Remember the following tips when you testify:\\nListen closely to the question and answer the question asked. If you don’t understand a question, ask for clarification.\\nDon’t guess. If you don’t know the answer, then say you don’t know.\\nAlways tell the truth. You are testifying under oath, and it is against the law to lie in court.\\nNever argue with the attorney or the judge.\\n3-5. Listen to the defendant’s witnesses.\\nThe owner of the property also gets to put on a case. He or she could call witnesses who challenge your version of events. You will have a chance to cross-examine them.\\nFor example, the owner might have someone testify that you left the property for long periods of time.\\n3-6. Receive the verdict.\\nThe judge should issue a ruling shortly after all evidence has been presented. In many states, you can’t get a jury for a quiet title action, so the judge will hear all of the evidence and then make a decision. \\nIf you lose, then you should consider bringing an appeal. An appeal is heard by a higher court, which reviews the trial transcripts. If the judge made a serious error, then the appellate court can set aside the verdict.\\nYou can start the appeal process by filing a Notice of Appeal with the trial court. You shouldn’t delay. Generally, you get 30 days or less from the date final judgment is entered to file your Notice of Appeal.\\n3-7. File your judgment with the Recorder of Deeds.\\nIn order to become the new record owner of the property, you need to take your final judgment to the Recorder of Deeds office. Ask to enter the judgment on the books so that you show up as the new owner.\\nTips\\nKeep in mind that the timelines for adverse possession may vary from state to state.[23]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"It is a cornerstone of American law that no one can take real property from you without paying you. However, the law of “adverse possession” is an exception. With adverse possession, someone gains title (ownership) to the real estate by continuously occupying it for a certain length of time. In order to acquire property using adverse possession, you need to treat the property as if you own it by making improvements to the property and, in some states, paying taxes.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Occupying the Land\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Occupy the land in a “hostile” fashion.\", \"描述\": \"Adverse possession requires that you make a “hostile” claim on the land. This means different things in different states. For example:\\nIn some states, simply occupying the land qualifies. Most states follow this rule.\\nIn other states, you have to be aware that you are trespassing. This means that you know the land doesn’t belong to you, but you occupy it anyway.\\nIn a few states, you must make a good faith mistake when you occupy the land. This generally means that you think you have a valid deed for the property but the deed is either defective or fraudulent.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Possess the land.\", \"描述\": \"To adversely claim the property, you must have actual possession. You must also treat it as if you were the owner by, for example, making improvements to the property.\\nBe sure to document any improvements on the property. For example, you might have built a small building on the property or erected a fence. Take photographs of the changes you have made.\\nEvidence like this will be important when you later bring a lawsuit to get title to the property.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Occupy the land in an “open and notorious” fashion.\", \"描述\": \"You can’t be hiding on the property if you want to claim it using adverse possession. Instead, it must be obvious to anyone that someone is living on the land.\\nVisible changes to the property should tip people off that someone is living there. Accordingly, take photographs or get witness testimony that they saw you coming and going from the property regularly.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Possess the land continuously and exclusively.\", \"描述\": \"To claim adverse possession, you can’t stop into someone’s property once every six months. Instead, the law requires that you really possess it. This means two things:\\nYou continuously occupy the land. You can’t abandon the property and then return later. Each state has a time period for how long you must continuously occupy the land. In Massachusetts, for example, you must possess the land for 20 years. In Missouri, by contrast, you must occupy the land for 10 consecutive years.\\nYou exclusively occupy the land. You can’t share possession with the actual owner of the property or with strangers.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Pay taxes on the property.\", \"描述\": \"In some states, you must actually pay taxes on the land in order to qualify for adverse possession. In other states, the amount of time you must continuously occupy the land will be reduced if you pay taxes. Make sure to hang onto copies of your tax assessment and canceled checks or other proof that shows you paid taxes on the property.\\nFor example, in North Dakota, you must continuously occupy the land for 20 years unless you paid property taxes, in which case you must occupy it for only 10 continuous years.\\nYou will be sent the tax bill if you took possession with what you thought was a valid deed, and you recorded the deed with the Recorder of Deeds office.\\nHowever, if you don’t have any deed, then in some counties you can go to the tax assessor’s office and file a document asserting your attempt to establish adverse possession. In Florida, for example, you would file a “Return of Real Property in Attempt to Establish Adverse Possession Without Color of Title.” You can then pay the taxes. Stop in and check with your county tax assessor.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Read your state law.\", \"描述\": \"In order to understand your state’s specific requirements, you should read your state’s laws on adverse possession. You can find them online. Type “your state” and “adverse possession” into a search engine.\\nIf you aren’t finding what you need online, then you might want to stop into a law library. Your nearest law library may be at the local courthouse, or it may be at a nearby law school.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Perform a title search.\", \"描述\": \"You need to find out exactly who owns the property so that you can sue them in court. You can hire a title company to perform a title search. When you get the title report back, look to see who owns the property.\\nThere are many different interests people can have in the property. For example, someone might claim an “easement” on the property. This means that they have the right to use a portion of the property for a certain purpose (e.g., use a driveway to reach their own piece of property).\\nYou will need to sue all people who have an interest in the property. This includes the owner, as well as anyone with an easement or other interest. Your title report should identify all of these people.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Filing a Lawsuit in Court\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Consult with a lawyer.\", \"描述\": \"Adverse possession claims are complicated. You really have only one shot of winning this kind of lawsuit. Once the owner is tipped off that you are trying to get the property, they will move to eject you. Accordingly, you should think about hiring a lawyer to represent you. He or she can tell you what kinds of evidence will be most persuasive.\\nYou can find a lawyer by contacting your local or state bar association and asking for a referral.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Get a complaint form.\", \"描述\": \"You need to bring a lawsuit to “quiet title,” which is a suit to decide who owns the title to the property. You will start the quiet title action by filing a document with the court called either a “complaint” or a “petition.” This document should identify you, the property, and the owner of the property. Many courts have blank complaint forms you can complete. Using a printed complaint form makes bringing a quiet title action easy.\\nYou should go to the county court in the county where the property is located. You can find this court by looking in the phone book or online.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Format your own complaint.\", \"描述\": \"If your court does not have a form you can use, then you need to create your own. You can begin by opening a blank word processing document and setting the font to Times New Roman or Arial 14 point.\\nAlso double-space the document and use one-inch margins throughout.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Create a caption.\", \"描述\": \"The caption appears at the top of the page. It contains standard information and will not change throughout the lawsuit. The caption should contain the following information:\\nThe name of the court. Insert this at the top of the page, centered between the left- and right-hand margins. Also type the court name in bold, all caps.\\nYour name. You are the “plaintiff.” You should type your name like this “Michael Jones, plaintiff.” Put this information beneath the court name, justified with the left-hand margin.\\nThe letter “v” a couple of lines below your name.\\nThe name of the owner of the property. Space down three lines below the “v” and insert the name of the owner, justified with the left-hand margin. Also add “John Does 1-100” in case there are people you haven’t identified who own an interest in the land.\\nThe case number. On the right-hand side of the page, you should type “Case No.” and then leave a blank line. The court clerk will give you a case number when you file your petition.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Title the document.\", \"描述\": \"You can title your complaint “Action to Quiet Title” or “Complaint to Quiet Title.” Insert the title right below the caption and make your title all caps, in bold.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Add an introduction.\", \"描述\": \"Your introduction can briefly identify yourself and state why you are bringing this action. For example, you could type: “Plaintiff, Michael Jones, representing himself pro se, files this Complaint against the Defendants to Quiet Title with respect to a certain parcel of real estate. In support, Plaintiff states as follows….”\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Identify the parties.\", \"描述\": \"You should state your name and address. Also include this information for all defendants. Also identify the land. The land is a party to the lawsuit as well. \\nYou should state where the property is located, using a street address, but then you should also attach a legal description of the property to the complaint.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Explain that you have adversely possessed the land.\", \"描述\": \"Go into detail and explain how you have satisfied your state’s law on adverse possession. You should number your paragraphs so that each fact has its own number.\\nAlso be sure to identify your state’s law on adverse possession by number.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Insert a conclusion.\", \"描述\": \"In conclusion, request that the court enter judgment in your favor. Then add a signature block underneath the conclusion and include the words “Respectfully submitted” just above the signature line.\\nFor example, your conclusion could read: “Wherefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable court find in his favor and against Defendants, and enter a judgment ordering the Recorder of Deeds to convey the property located at [insert address] to Plaintiff, upon presentment of an order stating the same, and granting such other relief as is necessary and appropriate.”\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Include a verification.\", \"描述\": \"In many states, every complaint must be “verified.” This means that you swear under penalty of perjury that every statement made in the complaint is truthful. You can either create a separate affidavit or you could add a paragraph underneath your signature verifying that the statements are true.\\nFor example, you could state the following: “I hereby verify that the statements set forth in the foregoing Complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I understand that these statements are made subject to the penalties under the laws of Maine relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.”\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"File with the court.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have completed your complaint, you should make multiple copies. Take your copies and the original to the court clerk. Ask to file. You probably will have to pay a filing fee, which will differ depending on your county.\\nIf you can’t afford the fee, then ask for a fee waiver form. This form will typically ask for information about your monthly income and expenses.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Serve notice of the lawsuit on the record owner.\", \"描述\": \"You will need to give the owner of the property notice that you are suing. Generally, you must arrange for someone to serve a copy of your complaint on the owner.\\nYou may also have to publish notice in a newspaper. This publication will let everyone who might claim an interest in the property know that you are trying to quiet title to it.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Going to Court\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Organize your evidence.\", \"描述\": \"Go through each element that you need to prove to win an adverse possession claim. Then find evidence that can help you prove that you have met the law’s requirements. For example:\\nHostile occupation. If your state requires that you occupy the land because you have a deed, then get your copy of the deed. It will be an exhibit in your trial.\\nOpen and notorious occupation. Use photographs or video that shows you openly possessed the land. You could also find witnesses, such as a neighbor, to testify. Of course, you can testify on your own behalf, but it will be more convincing to also have third party witnesses testify.\\nContinuous possession. You and witnesses can testify that you possessed the land for the required number of years.\\nPayment of taxes. Get receipts that show you made payment.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Dress for success.\", \"描述\": \"You should look professional for your trial. Try to dress up as best as you can. Although you don’t have to wear a suit, you should wear one if you feel more comfortable in a suit. Remember the following tips:\\nMen should wear dress pants and with a button-up shirt. Make sure the shirt is long-sleeved (and not short-sleeved). Wear a conservative tie if you have one. For footwear, wear dress shoes (not sneakers) with dark-colored socks.\\nWomen can wear a skirt or slacks with a blouse. Women can also wear conservative dresses. For women, fit is most important. Make sure the clothing is not too tight or too revealing.\\nNeither men nor women should wear shorts, blue jeans, tank tops, T-shirts, clothing with writing, flip flops, or hats.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Present your evidence.\", \"描述\": \"You will go first at the trial. You should have your witnesses ready to testify. Also have exhibits prepared that support your claim that you have met all of the requirements for adverse possession.\\nFor tips on how to question your witnesses, see Question Witnesses when Representing Yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Testify at the trial.\", \"描述\": \"You will probably have to testify. For example, you will want to explain to the judge the improvements you have made to the property as well as the fact that you have continuously and exclusively occupied the property for the required number of years. Remember the following tips when you testify:\\nListen closely to the question and answer the question asked. If you don’t understand a question, ask for clarification.\\nDon’t guess. If you don’t know the answer, then say you don’t know.\\nAlways tell the truth. You are testifying under oath, and it is against the law to lie in court.\\nNever argue with the attorney or the judge.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Listen to the defendant’s witnesses.\", \"描述\": \"The owner of the property also gets to put on a case. He or she could call witnesses who challenge your version of events. You will have a chance to cross-examine them.\\nFor example, the owner might have someone testify that you left the property for long periods of time.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Receive the verdict.\", \"描述\": \"The judge should issue a ruling shortly after all evidence has been presented. In many states, you can’t get a jury for a quiet title action, so the judge will hear all of the evidence and then make a decision. \\nIf you lose, then you should consider bringing an appeal. An appeal is heard by a higher court, which reviews the trial transcripts. If the judge made a serious error, then the appellate court can set aside the verdict.\\nYou can start the appeal process by filing a Notice of Appeal with the trial court. You shouldn’t delay. Generally, you get 30 days or less from the date final judgment is entered to file your Notice of Appeal.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"File your judgment with the Recorder of Deeds.\", \"描述\": \"In order to become the new record owner of the property, you need to take your final judgment to the Recorder of Deeds office. Ask to enter the judgment on the books so that you show up as the new owner.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Keep in mind that the timelines for adverse possession may vary from state to state.[23]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a DD214
1. Making an Online Request for Veteran Records 1-1. Meet online requirements. To make an online request for a service person’s DD214, you must be either a veteran requesting your own records or a deceased veteran’s next of kin, including: The surviving spouse who has not remarried. The veteran’s father or mother. The veteran’s children. The veteran’s siblings. 1-2. Use the eVetRecs online system. You can begin the online request process by accessing the veteran’s online record request system (eVetRecs) at and clicking on the “Submit your request ONLINE with eVetRecs” hyperlink. 1-3. Provide identifying information. Once you select the hyperlink, you will be redirected to a page asking for identifying information. You can provide your answers by selecting the appropriate response from the dropdown menus. The information requested includes: Are you the :? Your answer can be next of kin of deceased veteran or veteran. What is your relationship to the deceased veteran? If you chose veteran responding to the first question, the answer will pre-fill as “not applicable.” If you chose next of kin, you will be given the following options: un-remarried surviving spouse; father; mother; son, daughter, sister, brother. Are you seeking information concerning:? You can answer either “former military service” or “current military service.” If you meet all the requirements above, the system will give you the option to continue. If you do not meet the requirements, will be instructed to complete form SF-180. SF-180 is the standard, hard copy form that is used to request military records. You can use this form if you do not meet the requestor requirements for the online system, discussed above, or if you prefer to a paper request form, as discussed below. 1-4. Provide service details. After selecting the continue button, you will be prompted with five questions regarding the veteran’s service information. You must provide the following information: Veteran’s branch of service. Veteran’s service component (either active or reserve). Whether the veteran was an officer or enlisted. The reason for your request. There is a dropdown menu that gives the following options: benefits; employment; medical; retirement; military awards/decorations; correction of records; personal military history; genealogy; or decline to disclose. Lastly, depending on your above choice, you may be prompted to provide additional information. 1-5. Provide locator information. After providing general information about the veteran, you will be prompted with a continue button. This will redirect you to another request for information, this time for specific identifying information about the veteran. This information is used by the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) to locate the DD214. You will be asked to provide the following information: Veteran’s full name used while in service. Veteran’s social security number and military service number. Veteran’s branch of service and approximate dates of service. Veteran’s city and state of birth. 1-6. Print and sign form. Once you have completed your online request, you must print and sign the request form and submit it by mail or fax. If you are submitting your request by mail, send the form to: National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138. You can fax your request to: 314-801-9195. If you are requesting records as the next of kin, you are required to provide proof of the veteran’s death such as a death certificate, letter from the funeral home, or a published obituary. 1-7. Wait for your records. It may take NPRC anywhere from 10 days to 6 months depending on the complexity of your request. You can make a follow-up request after 90 days. You can check the status of your request by contacting the NPRC at 314-801-0800. 2. Requesting Records through the Veteran Affairs and Department of Defense Offices 2-1. Request records online. You can only request your DD214 records online through the Veteran Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD) Offices if you recently left the military, or you are currently receiving veteran benefits. If you are in one of these two categories, you may be able to request your DD214 through the VA and DOD’s eBenefits website. Visit the eBenefits website at: 2-2. Register for DEERS. To request your DD 214 online, you must be registered with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. The easiest way to determine whether you are enrolled in DEERS is by trying to register for a DS Logon Account (discussed below). If you are unable to register for your DS logon, attempt to register with DEERS by: Visiting the following website: In the question box, type “Not in DEERS.” Next, from the dropdown menu “select a topic,” select the “Veteran not in DEERS (Add)” option. Next, from the dropdown menu "Select an Inquiry Type?" select “Question.” Provide identifying information on the form. A VA representative will contact you within a few days. You may also call the VA at 800-827-1000, and then choose option 1, then option 7, and then option 0, for assistance. In order for the VA to assist you, you must be receiving VA compensation through an electronic funds transfer (EFT). The VA will request your checking or savings account number and most recent dollar amount for your EFT to verify tour status. 2-3. Request a DS Logon. Once you are registered in DEERS, you can request your DS Logon at a VA Regional Office (VARO), which you can locate at: Additionally, you can obtain your DS Logon in the following ways: You can enter your Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth and your social security number on the online application: As an active service member, you can use your Common Access Card (CAC) to register for a DS Logon at: As a veteran, you can try to register online at: If you do not have a CAC, you will have to prove your identity by calling the VA at 800-827-1000 or visiting a local VARO office. 2-4. Log in to eBenefits account. Once you have your DS Logon, you can use that to log in to your eBenefits account. Once you access your account, you can verify, review and print documents from your Military Personnel File, including your form DD214. You can log in to eBenefits at: 3. Completing a Hardcopy Request for Records 3-1. Download and print form SF-180. This form is the standard military request form. Veterans or the next-of-kin of deceased veterans can request form DD214 using SF-180. Additionally, the general public can request records for service persons who served more than 62 years ago. These records are considered archival records and can be requested using form SF-180. You can download the form at: 3-2. Complete form SF-180. To complete the form, you will need to print or type the following information in the correct boxes on the form: The veteran’s full name used during service. The veteran’s social security number, date of birth and place of birth. The veteran’s branch(es) of service and whether the service was active, reserve, or the national guard. Approximate dates of service. Check that you are requesting form DD214. Provide the purpose of the request. The requester’s name and relationship to veteran. Sign and date form. Attach any required documents such as proof of veteran’s death. 3-3. Return form SF-180. On page 2 of form SF-180, you will find a list of the possible locations of all military records. The locations are organized according to branches of service, separation from service dates, and the location for DD214s. Locate the correct location based on your veteran’s service information and the location of personnel records. You should mail the completed form to that address. 3-4. Wait for a response. NPRC can respond to approximately 92% of the requests for separation documents, such as DD214s, within 10 days of receiving the request. However, if you are seeking records that were damaged in the 1973 archival fire, your request could take up to six months. You should not send up a follow-up request until after 90 days from your original request as it may delay the processing of your original request. 4. Visiting the National Archives in Person 4-1. Schedule an appointment for a research room. If you want to view a DD214 in person, you can visit the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. The NPRC maintains military records for discharged and deceased veterans who served from World War I and until the end of the 20th century. The records can be accessed by a veteran desiring to review his or her own record, the veteran’s next of kin, or individuals with written consent from the veteran or his or her next of kin. You can schedule an appointment in the following ways: For military personnel records from before 1955, either e-mail [email protected] or call 314-801-0850. For military personnel records from after 1954, call 314-801-0775. For all military personnel record requests, you must provide the following information: name; phone number; desired date and time for appointment; whether you want to bring electronic equipment; specific information about the veteran and the records you are requesting. 4-2. Complete researcher forms. Anyone visiting the National Archives and reviewing materials must review and/or complete the following: A Research Application located at: Review the Research Room procedures. Once you have your appointment, you should contact the Research Room by phone at 314-801-0850, and ask where and when to submit your forms. You must submit your forms before your appointment. 4-3. View records. Once you have submitted all of your information, the NPRC will attempt to retrieve your requested documents and have them ready for your review during your appointment. There are some reasons why the NPRC may not be able to provide you with your records. These reasons include: The record does not exist. The record was damaged in the 1973 fire and may not be available because of fire damage. The record is extremely fragile or damaged. The record is inaccessible to the public, and you do not meet the necessary kinship requirements to view the document. 5. Hiring an Independent Researcher 5-1. Review the National Archives list of researchers. One of the fastest ways to locate the desired DD214 is by hiring a very familiar independent researcher with the National Archives and NPRC. The National Archives maintains a list of military record researchers at: 5-2. Contact a researcher. Each researcher lists his or her specialty. Once you choose a researcher, email him or her the basic information about the type of documents you are seeking and ask for a quote as to the cost of his or her services. You can contact multiple researchers and compare price quotes. Depending on the cost of the researcher’s time, you can choose to hire the researcher or seek the DD214 yourself. 5-3. Discuss the scope of services. Depending on the services that you request, an experienced and qualified researcher can go to the physical location where your record is being kept and obtain a copy of the document. You will need to provide the researcher with a written authorization allowing him or her to access your information. Typically, a researcher can gain access to the material more quickly than if you request the information through the NPRC. A researcher will assist you in completing your paperwork and physically retrieve the documents for you. You should be wary of any research companies that only have you fill in the DD214 paperwork and then faxes the request in for you. 5-4. Hire a researcher. If you choose to hire an independent researcher, send the researcher an email that includes the information that you are seeking, the services for which you hired him or her and the agreed upon fee. You should also request that the researcher confirm receipt of your email and that he or she agrees to keep confidential any information that is not publicly available. Tips If you are obtaining a DD214 for a deceased service member, you will need to provide a copy of the death certificate, obituary, or a letter from the funeral home. If you need a DD214 to prove burial benefits at a National Cemetery, the cemetery staff will work with the NARA to obtain the form. The SF-180 is a fillable form. You can complete the form on the computer and then print it out with all the information on it. Then just sign and send the form. Make sure that you know the correct address for sending DD214 requests. Each branch of service has its own department. If you send your DD214 request to the wrong address it will delay processing.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Making an Online Request for Veteran Records\\n1-1. Meet online requirements.\\nTo make an online request for a service person’s DD214, you must be either a veteran requesting your own records or a deceased veteran’s next of kin, including:\\nThe surviving spouse who has not remarried.\\nThe veteran’s father or mother.\\nThe veteran’s children.\\nThe veteran’s siblings.\\n1-2. Use the eVetRecs online system.\\nYou can begin the online request process by accessing the veteran’s online record request system (eVetRecs) at and clicking on the “Submit your request ONLINE with eVetRecs” hyperlink.\\n1-3. Provide identifying information.\\nOnce you select the hyperlink, you will be redirected to a page asking for identifying information. You can provide your answers by selecting the appropriate response from the dropdown menus. The information requested includes:\\nAre you the :? Your answer can be next of kin of deceased veteran or veteran.\\nWhat is your relationship to the deceased veteran? If you chose veteran responding to the first question, the answer will pre-fill as “not applicable.” If you chose next of kin, you will be given the following options: un-remarried surviving spouse; father; mother; son, daughter, sister, brother.\\nAre you seeking information concerning:? You can answer either “former military service” or “current military service.”\\nIf you meet all the requirements above, the system will give you the option to continue. If you do not meet the requirements, will be instructed to complete form SF-180.\\nSF-180 is the standard, hard copy form that is used to request military records. You can use this form if you do not meet the requestor requirements for the online system, discussed above, or if you prefer to a paper request form, as discussed below.\\n1-4. Provide service details.\\nAfter selecting the continue button, you will be prompted with five questions regarding the veteran’s service information. You must provide the following information:\\nVeteran’s branch of service.\\nVeteran’s service component (either active or reserve).\\nWhether the veteran was an officer or enlisted.\\nThe reason for your request. There is a dropdown menu that gives the following options: benefits; employment; medical; retirement; military awards/decorations; correction of records; personal military history; genealogy; or decline to disclose.\\nLastly, depending on your above choice, you may be prompted to provide additional information.\\n1-5. Provide locator information.\\nAfter providing general information about the veteran, you will be prompted with a continue button. This will redirect you to another request for information, this time for specific identifying information about the veteran. This information is used by the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) to locate the DD214. You will be asked to provide the following information:\\nVeteran’s full name used while in service.\\nVeteran’s social security number and military service number.\\nVeteran’s branch of service and approximate dates of service.\\nVeteran’s city and state of birth.\\n1-6. Print and sign form.\\nOnce you have completed your online request, you must print and sign the request form and submit it by mail or fax.\\nIf you are submitting your request by mail, send the form to: National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138.\\nYou can fax your request to: 314-801-9195.\\nIf you are requesting records as the next of kin, you are required to provide proof of the veteran’s death such as a death certificate, letter from the funeral home, or a published obituary.\\n1-7. Wait for your records.\\nIt may take NPRC anywhere from 10 days to 6 months depending on the complexity of your request.\\nYou can make a follow-up request after 90 days.\\nYou can check the status of your request by contacting the NPRC at 314-801-0800.\\n2. Requesting Records through the Veteran Affairs and Department of Defense Offices\\n2-1. Request records online.\\nYou can only request your DD214 records online through the Veteran Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD) Offices if you recently left the military, or you are currently receiving veteran benefits. If you are in one of these two categories, you may be able to request your DD214 through the VA and DOD’s eBenefits website. Visit the eBenefits website at:\\n2-2. Register for DEERS.\\nTo request your DD 214 online, you must be registered with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.\\nThe easiest way to determine whether you are enrolled in DEERS is by trying to register for a DS Logon Account (discussed below). If you are unable to register for your DS logon, attempt to register with DEERS by:\\nVisiting the following website:\\nIn the question box, type “Not in DEERS.”\\nNext, from the dropdown menu “select a topic,” select the “Veteran not in DEERS (Add)” option.\\nNext, from the dropdown menu \\\"Select an Inquiry Type?\\\" select “Question.”\\nProvide identifying information on the form.\\nA VA representative will contact you within a few days.\\nYou may also call the VA at 800-827-1000, and then choose option 1, then option 7, and then option 0, for assistance.\\nIn order for the VA to assist you, you must be receiving VA compensation through an electronic funds transfer (EFT).\\nThe VA will request your checking or savings account number and most recent dollar amount for your EFT to verify tour status.\\n2-3. Request a DS Logon.\\nOnce you are registered in DEERS, you can request your DS Logon at a VA Regional Office (VARO), which you can locate at: Additionally, you can obtain your DS Logon in the following ways:\\nYou can enter your Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth and your social security number on the online application:\\nAs an active service member, you can use your Common Access Card (CAC) to register for a DS Logon at:\\nAs a veteran, you can try to register online at: If you do not have a CAC, you will have to prove your identity by calling the VA at 800-827-1000 or visiting a local VARO office.\\n2-4. Log in to eBenefits account.\\nOnce you have your DS Logon, you can use that to log in to your eBenefits account. Once you access your account, you can verify, review and print documents from your Military Personnel File, including your form DD214.\\nYou can log in to eBenefits at:\\n3. Completing a Hardcopy Request for Records\\n3-1. Download and print form SF-180.\\nThis form is the standard military request form. Veterans or the next-of-kin of deceased veterans can request form DD214 using SF-180. Additionally, the general public can request records for service persons who served more than 62 years ago. These records are considered archival records and can be requested using form SF-180. You can download the form at:\\n3-2. Complete form SF-180.\\nTo complete the form, you will need to print or type the following information in the correct boxes on the form:\\nThe veteran’s full name used during service.\\nThe veteran’s social security number, date of birth and place of birth.\\nThe veteran’s branch(es) of service and whether the service was active, reserve, or the national guard.\\nApproximate dates of service.\\nCheck that you are requesting form DD214.\\nProvide the purpose of the request.\\nThe requester’s name and relationship to veteran.\\nSign and date form.\\nAttach any required documents such as proof of veteran’s death.\\n3-3. Return form SF-180.\\nOn page 2 of form SF-180, you will find a list of the possible locations of all military records. The locations are organized according to branches of service, separation from service dates, and the location for DD214s. Locate the correct location based on your veteran’s service information and the location of personnel records. You should mail the completed form to that address.\\n3-4. Wait for a response.\\nNPRC can respond to approximately 92% of the requests for separation documents, such as DD214s, within 10 days of receiving the request. However, if you are seeking records that were damaged in the 1973 archival fire, your request could take up to six months.\\nYou should not send up a follow-up request until after 90 days from your original request as it may delay the processing of your original request.\\n4. Visiting the National Archives in Person\\n4-1. Schedule an appointment for a research room.\\nIf you want to view a DD214 in person, you can visit the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. The NPRC maintains military records for discharged and deceased veterans who served from World War I and until the end of the 20th century. The records can be accessed by a veteran desiring to review his or her own record, the veteran’s next of kin, or individuals with written consent from the veteran or his or her next of kin. You can schedule an appointment in the following ways:\\nFor military personnel records from before 1955, either e-mail [email protected] or call 314-801-0850.\\nFor military personnel records from after 1954, call 314-801-0775.\\nFor all military personnel record requests, you must provide the following information: name; phone number; desired date and time for appointment; whether you want to bring electronic equipment; specific information about the veteran and the records you are requesting.\\n4-2. Complete researcher forms.\\nAnyone visiting the National Archives and reviewing materials must review and/or complete the following:\\nA Research Application located at:\\nReview the Research Room procedures.\\nOnce you have your appointment, you should contact the Research Room by phone at 314-801-0850, and ask where and when to submit your forms. You must submit your forms before your appointment.\\n4-3. View records.\\nOnce you have submitted all of your information, the NPRC will attempt to retrieve your requested documents and have them ready for your review during your appointment. There are some reasons why the NPRC may not be able to provide you with your records. These reasons include:\\nThe record does not exist.\\nThe record was damaged in the 1973 fire and may not be available because of fire damage.\\nThe record is extremely fragile or damaged.\\nThe record is inaccessible to the public, and you do not meet the necessary kinship requirements to view the document.\\n5. Hiring an Independent Researcher\\n5-1. Review the National Archives list of researchers.\\nOne of the fastest ways to locate the desired DD214 is by hiring a very familiar independent researcher with the National Archives and NPRC. The National Archives maintains a list of military record researchers at:\\n5-2. Contact a researcher.\\nEach researcher lists his or her specialty. Once you choose a researcher, email him or her the basic information about the type of documents you are seeking and ask for a quote as to the cost of his or her services.\\nYou can contact multiple researchers and compare price quotes.\\nDepending on the cost of the researcher’s time, you can choose to hire the researcher or seek the DD214 yourself.\\n5-3. Discuss the scope of services.\\nDepending on the services that you request, an experienced and qualified researcher can go to the physical location where your record is being kept and obtain a copy of the document. You will need to provide the researcher with a written authorization allowing him or her to access your information.\\nTypically, a researcher can gain access to the material more quickly than if you request the information through the NPRC.\\nA researcher will assist you in completing your paperwork and physically retrieve the documents for you.\\nYou should be wary of any research companies that only have you fill in the DD214 paperwork and then faxes the request in for you.\\n5-4. Hire a researcher.\\nIf you choose to hire an independent researcher, send the researcher an email that includes the information that you are seeking, the services for which you hired him or her and the agreed upon fee. You should also request that the researcher confirm receipt of your email and that he or she agrees to keep confidential any information that is not publicly available.\\nTips\\nIf you are obtaining a DD214 for a deceased service member, you will need to provide a copy of the death certificate, obituary, or a letter from the funeral home. If you need a DD214 to prove burial benefits at a National Cemetery, the cemetery staff will work with the NARA to obtain the form.\\nThe SF-180 is a fillable form. You can complete the form on the computer and then print it out with all the information on it. Then just sign and send the form.\\nMake sure that you know the correct address for sending DD214 requests. Each branch of service has its own department. If you send your DD214 request to the wrong address it will delay processing.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A DD214 is known as a Report of Separation from Military Service and provides information such as dates of service, type of discharge, awards, GI Bill benefits, and any disciplinary actions. Upon discharge, all service members in all branches of military service receive a Report of Separation. You can request a DD214 in a number of ways, including online, in-person, or by a hardcopy written request. If you are an active service member or a veteran receiving veteran benefits, you should request your DD214 through the Veteran Affairs and Department of Defense. You can also hire an independent researcher to locate the records for you.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Making an Online Request for Veteran Records\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Meet online requirements.\", \"描述\": \"To make an online request for a service person’s DD214, you must be either a veteran requesting your own records or a deceased veteran’s next of kin, including:\\nThe surviving spouse who has not remarried.\\nThe veteran’s father or mother.\\nThe veteran’s children.\\nThe veteran’s siblings.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Use the eVetRecs online system.\", \"描述\": \"You can begin the online request process by accessing the veteran’s online record request system (eVetRecs) at and clicking on the “Submit your request ONLINE with eVetRecs” hyperlink.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Provide identifying information.\", \"描述\": \"Once you select the hyperlink, you will be redirected to a page asking for identifying information. You can provide your answers by selecting the appropriate response from the dropdown menus. The information requested includes:\\nAre you the :? Your answer can be next of kin of deceased veteran or veteran.\\nWhat is your relationship to the deceased veteran? If you chose veteran responding to the first question, the answer will pre-fill as “not applicable.” If you chose next of kin, you will be given the following options: un-remarried surviving spouse; father; mother; son, daughter, sister, brother.\\nAre you seeking information concerning:? You can answer either “former military service” or “current military service.”\\nIf you meet all the requirements above, the system will give you the option to continue. If you do not meet the requirements, will be instructed to complete form SF-180.\\nSF-180 is the standard, hard copy form that is used to request military records. You can use this form if you do not meet the requestor requirements for the online system, discussed above, or if you prefer to a paper request form, as discussed below.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Provide service details.\", \"描述\": \"After selecting the continue button, you will be prompted with five questions regarding the veteran’s service information. You must provide the following information:\\nVeteran’s branch of service.\\nVeteran’s service component (either active or reserve).\\nWhether the veteran was an officer or enlisted.\\nThe reason for your request. There is a dropdown menu that gives the following options: benefits; employment; medical; retirement; military awards/decorations; correction of records; personal military history; genealogy; or decline to disclose.\\nLastly, depending on your above choice, you may be prompted to provide additional information.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Provide locator information.\", \"描述\": \"After providing general information about the veteran, you will be prompted with a continue button. This will redirect you to another request for information, this time for specific identifying information about the veteran. This information is used by the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) to locate the DD214. You will be asked to provide the following information:\\nVeteran’s full name used while in service.\\nVeteran’s social security number and military service number.\\nVeteran’s branch of service and approximate dates of service.\\nVeteran’s city and state of birth.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Print and sign form.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have completed your online request, you must print and sign the request form and submit it by mail or fax.\\nIf you are submitting your request by mail, send the form to: National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138.\\nYou can fax your request to: 314-801-9195.\\nIf you are requesting records as the next of kin, you are required to provide proof of the veteran’s death such as a death certificate, letter from the funeral home, or a published obituary.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Wait for your records.\", \"描述\": \"It may take NPRC anywhere from 10 days to 6 months depending on the complexity of your request.\\nYou can make a follow-up request after 90 days.\\nYou can check the status of your request by contacting the NPRC at 314-801-0800.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Requesting Records through the Veteran Affairs and Department of Defense Offices\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Request records online.\", \"描述\": \"You can only request your DD214 records online through the Veteran Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD) Offices if you recently left the military, or you are currently receiving veteran benefits. If you are in one of these two categories, you may be able to request your DD214 through the VA and DOD’s eBenefits website. Visit the eBenefits website at:\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Register for DEERS.\", \"描述\": \"To request your DD 214 online, you must be registered with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.\\nThe easiest way to determine whether you are enrolled in DEERS is by trying to register for a DS Logon Account (discussed below). If you are unable to register for your DS logon, attempt to register with DEERS by:\\nVisiting the following website:\\nIn the question box, type “Not in DEERS.”\\nNext, from the dropdown menu “select a topic,” select the “Veteran not in DEERS (Add)” option.\\nNext, from the dropdown menu \\\"Select an Inquiry Type?\\\" select “Question.”\\nProvide identifying information on the form.\\nA VA representative will contact you within a few days.\\nYou may also call the VA at 800-827-1000, and then choose option 1, then option 7, and then option 0, for assistance.\\nIn order for the VA to assist you, you must be receiving VA compensation through an electronic funds transfer (EFT).\\nThe VA will request your checking or savings account number and most recent dollar amount for your EFT to verify tour status.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Request a DS Logon.\", \"描述\": \"Once you are registered in DEERS, you can request your DS Logon at a VA Regional Office (VARO), which you can locate at: Additionally, you can obtain your DS Logon in the following ways:\\nYou can enter your Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth and your social security number on the online application:\\nAs an active service member, you can use your Common Access Card (CAC) to register for a DS Logon at:\\nAs a veteran, you can try to register online at: If you do not have a CAC, you will have to prove your identity by calling the VA at 800-827-1000 or visiting a local VARO office.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Log in to eBenefits account.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have your DS Logon, you can use that to log in to your eBenefits account. Once you access your account, you can verify, review and print documents from your Military Personnel File, including your form DD214.\\nYou can log in to eBenefits at:\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Completing a Hardcopy Request for Records\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Download and print form SF-180.\", \"描述\": \"This form is the standard military request form. Veterans or the next-of-kin of deceased veterans can request form DD214 using SF-180. Additionally, the general public can request records for service persons who served more than 62 years ago. These records are considered archival records and can be requested using form SF-180. You can download the form at:\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Complete form SF-180.\", \"描述\": \"To complete the form, you will need to print or type the following information in the correct boxes on the form:\\nThe veteran’s full name used during service.\\nThe veteran’s social security number, date of birth and place of birth.\\nThe veteran’s branch(es) of service and whether the service was active, reserve, or the national guard.\\nApproximate dates of service.\\nCheck that you are requesting form DD214.\\nProvide the purpose of the request.\\nThe requester’s name and relationship to veteran.\\nSign and date form.\\nAttach any required documents such as proof of veteran’s death.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Return form SF-180.\", \"描述\": \"On page 2 of form SF-180, you will find a list of the possible locations of all military records. The locations are organized according to branches of service, separation from service dates, and the location for DD214s. Locate the correct location based on your veteran’s service information and the location of personnel records. You should mail the completed form to that address.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wait for a response.\", \"描述\": \"NPRC can respond to approximately 92% of the requests for separation documents, such as DD214s, within 10 days of receiving the request. However, if you are seeking records that were damaged in the 1973 archival fire, your request could take up to six months.\\nYou should not send up a follow-up request until after 90 days from your original request as it may delay the processing of your original request.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Visiting the National Archives in Person\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Schedule an appointment for a research room.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to view a DD214 in person, you can visit the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. The NPRC maintains military records for discharged and deceased veterans who served from World War I and until the end of the 20th century. The records can be accessed by a veteran desiring to review his or her own record, the veteran’s next of kin, or individuals with written consent from the veteran or his or her next of kin. You can schedule an appointment in the following ways:\\nFor military personnel records from before 1955, either e-mail [email protected] or call 314-801-0850.\\nFor military personnel records from after 1954, call 314-801-0775.\\nFor all military personnel record requests, you must provide the following information: name; phone number; desired date and time for appointment; whether you want to bring electronic equipment; specific information about the veteran and the records you are requesting.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Complete researcher forms.\", \"描述\": \"Anyone visiting the National Archives and reviewing materials must review and/or complete the following:\\nA Research Application located at:\\nReview the Research Room procedures.\\nOnce you have your appointment, you should contact the Research Room by phone at 314-801-0850, and ask where and when to submit your forms. You must submit your forms before your appointment.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"View records.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have submitted all of your information, the NPRC will attempt to retrieve your requested documents and have them ready for your review during your appointment. There are some reasons why the NPRC may not be able to provide you with your records. These reasons include:\\nThe record does not exist.\\nThe record was damaged in the 1973 fire and may not be available because of fire damage.\\nThe record is extremely fragile or damaged.\\nThe record is inaccessible to the public, and you do not meet the necessary kinship requirements to view the document.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Hiring an Independent Researcher\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Review the National Archives list of researchers.\", \"描述\": \"One of the fastest ways to locate the desired DD214 is by hiring a very familiar independent researcher with the National Archives and NPRC. The National Archives maintains a list of military record researchers at:\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Contact a researcher.\", \"描述\": \"Each researcher lists his or her specialty. Once you choose a researcher, email him or her the basic information about the type of documents you are seeking and ask for a quote as to the cost of his or her services.\\nYou can contact multiple researchers and compare price quotes.\\nDepending on the cost of the researcher’s time, you can choose to hire the researcher or seek the DD214 yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Discuss the scope of services.\", \"描述\": \"Depending on the services that you request, an experienced and qualified researcher can go to the physical location where your record is being kept and obtain a copy of the document. You will need to provide the researcher with a written authorization allowing him or her to access your information.\\nTypically, a researcher can gain access to the material more quickly than if you request the information through the NPRC.\\nA researcher will assist you in completing your paperwork and physically retrieve the documents for you.\\nYou should be wary of any research companies that only have you fill in the DD214 paperwork and then faxes the request in for you.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Hire a researcher.\", \"描述\": \"If you choose to hire an independent researcher, send the researcher an email that includes the information that you are seeking, the services for which you hired him or her and the agreed upon fee. You should also request that the researcher confirm receipt of your email and that he or she agrees to keep confidential any information that is not publicly available.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If you are obtaining a DD214 for a deceased service member, you will need to provide a copy of the death certificate, obituary, or a letter from the funeral home. If you need a DD214 to prove burial benefits at a National Cemetery, the cemetery staff will work with the NARA to obtain the form.\\n\", \"The SF-180 is a fillable form. You can complete the form on the computer and then print it out with all the information on it. Then just sign and send the form.\\n\", \"Make sure that you know the correct address for sending DD214 requests. Each branch of service has its own department. If you send your DD214 request to the wrong address it will delay processing.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a Death Certificate
1. Acquiring a Death Certificate at the Time of Death 1-1. Contact the Preparer. The person at the funeral home or cremation facility who is handling the deceased's remains is responsible for filling out the death certificate, having it signed by a coroner, doctor or medical examiner, and then filing it with the state. If you are too emotional to call, ask a family friend or acquaintance to call for you. 1-2. Provide the person preparing the certificate with the correct information. Though you will be focused mostly on grieving in the aftermath of a loved one's death, someone must nevertheless call the preparer and provide the following information: Full name and address Birth date and birthplace The name and birthplace of father and mother Complete or partial Social Security number Veteran’s discharge or claim number Education Marital status and name of surviving spouse, if there was one The cause of death, as well as the date, place, and time of death 1-3. Confirm the certificate is filed. Most states specify that the death certificate must be completed and filed within ten days of a person's death. The funeral home or cremation organization is responsible for filing the certificate, but you can ask them to make sure it's filed in time. 1-4. Request certified copies from the funeral home or mortuary. Ask for 10 or more copies, since you will need them in order to claim property or benefits that were in the deceased person's name. You will need an authorized, "certified" death certificate to claim insurance benefits or settle an estate. An "informational," or uncertified, death certificate is not adequate for legal purposes. The death certificate which is sufficient to prove legal identity will be called different things in different states. In most states, this death certificate, sufficient for legal purposes such as claiming life insurance benefits, is called the “certified” death certificate. California, however, calls both its “authorized” and informational death certificates “certified.” Californians need the “authorized” certificate for legal purposes. To make sure you have the right death certificate, tell the preparer that you need it for legal reasons, such as closing an estate. On average, each copy will cost around $15. 2. Acquiring Copies of a Death Certificate at a Later Time 2-1. Find the appropriate vital records office. Locate the city and state where the death occurred. States are responsible for maintaining vital records of events that happened in their state. If someone died in Virginia but lived in New York, the death certificate will be filed in the Virginia county where the death happened. This might feel difficult or frustrating, especially if you aren't sure where the death occurred. To begin with, contact other friends or relatives to ask if they know. You may also search online. Websites such as offer "free" search engines. But you have to pay a fee to find the actual city where the death occurred. You may also simply want to type the loved one's name into a search engine. His or her death may have been reported in the obituaries of a local newspaper. 2-2. Contact the county or state vital records office. You can find it online by searching for your state and the words "vital records," or go to the office in person to talk to a clerk. To find out where to get vital records in your state, visit this website. If the death occurred outside of the country, you should contact the Department of State. The State Department prepares a Report of Death, which may be used in insurance proceedings and is based on the foreign certificate of death. Call 1-202-485-8300. 2-3. Determine whether your state's records are public or closed. Some states don't allow the public to obtain copies of vital records. In closed-record states, you may gain access to the death certificate if you are the following: Spouse or immediate family member (such as a child, sibling, or parent) Attorney representing an estate, family members, or persons with a legal interest Private investigator Genealogical researcher Many states appear to be moving toward a “closed” system. For example, Minnesota limits access to those who can show a “tangible interest,” which is defined as either a close familial or financial relationship (e.g., a trustee). Minnesota limits access to death records to prevent identify theft and fraud. To access records in closed states, you will have to show identification and maybe submit a sworn statement that you are eligible. If your state has a “closed” system and you do not qualify as someone with sufficient interest to obtain a certified copy, then you can only get an “informational” copy. The information copy will have private information, such as Social Security numbers and signatures, redacted. 2-4. Gather proof of relationship or legal interest. This might include proof that you were related to the deceased using a birth or marriage certificate. If you're an attorney, you'll need copies of titles, court orders, or other documents showing the person you're representing has legal interest in the deceased. 2-5. Order the death certificate. You can typically order the death certificate in one of three ways: online, by letter, or by stopping into the Vital Records office. Each state handles this differently. For example, some states may allow you to order death certificates from the state agency, whereas others may direct you to the county or city where the records are kept. You can order online at the VitalChek website, which partners with many states. Click on “Death Certificate” on the left, and then “Start Your Order.” After selecting the state where the person died, you will be prompted for information, such as date of death, city where the death occurred, and your reason for ordering the certificate. Request by letter. In the letter, include the name of the deceased, the date and city or town where the death occurred, your relationship to the deceased, and a daytime telephone number. Include a photocopy of your photo ID and a long, self-addressed stamped envelope. Order in person. You can stop into the office where the death certificate is held and order in person. You may be able to get the record at a state-level office, or you may have to go to the city or county where the record is held. Be sure to call the state Vital Records office ahead of time to clarify which office you should go to. 2-6. Pay for the death certificate. Fees vary widely by state, but expect to pay around $40. Verify the current fee schedule by calling the state’s vital records office.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Acquiring a Death Certificate at the Time of Death\\n1-1. Contact the Preparer.\\nThe person at the funeral home or cremation facility who is handling the deceased's remains is responsible for filling out the death certificate, having it signed by a coroner, doctor or medical examiner, and then filing it with the state.\\nIf you are too emotional to call, ask a family friend or acquaintance to call for you.\\n1-2. Provide the person preparing the certificate with the correct information.\\nThough you will be focused mostly on grieving in the aftermath of a loved one's death, someone must nevertheless call the preparer and provide the following information:\\nFull name and address\\nBirth date and birthplace\\nThe name and birthplace of father and mother\\nComplete or partial Social Security number\\nVeteran’s discharge or claim number\\nEducation\\nMarital status and name of surviving spouse, if there was one\\nThe cause of death, as well as the date, place, and time of death\\n1-3. Confirm the certificate is filed.\\nMost states specify that the death certificate must be completed and filed within ten days of a person's death. The funeral home or cremation organization is responsible for filing the certificate, but you can ask them to make sure it's filed in time.\\n1-4. Request certified copies from the funeral home or mortuary.\\nAsk for 10 or more copies, since you will need them in order to claim property or benefits that were in the deceased person's name.\\nYou will need an authorized, \\\"certified\\\" death certificate to claim insurance benefits or settle an estate. An \\\"informational,\\\" or uncertified, death certificate is not adequate for legal purposes.\\nThe death certificate which is sufficient to prove legal identity will be called different things in different states. In most states, this death certificate, sufficient for legal purposes such as claiming life insurance benefits, is called the “certified” death certificate. California, however, calls both its “authorized” and informational death certificates “certified.” Californians need the “authorized” certificate for legal purposes. To make sure you have the right death certificate, tell the preparer that you need it for legal reasons, such as closing an estate.\\nOn average, each copy will cost around $15.\\n2. Acquiring Copies of a Death Certificate at a Later Time\\n2-1. Find the appropriate vital records office.\\nLocate the city and state where the death occurred.\\nStates are responsible for maintaining vital records of events that happened in their state. If someone died in Virginia but lived in New York, the death certificate will be filed in the Virginia county where the death happened.\\nThis might feel difficult or frustrating, especially if you aren't sure where the death occurred. To begin with, contact other friends or relatives to ask if they know.\\nYou may also search online. Websites such as offer \\\"free\\\" search engines. But you have to pay a fee to find the actual city where the death occurred.\\nYou may also simply want to type the loved one's name into a search engine. His or her death may have been reported in the obituaries of a local newspaper.\\n2-2. Contact the county or state vital records office.\\nYou can find it online by searching for your state and the words \\\"vital records,\\\" or go to the office in person to talk to a clerk.\\nTo find out where to get vital records in your state, visit this website.\\nIf the death occurred outside of the country, you should contact the Department of State. The State Department prepares a Report of Death, which may be used in insurance proceedings and is based on the foreign certificate of death. Call 1-202-485-8300.\\n2-3. Determine whether your state's records are public or closed.\\nSome states don't allow the public to obtain copies of vital records. In closed-record states, you may gain access to the death certificate if you are the following:\\nSpouse or immediate family member (such as a child, sibling, or parent)\\nAttorney representing an estate, family members, or persons with a legal interest\\nPrivate investigator\\nGenealogical researcher\\nMany states appear to be moving toward a “closed” system. For example, Minnesota limits access to those who can show a “tangible interest,” which is defined as either a close familial or financial relationship (e.g., a trustee). Minnesota limits access to death records to prevent identify theft and fraud. To access records in closed states, you will have to show identification and maybe submit a sworn statement that you are eligible.\\nIf your state has a “closed” system and you do not qualify as someone with sufficient interest to obtain a certified copy, then you can only get an “informational” copy. The information copy will have private information, such as Social Security numbers and signatures, redacted.\\n2-4. Gather proof of relationship or legal interest.\\nThis might include proof that you were related to the deceased using a birth or marriage certificate. If you're an attorney, you'll need copies of titles, court orders, or other documents showing the person you're representing has legal interest in the deceased.\\n2-5. Order the death certificate.\\nYou can typically order the death certificate in one of three ways: online, by letter, or by stopping into the Vital Records office. Each state handles this differently. For example, some states may allow you to order death certificates from the state agency, whereas others may direct you to the county or city where the records are kept.\\nYou can order online at the VitalChek website, which partners with many states. Click on “Death Certificate” on the left, and then “Start Your Order.” After selecting the state where the person died, you will be prompted for information, such as date of death, city where the death occurred, and your reason for ordering the certificate.\\nRequest by letter. In the letter, include the name of the deceased, the date and city or town where the death occurred, your relationship to the deceased, and a daytime telephone number. Include a photocopy of your photo ID and a long, self-addressed stamped envelope.\\nOrder in person. You can stop into the office where the death certificate is held and order in person. You may be able to get the record at a state-level office, or you may have to go to the city or county where the record is held. Be sure to call the state Vital Records office ahead of time to clarify which office you should go to.\\n2-6. Pay for the death certificate.\\nFees vary widely by state, but expect to pay around $40.\\nVerify the current fee schedule by calling the state’s vital records office.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A death certificate is an official document that records the date and circumstances of a person's death. Death certificates are prepared by the funeral home or organization handling the person's remains, then filed with the state. Although it may be the last thing you are thinking about when a loved one passes, a properly filed death certificate is a necessity. You will need a standard, certified death certificate for many reasons: to administer their estate, to gain access to a family member’s credit history, or to access insurance proceeds.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Acquiring a Death Certificate at the Time of Death\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Contact the Preparer.\", \"描述\": \"The person at the funeral home or cremation facility who is handling the deceased's remains is responsible for filling out the death certificate, having it signed by a coroner, doctor or medical examiner, and then filing it with the state.\\nIf you are too emotional to call, ask a family friend or acquaintance to call for you.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Provide the person preparing the certificate with the correct information.\", \"描述\": \"Though you will be focused mostly on grieving in the aftermath of a loved one's death, someone must nevertheless call the preparer and provide the following information:\\nFull name and address\\nBirth date and birthplace\\nThe name and birthplace of father and mother\\nComplete or partial Social Security number\\nVeteran’s discharge or claim number\\nEducation\\nMarital status and name of surviving spouse, if there was one\\nThe cause of death, as well as the date, place, and time of death\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Confirm the certificate is filed.\", \"描述\": \"Most states specify that the death certificate must be completed and filed within ten days of a person's death. The funeral home or cremation organization is responsible for filing the certificate, but you can ask them to make sure it's filed in time.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Request certified copies from the funeral home or mortuary.\", \"描述\": \"Ask for 10 or more copies, since you will need them in order to claim property or benefits that were in the deceased person's name.\\nYou will need an authorized, \\\"certified\\\" death certificate to claim insurance benefits or settle an estate. An \\\"informational,\\\" or uncertified, death certificate is not adequate for legal purposes.\\nThe death certificate which is sufficient to prove legal identity will be called different things in different states. In most states, this death certificate, sufficient for legal purposes such as claiming life insurance benefits, is called the “certified” death certificate. California, however, calls both its “authorized” and informational death certificates “certified.” Californians need the “authorized” certificate for legal purposes. To make sure you have the right death certificate, tell the preparer that you need it for legal reasons, such as closing an estate.\\nOn average, each copy will cost around $15.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acquiring Copies of a Death Certificate at a Later Time\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find the appropriate vital records office.\", \"描述\": \"Locate the city and state where the death occurred.\\nStates are responsible for maintaining vital records of events that happened in their state. If someone died in Virginia but lived in New York, the death certificate will be filed in the Virginia county where the death happened.\\nThis might feel difficult or frustrating, especially if you aren't sure where the death occurred. To begin with, contact other friends or relatives to ask if they know.\\nYou may also search online. Websites such as offer \\\"free\\\" search engines. But you have to pay a fee to find the actual city where the death occurred.\\nYou may also simply want to type the loved one's name into a search engine. His or her death may have been reported in the obituaries of a local newspaper.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Contact the county or state vital records office.\", \"描述\": \"You can find it online by searching for your state and the words \\\"vital records,\\\" or go to the office in person to talk to a clerk.\\nTo find out where to get vital records in your state, visit this website.\\nIf the death occurred outside of the country, you should contact the Department of State. The State Department prepares a Report of Death, which may be used in insurance proceedings and is based on the foreign certificate of death. Call 1-202-485-8300.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Determine whether your state's records are public or closed.\", \"描述\": \"Some states don't allow the public to obtain copies of vital records. In closed-record states, you may gain access to the death certificate if you are the following:\\nSpouse or immediate family member (such as a child, sibling, or parent)\\nAttorney representing an estate, family members, or persons with a legal interest\\nPrivate investigator\\nGenealogical researcher\\nMany states appear to be moving toward a “closed” system. For example, Minnesota limits access to those who can show a “tangible interest,” which is defined as either a close familial or financial relationship (e.g., a trustee). Minnesota limits access to death records to prevent identify theft and fraud. To access records in closed states, you will have to show identification and maybe submit a sworn statement that you are eligible.\\nIf your state has a “closed” system and you do not qualify as someone with sufficient interest to obtain a certified copy, then you can only get an “informational” copy. The information copy will have private information, such as Social Security numbers and signatures, redacted.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Gather proof of relationship or legal interest.\", \"描述\": \"This might include proof that you were related to the deceased using a birth or marriage certificate. If you're an attorney, you'll need copies of titles, court orders, or other documents showing the person you're representing has legal interest in the deceased.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Order the death certificate.\", \"描述\": \"You can typically order the death certificate in one of three ways: online, by letter, or by stopping into the Vital Records office. Each state handles this differently. For example, some states may allow you to order death certificates from the state agency, whereas others may direct you to the county or city where the records are kept.\\nYou can order online at the VitalChek website, which partners with many states. Click on “Death Certificate” on the left, and then “Start Your Order.” After selecting the state where the person died, you will be prompted for information, such as date of death, city where the death occurred, and your reason for ordering the certificate.\\nRequest by letter. In the letter, include the name of the deceased, the date and city or town where the death occurred, your relationship to the deceased, and a daytime telephone number. Include a photocopy of your photo ID and a long, self-addressed stamped envelope.\\nOrder in person. You can stop into the office where the death certificate is held and order in person. You may be able to get the record at a state-level office, or you may have to go to the city or county where the record is held. Be sure to call the state Vital Records office ahead of time to clarify which office you should go to.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Pay for the death certificate.\", \"描述\": \"Fees vary widely by state, but expect to pay around $40.\\nVerify the current fee schedule by calling the state’s vital records office.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a Driving License in Saudi Arabia
1. Steps 1-1. Before applying for driving license, you must have the following documents with you. Get your Country License translated to Arabic. Get your Blood group and eye test report from any dispensary in Saudi Arabia. Your Iqama (Resident permit) copy Your Passport copy (both front and back sheets). Your four Passport size photo(white background). 1-2. Deposit SAR 435/- through internet (If you pay through broker) against your Iqama for 10 years Private License. You can pay online using SADAD payment (2 years - SAR.80 / 5 years - SAR.200 / 10 years - SAR.400) 1-3. Go to the Takhassusi Dallah Driving School, Riyadh (better than others) or any other driving school, with all the documents at 7'o clock. 1-4. Pay 10 riyals to shop of Photocopy outside school gate and he will create a file. 1-5. With this file, enter Hall No. 2 in school and get your eyes tested. 1-6. On your left side will be an eye microscope. Get your eyes tested and he will stamp your application. 1-7. Get a license check from same hall in opposite direction. 1-8. Take the initial trial from Hall No. 4. You need your iqama as well. 1-9. Take care of only 4 things. Seat belt, back view mirror, hand brake, and seat adjustment for your accelerator. Drive slowly through round-about. If you succeed in initial trial, the tester will write "I" alif on your form. (If you fail, make a new file and apply after 2-3 days if you don't want to attend classes) 1-10. Take the file back to hall no. 2 and he will print a form taking you 100 saudi riyals for the instructions class to be held on the same day evening from 3:00 to 6:00. Your file will be held and you will be given the slip. 1-11. Attend the class from 3 to 6 pm same day. bring the slip. 1-12. Next day come to school again and go to computer testing waiting hall with the slip. Submit the slip inside the examination room. 1-13. On your turn, take the exam and then sit in the stadium to get your final trial. 1-14. After final trial, if you are successful, come back to computer test waiting room. You will be given back your file.(If you fail, you will be given back your slip, you need to stamp this slip from Hall#5 after one week at 3 o clock. They will tell you to come next day morning for trial again, in computer room you submit this slip for 2nd try. You have three tries in total on one slip) 1-15. Take your file to hall no. 1 and counter no. 14. Submit it there and tell him that you have deposited your 400 riyals. 1-16. After 10 to 15 mins your name will be called and you will be given the Driving license. Tips Drive slowly unless the instructor asks you to drive fast. Take care of 4 things before start driving. Seat belt, Hand brake, Back view mirror, seat adjustment with Accelerator. Spend at least 2 - 3 hours in reading the chart of signs and questions.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:56", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Before applying for driving license, you must have the following documents with you.\\nGet your Country License translated to Arabic.\\nGet your Blood group and eye test report from any dispensary in Saudi Arabia.\\nYour Iqama (Resident permit) copy\\nYour Passport copy (both front and back sheets).\\nYour four Passport size photo(white background).\\n1-2. Deposit SAR 435/- through internet (If you pay through broker) against your Iqama for 10 years Private License.\\nYou can pay online using SADAD payment (2 years - SAR.80 / 5 years - SAR.200 / 10 years - SAR.400)\\n1-3. Go to the Takhassusi Dallah Driving School, Riyadh (better than others) or any other driving school, with all the documents at 7'o clock.\\n\\n1-4. Pay 10 riyals to shop of Photocopy outside school gate and he will create a file.\\n\\n1-5. With this file, enter Hall No.\\n2 in school and get your eyes tested.\\n1-6. On your left side will be an eye microscope.\\nGet your eyes tested and he will stamp your application.\\n1-7. Get a license check from same hall in opposite direction.\\n\\n1-8. Take the initial trial from Hall No.\\n4. You need your iqama as well.\\n1-9. Take care of only 4 things.\\nSeat belt, back view mirror, hand brake, and seat adjustment for your accelerator. Drive slowly through round-about.\\nIf you succeed in initial trial, the tester will write \\\"I\\\" alif on your form. (If you fail, make a new file and apply after 2-3 days if you don't want to attend classes)\\n1-10. Take the file back to hall no.\\n2 and he will print a form taking you 100 saudi riyals for the instructions class to be held on the same day evening from 3:00 to 6:00. Your file will be held and you will be given the slip.\\n1-11. Attend the class from 3 to 6 pm same day.\\nbring the slip.\\n1-12. Next day come to school again and go to computer testing waiting hall with the slip.\\nSubmit the slip inside the examination room.\\n1-13. On your turn, take the exam and then sit in the stadium to get your final trial.\\n\\n1-14. After final trial, if you are successful, come back to computer test waiting room.\\nYou will be given back your file.(If you fail, you will be given back your slip, you need to stamp this slip from Hall#5 after one week at 3 o clock. They will tell you to come next day morning for trial again, in computer room you submit this slip for 2nd try. You have three tries in total on one slip)\\n1-15. Take your file to hall no.\\n1 and counter no. 14. Submit it there and tell him that you have deposited your 400 riyals.\\n1-16. After 10 to 15 mins your name will be called and you will be given the Driving license.\\n\\nTips\\nDrive slowly unless the instructor asks you to drive fast.\\nTake care of 4 things before start driving. Seat belt, Hand brake, Back view mirror, seat adjustment with Accelerator.\\nSpend at least 2 - 3 hours in reading the chart of signs and questions.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"To obtain/acquire a drivers license in Saudi Arabia is not easy. Processes are defined to obtain a driving license. If you are already familiar with driving, you can get the license within 2 days.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Before applying for driving license, you must have the following documents with you.\", \"描述\": \"Get your Country License translated to Arabic.\\nGet your Blood group and eye test report from any dispensary in Saudi Arabia.\\nYour Iqama (Resident permit) copy\\nYour Passport copy (both front and back sheets).\\nYour four Passport size photo(white background).\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Deposit SAR 435/- through internet (If you pay through broker) against your Iqama for 10 years Private License.\", \"描述\": \"You can pay online using SADAD payment (2 years - SAR.80 / 5 years - SAR.200 / 10 years - SAR.400)\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Go to the Takhassusi Dallah Driving School, Riyadh (better than others) or any other driving school, with all the documents at 7'o clock.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Pay 10 riyals to shop of Photocopy outside school gate and he will create a file.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"With this file, enter Hall No.\", \"描述\": \"2 in school and get your eyes tested.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"On your left side will be an eye microscope.\", \"描述\": \"Get your eyes tested and he will stamp your application.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Get a license check from same hall in opposite direction.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Take the initial trial from Hall No.\", \"描述\": \"4. You need your iqama as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Take care of only 4 things.\", \"描述\": \"Seat belt, back view mirror, hand brake, and seat adjustment for your accelerator. Drive slowly through round-about.\\nIf you succeed in initial trial, the tester will write \\\"I\\\" alif on your form. (If you fail, make a new file and apply after 2-3 days if you don't want to attend classes)\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Take the file back to hall no.\", \"描述\": \"2 and he will print a form taking you 100 saudi riyals for the instructions class to be held on the same day evening from 3:00 to 6:00. Your file will be held and you will be given the slip.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Attend the class from 3 to 6 pm same day.\", \"描述\": \"bring the slip.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Next day come to school again and go to computer testing waiting hall with the slip.\", \"描述\": \"Submit the slip inside the examination room.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"On your turn, take the exam and then sit in the stadium to get your final trial.\", \"描述\": \"\"}, {\"编号\": 14, \"标题\": \"After final trial, if you are successful, come back to computer test waiting room.\", \"描述\": \"You will be given back your file.(If you fail, you will be given back your slip, you need to stamp this slip from Hall#5 after one week at 3 o clock. They will tell you to come next day morning for trial again, in computer room you submit this slip for 2nd try. You have three tries in total on one slip)\"}, {\"编号\": 15, \"标题\": \"Take your file to hall no.\", \"描述\": \"1 and counter no. 14. Submit it there and tell him that you have deposited your 400 riyals.\"}, {\"编号\": 16, \"标题\": \"After 10 to 15 mins your name will be called and you will be given the Driving license.\", \"描述\": \"\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Drive slowly unless the instructor asks you to drive fast.\\n\", \"Take care of 4 things before start driving. Seat belt, Hand brake, Back view mirror, seat adjustment with Accelerator.\\n\", \"Spend at least 2 - 3 hours in reading the chart of signs and questions.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a D‐U‐N‐S Number
1. Preparing to Apply for a D-U-N-S Number 1-1. Recognize the benefits. Obtaining a D-U-N-S number can have numerous benefits for your business. It verifies that your business is in operation, and places you on a detailed directory listing which is available to other organizations to look through. You will be placing information about your business, including the address, contact information, and business structure, onto a well-known directory. Having a D-U-N-S number can boost your company's credibility, potentially opening new lines of credit as well as enabling your business to expand. For example, having a D-U-N-S number is required to apply for a government contract, and in some instances, do business abroad. It is possible to register through D&B for free. 1-2. Check that you are not already registered. Make sure your organization has not already been assigned a number before you go any further with the application. If you bought the business, it may well have already been registered. You can check this quickly online by visiting the official Dun & Bradstreet website and searching for your company. You can type in the name and location of your business and you will see whether or not you have a D-U-N-S number. Since the numbers are unique and site-specific, they stay with the organization, even if the organization is closed, and they are never assigned again. To search for your company visit: You can also search for US companies by phone number: If you are looking for a non-US company you can still search online, but through a different web address: 1-3. Gather the information you need to apply. In order to apply for a D-U-N-S number you will need to provide some detailed information about your business. It will save you time if you gather all the following information before going to the online registration form: The legal name of your business or organization. Your headquarters information, including name and address. Any other names associated with your business, sometimes known as "Doing Business As" or DBA. Further address information, including zip code, state, and city. The mailing address, such as a post office box, of your organization. The organization's main telephone number. The name and title of the person who will be listed as the D-U-N-S contact for your organization. The number of employees at your location. Whether or not you are a home-based business. 2. Obtaining a D-U-N-S Number 2-1. Verify your identity. When you are ready to proceed with your application, you can go to the website and click through to request your D-U-N-S number. If you are a US company you will be taken to the government's iUpdate portal. Before you are able to complete the registration, you will be required to verify your identity by answering series of questions based on geographical and demographic information. Once you have successfully done this, you will be able to create a username and password and won't have to keep verifying your identity. You are given two chances to successfully pass the identity verification test. If you fail the second time, you will have to complete a D&B Government iUpdate Personal/Business Identification Certification which requires backup documentation and notarization. 2-2. Complete the application. Once you have passed the identity verification phase you will be able to continue on with the application. You simply have to type in all the required information about your company. It should only take a few minutes if you have the information on hand. When you have filled in the application you just have to wait until your number is assigned. Grant applicants or government contractors can often get their D-U-N-S number within two business days free of charge. Other business can get a number for free, but it may take up to 30 days. There are expedited options available, but the costs will be hundreds of dollars. 2-3. Update your information through the iUpdate portal. When you have your D-U-N-S number you will be able to monitor and update information about your business through iUpdate. This online portal enables organizations to easily view and edit the company information as well as search through other companies registered with a D-U-N-S number. You may be required to verify your identity before editing information about your company. The iUpdate portal is only available to companies located in the continental US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgins Islands. 2-4. Apply if you are a foreign company. Companies based outside the US can register for a D-U-N-S number through the same website: Select the country in which your organization is based and follow the instructions on the website. You may be required to obtain a federal Tax Identification Number (also known as an Employer Identification Number). You may be required to make a payment of $500. Tips If you are applying for a D-U-N-S number via the website, make sure you are using a supported browser or you may not be able to complete the D-U-N-S requesting process.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Preparing to Apply for a D-U-N-S Number\\n1-1. Recognize the benefits.\\nObtaining a D-U-N-S number can have numerous benefits for your business. It verifies that your business is in operation, and places you on a detailed directory listing which is available to other organizations to look through. You will be placing information about your business, including the address, contact information, and business structure, onto a well-known directory.\\nHaving a D-U-N-S number can boost your company's credibility, potentially opening new lines of credit as well as enabling your business to expand.\\nFor example, having a D-U-N-S number is required to apply for a government contract, and in some instances, do business abroad.\\nIt is possible to register through D&B for free.\\n1-2. Check that you are not already registered.\\nMake sure your organization has not already been assigned a number before you go any further with the application. If you bought the business, it may well have already been registered. You can check this quickly online by visiting the official Dun & Bradstreet website and searching for your company. You can type in the name and location of your business and you will see whether or not you have a D-U-N-S number.\\nSince the numbers are unique and site-specific, they stay with the organization, even if the organization is closed, and they are never assigned again.\\nTo search for your company visit:\\nYou can also search for US companies by phone number:\\nIf you are looking for a non-US company you can still search online, but through a different web address:\\n1-3. Gather the information you need to apply.\\nIn order to apply for a D-U-N-S number you will need to provide some detailed information about your business. It will save you time if you gather all the following information before going to the online registration form:\\nThe legal name of your business or organization.\\nYour headquarters information, including name and address.\\nAny other names associated with your business, sometimes known as \\\"Doing Business As\\\" or DBA.\\nFurther address information, including zip code, state, and city.\\nThe mailing address, such as a post office box, of your organization.\\nThe organization's main telephone number.\\nThe name and title of the person who will be listed as the D-U-N-S contact for your organization.\\nThe number of employees at your location.\\nWhether or not you are a home-based business.\\n2. Obtaining a D-U-N-S Number\\n2-1. Verify your identity.\\nWhen you are ready to proceed with your application, you can go to the website and click through to request your D-U-N-S number. If you are a US company you will be taken to the government's iUpdate portal. Before you are able to complete the registration, you will be required to verify your identity by answering series of questions based on geographical and demographic information.\\nOnce you have successfully done this, you will be able to create a username and password and won't have to keep verifying your identity.\\nYou are given two chances to successfully pass the identity verification test.\\nIf you fail the second time, you will have to complete a D&B Government iUpdate Personal/Business Identification Certification which requires backup documentation and notarization.\\n2-2. Complete the application.\\nOnce you have passed the identity verification phase you will be able to continue on with the application. You simply have to type in all the required information about your company. It should only take a few minutes if you have the information on hand. When you have filled in the application you just have to wait until your number is assigned.\\nGrant applicants or government contractors can often get their D-U-N-S number within two business days free of charge. \\nOther business can get a number for free, but it may take up to 30 days.\\nThere are expedited options available, but the costs will be hundreds of dollars.\\n2-3. Update your information through the iUpdate portal.\\nWhen you have your D-U-N-S number you will be able to monitor and update information about your business through iUpdate. This online portal enables organizations to easily view and edit the company information as well as search through other companies registered with a D-U-N-S number.\\nYou may be required to verify your identity before editing information about your company.\\nThe iUpdate portal is only available to companies located in the continental US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgins Islands.\\n2-4. Apply if you are a foreign company.\\nCompanies based outside the US can register for a D-U-N-S number through the same website: Select the country in which your organization is based and follow the instructions on the website.\\nYou may be required to obtain a federal Tax Identification Number (also known as an Employer Identification Number).\\nYou may be required to make a payment of $500.\\nTips\\nIf you are applying for a D-U-N-S number via the website, make sure you are using a supported browser or you may not be able to complete the D-U-N-S requesting process.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A Data Universal Number System (D-U-N-S) number is a 9-digit designation provided to companies or organizations through Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), a company that researches businesses and provides information on them for credit or other decisions. Companies often elect to get a D-U-N-S number for use in international business, and many non-profit organizations apply for the number so that they can bid for grants or contracts from the US government.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Preparing to Apply for a D-U-N-S Number\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Recognize the benefits.\", \"描述\": \"Obtaining a D-U-N-S number can have numerous benefits for your business. It verifies that your business is in operation, and places you on a detailed directory listing which is available to other organizations to look through. You will be placing information about your business, including the address, contact information, and business structure, onto a well-known directory.\\nHaving a D-U-N-S number can boost your company's credibility, potentially opening new lines of credit as well as enabling your business to expand.\\nFor example, having a D-U-N-S number is required to apply for a government contract, and in some instances, do business abroad.\\nIt is possible to register through D&B for free.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Check that you are not already registered.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure your organization has not already been assigned a number before you go any further with the application. If you bought the business, it may well have already been registered. You can check this quickly online by visiting the official Dun & Bradstreet website and searching for your company. You can type in the name and location of your business and you will see whether or not you have a D-U-N-S number.\\nSince the numbers are unique and site-specific, they stay with the organization, even if the organization is closed, and they are never assigned again.\\nTo search for your company visit:\\nYou can also search for US companies by phone number:\\nIf you are looking for a non-US company you can still search online, but through a different web address:\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Gather the information you need to apply.\", \"描述\": \"In order to apply for a D-U-N-S number you will need to provide some detailed information about your business. It will save you time if you gather all the following information before going to the online registration form:\\nThe legal name of your business or organization.\\nYour headquarters information, including name and address.\\nAny other names associated with your business, sometimes known as \\\"Doing Business As\\\" or DBA.\\nFurther address information, including zip code, state, and city.\\nThe mailing address, such as a post office box, of your organization.\\nThe organization's main telephone number.\\nThe name and title of the person who will be listed as the D-U-N-S contact for your organization.\\nThe number of employees at your location.\\nWhether or not you are a home-based business.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Obtaining a D-U-N-S Number\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Verify your identity.\", \"描述\": \"When you are ready to proceed with your application, you can go to the website and click through to request your D-U-N-S number. If you are a US company you will be taken to the government's iUpdate portal. Before you are able to complete the registration, you will be required to verify your identity by answering series of questions based on geographical and demographic information.\\nOnce you have successfully done this, you will be able to create a username and password and won't have to keep verifying your identity.\\nYou are given two chances to successfully pass the identity verification test.\\nIf you fail the second time, you will have to complete a D&B Government iUpdate Personal/Business Identification Certification which requires backup documentation and notarization.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Complete the application.\", \"描述\": \"Once you have passed the identity verification phase you will be able to continue on with the application. You simply have to type in all the required information about your company. It should only take a few minutes if you have the information on hand. When you have filled in the application you just have to wait until your number is assigned.\\nGrant applicants or government contractors can often get their D-U-N-S number within two business days free of charge. \\nOther business can get a number for free, but it may take up to 30 days.\\nThere are expedited options available, but the costs will be hundreds of dollars.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Update your information through the iUpdate portal.\", \"描述\": \"When you have your D-U-N-S number you will be able to monitor and update information about your business through iUpdate. This online portal enables organizations to easily view and edit the company information as well as search through other companies registered with a D-U-N-S number.\\nYou may be required to verify your identity before editing information about your company.\\nThe iUpdate portal is only available to companies located in the continental US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgins Islands.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Apply if you are a foreign company.\", \"描述\": \"Companies based outside the US can register for a D-U-N-S number through the same website: Select the country in which your organization is based and follow the instructions on the website.\\nYou may be required to obtain a federal Tax Identification Number (also known as an Employer Identification Number).\\nYou may be required to make a payment of $500.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If you are applying for a D-U-N-S number via the website, make sure you are using a supported browser or you may not be able to complete the D-U-N-S requesting process.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a Gun License in New Jersey
1. Obtaining a Permit to Purchase Firearms 1-1. Pick up an Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, or STS-33, from your municipal police department, State Police office, or registered firearms salesperson. This is the key form you'll need to buy a firearm in New Jersey. You use it to purchase both handguns and long guns (shotguns, rifles, etc.) as long as you fully fill out both the STS-33 and the attached Handgun Purchasing Permit. You will also need some supplemental paperwork too, including: A government issued ID, such as a passport or driver's license. A list of 2-3 references, who will fill out a questionnaire testifying that you have sound mental health and judgment. Cash or Check, usually $60, for fingerprinting. You can find an online version of the form here. 1-2. Complete the Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit Form and make a copy. You'll need two of these applications. It can't hurt to make a third copy to keep for your own records. This form will suffice for any type of gun you wish to purchase. You will still need to apply to carry a handgun separately, but you can buy one for private use with this form. 1-3. Contact your references in advance. The STS-33 requires you put down two character witnesses, which are the names and addresses of two people who can attest that you're in good mental condition. Be sure to call them ahead of time and ask them if they will be your references, preventing any surprised or nervous behavior that could adversely affect your application. No one likes a surprise call from the police, so give people a heads up. 1-4. Complete a Consent For Mental Health Records Search form. This is offered by your local police municipality, either with the STS-33 or after you've already turned it in. This form allows for the state to perform mental health background check on you. Make a copy of this as well, as 2 forms must be submitted. 1-5. Photocopy your driver's license and Social Security card. You'll need to bring the originals in with you as well, but you do not want to leave them there with the police. Once you've got this together, you're ready to finish you application. 1-6. Bring your paperwork, license, and $65 with you to your local police station. Remember that this needs to be your local municipality. When possible, it doesn't hurt to call ahead of time and run through your paperwork. Ensure that you have everything covered before you waltz into the station. Bring an extra $2.00 for each handgun permit that you intend to get. Contact your local police department about the methods of payment that they accept. Check who you need to write any checks to. Finally, confirm that these fees are correct, as they may have changed by the time you apply for a gun license. 1-7. Agree to fingerprinting at the station. In New Jersey, you must be fingerprinted if this is your first time applying for a gun license. If you've applied before, you may be able to skip fingerprinting. However, you must consent to be fingerprinted each time you get a pistol purchasing permit. 1-8. Wait for your response for at least 30 days. New Jersey state law states that the police must get your application back to you within 30 days. However, this law is frequently ignored and it may take several months to receive notification if you aren't persistent. If you have not heard about the status of your application in 30 days, call the police station you filed with. They are legally required to give you a response in 30 days. 2. Obtaining a Handgun Permit 2-1. Know that New Jersey does not accept handgun permits from other states. If you purchased the handgun somewhere else, you'll need to re-register to carry it in the State of New Jersey. This is not true of long guns (shotguns, rifles, etc.). New Jersey is one of the most difficult states to acquire a conceal carry pistol permit in the US. 2-2. Call your local police municipality about registering to carry a handgun. You must contact the police branch that covers the area you live in. If you nearest police office is a branch of the State Police, call ahead of time to make sure they cover your municipality. While you have them, ask specifically what forms and payment you'll need to bring with you. While most of them are identical, different police departments may have slightly different procedures. It is best to ask in advance. 2-3. Obtain a Firearms Purchaser ID card and a Handgun Purchase Permit. If you do not already possess these documents, you must go through the process of applying, as outlined above. You should purchase the handgun you intend to carry with these forms ahead of time. You will need to provide the serial number, make, and model of your handgun on your application. 2-4. Understand the special requirements needed to carry a handgun in New Jersey. Each state's laws about handguns, especially those concealed in public places, is different. You need to know the laws and protections set out by the state before applying to ensure that you fill out everything correctly. You need 3 reputable character witnesses, who have known you for at least 3 years and are willing to testify that you have "sound moral character." You need "justifiable evidence" that you need to carry a handgun for your own personal safety. This is either because of living conditions or your line of work. You need evidence (courses, training, demonstrable knowledge) that you know how to own and operate a pistol safely. 2-5. Print and complete the Permit to Carry a Handgun forms offered by your local municipality. You can pick these up at State Police offices or at you local police outfit. You'll need to make a copy as well, as you should turn in two identical permits applications. You can find the permit online here. 2-6. Provide proof that you are familiar with handguns. You should always call your local police station ahead of time to see what sorts of tests will be accepted. There are several ways to prove that you are comfortable and familiar with handguns, including: Evidence of courses taken at a firing range, through an NRA-certified instructor, or self-defense classes taken through a local police unit. Scores from a qualified Handgun Qualification Test, administered by the New Jersey Police Force. Completion of any other test or course certified by the Police Training Commission.<reF.</reF> 2-7. Write out a statement demonstrating "justifiable need" to carry a firearm. This is perhaps the biggest hurdle to getting a handgun permit. You should write, in detail, your reasons for needing a handgun on your person. You need to prove that you need a gun for personal safety, and that your life is in danger without one. While what is acceptable and what isn't is generally up to whoever reads your application, common reasons include: Working in security or transport of valuable goods that have the potential to be stolen. Urgent necessity for personal protection, as shown by life-threatening incidents. 2-8. Provide attestations from three individuals that you have good moral character and good self-control. These three people need to sign the statements on the second page of your Permit to Carry a Handgun. All it requires is their name, signature, and basic contact information. These three people must: Be older than 18. Have known you for three years or more. Willing to talk to the police in the case of an inquiry. 2-9. Procure four full-color passport sized photos with your application. You can take these yourself, but make sure they are well lit with a plain background. You'll need to capture your shoulders and your whole head, which should be large and centered in the photo. They should be at least 2-inches by 2-inches. You can also have passport photos taken at your local post office. 2-10. Provide the serial number and a description of each handgun that you intend to carry. On the application, you'll need to write down the exact information of the gun you plan to carry. 2-11. Create copies of your driver's license, any past New Jersey permits to carry handguns, your Firearms ID card, and your Social Security card with your application. Make sure you have copies of everything that are clear and legible. Include copies of your justifiable need statement and evidence of handgun literacy as well, and keep a copy of everything in your records. 2-12. Submit a $50 check or money order made payable to the "Treasurer - State of New Jersey" with your application. This is the fee required to process your account. You will likely need more money if you still need to be fingerprinted. 2-13. Turn in your paperwork at your local police station. You will be fingerprinted if you are not doing this in concert with your Firearms Purchaser ID card application, which means an additional $60 fingerprinting charge. Tips To purchase a firearm, you must provide the gun dealer with your Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, a proof of identity and a completed Certificate of Eligibility. This last form can be found on the New Jersey state website along with the other application forms. If you are approved to carry a handgun, research any relevant laws if you intend to leave New Jersey with it. Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Vermont honor New Jersey's permits to carry handguns. If you have a permit to carry a handgun from any other state, it is not valid in New Jersey. New Jersey only honors its' own permits to carry handguns.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Obtaining a Permit to Purchase Firearms\\n1-1. Pick up an Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, or STS-33, from your municipal police department, State Police office, or registered firearms salesperson.\\nThis is the key form you'll need to buy a firearm in New Jersey. You use it to purchase both handguns and long guns (shotguns, rifles, etc.) as long as you fully fill out both the STS-33 and the attached Handgun Purchasing Permit. You will also need some supplemental paperwork too, including:\\nA government issued ID, such as a passport or driver's license.\\nA list of 2-3 references, who will fill out a questionnaire testifying that you have sound mental health and judgment.\\nCash or Check, usually $60, for fingerprinting.\\nYou can find an online version of the form here.\\n1-2. Complete the Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit Form and make a copy.\\nYou'll need two of these applications. It can't hurt to make a third copy to keep for your own records.\\nThis form will suffice for any type of gun you wish to purchase.\\nYou will still need to apply to carry a handgun separately, but you can buy one for private use with this form.\\n1-3. Contact your references in advance.\\nThe STS-33 requires you put down two character witnesses, which are the names and addresses of two people who can attest that you're in good mental condition. Be sure to call them ahead of time and ask them if they will be your references, preventing any surprised or nervous behavior that could adversely affect your application.\\nNo one likes a surprise call from the police, so give people a heads up.\\n1-4. Complete a Consent For Mental Health Records Search form.\\nThis is offered by your local police municipality, either with the STS-33 or after you've already turned it in. This form allows for the state to perform mental health background check on you.\\nMake a copy of this as well, as 2 forms must be submitted.\\n1-5. Photocopy your driver's license and Social Security card.\\nYou'll need to bring the originals in with you as well, but you do not want to leave them there with the police. Once you've got this together, you're ready to finish you application.\\n1-6. Bring your paperwork, license, and $65 with you to your local police station.\\nRemember that this needs to be your local municipality. When possible, it doesn't hurt to call ahead of time and run through your paperwork. Ensure that you have everything covered before you waltz into the station.\\nBring an extra $2.00 for each handgun permit that you intend to get.\\nContact your local police department about the methods of payment that they accept. Check who you need to write any checks to. Finally, confirm that these fees are correct, as they may have changed by the time you apply for a gun license.\\n1-7. Agree to fingerprinting at the station.\\nIn New Jersey, you must be fingerprinted if this is your first time applying for a gun license. If you've applied before, you may be able to skip fingerprinting. However, you must consent to be fingerprinted each time you get a pistol purchasing permit.\\n1-8. Wait for your response for at least 30 days.\\nNew Jersey state law states that the police must get your application back to you within 30 days. However, this law is frequently ignored and it may take several months to receive notification if you aren't persistent.\\nIf you have not heard about the status of your application in 30 days, call the police station you filed with. They are legally required to give you a response in 30 days.\\n2. Obtaining a Handgun Permit\\n2-1. Know that New Jersey does not accept handgun permits from other states.\\nIf you purchased the handgun somewhere else, you'll need to re-register to carry it in the State of New Jersey. This is not true of long guns (shotguns, rifles, etc.).\\nNew Jersey is one of the most difficult states to acquire a conceal carry pistol permit in the US.\\n2-2. Call your local police municipality about registering to carry a handgun.\\nYou must contact the police branch that covers the area you live in. If you nearest police office is a branch of the State Police, call ahead of time to make sure they cover your municipality.\\nWhile you have them, ask specifically what forms and payment you'll need to bring with you. While most of them are identical, different police departments may have slightly different procedures. It is best to ask in advance.\\n2-3. Obtain a Firearms Purchaser ID card and a Handgun Purchase Permit.\\nIf you do not already possess these documents, you must go through the process of applying, as outlined above.\\nYou should purchase the handgun you intend to carry with these forms ahead of time. You will need to provide the serial number, make, and model of your handgun on your application.\\n2-4. Understand the special requirements needed to carry a handgun in New Jersey.\\nEach state's laws about handguns, especially those concealed in public places, is different. You need to know the laws and protections set out by the state before applying to ensure that you fill out everything correctly.\\nYou need 3 reputable character witnesses, who have known you for at least 3 years and are willing to testify that you have \\\"sound moral character.\\\"\\nYou need \\\"justifiable evidence\\\" that you need to carry a handgun for your own personal safety. This is either because of living conditions or your line of work.\\nYou need evidence (courses, training, demonstrable knowledge) that you know how to own and operate a pistol safely.\\n2-5. Print and complete the Permit to Carry a Handgun forms offered by your local municipality.\\nYou can pick these up at State Police offices or at you local police outfit. You'll need to make a copy as well, as you should turn in two identical permits applications.\\nYou can find the permit online here.\\n2-6. Provide proof that you are familiar with handguns.\\nYou should always call your local police station ahead of time to see what sorts of tests will be accepted. There are several ways to prove that you are comfortable and familiar with handguns, including:\\nEvidence of courses taken at a firing range, through an NRA-certified instructor, or self-defense classes taken through a local police unit.\\nScores from a qualified Handgun Qualification Test, administered by the New Jersey Police Force.\\nCompletion of any other test or course certified by the Police Training Commission.<reF.</reF>\\n2-7. Write out a statement demonstrating \\\"justifiable need\\\" to carry a firearm.\\nThis is perhaps the biggest hurdle to getting a handgun permit. You should write, in detail, your reasons for needing a handgun on your person. You need to prove that you need a gun for personal safety, and that your life is in danger without one. While what is acceptable and what isn't is generally up to whoever reads your application, common reasons include:\\nWorking in security or transport of valuable goods that have the potential to be stolen.\\nUrgent necessity for personal protection, as shown by life-threatening incidents.\\n2-8. Provide attestations from three individuals that you have good moral character and good self-control.\\nThese three people need to sign the statements on the second page of your Permit to Carry a Handgun. All it requires is their name, signature, and basic contact information. These three people must:\\nBe older than 18.\\nHave known you for three years or more.\\nWilling to talk to the police in the case of an inquiry.\\n2-9. Procure four full-color passport sized photos with your application.\\nYou can take these yourself, but make sure they are well lit with a plain background. You'll need to capture your shoulders and your whole head, which should be large and centered in the photo. They should be at least 2-inches by 2-inches.\\nYou can also have passport photos taken at your local post office.\\n2-10. Provide the serial number and a description of each handgun that you intend to carry.\\nOn the application, you'll need to write down the exact information of the gun you plan to carry.\\n2-11. Create copies of your driver's license, any past New Jersey permits to carry handguns, your Firearms ID card, and your Social Security card with your application.\\nMake sure you have copies of everything that are clear and legible. Include copies of your justifiable need statement and evidence of handgun literacy as well, and keep a copy of everything in your records.\\n2-12. Submit a $50 check or money order made payable to the \\\"Treasurer - State of New Jersey\\\" with your application.\\nThis is the fee required to process your account. You will likely need more money if you still need to be fingerprinted.\\n2-13. Turn in your paperwork at your local police station.\\nYou will be fingerprinted if you are not doing this in concert with your Firearms Purchaser ID card application, which means an additional $60 fingerprinting charge.\\nTips\\nTo purchase a firearm, you must provide the gun dealer with your Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, a proof of identity and a completed Certificate of Eligibility. This last form can be found on the New Jersey state website along with the other application forms.\\nIf you are approved to carry a handgun, research any relevant laws if you intend to leave New Jersey with it. Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Vermont honor New Jersey's permits to carry handguns.\\nIf you have a permit to carry a handgun from any other state, it is not valid in New Jersey. New Jersey only honors its' own permits to carry handguns.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"To own a gun in New Jersey (NJ), you must complete paperwork and submit a background check. If you intend to buy a rifle or a shotgun, the process is similar no matter where you apply. If you intend to purchase and/or carry a handgun, however, you will need some additional paperwork.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Obtaining a Permit to Purchase Firearms\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Pick up an Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, or STS-33, from your municipal police department, State Police office, or registered firearms salesperson.\", \"描述\": \"This is the key form you'll need to buy a firearm in New Jersey. You use it to purchase both handguns and long guns (shotguns, rifles, etc.) as long as you fully fill out both the STS-33 and the attached Handgun Purchasing Permit. You will also need some supplemental paperwork too, including:\\nA government issued ID, such as a passport or driver's license.\\nA list of 2-3 references, who will fill out a questionnaire testifying that you have sound mental health and judgment.\\nCash or Check, usually $60, for fingerprinting.\\nYou can find an online version of the form here.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Complete the Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit Form and make a copy.\", \"描述\": \"You'll need two of these applications. It can't hurt to make a third copy to keep for your own records.\\nThis form will suffice for any type of gun you wish to purchase.\\nYou will still need to apply to carry a handgun separately, but you can buy one for private use with this form.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Contact your references in advance.\", \"描述\": \"The STS-33 requires you put down two character witnesses, which are the names and addresses of two people who can attest that you're in good mental condition. Be sure to call them ahead of time and ask them if they will be your references, preventing any surprised or nervous behavior that could adversely affect your application.\\nNo one likes a surprise call from the police, so give people a heads up.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Complete a Consent For Mental Health Records Search form.\", \"描述\": \"This is offered by your local police municipality, either with the STS-33 or after you've already turned it in. This form allows for the state to perform mental health background check on you.\\nMake a copy of this as well, as 2 forms must be submitted.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Photocopy your driver's license and Social Security card.\", \"描述\": \"You'll need to bring the originals in with you as well, but you do not want to leave them there with the police. Once you've got this together, you're ready to finish you application.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Bring your paperwork, license, and $65 with you to your local police station.\", \"描述\": \"Remember that this needs to be your local municipality. When possible, it doesn't hurt to call ahead of time and run through your paperwork. Ensure that you have everything covered before you waltz into the station.\\nBring an extra $2.00 for each handgun permit that you intend to get.\\nContact your local police department about the methods of payment that they accept. Check who you need to write any checks to. Finally, confirm that these fees are correct, as they may have changed by the time you apply for a gun license.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Agree to fingerprinting at the station.\", \"描述\": \"In New Jersey, you must be fingerprinted if this is your first time applying for a gun license. If you've applied before, you may be able to skip fingerprinting. However, you must consent to be fingerprinted each time you get a pistol purchasing permit.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Wait for your response for at least 30 days.\", \"描述\": \"New Jersey state law states that the police must get your application back to you within 30 days. However, this law is frequently ignored and it may take several months to receive notification if you aren't persistent.\\nIf you have not heard about the status of your application in 30 days, call the police station you filed with. They are legally required to give you a response in 30 days.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Obtaining a Handgun Permit\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Know that New Jersey does not accept handgun permits from other states.\", \"描述\": \"If you purchased the handgun somewhere else, you'll need to re-register to carry it in the State of New Jersey. This is not true of long guns (shotguns, rifles, etc.).\\nNew Jersey is one of the most difficult states to acquire a conceal carry pistol permit in the US.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Call your local police municipality about registering to carry a handgun.\", \"描述\": \"You must contact the police branch that covers the area you live in. If you nearest police office is a branch of the State Police, call ahead of time to make sure they cover your municipality.\\nWhile you have them, ask specifically what forms and payment you'll need to bring with you. While most of them are identical, different police departments may have slightly different procedures. It is best to ask in advance.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Obtain a Firearms Purchaser ID card and a Handgun Purchase Permit.\", \"描述\": \"If you do not already possess these documents, you must go through the process of applying, as outlined above.\\nYou should purchase the handgun you intend to carry with these forms ahead of time. You will need to provide the serial number, make, and model of your handgun on your application.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Understand the special requirements needed to carry a handgun in New Jersey.\", \"描述\": \"Each state's laws about handguns, especially those concealed in public places, is different. You need to know the laws and protections set out by the state before applying to ensure that you fill out everything correctly.\\nYou need 3 reputable character witnesses, who have known you for at least 3 years and are willing to testify that you have \\\"sound moral character.\\\"\\nYou need \\\"justifiable evidence\\\" that you need to carry a handgun for your own personal safety. This is either because of living conditions or your line of work.\\nYou need evidence (courses, training, demonstrable knowledge) that you know how to own and operate a pistol safely.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Print and complete the Permit to Carry a Handgun forms offered by your local municipality.\", \"描述\": \"You can pick these up at State Police offices or at you local police outfit. You'll need to make a copy as well, as you should turn in two identical permits applications.\\nYou can find the permit online here.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Provide proof that you are familiar with handguns.\", \"描述\": \"You should always call your local police station ahead of time to see what sorts of tests will be accepted. There are several ways to prove that you are comfortable and familiar with handguns, including:\\nEvidence of courses taken at a firing range, through an NRA-certified instructor, or self-defense classes taken through a local police unit.\\nScores from a qualified Handgun Qualification Test, administered by the New Jersey Police Force.\\nCompletion of any other test or course certified by the Police Training Commission.<reF.</reF>\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Write out a statement demonstrating \\\"justifiable need\\\" to carry a firearm.\", \"描述\": \"This is perhaps the biggest hurdle to getting a handgun permit. You should write, in detail, your reasons for needing a handgun on your person. You need to prove that you need a gun for personal safety, and that your life is in danger without one. While what is acceptable and what isn't is generally up to whoever reads your application, common reasons include:\\nWorking in security or transport of valuable goods that have the potential to be stolen.\\nUrgent necessity for personal protection, as shown by life-threatening incidents.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Provide attestations from three individuals that you have good moral character and good self-control.\", \"描述\": \"These three people need to sign the statements on the second page of your Permit to Carry a Handgun. All it requires is their name, signature, and basic contact information. These three people must:\\nBe older than 18.\\nHave known you for three years or more.\\nWilling to talk to the police in the case of an inquiry.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Procure four full-color passport sized photos with your application.\", \"描述\": \"You can take these yourself, but make sure they are well lit with a plain background. You'll need to capture your shoulders and your whole head, which should be large and centered in the photo. They should be at least 2-inches by 2-inches.\\nYou can also have passport photos taken at your local post office.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Provide the serial number and a description of each handgun that you intend to carry.\", \"描述\": \"On the application, you'll need to write down the exact information of the gun you plan to carry.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Create copies of your driver's license, any past New Jersey permits to carry handguns, your Firearms ID card, and your Social Security card with your application.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure you have copies of everything that are clear and legible. Include copies of your justifiable need statement and evidence of handgun literacy as well, and keep a copy of everything in your records.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Submit a $50 check or money order made payable to the \\\"Treasurer - State of New Jersey\\\" with your application.\", \"描述\": \"This is the fee required to process your account. You will likely need more money if you still need to be fingerprinted.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Turn in your paperwork at your local police station.\", \"描述\": \"You will be fingerprinted if you are not doing this in concert with your Firearms Purchaser ID card application, which means an additional $60 fingerprinting charge.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"To purchase a firearm, you must provide the gun dealer with your Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, a proof of identity and a completed Certificate of Eligibility. This last form can be found on the New Jersey state website along with the other application forms.\\n\", \"If you are approved to carry a handgun, research any relevant laws if you intend to leave New Jersey with it. Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Vermont honor New Jersey's permits to carry handguns.\\n\", \"If you have a permit to carry a handgun from any other state, it is not valid in New Jersey. New Jersey only honors its' own permits to carry handguns.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a New IP Address
1. Changing a Public IP Address 1-1. Find your device's current IP address In order to know whether or not your IP address change is ultimately successful, you need to know your device's current IP address. 1-2. Turn off your device. This should be the computer, phone, or tablet whose IP address you would like to alter. 1-3. Unplug your modem and router from the Internet and power sources. This will essentially reset your Wi-Fi. If your modem and router are comprised in the same unit, simply unplug the entire unit. 1-4. Wait for five minutes. This should be enough time for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide your network with a new public IP address. 1-5. Plug the modem back in. It will begin lighting up. You'll want each light on the face of the modem to be on or flashing before you continue. 1-6. Reattach the router. After a couple of moments, the router's light will begin flashing, then turn constant. 1-7. Turn on your device. It should reconnect to the Internet once it finishes rebooting, though you may need to manually select a network and connect to it. 1-8. Open an internet browser. You'll use the Internet browser of your choosing to view your new IP address. 1-9. Type "What is my IP address" into the browser. If the IP address listed here is different than the one you saw earlier, you have successfully changed your device's IP address. If you don't see a different IP address, you may need to keep your router off for a longer period of time. Try turning it off for an entire night and then re-enabling it in the morning. 2. Changing a Private IP Address on Windows 2-1. Open the Start menu . You can click Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen or press the ⊞ Win key. If you're using Windows 8, hover your mouse in the top-right corner of the screen and then click the magnifying glass icon. 2-2. Type "Command Prompt" into Start. Doing so will bring up a list of search results in the Start window. 2-3. Right-click the Command Prompt icon . It resembles a black box. Right-clicking it invokes a drop-down menu. 2-4. Click Run as administrator. This is near the bottom of the drop-down menu. 2-5. Click Yes when prompted. Doing so will confirm that you wish to open Command Prompt. 2-6. Type in ipconfig and press ↵ Enter. This command displays your current IP information. 2-7. Look at your current IP address. It's to the right of the "IPv4" value; the number here corresponds to your specific device on a local network. 2-8. Type in ipconfig /release and press ↵ Enter. Doing so releases your IP address. 2-9. Type in ipconfig /renew and press ↵ Enter. This command assigns a new IP address to your device. 2-10. Look at your new IP address. It will be to the right of the "IPv4" value. If the number here is different than it was before releasing and renewing your IP address, your device's local IP address has successfully been changed. This process will only work if your computer is on an Ethernet connection with other devices. Trying to change your public IP address with this method won't work. 3. Changing a Private IP Address on Mac 3-1. Click the Apple Menu . It's the apple-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen. 3-2. Click System Preferences. You'll see this option in the Apple Menu drop-down window. 3-3. Click Network. This will open the Network window. 3-4. Select your current connection. You'll do so from the left-hand pane in the Network window. 3-5. Click Advanced. It's in the lower-right area of the window. 3-6. Click the TCP/IP tab. This tab is near the top of the Advanced window. 3-7. Look at the "IPv4 Address" value. This number is your Mac's current IP address. 3-8. Click Renew DHCP Lease. It's to the right of the IP address area. Doing so will refresh your device's current IP address. 3-9. Look at your new IP address. It will be to the right of the "IPv4" value. If the number here is different than it was before releasing and renewing your IP address, your device's local IP address has successfully been changed. This process will only work if your computer is on an Ethernet connection with other devices. Trying to change your public IP address with this method won't work. Tips If you aren't able to change your computer's IP address to one you want, try using a VPN. Warnings Changing your IP address to access restricted content may be illegal in your country.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Changing a Public IP Address\\n1-1. Find your device's current IP address\\nIn order to know whether or not your IP address change is ultimately successful, you need to know your device's current IP address.\\n1-2. Turn off your device.\\nThis should be the computer, phone, or tablet whose IP address you would like to alter.\\n1-3. Unplug your modem and router from the Internet and power sources.\\nThis will essentially reset your Wi-Fi.\\nIf your modem and router are comprised in the same unit, simply unplug the entire unit.\\n1-4. Wait for five minutes.\\nThis should be enough time for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide your network with a new public IP address.\\n1-5. Plug the modem back in.\\nIt will begin lighting up. You'll want each light on the face of the modem to be on or flashing before you continue.\\n1-6. Reattach the router.\\nAfter a couple of moments, the router's light will begin flashing, then turn constant.\\n1-7. Turn on your device.\\nIt should reconnect to the Internet once it finishes rebooting, though you may need to manually select a network and connect to it.\\n1-8. Open an internet browser.\\nYou'll use the Internet browser of your choosing to view your new IP address.\\n1-9. Type \\\"What is my IP address\\\" into the browser.\\nIf the IP address listed here is different than the one you saw earlier, you have successfully changed your device's IP address.\\nIf you don't see a different IP address, you may need to keep your router off for a longer period of time. Try turning it off for an entire night and then re-enabling it in the morning.\\n2. Changing a Private IP Address on Windows\\n2-1. Open the Start menu .\\nYou can click Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen or press the ⊞ Win key.\\nIf you're using Windows 8, hover your mouse in the top-right corner of the screen and then click the magnifying glass icon.\\n2-2. Type \\\"Command Prompt\\\" into Start.\\nDoing so will bring up a list of search results in the Start window.\\n2-3. Right-click the Command Prompt icon .\\nIt resembles a black box. Right-clicking it invokes a drop-down menu.\\n2-4. Click Run as administrator.\\nThis is near the bottom of the drop-down menu.\\n2-5. Click Yes when prompted.\\nDoing so will confirm that you wish to open Command Prompt.\\n2-6. Type in ipconfig and press ↵ Enter.\\nThis command displays your current IP information.\\n2-7. Look at your current IP address.\\nIt's to the right of the \\\"IPv4\\\" value; the number here corresponds to your specific device on a local network.\\n2-8. Type in ipconfig /release and press ↵ Enter.\\nDoing so releases your IP address.\\n2-9. Type in ipconfig /renew and press ↵ Enter.\\nThis command assigns a new IP address to your device.\\n2-10. Look at your new IP address.\\nIt will be to the right of the \\\"IPv4\\\" value. If the number here is different than it was before releasing and renewing your IP address, your device's local IP address has successfully been changed.\\nThis process will only work if your computer is on an Ethernet connection with other devices. Trying to change your public IP address with this method won't work.\\n3. Changing a Private IP Address on Mac\\n3-1. Click the Apple Menu .\\nIt's the apple-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen.\\n3-2. Click System Preferences.\\nYou'll see this option in the Apple Menu drop-down window.\\n3-3. Click Network.\\nThis will open the Network window.\\n3-4. Select your current connection.\\nYou'll do so from the left-hand pane in the Network window.\\n3-5. Click Advanced.\\nIt's in the lower-right area of the window.\\n3-6. Click the TCP/IP tab.\\nThis tab is near the top of the Advanced window.\\n3-7. Look at the \\\"IPv4 Address\\\" value.\\nThis number is your Mac's current IP address.\\n3-8. Click Renew DHCP Lease.\\nIt's to the right of the IP address area. Doing so will refresh your device's current IP address.\\n3-9. Look at your new IP address.\\nIt will be to the right of the \\\"IPv4\\\" value. If the number here is different than it was before releasing and renewing your IP address, your device's local IP address has successfully been changed.\\nThis process will only work if your computer is on an Ethernet connection with other devices. Trying to change your public IP address with this method won't work.\\nTips\\nIf you aren't able to change your computer's IP address to one you want, try using a VPN.\\nWarnings\\nChanging your IP address to access restricted content may be illegal in your country.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"This wikiHow teaches you how to change your computer's public IP address by power-cycling your router. If you want to change your private IP address, which is the address assigned to your computer when it is connected to a local network, you'll need to run a Command Prompt command on Windows or access your connection's settings on Mac.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Changing a Public IP Address\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find your device's current IP address\", \"描述\": \"In order to know whether or not your IP address change is ultimately successful, you need to know your device's current IP address.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Turn off your device.\", \"描述\": \"This should be the computer, phone, or tablet whose IP address you would like to alter.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Unplug your modem and router from the Internet and power sources.\", \"描述\": \"This will essentially reset your Wi-Fi.\\nIf your modem and router are comprised in the same unit, simply unplug the entire unit.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wait for five minutes.\", \"描述\": \"This should be enough time for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide your network with a new public IP address.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Plug the modem back in.\", \"描述\": \"It will begin lighting up. You'll want each light on the face of the modem to be on or flashing before you continue.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Reattach the router.\", \"描述\": \"After a couple of moments, the router's light will begin flashing, then turn constant.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Turn on your device.\", \"描述\": \"It should reconnect to the Internet once it finishes rebooting, though you may need to manually select a network and connect to it.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Open an internet browser.\", \"描述\": \"You'll use the Internet browser of your choosing to view your new IP address.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Type \\\"What is my IP address\\\" into the browser.\", \"描述\": \"If the IP address listed here is different than the one you saw earlier, you have successfully changed your device's IP address.\\nIf you don't see a different IP address, you may need to keep your router off for a longer period of time. Try turning it off for an entire night and then re-enabling it in the morning.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Changing a Private IP Address on Windows\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Open the Start menu .\", \"描述\": \"You can click Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen or press the ⊞ Win key.\\nIf you're using Windows 8, hover your mouse in the top-right corner of the screen and then click the magnifying glass icon.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Type \\\"Command Prompt\\\" into Start.\", \"描述\": \"Doing so will bring up a list of search results in the Start window.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Right-click the Command Prompt icon .\", \"描述\": \"It resembles a black box. Right-clicking it invokes a drop-down menu.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Click Run as administrator.\", \"描述\": \"This is near the bottom of the drop-down menu.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Click Yes when prompted.\", \"描述\": \"Doing so will confirm that you wish to open Command Prompt.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Type in ipconfig and press ↵ Enter.\", \"描述\": \"This command displays your current IP information.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Look at your current IP address.\", \"描述\": \"It's to the right of the \\\"IPv4\\\" value; the number here corresponds to your specific device on a local network.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Type in ipconfig /release and press ↵ Enter.\", \"描述\": \"Doing so releases your IP address.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Type in ipconfig /renew and press ↵ Enter.\", \"描述\": \"This command assigns a new IP address to your device.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Look at your new IP address.\", \"描述\": \"It will be to the right of the \\\"IPv4\\\" value. If the number here is different than it was before releasing and renewing your IP address, your device's local IP address has successfully been changed.\\nThis process will only work if your computer is on an Ethernet connection with other devices. Trying to change your public IP address with this method won't work.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Changing a Private IP Address on Mac\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Click the Apple Menu .\", \"描述\": \"It's the apple-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Click System Preferences.\", \"描述\": \"You'll see this option in the Apple Menu drop-down window.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Click Network.\", \"描述\": \"This will open the Network window.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Select your current connection.\", \"描述\": \"You'll do so from the left-hand pane in the Network window.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Click Advanced.\", \"描述\": \"It's in the lower-right area of the window.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Click the TCP/IP tab.\", \"描述\": \"This tab is near the top of the Advanced window.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Look at the \\\"IPv4 Address\\\" value.\", \"描述\": \"This number is your Mac's current IP address.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Click Renew DHCP Lease.\", \"描述\": \"It's to the right of the IP address area. Doing so will refresh your device's current IP address.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Look at your new IP address.\", \"描述\": \"It will be to the right of the \\\"IPv4\\\" value. If the number here is different than it was before releasing and renewing your IP address, your device's local IP address has successfully been changed.\\nThis process will only work if your computer is on an Ethernet connection with other devices. Trying to change your public IP address with this method won't work.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If you aren't able to change your computer's IP address to one you want, try using a VPN.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Changing your IP address to access restricted content may be illegal in your country.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire a Taste for Whiskey
1. Ordering and Drinking Whiskey 1-1. Learn about the different varieties. There are quite a few varieties of whiskey that vary mostly in composition (what it’s made out of) and how it’s aged. Most whiskeys are made out of fermented grain mash (barley, corn, wheat, or rye) and aged in oak casks for a number of years Scotch is whiskey made in Scotland, usually from malted barley. Bourbon is whiskey made in the United States, usually from corn. Rye whiskey is made from at least 51% rye. Single malt whiskey is whiskey created at a single distillery, though the distiller may combine whiskeys from many different casks to achieve the desired taste. Blended malt whiskey is whiskey made from the products of multiple distilleries. Single cask whiskey is whiskey is produced from one individual cask at a single distillery location. 1-2. Order your drink. There are quite a few ways to drink whiskey. You can drink it alone, you can take it as a shot, you can order it as an ingredient in a mixed cocktail. The choice is yours. Neat: This is a way to order whiskey meaning it is served without any ice, water, or mixer. It also means it will be served at room temperature, not chilled. On the rocks: This is a way to order whiskey meaning it is served with ice cubes. 1-3. Smell the whiskey. Bring the glass to your nose and take a whiff. Be sure to keep your mouth open slightly while smelling the whiskey to get the full palate of scents. Try to pick up what scents you’re smelling. Perhaps it’s a floral bouquet, or maybe something a bit sweeter. Maybe you notice a woody, earthy tone. Put your nose actually inside the glass to get the best angle for smelling. This will help you fully appreciate the range of the bouquet. 1-4. Sip your drink slowly. Take a small sip of the whiskey and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds. Roll it around your tongue. Some people even recommend “chewing” the whiskey a bit while it is inside your mouth to fully appreciate the flavor. Once you have tried the whiskey unaltered, try cutting it with a dropper full of water. The water will bring out different flavors and aromas that complicate the tasting. 1-5. Understand the terminology. In order to acquire a true appreciation of whiskey, in all its various forms, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the basic terminology used in producing, describing, and ordering whiskey. Some of the most important terms include: Cask: A cask is an oak barrel that the whiskey is stored in while it ages in the distillery. Most whiskeys are aged for at least three years in a cask, while others age for longer periods of time (even as much as 25 years). Proof: This basically indicates the amount of alcohol in a particular whiskey, or how strong the drink is. The number corresponds to twice the amount of alcohol content by volume. For example, a whiskey that is 60% alcohol would be 120-proof. The larger the number, the stronger the drink will be. Maturation: This is the amount of time that the whiskey is left in the wooden cask to age (or mature). 2. Trying Different Varieties 2-1. Taste various brands of whiskey. Rather than just sticking to one type of whiskey, try branching out and tasting a variety of different brands from different distilleries. This will expose your pallet to new tastes and flavors, and really help you acquire a taste for whiskey. Some of the most popular whiskey brands include Bell’s, Ballantine’s, Black Velvet, Dewar’s, Crown Royal, Jameson, Suntory, and Glenfiddich. 2-2. Try whiskeys from other countries. Different countries produce whiskeys that taste quite different from each other. To become a true connoisseur of whiskey, you’ll need to branch out and begin trying some varieties produced in other countries. Some popular whiskeys include: Scotland: Laphroaig, Glenfiddich, Bunnahabhain Ireland: Jameson, Tullamore Dew, Bushmills United States: Jim Beam, Jack Daniel’s, Wild Turkey Japan: Nikka, Yamazaki, Hakushu 2-3. Compare different ages of whiskey. Try whiskeys of different ages produced by the same distillery. Choose a whiskey you enjoy and try a younger one (3-4 years) and then taste an older one (12-15 years). Compare them side by side and consider the different smells, flavors, and aromas that you sense in each. In general, it’s probably true that older whiskeys taste better (and are more expensive) than younger whiskeys because of the greater length of time that was spent aging the liquor. However, this isn’t true across the board. Many people say that 8-9 years is the best age for most whiskeys. If the whiskey is aged too long, it can take on too much flavor from the wood and become bitter. 2-4. Go to a whiskey tasting. One great way to expand your knowledge of whiskey is to attend a whiskey tasting. Many local bars and distilleries will host events in which you are provided with an assortment of whiskeys and you even get to learn a bit about the products. These events usually aren’t free, but it’s often a good value for the money. Check your local bars for any information about upcoming events. You might even want to consider hosting your own whiskey tasting for you and your friends. You could also consider taking a trip to visit a distillery, which is highly recommended if you want to learn more about whiskey. 3. Mixing Whiskey with Other Ingredients 3-1. Make a whiskey sour. This is a classic, yet simple, drink to make and a great way to enjoy whiskey. Simply combine 2 parts whiskey with 1 part lemon juice and 2/3 part simple syrup. For example, you could combine 2  fl oz (59 mL) of whiskey with 1  fl oz (30 mL) of lemon juice and ⁄3  fl oz (20 mL) of simple syrup.If you’re ordering in a bar, just ask for a whiskey sour. You can even specify what kind of whiskey you’d like. 3-2. Try an Old Fashioned. Place 1 teaspoon (4 g) of sugar (or 1 sugar cube) in a glass. Add 2-3 dashes of Angostura bitters and a few drops of water. Pour 2  fl oz (59 mL) of bourbon or rye whiskey into the glass and stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Add several big ice cubes and stir the drink quickly to help cool it to the right temperature. This is one of the most classic and highly regarded mixed cocktail drinks in the alcohol world. You can’t go wrong ordering a drink like this. 3-3. Add Coca-Cola. While many people think of rum and Coke as a classic go-to drink, plenty of people prefer adding whiskey to Coke instead. If you’re making them yourself, just add 2 parts whiskey and 1 part Coke. If you’re ordering in a bar, simply ask for a whiskey and Coke. Don’t forget to tell the bartender what kind of whiskey you’d like if you have a preference. Of course, this will detract from the pure taste of the whiskey, so it’s probably best not to use super expensive whiskey if you’re going to add Coke to it. 3-4. Create a Manhattan. To make this drink, you’ll need to combine 2  fl oz (59 mL) of rye whiskey or bourbon, ⁄4  fl oz (22 mL) of sweet red vermouth, and 2 dashes of Angostura aromatic bitters. In bartender lingo, a dash equals a few drops. So 2 dashes would equal approximately 4-6 drops of Angostura aromatic bitters. Note that a Manhattan can be bitter. 3-5. Concoct a Rol and Rye whiskey cocktail. Try this recipe: Combine 1 ⁄2  fl oz (44 mL) of rye or bourbon whiskey with 1 ⁄2  fl oz (44 mL) of Aperol in a tall glass filled with ice. Pour a bit of club soda over the top and add an orange wedge as a garnish. There are thousands of cocktail recipes that include whiskey as the main ingredient. Try making a few different kinds to find one that you love. Or order some varieties at your local bar.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Ordering and Drinking Whiskey\\n1-1. Learn about the different varieties.\\nThere are quite a few varieties of whiskey that vary mostly in composition (what it’s made out of) and how it’s aged. Most whiskeys are made out of fermented grain mash (barley, corn, wheat, or rye) and aged in oak casks for a number of years\\n\\nScotch is whiskey made in Scotland, usually from malted barley.\\nBourbon is whiskey made in the United States, usually from corn.\\nRye whiskey is made from at least 51% rye.\\nSingle malt whiskey is whiskey created at a single distillery, though the distiller may combine whiskeys from many different casks to achieve the desired taste.\\nBlended malt whiskey is whiskey made from the products of multiple distilleries.\\nSingle cask whiskey is whiskey is produced from one individual cask at a single distillery location.\\n1-2. Order your drink.\\nThere are quite a few ways to drink whiskey. You can drink it alone, you can take it as a shot, you can order it as an ingredient in a mixed cocktail. The choice is yours.\\n\\nNeat: This is a way to order whiskey meaning it is served without any ice, water, or mixer. It also means it will be served at room temperature, not chilled.\\nOn the rocks: This is a way to order whiskey meaning it is served with ice cubes.\\n1-3. Smell the whiskey.\\nBring the glass to your nose and take a whiff. Be sure to keep your mouth open slightly while smelling the whiskey to get the full palate of scents. Try to pick up what scents you’re smelling. Perhaps it’s a floral bouquet, or maybe something a bit sweeter. Maybe you notice a woody, earthy tone.\\nPut your nose actually inside the glass to get the best angle for smelling. This will help you fully appreciate the range of the bouquet.\\n1-4. Sip your drink slowly.\\nTake a small sip of the whiskey and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds. Roll it around your tongue. Some people even recommend “chewing” the whiskey a bit while it is inside your mouth to fully appreciate the flavor.\\nOnce you have tried the whiskey unaltered, try cutting it with a dropper full of water. The water will bring out different flavors and aromas that complicate the tasting.\\n1-5. Understand the terminology.\\nIn order to acquire a true appreciation of whiskey, in all its various forms, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the basic terminology used in producing, describing, and ordering whiskey. Some of the most important terms include:\\n\\nCask: A cask is an oak barrel that the whiskey is stored in while it ages in the distillery. Most whiskeys are aged for at least three years in a cask, while others age for longer periods of time (even as much as 25 years).\\nProof: This basically indicates the amount of alcohol in a particular whiskey, or how strong the drink is. The number corresponds to twice the amount of alcohol content by volume. For example, a whiskey that is 60% alcohol would be 120-proof. The larger the number, the stronger the drink will be.\\nMaturation: This is the amount of time that the whiskey is left in the wooden cask to age (or mature).\\n2. Trying Different Varieties\\n2-1. Taste various brands of whiskey.\\nRather than just sticking to one type of whiskey, try branching out and tasting a variety of different brands from different distilleries. This will expose your pallet to new tastes and flavors, and really help you acquire a taste for whiskey.\\nSome of the most popular whiskey brands include Bell’s, Ballantine’s, Black Velvet, Dewar’s, Crown Royal, Jameson, Suntory, and Glenfiddich.\\n2-2. Try whiskeys from other countries.\\nDifferent countries produce whiskeys that taste quite different from each other. To become a true connoisseur of whiskey, you’ll need to branch out and begin trying some varieties produced in other countries. Some popular whiskeys include:\\n\\nScotland: Laphroaig, Glenfiddich, Bunnahabhain\\nIreland: Jameson, Tullamore Dew, Bushmills\\nUnited States: Jim Beam, Jack Daniel’s, Wild Turkey\\nJapan: Nikka, Yamazaki, Hakushu\\n2-3. Compare different ages of whiskey.\\nTry whiskeys of different ages produced by the same distillery. Choose a whiskey you enjoy and try a younger one (3-4 years) and then taste an older one (12-15 years). Compare them side by side and consider the different smells, flavors, and aromas that you sense in each.\\nIn general, it’s probably true that older whiskeys taste better (and are more expensive) than younger whiskeys because of the greater length of time that was spent aging the liquor. However, this isn’t true across the board.\\nMany people say that 8-9 years is the best age for most whiskeys. If the whiskey is aged too long, it can take on too much flavor from the wood and become bitter.\\n2-4. Go to a whiskey tasting.\\nOne great way to expand your knowledge of whiskey is to attend a whiskey tasting. Many local bars and distilleries will host events in which you are provided with an assortment of whiskeys and you even get to learn a bit about the products.\\nThese events usually aren’t free, but it’s often a good value for the money.\\nCheck your local bars for any information about upcoming events.\\nYou might even want to consider hosting your own whiskey tasting for you and your friends.\\nYou could also consider taking a trip to visit a distillery, which is highly recommended if you want to learn more about whiskey.\\n3. Mixing Whiskey with Other Ingredients\\n3-1. Make a whiskey sour.\\nThis is a classic, yet simple, drink to make and a great way to enjoy whiskey. Simply combine 2 parts whiskey with 1 part lemon juice and 2/3 part simple syrup. For example, you could combine 2  fl oz (59 mL) of whiskey with 1  fl oz (30 mL) of lemon juice and ⁄3  fl oz (20 mL) of simple syrup.If you’re ordering in a bar, just ask for a whiskey sour. You can even specify what kind of whiskey you’d like.\\n3-2. Try an Old Fashioned.\\nPlace 1 teaspoon (4 g) of sugar (or 1 sugar cube) in a glass. Add 2-3 dashes of Angostura bitters and a few drops of water. Pour 2  fl oz (59 mL) of bourbon or rye whiskey into the glass and stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Add several big ice cubes and stir the drink quickly to help cool it to the right temperature.\\nThis is one of the most classic and highly regarded mixed cocktail drinks in the alcohol world. You can’t go wrong ordering a drink like this.\\n3-3. Add Coca-Cola.\\nWhile many people think of rum and Coke as a classic go-to drink, plenty of people prefer adding whiskey to Coke instead. If you’re making them yourself, just add 2 parts whiskey and 1 part Coke.\\nIf you’re ordering in a bar, simply ask for a whiskey and Coke. Don’t forget to tell the bartender what kind of whiskey you’d like if you have a preference.\\nOf course, this will detract from the pure taste of the whiskey, so it’s probably best not to use super expensive whiskey if you’re going to add Coke to it.\\n3-4. Create a Manhattan.\\nTo make this drink, you’ll need to combine 2  fl oz (59 mL) of rye whiskey or bourbon, ⁄4  fl oz (22 mL) of sweet red vermouth, and 2 dashes of Angostura aromatic bitters.\\nIn bartender lingo, a dash equals a few drops. So 2 dashes would equal approximately 4-6 drops of Angostura aromatic bitters.\\nNote that a Manhattan can be bitter.\\n3-5. Concoct a Rol and Rye whiskey cocktail.\\nTry this recipe: Combine 1 ⁄2  fl oz (44 mL) of rye or bourbon whiskey with 1 ⁄2  fl oz (44 mL) of Aperol in a tall glass filled with ice. Pour a bit of club soda over the top and add an orange wedge as a garnish.\\nThere are thousands of cocktail recipes that include whiskey as the main ingredient. Try making a few different kinds to find one that you love. Or order some varieties at your local bar.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A liquor drink many people enjoy, whiskey is produced in many varieties around the world. Given the extensive amount of options when it comes to whiskey, some people find that it takes time and effort to gain a true appreciation for this kind of liquor. To slowly acquaint yourself with the flavor, you can drink whiskey on its own or mix it with other ingredients. After a little practice, you can acquire a taste for whiskey and will be able to order it confidently.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ordering and Drinking Whiskey\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Learn about the different varieties.\", \"描述\": \"There are quite a few varieties of whiskey that vary mostly in composition (what it’s made out of) and how it’s aged. Most whiskeys are made out of fermented grain mash (barley, corn, wheat, or rye) and aged in oak casks for a number of years\\n\\nScotch is whiskey made in Scotland, usually from malted barley.\\nBourbon is whiskey made in the United States, usually from corn.\\nRye whiskey is made from at least 51% rye.\\nSingle malt whiskey is whiskey created at a single distillery, though the distiller may combine whiskeys from many different casks to achieve the desired taste.\\nBlended malt whiskey is whiskey made from the products of multiple distilleries.\\nSingle cask whiskey is whiskey is produced from one individual cask at a single distillery location.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Order your drink.\", \"描述\": \"There are quite a few ways to drink whiskey. You can drink it alone, you can take it as a shot, you can order it as an ingredient in a mixed cocktail. The choice is yours.\\n\\nNeat: This is a way to order whiskey meaning it is served without any ice, water, or mixer. It also means it will be served at room temperature, not chilled.\\nOn the rocks: This is a way to order whiskey meaning it is served with ice cubes.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Smell the whiskey.\", \"描述\": \"Bring the glass to your nose and take a whiff. Be sure to keep your mouth open slightly while smelling the whiskey to get the full palate of scents. Try to pick up what scents you’re smelling. Perhaps it’s a floral bouquet, or maybe something a bit sweeter. Maybe you notice a woody, earthy tone.\\nPut your nose actually inside the glass to get the best angle for smelling. This will help you fully appreciate the range of the bouquet.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Sip your drink slowly.\", \"描述\": \"Take a small sip of the whiskey and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds. Roll it around your tongue. Some people even recommend “chewing” the whiskey a bit while it is inside your mouth to fully appreciate the flavor.\\nOnce you have tried the whiskey unaltered, try cutting it with a dropper full of water. The water will bring out different flavors and aromas that complicate the tasting.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Understand the terminology.\", \"描述\": \"In order to acquire a true appreciation of whiskey, in all its various forms, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the basic terminology used in producing, describing, and ordering whiskey. Some of the most important terms include:\\n\\nCask: A cask is an oak barrel that the whiskey is stored in while it ages in the distillery. Most whiskeys are aged for at least three years in a cask, while others age for longer periods of time (even as much as 25 years).\\nProof: This basically indicates the amount of alcohol in a particular whiskey, or how strong the drink is. The number corresponds to twice the amount of alcohol content by volume. For example, a whiskey that is 60% alcohol would be 120-proof. The larger the number, the stronger the drink will be.\\nMaturation: This is the amount of time that the whiskey is left in the wooden cask to age (or mature).\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Trying Different Varieties\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Taste various brands of whiskey.\", \"描述\": \"Rather than just sticking to one type of whiskey, try branching out and tasting a variety of different brands from different distilleries. This will expose your pallet to new tastes and flavors, and really help you acquire a taste for whiskey.\\nSome of the most popular whiskey brands include Bell’s, Ballantine’s, Black Velvet, Dewar’s, Crown Royal, Jameson, Suntory, and Glenfiddich.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Try whiskeys from other countries.\", \"描述\": \"Different countries produce whiskeys that taste quite different from each other. To become a true connoisseur of whiskey, you’ll need to branch out and begin trying some varieties produced in other countries. Some popular whiskeys include:\\n\\nScotland: Laphroaig, Glenfiddich, Bunnahabhain\\nIreland: Jameson, Tullamore Dew, Bushmills\\nUnited States: Jim Beam, Jack Daniel’s, Wild Turkey\\nJapan: Nikka, Yamazaki, Hakushu\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Compare different ages of whiskey.\", \"描述\": \"Try whiskeys of different ages produced by the same distillery. Choose a whiskey you enjoy and try a younger one (3-4 years) and then taste an older one (12-15 years). Compare them side by side and consider the different smells, flavors, and aromas that you sense in each.\\nIn general, it’s probably true that older whiskeys taste better (and are more expensive) than younger whiskeys because of the greater length of time that was spent aging the liquor. However, this isn’t true across the board.\\nMany people say that 8-9 years is the best age for most whiskeys. If the whiskey is aged too long, it can take on too much flavor from the wood and become bitter.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Go to a whiskey tasting.\", \"描述\": \"One great way to expand your knowledge of whiskey is to attend a whiskey tasting. Many local bars and distilleries will host events in which you are provided with an assortment of whiskeys and you even get to learn a bit about the products.\\nThese events usually aren’t free, but it’s often a good value for the money.\\nCheck your local bars for any information about upcoming events.\\nYou might even want to consider hosting your own whiskey tasting for you and your friends.\\nYou could also consider taking a trip to visit a distillery, which is highly recommended if you want to learn more about whiskey.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Mixing Whiskey with Other Ingredients\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make a whiskey sour.\", \"描述\": \"This is a classic, yet simple, drink to make and a great way to enjoy whiskey. Simply combine 2 parts whiskey with 1 part lemon juice and 2/3 part simple syrup. For example, you could combine 2  fl oz (59 mL) of whiskey with 1  fl oz (30 mL) of lemon juice and ⁄3  fl oz (20 mL) of simple syrup.If you’re ordering in a bar, just ask for a whiskey sour. You can even specify what kind of whiskey you’d like.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Try an Old Fashioned.\", \"描述\": \"Place 1 teaspoon (4 g) of sugar (or 1 sugar cube) in a glass. Add 2-3 dashes of Angostura bitters and a few drops of water. Pour 2  fl oz (59 mL) of bourbon or rye whiskey into the glass and stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Add several big ice cubes and stir the drink quickly to help cool it to the right temperature.\\nThis is one of the most classic and highly regarded mixed cocktail drinks in the alcohol world. You can’t go wrong ordering a drink like this.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Add Coca-Cola.\", \"描述\": \"While many people think of rum and Coke as a classic go-to drink, plenty of people prefer adding whiskey to Coke instead. If you’re making them yourself, just add 2 parts whiskey and 1 part Coke.\\nIf you’re ordering in a bar, simply ask for a whiskey and Coke. Don’t forget to tell the bartender what kind of whiskey you’d like if you have a preference.\\nOf course, this will detract from the pure taste of the whiskey, so it’s probably best not to use super expensive whiskey if you’re going to add Coke to it.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Create a Manhattan.\", \"描述\": \"To make this drink, you’ll need to combine 2  fl oz (59 mL) of rye whiskey or bourbon, ⁄4  fl oz (22 mL) of sweet red vermouth, and 2 dashes of Angostura aromatic bitters.\\nIn bartender lingo, a dash equals a few drops. So 2 dashes would equal approximately 4-6 drops of Angostura aromatic bitters.\\nNote that a Manhattan can be bitter.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Concoct a Rol and Rye whiskey cocktail.\", \"描述\": \"Try this recipe: Combine 1 ⁄2  fl oz (44 mL) of rye or bourbon whiskey with 1 ⁄2  fl oz (44 mL) of Aperol in a tall glass filled with ice. Pour a bit of club soda over the top and add an orange wedge as a garnish.\\nThere are thousands of cocktail recipes that include whiskey as the main ingredient. Try making a few different kinds to find one that you love. Or order some varieties at your local bar.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire an Expired Domain
1. Steps 1-1. Understand the stages of domain name release. Domain names are not available on the day they expire. Registrars will often wait 40 days before ejecting the previous owner and then hold the name for another 30 days or so in hopes the owner will renew. The actual release date, then, can be quite difficult to track and requires extreme diligence. Once the domain name is actually dropped, the registry releases the names for only a few unscheduled hours. 1-2. Purchase a program to obtain accurate drop information on various domains. Search the database for expiring names and select one you would like to register for yourself. Usually this involves entering keywords for domain names, but you can also enter the exact domain name for which you are looking. For example, if you are interested in acquiring a domain name with the word "raisin" in it, type "raisin" into the search box. A list of all expiring domain names that contain the word "raisin" will appear. Find out when the domain name is scheduled to drop by frequently checking the database for changes in the domain's status. 1-3. Back-order the domain name from its registrar site. There are websites that allow users to back-order domain names. The domain name you want to register may or may not be on one of these sites. You should check just in case. Customers can back-order domain names before they expire. This situates them on a list and the domain name is offered upon expiration. 1-4. Hire a drop catcher, or shark, to snatch your domain once released. Sign up with a major drop catcher. These services do the work of domain name bidding for you by flooding the system with multiple requests. The various shark services charge fees that range from 10 dollars to more than 100 dollars depending on the specific service you request. Participate in a domain name auction if more than 1 person wants your domain. The customer who bids the highest is given the expired domain. Tips Hiring more than 1 domain shark increases your chances of receiving the domain you desire. If you are not adamant about acquiring a specific expiring domain name, back-order services are usually sufficient.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Understand the stages of domain name release.\\nDomain names are not available on the day they expire. Registrars will often wait 40 days before ejecting the previous owner and then hold the name for another 30 days or so in hopes the owner will renew. The actual release date, then, can be quite difficult to track and requires extreme diligence.\\nOnce the domain name is actually dropped, the registry releases the names for only a few unscheduled hours.\\n1-2. Purchase a program to obtain accurate drop information on various domains.\\nSearch the database for expiring names and select one you would like to register for yourself. Usually this involves entering keywords for domain names, but you can also enter the exact domain name for which you are looking. For example, if you are interested in acquiring a domain name with the word \\\"raisin\\\" in it, type \\\"raisin\\\" into the search box. A list of all expiring domain names that contain the word \\\"raisin\\\" will appear.\\nFind out when the domain name is scheduled to drop by frequently checking the database for changes in the domain's status.\\n1-3. Back-order the domain name from its registrar site.\\nThere are websites that allow users to back-order domain names. The domain name you want to register may or may not be on one of these sites. You should check just in case. Customers can back-order domain names before they expire. This situates them on a list and the domain name is offered upon expiration.\\n1-4. Hire a drop catcher, or shark, to snatch your domain once released.\\nSign up with a major drop catcher. These services do the work of domain name bidding for you by flooding the system with multiple requests. The various shark services charge fees that range from 10 dollars to more than 100 dollars depending on the specific service you request.\\nParticipate in a domain name auction if more than 1 person wants your domain. The customer who bids the highest is given the expired domain.\\nTips\\nHiring more than 1 domain shark increases your chances of receiving the domain you desire.\\nIf you are not adamant about acquiring a specific expiring domain name, back-order services are usually sufficient.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A domain name is an identifier of a website that follows the protocol of the Domain Name System. Every website on the Internet has a domain name that is controlled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. Some domain names are more memorable and in higher demand, but ICANN works on a first come, first served basis. After 1 to 10 years, registered domain names expire and go through a release process. If the owner of a domain name forgets to renew or chooses not to renew, the name becomes available to the highest bidder. Anyone can acquire an expiring domain name once it is released.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Understand the stages of domain name release.\", \"描述\": \"Domain names are not available on the day they expire. Registrars will often wait 40 days before ejecting the previous owner and then hold the name for another 30 days or so in hopes the owner will renew. The actual release date, then, can be quite difficult to track and requires extreme diligence.\\nOnce the domain name is actually dropped, the registry releases the names for only a few unscheduled hours.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Purchase a program to obtain accurate drop information on various domains.\", \"描述\": \"Search the database for expiring names and select one you would like to register for yourself. Usually this involves entering keywords for domain names, but you can also enter the exact domain name for which you are looking. For example, if you are interested in acquiring a domain name with the word \\\"raisin\\\" in it, type \\\"raisin\\\" into the search box. A list of all expiring domain names that contain the word \\\"raisin\\\" will appear.\\nFind out when the domain name is scheduled to drop by frequently checking the database for changes in the domain's status.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Back-order the domain name from its registrar site.\", \"描述\": \"There are websites that allow users to back-order domain names. The domain name you want to register may or may not be on one of these sites. You should check just in case. Customers can back-order domain names before they expire. This situates them on a list and the domain name is offered upon expiration.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Hire a drop catcher, or shark, to snatch your domain once released.\", \"描述\": \"Sign up with a major drop catcher. These services do the work of domain name bidding for you by flooding the system with multiple requests. The various shark services charge fees that range from 10 dollars to more than 100 dollars depending on the specific service you request.\\nParticipate in a domain name auction if more than 1 person wants your domain. The customer who bids the highest is given the expired domain.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Hiring more than 1 domain shark increases your chances of receiving the domain you desire.\\n\", \"If you are not adamant about acquiring a specific expiring domain name, back-order services are usually sufficient.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire the Lightning Electric Bow on the Der Eisendrache Map in Call of Duty Black Ops 3
1. Getting the "Wrath of the Ancients" Bow 1-1. Feed the 3 dragons around the map. Make sure the dragon eats the zombie before you kill another zombie. There is one in the lower courtyard near the rocket part for the rocket shield, just outside the gate trap/Double Tap. There is one in the building above the Undercroft (0G Room), opposite where the electric trap is. There is one inside the Undercroft (0G Room), on the opposite side of the wall where PAP is. 1-2. Collect your bow. Once you've fed all three dragons, go in the Undercroft (0G Room), go up the stairs, and you will find your very own bow. 2. Upgrading to the Lightning Electric Bow 2-1. Shoot the dragon weathervane. The weather vane near the death ray contraption. It's sticking out of the cone-shaped roof near the death ray. Shoot the dragon symbol until it starts spinning around. An arrow will pop out of the wall. 2-2. Grab the arrow. After the arrow pops out of the wall, grab the arrow. This starts a new upgrade quest. In order to complete the upgrade quest, you cannot pick up any new upgrade quest items. 2-3. Shoot 3 bonfires/piles of wood sticks outside the map. The three bonfire locations are as follows: The first one is directly beside the clock tower outside the map. The next one is east to the KRM wall buy. The final one is at the rocket pad, with a bunch of sticks on top of a stone slab. 2-4. Head down to the Low-Gravity Room (Undercroft). This is the room with the pyramid plates and blue wind icons on the wall. 2-5. Run to all the symbols on the wall. Wait for the anti-gravity cycle to start and run across the five solid wind symbols on the wall. You cannot touch the ground. If you touch the ground, you will need to wall run all the symbols again. You'll know you're finished if you hear a sound cue after hitting the final wind panel. If the pyramid is not turned on, the low gravity cycles will not occur. To turn on the pyramid, stand on the 4 blue pyramid symbols in the undercroft. 2-6. Fill the urns around the map. Kill zombies around the electric urns to fill them up with souls. The locations of these urns are as follows: In the small room above Double Tap. In the lower courtyard, near the jump pad and build table. The final one is in the rocket pad near the teleporter. 2-7. Shoot the bonfires again with an electric charged arrow shot. To charge your arrow, stand near a full urn and draw the arrow back like you are doing a power shot. Then shoot the bonfire with an electric charged arrow. If you miss the shot, you will need to charge the arrow again. 2-8. Get the electric arrow from the weathervane spot. Go back to where you picked up the arrow. You will see sparks in the spot you got the arrow. Press and hold square if on PS4, or X if on XBOX to place your arrows in the sparks. They will elevate up to the dragon weathervane. Wait for the arrows to come back down where you can pick them up again. 2-9. Take the arrow to the Low-Gravity Room (Undercroft). After you pick up the arrow from below the weathervane, take it back to the undercroft. This is the room where you ran on the walls to get the 5 wind symbols. 2-10. Place the arrow in the lightning bolt chest. There are four chests around the pyramid in the Undercroft. Look for the one that has a lightning bolt icon. Hold Square (PS4) or X (XBOX) to start charging the arrow. 2-11. Kill zombies. In order to fill the arrow with souls, kill the zombies until the box stops taking souls. 2-12. Put your bow in the box. Have your bow equipped and walk up to the box. It will take your bow and forge it. Wait a moment for it to finish forging. 2-13. Pick up the bow. When the bow finishes forging, walk up to the box and press square on PS4 or X on Xbox One to pick up the upgraded bow. Congratulations , you now have the lightning electric bow. Tips You will know you're done feeding a dragon when the dragon breathes fire, turns back to stone, and breaks. When shooting the bonfires, try to have your friend distract a zombie. If you're on solo, try to make a crawler. All the bonfires are on top of a stone slab/square. Warnings You can only shoot one electric tornado at a time, so when you shoot a tornado at a Panzersoldat, try your best to shoot basic shots, or use another weapon. When going to pick up your electric bow, wait until a symbol pops up with a tornado in the top left corner. Don't try not to pick it up earlier, as you may get trapped by zombies, and die right away.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Getting the \\\"Wrath of the Ancients\\\" Bow\\n1-1. Feed the 3 dragons around the map.\\nMake sure the dragon eats the zombie before you kill another zombie.\\nThere is one in the lower courtyard near the rocket part for the rocket shield, just outside the gate trap/Double Tap.\\nThere is one in the building above the Undercroft (0G Room), opposite where the electric trap is.\\nThere is one inside the Undercroft (0G Room), on the opposite side of the wall where PAP is.\\n1-2. Collect your bow.\\nOnce you've fed all three dragons, go in the Undercroft (0G Room), go up the stairs, and you will find your very own bow.\\n2. Upgrading to the Lightning Electric Bow\\n2-1. Shoot the dragon weathervane.\\nThe weather vane near the death ray contraption. It's sticking out of the cone-shaped roof near the death ray. Shoot the dragon symbol until it starts spinning around. An arrow will pop out of the wall.\\n2-2. Grab the arrow.\\nAfter the arrow pops out of the wall, grab the arrow. This starts a new upgrade quest.\\nIn order to complete the upgrade quest, you cannot pick up any new upgrade quest items.\\n2-3. Shoot 3 bonfires/piles of wood sticks outside the map.\\nThe three bonfire locations are as follows:\\nThe first one is directly beside the clock tower outside the map.\\nThe next one is east to the KRM wall buy.\\nThe final one is at the rocket pad, with a bunch of sticks on top of a stone slab.\\n2-4. Head down to the Low-Gravity Room (Undercroft).\\nThis is the room with the pyramid plates and blue wind icons on the wall.\\n2-5. Run to all the symbols on the wall.\\nWait for the anti-gravity cycle to start and run across the five solid wind symbols on the wall. You cannot touch the ground. If you touch the ground, you will need to wall run all the symbols again. You'll know you're finished if you hear a sound cue after hitting the final wind panel.\\nIf the pyramid is not turned on, the low gravity cycles will not occur. To turn on the pyramid, stand on the 4 blue pyramid symbols in the undercroft.\\n2-6. Fill the urns around the map.\\nKill zombies around the electric urns to fill them up with souls. The locations of these urns are as follows:\\nIn the small room above Double Tap.\\nIn the lower courtyard, near the jump pad and build table.\\nThe final one is in the rocket pad near the teleporter.\\n2-7. Shoot the bonfires again with an electric charged arrow shot.\\nTo charge your arrow, stand near a full urn and draw the arrow back like you are doing a power shot. Then shoot the bonfire with an electric charged arrow. If you miss the shot, you will need to charge the arrow again.\\n2-8. Get the electric arrow from the weathervane spot.\\nGo back to where you picked up the arrow. You will see sparks in the spot you got the arrow. Press and hold square if on PS4, or X if on XBOX to place your arrows in the sparks. They will elevate up to the dragon weathervane. Wait for the arrows to come back down where you can pick them up again.\\n2-9. Take the arrow to the Low-Gravity Room (Undercroft).\\nAfter you pick up the arrow from below the weathervane, take it back to the undercroft. This is the room where you ran on the walls to get the 5 wind symbols.\\n2-10. Place the arrow in the lightning bolt chest.\\nThere are four chests around the pyramid in the Undercroft. Look for the one that has a lightning bolt icon. Hold Square (PS4) or X (XBOX) to start charging the arrow.\\n2-11. Kill zombies.\\nIn order to fill the arrow with souls, kill the zombies until the box stops taking souls.\\n2-12. Put your bow in the box.\\nHave your bow equipped and walk up to the box. It will take your bow and forge it. Wait a moment for it to finish forging.\\n2-13. Pick up the bow.\\nWhen the bow finishes forging, walk up to the box and press square on PS4 or X on Xbox One to pick up the upgraded bow. Congratulations , you now have the lightning electric bow.\\nTips\\nYou will know you're done feeding a dragon when the dragon breathes fire, turns back to stone, and breaks.\\nWhen shooting the bonfires, try to have your friend distract a zombie. If you're on solo, try to make a crawler.\\nAll the bonfires are on top of a stone slab/square.\\nWarnings\\nYou can only shoot one electric tornado at a time, so when you shoot a tornado at a Panzersoldat, try your best to shoot basic shots, or use another weapon.\\nWhen going to pick up your electric bow, wait until a symbol pops up with a tornado in the top left corner. Don't try not to pick it up earlier, as you may get trapped by zombies, and die right away.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"If you're going for high rounds, or just want to be a medic player, then the lightning electric bow is just right in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 on the Der Eisendrache map. But, it's not as simple as just racking up 5k, and packing it. It's a process, but once you know how to acquire the bow, it's pretty doable. This wikiHow teaches you how to get the Lightning Electric Bow.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Getting the \\\"Wrath of the Ancients\\\" Bow\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Feed the 3 dragons around the map.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure the dragon eats the zombie before you kill another zombie.\\nThere is one in the lower courtyard near the rocket part for the rocket shield, just outside the gate trap/Double Tap.\\nThere is one in the building above the Undercroft (0G Room), opposite where the electric trap is.\\nThere is one inside the Undercroft (0G Room), on the opposite side of the wall where PAP is.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Collect your bow.\", \"描述\": \"Once you've fed all three dragons, go in the Undercroft (0G Room), go up the stairs, and you will find your very own bow.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Upgrading to the Lightning Electric Bow\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Shoot the dragon weathervane.\", \"描述\": \"The weather vane near the death ray contraption. It's sticking out of the cone-shaped roof near the death ray. Shoot the dragon symbol until it starts spinning around. An arrow will pop out of the wall.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Grab the arrow.\", \"描述\": \"After the arrow pops out of the wall, grab the arrow. This starts a new upgrade quest.\\nIn order to complete the upgrade quest, you cannot pick up any new upgrade quest items.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Shoot 3 bonfires/piles of wood sticks outside the map.\", \"描述\": \"The three bonfire locations are as follows:\\nThe first one is directly beside the clock tower outside the map.\\nThe next one is east to the KRM wall buy.\\nThe final one is at the rocket pad, with a bunch of sticks on top of a stone slab.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Head down to the Low-Gravity Room (Undercroft).\", \"描述\": \"This is the room with the pyramid plates and blue wind icons on the wall.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Run to all the symbols on the wall.\", \"描述\": \"Wait for the anti-gravity cycle to start and run across the five solid wind symbols on the wall. You cannot touch the ground. If you touch the ground, you will need to wall run all the symbols again. You'll know you're finished if you hear a sound cue after hitting the final wind panel.\\nIf the pyramid is not turned on, the low gravity cycles will not occur. To turn on the pyramid, stand on the 4 blue pyramid symbols in the undercroft.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Fill the urns around the map.\", \"描述\": \"Kill zombies around the electric urns to fill them up with souls. The locations of these urns are as follows:\\nIn the small room above Double Tap.\\nIn the lower courtyard, near the jump pad and build table.\\nThe final one is in the rocket pad near the teleporter.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Shoot the bonfires again with an electric charged arrow shot.\", \"描述\": \"To charge your arrow, stand near a full urn and draw the arrow back like you are doing a power shot. Then shoot the bonfire with an electric charged arrow. If you miss the shot, you will need to charge the arrow again.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Get the electric arrow from the weathervane spot.\", \"描述\": \"Go back to where you picked up the arrow. You will see sparks in the spot you got the arrow. Press and hold square if on PS4, or X if on XBOX to place your arrows in the sparks. They will elevate up to the dragon weathervane. Wait for the arrows to come back down where you can pick them up again.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Take the arrow to the Low-Gravity Room (Undercroft).\", \"描述\": \"After you pick up the arrow from below the weathervane, take it back to the undercroft. This is the room where you ran on the walls to get the 5 wind symbols.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Place the arrow in the lightning bolt chest.\", \"描述\": \"There are four chests around the pyramid in the Undercroft. Look for the one that has a lightning bolt icon. Hold Square (PS4) or X (XBOX) to start charging the arrow.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Kill zombies.\", \"描述\": \"In order to fill the arrow with souls, kill the zombies until the box stops taking souls.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Put your bow in the box.\", \"描述\": \"Have your bow equipped and walk up to the box. It will take your bow and forge it. Wait a moment for it to finish forging.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Pick up the bow.\", \"描述\": \"When the bow finishes forging, walk up to the box and press square on PS4 or X on Xbox One to pick up the upgraded bow. Congratulations , you now have the lightning electric bow.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"You will know you're done feeding a dragon when the dragon breathes fire, turns back to stone, and breaks.\\n\", \"When shooting the bonfires, try to have your friend distract a zombie. If you're on solo, try to make a crawler.\\n\", \"All the bonfires are on top of a stone slab/square.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"You can only shoot one electric tornado at a time, so when you shoot a tornado at a Panzersoldat, try your best to shoot basic shots, or use another weapon.\\n\", \"When going to pick up your electric bow, wait until a symbol pops up with a tornado in the top left corner. Don't try not to pick it up earlier, as you may get trapped by zombies, and die right away.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acquire the Taste for Wine
