{ "author": "simon roberts", "title": "Feedback on confluence 4.0 - your opinion", "body": "Hi\n\nBesides the new editor, is there any reason to upgrade to v4.0?\n\nI have given it a quick test drive, and actually like v3.5 due to low level control of wiki mark up (our team is mostly tech, rather than business). Any other reasons to upgrade?\n\nAlso, most of the plug-ins we use are not supported!\n\nThanks\n\nSimon\n" }
[ { "author": "briburt", "body": "Like you, we are mostly tech users (QA and Dev). We are still on 3.5 and have decided to stay there for the indefinite future. No plans to upgrade to 4.0 after I installed a 4.0 site and let our power users play around with it for around 10 days. There was General Unhappiness when they discovered there was no option for text-only (non-WYSIWYG) editing. Also, most of the plugins we depend on are not supported.\n\nOverall, our assessment is that the upgrade to 4.0 is not worth the hassle, and 3.5 continues to serve our needs for now, though our investigation into alternatives that offer a text-only (either source code or wiki markup) editing option has begun. Our experience is that most tech folks do not want a Word clone, and prefer text-only editing. Atlassian's corporate line is that people can be re-trained, but who wants to go through a whole process of re-training for a feature that we weren't asking for to begin with?\n\nToo bad, as people otherwise generally like the way Confluence works. But the text editor is such a major part of the wiki experience that we can't work around it unless Atlassian indicates somewhere that a text-only option for editing is going to come back in one form or another. Don't think that's going to happen, as they seem to be trying to appeal to a wider non-technical enterprise market by creating a more \"Word-like\" experience and leaving their power users behind.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "A brief comment from the main technical author here - \"It changes what I type in, so I can't debug it\". I think they have a point here - the editor supports wiki markup as it's being entered, but then converts it into something that is not what the user put in, and is a lot harder to get \"right\" by tweaking later. I don't think they'll be upgrading here until there's some way to edit the \"source\" directly and it needs to be simple.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Masson", "body": "Hi Brian,\n\nSorry to hear you and your users haven't enjoyed your experience with the new editor to date.\n\nTo address your last concern above, while yes we are trying to make Confluence useable for as wide a range of users as possible, we by no means want to do that at the expense of our technical users. The idea behind the new editor is to make it possible for everyone to collaborate together in the one place. I won't go into all the reasons why the decision was taken but they're covered quite well in [this blog post](\n\nFor the benefit of the existing power users, we've put a lot of work into making sure the new editor still allows you to work as fast as you could with wiki markup and was the driver behind the Autoformat and Autocomplete features, but we know there is still more we can do to improve the experience.\n\nTo assist we've setup [this feedback page]( to capture details of any problems you have with the editor, or things you feel aren't as efficient as they used to be etc. With you and your team spending a solid 10 days trialling it I'm sure you generated a lot of useful feedback, if you have the time to add it in the comments there I'm sure it would be valuable.\n\nThanks, \nJohn\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "I agree, we are upgrading to Confluence 3.5.13 soon and will wait at least a few more months to plan a 4.0 upgrade. I love the new editor, but, for existing customers with significant plugins, user macros, and other advanced uses - it is a major hurdle at this time. Should be worth considering in a few more months as some more of the wiki and other issues get resolved.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Frank Thiergarten", "title": "Why does JVM 1.6.0_26 crash shortly after startup with SIGSEGV?", "body": "Hey, \n\nfor the last year and a half I have maintained a small (20 User) confluence installation within an entreprise. \nJust recently the VirtualMachine the server which the confluence instance was running on experienced a kernel panic. \nI cannot give any info about the nature of this panic since I'm only the admin of my small virtual confluence server. \n\nShortly (I do not know if it was right after the complete shutdown) afterwards I got informed that the wiki wasn't running anymore. \nI investigated the issue and found out that the JVM had crashed due to a SIGSEGV error. \nSo the server was restarted and confluence ran for 5-10 minutes. \nHowever, the error reoccured. Neither an increase of available memory (from 1 to 2 gb) nor a completely new installation of all components solved this issue. \n\nSo these are the server specs: Server: VMWare Debian6 2.6.32-6-pve 32Bit 2gb ram. \nConfluence: 3.5.1 with sun-java6-jdk 1.6.0_26 (1.7 was also tested) \nDB: PostgreSQL \n\nHere are the errors as in the catalina.out log: \nAlthough it is stated here I used openjdk the same error applies when using java-jdk!! \n# \n# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: \n# \n# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x012ef67d, pid=12927, tid=3063028592 \n# \n# JRE version: 6.0_18-b18 \n# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (14.0-b16 mixed mode, sharing linux-x86 ) \n# Derivative: IcedTea6 1.8.9 \n# Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze), package 6b18-1.8.9-0.1\\~squeeze1 \n# Problematic frame: \n# VException in thread \"com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$PoolThread-#0\" \\[\\] \n# \n# An error report file with more information is saved as: \n# /usr/local/confluence/confluence-3.5.1-std/hs_err_pid12927.log \njava.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException \nat java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) \nat com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$ \n# \n# If you would like to submit a bug report, please include \n# instructions how to reproduce the bug and visit: \n# [\\<br\\< a=\"\"\\> /\\>#\nAND\n#\n# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:\n#\n# Internal Error (nmethod.cpp:2175), pid=15452, tid=3016321904\n# guarantee(nm-\\>_lock_count \\>= 0) failed: unmatched nmethod lock/unlock\n#\n# JRE version: 6.0_26-b03\n# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.1-b02 mixed mode, sharing linux-x86 )\n# An error report file with more information is saved as:\n# /bin/hs_err_pid15452.log\n#\n# If you would like to submit a bug report, please vis...]([\\<br\\< a=\"\"\\> /\\>#\n<br />\nI also played around with the JAVA_OPTS values (I thought it was a memory problem first)\nHere are my current values:\nJAVA_HOME=\"/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun\"\nexport JAVA_HOME\nJAVA_OPTS=\"-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true \"\nexport JAVA_OPTS\nSo if any of you have any idea please let me know.\nI followed some suggestions in the help section, but those problems where like years away and are fixed in c...\n<br />\n<br />](\n" }
[ { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "OpenJDK is not very stable. You should use Sun\\^H\\^H\\^HOracle JDK.\n\nSEGMENTATION FAULT is usually the consequence of accessing memory with an invalid address (there may be other causes). Usually there is an uninitialized pointer, a programming mistake anyway.\n\nOpen JDK is not supported by Atlassian.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Frank Thiergarten", "body": "Thanks for the prompt response: \nOf course I included the one error message when trying to use openjdk instead of sun's java. \nHowever the proplem also occurs with sun. \n\n<br />\n" }, { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "Sorry, I didn't see you tried 6.0.26. Try to change the version (latest is .29, if I remember well).\n\nSince there's no open bug on [](, I assume your environment has a lot to do with this problem. This is why you should avoid using virtual machines.\n\nIn the past, VMWare guests caused me a lot of trouble.\n" }, { "author": "Frank Thiergarten", "body": "Am currently testing with 29, runs for 15 minutes now. New highscore at least... \nWill post if that solved it\n" }, { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "well? are you celebrating with beer or are you crying your pain out ?\n" }, { "author": "Frank Thiergarten", "body": "I am shipwrecked in the pool of tears I cried... \nNow we might chance the kernel and/or the distro to wipe that error out.\n" }, { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "Unfortunately, your problem lies within the VMWare. At one of our customer's sites, we have WMWare 4.x and 5.x. Both with the same problems (crashes). We installed a non-virtualized machine and guess what? our problems were just blown away in no time.\n\nIf you need to install it on VMWare, make sure you have the latest patch. 4.x worked for another install after some tweakings in host and guest.\n" }, { "author": "Frank Thiergarten", "body": "Yes, you are propably right. Just installed it on CentOS and the error reproduced. \nBut why did it run before for a year without any problem? did we just have a very lucky streak? \nMaybe I can set up an exclusive machine for the confluence install. well actually that seems to be the only thing i can do... \nThanks for your help anyway!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Dieter", "body": "I also had spurious crashes of whole 32 bit virtual machine on VMWare . we use Oracle JDKs.. Until today there was no explanation for this from VMWare. The problems finally went away after switching to 64 bit RHELfrom what i read here i start to believe that running Tomcat on a 32 bit Linux on VMWare is not a good idea.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "jvm" ]
{ "author": "stephane Dugravot", "title": "Remove the default user directory", "body": "Hi all,\n\nWith the version 3.5, Confluence create a default user directory from the configuration file. The documentation :\n\n* [](\n\nExplain that to remove a directory, we have to disable it first. But my default user directory (ldap) didn't show a link to disable it ? ...\n\n![User Directory](\n\nHow to remove the user directory, result of the upgrade to V 3.5 of Confluence ?\n\nThanks.\n\nStephane.\n" }
[ { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "My first thought is that you are currently logged in with a user against the directory you want to disable. You can't do that. You need to ensure you are logged in with a user from another directory and then you can disable/delete the other user directory.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "stephane Dugravot", "body": "Thanks ! ... Of course, you are right !\n\nIt is ok.\n\nStephane.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "You need to click on the blue arrow to make it 2nd on the list -- i.e. not your primary user directory. You should then see a link to disable it.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "directory" ]
{ "author": "Richard Scorgie", "title": "Confluence - LDAP integration doing my head in :)", "body": "Confluence 4.0 / Windows Server 2008 / Microsoft Active Directory\n\nWe have a directory of over 5000 users. What we want is for a user to come to the Confluence application and be able to use it straight away without any administration involvement. So far we have tried Microsoft Active Directory with Read Only with Groups. \"Sync fails\" and while the user GUID appears correctly in the header the message they get is \"Access not permitted\" which means that they are not being added to a group. Why?\n\nTried \"Delegated LDAP Integration\" which seems to be a better option but still doesn't work. \n\nSo while there is a great deal of documentation we are still a bit lost. \n\n1. Do we need to create 'confluence-user' as a group in Active Directory?\n\n2. What is the best LDAP integration option given the requirement of how a user can access the site? \n\n3. What causes the sync to fail?\n\nAny and all help is greatly appreciated.\n" }
[ { "author": "Scott Morrow", "body": "This is found in the schema settings on the User Dirctories page. You want to set your Base DN as dc=yourcompany, dc=local. Additional User DN as ou=YourDifferentFolder, Additional Group DN as ou=YourSpecialGroup. A couple of other things I found were: Uncheck Follow Referrals under Advanced Settings for better performance. If you decide to create groups in AD, create them in AD, then synchronize, rather than creating them in Confluence. Any group created in Confluence is created as a Distribution Group rather than a Security Group.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Richard Scorgie", "body": "Thanks that helped a bunch. So the only remaining bit is to know how to get Confluence to search a specified folder. For some reason it searched our USERS folder at the base of AD. I need it to search a different folder where the required group is. Ideas?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Manse Wolken", "body": "For AD Integation as it works here I have done the following:\n\nSet-up Confluence\n\nAdd AD as READ ONLY:\n\n* Make sure you have a bind user which has read permissions on User objects and group objects\n* Tell Confluence where to search for users. You don't want service user accounts to be able to see the wiki right?\n* Tell Confluence where to search group information.\n* In Confluence Global Options: Add the AD Group to the \"View\" Permissions, in which all your users are.\n\nAfter that, NTLM is a nice thing to authenticate, but that is a different story.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matt Voight", "body": "Supposedly, Confluence is supposed to be able to create groups internally. I found that not to be true, unless a User Directory was created that has Read\\\\Write capability.\n\nIf a group has been created in AD and LDAP has been synched with Confluence, users can log on to Confluence using their Windows logon/password.\n\nAny group that was added to AD can be found in Confluence and users can then be added to the group.\n\nIn the end, I was forced to go into User Directories, create a \"Corporate Directory\" utilizing Microsoft AD (Read\\\\Write). I am not happy with that at ALL because not Confluence has the ability to write back to LDAP.\n\nIf you delete a user in Confluence, the same user is deleted from AD - And here's some extra crazy-talk: If you add a user to a group in Confluence, the user is NOT added to the security group in AD.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Manse Wolken", "body": "In LDAP SCHEMA Part of the directory configuration:\n\nFields: \"Additional USER DN\" and \"Additional GROUP DN\"\n\nThe connector searches the LDAP tree from BASE (you put that in the field \"BASE DN\").\n\nIf you want to limit the searches to only a part of the tree, fill in the Additional fields.\n\nRemember:\n\n{Additonal DN Field value}{BaseDN}\n\nou=exampletreegroup,dc=my,dc=company,dc=org\n\nMeans that BASE DN equals \"dc=my,dc=company,dc=org\" and\n\nADDITIONAL equals \"ou=exampletreegroup\"\n" } ] } ]
[ "ldap" ]
{ "author": "Guido Wischrop", "title": "Howto remove global permissions for a user in Confluence 3.5?", "body": "Hello,\n\nI can't find a way to remove a user from global permissions in Confluence.\n\nTo reproduce this goto Administration / Security / Global Permissions click Edit Permissions add a user to Individual Users and save. Now try to remove this user.\n\nWhat do I miss here?\n\nThanks,\n\nGuido\n" }
[ { "author": "Richard Scorgie", "body": "Unless something has changed you uncheck the box next to the users name and click save. This will remove the user.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Phillip Ponzer [Cprime]", "title": "Export all of MediaWiki into Confluence", "body": "Does the UWC \"spider\" through all of the wiki pages on our server and import them into Confluence? Or is this done on a page-by-page basis?\n\nIf it's done on a page-by-page basis, has anyone exported MediaWiki pages into Confluence via batch file or some equivalent?\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "The UWC exports from your database. By default it will export all the pages from your Main, User and any custom namespaces, but there are many settings for altering the export, including adjusting the SQL calls with properties.\n\nSee [UWC Mediawiki Notes - Exporter]( for details.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jonathan Jergens", "body": "Hello, \nI have a few questions that I can't seem to find on the wiki for UWC: \n1) What is a valid directory for the properties file on windows? In your example you have /Users/My/Desktop, but for windows it would be a C:\\\\Users\\\\My\\\\Desktop. Which one is correct? If your wiki is correct, how do I select a different drive letter(where my media wiki actually resides)? \n\n2) To connect to the database, you have dbUrl=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306. Is that a default that should work, or do I need to customize it? If it isn't a default, could you point me in the right direction as to how to find it? \n\nI was sort of left with this MediaWiki with nothing really in the way of documentation. I have the DB username and password and such, but I don't have much experience with SQL or the like. If you could help me out I would appreciate it. \n\n<br />\n\nJon\n" }, { "author": "Phillip Ponzer [Cprime]", "body": "For visibility, I recommend asking a new question. That way you have a broader audience you are asking.\n" } ] } ]
[ "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Christian Schr?der", "title": "easiest way to add and change pages in confluence with PHP?", "body": "I have an actual HTML / PHP Application and i need some tipps, what whould be the neatest way to add and modify data pages from php?\n\nI could call the confluence cli, but there must be better ways.\n\nI would be glad for any info!\n\nTIA\n\nChris\n" }
[ { "author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris", "body": "I have never tried this myself, but I think you can use a PHP SOAP library to implement the [APIs]( available in Confluence. Example [here](\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Dan Moran", "title": "Can I hide the Dashboard from Anonymous Users?", "body": "I've set up Confluence (in Documentation Theme) so Anonymous Users go right to a Home Page, but they still can click on Dashboard in the breadcrumbs. There's nothing in the Dashboard that we want our customers to see.\n\nThanks,\n\nDan\n" }
[ { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Remo,\n\nI installed the Visibility plug-in, but the only way I know to get to any macro (such as show-to and hide-from) is by going into the Edit mode, which of course I can't get to on the Dashboard.\n\nSo I don't understand how these macros will help me hide the Dashboard.\n\nThanks, Dan\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Hi Dan\n\nYou can use the visibility macros also outside the editor, for example in the layout of the dashboard (**Confluence Admin =\\> Layouts =\\> Global Layout**) to specifically hide/show certain elements to certain users/groups.\n\nIf you just want to hide the whole dashboard for anonymous users, you could use [the visibility macros]( in combination with [the redirect plugin]( to redirect them to your home page. Insert the following code into your sites welcome message (**Confluence Admin =\\> General Configuration =\\> Site Welcome Message**):\n\n```\n{hide-from:group=confluence-users} {redirect:public:Home}{hide-from}\n```\n\n(this code redirects all users that are not in the group \"confluence-users\" to page \"Home\" in space \"public\")\n\nHope this helps\n" } ] }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Hide the Dashboard link with a little JavaScript...\n\nBrowse to **Confluence Admin \\| Look \\& Feel \\| Custom HTML**\n\nPaste this into **At the End of the HEAD**:\n\n```\n&lt;script&gt;AJS.toInit(function(){ if (AJS.params.remoteUser == ''){ AJS.$('#breadcrumbs li:first').remove(); // remove the dashboard link AJS.$('#breadcrumbs li:first').addClass('first'); // remove the pointer before the next link }});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Henry Wilkinson", "body": "David - Is there anything else to do? I can't seem to get the Jscript to work... (did this require the Visibility plugin?)\n\nAny issue with a pre-4.x version of Confluence that you can think of?\n\nThank!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "You could use the [show-to]( or [hide-from]( macros contained in the [Visibility plugin](\n\nTo show content only for logged in users:\n\n```\n{show-to:group=confluence-users}Congratulations, you logged in!{show-to}\n```\n\nTo show content to anonymous users:\n\n```\n{hide-from:group=confluence-users}You are not logged in - Please login.{hide-from}\n```\n\nHope this helps\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Remo,\n\nThank you, that works great!\n\nI installed the Redirect Plug-in, entered the code in the Welcome Message, and now our anonymous users are redirected to our Home page if they happen to click on the Dashboard link.\n\n(I've never been able to get to Global Layouts - I assume because we use the Documentation Theme.)\n\nI very much appreciate your advice and solutions!\n\nDan\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Edwin Stol", "body": "Only downside on this (imho) is that the users might experience a short 'wait while we transfer you to the actuel page you want to go' moment. Besides that, it's a nice option.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi David - I encountered the same result as Henry W.\n\nHi Remo - I haven't tried the plug-in yet, but thanks.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Dennis Benzinger SAP", "title": "Hiding parts of a page in Confluence 4?", "body": "We want to hide parts of a page to some users in Confluence 4. In Confluence 3 we used the [CustomWare Visibility Plugin]( for this.\n\nWhat can we do in Confluence 4?\n" }
[ { "author": "Dennis Benzinger SAP", "body": "Since version 2.0.0 the plugin is compatible with Confluence 4: \n\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Lisa Kadir", "body": "Dennis -\n\nI've just discovered another post mentioning this plugin and I thought it might be a solution to what I wanted. Were you having issues with it in confluence 4?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dennis Benzinger SAP", "body": "I haven't even tried the plugin with Confluence 4. When I posted my question the plugin was not compatible with Confluence 4 yet.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Create a user macro called hide or similar with body and have it not return anything.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "app" ]
{ "author": "Aleksandr Serebriakov", "title": "Connection Test to SharePoint fails with 'Problem connection to SharePoint (null). Check the atlassian-confluence.log for exception details'", "body": "Atlasian-confluence.log:\n\norg.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.apache.cxf.wsdl.WSDLManager' defined in URL bundle://62.0:10/META-INF/cxf/cxf.fixml : Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLManagerImpl : Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl cannot be cast to javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext\n\ntryed different java versions, didn't change a thing\n" }
[ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "This error occurs when an incompatible version of the SharePoint Connector is installed in Confluence.\n\nHave a look at the plugin compatibility matrix here: <>\n\nYou will see that versions ending in \"jaxb\" are designed for Confluence 3.3 and earlier, while versions without the \"jaxb\" suffix are designed for Confluence 3.4 and later. Installing the wrong one will cause an error like the one you are seeing when trying to connect to SharePoint.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "sharepoint" ]
{ "author": "Eric Blair", "title": "Confluence: How to place a link to a file on a server share in a confluence page?", "body": "Hi,\n\nI'd like to have a link like this on a Confluence page: \\\\\\\\\\<server\\>\\\\\\<$share\\>\\\\installer.msi\n\nI tried placing it in as is, and doesn't work. Also tried file:///\\\\\\\\\\<server\\>\\\\\\<$share\\>\\\\installer.msi but that doesn't work either.\n\nAny ideas?\n" }
