File size: 8,165 Bytes
cfca8a4 69c3f28 cfca8a4 9b9db9e a3a2513 cfca8a4 c28a133 90049bc a1e142a 78cf882 7b7f087 78cf882 7b7f087 78cf882 4854265 7b7f087 a95ae71 7b7f087 cfca8a4 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 78cf882 34fadcf 012bfcc 2e104cc 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 012bfcc 333f394 c27a9c8 a3a2513 333f394 4ff119b a3a2513 b66d8de a3a2513 a95ae71 a1e142a a95ae71 a3a2513 b66d8de cfca8a4 ea010a7 0c0aff7 226786e 78cf882 35b5720 c28a133 226786e 2e104cc 226786e cfca8a4 a3a2513 c28a133 a3a2513 226786e c28a133 cfca8a4 0c0aff7 cfca8a4 ea4213e 0c0aff7 cfca8a4 0c0aff7 a3a2513 cfca8a4 7ef6388 cfca8a4 0c0aff7 a3a2513 4854265 e6db1f3 a3a2513 4854265 a3a2513 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 |
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
from collections import namedtuple
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def pysr(X=None, y=None, weights=None, threads=4,
binary_operators=["plus", "mult"],
unary_operators=["cos", "exp", "sin"],
"""Run symbolic regression to fit f(X[i, :]) ~ y[i] for all i.
Note: most default parameters have been tuned over several example
equations, but you should adjust `threads`, `niterations`,
`binary_operators`, `unary_operators` to your requirements.
:param X: np.ndarray, 2D array. Rows are examples, columns are features.
:param y: np.ndarray, 1D array. Rows are examples.
:param threads: int, Number of threads (=number of populations running).
You can have more threads than cores - it actually makes it more
:param niterations: int, Number of iterations of the algorithm to run. The best
equations are printed, and migrate between populations, at the
end of each.
:param ncyclesperiteration: int, Number of total mutations to run, per 10
samples of the population, per iteration.
:param binary_operators: list, List of strings giving the binary operators
in Julia's Base, or in `operator.jl`.
:param unary_operators: list, Same but for operators taking a single `Float32`.
:param alpha: float, Initial temperature.
:param annealing: bool, Whether to use annealing. You should (and it is default).
:param fractionReplaced: float, How much of population to replace with migrating
equations from other populations.
:param fractionReplacedHof: float, How much of population to replace with migrating
equations from hall of fame.
:param npop: int, Number of individuals in each population
:param parsimony: float, Multiplicative factor for how much to punish complexity.
:param migration: bool, Whether to migrate.
:param hofMigration: bool, Whether to have the hall of fame migrate.
:param shouldOptimizeConstants: bool, Whether to numerically optimize
constants (Nelder-Mead/Newton) at the end of each iteration.
:param topn: int, How many top individuals migrate from each population.
:param nrestarts: int, Number of times to restart the constant optimizer
:param perturbationFactor: float, Constants are perturbed by a max
factor of (perturbationFactor*T + 1). Either multiplied by this
or divided by this.
:param weightAddNode: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to add a node
:param weightInsertNode: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to insert a node
:param weightDeleteNode: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to delete a node
:param weightDoNothing: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to leave the individual
:param weightMutateConstant: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to change
the constant slightly in a random direction.
:param weightMutateOperator: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to swap
an operator.
:param weightRandomize: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to completely
delete and then randomly generate the equation
:param weightSimplify: float, Relative likelihood for mutation to simplify
constant parts by evaluation
:param timeout: float, Time in seconds to timeout search
:param equation_file: str, Where to save the files (.csv separated by |)
:param test: str, What test to run, if X,y not passed.
:param maxsize: int, Max size of an equation.
:returns: pd.DataFrame, Results dataframe, giving complexity, MSE, and equations
(as strings).
rand_string = f'{"".join([str(np.random.rand())[2] for i in range(20)])}'
if isinstance(binary_operators, str): binary_operators = [binary_operators]
if isinstance(unary_operators, str): unary_operators = [unary_operators]
if X is None:
if test == 'simple1':
eval_str = "np.sign(X[:, 2])*np.abs(X[:, 2])**2.5 + 5*np.cos(X[:, 3]) - 5"
elif test == 'simple2':
eval_str = "np.sign(X[:, 2])*np.abs(X[:, 2])**3.5 + 1/(np.abs(X[:, 0])+1)"
elif test == 'simple3':
eval_str = "np.exp(X[:, 0]/2) + 12.0 + np.log(np.abs(X[:, 0])*10 + 1)"
elif test == 'simple4':
eval_str = "1.0 + 3*X[:, 0]**2 - 0.5*X[:, 0]**3 + 0.1*X[:, 0]**4"
elif test == 'simple5':
eval_str = "(np.exp(X[:, 3]) + 3)/(np.abs(X[:, 1]) + np.cos(X[:, 0]) + 1.1)"
X = np.random.randn(100, 5)*3
y = eval(eval_str)
print("Running on", eval_str)
pkg_directory = '/'.join(__file__.split('/')[:-2] + ['julia'])
def_hyperparams = f"""include("{pkg_directory}/operators.jl")
const binops = {'[' + ', '.join(binary_operators) + ']'}
const unaops = {'[' + ', '.join(unary_operators) + ']'}
const ns=10;
const parsimony = {parsimony:f}f0
const alpha = {alpha:f}f0
const maxsize = {maxsize:d}
const migration = {'true' if migration else 'false'}
const hofMigration = {'true' if hofMigration else 'false'}
const fractionReplacedHof = {fractionReplacedHof}f0
const shouldOptimizeConstants = {'true' if shouldOptimizeConstants else 'false'}
const hofFile = "{equation_file}"
const nthreads = {threads:d}
const nrestarts = {nrestarts:d}
const perturbationFactor = {perturbationFactor:f}f0
const annealing = {"true" if annealing else "false"}
const weighted = {"true" if weights is not None else "false"}
const mutationWeights = [
assert len(X.shape) == 2
assert len(y.shape) == 1
assert X.shape[0] == y.shape[0]
if weights is not None:
assert len(weights.shape) == 1
assert X.shape[0] == weights.shape[0]
X_str = str(X.tolist()).replace('],', '];').replace(',', '')
y_str = str(y.tolist())
def_datasets = """const X = convert(Array{Float32, 2}, """f"{X_str})""""
const y = convert(Array{Float32, 1}, """f"{y_str})"
if weights is not None:
weight_str = str(weights.tolist())
def_datasets += """
const weights = convert(Array{Float32, 1}, """f"{weight_str})"
with open(f'/tmp/.hyperparams_{rand_string}.jl', 'w') as f:
print(def_hyperparams, file=f)
with open(f'/tmp/.dataset_{rand_string}.jl', 'w') as f:
print(def_datasets, file=f)
command = [
'julia -O3',
'--threads auto',
f'\'include("/tmp/.hyperparams_{rand_string}.jl"); include("/tmp/.dataset_{rand_string}.jl"); include("{pkg_directory}/sr.jl"); fullRun({niterations:d}, npop={npop:d}, ncyclesperiteration={ncyclesperiteration:d}, fractionReplaced={fractionReplaced:f}f0, verbosity=round(Int32, {verbosity:f}), topn={topn:d})\'',
if timeout is not None:
command = [f'timeout {timeout}'] + command
cur_cmd = ' '.join(command)
print("Running on", cur_cmd)
output = pd.read_csv(equation_file, sep="|")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Couldn't find equation file!")
output = pd.DataFrame()
return output