1. Tasting Wine Correctly 1-1. Pour a glass of wine and let it sit for 5 to 30 minutes. Newly opened wine needs to be exposed to air so that it oxidizes and produces a more mellow and pleasant beverage. Drinking wine as soon as the bottle is opened may give the wine a thin body rather than a fuller taste. 1-2. Use a proper wine glass. The classic wine glass traps the aromas of the wine so that you can smell it more accurately. Some wine aficionados even put their noses into the glass to capture all of the smells. You may experience smells that resemble cut fruit, minced herbs, or even hot tea. 1-3. Swirl the wine in your glass. Observe how the wine sticks to the side of the glass or if it sloshes around quickly. Additionally, look at the color of the wine. Experts can tell how a wine will taste just by looking at it. For now, you want to pay attention to how the wine behaves compared with how it tastes. When a wine has “legs,” that means it sticks to the side of the glass and contains lots of fruit juice. The darker and deeper the color of a wine, the bolder the taste should be. 1-4. Take a sip of wine. Make sure it flows over the tip of your tongue, both sides, underneath, and into the back of your mouth. After noticing the tastes, either swallow or spit out the wine, then breathe in through your mouth drawing air over all those parts of your tongue again. This will cause the tastes from the wine to change, sometimes quite suddenly and sharply. Tasting notes are the individual flavors you can pick out of the overall experience of a certain wine. At first you might not be able to pick out flavors like chocolate or oak, but practice will train your tastebuds to recognize unusual tastes. You can cheat by looking at the bottle's label or asking someone else what they taste until you can start picking out specific notes on your own. 1-5. Develop your palate. Keep track of what you taste in certain wines and what you like and don’t like. Write down your impressions of each wine. This way you can go back and reference past tastings and look for patterns in your preferences. Wines have four basic components: taste, tannins, alcohol, and acidity. Each of these components ranges in intensity in different wines and will affect whether you like a certain wine or not. As you continue to try different wines, you may find that dry red wines are not your favorite, but you enjoy a dry and tart white wine variety. 2. Trying Different Varieties 2-1. Try different kinds of wine. You may think you dislike wine because the ones you've tried aren't compatible with your preferences. But by exposing yourself to a wide variety of wines, you’ll increase the likelihood that you'll find at least one kind that you truly enjoy. 2-2. Narrow things down by starting with one type of wine. Don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of wines that are available. The easiest way to break them down is into white and red categories. From there, you can begin testing your palate on blends, ages, and even individual vineyards. Sweeter white wines like Viognier or Riesling may be easier for a novice to appreciate than a very dry Sauvignon Blanc or an oaky Chardonnay. Similarly for red wines, Zinfandels with more pronounced fruit flavors may be more accessible than drier wines such as Cabernet or Pinot Noir. Different blends of wine combine the characteristics of varietal grapes to create balanced and complex flavors. There is more to wines than simply red or white. Blushes, ice wines, sparkling wines, madeiras, ports, and sherries are all different methods to process the fruit, juice, or the wine. 2-3. Experiment with wines from different countries. Depending on where a wine is sourced will determine how it smells and taste. Some of the most popular and accessible wines come from France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and the United States. Different countries will vary in soil types as well as production methods. This creates a whole new world of options to try. In general, new world wines from California and South America have more pronounced fruit flavors and are less dry than wines from France or Italy. 2-4. Compare old wine and new wines. The age of a wine will also determine its taste and aroma nuances. Try both young and old wines, and if possible purchase a batch of the same wine and drink one from each year to experience the subtle changes a wine goes through as it changes over time. 2-5. Mix wine with other ingredients. Wine snobs turn up their noses at the idea of mixing wine with other things, but wine on ice, mixed with fruit juices, mixed with liquors or liqueurs, or other things often results in great tasting beverages. Add ice, especially with heavier, sweeter, or very rich wines. The coldness of the ice slightly numbs your taste buds, easing the strength (and the astringent qualities) of some wines, especially reds. 3. Exploring Wine with Others 3-1. Go to a wine tasting. The best way to learn more is to attend wine tastings with friends at local wine shops, bars, or even art galleries. The advantage of going to a wine tasting is that you can try several kinds of wines without committing to buying a bottle you may not enjoy. Some wine tastings have small refreshments for cleansing your palate in between wines as well as buckets for spitting out wine so you don’t accidentally drink the equivalent of a whole bottle. Don’t take advantage of your host. The goal is to taste new wines, not get drunk. 3-2. Visit a vineyard and take a tour. Wine tours are popular throughout the world and they’re a great way to learn about the process of making wine and all of the details that go into a simple glass. Come prepared to walk the grounds of the vineyard and remember to stay hydrated. Look into the fees and prices. Sometimes if you buy a bottle during the tour, some of the costs may be waived. Go with a group. It can be more fun and may be cheaper as well. 3-3. Pair different wines with different foods at meals. Oftentimes a review or the wine bottle label will recommend different cheeses or meats to consume with the wine you’re drinking. Eating and cooking is simply balancing the aspects of fats, acids, salt, and sweet tastes. Wine pairings are a great excuse to make a meal centered around a certain red wine and steak and inviting your friends over to try it. Some wines are best paired with foods from the same region. For example, a wine from Northern Italy may pair best with a goat cheese from a farm in the upper regions of Italy. Pairings are helpful because you may not like wine for its acidity, but if you know that eating a sweet fruit with it helps to balance the flavors, you may enjoy it more. 3-4. Listen to how other people talk about wine. You don’t have to learn all of the lingo that wine experts use, but pay attention to how they talk about a wine’s aromas and tastes. Just by listening you might gain a deeper appreciation for a certain variety or grape or production method. Your friends and family are also good gauges. If you share similar tastes, ask them for a recommendation and why they prefer a particular type. At the very least, learn to pronounce the names of the various types of wines. 3-5. Drink wines in various settings and occasions. Wine is appropriate for all sorts of events and places and different wines suit different settings and even seasons of the year. You may find that you prefer to drink wine instead of a beer at sporting events or enjoy wine with dessert only. A sparkly or sweet wine may be best for a celebration and a dark red might better suit an evening at home with a good book. Some people agree that chilled wines are best for warm summer days and warm, mulled wines are best for long nights in the winter. 3-6. Continue to try different wines. Your taste buds change all the time and you may find that a wine you couldn’t stand before is now your favorite. There are so many different options for wine that you almost can’t exhaust your options. So be patient and keep exploring. Tips A quick way to tell when a white wine is no longer fit for consumption is by color. White wine should have a light, golden hue. When the color is darker and closer to orange or light brown, it is no longer fit for drinking. Wine is especially susceptible to oxidation. An opened bottle of wine will spoil quickly by reacting to the air, and is best consumed within 24 hours. Life is too short to drink wine that you don’t enjoy. Listen to your own tastebuds when picking out a bottle or glass. Warnings Some people have a food allergy to wine. If you find yourself having a physical reaction to wine, do not try to acquire a taste for it without first consulting your physician. Drink in moderation, and pregnant or nursing women should drink only if their health care provider deems it to be safe. Alcohol consumption, especially in combination with any medication, can pose serious health risks. Do not drink and drive or operate mechanical equipment. Some people are affected by the acidity of the wine causing sensitivity in teeth.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:57", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Tasting Wine Correctly\\n1-1. Pour a glass of wine and let it sit for 5 to 30 minutes.\\nNewly opened wine needs to be exposed to air so that it oxidizes and produces a more mellow and pleasant beverage. Drinking wine as soon as the bottle is opened may give the wine a thin body rather than a fuller taste.\\n1-2. Use a proper wine glass.\\nThe classic wine glass traps the aromas of the wine so that you can smell it more accurately. Some wine aficionados even put their noses into the glass to capture all of the smells. You may experience smells that resemble cut fruit, minced herbs, or even hot tea.\\n1-3. Swirl the wine in your glass.\\nObserve how the wine sticks to the side of the glass or if it sloshes around quickly. Additionally, look at the color of the wine. Experts can tell how a wine will taste just by looking at it. For now, you want to pay attention to how the wine behaves compared with how it tastes.\\nWhen a wine has “legs,” that means it sticks to the side of the glass and contains lots of fruit juice.\\nThe darker and deeper the color of a wine, the bolder the taste should be.\\n1-4. Take a sip of wine.\\nMake sure it flows over the tip of your tongue, both sides, underneath, and into the back of your mouth. After noticing the tastes, either swallow or spit out the wine, then breathe in through your mouth drawing air over all those parts of your tongue again. This will cause the tastes from the wine to change, sometimes quite suddenly and sharply.\\nTasting notes are the individual flavors you can pick out of the overall experience of a certain wine.\\nAt first you might not be able to pick out flavors like chocolate or oak, but practice will train your tastebuds to recognize unusual tastes.\\nYou can cheat by looking at the bottle's label or asking someone else what they taste until you can start picking out specific notes on your own.\\n1-5. Develop your palate.\\nKeep track of what you taste in certain wines and what you like and don’t like. Write down your impressions of each wine. This way you can go back and reference past tastings and look for patterns in your preferences.\\nWines have four basic components: taste, tannins, alcohol, and acidity. Each of these components ranges in intensity in different wines and will affect whether you like a certain wine or not.\\nAs you continue to try different wines, you may find that dry red wines are not your favorite, but you enjoy a dry and tart white wine variety.\\n2. Trying Different Varieties\\n2-1. Try different kinds of wine.\\nYou may think you dislike wine because the ones you've tried aren't compatible with your preferences. But by exposing yourself to a wide variety of wines, you’ll increase the likelihood that you'll find at least one kind that you truly enjoy.\\n2-2. Narrow things down by starting with one type of wine.\\nDon’t be overwhelmed by the amount of wines that are available. The easiest way to break them down is into white and red categories. From there, you can begin testing your palate on blends, ages, and even individual vineyards.\\nSweeter white wines like Viognier or Riesling may be easier for a novice to appreciate than a very dry Sauvignon Blanc or an oaky Chardonnay.\\nSimilarly for red wines, Zinfandels with more pronounced fruit flavors may be more accessible than drier wines such as Cabernet or Pinot Noir.\\nDifferent blends of wine combine the characteristics of varietal grapes to create balanced and complex flavors.\\nThere is more to wines than simply red or white. Blushes, ice wines, sparkling wines, madeiras, ports, and sherries are all different methods to process the fruit, juice, or the wine.\\n2-3. Experiment with wines from different countries.\\nDepending on where a wine is sourced will determine how it smells and taste. Some of the most popular and accessible wines come from France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and the United States.\\nDifferent countries will vary in soil types as well as production methods. This creates a whole new world of options to try.\\nIn general, new world wines from California and South America have more pronounced fruit flavors and are less dry than wines from France or Italy.\\n2-4. Compare old wine and new wines.\\nThe age of a wine will also determine its taste and aroma nuances. Try both young and old wines, and if possible purchase a batch of the same wine and drink one from each year to experience the subtle changes a wine goes through as it changes over time.\\n2-5. Mix wine with other ingredients.\\nWine snobs turn up their noses at the idea of mixing wine with other things, but wine on ice, mixed with fruit juices, mixed with liquors or liqueurs, or other things often results in great tasting beverages.\\nAdd ice, especially with heavier, sweeter, or very rich wines. The coldness of the ice slightly numbs your taste buds, easing the strength (and the astringent qualities) of some wines, especially reds.\\n3. Exploring Wine with Others\\n3-1. Go to a wine tasting.\\nThe best way to learn more is to attend wine tastings with friends at local wine shops, bars, or even art galleries. The advantage of going to a wine tasting is that you can try several kinds of wines without committing to buying a bottle you may not enjoy.\\nSome wine tastings have small refreshments for cleansing your palate in between wines as well as buckets for spitting out wine so you don’t accidentally drink the equivalent of a whole bottle.\\nDon’t take advantage of your host. The goal is to taste new wines, not get drunk.\\n3-2. Visit a vineyard and take a tour.\\nWine tours are popular throughout the world and they’re a great way to learn about the process of making wine and all of the details that go into a simple glass.\\nCome prepared to walk the grounds of the vineyard and remember to stay hydrated.\\nLook into the fees and prices. Sometimes if you buy a bottle during the tour, some of the costs may be waived.\\nGo with a group. It can be more fun and may be cheaper as well.\\n3-3. Pair different wines with different foods at meals.\\nOftentimes a review or the wine bottle label will recommend different cheeses or meats to consume with the wine you’re drinking. Eating and cooking is simply balancing the aspects of fats, acids, salt, and sweet tastes. Wine pairings are a great excuse to make a meal centered around a certain red wine and steak and inviting your friends over to try it.\\nSome wines are best paired with foods from the same region. For example, a wine from Northern Italy may pair best with a goat cheese from a farm in the upper regions of Italy.\\nPairings are helpful because you may not like wine for its acidity, but if you know that eating a sweet fruit with it helps to balance the flavors, you may enjoy it more.\\n3-4. Listen to how other people talk about wine.\\nYou don’t have to learn all of the lingo that wine experts use, but pay attention to how they talk about a wine’s aromas and tastes. Just by listening you might gain a deeper appreciation for a certain variety or grape or production method.\\nYour friends and family are also good gauges. If you share similar tastes, ask them for a recommendation and why they prefer a particular type.\\nAt the very least, learn to pronounce the names of the various types of wines.\\n3-5. Drink wines in various settings and occasions.\\nWine is appropriate for all sorts of events and places and different wines suit different settings and even seasons of the year. You may find that you prefer to drink wine instead of a beer at sporting events or enjoy wine with dessert only.\\nA sparkly or sweet wine may be best for a celebration and a dark red might better suit an evening at home with a good book.\\nSome people agree that chilled wines are best for warm summer days and warm, mulled wines are best for long nights in the winter.\\n3-6. Continue to try different wines.\\nYour taste buds change all the time and you may find that a wine you couldn’t stand before is now your favorite. There are so many different options for wine that you almost can’t exhaust your options. So be patient and keep exploring.\\nTips\\nA quick way to tell when a white wine is no longer fit for consumption is by color. White wine should have a light, golden hue. When the color is darker and closer to orange or light brown, it is no longer fit for drinking.\\nWine is especially susceptible to oxidation. An opened bottle of wine will spoil quickly by reacting to the air, and is best consumed within 24 hours.\\nLife is too short to drink wine that you don’t enjoy. Listen to your own tastebuds when picking out a bottle or glass.\\nWarnings\\nSome people have a food allergy to wine. If you find yourself having a physical reaction to wine, do not try to acquire a taste for it without first consulting your physician.\\nDrink in moderation, and pregnant or nursing women should drink only if their health care provider deems it to be safe. Alcohol consumption, especially in combination with any medication, can pose serious health risks.\\nDo not drink and drive or operate mechanical equipment.\\nSome people are affected by the acidity of the wine causing sensitivity in teeth.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Some of us are enamored with the idea of going on wine tours or drinking a glass of wine on special occasions but can't help but be turned off by the strong taste. Fortunately, acquiring a taste for wine is easier than you think. It's mostly a matter of letting your taste buds become accustomed to the flavors that characterize wine. After all, there are so many different varieties, there's something out there for everyone!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Tasting Wine Correctly\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Pour a glass of wine and let it sit for 5 to 30 minutes.\", \"描述\": \"Newly opened wine needs to be exposed to air so that it oxidizes and produces a more mellow and pleasant beverage. Drinking wine as soon as the bottle is opened may give the wine a thin body rather than a fuller taste.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Use a proper wine glass.\", \"描述\": \"The classic wine glass traps the aromas of the wine so that you can smell it more accurately. Some wine aficionados even put their noses into the glass to capture all of the smells. You may experience smells that resemble cut fruit, minced herbs, or even hot tea.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Swirl the wine in your glass.\", \"描述\": \"Observe how the wine sticks to the side of the glass or if it sloshes around quickly. Additionally, look at the color of the wine. Experts can tell how a wine will taste just by looking at it. For now, you want to pay attention to how the wine behaves compared with how it tastes.\\nWhen a wine has “legs,” that means it sticks to the side of the glass and contains lots of fruit juice.\\nThe darker and deeper the color of a wine, the bolder the taste should be.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Take a sip of wine.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure it flows over the tip of your tongue, both sides, underneath, and into the back of your mouth. After noticing the tastes, either swallow or spit out the wine, then breathe in through your mouth drawing air over all those parts of your tongue again. This will cause the tastes from the wine to change, sometimes quite suddenly and sharply.\\nTasting notes are the individual flavors you can pick out of the overall experience of a certain wine.\\nAt first you might not be able to pick out flavors like chocolate or oak, but practice will train your tastebuds to recognize unusual tastes.\\nYou can cheat by looking at the bottle's label or asking someone else what they taste until you can start picking out specific notes on your own.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Develop your palate.\", \"描述\": \"Keep track of what you taste in certain wines and what you like and don’t like. Write down your impressions of each wine. This way you can go back and reference past tastings and look for patterns in your preferences.\\nWines have four basic components: taste, tannins, alcohol, and acidity. Each of these components ranges in intensity in different wines and will affect whether you like a certain wine or not.\\nAs you continue to try different wines, you may find that dry red wines are not your favorite, but you enjoy a dry and tart white wine variety.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Trying Different Varieties\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Try different kinds of wine.\", \"描述\": \"You may think you dislike wine because the ones you've tried aren't compatible with your preferences. But by exposing yourself to a wide variety of wines, you’ll increase the likelihood that you'll find at least one kind that you truly enjoy.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Narrow things down by starting with one type of wine.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of wines that are available. The easiest way to break them down is into white and red categories. From there, you can begin testing your palate on blends, ages, and even individual vineyards.\\nSweeter white wines like Viognier or Riesling may be easier for a novice to appreciate than a very dry Sauvignon Blanc or an oaky Chardonnay.\\nSimilarly for red wines, Zinfandels with more pronounced fruit flavors may be more accessible than drier wines such as Cabernet or Pinot Noir.\\nDifferent blends of wine combine the characteristics of varietal grapes to create balanced and complex flavors.\\nThere is more to wines than simply red or white. Blushes, ice wines, sparkling wines, madeiras, ports, and sherries are all different methods to process the fruit, juice, or the wine.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Experiment with wines from different countries.\", \"描述\": \"Depending on where a wine is sourced will determine how it smells and taste. Some of the most popular and accessible wines come from France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and the United States.\\nDifferent countries will vary in soil types as well as production methods. This creates a whole new world of options to try.\\nIn general, new world wines from California and South America have more pronounced fruit flavors and are less dry than wines from France or Italy.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Compare old wine and new wines.\", \"描述\": \"The age of a wine will also determine its taste and aroma nuances. Try both young and old wines, and if possible purchase a batch of the same wine and drink one from each year to experience the subtle changes a wine goes through as it changes over time.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Mix wine with other ingredients.\", \"描述\": \"Wine snobs turn up their noses at the idea of mixing wine with other things, but wine on ice, mixed with fruit juices, mixed with liquors or liqueurs, or other things often results in great tasting beverages.\\nAdd ice, especially with heavier, sweeter, or very rich wines. The coldness of the ice slightly numbs your taste buds, easing the strength (and the astringent qualities) of some wines, especially reds.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Exploring Wine with Others\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Go to a wine tasting.\", \"描述\": \"The best way to learn more is to attend wine tastings with friends at local wine shops, bars, or even art galleries. The advantage of going to a wine tasting is that you can try several kinds of wines without committing to buying a bottle you may not enjoy.\\nSome wine tastings have small refreshments for cleansing your palate in between wines as well as buckets for spitting out wine so you don’t accidentally drink the equivalent of a whole bottle.\\nDon’t take advantage of your host. The goal is to taste new wines, not get drunk.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Visit a vineyard and take a tour.\", \"描述\": \"Wine tours are popular throughout the world and they’re a great way to learn about the process of making wine and all of the details that go into a simple glass.\\nCome prepared to walk the grounds of the vineyard and remember to stay hydrated.\\nLook into the fees and prices. Sometimes if you buy a bottle during the tour, some of the costs may be waived.\\nGo with a group. It can be more fun and may be cheaper as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Pair different wines with different foods at meals.\", \"描述\": \"Oftentimes a review or the wine bottle label will recommend different cheeses or meats to consume with the wine you’re drinking. Eating and cooking is simply balancing the aspects of fats, acids, salt, and sweet tastes. Wine pairings are a great excuse to make a meal centered around a certain red wine and steak and inviting your friends over to try it.\\nSome wines are best paired with foods from the same region. For example, a wine from Northern Italy may pair best with a goat cheese from a farm in the upper regions of Italy.\\nPairings are helpful because you may not like wine for its acidity, but if you know that eating a sweet fruit with it helps to balance the flavors, you may enjoy it more.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Listen to how other people talk about wine.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t have to learn all of the lingo that wine experts use, but pay attention to how they talk about a wine’s aromas and tastes. Just by listening you might gain a deeper appreciation for a certain variety or grape or production method.\\nYour friends and family are also good gauges. If you share similar tastes, ask them for a recommendation and why they prefer a particular type.\\nAt the very least, learn to pronounce the names of the various types of wines.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Drink wines in various settings and occasions.\", \"描述\": \"Wine is appropriate for all sorts of events and places and different wines suit different settings and even seasons of the year. You may find that you prefer to drink wine instead of a beer at sporting events or enjoy wine with dessert only.\\nA sparkly or sweet wine may be best for a celebration and a dark red might better suit an evening at home with a good book.\\nSome people agree that chilled wines are best for warm summer days and warm, mulled wines are best for long nights in the winter.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Continue to try different wines.\", \"描述\": \"Your taste buds change all the time and you may find that a wine you couldn’t stand before is now your favorite. There are so many different options for wine that you almost can’t exhaust your options. So be patient and keep exploring.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"A quick way to tell when a white wine is no longer fit for consumption is by color. White wine should have a light, golden hue. When the color is darker and closer to orange or light brown, it is no longer fit for drinking.\\n\", \"Wine is especially susceptible to oxidation. An opened bottle of wine will spoil quickly by reacting to the air, and is best consumed within 24 hours.\\n\", \"Life is too short to drink wine that you don’t enjoy. Listen to your own tastebuds when picking out a bottle or glass.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Some people have a food allergy to wine. If you find yourself having a physical reaction to wine, do not try to acquire a taste for it without first consulting your physician.\\n\", \"Drink in moderation, and pregnant or nursing women should drink only if their health care provider deems it to be safe. Alcohol consumption, especially in combination with any medication, can pose serious health risks.\\n\", \"Do not drink and drive or operate mechanical equipment.\\n\", \"Some people are affected by the acidity of the wine causing sensitivity in teeth.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Acrylic Paint
1. Getting the Right Supplies 1-1. Choose your acrylic paint. Acrylic paint comes in dozens of brands and is available in either tubes or jars. Purchasing acrylic paint is one of the rare instances in which it is better to splurge and get a pricier brand, such as Golden or Liquitex. Cheap brands of acrylic paint aren’t as thickly pigmented as the more expensive brands, and will therefore require 2-3 more coats of paint to get the same vibrancy and color of a single coat of a higher priced paint brand. To start, buy the most basic colors: titanium white, mars black, ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, and yellow ochre. Most of the paint colors you'll need can be made from a combination of those few hues. As you paint more and more, you'll know which colors you want to add to your collection. Tubes of paint are typically preferred by beginners because you can purchase smaller quantities to start, but there is no difference in quality between a tube or a jar of acrylic paint. 1-2. Select a handful of paintbrushes. Paintbrushes are rather diverse and are categorized by two factors: the shape of the brush tip, and the material of the bristles. There are three different brush tip types: flat, rounded, and filbert (rounded and flat). There are many materials used to make paintbrush bristles, but the most common are synthetic and boar hair. Most beginner painters prefer synthetic brushes in an assortment of tip points. Visit an art supply store and feel a few different brushes for a good idea of what you prefer. Synthetic brushes are softer and easier to clean than real fur brushes. Unless you’re in it for the long run, don't splurge on the paintbrushes. Although having good paint brushes to work with can be beneficial, it is more important to have quality paint. 1-3. Find a palette. You’ll need something to mix paint on, and to store paint on between painting sessions. If you’re feeling frugal, a paper or plastic plate will work just fine. Any wide, flat, clean surface can be used as a workable palette. However, because acrylic paints dry so incredibly fast, it may be beneficial to invest in a stay-wet palette. These incorporate a wet sponge and special stay-wet paper that keeps your paint moist and workable for several weeks at a time. Keep plastic wrap or another cover of some sort on hand to preserve paint on your palette that you aren't using at the time. If you’re mixing large quantities of paint at once, it may be beneficial to have small cups/lids to store your paint between sessions. This will better preserve the acrylics than a plastic wrap covered palette. 1-4. Decide what to paint on. Acrylic paint is thick and heavy, and therefore can only be used on a few surfaces. The most common and popular acrylic surfaces are stretched canvas or canvas board, watercolor paper, or treated wood. You should have success painting on anything that isn’t greasy, oily, nor very porous. If you’re afraid of painting on something expensive, start with watercolor paper and work your way up to canvas or wood. 1-5. Gather other small items. With all of the aforementioned big-ticket items out of the way, you will need a few additional items that you likely have in your home. You will need 1-2 jars/cups for water, a palette knife, an old rag or cloth, a misting spray bottle for water, and soap to clean your paint brushes. These are all available in art supply stores if you don’t happen to have them, but none of them need to be specialty items. Because acrylic paints dry notoriously fast, mist your painting/palette from time to time to keep the paints moist. Consider wearing a smock or old shirt while painting to prevent staining your clothes with the acrylics. Some painters like to lay down newspapers on their tabletops to prevent large messes. 2. Getting Started 2-1. Select a good location. As with most things, painting is done best in natural light. Set up your painting station near an open window or a room that has a lot of natural light. You’ll be able to see small nuances in your brush strokes and colors that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to pick out. 2-2. Lay out all your supplies. Each artist has their own way of setting up their supplies, but it is best to get them all placed how you like them before you start painting. Fill your jars with water, get out the paintbrushes and paints you want to use, and put your palette in the most ideal location. You may want to put on your smock or old T-shirt at this time as well. 2-3. Decide on your subject. As a beginner painter, you may have an idea of what you want to paint, or you may be looking for some direction. Think about possible subjects or models you could use for your first painting. It is easiest to work from a 3-D object or photograph, rather than putting paint to something from memory. If you’re not sure what to paint, easy paint subjects for beginners include: A bowl of fruit A vase of flowers Objects in your home A sunrise/sunset 2-4. Create a rough sketch. If you feel confident in your ability to paint exactly what you see, then you can go ahead and jump right into the painting. Most people, however, require an outline to follow along with their paint brush. Use a regular pencil to roughly sketch the outline of major shapes directly onto your canvas; don’t worry about details or shading too much. You can do multiple sketches on paper before ever turning to do one on canvas, just to make sure you are confident with your drawing of your subject. 2-5. Mix your paints. It is a common mistake to mix paints as you work, rather than mixing them all before you start. Use your time and paint efficiently by mixing all your paints - in all the colors you need - prior to starting your painting. In this case, it is better to be safe than sorry by mixing more paints than you are likely to use. You can store extra paint for future paintings, but it will be nearly impossible to mix the exact shade of paint twice. Use a color wheel as a helpful reference for mixing your paints. All the basic colors can be made by mixing the primary hues (red, blue, and yellow), and more specific colors can be made by mixing the primary and secondary hues. Remember, if you can’t get the exact shade of paint that you’re looking for with a limited paint palette, you can purchase nearly any color pre-mixed in tube or jar form from an art supply store. 3. Painting 3-1. Find your light source. Color changes depending on the way light hits it, so before you begin painting your subject, locate the primary light source. Pay attention to this throughout the painting process; you should have lighter colors nearer the light source and darker colors further away. It may seem elementary, but picking out the light source before you begin will help keep your colors on track. 3-2. Examine the composition of your subject. Even if you’re only painting a single object, it must be layered with other surfaces or backgrounds. Look over your subject and determine what is nearest to you and what is furthest from you. Pay attention to overlapping, color changes, and texture. You will be recreating each of these things in your painting, so make sure you have a good idea of how to do it prior to starting. 3-3. Begin painting the background. When you paint, you will be layering upwards; therefore, painting from the back to the front is the easiest method. Start with your medium value colors, followed by your darkest colors, and then brightest, for the easiest application. 3-4. Add in background details. Finish building up the basic colors, and then add details to the background. If it is a solid color, you should add shadows and light points. If your background is patterned or busy, add texture and movement with brush strokes in order to complete the layer. 3-5. Paint in objects. As you begin to paint your subject, break it up into identifiable shapes and paint those in solid hues. As you build up shapes and colors, your subject will begin to appear. Work in small sections at a time, to make the painting process a bit less daunting. Some beginner painters find it easy to use a grid system when painting their subject. Split up your canvas into parts using an imaginary grid, and paint an entire grid space to finality before moving onto the next one. Remember to add medium value colors first, followed by darker, and then lighter colors. It is hard to go over a dark color with a light one, so working in this way will make layering of hues much easier. 3-6. Add details using different painting techniques. When you’ve gotten the basic colors and shapes added, you can add the details with a few different painting techniques. These each focus on adding texture and movement through different paintbrush strokes and color applications. Stipple on paint by holding your paint brush vertically and tapping it onto the paper. This works best with a dry paintbrush and a small amount of paint, and will give the appearance of many small dots. Use a palette knife to sweep on broad strokes of color. For a rough, unedited paint look, paint with a palette knife. Coat the knife in a thick layer of paint, and move it across your canvas to load up thick layers of textured paint. Create a wash of color by thinning your paint with water. This gives an effect similar to watercolors, where the paint gradually lightens on your canvas. This is great for creating a gradation effect. 3-7. Finish your painting. Paying close attention to your subject matter, add any finishing details you think are necessary to perfect your painting. Often this includes last dabs of light and dark, any outlines you may want to include, and finishing washes of color. 4. Finishing Up 4-1. Consider adding a varnish to your painting once the paint dries. Although it isn’t required, many painters add a finishing coat of varnish to seal the acrylic paints. This helps the paint to chemically bond to the canvas, and protects it better from damage. 4-2. Clean your paint brushes and work station. It is imperative that you clean your paint brushes right after finishing up with them. Acrylic paint can severely damage and ruin paint brushes if left to dry in the bristles. Wash the brushes with cold water and soap until the water runs clear (warm/hot water will set the paint in the brushes). Wipe up any paint on your painting surface, and rinse the jars with water. 4-3. Save any unused paint. Acrylic paint will last for several months in an air-tight container, so if you have any extra set it aside for a future painting. Scoop the paint into small containers with lids, or seal it into your stay-wet palette. 4-4. Leave your painting to dry. Place your painting in a location to dry for 1–2 days. Acrylic paints have a very short dry time, but they should be left in an area where they won’t be disturbed in order to cure. 4-5. Show off your artwork. Art is meant to be shared, so showcase your newly finished acrylic painting so that others can see your handiwork. Have it matted and framed if it is on paper or canvas board, or simply hang it in your home. To maintain an acrylic painting properly, you have to know the best way to clean it. Tips Try advanced techniques as you get more practice. Add depth by texturing, shadowing, lighting, and add more and more detail. Your paintings will become better with time. Pay attention to details. Quality over quantity, right? If you're a neat freak and don't want to get your hands messy, it's best to wear disposable latex gloves or vinyl gloves if you're allergic to latex.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:58", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Getting the Right Supplies\\n1-1. Choose your acrylic paint.\\nAcrylic paint comes in dozens of brands and is available in either tubes or jars. Purchasing acrylic paint is one of the rare instances in which it is better to splurge and get a pricier brand, such as Golden or Liquitex. Cheap brands of acrylic paint aren’t as thickly pigmented as the more expensive brands, and will therefore require 2-3 more coats of paint to get the same vibrancy and color of a single coat of a higher priced paint brand.\\nTo start, buy the most basic colors: titanium white, mars black, ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, and yellow ochre. Most of the paint colors you'll need can be made from a combination of those few hues. As you paint more and more, you'll know which colors you want to add to your collection.\\nTubes of paint are typically preferred by beginners because you can purchase smaller quantities to start, but there is no difference in quality between a tube or a jar of acrylic paint.\\n1-2. Select a handful of paintbrushes.\\nPaintbrushes are rather diverse and are categorized by two factors: the shape of the brush tip, and the material of the bristles. There are three different brush tip types: flat, rounded, and filbert (rounded and flat). There are many materials used to make paintbrush bristles, but the most common are synthetic and boar hair. Most beginner painters prefer synthetic brushes in an assortment of tip points.\\nVisit an art supply store and feel a few different brushes for a good idea of what you prefer. Synthetic brushes are softer and easier to clean than real fur brushes.\\nUnless you’re in it for the long run, don't splurge on the paintbrushes. Although having good paint brushes to work with can be beneficial, it is more important to have quality paint.\\n1-3. Find a palette.\\nYou’ll need something to mix paint on, and to store paint on between painting sessions. If you’re feeling frugal, a paper or plastic plate will work just fine. Any wide, flat, clean surface can be used as a workable palette. However, because acrylic paints dry so incredibly fast, it may be beneficial to invest in a stay-wet palette. These incorporate a wet sponge and special stay-wet paper that keeps your paint moist and workable for several weeks at a time.\\nKeep plastic wrap or another cover of some sort on hand to preserve paint on your palette that you aren't using at the time.\\nIf you’re mixing large quantities of paint at once, it may be beneficial to have small cups/lids to store your paint between sessions. This will better preserve the acrylics than a plastic wrap covered palette.\\n1-4. Decide what to paint on.\\nAcrylic paint is thick and heavy, and therefore can only be used on a few surfaces. The most common and popular acrylic surfaces are stretched canvas or canvas board, watercolor paper, or treated wood. You should have success painting on anything that isn’t greasy, oily, nor very porous.\\nIf you’re afraid of painting on something expensive, start with watercolor paper and work your way up to canvas or wood.\\n1-5. Gather other small items.\\nWith all of the aforementioned big-ticket items out of the way, you will need a few additional items that you likely have in your home. You will need 1-2 jars/cups for water, a palette knife, an old rag or cloth, a misting spray bottle for water, and soap to clean your paint brushes. These are all available in art supply stores if you don’t happen to have them, but none of them need to be specialty items.\\nBecause acrylic paints dry notoriously fast, mist your painting/palette from time to time to keep the paints moist.\\nConsider wearing a smock or old shirt while painting to prevent staining your clothes with the acrylics.\\nSome painters like to lay down newspapers on their tabletops to prevent large messes.\\n2. Getting Started\\n2-1. Select a good location.\\nAs with most things, painting is done best in natural light. Set up your painting station near an open window or a room that has a lot of natural light. You’ll be able to see small nuances in your brush strokes and colors that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to pick out.\\n2-2. Lay out all your supplies.\\nEach artist has their own way of setting up their supplies, but it is best to get them all placed how you like them before you start painting. Fill your jars with water, get out the paintbrushes and paints you want to use, and put your palette in the most ideal location. You may want to put on your smock or old T-shirt at this time as well.\\n2-3. Decide on your subject.\\nAs a beginner painter, you may have an idea of what you want to paint, or you may be looking for some direction. Think about possible subjects or models you could use for your first painting. It is easiest to work from a 3-D object or photograph, rather than putting paint to something from memory. If you’re not sure what to paint, easy paint subjects for beginners include:\\nA bowl of fruit\\nA vase of flowers\\nObjects in your home\\nA sunrise/sunset\\n2-4. Create a rough sketch.\\nIf you feel confident in your ability to paint exactly what you see, then you can go ahead and jump right into the painting. Most people, however, require an outline to follow along with their paint brush. Use a regular pencil to roughly sketch the outline of major shapes directly onto your canvas; don’t worry about details or shading too much.\\nYou can do multiple sketches on paper before ever turning to do one on canvas, just to make sure you are confident with your drawing of your subject.\\n2-5. Mix your paints.\\nIt is a common mistake to mix paints as you work, rather than mixing them all before you start. Use your time and paint efficiently by mixing all your paints - in all the colors you need - prior to starting your painting. In this case, it is better to be safe than sorry by mixing more paints than you are likely to use. You can store extra paint for future paintings, but it will be nearly impossible to mix the exact shade of paint twice.\\nUse a color wheel as a helpful reference for mixing your paints. All the basic colors can be made by mixing the primary hues (red, blue, and yellow), and more specific colors can be made by mixing the primary and secondary hues.\\nRemember, if you can’t get the exact shade of paint that you’re looking for with a limited paint palette, you can purchase nearly any color pre-mixed in tube or jar form from an art supply store.\\n3. Painting\\n3-1. Find your light source.\\nColor changes depending on the way light hits it, so before you begin painting your subject, locate the primary light source. Pay attention to this throughout the painting process; you should have lighter colors nearer the light source and darker colors further away. It may seem elementary, but picking out the light source before you begin will help keep your colors on track.\\n3-2. Examine the composition of your subject.\\nEven if you’re only painting a single object, it must be layered with other surfaces or backgrounds. Look over your subject and determine what is nearest to you and what is furthest from you. Pay attention to overlapping, color changes, and texture. You will be recreating each of these things in your painting, so make sure you have a good idea of how to do it prior to starting.\\n3-3. Begin painting the background.\\nWhen you paint, you will be layering upwards; therefore, painting from the back to the front is the easiest method. Start with your medium value colors, followed by your darkest colors, and then brightest, for the easiest application.\\n3-4. Add in background details.\\nFinish building up the basic colors, and then add details to the background. If it is a solid color, you should add shadows and light points. If your background is patterned or busy, add texture and movement with brush strokes in order to complete the layer.\\n3-5. Paint in objects.\\nAs you begin to paint your subject, break it up into identifiable shapes and paint those in solid hues. As you build up shapes and colors, your subject will begin to appear. Work in small sections at a time, to make the painting process a bit less daunting.\\nSome beginner painters find it easy to use a grid system when painting their subject. Split up your canvas into parts using an imaginary grid, and paint an entire grid space to finality before moving onto the next one.\\nRemember to add medium value colors first, followed by darker, and then lighter colors. It is hard to go over a dark color with a light one, so working in this way will make layering of hues much easier.\\n3-6. Add details using different painting techniques.\\nWhen you’ve gotten the basic colors and shapes added, you can add the details with a few different painting techniques. These each focus on adding texture and movement through different paintbrush strokes and color applications.\\nStipple on paint by holding your paint brush vertically and tapping it onto the paper. This works best with a dry paintbrush and a small amount of paint, and will give the appearance of many small dots.\\nUse a palette knife to sweep on broad strokes of color. For a rough, unedited paint look, paint with a palette knife. Coat the knife in a thick layer of paint, and move it across your canvas to load up thick layers of textured paint.\\nCreate a wash of color by thinning your paint with water. This gives an effect similar to watercolors, where the paint gradually lightens on your canvas. This is great for creating a gradation effect.\\n3-7. Finish your painting.\\nPaying close attention to your subject matter, add any finishing details you think are necessary to perfect your painting. Often this includes last dabs of light and dark, any outlines you may want to include, and finishing washes of color.\\n4. Finishing Up\\n4-1. Consider adding a varnish to your painting once the paint dries.\\nAlthough it isn’t required, many painters add a finishing coat of varnish to seal the acrylic paints. This helps the paint to chemically bond to the canvas, and protects it better from damage.\\n4-2. Clean your paint brushes and work station.\\nIt is imperative that you clean your paint brushes right after finishing up with them. Acrylic paint can severely damage and ruin paint brushes if left to dry in the bristles. Wash the brushes with cold water and soap until the water runs clear (warm/hot water will set the paint in the brushes). Wipe up any paint on your painting surface, and rinse the jars with water.\\n4-3. Save any unused paint.\\nAcrylic paint will last for several months in an air-tight container, so if you have any extra set it aside for a future painting. Scoop the paint into small containers with lids, or seal it into your stay-wet palette.\\n4-4. Leave your painting to dry.\\nPlace your painting in a location to dry for 1–2 days. Acrylic paints have a very short dry time, but they should be left in an area where they won’t be disturbed in order to cure.\\n4-5. Show off your artwork.\\nArt is meant to be shared, so showcase your newly finished acrylic painting so that others can see your handiwork. Have it matted and framed if it is on paper or canvas board, or simply hang it in your home.\\nTo maintain an acrylic painting properly, you have to know the best way to clean it.\\nTips\\nTry advanced techniques as you get more practice. Add depth by texturing, shadowing, lighting, and add more and more detail. Your paintings will become better with time.\\nPay attention to details. Quality over quantity, right?\\nIf you're a neat freak and don't want to get your hands messy, it's best to wear disposable latex gloves or vinyl gloves if you're allergic to latex.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"If you're looking for the vibrancy and quality of oil paints without spending nearly as much money or time, then acrylic painting is for you. Picking up acrylic painting is a fulfilling hobby and a great way to produce artwork for your home and friends.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Getting the Right Supplies\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose your acrylic paint.\", \"描述\": \"Acrylic paint comes in dozens of brands and is available in either tubes or jars. Purchasing acrylic paint is one of the rare instances in which it is better to splurge and get a pricier brand, such as Golden or Liquitex. Cheap brands of acrylic paint aren’t as thickly pigmented as the more expensive brands, and will therefore require 2-3 more coats of paint to get the same vibrancy and color of a single coat of a higher priced paint brand.\\nTo start, buy the most basic colors: titanium white, mars black, ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, and yellow ochre. Most of the paint colors you'll need can be made from a combination of those few hues. As you paint more and more, you'll know which colors you want to add to your collection.\\nTubes of paint are typically preferred by beginners because you can purchase smaller quantities to start, but there is no difference in quality between a tube or a jar of acrylic paint.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Select a handful of paintbrushes.\", \"描述\": \"Paintbrushes are rather diverse and are categorized by two factors: the shape of the brush tip, and the material of the bristles. There are three different brush tip types: flat, rounded, and filbert (rounded and flat). There are many materials used to make paintbrush bristles, but the most common are synthetic and boar hair. Most beginner painters prefer synthetic brushes in an assortment of tip points.\\nVisit an art supply store and feel a few different brushes for a good idea of what you prefer. Synthetic brushes are softer and easier to clean than real fur brushes.\\nUnless you’re in it for the long run, don't splurge on the paintbrushes. Although having good paint brushes to work with can be beneficial, it is more important to have quality paint.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Find a palette.\", \"描述\": \"You’ll need something to mix paint on, and to store paint on between painting sessions. If you’re feeling frugal, a paper or plastic plate will work just fine. Any wide, flat, clean surface can be used as a workable palette. However, because acrylic paints dry so incredibly fast, it may be beneficial to invest in a stay-wet palette. These incorporate a wet sponge and special stay-wet paper that keeps your paint moist and workable for several weeks at a time.\\nKeep plastic wrap or another cover of some sort on hand to preserve paint on your palette that you aren't using at the time.\\nIf you’re mixing large quantities of paint at once, it may be beneficial to have small cups/lids to store your paint between sessions. This will better preserve the acrylics than a plastic wrap covered palette.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Decide what to paint on.\", \"描述\": \"Acrylic paint is thick and heavy, and therefore can only be used on a few surfaces. The most common and popular acrylic surfaces are stretched canvas or canvas board, watercolor paper, or treated wood. You should have success painting on anything that isn’t greasy, oily, nor very porous.\\nIf you’re afraid of painting on something expensive, start with watercolor paper and work your way up to canvas or wood.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Gather other small items.\", \"描述\": \"With all of the aforementioned big-ticket items out of the way, you will need a few additional items that you likely have in your home. You will need 1-2 jars/cups for water, a palette knife, an old rag or cloth, a misting spray bottle for water, and soap to clean your paint brushes. These are all available in art supply stores if you don’t happen to have them, but none of them need to be specialty items.\\nBecause acrylic paints dry notoriously fast, mist your painting/palette from time to time to keep the paints moist.\\nConsider wearing a smock or old shirt while painting to prevent staining your clothes with the acrylics.\\nSome painters like to lay down newspapers on their tabletops to prevent large messes.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Getting Started\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Select a good location.\", \"描述\": \"As with most things, painting is done best in natural light. Set up your painting station near an open window or a room that has a lot of natural light. You’ll be able to see small nuances in your brush strokes and colors that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to pick out.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Lay out all your supplies.\", \"描述\": \"Each artist has their own way of setting up their supplies, but it is best to get them all placed how you like them before you start painting. Fill your jars with water, get out the paintbrushes and paints you want to use, and put your palette in the most ideal location. You may want to put on your smock or old T-shirt at this time as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Decide on your subject.\", \"描述\": \"As a beginner painter, you may have an idea of what you want to paint, or you may be looking for some direction. Think about possible subjects or models you could use for your first painting. It is easiest to work from a 3-D object or photograph, rather than putting paint to something from memory. If you’re not sure what to paint, easy paint subjects for beginners include:\\nA bowl of fruit\\nA vase of flowers\\nObjects in your home\\nA sunrise/sunset\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Create a rough sketch.\", \"描述\": \"If you feel confident in your ability to paint exactly what you see, then you can go ahead and jump right into the painting. Most people, however, require an outline to follow along with their paint brush. Use a regular pencil to roughly sketch the outline of major shapes directly onto your canvas; don’t worry about details or shading too much.\\nYou can do multiple sketches on paper before ever turning to do one on canvas, just to make sure you are confident with your drawing of your subject.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Mix your paints.\", \"描述\": \"It is a common mistake to mix paints as you work, rather than mixing them all before you start. Use your time and paint efficiently by mixing all your paints - in all the colors you need - prior to starting your painting. In this case, it is better to be safe than sorry by mixing more paints than you are likely to use. You can store extra paint for future paintings, but it will be nearly impossible to mix the exact shade of paint twice.\\nUse a color wheel as a helpful reference for mixing your paints. All the basic colors can be made by mixing the primary hues (red, blue, and yellow), and more specific colors can be made by mixing the primary and secondary hues.\\nRemember, if you can’t get the exact shade of paint that you’re looking for with a limited paint palette, you can purchase nearly any color pre-mixed in tube or jar form from an art supply store.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Painting\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find your light source.\", \"描述\": \"Color changes depending on the way light hits it, so before you begin painting your subject, locate the primary light source. Pay attention to this throughout the painting process; you should have lighter colors nearer the light source and darker colors further away. It may seem elementary, but picking out the light source before you begin will help keep your colors on track.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Examine the composition of your subject.\", \"描述\": \"Even if you’re only painting a single object, it must be layered with other surfaces or backgrounds. Look over your subject and determine what is nearest to you and what is furthest from you. Pay attention to overlapping, color changes, and texture. You will be recreating each of these things in your painting, so make sure you have a good idea of how to do it prior to starting.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Begin painting the background.\", \"描述\": \"When you paint, you will be layering upwards; therefore, painting from the back to the front is the easiest method. Start with your medium value colors, followed by your darkest colors, and then brightest, for the easiest application.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Add in background details.\", \"描述\": \"Finish building up the basic colors, and then add details to the background. If it is a solid color, you should add shadows and light points. If your background is patterned or busy, add texture and movement with brush strokes in order to complete the layer.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Paint in objects.\", \"描述\": \"As you begin to paint your subject, break it up into identifiable shapes and paint those in solid hues. As you build up shapes and colors, your subject will begin to appear. Work in small sections at a time, to make the painting process a bit less daunting.\\nSome beginner painters find it easy to use a grid system when painting their subject. Split up your canvas into parts using an imaginary grid, and paint an entire grid space to finality before moving onto the next one.\\nRemember to add medium value colors first, followed by darker, and then lighter colors. It is hard to go over a dark color with a light one, so working in this way will make layering of hues much easier.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Add details using different painting techniques.\", \"描述\": \"When you’ve gotten the basic colors and shapes added, you can add the details with a few different painting techniques. These each focus on adding texture and movement through different paintbrush strokes and color applications.\\nStipple on paint by holding your paint brush vertically and tapping it onto the paper. This works best with a dry paintbrush and a small amount of paint, and will give the appearance of many small dots.\\nUse a palette knife to sweep on broad strokes of color. For a rough, unedited paint look, paint with a palette knife. Coat the knife in a thick layer of paint, and move it across your canvas to load up thick layers of textured paint.\\nCreate a wash of color by thinning your paint with water. This gives an effect similar to watercolors, where the paint gradually lightens on your canvas. This is great for creating a gradation effect.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Finish your painting.\", \"描述\": \"Paying close attention to your subject matter, add any finishing details you think are necessary to perfect your painting. Often this includes last dabs of light and dark, any outlines you may want to include, and finishing washes of color.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Finishing Up\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Consider adding a varnish to your painting once the paint dries.\", \"描述\": \"Although it isn’t required, many painters add a finishing coat of varnish to seal the acrylic paints. This helps the paint to chemically bond to the canvas, and protects it better from damage.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Clean your paint brushes and work station.\", \"描述\": \"It is imperative that you clean your paint brushes right after finishing up with them. Acrylic paint can severely damage and ruin paint brushes if left to dry in the bristles. Wash the brushes with cold water and soap until the water runs clear (warm/hot water will set the paint in the brushes). Wipe up any paint on your painting surface, and rinse the jars with water.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Save any unused paint.\", \"描述\": \"Acrylic paint will last for several months in an air-tight container, so if you have any extra set it aside for a future painting. Scoop the paint into small containers with lids, or seal it into your stay-wet palette.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Leave your painting to dry.\", \"描述\": \"Place your painting in a location to dry for 1–2 days. Acrylic paints have a very short dry time, but they should be left in an area where they won’t be disturbed in order to cure.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Show off your artwork.\", \"描述\": \"Art is meant to be shared, so showcase your newly finished acrylic painting so that others can see your handiwork. Have it matted and framed if it is on paper or canvas board, or simply hang it in your home.\\nTo maintain an acrylic painting properly, you have to know the best way to clean it.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Try advanced techniques as you get more practice. Add depth by texturing, shadowing, lighting, and add more and more detail. Your paintings will become better with time.\\n\", \"Pay attention to details. Quality over quantity, right?\\n\", \"If you're a neat freak and don't want to get your hands messy, it's best to wear disposable latex gloves or vinyl gloves if you're allergic to latex.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act
1. Pinpointing Character Traits 1-1. Come up with a background for your character. A lot of actors might tell you to come up with a secret that only you know that drives your character. This is a completely legitimate technique and it's worth trying. But in addition to a secret, know your character inside and out. Make them a real person, not just a name on a page. What do they do in their free time? How do you think they react to certain circumstances? Who are their friends? What makes them happiest? What's their inner dialogue like? What is their overall view of the world? What's their favorite color? Food? Where do they live? Research everything you can about the character if it’s based on a real person. If not, research the time period the character is supposedly from, where they lived, and the historical events that happened around your character. 1-2. Ask yourself why. Knowing what is driving your character will make everything fall into place. Analyze the work as a whole, but get a motivation down scene by scene, part by part. Does your character have a motivation that arches through the entire show? How about for each interaction? The answer is "yes," so what is it? Generally, this is in the script. If it's not, your director will make that clear with their concept. Take the first scene you're in and analyze what you want and how you will get what you want. You should end up with two things: a simple thing like "acceptance" or "reassurance" followed by "getting my friend/lover/enemy to this, this, and this." Once you have that, emote away. 1-3. Study In order to be confident when you’re acting and to be able to concentrate on your character, you will have to know your part as well as you can. When you’re nervous, it can often be easy to forget your lines or struggle with them. To avoid being tongue-tied on stage, learn your lines so well you can practically do them in your sleep. Read your lines with other people. Read through your lines every night. When you’ve gotten the hang of it, start trying to recite the lines to yourself and see how far you can go without glancing at the script. Practice saying the lines with a friend or family member and have them play the other characters. That way, you’ll also memorize the context of your lines and when you’re supposed to say them. And if someone else messes up, you'll be able to cover them! Practice your lines the way that you want to deliver them on stage or in front of the camera. Experiment with different ways to deliver each one to find what works best and feels most authentic. 1-4. Write in your script. Though you may think of it as just a lot of time spent erasing later, writing notes in your script will help you immensely. Develop your own system of annotations that only you can understand. Write in pauses or beats. These can be noted with a line between words or phrases. Seeing the line through the phrase gives you a concrete reminder to slow down. Pauses are just as important as words. Remembering that is essential to an effective delivery. Write in feelings. In one paragraph alone, you may have four different overall motivations. Maybe you start off angry, explode, and then try to rein yourself back in. Write in emotions (or whatever would serve as a reminder) above the sentence to aid you in recalling the best delivery. Write in your reactions. That's right, you should be making notes on others' lines, too. After all, if you're on stage, there's probably at least one person in the audience looking at you, even if you're not talking. How do you feel about what you're being told? What are you thinking about as you're witnessing the scene from the sidelines? When you figure this out, write it down. Write in volume cues. There may be a line or lines that need to be said much louder than others or keywords you need to really punch. Think of your script like music by writing in crescendos, decrescendos, and accents. 2. Movement and Voice 2-1. Relax Take a deep breath. It helps a lot of people if they tense up their entire body and keep it that way for a few seconds. Then, just relax all your muscles. "Box breathing" is also a good method. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and then breathe out for 4 seconds. The overall effect will calm you down. 2-2. Be aware of your body. There are entire techniques and classes dedicated to movement for performers and for good reason. They'll help you utilize your "space" to the best of your ability and take command of the stage. Acting is not just in your voice or in your face, but on all planes. Feel free to give your character quirks. Does he walk with a slight limp from a war? Does she constantly play with her hair? Is he a leg twitcher? Does she pick at her fingernails? It doesn't have to be in the script! Think about how your character would act in daily living. How do you see them sitting in a waiting room? What would they be found doing? 2-3. Project Talk louder than you usually would so everyone can hear you and the camera can catch the sound. There's nothing more irritating than being in the audience and catching every third word. Don’t talk absurdly – just make sure that your voice carries and that you are not mumbling or talking in an indoor voice to your fellow actors. If you’re in a play, you need to make sure that the people in the back of the audience can hear you, so stand up straight, project your voice and make sure you’re turning slightly towards the audience. You don’t want to be speaking to the back wall. Do not speak too fast. This often garbles your words and makes it difficult to hear what you’re saying. 2-4. Enunciate When you are on stage or in front of the camera, you have to say your words clearly and make sure all the sounds are well defined. This is especially important at the ends of words, which are easy to swallow and lose acoustically. Make sure all your consonants are present. This should just slow you down enough to be easily understood by all. Don’t overdo your enunciation since this could come across sounding unnatural. You want to make sure your voice sounds clear, but not like you’re overacting. If you are uncertain about whether or not you’re over or under-enunciating your words, ask the director and your fellow actors. 2-5. Talk like your character. Even if your character doesn't have an accent, there are still other aspects of their idiolect to consider that may not be in the script. Consider their age, race, social status, beliefs, and income. In a review of the semi-recently revived "The Pajama Game," one writer said that the main character was great...apart from not being believable. She played a simple Midwestern girl who pronounced "either" EYE-thurr. Wrong. Dead giveaway. So close, too. Avoid being that girl and analyze your character's dialogue. 3. Performing 3-1. Emote. This really should go without saying. Unfortunately, largely in part due to Keanu Reeves, it doesn't. As an actor, you have to portray certain emotions and make sure that the audience can see what you’re feeling, whether you’re on stage or on camera. Use your own emotions to tune into your character's -- right now, they're one in the same. Find an emotion within yourself that matches how your character would feel. Did her mom just die? Okay, so thankfully your mom isn't dead, but you remember how it felt when Poodle, your pet goldfish died and that sucked. You cried for days. Channel that. The audience has no idea what's your trigger, they just know that you're devastated and it probably has something to do with the plotline they're entranced it (if only they knew...). Manipulate the tone of your voice. If your character is upset, you might want your voice to sound harsher and less controlled. If your character is excited or nervous, make your voice go higher. Use gestures and body language to convey emotions. Don’t just stand there with your hands at your sides. If your character is angry, wave your hands and stomp your feet. If the character is sad, hunch your shoulders and hang your head. Be logical. 3-2. Roll with the punches. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give away that you've messed up. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. Was that enough "ever" to get the point across? Whether it's in your voice or on your voice, don't let the audience know. If you don't let them know, guess what? They won't. If you're dancing or moving, don't let your face drop. Confidence is fooling beyond belief. Stay smiling. Smile because you're the only one who knows. If you've flubbed a line, run with it. The only people who have the script memorized are onstage. Cycle back to where you need to go. If the other actor(s) is/are as professional as you are, there will be no problem. 3-3. Get in the moment. From the moment you step on stage, you are not dealing with romantic issues, money problems, or a general fit of fatigue. All that stuff is left offstage. You are only in the moment that is creating itself before you. If you're going through something during the run of a show, this needs to be an outlet. Theatre should destress you, not add to your plate. Take this moment to be someone else and check your problems (and attitude) at the door. You can pick it up in a few hours if you'd really like. Stop what you're thinking and start listening actively and being present. The audience will know if you're not. 3-4. Don't break character. If you forget everything else, just remember that you have to be your character and not slip up and become your normal self. Theatre kids can often be pranksters -- resist the urge to laugh at the pair of Juan's boxers sitting on the bar you now have to use as a rag and be the best barman this side of the Mississippi. If there is a stage mishap or something doesn’t happen as planned, just stay in character and react the way your character would. Bell didn't go off? Find a way to work around that. 3-5. Keep a positive attitude. Sometimes, worrying about messing up or other people’s reactions can ruin your state of mind. Often if you're having fun, the audience will be able to tell and have fun with you. Take criticism with a grain of salt. If your director is telling you to do something differently, don’t take it as a personal insult. Instead, see it as a chance to improve your acting. Your acting improves and is more natural when you are having fun instead of stressing out. By being positive and relieving tension and stress, you’ll be able to slip into your character more easily. 3-6. Release your inhibitions. Practice relaxation exercises, get into character and stop worrying about how others will perceive you. You don't do this because it's anxiety-provoking! You do it because it feels awesome. Look in the mirror and say, “I am no longer myself. I am now [insert character name].” You are not yourself anymore, so you don’t have to worry about what people think about you. Remember that when you do something, audience members aren’t seeing you. They’re seeing your character. 3-7. Know when it’s your turn. Be aware of when it’s your time to go on stage or enter a scene. You'll have half a dozen people on your case (besides the voices in your head) if you miss your cue. When it’s almost your turn, you should be waiting in the wings (or off-camera), getting yourself in character with your props ready. Go to the bathroom before the performance starts. You don’t want to miss your cue because you were off using the restroom having a nervous pee or grabbing something to eat. Listen carefully for your cue. Even if you think you know around what time you’re supposed to go on, be aware and listen carefully to the scene that’s happening. Don’t get distracted or talk to other people. If there is an emergency and you absolutely have to go to the restroom or run to your car, let someone know even if you think you’ll be back in time for your scene. HAHA. Did you catch that? That was a joke. Funny, huh? Okay, okay, emergencies do exist. But unless someone died or your insides are about to explode, you make that cue. You'll probably not have to tell anyone as you rocket to the nearest receptacle, heaving your guts out. They'll most likely notice. 3-8. Be aware of your position and surroundings. When you’re in a play or on camera, you want to know where you should be spatially. To be put tersely, "find the light." Stay in it. It's there to illuminate you. When you speak, turn slightly towards the audience. This is called "quartering." You want the audience to be able to see you and hear your voice while making it believable that you're having a conversation. If your director tells you you're closed, moved 90º (a quarter of a circle) outward. If you’re filming something, don’t look directly at the camera unless you're on an episode of the Office and the director tells you that you should. Instead, speak to the other actors and interact with the surroundings as your character would. 4. Working with Others 4-1. Listen to the director. The director knows the overall picture of the production, so he or she will know what they are talking about. Take their criticism or suggestions seriously. If they want you to do something and you understand why do it. Follow stage directions and incorporate them when you’re practicing your lines. That being said, if you don't understand why, ask! You do not want to cross the stage not knowing why the heck you're doing it. Your director will love that you're trying to understand your character. Ask questions (before your director says anything) if you’re unclear about how you should do something. If you’re not sure about how to react to something or how you should deliver a certain line, don’t be afraid to ask the director. They usually have a pretty clear sense of what they’re looking for. 4-2. Don’t be a diva. Remember that acting is not all about you and that the entire production is a team effort. Where would you be without the other actors, prop, tech, and costume crew? Naked on a poorly lit stage all by yourself, that's where. If you have the leading role in a production, no, you don't have the hardest part. Calm down and step off your ivory tower. Try running an entire crew or running the sound and light board simultaneously for the entire show. What happens when the sound cue guy gets mad at you? He doesn't hit the button for your gunshot. So be nice -- they can make or break you. There is no "I" in this team. 4-3. Act and react. You can nail every single line you have, but if you're not listening to the other person conversing with you, it's done for. Maybe the other actor took it an entirely different direction and now the scene is more passively heated than intense and angry -- you have to keep pace with the scene, wherever it goes. So act, yes. But react just as much. Read your lines with your fellow actors and practice. Even if you know your lines perfectly yourself, you need to work with other people on delivery and work on the scene together. You should be playing off of your fellow actors, not just delivering lines by yourself. Have fun and experiment with it! That's the fun in acting. 4-4. Use the audience. Though you're technically not supposed to break the fourth wall (in most productions, at least), they're there. They're there and you have to work with them. And don't forget that them being there is a good thing. A great thing, rather! Feed off their energy. There's nothing quite like it. When the audience laughs or applauds, give 'em a minute to shower you with affection. Okay, not a minute, but feel the scene. Let it die down a bit before you progress. Feel where they are and where you should go with the scene. This may seem a bit abstract, but as you get more experienced , it'll make sense. 4-5. Show kindness You want to build a rapport with the people you’re working with and show them that you appreciate the work they’ve done. They've worked just as hard as you have! Wish your fellow actors good luck and tell them when you thought they did a great job. Say, “Break a leg!” before they go on stage and, “You did great!” after they’re done. Thank the crew members for all their hard work. For example, if you had a really great makeup artist, you can tell her, “I really appreciate the work you’ve done. I couldn’t have looked more like the character!” Tips Remember to breathe regularly when you’re on stage or in front of the camera. This will help you to relax and will help you deliver your lines more clearly. Study actors you admire. You can look up videos of your favorite actors and listen to their tips. Write down those that inspire you and try to incorporate them when you’re practicing. If you forget a line or two, improvise. Sometimes, it works out. If you get the main idea of your character and the scene you're acting, say something to do with it. It doesn't have to be spot on. Even though there's a low chance you'll need to improvise, it's better than just standing there, lost for words.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:58", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Pinpointing Character Traits\\n1-1. Come up with a background for your character.\\nA lot of actors might tell you to come up with a secret that only you know that drives your character. This is a completely legitimate technique and it's worth trying. But in addition to a secret, know your character inside and out. Make them a real person, not just a name on a page.\\nWhat do they do in their free time? How do you think they react to certain circumstances? Who are their friends? What makes them happiest? What's their inner dialogue like? What is their overall view of the world? What's their favorite color? Food? Where do they live?\\nResearch everything you can about the character if it’s based on a real person. If not, research the time period the character is supposedly from, where they lived, and the historical events that happened around your character.\\n1-2. Ask yourself why.\\nKnowing what is driving your character will make everything fall into place. Analyze the work as a whole, but get a motivation down scene by scene, part by part. Does your character have a motivation that arches through the entire show? How about for each interaction? The answer is \\\"yes,\\\" so what is it?\\nGenerally, this is in the script. If it's not, your director will make that clear with their concept. Take the first scene you're in and analyze what you want and how you will get what you want. You should end up with two things: a simple thing like \\\"acceptance\\\" or \\\"reassurance\\\" followed by \\\"getting my friend/lover/enemy to this, this, and this.\\\" Once you have that, emote away.\\n1-3. Study\\nIn order to be confident when you’re acting and to be able to concentrate on your character, you will have to know your part as well as you can. When you’re nervous, it can often be easy to forget your lines or struggle with them. To avoid being tongue-tied on stage, learn your lines so well you can practically do them in your sleep. Read your lines with other people.\\nRead through your lines every night. When you’ve gotten the hang of it, start trying to recite the lines to yourself and see how far you can go without glancing at the script.\\nPractice saying the lines with a friend or family member and have them play the other characters. That way, you’ll also memorize the context of your lines and when you’re supposed to say them.\\nAnd if someone else messes up, you'll be able to cover them!\\nPractice your lines the way that you want to deliver them on stage or in front of the camera. Experiment with different ways to deliver each one to find what works best and feels most authentic.\\n1-4. Write in your script.\\nThough you may think of it as just a lot of time spent erasing later, writing notes in your script will help you immensely. Develop your own system of annotations that only you can understand.\\nWrite in pauses or beats. These can be noted with a line between words or phrases. Seeing the line through the phrase gives you a concrete reminder to slow down. Pauses are just as important as words. Remembering that is essential to an effective delivery.\\nWrite in feelings. In one paragraph alone, you may have four different overall motivations. Maybe you start off angry, explode, and then try to rein yourself back in. Write in emotions (or whatever would serve as a reminder) above the sentence to aid you in recalling the best delivery.\\nWrite in your reactions. That's right, you should be making notes on others' lines, too. After all, if you're on stage, there's probably at least one person in the audience looking at you, even if you're not talking. How do you feel about what you're being told? What are you thinking about as you're witnessing the scene from the sidelines? When you figure this out, write it down.\\nWrite in volume cues. There may be a line or lines that need to be said much louder than others or keywords you need to really punch. Think of your script like music by writing in crescendos, decrescendos, and accents.\\n2. Movement and Voice\\n2-1. Relax\\nTake a deep breath. It helps a lot of people if they tense up their entire body and keep it that way for a few seconds. Then, just relax all your muscles. \\\"Box breathing\\\" is also a good method. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and then breathe out for 4 seconds. The overall effect will calm you down.\\n2-2. Be aware of your body.\\nThere are entire techniques and classes dedicated to movement for performers and for good reason. They'll help you utilize your \\\"space\\\" to the best of your ability and take command of the stage. Acting is not just in your voice or in your face, but on all planes.\\nFeel free to give your character quirks. Does he walk with a slight limp from a war? Does she constantly play with her hair? Is he a leg twitcher? Does she pick at her fingernails? It doesn't have to be in the script! Think about how your character would act in daily living. How do you see them sitting in a waiting room? What would they be found doing?\\n2-3. Project\\nTalk louder than you usually would so everyone can hear you and the camera can catch the sound. There's nothing more irritating than being in the audience and catching every third word.\\nDon’t talk absurdly – just make sure that your voice carries and that you are not mumbling or talking in an indoor voice to your fellow actors.\\nIf you’re in a play, you need to make sure that the people in the back of the audience can hear you, so stand up straight, project your voice and make sure you’re turning slightly towards the audience. You don’t want to be speaking to the back wall.\\nDo not speak too fast. This often garbles your words and makes it difficult to hear what you’re saying.\\n2-4. Enunciate\\nWhen you are on stage or in front of the camera, you have to say your words clearly and make sure all the sounds are well defined. This is especially important at the ends of words, which are easy to swallow and lose acoustically.\\nMake sure all your consonants are present. This should just slow you down enough to be easily understood by all.\\nDon’t overdo your enunciation since this could come across sounding unnatural. You want to make sure your voice sounds clear, but not like you’re overacting. If you are uncertain about whether or not you’re over or under-enunciating your words, ask the director and your fellow actors.\\n2-5. Talk like your character.\\nEven if your character doesn't have an accent, there are still other aspects of their idiolect to consider that may not be in the script. Consider their age, race, social status, beliefs, and income.\\nIn a review of the semi-recently revived \\\"The Pajama Game,\\\" one writer said that the main character was great...apart from not being believable. She played a simple Midwestern girl who pronounced \\\"either\\\" EYE-thurr. Wrong. Dead giveaway. So close, too. Avoid being that girl and analyze your character's dialogue.\\n3. Performing\\n3-1. Emote.\\nThis really should go without saying. Unfortunately, largely in part due to Keanu Reeves, it doesn't. As an actor, you have to portray certain emotions and make sure that the audience can see what you’re feeling, whether you’re on stage or on camera. Use your own emotions to tune into your character's -- right now, they're one in the same.\\nFind an emotion within yourself that matches how your character would feel. Did her mom just die? Okay, so thankfully your mom isn't dead, but you remember how it felt when Poodle, your pet goldfish died and that sucked. You cried for days. Channel that. The audience has no idea what's your trigger, they just know that you're devastated and it probably has something to do with the plotline they're entranced it (if only they knew...).\\nManipulate the tone of your voice. If your character is upset, you might want your voice to sound harsher and less controlled. If your character is excited or nervous, make your voice go higher.\\nUse gestures and body language to convey emotions. Don’t just stand there with your hands at your sides. If your character is angry, wave your hands and stomp your feet. If the character is sad, hunch your shoulders and hang your head. Be logical.\\n3-2. Roll with the punches.\\nNever, ever, ever, ever, ever give away that you've messed up. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. Was that enough \\\"ever\\\" to get the point across? Whether it's in your voice or on your voice, don't let the audience know. If you don't let them know, guess what? They won't.\\nIf you're dancing or moving, don't let your face drop. Confidence is fooling beyond belief. Stay smiling. Smile because you're the only one who knows.\\nIf you've flubbed a line, run with it. The only people who have the script memorized are onstage. Cycle back to where you need to go. If the other actor(s) is/are as professional as you are, there will be no problem.\\n3-3. Get in the moment.\\nFrom the moment you step on stage, you are not dealing with romantic issues, money problems, or a general fit of fatigue. All that stuff is left offstage. You are only in the moment that is creating itself before you.\\nIf you're going through something during the run of a show, this needs to be an outlet. Theatre should destress you, not add to your plate. Take this moment to be someone else and check your problems (and attitude) at the door. You can pick it up in a few hours if you'd really like. Stop what you're thinking and start listening actively and being present. The audience will know if you're not.\\n3-4. Don't break character.\\nIf you forget everything else, just remember that you have to be your character and not slip up and become your normal self. Theatre kids can often be pranksters -- resist the urge to laugh at the pair of Juan's boxers sitting on the bar you now have to use as a rag and be the best barman this side of the Mississippi.\\nIf there is a stage mishap or something doesn’t happen as planned, just stay in character and react the way your character would. Bell didn't go off? Find a way to work around that.\\n3-5. Keep a positive attitude.\\nSometimes, worrying about messing up or other people’s reactions can ruin your state of mind. Often if you're having fun, the audience will be able to tell and have fun with you.\\nTake criticism with a grain of salt. If your director is telling you to do something differently, don’t take it as a personal insult. Instead, see it as a chance to improve your acting.\\nYour acting improves and is more natural when you are having fun instead of stressing out. By being positive and relieving tension and stress, you’ll be able to slip into your character more easily.\\n3-6. Release your inhibitions.\\nPractice relaxation exercises, get into character and stop worrying about how others will perceive you. You don't do this because it's anxiety-provoking! You do it because it feels awesome.\\nLook in the mirror and say, “I am no longer myself. I am now [insert character name].” You are not yourself anymore, so you don’t have to worry about what people think about you. Remember that when you do something, audience members aren’t seeing you. They’re seeing your character.\\n3-7. Know when it’s your turn.\\nBe aware of when it’s your time to go on stage or enter a scene. You'll have half a dozen people on your case (besides the voices in your head) if you miss your cue. When it’s almost your turn, you should be waiting in the wings (or off-camera), getting yourself in character with your props ready.\\nGo to the bathroom before the performance starts. You don’t want to miss your cue because you were off using the restroom having a nervous pee or grabbing something to eat.\\nListen carefully for your cue. Even if you think you know around what time you’re supposed to go on, be aware and listen carefully to the scene that’s happening. Don’t get distracted or talk to other people.\\nIf there is an emergency and you absolutely have to go to the restroom or run to your car, let someone know even if you think you’ll be back in time for your scene. HAHA. Did you catch that? That was a joke. Funny, huh? Okay, okay, emergencies do exist. But unless someone died or your insides are about to explode, you make that cue. You'll probably not have to tell anyone as you rocket to the nearest receptacle, heaving your guts out. They'll most likely notice.\\n3-8. Be aware of your position and surroundings.\\nWhen you’re in a play or on camera, you want to know where you should be spatially. To be put tersely, \\\"find the light.\\\" Stay in it. It's there to illuminate you.\\nWhen you speak, turn slightly towards the audience. This is called \\\"quartering.\\\" You want the audience to be able to see you and hear your voice while making it believable that you're having a conversation. If your director tells you you're closed, moved 90º (a quarter of a circle) outward.\\nIf you’re filming something, don’t look directly at the camera unless you're on an episode of the Office and the director tells you that you should. Instead, speak to the other actors and interact with the surroundings as your character would.\\n4. Working with Others\\n4-1. Listen to the director.\\nThe director knows the overall picture of the production, so he or she will know what they are talking about. Take their criticism or suggestions seriously. If they want you to do something and you understand why do it.\\nFollow stage directions and incorporate them when you’re practicing your lines. That being said, if you don't understand why, ask! You do not want to cross the stage not knowing why the heck you're doing it. Your director will love that you're trying to understand your character.\\nAsk questions (before your director says anything) if you’re unclear about how you should do something. If you’re not sure about how to react to something or how you should deliver a certain line, don’t be afraid to ask the director. They usually have a pretty clear sense of what they’re looking for.\\n4-2. Don’t be a diva.\\nRemember that acting is not all about you and that the entire production is a team effort. Where would you be without the other actors, prop, tech, and costume crew? Naked on a poorly lit stage all by yourself, that's where.\\nIf you have the leading role in a production, no, you don't have the hardest part. Calm down and step off your ivory tower. Try running an entire crew or running the sound and light board simultaneously for the entire show. What happens when the sound cue guy gets mad at you? He doesn't hit the button for your gunshot. So be nice -- they can make or break you. There is no \\\"I\\\" in this team.\\n4-3. Act and react.\\nYou can nail every single line you have, but if you're not listening to the other person conversing with you, it's done for. Maybe the other actor took it an entirely different direction and now the scene is more passively heated than intense and angry -- you have to keep pace with the scene, wherever it goes. So act, yes. But react just as much.\\nRead your lines with your fellow actors and practice. Even if you know your lines perfectly yourself, you need to work with other people on delivery and work on the scene together. You should be playing off of your fellow actors, not just delivering lines by yourself. Have fun and experiment with it! That's the fun in acting.\\n4-4. Use the audience.\\nThough you're technically not supposed to break the fourth wall (in most productions, at least), they're there. They're there and you have to work with them. And don't forget that them being there is a good thing. A great thing, rather! Feed off their energy. There's nothing quite like it.\\nWhen the audience laughs or applauds, give 'em a minute to shower you with affection. Okay, not a minute, but feel the scene. Let it die down a bit before you progress. Feel where they are and where you should go with the scene. This may seem a bit abstract, but as you get more experienced , it'll make sense.\\n4-5. Show kindness\\nYou want to build a rapport with the people you’re working with and show them that you appreciate the work they’ve done. They've worked just as hard as you have!\\nWish your fellow actors good luck and tell them when you thought they did a great job. Say, “Break a leg!” before they go on stage and, “You did great!” after they’re done.\\nThank the crew members for all their hard work. For example, if you had a really great makeup artist, you can tell her, “I really appreciate the work you’ve done. I couldn’t have looked more like the character!”\\nTips\\nRemember to breathe regularly when you’re on stage or in front of the camera. This will help you to relax and will help you deliver your lines more clearly.\\nStudy actors you admire. You can look up videos of your favorite actors and listen to their tips. Write down those that inspire you and try to incorporate them when you’re practicing.\\nIf you forget a line or two, improvise. Sometimes, it works out. If you get the main idea of your character and the scene you're acting, say something to do with it. It doesn't have to be spot on. Even though there's a low chance you'll need to improvise, it's better than just standing there, lost for words.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Do you need to act for a class project or school play? Or do you have big dreams of being an actor on the silver screen? If so, you’ll need to master the basics of acting. Move over, Oscar winner Sir Michael Caine! Read on for some tips on how to take command of any stage.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Pinpointing Character Traits\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Come up with a background for your character.\", \"描述\": \"A lot of actors might tell you to come up with a secret that only you know that drives your character. This is a completely legitimate technique and it's worth trying. But in addition to a secret, know your character inside and out. Make them a real person, not just a name on a page.\\nWhat do they do in their free time? How do you think they react to certain circumstances? Who are their friends? What makes them happiest? What's their inner dialogue like? What is their overall view of the world? What's their favorite color? Food? Where do they live?\\nResearch everything you can about the character if it’s based on a real person. If not, research the time period the character is supposedly from, where they lived, and the historical events that happened around your character.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Ask yourself why.\", \"描述\": \"Knowing what is driving your character will make everything fall into place. Analyze the work as a whole, but get a motivation down scene by scene, part by part. Does your character have a motivation that arches through the entire show? How about for each interaction? The answer is \\\"yes,\\\" so what is it?\\nGenerally, this is in the script. If it's not, your director will make that clear with their concept. Take the first scene you're in and analyze what you want and how you will get what you want. You should end up with two things: a simple thing like \\\"acceptance\\\" or \\\"reassurance\\\" followed by \\\"getting my friend/lover/enemy to this, this, and this.\\\" Once you have that, emote away.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Study\", \"描述\": \"In order to be confident when you’re acting and to be able to concentrate on your character, you will have to know your part as well as you can. When you’re nervous, it can often be easy to forget your lines or struggle with them. To avoid being tongue-tied on stage, learn your lines so well you can practically do them in your sleep. Read your lines with other people.\\nRead through your lines every night. When you’ve gotten the hang of it, start trying to recite the lines to yourself and see how far you can go without glancing at the script.\\nPractice saying the lines with a friend or family member and have them play the other characters. That way, you’ll also memorize the context of your lines and when you’re supposed to say them.\\nAnd if someone else messes up, you'll be able to cover them!\\nPractice your lines the way that you want to deliver them on stage or in front of the camera. Experiment with different ways to deliver each one to find what works best and feels most authentic.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Write in your script.\", \"描述\": \"Though you may think of it as just a lot of time spent erasing later, writing notes in your script will help you immensely. Develop your own system of annotations that only you can understand.\\nWrite in pauses or beats. These can be noted with a line between words or phrases. Seeing the line through the phrase gives you a concrete reminder to slow down. Pauses are just as important as words. Remembering that is essential to an effective delivery.\\nWrite in feelings. In one paragraph alone, you may have four different overall motivations. Maybe you start off angry, explode, and then try to rein yourself back in. Write in emotions (or whatever would serve as a reminder) above the sentence to aid you in recalling the best delivery.\\nWrite in your reactions. That's right, you should be making notes on others' lines, too. After all, if you're on stage, there's probably at least one person in the audience looking at you, even if you're not talking. How do you feel about what you're being told? What are you thinking about as you're witnessing the scene from the sidelines? When you figure this out, write it down.\\nWrite in volume cues. There may be a line or lines that need to be said much louder than others or keywords you need to really punch. Think of your script like music by writing in crescendos, decrescendos, and accents.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Movement and Voice\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Relax\", \"描述\": \"Take a deep breath. It helps a lot of people if they tense up their entire body and keep it that way for a few seconds. Then, just relax all your muscles. \\\"Box breathing\\\" is also a good method. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and then breathe out for 4 seconds. The overall effect will calm you down.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be aware of your body.\", \"描述\": \"There are entire techniques and classes dedicated to movement for performers and for good reason. They'll help you utilize your \\\"space\\\" to the best of your ability and take command of the stage. Acting is not just in your voice or in your face, but on all planes.\\nFeel free to give your character quirks. Does he walk with a slight limp from a war? Does she constantly play with her hair? Is he a leg twitcher? Does she pick at her fingernails? It doesn't have to be in the script! Think about how your character would act in daily living. How do you see them sitting in a waiting room? What would they be found doing?\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Project\", \"描述\": \"Talk louder than you usually would so everyone can hear you and the camera can catch the sound. There's nothing more irritating than being in the audience and catching every third word.\\nDon’t talk absurdly – just make sure that your voice carries and that you are not mumbling or talking in an indoor voice to your fellow actors.\\nIf you’re in a play, you need to make sure that the people in the back of the audience can hear you, so stand up straight, project your voice and make sure you’re turning slightly towards the audience. You don’t want to be speaking to the back wall.\\nDo not speak too fast. This often garbles your words and makes it difficult to hear what you’re saying.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Enunciate\", \"描述\": \"When you are on stage or in front of the camera, you have to say your words clearly and make sure all the sounds are well defined. This is especially important at the ends of words, which are easy to swallow and lose acoustically.\\nMake sure all your consonants are present. This should just slow you down enough to be easily understood by all.\\nDon’t overdo your enunciation since this could come across sounding unnatural. You want to make sure your voice sounds clear, but not like you’re overacting. If you are uncertain about whether or not you’re over or under-enunciating your words, ask the director and your fellow actors.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Talk like your character.\", \"描述\": \"Even if your character doesn't have an accent, there are still other aspects of their idiolect to consider that may not be in the script. Consider their age, race, social status, beliefs, and income.\\nIn a review of the semi-recently revived \\\"The Pajama Game,\\\" one writer said that the main character was great...apart from not being believable. She played a simple Midwestern girl who pronounced \\\"either\\\" EYE-thurr. Wrong. Dead giveaway. So close, too. Avoid being that girl and analyze your character's dialogue.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Performing\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Emote.\", \"描述\": \"This really should go without saying. Unfortunately, largely in part due to Keanu Reeves, it doesn't. As an actor, you have to portray certain emotions and make sure that the audience can see what you’re feeling, whether you’re on stage or on camera. Use your own emotions to tune into your character's -- right now, they're one in the same.\\nFind an emotion within yourself that matches how your character would feel. Did her mom just die? Okay, so thankfully your mom isn't dead, but you remember how it felt when Poodle, your pet goldfish died and that sucked. You cried for days. Channel that. The audience has no idea what's your trigger, they just know that you're devastated and it probably has something to do with the plotline they're entranced it (if only they knew...).\\nManipulate the tone of your voice. If your character is upset, you might want your voice to sound harsher and less controlled. If your character is excited or nervous, make your voice go higher.\\nUse gestures and body language to convey emotions. Don’t just stand there with your hands at your sides. If your character is angry, wave your hands and stomp your feet. If the character is sad, hunch your shoulders and hang your head. Be logical.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Roll with the punches.\", \"描述\": \"Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give away that you've messed up. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. Was that enough \\\"ever\\\" to get the point across? Whether it's in your voice or on your voice, don't let the audience know. If you don't let them know, guess what? They won't.\\nIf you're dancing or moving, don't let your face drop. Confidence is fooling beyond belief. Stay smiling. Smile because you're the only one who knows.\\nIf you've flubbed a line, run with it. The only people who have the script memorized are onstage. Cycle back to where you need to go. If the other actor(s) is/are as professional as you are, there will be no problem.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Get in the moment.\", \"描述\": \"From the moment you step on stage, you are not dealing with romantic issues, money problems, or a general fit of fatigue. All that stuff is left offstage. You are only in the moment that is creating itself before you.\\nIf you're going through something during the run of a show, this needs to be an outlet. Theatre should destress you, not add to your plate. Take this moment to be someone else and check your problems (and attitude) at the door. You can pick it up in a few hours if you'd really like. Stop what you're thinking and start listening actively and being present. The audience will know if you're not.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don't break character.\", \"描述\": \"If you forget everything else, just remember that you have to be your character and not slip up and become your normal self. Theatre kids can often be pranksters -- resist the urge to laugh at the pair of Juan's boxers sitting on the bar you now have to use as a rag and be the best barman this side of the Mississippi.\\nIf there is a stage mishap or something doesn’t happen as planned, just stay in character and react the way your character would. Bell didn't go off? Find a way to work around that.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Keep a positive attitude.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes, worrying about messing up or other people’s reactions can ruin your state of mind. Often if you're having fun, the audience will be able to tell and have fun with you.\\nTake criticism with a grain of salt. If your director is telling you to do something differently, don’t take it as a personal insult. Instead, see it as a chance to improve your acting.\\nYour acting improves and is more natural when you are having fun instead of stressing out. By being positive and relieving tension and stress, you’ll be able to slip into your character more easily.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Release your inhibitions.\", \"描述\": \"Practice relaxation exercises, get into character and stop worrying about how others will perceive you. You don't do this because it's anxiety-provoking! You do it because it feels awesome.\\nLook in the mirror and say, “I am no longer myself. I am now [insert character name].” You are not yourself anymore, so you don’t have to worry about what people think about you. Remember that when you do something, audience members aren’t seeing you. They’re seeing your character.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Know when it’s your turn.\", \"描述\": \"Be aware of when it’s your time to go on stage or enter a scene. You'll have half a dozen people on your case (besides the voices in your head) if you miss your cue. When it’s almost your turn, you should be waiting in the wings (or off-camera), getting yourself in character with your props ready.\\nGo to the bathroom before the performance starts. You don’t want to miss your cue because you were off using the restroom having a nervous pee or grabbing something to eat.\\nListen carefully for your cue. Even if you think you know around what time you’re supposed to go on, be aware and listen carefully to the scene that’s happening. Don’t get distracted or talk to other people.\\nIf there is an emergency and you absolutely have to go to the restroom or run to your car, let someone know even if you think you’ll be back in time for your scene. HAHA. Did you catch that? That was a joke. Funny, huh? Okay, okay, emergencies do exist. But unless someone died or your insides are about to explode, you make that cue. You'll probably not have to tell anyone as you rocket to the nearest receptacle, heaving your guts out. They'll most likely notice.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Be aware of your position and surroundings.\", \"描述\": \"When you’re in a play or on camera, you want to know where you should be spatially. To be put tersely, \\\"find the light.\\\" Stay in it. It's there to illuminate you.\\nWhen you speak, turn slightly towards the audience. This is called \\\"quartering.\\\" You want the audience to be able to see you and hear your voice while making it believable that you're having a conversation. If your director tells you you're closed, moved 90º (a quarter of a circle) outward.\\nIf you’re filming something, don’t look directly at the camera unless you're on an episode of the Office and the director tells you that you should. Instead, speak to the other actors and interact with the surroundings as your character would.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Working with Others\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Listen to the director.\", \"描述\": \"The director knows the overall picture of the production, so he or she will know what they are talking about. Take their criticism or suggestions seriously. If they want you to do something and you understand why do it.\\nFollow stage directions and incorporate them when you’re practicing your lines. That being said, if you don't understand why, ask! You do not want to cross the stage not knowing why the heck you're doing it. Your director will love that you're trying to understand your character.\\nAsk questions (before your director says anything) if you’re unclear about how you should do something. If you’re not sure about how to react to something or how you should deliver a certain line, don’t be afraid to ask the director. They usually have a pretty clear sense of what they’re looking for.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don’t be a diva.\", \"描述\": \"Remember that acting is not all about you and that the entire production is a team effort. Where would you be without the other actors, prop, tech, and costume crew? Naked on a poorly lit stage all by yourself, that's where.\\nIf you have the leading role in a production, no, you don't have the hardest part. Calm down and step off your ivory tower. Try running an entire crew or running the sound and light board simultaneously for the entire show. What happens when the sound cue guy gets mad at you? He doesn't hit the button for your gunshot. So be nice -- they can make or break you. There is no \\\"I\\\" in this team.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Act and react.\", \"描述\": \"You can nail every single line you have, but if you're not listening to the other person conversing with you, it's done for. Maybe the other actor took it an entirely different direction and now the scene is more passively heated than intense and angry -- you have to keep pace with the scene, wherever it goes. So act, yes. But react just as much.\\nRead your lines with your fellow actors and practice. Even if you know your lines perfectly yourself, you need to work with other people on delivery and work on the scene together. You should be playing off of your fellow actors, not just delivering lines by yourself. Have fun and experiment with it! That's the fun in acting.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Use the audience.\", \"描述\": \"Though you're technically not supposed to break the fourth wall (in most productions, at least), they're there. They're there and you have to work with them. And don't forget that them being there is a good thing. A great thing, rather! Feed off their energy. There's nothing quite like it.\\nWhen the audience laughs or applauds, give 'em a minute to shower you with affection. Okay, not a minute, but feel the scene. Let it die down a bit before you progress. Feel where they are and where you should go with the scene. This may seem a bit abstract, but as you get more experienced , it'll make sense.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Show kindness\", \"描述\": \"You want to build a rapport with the people you’re working with and show them that you appreciate the work they’ve done. They've worked just as hard as you have!\\nWish your fellow actors good luck and tell them when you thought they did a great job. Say, “Break a leg!” before they go on stage and, “You did great!” after they’re done.\\nThank the crew members for all their hard work. For example, if you had a really great makeup artist, you can tell her, “I really appreciate the work you’ve done. I couldn’t have looked more like the character!”\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Remember to breathe regularly when you’re on stage or in front of the camera. This will help you to relax and will help you deliver your lines more clearly.\\n\", \"Study actors you admire. You can look up videos of your favorite actors and listen to their tips. Write down those that inspire you and try to incorporate them when you’re practicing.\\n\", \"If you forget a line or two, improvise. Sometimes, it works out. If you get the main idea of your character and the scene you're acting, say something to do with it. It doesn't have to be spot on. Even though there's a low chance you'll need to improvise, it's better than just standing there, lost for words.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act According to Furu Al Deen (10 Branches of Islam)
1. Steps 1-1. Salah (prayer). It is obligatory to pray the five daily prayers - Fajr, Zuhur, 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha. 1-2. Sawm (fasting). It is obligatory to fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan, abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn till sunset. 1-3. Zakat (charity). Those that are able to must pay 2.5% of their annual income to charity. 1-4. Khums (another charity, meaning "a fifth"). This is paying tax to the Imam or their representative, usually a fifth of one's wealth. 1-5. Hajj (pilgrimage). Every able Muslim must at least once in their lifetime perform the pilgrimage to Makkah. 1-6. Jihad (struggle). As Muslims, we should struggle to praise Allah. The greater or internal jihad is the struggle against the evil within our soul; the lesser or external jihad is the struggle against the evil in our environment. This is not the same as so-called "holy war".Writing the truth (jihad bil qalam) and speaking truth in front of an oppressor are also forms of Jihad. Examples of jihad include speaking the truth and caring for one's surroundings by picking up litter. 1-7. Amr Bil-Ma'ruf (commanding what is good). We should encourage others to do good deeds, as well as doing them ourself. 1-8. Nahi-Anil-Munkar (forbidding what is evil). If we see someone sin, or something that is wrong, we should try to stop it, if not hate it in our hearts. We should always forbid what is evil and enjoin what is good, as encouraged by the Prophet (peace be upon him). 1-9. Tawalla (loving Ahl al Bayt). They are the family of the Prophet, and we should love them as much as we love the Prophet. We should also love all those who follow the straight path. 1-10. Tabbara (disassociation). We should disassociate with those who hate Allah and with those who oppressed Ahl al Bayt. We should not be in the company of those who mock and insult them, or Islam.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:58", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Salah (prayer).\\nIt is obligatory to pray the five daily prayers - Fajr, Zuhur, 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha.\\n1-2. Sawm (fasting).\\nIt is obligatory to fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan, abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn till sunset.\\n1-3. Zakat (charity).\\nThose that are able to must pay 2.5% of their annual income to charity.\\n1-4. Khums (another charity, meaning \\\"a fifth\\\").\\nThis is paying tax to the Imam or their representative, usually a fifth of one's wealth.\\n1-5. Hajj (pilgrimage).\\nEvery able Muslim must at least once in their lifetime perform the pilgrimage to Makkah.\\n1-6. Jihad (struggle).\\nAs Muslims, we should struggle to praise Allah. The greater or internal jihad is the struggle against the evil within our soul; the lesser or external jihad is the struggle against the evil in our environment. This is not the same as so-called \\\"holy war\\\".Writing the truth (jihad bil qalam) and speaking truth in front of an oppressor are also forms of Jihad.\\nExamples of jihad include speaking the truth and caring for one's surroundings by picking up litter.\\n1-7. Amr Bil-Ma'ruf (commanding what is good).\\nWe should encourage others to do good deeds, as well as doing them ourself.\\n1-8. Nahi-Anil-Munkar (forbidding what is evil).\\nIf we see someone sin, or something that is wrong, we should try to stop it, if not hate it in our hearts. We should always forbid what is evil and enjoin what is good, as encouraged by the Prophet (peace be upon him).\\n1-9. Tawalla (loving Ahl al Bayt).\\nThey are the family of the Prophet, and we should love them as much as we love the Prophet. We should also love all those who follow the straight path.\\n1-10. Tabbara (disassociation).\\nWe should disassociate with those who hate Allah and with those who oppressed Ahl al Bayt. We should not be in the company of those who mock and insult them, or Islam.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"There is a saying of Muhammad mentioning the five pillars of Islam: Declaration of Faith, Salah, Saum, Hajj, Zakat. The Shi'ia Ithna 'Ashariya have 10 main aspects, called the Furu al-Deen. The first 3 are acts of devotion and worship, i.e. prayers, fasting, and the pilgrimage.The next two are societal duties, given as commanded by Allah. And the last 5 go toward self, society, military and political. It is our obligation as Shias, out of love and devotion to Allah, His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and his family to follow these main aspects of our religion dutifully and with sincere devotion.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Salah (prayer).\", \"描述\": \"It is obligatory to pray the five daily prayers - Fajr, Zuhur, 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Sawm (fasting).\", \"描述\": \"It is obligatory to fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan, abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn till sunset.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Zakat (charity).\", \"描述\": \"Those that are able to must pay 2.5% of their annual income to charity.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Khums (another charity, meaning \\\"a fifth\\\").\", \"描述\": \"This is paying tax to the Imam or their representative, usually a fifth of one's wealth.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Hajj (pilgrimage).\", \"描述\": \"Every able Muslim must at least once in their lifetime perform the pilgrimage to Makkah.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Jihad (struggle).\", \"描述\": \"As Muslims, we should struggle to praise Allah. The greater or internal jihad is the struggle against the evil within our soul; the lesser or external jihad is the struggle against the evil in our environment. This is not the same as so-called \\\"holy war\\\".Writing the truth (jihad bil qalam) and speaking truth in front of an oppressor are also forms of Jihad.\\nExamples of jihad include speaking the truth and caring for one's surroundings by picking up litter.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Amr Bil-Ma'ruf (commanding what is good).\", \"描述\": \"We should encourage others to do good deeds, as well as doing them ourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Nahi-Anil-Munkar (forbidding what is evil).\", \"描述\": \"If we see someone sin, or something that is wrong, we should try to stop it, if not hate it in our hearts. We should always forbid what is evil and enjoin what is good, as encouraged by the Prophet (peace be upon him).\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Tawalla (loving Ahl al Bayt).\", \"描述\": \"They are the family of the Prophet, and we should love them as much as we love the Prophet. We should also love all those who follow the straight path.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Tabbara (disassociation).\", \"描述\": \"We should disassociate with those who hate Allah and with those who oppressed Ahl al Bayt. We should not be in the company of those who mock and insult them, or Islam.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act After a Car Accident
1. Ensuring Safety 1-1. Take a moment to calm down. You will likely be angry, scared, shocked, nervous, guilty, or a combination of all of these emotions in the aftermath of an accident. The calmer you are, the better you will be able to deal with the situation. Take a few deep breaths or count to ten to steady yourself. 1-2. Stay at the scene, regardless of the severity of the collision. Leaving the scene of an accident, whether you caused the accident or not, can result in serious criminal penalties. The penalties for leaving an injured person at the scene vary from state to state and according to the extent of the injuries, but generally result in fines between $5,000 and $20,000 and imprisonment for up to 15 years, in addition to civil damages. Leaving the scene after even minor damage can result in your license being suspended. 1-3. Determine any injuries. The most important thing to do immediately after a car accident is to assess any injuries you or the other drivers and passengers have received. Determine your own safety, then check with the other people involved and, if necessary, immediately call for an ambulance. If someone is unconscious or has neck pain, moving them may cause serious harm. Leave them in place until medical personnel arrives, unless leaving them in place would endanger them (i.e. they are lying in traffic, their car is on fire, etc.). 1-4. Move your vehicle to the shoulder, if possible. If you can safely drive your vehicle, move it off to the side of the road and out of the path of oncoming traffic. This will keep you at a safe distance from traffic while you exchange information with the other drivers and make it easier for police and ambulance workers to reach the scene of the accident. 1-5. Call the police. Even for what looks like a fender-bender, it is still a good idea to call. That way you will have an official record of the accident, which will help protect you in case the other party sues you or disputes your account of the accident. Police can also dispatch assistance in the event of a serious accident. Stay on the phone with the police until they arrive or instruct you to hang up. Many 911 operators can provide safety instructions. Ask that a police report be filed. This report will help when filing insurance claims and in the event of a lawsuit. In some states, police will only file a report if injuries are involved. In this case, file a state vehicle accident report, available at police stations or on the Department of Motor Vehicles website. Obtain the name and badge numbers of the police who arrive, in case your insurance agent or lawyer needs to contact them. 1-6. Turn on hazards and set up cones or flares if you can’t move your car. Particularly on the highway, anything you can do to alert oncoming traffic that there is a disabled vehicle in the road will increase your safety. 1-7. Stay in your car with your seatbelt fastened. Don’t try to cross traffic to get off the road, and don’t stand next to a car that is stranded in traffic or on the shoulder. People who get out of their car are killed or injured more often than those who stay inside. However, if you smell gas, get out of your car right away. This could signal a fuel leak that could lead to a fire or explosion. 2. Gathering Information 2-1. Exchange information. Get the names and phone numbers of all the other drivers involved in the traffic accident. Write down the make, model, year and license plate number of each vehicle. Be sure to obtain all insurance information including the company, policy number and any insurance agent contact information the driver can provide. Be polite, but do not apologize. If you say, “I’m so sorry I hit you,” you may be admitting legal liability for the accident. Try not to admit guilt unnecessarily like this, as it may not be clear who was at fault in the immediate aftermath. Be wary of identity theft. Criminals sometimes stage fender-benders in order to obtain the information needed to steal another motorist’s identity. Never give out your social security number or let another driver take a picture of your driver’s license. For safety reasons, don’t provide your home address, either. 2-2. Talk to witnesses. Obtain names and contact information for any witnesses of the accident. Write down their account of what happened and make sure they agree to let your attorney or insurance agent contact and question them. They may be helpful if the other driver disputes your account of the accident. 2-3. Take pictures. Photograph damage to your car and the other vehicles involved in the accident. Also take photos of the accident location and the people involved. This will help document the damage when you submit an accident claim to your insurance company. It will also help protect you in the event the other motorist claims more serious injury or car damage than actually occurred. 3. Dealing with Claims and Lawsuits 3-1. File an insurance claim. Immediately report the car accident to your insurance company. Also provide the insurance company with information on the other driver. Immediately filing a claim will speed up the process of getting your car repaired and securing a rental vehicle, if necessary. Do not lie when stating the facts of the accident, as this can result in denial of your coverage. The other driver may suggest not filing claims in the event of a small accident, as filing a claim will raise your rates. However, it is always a good idea to file a claim to protect yourself. The other driver may later change his mind and file a claim, even claiming injuries that weren’t apparent at the time of the accident. You want to be sure your insurance company has your version of the accident as soon as possible. 3-2. Hire a lawyer. Particularly if anyone was hurt in the accident, hiring an experienced lawyer is a must because insurance companies hire lawyers all of the time to help them save money from lawsuits. A lawyer can help you maximize your reward if you have been injured, or defend you if the other motorist was injured. Additionally, good lawyers know all of the dirty tricks used by insurance companies to minimize how much they owe you for your injuries. 3-3. Document medical treatment. Keep records of any hospital visits, tests, prescriptions or other expenses that arise as a result of your auto accident. This information will be needed by your insurance company and attorney. 3-4. Keep track of pain and suffering and lost wages. If the accident impacts your life to the extent that you decide to file a personal injury suit, you can claim damages for mental and physical distress and/or lost wages, as well as medical treatment. Keep a diary of how the injuries impact your life, including missed workdays, routine activities you cannot undertake, and changes to you family life. 3-5. Get an insurance company damage valuation. This will determine how much your company, or the other motorist's company if they were at fault, is willing to pay to replace or fix your car. If you think the number is too low, get your own independent estimates, and then discuss them with your adjuster. 3-6. Do not talk to insurance companies. After being involved in a car accident, you may get a call from the insurance company. If they call you, hang up. The caller is an adjuster who is trained to obtain statements that can later help the insurance company use against you in denying your claim or paying you less. Insurance companies are always employing attorneys to help save them money. In case they tell you that you do not need an attorney, you will know they're lying to you. They are trying to make you feel guilty for retaining counsel. Some injuries – particularly back and neck ones caused by whiplash – might not show up or reach their maximum level of pain until weeks or even months after the accident. Every insurance company uses the tactic delay, deny, defend to minimize the value of the victim's injuries for as little as possible. This tactic has proven to work against people who do not have a personal injury attorney and has helped insurers save a lot of money for decades. Tips Consider investing in a dashcam. In some jurisdictions and with some insurance companies, a dashcam may allow you to save on your insurance. In any case, the dashcam will allow you to defend your case in the event of a collision. If the accident is the result of bad infrastructure design, then petitioning the city to redesign the roadway may help make the road safer for everyone. Warnings Never flee the scene of the accident, no matter the severity of the crash. Doing so is a criminal offense. It can also make yourself liable for any damages, regardless of who is at fault.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:58", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Ensuring Safety\\n1-1. Take a moment to calm down.\\nYou will likely be angry, scared, shocked, nervous, guilty, or a combination of all of these emotions in the aftermath of an accident. The calmer you are, the better you will be able to deal with the situation. Take a few deep breaths or count to ten to steady yourself.\\n1-2. Stay at the scene, regardless of the severity of the collision.\\nLeaving the scene of an accident, whether you caused the accident or not, can result in serious criminal penalties. The penalties for leaving an injured person at the scene vary from state to state and according to the extent of the injuries, but generally result in fines between $5,000 and $20,000 and imprisonment for up to 15 years, in addition to civil damages. Leaving the scene after even minor damage can result in your license being suspended.\\n1-3. Determine any injuries.\\nThe most important thing to do immediately after a car accident is to assess any injuries you or the other drivers and passengers have received. Determine your own safety, then check with the other people involved and, if necessary, immediately call for an ambulance.\\nIf someone is unconscious or has neck pain, moving them may cause serious harm. Leave them in place until medical personnel arrives, unless leaving them in place would endanger them (i.e. they are lying in traffic, their car is on fire, etc.).\\n1-4. Move your vehicle to the shoulder, if possible.\\nIf you can safely drive your vehicle, move it off to the side of the road and out of the path of oncoming traffic. This will keep you at a safe distance from traffic while you exchange information with the other drivers and make it easier for police and ambulance workers to reach the scene of the accident.\\n1-5. Call the police.\\nEven for what looks like a fender-bender, it is still a good idea to call. That way you will have an official record of the accident, which will help protect you in case the other party sues you or disputes your account of the accident. Police can also dispatch assistance in the event of a serious accident.\\nStay on the phone with the police until they arrive or instruct you to hang up. Many 911 operators can provide safety instructions.\\nAsk that a police report be filed. This report will help when filing insurance claims and in the event of a lawsuit. In some states, police will only file a report if injuries are involved. In this case, file a state vehicle accident report, available at police stations or on the Department of Motor Vehicles website.\\nObtain the name and badge numbers of the police who arrive, in case your insurance agent or lawyer needs to contact them.\\n1-6. Turn on hazards and set up cones or flares if you can’t move your car.\\nParticularly on the highway, anything you can do to alert oncoming traffic that there is a disabled vehicle in the road will increase your safety.\\n1-7. Stay in your car with your seatbelt fastened.\\nDon’t try to cross traffic to get off the road, and don’t stand next to a car that is stranded in traffic or on the shoulder. People who get out of their car are killed or injured more often than those who stay inside.\\nHowever, if you smell gas, get out of your car right away. This could signal a fuel leak that could lead to a fire or explosion.\\n2. Gathering Information\\n2-1. Exchange information.\\nGet the names and phone numbers of all the other drivers involved in the traffic accident. Write down the make, model, year and license plate number of each vehicle. Be sure to obtain all insurance information including the company, policy number and any insurance agent contact information the driver can provide.\\nBe polite, but do not apologize. If you say, “I’m so sorry I hit you,” you may be admitting legal liability for the accident. Try not to admit guilt unnecessarily like this, as it may not be clear who was at fault in the immediate aftermath.\\nBe wary of identity theft. Criminals sometimes stage fender-benders in order to obtain the information needed to steal another motorist’s identity.\\nNever give out your social security number or let another driver take a picture of your driver’s license. For safety reasons, don’t provide your home address, either.\\n2-2. Talk to witnesses.\\nObtain names and contact information for any witnesses of the accident. Write down their account of what happened and make sure they agree to let your attorney or insurance agent contact and question them. They may be helpful if the other driver disputes your account of the accident.\\n2-3. Take pictures.\\nPhotograph damage to your car and the other vehicles involved in the accident. Also take photos of the accident location and the people involved. This will help document the damage when you submit an accident claim to your insurance company. It will also help protect you in the event the other motorist claims more serious injury or car damage than actually occurred.\\n3. Dealing with Claims and Lawsuits\\n3-1. File an insurance claim.\\nImmediately report the car accident to your insurance company. Also provide the insurance company with information on the other driver. Immediately filing a claim will speed up the process of getting your car repaired and securing a rental vehicle, if necessary. Do not lie when stating the facts of the accident, as this can result in denial of your coverage. \\nThe other driver may suggest not filing claims in the event of a small accident, as filing a claim will raise your rates. However, it is always a good idea to file a claim to protect yourself. The other driver may later change his mind and file a claim, even claiming injuries that weren’t apparent at the time of the accident. You want to be sure your insurance company has your version of the accident as soon as possible.\\n3-2. Hire a lawyer.\\nParticularly if anyone was hurt in the accident, hiring an experienced lawyer is a must because insurance companies hire lawyers all of the time to help them save money from lawsuits. A lawyer can help you maximize your reward if you have been injured, or defend you if the other motorist was injured. Additionally, good lawyers know all of the dirty tricks used by insurance companies to minimize how much they owe you for your injuries.\\n3-3. Document medical treatment.\\nKeep records of any hospital visits, tests, prescriptions or other expenses that arise as a result of your auto accident. This information will be needed by your insurance company and attorney.\\n3-4. Keep track of pain and suffering and lost wages.\\nIf the accident impacts your life to the extent that you decide to file a personal injury suit, you can claim damages for mental and physical distress and/or lost wages, as well as medical treatment. Keep a diary of how the injuries impact your life, including missed workdays, routine activities you cannot undertake, and changes to you family life.\\n3-5. Get an insurance company damage valuation.\\nThis will determine how much your company, or the other motorist's company if they were at fault, is willing to pay to replace or fix your car. If you think the number is too low, get your own independent estimates, and then discuss them with your adjuster.\\n3-6. Do not talk to insurance companies.\\nAfter being involved in a car accident, you may get a call from the insurance company. If they call you, hang up. The caller is an adjuster who is trained to obtain statements that can later help the insurance company use against you in denying your claim or paying you less.\\nInsurance companies are always employing attorneys to help save them money. In case they tell you that you do not need an attorney, you will know they're lying to you. They are trying to make you feel guilty for retaining counsel.\\nSome injuries – particularly back and neck ones caused by whiplash – might not show up or reach their maximum level of pain until weeks or even months after the accident.\\nEvery insurance company uses the tactic delay, deny, defend to minimize the value of the victim's injuries for as little as possible. This tactic has proven to work against people who do not have a personal injury attorney and has helped insurers save a lot of money for decades.\\nTips\\nConsider investing in a dashcam. In some jurisdictions and with some insurance companies, a dashcam may allow you to save on your insurance. In any case, the dashcam will allow you to defend your case in the event of a collision.\\nIf the accident is the result of bad infrastructure design, then petitioning the city to redesign the roadway may help make the road safer for everyone.\\nWarnings\\nNever flee the scene of the accident, no matter the severity of the crash. Doing so is a criminal offense. It can also make yourself liable for any damages, regardless of who is at fault.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A car accident can be a traumatic and scary experience, making it difficult to know how to react. It's important to act quickly to ensure that everyone involved is safe. Knowing how to take action after a car accident can also protect you from frivolous lawsuits and ensure that you receive the appropriate compensation for any injuries or damage to your vehicle.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ensuring Safety\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Take a moment to calm down.\", \"描述\": \"You will likely be angry, scared, shocked, nervous, guilty, or a combination of all of these emotions in the aftermath of an accident. The calmer you are, the better you will be able to deal with the situation. Take a few deep breaths or count to ten to steady yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Stay at the scene, regardless of the severity of the collision.\", \"描述\": \"Leaving the scene of an accident, whether you caused the accident or not, can result in serious criminal penalties. The penalties for leaving an injured person at the scene vary from state to state and according to the extent of the injuries, but generally result in fines between $5,000 and $20,000 and imprisonment for up to 15 years, in addition to civil damages. Leaving the scene after even minor damage can result in your license being suspended.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Determine any injuries.\", \"描述\": \"The most important thing to do immediately after a car accident is to assess any injuries you or the other drivers and passengers have received. Determine your own safety, then check with the other people involved and, if necessary, immediately call for an ambulance.\\nIf someone is unconscious or has neck pain, moving them may cause serious harm. Leave them in place until medical personnel arrives, unless leaving them in place would endanger them (i.e. they are lying in traffic, their car is on fire, etc.).\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Move your vehicle to the shoulder, if possible.\", \"描述\": \"If you can safely drive your vehicle, move it off to the side of the road and out of the path of oncoming traffic. This will keep you at a safe distance from traffic while you exchange information with the other drivers and make it easier for police and ambulance workers to reach the scene of the accident.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Call the police.\", \"描述\": \"Even for what looks like a fender-bender, it is still a good idea to call. That way you will have an official record of the accident, which will help protect you in case the other party sues you or disputes your account of the accident. Police can also dispatch assistance in the event of a serious accident.\\nStay on the phone with the police until they arrive or instruct you to hang up. Many 911 operators can provide safety instructions.\\nAsk that a police report be filed. This report will help when filing insurance claims and in the event of a lawsuit. In some states, police will only file a report if injuries are involved. In this case, file a state vehicle accident report, available at police stations or on the Department of Motor Vehicles website.\\nObtain the name and badge numbers of the police who arrive, in case your insurance agent or lawyer needs to contact them.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Turn on hazards and set up cones or flares if you can’t move your car.\", \"描述\": \"Particularly on the highway, anything you can do to alert oncoming traffic that there is a disabled vehicle in the road will increase your safety.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Stay in your car with your seatbelt fastened.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t try to cross traffic to get off the road, and don’t stand next to a car that is stranded in traffic or on the shoulder. People who get out of their car are killed or injured more often than those who stay inside.\\nHowever, if you smell gas, get out of your car right away. This could signal a fuel leak that could lead to a fire or explosion.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Gathering Information\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Exchange information.\", \"描述\": \"Get the names and phone numbers of all the other drivers involved in the traffic accident. Write down the make, model, year and license plate number of each vehicle. Be sure to obtain all insurance information including the company, policy number and any insurance agent contact information the driver can provide.\\nBe polite, but do not apologize. If you say, “I’m so sorry I hit you,” you may be admitting legal liability for the accident. Try not to admit guilt unnecessarily like this, as it may not be clear who was at fault in the immediate aftermath.\\nBe wary of identity theft. Criminals sometimes stage fender-benders in order to obtain the information needed to steal another motorist’s identity.\\nNever give out your social security number or let another driver take a picture of your driver’s license. For safety reasons, don’t provide your home address, either.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Talk to witnesses.\", \"描述\": \"Obtain names and contact information for any witnesses of the accident. Write down their account of what happened and make sure they agree to let your attorney or insurance agent contact and question them. They may be helpful if the other driver disputes your account of the accident.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take pictures.\", \"描述\": \"Photograph damage to your car and the other vehicles involved in the accident. Also take photos of the accident location and the people involved. This will help document the damage when you submit an accident claim to your insurance company. It will also help protect you in the event the other motorist claims more serious injury or car damage than actually occurred.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dealing with Claims and Lawsuits\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"File an insurance claim.\", \"描述\": \"Immediately report the car accident to your insurance company. Also provide the insurance company with information on the other driver. Immediately filing a claim will speed up the process of getting your car repaired and securing a rental vehicle, if necessary. Do not lie when stating the facts of the accident, as this can result in denial of your coverage. \\nThe other driver may suggest not filing claims in the event of a small accident, as filing a claim will raise your rates. However, it is always a good idea to file a claim to protect yourself. The other driver may later change his mind and file a claim, even claiming injuries that weren’t apparent at the time of the accident. You want to be sure your insurance company has your version of the accident as soon as possible.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Hire a lawyer.\", \"描述\": \"Particularly if anyone was hurt in the accident, hiring an experienced lawyer is a must because insurance companies hire lawyers all of the time to help them save money from lawsuits. A lawyer can help you maximize your reward if you have been injured, or defend you if the other motorist was injured. Additionally, good lawyers know all of the dirty tricks used by insurance companies to minimize how much they owe you for your injuries.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Document medical treatment.\", \"描述\": \"Keep records of any hospital visits, tests, prescriptions or other expenses that arise as a result of your auto accident. This information will be needed by your insurance company and attorney.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Keep track of pain and suffering and lost wages.\", \"描述\": \"If the accident impacts your life to the extent that you decide to file a personal injury suit, you can claim damages for mental and physical distress and/or lost wages, as well as medical treatment. Keep a diary of how the injuries impact your life, including missed workdays, routine activities you cannot undertake, and changes to you family life.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Get an insurance company damage valuation.\", \"描述\": \"This will determine how much your company, or the other motorist's company if they were at fault, is willing to pay to replace or fix your car. If you think the number is too low, get your own independent estimates, and then discuss them with your adjuster.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Do not talk to insurance companies.\", \"描述\": \"After being involved in a car accident, you may get a call from the insurance company. If they call you, hang up. The caller is an adjuster who is trained to obtain statements that can later help the insurance company use against you in denying your claim or paying you less.\\nInsurance companies are always employing attorneys to help save them money. In case they tell you that you do not need an attorney, you will know they're lying to you. They are trying to make you feel guilty for retaining counsel.\\nSome injuries – particularly back and neck ones caused by whiplash – might not show up or reach their maximum level of pain until weeks or even months after the accident.\\nEvery insurance company uses the tactic delay, deny, defend to minimize the value of the victim's injuries for as little as possible. This tactic has proven to work against people who do not have a personal injury attorney and has helped insurers save a lot of money for decades.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Consider investing in a dashcam. In some jurisdictions and with some insurance companies, a dashcam may allow you to save on your insurance. In any case, the dashcam will allow you to defend your case in the event of a collision.\\n\", \"If the accident is the result of bad infrastructure design, then petitioning the city to redesign the roadway may help make the road safer for everyone.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Never flee the scene of the accident, no matter the severity of the crash. Doing so is a criminal offense. It can also make yourself liable for any damages, regardless of who is at fault.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act After an Earthquake
1. Checking for Injuries and Seeking Help 1-1. Check yourself for injuries. Make sure you’re not seriously hurt before you do anything. If you’re bleeding, elevate your injury and put pressure on it. If your injury is serious, call for help using a cell phone or try to get rescuers’ attention. 1-2. Signal for help if you’re trapped. Use a cell phone to call for help if you have one. If you can’t use a phone, try knocking loudly on something nearby until rescuers find you. 1-3. Help others around you. Look to see if there’s anyone trapped nearby or if someone needs medical attention. If there’s a first-aid kit near you, grab it and use it on minor injuries. If someone is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound and wrap the injury in gauze if you have some. If someone has no pulse, administer CPR. If you encounter someone with substantial medical injuries, seek professional medical assistance. 2. Getting to a Safe Location 2-1. Prepare for aftershocks. Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the main shock of an earthquake, and they can cause significant damage. Expect aftershocks to occur and prepare to move to a safe location, like an open outdoor space or a structurally sound building. If an aftershock does occur, drop to the ground, cover yourself, and hold on to something until the shaking stops. 2-2. Put on sturdy shoes and clothes. Try to find a long-sleeve shirt and pants so your body is protected from glass and debris. If you have access to a hard hat, goggles, or a mask, put those on too. If you don't have access to shoes or clothes, walk around debris and fallen objects to avoid hurting yourself. 2-3. Exit the building once the shaking has stopped and you know it’s safe. The structure of the building you’re in may have been weakened by the initial earthquake, so you should exit in case of any aftershocks that could cause more damage to the building. If you’re in a high-rise building after an earthquake hits, do not use the elevators to exit. Slowly descend the stairs of the building and exit outside. If you’re in a stadium or theater, exit the building calmly, watching out for any debris that could fall on you. 2-4. Stay put if you’re outdoors following an earthquake. Do not enter any buildings unless they have been deemed safe by authorities. Buildings that look safe could be at risk of collapse if an aftershock occurs, or falling debris inside could seriously injure you. 2-5. Get to a wide open space once you're outside. Avoid standing near buildings or other large objects that could fall on you if an aftershock hits. If you’re near a coast, head for high ground in case a tsunami forms after the earthquake. 2-6. Call your family, neighbors, or a roommate if you have a cell phone. Find out if they’re alright and what the status of your home is if you're not there. Make a plan and establish a place to meet. 2-7. Find a local shelter if your home is unsafe to return to. If you’re not sure where the nearest shelter is, ask an emergency official nearby or see if a neighbor knows. Do not re-enter your home until you are certain that it is safe. 2-8. Drive carefully. Traffic lights may not be working and there could be fallen debris on the road. Clear the way for any emergency response vehicles you encounter. 2-9. Use a battery-powered radio or television to listen to local emergency information. Follow the instructions of local officials and check in regularly for updates. You can also check social media or cell phone alerts for further information from authorities. 3. Checking for Damage and Eliminating Hazards 3-1. Extinguish any fires inside or outside your home. If a fire is small enough, put it out using water or a fire extinguisher if you have one available. If you encounter a large fire, contact the fire department or nearby emergency officials immediately. Prevent a fire from starting by unplugging broken lights and appliances. Don’t light any matches or open flames until you’re certain your home is safe. 3-2. Smell for gas. If you smell gas, immediately turn off the gas valve. The smell could indicate a gas leak, which could cause an explosion or a fire. 3-3. Inspect the electrical wiring in your home for any damage. If there’s damage, immediately turn off the main breaker switch. Keep the power shut off until the electrical wiring is fixed and your home is deemed safe. 3-4. Avoid chimneys and walls made of brick. They’re at high risk of collapsing after an earthquake. Never use your fireplace after an earthquake until it’s been inspected by a professional, and keep out of rooms with brick walls. 3-5. Leave if your home is unsafe. Find an open outdoor space to go to or make plans to meet up with others. Take an emergency kit with you and leave a note in clear view detailing where you are. Tips If the tap water in your home is working after an earthquake hits, fill up your bathtub and any other containers you can find. The water could still shut off and you'll want to have a supply in case you're without running water for an extended period of time.[18] X Research source Contact the shelter you're relocating to beforehand if you have pets to see if they accept animals.[19] X Research source Warnings Aftershocks can occur at any time after an earthquake, sometimes even months after the initial shock. Never go to the beach right after an earthquake. Tsunamis can occur after powerful earthquake activity, so avoid the coast.[20] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:58", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Checking for Injuries and Seeking Help\\n1-1. Check yourself for injuries.\\nMake sure you’re not seriously hurt before you do anything. If you’re bleeding, elevate your injury and put pressure on it. If your injury is serious, call for help using a cell phone or try to get rescuers’ attention.\\n1-2. Signal for help if you’re trapped.\\nUse a cell phone to call for help if you have one. If you can’t use a phone, try knocking loudly on something nearby until rescuers find you.\\n1-3. Help others around you.\\nLook to see if there’s anyone trapped nearby or if someone needs medical attention. If there’s a first-aid kit near you, grab it and use it on minor injuries.\\nIf someone is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound and wrap the injury in gauze if you have some.\\nIf someone has no pulse, administer CPR.\\nIf you encounter someone with substantial medical injuries, seek professional medical assistance.\\n2. Getting to a Safe Location\\n2-1. Prepare for aftershocks.\\nAftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the main shock of an earthquake, and they can cause significant damage. Expect aftershocks to occur and prepare to move to a safe location, like an open outdoor space or a structurally sound building.\\nIf an aftershock does occur, drop to the ground, cover yourself, and hold on to something until the shaking stops.\\n2-2. Put on sturdy shoes and clothes.\\nTry to find a long-sleeve shirt and pants so your body is protected from glass and debris. If you have access to a hard hat, goggles, or a mask, put those on too. If you don't have access to shoes or clothes, walk around debris and fallen objects to avoid hurting yourself.\\n2-3. Exit the building once the shaking has stopped and you know it’s safe.\\nThe structure of the building you’re in may have been weakened by the initial earthquake, so you should exit in case of any aftershocks that could cause more damage to the building.\\nIf you’re in a high-rise building after an earthquake hits, do not use the elevators to exit. Slowly descend the stairs of the building and exit outside.\\nIf you’re in a stadium or theater, exit the building calmly, watching out for any debris that could fall on you.\\n2-4. Stay put if you’re outdoors following an earthquake.\\nDo not enter any buildings unless they have been deemed safe by authorities. Buildings that look safe could be at risk of collapse if an aftershock occurs, or falling debris inside could seriously injure you.\\n2-5. Get to a wide open space once you're outside.\\nAvoid standing near buildings or other large objects that could fall on you if an aftershock hits. If you’re near a coast, head for high ground in case a tsunami forms after the earthquake.\\n2-6. Call your family, neighbors, or a roommate if you have a cell phone.\\nFind out if they’re alright and what the status of your home is if you're not there. Make a plan and establish a place to meet.\\n2-7. Find a local shelter if your home is unsafe to return to.\\nIf you’re not sure where the nearest shelter is, ask an emergency official nearby or see if a neighbor knows. Do not re-enter your home until you are certain that it is safe.\\n2-8. Drive carefully.\\nTraffic lights may not be working and there could be fallen debris on the road. Clear the way for any emergency response vehicles you encounter.\\n2-9. Use a battery-powered radio or television to listen to local emergency information.\\nFollow the instructions of local officials and check in regularly for updates. You can also check social media or cell phone alerts for further information from authorities.\\n3. Checking for Damage and Eliminating Hazards\\n3-1. Extinguish any fires inside or outside your home.\\nIf a fire is small enough, put it out using water or a fire extinguisher if you have one available. If you encounter a large fire, contact the fire department or nearby emergency officials immediately.\\nPrevent a fire from starting by unplugging broken lights and appliances. Don’t light any matches or open flames until you’re certain your home is safe.\\n3-2. Smell for gas.\\nIf you smell gas, immediately turn off the gas valve. The smell could indicate a gas leak, which could cause an explosion or a fire.\\n3-3. Inspect the electrical wiring in your home for any damage.\\nIf there’s damage, immediately turn off the main breaker switch. Keep the power shut off until the electrical wiring is fixed and your home is deemed safe.\\n3-4. Avoid chimneys and walls made of brick.\\nThey’re at high risk of collapsing after an earthquake. Never use your fireplace after an earthquake until it’s been inspected by a professional, and keep out of rooms with brick walls.\\n3-5. Leave if your home is unsafe.\\nFind an open outdoor space to go to or make plans to meet up with others. Take an emergency kit with you and leave a note in clear view detailing where you are.\\nTips\\nIf the tap water in your home is working after an earthquake hits, fill up your bathtub and any other containers you can find. The water could still shut off and you'll want to have a supply in case you're without running water for an extended period of time.[18]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nContact the shelter you're relocating to beforehand if you have pets to see if they accept animals.[19]\\nX\\nResearch source\\nWarnings\\nAftershocks can occur at any time after an earthquake, sometimes even months after the initial shock.\\nNever go to the beach right after an earthquake. Tsunamis can occur after powerful earthquake activity, so avoid the coast.[20]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"The aftermath of an earthquake can be devastating, but it’s important that you are alert and focused after an earthquake strikes. Fires, gas leaks, and injury are all dangers you face after an earthquake, and the more prepared you are to respond, the safer you’ll be. By bracing for aftershocks, assessing the safety of your location, and following the directions of local authorities, your chances of surviving the aftermath of an earthquake will be much higher.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Checking for Injuries and Seeking Help\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Check yourself for injuries.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure you’re not seriously hurt before you do anything. If you’re bleeding, elevate your injury and put pressure on it. If your injury is serious, call for help using a cell phone or try to get rescuers’ attention.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Signal for help if you’re trapped.\", \"描述\": \"Use a cell phone to call for help if you have one. If you can’t use a phone, try knocking loudly on something nearby until rescuers find you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Help others around you.\", \"描述\": \"Look to see if there’s anyone trapped nearby or if someone needs medical attention. If there’s a first-aid kit near you, grab it and use it on minor injuries.\\nIf someone is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound and wrap the injury in gauze if you have some.\\nIf someone has no pulse, administer CPR.\\nIf you encounter someone with substantial medical injuries, seek professional medical assistance.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Getting to a Safe Location\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Prepare for aftershocks.\", \"描述\": \"Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the main shock of an earthquake, and they can cause significant damage. Expect aftershocks to occur and prepare to move to a safe location, like an open outdoor space or a structurally sound building.\\nIf an aftershock does occur, drop to the ground, cover yourself, and hold on to something until the shaking stops.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Put on sturdy shoes and clothes.\", \"描述\": \"Try to find a long-sleeve shirt and pants so your body is protected from glass and debris. If you have access to a hard hat, goggles, or a mask, put those on too. If you don't have access to shoes or clothes, walk around debris and fallen objects to avoid hurting yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Exit the building once the shaking has stopped and you know it’s safe.\", \"描述\": \"The structure of the building you’re in may have been weakened by the initial earthquake, so you should exit in case of any aftershocks that could cause more damage to the building.\\nIf you’re in a high-rise building after an earthquake hits, do not use the elevators to exit. Slowly descend the stairs of the building and exit outside.\\nIf you’re in a stadium or theater, exit the building calmly, watching out for any debris that could fall on you.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Stay put if you’re outdoors following an earthquake.\", \"描述\": \"Do not enter any buildings unless they have been deemed safe by authorities. Buildings that look safe could be at risk of collapse if an aftershock occurs, or falling debris inside could seriously injure you.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Get to a wide open space once you're outside.\", \"描述\": \"Avoid standing near buildings or other large objects that could fall on you if an aftershock hits. If you’re near a coast, head for high ground in case a tsunami forms after the earthquake.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Call your family, neighbors, or a roommate if you have a cell phone.\", \"描述\": \"Find out if they’re alright and what the status of your home is if you're not there. Make a plan and establish a place to meet.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Find a local shelter if your home is unsafe to return to.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re not sure where the nearest shelter is, ask an emergency official nearby or see if a neighbor knows. Do not re-enter your home until you are certain that it is safe.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Drive carefully.\", \"描述\": \"Traffic lights may not be working and there could be fallen debris on the road. Clear the way for any emergency response vehicles you encounter.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Use a battery-powered radio or television to listen to local emergency information.\", \"描述\": \"Follow the instructions of local officials and check in regularly for updates. You can also check social media or cell phone alerts for further information from authorities.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Checking for Damage and Eliminating Hazards\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Extinguish any fires inside or outside your home.\", \"描述\": \"If a fire is small enough, put it out using water or a fire extinguisher if you have one available. If you encounter a large fire, contact the fire department or nearby emergency officials immediately.\\nPrevent a fire from starting by unplugging broken lights and appliances. Don’t light any matches or open flames until you’re certain your home is safe.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Smell for gas.\", \"描述\": \"If you smell gas, immediately turn off the gas valve. The smell could indicate a gas leak, which could cause an explosion or a fire.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Inspect the electrical wiring in your home for any damage.\", \"描述\": \"If there’s damage, immediately turn off the main breaker switch. Keep the power shut off until the electrical wiring is fixed and your home is deemed safe.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Avoid chimneys and walls made of brick.\", \"描述\": \"They’re at high risk of collapsing after an earthquake. Never use your fireplace after an earthquake until it’s been inspected by a professional, and keep out of rooms with brick walls.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Leave if your home is unsafe.\", \"描述\": \"Find an open outdoor space to go to or make plans to meet up with others. Take an emergency kit with you and leave a note in clear view detailing where you are.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If the tap water in your home is working after an earthquake hits, fill up your bathtub and any other containers you can find. The water could still shut off and you'll want to have a supply in case you're without running water for an extended period of time.[18]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"Contact the shelter you're relocating to beforehand if you have pets to see if they accept animals.[19]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Aftershocks can occur at any time after an earthquake, sometimes even months after the initial shock.\\n\", \"Never go to the beach right after an earthquake. Tsunamis can occur after powerful earthquake activity, so avoid the coast.[20]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act After the First Date
1. Reflecting on the Event 1-1. Remember it's only one date. People have a tendency to judge quickly after a first date. When deciding your feelings, have some perspective. It's only one date. Whether you felt so-so about it, or had a great time, this is just one encounter and you can't make any sweeping decisions yet. If there was very little spark, do not decide it isn't worth pursuing. Unless there were very obvious red flags, consider giving the person a second chance if you had a decent time. If it went well, remember it was only one date and the other person may not have felt the same way. You're not in a relationship yet, so try to take things one day at a time before leaping to conclusions about where the relationship's going. 1-2. Try not to overanalyze. It's important to examine your feelings about the person after a date, but overanalyzing can do more harm than good. Try not to obsess over the meaning of every hand touch, hug, or other gesture. While small things can sometimes indicate a character trait, they can also be meaningless. For example, if your date checked a text during dinner, you may be wondering if this means they're an inconsiderate person. If this only happened once throughout the whole date, they may have been checking the time or waiting on an important call. For now, try not to think about the text incident too much. 1-3. Decide if you want a second date. Sometimes, you know for sure you want a second date, but sometimes it's more confusing. There is no pressure to go on a second date if you don't want to, but it's worth giving someone a chance if you had a decent time. However, if you were very uncomfortable or didn't have any fun, you may want to move on to someone else. 1-4. Figure out any potential red flags. Sometimes, red flags show up early. If your date engaged in behaviors that seemed rude or inappropriate on more than one occasion, this may be a sign this person is not worth pursuing. For example, maybe they rolled their eyes or laughed at a serious comment you made. Maybe they barely engaged in conversation. Maybe they just made you uncomfortable throughout the night. Trust your instinct. Don't keep seeing someone if they have a bad vibe. 1-5. Think about the level of attraction. If you felt no attraction to the person at all whatsoever, a second date may not be worth it. However, keep in mind you may not be wildly attracted to the person right away, especially if you're nervous. If you felt the person was decent looking, even if you weren't swept off your feet, it may be worth a second date to see if attraction develops. 2. Communicating Afterwards 2-1. Send a casual text saying you had a good time. This is usually best if you're interested in going out again. You do not need to gush about what a great time you had, but just send something simple. For example, "I had a great time with you yesterday. Hope we can do it again soon!" There's no need to wait the customary three days, as this is no longer considered dating gospel. You can send the text when you get home from the date or the next day. You can also text your date to find out if they made it home safely. This will show your care and concern for the other person’s well-being and may encourage further conversations. If the date went well, then you might consider sending a text within the first 24 hours after the date. It’s okay to be the one to do this and open up the possibilities for further conversation. Try saying something like, “I had a great time the other night. I hope you’re doing well today. If you have time, let’s go for coffee on Tuesday.” 2-2. Interact casually online. You should only do this if the two of you already follow each other on social media. Try replying to tweets or posting on their Facebook a little bit more if you're interested in them. This can show you've been thinking of them and would like to go out again. If you don't already interact with them online, however, suddenly adding them on Facebook may seem like a bit much. 2-3. Ask to see them again if there was a spark. If you want to see them again, say so. Do not wait too long, as this can feel like playing games. The goal is to show your interest without coming across as needy or desperate. Sometime within the next 24 hours, send a text that says something like, "I had a great time last night. I'd love to see you again. When are you free?" 2-4. Let them know respectfully if there was no connection. If you've decided not to pursue things further, you should communicate this. This is especially important if the other person has been texting you expressing interest. After about 24 hours, send a polite text saying something like, "I had a really great time meeting you, but I just didn't feel a connection. Sorry." If you did not feel a connection, then it is unlikely that the other person did either. However, if you are unsure about whether or not the person is interested in you, then try to ask them in a respectful way by the end of the night. For example, you could say something like, “It has been great to meet you, but I’m not really feeling a connection. What about you?” 2-5. Accept rejection. Unfortunately, sometimes the other person does not feel the same way about you. If someone turns you down for a second date, try to accept it with grace. Send them a text thanking them for letting you know there wasn't a connection and wishing them well. For example, say something like, "I appreciate you letting me know how you feel. Good luck in the dating game." 3. Avoiding Common Mistakes 3-1. Do not text excessively. If someone is not responding to your texts promptly and giving short replies, you may be texting too much. It's okay to text a lot after a first if the person is encouraging conversation, but if you're getting silence on their end, it may be best to tone it down. You don't want to seem overeager, as this could potentially put someone off. 3-2. Avoid phone calls. For the most part, people rarely make phone calls anymore, especially in the dating game. Texts are generally the preferred method of communication, so stick to texting your date rather than calling them. However, if you're older and do not use smart phones, calling may still be appropriate. If your date has preferred phone calls previously, calling may be a better route in this case. 3-3. Stay away from their social media. Again, it's okay to interact on social media if you're already connected there, and it may be a good way to learn the basics about a person. However, if you're not, do not add them on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should also avoid scrolling through their profiles, as this may cause you to overanalyze things and jump to unfair conclusions. Talk to the person directly instead to learn about them. Make sure that you are tactful about anything you post on social media as well, or don’t post anything at all. Your first date with someone should be between you and the other person, so you may want to avoid posting about it on social media altogether. 3-4. Keep in touch with other potential matches. Even if it went well, one date does not mean you're in a relationship. If you're talking to other people you're interested in, keep in touch with them. This relationship may not work out, so it's okay to keep looking in case things fall through. Tips When meeting someone for the first time, choose a date activity that provides you with the opportunity for plenty of face-to-face talk time. For example, a day at the museum is a better first date idea than an evening at the movies.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:58", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Reflecting on the Event\\n1-1. Remember it's only one date.\\nPeople have a tendency to judge quickly after a first date. When deciding your feelings, have some perspective. It's only one date. Whether you felt so-so about it, or had a great time, this is just one encounter and you can't make any sweeping decisions yet.\\nIf there was very little spark, do not decide it isn't worth pursuing. Unless there were very obvious red flags, consider giving the person a second chance if you had a decent time.\\nIf it went well, remember it was only one date and the other person may not have felt the same way. You're not in a relationship yet, so try to take things one day at a time before leaping to conclusions about where the relationship's going.\\n1-2. Try not to overanalyze.\\nIt's important to examine your feelings about the person after a date, but overanalyzing can do more harm than good. Try not to obsess over the meaning of every hand touch, hug, or other gesture. While small things can sometimes indicate a character trait, they can also be meaningless.\\nFor example, if your date checked a text during dinner, you may be wondering if this means they're an inconsiderate person. If this only happened once throughout the whole date, they may have been checking the time or waiting on an important call. For now, try not to think about the text incident too much.\\n1-3. Decide if you want a second date.\\nSometimes, you know for sure you want a second date, but sometimes it's more confusing. There is no pressure to go on a second date if you don't want to, but it's worth giving someone a chance if you had a decent time. However, if you were very uncomfortable or didn't have any fun, you may want to move on to someone else.\\n1-4. Figure out any potential red flags.\\nSometimes, red flags show up early. If your date engaged in behaviors that seemed rude or inappropriate on more than one occasion, this may be a sign this person is not worth pursuing.\\nFor example, maybe they rolled their eyes or laughed at a serious comment you made. Maybe they barely engaged in conversation. Maybe they just made you uncomfortable throughout the night.\\nTrust your instinct. Don't keep seeing someone if they have a bad vibe.\\n1-5. Think about the level of attraction.\\nIf you felt no attraction to the person at all whatsoever, a second date may not be worth it. However, keep in mind you may not be wildly attracted to the person right away, especially if you're nervous. If you felt the person was decent looking, even if you weren't swept off your feet, it may be worth a second date to see if attraction develops.\\n2. Communicating Afterwards\\n2-1. Send a casual text saying you had a good time.\\nThis is usually best if you're interested in going out again. You do not need to gush about what a great time you had, but just send something simple. For example, \\\"I had a great time with you yesterday. Hope we can do it again soon!\\\"\\nThere's no need to wait the customary three days, as this is no longer considered dating gospel. You can send the text when you get home from the date or the next day.\\nYou can also text your date to find out if they made it home safely. This will show your care and concern for the other person’s well-being and may encourage further conversations.\\nIf the date went well, then you might consider sending a text within the first 24 hours after the date. It’s okay to be the one to do this and open up the possibilities for further conversation. Try saying something like, “I had a great time the other night. I hope you’re doing well today. If you have time, let’s go for coffee on Tuesday.”\\n2-2. Interact casually online.\\nYou should only do this if the two of you already follow each other on social media. Try replying to tweets or posting on their Facebook a little bit more if you're interested in them. This can show you've been thinking of them and would like to go out again.\\nIf you don't already interact with them online, however, suddenly adding them on Facebook may seem like a bit much.\\n2-3. Ask to see them again if there was a spark.\\nIf you want to see them again, say so. Do not wait too long, as this can feel like playing games. The goal is to show your interest without coming across as needy or desperate. Sometime within the next 24 hours, send a text that says something like, \\\"I had a great time last night. I'd love to see you again. When are you free?\\\"\\n2-4. Let them know respectfully if there was no connection.\\nIf you've decided not to pursue things further, you should communicate this. This is especially important if the other person has been texting you expressing interest. After about 24 hours, send a polite text saying something like, \\\"I had a really great time meeting you, but I just didn't feel a connection. Sorry.\\\"\\nIf you did not feel a connection, then it is unlikely that the other person did either. However, if you are unsure about whether or not the person is interested in you, then try to ask them in a respectful way by the end of the night. For example, you could say something like, “It has been great to meet you, but I’m not really feeling a connection. What about you?”\\n2-5. Accept rejection.\\nUnfortunately, sometimes the other person does not feel the same way about you. If someone turns you down for a second date, try to accept it with grace. Send them a text thanking them for letting you know there wasn't a connection and wishing them well.\\nFor example, say something like, \\\"I appreciate you letting me know how you feel. Good luck in the dating game.\\\"\\n3. Avoiding Common Mistakes\\n3-1. Do not text excessively.\\nIf someone is not responding to your texts promptly and giving short replies, you may be texting too much. It's okay to text a lot after a first if the person is encouraging conversation, but if you're getting silence on their end, it may be best to tone it down. You don't want to seem overeager, as this could potentially put someone off.\\n3-2. Avoid phone calls.\\nFor the most part, people rarely make phone calls anymore, especially in the dating game. Texts are generally the preferred method of communication, so stick to texting your date rather than calling them.\\nHowever, if you're older and do not use smart phones, calling may still be appropriate. If your date has preferred phone calls previously, calling may be a better route in this case.\\n3-3. Stay away from their social media.\\nAgain, it's okay to interact on social media if you're already connected there, and it may be a good way to learn the basics about a person. However, if you're not, do not add them on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should also avoid scrolling through their profiles, as this may cause you to overanalyze things and jump to unfair conclusions. Talk to the person directly instead to learn about them. \\nMake sure that you are tactful about anything you post on social media as well, or don’t post anything at all. Your first date with someone should be between you and the other person, so you may want to avoid posting about it on social media altogether.\\n3-4. Keep in touch with other potential matches.\\nEven if it went well, one date does not mean you're in a relationship. If you're talking to other people you're interested in, keep in touch with them. This relationship may not work out, so it's okay to keep looking in case things fall through.\\nTips\\nWhen meeting someone for the first time, choose a date activity that provides you with the opportunity for plenty of face-to-face talk time. For example, a day at the museum is a better first date idea than an evening at the movies.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Dating can be awkward, especially after the first date. Determining how to act means determining how you feel. Think about whether you want to go out again and, from there, communicate this to the other person. While interactions can sometimes be uncomfortable, a little etiquette can help you smoothly navigate the days following a first date.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Reflecting on the Event\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Remember it's only one date.\", \"描述\": \"People have a tendency to judge quickly after a first date. When deciding your feelings, have some perspective. It's only one date. Whether you felt so-so about it, or had a great time, this is just one encounter and you can't make any sweeping decisions yet.\\nIf there was very little spark, do not decide it isn't worth pursuing. Unless there were very obvious red flags, consider giving the person a second chance if you had a decent time.\\nIf it went well, remember it was only one date and the other person may not have felt the same way. You're not in a relationship yet, so try to take things one day at a time before leaping to conclusions about where the relationship's going.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Try not to overanalyze.\", \"描述\": \"It's important to examine your feelings about the person after a date, but overanalyzing can do more harm than good. Try not to obsess over the meaning of every hand touch, hug, or other gesture. While small things can sometimes indicate a character trait, they can also be meaningless.\\nFor example, if your date checked a text during dinner, you may be wondering if this means they're an inconsiderate person. If this only happened once throughout the whole date, they may have been checking the time or waiting on an important call. For now, try not to think about the text incident too much.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Decide if you want a second date.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes, you know for sure you want a second date, but sometimes it's more confusing. There is no pressure to go on a second date if you don't want to, but it's worth giving someone a chance if you had a decent time. However, if you were very uncomfortable or didn't have any fun, you may want to move on to someone else.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Figure out any potential red flags.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes, red flags show up early. If your date engaged in behaviors that seemed rude or inappropriate on more than one occasion, this may be a sign this person is not worth pursuing.\\nFor example, maybe they rolled their eyes or laughed at a serious comment you made. Maybe they barely engaged in conversation. Maybe they just made you uncomfortable throughout the night.\\nTrust your instinct. Don't keep seeing someone if they have a bad vibe.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Think about the level of attraction.\", \"描述\": \"If you felt no attraction to the person at all whatsoever, a second date may not be worth it. However, keep in mind you may not be wildly attracted to the person right away, especially if you're nervous. If you felt the person was decent looking, even if you weren't swept off your feet, it may be worth a second date to see if attraction develops.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Communicating Afterwards\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Send a casual text saying you had a good time.\", \"描述\": \"This is usually best if you're interested in going out again. You do not need to gush about what a great time you had, but just send something simple. For example, \\\"I had a great time with you yesterday. Hope we can do it again soon!\\\"\\nThere's no need to wait the customary three days, as this is no longer considered dating gospel. You can send the text when you get home from the date or the next day.\\nYou can also text your date to find out if they made it home safely. This will show your care and concern for the other person’s well-being and may encourage further conversations.\\nIf the date went well, then you might consider sending a text within the first 24 hours after the date. It’s okay to be the one to do this and open up the possibilities for further conversation. Try saying something like, “I had a great time the other night. I hope you’re doing well today. If you have time, let’s go for coffee on Tuesday.”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Interact casually online.\", \"描述\": \"You should only do this if the two of you already follow each other on social media. Try replying to tweets or posting on their Facebook a little bit more if you're interested in them. This can show you've been thinking of them and would like to go out again.\\nIf you don't already interact with them online, however, suddenly adding them on Facebook may seem like a bit much.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Ask to see them again if there was a spark.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to see them again, say so. Do not wait too long, as this can feel like playing games. The goal is to show your interest without coming across as needy or desperate. Sometime within the next 24 hours, send a text that says something like, \\\"I had a great time last night. I'd love to see you again. When are you free?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Let them know respectfully if there was no connection.\", \"描述\": \"If you've decided not to pursue things further, you should communicate this. This is especially important if the other person has been texting you expressing interest. After about 24 hours, send a polite text saying something like, \\\"I had a really great time meeting you, but I just didn't feel a connection. Sorry.\\\"\\nIf you did not feel a connection, then it is unlikely that the other person did either. However, if you are unsure about whether or not the person is interested in you, then try to ask them in a respectful way by the end of the night. For example, you could say something like, “It has been great to meet you, but I’m not really feeling a connection. What about you?”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Accept rejection.\", \"描述\": \"Unfortunately, sometimes the other person does not feel the same way about you. If someone turns you down for a second date, try to accept it with grace. Send them a text thanking them for letting you know there wasn't a connection and wishing them well.\\nFor example, say something like, \\\"I appreciate you letting me know how you feel. Good luck in the dating game.\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoiding Common Mistakes\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Do not text excessively.\", \"描述\": \"If someone is not responding to your texts promptly and giving short replies, you may be texting too much. It's okay to text a lot after a first if the person is encouraging conversation, but if you're getting silence on their end, it may be best to tone it down. You don't want to seem overeager, as this could potentially put someone off.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Avoid phone calls.\", \"描述\": \"For the most part, people rarely make phone calls anymore, especially in the dating game. Texts are generally the preferred method of communication, so stick to texting your date rather than calling them.\\nHowever, if you're older and do not use smart phones, calling may still be appropriate. If your date has preferred phone calls previously, calling may be a better route in this case.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay away from their social media.\", \"描述\": \"Again, it's okay to interact on social media if you're already connected there, and it may be a good way to learn the basics about a person. However, if you're not, do not add them on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should also avoid scrolling through their profiles, as this may cause you to overanalyze things and jump to unfair conclusions. Talk to the person directly instead to learn about them. \\nMake sure that you are tactful about anything you post on social media as well, or don’t post anything at all. Your first date with someone should be between you and the other person, so you may want to avoid posting about it on social media altogether.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Keep in touch with other potential matches.\", \"描述\": \"Even if it went well, one date does not mean you're in a relationship. If you're talking to other people you're interested in, keep in touch with them. This relationship may not work out, so it's okay to keep looking in case things fall through.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"When meeting someone for the first time, choose a date activity that provides you with the opportunity for plenty of face-to-face talk time. For example, a day at the museum is a better first date idea than an evening at the movies.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Girls