[ { "author": "Bernabe Theodore Costales III", "body": "Hello folks!\n\nI see that this thread has had a lot of attention over the years and I'd like to summarize the answers that have been presented thus far, since there are worthwhile observations that people have made.\n\nFirst: in the case of [@Eric Blair](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/871441), there is no specific way to accomplish this in 100% of browsers without using some type of intermediary routing service. As you can see in the answer with the most votes, some browsers support opening file paths in this fashion: \\[[jump link]( \"Atlassian Community\")\\]\n\nHowever, it does not work as a full solution. Setting a CNAME record like [@Laurent Corbi?re](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/502266) had suggested might work for your needs: \\[[jump link]( \"Atlassian Community\")\\]\n\nThere are also alternate solutions such as what was presented by [@Thomas Peter Berntsen](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/664659) where you can use an addon from the Atlassian Marketplace: \\[[jump link]( \"Atlassian Community\")\\]\n\nAt the end of the day, it depends on your browser environment. [@David Skreiner2](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/853321) posted a knowledge base article that explores this in brief as well: \\[[Knowledge Base link]( \"Atlassian Community\")\\]\n\nThanks everybody for their participation in this question!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Marek Sokal", "body": "Hello everyone. \n\nI was curious if anyone else has some ideas on how to approach this. I have a lot of data that occasionally gets updated that live on Network Shares.\n\nMy current favorites are:\n\nFor IE users, I found adding an HTML macro and using an iframe works, although you need to accept a security warning when accessing the page, it works really nice though!\n\n```\n<iframe src=\"file://///server/share\" noborder=\"0\" width=\"1000\" height=\"450\" scrolling=\"yes\" seamless></iframe>\n```\n\n<br />\n\nFor Chrome, I have installed the Enable Local File Links extension, and it works great, however I really wish that it enabled you to use iframes, or something similar to display an index, similar to how Chrome displays it.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Jim Ryan", "body": "This has ++**nothing**++ to do with browsers and all about Confluence. I can put file://server/folder name into my browser and hit enter and a windows explorer window opens with my files. I put any combination of all of the above in Confluence (why do I keep wanting to type confustion?) and it doesn't work. In fact the string I use to put the link behind doesn't even show up as a link. I'm using 5.7.3 of this POS. What is amusing is all the claims of it working above have different solutions. None of which work for me.\n\nI thought I had it by creating the link in OneNote and copying it into my confluence page. It at least showed up as a link while editing, but as soon as I saved it the link was gone..\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Daniel Williams", "body": "This is about browsers -- you can type the file:// address into the address bar, but most browsers block such addresses as links from non-local sources, as it's a security issue: consider a link like file://downloads/bad-file-i-just-made-you-download\n" }, { "author": "lukec", "body": "Agreed.. this works for me in IE but not Chrome\n" } ] }, { "author": "Andrey", "body": "Using Confluence 5.5.2, the following syntax worked for me on Chrome, FF, and IE:\n\n```\nfile:///server/share/etc\n```\n\nThe path to which I was trying to link contained spaces, so I had to place this in brackets:\n\n```\n[file:///server/share/etc/some path/with spaces]\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Andrey", "body": "Just to add, make sure you use forwards slashes (/) and not the backwards slashes (\\\\) that Windows likes so much or the links won't work\n" }, { "author": "", "body": "our confluence page just decided to add \"/\" in front of the address, so it became \n\"/\\[file://......\" \nand it does not work with below error:\n> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: []( Illegal character in path at index 1: /\\[file:/.......\n" }, { "author": "Klara Zikesova", "body": "have the same problem as, just the string our Confluence added is even much longer, it starts with https and and our Confluence address and ends the same as his, so it does not work either :-(\n" } ] }, { "author": "David Skreiner", "body": "<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Thomas Peter Berntsen", "body": "Hi Eric,\n\nThe \"Infinidex\" plugin which we've developed for searching and linking files on network shares within Confluence helps with exactly this (and automatically works around some of the browser quirks wrt linking to files).\n\nCheck it out on: <>\n\nBest, \nThomas (Translucent - developers of Infinidex)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Laurent Corbi?re", "body": "Hi Eric,\n\nIndeed, this is a security browser issue.\n\nThe workaround I'm using is to get an https url for your folder. I don't know exactly how to do it because it's our network dept who's in charge of it.\n\nIt's call a cname and it works perfectly if the folder is in public share.\n\n<>\n\nSo your\n\nfile://folder/installer/installer.msi\n\nwill become\n\n<http://publicfolder/installer.msi>\n\nHave a nice day,\n\nLaurent\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Henning K?hler", "body": "We always use this format for opening network folders or files from IE9:\n\n```\nfile://SERVERNAME/PATH/FILENAME\n```\n\nDo NOT use a drive letter like C: but the Servername.\n\nAnd make sure you use / (SHIFT+7) instead of \\\\\n\nIn IE9, links to external network drives and files only work if you add the URL of your WIKI to the \"Trusted Sites\" in the IE9 Internet Security Settings of the Browser.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Kevin Mote", "body": "This is the format that finally worked for me.\n\nType the following into the editor\n\n`[`file`:`//SERVERNAME/PATH/FILENAME WITH SPACES]\n\n(the brackets disappear, and the resulting link opens a \"Open/Save/SaveAs\" dialog box)\n" }, { "author": "James Mark Chan", "body": "What browser were you using?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Sven", "body": "if you use NoScript you have a bigger problem, but there is a workaround:\n\n- enable it in noscript settings (open local links-checkbox)\n\nand add (only for this case) the following entries:\n\n```\nuser_pref(\"noscript.policynames\", \"localfilelinks\");\tuser_pref(\"capability.policy.maonoscript.checkloaduri.enabled\", \"allAccess\"); \n```\n\nNow file:///-Links work on sites when they are in NoScript-Trusted-Sites...\n\nIf you want to go one step further (and open file:/// links not only inside of FireFox, but in Windows Explorer), you have to set the following settings (additionally)\n\n```\n\tuser_pref(\"network.protocol-handler.expose.file\",false);\tuser_pref(\"network.protocol-handler.external.file\",true); \n```\n\nFirst time you click on a file:///-Link you will get a prompt from FireFox to select the program with which you want to open them -\\> choose \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Explorer.exe\" and don't forget to check the \"remember\"-checkbox.\n\nFrom that time they will open directly in Windows Explorer - very useful ;-)\n\nHint: NoScript overwrites this setting again on each FF-startup. So my only workaround was to write a small FF-Plugin who overwrites them again ;-)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Michael Roff", "body": "I don't think this type of link works in Firefox due to security restrictions. There are a few other write ups on this if you google it.\n\nIE does work though from my past experience. In Confluence though, I don't think you have to be that specific with the syntax, you should be able to put in the server address and the link should just work. I overthought this some time ago only to find out that you don't have to be that tricky.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Try file://///server/.... and check on both IE, Firefox, ... . It is a pain getting something that works for multiple browsers.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "dvillacorte", "body": "The 5 forward slashes works like magic for us!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Curry Kinyon", "body": "Using\n\nfile:///// with spaces\n\nSolved our issue, no extra brackets or quotes were needed to manage the spaces when inserting it as an advanced link in Confluence 6.12.4\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Magnus Wiethoff", "body": "Does also not work for me.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Arlene Butwell", "body": "Any updates on this thread? I need to be able to link to a shared drive. I have tried all the suggestions above with no joy :(\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Patrick_Vanhoof", "body": "Our advice is to, if possible, put the documents in our DMS and link to there. Advantage: the link keeps working, even if the file is moved or renamed. Any small change to a document on the file server will break the link.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Grace San Juan", "body": "I have Confluence 6.0.2. Can you please tell me how I can open an HTML file that is saved on a network drive?\n\nThe address is: \\\\\\\\servername\\\\folder 1\\\\folder 2\\\\file.html\n\nNote: the folder names have spaces.\n\nI tried the suggestions posted above but none of them work. I can add a link to the file but the file cannot be previewed or opened. Any idea why? Can you please help?\n\nThanks in advance!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Bernabe Theodore Costales III", "body": "[@Grace San Juan](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1139510) There are few other threads which talk specifically about network file access, but in general the same rules apply: due to most modern browser security policies, opening a network space from a URI is generally restricted. You'll want to consider hosting the HTML file through an intermediary web server - or, if the point of the network link is to provide the code to users, consider posting the code in a restricted form.\n\nIf you need any further assistance with this, please open up a new thread and the community team will be happy to help! Here are some additional threads for you to explore (with similar answers as discussed in this thread, though): \\[[Community jump link]( \"Atlassian Community\")\\]\n" }, { "author": "Jim Ryan", "body": "This has ++**nothing**++ to do with browsers and all about Confluence. I can put file://server/folder name into my browser and hit enter and a windows explorer window opens with my files. I put any combination of all of the above in Confluence (why do I keep wanting to type confustion?) and it doesn't work. In fact the string I use to put the link behind doesn't even show up as a link. I'm using 5.7.3.. What is amusing is all the claims of it working above have different solutions. None of which work for me.\n\nI thought I had it by creating the link in OneNote and copying it into my confluence page. It at least showed up as a link while editing, but as soon as I saved it the link was gone..\n" }, { "author": "Jonathan Schreven", "body": "I'm having the same issue. The address is:\n\n\\\\\\\\servername\\\\folder1\\\\folder2\n\nI can put this in the browser (Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)) in the following format:\n\nfile:///servername/folder1/folder2\n\nand it opens an index page in Chrome instantly where I am able to navigate the file structure and download files. No issues.\n\nI copy and paste that exact address into Confluence as a Weblink and then, still in edit mode, click on the link and hit \"Go to Link\" and a new tab opens but it is blank. When the page is published, it doesn't even recognize there is a link there anymore. Can't click on it. Switching back to edit mode, Confluence does not recognize it as a link and it has to be added again (and the cycle repeats).\n\nI've tried all the variations above with file:///// and file:/// and file:// and putting \\[\\]'s around it. Since it works flawlessly in the browser and breaks down only when I try using it as a link in Confluence, it sure seems like the breakdown is in Confluence. Maybe I'm missing something, but this would be really helpful to have fixed. Let me know if I can provide more info to help.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Alex Fuller", "body": "I'm sorry - I'm kind of new, but could you please explain where this should go. I want to be able to open a HTML site that is saved on my server (S drive).\n\nThe address is: file:///S:/SUPPLY%20CHAIN/Dashboard/dashboard.html but I can't seem to get it to link to it no matter what I try.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jordan Hauser", "body": "Hi community, \n\nI stumbled across this thread while trying to find an answer for this question myself and figured I would share how I solved it \n\nConfluence really didn't like trying to access a network drive, so I decided to try the links for files in sharepoint/teams and was successful \n\nI recommend using the 'insert link' macro with the 'web link' option selected, going to the location of the file in sharepoint/teams and just doing a right click, then 'copy link' to put it into the address field \n\nRegards, \nJordan\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Younes Ouchtouban", "body": "hi,\n\nif you have a spear VM, you can mount your share there, set up an web filebrowser for it (apache for exemple, easy to code )\n\nthen you can put normal url where you need in your confluence page\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Roman Tymoshenko", "body": "[TMCLI-1549]( \"TMCLI-1549\")\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Robert Ortner", "body": "just a short hint - as it is always a hassle using the file links like file://server.domain/name/... or file:////server and so an a good approach is to setup an ftp server with anonymous read only permissions and linke to the fileshare iusing <ftp://server.domain/>.... and so on. **For internal use** this is an easy approach and works fine with all browsers and no need to change security settings.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Ivan", "body": "Hi [@Bernabe Theodore Costales III](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1140631) / [@AnnWorley](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/502040), \n\nI cannot seem to make this work in Chrome Version 66.0.3359.181 (Official Build) (32-bit). \n\nWorks in IE Version 11 on the same machine.\n\n* [Atlassian Confluence]( 6.9.1\n\nAny ideas? Is this to do with Chrome? \n", "comments": [ { "author": "Bernabe Theodore Costales III", "body": "Based on your brief description this does sound like a browser-side rendering issue. Per the original analysis and summary it really comes down to \"how a browser interprets URIs meant to point to local-side resources\", so if it works as expected in another browser but not with Chrome 66, then it is likely Chrome's rendering engine is probably \"cleaning\" the links in some way.\n" }, { "author": "Madhusudhan Matrubai", "body": "Hey [@Bernabe Theodore Costales III](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1140631) , we are having the same issues and has taken away one of the Confluence functionality to link files on network location. Since Chrome is supported browser isn't there should be a fix/patch to handle that. \n\nWould appreciate if there are any workarounds.\n\nThanks, \nMadhu\n" } ] }, { "author": "AnnWorley", "body": "Some customers have found the workaround on this ticket to be helpful:\n\n[Expand external links security filtering to allow digits, plus, hyphen and periods in protocol](\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Mani Koodalingam", "body": "This one works with Confluence 5.5.2 with IE 9\n\n\\[\\\\\\\\servername\\\\share\\] - to link network share folder\n\n\\[\\\\\\\\servername\\\\share\\\\file.txt\\] - to link network link\n\ncatch is you need get the conflunce to contruct the link so\n\ntype \\[ first\n\nthen copy paste the whole link and then type \\]\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Lin", "body": "It works with firefox. See the\n\n<>\n\nand\n\n[](\n\nthe gist of it is to create a user.js with the following content\n\n```\nuser_pref(\"capability.policy.policynames\", \"localfilelinks\");user_pref(\"capability.policy.localfilelinks.sites\", \"http://servername:prot\");user_pref(\"capability.policy.localfilelinks.checkloaduri.enabled\", \"allAccess\");\n```\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "file", "link" ]
{ "author": "Richard Scorgie", "title": "Can not modify group membership failed", "body": "I'm experiencing some strange behaviour when trying to use the AD connection. \n\nIn the user directories page i see the following error message just below the sync button. \n\nLast synchronised at 11/15/11 5:56 PM (took 22s). \"\n\nSynchronisation failed. See server logs for details.\" \n\nHowever i can find the users when i search for users i the manage users page. But when i try to add a user to a group i get the following error: \n\n\"The following error(s) occurred: \\" \n\nAnyone have any ideas? I've looked at the catalina.out log file but i cant find any errors there. Which other log files are there where i can see details about this error?\n" }
[ { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "In your User Directory config for AD, did you set your LDAP permissions to read/write? If the permissions are set to read-only, you cannot add users to a group from within Confluence.\n\nAlso another tip: If your confluence users are not in the group named confluence-users in AD and you do not want to configure each space individually to add the correct AD group for users to have access, use the option \"Read Only, with Local Groups\". This will move any user, logging in into Confluence, to be copied automatically to confluence-users in de Confluence internal directory. This is especially handy when you want to create a new space and not add your AD group to every space.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Richard Scorgie", "body": "Thanks for the help.\n\nIf I understand this correctly then if I set up the LDAP Permissions in COnfluence to Read Only with Local Groups, and add 'confluence-users' to the Default Group Memberships Field then users will automatically be added to that group.\n" }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "Yes. On first login, the user info is copied from AD to the Confluence User Directory. See it as a local cache. The default group membership indicates to what group this user is copied.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Huy Ung", "title": "Upgrade from v3.5.3 to 4.0.4 failed to shutdown service", "body": "Hi,\n\nWhen upgrading the current version on the machine to the latest one, it gave an error Confluence failed to shutdown. Please kill the process manually before proceeding.\n\nI checked the service and it was stopped. Previously it was running.\n\nI also tried to stop the service before running the upgrade and it gave the same message.\n\nI checked the machine log and there's nothing there.\n\nThanks,\n\nHuy\n" }
[ { "author": "Huy Ung", "body": "Thanks for the suggestions.\n\nIt's Windows Server. I tried rebooting the machine and setting the service to manually but still getting the error message.\n\nI have also downloaded MS Internal. Did not see any process coming from that particular folder.\n\nNot sure but the server also have Crowd, Jira and Crucible/FishEye.\n\nIt's authenticated using Crowd.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "Since you talk about services, you must be on a Windows server, right?\n\nEven though Windows is telling you that the service is stopped, I would check the process list anyway to check if there are any Java processes running. It might be that there is still a Confluence process running. If more then one Java process is running, then it is difficult to determine which one is Confluence. The best option is to set the Confluence service to start manually and then restart the server. Now Confluence is defenately stopped. Now try to rerun the upgrade tool again.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Remon van G", "body": "FYI: this cmd line entry does the same listing in windows:\n\nWMIC /OUTPUT:C:\\\\temp\\\\ProcessList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid\n\nThen open C:\\\\temp\\\\ProcessList.txt and kill the process. A tool like the MS sysinternals is real usefull here. (<>) \n\nBut Sander's advice defenately does the same :) \n" }, { "author": "Huy Ung", "body": "Thanks for the suggestions.\n\nIt's Windows Server. I tried rebooting the machine and setting the service to manually but still getting the error message.\n\nI have also downloaded MS Internal. Did not see any process coming from that particular folder.\n\nNot sure but the server also have Crowd, Jira and Crucible/FishEye.\n\nIt's authenticated using Crowd.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Robert Schlephorst", "title": "Confluence Upgrade from 3.5.5 to 4.0.4 failes due to database error (bandana)", "body": "After performing an Upgrade from 3.5.5 to 4.0.4 Confluence complained about a failed upgrade. It is obviously related to an SQL/Database-Error with userdata or similar.\n\nConfluence is integrated with Jira 4.4.3 (recently updated from 4.3) and Crowd 2.3.4 (recently updated from 2.2).\n\nEverything is stored in the same PostgreSQL 8.4 instance.\n\nChanging the JDBC-Driver didn't fix it (tried jdbc3, jdbc4 and newer build 803), must be related to database.\n\nSee the Logs:\n\n```\n2011-11-15 10:58:31,315 INFO main com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle contextInitialized Starting Confluence 4.0.4 (build #3057)2011-11-15 10:58:32,842 INFO main springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started2011-11-15 10:58:35,390 INFO main com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle &lt;init&gt; Loading EhCache cache manager2011-11-15 10:58:47,223 INFO main springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 14381 ms2011-11-15 10:58:51,221 WARN main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask doUpgrade Could not create unique constraint: alter table cwd_user add constraint cwd_user_name_dir_id unique (lower_user_name, directory_id), StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar alter table cwd_user add constraint cwd_user_name_dir_id unique (lower_user_name, directory_id) ; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Relation ?cwd_user_name_dir_id? existiert bereits2011-11-15 10:58:51,226 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 A PooledConnection that has already signalled a Connection error is still in use!2011-11-15 10:58:51,227 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 Another error has occurred org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert which will not be reported to listeners!org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriertat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate$1ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy33.doUpgrade(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager$UpgradeStep$3.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.executeUpgradeStep( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.runSchemaUpgradeTasks( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener.contextInitialized( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( 10:58:51,229 WARN main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask doUpgrade Could not create unique constraint: alter table cwd_group add constraint cwd_group_name_dir_id unique (lower_group_name, directory_id), StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL alter table cwd_group add constraint cwd_group_name_dir_id unique (lower_group_name, directory_id) ; SQL state 25P02 ; error code 0 ; FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert2011-11-15 10:58:51,230 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 A PooledConnection that has already signalled a Connection error is still in use!2011-11-15 10:58:51,230 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 Another error has occurred org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert which will not be reported to listeners!org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriertat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate$1ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy33.doUpgrade(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager$UpgradeStep$3.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.executeUpgradeStep( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.runSchemaUpgradeTasks( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener.contextInitialized( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( 10:58:51,231 WARN main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask doUpgrade Could not create unique constraint: alter table cwd_user_attribute add constraint cwd_unique_usr_attr unique (directory_id, user_id, attribute_name, attribute_lower_value), StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL alter table cwd_user_attribute add constraint cwd_unique_usr_attr unique (directory_id, user_id, attribute_name, attribute_lower_value) ; SQL state 25P02 ; error code 0 ; FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert2011-11-15 10:58:51,232 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 A PooledConnection that has already signalled a Connection error is still in use!2011-11-15 10:58:51,232 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 Another error has occurred org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert which will not be reported to listeners!org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriertat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate$1ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy33.doUpgrade(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager$UpgradeStep$3.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.executeUpgradeStep( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.runSchemaUpgradeTasks( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener.contextInitialized( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( 10:58:51,233 WARN main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask doUpgrade Could not create unique constraint: alter table cwd_group_attribute add constraint cwd_unique_grp_attr unique (directory_id, group_id, attribute_name, attribute_lower_value), StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL alter table cwd_group_attribute add constraint cwd_unique_grp_attr unique (directory_id, group_id, attribute_name, attribute_lower_value) ; SQL state 25P02 ; error code 0 ; FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert2011-11-15 10:58:51,234 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 A PooledConnection that has already signalled a Connection error is still in use!2011-11-15 10:58:51,234 WARN main v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection handleThrowable c3p0 Another error has occurred org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert which will not be reported to listeners!org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriertat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate$1ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy33.doUpgrade(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager$UpgradeStep$3.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.executeUpgradeStep( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.runSchemaUpgradeTasks( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener.contextInitialized( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( 10:58:51,235 WARN main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask doUpgrade Could not create unique constraint: alter table cwd_membership add constraint cwd_unique_group_membership unique (parent_id, child_group_id), StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL alter table cwd_membership add constraint cwd_unique_group_membership unique (parent_id, child_group_id) ; SQL state 25P02 ; error code 0 ; FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert2011-11-15 10:58:51,283 INFO main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintCleaner cleanUp Checking for invalid entries in the Bandana table2011-11-15 10:58:51,290 INFO main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask doUpgrade Beginning task to add not null and unique constraints on Bandana context and key columns2011-11-15 10:58:51,300 INFO main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask doUpgrade Ignoring non-existence of band_key_idx constraint2011-11-15 10:58:51,301 INFO main confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask doUpgrade Adding not null and unique constraints on Bandana context and key columns2011-11-15 10:58:51,337 ERROR main confluence.upgrade.ddl.HibernateAlterTableExecutor alterTable Failed to run alter table commands2011-11-15 10:58:51,353 ERROR main atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener contextInitialized Upgrade failed, application will not start: Upgrade task com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask@a5ab328 failed during the SCHEMA_UPGRADE phase due to: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar alter table BANDANA alter column BANDANACONTEXT set not null, alter column BANDANAKEY set not null, add constraint bandana_unique_key unique (BANDANACONTEXT, BANDANAKEY) ; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Relation ?bandana_unique_key? existiert bereitscom.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeException: Upgrade task com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask@a5ab328 failed during the SCHEMA_UPGRADE phase due to: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar alter table BANDANA alter column BANDANACONTEXT set not null, alter column BANDANAKEY set not null, add constraint bandana_unique_key unique (BANDANACONTEXT, BANDANAKEY) ; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Relation ?bandana_unique_key? existiert bereitsat com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.executeUpgradeStep( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.runSchemaUpgradeTasks( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener.contextInitialized( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start( org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start( org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( by: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar alter table BANDANA alter column BANDANACONTEXT set not null, alter column BANDANAKEY set not null, add constraint bandana_unique_key unique (BANDANACONTEXT, BANDANAKEY) ; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Relation ?bandana_unique_key? existiert bereitsat org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.ddl.HibernateDdlExecutor.executeDdlStatements( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy34.executeDdlStatements(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.ddl.HibernateAlterTableExecutor.alterTableGrouped( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.ddl.HibernateAlterTableExecutor.alterTable( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy35.alterTable(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask.doUpgrade( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( $Proxy33.doUpgrade(Unknown Source)at com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager$UpgradeStep$3.execute( com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.executeUpgradeStep( 18 moreCaused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Relation ?bandana_unique_key? existiert bereitsat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags( org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.execute( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate$1ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement( org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( 58 more2011-11-15 10:58:51,357 ERROR main atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener contextInitialized 1 errors were encountered during upgrade:2011-11-15 10:58:51,358 ERROR main atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener contextInitialized 1: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar alter table BANDANA alter column BANDANACONTEXT set not null, alter column BANDANAKEY set not null, add constraint bandana_unique_key unique (BANDANACONTEXT, BANDANAKEY) ; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Relation ?bandana_unique_key? existiert bereits2011-11-15 10:58:51,358 WARN main atlassian.confluence.plugin.PluginFrameworkContextListener contextInitialized Not starting full plugin system due to upgrade or licensing errors\n```\n" }
