year lastit interests see year die new years eve perhaps
turn soon thing remember pain angerhigh school hell me ugly hs basically means try avoid bullied redflag im college now nights cant sleep remember lonely hs pain experienced fucking building intense still feel burn years later recall sophomore junior year nobody sit lunch entire years sat alone counselors office sometimes would sit cry nobody ever offered hand nobody ever helped me supposed magical time many teenagers me dont ever want fucking remember bullshit ever again bullied ugly virgin shamed me girls rejected worst ways imaginable hate much could fucking punch wall right now deserve right quick painless death life isnt fair ugly even doable
sucksi suspicious would already excluded social media saw group talking inside jokes life updates everyone knew recent post someone confirmed new group chati worst depressive period ever well ready socialize talk mundane things joke around them told while initially understanding time went noticed group chat became inactivethese people made fun behind back privately chided one my closest friend carelessly ignorant covid context vaccination rollout country slow transmission highhe living senior past tested positive sister tested positive covid twice she works hospital concerned friend would tell go unless essentialand since super close bond really think overbearing friends almost yrs otheronce call let slip one numerous dinners he jokester was made fun friends acting like mom hurt private matter painted killjoy paranoid person gutted meit one reasons started feel distant group started cold told would struggling mental health settled iti sorry ranting feel absolutely alone closest circle friends top tier shunned longer fun around withit feels like high school would feel anxious depressed would choose hang classmates louder extroverted play wheneverdepression sucks friends like sucks harder friends made new group chat excluded ever since told in original gc might able interact much depressive period
getting hit realityok kinda stupid life made like every bad choice imaginable stuck reality reputation damaged forever done bunch dumb shit like randomly stalk people even assaulted someone nowhere guess bad idea address shit comes up living little fantasy land getting hit reality literally might go prison entire career like ruined idea cant repair reputation stalemate guess
i woke up an hour ago now i m having a hard time going back to bed in lakewood ca http loopt u rywlhq
feel pretty today feel happy pretty could conquer anything set mind it love right always
imma sleep good night everybody good noon morning everybody else
want die badlyi yo male hate much want die want parents find dead body
young woman comes home town husband passed away accident barely settles small town shortly after loses little son kidnapping hopes could lead kinds following plots normal movie find new partner happy finally depressed enough struggle finally kill herself try kill herself series severe fights god trusts god find god seems forgive everyone even killer well careful god movie mean thing god way movie deals issue quite interesting womans point view gods perspective in way would lots grass growing clouds flying views suppose rather third partys eye movie let us perceive explain thingbr br the movie interesting woman theres man whos everywhere around woman obviously love her way hes funny guy like clown say shamelessly hangs around heroine combination two woman full tension crying throwing always man smiling talking stupidly ends good balance emotions nothing absurdly wrong tediousbr br highly recommend
needing help badly whats voluntary commitment likeim pretty bad off tell like id committed myself especially insight trans well
certain die water overdosei want die now want injured attempt searched find answer
hopeok but i will be soon dy
i can t believe it i got my answer and didn t have to ask the question this feel awful
emptinessnumbnessim years old currently serving active duty united states army a even tho im pretty successful life still want die im suicidal please dont say that im going cause im coward want already im sick feeling empty helpless im sick feeling worthless alone even though im surrounded best friends time want pain stop
done research come revolutionary breakthrough make anime body pillows sides waifu would allow people use time allowing people spend much money body pillows buy im sure exist make maximise body pillow usage rest case tldr make anime body pillows double sided maximum efficiency
teacher whos coded years know inspect is thought guys might enjoy story quite funny goes nothing one day science class working presentations make planets think was well go computer lab make presentations stuff hop computers start researching getting work finished project bit early thought hey use inspect chrome page pretty funny people know though do went site relating project ispect make say mr great teacher decided give students as show friend next thinks funny go teacher heres happened next hey mr look found website walk computer show text gets super angry though shout hes really great teacher like time saw get mad what messing websites stuff school illegal everyone gonna think theyre gonna get matter what wait mr hacking inspect affects see hacking even save reload page reload page show reset no could get suspended could get suspended that ive coding years even know inspect hacking im going talk tech teacher talk might able use tech school walks friend burst laughter tech teacher calls talk me hey man know again ok yep happen again went apologize science teacher everything good plus get as class thats good thanks listening teacher super nice probably bad day something tldr change page say teacher give us free as using inspect teacher loses threatens suspend though tech teacher saved me