1. Gaining Confidence 1-1. Be yourself. As much as you want to gain the approval of a girl, altering your personality to do so isn’t the way to go! Even if it works in the short-term, you’ll feel fake and happy, and chances are she’ll eventually find out who you really are. Know who you are. Own up to your thoughts and feelings in life. Being genuine and self-assured is appealing to girls and will make you feel good about yourself, too. Avoid becoming overly generous or aggressive in an attempt to win her over. This can come across as fake or even offensive--not the way you want to portray yourself! Put less attention into pleasing girls, too. Appreciate your flaws and don’t let them distract you. If you like yourself and become comfortable with who you are, then you will be more comfortable around other people. And even if things don't go well, it won't matter as much! Only you can make yourself happy. If you like yourself, that's the most important thing. 1-2. Clean yourself up. Maintaining proper hygiene makes you look and feel better. Take a shower in the morning. Wash your hair. Put on deodorant and clean clothes before you go outside. When you’re around girls, the last thing you want to worry about is how you smell! Keep yourself clean to make sure it’s never a problem. You may choose to put a little perfume or cologne on your neck and shoulders. If you do, use it sparingly! You don’t want to overwhelm the people around you. 1-3. Dress well. If possible, go out and find some clothes that are right for you. They don’t have to be expensive, but they should fit well and feel comfortable on you. Besides making you look good, clothes that you like wearing make you feel more confident and able to focus on girls instead of your appearance. Try observing those around you for ideas on what’s fashionable, but remember that a good outfit is one that reflects your own unique style. Ask store employees for feedback. Ask politely and they’ll be happy to guide you to a proper fit. 1-4. Do what you enjoy. You can have fun with girls doing what they want to do, but remember to take time out for yourself and continue to do what makes you happy. If that’s watching science fiction and reading comics, go ahead and do it. Never feel ashamed of your interests! Pursuing them is what makes you happier, more genuine and more pleasant to be around. It’s natural to find yourself getting completely absorbed in a girl you like. Remember to take a step back some days and give yourself some space to focus on doing something you love, like playing sports or a video game. 1-5. Relax Being tense around girls makes them tense too. If you’re looking around trying to figure out what to say or how to escape the situation, you aren’t focusing on the girl. Breathe deeply before approaching and when not speaking. Stay present and focus your attention on the girl, instead of on an anxious feeling. Stay positive and remind yourself that nothing bad will happen, because chances are, everything will be just fine. Most people are absorbed in their own lives and aren’t out to embarrass you or make you feel bad. If you think you’ve made a mistake or embarrassed yourself, don’t worry about it; chances are, everyone else will forget it ever happened. 1-6. Be honest with your intentions. Starting out befriending a girl you’re interested in is a good idea, but if you have feelings for her, don’t hide them. Work towards starting a relationship, paying attention to her. If you hide your feelings, she won’t know how you feel and can feel betrayed or in a bad position when she does find out. Conversely, don’t lead on a girl if you only want to be friends. Remember the tried and true (if somewhat cheesy) saying: Honesty is the best policy! Remember to respect her boundaries. Don’t push your feelings upon her if she doesn’t return your interest. She’ll be grateful and will be more likely to want to be friends, even if she doesn’t return your feelings. 2. Communicating Effectively 2-1. Maintain eye contact. As you approach a girl to start a conversation, look her in the eyes. This displays confidence and, when she is speaking, an interest in what she is saying. Don’t stare, however, especially when you’re not having a conversation with her. Look at her enough to show that you’re paying attention, then look away. Don’t worry if this is difficult at first; eye contact can feel a little awkward for everyone! To practice eye contact, start with a mirror, then move on to friends and strangers. Eye contact is difficult but it prevents you from getting caught looking at the rest of her body. Plus, it’s polite, engaging, and a great way to show your interest and respect in a girl. 2-2. Engage girls in conversation. Greet girls just like you would greet anyone else: say hello and bringing up appropriate topics. Some great icebreakers include asking for opinion on clothing, talking about a class you share, complimenting a girl on making a good point, or offering to help her. Do this at times to gain confidence around girls and build towards deeper conversations. Everyone enjoys a good conversation, and girls will be impressed with your confidence and outgoing personality. 2-3. Listen actively. Truly listening to what she says and means will be appreciated by a girl. Put down your phone and try to grasp the complete meaning of what she’s saying. Don’t interrupt. Show interest by nodding and responding when she’s finished. No one likes having a conversation with someone who doesn’t listen to them, so make sure to extend this common courtesy to any girls you talk to. Respond by paraphrasing the message, such as by saying, “So what you’re saying is…” to show that you get the important point of the girl’s message. When you respond, be respectful and nonjudgmental no matter how you feel. Really consider her thoughts and opinions before you answer to show your thoughtfulness. 2-4. Show genuine interest in people. To grow trust between you and a girl, communicate on a deeper level with them. Ask a girl about herself, her interests, and her desires. Show that you’re interested in learning about her as a person. This makes you appear more confident and helps girls feel more comfortable around you. As an added bonus, this takes a lot of the pressure of maintaining the conversation off of you: all you have to do is ask questions and listen! A good question, for example, is to ask her what kind of music she likes. If she likes the same music, you can share that interest. Even if you have different tastes, you can say, “I’ve never really listened to that genre. Can you give any recommendations to a newbie?” 2-5. Be attentive to her feelings. When you show a girl that you’re interested in her life, she may open up to you about something that’s troubling her. This is a huge show of trust, so it’s important to listen with interest and respond to her empathetically. Never make her feel judged or ridiculed--you wouldn’t want to feel that way, so you know she wouldn’t, either. For example, you can say, “That’s okay, the test was really hard. You did your best.” Encourage her in her goals, too. If she wants to be a photographer, encourage her to do it no matter what you think of the idea. Say, “That’s awesome you have such big dreams!” 2-6. Make her laugh Humor is an effective way of being charming and charismatic. Engaging in banter with girls will make things less awkward as you learn about each other and paves the way to talk about more serious issues. You don’t have to be a natural comedian, and definitely don’t force it! Try to make some witty observations or recall funny tales from your past to make her laugh and ease any awkwardness. Not all humor is appropriate in every situation. For example, avoid telling crude or sexist jokes around a girl you’ve just met. Don't focus on just being funny. Humor can help you attract a girl, but it should feel natural and not like you're always forcing it. As you spend more time with a girl, you’ll learn what she finds funny and develop inside jokes between you and her. Be patient and see how your senses of humor play off each other. You’ll be cracking each other up in no time! 3. Behaving Appropriately 3-1. Respect personal space. When first meeting a girl, a handshake is enough. Be relaxed and always use common sense: such as don’t crowd up against her, bring your face near hers, or touch inappropriate areas such as the face. As you build your relationship, use your judgment as to how much physical contact is welcome. Start with gentle hand and shoulder brushes during conversations and standing close during opportune times such as parties and concerts. If you desire a relationship, ramp up your contact, slowly and naturally, as you go. Then you can try hugging and flirting if she is okay with it. If you’re interested in starting a relationship with her, don’t be afraid to try a bit of flirting! Remember to back off if she seems uninterested or uncomfortable. Don’t touch a girl if it’s not desired. Respect her personal boundaries and pull back if she feels uncomfortable. 3-2. Display good manners. Behave with grace around girls. Inappropriate actions including swearing, farting, or telling rude jokes are sure to make a girl not want to be around you. Show respect and good manners by holding open the door and saying please and thank you. 3-3. Treat everyone the same. Talk to everyone — boys, trans people, and so on — the same way you’d talk to a girl. Show everyone respect and kindness and listen to what they have to say. Avoid starting fights--violence isn’t a good way to impress anyone! When girls are around, they’ll see how genuine and mature you are. This is hard to do when arguing or encountering someone you don’t like, but try to avoid outbursts of emotion. Breathe deeply and control what you say. When all is said and done, you’ll be proud of yourself for taking the high road, even if a girl isn’t around to be impressed by it! 3-4. Don’t talk about people behind their backs. Talking badly about someone who isn’t present has the same effect as an unpleasant confrontation in-person, and sometimes it can be even worse! Avoid gossiping. Sharing negative information will make you look immature to girls and cause them to wonder if you talk about them too when they’re not around. Continue to be respectful as much as possible. In return, don’t speak negatively about girls or share their secrets with your friends. This information may get back to them and give you a bad reputation. Show them your trustworthiness and they’ll soon consider you a loyal friend. Tips Don't panic if you do something embarrassing. Own up to your mistake, laugh it off and rebound with humor. Making light of the situation will make you and the people around you, including girls, more comfortable. Be especially gentle around shy girls. Break conversation and touch barriers slowly. Give her space. Pay attention to her body language in order to gauge how she is feeling and how you should act. Warnings Never pressure a girl into physical contact or a relationship if she isn’t ready for it. Trying too hard to hide your feelings or impress a girl will be noticeable and make you feel unhappy.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Gaining Confidence\\n1-1. Be yourself.\\nAs much as you want to gain the approval of a girl, altering your personality to do so isn’t the way to go! Even if it works in the short-term, you’ll feel fake and happy, and chances are she’ll eventually find out who you really are. Know who you are. Own up to your thoughts and feelings in life. Being genuine and self-assured is appealing to girls and will make you feel good about yourself, too.\\nAvoid becoming overly generous or aggressive in an attempt to win her over. This can come across as fake or even offensive--not the way you want to portray yourself!\\nPut less attention into pleasing girls, too. Appreciate your flaws and don’t let them distract you.\\nIf you like yourself and become comfortable with who you are, then you will be more comfortable around other people. And even if things don't go well, it won't matter as much! Only you can make yourself happy. If you like yourself, that's the most important thing.\\n1-2. Clean yourself up.\\nMaintaining proper hygiene makes you look and feel better. Take a shower in the morning. Wash your hair. Put on deodorant and clean clothes before you go outside. When you’re around girls, the last thing you want to worry about is how you smell! Keep yourself clean to make sure it’s never a problem.\\nYou may choose to put a little perfume or cologne on your neck and shoulders. If you do, use it sparingly! You don’t want to overwhelm the people around you.\\n1-3. Dress well.\\nIf possible, go out and find some clothes that are right for you. They don’t have to be expensive, but they should fit well and feel comfortable on you. Besides making you look good, clothes that you like wearing make you feel more confident and able to focus on girls instead of your appearance.\\nTry observing those around you for ideas on what’s fashionable, but remember that a good outfit is one that reflects your own unique style.\\nAsk store employees for feedback. Ask politely and they’ll be happy to guide you to a proper fit.\\n1-4. Do what you enjoy.\\nYou can have fun with girls doing what they want to do, but remember to take time out for yourself and continue to do what makes you happy. If that’s watching science fiction and reading comics, go ahead and do it. Never feel ashamed of your interests! Pursuing them is what makes you happier, more genuine and more pleasant to be around.\\nIt’s natural to find yourself getting completely absorbed in a girl you like. Remember to take a step back some days and give yourself some space to focus on doing something you love, like playing sports or a video game.\\n1-5. Relax\\nBeing tense around girls makes them tense too. If you’re looking around trying to figure out what to say or how to escape the situation, you aren’t focusing on the girl. Breathe deeply before approaching and when not speaking. Stay present and focus your attention on the girl, instead of on an anxious feeling. Stay positive and remind yourself that nothing bad will happen, because chances are, everything will be just fine.\\nMost people are absorbed in their own lives and aren’t out to embarrass you or make you feel bad. If you think you’ve made a mistake or embarrassed yourself, don’t worry about it; chances are, everyone else will forget it ever happened.\\n1-6. Be honest with your intentions.\\nStarting out befriending a girl you’re interested in is a good idea, but if you have feelings for her, don’t hide them. Work towards starting a relationship, paying attention to her. If you hide your feelings, she won’t know how you feel and can feel betrayed or in a bad position when she does find out. Conversely, don’t lead on a girl if you only want to be friends. Remember the tried and true (if somewhat cheesy) saying: Honesty is the best policy!\\nRemember to respect her boundaries. Don’t push your feelings upon her if she doesn’t return your interest. She’ll be grateful and will be more likely to want to be friends, even if she doesn’t return your feelings.\\n2. Communicating Effectively\\n2-1. Maintain eye contact.\\nAs you approach a girl to start a conversation, look her in the eyes. This displays confidence and, when she is speaking, an interest in what she is saying. Don’t stare, however, especially when you’re not having a conversation with her. Look at her enough to show that you’re paying attention, then look away.\\nDon’t worry if this is difficult at first; eye contact can feel a little awkward for everyone! To practice eye contact, start with a mirror, then move on to friends and strangers.\\nEye contact is difficult but it prevents you from getting caught looking at the rest of her body. Plus, it’s polite, engaging, and a great way to show your interest and respect in a girl.\\n2-2. Engage girls in conversation.\\nGreet girls just like you would greet anyone else: say hello and bringing up appropriate topics. Some great icebreakers include asking for opinion on clothing, talking about a class you share, complimenting a girl on making a good point, or offering to help her.\\nDo this at times to gain confidence around girls and build towards deeper conversations. Everyone enjoys a good conversation, and girls will be impressed with your confidence and outgoing personality.\\n2-3. Listen actively.\\nTruly listening to what she says and means will be appreciated by a girl. Put down your phone and try to grasp the complete meaning of what she’s saying. Don’t interrupt. Show interest by nodding and responding when she’s finished. No one likes having a conversation with someone who doesn’t listen to them, so make sure to extend this common courtesy to any girls you talk to.\\nRespond by paraphrasing the message, such as by saying, “So what you’re saying is…” to show that you get the important point of the girl’s message.\\nWhen you respond, be respectful and nonjudgmental no matter how you feel. Really consider her thoughts and opinions before you answer to show your thoughtfulness.\\n2-4. Show genuine interest in people.\\nTo grow trust between you and a girl, communicate on a deeper level with them. Ask a girl about herself, her interests, and her desires. Show that you’re interested in learning about her as a person. This makes you appear more confident and helps girls feel more comfortable around you. As an added bonus, this takes a lot of the pressure of maintaining the conversation off of you: all you have to do is ask questions and listen!\\nA good question, for example, is to ask her what kind of music she likes. If she likes the same music, you can share that interest. Even if you have different tastes, you can say, “I’ve never really listened to that genre. Can you give any recommendations to a newbie?”\\n2-5. Be attentive to her feelings.\\nWhen you show a girl that you’re interested in her life, she may open up to you about something that’s troubling her. This is a huge show of trust, so it’s important to listen with interest and respond to her empathetically. Never make her feel judged or ridiculed--you wouldn’t want to feel that way, so you know she wouldn’t, either.\\nFor example, you can say, “That’s okay, the test was really hard. You did your best.”\\nEncourage her in her goals, too. If she wants to be a photographer, encourage her to do it no matter what you think of the idea. Say, “That’s awesome you have such big dreams!”\\n2-6. Make her laugh\\nHumor is an effective way of being charming and charismatic. Engaging in banter with girls will make things less awkward as you learn about each other and paves the way to talk about more serious issues. You don’t have to be a natural comedian, and definitely don’t force it! Try to make some witty observations or recall funny tales from your past to make her laugh and ease any awkwardness.\\nNot all humor is appropriate in every situation. For example, avoid telling crude or sexist jokes around a girl you’ve just met.\\nDon't focus on just being funny. Humor can help you attract a girl, but it should feel natural and not like you're always forcing it.\\nAs you spend more time with a girl, you’ll learn what she finds funny and develop inside jokes between you and her. Be patient and see how your senses of humor play off each other. You’ll be cracking each other up in no time!\\n3. Behaving Appropriately\\n3-1. Respect personal space.\\nWhen first meeting a girl, a handshake is enough. Be relaxed and always use common sense: such as don’t crowd up against her, bring your face near hers, or touch inappropriate areas such as the face. As you build your relationship, use your judgment as to how much physical contact is welcome. Start with gentle hand and shoulder brushes during conversations and standing close during opportune times such as parties and concerts.\\nIf you desire a relationship, ramp up your contact, slowly and naturally, as you go. Then you can try hugging and flirting if she is okay with it.\\nIf you’re interested in starting a relationship with her, don’t be afraid to try a bit of flirting! Remember to back off if she seems uninterested or uncomfortable.\\nDon’t touch a girl if it’s not desired. Respect her personal boundaries and pull back if she feels uncomfortable.\\n3-2. Display good manners.\\nBehave with grace around girls. Inappropriate actions including swearing, farting, or telling rude jokes are sure to make a girl not want to be around you. Show respect and good manners by holding open the door and saying please and thank you.\\n3-3. Treat everyone the same.\\nTalk to everyone — boys, trans people, and so on — the same way you’d talk to a girl. Show everyone respect and kindness and listen to what they have to say. Avoid starting fights--violence isn’t a good way to impress anyone! When girls are around, they’ll see how genuine and mature you are.\\nThis is hard to do when arguing or encountering someone you don’t like, but try to avoid outbursts of emotion. Breathe deeply and control what you say. When all is said and done, you’ll be proud of yourself for taking the high road, even if a girl isn’t around to be impressed by it!\\n3-4. Don’t talk about people behind their backs.\\nTalking badly about someone who isn’t present has the same effect as an unpleasant confrontation in-person, and sometimes it can be even worse! Avoid gossiping. Sharing negative information will make you look immature to girls and cause them to wonder if you talk about them too when they’re not around. Continue to be respectful as much as possible.\\nIn return, don’t speak negatively about girls or share their secrets with your friends. This information may get back to them and give you a bad reputation. Show them your trustworthiness and they’ll soon consider you a loyal friend.\\nTips\\nDon't panic if you do something embarrassing. Own up to your mistake, laugh it off and rebound with humor. Making light of the situation will make you and the people around you, including girls, more comfortable.\\nBe especially gentle around shy girls. Break conversation and touch barriers slowly. Give her space.\\nPay attention to her body language in order to gauge how she is feeling and how you should act.\\nWarnings\\nNever pressure a girl into physical contact or a relationship if she isn’t ready for it.\\nTrying too hard to hide your feelings or impress a girl will be noticeable and make you feel unhappy.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Whether you’re approaching a girl you don’t know or trying to maintain your cool around one you’re interested in, one thing is for sure: talking to girls can be hard but not impossible! You just have to remember that girls are just like anyone else in your life, they are humans too, being around them won’t seem so scary after all. By having confidence in yourself and practicing some key communication skills, you’ll start to feel relaxed and comfortable around any and every girl.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Gaining Confidence\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be yourself.\", \"描述\": \"As much as you want to gain the approval of a girl, altering your personality to do so isn’t the way to go! Even if it works in the short-term, you’ll feel fake and happy, and chances are she’ll eventually find out who you really are. Know who you are. Own up to your thoughts and feelings in life. Being genuine and self-assured is appealing to girls and will make you feel good about yourself, too.\\nAvoid becoming overly generous or aggressive in an attempt to win her over. This can come across as fake or even offensive--not the way you want to portray yourself!\\nPut less attention into pleasing girls, too. Appreciate your flaws and don’t let them distract you.\\nIf you like yourself and become comfortable with who you are, then you will be more comfortable around other people. And even if things don't go well, it won't matter as much! Only you can make yourself happy. If you like yourself, that's the most important thing.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Clean yourself up.\", \"描述\": \"Maintaining proper hygiene makes you look and feel better. Take a shower in the morning. Wash your hair. Put on deodorant and clean clothes before you go outside. When you’re around girls, the last thing you want to worry about is how you smell! Keep yourself clean to make sure it’s never a problem.\\nYou may choose to put a little perfume or cologne on your neck and shoulders. If you do, use it sparingly! You don’t want to overwhelm the people around you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dress well.\", \"描述\": \"If possible, go out and find some clothes that are right for you. They don’t have to be expensive, but they should fit well and feel comfortable on you. Besides making you look good, clothes that you like wearing make you feel more confident and able to focus on girls instead of your appearance.\\nTry observing those around you for ideas on what’s fashionable, but remember that a good outfit is one that reflects your own unique style.\\nAsk store employees for feedback. Ask politely and they’ll be happy to guide you to a proper fit.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do what you enjoy.\", \"描述\": \"You can have fun with girls doing what they want to do, but remember to take time out for yourself and continue to do what makes you happy. If that’s watching science fiction and reading comics, go ahead and do it. Never feel ashamed of your interests! Pursuing them is what makes you happier, more genuine and more pleasant to be around.\\nIt’s natural to find yourself getting completely absorbed in a girl you like. Remember to take a step back some days and give yourself some space to focus on doing something you love, like playing sports or a video game.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Relax\", \"描述\": \"Being tense around girls makes them tense too. If you’re looking around trying to figure out what to say or how to escape the situation, you aren’t focusing on the girl. Breathe deeply before approaching and when not speaking. Stay present and focus your attention on the girl, instead of on an anxious feeling. Stay positive and remind yourself that nothing bad will happen, because chances are, everything will be just fine.\\nMost people are absorbed in their own lives and aren’t out to embarrass you or make you feel bad. If you think you’ve made a mistake or embarrassed yourself, don’t worry about it; chances are, everyone else will forget it ever happened.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be honest with your intentions.\", \"描述\": \"Starting out befriending a girl you’re interested in is a good idea, but if you have feelings for her, don’t hide them. Work towards starting a relationship, paying attention to her. If you hide your feelings, she won’t know how you feel and can feel betrayed or in a bad position when she does find out. Conversely, don’t lead on a girl if you only want to be friends. Remember the tried and true (if somewhat cheesy) saying: Honesty is the best policy!\\nRemember to respect her boundaries. Don’t push your feelings upon her if she doesn’t return your interest. She’ll be grateful and will be more likely to want to be friends, even if she doesn’t return your feelings.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Communicating Effectively\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Maintain eye contact.\", \"描述\": \"As you approach a girl to start a conversation, look her in the eyes. This displays confidence and, when she is speaking, an interest in what she is saying. Don’t stare, however, especially when you’re not having a conversation with her. Look at her enough to show that you’re paying attention, then look away.\\nDon’t worry if this is difficult at first; eye contact can feel a little awkward for everyone! To practice eye contact, start with a mirror, then move on to friends and strangers.\\nEye contact is difficult but it prevents you from getting caught looking at the rest of her body. Plus, it’s polite, engaging, and a great way to show your interest and respect in a girl.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Engage girls in conversation.\", \"描述\": \"Greet girls just like you would greet anyone else: say hello and bringing up appropriate topics. Some great icebreakers include asking for opinion on clothing, talking about a class you share, complimenting a girl on making a good point, or offering to help her.\\nDo this at times to gain confidence around girls and build towards deeper conversations. Everyone enjoys a good conversation, and girls will be impressed with your confidence and outgoing personality.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Listen actively.\", \"描述\": \"Truly listening to what she says and means will be appreciated by a girl. Put down your phone and try to grasp the complete meaning of what she’s saying. Don’t interrupt. Show interest by nodding and responding when she’s finished. No one likes having a conversation with someone who doesn’t listen to them, so make sure to extend this common courtesy to any girls you talk to.\\nRespond by paraphrasing the message, such as by saying, “So what you’re saying is…” to show that you get the important point of the girl’s message.\\nWhen you respond, be respectful and nonjudgmental no matter how you feel. Really consider her thoughts and opinions before you answer to show your thoughtfulness.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Show genuine interest in people.\", \"描述\": \"To grow trust between you and a girl, communicate on a deeper level with them. Ask a girl about herself, her interests, and her desires. Show that you’re interested in learning about her as a person. This makes you appear more confident and helps girls feel more comfortable around you. As an added bonus, this takes a lot of the pressure of maintaining the conversation off of you: all you have to do is ask questions and listen!\\nA good question, for example, is to ask her what kind of music she likes. If she likes the same music, you can share that interest. Even if you have different tastes, you can say, “I’ve never really listened to that genre. Can you give any recommendations to a newbie?”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be attentive to her feelings.\", \"描述\": \"When you show a girl that you’re interested in her life, she may open up to you about something that’s troubling her. This is a huge show of trust, so it’s important to listen with interest and respond to her empathetically. Never make her feel judged or ridiculed--you wouldn’t want to feel that way, so you know she wouldn’t, either.\\nFor example, you can say, “That’s okay, the test was really hard. You did your best.”\\nEncourage her in her goals, too. If she wants to be a photographer, encourage her to do it no matter what you think of the idea. Say, “That’s awesome you have such big dreams!”\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Make her laugh\", \"描述\": \"Humor is an effective way of being charming and charismatic. Engaging in banter with girls will make things less awkward as you learn about each other and paves the way to talk about more serious issues. You don’t have to be a natural comedian, and definitely don’t force it! Try to make some witty observations or recall funny tales from your past to make her laugh and ease any awkwardness.\\nNot all humor is appropriate in every situation. For example, avoid telling crude or sexist jokes around a girl you’ve just met.\\nDon't focus on just being funny. Humor can help you attract a girl, but it should feel natural and not like you're always forcing it.\\nAs you spend more time with a girl, you’ll learn what she finds funny and develop inside jokes between you and her. Be patient and see how your senses of humor play off each other. You’ll be cracking each other up in no time!\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Behaving Appropriately\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Respect personal space.\", \"描述\": \"When first meeting a girl, a handshake is enough. Be relaxed and always use common sense: such as don’t crowd up against her, bring your face near hers, or touch inappropriate areas such as the face. As you build your relationship, use your judgment as to how much physical contact is welcome. Start with gentle hand and shoulder brushes during conversations and standing close during opportune times such as parties and concerts.\\nIf you desire a relationship, ramp up your contact, slowly and naturally, as you go. Then you can try hugging and flirting if she is okay with it.\\nIf you’re interested in starting a relationship with her, don’t be afraid to try a bit of flirting! Remember to back off if she seems uninterested or uncomfortable.\\nDon’t touch a girl if it’s not desired. Respect her personal boundaries and pull back if she feels uncomfortable.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Display good manners.\", \"描述\": \"Behave with grace around girls. Inappropriate actions including swearing, farting, or telling rude jokes are sure to make a girl not want to be around you. Show respect and good manners by holding open the door and saying please and thank you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Treat everyone the same.\", \"描述\": \"Talk to everyone — boys, trans people, and so on — the same way you’d talk to a girl. Show everyone respect and kindness and listen to what they have to say. Avoid starting fights--violence isn’t a good way to impress anyone! When girls are around, they’ll see how genuine and mature you are.\\nThis is hard to do when arguing or encountering someone you don’t like, but try to avoid outbursts of emotion. Breathe deeply and control what you say. When all is said and done, you’ll be proud of yourself for taking the high road, even if a girl isn’t around to be impressed by it!\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t talk about people behind their backs.\", \"描述\": \"Talking badly about someone who isn’t present has the same effect as an unpleasant confrontation in-person, and sometimes it can be even worse! Avoid gossiping. Sharing negative information will make you look immature to girls and cause them to wonder if you talk about them too when they’re not around. Continue to be respectful as much as possible.\\nIn return, don’t speak negatively about girls or share their secrets with your friends. This information may get back to them and give you a bad reputation. Show them your trustworthiness and they’ll soon consider you a loyal friend.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Don't panic if you do something embarrassing. Own up to your mistake, laugh it off and rebound with humor. Making light of the situation will make you and the people around you, including girls, more comfortable.\\n\", \"Be especially gentle around shy girls. Break conversation and touch barriers slowly. Give her space.\\n\", \"Pay attention to her body language in order to gauge how she is feeling and how you should act.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Never pressure a girl into physical contact or a relationship if she isn’t ready for it.\\n\", \"Trying too hard to hide your feelings or impress a girl will be noticeable and make you feel unhappy.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Girls (for Boys)
1. Make the first move. Girls are often very insecure and don't want to come on too strong. So, you should make the first move. One thing that may be going through a girl's mind is, "What if he doesn't like me back? If he likes me, he can get off his shy butt and come over here and tell me!" If you don't feel comfortable making the first move, take a step back from the situation and reflect on why you feel that way. What can you work on within yourself that can make you feel confident enough to make the first move? 2. Accept rejection. Move on if you ask a girl for her number and she rejects you. She's obviously not interested. Rejection is a fact of life—the key is understanding that it's not the end of the world. 3. Be careful asking for her number. It is all too easy to give a girl the wrong impression about how you feel. If, however, she does give you her number, try to only use it to arrange dates. For example, constantly texting her will probably give her the idea that you are in love with her, and set very high expectations for your relationship. 4. Don't lead her on. Don't lead a girl on if you are going to change your mind. Of course, you should not go out with her after the first date if there is no connection. If you feel there is no connection, say so early on and don't leave her hanging, this will result in resentment from her. 5. Be friendly. Let her know you are interested but don't be too eager. See how she reacts when you start the conversation, and go from there. 6. Act casual and be yourself. Girls are much more likely to fall for you if you be yourself. They're not as likely to fall for the person you're pretending to be. 7. Be consistent. Don't behave strangely towards her around your friends. Many boys think that their friends will tease them if they are all "loved up" with their girlfriend. To make it easier, see your friends separately from your girlfriend. If you are together though, be yourself with your friends but make sure you don't leave your girlfriend out. 8. Suggest a kiss. Make sure that she likes you back first. Then hint, touch her arm and look into her eyes, or look at her lips then at her. It is a good idea to make some contact before the kiss, so holding her hand or tucking her hair behind her ear is a good start. Lean in - but slowly so that if she doesn't look up for it you can just touch her arm and say something instead. If she leans toward you as well then good! Move your head slightly to one side first and she will follow. If she pulls away before you expected, don't be awkward, just act like you wanted it to end then as well. Don't pressure her into anything. 9. Be clear. Make it clear if a girl is hitting on you and you aren't interested. Sure, she might get upset, but that is better than going along with it and breaking up with her later. Tips Remember—the key to attraction starts with feeling attractive! That's why it's so important to work on yourself and to really feel attractive in the way that you look, the way that you're presenting yourself, and the way that you're feeling. Be funny, tease her (without being mean) and make her laugh. Many girls really like it when a guy is funny. For most girls, personality is much much more important than looks. You don't have to be particularly handsome for a girl to like you, just be clean and smell nice. So just be yourself to get the best results. Warnings If she makes it clear that she isn't interested, then you should probably stop trying to impress her, and move on. If she has a partner, then you shouldn't try this.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Make the first move.\\nGirls are often very insecure and don't want to come on too strong.\\nSo, you should make the first move. One thing that may be going through a girl's mind is, \\\"What if he doesn't like me back? If he likes me, he can get off his shy butt and come over here and tell me!\\\"\\nIf you don't feel comfortable making the first move, take a step back from the situation and reflect on why you feel that way. What can you work on within yourself that can make you feel confident enough to make the first move?\\n2. Accept rejection.\\nMove on if you ask a girl for her number and she rejects you.\\nShe's obviously not interested.\\nRejection is a fact of life—the key is understanding that it's not the end of the world.\\n3. Be careful asking for her number.\\nIt is all too easy to give a girl the wrong impression about how you feel.\\nIf, however, she does give you her number, try to only use it to arrange dates. For example, constantly texting her will probably give her the idea that you are in love with her, and set very high expectations for your relationship.\\n4. Don't lead her on.\\nDon't lead a girl on if you are going to change your mind.\\nOf course, you should not go out with her after the first date if there is no connection. If you feel there is no connection, say so early on and don't leave her hanging, this will result in resentment from her.\\n5. Be friendly.\\nLet her know you are interested but don't be too eager.\\nSee how she reacts when you start the conversation, and go from there.\\n6. Act casual and be yourself.\\nGirls are much more likely to fall for you if you be yourself.\\nThey're not as likely to fall for the person you're pretending to be.\\n7. Be consistent.\\nDon't behave strangely towards her around your friends.\\nMany boys think that their friends will tease them if they are all \\\"loved up\\\" with their girlfriend. To make it easier, see your friends separately from your girlfriend. If you are together though, be yourself with your friends but make sure you don't leave your girlfriend out.\\n8. Suggest a kiss.\\nMake sure that she likes you back first.\\nThen hint, touch her arm and look into her eyes, or look at her lips then at her. It is a good idea to make some contact before the kiss, so holding her hand or tucking her hair behind her ear is a good start. Lean in - but slowly so that if she doesn't look up for it you can just touch her arm and say something instead. If she leans toward you as well then good! Move your head slightly to one side first and she will follow.\\nIf she pulls away before you expected, don't be awkward, just act like you wanted it to end then as well. Don't pressure her into anything.\\n9. Be clear.\\nMake it clear if a girl is hitting on you and you aren't interested.\\nSure, she might get upset, but that is better than going along with it and breaking up with her later.\\nTips\\nRemember—the key to attraction starts with feeling attractive! That's why it's so important to work on yourself and to really feel attractive in the way that you look, the way that you're presenting yourself, and the way that you're feeling.\\nBe funny, tease her (without being mean) and make her laugh. Many girls really like it when a guy is funny.\\nFor most girls, personality is much much more important than looks. You don't have to be particularly handsome for a girl to like you, just be clean and smell nice. So just be yourself to get the best results.\\nWarnings\\nIf she makes it clear that she isn't interested, then you should probably stop trying to impress her, and move on.\\nIf she has a partner, then you shouldn't try this.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Want to know how to make the best possible impression on the girl you like? You've come to the right place. We've covered everything you need to know about guy-on-girl interactions, so have a better chance at hitting it off with her. Read on to discover plenty of ways that you can maintain respect and kindness around girls.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make the first move.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Girls are often very insecure and don't want to come on too strong.\", \"描述\": \"So, you should make the first move. One thing that may be going through a girl's mind is, \\\"What if he doesn't like me back? If he likes me, he can get off his shy butt and come over here and tell me!\\\"\\nIf you don't feel comfortable making the first move, take a step back from the situation and reflect on why you feel that way. What can you work on within yourself that can make you feel confident enough to make the first move?\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Accept rejection.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Move on if you ask a girl for her number and she rejects you.\", \"描述\": \"She's obviously not interested.\\nRejection is a fact of life—the key is understanding that it's not the end of the world.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be careful asking for her number.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"It is all too easy to give a girl the wrong impression about how you feel.\", \"描述\": \"If, however, she does give you her number, try to only use it to arrange dates. For example, constantly texting her will probably give her the idea that you are in love with her, and set very high expectations for your relationship.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don't lead her on.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Don't lead a girl on if you are going to change your mind.\", \"描述\": \"Of course, you should not go out with her after the first date if there is no connection. If you feel there is no connection, say so early on and don't leave her hanging, this will result in resentment from her.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be friendly.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Let her know you are interested but don't be too eager.\", \"描述\": \"See how she reacts when you start the conversation, and go from there.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Act casual and be yourself.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Girls are much more likely to fall for you if you be yourself.\", \"描述\": \"They're not as likely to fall for the person you're pretending to be.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Be consistent.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Don't behave strangely towards her around your friends.\", \"描述\": \"Many boys think that their friends will tease them if they are all \\\"loved up\\\" with their girlfriend. To make it easier, see your friends separately from your girlfriend. If you are together though, be yourself with your friends but make sure you don't leave your girlfriend out.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Suggest a kiss.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make sure that she likes you back first.\", \"描述\": \"Then hint, touch her arm and look into her eyes, or look at her lips then at her. It is a good idea to make some contact before the kiss, so holding her hand or tucking her hair behind her ear is a good start. Lean in - but slowly so that if she doesn't look up for it you can just touch her arm and say something instead. If she leans toward you as well then good! Move your head slightly to one side first and she will follow.\\nIf she pulls away before you expected, don't be awkward, just act like you wanted it to end then as well. Don't pressure her into anything.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Be clear.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make it clear if a girl is hitting on you and you aren't interested.\", \"描述\": \"Sure, she might get upset, but that is better than going along with it and breaking up with her later.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Remember—the key to attraction starts with feeling attractive! That's why it's so important to work on yourself and to really feel attractive in the way that you look, the way that you're presenting yourself, and the way that you're feeling.\\n\", \"Be funny, tease her (without being mean) and make her laugh. Many girls really like it when a guy is funny.\\n\", \"For most girls, personality is much much more important than looks. You don't have to be particularly handsome for a girl to like you, just be clean and smell nice. So just be yourself to get the best results.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"If she makes it clear that she isn't interested, then you should probably stop trying to impress her, and move on.\\n\", \"If she has a partner, then you shouldn't try this.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Guys
1. Knowing What to Do 1-1. Find common ground. One thing you can do around guys is to look for things you have in common so you can get an interesting conversation going. It doesn’t have to be super deep and can be as simple as your mutual affection for Community or your lifelong love for the Cubs. Look at the guy’s clothes, binders, or notebooks for clues about what you may have in common and start a lighthearted discussion about it. You don’t have to find it immediately. If you get a guy talking for a few minutes or more, you’ll be able to latch on to something pretty soon. This is better than coming right out and asking him what all of his favorite bands, hobbies, or movies are, though you can get around to that eventually. You can also check out a guy’s Facebook profile for hints of the stuff he likes, if you’re nervous about striking up a conversation. If you both like the same activities, you might invite him to join you sometime. For instance, if he likes going on hikes, you could invite him to hike with you over the weekend. 1-2. Be yourself Though “be yourself” may sound like super corny advice, it can be the best advice you get. If you really want guys to like you and to get to know you, then all you can do is to be the person you were meant to be. Of course, if you want to wait for them to really get to know you or avoid topics that may be more suited for your girlfriends, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t change who you are just to fit an idea of what the guys may expect you to do or say. When you talk to a guy, don’t act like a version of a girl you think he might like more, and don’t try to mimic one of the most popular girls in your high school. This won’t get you nearly as far as sharing your true self with others. If you’re more shy, you don’t have to put it all out there at once. Just open up to guys little by little as you become friends with them. 1-3. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable. You can wear whatever makes you feel good. If you like babydoll dresses, then wear them all you want. If you’re into leggings and long shirts, skirts and tanktops, or jeans and t-shirts, then that’s fine, too. You shouldn’t wear clothes that are tighter or more revealing than you’re comfortable with just to fit an image of what you think guys are into. You’ll look the best when you’re clearly comfortable with what you’re wearing. Don’t feel like you’re limited to one style or image, whether you’re more grungy or super girly. You can rock leather jeans one week and a pink babydoll dress the next. What matters is that you feel like yourself in whatever you wear. 1-4. Be friendly — to everyone. You may think that guys will think you’re cool if you’re mean to people whom you deem unworthy of you or somehow inferior, but in fact, the best thing to do is to be friendly to everyone around unless they give you a reason not to be. Whether you’re talking to the quiet guy in your homeroom for the first time or striking up a conversation with the new guy in school, make a point of having a smile on your face, asking questions, and being friendly. Guys will see that you’re a person they want to be around. If you’re more shy, then you don’t have to suddenly become super outgoing. But you should make an effort to at least smile and wave at people and to introduce yourself to new people when you can. 1-5. Show a real interest in them. If you want to have a great time hanging out with guys, then you have to show that you really care about them, whether you like them romantically or not. Just show that you care by asking them questions about their lives, complimenting them, looking like you care about how they’re feeling, and making eye contact when you talk to them. Don’t switch the conversation to yourself every chance you get or keep checking your phone when they’re trying to talk to you. Instead, take the time to let them know they matter. Of course, it can be tricky to let a guy know you care about him when you don’t have romantic feelings for him. Just be fun and friendly and make it clear that you’re only looking for friendship. 1-6. Wow them with your confidence. You may think that every girl but you is feeling confident about who she is, what she does, and how she looks. However, you’d be surprised by just how many girls are plagued by insecurity and try to mask it with a big smile or a mean attitude. You can be better than that. Work on loving the person who you are, being kind to the people around you, and feeling capable of doing anything. If you have a positive attitude and a great energy, then guys will like being around you. Don’t talk about how much weight you need to lose or how much you hate being tall. Instead, focus on the things you like about yourself. Of course, it can take years to truly love yourself. But you can take steps in this direction by accepting what you can’t change and working on changing what you can. 2. Knowing What to Say 2-1. Talk about the things that actually interest you. You don’t want to change who you are just to get the attention of a guy, especially if it means pretending to love Star Wars or talking about a band you can’t stand for hours. Talk about your favorite TV shows, a great movie you just saw, the hobby you most care about, or really any of the things you care about, and guys will be drawn to your passion. Think about it as not being different from talking to your girlfriends about everyday things — except that you can avoid talking about the guys you like! The subject of your conversation is less important than making sure that you and the guys you talk to maintain a fair balance between talking and listening. Try not to dominate any conversation and leave room for other people to talk. If you’re talking to a guy one-on-one, try not to do more than about half the talking. 2-2. Know when you should change the subject. Though it’s important to feel comfortable actually talking about the things that matter to you, you should also be able to get a sense of when a guy is starting to lose interest. If you’ve been talking about your horse for twenty minutes and you see the guy shifting on his feet, checking his phone, or looking around for a friend who can give him a save, then you can shift subjects by asking him a question instead. Learn to read body language and facial expressions to see whether or not a guy is listening to you. If he’s listening, he’ll be making eye contact (unless he’s super shy or has a crush on you!), and turning his body toward you instead of away. If he's not interested, he might pull his leg away or lean further back. He might also be less active in the conversation and only give yes or no answers. 2-3. Compliment them. One thing you can do is to offer a subtle compliment to a guy from time to time. You don’t have to tell him he has the world’s most beautiful eyes or that he’s a big hunk, but you can compliment a new shirt the guy is wearing, tell him he did great in yesterday’s basketball game, or just make a kind, lighthearted comment that lets the guy know you care. You don’t have to actually have a crush on the guy to give him a compliment, either. You can say something like, “You’re so good at chemistry. How do you do it?” Or, “You have such a unique laugh. I could tell it was you from the other side of the hall.” 2-4. Ask them questions. If you want to have a good time hanging out with guys, then you should ask them about themselves from time to time without interrogating them. You can get to know them little by little and show that you care about the things that matter to them. You don’t need to interview them, but you should ask them a question or two in the course of a conversation. Here are some things you can ask them about to show them you care: Their favorite bands Their hobbies Their favorite TV shows, movies, or actors Their weekend plans Their pets 2-5. Be okay with poking fun at yourself. Guys like girls who don’t take themselves too seriously. While it’s not attractive to actually put yourself down or to make fun of yourself in a real way, like saying that you’re fat, that you’re stupid, or that you hate something about yourself, some light humor can show that you’re a fun, easygoing person. This is different from bad-mouthing yourself in hopes that someone will give you some attention; just learn to laugh at yourself and the rest of your life will be much easier. For example, you can make a comment like, “Big surprise, I tripped again,” or, “I wonder how many more pink sweaters I can wear,” to show guys that you’re aware of your goofy or endearing qualities while not being committed to perfection. 3. Avoiding Common Mistakes 3-1. Don’t act like a girly girl if that’s not who you are. If you would describe yourself as a girly girl, like to wear dresses and emphasize your feminine qualities, then you should keep doing that. But if you’re more of a tomboy, then you should be proud to be who you are and not try to giggle more than usual, play with your hair more than usual, or just change who you are to be more girly because you think that’s what guys want. The most important thing is that you act like yourself, and guys will be impressed. You can also mix it up. If you’re more of a tomboy but want to put on a dress or a skirt once in a while, no one is stopping you. 3-2. Don’t get your girlfriends to talk to guys for you. If you have a crush on a guy and have something to say to him about it, then make sure you do it yourself. Sure, it’s easier and less stressful to have one of your friends talk to the guy for you to tell him what you’re thinking, but if you do it yourself, you’ll start an easier flow of communication and the guy will be impressed by your confidence. The worst that can happen is that he may not return your feelings, but at least you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you had the courage to talk to him to begin with. If you’re really shy about telling a guy you like him in person, you can pass him a note or talk to him online. The most important thing is that it’s coming from you directly. 3-3. Don’t laugh at everything. Again, another misconception girls have about how to act around guys is that they want girls who are laughing all the time. Of course, if the guy you’re around is genuinely funny, you can laugh all you want, but you should avoid laughing if you’re doing it only because you think it’ll make people like you more. You can laugh, but you should also have jokes of your own to share, too. You don’t want people to think you’re just a laugh track. When a guy is genuinely funny, you can crack up all you want. But you should avoid doing it just because you think it makes you look cute. 3-4. Don’t try to show off. You may also think that guys like girls who talk about how much money their purse cost, which celebrities are following them on Twitter, or other things that may superficially make you more interesting. Instead, talk about the things you actually care about, and guys will be impressed. If you do something that is worth bragging about, then the guys will find out some other way because other people will be praising you. Just work on being the best person you can be and guys will be impressed by what you do, whether you’re amazing at learning foreign languages or have an unstoppable tennis serve. 3-5. Don’t make fun of other girls. You may think that guys will think it’s funny if you put other girls down or talk about the random drama you’re experiencing. However, most guys actually prefer girls who are chill and who don’t complain about their friends and who don’t feel the need to put other people down just to feel better about themselves. If you actually say nice things about girls who aren’t there and avoid gossip, guys will like you more because they’ll see that you’re easygoing and drama free and will be drawn to you. If you put down other girls, then it’ll be a sign of your insecurity, and guys will see that you’re only doing it to try to make yourself look better. Instead, praise other girls to show how comfortable you are with what you have to offer. Tips Respect his privacy and keep anything he tells you in confidence to yourself. Be easy going and willing to try something different. This way he will have more interest in inviting you to more places with him. Try to wait for him to come forward sometimes. If you always go forward first, it makes you look very desperate. Warnings Don't suffocate him. Give him some space. Steer clear of any guys who lie, cheat, or makes you do anything you don't want to do. Don't ever stereotype guys and assume that they are all the same. Just like girls, every guy is different. So if something worked for one guy, don't assume it will work for them all. Try not to stare at him 24/7. He'll get a little annoyed and uncomfortable with it. Be careful if he invites you to participate in an activity that you and your girl friends wouldn't normally do. Be open to new things, but use sense. Let him talk to other girls. Don't be over-possessive. Don't say things like, "Get away from him, he's mine!" Most guys don't like that. Don't act like a drama queen around him. Most guys don't like that kind of behavior. Don't ditch your friends. Guys like girls who are loyal and he will be happy you're not living in his pocket. Don't let a friend do all the talking. Avoid talking about other guys you think are cute around him. Never go too fast, but don't move too slow either. If you're too fast, it'll scare him. But if you go too slow, he might lose interest. Don't over-do the jokes, it'll make you look like you're trying too hard. Don't be mean or say anything mean, even if you think it's a joke. Don't be an obnoxious flirt. Don't lead a guy on. Not only will you break his heart and lose his respect, and you will probably lose some serious respect from his friends too. Whatever you do, do what you truly want to be or do, not what you think he wants you to be or do. It's true with your girlfriends too. You'll feel much better in the long run.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Knowing What to Do\\n1-1. Find common ground.\\nOne thing you can do around guys is to look for things you have in common so you can get an interesting conversation going. It doesn’t have to be super deep and can be as simple as your mutual affection for Community or your lifelong love for the Cubs. Look at the guy’s clothes, binders, or notebooks for clues about what you may have in common and start a lighthearted discussion about it.\\nYou don’t have to find it immediately. If you get a guy talking for a few minutes or more, you’ll be able to latch on to something pretty soon. This is better than coming right out and asking him what all of his favorite bands, hobbies, or movies are, though you can get around to that eventually.\\nYou can also check out a guy’s Facebook profile for hints of the stuff he likes, if you’re nervous about striking up a conversation.\\nIf you both like the same activities, you might invite him to join you sometime. For instance, if he likes going on hikes, you could invite him to hike with you over the weekend.\\n1-2. Be yourself\\nThough “be yourself” may sound like super corny advice, it can be the best advice you get. If you really want guys to like you and to get to know you, then all you can do is to be the person you were meant to be. Of course, if you want to wait for them to really get to know you or avoid topics that may be more suited for your girlfriends, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t change who you are just to fit an idea of what the guys may expect you to do or say.\\nWhen you talk to a guy, don’t act like a version of a girl you think he might like more, and don’t try to mimic one of the most popular girls in your high school. This won’t get you nearly as far as sharing your true self with others.\\nIf you’re more shy, you don’t have to put it all out there at once. Just open up to guys little by little as you become friends with them.\\n1-3. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable.\\nYou can wear whatever makes you feel good. If you like babydoll dresses, then wear them all you want. If you’re into leggings and long shirts, skirts and tanktops, or jeans and t-shirts, then that’s fine, too. You shouldn’t wear clothes that are tighter or more revealing than you’re comfortable with just to fit an image of what you think guys are into. You’ll look the best when you’re clearly comfortable with what you’re wearing.\\nDon’t feel like you’re limited to one style or image, whether you’re more grungy or super girly. You can rock leather jeans one week and a pink babydoll dress the next. What matters is that you feel like yourself in whatever you wear.\\n1-4. Be friendly — to everyone.\\nYou may think that guys will think you’re cool if you’re mean to people whom you deem unworthy of you or somehow inferior, but in fact, the best thing to do is to be friendly to everyone around unless they give you a reason not to be. Whether you’re talking to the quiet guy in your homeroom for the first time or striking up a conversation with the new guy in school, make a point of having a smile on your face, asking questions, and being friendly. Guys will see that you’re a person they want to be around.\\nIf you’re more shy, then you don’t have to suddenly become super outgoing. But you should make an effort to at least smile and wave at people and to introduce yourself to new people when you can.\\n1-5. Show a real interest in them.\\nIf you want to have a great time hanging out with guys, then you have to show that you really care about them, whether you like them romantically or not. Just show that you care by asking them questions about their lives, complimenting them, looking like you care about how they’re feeling, and making eye contact when you talk to them. Don’t switch the conversation to yourself every chance you get or keep checking your phone when they’re trying to talk to you. Instead, take the time to let them know they matter.\\nOf course, it can be tricky to let a guy know you care about him when you don’t have romantic feelings for him. Just be fun and friendly and make it clear that you’re only looking for friendship.\\n1-6. Wow them with your confidence.\\nYou may think that every girl but you is feeling confident about who she is, what she does, and how she looks. However, you’d be surprised by just how many girls are plagued by insecurity and try to mask it with a big smile or a mean attitude. You can be better than that. Work on loving the person who you are, being kind to the people around you, and feeling capable of doing anything. If you have a positive attitude and a great energy, then guys will like being around you.\\nDon’t talk about how much weight you need to lose or how much you hate being tall. Instead, focus on the things you like about yourself.\\nOf course, it can take years to truly love yourself. But you can take steps in this direction by accepting what you can’t change and working on changing what you can.\\n2. Knowing What to Say\\n2-1. Talk about the things that actually interest you.\\nYou don’t want to change who you are just to get the attention of a guy, especially if it means pretending to love Star Wars or talking about a band you can’t stand for hours. Talk about your favorite TV shows, a great movie you just saw, the hobby you most care about, or really any of the things you care about, and guys will be drawn to your passion. Think about it as not being different from talking to your girlfriends about everyday things — except that you can avoid talking about the guys you like!\\nThe subject of your conversation is less important than making sure that you and the guys you talk to maintain a fair balance between talking and listening. Try not to dominate any conversation and leave room for other people to talk.\\nIf you’re talking to a guy one-on-one, try not to do more than about half the talking.\\n2-2. Know when you should change the subject.\\nThough it’s important to feel comfortable actually talking about the things that matter to you, you should also be able to get a sense of when a guy is starting to lose interest. If you’ve been talking about your horse for twenty minutes and you see the guy shifting on his feet, checking his phone, or looking around for a friend who can give him a save, then you can shift subjects by asking him a question instead.\\nLearn to read body language and facial expressions to see whether or not a guy is listening to you. If he’s listening, he’ll be making eye contact (unless he’s super shy or has a crush on you!), and turning his body toward you instead of away.\\nIf he's not interested, he might pull his leg away or lean further back. He might also be less active in the conversation and only give yes or no answers.\\n2-3. Compliment them.\\nOne thing you can do is to offer a subtle compliment to a guy from time to time. You don’t have to tell him he has the world’s most beautiful eyes or that he’s a big hunk, but you can compliment a new shirt the guy is wearing, tell him he did great in yesterday’s basketball game, or just make a kind, lighthearted comment that lets the guy know you care. You don’t have to actually have a crush on the guy to give him a compliment, either.\\nYou can say something like, “You’re so good at chemistry. How do you do it?” Or, “You have such a unique laugh. I could tell it was you from the other side of the hall.”\\n2-4. Ask them questions.\\nIf you want to have a good time hanging out with guys, then you should ask them about themselves from time to time without interrogating them. You can get to know them little by little and show that you care about the things that matter to them. You don’t need to interview them, but you should ask them a question or two in the course of a conversation. Here are some things you can ask them about to show them you care:\\nTheir favorite bands\\nTheir hobbies\\nTheir favorite TV shows, movies, or actors\\nTheir weekend plans\\nTheir pets\\n2-5. Be okay with poking fun at yourself.\\nGuys like girls who don’t take themselves too seriously. While it’s not attractive to actually put yourself down or to make fun of yourself in a real way, like saying that you’re fat, that you’re stupid, or that you hate something about yourself, some light humor can show that you’re a fun, easygoing person. This is different from bad-mouthing yourself in hopes that someone will give you some attention; just learn to laugh at yourself and the rest of your life will be much easier.\\nFor example, you can make a comment like, “Big surprise, I tripped again,” or, “I wonder how many more pink sweaters I can wear,” to show guys that you’re aware of your goofy or endearing qualities while not being committed to perfection.\\n3. Avoiding Common Mistakes\\n3-1. Don’t act like a girly girl if that’s not who you are.\\nIf you would describe yourself as a girly girl, like to wear dresses and emphasize your feminine qualities, then you should keep doing that. But if you’re more of a tomboy, then you should be proud to be who you are and not try to giggle more than usual, play with your hair more than usual, or just change who you are to be more girly because you think that’s what guys want. The most important thing is that you act like yourself, and guys will be impressed.\\nYou can also mix it up. If you’re more of a tomboy but want to put on a dress or a skirt once in a while, no one is stopping you.\\n3-2. Don’t get your girlfriends to talk to guys for you.\\nIf you have a crush on a guy and have something to say to him about it, then make sure you do it yourself. Sure, it’s easier and less stressful to have one of your friends talk to the guy for you to tell him what you’re thinking, but if you do it yourself, you’ll start an easier flow of communication and the guy will be impressed by your confidence. The worst that can happen is that he may not return your feelings, but at least you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you had the courage to talk to him to begin with.\\nIf you’re really shy about telling a guy you like him in person, you can pass him a note or talk to him online. The most important thing is that it’s coming from you directly.\\n3-3. Don’t laugh at everything.\\nAgain, another misconception girls have about how to act around guys is that they want girls who are laughing all the time. Of course, if the guy you’re around is genuinely funny, you can laugh all you want, but you should avoid laughing if you’re doing it only because you think it’ll make people like you more. You can laugh, but you should also have jokes of your own to share, too. You don’t want people to think you’re just a laugh track.\\nWhen a guy is genuinely funny, you can crack up all you want. But you should avoid doing it just because you think it makes you look cute.\\n3-4. Don’t try to show off.\\nYou may also think that guys like girls who talk about how much money their purse cost, which celebrities are following them on Twitter, or other things that may superficially make you more interesting. Instead, talk about the things you actually care about, and guys will be impressed. If you do something that is worth bragging about, then the guys will find out some other way because other people will be praising you.\\nJust work on being the best person you can be and guys will be impressed by what you do, whether you’re amazing at learning foreign languages or have an unstoppable tennis serve.\\n3-5. Don’t make fun of other girls.\\nYou may think that guys will think it’s funny if you put other girls down or talk about the random drama you’re experiencing. However, most guys actually prefer girls who are chill and who don’t complain about their friends and who don’t feel the need to put other people down just to feel better about themselves. If you actually say nice things about girls who aren’t there and avoid gossip, guys will like you more because they’ll see that you’re easygoing and drama free and will be drawn to you.\\nIf you put down other girls, then it’ll be a sign of your insecurity, and guys will see that you’re only doing it to try to make yourself look better. Instead, praise other girls to show how comfortable you are with what you have to offer.\\nTips\\nRespect his privacy and keep anything he tells you in confidence to yourself.\\nBe easy going and willing to try something different. This way he will have more interest in inviting you to more places with him.\\nTry to wait for him to come forward sometimes. If you always go forward first, it makes you look very desperate.\\nWarnings\\nDon't suffocate him. Give him some space.\\nSteer clear of any guys who lie, cheat, or makes you do anything you don't want to do.\\nDon't ever stereotype guys and assume that they are all the same. Just like girls, every guy is different. So if something worked for one guy, don't assume it will work for them all.\\nTry not to stare at him 24/7. He'll get a little annoyed and uncomfortable with it.\\nBe careful if he invites you to participate in an activity that you and your girl friends wouldn't normally do. Be open to new things, but use sense.\\nLet him talk to other girls. Don't be over-possessive. Don't say things like, \\\"Get away from him, he's mine!\\\" Most guys don't like that.\\nDon't act like a drama queen around him. Most guys don't like that kind of behavior.\\nDon't ditch your friends. Guys like girls who are loyal and he will be happy you're not living in his pocket.\\nDon't let a friend do all the talking.\\nAvoid talking about other guys you think are cute around him.\\nNever go too fast, but don't move too slow either. If you're too fast, it'll scare him. But if you go too slow, he might lose interest.\\nDon't over-do the jokes, it'll make you look like you're trying too hard.\\nDon't be mean or say anything mean, even if you think it's a joke.\\nDon't be an obnoxious flirt.\\nDon't lead a guy on. Not only will you break his heart and lose his respect, and you will probably lose some serious respect from his friends too.\\nWhatever you do, do what you truly want to be or do, not what you think he wants you to be or do. It's true with your girlfriends too. You'll feel much better in the long run.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"It’s not always easy to know how to act around guys. Though it’s important to always be yourself, you may be nervous when it comes to knowing what to talk about or how to really connect with guys that you may not like romantically. All you really have to do around guys is maintain your confidence, be a great conversationalist, and keep up your sense of humor.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Knowing What to Do\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find common ground.\", \"描述\": \"One thing you can do around guys is to look for things you have in common so you can get an interesting conversation going. It doesn’t have to be super deep and can be as simple as your mutual affection for Community or your lifelong love for the Cubs. Look at the guy’s clothes, binders, or notebooks for clues about what you may have in common and start a lighthearted discussion about it.\\nYou don’t have to find it immediately. If you get a guy talking for a few minutes or more, you’ll be able to latch on to something pretty soon. This is better than coming right out and asking him what all of his favorite bands, hobbies, or movies are, though you can get around to that eventually.\\nYou can also check out a guy’s Facebook profile for hints of the stuff he likes, if you’re nervous about striking up a conversation.\\nIf you both like the same activities, you might invite him to join you sometime. For instance, if he likes going on hikes, you could invite him to hike with you over the weekend.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be yourself\", \"描述\": \"Though “be yourself” may sound like super corny advice, it can be the best advice you get. If you really want guys to like you and to get to know you, then all you can do is to be the person you were meant to be. Of course, if you want to wait for them to really get to know you or avoid topics that may be more suited for your girlfriends, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t change who you are just to fit an idea of what the guys may expect you to do or say.\\nWhen you talk to a guy, don’t act like a version of a girl you think he might like more, and don’t try to mimic one of the most popular girls in your high school. This won’t get you nearly as far as sharing your true self with others.\\nIf you’re more shy, you don’t have to put it all out there at once. Just open up to guys little by little as you become friends with them.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dress in a way that makes you comfortable.\", \"描述\": \"You can wear whatever makes you feel good. If you like babydoll dresses, then wear them all you want. If you’re into leggings and long shirts, skirts and tanktops, or jeans and t-shirts, then that’s fine, too. You shouldn’t wear clothes that are tighter or more revealing than you’re comfortable with just to fit an image of what you think guys are into. You’ll look the best when you’re clearly comfortable with what you’re wearing.\\nDon’t feel like you’re limited to one style or image, whether you’re more grungy or super girly. You can rock leather jeans one week and a pink babydoll dress the next. What matters is that you feel like yourself in whatever you wear.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be friendly — to everyone.\", \"描述\": \"You may think that guys will think you’re cool if you’re mean to people whom you deem unworthy of you or somehow inferior, but in fact, the best thing to do is to be friendly to everyone around unless they give you a reason not to be. Whether you’re talking to the quiet guy in your homeroom for the first time or striking up a conversation with the new guy in school, make a point of having a smile on your face, asking questions, and being friendly. Guys will see that you’re a person they want to be around.\\nIf you’re more shy, then you don’t have to suddenly become super outgoing. But you should make an effort to at least smile and wave at people and to introduce yourself to new people when you can.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Show a real interest in them.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to have a great time hanging out with guys, then you have to show that you really care about them, whether you like them romantically or not. Just show that you care by asking them questions about their lives, complimenting them, looking like you care about how they’re feeling, and making eye contact when you talk to them. Don’t switch the conversation to yourself every chance you get or keep checking your phone when they’re trying to talk to you. Instead, take the time to let them know they matter.\\nOf course, it can be tricky to let a guy know you care about him when you don’t have romantic feelings for him. Just be fun and friendly and make it clear that you’re only looking for friendship.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Wow them with your confidence.\", \"描述\": \"You may think that every girl but you is feeling confident about who she is, what she does, and how she looks. However, you’d be surprised by just how many girls are plagued by insecurity and try to mask it with a big smile or a mean attitude. You can be better than that. Work on loving the person who you are, being kind to the people around you, and feeling capable of doing anything. If you have a positive attitude and a great energy, then guys will like being around you.\\nDon’t talk about how much weight you need to lose or how much you hate being tall. Instead, focus on the things you like about yourself.\\nOf course, it can take years to truly love yourself. But you can take steps in this direction by accepting what you can’t change and working on changing what you can.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Knowing What to Say\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Talk about the things that actually interest you.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t want to change who you are just to get the attention of a guy, especially if it means pretending to love Star Wars or talking about a band you can’t stand for hours. Talk about your favorite TV shows, a great movie you just saw, the hobby you most care about, or really any of the things you care about, and guys will be drawn to your passion. Think about it as not being different from talking to your girlfriends about everyday things — except that you can avoid talking about the guys you like!\\nThe subject of your conversation is less important than making sure that you and the guys you talk to maintain a fair balance between talking and listening. Try not to dominate any conversation and leave room for other people to talk.\\nIf you’re talking to a guy one-on-one, try not to do more than about half the talking.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Know when you should change the subject.\", \"描述\": \"Though it’s important to feel comfortable actually talking about the things that matter to you, you should also be able to get a sense of when a guy is starting to lose interest. If you’ve been talking about your horse for twenty minutes and you see the guy shifting on his feet, checking his phone, or looking around for a friend who can give him a save, then you can shift subjects by asking him a question instead.\\nLearn to read body language and facial expressions to see whether or not a guy is listening to you. If he’s listening, he’ll be making eye contact (unless he’s super shy or has a crush on you!), and turning his body toward you instead of away.\\nIf he's not interested, he might pull his leg away or lean further back. He might also be less active in the conversation and only give yes or no answers.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Compliment them.\", \"描述\": \"One thing you can do is to offer a subtle compliment to a guy from time to time. You don’t have to tell him he has the world’s most beautiful eyes or that he’s a big hunk, but you can compliment a new shirt the guy is wearing, tell him he did great in yesterday’s basketball game, or just make a kind, lighthearted comment that lets the guy know you care. You don’t have to actually have a crush on the guy to give him a compliment, either.\\nYou can say something like, “You’re so good at chemistry. How do you do it?” Or, “You have such a unique laugh. I could tell it was you from the other side of the hall.”\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Ask them questions.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to have a good time hanging out with guys, then you should ask them about themselves from time to time without interrogating them. You can get to know them little by little and show that you care about the things that matter to them. You don’t need to interview them, but you should ask them a question or two in the course of a conversation. Here are some things you can ask them about to show them you care:\\nTheir favorite bands\\nTheir hobbies\\nTheir favorite TV shows, movies, or actors\\nTheir weekend plans\\nTheir pets\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be okay with poking fun at yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Guys like girls who don’t take themselves too seriously. While it’s not attractive to actually put yourself down or to make fun of yourself in a real way, like saying that you’re fat, that you’re stupid, or that you hate something about yourself, some light humor can show that you’re a fun, easygoing person. This is different from bad-mouthing yourself in hopes that someone will give you some attention; just learn to laugh at yourself and the rest of your life will be much easier.\\nFor example, you can make a comment like, “Big surprise, I tripped again,” or, “I wonder how many more pink sweaters I can wear,” to show guys that you’re aware of your goofy or endearing qualities while not being committed to perfection.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoiding Common Mistakes\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Don’t act like a girly girl if that’s not who you are.\", \"描述\": \"If you would describe yourself as a girly girl, like to wear dresses and emphasize your feminine qualities, then you should keep doing that. But if you’re more of a tomboy, then you should be proud to be who you are and not try to giggle more than usual, play with your hair more than usual, or just change who you are to be more girly because you think that’s what guys want. The most important thing is that you act like yourself, and guys will be impressed.\\nYou can also mix it up. If you’re more of a tomboy but want to put on a dress or a skirt once in a while, no one is stopping you.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don’t get your girlfriends to talk to guys for you.\", \"描述\": \"If you have a crush on a guy and have something to say to him about it, then make sure you do it yourself. Sure, it’s easier and less stressful to have one of your friends talk to the guy for you to tell him what you’re thinking, but if you do it yourself, you’ll start an easier flow of communication and the guy will be impressed by your confidence. The worst that can happen is that he may not return your feelings, but at least you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you had the courage to talk to him to begin with.\\nIf you’re really shy about telling a guy you like him in person, you can pass him a note or talk to him online. The most important thing is that it’s coming from you directly.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don’t laugh at everything.\", \"描述\": \"Again, another misconception girls have about how to act around guys is that they want girls who are laughing all the time. Of course, if the guy you’re around is genuinely funny, you can laugh all you want, but you should avoid laughing if you’re doing it only because you think it’ll make people like you more. You can laugh, but you should also have jokes of your own to share, too. You don’t want people to think you’re just a laugh track.\\nWhen a guy is genuinely funny, you can crack up all you want. But you should avoid doing it just because you think it makes you look cute.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t try to show off.\", \"描述\": \"You may also think that guys like girls who talk about how much money their purse cost, which celebrities are following them on Twitter, or other things that may superficially make you more interesting. Instead, talk about the things you actually care about, and guys will be impressed. If you do something that is worth bragging about, then the guys will find out some other way because other people will be praising you.\\nJust work on being the best person you can be and guys will be impressed by what you do, whether you’re amazing at learning foreign languages or have an unstoppable tennis serve.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don’t make fun of other girls.\", \"描述\": \"You may think that guys will think it’s funny if you put other girls down or talk about the random drama you’re experiencing. However, most guys actually prefer girls who are chill and who don’t complain about their friends and who don’t feel the need to put other people down just to feel better about themselves. If you actually say nice things about girls who aren’t there and avoid gossip, guys will like you more because they’ll see that you’re easygoing and drama free and will be drawn to you.\\nIf you put down other girls, then it’ll be a sign of your insecurity, and guys will see that you’re only doing it to try to make yourself look better. Instead, praise other girls to show how comfortable you are with what you have to offer.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Respect his privacy and keep anything he tells you in confidence to yourself.\\n\", \"Be easy going and willing to try something different. This way he will have more interest in inviting you to more places with him.\\n\", \"Try to wait for him to come forward sometimes. If you always go forward first, it makes you look very desperate.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't suffocate him. Give him some space.\\n\", \"Steer clear of any guys who lie, cheat, or makes you do anything you don't want to do.\\n\", \"Don't ever stereotype guys and assume that they are all the same. Just like girls, every guy is different. So if something worked for one guy, don't assume it will work for them all.\\n\", \"Try not to stare at him 24/7. He'll get a little annoyed and uncomfortable with it.\\n\", \"Be careful if he invites you to participate in an activity that you and your girl friends wouldn't normally do. Be open to new things, but use sense.\\n\", \"Let him talk to other girls. Don't be over-possessive. Don't say things like, \\\"Get away from him, he's mine!\\\" Most guys don't like that.\\n\", \"Don't act like a drama queen around him. Most guys don't like that kind of behavior.\\n\", \"Don't ditch your friends. Guys like girls who are loyal and he will be happy you're not living in his pocket.\\n\", \"Don't let a friend do all the talking.\\n\", \"Avoid talking about other guys you think are cute around him.\\n\", \"Never go too fast, but don't move too slow either. If you're too fast, it'll scare him. But if you go too slow, he might lose interest.\\n\", \"Don't over-do the jokes, it'll make you look like you're trying too hard.\\n\", \"Don't be mean or say anything mean, even if you think it's a joke.\\n\", \"Don't be an obnoxious flirt.\\n\", \"Don't lead a guy on. Not only will you break his heart and lose his respect, and you will probably lose some serious respect from his friends too.\\n\", \"Whatever you do, do what you truly want to be or do, not what you think he wants you to be or do. It's true with your girlfriends too. You'll feel much better in the long run.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around People Who Like You But You Don't Like Back
1. Restricting Your Interactions 1-1. Limit alone time. One way to distance yourself from the person who likes you is to restrict the times you spend with them by yourself. Feelings often develop and progress the more time that we spend alone with someone, but you can prevent this from happening to a certain extent. If they ask to go to lunch with you, tell them that you have other plans or invite others to go with you. If you are required to work in pairs on a project, try to select a partner as quickly as possible so that the person who likes you doesn’t pick you. Hang out in groups. Sometimes, you cannot avoid the person who likes you. Perhaps you work in a small office or go to a small school. In these cases, ensure that any time spent in proximity to the person who likes you is spent in the presence of others, as well. 1-2. Be cordial. There is no need to be rude to someone just because they like you unless they have acted rudely or inappropriately. This person likely has feelings for you, so being cordial and polite to them will avoid any unnecessary hurt on their part and will also keep your conscience clean in relation to your dealings with them. For instance, if they greet you with a “good morning, beautiful” you can just say “good morning” to them very politely and keep walking to your destination. 1-3. Don’t be flirtatious. Even if you do not like this person, it is still flattering to know that someone has a crush on you, making it easy to play into it occasionally. However, such should be avoided as it can cause confusion and produce mixed signals, which will likely cause their behavior to continue and their feelings to deepen. Don’t laugh excessively at their jokes. Don’t be touchy feely. Avoid touching them unless absolutely necessary. Don’t compliment them unless related to work or school. Any other compliments could be misconstrued as flirting. For instance, you could tell them “great job on that project!” at work or school as opposed to complimenting their looks or intellect. 1-4. Don’t be overly responsive. Responding to texts or calls consistently and enthusiastically can send the wrong message. If they text you about work or school, reply to their message directly and succinctly. If they text or call you about non-work or school related issues, it may be best to not respond or to find a way to end the conversation. For instance, if they text you something like “what’s up?” you could respond by saying “I’m a bit busy right now, see you at work tomorrow!” Repeat back things the person says to you to show them that you're at least listening. 1-5. Keep your emotions in check. Being around someone who likes you who you don’t like can be stressful. You may feel nervous, guilty, or even annoyed. When you see them, do your best to keep these emotions in check. A person who likes you is looking for an emotional response from you; don’t give it to them. Monitor your facial expressions. Don’t frown or smile too broadly when you see them. If you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths and sit down for a few moments. 1-6. Ask your friends for help. If your friends know about the crush and know that you don’t like the person, they will likely help you avoid interacting with them. If they see the person approaching you, they can intervene by either pulling you away or by interacting with both of you so you don’t have to be alone with them. If your friends are not around and you are alone with the person, you can text them and ask them to call you instead, therefore giving you an “exit” from the situation. 1-7. Give them some space. Perhaps the person who likes you is someone who you like as well, just not in a romantic way. These situations can be tricky because you still want to see the person but you don’t want to lead them on or cause them to misconstrue your actions. In these instances, give the person some space from you. Don’t initiate contact with them unless necessary. If your mutual friends are going out and you know the person will be present, take a raincheck for a while. Over time, their feelings may dissipate. 1-8. Restrict your social media interactions. If you are not friends with this person on Facebook or if you have an Instagram or Twitter, consider making your accounts private so they can’t see your pictures or read your posts. If you are already friends, don’t delete or block them unless they are stalking you or commenting on every one of your posts. You can, however, restrict what they can see on some accounts. For instance, on Facebook in the sharing settings, you can choose who can or cannot see what you post. 2. Letting Them Down Easy 2-1. Pull them aside to have a talk. You may find that simply limiting your interactions with them is not enough. Even if you feel that you have been clear through your actions that you don’t want a relationship with this person, some people need to hear that directly. This will quell any confusion or doubt about your affections on their part. You may begin the topic by saying something like “I get the feeling that, and please correct me if I’m wrong, that you may have a crush on me. I want to let you know, that while I am flattered, I am not interested in the same way. I hope that you understand.” Be swift! If the person is making it clear that they like you, don’t let their feelings linger. Talk to them as soon as possible. 2-2. Be honest. During these conversations, it can be easy to backtrack or sugarcoat as not to hurt any feelings. However, this will not be helpful in the long run. Be very honest with the person and careful not to tell any white lies. For instance, many people make the mistake of using the excuse “I’m dating someone” to avoid unwanted contact from someone else. You should make it clear to the person that you are not interested, regardless of your relationship status. Don’t be dramatic. Though this person may like you, if they are reasonable, they will understand. Also, though you are certainly likeable, this is not the end of the world for them. 2-3. Take responsibility if necessary. Think about if you have led them on in the past, if you have spent a lot of unnecessary time with them alone, accepted gifts from them, or flirted in any way. When you talk to them, you should apologize for your role in the confusion. For instance, upon thinking back on your relationship, you may realize that you have been flirtatious in the past. You could say something like “I know that in the past I have flirted with you, and I want to apologize for that. Sometimes I can be flirtatious, but I realize that I must have given you the wrong idea and I am sorry.” 2-4. Use “I” statements. Rather than saying what you don’t like about them, focus on why you personally don’t want to be with them. “I” statements tend to sound less accusatory and often result in the other party feeling less defensive than when using “you” statements, while still conveying the message you want to say. For instance, rather than saying “You act strange to me” you can say something like “I just don’t have feelings for you in that way”. There is no need to make them feel bad about themselves. 2-5. Offer friendship. If you genuinely like this person as a friend, offer your friendship to them. This will allow the both of you to progress politely and kindly but in a non-romantic fashion. You can say something like “even though I am not interested in being in a relationship, I think that we could move more towards a friendship with one another” and see how they respond. However, you must be prepared for them to potentially turn down your offer. Their feelings for you may be too strong to accept friendship. If they tell you this, thank them for their honesty and respect their wishes. 3. Setting Boundaries 3-1. Don’t respond to texts or calls after a certain time. Accepting a call after work from a coworker or after 10PM in general could send a mixed signal. Instead, if you feel it necessary, return their call the next day during daylight hours. Don’t answer drunk texts or calls. 3-2. Stay firm. Don’t allow sympathy for them to cause you to backtrack on your word. Remind yourself of the conversation you had with them. It is unkind to feed into their feelings if you don’t feel the same way about them. Show them kindness by honoring your word and holding firm to your commitments. For instance, if they person calls you asking to reconsider, firmly remind them that you do not have feelings for them in that way. They need time to get over you, and giving them false hope won’t help either one of you. 3-3. Give yourself permission. Don’t allow guilt over your unreciprocated feelings to consume you. Your feelings are valid and it is okay to not like someone. Remind yourself that everyone is not for you and focus instead on your own happiness. If you feel badly about your decision, put yourself in their shoes. Would you want someone to be with you out of guilt or pity? Of course not! Continue to focus on yourself and 3-4. Don’t ignore them. Though it can be easy to want to avoid this person at all costs to prevent awkward situations, this may hurt their feelings and cause them to seek you out even more. If you see them coming towards you, greet them and keep it moving. Not ignoring them does not mean that you have to linger, however. Keep your conversation to a minimum while still acknowledging their presence. 3-5. Don’t speak badly about them to others. If this person is annoying, mean, or continues to make passes at you, it can be easy to want to gossip about them to others. However, focus instead on continuing to show them kindness and not adding fuel to the fire. Take special focus on not badmouthing them to coworkers; this will cause even more issues for you if you work together. Tips Speak to a supervisor if necessary. You may find that, despite taking all of these steps that the unwanted attention has not stopped. In these circumstances, it may be necessary to speak to a supervisor, teacher, or other authority figure about the issue. Warnings Don't give them hope for a relationship in the future if you know there is no potential for one.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Restricting Your Interactions\\n1-1. Limit alone time.\\nOne way to distance yourself from the person who likes you is to restrict the times you spend with them by yourself. Feelings often develop and progress the more time that we spend alone with someone, but you can prevent this from happening to a certain extent.\\nIf they ask to go to lunch with you, tell them that you have other plans or invite others to go with you.\\nIf you are required to work in pairs on a project, try to select a partner as quickly as possible so that the person who likes you doesn’t pick you.\\nHang out in groups. Sometimes, you cannot avoid the person who likes you. Perhaps you work in a small office or go to a small school. In these cases, ensure that any time spent in proximity to the person who likes you is spent in the presence of others, as well.\\n1-2. Be cordial.\\nThere is no need to be rude to someone just because they like you unless they have acted rudely or inappropriately. This person likely has feelings for you, so being cordial and polite to them will avoid any unnecessary hurt on their part and will also keep your conscience clean in relation to your dealings with them.\\nFor instance, if they greet you with a “good morning, beautiful” you can just say “good morning” to them very politely and keep walking to your destination.\\n1-3. Don’t be flirtatious.\\nEven if you do not like this person, it is still flattering to know that someone has a crush on you, making it easy to play into it occasionally. However, such should be avoided as it can cause confusion and produce mixed signals, which will likely cause their behavior to continue and their feelings to deepen.\\nDon’t laugh excessively at their jokes.\\nDon’t be touchy feely. Avoid touching them unless absolutely necessary.\\nDon’t compliment them unless related to work or school. Any other compliments could be misconstrued as flirting. For instance, you could tell them “great job on that project!” at work or school as opposed to complimenting their looks or intellect.\\n1-4. Don’t be overly responsive.\\nResponding to texts or calls consistently and enthusiastically can send the wrong message. If they text you about work or school, reply to their message directly and succinctly. If they text or call you about non-work or school related issues, it may be best to not respond or to find a way to end the conversation.\\nFor instance, if they text you something like “what’s up?” you could respond by saying “I’m a bit busy right now, see you at work tomorrow!”\\nRepeat back things the person says to you to show them that you're at least listening.\\n1-5. Keep your emotions in check.\\nBeing around someone who likes you who you don’t like can be stressful. You may feel nervous, guilty, or even annoyed. When you see them, do your best to keep these emotions in check. A person who likes you is looking for an emotional response from you; don’t give it to them.\\nMonitor your facial expressions. Don’t frown or smile too broadly when you see them.\\nIf you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths and sit down for a few moments.\\n1-6. Ask your friends for help.\\nIf your friends know about the crush and know that you don’t like the person, they will likely help you avoid interacting with them. If they see the person approaching you, they can intervene by either pulling you away or by interacting with both of you so you don’t have to be alone with them.\\nIf your friends are not around and you are alone with the person, you can text them and ask them to call you instead, therefore giving you an “exit” from the situation.\\n1-7. Give them some space.\\nPerhaps the person who likes you is someone who you like as well, just not in a romantic way. These situations can be tricky because you still want to see the person but you don’t want to lead them on or cause them to misconstrue your actions. In these instances, give the person some space from you.\\nDon’t initiate contact with them unless necessary.\\nIf your mutual friends are going out and you know the person will be present, take a raincheck for a while. Over time, their feelings may dissipate.\\n1-8. Restrict your social media interactions.\\nIf you are not friends with this person on Facebook or if you have an Instagram or Twitter, consider making your accounts private so they can’t see your pictures or read your posts.\\nIf you are already friends, don’t delete or block them unless they are stalking you or commenting on every one of your posts. You can, however, restrict what they can see on some accounts. For instance, on Facebook in the sharing settings, you can choose who can or cannot see what you post.\\n2. Letting Them Down Easy\\n2-1. Pull them aside to have a talk.\\nYou may find that simply limiting your interactions with them is not enough. Even if you feel that you have been clear through your actions that you don’t want a relationship with this person, some people need to hear that directly. This will quell any confusion or doubt about your affections on their part.\\nYou may begin the topic by saying something like “I get the feeling that, and please correct me if I’m wrong, that you may have a crush on me. I want to let you know, that while I am flattered, I am not interested in the same way. I hope that you understand.”\\nBe swift! If the person is making it clear that they like you, don’t let their feelings linger. Talk to them as soon as possible.\\n2-2. Be honest.\\nDuring these conversations, it can be easy to backtrack or sugarcoat as not to hurt any feelings. However, this will not be helpful in the long run. Be very honest with the person and careful not to tell any white lies.\\nFor instance, many people make the mistake of using the excuse “I’m dating someone” to avoid unwanted contact from someone else. You should make it clear to the person that you are not interested, regardless of your relationship status.\\nDon’t be dramatic. Though this person may like you, if they are reasonable, they will understand. Also, though you are certainly likeable, this is not the end of the world for them.\\n2-3. Take responsibility if necessary.\\nThink about if you have led them on in the past, if you have spent a lot of unnecessary time with them alone, accepted gifts from them, or flirted in any way. When you talk to them, you should apologize for your role in the confusion.\\nFor instance, upon thinking back on your relationship, you may realize that you have been flirtatious in the past. You could say something like “I know that in the past I have flirted with you, and I want to apologize for that. Sometimes I can be flirtatious, but I realize that I must have given you the wrong idea and I am sorry.”\\n2-4. Use “I” statements.\\nRather than saying what you don’t like about them, focus on why you personally don’t want to be with them. “I” statements tend to sound less accusatory and often result in the other party feeling less defensive than when using “you” statements, while still conveying the message you want to say.\\nFor instance, rather than saying “You act strange to me” you can say something like “I just don’t have feelings for you in that way”. There is no need to make them feel bad about themselves.\\n2-5. Offer friendship.\\nIf you genuinely like this person as a friend, offer your friendship to them. This will allow the both of you to progress politely and kindly but in a non-romantic fashion.\\nYou can say something like “even though I am not interested in being in a relationship, I think that we could move more towards a friendship with one another” and see how they respond.\\nHowever, you must be prepared for them to potentially turn down your offer. Their feelings for you may be too strong to accept friendship. If they tell you this, thank them for their honesty and respect their wishes.\\n3. Setting Boundaries\\n3-1. Don’t respond to texts or calls after a certain time.\\nAccepting a call after work from a coworker or after 10PM in general could send a mixed signal. Instead, if you feel it necessary, return their call the next day during daylight hours.\\nDon’t answer drunk texts or calls.\\n3-2. Stay firm.\\nDon’t allow sympathy for them to cause you to backtrack on your word. Remind yourself of the conversation you had with them. It is unkind to feed into their feelings if you don’t feel the same way about them. Show them kindness by honoring your word and holding firm to your commitments.\\nFor instance, if they person calls you asking to reconsider, firmly remind them that you do not have feelings for them in that way. They need time to get over you, and giving them false hope won’t help either one of you.\\n3-3. Give yourself permission.\\nDon’t allow guilt over your unreciprocated feelings to consume you. Your feelings are valid and it is okay to not like someone. Remind yourself that everyone is not for you and focus instead on your own happiness. \\nIf you feel badly about your decision, put yourself in their shoes. Would you want someone to be with you out of guilt or pity? Of course not! Continue to focus on yourself and\\n3-4. Don’t ignore them.\\nThough it can be easy to want to avoid this person at all costs to prevent awkward situations, this may hurt their feelings and cause them to seek you out even more. If you see them coming towards you, greet them and keep it moving.\\nNot ignoring them does not mean that you have to linger, however. Keep your conversation to a minimum while still acknowledging their presence.\\n3-5. Don’t speak badly about them to others.\\nIf this person is annoying, mean, or continues to make passes at you, it can be easy to want to gossip about them to others. However, focus instead on continuing to show them kindness and not adding fuel to the fire.\\nTake special focus on not badmouthing them to coworkers; this will cause even more issues for you if you work together.\\nTips\\nSpeak to a supervisor if necessary. You may find that, despite taking all of these steps that the unwanted attention has not stopped. In these circumstances, it may be necessary to speak to a supervisor, teacher, or other authority figure about the issue.\\nWarnings\\nDon't give them hope for a relationship in the future if you know there is no potential for one.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Often times in life you will meet people who like or have feelings for you that are not reciprocated. It can be awkward when these people are your classmates or coworkers, in particular, as you must find ways to interact with them that are cordial and polite without inviting in unnecessary contact. Through monitoring your interactions, addressing the issue and setting boundaries, you can learn to respond appropriately to those who have feelings for you that you don’t have in return.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Restricting Your Interactions\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Limit alone time.\", \"描述\": \"One way to distance yourself from the person who likes you is to restrict the times you spend with them by yourself. Feelings often develop and progress the more time that we spend alone with someone, but you can prevent this from happening to a certain extent.\\nIf they ask to go to lunch with you, tell them that you have other plans or invite others to go with you.\\nIf you are required to work in pairs on a project, try to select a partner as quickly as possible so that the person who likes you doesn’t pick you.\\nHang out in groups. Sometimes, you cannot avoid the person who likes you. Perhaps you work in a small office or go to a small school. In these cases, ensure that any time spent in proximity to the person who likes you is spent in the presence of others, as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be cordial.\", \"描述\": \"There is no need to be rude to someone just because they like you unless they have acted rudely or inappropriately. This person likely has feelings for you, so being cordial and polite to them will avoid any unnecessary hurt on their part and will also keep your conscience clean in relation to your dealings with them.\\nFor instance, if they greet you with a “good morning, beautiful” you can just say “good morning” to them very politely and keep walking to your destination.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don’t be flirtatious.\", \"描述\": \"Even if you do not like this person, it is still flattering to know that someone has a crush on you, making it easy to play into it occasionally. However, such should be avoided as it can cause confusion and produce mixed signals, which will likely cause their behavior to continue and their feelings to deepen.\\nDon’t laugh excessively at their jokes.\\nDon’t be touchy feely. Avoid touching them unless absolutely necessary.\\nDon’t compliment them unless related to work or school. Any other compliments could be misconstrued as flirting. For instance, you could tell them “great job on that project!” at work or school as opposed to complimenting their looks or intellect.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t be overly responsive.\", \"描述\": \"Responding to texts or calls consistently and enthusiastically can send the wrong message. If they text you about work or school, reply to their message directly and succinctly. If they text or call you about non-work or school related issues, it may be best to not respond or to find a way to end the conversation.\\nFor instance, if they text you something like “what’s up?” you could respond by saying “I’m a bit busy right now, see you at work tomorrow!”\\nRepeat back things the person says to you to show them that you're at least listening.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Keep your emotions in check.\", \"描述\": \"Being around someone who likes you who you don’t like can be stressful. You may feel nervous, guilty, or even annoyed. When you see them, do your best to keep these emotions in check. A person who likes you is looking for an emotional response from you; don’t give it to them.\\nMonitor your facial expressions. Don’t frown or smile too broadly when you see them.\\nIf you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths and sit down for a few moments.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Ask your friends for help.\", \"描述\": \"If your friends know about the crush and know that you don’t like the person, they will likely help you avoid interacting with them. If they see the person approaching you, they can intervene by either pulling you away or by interacting with both of you so you don’t have to be alone with them.\\nIf your friends are not around and you are alone with the person, you can text them and ask them to call you instead, therefore giving you an “exit” from the situation.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Give them some space.\", \"描述\": \"Perhaps the person who likes you is someone who you like as well, just not in a romantic way. These situations can be tricky because you still want to see the person but you don’t want to lead them on or cause them to misconstrue your actions. In these instances, give the person some space from you.\\nDon’t initiate contact with them unless necessary.\\nIf your mutual friends are going out and you know the person will be present, take a raincheck for a while. Over time, their feelings may dissipate.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Restrict your social media interactions.\", \"描述\": \"If you are not friends with this person on Facebook or if you have an Instagram or Twitter, consider making your accounts private so they can’t see your pictures or read your posts.\\nIf you are already friends, don’t delete or block them unless they are stalking you or commenting on every one of your posts. You can, however, restrict what they can see on some accounts. For instance, on Facebook in the sharing settings, you can choose who can or cannot see what you post.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Letting Them Down Easy\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Pull them aside to have a talk.\", \"描述\": \"You may find that simply limiting your interactions with them is not enough. Even if you feel that you have been clear through your actions that you don’t want a relationship with this person, some people need to hear that directly. This will quell any confusion or doubt about your affections on their part.\\nYou may begin the topic by saying something like “I get the feeling that, and please correct me if I’m wrong, that you may have a crush on me. I want to let you know, that while I am flattered, I am not interested in the same way. I hope that you understand.”\\nBe swift! If the person is making it clear that they like you, don’t let their feelings linger. Talk to them as soon as possible.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be honest.\", \"描述\": \"During these conversations, it can be easy to backtrack or sugarcoat as not to hurt any feelings. However, this will not be helpful in the long run. Be very honest with the person and careful not to tell any white lies.\\nFor instance, many people make the mistake of using the excuse “I’m dating someone” to avoid unwanted contact from someone else. You should make it clear to the person that you are not interested, regardless of your relationship status.\\nDon’t be dramatic. Though this person may like you, if they are reasonable, they will understand. Also, though you are certainly likeable, this is not the end of the world for them.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take responsibility if necessary.\", \"描述\": \"Think about if you have led them on in the past, if you have spent a lot of unnecessary time with them alone, accepted gifts from them, or flirted in any way. When you talk to them, you should apologize for your role in the confusion.\\nFor instance, upon thinking back on your relationship, you may realize that you have been flirtatious in the past. You could say something like “I know that in the past I have flirted with you, and I want to apologize for that. Sometimes I can be flirtatious, but I realize that I must have given you the wrong idea and I am sorry.”\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Use “I” statements.\", \"描述\": \"Rather than saying what you don’t like about them, focus on why you personally don’t want to be with them. “I” statements tend to sound less accusatory and often result in the other party feeling less defensive than when using “you” statements, while still conveying the message you want to say.\\nFor instance, rather than saying “You act strange to me” you can say something like “I just don’t have feelings for you in that way”. There is no need to make them feel bad about themselves.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Offer friendship.\", \"描述\": \"If you genuinely like this person as a friend, offer your friendship to them. This will allow the both of you to progress politely and kindly but in a non-romantic fashion.\\nYou can say something like “even though I am not interested in being in a relationship, I think that we could move more towards a friendship with one another” and see how they respond.\\nHowever, you must be prepared for them to potentially turn down your offer. Their feelings for you may be too strong to accept friendship. If they tell you this, thank them for their honesty and respect their wishes.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Setting Boundaries\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Don’t respond to texts or calls after a certain time.\", \"描述\": \"Accepting a call after work from a coworker or after 10PM in general could send a mixed signal. Instead, if you feel it necessary, return their call the next day during daylight hours.\\nDon’t answer drunk texts or calls.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Stay firm.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t allow sympathy for them to cause you to backtrack on your word. Remind yourself of the conversation you had with them. It is unkind to feed into their feelings if you don’t feel the same way about them. Show them kindness by honoring your word and holding firm to your commitments.\\nFor instance, if they person calls you asking to reconsider, firmly remind them that you do not have feelings for them in that way. They need time to get over you, and giving them false hope won’t help either one of you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Give yourself permission.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t allow guilt over your unreciprocated feelings to consume you. Your feelings are valid and it is okay to not like someone. Remind yourself that everyone is not for you and focus instead on your own happiness. \\nIf you feel badly about your decision, put yourself in their shoes. Would you want someone to be with you out of guilt or pity? Of course not! Continue to focus on yourself and\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t ignore them.\", \"描述\": \"Though it can be easy to want to avoid this person at all costs to prevent awkward situations, this may hurt their feelings and cause them to seek you out even more. If you see them coming towards you, greet them and keep it moving.\\nNot ignoring them does not mean that you have to linger, however. Keep your conversation to a minimum while still acknowledging their presence.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don’t speak badly about them to others.\", \"描述\": \"If this person is annoying, mean, or continues to make passes at you, it can be easy to want to gossip about them to others. However, focus instead on continuing to show them kindness and not adding fuel to the fire.\\nTake special focus on not badmouthing them to coworkers; this will cause even more issues for you if you work together.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Speak to a supervisor if necessary. You may find that, despite taking all of these steps that the unwanted attention has not stopped. In these circumstances, it may be necessary to speak to a supervisor, teacher, or other authority figure about the issue.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't give them hope for a relationship in the future if you know there is no potential for one.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around People With Special Needs
1. Steps 1-1. Understand that disabled people are no less human than non-disabled people. They have wants, needs, and people who love them just like others do. They may have a different way of living, and may learn things differently, but they are skilled, wonderful people. 1-2. Treat them as your equals. Many people talk down to people with disabilities, as they would to a child. However, plenty of disabled can pick up on this and will be hurt, annoyed, or angered by it. Patience is key. If a person with a disability doesn't understand you, try to accommodate them instead of giving up. Be mindful of your communication. Use simple language and be a little more clear and direct. Talk to them in an age-appropriate way. For example, don't use baby talk with a teenager. Some people do need you to speak more clearly or use shorter words. Rephrase what you said, pronounce things carefully, and/or say it a bit slower as needed. Avoid using complex or technical terms if they have issues with understanding them. So instead of Expand that stub please try Write more things about the title, if you can, please. 1-3. Stay calm if they have a hard time. Don't panic if they fall down, experience sensory overload, or get injured. Kindly ask "How can I help you?" and let them tell you what they need (if anything). During sensory overload, a person may not be able to speak or advocate for themselves. See if they can write, sign, or type. If not, take them somewhere quiet and relaxing, and encourage others to leave them alone. During a seizure, remove tight clothing and obstacles that could hurt them. Cushion their head. Don't try to hold them still or put things in their mouth. During a meltdown, help them find a quiet place away from other people to calm down. Don't blame them, scold them, or try to grab them. Instead, make a calm and quiet environment to help reduce stress. 1-4. Smile, and be friendly. It makes you seem nice and approachable. Plus, it can boost your mood! You can greet them appropriately but do not expect the same response. You may have to get their attention or make eye contact before greeting them. 1-5. Chat with them. They like to talk and share their feelings, just like us. Ask them about their day, school/work, travels they have taken, friends, hobbies, anything! People love to talk about themselves and their interests. 1-6. Don't overthink it! Again, people with disabilities are not so different from anyone else, so simply treat them like an average person. 1-7. Be supportive of them. If they seem very proud of something, tell them when they've done a good job! If will make them proud to know that they have done something to be happy about. 1-8. Speak respectfully. Being considerate is important, and respectful language makes it clear that you care about them and don't view them as lesser than yourself. Talk directly to them, not to whoever is accompanying them. Instead of "what's wrong with you," try saying "may I ask about your disability?" Nobody wants to feel like there's something wrong with them. And they don't have to talk about their condition if they don't want to. Especially avoid using the word r*tard(ed), which is known as the "R" word. It's considered an insult, and many people within the special needs and disabled community find this word deeply hurtful and offensive. 1-9. Involve them. Include them in the conversation, throw the ball to them during a game and notice if they are confused or putting themselves in danger, at which time you should discreetly offer a hand. If they are in a wheelchair, sit down on some steps or swings and indicate to the group to follow your example to keep everyone at the same eye level. If they're blind, try not to rely on humorous facial expressions or mimes. If you're talking about something that looks funny or interesting, provide a quick description so that no one is left out.. Instead of pointing say Wow, there goes a really cool car. I think it's a Ferrari. and instead of just laughing along as your friend does a daft impression, say something like Honestly Darragh, you look more like Father Christmas when you pull that face than some sort of pop star! Explain jokes or sarcasm if it looks like someone doesn't get it. 1-10. Don't assume what they can or can't do. Each disabled person is unique, and two people with the same disability may have very different needs and capabilities. Get to know them as an individual. Use this knowledge to be aware of any potentially dangerous or awkward situations or to know if you can do anything to help, such as gently pointing out an unexpected step. For example, just because someone does lots of stimming or can't speak doesn't mean they aren't smart or can't understand you. 1-11. Don't be afraid to ask. If you aren't sure about their needs or how to accommodate them, just ask. They are the experts on their own needs, and can tell you how to be helpful and respectful. "You seem a bit distracted and uncomfortable. Should we sit somewhere less busy?" "You usually turn down my help when I offer to help out with jars and doorknobs. Do you want me to keep offering, or should I wait until you ask?" "This building is kind of a maze. Do you need help finding your professor's office?" "If you ever have a shutdown when I'm around, what should I do to help you?" 1-12. Understand that they'll have good and bad days. Their needs and abilities may vary day to day. Some days they may be able to do something easily, and the next they may find it difficult. A good friend is supportive during the easy times and the hard times. Tips Don't worry if it's a little bit awkward at first. You may be unused to spending time with people with disabilities. As you become more familiar with them, you will get used to it and feel more comfortable around people different from you.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Understand that disabled people are no less human than non-disabled people.\\nThey have wants, needs, and people who love them just like others do. They may have a different way of living, and may learn things differently, but they are skilled, wonderful people.\\n1-2. Treat them as your equals.\\nMany people talk down to people with disabilities, as they would to a child. However, plenty of disabled can pick up on this and will be hurt, annoyed, or angered by it. Patience is key. If a person with a disability doesn't understand you, try to accommodate them instead of giving up.\\nBe mindful of your communication. Use simple language and be a little more clear and direct.\\nTalk to them in an age-appropriate way. For example, don't use baby talk with a teenager.\\nSome people do need you to speak more clearly or use shorter words.\\nRephrase what you said, pronounce things carefully, and/or say it a bit slower as needed.\\nAvoid using complex or technical terms if they have issues with understanding them. So instead of Expand that stub please try Write more things about the title, if you can, please.\\n1-3. Stay calm if they have a hard time.\\nDon't panic if they fall down, experience sensory overload, or get injured. Kindly ask \\\"How can I help you?\\\" and let them tell you what they need (if anything). \\nDuring sensory overload, a person may not be able to speak or advocate for themselves. See if they can write, sign, or type. If not, take them somewhere quiet and relaxing, and encourage others to leave them alone.\\nDuring a seizure, remove tight clothing and obstacles that could hurt them. Cushion their head. Don't try to hold them still or put things in their mouth.\\nDuring a meltdown, help them find a quiet place away from other people to calm down. Don't blame them, scold them, or try to grab them. Instead, make a calm and quiet environment to help reduce stress.\\n1-4. Smile, and be friendly.\\nIt makes you seem nice and approachable. Plus, it can boost your mood!\\nYou can greet them appropriately but do not expect the same response.\\nYou may have to get their attention or make eye contact before greeting them.\\n1-5. Chat with them.\\nThey like to talk and share their feelings, just like us. Ask them about their day, school/work, travels they have taken, friends, hobbies, anything! People love to talk about themselves and their interests.\\n1-6. Don't overthink it!\\nAgain, people with disabilities are not so different from anyone else, so simply treat them like an average person.\\n1-7. Be supportive of them.\\nIf they seem very proud of something, tell them when they've done a good job! If will make them proud to know that they have done something to be happy about.\\n1-8. Speak respectfully.\\nBeing considerate is important, and respectful language makes it clear that you care about them and don't view them as lesser than yourself.\\nTalk directly to them, not to whoever is accompanying them.\\nInstead of \\\"what's wrong with you,\\\" try saying \\\"may I ask about your disability?\\\" Nobody wants to feel like there's something wrong with them. And they don't have to talk about their condition if they don't want to.\\nEspecially avoid using the word r*tard(ed), which is known as the \\\"R\\\" word. It's considered an insult, and many people within the special needs and disabled community find this word deeply hurtful and offensive.\\n1-9. Involve them.\\nInclude them in the conversation, throw the ball to them during a game and notice if they are confused or putting themselves in danger, at which time you should discreetly offer a hand. \\nIf they are in a wheelchair, sit down on some steps or swings and indicate to the group to follow your example to keep everyone at the same eye level.\\nIf they're blind, try not to rely on humorous facial expressions or mimes. If you're talking about something that looks funny or interesting, provide a quick description so that no one is left out.. Instead of pointing say Wow, there goes a really cool car. I think it's a Ferrari. and instead of just laughing along as your friend does a daft impression, say something like Honestly Darragh, you look more like Father Christmas when you pull that face than some sort of pop star!\\nExplain jokes or sarcasm if it looks like someone doesn't get it.\\n1-10. Don't assume what they can or can't do.\\nEach disabled person is unique, and two people with the same disability may have very different needs and capabilities. Get to know them as an individual. Use this knowledge to be aware of any potentially dangerous or awkward situations or to know if you can do anything to help, such as gently pointing out an unexpected step. \\nFor example, just because someone does lots of stimming or can't speak doesn't mean they aren't smart or can't understand you.\\n1-11. Don't be afraid to ask.\\nIf you aren't sure about their needs or how to accommodate them, just ask. They are the experts on their own needs, and can tell you how to be helpful and respectful.\\n\\\"You seem a bit distracted and uncomfortable. Should we sit somewhere less busy?\\\"\\n\\\"You usually turn down my help when I offer to help out with jars and doorknobs. Do you want me to keep offering, or should I wait until you ask?\\\"\\n\\\"This building is kind of a maze. Do you need help finding your professor's office?\\\"\\n\\\"If you ever have a shutdown when I'm around, what should I do to help you?\\\"\\n1-12. Understand that they'll have good and bad days.\\nTheir needs and abilities may vary day to day. Some days they may be able to do something easily, and the next they may find it difficult. A good friend is supportive during the easy times and the hard times.\\nTips\\nDon't worry if it's a little bit awkward at first. You may be unused to spending time with people with disabilities. As you become more familiar with them, you will get used to it and feel more comfortable around people different from you.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Your family may have given you advice like saying \\\"please\\\" and \\\"thank you,\\\" raising your hand before talking in class, and saying \\\"excuse me\\\" before leaving the dinner table. But that advice rarely extends to how to be courteous when you're with a person with a disability. Here is how to be respectful of them and help them (and you) feel at ease.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Understand that disabled people are no less human than non-disabled people.\", \"描述\": \"They have wants, needs, and people who love them just like others do. They may have a different way of living, and may learn things differently, but they are skilled, wonderful people.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Treat them as your equals.\", \"描述\": \"Many people talk down to people with disabilities, as they would to a child. However, plenty of disabled can pick up on this and will be hurt, annoyed, or angered by it. Patience is key. If a person with a disability doesn't understand you, try to accommodate them instead of giving up.\\nBe mindful of your communication. Use simple language and be a little more clear and direct.\\nTalk to them in an age-appropriate way. For example, don't use baby talk with a teenager.\\nSome people do need you to speak more clearly or use shorter words.\\nRephrase what you said, pronounce things carefully, and/or say it a bit slower as needed.\\nAvoid using complex or technical terms if they have issues with understanding them. So instead of Expand that stub please try Write more things about the title, if you can, please.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay calm if they have a hard time.\", \"描述\": \"Don't panic if they fall down, experience sensory overload, or get injured. Kindly ask \\\"How can I help you?\\\" and let them tell you what they need (if anything). \\nDuring sensory overload, a person may not be able to speak or advocate for themselves. See if they can write, sign, or type. If not, take them somewhere quiet and relaxing, and encourage others to leave them alone.\\nDuring a seizure, remove tight clothing and obstacles that could hurt them. Cushion their head. Don't try to hold them still or put things in their mouth.\\nDuring a meltdown, help them find a quiet place away from other people to calm down. Don't blame them, scold them, or try to grab them. Instead, make a calm and quiet environment to help reduce stress.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Smile, and be friendly.\", \"描述\": \"It makes you seem nice and approachable. Plus, it can boost your mood!\\nYou can greet them appropriately but do not expect the same response.\\nYou may have to get their attention or make eye contact before greeting them.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Chat with them.\", \"描述\": \"They like to talk and share their feelings, just like us. Ask them about their day, school/work, travels they have taken, friends, hobbies, anything! People love to talk about themselves and their interests.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Don't overthink it!\", \"描述\": \"Again, people with disabilities are not so different from anyone else, so simply treat them like an average person.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Be supportive of them.\", \"描述\": \"If they seem very proud of something, tell them when they've done a good job! If will make them proud to know that they have done something to be happy about.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Speak respectfully.\", \"描述\": \"Being considerate is important, and respectful language makes it clear that you care about them and don't view them as lesser than yourself.\\nTalk directly to them, not to whoever is accompanying them.\\nInstead of \\\"what's wrong with you,\\\" try saying \\\"may I ask about your disability?\\\" Nobody wants to feel like there's something wrong with them. And they don't have to talk about their condition if they don't want to.\\nEspecially avoid using the word r*tard(ed), which is known as the \\\"R\\\" word. It's considered an insult, and many people within the special needs and disabled community find this word deeply hurtful and offensive.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Involve them.\", \"描述\": \"Include them in the conversation, throw the ball to them during a game and notice if they are confused or putting themselves in danger, at which time you should discreetly offer a hand. \\nIf they are in a wheelchair, sit down on some steps or swings and indicate to the group to follow your example to keep everyone at the same eye level.\\nIf they're blind, try not to rely on humorous facial expressions or mimes. If you're talking about something that looks funny or interesting, provide a quick description so that no one is left out.. Instead of pointing say Wow, there goes a really cool car. I think it's a Ferrari. and instead of just laughing along as your friend does a daft impression, say something like Honestly Darragh, you look more like Father Christmas when you pull that face than some sort of pop star!\\nExplain jokes or sarcasm if it looks like someone doesn't get it.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Don't assume what they can or can't do.\", \"描述\": \"Each disabled person is unique, and two people with the same disability may have very different needs and capabilities. Get to know them as an individual. Use this knowledge to be aware of any potentially dangerous or awkward situations or to know if you can do anything to help, such as gently pointing out an unexpected step. \\nFor example, just because someone does lots of stimming or can't speak doesn't mean they aren't smart or can't understand you.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Don't be afraid to ask.\", \"描述\": \"If you aren't sure about their needs or how to accommodate them, just ask. They are the experts on their own needs, and can tell you how to be helpful and respectful.\\n\\\"You seem a bit distracted and uncomfortable. Should we sit somewhere less busy?\\\"\\n\\\"You usually turn down my help when I offer to help out with jars and doorknobs. Do you want me to keep offering, or should I wait until you ask?\\\"\\n\\\"This building is kind of a maze. Do you need help finding your professor's office?\\\"\\n\\\"If you ever have a shutdown when I'm around, what should I do to help you?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Understand that they'll have good and bad days.\", \"描述\": \"Their needs and abilities may vary day to day. Some days they may be able to do something easily, and the next they may find it difficult. A good friend is supportive during the easy times and the hard times.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Don't worry if it's a little bit awkward at first. You may be unused to spending time with people with disabilities. As you become more familiar with them, you will get used to it and feel more comfortable around people different from you.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Someone You Do Not Like
1. Staying Calm 1-1. Evaluate your dislike. Understanding where your dislike of the person comes from can help you avoid specific situations that may exacerbate your feelings. Ask yourself both, “What do I dislike about this person?” and “Why do those traits or behaviors bother me?” Consider whether those traits truly impact you. For example, if you find a coworker or peer to be arrogant, think about whether their attitude truly has a negative impact on you. Do they take credit for your work, for example? Or do they simply have trait you do not like? Make a concerted effort to not focus on traits that do not have a direct impact on you. Remind yourself, “This person’s actions do not have any impact on me and it is not worth my time to negatively focus on them.” 1-2. Take a breath. Calm yourself by taking a deep breath and refocusing your attention away from that individual. Breathe in slowly for a count of three, hold your breath for two seconds, and breathe out for another three count. As you breathe, focus your attention back on your own goals and challenges for the day, and let that other person slip from your thoughts. Repeat the cycle as necessary throughout the day to help you keep calm. 1-3. Disconnect yourself. Do not sacrifice professional or academic priorities to avoid this person. However when the situation doesn’t necessitate interaction, keep calm by simply disconnecting from the conversation. You may opt to not pick up the phone or respond to that person’s email or text message at that time. Do make an effort to respond eventually when you have a clear head. If you must interact with this person on occasion, it is best to be polite. Do not lie or make excuses about why you waited to respond. Simply say, “I apologize that it took me so long to respond,” and continue with your message. 1-4. Stay neutral. When you dislike someone, it can be easy to further upset yourself by trying to find things to dislike about the person. Remind yourself that you have the option to stay neutral regarding that person’s actions or decisions. Do not let your dislike turn into a grudge. When you find yourself looking for more reasons to dislike this person, remind yourself that it is alright to not connect with someone, but it only hurts you to find other things that bother you. 1-5. Resolve your dislike. Keep your calm in the long term by simply addressing what you dislike directly if you think it can be resolved. If you dislike someone because they treated you poorly at some point, for example, let them know, "I would like to talk about this situation so that we can put it behind us." When you speak with this person, try to avoid accusing them or casting blame. Instead, stick to statements regarding facts and your own feelings. Rather than saying, "You tried to hurt me down by asking me to leave," let them know, "It was hurtful when you asked me to leave because I was excited about this activity, as well." Allow the other person to share their thoughts and feelings on the situation as well. Understand that your perception of the situation might not reflect their perception or intentions. Leave your mind open to hearing their side of the story, as well. Agree upon a resolution. Perhaps you want to be friends now. Perhaps you don't want to socialize, but you will agree to stop saying hurtful things about one another. Find a solution that works for you and the other person, and agree on it once you feel you have addressed the underlying issue. 2. Being Polite 2-1. Acknowledge the person. You may not like them, but there is no need to vilify them. If the person you dislike tries to strike up a conversation with you, be willing to say, “Hello,” and wish them a good day before you leave the conversation. You do not have to be friendly, but remember it is common decency to be polite to others. If you do not feel like talking to this person, try saying, “I’m afraid I don’t have time to talk right now, but I hope you have a wonderful day.” Do not avoid calls, emails, or other communication that may impact your work or school activities. Remember in those moments that your work is important to you, and it is not worth sacrificing over personal distaste. 2-2. Be inclusive. Do not exclude this person from group functions or interactions regardless of your feelings. If there is a school or work event that is open to everyone, reach out to this person to ensure they feel welcome. If you are making a lunch run or grabbing supplies for a group project, remember to ask this person if they need anything. This way, you don’t have to engage in an extended conversation but you still ensure they feel included. Know that you have the option to not include this person in personal events such as get-togethers with friends or birthday parties, but understand that you should not exclude them from larger group events. 2-3. Avoid gossip. It is normal to want to express your feelings when you dislike someone, but remember that word could get back to them if you talk behind their back. Try to avoid disparaging this person, even when they are not around. If there is a truly harmful interaction between the two of you, don’t resort to gossiping about them. Instead, report this to your manager, teacher, or another party who may be able to help mediate. If there is a moment that was not harmful to either of you, but that you truly feel the need to discuss, present it to someone who does not know or share an environment with this person. Try to avoid allowing your negative feelings into their life. 2-4. Offer to help. If the reason this person bothers you is because they are constantly asking you for assistance, to check their work, or to go over something again, offer to help them. Take the time to teach them the processes they need to know to contribute to the project. This not only helps them, but may also help you minimize future interactions. Set up a tutoring session and take them through whatever processes they need to learn step-by-step. Take that time to show them where they can find informational resources, either online or through print material to which they have access, that may help them answer their own questions. 2-5. Smile through it. There may be times, such as seeing an ex at a mutual friend's gathering, where you feel obligated to act cordial toward the person you dislike. In those situations, it is best to smile, politely say hello, and talk only as much as you can take. There is no need for you to interact beyond pleasantries, especially if it is going to cause you mental anguish or an emotional outburst. Spare yourself and those around you by simply saying, "It was nice to see you," and walking away. If the two of you are participating in something together, divide up duties. If you are both working at a table for an event, for example, have them go out into the crowd and draw people in while you stay and man the table. 3. Leaving Conversations 3-1. Politely excuse yourself. You do not have to stay involved in a conversation with someone you do not like, but you should not simply blow them off. Politely excuse yourself from the conversation by letting that person know that you have other matters that also need your attention at that moment. Let them know something like, “It was nice to catch up, but I have to excuse myself. I have some pressing matters that I need to take care of.” Remember that you are not obligated to disclose any information that you do not want. If they start asking about your personal life or plans that you do not want to talk about, simply let them know, “I’m not comfortable talking about that right now.” 3-2. Avoid lying. Making up excuses might seem like the easy way to get out of conversation or social obligation with this person, but lying is not only improper, it creates a burden for you since you have to remember the story and possibly create further fabrications. Avoid lying and instead be polite but honest when speaking with this person. If this person asks you to hang out, for example, you don’t need to say, “No, because I don’t like you.” Instead, opt for an honest but less offensive response such as, “I don’t feel like hanging out tonight.” 3-3. Don’t make false promises. When you are trying to be polite, it can be tempting to make promises such as, “Not now but definitely another time,” or, “I can’t talk right now but I’ll text you later.” Try not to make promises you do not intend to follow through on. This is both disrespectful to the other person, and may encourage them to come around later trying to engage you. Instead of making false promises, simply stop your statements short. Try, “I don’t think I can tonight,” instead of, “I don’t think I can tonight but maybe next week.” 4. Avoiding Harm 4-1. Alert an authority figure. If your dislike of this person comes from them antagonizing or displaying potential harmful behavior toward you, do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. Let an authority figure know, whether that be your teacher, your boss, or the police, if necessary. Explain the situation to them and let them know what this person has done to make you feel threatened or harmed. Try to stick to facts and accounts of actions as much as possible. If you regularly encounter this person and worry about potential further harm through extended contact, request to be put in a situation that involves little to no contact with this person. This may include transferring desks, shifting part of your job duties, or moving to another class. 4-2. Remember your own value. If you do not like a person because they disparage you or put you down, remember that this individual is expressing a personal opinion, not stating fact. Remind yourself of your own value and worth, and allow your positive thoughts to replace their negative input. Trying making a list of three to five things that you like about yourself to help remind yourself of your positive traits. List not only the items, but why they are important and how they help you in your daily life. If this person is antagonizing you over something they know is a larger issue in your life, you may want to seek professional assistance such as therapy to help you deal with not only this person but your matters in a healthy way. 4-3. Say no. If an antagonistic person tries to talk to you, make plans with you, or in any other way engage with you, do not be afraid to tell them no. Let them know, “I do not think you are a positive force in my life and I do not want speak with you.” Know that you have the power and the authority to say no at any time. If this person occupies a position of power in your life it may seem difficult to get away from them, but know that you always have the option to tell them no or remove yourself from the situation. Tips Never let one person ruin your self-worth or any other relationships that you may value. Prioritize what is important to you and focus on that instead of this person. Be honest and polite when you can. Remember this individual is human and wants to be liked just as much as you. It is ok to not connect, but it is far less acceptable to be rude or develop a rivalry simply because you two are not close friends. Warnings Avoid harsh criticisms. For example, if someone annoys you because they talk too much, don't blow up about how ugly or stupid they are. Keep it above the belt. Let mutual friends know how you feel about the person so that they can bring them around you less. However, avoid being hateful or you will eventually be the one left out.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Staying Calm\\n1-1. Evaluate your dislike.\\nUnderstanding where your dislike of the person comes from can help you avoid specific situations that may exacerbate your feelings. Ask yourself both, “What do I dislike about this person?” and “Why do those traits or behaviors bother me?”\\nConsider whether those traits truly impact you. For example, if you find a coworker or peer to be arrogant, think about whether their attitude truly has a negative impact on you. Do they take credit for your work, for example? Or do they simply have trait you do not like?\\nMake a concerted effort to not focus on traits that do not have a direct impact on you. Remind yourself, “This person’s actions do not have any impact on me and it is not worth my time to negatively focus on them.”\\n1-2. Take a breath.\\nCalm yourself by taking a deep breath and refocusing your attention away from that individual. Breathe in slowly for a count of three, hold your breath for two seconds, and breathe out for another three count.\\nAs you breathe, focus your attention back on your own goals and challenges for the day, and let that other person slip from your thoughts.\\nRepeat the cycle as necessary throughout the day to help you keep calm.\\n1-3. Disconnect yourself.\\nDo not sacrifice professional or academic priorities to avoid this person. However when the situation doesn’t necessitate interaction, keep calm by simply disconnecting from the conversation. You may opt to not pick up the phone or respond to that person’s email or text message at that time.\\nDo make an effort to respond eventually when you have a clear head. If you must interact with this person on occasion, it is best to be polite.\\nDo not lie or make excuses about why you waited to respond. Simply say, “I apologize that it took me so long to respond,” and continue with your message.\\n1-4. Stay neutral.\\nWhen you dislike someone, it can be easy to further upset yourself by trying to find things to dislike about the person. Remind yourself that you have the option to stay neutral regarding that person’s actions or decisions.\\nDo not let your dislike turn into a grudge. When you find yourself looking for more reasons to dislike this person, remind yourself that it is alright to not connect with someone, but it only hurts you to find other things that bother you.\\n1-5. Resolve your dislike.\\nKeep your calm in the long term by simply addressing what you dislike directly if you think it can be resolved. If you dislike someone because they treated you poorly at some point, for example, let them know, \\\"I would like to talk about this situation so that we can put it behind us.\\\"\\nWhen you speak with this person, try to avoid accusing them or casting blame. Instead, stick to statements regarding facts and your own feelings.\\nRather than saying, \\\"You tried to hurt me down by asking me to leave,\\\" let them know, \\\"It was hurtful when you asked me to leave because I was excited about this activity, as well.\\\"\\nAllow the other person to share their thoughts and feelings on the situation as well. Understand that your perception of the situation might not reflect their perception or intentions. Leave your mind open to hearing their side of the story, as well.\\nAgree upon a resolution. Perhaps you want to be friends now. Perhaps you don't want to socialize, but you will agree to stop saying hurtful things about one another. Find a solution that works for you and the other person, and agree on it once you feel you have addressed the underlying issue.\\n2. Being Polite\\n2-1. Acknowledge the person.\\nYou may not like them, but there is no need to vilify them. If the person you dislike tries to strike up a conversation with you, be willing to say, “Hello,” and wish them a good day before you leave the conversation. You do not have to be friendly, but remember it is common decency to be polite to others.\\nIf you do not feel like talking to this person, try saying, “I’m afraid I don’t have time to talk right now, but I hope you have a wonderful day.”\\nDo not avoid calls, emails, or other communication that may impact your work or school activities. Remember in those moments that your work is important to you, and it is not worth sacrificing over personal distaste.\\n2-2. Be inclusive.\\nDo not exclude this person from group functions or interactions regardless of your feelings. If there is a school or work event that is open to everyone, reach out to this person to ensure they feel welcome.\\nIf you are making a lunch run or grabbing supplies for a group project, remember to ask this person if they need anything. This way, you don’t have to engage in an extended conversation but you still ensure they feel included.\\nKnow that you have the option to not include this person in personal events such as get-togethers with friends or birthday parties, but understand that you should not exclude them from larger group events.\\n2-3. Avoid gossip.\\nIt is normal to want to express your feelings when you dislike someone, but remember that word could get back to them if you talk behind their back. Try to avoid disparaging this person, even when they are not around.\\nIf there is a truly harmful interaction between the two of you, don’t resort to gossiping about them. Instead, report this to your manager, teacher, or another party who may be able to help mediate.\\nIf there is a moment that was not harmful to either of you, but that you truly feel the need to discuss, present it to someone who does not know or share an environment with this person. Try to avoid allowing your negative feelings into their life.\\n2-4. Offer to help.\\nIf the reason this person bothers you is because they are constantly asking you for assistance, to check their work, or to go over something again, offer to help them. Take the time to teach them the processes they need to know to contribute to the project. This not only helps them, but may also help you minimize future interactions.\\nSet up a tutoring session and take them through whatever processes they need to learn step-by-step.\\nTake that time to show them where they can find informational resources, either online or through print material to which they have access, that may help them answer their own questions.\\n2-5. Smile through it.\\nThere may be times, such as seeing an ex at a mutual friend's gathering, where you feel obligated to act cordial toward the person you dislike. In those situations, it is best to smile, politely say hello, and talk only as much as you can take.\\nThere is no need for you to interact beyond pleasantries, especially if it is going to cause you mental anguish or an emotional outburst. Spare yourself and those around you by simply saying, \\\"It was nice to see you,\\\" and walking away.\\nIf the two of you are participating in something together, divide up duties. If you are both working at a table for an event, for example, have them go out into the crowd and draw people in while you stay and man the table.\\n3. Leaving Conversations\\n3-1. Politely excuse yourself.\\nYou do not have to stay involved in a conversation with someone you do not like, but you should not simply blow them off. Politely excuse yourself from the conversation by letting that person know that you have other matters that also need your attention at that moment.\\nLet them know something like, “It was nice to catch up, but I have to excuse myself. I have some pressing matters that I need to take care of.”\\nRemember that you are not obligated to disclose any information that you do not want. If they start asking about your personal life or plans that you do not want to talk about, simply let them know, “I’m not comfortable talking about that right now.”\\n3-2. Avoid lying.\\nMaking up excuses might seem like the easy way to get out of conversation or social obligation with this person, but lying is not only improper, it creates a burden for you since you have to remember the story and possibly create further fabrications. Avoid lying and instead be polite but honest when speaking with this person.\\nIf this person asks you to hang out, for example, you don’t need to say, “No, because I don’t like you.” Instead, opt for an honest but less offensive response such as, “I don’t feel like hanging out tonight.”\\n3-3. Don’t make false promises.\\nWhen you are trying to be polite, it can be tempting to make promises such as, “Not now but definitely another time,” or, “I can’t talk right now but I’ll text you later.” Try not to make promises you do not intend to follow through on. This is both disrespectful to the other person, and may encourage them to come around later trying to engage you.\\nInstead of making false promises, simply stop your statements short. Try, “I don’t think I can tonight,” instead of, “I don’t think I can tonight but maybe next week.”\\n4. Avoiding Harm\\n4-1. Alert an authority figure.\\nIf your dislike of this person comes from them antagonizing or displaying potential harmful behavior toward you, do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. Let an authority figure know, whether that be your teacher, your boss, or the police, if necessary.\\nExplain the situation to them and let them know what this person has done to make you feel threatened or harmed. Try to stick to facts and accounts of actions as much as possible.\\nIf you regularly encounter this person and worry about potential further harm through extended contact, request to be put in a situation that involves little to no contact with this person. This may include transferring desks, shifting part of your job duties, or moving to another class.\\n4-2. Remember your own value.\\nIf you do not like a person because they disparage you or put you down, remember that this individual is expressing a personal opinion, not stating fact. Remind yourself of your own value and worth, and allow your positive thoughts to replace their negative input. \\nTrying making a list of three to five things that you like about yourself to help remind yourself of your positive traits. List not only the items, but why they are important and how they help you in your daily life.\\nIf this person is antagonizing you over something they know is a larger issue in your life, you may want to seek professional assistance such as therapy to help you deal with not only this person but your matters in a healthy way.\\n4-3. Say no.\\nIf an antagonistic person tries to talk to you, make plans with you, or in any other way engage with you, do not be afraid to tell them no. Let them know, “I do not think you are a positive force in my life and I do not want speak with you.”\\nKnow that you have the power and the authority to say no at any time. If this person occupies a position of power in your life it may seem difficult to get away from them, but know that you always have the option to tell them no or remove yourself from the situation.\\nTips\\nNever let one person ruin your self-worth or any other relationships that you may value. Prioritize what is important to you and focus on that instead of this person.\\nBe honest and polite when you can. Remember this individual is human and wants to be liked just as much as you. It is ok to not connect, but it is far less acceptable to be rude or develop a rivalry simply because you two are not close friends.\\nWarnings\\nAvoid harsh criticisms. For example, if someone annoys you because they talk too much, don't blow up about how ugly or stupid they are. Keep it above the belt.\\nLet mutual friends know how you feel about the person so that they can bring them around you less. However, avoid being hateful or you will eventually be the one left out.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"You won’t like everyone, and not everyone will like you. It is completely normal to simply not click with someone else from time to time. However, regardless of your personal feelings you may find that you still have to occasionally interact with someone that you do not like. If you can keep calm and be polite, but still excuse yourself from unwanted interactions and negative situations, you will be able to find ways to handle these interactions without letting your dislike get the best of you.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Staying Calm\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Evaluate your dislike.\", \"描述\": \"Understanding where your dislike of the person comes from can help you avoid specific situations that may exacerbate your feelings. Ask yourself both, “What do I dislike about this person?” and “Why do those traits or behaviors bother me?”\\nConsider whether those traits truly impact you. For example, if you find a coworker or peer to be arrogant, think about whether their attitude truly has a negative impact on you. Do they take credit for your work, for example? Or do they simply have trait you do not like?\\nMake a concerted effort to not focus on traits that do not have a direct impact on you. Remind yourself, “This person’s actions do not have any impact on me and it is not worth my time to negatively focus on them.”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Take a breath.\", \"描述\": \"Calm yourself by taking a deep breath and refocusing your attention away from that individual. Breathe in slowly for a count of three, hold your breath for two seconds, and breathe out for another three count.\\nAs you breathe, focus your attention back on your own goals and challenges for the day, and let that other person slip from your thoughts.\\nRepeat the cycle as necessary throughout the day to help you keep calm.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Disconnect yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Do not sacrifice professional or academic priorities to avoid this person. However when the situation doesn’t necessitate interaction, keep calm by simply disconnecting from the conversation. You may opt to not pick up the phone or respond to that person’s email or text message at that time.\\nDo make an effort to respond eventually when you have a clear head. If you must interact with this person on occasion, it is best to be polite.\\nDo not lie or make excuses about why you waited to respond. Simply say, “I apologize that it took me so long to respond,” and continue with your message.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Stay neutral.\", \"描述\": \"When you dislike someone, it can be easy to further upset yourself by trying to find things to dislike about the person. Remind yourself that you have the option to stay neutral regarding that person’s actions or decisions.\\nDo not let your dislike turn into a grudge. When you find yourself looking for more reasons to dislike this person, remind yourself that it is alright to not connect with someone, but it only hurts you to find other things that bother you.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Resolve your dislike.\", \"描述\": \"Keep your calm in the long term by simply addressing what you dislike directly if you think it can be resolved. If you dislike someone because they treated you poorly at some point, for example, let them know, \\\"I would like to talk about this situation so that we can put it behind us.\\\"\\nWhen you speak with this person, try to avoid accusing them or casting blame. Instead, stick to statements regarding facts and your own feelings.\\nRather than saying, \\\"You tried to hurt me down by asking me to leave,\\\" let them know, \\\"It was hurtful when you asked me to leave because I was excited about this activity, as well.\\\"\\nAllow the other person to share their thoughts and feelings on the situation as well. Understand that your perception of the situation might not reflect their perception or intentions. Leave your mind open to hearing their side of the story, as well.\\nAgree upon a resolution. Perhaps you want to be friends now. Perhaps you don't want to socialize, but you will agree to stop saying hurtful things about one another. Find a solution that works for you and the other person, and agree on it once you feel you have addressed the underlying issue.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Being Polite\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Acknowledge the person.\", \"描述\": \"You may not like them, but there is no need to vilify them. If the person you dislike tries to strike up a conversation with you, be willing to say, “Hello,” and wish them a good day before you leave the conversation. You do not have to be friendly, but remember it is common decency to be polite to others.\\nIf you do not feel like talking to this person, try saying, “I’m afraid I don’t have time to talk right now, but I hope you have a wonderful day.”\\nDo not avoid calls, emails, or other communication that may impact your work or school activities. Remember in those moments that your work is important to you, and it is not worth sacrificing over personal distaste.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be inclusive.\", \"描述\": \"Do not exclude this person from group functions or interactions regardless of your feelings. If there is a school or work event that is open to everyone, reach out to this person to ensure they feel welcome.\\nIf you are making a lunch run or grabbing supplies for a group project, remember to ask this person if they need anything. This way, you don’t have to engage in an extended conversation but you still ensure they feel included.\\nKnow that you have the option to not include this person in personal events such as get-togethers with friends or birthday parties, but understand that you should not exclude them from larger group events.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoid gossip.\", \"描述\": \"It is normal to want to express your feelings when you dislike someone, but remember that word could get back to them if you talk behind their back. Try to avoid disparaging this person, even when they are not around.\\nIf there is a truly harmful interaction between the two of you, don’t resort to gossiping about them. Instead, report this to your manager, teacher, or another party who may be able to help mediate.\\nIf there is a moment that was not harmful to either of you, but that you truly feel the need to discuss, present it to someone who does not know or share an environment with this person. Try to avoid allowing your negative feelings into their life.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Offer to help.\", \"描述\": \"If the reason this person bothers you is because they are constantly asking you for assistance, to check their work, or to go over something again, offer to help them. Take the time to teach them the processes they need to know to contribute to the project. This not only helps them, but may also help you minimize future interactions.\\nSet up a tutoring session and take them through whatever processes they need to learn step-by-step.\\nTake that time to show them where they can find informational resources, either online or through print material to which they have access, that may help them answer their own questions.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Smile through it.\", \"描述\": \"There may be times, such as seeing an ex at a mutual friend's gathering, where you feel obligated to act cordial toward the person you dislike. In those situations, it is best to smile, politely say hello, and talk only as much as you can take.\\nThere is no need for you to interact beyond pleasantries, especially if it is going to cause you mental anguish or an emotional outburst. Spare yourself and those around you by simply saying, \\\"It was nice to see you,\\\" and walking away.\\nIf the two of you are participating in something together, divide up duties. If you are both working at a table for an event, for example, have them go out into the crowd and draw people in while you stay and man the table.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Leaving Conversations\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Politely excuse yourself.\", \"描述\": \"You do not have to stay involved in a conversation with someone you do not like, but you should not simply blow them off. Politely excuse yourself from the conversation by letting that person know that you have other matters that also need your attention at that moment.\\nLet them know something like, “It was nice to catch up, but I have to excuse myself. I have some pressing matters that I need to take care of.”\\nRemember that you are not obligated to disclose any information that you do not want. If they start asking about your personal life or plans that you do not want to talk about, simply let them know, “I’m not comfortable talking about that right now.”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Avoid lying.\", \"描述\": \"Making up excuses might seem like the easy way to get out of conversation or social obligation with this person, but lying is not only improper, it creates a burden for you since you have to remember the story and possibly create further fabrications. Avoid lying and instead be polite but honest when speaking with this person.\\nIf this person asks you to hang out, for example, you don’t need to say, “No, because I don’t like you.” Instead, opt for an honest but less offensive response such as, “I don’t feel like hanging out tonight.”\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don’t make false promises.\", \"描述\": \"When you are trying to be polite, it can be tempting to make promises such as, “Not now but definitely another time,” or, “I can’t talk right now but I’ll text you later.” Try not to make promises you do not intend to follow through on. This is both disrespectful to the other person, and may encourage them to come around later trying to engage you.\\nInstead of making false promises, simply stop your statements short. Try, “I don’t think I can tonight,” instead of, “I don’t think I can tonight but maybe next week.”\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Avoiding Harm\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Alert an authority figure.\", \"描述\": \"If your dislike of this person comes from them antagonizing or displaying potential harmful behavior toward you, do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. Let an authority figure know, whether that be your teacher, your boss, or the police, if necessary.\\nExplain the situation to them and let them know what this person has done to make you feel threatened or harmed. Try to stick to facts and accounts of actions as much as possible.\\nIf you regularly encounter this person and worry about potential further harm through extended contact, request to be put in a situation that involves little to no contact with this person. This may include transferring desks, shifting part of your job duties, or moving to another class.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Remember your own value.\", \"描述\": \"If you do not like a person because they disparage you or put you down, remember that this individual is expressing a personal opinion, not stating fact. Remind yourself of your own value and worth, and allow your positive thoughts to replace their negative input. \\nTrying making a list of three to five things that you like about yourself to help remind yourself of your positive traits. List not only the items, but why they are important and how they help you in your daily life.\\nIf this person is antagonizing you over something they know is a larger issue in your life, you may want to seek professional assistance such as therapy to help you deal with not only this person but your matters in a healthy way.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Say no.\", \"描述\": \"If an antagonistic person tries to talk to you, make plans with you, or in any other way engage with you, do not be afraid to tell them no. Let them know, “I do not think you are a positive force in my life and I do not want speak with you.”\\nKnow that you have the power and the authority to say no at any time. If this person occupies a position of power in your life it may seem difficult to get away from them, but know that you always have the option to tell them no or remove yourself from the situation.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Never let one person ruin your self-worth or any other relationships that you may value. Prioritize what is important to you and focus on that instead of this person.\\n\", \"Be honest and polite when you can. Remember this individual is human and wants to be liked just as much as you. It is ok to not connect, but it is far less acceptable to be rude or develop a rivalry simply because you two are not close friends.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Avoid harsh criticisms. For example, if someone annoys you because they talk too much, don't blow up about how ugly or stupid they are. Keep it above the belt.\\n\", \"Let mutual friends know how you feel about the person so that they can bring them around you less. However, avoid being hateful or you will eventually be the one left out.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Your Boyfriend
1. Having Fun Together 1-1. Flirt Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you should stop flirting! Tease him about his quirky habits or make up a goofy nickname or two. Just make sure the teasing is fun and lighthearted for both of you. If he gets upset or asks you to stop, it means you’re taking it too far. You could say, “Hey, you’re a pretty good cook...almost as good as my six year old sister!” Tease him about his Stars Wars obsession or his inexplicable love for weird foods. Look for other ways to find humor in everyday situations as well. Doing this will help to reduce any feelings of awkwardness and help your boyfriend associate being around you with having fun. 1-2. Don’t be afraid to be silly. Make funny faces together. Watch comedies and laugh your heads off. Tickle him and joke around. Remember, relationships are supposed to be fun! Start a food fight or have a wrestling match. Have a dance party and take tons of goofy selfies. 1-3. Spend quality time with your boyfriend. During quality time, you should be able to talk and connect. That doesn’t mean sitting side-by-side scrolling through your phones. Quality time could be as simple as hanging out after school or eating a meal together. Invite your boyfriend over for a family BBQ, or have a cuddly movie night. Have a pool day, stop for an after-school snack, or go on a hike! 1-4. Be yourself Don’t try to change who you are for your boyfriend. Stop worrying about what he thinks and be your genuine self. You’ll both have more fun if you can let loose around him. Think about the activities you enjoy and the people you love. If you’re changing any of those for your boyfriend, stop. Make a list of your strengths and good qualities. Maybe you’re a hilarious friend or a super talented artist. Embrace and celebrate your positive qualities! Your boyfriend should, too. If he doesn’t accept you for who you are, he’s not worth your time. 1-5. Make sure you give him space. You shouldn’t spend every waking moment together. For every hour you spend with your boyfriend, you should spend an hour doing your own thing. Go have fun with your friends and family. Make sure you stay involved in all your clubs, activities, and hobbies. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be your whole world. It’s important to spend time with the other awesome people in your life and take time for yourself. 2. Showing You Care 2-1. Be affectionate Different people show affection in different ways. You might show your affection by holding hands, hugging, caressing, cuddling, kissing, or having sex. Do what feels natural and comfortable to you. Talk to your boyfriend about boundaries. What kinds of touching are you comfortable with? How do you feel about PDA? Don’t feel pressured to have sex. It’s a big decision, and should be something you talk about in depth with your boyfriend and your parents. 2-2. Take an interest in his interests. You may not be the biggest fan of skateboarding, but if it’s important to your boyfriend, you should at least learn about it. Watch him perform at the skate rink, and listen when he talks about his newest skate trick. Ask him questions about the things he loves to do. If he loves playing the piano, you could ask, “What’s your favorite song to play?” Your boyfriend should also make an effort to understand your interests. Share with your boyfriend what interests you as well to ensure that you are both learning about each other’s interests. 2-3. Go to his events to support him. If he’s on the soccer team, show up at his games and cheer as loudly as you can. If he’s in a band, go to a few of their gigs and watch him jam out. He might ask you to come, but you should show up to some of his performances and games without being asked. He’ll value your support. For sporting events, make a poster with his name on it and bring your loudest cheering voice! 2-4. Do nice things for him without being asked. Bake him cookies just because, or help him work through a tough homework assignment. These acts of kindness, no matter how small, show that you care. Surprise him with a back massage after a tough day. Leave encouraging notes in his backpack or locker. Say something cute like, “Just wanted to tell you that you’re awesome!” 2-5. Spend time with his friends. You don’t have to be best friends with his friends--you don’t even have to like them that much. However, when he wants all of you to hang out together, don’t make up excuses. His friends are important to him. Showing you value his friends shows that you value him. The best thing you can do is show up and try to be friendly. Try to understand why your boyfriend loves his friends. Maybe you’ll learn to love them, too! Remember that it takes time to get to know people. If you feel like you don’t click with his friends right away, be patient. 2-6. Keep Your boyfriend should be able to trust you. If he tells you a secret, don’t turn around and tell your best friend. If you promise you’ll be at his game, don’t bail at the last minute because you’d rather do something else. Keeping your promises shows you’re loyal and committed to the relationship. 3. Being a Good Communicator 3-1. Share your feelings and encourage him to do so, too. Honesty is important for any healthy relationship, so don’t be afraid to tell your boyfriend how you feel. Positive and negative feelings are all fair game. Ask him how he’s feeling, especially if he’s looking down. If you’re upset because he’s been ignoring you at school, let him know. If you’re pumped about the award you just won, tell him. Imagine your boyfriend looks agitated. You could say, “Hey, you look kind of angry. What’s up?” 3-2. Be a good listener. Put down your phone and give him 100% of your attention. Try to understand what your boyfriend is actually trying to tell you. Repeat back what he says in your own words to show you understand. If you’re not sure what he’s trying to say, all you have to do is ask. You might say, “So, it seems like you’re angry at your mom. Why is that?” Nod and say phrases “yes” or “I see” to show that you’re listening. 3-3. Discuss serious matters in person. Talking about tough stuff over the phone might be easier in the moment, but it makes solving problems more difficult. If you need to talk about a fight or confront your boyfriend about something hurtful he said, do it face-to-face. You can send him a text saying, “We need to talk. Can we meet up around three today?” 3-4. Admit when you’re wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. If you realize you’ve done something wrong, own up to it. Being stubborn and holding grudges won’t make anyone happy. You could say something like, “I realize that I shouldn't have made fun of you. I’m really sorry.” 3-5. Remain calm during arguments. You and your boyfriend will probably get in arguments occasionally. Don’t stress—an argument now and then is healthy. However, losing your cool during an argument is not. If you feel yourself getting too angry, stop and take a few deep breaths. Don’t yell or raise your voice. It could make you both angrier. If you’re getting too angry to have a calm conversation, tell your boyfriend that you need to finish the conversation later when you’ve cooled down. Warnings When in doubt, do what feels natural. Overthinking your every move can make it harder to connect with your boyfriend. Plus, it's exhausting!