[ { "author": "Volker Volker", "body": "We had the same error here. After checking back with Atlassion support, we coude resolve the issue by executing the following SQL queries before starting the upgrade:\n\n```\nalter table bandana drop constraint bandana_unique_key;alter table CONTENT_PERM drop constraint cp_unique_user;alter table CONTENT_PERM drop constraint cp_unique_group;alter table CONTENT_PERM_SET drop constraint cps_unique_type;delete from CONTENT_PERM where CPS_ID is null;delete from CONTENT_PERM_SET where CONTENT_ID is null;\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Gregory Sudderth", "body": "The \"Bandana\" check is basically the 1st operation applied against the DB. If it fails, then everything else will fail as well.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "title": "How to make a pop-up message in Confluence? Link to glossary.", "body": "Hi,\n\nhow to do the next: a user hovers over a link and Confluence shows the \"hint\" pop-up message?\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Alexander\n\nJodie Miners wrote a blog post, in which she describes a user macro that she wrote to display a popup that displays text from a glossary and then links to the glossary item:\n\n\\<tt\\><>\\</tt\\>\n\nI hope her post answers your question. :)\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sandro Herrmann [Communardo]", "body": "Hello Alexander,\n\non what links do you want to hover? And what should be inside the popup overlay?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Michele C", "title": "Keeping sections together in a PDF file", "body": "Our wiki consists of various topics. Each topic has a header, a screen shot of the dialog, and a table that explains the options in the screen shot. When I export the space into a PDF file, the heading appears on one page, and then then the screen shot appears on the second page.\n\nExample of page 1:\n\nHeading 1\n\nScreen shot\n\nHeading 1\n\nPage 2:\n\nScreen shot\n\nHeading 1\n\nPage 3:\n\nScreen shot\n\nIn RoboHelp, I was able to keep topic headings with the screen shot. This was similar to using \"Keep with next\" section breaks in MS Word. If the screen shot did not fit on the first page, the heading 1 would appear on the second page with the screen shot.\n\nI found some information in the wiki user reference documentation that shows how to edit the PDF style sheet and create a page break after each topic. This does not solve the issue. I am left with topic headings that appear on a page by itself.\n\n1. .pagetitle\n2. {\n3. page-break-before: always;\n4. } \n\nI could possibly change the page top/bottom margins, but I don't think that will work. Basically, I want to keep the heading so that it appears on the next page with the screen shot.\n\nAre there any suggestions on how I would be able to use \"Keep with next\" like I would in MS Word?\n" }
[ { "author": "tk385", "body": "I have the same need. Whenever I include a large screenshot, it flows to the next page while leaving the description paragraph in prior page.\n\nIs there any solution?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "The 'keep with next' is not really implemented. What I normally use to force a page-break in the pdf document is the {divbox} macro, like {divbox:class=pagebreak}{divbox}. The class pagebreak is then a (custom) css class in your PDF stylesheet with a page-break-before.\n\nBut we have also implemented the pagebreaks on PDF's. You should then set the page-break-before style on the h1 tag instead of the pagetitle class, like:\n\nh1 {\n\npage-break-before: always;\n\n}\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Michele C", "body": "The solution helped, but I am still having some issues. In the PDF, I am actually using H1, H2, H3. I inserted page breaks on H1, but it caused some issues where there was H3 on a page, and a screen shot on the next page.\n\nI then tried using a page break on H1 and on H3. That almost solved the problem. I skipped through the document and I have some blank pages. I think it's because there is some white space and then it breaks when it find the H3 heading.\n\nI think I may need to manually insert the page breaks within the document using a macro. I am not sure if that would still fix the problems with the blank pages that end up in the PDF file.\n\nIs there a feaure request for \"keep with next\"? If so, what is the status in having it implemented?\n" }, { "author": "Michele C", "body": "I tried using a page break. I still end up with a heading on one page and an image on the next page.\n\nIs there a feaure request for \"keep with next\"? If so, what is the status in having it implemented?\n" } ] } ]
[ "pdf", "stylesheet" ]
{ "author": "Bjorn Solberg", "title": "Bring back wiki markup?", "body": "Yes, the new editor is good, and better than the old one. However, my existing editor is already excellent for handling, navigating and editing text, especially when the text size increases past a few paragraphs. Therefore I am much more productive with my existing editor and always will be, no matter how many shortcuts and such you put in and I learn, until you have basically duplicated everything my current editor has. And I see no point in you doing that.\n\nA more significant reason is that now I can't edit pages offline. Sure, I can type in markup and it will be converted when I put it in, but I won't be able to edit existing pages that way. That takes out a lot of opportunities and time during which I can write, further degrading my productivity. Also, given that there already is a workaround in wrapping my text in a non-renderable macro, thus enabling me to read and write the wiki markup, there is no reason not to make this an \"official\" feature that will appease the many (if not most) of us that prefer the wiki markup option.\n\nYet another reason is related to session timeouts. When this happens, say during a long meeting or other reason, for the most part Confluence is able to handle it and bring the content back after re-logging in. Sometimes, however, it fails, and it is frustrating to lose work and the wasted time it is typing it back in.\n\nWill you bring back the wiki markup option as an official feature, or will we have to continue using the kludge to get aronud it? After all, it is still a wiki, or are you going to rebrand it as a CMS? ;)\n\nThanks,\n\nBjorn.\n" }
[ { "author": "Mike Naseef", "body": "Wow, Confluence wants to make sure the WIKI is for everyone, so they are making sure it only works for the least common denominator? That's a sad argument. I will be fighting tooth and nail to resist an upgrade to 4.0 at our organization while this feature is missing. Even when I do use the rich text editor, I find myself going back to the markup tab to fix the decisions the editor made. Maybe it will work better in 4, but why should I care? The markup page works great for me.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Matt", "body": "Hey Mike -- we're currently building an Advanced Editor for Confluence 4.x that will allow you to edit the source of a page. You can [see the spec here](\n" } ] }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "Please see [Why We Removed the Wiki Markup Editor in Confluence 4.0]( for further clarity on this decision.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bjorn Solberg", "body": "I take that back - when the session times out during editing, I now get a spinning wheel and no way of logging back in short of closing and reopening the page, with all my edits lost. Argh...\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bjorn Solberg", "body": "Sorry for the duplicate post, I got an error message when I posted this yesterday and didn't see it on the question list later either. However, the link that the reply points to,\n\n[](/questions/12073/wiki-markup-in-confluence-4-again)\n\nbut it fails to address any of my points above. Either way, consider this a \"+1\" for bringing wiki markup back. ;)\n\nThanks,\n\nBjorn.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "markup", "wiki" ]
{ "author": "Mick Davidson", "title": "Numbered lists break when you remove the numbering function from lines in the sequence that do not need to use numbers.", "body": "**Numbered lists break when you remove the numbering function from lines in the sequence that do not need to use numbers.**\n\nHow do you make a numbered list that includes lines (and graphics, figure numbers etc) that do not need to be numbered? My experience is that *all* lines have to have them.\n\nIf I remove the numbers from the lines I don't want them on, the following lines start renumbering from 1, which is pretty useless.\n\nThe only fix is to add them manually, but this isn't what I want to do. Before V4 I could force them to work in wiki markup, this is not an option in V4.\n\nCheers,\n" }
[ { "author": "Matt", "body": "Press SHIFT+ENTER to add a line between a two items on a numbered list.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Mick Davidson", "body": "Matt,\n\nThanks, that worked. It's great when you're creating the list from scracth, but not so handy if you've got imported pages where the numbering already existed. All ours have changed so that after each graphic and title, the numbered list reverts to 1.\n\nTo get arund this I've had to de-number the list apart from the first one, then move all the steps above the grpahics as renumber them. As I did this I used Chift+Enter to create spaces for the graphics and figure numbers. I then added these back as appropriate. Which is a pretty tedious process and I have dozens of these to to.\n\nI'm lookng for volunteers... :)\n\nThanks again.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Eric Vook", "body": "Leave the numbers on.\n\nYou have lines in groups, some text and some diagrams.\n\nUse the Shift+Enter to add lines to a group with the same number.\n\nIf you want to start the \"next\" number, go to the end of the last line in the group, hit DELETE to remove the newline.\n\nThen hit plain \"Enter\" and the numbering will continue on the line you add.\n\nUse this delete-then-enter pattern to work your way down the list.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Sherral Trotter", "body": "Thank you, this did help. But maybe you can help with a related problem. I am inserting the Note macro between some of my numbered items. I noticed it won't let me insert the note on a line that is formatted with the numbered list. However, if I turn it off to insert the note, it starts renumbering underneath note with #1. I want it to continue numbering. The Shift enter does allow me to create a blank line and insert and image but it won't let me insert the note. Any ideas?\n" } ] } ]
[ "list", "number" ]
{ "author": "bwarntzen", "title": "How can I restrict view to mail archive ?", "body": "We need to add a view restriction to our mail archive. At least it should not be public and anonymous visibility\n" }
[ { "author": "hsuhailah", "body": "Not possible, since there is no such permission settings in Confluence. You might be interested in\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "email" ]
{ "author": "ictsadmin", "title": "Group migration when upgrading to Confluence 3.5", "body": "We are able to get Confluence 3.5 installed without issue. We are also able to run the script that moves the users from the older version to the new configuration without issue, but the groups are not migrated once we try to run the script that will move them. This can be problematic since we have a lot of local confluence groups. At this point we have been unable to locate any help on this. Is there any assistance that you can provide on this since we are unable to move to newer versions until this gets resolved.\n\nAlso all users are Active Directory users if that helps.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bruna Griebeler", "body": "Hi there!\n\nI beliueve this KB is a good way to go for this case: <>\n\nCheers!\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "John Cottier", "title": "How best to import spaces from 3.0.1 to 3.4.6?", "body": "Hi,\n\nI am required to import spaces from Confluence v3.0.1 to 3.4.6, have followed the upgrade procedures (upgrade 3.0.1 to 3.4.6 and attempt to export spaces), plus the workaround (renumber version within the file) but cannot get the content exported from 3.0.1 to be visible in 3.4.6\n\nPlease confirm the best method of acheiving this.\n\nMany thanks.\n" }
[ { "author": "John Cottier", "body": "Thanks Gregory,\n\nI have previously tried the export pages and spaces to XML (creates zip archive) from 3.0.1, then tried the restore into 3.4.6, but I just get the version difference alert and the restore goes no further.\n\nCould you give some more information as to how you got the export from 3.0.2 to import into 3.4.6 please?\n\nThanks.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Gregory Sudderth", "body": "How funny you mention these two exact numbers.\n\nWe exported the entire wiki in XML format, from 3.0.2, and then upgraded to 3.4.6, and imported it.\n\nWe had no luck with per-space exports, as those seemed to be locked into the exact version. We had a space export from a subcontractor that was using 3.4.6 when they made it, hence the specific version.\n\nSince then, our wiki has grown such that XML export for the whole thing no longer works. We have since upgraded to 3.5.13 in test and are about to do that for production.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "upgrade" ]
{ "author": "Stanislav Kalianov", "title": "Can I have space title on cover page of PDF export?", "body": "Confluence documentation describes how to add cover page to PDF export. This is done through \"Customising the PDF Layout\" and \"Customising the PDF Stylesheet\". Examples show this with static string. Is there a way to automatically place space name on cover page?\n\nI understand that PDF stylesheet is specific to a space, so I can edit space title directly in it, but with maore than 20 spaces it becomes tedious.\n\nAlso, I would like to include the output date on cover page. We have CSS function \"counter(page);\" to count pages. Is there equivalent CSS function to access date and time?\n" }
[ { "author": "Marcel Plomp", "body": "I have exactly the same questions.\n\nAnybody.....?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "export", "pdf", "stylesheet", "titlepage" ]
{ "author": "Lars Sj?gren", "title": "Links to anchors in other pages does not work", "body": "Hi,\n\nA user asked me the other day how to link to specific locations in a page. I pointed out the Confluence User Guide section that deals wiht this and he says that he followed it but cannot get links to anchors in other pages to work (links ot anchors within the same page works fine). Sure enough, neither could I. We follow the instructions and use the specified syntax for anchor:\n\n```\n{anchor:anchor}\n```\n\nAnd link:\n\n```\n[pagetitle#anchor]\n```\n\nWhat happens is that the correct page opens, but at the top of the page and not at the anchor position. I read somewhere in the Forum that some IPhone plugin could cause problems, but we don't have that installed. We eun Confluence 3.4.9.\n\nRegards,\n\nLars\n" }
[ { "author": "Lars Sj?gren", "body": "Thanks for your suggestions. I've tried them all but without luck.\n\nAfter posting this, I tried what I should have tried from the very start (which is something one would not think one would have to try since this is supposedly a good and solid application): I tried another browser. And it works fine! Originally, I used FireFox since that's the browser I am using. Then I tried in IE and all the test links I created using FF work fine.\n\nThanks again for your help though.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Gregory Sudderth", "body": "No worries! That's so weird that its FF that's broken! File it!\n" } ] }, { "author": "mattcobb", "body": "It no longer works on any browser:\n\n<>\n\nPlease up vote it\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Gregory Sudderth", "body": "Culprits:\n\n- Permissions\n\n- Space Key: I had problems with older confluence when there were weird characters (punctuation) in the space key...I have no idea how they got there as you can't create spaces with those characters\n\n- Title of document: Try something simple, single-word and see what you get.\n\n- Spaces: Are the two documents in the same space?\n\n- Character Set: are there any non-ASCII-generic-\"American\" letters in the anchor, title, or space keys?\n\nGood luck!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Lars Sj?gren", "body": "This is the syntax I'm using and it doesn't work. Any other clues as to why this doesn't work?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Gregory Sudderth", "body": "Ok, let's say you have two documents, Moe, and Larry.\n\nIn Larry, you make an anchor:\n\n```\n{anchor:secondpageanchor}\n```\n\nAnd in the Moe document, you have this link:\n\n```\n[Larry#secondpageanchor]\n```\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "anchor", "link" ]
{ "author": "Serena Kirillova", "title": "Any reliable way to see actual wiki markup used for macros? Confluence 4.0", "body": "I need to add some macros to the dashboard but since there's no text editor on dashboard, I sometimes find it hard what wiki markup I need to use. For instance Expand macro... What is suggested on this page: <> doesn't work any more, assuming because it's for 3.5.\n\nThanks.\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo LGmin and Ken\n\nThe {expand} macro is now bundled with Confluence, so there's no need to add it as a user macro any more. Instead, you should be able to use it (on a page, at least) in the same way as you would add any other macro.\n\nI don't know why Confluence is giving problems when you try to use the {expand} macro on the dashboard. But here's a workaround that may help.\n\nI'm assuming that, at the moment, you are putting all your dashboard text and wiki markup into the \"Site Welcome Message\" text box on the \"General Configuration\" page of the Confluence Administration Console.\n\nInstead, you can build the dashboard content in a normal wiki page. That means that, on the page, you can use the new {expand} macro and any other rich content that you like, edited via the new editor. And you can do the initial insertion of the wiki markup via the \"Insert Wiki Markup\" option on that page.\n\nWhen the content is ready on that page, you can use a single line of wiki markup to put that page onto the dashboard:\n\n```\n{include:SPACEKEY:Page Name}\n```\n\nPut the above wiki markup into the \"Site Welcome Message\" text box.\n\nThe documentation gives some examples here:\n\n<>\n\nI hope this solves the problem for you!\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Ken Bour", "body": "Sarah:\n\nSorry for the delay in pursuing this issue, but I tried your suggestion today, that is:\n\n1. I cut the content from the original Dashboard box (containing the expand macro content) and added it to a new Wiki page and, indeed, the expand macro works just fine there (see screenshot #1).\n2. I then inserted this line into the place where the original content was located (under Edit Dashboard): {include:ForumHelp:ICANN Dashboard-Include}\n\nUnfortunately, when Confluence brings in the included page, it STILL completely expands the content (see screenshot #2).\n\nReal estate on the Dashboard is precious and I would really like to use the {expand} macro there...any other ideas?\n\nKen\n\n===\n\n*First image is the page containing the expand macro - works fine on that separate page.*\n\n![](../../upfiles/Dashboard_Include_Page.PNG)\n\n*Second image shows the Dashboard after the {include} macro was added. The content is auto-expanded and there is no option to shrink.*\n\n![](../../upfiles/Dashboard_After_Include.PNG)\n", "comments": [ { "author": "B_ Normann P_ Nielsen", "body": "Hi,\n\nInstead on Expand on the dashboard, use this:\n\n```\n<a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"if(document.getElementById('navigate').style.display == 'none'){ document.getElementById('navigate').style.display = 'block'; }else{ document.getElementById('navigate').style.display = 'none'; }\"><h1>Click here to expand the div</h1></a> <div class=\"welcome-message\" id=navigate style=\"display:none;\">\n```\n\n```\n \n```\n\n```\ntext her\n```\n\n```\n \n```\n\n```\n</div>\n```\n" } ] }, { "author": "Ken Bour", "body": "I have the same problem as the original poster. I have a Dashboard (Confluence v4.1.9) with the following macro that used to work fine in v3.5.9:\n\n```\n{expand:title=Click here to learn about linking to pages outside of Confluence}{note}Users should be alerted to use the *Tiny Link* (URL) when referencing pages outside of Confluence (e.g., bookmarks, e-mails). From any page (except the Dashboard), type the keyboard letter \"k\" and copy/paste the middle *Tiny Link* which will always remain permanent even though the Wiki page may be moved internally for administrative purposes.{note}{expand}\n```\n\nI can use the expand macro on any other page; however, it appears that, because the Dashboard is still Wiki Markup, the macro is not being recognized.\n\nAre you suggesting that I copy the User Macro and install in Confluence v4.1.9?\n\nKen\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ken Bour", "body": "Incidentally, I tried to add the User Macro, but received a warning that a system macro by that name already exists.\n\nKen\n" } ] }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "Refer to the 3.5 version of our documentation:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "dashboard" ]
{ "author": "Alexander Sergeev", "title": "Jira 4.3 and Confluence 4.0 integration compatibility", "body": "We are using Jira 4.3 and Confluence 3.5 (with integration)\n\nWe would like to upgrade Confluence up to 4.0.\n\nIs Confluence 4.0 still compatible with Jira 4.3?\n" }
[ { "author": "Alexander Sergeev", "body": "Looks like yes: <>\n\nThank you, Matt)\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "integration", "jira", "upgrade" ]
{ "author": "Michelle O'Riordan", "title": "Mandatory Atlassian footer: 2 of the four links are dead'uns.", "body": "The mandatory footer: Powered by Atlassian Confluence 3.5.13, the Enterprise Wiki \\| Report a bug \\| Atlassian News\n\ncontains four links: Powered by Atlassian and Report a Bug work. However the Enterprise Wiki (<>) and Atlassian News (<>) are dead links.\n\nExactly how much of this text am I required to display according to the EULA please? What is the minimum?\n" }
[ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "We've got a documentation topic on this question: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "footer" ]
{ "author": "Danny Verhaegen", "title": "when uploading mp4 and flashvideo file it does not work", "body": "tried to upload those 2 types of file, and when wanted to view the they do nothing and th plugin is installed.\n" }
[ { "author": "William Zanchet [Atlassian]", "body": "Hey Prateek, \n\nActually I raised a bug report for .swf files as you can see here: \n\n<> \n\nCould you please see if that is your case? \n\nCheers, \n\nWZ\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Prateek Jain", "body": "William, even .swf format is not working. Can you please put some more light on this issue.!! Thanks.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "William Zanchet [Atlassian]", "body": "Unfortunately, currently flash videos and mp4 videos are not supported by Confluence. The supported formats are : SWF, MOV, WMA, WMV, MPEG, MPG,RAM, RM, MP3, and AVI.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Chris Severn", "title": "Confluence on VPS. Virtuozzo at Westnet.", "body": "I want to install Confluence on our ISP's virtual server offering. Westnet offer the following VPS options. They use Virtuozzo, running either Linux or Windows. I'd probably go for Debian Linux.\n\n<>\n\nI've seen the Atlassian info about Confluence on VMWare, and the basic system requirements for 5 concurrent users. It looks like the VPS2 package from Westnet would suffice. It offers 1GB RAM, 2GHz CPU, 30GB storage, 100GB traffic.\n\nDoes anyone have specific experience or comments regarding running Confluence on a Virtuozzo virtual private server? I'd appreciate any advice before jumping into it. Info on suggested alternative Australian VPS offerings also gratefully received.\n" }
[ { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "I am running a Confluence instance on a Web24 VPS (Virtuozzo container). It runs great but I do have 2Gb of RAM assigned to Confluence (4 gig total). They took a few days (which I think was not normal) to get the server provisioned but from there it's been great.\n\nVery fast from Australia.\n\nAs an alternate, I also use some dedicated hosts from Server4You in the US. I recommend for those that want to self manage and don't mind the US latency. 12Gb of RAM didicated for $80 is great value.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Chris Severn", "body": "Thanks Colin. Does the Virtuozzo control panel allow you to assign RAM to different apps, or if not, how did you assign a particular amount of memory to Confluence? Is that a Confluence setting?\n" }, { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "Yes, it's just a standard Linux install so you can control the amount of RAM using the Xmx Java memory setting\n" } ] } ]
[ "vmware" ]
