{ "author": "Adolfo Casari", "title": "Question about indented list in confluence", "body": "Hi,\n\nI need to create a list like this:\n\nA\n\n\\*a1\n\n\\*a2\n\n\\*a3\n\nB\n\n\\*b1\n\n\\*b2\n\n(\\* means indented)\n\nThe problem is with B, it get allways indented and aligned with a3. I have tried with the wiki editor too but it always makes B indented.\n\nThis is confluence 3.5\n\nThank you,\n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Trying again as it munged formatting on my first post\n\n```\nA* a1* a2* a3B* b1* b2\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Adolfo Casari", "body": "Hi andrew, I tried that too (SHIFT - ENTER)\n\nThe list is within a table, I think that is causing the problem, because in plain text it works OK.\n" }, { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi Adolfo,\n\nYou're right it looks like a problem with the lists being in tables. One alternative is to use sections and columns instead of a table, e.g.\n\n```\n{section:border=true}{column:width=50%}Column OneA* a1* a2* a3B* b1* b2 {column}{column:width=50%}Column Two{column}{section}\n```\n\nbut that's going to get messy if the table is more than just a few columns.\n" }, { "author": "Adolfo Casari", "body": "Do you know if there is a case open for this issue?\n" }, { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Looks like it was logged at <> and is reported as fixed in 4.0.x with the new editor. Might be worth asking Atlassian Support for a backported fix for 3.5.x?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi Adolfo,\n\nIf you add a line break between a3 and B it should work, e.g.\n\nA\n\n\\* a1\n\n\\* a2\n\n\\* a3\n\nB\n\n\\* b1\n\n\\* b2\n\nHope that helps,\n\nAndrew.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Heering Ligthart", "title": "How to move a page that uses the macro Powerpoint viewer?", "body": "Try to move a page with the tools option \"move\", but the pop-up screen for moving a page is behind the Powerpoint.\n\nAs a result, the move to page can not be entered.\n\nAny one an idea? (other then removing the macro powerpoint view)\n" }
[ { "author": "Heering Ligthart", "body": "I have the same problem with adding labels to a page where a powerpoint or pdf is viewed.\n\nThe labels are solved by going into \"edit\" mode of the page and modify the labels there. Moving a page with a view is possible after showing the attachments on the page. The \"move\" action of the page is still available under \"Tools\" and the page itself is no longer blocking the pop-up screen.\n\nLittle work around.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Heering Ligthart", "body": "Hi Jo-Anne, we are using confluence 4.0\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "what version of confluence are you using?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "macro", "move" ]
{ "author": "Aaron Hurley", "title": "Can't Add Page Restrictions to Any Pages within Space", "body": "Recently one of our spaces has not been working properly, we are unable to edit/add the page restrictions of any pages. When we go to Tools \\> Restrictions, nothing happens (the pop-up does not appear). When we go to Edit \\> Restrictions then the popup appears but we are unable to add permissions, when we click to add nothing happens. All of our other spaces are fine and this space is setup the same way. Any ideas??\n\n\\*notes: the pages we're trying to edit does not have any page permissions nor do its parent pages. have tried IE, Firefox, and Chrome. also tried Windows and Mac, same issue exists everywhere.\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Are you using a custom theme? If so you probably need to add the following line to your page.vmd:\n\n```\n#parse(\"/decorators/includes/page-content-includes.vm\")\n```\n\nThe problem is that the page restrictions dialog needs the current spaceKey to perform the request. The current space key is usually stored in a hidden parameter field on the page, which is probably missing in your case. Those hidden parameter fields should look something like this:\n\n```\n&lt;fieldset class=\"hidden parameters\"&gt; &lt;input type=\"hidden\" title=\"spaceKeyEncoded\" value=\"yourSpaceKey\"&gt; &lt;input type=\"hidden\" title=\"spaceKeyDecoded\" value=\"yourSpaceKey\"&gt;&lt;/fieldset&gt;\n```\n\nThere was [a similar problem once with the doc theme](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Aaron Hurley", "body": "Thank you for your response, Remo. We are not using a custom theme, just the Global Look and Feel Theme. \n\nThe strange thing is that only this one space is affected whereas all the others are setup the same (15 others). Any other thoughts?\n" }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Maybe someone adjusted the layout of the Global Look and Feel? In **Browse =\\> Space Admin =\\> Layout** all the layouts should be displayed as **\\< default \\>** . If there is an **Edit** or **Reset Default** link, the layout was customized.\n" }, { "author": "Aaron Hurley", "body": "Wow! You're right, someone did edit the page layout. Rest to default and it works. Thank you!!\n" }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Cool, glad that we were able to fix it!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Shimrit Janes", "body": "We seem to have a similar problem. We've recently upgraded to Confluence 3.5, and since the upgrade I'm unable to edit the page restrictions in all spaces:\n\n* Go to tools --\\> restrictions, nothing happens\n* Click on the padlock icon to a page that already has restrictions applied, nothing happens\n* Click 'edit' restrictions when editing a page, the window comes up but unable to manage the restrictions (eg tyring to add a new name - can find the user using the search box, but when I click the name nothing happens).\n\nWe have a customised look and feel configured for all of Confluence, but not individual spaces. Any help would be appreciated!\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Lucas_Block", "title": "Dragon Quest 3.8 Cannot find the Activity Stream in jira from confluence", "body": "hi, im doing this step in dragon quest:\n\n1. Click '**Dashboards**' at top left of your JIRA screen.\n2. Your 'Dragon Development Dashboard' will appear. Click '**Add Gadget**'.\n3. The 'Gadget Directory' will appear, showing a list of the available gadgets for your JIRA dashboard. Enter 'activity' into the search box at top right of the Gadget directory screen.\n4. The list of gadgets will change, to show only the gadgets that match your search term. You will see two '**Activity Stream** ' gadgets, once for JIRA and one for Confluence. To find the Confluence one, look at the **gadget URL** and find the URL that contains port '**8090**'.\n\nWhen i do these step, cannot find the other activity stream, the subscription looks fine... \n\nAny idea? \n\nthanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Lucas_Block", "body": "well, after i do some tests, i fix it by changing the \"Server Base Url\" to \"http://localhost:8090/confluence\", from \"http://dragons:8090/confluence\" (in my case i do all steps in localhost)\n\nRegards \nLucas\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "dragonslayer", "jira" ]
{ "author": "Brian Louks", "title": "Is Windows Authentication supported on Confluence 4?", "body": "Is connecting to Sql Server using windows integrated authentication supported on Confluence 4.0.3?\n\nLooks to me like it's not, but I wanted to verify. I'm trying to avoid storing passwords on disk\n" }
[ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "It depends on the database driver you use. I believe the bundled jTDS drivers do support windows integrated auth, but if not you could replace them with eg the DataDirect drivers if you have a licence for them, which definitely support that.\n\nJust googled and found <>\n\nI have a dim recollection that if the server is on unix then you may need something other than jTDS, but I don't even think that's true now.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Unix boxes happily use jTDS to hook up to MS-SQL databases. In my experience, jTDS drivers are a lot more stable and faster than Microsoft's own drivers. Even on Window servers, which was a bit of a surprise.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Oh sure, I wasn't clear at all. I meant \"on unix you might have to use something other than jTDS to do windows integrated auth\", and perhaps only when the unix machine is not hooked up to the AD domain.\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Ah, I misunderstood. They work fine with AD in my experience (assuming you're on a reliable AD server, which became a problem where I first ran into it). I'm not sure how they handle outside AD beyond a basic username/password setup\n" }, { "author": "Brian Louks", "body": "I should have been more clear myself, I run Windows and Active Directory.\n\nThe thing is, it doesn't seem like Confluence itself supports it. It doesn't let me get past the configuration screen without a username and password. I know JIRA had this problem as well, in 4.2.3, I was able to use jTDS drivers with integrated security no problem. In JIRA 4.4, it broke, complaining that a username / password was required. And the error message wasn't produced by the driver, it was produced by Atlassian code, which suggest to me that Atlassian stopped supporting integrated security even though the underlying driver does. So I'm suspecting that's the case here with Confluence as well- unless I want to modify their code, I probably need to use Sql accounts.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "OK, I get you. For in the initial setup use a username/password. All this does is write a file \\<jira-home\\>/dbconfig.xml. You can then shut jira down and modify this file yourself, and restart it. If you make a mistake jira won't start then just shut it down and have another go. It goes without saying to take a backup.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "You're talking about confluence so substitue confluence-home for jira-home, also the file might be called something different, like confluence.cfg, but you will recognise it.\n" }, { "author": "Brian Louks", "body": "You're correct, it was confluence.cfg.xml in Confluence home. I did test updating the config file with JIRA 4.4.1, and it still didn't work (got an error from Atlassian code saying username was required). However, integrated security appears to be working with Confluence. I haven't been able to fully test yet because I have to go to the DBA team to create a temporary sql user to do the initial setup ... sigh ...\n\nThanks everyone for the help!\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "With jira at any rate you can write the file first, then you don't get prompted with the initial database stuff. Might be the same for confluence.\n\nSeeing as you have generously given me some points, could you now go the whole hog and mark my question as correct? ;-)\n" }, { "author": "Brian Louks", "body": "I wasn't going to leave you hanging. Just waiting until I could do a full test - it worked! For anyone else reading this, the solution was to:\n\n* use a sql account to set up the database connection\n* edit \\<confluence-home\\>/confluence.cfg.xml, completely remove the username and password elements\n* put ntlmauth.dll from the jTDS distrubtion into the \\<confluence install\\>/Confluence/bin directory.\n* Set Confluence to run as an account that has access to the database\n* Restart Confluence\n\nBut FYI, I still don't think JIRA works, like I said, it used to work back in 4.2.3, and it doesn't appear to work anymore in 4.4 (I think it breaks before it even gets down to the jTDS level). I opened an issue with atlassian at <> for that issue.\n\nThanks to everyone again. I'd give out more points if I could :)\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Cameron Jezorek", "title": "Merging 2 JIRAs & 2 Confluences", "body": "I appologize if this is a duplicate question... \n\nRecently we merged with another company- we both use JIRA and Confluence. How do we go about merging the 2 JIRAs and the 2 Confluences? \n\nI found info relating to the JIRA instances ([Restoring a Project from Backup]( but I am not finding what I need for Confluence...\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Export space to XML and then restore. You will only have a problem if there is a duplicate space key. Do this for each space you want to copy over. You will have to manage the other global admin data manually.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "jira", "merge" ]
{ "author": "Lucas_Block", "title": "Dragon Quest 3.7 Cannot create an issue with confluence", "body": "Follow the steps below to add a new issue into JIRA and display the issue on your Confluence page:\n\n* Click the '**Insert JIRA Issue** ' icon ![]( in the editor toolbar.\n* The 'Insert JIRA Issue' popup window will appear. Click '**Create New Issue**' in the left-hand panel.\n* Enter the following information:\n * Project: `Dragons`\n * Issue Type: `Bug`\n * Summary: `The purple dragon melted my chocolate`\n * Version/s: `2.0.S2`\n * Description: `The dragon tried to eat my chocolate and flamed it by mistake.`\n* Click '**Insert**'. \nWhen i do these steps, i dont have a \"Version/s\" Field, if i insert anyway, i get: \n\"There were errors creating an issue in JIRA. Some required fields may not be available on this form. Try creating this issue in [JIRA](http://localhost:8080/)\" \n\nAny idea? can i avoid this step and continue my quest? \n\nThanks \nLucas\n" }
[ { "author": "Lucas_Block", "body": "Finally, i can create the issue changing the browser (chrome to firefox to ie). \nThanks!! \n\nLucas\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "CGM", "body": "we have a simmilar error message:\n\nThere were errors creating an issue in JIRA. Some required fields may not be available on this form. Try creating this issue in JIRA\n\n* customfield_10301: Epic Name is required.\n* Epic Name is required.\n\nWe are using Jira 5.2.2 and Confluence 4.2.13\n\nAre there any news on this?\n\ngreetings\n\nBenjamin\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Chris Johnson", "body": "so I have mandatory fields, how do I get confluence to add these to the jira issue form so users can create a issue on the confluence side?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sunchan Lee", "body": "I have changed browser chrome to firefox and solved this problem, too. Thanks.\n\nI had another problem, IOException related to json when inserted issues created before.\n\nIf you meet same problems, change JIRA owner's locale to US or UK.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "You are missing some mandatory fields. Maybe like reporter (as it is usually mandatory)! Create an issue in JIRA and see which fields are mandatory. You can also find the reason in JIRA logs!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Lucas_Block", "body": "true, but these mandatory fields should be appear in that screen in confluence, if not, at least, the Version field mentioned in the quest.\n\nthanks for the help.\n" }, { "author": "Lucas_Block", "body": "i check mandatory field, and in that screen miss the reporter, any idea about how enable other fields in that screen? \nthanks for help\n" } ] } ]
[ "dragonslayer" ]
{ "author": "Paul Paul", "title": "Bulk delete of older content?", "body": "I may be using the wrong key words or maybe I am going against the grain but I want to be able to bulk delete old content in Confluence and I can't find any information on this need. To be more specific I would like to delete old blog posts in the main space we use as the default home for our Intranet implementation of Confluence, but it would also be nice to be able to delete attachments in a Space using a bulk tick box select and delete. I can't find a plugin to fit this description so has anyone found a work-around? I know the basics of the reporter plugin but I am NOT a developer. Thanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Laurent Corbi?re", "body": "Hi,\n\nIt won't help you for blog-post but i'm using it for pages:\n\n- in your main space, create a page names \"To Delete\"\n\n- move all you pages to delete (attachments will follow) under the \"To Delete\" page\n\n- create a new space names \"Trash\"\n\n- move the page \"To Delete\" to the new space named \"Trash\". Childrens will follow.\n\n- delete \"Trash\" space.\n\nHave a nice day,\n\nLaurent\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "GuilhermeA", "body": "Hello Paul,\n\nI believe that Confluence still lacks such feature:\n\n* <>\n\nHowever on another great news there is a plugin developed already which should be handy to you (if I got your correctly):\n\n* <>\n\nPlease let me know if this is correct for you.\n\nCheers,\n\nGuilherme\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "blog", "delete" ]
{ "author": "Alan Bowman", "title": "Code block macros defaulting to last used Syntax Highlighting and Theme - Confluence 4", "body": "Using the WYSIWIG editor in Confluence 4, I am finding that all my code blocks default to whatever settings I use on the most recent code block.\n\nFor example, I have some code blocks for file system navigation. I want those to be one type of syntax highlighting and theme. I also have code blocks that are the internal contents of a file, and I want those to be a different type of syntax highlighting and theme.\n\nWhat I find is that ALL the code blocks on the page will use whatever syntax highlighting and theme that I apply to the last code block on the page, instead of the syntax and theme that they were originally set for. If you look at the code blocks in the editor, the language and theme have not changed, but how they are displayed has changed.\n\nIs this the expected behavior? I would very much like to be able to specify the syntax and theme for each code block at an individual level, instead of it being global.\n" }
[ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "It's a known bug in the code macro - it's not possible to have code macros with multiple styles on the one page - <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Alan Bowman", "body": "Is there a way to reopen that bug so that it's no longer in Resolved/Won't Fix status, or to at least document this somewhere that isn't hidden in a bug report? That bug didn't show up in my searches for this issue, nor is it mentioned here: <>\n\nI'm also having the same issue as many of the current commentors on that page are having, where all my indentation gets removed when pasting into the code block. Is there a bug report open for this?\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "I've re-opened <> to track it again.\n\nI think there are some white-space/indenting related bug reports in the NCODE project - try having a search and see if you can find any.\n" }, { "author": "HGDN Administrator", "body": "My problem is slightly different -- I am getting different indenting of code blocks on the same page, and it is never the way I want it. This is a very undesirable loss of functionality in the WYSIWYG editor.\n" } ] } ]
[ "code-block", "wysiwyg" ]