dont want live anymorewell im year old friends kinda bullied school dont social group im skinny popular smart dude even tho dont express get grade need go on dont study home dont give fuck anymore school too home google random stuff biology physics technical one learn programming time year last one ultrahappy it realized teachers dont like im good programming know it give lower grade didnt exactly said more makes sense theyre humans think prefer school home dad old retard hate general going deeper later theres mom non educated woman doesnt shit life even work cleans shitty apartment plays random facebook games really high volume tv make deaf reason hate her goes im anything says waste time time used play dota day getting good it realized really waste time would able go pro team wasnt bunch retards think looking cool winning team game mostly play instruments keyboard electric guitar nylon guitar steel guitar two harmonicas thats keep going even tho cant live music shitty nation known brazil look brazilian funk popular shit like anitta theres really high quality modern brazilian music sad anyway playing instruments liking synthwave classical metal jazz another reason bullied here right ignoring fact people clap hands way random percussion instrument modern popular funks use using two notes actually one fuck cares music theory percussion instruments right anyway lets talk dad doesnt understand shit music thinks does puts random trash like paramore monsters men worse trash like modern popular chords pop music also sound car trash comes one side doesnt realize it get school school ears hurt idk tahts reason behind it im going deaf somehow music still allows happy use phone shitty headphones hear music like am theres noizes cant day mom alive yeah told that respectful hateful manners ignore lately things worse started playing keyboard months ago and octave keyboard weighted keys yamaha psr e trash opinion told dad hey dad buy digital piano bought fucking keyboard clearly right even explained ignored anyway lately ive getting really complex stuff rondo alla turca sonata c major k fugue minor getting beethoven now saddest part cant play stuff like chopin even fugue minor keyboard organ piece change octaves keyboard function playing makes way harder also instruments also trash cares son playing stuff people playing years piano months playing shitty keyboard also self teaching instruments anyway going back mom doesnt allow fucking close rooms door keeps making random noises tv anything looks like purpose tell thinks fault retarded something music way out every time go play get depressed shit also dad couldnt buy fucking alfred books well tempered clavier bach play need use random scores ears going shit play also tried composing im trash fuck cares also tried make game last year retro rpg also trash thing is want die painless easy way dont realy go home bunch ignorant people walking around streets want die even theres really way redflag think so would like either help redflag help redflag also feel like saying computer randomly crashes blue screen every day random moment also important factor also dont enjoy simple stuff like jerking eating even tho use region brain hearing music uses need help think thats also english trash didnt formal english education jsut learned watching videos reading random shit etc sorry sucks
anyone else got crazy annoying feelibg calf got thats shit killing
cant seem find answers cant even connect peoplei looking answers years even know start looking end losing time always lose lose lose im sick it drift away people keep making mistakes almost everyone ends leaving almost one left cant even make new friends reconnect old ones keep wasting away selfisolation selfhate loneliness regret broken cursed horrid almost one tries connect me im lonely people might think im special needs person kind future ill have probably one filled mostly indifference emptiness
enough energy explain im tired thats it thats post
first person guess number gets random bear award idk ehehehehdhhsshhdhd shdhshdhshhdhshshshshsgsgshhshdhdhdhdbdbbdbsbsbsbsbshssghshshshshshshsbshshhshshshhsshhs
think worth try reach tiny amount happinessi cant anything im tired trying make failing im going school job cant things anxietys bad want supported mom entire life im fucking useless seeing everyone else good fun makes feel like shit wanna draw try to cant shit cant things want cant write program video edit make music see people around make feel horrible top success people cant happiness never will assuming get anxiety find sucess something im good at never enjoy things way people do everyone sex drugs drink im interested things wanna interested cause people ive looked seems like theyve much them want am want bad im scared idealistic think reach amount happiness others even eventually get better potential shit even reaching happy think want relationships want friends girlfriend able talk people long keep getting worse seeing interact fun makes feel cause cant that feel worse cause im getting upset peoples happiness think im bad person thinking like this see point trying make life get happiness amount happiness reach little especially go pain long little amount happiness garunteed
friend got google meets early became host proceeded let anyone in class ampxb httpspreviewredditrmcejvbzpatpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsbddbcefdaacaecd
would nice guy move serious question girl dating really like other last week friends got drunk hours girl agreed meet met drunk behaved like shit got really really mad disappointed me next morning apologized nice little text forgave me meet next friday thought getting flowers bc that think would good move way late nice guy move something like that
@paleenigma CONGRATS TO YOU! Tho God only knows why you'd want to leave British soil for the USA! Be careful! NIN SOON!!!