{ "author": "Bryan Choate", "title": "Using Macros & Wiki Markup in Confluence 4.x", "body": "I'm attempting to programmatically add content to a page in Confluence via the SOAP api. Essentially, I want to say something like this:\n\nh1. {color:#000000}v3.1 (built Sun Nov 13 15:57:44 EST 2011; deployed %%PROD_DATE%%){color} \\|\\| Time \\|\\| Server \\|\\| \\| %%BETA_DATE%% \\| %%BETA_MACHINES%% \\| \\| %%PROD_DATE%% \\| %%PROD_MACHINES%% \\| {jiraissues:url=[http://jiraserver:8080/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=project+%3D+PROJ+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%223.1%22+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC](}\n\n<br />\n\nIn v3.1, I could just paste that into the non-WYSIWYG editor and everything would be fine; however, in v4.x, if I paste that into the editor, it doesn't render- it just shows up as raw text. Since there's no more distinction between wiki markup and wysiwyg, the rendering happens realtime, and adding large chunks of wiki markup kills it. Is there a way to do what I want in v4?\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "In the new editor of Confluence 4 you should be able to paste your wiki markup in the dialog window when you go to **Insert =\\> Wiki Markup**.\n\nIf you want to add content programmatically, there is a helper method [convertWikiToStorageFormat in version 2 of the remote API](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Bryan Choate", "body": "Thanks Remo! That was exactly what I needed.\n" } ] } ]
[ "macro", "markup" ]
{ "author": "Aitor Elorriaga", "title": "Configuration of Confluence with MySQL", "body": "The SystemInformationService could not be retrieved from the container. Therefore very limited information is available in this error report.\n\nThe SystemInformationService could not be retrieved due to the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Spring Application context has not been set\n\nCause\n\ncom.atlassian.config.ConfigurationException: Couldn't save confluence.cfg.xml to /home/mysql directory.\n\nat com.atlassian.config.xml.AbstractDom4jXmlConfigurationPersister.saveDocument(\n\ncaused by: Permission denied\n\nat Method)\n\nStack Trace: hide\n\ncom.atlassian.config.ConfigurationException: Couldn't save confluence.cfg.xml to /home/mysql directory.\n\nBR\n\nAitor\n" }
[ { "author": "HuseinA", "body": "> com.atlassian.config.ConfigurationException: Couldn't save confluence.cfg.xml to /home/mysql directory.\n\nexplains that the user running Confluence doesn't have enough read/write permission to /home/mysql. You will need to grant all access to /home/mysql to the user who runs Confluence. This is covered in [this KB]( as well.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Kate", "title": "How can I delete the page without visiting it?", "body": "Hi,all!\n\nI can't go to the page (i guess it has some mistakes). How can I delete this page without visiting it?\n\nThnx :)\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "You can use the [Confluence Command Line Interface]( **removePage** action. Another option is to go to another page and look at the link that is produced for tools -\\> remove page. Copy/paste and replace the page id with the page id of the page you want to delete. You need the page id of the bad page - query the contents table to get that or run something like:\n\n**--action getPageList --space spacekey --title \"bad page\" --children --outputFormat 2**\n\nBy the way, you might want to use **getPageSource** first to save the page data.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Kate", "body": "Good advice! thank you!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Shreya Rawal", "body": "I found a much easier way of doing this in case anyone else is looking for it. Create a new Dummy page under the same space and using Page Reorder under Content Tools move the page to be deleted under the newly created Dummy page. Delete the Dummy page and the child page.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jonathan Miller", "body": "Thanks, that really was easy.\n" }, { "author": "Richard Fenton", "body": "Clever :)\n" }, { "author": "mahdi_hosseinali", "body": "In the new update, the parent page adopts the child pages\n" }, { "author": "Bob", "body": "[@mahdi_hosseinali](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3540245)\n\nPossibly even easier solution:\n\nGo te reorder pages, drag the to-be-deleted page to the same level as the \"home\" page.\n\nGo to orphaned pages, remove the page with the bin button.\n" } ] }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Another option is to use the {link-to} macro from the Linking Page. In that case, you just need the page name. Just add it to another page somewhere in Confluence (in the same Space is the simplest) like so:\n\n{link-to:page remove\\|page=Name Of Page I Want To Remove}Remove Bad Page{link-to}\n\nThen, just follow the link, and it will ask you to confirm you want to delete the page. Say 'Yes', and you're good to go.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "page" ]
{ "author": "Derwing Medina", "title": "PDF Export Customisations doesn?t works", "body": "I tried to change the PDF export of a space so that the top place a logo and even though I try, it seems that confluence does not see any of my modifications, the code I'm using is identical to the example on page of documentation.\n\nPDF Space Export Title Page\n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\n![](/download/attachments/6553602/VenezolanadeSistemasPequeno.png)\n\n<br />\n\nPlanning for Confluence 4.0\n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\nPDF Export Stylesheet\n\n.fsTitlePage\n\n{\n\nmargin-left: auto;\n\nmargin-top: 50mm;\n\nmargin-right: auto;\n\npage-break-after:always\n\n}\n\n.fsTitle\n\n{\n\nfont-size: 42px;\n\nfont-weight: bold;\n\nmargin: 72px 0 4px 0;\n\ntext-align:center;\n\n}\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Did you do it like this?\n\nGo to **Browse =\\> Space Admin =\\> PDF Layout =\\> PDF Space Export Title Page** and insert the following code:\n\n```\n&lt;div class=\"fsTitlePage\"&gt; &lt;img src=\"/download/attachments/590719/titlepage.png\" /&gt; &lt;div class=\"fsTitle\"&gt;Planning for Confluence 4.0&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;\n```\n\nThen go to **Browse =\\> Space Admin =\\> PDF Stylesheet =\\> PDF Export Stylesheet** and insert the following styles:\n\n```\n.fsTitlePage { margin-left: auto; margin-top: 50mm; margin-right: auto; page-break-after: always;} .fsTitle { font-size: 42px; font-weight: bold; margin: 72px 0 4px 0; text-align:center;}\n```\n\nTo export the space go to **Browse =\\> Advanced =\\> PDF Export** and click **export**.\n\nThe custom styles defined in the PDF export stylesheet will be applied to all pdf exports, but the customizations of the PDF layout only take effect when exporting in the **Browse Space** section. They won't be applied when you export a single page over **Tools =\\> Export to PDF**.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Derwing Medina", "body": "Thanks Buddy.\n\nI like this works over **Tools =\\> Export to PDF =(**\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Dan Moran", "title": "Can the default text in the Confluence search box, Search Confluence, be changed?", "body": "I want to change \"Search Confluence\" to \"Search All Documents\" because our customers won't know what Confluence is, they'll only know that they've accessed our online documentation.\n\n(We're using the Documentation Theme.)\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Duplicate of: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Dan Moran", "title": "Change the default text in the Search Box?", "body": "The default text in the Confluence Search Box is : Search Confluence.\n\nHow can I change this text?\n\nI'm using the Documentation Theme.\n" }
[ { "author": "Sandro Herrmann [Communardo]", "body": "Hello,\n\nand javascript again iss your friend.\n\nInsert the following code in the Confleunce Administration \\> Custom HTML \\> \"At the end of the BODY\" - part\n\n```\n&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\"&gt;AJS.toInit(function ($) { var search = jQuery(\".quick-search-query\"); search.each(function() { searchBox = jQuery(this);\"quicksearch\", { placeholder: \"My Test Value\", placeholded: true }); searchBox.trigger(\"focus\"); searchBox.trigger(\"blur\"); }); });&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n\nThe Placeholder Vlaue \"My Test Value\" should be set. Testet it with a Confluence 4.0.4. Hope that works for you.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Thanks, Sandro - this script works great in my version of Confluence!\n\nSorry about the duplicate questions - I wasn't aware that the first one was accepted. Then this weekend I began receiving answers for both. And different answers at that! But yours was the simplest and it worked.\n\nThanks again,\n\nDan\n" }, { "author": "Victor Prasad", "body": "Any chance this will work with Confluence 6.8.2?\n\nThanks,\n\nV\n" } ] }, { "author": "Stanislav Kalianov", "body": "I think it might be easier to follow the Confluence documentation regarding changes to interface text:\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Stanislav,\n\nThanks for your reply. I got a lot of great answesr from everyone, but for me, Sandro's was the easiest to apply. I didn't have to leave the UI - just plug in the script and it's done.\n\nDan\n" } ] }, { "author": "HuseinA", "body": "removed to the original question <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Duplicate of: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "JT", "title": "Must email addresses in Confluence be unique?", "body": "Must email addresses in Confluence be unique or can mulitple users have the same email address?\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "We have some users which have the same email address, no problems so far.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "JT", "body": "What happens if one of these users selects the 'Forgot My Password' function and enters the email address instead of their user id?\n" }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "In our case, it looks like Confluence just takes the first user it finds by the email address and creates a reset link for that user. The same happens in our other Confluence using Crowd.\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "The password goes to the email address, so whomever is reading the email address gets the password. If it's a shared account, then many people have access. Not a lot you can do about that - it's the organisation's decision to use shared accounts. (If you are, then you may want to think it through - in some cases, it's such a bad idea, it's illegal)\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Brendon Baumgartner", "title": "after upgrade confluence edit page only shows the page title.", "body": "Upgraded from 3.4.x to 4.0.4. After the upgrade now when editing a page, the edit page shows only a title. The editor isn't there as well as the rest of the page.\n" }
[ { "author": "Brendon Baumgartner", "body": "<>\n\nRerunning the migration fixed it.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Ruchi Sheoran", "title": "How do you create drop down menus from the header field in Confluence?", "body": "How do you create drop down menus from the header field in Confluence?\n" }
[ { "author": "Brent Lewis", "body": "The best way I have found to do this so far is using the Adaptavist Theme Builder plugin, but I would also like to do this in a native Confluence theme as I've had a hard time maintaining a lot of what I like in the core layouts with the theme builder app (it seems very powerful, but I am not knowledgable enough with CSS and web page/browser interactions to re-create a great theme in it).\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Brent Lewis", "body": "The best way I have found to do this so far is using the Adaptavist Theme Builder plugin, but I would also like to do this in a native Confluence theme as I've had a hard time maintaining a lot of what I like in the core layouts with the theme builder app (it seems very powerful, but I am not knowledgable enough with CSS and web page/browser interactions to re-create a great theme in it).\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "You could add another menu next to the Browse and username field quite easily.\n\nTake a look at the code behind @Stefan Kohler's Favourites Speakeasy Extension: \n\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "select-list" ]
{ "author": "miguel.silva", "title": "Pages whose tittle has a '&' character problem", "body": "I'm using confluence 4.0\n\nAnd when I try to create a page whose tittle has a '\\&' character, that page is rendered normally but the URL of those pages is something like \"http://\\<server\\>/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5636721\" insted of the normal http://\\<server\\>/display/\\<space\\>/\\<page_name\\> .\n\nIs this a known issue? Is it correctable? Does anybody knows how?\n" }
[ { "author": "MinC", "body": "This is still a feature request at the moment: <>. Feel free to cast a vote to increase the popularity of the feature request or add yourself as a watcher to be notified for the future updates.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "This is by design and afaik not configurable.\n\nThe whole issue is that the '\\&' character has special meaning in a URL. Therefore, Atlassian took it on the safe side to render the url for these pages by pageId. It happens to all pages with titles that give problems when the title is added to a URL.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "display", "page" ]
{ "author": "Norman Schemel", "title": "Is it possible to export the watchlists if I export a space to XML?", "body": "I've exported a space with many page watchers to XML. When I import it in another or the same confluence installation all watchlists are gone. Is there an option to export the watchlists too?\n" }
[ { "author": "Rodrigo Girardi Adami", "body": "Hi there!\n\nThat's strange. I've just performed a test here exporting a space XML with a page watcher and when I imported this same space the watcher remains in the list.\n\nThis might be some other problem. I suggest to open a ticket for atlassian support so we can investigate.\n\nRegards,\n\nRodrigo\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "export", "watcher", "xml" ]
{ "author": "Sebastian Ljungberg", "title": "External links to Confluence (e.g. requirements)", "body": "Hello,\n\nI am using an external Test management system and I wonder if it is possible to get an external link to a anchor/heading in a specific page/space in Confluence that I can use in my test cases so the tester can look at the requirement if needed. (By clicking on the link, possible log in, and then get directed to the specific anchor/heading)?\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Headers (h1, h2, etc.) in Confluence usually should have an anchor already. You should be able to link to a specific header like this:\n\n<>\n\nYou can also insert custom anchors with the anchor macro:\n\n{anchor:YourCustomAnchor}\n\nAnd then link to them like this:\n\n<>\n\nHope this helps\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Andrew Karandjeff", "body": "I have tried both adding an anchor (named acronyms) via the macro and then creating an external link as well as using the Header 2 name for the section (Acronyms) and neither seem to work. I am just taken to the page itself and am positioned at the top, not at the Acronyms section.\n\nAnchor link\n\n<>\n\nSection link\n\n<>\n\nI've also tried:\n\n<>\n\nand\n\n<>\n\nto no avail.\n\nWe're on version Confluence v4.1.4 and I've tried with IE9 and FF v10 and v14. Thanks.\n" }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Try to replace **#My+Title-XXX** with **#MyTitle-XXX**. Spaces in page titles are getting removed in the anchors, so you don't need to write the plus (+) signs.\n\nHope this helps\n" }, { "author": "Andrew Karandjeff", "body": "Yahtzee! That did it. Thank you very much!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Stefan", "body": "Hey guys, what century does Atlassian's Confluence live in?\n\nI have to:\n\ncopy and paste the (tiny) link,\n\nthen I have to add the \"#\",\n\ncopy and paste the standard link,\n\nstrip the https-header in order to have MyPageTitle isolated,\n\ndelete all \"+\" that were inserted due to the spaces,\n\nadd the \"-\",\n\ncopy and paste the Heading,\n\ndelete all \"+\",\n\nthen test if it really works,\n\ndebug the mistakes from the above procedure\n\nand then I have a link to a header on a confluence page!!!!!\n\nHas Atlassian heard about a context menu macro yet?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "external", "link" ]
{ "author": "Richard Grove", "title": "No \"Add Gliffy document\" under Issue > Other Actions", "body": "I've checked the plugins, disabled and re-enabled Gliffy without success. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.\n\nRG\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "With Gliffy there are two different plugins: Gliffy for JIRA (Issues) and Gliffy for Confluence (Wiki) which can make it a bit confusing. Depending on what you signed up for, the plugin can be under plugins for Issues and/or plugins for wiki.\n\nIf you have the plugin enabled for application in mention and it is not showing up, I would recommend entering a support ticket ([]( so we can take a look over your instance to check everything out.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "gliffy-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "How to add a serial / issue number to a page in Confluence 4.0?", "body": "I want to build a simple knowledge base. How can I automatically add a unique ID number to each page name?\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Browse to **Confluence Admin \\| Look \\& Feel \\| Custom HTML**\n\nPaste this in **At the end of the HEAD**:\n\n```\n&lt;script&gt;AJS.toInit(function(){ if (AJS.params.pageId != 'undefined') { AJS.$('#title-text a').prepend(AJS.params.pageId + ' '); }});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n\nIt will prepend the pageId to the page title.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Thanks! Is page layout development documented in any one place or will I have to piece it together myself?\n\n```\n&lt;script&gt;AJS.toInit(function(){ if (AJS.params.pageId != 'undefined') { AJS.$('#title-text a').prepend('KB-' + AJS.params.pageId +' '); }});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n" }, { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "That's close to what I need, except the number does not seem to be searchable.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "I faced the same problem while I was creating the KB and when we need to send a reference to the page that was not going to be changed (so I was not able to use the page name). The tiny url is the unique ID that I used.\n\nI added the following on the top of the page just in case they need to send the link\n\nRight-click this link and choose \"Copy Link Location\" to reference this KBA: {page-info:tinyurl}\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Each page already has a unique page id assigned by Confluence. Would that work for you?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Yes, the unique page ID would be great. So I want to add something to the main-header div in the main layout for the KB space?\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "You have to figure out how you want it displayed but something like: PAGE_ID: ${} in the layout.\n" }, { "author": "Brent Lewis", "body": "I am also interested in doing this, but my understanding is that the Page ID is not completely stable. The ID may chagne as updates are made to the page or if the Confluence instance is upgraded. Can anyone comment on how persistent page IDs really are on Confluence?\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "The pageId is stable, the page title can change (obviously).\n" } ] } ]
[ "page" ]
{ "author": "Ryan Payne", "title": "Sql plugin not running", "body": "We are having issues with the sql plugin. we are running confluence version 4.0 and have tried both sql plugin versions 4.2.1 and 4.2.0 with no success. The datasource we are is located at java:comp/env/jdbc/confluence. The table I am trying to access is called schedule_cal\n\neven going of of the simple example statement from the plugin homepage does not run\n\n{sql:datasource=confluence}\n\nselect \\* from schedule_cal\n\n{sql}\n\nwe have also tried with the {sql-query} macro\n\nif entered in the page body through the page editor the sql statement text will simply be displayed in the page once saved, if entered by inser\\>wiki markup the error: Unknown macro:'unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup' is displayed\n\nwhat are we doing wrong? I have tried every combination I can think of but it is not recognizing it as a macro but plain txt instead\n" }
[ { "author": "Philippe Robichaud", "body": "Same here, any progress on this?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matthew J. Horn", "body": "RPAYNE, did you ever resolve this? I am experiencing the same issue. Am using Confluence 4.1.2.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Currently, you can only use sql macro on Confluence 4 via insert wiki markup. See/watch [Confluence 4.0 compatibility for Table and other plugins]( for information on that. Regarding the unknown macro part - that is Confluence, check the plugin is properly installed and all macros enabled. Check the logs for related problems. If you still have problem, you can open a plugin issue with more details, but I suspect it is a installation issue.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ryan Payne", "body": "Thats what I am confused about, can you explain the process for adding the sql macro through the insert wiki markup? I though you opened it, entered the sql macro statement in the wiki markup window and pressed insert, that simple. Am I missing something? Instalation stated successfull and plugin admin page shows 9 of 9 modules enabled, I dont understand why it is not running. Also I opended an issue and am waiting to hear back on that as well.\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "That is all. It is no different than any other wiki markup added that way. Suggest restarting Confluence to see if problem occurs after a fresh start.\n" }, { "author": "Ryan Payne", "body": "Restarted with no change, it will run any of the included macros such as {column} but will not run any of the ones I have installed such as {sql} {table} or {run} for all three it produces the same unkown macro error. Do you have any other suggestions or ideas why it would not work with any of them?\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Will have to see what Atlassian support says. What specific version of Confluence 4 are you at? Mine is 4.0\n" }, { "author": "Ryan Payne", "body": "system info page just lists 4.0\n" } ] } ]
[ "app", "macro" ]
{ "author": "Richard Yale", "title": "Confluence CLI stopped working suddenly", "body": "Last month it worked fine, this month it is giving us errors and we didn't change anything. What could have caused it?\n\nC:\\\\CLI\\\\confluence-cli\\\\release\\>java -jar confluence-cli.jar --server http://\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\* --user \\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\* --password \\*\\*\\* --space \"\\*\\*\\*\" --parent \"\\*\\*\\*\" --title \"\\*\\*\\*\" --action storePage --content \"TEST\"\n\nUnable to log in to server: http://\\*\\*\\*/rpc/soap-axis/confluenceservice-v1 with user: \\*\\*\\*\\*\\*. \nCause: ; nested exception is: \norg.xml.sax.SAXException: Processing instructions are not allowed within SOAP messages\n\n\\* = replaced content\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Simplify by trying **--action login** with the same user info. Next try login with a different user. Log in the server job log for any related error messages.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Richard Yale", "body": "I get the same error with a few different logins using the login action and there are no errors in the logs.\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "And the different user failed as well? And the same user can login via UI? Any changes in how users authenticate? Is this a user defined directly to Confluence? If not, try with such a user.\n" }, { "author": "Richard Yale", "body": "All users have failed both confluence internal and LDAP accounts. All users can login through the actual site. No changes were made to authentication. No changes were made period, which is why this is weird.\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Restart Confluence is the next thing to try.\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "See <>\n" } ] } ]
[ "cli" ]
{ "author": "Lisa Estrella", "title": "How do you configure the JIRA Issues Icon Mappings in Confluence 3.5.13?", "body": "I have a user that sent me this link requesting that I configure the JIRA Icon Mappings. <>\n\nHowever, I this pertains to confluence 3.4 and we are running 3.5.13. Does anyone know if this is still required? I couldn't find any documentation for version 3.5.\n\nThanks,\n\nLisa\n" }
[ { "author": "Guilherme Nedel [Atlassian]", "body": "This feature was discontinued in Confluence 3.5.1 as per tests.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "It's the same process in 3.5\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Lisa Estrella", "body": "In the instructions it says to go the admin console and select 'Jira Issue Icon Mappings' in the left side panel. I don't see that option. That is why I thought maybe the process was different.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Mike McCracken", "title": "Confluence splatted my page on a move", "body": "Had:\n\nSPACE - RELEASE 160\n\nHOMEPAGE - RELEASE 160\n\nPAGE - KEY GOALS\n\nPAGE - RESOLVED IN THIS RELEASE\n\nSPACE - RELEASE 161\n\nHOMEPAGE - RELEASE 161\n\nPAGE - KEY GOALS\n\nPAGE - RESOLVED IN THIS RELEASE\n\nCreated\n\nSPACE - RELEASES\n\nHOMEPAGE - HOME\n\nMoved - HOMEPAGE - RELEASE 161 to HOMEPAGE - HOME\n\nchecked and all was fine\n\nMoved - HOMEPAGE - RELEASE 160 to HOMEPAGE - HOME\n\ncheck and all APPEARED fine.\n\nDeleted SPACE - RELEASE 160 and 161\n\nHowever, now all my links under RELEASE 161 now point to RELEASE 160 when I click them.\n\nHow do I get my get my pages back?\n" }
[ { "author": "Mike McCracken", "body": "OK, I got this working. It is still a pretty scary bug but I was able to get the links back by renaming the pages in 160. The 161 links then started going back to the correct pages.\n\nThere needs to be a warning\\\\validation on a move to let you know if you are going to have duplicate links or the page references need to have a \"copy of\" or something added to them.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Tero Heikkinen", "title": "Importing Pages from Disk fails.", "body": "Importing Pages from Disk to space fails. I'm doing migration from mediawiki and I've successfully dumped all wiki pages and converted them to Confluence wiki markup format.\n\nWhen I do import, Confluence treats pages as HTML that causes them to render as a long one row. I've tested manually by copy-pasting converted pages and markup is ok, because pages render flawlessly in editor.\n\nIs it possible somehow force confluence to process impoted pages as confluence wiki markup? I think that would solve this issue.\n" }