{ "author": "Clive Newitt", "title": "Setting infoPanelWidth in Confluence", "body": "On the dashboard of Conflunece there is a variable infoPanelWidth which controls the width of the 'All Updates' \\& 'Favorite Spaces' tabs. Where is this controlled from? How would you reduce the size of this to 50% of page width?\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "I'm not sure if this variable is still in use. But if you want to reduce the size of the right column on the dashboard, you could just define a custom stylesheet in the Confluence administration console:\n\n```\ndiv.dashboard .dashboard-group.left {\twidth: 50%;}div.dashboard .dashboard-group.right {\twidth: 50%;}\n```\n\nHope this helps\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Vishali", "body": "If I have to create another panel with some content, how do I set?\n\nThanks,\n" } ] }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "What kind of variable are we talking about here? Is this a CSS selector or a JavaScript variable, or something else?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Gustav Stresemann", "title": "calendar plugin and outlook integration", "body": "Hello,\n\nis it possible to integrate the calendar from the calendar plugin in MS Outlook 2007 or 2010? I have read above the addin \"outlook2ical\" for Outlook but is it possible without any addin to add this in my outlook?\n\nThank you!\n\nBye\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hi Gustav,\n\nIf you are reffering to the old Clanedar plugin, yes I think it is possible, however that plugin is not supported or maintained. If you are referring to Team Calendars for Confluence, yes you can subscibe from Outlook 2010: <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "HDub", "body": "Here's the thing, subscribing to the team calendar with Outlook 2010 works, but it doesn't seem like it updates when changes are made or it isn't updating very quickly. Has anyone done any testing around this and what were the results?\n\nI've got this working well in Google Calendar and I am doing remote testing with someone who uses outlook 2010. So far we've had the calendar add on the local Outlook add appointments that were removed on the confluence calendar and leave appointments that were removed. Seems like the opposite of what I'd like it to do. Ugh.\n" }, { "author": "John Paz", "body": "[](calendar-plugin-and-outlook-integration)\n" } ] }, { "author": "John Paz", "body": "[](calendar-plugin-and-outlook-integration)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Paz", "body": "[](calendar-plugin-and-outlook-integration)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Paz", "body": "Hello all! I've tracked down a more solid solution and did some testing on it to confirm. Try it out and let me know if it works: [](/questions/53142/how-to-share-a-team-outlook-calendar-on-confluence?page=1#215498)\n\nIf it does, you can repay me in upvotes! (I need the karma apparently, as yesterday Atlassian Answers repremanded me for commenting without enough karma...)\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Gregory Kneller", "body": "the link gives error 404\n" } ] } ]
[ "app", "calendar", "ms-outlook", "team-calendars-for-confluence" ]
{ "author": "kim Boyoung", "title": "I can't enabed the plugins. \"Community bubbles\"", "body": "Adaptavist Theme Builder and Community Bubbles Plugin were disabled \nClicking enable, \"This plugin failed to enable. Please refer to the logs for more information.\" print out. \nCommunity Bubbles Plugin is widely used, so I'm in difficult situation.\n\nPlease help :(\n\n-- this is error logs --\n\n2011-11-01 14:36:59,766 ERROR \\[http-8080-12\\] \\[atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager\\] enableConfiguredPluginModule There was an error loading the descriptor 'Community Type Manager' of plugin 'com.adaptavist.confluence.bubbles'. Disabling.\n\n-- url: /rest/plugins/1.0/com.adaptavist.confluence.bubbles-key \\| userName: dwnoh \\| referer: [\\</span\\<\\>\\>](\n[java.lang.IllegalStateException: Bundle is uninstalled\nat org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.loadBundleClass(\nat org.apache.felix.framework.BundleImpl.loadClass(\nat com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.util.BundleClassLoaderAccessor.loadClass(\nat com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.factory.OsgiPluginInstalledHelper.loadClass(\nat com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.factory.OsgiPlugin.lo...](\n" }
[ { "author": "Stephan Haslinger", "body": "Do you have the Adaptavist PLM installed? <>\n\nI had a similar issue when upgrading to community bubbles... Installing newest PLM helped for me\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "app" ]
{ "author": "Darcy Michaelchuk", "title": "How can I stop extra/empty paragraphs between macros?", "body": "I am trying to use the Section and Column macros and every time I do ther first line is an empty paragraph that I cannot remove. It adds far to much whitspace on the page.\n\nHow can I get around this?\n" }
[ { "author": "Fisher", "body": "The bug is still not fixed? I'm using 6.1.2.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "The empty paragrah should only visible in edit mode. We had implemented this differently at first to remove the extra line but it had nasty downstream effects in the editor.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Darcy Michaelchuk", "body": "While it is a little frustrating in the editor as so much screen spaces is wasted, it is much worse when these empty paragraphs appear in the viewing of the page. When I inspect the html on the view, it shows a number of blank paragraphs adding unwanted whitespace that I cannot remove. \n" }, { "author": "Darcy Michaelchuk", "body": "we are running 4.0.4 so I may have to log a bug.\n\nAlso, I don't think it happens all the time, but once it does on a page, there is no going back.\n" }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "That sounds like a bug, Darcy. It's likely that it may have already been fixed -- I'm not sure what version of Confluence 4.0 you are running but we just recently release 4.0.4:\n\n<>\n\nYou'll be pleased to know we are working on a proper page layouts solution that will make the section and column macros mostly redundant.\n" }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "Bummer. Filing a bug at <> would be great so we can fix it in a future release. Thanks Darcy.\n" } ] } ]
[ "line-break" ]
{ "author": "Justin Rand", "title": "Page Update notifications broken after upgrading from 3.1 to 3.5.13 to 4.0.3", "body": "We recently upgraded our Confluence instance from 3.1 to 4.0.3 with the necessary 3.5.13 version in between. Whenever a page that has watchers is updated, we are seeing the attached exception in the atlassian-confluence.log.\n\nWe were having issues saving changes to pages until I found the Knowledge Base article related to CONF-20318. My database has boolean values for DIGEST and NETWORK as opposed to the (0,1) as mentioned in the bug. Following the steps in the KB, I set the values to FALSE where the KB references 0, and TRUE where the KB references 1. The saving issue has been resolved, but no notifications are received for page updates.\n\nI can verify that the daily digest email of changes is working properly as well as the test SMTP server email.\n" }
[ { "author": "Justin Rand", "body": "We still had the Metadata plugin enabled (which was known to be incompatible with Conf 4.0). Upon disabling, this issue went away.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Gedalyah Geller", "title": "Exporting to pdf and then converting the pdf to word", "body": "After I export to pdf and then convert the pdf to Word, all the styles are gone and everything is \"Normal.\" This prevents me from tinkering with the doc and then recreating a TOC.\n\nAny way to retain the styles?\n" }
[ { "author": "salvatore", "body": "I have only tried to [convert pdf]( to images with the help of some toolkts. You can also google it and select one whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you export to pdf and then convert the pdf to Word. Remember to check its free trial package for users first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "export", "ms-word", "pdf" ]
{ "author": "Michael Regelin", "title": "Hardware crashed. How to build a active-passive redundancy with Confluence ?", "body": "Hello,\n\nOur Server has just crashed two days ago.\n\nThis situation shows the limit of our environment.\n\nWe would like to build a new environment where server A is active (up) and server B is asleep (down all the time).\n\nWhen server A crash. I turn on server B.\n\nThis process puts a lot of questions in mind:\n\nWhat about the datastorage ? can I switch from server A to B transparently?\n\nWhat about licence ? can I switch from server A to B without having problem ?\n\nAs Confluence is not a critical application, we dont wont to have an active cluster configuration, despite it would only be a high availability solution...\n\nI would appreciate for help about this situation.\n\nThanks.\n\nMichael\n" }
[ { "author": "B_ Normann P_ Nielsen", "body": "Hi,\n\nI have just done this for Confluence and JIRA - but of cause with a running standby server, simply with rsync for files in /pack/confluence-data and /pack/confluence - and mysqlsump for the database.\n\nThen a simple script on the standby server to:\n\n1. Drop and create new database\n\n2. Import mysqldump file\n\n3. Start Tomcat on the server\n\nThe frequency of the rsync and mysqldump desides how close to real-time data You have. A master-slave MySQL solution is also possible.\n\nOther posibilities could be have Veeam doing it (as You server is virtual I suppose)\n\nBR,\n\nNormann\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Michael Regelin", "body": "Thanks Normann,\n\nSorry for answering so late. I had read your post before but forgot to mark your response.\n\nThanks also for the Veeam solution.\n\nThe Rsync is what we have choosen and a simple oracle restore from our backup solution.\n\nWorks great.\n\nMichael\n" } ] }, { "author": "B_ Normann P_ Nielsen", "body": "It does, primary things we need to \"change\" is the server.xml files as there is no Load Balancer or public URLs for the copy version, it is contacted direcly on hostname with http.\n\nBesides that, is pretty KISS :-)\n\nBR,\n\nNormann\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Dan Moran", "title": "How do you Hide children of a page?", "body": "I see that there are two views for Viewing Children - Show and Hide - that can be configured globally by a site admin.\n\nBut WHERE are they configured? HOW is this done?\n\nWe use the Documentation theme, and have tried temporarily switching to the Default theme so that we could edit the site's Page Layout and changing #renderChildren() to ##renderChildren(), but that didn't work.\n" }
[ { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Joseph,\n\nThanks for the tip - I didn't realize (as a brand new user) that I could apply that HTML code to a Space. In fact, I'm able to do so even without Enabling Custom Stylesheets for Spaces. Perhaps it's my privilege level?\n\nIn any event, I seem to have a \"syntax\" problem. When I enter the HTML code (see above) in a Space Stylesheet, the Labels: field on all pages in the Space is hidden, but the Child Pages still display. However, if I place the #labels line before the #children line in this HTML code, the Child Pages are hidden and the Labels: field displays!\n\nAlso, if I remove either the #children line or the #labels line from the HTML code, both the Child Pages and the Labels: field display on all pages.\n\nI'm THAT CLOSE to getting this to work - any suggestions?\n\nThanks,\n\nDaniel\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Danielle Zhu", "body": "#renderChildren() is the right place. Make sure you do not have space level theme, layout or style that overwrites the global theme and the custom layout. e.g. In Space Admin Theme, you need to use Global Look and Feel, instead of selecting the Documentation theme.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Danielle,\n\nPage 310 of the Confluence 3.5 user guide has a screenshot where a site administrator can select to hide hildren globally. This is the screen I'd like to get to - but how do I get there? Is this screen no longer part of Confluence?\n\n(I'd also like to hide the Labels: field that displays above the list of Child Pages.)\n\nThanks,\n\nDaniel\n" }, { "author": "Danielle Zhu", "body": "I saw the screenshot you are referring to but that looks like a wiki page with children, not a global setting. As far as I know, there is no site wide setting to select whether to show or hide children by default. Here is an open request for \"Option for hiding children by default\": <>\n" }, { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Danielle,\n\nOK, thanks for the link - maybe the hide children option will be available some day.\n\nMeanwhile, I can go to each Parent Page and enter the following HTML code to hide the Child Pages and the Labels field:\n\n**{html}**\n\n**\\<style\\>**\n\n**#children-section { display: none; }**\n\n**#labels-section {display: none; }**\n\n**\\</style\\>**\n\n**{html}**\n\n(I actually read about using this code only to hide the Child Pages and guessed that I could add a similar line to hide the Labels: field, and it worked!)\n\nI appreciate your quick replies to my questions.\n\nDaniel\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Instead of manually adding HTML to each page, you could use a custom Space stylesheet to apply it automatically to all pages - <>\n" }, { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Hi Joseph,\n\nIt finally dawned on me that if I placed two copies of the above HTML code in a Space Stylesheet, and in one copy flip-flopped the #children and #labels lines, both the list of CHiled Pages and the Label: filed would be hidden on all pages in that Space. And sure enough it worked.\n\nIt seems like a funny way to do it, but I got the result I wanted.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Paul Paul", "body": "Put it in a user macro, add macro to the page you want to see this action. Globally, just add to custom HTML in admin ( I would opt to use body).\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "This is a very similar to the technique I used in [More flexible commenting in Atlassian's Confluence](\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Hiroki Kondo", "title": "Attached file name is corrupt when it set to macro parameter.", "body": "I attached a Word file the file name is written in Japanese to a Confluence page, I added a Office Word macro to show the file's detail at the page. The file name is shown like below.\n\n![](\n\nHow can I solve ? Is there a configuration to solve the issue?\n" }
[ { "author": "PeterKoczan", "body": "In addition to database character encoding, be sure to verify the application server and Confluence setting too:\n\n- <>\n\n- <>\n\nCheers,\n\nPeter\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Hiroki Kondo", "body": "Thanks Peter.\n\nIt was resolved by setting caracter encoding.\n\nregards.\n" } ] }, { "author": "GuilhermeA", "body": "????? Hiroko,\n\nIt seems that your Browser could be preventing this from encoding correctly. Or could mean that the encodings on Confluence are not correctly set. Maybe using UTF-8 correct the problem.\n\n* <>\n\nI know that the answer came a little late, but hope this helps other users\n\n????,\n\nGuilherme\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Hiroki Kondo", "body": "????? Heck.\n\nIt was resolved by setting caracter encoding.\n" } ] } ]
[ "language-ja" ]
{ "author": "Saurabh N. Deshpande", "title": "Confluence becomes unresponsive.", "body": "Hello Guys,\n\nI am running into an interesting issue over here.\n\nI have Confluence 3.5.9 installed on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS.\n\nDuring normal hours when people are accessing the Confluence it works really well. But the moment people stops accessing it, after 15 to 30 minutes the server becomes inaccessible.\n\nThe only way to get it in functional mode is by running an SSH session to Ubuntu Server. The moment I log in the Confluence page beomes active.\n\nAny Thoughts ?\n\nPlease let me know if you have a Solution or if someone else have experienced the same issue.\n\nThanks,\n\nSaurabh\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Is your server going into sleep mode?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Saurabh N. Deshpande", "body": "That's what I am trying to find out.\n\nI am pretty new with Linux alltogether so still finding it tough.\n\nAny chance you can guide me ?\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Sorry, try the Ubuntu forums.\n" }, { "author": "Saurabh N. Deshpande", "body": "Thanks a lot\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Gisela Decuzzi", "title": "Is there a way to restrict options on the Tools menu?", "body": "Hi, I need to restrict the options displayed in the Tools menu depending the user logged. For example if the user can edit the page should see the export option.\n\nI' ve seen that I colud play with the plugins installed to have more or less options (like send email) but didn't found anything about configuring displayed option depending on users permission. Can anybody help me on this?\n\nThe Confluence version I'm using is 3.5.\n\nThanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "Gisela Decuzzi", "body": "In the Space Admin Page (security) you can configure some options but even if you deselect every option I still having some options. Anybody knows where to manage this?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Khanh Nguyen", "title": "Confluence PDF Export formatting", "body": "In exporting a space to PDF, is there a way to force a page break in the PDF at the end of every Confluence page?\n\nBetter yet, force a page break in the PDF on just the top level confluence pages.\n\nThanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "To make each Confluence page appear on a separate page in the PDF file, add the following rule in the PDF Stylesheet:\n\n```\n.pagetitle { page-break-before: always;}\n```\n\nYou can find more information about customizing pdf exports [here](\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Jacob Courter", "title": "Creating a drop down pick list", "body": "I am looking for a way to create a drop down pick list within a page. I am not finding a way within the documentation or any supporting plug-ins. Hopefully I am just missing something.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "For Confluence pages, see [Run Plugin](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jacob Courter", "body": "Sorry, I forgot to mention that this was for Confluence.\n\nThanks Bob. I looked through a few of the plugins and the Confluence doco, but didn't think about the Run plugin. I'll check it out\n" } ] }, { "author": "Stiltsoft Support", "body": "Hi [@Jacob Courter](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/703418) ,\n\nA dropdown section with custom values that can be switched in the page view mode can be created easily with our [Handy Macros for Confluence](\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Terri Manco", "body": "Yes, my bad. I thought I read \"on a Confluence page\" in his post, but I'd been looking at so many items trying to find an answer that I got confused. Apologies, and thanks for the reply!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Terri Manco", "body": "Pardon my ignorance, but why does Jacob need to specify which application he's looking at? Isn't \"on a Confluence page\" sufficient? Reason I ask is that I, too, would like to create a pick list on a Confluence page (with different status values---Delivered, In Progress, etc.). Thanks.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "The original question did not mention an application at all. There are several applications produced by Atlassian, one of which already does a \"pick list\" and \"drop down\" without any clever tricks. Confluence does not, so you'll need to find or write something to do it. But we can't tell you that without knowing which application he was talking about. (Bob took a good guess, and it was right)\n" } ] }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Um, you need to tell us which application you're looking at. (In Jira for example, it's a doddle - custom field of type \"select list\")\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "select-list" ]
{ "author": "Dan Moran", "title": "Can I change the words \"Search Confluence\" in the Confluence search field?", "body": "Can I change the words \"Search Confluence\" in the Confluence search field?\n" }