cant wait anymoreim thinking blasting brains dont succeed ill live even miserable life
official school year started im junior year im getting old i want get old no no no
Well.... like 30 seconds of vibes, not thinking much to that twt.fm lark
finnish teens there im looking make friends finland im christian years ago started feeling like god leading there im us mom suggested try make finnish friends id love learn like actually live finland ofc talk stuff too love music writing also im really us state trivia pm leave comment also recently turned anyones interested id prefer like
old person according redditthanks see ya
I'm search people
uh im new help bitch hey im transfer tiktok ive decided longer uncultured like help are girls allowed rteenagers whats political consensus johnny depp amber whatever dumb shits side do worry ableist classist shit basically ill watch learn but yeah
@justlikeanovel You like life like a novel, all tangled up Just write, I'd like to read more of your work and thoughts
getting ready for a day full of sunshine and fun!
for context my so and i are living with our in law temporarily a famously difficult living arrangement and the main issue ha been their constant and relentless remark they love passive aggressively hinting at thing they dislike and throwing little dig here and there to get a rise out of u i m well aware that they are very much projecting their own insecurity unhappiness onto u and i m somewhat able to find solace in that yet it still get tiring after awhile i m extremely sensitive and hyper aware of myself and others and even little throw away comment can feel like a punch in the gut sometimes we plan to move out soon but for the time being how can i distance myself emotionally and take thing at face value
@ShaneSwagz hehe...try kayak.com thats usually where i go first when i'm looking for tickets.
london life living torturing without realising it way think messed stemmed early child regretful fixing since last year realised something severely wrong me sense child friends self isolated whole life without knowing affecting kid never went high school remember primary high school came home straight school even go weekends totally warped perspective school took seriously realise anything wrong year haunting me more grew quickly young went far left mum passed life hit hard anything bad life exaggerated due this like poor got head insecure clothes go clothes saddened could experiences buy things like kids lack support system parents fully care overprotective never showed love like growing never gave advice tips take anywhere like shops normal parents get really jealous friends talk experiences playing sports dad going shopping mum know neglect cannot balme parents care end day abusive also got addicted porn young age sure started remember trying quit years old remember trip school redflaged watching porn scared going die well yrs idk dying probably started obviously probably indirect attempt brain soothe pain time vicious life think worst part first half life lost mum dad worked hard himself stepmom came worked hard eventhough know me hard part nd half loved blindly torturing myself grief childhood never felt like child cannot remember memories high redflag feel like lived negative thousand years feel like year old going counselling since beginning year barely helps whole life feels like illusion never understood school was never social life recently started developing one realised way lived thought normal hurt teenagers actually psychological torture cannot help keep thinking lived yet even though hurts want live anymore
moderate severe depression unveiled sad entire time hope recommended light therapy dragging spiral bit glad better understanding inflicting me ordering light said happy could reduce wonder work anyone besides me psychologist made acronym sad knew doing epic jokester
robertfperez ugh of course not just thursday and friday sat i have both kid
anyone want aroundmy family friends use have girlfriend myself hate myself im cant normal people life fucking rehashed bullshit over hurt fucking bad cant even get anyone fucking talk day im tired begging friendship love respect fucking anything fucking feel empty time melt meltdown cant anything right probably cant even kill right im tired this fucking lifetime this even try still here want fucking die fucking sucks wish ended long time ago wait everyone always wait wait wait fucking unfair
whats popular show like cant get into vampire diaries julie phantoms
@jiarhwei daddy bought kfc back
tw depression okay besties i need some help opinion ab my struggle with brushing my hair i currently have really bad knot in my hair and i m hispanic white and my hair is so thick and curly i don t understand how to properly take care of it and i haven t brushed my hair
posting everyday get girlfriend day im spain without s nothing it dont want live dont want die im happy im sad pain
boy make game freind start develop first game would yall support us nah im gonna assume nah
susiewilson@dramaprincess I am from Melbourne, Australia. What is your question?