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:42:59", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Having Fun Together\\n1-1. Flirt\\nJust because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you should stop flirting! Tease him about his quirky habits or make up a goofy nickname or two. Just make sure the teasing is fun and lighthearted for both of you. If he gets upset or asks you to stop, it means you’re taking it too far.\\nYou could say, “Hey, you’re a pretty good cook...almost as good as my six year old sister!”\\nTease him about his Stars Wars obsession or his inexplicable love for weird foods.\\nLook for other ways to find humor in everyday situations as well. Doing this will help to reduce any feelings of awkwardness and help your boyfriend associate being around you with having fun.\\n1-2. Don’t be afraid to be silly.\\nMake funny faces together. Watch comedies and laugh your heads off. Tickle him and joke around. Remember, relationships are supposed to be fun!\\nStart a food fight or have a wrestling match.\\nHave a dance party and take tons of goofy selfies.\\n1-3. Spend quality time with your boyfriend.\\nDuring quality time, you should be able to talk and connect. That doesn’t mean sitting side-by-side scrolling through your phones. Quality time could be as simple as hanging out after school or eating a meal together.\\nInvite your boyfriend over for a family BBQ, or have a cuddly movie night.\\nHave a pool day, stop for an after-school snack, or go on a hike!\\n1-4. Be yourself\\nDon’t try to change who you are for your boyfriend. Stop worrying about what he thinks and be your genuine self. You’ll both have more fun if you can let loose around him.\\nThink about the activities you enjoy and the people you love. If you’re changing any of those for your boyfriend, stop.\\nMake a list of your strengths and good qualities. Maybe you’re a hilarious friend or a super talented artist. Embrace and celebrate your positive qualities! Your boyfriend should, too.\\nIf he doesn’t accept you for who you are, he’s not worth your time.\\n1-5. Make sure you give him space.\\nYou shouldn’t spend every waking moment together. For every hour you spend with your boyfriend, you should spend an hour doing your own thing. Go have fun with your friends and family. Make sure you stay involved in all your clubs, activities, and hobbies.\\nYour boyfriend shouldn’t be your whole world. It’s important to spend time with the other awesome people in your life and take time for yourself.\\n2. Showing You Care\\n2-1. Be affectionate\\nDifferent people show affection in different ways. You might show your affection by holding hands, hugging, caressing, cuddling, kissing, or having sex. Do what feels natural and comfortable to you.\\nTalk to your boyfriend about boundaries. What kinds of touching are you comfortable with? How do you feel about PDA?\\nDon’t feel pressured to have sex. It’s a big decision, and should be something you talk about in depth with your boyfriend and your parents.\\n2-2. Take an interest in his interests.\\nYou may not be the biggest fan of skateboarding, but if it’s important to your boyfriend, you should at least learn about it. Watch him perform at the skate rink, and listen when he talks about his newest skate trick.\\nAsk him questions about the things he loves to do. If he loves playing the piano, you could ask, “What’s your favorite song to play?”\\nYour boyfriend should also make an effort to understand your interests. Share with your boyfriend what interests you as well to ensure that you are both learning about each other’s interests.\\n2-3. Go to his events to support him.\\nIf he’s on the soccer team, show up at his games and cheer as loudly as you can. If he’s in a band, go to a few of their gigs and watch him jam out. He might ask you to come, but you should show up to some of his performances and games without being asked. He’ll value your support.\\nFor sporting events, make a poster with his name on it and bring your loudest cheering voice!\\n2-4. Do nice things for him without being asked.\\nBake him cookies just because, or help him work through a tough homework assignment. These acts of kindness, no matter how small, show that you care.\\nSurprise him with a back massage after a tough day.\\nLeave encouraging notes in his backpack or locker. Say something cute like, “Just wanted to tell you that you’re awesome!”\\n2-5. Spend time with his friends.\\nYou don’t have to be best friends with his friends--you don’t even have to like them that much. However, when he wants all of you to hang out together, don’t make up excuses. His friends are important to him. Showing you value his friends shows that you value him.\\nThe best thing you can do is show up and try to be friendly.\\nTry to understand why your boyfriend loves his friends. Maybe you’ll learn to love them, too!\\nRemember that it takes time to get to know people. If you feel like you don’t click with his friends right away, be patient.\\n2-6. Keep\\nYour boyfriend should be able to trust you. If he tells you a secret, don’t turn around and tell your best friend. If you promise you’ll be at his game, don’t bail at the last minute because you’d rather do something else. Keeping your promises shows you’re loyal and committed to the relationship.\\n3. Being a Good Communicator\\n3-1. Share your feelings and encourage him to do so, too.\\nHonesty is important for any healthy relationship, so don’t be afraid to tell your boyfriend how you feel. Positive and negative feelings are all fair game. Ask him how he’s feeling, especially if he’s looking down.\\nIf you’re upset because he’s been ignoring you at school, let him know. If you’re pumped about the award you just won, tell him.\\nImagine your boyfriend looks agitated. You could say, “Hey, you look kind of angry. What’s up?”\\n3-2. Be a good listener.\\nPut down your phone and give him 100% of your attention. Try to understand what your boyfriend is actually trying to tell you. Repeat back what he says in your own words to show you understand. If you’re not sure what he’s trying to say, all you have to do is ask.\\nYou might say, “So, it seems like you’re angry at your mom. Why is that?”\\nNod and say phrases “yes” or “I see” to show that you’re listening.\\n3-3. Discuss serious matters in person.\\nTalking about tough stuff over the phone might be easier in the moment, but it makes solving problems more difficult. If you need to talk about a fight or confront your boyfriend about something hurtful he said, do it face-to-face.\\nYou can send him a text saying, “We need to talk. Can we meet up around three today?”\\n3-4. Admit when you’re wrong.\\nEveryone makes mistakes. If you realize you’ve done something wrong, own up to it. Being stubborn and holding grudges won’t make anyone happy.\\nYou could say something like, “I realize that I shouldn't have made fun of you. I’m really sorry.”\\n3-5. Remain calm during arguments.\\nYou and your boyfriend will probably get in arguments occasionally. Don’t stress—an argument now and then is healthy. However, losing your cool during an argument is not. If you feel yourself getting too angry, stop and take a few deep breaths.\\nDon’t yell or raise your voice. It could make you both angrier.\\nIf you’re getting too angry to have a calm conversation, tell your boyfriend that you need to finish the conversation later when you’ve cooled down.\\nWarnings\\nWhen in doubt, do what feels natural. Overthinking your every move can make it harder to connect with your boyfriend. Plus, it's exhausting!\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"So, you have found a boyfriend. Now you might be wondering, How should I act? Don’t worry, it is not rocket science, although it may feel that way sometimes. Focus on having fun and being yourself. Show you care by taking an interest in his passions and doing kind things for him without being asked. Make sure you communicate openly and honestly, even when being honest feels a little scary.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Having Fun Together\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Flirt\", \"描述\": \"Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you should stop flirting! Tease him about his quirky habits or make up a goofy nickname or two. Just make sure the teasing is fun and lighthearted for both of you. If he gets upset or asks you to stop, it means you’re taking it too far.\\nYou could say, “Hey, you’re a pretty good cook...almost as good as my six year old sister!”\\nTease him about his Stars Wars obsession or his inexplicable love for weird foods.\\nLook for other ways to find humor in everyday situations as well. Doing this will help to reduce any feelings of awkwardness and help your boyfriend associate being around you with having fun.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don’t be afraid to be silly.\", \"描述\": \"Make funny faces together. Watch comedies and laugh your heads off. Tickle him and joke around. Remember, relationships are supposed to be fun!\\nStart a food fight or have a wrestling match.\\nHave a dance party and take tons of goofy selfies.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Spend quality time with your boyfriend.\", \"描述\": \"During quality time, you should be able to talk and connect. That doesn’t mean sitting side-by-side scrolling through your phones. Quality time could be as simple as hanging out after school or eating a meal together.\\nInvite your boyfriend over for a family BBQ, or have a cuddly movie night.\\nHave a pool day, stop for an after-school snack, or go on a hike!\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be yourself\", \"描述\": \"Don’t try to change who you are for your boyfriend. Stop worrying about what he thinks and be your genuine self. You’ll both have more fun if you can let loose around him.\\nThink about the activities you enjoy and the people you love. If you’re changing any of those for your boyfriend, stop.\\nMake a list of your strengths and good qualities. Maybe you’re a hilarious friend or a super talented artist. Embrace and celebrate your positive qualities! Your boyfriend should, too.\\nIf he doesn’t accept you for who you are, he’s not worth your time.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Make sure you give him space.\", \"描述\": \"You shouldn’t spend every waking moment together. For every hour you spend with your boyfriend, you should spend an hour doing your own thing. Go have fun with your friends and family. Make sure you stay involved in all your clubs, activities, and hobbies.\\nYour boyfriend shouldn’t be your whole world. It’s important to spend time with the other awesome people in your life and take time for yourself.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Showing You Care\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be affectionate\", \"描述\": \"Different people show affection in different ways. You might show your affection by holding hands, hugging, caressing, cuddling, kissing, or having sex. Do what feels natural and comfortable to you.\\nTalk to your boyfriend about boundaries. What kinds of touching are you comfortable with? How do you feel about PDA?\\nDon’t feel pressured to have sex. It’s a big decision, and should be something you talk about in depth with your boyfriend and your parents.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Take an interest in his interests.\", \"描述\": \"You may not be the biggest fan of skateboarding, but if it’s important to your boyfriend, you should at least learn about it. Watch him perform at the skate rink, and listen when he talks about his newest skate trick.\\nAsk him questions about the things he loves to do. If he loves playing the piano, you could ask, “What’s your favorite song to play?”\\nYour boyfriend should also make an effort to understand your interests. Share with your boyfriend what interests you as well to ensure that you are both learning about each other’s interests.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Go to his events to support him.\", \"描述\": \"If he’s on the soccer team, show up at his games and cheer as loudly as you can. If he’s in a band, go to a few of their gigs and watch him jam out. He might ask you to come, but you should show up to some of his performances and games without being asked. He’ll value your support.\\nFor sporting events, make a poster with his name on it and bring your loudest cheering voice!\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do nice things for him without being asked.\", \"描述\": \"Bake him cookies just because, or help him work through a tough homework assignment. These acts of kindness, no matter how small, show that you care.\\nSurprise him with a back massage after a tough day.\\nLeave encouraging notes in his backpack or locker. Say something cute like, “Just wanted to tell you that you’re awesome!”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Spend time with his friends.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t have to be best friends with his friends--you don’t even have to like them that much. However, when he wants all of you to hang out together, don’t make up excuses. His friends are important to him. Showing you value his friends shows that you value him.\\nThe best thing you can do is show up and try to be friendly.\\nTry to understand why your boyfriend loves his friends. Maybe you’ll learn to love them, too!\\nRemember that it takes time to get to know people. If you feel like you don’t click with his friends right away, be patient.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Keep\", \"描述\": \"Your boyfriend should be able to trust you. If he tells you a secret, don’t turn around and tell your best friend. If you promise you’ll be at his game, don’t bail at the last minute because you’d rather do something else. Keeping your promises shows you’re loyal and committed to the relationship.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Being a Good Communicator\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Share your feelings and encourage him to do so, too.\", \"描述\": \"Honesty is important for any healthy relationship, so don’t be afraid to tell your boyfriend how you feel. Positive and negative feelings are all fair game. Ask him how he’s feeling, especially if he’s looking down.\\nIf you’re upset because he’s been ignoring you at school, let him know. If you’re pumped about the award you just won, tell him.\\nImagine your boyfriend looks agitated. You could say, “Hey, you look kind of angry. What’s up?”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be a good listener.\", \"描述\": \"Put down your phone and give him 100% of your attention. Try to understand what your boyfriend is actually trying to tell you. Repeat back what he says in your own words to show you understand. If you’re not sure what he’s trying to say, all you have to do is ask.\\nYou might say, “So, it seems like you’re angry at your mom. Why is that?”\\nNod and say phrases “yes” or “I see” to show that you’re listening.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Discuss serious matters in person.\", \"描述\": \"Talking about tough stuff over the phone might be easier in the moment, but it makes solving problems more difficult. If you need to talk about a fight or confront your boyfriend about something hurtful he said, do it face-to-face.\\nYou can send him a text saying, “We need to talk. Can we meet up around three today?”\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Admit when you’re wrong.\", \"描述\": \"Everyone makes mistakes. If you realize you’ve done something wrong, own up to it. Being stubborn and holding grudges won’t make anyone happy.\\nYou could say something like, “I realize that I shouldn't have made fun of you. I’m really sorry.”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Remain calm during arguments.\", \"描述\": \"You and your boyfriend will probably get in arguments occasionally. Don’t stress—an argument now and then is healthy. However, losing your cool during an argument is not. If you feel yourself getting too angry, stop and take a few deep breaths.\\nDon’t yell or raise your voice. It could make you both angrier.\\nIf you’re getting too angry to have a calm conversation, tell your boyfriend that you need to finish the conversation later when you’ve cooled down.\"}], \"注意事项\": [\"When in doubt, do what feels natural. Overthinking your every move can make it harder to connect with your boyfriend. Plus, it's exhausting!\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Your Boyfriend in High School (14 Sweet Ways to Show Him You Care)
1. Ask him about his day. Show an interest in what his life is like. If you’re meeting up after school, ask him how math class was or how his test went. It’s an easy conversation starter if you run out of things to say, and he’ll probably ask you about your day, too. Don’t worry if you have a bit of trouble talking to your boyfriend at first. New relationships can be a little awkward, but you’ll both get better at it with time! Say something like, “So, how’d that math test go? I heard it was gonna be tough.” 2. Compliment him. Everyone likes to hear something nice about themselves. Tell him he looks good in that shirt or let him know that you noticed the free throw he made in the basketball game last night. He’ll be super grateful to have you and know that you’re paying attention to the little things. For instance, you might say, “Wow, is that a new shirt? I like it, it really brings out your eyes.” Or, “You scored so many points last night, I could hardly keep up!” 3. Flirt with him, but keep it subtle. You don’t have to give up flirting once he’s your boyfriend. You can flirt with him by holding his hand, smiling and saying hi in the halls, or even swiping on some lip balm to draw attention to your lips. It will keep him interested in you and leave him wanting more. You could also text him throughout the day if you want to up your flirting game. Something like, “I saw you in the hall earlier and you look great” will flatter him and make him feel good. Keep in mind that you should only be flirting with your boyfriend, not anyone else. If your boyfriend sees you sending flirty texts to other people, he’ll probably be upset, and your relationship could be on the line. 4. Keep PDA to a minimum. Public displays of affection are nice when they’re subtle. When you see your boyfriend at school, feel free to give him a hug or hold his hand. If you’re both comfortable with it, you could even give him a quick peck on the lips. However, keep everything else for when you two are in private. Depending on where you go to school, you might even get in trouble for large displays of affection. When in doubt, keep it to a minimum. 5. Don’t overshare on social media. It can really put a damper on the relationship. While it’s totally fine to post pics of you two when you’re out and about, venting about a fight you had on Facebook will only lead to problems. If you two are having issues, work them out between the two of you, and avoid putting him on blast online. Similarly, you should try not to talk badly about him to your friends or parents, even if you two are in a fight. 6. Hang out after school. Try to see each other outside a classroom setting. If you don’t want to chill at home, head to a local park or go out to eat with some friends. You don’t have to hang out every day, but try to spend some time one on one with him if you can. If you want to bring him back to your place, make sure you ask your parents first. They might have some ground rules to talk about with you (like keeping the door open when he’s over). 7. Ask him about his goals and life plans. It will help you get to know him more. What are his goals? What are his dreams? Does he know what he wants to do after high school? As you spend more and more time with him, you’ll naturally get to know more about him. Say something like, “I’ve always wanted to move to New York City after I graduate. What about you?” Sometimes guys have a hard time being vulnerable with other people. Don’t be offended if it takes him a while to open up to you. 8. Talk to him about your feelings. Let him learn more about you, too. Open up about your dreams, your passions, and how you feel about your relationship. If you ever need to talk about your relationship, bring it up sooner rather than later. For instance, maybe you saw him talking to a friend of his and he seemed a little too flirty. You can bring it up by saying, “Hey, I saw you talking to Makayla yesterday and you guys seemed pretty close. What were you talking about?” He’ll hopefully be able to put an end to any fears or doubts you have. 9. Make friends with his friends. Or at least get to know them a little better. If he’s chatting with a group of buddies before class, go up and introduce yourself to them. If he and the boys are going to hang out after school, see if you can join. You don’t have to hang with them 24/7, but your boyfriend will probably appreciate it if you put some effort into it. There will probably be some times when he just wants to hang with his friends without you, and that’s okay! It’s important that you both have friendships outside of each other. 10. Try not to be jealous. It’s okay for your boyfriend to have close friendships with other people. If you ever feel jealous, try to calmly and rationally talk about your feelings with your boyfriend. He should be able to quell your fears and let you know that he’s committed to you and only you. Similarly, you shouldn’t demand that your boyfriend stop being friends with someone or unfollow them on social media because you’re jealous. That’s a sign of an unhealthy relationship, and it can cause problems between you two. 11. Show up to his games or performances. If he’s in any extracurriculars, go and give your support. It doesn’t matter what it is—a football game, a debate, a play, or a concert—he’ll definitely appreciate having you there. Buy a ticket, make him a sign, and show him that you care! If he’s in a lot of extracurriculars, you don’t have to go to every single one (especially if it’s making you fall behind on your school work). However, try to make an effort to go to the big ones, like homecoming or the last performance of the year. 12. Encourage him to get good grades. Be supportive of his academic endeavors. If he needs to take the night off from hanging out with you to study for a test, tell him that it’s okay. You’re both still in school, and you should both focus on getting good grades if you can. Make sure you get good grades, too! Don’t let your homework fall by the wayside just because you’re in a relationship. 13. Maintain your own interests and hobbies. Go to your extracurriculars and keep doing your own hobbies. Try not to give up your life just because you have a boyfriend now. If he’s a good partner, he’ll encourage you to keep doing what you love, even if it takes up some of your time. If you have any games or performances, invite him to come support you! It will be a fun way for him to see what you do after school. 14. Give each other a little space. You don’t need to be together all the time. When you’re in high school together, you’ll probably see each other almost every day. It’s okay to take a little break every now and then to relax on your own. Hang out with him when you’d like to, but be sure to give yourself a little me time, too. Make an effort to still hang out with your friends, too! When people get into new relationships, they can sometimes push their friendships to the side for a little while. You don’t have to text or call him all the time, either. Sending a few texts back and forth is great, but give him some time to miss you, too. Tips New relationships can feel a little awkward at first, but as you get to know your boyfriend more, it will become more natural.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Ask him about his day.\\nShow an interest in what his life is like.\\nIf you’re meeting up after school, ask him how math class was or how his test went. It’s an easy conversation starter if you run out of things to say, and he’ll probably ask you about your day, too.\\nDon’t worry if you have a bit of trouble talking to your boyfriend at first. New relationships can be a little awkward, but you’ll both get better at it with time!\\nSay something like, “So, how’d that math test go? I heard it was gonna be tough.”\\n2. Compliment him.\\nEveryone likes to hear something nice about themselves.\\nTell him he looks good in that shirt or let him know that you noticed the free throw he made in the basketball game last night. He’ll be super grateful to have you and know that you’re paying attention to the little things.\\nFor instance, you might say, “Wow, is that a new shirt? I like it, it really brings out your eyes.”\\nOr, “You scored so many points last night, I could hardly keep up!”\\n3. Flirt with him, but keep it subtle.\\nYou don’t have to give up flirting once he’s your boyfriend.\\nYou can flirt with him by holding his hand, smiling and saying hi in the halls, or even swiping on some lip balm to draw attention to your lips. It will keep him interested in you and leave him wanting more.\\nYou could also text him throughout the day if you want to up your flirting game. Something like, “I saw you in the hall earlier and you look great” will flatter him and make him feel good.\\nKeep in mind that you should only be flirting with your boyfriend, not anyone else. If your boyfriend sees you sending flirty texts to other people, he’ll probably be upset, and your relationship could be on the line.\\n4. Keep PDA to a minimum.\\nPublic displays of affection are nice when they’re subtle.\\nWhen you see your boyfriend at school, feel free to give him a hug or hold his hand. If you’re both comfortable with it, you could even give him a quick peck on the lips. However, keep everything else for when you two are in private.\\nDepending on where you go to school, you might even get in trouble for large displays of affection. When in doubt, keep it to a minimum.\\n5. Don’t overshare on social media.\\nIt can really put a damper on the relationship.\\nWhile it’s totally fine to post pics of you two when you’re out and about, venting about a fight you had on Facebook will only lead to problems. If you two are having issues, work them out between the two of you, and avoid putting him on blast online.\\nSimilarly, you should try not to talk badly about him to your friends or parents, even if you two are in a fight.\\n6. Hang out after school.\\nTry to see each other outside a classroom setting.\\nIf you don’t want to chill at home, head to a local park or go out to eat with some friends. You don’t have to hang out every day, but try to spend some time one on one with him if you can.\\nIf you want to bring him back to your place, make sure you ask your parents first. They might have some ground rules to talk about with you (like keeping the door open when he’s over).\\n7. Ask him about his goals and life plans.\\nIt will help you get to know him more.\\nWhat are his goals? What are his dreams? Does he know what he wants to do after high school? As you spend more and more time with him, you’ll naturally get to know more about him.\\nSay something like, “I’ve always wanted to move to New York City after I graduate. What about you?”\\nSometimes guys have a hard time being vulnerable with other people. Don’t be offended if it takes him a while to open up to you.\\n8. Talk to him about your feelings.\\nLet him learn more about you, too.\\nOpen up about your dreams, your passions, and how you feel about your relationship. If you ever need to talk about your relationship, bring it up sooner rather than later.\\nFor instance, maybe you saw him talking to a friend of his and he seemed a little too flirty. You can bring it up by saying, “Hey, I saw you talking to Makayla yesterday and you guys seemed pretty close. What were you talking about?” He’ll hopefully be able to put an end to any fears or doubts you have.\\n9. Make friends with his friends.\\nOr at least get to know them a little better.\\nIf he’s chatting with a group of buddies before class, go up and introduce yourself to them. If he and the boys are going to hang out after school, see if you can join. You don’t have to hang with them 24/7, but your boyfriend will probably appreciate it if you put some effort into it.\\nThere will probably be some times when he just wants to hang with his friends without you, and that’s okay! It’s important that you both have friendships outside of each other.\\n10. Try not to be jealous.\\nIt’s okay for your boyfriend to have close friendships with other people.\\nIf you ever feel jealous, try to calmly and rationally talk about your feelings with your boyfriend. He should be able to quell your fears and let you know that he’s committed to you and only you.\\nSimilarly, you shouldn’t demand that your boyfriend stop being friends with someone or unfollow them on social media because you’re jealous. That’s a sign of an unhealthy relationship, and it can cause problems between you two.\\n11. Show up to his games or performances.\\nIf he’s in any extracurriculars, go and give your support.\\nIt doesn’t matter what it is—a football game, a debate, a play, or a concert—he’ll definitely appreciate having you there. Buy a ticket, make him a sign, and show him that you care!\\nIf he’s in a lot of extracurriculars, you don’t have to go to every single one (especially if it’s making you fall behind on your school work). However, try to make an effort to go to the big ones, like homecoming or the last performance of the year.\\n12. Encourage him to get good grades.\\nBe supportive of his academic endeavors.\\nIf he needs to take the night off from hanging out with you to study for a test, tell him that it’s okay. You’re both still in school, and you should both focus on getting good grades if you can.\\nMake sure you get good grades, too! Don’t let your homework fall by the wayside just because you’re in a relationship.\\n13. Maintain your own interests and hobbies.\\nGo to your extracurriculars and keep doing your own hobbies.\\nTry not to give up your life just because you have a boyfriend now. If he’s a good partner, he’ll encourage you to keep doing what you love, even if it takes up some of your time.\\nIf you have any games or performances, invite him to come support you! It will be a fun way for him to see what you do after school.\\n14. Give each other a little space.\\nYou don’t need to be together all the time.\\nWhen you’re in high school together, you’ll probably see each other almost every day. It’s okay to take a little break every now and then to relax on your own. Hang out with him when you’d like to, but be sure to give yourself a little me time, too.\\nMake an effort to still hang out with your friends, too! When people get into new relationships, they can sometimes push their friendships to the side for a little while.\\nYou don’t have to text or call him all the time, either. Sending a few texts back and forth is great, but give him some time to miss you, too.\\nTips\\nNew relationships can feel a little awkward at first, but as you get to know your boyfriend more, it will become more natural.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"If you’ve been crushing on a guy for a while, you’re probably super stoked to finally land him as your boyfriend. But if you're a teen who's never been in a relationship before, knowing how to act or what to say can feel a little intimidating. Fortunately, there are a few things you can keep in mind to help you through the initial stages. Keep reading to learn how you can develop your relationship and get to know your new boo even better.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ask him about his day.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Show an interest in what his life is like.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re meeting up after school, ask him how math class was or how his test went. It’s an easy conversation starter if you run out of things to say, and he’ll probably ask you about your day, too.\\nDon’t worry if you have a bit of trouble talking to your boyfriend at first. New relationships can be a little awkward, but you’ll both get better at it with time!\\nSay something like, “So, how’d that math test go? I heard it was gonna be tough.”\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Compliment him.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Everyone likes to hear something nice about themselves.\", \"描述\": \"Tell him he looks good in that shirt or let him know that you noticed the free throw he made in the basketball game last night. He’ll be super grateful to have you and know that you’re paying attention to the little things.\\nFor instance, you might say, “Wow, is that a new shirt? I like it, it really brings out your eyes.”\\nOr, “You scored so many points last night, I could hardly keep up!”\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Flirt with him, but keep it subtle.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You don’t have to give up flirting once he’s your boyfriend.\", \"描述\": \"You can flirt with him by holding his hand, smiling and saying hi in the halls, or even swiping on some lip balm to draw attention to your lips. It will keep him interested in you and leave him wanting more.\\nYou could also text him throughout the day if you want to up your flirting game. Something like, “I saw you in the hall earlier and you look great” will flatter him and make him feel good.\\nKeep in mind that you should only be flirting with your boyfriend, not anyone else. If your boyfriend sees you sending flirty texts to other people, he’ll probably be upset, and your relationship could be on the line.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Keep PDA to a minimum.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Public displays of affection are nice when they’re subtle.\", \"描述\": \"When you see your boyfriend at school, feel free to give him a hug or hold his hand. If you’re both comfortable with it, you could even give him a quick peck on the lips. However, keep everything else for when you two are in private.\\nDepending on where you go to school, you might even get in trouble for large displays of affection. When in doubt, keep it to a minimum.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don’t overshare on social media.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"It can really put a damper on the relationship.\", \"描述\": \"While it’s totally fine to post pics of you two when you’re out and about, venting about a fight you had on Facebook will only lead to problems. If you two are having issues, work them out between the two of you, and avoid putting him on blast online.\\nSimilarly, you should try not to talk badly about him to your friends or parents, even if you two are in a fight.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Hang out after school.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Try to see each other outside a classroom setting.\", \"描述\": \"If you don’t want to chill at home, head to a local park or go out to eat with some friends. You don’t have to hang out every day, but try to spend some time one on one with him if you can.\\nIf you want to bring him back to your place, make sure you ask your parents first. They might have some ground rules to talk about with you (like keeping the door open when he’s over).\"}]}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Ask him about his goals and life plans.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"It will help you get to know him more.\", \"描述\": \"What are his goals? What are his dreams? Does he know what he wants to do after high school? As you spend more and more time with him, you’ll naturally get to know more about him.\\nSay something like, “I’ve always wanted to move to New York City after I graduate. What about you?”\\nSometimes guys have a hard time being vulnerable with other people. Don’t be offended if it takes him a while to open up to you.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Talk to him about your feelings.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Let him learn more about you, too.\", \"描述\": \"Open up about your dreams, your passions, and how you feel about your relationship. If you ever need to talk about your relationship, bring it up sooner rather than later.\\nFor instance, maybe you saw him talking to a friend of his and he seemed a little too flirty. You can bring it up by saying, “Hey, I saw you talking to Makayla yesterday and you guys seemed pretty close. What were you talking about?” He’ll hopefully be able to put an end to any fears or doubts you have.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Make friends with his friends.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Or at least get to know them a little better.\", \"描述\": \"If he’s chatting with a group of buddies before class, go up and introduce yourself to them. If he and the boys are going to hang out after school, see if you can join. You don’t have to hang with them 24/7, but your boyfriend will probably appreciate it if you put some effort into it.\\nThere will probably be some times when he just wants to hang with his friends without you, and that’s okay! It’s important that you both have friendships outside of each other.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Try not to be jealous.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"It’s okay for your boyfriend to have close friendships with other people.\", \"描述\": \"If you ever feel jealous, try to calmly and rationally talk about your feelings with your boyfriend. He should be able to quell your fears and let you know that he’s committed to you and only you.\\nSimilarly, you shouldn’t demand that your boyfriend stop being friends with someone or unfollow them on social media because you’re jealous. That’s a sign of an unhealthy relationship, and it can cause problems between you two.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Show up to his games or performances.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"If he’s in any extracurriculars, go and give your support.\", \"描述\": \"It doesn’t matter what it is—a football game, a debate, a play, or a concert—he’ll definitely appreciate having you there. Buy a ticket, make him a sign, and show him that you care!\\nIf he’s in a lot of extracurriculars, you don’t have to go to every single one (especially if it’s making you fall behind on your school work). However, try to make an effort to go to the big ones, like homecoming or the last performance of the year.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Encourage him to get good grades.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be supportive of his academic endeavors.\", \"描述\": \"If he needs to take the night off from hanging out with you to study for a test, tell him that it’s okay. You’re both still in school, and you should both focus on getting good grades if you can.\\nMake sure you get good grades, too! Don’t let your homework fall by the wayside just because you’re in a relationship.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Maintain your own interests and hobbies.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Go to your extracurriculars and keep doing your own hobbies.\", \"描述\": \"Try not to give up your life just because you have a boyfriend now. If he’s a good partner, he’ll encourage you to keep doing what you love, even if it takes up some of your time.\\nIf you have any games or performances, invite him to come support you! It will be a fun way for him to see what you do after school.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 14, \"标题\": \"Give each other a little space.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"You don’t need to be together all the time.\", \"描述\": \"When you’re in high school together, you’ll probably see each other almost every day. It’s okay to take a little break every now and then to relax on your own. Hang out with him when you’d like to, but be sure to give yourself a little me time, too.\\nMake an effort to still hang out with your friends, too! When people get into new relationships, they can sometimes push their friendships to the side for a little while.\\nYou don’t have to text or call him all the time, either. Sending a few texts back and forth is great, but give him some time to miss you, too.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"New relationships can feel a little awkward at first, but as you get to know your boyfriend more, it will become more natural.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Your Crush
1. Being Comfortable 1-1. Dress in flattering clothes that make you feel comfortable You should always wear what you feel comfortable in, don't just wear something to impress you crush or fit in. Wear clean clothes that make you look your best if you know you're going to be around your crush. Just dress naturally. Some people might get intimidated if you try getting really dressed up around your crush. You want to act naturally and be yourself, not like you're something you're not. Focus more on clothes that help you feel confident. If you want to impress your crush, you'll do it with your personality, not with your shirt. Make sure your clothes fit well, are clean, and make you feel good. 1-2. Check your breath. If you're going to be around your crush, bad breath could be a turnoff. Make sure that you brush regularly, especially after meals, and keep some mints, gum, or other little fresheners around in case you need them. Breath strips act quickly and are easy to carry around in your pocket, so you don't have to be chewing gum constantly while you're trying to flirt. Check in the mirror after meals to make sure you don't have anything stuck in your teeth. That could be embarrassing after the fact. 1-3. Groom yourself regularly. Again, you don't need to be a movie star to attract your crush or to act naturally around them, but it's a whole lot easier to be relaxed and confident around someone if you're not worried about the smell you're putting off. Shower regularly and take care of basic body stuff so you can feel confident. If you have acne problems, talk to your parents and your doctor about prescription solutions. There are lots of stronger medicated facial soaps out there to try. Don't suffer in silence. Put some thought into your hair and basic grooming. You don't need to be glammed up all the time, but don't look like you just rolled out of bed. 1-4. Try to learn as much as you can about your crush. Hanging around someone you're attracted to can be hard if you don't know much about them. You might want to impress them, or come off like an attractive and interesting person, but what do they think is attractive? What do they think is interesting? The more you know the answers to these questions, the more comfortable you can be. Get to know them on social networking first. Reach out on Facebook or Twitter and become friends, or start following them on Instagram to get some sense of their sense of humor and style. Talk to mutual friends to find out things like whether or not your crush has a partner already, or whether or not your crush might be interested. It's a lot easier to chat up someone who you think might like you. 1-5. Hang out in a group at first. One-on-one hangouts can be challenging. If you're trying to hang out with someone, do it in a group, so your crush can see how you act naturally around your friends, instead of trying to do it all at once. Invite your crush to hang out with your friends, or just to sit with your friends at lunch. There doesn't need to be a reason. Alternatively, you might feel more comfortable hanging out one-on-one. If you do, try to find reasons to hang out with your crush solo, even in a non-date type of situation. Just try sitting together on the bus, or working on homework together, or sitting together at lunch. 1-6. Talk less to keep some mystery about yourself. Lots of people make the mistake of thinking that you need to talk a lot and make a big show if you want to attract someone's attention. Not necessarily the case. Hang back a little and make your contributions magnetic and more meaningful when you do talk. Talk more quietly, so everyone else needs to quiet down when you speak. Turn to your crush and lean in when you have something to say. Make it meaningful. It'll be mysterious and personal. Your crush might be attracted to more flamboyant, loud, or chatty people, and that's ok. That doesn't mean you need to change who you are to attract them, or get to know them better. 2. Starting Conversations 2-1. Start slowly by saying hello regularly. It's important to let your crush know that you exist, and that you like talking to them. When you see your crush walking down the hallway at school, or passing them in public, smile brightly, wave your hand, and say hi. Use their name out loud. This little gesture goes a long way in making someone feel valued and wanted. This isn't a sign that you're crushing on someone, it's just a sign that you're nice. If you see someone you like, say hello. 2-2. Make eye contact. When you like someone, making eye contact can do more than a couple thousand words and a bunch of love letters. When you're hanging out, or having a conversation, make eye contact and use gentle body language to seem more approachable. Use open body language around your crush, keeping your shoulders back and your arms uncrossed. Don't stare at someone you like. Catching someone's eye and smiling is one thing, but gawking at someone you think is attractive during class will just come across as creepy. 2-3. Keep your conversations short, at first. When you're first getting to know your crush a little better, try to keep your interactions brief to avoid any awkwardness or difficulty in talking. Just chat up someone about the class you just had, or have a brief talk about your weekend plans, then say, "Well, nice talking. See you later." Don't worry too much about having really deep or interesting conversations. It'll happen as you get to know someone better, which takes time. Nobody has great conversations at first. Give them a chance. 2-4. Find something you have in common. Don't know what to talk about? Try to figure out something that you have in common and can share together. Talk about a class you've got together, or an assignment, or talk about an upcoming sports event at your school. Find something you can shoot the breeze about. Don't think too hard. If you live in the same town or go to the same school, you've automatically got a little in common. Talk about your neighborhood. Gossip about common friends. Complain about teachers. Online is a great way to find out simple things like this. If you know your crush watches a certain show that you like, talk about the last episode, or your favorite characters, or what you think is going to happen next. 2-5. Ask for help with something. One good short-cut to starting a conversation is to ask your crush if they'll help you do something. Ask for a hand with some homework assignment you're working on, or ask for some help setting something up in gym class. Even if you're fine on your own, it'll be a chance to have some time to talk. Go with a little white lie if you need to: "Have you seen my math book over here? I just had it, and I can't find it. Will you help me look?" Then chat while you try to find it. When you never can, say, "That's ok, you're so sweet for helping. I like talking to you!" 3. Knowing What to Say 3-1. Let your sense of humor shine through. If you want to get to know someone better, and maybe even get them to like you, it's a good idea to let your sense of humor out as much as possible. Laughter is infectious, and people like being around people who are funny. Even if you're not a class clown, you can still have funny conversations with your crush. Don't say, "Hey, how's it going?" That's a boring conversation to start. Instead, say, "I'm thinking of busting out of this prison. So far all I've got is a calculator and half a Snickers. What do you think? Can I count on you? You're not going to tell the cops, right?" If your crush says something like, "You're weird," then you know they're a boring or stuck-up person. Don't waste your time getting to know people who don't share your sense of humor. 3-2. Be a tease. Some studies show that gentle teasing can cause magnetic reactions in people, causing our brains to attract where we might naturally reject. People don't want to be put on pedestals and complimented all the time. This is boring. This is also while lots of "nice" people are rejected by crushes who are looking for something more interesting. That doesn't mean you should be a jerk, just that you should learn to let your sense of humor out in gentle ways. If you see your crush put up a bunch of selfies on Facebook, tease them about them. "Ok, there are a lot of these, so I'm going to help you rate them one by one, in terms of what it looks like you're thinking. This one says, "Oh, wow, my room smells like corn-dogs." 3-3. Ask interesting questions. People like for conversation to be easy. If you want to put your crush at ease and get them talking, asking creative, engaging, or even silly questions is the way to go. Treat it like a fun conversation game. "Say this is your last day on earth. Where do you go to first? What do you eat? What do you do? Who do you hang out with? What's on the iPod?" It's important to avoid prying or coming off like you're insensitive. Don't ask questions that are none of your business, like, "Your dad doesn't look like he makes a lot of money, how is your family doing?" 3-4. Recall a previous conversation. Not sure what to talk about? Follow up on something that you already talked about. If your crush mentioned a big event one weekend, follow up and ask how it went the next time you see them. try to remember the things you talk about, so you'll have a store of new conversations to pick up on. If your crush mentioned a book, show, or movie last time that you were unfamiliar with, check it out and talk about it the next time you see each other. Be honest and offer your opinions. 3-5. Get to know your crush's friends. If you want to get to know your crush even better, it's important to engage with their group of friends. Treat your crush as a close friend, and try to hang out in your crush's circle of friends as much as possible. Invite your crush to hang out with you on group events as well. Try to get your crush to hang out in a group with your friends, so it'll be more comfortable and fun. Get to know your crush in a group. Find out what your crush likes, what your crush thinks is funny, and what your crush is like to be around. This can help make your conversations a lot more natural and fun. Lots of people talk about the "friend zone" being a bad idea for a potential date or relationship. If you like someone, it's good to get to know them, every time. Don't worry about befriending someone for a while before you get closer. Tips Be open and honest with your crush. If you don't feel like telling him or her you have a crush on that person, that's fine! Do whatever you want to do. Make sure to not complain about things, such as teachers or your school! They might see you as a negative person who they don't want to be around. Warnings Something to watch out for is if you know that you're making it obvious that you have a crush on the person you like. It's okay to act normal around your crush, but not obsessive, and giggly all the time. That's just making it obvious you have a crush on that person.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Being Comfortable\\n1-1. Dress in flattering clothes that make you feel comfortable\\nYou should always wear what you feel comfortable in, don't just wear something to impress you crush or fit in. Wear clean clothes that make you look your best if you know you're going to be around your crush.\\nJust dress naturally. Some people might get intimidated if you try getting really dressed up around your crush. You want to act naturally and be yourself, not like you're something you're not.\\nFocus more on clothes that help you feel confident. If you want to impress your crush, you'll do it with your personality, not with your shirt. Make sure your clothes fit well, are clean, and make you feel good.\\n1-2. Check your breath.\\nIf you're going to be around your crush, bad breath could be a turnoff. Make sure that you brush regularly, especially after meals, and keep some mints, gum, or other little fresheners around in case you need them.\\nBreath strips act quickly and are easy to carry around in your pocket, so you don't have to be chewing gum constantly while you're trying to flirt.\\nCheck in the mirror after meals to make sure you don't have anything stuck in your teeth. That could be embarrassing after the fact.\\n1-3. Groom yourself regularly.\\nAgain, you don't need to be a movie star to attract your crush or to act naturally around them, but it's a whole lot easier to be relaxed and confident around someone if you're not worried about the smell you're putting off. Shower regularly and take care of basic body stuff so you can feel confident.\\nIf you have acne problems, talk to your parents and your doctor about prescription solutions. There are lots of stronger medicated facial soaps out there to try. Don't suffer in silence.\\nPut some thought into your hair and basic grooming. You don't need to be glammed up all the time, but don't look like you just rolled out of bed.\\n1-4. Try to learn as much as you can about your crush.\\nHanging around someone you're attracted to can be hard if you don't know much about them. You might want to impress them, or come off like an attractive and interesting person, but what do they think is attractive? What do they think is interesting? The more you know the answers to these questions, the more comfortable you can be.\\nGet to know them on social networking first. Reach out on Facebook or Twitter and become friends, or start following them on Instagram to get some sense of their sense of humor and style.\\nTalk to mutual friends to find out things like whether or not your crush has a partner already, or whether or not your crush might be interested. It's a lot easier to chat up someone who you think might like you.\\n1-5. Hang out in a group at first.\\nOne-on-one hangouts can be challenging. If you're trying to hang out with someone, do it in a group, so your crush can see how you act naturally around your friends, instead of trying to do it all at once.\\nInvite your crush to hang out with your friends, or just to sit with your friends at lunch. There doesn't need to be a reason.\\nAlternatively, you might feel more comfortable hanging out one-on-one. If you do, try to find reasons to hang out with your crush solo, even in a non-date type of situation. Just try sitting together on the bus, or working on homework together, or sitting together at lunch.\\n1-6. Talk less to keep some mystery about yourself.\\nLots of people make the mistake of thinking that you need to talk a lot and make a big show if you want to attract someone's attention. Not necessarily the case. Hang back a little and make your contributions magnetic and more meaningful when you do talk.\\nTalk more quietly, so everyone else needs to quiet down when you speak. Turn to your crush and lean in when you have something to say. Make it meaningful. It'll be mysterious and personal.\\nYour crush might be attracted to more flamboyant, loud, or chatty people, and that's ok. That doesn't mean you need to change who you are to attract them, or get to know them better.\\n2. Starting Conversations\\n2-1. Start slowly by saying hello regularly.\\nIt's important to let your crush know that you exist, and that you like talking to them. When you see your crush walking down the hallway at school, or passing them in public, smile brightly, wave your hand, and say hi. Use their name out loud. This little gesture goes a long way in making someone feel valued and wanted.\\nThis isn't a sign that you're crushing on someone, it's just a sign that you're nice. If you see someone you like, say hello.\\n2-2. Make eye contact.\\nWhen you like someone, making eye contact can do more than a couple thousand words and a bunch of love letters. When you're hanging out, or having a conversation, make eye contact and use gentle body language to seem more approachable.\\nUse open body language around your crush, keeping your shoulders back and your arms uncrossed.\\nDon't stare at someone you like. Catching someone's eye and smiling is one thing, but gawking at someone you think is attractive during class will just come across as creepy.\\n2-3. Keep your conversations short, at first.\\nWhen you're first getting to know your crush a little better, try to keep your interactions brief to avoid any awkwardness or difficulty in talking. Just chat up someone about the class you just had, or have a brief talk about your weekend plans, then say, \\\"Well, nice talking. See you later.\\\"\\nDon't worry too much about having really deep or interesting conversations. It'll happen as you get to know someone better, which takes time. Nobody has great conversations at first. Give them a chance.\\n2-4. Find something you have in common.\\nDon't know what to talk about? Try to figure out something that you have in common and can share together. Talk about a class you've got together, or an assignment, or talk about an upcoming sports event at your school. Find something you can shoot the breeze about.\\nDon't think too hard. If you live in the same town or go to the same school, you've automatically got a little in common. Talk about your neighborhood. Gossip about common friends. Complain about teachers.\\nOnline is a great way to find out simple things like this. If you know your crush watches a certain show that you like, talk about the last episode, or your favorite characters, or what you think is going to happen next.\\n2-5. Ask for help with something.\\nOne good short-cut to starting a conversation is to ask your crush if they'll help you do something. Ask for a hand with some homework assignment you're working on, or ask for some help setting something up in gym class. Even if you're fine on your own, it'll be a chance to have some time to talk.\\nGo with a little white lie if you need to: \\\"Have you seen my math book over here? I just had it, and I can't find it. Will you help me look?\\\" Then chat while you try to find it. When you never can, say, \\\"That's ok, you're so sweet for helping. I like talking to you!\\\"\\n3. Knowing What to Say\\n3-1. Let your sense of humor shine through.\\nIf you want to get to know someone better, and maybe even get them to like you, it's a good idea to let your sense of humor out as much as possible. Laughter is infectious, and people like being around people who are funny. Even if you're not a class clown, you can still have funny conversations with your crush.\\nDon't say, \\\"Hey, how's it going?\\\" That's a boring conversation to start. Instead, say, \\\"I'm thinking of busting out of this prison. So far all I've got is a calculator and half a Snickers. What do you think? Can I count on you? You're not going to tell the cops, right?\\\"\\nIf your crush says something like, \\\"You're weird,\\\" then you know they're a boring or stuck-up person. Don't waste your time getting to know people who don't share your sense of humor.\\n3-2. Be a tease.\\nSome studies show that gentle teasing can cause magnetic reactions in people, causing our brains to attract where we might naturally reject. People don't want to be put on pedestals and complimented all the time. This is boring. This is also while lots of \\\"nice\\\" people are rejected by crushes who are looking for something more interesting. That doesn't mean you should be a jerk, just that you should learn to let your sense of humor out in gentle ways.\\nIf you see your crush put up a bunch of selfies on Facebook, tease them about them. \\\"Ok, there are a lot of these, so I'm going to help you rate them one by one, in terms of what it looks like you're thinking. This one says, \\\"Oh, wow, my room smells like corn-dogs.\\\"\\n3-3. Ask interesting questions.\\nPeople like for conversation to be easy. If you want to put your crush at ease and get them talking, asking creative, engaging, or even silly questions is the way to go. Treat it like a fun conversation game.\\n\\\"Say this is your last day on earth. Where do you go to first? What do you eat? What do you do? Who do you hang out with? What's on the iPod?\\\"\\nIt's important to avoid prying or coming off like you're insensitive. Don't ask questions that are none of your business, like, \\\"Your dad doesn't look like he makes a lot of money, how is your family doing?\\\"\\n3-4. Recall a previous conversation.\\nNot sure what to talk about? Follow up on something that you already talked about. If your crush mentioned a big event one weekend, follow up and ask how it went the next time you see them. try to remember the things you talk about, so you'll have a store of new conversations to pick up on.\\nIf your crush mentioned a book, show, or movie last time that you were unfamiliar with, check it out and talk about it the next time you see each other. Be honest and offer your opinions.\\n3-5. Get to know your crush's friends.\\nIf you want to get to know your crush even better, it's important to engage with their group of friends. Treat your crush as a close friend, and try to hang out in your crush's circle of friends as much as possible.\\nInvite your crush to hang out with you on group events as well. Try to get your crush to hang out in a group with your friends, so it'll be more comfortable and fun. Get to know your crush in a group.\\nFind out what your crush likes, what your crush thinks is funny, and what your crush is like to be around. This can help make your conversations a lot more natural and fun.\\nLots of people talk about the \\\"friend zone\\\" being a bad idea for a potential date or relationship. If you like someone, it's good to get to know them, every time. Don't worry about befriending someone for a while before you get closer.\\nTips\\nBe open and honest with your crush. If you don't feel like telling him or her you have a crush on that person, that's fine! Do whatever you want to do.\\nMake sure to not complain about things, such as teachers or your school! They might see you as a negative person who they don't want to be around.\\nWarnings\\nSomething to watch out for is if you know that you're making it obvious that you have a crush on the person you like. It's okay to act normal around your crush, but not obsessive, and giggly all the time. That's just making it obvious you have a crush on that person.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Ah, a crush. It's nice to have them, but it can be nerve-wracking as anything when you're around them. If you're crushing hard on someone, you can learn to put yourself at ease so you can be as natural and comfortable as possible, and make your conversations flow more spontaneously. Learn to start good conversations, talk comfortably with your crush, and let your friendship blossom.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Being Comfortable\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Dress in flattering clothes that make you feel comfortable\", \"描述\": \"You should always wear what you feel comfortable in, don't just wear something to impress you crush or fit in. Wear clean clothes that make you look your best if you know you're going to be around your crush.\\nJust dress naturally. Some people might get intimidated if you try getting really dressed up around your crush. You want to act naturally and be yourself, not like you're something you're not.\\nFocus more on clothes that help you feel confident. If you want to impress your crush, you'll do it with your personality, not with your shirt. Make sure your clothes fit well, are clean, and make you feel good.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Check your breath.\", \"描述\": \"If you're going to be around your crush, bad breath could be a turnoff. Make sure that you brush regularly, especially after meals, and keep some mints, gum, or other little fresheners around in case you need them.\\nBreath strips act quickly and are easy to carry around in your pocket, so you don't have to be chewing gum constantly while you're trying to flirt.\\nCheck in the mirror after meals to make sure you don't have anything stuck in your teeth. That could be embarrassing after the fact.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Groom yourself regularly.\", \"描述\": \"Again, you don't need to be a movie star to attract your crush or to act naturally around them, but it's a whole lot easier to be relaxed and confident around someone if you're not worried about the smell you're putting off. Shower regularly and take care of basic body stuff so you can feel confident.\\nIf you have acne problems, talk to your parents and your doctor about prescription solutions. There are lots of stronger medicated facial soaps out there to try. Don't suffer in silence.\\nPut some thought into your hair and basic grooming. You don't need to be glammed up all the time, but don't look like you just rolled out of bed.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Try to learn as much as you can about your crush.\", \"描述\": \"Hanging around someone you're attracted to can be hard if you don't know much about them. You might want to impress them, or come off like an attractive and interesting person, but what do they think is attractive? What do they think is interesting? The more you know the answers to these questions, the more comfortable you can be.\\nGet to know them on social networking first. Reach out on Facebook or Twitter and become friends, or start following them on Instagram to get some sense of their sense of humor and style.\\nTalk to mutual friends to find out things like whether or not your crush has a partner already, or whether or not your crush might be interested. It's a lot easier to chat up someone who you think might like you.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Hang out in a group at first.\", \"描述\": \"One-on-one hangouts can be challenging. If you're trying to hang out with someone, do it in a group, so your crush can see how you act naturally around your friends, instead of trying to do it all at once.\\nInvite your crush to hang out with your friends, or just to sit with your friends at lunch. There doesn't need to be a reason.\\nAlternatively, you might feel more comfortable hanging out one-on-one. If you do, try to find reasons to hang out with your crush solo, even in a non-date type of situation. Just try sitting together on the bus, or working on homework together, or sitting together at lunch.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Talk less to keep some mystery about yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Lots of people make the mistake of thinking that you need to talk a lot and make a big show if you want to attract someone's attention. Not necessarily the case. Hang back a little and make your contributions magnetic and more meaningful when you do talk.\\nTalk more quietly, so everyone else needs to quiet down when you speak. Turn to your crush and lean in when you have something to say. Make it meaningful. It'll be mysterious and personal.\\nYour crush might be attracted to more flamboyant, loud, or chatty people, and that's ok. That doesn't mean you need to change who you are to attract them, or get to know them better.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Starting Conversations\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Start slowly by saying hello regularly.\", \"描述\": \"It's important to let your crush know that you exist, and that you like talking to them. When you see your crush walking down the hallway at school, or passing them in public, smile brightly, wave your hand, and say hi. Use their name out loud. This little gesture goes a long way in making someone feel valued and wanted.\\nThis isn't a sign that you're crushing on someone, it's just a sign that you're nice. If you see someone you like, say hello.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make eye contact.\", \"描述\": \"When you like someone, making eye contact can do more than a couple thousand words and a bunch of love letters. When you're hanging out, or having a conversation, make eye contact and use gentle body language to seem more approachable.\\nUse open body language around your crush, keeping your shoulders back and your arms uncrossed.\\nDon't stare at someone you like. Catching someone's eye and smiling is one thing, but gawking at someone you think is attractive during class will just come across as creepy.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Keep your conversations short, at first.\", \"描述\": \"When you're first getting to know your crush a little better, try to keep your interactions brief to avoid any awkwardness or difficulty in talking. Just chat up someone about the class you just had, or have a brief talk about your weekend plans, then say, \\\"Well, nice talking. See you later.\\\"\\nDon't worry too much about having really deep or interesting conversations. It'll happen as you get to know someone better, which takes time. Nobody has great conversations at first. Give them a chance.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Find something you have in common.\", \"描述\": \"Don't know what to talk about? Try to figure out something that you have in common and can share together. Talk about a class you've got together, or an assignment, or talk about an upcoming sports event at your school. Find something you can shoot the breeze about.\\nDon't think too hard. If you live in the same town or go to the same school, you've automatically got a little in common. Talk about your neighborhood. Gossip about common friends. Complain about teachers.\\nOnline is a great way to find out simple things like this. If you know your crush watches a certain show that you like, talk about the last episode, or your favorite characters, or what you think is going to happen next.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Ask for help with something.\", \"描述\": \"One good short-cut to starting a conversation is to ask your crush if they'll help you do something. Ask for a hand with some homework assignment you're working on, or ask for some help setting something up in gym class. Even if you're fine on your own, it'll be a chance to have some time to talk.\\nGo with a little white lie if you need to: \\\"Have you seen my math book over here? I just had it, and I can't find it. Will you help me look?\\\" Then chat while you try to find it. When you never can, say, \\\"That's ok, you're so sweet for helping. I like talking to you!\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Knowing What to Say\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Let your sense of humor shine through.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to get to know someone better, and maybe even get them to like you, it's a good idea to let your sense of humor out as much as possible. Laughter is infectious, and people like being around people who are funny. Even if you're not a class clown, you can still have funny conversations with your crush.\\nDon't say, \\\"Hey, how's it going?\\\" That's a boring conversation to start. Instead, say, \\\"I'm thinking of busting out of this prison. So far all I've got is a calculator and half a Snickers. What do you think? Can I count on you? You're not going to tell the cops, right?\\\"\\nIf your crush says something like, \\\"You're weird,\\\" then you know they're a boring or stuck-up person. Don't waste your time getting to know people who don't share your sense of humor.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be a tease.\", \"描述\": \"Some studies show that gentle teasing can cause magnetic reactions in people, causing our brains to attract where we might naturally reject. People don't want to be put on pedestals and complimented all the time. This is boring. This is also while lots of \\\"nice\\\" people are rejected by crushes who are looking for something more interesting. That doesn't mean you should be a jerk, just that you should learn to let your sense of humor out in gentle ways.\\nIf you see your crush put up a bunch of selfies on Facebook, tease them about them. \\\"Ok, there are a lot of these, so I'm going to help you rate them one by one, in terms of what it looks like you're thinking. This one says, \\\"Oh, wow, my room smells like corn-dogs.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Ask interesting questions.\", \"描述\": \"People like for conversation to be easy. If you want to put your crush at ease and get them talking, asking creative, engaging, or even silly questions is the way to go. Treat it like a fun conversation game.\\n\\\"Say this is your last day on earth. Where do you go to first? What do you eat? What do you do? Who do you hang out with? What's on the iPod?\\\"\\nIt's important to avoid prying or coming off like you're insensitive. Don't ask questions that are none of your business, like, \\\"Your dad doesn't look like he makes a lot of money, how is your family doing?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Recall a previous conversation.\", \"描述\": \"Not sure what to talk about? Follow up on something that you already talked about. If your crush mentioned a big event one weekend, follow up and ask how it went the next time you see them. try to remember the things you talk about, so you'll have a store of new conversations to pick up on.\\nIf your crush mentioned a book, show, or movie last time that you were unfamiliar with, check it out and talk about it the next time you see each other. Be honest and offer your opinions.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Get to know your crush's friends.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to get to know your crush even better, it's important to engage with their group of friends. Treat your crush as a close friend, and try to hang out in your crush's circle of friends as much as possible.\\nInvite your crush to hang out with you on group events as well. Try to get your crush to hang out in a group with your friends, so it'll be more comfortable and fun. Get to know your crush in a group.\\nFind out what your crush likes, what your crush thinks is funny, and what your crush is like to be around. This can help make your conversations a lot more natural and fun.\\nLots of people talk about the \\\"friend zone\\\" being a bad idea for a potential date or relationship. If you like someone, it's good to get to know them, every time. Don't worry about befriending someone for a while before you get closer.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Be open and honest with your crush. If you don't feel like telling him or her you have a crush on that person, that's fine! Do whatever you want to do.\\n\", \"Make sure to not complain about things, such as teachers or your school! They might see you as a negative person who they don't want to be around.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Something to watch out for is if you know that you're making it obvious that you have a crush on the person you like. It's okay to act normal around your crush, but not obsessive, and giggly all the time. That's just making it obvious you have a crush on that person.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Your Ex
1. Stay calm when you see your ex. Remember, your ex is probably just as nervous as you are. Breakups can leave you feeling angry, sad, and lonely, and a chance run-in with your ex isn't the right time to vent those feelings. Do your best to stay composed when they're around. It's natural to be upset if your ex acts distant or turns hot and cold on you, but you can take steps to calm yourself down and avoid lashing out at them. It's okay to excuse yourself and take a few deep breaths when you get worked up. If you need to do more, take a short walk to get your body moving. Massage areas of tension to help yourself calm down. 2. Walk and talk with confidence. Self-confidence can help you face your ex without being intimidated. You'll likely have a lot of powerful emotions when you see your ex, especially if they hurt or dumped you. However, you'll seem more approachable and less closed off when you have confidence. Use your body language to send a message of self-assurance, and work on building up your self-esteem in the wake of your breakup. Adopt a confident posture with your back straight, chest forward, and arms uncrossed. Make eye contact with your ex and pay attention to their expression to get a feel for their emotional state. Build self-esteem by cutting out negative self-talk, forgiving yourself for your mistakes, and encouraging yourself to grow and learn new things. By the time you face your ex, you'll be feeling great about yourself. 3. Dress to impress. When you look good, you feel better about yourself too. It might be tricky to predict when you run into your ex, but if you can, wear an outfit that makes you feel cool and comfortable. Plus, after a breakup, it often feels good to change up something about your look—like getting a haircut or refreshing your wardrobe. Dressing your best will improve your self-confidence and help you make a good impression when you see your ex again. 4. Be polite. This shows your ex that you can be the bigger, more mature person. Treat your ex like you'd treat any normal acquaintance in public. It's helpful to act this way if your ex dumped you or hurt you because they'll expect anger the next time they see you. Smile and wave, or have a pleasant conversation with them, and they'll see how strong and self-sufficient you really are. If you want to move on from your ex, you can be polite and civil without pretending that you will hang out regularly, which could come across as fake. 5. Make casual small talk. Steer clear of discussing the breakup, which might upset you both. It's probably a bad time to talk about the relationship if you run into your ex while you're out and about. Instead, have a light and friendly conversation about something else; you could recap what you've been up to lately, discuss a cool project you're working on, or briefly mention upcoming weekend plans. Normal conversations with your ex should stay drama and negativity-free. If you want to have a deep discussion about your relationship, plan it out beforehand and go somewhere you can talk privately. 6. Be yourself. Your ex knows you well and can tell when you're not acting normally. You don't need to declare how great you're doing or how glad you are that you broke up if it's not true. False bravado may come off as strange or awkward to your ex. Present the best version of yourself to the rest of the world, but don't pretend to be someone you're not. 7. Keep your first few conversations short. It's easy to get emotional and say hurtful things during long talks. Limit the amount of time you spend talking to them and offer a polite excuse if you start feeling uncomfortable. Longer interactions can also lead to an awkward silence, especially if your ex is acting cold and distant. To make things simple, just give a casual greeting, chat for a couple of minutes, and continue with your life. If you need to get out of a conversation, say something like, "I've got to go meet Casey for lunch. I'll catch you later, okay?" Alternatively, you could say, "I've got so much homework it isn't even funny! I should go get a head start on it now, but I'm glad we were able to chat for a bit. See ya!" 8. Go to social events like you always do. Your relationship doesn't need to affect hanging out with mutual friends. You'll probably both be invited to special occasions if you share a friend group, like ​​birthday parties, graduations, and weddings. Don't ignore each other, but don't sit together, either. That way, neither of you will be tempted to make a scene. Plus, you don't want to answer questions about whether you two are back together all night long. Resist the urge to talk negatively about your ex to other people when you're with a larger crowd. It probably won't make you feel better, and other people may think it's disrespectful. Let yourself feel sad when you see your ex at social events but don't let it ruin your day. You deserve to enjoy yourself! 9. Bring a friend with you. Your friends can be a buffer, so you don't have to be alone with your ex. They can make sure conversations with your ex stay friendly and casual or give you an excuse to leave a conversation with your ex early. For example, if you're dreading class after a breakup, ask a friend if you can walk together and sit next to one another—at least for a few weeks while you get over the breakup. Stay in larger groups when you can. Any awkwardness between you and your ex will be less visible in groups. 10. Keep it brief if you're with someone new. Flaunting your relationship status can make your ex uncomfortable. Make a friendly introduction if you run into one another, and then move on. You don't need to go out of your way to show off your date. Also, if there's a high chance you and your new date will run into your ex, make sure you've given your date a heads-up beforehand. Play it cool if your ex gets a new date, too. Introductions will probably be awkward for all of you, so be polite and easygoing throughout the exchange. When meeting your ex's date, or introducing yours, remember that everyone wants to get through the interaction as calmly—and probably quickly—as possible, and in that way, you are all on the same side. 11. Take it slow if you want to stay friends. Rebuilding a friendship takes time and patience. Understand that you won't be able to have an easygoing dynamic right away, but you can build up to it. Limit your interactions and set boundaries with your ex. Make it clear that you'd like to be friends, but don't rush yourself (or your ex) if you're still processing feelings from the breakup. Boundaries are important because they'll serve as guidelines for your new friendship. Decide what you're comfortable saying and doing with your ex and how much physical and emotional space you want between you. Make sure you're pursuing a friendship for the right reasons. If you're secretly trying to get back together with your ex, it's better to have a conversation with them about it than pretend to see them as a friend. If your ex keeps blowing hot and then cold, it's better to steer clear of them. You don't need to get invested in someone who doesn't show you the respect you deserve!
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Stay calm when you see your ex.\\nRemember, your ex is probably just as nervous as you are.\\nBreakups can leave you feeling angry, sad, and lonely, and a chance run-in with your ex isn't the right time to vent those feelings. Do your best to stay composed when they're around. It's natural to be upset if your ex acts distant or turns hot and cold on you, but you can take steps to calm yourself down and avoid lashing out at them.\\nIt's okay to excuse yourself and take a few deep breaths when you get worked up. If you need to do more, take a short walk to get your body moving. Massage areas of tension to help yourself calm down.\\n2. Walk and talk with confidence.\\nSelf-confidence can help you face your ex without being intimidated.\\nYou'll likely have a lot of powerful emotions when you see your ex, especially if they hurt or dumped you. However, you'll seem more approachable and less closed off when you have confidence. Use your body language to send a message of self-assurance, and work on building up your self-esteem in the wake of your breakup.\\nAdopt a confident posture with your back straight, chest forward, and arms uncrossed.\\nMake eye contact with your ex and pay attention to their expression to get a feel for their emotional state.\\nBuild self-esteem by cutting out negative self-talk, forgiving yourself for your mistakes, and encouraging yourself to grow and learn new things. By the time you face your ex, you'll be feeling great about yourself.\\n3. Dress to impress.\\nWhen you look good, you feel better about yourself too.\\nIt might be tricky to predict when you run into your ex, but if you can, wear an outfit that makes you feel cool and comfortable. Plus, after a breakup, it often feels good to change up something about your look—like getting a haircut or refreshing your wardrobe. Dressing your best will improve your self-confidence and help you make a good impression when you see your ex again.\\n4. Be polite.\\nThis shows your ex that you can be the bigger, more mature person.\\nTreat your ex like you'd treat any normal acquaintance in public. It's helpful to act this way if your ex dumped you or hurt you because they'll expect anger the next time they see you. Smile and wave, or have a pleasant conversation with them, and they'll see how strong and self-sufficient you really are.\\nIf you want to move on from your ex, you can be polite and civil without pretending that you will hang out regularly, which could come across as fake.\\n5. Make casual small talk.\\nSteer clear of discussing the breakup, which might upset you both.\\nIt's probably a bad time to talk about the relationship if you run into your ex while you're out and about. Instead, have a light and friendly conversation about something else; you could recap what you've been up to lately, discuss a cool project you're working on, or briefly mention upcoming weekend plans.\\nNormal conversations with your ex should stay drama and negativity-free. If you want to have a deep discussion about your relationship, plan it out beforehand and go somewhere you can talk privately.\\n6. Be yourself.\\nYour ex knows you well and can tell when you're not acting normally.\\nYou don't need to declare how great you're doing or how glad you are that you broke up if it's not true. False bravado may come off as strange or awkward to your ex. Present the best version of yourself to the rest of the world, but don't pretend to be someone you're not.\\n7. Keep your first few conversations short.\\nIt's easy to get emotional and say hurtful things during long talks.\\nLimit the amount of time you spend talking to them and offer a polite excuse if you start feeling uncomfortable. Longer interactions can also lead to an awkward silence, especially if your ex is acting cold and distant. To make things simple, just give a casual greeting, chat for a couple of minutes, and continue with your life.\\nIf you need to get out of a conversation, say something like, \\\"I've got to go meet Casey for lunch. I'll catch you later, okay?\\\"\\nAlternatively, you could say, \\\"I've got so much homework it isn't even funny! I should go get a head start on it now, but I'm glad we were able to chat for a bit. See ya!\\\"\\n8. Go to social events like you always do.\\nYour relationship doesn't need to affect hanging out with mutual friends.\\nYou'll probably both be invited to special occasions if you share a friend group, like ​​birthday parties, graduations, and weddings. Don't ignore each other, but don't sit together, either. That way, neither of you will be tempted to make a scene. Plus, you don't want to answer questions about whether you two are back together all night long.\\nResist the urge to talk negatively about your ex to other people when you're with a larger crowd. It probably won't make you feel better, and other people may think it's disrespectful.\\nLet yourself feel sad when you see your ex at social events but don't let it ruin your day. You deserve to enjoy yourself!\\n9. Bring a friend with you.\\nYour friends can be a buffer, so you don't have to be alone with your ex.\\nThey can make sure conversations with your ex stay friendly and casual or give you an excuse to leave a conversation with your ex early. For example, if you're dreading class after a breakup, ask a friend if you can walk together and sit next to one another—at least for a few weeks while you get over the breakup.\\nStay in larger groups when you can. Any awkwardness between you and your ex will be less visible in groups.\\n10. Keep it brief if you're with someone new.\\nFlaunting your relationship status can make your ex uncomfortable.\\nMake a friendly introduction if you run into one another, and then move on. You don't need to go out of your way to show off your date. Also, if there's a high chance you and your new date will run into your ex, make sure you've given your date a heads-up beforehand.\\nPlay it cool if your ex gets a new date, too. Introductions will probably be awkward for all of you, so be polite and easygoing throughout the exchange.\\nWhen meeting your ex's date, or introducing yours, remember that everyone wants to get through the interaction as calmly—and probably quickly—as possible, and in that way, you are all on the same side.\\n11. Take it slow if you want to stay friends.\\nRebuilding a friendship takes time and patience.\\nUnderstand that you won't be able to have an easygoing dynamic right away, but you can build up to it. Limit your interactions and set boundaries with your ex. Make it clear that you'd like to be friends, but don't rush yourself (or your ex) if you're still processing feelings from the breakup.\\nBoundaries are important because they'll serve as guidelines for your new friendship. Decide what you're comfortable saying and doing with your ex and how much physical and emotional space you want between you.\\nMake sure you're pursuing a friendship for the right reasons. If you're secretly trying to get back together with your ex, it's better to have a conversation with them about it than pretend to see them as a friend.\\nIf your ex keeps blowing hot and then cold, it's better to steer clear of them. You don't need to get invested in someone who doesn't show you the respect you deserve!\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Breakups can be tricky to navigate when you have to see your ex around work or school all the time. It may be impossible to avoid being in the same room and even talking to your ex, but there are ways to make each encounter less painful. With some confidence and poise, you can skillfully manage interactions with your ex, whether you're trying to get over them, stay friends, or get back together!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Stay calm when you see your ex.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Remember, your ex is probably just as nervous as you are.\", \"描述\": \"Breakups can leave you feeling angry, sad, and lonely, and a chance run-in with your ex isn't the right time to vent those feelings. Do your best to stay composed when they're around. It's natural to be upset if your ex acts distant or turns hot and cold on you, but you can take steps to calm yourself down and avoid lashing out at them.\\nIt's okay to excuse yourself and take a few deep breaths when you get worked up. If you need to do more, take a short walk to get your body moving. Massage areas of tension to help yourself calm down.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Walk and talk with confidence.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Self-confidence can help you face your ex without being intimidated.\", \"描述\": \"You'll likely have a lot of powerful emotions when you see your ex, especially if they hurt or dumped you. However, you'll seem more approachable and less closed off when you have confidence. Use your body language to send a message of self-assurance, and work on building up your self-esteem in the wake of your breakup.\\nAdopt a confident posture with your back straight, chest forward, and arms uncrossed.\\nMake eye contact with your ex and pay attention to their expression to get a feel for their emotional state.\\nBuild self-esteem by cutting out negative self-talk, forgiving yourself for your mistakes, and encouraging yourself to grow and learn new things. By the time you face your ex, you'll be feeling great about yourself.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dress to impress.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"When you look good, you feel better about yourself too.\", \"描述\": \"It might be tricky to predict when you run into your ex, but if you can, wear an outfit that makes you feel cool and comfortable. Plus, after a breakup, it often feels good to change up something about your look—like getting a haircut or refreshing your wardrobe. Dressing your best will improve your self-confidence and help you make a good impression when you see your ex again.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be polite.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"This shows your ex that you can be the bigger, more mature person.\", \"描述\": \"Treat your ex like you'd treat any normal acquaintance in public. It's helpful to act this way if your ex dumped you or hurt you because they'll expect anger the next time they see you. Smile and wave, or have a pleasant conversation with them, and they'll see how strong and self-sufficient you really are.\\nIf you want to move on from your ex, you can be polite and civil without pretending that you will hang out regularly, which could come across as fake.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Make casual small talk.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steer clear of discussing the breakup, which might upset you both.\", \"描述\": \"It's probably a bad time to talk about the relationship if you run into your ex while you're out and about. Instead, have a light and friendly conversation about something else; you could recap what you've been up to lately, discuss a cool project you're working on, or briefly mention upcoming weekend plans.\\nNormal conversations with your ex should stay drama and negativity-free. If you want to have a deep discussion about your relationship, plan it out beforehand and go somewhere you can talk privately.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be yourself.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Your ex knows you well and can tell when you're not acting normally.\", \"描述\": \"You don't need to declare how great you're doing or how glad you are that you broke up if it's not true. False bravado may come off as strange or awkward to your ex. Present the best version of yourself to the rest of the world, but don't pretend to be someone you're not.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Keep your first few conversations short.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"It's easy to get emotional and say hurtful things during long talks.\", \"描述\": \"Limit the amount of time you spend talking to them and offer a polite excuse if you start feeling uncomfortable. Longer interactions can also lead to an awkward silence, especially if your ex is acting cold and distant. To make things simple, just give a casual greeting, chat for a couple of minutes, and continue with your life.\\nIf you need to get out of a conversation, say something like, \\\"I've got to go meet Casey for lunch. I'll catch you later, okay?\\\"\\nAlternatively, you could say, \\\"I've got so much homework it isn't even funny! I should go get a head start on it now, but I'm glad we were able to chat for a bit. See ya!\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Go to social events like you always do.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Your relationship doesn't need to affect hanging out with mutual friends.\", \"描述\": \"You'll probably both be invited to special occasions if you share a friend group, like ​​birthday parties, graduations, and weddings. Don't ignore each other, but don't sit together, either. That way, neither of you will be tempted to make a scene. Plus, you don't want to answer questions about whether you two are back together all night long.\\nResist the urge to talk negatively about your ex to other people when you're with a larger crowd. It probably won't make you feel better, and other people may think it's disrespectful.\\nLet yourself feel sad when you see your ex at social events but don't let it ruin your day. You deserve to enjoy yourself!\"}]}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Bring a friend with you.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Your friends can be a buffer, so you don't have to be alone with your ex.\", \"描述\": \"They can make sure conversations with your ex stay friendly and casual or give you an excuse to leave a conversation with your ex early. For example, if you're dreading class after a breakup, ask a friend if you can walk together and sit next to one another—at least for a few weeks while you get over the breakup.\\nStay in larger groups when you can. Any awkwardness between you and your ex will be less visible in groups.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Keep it brief if you're with someone new.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Flaunting your relationship status can make your ex uncomfortable.\", \"描述\": \"Make a friendly introduction if you run into one another, and then move on. You don't need to go out of your way to show off your date. Also, if there's a high chance you and your new date will run into your ex, make sure you've given your date a heads-up beforehand.\\nPlay it cool if your ex gets a new date, too. Introductions will probably be awkward for all of you, so be polite and easygoing throughout the exchange.\\nWhen meeting your ex's date, or introducing yours, remember that everyone wants to get through the interaction as calmly—and probably quickly—as possible, and in that way, you are all on the same side.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Take it slow if you want to stay friends.\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Rebuilding a friendship takes time and patience.\", \"描述\": \"Understand that you won't be able to have an easygoing dynamic right away, but you can build up to it. Limit your interactions and set boundaries with your ex. Make it clear that you'd like to be friends, but don't rush yourself (or your ex) if you're still processing feelings from the breakup.\\nBoundaries are important because they'll serve as guidelines for your new friendship. Decide what you're comfortable saying and doing with your ex and how much physical and emotional space you want between you.\\nMake sure you're pursuing a friendship for the right reasons. If you're secretly trying to get back together with your ex, it's better to have a conversation with them about it than pretend to see them as a friend.\\nIf your ex keeps blowing hot and then cold, it's better to steer clear of them. You don't need to get invested in someone who doesn't show you the respect you deserve!\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Behave Around Your Girlfriend: 15 Ways to Make Her Happy
1. Treating Her with Respect 1-1. Speak to her kindly. Speak to your girlfriend the way you would want to be spoken to by a close friend. Regardless of whether you are sharing a good laugh or arguing, a healthy relationship is always based on mutual respect. Always speak in a kind tone, even if you’re upset. Keeping your tone of voice in check lets your girlfriend know that you care about her. Never call your girlfriend names, even if you’re mad. Name-calling is a big sign of disrespect. Similarly, avoid swearing at her or cursing at her. 1-2. Observe and respect her body language. Reading body language is a big part of understanding a person's feelings on a deeper level. Experts say that about 55% of communication involves body language, so picking up on your girlfriend's nonverbal cues may give you inside information about her feelings. If your girlfriend is enjoying the moment, her body language will likely reflect that feeling. She may be smiling coyly, making consistent and lingering eye contact, or leaning her body in towards you. She will probably appear relaxed, and her face, body, and feet will be directed toward you. Pay attention to these cues to know when you are doing something you should continue doing, whether in an intimate setting or amongst a group of peers. If your girlfriend is feeling uncomfortable or nervous, she might touch her neck, stroke her own hair, or play with something in her hands. If you notice these things, quietly pull her aside and ask her if she’s okay. 1-3. Treat her as your equal. Just as you pride yourself in being your own person, so should your girlfriend. Be proud that she has her own thoughts, opinions, and dreams. Encourage her to share them with you as you two get closer to each other. Accept differences in political stance, taste in art or music, and interest in recreational activities. Whether or not they are the same stances and interests as yours, her opinions and tastes matter. Just remind yourself that you're really not the authority and arbiter on all things, personal and public. Just think of your differences as part of the "spice of life." Wouldn't it be boring if you two agreed on everything? If you feel like you can't respect her opinions, this might not be the right relationship for you. If you differ on fundamental issues—a desire for monogamy in the relationship, for instance, or the religious upbringing of your children—it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. While you should still treat her opinions and feelings with respect, you may realize they are just not compatible with yours. 1-4. Be honest. Honesty is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships. Being honest with your girlfriend is extremely important right from the beginning. While it is sometimes difficult to be honest, it is always, always the best policy. Keeping a web of lies straight can be quite stressful. Besides, what's the point of maintaining a relationship built on deceit? Be honest from the start. Trust can be very hard to regain once it's broken. Instead of risking being caught in a lie, just be honest from the beginning. A relationship built on lies will never make you truly happy. If you have told a lie, admit it. The best thing you can do is to have your girlfriend hear the truth from you and not from someone else. She will likely respect you more for your ultimate honesty (once she gets over the shock of being lied to). She wants to believe you—and believe in you. 1-5. Apologize if you make her upset. Apologizing is one of the best ways to show your respect for your girlfriend. It doesn't require a grand gesture, but it needs to be genuine and from the heart. Apologize sooner rather than later. The best time to apologize is as soon as you know you were in the wrong. Speak from the heart. Say something like, “I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. I'll try to do better next time.” This can be as powerful as a dozen roses. Don't force your apology or fake one. Your girlfriend will probably be able to tell that you don’t mean it. 2. Showing Her that You Care 2-1. Let her know you're thinking about her. Whenever she pops into your mind, let her know. A simple text message or phone call if you are apart, or a gentle touch on her back or arm if you are together, are small ways to let her know you care. Try a simple message: “Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.” A little gesture like this may make her day. Bring up a recent memory. For example: “I can't stop thinking about the time I accidentally dropped all the eggs on the floor and you slipped on them! It's been making me laugh all day.” Begin with a compliment: “Your beautiful smile has been on my mind all day today!” 2-2. Use your manners and be courteous. Use your manners and go out of your way to be particularly polite and thoughtful around her. Talk with your girlfriend early on about which types of traditionally courteous behaviors fit into your lives and which do not. For example, you may want to pull out her chair for her, but she may find this patronizing. Communicating about these behaviors will help avoid any misunderstanding. Here are some suggestions for courteous behaviors she may appreciate: Open the door for her. This move has been appreciated by women for centuries! Walk on the outside of the sidewalk, closest to traffic. This is a quiet sign of protection. Put your arm around her in busy, public places. Offer to pay the bill at dinner. Even if she refuses and asks to split the bill, your offer will not go unnoticed. Introduce her to your friends or people you know. It might bother her to be standing next to you chatting with a crowd of your friends when none of them knows her name. Make sure the first thing you do is introduce your girlfriend. This will make her feel important to you and let her relax a bit in conversing with your friends. 2-3. Make her feel special Whether you are alone, amongst friends, or at a crowded bar of strangers, let her know that she is the one who has your eye and your heart. Make eye contact with her from across the room. Let her know she's the only one on your mind without having to say a single word. Smile at her. You know how you feel when she smiles at you. It works in the other direction, too. Take her feelings into consideration. For example, when you are making plans, discuss them with her. Make her feel like half of a couple. Compliment her. Whether it's a new outfit, a new haircut, or simply the way her smile lights up the room, tell her you've noticed and that you like it. Spoil her a little bit. Has she been eyeing a certain scarf at the mall? Buy it for her and give it to her as a “Just Because it's Thursday” present. Thank her when she brings you something, helps you with something, or does something kind for you. A simple "thank you" can mean a lot and will make it more likely she'll go out of her way for you in the future. Better yet, thank her for no reason at all—just for being herself. An unexpected kindness will warm her heart for days. 2-4. Get to know her friends. Your girlfriend's friends (and family) probably play a huge part in her life. They will have some influence on her. If you're going to make this relationship work, you will want to try to gain the approval of her close friends of either sex. Show interest in her friends. Ask them the same questions you asked her when you were getting acquainted. A great place to start is asking her friends how they met your girlfriend. Prove she's in good hands. Show her friends that you genuinely care about her, but don't push it too hard. Hold her hand, perhaps, but don't display affection to the point of embarrassing anyone. Speak highly of her. Her friends don't want to see you making fun of her or putting her down. While light jesting can be okay, save that for when you know her group a bit better. For the first few meetings, just be quietly but firmly complimentary. If you can't get along with her crew, minimize your contact with them. Just let her know that you approve of her spending time with them and that you won't feel jealous of them as a result. 2-5. Surprise her A surprise can be as big or as small as you want it to be. Something unexpected will make her feel loved and treasured. Here are some simple suggestions: Leave her a note on her bathroom mirror. If you get up for work before she does, leave her a quick “I love you!” note somewhere she'll be sure to notice. This will undoubtedly make her smile, and she'll think about it all day. Send her a card in the mail for no reason. It doesn't have to be a holiday. Getting something in the mail will be a pleasant surprise. Send her flowers. Choose a bouquet that’s perfect for her, and have them delivered to her home or work. You may not care about flowers, but she does. Plan a surprise date. Text her: “See you at 7 at my house,” and have a candlelit home-cooked dinner waiting for her when she walks in the door. She will remember this for the rest of her life. 2-6. Be affectionate This doesn't mean you need to engage in periodic, public displays of affection, but it does mean you treat her in a way that you don't treat any other woman. She enjoys feeling special to you. Hold her hand when you go for a walk. This simple and sweet action will show her that you're proud to call her yours. Wrap your arm around her when it's cold. This gesture will show her you care for her and want to take care of her. Kiss her on the cheek. This is a tender move that shows her that you care. 2-7. Stand up for her. Whether she's in an argument with a friend or having a problem with her boss, take her side. This doesn't mean you need to find her faultless in every situation, but it does mean that you’re a source of support for her. Later, when things have calmed down, you point out that she might not have been completely right. Showing your support can be as simple as listening to her vent and validating her feelings. If she’s telling you about a fight with her friend, you might say something like, “Wow, that sounds really stressful. I’m sure you’re upset—I would be.” 3. Spending Time Together 3-1. Plan a date One of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend is to take her to an event or activity you know she’s interested in. Not only will this show that you’ve been listening to her, it will show that you care enough to put effort into planning a date she will love. Here are some examples: If you know she loves music, take her to enjoy a jazz concert in a garden, and pack your own picnic, complete with champagne. You can listen to the music together and cuddle up as the sun goes down. If spaghetti is her favorite food, take her on a date to an Italian cooking class. You'll learn to make pasta while also having a great time getting messy in the kitchen. Does she like beer? Plan a tour at a local brewery that includes tasting the products they turn out. Not only will you get to try some tasty beverages, you'll learn something, too. Is France her favorite country? Plan a “French night” at home. Buy French wine, have fresh croissants and cheese, try your hand at French cuisine, and put on a French playlist with Spotify. Light candles, and pull up a picture of the Eiffel tower on your laptop for effect. Voilà! A perfect evening in Paris. 3-2. Try a new activity together. Have you always wanted to try wakeboarding but never had the chance? Having a girlfriend is reason enough for trying new activities. If your girlfriend feels like she is your “partner in crime,” she will realize she is an important part of your life. Having the courage to try something new shows her your adventurous side, a trait that many women find highly attractive. Pick a unique activity: think whale watching, bouldering, brewing your own beer, or learning how to shear a sheep! The possibilities are endless. Get out of your comfort zone: dress up for a night and schmooze with the elite at an art show or gallery opening. Don't be afraid to look silly. Even if you aren't an "all-star" at the date activity you've chosen, showing your girlfriend that you have the confidence to try something different can be impressive. 3-3. Spend time alone and in groups. It will help build and maintain a happy, healthy relationship if you spend time together bonding as a couple without alienating those around you. Some couples practically disappear from their friends' lives once they start dating, and that's a mistake. Your girlfriend will appreciate a balance between spending time with you alone, spending time with mutual friends, and spending time with her friends without you. Make a dedicated “date night.” Setting aside 1 day a week as a day that you will spend together (even if it's just an evening) is an important part of any relationship. It is important to show your girlfriend that she is one of your top priorities. Make this night extra special by trying a date idea suggested above. Schedule time with friends. Getting groups of friends together can be challenging, but scheduling a get-together well in advance can help make it happen. Send a Facebook invite or a group text suggesting a meet-up at a favorite restaurant, a local park, or a new bar. Be sure to invite her friends as well as yours. Double (or triple!) date. Planning a night out with another couple can be a fun way to maintain a social life while also spending important time with your girlfriend. Host a party. This is a great way to get all your and your girlfriend's favorite people together in one place at one time. The party can be for a holiday, a big sporting event, a birthday, or “just because.” This is a chance to spend time party-planning and practicing teamwork with your girlfriend. Tips Remember that each woman and each relationship is unique. What works for one couple may not for another. The important thing is to maintain open communication so that your girlfriend feels comfortable telling you what makes her happy and what could be improved. Consider showing this article to your girlfriend. If nothing else, it may spark an interesting and useful discussion between the two of you. All of this information is timeless. You may have noticed that most of it can apply not only to a girlfriend but to a wife or fiancée, too.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Treating Her with Respect\\n1-1. Speak to her kindly.\\nSpeak to your girlfriend the way you would want to be spoken to by a close friend. Regardless of whether you are sharing a good laugh or arguing, a healthy relationship is always based on mutual respect.\\nAlways speak in a kind tone, even if you’re upset. Keeping your tone of voice in check lets your girlfriend know that you care about her.\\nNever call your girlfriend names, even if you’re mad. Name-calling is a big sign of disrespect.\\nSimilarly, avoid swearing at her or cursing at her.\\n1-2. Observe and respect her body language.\\nReading body language is a big part of understanding a person's feelings on a deeper level. Experts say that about 55% of communication involves body language, so picking up on your girlfriend's nonverbal cues may give you inside information about her feelings.\\nIf your girlfriend is enjoying the moment, her body language will likely reflect that feeling. She may be smiling coyly, making consistent and lingering eye contact, or leaning her body in towards you. She will probably appear relaxed, and her face, body, and feet will be directed toward you. Pay attention to these cues to know when you are doing something you should continue doing, whether in an intimate setting or amongst a group of peers.\\nIf your girlfriend is feeling uncomfortable or nervous, she might touch her neck, stroke her own hair, or play with something in her hands. If you notice these things, quietly pull her aside and ask her if she’s okay.\\n1-3. Treat her as your equal.\\nJust as you pride yourself in being your own person, so should your girlfriend. Be proud that she has her own thoughts, opinions, and dreams. Encourage her to share them with you as you two get closer to each other.\\nAccept differences in political stance, taste in art or music, and interest in recreational activities. Whether or not they are the same stances and interests as yours, her opinions and tastes matter. Just remind yourself that you're really not the authority and arbiter on all things, personal and public. Just think of your differences as part of the \\\"spice of life.\\\" Wouldn't it be boring if you two agreed on everything?\\nIf you feel like you can't respect her opinions, this might not be the right relationship for you. If you differ on fundamental issues—a desire for monogamy in the relationship, for instance, or the religious upbringing of your children—it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. While you should still treat her opinions and feelings with respect, you may realize they are just not compatible with yours.\\n1-4. Be honest.\\nHonesty is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships. Being honest with your girlfriend is extremely important right from the beginning. While it is sometimes difficult to be honest, it is always, always the best policy. Keeping a web of lies straight can be quite stressful. Besides, what's the point of maintaining a relationship built on deceit?\\nBe honest from the start. Trust can be very hard to regain once it's broken. Instead of risking being caught in a lie, just be honest from the beginning. A relationship built on lies will never make you truly happy.\\nIf you have told a lie, admit it. The best thing you can do is to have your girlfriend hear the truth from you and not from someone else. She will likely respect you more for your ultimate honesty (once she gets over the shock of being lied to). She wants to believe you—and believe in you.\\n1-5. Apologize if you make her upset.\\nApologizing is one of the best ways to show your respect for your girlfriend. It doesn't require a grand gesture, but it needs to be genuine and from the heart.\\nApologize sooner rather than later. The best time to apologize is as soon as you know you were in the wrong.\\nSpeak from the heart. Say something like, “I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. I'll try to do better next time.” This can be as powerful as a dozen roses.\\nDon't force your apology or fake one. Your girlfriend will probably be able to tell that you don’t mean it.\\n2. Showing Her that You Care\\n2-1. Let her know you're thinking about her.\\nWhenever she pops into your mind, let her know. A simple text message or phone call if you are apart, or a gentle touch on her back or arm if you are together, are small ways to let her know you care.\\nTry a simple message: “Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.” A little gesture like this may make her day.\\nBring up a recent memory. For example: “I can't stop thinking about the time I accidentally dropped all the eggs on the floor and you slipped on them! It's been making me laugh all day.”\\nBegin with a compliment: “Your beautiful smile has been on my mind all day today!”\\n2-2. Use your manners and be courteous.\\nUse your manners and go out of your way to be particularly polite and thoughtful around her. Talk with your girlfriend early on about which types of traditionally courteous behaviors fit into your lives and which do not. For example, you may want to pull out her chair for her, but she may find this patronizing. Communicating about these behaviors will help avoid any misunderstanding. Here are some suggestions for courteous behaviors she may appreciate:\\nOpen the door for her. This move has been appreciated by women for centuries!\\nWalk on the outside of the sidewalk, closest to traffic. This is a quiet sign of protection. Put your arm around her in busy, public places.\\nOffer to pay the bill at dinner. Even if she refuses and asks to split the bill, your offer will not go unnoticed.\\nIntroduce her to your friends or people you know. It might bother her to be standing next to you chatting with a crowd of your friends when none of them knows her name. Make sure the first thing you do is introduce your girlfriend. This will make her feel important to you and let her relax a bit in conversing with your friends.\\n2-3. Make her feel special\\nWhether you are alone, amongst friends, or at a crowded bar of strangers, let her know that she is the one who has your eye and your heart.\\n\\nMake eye contact with her from across the room. Let her know she's the only one on your mind without having to say a single word.\\nSmile at her. You know how you feel when she smiles at you. It works in the other direction, too.\\nTake her feelings into consideration. For example, when you are making plans, discuss them with her. Make her feel like half of a couple.\\nCompliment her. Whether it's a new outfit, a new haircut, or simply the way her smile lights up the room, tell her you've noticed and that you like it.\\nSpoil her a little bit. Has she been eyeing a certain scarf at the mall? Buy it for her and give it to her as a “Just Because it's Thursday” present.\\nThank her when she brings you something, helps you with something, or does something kind for you. A simple \\\"thank you\\\" can mean a lot and will make it more likely she'll go out of her way for you in the future. Better yet, thank her for no reason at all—just for being herself. An unexpected kindness will warm her heart for days.\\n2-4. Get to know her friends.\\nYour girlfriend's friends (and family) probably play a huge part in her life. They will have some influence on her. If you're going to make this relationship work, you will want to try to gain the approval of her close friends of either sex.\\nShow interest in her friends. Ask them the same questions you asked her when you were getting acquainted. A great place to start is asking her friends how they met your girlfriend.\\nProve she's in good hands. Show her friends that you genuinely care about her, but don't push it too hard. Hold her hand, perhaps, but don't display affection to the point of embarrassing anyone.\\nSpeak highly of her. Her friends don't want to see you making fun of her or putting her down. While light jesting can be okay, save that for when you know her group a bit better. For the first few meetings, just be quietly but firmly complimentary.\\nIf you can't get along with her crew, minimize your contact with them. Just let her know that you approve of her spending time with them and that you won't feel jealous of them as a result.\\n2-5. Surprise her\\nA surprise can be as big or as small as you want it to be. Something unexpected will make her feel loved and treasured. Here are some simple suggestions:\\nLeave her a note on her bathroom mirror. If you get up for work before she does, leave her a quick “I love you!” note somewhere she'll be sure to notice. This will undoubtedly make her smile, and she'll think about it all day.\\nSend her a card in the mail for no reason. It doesn't have to be a holiday. Getting something in the mail will be a pleasant surprise.\\nSend her flowers. Choose a bouquet that’s perfect for her, and have them delivered to her home or work. You may not care about flowers, but she does.\\nPlan a surprise date. Text her: “See you at 7 at my house,” and have a candlelit home-cooked dinner waiting for her when she walks in the door. She will remember this for the rest of her life.\\n2-6. Be affectionate\\nThis doesn't mean you need to engage in periodic, public displays of affection, but it does mean you treat her in a way that you don't treat any other woman. She enjoys feeling special to you.\\n\\nHold her hand when you go for a walk. This simple and sweet action will show her that you're proud to call her yours.\\nWrap your arm around her when it's cold. This gesture will show her you care for her and want to take care of her.\\nKiss her on the cheek. This is a tender move that shows her that you care.\\n2-7. Stand up for her.\\nWhether she's in an argument with a friend or having a problem with her boss, take her side. This doesn't mean you need to find her faultless in every situation, but it does mean that you’re a source of support for her. Later, when things have calmed down, you point out that she might not have been completely right. \\nShowing your support can be as simple as listening to her vent and validating her feelings. If she’s telling you about a fight with her friend, you might say something like, “Wow, that sounds really stressful. I’m sure you’re upset—I would be.”\\n3. Spending Time Together\\n3-1. Plan a date\\nOne of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend is to take her to an event or activity you know she’s interested in. Not only will this show that you’ve been listening to her, it will show that you care enough to put effort into planning a date she will love. Here are some examples:\\nIf you know she loves music, take her to enjoy a jazz concert in a garden, and pack your own picnic, complete with champagne. You can listen to the music together and cuddle up as the sun goes down.\\nIf spaghetti is her favorite food, take her on a date to an Italian cooking class. You'll learn to make pasta while also having a great time getting messy in the kitchen.\\nDoes she like beer? Plan a tour at a local brewery that includes tasting the products they turn out. Not only will you get to try some tasty beverages, you'll learn something, too.\\nIs France her favorite country? Plan a “French night” at home. Buy French wine, have fresh croissants and cheese, try your hand at French cuisine, and put on a French playlist with Spotify. Light candles, and pull up a picture of the Eiffel tower on your laptop for effect. Voilà! A perfect evening in Paris.\\n3-2. Try a new activity together.\\nHave you always wanted to try wakeboarding but never had the chance? Having a girlfriend is reason enough for trying new activities. If your girlfriend feels like she is your “partner in crime,” she will realize she is an important part of your life. Having the courage to try something new shows her your adventurous side, a trait that many women find highly attractive.\\nPick a unique activity: think whale watching, bouldering, brewing your own beer, or learning how to shear a sheep! The possibilities are endless.\\nGet out of your comfort zone: dress up for a night and schmooze with the elite at an art show or gallery opening.\\nDon't be afraid to look silly. Even if you aren't an \\\"all-star\\\" at the date activity you've chosen, showing your girlfriend that you have the confidence to try something different can be impressive.\\n3-3. Spend time alone and in groups.\\nIt will help build and maintain a happy, healthy relationship if you spend time together bonding as a couple without alienating those around you. Some couples practically disappear from their friends' lives once they start dating, and that's a mistake. Your girlfriend will appreciate a balance between spending time with you alone, spending time with mutual friends, and spending time with her friends without you.\\nMake a dedicated “date night.” Setting aside 1 day a week as a day that you will spend together (even if it's just an evening) is an important part of any relationship. It is important to show your girlfriend that she is one of your top priorities. Make this night extra special by trying a date idea suggested above.\\nSchedule time with friends. Getting groups of friends together can be challenging, but scheduling a get-together well in advance can help make it happen. Send a Facebook invite or a group text suggesting a meet-up at a favorite restaurant, a local park, or a new bar. Be sure to invite her friends as well as yours.\\nDouble (or triple!) date. Planning a night out with another couple can be a fun way to maintain a social life while also spending important time with your girlfriend.\\nHost a party. This is a great way to get all your and your girlfriend's favorite people together in one place at one time. The party can be for a holiday, a big sporting event, a birthday, or “just because.” This is a chance to spend time party-planning and practicing teamwork with your girlfriend.\\nTips\\nRemember that each woman and each relationship is unique. What works for one couple may not for another. The important thing is to maintain open communication so that your girlfriend feels comfortable telling you what makes her happy and what could be improved.\\nConsider showing this article to your girlfriend. If nothing else, it may spark an interesting and useful discussion between the two of you.\\nAll of this information is timeless. You may have noticed that most of it can apply not only to a girlfriend but to a wife or fiancée, too.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Learning to navigate a new relationship can be tricky, but it’s also super exciting! Figuring out you and your girlfriend’s special dynamic is a great way for you to learn more about her (and about yourself). If you’re feeling a little nervous about how to act around your gf, we’ve got you covered—we’ll tell you exactly what to keep in mind as you interact with your partner to have a fun, relaxing time together.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Treating Her with Respect\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Speak to her kindly.\", \"描述\": \"Speak to your girlfriend the way you would want to be spoken to by a close friend. Regardless of whether you are sharing a good laugh or arguing, a healthy relationship is always based on mutual respect.\\nAlways speak in a kind tone, even if you’re upset. Keeping your tone of voice in check lets your girlfriend know that you care about her.\\nNever call your girlfriend names, even if you’re mad. Name-calling is a big sign of disrespect.\\nSimilarly, avoid swearing at her or cursing at her.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Observe and respect her body language.\", \"描述\": \"Reading body language is a big part of understanding a person's feelings on a deeper level. Experts say that about 55% of communication involves body language, so picking up on your girlfriend's nonverbal cues may give you inside information about her feelings.\\nIf your girlfriend is enjoying the moment, her body language will likely reflect that feeling. She may be smiling coyly, making consistent and lingering eye contact, or leaning her body in towards you. She will probably appear relaxed, and her face, body, and feet will be directed toward you. Pay attention to these cues to know when you are doing something you should continue doing, whether in an intimate setting or amongst a group of peers.\\nIf your girlfriend is feeling uncomfortable or nervous, she might touch her neck, stroke her own hair, or play with something in her hands. If you notice these things, quietly pull her aside and ask her if she’s okay.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Treat her as your equal.\", \"描述\": \"Just as you pride yourself in being your own person, so should your girlfriend. Be proud that she has her own thoughts, opinions, and dreams. Encourage her to share them with you as you two get closer to each other.\\nAccept differences in political stance, taste in art or music, and interest in recreational activities. Whether or not they are the same stances and interests as yours, her opinions and tastes matter. Just remind yourself that you're really not the authority and arbiter on all things, personal and public. Just think of your differences as part of the \\\"spice of life.\\\" Wouldn't it be boring if you two agreed on everything?\\nIf you feel like you can't respect her opinions, this might not be the right relationship for you. If you differ on fundamental issues—a desire for monogamy in the relationship, for instance, or the religious upbringing of your children—it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. While you should still treat her opinions and feelings with respect, you may realize they are just not compatible with yours.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be honest.\", \"描述\": \"Honesty is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships. Being honest with your girlfriend is extremely important right from the beginning. While it is sometimes difficult to be honest, it is always, always the best policy. Keeping a web of lies straight can be quite stressful. Besides, what's the point of maintaining a relationship built on deceit?\\nBe honest from the start. Trust can be very hard to regain once it's broken. Instead of risking being caught in a lie, just be honest from the beginning. A relationship built on lies will never make you truly happy.\\nIf you have told a lie, admit it. The best thing you can do is to have your girlfriend hear the truth from you and not from someone else. She will likely respect you more for your ultimate honesty (once she gets over the shock of being lied to). She wants to believe you—and believe in you.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Apologize if you make her upset.\", \"描述\": \"Apologizing is one of the best ways to show your respect for your girlfriend. It doesn't require a grand gesture, but it needs to be genuine and from the heart.\\nApologize sooner rather than later. The best time to apologize is as soon as you know you were in the wrong.\\nSpeak from the heart. Say something like, “I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. I'll try to do better next time.” This can be as powerful as a dozen roses.\\nDon't force your apology or fake one. Your girlfriend will probably be able to tell that you don’t mean it.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Showing Her that You Care\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Let her know you're thinking about her.\", \"描述\": \"Whenever she pops into your mind, let her know. A simple text message or phone call if you are apart, or a gentle touch on her back or arm if you are together, are small ways to let her know you care.\\nTry a simple message: “Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.” A little gesture like this may make her day.\\nBring up a recent memory. For example: “I can't stop thinking about the time I accidentally dropped all the eggs on the floor and you slipped on them! It's been making me laugh all day.”\\nBegin with a compliment: “Your beautiful smile has been on my mind all day today!”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Use your manners and be courteous.\", \"描述\": \"Use your manners and go out of your way to be particularly polite and thoughtful around her. Talk with your girlfriend early on about which types of traditionally courteous behaviors fit into your lives and which do not. For example, you may want to pull out her chair for her, but she may find this patronizing. Communicating about these behaviors will help avoid any misunderstanding. Here are some suggestions for courteous behaviors she may appreciate:\\nOpen the door for her. This move has been appreciated by women for centuries!\\nWalk on the outside of the sidewalk, closest to traffic. This is a quiet sign of protection. Put your arm around her in busy, public places.\\nOffer to pay the bill at dinner. Even if she refuses and asks to split the bill, your offer will not go unnoticed.\\nIntroduce her to your friends or people you know. It might bother her to be standing next to you chatting with a crowd of your friends when none of them knows her name. Make sure the first thing you do is introduce your girlfriend. This will make her feel important to you and let her relax a bit in conversing with your friends.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make her feel special\", \"描述\": \"Whether you are alone, amongst friends, or at a crowded bar of strangers, let her know that she is the one who has your eye and your heart.\\n\\nMake eye contact with her from across the room. Let her know she's the only one on your mind without having to say a single word.\\nSmile at her. You know how you feel when she smiles at you. It works in the other direction, too.\\nTake her feelings into consideration. For example, when you are making plans, discuss them with her. Make her feel like half of a couple.\\nCompliment her. Whether it's a new outfit, a new haircut, or simply the way her smile lights up the room, tell her you've noticed and that you like it.\\nSpoil her a little bit. Has she been eyeing a certain scarf at the mall? Buy it for her and give it to her as a “Just Because it's Thursday” present.\\nThank her when she brings you something, helps you with something, or does something kind for you. A simple \\\"thank you\\\" can mean a lot and will make it more likely she'll go out of her way for you in the future. Better yet, thank her for no reason at all—just for being herself. An unexpected kindness will warm her heart for days.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Get to know her friends.\", \"描述\": \"Your girlfriend's friends (and family) probably play a huge part in her life. They will have some influence on her. If you're going to make this relationship work, you will want to try to gain the approval of her close friends of either sex.\\nShow interest in her friends. Ask them the same questions you asked her when you were getting acquainted. A great place to start is asking her friends how they met your girlfriend.\\nProve she's in good hands. Show her friends that you genuinely care about her, but don't push it too hard. Hold her hand, perhaps, but don't display affection to the point of embarrassing anyone.\\nSpeak highly of her. Her friends don't want to see you making fun of her or putting her down. While light jesting can be okay, save that for when you know her group a bit better. For the first few meetings, just be quietly but firmly complimentary.\\nIf you can't get along with her crew, minimize your contact with them. Just let her know that you approve of her spending time with them and that you won't feel jealous of them as a result.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Surprise her\", \"描述\": \"A surprise can be as big or as small as you want it to be. Something unexpected will make her feel loved and treasured. Here are some simple suggestions:\\nLeave her a note on her bathroom mirror. If you get up for work before she does, leave her a quick “I love you!” note somewhere she'll be sure to notice. This will undoubtedly make her smile, and she'll think about it all day.\\nSend her a card in the mail for no reason. It doesn't have to be a holiday. Getting something in the mail will be a pleasant surprise.\\nSend her flowers. Choose a bouquet that’s perfect for her, and have them delivered to her home or work. You may not care about flowers, but she does.\\nPlan a surprise date. Text her: “See you at 7 at my house,” and have a candlelit home-cooked dinner waiting for her when she walks in the door. She will remember this for the rest of her life.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be affectionate\", \"描述\": \"This doesn't mean you need to engage in periodic, public displays of affection, but it does mean you treat her in a way that you don't treat any other woman. She enjoys feeling special to you.\\n\\nHold her hand when you go for a walk. This simple and sweet action will show her that you're proud to call her yours.\\nWrap your arm around her when it's cold. This gesture will show her you care for her and want to take care of her.\\nKiss her on the cheek. This is a tender move that shows her that you care.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Stand up for her.\", \"描述\": \"Whether she's in an argument with a friend or having a problem with her boss, take her side. This doesn't mean you need to find her faultless in every situation, but it does mean that you’re a source of support for her. Later, when things have calmed down, you point out that she might not have been completely right. \\nShowing your support can be as simple as listening to her vent and validating her feelings. If she’s telling you about a fight with her friend, you might say something like, “Wow, that sounds really stressful. I’m sure you’re upset—I would be.”\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Spending Time Together\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Plan a date\", \"描述\": \"One of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend is to take her to an event or activity you know she’s interested in. Not only will this show that you’ve been listening to her, it will show that you care enough to put effort into planning a date she will love. Here are some examples:\\nIf you know she loves music, take her to enjoy a jazz concert in a garden, and pack your own picnic, complete with champagne. You can listen to the music together and cuddle up as the sun goes down.\\nIf spaghetti is her favorite food, take her on a date to an Italian cooking class. You'll learn to make pasta while also having a great time getting messy in the kitchen.\\nDoes she like beer? Plan a tour at a local brewery that includes tasting the products they turn out. Not only will you get to try some tasty beverages, you'll learn something, too.\\nIs France her favorite country? Plan a “French night” at home. Buy French wine, have fresh croissants and cheese, try your hand at French cuisine, and put on a French playlist with Spotify. Light candles, and pull up a picture of the Eiffel tower on your laptop for effect. Voilà! A perfect evening in Paris.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Try a new activity together.\", \"描述\": \"Have you always wanted to try wakeboarding but never had the chance? Having a girlfriend is reason enough for trying new activities. If your girlfriend feels like she is your “partner in crime,” she will realize she is an important part of your life. Having the courage to try something new shows her your adventurous side, a trait that many women find highly attractive.\\nPick a unique activity: think whale watching, bouldering, brewing your own beer, or learning how to shear a sheep! The possibilities are endless.\\nGet out of your comfort zone: dress up for a night and schmooze with the elite at an art show or gallery opening.\\nDon't be afraid to look silly. Even if you aren't an \\\"all-star\\\" at the date activity you've chosen, showing your girlfriend that you have the confidence to try something different can be impressive.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Spend time alone and in groups.\", \"描述\": \"It will help build and maintain a happy, healthy relationship if you spend time together bonding as a couple without alienating those around you. Some couples practically disappear from their friends' lives once they start dating, and that's a mistake. Your girlfriend will appreciate a balance between spending time with you alone, spending time with mutual friends, and spending time with her friends without you.\\nMake a dedicated “date night.” Setting aside 1 day a week as a day that you will spend together (even if it's just an evening) is an important part of any relationship. It is important to show your girlfriend that she is one of your top priorities. Make this night extra special by trying a date idea suggested above.\\nSchedule time with friends. Getting groups of friends together can be challenging, but scheduling a get-together well in advance can help make it happen. Send a Facebook invite or a group text suggesting a meet-up at a favorite restaurant, a local park, or a new bar. Be sure to invite her friends as well as yours.\\nDouble (or triple!) date. Planning a night out with another couple can be a fun way to maintain a social life while also spending important time with your girlfriend.\\nHost a party. This is a great way to get all your and your girlfriend's favorite people together in one place at one time. The party can be for a holiday, a big sporting event, a birthday, or “just because.” This is a chance to spend time party-planning and practicing teamwork with your girlfriend.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Remember that each woman and each relationship is unique. What works for one couple may not for another. The important thing is to maintain open communication so that your girlfriend feels comfortable telling you what makes her happy and what could be improved.\\n\", \"Consider showing this article to your girlfriend. If nothing else, it may spark an interesting and useful discussion between the two of you.\\n\", \"All of this information is timeless. You may have noticed that most of it can apply not only to a girlfriend but to a wife or fiancée, too.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Your Girlfriend's Parents
1. Making a Good Impression 1-1. Learn more about your girlfriend's parents from her. Ask your girlfriend a few basic things about them, such as what they do for a living, where they're from, what their hobbies are, or anything else that can help you make a connection. Even something like a shared favorite sports team, or the fact that you and your girlfriend's mother are in the same line of work can help you make conversation and build a connection. If you learn that you have something in common with her parents, don't bring it up the second you meet them. Wait for a quiet moment in the conversation to say something like, "So, Mr. Smith, I hear you're also a huge Cubs fan." Some families are really easy to connect with while others aren't. Ultimately, treat the experience as though you're getting to know a new person. 1-2. Shake hands. This is no time to be a limp fish or a wimp! During introduction, shake the father's hand with a nice, firm grip while maintaining eye contact, smile, and make them feel as if you are honored to be there. Remember that these are the people responsible for giving you the girl you love — they deserve your respect and admiration. 1-3. Dress well. Make sure you wear something presentable for the introduction. If you wear something too casual, they will think you (A) didn't care enough to dress up (not a great first impression) or (B) are stupid and don't get why you should bother (also awful first impression). You should wear something nice and appropriate to the occasion. If you're just coming over their house for a barbecue, then nice jeans and a polo will be fine, but if you're going out to dinner, then you may need slacks and a button-down shirt. Make sure to groom yourself well too. Take a shower, get a nice close shave, and run a comb through your hair. 1-4. Bring them an appropriate gift. If you are going to their house for the first time, then you should come with flowers or another gift to show that you're trying. You can also bring a nice bottle of wine, if you know that her parents are drinkers. Ask your girlfriend what they will like. And even if you have met before and they are entertaining you, it's not polite to come to their home empty-handed. Bringing a gift, even if it is simple, shows that you are thoughtful. 1-5. Maintain positive body language. Another thing you should do is to make sure that your body language makes you seem approachable and engaged. Stand or sit tall, make eye contact, avoid hunching over, and use your arms to gesture or keep them at your sides instead of crossing them. You should also avoid fidgeting or that will make you look bored or nervous. If you're at dinner, avoid the temptation to push your food around your plate. Know that your actions say just as much as your words, and if you're shuffling your feet while trying to look interested in her mother talking about her PTA meetings, then she'll know you're really bored. Maintain an open stance, turning your body toward her parents, instead of away from them. This shows that you are eager to talk to them. 1-6. Offer to help out or clean up. If you've met her parents at their home, then you should offer to help however you can. Maybe you can help Mr. Intimidating Dad man the grill. Maybe you can help her mother clean up in the kitchen after a nice long meal. Maybe you can find another way to help out around the house to show that you care and want to be useful. It's likely that her parents will say that they don't need any help, but you'll look like a gentleman just for asking. Try to read their tones if they decline any help. You'll see whether they really mean it, or if they want you to help out. 2. Treating Your Girlfriend Well 2-1. Treat their daughter with respect. This is the single most important thing you can do to win them over. All parents, even those that act hostile to boyfriends, want their daughter to find a good mate who will respect her and treat her right. Show them you are that person! Encourage their daughter when she speaks, talk about how accomplished she is or how many great qualities she has, and don't demean her or talk down to her. Be a gentleman and treat her like a lady. Though you may tease each other in private, try to keep this to a minimum in front of her parents, at first, until they truly understand your dynamic. Otherwise, they may think that you don't respect her. 2-2. Keep the PDA to a minimum. There are other ways to show your girlfriend's parents how much you like her without trying to make out with her or grope her in front of them. If you really want to show that you like her, then you should be respectful towards her, maybe holding her hand or showing a bit of affection, but you should definitely not overdo it. Fathers don't generally like to see their daughters being touched by other men, so keep that in mind the next time you find yourself with your special lady's parents. Though you don't want to be cold and distant toward her, not showing too much PDA is a sign of respect toward her parents. 2-3. Make it clear how much you like their daughter. At the end of the day, the most important thing parents care about is how much you like their daughter. You could be a billionaire or Ryan Gosling, and they wouldn't care at all if you seemed distant or condescending to their daughter. Though you don't have to praise her to the high heavens or force something that isn't there, you should make it clear that their daughter is really special to you by finding ways to subtly compliment her and show her affection, and by talking about her accomplishments or the things you like to do together. Make them see that you're serious about their daughter and that you realize how special she is. Even the fact that you're going out of your way to be nice to her parents will show them how much she means to you. If you act like you don't really care what they think of you, then they'll think you don't really care about their daughter. 2-4. Don't come off as a slacker. Another thing parents don't want to see is that their daughter is dating a guy who lacks ambition or isn't going to amount to much. You don't have to be Mr. MBA, but you shouldn't talk about how much you hate school or work or about how you think the system is pointless. Sure, you can have these thoughts, but keep them to yourself around your girlfriend's parents — at least, until you're sure they really, really like you. You want them to think that you will amount to something and that you and their daughter will make a great team. Though it's old-fashioned to say that your girlfriend's parents will want you to be a good provider for her, it's fair to say that they want to see a guy who can at least take care of himself. If you talk about mooching off your parents, getting bad grades, or how much you like to booze it up with your bros, they will not be won over. Hey, if school or work isn't really your thing, talk about something you really care about, like playing the guitar or collecting stamps. Just make it seem like you care about something. 3. Making Good Conversation 3-1. Be engaged. The important thing is that you act like you care about the conversations you're having with your girlfriend's parents, even if you're talking about doing your taxes or growing cauliflower. Ask lots of questions, nod politely, and give her parents your full attention. Make sure you react if they're trying to make jokes, and seem like you're genuinely happy to be there and interested in what they have to say. This will make a big difference, and will show them that you're a nice young man. When they ask you questions, don't give them a yes or no or a two-word answer. Take the time to elaborate to show that you care. Even if your girlfriend's parents ask a yes or no question, you can give them a deeper answer. If her father says, "So I hear you're studying history," don't just say, "Yes, I am..." Instead, say, "I'm a history major with a focus in American studies. I've always been kind of a history buff..." Feel free to start a conversation with basic, get-to-know-you questions. Try to ask some fun questions, too! For instance, you might ask what your girlfriend was like as a little kid. 3-2. Give them your full attention. The most important thing is that you put away your phone. Seriously. Stop texting your friends to make plans for later, stop checking your team's score on, and stop checking your email randomly, no matter how tempting it may be. Turn it off if you have to. The last thing you want to do is to annoy her parents by acting too cool for school by looking at your phone every five seconds. If you're out at a restaurant and the game is on in the background, sorry, buddy, but you'll have to miss out on that one. 3-3. Be as mature as you can. This doesn't have to mean you have to act all formal if you're only 16, but that you should try to show that you're on the way to becoming a mature young man. Be polite, use good manners, don't use vulgar language, and be graceful and kind during conversation. You can show that you're mature by talking about your future plans, talking about your family with respect, avoiding whining or complaining too much, and by not making any comments that make you seem clueless. Remember that your girlfriend's parents, no matter what age you are, want her to be dating a man, not a boy. They want her to be with someone who will be a good influence on her and who will encourage her to grow. 3-4. Have good manners. Another important thing to do around your girlfriend's parents is to demonstrate that you have good manners. You don't have to go over the top and act like British aristocracy, but you should make sure to say "please" and "thank you" at the correct times, to ask the people at the table to pass the food instead of reaching across the table and grabbing it yourself, to pull the chair out for your girlfriend (unless she and her parents are more progressive in that regard), and to not interrupt people when they are speaking. It's also polite to know what to call her parents. This part is easy. Just call them whatever they call themselves when you are introduced. If her dad says, "Call me Jim," then don't be afraid to call him Jim; however, if he introduces himself as "Mr. Smith," then you should call him that until he tells you to do otherwise. 3-5. Avoid controversial topics. The last thing you want to do is to get embroiled in a debate about the political situation in Ukraine or the Catholic church with your girlfriend's parents in the middle of what was supposed to be a nice dinner. If you know that you have very different politics, or if you just want to be polite, then you should stray away from controversial topics. You will not impress anyone, and this will only lead to an embarrassing and uncomfortable conversation. If you feel that the conversation is getting uncomfortable because her parents don't agree with your beliefs, try to delicately change the subject. You can say something like, "I may not go to church on Sunday, but I like watching baseball during the day. Mr. Jones, I hear you're a big Giants fan?" Once you get to know your girlfriend's parents, you can discuss these topics more. However, in the beginning, it's better to stick to the safe topics, even if it's a little boring. 3-6. Give sincere compliments. Another way you can impress your girlfriend's parents and act appropriately around them is to compliment them or something about them in some way. This shouldn't sound forced and you shouldn't do it too often, but a well-timed compliment can really help them see that you appreciate their company and care for their daughter. Even if the compliment is a bit silly, they will like the fact that you're trying. Here are some things you can compliment: A painting, souvenir, or piece of furniture in their home The food you're eating (if they cooked it) Her mother's earrings 3-7. Be honest. Parents love honesty no matter what the situation is, it makes them feel more comfortable about their daughter being with you, so always answer their questions with honesty. Not only that, but parents have a lot more experience than you do — they can tell if you're being dishonest, no matter how good you think you are. This doesn't mean you have to be honest about every little thing, like how much you like to smoke pot, but that you shouldn't lie to them when it comes to important topics such as your education or future plans. 3-8. Exude confidence. Tell yourself that you are a good guy who cares deeply for the daughter of these people. Make yourself feel secure and certain of yourself without a trace of a cocky attitude. It isn't enough to just pretend to be confident — you need to feel it as well, or else it won't reflect as well as you hoped it would. If you want your girlfriend's parents to really have faith in you, then you have to have faith in yourself first. 3-9. Speak directly and be frank. Make sure that when you first meet the parents, you maintain eye contact when you are speaking with them. Don't look away, mumble, or trail off. Sound confident in what you say and show that you have convictions and that you believe in yourself. Try to avoid saying "Uh" too much or turning to your girlfriend for help when you're at a loss for words. It's okay to take a minute to formulate your words when you need to. 3-10. Don't act nervous. No matter how nervous you are, keep your head held high. Don't fidget, look around the room, or take too long to answer a question. Just take a deep breath and tell her parents whatever you need to say. It's okay to feel nervous, but you should minimize letting them see how you're feeling as much as you can. If you come off as nervous, then they'll thick you lack confidence and that you're unprepared. Just keep telling yourself that if your girlfriend likes you, that her parents will like you, too. Don't be nervous about looking nervous! That will only make things worse. At the end of the day, know that it's no tragedy if you come off as a littler nervous. Your girlfriend's parents once also had to go through the awkwardness of meeting the parents, and they'll understand where you're coming from. 3-11. Don't forget to be yourself. Don't fake a personality just to win over the parents. You should not have to change for anyone just to impress them. Remember, your girlfriend chose to be with you for a reason, and plus parents can sense when guys are faking. There's a difference between letting them see the more mature and responsible sides of yourself and pretending to be a completely different person completely. If you plan on being with their daughter in the long run, then you can't keep up an act forever. Tips Don't use your electronics while eating or talking. The parent(s) will think you are technology crazy! Do be kind and solicitous, especially of her mom. Ask if she needs help when you see her doing things like bringing in the groceries or emptying the trash. Do not overdo it, or you will come off as fake and too goody-goody. Be your natural, polite self. Warnings Appreciate their genuinely kind and hospitable treatment of you, return it with kindness and respect. This could be your future family. Don't overdo it with the compliments. They get annoying after a while. You will seem like a phony. Don't constantly be controlling your girlfriend. But don't be the guy who ignores her and only takes time for her when it's convenient for you. Parents won't like this kind of guy for their daughter either. They want a good, stand up guy who wants the best for their daughter and who will put her as a priority in his life. Do not be curt, abrupt, or down right rude to her parents - don't aggravate or antagonize them. Remember these are the people who will eventually give their "blessing" if and when you ask to marry their daughter. You should try to refrain from offending them - not in your best interest. You want her to treat your parents in the same manner, right? When answering questions, don't overdo it. You might give them a sign that you are not the "one" for their daughter because you tend to talk too much.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Making a Good Impression\\n1-1. Learn more about your girlfriend's parents from her.\\nAsk your girlfriend a few basic things about them, such as what they do for a living, where they're from, what their hobbies are, or anything else that can help you make a connection. Even something like a shared favorite sports team, or the fact that you and your girlfriend's mother are in the same line of work can help you make conversation and build a connection.\\nIf you learn that you have something in common with her parents, don't bring it up the second you meet them. Wait for a quiet moment in the conversation to say something like, \\\"So, Mr. Smith, I hear you're also a huge Cubs fan.\\\"\\nSome families are really easy to connect with while others aren't. Ultimately, treat the experience as though you're getting to know a new person.\\n1-2. Shake hands.\\nThis is no time to be a limp fish or a wimp! During introduction, shake the father's hand with a nice, firm grip while maintaining eye contact, smile, and make them feel as if you are honored to be there. Remember that these are the people responsible for giving you the girl you love — they deserve your respect and admiration.\\n1-3. Dress well.\\nMake sure you wear something presentable for the introduction. If you wear something too casual, they will think you (A) didn't care enough to dress up (not a great first impression) or (B) are stupid and don't get why you should bother (also awful first impression). You should wear something nice and appropriate to the occasion. If you're just coming over their house for a barbecue, then nice jeans and a polo will be fine, but if you're going out to dinner, then you may need slacks and a button-down shirt.\\nMake sure to groom yourself well too. Take a shower, get a nice close shave, and run a comb through your hair.\\n1-4. Bring them an appropriate gift.\\nIf you are going to their house for the first time, then you should come with flowers or another gift to show that you're trying. You can also bring a nice bottle of wine, if you know that her parents are drinkers. Ask your girlfriend what they will like. And even if you have met before and they are entertaining you, it's not polite to come to their home empty-handed. Bringing a gift, even if it is simple, shows that you are thoughtful.\\n1-5. Maintain positive body language.\\nAnother thing you should do is to make sure that your body language makes you seem approachable and engaged. Stand or sit tall, make eye contact, avoid hunching over, and use your arms to gesture or keep them at your sides instead of crossing them. You should also avoid fidgeting or that will make you look bored or nervous. If you're at dinner, avoid the temptation to push your food around your plate. Know that your actions say just as much as your words, and if you're shuffling your feet while trying to look interested in her mother talking about her PTA meetings, then she'll know you're really bored.\\nMaintain an open stance, turning your body toward her parents, instead of away from them. This shows that you are eager to talk to them.\\n1-6. Offer to help out or clean up.\\nIf you've met her parents at their home, then you should offer to help however you can. Maybe you can help Mr. Intimidating Dad man the grill. Maybe you can help her mother clean up in the kitchen after a nice long meal. Maybe you can find another way to help out around the house to show that you care and want to be useful. It's likely that her parents will say that they don't need any help, but you'll look like a gentleman just for asking.\\nTry to read their tones if they decline any help. You'll see whether they really mean it, or if they want you to help out.\\n2. Treating Your Girlfriend Well\\n2-1. Treat their daughter with respect.\\nThis is the single most important thing you can do to win them over. All parents, even those that act hostile to boyfriends, want their daughter to find a good mate who will respect her and treat her right. Show them you are that person! Encourage their daughter when she speaks, talk about how accomplished she is or how many great qualities she has, and don't demean her or talk down to her. Be a gentleman and treat her like a lady.\\nThough you may tease each other in private, try to keep this to a minimum in front of her parents, at first, until they truly understand your dynamic. Otherwise, they may think that you don't respect her.\\n2-2. Keep the PDA to a minimum.\\nThere are other ways to show your girlfriend's parents how much you like her without trying to make out with her or grope her in front of them. If you really want to show that you like her, then you should be respectful towards her, maybe holding her hand or showing a bit of affection, but you should definitely not overdo it. Fathers don't generally like to see their daughters being touched by other men, so keep that in mind the next time you find yourself with your special lady's parents.\\nThough you don't want to be cold and distant toward her, not showing too much PDA is a sign of respect toward her parents.\\n2-3. Make it clear how much you like their daughter.\\nAt the end of the day, the most important thing parents care about is how much you like their daughter. You could be a billionaire or Ryan Gosling, and they wouldn't care at all if you seemed distant or condescending to their daughter. Though you don't have to praise her to the high heavens or force something that isn't there, you should make it clear that their daughter is really special to you by finding ways to subtly compliment her and show her affection, and by talking about her accomplishments or the things you like to do together. Make them see that you're serious about their daughter and that you realize how special she is.\\nEven the fact that you're going out of your way to be nice to her parents will show them how much she means to you. If you act like you don't really care what they think of you, then they'll think you don't really care about their daughter.\\n2-4. Don't come off as a slacker.\\nAnother thing parents don't want to see is that their daughter is dating a guy who lacks ambition or isn't going to amount to much. You don't have to be Mr. MBA, but you shouldn't talk about how much you hate school or work or about how you think the system is pointless. Sure, you can have these thoughts, but keep them to yourself around your girlfriend's parents — at least, until you're sure they really, really like you. You want them to think that you will amount to something and that you and their daughter will make a great team.\\nThough it's old-fashioned to say that your girlfriend's parents will want you to be a good provider for her, it's fair to say that they want to see a guy who can at least take care of himself. If you talk about mooching off your parents, getting bad grades, or how much you like to booze it up with your bros, they will not be won over.\\nHey, if school or work isn't really your thing, talk about something you really care about, like playing the guitar or collecting stamps. Just make it seem like you care about something.\\n3. Making Good Conversation\\n3-1. Be engaged.\\nThe important thing is that you act like you care about the conversations you're having with your girlfriend's parents, even if you're talking about doing your taxes or growing cauliflower. Ask lots of questions, nod politely, and give her parents your full attention. Make sure you react if they're trying to make jokes, and seem like you're genuinely happy to be there and interested in what they have to say. This will make a big difference, and will show them that you're a nice young man.\\nWhen they ask you questions, don't give them a yes or no or a two-word answer. Take the time to elaborate to show that you care.\\nEven if your girlfriend's parents ask a yes or no question, you can give them a deeper answer. If her father says, \\\"So I hear you're studying history,\\\" don't just say, \\\"Yes, I am...\\\" Instead, say, \\\"I'm a history major with a focus in American studies. I've always been kind of a history buff...\\\"\\nFeel free to start a conversation with basic, get-to-know-you questions.\\nTry to ask some fun questions, too! For instance, you might ask what your girlfriend was like as a little kid.\\n3-2. Give them your full attention.\\nThe most important thing is that you put away your phone. Seriously. Stop texting your friends to make plans for later, stop checking your team's score on, and stop checking your email randomly, no matter how tempting it may be. Turn it off if you have to. The last thing you want to do is to annoy her parents by acting too cool for school by looking at your phone every five seconds. If you're out at a restaurant and the game is on in the background, sorry, buddy, but you'll have to miss out on that one.\\n3-3. Be as mature as you can.\\nThis doesn't have to mean you have to act all formal if you're only 16, but that you should try to show that you're on the way to becoming a mature young man. Be polite, use good manners, don't use vulgar language, and be graceful and kind during conversation. You can show that you're mature by talking about your future plans, talking about your family with respect, avoiding whining or complaining too much, and by not making any comments that make you seem clueless.\\nRemember that your girlfriend's parents, no matter what age you are, want her to be dating a man, not a boy. They want her to be with someone who will be a good influence on her and who will encourage her to grow.\\n3-4. Have good manners.\\nAnother important thing to do around your girlfriend's parents is to demonstrate that you have good manners. You don't have to go over the top and act like British aristocracy, but you should make sure to say \\\"please\\\" and \\\"thank you\\\" at the correct times, to ask the people at the table to pass the food instead of reaching across the table and grabbing it yourself, to pull the chair out for your girlfriend (unless she and her parents are more progressive in that regard), and to not interrupt people when they are speaking.\\nIt's also polite to know what to call her parents. This part is easy. Just call them whatever they call themselves when you are introduced. If her dad says, \\\"Call me Jim,\\\" then don't be afraid to call him Jim; however, if he introduces himself as \\\"Mr. Smith,\\\" then you should call him that until he tells you to do otherwise.\\n3-5. Avoid controversial topics.\\nThe last thing you want to do is to get embroiled in a debate about the political situation in Ukraine or the Catholic church with your girlfriend's parents in the middle of what was supposed to be a nice dinner. If you know that you have very different politics, or if you just want to be polite, then you should stray away from controversial topics. You will not impress anyone, and this will only lead to an embarrassing and uncomfortable conversation.\\nIf you feel that the conversation is getting uncomfortable because her parents don't agree with your beliefs, try to delicately change the subject. You can say something like, \\\"I may not go to church on Sunday, but I like watching baseball during the day. Mr. Jones, I hear you're a big Giants fan?\\\"\\nOnce you get to know your girlfriend's parents, you can discuss these topics more. However, in the beginning, it's better to stick to the safe topics, even if it's a little boring.\\n3-6. Give sincere compliments.\\nAnother way you can impress your girlfriend's parents and act appropriately around them is to compliment them or something about them in some way. This shouldn't sound forced and you shouldn't do it too often, but a well-timed compliment can really help them see that you appreciate their company and care for their daughter. Even if the compliment is a bit silly, they will like the fact that you're trying. Here are some things you can compliment:\\nA painting, souvenir, or piece of furniture in their home\\nThe food you're eating (if they cooked it)\\nHer mother's earrings\\n3-7. Be honest.\\nParents love honesty no matter what the situation is, it makes them feel more comfortable about their daughter being with you, so always answer their questions with honesty. Not only that, but parents have a lot more experience than you do — they can tell if you're being dishonest, no matter how good you think you are. This doesn't mean you have to be honest about every little thing, like how much you like to smoke pot, but that you shouldn't lie to them when it comes to important topics such as your education or future plans.\\n3-8. Exude confidence.\\nTell yourself that you are a good guy who cares deeply for the daughter of these people. Make yourself feel secure and certain of yourself without a trace of a cocky attitude. It isn't enough to just pretend to be confident — you need to feel it as well, or else it won't reflect as well as you hoped it would. If you want your girlfriend's parents to really have faith in you, then you have to have faith in yourself first.\\n3-9. Speak directly and be frank.\\nMake sure that when you first meet the parents, you maintain eye contact when you are speaking with them. Don't look away, mumble, or trail off. Sound confident in what you say and show that you have convictions and that you believe in yourself. Try to avoid saying \\\"Uh\\\" too much or turning to your girlfriend for help when you're at a loss for words. It's okay to take a minute to formulate your words when you need to.\\n3-10. Don't act nervous.\\nNo matter how nervous you are, keep your head held high. Don't fidget, look around the room, or take too long to answer a question. Just take a deep breath and tell her parents whatever you need to say. It's okay to feel nervous, but you should minimize letting them see how you're feeling as much as you can. If you come off as nervous, then they'll thick you lack confidence and that you're unprepared. Just keep telling yourself that if your girlfriend likes you, that her parents will like you, too.\\nDon't be nervous about looking nervous! That will only make things worse.\\nAt the end of the day, know that it's no tragedy if you come off as a littler nervous. Your girlfriend's parents once also had to go through the awkwardness of meeting the parents, and they'll understand where you're coming from.\\n3-11. Don't forget to be yourself.\\nDon't fake a personality just to win over the parents. You should not have to change for anyone just to impress them. Remember, your girlfriend chose to be with you for a reason, and plus parents can sense when guys are faking. There's a difference between letting them see the more mature and responsible sides of yourself and pretending to be a completely different person completely. If you plan on being with their daughter in the long run, then you can't keep up an act forever.\\nTips\\nDon't use your electronics while eating or talking. The parent(s) will think you are technology crazy!\\nDo be kind and solicitous, especially of her mom. Ask if she needs help when you see her doing things like bringing in the groceries or emptying the trash.\\nDo not overdo it, or you will come off as fake and too goody-goody. Be your natural, polite self.\\nWarnings\\nAppreciate their genuinely kind and hospitable treatment of you, return it with kindness and respect. This could be your future family.\\nDon't overdo it with the compliments. They get annoying after a while. You will seem like a phony.\\nDon't constantly be controlling your girlfriend. But don't be the guy who ignores her and only takes time for her when it's convenient for you. Parents won't like this kind of guy for their daughter either. They want a good, stand up guy who wants the best for their daughter and who will put her as a priority in his life.\\nDo not be curt, abrupt, or down right rude to her parents - don't aggravate or antagonize them. Remember these are the people who will eventually give their \\\"blessing\\\" if and when you ask to marry their daughter. You should try to refrain from offending them - not in your best interest. You want her to treat your parents in the same manner, right?\\nWhen answering questions, don't overdo it. You might give them a sign that you are not the \\\"one\\\" for their daughter because you tend to talk too much.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"It can be hard to know how to act around your girlfriend's parents, especially if you're meeting them for the first or second time. The important thing is to be respectful and engaged and to make it clear how much you like their daughter. In the end, that will be the most important thing to them — not how you look or how much money you make. However, looking sharp and being gracious never hurt anybody. Just remember to keep the PDA to a minimum and you'll be on your way to having your girlfriend's parents welcome you into the family.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Making a Good Impression\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Learn more about your girlfriend's parents from her.\", \"描述\": \"Ask your girlfriend a few basic things about them, such as what they do for a living, where they're from, what their hobbies are, or anything else that can help you make a connection. Even something like a shared favorite sports team, or the fact that you and your girlfriend's mother are in the same line of work can help you make conversation and build a connection.\\nIf you learn that you have something in common with her parents, don't bring it up the second you meet them. Wait for a quiet moment in the conversation to say something like, \\\"So, Mr. Smith, I hear you're also a huge Cubs fan.\\\"\\nSome families are really easy to connect with while others aren't. Ultimately, treat the experience as though you're getting to know a new person.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Shake hands.\", \"描述\": \"This is no time to be a limp fish or a wimp! During introduction, shake the father's hand with a nice, firm grip while maintaining eye contact, smile, and make them feel as if you are honored to be there. Remember that these are the people responsible for giving you the girl you love — they deserve your respect and admiration.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dress well.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure you wear something presentable for the introduction. If you wear something too casual, they will think you (A) didn't care enough to dress up (not a great first impression) or (B) are stupid and don't get why you should bother (also awful first impression). You should wear something nice and appropriate to the occasion. If you're just coming over their house for a barbecue, then nice jeans and a polo will be fine, but if you're going out to dinner, then you may need slacks and a button-down shirt.\\nMake sure to groom yourself well too. Take a shower, get a nice close shave, and run a comb through your hair.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Bring them an appropriate gift.\", \"描述\": \"If you are going to their house for the first time, then you should come with flowers or another gift to show that you're trying. You can also bring a nice bottle of wine, if you know that her parents are drinkers. Ask your girlfriend what they will like. And even if you have met before and they are entertaining you, it's not polite to come to their home empty-handed. Bringing a gift, even if it is simple, shows that you are thoughtful.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Maintain positive body language.\", \"描述\": \"Another thing you should do is to make sure that your body language makes you seem approachable and engaged. Stand or sit tall, make eye contact, avoid hunching over, and use your arms to gesture or keep them at your sides instead of crossing them. You should also avoid fidgeting or that will make you look bored or nervous. If you're at dinner, avoid the temptation to push your food around your plate. Know that your actions say just as much as your words, and if you're shuffling your feet while trying to look interested in her mother talking about her PTA meetings, then she'll know you're really bored.\\nMaintain an open stance, turning your body toward her parents, instead of away from them. This shows that you are eager to talk to them.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Offer to help out or clean up.\", \"描述\": \"If you've met her parents at their home, then you should offer to help however you can. Maybe you can help Mr. Intimidating Dad man the grill. Maybe you can help her mother clean up in the kitchen after a nice long meal. Maybe you can find another way to help out around the house to show that you care and want to be useful. It's likely that her parents will say that they don't need any help, but you'll look like a gentleman just for asking.\\nTry to read their tones if they decline any help. You'll see whether they really mean it, or if they want you to help out.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Treating Your Girlfriend Well\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Treat their daughter with respect.\", \"描述\": \"This is the single most important thing you can do to win them over. All parents, even those that act hostile to boyfriends, want their daughter to find a good mate who will respect her and treat her right. Show them you are that person! Encourage their daughter when she speaks, talk about how accomplished she is or how many great qualities she has, and don't demean her or talk down to her. Be a gentleman and treat her like a lady.\\nThough you may tease each other in private, try to keep this to a minimum in front of her parents, at first, until they truly understand your dynamic. Otherwise, they may think that you don't respect her.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Keep the PDA to a minimum.\", \"描述\": \"There are other ways to show your girlfriend's parents how much you like her without trying to make out with her or grope her in front of them. If you really want to show that you like her, then you should be respectful towards her, maybe holding her hand or showing a bit of affection, but you should definitely not overdo it. Fathers don't generally like to see their daughters being touched by other men, so keep that in mind the next time you find yourself with your special lady's parents.\\nThough you don't want to be cold and distant toward her, not showing too much PDA is a sign of respect toward her parents.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make it clear how much you like their daughter.\", \"描述\": \"At the end of the day, the most important thing parents care about is how much you like their daughter. You could be a billionaire or Ryan Gosling, and they wouldn't care at all if you seemed distant or condescending to their daughter. Though you don't have to praise her to the high heavens or force something that isn't there, you should make it clear that their daughter is really special to you by finding ways to subtly compliment her and show her affection, and by talking about her accomplishments or the things you like to do together. Make them see that you're serious about their daughter and that you realize how special she is.\\nEven the fact that you're going out of your way to be nice to her parents will show them how much she means to you. If you act like you don't really care what they think of you, then they'll think you don't really care about their daughter.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don't come off as a slacker.\", \"描述\": \"Another thing parents don't want to see is that their daughter is dating a guy who lacks ambition or isn't going to amount to much. You don't have to be Mr. MBA, but you shouldn't talk about how much you hate school or work or about how you think the system is pointless. Sure, you can have these thoughts, but keep them to yourself around your girlfriend's parents — at least, until you're sure they really, really like you. You want them to think that you will amount to something and that you and their daughter will make a great team.\\nThough it's old-fashioned to say that your girlfriend's parents will want you to be a good provider for her, it's fair to say that they want to see a guy who can at least take care of himself. If you talk about mooching off your parents, getting bad grades, or how much you like to booze it up with your bros, they will not be won over.\\nHey, if school or work isn't really your thing, talk about something you really care about, like playing the guitar or collecting stamps. Just make it seem like you care about something.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Making Good Conversation\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be engaged.\", \"描述\": \"The important thing is that you act like you care about the conversations you're having with your girlfriend's parents, even if you're talking about doing your taxes or growing cauliflower. Ask lots of questions, nod politely, and give her parents your full attention. Make sure you react if they're trying to make jokes, and seem like you're genuinely happy to be there and interested in what they have to say. This will make a big difference, and will show them that you're a nice young man.\\nWhen they ask you questions, don't give them a yes or no or a two-word answer. Take the time to elaborate to show that you care.\\nEven if your girlfriend's parents ask a yes or no question, you can give them a deeper answer. If her father says, \\\"So I hear you're studying history,\\\" don't just say, \\\"Yes, I am...\\\" Instead, say, \\\"I'm a history major with a focus in American studies. I've always been kind of a history buff...\\\"\\nFeel free to start a conversation with basic, get-to-know-you questions.\\nTry to ask some fun questions, too! For instance, you might ask what your girlfriend was like as a little kid.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Give them your full attention.\", \"描述\": \"The most important thing is that you put away your phone. Seriously. Stop texting your friends to make plans for later, stop checking your team's score on, and stop checking your email randomly, no matter how tempting it may be. Turn it off if you have to. The last thing you want to do is to annoy her parents by acting too cool for school by looking at your phone every five seconds. If you're out at a restaurant and the game is on in the background, sorry, buddy, but you'll have to miss out on that one.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be as mature as you can.\", \"描述\": \"This doesn't have to mean you have to act all formal if you're only 16, but that you should try to show that you're on the way to becoming a mature young man. Be polite, use good manners, don't use vulgar language, and be graceful and kind during conversation. You can show that you're mature by talking about your future plans, talking about your family with respect, avoiding whining or complaining too much, and by not making any comments that make you seem clueless.\\nRemember that your girlfriend's parents, no matter what age you are, want her to be dating a man, not a boy. They want her to be with someone who will be a good influence on her and who will encourage her to grow.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Have good manners.\", \"描述\": \"Another important thing to do around your girlfriend's parents is to demonstrate that you have good manners. You don't have to go over the top and act like British aristocracy, but you should make sure to say \\\"please\\\" and \\\"thank you\\\" at the correct times, to ask the people at the table to pass the food instead of reaching across the table and grabbing it yourself, to pull the chair out for your girlfriend (unless she and her parents are more progressive in that regard), and to not interrupt people when they are speaking.\\nIt's also polite to know what to call her parents. This part is easy. Just call them whatever they call themselves when you are introduced. If her dad says, \\\"Call me Jim,\\\" then don't be afraid to call him Jim; however, if he introduces himself as \\\"Mr. Smith,\\\" then you should call him that until he tells you to do otherwise.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Avoid controversial topics.\", \"描述\": \"The last thing you want to do is to get embroiled in a debate about the political situation in Ukraine or the Catholic church with your girlfriend's parents in the middle of what was supposed to be a nice dinner. If you know that you have very different politics, or if you just want to be polite, then you should stray away from controversial topics. You will not impress anyone, and this will only lead to an embarrassing and uncomfortable conversation.\\nIf you feel that the conversation is getting uncomfortable because her parents don't agree with your beliefs, try to delicately change the subject. You can say something like, \\\"I may not go to church on Sunday, but I like watching baseball during the day. Mr. Jones, I hear you're a big Giants fan?\\\"\\nOnce you get to know your girlfriend's parents, you can discuss these topics more. However, in the beginning, it's better to stick to the safe topics, even if it's a little boring.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Give sincere compliments.\", \"描述\": \"Another way you can impress your girlfriend's parents and act appropriately around them is to compliment them or something about them in some way. This shouldn't sound forced and you shouldn't do it too often, but a well-timed compliment can really help them see that you appreciate their company and care for their daughter. Even if the compliment is a bit silly, they will like the fact that you're trying. Here are some things you can compliment:\\nA painting, souvenir, or piece of furniture in their home\\nThe food you're eating (if they cooked it)\\nHer mother's earrings\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Be honest.\", \"描述\": \"Parents love honesty no matter what the situation is, it makes them feel more comfortable about their daughter being with you, so always answer their questions with honesty. Not only that, but parents have a lot more experience than you do — they can tell if you're being dishonest, no matter how good you think you are. This doesn't mean you have to be honest about every little thing, like how much you like to smoke pot, but that you shouldn't lie to them when it comes to important topics such as your education or future plans.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Exude confidence.\", \"描述\": \"Tell yourself that you are a good guy who cares deeply for the daughter of these people. Make yourself feel secure and certain of yourself without a trace of a cocky attitude. It isn't enough to just pretend to be confident — you need to feel it as well, or else it won't reflect as well as you hoped it would. If you want your girlfriend's parents to really have faith in you, then you have to have faith in yourself first.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Speak directly and be frank.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure that when you first meet the parents, you maintain eye contact when you are speaking with them. Don't look away, mumble, or trail off. Sound confident in what you say and show that you have convictions and that you believe in yourself. Try to avoid saying \\\"Uh\\\" too much or turning to your girlfriend for help when you're at a loss for words. It's okay to take a minute to formulate your words when you need to.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Don't act nervous.\", \"描述\": \"No matter how nervous you are, keep your head held high. Don't fidget, look around the room, or take too long to answer a question. Just take a deep breath and tell her parents whatever you need to say. It's okay to feel nervous, but you should minimize letting them see how you're feeling as much as you can. If you come off as nervous, then they'll thick you lack confidence and that you're unprepared. Just keep telling yourself that if your girlfriend likes you, that her parents will like you, too.\\nDon't be nervous about looking nervous! That will only make things worse.\\nAt the end of the day, know that it's no tragedy if you come off as a littler nervous. Your girlfriend's parents once also had to go through the awkwardness of meeting the parents, and they'll understand where you're coming from.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Don't forget to be yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Don't fake a personality just to win over the parents. You should not have to change for anyone just to impress them. Remember, your girlfriend chose to be with you for a reason, and plus parents can sense when guys are faking. There's a difference between letting them see the more mature and responsible sides of yourself and pretending to be a completely different person completely. If you plan on being with their daughter in the long run, then you can't keep up an act forever.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Don't use your electronics while eating or talking. The parent(s) will think you are technology crazy!\\n\", \"Do be kind and solicitous, especially of her mom. Ask if she needs help when you see her doing things like bringing in the groceries or emptying the trash.\\n\", \"Do not overdo it, or you will come off as fake and too goody-goody. Be your natural, polite self.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Appreciate their genuinely kind and hospitable treatment of you, return it with kindness and respect. This could be your future family.\\n\", \"Don't overdo it with the compliments. They get annoying after a while. You will seem like a phony.\\n\", \"Don't constantly be controlling your girlfriend. But don't be the guy who ignores her and only takes time for her when it's convenient for you. Parents won't like this kind of guy for their daughter either. They want a good, stand up guy who wants the best for their daughter and who will put her as a priority in his life.\\n\", \"Do not be curt, abrupt, or down right rude to her parents - don't aggravate or antagonize them. Remember these are the people who will eventually give their \\\"blessing\\\" if and when you ask to marry their daughter. You should try to refrain from offending them - not in your best interest. You want her to treat your parents in the same manner, right?\\n\", \"When answering questions, don't overdo it. You might give them a sign that you are not the \\\"one\\\" for their daughter because you tend to talk too much.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around Your Girlfriend at School