[ { "author": "Dan Moran", "body": "Sandro has answered this question in my unintentional similar posting:\n\n<>.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "We did that in Confluence 4 with some JavaScript in **Browse =\\> Confluence Admin =\\> Look and Feel =\\> Custom HTML**:\n\n```\n&lt;script&gt;AJS.toInit(function ($) { AJS.applySearchPlaceholders = function (scope) { var CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER = \"YOUR PLACEHOLDER\"; $searchBox = $(\"#quick-search-query\");\t\t$searchBox.attr(\"placeholder\", CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER);\t\t$searchBox.closest(\"form\").find(\"input[type='submit']\").val(CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER); $\"quicksearch\", { placeholder: $searchBox.attr(\"placeholder\") || $searchBox.closest(\"form\").find(\"input[type='submit']\").val(), placeholded: true }); if (!$.browser.safari) { $searchBox.val($\"quicksearch\").placeholder); $searchBox.addClass(\"placeholded\"); $searchBox.focus(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($\"quicksearch\").placeholded) { $\"quicksearch\").placeholded = false; $this.val(\"\"); $this.removeClass(\"placeholded\"); } }); $searchBox.blur(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($\"quicksearch\").placeholder &amp;&amp; (/^\\s*$/).test($this.val())) { $this.val($\"quicksearch\").placeholder); $\"quicksearch\").placeholded = true; $this.addClass(\"placeholded\"); } }); } else { $searchBox.type = \"search\"; $searchBox.attr(\"results\", 10); $searchBox.attr(\"placeholder\", $\"quicksearch\").placeholder); $searchBox.val(\"\"); } }; AJS.applySearchPlaceholders();});&lt;/script&gt;\n```\n\nDont't forget to replace **\"YOUR PLACEHOLDER\"** with the text you want to display.\n\n**PS: Please stop asking the same question [over](/questions/20506/change-the-default-text-in-the-search-box) and [over](/questions/20519/can-the-default-text-in-the-confluence-search-box-search-confluence-be-changed) again.**\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "HuseinA", "body": "For Doc Theme specificially, you can change this by modifying the following in confluence-install/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/com/atlassian/confluence/setup/****:\n\n```\ = Search Confluence\n```\n\nFor more details on how to edit files within JAR archives, please refer to [this page](\n\nFor other themes that inherits from the default one, you can modify this particular line using [this method](\n\n```\\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "This should Be straightforward with a bit of JavaScript, or you could create a partial language pack to do the same job.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Abrham Smith", "title": "Confluence System Error when saving LDAP Config", "body": "I am getting a system error when trying to save my LDAP Settings. I am not sure where to get anymore information on this.\n\nI am running Confluence 4, integrated with Jira 4 using Active Directory. The server is 2008 R2 and the database is Oracle 11g.\n\nThank you\n" }
[ { "author": "Manse Wolken", "body": "And what would that error be? Can you give a bit more information, some lines from the LOG file?\n\nWhat information did you fill in the required fields?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "error", "ldap" ]
{ "author": "Xabier Davila", "title": "Confluence 3.5.9 ans MS SQL 2008 transactional replication issues", "body": "Is anyone out there using Transactional Replication with Confluence 3.5.9?\n\nI'm finding issues with this, as 2 tables (cwd_application_address and hibernate_unique_key) don't have a primary key. this means I cannot use transactional replication (which would be the most appropriate for my backup database)\n\nHas anyone resolved this issue?\n\nThanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Deividi Luvison", "body": "Hey Xabier,\n\nA pk was added to table cwd_application_address on Confluence 5 series, however the same does not apply to hibernate_unique_key unique key (still don't have a pk).\n\nWhat you could do (if you hadn't done already) is to upgrade confluence to 5.0.3 (3.5.9 \\> 3.5.17 \\> 5.0.3) and then recreate your replication without targeting the hibernate_unique_key table.\n\nHope it helps. \nThanks and Regards, \nDavid\\|Confluence Support Engineer\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Xabier Davila", "body": "No replies to this question so far, No one out there is using transactional replication with Confluence?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "ms-sql" ]
{ "author": "Craig Solinski", "title": "Need SQL to remove 5K groups", "body": "Hi,\n\nAfter running Migration of External Memberships, found over 5 thousand groups had been copied into Confluence database that are not desired/needed/used by confluence in any way.\n\nI've updated the group filter of our LDAP User Directory so these groups will be ignored henceforth, but I wish to delete these groups from Confluence using sql - Oracle 11.x Database.\n\nCan you provide me with appropriate sql - I'm hesitant to create my own to and wish to fully protect data integrity.\n\nThank you very much,\n\nCraig Solinski\n\nConfluence and Jira Administrator\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Hi Craig,\n\nI think you're best off using @Bob Swift's Remote API client rather than SQL. It's the safe operation you're looking for.\n\nHere's the details:\n\n<>\n\nBasically you'd use the remove group method. You'd need to figure out the names of your groups, then run a script in your language of choice to do the deletion.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Craig Solinski", "body": "Nice,\n\nUsed perl which uses xml-rpc to connect to confluece and get all groups. Then selected the ones I wanted with perl regex and fed them one at a time into Java Confluence CLI.\n\nmy $groups = $wiki-\\>getGroups();\n\nmy $directory = '\\<yourpath\\>/confluence-cli-2.2.0/lib/confluence-cli-2.2.0.jar '; \nmy $jargsfirst = '--server \\<your url\\> --user xxx --password xxx --action removeGroup --group '; \nmy $jarglast = \"\";\n\nforeach my $group (@$groups) { \n# for all groups that containing TK_ but it is NOT followed by 'V' or 'D'... \nif ($group =\\~ /TK_\\[\\^VD\\]/) { \nprint \"Found group: \", $group, \"\\\\n\"; \n$jarglast = $group; \n# call java SOAP command line interpreter to perform the group deletion; \nsystem \"java -jar $directory $jargsfirst $jarglast\"; \n$cnt++; \n} \n}\n\n# I know it was not very efficient but it worked great:)\n\n-----------------------------------\n\nQuestion: I wanted to simply use perl to do all the work but perl is doing something to token value:\n\nmy $token = $wiki-\\>login($url, $user, $password);\n\nThen\n\n$bool = $wiki-\\>removeGroup($token, $group, \"\"); # fails - complains about token.\n\nprint of token looks like: 'Confluence=HASH(0x1008050b0)'\n\nDo you know how I can get confluence token in format that is valid to pass to commands?\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "I don't know that one, sorry. It might be good as it's own top-level question.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Rolando", "title": "Confluence install on MySQL 5.1 (Debain Linux) Storage Engine Qn.", "body": "Hello People,\n\nI'm just about to roll out confluence for our organisation, on the same box that our current Jira install is on. I just have a question about the storage engine that MySQL will use, its 5.1 (default on debian 6.0) and is useing MyISAM by defaul.\n\nWhen I install confluence will it create the tables using InnoDB or will I need to change something manually in order for this to happen? I'm fairly sure I can just install it as per the standard instructions, but i would like to just double check. Many Thanks for help (in advance)\n\n:)\n" }
[ { "author": "Rolando", "body": "Close! I just set the Default storage engine to InnoDB and then addded the Confluence DB\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "I ran into this one in a 3.5 install - you do need to tell the database to default to using InnoDB, at least during installation of Confluence, because the setup will simply use the defaults the database is set to. (Ubuntu is based on Debian, so there's a strong chance it will be the same for your Debian box)\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rolando", "body": "Thanks for the advice Nic.\n\nAh so it won;t do this by default? I believe MySQL can use different storage engines for different tables, if I do change this, I assume that it will not affect the existsing Jira install?\n" } ] } ]
[ "database", "innodb", "mysql" ]
{ "author": "Tino Winkler _Communardo_", "title": "When will PostgreSQL 9 be officially supported?", "body": "The supported platforms pages for [Jira]( and [Confluence]( say that for PostgreSQL only versions 8.x are officially supported. Is Atlassian planning to support PostgreSQL 9 in the near future? And if so, can anyone tell me when (which release) this will happen?\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nTino.\n" }
[ { "author": "Mark Hrynczak", "body": "Watch this ticket to be informed of updates on support for PostgreSQL 9: <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tino Winkler _Communardo_", "body": "Hi Mark,\n\nthanks for the hint. Do you know about an similar feature request for JIRA? Or does this ticket count for both Confluence and JIRA?\n" }, { "author": "Mark Hrynczak", "body": "No, this ticket is for Confluence only. There doen't seem to be an equivalent request for JIRA yet - feel free to create one at <>\n" }, { "author": "Tino Winkler _Communardo_", "body": "For everyone who's interested: PostgreSQL 9 is supported for Confluence starting with version 4.2.\n\nJIRA doesn't support it yet.\n" }, { "author": "Harry Chan", "body": "I've already raised <> for Postgres 9 a while back. Would be great if you can vote for it too.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Tino Winkler _Communardo_", "body": "I contacted Atlassian Support about this question. The bottom line of the answer I got was:\n\nThere is no clear date when PostgreSQL 9 will be supported. Though it should work with a recent PostgreSQL jdbc driver, there is no official support yet.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "database", "jira", "postgres" ]
{ "author": "Heering Ligthart", "title": "Is there a possibility to allow \"manage watchers\" for users although there are not (space) administrators?", "body": "In the documentation the option \"manage watchers\" requires (space) adminstration for a user.\n\nBut we want to permit \"manage watchers\" for a larger group of users, without making them (space) administrators. Is there a possibility?\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hey Herring,\n\nThere is no way to do this. I don't think this is something we would consider being core to Confuence. Maybe an opporuntity for plugin developers to extend the product...\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jesse Katz", "body": "[@Sherif Mansour](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/781579), Hi! I've always found it weird that the JIRA permissions are so granular but Confluence permissions are not. There are multiple permissions in Confluence I'd think I would be able to set.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Tim Stone", "body": "We had the same question.\n\nFor example, If you comment on a space, you have no idea who is receiving the comment. What ends up happening, folks re-address users in the comment section and people end up receiving multiple copies. Whats the downside of have an option that allows organizations to show the watch list? Or maybe they already can?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Alex Chan", "body": "How is this marked as \"solved\" when there are no answers...\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Harmon", "body": "You can do this in Jira, why not Confluence?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Vera Henrichs", "body": "How about this feature? <> Please vote!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matthew Hutton", "body": "Adding a group to a watch list is covered by <>.\n\nI agree though that adding permissions to manage watchers should be a permission to can assign to a group.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "permission", "watcher" ]
{ "author": "MICHAEL O'Neill", "title": "How stable is your Confluence system (and what's your technology stack)?", "body": "How stable is your Confluence system and what's your technology stack? I've always used ubuntu + mysql + apache mod_proxy and it's been rock solid on Confluence version 3.2 (weeks and weeks (and likely weeks) before an unexpected down).\n\nCurrently at a new gig with a new version and a setup that I didn't control, and it's going up and down like a slinky. Can't make it through a week (and sometimes a day) without either losing our ability to connect to it or having it crash. Still trying to locate the problem (is it confluence, our machine config, network gremlins, etc...) and work with IT to resolve it.\n\nSo, I'm just curious. Once you get through your initial install and shakedown, how would you characterize the stability of your system? What's your technology stack?\n" }
[ { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "If it's a self managed install, similar to your stack. I have found it to be very reliable. Windows I've had more issues with.\n\nWith unreliability it's important to approach it as scientifically as possible and don't get caught chasing red herrings. Step through the Confluence performance page is a good place to start.\n\n<>\n\nAlso, I have found that utilising the war installations to minimise and version control our customisations to the install package helps.\n\nHowever, the other solution, which we do @ AppFusions and push our clients onto is to host at Contegix. Rock solid and great support\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "sanjay srikonda", "title": "Backed up 3.5.9 reinstalled, using MySQL as my database, says restored properly, accessing ANY of my spaces shows page not found errors", "body": "I am using Confluence 3.5.9 on my internal site. Unfortunately, the person who installed it used the internal database. In order to reinstall it to use a MySQL database, I followed your support article:\n\n<>\n\nThe steps I followed:\n\n1. Backed up my current 3.5.9 site (all spaces) to my server\n\n2. Took down the service.\n\n3. Reinstalled in a new directory on my server\n\n4. Set up to use MySQL as my database\n\n5. Restored my backup to my new installation, restore said it worked fine\n\nNow, when I start my new site, the home page, shows all my spaces, yet clicking on ANY of my spaces restored from my 3.5.9 backup shows the following:\n\nPage Not Found The page you were trying to reach could not be found. This could be because:\n\nThe page does not exist.\n\nThe page exists, but you do not have permission to view it.\n\nThis is maddening. Luckily for me, I still have my previous site up and running and I only installed this to point to a different port on my server.\n\nI cannot move forward because I cannot restore JUST my spaces as I'm told the space already exists. I cannot delete the spaces and restore because I can't access them because I see nothing but page not found messages.\n\nWhat am I supposed to do?\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Check your user settings - it sounds like Confluence doesn't think you have any permissions.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Heering Ligthart", "title": "Inserting a link to a web page does not work, due to the number of characters?", "body": "External links work with the \"insert link\" dialog, but one link we use does not work. The link (different text or original) changes into text when the page is saved.\n\nCan it be the number of or certain characters that are in the web link?\n\nUsed link:\n\n\\|logistiek\\|27-okt-2011\\|Doorslaan%20op%20lean:%20plaszakken%20en%20andere%20ongein\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "It's because of invalid characters in the URL\n\nURLEncode these\n\n* \"\\|\" use **%7C** instead\n* \":\" use **%3A** instead\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Heering Ligthart", "body": "Hi David,\n\nI changed the \"\\|\" and \":\" but still the same results. And if I copy the changed link into a browser the link does not work anymore.\n\nDo I mis something or do you have other suggestions?\n" }, { "author": "John Masson", "body": "Hi Heering,\n\nYou might have missed one of them perhaps, I just tried out David's suggestion, resulting in <> and it linked up ok in Confluence 4.\n\nJohn\n" }, { "author": "Heering Ligthart", "body": "Hi John, David,\n\nThank you both, I works now for me. Probably missed a character somewhere.\n" } ] }, { "author": "viruganesh", "body": "add the link using text edit mode. it works better. Visual edit mode adds a square brackets in some scenarios, that makes the link to fail.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Pavel Bryukhanov", "body": "I had a similar problem of inserting links from SharePoint.\n\nHere a quick video what I have done. I hope it helps.\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Barbara Green", "body": "You can always make a tiny URL and insert that instead ([](\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Technically, there is a 256 character limit on URLs, although most browsers seem to allow higher limits. I don't think that Confluence does any checking on it though, although that may have changed in Confluence 4.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Heering Ligthart", "body": "After saving the question I see that the link does work here, if we copy-paste the link in our confluence page it does not work.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "link", "url" ]
{ "author": "Erik Anderson", "title": "Limiting access to members of an LDAP group", "body": "We are looking to limit access to our Confluence instance to members of a certain LDAP group. Is this possible?\n\nWe're running Confluence 4.0, authenticating against AD.\n\nThanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Yes entirely possible. User Directories -\\> Add your LDAP directory, \"user object filter\" under User Schema settings.\n\nThere you could use memberOf or whatever to restrict to your group(s).\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Erik Anderson", "body": "That worked perfectly, thanks!\n" } ] } ]
[ "active-directory", "ldap" ]
{ "author": "Bryan Guffey", "title": "What sort of security is Atlassian using on the OnDemand platform to protect user data?", "body": "I really want my company to move our instances of Confluence and Crowd to OnDemand. However, my network engineer has a serious concern about the \"outside the firewall\" dangers. What sort of security has Atlassian implemented internally to protect this information (we have tons of client passwords and information in our Confluence instance), and do you offer any additional security, such as a Apache secured login page before the OnDemand instance, etc?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "The doc below is our official security page for OnDemand. If you click through the different links (to our hosting partner for example) I believe all your questions will be addressed.\n\n[]( \"\")\n\nOur general security page is at:\n\n[]( \"\")\n\nAdditionally, you an sign up for a free trial if you and your network engineer want to 'kick the tires' before making the move outside your firewall.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Bryan Guffey", "body": "Nik-\n\nIf we wanted to add an extra layer of security between the end user and the OnDemand Servers, what options would we have?\n" }, { "author": "Felipe Cuozzo", "body": "Hi Bryan,\n\nIt's a very late response, but we don't offer any other option to improve the security between the end user and the OnDemand servers, if HTTP over SSL is not enough than I guess your only option is hosting behind your firewall.\n\nIf you can explain what type of extra layers you had in mind?\n\nCheers, \nFelipe Cuozzo \nOnDemand Developer\n" } ] } ]
[ "cloud" ]
{ "author": "Paul Paul", "title": "Is there a way to report Spaces that do not have pages?", "body": "I have a problem with personal spaces exisitng that do not have pages and I want to be able to delete those personal spaces. Has anyone found a way to report spaces without a single page?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "If you want to use the reporting plugin, try this:\n\n{report-table}\n\n{space-reporter}\n\n{number-filter:space:all pages \\> collection:size\\|maxValue=1}\n\n{space-reporter}\n\n{report-column:title=Empty Spaces}{report-info:space:name\\|link=true}{report-column}\n\n{report-empty}_No empty Spaces_{report-empty}\n\n{report-table}\n\nI've set 'maxValue' to 1 since most pages have at least one page (the home page). If you want absolutely no pages, set it to '0'.\n\nAlso, this will also be somewhat inefficient, since it is basically loading every page in your server into memory, so I'd avoid running it too often...\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Paul Paul", "body": "Perfect, the report does the trick. Many thanks. When I get my upgrade and users sorted out in the new year I am going to have some real time to work on reporter and macros and I can't wait.\n" } ] }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "If @Bob Swift doesn't have a magic CLI command to do this, you could write a suitable macro.\n\nThe execute method could be along these lines:\n\n```\npublic String execute(Map params, String body, RenderContext renderContext) throws MacroException{ String returnValue = \"&lt;h2&gt;Spaces without pages&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;ol&gt;\"; List&lt;Space&gt; spaces = spaceManager.getAllSpaces(); for (Space space : spaces) { List&lt;Page&gt; pages = pageManager.getPages(space, true); if (pages.size() == 0) { returnValue = returnValue + \"&lt;li&gt;\"+space.getKey()+\" : \"+space.getName()+\"&lt;/li&gt;\"; } } return returnValue + \"&lt;/ol&gt;\";}\n```\n\nIt's suboptimal code, but would likely do the trick.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Paul Paul", "body": "Thanks for the swift response. I must admit that I although I know how to write a basic macro and use the reporter plugin I don't know what to do with that code, can you direct me to that fine manual? ;-)\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Paul Paul", "title": "'Orphaned' personal spaces after the LDAP user has been removed", "body": "I have a problem with personal spaces being left in Confluence after a user has been removed from the network. Authentication and users via LDAP. I had assumed that when a user is removed from the LDAP source I would still get to delete the user from Confluence and this would therefore remove the personal space. Recently I am finding that the user no longer exists in Confluence and yet the space is still present - when I am informed they are removed from Active Directory I find there is no user record in Confluence at all. Has anyone else seen this problem?\n\nOne oddity I find is that the pages from the Space have already been deleted - would this somehow break the link between space and user if no authored content remained?\n" }