[ { "author": "Mariano Montone", "body": "I managed to solve this issue from the command line: [](<> using the storePage command. \n\nCommand: \n\n./ --server [](http://localhost:8090)<http://localhost:8090>--action storePage --user admin --password asdfd --space ds --title main --file /home/marian/work/uwc/output/output/main \nPage updated: 'main'. Page has id: 557059\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Mariano Montone", "body": "I'm having a similar problem :S\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Patrick Williams", "body": "Hi, I am having a similar problem except in my case I was trying to import word docs using the office connector which I found unreliable when splitting documents via the headings **so instead** I am coverting them to wiki markup and then trying to import them from disk and as you are finding the function is looking for HTML and not wiki markup. I hope you find an answer for this. Cheers\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "SherryX", "title": "after upgrade confluence from 3.4.6 to 3.5.13 the screen frozen when tried to rebuild index", "body": "after upgrade confluence from 3.4.6 to 3.5.13, the screen frozen when tried to rebuild index.\n\nThen I tried to shutdown confluence but with the following error:\n\nSEVERE: Catalina.stop: \ Connection refused \nat Method) \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat\\<init\\>( \nat\\<init\\>( \nat org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.stopServer( \nat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \nat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \nat sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \nat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( \nat org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.stopServer( \nat org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( \nI found the workaround in <>\n\nI could not find the PID file so created a blank one instead, also updated the**** as show in the above workaround, then execute command ** stop -force**\n\nBut system always came up with the following\n\nPID file is empty and has been ignored. connection refused\n\nOR\n\nPID file found but no matching process was found. Stop aborted.\n\nWhere can I find the PID for the matching process? Thanks\n" }
[ { "author": "SherryX", "body": "use command: ps -ef\\|grep java\n\nthe process is already gone, but the confluence process gave me the message and I thought something was wrong.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Khanh Nguyen", "title": "Are there audit entries for Confluence Team Calendar events?", "body": "Just was wondering if there are audit information on a Confluence Team Calendar events.\n\nfor example. . .\n\nEvent xyz created by user date/time\n\nEvent xyz modified by user date/time\n\nEvent xyz removed by user date/time\n\nIf so, where can I get to this information.\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "We currently don't have this feature, as Hanis said - it's available via email only. Question: Why do you want this? is it for company policy? Or do you want to see a stream for a calendar?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Khanh Nguyen", "body": "When you have a team calendar where you give everyone on the team edit permission - which also means that everyone on the team can edit every entry including those created by others. We have accicental removal of entries that we would at least source back to who so that we can correct actions. A calendar activity stream might be a good alternate. Thanks.\n" } ] }, { "author": "hsuhailah", "body": "Not at the moment. But you can watch a calendar to get notifications. See\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Kirby Russell", "title": "Version control in confluence without having to purchase sharepoint", "body": "Just beginning to evaluate confluence and would like to know if there is version/revision control and document library management within Confluence or a plugin rather than having to use Sharepoint?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Weiss", "body": "Kirby - I asked the same question and got this: the plugin [Arsenale Lockpoint]( should provide what you are looking for from <>. I am going to evaluate it for this purpose. I am also looking into putting many documents on a page similar to a sharepoint portal.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "document-management", "revision", "version" ]
{ "author": "Paul Paul", "title": "Space Category vs Team Label?", "body": "I am writing a user macro to display spaces by team label for a projected upgrade to 3.4.x (got stuck on 2.3.7, long story). However, I see that Confleunce 4.x has a space category function and no sign of team labels. So my question is - do my team labels migrate as categories when I come to migrate eventually?\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Paul\n\nYes, your team labels will automatically become space categories. The change happened in Confluence 3.5. Here are the release notes (<>) and the upgrade notes (<>).\n\nWhen you do the upgrade to Confluence 4, the upgrade task will run and change your team labels to space categories.\n\nI hope this answers the question. :)\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Paul Paul", "body": "Many thanks - sorry to have not got to those release notes yet, got to get to 3.4 first.\n" } ] }, { "author": "none", "body": "We have just upgraded from 3.x to 4.1 and categories and labels seem to perform the same function - eg, I thought I could use them together in a hierarchy, but instead every label I create also creates a tab in the Space Directory page.\n\nSo what's the difference between categories and labels?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Hitesh Soni", "title": "Dynamic updation of table", "body": "Hi Expers,\n\nCan you let me know a plugin through which I can dynamically update wiki table. I want to dynamically retrieve data from a remote host and update it to the table. Also pls post any suitable examples. Thanks in Advance.\n\nRegards,\n\nHitesh B Soni\n" }
[ { "author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris", "body": "Looks like this is not achievable from within Confluence OnDemand. However, you can probably utilise Confluence remote APIs to update pages remotely.\n\n<>\n\nand some examples:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Kinto Soft", "title": "Do you understand why you are wrong?", "body": "\\[Plugin developers vs Cyberpatrols: Chapter IV\\] \n\nRead this question: \n\n \n\nThe guy making the question perhaps would be interested in how to publish large PDF files on Conluence for free. There is a solution based on alternative software approach and providing a similar result. \n\nBut giving such information, would be considered as an advertisement, as it happened in the past a lot of times. \n\nWho is the looser? A plugin developer who does not advertise a free alternative or the guy who needs a solution? \n\nHave a nice day!\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Hi Pablo,\n\nI don't think anyone should refrain from suggesting a plugin in an *answer* . I think that's perfectly appropriate and I've done it myself - it's a genuine answer. That's different than generally advertising a plugin as a new *question* where there's no context and it's clearly an ad*.* Once we fix up [ANSWERS-139]( and have a proper, appropriate way (rather than a workaround) to advertise a plugin, we should hopefully have a nice balance.\n\nDoes that seem ok?\n\nUPDATE:\n\nWe've now published a guide for marketing a plugin: \n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "That's flamebait. You shouldn't bother answering again to the same question.\n" } ] }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Are you saying you were prevented from suggesting a plugin that was relevant to the discussion because it was viewed as an advertisement? Seems a bit strong-handed...\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jared Farrish", "body": "Or, that he wasn't allowed to suggest an alternative to a commercial product. (I can't figure out which.)\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "There's a bit of a grey area between \"valid pointer to plugin that might help\" and \"advert\", but there's been some postings that are clearly adverts and have nothing to do with helping the original question (or subsequent ones). Other referrals to the plugins that were advertised have been absolutely fine though.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Alvaro DAlessandro", "body": "Hi everyone,\n\nI'd like to take this thread as an opportunity to raise another point here: how can I have access to anyone interested in developing a custom plugin ?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Ah, well, that's different. We are missing a place to say \"here's a new plugin\", and then discuss support and features of those plugins.\n\nBut \"answers\" is definitely a place to ask for help. If you want someone to (help) write a plugin for you, then there's a few things I'd do\n\n1. first, look through the Atlassian partners page to see if there's someone who may help there - <>\n2. See also \"experts\" - relatively new, I've not quite worked out what the difference between a partner and an expert is yet (simply because I've not had time to read anything recently), <>\n3. Finally, ask here. The negative tones in this thread are about inappropriate adverts, not genuine questions. Asking for people interested in writing plugins for you is perfectly fine, although I'd suggest posting a rough outline of what you want, and why existing stuff doesn't work if you've tried any of it.\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Nic sums it up well.\n\nExperts is new branding for partner. They're the same thing.\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Ah, I thought it might be, but I haven't had time to read much recently, so I didn't want to say that without knowing!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "Pablo -\n\nJerry making the question specifically calls out SharpView. \nThere's no advert abt it - that was his question.\n\nNo one makes any customer buy a plugin - its the customers choice, always - so not sure why bringing awareness of solutions to common problems is wrong at all.\n\nIt informs, period. And I think the purpose of this forum is that.\n\nBest,\n\nEllen\n\nAppFusions\n\n[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "Don't get upset. Pablo is a kind of *Don Quixote*- he always has a Quest !\n\nMan, how I deserve to be down-voted (and blamed, cursed, etcaetera).\n" }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "Ellen, \n\nI don't try to say that you advertise your plugin. Reading the original post, it's clear that the AppFusions guy is trying to answer/help, not advertising. \n\nUnfortunately, I chose that question in a sort of random example to go on a parallel theme. Thinking on war terms, I would say these are collateral effects. \n\nI also opened another question in order to don't disturb the original post and minimize the number of victims.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Raf Wenger", "title": "Browser jumps to 'usermacros.action' page when installing/uninstalling a plugin", "body": "Whenever I install or uninstall a plugin from the UPM my browser jumps automatically to \n**http://\\[my confluence install\\]/admin/usermacros.action**\n\nThis is not so bad when installing a new plugin, as going back to the plugins page resume the installation of the plugin.\n\nBut it is preventing me from UNINSTALLING existing plugins. \n\nWhen I click the \\[Uninstall\\] button, I see the 'Do you wish to continue' prompt for a split second and then my browser redirects me to http://\\<span\\< a=\"\"\\> class=\"error\"\\>\\[my confluence install\\]/admin/usermacros.action without giving me enough time to click on the \\[Continue\\] button to uninstall the plugin.\nTried with Firefox 6.02, Chrome 15 and Internet Explorer 9. All on Windows 7. \nI am using Confluence 4.0\n\nAny ideas why this is happening and is there a workaround to uninstall a plugin?\n\nThanks for your help. \nCheers\n\nRaf\n" }
[ { "author": "Raf Wenger", "body": "Thanks for your comments.\n\nIn the end, it was resolved with the help of the awesome Atlassian tech support.\n\nEnabling the safe mode in the UPM and re-enabling every plugins manually did the trick.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Do you have a rogue plugin that uses conveyor (or similar) to do a redirect on that action?\n\nIf so uninstall it quick!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Raf Wenger", "body": "Thanks for your comments.\n\nIn the end, it was resolved with the help of the awesome Atlassian tech support.\n\nEnabling the safe mode in the UPM and re-enabling every plugins manually did the trick.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Tino Winkler _Communardo_", "body": "Hi Raf,\n\nthat's a strange problem. Are you having the same issues with other functions in Confluence?\n\nIn the meantime you could try to avoid the UPM and use the old Plugin Manager. It's still bundled with Confluence. You access it via http://\\[your confluence install\\]/admin/viewplugins.action.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "app", "install", "uninstall" ]
{ "author": "Sue Hallwood", "title": "Cloning Confluence instances on the same server", "body": "My client would like to implement 10 clones of their current Confluence for different departments as they sign up for a wiki. can we copy the Wiki with all the spaces and custom theme template in place, remove the data and make them work independently with their own ip addresses i.e. wiki 1, wiki2, etc. These wikis will all reside on the same server. How will this affect memory?\n\nI suspect that they will each need license.\n" }
[ { "author": "Sue Hallwood", "body": "When I say department I mean the same affiliation in a different city so they need their own spaces and content but the same administrators. It is for the YMCA. Currently they have a wiki for YMCA Canada and another wiki for the YMCA of greater Toronto. They want to implement more wikis for other YMCAs.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "justindowning", "body": "I hate to answer the question with a question, but why would you want to do this? Confluence has very good security policies where, in your case, you could create 10 spaces on ONE Confluence, and setup permissions so that only members of certain groups can view/edit content in said space. To the end-user, the result would be the same--the would only see and work in one delegated area. If the client needs friendly URL (eg: [](, [](, you can use an HTTPd frontend like Apache to handle that. This would also ease any overhead for administrative management, licensing, plugins, and upgrades.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Siddharth Bhojnagarwala", "title": "Scrolling while navigation in the Same page?", "body": "Hello there,\n\nWell I have come across this problem that in big lenghty pages I am creating, I want to place a link to Go to Top or Go here/there in the same page. IT is working absolutely fine with the Anchor tags.\n\nThe problem is It just shows me the portion I am linking directly, but I want it to scroll it, i.e, it should scroll to top and also for scroll for bottom instead of showing immediately/instantly. I guess some ScrollTo functionality of Jquery will work (as searched in google).\n\nI am very new to javascript, jquery and Confluence, so can anyone please tell me how to integrate it so that automatically while doing same page navigation, it scrolls.\n\nRegards.\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Better than my last answer, try this as it works...\n\n```\n&lt;script&gt;AJS.toInit(function(){ AJS.$('a[href^=\"#\"]').click(function(e){ AJS.$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: AJS.$( AJS.$(this).attr('href' )).offset().top}); e.preventDefault(); });});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n\n**Update:** This works if added to the **At the end of the HEAD** section. I forgot to add AJS.$ to the jQuery object :(\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Siddharth Bhojnagarwala", "body": "I added this:\n\n```\n&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\"&gt;AJS.toInit(function(){\t$('a[href^=\"#\"]').click(function(e){\t\t $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href' )).offset().top});\t\te.preventDefault();\t});});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n\nin my Administrator -\\> Custom HTML -\\> At end of the HEAD but still it is not scrolling!\n" }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Good call. check the update above.\n" }, { "author": "Siddharth Bhojnagarwala", "body": "Added the **NEW** code **At the end of the HEAD** section. Now whats happening is, when I go to the link, and click on it, nothing is happening. should I add something more to the head section?\n\n**EDIT:** It is working with Global Look and Feel theme but I am using Documentation theme.\n" } ] }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Try this:\n\n<>\n\nBy the way: Atlassian refers to their version of jQuery with **AJS.$** instead of **jQuery** or **$**.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "jerry zhang", "title": "pdf macro and sharpview macro", "body": "I test the latest version confluence.\n\ni want add a large pdf file(about 11MB) in page, use PDF macro and sharpview pdf macro, but all canot show this pdf file on the page.Butif i reduce the PDF file size, like 5M, then i can see it on the page.\n\nSo I have a problem, if there have a limit about PDF file size when it will be show on the page? if have, should I change it and add this limit? if have not, could you tell me why i canot see this large PDF file?\n\nthanks very much!\n" }
[ { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "As this plugin seems based on [FlexPaper]( please, let me explain why you experience problems with big documents.\n\nSWFTools transforms PDF into SWF files and FlexPaper loads the SWF file and displays the content. As David said, FlexPaper cycles through the pages in order to display them. Just it is the problem: FlexPaper loads the same document once per page. A single document instance cannot be shared across all pages, because one single instance can only show one page at the same time.\n\nSo, if your document size is \"S\" Mb and you have \"P\" pages, FlexPaper loads the \"S\" Mb x \"P\" times. Further more, displaying a SWF files is an expensive task for Flash Player in terms of CPU and memory, so....\n\nIf your document size is 11Mb and it has (for example) 300 pages then it is loaded 300 times in memory and the required memory would be 11Mb x 300 = 3.300 Mb \\~ 3 Gb.\n\nHence, as David says, reducing the overall documet size is a good option, but the number of pages too. A 11Mb document size with 10 pages would be displayed without much problems. (11Mb x 10 = 110 Mb).\n", "comments": [ { "author": "jerry zhang", "body": "Hi,Pablo, thanks very much. My pdf file is 11M and 200 pages, it need about 2G memeory and it is all for my computer.\n\nThanks agian, i will deal with my PDF file and reduce the size and pages.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "Jerry contacted us - and sent us his PDF.\n\nWe are reviewing this issue and will post back the results.\n\nOn the face, there are a number of things involved here, as it turns out.\n\n* Brand new Confluence (eval - only week old)\n* Low resource allocation\n* PDF is all chinese fonts/characters - which is simply, different \n (although we do have a solution for Chinese support, it is not in baseline plugin; we will likely release that officially after this is resolved).\n* Yes, very large PDF file - 11MB, 200 pages.\n\nOur engineering is reviewing your points as well @pablo.\n\nBest,\n\nAppFusions\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Jerry, do you have a problem with both of these macros with the large PDF file?\n\nI believe that the PDF macro converts each page in the PDF to a static image and then cycles through these images on clicking the forward/back buttons.\n\nSharpView converts the PDF into Flash format so that it can be embedded.\n\nIn both cases, keeping the file size to a minimum with help with rendering the macro and also helps your users to see the content more quickly.\n\nAre these files very graphics intensive? If so, perhaps you could reduce the quality settings of the graphics in the PDF.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "jerry zhang", "body": "Hi,David, thank you very much.\n\nI test again, and PDF macro is OK but sharpview canot show, I think this is PDF macro reduce the PDF file quality auto but sharpview is high resolution.\n\nYou advice is good, i think reduce the PDF file size is right method.\n\nthanks.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Pedro Rodrigues", "body": "Hi,\n\nThis is a late response, but you might find it usefull:\n\nThe Link Preview ([](<>) is a great Confluence Utility. You can preview PDF documents, images and webpages, simply by hovering them\n\nTry it now.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nPMRodrigues\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "Ellen, \n\nI don't try to say that you advertise your plugin. Reading the original post, it's clear that the AppFusions guy is trying to answer/help, not advertising. \n\nUnfortunately, I chose that question in a sort of random example to go on a parallel theme. Thinking on war terms, I would say these are collateral effects. \n\nI also opened another question in order to don't disturb the original post and minimize the number of victims.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "Hi Jerry -\n\nWe have some large corps using SharpView with alot of users and no complaints, or performance issues - and while Pablo's comments are interesting, not sure that it is accurate.\n\nAlso not sure why he would be the technical expert on our solution. Thats ok - lets get to the solution of your problem, which is the right goal.\n\n==\n\nGlad you are pushing the button. Its good input.\n\nPlease email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - and lets resolve this properly to see what is going on.\n\nOne thing we have encountered is errant PDF \"types\" created by non-official PDF generators, that cause it to not display in SharpView. This does not happen often, but occassionally and can fix.\n\nIndeed FlexPaper is a great technology that we did leverage in this solution - and also extended our technology support in subsequent versions since we have yet to find a better one. We licensed it for distribution, and also of course built out all the integration aspects for easy usability in Confluence, and for sustained versioning support. What you need in a product.\n\nTalk with you soon at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), or you most certainly can contact me direct.\n\nBest,\n\nEllen\n\nAppFusions\n\n[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) \n831-247-9417 (cell)\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "Ellen,\n\nI wrote my answer to help Jerry in order to understand FlexPaper performance issues. FlexPaper seems based on this [Igor Costa's article]( (afected by the performance issue for large PDF files). This article describes the core solution implemented by FlexPaper project which is an open source project. In March-2011 I read the whole FlexPaper project code. Line by line. And it works as I've described above.\n" }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "Interesting article.\n\n\"Posted on \\<abbr class=\"published\" title=\"2009-02-03T23:56:31-0200\"\\>February 3, 2009 -- 11:56 pm\"\\</abbr\\> Today is November 10, 2011.\n\n==\n\nIf we had a product that was causing performance issues all over the Confluence ecosystem, that wouldn't be much of a product. In fact, curse that product!\n\nPerformance problems with SharpView are not our experience, and we have had many customers stress test it. And happy for them to do so.\n\nHowever, the field discovery job/customer experience input for ANY product is never done, if you are committed to your products. And technology does not stand still.\n\nAtlassian, as a good testament with persistence to continually getting better and better, is inspiring. We like to take a page from their book, and are aligned on that same philosophy.\n\nUnless you use different psuedonyms (possible - since you do not have your full name here), according to our records, we have not issued you an eval license in the past. If you'd like to discuss our product - contact us direct please.\n" }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "I don't agree. I speak about FlexPaper. You like Atlassian products, me too. Specially, JIRA. Even it's a great product, sometimes users experince performance problems.\n\nIn my opinion, I provided useful information about the origin of the FlexPaper performance problems (for big PDFs only). I'm hapy to hear you fixed it, but it does not corresponds to what I've read in this post.\n\nAnyway, I have not any doubut about FlexPaper is likely one of the best PDF viewers and you have also done a very great integration job.\n" }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "fair enough.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I don't think Pablo claimed to be a technical expert on \"your solution\", and last I looked, this was a public forum so everyone and anyone is entitled to chime in. Moreover, his comments were interesting and seem valid.\n" } ] } ]
[ "limit", "pdf" ]