@MoeDoueik iam researching bout scary movies tht came out this yr, iam actually googling it....i think im ready for summer
fuck hate posting herei feel selfish posting here fuck life sucks moved km away whim get change never lonely desperate contact moved back home couple months ago things werent working out ending things woth gf left already found replavement made sure smeare face home things get better made radical decision move k km life worse here miss friends unable make friends never needed too work sucks ass even tho get something amazing dive guide read sea decided drink today ended breaking bunch shit laying face beach currently siting safely resteraunt dont trust myself fuck life sucks reason act way spoild brat yet cant help myself loathe behaveiour sorry formating drunk phone eating burger
im probably going end soontitle says all thought someone know ive tried help worked while tried guilting stay alive work anymore even know ill make christmas wish would end mistake im useless worthless want die tonight
this is not the time for my depression to act up but here it is again
new subreddit hey there really expecting hey got new subreddit rrandomcaptions interested subreddit well pictures random captions ive looking subreddit pictures captions fit find any created one come check brand new might like
@wopkec7 I'm listening to Wonderful Days 2.08 - showtek remix. Definitely something for you
after long ass time it cut myself hurt bad needed feel something want happy never works pain hurts bad never goes away matter do
vindiekins aww you re leaving me just wa hoping for input i have avatar in the rp thread on mtp torn on personality
life shit dog eats dog world nobody ever cared nobody would ever carei tools disappear im sad lonely nobody understand feeling except you look bright side things bullsht me feel cant talk anyone friends everybody happy right bother them could say this mentioned suicidal things one answer sad smiley horse poop life purposes problem solve frankly dont motivation feel stupid wortheless im hipersensitive wanna cry almost time situation work shit relationship mother exists dont partner dont want want one im looking anything anyone dont wanna ruin one life nonsense dont fear afterlife fear pain succesfull attempt cause trouble dont want point im glad minimised stuff im gone dont pack crp hoarded years thought would easier less sense good every time throw give someone else something feel less connected current place wish disappear items happening friends disappearing f
So true. I'm reading 'Lost Connections' by @johannhari101 and it's an extraordinary book. Completely turning around everything I'd wrongly assumed about loneliness and depression and making me look at our society anew. I highly recommend it! https://twitter.com/BandofmothersHQ/status/989046035929554944 …
sitting at home and im very bored keep hearing really weird noise downstairs kinda creepy
marcfennell i should be in that photo
isnt stupid isnt stupid im afraid tell family important stuff fear teased honestly cant believe it smh ridiculous
never gonna hit notes filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
anyone needs know look amazing smile love okay please give up even think one loves you love even know you well know amazing person whos going really rough patch know caring person puts others happiness know faking happy make sure one worries selfless person and faking happy faking long cant keep anymore love much whole world heaps people think cared worlds shatter lives never give please give get better promise time even thought killing pushed glad did life got better happiest ever life may seem like never going get better promise promise going glad give thought would remind love okay
sex cool sike virginity superior stay pure bois
stop telling gets betterive tried hard believe going ups downs reality life consistently getting worse like past years doesnt matter im young im turn im going kid responsibilities im still going treated like kid age teen it know people want life be want go college get degree get job next years im old meaningless marriage bringing kids world live meaningless life im abandoned nursing home im dead isnt life want live know hardy har har im kid dont know real problems
im lowest pointmy girlfriend took step back tore heart out hadnt worked months due shoulder issue really came us matter many times try reach rejects says isnt ready respect feelings wants sometimes feel like never work things out means world cant see future without her shes person ever understood dont want move on time sit contemplate ending everything pretty much zero friends left friend group due live changes dont get along well family feels like easiest thing do dont know intend getting post feel good type get chest
every opportunity i have i always end up embarrassing myself no matter what thing like just communicating and anything that ha to do with the real world is so hard for me to get right i m so insecure and soft spoken and everyone probably know me a that weird shy kid thing i do when i m on my own like talking to myself or doing anything weird would never be okay in front of others i m never aware of what i do until somebody notice me and i get embarrassed instantly and i m so ashamed of myself i probably will never see anyone romantically or have any close friend because i m so immature and childish
cant sleep suicidal thoughts strongfirst things first im male female trans individual recently turned job work walmart asset protection associate contacted bosss bosss boss a regional ap manager putting management position knew desperately wanted store close home me interview prepared for practiced thought id nailed alas meant be ive stuck working stores nothing abusive last two years usually report inappropriate things associates done said me never want person done couple times times ive done it nothing done it id given reporting them interviewer who person asked applied market ap manager going things could done better said one thing able shake really affected me told me six months ago never would expected interview someone like you times changing times changing me exactly theyve ever been like twentieth time ive turned job suitable experience education bachelors degree two jobs last years means feel like ideal candidate ing walmart management see point anymore ive depressed whole freakin life know much take feel like whole life wasted wanted true myself