[ { "author": "Bruna Griebeler", "body": "If you're having trouble with Orphaned Pages, you can remove them or \"give them\" to another user (as creator):\n\nCheck this KB more more info about it: <>\n\nCheers!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Steve Rhodes", "body": "We are 5 years down the line and I have this exact problem in Confluence 5.10. User is gone from LDAP but his personal space is still there. User not in the People Directory anymore, but personal space and all pages still available. The permissions on the space are the default from when the personal space was created.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "This sounds highly related to this jira issue/question: [](/questions/12956/jira-full-ldap-integration-how-do-you-deal-with-retiring-users).\n\nI think Atlassian have somehow missed dealing with this.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Joshua Turmel", "title": "Can't add Jira issue from Confluence post...", "body": "I'm using the trial of the on demand suite and I've created a project, when I create a post in Confluence and try to insert a Jira issue, the project drop down doesn't have anything in it?\n" }
[ { "author": "Bastiaan Jansen", "body": "Hi Joshua, \n\nCould you open a support case for this in <> This could indicate an issue with the app link configuration. \n\nCheers\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Andre Lambert", "body": "I have the same issue, see this issue:\n\n<>\n" } ] } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Reto Grob", "title": "[Macro] How can I call Macro's in XHTML using Confluence 4.0?", "body": "Hi,\n\n<br />\n\nI have developed a Macro for Confluence 3.5 and now updated it to Confluence 4.0. How can I call these Macro's in XHTML? (without the UI)\n\nWe have pages that we are converting from another wiki and convert some macro's to the own 4.0 macro's. In Confluence 3.5, I could convert the old wiki macro syntax to {macro-key:params}. In Confluence 4.0 it does not work anymore. The log says that it cannot find the macro with the given key.\n\nDo you know what is the way to call the macro in Confluence 4.0 (wihtout the UI)?\n\nRegards,\n\nReto\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Consider the following :\n\n* [Upgrading and Migrating an Existing Confluence Macro to 4.0](\n* [Macro Migration Guide for Confluence 4.0](\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Akeles", "body": "Let me try on this.\n\nThe equivalent of Confluence 3.x macro of\n\n```\n{children}\n```\n\nfor Confluence 4.x is\n\n```\n<ac:macro ac:name=\"children\" /> \n```\n\nFor an example with parameter\n\n{children:reverse=true\\|sort=title\\|first=2}\n\nThe Confluence 4.x equivalent is\n\n```\n&lt;ac:macro ac:name=\"children\"&gt;&lt;ac:parameter ac:name=\"reverse\"&gt;true&lt;/ac:parameter&gt;&lt;ac:parameter ac:name=\"sort\"&gt;title&lt;/ac:parameter&gt;&lt;ac:parameter ac:name=\"first\"&gt;2&lt;/ac:parameter&gt;&lt;/ac:macro&gt;\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Reto Grob", "body": "Hi,\n\nIn the UWC Converter, I say that the Macro should be called like this:\n\n{macroName:param1=value1}\n\nwhere macroName is the name that I defined in the plugin descriptor (atlassian-plugin.xml) in the section\\<xhtml-macro name=\"macroName\" ..\\>\n\nWhen I use \\<macro\\> for Confluence 3.5 macro's instead of \\<xhtml-macro.. \\> then it works. But I want to develop Confluence 4.0 macros.\n\nHow can I call 4.0 Macro's?\n\nRegards,\n\nReto\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Are you sure that you're using the UWC? It sounds like you've got your wires crossed.\n" }, { "author": "Reto Grob", "body": "Ok. Thanks.\n\nWell, we tried the UWC beta for 4.0 and it almost worked for the conversion except for the 4.0 Macro's (the 3.5 macro's worked) ;)\n\nSo, you say, I have to make a 3.5 macro even when I only want to use Confluence 4.0.\n" }, { "author": "Reto Grob", "body": "Yes. the converter says:\n\n2011-10-25 15:40:19,991 WARN \\[ajp-\\] \\[confluence.rpc.auth.TokenAuthenticationInvocationHandler\\] invokeAuthenticatedMethod Failure executing remote method: storePage: com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'NCAEmployeeMacro' is unknown.\n\nThe pages in MoinMoin use an own macro, that we rebuilt as Confluence 4.0 macro.\n\nWhat would you recommend me, if I need to convert old wiki (moinmoin) to Confluence 4.0?\n" }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "The UWC doesn't currently work on Confluence 4. Use it with Confluence 3.5 and then upgrade to Confluence 4.0\n" } ] }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Please add an example of what you're converting from and to.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "conversion", "macro" ]
{ "author": "Dmitry Budnik", "title": "How can we downgrade Confluence from 4 to 3.5", "body": "Hello,\n\nAs I've mentioned before, we really need the wiki markup tab.\n\n<>\n\nWYSIWYG is buggy, and when you use custom formating for PDF documents it kinda works by Mondays, but never works by Tuesdays.\n\nIt's a painfull decision, but we need to downgrade to a stable version of your product. Is there a way do migrate the data from 4 to 3.5?\n" }
[ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Data migrations in Confluence are one-way. Once you've upgraded your dataset to a new version, it can't be downgraded.\n\nIf you have a backup (you do backup your production instance before upgrades, right? :)) you can use your old dataset to run against the previous version.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dmitry Budnik", "body": "Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately we could not use a backup as long as we would loose a week of work. Anyway thank you for making things clear.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Cheyenne Bryant", "body": "Dmitry, that's wonderfully helpful!! Do you also use JIRA, and if so what version are you using with your downgraded Confluence? We are afraid to lose our delta data in a downgrade of JIRA and Atlassian will not assist us.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Cheyenne Bryant", "body": "This is the exact same issue that we are running into. Version 4 is far too buggy, even still, and the loss of features is too great. If I find a way to downgrade, I'll update this posting. Dmitry were you able to move back or were you forced to retain version 4?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dmitry Budnik", "body": "Our linux admin connected DB which was broken by 4-th version to a new install of 3.5. It worked. This way we got the structure of our data. All macros in documents where broken. We took 2 youngest persons in our company and handcuffs for 1 week. They were copiyng data from one browser tab to the second one (from 4.0 WYSIWYG editor to 3.5WYSIWYG editor).\n\nAttlasian could make a downgrade tool a long time ago, but they will never do it. They've got 1000-th of ungry posts on their wiki pages, but they never care. They just keep telling that we are stupid and do not understand how the real cool editor should work!\n\nI saw it many times when coders or \"managers\" seized the power and developing cool but useless features. :(\n\nSo we took the DB and connected it to 3.5. After that we've copied the data manually for those pages where Wiki markup was used. Everything works fine. Default templates should be edited in the admin area, - they have several news macros in 4-th version.\n\nThat's it.\n" }, { "author": "Cheyenne Bryant", "body": "Dmitry, that's wonderfully helpful!! Do you also use JIRA, and if so what version are you using with your downgraded Confluence? We are afraid to lose our delta data in a downgrade of JIRA and Atlassian will not assist us.\n" }, { "author": "Dmitry Budnik", "body": "We use JIRA. 4.4.1#660-r161644 it works great and we have no issues with it. I love their changes in admin area. I see no reasons to downgrade the Jira... Didn't see 5-th version yet.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Bryan Guffey", "title": "Cannot determine where to adjust dashboard panel width", "body": "In our old instance of Confluence, we had modified the Main Layout for Confluence so that the left side of the dashboard (space list, wlecome message) took up just over half of the available width of the browser. \n\nHowever, we found that when we upgraded, that our custom layout was not compatible with Confluence 4.0 and hid the \\&quot;Add Space\\&quot; link as well as the new Space List layout. \n\nWe have reverted back to the default layout for the Dashboard, but would like to be able to tweak the width of the left and right side again. Can you point us to the file that would allow us to do so?\n" }
[ { "author": "Rodrigo Girardi Adami", "body": "Hi Bryan,\n\nI'm not sure if you are still having this problem today. I could see in another answer that this is possible by adjusting the stylesheet as we can [see here](/questions/36877/how-can-i-adjust-dashboard-panel-width-in-confluence-4-1).\n\nCheers,\n\nRodrigo\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "dashboard", "layout" ]
{ "author": "Rob Moser", "title": "Attachments macro", "body": "I apologise if this is a stupid question - it certainly feels like one - but how do I get a list of the attachments of a page into the page in 4.0? The docs here:\n\n<>\n\nSeem to clearly state that I should use the Attachments macro... which as near as I can tell, does not exist. The editor doesn't recognise anything by that name, and Insert -\\> Other Macros - which is how that doco describes using it - brings up a list with nothing by that name, nor anything by any other name that seems to do the same thing.\n" }
[ { "author": "Kay Brown", "body": "In Edit mode, select Insert and then Wiki Markup. Type: {attachments}. Save the document.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kay Brown", "body": "You might try rebooting the server to see if that clears up any glitches.\n\nRegards,\n\nKay\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rob Moser", "body": "I can suggest it to our server admin, but I don't think he's going to be real keen on the idea unless there's some reason to believe that it will help (like a known bug.)\n" } ] }, { "author": "Rob Moser", "body": "I was capitalising (e.g. \"Attachments\") but otherwise spelling it the same as most of you. I tried not capitalising, and spelling it \"attachements\" like Jo-Anne suggests, and got nothing from auto-complete in the macro browser or the editor. Searching for attachments in the macro browser shows me Gallery and Multimedia, but nothing else. Typing {attachments} in the editor and hitting save gets me a page with \"{attachments}\" on it.\n\nHowever. following Kay's suggestion of going to Insert-\\>Wiki Markup, and putting {attachments} there, did work. So I have a workaround... now can anyone explain why it behaves this way? And/or how to make it stop?\n\nI checked my account settings for Editor, by the way: I do not have Disable Autocomplete or Disable Autoformatting set. I had experimented with setting them in the past, then disabled them again. Perhaps something didn't get cleaned up quite right when I unset them again?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "click on the \"Insert/Add Macros\" button in wiki markup (or \"More macros\" in the other editor), in the search window enter attachements. It will add the macro to your page. Of course if you don't have any attachments, it won't display anything.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Aseem Parikh", "body": "What are you searching for in the macro browser? When I start typing \"attachments\" it pops up immediately.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "attachment" ]
{ "author": "Jose Salinas", "title": "Backup zipped file is invalid", "body": "Hi.\n\nWe have the backup job enabled which is making a backup daily.\n\nAt the moment, attachments are included in the backups. The file size is approximately 4.3 GB.\n\nBut when we try to open the file an error message is showed and says file is invalid.\n\nThis could be a big problem if for some reason we need to make a restoration.\n\nThanks.\n\nJose\n" }
[ { "author": "twong_atlassian", "body": "Hi Jose,\n\nXML backup is not recommended for production instances. The zip might be bad because of an error thrown when creating it. Check the logs for errors regarding the backup process.\n\nYou might want to check out this piece of documentation.\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "I would recommend backing up attachments separately no matter what method you use. Also, see [Backuping Confluence](/questions/17109/backuping-confluence/17133) for a better backup strategy.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Jose Salinas", "title": "Display Klocwork report in Confluence page", "body": "Hi!\n\nIs there any way to display a Klocwork report in a Confluence page? \nI was looking a gadget, plugin or similar something but without success.\n\nCan you help me to find a solution for this requirement?\n\nThanks in advance.\n\nJose.\n" }
[ { "author": "Simone Longoni", "body": "Same question. I would appreciate any response to this (quite old!) question.\n\nThanks, Simone\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "title": "How do you approve the pages in Confluence 4.0?", "body": "Hi,\n\nThe **Approval** plugin doesn't work under Confluence 4.0 and **Ad Hoc Workflows** is too expesive and complicated for us.\n\nQuestion: what's the option? Is there any plugin for approving Confluence 4.0 pages?\n" }
[ { "author": "hsuhailah", "body": "Sorry that this is a little too late, but I'm sure you are already aware of the availability of Page Approvals plugin for Confluence 4.0 - <> :)\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "jerry zhang", "title": "attachment download disable", "body": "I want to disable the funcion of attachment download, and i find the method in document:<>, but it tell me: These customisations will disable attachment downloads for all users, including administrators.\n\nThis is not good, i hope the uploader of this document and admin can download it but others can't, so how can I get it?\n\nPls help me, thanks very much!\n" }
[ { "author": "GuilhermeA", "body": "Hey Jerry, I believe you could add this to the actual customization`s it would allow you to filter by group that the user that is currently viewing the page belongs to.`\n\n```\n#set ($groups = $userAccessor.getGroupNames($action.remoteUser))\n```\n\nAnd then you can use the $groups to check what groups specifically this user is, with :\n\n```\n#if ($groups.contains(\"confluence-administrators\"))\n```\n\nThis will check if the user belongs to the confluence-administrators group, and then allow the user to download it.\n\nOverall would be something like this:\n\n```\n#set ($groups = $userAccessor.getGroupNames($action.remoteUser))#if ($groups.contains(\"confluence-administrators\"))Show Attachments#elseCustom Message#end\n```\n\nHope this helps! Cheers\n", "comments": [ { "author": "jerry zhang", "body": "thanks very much, I will try it\n" }, { "author": "Alexander Afonyashin", "body": "Thanks, it works. But only for Browse-\\>Attachments. Files are still accessible from the pages and Tools-\\>Attachments. What templates should be modified to disable this?\n\nThanks,\n\nAlexander \n" }, { "author": "darrenpegg", "body": "Hey guys,\n\nIs this done via a user macro?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Rodrigo Girardi Adami", "body": "Hi Jerry,\n\nI've tried to find another workaround for it and found this improvement: <>\n\nUnfortunately it was closed as won't fix because we don't have an estimated time to implement that feature.\n\nAs the only workaround I can see, is to disable the downloads for all users and if you need to grab the file, then you can go through the attachments folder in Confluence home directory and grab the file manually there. To find the file, you'll need to go through some folders. This can be explained by this documentation: <>\n\nI hope this helps or at least mitigates the issue.\n\nRegards,\n\nRodrigo\n", "comments": [ { "author": "jerry zhang", "body": "thanks for you help!\n" } ] } ]
[ "attachment" ]
{ "author": "M", "title": "After LDAP integration we lost admin rights. local added admin still can't log in", "body": "In Confluence 4.0 We added an LDAP directory which, for some reason, wiped out all our administrator rights. SQL srvr back-end\n\nWe can't log in as an admin.\n\n**Followed the instructions for: If No Local Users Exist**\n\n**Was able to add an 'admin' to local**\n\n1. Add new groups by running: {ok}![tick](/html/@FB21E167CF5FC78FA9216CD8178453B3/images/emoticons/tick.png \"tick\")\n\n2. Add group memberships into cwd_membership: ![cross](/html/@77EA5FC57E1DC12A33F294DD6D952DFD/images/emoticons/cross.png \"cross\") \n Could not do. Duplicate key msg from SQL\n\n3. Add group memberships into cwd_membership: ![tick](/html/@FB21E167CF5FC78FA9216CD8178453B3/images/emoticons/tick.png \"tick\")\n\nWe presume that 2 didn't happen because the memberships are already there.\n\nBut the admin we added via sql **can't log in**. The message on log-in says the user does not exist. The local confluence directory is order '0' and still can't log in. I set the LDAP to 'F' - no joy.\n\nHow do we fix that - get an admin authority **or** roll back**or** take that LDAP added directory out from Confluence from the back-end. \n\nAny ideas?\n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi Chance,\n\nHave you also had a look at <> ?\n\nAlso, did you restart Confluence after making the database changes?\n\nAndrew.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Tatiane Silva", "body": "How about trying that:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "administration", "ldap" ]
{ "author": "nexnova", "title": "\"Did you mean\" and german umlauts", "body": "I have a little \"German\" Problem, hope someone knows a solution:\n\nIn Germany we have the letters ? ? and ? very often in our Keywords. But it is possible to spell an ? like oe f.e. It depends on the authors ideas :)\n\nSo if someone writes a word like \"Oel\" into the seach-inputfield (which means oil), than you can't find it by seaching for \"?l\" (same in the other direction, looking for \"Oel\" when there is \"?l\" in text). Is there a possibility to fix that issue by the \"did you mean...\" function, or maybe another function?\n" }
[ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "The \"did you mean\" index currently only supports English, that is, the indexing Language must be set to English for \"did you mean\" even to be available.\n\nTherefore I'm not sure how this could possibly work for suggesting hits to German content.\n\nI would vote for <>.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "bits4fun", "title": "OnDemand service free for OpenSource projects?", "body": "Hi Atlassian,\n\nJust saw the announcement about onDemand..\n\nSo, since I'm one member of a long-time open-source project, I would love to enjoy this solution. We're currently migrated our project from sourceforge to bitbucket (<>) and are working to establish the new project-place.\n\nThe obvious question would then be, will Atlassion provide open-source hosting? It will give an encredible service for the community.\n\nWe already have had open-source licensed for Jira \\& FishEye (if we could host ourselves, but don t have the finances - its pure voluntary work).\n\nRegards\n\nGunther\n" }