{ "author": "Juan Vazquez", "title": "How to create a new \"view\" page with contents embedded from other pages?", "body": "I would like to ask if it's possible to create a new page which contains contents from another pages. The idea is which the new page acts as a \"view\" of other page contents.\n\nI think an example will explain better which I would like to do. Imagine I've two pages with the next contents:\n\nPage 1: Summary a; Section b; Section c; Results d; \nPage 2: Summary e; Section f; Section g; Results h;\n\nI would like to create a third page like this: \nPage 3: Introduction; Summary a; Summary e;\n\nAnd I would like to see \"Page 3\" updated automatically if I update \"Page 1; Summary a\" or \"Page 2; Summary e\".\n\nCan it be done with confluence or any plug-in?\n\nThanks in advance.\n\nRegards,\n\njuan\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "I would create the summaries, sections and results as separate pages in an \"inclusions library\" and then build up each page using the **include** macro to add the components that are required\n\nFor a good overview on how to do this, check:\n\n* [Organisation is Key]( by Matt Hodges\n* [Content reuse on a wiki]( by Sarah Maddox\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Juan Vazquez", "body": "oooo thanks very much for your answer.\n\nI wast just exploring the {include} macro because it allows to include contents between spaces. I think that contents organisation could be a key for successfull usage of this macro as you say :)\n\nYour answer is very appreciated!\n\nRegards,\n\njuan\n" } ] }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "The other main plugins for this kind of thing are Reporting/Scaffolding and Metadata. Not sure if Metadata is 4.0 compatible, but Reporting/Scaffolding are not yet, but we're working on it. Keep an eye out for updates to all the above I guess - 4.0 is still a bit fresh yet for the 3rd party plugins to catch up, especially when it's such a massive change.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Juan Vazquez", "body": "Hi David,\n\nThank you very much for your response. It's very appreciated :-)\n\nI'll keep update about those plug-ins!\n\nThanks very much!\n\njuan\n" }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "Scaffolding and reporting are mostly used for displaying lists of attributes and values on a page. Not for including complete page sections on a different page.\n\nAlthough scaffolding and reporting are very powerful, I would not use these in this context.\n" }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Reporting is quite capable of doing that, it just needs a way to identify what you want to pull out, same as excerpt/multi-excerpt/etc. Not really a huge difference there really...\n" }, { "author": "Juan Vazquez", "body": "Thanks to both for your comments. Very appreciated in my case (new confluence user :) with a lot of materials for review!)\n" }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "Ofcourse reporting can do it. But why install a plugin if you can do it with out-of-the-box functionality. We always advise to use as few third party plugins as possible. Each extra plugin you install is a candidate for blocking future upgrades. We are already discovering this, where scaffolding is blocking the upgrade to Confluence 4.\n" }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Sure thing, I understand that. Anyway, not trying to start a flamewar. The fact is, they don't currently work in Confluence 4.0 anyway, so it's somewhat of a moot point...\n" }, { "author": "Juan Vazquez", "body": "Hi Sander and David,\n\nAs I said before your comments are highly appreciated. We're new in the confluence world so any comment or recommendation is valuable! We'll have into account that plug-ins could block upgrades in the future :-) It's very easy go crazy installing plug-ins! We'll evaluate which of them are really useful for us in a test environment before installing them definitely.\n\nThanks very much!\n\njuan\n" } ] }, { "author": "Juan Vazquez", "body": "I've \"discovered\" the \"excerpt\" and the \"include-excerpt\" macros, which allows to do tat :) (sorry, new confluence user)\n\nOn the other hand exist a \"multi-excerpt\" plug-in:\n\n<>\n\nIt isn't marked as compatible with confluence 4. Anyone knows if there is a compatible version of multi-excerpt for Confluence 4?\n\nRegards,\n\njuan\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "An excerpt is the bit of text you would typically see before the \"read more...\" link. Excerpts are on the original page and can be hidden on the page itself, if you like. Include-excerpt works like the include macro but only includes the text in the excerpt-macro body. This sounds like the way to go in this case. Multi-excerpt doesn't sound useful in your situation.\n\nYou can combine the include macro with the excerpt macro's. For example, build up page1 as follows:\n\n{excerpt}summary a{excerpt}\n\n{include}section b{include}\n\n{include}section c{include}\n\n{include}results d{include}\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Paolo Aciano", "title": "Is is possible to install Confluence on a Synology DS210j NAS with perhaps ARM processor and 128MB of memory", "body": "I am trying to find out if it is possible to install Confluence on Synology DS210j unit, which is perheps running an ARM processor or do I need to upgrade to something like DS1010+, which is running Atom processor and RAM module can be upgraded. Confluence is not ment for a heavy use.\n\ncat /proc/cpuinfo \nProcessor : Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l) \nBogoMIPS : 794.62 \nFeatures : swp half thumb fastmult edsp \nCPU implementer : 0x56 \nCPU architecture: 5TE \nCPU variant : 0x2 \nCPU part : 0x131 \nCPU revision : 1 \n\nHardware : Feroceon-KW \nRevision : 0000 \nSerial : 0000000000000000\n\nAny comment is appreciated. Thank you in advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Adam Laskowski", "body": "A small instance of Confluence (10 users) will still want to use \\~300m of heap with light use. Running Confluence 4.0 locally, it's using 200m while idle and almost no content after a restart about 20 minutes ago. If the DS210j caps at 128m, you'll want to go another step higher and get a system with at least 384-512m. Since the system is designed primarily for NAS, Confluence will also share CPU time with the other features of the unit, but that overhead might be minimal and the processor may work well enough. This also assumes that the NAS storage is considered a local filesystem to apps running on the box.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Di Chen", "body": "You can try docker. It is quite convenient\n" } ] } ]
[ "install", "nas" ]
{ "author": "Joe DeFerrari", "title": "A plugin is causing pageload an error on the login page, so I can't login to turn the plugin off.", "body": "The login page is loading as HTML code rather than rendering, so I can't sign in. Is there another route I can take to the admin so I can switch the plugins off??\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "If you have an Atlassian hosted instance of Confluence, you will not have the needed access to complete the second part of Jobin's advice. If his first piece of advice doesn't work, best to enter a support request detailing the plugin name and a good maintenance window to have your instance restarted in (about 10 minutes of downtime to complete) and we will do the remove and restart.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Joe DeFerrari", "body": "IT is hosted, so I'll have to submit the ticket.\n\nthanks!!!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "You will have to login for sure. But maybe you can directly go to http://{JIRA_URL}/plugins/servlet/upm#manage\n\nThe other way is ofcourse to stop JIRA, delete the plugin and restart!\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "confluence-server" ]
{ "author": "BJ Yang", "title": "Is there a way to use the jquery functions in batch.js?", "body": "It seems that a batch.js file provided by confluence has jQuery functions, but I can't seem to use them. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong if anything. This is a quick sample test I made, but it doesn't work even though batch.js is is called in every page. We are using Conlfuence 3.5.2.\n\n{html}\n\n\\<div id=\"test1\"\\>hello world\\</div\\>\n\n\\<br/\\>\n\n\\<input type=\"button\" id=\"hide\" value=\"hide\"\\>\n\n\\<input type=\"button\" id=\"show\" value=\"show\"\\>\n\n\\<script type=\"text/javascript\"\\>\n\n$(document).ready(function(){\n\n$('#hide').click(function(){\n\n$('#test1').fadeOut();\n\n});\n\n$('#show').click(function(){\n\n$('#test1').fadeIn();\n\n});\n\n});\n\n\\</script\\>\n\n{html}\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "See the [Confluence UI Guidelines]( The guidelines suggest wrapping all custom jQuery in **AJS.toInit()** if you require the code to be fired after DOMReady.\n\nSo your code would be:\n\n```\nAJS.toInit(function(){\tAJS.$('#hide').click(function(){\t\tAJS.$('#test1').fadeOut();\t});\tAJS.$('#show').click(function(){\t\tAJS.$('#test1').fadeIn();\t});\t});\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "For bonus points, you can structure your toInit function like this:\n\n```\n(AJS.toInit(function($) { // Access AJS.$ by just using '$' $(\"#selector\").html(\"Hello, World\");}))(AJS.$);\n```\n\nand it will save you a bunch of keystrokes not having to prefix '$' with 'AJS.' every single time. :-)\n" }, { "author": "Martin Dul?k", "body": "Great trick Joe. Thank you!\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "jquery dollar has been \"noConflict\"ed to AJS.$, so instead use:\n\n```\nAJS.$(function () { // page load...})\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "BJ Yang", "body": "```\nShould my code look like this?\n```\n\n```\n&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\"&gt;AJS.$(function(){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#hide').click(function(){ $('#test1').fadeOut(); }); $('#show').click(function(){ $('#test1').fadeIn(); }); });});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n" } ] } ]
[ "bulk-edit" ]
{ "author": "Joel Lathrop", "title": "Unformatted raw wiki-markup editing", "body": "I would like to create and edit wiki pages solely use the raw wiki markup. While I noticed that the rich-text editor has an AutoFormat feature that turns wiki markup into formatted text as you type, and there is a raw wiki feature for inserting new text, neither of these is a complete raw wiki markup editing solution like I'm looking for. \n\nI would like to create and edit pages without seeing formatted text but instead seeing the text within its wiki markup syntax and being able to do raw text editing on it; in other words, I would like to do ordinary pure-text-based wiki editing like one could with other major wikis like MediaWiki. \n\nIs there some way this can be done in the most recent on-demand version of Confluence? \n\n<br />\n\nThank you for your time and any help you may be able to provide. :-)\n" }
[ { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "This was a hot topic. Check [](/questions/12073/wiki-markup-in-confluence-4-again.)\n\nAlso see [](\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "raouldN", "body": "The WYSIWYG editor is cool and mostly works! Unfortunately it empirically seems to be like an N-P complete problem to get an editor that never does anything wrong (cf. editors by Microsoft, Google, et. al. hardly being perfect either :-). For example in the Confluence (1000.122.1) editor things tend to go wrong around any textboxes like \"{code}\" or \"{noformat}\" once they are rendered and I try to come back and edit the text around them. It would be very nice to flip to \"raw\" markup editing mode to not have to fight with the editor in just those cases.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "AM", "body": "Please check: \n\n[](/questions/21735/occupy-confluence-markup-provide-a-wysiwyg-xhtml-markup-editor-to-edit-the-markup-source-of-confluence-4-wiki-pages)\n\nA-M\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi Joel,\n\nThere's been a lot of discussion about wiki markup since Atlassian released Confluence 4.x with the new editor and switched to rich text editing only and I very much doubt that Atlassian are going to re-instate the old wiki markup editor. The new editor is very good once you get used to it and Atlassian did spend a lot of time testing it internally and didn't release it until they'd converted their most hardcore wiki markup fans to the new editor.\n\nGive the new editor a try for a while and see if it grows on you, but if you absolutely want/need wiki markup then I don't think there's going to be an option for this any time soon.\n\nAndrew.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "editor", "markup" ]
{ "author": "Siddharth Bhojnagarwala", "title": "jQuery 1.6", "body": "Well actually I want to use jQuery 1.6 or above for one of the tooltip. But If I am placing this line in Custom HTML (at the end of head): \n\\<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"\\>\\</script\\>\n\nThe feature I want(tootip) is working fine but When I go to Add/Edit Page and try to use the Other Macros or even editing the macros, Nothing is showing up. But when I try removing the above line, everything seems fine.\n\nPlease tell me how to integrate jquery version 1.6 or above in my Confluence without having any problem?\n\nUsing Confluence 4.03\n" }
[ { "author": "Joey McDaniel", "body": "Hi Siddharth,\n\nI had to update my javascripts to use another variable to call jQuery. I did so using a noConflict statement in the header:\n\n\\<script\\>XXX= jQuery.noConflict(true);\\</script\\>\n\nWhere XXX is the new variable you would use instead of $ in your javascript.\n\nHope this helps!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Confluence 4 appears to be running jquery 1.5.2.\n\nIf you want to load a different version of jQuery into the Confluence UI, you will need to follow the instructions in the jQuery docs on how to load them side-by-side: <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Confluence already includes jQuery. Why add another instance? Can't you just use the slightly older version instead?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Siddharth Bhojnagarwala", "body": "No actually I am using Tipped (<>) which uses jQuery 1.6 or above. Can you please tell me how to integrate v 1.6 in Confluence without any conflicts with the existing one? By the way, which version does it already contain/inbuilt?\n" }, { "author": "BJ Yang", "body": "Is there a certain way we have to access the jQuery provided by Confluence. If I'm not mistaken, it's inside of a file called batch.js, correct? My jQuery functions (simple fadeIn/fadeOut) don't work so I have to use a script src to include an external jQuery file. However, when I do this, my keyboard shortcuts lose functionality. If I can find out how to use the jQuery functions provided by Confluence, it might solve my problem.\n" }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "@BJ Yang: It's namespaced as **AJS.$** instead of just **$** or **jQuery**.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Ray Hundley", "title": "Confluence backup schedule - specific day of the week", "body": "In Confluence 4.0 is there a way to schedule the confluence backup to run on a specific day of the week, say every Saturday at 2am? I can't seem to find a cron expression to let me do that.\n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Sorry, try:0 0 2 ? \\* 6 \\*Which should be:0 seconds0 minutes2 hours? Ignore day of month\\* any month6 Saturday\\* any yearFull documentation and more examples on cron expressions can be found at <> if that helps.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ray Hundley", "body": "Thanks Andrew! That works, I only had to change the 6 to 7 because if I used 6 it was saying that was a Friday and not a Saturday. I'm assuming that's because the cron expression has Sunday as the 1st day of the week.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Vivien Gondouin", "body": "Same error for me\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi Ray,\n\nThis expression should work for every Saturday at 2am:\n\n```\n0 0 2 * * 6 ?\n```\n\nHope that helps,\n\nAndrew.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ray Hundley", "body": "Thanks for the expression but when I do that I get the following validation error:\n\n\"\n\n#### - '?' can only be specfied for Day-of-Month or Day-of-Week.\" {#toc-hId-1282954015}\n" } ] } ]
[ "backup", "cron" ]
{ "author": "Tero Heikkinen", "title": "Broken line breaks in import", "body": "Hi!\n\nI'm trying to migrate from mediawiki to latest confluence. I used univesal wiki converter to export my old wiki and convert exported pages to confluence format. I cannot use UWC to communicate with API because it's not compatible yet.\n\nWhen I try to use import pages to space feature, it assumes that files are HTML or somehow things go wrong because I lose all line breaks. If I cat pagefile and copypaste confluence wiki markup to editor it works out.\n\nWhere's the problem and how to fix this import pages to space formatting issue?\n" }
[ { "author": "Tero Heikkinen", "body": "Problem was related to the fact that Confluence 4 in fact stores pages as XHTML. Solution was simple. Checking out UWC from svn and using bleeding edge version that supported Confluence 4. This issue will solve itself when time passes and there's new stable release of UWC that supports Confluence 4\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "You could always try importing mediawiki into Confluence 3.5 using the UWC and then upgrade Confluence from 3.5 to 4.0.\n\nFailing that, I'll defer to @Laura Kolker's superior knowledge.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tero Heikkinen", "body": "I don't know if thats a possibility. If bought licence for Confluence 4.0. I debuged case bit further. It really seems that import page assumes that imported data is HTML instead of Confluence wiki markup. Bug or a feature ? :-)\n" } ] } ]
[ "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "James Doman", "title": "Using the Documentation Theme - how to make it look nice?", "body": "Hi,\n\nLooking to adapt the Documentation theme to look like this:\n\n<>\n\nWith the grey box on the right with the childpages in, and the text in columns.\n\nCan't quite work out how to do it!\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nJ\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "The text in columns is done using the [Section and Column macros](\n\nThe grey box on the right is likely to be done with a children macro nested in a [panel macro](\n\nFor reference, [here's the current page]( that screenshot was taken from. \n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "I did the []( using documentation theme. I added some icons and flash files to make it better.\n\nI am still having some unresolved issues with chrome and the flash player\n\n<>\n\nI posted previous comments after reading just the title. but I will keep it as another example of using documentation theme (despite it is not addressing your question :) )\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Um, that's pretty much the default behaviour for the documentation theme. I think the only thing to check is the theme settings: go to <https://yourconfluence/admin/doctheme/configuretheme.action> and make sure the \"page tree\" option is ticked.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "James Doman", "body": "Sorry, I meant the grey box on the right, and the text as columns.\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "You mean you want to swap the column to the right? You'll need to edit the code behind the theme. Although, it should be reasonably simple, as David says, you should be able to re-arrange it quite easily (the wisdom of putting navigation on the right hand side is questionable for most users though - I'd think carefully before doing it!). Start at <>\n" } ] } ]
[ "documentation-theme" ]
{ "author": "Brett Death", "title": "How do I retreive Confluence content for a deleted Active Directory user?", "body": "Our Confluence instance is connected to MS Active Directory for user management. We have a user that has created content in the wiki, then their AD account has been deleted. Now their content has disappeared from view in the wiki.\n\nPlease help - we'd really like to not have all our users' content deleted/unavailable when they're deleted from AD.\n\nIs there some way of stopping the content from disappearing (and to recover the content that already has)?\n\nI see this is related to and . Still need an answer for my current problem though...\n" }
[ { "author": "Lakshmi", "body": "Hi, from my experience, deleted/inactivated user's personal data can be accessed. i tried couple of options. they worked.\n\neither of them should work:\n\n\\<confluence-url\\>/spaces/viewspace.action?key=\\~username\n\n\\<confluence-url\\>/display/\\~username/home - if user does not change the default home page\n\nfrom my observation, this url pattern will not work for inactivated users \\<confluence-url\\>/display/\\~username\n\nThanks,\n\nLakshmi\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "Hi Brett,\n\nI don't think the content is really lost. Check in your database. Perform the following query to check if the content is still there:\n\n```\nSELECT * FROM content WHERE CREATOR = '<AD username>' OR USERNAME = '<AD username>';\n```\n\nThis should show a list of content items for that specific user.\n\nThis way you should also be able to recover the content that seemed deleted. But I would not recommend editing the database by yourself. Call Atlassian Support to help you with that ([](\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "active-directory", "delete", "user" ]
{ "author": "dmtprojection", "title": "Versioning Spaces in Confluence", "body": "We're currently trialing Confluence and would like to know how we can 'version' a space, much the same as the confluence system your site uses. For example, we're creating technical document for a product. We release the product eg version 2.0. We therefore need to version the help for that version. How can we do this in Confluence?\n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "I would agree with Mitch that the best approach is to use the Copy Space plugin. You may also want to have a look at <> and \n<> which walks through using Confluence for technical documentation for specific releases of your product.\n\nAndrew.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "MitchellM", "body": "Confluence doesn't really have the concept of versioning a space. The best way to do this is use the Copy Space plugin (<>) to create a copy of the space, including the version number in the space name and space key, and making the space read only.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "MitchellM", "body": "Confluence doesn't really have the concept of versioning a space. The best way to acomplish this is to use the Copy Space plugin (<>) to create a copy of the space, including the version number in the space name and space key, and setting permissions to read-only.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Kari Herzog", "title": "We have a trial of Confluence hosted and would like to move to Confluence OnDemand. Is there a way to move our data over?", "body": "We started the trial of Confluence hosted and love it, but don't want to recreate everything that we've built. What are the options for populating the Confluence OnDemand instance with our existing data?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "<br />\n\nIt's great to hear you love Confluence! (and I completly understand not wanting to recreate a bunch of data).\n\nEveryone's 30 day trail has been extended to a 60 day following the big announcement so you have extra time to move forward. Unfortuantly, the migration method for moving from your Hosted trial to OnDemand is a bit detailed.\n\nWe can provide you a backup of your Hosted Confluence data...all you need to do is submit a support request asking for one. Once you have your data, you can import it yourself into OnDemand...the major caveot here is that Confluence importer is not yet available. It should be available in a few weeks and you can follow the process at it's feature request below:\n\n[]( \"\")\n\nOnce the importer is available, you can import the data into OnDemand and everything will be all set (the importing details below).\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Rick Naik", "title": "Integrating Confluence with a Jira installation on a different server", "body": "Initially we had both our Jira and Confluence installations on the same machine and integration bewteen the two worked fine. However, I've had to move Confluence to a different server for various reasons, and now when I try and use Jira for use administration it doesn't work.\n\nWhen I enter <> (our Jira base URL) into the integration wizard I get an error saying \"This is not a valid url for JIRA 4.3 or later\". I have no idea what is casuing this, since it was working when they were on the same system and I've verified the user information is correct. I'm running Confluence 4.0.\n\nThanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Rick Naik", "body": "I wound up just moving the Jira installation to the same system as Confluence. I was able to access both the Jira and Confluence servers on the correct ports when they were still seperated. I didn't try using the IP, but I don't think that would have worked since then inserting Jira issues into Confluence pages would not have worked correctly, since they would use that IP instead of the correct URL.\n\nThanks for the help.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Pierre Lhoste", "body": "Solved in my case by following : [Unable to Add Application Links via HTTPS](\n\n* JIRA runs on JAVA6, public IP (<https://domain.tld:port>) under /home/jira user account, self-signed certificate, imported in \".keystore\"\n* CONFLUENCE runs on JAVA7 (same server) on a VPN IP (<http://1>, under '/home/confluence' user account.\n\nAll that was needed to enable both :\n\n* \\`configuration\\` ? \\`r?pertoires utilisateurs\\`\n* \\`administration\\` ? \\`application links\n\nwas to :\n\n1. add JIRA's self-signed SSL cert to 'confluence' user's keystore : in \"/user/confluence\", execute \"$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias tomcat -file /home/jira/file.cer\"\n2. then, to confluence's \"\", add \"\" to the firts \"JAVA_OPTS\" line\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "jhgorse", "body": "I had this problem with JIRA 5.0.6 and Confluence 4.2.5 as well. Dempset Moore and Sander Brienen are correct in looking for the connectivity issue. I get the impression that the error message is a bit of a red herring and that most people receive the \"This is not a valid url for JIRA 4.3 or later\" error due to a networking issue.\n\nIn my case, because I am on a private network doing standalone installations one one machine, I needed to update my hosts file to recognize the hostname of the server. Kind of weird, but it worked.\n\nI am running 64 bit FreeBSD 9 with no troubles so far into Stage 3 of the Dragon Quest.\n\nCheers, \nJoe\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Dempsey Moore", "body": "In a browser from the new confluence box browse to Jira using your address. It's likely to fail, if it does use the IP address of the Jira box instead of the DNS name. Don't forget to add the port number when you test it.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sander Brienen [Avisi]", "body": "This is probably due to network problems between the servers. Is there a firewall in between or on one of the servers that is blocking traffic? Can you access one server from the other on the correct port (8080)?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "jira", "remote", "url" ]
{ "author": "Lisa Dyer", "title": "How do I delete global labels?", "body": "Deleting labels in a space is a simple matter...but how do I do the same at the global level? Must be some way of pruning the labels.\n\nMy version is Confluence 2.9.2.\n\nCheers,\n\n- lisa\n" }
[ { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "Hi Lisa,\n\nDo I understand it right: You want to remove a label from multiple pages without manually having to remove it from every single page? Then maybe the [Confluence Label Management Plugin]( could be what you are looking for. It lets you delete a label from a whole tree of pages.\n\nIt's a bit tricky to install as you have to manipulate the layout (under Look and Feel) but it might be worth it. Just read the [documentation]( carefully.\n\nCheers,\n\nThomas\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Lisa Dyer", "body": "Hi Thomas,\n\nThanks for the idea. I think this only deletes labels from pages, though, correct? The label itself still persists in e.g. the All Labels view.\n\nMy specific use case is that over time multiple labels describing the same thing but with slightly different syntax are being created, and I want to purge the duplicates from the entire system - not just the pages. Can the Label Mgmt Plugin help with that?\n\nCheers,\n\n- lisa\n" }, { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "Hi Lisa,\n\nYes, after I deleted the unwanted label form **all** spaces, which is relatively easy with the plugin, the label did not show up in the All Labels view anymore.\n\nCheers,\n\nThomas\n" }, { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "Hi Lisa,\n\nJust out of sheer curiosity: Did it work?\n\nThomas\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "John Ryan", "title": "When using AD for authentication, users are not automatically added to confluence-users group", "body": "Although I have configured my AD connector to add users to the confluence-users group automatically when they login, this doesn't happen in all cases.\n\nThere are many, but the attached screenshot shows just one use as an example.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bruna Griebeler", "body": "In cases like that, I suggest you to check the logs to see errors related to membership.\n\nAlso check if the confluence-users group have the \"Can Use\" in Global Permissions.\n\nAlso if you have more then one directory set (e.g. Confluence Internal and LDAP), be sure that you don't have 2 users with the same username.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "John Ryan", "body": "Hi Bruna,\n\nIt was because of 2 users with the same username.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "_aseith", "title": "Geographically distributed Confluence (Cluster): Is it possible?", "body": "Greetings to all sysadmins and operators out there,\n\nthe subject says it all. We are currently looking into possibilities to run multiple Confluence instances on geographically distributed locations, either with the offical Confluence Cluster edition or any other (more or less hacked) solution.\n\nWe are aware that Atlassian doesn't support any form of this clustering, but would like to know if anyone has done (or at least tried) to do this before and would be grateful for any experiences shared.\n\nKind Regards\n\nAlex\n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi,\n\nWe tried, and failed, and that was with Confluence nodes in data centres just 1 mile apart. Support's suggested solution at the time was to host the servers in the same rack and connect them with a crossover cable. All the multicast tests were fine and reporting that the nodes could see each other, but we just couldn't get it to work reliably.\n\nThe problem is that the inderlying clustering technology (Oracle Coherence) seems to be incredibly flakey and the slightest blip means a node doesn't get updated with the correct ID in time and the nodes cluster panic. This is what we were seeing, and we resorted to running in active/passive with just one node receiving requests and the other in cold standby so that we could failover if there was a problem or if we needed to carry out planned maintenance.\n\nActive / passive seems to be the multi-node option that most people seem to go for due to the reliability issues with clustering. This configuration will give you higher availability than a single node and you can vertically scale (to a point) by throwing more resources (RAM, CPU, faster disk, etc.) at the individual nodes.\n\nHope that's of some help?\n\nAndrew.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Chloe Sowers", "body": "Yes we go\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Chloe Sowers", "body": "Yes we have a cluster running in difference nearby cities. It is extremely slow however, and although we are not certain of the cause, I believe it may be due to the cluster. You may have to add the option\n\n-Dconfluence.panic.disable=true\n\nto the Java startup.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Chloe Sowers", "body": "Yes, it was because of the cluster. It crashed (locked up) often, with Coherence errors.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Alexander Seith", "body": "Thanks for your answers, Andrew and Beth. We also found that the most viable solution for HA-Clustering is an active/passive Cluster. We're already running this kind of setup under Linux with Pacemaker a couple of times.\n\nThanks again.\n\nAlex\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Beth Schaefermann", "body": "This is potentially somewhat related to the JIRA question/ conversation here:\n\n[](/questions/15984/can-we-run-jira-on-multiple-application-servers?page=1#42616)\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "data-center", "performance" ]
{ "author": "Frank Fojkis", "title": "Password complexity within Confluence", "body": "Hi,\n\nIs there a possiblity to set a password complexity within Confluence 3.5.13 like\n\n- Password length: min. 8 characters \n- Not allowed special characters: $, ' (apostrophe), blank \n- User ID or users' full name not allowed as part of the password \n- Password must consist of 3 of the 4 character groups: \n-\\> capitals ( A to Z ) \n-\\> lower case ( a to z ) \n-\\> numerical numbers ( 0 to 9 ) \n-\\> special characters ( ! . , ' : ? + - \\| @ ( ) _ / \\~ \\` # ) \n- Account locked after 5 times wrong login \n- Do not use one of your last 5 used passwords \n- Passwords are valid for 60 days\n" }
[ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "There is nothing like this in confluence. Integrate with your corporate LDAP and let that handle these requirements.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Frank Fojkis", "body": "thanks. We have an AD integration, but we have some users which does not below to our domain, therefore I need to have something different.\n\nI just got an information about this and found on security manamgent plugin for confluence, which I need to test. <>\n\nI will keep you posted once I have tested it. But sounds like that one which we need\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JT", "body": "Does anyone have any information on this? We are currently running into an issues where the regex in Confluence does not match the regex in CROWD causing password reset issues.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "password" ]
{ "author": "Nuno Dias", "title": "Template restriction on a space", "body": "Hello, is it possible to make the usage of a template mandatory for a specific space on Confluence.\n\nThe use case is for a troubleshooting space. We have a predifined structure with:\n\n* Simptoms\n* Description\n* Resolution\n\nWe want that people inserting pages on this space, can only use the template we created with this structure. Is that possible?\n\nThank you.\n" }
[ { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "You would need a custom plugin. Nothing in the box will force this.\n\nA plugin could, but not totally trivial given you're probably looking at overriding create page actions and changing the existing UI to show the template options and marking them as required etc..\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "restriction", "space", "template" ]
{ "author": "Federico Spagnolini", "title": "Jira gadget in a confluence page", "body": "Hi to all,\n\nI read a lot of different posts about using Jira Gadgets in a conflence page. But I'm still confused and (most important) I'm not yet able to use them.\n\nOfficial docs state [here]( that External gadget instructions isn't valid for OnDemand (The information on this page does not apply to Confluence OnDemand.). Despite this I'm able to add external gadget and they appear in Inser/Edit Macro Confluence dialog.\n\nWhen I insert the gadget the dialog raise a warning: \"Please complete the configuration in the preview area first\", but the gadget remains just show the rolling board and the Insert button is disabled.\n\nI normally use Confluence pages to display Jira issues, I'm just not able to see gadgets and I've tested several different gadgets with same result.\n\nI just discover this [CONF-23666]( but being a Jira Studio ... oops Jira OnDemand user I don't have access to confluence logs to confirm that the problem is the same.\n\nThe question is: does Jira gadgets work on Confluence under a OnDemand / Studio instances? If yes do you have any hint for me?\n\nDo you have an example of gadget macro with parameters, in order to try to bypass macro dialog?\n\nThanks\n\nFederico\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "The situation you are experiencing is due to a small bug in the current version of OnDemand. [The bug report.]( \"Issue Tracker\")\n\nThis issue should be fixed in the near future, but in the meantime, if you open a [support request]( \"Support Request\") we can apply the work-around on your account and have this issue resolved for you.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Paul Hooper", "body": "I'm seeing this same issue in Confluence 6.0.6 after a migration from Cloud - is there a workaround ?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Nuno Dias", "title": "User and content statistics/metrics of Confluence activity", "body": "Hello all, we are evaluating Confleunce for a fetature solutiona as Wiki. After some time playing with Confluence and browsing the videos, I'm yet to discover where to find basic user and content metrics that allow to evaluate the way people are using Confluence.\n\nIn concrete, how can one measure such things as:\n\n1. user activity (pick one user and see what is been doing)\n2. top pages viewed (on a space or all of conluence - by month and year)\n3. top contribuitors (persons that have created or edited more pages - by month or year)\n4. number of pages created (by month and year)\n5. top rated pages (by month and year)\n\nBest regards\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "The [Google Analytics Reporting Plugin for Confluence]( can help with some of these points. Other parts may be rolled into the product in the future.\n\nDo you currently use web analytics? Which one? If so with a little customisation, your analytics software may support some or all of points 1-4\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "[Site Statistics]( has some of this and some other pointers. I think there was one or more related questions answered that had other pointer to plugins, etc... Search answers doesn't seem to find them :(.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Aleksandr Paren", "body": "Hi folks.\n\nMaybe my workaround will be helpful with the Confluence Cloud <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Azwandi _ServiceRocket_", "body": "Hi all, we want to help solve content delivery and completion tracking in Confluence, so we built an add-on called Knowledge Pathways for Confluence (<>).\n\n![Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 11.48.42 AM.png]( \"Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 11.48.42 AM.png\")\n\nThere's a common need to see what pages are viewed (popularity) but we also value the needs of ensuring the right page is viewed by the right people (and be able to track them). I'd recommend to give it a try.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Thomas Schlegel", "body": "Yet another plugin for anonymously tracking hits: Customware Tracking Plugin (<>)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Repeating [this answer](/questions/37273/users-activity-in-a-space?page=1#58433) :) ...\n\n|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| You could try the Confluence User Engagement plugin by AppFusions. It tracks: * Create, read, update and delete (CRUD) events are captured for all content types * Supported content types: Spaces, pages, blogposts, attachments, comments * For each event additional data is linking the content to the space in which it belongs and the user performing the event Additionally, user logins and search terms are tracked. More details here: <> |\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "You could also try the [Confluence Usage Tracking Plugin](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nuno Dias", "body": "Joseph, I already looked into Clonfluence Usage tracking Plugin on our on-demand installaton, but the plugin is disabled (and not recomended) and as far as I can see on the plugin exchange page, Confluence 4 is not supported: <>\n\nI'm going to evaluate the other sugestions. Thanks :)\n" }, { "author": "Rumceisz", "body": "Hi Joseph,\n\nis this plugin able to show the number of page visitors for each page in a space? A project admin user of mine would need such a solution: he needs to see which are the most popular pages in his space in order to focus to developing that pages.\n\nThanks in advance!\n\nRumi\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "I don't think that's possible with the plugin - it is restricted to statistics gathering at the space level.\n" } ] } ]
[ "activity", "analytics", "metric", "user" ]
{ "author": "simon roberts", "title": "Confluence hyperlinks to word docs, 2007 word users, the links dont work", "body": "excel hyperlinks work, but documents cant be launch via hyperlink for 2007 word users. Is there a fix for this. Have searched atlassian bugs, but knothing exact.\n\nThanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Rodrigo Girardi Adami", "body": "Hi Simon,\n\nAre you still having this issue? Is there any error message appearing for you in confluence interface? If this is an old version of confluence, I recommend to install the latest version 5.5.x and check if the issue persists with the word office links.\n\nCheers,\n\nRodrigo\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "ms-word" ]
{ "author": "Alex Andrienko", "title": "Why can't I create versions from the Planning Board?", "body": "According to OnDemand documentation, there should be a button \"Add\" to create additional versions for the project, just as I used to have in Download version. But there's no such button and I cannot neither create version from that screen, nor create hierarchy of version at all.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bastiaan Jansen", "body": "Can you check if your user account has the \"Administer Projects\" permission? (This permission is set in the project permission scheme, by default it points to the administrator project role. This does not automatically mean that all administrators have this project role) Without this permission the \"Add\" button will not show.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Alex Andrienko", "body": "Thank you for the reply, you were correct.\n\nThe misleading part was that it was a default setup and an admin user in combination with the fact, that I was able to add versions from Administration \\> Project \\> Versions\n" } ] }, { "author": "Alex Andrienko", "body": "Here's the link to documentation I refered to <>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "jira-software-cloud" ]
{ "author": "simon roberts", "title": "Excel Macro in documentation theme", "body": "Hi\n\nUsing this macro, an \"edit document\" button is displayed on to the right of the excel sheet. This takes up lots of space so the sheet is not displayed very well. Any ideas on how to move the button, should be on the top or bottom of the page.\n\nCheers\n\nSimon\n" }
[ { "author": "Tony_Dai", "body": "i have the same question. thanks!\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "macro", "ms-excel" ]
{ "author": "Abrham Smith", "title": "User's can't see global spaces in Confluence", "body": "I installed Confluence. Connected it to AD. Created a Global Space with no restrictions. Logged in with my user account and I can't see the space on my dashboard. I can't browse to the space either, its as though it doesn't exist. I looked in the log and I do not see any errors. Anyone know what the problem could be?\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Abrham\n\nCould it be that the space permissions do not include the group \"confluence-users\", or that your AD username is not a member of that group? See the documentation on groups:\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\nI hope this helps!\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Abrham Smith", "body": "Sarah, thank you for your help.\n\nI have setup two groups in AD , Confluence-Administrators and Confluence-Users, all of my users are in the correct group in AD. As when I look at the groups in Confluence it shows them as members.\n\nI don't see how this is a problem if my space doesn't have any restrictions on it. All my users should be able to see any space right?\n" }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "Are you in a position where you can temporarily turn off the AD stuff? If it works with local authentication then you know that the problem is somewhere in your your AD is implement. If you still can't see them, then you know it is a more general permission problem.\n" }, { "author": "Abrham Smith", "body": "Okay I have made some headway. Apparently there is a configuration error or bug within groups. I just added the jira-users group to the space admin permissions and everyone in that group is able to see the space. However Confluence-Users is also a part of those permissions but they can't see it. When I look at the groups in Confluence Admin everything seems fine. When I look at global permissions in Confluence Admin I see this error:\n\nconfluence-administrators\n\nCase incorrect. Correct case is: Confluence-Administrators\n\nconfluence-users \nCase incorrect. Correct case is: Confluence-Users\n" }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Ah, OK. There's a problem with case sensitivity. For some reason, Confluence is not recognising that the group \"confluence-administrators\" is the same as the one with capital letters \"Confluence-Administrators\". I don't know enough about the cause here, and whether it's a result of the LDAP integration or something to do with the database settings. I know that earlier versions of Confluence had some problems with case sensitivity in group names. (Confluence should ignore case when searching/matching group names and usernames.) The best thing is to raise a support ticket at <>, and let them know which version of Confluence you're using.\n\n:)\n\nCheers, Sarah \n" } ] } ]
[ "permission", "space" ]
{ "author": "Paul Paul", "title": "Suppress Picture link in Profile - anyone know which decorator(s)?", "body": "I want to remove the option for the user to add their own picture by suppressing the 'Picture' link in the profile view. Trouble is I can't figure out which decorator this is stored in, can anyone help me out? Ideally I would like to re-assign the right to add a picture to Admins only but one step at a time now.\n\nthanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "It's a web-item in the bundled \"Profile Tabs\" plugin, which you can't disable.\n\nIn my opinion the simplest solution would be to hide the link with some custom CSS:\n\n```\n#section-list-yourprofile a[href=\"/users/editmyprofilepicture.action\"] {\tdisplay: none;}\n```\n\nThough the action would still be available, but the user would have to know the exact url to access it.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Paul Paul", "body": "Perfect! I am moving from a locked down 2.7.3 to doing some dev and testing in 3.4.6 and the last couple of days it has dawned on me how much I can do with CSS and user macros, completely changes my perspective! Many thanks.\n" }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Great, I'm glad that this works! If this answers your question, you may want to accept the answer to mark the question as answered.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "bits4fun", "title": "Is it possible to configure which integration application is shown as default for the", "body": "Hi,\n\nWe're an OSS project that has been granted OnDemand licenses. We have received Jira + Confluence + Fisheye integration.\n\nWhen using the domain, Jira is always loaded.\n\nIf I have a public (anonymous) wiki space, it will be shown if I use \\<projname\\>**/wiki**\n\nWhat I would like is to have the wiki as being the default application for the domain, not Jira.\n\nOur public face is the wiki (with a nice welcome page and lots of informative spaces). Anonymous users can browse the issue by accessing the tab.\n\nKind regards\n\nGunther\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "Unfortunatley, due to platform limitations, there is no way to customize the landing page / set the default application.\n\nYou are not the first to want to setup their OnDemand instance this way, but because the platform limitaiton is a blocker, there is no open feature request.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "bits4fun", "body": "thanks. Then I will use links appropriately, like domain/wiki to have the wiki as entry point.\n\nAlso, the dashboard has to be edited as general welcome page.\n\nNo problem.\n" } ] } ]
[ "cloud", "integration" ]
{ "author": "simon roberts", "title": "Footer floats defect Confluence", "body": "Hi\n\nIn confluence sometimes the footer (powered by atlassian...) will detach from the base of the page and as you scroll it will move up and cover the text on the page.\n\nHas anyone had this issue, ideas on how to fix?\n\nThank\n\nSimon\n" }
[ { "author": "Naman Mandli", "body": "I am also facing same issue with my confluence. Is there any luck of in fixing it. My confluence version is 3.4.6.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "simon roberts", "body": "IE 8, confluence 4.2, documentation theme.\n\nI am trying to do some funky card/deck macro pages with Jira gadgets. It seems to be intermittent, as i rolled back a version and do it again and it is fixed.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I have seen this before, possibly it was with an old or unsupported theme. Can you check if it happens when you are using the default theme?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "what version of Confluence are you using? What browsers are you seeing this problem in?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "footer" ]
{ "author": "Neil Arrowsmith", "title": "How often does the jiraissues cache refresh?", "body": "I've set up a few instances of the jiraissues macro recently, and thought it would be a good idea to use the cache option. But now it turns out that the cache never refreshes. Is that true, or is there a timespan after which the cache refreshes?\n\nBecause otherwise, it's very misleading to users.\n" }
[ { "author": "Neil Arrowsmith", "body": "This came from a Support issue raised with Atlassian. The recommendation was to NOT use the cache option on the jiraissues macro. Apparently, caching doesn't improve performance much anyway.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Lloyd Kinsella", "title": "Passing parameters to Confluence from an external source", "body": "Currently we have Confluence set up to allow anonymous access however most of our users come from a bespoke software application and we'd like to do certain things based on who they are but without them having the need to have a user account within the actual Confluence system.\n\nIs there any way of passing arguments to Confluence and doing something based on this arguments when the user arrives? I'm thinking in terms of a plugin or somesuch though i'm new to that so wouldn't know where to begin.\n\nFor example: [\\&from=Accounting](\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "You could build a custom plugin with a [Servlet Filter Module]( to filter the requests and redirect the users based on the request parameters.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Lloyd Kinsella", "body": "Could the run plugin (<>) do the trick?\n\nCheers, Philipp\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Lloyd Kinsella", "body": "Interesting but I don't think it's quite what I'm after.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "vincent beudez", "title": "Unable to acces Confluence Administration", "body": "hi,\n\nMy jira environment is <>\n\nI'm in the general administration part. <>\n\nWhen I click on wiki to administrate confluence, <>, I have the following error:\n\nErreur 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS) : Trop de redirections\n\nIt is the same in every browser. I managed the cookies but still doesn't work. It happened yesterday, don't know why because it worked before\n\nThanks,\n\nVincent\n\nProblem reported from URL: <>\n" }
[ { "author": "Bastiaan Jansen", "body": "This issue could also be caused by a permission issue in Confluence. If your account is part of the administrators group but this administrators group is not set as administrator in the [Confluence global permission scheme]( then this redirect error will occor. (Confluence will redirect back to Jira to verify admin access, Jira acknowledge Admin access and tries to redirect to the confluence admin page which redirects back to Jira) \n\nWe can further look into this if you open a support case.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Felipe Cuozzo", "body": "Please for any OnDemand related problems your should ask for help using the <> website, if you're not the Admin of the service on your company, I would suggest contacting the IT departament on your company and asking for help as they should know hot to contact Atlassian and get the problems sorted out.\n\nIn regards to the 'Too many redirects' problem I sounds like something like a temporary failure, if you are still facing problems please let us know through the website I linked above.\n\nCheers, \nFelipe Cuozzo \nOnDemand Developer\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Felipe Cuozzo", "body": "I will just point out that in OnDemand the Adminstration console has some restricted functions that are only available to a restricted group of Atlassian employees, you can see more details of the restrictions [here](\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I don't know who the supplier is, but if it's ondemand, I don;t think they should be directing their support requests to this forum.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud" ]
{ "author": "Adolfo Casari", "title": "Team Calendars usage", "body": "Hi,\n\nWhen I add an event to a Calendar, the window does not close after I fill the event details and click OK. Sometimes it stays 15-30 sec open. There is no progress indicator in the meantime. More strange is that the event doesn t show in the calendar after it closes.\n\nI have tried this in a copuple of instances and have noticed the same behaviour.\n\nIs this how it works? I have tried in Confluence 3.5 and 4.0\n\nThank you.\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hi Adolfo,\n\nThanks for the feedback. There seems to be a few issues here:\n\n1. Adding an event gives you no feedback in the dialog (but it does after the dialog to refresh the calendar). I've raised an improvement request for you here: <> thanks for the suggestion.\n\n2. It sounds like there are some specific performance issues in your instance 15-30 seconds is far too high. That is not how it works at all. I've got a test instance setup with 12 calendars and adding an event takes under a second. You might want to raise a support case for this with []( for that one.\n\nHope that helps,\n\nSherif\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Adolfo Casari", "body": "Thank you. I will open a case for it.\n" } ] } ]
[ "team-calendars-for-confluence" ]
{ "author": "JT", "title": "Forgot Password does not send email - Confluence 3.2.1", "body": "Confluence 3.2.1 with Crowd 2.3.3\n\nForgot Password does not always send an email to users. No errors showing in log. This is an intermittent issue - some emails are sent, some are not.\n\nNo mail in error Queue. Test email works.\n\nHas anyone else run into this issue?\n" }
[ { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "I've seen this problem where a company has more than one email assigned to a user, and the primary email is not set up as the email in Confluence or JIRA (and I would assume that its the same in Crowd).\n\nWhat I mean is this, lets say that at your company you have an email, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), but you also have an email, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Both emails resolved to your one address. So regardless of what a user types you will get your message. However, if you check your properties in email in your system you will probably find that you have several settings smtp: \\<email address\\>, but only one set as SMTP (uppercase). You need to have this one defined as your email in Confluence/JIRA, otherwise it doesn't appear to get to the user.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Ben S", "body": "I'm having this problem in Crowd 2.3.1.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Jacob Courter", "title": "Finding the {extract-link} macro for Confluence", "body": "I have seen the extract-link macro in some code examples for Confluence. Where can I find this macro?\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "It is part of the [Run Plugin](, but only available in the latest 2.2.0 snapshot. That is why it is not externally documented yet. See [How to do SQL database operations on lists of data]( \"How to do SQL database operations on lists of data\") for instance.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jacob Courter", "body": "Thanks again Bob. I was running version 2.1.0.\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "The 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT got left behind in the site migration - I added it back into the Downloads page.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Pangianto Pang", "body": "So how to do the redirect after the run?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "export", "link", "macro" ]