depressed several years ago thought ok seems come backlong story short fucked youth scarred pretty badly got shit together thought right track this years ago however lately past months so feeling horrible back point suicidal thoughts cannot talk people problems matter hard try tried several psychiatrists etc hate job get recognition anything do hours exhausting see change future applied several jobs reply qualified finance wise stuff going shitter well surprise costs makes savings like bucket hole it last euros moment luckily girlfriend but stupid know wrong dick towards her means well frustrations get irritated work her relationship tense weird thoughts dumping click anymore crying im alone thought leave sooner later nobody friends only drinking buddies family non existing due problemsissues first sentence feel lonely lot even though like alone really know going post apologies possible mistakes english first language sort weird back phase killing scare calms sort way knowing could end miserybe peace one little act
hi favio years old boy suffers depression redflagi close friends not interested all know humans social beings sometimes need talk another person study virtually really hate quarantine exercise at home course tried commit suicide tried hang could complete painful always feel empty like existing like idk necessary wasting oxygen lmaoi decided join reddit meet new people passed something similar forgive mistake basic english d introducing
hey f 9 and two month sober today so have been reading lot of quitlit lately i suffer badly with anxiety too so would love to hear some of your book recommendation thanks in advance x
know enemy know need fear result hundred battles finished art war sun tzu everything war war winned deception ask anything
cannot life anymore everyone know amazing well friends leave everything fun treat like child gf happy giving everything give nothing keep happy enjoy used love afraid runaway think suicide much seems option take think many people know would really care anyway cannot
microwave like mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm moan
live alone talk anyone regularly enough notice went mia literally way would work unless attempt unsuccessful wake up tired weighing options bad far outweighs good nothing ever feels right never happy tired always either tired depressed angry numb alternating emotions believe ever content tired lashing people taking anger unhappiness them tired toxic person toxic deeply depressed even think excuse become shitty person hate myself truly think years misery enough torture going for know waiting me depression never goes anger gets unbearable afraid of it everyone dies world nothing certain except death taxes think saying goes going die eventually really matter when for allowing stay pain like this what every day trying get day nothing pleasurable life me need get fear death sake nobody would even find
soo bored bored lying bed pondering life
@marcostartari thank you
all time henry kb9 platini zidane kopa juste ce noms le mette en d pression
hate the weeks before holidays! but I managed physics and.. it was'nt that bad... I hope
i have this tendency to abandon pretty much everything when something or someone becomes somewhat of a challenge i just leave them i have ghosted girlfriend i have completely disregarded good friend just because they invited me to do something i did t want to do i have abandoned friend who had lent me a hand i have abandoned work just because i didn t feel capable i make stupidi excuse and then run away yesterday i stood up from my new job and left made a bogus excuse v a text and quit via email the job had a lot of potential but it wa too stressful for me i have just noticed this is a pattern in how i cope with thing every time i feel trapped i just want to bust out i have a deep rooted belief that i need to be in control of my time and my space and when something or someone interferes with that i should be entitled to claim my supposed freedom i don t know how to deal with this i just noticed this pattern and i can see how it affect my life p english is not my first language typing on phone
schoolboy watched film first time next day knew pupils form watched fascinated film was think situation forms school whole soviet union later watched every time shown tv want watch more think comparison back future scifi films appropriate gostya iz budushchego unique many ways watched it never forget itbr br this film full belief peaceful science achievements full belief beautiful future world film also forecast many scientific inventions achievements time shown film year the year creation year where schoolboy kolya gerasimov traveled time friend alisa seleznyova from year many inventions achievements predicted film realized yet mielophone a device read thoughts animal human expeditions venus mars as easy going picnic weekend creating launching satellites homework pupils easy drive flying machines which completely replaced automobiles biorobots historical identification kind material creature performed couple minutes many others meanwhile nowadays became much realistic seemed wait br br the film also depicts typical russian schoolboys schoolgirls and naturally inventiveness curiosity humour dreaminess look example fima korolyov could find character nearly forms every school soviet union similar character form too alisa seleznyova myself well many classmates fell love first sight her way later actress played alisa became scientist think much influenced film people watched tvbr br beautiful idea beautiful realization beautiful actors beautiful music beautiful song prekrasnoye daleko the wonderful faraway beautiful beautiful beautifulbr br the last thing want say different remakes new versions song film even film made later spread tv internet even comparable original even comment them comment original so request original enjoy it