[ { "author": "Michael Knight", "body": "Atlassian's been providing open source hosting for JIRA Studio (OnDemand's predecessor) for years. You can apply here: <> (just pretend it says \"Atlassian OnDemand\" where it currently says \"JIRA Studio\").\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Gedalyah Geller", "title": "How do you rate Confluence against other software for documentation (i.e., Frame Maker, Word, AuthorIT)?", "body": "I am new to the software and find some of the functionality painstakingly difficult (i.e., page breaks, title pages, spell checking an entire document, entire look and feel of exported pdf) compared to authoring tools I have used in the past.\n\nAny insights would be welcome.\n" }
[ { "author": "Lorraine Horine", "body": "I think for small documentation projects that you need to change frequently or collaborate on, it's great. Easy to update and immediately have available. I am having issues with importing to and from MS Word; formatting is awful both ways. We have some users who still prefer documents they can print and hold. The known problems with numbered lists and image placement are very frustrating as we try to maintain up-to-date documentation.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "Wiki popularity grew very fast and it reached its maximum popularity in the middle of 2008. Since that popularity stops growing and goes down (very slowly).\n\nOn the other hand, MS Office popularity is still growing. I made a [quick comparative of popularity of Wiki vs traditional documents](\n\nThe most interesting thing is that wiki did not affect traditional document formats popularity (nor new web documents like Google docs) which are still as much populars as many years ago.\n\nYou can use a mix: Wiki+traditional documents by using [DocMiner for JIRA]( which allows to [publish traditional documents on wikis like Confluence]( caring a lot about security. You can structure your documents in a Subversion repository and grant people to read them. Furthermore, the content of those documents can be related to JIRA in a clever way.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Mmm, that's not what we're seeing in large corporates. Monolithic documentation is increasingly being seen as pointless, as it's obsolete almost before as it's finished, and it simply doesn't keep up with development and enhancement cycles, let alone supporting increasingly clever (i.e. complex) software and systems. Consider the speed with which Wikipedia is updated compared with a standard Encyclopedia. (By the way, your link is interesting, but you don't tell us the data source - we don't know if you've asked the right questions for example) \n\nThat's not particularly relevant to what the original question is about though. It seems to me that Lenmac is probably trying to use Confluence to generate document artifacts, and my opinion is that Confluence simply is not a tool for that. The discussion about whether the document artifacts are the right way to solve the problem (as opposed to doing it as wiki pages) is not the same question really.\n" }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "Nic,\n\nI used [Google Insights]( to get the data.\n\nRegarding wikis, you will see how demand decreases next year in large corporations. Following are Gartner predictions about technologies and they have a lot of influence on IT managers (buyers): In [2011](, Wikis are explicitily mentioned as *Social Collaboration* tools. For next [2012]( years, it's not mentioned. In 2012 *Social Collaboration and Communication* demand will be replaced by *Contextual and User experience* , so wikies should be re-invented as market will ask for *Contextual Wikies* instead of *Monolithic Wikis* ;).\n" } ] }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Depends on the type of documentation. If you need static, fixed, distributable documentation (technical manuals, standardised how-to guides, book like things), then it's not great.\n\nIf you want dynamic, updated, fast moving and relevant documentation with instant \"publication\" (i.e. see this web page), then it's ideal.\n\nI certainly wouldn't reach for Confluence if I needed to write a manual or book, but it's excellent for technical documentation on a product or set of products (example, my current main client has around 450 products of varying size, all of which need documentation on usage, monitoring, failover, architecture, and so-on. Paper based documentation isn't going to work given the need to do around 3000 edits a day. Regularly updated and relatively short web pages on specific topics is essential). Your examples of \"painstakingly difficult\" things are almost all about formatting and Confluence is not a tool aimed at that usage - it's formatting/export facilities are \"nice to have\" addons that are not really core functionality.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "documentation" ]
{ "author": "Peter Laytham", "title": "Can I restrict access to or hide the dashboard from certain users or groups", "body": "We are wanting to use Confluence for a couiple fo things, some of which we would like to share to our customer/partner population. I know I can set a default sapce for them but I would also like to \"hide\" or restruct access to the Dashboard for particular groups, or at least hide/restrict what they can see on the dashboard. Can this be done please?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "You can restrict access to viewing pages and spaces by user and group:\n\nFor setting page permissions:\n\n<>\n\nTake note of \"Page Security Rules\" section.\n\nFor setting space permissions:\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Peter Laytham", "body": "All understood however my question relates specifically to the Dashborad - I can't find any way to restrcit access to it, better still, hide it, or at least to customise what is displayed on it - for instance if I can't hide the dashboard itself can I at least hide the All Updates list?\n" }, { "author": "NikE", "body": "Sorry for not commenting on the dashboard. The wiki/Confluence dashboard in a hosted instance has minimal customization and you cannot remove the recent activity stream. That said, with the pages locked down, people will only be able to view the content you want them to be able to view and if they click on a link it will take them to a page advising they do not have the permissions to view it.\n" }, { "author": "Peter Laytham", "body": "Thanks Nik - but...bugger )}-; I don't want people knowing that, for instance, meeting minutes have been posted for internal meetings - it may make them curious enough to try to attempt to find a back door.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Marc Lewandowski", "body": "It's been well over a year, but I'd like to \"+1\" this question. Confluence is beginning to take hold in our org. But the inability to build a space as a collaboration point with a single client that seals off that client's users (assigned via group) from the rest of the site (including the dashboard, which is an \\*internal\\* resource) is a huge missing feature.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-cloud" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "Salesforce authentication for Confluence 4.0?", "body": "How would we set up Salesforce authentication in Confluence 4.0?\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Just answering this to stop the open question reminders.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "VitalyA", "body": "Atlassian products currently do not support SAML integration, if this is what the question is about.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JohnA", "body": "Hi Robert!\n\nCan you give some more details about what you're trying to achieve?\n\nFor example, are you wanting people to login to Confluence using their Salesforce username and password?\n\nThanks!\n\nJohn Rotenstein\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Turns out I was misinformed and we do not need to do that.\n" } ] } ]
[ "authentication", "salesforce" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "Confluence 4.0: change page comparison highlight color?", "body": "Is there some way to change the highlight color when comparing page versions? I find the default pale green for added text kind of hard to see.\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Browse to: **Confluence Admin \\| Look and Feel \\| Stylesheet** and add\n\n```\n#com-atlassian-confluence .diff-html-added { background-color: limegreen; border-color: limegreen; } #com-atlassian-confluence .diff-html-removed { background-color: hotpink; border-color: hotpink; } #com-atlassian-confluence .diff-html-changed { background-color: aqua; border-color: aqua; }\n```\n\nIf that doesn't work, try: **Space Admin \\| Look and Feel \\| Stylesheet**\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "This will liven up all the diff changes. Remove the ones you don't need.\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "We have an open improvement task internally to improve the colour scheme of the diff view (but until we get around to it, David's hack looks good :) )\n" }, { "author": "Chris Wallingford", "body": "Can this be done in Cloud as well? I don't have a Stylesheet option... only Colour Scheme.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "ITops123", "title": "Help with Reporting Plugin query", "body": "I need some help creating a query using the reporting plugin.\n\nI would like to generate a table that lists the number of blog posts (aka news items) that each user has created in the last 3 months.\n\n* Across all spaces\n* Grouped by user\n* No need to link to the user profile, as that makes it more expensive\n\nThe end product would look like this:\n\n\\|\\|User Name\\|\\|# of news items created in last 3 months\\|\\|\n\n\\|John Doe\\|14\\|\n\n\\|Jane Doe\\|2\\|\n\n\\|etc\\| \\|\n\nI am at a loss. Help?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi there,\n\nYou'll want something like this:\n\n{report-table}\n\n{grouping-reporter:content:creator\\|as=Creator}\n\n{content-reporter:space=@all\\|type=news\\|time=3m}\n\n{text-sort:content:creator \\> user:name}\n\n{content-reporter}\n\n{grouping-reporter}\n\n{report-column:title=User Name}{report-info:grouped:Creator}{report-column}\n\n{report-column:title=# of news items created in last 3 months}{report-info:grouped:@items \\> collection:size\\|format=#,##0}{report-column}\n\n{report-empty}_No blogs posted by anyone in the last 3 months_{report-empty}\n\n{report-table}\n\nHope that helps!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Indeed there is:\n\n<>\n\nNot exactly cheap, but it definitely gets you off and running.\n" }, { "author": "ITops123", "body": "Thanks! I made one change to this in order to get more accurate numbers. I changed 3m to 90d for the time parameter.\n\n**Question**: I love the reporting plugin but am having a hard time teaching myself. Is there a course someone can take to learn more?\n" } ] } ]
[ "confluence-app", "query", "report", "reporting-plugin" ]
{ "author": "Sue Roe", "title": "Is it possible to navigate to a Sharepoint Site from a Confluence Page?", "body": "I have seen the confluence connectivity but I think this is for sharing content, and we may simly be looking to redirect via a URL on a confluence page to an existing sharepoint site..\n" }
[ { "author": "HuseinA", "body": "I'd suggest to use [HTML include macro]( or use an iframe within [HTML macro](\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "sharepoint" ]
{ "author": "Karen_Mustain", "title": "Customize 'What's New' Feature Tour in Confluence 3.5", "body": "We are upgrading our instance of Confluence from 3.4.9 to 3.5.13. We love the 'What's New' Feature Tour and want to use if for the Share and Discover and Embed Media and Code topics. However, we want to remove the Better JIRA Integration topic. At this time, we do not use the JIRA application.\n\nIs there anyway to just remove the Better JIRA Integration topic? Any assistance would be appreciated.\n\nThanks Karen Mustain\n" }
[ { "author": "Matt", "body": "Check out our documentation on [Configuring the 'What's New' Dialog](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Coen Flach", "body": "Hi Matt,\n\nWe are currently in the process of changing the what's new links. I followed every step in the \"[Local Confluence Documentation](\", i.e. placed the ` file in `{`CONFLUENCE-INSTALLATION}\\confluence\\WEB-INF\\classes, edited the file and restarted Confluence. I followed Bill Martin's `[advice](` to leave the prefix empty and enter full URL's for each key. This way we are able to retain all original links, while changing only the key. However, after restaring Confluence, the What's New Tour still points to its original value, as if Confluence does not recognize the discrete `` file in `{`CONFLUENCE-INSTALLATION}\\confluence\\WEB-INF\\classes. Could you please advice on what may have caused this? We are using Confluence 3.5.`\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nJurriaan van Reijsen\n\nThe Courseware Company - Dutch Atlassian Partner\n" }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "Hi Jurriaan -- I wish I knew how to help! I'd suggest creating a support ticket at <> so we can identify the caiuse of the problem.\n" }, { "author": "Coen Flach", "body": "Thanks for the advice, done that!\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "It just loads a page in an iframe - currently for me it points to:\n\n<>\n\nSo you could take a copy of that page to your local confluence instance, adjusting links as necessary, then find that link in your installation above and adjust it to point to your modified page.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "title": "Is there a macro to have pages listed in a table?", "body": "I need to be able to sort and filter the table, but I don't want to have to manually add all 700 of my pages to the table. Is there a macro or plugin that will do this?\n" }
[ { "author": "Roberto Dominguez", "body": "Another option is using the [Checklists Plugin]( which would also allow you to manipulate the pages' labels and metadata. I haven't tried it with 700 pages, do all off them have to be shown at once? If so, the SQL Plugin suggested by Bob may be more appropriate.\n\nRoberto\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "body": "I am also trying this option. Thank you.\n" }, { "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "body": "This is starting to look like it should work, but for some reason, I can't get the metadata to populate the table. I have the columns nested in the checklists macro, have the metadata on the page, but the cells are empty. Any idea what could cause that?\n" }, { "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "body": "Roberto - Any idea why my metadata isn't showing? I am giving the big demo of the site in 2 days and would really like to use the Checklists pluigin instead of the Detailssummary macro. Detailssummary does show all of the data, but I can't sort the columns by clicking on the headers. The Checklists Plugin doesn't populate anything for the metadata or excerpts I identify in the page.\n" }, { "author": "Roberto Dominguez", "body": "Rhyne,\n\nSee [my response.](\n\nRoberto\n" } ] }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "You can use [SQL Plugin]( and the Confluence database to select various pages into a table.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "body": "I think we will use both the SQL Plugin and the Table Filter Plugin, if I can get them to play nicely. It looks like it will work, judging from my initial tests.\n\nAnother requirement is that I have filters. Is this possible? I want to have check boxes that allow me to show only the content that contain the checked labels. I suppose the system would be linking AND searches on the page list.\n\nI think that would be multiple layers of filtering. The SQL Plugin creates the table, the Table Filter plugin filters based on the columns, and then something else would have to control the checkboxes.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "body": "I actually figured out a different option here that does exactly what I needed. I used the Adaptavist Advanced Search Plugin and was able to build a hidden search that populated the table with my list of pages. I could also create check-box filters using search-input options.\n\nSo far, it works great!\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Philippe Schram", "title": "using confluence as entry point for our client request", "body": "We would use confluence as entry point for our client requests. Basically, we want to allow them to fill in a document based on a confluence template, let them attach a file if needed and create an issue in Jira.\n\nWe want to capture a Jira mandatory field within confluence issue creation form and have the trackback working from jira to confluence.\n\nDo you think this is possible? We've setting up the trackback functionality on both environment but it's not working \\[maybe we need to allow anonymous access on jira \\& confluence\\] ? I mean when creating an JIra issue from confluence, trackback information is not displyed in Jira.\n\nThanks for your help/advice,\n\nPhilippe\n" }
[ { "author": "Andy Brook [Plugin People]", "body": "This was the situation I had a few years ago, I ended up using Adaptavists [MailFormNG]( that sends email to a [JEMH]( handler enabled JIRA which does the necessary creation. Example form mail markup [here]( I used this technique for a Support front end.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kay Brown", "body": "I want to do the same thing. Here are links to what I have found so far.\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\nRegards,\n\nKay\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "jira" ]
{ "author": "Jason Skrzypek", "title": "Calculation with report-on & report-block & report-body", "body": "Hi All,\n\nAny ideas how I can run sum simple maths using the code below?\n\nI need to subtract \"report-info:data:Sum\" from \"report-info:data:startvalue\"\n\nAny ideas?\n\nCheers\n\n```\n|| Starting Value || Difference || New Value ||{report-on:injected=true}{report-block}{local-reporter:page:children|source=PAGETITLE0 Portfolio}{text-filter:page:title|include=.*%data:Client &gt; page:title%.*}{local-reporter}{report-body}{report-info:data:startvalue|format=?###,###.##} {report-body}{report-block}{report-on} | | {report-on:injected=true}{report-block}{local-reporter:page:children|source=PAGETITLE0 Portfolio}{text-filter:page:title|include=.*%data:Client &gt; page:title%.*}{local-reporter}{report-body}{report-info:data:Sum|format=?###,###.##} {report-body}{report-block}{report-on} |\n```\n\n```\n\n```\n" }
[ { "author": "CelesteCS", "body": "Hello!\n\nFor any calculations in Confluence, including any manipulations with table data, you may use [CelesteCS Math for Confluence](\n\nAssume you have a table with three columns and three rows on your page -- from A1 till C3, where row 1 is the header row. The sum calculation formula for rows 2 and 3 will be simple:\n\n|-------------------|\n| SUM(Table1.A2:C3) |\n\nThere is a plenty of other functions in the macro, so you may perform any calculations using formulas in EXCEL style.\n\nThanks!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "I'm a little confused about exactly what you're trying to output here, and why you're not using a {report-table} instead of {report-block}.\n\nTo do maths, you use the {report-eval} macro. Something like '{report-eval}%data:startvalue% - %data:Sum%{report-eval}' in your case. But I\"m confused by the rest of the report, I'm afraid. I would expect you would just do something like this:\n\n```\n{report-table}{local-reporter:page:children|source=PAGETITLE1 Portfolio} {text-filter:page:title|include=.*%data:Client &gt; page:title%.*}{local-reporter}{report-column:title=Starting Value}{report-info:data:startvalue|format=$###,###.##}{report-column}{report-column:title=Difference}{report-info:data:Sum|format=$###,###.##}{report-column}{report-column:title=New Value}{report-eval}%data:startvalue% - %data:Sum%{report-eval}{report-column}{report-table}\n```\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "calculation", "report" ]