{ "author": "Natalia Usmanova", "title": "Integrating Jira OnDemand with in-house Confluence", "body": "Currently we have JIRA Studio where the Wiki component is almost not used, and a heavily used in-house instance of Confluence.\n\nWe are planning to migrate to the onDemand JIRA. Is it be possible to integrate OnDemand JIRA with the in-house Confluence (after we upgrade it to 4.0) ? By integration i mean\n\na)having automatic links created when a title of Confluence's page is entered into a JIRA ticket, and vice versa\n\nb)ability to add JIRA's gadgets to Confluence pages\n" }
[ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I would guess that due to firewall issues, that will almost certainly not be possible. The ondemand server needs to be able to speak to your server.\n\nBut if you are paying for a wiki component, why don't you just dump your wiki to xml and have support import it? Then you don't need to worry about upgrades and availability and so on.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Natalia Usmanova", "body": "I was thinking if this integration was possible for in-house instances sitting outside the firewall, then we could figure something out on the networking side in terms of how to actually configure the firewall around it.\n\nAs for why not use the onDemand Confluence, the answer is simple: custom plugins. Our content depends on quite a few plugins that are not available for onDemand customers. Nothing too fancy, almost all of them from Customware or Adaptivist, but they are vital... If Atlassian made its onDemand offering more flexible in terms of plugins, it probably would be close to perfect :)\n" } ] } ]
[ "cloud", "jira-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Donald Livingston", "title": "Set an \"Expration Date\" on a Confluence page", "body": "I'm part of a team using Confluence to maintain our internal documentation. One problem we seem to be running into is with pages that have time sensitive information. We run into pages that have information months or years our of date. Is there a plug in or macro that will either send an email notification (or even more ideally create a JIRA ticket) when ever a confluence page has not been updated after a given period of time?\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "You may want to take a look at the [Confluence Archiving Plugin](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Donald Livingston", "body": "ideally we'd like to be able to set an 'expiration date' on each individual page, some pages will need a monthly update others may only need to be checked every six months or once a year. The more I look at this plugin, it doesn't seem to do that, it sets the same expire period for all pages in a given space.\n" }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "It was just a suggestion, as far as I know there is no plugin that exactly covers all your requirements. You would need to develop a custom plugin: use [the job module]( to create a job that runs daily/monthly/etc. and checks the last modification date or a custom \"expiration\" date [stored in the content entity object of a Confluence page](\n" }, { "author": "Midori", "body": "@Donald this is not completely true!\n\nyou can set a expiry period for the whole space, but **you can also mark the pages that you don't want to be checked** with the \"noarchive\" and \"noarchive-single\" tags. the former will disable the checks on the particular page and all its child pages recursively (i..e the complete subtree), while the latter will disable the checks only on that particular page.\n\nsee [this section]( in the user manual.\n\nusing these tags creatively should help you to implement your custom retention policy.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Milo Test", "body": "Please vote for this issue:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "Thanks for releasing Archiving Plugin 3.0.0 with this feature. I will test it as soon as possible\n\nFabian\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Sorry, no progress on this concept.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Amanda Manley", "body": "was this ever completed?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Midori", "body": "*UPDATE:* we have released [Archiving Plugin]( 3.0.0 some days ago. **It implements the feature Fabian Lopez (and many other users) requested for.**\n\nAs written in the release notes:\n> To satisfy the most popular feature request, page expiration is now also checked against specific dates, not only against periods starting from the last update.\n>\n> Just add the tag \"expire-14/2/25\" and you will be notified when the page expires on 25 February 2014. It is supported for single pages and page tree as well, and integrates seamlessly with the other features (statistics, event streams, notifications).\n\n[Get the plugin]( or install it through the Universal Plugin Manager.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Midori", "body": "This use case (feature) is in the near-time roadmap of the Archiving Plugin!\n\nPlease remember to vote on it, to make sure that it gets higher priority in our backlog:\n\n[](<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "hi sherif,\n\ndo you have any progress on this particular concept? I would like to be able to set an Expiration Date to a page and then see that in a table or receive an email reminder.\n\nI checked archiving plugin but it set a period after creation/modification and I really need to set a hard date based on the content\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hi David,\n\nAre you still looking for something to do this? I'd love to talk to you as we are thinking of doing something core to the product to do this and I'd love to speak to some customers to get a better understanding of what they are after. Let me know if you can - sherif at atlassian dot com.\n\nSherif\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jamie", "body": "Hey Sherif,\n\nDid this ever get added to core?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Donald Livingston", "body": "I took a look at that plugin, but there seems to be issues with permissions <>\n\nMight there be another plugin or macro that will fill the job?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Midori", "body": "that problem was**fixed in Archiving Plugin 2.1.0**!\n\nplease see the release notes [here](\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Objectivity", "title": "Getting \"You are not permitted to perform this operation.\" for every user account", "body": "For everyone that tries to log into our Confluence system, they are getting You are not permitted to perform this operation. message...even the local admin account. We are using LDAP authentication, but local account is the same. Our system did get rebooted which brought up this issue. We are running on a CentOS VM.\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "They need to have the global \"can use\" permission as well as any space related permissions. The default setup is to allow \"confluence-users\" that right, so you usually find that the answer to your question is \"yes, they need to be in confluence-users\"\n\nThe \"can use\" permission boils down to \"can log in\" really, although it's not quite that simple behind the scenes. Have a look at Admin -\\> Global permissions (same area as the other user maintenance functions)\n\nYou've got options - add their group to the global \"can use\" permission, allow anonymous access, set up another group (or set of groups) to allow \"can use\" on a more structured way and so-on.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dale Edney", "body": "Thanks Nic. That helped!\n" }, { "author": "Camille", "body": "Thanks Nic this was what worked for me, confluence-users did not have \"can use\" allowed.\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Sounds like the users are not members of the group confluence-users. This could happen if you recently upgraded and something went screwy converting your ldap config to user directories.\n\nWhat version of confluence do you have?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "calvin.dike", "body": "**General Configuration** \\> **Global Permissions** \\> Add the confluence-users and give 'can use' permission. If you migrated to another confluence then check the group AD group that has all the users being migrated and assign 'can use' permission. Assigning Personal Space and Create Space permissions are up to you.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Francis Vidal", "body": "This happened to me when I enabled \"Synchronise Group Memberships\" from the LDAP server. Users who logged in suddenly disappeared from the confluence-users group.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Dale Edney", "body": "Thanks Nic, that helped!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Dale Edney", "body": "Do users need to be members of the group 'confluence-users' or can they access a space if they are just a member of one of the groups that has permission to view the space?\n\nI have a situation at the moment where a user isn't a member of 'confluence-users' but is a member of one of the gorups that has permission to view a given space, but when they try to log in they get the error message 'You are not permitted to perform this operation'.\n\nThanks in advance for your help.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Walter Stabosz", "title": "Best way to add content to every page in a space?", "body": "I'm new to Confluence administration, but not Confluence as a wiki editor.\n\nI have an onDemand wiki, and I wanted to figure out the best to create some content that will be applied to all the pages in a space.\n\nI imagine the fasted way would be through some sort of plugin (if one existed)\n\nHowever, my research suggests that I'll have to create a custom theme and put the content there.\n\nOr an easier alternative to a custom theme is to put the content in a Space Template, and create all my pages from the template, but I don't like that solution because I'd never be able to change the content.\n\nOr maybe creating a theme isn't all that hard.\n\nFor now, I just want add the Google Analytics JavaScript include to all my pages. So maybe if there is a plugin for that, let me know about it.\n\nThanks,\n\nWalter\n" }
[ { "author": "Walter Stabosz", "body": "I found this <> which describes the Custom HTML feature, and does suit my needs, however I don't appear to have a \"Custom HTML\" on my Confluence OnDemand site.\n\nAnd this confirms it <>, onDemand does not have Custom HTML\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I'm not familiar with the SaaS confluence, but I believe the custom HTML is not disabled, in which case that's the best way for this particular task.\n\nAdmin -\\> custom html -\\> add the javascript to the section \"at the end of head\".\n\nFor the theming in general, as you probably can;t upload plugins, the best way might be to do it entirely in javascript, and include the relevant files using the mechanism above.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Oh... that's surprising. You can do a lot with that custom html thing, and difficult to see why it's restricted. It's not as though it parses velocity or something.\n" } ] } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Harald Lapp", "title": "Unable to connect confluence to jira", "body": "Hello,\n\nwe are running jira 4.4 standalone and now would like to use confluence (standalone), too. User authentication for confluence should be done using jira. This seems to be possible, at least the setup wizard let's me specify this option. However: the setup wizard of confluence keeps telling me \"This is not a valid url for JIRA 4.3 or later.\" for the url of my jira server location.\n\nIsn't it possible to connect confluence 4.0.3 to jira 4.4?\n\nthanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Are you able to ping the URL from the confluence server? Maybe you can attach a screenshot here?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "integration", "jira" ]
{ "author": "Peter Laytham", "title": "Can we please change our Server Base URL", "body": "Currently our server base URL (i.e. the URL by which people access the site) is set to\n\n[](\n\nAs Mine Site already has []( as an established site, this will likely cause problems when both wish to migrate to on demand. We want to maintain them as separate instances as well so having them joined is not an option.\n\nSo can we please get some help to move []( to a new URL:\n\n[](\n\nThanks\n\nPeter Laytham\n\nMine Site Technologies\n" }
[ { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "Peter, you might want to log that request through []( I think they'd handle those type of things better than answers.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud" ]
{ "author": "William Roush", "title": "SEVERE: Error listenerStart on Confluence startup", "body": "I installed Confluence, ran into issues with the reverse proxy and MySQL configuration that lead to me missing most of my language files, remove and reinstalled...\n\nNow I can't get the system to start, I went through and removed _3_ duplicate Confluence user accounts (confluence, confluence1, confluence2) and their startups that got created while I've been trying to fix this. I'm back down to one account and one script, and when running \"/etc/init.d/confluence start\" after nearly _6 minutes_ Catalina's logs dump this:\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n>\n> WARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n>\n> WARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server/Service/Engine} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n>\n> WARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server/Service/Engine/Host} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n>\n> WARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init\n>\n> INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8090\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load\n>\n> INFO: Initialization processed in 857 ms\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start\n>\n> INFO: Starting service Tomcat-Standalone\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:34:43 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start\n>\n> INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.32\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start\n>\n> SEVERE: Error listenerStart\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start\n>\n> SEVERE: Context \\[\\] startup failed due to previous errors\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc\n>\n> SEVERE: The web application \\[\\] registered the JDBC driver \\[org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver\\] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc\n>\n> SEVERE: The web application \\[\\] registered the JDBC driver \\[org.postgresql.Driver\\] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc\n>\n> SEVERE: The web application \\[\\] registered the JDBC driver \\[com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\\] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads\n>\n> SEVERE: The web application \\[\\] appears to have started a thread named \\[com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$PoolThread-#1\\] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocalMap\n>\n> SEVERE: The web application \\[\\] created a ThreadLocal with key of type \\[com.atlassian.core.logging.ThreadLocalErrorCollection$2\\] (value \\[com.atlassian.core.logging.ThreadLocalErrorCollection$2@47f9d0e\\]) and a value of type \\[java.lang.Boolean\\] (value \\[false\\]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. This is very likely to create a memory leak.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:29 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocalMap\n>\n> SEVERE: The web application \\[\\] created a ThreadLocal with key of type \\[java.lang.ThreadLocal\\] (value \\[java.lang.ThreadLocal@56200470\\]) and a value of type \\[org.dom4j.DocumentFactory\\] (value \\[org.dom4j.DocumentFactory@5003813c\\]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. This is very likely to create a memory leak.\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:32 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start\n>\n> INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8090\n>\n> Nov 2, 2011 5:40:32 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start\n>\nINFO: Server startup in 349035 ms \nAnd I get a: \n**escription** The requested resource () is not available. \nError on the site. \n\nFresh install from the Linux binaries\n" }
[ { "author": "William Roush", "body": "Sigh, didn't purge /var/atlassian, some configs were sticking around.\n\nGetting rid of those and reinstalling fixed it.\n\nAnd nope, no other errors were reported.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "pratikraj11", "body": "Could you please tell ho wid u solve thos Problem in detail.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Any other error in the logs? Did you check the localhost logs?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "tips for Confluence 4.0 LDAP troubleshooting?", "body": "OpenLDAP is set up and the directory has been synchronized, but I can't log in with my LDAP credentials and if I try to add an LDAP user to a group I get the error, \"User \\<name\\> could not be found. Please confirm his or her existence with a Confluence Administrator.\" One of the IT guys fiddled with the settings and said they're correct.\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "If anyone else has a similar problem, we eventually got OpenLDAP working for us in Confluence without saving a username or password in the settings.\n\nThe key was setting LDAP Permissions to Read Only with Local Groups.\n\nWe also set the Base DN, Additional User DN, AdditionalGroupDN, User Object Filter, User Name Attribute, User Name RDN Attribute, User Display Name Attribute, User Email Attribute, User Password Encryption, Group Object Class, Group Object Filter, and Use the User Membership Attribute.\n\nAll other settings are at their defaults.\n\nI have no tips for troubleshooting other than contacting Atlassian support.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "authentication", "ldap" ]
{ "author": "Maya Srinivasan", "title": "Export spaces vua command line(using SOAP remote API) times out", "body": "Hi !\n\nI am working with a standalone Confluence installations (3.5.6) and I'd like to export spaces from the commandline (Confluence CLI seems to be the answer).\n\nWhen I try to export a reasonably large wiki space using Confluence CLI (which uses SOAP Remote API), I get:\n\nRemote error: ; nested exception is: \ Read timed out\n\nIt times out in 10mins. Exactly.\n\nExport space does work from within Confluence, and takes about 22 minutes. I've tested the export with a smaller space, and it works just fine through the CLI.\n\nWhat is the right way to enable an end user to change the default timeout for all TCP connections or those initiated in a JVM so that these longer running tasks can finish and return? And, more importantly, is this the way to do it?\n\nHas anyone had success exporting large spaces via command line?\n\nThanks.Maya\n" }
[ { "author": "Adam Laskowski", "body": "Maya,\n\nI don't quite know how to get around this issue with the CLI tool for Confluence, but I was able to overcome this issue with a Python script that might be useful:\n\n```\n#!/usr/bin/pythonimport sys, string, xmlrpclib, re, httplib, time#http timeout overrideclass TimeoutHTTPConnection( httplib.HTTPConnection ): def connect( self ): httplib.HTTPConnection.connect( self ) self.sock.settimeout( self.timeout )class TimeoutHTTP( httplib.HTTP ): _connection_class = TimeoutHTTPConnection def set_timeout( self, timeout ): self._conn.timeout = timeoutclass TimeoutTransport( xmlrpclib.Transport ): def __init__( self, timeout = 10, *l, **kw ): xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__( self, *l, **kw ) self.timeout = timeout def make_connection( self, host ): conn = TimeoutHTTP( host ) conn.set_timeout( self.timeout ) return connclass TimeoutServerProxy( xmlrpclib.ServerProxy ): def __init__( self, uri, timeout = 10, *l, **kw ): kw['transport'] = TimeoutTransport( timeout = timeout, use_datetime = kw.get( 'use_datetime', 0 ) ) xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.__init__( self, uri, *l, **kw )def runExport(newtimeout):\t#server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8080/rpc/xmlrpc')\ttry:\t\tprint (\"Starting at: \"+time.asctime())\t\tserver = TimeoutServerProxy( 'http://localhost:8080/rpc/xmlrpc', timeout = newtimeout )\t\ttoken = server.confluence1.login( 'admin', 'admin' )\t\tkey = raw_input( \"Enter space key: \" )\t\tvartype = raw_input( \"Eport type (xml or html): \" )\t\tif \"xml\" in vartype.lower():\t\t\ttype = 'TYPE_XML'\t\telse: \t\t\tif \"html\" in vartype.lower():\t\t\t\ttype = 'TYPE_HTML'\t\t\telse: print (\"Invalid output type.\")\t\tstring = server.confluence1.exportSpace( token, key, type )\t\texit( string )\texcept Exception as e:\t\tprint (time.asctime())\t\tprint (e)\tfinally:\t\tprint (time.asctime())\ttoset = int(raw_input( \"Set Timeout Value in Minutes: \" ))*60runExport(toset)\n```\n\nYou will need to change the details in 'server' and 'token' to match your server URL and login details. When you run the script, set a timeout value in minutes and specify the space key and xml and it should eventually spit out a URL. In local testing, a space with 35000 unique pages, each with one image attached, finished in 16 minutes. Mileage will vary, but you can get a feel for how long you can expect it to take by running a space export in the Confluence UI to establish your baseline.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sam Kenny", "body": "To get this to work for me, I commented out:\n\n```\nserver = TimeoutServerProxy( 'http://localhost:8080/rpc/xmlrpc', timeout = newtimeout )\n```\n\nand uncommented\n\n```\n#server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8080/rpc/xmlrpc')\n```\n\nBecause my Space was quite large (3gigs) I also had to increase the amount of memory available. In my setenv.bat file I updated the JAVA_OPTS to be:\n\n```\nset JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2056m -Xmx3072m -XX:MaxPermSize=3072m\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "More recent versions of the Confluence CLI have a connectionTimeout parameter - [Documentation](\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Maya Srinivasan", "body": "Adam - What version of Python are you using? I installed 2.7 (on solaris) and it gave me this error - Set Timeout Value in Minutes: 40 \nStarting at: Tue Jan 3 11:36:19 2012 \nTue Jan 3 11:36:19 2012 \nTimeoutHTTP instance has no attribute 'getresponse' \nTue Jan 3 11:36:19 2012\n\nThanks!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Maya Srinivasan", "body": "Here is the link I found about a related problem - <>\n" } ] }, { "author": "Maya Srinivasan", "body": "I've sent the same query to the Java folks who happen to sit on my floor - I hope to hear back. It would be so very nice if Confluence would just add a way for a space admin to backup their space on a schedule.\n\nMore as I learn it.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "I was just about to link you to <> but I see that you have already commented on that, and it lead you here. :-)\n\nYou say you have tried setting CONNECTION_TIMEOUT to 1000 and it times out at around 10 minutes. If your export directly from Confluence takes around 22 minutes, you will probably need to change the timeout value to something even larger.\n\n<br />\n\nTry setting CONNECTION_TIMEOUT and SO_TIMEOUT to 1800000, which should give Confluence a 30 minute window to complete the export.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Maya Srinivasan", "body": "The peculiar thing seems to be that no matter what I specify on the command line for the CONNECTION_TIMEOUT and SO_TIMEOUT, it still bombs out in 10mins. So, somewhere the 10min timeout for something is taking precedence....I'm hoping someone who understands the SOAP API/Java interaction better or who better know how the long running tasks in confluence work can shed some light on this.\n\nFrom the description in CSOAP-74, this problem has been around a while....\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Chris Keeble", "title": "Unable to see / access 'Space Admin' for Demonstration Space despite being Confluence Admin", "body": "I am a member of the confluence admin group, but do not get the 'Space Admin' option on the 'Browse' menu when viewing the Demonstration Space.\n\nI am trying to remove (or at least hide) the Demonstration Space. I have deleted the 'Home' page, and get the message A page with this title has been deleted. Contact your space administrator if you would like it restored. but have no access to the Space Admin to be able to do anything.\n\nI have full access to all other spaces.\n" }
[ { "author": "Chris Keeble", "body": "It turns out that there is indeed a bug, and some related issues which have been raised about this.\n\nSee [CONF-22464]( \"\") and related issues \\& comments for more details.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "That doesn't sound right to me - although you shouldn't have to explicitly name \"confluence administrators\" as able to do space-admin on a specific space, I suspect you've somehow managed to convinice it that the space can't be administered.\n\nWhat happens if you try <https://yourconfluence/spaces/editspace.action?key=ds> ?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Billing Super Robot", "body": "that was it, I added myself back into the administation group, even though I was in it already, and delete was available again for that demo space\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Chris Keeble", "body": "Hi Andrew,\n\nAlthough I couldn't recall the details from memory, I looked up the support query I raised at the time and in the discussion note:\n> By adding my own account into the 'Confluence Administrators' group again (despite it showing as already a member) I was then able to access the Space Admin for the Demonstration Space, and have now successfully deleted the space.\n\nHopefully that will help you as well?\n\nThere's also a [related improvement request]( \"\") and this [related issue]( in case of any interest.\n\nKind regards\n\nChris\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Mark_Jones", "body": "Did you manage to get to the bottom of this at all? I'm experiencing exactly the same problem...\n\nI too am a member of the Confluence-admin group and get \"not permitted\" when trying to access the link detailed above.\n\nI definately have not changed permissions for this space.\n\nI've looked at [CONF-22464]( \"\") but it doesn't seem to offer anything that explains the problem, and certainly not how to get around it.\n\nThanks in advance for any help...\n\nAndrew\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Chris Keeble", "body": "You should find the answer below helps - at first it might seem unrelated, but follow through as it helped us resolve.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sarah Jacob", "body": "I am experiencing this same problem with Confluence version 4.1.3. Is there a fix available at this point?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Chris Keeble", "body": "If I try .../spaces/editspace.action?key=ds I get 'Not permitted'.\n\nI don't believe we changed anything about the Demonstration Space, although of course it is possible.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Chris Keeble", "body": "It turns out that there is indeed a bug, and some related issues which have been raised about this.\n\nSee [CONF-22464]( \"\") and related issues \\& comments for more details.\n" } ] } ]