feel hopelessi cant happy im relationship relationships end almost right away resulting much pain worth it feel like im good enough anyone nobody stays time im daydreaming blowing brains out want out feel like im trapped life feel hopeless
dear american teens question dutch person heard guys get way easier things learn age us sooooo thth graders like right guys learn math
@Gruno Me as well. Tweep slight, as Curt would say
dont expect go anywhere story im talking girl discord talk lot telling cooking class in says nearly cut problems self harm stupid monke brain war flashbacks fine it made laugh omg something wrong
getting 0 0 a piece thats out of the test i have done so far for atar in that i have failed test and pretty much cause the first real hit of depression i am working with people now to try improve those mark but the fact that my brain went to the length of saying
im eating fries rn feel pretty good good fries yeah
@therealTiffany check it out epi. haha it makes me smile everytime! you need to make me a check it out video one day! i loveee it
got serious question right now anyone remember ozzy osborne ate live bat one performances nowadays people cause global pandemic ozzy able eat bat ok like cmon prince darkness ate bat didnt cause pandemic someone try thing doomed us economic recession like great depression
cant shit help biggest dry shit stuck asshole do
friendfeed beta doesn t appear to like my twitter account http ff im y0zm
read what actual fuck
oh im bleeding finethe blade bit sharper expected painful get shit brother im fucking useless cant even sh properly mabye go one veins
feeling desperate want die todayim struggling whether shoot face taurus revolver wonder anyone similar position like me go college started working directly family business basicly parents hand business million dollar debt never wanted manage business become manager fast sucks everything crumbling down feel trapped today getting sued former employees found trusted employee stealing god shit
Me after dealing with anxiety and depression, nd someone asks if I'm alright: https://twitter.com/linongarchives/status/988125671833653249 …
mean perfect breeding ground humans meant like covid bacteria stoff sorry beys
Sushi-time! cant go wrong with that
cant find reasoni cant find reason stay alive im ruined every relationship ive ever depression make everyones life worse im trying really really hard hang tonight kill cant find reason every time think theres something end ruining alienating everyone theres anyone help see sort lightim begging silver hope cant get own
what triggered metoday found father ex best friends died shocked sad even tho friends anymore still feel bad them last months thought would something happened parentswell probably die right after reality hit like truck death father showed reality basically living parents would terrifying besides one cares me anyone else care about years old horrified life main thing cannot live myself hate much cannot participate hobbies stuff need live good life feel empty also guilty everyone privileges do want myself never wanted be mdder live real world escape fantasies instead shit anything anyone sacrifice others go work helpful maybe like ghandi mother teresa similar kind helpful going live myself want familyhusbandwife kids partners friendsi live othersthe general society someone why hate myselfmy monolog structured jumped one thought anotherit long probably worth time goes hate empty am always say wrong things always care wrong people managed make people hate actually liked beginning thing would call the self even persona social mask person vessel filled contradicting emotions empty without identity even tho searched whole teenage life never ambitions future plans besides killing in dreams ideas future saw unreachable gaved up leaving head instead making reality well technically dead inside now cannot cry shout someone else always one shouted at right piece shit going lie pretend otherwise still hurts trying good always something wrongi fucking stupid pathetic bad person naturally suck even decent person felt guilty behaviour went school months made lot trouble etc could punish provoke finally attempt suicide obviously one knows also care know also fucking gross meits going embarrassing teenage years unhealthy obsessed love person lot crushes few three specific hate obsessive behaviour disgusting embarrassing basically always long crush someone longest three years instead do going crush idk one month asking befriending them stalked social media etc seems fine most also tried meet person town purposefully went thought might be next delsuion person rescue me see shit like skins example infamous effy two guys trying help rescue her inspired movies shows like unhealthy attachment stamps everyone hating ignoring me assumed person could save normal life particular person one cared even tho friends them heck friends cared less person seemed genuinely concerned me like person first even bother friendly seeing cared could resist developed feelings started crave persons attention love and partly still am extend obsessed emotions made makes behave like narcissist maybe one emotions ruled life nothing mattered person eyes loved them love filled void self hatred created wanted badly rescue life obsession came from hate personality also happened ugly dumb lol waste air yes plain jane hope look better even tho empty inside vessel ever becomes pretty people annoy menegative harrassment like bullying anymore dumb part self explanatory lot way lazy write now edit post something new comes mindbtw sorry english native speakeredit typos vent hate myself take kind
my dog passed away in the night full on gutted
got perfect nutrigrain bar guys arent gonna believe opened one packages crumbs bars super dense crumbs came off beautiful
hollaglam my fav english teacher she just had miscarriage amp u knw wht make me sad even more she wa going to name her baby tamara