{ "author": "brian wallis", "title": "Manage Plugins is missing from Admin page", "body": "I am running version 3.4.9 of confluence and seem to have lost the \"Plugins\" link under the Administration menu.\n\nOur wiki runs fine and gets a lot of use. I haven't had to visit the admin page for quite a while but I need to check on some upgrades for some of the many plugins that we run and now I cannot find how to do that. I'm sure it was there before :-) I do seem to recall there was some issue with this many months ago but I cannot remember the details.\n\nAnyone able to help me find out where it has gone? I cannot find any errors in the server log either. In case it is relevant, this is a small standalone installation with a mysql database.\n\nthanks,\n\nbrian wallis...\n" }
[ { "author": "brian wallis", "body": "I restarted the confluence process and the plugin management link returned.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Brian\n\nPerhaps you only have \"Confluence administrator\" rights instead of \"system administrator\" rights? A Confluence administrator can see the Administration menu, but will not see all options in the menu. This documentation page describes the differences between a Confluence administrator and a system administrator.\n\nI hope that solves the mystery.\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "seohugh", "body": "It looks a little difficult for me ........\n\n[arvel blog](\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Danielle Zhu", "title": "Can I import a Gliffy diagram into Confluence using gxml?", "body": "Is there a way to create a Gliffy diagram in Confluence by importing a Gliffy xml file? The gxml file was exported from another Confluence instance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Chris Kohlhardt", "body": "Hi Danielle,\n\nWhich version of the Gliffy Confluence Plugin are you using?\n\nIf you're using Confluence 4 / Gliffy 4, there is a UI issue in that you can't import GXML diagrams when you create new diagrams using the Rich Text Editor. Instead, try this from the page that you want to add the diagram to:\n\n* Select 'Gliffy Diagram' from the 'Add' menu on the page (while in viewing mode of the page)\n* Select 'Import a file as a template' and upload your GXML file\n\nWe expect to address this UI issue in our next point release.\n\nI hope that helps!\n\nchris @ gliffy\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Danielle Zhu", "body": "Hi Chris, this also worked as well as Sarah's workaround. Thank you! Indeed I am using Confluence 4 / Gliffy 4.\n" } ] }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Have you tried attaching the Gliffy xml file to a page, then adding a \"temporary\" Gliffy diagram and adapting the diagram name to match the file that is already attached? I've done a similar thing before and it's worked.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Danielle Zhu", "body": "That worked. Thank you Sarah!\n" } ] }, { "author": "james gill", "body": "Thanks, these answers helped.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "gliffy" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "Confluence 4.0: mailto link with space and page name?", "body": "I'd like to put a mailto link for customer feedback at the bottom of every page in my wiki. I'd like to capture the space and page name and include it in the message automatically. Are there system variables for wiki markup or custom HTML that can do that?\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "This works:\n\n```\n&lt;a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=$title - $sitemeshPage.getProperty(\"page.spacename\")\"&gt;Send Feedback&lt;/a&gt;\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "You would have to edit your 'main' layout and add something like:\n\n```\n&lt;a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=$!{page.title} - $!{}\"&gt;Support&lt;/a&gt;\n```\n\nWhether or not 'page' and 'space' are available may depend on the context of where this is getting executed.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "I put it at the end of the sidebar.container div, and the subject is just \" - \".\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "link", "page-title", "url" ]
{ "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "title": "Error migrating from Twiki to Confluence", "body": "I am trying to migrate from Twiki to Confluence and stuck at one error:\n\n```\n2011-10-24 19:28:12,588 ERROR [http-8080-2] [confluence.rpc.xmlrpc.XmlRpcServer] service javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.xmlrpc.ParseFailed: Content is not allowed in prolog. -- url: /rpc/xmlrpc | userName: anonymousjavax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.xmlrpc.ParseFailed: Content is not allowed in prolog. at com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.xmlrpc.XmlRpcServer.serviceXmlRpcRequest( at com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.xmlrpc.XmlRpcServer.service( at com.atlassian.confluence.servlet.SpringManagedServlet.service(\n```\n\nThis error is seen in the confluence logs and it is thrown when the attachments are loaded. To make things worse, the error is thrown at different points every time and there is nothing common between them. Gives me a feeling that the error has nothing to do with a specific attachment. Following is the error in uwc log.\n\n```\n2011-10-24 19:39:32,588 ERROR [Thread-4] - Unexpected problem while converting:nulljava.lang.NullPointerException at biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.AttachmentForXmlRpc.getFileName( at biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker.storeAttachment( at com.atlassian.uwc.ui.ConverterEngine.sendAttachmentRemoteAPI( at com.atlassian.uwc.ui.ConverterEngine.sendAttachment(\n```\n\nAnyone seen this before?\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "Well moving data can change the encoding silently. So, its possible that if it was a character encoding issue, that the character encoding got magically adjusted during the file system copy. Glad it got worked out.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Well, I can't think of anything better. So marking this as the answer. Thanks.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "Some thoughts:\n\n* Could you be triggering out of memory errors?\n* Which version of Confluence are you migrating to? (The UWC isn't currently ready for Confluence 4.)\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Laura,\n\nThanks for the response. I have in fact looked for out of memory errors. There was none. I still tried with a higher memory (1GB max) but that didn't help either.\n\nConfluence vesion is 3.5.6.\n" }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "I have no idea what changed, but it started working once I moved everything to my Mac! I have used the same property files.\n\nI am bit confused on how to close this question now because I am not sure why the error went away :)\n" } ] } ]
[ "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Adil Fulara", "title": "Disable PDF printing in View File Macro", "body": "I am using the view file macro to display embedded pdf files in wiki. As a business requirment, i would like to disable print and download options. i could not find a way to do this through the macro. Is it possible to disable print and download option ?\n\nThank you.\n" }
[ { "author": "arron lee", "body": "I am not a common user dealing with document and image processing and I am not familiar with the tool you mentioned above. But itis said that choosing a fine third party tool is very important to the document and image printing work. As for myself, I have only tried to [print PDFs]( with the help of the free trial package of a third party tool whose way of processing is simple and fast. Besides, it seems to offer tutorials about how to [print images]( like GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc. It is just one of many but I do appreciate it because it is totally manual. Even though I only tried its free trial package to print documents and images and didn?t check the cost and licensing conditions, it worked great for me. I am considering to buy the pro version, and still enjoying their free online conversion service. You can also google one to help you with your printing work. I hope you success. Good luck. \n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\nBest regards, \nArron\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Craig Bye", "title": "How do you overlay calendars in Team Calendars for Confluence 4.0?", "body": "Is it possible to overlay calendars in Team Calendars 1.5 for Confluence 4.0? For example, this is possible in the My Calendars view, but let's say I want to create a project portal page with a Team Calendars macro pulling from calendars A, B, C. I seem to be only able to do this from the My Calendars view. Any ideas?\n" }
[ { "author": "Craig Bye", "body": "I didn't realize you can simply add multiple calendars to the 'Calendar' field and thus display multiple calendars just like the 'My Calendars' view.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "team-calendars-for-confluence" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "Mirroring Confluence 4.0 instance for high availability?", "body": "Is there any documentation on mirroring Confluence instances? I can't find anything about it.\n\nIt would probably be fine if the mirrors were read-only.\n" }
[ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Confluence doesn't have any mirroring functionality built-in to the product. We do offer a \"Clustered\" licence for Confluence, but this is designed to improve scalability, and has no features for high-availability.\n\nOne option you could investigate is using the Confluence [AutoExport plugin]( - which can be configured to regularly export Confluence content to static HTML files that can then be served up by another static HTTP server as a backup or high-throughput mirror.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "AutoExport hasn't been updated since 3.4.9. Should I look elsewhere for a solution for 4.0?\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Ooh, it hasn't? Hmm... we should have a 4.0 version available (or available soon). Let me check and get back to you :-)\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "There's a 4.0-compatible version of the Auto-Export plugin in the works. We want to include fixes for [AUTOEXP-4]( and [AUTOEXP-12]( first, before we release it.\n" }, { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Thanks, I'll check that out as soon as it's available.\n" } ] } ]
[ "high-availability", "mirror" ]
{ "author": "Milind Shah", "title": "Warning in logs : [atlassian.confluence.cache.TransactionalCacheFactory]", "body": "Hi,\n\nCan someone tell me what this message means and what needs to be done to avoid it.\n\n2011-10-24 18:44:03,605 WARN \\[http-8080-13\\] \\[atlassian.confluence.cache.TransactionalCacheFactory\\] put Transactional cache update outside transaction. All updates to this cache should be performed from a thread with a valid transaction context. \nThanks, \nmilind\n" }
[ { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "This is an old question but teh bug seems to have re-appeared as part of the work for the new Confluence clustering (Data Center)\n\n<>\n\nand\n\n<>\n\n### Workaround {#toc-hId-1478725625}\n\nTo suppress the warnings, edit \\<confluence-install-directory\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/\n\n```\n## caching,\n```\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "MarkW", "title": "DB2 tablespace configuration and site performance", "body": "Default Confluence installation on the DB2 database created a single tablespace. Due to size issues for the table space, it was rebuilt from a singler tablespace to the follow:\n\n```\nData001_16k - 16k page size - DMS - contains all non-system tables except for attachments and attachmentdataIndex001_16k - 16k page size - DMS - contains all non-system table indexes except for attachments and attachmentdata indexesAttachment - 16k page size - DMS - contains attachments and attachmentdata tables - 60 GB lob file and growingAttachment_IDX - 16k page size - DMS - contains attachments and attachmentdata indexesTemporary_16k - 16k page size - DMSThere is a 16k page size bufferpool for tables, another for indexes, and another for temporary processing.\n```\n\nThis caused a degredation in performance to the site. Anything utilizing decendents, page trees, or displaying children took extraordinary amount of time to load. Some pages simply never returned. After limping along for a week we performed another rebuild to reset as close to possible the previous single tablespace setup. Here are the current settings:\n\n```\nTablespaces per the app:USERSPACE1\t- 4k page size - SMS - contains all non-system tables except for the attachmentdata table. \t\t- This is where the app installed all DB2 items.\t\t- This tablespace is created by DB2 at database creation time.Tablespaces per dbosg:ATTACHMENTDATA - 16k page size - DMS - contains table/lob data for the CWIKIUSR.ATTACHMENTDATA table.ATTACHMENTDATA_IDX - 16k page size - DMS - contains index data for the CWIKIUSR.ATTACHMENTDATA table.TEMP001_16K - 16k page size - tablespace for temporary processing (sorts, etc) of tables in 16k tablespaces.Bufferpools:IBMDEFAULTBP - for use by tables in 4k tablespaces - set back to -2 per original specificationsDATA001_16K - for use by tables in 16k tablespaces - set to 40000INDEX001_16K - for use by indexes in 16k tablespaces - set to 40000TEMP001_16K - for use by temporary 16k tablespace - set to 40000\n```\n\nThe site is back to running normally again. Has anyone experienced any performane issues in DB2 or possibly any other database when splitting out the tablespaces?\n" }
[ { "author": "Rodrigo Girardi Adami", "body": "Hi Mark,\n\nI could find this answer regarding DB2 opened for so long that I wanted to let you know that Confluence doesn't support DB2 anymore on newer versions. Probably there were some problems that caused the deprecation of this specific DB.\n\nI recommend to stick with one of these database vendors for newer versions of confluence: Oracle 11g, MSSQL server, Mysql and Postgres.\n\nCheers,\n\nRodrigo\n", "comments": [ { "author": "MarkW", "body": "Hi Rodrigo,We had converted from DB2 to Oracle so the question no longer applies.Thanks!\n" } ] } ]
[ "database", "db2", "performance" ]
{ "author": "Sean Garagan", "title": "Tablespace configuration per table", "body": "Good day,\n\nIs it possible to alter tables in Confluence to use a LOB-specific tablespace as well as tuning the table itself for accessing the LOB? The default in Oracle stuffs it all in the same TS but LOBs performance can be significantly enhanced using a dedicated TS with caching and partitioning set on the table itself.\n\nSean\n" }
[ { "author": "Peter Shiner", "body": "I've had my DBA do all sorts of stuff with tables underneath the Atlassian products. I would say anything that appears to Confluence the same at the cursor level would be fine. I would go ahead and give it a shot. Found all sorts of Oracle syntax searching \"oracle move table to another tablespace\". One source did indicate that trying to do this \"online\" would require it to be specified that way and that started being available in 9i.\n\nalter table tablename move tablespace newtablespacename;\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "oracle" ]
{ "author": "beth woodworth", "title": "how can I remove a users profile picture", "body": "I'm a new administrator trying to remove past employees profiles and pictures, can disable and remove the profile, but pictures stay?\n\nhelp.\n\nthanks.\n" }
[ { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "You can't actually delete a user if they've put in any content. You can however deactive them by removing them from all the groups.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jaroslaw Karwat", "body": "is there a way to do this today? Mainly i need to be able to clear old users data out to ensure GDPR and Privacy compliance. If someone's old profile pic keeps coming up...its not compliant. Also this nonsense about keeping someone if they have any content is not exactly Compliant either. Its no longer legal to keep this information indefinitely in any way. It must be easy to totally \"forget\" people to be compliant\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jaroslaw Karwat", "body": "by \"nonsense\" i mean it no longer makes sense... yes it used to, but not anymore\n" } ] }, { "author": "Barbara Green", "body": "For a disabled user the following might work. I'm not sure what the deal is for removed users since they don't appear in the admin list.\n\nIf you are the admin, you can:\n\n1. Go to Confluence Admin-\\> Manage Users.\n\n2. Enable the user if necessary.\n\n3. Reset the user's password (if you don't know it) and make a note of the new password.\n\n4. Log out and then log in as the user (with the new password).\n\n3. Go to the profile page (users/viewuserprofile.action?username=*???????*).\n\n4. Click **Picture** on the left and click **Delete** under the picture set to delete the current picture.\n\n5. Choose a replacement icon or upload an icon from your desktop to use for those no longer with us.\n\n6. Click **Set Profile Picture** to set the new icon.\n\nSeems like a lot of work, doesn't it? But it looks to me like bulk functions for users are limited in Confluence if you aren't using a separate user management tool (like Crowd or some other LDAP tool).\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Mohammed Razzaque", "body": "I am not admin. I was able to remove profile picture from JIRA board but I still can see that in confluence pages. Can anyone tell me how to remove my pic from confluence also. Please tell simple steps instead of sending codes. Thank you.\n" }, { "author": "Amauri Toscano", "body": "Same here. I am a Confluence admin for my company and i don't see an option to delete a profile picture\n" }, { "author": "Pam Harley", "body": "Same - I want to delete my own profile picture and have it revert to initials (easier for my team to track who is who). I can change my photo, but not remove it.\n" } ] }, { "author": "beth woodworth", "body": "test\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Ana Crisan", "title": "Display email on Confluence page", "body": "Hi,\n\nIs it possible to display a filtered list of emails from the mail archive associated to the space on a Confluence page?\n\nI've been looking at the reporting macros from CustomWare, but I could not find an example on how to use them for emails...\n\nThanks in advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "Here is an example on how to create a list of mails with the [reporting plugin](\n\n```\n{report-table} {content-reporter:spaces=yourSpaceKey|type=mail} {date-sort:mail:sent date|order=descending} {content-reporter} {report-column:title=Sent Date}{report-info:mail:sent date}{report-column} {report-column:title=Subject}{report-info:mail:subject|link=true}{report-column} {report-empty} _No mails found_ {report-empty} {report-table}\n```\n\nWasn't sure how exactly your report should look like, but it should give you a good overview of how to use the macros. Find more information about the [Mail Supplier here](\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "archive", "email" ]
{ "author": "Syed Faizullah Ghori", "title": "Migrating from confluence to sharepoint 2010", "body": "How to migrate from confluence wiki to sharepoint 2010 wiki.\n" }
[ { "author": "Gerald Tombs", "body": "You might like to know Clearvision has developed several tools to migrate from Sharepoint to Confluence. Presently we offer this as a consulting service. As from September 2012 we will have a download licensed tool on offer. If you are interested, contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])\n\nGerry\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Um, you can't really do this. Confluence is a wiki. Sharepoint is a document repository and handling system, not a wiki.\n\nIf you want to switch from one to the other, then you need to go through a proper planning and training process - decide what you're aiming for, then look at what you've got now. Your migration plan will depend entirely upon that.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jim Bethancourt", "body": ":-(\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "Syded, I tested the wiki in Sharepoint and I found limited functionalities, Have you considered the use of Sharepoint connector, you get the potential of confluence in the sharepoint environment\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "sharepoint" ]