1. Treating Your Girlfriend Right 1-1. Give her your full attention when she speaks. It’s easy to get distracted in a school environment when your friends and teachers are around, but stay focused on your girlfriend when she is talking to you. Maintain eye contact with her and don’t do anything else while she’s speaking. Make sure not to interrupt her. When she finishes speaking, respond appropriately to what she said. If she’s talking during class when it’s not appropriate, politely tell her that you will talk to her after class. 1-2. Be faithful to her. Typically, being faithful means not kissing, engaging in sexual behavior, and essentially not doing anything with another girl that would hurt your girlfriend. You should also avoid flirting with other girls. Talk to your girlfriend about what being faithful means to her and come to an agreement. Stay faithful to her as long as she is your girlfriend. There may be temptation to cheat, but remember that you could lose your girlfriend and gain a reputation as a cheater if you do cheat. Of course you can talk to other girls, but only casually. For example, it's totally okay to ask a female classmate for a pencil if you lost yours. 1-3. Exhibit appropriate behavior in a school environment. Avoid being overly physical with your girlfriend during school. Your girlfriend may not appreciate it, and even if she doesn’t mind, it could get both of you in trouble. Talk to your girlfriend about what she would be comfortable with. Ask her if a brief hug between classes, holding her hand while walking down the hall, or a quick kiss when no one is around would be okay with her. Respect your girlfriend's answer and don't push her into contact that she is not comfortable with. Go at her pace. 1-4. Give her sincere compliments. Compliment her on anything you like about her. Tell her how beautiful you think she is, especially when it’s obvious she put effort into her outfit that day. You should also compliment her on her strengths and accomplishments. For example, tell her how awesome you think it is that she does well in school. Or, congratulate her when she makes it onto a team. You could say something like “I think you’re so intelligent. I’m so impressed by how hard you work and what you accomplish in and outside of school.” It’s great to compliment her, but don’t overdo it. Complimenting her on anything and everything will make your compliments seem less sincere. 1-5. Give her plenty of space. Having a close relationship is great, but being overly attached can have a negative effect on your relationship. Being clingy could mean following them around constantly, overanalyzing their interactions with others, and checking in on your girlfriend when you know she’s busy. You can avoid being clingy by being confident in yourself and trusting your girlfriend. Listen to your girlfriend and respect her wishes if she says she needs some space. This goes for outside of school as well. Don't be clingy after class and stalk her on social media. 1-6. Don't brag about what happens between you and your girlfriend. It’s okay and encouraged to brag about how wonderful your girlfriend is. It’s not okay to brag about what happens between you and your girlfriend. For example, if your girlfriend lets you kiss her for the first time between classes, don’t tell all of your friends about it. Things get around quickly at school, and she may not be happy about everyone knowing about her personal matters. You should also avoid bragging on social media. That can carry over into your school environment. Another reason to avoid bragging is that things can get twisted as information gets passed on. A simple kiss may turn into something more intimate further down the line. 1-7. Show her affection. First, it is important to know what type of affection she is okay with. Her limit could be holding hands or kissing. Then, keep in mind that you are at school. It usually isn’t acceptable to show a lot of affection during school hours. If you do show affection, be private about it. Hug her when no one is around, or kiss her quickly in an empty area. Ask her what she is and isn’t okay with. Keep her answers in mind throughout the relationship. If you're feeling spontaneous, remember to ask first. For example: “Is it okay if I kiss you right now?” 2. Doing Things for Your Girlfriend 2-1. Leave a note in her locker. If you have a locker, write a short and sweet note and slip it in between the cracks of the door. If you don’t have a locker, you can put the note into her notebook. Write something like “You look pretty today,” or “Great job on the presentation today.” Try to do this once a day or at least a few times a week. Take your note to the next level by personalizing it. Doodle a heart or her favorite animal. If you don't know what to write, leave her a funny comic or picture instead. You could draw it yourself, or print it off the computer. 2-2. Carry her books to her next class. You don’t have to do this all the time, but it’s nice to do every once in a while. Offer to carry her books when it seems like she is carrying more than usual or when she appears stressed out. If she says no, offer once more in case she is being shy and then respect her answer. If you ask her this on several occasions, and she keeps saying no, then respect her answer and don't ask anymore. There are lots of other ways to be helpful to your girlfriend. For example, if she lost her pencil case, you could give her some new pens and pencils. 2-3. Save her a seat next to you. You can do this in class if you don’t have assigned seats, or you can save her a seat at the lunch table. This will make her feel special and let her know that you think of her. You could even find a special place for just the two of you to have lunch—like a bench outside if it’s allowed. Don't kick someone out of their seat just so you can save your girlfriend a seat. This is very rude, and she won't appreciate it if she finds out. 2-4. Bring her a gift for a birthday or holiday. The gift doesn’t have to be expensive or cost anything at all. A simple gesture, like baking cookies, will let her know that you were thinking of her on a special occasion. For Valentine’s Day, write her a note and bring her a flower. For her birthday, consider what she would like. If she likes a certain band, draw her a picture of one of their album covers. If you have a creative hobby, like knitting, utilize that hobby for her gift. Knit her a hat or scarf. Don't stress too much about the gift. Remember, it is the thought that counts! 2-5. Help her with her studies and activities. Let your studies and extracurricular activities bring you closer together. This will be beneficial for your grades, achievements, and your relationship. Help her study for a test during lunch or in the library before school starts. If she’s auditioning for the basketball team, offer to practice with her before tryouts. Help her study by making index cards with questions that might be on the test and quiz her on them. Encourage your girlfriend to stay on track and focus on her goals. 3. Acting Confident 3-1. Believe It is important to believe that you are cool, fun, and whatever else you want to be. Thinking poorly of yourself will reflect in your behavior around your girlfriend. Believing in yourself will build confidence, which will help when you’re around your girlfriend and with life in general. Don’t give into thoughts that tell you that you’re acting weird or uncool. Remember that she agreed to be your girlfriend for a reason. 3-2. Don’t try too hard. Trying too hard means acting like you wouldn’t normally act around friends, thinking about conversations before they happen, and simply not acting like yourself. You should make an effort to treat your girlfriend with kindness and respect, but that doesn’t mean acting unlike you normally would. Be in the moment with your girlfriend. Don’t plan ahead how you’re going to act, look, or what compliments you’re going to give her. Also, don't act like how you think she'd want you to act. After all, she chose to be your girlfriend because she liked how you are right now. 3-3. Avoid planning conversations. It’s important to be in the moment as much as possible. The interaction could become awkward if you’ve planned for it to go in a certain direction but it doesn’t. Listen closely to your girlfriend and go off of what she says. If you’re a very nervous person, you can plan a few conversation topics, but don’t plan out the entire conversation. If she isn’t contributing to the conversation, ask about her day, what she has planned for the week, or what she has been working on in class. Let her answers generate new conversations. When asking questions, avoid ones with "yes" or "no" answers. Instead of asking "did you have a good weekend?" ask "What did you do over the weekend?" 3-4. Relax Feeling nervous is totally normal, but don’t let that feeling control your behavior. Take a few deep breaths and remember how great the situation is. You have a girlfriend at a wonderful time in your life. Remember how great that is so you can enjoy your time with her without the worry. If you’re very nervous, think of things that make you happy to help you calm down. For example, think of a favorite song or movie. 3-5. Avoid overanalyzing the situation. Awkward moments will happen during a relationship. You or her may say something that doesn’t come out as intended. Or, one of you may simply be in a bad mood one day. Don’t take it wrong if she seems quieter than usual, doesn’t hug you at the beginning of the day, or compliments another guy or girl. Simply ask if something is bothering her if you feel the need to do so. Don’t get angry with her or act upset over a small situation—like her forgetting to say bye after class. Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because she is liking a lot of pretty dresses on social media doesn't mean she's planning anything big for you. She might just like dresses. 3-6. Don’t expect anything from your girlfriend. Expecting a certain outcome can take a toll on your confidence. It can affect your confidence if the outcome you imagine doesn’t happen. For example, your behavior can change if you expect your girlfriend to let you kiss her after you compliment her. Or, expecting a certain outcome can make you overbearing or approval seeking. Accept whatever happens. Tips Offer your hoodie or jacket to her if she doesn’t have one and it’s cold. It may seem somewhat awkward at first, but that is natural to feel awkward at the beginning of a relationship because you are still getting used to each other. Warnings Avoid showing too much physical affection during school hours. This could lead to punishment by teachers or other school officials.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Treating Your Girlfriend Right\\n1-1. Give her your full attention when she speaks.\\nIt’s easy to get distracted in a school environment when your friends and teachers are around, but stay focused on your girlfriend when she is talking to you. Maintain eye contact with her and don’t do anything else while she’s speaking. Make sure not to interrupt her. When she finishes speaking, respond appropriately to what she said.\\nIf she’s talking during class when it’s not appropriate, politely tell her that you will talk to her after class.\\n1-2. Be faithful to her.\\nTypically, being faithful means not kissing, engaging in sexual behavior, and essentially not doing anything with another girl that would hurt your girlfriend. You should also avoid flirting with other girls. Talk to your girlfriend about what being faithful means to her and come to an agreement. Stay faithful to her as long as she is your girlfriend.\\nThere may be temptation to cheat, but remember that you could lose your girlfriend and gain a reputation as a cheater if you do cheat.\\nOf course you can talk to other girls, but only casually. For example, it's totally okay to ask a female classmate for a pencil if you lost yours.\\n1-3. Exhibit appropriate behavior in a school environment.\\nAvoid being overly physical with your girlfriend during school. Your girlfriend may not appreciate it, and even if she doesn’t mind, it could get both of you in trouble. Talk to your girlfriend about what she would be comfortable with.\\nAsk her if a brief hug between classes, holding her hand while walking down the hall, or a quick kiss when no one is around would be okay with her.\\nRespect your girlfriend's answer and don't push her into contact that she is not comfortable with. Go at her pace.\\n1-4. Give her sincere compliments.\\nCompliment her on anything you like about her. Tell her how beautiful you think she is, especially when it’s obvious she put effort into her outfit that day. You should also compliment her on her strengths and accomplishments. For example, tell her how awesome you think it is that she does well in school. Or, congratulate her when she makes it onto a team.\\nYou could say something like “I think you’re so intelligent. I’m so impressed by how hard you work and what you accomplish in and outside of school.”\\nIt’s great to compliment her, but don’t overdo it. Complimenting her on anything and everything will make your compliments seem less sincere.\\n1-5. Give her plenty of space.\\nHaving a close relationship is great, but being overly attached can have a negative effect on your relationship. Being clingy could mean following them around constantly, overanalyzing their interactions with others, and checking in on your girlfriend when you know she’s busy. You can avoid being clingy by being confident in yourself and trusting your girlfriend.\\nListen to your girlfriend and respect her wishes if she says she needs some space.\\nThis goes for outside of school as well. Don't be clingy after class and stalk her on social media.\\n1-6. Don't brag about what happens between you and your girlfriend.\\nIt’s okay and encouraged to brag about how wonderful your girlfriend is. It’s not okay to brag about what happens between you and your girlfriend. For example, if your girlfriend lets you kiss her for the first time between classes, don’t tell all of your friends about it. Things get around quickly at school, and she may not be happy about everyone knowing about her personal matters.\\nYou should also avoid bragging on social media. That can carry over into your school environment.\\nAnother reason to avoid bragging is that things can get twisted as information gets passed on. A simple kiss may turn into something more intimate further down the line.\\n1-7. Show her affection.\\nFirst, it is important to know what type of affection she is okay with. Her limit could be holding hands or kissing. Then, keep in mind that you are at school. It usually isn’t acceptable to show a lot of affection during school hours. If you do show affection, be private about it. Hug her when no one is around, or kiss her quickly in an empty area.\\nAsk her what she is and isn’t okay with. Keep her answers in mind throughout the relationship.\\nIf you're feeling spontaneous, remember to ask first. For example: “Is it okay if I kiss you right now?”\\n2. Doing Things for Your Girlfriend\\n2-1. Leave a note in her locker.\\nIf you have a locker, write a short and sweet note and slip it in between the cracks of the door. If you don’t have a locker, you can put the note into her notebook. Write something like “You look pretty today,” or “Great job on the presentation today.” Try to do this once a day or at least a few times a week.\\nTake your note to the next level by personalizing it. Doodle a heart or her favorite animal.\\nIf you don't know what to write, leave her a funny comic or picture instead. You could draw it yourself, or print it off the computer.\\n2-2. Carry her books to her next class.\\nYou don’t have to do this all the time, but it’s nice to do every once in a while. Offer to carry her books when it seems like she is carrying more than usual or when she appears stressed out. If she says no, offer once more in case she is being shy and then respect her answer.\\nIf you ask her this on several occasions, and she keeps saying no, then respect her answer and don't ask anymore.\\nThere are lots of other ways to be helpful to your girlfriend. For example, if she lost her pencil case, you could give her some new pens and pencils.\\n2-3. Save her a seat next to you.\\nYou can do this in class if you don’t have assigned seats, or you can save her a seat at the lunch table. This will make her feel special and let her know that you think of her. You could even find a special place for just the two of you to have lunch—like a bench outside if it’s allowed.\\nDon't kick someone out of their seat just so you can save your girlfriend a seat. This is very rude, and she won't appreciate it if she finds out.\\n2-4. Bring her a gift for a birthday or holiday.\\nThe gift doesn’t have to be expensive or cost anything at all. A simple gesture, like baking cookies, will let her know that you were thinking of her on a special occasion. For Valentine’s Day, write her a note and bring her a flower. For her birthday, consider what she would like. If she likes a certain band, draw her a picture of one of their album covers.\\nIf you have a creative hobby, like knitting, utilize that hobby for her gift. Knit her a hat or scarf.\\nDon't stress too much about the gift. Remember, it is the thought that counts!\\n2-5. Help her with her studies and activities.\\nLet your studies and extracurricular activities bring you closer together. This will be beneficial for your grades, achievements, and your relationship. Help her study for a test during lunch or in the library before school starts. If she’s auditioning for the basketball team, offer to practice with her before tryouts.\\nHelp her study by making index cards with questions that might be on the test and quiz her on them.\\nEncourage your girlfriend to stay on track and focus on her goals.\\n3. Acting Confident\\n3-1. Believe \\nIt is important to believe that you are cool, fun, and whatever else you want to be. Thinking poorly of yourself will reflect in your behavior around your girlfriend. Believing in yourself will build confidence, which will help when you’re around your girlfriend and with life in general.\\nDon’t give into thoughts that tell you that you’re acting weird or uncool. Remember that she agreed to be your girlfriend for a reason.\\n3-2. Don’t try too hard.\\nTrying too hard means acting like you wouldn’t normally act around friends, thinking about conversations before they happen, and simply not acting like yourself. You should make an effort to treat your girlfriend with kindness and respect, but that doesn’t mean acting unlike you normally would. Be in the moment with your girlfriend. Don’t plan ahead how you’re going to act, look, or what compliments you’re going to give her.\\nAlso, don't act like how you think she'd want you to act. After all, she chose to be your girlfriend because she liked how you are right now.\\n3-3. Avoid planning conversations.\\nIt’s important to be in the moment as much as possible. The interaction could become awkward if you’ve planned for it to go in a certain direction but it doesn’t. Listen closely to your girlfriend and go off of what she says. If you’re a very nervous person, you can plan a few conversation topics, but don’t plan out the entire conversation.\\nIf she isn’t contributing to the conversation, ask about her day, what she has planned for the week, or what she has been working on in class. Let her answers generate new conversations.\\nWhen asking questions, avoid ones with \\\"yes\\\" or \\\"no\\\" answers. Instead of asking \\\"did you have a good weekend?\\\" ask \\\"What did you do over the weekend?\\\"\\n3-4. Relax\\nFeeling nervous is totally normal, but don’t let that feeling control your behavior. Take a few deep breaths and remember how great the situation is. You have a girlfriend at a wonderful time in your life. Remember how great that is so you can enjoy your time with her without the worry.\\nIf you’re very nervous, think of things that make you happy to help you calm down. For example, think of a favorite song or movie.\\n3-5. Avoid overanalyzing the situation.\\nAwkward moments will happen during a relationship. You or her may say something that doesn’t come out as intended. Or, one of you may simply be in a bad mood one day. Don’t take it wrong if she seems quieter than usual, doesn’t hug you at the beginning of the day, or compliments another guy or girl. Simply ask if something is bothering her if you feel the need to do so.\\nDon’t get angry with her or act upset over a small situation—like her forgetting to say bye after class.\\nDon't get ahead of yourself. Just because she is liking a lot of pretty dresses on social media doesn't mean she's planning anything big for you. She might just like dresses.\\n3-6. Don’t expect anything from your girlfriend.\\nExpecting a certain outcome can take a toll on your confidence. It can affect your confidence if the outcome you imagine doesn’t happen. For example, your behavior can change if you expect your girlfriend to let you kiss her after you compliment her. Or, expecting a certain outcome can make you overbearing or approval seeking. Accept whatever happens.\\nTips\\nOffer your hoodie or jacket to her if she doesn’t have one and it’s cold.\\nIt may seem somewhat awkward at first, but that is natural to feel awkward at the beginning of a relationship because you are still getting used to each other.\\nWarnings\\nAvoid showing too much physical affection during school hours. This could lead to punishment by teachers or other school officials.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Having a girlfriend who attends the same school is awesome. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to express your feelings for her in a place of learning. Everybody gets a little nervous sometimes with their girlfriend in a school environment. Feeling nervous is normal, but you don’t have to act that way. Act like the best boyfriend or girlfriend ever by being confident, treating her right, and doing things for her, like saving her a seat at lunch.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Treating Your Girlfriend Right\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Give her your full attention when she speaks.\", \"描述\": \"It’s easy to get distracted in a school environment when your friends and teachers are around, but stay focused on your girlfriend when she is talking to you. Maintain eye contact with her and don’t do anything else while she’s speaking. Make sure not to interrupt her. When she finishes speaking, respond appropriately to what she said.\\nIf she’s talking during class when it’s not appropriate, politely tell her that you will talk to her after class.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be faithful to her.\", \"描述\": \"Typically, being faithful means not kissing, engaging in sexual behavior, and essentially not doing anything with another girl that would hurt your girlfriend. You should also avoid flirting with other girls. Talk to your girlfriend about what being faithful means to her and come to an agreement. Stay faithful to her as long as she is your girlfriend.\\nThere may be temptation to cheat, but remember that you could lose your girlfriend and gain a reputation as a cheater if you do cheat.\\nOf course you can talk to other girls, but only casually. For example, it's totally okay to ask a female classmate for a pencil if you lost yours.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Exhibit appropriate behavior in a school environment.\", \"描述\": \"Avoid being overly physical with your girlfriend during school. Your girlfriend may not appreciate it, and even if she doesn’t mind, it could get both of you in trouble. Talk to your girlfriend about what she would be comfortable with.\\nAsk her if a brief hug between classes, holding her hand while walking down the hall, or a quick kiss when no one is around would be okay with her.\\nRespect your girlfriend's answer and don't push her into contact that she is not comfortable with. Go at her pace.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Give her sincere compliments.\", \"描述\": \"Compliment her on anything you like about her. Tell her how beautiful you think she is, especially when it’s obvious she put effort into her outfit that day. You should also compliment her on her strengths and accomplishments. For example, tell her how awesome you think it is that she does well in school. Or, congratulate her when she makes it onto a team.\\nYou could say something like “I think you’re so intelligent. I’m so impressed by how hard you work and what you accomplish in and outside of school.”\\nIt’s great to compliment her, but don’t overdo it. Complimenting her on anything and everything will make your compliments seem less sincere.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Give her plenty of space.\", \"描述\": \"Having a close relationship is great, but being overly attached can have a negative effect on your relationship. Being clingy could mean following them around constantly, overanalyzing their interactions with others, and checking in on your girlfriend when you know she’s busy. You can avoid being clingy by being confident in yourself and trusting your girlfriend.\\nListen to your girlfriend and respect her wishes if she says she needs some space.\\nThis goes for outside of school as well. Don't be clingy after class and stalk her on social media.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Don't brag about what happens between you and your girlfriend.\", \"描述\": \"It’s okay and encouraged to brag about how wonderful your girlfriend is. It’s not okay to brag about what happens between you and your girlfriend. For example, if your girlfriend lets you kiss her for the first time between classes, don’t tell all of your friends about it. Things get around quickly at school, and she may not be happy about everyone knowing about her personal matters.\\nYou should also avoid bragging on social media. That can carry over into your school environment.\\nAnother reason to avoid bragging is that things can get twisted as information gets passed on. A simple kiss may turn into something more intimate further down the line.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Show her affection.\", \"描述\": \"First, it is important to know what type of affection she is okay with. Her limit could be holding hands or kissing. Then, keep in mind that you are at school. It usually isn’t acceptable to show a lot of affection during school hours. If you do show affection, be private about it. Hug her when no one is around, or kiss her quickly in an empty area.\\nAsk her what she is and isn’t okay with. Keep her answers in mind throughout the relationship.\\nIf you're feeling spontaneous, remember to ask first. For example: “Is it okay if I kiss you right now?”\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Doing Things for Your Girlfriend\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Leave a note in her locker.\", \"描述\": \"If you have a locker, write a short and sweet note and slip it in between the cracks of the door. If you don’t have a locker, you can put the note into her notebook. Write something like “You look pretty today,” or “Great job on the presentation today.” Try to do this once a day or at least a few times a week.\\nTake your note to the next level by personalizing it. Doodle a heart or her favorite animal.\\nIf you don't know what to write, leave her a funny comic or picture instead. You could draw it yourself, or print it off the computer.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Carry her books to her next class.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t have to do this all the time, but it’s nice to do every once in a while. Offer to carry her books when it seems like she is carrying more than usual or when she appears stressed out. If she says no, offer once more in case she is being shy and then respect her answer.\\nIf you ask her this on several occasions, and she keeps saying no, then respect her answer and don't ask anymore.\\nThere are lots of other ways to be helpful to your girlfriend. For example, if she lost her pencil case, you could give her some new pens and pencils.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Save her a seat next to you.\", \"描述\": \"You can do this in class if you don’t have assigned seats, or you can save her a seat at the lunch table. This will make her feel special and let her know that you think of her. You could even find a special place for just the two of you to have lunch—like a bench outside if it’s allowed.\\nDon't kick someone out of their seat just so you can save your girlfriend a seat. This is very rude, and she won't appreciate it if she finds out.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Bring her a gift for a birthday or holiday.\", \"描述\": \"The gift doesn’t have to be expensive or cost anything at all. A simple gesture, like baking cookies, will let her know that you were thinking of her on a special occasion. For Valentine’s Day, write her a note and bring her a flower. For her birthday, consider what she would like. If she likes a certain band, draw her a picture of one of their album covers.\\nIf you have a creative hobby, like knitting, utilize that hobby for her gift. Knit her a hat or scarf.\\nDon't stress too much about the gift. Remember, it is the thought that counts!\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Help her with her studies and activities.\", \"描述\": \"Let your studies and extracurricular activities bring you closer together. This will be beneficial for your grades, achievements, and your relationship. Help her study for a test during lunch or in the library before school starts. If she’s auditioning for the basketball team, offer to practice with her before tryouts.\\nHelp her study by making index cards with questions that might be on the test and quiz her on them.\\nEncourage your girlfriend to stay on track and focus on her goals.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Acting Confident\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Believe\", \"描述\": \"It is important to believe that you are cool, fun, and whatever else you want to be. Thinking poorly of yourself will reflect in your behavior around your girlfriend. Believing in yourself will build confidence, which will help when you’re around your girlfriend and with life in general.\\nDon’t give into thoughts that tell you that you’re acting weird or uncool. Remember that she agreed to be your girlfriend for a reason.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don’t try too hard.\", \"描述\": \"Trying too hard means acting like you wouldn’t normally act around friends, thinking about conversations before they happen, and simply not acting like yourself. You should make an effort to treat your girlfriend with kindness and respect, but that doesn’t mean acting unlike you normally would. Be in the moment with your girlfriend. Don’t plan ahead how you’re going to act, look, or what compliments you’re going to give her.\\nAlso, don't act like how you think she'd want you to act. After all, she chose to be your girlfriend because she liked how you are right now.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoid planning conversations.\", \"描述\": \"It’s important to be in the moment as much as possible. The interaction could become awkward if you’ve planned for it to go in a certain direction but it doesn’t. Listen closely to your girlfriend and go off of what she says. If you’re a very nervous person, you can plan a few conversation topics, but don’t plan out the entire conversation.\\nIf she isn’t contributing to the conversation, ask about her day, what she has planned for the week, or what she has been working on in class. Let her answers generate new conversations.\\nWhen asking questions, avoid ones with \\\"yes\\\" or \\\"no\\\" answers. Instead of asking \\\"did you have a good weekend?\\\" ask \\\"What did you do over the weekend?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Relax\", \"描述\": \"Feeling nervous is totally normal, but don’t let that feeling control your behavior. Take a few deep breaths and remember how great the situation is. You have a girlfriend at a wonderful time in your life. Remember how great that is so you can enjoy your time with her without the worry.\\nIf you’re very nervous, think of things that make you happy to help you calm down. For example, think of a favorite song or movie.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Avoid overanalyzing the situation.\", \"描述\": \"Awkward moments will happen during a relationship. You or her may say something that doesn’t come out as intended. Or, one of you may simply be in a bad mood one day. Don’t take it wrong if she seems quieter than usual, doesn’t hug you at the beginning of the day, or compliments another guy or girl. Simply ask if something is bothering her if you feel the need to do so.\\nDon’t get angry with her or act upset over a small situation—like her forgetting to say bye after class.\\nDon't get ahead of yourself. Just because she is liking a lot of pretty dresses on social media doesn't mean she's planning anything big for you. She might just like dresses.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Don’t expect anything from your girlfriend.\", \"描述\": \"Expecting a certain outcome can take a toll on your confidence. It can affect your confidence if the outcome you imagine doesn’t happen. For example, your behavior can change if you expect your girlfriend to let you kiss her after you compliment her. Or, expecting a certain outcome can make you overbearing or approval seeking. Accept whatever happens.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Offer your hoodie or jacket to her if she doesn’t have one and it’s cold.\\n\", \"It may seem somewhat awkward at first, but that is natural to feel awkward at the beginning of a relationship because you are still getting used to each other.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Avoid showing too much physical affection during school hours. This could lead to punishment by teachers or other school officials.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around a Celebrity
1. Meeting a Celebrity at a Meet and Greet 1-1. Learn about them ahead of time. If you aren’t the celebrity's number one fan and don’t know much about them, learn about them before the meet and greet. Maybe you won the meet and greet tickets on the radio, but don't know their work or you love the celebrity but you don’t know much about them. If this is the case look up information about who they are. Watch their movies and TV shows, or listen to their music before the meet and greet so you are prepared. You might find out information about them that you can relate to (such as where they grew up or that you both love dogs) to help create a natural conversation. 1-2. Remember to introduce yourself. You can tell them your name and a little bit about yourself. Celebrities are likely to want to feel like they are having an opportunity to meet and get to know someone too. Make sure to tell them your name and a little bit about yourself when you meet them. For example, “Hi! I am Lisa. I am from Wisconsin and am a junior in high school! I have been a big fan of your music since I was 11.” 1-3. Take photos with them. If you are at a meet and greet, it is usually expected that you can take photos with the celebrity. You can politely ask them for a photo on your phone. They also might have photographers at the meet and greet. Be confident and polite when you ask for the photo. Say something like, “Can we please take a photo?” Make sure to say thank you for the photograph. 1-4. Get their autograph. If you know you are going to meet a celebrity, you can bring something for them to autograph. Don’t bring too much stuff, otherwise that might be overwhelming for them. Bring something that is merchandise of theirs, such as a poster or shirt, for them to sign. They will likely have a pen for autographs, but just in case they don’t, bring a pen or marker with you. You can simply ask them: “Can you please sign my poster?” 1-5. Think of conversation topics ahead of time. Before you get to the meet and greet, think about what you want to talk to the celebrity about. You can tell them how much you love their music or acting. You can ask them insightful questions about how they come up with songwriting ideas or what it was like playing a certain role. 1-6. Try not to stress about it. They might seem divine to you, but remember they are just another human. Try not to stress about meeting them and treat it like you are meeting any other person. The celebrity will probably appreciate it if you treat them like anyone else and not like someone special. 1-7. Bring them a gift. Many celebrities appreciate the thought of a gift from a fan. Don’t get a celebrity something strange like a personal item of yours, but you can get them something thoughtful. Some celebrities love gifts from fans; for instance, Taylor Swift posted a sweater a fan knitted for her on Instagram. If you are a big fan of the celebrity and are worried you are going to get tongue tied when you meet them, then write them a short note. You can tell them how much of a fan you are and appreciate their work, just don’t go overboard. 2. Seeing a Celebrity in Public 2-1. Stay calm. If you are walking down the street and realize a celebrity just walked past you, stay calm. Don’t scream their name and draw attention to them. You can politely approach them, if it seems appropriate, but don’t freak out so much that everyone else in the area runs after them. 2-2. Tell them who you are. If you are running into a celebrity by random luck, you might not have a lot of time to fully introduce yourself. If you think it is okay to approach the celebrity, make sure to at least tell them your name so they know who they are meeting too! You can say something like: “Hi, I am [your name]! I am sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say hello and tell you I am a huge fan of your music.” 2-3. Don’t take photos without their permission. Taking photos without the celebrity’s permission is disrespectful. Most people would not like it if they were followed by crowds of people photographing them. They get enough unauthorized photos from the paparazzi. Instead, if it seems appropriate to approach the celebrity, you can politely ask them for a photograph. Say something like, “Hi, I am [your name]! I love your music. I was wondering if you would mind taking a quick photo with me.” If they say no, respect their wishes. 2-4. Respect their privacy. You don’t need to announce to the world that a celebrity is at a certain place or doing something. You can post on social media that you ran into them, but don’t post every detail about it online. Don’t call everyone you know and tell them to hurry down to the restaurant they are eating at. Celebrities are people too; let them have their personal lives. 2-5. Don’t touch them. You might want to run up to the celebrity and go for a hug, but be respectful of their personal space. If you are trying to get their attention, don’t touch their shoulder. If they touch you (such as they put their arm around you for a photo), then you can reciprocate the touching if it seems appropriate. 2-6. Treat them like regular people. Celebrities are people too. You don’t need to act like they are above everyone else. Be polite and casual with them. Try not to freak out and act differently around them. Celebrities will likely appreciate being treated like regular people. You can compliment their work and tell them you are a huge fan, but try not to go overboard (like scream and cry) when you talk to them. Tips Compliment them (such as their singing voice, makeup, outfit, etc.) Be nice and respectful if they don't want a photo or have time to talk.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:00", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Meeting a Celebrity at a Meet and Greet\\n1-1. Learn about them ahead of time.\\nIf you aren’t the celebrity's number one fan and don’t know much about them, learn about them before the meet and greet. Maybe you won the meet and greet tickets on the radio, but don't know their work or you love the celebrity but you don’t know much about them. If this is the case look up information about who they are. Watch their movies and TV shows, or listen to their music before the meet and greet so you are prepared.\\nYou might find out information about them that you can relate to (such as where they grew up or that you both love dogs) to help create a natural conversation.\\n1-2. Remember to introduce yourself.\\nYou can tell them your name and a little bit about yourself. Celebrities are likely to want to feel like they are having an opportunity to meet and get to know someone too. Make sure to tell them your name and a little bit about yourself when you meet them.\\nFor example, “Hi! I am Lisa. I am from Wisconsin and am a junior in high school! I have been a big fan of your music since I was 11.”\\n1-3. Take photos with them.\\nIf you are at a meet and greet, it is usually expected that you can take photos with the celebrity. You can politely ask them for a photo on your phone. They also might have photographers at the meet and greet. Be confident and polite when you ask for the photo.\\nSay something like, “Can we please take a photo?”\\nMake sure to say thank you for the photograph.\\n1-4. Get their autograph.\\nIf you know you are going to meet a celebrity, you can bring something for them to autograph. Don’t bring too much stuff, otherwise that might be overwhelming for them. Bring something that is merchandise of theirs, such as a poster or shirt, for them to sign. They will likely have a pen for autographs, but just in case they don’t, bring a pen or marker with you.\\nYou can simply ask them: “Can you please sign my poster?”\\n1-5. Think of conversation topics ahead of time.\\nBefore you get to the meet and greet, think about what you want to talk to the celebrity about. You can tell them how much you love their music or acting. You can ask them insightful questions about how they come up with songwriting ideas or what it was like playing a certain role.\\n1-6. Try not to stress about it.\\nThey might seem divine to you, but remember they are just another human. Try not to stress about meeting them and treat it like you are meeting any other person. The celebrity will probably appreciate it if you treat them like anyone else and not like someone special.\\n1-7. Bring them a gift.\\nMany celebrities appreciate the thought of a gift from a fan. Don’t get a celebrity something strange like a personal item of yours, but you can get them something thoughtful. Some celebrities love gifts from fans; for instance, Taylor Swift posted a sweater a fan knitted for her on Instagram.\\nIf you are a big fan of the celebrity and are worried you are going to get tongue tied when you meet them, then write them a short note. You can tell them how much of a fan you are and appreciate their work, just don’t go overboard.\\n2. Seeing a Celebrity in Public\\n2-1. Stay calm.\\nIf you are walking down the street and realize a celebrity just walked past you, stay calm. Don’t scream their name and draw attention to them. You can politely approach them, if it seems appropriate, but don’t freak out so much that everyone else in the area runs after them.\\n2-2. Tell them who you are.\\nIf you are running into a celebrity by random luck, you might not have a lot of time to fully introduce yourself. If you think it is okay to approach the celebrity, make sure to at least tell them your name so they know who they are meeting too!\\nYou can say something like: “Hi, I am [your name]! I am sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say hello and tell you I am a huge fan of your music.”\\n2-3. Don’t take photos without their permission.\\nTaking photos without the celebrity’s permission is disrespectful. Most people would not like it if they were followed by crowds of people photographing them. They get enough unauthorized photos from the paparazzi. Instead, if it seems appropriate to approach the celebrity, you can politely ask them for a photograph.\\nSay something like, “Hi, I am [your name]! I love your music. I was wondering if you would mind taking a quick photo with me.”\\nIf they say no, respect their wishes.\\n2-4. Respect their privacy.\\nYou don’t need to announce to the world that a celebrity is at a certain place or doing something. You can post on social media that you ran into them, but don’t post every detail about it online. Don’t call everyone you know and tell them to hurry down to the restaurant they are eating at. Celebrities are people too; let them have their personal lives.\\n2-5. Don’t touch them.\\nYou might want to run up to the celebrity and go for a hug, but be respectful of their personal space. If you are trying to get their attention, don’t touch their shoulder. If they touch you (such as they put their arm around you for a photo), then you can reciprocate the touching if it seems appropriate.\\n2-6. Treat them like regular people.\\nCelebrities are people too. You don’t need to act like they are above everyone else. Be polite and casual with them. Try not to freak out and act differently around them. Celebrities will likely appreciate being treated like regular people.\\nYou can compliment their work and tell them you are a huge fan, but try not to go overboard (like scream and cry) when you talk to them.\\nTips\\nCompliment them (such as their singing voice, makeup, outfit, etc.)\\nBe nice and respectful if they don't want a photo or have time to talk.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Meeting a celebrity can be exciting, but it can also be intimidating and nerve racking. It can be hard to know how to act when you meet someone who you have only admired through the media. Whether you are a number one fan of a celebrity or just happen to run into someone famous, it is important to be polite, appropriate, and respectful.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Meeting a Celebrity at a Meet and Greet\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Learn about them ahead of time.\", \"描述\": \"If you aren’t the celebrity's number one fan and don’t know much about them, learn about them before the meet and greet. Maybe you won the meet and greet tickets on the radio, but don't know their work or you love the celebrity but you don’t know much about them. If this is the case look up information about who they are. Watch their movies and TV shows, or listen to their music before the meet and greet so you are prepared.\\nYou might find out information about them that you can relate to (such as where they grew up or that you both love dogs) to help create a natural conversation.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Remember to introduce yourself.\", \"描述\": \"You can tell them your name and a little bit about yourself. Celebrities are likely to want to feel like they are having an opportunity to meet and get to know someone too. Make sure to tell them your name and a little bit about yourself when you meet them.\\nFor example, “Hi! I am Lisa. I am from Wisconsin and am a junior in high school! I have been a big fan of your music since I was 11.”\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take photos with them.\", \"描述\": \"If you are at a meet and greet, it is usually expected that you can take photos with the celebrity. You can politely ask them for a photo on your phone. They also might have photographers at the meet and greet. Be confident and polite when you ask for the photo.\\nSay something like, “Can we please take a photo?”\\nMake sure to say thank you for the photograph.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Get their autograph.\", \"描述\": \"If you know you are going to meet a celebrity, you can bring something for them to autograph. Don’t bring too much stuff, otherwise that might be overwhelming for them. Bring something that is merchandise of theirs, such as a poster or shirt, for them to sign. They will likely have a pen for autographs, but just in case they don’t, bring a pen or marker with you.\\nYou can simply ask them: “Can you please sign my poster?”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Think of conversation topics ahead of time.\", \"描述\": \"Before you get to the meet and greet, think about what you want to talk to the celebrity about. You can tell them how much you love their music or acting. You can ask them insightful questions about how they come up with songwriting ideas or what it was like playing a certain role.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Try not to stress about it.\", \"描述\": \"They might seem divine to you, but remember they are just another human. Try not to stress about meeting them and treat it like you are meeting any other person. The celebrity will probably appreciate it if you treat them like anyone else and not like someone special.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Bring them a gift.\", \"描述\": \"Many celebrities appreciate the thought of a gift from a fan. Don’t get a celebrity something strange like a personal item of yours, but you can get them something thoughtful. Some celebrities love gifts from fans; for instance, Taylor Swift posted a sweater a fan knitted for her on Instagram.\\nIf you are a big fan of the celebrity and are worried you are going to get tongue tied when you meet them, then write them a short note. You can tell them how much of a fan you are and appreciate their work, just don’t go overboard.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Seeing a Celebrity in Public\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Stay calm.\", \"描述\": \"If you are walking down the street and realize a celebrity just walked past you, stay calm. Don’t scream their name and draw attention to them. You can politely approach them, if it seems appropriate, but don’t freak out so much that everyone else in the area runs after them.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Tell them who you are.\", \"描述\": \"If you are running into a celebrity by random luck, you might not have a lot of time to fully introduce yourself. If you think it is okay to approach the celebrity, make sure to at least tell them your name so they know who they are meeting too!\\nYou can say something like: “Hi, I am [your name]! I am sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say hello and tell you I am a huge fan of your music.”\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don’t take photos without their permission.\", \"描述\": \"Taking photos without the celebrity’s permission is disrespectful. Most people would not like it if they were followed by crowds of people photographing them. They get enough unauthorized photos from the paparazzi. Instead, if it seems appropriate to approach the celebrity, you can politely ask them for a photograph.\\nSay something like, “Hi, I am [your name]! I love your music. I was wondering if you would mind taking a quick photo with me.”\\nIf they say no, respect their wishes.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Respect their privacy.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t need to announce to the world that a celebrity is at a certain place or doing something. You can post on social media that you ran into them, but don’t post every detail about it online. Don’t call everyone you know and tell them to hurry down to the restaurant they are eating at. Celebrities are people too; let them have their personal lives.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don’t touch them.\", \"描述\": \"You might want to run up to the celebrity and go for a hug, but be respectful of their personal space. If you are trying to get their attention, don’t touch their shoulder. If they touch you (such as they put their arm around you for a photo), then you can reciprocate the touching if it seems appropriate.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Treat them like regular people.\", \"描述\": \"Celebrities are people too. You don’t need to act like they are above everyone else. Be polite and casual with them. Try not to freak out and act differently around them. Celebrities will likely appreciate being treated like regular people.\\nYou can compliment their work and tell them you are a huge fan, but try not to go overboard (like scream and cry) when you talk to them.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Compliment them (such as their singing voice, makeup, outfit, etc.)\\n\", \"Be nice and respectful if they don't want a photo or have time to talk.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around a Girl That Likes You
1. Expressing Interest Back 1-1. Strike up a conversation if you want to get to know her better. If you and the girl who likes you aren’t close but it’s clear that she likes you, start small and bring up a common interest. This will break the ice, make things less awkward, and establish a bond that you can progress from. If you’re on the soccer team and she’s on the volleyball team at school, consider starting a conversation about sports. Start a conversation about a class you have together by saying something like, “I’m so glad that last chapter is over with. What did you think about last night’s reading?” 1-2. Compliment her A unique, tasteful compliment can go a long way. Whether you’re referencing a physical characteristic or personality trait, giving a girl a compliment is a great way to express your affection, especially if you remain composed and relaxed when you do this. Complimenting her here and there is better because too often might make her annoyed or uneasy. (Why? Because she might think you're buttering her up.) If she tells you that she did well on a test that she got back today, you might say, “That’s great! It doesn’t surprise me at all; you’re very smart and hard-working.” If she has particularly attractive blue eyes, you might say, “I really like your eyes. They’re a very pretty blue.” 1-3. Smile Smiling a lot and looking her in the eye at appropriate moments communicate that you’re confident and interested. This is a good first step in beginning to flirt with her. Be careful not to stare, because excessive eye contact often seems creepy. Acknowledge her in the hallway by giving a casual wave, smiling, and making brief eye contact. Be careful not to smile excessively—you want things to feel natural, not forced. 1-4. Mirror her body language. Since she likes you, she might lean in closer when talking to you or turn her hips, torso, and feet to face your direction. Mirror movements like these to show her that you like her too. 1-5. Be chivalrous, but don’t overdo it. Holding a door open for someone is always a nice gesture, but doing it every time seems a little over-the-top, even to someone who likes you. Avoid big gestures like giving her flowers because this might be off-putting and overwhelming. It isn’t an appropriate time in your barely budding relationship to give a gift like this. Wait until you’ve been dating someone for a while. 1-6. Communicate with less pressure via social media. If you’re shy, liking one of her statuses on Facebook, leaving her a sweet comment on an Instagram photo, or even just friending or following her on social media are easier ways to show that you like her and are paying attention to her. 1-7. Text her frequently, but not too eagerly. Especially since you like her back, it might be tough to not text her several times in a row, write long passages, or confront her about not responding.This usually comes off as clingy, so as a good rule of thumb, stay relaxed and text her as much as she texts you. 1-8. Be bold and give her a call. In today’s world, texting has become the norm and calling a love interest is seen by many women as an act of courage. If your conversations in person and via text are long, comfortable, and natural, calling is the next step to take. If you want to ask her out, be bold and phrase it as a statement, not a question. For example, instead of asking, "Do you want to get coffee sometime?" you could say "We should get coffee sometime." 2. Communicating Disinterest 2-1. Ignore her advances if you aren’t interested. The best way to show that you don’t like her as more than a friend is by acting like it isn’t happening. If you just act normal while she’s making her feelings obvious, she will probably eventually realize why. 2-2. Drop hints before you tell her you don’t like her. Exhaust all other options before you tell a girl directly that you aren’t interested in her. Since she has feelings for you, she will most likely be hurt and embarrassed if you reject her so harshly. Keep your conversations with her relatively brief and don’t deviate too much from small talk. If this doesn’t do the trick, try hinting in one or more of the following ways to insinuate that you aren’t interested in a more subtle way: Be unreceptive when she tries to make plans to meet up in the future. Tell her that you’re in a relationship with someone else. Tell her you’re really busy and don’t have time for a relationship right now. 2-3. Counter her body language. She will probably make small movements and position her body in a way that is welcoming. To show that you don’t feel the way she does, counter her movements. If she sits a little too close to you, scoot away from her a little bit. Also consider crossing your arms sometimes when she approaches you. This is a natural sign of resistance. 2-4. Be honest, kind and clear if she’s not getting the hint. If you’ve tried to be clear in other ways and she’s still being forward, it’s probably time to be direct. Remember to speak to her the way you’d like to be spoken to if you were in her position. Try using “I” statements to keep the conversation more about you. Listing reasons why you don’t like her is rude and will damage her confidence, so don’t do that. Instead, try saying one of these statements: “I’m really sorry, but I don’t see you that way.” “I think you’re great, but I’m looking for something else right now.” “I’ve enjoyed talking with you, but I’m not really feeling a romantic connection between us.” 2-5. Text her in a kind but minimal manner. Since you don’t like her as more than a friend, keep your texts friendly, but short and relatively infrequent. Texting her too much can give her the wrong idea, which could get her hopes up and make her feel more disappointed later on. Tips If you like the girl, do your best to project confidence when you're around her. Make eye contact, stand up straight, and speak up when you talk. Most girls are attracted to confidence.[13] X Expert Source Eddy BallerDating Coach Expert Interview. 7 February 2020. Try your best to not lead a girl on if you don’t want to pursue a relationship with her. Don't try to show that you like her (or dislike her) by being mean to her. Girls often don’t like when guys are rude or purposely annoying. Warnings If you like her, don’t wait too long to act on it. If you don’t show that you like her soon enough, she might move on to someone else.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Expressing Interest Back\\n1-1. Strike up a conversation if you want to get to know her better.\\nIf you and the girl who likes you aren’t close but it’s clear that she likes you, start small and bring up a common interest. This will break the ice, make things less awkward, and establish a bond that you can progress from.\\nIf you’re on the soccer team and she’s on the volleyball team at school, consider starting a conversation about sports.\\nStart a conversation about a class you have together by saying something like, “I’m so glad that last chapter is over with. What did you think about last night’s reading?”\\n1-2. Compliment her\\nA unique, tasteful compliment can go a long way. Whether you’re referencing a physical characteristic or personality trait, giving a girl a compliment is a great way to express your affection, especially if you remain composed and relaxed when you do this. Complimenting her here and there is better because too often might make her annoyed or uneasy. (Why? Because she might think you're buttering her up.)\\nIf she tells you that she did well on a test that she got back today, you might say, “That’s great! It doesn’t surprise me at all; you’re very smart and hard-working.”\\nIf she has particularly attractive blue eyes, you might say, “I really like your eyes. They’re a very pretty blue.”\\n1-3. Smile\\nSmiling a lot and looking her in the eye at appropriate moments communicate that you’re confident and interested. This is a good first step in beginning to flirt with her. Be careful not to stare, because excessive eye contact often seems creepy.\\nAcknowledge her in the hallway by giving a casual wave, smiling, and making brief eye contact.\\nBe careful not to smile excessively—you want things to feel natural, not forced.\\n1-4. Mirror her body language.\\nSince she likes you, she might lean in closer when talking to you or turn her hips, torso, and feet to face your direction. Mirror movements like these to show her that you like her too.\\n1-5. Be chivalrous, but don’t overdo it.\\nHolding a door open for someone is always a nice gesture, but doing it every time seems a little over-the-top, even to someone who likes you. Avoid big gestures like giving her flowers because this might be off-putting and overwhelming. It isn’t an appropriate time in your barely budding relationship to give a gift like this. Wait until you’ve been dating someone for a while.\\n1-6. Communicate with less pressure via social media.\\nIf you’re shy, liking one of her statuses on Facebook, leaving her a sweet comment on an Instagram photo, or even just friending or following her on social media are easier ways to show that you like her and are paying attention to her.\\n1-7. Text her frequently, but not too eagerly.\\nEspecially since you like her back, it might be tough to not text her several times in a row, write long passages, or confront her about not responding.This usually comes off as clingy, so as a good rule of thumb, stay relaxed and text her as much as she texts you.\\n1-8. Be bold and give her a call.\\nIn today’s world, texting has become the norm and calling a love interest is seen by many women as an act of courage. If your conversations in person and via text are long, comfortable, and natural, calling is the next step to take.\\nIf you want to ask her out, be bold and phrase it as a statement, not a question. For example, instead of asking, \\\"Do you want to get coffee sometime?\\\" you could say \\\"We should get coffee sometime.\\\"\\n2. Communicating Disinterest\\n2-1. Ignore her advances if you aren’t interested.\\nThe best way to show that you don’t like her as more than a friend is by acting like it isn’t happening. If you just act normal while she’s making her feelings obvious, she will probably eventually realize why.\\n2-2. Drop hints before you tell her you don’t like her.\\nExhaust all other options before you tell a girl directly that you aren’t interested in her. Since she has feelings for you, she will most likely be hurt and embarrassed if you reject her so harshly. Keep your conversations with her relatively brief and don’t deviate too much from small talk. If this doesn’t do the trick, try hinting in one or more of the following ways to insinuate that you aren’t interested in a more subtle way:\\nBe unreceptive when she tries to make plans to meet up in the future.\\nTell her that you’re in a relationship with someone else.\\nTell her you’re really busy and don’t have time for a relationship right now.\\n2-3. Counter her body language.\\nShe will probably make small movements and position her body in a way that is welcoming. To show that you don’t feel the way she does, counter her movements. If she sits a little too close to you, scoot away from her a little bit. Also consider crossing your arms sometimes when she approaches you. This is a natural sign of resistance.\\n2-4. Be honest, kind and clear if she’s not getting the hint.\\nIf you’ve tried to be clear in other ways and she’s still being forward, it’s probably time to be direct. Remember to speak to her the way you’d like to be spoken to if you were in her position. Try using “I” statements to keep the conversation more about you. Listing reasons why you don’t like her is rude and will damage her confidence, so don’t do that. Instead, try saying one of these statements:\\n“I’m really sorry, but I don’t see you that way.”\\n“I think you’re great, but I’m looking for something else right now.”\\n“I’ve enjoyed talking with you, but I’m not really feeling a romantic connection between us.”\\n2-5. Text her in a kind but minimal manner.\\nSince you don’t like her as more than a friend, keep your texts friendly, but short and relatively infrequent. Texting her too much can give her the wrong idea, which could get her hopes up and make her feel more disappointed later on.\\nTips\\nIf you like the girl, do your best to project confidence when you're around her. Make eye contact, stand up straight, and speak up when you talk. Most girls are attracted to confidence.[13]\\nX\\nExpert Source\\n\\nEddy BallerDating Coach\\nExpert Interview. 7 February 2020.\\nTry your best to not lead a girl on if you don’t want to pursue a relationship with her.\\nDon't try to show that you like her (or dislike her) by being mean to her. Girls often don’t like when guys are rude or purposely annoying.\\nWarnings\\nIf you like her, don’t wait too long to act on it. If you don’t show that you like her soon enough, she might move on to someone else.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"It's hard to know what to do when it becomes clear that a girl is interested in you. Should you play it cool? Should you avoid her? Things may seem a little complicated when feelings are involved, but you can communicate with a girl who likes you in person, through gestures, and digitally to show her whether or not you like her too.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Expressing Interest Back\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Strike up a conversation if you want to get to know her better.\", \"描述\": \"If you and the girl who likes you aren’t close but it’s clear that she likes you, start small and bring up a common interest. This will break the ice, make things less awkward, and establish a bond that you can progress from.\\nIf you’re on the soccer team and she’s on the volleyball team at school, consider starting a conversation about sports.\\nStart a conversation about a class you have together by saying something like, “I’m so glad that last chapter is over with. What did you think about last night’s reading?”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Compliment her\", \"描述\": \"A unique, tasteful compliment can go a long way. Whether you’re referencing a physical characteristic or personality trait, giving a girl a compliment is a great way to express your affection, especially if you remain composed and relaxed when you do this. Complimenting her here and there is better because too often might make her annoyed or uneasy. (Why? Because she might think you're buttering her up.)\\nIf she tells you that she did well on a test that she got back today, you might say, “That’s great! It doesn’t surprise me at all; you’re very smart and hard-working.”\\nIf she has particularly attractive blue eyes, you might say, “I really like your eyes. They’re a very pretty blue.”\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Smile\", \"描述\": \"Smiling a lot and looking her in the eye at appropriate moments communicate that you’re confident and interested. This is a good first step in beginning to flirt with her. Be careful not to stare, because excessive eye contact often seems creepy.\\nAcknowledge her in the hallway by giving a casual wave, smiling, and making brief eye contact.\\nBe careful not to smile excessively—you want things to feel natural, not forced.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Mirror her body language.\", \"描述\": \"Since she likes you, she might lean in closer when talking to you or turn her hips, torso, and feet to face your direction. Mirror movements like these to show her that you like her too.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be chivalrous, but don’t overdo it.\", \"描述\": \"Holding a door open for someone is always a nice gesture, but doing it every time seems a little over-the-top, even to someone who likes you. Avoid big gestures like giving her flowers because this might be off-putting and overwhelming. It isn’t an appropriate time in your barely budding relationship to give a gift like this. Wait until you’ve been dating someone for a while.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Communicate with less pressure via social media.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re shy, liking one of her statuses on Facebook, leaving her a sweet comment on an Instagram photo, or even just friending or following her on social media are easier ways to show that you like her and are paying attention to her.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Text her frequently, but not too eagerly.\", \"描述\": \"Especially since you like her back, it might be tough to not text her several times in a row, write long passages, or confront her about not responding.This usually comes off as clingy, so as a good rule of thumb, stay relaxed and text her as much as she texts you.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Be bold and give her a call.\", \"描述\": \"In today’s world, texting has become the norm and calling a love interest is seen by many women as an act of courage. If your conversations in person and via text are long, comfortable, and natural, calling is the next step to take.\\nIf you want to ask her out, be bold and phrase it as a statement, not a question. For example, instead of asking, \\\"Do you want to get coffee sometime?\\\" you could say \\\"We should get coffee sometime.\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Communicating Disinterest\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ignore her advances if you aren’t interested.\", \"描述\": \"The best way to show that you don’t like her as more than a friend is by acting like it isn’t happening. If you just act normal while she’s making her feelings obvious, she will probably eventually realize why.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Drop hints before you tell her you don’t like her.\", \"描述\": \"Exhaust all other options before you tell a girl directly that you aren’t interested in her. Since she has feelings for you, she will most likely be hurt and embarrassed if you reject her so harshly. Keep your conversations with her relatively brief and don’t deviate too much from small talk. If this doesn’t do the trick, try hinting in one or more of the following ways to insinuate that you aren’t interested in a more subtle way:\\nBe unreceptive when she tries to make plans to meet up in the future.\\nTell her that you’re in a relationship with someone else.\\nTell her you’re really busy and don’t have time for a relationship right now.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Counter her body language.\", \"描述\": \"She will probably make small movements and position her body in a way that is welcoming. To show that you don’t feel the way she does, counter her movements. If she sits a little too close to you, scoot away from her a little bit. Also consider crossing your arms sometimes when she approaches you. This is a natural sign of resistance.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be honest, kind and clear if she’s not getting the hint.\", \"描述\": \"If you’ve tried to be clear in other ways and she’s still being forward, it’s probably time to be direct. Remember to speak to her the way you’d like to be spoken to if you were in her position. Try using “I” statements to keep the conversation more about you. Listing reasons why you don’t like her is rude and will damage her confidence, so don’t do that. Instead, try saying one of these statements:\\n“I’m really sorry, but I don’t see you that way.”\\n“I think you’re great, but I’m looking for something else right now.”\\n“I’ve enjoyed talking with you, but I’m not really feeling a romantic connection between us.”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Text her in a kind but minimal manner.\", \"描述\": \"Since you don’t like her as more than a friend, keep your texts friendly, but short and relatively infrequent. Texting her too much can give her the wrong idea, which could get her hopes up and make her feel more disappointed later on.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If you like the girl, do your best to project confidence when you're around her. Make eye contact, stand up straight, and speak up when you talk. Most girls are attracted to confidence.[13]\\nX\\nExpert Source\\n\\nEddy BallerDating Coach\\nExpert Interview. 7 February 2020.\\n\", \"Try your best to not lead a girl on if you don’t want to pursue a relationship with her.\\n\", \"Don't try to show that you like her (or dislike her) by being mean to her. Girls often don’t like when guys are rude or purposely annoying.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"If you like her, don’t wait too long to act on it. If you don’t show that you like her soon enough, she might move on to someone else.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around a Girl Who Knows You Fancy Her
1. Interacting with Her 1-1. Smile Playing it cool doesn’t mean keeping a cool distance. On the contrary, whenever you see her, you should look her in the eye and give her a big smile. After all, you like her and she knows it, so why not show her that you’re happy to see her by flashing a big smile whenever you see her. Try not to be creepy by smiling for too long or staring at her. 1-2. Ask her about her day. A little bit of small talk is a great way to get used to talking to her so you’re not so nervous around her. It also shows that you’re interested in hearing her talk about her problems as well, which is an important part of a relationship. Ask her simple things like, “Hey, how’s it going?” or “How are you doing today?” If she seems upset, you could ask her something like, “Everything okay?” Don’t be too pushy, though. If she doesn’t respond or she replies with a short, one-word answer like, “fine,” then back off. 1-3. Try making a few jokes with her. Show her that you’re comfortable being around her by breaking the tension with some humor. If you’re in a meeting or a class together, make a joke about something funny that happens or quote a funny line from a movie that you enjoy. Try making silly jokes. Ask her, “What’s brown and sticky?” When she says, “What?” say, “A stick!” Don’t tease her too much or make a joke at her expense or it could push her away. Try not to patronize her by using jokes or quoting movies that you know that she likes. Be genuine and show her your sense of humor. 1-4. Talk to her about the things that she’s into. Ask her about her interests and hobbies. Talk to her about her favorite music, what movies she likes, or what food she loves to eat. You may share common interests that can bring you closer together. Be excited when you have something in common. If she says that her favorite band is The Black Keys, and they’re your favorite band, too, then get excited and say, “I love them, too!” Even if you don’t have anything in common, the only way to find that out is to talk to her. Make an effort to express interest in her passions, even if they’re unfamiliar to you. Be honest about your interests so she can learn more about you as well. 1-5. Spend time with her in a different context so you can get to know her. If you know her from school, work, or a business that you frequent, try to hang out with her in a different setting. Changing the scenery can open up different topics of conversation and allow you to talk more openly with her. For example, if you know her because she works at a place that you visit often, she may have to behave a certain way because you are a customer. 1-6. Be yourself Don’t change your behavior because you think it will impress her. It will only stress you out and it will give her the wrong idea of who you are as a person. She may also be able to see right through it and will see you as fake. For example, if she mentions that she likes a certain band and you haven’t heard of them but you tell her that they’re your favorite too, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If she asks you what your favorite song is or what you like about them, the ruse will fall apart. 2. Keeping it Cool Around Her 2-1. Stay calm Of course, you’re going to feel a little nervous whenever you’re around a girl who knows you fancy her, but you need to try your best to stay relaxed and calm. She will notice that you’re confident and cool if you aren’t a nervous wreck. Take some deep breaths before you talk to her. Prepare yourself before you go somewhere that you know she will be by psyching yourself up. Try listening to music that you like to boost your confidence. 2-2. Act like you don’t care that she knows you like her. Being indifferent to the fact that you know that she knows that you like her can make her attracted to you. It shows that you’re confident and cool and you aren’t worried about things. Acting fearful or nervous around her will make her think that you’re insecure, which is a really unattractive trait. Don’t be dismissive or callous to her, you don’t want to come off as rude and uncaring. Greet her with confidence when you see her. Don’t try to hide or avoid her. If she doesn’t have the same feelings for you, don’t get angry or be cruel to her. 2-3. Dress well and practice good hygiene. To boost your own confidence and to get her attention, you should dress to impress her. Wear clothes that fit you well and complement your features like your eyes or arms. Brush your hair and teeth and clean under your fingernails so she sees that you take care of yourself. Put on some cologne and deodorant. Be yourself. Don’t try to dress in a way that you think she will look. She will be able to tell that you’re being fake. 2-4. Realize that she is a normal person. Don’t fall into the trap of placing her on a pedestal or idolizing her. You may really, really like her, but she is a regular person like you. Keep that in mind when you’re around her, it will make you feel more comfortable. 3. Getting Closer to Her 3-1. Be her friend If you’d like to possibly have a relationship with her, you need to get closer to her by being her friend first. Try eating lunch with her and other people so you spend time with her in a group setting. Offer to help her out with a project or just be a listening ear if she needs one. Become friends with her friends, too. If you want to have a relationship with her, you will need to have a good relationship with everyone in her life. 3-2. Flirt with her to see if she flirts back with you. As you get closer to her, try a little playful flirting to see if she’s at all interested in you. Try complimenting her appearance or even teasing her a little bit to engage with her. If you’re going to have a romantic relationship with her, it’s important to have romantic chemistry. Compliment her when she does something different with her appearance. If she gets a new haircut, say, “Your hair looks great!” If she giggles and flirts back or initiates her own flirting, it could be the start of a romantic relationship. If she becomes despondent or upset when you try to flirt with her, it may be a sign that it just isn’t meant to be. But you can only find out if you try! 3-3. Ask her for her phone number If you’ve gotten closer to her, you can ask her for her phone number so you can communicate with her there. Texting is a great way of talking to her casually. You can ask her about her day, or make plans to meet up without the pressure of an in-person conversation. Text her something like, “Hey, I’m super bored, what are you up to?” She may respond saying that she wants to meet up or she may start a text conversation with you. Don’t blow up her phone with a bunch of texts and don’t get angry if she takes a long time to respond to your texts or doesn’t respond at all. 3-4. Send her a friend or follow request on social media. You can learn a lot about her life, interests, and hobbies from her social media accounts. Add her as a friend on Facebook so you’re connected there and can send messages and comments. If she has an Instagram account, go and follow her profile so you can like her posts. Connecting on social media also gives her a chance to learn more about you and your life. Like and comment on her posts, but don’t overdo it. If you go and like every post from the past 6 weeks, it could make you look creepy. 3-5. Share memes with her to share humor and interests. Memes are a great way to make her laugh and show her that you understand her sense of humor as well. You can text memes to her or tag or share them via social media so she sees them there. Try making your own memes that include inside jokes between you and her. 3-6. Don’t be clingy or overbearing. Whatever you do, don’t be too pushy and constantly laud her with praise and questions. Give her her space and if she likes you back, she will let you know. The last thing you want to do is drive her away by creeping her out or even scaring her by being too clingy. If she tells you that she needs space, say something like, “No problem, I understand. It wasn’t my intention.” Never follow her around or approach her against her will. It’s rude, inappropriate, creepy, and grounds for a restraining order.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Interacting with Her\\n1-1. Smile\\nPlaying it cool doesn’t mean keeping a cool distance. On the contrary, whenever you see her, you should look her in the eye and give her a big smile. After all, you like her and she knows it, so why not show her that you’re happy to see her by flashing a big smile whenever you see her.\\nTry not to be creepy by smiling for too long or staring at her.\\n1-2. Ask her about her day.\\nA little bit of small talk is a great way to get used to talking to her so you’re not so nervous around her. It also shows that you’re interested in hearing her talk about her problems as well, which is an important part of a relationship.\\nAsk her simple things like, “Hey, how’s it going?” or “How are you doing today?”\\nIf she seems upset, you could ask her something like, “Everything okay?”\\nDon’t be too pushy, though. If she doesn’t respond or she replies with a short, one-word answer like, “fine,” then back off.\\n1-3. Try making a few jokes with her.\\nShow her that you’re comfortable being around her by breaking the tension with some humor. If you’re in a meeting or a class together, make a joke about something funny that happens or quote a funny line from a movie that you enjoy.\\nTry making silly jokes. Ask her, “What’s brown and sticky?” When she says, “What?” say, “A stick!”\\nDon’t tease her too much or make a joke at her expense or it could push her away.\\nTry not to patronize her by using jokes or quoting movies that you know that she likes. Be genuine and show her your sense of humor.\\n1-4. Talk to her about the things that she’s into.\\nAsk her about her interests and hobbies. Talk to her about her favorite music, what movies she likes, or what food she loves to eat. You may share common interests that can bring you closer together.\\nBe excited when you have something in common. If she says that her favorite band is The Black Keys, and they’re your favorite band, too, then get excited and say, “I love them, too!”\\nEven if you don’t have anything in common, the only way to find that out is to talk to her.\\nMake an effort to express interest in her passions, even if they’re unfamiliar to you.\\nBe honest about your interests so she can learn more about you as well.\\n1-5. Spend time with her in a different context so you can get to know her.\\nIf you know her from school, work, or a business that you frequent, try to hang out with her in a different setting. Changing the scenery can open up different topics of conversation and allow you to talk more openly with her.\\nFor example, if you know her because she works at a place that you visit often, she may have to behave a certain way because you are a customer.\\n1-6. Be yourself\\nDon’t change your behavior because you think it will impress her. It will only stress you out and it will give her the wrong idea of who you are as a person. She may also be able to see right through it and will see you as fake.\\nFor example, if she mentions that she likes a certain band and you haven’t heard of them but you tell her that they’re your favorite too, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If she asks you what your favorite song is or what you like about them, the ruse will fall apart.\\n2. Keeping it Cool Around Her\\n2-1. Stay calm\\nOf course, you’re going to feel a little nervous whenever you’re around a girl who knows you fancy her, but you need to try your best to stay relaxed and calm. She will notice that you’re confident and cool if you aren’t a nervous wreck.\\nTake some deep breaths before you talk to her.\\nPrepare yourself before you go somewhere that you know she will be by psyching yourself up.\\nTry listening to music that you like to boost your confidence.\\n2-2. Act like you don’t care that she knows you like her.\\nBeing indifferent to the fact that you know that she knows that you like her can make her attracted to you. It shows that you’re confident and cool and you aren’t worried about things. Acting fearful or nervous around her will make her think that you’re insecure, which is a really unattractive trait.\\nDon’t be dismissive or callous to her, you don’t want to come off as rude and uncaring.\\nGreet her with confidence when you see her. Don’t try to hide or avoid her.\\nIf she doesn’t have the same feelings for you, don’t get angry or be cruel to her.\\n2-3. Dress well and practice good hygiene.\\nTo boost your own confidence and to get her attention, you should dress to impress her. Wear clothes that fit you well and complement your features like your eyes or arms. Brush your hair and teeth and clean under your fingernails so she sees that you take care of yourself.\\nPut on some cologne and deodorant.\\nBe yourself. Don’t try to dress in a way that you think she will look. She will be able to tell that you’re being fake.\\n2-4. Realize that she is a normal person.\\nDon’t fall into the trap of placing her on a pedestal or idolizing her. You may really, really like her, but she is a regular person like you. Keep that in mind when you’re around her, it will make you feel more comfortable.\\n3. Getting Closer to Her\\n3-1. Be her friend\\nIf you’d like to possibly have a relationship with her, you need to get closer to her by being her friend first. Try eating lunch with her and other people so you spend time with her in a group setting. Offer to help her out with a project or just be a listening ear if she needs one.\\nBecome friends with her friends, too. If you want to have a relationship with her, you will need to have a good relationship with everyone in her life.\\n3-2. Flirt with her to see if she flirts back with you.\\nAs you get closer to her, try a little playful flirting to see if she’s at all interested in you. Try complimenting her appearance or even teasing her a little bit to engage with her. If you’re going to have a romantic relationship with her, it’s important to have romantic chemistry.\\nCompliment her when she does something different with her appearance. If she gets a new haircut, say, “Your hair looks great!”\\nIf she giggles and flirts back or initiates her own flirting, it could be the start of a romantic relationship.\\nIf she becomes despondent or upset when you try to flirt with her, it may be a sign that it just isn’t meant to be. But you can only find out if you try!\\n3-3. Ask her for her phone number\\nIf you’ve gotten closer to her, you can ask her for her phone number so you can communicate with her there. Texting is a great way of talking to her casually. You can ask her about her day, or make plans to meet up without the pressure of an in-person conversation.\\nText her something like, “Hey, I’m super bored, what are you up to?” She may respond saying that she wants to meet up or she may start a text conversation with you.\\nDon’t blow up her phone with a bunch of texts and don’t get angry if she takes a long time to respond to your texts or doesn’t respond at all.\\n3-4. Send her a friend or follow request on social media.\\nYou can learn a lot about her life, interests, and hobbies from her social media accounts. Add her as a friend on Facebook so you’re connected there and can send messages and comments. If she has an Instagram account, go and follow her profile so you can like her posts.\\nConnecting on social media also gives her a chance to learn more about you and your life.\\nLike and comment on her posts, but don’t overdo it. If you go and like every post from the past 6 weeks, it could make you look creepy.\\n3-5. Share memes with her to share humor and interests.\\nMemes are a great way to make her laugh and show her that you understand her sense of humor as well. You can text memes to her or tag or share them via social media so she sees them there.\\nTry making your own memes that include inside jokes between you and her.\\n3-6. Don’t be clingy or overbearing.\\nWhatever you do, don’t be too pushy and constantly laud her with praise and questions. Give her her space and if she likes you back, she will let you know. The last thing you want to do is drive her away by creeping her out or even scaring her by being too clingy.\\nIf she tells you that she needs space, say something like, “No problem, I understand. It wasn’t my intention.”\\nNever follow her around or approach her against her will. It’s rude, inappropriate, creepy, and grounds for a restraining order.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"It may seem like it’s the worst thing in the world to have the girl that you like find out that you like her, but it really isn’t. Think about it. She already knows, so you don’t have to work to show her that you like her. All you have to do is play it cool, show her that you’re confident, get to know her, and who knows, it could be the start of a meaningful relationship. The ball is in her court!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Interacting with Her\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Smile\", \"描述\": \"Playing it cool doesn’t mean keeping a cool distance. On the contrary, whenever you see her, you should look her in the eye and give her a big smile. After all, you like her and she knows it, so why not show her that you’re happy to see her by flashing a big smile whenever you see her.\\nTry not to be creepy by smiling for too long or staring at her.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Ask her about her day.\", \"描述\": \"A little bit of small talk is a great way to get used to talking to her so you’re not so nervous around her. It also shows that you’re interested in hearing her talk about her problems as well, which is an important part of a relationship.\\nAsk her simple things like, “Hey, how’s it going?” or “How are you doing today?”\\nIf she seems upset, you could ask her something like, “Everything okay?”\\nDon’t be too pushy, though. If she doesn’t respond or she replies with a short, one-word answer like, “fine,” then back off.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Try making a few jokes with her.\", \"描述\": \"Show her that you’re comfortable being around her by breaking the tension with some humor. If you’re in a meeting or a class together, make a joke about something funny that happens or quote a funny line from a movie that you enjoy.\\nTry making silly jokes. Ask her, “What’s brown and sticky?” When she says, “What?” say, “A stick!”\\nDon’t tease her too much or make a joke at her expense or it could push her away.\\nTry not to patronize her by using jokes or quoting movies that you know that she likes. Be genuine and show her your sense of humor.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Talk to her about the things that she’s into.\", \"描述\": \"Ask her about her interests and hobbies. Talk to her about her favorite music, what movies she likes, or what food she loves to eat. You may share common interests that can bring you closer together.\\nBe excited when you have something in common. If she says that her favorite band is The Black Keys, and they’re your favorite band, too, then get excited and say, “I love them, too!”\\nEven if you don’t have anything in common, the only way to find that out is to talk to her.\\nMake an effort to express interest in her passions, even if they’re unfamiliar to you.\\nBe honest about your interests so she can learn more about you as well.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Spend time with her in a different context so you can get to know her.\", \"描述\": \"If you know her from school, work, or a business that you frequent, try to hang out with her in a different setting. Changing the scenery can open up different topics of conversation and allow you to talk more openly with her.\\nFor example, if you know her because she works at a place that you visit often, she may have to behave a certain way because you are a customer.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be yourself\", \"描述\": \"Don’t change your behavior because you think it will impress her. It will only stress you out and it will give her the wrong idea of who you are as a person. She may also be able to see right through it and will see you as fake.\\nFor example, if she mentions that she likes a certain band and you haven’t heard of them but you tell her that they’re your favorite too, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If she asks you what your favorite song is or what you like about them, the ruse will fall apart.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Keeping it Cool Around Her\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Stay calm\", \"描述\": \"Of course, you’re going to feel a little nervous whenever you’re around a girl who knows you fancy her, but you need to try your best to stay relaxed and calm. She will notice that you’re confident and cool if you aren’t a nervous wreck.\\nTake some deep breaths before you talk to her.\\nPrepare yourself before you go somewhere that you know she will be by psyching yourself up.\\nTry listening to music that you like to boost your confidence.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Act like you don’t care that she knows you like her.\", \"描述\": \"Being indifferent to the fact that you know that she knows that you like her can make her attracted to you. It shows that you’re confident and cool and you aren’t worried about things. Acting fearful or nervous around her will make her think that you’re insecure, which is a really unattractive trait.\\nDon’t be dismissive or callous to her, you don’t want to come off as rude and uncaring.\\nGreet her with confidence when you see her. Don’t try to hide or avoid her.\\nIf she doesn’t have the same feelings for you, don’t get angry or be cruel to her.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dress well and practice good hygiene.\", \"描述\": \"To boost your own confidence and to get her attention, you should dress to impress her. Wear clothes that fit you well and complement your features like your eyes or arms. Brush your hair and teeth and clean under your fingernails so she sees that you take care of yourself.\\nPut on some cologne and deodorant.\\nBe yourself. Don’t try to dress in a way that you think she will look. She will be able to tell that you’re being fake.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Realize that she is a normal person.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t fall into the trap of placing her on a pedestal or idolizing her. You may really, really like her, but she is a regular person like you. Keep that in mind when you’re around her, it will make you feel more comfortable.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Getting Closer to Her\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be her friend\", \"描述\": \"If you’d like to possibly have a relationship with her, you need to get closer to her by being her friend first. Try eating lunch with her and other people so you spend time with her in a group setting. Offer to help her out with a project or just be a listening ear if she needs one.\\nBecome friends with her friends, too. If you want to have a relationship with her, you will need to have a good relationship with everyone in her life.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Flirt with her to see if she flirts back with you.\", \"描述\": \"As you get closer to her, try a little playful flirting to see if she’s at all interested in you. Try complimenting her appearance or even teasing her a little bit to engage with her. If you’re going to have a romantic relationship with her, it’s important to have romantic chemistry.\\nCompliment her when she does something different with her appearance. If she gets a new haircut, say, “Your hair looks great!”\\nIf she giggles and flirts back or initiates her own flirting, it could be the start of a romantic relationship.\\nIf she becomes despondent or upset when you try to flirt with her, it may be a sign that it just isn’t meant to be. But you can only find out if you try!\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Ask her for her phone number\", \"描述\": \"If you’ve gotten closer to her, you can ask her for her phone number so you can communicate with her there. Texting is a great way of talking to her casually. You can ask her about her day, or make plans to meet up without the pressure of an in-person conversation.\\nText her something like, “Hey, I’m super bored, what are you up to?” She may respond saying that she wants to meet up or she may start a text conversation with you.\\nDon’t blow up her phone with a bunch of texts and don’t get angry if she takes a long time to respond to your texts or doesn’t respond at all.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Send her a friend or follow request on social media.\", \"描述\": \"You can learn a lot about her life, interests, and hobbies from her social media accounts. Add her as a friend on Facebook so you’re connected there and can send messages and comments. If she has an Instagram account, go and follow her profile so you can like her posts.\\nConnecting on social media also gives her a chance to learn more about you and your life.\\nLike and comment on her posts, but don’t overdo it. If you go and like every post from the past 6 weeks, it could make you look creepy.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Share memes with her to share humor and interests.\", \"描述\": \"Memes are a great way to make her laugh and show her that you understand her sense of humor as well. You can text memes to her or tag or share them via social media so she sees them there.\\nTry making your own memes that include inside jokes between you and her.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Don’t be clingy or overbearing.\", \"描述\": \"Whatever you do, don’t be too pushy and constantly laud her with praise and questions. Give her her space and if she likes you back, she will let you know. The last thing you want to do is drive her away by creeping her out or even scaring her by being too clingy.\\nIf she tells you that she needs space, say something like, “No problem, I understand. It wasn’t my intention.”\\nNever follow her around or approach her against her will. It’s rude, inappropriate, creepy, and grounds for a restraining order.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around a Guy You Like
1. Getting His Attention 1-1. Make eye contact. Keep it to casual glances, or he might get freaked out. When he catches your eye, smile sweetly and turn back to what you were doing. If you sit and stare at him all day, he'll think you're a little obsessive. When you do talk to him, though, be confident enough to look him right in the eye instead of staring at the ground, and he'll be impressed by how you handle yourself. 1-2. Ask him for change. Change for a dollar. Or ask what time it is, like if you might be late to a class or whatnot. Ask if he knows any of the people running for student office. Something simple, no big deal. If you're talking to him, it's okay to avert your gaze every once in a while. Staring into his eyes during the entire conversation may be a little intense. 1-3. Make his friends notice you. This does not mean you should ruthlessly flirt with his friends until they can't help but notice you. It does mean that you should act cool and fun around his friends, and try to get to know them a bit. Flirting a little bit with other guys is okay and will keep your crush on his toes, but if you go overboard, the guys may get the wrong impression of you. Instead, be kind and interested, ask his friends about their favorite sports teams or weekend plans, and just try to act cool without making it obvious that you really like their friend. If his friends notice you and like you, then they may talk about you in front of the guy, which will make him notice you more. If you become friends with his friends, they may even invite you out to parties, which will make it more likely for you to hang out with the guy. Resist the urge to send friends to ask if he likes you. He will think that you're trying to force a relationship. This will get right back to him and he will not think it's cool. Even asking the friends about how he's doing or what he's up to will basically reveal that you have a crush on the guy. (When the time comes to reveal your crush, you'll want to be brave and do it yourself.) 1-4. Let him see you having a great time. If the guy is in your orbit but not talking to you, don't spend your time looking sad or bored and waiting for him to come up to you. Instead, enjoy the people you're hanging out with, laugh, tell funny stories, be engaged instead of looking around you, and just be a person who other people want to hang out with. Make him want to come up to you and make conversation because other people enjoy your presence. If you look like you're in high demand and surrounded by people, he won't be scared off; instead, he'll just want to get to know you even more. Guys love girls who are fun to be around. Let him see you cracking up instead of listlessly searching for something fun to do on your phone. 1-5. Don't act like someone you're not. If you are talking to the guy, as corny as it sounds, the best thing you can do is be yourself. After all, you want him to like you, don't you, instead of some vision of what you think the perfect person should be? You don't have to let him know everything about you at once, but you should generally act the way you do around your friends, just a bit less familiar. You may be feeling shy, at first, but the more you talk to the guy, the more comfortable you'll be being yourself. You may think that guys like dumb girly girls who just giggle and toss their hair back, or girls that just fawn all over them, but that's not the case. Guys are much more attracted to independent women who can be themselves and are comfortable enough with who they are that they don't have to worry about not being their "type". 1-6. Avoid trash talking. You may think that gossiping or saying horrible things about the people you both know will make the guy think you're an interesting person to be around, but really, while he may be temporarily interested by any gossip you may hear, he'll think you're a person who is petty and who can't be trusted. No guy wants to be around a girl who is always talking trash, because that will make her look like she's in the center of the drama, and no guy wants to be within a ten-mile radius of drama, especially girl drama. Keep things positive instead. You want the guy to have a fun and pleasant experience whenever he talks to you, instead of feeling your negative energy. Plus, if you gossip to him, he's going to wonder if you'll eventually gossip about him. 1-7. Don't be jealous. This is the worst thing you can do as a girl if you want to catch a guy's eye. If you see him hanging out with other girls, don't ask him if he likes them or talk about how those girls are stupid or ugly or fat. This will just make you look ridiculously insecure and extremely jealous. If you seem like a jealous person before you even start dating the guy, then he'll already begin to imagine that you would be an incredibly jealous girlfriend. If a girl that you both know comes up, wow the guy by complimenting the girl instead. He'll see that you're so cool with yourself that you don't feel the need to compete with other women. 1-8. Ask him about his interests. Let's face it: guys love to talk about themselves. Who doesn't, really? If you want the guy to enjoy hanging out with you, then you have to make him see that you care about him without fawning all over him or awkwardly squeezing his biceps. Instead, ask him about his favorite sports teams, or about the sports he plays if he's on a school team. Talk about his favorite bands, his favorite TV shows, or even his favorite type of Mexican food. You can share stuff about yourself too, of course; don't make him feel like he's being interrogated, just like you want to get to know him. Some guys are shy and actually don't like talking about themselves so much. If you get this vibe, then switch the subject to something you can both generally talk about, like your plans for the weekend. 2. Keeping His Attention 2-1. Be nice to everybody. It is very simple, but very effective. Be nice to him and to other people too. He will see what a pleasant person you are. If you are harsh and mean to others, but nice to him, that won't really get you far either. Going back and forth between very nice and cold/arrogant will make you seem fake. Playing mind games gives you an air of being moody and high maintenance. If he's thinking about dating you, he'll see that it would be easy because you get along with everyone. No guy wants to date a girl who has a reputation of fighting with everyone or just being mean to people for no reason. 2-2. Flirt For some, flirting comes naturally. If so, flaunt it. If not, then just show him that you're interested in him by making eye contact, smirking, and making a little bit of conversation. You can turn your body towards him instead of away to send the message that you like him and even touch him lightly if your conversation is going well. You can also tease him a bit, if you're starting to get to know him and know he'll respond well. Another way to flirt is to be a bit playful. You don't have to act like you take yourself so seriously all the time. 2-3. Compliment him. Genuine, simple compliments are great. If you find something simple that you can compliment about him, go for it. Pick a pretty harmless aspect of his appearance or a quality about him that deserves to be complimented. You can say something like, "I like your new haircut" or "It's really cool how you can be so good at baseball and have time to do well in school." That's about as personal as it should get; there's no need to make him uncomfortable by saying something like, "You look so hot in that shirt." Save those compliments for when you're dating each other. Don't compliment him more than once per every conversation or two. If you keep piling on the compliments, he may feel overwhelmed or like you're fawning all over him. 2-4. Make physical contact. If he's teasing you, then give him a gentle shove or a playful tap on the knee. Just make sure the action is reciprocated. If you're the one who is always touching him, then either he's not that into it or he's shy about being touched. If you're sitting or standing next to him, try to be natural about having your knees touch or about brushing elbows. See how he responds to a simple touch. He might want more. 2-5. Say his name when you talk to him. People like to hear their names, so use his when you speak to him. You don't have to use it more than once or twice during your conversation; this will be enough to make him feel special. 2-6. Be a fun conversationalist. Tell him funny stories from what you did over the weekend. Talk about something ridiculous you heard on the news. Discuss your love for dancing or playing the piano. Keep the conversation moving back and forth, and don't be afraid to show your goofy side and make him laugh at your corny jokes. Just be a fun, dynamic person to talk to, and he'll want to come back for more. It's okay if the conversation stalls and you can't think of anything to say. Smile, and then bring up something, even if it's kind of random. Don't get uncomfortable with a little bit of silence; if you and the guy are comfortable with each other, then pretty soon, you'll be comfortable sharing silence too. 2-7. Keep your cool. Try to stay calm as much as you can, even if you feel butterflies in your stomach. You can still be upbeat and fun without getting nervous or talking too much or too loudly just because you're around the guy. If you find yourself getting too excited, take a deep breath and calm down. Look away from his face if you have to. You don't have to be completely chill if that's not really your personality, but try not to look too eager or excited around him or he may get a little overwhelmed. There's a difference between keeping your cool and acting like you don't care. He should still be able to tell that you favor him a little bit, without thinking you have a shrine devoted to him in your closet. 2-8. Intrigue him. Once you've got his attention, the thing you want to do is to keep him coming back for more. You want to catch his interest and make him see that you're a unique girl who he wants to get to know better. You can do this by being a bit mysterious and not putting all of your cards on the table right away; make him want to know more about you. When you talk to him, say you have to go while you're still having a great conversation instead of waiting until things start to die down before saying goodbye; this will make him want to see more of you so you can continue your great conversation. If the guy is intrigued by you, then he'll want to spend more time with you, maybe even one on one. Don't get too excited if he asks you out, but do let him know you're happy about it. Tips Make sure your breath always smells nice — maybe throw in a mint when he isn't looking or chew some minty gum. Act and dress in your comfort zone. Guys notice when you are uncomfortable. Be his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, your relationship won't work very well. Offer advice and be there for him. Warnings Don't overdo your makeup just to impress him. Once again, be yourself and wear what you're comfortable with. Don't follow the guy around too much! That will give him the impression that you're stalking him. Your goal is to get the guy to come to you. If you don't occasionally back away from him, he may back away from you. Remember, all guys are different. Some guys don't even like physical contact! Don't play "hard to get." This might send a wrong message and stop him from being interested. Give him space and live your own life, but don't send mixed signals. If he happens to have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, be careful. Try to become friends with the girl, so that you won't have her eyeballing you every time you talk to him. If this is a girlfriend and not an ex, tread lightly when flirting with him. Understand that, in some cases, you may not be your crush's "type." This doesn't mean that you're not attractive or that nobody else can see your charm! Nor does it mean you can't be just friends. It just may mean letting this crush go and moving on to the next one.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Getting His Attention\\n1-1. Make eye contact.\\nKeep it to casual glances, or he might get freaked out. When he catches your eye, smile sweetly and turn back to what you were doing. If you sit and stare at him all day, he'll think you're a little obsessive. When you do talk to him, though, be confident enough to look him right in the eye instead of staring at the ground, and he'll be impressed by how you handle yourself.\\n1-2. Ask him for change.\\nChange for a dollar. Or ask what time it is, like if you might be late to a class or whatnot. Ask if he knows any of the people running for student office. Something simple, no big deal.\\nIf you're talking to him, it's okay to avert your gaze every once in a while. Staring into his eyes during the entire conversation may be a little intense.\\n1-3. Make his friends notice you.\\nThis does not mean you should ruthlessly flirt with his friends until they can't help but notice you. It does mean that you should act cool and fun around his friends, and try to get to know them a bit. Flirting a little bit with other guys is okay and will keep your crush on his toes, but if you go overboard, the guys may get the wrong impression of you. Instead, be kind and interested, ask his friends about their favorite sports teams or weekend plans, and just try to act cool without making it obvious that you really like their friend.\\nIf his friends notice you and like you, then they may talk about you in front of the guy, which will make him notice you more.\\nIf you become friends with his friends, they may even invite you out to parties, which will make it more likely for you to hang out with the guy.\\nResist the urge to send friends to ask if he likes you. He will think that you're trying to force a relationship. This will get right back to him and he will not think it's cool. Even asking the friends about how he's doing or what he's up to will basically reveal that you have a crush on the guy. (When the time comes to reveal your crush, you'll want to be brave and do it yourself.)\\n1-4. Let him see you having a great time.\\nIf the guy is in your orbit but not talking to you, don't spend your time looking sad or bored and waiting for him to come up to you. Instead, enjoy the people you're hanging out with, laugh, tell funny stories, be engaged instead of looking around you, and just be a person who other people want to hang out with. Make him want to come up to you and make conversation because other people enjoy your presence.\\nIf you look like you're in high demand and surrounded by people, he won't be scared off; instead, he'll just want to get to know you even more.\\nGuys love girls who are fun to be around. Let him see you cracking up instead of listlessly searching for something fun to do on your phone.\\n1-5. Don't act like someone you're not.\\nIf you are talking to the guy, as corny as it sounds, the best thing you can do is be yourself. After all, you want him to like you, don't you, instead of some vision of what you think the perfect person should be? You don't have to let him know everything about you at once, but you should generally act the way you do around your friends, just a bit less familiar. You may be feeling shy, at first, but the more you talk to the guy, the more comfortable you'll be being yourself.\\nYou may think that guys like dumb girly girls who just giggle and toss their hair back, or girls that just fawn all over them, but that's not the case. Guys are much more attracted to independent women who can be themselves and are comfortable enough with who they are that they don't have to worry about not being their \\\"type\\\".\\n1-6. Avoid trash talking.\\nYou may think that gossiping or saying horrible things about the people you both know will make the guy think you're an interesting person to be around, but really, while he may be temporarily interested by any gossip you may hear, he'll think you're a person who is petty and who can't be trusted. No guy wants to be around a girl who is always talking trash, because that will make her look like she's in the center of the drama, and no guy wants to be within a ten-mile radius of drama, especially girl drama.\\n\\nKeep things positive instead. You want the guy to have a fun and pleasant experience whenever he talks to you, instead of feeling your negative energy.\\nPlus, if you gossip to him, he's going to wonder if you'll eventually gossip about him.\\n1-7. Don't be jealous.\\nThis is the worst thing you can do as a girl if you want to catch a guy's eye. If you see him hanging out with other girls, don't ask him if he likes them or talk about how those girls are stupid or ugly or fat. This will just make you look ridiculously insecure and extremely jealous. If you seem like a jealous person before you even start dating the guy, then he'll already begin to imagine that you would be an incredibly jealous girlfriend.\\nIf a girl that you both know comes up, wow the guy by complimenting the girl instead. He'll see that you're so cool with yourself that you don't feel the need to compete with other women.\\n1-8. Ask him about his interests.\\nLet's face it: guys love to talk about themselves. Who doesn't, really? If you want the guy to enjoy hanging out with you, then you have to make him see that you care about him without fawning all over him or awkwardly squeezing his biceps. Instead, ask him about his favorite sports teams, or about the sports he plays if he's on a school team. Talk about his favorite bands, his favorite TV shows, or even his favorite type of Mexican food. You can share stuff about yourself too, of course; don't make him feel like he's being interrogated, just like you want to get to know him.\\nSome guys are shy and actually don't like talking about themselves so much. If you get this vibe, then switch the subject to something you can both generally talk about, like your plans for the weekend.\\n2. Keeping His Attention\\n2-1. Be nice to everybody.\\nIt is very simple, but very effective. Be nice to him and to other people too. He will see what a pleasant person you are. If you are harsh and mean to others, but nice to him, that won't really get you far either. Going back and forth between very nice and cold/arrogant will make you seem fake. Playing mind games gives you an air of being moody and high maintenance.\\nIf he's thinking about dating you, he'll see that it would be easy because you get along with everyone. No guy wants to date a girl who has a reputation of fighting with everyone or just being mean to people for no reason.\\n2-2. Flirt\\nFor some, flirting comes naturally. If so, flaunt it. If not, then just show him that you're interested in him by making eye contact, smirking, and making a little bit of conversation. You can turn your body towards him instead of away to send the message that you like him and even touch him lightly if your conversation is going well. You can also tease him a bit, if you're starting to get to know him and know he'll respond well.\\nAnother way to flirt is to be a bit playful. You don't have to act like you take yourself so seriously all the time.\\n2-3. Compliment him.\\nGenuine, simple compliments are great. If you find something simple that you can compliment about him, go for it. Pick a pretty harmless aspect of his appearance or a quality about him that deserves to be complimented. You can say something like, \\\"I like your new haircut\\\" or \\\"It's really cool how you can be so good at baseball and have time to do well in school.\\\" That's about as personal as it should get; there's no need to make him uncomfortable by saying something like, \\\"You look so hot in that shirt.\\\" Save those compliments for when you're dating each other.\\nDon't compliment him more than once per every conversation or two. If you keep piling on the compliments, he may feel overwhelmed or like you're fawning all over him.\\n2-4. Make physical contact.\\nIf he's teasing you, then give him a gentle shove or a playful tap on the knee. Just make sure the action is reciprocated. If you're the one who is always touching him, then either he's not that into it or he's shy about being touched. If you're sitting or standing next to him, try to be natural about having your knees touch or about brushing elbows. See how he responds to a simple touch. He might want more.\\n2-5. Say his name when you talk to him.\\nPeople like to hear their names, so use his when you speak to him. You don't have to use it more than once or twice during your conversation; this will be enough to make him feel special.\\n2-6. Be a fun conversationalist.\\nTell him funny stories from what you did over the weekend. Talk about something ridiculous you heard on the news. Discuss your love for dancing or playing the piano. Keep the conversation moving back and forth, and don't be afraid to show your goofy side and make him laugh at your corny jokes. Just be a fun, dynamic person to talk to, and he'll want to come back for more.\\nIt's okay if the conversation stalls and you can't think of anything to say. Smile, and then bring up something, even if it's kind of random. Don't get uncomfortable with a little bit of silence; if you and the guy are comfortable with each other, then pretty soon, you'll be comfortable sharing silence too.\\n2-7. Keep your cool.\\nTry to stay calm as much as you can, even if you feel butterflies in your stomach. You can still be upbeat and fun without getting nervous or talking too much or too loudly just because you're around the guy. If you find yourself getting too excited, take a deep breath and calm down. Look away from his face if you have to. You don't have to be completely chill if that's not really your personality, but try not to look too eager or excited around him or he may get a little overwhelmed.\\nThere's a difference between keeping your cool and acting like you don't care. He should still be able to tell that you favor him a little bit, without thinking you have a shrine devoted to him in your closet.\\n2-8. Intrigue him.\\nOnce you've got his attention, the thing you want to do is to keep him coming back for more. You want to catch his interest and make him see that you're a unique girl who he wants to get to know better. You can do this by being a bit mysterious and not putting all of your cards on the table right away; make him want to know more about you. When you talk to him, say you have to go while you're still having a great conversation instead of waiting until things start to die down before saying goodbye; this will make him want to see more of you so you can continue your great conversation.\\nIf the guy is intrigued by you, then he'll want to spend more time with you, maybe even one on one. Don't get too excited if he asks you out, but do let him know you're happy about it.\\nTips\\nMake sure your breath always smells nice — maybe throw in a mint when he isn't looking or chew some minty gum.\\nAct and dress in your comfort zone. Guys notice when you are uncomfortable.\\nBe his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, your relationship won't work very well. Offer advice and be there for him.\\nWarnings\\nDon't overdo your makeup just to impress him. Once again, be yourself and wear what you're comfortable with.\\nDon't follow the guy around too much! That will give him the impression that you're stalking him. Your goal is to get the guy to come to you. If you don't occasionally back away from him, he may back away from you.\\nRemember, all guys are different. Some guys don't even like physical contact!\\nDon't play \\\"hard to get.\\\" This might send a wrong message and stop him from being interested. Give him space and live your own life, but don't send mixed signals.\\nIf he happens to have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, be careful. Try to become friends with the girl, so that you won't have her eyeballing you every time you talk to him. If this is a girlfriend and not an ex, tread lightly when flirting with him.\\nUnderstand that, in some cases, you may not be your crush's \\\"type.\\\" This doesn't mean that you're not attractive or that nobody else can see your charm! Nor does it mean you can't be just friends. It just may mean letting this crush go and moving on to the next one.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Not sure how to act when the guy you're crushing on is around? You might feel nervous or awkward when you're talking to him, or maybe you don't know how to get his attention when you're hanging out in a group. Whatever you're struggling with, the good news is that it's totally possible to show your crush how awesome and fun you are when you're around him without overthinking things or making it awkward. We've put together some tips to show you how!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Getting His Attention\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make eye contact.\", \"描述\": \"Keep it to casual glances, or he might get freaked out. When he catches your eye, smile sweetly and turn back to what you were doing. If you sit and stare at him all day, he'll think you're a little obsessive. When you do talk to him, though, be confident enough to look him right in the eye instead of staring at the ground, and he'll be impressed by how you handle yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Ask him for change.\", \"描述\": \"Change for a dollar. Or ask what time it is, like if you might be late to a class or whatnot. Ask if he knows any of the people running for student office. Something simple, no big deal.\\nIf you're talking to him, it's okay to avert your gaze every once in a while. Staring into his eyes during the entire conversation may be a little intense.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make his friends notice you.\", \"描述\": \"This does not mean you should ruthlessly flirt with his friends until they can't help but notice you. It does mean that you should act cool and fun around his friends, and try to get to know them a bit. Flirting a little bit with other guys is okay and will keep your crush on his toes, but if you go overboard, the guys may get the wrong impression of you. Instead, be kind and interested, ask his friends about their favorite sports teams or weekend plans, and just try to act cool without making it obvious that you really like their friend.\\nIf his friends notice you and like you, then they may talk about you in front of the guy, which will make him notice you more.\\nIf you become friends with his friends, they may even invite you out to parties, which will make it more likely for you to hang out with the guy.\\nResist the urge to send friends to ask if he likes you. He will think that you're trying to force a relationship. This will get right back to him and he will not think it's cool. Even asking the friends about how he's doing or what he's up to will basically reveal that you have a crush on the guy. (When the time comes to reveal your crush, you'll want to be brave and do it yourself.)\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Let him see you having a great time.\", \"描述\": \"If the guy is in your orbit but not talking to you, don't spend your time looking sad or bored and waiting for him to come up to you. Instead, enjoy the people you're hanging out with, laugh, tell funny stories, be engaged instead of looking around you, and just be a person who other people want to hang out with. Make him want to come up to you and make conversation because other people enjoy your presence.\\nIf you look like you're in high demand and surrounded by people, he won't be scared off; instead, he'll just want to get to know you even more.\\nGuys love girls who are fun to be around. Let him see you cracking up instead of listlessly searching for something fun to do on your phone.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don't act like someone you're not.\", \"描述\": \"If you are talking to the guy, as corny as it sounds, the best thing you can do is be yourself. After all, you want him to like you, don't you, instead of some vision of what you think the perfect person should be? You don't have to let him know everything about you at once, but you should generally act the way you do around your friends, just a bit less familiar. You may be feeling shy, at first, but the more you talk to the guy, the more comfortable you'll be being yourself.\\nYou may think that guys like dumb girly girls who just giggle and toss their hair back, or girls that just fawn all over them, but that's not the case. Guys are much more attracted to independent women who can be themselves and are comfortable enough with who they are that they don't have to worry about not being their \\\"type\\\".\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Avoid trash talking.\", \"描述\": \"You may think that gossiping or saying horrible things about the people you both know will make the guy think you're an interesting person to be around, but really, while he may be temporarily interested by any gossip you may hear, he'll think you're a person who is petty and who can't be trusted. No guy wants to be around a girl who is always talking trash, because that will make her look like she's in the center of the drama, and no guy wants to be within a ten-mile radius of drama, especially girl drama.\\n\\nKeep things positive instead. You want the guy to have a fun and pleasant experience whenever he talks to you, instead of feeling your negative energy.\\nPlus, if you gossip to him, he's going to wonder if you'll eventually gossip about him.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Don't be jealous.\", \"描述\": \"This is the worst thing you can do as a girl if you want to catch a guy's eye. If you see him hanging out with other girls, don't ask him if he likes them or talk about how those girls are stupid or ugly or fat. This will just make you look ridiculously insecure and extremely jealous. If you seem like a jealous person before you even start dating the guy, then he'll already begin to imagine that you would be an incredibly jealous girlfriend.\\nIf a girl that you both know comes up, wow the guy by complimenting the girl instead. He'll see that you're so cool with yourself that you don't feel the need to compete with other women.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Ask him about his interests.\", \"描述\": \"Let's face it: guys love to talk about themselves. Who doesn't, really? If you want the guy to enjoy hanging out with you, then you have to make him see that you care about him without fawning all over him or awkwardly squeezing his biceps. Instead, ask him about his favorite sports teams, or about the sports he plays if he's on a school team. Talk about his favorite bands, his favorite TV shows, or even his favorite type of Mexican food. You can share stuff about yourself too, of course; don't make him feel like he's being interrogated, just like you want to get to know him.\\nSome guys are shy and actually don't like talking about themselves so much. If you get this vibe, then switch the subject to something you can both generally talk about, like your plans for the weekend.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Keeping His Attention\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be nice to everybody.\", \"描述\": \"It is very simple, but very effective. Be nice to him and to other people too. He will see what a pleasant person you are. If you are harsh and mean to others, but nice to him, that won't really get you far either. Going back and forth between very nice and cold/arrogant will make you seem fake. Playing mind games gives you an air of being moody and high maintenance.\\nIf he's thinking about dating you, he'll see that it would be easy because you get along with everyone. No guy wants to date a girl who has a reputation of fighting with everyone or just being mean to people for no reason.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Flirt\", \"描述\": \"For some, flirting comes naturally. If so, flaunt it. If not, then just show him that you're interested in him by making eye contact, smirking, and making a little bit of conversation. You can turn your body towards him instead of away to send the message that you like him and even touch him lightly if your conversation is going well. You can also tease him a bit, if you're starting to get to know him and know he'll respond well.\\nAnother way to flirt is to be a bit playful. You don't have to act like you take yourself so seriously all the time.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Compliment him.\", \"描述\": \"Genuine, simple compliments are great. If you find something simple that you can compliment about him, go for it. Pick a pretty harmless aspect of his appearance or a quality about him that deserves to be complimented. You can say something like, \\\"I like your new haircut\\\" or \\\"It's really cool how you can be so good at baseball and have time to do well in school.\\\" That's about as personal as it should get; there's no need to make him uncomfortable by saying something like, \\\"You look so hot in that shirt.\\\" Save those compliments for when you're dating each other.\\nDon't compliment him more than once per every conversation or two. If you keep piling on the compliments, he may feel overwhelmed or like you're fawning all over him.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Make physical contact.\", \"描述\": \"If he's teasing you, then give him a gentle shove or a playful tap on the knee. Just make sure the action is reciprocated. If you're the one who is always touching him, then either he's not that into it or he's shy about being touched. If you're sitting or standing next to him, try to be natural about having your knees touch or about brushing elbows. See how he responds to a simple touch. He might want more.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Say his name when you talk to him.\", \"描述\": \"People like to hear their names, so use his when you speak to him. You don't have to use it more than once or twice during your conversation; this will be enough to make him feel special.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be a fun conversationalist.\", \"描述\": \"Tell him funny stories from what you did over the weekend. Talk about something ridiculous you heard on the news. Discuss your love for dancing or playing the piano. Keep the conversation moving back and forth, and don't be afraid to show your goofy side and make him laugh at your corny jokes. Just be a fun, dynamic person to talk to, and he'll want to come back for more.\\nIt's okay if the conversation stalls and you can't think of anything to say. Smile, and then bring up something, even if it's kind of random. Don't get uncomfortable with a little bit of silence; if you and the guy are comfortable with each other, then pretty soon, you'll be comfortable sharing silence too.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Keep your cool.\", \"描述\": \"Try to stay calm as much as you can, even if you feel butterflies in your stomach. You can still be upbeat and fun without getting nervous or talking too much or too loudly just because you're around the guy. If you find yourself getting too excited, take a deep breath and calm down. Look away from his face if you have to. You don't have to be completely chill if that's not really your personality, but try not to look too eager or excited around him or he may get a little overwhelmed.\\nThere's a difference between keeping your cool and acting like you don't care. He should still be able to tell that you favor him a little bit, without thinking you have a shrine devoted to him in your closet.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Intrigue him.\", \"描述\": \"Once you've got his attention, the thing you want to do is to keep him coming back for more. You want to catch his interest and make him see that you're a unique girl who he wants to get to know better. You can do this by being a bit mysterious and not putting all of your cards on the table right away; make him want to know more about you. When you talk to him, say you have to go while you're still having a great conversation instead of waiting until things start to die down before saying goodbye; this will make him want to see more of you so you can continue your great conversation.\\nIf the guy is intrigued by you, then he'll want to spend more time with you, maybe even one on one. Don't get too excited if he asks you out, but do let him know you're happy about it.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Make sure your breath always smells nice — maybe throw in a mint when he isn't looking or chew some minty gum.\\n\", \"Act and dress in your comfort zone. Guys notice when you are uncomfortable.\\n\", \"Be his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, your relationship won't work very well. Offer advice and be there for him.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't overdo your makeup just to impress him. Once again, be yourself and wear what you're comfortable with.\\n\", \"Don't follow the guy around too much! That will give him the impression that you're stalking him. Your goal is to get the guy to come to you. If you don't occasionally back away from him, he may back away from you.\\n\", \"Remember, all guys are different. Some guys don't even like physical contact!\\n\", \"Don't play \\\"hard to get.\\\" This might send a wrong message and stop him from being interested. Give him space and live your own life, but don't send mixed signals.\\n\", \"If he happens to have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, be careful. Try to become friends with the girl, so that you won't have her eyeballing you every time you talk to him. If this is a girlfriend and not an ex, tread lightly when flirting with him.\\n\", \"Understand that, in some cases, you may not be your crush's \\\"type.\\\" This doesn't mean that you're not attractive or that nobody else can see your charm! Nor does it mean you can't be just friends. It just may mean letting this crush go and moving on to the next one.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around a Guy You Think Likes You
1. Responding If You Feel the Same Way 1-1. Get close to him. If a guy is giving you signals, return them by getting a little snuggly on your end. Try to sit close to him at social events. When talking to him between classes or during lunch, stand a little closer to him than you normally would. This sends the signal you like him back and enjoy being near him. 1-2. Make excuses to spend time alone with him. Solo time with your crush can help you assess if he likes you. It can also send the message you're interested in him as well. Try to find ways to get him alone so the two of you can have a chance to make your feelings clear. For example, text him something like, "I'm really craving a burger. Want to run and get a snack after class?" 1-3. Flirt Paying a guy you think likes you extra attention on social media can let him know you like him back. Try leaving comments on his pictures and posts on sites like Instagram and Facebook. Respond to his tweets on Twitter and re-tweet the ones you find interesting. Work in some mild flirtation with your comments. For example, "Cute pic! Blue is a great color on you." 1-4. Return flirtatious gestures. If he flirts with you, flirt back. Common flirting tactics include making eye contact, flashing a smile, flashing your eyebrows, and casual touching. If these gestures are coming your way, return them. For example, if your crush brushes your arm, wait a few moments. Then, do something like tussle his hair or place your hand on his knee. 1-5. Be yourself. Remember, if a guy already likes you, you don't need to change. Be your unique self around him and don't be afraid to let your inhibitions down. Feel free to get a little goofy or wild around him, as this is likely to endear you to him more. For example, if you're a fan of a certain musical artist that's a little obscure, don't be afraid to talk about this in front of the guy. If you like a unique type of movie, invite him to watch these movies with you. 2. Responding If You Feel Differently 2-1. Try to hang out in group settings. To send the signal you just want to be friends, keep the guy in question in your friends group. Avoid solo hang outs. When inviting him out, make it clear a whole group is coming and not just the two of you. For example, invite him to a movie night with a group of friends. You can also redirect him if he asks you to go somewhere with him. For example, say he asks you to go to a party with him. Say something like, "Oh, I'm going with a whole group of my friends. You're totally welcome to join." 2-2. Avoid touch. Many people are casually touchy with their friends. You may hug friends hello or goodbye or casually pat friends on the shoulder during conversation. If you think a guy likes you, refrain from engaging in these rituals with him. This can easily send the wrong message. 2-3. Go easy on the compliments. It's normal to compliment your friends. However, you don't want to go overboard complimenting a guy you think likes you. This may make him think you're interested when you're not. For example, say he's wearing a shirt you like. Saying something like, "You look nice today" could come off as flirtatious. Instead, find a less flirty comment. Say something like, "Nice shirt!" You could also forego commenting altogether, just to be safe. 2-4. Do not respond to flirtatious gestures and comments. If the guy starts flirting with you, try your best to ignore it. Responding to flirtation could be read the wrong way. If the guy, say, grins at you from across the room, return his gaze with a curt nod rather than smiling back. If a guy is persistently flirting with you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable, say something. For example, "I really don't like you touching me all the time." 3. Talking Things Out 3-1. Choose a good time and place to talk. When having a conversation about something delicate, like your feelings for someone, it's important you have the time and space to talk. Find a time when you're both free and there are no external limits on time. Pick a private area, like a quiet bench in a local park. 3-2. Confess your feelings directly. If you're letting the guy know you like him, be direct. There's no sense in beating around the bush and dropping hints. Get directly to the point by saying something like, "I have feelings for you. Sometimes, I get the sense you also have feelings for me. Am I right about that?" 3-3. Be honest, but kind, if you're not interested. If you're not interested, let the guy down easy. Tell him you appreciate his friendship, but you're not interested in him in a romantic sense. There's no need to be brutal, but you should make it clear a relationship is not happening. Say something that clearly indicates you don't feel the same way. For example, "I'm not interested in you romantically." If you want to give a reason, that's okay, but be kind about it. For example, if you're not attracted to him, don't say, "I'm not attracted to you." Say something like, "I just see you as a friend." 3-4. Respond appropriately if he does not have feelings for you. If you misinterpreted a situation, this can be embarrassing. Whether the feelings were returned or not, it can be awkward if you thought someone had feelings for you if they didn't. Make sure you have a plan to respond in this case. Accept his response gracefully. In either scenario, you can say something like, "Oh, I guess I misread the signs. Thanks for being honest with me." It's okay to be sad if you were rejected by someone you thought liked you. Take some time to vent to friends and do something nice for yourself, like go see a movie or order take out. Warnings Don't just go for him because he likes you. This is not fair to him. Make sure you have genuine feelings for him before pursuing a relationship.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Responding If You Feel the Same Way\\n1-1. Get close to him.\\nIf a guy is giving you signals, return them by getting a little snuggly on your end. Try to sit close to him at social events. When talking to him between classes or during lunch, stand a little closer to him than you normally would. This sends the signal you like him back and enjoy being near him.\\n1-2. Make excuses to spend time alone with him.\\nSolo time with your crush can help you assess if he likes you. It can also send the message you're interested in him as well. Try to find ways to get him alone so the two of you can have a chance to make your feelings clear.\\nFor example, text him something like, \\\"I'm really craving a burger. Want to run and get a snack after class?\\\"\\n1-3. Flirt\\nPaying a guy you think likes you extra attention on social media can let him know you like him back. Try leaving comments on his pictures and posts on sites like Instagram and Facebook. Respond to his tweets on Twitter and re-tweet the ones you find interesting.\\nWork in some mild flirtation with your comments. For example, \\\"Cute pic! Blue is a great color on you.\\\"\\n1-4. Return flirtatious gestures.\\nIf he flirts with you, flirt back. Common flirting tactics include making eye contact, flashing a smile, flashing your eyebrows, and casual touching. If these gestures are coming your way, return them.\\nFor example, if your crush brushes your arm, wait a few moments. Then, do something like tussle his hair or place your hand on his knee.\\n1-5. Be yourself.\\nRemember, if a guy already likes you, you don't need to change. Be your unique self around him and don't be afraid to let your inhibitions down. Feel free to get a little goofy or wild around him, as this is likely to endear you to him more.\\nFor example, if you're a fan of a certain musical artist that's a little obscure, don't be afraid to talk about this in front of the guy. If you like a unique type of movie, invite him to watch these movies with you.\\n2. Responding If You Feel Differently\\n2-1. Try to hang out in group settings.\\nTo send the signal you just want to be friends, keep the guy in question in your friends group. Avoid solo hang outs. When inviting him out, make it clear a whole group is coming and not just the two of you.\\nFor example, invite him to a movie night with a group of friends.\\nYou can also redirect him if he asks you to go somewhere with him. For example, say he asks you to go to a party with him. Say something like, \\\"Oh, I'm going with a whole group of my friends. You're totally welcome to join.\\\"\\n2-2. Avoid touch.\\nMany people are casually touchy with their friends. You may hug friends hello or goodbye or casually pat friends on the shoulder during conversation. If you think a guy likes you, refrain from engaging in these rituals with him. This can easily send the wrong message.\\n2-3. Go easy on the compliments.\\nIt's normal to compliment your friends. However, you don't want to go overboard complimenting a guy you think likes you. This may make him think you're interested when you're not.\\nFor example, say he's wearing a shirt you like. Saying something like, \\\"You look nice today\\\" could come off as flirtatious.\\nInstead, find a less flirty comment. Say something like, \\\"Nice shirt!\\\" You could also forego commenting altogether, just to be safe.\\n2-4. Do not respond to flirtatious gestures and comments.\\nIf the guy starts flirting with you, try your best to ignore it. Responding to flirtation could be read the wrong way. If the guy, say, grins at you from across the room, return his gaze with a curt nod rather than smiling back.\\nIf a guy is persistently flirting with you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable, say something. For example, \\\"I really don't like you touching me all the time.\\\"\\n3. Talking Things Out\\n3-1. Choose a good time and place to talk.\\nWhen having a conversation about something delicate, like your feelings for someone, it's important you have the time and space to talk. Find a time when you're both free and there are no external limits on time. Pick a private area, like a quiet bench in a local park.\\n3-2. Confess your feelings directly.\\nIf you're letting the guy know you like him, be direct. There's no sense in beating around the bush and dropping hints. Get directly to the point by saying something like, \\\"I have feelings for you. Sometimes, I get the sense you also have feelings for me. Am I right about that?\\\"\\n3-3. Be honest, but kind, if you're not interested.\\nIf you're not interested, let the guy down easy. Tell him you appreciate his friendship, but you're not interested in him in a romantic sense. There's no need to be brutal, but you should make it clear a relationship is not happening.\\nSay something that clearly indicates you don't feel the same way. For example, \\\"I'm not interested in you romantically.\\\"\\nIf you want to give a reason, that's okay, but be kind about it. For example, if you're not attracted to him, don't say, \\\"I'm not attracted to you.\\\" Say something like, \\\"I just see you as a friend.\\\"\\n3-4. Respond appropriately if he does not have feelings for you.\\nIf you misinterpreted a situation, this can be embarrassing. Whether the feelings were returned or not, it can be awkward if you thought someone had feelings for you if they didn't. Make sure you have a plan to respond in this case.\\nAccept his response gracefully. In either scenario, you can say something like, \\\"Oh, I guess I misread the signs. Thanks for being honest with me.\\\"\\nIt's okay to be sad if you were rejected by someone you thought liked you. Take some time to vent to friends and do something nice for yourself, like go see a movie or order take out.\\nWarnings\\nDon't just go for him because he likes you. This is not fair to him. Make sure you have genuine feelings for him before pursuing a relationship.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"If a guy likes you, how you react depends on how you feel. It can be thrilling to know someone you're crushing on likes you back. In this case, try to return flirtation. However, if you don't feel the same way, unwanted attention can be stressful. Try to send the signal you're not interested. Either way, if the guy is not receiving your message, have a sit down talk about your relationship.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Responding If You Feel the Same Way\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Get close to him.\", \"描述\": \"If a guy is giving you signals, return them by getting a little snuggly on your end. Try to sit close to him at social events. When talking to him between classes or during lunch, stand a little closer to him than you normally would. This sends the signal you like him back and enjoy being near him.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make excuses to spend time alone with him.\", \"描述\": \"Solo time with your crush can help you assess if he likes you. It can also send the message you're interested in him as well. Try to find ways to get him alone so the two of you can have a chance to make your feelings clear.\\nFor example, text him something like, \\\"I'm really craving a burger. Want to run and get a snack after class?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Flirt\", \"描述\": \"Paying a guy you think likes you extra attention on social media can let him know you like him back. Try leaving comments on his pictures and posts on sites like Instagram and Facebook. Respond to his tweets on Twitter and re-tweet the ones you find interesting.\\nWork in some mild flirtation with your comments. For example, \\\"Cute pic! Blue is a great color on you.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Return flirtatious gestures.\", \"描述\": \"If he flirts with you, flirt back. Common flirting tactics include making eye contact, flashing a smile, flashing your eyebrows, and casual touching. If these gestures are coming your way, return them.\\nFor example, if your crush brushes your arm, wait a few moments. Then, do something like tussle his hair or place your hand on his knee.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Remember, if a guy already likes you, you don't need to change. Be your unique self around him and don't be afraid to let your inhibitions down. Feel free to get a little goofy or wild around him, as this is likely to endear you to him more.\\nFor example, if you're a fan of a certain musical artist that's a little obscure, don't be afraid to talk about this in front of the guy. If you like a unique type of movie, invite him to watch these movies with you.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Responding If You Feel Differently\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Try to hang out in group settings.\", \"描述\": \"To send the signal you just want to be friends, keep the guy in question in your friends group. Avoid solo hang outs. When inviting him out, make it clear a whole group is coming and not just the two of you.\\nFor example, invite him to a movie night with a group of friends.\\nYou can also redirect him if he asks you to go somewhere with him. For example, say he asks you to go to a party with him. Say something like, \\\"Oh, I'm going with a whole group of my friends. You're totally welcome to join.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Avoid touch.\", \"描述\": \"Many people are casually touchy with their friends. You may hug friends hello or goodbye or casually pat friends on the shoulder during conversation. If you think a guy likes you, refrain from engaging in these rituals with him. This can easily send the wrong message.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Go easy on the compliments.\", \"描述\": \"It's normal to compliment your friends. However, you don't want to go overboard complimenting a guy you think likes you. This may make him think you're interested when you're not.\\nFor example, say he's wearing a shirt you like. Saying something like, \\\"You look nice today\\\" could come off as flirtatious.\\nInstead, find a less flirty comment. Say something like, \\\"Nice shirt!\\\" You could also forego commenting altogether, just to be safe.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do not respond to flirtatious gestures and comments.\", \"描述\": \"If the guy starts flirting with you, try your best to ignore it. Responding to flirtation could be read the wrong way. If the guy, say, grins at you from across the room, return his gaze with a curt nod rather than smiling back.\\nIf a guy is persistently flirting with you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable, say something. For example, \\\"I really don't like you touching me all the time.\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Talking Things Out\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose a good time and place to talk.\", \"描述\": \"When having a conversation about something delicate, like your feelings for someone, it's important you have the time and space to talk. Find a time when you're both free and there are no external limits on time. Pick a private area, like a quiet bench in a local park.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Confess your feelings directly.\", \"描述\": \"If you're letting the guy know you like him, be direct. There's no sense in beating around the bush and dropping hints. Get directly to the point by saying something like, \\\"I have feelings for you. Sometimes, I get the sense you also have feelings for me. Am I right about that?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be honest, but kind, if you're not interested.\", \"描述\": \"If you're not interested, let the guy down easy. Tell him you appreciate his friendship, but you're not interested in him in a romantic sense. There's no need to be brutal, but you should make it clear a relationship is not happening.\\nSay something that clearly indicates you don't feel the same way. For example, \\\"I'm not interested in you romantically.\\\"\\nIf you want to give a reason, that's okay, but be kind about it. For example, if you're not attracted to him, don't say, \\\"I'm not attracted to you.\\\" Say something like, \\\"I just see you as a friend.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Respond appropriately if he does not have feelings for you.\", \"描述\": \"If you misinterpreted a situation, this can be embarrassing. Whether the feelings were returned or not, it can be awkward if you thought someone had feelings for you if they didn't. Make sure you have a plan to respond in this case.\\nAccept his response gracefully. In either scenario, you can say something like, \\\"Oh, I guess I misread the signs. Thanks for being honest with me.\\\"\\nIt's okay to be sad if you were rejected by someone you thought liked you. Take some time to vent to friends and do something nice for yourself, like go see a movie or order take out.\"}], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't just go for him because he likes you. This is not fair to him. Make sure you have genuine feelings for him before pursuing a relationship.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Around the Girl You Like