{ "author": "Lloyd Kinsella", "title": "Remove search from the navigation sidebar", "body": "Hello,\n\nCurrently our spaces are set up so that we have a sidebar with page navigation, however this shows a search box. Now reading up I've found that {pagetree} can be configured to turn this off, however I can't find where this page layout is stored, can someone point me in the right direction?\n" }
[ { "author": "Lloyd Kinsella", "body": "NM figured it, seems I have to do it on all the spaces as well!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Barbara Green", "body": "Not only that, but if you copy a space (using the Copy Space plugin), you have to redo the navigation for the new copy as well. I'm not sure why Copy Space does not include the theme customizations. I think it should. \n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Lloyd Kinsella", "body": "As a site note, I tried Configure Theme, turned off Page Tree in Navigation then entered {pagetree:...}, however I now end up with two pagetree's, the original plus the one without search.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "HASSAN GHYAS", "title": "trouble with creating a link on a column", "body": "i have a table with a column of JIRA project ID's - i need to keep adding new project ID's, therefore adding new rows in my table. Is it possible to automatically hyperlink the JIRA ref by simply editing and adding the project ref?\n\nI hope thats clear! Essentially, when I save my table down, i want ech project ref to appear as a link, which i can then click on to open into the project page.\n" }
[ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Yes. Just copy/paste the link down in the next row and edit what has changed (project, your label).\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Ozgur Yuksel", "title": "Is there a way to tag the certain versions of all pages under a given Space", "body": "Hi,\n\nI am trying Confluence to see if we can use it for our product documentation. I know Confluence comes with change history support. But what I need is to mark a certain version (or current versions at a given day) of all the pages with the Product Version which is released at that day. This is more or less how we work with source code of the product as well (there we use branching for future changes). Main idea is to see what is changed between Version A of the Product and Version B.\n\nOzgur\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "One way is to update the page with an update comment that specifies the version. This shows up in the page history. People could do a diff after selecting the 2 page versions that matched the product versions they were interested in. The page update could be automated by using the [Confluence Command Line Interface]( .\n\nExample: confluence --action storePage --space myspacekey --title \"My page\" --comment \"Version 1\"\n\nHowever, be aware the Confluence can ignore an update if it is not a change. Seems to occur even if an update comment is provided. This happens on the UI or via remote API. While I like a null update not creating a new version, I think it is a bug that an update comment provided with an update doesn't create a version :(. It seems that if the author of the change is different than the last update author, a new version will be created. You can make a significant update by adding a blank to the end of the page, but this requires something like:\n\nconfluence --action getPageSource --space myspacekey --title \"My page\" --file page.txt\n\nconfluence --action storePage --space myspacekey --title \"My page\" --comment \"Version 1\" --file page.txt --content2 \" \"\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ozgur Yuksel", "body": "It is good to know we can easily add this functionality using some scripting based on our versioning and there is enough support from application side.\n\nThanks for the quick response.\n\nOzgur\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "[email protected]", "title": "Is there a way to render the details of a single JIRA issue on a Confluence page ?", "body": "We would like to display the details of a single JIRA issue (id, title, state, ) including custom fields on a Confluence page.\n\nWe found the jira-issues macro, which generates a list of issues, but this is not what we want.\n\nFurthermore there's the 'insert JIRA-issue' macro, which just renders a link to JIRA, but no details of that issue.\n\nIs there any way to achieve this ?\n\nIn previous versions we used the 'Jira/Confluence Issue Macro', but it's not compatible with Confluence 4.0 and development seems to be halted on that.\n" }
[ { "author": "[email protected]", "body": "Finally we wrote our own macros for that purpose, which took about two days for a Confluence/JIRA novice.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "If you are running Confluence 4.1 you can find the Issue using JQL in JIRA and copy and paste the permalink to the search into the Confluence editor. See: <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "NielsJ", "body": "Hi Nikolaus,\n\nif you are familiar with XSL-T you could request Issue details via RSS at the JIRA instance and render the result with XSL-T into Html. I tried that successfully some time. Additionally you could use the cache-Makro to avoid XSL-T rendering on every single page hit.\n\nIt gets a little more complicated if your Issue is not in a public JIRA project. Then you could create an own user macro which automatically appends username and password to the Url (os_username, os_password). So only the Confluence administrator has access to these values.\n\nRegards, \nNiels\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "issue", "jira", "macro" ]
{ "author": "Petros Demetriades", "title": "Confluence home directory backup: What directories are safe to exclude?", "body": "By reading the atlassian confluence administration pages and several answers here, I understand that the best practice confluence backup is to:\n\n1. Backup the database using a native DB backup tool (e.g. pg_dump for postgreSQL);\n2. Backup the home directory separately.\n\nThe atlassian backup pages refer to \"backing up the entire confluence home directory\". However over time this directory accumulates lots of stuff that seem unnecessary to backup (e.g. temp, backups, index, plugins-cache, etc.) which needlessly increase backup size.\n\nFrom what I've read I gather that most of the stuff in the excluded directories gets re-created when confluence is restarted (e.g. the plugin-related folders) and the indexes and thumbnails can be recreated on demand via the administration UI).\n\nCould someone please confirm that it is safe to exclude the following directories from the confluence backup directory? (I couldn't find a definitive answer anywhere hence the question)\n\n* (home directory path)/**attachments**: INCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/backups: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/bundled-plugins: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/**config**: INCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/**confluence.cfg.xml**: INCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/index: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/logs: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/plugins-cache: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/plugins-osgi-cache: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/plugins-temp: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/restore: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/temp: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/thumbnails: EXCLUDE\n* (home directory path)/viewfile: EXCLUDE\n\nThanks in advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "As mentioned on [Backuping Confluence](/questions/17109/backuping-confluence/17133) - I exclude \\['logs', 'backups', 'restore', 'temp', 'viewfile', 'oscache', 'plugin-cache', 'plugins-temp'\\] and I know that works. I would guess bundled-plugins could be excluded. Index can be rebuilt, but it takes time - so that is a tradeoff. I would guess thumbnails would be regenerated too.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Petros Demetriades", "body": "Thanks Bob. Much appreciated.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Rodney Hughes", "title": "How can I create a multievel heirarchy directory listing of Spaces on the Dashboard", "body": "I have a system which will have potentially hundreds of Spaces, perhaps more so I need a directory structure to the Spaces on the Dashboard where I can drill down using \"+\" buttons (like in List pages view or a Windows Browser window)\n\nI see i can add Labels to Spaces to then show them in a Category view using Browse Spaces but this could still end up with seevral dozens in one Category as it is a single level label\n\nI was hoping there was some way of having a directory drill down - ideally allowing one Space to appear in different areas depending on which way I came in\n\neg\n\n1. Country1\n 1. Site1\n 1. Department1\n 2. Department2\n 2. Site2 \n 1. Department1 ...\n2. Country2\n 1. .....\n\nbut that I could also access by say Site or Department\n\n1. Department1\n 1. Country1\n 1. Site1\n 2. Site2\n 2. Country 2\n2. Department2\n 1. Country1\n 1. .....\n" }
[ { "author": "Rodney Hughes", "body": "anyone got any suggestions?\n\nI'm sure others must have lots of Spaces to manage in a heirarchy.\n\nI found this but it is \"Unsupported\"\n\n<> \n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rodney Hughes", "body": "Wondering if anyone has found a good solution yet?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Barbara Green", "body": "Thanks for a good question! I will be watching this one for sure. I would also like more control over the default dashboard view my users see. I know it's probably built automatically, but some layout options (ala JIRA dashboard, for example, or a nested view as described above) would be useful.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Remo Siegwart", "body": "You may also want to take a look at the [Spacetree plugin]( It allows you to create lists of spaces grouped by space category.\n\nDisclaimer: I'm the author of the plugin\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Adolfo Casari", "body": "I have sucessfully used SubSpace Plugin in Confluence 3.5., don't know if this is supported for 4.X\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Barbara Green", "body": "Thanks for a good question! I will be watching this one for sure. I would also like more control over the default dashboard view my users see. I know it's probably built automatically, but some layout options (ala JIRA dashboard, for example, or a nested view as described above) would be useful.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Thomas Summerall", "title": "Workflow for making private changes then going public?", "body": "I have a published confluence wiki. I'd like to make a number of edits to existing pages over the next couple of weeks, as well as add some pages, but not have the changes available to the general public until I'm finished with all of them.\n\n<br />\n\nWhat's the best workflow for this?\n\nOne I can think of is cloning the space, making the edits to the privat eclone, then somehow replacing the original with the clone. Is something like that possible?\n" }
[ { "author": "Roberto Dominguez", "body": "Hi!\n\n[Ad hoc Workflows]( allows you to collaborate before making pages public.\n\nYou can define a workflow on a page or for all the pages on a space, which would make the page only visible to you (or a predefined group), and once is approved it (publish) it becomes available to all the users.\n\nThe plugin comes with a set of predefined workflows, but they can be customized using our workflow markup.\n\nWe have a new version coming out very soon for Confluence 3.5 and 4.0, have a look at what you can do at <>\n\nMore complex publishing also is possible (from one space to another, and from one instance of confluence to another) in combination with the Content Publishing Plugin.\n\nGive [Ad hoc Workflows]( a try and feel free to contact us if you have any question.\n\nRoberto\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Thomas Summerall", "body": "I see on [this page]( from October 2010 that the way Atlssian does it is copy an existing page, restrict it, edit the new copy, then, when finished, manually paste the new version contents into the old version. Really?\n\nThere has to be a better way!\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "permission", "workflow" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "How / where can we have internal discussion about a page?", "body": "We're evaluating building a customer-facing wiki with Confluence 4.0. I'm looking for some way to attach internal discussions to a page so that customers won't see them.\n\nVisibility controls for comments a la Jira is the obvious way but CONF-5639 has only a few votes.\n\nI guess I could create a child page and make it visible only to the Internal group.\n\nIs there a macro / plugin for visibility-controlled inline comments?\n\nAny more elegant suggestions?\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Robert\n\nHave you seen the Spartez Kwik Sticky Notes plugin?\n\n<>\n\nI don't know if you can make the notes visible to a group, but you can make them \"private\" i.e. visible to a user. It's a neat plugin, and it may be worth asking the developers how much work it would be to support groups, if they don't already do so.\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "group", "permission" ]
{ "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "title": "What Plugin does Atlassian use for the Confluence Master Plugin list?", "body": "I need functionality like this, but I can't find what might do what they have there. I need to be able to filter, sort, and list pages in a given space.\n\nThank you!\n" }
[ { "author": "vchoy", "body": "Hi Rhyne,\n\nConfluence does have a similar functionality to [sort and list pages of a given space](\n\n**To view the pages in your space alphabetically:**\n\n1. Choose **Browse** \\>**Pages**.\n2. Click on **Alphabetical View**.\n3. Click on a letter to display all the pages beginning with that letter. Clicking on a page link will take you to that page.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rhyne Armstrong", "body": "Thanks Vincent, but that's not exactly what I need. I figured out my issue by using the Advanced Search Plugin.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "ket.pjwstk", "title": "Backuping Confluence", "body": "Hi,\n\nWe're considering strategy for backuping Confluence (content+configuration) running with PostgreSQL DB. Our idea is to involve simple file copy for Confluence files and pg_dump for DB. I guess pg_dump is good approach for PGSQL, but I am not sure about the Confluence. We've made a lot of customization in Confluence, and we want to keep it all for restoring (plugins, settings, etc.). What do you think?\n\nRegards\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Yes, you are on the right track. Do the DB backup and also save most of the home directory. We backup the attachments directory separately and then the home directory with the following excludes:\n\n\\['attachments', 'logs', 'backups', 'restore', 'temp', 'viewfile', 'oscache', 'plugin-cache', 'plugins-temp'\\]\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "We follow much the same pattern as Bob. We backup overnight, every night, but don't take it offline.\n" }, { "author": "ket.pjwstk", "body": "Thanks a lot for help. However I have two more question. Do you shutdown confluence before backuping? How often do you backup confluence? Once a day? Once a week?\n" }, { "author": "ket.pjwstk", "body": "Thanks a lot.\n" } ] } ]
[ "backup" ]
{ "author": "SungJin Woo", "title": "confluence: restore Error", "body": "Error message\n\nA space with the key 'ds' already exists. Please delete it before restoring a space with the same key.\n\nbut i can't find DS space.\n\nso how can i delete Key \"ds\"?\n" }
[ { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "ds is the Demonstration Space. Can you see that in the dashboard?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "SungJin Woo", "body": "No i can't see that.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Lars Maehlmann", "body": "If you can't find the space in the space directory or in the DB\n\n```\nSELECT * FROM spaces WHERE ?spacekey= 'DS' ORDER BY spacename;\n```\n\nand everything else works You can try to rebuild the index from scratch. \nHere is description : \n\n[How to Rebuild the Content Indexes From Scratch on Confluence Serve]( \"Rebuild the Content Index\")[r]( \"Rebuild the Content Index\")\n\nI hope it helps\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Mark Krueger", "title": "pagetree always collapses", "body": "I have found that when using pagetree (or the left panel navigation tree - perhaps one and the same), if I expand the tree to navigate down to a page I want to see, click on the page, and then return, the tree is collapsed. This can be very annoying when you are trying to view more than one page at a lower level. Is there a setting which controls this behavior? Unfortunately, Windows Explorer has trained me to expect the tree to remain expanded. It feels like I spend a lot of time expanding the tree, and then re-expanding the tree, and then... You probably get the idea.\n" }
[ { "author": "Mark Krueger", "body": "Adding the startDepth parameter to the macro does help to a certain extent, but I don't think I'd want to go past the value of 2 as then the tree would start to become to unwieldy (depending of course on how many pages are in your space). I think the navigation behavior is just a weak spot that perhaps could be addressed down the road.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Terence McGhee", "body": "This might not be **exactly** what you're looking for, but you sure can \"lessen\" this effect by specifying a start depth for your pagegree (<>)\n\nFor example, in the Navigation section for my space's theme, I have the following code : {pagetree:startDepth=2}\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Kimberly McKinnis", "title": "How to restrict space permissions by LDAP group when authing through Crowd with OpenLDAP?", "body": "I want to restrict Confluence space permissions by group. I'm authenticating through Crowd, which uses a directory to our OpenLDAP with Posix. Currently, Crowd is set up to only allow my team (group: sd) to authenticate to the Confluence application, this works. However, it's like this group isn't passed along to Confluence. When I ask it to restrict access to a space, it doesn't see any of the LDAP Posix groups, including the one it just allowed me to authenticate through. Is there a nice way to do this?\n" }
[ { "author": "Bruna Griebeler", "body": "This might happen since you are not importing the group itself but its content.\n\nWhat you can do is to import all the groups but set just a few users to be imported inside confluence-users groups. The confluence-users group (by default) will determine which users will be able to login into Confluence and it's a good way to filter that!\n\nCheers\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Dee Elling", "title": "How do I find out what links to a page?", "body": "I need to know what page or pages link to a particular page. In Mediawiki it's called \"what links here\". Any ideas? I cannot find anything about this in docs or forums.\n\nthank you! -Dee\n" }
[ { "author": "Dee Elling", "body": "Hi, I found that by default refinedwiki disables the View-\\>Info link.\n\nYou have to log in as Admin, go to the Confluence Administration-\\>Menus and Tabs, click the Content \"Tools\" Menu Items then Secondary, and enable the View Info Link item. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the Menus and Tabs page. Log out and log in again. Voila! the Info link is there, and the Info page shows the incoming and outgoing links.\n\nThanks to Joseph for helping me figure this out! -Dee\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "On the \"Tools\" menu of a page, if you click on the \"Info\" link you will get a page that includes information about other wiki pages that link to this page.\n\n![](\n\n![](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dee Elling", "body": "Hi Joseph, thanks! I do not see that option on my pages (even as Admin). Is this a 4.0-only feature?\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "What version of Confluence are you running, and do you have any custom themes in use?\n" }, { "author": "Dee Elling", "body": "Hi Joseph,\n\nIt's Confluence 3.5.1 with the refinedwiki theme\n\n-Dee\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Ah, well I guess the refinedwiki theme perhaps hides this information or moves it somewhere else. I'm not an expert on refinedwiki, so maybe someone else here will be able to help you. :-)\n" } ] }, { "author": "Elizabeth Moffatt", "body": "View the **Page Information** for the page. This is available in the top right \"**...\"** menu.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jan Vervecken", "body": "You could consider giving feedback in JIRA issue <>.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "link", "refined-wiki", "theme" ]
{ "author": "Rian Rian", "title": "Lost admin permission in spaces despite my global access", "body": "Suddenly I can't get to the Space Admin tab for most spaces. I have global access, so when I am in a space I can select \"confluence Admin\" from the \"Browse\" menu, but not \"Space Admin\". No one has been setting permissions on the space level in any space (it's a test server and no one gets on it).\n\nAny ideas? Thanks, R.M.\n" }
[ { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Which one of these permissions do you have? <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Rian Rian", "body": "That did it! I was able to add myself (back) to the confluence-administrators group, then everything worked. Thanks, Jobin.\n" } ] } ]
[ "administration", "permission", "space" ]
{ "author": "AlexVN", "title": "How to change dashboard owner", "body": "I've created dashboard for project and how want another user edit it eigher by changing ownership, author or by sharing it. Any thoughts?\n\nThanks, \nAlex\n" }
[ { "author": "Michele Grimm", "body": "In JIRA 6.2\n\n**![]( \\>** **User Management** \\> **Shared Dashboards**\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ryan O Sullivan", "body": "perfect\n" }, { "author": "Sebastian Gomez", "body": "This worked better than the built-in Script-Runner dashboard feature. Thank you!\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "There is a built-in script [Change dashboard or filter ownership]( in the [script runner]( plugin, although I think I noticed this was possible in 5.0. Not sure though.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kristin Bitler", "body": "Updating to current: **\\> System \\> Shared Dashboards**, find the dashboard to be edited, change owner from the cog on the right.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ulrich Agricola", "body": "As for Jira 7.5.3, I can't see *Administration \\| System \\| Shared Dashboards* , but only *Administration \\| System \\| System-Dashboard*.\n\nIf I open a dashboard other than System-Dashboard, there ist no *Edit Dashboard* in the ... menu.\n\nThus I cannot change/edit any Dashboard other than System-Dashboard.\n\nRegards\n\nUli\n" }, { "author": "Ulrich Agricola", "body": "Solved.\n\nIts a Jira-**Server** , so go to *Boards \\| View all* . Go to \"**...** \" and delete or open your *own* board and edit.\n\nSorry to bother.\n\nRegards \nUli\n" } ] }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "4.0 will now allow you to do that. In the past I have gotten around it by creating a 'generic' account, and anyone who needs to manage the dashboard logs into that account and makes the appropriate changes.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "dashboard", "jira" ]
{ "author": "BerndA", "title": "Get a list of assigned tasks in Confluence", "body": "Is there a way to see all the tasks that have been assigned to my user?\n\nI would like to create a central page where I can quickly get an overview of all the tasks assigned to me.\n\nAny idea?\n" }
[ { "author": "Matt", "body": "AFAIK the Tasklist Macro does not provide this functionality. I'd suggest using a dedicated task management plugin like Ad hoc Workflows. See the [video on this page]( for more details.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "BerndA", "body": "The video looks good. Looks like we have to update.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "Are you talking about wanting to use the tasklist macro, <>.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "BerndA", "body": "create a filter in JIRA to show all the tasks assigned to you. Then use JIRA Issues macro in Confluence to see the results of this filter in Confluence.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "BerndA", "body": "Thank you for your fast answer. I am looking for a solution that works in Confluence without any other software like Jira. Any other idea?\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Merrill Oates", "title": "How to place an Attachment upload link in page, not just under the Attachments Macro list?", "body": "We have users who regularly need to quickly upload a file attachment to a page. \nIs it possible to place an Attachment upload link as an independent element in a page?\n\nFor example: the Attachments Macro, when placed in a page provides the option to \"Allow upload\" so that there is a \"Browse\" button at the end of the list of Attachments allowing the user to upload another attachment to the list.\n\nWe would like to be able to place this Attachment Upload Browse button as an independent element in the page. Rather than always having to scroll down to the bottom of the list of attachments to be able to select the upload button. (If a large number of attachments are already listed here, this becomes very tedious to be able to regularly have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the link.)\n\nAny options for placing the Attachments Browse button independently in the page, or other alternatives would be appreciated.\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Do you really need this? Or could it be more a matter of user training?Most modern browsers allow you to drag and drop an attachment onto a page.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "attachment" ]
{ "author": "S?awomir Turlej", "title": "Disabling connecting to the atlassian plugin exchange.", "body": "We are deploying a Confluence instance with our custome set of plugins. Our customer's server does not have connection to internet. Every time we are trying to do anything with our plugin (install/uninstall it), Confluence tries to connect to the Atlassian Plugin Exchange, only to throw Connection timed out Exception, which takes too long. Is there a way to disable connecting to the Atlassian Plugin Exchange in upm ?? \n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Frayling", "body": "Hi Slawomir, have a look at <> and the section on Using UPM without an Internet Connection.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "You may need to update the UPM plugin as this was only added relatively recently.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Philippe Schram", "title": "Is it possible to automatically create a link to confluence document when creating a jira issue from confluence", "body": "We plan to use confluence as entry point for issue creation. With this method we want to use all confluence functionnallities in order to manage documents and their version AND in the same time be able to acces confluence data directly from jira issue. We want to avoid manually inserting confluence link update in jira issue.\n\nThe idea is:\n\n1. create a page in confluence,\n\n2. from this page create a jira issue with the link to confluence page\n\n3. from jira, using the confluence link to acces page.\n\nThanks fo your help,\n\nPhilippe\n" }
[ { "author": "a.haaken", "body": "In Jira 5 this is a solved Use Case (if the videos are right)\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "John Edstrom", "body": "I have jira 4.4.3 and confluence 4.1.5. I've just activated applications links between them and connected a jira project with a space.\n\nI'm new at Jira \\& Confluence so maybe I havent' gotten to the right screen yet, but what's supposed to happen? I haven't noticed any new linking functionality beyond the already installed confluence-side jira-issue macro and the jira-side conluence page linkage tool.\n" } ] } ]
[ "jira" ]
{ "author": "Vishal Shah", "title": "openwiki to confluence convertion", "body": "Hi,\n\nWe have some openwiki pages and would like to migrate to confluence, please advice how can we do it\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "There isn't a simple answer to that question. If you have a in-house development team with expertise in data migrations, you could consider having them develop you a custom converter and migration process utilizing the [Universal Wiki Converter]( tool. There isn't an openwiki module already, but that tool is open-source and extensible, and using it might cut down on some of the work. \n\nIf you do not have a team with expertise in custom migrations, please consider the following: \nConfluence migrations -- like all migrations -- are highly dependent on content, context, syntax, environments, from-system parameters, and even human-input -- and so providing a blanket solution answer is difficult. \n\nWe suggest [this checklist]( as a first review of your systems -- and how to plan and progress forward on what development might be required to best automate this effort and mitigate risk. \n\nIf you are thinking of using the UWC, please note: Confluence 4 UWC updates to support this release are in active review as I write. Please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for more details.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Greg Kullberg", "title": "How can I view the history of my dashboard?", "body": "We have several Confluence administrators. It would be great to know who has made changes to the dashboard, and also be able to see the differences between each change (basically the same functionality as a regular wiki page). We are running version 3.5. Is this possible?\n" }
[ { "author": "Greg Kullberg", "body": "I would think that it would be intuitive to enable the same functionality on the dashboard as you have with any other wiki page. Being the most prominent page on the site, it would make sense to have the ability to easily preview and quickly roll back changes. It's not really about access, it's about being able to test various changes to the page without having to save each time, and being able to roll back if something breaks.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "hsuhailah", "body": "Hrmm, this doesn't seem to be possible at the moment. You can try enabling [Confluence user access logging](, which can tell you who and what a user is accessing. It does not tell you what is changed, though.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Charlie Barker", "title": "LDAP Membership information not being retrieved", "body": "We are using Confluence Version 4.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 \n\nUser Directories Config \n================= \nConfluence Internal Directory Internal \nUpgraded atlassian-user LDAP (ldapRepository) Microsoft Active Directory (Read Only, with Local Groups)\n\nWe see AD users and Groups but membership information is not displayed. In a space we can grant permissions to an AD group but members of that group cannot access the space.\n\nIf anyone has an idea on how we could resolve this I would be eternally grateful.\n" }
[ { "author": "Charlie Barker", "body": "This was caused by the the user information being authenticated by the wrong database. In Jira, we use three databases at the moment. There is the internal database, LDAP authentication database for our London users and Active directory authentication for our SA users. So, to resolve this, we deleted the affected users which at the time were pointing to either the internal database or LDAP London database and their account were automatically synced into wiki and jira, pointing to the right LDAP database for authentication.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Manse Wolken", "body": "I tried to use the memberOf parameter and got no results.\n\nSo i did stay with the \"normal\" use, telling Confluence the additional user and group dn, and made sure that i used the richt attribute for groupmembership. In my case (OpenDS): uniqueMember\n\nI think the memberOf Feature should speed up things, because Confluence shoud not have to search every Group for membership.\n\nBut i don't know in which cases this feature works.\n\nGood luck\n\nManse\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Manse Wolken", "body": "Well I haven't enabled \"memberOf\" in none of the Confluence and Jira Instances that I administrate.\n\nAnd as LDAP Server: We use OpenDS.\n\nBut for OpenDS we use \"uniqueMember\" for the \"Group member\" attribute, rest like AD.\n\nFor Active Directory I use:\n\nEnabled Nested Groups\n\n\"member\" as \"Group member\" attribute\n\n\"memberOf\" as group-membership attribute (the second field in the group membership options)\n\nDISABELD both cases on \"Use of 'memberOf'\n\nApache Directory Studio seems to use a bit different type of LDAP searches. There the memberOf feature works, with AD and OpenDS.\n\nWas that of helpful? or do you need more Info?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kimberly McKinnis", "body": "Not so helpful, but I'm also struggling with this with openLDAP and Linux. I'm unsure if it's even a supported feature, am subscribing to this question :)\n\nI should add that I have tried using the memberOf parameter, but it returns blank, even though I can view the list of groups, with both OpenLDAP and ApacheDS :( Have you done the same?\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "ldap", "user-management" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "how to have both public & private comments?", "body": "I want external users (customers) to be able to post and see each other's comments.\n\nI also want internal users (employees) to be able to post comments that only internal users can see, to discuss possible changes and so on.\n\nHow can I do both?\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Other than building a plugin, this is a feature request - see [CONF-5639]( You can comment in that issue and vote for it, or add your specific use-case.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "It is possible to select who can view the comments when it is posted. When internal customers post it, they should make sure the visibility is selected appropriately!\n\nEdit: This is for JIRA, not Confluence.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "I see view restrictions for pages, but not for comments.\n" }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Checkout the comment visibility section here: <>\n\nAlso check how the administrator has configured it.\n" }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "Oops, I am talking about JIRA! My bad!\n" } ] }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "This seems like a perfectly reasonable use of a custom plugin. I've developed similar functionality in the past. You'd likely want to configure an LDAP group as the internal users and set the comment visibility based on that group.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "comment", "group" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "Word import: numbered list converted to bulleted lists", "body": "I imported a Word document into a Confluence 4.0 space using the Documentation theme. Numbered lists have been converted to bulleted lists.\n\nPer <> they should be numbered lists.\n\nIs this a known issue? Is there a workaround?\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Same thing happening in 4.0.3.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "import", "list" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "Word import: cross-references not hyperlinked", "body": "I imported a Word document into a Confluence 4.0 space using the Documentation theme, splitting topics down to the fourth level. Internal cross-reference hyperlinks (i.e. field codes with name=Ref, Field properties=\\<bookmark name\\>, \"Hyperlink to paragraph\" checked) are not being converted to links.\n\nIf <> mentions this I can't find it. Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "I did. <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Andrea Picaro", "body": "Hello we have still this problem in 7.8.1 the accepted answer seems to be a \"won't fix\" it's not clear to me whether there is a solution or not.\n\nThanks\n" }, { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "There's not.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Genevieve Cory", "body": "This is still happening in 5.3.4.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Genevieve Cory", "body": "This is still happening in 4.3.7.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "RyanA", "body": "This should work. Can you please file a bug and attach your word document to the issue?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Joerg Bencke", "body": "hear hear. Assigning \"confluence labels\" based on keywords in word woudl be nice too :)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "Same thing happening in 4.0.3.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "import", "link" ]
{ "author": "Damjan Dimitrov", "title": "latest uwc - empty output directory", "body": "Hi,\n\nI'm using the latest UWC built from source because I need it for Confluence 4.\n\nIt works good when uploading pages to Confluence, but the output directory on the filesystem is empty.\n\nSo when I set the upload to confluence to false, I don't have the converted pages.\n\nAny hints on this?\n\nThanks, \nDame.\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "Set the engine-saves-to-disk property to true in your converter properties\n\nLooks like:\n\n```\\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Matt Lehmann", "body": "where does one add this? \n\nwhen i run UWC in older version, it creates the output/output directory. this new version does not create the directory. uploads are fine (with errors, of course, which is why i am trying to get the output) but the output directory is never created.\n" }, { "author": "jsalch", "body": "I have the same issue.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Damjan Dimitrov", "body": "Thanks, that did the trick.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Charlie Ibarzo", "title": "Migration from Drupal to Confluence", "body": "Hi there,\n\nIs it possible to migrate from Drupal to Confluence? Has anyone done that?\n\nCheers,\n\nCarlos\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "If you have an in house developer team, you could write a custom converter module for the UWC. [Developer doc here](\n\nIf you do not have a team with expertise in custom migrations, we suggest [this checklist]( as a first review of your systems -- and how to plan and progress forward on what development might be required to best automate this effort and mitigate risk.\n\nNote also: UWC updates to support Confluence 4 release are in active review as I write. Please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for more details.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "Thanks Jobin - we will extend the UWC for this flavor upon request to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - based on customer demand.\n\nCommented to the issue about this.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]", "body": "There is an open issue for this at <>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "migration", "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Robert Lauriston", "title": "\"Can't split this document. It contains no Heading styles.\"", "body": "Trying to import a Word .doc file I get the message, \"Can't split this document. It contains no Heading styles.\"\n\nWhat does Confluence look for to identify a heading style? Paragraph styles for headings that should appear in the TOC are ChapterTitle, Heading1, Heading2, Heading3, and Heading4.\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert Lauriston", "body": "The headings have to be default Word styles. I changed ChapterTitle to Title and Heading# to Heading # and it worked.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Could you post the document? It would allow others to see how it is formatted.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "It looks for the standard/default: heading1, heading2, etc.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "import" ]