1. Building Your Personality 1-1. Build your confidence. Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a person can possess. You don't have to be super sexy or built like Chris Hemsworth, either. All confidence requires is a firm belief in your own self-worth. If you believe it, that girl you like? She's going to believe it, too. It takes time and a little effort to build your confidence, especially if you're starting from a low point. Even if you don't believe in yourself, pretend like you do. Faking confidence actually tricks your brain into believing that you are confident! Stand up straight when you're walking, like you matter. Take up space like crossing your ankle across your knee when you're sitting. Leaning nonchalantly against a nearby surface. Avoid crossing your arms across your chest, or not making eye contact when you talk to people. Both of these are defensive gestures. 1-2. Be yourself. Part of being confident is being yourself and being okay with who that is. Trying to change yourself to be someone else isn't going to work with her. She's going to see that you're not comfortable with yourself and that you're lying about who you are and she won't be pleased. Show what makes you unique and why you're interesting. You don't have to walk around wearing a pocket protector (do people do that anymore?), but you don't have to hide that you're interested in computers. She will accept you and if she doesn't.. she's probably not worth your time! Don't try to be someone else, especially if you're trying to be the person you think wants. If she isn't interested in the person you are, she's not the girl for you. 1-3. Maintain good hygiene. It's hard to attract the girl that you like when you overwhelm her with your smell and your greasy hair. Try to shower at least a couple times a week and use soap. Wear clothes that have been recently laundered. Reusing jeans and trousers is fine, as long as they aren't super dirty, but change your shirt each day. Be careful about using aftershave or cologne. A little goes a long way! You don't want to approach the girl you like in a cloud of cologne. Keep it down to a little spritz if you have to do wear it. Make sure to smell the deodorants before you buy them so you know how strong they smell and what they smell like. Again, you don't want to overwhelm her with smell, but a little deodorant (especially if you've just played a game like soccer or basketball) will make you seem much more put together. 1-4. Have your own life. As much as you want to spend time with her, it's important to pursue your own interests and passions as well. You've got more going on than just your potential romance. Pursue your own interests. If you're into soccer, join a team and play games. You could even (if you're feeling brave) invite her to come watch a game or to kick around a soccer ball with you. This will mean you have your own friends to hang out with, even if your groups overlap. Do things with your buddies rather than doing things only when you know that she'll be there, or doing things only with her. This doesn't mean that you ignore her completely. Of course not. When you see her around (either at school, or at mutual events), ask her what she's been up to and mention some of the things you've been doing (like teaching yourself a language, going rock climbing, kicking butt on Call of Duty). 2. Acting Appropriately 2-1. Be respectful. Most guys are taught that they don't need to be respectful to women and act accordingly. Don't be one of those guys. Being respectful does not mean being a doormat or being "whipped" but it does mean treating the girl you as if she's an actual human being (which she is!). One way of showing respect is to stop doing something when she tells you to stop. For example, if you two were having a tickle war and she says "Stop it!" you stop, even if you think she's kidding. If she is kidding, she'll let you know and you can continue. Showing that you respect her right to say "no" in minor instances, will show that you are willing to respect her boundaries in more important instances. Be respectful to other people when you're around her (and in general). Don't talk about your ex as "that weirdo" or use language like that. Don't degrade women, or call guys "pussies." You'll come across as disrespectful to women and you'll come across as immature. 2-2. Read her body language. While a lot of guys say that women's body language is a mystery, it's really not that hard. Remember, you can tell when your sister is upset with you, or your female friend is trying to ignore you. The girl you like isn't going to be any different to understand. If she spends most of her time not making eye contact with you, or giving you short, one word answers, she either doesn't want to be around you, or she's upset with you. It's probably best to back off. A girl who wants you to stick around is going to be pretty obvious about it. She'll be turned towards you. She'll be making eye contact and smiling and laughing at the things you say (not derisively). She may even touch you (like on the arm when she's making a point). 2-3. Make eye contact. It turns out that making eye contact is one of the biggest ways to flirt with someone that you're interested in. This is a good one that you can use in class, if you're sitting in the right spot, or even across the room if you're at a party. You can do this a couple different ways. A good way to do this is to make eye contact if she's across the room, catch her eye and hold it. Now, if the two of you are having a conversation, make sure to look deeply into her eyes. For some reason, that intense, long look can cause butterflies in the other person. Smile when you're looking at her, especially as you're making eye contact. A little smirk can be even better than a giant grin. 2-4. Don't ignore her friends. A girl's friends are incredibly important to her. She will listen to their opinions, even if she won't always follow their advice. If they don't like you it will cast a nagging bit of doubt in her own mind about you. To keep that from happening, you need to make sure that her friends like you. Learn some of the things that they like and ask them questions about those interests. For example, if her friends are super into a t.v. show, ask them a little about it (what's their favorite thing about the show, favorite characters, favorite episodes, things that irritate them about the show or the fandom). If you're having a conversation with the girl you like and her friends are around, make sure to include them in the conversation. You can still give her the long, heart-felt, languishing looks while making sure that her friends don't feel like you're ignoring them completely. Don't flirt with her friends, however. You don't want to come across as a player who is out to get whichever girl responds to his attentions. The girl you like won't think you're interested in her if you're flirting with all her friends, too. 3. Knowing What to Talk About 3-1. Ask her questions. When you're talking to the girl you like, you want to make her feel special. People like it when others take an interest in them and the girl you like is no different. Showing that you care about her thoughts will make her more interested in you, as a result. Ask her opinion on things, even if it's something silly. For example: say you're wearing a shirt that your friend doesn't like, ask for her opinion on whether the shirt is silly or not. Tell her she's the final judge. It'll make her laugh and feel important. Pay attention to the things that she does and says, so you can ask questions about it. For example, if she mentions going rock climbing, ask her how she got started rock climbing and what she enjoys about it. People like talking about themselves, so before you jump in with stories of your own, ask her another question about what she thinks. 3-2. Listen. In this day and age people have really lost the skill of listening (Really listening) to one another. Real listening is when you take the time to absorb what someone is saying rather than thinking about the next thing you're going to say or what you're going to have for dinner. For example: even if you're at a loud party, when you're having a conversation with her, maintain eye contact, ask questions and if your mind strays, ask for clarification (you can use the loud party as an excuse: "Sorry, it's really loud in here. Can you repeat what you just said?"). To this end, when you're having a conversation with her, don't fidget with stuff, or keep looking all around the room, or keep checking your phone. She'll feel that you don't really care what she has to say. 3-3. Make her laugh. Laughter is a great way to bond with someone. This doesn't mean that you need to be the class clown (Actually, it will probably work best if you aren't). All this means is that you make her laugh and say a few entertaining things. Now, everyone has a different sense of humor and you know her best, but if you're not sure there are a few things to do that rarely fail. Gently poke fun at yourself. You don't have to do a big self-deprecating speech (in fact that will make you seem not confident), but a few jabs at yourself will get her laughing and show that you don't take yourself too seriously. For example: talk about how you got hit in the head with a soccer ball that day when you weren't paying attention, or that time you went to the wrong class because you forgot what day it was. Bring up something funny that you saw that day (or within the previous week). It should be something a little out of the ordinary and funny. For example: ask her if she's ever ended up entangled with a bunch of zombies and then tell her about the zombie walk you accidentally ended up in the middle of. 3-4. Flirt with her. Flirting can be very hit or miss and is to be used with caution. Since everyone is different, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to flirting with someone. Humor and eye contact are the two big ones, but you can subtly flirt in other ways. Unless she's made it explicitly clear, flirting really obviously can be off-putting to some girls. Keep that in mind when you're hanging out with her. If you aren't a good flirt, eye contact and humor will probably be your best bets. Flirting over text, however, can be a great, non-threatening type of flirting. Of course, you want this to be only supplementary to your interactions in person. Keep texts short, sometimes a picture is worth more than a hundred words (especially a funny picture; do send explicit pictures unless she has actually asked for them!). It's good to have a reason to text. You could say something like "saw this and thought of you" (and then send a picture). Giving her the right compliment can be a great way of expressing interest and flirting. Don't do something basic like "you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met" (it comes across as insincere). Instead, say something like "Did you realize your sweater matches your eyes? it's a beautiful color," or "of course you aced that test, you're super smart!" 3-5. Tell her how you feel. In the end, the best way to act around the girl you like is to tell her how you feel. She might otherwise never know. It can seem super intimidating or scary to bare your feelings like that (and it is a very brave act!). But, otherwise you both will be in this uncomfortable holding pattern. Don't do it in front of everyone. Choose a time and place where you're both sober and in your right mind. Simply say "Hey, I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime." Don't do this over the phone or text or social media, because you will come across as a coward and most girl's don't find that a particularly attractive quality. Respect her decision, even if she says "no." It can hurt when someone says no, but remember that it isn't about you as a person, it's simply that your proposal didn't work for her (because she isn't interested, or because she already has a boyfriend, or she's into girls, etc.). You can ask why if you must, but if she simply says "Because I'm not interested" that's your answer and leave it at that. If she says "yes," then yay! Now you two can get to planning a super fun first date. The relationship might not work out, but you proved your bravery by asking her out and your worth by treating her with respect. Tips Make her as comfortable as possible when she is with you. Be nice and open. Remember, be kind to all. This will not only help your reputation, but allow you to make new friends that might know things about her. But if her friends don't like you, it will greatly decrease your chances with her. Never give her the impression that you are just doing this for fun or to tease and don't actually like her. She will never forgive you. Warnings Don't follow her around. This will give her an impression that you're a creep or a weirdo. She'll be wondering, "what the heck are you doing here?" Do not ever ask your friend to ask her out for you (if you are at that point) Most girls take this as a lack of courage or that you are not serious, and she will probably say no because she'll think it's a joke! Avoid lying to her at all costs (even little lies) it can grow and grow till it will come back to haunt you. Most people say that when you want a girl make her jealous. A lot of times girls see this as sign that she has no chance. Saying how "hot" another girl is to her will only hurt her feelings, whether she wants to go out with you or not. Getting together with a girl that you have been friends with forever might ruin your friendship, but it doesn't have to, if you both behave with maturity.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Building Your Personality\\n1-1. Build your confidence.\\nConfidence is one of the most attractive qualities a person can possess. You don't have to be super sexy or built like Chris Hemsworth, either. All confidence requires is a firm belief in your own self-worth. If you believe it, that girl you like? She's going to believe it, too.\\nIt takes time and a little effort to build your confidence, especially if you're starting from a low point. Even if you don't believe in yourself, pretend like you do. Faking confidence actually tricks your brain into believing that you are confident!\\nStand up straight when you're walking, like you matter. Take up space like crossing your ankle across your knee when you're sitting. Leaning nonchalantly against a nearby surface. Avoid crossing your arms across your chest, or not making eye contact when you talk to people. Both of these are defensive gestures.\\n1-2. Be yourself.\\nPart of being confident is being yourself and being okay with who that is. Trying to change yourself to be someone else isn't going to work with her. She's going to see that you're not comfortable with yourself and that you're lying about who you are and she won't be pleased.\\nShow what makes you unique and why you're interesting. You don't have to walk around wearing a pocket protector (do people do that anymore?), but you don't have to hide that you're interested in computers. She will accept you and if she doesn't.. she's probably not worth your time!\\nDon't try to be someone else, especially if you're trying to be the person you think wants. If she isn't interested in the person you are, she's not the girl for you.\\n1-3. Maintain good hygiene.\\nIt's hard to attract the girl that you like when you overwhelm her with your smell and your greasy hair. Try to shower at least a couple times a week and use soap. Wear clothes that have been recently laundered. Reusing jeans and trousers is fine, as long as they aren't super dirty, but change your shirt each day.\\nBe careful about using aftershave or cologne. A little goes a long way! You don't want to approach the girl you like in a cloud of cologne. Keep it down to a little spritz if you have to do wear it.\\nMake sure to smell the deodorants before you buy them so you know how strong they smell and what they smell like. Again, you don't want to overwhelm her with smell, but a little deodorant (especially if you've just played a game like soccer or basketball) will make you seem much more put together.\\n1-4. Have your own life.\\nAs much as you want to spend time with her, it's important to pursue your own interests and passions as well. You've got more going on than just your potential romance.\\nPursue your own interests. If you're into soccer, join a team and play games. You could even (if you're feeling brave) invite her to come watch a game or to kick around a soccer ball with you.\\nThis will mean you have your own friends to hang out with, even if your groups overlap. Do things with your buddies rather than doing things only when you know that she'll be there, or doing things only with her.\\nThis doesn't mean that you ignore her completely. Of course not. When you see her around (either at school, or at mutual events), ask her what she's been up to and mention some of the things you've been doing (like teaching yourself a language, going rock climbing, kicking butt on Call of Duty).\\n2. Acting Appropriately\\n2-1. Be respectful.\\nMost guys are taught that they don't need to be respectful to women and act accordingly. Don't be one of those guys. Being respectful does not mean being a doormat or being \\\"whipped\\\" but it does mean treating the girl you as if she's an actual human being (which she is!).\\nOne way of showing respect is to stop doing something when she tells you to stop. For example, if you two were having a tickle war and she says \\\"Stop it!\\\" you stop, even if you think she's kidding. If she is kidding, she'll let you know and you can continue. Showing that you respect her right to say \\\"no\\\" in minor instances, will show that you are willing to respect her boundaries in more important instances.\\nBe respectful to other people when you're around her (and in general). Don't talk about your ex as \\\"that weirdo\\\" or use language like that. Don't degrade women, or call guys \\\"pussies.\\\" You'll come across as disrespectful to women and you'll come across as immature.\\n2-2. Read her body language.\\nWhile a lot of guys say that women's body language is a mystery, it's really not that hard. Remember, you can tell when your sister is upset with you, or your female friend is trying to ignore you. The girl you like isn't going to be any different to understand.\\nIf she spends most of her time not making eye contact with you, or giving you short, one word answers, she either doesn't want to be around you, or she's upset with you. It's probably best to back off.\\nA girl who wants you to stick around is going to be pretty obvious about it. She'll be turned towards you. She'll be making eye contact and smiling and laughing at the things you say (not derisively). She may even touch you (like on the arm when she's making a point).\\n2-3. Make eye contact.\\nIt turns out that making eye contact is one of the biggest ways to flirt with someone that you're interested in. This is a good one that you can use in class, if you're sitting in the right spot, or even across the room if you're at a party.\\nYou can do this a couple different ways. A good way to do this is to make eye contact if she's across the room, catch her eye and hold it. Now, if the two of you are having a conversation, make sure to look deeply into her eyes. For some reason, that intense, long look can cause butterflies in the other person.\\nSmile when you're looking at her, especially as you're making eye contact. A little smirk can be even better than a giant grin.\\n2-4. Don't ignore her friends.\\nA girl's friends are incredibly important to her. She will listen to their opinions, even if she won't always follow their advice. If they don't like you it will cast a nagging bit of doubt in her own mind about you. To keep that from happening, you need to make sure that her friends like you.\\nLearn some of the things that they like and ask them questions about those interests. For example, if her friends are super into a t.v. show, ask them a little about it (what's their favorite thing about the show, favorite characters, favorite episodes, things that irritate them about the show or the fandom).\\nIf you're having a conversation with the girl you like and her friends are around, make sure to include them in the conversation. You can still give her the long, heart-felt, languishing looks while making sure that her friends don't feel like you're ignoring them completely.\\nDon't flirt with her friends, however. You don't want to come across as a player who is out to get whichever girl responds to his attentions. The girl you like won't think you're interested in her if you're flirting with all her friends, too.\\n3. Knowing What to Talk About\\n3-1. Ask her questions.\\nWhen you're talking to the girl you like, you want to make her feel special. People like it when others take an interest in them and the girl you like is no different. Showing that you care about her thoughts will make her more interested in you, as a result.\\nAsk her opinion on things, even if it's something silly. For example: say you're wearing a shirt that your friend doesn't like, ask for her opinion on whether the shirt is silly or not. Tell her she's the final judge. It'll make her laugh and feel important.\\nPay attention to the things that she does and says, so you can ask questions about it. For example, if she mentions going rock climbing, ask her how she got started rock climbing and what she enjoys about it. People like talking about themselves, so before you jump in with stories of your own, ask her another question about what she thinks.\\n3-2. Listen.\\nIn this day and age people have really lost the skill of listening (Really listening) to one another. Real listening is when you take the time to absorb what someone is saying rather than thinking about the next thing you're going to say or what you're going to have for dinner.\\nFor example: even if you're at a loud party, when you're having a conversation with her, maintain eye contact, ask questions and if your mind strays, ask for clarification (you can use the loud party as an excuse: \\\"Sorry, it's really loud in here. Can you repeat what you just said?\\\").\\nTo this end, when you're having a conversation with her, don't fidget with stuff, or keep looking all around the room, or keep checking your phone. She'll feel that you don't really care what she has to say.\\n3-3. Make her laugh.\\nLaughter is a great way to bond with someone. This doesn't mean that you need to be the class clown (Actually, it will probably work best if you aren't). All this means is that you make her laugh and say a few entertaining things. Now, everyone has a different sense of humor and you know her best, but if you're not sure there are a few things to do that rarely fail.\\nGently poke fun at yourself. You don't have to do a big self-deprecating speech (in fact that will make you seem not confident), but a few jabs at yourself will get her laughing and show that you don't take yourself too seriously. For example: talk about how you got hit in the head with a soccer ball that day when you weren't paying attention, or that time you went to the wrong class because you forgot what day it was.\\nBring up something funny that you saw that day (or within the previous week). It should be something a little out of the ordinary and funny. For example: ask her if she's ever ended up entangled with a bunch of zombies and then tell her about the zombie walk you accidentally ended up in the middle of.\\n3-4. Flirt with her.\\nFlirting can be very hit or miss and is to be used with caution. Since everyone is different, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to flirting with someone. Humor and eye contact are the two big ones, but you can subtly flirt in other ways.\\nUnless she's made it explicitly clear, flirting really obviously can be off-putting to some girls. Keep that in mind when you're hanging out with her. If you aren't a good flirt, eye contact and humor will probably be your best bets.\\nFlirting over text, however, can be a great, non-threatening type of flirting. Of course, you want this to be only supplementary to your interactions in person. Keep texts short, sometimes a picture is worth more than a hundred words (especially a funny picture; do send explicit pictures unless she has actually asked for them!). It's good to have a reason to text. You could say something like \\\"saw this and thought of you\\\" (and then send a picture).\\nGiving her the right compliment can be a great way of expressing interest and flirting. Don't do something basic like \\\"you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met\\\" (it comes across as insincere). Instead, say something like \\\"Did you realize your sweater matches your eyes? it's a beautiful color,\\\" or \\\"of course you aced that test, you're super smart!\\\"\\n3-5. Tell her how you feel.\\nIn the end, the best way to act around the girl you like is to tell her how you feel. She might otherwise never know. It can seem super intimidating or scary to bare your feelings like that (and it is a very brave act!). But, otherwise you both will be in this uncomfortable holding pattern.\\nDon't do it in front of everyone. Choose a time and place where you're both sober and in your right mind. Simply say \\\"Hey, I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime.\\\"\\nDon't do this over the phone or text or social media, because you will come across as a coward and most girl's don't find that a particularly attractive quality.\\nRespect her decision, even if she says \\\"no.\\\" It can hurt when someone says no, but remember that it isn't about you as a person, it's simply that your proposal didn't work for her (because she isn't interested, or because she already has a boyfriend, or she's into girls, etc.). You can ask why if you must, but if she simply says \\\"Because I'm not interested\\\" that's your answer and leave it at that.\\nIf she says \\\"yes,\\\" then yay! Now you two can get to planning a super fun first date. The relationship might not work out, but you proved your bravery by asking her out and your worth by treating her with respect.\\nTips\\nMake her as comfortable as possible when she is with you. Be nice and open.\\nRemember, be kind to all. This will not only help your reputation, but allow you to make new friends that might know things about her. But if her friends don't like you, it will greatly decrease your chances with her.\\nNever give her the impression that you are just doing this for fun or to tease and don't actually like her. She will never forgive you.\\nWarnings\\nDon't follow her around. This will give her an impression that you're a creep or a weirdo. She'll be wondering, \\\"what the heck are you doing here?\\\"\\nDo not ever ask your friend to ask her out for you (if you are at that point) Most girls take this as a lack of courage or that you are not serious, and she will probably say no because she'll think it's a joke!\\nAvoid lying to her at all costs (even little lies) it can grow and grow till it will come back to haunt you.\\nMost people say that when you want a girl make her jealous. A lot of times girls see this as sign that she has no chance. Saying how \\\"hot\\\" another girl is to her will only hurt her feelings, whether she wants to go out with you or not.\\nGetting together with a girl that you have been friends with forever might ruin your friendship, but it doesn't have to, if you both behave with maturity.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"So there's a super cute girl that you're into, but every time you're around her you have no idea how to act! Not to worry. Although, there's no guarantee that she'll want to date you, there are some definite ways you can make that event more likely. See step 1 to get started acting appropriately around the girl you like!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Building Your Personality\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Build your confidence.\", \"描述\": \"Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a person can possess. You don't have to be super sexy or built like Chris Hemsworth, either. All confidence requires is a firm belief in your own self-worth. If you believe it, that girl you like? She's going to believe it, too.\\nIt takes time and a little effort to build your confidence, especially if you're starting from a low point. Even if you don't believe in yourself, pretend like you do. Faking confidence actually tricks your brain into believing that you are confident!\\nStand up straight when you're walking, like you matter. Take up space like crossing your ankle across your knee when you're sitting. Leaning nonchalantly against a nearby surface. Avoid crossing your arms across your chest, or not making eye contact when you talk to people. Both of these are defensive gestures.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Part of being confident is being yourself and being okay with who that is. Trying to change yourself to be someone else isn't going to work with her. She's going to see that you're not comfortable with yourself and that you're lying about who you are and she won't be pleased.\\nShow what makes you unique and why you're interesting. You don't have to walk around wearing a pocket protector (do people do that anymore?), but you don't have to hide that you're interested in computers. She will accept you and if she doesn't.. she's probably not worth your time!\\nDon't try to be someone else, especially if you're trying to be the person you think wants. If she isn't interested in the person you are, she's not the girl for you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Maintain good hygiene.\", \"描述\": \"It's hard to attract the girl that you like when you overwhelm her with your smell and your greasy hair. Try to shower at least a couple times a week and use soap. Wear clothes that have been recently laundered. Reusing jeans and trousers is fine, as long as they aren't super dirty, but change your shirt each day.\\nBe careful about using aftershave or cologne. A little goes a long way! You don't want to approach the girl you like in a cloud of cologne. Keep it down to a little spritz if you have to do wear it.\\nMake sure to smell the deodorants before you buy them so you know how strong they smell and what they smell like. Again, you don't want to overwhelm her with smell, but a little deodorant (especially if you've just played a game like soccer or basketball) will make you seem much more put together.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Have your own life.\", \"描述\": \"As much as you want to spend time with her, it's important to pursue your own interests and passions as well. You've got more going on than just your potential romance.\\nPursue your own interests. If you're into soccer, join a team and play games. You could even (if you're feeling brave) invite her to come watch a game or to kick around a soccer ball with you.\\nThis will mean you have your own friends to hang out with, even if your groups overlap. Do things with your buddies rather than doing things only when you know that she'll be there, or doing things only with her.\\nThis doesn't mean that you ignore her completely. Of course not. When you see her around (either at school, or at mutual events), ask her what she's been up to and mention some of the things you've been doing (like teaching yourself a language, going rock climbing, kicking butt on Call of Duty).\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acting Appropriately\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be respectful.\", \"描述\": \"Most guys are taught that they don't need to be respectful to women and act accordingly. Don't be one of those guys. Being respectful does not mean being a doormat or being \\\"whipped\\\" but it does mean treating the girl you as if she's an actual human being (which she is!).\\nOne way of showing respect is to stop doing something when she tells you to stop. For example, if you two were having a tickle war and she says \\\"Stop it!\\\" you stop, even if you think she's kidding. If she is kidding, she'll let you know and you can continue. Showing that you respect her right to say \\\"no\\\" in minor instances, will show that you are willing to respect her boundaries in more important instances.\\nBe respectful to other people when you're around her (and in general). Don't talk about your ex as \\\"that weirdo\\\" or use language like that. Don't degrade women, or call guys \\\"pussies.\\\" You'll come across as disrespectful to women and you'll come across as immature.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Read her body language.\", \"描述\": \"While a lot of guys say that women's body language is a mystery, it's really not that hard. Remember, you can tell when your sister is upset with you, or your female friend is trying to ignore you. The girl you like isn't going to be any different to understand.\\nIf she spends most of her time not making eye contact with you, or giving you short, one word answers, she either doesn't want to be around you, or she's upset with you. It's probably best to back off.\\nA girl who wants you to stick around is going to be pretty obvious about it. She'll be turned towards you. She'll be making eye contact and smiling and laughing at the things you say (not derisively). She may even touch you (like on the arm when she's making a point).\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make eye contact.\", \"描述\": \"It turns out that making eye contact is one of the biggest ways to flirt with someone that you're interested in. This is a good one that you can use in class, if you're sitting in the right spot, or even across the room if you're at a party.\\nYou can do this a couple different ways. A good way to do this is to make eye contact if she's across the room, catch her eye and hold it. Now, if the two of you are having a conversation, make sure to look deeply into her eyes. For some reason, that intense, long look can cause butterflies in the other person.\\nSmile when you're looking at her, especially as you're making eye contact. A little smirk can be even better than a giant grin.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don't ignore her friends.\", \"描述\": \"A girl's friends are incredibly important to her. She will listen to their opinions, even if she won't always follow their advice. If they don't like you it will cast a nagging bit of doubt in her own mind about you. To keep that from happening, you need to make sure that her friends like you.\\nLearn some of the things that they like and ask them questions about those interests. For example, if her friends are super into a t.v. show, ask them a little about it (what's their favorite thing about the show, favorite characters, favorite episodes, things that irritate them about the show or the fandom).\\nIf you're having a conversation with the girl you like and her friends are around, make sure to include them in the conversation. You can still give her the long, heart-felt, languishing looks while making sure that her friends don't feel like you're ignoring them completely.\\nDon't flirt with her friends, however. You don't want to come across as a player who is out to get whichever girl responds to his attentions. The girl you like won't think you're interested in her if you're flirting with all her friends, too.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Knowing What to Talk About\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Ask her questions.\", \"描述\": \"When you're talking to the girl you like, you want to make her feel special. People like it when others take an interest in them and the girl you like is no different. Showing that you care about her thoughts will make her more interested in you, as a result.\\nAsk her opinion on things, even if it's something silly. For example: say you're wearing a shirt that your friend doesn't like, ask for her opinion on whether the shirt is silly or not. Tell her she's the final judge. It'll make her laugh and feel important.\\nPay attention to the things that she does and says, so you can ask questions about it. For example, if she mentions going rock climbing, ask her how she got started rock climbing and what she enjoys about it. People like talking about themselves, so before you jump in with stories of your own, ask her another question about what she thinks.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Listen.\", \"描述\": \"In this day and age people have really lost the skill of listening (Really listening) to one another. Real listening is when you take the time to absorb what someone is saying rather than thinking about the next thing you're going to say or what you're going to have for dinner.\\nFor example: even if you're at a loud party, when you're having a conversation with her, maintain eye contact, ask questions and if your mind strays, ask for clarification (you can use the loud party as an excuse: \\\"Sorry, it's really loud in here. Can you repeat what you just said?\\\").\\nTo this end, when you're having a conversation with her, don't fidget with stuff, or keep looking all around the room, or keep checking your phone. She'll feel that you don't really care what she has to say.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make her laugh.\", \"描述\": \"Laughter is a great way to bond with someone. This doesn't mean that you need to be the class clown (Actually, it will probably work best if you aren't). All this means is that you make her laugh and say a few entertaining things. Now, everyone has a different sense of humor and you know her best, but if you're not sure there are a few things to do that rarely fail.\\nGently poke fun at yourself. You don't have to do a big self-deprecating speech (in fact that will make you seem not confident), but a few jabs at yourself will get her laughing and show that you don't take yourself too seriously. For example: talk about how you got hit in the head with a soccer ball that day when you weren't paying attention, or that time you went to the wrong class because you forgot what day it was.\\nBring up something funny that you saw that day (or within the previous week). It should be something a little out of the ordinary and funny. For example: ask her if she's ever ended up entangled with a bunch of zombies and then tell her about the zombie walk you accidentally ended up in the middle of.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Flirt with her.\", \"描述\": \"Flirting can be very hit or miss and is to be used with caution. Since everyone is different, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to flirting with someone. Humor and eye contact are the two big ones, but you can subtly flirt in other ways.\\nUnless she's made it explicitly clear, flirting really obviously can be off-putting to some girls. Keep that in mind when you're hanging out with her. If you aren't a good flirt, eye contact and humor will probably be your best bets.\\nFlirting over text, however, can be a great, non-threatening type of flirting. Of course, you want this to be only supplementary to your interactions in person. Keep texts short, sometimes a picture is worth more than a hundred words (especially a funny picture; do send explicit pictures unless she has actually asked for them!). It's good to have a reason to text. You could say something like \\\"saw this and thought of you\\\" (and then send a picture).\\nGiving her the right compliment can be a great way of expressing interest and flirting. Don't do something basic like \\\"you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met\\\" (it comes across as insincere). Instead, say something like \\\"Did you realize your sweater matches your eyes? it's a beautiful color,\\\" or \\\"of course you aced that test, you're super smart!\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Tell her how you feel.\", \"描述\": \"In the end, the best way to act around the girl you like is to tell her how you feel. She might otherwise never know. It can seem super intimidating or scary to bare your feelings like that (and it is a very brave act!). But, otherwise you both will be in this uncomfortable holding pattern.\\nDon't do it in front of everyone. Choose a time and place where you're both sober and in your right mind. Simply say \\\"Hey, I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime.\\\"\\nDon't do this over the phone or text or social media, because you will come across as a coward and most girl's don't find that a particularly attractive quality.\\nRespect her decision, even if she says \\\"no.\\\" It can hurt when someone says no, but remember that it isn't about you as a person, it's simply that your proposal didn't work for her (because she isn't interested, or because she already has a boyfriend, or she's into girls, etc.). You can ask why if you must, but if she simply says \\\"Because I'm not interested\\\" that's your answer and leave it at that.\\nIf she says \\\"yes,\\\" then yay! Now you two can get to planning a super fun first date. The relationship might not work out, but you proved your bravery by asking her out and your worth by treating her with respect.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Make her as comfortable as possible when she is with you. Be nice and open.\\n\", \"Remember, be kind to all. This will not only help your reputation, but allow you to make new friends that might know things about her. But if her friends don't like you, it will greatly decrease your chances with her.\\n\", \"Never give her the impression that you are just doing this for fun or to tease and don't actually like her. She will never forgive you.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't follow her around. This will give her an impression that you're a creep or a weirdo. She'll be wondering, \\\"what the heck are you doing here?\\\"\\n\", \"Do not ever ask your friend to ask her out for you (if you are at that point) Most girls take this as a lack of courage or that you are not serious, and she will probably say no because she'll think it's a joke!\\n\", \"Avoid lying to her at all costs (even little lies) it can grow and grow till it will come back to haunt you.\\n\", \"Most people say that when you want a girl make her jealous. A lot of times girls see this as sign that she has no chance. Saying how \\\"hot\\\" another girl is to her will only hurt her feelings, whether she wants to go out with you or not.\\n\", \"Getting together with a girl that you have been friends with forever might ruin your friendship, but it doesn't have to, if you both behave with maturity.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act As the Smartest Kid in School
1. Steps 1-1. Do not brag or act superior. While being smart is great, modesty rules too. Others will notice your intelligence in class, whether or not they mention it. They are bound to notice if you show it. Bragging will make you disliked. 1-2. Volunteer This will show that you know the answers without you having to brag. Offer to help others, by asking, "Do you need help?", especially if you see that someone is stuck on something. You can help anyone-this does not need to be only a friend. Others may only help friends, but this is because they are not as smart as you are. 1-3. Make study guides. You can offer them to others, or simply leave them out in class. People are bound to notice and ask for them. Make your offer now. A study guide can be like practice problems, or simply a list of vocabulary, for example. 1-4. Do all your homework Your integrity will make you very well-known. Your teachers are bound to like you. Go the extra mile; do more than asked for. Write five paragraphs instead of one. Show your work in math. Use proper grammar in Spanish even if you are not required to. Take notes in science. Soon, a teacher might use you as an example. 1-5. Don't be a nerd if you don't want to be. Being smart does not mean being "nerdish". Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd, but keep in mind you can still have fun. Most likely, if you are smart, you are fast at work and have free time. Hang out with friends after school. Your nice nature is going to attract friends. In school, talk about things other than just academics sometimes. 1-6. Know when people are truly a friend or using you. There are several cases to deal with depending on the person. One type of person is an acquaintance whom you help. Help this person regardless. Don't expect friendship in return for help. Another type of person is a true friend. While it is okay to be friends with people who admire you for intelligence, know the difference. True friends are the ones who help you if you are in trouble. Someone who is using you appears to act like your friend and copies off you constantly, but when you are in trouble they join in the fun. For example, if someone makes fun of you, they join in. 1-7. Maintain Even if you do encounter trouble, you should handle it without yelling or acting snobbish. Yelling will not do any good. 1-8. Expect Jealousy is the reason for it, even if it is not admitted by them. Handle them calmly and ignore them. If they continue to bother you or hit you, tell the principal or another staff member along with your parents. 1-9. Study well for tests and remain constantly prepared. Those extra minutes of studying will save you in the end, leaving you more free time, better grades, and more respect as a smart student. People respect good looking, smart, and motivated people. You don't have to be nerdy to be smart. So as long as you study, once you get to class, you won't have to worry how others see you, it will show in the test grades. Tips Respect people the way you want to be treated... never bully or do not be one.[7] X Trustworthy Source Website run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services providing information related to identifying and preventing bullying Go to source Offer to help people online or on the phone after school. Be humble - people are more likely to recognize you as being smart if you are nice to them, rather than if you are arrogant. Warnings Do not brag about your smart position. People won't like you! It is hard to like a person who just talks about themselves all day. The last thing you want to do is act like you are above everybody else.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Do not brag or act superior.\\nWhile being smart is great, modesty rules too. Others will notice your intelligence in class, whether or not they mention it. They are bound to notice if you show it. Bragging will make you disliked.\\n1-2. Volunteer\\nThis will show that you know the answers without you having to brag. Offer to help others, by asking, \\\"Do you need help?\\\", especially if you see that someone is stuck on something. You can help anyone-this does not need to be only a friend. Others may only help friends, but this is because they are not as smart as you are.\\n1-3. Make study guides.\\nYou can offer them to others, or simply leave them out in class. People are bound to notice and ask for them. Make your offer now. A study guide can be like practice problems, or simply a list of vocabulary, for example.\\n1-4. Do all your homework\\nYour integrity will make you very well-known. Your teachers are bound to like you. Go the extra mile; do more than asked for. Write five paragraphs instead of one. Show your work in math. Use proper grammar in Spanish even if you are not required to. Take notes in science. Soon, a teacher might use you as an example.\\n1-5. Don't be a nerd if you don't want to be.\\nBeing smart does not mean being \\\"nerdish\\\". Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd, but keep in mind you can still have fun. Most likely, if you are smart, you are fast at work and have free time. Hang out with friends after school. Your nice nature is going to attract friends. In school, talk about things other than just academics sometimes.\\n1-6. Know when people are truly a friend or using you.\\nThere are several cases to deal with depending on the person. One type of person is an acquaintance whom you help. Help this person regardless. Don't expect friendship in return for help. Another type of person is a true friend. While it is okay to be friends with people who admire you for intelligence, know the difference. True friends are the ones who help you if you are in trouble. Someone who is using you appears to act like your friend and copies off you constantly, but when you are in trouble they join in the fun. For example, if someone makes fun of you, they join in.\\n1-7. Maintain\\nEven if you do encounter trouble, you should handle it without yelling or acting snobbish. Yelling will not do any good.\\n1-8. Expect\\nJealousy is the reason for it, even if it is not admitted by them. Handle them calmly and ignore them. If they continue to bother you or hit you, tell the principal or another staff member along with your parents.\\n1-9. Study well for tests and remain constantly prepared.\\nThose extra minutes of studying will save you in the end, leaving you more free time, better grades, and more respect as a smart student. People respect good looking, smart, and motivated people. You don't have to be nerdy to be smart. So as long as you study, once you get to class, you won't have to worry how others see you, it will show in the test grades.\\nTips\\nRespect people the way you want to be treated... never bully or do not be one.[7]\\nX\\nTrustworthy Source\\\\nWebsite run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services providing information related to identifying and preventing bullying\\nGo to source\\nOffer to help people online or on the phone after school.\\nBe humble - people are more likely to recognize you as being smart if you are nice to them, rather than if you are arrogant.\\nWarnings\\nDo not brag about your smart position. People won't like you! It is hard to like a person who just talks about themselves all day. The last thing you want to do is act like you are above everybody else.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"\\\"The smartest kid in school is right here.\\\" Sounds familiar? Every school is bound to have one of these people. If you are this person, then it is important to know how to act and how not to act.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Do not brag or act superior.\", \"描述\": \"While being smart is great, modesty rules too. Others will notice your intelligence in class, whether or not they mention it. They are bound to notice if you show it. Bragging will make you disliked.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Volunteer\", \"描述\": \"This will show that you know the answers without you having to brag. Offer to help others, by asking, \\\"Do you need help?\\\", especially if you see that someone is stuck on something. You can help anyone-this does not need to be only a friend. Others may only help friends, but this is because they are not as smart as you are.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make study guides.\", \"描述\": \"You can offer them to others, or simply leave them out in class. People are bound to notice and ask for them. Make your offer now. A study guide can be like practice problems, or simply a list of vocabulary, for example.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do all your homework\", \"描述\": \"Your integrity will make you very well-known. Your teachers are bound to like you. Go the extra mile; do more than asked for. Write five paragraphs instead of one. Show your work in math. Use proper grammar in Spanish even if you are not required to. Take notes in science. Soon, a teacher might use you as an example.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don't be a nerd if you don't want to be.\", \"描述\": \"Being smart does not mean being \\\"nerdish\\\". Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd, but keep in mind you can still have fun. Most likely, if you are smart, you are fast at work and have free time. Hang out with friends after school. Your nice nature is going to attract friends. In school, talk about things other than just academics sometimes.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Know when people are truly a friend or using you.\", \"描述\": \"There are several cases to deal with depending on the person. One type of person is an acquaintance whom you help. Help this person regardless. Don't expect friendship in return for help. Another type of person is a true friend. While it is okay to be friends with people who admire you for intelligence, know the difference. True friends are the ones who help you if you are in trouble. Someone who is using you appears to act like your friend and copies off you constantly, but when you are in trouble they join in the fun. For example, if someone makes fun of you, they join in.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Maintain\", \"描述\": \"Even if you do encounter trouble, you should handle it without yelling or acting snobbish. Yelling will not do any good.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Expect\", \"描述\": \"Jealousy is the reason for it, even if it is not admitted by them. Handle them calmly and ignore them. If they continue to bother you or hit you, tell the principal or another staff member along with your parents.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Study well for tests and remain constantly prepared.\", \"描述\": \"Those extra minutes of studying will save you in the end, leaving you more free time, better grades, and more respect as a smart student. People respect good looking, smart, and motivated people. You don't have to be nerdy to be smart. So as long as you study, once you get to class, you won't have to worry how others see you, it will show in the test grades.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Respect people the way you want to be treated... never bully or do not be one.[7]\\nX\\nTrustworthy Source\\\\nWebsite run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services providing information related to identifying and preventing bullying\\nGo to source\\n\", \"Offer to help people online or on the phone after school.\\n\", \"Be humble - people are more likely to recognize you as being smart if you are nice to them, rather than if you are arrogant.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Do not brag about your smart position. People won't like you! It is hard to like a person who just talks about themselves all day. The last thing you want to do is act like you are above everybody else.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Cold
1. Having a Cold Demeanor 1-1. Don't smile often. Having a smile on your face looks inviting and warm, drawing people to you. It's more difficult to read someone's face when it has a serious expression. If you want to be cold, you should smile very rarely. You want people to look at you and wonder what you're thinking. Be generally expressionless and hard to read. When you do smile, keep it contained - don't break into a wide open grin. Keep your smile small and mysterious. Flash it every once in a while to keep people guessing what's going on in that head of yours. Straight men might benefit more from smiling less, as studies show that smiling men are less attractive to women. 1-2. Master the icy glare. When someone crosses you, look them straight in the eye and crinkle your brow as if you are confused and perturbed by their behavior. Purse your lips ever so slightly to show your cool disdain. Lift your chin a little and look down past your nose. Don't let yourself look outright angry or upset. You want your expression to stay controlled, distant and cold as ice. 1-3. Use cool body language. Mastering the art of body language is key when it comes to being cold. Maintain an air of mystery and control by avoiding speaking when you can use a more subtle technique to communicate. Have excellent posture; stand up straighter than those around you. Don't be fidgety with your hands and feet. Don't play with your hair. When someone says something that annoys you, be expressionless and turn slightly away. Stop making eye contact. Shake hands lightly instead of hugging. Stiffen slightly when someone touches you. 1-4. Speak in an even tone. When you do speak, don't let your voice rise and fall dramatically. Keep a cool, calm, even tone, even if you're feeling wildly happy or angry inside. Don't lose yourself in laughter or tears; keep it together and try not to convey too much emotion. Be aloof and detached whenever you're talking to someone. 1-5. Don't talk about yourself Keep some distance from those around you by not saying too much about your thoughts, feelings, habits and personal life. People who are cold don't tend to share in this way. Say only what you need to say, and avoid telling stories or jokes that might reveal too much. 1-6. Don't ask a lot of questions. Asking other people questions implies that you care about them, and if your goal is to be cold, you want to have the opposite effect. You can exchange a few polite pleasantries, but avoid expressing too much interest. Make it seem like you're preoccupied with your own brilliant thoughts and ideas to discuss the trivialities of other people's lives. 1-7. Never repeat yourself. If someone does not hear you the first time it's their own fault. You shouldn't have to repeat anything to anyone. 2. Having a Cold Attitude 2-1. Be willing to hurt someone's feelings. When you don't smile, ask people questions, or express any positive emotions, people's feelings are almost guaranteed to get hurt. That's the price you'll have to pay for being cold. Resist the urge to apologize or comfort people when you realize they're offended or upset. If someone comes to you and asks why you were rude, gaze at him or her coolly and say you're not sure what they're talking about. If someone expresses sadness or anger, say "I'm sorry you were offended," then turn around and go about your day. Using this non-apology is sure to show the other person that you are quite cold. Beware giving too many people the cold shoulder. Studies show that people who ostracize others may feel as sad as the person being ostracized. 2-2. Be fiercely competitive. Work hard to be the best at everything you do, even if it means you aren't demonstrating good teamwork skills. Be ready with the smartest, quickest answers in your classes. Be relentless on the playing field during soccer practice. Excel at your job, even if others might look less capable as a consequence. 2-3. Be extremely practical and realistic. When other people are excited about a big tournament coming up, mention it's just a game, and really a waste of people's time. Don't express excitement over holidays and birthdays. 2-4. Don't bother helping. So the lady down the street drops all her groceries? Cross the street and look away, or walk right by her. If the first thing you think when someone asks you for help is, "Darn, why do I have to help?" Don't help. Don't second guess yourself, and don't let guilt affect your behavior. As a cold person, empathy and compassion aren't your forte. 2-5. Be negative. For cold people, the glass is always half empty. Imagine you are walking on the sidewalk when a car rushes by and sprays dirty rainwater on you. What do you say? Not "Darn, my favorite shirt" or "Why me?" No, the correct answer is 'C': glare murderously and say "I hope you crash and die." Be critical of those around you. Don't give out compliments. If someone asks you if you like what they're wearing, avert your eyes and change the subject. 2-6. Be careful who you trust. Behaving coldly toward people is going to make you some enemies. As a consequence, there will be very few people you can trust. The only people you can really trust will be those who understand that you're not cold at heart. 3. Knowing When to Be Cold 3-1. Be cold in public. It's usually pretty safe to be cold in a public setting. You might cause a few strangers to feel miffed, but that can be a good thing - especially if the strangers were trying to hit on you or get something from you. Being cold in public probably won't hurt your reputation or cause any long-term harm. That said, if you see someone in need of real help, lose your cold demeanor and lend a hand. Think about what you'd want someone to do for you in the same situation. 3-2. Be cold when it helps you excel. There are times when being cold can help you win an argument, close a business deal, or score the winning point. There's nothing wrong with having a tough, cold attitude when it comes to getting ahead - unless you're taking it so far that you do real damage to another person. It's important to think through the consequences of your attitude and actions. 3-3. Don't be cold to your family and friends.The people who take care of you and are warm to you deserve the same in return. Being cold to family and friends will only make you feel isolated. After years of being treated coldly, it's likely that no one but your parents will still want to give you the time of day. 3-4. Beware getting a reputation for being cold. Being cold can have its benefits, but in the end, those who are generous, warm and charming attract the most friends. Since having good friends leads to lifelong happiness, you might want to consider cultivating these personality traits once you've experienced what it's like to be cold. Don't worry, you can still flash your icy side when the situation calls for it. Tips Try to face most of your fears so you can show you are not scared of almost everything. If your really determined then do it without hesitation, and with all your heart it will be easy to maintain and do it if you put your attention and practice doing it even at home. Use this in a good way like people giving you respect and for them to discipline themselves in doing something to a person like they will not abuse you. Warnings For obvious reasons, this is not for use on your boss or other people that you care for.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:01", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Having a Cold Demeanor\\n1-1. Don't smile often.\\nHaving a smile on your face looks inviting and warm, drawing people to you. It's more difficult to read someone's face when it has a serious expression. If you want to be cold, you should smile very rarely. You want people to look at you and wonder what you're thinking. Be generally expressionless and hard to read.\\nWhen you do smile, keep it contained - don't break into a wide open grin. Keep your smile small and mysterious. Flash it every once in a while to keep people guessing what's going on in that head of yours.\\nStraight men might benefit more from smiling less, as studies show that smiling men are less attractive to women.\\n1-2. Master the icy glare.\\nWhen someone crosses you, look them straight in the eye and crinkle your brow as if you are confused and perturbed by their behavior. Purse your lips ever so slightly to show your cool disdain. Lift your chin a little and look down past your nose. Don't let yourself look outright angry or upset. You want your expression to stay controlled, distant and cold as ice.\\n1-3. Use cool body language.\\nMastering the art of body language is key when it comes to being cold. Maintain an air of mystery and control by avoiding speaking when you can use a more subtle technique to communicate.\\nHave excellent posture; stand up straighter than those around you.\\nDon't be fidgety with your hands and feet. Don't play with your hair.\\nWhen someone says something that annoys you, be expressionless and turn slightly away. Stop making eye contact.\\nShake hands lightly instead of hugging.\\nStiffen slightly when someone touches you.\\n1-4. Speak in an even tone.\\nWhen you do speak, don't let your voice rise and fall dramatically. Keep a cool, calm, even tone, even if you're feeling wildly happy or angry inside. Don't lose yourself in laughter or tears; keep it together and try not to convey too much emotion. Be aloof and detached whenever you're talking to someone.\\n1-5. Don't talk about yourself\\nKeep some distance from those around you by not saying too much about your thoughts, feelings, habits and personal life. People who are cold don't tend to share in this way. Say only what you need to say, and avoid telling stories or jokes that might reveal too much.\\n1-6. Don't ask a lot of questions.\\nAsking other people questions implies that you care about them, and if your goal is to be cold, you want to have the opposite effect. You can exchange a few polite pleasantries, but avoid expressing too much interest. Make it seem like you're preoccupied with your own brilliant thoughts and ideas to discuss the trivialities of other people's lives.\\n1-7. Never repeat yourself.\\nIf someone does not hear you the first time it's their own fault. You shouldn't have to repeat anything to anyone.\\n2. Having a Cold Attitude\\n2-1. Be willing to hurt someone's feelings.\\nWhen you don't smile, ask people questions, or express any positive emotions, people's feelings are almost guaranteed to get hurt. That's the price you'll have to pay for being cold. Resist the urge to apologize or comfort people when you realize they're offended or upset.\\nIf someone comes to you and asks why you were rude, gaze at him or her coolly and say you're not sure what they're talking about.\\nIf someone expresses sadness or anger, say \\\"I'm sorry you were offended,\\\" then turn around and go about your day. Using this non-apology is sure to show the other person that you are quite cold.\\nBeware giving too many people the cold shoulder. Studies show that people who ostracize others may feel as sad as the person being ostracized.\\n2-2. Be fiercely competitive.\\nWork hard to be the best at everything you do, even if it means you aren't demonstrating good teamwork skills. Be ready with the smartest, quickest answers in your classes. Be relentless on the playing field during soccer practice. Excel at your job, even if others might look less capable as a consequence.\\n2-3. Be extremely practical and realistic.\\nWhen other people are excited about a big tournament coming up, mention it's just a game, and really a waste of people's time. Don't express excitement over holidays and birthdays.\\n2-4. Don't bother helping.\\nSo the lady down the street drops all her groceries? Cross the street and look away, or walk right by her. If the first thing you think when someone asks you for help is, \\\"Darn, why do I have to help?\\\" Don't help. Don't second guess yourself, and don't let guilt affect your behavior. As a cold person, empathy and compassion aren't your forte.\\n2-5. Be negative.\\nFor cold people, the glass is always half empty. Imagine you are walking on the sidewalk when a car rushes by and sprays dirty rainwater on you. What do you say? Not \\\"Darn, my favorite shirt\\\" or \\\"Why me?\\\" No, the correct answer is 'C': glare murderously and say \\\"I hope you crash and die.\\\"\\nBe critical of those around you. Don't give out compliments. If someone asks you if you like what they're wearing, avert your eyes and change the subject.\\n2-6. Be careful who you trust.\\nBehaving coldly toward people is going to make you some enemies. As a consequence, there will be very few people you can trust. The only people you can really trust will be those who understand that you're not cold at heart.\\n3. Knowing When to Be Cold\\n3-1. Be cold in public.\\nIt's usually pretty safe to be cold in a public setting. You might cause a few strangers to feel miffed, but that can be a good thing - especially if the strangers were trying to hit on you or get something from you. Being cold in public probably won't hurt your reputation or cause any long-term harm.\\nThat said, if you see someone in need of real help, lose your cold demeanor and lend a hand. Think about what you'd want someone to do for you in the same situation.\\n3-2. Be cold when it helps you excel.\\nThere are times when being cold can help you win an argument, close a business deal, or score the winning point. There's nothing wrong with having a tough, cold attitude when it comes to getting ahead - unless you're taking it so far that you do real damage to another person. It's important to think through the consequences of your attitude and actions.\\n3-3. Don't be cold to your family and friends.The people who take care of you and are warm to you deserve the same in return.\\nBeing cold to family and friends will only make you feel isolated. After years of being treated coldly, it's likely that no one but your parents will still want to give you the time of day.\\n3-4. Beware getting a reputation for being cold.\\nBeing cold can have its benefits, but in the end, those who are generous, warm and charming attract the most friends. Since having good friends leads to lifelong happiness, you might want to consider cultivating these personality traits once you've experienced what it's like to be cold. Don't worry, you can still flash your icy side when the situation calls for it.\\nTips\\nTry to face most of your fears so you can show you are not scared of almost everything.\\nIf your really determined then do it without hesitation, and with all your heart it will be easy to maintain and do it if you put your attention and practice doing it even at home. Use this in a good way like people giving you respect and for them to discipline themselves in doing something to a person like they will not abuse you.\\nWarnings\\nFor obvious reasons, this is not for use on your boss or other people that you care for.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Are you tired of being so nice all the time? There's a certain power in being mysteriously cold instead of sweet and inviting. Acting cold can cause people to take you more seriously at school or make you seem more professional at work. Try not to take it too far, though - you don't want to completely ice people out. If you want to know how to turn your personality from warm to chilly, keep reading.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Having a Cold Demeanor\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Don't smile often.\", \"描述\": \"Having a smile on your face looks inviting and warm, drawing people to you. It's more difficult to read someone's face when it has a serious expression. If you want to be cold, you should smile very rarely. You want people to look at you and wonder what you're thinking. Be generally expressionless and hard to read.\\nWhen you do smile, keep it contained - don't break into a wide open grin. Keep your smile small and mysterious. Flash it every once in a while to keep people guessing what's going on in that head of yours.\\nStraight men might benefit more from smiling less, as studies show that smiling men are less attractive to women.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Master the icy glare.\", \"描述\": \"When someone crosses you, look them straight in the eye and crinkle your brow as if you are confused and perturbed by their behavior. Purse your lips ever so slightly to show your cool disdain. Lift your chin a little and look down past your nose. Don't let yourself look outright angry or upset. You want your expression to stay controlled, distant and cold as ice.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Use cool body language.\", \"描述\": \"Mastering the art of body language is key when it comes to being cold. Maintain an air of mystery and control by avoiding speaking when you can use a more subtle technique to communicate.\\nHave excellent posture; stand up straighter than those around you.\\nDon't be fidgety with your hands and feet. Don't play with your hair.\\nWhen someone says something that annoys you, be expressionless and turn slightly away. Stop making eye contact.\\nShake hands lightly instead of hugging.\\nStiffen slightly when someone touches you.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Speak in an even tone.\", \"描述\": \"When you do speak, don't let your voice rise and fall dramatically. Keep a cool, calm, even tone, even if you're feeling wildly happy or angry inside. Don't lose yourself in laughter or tears; keep it together and try not to convey too much emotion. Be aloof and detached whenever you're talking to someone.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don't talk about yourself\", \"描述\": \"Keep some distance from those around you by not saying too much about your thoughts, feelings, habits and personal life. People who are cold don't tend to share in this way. Say only what you need to say, and avoid telling stories or jokes that might reveal too much.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Don't ask a lot of questions.\", \"描述\": \"Asking other people questions implies that you care about them, and if your goal is to be cold, you want to have the opposite effect. You can exchange a few polite pleasantries, but avoid expressing too much interest. Make it seem like you're preoccupied with your own brilliant thoughts and ideas to discuss the trivialities of other people's lives.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Never repeat yourself.\", \"描述\": \"If someone does not hear you the first time it's their own fault. You shouldn't have to repeat anything to anyone.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Having a Cold Attitude\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be willing to hurt someone's feelings.\", \"描述\": \"When you don't smile, ask people questions, or express any positive emotions, people's feelings are almost guaranteed to get hurt. That's the price you'll have to pay for being cold. Resist the urge to apologize or comfort people when you realize they're offended or upset.\\nIf someone comes to you and asks why you were rude, gaze at him or her coolly and say you're not sure what they're talking about.\\nIf someone expresses sadness or anger, say \\\"I'm sorry you were offended,\\\" then turn around and go about your day. Using this non-apology is sure to show the other person that you are quite cold.\\nBeware giving too many people the cold shoulder. Studies show that people who ostracize others may feel as sad as the person being ostracized.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be fiercely competitive.\", \"描述\": \"Work hard to be the best at everything you do, even if it means you aren't demonstrating good teamwork skills. Be ready with the smartest, quickest answers in your classes. Be relentless on the playing field during soccer practice. Excel at your job, even if others might look less capable as a consequence.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be extremely practical and realistic.\", \"描述\": \"When other people are excited about a big tournament coming up, mention it's just a game, and really a waste of people's time. Don't express excitement over holidays and birthdays.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don't bother helping.\", \"描述\": \"So the lady down the street drops all her groceries? Cross the street and look away, or walk right by her. If the first thing you think when someone asks you for help is, \\\"Darn, why do I have to help?\\\" Don't help. Don't second guess yourself, and don't let guilt affect your behavior. As a cold person, empathy and compassion aren't your forte.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Be negative.\", \"描述\": \"For cold people, the glass is always half empty. Imagine you are walking on the sidewalk when a car rushes by and sprays dirty rainwater on you. What do you say? Not \\\"Darn, my favorite shirt\\\" or \\\"Why me?\\\" No, the correct answer is 'C': glare murderously and say \\\"I hope you crash and die.\\\"\\nBe critical of those around you. Don't give out compliments. If someone asks you if you like what they're wearing, avert your eyes and change the subject.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be careful who you trust.\", \"描述\": \"Behaving coldly toward people is going to make you some enemies. As a consequence, there will be very few people you can trust. The only people you can really trust will be those who understand that you're not cold at heart.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Knowing When to Be Cold\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be cold in public.\", \"描述\": \"It's usually pretty safe to be cold in a public setting. You might cause a few strangers to feel miffed, but that can be a good thing - especially if the strangers were trying to hit on you or get something from you. Being cold in public probably won't hurt your reputation or cause any long-term harm.\\nThat said, if you see someone in need of real help, lose your cold demeanor and lend a hand. Think about what you'd want someone to do for you in the same situation.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be cold when it helps you excel.\", \"描述\": \"There are times when being cold can help you win an argument, close a business deal, or score the winning point. There's nothing wrong with having a tough, cold attitude when it comes to getting ahead - unless you're taking it so far that you do real damage to another person. It's important to think through the consequences of your attitude and actions.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Don't be cold to your family and friends.The people who take care of you and are warm to you deserve the same in return.\", \"描述\": \"Being cold to family and friends will only make you feel isolated. After years of being treated coldly, it's likely that no one but your parents will still want to give you the time of day.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Beware getting a reputation for being cold.\", \"描述\": \"Being cold can have its benefits, but in the end, those who are generous, warm and charming attract the most friends. Since having good friends leads to lifelong happiness, you might want to consider cultivating these personality traits once you've experienced what it's like to be cold. Don't worry, you can still flash your icy side when the situation calls for it.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Try to face most of your fears so you can show you are not scared of almost everything.\\n\", \"If your really determined then do it without hesitation, and with all your heart it will be easy to maintain and do it if you put your attention and practice doing it even at home. Use this in a good way like people giving you respect and for them to discipline themselves in doing something to a person like they will not abuse you.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"For obvious reasons, this is not for use on your boss or other people that you care for.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Confident
1. Mimicking Confident People 1-1. Find some examples of confident people. Think of people you know who are self-confident. These people can be models for you to emulate on acting confident. You might choose a parent, teacher, or even a celebrity. Observe this person’s actions, speech and body language. Imitate these behaviors until they become your own. 1-2. Smile often and act friendly. Being friendly to others and smiling makes you appear confident. It makes people believe that you’re a nice and happy person who enjoys being around other people. In turn, they will want to be around you. Participating in a variety of different activities will give you the opportunity to be friendly and display your confidence. Introduce yourself by name to other people. This will give them the impression that you respect yourself and you are worth listening to when you speak. 1-3. Speak and listen appropriately. Confident people don’t over-talk, chatter, or say too much. They speak appropriately and listen to other people, engaging in conversation in socially appropriate ways. For example, don’t constantly talk about yourself. When you constantly talk about your achievements, people start to think that you’re looking for approval and acceptance. A confident person doesn’t try to seek much external approval. Instead try asking other people about their achievements and lives! Accept compliments graciously. When people give you positive feedback, thank them and accept the compliment. Confident people know that they are worthy of compliments and respect. Don’t self-deprecate by saying you’re not good at something, or acting as though your success was just lucky. 1-4. Have confident body language. Confident people usually don’t appear anxious or nervous. Making small adjustments to your body language can convey confidence and power, despite what you might be feeling inside. Stand up with your back and shoulders straight. Make eye contact when you’re talking with someone. Don’t fidget. Relax tension in your muscles. 1-5. Give a firm handshake. When you meet someone new, make eye contact and give a firm handshake. This will convey that you are confident and interested. 1-6. Speak deliberately and clearly. Use a clear, confident voice when you speak. When your voice is timid or wobbly, you are not conveying as much confidence. If you rush through your words, you are conveying that you might not expect people to listen to you. Try to eliminate words like “um” and “uh” from your vocabulary. 1-7. Dress confidently and appropriately. People often make snap judgments based on a person’s appearance. Sometimes, acting confidently means that you need to dress the part. If you're wearing clothes that look like you've just got out of bed, the average person may not take you seriously. On the other hand, if you look like you're ready to get things done, people will assume you are confident and will likely be more respectful. Making an effort to be serious about your appearance will make it look like you're more serious about your demands. 1-8. Speak up for yourself. Don’t let others speak for you, because they can easily take advantage of you this way. If you speak up for yourself and show people that you’re not going to stand to be treated with disrespect, they will see your confidence and show you the respect that you deserve. For example, if you are trying to speak and someone interrupts, say, “Excuse me, I’d like to finish my thought.” 1-9. Don’t criticize yourself in front of others. People tend to treat you as well as you treat yourself. If you’re always self-deprecating, other people will begin to treat you that way. By having self-respect, you can demonstrate that you will not settle for anything less from others. For example, don’t talk to other people about how much you hate your hair. Find something about your appearance that you’re pleased with and focus on that. Or, get a new haircut and turn a negative self-image into a positive one. 1-10. Imagine you are in a different situation. If you are having trouble acting confident in one situation, imagine that you are in a different situation where you are confident. For example, you don’t have trouble speaking with other people at school. But you clam up when talking at parties. When you are at a party, imagine that you are just talking with someone in your classroom. Challenge the negative thoughts you are having in the party situation by reassuring yourself that you have social skills and that you can talk easily in other situations. 1-11. Compliment others. Confident people not only view themselves in a positive way; they also recognize positive attributes in other people. If your coworker did a great job or won an achievement award, congratulate that person with a smile. Give people compliments on little and big things. This can help you appear confident to other people. 1-12. Take deep breaths. Initiate your body’s calming response by quelling your fight or flight response. Even if you don’t feel more confident for the moment, breathing deeply can calm your body. For example, if you feel nervous about a job interview, activate your body’s calming response by taking ten deep breaths, breathing in for a count of four, holding for a count of four, then exhaling for a count of four. Your body will become more relaxed, which will help you appear more confident to others. 1-13. Additionally, never talk about other people behind their backs. Some people may suggest that in order to become popular you have to be mean to others. However, this is far from the case. Confidence never includes talking bad about others. 2. Practicing Acting Confident 2-1. Communicate assertively Communicating in an honest, straightforward manner will help your confidence in any given situation. Assertive communication helps ensure that everyone’s rights (the speaker and listener) are protected. It also ensures that everyone enters into the conversation with an understanding of cooperation. This also means that everyone’s opinions are considered when working out a solution. For example, if you want to act confident during an interview, you could take the interview as an opportunity to see how your work experience and knowledge is going to contribute to fulfilling the company’s needs. You could say, “From what you’ve told me, one of the skills you are looking for is in helping to expand upon existing client’s usage of intermodal rail services. In my position at ABC Transport, I was able to help three major national clients expand their use of intermodal rail services, bringing in an extra one million dollars for the company. I would love to do the same, if not more, for XYZ Intermodal.” You will seem confident to your future employer because you have conveyed your past accomplishments in a way that is factual rather than boastful. Moreover, you are conveying your enthusiasm for becoming one of the team. 2-2. Make assertive decisions. When you need to make a decision, don’t waffle over the options. Be decisive and firm, and stand by your decision. This can be something minor, such as deciding which restaurant you’ll go to for dinner. Don’t overthink this decision. Decide on a restaurant and have fun. If the decision is a large one, such as accepting a new job, you can take more time to weigh the pros and cons of the decision’s outcomes. Just make sure that you are not hemming and hawing too much. 2-3. Work hard. Channel any nervous energy you’ve got into something productive. Shift your focus onto working hard. Confident people are not afraid to look towards improvement, because what they do does not affect their own self-opinion. They know that they are always going to do their best in any given situation, so they will act confident even if mistakes happen. 2-4. Don’t give up easily. Confident people don’t give up easily in situations. Rather, they keep going until they have found a solution or a way to succeed. If you want to act with confidence, don’t cave in when you are confronted with a challenge. 3. Building Your Self-Confidence from the Inside Out 3-1. Believe in yourself The best way to act confident is to feel confident. There are several things you can do to help your self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn will help you feel better in a variety of situations. Believing in yourself is the secret to confidence. While you can act confident, you will be much more convincing if you believe in your confidence. Look deep inside yourself and acknowledge your best attributes. You may not think you have anything special in you, but you do. This inner confidence will naturally make you feel and look great. Set realistic goals and meet them. Give yourself the confidence to know that you can successfully accomplish goals. Love yourself for who you are. Accept yourself for your positives and negatives. Give yourself leeway for mistakes and give yourself accolades when you are successful. Talk with your loved ones. People who love you can help you see the positive in yourself. They love you for particular reasons, and their influence will have a positive effect on your self-worth. 3-2. Make a list of your positive attributes. In order to act confidently, shift your focus to the things that give you confidence. Think about your positive attributes. Consider the things you’ve done well and succeeded at (no matter how big or small). Make a list of positive things to say about yourself. Some examples are: I’m a great friend. I’m a hard-working employee. I excel at mathematics, science, spelling, grammar, etc. I won trophies for competing in chess. 3-3. Remember kind things people have said to you. Recall situations in which people have complimented you. This will help you think positively about yourself, which in turn will help you to act confidently. 3-4. Identify what makes you feel confident. Once you understand the situations in which you feel confident, you can transfer your confidence skills to other situations. Write a list of each situation where you feel confident. For each situation, write down what it is that enables you to feel confident in that situation. For example: “I feel confident when I am with my friends. Reasons why I feel confident: I have known them a long time. I know they don’t judge me. They accept me for who I am.” Write down each situation where you don’t feel as confident. For each of these situations, write down what it is that prevents you from feeling confident. For example: “I don’t feel confident when I am in work. Reasons why I don’t feel confident: It’s a new job and I am not sure about what I am doing. My boss is a bit picky, and she has pulled me up on the work I have done.” 3-5. Focus on improving yourself. Another skill you can work on is striving to succeed in the things you do at work, at school, or even at your relationships. It’s all about focus. Confident people focus on how to improve what they do until they succeed. People who lack confidence will focus upon how they appear, worrying about their perceived shortcomings (which are most often not true), and worry about failing rather than trying to find a way to make things work. Reflect on a recent situation that you were in, such as giving a public talk or interviewing for a job. Count at least three things that went well in the situation. This will help keep negative thinking at bay. 3-6. Quiet your inner critic. Negative thoughts cause a lot of misery for a lot of people. Negative thoughts are often based upon self-beliefs that are untrue. These types of thoughts might include, “I’m not good enough,” “I’m unlucky,” or “I mess up all the time.” Acknowledge those thoughts as they occur. You simply have picked up some bad habits along the way. Changing them is completely within your reach. Counter negative thoughts. Offer an opposite thought and then test out which one is true. For example, if you catch yourself saying, “I’m unlucky,” counter that thought with all the things you have in your life that make you lucky. For example, remind yourself, “I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and clothing on my back. I have friends and family who love me. I won $40 last year from lottery scratch tickets.” Acknowledge that your inner critic is never really correct. Quieting the inner critic can help you act confidently because you will feel more confident without someone (you) putting you down all the time. 3-7. Believe in your ability to meet challenges. You can use your list of positives to increase your belief in the fact that you will rise to challenges and do your best in any given situation. If you always think about what you’re doing wrong, you will decrease your sense of “self-efficacy” (your belief that you can actually accomplish things big and small). In turn, this will erode your self-confidence and cause you to act with less self-confidence. Instead, believe that you can overcome challenges. 4. Taking Care of Yourself 4-1. Celebrate your individuality There may be things you want to change about yourself. But you still need to accept yourself fundamentally before you can begin to change. Don’t compare yourself to others. Try not to worry about what others may think of you. Learn to follow your own path and do the things that you want to do. 4-2. Do something that makes you feel strong. Accomplish something in your life that you have always wished to accomplish. Start taking classes, join a club, or do something else that you know you’re great at. Accomplishing something that makes you feel strong will improve your confidence. 4-3. Write in a journal. Everyday write down something that you are proud of, whether it be an act of kindness towards someone or a positive trait that you just discovered. Whenever you need to boost your confidence, look back to your journal and remind yourself that you are wonderful in so many ways. 4-4. Maintain close relationships with loved ones. Spend time with people who love you and whom you love. Having supportive people in your life will help you build confidence in a multitude of situations. This includes family, friends, and significant others. 4-5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take care of your body so that you feel good about yourself. Get enough exercise and eat healthy foods. When you feel good about yourself and your body, you will feel more confident. This will help you act more confident too. Aim to get about 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Tips The only person you need to impress is yourself. Seek a happy life instead of a life where you feel like you need to live up to everyone's expectations, and never get to do the things you like to do. Warnings Trying too hard to be confident around others will cause them to see you as insecure, arrogant, and having a need for attention.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:02", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Mimicking Confident People\\n1-1. Find some examples of confident people.\\nThink of people you know who are self-confident. These people can be models for you to emulate on acting confident. You might choose a parent, teacher, or even a celebrity. Observe this person’s actions, speech and body language. Imitate these behaviors until they become your own.\\n1-2. Smile often and act friendly.\\nBeing friendly to others and smiling makes you appear confident. It makes people believe that you’re a nice and happy person who enjoys being around other people. In turn, they will want to be around you.\\nParticipating in a variety of different activities will give you the opportunity to be friendly and display your confidence.\\nIntroduce yourself by name to other people. This will give them the impression that you respect yourself and you are worth listening to when you speak.\\n1-3. Speak and listen appropriately.\\nConfident people don’t over-talk, chatter, or say too much. They speak appropriately and listen to other people, engaging in conversation in socially appropriate ways.\\nFor example, don’t constantly talk about yourself. When you constantly talk about your achievements, people start to think that you’re looking for approval and acceptance. A confident person doesn’t try to seek much external approval. Instead try asking other people about their achievements and lives!\\nAccept compliments graciously. When people give you positive feedback, thank them and accept the compliment. Confident people know that they are worthy of compliments and respect. Don’t self-deprecate by saying you’re not good at something, or acting as though your success was just lucky.\\n1-4. Have confident body language.\\nConfident people usually don’t appear anxious or nervous. Making small adjustments to your body language can convey confidence and power, despite what you might be feeling inside.\\nStand up with your back and shoulders straight.\\nMake eye contact when you’re talking with someone.\\nDon’t fidget.\\nRelax tension in your muscles.\\n1-5. Give a firm handshake.\\nWhen you meet someone new, make eye contact and give a firm handshake. This will convey that you are confident and interested.\\n1-6. Speak deliberately and clearly.\\nUse a clear, confident voice when you speak. When your voice is timid or wobbly, you are not conveying as much confidence. If you rush through your words, you are conveying that you might not expect people to listen to you.\\nTry to eliminate words like “um” and “uh” from your vocabulary.\\n1-7. Dress confidently and appropriately.\\nPeople often make snap judgments based on a person’s appearance. Sometimes, acting confidently means that you need to dress the part. If you're wearing clothes that look like you've just got out of bed, the average person may not take you seriously. On the other hand, if you look like you're ready to get things done, people will assume you are confident and will likely be more respectful.\\nMaking an effort to be serious about your appearance will make it look like you're more serious about your demands.\\n1-8. Speak up for yourself.\\nDon’t let others speak for you, because they can easily take advantage of you this way. If you speak up for yourself and show people that you’re not going to stand to be treated with disrespect, they will see your confidence and show you the respect that you deserve.\\nFor example, if you are trying to speak and someone interrupts, say, “Excuse me, I’d like to finish my thought.”\\n1-9. Don’t criticize yourself in front of others.\\nPeople tend to treat you as well as you treat yourself. If you’re always self-deprecating, other people will begin to treat you that way. By having self-respect, you can demonstrate that you will not settle for anything less from others.\\nFor example, don’t talk to other people about how much you hate your hair. Find something about your appearance that you’re pleased with and focus on that. Or, get a new haircut and turn a negative self-image into a positive one.\\n1-10. Imagine you are in a different situation.\\nIf you are having trouble acting confident in one situation, imagine that you are in a different situation where you are confident. For example, you don’t have trouble speaking with other people at school. But you clam up when talking at parties. When you are at a party, imagine that you are just talking with someone in your classroom.\\nChallenge the negative thoughts you are having in the party situation by reassuring yourself that you have social skills and that you can talk easily in other situations.\\n1-11. Compliment others.\\nConfident people not only view themselves in a positive way; they also recognize positive attributes in other people. If your coworker did a great job or won an achievement award, congratulate that person with a smile. Give people compliments on little and big things. This can help you appear confident to other people.\\n1-12. Take deep breaths.\\nInitiate your body’s calming response by quelling your fight or flight response. Even if you don’t feel more confident for the moment, breathing deeply can calm your body.\\nFor example, if you feel nervous about a job interview, activate your body’s calming response by taking ten deep breaths, breathing in for a count of four, holding for a count of four, then exhaling for a count of four. Your body will become more relaxed, which will help you appear more confident to others.\\n1-13. Additionally, never talk about other people behind their backs.\\nSome people may suggest that in order to become popular you have to be mean to others. However, this is far from the case. Confidence never includes talking bad about others.\\n2. Practicing Acting Confident\\n2-1. Communicate assertively\\nCommunicating in an honest, straightforward manner will help your confidence in any given situation. Assertive communication helps ensure that everyone’s rights (the speaker and listener) are protected. It also ensures that everyone enters into the conversation with an understanding of cooperation. This also means that everyone’s opinions are considered when working out a solution.\\nFor example, if you want to act confident during an interview, you could take the interview as an opportunity to see how your work experience and knowledge is going to contribute to fulfilling the company’s needs. You could say, “From what you’ve told me, one of the skills you are looking for is in helping to expand upon existing client’s usage of intermodal rail services. In my position at ABC Transport, I was able to help three major national clients expand their use of intermodal rail services, bringing in an extra one million dollars for the company. I would love to do the same, if not more, for XYZ Intermodal.”\\nYou will seem confident to your future employer because you have conveyed your past accomplishments in a way that is factual rather than boastful. Moreover, you are conveying your enthusiasm for becoming one of the team.\\n2-2. Make assertive decisions.\\nWhen you need to make a decision, don’t waffle over the options. Be decisive and firm, and stand by your decision.\\nThis can be something minor, such as deciding which restaurant you’ll go to for dinner. Don’t overthink this decision. Decide on a restaurant and have fun.\\nIf the decision is a large one, such as accepting a new job, you can take more time to weigh the pros and cons of the decision’s outcomes. Just make sure that you are not hemming and hawing too much.\\n2-3. Work hard.\\nChannel any nervous energy you’ve got into something productive. Shift your focus onto working hard. Confident people are not afraid to look towards improvement, because what they do does not affect their own self-opinion. They know that they are always going to do their best in any given situation, so they will act confident even if mistakes happen.\\n2-4. Don’t give up easily.\\nConfident people don’t give up easily in situations. Rather, they keep going until they have found a solution or a way to succeed. If you want to act with confidence, don’t cave in when you are confronted with a challenge.\\n3. Building Your Self-Confidence from the Inside Out\\n3-1. Believe in yourself\\nThe best way to act confident is to feel confident. There are several things you can do to help your self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn will help you feel better in a variety of situations. Believing in yourself is the secret to confidence. While you can act confident, you will be much more convincing if you believe in your confidence. Look deep inside yourself and acknowledge your best attributes. You may not think you have anything special in you, but you do. This inner confidence will naturally make you feel and look great.\\nSet realistic goals and meet them. Give yourself the confidence to know that you can successfully accomplish goals.\\nLove yourself for who you are. Accept yourself for your positives and negatives. Give yourself leeway for mistakes and give yourself accolades when you are successful.\\nTalk with your loved ones. People who love you can help you see the positive in yourself. They love you for particular reasons, and their influence will have a positive effect on your self-worth.\\n3-2. Make a list of your positive attributes.\\nIn order to act confidently, shift your focus to the things that give you confidence. Think about your positive attributes. Consider the things you’ve done well and succeeded at (no matter how big or small). Make a list of positive things to say about yourself. Some examples are:\\nI’m a great friend.\\nI’m a hard-working employee.\\nI excel at mathematics, science, spelling, grammar, etc.\\nI won trophies for competing in chess.\\n3-3. Remember kind things people have said to you.\\nRecall situations in which people have complimented you. This will help you think positively about yourself, which in turn will help you to act confidently.\\n3-4. Identify what makes you feel confident.\\nOnce you understand the situations in which you feel confident, you can transfer your confidence skills to other situations.\\nWrite a list of each situation where you feel confident. For each situation, write down what it is that enables you to feel confident in that situation. For example: “I feel confident when I am with my friends. Reasons why I feel confident: I have known them a long time. I know they don’t judge me. They accept me for who I am.”\\nWrite down each situation where you don’t feel as confident. For each of these situations, write down what it is that prevents you from feeling confident. For example: “I don’t feel confident when I am in work. Reasons why I don’t feel confident: It’s a new job and I am not sure about what I am doing. My boss is a bit picky, and she has pulled me up on the work I have done.”\\n3-5. Focus on improving yourself.\\nAnother skill you can work on is striving to succeed in the things you do at work, at school, or even at your relationships. It’s all about focus. Confident people focus on how to improve what they do until they succeed. People who lack confidence will focus upon how they appear, worrying about their perceived shortcomings (which are most often not true), and worry about failing rather than trying to find a way to make things work.\\nReflect on a recent situation that you were in, such as giving a public talk or interviewing for a job. Count at least three things that went well in the situation. This will help keep negative thinking at bay.\\n3-6. Quiet your inner critic.\\nNegative thoughts cause a lot of misery for a lot of people. Negative thoughts are often based upon self-beliefs that are untrue. These types of thoughts might include, “I’m not good enough,” “I’m unlucky,” or “I mess up all the time.”\\nAcknowledge those thoughts as they occur. You simply have picked up some bad habits along the way. Changing them is completely within your reach.\\nCounter negative thoughts. Offer an opposite thought and then test out which one is true. For example, if you catch yourself saying, “I’m unlucky,” counter that thought with all the things you have in your life that make you lucky. For example, remind yourself, “I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and clothing on my back. I have friends and family who love me. I won $40 last year from lottery scratch tickets.”\\nAcknowledge that your inner critic is never really correct. Quieting the inner critic can help you act confidently because you will feel more confident without someone (you) putting you down all the time.\\n3-7. Believe in your ability to meet challenges.\\nYou can use your list of positives to increase your belief in the fact that you will rise to challenges and do your best in any given situation.\\nIf you always think about what you’re doing wrong, you will decrease your sense of “self-efficacy” (your belief that you can actually accomplish things big and small). In turn, this will erode your self-confidence and cause you to act with less self-confidence. Instead, believe that you can overcome challenges.\\n4. Taking Care of Yourself\\n4-1. Celebrate your individuality\\nThere may be things you want to change about yourself. But you still need to accept yourself fundamentally before you can begin to change. Don’t compare yourself to others. Try not to worry about what others may think of you. Learn to follow your own path and do the things that you want to do.\\n4-2. Do something that makes you feel strong.\\nAccomplish something in your life that you have always wished to accomplish. Start taking classes, join a club, or do something else that you know you’re great at. Accomplishing something that makes you feel strong will improve your confidence.\\n4-3. Write in a journal.\\nEveryday write down something that you are proud of, whether it be an act of kindness towards someone or a positive trait that you just discovered. Whenever you need to boost your confidence, look back to your journal and remind yourself that you are wonderful in so many ways.\\n4-4. Maintain close relationships with loved ones.\\nSpend time with people who love you and whom you love. Having supportive people in your life will help you build confidence in a multitude of situations. This includes family, friends, and significant others.\\n4-5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.\\nTake care of your body so that you feel good about yourself. Get enough exercise and eat healthy foods. When you feel good about yourself and your body, you will feel more confident. This will help you act more confident too.\\nAim to get about 30 minutes of physical activity every day.\\nTips\\nThe only person you need to impress is yourself. Seek a happy life instead of a life where you feel like you need to live up to everyone's expectations, and never get to do the things you like to do.\\nWarnings\\nTrying too hard to be confident around others will cause them to see you as insecure, arrogant, and having a need for attention.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Most people feel confident in some situations, but not in others. Perhaps you feel confident in school because you have good grades. When you’re at a party, however, you feel like a fish out of water and you become shy and unconfident. Or maybe you feel confident with your classmates, but lack confidence in a work situation. For whatever reason, there may be some situations in which you feel the need to improve your confidence. Acting confident is one stage to building your confidence. You can achieve this by making some changes in how you think about yourself and how you conduct yourself.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Mimicking Confident People\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find some examples of confident people.\", \"描述\": \"Think of people you know who are self-confident. These people can be models for you to emulate on acting confident. You might choose a parent, teacher, or even a celebrity. Observe this person’s actions, speech and body language. Imitate these behaviors until they become your own.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Smile often and act friendly.\", \"描述\": \"Being friendly to others and smiling makes you appear confident. It makes people believe that you’re a nice and happy person who enjoys being around other people. In turn, they will want to be around you.\\nParticipating in a variety of different activities will give you the opportunity to be friendly and display your confidence.\\nIntroduce yourself by name to other people. This will give them the impression that you respect yourself and you are worth listening to when you speak.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Speak and listen appropriately.\", \"描述\": \"Confident people don’t over-talk, chatter, or say too much. They speak appropriately and listen to other people, engaging in conversation in socially appropriate ways.\\nFor example, don’t constantly talk about yourself. When you constantly talk about your achievements, people start to think that you’re looking for approval and acceptance. A confident person doesn’t try to seek much external approval. Instead try asking other people about their achievements and lives!\\nAccept compliments graciously. When people give you positive feedback, thank them and accept the compliment. Confident people know that they are worthy of compliments and respect. Don’t self-deprecate by saying you’re not good at something, or acting as though your success was just lucky.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Have confident body language.\", \"描述\": \"Confident people usually don’t appear anxious or nervous. Making small adjustments to your body language can convey confidence and power, despite what you might be feeling inside.\\nStand up with your back and shoulders straight.\\nMake eye contact when you’re talking with someone.\\nDon’t fidget.\\nRelax tension in your muscles.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Give a firm handshake.\", \"描述\": \"When you meet someone new, make eye contact and give a firm handshake. This will convey that you are confident and interested.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Speak deliberately and clearly.\", \"描述\": \"Use a clear, confident voice when you speak. When your voice is timid or wobbly, you are not conveying as much confidence. If you rush through your words, you are conveying that you might not expect people to listen to you.\\nTry to eliminate words like “um” and “uh” from your vocabulary.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Dress confidently and appropriately.\", \"描述\": \"People often make snap judgments based on a person’s appearance. Sometimes, acting confidently means that you need to dress the part. If you're wearing clothes that look like you've just got out of bed, the average person may not take you seriously. On the other hand, if you look like you're ready to get things done, people will assume you are confident and will likely be more respectful.\\nMaking an effort to be serious about your appearance will make it look like you're more serious about your demands.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Speak up for yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t let others speak for you, because they can easily take advantage of you this way. If you speak up for yourself and show people that you’re not going to stand to be treated with disrespect, they will see your confidence and show you the respect that you deserve.\\nFor example, if you are trying to speak and someone interrupts, say, “Excuse me, I’d like to finish my thought.”\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Don’t criticize yourself in front of others.\", \"描述\": \"People tend to treat you as well as you treat yourself. If you’re always self-deprecating, other people will begin to treat you that way. By having self-respect, you can demonstrate that you will not settle for anything less from others.\\nFor example, don’t talk to other people about how much you hate your hair. Find something about your appearance that you’re pleased with and focus on that. Or, get a new haircut and turn a negative self-image into a positive one.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Imagine you are in a different situation.\", \"描述\": \"If you are having trouble acting confident in one situation, imagine that you are in a different situation where you are confident. For example, you don’t have trouble speaking with other people at school. But you clam up when talking at parties. When you are at a party, imagine that you are just talking with someone in your classroom.\\nChallenge the negative thoughts you are having in the party situation by reassuring yourself that you have social skills and that you can talk easily in other situations.\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Compliment others.\", \"描述\": \"Confident people not only view themselves in a positive way; they also recognize positive attributes in other people. If your coworker did a great job or won an achievement award, congratulate that person with a smile. Give people compliments on little and big things. This can help you appear confident to other people.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Take deep breaths.\", \"描述\": \"Initiate your body’s calming response by quelling your fight or flight response. Even if you don’t feel more confident for the moment, breathing deeply can calm your body.\\nFor example, if you feel nervous about a job interview, activate your body’s calming response by taking ten deep breaths, breathing in for a count of four, holding for a count of four, then exhaling for a count of four. Your body will become more relaxed, which will help you appear more confident to others.\"}, {\"编号\": 13, \"标题\": \"Additionally, never talk about other people behind their backs.\", \"描述\": \"Some people may suggest that in order to become popular you have to be mean to others. However, this is far from the case. Confidence never includes talking bad about others.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Practicing Acting Confident\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Communicate assertively\", \"描述\": \"Communicating in an honest, straightforward manner will help your confidence in any given situation. Assertive communication helps ensure that everyone’s rights (the speaker and listener) are protected. It also ensures that everyone enters into the conversation with an understanding of cooperation. This also means that everyone’s opinions are considered when working out a solution.\\nFor example, if you want to act confident during an interview, you could take the interview as an opportunity to see how your work experience and knowledge is going to contribute to fulfilling the company’s needs. You could say, “From what you’ve told me, one of the skills you are looking for is in helping to expand upon existing client’s usage of intermodal rail services. In my position at ABC Transport, I was able to help three major national clients expand their use of intermodal rail services, bringing in an extra one million dollars for the company. I would love to do the same, if not more, for XYZ Intermodal.”\\nYou will seem confident to your future employer because you have conveyed your past accomplishments in a way that is factual rather than boastful. Moreover, you are conveying your enthusiasm for becoming one of the team.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make assertive decisions.\", \"描述\": \"When you need to make a decision, don’t waffle over the options. Be decisive and firm, and stand by your decision.\\nThis can be something minor, such as deciding which restaurant you’ll go to for dinner. Don’t overthink this decision. Decide on a restaurant and have fun.\\nIf the decision is a large one, such as accepting a new job, you can take more time to weigh the pros and cons of the decision’s outcomes. Just make sure that you are not hemming and hawing too much.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Work hard.\", \"描述\": \"Channel any nervous energy you’ve got into something productive. Shift your focus onto working hard. Confident people are not afraid to look towards improvement, because what they do does not affect their own self-opinion. They know that they are always going to do their best in any given situation, so they will act confident even if mistakes happen.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t give up easily.\", \"描述\": \"Confident people don’t give up easily in situations. Rather, they keep going until they have found a solution or a way to succeed. If you want to act with confidence, don’t cave in when you are confronted with a challenge.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Building Your Self-Confidence from the Inside Out\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Believe in yourself\", \"描述\": \"The best way to act confident is to feel confident. There are several things you can do to help your self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn will help you feel better in a variety of situations. Believing in yourself is the secret to confidence. While you can act confident, you will be much more convincing if you believe in your confidence. Look deep inside yourself and acknowledge your best attributes. You may not think you have anything special in you, but you do. This inner confidence will naturally make you feel and look great.\\nSet realistic goals and meet them. Give yourself the confidence to know that you can successfully accomplish goals.\\nLove yourself for who you are. Accept yourself for your positives and negatives. Give yourself leeway for mistakes and give yourself accolades when you are successful.\\nTalk with your loved ones. People who love you can help you see the positive in yourself. They love you for particular reasons, and their influence will have a positive effect on your self-worth.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make a list of your positive attributes.\", \"描述\": \"In order to act confidently, shift your focus to the things that give you confidence. Think about your positive attributes. Consider the things you’ve done well and succeeded at (no matter how big or small). Make a list of positive things to say about yourself. Some examples are:\\nI’m a great friend.\\nI’m a hard-working employee.\\nI excel at mathematics, science, spelling, grammar, etc.\\nI won trophies for competing in chess.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Remember kind things people have said to you.\", \"描述\": \"Recall situations in which people have complimented you. This will help you think positively about yourself, which in turn will help you to act confidently.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Identify what makes you feel confident.\", \"描述\": \"Once you understand the situations in which you feel confident, you can transfer your confidence skills to other situations.\\nWrite a list of each situation where you feel confident. For each situation, write down what it is that enables you to feel confident in that situation. For example: “I feel confident when I am with my friends. Reasons why I feel confident: I have known them a long time. I know they don’t judge me. They accept me for who I am.”\\nWrite down each situation where you don’t feel as confident. For each of these situations, write down what it is that prevents you from feeling confident. For example: “I don’t feel confident when I am in work. Reasons why I don’t feel confident: It’s a new job and I am not sure about what I am doing. My boss is a bit picky, and she has pulled me up on the work I have done.”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Focus on improving yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Another skill you can work on is striving to succeed in the things you do at work, at school, or even at your relationships. It’s all about focus. Confident people focus on how to improve what they do until they succeed. People who lack confidence will focus upon how they appear, worrying about their perceived shortcomings (which are most often not true), and worry about failing rather than trying to find a way to make things work.\\nReflect on a recent situation that you were in, such as giving a public talk or interviewing for a job. Count at least three things that went well in the situation. This will help keep negative thinking at bay.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Quiet your inner critic.\", \"描述\": \"Negative thoughts cause a lot of misery for a lot of people. Negative thoughts are often based upon self-beliefs that are untrue. These types of thoughts might include, “I’m not good enough,” “I’m unlucky,” or “I mess up all the time.”\\nAcknowledge those thoughts as they occur. You simply have picked up some bad habits along the way. Changing them is completely within your reach.\\nCounter negative thoughts. Offer an opposite thought and then test out which one is true. For example, if you catch yourself saying, “I’m unlucky,” counter that thought with all the things you have in your life that make you lucky. For example, remind yourself, “I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and clothing on my back. I have friends and family who love me. I won $40 last year from lottery scratch tickets.”\\nAcknowledge that your inner critic is never really correct. Quieting the inner critic can help you act confidently because you will feel more confident without someone (you) putting you down all the time.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Believe in your ability to meet challenges.\", \"描述\": \"You can use your list of positives to increase your belief in the fact that you will rise to challenges and do your best in any given situation.\\nIf you always think about what you’re doing wrong, you will decrease your sense of “self-efficacy” (your belief that you can actually accomplish things big and small). In turn, this will erode your self-confidence and cause you to act with less self-confidence. Instead, believe that you can overcome challenges.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Taking Care of Yourself\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Celebrate your individuality\", \"描述\": \"There may be things you want to change about yourself. But you still need to accept yourself fundamentally before you can begin to change. Don’t compare yourself to others. Try not to worry about what others may think of you. Learn to follow your own path and do the things that you want to do.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Do something that makes you feel strong.\", \"描述\": \"Accomplish something in your life that you have always wished to accomplish. Start taking classes, join a club, or do something else that you know you’re great at. Accomplishing something that makes you feel strong will improve your confidence.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Write in a journal.\", \"描述\": \"Everyday write down something that you are proud of, whether it be an act of kindness towards someone or a positive trait that you just discovered. Whenever you need to boost your confidence, look back to your journal and remind yourself that you are wonderful in so many ways.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Maintain close relationships with loved ones.\", \"描述\": \"Spend time with people who love you and whom you love. Having supportive people in your life will help you build confidence in a multitude of situations. This includes family, friends, and significant others.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Maintain a healthy lifestyle.\", \"描述\": \"Take care of your body so that you feel good about yourself. Get enough exercise and eat healthy foods. When you feel good about yourself and your body, you will feel more confident. This will help you act more confident too.\\nAim to get about 30 minutes of physical activity every day.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"The only person you need to impress is yourself. Seek a happy life instead of a life where you feel like you need to live up to everyone's expectations, and never get to do the things you like to do.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Trying too hard to be confident around others will cause them to see you as insecure, arrogant, and having a need for attention.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Cool
1. Standing Out From the Crowd 1-1. Figure out who's "in" and who's "out." Before you can position yourself as a super-cool person worthy of envy, you've got to figure out what cool means. Is this the right place for putting on shades and slouching? Is it the right time to talk about the Chocolate Vomits show at which you stage dived last night? Acting cool at work may be a lot different than acting cool in middle school, but you can learn to identify the different cool and uncool crowds, and tailor your coolness accordingly. In a very large group, like a whole middle school or a whole company, try to find a smaller group of people to befriend and be cool with. Situate yourselves as the "in" group in opposition to the lamestream, er, the mainstream. In a smaller group, it might be more appropriate to remain aloof to play it cool. If you come out too strong, you'll likely just make everyone think you're a weirdo, not cool. Find another cool buddy to be cool with and position your small clique as the in group. 1-2. Act like you've been there already. According to an analysis of "cool kids" one of the traditional markers of coolness is that other people perceive that cool people are more experienced, mature, and knowledgeable than they are. That doesn't mean you need to have spent time under the bleachers, at underground rock clubs, or in foreign countries to give off a cool vibe, nor does it mean you need to start bragging about things you've never done. You can learn to put on a mysterious and experienced act that people will believe. Practice vague responses to specific questions about your experiences that will seem cool. If someone asks if you're a virgin, or have ever smoked a cigarette, say, "What is this, a sewing circle?" or "That's a boring question" and change the subject. Throw it back in their face. Never make stuff up. It won't make you seem cool to lie and say you've been to Europe, or that you've done illicit things in the back of a car when you haven't. The truth will come out eventually and you'll be exposed and embarrassed. 1-3. Dissent from the popular opinion of the day. Acting cool means being different, doing things that make you stand out from the crowd. You're floating above the lame drudgery of the world in your super-cool cloud. You can't be a follower and act cool. Other people should want to be like you, because you're setting trends, surprising people with your fresh outlook and opinions, and bucking the common wisdom. Play devil's advocate in group discussions and casual conversations. Don't get attached to being right or wrong, just poke at people's expectations and dissent every now and then for the sake of coolness. All your friends ragging on a teacher? Stick up for her. Being different is cool. Alternatively, it may be "cooler" to join up with the crowd in some cases. In middle school, acting cool might mean embracing the newest Justin Bieber song, even if you're not crazy about Biebs. You can still listen to the good stuff when you're alone. But try to be true to yourself. 1-4. Slow down. Let the world come to you. Acting cools means relaxing, not rushing into anything due to uncool excitement. Instead, just chill, kick back, and wait. Let other people talk first. Practice good listening skills, staying quiet until someone else wants to start the conversation. Acting cool means you're not desperate for chat. Just take 'er easy. Whatevs. Take long pauses before you speak, even if you're fairly sure of what you're going to say. Dramatic pause will give people the chance to contemplate your smarts and your seriousness. Be stoic, like Kathryn Hepburn, Clint Eastwood, and the titans of cool. Don't forget to slow your roll, too. Walk more slowly. Look around, scoping the sites. Smell the flowers. Walk with a cool lope, rather than an efficient bustle. 1-5. Ignore the haters. Uncool people have a tendency to make it their mission to tear down cool people. Cool people from Kanye to Picasso to Yoko all have their haters, and it's lame. If you're going to join the ranks of the super-cool, and start acting like the cool, enviable person with the awesome life that you have, it's a given that you'll attract some haters. Learn to deal with them. Keep a close watch on your social networking, unfriending or ignoring anyone who hates on your awesomeness. You don't need to listen to it. Instead, surround yourself with people who'll lift you up and support you in your coolness. Prepare cool responses to haters. If someone tries to make fun of the super-hip style you're trying out at school, saying, "What are you wearing?!" have a cool response prepared just in case: "Maybe I should let my mom dress me, like you do." Spread the coolness around and bestow it on others. The bigger your cool clique, the less chance haters will have of effecting you. Build a strong group of cool friends with similar interests so you won't have to be a lone wolf. 1-6. Make lots of friends and keep them. One common misconception is that "cool" kids are an exclusive group, like the Navy SEALs, and if one of your friends can't pass the cool test, they'll get cut. A cool person treats everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of whether or not they're really "cool." Seek out a diverse group of friends. Befriend other kids at your school that aren't necessarily considered "cool" and speak up for them to your friends. Build good will rather than sewing resentment. Some recent studies show that kids considered "cool" in middle and high school end up experiencing functional difficulties in their early adult years, as a result of pretending to have more mature experienced early in life, alienating friends and close ones. Don't make the same mistake as the ruthlessly cool. Keep your real friends around. 2. Looking Cool 2-1. Find a cool icon. Truly "new" looks don't really happen. Unless you want to wrap yourself in space blankets and wear undertaker make-up, it'll be hard to break new ground in the fashion department. The better and quicker way to spice up your cool style is to pick a cool muse, icon, or idol to borrow tips from. Actors, musicians, and even older siblings or locals can all make great style icons. Some classics might include: Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke. Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand. Work shirts and banjos never looked cooler than on Newman in this classic flick. Study his icy gaze and his witty come-backs as you cultivate your style. Bonus: being familiar with this oldie flick will make you stand out among the Transformers-obsessed. See also: Steve McQueen in Bullitt, Peter Fonda in Easy Rider, and live clips of Johnny Cash. Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Hepburn's bootleg brand of glamor made her a style icon in the 60s. Striking sophistication and manic weirdness can go hand-in-hand, she taught us. Also check out Brigitte Bardot in any film, Anna Karina in Band of Outsiders (obscure French film bonus points!), and Nancy Sinatra clips on YouTube. Vintage Fashion photography. Check out Mae West, Betty Page, and issues of Vogue from the mid-50s to the 70s. There's a whole wealth of cool going unnoticed at the local library. Need a fresh breath of style in your life? Go back to the source. 2-2. Build up a cool and flattering wardrobe. Buy clothes that make you look good and make you feel cool. Cool clothes are less about a particular style and more about giving you the confidence and the verve to put out the cool vibes. You want to make sure the clothes fit you and flatter your body shape, so you feel hip and confident. Some trends like skinny jeans and high-waisted pants may not look great on everyone. It's not cool if it doesn't look good. Find something that you like to wear. Wear sunglasses for classic cool. There's one constant in the cool-fashion universe: sunglasses look awesome on everyone. Get some cool shades, prescription if you wear glasses, and rock them when you're outside. Keeping them on indoors is lame. 2-3. Relax and be comfortable in your own skin. Look at old videos of Johnny Cash being interviewed, or Meryl Streep. They give off the impression that they know something you don't, that they're relaxed in their experience of the world. That's cool. Above all, the most important part of acting cool? Being relaxed. You want to give off the impression of feeling comfortable as you, as if you're at ease in the world you inhabit. Try not to tap your feet anxiously, or chew your fingernails, even when you're just sitting. Sit quietly and contemplatively. Anxiety makes everyone anxious. Quiet dignity? That's cool. 2-4. Pick your "thing." It's hard to be more than one kind of cool when it comes to style. You know yourself the best and you know what you think is cool, so if you want to commit to a cool style that'll have others awed by your awesomeness, it's important to pick a thing and stick to it. Are you a rocker? A jock? A nerd? Every subculture comes with its own lexicon of cool. When you decide what kind of cool you want to pursue, throw yourself into it. 3. Being Athletic-Cool 3-1. Get in shape. From Michael Jordan to Mia Hamm, athletes and athletic-types are cool. We regular types are in awe of the athlete's natural ability and cut-throat drive to win at all costs, making them super-cool in the eyes of many. If you want to be athletic-cool, the first step is to get in shape and start putting your body to good use in sports, exercise, and other physical activities. You don't have to be a pro athlete to be athletic-cool, but you do have to be in shape. If you like sports, pick one and commit to a team or building a particular skill. Play soccer, football, basketball, golf, tennis, or whatever sport drives you wild with competitive energy. Get as good as you possibly can and get into shape by playing often and working out. If you don't like traditional ball-and-net sports, many people still cultivate an athletic-coolness by getting into yoga, long-distance running, weightlifting, cycling, or hiking. These are excellent ways to get fit without having to join a team. 3-2. Prove that you're cool in competition. Cool athletes are often driven by a desire to win, so it's a good idea to get on the field and see what you're made of when you're going for the gold. Whether you're on a team or by yourself, do everything you can to win, whether you're playing a board game or starting in the Super Bowl, win at all costs. Take every opportunity for competition seriously. When Rafael Nadal was injured and recuperating, the loss of tennis competition drove him nuts, so he threw himself completely into competitive high-stakes poker to keep his competitive edge razor-sharp. That's cool. try to be a good winner and a good loser. Cool means you drive others and yourself to succeed at the highest level, but also realize that you're ultimately playing a game. If you lose, congratulate your opponent and have the dignity to appreciate their achievement. There's nothing cool about whining like a sore loser. 3-3. Show off your skills regularly. A cool athlete is always down to get physical, get competitive, and get moving. A quiet day indoors spend crafting and catching up on Battlestar Galactica? Forget about it. The cool athlete wants to start the day with a 5-mile bike ride, fuel up with fruit and oatmeal, then shoot hoops until the last possible minute before leaving for work or school. Cool athletes take every opportunity to push their body to the limit. Go to public parks and gyms to meet other like-minded cool athletes. Play pick-up games in your area to make sporting friends and feed your competition monster. Be a beast on the field. 3-4. Get the right gear. Athletic gear and apparel is big business. Within any hobby, from b-ball to biking, there's a huge range of expensive gear and "stuff" that you can get to keep up your cool image. Outlets like Dick's, Cabela's, Outdoor World, and REI all specialize in gear for the cool athlete. It can be easy to spend a lot of sports gear, but try to spend appropriately in your price range. Some hot brands for the cool athlete include North Face, Patagonia, Under Armour, Nike, and Adidas. These companies make regular clothes as well as extreme-use gear for a variety of purposes. Pick gear appropriate for your interests. Every sport likewise has a specific range of task-specific stuff you can check out when you learn more about your sport. Team memorabilia and jerseys are also super-common among cool athletes. If you love basketball, get an old Sixers throwback jersey and a ball-cap. Rep your favorite teams. 3-5. Watch sports and pick your athlete icons. Cool athletes usually look to other cool athletes for inspiration and guidance. If you fancy yourself an athlete, it's important to follow your sport of choice. Keep up with the team, even in the off-season. The cool athlete is always checking into the Bleacher Report to see if Kobe's really going to retire, if Cristiano Ronaldo's knee has healed up properly, if RGIII can live up to the hype. Pick your favorite teams and rivalries, with extra bonus points for local and regional teams. It doesn't make any sense to rep the Yankees if you live in Atlanta, unless you can claim some connection to the source. Be authentic to be cool. 4. Being Rockstar-Cool 4-1. Read cool books and magazines. One of the best ways to keep as up to date in the cool world as possible is to keep current with the hippest books, magazines, and online reading. If you expect to act cool, keep tapped into the intellectual hubs of coolness. Find stuff that you like, that will also give you cool cache. , classics like Kerouac's On the Road, Plath's "The Bell Jar," Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, and more contemporary hip-lit: anything by Tao Lin, Karen Russell, Roberto Bolano, or Haruki Murakami. like Vice, Bomb," The Believer, Aesthetica, Oxford American, The Brooklyn Rail, and Interview. , like The Onion, Aquarium Drunkard, Slate, Narrative, and Brooklyn Vegan. 4-2. Listen to cool music. Music is the lifeblood of the cool kids. Maybe nothing can more instantly inject you with cool juice than a taste in hip music and a contemporary knowledge of what's cool. You don't want to be the guy at the party with outdated taste, asking everyone if they've ever heard of Radiohead. Check out cool archival record labels like Numero Group, Tompkins Square, and Light in the Attic, to learn about old obscurities. While the lame kids go gaga over Mumford and Sons, go deep into Laurel Canyon desert folk, Minneapolis soul comps, and weird ambient music from the 80s. Good and obscure equals cool. Go to local shows and learn about the local scene in your area. If you can get in on the ground level with the next hip band before they get big, you can tell all your friends you knew them back when they were playing in your basement. Cool points +1000. Collect vinyl records, both old and new. CDs are dead, and MP3s lack the cache of a sweet stack of vinyl. Most new records come with download codes anyway, meaning you can still check out the same record on your iPod. Bonus! 4-3. Stay aloof. Don't get too excited about anything, or anybody. Stay cool and aloof, as if you've always got something totally rad happening every night after school, or on the weekends. Just found out you won an all-expenses paid trip to Mexico? Shrug your shoulders: "Sounds cool, I guess." Your boyfriend just broke it off with you in front of all your friends? Laugh it off. He was a loser anyway. Alternatively, if you're at a party full of "too cool for school" types, who sneer and can't even be bothered to take off their leather jackets, it might be cooler to speak out. Be the one cracking jokes, cutting up, and being loud. Find the mainstream and act in opposition to it, if you want to act cool. 4-4. Commit to nothing and feel free to change your mind regularly. Some cool things are timeless. Plain white tees, Levis, and Chuck Taylors? Always cool. Motorcycles? Always cool. Bass guitar? Always cool. But you've also got to stay ahead of trends by keeping your ear to the underground and finding the "next big thing," which might mean getting off the "Harlem Shake" train before it gets lame. It's cutthroat, the cool game. When you see Ninja Turtles novelty tees at K-Mart, the trend has probably crossed over into lame. When you hear a band in a diamond commercial, they're probably not super-hip anymore. Move onto the next thing when it's reached it's pop culture apex. No shame. 4-5. Hang out with musicians, artists, and creative types. There's nothing more cool than being in a rock band, doing weird performance art, or being an all-around eccentric person. Hang out with such people and the coolness will rub off on you. Frequent trendy coffee shops to meet bohemian sorts in your area. Carry a hip book with you and dress in your coolest clothes. Hit up art openings, concerts, and poetry readings. You'll attract the other cool sorts. At your school, see if there's an art, guitar, or foreign language club you could join to hang out with other cool and worldly people. It's a good way to make cool friends. If your school doesn't have a music appreciation society, start one. 4-6. Develop quirky or "weird" habits. Acting cool means having compelling interests in unexpected fields, topics, and issues. Cool people shake up the norm and do surprising things that make other people want to learn from you and sap off your cool vibes. You can cultivate some quirks that'll make you stand out and get noticed. Maybe you could carry a cane with a rattlesnake on the handle for no reason. Maybe you develop a love of exotic butterflies, and decorate your room with your collection of specimens. The line between weirdo eccentricities and "cool" is sometimes blurry. Have fun with it and do something you really enjoy that's odd, unique, and cool. Try thinking of calling cards, cool quirks that'll make you different and cool. Even things as simple as ordering bloody mary at night, or deciding to never see Forrest Gump might qualify as "cool." Be the never-seen-a-single-episode-of-Seinfeld guy? Why not? 4-7. Go for controlled chaos in your grooming. Acting cool means you want to look cool while also looking as if you put no thought whatsoever into your look. Look cool by controlling the chaos of your hair, your clothes, and your make-up. Jeans and shirts should not be ironed, but not super-wrinkly or dirty. Holes in your jeans are cool, and so are paint-splattered boots and sneakers, as if you just came straight form the studio. Necklaces, bracelets, and piercings are usually cool, if they make you feel good. Use your judgment. Shark teeth necklaces look cool on Johnny Depp, but might make you look like a dork. Combined with other cool stylings, you can start to build a look for yourself. Wash your hair the night before school, rather than right before school. Going to bed with slightly-damp hair can give you rockstar body and frizz, giving it a controlled kind of wildness. You can always comb it out if it looks too crazy. Cool make-up is usually minimalist. Go for a light natural look, highlighting your features and your own natural coloring. 4-8. Go vintage with clothes and entertainment. Classic tends to trump cutting edge when it comes to cool clothes, movies, and music. Classic Ray-Bans are cooler than Oakleys. Old-school Italian art house films from the 70s are cool, while Michael Bay movies are less so. Old-school synthesizers and analog guitar effects might be cooler than digital counterparts. Tape machines cooler than Ableton Live. 5. Being Smart-Cool 5-1. Find the cutting edge, and be on the right side of it. Technology, clothes, culture, many different kinds of things can change in an instant. Coolness is a moving target. try to stay as up-to-date as you can on the newest, the freshest, and the coolest stuff available. Smart-cool people are always plugged in, have always seen that meme three days before it showed up on your newsfeed, and always have opinions about the newer, the more efficient, and the most innovative dispatches from the tech world. The newest Facebook privacy updates? Smart-cool people read about that three days ago, thank you very much. Always try to update your hardware as soon as possible. The newest start-up apps, devices, games, and trends are usually cooler than slightly dated varieties. The new iPhone is cooler than the old iPhone. Why are you reading a paperback? Get an e-reader, already. You want to be the guy with the newest roll-out, drawing envious stares on the train during your commute. 5-2. Find new ways of doing necessary things. Shopping, eating, and traveling in the old ways? Boring. A smart-cool person doesn't waste time going to mall, instead opting to shop online at retailers like Frank & Oak or Warby Parker. A smart-cool person doesn't go to hotels, but researches cheap options on AirBnB, and gets there by hitching an Uber ride. Stay abreast of the coolest new start-ups and innovations in the consumer culture. You don't necessarily have to be super-plugged-in to stay on top of innovative consumer trends. Even within your own neighborhood, you can seek out new restaurants, always going somewhere else, finding the next best thing. Be restless and keep moving. 5-3. Develop your online presence. Smart-cool people pride themselves on their Twitter followers and take their online presence seriously. From your social networking to your personal websites to your World of Warcraft account, your online presence should be tricked out and fully developed. Have a blank avatar on your wikiHow account? Get serious. Online friends are real friends. Forge relationships and friendships with people online, who'll get your particular brand of humor, your interests, and your personality. If you spend a considerable amount of time in your own head, online communities can be very welcoming. It might feel like home. 5-4. Take school seriously and get a well-rounded education. Being smart-cool means you've got to be, well, smart. Get excited about how you can translate your smarts into a career by learning about innovative fields and developments in culture. See school as a means to an end, and keep moving forward into your bright future. Develop a thirst for knowledge of all sorts, not just what you're interested in or consider your speciality. If you want to be a hacker, be the hacker who can quote Macbeth at length. If you want to be a novelist, learn how to do things with your hands, in addition to all that brain-work. You know there's nothing cool about blowing off your homework, even when the supposedly "cool" kids at your school seem to blow it off all the time. Find confidence in the knowledge that you'll be in college, surrounded by awesome, intelligent, and beautiful people, while these fake cool kids go nowhere. 5-5. Dress how you want. In the world of smart-cool, looking as if you pay excessive attention to brands, styles, or other trends would be conspicuously uncool. A smart person wants to look as if dressing is the last possible item on a long list of items. Dress for utility and comfort, not for "coolness." Walking around with a corporate logo emblazoned on your chest, like a billboard? Please. Novelty t-shirts are the calling card of the smart-cool. Shop online for funny shirts with inside jokes you and your friends will get, that will leave the lame jocks scratching their heads. Found a Monty Python tee you dig? Cool. Tips A cool hairstyle works wonders. You should text him or her once in a while. If not, the person is going to think you forgot about them. Smiles are the best things you can give people. Warnings Don't be a bully. Don't judge other people. If you keep doing this it will make you more insecure with yourself because you are scared other people think like you do and judge everyone instantly.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:02", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Standing Out From the Crowd\\n1-1. Figure out who's \\\"in\\\" and who's \\\"out.\\\"\\nBefore you can position yourself as a super-cool person worthy of envy, you've got to figure out what cool means. Is this the right place for putting on shades and slouching? Is it the right time to talk about the Chocolate Vomits show at which you stage dived last night? Acting cool at work may be a lot different than acting cool in middle school, but you can learn to identify the different cool and uncool crowds, and tailor your coolness accordingly.\\nIn a very large group, like a whole middle school or a whole company, try to find a smaller group of people to befriend and be cool with. Situate yourselves as the \\\"in\\\" group in opposition to the lamestream, er, the mainstream.\\nIn a smaller group, it might be more appropriate to remain aloof to play it cool. If you come out too strong, you'll likely just make everyone think you're a weirdo, not cool. Find another cool buddy to be cool with and position your small clique as the in group.\\n1-2. Act like you've been there already.\\nAccording to an analysis of \\\"cool kids\\\" one of the traditional markers of coolness is that other people perceive that cool people are more experienced, mature, and knowledgeable than they are. That doesn't mean you need to have spent time under the bleachers, at underground rock clubs, or in foreign countries to give off a cool vibe, nor does it mean you need to start bragging about things you've never done. You can learn to put on a mysterious and experienced act that people will believe.\\nPractice vague responses to specific questions about your experiences that will seem cool. If someone asks if you're a virgin, or have ever smoked a cigarette, say, \\\"What is this, a sewing circle?\\\" or \\\"That's a boring question\\\" and change the subject. Throw it back in their face.\\nNever make stuff up. It won't make you seem cool to lie and say you've been to Europe, or that you've done illicit things in the back of a car when you haven't. The truth will come out eventually and you'll be exposed and embarrassed.\\n1-3. Dissent from the popular opinion of the day.\\nActing cool means being different, doing things that make you stand out from the crowd. You're floating above the lame drudgery of the world in your super-cool cloud. You can't be a follower and act cool. Other people should want to be like you, because you're setting trends, surprising people with your fresh outlook and opinions, and bucking the common wisdom.\\nPlay devil's advocate in group discussions and casual conversations. Don't get attached to being right or wrong, just poke at people's expectations and dissent every now and then for the sake of coolness. All your friends ragging on a teacher? Stick up for her. Being different is cool.\\nAlternatively, it may be \\\"cooler\\\" to join up with the crowd in some cases. In middle school, acting cool might mean embracing the newest Justin Bieber song, even if you're not crazy about Biebs. You can still listen to the good stuff when you're alone. But try to be true to yourself.\\n1-4. Slow down.\\nLet the world come to you. Acting cools means relaxing, not rushing into anything due to uncool excitement. Instead, just chill, kick back, and wait.\\nLet other people talk first. Practice good listening skills, staying quiet until someone else wants to start the conversation. Acting cool means you're not desperate for chat. Just take 'er easy. Whatevs.\\nTake long pauses before you speak, even if you're fairly sure of what you're going to say. Dramatic pause will give people the chance to contemplate your smarts and your seriousness. Be stoic, like Kathryn Hepburn, Clint Eastwood, and the titans of cool.\\nDon't forget to slow your roll, too. Walk more slowly. Look around, scoping the sites. Smell the flowers. Walk with a cool lope, rather than an efficient bustle.\\n1-5. Ignore the haters.\\nUncool people have a tendency to make it their mission to tear down cool people. Cool people from Kanye to Picasso to Yoko all have their haters, and it's lame. If you're going to join the ranks of the super-cool, and start acting like the cool, enviable person with the awesome life that you have, it's a given that you'll attract some haters. Learn to deal with them.\\nKeep a close watch on your social networking, unfriending or ignoring anyone who hates on your awesomeness. You don't need to listen to it. Instead, surround yourself with people who'll lift you up and support you in your coolness.\\nPrepare cool responses to haters. If someone tries to make fun of the super-hip style you're trying out at school, saying, \\\"What are you wearing?!\\\" have a cool response prepared just in case: \\\"Maybe I should let my mom dress me, like you do.\\\"\\nSpread the coolness around and bestow it on others. The bigger your cool clique, the less chance haters will have of effecting you. Build a strong group of cool friends with similar interests so you won't have to be a lone wolf.\\n1-6. Make lots of friends and keep them.\\nOne common misconception is that \\\"cool\\\" kids are an exclusive group, like the Navy SEALs, and if one of your friends can't pass the cool test, they'll get cut. A cool person treats everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of whether or not they're really \\\"cool.\\\"\\nSeek out a diverse group of friends. Befriend other kids at your school that aren't necessarily considered \\\"cool\\\" and speak up for them to your friends. Build good will rather than sewing resentment.\\nSome recent studies show that kids considered \\\"cool\\\" in middle and high school end up experiencing functional difficulties in their early adult years, as a result of pretending to have more mature experienced early in life, alienating friends and close ones. Don't make the same mistake as the ruthlessly cool. Keep your real friends around.\\n2. Looking Cool\\n2-1. Find a cool icon.\\nTruly \\\"new\\\" looks don't really happen. Unless you want to wrap yourself in space blankets and wear undertaker make-up, it'll be hard to break new ground in the fashion department. The better and quicker way to spice up your cool style is to pick a cool muse, icon, or idol to borrow tips from. Actors, musicians, and even older siblings or locals can all make great style icons. Some classics might include:\\nPaul Newman in Cool Hand Luke. Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand. Work shirts and banjos never looked cooler than on Newman in this classic flick. Study his icy gaze and his witty come-backs as you cultivate your style. Bonus: being familiar with this oldie flick will make you stand out among the Transformers-obsessed. See also: Steve McQueen in Bullitt, Peter Fonda in Easy Rider, and live clips of Johnny Cash.\\nAudrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Hepburn's bootleg brand of glamor made her a style icon in the 60s. Striking sophistication and manic weirdness can go hand-in-hand, she taught us. Also check out Brigitte Bardot in any film, Anna Karina in Band of Outsiders (obscure French film bonus points!), and Nancy Sinatra clips on YouTube.\\nVintage Fashion photography. Check out Mae West, Betty Page, and issues of Vogue from the mid-50s to the 70s. There's a whole wealth of cool going unnoticed at the local library. Need a fresh breath of style in your life? Go back to the source.\\n2-2. Build up a cool and flattering wardrobe.\\nBuy clothes that make you look good and make you feel cool. Cool clothes are less about a particular style and more about giving you the confidence and the verve to put out the cool vibes. You want to make sure the clothes fit you and flatter your body shape, so you feel hip and confident.\\nSome trends like skinny jeans and high-waisted pants may not look great on everyone. It's not cool if it doesn't look good. Find something that you like to wear.\\nWear sunglasses for classic cool. There's one constant in the cool-fashion universe: sunglasses look awesome on everyone. Get some cool shades, prescription if you wear glasses, and rock them when you're outside. Keeping them on indoors is lame.\\n2-3. Relax and be comfortable in your own skin.\\nLook at old videos of Johnny Cash being interviewed, or Meryl Streep. They give off the impression that they know something you don't, that they're relaxed in their experience of the world. That's cool. Above all, the most important part of acting cool? Being relaxed. You want to give off the impression of feeling comfortable as you, as if you're at ease in the world you inhabit.\\nTry not to tap your feet anxiously, or chew your fingernails, even when you're just sitting. Sit quietly and contemplatively. Anxiety makes everyone anxious. Quiet dignity? That's cool.\\n2-4. Pick your \\\"thing.\\\"\\nIt's hard to be more than one kind of cool when it comes to style. You know yourself the best and you know what you think is cool, so if you want to commit to a cool style that'll have others awed by your awesomeness, it's important to pick a thing and stick to it. Are you a rocker? A jock? A nerd? Every subculture comes with its own lexicon of cool. When you decide what kind of cool you want to pursue, throw yourself into it.\\n3. Being Athletic-Cool\\n3-1. Get in shape.\\nFrom Michael Jordan to Mia Hamm, athletes and athletic-types are cool. We regular types are in awe of the athlete's natural ability and cut-throat drive to win at all costs, making them super-cool in the eyes of many. If you want to be athletic-cool, the first step is to get in shape and start putting your body to good use in sports, exercise, and other physical activities. You don't have to be a pro athlete to be athletic-cool, but you do have to be in shape.\\nIf you like sports, pick one and commit to a team or building a particular skill. Play soccer, football, basketball, golf, tennis, or whatever sport drives you wild with competitive energy. Get as good as you possibly can and get into shape by playing often and working out.\\nIf you don't like traditional ball-and-net sports, many people still cultivate an athletic-coolness by getting into yoga, long-distance running, weightlifting, cycling, or hiking. These are excellent ways to get fit without having to join a team.\\n3-2. Prove that you're cool in competition.\\nCool athletes are often driven by a desire to win, so it's a good idea to get on the field and see what you're made of when you're going for the gold. Whether you're on a team or by yourself, do everything you can to win, whether you're playing a board game or starting in the Super Bowl, win at all costs.\\nTake every opportunity for competition seriously. When Rafael Nadal was injured and recuperating, the loss of tennis competition drove him nuts, so he threw himself completely into competitive high-stakes poker to keep his competitive edge razor-sharp. That's cool.\\ntry to be a good winner and a good loser. Cool means you drive others and yourself to succeed at the highest level, but also realize that you're ultimately playing a game. If you lose, congratulate your opponent and have the dignity to appreciate their achievement. There's nothing cool about whining like a sore loser.\\n3-3. Show off your skills regularly.\\nA cool athlete is always down to get physical, get competitive, and get moving. A quiet day indoors spend crafting and catching up on Battlestar Galactica? Forget about it. The cool athlete wants to start the day with a 5-mile bike ride, fuel up with fruit and oatmeal, then shoot hoops until the last possible minute before leaving for work or school. Cool athletes take every opportunity to push their body to the limit.\\nGo to public parks and gyms to meet other like-minded cool athletes. Play pick-up games in your area to make sporting friends and feed your competition monster. Be a beast on the field.\\n3-4. Get the right gear.\\nAthletic gear and apparel is big business. Within any hobby, from b-ball to biking, there's a huge range of expensive gear and \\\"stuff\\\" that you can get to keep up your cool image. Outlets like Dick's, Cabela's, Outdoor World, and REI all specialize in gear for the cool athlete. It can be easy to spend a lot of sports gear, but try to spend appropriately in your price range.\\nSome hot brands for the cool athlete include North Face, Patagonia, Under Armour, Nike, and Adidas. These companies make regular clothes as well as extreme-use gear for a variety of purposes. Pick gear appropriate for your interests. Every sport likewise has a specific range of task-specific stuff you can check out when you learn more about your sport.\\nTeam memorabilia and jerseys are also super-common among cool athletes. If you love basketball, get an old Sixers throwback jersey and a ball-cap. Rep your favorite teams.\\n3-5. Watch sports and pick your athlete icons.\\nCool athletes usually look to other cool athletes for inspiration and guidance. If you fancy yourself an athlete, it's important to follow your sport of choice. Keep up with the team, even in the off-season. The cool athlete is always checking into the Bleacher Report to see if Kobe's really going to retire, if Cristiano Ronaldo's knee has healed up properly, if RGIII can live up to the hype.\\nPick your favorite teams and rivalries, with extra bonus points for local and regional teams. It doesn't make any sense to rep the Yankees if you live in Atlanta, unless you can claim some connection to the source. Be authentic to be cool.\\n4. Being Rockstar-Cool\\n4-1. Read cool books and magazines.\\nOne of the best ways to keep as up to date in the cool world as possible is to keep current with the hippest books, magazines, and online reading. If you expect to act cool, keep tapped into the intellectual hubs of coolness. Find stuff that you like, that will also give you cool cache.\\n\\n, classics like Kerouac's On the Road, Plath's \\\"The Bell Jar,\\\" Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, and more contemporary hip-lit: anything by Tao Lin, Karen Russell, Roberto Bolano, or Haruki Murakami.\\n like Vice, Bomb,\\\" The Believer, Aesthetica, Oxford American, The Brooklyn Rail, and Interview. \\n\\n, like The Onion, Aquarium Drunkard, Slate, Narrative, and Brooklyn Vegan.\\n4-2. Listen to cool music.\\nMusic is the lifeblood of the cool kids. Maybe nothing can more instantly inject you with cool juice than a taste in hip music and a contemporary knowledge of what's cool. You don't want to be the guy at the party with outdated taste, asking everyone if they've ever heard of Radiohead.\\nCheck out cool archival record labels like Numero Group, Tompkins Square, and Light in the Attic, to learn about old obscurities. While the lame kids go gaga over Mumford and Sons, go deep into Laurel Canyon desert folk, Minneapolis soul comps, and weird ambient music from the 80s. Good and obscure equals cool.\\nGo to local shows and learn about the local scene in your area. If you can get in on the ground level with the next hip band before they get big, you can tell all your friends you knew them back when they were playing in your basement. Cool points +1000.\\nCollect vinyl records, both old and new. CDs are dead, and MP3s lack the cache of a sweet stack of vinyl. Most new records come with download codes anyway, meaning you can still check out the same record on your iPod. Bonus!\\n4-3. Stay aloof.\\nDon't get too excited about anything, or anybody. Stay cool and aloof, as if you've always got something totally rad happening every night after school, or on the weekends. Just found out you won an all-expenses paid trip to Mexico? Shrug your shoulders: \\\"Sounds cool, I guess.\\\" Your boyfriend just broke it off with you in front of all your friends? Laugh it off. He was a loser anyway.\\nAlternatively, if you're at a party full of \\\"too cool for school\\\" types, who sneer and can't even be bothered to take off their leather jackets, it might be cooler to speak out. Be the one cracking jokes, cutting up, and being loud. Find the mainstream and act in opposition to it, if you want to act cool.\\n4-4. Commit to nothing and feel free to change your mind regularly.\\nSome cool things are timeless. Plain white tees, Levis, and Chuck Taylors? Always cool. Motorcycles? Always cool. Bass guitar? Always cool. But you've also got to stay ahead of trends by keeping your ear to the underground and finding the \\\"next big thing,\\\" which might mean getting off the \\\"Harlem Shake\\\" train before it gets lame. It's cutthroat, the cool game.\\nWhen you see Ninja Turtles novelty tees at K-Mart, the trend has probably crossed over into lame. When you hear a band in a diamond commercial, they're probably not super-hip anymore. Move onto the next thing when it's reached it's pop culture apex. No shame.\\n4-5. Hang out with musicians, artists, and creative types.\\nThere's nothing more cool than being in a rock band, doing weird performance art, or being an all-around eccentric person. Hang out with such people and the coolness will rub off on you.\\nFrequent trendy coffee shops to meet bohemian sorts in your area. Carry a hip book with you and dress in your coolest clothes. Hit up art openings, concerts, and poetry readings. You'll attract the other cool sorts.\\nAt your school, see if there's an art, guitar, or foreign language club you could join to hang out with other cool and worldly people. It's a good way to make cool friends. If your school doesn't have a music appreciation society, start one.\\n4-6. Develop quirky or \\\"weird\\\" habits.\\nActing cool means having compelling interests in unexpected fields, topics, and issues. Cool people shake up the norm and do surprising things that make other people want to learn from you and sap off your cool vibes. You can cultivate some quirks that'll make you stand out and get noticed.\\nMaybe you could carry a cane with a rattlesnake on the handle for no reason. Maybe you develop a love of exotic butterflies, and decorate your room with your collection of specimens. The line between weirdo eccentricities and \\\"cool\\\" is sometimes blurry. Have fun with it and do something you really enjoy that's odd, unique, and cool.\\nTry thinking of calling cards, cool quirks that'll make you different and cool. Even things as simple as ordering bloody mary at night, or deciding to never see Forrest Gump might qualify as \\\"cool.\\\" Be the never-seen-a-single-episode-of-Seinfeld guy? Why not?\\n4-7. Go for controlled chaos in your grooming.\\nActing cool means you want to look cool while also looking as if you put no thought whatsoever into your look. Look cool by controlling the chaos of your hair, your clothes, and your make-up.\\nJeans and shirts should not be ironed, but not super-wrinkly or dirty. Holes in your jeans are cool, and so are paint-splattered boots and sneakers, as if you just came straight form the studio.\\nNecklaces, bracelets, and piercings are usually cool, if they make you feel good. Use your judgment. Shark teeth necklaces look cool on Johnny Depp, but might make you look like a dork. Combined with other cool stylings, you can start to build a look for yourself.\\nWash your hair the night before school, rather than right before school. Going to bed with slightly-damp hair can give you rockstar body and frizz, giving it a controlled kind of wildness. You can always comb it out if it looks too crazy.\\nCool make-up is usually minimalist. Go for a light natural look, highlighting your features and your own natural coloring.\\n4-8. Go vintage with clothes and entertainment.\\nClassic tends to trump cutting edge when it comes to cool clothes, movies, and music. Classic Ray-Bans are cooler than Oakleys. Old-school Italian art house films from the 70s are cool, while Michael Bay movies are less so. Old-school synthesizers and analog guitar effects might be cooler than digital counterparts. Tape machines cooler than Ableton Live.\\n5. Being Smart-Cool\\n5-1. Find the cutting edge, and be on the right side of it.\\nTechnology, clothes, culture, many different kinds of things can change in an instant. Coolness is a moving target. try to stay as up-to-date as you can on the newest, the freshest, and the coolest stuff available.\\nSmart-cool people are always plugged in, have always seen that meme three days before it showed up on your newsfeed, and always have opinions about the newer, the more efficient, and the most innovative dispatches from the tech world. The newest Facebook privacy updates? Smart-cool people read about that three days ago, thank you very much.\\nAlways try to update your hardware as soon as possible. The newest start-up apps, devices, games, and trends are usually cooler than slightly dated varieties. The new iPhone is cooler than the old iPhone. Why are you reading a paperback? Get an e-reader, already. You want to be the guy with the newest roll-out, drawing envious stares on the train during your commute.\\n5-2. Find new ways of doing necessary things.\\nShopping, eating, and traveling in the old ways? Boring. A smart-cool person doesn't waste time going to mall, instead opting to shop online at retailers like Frank & Oak or Warby Parker. A smart-cool person doesn't go to hotels, but researches cheap options on AirBnB, and gets there by hitching an Uber ride. Stay abreast of the coolest new start-ups and innovations in the consumer culture.\\nYou don't necessarily have to be super-plugged-in to stay on top of innovative consumer trends. Even within your own neighborhood, you can seek out new restaurants, always going somewhere else, finding the next best thing. Be restless and keep moving.\\n5-3. Develop your online presence.\\nSmart-cool people pride themselves on their Twitter followers and take their online presence seriously. From your social networking to your personal websites to your World of Warcraft account, your online presence should be tricked out and fully developed. Have a blank avatar on your wikiHow account? Get serious.\\nOnline friends are real friends. Forge relationships and friendships with people online, who'll get your particular brand of humor, your interests, and your personality. If you spend a considerable amount of time in your own head, online communities can be very welcoming. It might feel like home.\\n5-4. Take school seriously and get a well-rounded education.\\nBeing smart-cool means you've got to be, well, smart. Get excited about how you can translate your smarts into a career by learning about innovative fields and developments in culture. See school as a means to an end, and keep moving forward into your bright future.\\nDevelop a thirst for knowledge of all sorts, not just what you're interested in or consider your speciality. If you want to be a hacker, be the hacker who can quote Macbeth at length. If you want to be a novelist, learn how to do things with your hands, in addition to all that brain-work.\\nYou know there's nothing cool about blowing off your homework, even when the supposedly \\\"cool\\\" kids at your school seem to blow it off all the time. Find confidence in the knowledge that you'll be in college, surrounded by awesome, intelligent, and beautiful people, while these fake cool kids go nowhere.\\n5-5. Dress how you want.\\nIn the world of smart-cool, looking as if you pay excessive attention to brands, styles, or other trends would be conspicuously uncool. A smart person wants to look as if dressing is the last possible item on a long list of items. Dress for utility and comfort, not for \\\"coolness.\\\" Walking around with a corporate logo emblazoned on your chest, like a billboard? Please.\\nNovelty t-shirts are the calling card of the smart-cool. Shop online for funny shirts with inside jokes you and your friends will get, that will leave the lame jocks scratching their heads. Found a Monty Python tee you dig? Cool.\\nTips\\nA cool hairstyle works wonders.\\nYou should text him or her once in a while. If not, the person is going to think you forgot about them.\\nSmiles are the best things you can give people.\\nWarnings\\nDon't be a bully.\\nDon't judge other people. If you keep doing this it will make you more insecure with yourself because you are scared other people think like you do and judge everyone instantly.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"You're not born with cool, you've got to find it. Miles Davis found it in a few slouched notes at the corner of the stage, while Audrey Hepburn found it in a gaze. Everyone who's ever climbed on a motorcycle, plugged in an electric guitar, or found a leather jacket that fits like a glove knows it: cool is an act. Even the lamest wallflower can up their cool factor by learning to stand out from the crowd, stay ahead of the game, and cultivate a cool image. See Step 1 for more information.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Standing Out From the Crowd\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Figure out who's \\\"in\\\" and who's \\\"out.\\\"\", \"描述\": \"Before you can position yourself as a super-cool person worthy of envy, you've got to figure out what cool means. Is this the right place for putting on shades and slouching? Is it the right time to talk about the Chocolate Vomits show at which you stage dived last night? Acting cool at work may be a lot different than acting cool in middle school, but you can learn to identify the different cool and uncool crowds, and tailor your coolness accordingly.\\nIn a very large group, like a whole middle school or a whole company, try to find a smaller group of people to befriend and be cool with. Situate yourselves as the \\\"in\\\" group in opposition to the lamestream, er, the mainstream.\\nIn a smaller group, it might be more appropriate to remain aloof to play it cool. If you come out too strong, you'll likely just make everyone think you're a weirdo, not cool. Find another cool buddy to be cool with and position your small clique as the in group.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Act like you've been there already.\", \"描述\": \"According to an analysis of \\\"cool kids\\\" one of the traditional markers of coolness is that other people perceive that cool people are more experienced, mature, and knowledgeable than they are. That doesn't mean you need to have spent time under the bleachers, at underground rock clubs, or in foreign countries to give off a cool vibe, nor does it mean you need to start bragging about things you've never done. You can learn to put on a mysterious and experienced act that people will believe.\\nPractice vague responses to specific questions about your experiences that will seem cool. If someone asks if you're a virgin, or have ever smoked a cigarette, say, \\\"What is this, a sewing circle?\\\" or \\\"That's a boring question\\\" and change the subject. Throw it back in their face.\\nNever make stuff up. It won't make you seem cool to lie and say you've been to Europe, or that you've done illicit things in the back of a car when you haven't. The truth will come out eventually and you'll be exposed and embarrassed.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dissent from the popular opinion of the day.\", \"描述\": \"Acting cool means being different, doing things that make you stand out from the crowd. You're floating above the lame drudgery of the world in your super-cool cloud. You can't be a follower and act cool. Other people should want to be like you, because you're setting trends, surprising people with your fresh outlook and opinions, and bucking the common wisdom.\\nPlay devil's advocate in group discussions and casual conversations. Don't get attached to being right or wrong, just poke at people's expectations and dissent every now and then for the sake of coolness. All your friends ragging on a teacher? Stick up for her. Being different is cool.\\nAlternatively, it may be \\\"cooler\\\" to join up with the crowd in some cases. In middle school, acting cool might mean embracing the newest Justin Bieber song, even if you're not crazy about Biebs. You can still listen to the good stuff when you're alone. But try to be true to yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Slow down.\", \"描述\": \"Let the world come to you. Acting cools means relaxing, not rushing into anything due to uncool excitement. Instead, just chill, kick back, and wait.\\nLet other people talk first. Practice good listening skills, staying quiet until someone else wants to start the conversation. Acting cool means you're not desperate for chat. Just take 'er easy. Whatevs.\\nTake long pauses before you speak, even if you're fairly sure of what you're going to say. Dramatic pause will give people the chance to contemplate your smarts and your seriousness. Be stoic, like Kathryn Hepburn, Clint Eastwood, and the titans of cool.\\nDon't forget to slow your roll, too. Walk more slowly. Look around, scoping the sites. Smell the flowers. Walk with a cool lope, rather than an efficient bustle.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Ignore the haters.\", \"描述\": \"Uncool people have a tendency to make it their mission to tear down cool people. Cool people from Kanye to Picasso to Yoko all have their haters, and it's lame. If you're going to join the ranks of the super-cool, and start acting like the cool, enviable person with the awesome life that you have, it's a given that you'll attract some haters. Learn to deal with them.\\nKeep a close watch on your social networking, unfriending or ignoring anyone who hates on your awesomeness. You don't need to listen to it. Instead, surround yourself with people who'll lift you up and support you in your coolness.\\nPrepare cool responses to haters. If someone tries to make fun of the super-hip style you're trying out at school, saying, \\\"What are you wearing?!\\\" have a cool response prepared just in case: \\\"Maybe I should let my mom dress me, like you do.\\\"\\nSpread the coolness around and bestow it on others. The bigger your cool clique, the less chance haters will have of effecting you. Build a strong group of cool friends with similar interests so you won't have to be a lone wolf.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Make lots of friends and keep them.\", \"描述\": \"One common misconception is that \\\"cool\\\" kids are an exclusive group, like the Navy SEALs, and if one of your friends can't pass the cool test, they'll get cut. A cool person treats everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of whether or not they're really \\\"cool.\\\"\\nSeek out a diverse group of friends. Befriend other kids at your school that aren't necessarily considered \\\"cool\\\" and speak up for them to your friends. Build good will rather than sewing resentment.\\nSome recent studies show that kids considered \\\"cool\\\" in middle and high school end up experiencing functional difficulties in their early adult years, as a result of pretending to have more mature experienced early in life, alienating friends and close ones. Don't make the same mistake as the ruthlessly cool. Keep your real friends around.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Looking Cool\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find a cool icon.\", \"描述\": \"Truly \\\"new\\\" looks don't really happen. Unless you want to wrap yourself in space blankets and wear undertaker make-up, it'll be hard to break new ground in the fashion department. The better and quicker way to spice up your cool style is to pick a cool muse, icon, or idol to borrow tips from. Actors, musicians, and even older siblings or locals can all make great style icons. Some classics might include:\\nPaul Newman in Cool Hand Luke. Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand. Work shirts and banjos never looked cooler than on Newman in this classic flick. Study his icy gaze and his witty come-backs as you cultivate your style. Bonus: being familiar with this oldie flick will make you stand out among the Transformers-obsessed. See also: Steve McQueen in Bullitt, Peter Fonda in Easy Rider, and live clips of Johnny Cash.\\nAudrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Hepburn's bootleg brand of glamor made her a style icon in the 60s. Striking sophistication and manic weirdness can go hand-in-hand, she taught us. Also check out Brigitte Bardot in any film, Anna Karina in Band of Outsiders (obscure French film bonus points!), and Nancy Sinatra clips on YouTube.\\nVintage Fashion photography. Check out Mae West, Betty Page, and issues of Vogue from the mid-50s to the 70s. There's a whole wealth of cool going unnoticed at the local library. Need a fresh breath of style in your life? Go back to the source.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Build up a cool and flattering wardrobe.\", \"描述\": \"Buy clothes that make you look good and make you feel cool. Cool clothes are less about a particular style and more about giving you the confidence and the verve to put out the cool vibes. You want to make sure the clothes fit you and flatter your body shape, so you feel hip and confident.\\nSome trends like skinny jeans and high-waisted pants may not look great on everyone. It's not cool if it doesn't look good. Find something that you like to wear.\\nWear sunglasses for classic cool. There's one constant in the cool-fashion universe: sunglasses look awesome on everyone. Get some cool shades, prescription if you wear glasses, and rock them when you're outside. Keeping them on indoors is lame.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Relax and be comfortable in your own skin.\", \"描述\": \"Look at old videos of Johnny Cash being interviewed, or Meryl Streep. They give off the impression that they know something you don't, that they're relaxed in their experience of the world. That's cool. Above all, the most important part of acting cool? Being relaxed. You want to give off the impression of feeling comfortable as you, as if you're at ease in the world you inhabit.\\nTry not to tap your feet anxiously, or chew your fingernails, even when you're just sitting. Sit quietly and contemplatively. Anxiety makes everyone anxious. Quiet dignity? That's cool.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Pick your \\\"thing.\\\"\", \"描述\": \"It's hard to be more than one kind of cool when it comes to style. You know yourself the best and you know what you think is cool, so if you want to commit to a cool style that'll have others awed by your awesomeness, it's important to pick a thing and stick to it. Are you a rocker? A jock? A nerd? Every subculture comes with its own lexicon of cool. When you decide what kind of cool you want to pursue, throw yourself into it.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Being Athletic-Cool\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Get in shape.\", \"描述\": \"From Michael Jordan to Mia Hamm, athletes and athletic-types are cool. We regular types are in awe of the athlete's natural ability and cut-throat drive to win at all costs, making them super-cool in the eyes of many. If you want to be athletic-cool, the first step is to get in shape and start putting your body to good use in sports, exercise, and other physical activities. You don't have to be a pro athlete to be athletic-cool, but you do have to be in shape.\\nIf you like sports, pick one and commit to a team or building a particular skill. Play soccer, football, basketball, golf, tennis, or whatever sport drives you wild with competitive energy. Get as good as you possibly can and get into shape by playing often and working out.\\nIf you don't like traditional ball-and-net sports, many people still cultivate an athletic-coolness by getting into yoga, long-distance running, weightlifting, cycling, or hiking. These are excellent ways to get fit without having to join a team.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Prove that you're cool in competition.\", \"描述\": \"Cool athletes are often driven by a desire to win, so it's a good idea to get on the field and see what you're made of when you're going for the gold. Whether you're on a team or by yourself, do everything you can to win, whether you're playing a board game or starting in the Super Bowl, win at all costs.\\nTake every opportunity for competition seriously. When Rafael Nadal was injured and recuperating, the loss of tennis competition drove him nuts, so he threw himself completely into competitive high-stakes poker to keep his competitive edge razor-sharp. That's cool.\\ntry to be a good winner and a good loser. Cool means you drive others and yourself to succeed at the highest level, but also realize that you're ultimately playing a game. If you lose, congratulate your opponent and have the dignity to appreciate their achievement. There's nothing cool about whining like a sore loser.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Show off your skills regularly.\", \"描述\": \"A cool athlete is always down to get physical, get competitive, and get moving. A quiet day indoors spend crafting and catching up on Battlestar Galactica? Forget about it. The cool athlete wants to start the day with a 5-mile bike ride, fuel up with fruit and oatmeal, then shoot hoops until the last possible minute before leaving for work or school. Cool athletes take every opportunity to push their body to the limit.\\nGo to public parks and gyms to meet other like-minded cool athletes. Play pick-up games in your area to make sporting friends and feed your competition monster. Be a beast on the field.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Get the right gear.\", \"描述\": \"Athletic gear and apparel is big business. Within any hobby, from b-ball to biking, there's a huge range of expensive gear and \\\"stuff\\\" that you can get to keep up your cool image. Outlets like Dick's, Cabela's, Outdoor World, and REI all specialize in gear for the cool athlete. It can be easy to spend a lot of sports gear, but try to spend appropriately in your price range.\\nSome hot brands for the cool athlete include North Face, Patagonia, Under Armour, Nike, and Adidas. These companies make regular clothes as well as extreme-use gear for a variety of purposes. Pick gear appropriate for your interests. Every sport likewise has a specific range of task-specific stuff you can check out when you learn more about your sport.\\nTeam memorabilia and jerseys are also super-common among cool athletes. If you love basketball, get an old Sixers throwback jersey and a ball-cap. Rep your favorite teams.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Watch sports and pick your athlete icons.\", \"描述\": \"Cool athletes usually look to other cool athletes for inspiration and guidance. If you fancy yourself an athlete, it's important to follow your sport of choice. Keep up with the team, even in the off-season. The cool athlete is always checking into the Bleacher Report to see if Kobe's really going to retire, if Cristiano Ronaldo's knee has healed up properly, if RGIII can live up to the hype.\\nPick your favorite teams and rivalries, with extra bonus points for local and regional teams. It doesn't make any sense to rep the Yankees if you live in Atlanta, unless you can claim some connection to the source. Be authentic to be cool.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Being Rockstar-Cool\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Read cool books and magazines.\", \"描述\": \"One of the best ways to keep as up to date in the cool world as possible is to keep current with the hippest books, magazines, and online reading. If you expect to act cool, keep tapped into the intellectual hubs of coolness. Find stuff that you like, that will also give you cool cache.\\n\\n, classics like Kerouac's On the Road, Plath's \\\"The Bell Jar,\\\" Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, and more contemporary hip-lit: anything by Tao Lin, Karen Russell, Roberto Bolano, or Haruki Murakami.\\n like Vice, Bomb,\\\" The Believer, Aesthetica, Oxford American, The Brooklyn Rail, and Interview. \\n\\n, like The Onion, Aquarium Drunkard, Slate, Narrative, and Brooklyn Vegan.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Listen to cool music.\", \"描述\": \"Music is the lifeblood of the cool kids. Maybe nothing can more instantly inject you with cool juice than a taste in hip music and a contemporary knowledge of what's cool. You don't want to be the guy at the party with outdated taste, asking everyone if they've ever heard of Radiohead.\\nCheck out cool archival record labels like Numero Group, Tompkins Square, and Light in the Attic, to learn about old obscurities. While the lame kids go gaga over Mumford and Sons, go deep into Laurel Canyon desert folk, Minneapolis soul comps, and weird ambient music from the 80s. Good and obscure equals cool.\\nGo to local shows and learn about the local scene in your area. If you can get in on the ground level with the next hip band before they get big, you can tell all your friends you knew them back when they were playing in your basement. Cool points +1000.\\nCollect vinyl records, both old and new. CDs are dead, and MP3s lack the cache of a sweet stack of vinyl. Most new records come with download codes anyway, meaning you can still check out the same record on your iPod. Bonus!\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay aloof.\", \"描述\": \"Don't get too excited about anything, or anybody. Stay cool and aloof, as if you've always got something totally rad happening every night after school, or on the weekends. Just found out you won an all-expenses paid trip to Mexico? Shrug your shoulders: \\\"Sounds cool, I guess.\\\" Your boyfriend just broke it off with you in front of all your friends? Laugh it off. He was a loser anyway.\\nAlternatively, if you're at a party full of \\\"too cool for school\\\" types, who sneer and can't even be bothered to take off their leather jackets, it might be cooler to speak out. Be the one cracking jokes, cutting up, and being loud. Find the mainstream and act in opposition to it, if you want to act cool.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Commit to nothing and feel free to change your mind regularly.\", \"描述\": \"Some cool things are timeless. Plain white tees, Levis, and Chuck Taylors? Always cool. Motorcycles? Always cool. Bass guitar? Always cool. But you've also got to stay ahead of trends by keeping your ear to the underground and finding the \\\"next big thing,\\\" which might mean getting off the \\\"Harlem Shake\\\" train before it gets lame. It's cutthroat, the cool game.\\nWhen you see Ninja Turtles novelty tees at K-Mart, the trend has probably crossed over into lame. When you hear a band in a diamond commercial, they're probably not super-hip anymore. Move onto the next thing when it's reached it's pop culture apex. No shame.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Hang out with musicians, artists, and creative types.\", \"描述\": \"There's nothing more cool than being in a rock band, doing weird performance art, or being an all-around eccentric person. Hang out with such people and the coolness will rub off on you.\\nFrequent trendy coffee shops to meet bohemian sorts in your area. Carry a hip book with you and dress in your coolest clothes. Hit up art openings, concerts, and poetry readings. You'll attract the other cool sorts.\\nAt your school, see if there's an art, guitar, or foreign language club you could join to hang out with other cool and worldly people. It's a good way to make cool friends. If your school doesn't have a music appreciation society, start one.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Develop quirky or \\\"weird\\\" habits.\", \"描述\": \"Acting cool means having compelling interests in unexpected fields, topics, and issues. Cool people shake up the norm and do surprising things that make other people want to learn from you and sap off your cool vibes. You can cultivate some quirks that'll make you stand out and get noticed.\\nMaybe you could carry a cane with a rattlesnake on the handle for no reason. Maybe you develop a love of exotic butterflies, and decorate your room with your collection of specimens. The line between weirdo eccentricities and \\\"cool\\\" is sometimes blurry. Have fun with it and do something you really enjoy that's odd, unique, and cool.\\nTry thinking of calling cards, cool quirks that'll make you different and cool. Even things as simple as ordering bloody mary at night, or deciding to never see Forrest Gump might qualify as \\\"cool.\\\" Be the never-seen-a-single-episode-of-Seinfeld guy? Why not?\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Go for controlled chaos in your grooming.\", \"描述\": \"Acting cool means you want to look cool while also looking as if you put no thought whatsoever into your look. Look cool by controlling the chaos of your hair, your clothes, and your make-up.\\nJeans and shirts should not be ironed, but not super-wrinkly or dirty. Holes in your jeans are cool, and so are paint-splattered boots and sneakers, as if you just came straight form the studio.\\nNecklaces, bracelets, and piercings are usually cool, if they make you feel good. Use your judgment. Shark teeth necklaces look cool on Johnny Depp, but might make you look like a dork. Combined with other cool stylings, you can start to build a look for yourself.\\nWash your hair the night before school, rather than right before school. Going to bed with slightly-damp hair can give you rockstar body and frizz, giving it a controlled kind of wildness. You can always comb it out if it looks too crazy.\\nCool make-up is usually minimalist. Go for a light natural look, highlighting your features and your own natural coloring.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Go vintage with clothes and entertainment.\", \"描述\": \"Classic tends to trump cutting edge when it comes to cool clothes, movies, and music. Classic Ray-Bans are cooler than Oakleys. Old-school Italian art house films from the 70s are cool, while Michael Bay movies are less so. Old-school synthesizers and analog guitar effects might be cooler than digital counterparts. Tape machines cooler than Ableton Live.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Being Smart-Cool\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Find the cutting edge, and be on the right side of it.\", \"描述\": \"Technology, clothes, culture, many different kinds of things can change in an instant. Coolness is a moving target. try to stay as up-to-date as you can on the newest, the freshest, and the coolest stuff available.\\nSmart-cool people are always plugged in, have always seen that meme three days before it showed up on your newsfeed, and always have opinions about the newer, the more efficient, and the most innovative dispatches from the tech world. The newest Facebook privacy updates? Smart-cool people read about that three days ago, thank you very much.\\nAlways try to update your hardware as soon as possible. The newest start-up apps, devices, games, and trends are usually cooler than slightly dated varieties. The new iPhone is cooler than the old iPhone. Why are you reading a paperback? Get an e-reader, already. You want to be the guy with the newest roll-out, drawing envious stares on the train during your commute.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Find new ways of doing necessary things.\", \"描述\": \"Shopping, eating, and traveling in the old ways? Boring. A smart-cool person doesn't waste time going to mall, instead opting to shop online at retailers like Frank & Oak or Warby Parker. A smart-cool person doesn't go to hotels, but researches cheap options on AirBnB, and gets there by hitching an Uber ride. Stay abreast of the coolest new start-ups and innovations in the consumer culture.\\nYou don't necessarily have to be super-plugged-in to stay on top of innovative consumer trends. Even within your own neighborhood, you can seek out new restaurants, always going somewhere else, finding the next best thing. Be restless and keep moving.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Develop your online presence.\", \"描述\": \"Smart-cool people pride themselves on their Twitter followers and take their online presence seriously. From your social networking to your personal websites to your World of Warcraft account, your online presence should be tricked out and fully developed. Have a blank avatar on your wikiHow account? Get serious.\\nOnline friends are real friends. Forge relationships and friendships with people online, who'll get your particular brand of humor, your interests, and your personality. If you spend a considerable amount of time in your own head, online communities can be very welcoming. It might feel like home.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Take school seriously and get a well-rounded education.\", \"描述\": \"Being smart-cool means you've got to be, well, smart. Get excited about how you can translate your smarts into a career by learning about innovative fields and developments in culture. See school as a means to an end, and keep moving forward into your bright future.\\nDevelop a thirst for knowledge of all sorts, not just what you're interested in or consider your speciality. If you want to be a hacker, be the hacker who can quote Macbeth at length. If you want to be a novelist, learn how to do things with your hands, in addition to all that brain-work.\\nYou know there's nothing cool about blowing off your homework, even when the supposedly \\\"cool\\\" kids at your school seem to blow it off all the time. Find confidence in the knowledge that you'll be in college, surrounded by awesome, intelligent, and beautiful people, while these fake cool kids go nowhere.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Dress how you want.\", \"描述\": \"In the world of smart-cool, looking as if you pay excessive attention to brands, styles, or other trends would be conspicuously uncool. A smart person wants to look as if dressing is the last possible item on a long list of items. Dress for utility and comfort, not for \\\"coolness.\\\" Walking around with a corporate logo emblazoned on your chest, like a billboard? Please.\\nNovelty t-shirts are the calling card of the smart-cool. Shop online for funny shirts with inside jokes you and your friends will get, that will leave the lame jocks scratching their heads. Found a Monty Python tee you dig? Cool.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"A cool hairstyle works wonders.\\n\", \"You should text him or her once in a while. If not, the person is going to think you forgot about them.\\n\", \"Smiles are the best things you can give people.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Don't be a bully.\\n\", \"Don't judge other people. If you keep doing this it will make you more insecure with yourself because you are scared other people think like you do and judge everyone instantly.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Cool Around Your Crush (for Girls)
1. Staying Calm 1-1. Accept your feelings for your crush. Don’t try to repress your feelings or beat yourself up for falling head over heels. It’ll only make you more jittery and nervous around your crush. Instead, accept the way you feel, and don’t judge yourself. Tell yourself, “I really like Josh, and that’s fine. He’s a great guy. It doesn’t make me weak or desperate.” 1-2. Remember that your crush is a real person. They aren’t a god or some superior alien life form. Try to notice the ways in which they aren’t so perfect. Realizing that they’re a person just like you can help you play it cool. Maybe your crush is afraid of heights or needs extra tutoring in math just like you. Don’t judge your crush for their flaws. Instead, use them to help you relate to your crush. 1-3. Speak slowly and take deep breaths when chatting with your crush. When you’re nervous, it’s easy for your words to run away from you. To look cooler--and to make sure your crush can actually understand what you’re saying--take a deep breath and consciously slow your speech. It may sound weirdly slow in your head, but it probably sounds just right to your crush. Remember: your conversation isn't a play, and it doesn't have to be perfect! 1-4. Don’t wait if you want to approach your crush. Maybe you’re at a party and you see your crush across the room. Take a deep breath, throw on a breezy smile, and approach them within three seconds. If you wait any longer, you could start overthinking the situation, get really anxious, and lose your cool girl mojo. Remember, if you don’t put yourself out there, you may never move things forward with your crush. Go for it! 2. Playing Hard to Get 2-1. Give them space. Sticking to your crush like glue can make you seem obsessed and desperate, which could scare them away. Show you’re interested with a little bit of flirting and chatting, but don’t spend every second of the day following them around. Make sure you hang out with your friends and have fun without your crush. 2-2. Don’t respond to their texts immediately. If the two of you are texting, that’s great! Things could be moving in the right direction. However, wait a few minutes before responding to some texts. You want to show them that you have your own fun life, and aren’t hovering around the phone 24/7 waiting for their next text. 2-3. Glance at them every so often but don’t stare. It’s ok to steal flirty glances every now and then. It can actually give them a hint that you like them! However, staring for long periods of time will probably creep them out. 2-4. Tell your friends to play it cool. If your friend group starts giggling and pointing whenever your crush walks by, it could make you embarrassed or uncomfortable. Ask your friends to act natural when your crush is around. Say, “Hey, could you guys stop pointing and giggling? It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I’m pretty sure it’s making my crush feel weird, too.” 2-5. Take time to do the things you love. If you feel your crush developing into a full blown obsession, stop and make sure you’re still doing things for yourself. Your crush shouldn’t be your whole world. Keeping a balanced outlook will help you stay cool, calm and collected around your special someone. Don’t quit the soccer team so you can hang out with them after school, or join a club just because they’re a member. 3. Looking Confident 3-1. Smile. Show those pearly whites around your crush, even if you feel like your insides are made of Jell-O. You’ll look more approachable and confident. 3-2. Flirt with eye contact, touch, and playful teasing. Flirting with your crush shows you’re interested and confident. Make eye contact and touch them lightly on the arm or shoulder when you’re talking. Throw in some playful teasing to tie it all together. Try a backhanded compliment, like “You’re pretty good at tennis...almost as good as me.” Make sure it’s clear that you’re teasing. If your crush seems upset, back off. 3-3. Ask them questions. To have a fun, cool conversation, ask your crush questions. Use open-ended questions, which are questions that can’t be answered with a yes or no, to get them talking. You’ll seem more confident, interesting, and likeable! If you know they’re on the swim team, ask, “How did your meet go last weekend?” If they like to play the guitar, ask, “How did you get started with guitar?” Try making observations, too. For instance, you could say, "That's a really interesting bandana!" or "I love your necklace—does it have a special meaning?" 3-4. Stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back, hold your head high, and look straight ahead. You’ll appear cool and confident around your crush, plus you’ll feel more confident, too. 3-5. Give a casual hello when you pass them in the halls. You’ll look relaxed and self assured. As a bonus, you’ll get your crush’s attention. If there’s time, you can even have a quick, flirty conversation! Tips Try to make friends with their friends. They can let your crush know how cool you are! Don’t tell your crush you like them as soon as you have a crush on them. It may scare them and end it right then. If you become friends with your crush, you can build up confidence around interpret your feelings for them. Warnings Acting cool doesn’t mean being rude. Playing hard to get can help, but don’t take it too far. Smile and interact when they do it.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:02", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Staying Calm\\n1-1. Accept your feelings for your crush.\\nDon’t try to repress your feelings or beat yourself up for falling head over heels. It’ll only make you more jittery and nervous around your crush. Instead, accept the way you feel, and don’t judge yourself.\\nTell yourself, “I really like Josh, and that’s fine. He’s a great guy. It doesn’t make me weak or desperate.”\\n1-2. Remember that your crush is a real person.\\nThey aren’t a god or some superior alien life form. Try to notice the ways in which they aren’t so perfect. Realizing that they’re a person just like you can help you play it cool.\\nMaybe your crush is afraid of heights or needs extra tutoring in math just like you. Don’t judge your crush for their flaws. Instead, use them to help you relate to your crush.\\n1-3. Speak slowly and take deep breaths when chatting with your crush.\\nWhen you’re nervous, it’s easy for your words to run away from you. To look cooler--and to make sure your crush can actually understand what you’re saying--take a deep breath and consciously slow your speech.\\nIt may sound weirdly slow in your head, but it probably sounds just right to your crush.\\nRemember: your conversation isn't a play, and it doesn't have to be perfect!\\n1-4. Don’t wait if you want to approach your crush.\\nMaybe you’re at a party and you see your crush across the room. Take a deep breath, throw on a breezy smile, and approach them within three seconds. If you wait any longer, you could start overthinking the situation, get really anxious, and lose your cool girl mojo.\\nRemember, if you don’t put yourself out there, you may never move things forward with your crush. Go for it!\\n2. Playing Hard to Get\\n2-1. Give them space.\\nSticking to your crush like glue can make you seem obsessed and desperate, which could scare them away. Show you’re interested with a little bit of flirting and chatting, but don’t spend every second of the day following them around.\\nMake sure you hang out with your friends and have fun without your crush.\\n2-2. Don’t respond to their texts immediately.\\nIf the two of you are texting, that’s great! Things could be moving in the right direction. However, wait a few minutes before responding to some texts. You want to show them that you have your own fun life, and aren’t hovering around the phone 24/7 waiting for their next text.\\n2-3. Glance at them every so often but don’t stare.\\nIt’s ok to steal flirty glances every now and then. It can actually give them a hint that you like them! However, staring for long periods of time will probably creep them out.\\n2-4. Tell your friends to play it cool.\\nIf your friend group starts giggling and pointing whenever your crush walks by, it could make you embarrassed or uncomfortable. Ask your friends to act natural when your crush is around.\\nSay, “Hey, could you guys stop pointing and giggling? It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I’m pretty sure it’s making my crush feel weird, too.”\\n2-5. Take time to do the things you love.\\nIf you feel your crush developing into a full blown obsession, stop and make sure you’re still doing things for yourself. Your crush shouldn’t be your whole world. Keeping a balanced outlook will help you stay cool, calm and collected around your special someone.\\nDon’t quit the soccer team so you can hang out with them after school, or join a club just because they’re a member.\\n3. Looking Confident\\n3-1. Smile.\\nShow those pearly whites around your crush, even if you feel like your insides are made of Jell-O. You’ll look more approachable and confident.\\n3-2. Flirt with eye contact, touch, and playful teasing.\\nFlirting with your crush shows you’re interested and confident. Make eye contact and touch them lightly on the arm or shoulder when you’re talking. Throw in some playful teasing to tie it all together.\\nTry a backhanded compliment, like “You’re pretty good at tennis...almost as good as me.”\\nMake sure it’s clear that you’re teasing. If your crush seems upset, back off.\\n3-3. Ask them questions.\\nTo have a fun, cool conversation, ask your crush questions. Use open-ended questions, which are questions that can’t be answered with a yes or no, to get them talking. You’ll seem more confident, interesting, and likeable!\\nIf you know they’re on the swim team, ask, “How did your meet go last weekend?”\\nIf they like to play the guitar, ask, “How did you get started with guitar?”\\nTry making observations, too. For instance, you could say, \\\"That's a really interesting bandana!\\\" or \\\"I love your necklace—does it have a special meaning?\\\"\\n3-4. Stand up straight.\\nPull your shoulders back, hold your head high, and look straight ahead. You’ll appear cool and confident around your crush, plus you’ll feel more confident, too.\\n3-5. Give a casual hello when you pass them in the halls.\\nYou’ll look relaxed and self assured. As a bonus, you’ll get your crush’s attention.\\nIf there’s time, you can even have a quick, flirty conversation!\\nTips\\nTry to make friends with their friends. They can let your crush know how cool you are!\\nDon’t tell your crush you like them as soon as you have a crush on them. It may scare them and end it right then.\\nIf you become friends with your crush, you can build up confidence around interpret your feelings for them.\\nWarnings\\nActing cool doesn’t mean being rude. Playing hard to get can help, but don’t take it too far. Smile and interact when they do it.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Acting natural around your crush can feel like an impossible challenge. How are you supposed to be fun and confident when you’ve got an army of butterflies in your stomach? Start by acknowledging your feelings and realizing that your crush is just another person. Play a little hard to get by giving them space and enjoying your own awesome life. Finally, show them you’re confident with a breezy smile, flirting, and fun conversation.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Staying Calm\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Accept your feelings for your crush.\", \"描述\": \"Don’t try to repress your feelings or beat yourself up for falling head over heels. It’ll only make you more jittery and nervous around your crush. Instead, accept the way you feel, and don’t judge yourself.\\nTell yourself, “I really like Josh, and that’s fine. He’s a great guy. It doesn’t make me weak or desperate.”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Remember that your crush is a real person.\", \"描述\": \"They aren’t a god or some superior alien life form. Try to notice the ways in which they aren’t so perfect. Realizing that they’re a person just like you can help you play it cool.\\nMaybe your crush is afraid of heights or needs extra tutoring in math just like you. Don’t judge your crush for their flaws. Instead, use them to help you relate to your crush.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Speak slowly and take deep breaths when chatting with your crush.\", \"描述\": \"When you’re nervous, it’s easy for your words to run away from you. To look cooler--and to make sure your crush can actually understand what you’re saying--take a deep breath and consciously slow your speech.\\nIt may sound weirdly slow in your head, but it probably sounds just right to your crush.\\nRemember: your conversation isn't a play, and it doesn't have to be perfect!\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t wait if you want to approach your crush.\", \"描述\": \"Maybe you’re at a party and you see your crush across the room. Take a deep breath, throw on a breezy smile, and approach them within three seconds. If you wait any longer, you could start overthinking the situation, get really anxious, and lose your cool girl mojo.\\nRemember, if you don’t put yourself out there, you may never move things forward with your crush. Go for it!\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Playing Hard to Get\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Give them space.\", \"描述\": \"Sticking to your crush like glue can make you seem obsessed and desperate, which could scare them away. Show you’re interested with a little bit of flirting and chatting, but don’t spend every second of the day following them around.\\nMake sure you hang out with your friends and have fun without your crush.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Don’t respond to their texts immediately.\", \"描述\": \"If the two of you are texting, that’s great! Things could be moving in the right direction. However, wait a few minutes before responding to some texts. You want to show them that you have your own fun life, and aren’t hovering around the phone 24/7 waiting for their next text.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Glance at them every so often but don’t stare.\", \"描述\": \"It’s ok to steal flirty glances every now and then. It can actually give them a hint that you like them! However, staring for long periods of time will probably creep them out.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Tell your friends to play it cool.\", \"描述\": \"If your friend group starts giggling and pointing whenever your crush walks by, it could make you embarrassed or uncomfortable. Ask your friends to act natural when your crush is around.\\nSay, “Hey, could you guys stop pointing and giggling? It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I’m pretty sure it’s making my crush feel weird, too.”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Take time to do the things you love.\", \"描述\": \"If you feel your crush developing into a full blown obsession, stop and make sure you’re still doing things for yourself. Your crush shouldn’t be your whole world. Keeping a balanced outlook will help you stay cool, calm and collected around your special someone.\\nDon’t quit the soccer team so you can hang out with them after school, or join a club just because they’re a member.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Looking Confident\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Smile.\", \"描述\": \"Show those pearly whites around your crush, even if you feel like your insides are made of Jell-O. You’ll look more approachable and confident.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Flirt with eye contact, touch, and playful teasing.\", \"描述\": \"Flirting with your crush shows you’re interested and confident. Make eye contact and touch them lightly on the arm or shoulder when you’re talking. Throw in some playful teasing to tie it all together.\\nTry a backhanded compliment, like “You’re pretty good at tennis...almost as good as me.”\\nMake sure it’s clear that you’re teasing. If your crush seems upset, back off.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Ask them questions.\", \"描述\": \"To have a fun, cool conversation, ask your crush questions. Use open-ended questions, which are questions that can’t be answered with a yes or no, to get them talking. You’ll seem more confident, interesting, and likeable!\\nIf you know they’re on the swim team, ask, “How did your meet go last weekend?”\\nIf they like to play the guitar, ask, “How did you get started with guitar?”\\nTry making observations, too. For instance, you could say, \\\"That's a really interesting bandana!\\\" or \\\"I love your necklace—does it have a special meaning?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Stand up straight.\", \"描述\": \"Pull your shoulders back, hold your head high, and look straight ahead. You’ll appear cool and confident around your crush, plus you’ll feel more confident, too.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Give a casual hello when you pass them in the halls.\", \"描述\": \"You’ll look relaxed and self assured. As a bonus, you’ll get your crush’s attention.\\nIf there’s time, you can even have a quick, flirty conversation!\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Try to make friends with their friends. They can let your crush know how cool you are!\\n\", \"Don’t tell your crush you like them as soon as you have a crush on them. It may scare them and end it right then.\\n\", \"If you become friends with your crush, you can build up confidence around interpret your feelings for them.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Acting cool doesn’t mean being rude. Playing hard to get can help, but don’t take it too far. Smile and interact when they do it.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Cool In Front of Girls
1. Using the Right Body Language 1-1. Practice good posture. Stand up straight whether you’re walking, standing or sitting. Pull your shoulders back slightly to expand your chest and hold your chin up high. Good posture alone can speak volumes for confidence, and you’ll be putting off the appearance of coolness whether people consciously notice or not. Posture is one of the core elements of body language, and it’s one that stands out the most. Your posture is a reflection of the way you feel about yourself, and can betray a lack of confidence, even if you’re well dressed and smiling. 1-2. Smile. No matter what you’re doing, smile. Smiling not only shows that you’re comfortable doing what you’re doing, it sends the message to others that you’re comfortable around them and that they should be comfortable with you in turn. Don’t ham it up. A small, pleasant angling of the mouth and a brightening of the eyes is all it takes to announce to people that you’re a nice guy who knows how to have a good time… and maybe even has a little mystery about him. Smiling has also been linked to heightened levels of physical attraction, so you’ll be doing yourself an added favor by displaying a friendly exterior. To show interest in a crush, you definitely want to be on the playful side of communication and personal interactions. Show that you are a friendly person! 1-3. Move with purpose. This is a physical extension of being comfortable with yourself and has to do with the way you move around and deal with your environment. Keep your movements smooth and deliberate, and avoid any wasted motion. You should strive to always be composed and carry yourself with ease. This tells people that you’re in complete control over yourself and your surroundings. If you don’t learn to move economically, your movements will look clumsy and uncoordinated, which can act as a sign of incompetence. Don’t gesture wildly when talking to people, as this can be off-putting during conversation. At the same time, don’t stand there inanimate like you’re too timid to move. Try to strike the right balance. 1-4. Open yourself up to people. When standing or talking with someone, “open” yourself to them physically by keeping your body facing them directly. Look at who you’re speaking to and maintain eye contact. You’ll be much more approachable and inviting than you would appear if you were unwittingly closing the people around you off by having your body turned away from them, diverting your eyeline when they’re talking, etc. Try not to cross your arms, fidget or tug at your clothing absent-mindedly. In addition to being examples of “closed” body language, it make look like you don’t know what to do with them. 2. Commanding Social Interactions 2-1. Make yourself the most important person in the room. Without boasting or acting like an egotistical jerk, take possession of the room and everyone in it. Whether you’re talking or listening, you want to give the impression that you’re a person of importance. Do this by employing assertive body language (standing tall, remaining open, moving about easily) that encourages those around you to pay attention to you and being staying engaged but considerate. Behave as though everything you say and do has as weight that impacts others. Give the “fake it ‘til you make it” approach a shot—assume that all eyes are on you and that people look to you to serve as an example of what “cool” is. Take a moment to think about what you’re going to say before you say it. You’ll come across as thoughtful, and you’ll also be less likely to stutter or make mistakes while talking. 2-2. Show enthusiasm around people. Display interest when talking to people and be enthused about whatever you’re doing. You should make it a goal to become the kind of person that can talk to anyone. That kind of magnetism will pay off once it’s time to really start drawing attention; if the girl you’re trying to impress happens to be watching, this will convey to her that you’re friendly and show a genuine interest in others. Be an active listener. Use verbal cues like “yeah,” “mhmm,” and “I agree” when conversing to demonstrate that you’re paying attention. Encourage equal input in discussion with the person you're talking to and thereby establish rapport. After they say something about themselves, agree or mention something about yourself that you can use to relate to them, then give them the floor again. 2-3. Stay humble. It won’t matter how cool you look if you constantly put others down or hog all the attention for yourself. Rather than using your time to show off or brag about your accomplishments, maintain a modest attitude toward yourself. Accept compliments graciously, and break yourself of the need to talk about yourself all the time. The fact is, no wants to be around someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else, so be sure to give praise and attention where it’s due, not just take it. Those who are truly cool don't feel the need to prove it to others because they are sure of themselves. Being able to recognize the qualities of others is a sign of self-confidence, as confident people know it and don’t always need the spotlight on them. 2-4. Act self-assured. Above all, you should respect yourself and let people see who you are without the fear of judgment or ridicule. Self-consciousness is almost impossible to hide, and the reality is that it’s unwarranted in most situations. If you’re not worried about what pretty girls or anyone else will think, you won’t have anything holding you back. You’ll have a better time, and your personality will shine through. Focus on enjoying yourself. Don’t let looking good in front of girls turn into a joyless mission. Cool people always manage to have a good time no matter the environment they’re in. 2-5. Keep your cool. Don't let yourself get flustered if things don't go your way in social interactions. If you want to show people that you're cool, it's important to be in control of your emotions. Keep a level head, and try not to appear indignant when you get uncomfortable. When you find yourself getting agitated, take a few deep breaths until the feeling wears off, and remember to keep smiling. Whatever the situation, stay relaxed and make sure that your personable demeanor doesn't miss a beat. Don't take offhand remarks personally. When someone criticizes you or says something you don't agree with, just remember that they're only voicing a single opinion. Your own peace of mind should remain unfazed. If you simply can't help but become anxious or upset, put on a poker face. Even if you're unable to shake it off, you can at least maintain a cool persona by keeping other people from seeing it on you. 3. Presenting a Confident Appearance 3-1. Dress well. When picking out an outfit for going out, choose pieces that fit comfortably, accentuate your physique and make you look good. Know how to match clothes and how to dress for the appropriate season. A person who is well-dressed is always eye-catching, no matter where they show up; if you want to come off as cool, you’ve got to look the part first. Wear clothes that are in style to show that you are hip to modern fashions; matching seasonal colors, popular fabrics and patterns and slim fitted garments will all broadcast that you're a man of the times. 3-2. Take care of your body. Eat right, get regular exercise and go easy on unhealthy indulgences like junk food and alcohol. Make yourself look like someone that knows how to take care of themselves. If you tend to be lazy or act like a slob, this will likely come across in your appearance. Working out and practicing solid dietary habits will make you look better, which will make you feel better, and that will help you project confidence when you’re around girls. Eat a diet that is high in protein, with a moderate amount of refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.) and a minimum of fat. You should consume at least one meal every day containing fresh fruit and green vegetables. You don’t have to become a gym rat to look and feel your best, just spend a few hours a week getting your body up and moving. Keep exercise fun by performing activities that you enjoy, like swimming, hiking or cycling. 3-3. Practice solid hygiene. In addition to knowing how to dress well, take special care to make sure that you’re clean, your hair is combed and you’ve put on deodorant. You’ll feel fresh and reinvigorated and are sure to turn heads. Clothes are only one component of looking good—stay on top of good hygiene practices and you’ll look like someone who’s really got it together. Get in the habit of going through a personal hygiene routine daily. Shower, clip your nails, brush your teeth and make sure you’re clean and presentable before going out. 3-4. Be comfortable with yourself. Relax! This is one of the most important steps for acting cool. No matter what you’re doing, try to be confident and at ease. Treat every action or conversation like it’s something you’ve done a thousand times. This is especially critical when interacting with or around girls you’re attempting to impress. If you’ve taken all the steps necessary to look good but appear uncomfortable in your own skin, you’ll just end up signaling that you’re trying too hard. If you tend to be tense in public places or when meeting new people, take a few moments to prepare yourself mentally before you go out. Plan your activities in advance so that there will be no surprises. Practice things you might say when making an introduction. Be able to laugh at yourself when you goof up. It indicates a positive attitude and a sense of humor, both traits that people are drawn to. Tips Always maintain eye contact. It's a habit of confident people, and can also help in establishing a more intimate connection. Learn to take "no" for an answer. It may come as a blow to your pride, but if a girl just isn't interested in your attention, leave her alone. If you're on a first date, take her to a place where lots of people know you. This will show her that you're popular, and you'll have others around that can talk you up. Warnings If you want a girl to be impressed with you, you can't seem too impressed with yourself. Confidence, comfort and assertiveness are key; arrogance will get you nowhere. Know where the line falls between flirting and acting inappropriately.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:02", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Using the Right Body Language\\n1-1. Practice good posture.\\nStand up straight whether you’re walking, standing or sitting. Pull your shoulders back slightly to expand your chest and hold your chin up high. Good posture alone can speak volumes for confidence, and you’ll be putting off the appearance of coolness whether people consciously notice or not.\\nPosture is one of the core elements of body language, and it’s one that stands out the most. Your posture is a reflection of the way you feel about yourself, and can betray a lack of confidence, even if you’re well dressed and smiling.\\n1-2. Smile.\\nNo matter what you’re doing, smile. Smiling not only shows that you’re comfortable doing what you’re doing, it sends the message to others that you’re comfortable around them and that they should be comfortable with you in turn. Don’t ham it up. A small, pleasant angling of the mouth and a brightening of the eyes is all it takes to announce to people that you’re a nice guy who knows how to have a good time… and maybe even has a little mystery about him.\\nSmiling has also been linked to heightened levels of physical attraction, so you’ll be doing yourself an added favor by displaying a friendly exterior.\\nTo show interest in a crush, you definitely want to be on the playful side of communication and personal interactions. Show that you are a friendly person!\\n1-3. Move with purpose.\\nThis is a physical extension of being comfortable with yourself and has to do with the way you move around and deal with your environment. Keep your movements smooth and deliberate, and avoid any wasted motion. You should strive to always be composed and carry yourself with ease. This tells people that you’re in complete control over yourself and your surroundings.\\nIf you don’t learn to move economically, your movements will look clumsy and uncoordinated, which can act as a sign of incompetence.\\nDon’t gesture wildly when talking to people, as this can be off-putting during conversation. At the same time, don’t stand there inanimate like you’re too timid to move. Try to strike the right balance.\\n1-4. Open yourself up to people.\\nWhen standing or talking with someone, “open” yourself to them physically by keeping your body facing them directly. Look at who you’re speaking to and maintain eye contact. You’ll be much more approachable and inviting than you would appear if you were unwittingly closing the people around you off by having your body turned away from them, diverting your eyeline when they’re talking, etc.\\nTry not to cross your arms, fidget or tug at your clothing absent-mindedly. In addition to being examples of “closed” body language, it make look like you don’t know what to do with them.\\n2. Commanding Social Interactions\\n2-1. Make yourself the most important person in the room.\\nWithout boasting or acting like an egotistical jerk, take possession of the room and everyone in it. Whether you’re talking or listening, you want to give the impression that you’re a person of importance. Do this by employing assertive body language (standing tall, remaining open, moving about easily) that encourages those around you to pay attention to you and being staying engaged but considerate. Behave as though everything you say and do has as weight that impacts others.\\nGive the “fake it ‘til you make it” approach a shot—assume that all eyes are on you and that people look to you to serve as an example of what “cool” is.\\nTake a moment to think about what you’re going to say before you say it. You’ll come across as thoughtful, and you’ll also be less likely to stutter or make mistakes while talking.\\n2-2. Show enthusiasm around people.\\nDisplay interest when talking to people and be enthused about whatever you’re doing. You should make it a goal to become the kind of person that can talk to anyone. That kind of magnetism will pay off once it’s time to really start drawing attention; if the girl you’re trying to impress happens to be watching, this will convey to her that you’re friendly and show a genuine interest in others.\\nBe an active listener. Use verbal cues like “yeah,” “mhmm,” and “I agree” when conversing to demonstrate that you’re paying attention.\\nEncourage equal input in discussion with the person you're talking to and thereby establish rapport. After they say something about themselves, agree or mention something about yourself that you can use to relate to them, then give them the floor again.\\n2-3. Stay humble.\\nIt won’t matter how cool you look if you constantly put others down or hog all the attention for yourself. Rather than using your time to show off or brag about your accomplishments, maintain a modest attitude toward yourself. Accept compliments graciously, and break yourself of the need to talk about yourself all the time. The fact is, no wants to be around someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else, so be sure to give praise and attention where it’s due, not just take it.\\nThose who are truly cool don't feel the need to prove it to others because they are sure of themselves.\\nBeing able to recognize the qualities of others is a sign of self-confidence, as confident people know it and don’t always need the spotlight on them.\\n2-4. Act self-assured.\\nAbove all, you should respect yourself and let people see who you are without the fear of judgment or ridicule. Self-consciousness is almost impossible to hide, and the reality is that it’s unwarranted in most situations. If you’re not worried about what pretty girls or anyone else will think, you won’t have anything holding you back. You’ll have a better time, and your personality will shine through.\\nFocus on enjoying yourself. Don’t let looking good in front of girls turn into a joyless mission. Cool people always manage to have a good time no matter the environment they’re in.\\n2-5. Keep your cool.\\nDon't let yourself get flustered if things don't go your way in social interactions. If you want to show people that you're cool, it's important to be in control of your emotions. Keep a level head, and try not to appear indignant when you get uncomfortable. When you find yourself getting agitated, take a few deep breaths until the feeling wears off, and remember to keep smiling. Whatever the situation, stay relaxed and make sure that your personable demeanor doesn't miss a beat.\\nDon't take offhand remarks personally. When someone criticizes you or says something you don't agree with, just remember that they're only voicing a single opinion. Your own peace of mind should remain unfazed.\\nIf you simply can't help but become anxious or upset, put on a poker face. Even if you're unable to shake it off, you can at least maintain a cool persona by keeping other people from seeing it on you.\\n3. Presenting a Confident Appearance\\n3-1. Dress well.\\nWhen picking out an outfit for going out, choose pieces that fit comfortably, accentuate your physique and make you look good. Know how to match clothes and how to dress for the appropriate season. A person who is well-dressed is always eye-catching, no matter where they show up; if you want to come off as cool, you’ve got to look the part first.\\nWear clothes that are in style to show that you are hip to modern fashions; matching seasonal colors, popular fabrics and patterns and slim fitted garments will all broadcast that you're a man of the times.\\n3-2. Take care of your body.\\nEat right, get regular exercise and go easy on unhealthy indulgences like junk food and alcohol. Make yourself look like someone that knows how to take care of themselves. If you tend to be lazy or act like a slob, this will likely come across in your appearance. Working out and practicing solid dietary habits will make you look better, which will make you feel better, and that will help you project confidence when you’re around girls.\\nEat a diet that is high in protein, with a moderate amount of refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.) and a minimum of fat. You should consume at least one meal every day containing fresh fruit and green vegetables.\\nYou don’t have to become a gym rat to look and feel your best, just spend a few hours a week getting your body up and moving. Keep exercise fun by performing activities that you enjoy, like swimming, hiking or cycling.\\n3-3. Practice solid hygiene.\\nIn addition to knowing how to dress well, take special care to make sure that you’re clean, your hair is combed and you’ve put on deodorant. You’ll feel fresh and reinvigorated and are sure to turn heads. Clothes are only one component of looking good—stay on top of good hygiene practices and you’ll look like someone who’s really got it together.\\nGet in the habit of going through a personal hygiene routine daily. Shower, clip your nails, brush your teeth and make sure you’re clean and presentable before going out.\\n3-4. Be comfortable with yourself.\\nRelax! This is one of the most important steps for acting cool. No matter what you’re doing, try to be confident and at ease. Treat every action or conversation like it’s something you’ve done a thousand times. This is especially critical when interacting with or around girls you’re attempting to impress. If you’ve taken all the steps necessary to look good but appear uncomfortable in your own skin, you’ll just end up signaling that you’re trying too hard.\\nIf you tend to be tense in public places or when meeting new people, take a few moments to prepare yourself mentally before you go out. Plan your activities in advance so that there will be no surprises. Practice things you might say when making an introduction.\\nBe able to laugh at yourself when you goof up. It indicates a positive attitude and a sense of humor, both traits that people are drawn to.\\nTips\\nAlways maintain eye contact. It's a habit of confident people, and can also help in establishing a more intimate connection.\\nLearn to take \\\"no\\\" for an answer. It may come as a blow to your pride, but if a girl just isn't interested in your attention, leave her alone.\\nIf you're on a first date, take her to a place where lots of people know you. This will show her that you're popular, and you'll have others around that can talk you up.\\nWarnings\\nIf you want a girl to be impressed with you, you can't seem too impressed with yourself. Confidence, comfort and assertiveness are key; arrogance will get you nowhere.\\nKnow where the line falls between flirting and acting inappropriately.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Like most guys, you probably get nervous when girls are around, and may wonder what it would take to get their attention. That initial spark of attraction takes place long before the first introduction is made, and it has everything to do with the way you carry yourself. Impressing girls is about more than just wearing fancy clothes or having the right moves, it’s about giving off the vibe that you’re the kind of person that other people want to be around.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Using the Right Body Language\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Practice good posture.\", \"描述\": \"Stand up straight whether you’re walking, standing or sitting. Pull your shoulders back slightly to expand your chest and hold your chin up high. Good posture alone can speak volumes for confidence, and you’ll be putting off the appearance of coolness whether people consciously notice or not.\\nPosture is one of the core elements of body language, and it’s one that stands out the most. Your posture is a reflection of the way you feel about yourself, and can betray a lack of confidence, even if you’re well dressed and smiling.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Smile.\", \"描述\": \"No matter what you’re doing, smile. Smiling not only shows that you’re comfortable doing what you’re doing, it sends the message to others that you’re comfortable around them and that they should be comfortable with you in turn. Don’t ham it up. A small, pleasant angling of the mouth and a brightening of the eyes is all it takes to announce to people that you’re a nice guy who knows how to have a good time… and maybe even has a little mystery about him.\\nSmiling has also been linked to heightened levels of physical attraction, so you’ll be doing yourself an added favor by displaying a friendly exterior.\\nTo show interest in a crush, you definitely want to be on the playful side of communication and personal interactions. Show that you are a friendly person!\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Move with purpose.\", \"描述\": \"This is a physical extension of being comfortable with yourself and has to do with the way you move around and deal with your environment. Keep your movements smooth and deliberate, and avoid any wasted motion. You should strive to always be composed and carry yourself with ease. This tells people that you’re in complete control over yourself and your surroundings.\\nIf you don’t learn to move economically, your movements will look clumsy and uncoordinated, which can act as a sign of incompetence.\\nDon’t gesture wildly when talking to people, as this can be off-putting during conversation. At the same time, don’t stand there inanimate like you’re too timid to move. Try to strike the right balance.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Open yourself up to people.\", \"描述\": \"When standing or talking with someone, “open” yourself to them physically by keeping your body facing them directly. Look at who you’re speaking to and maintain eye contact. You’ll be much more approachable and inviting than you would appear if you were unwittingly closing the people around you off by having your body turned away from them, diverting your eyeline when they’re talking, etc.\\nTry not to cross your arms, fidget or tug at your clothing absent-mindedly. In addition to being examples of “closed” body language, it make look like you don’t know what to do with them.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Commanding Social Interactions\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make yourself the most important person in the room.\", \"描述\": \"Without boasting or acting like an egotistical jerk, take possession of the room and everyone in it. Whether you’re talking or listening, you want to give the impression that you’re a person of importance. Do this by employing assertive body language (standing tall, remaining open, moving about easily) that encourages those around you to pay attention to you and being staying engaged but considerate. Behave as though everything you say and do has as weight that impacts others.\\nGive the “fake it ‘til you make it” approach a shot—assume that all eyes are on you and that people look to you to serve as an example of what “cool” is.\\nTake a moment to think about what you’re going to say before you say it. You’ll come across as thoughtful, and you’ll also be less likely to stutter or make mistakes while talking.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Show enthusiasm around people.\", \"描述\": \"Display interest when talking to people and be enthused about whatever you’re doing. You should make it a goal to become the kind of person that can talk to anyone. That kind of magnetism will pay off once it’s time to really start drawing attention; if the girl you’re trying to impress happens to be watching, this will convey to her that you’re friendly and show a genuine interest in others.\\nBe an active listener. Use verbal cues like “yeah,” “mhmm,” and “I agree” when conversing to demonstrate that you’re paying attention.\\nEncourage equal input in discussion with the person you're talking to and thereby establish rapport. After they say something about themselves, agree or mention something about yourself that you can use to relate to them, then give them the floor again.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stay humble.\", \"描述\": \"It won’t matter how cool you look if you constantly put others down or hog all the attention for yourself. Rather than using your time to show off or brag about your accomplishments, maintain a modest attitude toward yourself. Accept compliments graciously, and break yourself of the need to talk about yourself all the time. The fact is, no wants to be around someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else, so be sure to give praise and attention where it’s due, not just take it.\\nThose who are truly cool don't feel the need to prove it to others because they are sure of themselves.\\nBeing able to recognize the qualities of others is a sign of self-confidence, as confident people know it and don’t always need the spotlight on them.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Act self-assured.\", \"描述\": \"Above all, you should respect yourself and let people see who you are without the fear of judgment or ridicule. Self-consciousness is almost impossible to hide, and the reality is that it’s unwarranted in most situations. If you’re not worried about what pretty girls or anyone else will think, you won’t have anything holding you back. You’ll have a better time, and your personality will shine through.\\nFocus on enjoying yourself. Don’t let looking good in front of girls turn into a joyless mission. Cool people always manage to have a good time no matter the environment they’re in.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Keep your cool.\", \"描述\": \"Don't let yourself get flustered if things don't go your way in social interactions. If you want to show people that you're cool, it's important to be in control of your emotions. Keep a level head, and try not to appear indignant when you get uncomfortable. When you find yourself getting agitated, take a few deep breaths until the feeling wears off, and remember to keep smiling. Whatever the situation, stay relaxed and make sure that your personable demeanor doesn't miss a beat.\\nDon't take offhand remarks personally. When someone criticizes you or says something you don't agree with, just remember that they're only voicing a single opinion. Your own peace of mind should remain unfazed.\\nIf you simply can't help but become anxious or upset, put on a poker face. Even if you're unable to shake it off, you can at least maintain a cool persona by keeping other people from seeing it on you.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Presenting a Confident Appearance\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Dress well.\", \"描述\": \"When picking out an outfit for going out, choose pieces that fit comfortably, accentuate your physique and make you look good. Know how to match clothes and how to dress for the appropriate season. A person who is well-dressed is always eye-catching, no matter where they show up; if you want to come off as cool, you’ve got to look the part first.\\nWear clothes that are in style to show that you are hip to modern fashions; matching seasonal colors, popular fabrics and patterns and slim fitted garments will all broadcast that you're a man of the times.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Take care of your body.\", \"描述\": \"Eat right, get regular exercise and go easy on unhealthy indulgences like junk food and alcohol. Make yourself look like someone that knows how to take care of themselves. If you tend to be lazy or act like a slob, this will likely come across in your appearance. Working out and practicing solid dietary habits will make you look better, which will make you feel better, and that will help you project confidence when you’re around girls.\\nEat a diet that is high in protein, with a moderate amount of refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.) and a minimum of fat. You should consume at least one meal every day containing fresh fruit and green vegetables.\\nYou don’t have to become a gym rat to look and feel your best, just spend a few hours a week getting your body up and moving. Keep exercise fun by performing activities that you enjoy, like swimming, hiking or cycling.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Practice solid hygiene.\", \"描述\": \"In addition to knowing how to dress well, take special care to make sure that you’re clean, your hair is combed and you’ve put on deodorant. You’ll feel fresh and reinvigorated and are sure to turn heads. Clothes are only one component of looking good—stay on top of good hygiene practices and you’ll look like someone who’s really got it together.\\nGet in the habit of going through a personal hygiene routine daily. Shower, clip your nails, brush your teeth and make sure you’re clean and presentable before going out.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be comfortable with yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Relax! This is one of the most important steps for acting cool. No matter what you’re doing, try to be confident and at ease. Treat every action or conversation like it’s something you’ve done a thousand times. This is especially critical when interacting with or around girls you’re attempting to impress. If you’ve taken all the steps necessary to look good but appear uncomfortable in your own skin, you’ll just end up signaling that you’re trying too hard.\\nIf you tend to be tense in public places or when meeting new people, take a few moments to prepare yourself mentally before you go out. Plan your activities in advance so that there will be no surprises. Practice things you might say when making an introduction.\\nBe able to laugh at yourself when you goof up. It indicates a positive attitude and a sense of humor, both traits that people are drawn to.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Always maintain eye contact. It's a habit of confident people, and can also help in establishing a more intimate connection.\\n\", \"Learn to take \\\"no\\\" for an answer. It may come as a blow to your pride, but if a girl just isn't interested in your attention, leave her alone.\\n\", \"If you're on a first date, take her to a place where lots of people know you. This will show her that you're popular, and you'll have others around that can talk you up.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"If you want a girl to be impressed with you, you can't seem too impressed with yourself. Confidence, comfort and assertiveness are key; arrogance will get you nowhere.\\n\", \"Know where the line falls between flirting and acting inappropriately.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Cool when You Have Few Friends
1. Showing Confidence in Your Daily Life 1-1. Be your own person. Instead of trying to “fit in” with everyone else, set your own standards and live up to them. Dress how you like to dress. Geek out with pride over your passions. Show people that, for you, the most important source of approval is your own–not anyone else’s. Don’t take this to mean that you should be a contrarian! If other people’s values, interests, fashion sense, etc. happen to match yours, embrace them as your own. The point is to be authentic, however you present yourself. Don’t stretch it, either. Again, the important thing is to be authentic, so don’t overreach to the point that you’re striking a pose and playing a character outside of yourself. 1-2. Have a positive attitude. Strengthen your confident image with a smile for the whole world. Recognize the “bad” in life for what it is, but don’t let it get you down. Being cool means that when problems arise, you are confident that you can solve them, so don’t undermine your image by acting defeated! Show other people that you are someone who is worth having around, regardless of the circumstances. Treat failures as experiences to learn from, obstacles as challenges to overcome, and just about everything else in life as an opportunity to improve yourself! Keep negative comments about others to yourself. Don’t be seen as someone who has to knock other people down in order to lift yourself up. 1-3. Be cool, not perfect. Being confident means that you feel content with who you are, flaws and all. Avoid deluding yourself into thinking that you are superior to everybody else. Acting superior will make people think that you are doing just that: acting. Ask for help when needed. Don’t bluff your way through situations you can’t handle on your own. Risk looking foolish. Show other people that you are brave enough to not care what people think, but also confident enough to laugh at yourself when you do end up looking ridiculous. Voice your opinions during projects, debates, or casual chitchat, but concede with a laugh that you were wrong when other people prove themselves right. 1-4. Show your confidence with body language. Feel free to make gestures to liven up your conversations, but in general, try to be still. Convey the sense that you are perfectly comfortable in your surroundings. Own the space that you are in by showing that you have no intention of fleeing. Move at a relaxed pace and keep your gestures small and languid. Keep your head still and your chin up. In conversation, always look people in the eye. When you are standing, distribute your weight evenly across both legs. Own the ground you stand on. Keep your feet planted in place. Sit still. Whatever seat you take, relax in it as you would in your favorite chair. Resist the urge to lean forward or bounce your legs as if you are ready to bolt at the first opportunity. 1-5. Maintain an air of mystery. When prompted, share your thoughts and opinions without fear, but refrain from oversharing, especially if no one asked for them in the first place. Avoid being confused as a bully or bragger. Share what's relevant to the moment, but leave other people wanting to know more about you, rather than wanting you to shut up already. If a conversation drifts into an area you know quite well, respond knowingly to comments other people make, but stop short of lecturing. Leave all the really impressive things about you unmentioned. For example, if you happen to be talking about baseball, share your thoughts and opinions without mentioning the fact that you were the MVP for every team you ever played on. Make people tease information from you. Frame your responses in conversations in a way that answers their questions, while creating even more about you, like, "How could he/she possibly know so much about that?" 2. Impressing New People in Conversation 2-1. Introduce yourself simply. Start with the basics: “Hi, I’m Jim.” Unless the situation demands that you add some more specific detail about yourself, leave everything else unmentioned for now. Allow the other person to learn about you through natural conversation. Don’t force-feed them every factoid about yourself right off the bat. If you need to put yourself in some sort of context when you introduce yourself, keep it simple, like: “Hi, I’m Jennifer. I run track for Such-and-Such High School. I saw you run at last week’s invitational.” “Hi, I’m Rick. I’m the birthday boy’s cousin.” “Hi, I’m Susan. I was your sister’s lab partner in Biology last year.” 2-2. Be true to the situation. We all have different sides of ourselves, so be the “you” that is most appropriate for the moment. Be confident and relevant at the same time. Even if you have x-amount of impressive facts about yourself that you are just dying to share, keep them to yourself if there isn’t any context for mentioning them. Avoid coming across as a bragger. For instance: Say the two of you strike up a conversation about bands you like. Now let’s also say that you are a maestro on the guitar. Even though your guitar skills have to do with music, stick to your fan-based conversation about other musicians that the two of you admire. Impress the other person with your skills and your self-assurance by letting them find out how great you are from someone else entirely. 2-3. Share your discomfort. If you feel nervous, don’t overcompensate by acting bolder than you normally behave. Instead, make the bold move of admitting to feeling anxious! Show the other person that you are so confident in yourself that you are comfortable sharing your imperfections, even with new people. Lure them into an instant air of intimacy by allowing them to see your vulnerabilities from the get-go. At a party or large gathering? Do crowds make you nervous? Say as much and let the other person know that hanging out one-on-one in the future will reveal you at your best. Is the scene you’re in not really yours? Say you are at a football game and know nothing about the sport. Instead of faking interest or knowledge, confide in the other person and stoke their ego by relying on their expertise to guide you through the game. 2-4. Talk less, listen more. Keep the conversation focused on them. Show them that you are less interested in advertising yourself and more interested in learning about them. Make them feel important while creating an air of mystery about yourself. When the conversation ends, leave them feeling intrigued so they become eager to find out more about you. When they tell you a story, ask follow-up questions to indicate your interest. When you share your own thoughts and opinions, ask them what their take is to shift the spotlight back onto them. 3. Bolstering Your Friendships 3-1. Value the friends you have. Rest assured that you don’t need to surround yourself with a lot of friends to come across as cool to other people. But remember: it would look kind of suspicious if the few friends you do have all started to bail on you. Don’t take them for granted. Prove to them (as well as to others outside your circle) that you are definitely worth their time, respect, and loyalty. 3-2. Put your friends before you. Shun the idea of being the center of attention. When your friends need to unload or vent or even just BS, put yourself on the back burner and really listen to what they have to say. Prove to them that you really do desire to know exactly what they think and feel about this, that, and the other thing. Ask follow-up questions once they finish telling you something to show them that you want to understand them fully. Respond directly to their comments rather than switching the subject or simply stating your own opinions. If you feel like a personal story or opinion of your own would benefit them, frame it in a way that clearly shows that this is a response to what they have said, and not just an opportunity for you to talk about yourself. 3-3. Respect their criticisms. Being cool and confident is a matter of seeking approval from yourself first and foremost, but that doesn’t mean you should disregard what the people who are most important to you have to say. When they point out a flaw of yours, take it as constructive feedback rather than an insult. Accept the fact that you are not perfect. Embrace your closest friends as people with whom you can be yourself, flaws and all, without having to strike a constant “cool” pose. Keep an ear out for repeated hints about your flaws in case your friends are reluctant to address them directly. Admit to your mistakes to show that you are more concerned with improving yourself and your friendship rather than just “looking good.” Laugh at yourself to diffuse tension and prove that you are empathetic enough to see yourself through your friends’ eyes. 3-4. Do the “little things.” Throwing your friends parties or making other grand gestures from time to time will undoubtedly make them feel important to you. But making smaller gestures more often is much more feasible (and consistent). Make your friends feel important to you on a daily basis. Show them that you think about them all the time. Make a point of giving them a small sign that they are on your mind each day. Forward them links to videos, stories, memes, etc. that you think they would appreciate. Call them just to say “what’s up” and find out how they are, even when (or especially if) you have nothing particularly interesting to say. Offer to do them favors and make their lives easier when they are busy, sick, or bummed out for some reason, or just do those favors anyway without asking if they need them. 3-5. Forge new memories. Pump some new life into your shared routines. Make your friendship exciting. If your friend mentions how it would be nice to do this or that, don’t let them only ever daydream about it–make a concrete plan to actually do it. Make your plans together or surprise them with a readymade adventure. Go on a road trip, even if a day-trip is all you can manage. Learn new skills together by taking art classes, guitar lessons, etc. Get out of your comfort zone and take part in a poetry reading, open mic night, karaoke, or something more death-defying, like skydiving or rock climbing!
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:02", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Showing Confidence in Your Daily Life\\n1-1. Be your own person.\\nInstead of trying to “fit in” with everyone else, set your own standards and live up to them. Dress how you like to dress. Geek out with pride over your passions. Show people that, for you, the most important source of approval is your own–not anyone else’s.\\nDon’t take this to mean that you should be a contrarian! If other people’s values, interests, fashion sense, etc. happen to match yours, embrace them as your own. The point is to be authentic, however you present yourself.\\nDon’t stretch it, either. Again, the important thing is to be authentic, so don’t overreach to the point that you’re striking a pose and playing a character outside of yourself.\\n1-2. Have a positive attitude.\\nStrengthen your confident image with a smile for the whole world. Recognize the “bad” in life for what it is, but don’t let it get you down. Being cool means that when problems arise, you are confident that you can solve them, so don’t undermine your image by acting defeated! Show other people that you are someone who is worth having around, regardless of the circumstances.\\nTreat failures as experiences to learn from, obstacles as challenges to overcome, and just about everything else in life as an opportunity to improve yourself!\\nKeep negative comments about others to yourself. Don’t be seen as someone who has to knock other people down in order to lift yourself up.\\n1-3. Be cool, not perfect.\\nBeing confident means that you feel content with who you are, flaws and all. Avoid deluding yourself into thinking that you are superior to everybody else. Acting superior will make people think that you are doing just that: acting.\\nAsk for help when needed. Don’t bluff your way through situations you can’t handle on your own.\\nRisk looking foolish. Show other people that you are brave enough to not care what people think, but also confident enough to laugh at yourself when you do end up looking ridiculous.\\nVoice your opinions during projects, debates, or casual chitchat, but concede with a laugh that you were wrong when other people prove themselves right.\\n1-4. Show your confidence with body language.\\nFeel free to make gestures to liven up your conversations, but in general, try to be still. Convey the sense that you are perfectly comfortable in your surroundings. Own the space that you are in by showing that you have no intention of fleeing. Move at a relaxed pace and keep your gestures small and languid.\\nKeep your head still and your chin up. In conversation, always look people in the eye.\\nWhen you are standing, distribute your weight evenly across both legs. Own the ground you stand on. Keep your feet planted in place.\\nSit still. Whatever seat you take, relax in it as you would in your favorite chair. Resist the urge to lean forward or bounce your legs as if you are ready to bolt at the first opportunity.\\n1-5. Maintain an air of mystery.\\nWhen prompted, share your thoughts and opinions without fear, but refrain from oversharing, especially if no one asked for them in the first place. Avoid being confused as a bully or bragger. Share what's relevant to the moment, but leave other people wanting to know more about you, rather than wanting you to shut up already.\\nIf a conversation drifts into an area you know quite well, respond knowingly to comments other people make, but stop short of lecturing.\\nLeave all the really impressive things about you unmentioned. For example, if you happen to be talking about baseball, share your thoughts and opinions without mentioning the fact that you were the MVP for every team you ever played on.\\nMake people tease information from you. Frame your responses in conversations in a way that answers their questions, while creating even more about you, like, \\\"How could he/she possibly know so much about that?\\\"\\n2. Impressing New People in Conversation\\n2-1. Introduce yourself simply.\\nStart with the basics: “Hi, I’m Jim.” Unless the situation demands that you add some more specific detail about yourself, leave everything else unmentioned for now. Allow the other person to learn about you through natural conversation. Don’t force-feed them every factoid about yourself right off the bat. If you need to put yourself in some sort of context when you introduce yourself, keep it simple, like:\\n“Hi, I’m Jennifer. I run track for Such-and-Such High School. I saw you run at last week’s invitational.”\\n“Hi, I’m Rick. I’m the birthday boy’s cousin.”\\n“Hi, I’m Susan. I was your sister’s lab partner in Biology last year.”\\n2-2. Be true to the situation.\\nWe all have different sides of ourselves, so be the “you” that is most appropriate for the moment. Be confident and relevant at the same time. Even if you have x-amount of impressive facts about yourself that you are just dying to share, keep them to yourself if there isn’t any context for mentioning them. Avoid coming across as a bragger. For instance:\\nSay the two of you strike up a conversation about bands you like. Now let’s also say that you are a maestro on the guitar. Even though your guitar skills have to do with music, stick to your fan-based conversation about other musicians that the two of you admire. Impress the other person with your skills and your self-assurance by letting them find out how great you are from someone else entirely.\\n2-3. Share your discomfort.\\nIf you feel nervous, don’t overcompensate by acting bolder than you normally behave. Instead, make the bold move of admitting to feeling anxious! Show the other person that you are so confident in yourself that you are comfortable sharing your imperfections, even with new people. Lure them into an instant air of intimacy by allowing them to see your vulnerabilities from the get-go.\\nAt a party or large gathering? Do crowds make you nervous? Say as much and let the other person know that hanging out one-on-one in the future will reveal you at your best.\\nIs the scene you’re in not really yours? Say you are at a football game and know nothing about the sport. Instead of faking interest or knowledge, confide in the other person and stoke their ego by relying on their expertise to guide you through the game.\\n2-4. Talk less, listen more.\\nKeep the conversation focused on them. Show them that you are less interested in advertising yourself and more interested in learning about them. Make them feel important while creating an air of mystery about yourself. When the conversation ends, leave them feeling intrigued so they become eager to find out more about you. \\nWhen they tell you a story, ask follow-up questions to indicate your interest.\\nWhen you share your own thoughts and opinions, ask them what their take is to shift the spotlight back onto them.\\n3. Bolstering Your Friendships\\n3-1. Value the friends you have.\\nRest assured that you don’t need to surround yourself with a lot of friends to come across as cool to other people. But remember: it would look kind of suspicious if the few friends you do have all started to bail on you. Don’t take them for granted. Prove to them (as well as to others outside your circle) that you are definitely worth their time, respect, and loyalty.\\n3-2. Put your friends before you.\\nShun the idea of being the center of attention. When your friends need to unload or vent or even just BS, put yourself on the back burner and really listen to what they have to say. Prove to them that you really do desire to know exactly what they think and feel about this, that, and the other thing.\\nAsk follow-up questions once they finish telling you something to show them that you want to understand them fully.\\nRespond directly to their comments rather than switching the subject or simply stating your own opinions.\\nIf you feel like a personal story or opinion of your own would benefit them, frame it in a way that clearly shows that this is a response to what they have said, and not just an opportunity for you to talk about yourself.\\n3-3. Respect their criticisms.\\nBeing cool and confident is a matter of seeking approval from yourself first and foremost, but that doesn’t mean you should disregard what the people who are most important to you have to say. When they point out a flaw of yours, take it as constructive feedback rather than an insult. Accept the fact that you are not perfect. Embrace your closest friends as people with whom you can be yourself, flaws and all, without having to strike a constant “cool” pose.\\nKeep an ear out for repeated hints about your flaws in case your friends are reluctant to address them directly.\\nAdmit to your mistakes to show that you are more concerned with improving yourself and your friendship rather than just “looking good.”\\nLaugh at yourself to diffuse tension and prove that you are empathetic enough to see yourself through your friends’ eyes.\\n3-4. Do the “little things.”\\nThrowing your friends parties or making other grand gestures from time to time will undoubtedly make them feel important to you. But making smaller gestures more often is much more feasible (and consistent). Make your friends feel important to you on a daily basis. Show them that you think about them all the time. Make a point of giving them a small sign that they are on your mind each day.\\nForward them links to videos, stories, memes, etc. that you think they would appreciate.\\nCall them just to say “what’s up” and find out how they are, even when (or especially if) you have nothing particularly interesting to say.\\nOffer to do them favors and make their lives easier when they are busy, sick, or bummed out for some reason, or just do those favors anyway without asking if they need them.\\n3-5. Forge new memories.\\nPump some new life into your shared routines. Make your friendship exciting. If your friend mentions how it would be nice to do this or that, don’t let them only ever daydream about it–make a concrete plan to actually do it. Make your plans together or surprise them with a readymade adventure.\\nGo on a road trip, even if a day-trip is all you can manage.\\nLearn new skills together by taking art classes, guitar lessons, etc.\\nGet out of your comfort zone and take part in a poetry reading, open mic night, karaoke, or something more death-defying, like skydiving or rock climbing!\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"What's considered \\\"cool\\\" is usually in the eye of the beholder. But whether you fashion yourself as a proud nerd or artiste, a punk or a preppy, there is one constant that sets people off as \\\"cool,\\\" and that is confidence in who you are. Even if you can count the number of friends you have with one hand, self-confidence will transcend any biases people may have about your clothes, interests, or the size of your clique.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Showing Confidence in Your Daily Life\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Be your own person.\", \"描述\": \"Instead of trying to “fit in” with everyone else, set your own standards and live up to them. Dress how you like to dress. Geek out with pride over your passions. Show people that, for you, the most important source of approval is your own–not anyone else’s.\\nDon’t take this to mean that you should be a contrarian! If other people’s values, interests, fashion sense, etc. happen to match yours, embrace them as your own. The point is to be authentic, however you present yourself.\\nDon’t stretch it, either. Again, the important thing is to be authentic, so don’t overreach to the point that you’re striking a pose and playing a character outside of yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Have a positive attitude.\", \"描述\": \"Strengthen your confident image with a smile for the whole world. Recognize the “bad” in life for what it is, but don’t let it get you down. Being cool means that when problems arise, you are confident that you can solve them, so don’t undermine your image by acting defeated! Show other people that you are someone who is worth having around, regardless of the circumstances.\\nTreat failures as experiences to learn from, obstacles as challenges to overcome, and just about everything else in life as an opportunity to improve yourself!\\nKeep negative comments about others to yourself. Don’t be seen as someone who has to knock other people down in order to lift yourself up.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be cool, not perfect.\", \"描述\": \"Being confident means that you feel content with who you are, flaws and all. Avoid deluding yourself into thinking that you are superior to everybody else. Acting superior will make people think that you are doing just that: acting.\\nAsk for help when needed. Don’t bluff your way through situations you can’t handle on your own.\\nRisk looking foolish. Show other people that you are brave enough to not care what people think, but also confident enough to laugh at yourself when you do end up looking ridiculous.\\nVoice your opinions during projects, debates, or casual chitchat, but concede with a laugh that you were wrong when other people prove themselves right.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Show your confidence with body language.\", \"描述\": \"Feel free to make gestures to liven up your conversations, but in general, try to be still. Convey the sense that you are perfectly comfortable in your surroundings. Own the space that you are in by showing that you have no intention of fleeing. Move at a relaxed pace and keep your gestures small and languid.\\nKeep your head still and your chin up. In conversation, always look people in the eye.\\nWhen you are standing, distribute your weight evenly across both legs. Own the ground you stand on. Keep your feet planted in place.\\nSit still. Whatever seat you take, relax in it as you would in your favorite chair. Resist the urge to lean forward or bounce your legs as if you are ready to bolt at the first opportunity.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Maintain an air of mystery.\", \"描述\": \"When prompted, share your thoughts and opinions without fear, but refrain from oversharing, especially if no one asked for them in the first place. Avoid being confused as a bully or bragger. Share what's relevant to the moment, but leave other people wanting to know more about you, rather than wanting you to shut up already.\\nIf a conversation drifts into an area you know quite well, respond knowingly to comments other people make, but stop short of lecturing.\\nLeave all the really impressive things about you unmentioned. For example, if you happen to be talking about baseball, share your thoughts and opinions without mentioning the fact that you were the MVP for every team you ever played on.\\nMake people tease information from you. Frame your responses in conversations in a way that answers their questions, while creating even more about you, like, \\\"How could he/she possibly know so much about that?\\\"\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Impressing New People in Conversation\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Introduce yourself simply.\", \"描述\": \"Start with the basics: “Hi, I’m Jim.” Unless the situation demands that you add some more specific detail about yourself, leave everything else unmentioned for now. Allow the other person to learn about you through natural conversation. Don’t force-feed them every factoid about yourself right off the bat. If you need to put yourself in some sort of context when you introduce yourself, keep it simple, like:\\n“Hi, I’m Jennifer. I run track for Such-and-Such High School. I saw you run at last week’s invitational.”\\n“Hi, I’m Rick. I’m the birthday boy’s cousin.”\\n“Hi, I’m Susan. I was your sister’s lab partner in Biology last year.”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be true to the situation.\", \"描述\": \"We all have different sides of ourselves, so be the “you” that is most appropriate for the moment. Be confident and relevant at the same time. Even if you have x-amount of impressive facts about yourself that you are just dying to share, keep them to yourself if there isn’t any context for mentioning them. Avoid coming across as a bragger. For instance:\\nSay the two of you strike up a conversation about bands you like. Now let’s also say that you are a maestro on the guitar. Even though your guitar skills have to do with music, stick to your fan-based conversation about other musicians that the two of you admire. Impress the other person with your skills and your self-assurance by letting them find out how great you are from someone else entirely.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Share your discomfort.\", \"描述\": \"If you feel nervous, don’t overcompensate by acting bolder than you normally behave. Instead, make the bold move of admitting to feeling anxious! Show the other person that you are so confident in yourself that you are comfortable sharing your imperfections, even with new people. Lure them into an instant air of intimacy by allowing them to see your vulnerabilities from the get-go.\\nAt a party or large gathering? Do crowds make you nervous? Say as much and let the other person know that hanging out one-on-one in the future will reveal you at your best.\\nIs the scene you’re in not really yours? Say you are at a football game and know nothing about the sport. Instead of faking interest or knowledge, confide in the other person and stoke their ego by relying on their expertise to guide you through the game.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Talk less, listen more.\", \"描述\": \"Keep the conversation focused on them. Show them that you are less interested in advertising yourself and more interested in learning about them. Make them feel important while creating an air of mystery about yourself. When the conversation ends, leave them feeling intrigued so they become eager to find out more about you. \\nWhen they tell you a story, ask follow-up questions to indicate your interest.\\nWhen you share your own thoughts and opinions, ask them what their take is to shift the spotlight back onto them.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Bolstering Your Friendships\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Value the friends you have.\", \"描述\": \"Rest assured that you don’t need to surround yourself with a lot of friends to come across as cool to other people. But remember: it would look kind of suspicious if the few friends you do have all started to bail on you. Don’t take them for granted. Prove to them (as well as to others outside your circle) that you are definitely worth their time, respect, and loyalty.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Put your friends before you.\", \"描述\": \"Shun the idea of being the center of attention. When your friends need to unload or vent or even just BS, put yourself on the back burner and really listen to what they have to say. Prove to them that you really do desire to know exactly what they think and feel about this, that, and the other thing.\\nAsk follow-up questions once they finish telling you something to show them that you want to understand them fully.\\nRespond directly to their comments rather than switching the subject or simply stating your own opinions.\\nIf you feel like a personal story or opinion of your own would benefit them, frame it in a way that clearly shows that this is a response to what they have said, and not just an opportunity for you to talk about yourself.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Respect their criticisms.\", \"描述\": \"Being cool and confident is a matter of seeking approval from yourself first and foremost, but that doesn’t mean you should disregard what the people who are most important to you have to say. When they point out a flaw of yours, take it as constructive feedback rather than an insult. Accept the fact that you are not perfect. Embrace your closest friends as people with whom you can be yourself, flaws and all, without having to strike a constant “cool” pose.\\nKeep an ear out for repeated hints about your flaws in case your friends are reluctant to address them directly.\\nAdmit to your mistakes to show that you are more concerned with improving yourself and your friendship rather than just “looking good.”\\nLaugh at yourself to diffuse tension and prove that you are empathetic enough to see yourself through your friends’ eyes.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Do the “little things.”\", \"描述\": \"Throwing your friends parties or making other grand gestures from time to time will undoubtedly make them feel important to you. But making smaller gestures more often is much more feasible (and consistent). Make your friends feel important to you on a daily basis. Show them that you think about them all the time. Make a point of giving them a small sign that they are on your mind each day.\\nForward them links to videos, stories, memes, etc. that you think they would appreciate.\\nCall them just to say “what’s up” and find out how they are, even when (or especially if) you have nothing particularly interesting to say.\\nOffer to do them favors and make their lives easier when they are busy, sick, or bummed out for some reason, or just do those favors anyway without asking if they need them.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Forge new memories.\", \"描述\": \"Pump some new life into your shared routines. Make your friendship exciting. If your friend mentions how it would be nice to do this or that, don’t let them only ever daydream about it–make a concrete plan to actually do it. Make your plans together or surprise them with a readymade adventure.\\nGo on a road trip, even if a day-trip is all you can manage.\\nLearn new skills together by taking art classes, guitar lessons, etc.\\nGet out of your comfort zone and take part in a poetry reading, open mic night, karaoke, or something more death-defying, like skydiving or rock climbing!\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Cute Around Your Boyfriend
1. Steps 1-1. Wear one of his shirts. His oversized shirts can actually look super sexy, too. Pick one out of his closet or his dresser and slip it on. Wear it like a nightgown or as something comfortable around the house. Your boyfriend will think it’s absolutely adorable. You can go with a comfy T-shirt, or spice it up a bit with a button-down shirt. Pro tip: leave a few of the top buttons undone. 1-2. Steal one of his hoodies. You’ll look cute and cozy in it at the same time. Most guys love their comfy hoodies, so if you slip on one of your boyfriend’s, he just might love seeing you in it. Make it playful by putting it on when he isn’t looking and just sporting it around him to see what he does. He might act annoyed, but chances are he thinks it’s sweet and maybe a little hot (no pun intended). Try asking for one of his hoodies to sleep in, so you can stay warm and look adorable wearing something that’s his. 1-3. Make him blush with a random compliment. A cute compliment can melt your boyfriend’s heart. Think about something about him or something that he does that makes you feel special and happy that he’s your boyfriend. Express your feelings with a genuine compliment, and he’ll think it’s endearing. For instance, you could say, “You’re so strong. It makes me feel safe when you’re around.” You could also say, “I’m so happy my boyfriend has the same weird sense of humor as me. I’m so lucky!” 1-4. Crack an inside joke or quote something you both love. He’ll love it, and it can bring you closer together. Think about a movie or TV show that you’ve both watched together. Use it to come up with a line or two that you know he’ll get and think is funny. Drop it during a conversation or just randomly when you’re around him. He might laugh, or he might think you’re a dork, but either way, he’ll think you’re cute. For example, if you’re both fans of the movie Anchorman, you could randomly quote the movie and say, “Loud noises!” or look at your boyfriend and say tenderly, “I love a lamp.” 1-5. Send him a text saying you miss him. It’ll make his day. This is a great option if you’re both busy doing things during the day. You don’t even need a reason to do it. Just message him something sweet out of the blue to let him know you’re thinking of him. You could message, “Can’t wait to get off work and see you!” You could also keep it short and sweet like, “Love and miss you.” 1-6. Slip a random note into his pocket. When he finds it, he won’t be able to help but think it’s adorable. Write something sweet on a strip of paper and sneak it into his jacket or pants pocket when he isn’t looking. You could even slip it into his bag, so he’ll find it when he gets to work. When he does find it, he’ll be sweetly reminded about how much he cares about you and how thoughtful you are. It doesn’t have to be a super long message. It can be something simple like, “Hi babe, hope you have a great day at work. Love you.” If you’re feeling up to it, you could even go with a little flirty note like, “Can’t wait to see you tonight…” 1-7. Play with your hair when you’re talking to him. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. Whenever your boyfriend compliments you, try playing with your hair and blushing. When you’re talking to him, try tucking your hair behind your ears. For some reason, these gestures can be irresistible to guys. Give them a shot! If you don’t have long hair, that’s totally fine. Try running your hand through your hair instead. 1-8. Smile more often. Show him how happy he makes you with a sweet smile. While no one likes being told to smile more, the truth is, it can really make you look more approachable and relaxed to your boyfriend. Try to smile whenever you look at them, and they may think it’s adorable. 1-9. Grab him a drink when you get one Do it without asking, and he’ll love it. If you’re going to get a glass of water from the kitchen, grab him one as well. If you’re fixing a drink or pouring a glass of wine, make one for him as well. Surprise him with it and chances are he’ll be blown away by the gesture and think you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen. 1-10. Play video games with him. Even if you aren’t excellent, he’ll think it’s adorable. This is especially true if your boyfriend is a big time gamer. Just pick up a controller and try hopping into a game with him. Or make it even more fun by challenging him to a game. He might roll his eyes a bit and take it easy on you, but deep down, he’ll think it’s adorable. If you happen to be way better at gaming than he is, try taking it easy at first and then ramping up the intensity. He might be super surprised by your skills! 1-11. Watch a cheesy movie with him. Pick out an old one that he loves. Chances are your boyfriend has some bad movies that he just loves for some reason. Look for one of them on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, or see if you can rent a DVD of one of his favorites. Pop it on for a fun date night. He’ll love watching it with you and think that it’s sweet that you’ll indulge him like that. For example, if your boyfriend loves Predator or Robocop, try watching them with him. Sure, they’re not great movies. But it’ll be fun to watch them together. 1-12. Plan out a date for the two of you. Take care of all the arrangements and surprise your boyfriend. Instead of going back and forth trying to decide where you want to go or where you want to eat, try planning out everything yourself. When it comes time for date night (or day), tell him you’ve got it all taken care of and surprise him with something fun and exciting. Keep it cute with a picnic, a trip to the zoo, or a night in with a fun board game you haven’t played together. You could also do something fun together like taking a cooking class or a dance lesson. Tips If you need fun date or activity ideas, try asking your boyfriend’s friends and family about what he’s into, so you can surprise him with it.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:02", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Steps\\n1-1. Wear one of his shirts.\\nHis oversized shirts can actually look super sexy, too. Pick one out of his closet or his dresser and slip it on. Wear it like a nightgown or as something comfortable around the house. Your boyfriend will think it’s absolutely adorable.\\nYou can go with a comfy T-shirt, or spice it up a bit with a button-down shirt. Pro tip: leave a few of the top buttons undone.\\n1-2. Steal one of his hoodies.\\nYou’ll look cute and cozy in it at the same time. Most guys love their comfy hoodies, so if you slip on one of your boyfriend’s, he just might love seeing you in it. Make it playful by putting it on when he isn’t looking and just sporting it around him to see what he does. He might act annoyed, but chances are he thinks it’s sweet and maybe a little hot (no pun intended).\\nTry asking for one of his hoodies to sleep in, so you can stay warm and look adorable wearing something that’s his.\\n1-3. Make him blush with a random compliment.\\nA cute compliment can melt your boyfriend’s heart. Think about something about him or something that he does that makes you feel special and happy that he’s your boyfriend. Express your feelings with a genuine compliment, and he’ll think it’s endearing.\\nFor instance, you could say, “You’re so strong. It makes me feel safe when you’re around.”\\nYou could also say, “I’m so happy my boyfriend has the same weird sense of humor as me. I’m so lucky!”\\n1-4. Crack an inside joke or quote something you both love.\\nHe’ll love it, and it can bring you closer together. Think about a movie or TV show that you’ve both watched together. Use it to come up with a line or two that you know he’ll get and think is funny. Drop it during a conversation or just randomly when you’re around him. He might laugh, or he might think you’re a dork, but either way, he’ll think you’re cute.\\nFor example, if you’re both fans of the movie Anchorman, you could randomly quote the movie and say, “Loud noises!” or look at your boyfriend and say tenderly, “I love a lamp.”\\n1-5. Send him a text saying you miss him.\\nIt’ll make his day. This is a great option if you’re both busy doing things during the day. You don’t even need a reason to do it. Just message him something sweet out of the blue to let him know you’re thinking of him.\\nYou could message, “Can’t wait to get off work and see you!”\\nYou could also keep it short and sweet like, “Love and miss you.”\\n1-6. Slip a random note into his pocket.\\nWhen he finds it, he won’t be able to help but think it’s adorable. Write something sweet on a strip of paper and sneak it into his jacket or pants pocket when he isn’t looking. You could even slip it into his bag, so he’ll find it when he gets to work. When he does find it, he’ll be sweetly reminded about how much he cares about you and how thoughtful you are.\\nIt doesn’t have to be a super long message. It can be something simple like, “Hi babe, hope you have a great day at work. Love you.”\\nIf you’re feeling up to it, you could even go with a little flirty note like, “Can’t wait to see you tonight…”\\n1-7. Play with your hair when you’re talking to him.\\nIt’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. Whenever your boyfriend compliments you, try playing with your hair and blushing. When you’re talking to him, try tucking your hair behind your ears. For some reason, these gestures can be irresistible to guys. Give them a shot!\\nIf you don’t have long hair, that’s totally fine. Try running your hand through your hair instead.\\n1-8. Smile more often.\\nShow him how happy he makes you with a sweet smile. While no one likes being told to smile more, the truth is, it can really make you look more approachable and relaxed to your boyfriend. Try to smile whenever you look at them, and they may think it’s adorable.\\n1-9. Grab him a drink when you get one Do it without asking, and he’ll love it.\\nIf you’re going to get a glass of water from the kitchen, grab him one as well. If you’re fixing a drink or pouring a glass of wine, make one for him as well. Surprise him with it and chances are he’ll be blown away by the gesture and think you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen.\\n1-10. Play video games with him.\\nEven if you aren’t excellent, he’ll think it’s adorable. This is especially true if your boyfriend is a big time gamer. Just pick up a controller and try hopping into a game with him. Or make it even more fun by challenging him to a game. He might roll his eyes a bit and take it easy on you, but deep down, he’ll think it’s adorable.\\nIf you happen to be way better at gaming than he is, try taking it easy at first and then ramping up the intensity. He might be super surprised by your skills!\\n1-11. Watch a cheesy movie with him.\\nPick out an old one that he loves. Chances are your boyfriend has some bad movies that he just loves for some reason. Look for one of them on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, or see if you can rent a DVD of one of his favorites. Pop it on for a fun date night. He’ll love watching it with you and think that it’s sweet that you’ll indulge him like that.\\nFor example, if your boyfriend loves Predator or Robocop, try watching them with him. Sure, they’re not great movies. But it’ll be fun to watch them together.\\n1-12. Plan out a date for the two of you.\\nTake care of all the arrangements and surprise your boyfriend. Instead of going back and forth trying to decide where you want to go or where you want to eat, try planning out everything yourself. When it comes time for date night (or day), tell him you’ve got it all taken care of and surprise him with something fun and exciting.\\nKeep it cute with a picnic, a trip to the zoo, or a night in with a fun board game you haven’t played together.\\nYou could also do something fun together like taking a cooking class or a dance lesson.\\nTips\\nIf you need fun date or activity ideas, try asking your boyfriend’s friends and family about what he’s into, so you can surprise him with it.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Who doesn’t want their boyfriend to think they’re adorable? With so much of a relationship’s focus being on making sure the other person is happy, sometimes it’s nice to just be cute and playful around them. Luckily, it’s also easier than you might think. To help you do it, we’ve put together a handy list of tips and ideas you can use to act cute around your boyfriend. He’ll love it!\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Steps\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wear one of his shirts.\", \"描述\": \"His oversized shirts can actually look super sexy, too. Pick one out of his closet or his dresser and slip it on. Wear it like a nightgown or as something comfortable around the house. Your boyfriend will think it’s absolutely adorable.\\nYou can go with a comfy T-shirt, or spice it up a bit with a button-down shirt. Pro tip: leave a few of the top buttons undone.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Steal one of his hoodies.\", \"描述\": \"You’ll look cute and cozy in it at the same time. Most guys love their comfy hoodies, so if you slip on one of your boyfriend’s, he just might love seeing you in it. Make it playful by putting it on when he isn’t looking and just sporting it around him to see what he does. He might act annoyed, but chances are he thinks it’s sweet and maybe a little hot (no pun intended).\\nTry asking for one of his hoodies to sleep in, so you can stay warm and look adorable wearing something that’s his.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Make him blush with a random compliment.\", \"描述\": \"A cute compliment can melt your boyfriend’s heart. Think about something about him or something that he does that makes you feel special and happy that he’s your boyfriend. Express your feelings with a genuine compliment, and he’ll think it’s endearing.\\nFor instance, you could say, “You’re so strong. It makes me feel safe when you’re around.”\\nYou could also say, “I’m so happy my boyfriend has the same weird sense of humor as me. I’m so lucky!”\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Crack an inside joke or quote something you both love.\", \"描述\": \"He’ll love it, and it can bring you closer together. Think about a movie or TV show that you’ve both watched together. Use it to come up with a line or two that you know he’ll get and think is funny. Drop it during a conversation or just randomly when you’re around him. He might laugh, or he might think you’re a dork, but either way, he’ll think you’re cute.\\nFor example, if you’re both fans of the movie Anchorman, you could randomly quote the movie and say, “Loud noises!” or look at your boyfriend and say tenderly, “I love a lamp.”\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Send him a text saying you miss him.\", \"描述\": \"It’ll make his day. This is a great option if you’re both busy doing things during the day. You don’t even need a reason to do it. Just message him something sweet out of the blue to let him know you’re thinking of him.\\nYou could message, “Can’t wait to get off work and see you!”\\nYou could also keep it short and sweet like, “Love and miss you.”\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Slip a random note into his pocket.\", \"描述\": \"When he finds it, he won’t be able to help but think it’s adorable. Write something sweet on a strip of paper and sneak it into his jacket or pants pocket when he isn’t looking. You could even slip it into his bag, so he’ll find it when he gets to work. When he does find it, he’ll be sweetly reminded about how much he cares about you and how thoughtful you are.\\nIt doesn’t have to be a super long message. It can be something simple like, “Hi babe, hope you have a great day at work. Love you.”\\nIf you’re feeling up to it, you could even go with a little flirty note like, “Can’t wait to see you tonight…”\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Play with your hair when you’re talking to him.\", \"描述\": \"It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. Whenever your boyfriend compliments you, try playing with your hair and blushing. When you’re talking to him, try tucking your hair behind your ears. For some reason, these gestures can be irresistible to guys. Give them a shot!\\nIf you don’t have long hair, that’s totally fine. Try running your hand through your hair instead.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Smile more often.\", \"描述\": \"Show him how happy he makes you with a sweet smile. While no one likes being told to smile more, the truth is, it can really make you look more approachable and relaxed to your boyfriend. Try to smile whenever you look at them, and they may think it’s adorable.\"}, {\"编号\": 9, \"标题\": \"Grab him a drink when you get one Do it without asking, and he’ll love it.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re going to get a glass of water from the kitchen, grab him one as well. If you’re fixing a drink or pouring a glass of wine, make one for him as well. Surprise him with it and chances are he’ll be blown away by the gesture and think you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen.\"}, {\"编号\": 10, \"标题\": \"Play video games with him.\", \"描述\": \"Even if you aren’t excellent, he’ll think it’s adorable. This is especially true if your boyfriend is a big time gamer. Just pick up a controller and try hopping into a game with him. Or make it even more fun by challenging him to a game. He might roll his eyes a bit and take it easy on you, but deep down, he’ll think it’s adorable.\\nIf you happen to be way better at gaming than he is, try taking it easy at first and then ramping up the intensity. He might be super surprised by your skills!\"}, {\"编号\": 11, \"标题\": \"Watch a cheesy movie with him.\", \"描述\": \"Pick out an old one that he loves. Chances are your boyfriend has some bad movies that he just loves for some reason. Look for one of them on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, or see if you can rent a DVD of one of his favorites. Pop it on for a fun date night. He’ll love watching it with you and think that it’s sweet that you’ll indulge him like that.\\nFor example, if your boyfriend loves Predator or Robocop, try watching them with him. Sure, they’re not great movies. But it’ll be fun to watch them together.\"}, {\"编号\": 12, \"标题\": \"Plan out a date for the two of you.\", \"描述\": \"Take care of all the arrangements and surprise your boyfriend. Instead of going back and forth trying to decide where you want to go or where you want to eat, try planning out everything yourself. When it comes time for date night (or day), tell him you’ve got it all taken care of and surprise him with something fun and exciting.\\nKeep it cute with a picnic, a trip to the zoo, or a night in with a fun board game you haven’t played together.\\nYou could also do something fun together like taking a cooking class or a dance lesson.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"If you need fun date or activity ideas, try asking your boyfriend’s friends and family about what he’s into, so you can surprise him with it.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Depressed in a Performance
1. Looking Depressed 1-1. Make your character wear darker colors. While dark colors don't automatically scream "depressive," some people expect it when seeing a performance. If the other characters are wearing brights, try switching to blacks, browns, and greys in your pants and shirts, and people will start to notice. Switch the type of clothes you wear as well. If other characters wear new or trendy clothes, wear some older used clothes, to switch things up. Worn sweaters and "indoor" clothes are good ideas. 1-2. Wear the same clothes a few days before the performance. Your character should wear the same thing repeatedly, as if it were too much work to go about changing. Ideally, it should be something that you feel comfortable in, like a hoodie and your favorite pair of dark jeans, not something that looks super-cool or stylish. People suffering from clinical depression will often lose interest in activities and behavior that once excited them, and basic upkeep can sometimes become a chore. 1-3. Avoid bright or colorful make-up. If you don't wear make-up anyway, go ahead and skip this step. But if you regularly incorporate a bit of make-up into your dressing routine, stop using it. When you're depressed, you start pulling back from your regular routines and caring less about going through the motions, so leaving the make-up in the drawer can be a way of suggesting that you might be depressed. 1-4. Don't shower for a few days before the performance. Again, if you're depressed, regular day-to-day activities will start to seem too daunting to take on. You may be too upset and distracted by what you're going through that you'll forget to do things like shower and keep up a clean appearance. If you want to fake it, skip a couple showers during the week and rumple up your hair, as if you can't be bothered to fix it. 2. Acting Depressed 2-1. Stand a little apart from the other characters. When people get depressed, they'll start pulling back from their friends and family. If you want the audience to think you're depressed, put a little more space between you and the other characters on the stage. If you seem like you don't want to hang out like you usually do, people will get the visual message. Instead of standing on stage, sit on the floor, in the corner, and hug your knees. Bonus if you've got a hood to pull up on your sweatshirt. 2-2. Make your resting face a frown. Instead of looking open and excited about what other people are saying, try a grimace. Look like you're trying to solve a complicated math problem at all times, when you're really just listening to people talk. You'll look depressed. If it helps, try focusing really hard on something complicated or difficult. Try to remember all the lines to your favorite song in your mind to distract yourself. Make a concentrating face. Don't over-do your frown, just furrow your brow and make a face like you're concentrating really hard on something, especially if people are laughing and joking. You shouldn't look like a sad clown, which will be over-the-top and fake looking. You don't want to look like you're acting. 2-3. Carry around some props. The right prop can do a lot to communicate that you're depressed. Try carrying around any of the following depressive signifiers: Books like "Perks of Being a Wallflower," "The Bell Jar," or "Crime and Punishment," which are about depressives. A cane, as if you expect to need help picking yourself up. An old tattered umbrella, as if you expect it to rain at any moment. A sad-looking tattered stuffed animal, as if you just need it. 2-4. Listen to sad and slow music. To get in the right mood for a performance, try listening to sadder, slower, and quieter music than you might normally be used to listening to. This will have the dual function of getting you in the mood to act sad, as well as clueing anyone who's listening in to the fact that you're "depressed." Try out the following acts: Nick Drake Elliot Smith Dashboard Confessional Nico Joy Division The XX The Cure Digital Daggers 2-5. Don't laugh. One of the quickest and most convincing ways to seem depressed is to stop laughing at things you would normally find funny. Instead, sigh heavily and look down at the ground. If you can't even be made to laugh like you usually did, you'll seem depressed. It can be hard to stop yourself from laughing, so try to keep a go-to depressing thought in your mind if you feel you're about to laugh. Start thinking about polar bears dying or global warming. Sometimes, gently pinching your cheek with your teeth, or snapping a rubber band on your wrist can offer a quick jolt of pain that will keep you from laughing, as well. Don't over-do it. 3. Sounding Depressed 3-1. Whisper and mumble. Depression affects your desire to communicate effectively, as well as your ability to carry on conversations. When you're giving your lines, say them quietly, with difficulty. Make it seem that it is hard for you to talk loudly enough to keep a conversation going. Take a long pause before you answer or respond to a question, then sigh deeply and say something along the lines of the following: "Oh...I just don't know." "I don't really care." "Whatever." "I guess..." 3-2. Be sarcastic. Respond to questions and conversational prompts as if you've got nothing but contempt for the conversation that's happening. Sneer at simple questions and make everything think that they've done something to raise your ire, even if they're just asking you what you want for lunch. Sarcasm is sometimes more of a tone than a specific thing to say, but you can always just repeat what someone says to you in a snide tone of voice. "I don't know, what do you want for lunch?" is a good option. Roll your eyes a lot when others speak. One of the easiest ways to communicate sarcasm is to act like responding would be beneath you. Stay quiet and roll those eyes. Don't be mean. It's possible to take your act too far and start to seem like you're angry, which could get you into trouble. Use sarcasm gently and as a last resort. 3-3. Speak less. When we're feeling up and happy, it feels good to communicate and to carry on conversations. When we're depressed, talking is sometimes the last thing you want to do. If you want to seem depressed, don't say anything at all. If you're asked a question directly, instead of responding, just shrug your shoulders and look at the ground. 3-4. Find the darkness in everything. If there's a light conversation happening, turn it dark, as if you can't help but find the negative in every positive thing. Be a downer on every conversation, even if you have to turn the conversation completely away from where it was going. Tips Lots of depressed people will try to hide it from everyone, but others will actually joke pretty aggressively about the topic. Everyone is different. It's a mental illness, not a personality type! Don't think that the cup is halfway full. Be negative, but although not too much. Support some ideas, but have skepticism. When frowning, make sure it's not a huge frown. Just a small, sad smile. Warnings If you slouch too much, this may cause back aches in the future. Make sure you don't actually get depressed when you finish acting.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Looking Depressed\\n1-1. Make your character wear darker colors.\\nWhile dark colors don't automatically scream \\\"depressive,\\\" some people expect it when seeing a performance. If the other characters are wearing brights, try switching to blacks, browns, and greys in your pants and shirts, and people will start to notice.\\nSwitch the type of clothes you wear as well. If other characters wear new or trendy clothes, wear some older used clothes, to switch things up. Worn sweaters and \\\"indoor\\\" clothes are good ideas.\\n1-2. Wear the same clothes a few days before the performance.\\nYour character should wear the same thing repeatedly, as if it were too much work to go about changing. Ideally, it should be something that you feel comfortable in, like a hoodie and your favorite pair of dark jeans, not something that looks super-cool or stylish.\\nPeople suffering from clinical depression will often lose interest in activities and behavior that once excited them, and basic upkeep can sometimes become a chore.\\n1-3. Avoid bright or colorful make-up.\\nIf you don't wear make-up anyway, go ahead and skip this step. But if you regularly incorporate a bit of make-up into your dressing routine, stop using it. When you're depressed, you start pulling back from your regular routines and caring less about going through the motions, so leaving the make-up in the drawer can be a way of suggesting that you might be depressed.\\n1-4. Don't shower for a few days before the performance.\\nAgain, if you're depressed, regular day-to-day activities will start to seem too daunting to take on. You may be too upset and distracted by what you're going through that you'll forget to do things like shower and keep up a clean appearance. If you want to fake it, skip a couple showers during the week and rumple up your hair, as if you can't be bothered to fix it.\\n2. Acting Depressed\\n2-1. Stand a little apart from the other characters.\\nWhen people get depressed, they'll start pulling back from their friends and family. If you want the audience to think you're depressed, put a little more space between you and the other characters on the stage. If you seem like you don't want to hang out like you usually do, people will get the visual message.\\nInstead of standing on stage, sit on the floor, in the corner, and hug your knees. Bonus if you've got a hood to pull up on your sweatshirt.\\n2-2. Make your resting face a frown.\\nInstead of looking open and excited about what other people are saying, try a grimace. Look like you're trying to solve a complicated math problem at all times, when you're really just listening to people talk. You'll look depressed.\\nIf it helps, try focusing really hard on something complicated or difficult. Try to remember all the lines to your favorite song in your mind to distract yourself. Make a concentrating face.\\nDon't over-do your frown, just furrow your brow and make a face like you're concentrating really hard on something, especially if people are laughing and joking. You shouldn't look like a sad clown, which will be over-the-top and fake looking. You don't want to look like you're acting.\\n2-3. Carry around some props.\\nThe right prop can do a lot to communicate that you're depressed. Try carrying around any of the following depressive signifiers:\\nBooks like \\\"Perks of Being a Wallflower,\\\" \\\"The Bell Jar,\\\" or \\\"Crime and Punishment,\\\" which are about depressives.\\nA cane, as if you expect to need help picking yourself up.\\nAn old tattered umbrella, as if you expect it to rain at any moment.\\nA sad-looking tattered stuffed animal, as if you just need it.\\n2-4. Listen to sad and slow music.\\nTo get in the right mood for a performance, try listening to sadder, slower, and quieter music than you might normally be used to listening to. This will have the dual function of getting you in the mood to act sad, as well as clueing anyone who's listening in to the fact that you're \\\"depressed.\\\" Try out the following acts:\\nNick Drake\\nElliot Smith\\nDashboard Confessional\\nNico\\nJoy Division\\nThe XX\\nThe Cure\\nDigital Daggers\\n2-5. Don't laugh.\\nOne of the quickest and most convincing ways to seem depressed is to stop laughing at things you would normally find funny. Instead, sigh heavily and look down at the ground. If you can't even be made to laugh like you usually did, you'll seem depressed.\\nIt can be hard to stop yourself from laughing, so try to keep a go-to depressing thought in your mind if you feel you're about to laugh. Start thinking about polar bears dying or global warming.\\nSometimes, gently pinching your cheek with your teeth, or snapping a rubber band on your wrist can offer a quick jolt of pain that will keep you from laughing, as well. Don't over-do it.\\n3. Sounding Depressed\\n3-1. Whisper and mumble.\\nDepression affects your desire to communicate effectively, as well as your ability to carry on conversations. When you're giving your lines, say them quietly, with difficulty. Make it seem that it is hard for you to talk loudly enough to keep a conversation going. Take a long pause before you answer or respond to a question, then sigh deeply and say something along the lines of the following:\\n\\\"Oh...I just don't know.\\\"\\n\\\"I don't really care.\\\"\\n\\\"Whatever.\\\"\\n\\\"I guess...\\\"\\n3-2. Be sarcastic.\\nRespond to questions and conversational prompts as if you've got nothing but contempt for the conversation that's happening. Sneer at simple questions and make everything think that they've done something to raise your ire, even if they're just asking you what you want for lunch.\\nSarcasm is sometimes more of a tone than a specific thing to say, but you can always just repeat what someone says to you in a snide tone of voice. \\\"I don't know, what do you want for lunch?\\\" is a good option.\\nRoll your eyes a lot when others speak. One of the easiest ways to communicate sarcasm is to act like responding would be beneath you. Stay quiet and roll those eyes.\\nDon't be mean. It's possible to take your act too far and start to seem like you're angry, which could get you into trouble. Use sarcasm gently and as a last resort.\\n3-3. Speak less.\\nWhen we're feeling up and happy, it feels good to communicate and to carry on conversations. When we're depressed, talking is sometimes the last thing you want to do. If you want to seem depressed, don't say anything at all.\\nIf you're asked a question directly, instead of responding, just shrug your shoulders and look at the ground.\\n3-4. Find the darkness in everything.\\nIf there's a light conversation happening, turn it dark, as if you can't help but find the negative in every positive thing. Be a downer on every conversation, even if you have to turn the conversation completely away from where it was going.\\nTips\\nLots of depressed people will try to hide it from everyone, but others will actually joke pretty aggressively about the topic. Everyone is different. It's a mental illness, not a personality type!\\nDon't think that the cup is halfway full. Be negative, but although not too much. Support some ideas, but have skepticism.\\nWhen frowning, make sure it's not a huge frown. Just a small, sad smile.\\nWarnings\\nIf you slouch too much, this may cause back aches in the future.\\nMake sure you don't actually get depressed when you finish acting.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Depression is no joke. If, however, you need to act depressed for a play or for a performance, it's important to do so respectfully and accurately. Under no circumstances should you pretend to be depressed to get attention. If you need to do it, though, you can learn to look, act, and speak as if you were depressed. \\n\\nNote: If you're experiencing the symptoms of clinical depression and want to learn more, read How to Cope with Depression.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Looking Depressed\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make your character wear darker colors.\", \"描述\": \"While dark colors don't automatically scream \\\"depressive,\\\" some people expect it when seeing a performance. If the other characters are wearing brights, try switching to blacks, browns, and greys in your pants and shirts, and people will start to notice.\\nSwitch the type of clothes you wear as well. If other characters wear new or trendy clothes, wear some older used clothes, to switch things up. Worn sweaters and \\\"indoor\\\" clothes are good ideas.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Wear the same clothes a few days before the performance.\", \"描述\": \"Your character should wear the same thing repeatedly, as if it were too much work to go about changing. Ideally, it should be something that you feel comfortable in, like a hoodie and your favorite pair of dark jeans, not something that looks super-cool or stylish.\\nPeople suffering from clinical depression will often lose interest in activities and behavior that once excited them, and basic upkeep can sometimes become a chore.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoid bright or colorful make-up.\", \"描述\": \"If you don't wear make-up anyway, go ahead and skip this step. But if you regularly incorporate a bit of make-up into your dressing routine, stop using it. When you're depressed, you start pulling back from your regular routines and caring less about going through the motions, so leaving the make-up in the drawer can be a way of suggesting that you might be depressed.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don't shower for a few days before the performance.\", \"描述\": \"Again, if you're depressed, regular day-to-day activities will start to seem too daunting to take on. You may be too upset and distracted by what you're going through that you'll forget to do things like shower and keep up a clean appearance. If you want to fake it, skip a couple showers during the week and rumple up your hair, as if you can't be bothered to fix it.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acting Depressed\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Stand a little apart from the other characters.\", \"描述\": \"When people get depressed, they'll start pulling back from their friends and family. If you want the audience to think you're depressed, put a little more space between you and the other characters on the stage. If you seem like you don't want to hang out like you usually do, people will get the visual message.\\nInstead of standing on stage, sit on the floor, in the corner, and hug your knees. Bonus if you've got a hood to pull up on your sweatshirt.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Make your resting face a frown.\", \"描述\": \"Instead of looking open and excited about what other people are saying, try a grimace. Look like you're trying to solve a complicated math problem at all times, when you're really just listening to people talk. You'll look depressed.\\nIf it helps, try focusing really hard on something complicated or difficult. Try to remember all the lines to your favorite song in your mind to distract yourself. Make a concentrating face.\\nDon't over-do your frown, just furrow your brow and make a face like you're concentrating really hard on something, especially if people are laughing and joking. You shouldn't look like a sad clown, which will be over-the-top and fake looking. You don't want to look like you're acting.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Carry around some props.\", \"描述\": \"The right prop can do a lot to communicate that you're depressed. Try carrying around any of the following depressive signifiers:\\nBooks like \\\"Perks of Being a Wallflower,\\\" \\\"The Bell Jar,\\\" or \\\"Crime and Punishment,\\\" which are about depressives.\\nA cane, as if you expect to need help picking yourself up.\\nAn old tattered umbrella, as if you expect it to rain at any moment.\\nA sad-looking tattered stuffed animal, as if you just need it.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Listen to sad and slow music.\", \"描述\": \"To get in the right mood for a performance, try listening to sadder, slower, and quieter music than you might normally be used to listening to. This will have the dual function of getting you in the mood to act sad, as well as clueing anyone who's listening in to the fact that you're \\\"depressed.\\\" Try out the following acts:\\nNick Drake\\nElliot Smith\\nDashboard Confessional\\nNico\\nJoy Division\\nThe XX\\nThe Cure\\nDigital Daggers\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Don't laugh.\", \"描述\": \"One of the quickest and most convincing ways to seem depressed is to stop laughing at things you would normally find funny. Instead, sigh heavily and look down at the ground. If you can't even be made to laugh like you usually did, you'll seem depressed.\\nIt can be hard to stop yourself from laughing, so try to keep a go-to depressing thought in your mind if you feel you're about to laugh. Start thinking about polar bears dying or global warming.\\nSometimes, gently pinching your cheek with your teeth, or snapping a rubber band on your wrist can offer a quick jolt of pain that will keep you from laughing, as well. Don't over-do it.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Sounding Depressed\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Whisper and mumble.\", \"描述\": \"Depression affects your desire to communicate effectively, as well as your ability to carry on conversations. When you're giving your lines, say them quietly, with difficulty. Make it seem that it is hard for you to talk loudly enough to keep a conversation going. Take a long pause before you answer or respond to a question, then sigh deeply and say something along the lines of the following:\\n\\\"Oh...I just don't know.\\\"\\n\\\"I don't really care.\\\"\\n\\\"Whatever.\\\"\\n\\\"I guess...\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be sarcastic.\", \"描述\": \"Respond to questions and conversational prompts as if you've got nothing but contempt for the conversation that's happening. Sneer at simple questions and make everything think that they've done something to raise your ire, even if they're just asking you what you want for lunch.\\nSarcasm is sometimes more of a tone than a specific thing to say, but you can always just repeat what someone says to you in a snide tone of voice. \\\"I don't know, what do you want for lunch?\\\" is a good option.\\nRoll your eyes a lot when others speak. One of the easiest ways to communicate sarcasm is to act like responding would be beneath you. Stay quiet and roll those eyes.\\nDon't be mean. It's possible to take your act too far and start to seem like you're angry, which could get you into trouble. Use sarcasm gently and as a last resort.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Speak less.\", \"描述\": \"When we're feeling up and happy, it feels good to communicate and to carry on conversations. When we're depressed, talking is sometimes the last thing you want to do. If you want to seem depressed, don't say anything at all.\\nIf you're asked a question directly, instead of responding, just shrug your shoulders and look at the ground.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Find the darkness in everything.\", \"描述\": \"If there's a light conversation happening, turn it dark, as if you can't help but find the negative in every positive thing. Be a downer on every conversation, even if you have to turn the conversation completely away from where it was going.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Lots of depressed people will try to hide it from everyone, but others will actually joke pretty aggressively about the topic. Everyone is different. It's a mental illness, not a personality type!\\n\", \"Don't think that the cup is halfway full. Be negative, but although not too much. Support some ideas, but have skepticism.\\n\", \"When frowning, make sure it's not a huge frown. Just a small, sad smile.\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"If you slouch too much, this may cause back aches in the future.\\n\", \"Make sure you don't actually get depressed when you finish acting.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Dramatic
1. Speaking and Moving Dramatically 1-1. Use over exaggerated gestures. When you want to act dramatic, it’s important that your physical gestures show it. Use your hands a lot when you speak. Throw yourself down into your chair dramatically. Sigh often and roll your eyes. Think about what dramatic actors and actresses do in movies and follow their example If you want people to believe you, though, don’t go overboard. Make sure whatever you do is believable and goes along with whatever you’re talking about. Waving your arms while you’re telling a story, or jumping up and down excitedly when you see a friend are both examples of exaggerated gestures. 1-2. Cry. Dramatic people cry very easily, and usually cry pretty often. It doesn’t take much to set off a dramatic person and make them cry. To act dramatic, cry a lot and do it in front of people. Make a big deal out of things that might seem trivial or silly to others. Maybe someone bumped into you in the hallway—you can act dramatic and cry over this small infraction. If something actually worth crying over does happen, a dramatic person would probably cry the loudest and longest. Taking a while to get over things and not letting things go are also things you can do to act dramatic. If you're supposed to be crying during an emotional scene for a film or play, learn to concentrate on the emotions you're supposed to be feeling. Try to avoid getting distracted by what might be happening in the audience or on the other side of the camera. 1-3. Laugh loudly. Drama doesn’t always mean sadness or anger. Sometimes, people who are dramatic take all emotions to the extreme. When something is funny or amusing, be the one to laugh the loudest. This will draw attention to you, which is an important part of acting dramatic. Use your hands when laughing or reacting to things. Slap your thighs, clap your hands, or do other things to draw attention or make noise. 1-4. Be flirtatious. By being flirtatious and flirting or being a little bit suggestive in your normal conversations, you will draw people in. Dramatic people love when others are drawn to them, and want to keep as much attention on themselves as possible. Lean in close when talking to people, brush your hand over their arm or shoulder, or give them a wink. You can flirt in non-sexual ways, even with people that aren’t of your preferred gender. Just be overly friendly, and a little suggestive in conversation. Adding phrases like “If you know what I mean…” to the end of things with a little wiggle of your eyebrows is suggestive, for example. 1-5. Speak loudly. If you want to be the center of attention and come off as dramatic, making sure you’re heard is important. Speak over other voices if you’re in a crowd, or even in a small group. Make your words and your conversation seem like the most important one happening, even if it isn’t about anything important. 2. Getting and Keeping Attention 2-1. Assume the worst. Dramatic people have a tendency to think about the worst possible scenario and focus on it. No matter what’s happening, express to everyone around you the worst thing that could happen, or the worst consequence. Try framing it as “What if…” until people pay attention to you. Jumping to conclusions and thinking negatively about even simple situations will help you come off as dramatic, or as someone who tends to blow things out of proportion. It can also help you draw attention to yourself by making others start to think the same way as you. If something does go wrong, dramatic people are usually the first ones to point it out. Say something like “I told you so” or “I knew this would happen.” 2-2. Have over exaggerated reactions. The way you react to things will really show others you are dramatic. If you don’t react at all to something that affects you, then you won’t appear as dramatic. Instead, if you have an over exaggerated reaction to even small things, like crying over a TV commercial or getting angry over something that happened to a friend but not to you, you will appear more dramatic. Gasping is a great reaction tool. Gasp loudly and put your hand on your chest like you cannot believe what you just heard. Exclaim things like “Oh my goodness!” when things happen. However you react, make sure it draws the attention to you. 2-3. Move from one extreme emotion to the next. Dramatic people tend to move quickly from one feeling to the next, and they express each emotion to its extreme. One minute, you might act really happy about something, and then the next be very upset or angry. This will show others you’re dramatic, and it will keep the attention on you. Let people know exactly how you’re feeling all the time. Your emotions should be very clear to everyone around you. By over exaggerating your emotions or taking them to the extreme, no one will really ever wonder what mood you’re in. Laughing loudly when you’re happy, or snapping rudely (or loudly) at others when you’re angry are good ways of going to the extreme. Stomping your feet, groaning when you’re annoyed, glaring when you’re mad, whining and complaining are also great options. 2-4. Wear eye-catching clothing. Wearing loud or bright clothing can also draw attention to your outer appearance. Bright patterns and lots of accessories can make people look your way. Red is also a great color to wear if you want to nab some attention. It has been shown to be one of the most eye-catching colors, as it is often used to sell products and in advertisements, so pick a red shirt, dress, or accent piece to get noticed more. 2-5. Consider wearing dramatic makeup. Especially when it comes to your eyes and lips, you can really use makeup to up the dramatic factor of your look. Dark, smoky eyes and dramatic red lips can really draw attention your way. Try using a dark eyeliner with a thick point that you can smudge around your eye, rather than relying on eye shadow. Put on some red lipstick for a pop of head-turning color. Apply your eyeliner along the top lid as you normally would, then use a cotton swab or your pinky fingertip to gently smudge it to create a smoky look. Experiment with dark or bright lip colors to see what color best suits you. 2-6. Turn everyone’s attention back to you. The most dramatic thing you can do is to make sure you remain the center of attention at all times. Dramatic people keep the focus on themselves, no matter what’s going on. It’s actually human nature to need and require attention, but dramatic people take that need to an extreme. Use this to your advantage. No matter the situation, turn the attention on yourself. Thriving on drama and attention this way can actually become an addiction for some people. Make sure that if you are only trying to act dramatic, you don’t let this get to you and become a problem. 2-7. Gossip about others. You don’t necessarily have to say anything negative or blatantly mean about someone, but passing along things you’ve heard and making a big deal out of it will work. For example, if you’ve heard about a new couple amongst people at your school or your group of friends, bring them up. Ask prying questions. Starting conversations with phrases like “Did you hear about…” is a way to grab people’s attention and keep it on you. 2-8. Exaggerate stories. For example, you might be telling a story about how you crashed your bike. In reality, all that happened was that you hit the curb, but instead, you’ll tell everyone that you smashed into the curb, flew through the air, and fell into a pile of garbage. It’s the language you’re using that changes the story and makes even small things seem like a big deal. Think of words that signify extremes: huge, awesome, gigantic, horrible, to name a few. Apply these “big” words to “small” things. For example, if you broke a nail, you would describe it as having had a horrible day, and that there is no way it could be worse. 3. Keeping Yourself Grounded 3-1. Think about why you want to act dramatically. Is it for an acting role? Is it because you want to fit in with a certain group of people? Whatever your reason for acting dramatic, make sure your reason is worth changing your personality and behaving in a new way. Even if you’re just going to be practicing for a short term role, changing your behavior can affect the people around you, so make sure you have a clear purpose in mind before you do that. Make sure you aren’t trying to act dramatic to distract yourself from the real problems in your life. You should handle these problems properly so you can get past them. 3-2. Consider that you might push people away. Acting dramatically all the time can really be draining and exhausting for the people around you to deal with. They might become tired of dealing with your dramatic behavior and end up distancing themselves from you to get a break from it. Make sure you’re prepared to deal with this if you plan to act dramatically all the time. Acting dramatic can often be seen as a negative personality trait. You can eventually be seen as someone who is high maintenance, and your friends might not want to deal with that. 3-3. Tell friends and family what you’re trying to do. If you’re preparing for a role or acting dramatic for a reason, let your friends and family know what’s going on. This will prepare them for your shift in behavior, and they might be able to handle it a little better. Since you’ll probably be acting dramatic around them, it’s not a bad idea to give them a head’s up about what you’re doing. Acting dramatic and being the center of attention can give someone a sense of importance, or make them feel like their problems are more important than others. If you don’t let your friends and family know ahead of time what’s going on, they might start to feel like you don’t care as much about them. Warnings If you aren’t trying to act dramatic for a worthy reason, you might want to avoid it. It can cause you to become unpopular and disliked.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Speaking and Moving Dramatically\\n1-1. Use over exaggerated gestures.\\nWhen you want to act dramatic, it’s important that your physical gestures show it. Use your hands a lot when you speak. Throw yourself down into your chair dramatically. Sigh often and roll your eyes. Think about what dramatic actors and actresses do in movies and follow their example\\nIf you want people to believe you, though, don’t go overboard. Make sure whatever you do is believable and goes along with whatever you’re talking about.\\nWaving your arms while you’re telling a story, or jumping up and down excitedly when you see a friend are both examples of exaggerated gestures.\\n1-2. Cry.\\nDramatic people cry very easily, and usually cry pretty often. It doesn’t take much to set off a dramatic person and make them cry. To act dramatic, cry a lot and do it in front of people. Make a big deal out of things that might seem trivial or silly to others. Maybe someone bumped into you in the hallway—you can act dramatic and cry over this small infraction.\\nIf something actually worth crying over does happen, a dramatic person would probably cry the loudest and longest. Taking a while to get over things and not letting things go are also things you can do to act dramatic.\\nIf you're supposed to be crying during an emotional scene for a film or play, learn to concentrate on the emotions you're supposed to be feeling. Try to avoid getting distracted by what might be happening in the audience or on the other side of the camera.\\n1-3. Laugh loudly.\\nDrama doesn’t always mean sadness or anger. Sometimes, people who are dramatic take all emotions to the extreme. When something is funny or amusing, be the one to laugh the loudest. This will draw attention to you, which is an important part of acting dramatic.\\nUse your hands when laughing or reacting to things. Slap your thighs, clap your hands, or do other things to draw attention or make noise.\\n1-4. Be flirtatious.\\nBy being flirtatious and flirting or being a little bit suggestive in your normal conversations, you will draw people in. Dramatic people love when others are drawn to them, and want to keep as much attention on themselves as possible. Lean in close when talking to people, brush your hand over their arm or shoulder, or give them a wink.\\nYou can flirt in non-sexual ways, even with people that aren’t of your preferred gender. Just be overly friendly, and a little suggestive in conversation. Adding phrases like “If you know what I mean…” to the end of things with a little wiggle of your eyebrows is suggestive, for example.\\n1-5. Speak loudly.\\nIf you want to be the center of attention and come off as dramatic, making sure you’re heard is important. Speak over other voices if you’re in a crowd, or even in a small group. Make your words and your conversation seem like the most important one happening, even if it isn’t about anything important.\\n2. Getting and Keeping Attention\\n2-1. Assume the worst.\\nDramatic people have a tendency to think about the worst possible scenario and focus on it. No matter what’s happening, express to everyone around you the worst thing that could happen, or the worst consequence. Try framing it as “What if…” until people pay attention to you.\\nJumping to conclusions and thinking negatively about even simple situations will help you come off as dramatic, or as someone who tends to blow things out of proportion. It can also help you draw attention to yourself by making others start to think the same way as you.\\nIf something does go wrong, dramatic people are usually the first ones to point it out. Say something like “I told you so” or “I knew this would happen.”\\n2-2. Have over exaggerated reactions.\\nThe way you react to things will really show others you are dramatic. If you don’t react at all to something that affects you, then you won’t appear as dramatic. Instead, if you have an over exaggerated reaction to even small things, like crying over a TV commercial or getting angry over something that happened to a friend but not to you, you will appear more dramatic.\\nGasping is a great reaction tool. Gasp loudly and put your hand on your chest like you cannot believe what you just heard.\\nExclaim things like “Oh my goodness!” when things happen. However you react, make sure it draws the attention to you.\\n2-3. Move from one extreme emotion to the next.\\nDramatic people tend to move quickly from one feeling to the next, and they express each emotion to its extreme. One minute, you might act really happy about something, and then the next be very upset or angry. This will show others you’re dramatic, and it will keep the attention on you.\\nLet people know exactly how you’re feeling all the time. Your emotions should be very clear to everyone around you. By over exaggerating your emotions or taking them to the extreme, no one will really ever wonder what mood you’re in.\\nLaughing loudly when you’re happy, or snapping rudely (or loudly) at others when you’re angry are good ways of going to the extreme. Stomping your feet, groaning when you’re annoyed, glaring when you’re mad, whining and complaining are also great options.\\n2-4. Wear eye-catching clothing.\\nWearing loud or bright clothing can also draw attention to your outer appearance. Bright patterns and lots of accessories can make people look your way. Red is also a great color to wear if you want to nab some attention. It has been shown to be one of the most eye-catching colors, as it is often used to sell products and in advertisements, so pick a red shirt, dress, or accent piece to get noticed more.\\n2-5. Consider wearing dramatic makeup.\\nEspecially when it comes to your eyes and lips, you can really use makeup to up the dramatic factor of your look. Dark, smoky eyes and dramatic red lips can really draw attention your way. Try using a dark eyeliner with a thick point that you can smudge around your eye, rather than relying on eye shadow. Put on some red lipstick for a pop of head-turning color.\\nApply your eyeliner along the top lid as you normally would, then use a cotton swab or your pinky fingertip to gently smudge it to create a smoky look.\\nExperiment with dark or bright lip colors to see what color best suits you.\\n2-6. Turn everyone’s attention back to you.\\nThe most dramatic thing you can do is to make sure you remain the center of attention at all times. Dramatic people keep the focus on themselves, no matter what’s going on. It’s actually human nature to need and require attention, but dramatic people take that need to an extreme. Use this to your advantage. No matter the situation, turn the attention on yourself.\\nThriving on drama and attention this way can actually become an addiction for some people. Make sure that if you are only trying to act dramatic, you don’t let this get to you and become a problem.\\n2-7. Gossip about others.\\nYou don’t necessarily have to say anything negative or blatantly mean about someone, but passing along things you’ve heard and making a big deal out of it will work. For example, if you’ve heard about a new couple amongst people at your school or your group of friends, bring them up. Ask prying questions.\\nStarting conversations with phrases like “Did you hear about…” is a way to grab people’s attention and keep it on you.\\n2-8. Exaggerate stories.\\nFor example, you might be telling a story about how you crashed your bike. In reality, all that happened was that you hit the curb, but instead, you’ll tell everyone that you smashed into the curb, flew through the air, and fell into a pile of garbage. It’s the language you’re using that changes the story and makes even small things seem like a big deal.\\nThink of words that signify extremes: huge, awesome, gigantic, horrible, to name a few. Apply these “big” words to “small” things. For example, if you broke a nail, you would describe it as having had a horrible day, and that there is no way it could be worse.\\n3. Keeping Yourself Grounded\\n3-1. Think about why you want to act dramatically.\\nIs it for an acting role? Is it because you want to fit in with a certain group of people? Whatever your reason for acting dramatic, make sure your reason is worth changing your personality and behaving in a new way. Even if you’re just going to be practicing for a short term role, changing your behavior can affect the people around you, so make sure you have a clear purpose in mind before you do that.\\nMake sure you aren’t trying to act dramatic to distract yourself from the real problems in your life. You should handle these problems properly so you can get past them.\\n3-2. Consider that you might push people away.\\nActing dramatically all the time can really be draining and exhausting for the people around you to deal with. They might become tired of dealing with your dramatic behavior and end up distancing themselves from you to get a break from it. Make sure you’re prepared to deal with this if you plan to act dramatically all the time.\\nActing dramatic can often be seen as a negative personality trait. You can eventually be seen as someone who is high maintenance, and your friends might not want to deal with that.\\n3-3. Tell friends and family what you’re trying to do.\\nIf you’re preparing for a role or acting dramatic for a reason, let your friends and family know what’s going on. This will prepare them for your shift in behavior, and they might be able to handle it a little better. Since you’ll probably be acting dramatic around them, it’s not a bad idea to give them a head’s up about what you’re doing.\\nActing dramatic and being the center of attention can give someone a sense of importance, or make them feel like their problems are more important than others. If you don’t let your friends and family know ahead of time what’s going on, they might start to feel like you don’t care as much about them.\\nWarnings\\nIf you aren’t trying to act dramatic for a worthy reason, you might want to avoid it. It can cause you to become unpopular and disliked.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Actors and actresses have been perfecting the art of acting dramatically for years and years. Whether you want to act dramatic to practice for your own acting role, or just to try on a new personality, there are things you should try to really act the part. Using body language and demanding attention are both important when it comes to acting dramatic.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Speaking and Moving Dramatically\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Use over exaggerated gestures.\", \"描述\": \"When you want to act dramatic, it’s important that your physical gestures show it. Use your hands a lot when you speak. Throw yourself down into your chair dramatically. Sigh often and roll your eyes. Think about what dramatic actors and actresses do in movies and follow their example\\nIf you want people to believe you, though, don’t go overboard. Make sure whatever you do is believable and goes along with whatever you’re talking about.\\nWaving your arms while you’re telling a story, or jumping up and down excitedly when you see a friend are both examples of exaggerated gestures.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Cry.\", \"描述\": \"Dramatic people cry very easily, and usually cry pretty often. It doesn’t take much to set off a dramatic person and make them cry. To act dramatic, cry a lot and do it in front of people. Make a big deal out of things that might seem trivial or silly to others. Maybe someone bumped into you in the hallway—you can act dramatic and cry over this small infraction.\\nIf something actually worth crying over does happen, a dramatic person would probably cry the loudest and longest. Taking a while to get over things and not letting things go are also things you can do to act dramatic.\\nIf you're supposed to be crying during an emotional scene for a film or play, learn to concentrate on the emotions you're supposed to be feeling. Try to avoid getting distracted by what might be happening in the audience or on the other side of the camera.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Laugh loudly.\", \"描述\": \"Drama doesn’t always mean sadness or anger. Sometimes, people who are dramatic take all emotions to the extreme. When something is funny or amusing, be the one to laugh the loudest. This will draw attention to you, which is an important part of acting dramatic.\\nUse your hands when laughing or reacting to things. Slap your thighs, clap your hands, or do other things to draw attention or make noise.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Be flirtatious.\", \"描述\": \"By being flirtatious and flirting or being a little bit suggestive in your normal conversations, you will draw people in. Dramatic people love when others are drawn to them, and want to keep as much attention on themselves as possible. Lean in close when talking to people, brush your hand over their arm or shoulder, or give them a wink.\\nYou can flirt in non-sexual ways, even with people that aren’t of your preferred gender. Just be overly friendly, and a little suggestive in conversation. Adding phrases like “If you know what I mean…” to the end of things with a little wiggle of your eyebrows is suggestive, for example.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Speak loudly.\", \"描述\": \"If you want to be the center of attention and come off as dramatic, making sure you’re heard is important. Speak over other voices if you’re in a crowd, or even in a small group. Make your words and your conversation seem like the most important one happening, even if it isn’t about anything important.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Getting and Keeping Attention\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Assume the worst.\", \"描述\": \"Dramatic people have a tendency to think about the worst possible scenario and focus on it. No matter what’s happening, express to everyone around you the worst thing that could happen, or the worst consequence. Try framing it as “What if…” until people pay attention to you.\\nJumping to conclusions and thinking negatively about even simple situations will help you come off as dramatic, or as someone who tends to blow things out of proportion. It can also help you draw attention to yourself by making others start to think the same way as you.\\nIf something does go wrong, dramatic people are usually the first ones to point it out. Say something like “I told you so” or “I knew this would happen.”\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Have over exaggerated reactions.\", \"描述\": \"The way you react to things will really show others you are dramatic. If you don’t react at all to something that affects you, then you won’t appear as dramatic. Instead, if you have an over exaggerated reaction to even small things, like crying over a TV commercial or getting angry over something that happened to a friend but not to you, you will appear more dramatic.\\nGasping is a great reaction tool. Gasp loudly and put your hand on your chest like you cannot believe what you just heard.\\nExclaim things like “Oh my goodness!” when things happen. However you react, make sure it draws the attention to you.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Move from one extreme emotion to the next.\", \"描述\": \"Dramatic people tend to move quickly from one feeling to the next, and they express each emotion to its extreme. One minute, you might act really happy about something, and then the next be very upset or angry. This will show others you’re dramatic, and it will keep the attention on you.\\nLet people know exactly how you’re feeling all the time. Your emotions should be very clear to everyone around you. By over exaggerating your emotions or taking them to the extreme, no one will really ever wonder what mood you’re in.\\nLaughing loudly when you’re happy, or snapping rudely (or loudly) at others when you’re angry are good ways of going to the extreme. Stomping your feet, groaning when you’re annoyed, glaring when you’re mad, whining and complaining are also great options.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Wear eye-catching clothing.\", \"描述\": \"Wearing loud or bright clothing can also draw attention to your outer appearance. Bright patterns and lots of accessories can make people look your way. Red is also a great color to wear if you want to nab some attention. It has been shown to be one of the most eye-catching colors, as it is often used to sell products and in advertisements, so pick a red shirt, dress, or accent piece to get noticed more.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Consider wearing dramatic makeup.\", \"描述\": \"Especially when it comes to your eyes and lips, you can really use makeup to up the dramatic factor of your look. Dark, smoky eyes and dramatic red lips can really draw attention your way. Try using a dark eyeliner with a thick point that you can smudge around your eye, rather than relying on eye shadow. Put on some red lipstick for a pop of head-turning color.\\nApply your eyeliner along the top lid as you normally would, then use a cotton swab or your pinky fingertip to gently smudge it to create a smoky look.\\nExperiment with dark or bright lip colors to see what color best suits you.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Turn everyone’s attention back to you.\", \"描述\": \"The most dramatic thing you can do is to make sure you remain the center of attention at all times. Dramatic people keep the focus on themselves, no matter what’s going on. It’s actually human nature to need and require attention, but dramatic people take that need to an extreme. Use this to your advantage. No matter the situation, turn the attention on yourself.\\nThriving on drama and attention this way can actually become an addiction for some people. Make sure that if you are only trying to act dramatic, you don’t let this get to you and become a problem.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Gossip about others.\", \"描述\": \"You don’t necessarily have to say anything negative or blatantly mean about someone, but passing along things you’ve heard and making a big deal out of it will work. For example, if you’ve heard about a new couple amongst people at your school or your group of friends, bring them up. Ask prying questions.\\nStarting conversations with phrases like “Did you hear about…” is a way to grab people’s attention and keep it on you.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Exaggerate stories.\", \"描述\": \"For example, you might be telling a story about how you crashed your bike. In reality, all that happened was that you hit the curb, but instead, you’ll tell everyone that you smashed into the curb, flew through the air, and fell into a pile of garbage. It’s the language you’re using that changes the story and makes even small things seem like a big deal.\\nThink of words that signify extremes: huge, awesome, gigantic, horrible, to name a few. Apply these “big” words to “small” things. For example, if you broke a nail, you would describe it as having had a horrible day, and that there is no way it could be worse.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Keeping Yourself Grounded\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Think about why you want to act dramatically.\", \"描述\": \"Is it for an acting role? Is it because you want to fit in with a certain group of people? Whatever your reason for acting dramatic, make sure your reason is worth changing your personality and behaving in a new way. Even if you’re just going to be practicing for a short term role, changing your behavior can affect the people around you, so make sure you have a clear purpose in mind before you do that.\\nMake sure you aren’t trying to act dramatic to distract yourself from the real problems in your life. You should handle these problems properly so you can get past them.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Consider that you might push people away.\", \"描述\": \"Acting dramatically all the time can really be draining and exhausting for the people around you to deal with. They might become tired of dealing with your dramatic behavior and end up distancing themselves from you to get a break from it. Make sure you’re prepared to deal with this if you plan to act dramatically all the time.\\nActing dramatic can often be seen as a negative personality trait. You can eventually be seen as someone who is high maintenance, and your friends might not want to deal with that.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Tell friends and family what you’re trying to do.\", \"描述\": \"If you’re preparing for a role or acting dramatic for a reason, let your friends and family know what’s going on. This will prepare them for your shift in behavior, and they might be able to handle it a little better. Since you’ll probably be acting dramatic around them, it’s not a bad idea to give them a head’s up about what you’re doing.\\nActing dramatic and being the center of attention can give someone a sense of importance, or make them feel like their problems are more important than others. If you don’t let your friends and family know ahead of time what’s going on, they might start to feel like you don’t care as much about them.\"}], \"注意事项\": [\"If you aren’t trying to act dramatic for a worthy reason, you might want to avoid it. It can cause you to become unpopular and disliked.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Drunk
1. Looking Drunk 1-1. Mess up your hair. When you're drunk, you start to overlook things about your appearance that you would usually care about when sober. Run your fingers through your hair and intentionally mess it up. The more outrageous and disheveled you look, the drunker you'll appear. Having messy hair tells other people that you don't care about being perfect and are here for a good time. It could also make people think that you've been partying. 1-2. Stain your shirt. Alcohol reduces motor skills. For that reason, many drunk people will drop things frequently. Many times, this includes food and drink. Put ketchup or mustard stains on your shirt and act like you don't notice it or that you don't care. If someone mentions the stain, respond by saying "Yeah, I know. I don't care." You can use other things to create stains, but avoid dairy products or any other food that would produce an odor. 1-3. Tuck in half your shirt. Tucking your shirt in half way will enhance how oblivious you look, and people will mistake it for being drunk. Make sure that it doesn't look intentional, or else people won't associate it with drunken behavior. Try to make it look like you just used the bathroom. Tucking your shirt in half way could be a fashion statement. 1-4. Make your eyes look bloodshot. Glazed and bloodshot eyes are a common sign of drunkenness. There are safe and natural ways to make your eyes naturally red. To do this, rub a small amount of freshly cut onion, menthol, or peppermint oil under your eye to make them appear redder. You can also try crying or blinking several times to make your eyes look redder. Redness occurs because alcohol can swell the blood vessels in your eyes and makes them appear red. Make sure that the peppermint oil, menthol, or onion does not make direct contact with your eye. 2. Acting Drunk 2-1. Act like you're drunk but trying to act sober. A big part of acting drunk is to embody the feelings and emotional outlook of someone who is drunk. Typically when people get really drunk, they try to act sober to fit in. This can be difficult because you'll need to assume the perspective of someone who does not want to appear to be drunk while still convincing people that you are. Look like you're trying to keep your composure but slip up occasionally and act drunk. You can say something silly or outrageous and then tell everyone that you're sorry and you didn't mean to say it. Don't go overboard or overact. This may tip people off. Lean against a wall and then stand upright, as if you're trying to regain your balance. You can say something like "No, no, I'm totally fine. I don't think I had enough to drink." Combine this with slurred speech to seem more realistic. Being loud and socially inappropriate does not necessarily equate to being drunk. However, being accidentally inappropriate can make you look drunk. 2-2. Act less inhibited than you normally would. The effects of alcohol can lead to increased aggression, self-disclosure, and sexual inhibition. Be more open and honest than you normally would. Say things that you wouldn't say regularly. Go off on tangents and talk about your childhood. If you're going for the "angry drunk" act, then get angry in response to minor things. Act more flirtatious and be more willing to talk about your history and childhood. You can say things like, "Onion rings. I remember when I ate my first onion ring. I was seven--no, I was six years old." Touch people more often. Touching someone's arm or pushing their shoulder is an act of flirtation. You can make sexually suggestive or inappropriate comments to appear drunker. Just remember not to cross the line and harass anyone. 2-3. Take a long time to do things. Cognitive and problem-solving skills are reduced when there's alcohol in your system. Often, it will take drunk people longer to understand things. Act like you don't understand simple things. You can accomplish this by asking repeated questions or repeating what a person is saying. When asked to do something, take twice as long as you'd usually take, and constantly ask the person for help. Changing the channel on the TV or a song on a mp3 player is a great opportunity to seem like you don't know what you're doing. When trying to change the channel you can say, "I don't get it. It keeps going to the menu. I don't know what I'm doing." 2-4. Keep an inconsistent pace. Move erratically and go from energetic to drained in minutes. The more inconsistent you are, the most natural you'll appear. Act randomly and surprise people. The more you change your mood, tone of voice, and volume, the drunker you'll look. 2-5. Stumble when you walk. A common theater technique to act drunk involves you envisioning the floor moving under you while you walk. Make sure not to overdo it and lose your balance and fall over all the time because it can come off as fake. Act as if you are slightly off-balance constantly. You can also lean against walls when you're stationary to give off this effect. Another approach is to roll back on your heels and act as if you are trying to get back on your toes. 2-6. Smell like you're drunk. You can swish liquor in your mouth, or put it on your clothes. If you don't drink, try drinking a non-alcoholic beverage because they still smell like alcohol. Smelling like liquor will give people the impression that you've been drinking. Examples of non-alcoholic beverages that still smell like they have alcohol include Miller Sharp's, O'Doul's Premium, Beck's Non-Alcoholic, and Clausthaler Golden Amber. 3. Speaking Like You're Drunk 3-1. Slur your words. Drinking can negatively affect your motor skills and can slur your speech. To slur, draw out parts of the word that you normally wouldn't. Think of how you would talk if you were very tired. If you want to appear very drunk, slur your words more. You can say something like, "I absolutely love this party. It's so great." Another example would be, "So what're  you doin' next week?" 3-2. Speak slower than usual. Just as alcohol affects the way you speak, it can also affect how quickly you can talk. When people are drunk, they will speak slower. Listen to the pace of your voice as you have conversations with people and slow it down if you're talking too fast. Alcohol can affect the speed in which neurotransmitters communicate with your brain, which slows down your speech. 3-3. Be louder than usual and ignore personal space. When you're in a loud setting like a bar, party, or club, it's natural that you'll have to speak louder than usual for people to hear you over the music. When you're drunk, however, sometimes you don't realize how loud you are because of reduced cognitive function. Shout in people's faces, and get closer to them than you typically would. If a person tells you to back off then be polite and walk away. 3-4. Deny being drunk when people ask. When people ask if you're drunk, you should act offended but admit to having a couple of drinks. No one likes admitting that they have had too much to drink, so if you openly tell people that you're drunk, they may not believe you. Act defensive, and people will believe that you're drunk. You can say something like, "I've only had a couple of drinks. I'm not drunk!"
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Looking Drunk\\n1-1. Mess up your hair.\\nWhen you're drunk, you start to overlook things about your appearance that you would usually care about when sober. Run your fingers through your hair and intentionally mess it up. The more outrageous and disheveled you look, the drunker you'll appear.\\nHaving messy hair tells other people that you don't care about being perfect and are here for a good time.\\nIt could also make people think that you've been partying.\\n1-2. Stain your shirt.\\nAlcohol reduces motor skills. For that reason, many drunk people will drop things frequently. Many times, this includes food and drink. Put ketchup or mustard stains on your shirt and act like you don't notice it or that you don't care.\\nIf someone mentions the stain, respond by saying \\\"Yeah, I know. I don't care.\\\"\\nYou can use other things to create stains, but avoid dairy products or any other food that would produce an odor.\\n1-3. Tuck in half your shirt.\\nTucking your shirt in half way will enhance how oblivious you look, and people will mistake it for being drunk. Make sure that it doesn't look intentional, or else people won't associate it with drunken behavior. Try to make it look like you just used the bathroom.\\nTucking your shirt in half way could be a fashion statement.\\n1-4. Make your eyes look bloodshot.\\nGlazed and bloodshot eyes are a common sign of drunkenness. There are safe and natural ways to make your eyes naturally red. To do this, rub a small amount of freshly cut onion, menthol, or peppermint oil under your eye to make them appear redder.\\nYou can also try crying or blinking several times to make your eyes look redder.\\nRedness occurs because alcohol can swell the blood vessels in your eyes and makes them appear red.\\nMake sure that the peppermint oil, menthol, or onion does not make direct contact with your eye.\\n2. Acting Drunk\\n2-1. Act like you're drunk but trying to act sober.\\nA big part of acting drunk is to embody the feelings and emotional outlook of someone who is drunk. Typically when people get really drunk, they try to act sober to fit in. This can be difficult because you'll need to assume the perspective of someone who does not want to appear to be drunk while still convincing people that you are. Look like you're trying to keep your composure but slip up occasionally and act drunk. You can say something silly or outrageous and then tell everyone that you're sorry and you didn't mean to say it. Don't go overboard or overact. This may tip people off.\\nLean against a wall and then stand upright, as if you're trying to regain your balance.\\nYou can say something like \\\"No, no, I'm totally fine. I don't think I had enough to drink.\\\" Combine this with slurred speech to seem more realistic.\\nBeing loud and socially inappropriate does not necessarily equate to being drunk. However, being accidentally inappropriate can make you look drunk.\\n2-2. Act less inhibited than you normally would.\\nThe effects of alcohol can lead to increased aggression, self-disclosure, and sexual inhibition. Be more open and honest than you normally would. Say things that you wouldn't say regularly. Go off on tangents and talk about your childhood. If you're going for the \\\"angry drunk\\\" act, then get angry in response to minor things. Act more flirtatious and be more willing to talk about your history and childhood.\\nYou can say things like, \\\"Onion rings. I remember when I ate my first onion ring. I was seven--no, I was six years old.\\\"\\nTouch people more often. Touching someone's arm or pushing their shoulder is an act of flirtation.\\nYou can make sexually suggestive or inappropriate comments to appear drunker. Just remember not to cross the line and harass anyone.\\n2-3. Take a long time to do things.\\nCognitive and problem-solving skills are reduced when there's alcohol in your system. Often, it will take drunk people longer to understand things. Act like you don't understand simple things. You can accomplish this by asking repeated questions or repeating what a person is saying. When asked to do something, take twice as long as you'd usually take, and constantly ask the person for help.\\nChanging the channel on the TV or a song on a mp3 player is a great opportunity to seem like you don't know what you're doing.\\nWhen trying to change the channel you can say, \\\"I don't get it. It keeps going to the menu. I don't know what I'm doing.\\\"\\n2-4. Keep an inconsistent pace.\\nMove erratically and go from energetic to drained in minutes. The more inconsistent you are, the most natural you'll appear. Act randomly and surprise people. The more you change your mood, tone of voice, and volume, the drunker you'll look.\\n2-5. Stumble when you walk.\\nA common theater technique to act drunk involves you envisioning the floor moving under you while you walk. Make sure not to overdo it and lose your balance and fall over all the time because it can come off as fake. Act as if you are slightly off-balance constantly.\\nYou can also lean against walls when you're stationary to give off this effect.\\nAnother approach is to roll back on your heels and act as if you are trying to get back on your toes.\\n2-6. Smell like you're drunk.\\nYou can swish liquor in your mouth, or put it on your clothes. If you don't drink, try drinking a non-alcoholic beverage because they still smell like alcohol. Smelling like liquor will give people the impression that you've been drinking.\\nExamples of non-alcoholic beverages that still smell like they have alcohol include Miller Sharp's, O'Doul's Premium, Beck's Non-Alcoholic, and Clausthaler Golden Amber.\\n3. Speaking Like You're Drunk\\n3-1. Slur your words.\\nDrinking can negatively affect your motor skills and can slur your speech. To slur, draw out parts of the word that you normally wouldn't. Think of how you would talk if you were very tired. If you want to appear very drunk, slur your words more.\\nYou can say something like, \\\"I absolutely love this party. It's so great.\\\"\\nAnother example would be, \\\"So what're  you doin' next week?\\\"\\n3-2. Speak slower than usual.\\nJust as alcohol affects the way you speak, it can also affect how quickly you can talk. When people are drunk, they will speak slower. Listen to the pace of your voice as you have conversations with people and slow it down if you're talking too fast.\\nAlcohol can affect the speed in which neurotransmitters communicate with your brain, which slows down your speech.\\n3-3. Be louder than usual and ignore personal space.\\nWhen you're in a loud setting like a bar, party, or club, it's natural that you'll have to speak louder than usual for people to hear you over the music. When you're drunk, however, sometimes you don't realize how loud you are because of reduced cognitive function. Shout in people's faces, and get closer to them than you typically would.\\nIf a person tells you to back off then be polite and walk away.\\n3-4. Deny being drunk when people ask.\\nWhen people ask if you're drunk, you should act offended but admit to having a couple of drinks. No one likes admitting that they have had too much to drink, so if you openly tell people that you're drunk, they may not believe you. Act defensive, and people will believe that you're drunk.\\nYou can say something like, \\\"I've only had a couple of drinks. I'm not drunk!\\\"\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Being drunk on alcohol can reduce your motor skills, cognitive functions, and inhibitions. Many people will act very differently when inebriated. You may eventually find yourself in a situation where you have to act drunk, but don't want to get drunk. You could have a desire to fit in during a social gathering, be assigned a role in a performance, or just want to trick your friends. If you're willing to change the way you look, speak, and act, then you can convince everyone around you that you're actually drunk.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Looking Drunk\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Mess up your hair.\", \"描述\": \"When you're drunk, you start to overlook things about your appearance that you would usually care about when sober. Run your fingers through your hair and intentionally mess it up. The more outrageous and disheveled you look, the drunker you'll appear.\\nHaving messy hair tells other people that you don't care about being perfect and are here for a good time.\\nIt could also make people think that you've been partying.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Stain your shirt.\", \"描述\": \"Alcohol reduces motor skills. For that reason, many drunk people will drop things frequently. Many times, this includes food and drink. Put ketchup or mustard stains on your shirt and act like you don't notice it or that you don't care.\\nIf someone mentions the stain, respond by saying \\\"Yeah, I know. I don't care.\\\"\\nYou can use other things to create stains, but avoid dairy products or any other food that would produce an odor.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Tuck in half your shirt.\", \"描述\": \"Tucking your shirt in half way will enhance how oblivious you look, and people will mistake it for being drunk. Make sure that it doesn't look intentional, or else people won't associate it with drunken behavior. Try to make it look like you just used the bathroom.\\nTucking your shirt in half way could be a fashion statement.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Make your eyes look bloodshot.\", \"描述\": \"Glazed and bloodshot eyes are a common sign of drunkenness. There are safe and natural ways to make your eyes naturally red. To do this, rub a small amount of freshly cut onion, menthol, or peppermint oil under your eye to make them appear redder.\\nYou can also try crying or blinking several times to make your eyes look redder.\\nRedness occurs because alcohol can swell the blood vessels in your eyes and makes them appear red.\\nMake sure that the peppermint oil, menthol, or onion does not make direct contact with your eye.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acting Drunk\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Act like you're drunk but trying to act sober.\", \"描述\": \"A big part of acting drunk is to embody the feelings and emotional outlook of someone who is drunk. Typically when people get really drunk, they try to act sober to fit in. This can be difficult because you'll need to assume the perspective of someone who does not want to appear to be drunk while still convincing people that you are. Look like you're trying to keep your composure but slip up occasionally and act drunk. You can say something silly or outrageous and then tell everyone that you're sorry and you didn't mean to say it. Don't go overboard or overact. This may tip people off.\\nLean against a wall and then stand upright, as if you're trying to regain your balance.\\nYou can say something like \\\"No, no, I'm totally fine. I don't think I had enough to drink.\\\" Combine this with slurred speech to seem more realistic.\\nBeing loud and socially inappropriate does not necessarily equate to being drunk. However, being accidentally inappropriate can make you look drunk.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Act less inhibited than you normally would.\", \"描述\": \"The effects of alcohol can lead to increased aggression, self-disclosure, and sexual inhibition. Be more open and honest than you normally would. Say things that you wouldn't say regularly. Go off on tangents and talk about your childhood. If you're going for the \\\"angry drunk\\\" act, then get angry in response to minor things. Act more flirtatious and be more willing to talk about your history and childhood.\\nYou can say things like, \\\"Onion rings. I remember when I ate my first onion ring. I was seven--no, I was six years old.\\\"\\nTouch people more often. Touching someone's arm or pushing their shoulder is an act of flirtation.\\nYou can make sexually suggestive or inappropriate comments to appear drunker. Just remember not to cross the line and harass anyone.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take a long time to do things.\", \"描述\": \"Cognitive and problem-solving skills are reduced when there's alcohol in your system. Often, it will take drunk people longer to understand things. Act like you don't understand simple things. You can accomplish this by asking repeated questions or repeating what a person is saying. When asked to do something, take twice as long as you'd usually take, and constantly ask the person for help.\\nChanging the channel on the TV or a song on a mp3 player is a great opportunity to seem like you don't know what you're doing.\\nWhen trying to change the channel you can say, \\\"I don't get it. It keeps going to the menu. I don't know what I'm doing.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Keep an inconsistent pace.\", \"描述\": \"Move erratically and go from energetic to drained in minutes. The more inconsistent you are, the most natural you'll appear. Act randomly and surprise people. The more you change your mood, tone of voice, and volume, the drunker you'll look.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Stumble when you walk.\", \"描述\": \"A common theater technique to act drunk involves you envisioning the floor moving under you while you walk. Make sure not to overdo it and lose your balance and fall over all the time because it can come off as fake. Act as if you are slightly off-balance constantly.\\nYou can also lean against walls when you're stationary to give off this effect.\\nAnother approach is to roll back on your heels and act as if you are trying to get back on your toes.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Smell like you're drunk.\", \"描述\": \"You can swish liquor in your mouth, or put it on your clothes. If you don't drink, try drinking a non-alcoholic beverage because they still smell like alcohol. Smelling like liquor will give people the impression that you've been drinking.\\nExamples of non-alcoholic beverages that still smell like they have alcohol include Miller Sharp's, O'Doul's Premium, Beck's Non-Alcoholic, and Clausthaler Golden Amber.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Speaking Like You're Drunk\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Slur your words.\", \"描述\": \"Drinking can negatively affect your motor skills and can slur your speech. To slur, draw out parts of the word that you normally wouldn't. Think of how you would talk if you were very tired. If you want to appear very drunk, slur your words more.\\nYou can say something like, \\\"I absolutely love this party. It's so great.\\\"\\nAnother example would be, \\\"So what're  you doin' next week?\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Speak slower than usual.\", \"描述\": \"Just as alcohol affects the way you speak, it can also affect how quickly you can talk. When people are drunk, they will speak slower. Listen to the pace of your voice as you have conversations with people and slow it down if you're talking too fast.\\nAlcohol can affect the speed in which neurotransmitters communicate with your brain, which slows down your speech.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Be louder than usual and ignore personal space.\", \"描述\": \"When you're in a loud setting like a bar, party, or club, it's natural that you'll have to speak louder than usual for people to hear you over the music. When you're drunk, however, sometimes you don't realize how loud you are because of reduced cognitive function. Shout in people's faces, and get closer to them than you typically would.\\nIf a person tells you to back off then be polite and walk away.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Deny being drunk when people ask.\", \"描述\": \"When people ask if you're drunk, you should act offended but admit to having a couple of drinks. No one likes admitting that they have had too much to drink, so if you openly tell people that you're drunk, they may not believe you. Act defensive, and people will believe that you're drunk.\\nYou can say something like, \\\"I've only had a couple of drinks. I'm not drunk!\\\"\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act During a Fire Drill
1. Responding to the Fire Alarm 1-1. Stay calm. Do not panic when you hear the fire alarm. Also, it's important to stay quiet so you can hear any instructions. In fact, it's important to be quiet and calm the whole time the fire drill is happening, not just when it starts. 1-2. Treat the alert as if it were a real fire. Though you may think the fire alarm is just for practice, you should always treat it as there actually is a fire. You have to practice the drill seriously to learn the proper procedure so that when a fire does happen, you won't panic. In fact, even if a drill is scheduled, something could have happened to cause a real emergency. Always treat the drill as if it were the real thing. 1-3. Stop what you're doing. When you hear the alarm, you must stop anything you are doing at the time. Don't take time to finish a sentence on your paper or send an email. Don't take time to gather your things. Respond to the alarm immediately. 1-4. Start moving out of the building. Consider where the nearest exit is. Leave the room you are in going in that direction. Try to be as orderly as possible as you leave the room. Line up to exit the room. Don't start running. If possible, know the route to the nearest fire exit before a fire drill happens. It's always a good idea to check for your route when you're in a new building, especially one you will spend a good deal of time in. For instance, hotels are required to have the fire exit on the back of your hotel door. Under no circumstances should you ever use an elevator in an emergency evacuation. 1-5. Close your door. If you are the last person in a room, close the door behind you. Make sure it doesn't lock, however. When you close the door, it helps slow the fire because not as much oxygen can get in the room as quickly. It also blocks smoke and heat from entering other rooms as much. 1-6. Leave the lights on. Do not turn the lights off as you exit the room. Leaving the lights on will help firefighters see better. 2. Making Your Way Through the Building 2-1. Move to the nearest exit. Go along the prescribed route for evacuating the building. If you don't know where the nearest exit is, look for "Exit" signs as you move down the hallways. These signs will usually be in red (or green in the UK) and sometimes will be lighted. 2-2. Check doors for heat. When you're in a real fire, you must check doors for heat as you come up to them. Look for smoke coming under the door, and place your hand near the door to see if it is radiating heat. If you see neither of these signs, try lightly touching the door handle to see if it is hot. In a real fire, if you find any of these signs, you must go another route. 2-3. Take the stairs. You should not use elevators during a fire drill. During a real fire, elevators are used by the firefighters to help fight the fire. Plus, elevators can be dangerous during a fire. In addition, stairways are usually pressurized, meaning they will not be as smoky as other areas. 2-4. Watch for "smoke" signs. Sometimes, the people doing the drill will put up "smoke" signs in certain hallways to simulate what happens in a real fire. If you see a smoke sign, you need to find an alternative route out of the building. If that's the only way out, practice crawling low. When there's smoke, getting down low can help you see better. 2-5. Descend down to the designated meeting point. This will usually be in a skylobby or main lobby. If a total evacuation is ordered, walk all the way down to the ground floor and exit the building via the emergency exits or through the main entrances. 3. Leaving the Building 3-1. Clear the sidewalks. Make sure to leave the sidewalks clear for the firefighters to do their work. If there are too many people clumped on the sidewalks, firefighters cannot get through. Be sure to listen for people in authority giving directions. Teachers or building emergency coordinators will likely be looking to take a head count, so they will want to get everyone in the same area, which is why it's important to stay quiet. 3-2. Move to a safe distance. If there really is a fire, the building could eventually collapse. You should move a safe distance away from the building. Generally, across the street is fine. 3-3. Wait for the all-clear. Don't assume that because the fire alarm has stopped, you can re-enter the building. Wait until the firefighters or someone else in charge tells you it's fine to go back inside. Once you hear that, you can resume normal activities.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Responding to the Fire Alarm\\n1-1. Stay calm.\\nDo not panic when you hear the fire alarm. Also, it's important to stay quiet so you can hear any instructions.\\nIn fact, it's important to be quiet and calm the whole time the fire drill is happening, not just when it starts.\\n1-2. Treat the alert as if it were a real fire.\\nThough you may think the fire alarm is just for practice, you should always treat it as there actually is a fire. You have to practice the drill seriously to learn the proper procedure so that when a fire does happen, you won't panic.\\nIn fact, even if a drill is scheduled, something could have happened to cause a real emergency. Always treat the drill as if it were the real thing.\\n1-3. Stop what you're doing.\\nWhen you hear the alarm, you must stop anything you are doing at the time. Don't take time to finish a sentence on your paper or send an email. Don't take time to gather your things. Respond to the alarm immediately.\\n1-4. Start moving out of the building.\\nConsider where the nearest exit is. Leave the room you are in going in that direction.\\nTry to be as orderly as possible as you leave the room. Line up to exit the room. Don't start running.\\nIf possible, know the route to the nearest fire exit before a fire drill happens. It's always a good idea to check for your route when you're in a new building, especially one you will spend a good deal of time in. For instance, hotels are required to have the fire exit on the back of your hotel door.\\nUnder no circumstances should you ever use an elevator in an emergency evacuation.\\n1-5. Close your door.\\nIf you are the last person in a room, close the door behind you. Make sure it doesn't lock, however.\\nWhen you close the door, it helps slow the fire because not as much oxygen can get in the room as quickly. It also blocks smoke and heat from entering other rooms as much.\\n1-6. Leave the lights on.\\nDo not turn the lights off as you exit the room. Leaving the lights on will help firefighters see better.\\n2. Making Your Way Through the Building\\n2-1. Move to the nearest exit.\\nGo along the prescribed route for evacuating the building. If you don't know where the nearest exit is, look for \\\"Exit\\\" signs as you move down the hallways. These signs will usually be in red (or green in the UK) and sometimes will be lighted.\\n2-2. Check doors for heat.\\nWhen you're in a real fire, you must check doors for heat as you come up to them. Look for smoke coming under the door, and place your hand near the door to see if it is radiating heat. If you see neither of these signs, try lightly touching the door handle to see if it is hot. In a real fire, if you find any of these signs, you must go another route.\\n2-3. Take the stairs.\\nYou should not use elevators during a fire drill. During a real fire, elevators are used by the firefighters to help fight the fire. Plus, elevators can be dangerous during a fire.\\nIn addition, stairways are usually pressurized, meaning they will not be as smoky as other areas.\\n2-4. Watch for \\\"smoke\\\" signs.\\nSometimes, the people doing the drill will put up \\\"smoke\\\" signs in certain hallways to simulate what happens in a real fire. If you see a smoke sign, you need to find an alternative route out of the building.\\nIf that's the only way out, practice crawling low. When there's smoke, getting down low can help you see better.\\n2-5. Descend down to the designated meeting point.\\nThis will usually be in a skylobby or main lobby. If a total evacuation is ordered, walk all the way down to the ground floor and exit the building via the emergency exits or through the main entrances.\\n3. Leaving the Building\\n3-1. Clear the sidewalks.\\nMake sure to leave the sidewalks clear for the firefighters to do their work. If there are too many people clumped on the sidewalks, firefighters cannot get through.\\nBe sure to listen for people in authority giving directions. Teachers or building emergency coordinators will likely be looking to take a head count, so they will want to get everyone in the same area, which is why it's important to stay quiet.\\n3-2. Move to a safe distance.\\nIf there really is a fire, the building could eventually collapse. You should move a safe distance away from the building. Generally, across the street is fine.\\n3-3. Wait for the all-clear.\\nDon't assume that because the fire alarm has stopped, you can re-enter the building. Wait until the firefighters or someone else in charge tells you it's fine to go back inside. Once you hear that, you can resume normal activities.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"All offices, schools, and buildings are required to have fire drills, which help prepare you for a real emergency. Behaving correctly in a fire drill will train you to respond calmly and safely in the unlikely event of a real fire.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Responding to the Fire Alarm\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Stay calm.\", \"描述\": \"Do not panic when you hear the fire alarm. Also, it's important to stay quiet so you can hear any instructions.\\nIn fact, it's important to be quiet and calm the whole time the fire drill is happening, not just when it starts.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Treat the alert as if it were a real fire.\", \"描述\": \"Though you may think the fire alarm is just for practice, you should always treat it as there actually is a fire. You have to practice the drill seriously to learn the proper procedure so that when a fire does happen, you won't panic.\\nIn fact, even if a drill is scheduled, something could have happened to cause a real emergency. Always treat the drill as if it were the real thing.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Stop what you're doing.\", \"描述\": \"When you hear the alarm, you must stop anything you are doing at the time. Don't take time to finish a sentence on your paper or send an email. Don't take time to gather your things. Respond to the alarm immediately.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Start moving out of the building.\", \"描述\": \"Consider where the nearest exit is. Leave the room you are in going in that direction.\\nTry to be as orderly as possible as you leave the room. Line up to exit the room. Don't start running.\\nIf possible, know the route to the nearest fire exit before a fire drill happens. It's always a good idea to check for your route when you're in a new building, especially one you will spend a good deal of time in. For instance, hotels are required to have the fire exit on the back of your hotel door.\\nUnder no circumstances should you ever use an elevator in an emergency evacuation.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Close your door.\", \"描述\": \"If you are the last person in a room, close the door behind you. Make sure it doesn't lock, however.\\nWhen you close the door, it helps slow the fire because not as much oxygen can get in the room as quickly. It also blocks smoke and heat from entering other rooms as much.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Leave the lights on.\", \"描述\": \"Do not turn the lights off as you exit the room. Leaving the lights on will help firefighters see better.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Making Your Way Through the Building\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Move to the nearest exit.\", \"描述\": \"Go along the prescribed route for evacuating the building. If you don't know where the nearest exit is, look for \\\"Exit\\\" signs as you move down the hallways. These signs will usually be in red (or green in the UK) and sometimes will be lighted.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Check doors for heat.\", \"描述\": \"When you're in a real fire, you must check doors for heat as you come up to them. Look for smoke coming under the door, and place your hand near the door to see if it is radiating heat. If you see neither of these signs, try lightly touching the door handle to see if it is hot. In a real fire, if you find any of these signs, you must go another route.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Take the stairs.\", \"描述\": \"You should not use elevators during a fire drill. During a real fire, elevators are used by the firefighters to help fight the fire. Plus, elevators can be dangerous during a fire.\\nIn addition, stairways are usually pressurized, meaning they will not be as smoky as other areas.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Watch for \\\"smoke\\\" signs.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes, the people doing the drill will put up \\\"smoke\\\" signs in certain hallways to simulate what happens in a real fire. If you see a smoke sign, you need to find an alternative route out of the building.\\nIf that's the only way out, practice crawling low. When there's smoke, getting down low can help you see better.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Descend down to the designated meeting point.\", \"描述\": \"This will usually be in a skylobby or main lobby. If a total evacuation is ordered, walk all the way down to the ground floor and exit the building via the emergency exits or through the main entrances.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Leaving the Building\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Clear the sidewalks.\", \"描述\": \"Make sure to leave the sidewalks clear for the firefighters to do their work. If there are too many people clumped on the sidewalks, firefighters cannot get through.\\nBe sure to listen for people in authority giving directions. Teachers or building emergency coordinators will likely be looking to take a head count, so they will want to get everyone in the same area, which is why it's important to stay quiet.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Move to a safe distance.\", \"描述\": \"If there really is a fire, the building could eventually collapse. You should move a safe distance away from the building. Generally, across the street is fine.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Wait for the all-clear.\", \"描述\": \"Don't assume that because the fire alarm has stopped, you can re-enter the building. Wait until the firefighters or someone else in charge tells you it's fine to go back inside. Once you hear that, you can resume normal activities.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Ethically
1. Identifying Your Own Ethics 1-1. Learn about ethics. Ethics is defined as a set of moral principles that govern an individual or group’s actions and interactions with others. As a result of reliance on “moral principles,” most scholars agree that it is extremely hard to arrive at a single idea of what it means to live ethically. To learn more about ethics, make sure to: Read about ethics. There are hundreds if not thousands of books that address this topic. Talk to others about what they think of as ethics. Think about the idea of ethics. 1-2. Reflect on your own source of ethics. The first step in living an ethical life is to reflect on your own source of ethics. Most people do not have an explicit ethical code, but rather act ethically (or unethically) based on ideas they've internalized and on what they've seen other people do. To figure out where you get your ethics, think about what ideas and actions (by others) have influenced you and your view of ethics. Ask yourself questions about where you received the your idea about what is "right" and what is "wrong." Do you get it from religion? Religious ethics may come from the teachings of your religion's holy book or sacred texts. Do you get it from family? Ethics can be passed from family members by example or explicitly. If your parents treat others well, act honestly, and are generous toward others, you will likely adopt their ethical system. Do you get it from your political ideology? Your ethics may vary based on your political ideology. If you're a socialist, you might believe that people have a duty to help the poor. If you are a libertarian, you might believe that people have the right to live free of coercion regardless of their wealth or other people's poverty. 1-3. Write out your ethical code. After you've reflected on and identified the source of your ethics, commit your ethical system to paper. This is a fairly easy process and will help you better conceptualize and understand your own ethical system. Make sure to: Write down your ideas about what ethics means, specifically. Rank your ethics in importance. Is honesty more important than generosity? Annotate each ranked ethical point with a comment about how you think you can implement this in your daily life. This could be as easy as "I will never tell a lie." 1-4. Think about whether you follow your ethics. After you've figured out your source of ethics, consider whether you actually follow your ethics in every day life. This could be a potentially tough thing to figure out, as you'll have to truly challenge yourself, reflect, and even be critical of your own actions. Ultimately, this sort of self-reflection is very important if you want to act ethically every day. If you believe in helping the poor, do you help the poor? Do you volunteer at soup kitchens on weekends, holidays, or regularly? If you believe in honesty, do you practice honesty in your daily life? When was the last time you lied, and did it hurt someone? If you believe in people's right to seek their own happiness, have you ever bullied someone or used force or coercion to get something you want from someone else? 1-5. Apply your ethics. The next step will be to apply your ethics to everyday life. This can be a very challenging thing to do, as living an ethical life can often go against our instincts to seek our own self-interest. Ultimately, though, if you are determined to live ethically, you can. 2. Acting Ethically Towards Other People 2-1. Empathize with people. For many people, being ethical means also being empathetic. Empathy is defined as our ability to share and understand how other people feel and experience the world. In a nutshell, to have empathy means that you have the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes. Try to imagine what it is to be someone who is less fortunate. When someone suffers a loss, try to imagine what that loss may mean for them. True empathy is when you can understand how others experience the world. 2-2. Be selfless. Many people also see selflessness as an important part of living ethically. In this view, to put other people above yourself is a key to ethical life. The key to being selfless is to commit yourself to self-sacrifice. Sacrificing your own needs for others is the foundation of being selfless. In the view of many, self-sacrifice is virtuous and is at the center of what it means to be ethical. When you can, help others instead of helping yourself. For instance, when you're seated on a bus comfortably, offer your seat to someone who needs the seat (like an older person who may have trouble standing). Instead of taking an opportunity to make yourself wealthier, help others achieve happiness or assist them with basic needs. For example, if you're lead on a team at work, and you see the possibility of claiming credit for the team's work and getting a raise (even if you are largely responsible), don't do so. Instead, claim credit for your entire group and try to secure a raise for everyone (even if it means your raise or bonus might be less). 2-3. Embrace honesty. Many people also associate honesty with an ethical life. To tell the truth and avoid untruth is seen as one of the cornerstones of modern ethics. This comes out of the view that lies can and often do hurt other people. Lies, in this view, are rooted in selfishness. Tricking someone for your own gain is unethical. Cheating is unethical, as it hurts other people. Lying to someone for personal gain is unethical. 2-4. Respect the rights of others. Respecting the rights of others is another cornerstone of modern western ethics. This is based on the idea that all individuals are endowed with certain rights by the very fact of their existence. To violate an individual’s rights is to live without ethics. In this view: Individuals should be free from the physical coercion of others. Individuals should be free to pursue their own interests and their own happiness. Violence against other individuals violates the rights of others and is therefore unethical. 2-5. Honor your promises and obligations. Making sure you keep your promises and hold to your obligations is another cornerstone of ethical behavior. The reason breaking promises and shirking obligations is seen as unethical is that you are seeking your own self-interest at the expense of others. View promises as a way of verbally binding yourself to others. If you have an obligation, make sure to honor that obligation. Think before you make promises or obligations. 3. Avoiding Common Unethical Behaviors 3-1. Don’t violate trust for your own gain. If someone puts trust in you, it is unethical to violate that trust for personal gain. By having someone’s trust and gaining by violating that trust, you are using your position to take advantage of someone. If someone entrusts possessions or information with you, keep the possessions and information secure. If someone hires you to do something, don’t use your situation to gain from them without their knowledge. Trust is the foundation of ethical relationships between people. 3-2. Avoid hurting other people’s feelings for no reason. Hurting other people’s feelings for no reason is viewed as an ultimate unethical activity. Ultimately, being mean and unkind to other people is a selfish activity that creates a hostile environment for not just you and the person, but for others. Instead: Always be kind to people. Respect the feelings of other people. Think before you talk. Your words can hurt people. 3-3. Do not steal. Stealing is almost universally seen as an unethical behavior. This is because stealing is dishonest behavior in which one takes advantage of someone else for personal gain. This not only violates other people’s rights, but demonstrates that you are a dishonest and irresponsible person who has little concern for others. Don’t take things that are not your own. Respect other people’s property. There are exceptions though. Many believe that stealing in order to survive or to help others survive is in fact a very ethical behavior. 3-4. Try not to impose your ethics on other people. Ethics often means different things to different people based on social and cultural context. As a result, a behavior that you see as ethical might not be ethical to someone else.This is because we (largely) receive our ethical code from the society and culture we live in, as well as the religion we adhere to and political culture we embrace. For example, one person might see eating meat as unethical behavior, while someone who grew up in a culture where hunting is a way of life would not agree with this perspective.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Identifying Your Own Ethics\\n1-1. Learn about ethics.\\nEthics is defined as a set of moral principles that govern an individual or group’s actions and interactions with others. As a result of reliance on “moral principles,” most scholars agree that it is extremely hard to arrive at a single idea of what it means to live ethically. To learn more about ethics, make sure to:\\nRead about ethics. There are hundreds if not thousands of books that address this topic.\\nTalk to others about what they think of as ethics.\\nThink about the idea of ethics.\\n1-2. Reflect on your own source of ethics.\\nThe first step in living an ethical life is to reflect on your own source of ethics. Most people do not have an explicit ethical code, but rather act ethically (or unethically) based on ideas they've internalized and on what they've seen other people do. To figure out where you get your ethics, think about what ideas and actions (by others) have influenced you and your view of ethics. Ask yourself questions about where you received the your idea about what is \\\"right\\\" and what is \\\"wrong.\\\" \\nDo you get it from religion? Religious ethics may come from the teachings of your religion's holy book or sacred texts.\\nDo you get it from family? Ethics can be passed from family members by example or explicitly. If your parents treat others well, act honestly, and are generous toward others, you will likely adopt their ethical system.\\nDo you get it from your political ideology? Your ethics may vary based on your political ideology. If you're a socialist, you might believe that people have a duty to help the poor. If you are a libertarian, you might believe that people have the right to live free of coercion regardless of their wealth or other people's poverty.\\n1-3. Write out your ethical code.\\nAfter you've reflected on and identified the source of your ethics, commit your ethical system to paper. This is a fairly easy process and will help you better conceptualize and understand your own ethical system. Make sure to:\\nWrite down your ideas about what ethics means, specifically.\\nRank your ethics in importance. Is honesty more important than generosity?\\nAnnotate each ranked ethical point with a comment about how you think you can implement this in your daily life. This could be as easy as \\\"I will never tell a lie.\\\"\\n1-4. Think about whether you follow your ethics.\\nAfter you've figured out your source of ethics, consider whether you actually follow your ethics in every day life. This could be a potentially tough thing to figure out, as you'll have to truly challenge yourself, reflect, and even be critical of your own actions. Ultimately, this sort of self-reflection is very important if you want to act ethically every day.\\nIf you believe in helping the poor, do you help the poor? Do you volunteer at soup kitchens on weekends, holidays, or regularly?\\nIf you believe in honesty, do you practice honesty in your daily life? When was the last time you lied, and did it hurt someone?\\nIf you believe in people's right to seek their own happiness, have you ever bullied someone or used force or coercion to get something you want from someone else?\\n1-5. Apply your ethics.\\nThe next step will be to apply your ethics to everyday life. This can be a very challenging thing to do, as living an ethical life can often go against our instincts to seek our own self-interest. Ultimately, though, if you are determined to live ethically, you can.\\n2. Acting Ethically Towards Other People\\n2-1. Empathize with people.\\nFor many people, being ethical means also being empathetic. Empathy is defined as our ability to share and understand how other people feel and experience the world. In a nutshell, to have empathy means that you have the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes.\\nTry to imagine what it is to be someone who is less fortunate.\\nWhen someone suffers a loss, try to imagine what that loss may mean for them.\\nTrue empathy is when you can understand how others experience the world.\\n2-2. Be selfless.\\nMany people also see selflessness as an important part of living ethically. In this view, to put other people above yourself is a key to ethical life. The key to being selfless is to commit yourself to self-sacrifice. Sacrificing your own needs for others is the foundation of being selfless.\\nIn the view of many, self-sacrifice is virtuous and is at the center of what it means to be ethical.\\nWhen you can, help others instead of helping yourself. For instance, when you're seated on a bus comfortably, offer your seat to someone who needs the seat (like an older person who may have trouble standing).\\nInstead of taking an opportunity to make yourself wealthier, help others achieve happiness or assist them with basic needs. For example, if you're lead on a team at work, and you see the possibility of claiming credit for the team's work and getting a raise (even if you are largely responsible), don't do so. Instead, claim credit for your entire group and try to secure a raise for everyone (even if it means your raise or bonus might be less).\\n2-3. Embrace honesty.\\nMany people also associate honesty with an ethical life. To tell the truth and avoid untruth is seen as one of the cornerstones of modern ethics. This comes out of the view that lies can and often do hurt other people. Lies, in this view, are rooted in selfishness.\\nTricking someone for your own gain is unethical.\\nCheating is unethical, as it hurts other people.\\nLying to someone for personal gain is unethical.\\n2-4. Respect the rights of others.\\nRespecting the rights of others is another cornerstone of modern western ethics. This is based on the idea that all individuals are endowed with certain rights by the very fact of their existence. To violate an individual’s rights is to live without ethics. In this view:\\nIndividuals should be free from the physical coercion of others.\\nIndividuals should be free to pursue their own interests and their own happiness.\\nViolence against other individuals violates the rights of others and is therefore unethical.\\n2-5. Honor your promises and obligations.\\nMaking sure you keep your promises and hold to your obligations is another cornerstone of ethical behavior. The reason breaking promises and shirking obligations is seen as unethical is that you are seeking your own self-interest at the expense of others.\\nView promises as a way of verbally binding yourself to others.\\nIf you have an obligation, make sure to honor that obligation.\\nThink before you make promises or obligations.\\n3. Avoiding Common Unethical Behaviors\\n3-1. Don’t violate trust for your own gain.\\nIf someone puts trust in you, it is unethical to violate that trust for personal gain. By having someone’s trust and gaining by violating that trust, you are using your position to take advantage of someone.\\nIf someone entrusts possessions or information with you, keep the possessions and information secure.\\nIf someone hires you to do something, don’t use your situation to gain from them without their knowledge.\\nTrust is the foundation of ethical relationships between people.\\n3-2. Avoid hurting other people’s feelings for no reason.\\nHurting other people’s feelings for no reason is viewed as an ultimate unethical activity. Ultimately, being mean and unkind to other people is a selfish activity that creates a hostile environment for not just you and the person, but for others. Instead:\\nAlways be kind to people.\\nRespect the feelings of other people.\\nThink before you talk. Your words can hurt people.\\n3-3. Do not steal.\\nStealing is almost universally seen as an unethical behavior. This is because stealing is dishonest behavior in which one takes advantage of someone else for personal gain. This not only violates other people’s rights, but demonstrates that you are a dishonest and irresponsible person who has little concern for others.\\nDon’t take things that are not your own.\\nRespect other people’s property.\\nThere are exceptions though. Many believe that stealing in order to survive or to help others survive is in fact a very ethical behavior.\\n3-4. Try not to impose your ethics on other people.\\nEthics often means different things to different people based on social and cultural context. As a result, a behavior that you see as ethical might not be ethical to someone else.This is because we (largely) receive our ethical code from the society and culture we live in, as well as the religion we adhere to and political culture we embrace.\\nFor example, one person might see eating meat as unethical behavior, while someone who grew up in a culture where hunting is a way of life would not agree with this perspective.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Being ethical is being conscientious about your choices. If you are ethical, you know what things are good, and perform those good actions instead of malicious actions. To be truly ethical, you must be doing it for self-satisfaction, not a prize. Ultimately, one of the biggest challenges of living ethically is to resist the temptation to serve yourself at the expense of others. However, with some effort and an understanding of what it means to live ethically, you can live an ethical life and treat people well.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Identifying Your Own Ethics\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Learn about ethics.\", \"描述\": \"Ethics is defined as a set of moral principles that govern an individual or group’s actions and interactions with others. As a result of reliance on “moral principles,” most scholars agree that it is extremely hard to arrive at a single idea of what it means to live ethically. To learn more about ethics, make sure to:\\nRead about ethics. There are hundreds if not thousands of books that address this topic.\\nTalk to others about what they think of as ethics.\\nThink about the idea of ethics.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Reflect on your own source of ethics.\", \"描述\": \"The first step in living an ethical life is to reflect on your own source of ethics. Most people do not have an explicit ethical code, but rather act ethically (or unethically) based on ideas they've internalized and on what they've seen other people do. To figure out where you get your ethics, think about what ideas and actions (by others) have influenced you and your view of ethics. Ask yourself questions about where you received the your idea about what is \\\"right\\\" and what is \\\"wrong.\\\" \\nDo you get it from religion? Religious ethics may come from the teachings of your religion's holy book or sacred texts.\\nDo you get it from family? Ethics can be passed from family members by example or explicitly. If your parents treat others well, act honestly, and are generous toward others, you will likely adopt their ethical system.\\nDo you get it from your political ideology? Your ethics may vary based on your political ideology. If you're a socialist, you might believe that people have a duty to help the poor. If you are a libertarian, you might believe that people have the right to live free of coercion regardless of their wealth or other people's poverty.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Write out your ethical code.\", \"描述\": \"After you've reflected on and identified the source of your ethics, commit your ethical system to paper. This is a fairly easy process and will help you better conceptualize and understand your own ethical system. Make sure to:\\nWrite down your ideas about what ethics means, specifically.\\nRank your ethics in importance. Is honesty more important than generosity?\\nAnnotate each ranked ethical point with a comment about how you think you can implement this in your daily life. This could be as easy as \\\"I will never tell a lie.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Think about whether you follow your ethics.\", \"描述\": \"After you've figured out your source of ethics, consider whether you actually follow your ethics in every day life. This could be a potentially tough thing to figure out, as you'll have to truly challenge yourself, reflect, and even be critical of your own actions. Ultimately, this sort of self-reflection is very important if you want to act ethically every day.\\nIf you believe in helping the poor, do you help the poor? Do you volunteer at soup kitchens on weekends, holidays, or regularly?\\nIf you believe in honesty, do you practice honesty in your daily life? When was the last time you lied, and did it hurt someone?\\nIf you believe in people's right to seek their own happiness, have you ever bullied someone or used force or coercion to get something you want from someone else?\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Apply your ethics.\", \"描述\": \"The next step will be to apply your ethics to everyday life. This can be a very challenging thing to do, as living an ethical life can often go against our instincts to seek our own self-interest. Ultimately, though, if you are determined to live ethically, you can.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Acting Ethically Towards Other People\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Empathize with people.\", \"描述\": \"For many people, being ethical means also being empathetic. Empathy is defined as our ability to share and understand how other people feel and experience the world. In a nutshell, to have empathy means that you have the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes.\\nTry to imagine what it is to be someone who is less fortunate.\\nWhen someone suffers a loss, try to imagine what that loss may mean for them.\\nTrue empathy is when you can understand how others experience the world.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Be selfless.\", \"描述\": \"Many people also see selflessness as an important part of living ethically. In this view, to put other people above yourself is a key to ethical life. The key to being selfless is to commit yourself to self-sacrifice. Sacrificing your own needs for others is the foundation of being selfless.\\nIn the view of many, self-sacrifice is virtuous and is at the center of what it means to be ethical.\\nWhen you can, help others instead of helping yourself. For instance, when you're seated on a bus comfortably, offer your seat to someone who needs the seat (like an older person who may have trouble standing).\\nInstead of taking an opportunity to make yourself wealthier, help others achieve happiness or assist them with basic needs. For example, if you're lead on a team at work, and you see the possibility of claiming credit for the team's work and getting a raise (even if you are largely responsible), don't do so. Instead, claim credit for your entire group and try to secure a raise for everyone (even if it means your raise or bonus might be less).\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Embrace honesty.\", \"描述\": \"Many people also associate honesty with an ethical life. To tell the truth and avoid untruth is seen as one of the cornerstones of modern ethics. This comes out of the view that lies can and often do hurt other people. Lies, in this view, are rooted in selfishness.\\nTricking someone for your own gain is unethical.\\nCheating is unethical, as it hurts other people.\\nLying to someone for personal gain is unethical.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Respect the rights of others.\", \"描述\": \"Respecting the rights of others is another cornerstone of modern western ethics. This is based on the idea that all individuals are endowed with certain rights by the very fact of their existence. To violate an individual’s rights is to live without ethics. In this view:\\nIndividuals should be free from the physical coercion of others.\\nIndividuals should be free to pursue their own interests and their own happiness.\\nViolence against other individuals violates the rights of others and is therefore unethical.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Honor your promises and obligations.\", \"描述\": \"Making sure you keep your promises and hold to your obligations is another cornerstone of ethical behavior. The reason breaking promises and shirking obligations is seen as unethical is that you are seeking your own self-interest at the expense of others.\\nView promises as a way of verbally binding yourself to others.\\nIf you have an obligation, make sure to honor that obligation.\\nThink before you make promises or obligations.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoiding Common Unethical Behaviors\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Don’t violate trust for your own gain.\", \"描述\": \"If someone puts trust in you, it is unethical to violate that trust for personal gain. By having someone’s trust and gaining by violating that trust, you are using your position to take advantage of someone.\\nIf someone entrusts possessions or information with you, keep the possessions and information secure.\\nIf someone hires you to do something, don’t use your situation to gain from them without their knowledge.\\nTrust is the foundation of ethical relationships between people.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Avoid hurting other people’s feelings for no reason.\", \"描述\": \"Hurting other people’s feelings for no reason is viewed as an ultimate unethical activity. Ultimately, being mean and unkind to other people is a selfish activity that creates a hostile environment for not just you and the person, but for others. Instead:\\nAlways be kind to people.\\nRespect the feelings of other people.\\nThink before you talk. Your words can hurt people.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Do not steal.\", \"描述\": \"Stealing is almost universally seen as an unethical behavior. This is because stealing is dishonest behavior in which one takes advantage of someone else for personal gain. This not only violates other people’s rights, but demonstrates that you are a dishonest and irresponsible person who has little concern for others.\\nDon’t take things that are not your own.\\nRespect other people’s property.\\nThere are exceptions though. Many believe that stealing in order to survive or to help others survive is in fact a very ethical behavior.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Try not to impose your ethics on other people.\", \"描述\": \"Ethics often means different things to different people based on social and cultural context. As a result, a behavior that you see as ethical might not be ethical to someone else.This is because we (largely) receive our ethical code from the society and culture we live in, as well as the religion we adhere to and political culture we embrace.\\nFor example, one person might see eating meat as unethical behavior, while someone who grew up in a culture where hunting is a way of life would not agree with this perspective.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Evil
1. Looking the Part 1-1. Choose the right clothing. Evil is typically associated with dark, foreboding colors, so when you’re planning a costume for a villainous character, that’s the color palette that you should start with. Black is the traditional option, but any dark shade, such as midnight blue or eggplant, can work well. Opt for clothes that have sleek, clean lines too. For example, a well-tailored suit is an attractive option for a male, while a form-fitting cocktail dress is an ideal costume for a villainess. Shades of red can work well for an evil costume too because it’s a color usually associated with the Devil. Opt for a bold bright red if your character is outgoing, or a deep maroon or brick red for a more reserved evil look. Think about the fabrics that you choose for your clothing too. Leather tends to work well for evil characters, so consider incorporating a leather jacket, blazer, or vest in your costume. You can also opt for leather pants or a leather skirt. If your character’s evilness is a surprise that comes out during a climactic moment, you shouldn’t go with an obvious costume of head to toe black. Instead, give subtle cues with your clothing that your character might be evil, such as a black t-shirt with a basic pair of jeans. 1-2. Consider the genre. When you're planning your costume, you have to take the type of play or scene that you're working in, as well as the time period, into account. For example, while a villain in a Western and an evil character in a futuristic Sci Fi play might both wear black, their outfits will likely be very different otherwise. Make sure your clothing fits the tone and time period for the character’s story. If you're not entirely sure what's appropriate for your costume, consult movies or TV shows from the same genre for inspiration. If the play takes place in a specific historical period, you can also do an online search for information about clothing from the era so your costume is historically accurate. 1-3. Add sinister accessories. While your clothing will probably stand out most about your costume, small details can really help bring your evil look into focus. That’s why you should also find some accessories to help bring your villain to life. For example, edgy jewelry, such as a spiked choker or bracelet, can help give you a sinister look. Leather gloves are another item that can give your character’s costume a more menacing feel. Your character may require a specialty accessory, such as an eye patch, that can help add to the villainous persona. Don’t forget weapons, such as a gun or knife, that your character might use to cause harm to others. 1-4. Go for sleek hair. While there may be a variety of hairstyles that work well for your character, a sleek, slicked back do is usually the traditional look for an evil character. With short hair, that usually means just using some type of hair styling product to flatten your hair against the scalp. If you have long hair, you may want to slick your back in a similar way but pull the length into a sleek ponytail or bun. With short hair, you'll get a more intense look by slicking it straight back rather than parting it to the side. Pomades work best for slicking back short hair. A clay-based formula gives you a matte finish, while an oil- or water-based pomade provides some shine, which is usually a good look if you’re on stage. For women with long hair, start by applying mousse to the roots of your hair before blowing it back and away from your face. When you’re pulling your hair into a ponytail or bun, make sure that you brush all of it back and pull it as tightly as you comfortably can. Add some gel to the sides for a wet appearance. Whether you have short or long hair, give your slicked back style a final spritz with hairspray to ensure that it stays in place. Don’t overlook facial hair. A mustache or goatee can help give you a more evil look. 1-5. Go for a dramatic smoky eye. For an evil look, it usually helps to go with dark, bold makeup. Go for a dark, smoky eye shadow look, and add plenty of black eyeliner. Even male characters who aren’t wearing much other makeup can look a little more sinister with some black liner around the eyes. For a simple smoky eye, apply a dark shade, such as black, navy, plum, brown, or charcoal, over your entire lid, blending upward toward the crease. Next, apply a light shade under your brow and blend it into your lid shade. Finish off with black liner and mascara. Pair your smoky eye with a mean red or dark colored lipstick for a more dramatic look. 1-6. Contour your face. Making your face appear more angular can help give you a more severe, menacing look. Contouring your cheeks can do the trick, so apply a brown powder directly beneath your cheekbones, from the hollow where your cheek meets your ear to below the middle of your eye. If you’re going to be on stage, create a stark line so it will stand out Make sure to choose a brown contour shade that has gray undertones so it mimics the look of shadows. Use a small brush to apply the contour powder, so you keep the line defined. 1-7. Develop a menacing stare. To look the part of an evil character, it’s important to have a trademark glare that you can direct at other characters -- and in some cases, the audience. Think about how people look at you when they’re angry and try to mimic the expression. You can start by narrowing your eyes and squaring your jaw. Make sure to maintain eye contact with your co-stars as well because that can very intimidating. Avoid looking away and blinking. Try to imagine that you’re having a staring contest with your co-stars -- that can give you a more threatening look. Practicing your evil stare in front of a mirror can help you perfect it. You may also want to try it out on friends and family, so they can provide feedback on how to make your look even more sinister. 2. Sounding the Part 2-1. Make your voice deeper. While a specific character might call for a certain type of voice, villains generally have deep, throaty voice that makes them sound more evil. If you have a naturally deep voice, you probably don’t have to alter it much. However, if your voice tends to be higher-pitched, try to give it a lower, more menacing sound. That means you want to speak from your chest register, so you sound deeper and more threatening. Identify your chest register by saying the word “whoa” in as deep a voice as you can. Keep your hand on your chest as you speak to feel the vibrations. Repeat the exercise several times. It may help to record yourself, so you can listen back to what your voice sounds like. If you’re having trouble connecting with your chest register, get down on the floor on all fours with your head down. Say “whoa” in as deep as voice as you can without straining yourself, and concentrate on the vibrations in your chest so you know how you should speak for a deeper sound. Practice your lines in your deeper voice to get used to speaking that way. You may also want to record yourself saying the lines so you can listen back and make improvements. 2-2. Perfect a menacing laugh. Most evil characters have trademark laugh that makes them seem especially sinister. When you’re trying to find one for yourself, it’s important not to go too over the top, though, or you may wind up sounding like a cartoon character. The key to sounding evil is usually prolonging the laugh for an extended period. Making the laugh especially deep or loud can also help it sound more threatening. It often helps to start with a low laugh and have it become louder and deeper as it progresses. The pace of your laugh can help it sound more sinister too. For example, slowing down your normal laugh may be enough to give it an evil feel. Consider the context of the laugh when determining what it should sound like. For example, a light hearted, joyful laugh in a scene where your character has just witnessed the death of an innocent person can sound very evil. 2-3. Emphasize the right words. When you’re trying to act evil, the way you speak your lines is almost as important as the lines themselves. An villainous character should emphasize words that have a threatening connotation or mock the other characters. For example, if you tell another character, “You’re pathetic,” you may to make sure that you say “pathetic” with a hard edge so it feels like you’re really twisting the knife. Read your lines out loud so you can hear can hear which words you should stress. Highlight them in your script to help you when you practice. If you’re not sure which words to emphasize, talk to your director to see what they works best for your character. 3. Conveying Evil 3-1. Give layers to your anger. An evil character likely carries a great deal of rage, but you can’t play every scene with uncontrolled anger. Instead, try to give shades to your character’s evil rage according to the story. For example, in an early scene, you may just glare at another character to convey your low-key anger. However, as you approach the climax of the story, you may lose control and start yelling and get physical with other characters. Vary the level of anger that you show so the evil doesn’t feel one note. Make sure that you understand what the character is angry about in every scene. It’s important to be able to justify it in your own mind. The amount of anger that you display should relate to what’s at stake. For example, if your character is about to lose all of his power, you should probably play full-on rage. On the other hand, if the character’s only been insulted, you may opt for more controlled anger. 3-2. Enjoy the pain of others. Part of being truly evil is taking satisfaction in the misery of others. When you’re trying to act evil, it’s important to show how much joy your character gets when other people suffer -- and convey that even when you don’t have any lines that spell it out. For example, show a pleased smile when another character is crying or is worried about a loved one. If your back is to the audience for a certain scene, laughing at another character’s misfortune is an effective alternative to smiling. In some cases, simply continuing to watch while another character suffers physical or emotional abuse can indicate that your character enjoys their misery. 3-3. Mock others. When you’re playing an evil character, you may have lines where you taunt or make fun of other characters. But even if you don’t, there are still ways to mock them so it’s clear that your character enjoys hurting others and making them feel inferior. You can try mirroring their expression, gestures, and posture in an obvious way or simply making faces when they are speaking. 3-4. Project confidence. One of the reason that villains are often scary is that they have complete confidence in themselves, as well as their actions and beliefs. In fact, they’re usually the most confident characters in a story. To convey that type of confidence, pay attention to your posture. Stand up straight and expand your chest, almost as if you want to take up more space. Avoid fidgeting too. If you’re sitting down, lean back in your chair so you look as relaxed as possible. When you’re moving, do so in a slow, steady manner so you appear more purposeful. 4. Understanding the Character 4-1. Decide what type of evil the character is. There are many different kinds of evil characters that you can play. Your character may be someone who started out good but was betrayed so badly that they became evil. On the other hand, they may be someone who is pure evil from the start. You’ll likely have an easier time acting evil if you understand exactly where it’s coming from. Your evil character may be a sociopath or a psychopath. If that’s the case, it’s important to understand what that means. A sociopath typically has a weak conscience that may make them feel a little guilt after an evil act, but not enough to stop them from committing the act. A psychopath usually doesn’t have any conscience and feels no remorse for the evil acts they commit. Sociopaths are typically a product of their environment and experiences, while psychopaths usually have their evil ingrained in them. 4-2. Identify the character’s motivation. No matter what type of character you play, it is essential to understand what motivates them. However, it’s especially important with an evil character if you want to make them convincing. Three-dimensional villains usually believe that their behavior is justified, and you must know what justification your character uses. Determine what the motivation behind your character’s evil actions are, so you can make them believable. Some evil characters are motivated by the desire for power, while others are motivated by revenge. In some cases, it may simply be the misery of others that motivates a villain. 4-3. Find some humanity for the character. If your evil character doesn’t feel human to the audience, you run the risk of creating a cartoon villain. Instead, try to find your character’s humanity even amidst all the evil. Think about what might make your character cry or laugh, or the soft spots that they might have that make them feel. In some cases, evil characters may only be able to feel for themselves, but that’s okay -- fear and self-pity are still emotions that can make a character seem human. Tips Watch the work of actors who play fabulous evil characters in movies and on TV. You can pick up plenty of tips about what makes a good villain. You shouldn’t be afraid to be ugly when you’re acting evil. The goal is to make your character believable, not attractive. If you’re having trouble with your character’s motivation, talk to your director. They can usually help you see where the evil is coming from.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Looking the Part\\n1-1. Choose the right clothing.\\nEvil is typically associated with dark, foreboding colors, so when you’re planning a costume for a villainous character, that’s the color palette that you should start with. Black is the traditional option, but any dark shade, such as midnight blue or eggplant, can work well. Opt for clothes that have sleek, clean lines too. For example, a well-tailored suit is an attractive option for a male, while a form-fitting cocktail dress is an ideal costume for a villainess.\\nShades of red can work well for an evil costume too because it’s a color usually associated with the Devil. Opt for a bold bright red if your character is outgoing, or a deep maroon or brick red for a more reserved evil look.\\nThink about the fabrics that you choose for your clothing too. Leather tends to work well for evil characters, so consider incorporating a leather jacket, blazer, or vest in your costume. You can also opt for leather pants or a leather skirt.\\nIf your character’s evilness is a surprise that comes out during a climactic moment, you shouldn’t go with an obvious costume of head to toe black. Instead, give subtle cues with your clothing that your character might be evil, such as a black t-shirt with a basic pair of jeans.\\n1-2. Consider the genre.\\nWhen you're planning your costume, you have to take the type of play or scene that you're working in, as well as the time period, into account. For example, while a villain in a Western and an evil character in a futuristic Sci Fi play might both wear black, their outfits will likely be very different otherwise. Make sure your clothing fits the tone and time period for the character’s story.\\nIf you're not entirely sure what's appropriate for your costume, consult movies or TV shows from the same genre for inspiration.\\nIf the play takes place in a specific historical period, you can also do an online search for information about clothing from the era so your costume is historically accurate.\\n1-3. Add sinister accessories.\\nWhile your clothing will probably stand out most about your costume, small details can really help bring your evil look into focus. That’s why you should also find some accessories to help bring your villain to life. For example, edgy jewelry, such as a spiked choker or bracelet, can help give you a sinister look. Leather gloves are another item that can give your character’s costume a more menacing feel.\\nYour character may require a specialty accessory, such as an eye patch, that can help add to the villainous persona.\\nDon’t forget weapons, such as a gun or knife, that your character might use to cause harm to others.\\n1-4. Go for sleek hair.\\nWhile there may be a variety of hairstyles that work well for your character, a sleek, slicked back do is usually the traditional look for an evil character. With short hair, that usually means just using some type of hair styling product to flatten your hair against the scalp. If you have long hair, you may want to slick your back in a similar way but pull the length into a sleek ponytail or bun.\\nWith short hair, you'll get a more intense look by slicking it straight back rather than parting it to the side.\\nPomades work best for slicking back short hair. A clay-based formula gives you a matte finish, while an oil- or water-based pomade provides some shine, which is usually a good look if you’re on stage.\\nFor women with long hair, start by applying mousse to the roots of your hair before blowing it back and away from your face.\\nWhen you’re pulling your hair into a ponytail or bun, make sure that you brush all of it back and pull it as tightly as you comfortably can. Add some gel to the sides for a wet appearance.\\nWhether you have short or long hair, give your slicked back style a final spritz with hairspray to ensure that it stays in place.\\nDon’t overlook facial hair. A mustache or goatee can help give you a more evil look.\\n1-5. Go for a dramatic smoky eye.\\nFor an evil look, it usually helps to go with dark, bold makeup. Go for a dark, smoky eye shadow look, and add plenty of black eyeliner. Even male characters who aren’t wearing much other makeup can look a little more sinister with some black liner around the eyes.\\nFor a simple smoky eye, apply a dark shade, such as black, navy, plum, brown, or charcoal, over your entire lid, blending upward toward the crease. Next, apply a light shade under your brow and blend it into your lid shade. Finish off with black liner and mascara.\\nPair your smoky eye with a mean red or dark colored lipstick for a more dramatic look.\\n1-6. Contour your face.\\nMaking your face appear more angular can help give you a more severe, menacing look. Contouring your cheeks can do the trick, so apply a brown powder directly beneath your cheekbones, from the hollow where your cheek meets your ear to below the middle of your eye. If you’re going to be on stage, create a stark line so it will stand out\\nMake sure to choose a brown contour shade that has gray undertones so it mimics the look of shadows.\\nUse a small brush to apply the contour powder, so you keep the line defined.\\n1-7. Develop a menacing stare.\\nTo look the part of an evil character, it’s important to have a trademark glare that you can direct at other characters -- and in some cases, the audience. Think about how people look at you when they’re angry and try to mimic the expression. You can start by narrowing your eyes and squaring your jaw. Make sure to maintain eye contact with your co-stars as well because that can very intimidating.\\nAvoid looking away and blinking. Try to imagine that you’re having a staring contest with your co-stars -- that can give you a more threatening look.\\nPracticing your evil stare in front of a mirror can help you perfect it. You may also want to try it out on friends and family, so they can provide feedback on how to make your look even more sinister.\\n2. Sounding the Part\\n2-1. Make your voice deeper.\\nWhile a specific character might call for a certain type of voice, villains generally have deep, throaty voice that makes them sound more evil. If you have a naturally deep voice, you probably don’t have to alter it much. However, if your voice tends to be higher-pitched, try to give it a lower, more menacing sound. That means you want to speak from your chest register, so you sound deeper and more threatening.\\nIdentify your chest register by saying the word “whoa” in as deep a voice as you can. Keep your hand on your chest as you speak to feel the vibrations. Repeat the exercise several times. It may help to record yourself, so you can listen back to what your voice sounds like.\\nIf you’re having trouble connecting with your chest register, get down on the floor on all fours with your head down. Say “whoa” in as deep as voice as you can without straining yourself, and concentrate on the vibrations in your chest so you know how you should speak for a deeper sound.\\nPractice your lines in your deeper voice to get used to speaking that way. You may also want to record yourself saying the lines so you can listen back and make improvements.\\n2-2. Perfect a menacing laugh.\\nMost evil characters have trademark laugh that makes them seem especially sinister. When you’re trying to find one for yourself, it’s important not to go too over the top, though, or you may wind up sounding like a cartoon character. The key to sounding evil is usually prolonging the laugh for an extended period. Making the laugh especially deep or loud can also help it sound more threatening.\\nIt often helps to start with a low laugh and have it become louder and deeper as it progresses.\\nThe pace of your laugh can help it sound more sinister too. For example, slowing down your normal laugh may be enough to give it an evil feel.\\nConsider the context of the laugh when determining what it should sound like. For example, a light hearted, joyful laugh in a scene where your character has just witnessed the death of an innocent person can sound very evil.\\n2-3. Emphasize the right words.\\nWhen you’re trying to act evil, the way you speak your lines is almost as important as the lines themselves. An villainous character should emphasize words that have a threatening connotation or mock the other characters. For example, if you tell another character, “You’re pathetic,” you may to make sure that you say “pathetic” with a hard edge so it feels like you’re really twisting the knife.\\nRead your lines out loud so you can hear can hear which words you should stress. Highlight them in your script to help you when you practice.\\nIf you’re not sure which words to emphasize, talk to your director to see what they works best for your character.\\n3. Conveying Evil\\n3-1. Give layers to your anger.\\nAn evil character likely carries a great deal of rage, but you can’t play every scene with uncontrolled anger. Instead, try to give shades to your character’s evil rage according to the story. For example, in an early scene, you may just glare at another character to convey your low-key anger. However, as you approach the climax of the story, you may lose control and start yelling and get physical with other characters. Vary the level of anger that you show so the evil doesn’t feel one note.\\nMake sure that you understand what the character is angry about in every scene. It’s important to be able to justify it in your own mind.\\nThe amount of anger that you display should relate to what’s at stake. For example, if your character is about to lose all of his power, you should probably play full-on rage. On the other hand, if the character’s only been insulted, you may opt for more controlled anger.\\n3-2. Enjoy the pain of others.\\nPart of being truly evil is taking satisfaction in the misery of others. When you’re trying to act evil, it’s important to show how much joy your character gets when other people suffer -- and convey that even when you don’t have any lines that spell it out. For example, show a pleased smile when another character is crying or is worried about a loved one.\\nIf your back is to the audience for a certain scene, laughing at another character’s misfortune is an effective alternative to smiling.\\nIn some cases, simply continuing to watch while another character suffers physical or emotional abuse can indicate that your character enjoys their misery.\\n3-3. Mock others.\\nWhen you’re playing an evil character, you may have lines where you taunt or make fun of other characters. But even if you don’t, there are still ways to mock them so it’s clear that your character enjoys hurting others and making them feel inferior. You can try mirroring their expression, gestures, and posture in an obvious way or simply making faces when they are speaking.\\n3-4. Project confidence.\\nOne of the reason that villains are often scary is that they have complete confidence in themselves, as well as their actions and beliefs. In fact, they’re usually the most confident characters in a story. To convey that type of confidence, pay attention to your posture. Stand up straight and expand your chest, almost as if you want to take up more space. Avoid fidgeting too.\\nIf you’re sitting down, lean back in your chair so you look as relaxed as possible.\\nWhen you’re moving, do so in a slow, steady manner so you appear more purposeful.\\n4. Understanding the Character\\n4-1. Decide what type of evil the character is.\\nThere are many different kinds of evil characters that you can play. Your character may be someone who started out good but was betrayed so badly that they became evil. On the other hand, they may be someone who is pure evil from the start. You’ll likely have an easier time acting evil if you understand exactly where it’s coming from.\\nYour evil character may be a sociopath or a psychopath. If that’s the case, it’s important to understand what that means. A sociopath typically has a weak conscience that may make them feel a little guilt after an evil act, but not enough to stop them from committing the act. A psychopath usually doesn’t have any conscience and feels no remorse for the evil acts they commit.\\nSociopaths are typically a product of their environment and experiences, while psychopaths usually have their evil ingrained in them.\\n4-2. Identify the character’s motivation.\\nNo matter what type of character you play, it is essential to understand what motivates them. However, it’s especially important with an evil character if you want to make them convincing. Three-dimensional villains usually believe that their behavior is justified, and you must know what justification your character uses. Determine what the motivation behind your character’s evil actions are, so you can make them believable.\\nSome evil characters are motivated by the desire for power, while others are motivated by revenge. In some cases, it may simply be the misery of others that motivates a villain.\\n4-3. Find some humanity for the character.\\nIf your evil character doesn’t feel human to the audience, you run the risk of creating a cartoon villain. Instead, try to find your character’s humanity even amidst all the evil. Think about what might make your character cry or laugh, or the soft spots that they might have that make them feel.\\nIn some cases, evil characters may only be able to feel for themselves, but that’s okay -- fear and self-pity are still emotions that can make a character seem human.\\nTips\\nWatch the work of actors who play fabulous evil characters in movies and on TV. You can pick up plenty of tips about what makes a good villain.\\nYou shouldn’t be afraid to be ugly when you’re acting evil. The goal is to make your character believable, not attractive.\\nIf you’re having trouble with your character’s motivation, talk to your director. They can usually help you see where the evil is coming from.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"A villain is usually the most fun character to play. But making that kind of evil truly scary and believable takes hard work. If you aren't sure how to act evil for your role, it helps to start from the outside and work inward. Once you have the perfect look for your evil character, you'll be able to focus on creating a sinister persona.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Looking the Part\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Choose the right clothing.\", \"描述\": \"Evil is typically associated with dark, foreboding colors, so when you’re planning a costume for a villainous character, that’s the color palette that you should start with. Black is the traditional option, but any dark shade, such as midnight blue or eggplant, can work well. Opt for clothes that have sleek, clean lines too. For example, a well-tailored suit is an attractive option for a male, while a form-fitting cocktail dress is an ideal costume for a villainess.\\nShades of red can work well for an evil costume too because it’s a color usually associated with the Devil. Opt for a bold bright red if your character is outgoing, or a deep maroon or brick red for a more reserved evil look.\\nThink about the fabrics that you choose for your clothing too. Leather tends to work well for evil characters, so consider incorporating a leather jacket, blazer, or vest in your costume. You can also opt for leather pants or a leather skirt.\\nIf your character’s evilness is a surprise that comes out during a climactic moment, you shouldn’t go with an obvious costume of head to toe black. Instead, give subtle cues with your clothing that your character might be evil, such as a black t-shirt with a basic pair of jeans.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Consider the genre.\", \"描述\": \"When you're planning your costume, you have to take the type of play or scene that you're working in, as well as the time period, into account. For example, while a villain in a Western and an evil character in a futuristic Sci Fi play might both wear black, their outfits will likely be very different otherwise. Make sure your clothing fits the tone and time period for the character’s story.\\nIf you're not entirely sure what's appropriate for your costume, consult movies or TV shows from the same genre for inspiration.\\nIf the play takes place in a specific historical period, you can also do an online search for information about clothing from the era so your costume is historically accurate.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Add sinister accessories.\", \"描述\": \"While your clothing will probably stand out most about your costume, small details can really help bring your evil look into focus. That’s why you should also find some accessories to help bring your villain to life. For example, edgy jewelry, such as a spiked choker or bracelet, can help give you a sinister look. Leather gloves are another item that can give your character’s costume a more menacing feel.\\nYour character may require a specialty accessory, such as an eye patch, that can help add to the villainous persona.\\nDon’t forget weapons, such as a gun or knife, that your character might use to cause harm to others.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Go for sleek hair.\", \"描述\": \"While there may be a variety of hairstyles that work well for your character, a sleek, slicked back do is usually the traditional look for an evil character. With short hair, that usually means just using some type of hair styling product to flatten your hair against the scalp. If you have long hair, you may want to slick your back in a similar way but pull the length into a sleek ponytail or bun.\\nWith short hair, you'll get a more intense look by slicking it straight back rather than parting it to the side.\\nPomades work best for slicking back short hair. A clay-based formula gives you a matte finish, while an oil- or water-based pomade provides some shine, which is usually a good look if you’re on stage.\\nFor women with long hair, start by applying mousse to the roots of your hair before blowing it back and away from your face.\\nWhen you’re pulling your hair into a ponytail or bun, make sure that you brush all of it back and pull it as tightly as you comfortably can. Add some gel to the sides for a wet appearance.\\nWhether you have short or long hair, give your slicked back style a final spritz with hairspray to ensure that it stays in place.\\nDon’t overlook facial hair. A mustache or goatee can help give you a more evil look.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Go for a dramatic smoky eye.\", \"描述\": \"For an evil look, it usually helps to go with dark, bold makeup. Go for a dark, smoky eye shadow look, and add plenty of black eyeliner. Even male characters who aren’t wearing much other makeup can look a little more sinister with some black liner around the eyes.\\nFor a simple smoky eye, apply a dark shade, such as black, navy, plum, brown, or charcoal, over your entire lid, blending upward toward the crease. Next, apply a light shade under your brow and blend it into your lid shade. Finish off with black liner and mascara.\\nPair your smoky eye with a mean red or dark colored lipstick for a more dramatic look.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Contour your face.\", \"描述\": \"Making your face appear more angular can help give you a more severe, menacing look. Contouring your cheeks can do the trick, so apply a brown powder directly beneath your cheekbones, from the hollow where your cheek meets your ear to below the middle of your eye. If you’re going to be on stage, create a stark line so it will stand out\\nMake sure to choose a brown contour shade that has gray undertones so it mimics the look of shadows.\\nUse a small brush to apply the contour powder, so you keep the line defined.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Develop a menacing stare.\", \"描述\": \"To look the part of an evil character, it’s important to have a trademark glare that you can direct at other characters -- and in some cases, the audience. Think about how people look at you when they’re angry and try to mimic the expression. You can start by narrowing your eyes and squaring your jaw. Make sure to maintain eye contact with your co-stars as well because that can very intimidating.\\nAvoid looking away and blinking. Try to imagine that you’re having a staring contest with your co-stars -- that can give you a more threatening look.\\nPracticing your evil stare in front of a mirror can help you perfect it. You may also want to try it out on friends and family, so they can provide feedback on how to make your look even more sinister.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Sounding the Part\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Make your voice deeper.\", \"描述\": \"While a specific character might call for a certain type of voice, villains generally have deep, throaty voice that makes them sound more evil. If you have a naturally deep voice, you probably don’t have to alter it much. However, if your voice tends to be higher-pitched, try to give it a lower, more menacing sound. That means you want to speak from your chest register, so you sound deeper and more threatening.\\nIdentify your chest register by saying the word “whoa” in as deep a voice as you can. Keep your hand on your chest as you speak to feel the vibrations. Repeat the exercise several times. It may help to record yourself, so you can listen back to what your voice sounds like.\\nIf you’re having trouble connecting with your chest register, get down on the floor on all fours with your head down. Say “whoa” in as deep as voice as you can without straining yourself, and concentrate on the vibrations in your chest so you know how you should speak for a deeper sound.\\nPractice your lines in your deeper voice to get used to speaking that way. You may also want to record yourself saying the lines so you can listen back and make improvements.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Perfect a menacing laugh.\", \"描述\": \"Most evil characters have trademark laugh that makes them seem especially sinister. When you’re trying to find one for yourself, it’s important not to go too over the top, though, or you may wind up sounding like a cartoon character. The key to sounding evil is usually prolonging the laugh for an extended period. Making the laugh especially deep or loud can also help it sound more threatening.\\nIt often helps to start with a low laugh and have it become louder and deeper as it progresses.\\nThe pace of your laugh can help it sound more sinister too. For example, slowing down your normal laugh may be enough to give it an evil feel.\\nConsider the context of the laugh when determining what it should sound like. For example, a light hearted, joyful laugh in a scene where your character has just witnessed the death of an innocent person can sound very evil.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Emphasize the right words.\", \"描述\": \"When you’re trying to act evil, the way you speak your lines is almost as important as the lines themselves. An villainous character should emphasize words that have a threatening connotation or mock the other characters. For example, if you tell another character, “You’re pathetic,” you may to make sure that you say “pathetic” with a hard edge so it feels like you’re really twisting the knife.\\nRead your lines out loud so you can hear can hear which words you should stress. Highlight them in your script to help you when you practice.\\nIf you’re not sure which words to emphasize, talk to your director to see what they works best for your character.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Conveying Evil\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Give layers to your anger.\", \"描述\": \"An evil character likely carries a great deal of rage, but you can’t play every scene with uncontrolled anger. Instead, try to give shades to your character’s evil rage according to the story. For example, in an early scene, you may just glare at another character to convey your low-key anger. However, as you approach the climax of the story, you may lose control and start yelling and get physical with other characters. Vary the level of anger that you show so the evil doesn’t feel one note.\\nMake sure that you understand what the character is angry about in every scene. It’s important to be able to justify it in your own mind.\\nThe amount of anger that you display should relate to what’s at stake. For example, if your character is about to lose all of his power, you should probably play full-on rage. On the other hand, if the character’s only been insulted, you may opt for more controlled anger.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Enjoy the pain of others.\", \"描述\": \"Part of being truly evil is taking satisfaction in the misery of others. When you’re trying to act evil, it’s important to show how much joy your character gets when other people suffer -- and convey that even when you don’t have any lines that spell it out. For example, show a pleased smile when another character is crying or is worried about a loved one.\\nIf your back is to the audience for a certain scene, laughing at another character’s misfortune is an effective alternative to smiling.\\nIn some cases, simply continuing to watch while another character suffers physical or emotional abuse can indicate that your character enjoys their misery.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Mock others.\", \"描述\": \"When you’re playing an evil character, you may have lines where you taunt or make fun of other characters. But even if you don’t, there are still ways to mock them so it’s clear that your character enjoys hurting others and making them feel inferior. You can try mirroring their expression, gestures, and posture in an obvious way or simply making faces when they are speaking.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Project confidence.\", \"描述\": \"One of the reason that villains are often scary is that they have complete confidence in themselves, as well as their actions and beliefs. In fact, they’re usually the most confident characters in a story. To convey that type of confidence, pay attention to your posture. Stand up straight and expand your chest, almost as if you want to take up more space. Avoid fidgeting too.\\nIf you’re sitting down, lean back in your chair so you look as relaxed as possible.\\nWhen you’re moving, do so in a slow, steady manner so you appear more purposeful.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Understanding the Character\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Decide what type of evil the character is.\", \"描述\": \"There are many different kinds of evil characters that you can play. Your character may be someone who started out good but was betrayed so badly that they became evil. On the other hand, they may be someone who is pure evil from the start. You’ll likely have an easier time acting evil if you understand exactly where it’s coming from.\\nYour evil character may be a sociopath or a psychopath. If that’s the case, it’s important to understand what that means. A sociopath typically has a weak conscience that may make them feel a little guilt after an evil act, but not enough to stop them from committing the act. A psychopath usually doesn’t have any conscience and feels no remorse for the evil acts they commit.\\nSociopaths are typically a product of their environment and experiences, while psychopaths usually have their evil ingrained in them.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Identify the character’s motivation.\", \"描述\": \"No matter what type of character you play, it is essential to understand what motivates them. However, it’s especially important with an evil character if you want to make them convincing. Three-dimensional villains usually believe that their behavior is justified, and you must know what justification your character uses. Determine what the motivation behind your character’s evil actions are, so you can make them believable.\\nSome evil characters are motivated by the desire for power, while others are motivated by revenge. In some cases, it may simply be the misery of others that motivates a villain.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Find some humanity for the character.\", \"描述\": \"If your evil character doesn’t feel human to the audience, you run the risk of creating a cartoon villain. Instead, try to find your character’s humanity even amidst all the evil. Think about what might make your character cry or laugh, or the soft spots that they might have that make them feel.\\nIn some cases, evil characters may only be able to feel for themselves, but that’s okay -- fear and self-pity are still emotions that can make a character seem human.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Watch the work of actors who play fabulous evil characters in movies and on TV. You can pick up plenty of tips about what makes a good villain.\\n\", \"You shouldn’t be afraid to be ugly when you’re acting evil. The goal is to make your character believable, not attractive.\\n\", \"If you’re having trouble with your character’s motivation, talk to your director. They can usually help you see where the evil is coming from.\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Formal
1. Using Formal Speech 1-1. Avoid informal words. Informal language is the everyday language you use to talk to friends, family, and close acquaintances. Oftentimes, this language includes words and types of words that aren't formal, and these should be avoided in formal speech. Types of words to avoid include: Slang and colloquialisms, such as “kids” (use “children”), “bucks” (use “dollars”), and “cool” (say “excellent”) Contractions: “she's” (use “she is”), “I'm” (use “I am”), and “don’t” (use “do not”) Abbreviations, including “TV” (use “television”), “phone” (use “telephone”), and “info” (say “information”) Idioms, such as “piece of cake” (say “simple”) and “miss the boat” (say “missed an opportunity”) 1-2. Enunciate properly. Along with not using informal words and slang, you also want to make sure that you enunciate when you're acting formal. Formal speech and behavior are often expected in meetings, in corporate settings, and at non-casual social events, and during these times you want to speak clearly so that people understand you. Enunciating means articulating all the parts of a word properly, without dropping syllables. For instance, you would say “singing” and not “singin’” To practice your enunciation, practice tongue twisters, such as: “Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.” 1-3. Avoid profanities. Many people find curse and swear words offensive, and you shouldn’t use these in formal or even semi-formal speech. When you are behaving in a formal manner, avoid all bad language, including: Swear and curse words Religious oaths Vulgarities Rude jokes 1-4. Say “please” and “thank you.” Part of using formal language is being polite, and this means using expressions of gratitude. This can be applied in any situation where formal behavior is expected, but these words are always polite to use in any situation. Say “please” if you ask somebody for a favor or request. For instance, “Would you please pass the pepper.” Say “thank you” if somebody grants a favor, grants a request, or compliments you. For example, “Thank you for providing that reference.” You should also say “excuse me” if you're trying to get somebody’s attention, and “pardon me” if you accidentally get in someone’s way. 1-5. Greet and bid farewell properly. This means avoiding casual greetings and expressions of farewell, such as “hey,” “hi,” “how’s it going,” and “see ya.” Instead, say things like: Formal greetings: “hello,” “good day/morning/evening” “nice to meet you,” and “it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance” Formal farewells: “goodbye,” “farewell,” “take care,” and “until we meet again” 1-6. Use titles of respect. Titles of respect should be used when addressing people in a formal setting. Use these instead of referring to somebody by their first name. Only used first names for friends and more casual settings, or if the person you're addressing says to. To refer to somebody directly, use their last name and a title of respect, such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss Smith, which are traditional titles of respect for men and women. Mr. (“mister”) can refer to any man. Ms. (“miz”) can be used to refer to any adult woman. Mrs. (“missus”) is used to refer to a married woman who wants to be identified as a married woman. Miss is used to refer to younger women or adults who aren't married. You can also refer to people as “sir” or “ma’am” when addressing them, especially if you don’t know their last name. It’s important to use titles of respect only if you know the person. If you haven't been introduced before, you shouldn’t assume anything about a person’s gender or marital status. While terms like Mr., Ms., sir, and ma’am don’t assume marriage status, they do assume gender. For people you don’t know, there are a few ways you can refer to them. For people with certain careers, there are titles of respect you can use, such as “doctor,” “professor,” “officer,” and “reverend.” You can also try the gender-neutral title of respect M. (“em”) used with a last name, such as M. Smith. 2. Practicing Proper Etiquette 2-1. Remove distractions during shared meals. When you're having breakfast, dinner, or another meal where you're eating with other people, put away the cell phones, tablets, and other distractions. This includes when you're at home, at a friend’s house, or out to dinner at a restaurant. Removing distractions also means not watching TV or playing video games while eating. When you're at home, make sure everyone who’s eating sits at the table, and turn off all the electronic devices. Most people find it acceptable to listen to quiet music while eating. If you want to listen to music during your meals, make sure the volume is low so that people can still talk. 2-2. Bring a gift when you're invited to someone’s house. Being invited into somebody’s home is always an honor, whether it’s for a party, casual get-together, or other event. When you go to another person’s house, especially for a party or meal, it’s polite to take a gift for the host. Common host gifts include: Wine Cheese or fruit plates Desserts Plants or flowers 2-3. Practice proper table manners. Acting formal means practicing proper table manners, even if you're just eating alone or having lunch with your family. However, dining etiquette is especially important in formal situations, in public, and at restaurants. Good table manners include: Keeping your elbows off the table Asking for people to pass you things you can't reach Chewing with your mouth closed Waiting for everyone to sit down before eating Sitting up straight Asking to be excused before leaving the table 2-4. Don’t interrupt others. During a formal conversation, it’s polite to allow one person to speak at a time. This means don’t interrupt or talk over others, and wait for people to finish speaking before responding or adding something to the conversation. The only time it’s acceptable to interrupt somebody is during an emergency or when you need help. 2-5. Say nice things or nothing at all. Negativity doesn’t have a place in formal speech or behavior, so stick with the old adage that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. To avoid saying things that aren't nice, never comment on another person’s appearance, unless it’s to pay that person a compliment. Don’t listen to or spread gossip. If you're involved in a conversation and somebody introduces gossip, change the subject when you have a moment to interject. If somebody asks you your opinion about something you don’t like, try to say something nice about an element you appreciated. For example, if you didn’t like a particular meal but did like the appetizer, remark about how good the appetizer was. 2-6. Be considerate of other people’s feelings. Along with only saying nice and positive things, you must also think about how your words and actions can impact others. Being formal means being polite and considerate, so you should always strive to be courteous and kind. To be considerate of others and their feelings, you must put yourself in their shoes and try to think about how things might affect them. For instance, if you have a friend with a sick father, ask how he’s doing next time you get together with that friend. You can also be courteous by doing things like sending “thank you” cards when people give you gifts, keeping promises to people, being on time for meetings and appointments, and apologizing when it’s necessary. 3. Dressing in Proper Clothes 3-1. Wear clean clothes. Part of being formal means dressing in clean, well-fitting clothes that aren't casual. Clean clothes are important for many reasons, including proper hygiene. However, clean clothes also say that you care enough about yourself and others to present your best self in public. Always wash your clothes as soon as they become stained or visibly soiled, and never wear dirty clothes. Clothes that aren't visibly dirty or smelly still need regular washing. T-shirts and undershirts should always be washed after one to two wears, but shirts and blouses can go three or four wears before needing a wash. Office and dress clothes can typically be worn four to five times before washing. 3-2. Wear clothes that fit properly. Opt for clothes that are tailored for your body, but not form-fitting. Avoid clothes that are too tight, loose, long, and short. Know your clothing size for shirts, pants, and blazers, and don’t try to squeeze into something a size smaller or hide under something a size larger. 3-3. Wear proper clothes. Clothing comes in many levels of formality, including casual, business casual, semiformal, formal, black tie, and white tie. To dress properly instead of casually but without being overly formal, wear things like: For men: button-down shirts with cuffs and collars, suits, vests, ties, and dress shoes or loafers. For women: dress shirts or blouses, suits with either pants or skirts, dresses, and high or low heels. 3-4. Don’t wear clothes with rips or holes. Wearing clothes that are in good repair is just as important as wearing clean clothes. Dressing formally doesn’t always mean wearing a suit or dress suitable for a ball, but it does mean looking professional and presentable. Despite the current fashions, don’t wear jeans with rips or tears.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:03", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Using Formal Speech\\n1-1. Avoid informal words.\\nInformal language is the everyday language you use to talk to friends, family, and close acquaintances. Oftentimes, this language includes words and types of words that aren't formal, and these should be avoided in formal speech. Types of words to avoid include:\\nSlang and colloquialisms, such as “kids” (use “children”), “bucks” (use “dollars”), and “cool” (say “excellent”)\\nContractions: “she's” (use “she is”), “I'm” (use “I am”), and “don’t” (use “do not”)\\nAbbreviations, including “TV” (use “television”), “phone” (use “telephone”), and “info” (say “information”)\\nIdioms, such as “piece of cake” (say “simple”) and “miss the boat” (say “missed an opportunity”)\\n1-2. Enunciate properly.\\nAlong with not using informal words and slang, you also want to make sure that you enunciate when you're acting formal. Formal speech and behavior are often expected in meetings, in corporate settings, and at non-casual social events, and during these times you want to speak clearly so that people understand you.\\nEnunciating means articulating all the parts of a word properly, without dropping syllables. For instance, you would say “singing” and not “singin’”\\nTo practice your enunciation, practice tongue twisters, such as: “Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.”\\n1-3. Avoid profanities.\\nMany people find curse and swear words offensive, and you shouldn’t use these in formal or even semi-formal speech. When you are behaving in a formal manner, avoid all bad language, including:\\nSwear and curse words\\nReligious oaths\\nVulgarities\\nRude jokes\\n1-4. Say “please” and “thank you.”\\nPart of using formal language is being polite, and this means using expressions of gratitude. This can be applied in any situation where formal behavior is expected, but these words are always polite to use in any situation.\\nSay “please” if you ask somebody for a favor or request. For instance, “Would you please pass the pepper.”\\nSay “thank you” if somebody grants a favor, grants a request, or compliments you. For example, “Thank you for providing that reference.”\\nYou should also say “excuse me” if you're trying to get somebody’s attention, and “pardon me” if you accidentally get in someone’s way.\\n1-5. Greet and bid farewell properly.\\nThis means avoiding casual greetings and expressions of farewell, such as “hey,” “hi,” “how’s it going,” and “see ya.” Instead, say things like:\\nFormal greetings: “hello,” “good day/morning/evening” “nice to meet you,” and “it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance”\\nFormal farewells: “goodbye,” “farewell,” “take care,” and “until we meet again”\\n1-6. Use titles of respect.\\nTitles of respect should be used when addressing people in a formal setting. Use these instead of referring to somebody by their first name. Only used first names for friends and more casual settings, or if the person you're addressing says to.\\nTo refer to somebody directly, use their last name and a title of respect, such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss Smith, which are traditional titles of respect for men and women.\\nMr. (“mister”) can refer to any man. Ms. (“miz”) can be used to refer to any adult woman. Mrs. (“missus”) is used to refer to a married woman who wants to be identified as a married woman. Miss is used to refer to younger women or adults who aren't married.\\nYou can also refer to people as “sir” or “ma’am” when addressing them, especially if you don’t know their last name.\\nIt’s important to use titles of respect only if you know the person. If you haven't been introduced before, you shouldn’t assume anything about a person’s gender or marital status. While terms like Mr., Ms., sir, and ma’am don’t assume marriage status, they do assume gender.\\nFor people you don’t know, there are a few ways you can refer to them. For people with certain careers, there are titles of respect you can use, such as “doctor,” “professor,” “officer,” and “reverend.” You can also try the gender-neutral title of respect M. (“em”) used with a last name, such as M. Smith.\\n2. Practicing Proper Etiquette\\n2-1. Remove distractions during shared meals.\\nWhen you're having breakfast, dinner, or another meal where you're eating with other people, put away the cell phones, tablets, and other distractions. This includes when you're at home, at a friend’s house, or out to dinner at a restaurant.\\nRemoving distractions also means not watching TV or playing video games while eating. When you're at home, make sure everyone who’s eating sits at the table, and turn off all the electronic devices.\\nMost people find it acceptable to listen to quiet music while eating. If you want to listen to music during your meals, make sure the volume is low so that people can still talk.\\n2-2. Bring a gift when you're invited to someone’s house.\\nBeing invited into somebody’s home is always an honor, whether it’s for a party, casual get-together, or other event. When you go to another person’s house, especially for a party or meal, it’s polite to take a gift for the host. Common host gifts include:\\nWine\\nCheese or fruit plates\\nDesserts\\nPlants or flowers\\n2-3. Practice proper table manners.\\nActing formal means practicing proper table manners, even if you're just eating alone or having lunch with your family. However, dining etiquette is especially important in formal situations, in public, and at restaurants. Good table manners include:\\nKeeping your elbows off the table\\nAsking for people to pass you things you can't reach\\nChewing with your mouth closed\\nWaiting for everyone to sit down before eating\\nSitting up straight\\nAsking to be excused before leaving the table\\n2-4. Don’t interrupt others.\\nDuring a formal conversation, it’s polite to allow one person to speak at a time. This means don’t interrupt or talk over others, and wait for people to finish speaking before responding or adding something to the conversation.\\nThe only time it’s acceptable to interrupt somebody is during an emergency or when you need help.\\n2-5. Say nice things or nothing at all.\\nNegativity doesn’t have a place in formal speech or behavior, so stick with the old adage that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.\\nTo avoid saying things that aren't nice, never comment on another person’s appearance, unless it’s to pay that person a compliment.\\nDon’t listen to or spread gossip. If you're involved in a conversation and somebody introduces gossip, change the subject when you have a moment to interject.\\nIf somebody asks you your opinion about something you don’t like, try to say something nice about an element you appreciated. For example, if you didn’t like a particular meal but did like the appetizer, remark about how good the appetizer was.\\n2-6. Be considerate of other people’s feelings.\\nAlong with only saying nice and positive things, you must also think about how your words and actions can impact others. Being formal means being polite and considerate, so you should always strive to be courteous and kind.\\nTo be considerate of others and their feelings, you must put yourself in their shoes and try to think about how things might affect them. For instance, if you have a friend with a sick father, ask how he’s doing next time you get together with that friend.\\nYou can also be courteous by doing things like sending “thank you” cards when people give you gifts, keeping promises to people, being on time for meetings and appointments, and apologizing when it’s necessary.\\n3. Dressing in Proper Clothes\\n3-1. Wear clean clothes.\\nPart of being formal means dressing in clean, well-fitting clothes that aren't casual. Clean clothes are important for many reasons, including proper hygiene. However, clean clothes also say that you care enough about yourself and others to present your best self in public.\\nAlways wash your clothes as soon as they become stained or visibly soiled, and never wear dirty clothes.\\nClothes that aren't visibly dirty or smelly still need regular washing.\\nT-shirts and undershirts should always be washed after one to two wears, but shirts and blouses can go three or four wears before needing a wash. Office and dress clothes can typically be worn four to five times before washing.\\n3-2. Wear clothes that fit properly.\\nOpt for clothes that are tailored for your body, but not form-fitting. Avoid clothes that are too tight, loose, long, and short.\\nKnow your clothing size for shirts, pants, and blazers, and don’t try to squeeze into something a size smaller or hide under something a size larger.\\n3-3. Wear proper clothes.\\nClothing comes in many levels of formality, including casual, business casual, semiformal, formal, black tie, and white tie. To dress properly instead of casually but without being overly formal, wear things like:\\nFor men: button-down shirts with cuffs and collars, suits, vests, ties, and dress shoes or loafers.\\nFor women: dress shirts or blouses, suits with either pants or skirts, dresses, and high or low heels.\\n3-4. Don’t wear clothes with rips or holes.\\nWearing clothes that are in good repair is just as important as wearing clean clothes. Dressing formally doesn’t always mean wearing a suit or dress suitable for a ball, but it does mean looking professional and presentable.\\nDespite the current fashions, don’t wear jeans with rips or tears.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"There are many different factors that make up formal behavior, including speech, manners, and dress. To act formally, you want to avoid casual language and informal words, practice proper etiquette, and dress in nice, clean, and proper clothes. However, formal behavior also means being polite, mature, and sensitive to the feelings of those around you. There are many situations where formal behavior is appropriate and expected, such as in a job interview, at certain schools, in church, and at specific social events, such as funerals and fancy dinners.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Using Formal Speech\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Avoid informal words.\", \"描述\": \"Informal language is the everyday language you use to talk to friends, family, and close acquaintances. Oftentimes, this language includes words and types of words that aren't formal, and these should be avoided in formal speech. Types of words to avoid include:\\nSlang and colloquialisms, such as “kids” (use “children”), “bucks” (use “dollars”), and “cool” (say “excellent”)\\nContractions: “she's” (use “she is”), “I'm” (use “I am”), and “don’t” (use “do not”)\\nAbbreviations, including “TV” (use “television”), “phone” (use “telephone”), and “info” (say “information”)\\nIdioms, such as “piece of cake” (say “simple”) and “miss the boat” (say “missed an opportunity”)\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Enunciate properly.\", \"描述\": \"Along with not using informal words and slang, you also want to make sure that you enunciate when you're acting formal. Formal speech and behavior are often expected in meetings, in corporate settings, and at non-casual social events, and during these times you want to speak clearly so that people understand you.\\nEnunciating means articulating all the parts of a word properly, without dropping syllables. For instance, you would say “singing” and not “singin’”\\nTo practice your enunciation, practice tongue twisters, such as: “Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.”\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Avoid profanities.\", \"描述\": \"Many people find curse and swear words offensive, and you shouldn’t use these in formal or even semi-formal speech. When you are behaving in a formal manner, avoid all bad language, including:\\nSwear and curse words\\nReligious oaths\\nVulgarities\\nRude jokes\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Say “please” and “thank you.”\", \"描述\": \"Part of using formal language is being polite, and this means using expressions of gratitude. This can be applied in any situation where formal behavior is expected, but these words are always polite to use in any situation.\\nSay “please” if you ask somebody for a favor or request. For instance, “Would you please pass the pepper.”\\nSay “thank you” if somebody grants a favor, grants a request, or compliments you. For example, “Thank you for providing that reference.”\\nYou should also say “excuse me” if you're trying to get somebody’s attention, and “pardon me” if you accidentally get in someone’s way.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Greet and bid farewell properly.\", \"描述\": \"This means avoiding casual greetings and expressions of farewell, such as “hey,” “hi,” “how’s it going,” and “see ya.” Instead, say things like:\\nFormal greetings: “hello,” “good day/morning/evening” “nice to meet you,” and “it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance”\\nFormal farewells: “goodbye,” “farewell,” “take care,” and “until we meet again”\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Use titles of respect.\", \"描述\": \"Titles of respect should be used when addressing people in a formal setting. Use these instead of referring to somebody by their first name. Only used first names for friends and more casual settings, or if the person you're addressing says to.\\nTo refer to somebody directly, use their last name and a title of respect, such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss Smith, which are traditional titles of respect for men and women.\\nMr. (“mister”) can refer to any man. Ms. (“miz”) can be used to refer to any adult woman. Mrs. (“missus”) is used to refer to a married woman who wants to be identified as a married woman. Miss is used to refer to younger women or adults who aren't married.\\nYou can also refer to people as “sir” or “ma’am” when addressing them, especially if you don’t know their last name.\\nIt’s important to use titles of respect only if you know the person. If you haven't been introduced before, you shouldn’t assume anything about a person’s gender or marital status. While terms like Mr., Ms., sir, and ma’am don’t assume marriage status, they do assume gender.\\nFor people you don’t know, there are a few ways you can refer to them. For people with certain careers, there are titles of respect you can use, such as “doctor,” “professor,” “officer,” and “reverend.” You can also try the gender-neutral title of respect M. (“em”) used with a last name, such as M. Smith.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Practicing Proper Etiquette\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Remove distractions during shared meals.\", \"描述\": \"When you're having breakfast, dinner, or another meal where you're eating with other people, put away the cell phones, tablets, and other distractions. This includes when you're at home, at a friend’s house, or out to dinner at a restaurant.\\nRemoving distractions also means not watching TV or playing video games while eating. When you're at home, make sure everyone who’s eating sits at the table, and turn off all the electronic devices.\\nMost people find it acceptable to listen to quiet music while eating. If you want to listen to music during your meals, make sure the volume is low so that people can still talk.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Bring a gift when you're invited to someone’s house.\", \"描述\": \"Being invited into somebody’s home is always an honor, whether it’s for a party, casual get-together, or other event. When you go to another person’s house, especially for a party or meal, it’s polite to take a gift for the host. Common host gifts include:\\nWine\\nCheese or fruit plates\\nDesserts\\nPlants or flowers\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Practice proper table manners.\", \"描述\": \"Acting formal means practicing proper table manners, even if you're just eating alone or having lunch with your family. However, dining etiquette is especially important in formal situations, in public, and at restaurants. Good table manners include:\\nKeeping your elbows off the table\\nAsking for people to pass you things you can't reach\\nChewing with your mouth closed\\nWaiting for everyone to sit down before eating\\nSitting up straight\\nAsking to be excused before leaving the table\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t interrupt others.\", \"描述\": \"During a formal conversation, it’s polite to allow one person to speak at a time. This means don’t interrupt or talk over others, and wait for people to finish speaking before responding or adding something to the conversation.\\nThe only time it’s acceptable to interrupt somebody is during an emergency or when you need help.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Say nice things or nothing at all.\", \"描述\": \"Negativity doesn’t have a place in formal speech or behavior, so stick with the old adage that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.\\nTo avoid saying things that aren't nice, never comment on another person’s appearance, unless it’s to pay that person a compliment.\\nDon’t listen to or spread gossip. If you're involved in a conversation and somebody introduces gossip, change the subject when you have a moment to interject.\\nIf somebody asks you your opinion about something you don’t like, try to say something nice about an element you appreciated. For example, if you didn’t like a particular meal but did like the appetizer, remark about how good the appetizer was.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be considerate of other people’s feelings.\", \"描述\": \"Along with only saying nice and positive things, you must also think about how your words and actions can impact others. Being formal means being polite and considerate, so you should always strive to be courteous and kind.\\nTo be considerate of others and their feelings, you must put yourself in their shoes and try to think about how things might affect them. For instance, if you have a friend with a sick father, ask how he’s doing next time you get together with that friend.\\nYou can also be courteous by doing things like sending “thank you” cards when people give you gifts, keeping promises to people, being on time for meetings and appointments, and apologizing when it’s necessary.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Dressing in Proper Clothes\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Wear clean clothes.\", \"描述\": \"Part of being formal means dressing in clean, well-fitting clothes that aren't casual. Clean clothes are important for many reasons, including proper hygiene. However, clean clothes also say that you care enough about yourself and others to present your best self in public.\\nAlways wash your clothes as soon as they become stained or visibly soiled, and never wear dirty clothes.\\nClothes that aren't visibly dirty or smelly still need regular washing.\\nT-shirts and undershirts should always be washed after one to two wears, but shirts and blouses can go three or four wears before needing a wash. Office and dress clothes can typically be worn four to five times before washing.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Wear clothes that fit properly.\", \"描述\": \"Opt for clothes that are tailored for your body, but not form-fitting. Avoid clothes that are too tight, loose, long, and short.\\nKnow your clothing size for shirts, pants, and blazers, and don’t try to squeeze into something a size smaller or hide under something a size larger.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Wear proper clothes.\", \"描述\": \"Clothing comes in many levels of formality, including casual, business casual, semiformal, formal, black tie, and white tie. To dress properly instead of casually but without being overly formal, wear things like:\\nFor men: button-down shirts with cuffs and collars, suits, vests, ties, and dress shoes or loafers.\\nFor women: dress shirts or blouses, suits with either pants or skirts, dresses, and high or low heels.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Don’t wear clothes with rips or holes.\", \"描述\": \"Wearing clothes that are in good repair is just as important as wearing clean clothes. Dressing formally doesn’t always mean wearing a suit or dress suitable for a ball, but it does mean looking professional and presentable.\\nDespite the current fashions, don’t wear jeans with rips or tears.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act Happy
1. Appearing Happy 1-1. Smile to make others happy. When you smile, you automatically appear happier to other people. Also, smiling makes you seem more attractive and relaxed, which also contributes to the appearance of overall happiness. Actually, the brain perceives another person smiling as a reward. Therefore, when you smile at someone, it makes their brain happier. It also helps to laugh at other people's jokes. However, only smile when it seems appropriate. For instance, if someone makes a serious announcement, that's a time to skip the smile. Also, don't let your smile linger on for too long. If you do, people may think you're faking it. Try to smile genuinely. When you don't feel it, it can be harder to create a genuine smile. Make a conscious effort to give a full smile, as an uncommitted half-smile may not convince people. One way to help you smile more genuinely is to think of something that does make you happy, such as your kids or your kitten. 1-2. Smile to make yourself happy. Smiling actually has the power to make you happier. A smile signals to your body that you are happy, which in turn releases chemicals in your body that work towards your happiness. For starters, neuropeptides are released, which help fight off stress. Also, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are also released. These neurotransmitters also help you calm down and be happier. 1-3. Respond convincingly to questions of well-being. When someone asks you how you're doing, you can't say how you really feel if you're feeling down and want to appear happy. Therefore, you're going to need to fake it for the answer and give a response that they will believe. One way to respond convincingly is to pretend you're an actor or actress. Take on the part of the person you're playing. How would a happy person respond to a question like "How are you?"? They'd respond with a peppy answer and a smile. Keep it short. Most of the time, people don't really want to know how you're doing. A short "I'm doing great!" is all that's really needed in polite conversation. 1-4. Act confident. Being confident can help you portray a sense of happiness, even when you're not feeling it. When you act confident, people perceive you as confident, so you don't even need to feel the confidence for it to work. However, like happiness, acting confident can help you feel more confident. One way to look and feel more confident is to stand up straight. If you're slouching down, you're not exuding confidence. Also, look people in the eye. Always looking down or away is a sign of insecurity. When speaking, talk in a tone loud enough to hear. Enunciate your words, speaking distinctly. Don't be afraid to crack a joke. Confident people often use humor to lighten up the mood. 1-5. Go about your normal routine. Often, if you're sad, you want to slow down your life for a little while. You may want to mope or hide out at home. However, if you're trying to act happy, you need to at least go through the motions of your normal routine, such as going to work, meeting friends, and being with your family. 1-6. Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is not the same as happiness, but it can pass for it in a pinch. If you throw yourself into your life, embracing it with gusto, you'll appear happier, and in fact, you may make yourself happier in turn. Use your words. One way to show enthusiasm is to say how excited you are about something. For instance, say a new project comes up at work, and your boss wants people to volunteer. You could say, "I'd love to work on that project. It sounds fascinating." Also, it almost goes without saying, but try not to actively criticize whatever you're trying to be enthusiastic about. Saying "That's so dumb" does not exude enthusiasm. It's also about your tone of voice. You don't want to make your tone too peppy, as that can come off as sarcastic, but you do need some peppiness in your voice to show your enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a kind of vulnerability. That is, holding yourself back or pretending you don't like something is a way of protecting yourself. When you say you like something, you're stating an opinion that others can judge. Also, being generous with your praise to other people can make them happier, which makes them feel happier when they see you. They'll project some of that happiness on to you. 2. Being Happier 2-1. Go exercise. Exercise makes you healthier overall. However, it can also make you happier. For one, your brain thinks exercise is a type of stress, so it releases a protein in your brain that encourages you to be more relaxed. Your body also releases endorphins, which are intended to fight the pain of exercise and lead to happy feelings. Exercise can also help you sleep better, which you may have trouble doing when you're not as happy. In addition, it can increase your self-esteem, making you happier overall. Try different exercises to find ones you like. If you don't like soccer, try dancing. If tennis isn't your thing, take up swimming. Aim for at least 150 minutes a week of exercise. Some people suggest getting in 20 minutes of exercise every morning to jump-start your day. 2-2. Practice gratitude. People who are grateful and find ways to express it are generally happier overall than people who don't. Gratitude is the active practice of being thankful for the things and people in your life. Try to actively thank the people in your life for what they do and who they are. Don't just think it--tell them. Another way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down things you are thankful for every day. 2-3. Encourage curiosity. Happy people often seek out adventure. They want to try new things, explore new cultures, and see new places. They maintain a sense of awe about the world and find ways to make each day an adventure. Don't think you need lots of money to maintain curiosity. You can do it in your own city. Try a new cuisine you've never had before, or take a class in something you've always been interested in. Explore parts of the city you've never seen or go to a cultural event. Always be looking for something new to pique your interest. 2-4. Learn to love yourself. The happiest people have good self-esteem, meaning they like who they are. If you've always been down on yourself, learning to turn that around could contribute to you being happier in general. One way to start seeing yourself more positively is to make a list of all your strengths and the things you admire about yourself. Think about compliments you've received or ask a friend to help if you can't get started. Try to stop negative thinking. When you start thinking negatively about yourself, try to turn it into something positive or at least something realistic. For instance, if you think, "I hate my body," turn it into, "I don't always like the way my body looks, but I appreciate all the things my body does for me, like letting me hug my children, cook good food, and enjoy the sunshine." 2-5. Take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself can work towards your happiness, as when you're unhealthy, your body knows it. In turn, you don't feel as good, which can contribute to unhappiness and low self-esteem. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Get the required 8 hours of sleep a night by making sure you go to bed on time and giving yourself an hour of downtime before you should be asleep. Don't forget to eat healthily. Stick with low-fat proteins, such as chicken and fish, and focus on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables with some low-fat dairy on the side. 2-6. Find hobbies you love. Doing things you enjoy can make you happier, especially if you do those hobbies on a regular basis. Any activity that you enjoy can count as a hobby, even going to the movies. However, if you can find an activity where you are able to get into a creative "flow" that blocks out the world, that's even better. If you're not sure what hobby you might like, try exploring different hobbies by checking out books at the library. Once you figure out a hobby you want to try, look at community classes. Check with your local parks and recreation department or community college. 3. Working on Depression 3-1. Look for signs of depression. Depression is a clinical disorder that affects your mood. One common symptom of depression is staying in a sad or anxious mood for long periods of time or feeling hopeless. If you think you need to put on an act to be happy, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression. Other signs of depression are often feeling guilty or worthless or not having as much pleasure or interest in hobbies and activities. You may also feel more tired or have trouble focusing. Your memory can suffer, and you may be more indecisive. You might also have trouble sleeping, or your weight could go up and down. Thinking about suicide or harming yourself is another symptom. Depression can come on at certain times in your life, such as after pregnancy. Other people experience depression just during the winter when there's less light, called seasonal affective disorder. 3-2. Go to counseling to help with depression. A therapist can help you address some of the problems that are contributing to your depression. Some common types of therapy that may help with depression are problem-solving therapy, interpersonal therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. If you have a friend who's been in therapy before, consider asking them for a recommendation for a counselor. It can help you narrow down the search. If you're worried about affording counseling, look at sliding scale clinics in your area, which bases your payment on what you make. 3-3. Try an antidepressant. If you feel like you have to put on a happy act all the time, maybe your body needs some chemical help to make you feel happier. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and antidepressants can work to correct that imbalance. Different antidepressants work in different ways, so talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. One common type of antidepressant is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI. Common medications in this category are sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), and paroxetine (Paxil). The plus side to these antidepressants is they generally have fewer side effects than other antidepressants. Another category is serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). In this category, you have venlafaxine (Effexor XR) and duloxetine (Cymbalta), among others. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) is a norephedrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). The good side of this medication is it less likely to affect your sex life.
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:04", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Appearing Happy\\n1-1. Smile to make others happy.\\nWhen you smile, you automatically appear happier to other people. Also, smiling makes you seem more attractive and relaxed, which also contributes to the appearance of overall happiness.\\nActually, the brain perceives another person smiling as a reward. Therefore, when you smile at someone, it makes their brain happier.\\nIt also helps to laugh at other people's jokes. However, only smile when it seems appropriate. For instance, if someone makes a serious announcement, that's a time to skip the smile.\\nAlso, don't let your smile linger on for too long. If you do, people may think you're faking it.\\nTry to smile genuinely. When you don't feel it, it can be harder to create a genuine smile. Make a conscious effort to give a full smile, as an uncommitted half-smile may not convince people. One way to help you smile more genuinely is to think of something that does make you happy, such as your kids or your kitten.\\n1-2. Smile to make yourself happy.\\nSmiling actually has the power to make you happier. A smile signals to your body that you are happy, which in turn releases chemicals in your body that work towards your happiness.\\nFor starters, neuropeptides are released, which help fight off stress.\\nAlso, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are also released. These neurotransmitters also help you calm down and be happier.\\n1-3. Respond convincingly to questions of well-being.\\nWhen someone asks you how you're doing, you can't say how you really feel if you're feeling down and want to appear happy. Therefore, you're going to need to fake it for the answer and give a response that they will believe.\\nOne way to respond convincingly is to pretend you're an actor or actress. Take on the part of the person you're playing. How would a happy person respond to a question like \\\"How are you?\\\"? They'd respond with a peppy answer and a smile.\\nKeep it short. Most of the time, people don't really want to know how you're doing. A short \\\"I'm doing great!\\\" is all that's really needed in polite conversation.\\n1-4. Act confident.\\nBeing confident can help you portray a sense of happiness, even when you're not feeling it. When you act confident, people perceive you as confident, so you don't even need to feel the confidence for it to work. However, like happiness, acting confident can help you feel more confident.\\nOne way to look and feel more confident is to stand up straight. If you're slouching down, you're not exuding confidence.\\nAlso, look people in the eye. Always looking down or away is a sign of insecurity.\\nWhen speaking, talk in a tone loud enough to hear. Enunciate your words, speaking distinctly.\\nDon't be afraid to crack a joke. Confident people often use humor to lighten up the mood.\\n1-5. Go about your normal routine.\\nOften, if you're sad, you want to slow down your life for a little while. You may want to mope or hide out at home. However, if you're trying to act happy, you need to at least go through the motions of your normal routine, such as going to work, meeting friends, and being with your family.\\n1-6. Be enthusiastic.\\nEnthusiasm is not the same as happiness, but it can pass for it in a pinch. If you throw yourself into your life, embracing it with gusto, you'll appear happier, and in fact, you may make yourself happier in turn.\\nUse your words. One way to show enthusiasm is to say how excited you are about something. For instance, say a new project comes up at work, and your boss wants people to volunteer. You could say, \\\"I'd love to work on that project. It sounds fascinating.\\\" Also, it almost goes without saying, but try not to actively criticize whatever you're trying to be enthusiastic about. Saying \\\"That's so dumb\\\" does not exude enthusiasm.\\nIt's also about your tone of voice. You don't want to make your tone too peppy, as that can come off as sarcastic, but you do need some peppiness in your voice to show your enthusiasm.\\nEnthusiasm is a kind of vulnerability. That is, holding yourself back or pretending you don't like something is a way of protecting yourself. When you say you like something, you're stating an opinion that others can judge.\\nAlso, being generous with your praise to other people can make them happier, which makes them feel happier when they see you. They'll project some of that happiness on to you.\\n2. Being Happier\\n2-1. Go exercise.\\nExercise makes you healthier overall. However, it can also make you happier. For one, your brain thinks exercise is a type of stress, so it releases a protein in your brain that encourages you to be more relaxed. Your body also releases endorphins, which are intended to fight the pain of exercise and lead to happy feelings.\\nExercise can also help you sleep better, which you may have trouble doing when you're not as happy. In addition, it can increase your self-esteem, making you happier overall.\\nTry different exercises to find ones you like. If you don't like soccer, try dancing. If tennis isn't your thing, take up swimming.\\nAim for at least 150 minutes a week of exercise. Some people suggest getting in 20 minutes of exercise every morning to jump-start your day.\\n2-2. Practice gratitude.\\nPeople who are grateful and find ways to express it are generally happier overall than people who don't. Gratitude is the active practice of being thankful for the things and people in your life.\\nTry to actively thank the people in your life for what they do and who they are. Don't just think it--tell them.\\nAnother way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down things you are thankful for every day.\\n2-3. Encourage curiosity.\\nHappy people often seek out adventure. They want to try new things, explore new cultures, and see new places. They maintain a sense of awe about the world and find ways to make each day an adventure.\\nDon't think you need lots of money to maintain curiosity. You can do it in your own city. Try a new cuisine you've never had before, or take a class in something you've always been interested in.\\nExplore parts of the city you've never seen or go to a cultural event. Always be looking for something new to pique your interest.\\n2-4. Learn to love yourself.\\nThe happiest people have good self-esteem, meaning they like who they are. If you've always been down on yourself, learning to turn that around could contribute to you being happier in general.\\nOne way to start seeing yourself more positively is to make a list of all your strengths and the things you admire about yourself. Think about compliments you've received or ask a friend to help if you can't get started.\\nTry to stop negative thinking. When you start thinking negatively about yourself, try to turn it into something positive or at least something realistic. For instance, if you think, \\\"I hate my body,\\\" turn it into, \\\"I don't always like the way my body looks, but I appreciate all the things my body does for me, like letting me hug my children, cook good food, and enjoy the sunshine.\\\"\\n2-5. Take care of yourself.\\nTaking care of yourself can work towards your happiness, as when you're unhealthy, your body knows it. In turn, you don't feel as good, which can contribute to unhappiness and low self-esteem.\\nMake sure you are getting enough sleep. Get the required 8 hours of sleep a night by making sure you go to bed on time and giving yourself an hour of downtime before you should be asleep.\\nDon't forget to eat healthily. Stick with low-fat proteins, such as chicken and fish, and focus on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables with some low-fat dairy on the side.\\n2-6. Find hobbies you love.\\nDoing things you enjoy can make you happier, especially if you do those hobbies on a regular basis. Any activity that you enjoy can count as a hobby, even going to the movies. However, if you can find an activity where you are able to get into a creative \\\"flow\\\" that blocks out the world, that's even better.\\nIf you're not sure what hobby you might like, try exploring different hobbies by checking out books at the library.\\nOnce you figure out a hobby you want to try, look at community classes. Check with your local parks and recreation department or community college.\\n3. Working on Depression\\n3-1. Look for signs of depression.\\nDepression is a clinical disorder that affects your mood. One common symptom of depression is staying in a sad or anxious mood for long periods of time or feeling hopeless. If you think you need to put on an act to be happy, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression.\\nOther signs of depression are often feeling guilty or worthless or not having as much pleasure or interest in hobbies and activities.\\nYou may also feel more tired or have trouble focusing. Your memory can suffer, and you may be more indecisive.\\nYou might also have trouble sleeping, or your weight could go up and down.\\nThinking about suicide or harming yourself is another symptom.\\nDepression can come on at certain times in your life, such as after pregnancy. Other people experience depression just during the winter when there's less light, called seasonal affective disorder.\\n3-2. Go to counseling to help with depression.\\nA therapist can help you address some of the problems that are contributing to your depression. Some common types of therapy that may help with depression are problem-solving therapy, interpersonal therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.\\nIf you have a friend who's been in therapy before, consider asking them for a recommendation for a counselor. It can help you narrow down the search.\\nIf you're worried about affording counseling, look at sliding scale clinics in your area, which bases your payment on what you make.\\n3-3. Try an antidepressant.\\nIf you feel like you have to put on a happy act all the time, maybe your body needs some chemical help to make you feel happier. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and antidepressants can work to correct that imbalance. Different antidepressants work in different ways, so talk to your doctor about which one is right for you.\\nOne common type of antidepressant is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI. Common medications in this category are sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), and paroxetine (Paxil). The plus side to these antidepressants is they generally have fewer side effects than other antidepressants.\\nAnother category is serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). In this category, you have venlafaxine (Effexor XR) and duloxetine (Cymbalta), among others.\\nBupropion (Wellbutrin) is a norephedrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). The good side of this medication is it less likely to affect your sex life.\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"Acting happy even when you're not can actually help boost your mood and turn your day around. It also just makes it easier to be around other people when you're feeling down. Fortunately, pretending to be happy and positive is easier than you'd think. Keep reading to learn how to start acting happy today, plus some steps you can take to actually feel happier from within.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Appearing Happy\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Smile to make others happy.\", \"描述\": \"When you smile, you automatically appear happier to other people. Also, smiling makes you seem more attractive and relaxed, which also contributes to the appearance of overall happiness.\\nActually, the brain perceives another person smiling as a reward. Therefore, when you smile at someone, it makes their brain happier.\\nIt also helps to laugh at other people's jokes. However, only smile when it seems appropriate. For instance, if someone makes a serious announcement, that's a time to skip the smile.\\nAlso, don't let your smile linger on for too long. If you do, people may think you're faking it.\\nTry to smile genuinely. When you don't feel it, it can be harder to create a genuine smile. Make a conscious effort to give a full smile, as an uncommitted half-smile may not convince people. One way to help you smile more genuinely is to think of something that does make you happy, such as your kids or your kitten.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Smile to make yourself happy.\", \"描述\": \"Smiling actually has the power to make you happier. A smile signals to your body that you are happy, which in turn releases chemicals in your body that work towards your happiness.\\nFor starters, neuropeptides are released, which help fight off stress.\\nAlso, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are also released. These neurotransmitters also help you calm down and be happier.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Respond convincingly to questions of well-being.\", \"描述\": \"When someone asks you how you're doing, you can't say how you really feel if you're feeling down and want to appear happy. Therefore, you're going to need to fake it for the answer and give a response that they will believe.\\nOne way to respond convincingly is to pretend you're an actor or actress. Take on the part of the person you're playing. How would a happy person respond to a question like \\\"How are you?\\\"? They'd respond with a peppy answer and a smile.\\nKeep it short. Most of the time, people don't really want to know how you're doing. A short \\\"I'm doing great!\\\" is all that's really needed in polite conversation.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Act confident.\", \"描述\": \"Being confident can help you portray a sense of happiness, even when you're not feeling it. When you act confident, people perceive you as confident, so you don't even need to feel the confidence for it to work. However, like happiness, acting confident can help you feel more confident.\\nOne way to look and feel more confident is to stand up straight. If you're slouching down, you're not exuding confidence.\\nAlso, look people in the eye. Always looking down or away is a sign of insecurity.\\nWhen speaking, talk in a tone loud enough to hear. Enunciate your words, speaking distinctly.\\nDon't be afraid to crack a joke. Confident people often use humor to lighten up the mood.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Go about your normal routine.\", \"描述\": \"Often, if you're sad, you want to slow down your life for a little while. You may want to mope or hide out at home. However, if you're trying to act happy, you need to at least go through the motions of your normal routine, such as going to work, meeting friends, and being with your family.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Be enthusiastic.\", \"描述\": \"Enthusiasm is not the same as happiness, but it can pass for it in a pinch. If you throw yourself into your life, embracing it with gusto, you'll appear happier, and in fact, you may make yourself happier in turn.\\nUse your words. One way to show enthusiasm is to say how excited you are about something. For instance, say a new project comes up at work, and your boss wants people to volunteer. You could say, \\\"I'd love to work on that project. It sounds fascinating.\\\" Also, it almost goes without saying, but try not to actively criticize whatever you're trying to be enthusiastic about. Saying \\\"That's so dumb\\\" does not exude enthusiasm.\\nIt's also about your tone of voice. You don't want to make your tone too peppy, as that can come off as sarcastic, but you do need some peppiness in your voice to show your enthusiasm.\\nEnthusiasm is a kind of vulnerability. That is, holding yourself back or pretending you don't like something is a way of protecting yourself. When you say you like something, you're stating an opinion that others can judge.\\nAlso, being generous with your praise to other people can make them happier, which makes them feel happier when they see you. They'll project some of that happiness on to you.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Being Happier\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Go exercise.\", \"描述\": \"Exercise makes you healthier overall. However, it can also make you happier. For one, your brain thinks exercise is a type of stress, so it releases a protein in your brain that encourages you to be more relaxed. Your body also releases endorphins, which are intended to fight the pain of exercise and lead to happy feelings.\\nExercise can also help you sleep better, which you may have trouble doing when you're not as happy. In addition, it can increase your self-esteem, making you happier overall.\\nTry different exercises to find ones you like. If you don't like soccer, try dancing. If tennis isn't your thing, take up swimming.\\nAim for at least 150 minutes a week of exercise. Some people suggest getting in 20 minutes of exercise every morning to jump-start your day.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Practice gratitude.\", \"描述\": \"People who are grateful and find ways to express it are generally happier overall than people who don't. Gratitude is the active practice of being thankful for the things and people in your life.\\nTry to actively thank the people in your life for what they do and who they are. Don't just think it--tell them.\\nAnother way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down things you are thankful for every day.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Encourage curiosity.\", \"描述\": \"Happy people often seek out adventure. They want to try new things, explore new cultures, and see new places. They maintain a sense of awe about the world and find ways to make each day an adventure.\\nDon't think you need lots of money to maintain curiosity. You can do it in your own city. Try a new cuisine you've never had before, or take a class in something you've always been interested in.\\nExplore parts of the city you've never seen or go to a cultural event. Always be looking for something new to pique your interest.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Learn to love yourself.\", \"描述\": \"The happiest people have good self-esteem, meaning they like who they are. If you've always been down on yourself, learning to turn that around could contribute to you being happier in general.\\nOne way to start seeing yourself more positively is to make a list of all your strengths and the things you admire about yourself. Think about compliments you've received or ask a friend to help if you can't get started.\\nTry to stop negative thinking. When you start thinking negatively about yourself, try to turn it into something positive or at least something realistic. For instance, if you think, \\\"I hate my body,\\\" turn it into, \\\"I don't always like the way my body looks, but I appreciate all the things my body does for me, like letting me hug my children, cook good food, and enjoy the sunshine.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Take care of yourself.\", \"描述\": \"Taking care of yourself can work towards your happiness, as when you're unhealthy, your body knows it. In turn, you don't feel as good, which can contribute to unhappiness and low self-esteem.\\nMake sure you are getting enough sleep. Get the required 8 hours of sleep a night by making sure you go to bed on time and giving yourself an hour of downtime before you should be asleep.\\nDon't forget to eat healthily. Stick with low-fat proteins, such as chicken and fish, and focus on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables with some low-fat dairy on the side.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Find hobbies you love.\", \"描述\": \"Doing things you enjoy can make you happier, especially if you do those hobbies on a regular basis. Any activity that you enjoy can count as a hobby, even going to the movies. However, if you can find an activity where you are able to get into a creative \\\"flow\\\" that blocks out the world, that's even better.\\nIf you're not sure what hobby you might like, try exploring different hobbies by checking out books at the library.\\nOnce you figure out a hobby you want to try, look at community classes. Check with your local parks and recreation department or community college.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Working on Depression\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Look for signs of depression.\", \"描述\": \"Depression is a clinical disorder that affects your mood. One common symptom of depression is staying in a sad or anxious mood for long periods of time or feeling hopeless. If you think you need to put on an act to be happy, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression.\\nOther signs of depression are often feeling guilty or worthless or not having as much pleasure or interest in hobbies and activities.\\nYou may also feel more tired or have trouble focusing. Your memory can suffer, and you may be more indecisive.\\nYou might also have trouble sleeping, or your weight could go up and down.\\nThinking about suicide or harming yourself is another symptom.\\nDepression can come on at certain times in your life, such as after pregnancy. Other people experience depression just during the winter when there's less light, called seasonal affective disorder.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Go to counseling to help with depression.\", \"描述\": \"A therapist can help you address some of the problems that are contributing to your depression. Some common types of therapy that may help with depression are problem-solving therapy, interpersonal therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.\\nIf you have a friend who's been in therapy before, consider asking them for a recommendation for a counselor. It can help you narrow down the search.\\nIf you're worried about affording counseling, look at sliding scale clinics in your area, which bases your payment on what you make.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Try an antidepressant.\", \"描述\": \"If you feel like you have to put on a happy act all the time, maybe your body needs some chemical help to make you feel happier. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and antidepressants can work to correct that imbalance. Different antidepressants work in different ways, so talk to your doctor about which one is right for you.\\nOne common type of antidepressant is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI. Common medications in this category are sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), and paroxetine (Paxil). The plus side to these antidepressants is they generally have fewer side effects than other antidepressants.\\nAnother category is serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). In this category, you have venlafaxine (Effexor XR) and duloxetine (Cymbalta), among others.\\nBupropion (Wellbutrin) is a norephedrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). The good side of this medication is it less likely to affect your sex life.\"}]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }
How to Act High
1. Mastering High Behaviors 1-1. Master the zoned-out stare. People who are high often laze around, watching the world around them through half-closed lids. To perfect the dazed and half asleep look, slack your jaw and loll your head slightly to one side. People who smoke or consume marijuana often get lost in their thoughts, and are easily distracted. To really show you have zoned out, act like you are thinking about something totally irrelevant to your surroundings. That way, you can better act like you are detached from reality. You can also express your random thoughts or insight to those around you so that you can really portray the fact that you have zoned out. Try to bring up a topic, random fact, or insight that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Act like you have discovered something about yourself or your surroundings that is already very obvious. 1-2. Slow your reaction time. People who are high from marijuana have delayed responses, so try to respond to everything slower than usual. Let that ball hit you in the face and do things as if your entire world was moving in slow motion. If you have to sit, stand or move, be sure to do so slowly and languidly. Do this authentically -- don't act like you are in a video that has been slowed down. Essentially, you just want it to seem like it is taking you longer to think about things and to make movements than it should or normally would. 1-3. Giggle more than usual. One sign of being high is increased giggling or laughter, usually for little to no reason. If someone does something funny, try to laugh or giggle harder than you normally would. Giggle at things that aren't usually very funny, and act like you can't stop laughing. Pot often makes people feel happier and more free at first, so giggling and laughing over every little thing will help show that you are relaxed and carefree. 1-4. Fake the munchies. People often develop growing appetites after they use marijuana. Imagine you haven't eaten anything but lettuce for the past month, and you've just set foot in a food haven where you can eat everything you can get your hands on. That feeling is known in the stoner world as the munchies. Nutrition is rarely a concern to someone who is high and has the munchies. After using marijuana, a person will often devour the most junk and combine the craziest concoctions available. 1-5. Display red eyes and dilated pupils. People who are high from marijuana often have red eyes and carry eye drops to counteract the redness or wear sunglasses. If you really want to look like you've been smoking pot, find some creative ways to bring redness to your eyes. Try to stay in darker lit areas so your pupils look more dilated. If you want to mimic red eyes for as short period of time, rub your eyes for a bit. Then, carry around some eyedrops to act like you are trying to counteract the redness. You can also bring a pair of sunglasses with you and put them on when you are around people, to act like you are trying to hide your redness. You can also create eye redness by reducing your sleep. Marijuana users are often prone to drowsiness anyways, so getting less sleep than usual will increase redness in your eyes and help you play the role better. You may also be able to find some contact lenses that are colored to look like you have eye redness. 1-6. Become accident prone. Just like they effect a drunk person, poor coordination and judgment make a high person prone to mishaps. Since you can become absent minded and careless while high, you will often wrongly estimate your capabilities and cause accidents. You could mess things up even worse the more you try to be careful, causing one disaster to lead to another and the next after that. For example, while acting high you could find it difficult to pour a cup of coffee. You might splash hot coffee onto your hand, which causes you to bump the cup off of the table. The cup smashes on the floor, and while trying to clean up the mess you cut your finger, and so on and so forth. 1-7. Develop short-term memory loss. Sometimes when people are high, they suffer from short-term memory loss. A high person might begin a story or even a sentence and forget what they were saying halfway through. Forgetfulness might also cause a high person to enter a room and forget what they're there for. 1-8. Perfect your fascinated stare. When people are high, they often become fascinated with random objects or movements. After a person uses marijuana, they might suddenly begin to stare blankly at the hands of a clock, a dripping faucet or a spinning ceiling fan. Any repetitive motion tends to catch the eye of a stoner. Just like the zoned out stare, the fascinated stare comes from the fact that you are distracted by something. While the zoned out stare means you are lost in your thoughts, the fascinated stare shows that something in your surroundings has suddenly peaked your interest. Choose an object around you that is moving, and stare at it for a long time, until people start to notice. Cartoons also are fascinating to high people. Whether it's, "The Simpsons," Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse on the screen, stoners will stare intensely at the television and maniacally laugh at random scenes. 2. Getting Into Character 2-1. Take on the persona of a high person in your everyday life. Mastering a role involves much more than rehearsing lines. To really be able to fool people, you'll need to practice being high frequently. Spend an entire day acting high, and make sure you practice when you are around people. Use all the techniques in mastering high behaviors in your day. If you are around someone who knows you are just playing a part, ask them to watch you and give you advice afterwards. Make sure you have someone who can praise or critique your performance afterwards so you know if you are doing a convincing job. 2-2. Write a bio for your character. Fill in the blanks left by the writer, and write a bio based around your character's known traits and experienced. Imagine how the character would dress, how he or she would talk, think and act based on the biographical characteristics. This may help you perform better, because you'll have a specific character to go off of. Different people also have different reactions to pot. If you are playing a specific role, make sure you understand how that character responds to marijuana. Some people may be more carefree and giggly, while others may experience increased heart rate, anxiety, or aloofness that leads to depression. While it seems like marijuana is always displayed as the happy drug, this isn't always true. 2-3. Improvise a story. Practice getting into the high character by play acting with a partner, making up only one or a few lines at a time. It doesn't matter where the story leads you, the important part is you act high the whole time, according to the bio you previously wrote about your character. Ask your friend to tell you when you've broken character or when it seems completely posed. Part of a performance involves rehearsing lines and doing takes multiple times, so if you have to rehearse the same lines multiple times don't be discouraged. 2-4. Play a game of cards while in character. Entertain yourself while practicing for the role of a marijuana user by playing a game while acting high. The activities involved in a card game are redundant, yet sporadic enough to challenge your skills and ability to continue acting high. Not only can you practice acting stoned with a card game, but you can prepare for an audition in the same way. Both social and solitary games of cards will keep you from trying too hard, while helping tap into the right emotional context. 3. Researching the Role 3-1. Watch relevant examples of thespians acting high for a role. The best way to learn how to act high is to watch other actors do it. Plenty of movies and television shows depict marijuana users, and you can learn a lot by watching experienced actors' portrayals. If you're preparing for a comedic role, watch movies such as, "Up in Smoke," "Half Baked" or "Dude, Where's My Car?" To prepare for a more dramatic role, watch examples of marijuana users in movies such as "Dazed and Confused," "The Breakfast Club" or "Blow." 3-2. Talk to others about their experiences while high. Even if you don't use marijuana, chances are you know someone who either does or did in the past. Explain to the person you are preparing for a dramatic role, and ask questions about his or her experiences. You can attain an even better understanding of your friend's memories by asking him or her to reenact their experiences rather than simply describing them. You can best prepare to act high by recording your sessions. Each time you speak with a person about their memories of being high, record the discussion. You will get an even better grasp of the behaviors by watching the sessions multiple times. 3-3. Watch others smoke marijuana. If you live in a place where marijuana use is legal, you can see how to act high firsthand by watching others smoke the plant or ingest it through edibles. Pay attention to their mannerisms, actions, speech patterns and behaviors. 3-4. Try some marijuana. If you live in an area where smoking marijuana is legal, you can always draw from personal experience by sampling some for yourself. Only try a small amount if you are not an experienced smoker. You can use marijuana in a variety of ways, including smoking it or ingesting it in pot butter, brownies, candy and a variety of other edibles. Prepare for your role by keeping a notebook during your high experience to later remember your thoughts while high and by recording the session to later watch your behaviors and mannerisms. Keep in mind that marijuana can have dangerous side effects. Because it slows your reaction time, avoid driving a car or doing activity that can danger you while you are affected by the drug. Marijuana effects usually wear off after three to four hours, so give yourself some time to experience the drug before you try to go out in public. Know that marijuana also increases your heart rate, so if you already are at risk for a heart attack, avoid using marijuana altogether. Tips Anyone who is a true smoker of cannabis might see right through your charade. Try to incorporate a little bit of all the steps into your act so that you are very convincing. Another thing you can do to act high is put chapstick on your eyelids Warnings Deliberately acting high should be saved for acting roles, not everyday life. Marijuana is only legal in some form in 23 of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.[15] X Research source
{ "create_time": "20230517 10:43:04", "回答明细": "{\"回答\": \"1. Mastering High Behaviors\\n1-1. Master the zoned-out stare.\\nPeople who are high often laze around, watching the world around them through half-closed lids. To perfect the dazed and half asleep look, slack your jaw and loll your head slightly to one side.\\nPeople who smoke or consume marijuana often get lost in their thoughts, and are easily distracted. To really show you have zoned out, act like you are thinking about something totally irrelevant to your surroundings. That way, you can better act like you are detached from reality. \\nYou can also express your random thoughts or insight to those around you so that you can really portray the fact that you have zoned out. Try to bring up a topic, random fact, or insight that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Act like you have discovered something about yourself or your surroundings that is already very obvious.\\n1-2. Slow your reaction time.\\nPeople who are high from marijuana have delayed responses, so try to respond to everything slower than usual. Let that ball hit you in the face and do things as if your entire world was moving in slow motion. If you have to sit, stand or move, be sure to do so slowly and languidly.\\nDo this authentically -- don't act like you are in a video that has been slowed down. Essentially, you just want it to seem like it is taking you longer to think about things and to make movements than it should or normally would.\\n1-3. Giggle more than usual.\\nOne sign of being high is increased giggling or laughter, usually for little to no reason. If someone does something funny, try to laugh or giggle harder than you normally would. Giggle at things that aren't usually very funny, and act like you can't stop laughing.\\nPot often makes people feel happier and more free at first, so giggling and laughing over every little thing will help show that you are relaxed and carefree.\\n1-4. Fake the munchies.\\nPeople often develop growing appetites after they use marijuana. Imagine you haven't eaten anything but lettuce for the past month, and you've just set foot in a food haven where you can eat everything you can get your hands on. That feeling is known in the stoner world as the munchies.\\nNutrition is rarely a concern to someone who is high and has the munchies. After using marijuana, a person will often devour the most junk and combine the craziest concoctions available.\\n1-5. Display red eyes and dilated pupils.\\nPeople who are high from marijuana often have red eyes and carry eye drops to counteract the redness or wear sunglasses. If you really want to look like you've been smoking pot, find some creative ways to bring redness to your eyes. Try to stay in darker lit areas so your pupils look more dilated.\\nIf you want to mimic red eyes for as short period of time, rub your eyes for a bit. Then, carry around some eyedrops to act like you are trying to counteract the redness. You can also bring a pair of sunglasses with you and put them on when you are around people, to act like you are trying to hide your redness.\\nYou can also create eye redness by reducing your sleep. Marijuana users are often prone to drowsiness anyways, so getting less sleep than usual will increase redness in your eyes and help you play the role better. You may also be able to find some contact lenses that are colored to look like you have eye redness.\\n1-6. Become accident prone.\\nJust like they effect a drunk person, poor coordination and judgment make a high person prone to mishaps. Since you can become absent minded and careless while high, you will often wrongly estimate your capabilities and cause accidents. You could mess things up even worse the more you try to be careful, causing one disaster to lead to another and the next after that.\\nFor example, while acting high you could find it difficult to pour a cup of coffee. You might splash hot coffee onto your hand, which causes you to bump the cup off of the table. The cup smashes on the floor, and while trying to clean up the mess you cut your finger, and so on and so forth.\\n1-7. Develop short-term memory loss.\\nSometimes when people are high, they suffer from short-term memory loss. A high person might begin a story or even a sentence and forget what they were saying halfway through. Forgetfulness might also cause a high person to enter a room and forget what they're there for.\\n1-8. Perfect your fascinated stare.\\nWhen people are high, they often become fascinated with random objects or movements. After a person uses marijuana, they might suddenly begin to stare blankly at the hands of a clock, a dripping faucet or a spinning ceiling fan. Any repetitive motion tends to catch the eye of a stoner.\\nJust like the zoned out stare, the fascinated stare comes from the fact that you are distracted by something. While the zoned out stare means you are lost in your thoughts, the fascinated stare shows that something in your surroundings has suddenly peaked your interest. Choose an object around you that is moving, and stare at it for a long time, until people start to notice.\\nCartoons also are fascinating to high people. Whether it's, \\\"The Simpsons,\\\" Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse on the screen, stoners will stare intensely at the television and maniacally laugh at random scenes.\\n2. Getting Into Character\\n2-1. Take on the persona of a high person in your everyday life.\\nMastering a role involves much more than rehearsing lines. To really be able to fool people, you'll need to practice being high frequently. Spend an entire day acting high, and make sure you practice when you are around people.\\nUse all the techniques in mastering high behaviors in your day. If you are around someone who knows you are just playing a part, ask them to watch you and give you advice afterwards. Make sure you have someone who can praise or critique your performance afterwards so you know if you are doing a convincing job.\\n2-2. Write a bio for your character.\\nFill in the blanks left by the writer, and write a bio based around your character's known traits and experienced. Imagine how the character would dress, how he or she would talk, think and act based on the biographical characteristics. This may help you perform better, because you'll have a specific character to go off of.\\nDifferent people also have different reactions to pot. If you are playing a specific role, make sure you understand how that character responds to marijuana. Some people may be more carefree and giggly, while others may experience increased heart rate, anxiety, or aloofness that leads to depression. While it seems like marijuana is always displayed as the happy drug, this isn't always true.\\n2-3. Improvise a story.\\nPractice getting into the high character by play acting with a partner, making up only one or a few lines at a time. It doesn't matter where the story leads you, the important part is you act high the whole time, according to the bio you previously wrote about your character. \\nAsk your friend to tell you when you've broken character or when it seems completely posed. Part of a performance involves rehearsing lines and doing takes multiple times, so if you have to rehearse the same lines multiple times don't be discouraged.\\n2-4. Play a game of cards while in character.\\nEntertain yourself while practicing for the role of a marijuana user by playing a game while acting high. The activities involved in a card game are redundant, yet sporadic enough to challenge your skills and ability to continue acting high.\\nNot only can you practice acting stoned with a card game, but you can prepare for an audition in the same way. Both social and solitary games of cards will keep you from trying too hard, while helping tap into the right emotional context.\\n3. Researching the Role\\n3-1. Watch relevant examples of thespians acting high for a role.\\nThe best way to learn how to act high is to watch other actors do it. Plenty of movies and television shows depict marijuana users, and you can learn a lot by watching experienced actors' portrayals.\\nIf you're preparing for a comedic role, watch movies such as, \\\"Up in Smoke,\\\" \\\"Half Baked\\\" or \\\"Dude, Where's My Car?\\\"\\nTo prepare for a more dramatic role, watch examples of marijuana users in movies such as \\\"Dazed and Confused,\\\" \\\"The Breakfast Club\\\" or \\\"Blow.\\\"\\n3-2. Talk to others about their experiences while high.\\nEven if you don't use marijuana, chances are you know someone who either does or did in the past. Explain to the person you are preparing for a dramatic role, and ask questions about his or her experiences.\\nYou can attain an even better understanding of your friend's memories by asking him or her to reenact their experiences rather than simply describing them.\\nYou can best prepare to act high by recording your sessions. Each time you speak with a person about their memories of being high, record the discussion. You will get an even better grasp of the behaviors by watching the sessions multiple times.\\n3-3. Watch others smoke marijuana.\\nIf you live in a place where marijuana use is legal, you can see how to act high firsthand by watching others smoke the plant or ingest it through edibles. Pay attention to their mannerisms, actions, speech patterns and behaviors.\\n3-4. Try some marijuana.\\nIf you live in an area where smoking marijuana is legal, you can always draw from personal experience by sampling some for yourself. Only try a small amount if you are not an experienced smoker.\\nYou can use marijuana in a variety of ways, including smoking it or ingesting it in pot butter, brownies, candy and a variety of other edibles.\\nPrepare for your role by keeping a notebook during your high experience to later remember your thoughts while high and by recording the session to later watch your behaviors and mannerisms.\\nKeep in mind that marijuana can have dangerous side effects. Because it slows your reaction time, avoid driving a car or doing activity that can danger you while you are affected by the drug. Marijuana effects usually wear off after three to four hours, so give yourself some time to experience the drug before you try to go out in public. Know that marijuana also increases your heart rate, so if you already are at risk for a heart attack, avoid using marijuana altogether.\\nTips\\nAnyone who is a true smoker of cannabis might see right through your charade.\\nTry to incorporate a little bit of all the steps into your act so that you are very convincing.\\nAnother thing you can do to act high is put chapstick on your eyelids\\nWarnings\\nDeliberately acting high should be saved for acting roles, not everyday life. Marijuana is only legal in some form in 23 of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.[15]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\", \"简要回答\": \"What do you do when you've been cast in the role of a stoner but you've never actually gotten high from marijuana? After all, you want to give a convincing performance. To prepare for a role in which you must act high, there are certain steps to pull off the performance, beginning with research. If you also get into character and master various stoner behaviors, you'll easily pull off the part.\", \"结构\": {\"方法\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Mastering High Behaviors\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Master the zoned-out stare.\", \"描述\": \"People who are high often laze around, watching the world around them through half-closed lids. To perfect the dazed and half asleep look, slack your jaw and loll your head slightly to one side.\\nPeople who smoke or consume marijuana often get lost in their thoughts, and are easily distracted. To really show you have zoned out, act like you are thinking about something totally irrelevant to your surroundings. That way, you can better act like you are detached from reality. \\nYou can also express your random thoughts or insight to those around you so that you can really portray the fact that you have zoned out. Try to bring up a topic, random fact, or insight that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Act like you have discovered something about yourself or your surroundings that is already very obvious.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Slow your reaction time.\", \"描述\": \"People who are high from marijuana have delayed responses, so try to respond to everything slower than usual. Let that ball hit you in the face and do things as if your entire world was moving in slow motion. If you have to sit, stand or move, be sure to do so slowly and languidly.\\nDo this authentically -- don't act like you are in a video that has been slowed down. Essentially, you just want it to seem like it is taking you longer to think about things and to make movements than it should or normally would.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Giggle more than usual.\", \"描述\": \"One sign of being high is increased giggling or laughter, usually for little to no reason. If someone does something funny, try to laugh or giggle harder than you normally would. Giggle at things that aren't usually very funny, and act like you can't stop laughing.\\nPot often makes people feel happier and more free at first, so giggling and laughing over every little thing will help show that you are relaxed and carefree.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Fake the munchies.\", \"描述\": \"People often develop growing appetites after they use marijuana. Imagine you haven't eaten anything but lettuce for the past month, and you've just set foot in a food haven where you can eat everything you can get your hands on. That feeling is known in the stoner world as the munchies.\\nNutrition is rarely a concern to someone who is high and has the munchies. After using marijuana, a person will often devour the most junk and combine the craziest concoctions available.\"}, {\"编号\": 5, \"标题\": \"Display red eyes and dilated pupils.\", \"描述\": \"People who are high from marijuana often have red eyes and carry eye drops to counteract the redness or wear sunglasses. If you really want to look like you've been smoking pot, find some creative ways to bring redness to your eyes. Try to stay in darker lit areas so your pupils look more dilated.\\nIf you want to mimic red eyes for as short period of time, rub your eyes for a bit. Then, carry around some eyedrops to act like you are trying to counteract the redness. You can also bring a pair of sunglasses with you and put them on when you are around people, to act like you are trying to hide your redness.\\nYou can also create eye redness by reducing your sleep. Marijuana users are often prone to drowsiness anyways, so getting less sleep than usual will increase redness in your eyes and help you play the role better. You may also be able to find some contact lenses that are colored to look like you have eye redness.\"}, {\"编号\": 6, \"标题\": \"Become accident prone.\", \"描述\": \"Just like they effect a drunk person, poor coordination and judgment make a high person prone to mishaps. Since you can become absent minded and careless while high, you will often wrongly estimate your capabilities and cause accidents. You could mess things up even worse the more you try to be careful, causing one disaster to lead to another and the next after that.\\nFor example, while acting high you could find it difficult to pour a cup of coffee. You might splash hot coffee onto your hand, which causes you to bump the cup off of the table. The cup smashes on the floor, and while trying to clean up the mess you cut your finger, and so on and so forth.\"}, {\"编号\": 7, \"标题\": \"Develop short-term memory loss.\", \"描述\": \"Sometimes when people are high, they suffer from short-term memory loss. A high person might begin a story or even a sentence and forget what they were saying halfway through. Forgetfulness might also cause a high person to enter a room and forget what they're there for.\"}, {\"编号\": 8, \"标题\": \"Perfect your fascinated stare.\", \"描述\": \"When people are high, they often become fascinated with random objects or movements. After a person uses marijuana, they might suddenly begin to stare blankly at the hands of a clock, a dripping faucet or a spinning ceiling fan. Any repetitive motion tends to catch the eye of a stoner.\\nJust like the zoned out stare, the fascinated stare comes from the fact that you are distracted by something. While the zoned out stare means you are lost in your thoughts, the fascinated stare shows that something in your surroundings has suddenly peaked your interest. Choose an object around you that is moving, and stare at it for a long time, until people start to notice.\\nCartoons also are fascinating to high people. Whether it's, \\\"The Simpsons,\\\" Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse on the screen, stoners will stare intensely at the television and maniacally laugh at random scenes.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Getting Into Character\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Take on the persona of a high person in your everyday life.\", \"描述\": \"Mastering a role involves much more than rehearsing lines. To really be able to fool people, you'll need to practice being high frequently. Spend an entire day acting high, and make sure you practice when you are around people.\\nUse all the techniques in mastering high behaviors in your day. If you are around someone who knows you are just playing a part, ask them to watch you and give you advice afterwards. Make sure you have someone who can praise or critique your performance afterwards so you know if you are doing a convincing job.\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Write a bio for your character.\", \"描述\": \"Fill in the blanks left by the writer, and write a bio based around your character's known traits and experienced. Imagine how the character would dress, how he or she would talk, think and act based on the biographical characteristics. This may help you perform better, because you'll have a specific character to go off of.\\nDifferent people also have different reactions to pot. If you are playing a specific role, make sure you understand how that character responds to marijuana. Some people may be more carefree and giggly, while others may experience increased heart rate, anxiety, or aloofness that leads to depression. While it seems like marijuana is always displayed as the happy drug, this isn't always true.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Improvise a story.\", \"描述\": \"Practice getting into the high character by play acting with a partner, making up only one or a few lines at a time. It doesn't matter where the story leads you, the important part is you act high the whole time, according to the bio you previously wrote about your character. \\nAsk your friend to tell you when you've broken character or when it seems completely posed. Part of a performance involves rehearsing lines and doing takes multiple times, so if you have to rehearse the same lines multiple times don't be discouraged.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Play a game of cards while in character.\", \"描述\": \"Entertain yourself while practicing for the role of a marijuana user by playing a game while acting high. The activities involved in a card game are redundant, yet sporadic enough to challenge your skills and ability to continue acting high.\\nNot only can you practice acting stoned with a card game, but you can prepare for an audition in the same way. Both social and solitary games of cards will keep you from trying too hard, while helping tap into the right emotional context.\"}]}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Researching the Role\", \"步骤\": [{\"编号\": 1, \"标题\": \"Watch relevant examples of thespians acting high for a role.\", \"描述\": \"The best way to learn how to act high is to watch other actors do it. Plenty of movies and television shows depict marijuana users, and you can learn a lot by watching experienced actors' portrayals.\\nIf you're preparing for a comedic role, watch movies such as, \\\"Up in Smoke,\\\" \\\"Half Baked\\\" or \\\"Dude, Where's My Car?\\\"\\nTo prepare for a more dramatic role, watch examples of marijuana users in movies such as \\\"Dazed and Confused,\\\" \\\"The Breakfast Club\\\" or \\\"Blow.\\\"\"}, {\"编号\": 2, \"标题\": \"Talk to others about their experiences while high.\", \"描述\": \"Even if you don't use marijuana, chances are you know someone who either does or did in the past. Explain to the person you are preparing for a dramatic role, and ask questions about his or her experiences.\\nYou can attain an even better understanding of your friend's memories by asking him or her to reenact their experiences rather than simply describing them.\\nYou can best prepare to act high by recording your sessions. Each time you speak with a person about their memories of being high, record the discussion. You will get an even better grasp of the behaviors by watching the sessions multiple times.\"}, {\"编号\": 3, \"标题\": \"Watch others smoke marijuana.\", \"描述\": \"If you live in a place where marijuana use is legal, you can see how to act high firsthand by watching others smoke the plant or ingest it through edibles. Pay attention to their mannerisms, actions, speech patterns and behaviors.\"}, {\"编号\": 4, \"标题\": \"Try some marijuana.\", \"描述\": \"If you live in an area where smoking marijuana is legal, you can always draw from personal experience by sampling some for yourself. Only try a small amount if you are not an experienced smoker.\\nYou can use marijuana in a variety of ways, including smoking it or ingesting it in pot butter, brownies, candy and a variety of other edibles.\\nPrepare for your role by keeping a notebook during your high experience to later remember your thoughts while high and by recording the session to later watch your behaviors and mannerisms.\\nKeep in mind that marijuana can have dangerous side effects. Because it slows your reaction time, avoid driving a car or doing activity that can danger you while you are affected by the drug. Marijuana effects usually wear off after three to four hours, so give yourself some time to experience the drug before you try to go out in public. Know that marijuana also increases your heart rate, so if you already are at risk for a heart attack, avoid using marijuana altogether.\"}], \"小提示\": [\"Anyone who is a true smoker of cannabis might see right through your charade.\\n\", \"Try to incorporate a little bit of all the steps into your act so that you are very convincing.\\n\", \"Another thing you can do to act high is put chapstick on your eyelids\\n\"], \"注意事项\": [\"Deliberately acting high should be saved for acting roles, not everyday life. Marijuana is only legal in some form in 23 of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.[15]\\nX\\nResearch source\\n\"]}]}}", "问题明细": "", "扩展字段": "" }